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[ knock on door ] j.r. : hey . babe : hey . j.r. : can i come in ? since i 'm no longer a suspected criminal , i figured we could do a more personal christmas a little later on . babe : yeah . yeah , come on in . j.r. : all right . babe : so , what happened , j.r. ? i mean , did you finally remember where you were the night zach was hit ? j.r. : with a little help from my mom . it 's a long story . babe : so -- j.r. : well , a gentleman 's not supposed to kiss and tell , but i guess it depends on who the lady is . i was with amanda , i was drunk as a skunk , and i told her every rotten thing that i 've ever done . babe : and she never said anything ? j.r. : payback is sweet . babe : that bitch ! j.r. : i 'm not going to argue with you on that one . but you want to know what the best part is ? the cherry on top of the christmas pie ? guess who else knew the truth and buried it like a bone in the backyard ? babe : you 're kidding . j.r. : nope . thanks again , dad , for everything . [ scene_break ] adam : hello , stuart , it 's your brother . um -- i did n't call you to wish you happy new year yesterday , and so i 'm -- i 'm calling today to wish you happy new year . perhaps , if you get this message in time , you could come up for a cup of coffee , or whatever . i 'm sure i can fit you into my schedule . [ adam hangs up ] adam : well , look who 's here . what do you want , hannah ? what 's this ? hannah : zach 's head on a platter , just like you asked , boss . [ scene_break ] jack : sweetheart , you -- you do trust me , do n't you ? greenlee : of course , absolutely . jack : good . good , i want you to keep that in mind when i tell you what i want to do . greenlee : ok . jack : and i want you to keep in mind that i 'm doing it for you . greenlee : am i going to like this , dad ? jack : i do n't know . it has to do with kendall . [ scene_break ] officer : have a seat . kendall : zach , you should n't be out of the hospital . zach : and you should n't be here . you should be at home with our kids . kendall : please -- please , please , do n't do this . zach : why did n't you listen to me ? kendall : i told you that i needed to do this . zach : yeah , you told me . you have no idea what you 've done , do you ? you 've thrown away everything . kendall : please do n't look at me like that . zach : how many times did i ask you ? how many times did i beg you to wait ? kendall : i could n't . zach : why not ? kendall : greenlee was sick . she almost died . zach : she 's not the problem . you 're the problem . greenlee 's fine with everything . so is aidan , so what are you doing ? why are you doing this ? kendall : to clear my conscience . is that good enough ? zach : no , that 's good enough . so now you got a clear conscience , and you threw away your family . that does n't even make sense to me . jack : i 'm sorry to interrupt , but i 'd like to speak to kendall . zach : why ? jack : kendall , i 'd like to represent you , if you would allow me to . kendall : i do n't know what to say . jack : kendall , two of my daughters made mistakes , you and greenlee . but that does n't change who you are to me , and it never will . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , jack is representing kendall , huh ? wow . greenlee : yeah , i know . it 's like the whole world has done a 180 . i 'm friends with zach , you 're with kendall -- aidan : excuse me ? greenlee : what ? aidan : well , i 'm with you , unless you 've demoted me since last night . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : i mean you 're friends with kendall . what did you think i meant ? [ greenlee chuckles ] aidan : huh . nothing . huh . do n't worry about it . how are you feeling ? greenlee : oh , aidan , i feel fine . i wish everyone would stop asking me that . aidan : well , why would they ? you were trapped in a hole for five weeks with no food and no water . greenlee : i 'm fine . aidan : no , you 're not fine . greenlee : oh -- aidan : but you do look good enough to kiss , though . greenlee : when is this going to be over , aidan ? aidan : well , the good news is that -- um -- kendall is turning herself in , so that should get you off the hook for most of the charges . greenlee : right , and that 's supposed to make me feel better ? i just -- i do n't understand why she 's doing this . i -- i do n't know what she 's thinking . aidan : she was thinking of you . maybe she ca n't -- she ca n't live with what she did to you . greenlee : but i forgave her for all of that . aidan : maybe it 's not that simple for her . all right ? anyway , i really need to get down to the police station , so -- i need to see what 's going on . so do n't you start jumping around on this bed like a cheeky monkey , will you ? greenlee : yes , ok , boss . i 'm so lucky to have you . aidan : see you soon . [ scene_break ] hannah : before zach disappeared , he ordered me to break chandler enterprises in pieces . so i sold every last chandler corporation at bargain price . adam : to whom ? hannah : dummy corporations which i control . and now they 're all yours , adam . and they wo n't cost you half of what they should . so once you reclaim your companies , you can piece them together , and voilà , chandler enterprises rises from the ashes . adam : how careful were you ? hannah : ok , very . zach wo n't have a clue what happened . you know , see , he 's had this little pesky thing called staying alive to deal with , hmm ? adam : how about his pit bull , josh ? hannah : he wo n't find any trails leading back to you or to me . adam : how can you be sure of that ? hannah : you know what , adam ? i cover my tracks . i spent my whole life doing just that . adam : yeah . well , this is insulting . chandler enterprises stock is worth 10 times what this says . hannah : yes , that 's the idea . sell it cheap , buy it back cheaper . it 's all right there in your hands , adam . smile . adam : hmm . hannah : zach wo n't have a clue . he wo n't , until it 's too late . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm sorry , j.r. , about adam . j.r. : well , should n't be surprised , right ? babe : you deserve better . j.r. : i had better . but i blew it with you . babe : ok -- j.r. : all right . no pressure , no tricks , no begging . the new , improved j.r. respects the limits . babe : um -- do you want to open a present ? i have one for you . j.r. : ok , sure . i have one for you , too . babe : you first . j.r. : all right . uh -- did little a wrap this ? babe : yeah , he helped . how 'd you guess ? j.r. : i mean , there 's like a roll of tape on it . all right , let 's see here . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : ah ! here we go . ah , babe , it 's what i 've always wanted . [ babe chuckles ] j.r. : it 's perfect , really . let 's just hope i do n't have to use it again . babe : well , here . this is what 's really supposed to go inside . j.r. : `` i love my daddy . `` babe : yeah . it was little a 's idea . j.r. : i love it -- i love him . i just -- i just did n't know how much . you know ? babe : yeah , i do know . and now , you 're going to have all the time in the world to show him . j.r. : uh -- ok . it 's your turn . babe : well , i know you wrapped this one . [ j.r. chuckles ] babe : gosh , j.r. , it 's -- it 's beautiful . j.r. : i do n't have the line of credit that i used to , but -- babe : hey , you -- i never needed all that fancy stuff . you know that . j.r. : you like it ? really ? babe : i love it . j.r. : good . i just have a few other presents . i 'll put them under the tree for little adam . well , speaking of a few presents , you still have a lot over here . babe : yeah . j.r. : what 's this one ? `` to richie , from babe `` ? what the hell is this , babe ? [ scene_break ] richie : traffic ? michael : i got here as fast as i could -- what 's up ? richie : good news , doc -- i 've chosen the day i 'm going to die . [ scene_break ] zach : i do n't like it , any of it . jack : zach , if you have a problem with my representing kendall -- zach : i have a problem with the whole thing , jack . jack : i understand that . but kendall 's already turned herself in . you ca n't turn back the clock on that . kendall : i would be honored to have you represent me , jack . jack : thank you . zach : oh , good . so everyone 's happy . that 's great . jack : here 's how we start . i find out what the charges are against you , and i build a strategy to knock some of them down . kendall : ok . zach : is that all right with you , or you going to insist on jail time ? kendall : i do n't want to go to jail . i just want to do the right thing . zach : it 's a little complicated now . kendall : zach , come on . jack : i 've already arranged for bail , ok ? officer hayes , if you would escort mrs. slater to the front to be processed -- i 'll see you up there . kendall : thank you , jack . jack : you 're welcome . kendall : hey , zach -- zach : what ? kendall : i hope that you understand . zach : what are you thinking ? jack : well , it 's tough to get specific at this point . there 's a couple of judges we could draw . both of them are fair , but i 'll require a different game plan for each one . zach : but you will have a game plan ? jack : yes , zach , of course , i will . zach : of course , you will . she wants to take responsibility for all of that , i do n't know why . but she 's not going to prison . i 'm not going to lose her , not again , jack , ok ? [ scene_break ] richie : try not to look so excited . michael : oh , no , no , no . of course . i know how difficult this must be for you . richie : i 'm sure it 's just breaking your heart . michael : when ? richie : next week . michael : could you be more specific ? richie : i 'm going to die , doc . so quit trying to act so damn concerned . i know you hate my guts . michael : i do n't hate you , novak . richie : oh , sure you do . and you know what ? i feel the same way . in fact , if we were on the outside , and i had some of my strength left , i 'd take that dome head of yours , and i 'd crush it like a melon . so come on , doc , it 's confession time . tell me how you really feel . michael : all right . i think you 're a dangerous sociopath . richie : boo - yah ! there it is . keep it coming , doc . i 'm loving this . michael : and your death , whenever it may come , will be a relief to anyone who has ever had the displeasure of knowing you . richie : especially to the beneficiary of my insurance policy ? michael : that was our deal , richie . you get released from prison , i get the money . richie : oh . do you still think you 're getting all that money ? michael : what are you talking about ? richie : well , i do n't need you anymore , doc , so the deal 's off . i 've named a new beneficiary . babe chandler . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i thought you were done with richie novak . babe : i 'm not seeing him if that 's what you 're thinking . it 's just a little gift , that 's all . why are you making a big deal out of it ? j.r. : ok . ok , fine . it 's no big deal . babe : thank you . j.r. : but to save you all the time and trouble , why do n't i just go ahead and run it over to him ? he 's -- he 's still at the psych ward , if i 'm not mistaken . yeah , that 's what i 'll do . i 'll go ahead and take it to him right now . babe : j.r. , wait . do n't . [ scene_break ] hannah : do n't i at least get an `` attagirl `` for bringing your company back to you ? adam : if you 're after a bonus , you 've already been well paid for your work . hannah : oh , yeah , and it 's dirty work , too . just what i 'm good at . see , zach goes missing , so i take advantage , move things around without a trace . and then when i find out he 's alive , i -- i complete the move . see , he 's not looking at me . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : he 's looking at his wife , kendall , and his precious family . so it was easy . adam : yeah , so i see . you are a remarkably clever woman , hannah . hannah : yeah , so i 've been told . adam : this business with slater is done , so there will be other challenges ahead . i could certainly use someone like you to help me deal with them . i think we 'd make a very good team . hannah : are you making me an offer ? or are you just trying to get me into bed ? adam : no , it 's an offer , for now . i have it -- why do n't we -- why do n't we drink to it ? let 's have a toast . to chandler enterprises , the second coming . hannah : hmm . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : see , adam , i would n't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth . and i wo n't drink with anybody i loathe . and as for a job , i do n't work anymore . i 'm done -- done with it all . adam : is it something i said ? hannah : oh , you are a snake . i have to give you that , adam . adam : your talents are considerable , hannah . but i would n't overrate them if i were you . hannah : hmm . sad story of my life . adam : mm - hmm . you have a lot of time to change that . hannah : oh . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : yeah , for the right price . adam : everyone has a price . hannah : you know what , adam ? i took this job because you threatened to expose what happened between myself and alexander cambias . adam : yes , being a concubine of a convicted serial killer can put a crimp in your resume . but it was him that you did n't want to find out , is n't it ? am i right ? zach ? hannah : i did what you hired me to do , adam . adam : mm - hmm . hannah : i hated myself for it , but i did it . adam : spoken like a woman truly scorned . but you still love zach slater , do n't you ? you love him , you hate him . the tragedy is , he 'll never know . how sad for you . [ scene_break ] joe : oh . i 'm sorry , greenlee . i did n't mean to wake you . greenlee : no , it 's ok . joe , when can i go home ? joe : good lord . you do n't like our accommodations ? [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : you really want me to answer that ? joe : uh -- [ joe chuckles ] greenlee : i just -- i -- i miss my own bed . joe : yeah . well , that 's certainly understandable . the problem is , greenlee , your system has been badly compromised . you 're not in any immediate danger , but , you know -- i can make a strong case for keeping you here another week , at least . greenlee : oh , no . please , god -- no , no , no , no . joe : unless you promise to rest . you follow doctor 's orders , no work -- greenlee : yes , yes , yes ! joe : no , work , no stress . greenlee : done . joe : no , i mean it , greenlee . you almost died on us , and i 'm not going to let you go unless you really and truly promise . greenlee : joe , i have no intention of dying anytime soon . i will do whatever it takes . joe : all right , all right . well , maybe i can let you go tomorrow , assuming -- assuming that all the latest tests check out , you know . greenlee : great , thank you . [ scene_break ] aidan : so what are kendall 's chances here ? i mean , really ? jack : it 's difficult to say . it 's going to be a very high - profile case because of who kendall is and the circumstances surrounding it . aidan : ok , do n't be a lawyer , all right ? i mean , just -- what 's -- what 's your best guess ? jack : best guess ? aidan : uh - huh . jack : 50/50 , aidan . jail or community service . it 's -- huh -- kind of depends on the d.a . 's mood . aidan : damn . oh , man . jack : yeah . damn , indeed . it 's a real mess , is n't it ? although , i must say , you should be commended . not so long ago , you would 've been screaming for kendall 's head on a stick . aidan : well , a lot 's changed since then . jack : obviously . aidan : jack , we 've known each other a long time . if you got something to say , why do n't you just come out and say it ? jack : you and kendall -- aidan : yeah ? what about me and kendall ? jack : how about you tell me ? [ scene_break ] kendall : did you hear spike snoring ? zach : no , i did n't . kendall : zach , please talk to me . zach : what do you want to talk about ? what do you want to say ? i dreamed about this evening . my first night home with the boys -- i dreamed about that every day in that hole . kendall : i know -- zach : you do n't know . you ca n't . you do n't know what i 'm feeling right now . kendall : well , then tell me . zach : i know you made a promise to god because you wanted to come clean . i think that 's very nice . what about your promise to me ? what about your promise to those little boys ? they 're your responsibility . that is your family . kendall : i love my boys . i love you . you have no idea how -- how -- zach : no , you have no idea . you have no idea what it was like in that hole , running out of food , running out of water , not knowing if i would see you , ian , spike ever again . and you know what ? i did a little bargaining , too . i bargained with god . i said , `` if you get me out of here -- if you get us out of here , i will never be separated from my family ever again . `` kendall : please , just -- zach : because i should 've died that day . i should 've died when the car hit me , i should 've died when i fell into that hole , but i did n't . i kept fighting . you know why ? i wanted to be there for those boys , i wanted to see them grow up , and i fought for the privilege of seeing your face , the privilege of seeing you . and for what ? what , i crawled out so i can be here and hold your hand when they tell you how many years you 're going to spend in prison ? kendall : why ca n't you understand how -- zach : i do understand , kendall . i do . that 's the problem . i understand that nothing has changed . it 's all exactly the way it was when i went missing . you think you can do everything on your own . well , you ca n't . that 's how we ended up right here . what are we ? hmm ? we 're not a team . so what are we ? kendall : zach , we are a team . zach : that 's not the way i see it . kendall : well , i 'm sorry for that . zach : yeah ? that 's nice . kendall : i am . zach : i need to know where this is coming from . kendall : i told you where this is coming from . zach : you told me what ? i 'm telling you -- greenlee forgives you , aidan forgives you , so there is something you 're not telling me . what is it ? kendall : i ca n't do this anymore , i -- zach : tell me . [ scene_break ] aidan : what are you getting at , jack ? jack : i 'm not sure , aidan -- just a feeling that there 's more to this story than anyone 's telling me . aidan : like what ? jack : i understand how you and kendall have gotten close . aidan : yeah , by digging our way through ice and snow to find our loved ones . that 's how close we got . jack : i 'm not insinuating anything here . aidan : listen , jack , i love your daughter more than anything in the whole world . there 's nothing that i would n't do for her . i would jump in front of a bullet for her . i would exchange my life for hers in a heartbeat . so anything you 're feeling or think you know other than that is irrelevant . jack : ok . aidan : uh -- that was n't very convincing . jack : let me make sure you 're clear on a couple of things . greenlee and i have n't always done the father / daughter thing very well -- sometimes it 's been my fault , sometimes hers . but through this whole ordeal , one thing i 've realized is that her dreams , her happiness , are the most important things to me . i like you . i think you 're a good man . but that 's my little girl , son . and anyone breaks her heart -- i mean anyone at all -- they are going to find in me the worst enemy they can imagine . aidan : and i would n't expect anything less . jack : so we understand each other ? aidan : yes , sir , we do . [ scene_break ] joe : i 'll give aidan a set of instructions and , of course , you 're going to be coming back here for tests anyway , starting monday . greenlee : why ? joe : why ? because we 'd miss you otherwise . greenlee : yeah -- liar . joe : uh - huh . so , you stick with the program , and we 'll let you go home . is that a deal ? greenlee : deal . thank you , joe . i just -- i feel like it 's a new beginning for me , you know ? like i got through this and now everything in front of me is just going to be great . does that sound crazy ? joe : wish all my patients were as optimistic as you are . greenlee : hmm . well , maybe they just did n't have as much reason to be . joe : hmm . oh , rebecca ? i want to have some additional blood work done on greenlee smythe . there 's something about the labs that 's not adding up . rebecca : all right , ok . joe : yeah . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so you do n't want me going anywhere near richie ? babe : no . j.r. : why ? babe : why ? because it 's none of your business -- that 's why . remember the new j.r. chandler , respecting limits ? j.r. : babe , listen , i know my place , ok ? i 'm your ex - husband . yeah , i 've made plenty of mistakes . i have no rights , except i 'm the father of a son who i do n't want anywhere near that lowlife . babe : why are you making such a big deal out of this ? yes , at one time , i was attracted to a guy named wes , but -- j.r. : and he turned out to be annie 's brother , richie . and in spite of all his lies , you still have feelings for him . my god , babe , did n't you learn anything by being with me ? babe : well , i 'm not planning on settling down with either one of you . j.r. : fine . so drop your present in the mail for richie and let him die his natural death , be done with it . you got a problem with that ? babe : i 'm not as callous as you are . j.r. : that 's right , i forgot -- you have feelings for this pathetic bum . babe : oh , go to hell . j.r. : i probably will . and as far as richie novak is concerned , he 's trouble , and i do n't want you going anywhere near him , and i definitely do n't want my son around him . babe : you do n't have a say in my life anymore , j.r . j.r. : on this issue , i 'm giving myself the say . you stay away from him , babe . i mean it . [ scene_break ] michael : you think you can back out of our deal this late in the game , you are out of your mind . richie : well , according to the officials here , i am out of my mind -- unfortunately , not enough to make a difference to you , doc . now , go back to the fed pen and say hi to my buddies . michael : oh , you 'll be back there before you know it . richie : in how long -- a week , a month ? it 'll take just that long to come up with a new scheme and try to cover your tracks and by then , well -- michael : i swear to god -- richie : no , do n't do that , doc . do n't do that -- do n't do it here . see , some of the loonies here -- they have a personal relationship with the big guy . so , babe gets the cash , you get nothing -- class dismissed . michael : you think this is over ? you really are crazy . richie : no , i 'm not crazy , chump . i just played you . deal with it . now , go back to the fed pen and groom a new meal ticket . this one is going to the promised land . ah . hmm -- ah . richie : yeah . remember that problem i told you about with the doctor ? time to take care of it . well , now , there 's a face i did n't expect to see . pull up a chair , junior . what 's your game , huh ? i 'm partial to solitaire myself , but i really do n't have a lot of friends . j.r. : yeah ? that 's not likely to change . richie : i do something to tick you off , dude ? j.r. : no -- dude . i 'm just here for a friendly word of advice . richie : oh , i bet you are . j.r. : you stay the hell away from my wife . richie : your wife ? did you get married again ? j.r. : babe . richie : oh -- your ex - wife . now , why would i want to go and do that ? j.r. : because i told you to , and whatever you think you got going on with her , you do n't . richie : says you . j.r. : exactly . richie : well , then i guess i should just die and go to heaven . j.r. : that works for me . you know , if you keep it up , i 'll make it sooner than later . richie : hmm . [ richie chuckles ] [ scene_break ] adam : hannah , tell me this -- was this obsessive pursuit of zach slater in any way reciprocated ? or was it just a fantasy of yours ? hannah : did you know that i could shoot a contact lens out of a person 's hand with a high - powered rifle at 300 yards ? [ adam chuckles ] adam : my goodness . are you threatening me ? hannah : i 've settled my debt . we 're done here . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : i hate myself for what i 've done . zach : look at me . kendall : i ca n't . zach : yes , you can . come on . hey . kendall : i let you down , zach . i let you and the boys down , and i do n't understand why i keep doing this to my family and why i keep hurting the people that i love . zach : kendall , stop -- kendall : no , no . listen to me . i do trust you . i 'm the one who ca n't be trusted . i do things without thinking , and i do n't -- zach : will you -- kendall : no , no . listen , i thought -- i thought that maybe , maybe if i owned up to what i did , then it would -- it would take all the bad karma away and that we would have only good things come to us . i thought maybe , maybe it would take the pain away . zach : come here . come on . come here . [ zach comforts kendall ] zach : ok . shh . [ scene_break ] babe : what 's that ? little adam : a bear . babe : a bear ? that 's right , and what 's a bear say ? little adam : `` roar . `` babe : `` roar ! `` [ babe chuckles ] babe : did you have fun with winnie today ? little adam : yeah . babe : you did ? guess what -- daddy was here while you were out , and he left you some presents and guess what -- i gave him our present , and he loved it ! little adam : i drew daddy a picture . babe : you drew daddy a picture ? can i see it ? is it in your backpack ? i want to see it . did winnie help you with it ? little adam : yeah . babe : she did ? [ babe gasps ] babe : oh , my gosh . little a , it is so beautiful ! look at all the smiles on our faces . we look so happy . and -- and whose house are we in front of ? are we in front of yours and mine ? little adam : yeah , all of ours . babe : `` all of ours `` ? [ scene_break ] richie : in case you have n't heard , i 'm a short - timer on this planet , so you 've got nothing to worry about , junior . j.r. : no , i 'm not worried about you , richie . i do n't want babe getting wrapped up in your grief -- you got it ? richie : yes , sir . j.r. : you think i 'm kidding ? [ richie chuckles ] j.r. : keep it up . richie : ok , you know what ? i surrender , ok , ok ? i 'll never see her again -- does that make you happy ? j.r. : yeah , that works for me . richie : good . in the meantime , just go tell her -- oh , i do n't know . just tell her -- she 'll figure it out . get the hell out of here . [ j.r. leaves ] richie : tell her goodbye . just tell her goodbye . [ scene_break ] adam : i want and need an emergency meeting of the entire executive board asap , so set it up . do it . well , they tried to bring us down , old buddy , but they failed . i 'm still standing . [ scene_break ] greenlee : yay -- huh . perfect timing . aidan : you 're that bored , huh ? greenlee : no , it 's just that joe was right -- the tv in here sucks , so they 're letting me go home tomorrow . only problem is you 're going to have to hang with me . aidan : and what did i do to deserve that ? greenlee : hey , how 's kendall ? is everything ok ? aidan : yeah , she 's -- she 's ok . jack 's taking care of things , so -- anyway , is -- anything else i can check on for you ? greenlee : no , not that i can think of . aidan : all right . do you need anything ? how about some nice food for a change ? greenlee : no , i 'm all set . aidan : ok . well , in that case -- scoot over . greenlee : well , this is becoming a habit with you . aidan : oh . are you complaining ? greenlee : no , just -- do n't take all of my blankets , devane . aidan : hey , i 'm not a blanket hog , that 's you . greenlee : right . one -- i do n't hog the covers , either . aidan : oh , really ? greenlee : yes , really . hmm . you know , it 's -- it 's all starting to come true . aidan : hmm ? greenlee : all of my dreams and wishes in the bomb shelter . they 're starting to come true . i 'm almost afraid to say it , but -- i 'm just so happy , aidan . [ scene_break ] kendall : tell me that you love me . make me forget what i 've done . [ kendall and zach kiss passionately then slowly lower themselves to the floor ] [ next_on ] annie ( to babe ) : this is it . richie 's about to die . adam ( to j.r. ) : can you and i be father and son again ? kendall : i 'm not going to lie to the judge . zach : you 're going to say whatever jack tells you to say . kendall : no , zach , i 'm sorry , but i wo n't . | adam calls stuart and tries to set up a time for them to have coffee together . hannah comes in with a folder in her hand and tells adam that she had what he wanted , zach 's head on a platter . jack visits greenlee and inquires if she trusts him . j.r. visits babe , bearing gifts . he lets her know what had happened and how amanda had set him up , and that adam had known about it all along . kendall is brought into an interrogation room . zach walks up to the door and asks her why is she throwing everything away . jack comes into the room and tells kendall that he would like to represent her . aidan visits greenlee . greenlee tells him that she thinks everyone had done a 180 . aidan was friends with kendall and greenlee was friends with zach . greenlee ca n't understand why kendall is doing this . hannah fills adam in on what she had done to zach and how everything now belongs to adam . in putting the presents under the tree , j.r. finds one to richie from babe . richie 's doc from the prison visits him . richie lets him know that he has chosen the day in which he is going to die , but he is leaving the insurance money to babe instead of him . |
[ `` old lang syne `` plays ] reese : to the year ahead . i hope it is filled with lots of hope , love , and laughter . zach : me , too . cheers . reese : cheers . zach : mmm . reese : mmm . it 's good . wow . you know , all that was missing was my love , and my new year 's kiss . [ reese laughs and zach kisses her ] reese : um -- um , i should call bianca . you know , she might -- she might be stuck in traffic or something . reese : yeah , well , that , um -- i -- was that -- was that a little weird just now ? that -- zach : i think we both know what 's going on here . [ scene_break ] simon : you 're right . reese was my fiancé . you must be bianca . i saw the ring and assumed you were the lucky woman . i heard about the engagement . bianca : you did ? simon : reese 's father filled me in . congratulations . [ scene_break ] ryan : will you marry me ? greenlee : i ca n't . i ca n't marry you . i 'm so sorry . ryan : well , what -- hold on , hold on , hold -- wait a second . we just found our way back to -- do n't do this . do n't -- do n't pull away from -- greenlee : i do n't have a choice . ryan : yes , yeah , we always have a choice . i chose you . it 's -- it 's annie , right ? it 's annie . you 're afraid of annie . she ca n't -- she ca n't hurt you anymore . she ca n't . she 's out of -- greenlee : you ca n't -- you ca n't promise that . i 've had this dream twice . i was in my wedding dress . ryan : what 's wrong with that ? greenlee : i was dead , drowned in a bathtub . it 's an omen . i know it . ryan : greenlee , since when do you believe in superstitions ? greenlee : this is different . it was a message , ryan . marriage will be the end of us . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i asked you a question . do you remember leaving here ? annie : it was bad . it was really , really bad . dr. sinclair : why was it bad ? annie : i hurt my daddy . dr. sinclair : you mean you hurt ryan . you know he 's not your father . annie : you better untie me or my daddy 's going to be really mad when he gets here . he 's going to be mad that you did n't let me out . he 's going to be mad , really , really mad . dr. sinclair : do you regret what you did to ryan ? annie : i did n't mean to hurt daddy , but he got in the way . dr. sinclair : in the way of what ? annie : the mean lady . it 's not safe with her there . dr. sinclair : with who there ? annie : the greenlee lady . she needs to be dead . let me out . you have to let me out . dr. sinclair : annie , we 're going to move you to a new room today . annie : no , that -- i do n't need another room . do n't you understand ? it 's dangerous . i have to kill the mean lady . why are n't you listening to me ? you do n't understand . what ? no , i do n't need another shot ! please , just get me -- no , get -- please , stop it . please , i do n't need another shot . dr. sinclair : what is mr. stone doing out of isolation ? nurse : after evaluation , his psychiatrist felt he was ready to be released . dr. sinclair : how are you doing today , mr. stone ? aidan : mr. stone is doing much , much better . dr. sinclair : and what is mr. stone doing out here ? aidan : mr. stone is counting air molecules , because if someone does n't do it -- well , then we 'll never know just exactly how many there are . 995 , 996 -- [ aidan lets himself into annie 's room ] aidan : annie , can you hear me ? 997 -- 998 . there , found you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my dream felt so real , like i was being mourned , and i have a chance to stop something bad before it happens . ryan : it 's not real , greenlee . you ca n't think like that , ok ? greenlee : i ca n't help it . it was n't a dream when annie killed her brother . when she kidnapped her child and shot her friend , when she stabbed erica and broke out of a mental institution to come after me -- i 'm seeing a pattern here . she 's not going to stop until she gets her way . ryan : i 'm not going to let annie do this to us . i 'm not , i 'm not . we are going to build a life together , you , me , emma , and spike , a life that annie can not touch , ok ? i will always , always protect you . and i will do whatever i have to do until you believe me . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm really sorry if i seemed rude . i just -- i was n't expecting to see anybody . simon : nice place . bianca : thanks , it 's my sister 's . just make yourself comfortable . can i get you a brandy ? that will help start the thawing process . simon : i can see why reese likes you . bianca : so you 're an architect . how long have you been doing that ? simon : seems like forever , but i love it . you know , i get to travel , see the world 's finest structural designs . reese 's father told me that you two have a baby girl . bianca : two , actually . my daughter miranda -- she 's grown to love reese as a mom , and that 's gabrielle , our little angel . she 's 11 weeks . simon : two little girls . reese told her family that we were n't having children . but i always knew she wanted them . you know , i could see myself teaching my son how to play soccer , leaving work early to make sure i get to all his games , maybe even keeping score , pass out half - time snacks -- orange slices and fruit drinks . hey , i guess it was n't meant to be . bianca : i 'm sorry . i really do n't know what to say . [ scene_break ] zach : i know what 's going on here . we 're friends . we 're close friends . it happened very quickly , and sometimes when that happens , it gets -- gets a little weird . but it -- you , me , bianca , we have a kid together . it does n't get any closer than that . reese : hey , right , of course . zach : right . reese : of course . zach : plus , it 's new year 's . you 're supposed to kiss people . reese : yes , right . zach : it 's mandatory , whether it 's friends or family , strangers . reese : strangers . zach : kiss them , yeah . reese : strangers -- oh , you had a few of those in your day , huh ? zach : i told you . it 's mandatory . reese : oh , well , a stranger tries to kiss me , i run . zach : well , what i 'm trying to tell you is you do n't have to run . it 's ok for us to be close . reese : you know , i 've actually never had a close friendship with a man before , except my father , and that was , um -- oh . you know what ? you know what ? i 'm going to figure this out . i 'll learn the basics , and then i wo n't freak out anymore . zach : all right . basics is good . we 'll do that , and then we 'll go from there . reese : very good . zach : deal ? reese : deal . zach : happy new year . reese : well , happy new year to you , too . [ scene_break ] angel : you 're new ! administrator : you can not provoke dr. sinclair . you need to keep a low profile . i got you in here . now you have to act accordingly . aidan : now , i know how to handle myself . administrator : you already risked your cover by asking about security information , and i hear you planted a kiss on the doctor . is that how you plan to handle things ? aidan : it was in the moment . the doctor was so suspicious , i had to be convincing . administrator : you 're a loose cannon . what 's next ? you going to ask her out ? aidan : why , does the good doctor love me ? administrator : we should n't even be talking out here . aidan : listen , wait . when i was admitted , you told me there was no security cameras in this wing . administrator : yeah , that 's right . aidan : well , there is one , in annie 's room . [ noise ] [ administrator mouths words ] [ scene_break ] zach : all right . to friendship . reese : to friendship . reese : you know , simon and i -- we even skipped that friendship stage . zach : where did you meet him ? reese : at work . he was the rising star in my dad 's firm . god , when we started dating , everyone was talking about the house that we would design . zach : hmm . [ reese chuckles ] reese : everyone thought we were perfect together . so i just figured i was missing something . but , you know , it was really strange because , to me , i always felt like it was just a facade that i was putting on , you know ? on the outside , we were the perfect couple . zach : what about the inside ? reese : the inside , i did n't really want simon to know who i was , because i was afraid that he 'd realize i was pretending to be something that i just was n't . look , i could n't wrap my head around the concept of being gay . how was i supposed to explain it to him ? zach : it was n't the right time for you . reese : no . but i hate that he got caught up in it , you know ? god , my head was a mess then . zach : yeah , i 've been there . reese : really ? zach : uh - huh . reese : you were a closet lesbian , too ? zach : yeah , a couple of years in college . i 've got a lot of explaining to do . reese : yes , wow . you know , i can buy you as a lesbian , but i just -- i ca n't see you as a mess . you seem so grounded . zach : well , that 's kendall and the boys . there was a time in my life i did n't know who the hell i was . reese : yeah , well , at least you did n't get engaged and have to break someone 's heart . zach : but i did some pretty extreme things . reese : really ? like what ? zach : my dad is a pretty twisted individual , and he -- he wanted me to follow in his footsteps when i -- like i just said , i did n't really know who i was , and it took a while to -- to find an identity that i could live with . that 's all . reese : all right . so we were both on different tracks , and we had to take serious action to get ourselves on the track that we were meant to be on . ok , well , that 's it , zach . that 's why we relate to one another . zach : serious action . cheers . reese : cheers . [ scene_break ] simon : we met at her dad 's architecture firm . i can remember the first day she walked in . she had the most beautiful face i had ever seen . i knew she was the one for me . bianca : did you approach her right away ? simon : did n't have to . fate stepped in . she ended up at the desk next to mine . it was sort of against company policy -- co - workers associating outside of business hours . but we could n't stay away from each other . from our first date , we were inseparable . reese spent every night at my place until -- bianca : until what ? simon : she left , for good , two weeks before the wedding . bianca : did you know that something was wrong ? i mean , there must have been some sign that things were n't working . simon : nothing . and we were so close , you know . she was my best friend and my lover . one minute we were talking about spending the rest of our life together . the next , it was over without any explanation . bianca : that must have been really hard for you . simon : not as hard as having to find out from her parents that the wedding was off . a few months later , mrs. williams called to tell me that reese was with another woman . it was bad enough that i lost her without warning . and to hear that she 's in love with another woman ? bianca : it broke your heart . simon : no , reese did n't wake up one morning and decide that things were n't working . she knew she did n't love me , and she kept it inside . she was so good at hiding how she felt . i really believed i was the love of her life . [ phone rings ] bianca : excuse me . hello . reese : hey . i was hoping i 'd get to kiss you at midnight . what happened ? you know , if you hurry up , i can re - enact what i had in mind . bianca : uh , um , i 'm kind of busy right now . reese : is it gabby ? is she ok ? bianca : no , gabrielle 's fine . it 's your ex - fiancé . he 's here with me . [ scene_break ] [ aidan sneaks into a storage closet and finds dr. sinclair 's surveillance of annie 's room ] [ scene_break ] [ dr. sinclair sighs ] ryan : dr. sinclair , i -- i need to talk to you for a second . dr. sinclair : oh , mr. lavery , if you 're here to see annie , i 'm sorry -- ryan : no , i 'm not here to see annie . i 'm here to make sure that she does n't escape again . dr. sinclair : ok , your wife is secure . the in - house authorities have signed off on her transfer . she 's being moved to maximum security tonight . ryan : oh . ok , good . i mean , how -- how coherent is she ? will she know what 's going on ? dr. sinclair : mr. lavery , i know this is difficult , but you need to try and let go . i assure you , annie needs to be here , and she 's going to get the best treatment possible . ryan : i know . thank you . dr. sinclair : mr. lavery , if you 'd like , you can see annie one last time before we move her on . she 's heavily sedated . she wo n't even know you 're there . annie : the mean lady needs to die . the mean lady needs to die . the mean lady needs to die . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm sorry to stop by so late . i just wanted to see if emma was ok . opal : oh , she is snug as a bug in a rug . passed out hours ago , poor little thing . what , with her momma flying the looney coup , i was scared about how that was going to affect her . greenlee : well , thank god you called 911 . annie was out for my blood . opal : hmm . i 'd offer you a reading , but i 've been trying to kind of lay off the clairvoyant activities ever since i was right about the tornado disaster . greenlee : well , it would probably be bad news anyway . ryan proposed to me , and i could n't accept . opal : whoa , back up here , sister . greenlee : well , i wanted to say yes , but i 've had a couple of really bad dreams . opal : well , start talking . greenlee : i was in my wedding dress in a bathtub , and i was dead . opal : oh , lordy , i 'm sorry . greenlee : i ca n't help thinking about what that means . i love ryan , and we finally have the chance to be together , but i 'm scared . opal : well , maybe i could make an exception just for tonight . i know you 're skeptical , but the cards can really off you some guidance , honey . greenlee : i really do n't believe in that . opal : well , suit yourself . greenlee : fine , what have i got to lose ? [ scene_break ] zach : try to relax . reese : i ca n't . i ca n't . i do n't -- i do n't understand . i do n't understand -- what the hell is he doing here ? what does he want ? i mean , how does he even know where i -- my mother . my mother told him . damn her . bianca : happy new year , guys . reese : hey . i 'm so glad you 're here . bianca : zach , this is simon marshal . zach : nice to meet you . bianca : uh , i 'm thirsty . i 'm -- could you get me a glass of -- i do n't know , milk or something ? zach : milk , coming up . come on . reese : my mother sent you . is that it ? she wanted you to try and save me ? why do n't you just tell her that it 's -- simon : no , i came on my own . i wanted to see you , make sure you were happy . reese : i am happy . so , um , you can go . simon : bianca 's sweet , caring -- i really like her . reese : i really love her . simon : you said the same thing to me . [ scene_break ] zach : so i have a question for you . why 'd you bring him here ? bianca : i had to see them together . i had to make sure that reese is n't going to do the same thing to me that she did to simon . [ scene_break ] opal : that is the world . that means that you have faced every obstacle in your relationship , every path has been traveled , and now all that remains is union with the divine in whatever form that appears to you . greenlee : i do n't understand . opal : well , that means that this journey is over and a new one is beginning for you and ryan . take another card . [ opal gasps ] opal : well , will you look at that ? greenlee : what is it ? what is it ? tell me . opal : this is the empress . through her , we see the power of love . she represents beauty and pleasure and happiness super - sized . your bond with ryan is -- it 's very strong . it 's road - block free . greenlee : so there 's nothing threatening my future with ryan ? opal : no . greenlee : no drowning - bride card here ? opal : no , nothing that i can see , honey , no . i 'm just so relieved it 's a happy reading for once . greenlee : so you are absolutely positive ? opal : the cards do n't lie . your destiny is with ryan . [ scene_break ] annie : where are we going ? do n't let the mean lady hurt me . dr. sinclair : it 's going to be all right . you 're going some place where nobody can hurt you . mr. stone , i 'm sorry , but you 're not going to be able to visit your friend anymore . aidan : i did it . 1,451 -- counted them all . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee ? greenlee : hey . ryan : i 'm so glad you 're here . i went to oak haven , and i made sure that annie is not ever going to escape again . she 's not going to be a problem . greenlee : it does n't matter . i 'm not afraid anymore . [ ryan and greenlee kiss ] [ scene_break ] reese : i wanted to love you . i tried my best . simon : your best ? that 's not what love is . you should n't have to try . reese : i know . and that 's why i left . simon : no , you just disappeared . no explanation , nothing . it was like you knocked the wind and everything else right out of me . reese : simon , i -- i -- i could n't make sense of how i was feeling . i mean , how was i supposed to explain it to you ? simon : where you confused the entire time ? you know , if you were , you did a good job of hiding it . reese : look , it happened after we got engaged , and at first i thought it was just my nerves . but then as the wedding got closer and closer , i just -- i realized something -- something was wrong . something was off , and i did n't -- i do n't know . i just felt like i was making a big mistake , and i did n't know how to face you or my parents , and so -- i ran . i ran , and i wanted to clear my head , and while i was trying to figure it out , i met bianca . and for the first time in my life , i really fell in love . simon , with you , i was trying to be something that i just was n't . [ scene_break ] zach : hey , drink your milk . she loves you . i would n't have helped you conceive a child if i did n't think that . and what happened with simon -- that 's not going to happen with you . bianca : well , that 's what simon thought before reese disappeared . he told me that he had no idea that she had doubts about their relationship and then one day she was just gone . zach : well , she was n't herself then . you know the real reese . it 's not the same . bianca : are you sure ? i mean , she has kept things from me -- her problems with her parents , her ex - fiancé , kendall 's condition . zach : that 's not fair . i asked her to keep that secret . that was me . bianca : i ca n't keep wondering how many secrets she has . it 's like there is all of this stuff inside her that she wo n't let me be a part of . zach : well , sometimes people do that for good reason . if you think that complete honesty is part of love and commitment , you 're in for a big surprise . if the person you care about knew every little secret about you , every little fantasy , every little mistake , every little lie , they 'd never look at you the same way again . she loves you . that should be enough . [ scene_break ] simon : come on , how can you say it was all a mistake ? do you remember the time we did n't get out of bed for two days ? we planned how we 'd call in sick so it was n't too obvious we were together . and , oh , we could n't get enough of each other . when i told bianca about the first time i saw you , all those memories came -- reese : wait a minute . what did you tell bianca ? simon : bianca asked me questions . she wanted to hear about us . reese : well , you should n't have told her anything . simon , you should not have come here . look , i am sorry . i am so sorry that i hurt you . but we are in the past , ok , and bianca is my future , and i do n't want you or anybody else interfering with it . simon : that 's not why i came here . i wanted to make sure you were happy . reese : no , you did n't . no , you did n't . simon , you came here because you were hoping that i was n't happy , just like you . simon : yeah , and how can i be ? come on . i spent the last year and a half trying to come to terms with how everything ended between us . reese : i 'm sorry that i could n't help you . simon : no , you did . i guess maybe i just needed to hear it from you . maybe now i can finally move on . but for bianca 's sake , i hope you 're sure about who you really are . zach : well , i 'm going to relieve rachael of her babysitting duties . you guys take your time . happy new year . bianca : happy new year , zach . [ scene_break ] greenlee : opal told me what you 've been saying all along . that i have nothing to worry about . we 're meant to be together , ryan . that 's why we keep coming back to each other after everything that 's happened . ryan : will you excuse me for a second ? because i have to go and thank opal right now . [ greenlee chuckles ] ryan : we can handle anything , greenlee , anything , as long as we stay together . greenlee : i know that now . ask me again . [ both chuckle ] ryan : well , the cards have spoken . now it 's your turn . it 's time to prove it to the stars and the moon and everything else that we belong together , greenlee . make me the happiest man in the world . will you marry me ? do n't leave me hanging here . say something . is that a yes or a no ? greenlee : i would love nothing more than to be your wife . yes , i 'll marry you , ryan lavery . [ scene_break ] opal : oh , my god . oh , greenlee . [ scene_break ] reese : i 'm sorry simon came here tonight . he should n't have . bianca : no , it 's -- it 's ok . reese : no , it 's not . i know what he told you about us . bianca : that you two were madly in love . reese : he was . i was not , and it made no sense to him when i left , but to me , it meant absolute -- bianca : reese , i -- i need you to confide in me , whatever it is , past or present , i -- i need to be a part of your life . reese : ok . you want to know what the big secret is ? i am afraid that you do n't believe that you are it for me . i am afraid that you do n't believe that everything that i do is for us , and our future together , and our family . and i am afraid that you 're going to leave me . so there it is . there is my big secret . and if you do n't believe me , if you do n't believe that everything i do for you is because i love you , then you 're right , we ca n't be together . [ scene_break ] zach : hi , i got you , baby . thanks for being here . i really appreciate it . rachael : no problem . zach : hi , my little monkey , hi . oh , my goodness . happy new year to you . rachael : thank you . zach : safe drive home . what are you doing ? hello . hmm ? hello , my little girl . what 's going on ? what are you looking at ? hmm ? what are you looking at ? [ scene_break ] bianca : i do believe you . i -- i trust you with all my heart . and you do n't have to worry , because we will be together , because we have to be . i love you . i -- i could n't live without you . i -- i -- you have to know that no one -- no one could ever replace you . you 're it for me . i 'm -- i 'm -- [ bianca and reese kiss ] [ scene_break ] zach : hey , my little angel , do n't worry . i 'm not going anywhere . [ gabrielle coos ] zach : really ? you did ? what else did you do today ? | at the casino , zach and reese spend new year 's eve without kendall and bianca . reese lets zack know that she is missing her new year 's eve kiss from bianca . zach starts to kiss her but reese pulls away . bianca gets a surprise visit from reese 's ex - fiancé simon . ryan asks greenlee to marry him , but greenlee refuses because of a dream that she had been having in which she was dead in the bathtub . at oak haven , aidan watches the doctor with annie . annie tells the doctor that the `` mean lady `` needs to be dead . aidan sneaks into annie 's room and finds the hidden camera . aidan meets with a mystery man , who had helped him get admitted into oak haven . simon fills bianca in on how that he and reese had met . ryan visits oak haven and finds out from the doctor that annie was being moved into the maximum security section of the hospital . greenlee checks on emma at opal 's . greenlee talks opal into giving her a tarot reading . opal assures greenlee that all systems are go on greenlee and ryan being married . bianca gets a call from reese . bianca lets reese know that she is tied up at the moment with simon , reese 's ex - fiancé . |
kendall : my house , my rules . i only deal with people who do n't break into my home . ethan : must have taken you a while to pick that lock . do n't worry , leaving is going to be a lot faster , especially if they run the sirens . ryan : are you calling the cops ? that 's a really good idea . will you tell derek that we have a pickup for him ? kendall : wait , you want to have me busted for not having chips and dip for intruders ? greenlee : we found them , kendall . antipsychotic . now just tell us why . kendall : not my flavor , not my problem . ryan : oh , i think it is . [ scene_break ] danielle : is it me , or does this new year 's totally kick ass ? reggie : is that a trick question ? baby , both you and the night is to die for . and hanging out with bianca and miranda ? it was sweet of you . you did n't have to do it . danielle : hey , man , your family does give good drama -- bianca and her baby happily ever after . what 's that look for ? reggie : nothing , it 's just some unfinished business . it wo n't take long , just enough for him to beg for mercy . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i see a space on the dance floor with your name on it . maggie : oh ! singer : you 'll always be my little angel jonathan : god , you thought i was -- i should n't have brought you here . i 'm sorry , i should n't be anywhere near you right now . singer : do you know how much i love you [ scene_break ] anita : i love this place , but i 'm kind of sad that we missed the new year 's moment . aidan : four , three , two , one -- happy new year ! [ scene_break ] maria : no . zach : `` no , `` what ? maria : no , whatever you have to say . no to all of it . zach : hang on , hang on a second . i caught some of the fireworks , and it reminded me of us watching the fireworks in the desert . it reminded me of you . 2004 did n't do either one of us any favors , and i intend to change that in 2005 . [ scene_break ] kendall : what , even my computer ? well , the two of you just ca n't get enough of me , can you ? please , please just tell me you did not get rid of my birth control pills . greenlee : you ca n't joke out of this , kendall . ryan : we have proof , kendall . we have proof that you poisoned my wife . you blew it , kendall . you forgot that big brother watches your online prescriptions . kendall : oh , please . zach has already told everyone i get my prescription from the drugstore , and i 've been taking my antianxiety meds like a very good girl . you know , surprisingly , i 'm very bored by all of this . ryan : would you like to get unbored really fast ? take a look at this . it thanks you for your order . it confirmed delivery a week before greenlee went all trippy , the exact psychotic that greenlee was pumped full of . so , please tell me why you tried to kill my wife . [ scene_break ] maria : where did that come from ? where , what -- zach : i -- i do n't know . bianca beat death , and when she woke up she found that she had her daughter back . but what she 'd lost was precious time with someone she loves . maria : yeah , and it 's great for them . they can finally start their life again . they finally have the life that they deserve . zach : exactly . absolutely . and , well , i 've lost precious time , too , and you 've lost time , and i think that maybe we should try again . maybe we should grab the life that we deserve , too . maria : just like that ? i mean , you walk in here and you -- zach : and i kiss you , yeah . maria : and kiss me , and then you -- i do n't understand -- because bianca woke up ? zach : you ca n't ignore a miracle like that . maria : no , but , so here you are , then . zach : here i am , yeah . and we 're not -- we 're not the same . we 're not who we were because you said you had sacred marriage vows , and -- maria : well , they 're not sacred , though , because i said them . they 're sacred because i meant them . i -- i 'm just not ready to give up on my marriage . zach : all right . i got to ask you a question , then . maria : ok . zach : your marriage stopped being sacred the minute you were in it alone . so why do you pretend it still exists ? [ scene_break ] anita : wow . sure beats a party hat and one of those blowers . aidan : so you 're a fan of ' 05 ? anita : are you kidding ? so far it 's my new best friend . aidan : and it 's only just starting . [ scene_break ] danielle : let it go . not your fight . reggie : oh , it 's not my fight ? all right , say one of your friends is hooking up with this guy , and you know he 's a complete piece of trash . what you want to say , `` good luck , give me the details later `` ? danielle : i hear you , babe , and i love the fact that you 're ready to throw down for someone that you care about . it just means that you 're the taller , sexy boy version of me . reggie : wait a minute , are you saying i 'm hot ? danielle : i 'm saying we 're a matched set . oh , fine way to start the new year . [ scene_break ] maggie : we 're here now . i -- can we just try to have a good time ? jonathan : it 's my mistake for thinking we can act like this did n't happen . i keep hearing in my head over and over again that `` i hit maggie , `` and it 's like the words just do n't make any sense . maggie : we 're ok , right ? we 're ok . we talked about it . we 're fine , so can we just try to act like we 're fine ? jonathan : i need you to know that that was n't me at all . maggie , i 'm the guy that wants to protect you . i 'm the guy that wants to keep you safe . i just -- i lost it . i got all screwed up over this ryan - losing - cambias thing , and i know i should have gotten the hell out of the apartment , but i did n't . i should have cooled off , but you showed up and it just -- i got crazy . i am so , so sorry for hurting you over this entire cambias mess . maggie : ryan did n't lose cambias . he gave the company to miranda . jonathan : she 's just a baby . maggie : she is the cambias heir . do you really want to fight again ? jonathan : no . maggie : your brother is a good guy , and he did the right thing . jonathan : and i 'm just a screwup because i want to give you the world . [ scene_break ] maria : this is your idea of starting the new year right ? because my marriage is just as real as anything that you and i had for six months -- more so . zach : ok , then prove it to me . how was your holiday with edmund ? maria : you know what , this is -- this is a tough time for edmund because it was new year 's last year that put him in that chair . zach : i know that , and i 'm sorry . so , what , did talking about it bring you closer together ? maria : you know what , knock it off , zach . zach : i 'm not trying to hurt you , i 'm telling you what you already know . maria : i had my family . what else could i want -- i mean , really ? zach : yeah , you love those kids . and you honor your marriage . the problem is that your marriage does n't honor you . and what are you asking me to do ? stand back , give you space ? just watch you throw your life away ? i ca n't do that . not anymore . i 'm sorry . maria : so you come here to my house to do what , to tell me that i 'm delusional and that i 'm in denial ? zach : what , does it scare you to have me in your house ? why ? what kind of damage do you think i would do ? you think i could destroy your life ? what life ? maria : oh . you know , i came to you , practically threw myself at you , and you sent me away . zach : and i 'd do it again . maria : why ? what 's that ? you come here now , then , with this big power trip ? zach : what is it that you offered me that day ? you offered me your revenge on edmund . well , i do n't care about edmund . i never have . and if i had taken what you offered me , you would have resented me for it . would 've given you just another reason to walk away from me . there 's only one way that we can be together , and that is when we both want it . come here . here . look at that . look at your face . maria : at what -- what about my face ? zach : it 's your eyes . the light 's gone . maria : oh -- why , because i 'm not all glassy - eyed with desire ? no , you know what ? this is ridiculous , zach . i 'm -- zach : there used to be a fire in your eyes that told the whole world how much in love you were with life . i remember you 'd come back from your morning walks and just burst into that casino filled with passion . i thought you were going to explode . that -- right there -- that . what happened to you ? how can you choose this slow death for yourself ? why ? [ scene_break ] kendall : uh - uh , no . not my meds , not my receipt . i am not the person who ordered those drugs . ryan : it 's done , kendall . you ca n't hide . ethan : oh , listen to yourself , ryan , all tense and quiet . it must be true . you should give up now , kendall . greenlee : the proof is right here . ethan : how convenient . greenlee : hidden past computer passwords and new shoes ? it 's not like it was waving in the breeze with an x marks the spot . ethan : no , just hard enough to find to give you a nice warm sense of satisfaction , like the rifle they found in my storage locker , the one that put the bullet in ryan 's gut . i 'm sure somebody was high - fiving over that one . ryan : yeah , speaking of which , do n't you have your own attempted murder case to deal with ? so why do n't you just stay out of this one . ethan : ok , you already have kendall on the stand . it 's borderline obsessive . ryan : i want you to tell me why . greenlee : the why is you . ryan : no , i want to hear it from her . i want you to make me understand why you drugged my wife , why you let her get so messed up that she thought i was dead . i mean , i know you hate me , and that 's fine . but go after greenlee ? kendall : that 's right , ryan . i am just so desperate and so needy , this is really the moment i 've been waiting for . i mean , nothing says romance like a man who thinks you tried to drive his wife insane . greenlee : you had me convinced when you said you wanted ryan to live . maybe that 's just it . as much as you wanted him to live , that 's as much as you wanted me to die . ethan : oh , please . like the two of you would be the center of anyone 's universe . greenlee : i did n't want to believe you were so sick . ethan : all right , i 've had enough of your nonsense . the two of you , come on , out . ryan : not one step outside that door until kendall admits what she 's done . [ scene_break ] [ salsa music plays ] aidan : wow . the nobel commission must be alerted at once . anita : my wild child sister taught me . aidan : julia ? anita : yeah , and then my brother said that if we ever did that in front of a guy , he would tell our parents and they would ship us off to the sacred heart convent . aidan : mateo , huh ? anita : ok , mr . private eye guy -- what , do you have a secret file on me or something ? that late credit card payment was totally the fault of the u.s . postal system . aidan : no background check . anita : why ? too boring ? aidan : no , quite the opposite . you know , people have nothing but nice things to say about you . and me -- well , i like to find out the old - fashioned way , because it makes me smile just to think about it . anita : well , you should get that checked out . aidan : or it could be the way you look in that lab coat . very official and painfully sexy . or it could be the dainty little party trick you just showed me . anita : well , do you want me to teach you ? aidan : i 'd like to watch it again , to be honest . anita : well , what about salsa ? i can teach you that later . aidan : teach me ? salsa ? what makes you think i do n't already know ? anita : tu eres muy macho . [ scene_break ] jonathan : it 's not an excuse for hurting you , but it 's just all messed up in my head , that 's all . ryan and cambias . ryan made that company something that family of psychos could n't even begin to touch , and now he 's just going to walk away from it with nothing to show . maggie : how is that you wanting to give me the world ? jonathan : ryan put me at cambias . i went -- i went from a broke loser to the guy who closes the deals , to the guy who wears the best suits , to the guy who could almost deserve you . maggie : do you really think that i care about that stuff ? jonathan : maggie , you 're about to be a big md . you 're about to pull down major bank . i might be a low - level grunt -- i 'm not going to -- i wo n't be able to take you to dinner but maybe every other friday when there 's a two - for - one special , because i do n't want to be that broke loser again . maggie : i would never think that . jonathan : i would . i was angry , and i tried to drown it away with a few drinks and just -- the booze made it worse . maggie : so it was the alcohol ? jonathan : no . it was me . i know that . i ca n't take it back , but i can promise you -- no more booze , no more flipping out , no more hurting you . maggie : we talked about all of this . i do n't really know what else to say . jonathan : maybe you could say you forgive me ? maggie : i have to use the ladies ' room . [ scene_break ] singer : make you believe danielle : i would not do this hair , wear this dress , and curl these lashes so you could be looking at him all night instead of me ! reggie : yeah , babe , you do look good . danielle : and the sooner you do what you got to do , then the sooner you can show me just how fine i am . so , do you need backup , or do you want me to wait here and admire your moves from afar ? reggie : i 'm going to be right back , ok ? yo , tall and twisted . jonathan : what do you want ? reggie : you want to explain why you did n't tell maggie bianca needed her bad ? exactly how twisted are you ? singer : believe i 'm singers : turn it turn it up singer : make you believe believe my singers : turn it turn it up singer : believe [ looking in the ladies � room mirror , maggie sees how awful her bruised face looks ] maggie : oh , my god . singers : turn it turn it up [ scene_break ] maria : i 'm not a martyr . zach : no ? a woman who sacrifices everything to be with a man that does n't love her ? maria : no , he does love me . edmund loves me . you know that . zach : he makes you feel the loss and take the blame . what kind of love is that ? i know how much you care about those kids , and i know you feel sorry for edmund . what about you ? what do you want ? maria : you know , you walk in here and you smile and you kiss me and you lecture me and all of that , but you know what all that starts with ? walking in . zach : oh . edmund lost his legs and i have mine . so should i apologize for that , too ? life 's a crapshoot and he lost . if i lost like that -- maria : oh , do n't even pretend like you would know what you would do in his position , please . zach : i would not push away the person i love . i -- i want to be with you , and there 's nothing that could happen in my life or to me that would ever change that . maria : but i love him . zach : and i love you . and i 'm here to remind you of what i 'm promising you . [ scene_break ] ryan : you guys want us out of here ? call the cops and let kendall confess to them . ethan : how did you guys come up with this ? having a nice , cozy dinner one night , a little bit of champagne , maybe some cognac ? `` hey , greenlee , what should we do to bring in the new year ? `` `` i do n't know , ryan , why do n't we try and destroy kendall ? `` i mean , you know , the question -- the question is , how deep does this go ? [ looking at kendall , greenlee remembers what happened on the roof when she was flying high on the trapeze ] kendall : you ca n't fly without me . you need me . greenlee , you need me ! ethan : how long have you been trying to cook this up ? kendall : i 've been -- please , please , greenlee ! greenlee , please , please do it for me . please , i 'm right here . i 'm ready to go . please , please , greenlee , swing to me ! greenlee : whoo ! kendall : swing to me , greenlee . i 'll catch you . [ kendall screams ] ryan : how long have you been in town , like five months ? well , this goes back a lot further than that , all right ? you know , it 's going to stop now . i 'm done with you two . i 'm going to let the cops deal with this before kendall hits the delete button . greenlee : ryan , no . put the phone down . ryan : she gets away with this , she 's just going to do it again . greenlee : no , she wo n't . ryan : you ca n't know that . greenlee : i do . someone 's framing kendall . she did n't do it , ryan . i 'm dead sure of it . ryan : hey , look , i know you 've had these feelings and whatever , and we 're going to sort that out , but just not right here , ok ? not right now . ethan : all right , what is going on here ? is it good cop , bad cop ? greenlee : not a feeling , ryan . fact . kendall did n't drug me . kendall : i do n't -- what are you doing ? greenlee : i saw it all , that night on the roof . the drugs must have pushed it deep , someplace that i could n't reach until just now . and there it was . kendall : you 're freaking me out . she 's freaking me out . greenlee : i remember it all . you called out to me , you reached out your hand to me , and you saved my life . ryan : honey -- honey , look , you were so doped up that you put on your little green butterfly outfit and you were doing trapeze over the top of pine valley . are you sure that this stuff inside your head right now , it really happened ? greenlee : yes . this is real , ryan . it 's weird , it 's freaky , and it 's real , but it all came back to me . that night , kendall -- i can see her face the way that i did then . she did n't want me to die . ryan : yet she told you to jump , take the leap . greenlee : yes , to her , so she could catch me . she could have walked away that night , let me die , but she did n't . ryan : well , maybe because she wanted to keep you alive and keep the game going on longer so you 'd go to prison and , i do n't know , suffer for life . kendall : do you and my mother compare notes ? because that was her version for a while there , too . boy , am i rotten , but very creative . you have to give me that . greenlee : you 're not listening . kendall : no , i 've heard way too much , ok ? we 've had the big dramatic reveal . i am the psycho who saved your wife 's life so i can screw her up some more . now , will you please kindly get the hell out of my house ! greenlee : no ! not until i thank you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : happy new year . either sit down or move on . either way , make it fast , because i have some other priorities tonight . reggie : yeah , like what ? running maggie � s life ? jonathan : no . like sharing it with her , and all the other cool things we share . you see , reg , that 's what adults do . reggie : hey , keeping secrets -- yeah , like not telling maggie her best friend was lying in a coma . that 's the real adult thing to do . but tell me this , jonathan , what had you quaking so hard you could n't tell her the truth ? who or what are you scared of ? [ scene_break ] anita : that 's what we professionals call a contusion . a nice one , too . what happened ? maggie : this ? uh -- i -- i actually was at the gym and working out at a kickboxing class , trying to blow off some steam when bianca was in the hospital . yeah , that 's where it happened . anita : you got that from a bag ? that 's weird . maggie : actually , i walked straight into an open locker door . anita : that sounds nasty . i 'm sorry . maggie : yeah , well , it 's my own fault . i mean , jonathan always tells me to watch my step and to walk around with a hard - hat and caution tape . such a klutz i am . anita : i 've seen you at the gym . you could teach if you wanted to . maybe jonathan 's the one that 's got it wrong . [ scene_break ] jonathan : it 's not your fault , reg . you 'll graduate soon , and you 'll have a laugh at this stuff , too . reggie : yeah , thanks , getting the thumbs - up from you makes me feel that much better . jonathan : i 'm just saying i 'll cut you slack for before , when you went to maggie , trying to start trouble between us . she called it high school bs and just laughed it off anyway . reggie : you know , jonathan , are you trying to push me ? because , you know , i 'm getting the distinct feeling that you 're trying to tick me off . jonathan : hmm . maggie does care about bianca . but she lives with me . she goes to bed with me . she wakes up with me . and all that stuff that she does in between , reg , it 's with me . so , whatever you think you knew about maggie , you have no clue . [ scene_break ] anita : maggie , you should go to the hospital . maggie : it 's a bruise , anita . anita : it could get worse . maggie : i 'm fine . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i 'm just a little mortified . anita : there 's nothing to be ashamed of . it was n't your fault . maggie : well , just a little bit of powder and nobody needs to know . anita : maggie , if it gets worse or , you know , happens again , come and see me at the hospital . i promise i wo n't think you 're a klutz or anything . maggie : i should just wear a hard - hat and save us from all the drama . [ scene_break ] jonathan : maggie 's an adult . now , if you do n't like me , reg , that 's cool . but maggie does . in fact , she loves me . reggie : you know what ? give her a chance . she 'll forget about it . might just forget about you , too . jonathan : i 'm just saying you do n't have to go making up stories to get her attention . she 's hip to your game , reg . she 's just not playing . no , you guys can still hang out every now and then . that 's fine . but she 's moved on . and so should you . singer : if you only knew emptiness , fever reside [ scene_break ] maria : you know , this is such a nice night , ahem , to ride . i really should get on before it 's too late and -- ahem , you know -- zach : it 's not gone . maria : no , but is it real ? zach : how can this not be real ? maria : because i know what i have with edmund . what is this ? zach : well , whatever it is , it put the light back in your eyes . maria : zach , i 'm married . zach : hmm . say it again . maria : i 'm married . zach : say it again . maria : you said you would give me space . you promised me you would give me space . zach : first , you have to tell me who you 're married to , in your heart . yeah . i promise you now that i will not watch you give up like this . ca n't do it . [ scene_break ] kendall : get your wife under control and out of my home . ryan : all right , you go easy . you -- slow down . ethan : oh , ryan , stop trying to control the situation , ok ? ryan : control -- kendall had the pills . kendall : that 's right , ryan . i did my research on just the right drugs to make the missis batty . i left paper trails and spiked her lattes at work , and then when she almost tried to run me over with her car , i rubbed my hands together and cackled with joy . yes , whoo - hoo , my great plan , my evil plan was working . if i get skid marks on my face , oh , well , what the hell , that 's the breaks . ryan : no , you wanted greenlee out of commission . kendall : or maybe someone else has it out for greenlee . did you ever think about that ? maybe someone else just kicked me in as a bonus . greenlee : does no one listen to me ? can you guys just give us a second ? ethan : i 'm sorry . come again ? ryan : yeah , what he said . greenlee : go away and relax . please . kendall : whatever . at least one of them 's out of my home . ethan : if you need me -- ryan : yeah , what are you going to do ? wait . how did that just happen ? how did kendall make greenlee pull a 180 ? ethan : do n't you get it ? all the answers , all of yours answers , they 're all hiding right behind this door ! [ scene_break ] aidan : anita , what 's going on ? do you want me to break out some special ops moves or -- anita : no . i want you to break out some dance moves . come on , let 's go salsa . i warn you , though . this could be dangerously hot . [ scene_break ] jonathan : there 's something else i need to tell you . maggie : can we just not talk about this here ? because this is our business and nobody 's else 's . jonathan : maggie , you deserve the best . you especially deserve my honesty . it was n't just ryan , ahem , and cambias and the booze . it was -- it was bianca , too . maggie : we talked about this , and i told you -- jonathan : i know . i just thought for certain that when she woke up , she 'd want to see you and make up for some lost time . maggie : she 's going to be making up lost time with her girlfriend . i 'm actually surprised that lena is n't here yet . jonathan : it 's really hard to get over a breakup like that . maggie : what are you talking about ? when did they break up ? jonathan : you mean that you 're her best friend , and she did n't -- bianca and lena broke up a month ago . maggie : bianca must have been devastated . jonathan : i ca n't believe that she did n't -- i thought bianca had long - term feelings for you . maggie : well , i told you that she did n't have feelings for me , and i told you that i wanted to be with you . jonathan : and i 'm grateful , maggie . i did a terrible thing , and i 'm going to spend tonight and i 'm going to spend every other night of our lives together making it up to you . [ scene_break ] reggie : i just do n't understand . tell me how slimeballs like lavery get cute , smart girls like maggie to believe his bs . danielle : people get a little crazy or a little stupid when they mix hormones and romance . reggie : well , tell me why me and you got along so good . danielle : we 're more evolved -- on a higher plane . reggie : so how about we get a little more evolved someplace else ? danielle : i 'm ready . let me just pay the check . reggie : well , damn , girl , you think i 'm that evolved to let you pay the bill ? danielle : there 's no such thing as a free lunch , kingman . i fully intend on making you pay me back . i 'm just not sure how yet . reggie : oh , you better put that money down and let 's go . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , wow , that was great . you ready for our next event on our new year 's list ? anita : ooh , more surprises ? aidan : girl , you have no idea . come , let 's go . [ scene_break ] ryan : subtle , very subtle . ethan : you know why you ca n't see this ? because it is easier for you to blame this on kendall than to look through that door . zach had means , he had motive , he had opportunity . and yet , still , you blame kendall . why is that ? [ scene_break ] kendall : two minutes ago you thought i was the vengeful bitch who booby- trapped your brain cells . greenlee : i was wrong . kendall : yeah , in so many ways . greenlee : you do n't have to shut me out . i 'm thanking you . kendall : after trashing my place ? well , happy flipping new year to you , too . you 're playing me so that ryan can swoop in and dive - bomb me with more of my sins . no , uh - uh . greenlee : you have to listen . kendall : you 're in my space . get out ! greenlee : listen to me , already . you did n't do it ! kendall : ow ! ow ! oh , my , what are you -- greenlee : i 'm sorry . kendall : what are you doing ? greenlee : here , let me help . kendall : no -- greenlee : ice ! kendall : get away . what did you just do to me ? ow ! greenlee : kendall , that was very second grade , but you 're insanely strong willed here . better ? kendall : you kicked me . greenlee : yeah , and i said i was sorry . kendall : no , no . you actually believe that i did n't do it . i thought you were lying until you kicked me . i mean , who else would kick me to prove that they believe in me ? just you . greenlee : who else would take a kick to the shins as a sign of faith ? only you . kendall : only us . [ scene_break ] jonathan : we hit a rough patch , but i think i have something that will make it a little smoother . maggie : what 's this for ? jonathan : it 's for a new year . it 's for a new beginning . it 's for a fresh start , no worries . it 's for friends that wo n't shut us out . it 's for a family that wo n't leave us hanging . it 's for you and i . maggie : how did you know ? jonathan : i pay attention . i watch for what makes your eyes smile , like that bracelet every time we walked by it . maggie : i love it . thank you . jonathan : it 's a lovers ' knot , for you and me . i ca n't buy you the world , maggie , not yet . but i can love you more than any man ever will . [ scene_break ] singers : more than a minute of time singer : more than a minute singers : more than a moment singer : more than a moment danielle : oh . wow . this is -- reggie : it 's perfect . danielle : yeah , like `` loan sharks are going to bust in your kneecaps if you do n't pay them back for this room `` perfect . reggie : well , you know , they gave me till morning . and i think it 'll be worth it . this is for us . these are for you . reggie : dani , i love you . and i want to be with you tonight . [ scene_break ] anita : from sweating on the dance floor to freezing our butt off . you sure know how to keep a girl 's butt moving . i did n't bring my ice skates . aidan : pond is n't frozen . anita : ok , i give . how is this part of our fabulous `` too exciting for words `` new year 's ? aidan : well , this is just a prelude . the big stuff is yet to come . anita : and what is the big stuff ? aidan : i 'll show you soon after you take off your clothes . anita : what ? [ scene_break ] maria : zach , i 'm fighting for my marriage . zach : i 'm fighting for you . [ scene_break ] ethan : zach is always on the attack with kendall . you know , when we were in the hospital , when bianca was in a coma , he pulled me aside into the corridor for a lecture on the evils of kendall . now , why would he be trying so hard to convince me if he was n't the person who was guilty ? ryan : now who 's slow on the uptake ? you know why zach is after kendall ? because you 're his son . [ next_on ] jack : are you up to eloping ? ryan : take a dna test . find out who you really are . anita : `` wild `` is good . whoo . zach : i love you , and i want you to be with me . | at the nightclub , maggie is with jonathan . he 's obviously beating her and she 's still with him . they attract the concern of both reggie and anita santos . reggie and danielle have a good thing going . so do anita and aiden . ryan and greenlee believe they have caught kendall `` red - handed `` trying to poison greenlee , when greenlee finds anti - psychotic medication in kendall 's closet and ryan notices that it looks like kendall 's ordering drugs on the internet . greenlee , somehow seems to realize , however , that kendall is not trying to drug her . ethan has a harder time of convincing ryan that kendall is not guilty . zach believes maria is unhappy in her marriage and deserves better . she tells him she 's not giving up on her marriage but reveals that she still has feelings for him . |
erica : yet another amazing example of a fabulous new beginning . we 'll be back with another guest right after this . [ `` new beginnings `` theme plays ] man : and we 're out . [ cheers and applause ] erica : pam ? any word from the courthouse ? pam : no . i 'll let you know . erica : is my car ready ? pam : ready to roll . but you better get back -- the whip lady 's up . erica : whip ? pam : w - h - i - p ? `` we help women in prison `` ? remember ? erica : women in prison , pam ? with my daughter facing what she 's facing ? cancel her . pam : the guest ? she 's already in the chair . erica : all right , all right , i will do that . but the minute i get word . i 'm out of here . thanks . hello . hi , nice to meet you . [ scene_break ] tad : stop staring , krystal . krystal : i 'm not staring . tad : yeah , you are -- you 're staring . why do n't you watch your daughter drool strained peaches for a while ? krystal : oh . hey . hey there . somebody needs to talk to you about your table manners , little one . now you 're staring . tad : no , i 'm not . it 's more of a subtle glance . krystal : `` subtle `` ? tad : yeah . krystal : subtle , my eye . come on , do we have to go ? tad : no , we are not going anywhere . see , over the years , at least i have developed special skills for dealing with just this type of situation . observe -- other half of the room ? gone , invisible , from now on . is n't that right , hmm ? [ scene_break ] adam : thank you for coming . i take that as a positive sign . j.r. : do n't . whatever you have to say , say it fast . [ scene_break ] richie : so how long do i have , doc , huh ? weeks , days , hours ? oh , come on , there 's no need to soft - pedal . we both know how this ends . i 'm feeling half- dead already . [ scene_break ] babe : `` of the fiscal quarter , during which several of the -- `` are you tracking me here ? annie ? annie : what ? oh , i 'm sorry . i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i promised myself i would n't do that -- let my mind wander off . it 's -- ahem -- it 's part of my new year 's resolution -- stop thinking about richie . babe : actually , that was one of mine , too . but as long as we 're breaking them , how is he ? annie : not good . babe : sorry . ok , um , let 's get back to the quarterly . so -- you know what ? you know what ? forget it . it 's impossible to concentrate . there 's too much going on . do you want to -- do you want to head over to the courthouse and see how kendall 's doing ? annie : no , no . i think kendall would want us to stay here and hold down the fort . babe : do you think she 's going to come out of this ok ? annie : the truth ? the way things have been going lately for kendall , i 'm really afraid . [ scene_break ] aidan : you ready to go home ? greenlee : so ready . just one stop i need to make first . kendall 's hearing . aidan : kendall has enough backup , greenlee . she has zach , ryan , and jackson . greenlee : but she needs me . [ scene_break ] jack : thanks , i owe you one . man : no problem . just stick with the script -- you may be ok . jack : all right . hey . zach : we have a plea deal or do n't we ? jack : yeah . as a matter of fact , the d.a . just signed on . the judge , however , may be a slightly harder sell . ryan : meaning what ? jack : meaning that as long as we stick with extreme emotional duress , you 're going to be just fine . kendall : `` emotional duress `` ? as in what -- i was going crazy ? no , jack , i knew exactly what i was doing to greenlee and i will admit that to the judge . i was n't out of my mind when i set up greenlee , and i 'm not going to say that i was . jack : kendall , nobody 's asking you to . this is just a technicality . but let 's be honest here , you were -- you were very close to your breaking point . kendall : i was -- no . i was clear and rational . zach : how were you rational ? i found you in the park with spike and a gun -- that 's rational ? kendall : that was part of my plan . zach : your plan was insane . kendall : well , no more than yours was . zach : telling greenlee that her embryos were still viable was a bad idea . and , yes , maybe i felt badly , maybe i felt guilty about it . it does n't matter , it 's in the past . we ca n't change that , but we 're not going to throw away our future . kendall : ok , zach , how can i make you understand how i feel ? how ? ryan : well , honestly , it 's going to be a little bit difficult , because you 're not making a whole lot of sense right now , kendall . kendall : ok -- see , you of all people -- i thought that you would understand . ryan : what do you want me to say ? i -- i do n't like what you did any more than you do . zach : you were n't yourself . kendall : ok , well , then who was i ? zach : you were a woman at your breaking point , that 's -- ryan : who was terrified that greenlee was going to harm our son -- that 's who you were . kendall : you guys , listen , i 'm tired of lying , ok ? i 'm tired of making excuses for myself . i 'm not going to lie to the judge . zach : you 're going to say whatever jack tells you to say . kendall : no , zach . i 'm sorry , but i wo n't . ryan : you 're going to go to prison , kendall . all right , and what about spike ? has n't he been through enough ? i mean , what do you want him to do -- say goodbye to his mother , kendall ? is that what you want for our son ? kendall : no , of course not , no . zach : then what ? `` of course not `` -- what do you want to do ? you going to raise our boys from a prison cell ? jack , a little help , please . jack : kendall , i would suggest you listen to them because here 's the fact -- without this plea , you 're looking at 20 to 40 years . zach : did you hear that ? this is not a game . ryan : just -- just think about what you 're doing , kendall , ok ? just think about it . kendall : if greenlee were convicted , how many years ? how many years would she get ? jack : kendall , that did n't happen , and it 's not going to . kendall : jack , you 're her father . remember what i did . greenlee was a fugitive because of me . she nearly died because of me . zach : let it go . it 's over . kendall : no , it 's not over . it will never be over for greenlee or me until i stand up and own what i did . [ scene_break ] aidan : you can barely stand , let alone go to a courtroom . greenlee : so we 'll take the wheelchair . aidan : joe only let you out of the hospital today , because you promised that you would go straight home to bed , and that 's exactly where you 're going . greenlee : aidan , i 'll find someone else to take me where i need to go . aidan : well , good luck with that . greenlee : really ? you 're going to ditch me ? aidan : anybody that gives a damn about you is not going to drag you anywhere else , especially not a courtroom . joe : what 's this about a courtroom ? greenlee : kendall 's hearing is right now , and i need to go . joe : no , you do n't need to go . it 's out of the question . your immune system has been badly compromised , and i want you on bed rest 24/7 . greenlee : and that 'll happen after the hearing is over . joe : no , it wo n't . you 've been a whole month with hardly any food and water , locked away underground . your heart has stopped on two separate occasions . greenlee : but it 's fine now , joe . i 'm going . aidan : going home is exactly where you 're going . i 'm not driving you anywhere else apart from home to bed . all right ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you know what ? tad : what ? krystal : you might as well just turn right around and give them the eyeball , because you ca n't stop looking at them sideways . tad : i 'm not looking , i do n't have to look . i know what 's happening . see , there 's a seduction going over there , i can feel it -- krystal : a seduction ? tad : yeah , a seduction . krystal : hmm . tad : you , more than anybody , should know how adam operates . he 's sitting there all charm , all smile , offers you the moon and stars , says he 'll make your wildest dreams come true , and all it 's going to cost you is your soul . krystal : are you talking about j.r. or me ? tad : both . i swear , in this town after all this time , everything he 's done , the fact that anybody would spend five minutes with -- krystal : thank you very much for the vote of confidence . you know , did it ever occur to you that adam and j.r. may be just having breakfast together ? [ tad laughs ] tad : no . [ scene_break ] adam : i deeply regret manipulating you by withholding your alibi . j.r. : i blacked out . you let me believe that i ran over zach slater , maybe even killed him . i still would n't even know that i was off the hook if amanda had n't cracked . adam : i was wrong , i admit that . i wanted you home . j.r. : no , you wanted to punish me for my kidnapping scam . adam : no , no , that 's not true . well , maybe -- i do n't know . i only know that when i heard you had been kidnapped , it literally shaved years off my life . j.r. : well , you 're going to outlive us all , dad . this has been fun , but -- adam : you broke my heart , j.r . j.r. : do n't you mean that i cost you a bundle ? adam : yes , i lost my company , i lost my home , and i lost millions in ransom . j.r. : so this is the real reason why you tried to stick it to me ? adam : no . i only know that i -- i did n't realize how little my possessions meant to me until i thought i 'd lost you . j.r. : so what now ? are you going to bring out the violins ? adam : do you remember what you told me ? that if ever i wanted to ask you for anything -- just forget the manipulating -- just ask , all i had to do was ask ? i 'm asking right now -- can you and i be father and son again ? [ scene_break ] babe : you know , j.r. 's been really protective lately when it comes to me and , well , of course , little a . annie : he 's become a really good father . babe : yeah , you know , i think it has something to do with the bad relationship he has with adam . anyway , j.r. found out that i had a christmas gift i was going to give to richie . annie : uh - oh . babe : yeah . yeah , he really went off on me . annie : i 'm sorry . babe : no , you know , it 's ok . i mean , it was a reality check for me and one that i needed in the worst kind of way . annie : what did j.r. say ? babe : basically that richie 's a complication my little boy does n't need in his life . annie : well , richie 's a complication none of us needs , including me , ryan , emma . i mean , he just wreaks havoc wherever he goes . babe : but there are times when he can be so sweet and gentle . annie : well , especially with you . i mean , you -- you get to him like nobody else . babe : so you think that -- that the feelings he has for me are real , that -- that maybe i could even help ? annie : no . no , babe , i 'm telling you -- i 'm begging you -- to run for your life . [ scene_break ] richie : what are you testing for , doc , huh ? i mean , i 'm on my way out . at this point , what does my cholesterol matter ? doctor : i 'm going to have to get back to you on that one , mr. novak . richie : yeah , you do that . maybe i 'll be here , but i would n't count on it . moron . richie : gather witnesses , get annie here . weapon . [ richie daydreams ] annie : richie ? richie , it 's annie -- can you hear me ? richie : it 's over . annie : what ? richie : it 's over . annie : i ca n't hear you . richie : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . annie : what -- what 'd you do ? what are you -- richie ! oh ! richie : no , annie -- what 'd you do ? annie : richie ? richie : oh , what 'd you do ? man : she stabbed him ! annie : no -- man : call the police ! annie : no , i did n't , i did n't ! he did this to himself ! richie : goodbye , annie . annie : no . no , no , no , no , no , no , you ca n't get away with this . richie : looks like i just did . annie : oh ! damn you , richie -- this was n't my fault ! this was n't my fault ! richie : you 'll never win , annie . you never have -- not with me . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 've got to clear greenlee . jack : kendall , you 're not going to clear greenlee by pleading guilty . what you need to do is say that you were in -- kendall : say that i 'm crazy ? bailiff : all rise . this is the criminal court of the commonwealth of pennsylvania , the people vs. kendall hart slater , judge angela march presiding . this court is now in session . be seated . judge : will the people please state the charges ? d.a . : `` false reporting to law enforcement , misdemeanor in the second degree , tampering with physical evidence , misdemeanor in the second degree , burglary , felony in the first degree , criminal trespass , felony in the third degree , forgery , misdemeanor in the first degree . `` judge : kendall hart slater , do you understand the charges against you ? kendall : yes , i do , your honor . judge : and how do you plead ? jack : your honor , if i may -- kendall : i plead guilty . jack : your honor , again -- kendall : no , guilty -- that 's my plea . judge : are you under the influence of drugs or alcohol ? kendall : no , your honor . judge : will the people please state the evidence against the defendant ? d.a . : on november 2 , as the record states , a dispatcher received an emergency call that kendall slater reported that she 'd been attacked and drugged , and that her minor child had been abducted again by greenlee smythe . and finally , the sworn affidavit of the defendant that her accusations were false . judge : these are very serious charges , ms. slater . are you aware of the penalties involved ? d.a . : your honor , the people and the counsel for the defense have entered into a plea agreement . the commonwealth recommends a prison term of 2 1/2 to 5 years , all to be served during a period of probation , along with substantial community service . judge : and who cooked up the community - service plan without informing the court ? d.a . : i 'm sorry , your honor . this -- this hearing came up rather quickly , and i did n't -- judge : it 's ok . i get it . but why be so lenient ? d.a . : extenuating circumstances . judge : and those would be ? jack : your honor , the defendant committed these acts while under extreme emotional duress and the defense can demonstrate that kendall hart slater acted -- kendall : no , i knew exactly what i was doing . i knew it was illegal . i wanted greenlee smythe to rot in hell . [ scene_break ] j.r. : be your son ? i already have that distinction . adam : no , i mean -- i mean fully and truly . j.r. : right , right , with the corner office and the stock options ? adam : that 's not what i 'm offering . j.r. : unless i decide to move back into the mansion , in which case the world is mine . adam : you can live anywhere you like -- just so you come home and have dinner with me now and then . j.r. : once again , i think i 'm hearing violins . adam : and meet me for the occasional game of squash . j.r. : wait . it 's an entire string orchestra . adam : no strings , j.r. -- just your father , on the up - and - up . j.r. : father , `` up - and - up `` ? you 're going to have to choose one or the other , because you ca n't have both . adam : i have no agenda . i 'm not trying to -- to bribe you . just tell me what i have to say to convince you . tell me , j.r. what do you want me to do ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you know , suddenly i 'm not very hungry and i really would like to go home . tad : no , i 'm -- excuse me , i 'm sorry , but you know , the fact that you could sit there and entertain the idea that adam is only interested in a father - son breakfast makes you -- krystal : what ? what ? stupid , naive ? tad : sorry , it makes you -- no . krystal : what ? tad : i 'm taking the fifth . never mind . eat your breakfast . krystal : you know what ? this is going to get really nasty really , really quickly . tad : no , ok , no , no , no . it does n't have to . it does n't have to , ok ? look , if i was going to be honest , i would just admit that i 'm more than a little worried , that 's all . krystal : about what ? tad : well , this is the first time that adam has seen us out on the town since we admitted that we tied the knot , right ? krystal : and it 's not going to be the last time , either , tad . it 's a very , very small town . tad : so what happens if the next time you see him , you get this look on your face ? i 'm going to want to jump in your lap , start bitching about how he 's untrustworthy . that means you 're going to get up -- want to get up and bolt out of the room all over again . krystal : oh , got me all figured out , do n't you ? tad : all except the part about how i fix it . krystal : how many times do i have to tell you , tad , that i am not running from adam ? tad : since when ? krystal : i 'm not afraid of him . tad : honey -- no , not yet . a little fear would be an improvement , because what you feel for adam scares me half to death . [ scene_break ] babe : you know , you 're not the first one who 's told me to run for the hills when it comes to a man . annie : your mom ? babe : yeah , yeah -- first with j.r. , now more recently with richie . annie : well , it 's harder to run from a brother . babe : i guess . you know , i had some pie - eyed notion that maybe you and richie would make peace -- you know , before he died . annie : that 's how it works in the movies , right ? babe : he does n't have much longer , annie . maybe -- maybe if you tried ? annie : i could , but richie does n't want peace , babe . what richie 's wanted , what richie 's wanted for years , is to take me down . [ phone rings ] babe : fusion . yes , hold on just one minute . um -- the hospital , one of richie 's doctors . annie : yes ? doctor : mrs. annie lavery ? annie : yeah ? doctor : this is dr. westlake at pine valley hospital . i 'm sorry to disturb you at work , but your brother 's condition is deteriorating rapidly . i thought a relative should be informed . annie : have you called my father ? dr. westlake : i see on richie 's chart that your father lives in chicago , several hours away ? annie : that 's right . dr. westlake : well , your brother may not have that long . annie : you mean he 's going to -- ok . um -- well , thank you for -- for calling . dr. westlake : he 's asking for you . what shall i tell him ? annie : i 'm not really sure . um -- but thank you , anyway . richie : well , is she coming ? what 'd she say ? man : i could n't tell . richie : you know , you 'd think if she heard that her brother was dying , you know -- man : pretty cold . richie : you could say that , yeah . man : so , why do you want her to come ? richie : settle old scores . man : what do you think you could settle in here ? richie : you 'd be amazed , man . hmm . [ scene_break ] erica : the women inmates your group assists -- i guess your job is to ease their transition back into civilian life . woman : well , most of the women we deal with are serving long prison terms . erica : so you handle their appeals ? woman : we 're not lawyers . we try to improve the quality of prison life . erica : but some of the women do get out , do n't they ? i mean , with -- with good behavior , with -- i mean , they do get out ? woman : well , occasionally , but that 's not our focus . erica : i see . well , what about wrongful convictions ? woman : well , actually , we function primarily as counselors . erica : well , what good is counseling if you do n't help these wrongfully convicted women fight their way out of prison ? woman : excuse me ? erica : i think that your entire approach actually sounds hopeless . woman : acceptance , we call it . erica : i call it defeat . [ scene_break ] judge : why implicate greenlee smythe in a fabricated crime and how exactly did you go about it ? your own words -- start with why . kendall : my son spike was in a car accident . greenlee smythe was driving . my son sustained internal injuries , and they repaired his spleen . but when he was recovering in the hospital , they discovered something else . greenlee : kendall -- kendall : get the hell away from my son . do n't you touch my son ! stay the hell away from him ! greenlee : i -- oh ! [ pans clatter ] greenlee : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry ! zach : kendall -- there 's something wrong with spike . joe : spike is deaf . kendall : i assumed that greenlee 's reckless driving had robbed my son of his ability to hear . he would be deaf for the rest of his life . i resolved to make greenlee pay for what she did . so , i pretended to reach out to her . i told her that i wanted to rebuild our friendship , and she seemed very eager to reconnect . i had access to greenlee 's penthouse , and i planted evidence little by little . i -- i purchased two seats on a flight to the u.s. virgin islands , a forged birth certificate for her son , and packed a suitcase full of new clothes for spike . zach : your honor , may i say something ? judge : you may not . zach : my wife is dealing with some misplaced guilt , and i think maybe -- judge : do n't force me to have you removed from my courtroom . please be seated . mrs. slater , on the night of the actual incident -- kendall : i stole chloroform from the hospital . and i asked greenlee to meet me at the boathouse . i pretended that i needed a friend to talk to about spike 's upcoming cochlear implant surgery . she was happy to meet me . she was kind and -- and supportive and unsuspecting . then , i -- i pretended to get an emergency phone call . i told greenlee that my husband , zach , had been hurt , so i asked her to stay with spike at the boathouse . i insisted she stay exactly where she was . when she was tending to my son , i hid close by . i reported that greenlee drugged me and snatched my boy right out of my arms . then , i chloroformed myself so that the police would find me . when they showed up , i swore that greenlee had kidnapped my son . judge : you framed an innocent woman , subjected her to false arrest , squandered valuable police hours , resources of the justice system to satisfy your lust for revenge ? jack : your honor , if i may interject in my client 's -- judge : no , mr. montgomery , you may not . what prompted you to finally tell the truth ? kendall : because of my false accusations , greenlee panicked and ran . and she almost died . judge : so you were ultimately motivated by pity ? kendall : i also discovered my son had been losing his hearing gradually over a long period of time -- not from the accident . so greenlee smythe had nothing to do with my son going deaf . greenlee smythe is n't guilty of anything , and i 'm here to clear her name . [ greenlee enters the courtroom in a wheelchair ] judge : i suppose that you should be commended for finally setting the record straight , but frankly , mrs. slater , i am unimpressed with your belated impulse to confess . you staged a reprehensible hoax on ms. smythe and the commonwealth of pennsylvania . kendall : i realize that now . greenlee smythe does n't belong in prison . judge : and what prompted this so - called revelation , mrs. slater ? greenlee : i can actually answer that , your honor . judge : and you are ? greenlee : greenlee smythe . jack : your honor , i 'd like to move for a short recess . judge : oh , please , just sit down , mr. montgomery . jack : your honor , i need to confer with my clients . judge : i know , i know , but i need to get to the bottom of this . ms. smythe , will you please come forward ? kendall : no . no , no , no , no . greenlee , stop . stop , stop . greenlee : no . kendall : please , do n't do this , greenlee , come on . judge : bailiff , will you swear in ms. smythe ? bailiff : what is your name ? greenlee : greenlee smythe . kendall : i object , your honor . judge : be quiet and sit down . bailiff : do you swear to tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth ? greenlee : i do . judge : now , you obviously have , or you think you have , information bearing on this case . greenlee : yes , your honor , i do . judge : proceed . greenlee : your honor -- um -- it happened two years ago . kendall slater is my best friend . i was desperate to have a child with the man i was married to at the time . my husband did n't want to have one , but i was determined to conceive . judge : ms. smythe , this story seems far afield from the issues we 're weighing today . greenlee : i know , your honor , but the fact is , is we would n't be here if it was n't for a series of events that happened in a fertility clinic a very long two years ago . [ scene_break ] erica : it just seems to me that the way to help women in prison who are wrongly accused is to work to get them out , and hope that the people in your organization can help them with their new beginning . after all , that 's what this show is all about . so thank you , dana . and thank you for watching . [ `` new beginnings `` theme plays ] man : and we 're out . [ cheers and applause ] pam : kendall 's hearing just started . erica : ok . i 'm out of here . bye . woman : bye . [ scene_break ] krystal : it 's really great to know that you think i am a complete idiot . tad : i did n't say that . krystal : hmm . you are afraid of my feelings for adam . like i 'm just going to run over there and strip my clothes off ? tad : well , it would n't be the first time it 's happened . krystal : all right , that 's it . tad : no , no , no -- ok , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . [ jenny fusses ] tad : i apologize -- yeah . look , i -- that was a lousy thing to say . i admit it , ok ? i was an idiot . but it 's a fact -- i 'm scared . you 're doing everything you can for me and jenny , but the truth is , he 's still got a hold on you , right ? and i know from firsthand experience how hard that is to break . it 's a hell of a job . i was just -- i was just kind of hoping that , you know , our marriage would help with that . krystal : it did . tad : not enough . krystal : look , you know , and i know that i 'm not where i need to be , ok ? i admit that . ok ? but where do i go from here , huh ? [ scene_break ] adam : you asked me to reach out to you . no games , no lies , no threats . i 'm doing what you said you wanted . and you 're still blowing me off . why ? j.r. : maybe because i 've heard it all -- what you 've done to me , what you 've done to krystal , all in the name of love . adam : i 've apologized for my mistakes . j.r. : well , you know what you can do with your apologies . adam : you 're right . i do n't know why i keep trying . $ 50 million . is that new enough ? does $ 50 million get your attention ? [ scene_break ] [ murmuring ] annie : according to the doctor , babe -- um -- this is it . richie 's -- about to die . babe : what are you going to do ? annie : i do n't know . what would you do in my place ? no , do n't answer that . i already know . babe : he 's your brother , annie . you 'll hate yourself if you do n't see him one last time . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my rage , my bitterness , my public threat to sue for custody for ryan and kendall 's son , my obsession with wanting to have ryan lavery 's child -- the fact that i virtually stalked kendall and her children when i was told to stay away -- all of these things made kendall believe that i was planning on kidnapping her baby . i mean , i was n't , but even i could see why she would believe that . [ hannah comes into the courtroom and sits down ] jack : your honor , if i may address the court -- judge : are you finished , ms. smythe ? greenlee : yes , i am . judge : all right , mr. montgomery , but keep it brief . jack : i will , your honor . are you ok ? your honor , my client 's fears for her son spike were compounded by extreme physical and emotional stresses -- the accident , spike 's life - threatening injuries , his deafness , his subsequent surgeries , and of course , kendall 's own emergency c - section , her son ian 's premature birth , and the fact that he spent the first few weeks of his life at the brink of death . all of these factors combined to put my client in a vise- like grip of terror . she was literally traumatized , your honor . this counsel implores this court to consider these facts , the fact that she was under extreme emotional duress , and that she is here , despite the fact that she could lose her freedom , so that she can tell the truth . judge : you and counsel are in accord that ms. slater should get off with a slap on the wrist ? d.a . : your honor , i would n't exactly describe it in those words . long probation and community service . judge : light penalties for egregious acts . i 'm going to adjourn to review the case . principals should remain on site . i 'll be delivering my ruling very shortly . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise . judge : court is now in recess . kendall : thank you . greenlee : but all i did was tell the truth . i mean , you -- you left out something that -- that would send me to trial . kendall : no , greenlee , do n't bring it up , do n't . greenlee : but , kendall , i did take spike that night , the night of the accident , i did , and you told everyone all the bad things you did , but you left out that i almost ran away with your son . [ scene_break ] richie : alas , poor richie . i knew him well . hell of a guy . handsome , smart , and that 's how it goes . the brightest stars always burn out the fastest . [ annie walks in ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : so , you 'll give me $ 50 million to have dinner with you ? a game of squash from time to time ? adam : i have a plan . j.r. : hmm . but not the capital . not the 50 million . adam : no . but i will very soon . and that , and a lot more , will fall into my coffers . j.r. : you 're telling me about this fortune that you 're coming into because -- adam : because you 're my son . and of course , i want you to be a part of it . [ scene_break ] tad : no , it 's not where you go , it 's where we go . we go take jenny to the baby gym . you know , we eat dinner together every night as a family . we stock up on dvds , we cuddle up on the sofa to watch movies . and every once in a while , we spring for a night out on the town . we act like a married couple with a baby , because that 's exactly what we are . krystal : and the adam thing ? tad : yeah , well , that 's not going away too quickly , so -- you 're doing what you can , so i will , too . i will try to keep my mouth shut . about adam , anyway . krystal : hmm . all right , and i 'll do my best to remind myself that i 'm very lucky to be part of a loving family . tad : a little bit of luck , some occasional loving ? krystal : oh -- tad : no , i 'm serious . i do n't know -- i think we got a shot at something pretty wonderful . [ scene_break ] judge : emotional duress is a catchall excuse for a staggering range of heinous acts . i am not inclined to indulge the self - pitying of whining criminals . however , in this case , the wronged individual has made a persuasive case for her tormentor . ms. smythe 's plea on behalf of mrs. slater has impressed me a great deal . so , reluctantly , i am going to accept the plea agreement . mrs. slater , i am sentencing you to five years , to be served on probation , a $ 50,000 fine , and 500 hours of community service . do not let me see you in my court again . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise . kendall : thank you , your honor . thank you . erica : sweetheart -- kendall : oh , mom -- erica : good . kendall : oh , my gosh . [ looking very unhappy , hannah storms out while everyone else celebrates ] [ scene_break ] annie : richie , how do you feel ? richie : it 's almost over , annie . i just wanted to give you something to remember me by . [ richie begins to pull the knife out of his pocket until babe arrives ] babe : sorry it took me so long . i could n't find a place to park . [ next_on ] richie : i want to confess everything . you were right about me . [ from the rooftop , hannah fires a rifle at kendall , while ryan throws himself in front of her ] | kendall appears in court with jack by her side as her lawyer and zach and ryan there for support . erica is ready to go on the air with her `` new beginnings `` show , but she wants a car to stand by so she can leave for the courthouse . aidan comes to get greenlee at the hospital , but she wants to go by the courthouse before she goes on home . kendall hears the charges against her . kendall pleads guilty to all the charges . kendall tells the judge everything that had led up to her stealing the chloroform from the hospital , and reporting to the police that greenlee had stolen her little boy . richie puts his plan in motion to place all the blame on annie for stabbing him . richie cons one of his inmates to pose as a doctor and call annie to come to the hospital because his time is near . adam and j.r. have breakfast together . adam tries to con j.r. into moving back in with him at the tune of fifty million dollars . krystal and tad ca n't seem to keep their eyes off of adam and j.r. aidan and greenlee appear in court . greenlee asks to make a statement on kendall 's behalf . after greenlee makes her statement , the judge calls for a recess . the judge agrees to put kendall on probation for five years , pay fifteen thousand dollars and five hundred hours of community service . hannah walks in just as the hearing is coming to a close . she hurries out before anyone can see her . |
aidan : what , you want to go tame on me now ? i mean , if you want , we can always go and find some pots and bang them together . anita : no , wild is good . whoo ! [ scene_break ] kendall : all right , ok , enough . now get off of me , please . greenlee : no , no , ice reduces the swelling . do you have any vitamin e ? it 's supposed to reduce bruising . how about some tea -- herbal ? you seem a little uptight . kendall : the towel -- it 's all wet . greenlee : no , just a few more minutes , ok ? i just want to make sure you 're all right . kendall : well , i was before you kicked me . greenlee : did n't we just have a moment about that ? `` thank you , `` `` sorry `` -- it does n't work for us . now we know where we stand . you absolutely did n't drug me . kendall : goody . great . ok , you trust me . i have the bruise to prove it . greenlee : and i remember -- you saved my life the night that i launched myself off that trapeze . if it had n't been for you -- kendall : well , i feel your gratitude . greenlee : you 've told me to take a flying leap how many times ? you could 've let me do it . why save me ? kendall : easy . enchantment sales are through the roof , and if you had taken a leap off of ours , the profits would 've crashed and burned with you . [ scene_break ] ethan : you still think i 'm zach 's son ? ryan : a little tingly feeling in the back of my neck . ethan : well , then you have n't been paying attention , ryan , because there 's solid evidence -- ryan : zach 's evidence . ethan : that i 'm not . so let 's just leave it at that , shall we ? ryan : you see , i ca n't do that because i keep coming back to the same place . ethan : drop it , ryan . ryan : just pretend for one minute that you are his son . ethan : do me a favor , ok ? leave me out of your fantasies . kendall , too . ryan : if it 's real , he lied to you , he lied to all of us . ethan : honestly , i really do n't care whether slater lied to me , you , and everybody . i do n't care ! ryan : just think about it . he 's doing everything in his power to wave you away from kendall . now , why would he do that ? ethan : not everybody understands kendall 's charms , ryan . ryan : zach knows that if you hook up with kendall , you stay . and if you stay , you find out the truth , and that is the last thing that he wants . [ scene_break ] zach : i love you , and i want you to be with me . what ? [ scene_break ] ethan : zach slater is not my father . ryan : you sure about that ? ethan : settled a long time ago , ryan . you 're flogging a dead horse . ryan : so you 're afraid ? or are you just stupid ? ethan : no , i 'm smart . i 'm smart enough to know when to move on . i suggest you do the same . ryan : slater 's a liar . you and i both know that . ethan : there 's dna evidence , ryan . ryan : oh , come on , do n't do that . do n't add `` naive `` to your list . i mean , he could 've bought that evidence . ethan : i 'm satisfied . i 'm satisfied . ryan : i do n't understand , because when you first came to town you were gunning for any evidence of your paternity . now you have the chance to find out the truth from an unimpeachable source , and you put on the brakes . ethan : it 's a great pitch , ryan , but i believe slater . ryan : huh . ok , me , personally , i would believe miranda . she wo n't lie to you . ethan : there 's more than dna evidence , though . zach told everybody in this town who would listen to him that i was n't his son . why would he do that if it was n't true ? ryan : i do n't know . why does zach do any of the things that he does ? why would he hide his identity ? why would he set up the murder game and put a gun in kendall 's hand ? why would he shoot at me , and even you believe that he did that . and now you believe that he 's framing kendall for poisoning greenlee . why would he do any of that ? ethan : i do n't know , ryan , ok ? i do n't know . ryan : well , there 's only one way to find the answers . take a dna test . find out who you really are . [ scene_break ] danielle : this is amazing -- these flowers , the candles , this fruit basket . reggie : the nice , big , cozy bed . danielle : no one 's ever gotten me a fruit basket before . reggie : what , you think it 's too much ? danielle : you 're too much . it 's -- it 's wonderful . reggie : what can i say ? i 've been inspired by beauty . danielle : oh , yeah ? how ? reggie : well , first of all , you 're beyond beautiful . and you 're smart . you make me laugh . and you 're fun , and too sexy . danielle : you trying to run game on me ? reggie : you 're damn right . i mean , you 're a total dime . and you 're too hot to handle . danielle : no , too starving . [ scene_break ] jack : ladies , a little sparkling cider . may 2005 bring even more miracles and joy to our family and loved ones . lily : and to my boyfriend . jack : ahem . erica : aidan devane ? lily : we have a lot in common . we both like mysteries , and i 'm not ready for touching , and neither is he . jack : yes , well , i -- i think it 's terrific . erica : aidan 's a great guy . lily : he gave me his coat . i can hold it , or i can wear it to feel close to him . he says i have beautiful eyes . erica : well , you do . and i 'm very glad you found someone to spend time with . lily : like you found my dad ? was he your first boyfriend , too ? erica : no , no , he was n't my first . lily : was he your second ? is that funny ? erica : is it ? jack : well , you see , erica 's been dating a lot longer than you , so naturally she would have had more boyfriends . lily : like , how many more ? erica : oh , i -- i do n't remember . lily : more than five ? erica : yes , definitely more than five . lily : more than seven ? jack : well , actually , sweetheart , the number , great though it may be , does n't really matter . what matters is that erica and i will be each other 's last boyfriend and girlfriend . erica : your father is so right . i definitely saved the best for last . [ scene_break ] anita : you want me to do what ? aidan : oh , come on . it 's tradition . you know , as soon you hit the water , you 'll be the newest member of the polar bear club . anita : yeah , but polar bears wear fur , not silk . aidan : it 's the best way to get rid of last year 's crud and start the new year fresh again . anita : well , i guess i do feel a little loaded down . aidan : that 's the spirit . you ready ? anita : ca n't wait . oh , my god , i think my brain is freezing . aidan : you know , the best thing about getting cold is getting warm again . but if you want , we can get dressed and join the suits in the conga line . anita : and be stuck with last year 's crud ? no way . happy new year ! [ splash ] aidan : i 'm coming ! oh ! [ splash ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : you have a theory ? kendall : big bang ? conspiracy ? what ? greenlee : about who drugged me . kendall : well , i know who did n't -- ethan . greenlee : just because he 's got that british charm thing going on -- the accent , the killer smile -- kendall : `` killer `` being the operative word ? greenlee : i get you do n't want him to be guilty . kendall : he 's not . greenlee : maybe you should start thinking with your brain and not with your -- kendall : no , he did not -- he did not drug you , and he did not shoot ryan . [ scene_break ] ethan : ryan , i 'm not taking a dna test . ryan : you have to . ethan : no , i do n't . miranda is the cambias heir now . you transferred the estate over to her . what 's happened is the best possible resolution of this situation . bianca has her baby back . ryan : that 's very touching . it really is . but if you really cared about that baby -- about miranda -- you would take the test . kendall : wait a minute . what does ethan taking a dna test have to do with my niece ? ryan : miranda could be in danger . kendall : why would anybody want to hurt miranda ? ryan : control . greenlee : money . power . take your pick . ethan : it 's nonsense , kendall . ryan : since i 've taken over cambias , i 've taken a bullet in the gut , i 've been shot at a second time , my wife 's been poisoned . do i really have to spell this out for you ? when i sign it over to miranda , she will be the next target . kendall : no . no , not miranda . ethan : it 's a scare tactic , kendall . do n't listen to him , ok ? ryan : you want to take that chance ? ethan : listen , do n't let him get to you . kendall : yeah , well , what if it 's true ? ethan : if it 's true , i promise you , i will use everything at my disposal to protect miranda and her mother . ryan : like the shotgun in your storage locker ? ethan : ryan , i do n't like you much , but i did n't shoot you . and you know i would never harm bianca or her daughter . greenlee : we should believe you because -- ethan : when i first came to this town , bianca was the only person save kendall who gave me a chance , who befriended me . and she still wants to help me . just this evening , she offered me another sample of miranda 's dna . ryan : well , then what are you waiting for ? ethan : ryan , i told you . i 'm not interested , ok ? i turned her down . ryan : and i go back to my original question . why the hell would you do that ? [ scene_break ] maria : i 'm sorry , i just -- i ca n't . because i -- i did n't know how -- that i was going to feel like this , and , you know -- and i do n't -- i want you . i do . but i do n't know where i belong right now , at all . zach : you belong with me -- maria : zach -- zach : when you 're ready . maria : i do n't know when that 's going to be , zach . zach : i 'll wait . maria : i ca n't ask you to do that . zach : why not ? not going to give up on you . i 'll give you anything you need -- time , space . you name it . but i will not stop fighting for you . zach : happy new year . maria : happy new year . [ scene_break ] [ anita laughs ] aidan : whoa ! anita : i have never been so cold in my entire life ! aidan : i 'll turn this up . anita : aidan , come get under here . you 're going to freeze to death . aidan : you know , if i get under there , it 's not going to be to warm up . anita : so do you do this every year ? aidan : absolutely . i would n't miss it for the world . what do you reckon ? want to make it part of your permanent resolution ? anita : on one condition . you promise that the water will be colder . aidan : well , i 'll see what i can do . anita : good , because i have got all kinds of resolutions . aidan : oh , really ? like what ? anita : like i -- i want to jump out of an airplane . aidan : no , i love that . i 'll come with you and i 'll pack your chute for you if you like . what else ? anita : white - water rafting . aidan : really ? you know , there 's a river -- yock . it 's quite close to here . we could go together sometime . anita : have you done everything i want to do ? aidan : oh , i do n't think so . there must be something that i 've missed . anita : belly dancing ? aidan : i 've only watched , but i 'll be more than happy to watch you . something tells me that you 're a natural . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'll take that and this . erica : thank you . lily : you 're getting married ? erica : very soon . lily : do i have to marry aidan ? jack : absolutely not . erica : no . no , i mean , you 're way too young to even think about marriage . jack : yes , and you will be for a long , long , long , long time . lily : erica , you gave me really good advice about looking stylish and friendly and not ready for sex . will you give me some more when i need it ? erica : you know i will . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa . what 's wrong with dear old dad here ? i mean , i have come up with a few words of wisdom from time to time , no ? lily : you ca n't help me . you only know about how to be a boyfriend . i need to know how to be a girlfriend , and erica 's had lots of experience -- over seven times . jack : yes , well , you got me there . erica : lily , do n't you worry . whatever advice you need , i will tell you everything you need to know . [ scene_break ] danielle : why would anybody want to eat a hairy fruit ? reggie : what ? all right , do you want to tell me what 's wrong ? danielle : nothing . it 's perfect ! i 'm going to eat everything in this basket , including the hairy one . reggie : no , i 'm talking about this weird vibe you 're giving me . danielle : not a problem . [ radio turns on ] reggie : yeah , i like that one . danielle : oh , too retro . [ music changes ] reggie : all right , dani , give it up . [ radio turns off ] reggie : what is wrong ? danielle : what 's the matter ? reggie : that 's my question . i tell you i love you . i 'm pouring out my heart , and you 're eating fruit . i mean -- danielle : i 'm hungry , i told you . that 's all . reggie : did i freak you out ? i came on too strong , did n't i ? danielle : just chill . reggie : that 's what i want to know . if you want me to cool things down , then i can deal with it . just tell me what 's on your mind . danielle : the truth ? i 'm all about you . i mean , you 're the coolest guy i 've ever met . wherever you are , that 's where i want to be . reggie : then , baby , what 's the problem ? i mean , is it your dad ? danielle : i can handle my dad . reggie : whatever it is , i can take it . i mean , we can work through it together . just -- how bad could it be ? danielle : i 'm a virgin . [ scene_break ] ethan : i 'm over the fantasy of being a cambias . i do n't know how many times i have to tell you . ryan : until you believe it . ethan : ryan , there is no reason for a second dna test . ryan : i can think of a few . ethan : well , unfortunately , it 's not up to you . it 's my decision , ok ? ryan : you know what ? you nixed the test first time around . i did n't say anything because i did n't know what your game was . but if you refuse now , i mean , it screams you were a fraud from the get - go . ethan : do n't you dare . i believed the letter from my mother and her birth certificate . kendall : that 's not fair , ryan , ok ? ethan really believed he was a cambias . he had the proof . greenlee : or forgeries . ryan : now that miranda 's here and bianca says it 's ok , `` i do n't want to `` just does n't cut it anymore , not with all your chest pounding and your self- righteous crap you 've been throwing around . kendall : lay off of him , all right ? ethan has his reasons ! ethan : kendall , just leave it ! ! ryan : well , mine trump his . take the test . if your dna is a match , a new cambias is crowned , and you get what you came for . and maybe the shooter will put the target on you instead of miranda . greenlee : so , get rich , protect a kid . you got a better reason not to take the test ? you know , i do n't get that guy . what 's the big deal ? they swab a cheek , they prick a finger . that 's it . kendall : no , that 's not it . you guys do n't seem to get it . you have all of your reasons why ethan should take this test . you do n't even have a clue as to why he ca n't . greenlee : wo n't . kendall : it 's not as simple as giving some blood . ryan : so share . kendall : ethan came to town totally amped about claiming his dead dad , and then he finds a very much alive , sadistic creep . he 's sure that zach shot you , drugged you , maybe framed me . i mean , it 's not exactly a welcome to the family . greenlee : if zach 's his father , a couple billion should ease the pain . kendall : just get past the money . imagine how he 's going to feel to find out that his uncle could be a rapist and his father a lying skeeve . greenlee : no one gets to choose their family . he should just suck it up like the rest of us . smile and pass the peas at thanksgiving . kendall : yeah , well , what if your family does n't choose you ? zach swears up and down ethan is not his son and ca n't wait to get him out of town . he even tried to pay him off . why in god 's name would ethan want to take a dna test to prove that his own father does n't want him ? [ scene_break ] ethan : wait . zach : what ? it 's too late , and i 'm too old and too tired to fight you . leave me alone . ethan : no , i do n't want to fight . zach : what do you want ? ethan : this cambias curse -- tell me about it . zach : why ? you 're not a cambias . ethan : no , but miranda is . zach : it 's still not your problem . ethan : please . what is this thing that is so horrible , you 've spent your entire life running from it ? will it -- will it touch miranda ? what is this curse ? i mean , is it the money ? is it power ? zach : money and power , huh ? money and power -- it does n't matter how much you have . it 's never enough . and the one thing that you truly want -- the one thing -- is always just out of reach . that 's what festers . and that 's what rots your soul . ethan : but if you can control the money or the power -- the desire for it , at least -- then where 's the curse ? zach : you ca n't own love . you ca n't control it . that 's the cambias curse . our need and our desire to control strangles love right where it lives . ethan : the cambias clan ca n't find love . it 's no revelation . zach : that 's not what i said . there were a few lucky enough to find it . but no cambias could ever hold onto it . [ scene_break ] edmund : hey . maria : hey . where 's maddie ? is she asleep ? edmund : no , no , no , she 's upstairs talking to her friends online , listening to music -- if you can call this music . maria : i remember those days . edmund : well , it 's been a long night . good night . maria : you want me to drive you down to the hunting lodge ? edmund : no , that 's all right . i can call my driver . maria : hey , edmund , would -- wait a sec . i just want to -- i want to talk to you about something . maria : ahem . we 're in this mess because of the secrets that i kept , and all for the wrong reasons . and -- and i thought i was n't hurting anyone , which was bull and i know that . i know that now . so i figure better the truth now , right ? i do n't want to hurt you , though , but better the truth than more lies . right ? i was just with zach . [ scene_break ] jack : hey . erica : oh , i could just watch bianca and miranda sleep all night . jack : well , sure . how often do you have two miracles right in the next room ? erica : oh , jack , i just have this feeling . do you feel it ? peace . complete and absolute peace . i mean , for the first time in such a long time , our children are safe . oh , i wish it could last forever . jack : hey , hey , hey , who says it ca n't ? you up to eloping ? erica : and miss the most amazing wedding on the planet ? jack : should i be afraid ? erica : very . [ scene_break ] anita : you were really great with lily tonight . aidan : yeah , right . after i got over the shock that she wanted to date me . of course , it 's not going to be easy . anita : why is that ? aidan : well , my trigonometry is a bit rusty . anita : well , i 'm sure she 'll be gentle . no , but really , you were just so great with her . you could have blown her off , and you did n't . and she 's so cute . every time you spoke to her , she would blush . aidan : you know , i get a kick out of how honest she is . i mean , she 's just got no shame about showing her feelings . you know , she just puts herself out there . it 's really hard to find that in the real world . anita : well , you just have to know where to look . aidan : shooting star . quick , make a wish . anita : i see it , i see it ! aidan : did you make a wish ? anita : of course . aidan : well , tell me , then . what did you wish our ? anita : besides thermal underwear ? aidan : come on , you . anita : it was about you . [ scene_break ] danielle : you think i 'm a total loser , do n't you ? you mad ? reggie : no , i 'm just surprised , that 's all . danielle : you think i led you on ? what ? virgins got to wear high collars and ugly shoes ? reggie : just forget it , ok ? danielle : so you know , i have -- i have nothing against sex . i 'm just not ready . reggie : you 're not ready , or not me ? which one ? danielle : it 's you . it 's all you . there 's no one else . i mean , and i want to when it feels right . no one 's ever done anything like this for me before . if you can wait just a little bit longer -- ok . fine . you do n't want to wait ? you got to turn it out now ? grab yourself a hoochie mama and -- reggie : no , danielle , it 's -- danielle : what ? reggie : no , wait . can you just wait ? you do n't understand . danielle : well , sure i do . you have the room for the whole night . why do n't you buzz up a hoochie mama and get your money 's worth ! reggie : no , dani -- look , can you just shut up , please ? can you just please wait a second ? danielle : well ? what ? all right , fine . see you , or not . reggie : no , wait . all right , all right , danielle , i -- i 'm a virgin , too . [ scene_break ] kendall : just try to see this from ethan 's point of view . greenlee : behind a scope ? kendall : ryan , remember when you found out that chris stamp was your real father , not patrick lavery ? ryan : one of the better days of my life . kendall : and you -- you thought that that heartless sob was your real dad . he was more attached to your trust fund than you . now , how happy were you when you found out that jackson was your real father ? i mean , the two of you -- the two of you traded up and you hit the daddy lotto . ethan takes his shot and he gets garbage . greenlee : well , knowing is still better than not knowing , right ? kendall : yeah , but ethan goes for this , there 's no going back . greenlee : he was excited he was a cambias when he walked into the office demanding his inheritance . kendall : it 's always about the money with you . all ethan wants to do is to find out who he is and where he fits in . he finally feels like he can belong somewhere . he can look at someone 's face and see his own -- know he 's home . but now the man that ethan thinks created him -- the one man -- the one man that he wants to be like turns out to be someone he despises . [ scene_break ] zach : the third degree is over . good night . ethan : well , i just find it hard to believe that a tough guy like you is afraid of a curse . zach : only the arrogant think they can beat it . my father could n't . my brother could n't . ethan : what about you ? name changes , revised history . any of it made a difference ? zach : the luckiest day of your life is when i told you you were n't my son . so what are you doing ? why are you trying to hold on to some hope that you 're part of this pathetic family ? ethan : i 'm beyond relieved . what do i want with curses , evil legacies ? i 'm going to pick up my garlic , pack up my stakes , and get right out of here . zach : you mean it ? ethan : yeah . yeah , as soon as my trial 's over , i 'll either be heading back to london -- if i 'm lucky -- or if not , i 'll be going to statesville , i guess . zach : what about kendall ? ethan : wrong as you are about so many things , you may be right about her . good night . [ scene_break ] edmund : thank you for being honest . maria : but i did n't -- i did n't sleep with zach . edmund : maria , details are n't necessary . maria : no , they are , because i -- he wanted me to , and he was telling me that he wanted to have a life with me . and i was really tempted because -- i do n't know -- i 've just -- i have been so lost , edmund . i 've been so lost , and it just felt good to be wanted . edmund : maria , it 's not necessary . maria : you know , i did n't because i thought about you , and i thought about the way that we fell in love . and it was just so amazing and so intense and so like a dream . but better , because it was real . and it still is for me . so maybe we ca n't -- maybe we ca n't go back to that crazy - in - love place . and that 's ok . i accept that . but maybe we can -- i just ca n't believe that this is gone because it was too big . it was too -- too important . tell me that we have a chance . do n't we ? edmund : we can never get back what we had . maria : i know . i know we ca n't . but maybe we can -- you know , if we work together and we work really hard , maybe we can create something new . maybe we can make something stronger , something even better . edmund : i do n't know . happy new year . [ scene_break ] aidan : so are you going to tell me what you wished for , or are you going to make me guess ? anita : i wished that you would kiss me . that confirms it . aidan : what ? anita : there 's something else that i want in 2005 more than skydiving and white - water rafting . aidan : well , some belly dancing ? anita : you . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'd like to hear a little more about this amazing wedding you 've concocted . erica : ever ridden a camel ? jack : oddly enough , no . erica : well , i think the pyramids would be a beautiful backdrop for a ceremony . jack : sure , but what if a sandstorm came up ? it would ruin your hair and makeup . erica : hmm , true . jack : hmm . erica : what about machu picchu ? exotic , beautiful , one of the wonders of the world . jack : redundant . it 's just like you . erica : thank you . i love you . i love you so much . and i have for so many years , and i ca n't believe that we 're really going to make this happen . we 're going to make it right . jack : yeah . erica : forever . jack : yeah . come here , you . you know , we may have lost each other a few times along the way -- well , maybe more than a few times . but you , my dear -- you were always my heart , and you always will be . [ scene_break ] danielle : i ca n't believe you 're a virgin , too . i mean , you 're just so cool about everything . reggie : `` cool `` is just a state of mind . it 's got nothing to do with getting some . i mean , in my old neighborhood , the guys -- they always bragging about it , you know ? when they was going to smash , who they smashed , how often they got it . i mean , after a while , it just -- it just did n't mean anything . and that 's not how i want it to be with you . i want it to be real , not something just to brag about . danielle : i did n't realize anyone else felt that way . reggie : i 've seen too much . i was just scared of screwing up , having a kid by a girl i barely even knew . danielle : but you 're ready now ? reggie : very ready . you know , except for the whole dad part , i mean . danielle : i 've screwed everything up . reggie : no , dani . did you hear me ? i said i love you . `` i love you `` means i 'm willing to wait till you 're ready . danielle : you mean it ? reggie : i would n't say it if i did n't . we 're going to be each other 's first , ok ? [ scene_break ] ryan : it 's not over , kendall . and it wo n't be until ethan takes that test . kendall : well , just let me talk to him . ryan : and that 's supposed to make me feel better ? greenlee : well , if anyone can get through to him -- ethan : still here ? kendall : they were just leaving . ryan : is something wrong with the front door ? ethan : slater . i saw him outside . we had a little chat . i did n't want him to see me come back in through the front . ryan : and why is that ? you find something out ? ethan : nothing to interest you . but he 's definitely hiding something . kendall : what , you think that zach is evil enough to hurt his own niece ? ethan : first let 's find out if he 's evil enough to hurt his own son . kendall : you 're going to take the test ? ethan : if i am a cambias , it 's the best way that i can protect miranda , and i can put a crimp in slater 's plans , whatever they are . ryan : well , it 's about time . how 's tomorrow for you ? kendall : ok , all right , you 're out of here . ryan : you 're doing the right thing , man . greenlee : thanks . for everything . kendall : i believe you . you do n't have to kick me twice . zach got to you , did n't he ? hmm . what did he say ? what was that for ? ethan : for being on my side . win , lose , or draw , i know i 'll -- i know i 'll have you with me . kendall : well , no matter what , you 've got me . [ next_on ] joe : there really is n't a person in all of pine valley who is n't in debt to agnes . opal : you 'd think she built the town single - handed . j.r. : you shot a man , killed him to protect jamie . you 'd better start protecting him again . adam : i want to talk to you about j.r. 's son . | greenlee and ryan try to persuade ethan to get a dna test to prove whether he 's zach 's son . at first he refuses . but after talking to zach , he 's able to tell that zach is hiding something and he agrees , realizing that he needs to protect miranda if she 's going to be getting the cambias estate and if he 's related to her . anita and aiden have a good thing going and swim in the freezing river . lily announces to erica that aiden is her boyfriend and consults her for some `` woman to woman `` advice about having boyfriends . reggie wants to sleep with danielle . but she reveals to him that she 's a virgin . to her surprise , he reveals that he is also . |
revelers : 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 -- erica : please help me . i need you . [ man hums `` auld lang syne `` ] caleb : you can count on me . [ noisemakers blow ] caleb : you can trust me . [ kisses erica ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : i knew she would crash right before the ball dropped . ryan : she did . she collapsed . i 'm telling you , she sets her mind to something and she does it , kind of like somebody else i know . [ telephone rings ] ryan : are you kidding me right now ? it 's the hospital . hello ? hey , frankie . [ greenlee remembers ] madison : i want this baby . ryan : ok . thanks for calling . greenlee : what happened ? ryan : it 's kendall . greenlee : she 's in the hospital ? ryan : could be complications with her heart . [ scene_break ] asher : happy new year , man . j.r. : hey . thanks . same to you . i mean that . i know things have been crazy lately , but that 's sort of how this family works . so you ca n't escape now even if you wanted to . asher : thanks . hey , how do you do it , man ? j.r. : do what ? asher : you just spent new year 's with marissa and a.j . , right ? j.r. : yeah ? asher : and i 'm guessing you 're gon na go chill out with your girlfriend ? so what 's your plan when it all hits the fan ? [ scene_break ] reporter : confetti 's been thrown , everyone 's gotten their midnight kiss , but we 're -- [ annie turns off tv ] [ scene_break ] griffin : we 're treating kendall 's pneumonia as aggressively as we can . bianca : because you 're worried about rejection of the donor heart ? griffin : you always jump to the worst - case scenario ? jack : ok , doctor , what 's the best - case scenario ? griffin : that the antibiotics work their magic . before you know it , she 's good as new -- or at least to where she was before the infection . bianca : can we see her ? griffin : i 'm gon na hold off on visitors for a little while . let your sister get some rest . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach . [ scene_break ] jack : thank you , doctor . boy , it must be killing your mom not to be able to see kendall . bianca : yeah , that must be why she 's not here . she probably could n't stand sitting around , not doing anything . jack : yeah , i 'm sure that 's it . i 'm just surprised she has n't at least called . [ scene_break ] [ crowd cheering ] [ noisemakers blow ] erica : what am i doing ? this has been such an emotional night , after everything that happened with kendall and everything . caleb : i think we both know that this was always gon na happen . erica : what do you mean ? caleb : do n't beat yourself up over this . erica : i ca n't even really think about this right now , not with kendall lying in the hospital like that . i mean , i do n't know how much more her heart can take . caleb , you have to promise me that you wo n't say anything to anyone . i mean , kendall -- she can never remember that she is the one who shot david . caleb : whatever happens between you and me is between us . erica : i should get back . even if i ca n't see kendall , i can at least be close . thank you . caleb , thank you for protecting my daughter . caleb : you 're welcome . [ scene_break ] greenlee : just when things seemed like they were getting back to normal , pneumonia ? ryan : she collapsed . erica brought her in . i mean , you let yourself get run down with an infection like this , there 's a serious , serious chance of rejection . greenlee : we need to get to the hospital . ryan : ok . i 'm gon na call annie and see if she can watch emma . wait . greenlee : what ? ryan : spike and ian . sandra 's watching them right now , but sandra does n't usually stay overnight . she does n't know the drill when spike wakes up . greenlee : ok . here 's what we 're gon na do . you wait here until annie can get here , and then you go to the hospital . i 'll go to kendall 's , i 'll relieve the nanny , and i 'll be there if one of the boys wakes up . ryan : are you sure ? greenlee : this is what we do , right ? ryan : yeah . ok . [ scene_break ] jack : so how will we know if the antibiotics are working ? griffin : it 's hard to say . we 're hitting her with everything we 've got , then we 're gon na focus on bringing her blood pressure down . bianca : but it 's all doable , right ? she could be fine ? griffin : right now the odds are in her favor . if you 'll excuse me , i 'm gon na go check on her vitals . jack : thanks . yeah . how you holding up ? are you ok ? bianca : i 'm fine . i just want to see her . jack : we 'll get in and see -- hi . hi . i am so , so sorry about everything that happened . erica : has there been any change ? jack : she 's still sleeping . bianca : dr. castillo 's checking in on her now . jack : yeah , i just -- i 'm just so sorry we fought like that . erica : oh . do n't -- really . i 'm not even -- that 's the last thing i 'm thinking about . jack : i realize kendall is what we have to give our attention to . i know that . erica : yes . [ scene_break ] caleb : any news on your sister ? bianca : just a whole lot of doctor - speak . caleb : you got to look after her . bianca : they wo n't let me in to see her . caleb : i mean your mom . [ scene_break ] griffin : what are you doing in here ? rev . torres : i 'm a minister . griffin : i know who you are . no visitors , even those sent by god . [ scene_break ] j.r. : nothing is hitting the fan . asher : i heard about caleb getting cortlandt electronics back . j.r. : ok , i 'll give you that . some things have hit the fan at chandler , but that 's how it works . one minute palmer would be on top , the next minute my father was pinning him to the mat . asher : so , what , you and caleb are gon na be like the next adam and palmer ? j.r. : palmer and my father were the real deal . i only wish to be half of what they were . caleb does n't measure up . ok ? the one thing i do have going for me is i have chandler and cortlandt blood running through my veins . it was n't easy to be in the middle , but now that gives me an edge . asher : maybe that 's why you 're so good at keeping things so chill between you and marissa without freaking annie out . j.r. : it 's finally paid off . marissa 's agreed to joint custody , and my son is n't going anywhere . asher : dude , that 's awesome . j.r. : yeah , it is . thank you . asher : now you guys can go public or whatever . j.r. : not until the divorce papers are final . now that we 're family , asher , i can count on you to be discreet ? asher : hey , if this thing gets out between you and annie , it wo n't be because of me . [ scene_break ] [ telephone rings ] annie : j.r. , where are you ? ryan : annie ? annie : ryan . hey . sorry . i thought you were -- ryan : i know exactly who you thought i was . i 'm glad you 're still awake . annie : why ? is emma ok ? ryan : she 's fine . she 's fine . but i need you to come over here and take care of her for a little while . ok ? annie : right now ? ryan : yes . now . annie : ryan , it 's not really a good time . ryan : annie , listen . this is really , really important . ok ? i just need you to come over here and take care of our little girl . [ scene_break ] madison : kendall invited me over to watch the ball drop , but when i got here , she 'd already been taken to the hospital . greenlee : what happened to the babysitter ? madison : she seemed upset , was n't planning on spending the night , so i told her to go home , that i would stay . greenlee : have either of them woken up ? madison : not yet . it 's only a matter of time before spike -- i do n't have to tell you about spike . greenlee : no , you do n't . well , consider yourself off the hook . i 'm sure you 've got lots to do to get ready for new york . you 're still planning on going , right ? i made a few phone calls . i set up an interview with one of fusion 's distributors . madison : oh . wow . that 's -- greenlee : is there a problem ? madison : no . you really want me gone , do n't you ? me and my baby ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : mm - mm . boy , you look incredible . annie : i 'm glad you got to see me in it for 30 seconds . j.r. : oh . it 's gon na be coming off that fast ? annie : no . no . ryan called , and he needs me to go over there to stay with emma . j.r. : where 's ryan going ? annie : he needs to go to the hospital to see kendall . j.r. : is she ok ? annie : pneumonia , which i guess normally would n't be that big of a deal . but with her heart and -- j.r. : ok , how about this ? how about we just have our own celebration tomorrow ? annie : you sure you wo n't be tied up with marissa ? j.r. : i 've got nothing on my schedule except spending time with you . annie : i have an idea . why do n't you come with me tonight ? j.r. : to ryan 's ? annie : yes ! emma 's asleep . she would n't know . nobody would know . j.r. : i do n't think that 's such a good idea . annie : come on . what happened to your adventurous spirit ? i thought you liked the whole forbidden thing . j.r. : i do , but that is -- it 's risky . i 'm sorry that it worked out like that . i really wanted to be with you tonight . annie : you still can . j.r. : what if emma wakes up ? or what if someone sees me coming into ryan 's building with you ? annie , we talked about this . annie : i know we did . i 'm just disappointed . j.r. : i 'm sorry . i promise i 'll make it up to you tomorrow . annie : tomorrow . it 's always tomorrow . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm so sorry that we did n't have our evening . jack : sweetheart , please do n't say another word about that . erica : no . you went to so much trouble . you rented the whole place out just to sweep me off my feet . jack : hey , so we 'll do the whole restaurant all to ourselves another time . ok ? kendall is gon na be ok . it 's just a good thing you were there when she collapsed , huh ? erica : yeah . yes . but this dr. castillo , who 's on duty -- you like him , right ? jack : i checked him out . he 's got a very good reputation . erica : that 's good . then it 's good that he was here in town . jack : yes , and listen . thank you for having caleb call me to let me know what was going on . erica : i would 've done it myself -- jack : but you were busy with kendall . i know . erica : yes . and the thought of leaving her side -- jack : where 'd you go ? when i got here , you were nowhere to be found . i just wondered where you went . [ scene_break ] rev . torres : i am sorry , doc . i did n't realize the room was off - limits . griffin : she does n't need prayer . she needs antibiotics . rev . torres : there 's no reason she ca n't have both . griffin : it 's time for you to go . rev . torres : do you have a problem with religion ? griffin : no . not at all . i can tell your counsel has been a really big help . rev . torres : ok . when she wakes up , please tell her i stopped by . griffin : kendall ? it 's dr. castillo . was that too formal ? let 's try griffin . or , knowing you , you 'd probably want to call me `` griff . `` shh , shh . just try to stay calm . everything 's gon na be ok . your coming to is a good sign , kendall , but i need you to stay calm . just try to relax . can you do that for me ? [ scene_break ] erica : so as i was saying , i was in need of help , of guidance . jack : so you went to the chapel ? erica : i spoke to my mother . i spoke to zach . i begged zach to give kendall the strength to stay here with us . jack : kendall is not going anywhere . let 's just take this one moment at a time . ok ? sweetheart , you do n't have to carry all this by yourself . erica : i just made another new year 's resolution -- not to ever , ever take you for granted . i love you , jack . i love you so much . jack : i love you -- more , i think , than you may ever know . [ scene_break ] caleb : the usual , please . singer : in your dreams i 'm here in your sleep destined to be destined to be [ j.r. blows noisemaker in caleb 's ear ] [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . wow . you look fancy . annie : it 's new year 's eve , ryan , in case you forgot . i did n't bring spare clothes to the hotel . ryan : hotel ? annie : do n't you need to get to the hospital ? ryan : no , actually , not yet . kendall is not allowed to have visitors just yet . so -- annie : that 's great . i 'm glad i ran over here and ruined my night with j.r. for nothing . do n't look at me like that . ryan : i 'm not looking at you like anything . annie : yes , you are . and for the record , it 's not like j.r. is stashing me away like some little secret . we really , really care about one another . ryan : just not enough to tell anybody that you 're actually together ? annie : we want to . we just -- we ca n't . it 's complicated . ryan : ok . annie : marissa 's agreed to joint custody , which is a great thing . but until everything 's finalized , j.r. does n't want to rock the boat . and with all this drama going on with chandler , we just think it 's best to wait until we go public . ryan : sounds like you got everything figured out . annie : yeah . it 's perfect -- except for the fact that i hate it . you think it 's fun hiding out in some random motel , not being able to tell people the way you really feel ? why ca n't it just be easy ? i lost you to greenlee , adam to brooke , scott to prison . i will not lose j.r . ryan : annie , you do realize that marissa still is legally his wife ? annie : just like i was yours when you fell back in love with greenlee ? i will not be tossed aside . no way . not again . ryan : hey , annie . i would n't be asking this if it was n't for emma , but are you sure you 're ok ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 've been completely upfront with you about your situation . madison : my situation ? i 'm having a baby , ryan 's baby . greenlee : you do n't need to remind me . i thought we came to some sort of understanding on christmas eve . madison : we did . and i meant what i said . i am beyond grateful that you brought me to the hospital -- brought us to the hospital . greenlee : but what ? you do n't want my help anymore ? just say the word , and i 'll call the distributor . madison : i do want your help . i need it . it 's just this whole thing is a little bit complicated . greenlee : tell me about it . madison : and the thought of moving my entire life in the middle of this pregnancy -- it 's daunting . greenlee : are you having second thoughts ? madison : no . i mean -- no , i do n't think so . my leaving is best for everybody . ok ? i get that . greenlee : but it 's hard ? madison : yeah . greenlee : and ryan ? madison : i 'm not ready to tell him yet . i 'll move , and i 'll have a job . hopefully , i will be self - sufficient . maybe he wo n't feel like he owes me so much . greenlee : he 'll always feel like he owes you something . he 's ryan . madison : hopefully , he will feel like he does n't owe me as much . greenlee : that 's what i want , too -- for just a little time that ryan and i can have together without -- so we 're settled ? madison : he wo n't find out that you knew about this -- at least not from me . i owe you that for saving us in the park . greenlee : thanks for watching the boys . i 'll take it from here . madison : bye , greenlee . greenlee : bye . good luck . [ scene_break ] griffin : good news . the antibiotics are taking effect . her blood gases are improving . bianca : that 's good , right ? griffin : it is . erica : but ? griffin : but her blood pressure is still higher than i 'd like . i 'm trying to keep her calm , but it 's not easy . erica : what do you mean ? griffin : she 's restless . she 's worked up about something . erica : can i see her , please , now ? griffin : as long as you keep it quick . erica : ok . thank you . oh , honey , please ? do you mind ? i just would like to have a moment alone with kendall . bianca : yeah . sure . of course . erica : kendall ? ohh , it is so good to see those beautiful eyes of yours again . kendall : mom ? erica : yes , yes , it 's me . kendall : mom , i am so scared . erica : sweetheart , you 're doing great . the antibiotics are kicking in . there 's nothing for you to be scared of . you 're gon na be home before you know it with your little boys . kendall : but i keep getting this panicked feeling , especially when i sleep , like i ca n't get away from something . erica : i 'm sure that 's nightmares , probably from the medication . kendall : but it feels so real . erica : sweetheart , i want you to focus on positive thoughts about spike and ian , bianca , the girls , and me -- everyone who wants you to get well . we love you . that 's right . take a deep breath . can you do that ? how 's that ? better ? kendall : better . [ scene_break ] madison : bianca , how 's kendall ? bianca : hanging in there . who 's with the boys ? madison : greenlee . she came by the house , took over for me . bianca : that must 've been an interesting tradeoff . madison : compared with what kendall 's been dealing with , it 's nothing . when i think about how much she 's been through -- bianca : too much . madison : but kendall knows that she 's not alone . that 's everything . bianca : hey , are you ok ? madison : yeah . i 'm fine . do you think she regrets it ? bianca : regrets what ? madison : staying here . do you think a part of her wishes that they 'd gone back out on that yacht ? maybe zach would be alive . maybe she would n't be sick . bianca : yeah , i 'm sure she plays the `` what if `` game every day . but the only thing we know is if she did n't stay , she would n't have her family and friends to support her . and like you said , that 's everything . [ scene_break ] annie : you do n't have to worry about me . i 'm fine . ryan : ok . it just looked like you were getting a little bit worked up . that 's all . annie : can you blame me ? between chandler and j.r. and what happened to kendall , it 's kind of been an intense night , ryan . ryan : i understand that . i just remember in the past when you got a little bit overwhelmed -- annie : i am not going back to a padded cell . ok ? ryan : because emma needs -- annie : i 'm not going anywhere ! just stop ! i 'm fine ! ok ? drop it ! ryan : ok . so just call if you need anything . annie : we do n't need anything . we 'll be fine . just go , and tell kendall i hope she feels better . you know what my new year 's resolution is ? i am done being the other woman . you hear me ? never again . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that 's not the most healthy way to start the new year . caleb : did n't know you cared . j.r. : i do n't . how 's business ? caleb : better than yours . j.r. : do n't get used to it . caleb : you still think you 're gon na come out on top ? j.r. : yep . boy , these fries look good . except only one us is going to survive this year . mind if i dip in your ketchup ? caleb : it 's all yours . [ scene_break ] bianca : so now that you 're not at fusion anymore , you have any idea what 's next ? madison : i 'm not sure yet , actually . i have a bunch of options right now . new york 's at the top of the list . bianca : fun . madison : yeah . bianca : not fun ? madison : i just wonder if it 'll measure up , you know ? and after my atrocious start in this town , i actually made some friends -- good friends . bianca : i 'm sure you 'll meet great people wherever you go . not pine valley great , of course . madison : impossible . ha ha . bianca : i 'm gon na go check on kendall . madison : yeah . do n't let me hold you . bianca : good luck , madison . madison : thanks . and give my best to kendall . ryan : glad i ran into you . madison : still pushing that specialist ? ryan : hey , she 's the best in the business . i still think you should go see her . madison : my arm is fine , ryan . really . you should see my fastball . ryan : hey , look . wherever you end up going , i hope it 's exactly what you 're looking for . ok ? madison : thanks . i hope so , too . ryan : hey . bianca : hey . so good to see you . ryan : how 's kendall ? how 's she doing ? bianca : the antibiotics are working , but now the challenge is to get her blood pressure down . unfortunately , dr. castillo just said i was the last visitor of the night , so i 'm sorry you came all the way down here . ryan : you kidding ? do n't worry about it . as long as kendall is feeling better , that 's all that matters . so is there anything that i can do ? anything ? bianca : just go be with spike and ian . i know she would like that . ryan : i can do that . bianca : bye . [ scene_break ] madison : i guess i just was n't prepared . frankie : for what ? madison : for how hard this would be . i 'm gon na miss you guys . frankie : we 're gon na miss you , too . randi : do n't be a stranger . ok ? madison : yeah . i wo n't . frankie : hey , and when you visit , you know where to crash , right ? madison : i do n't even know how to thank you guys -- everything you 've done for me . figures , though . of course , as soon as i make good friends , i have to leave . randi : you do n't have to do this . this is your decision , not greenlee 's . frankie : yeah . if you want to stay , stay . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey . spike : where 's mommy ? greenlee : where 's mommy ? mommy went someplace to sleep for a little bit because she 's really , really tired . but she wanted me to tell you that she loves you very much , and she 's gon na be home soon . spike : are you gon na be a mommy someday , too ? greenlee : well , i kind of already am . i love your daddy very much , and what 's his is kind of mine , so that makes me a very lucky girl , because i get to hang out with you and emma . come here . [ scene_break ] asher : what the hell is going on here ? j.r. : oh . what ? just because we 're not attacking each other ? it 's a holiday . in fact , here 's to the upcoming year . caleb : to 2011 . j.r. : i should go . just so we 're clear , that drink -- caleb : we 're clear . j.r. : ok . caleb : what are your plans ? asher : i 'm gon na head out . hey . happy new year . caleb : thanks . happy new year , asher . [ scene_break ] [ telephone rings ] annie : `` open door if coast is clear `` ? j.r. : happy new year . i just could n't stay away . annie : i am so happy to see you . j.r. : i just came to say hi . annie : oh , no , no . you 're not leaving me again . we are starting this year off right . [ scene_break ] kendall : the boys ? erica : the boys are fine . i 'm sure they 're sleeping like little angels right now . bianca : ryan and greenlee are with them . kendall : and you ? erica : i 'm fine . kendall : good . erica : oh , that 's right , honey . you get some sleep now . sweet dreams , kendall . bianca : ok , mom , let 's go . let 's give her some rest . erica : no . someone has to be here . someone has to stay here to look after her . bianca : is n't that what the doctors are for ? mom , what is going on ? erica : nothing . i 'm just worried . bianca : me , too . but now i 'm wondering whether i should be worried about you , too . erica : do n't be silly . bianca : caleb told me to take care of you . erica : he said that ? that 's very sweet , but i 'm not the one who needs taking care of . bianca : mom , talk to me . griffin : i hate to break up the party , but -- erica : doctor , i want you to take a good look at the woman who 's lying in this bed . kendall is not just any patient . she 's been through more than you could possibly imagine . i 'm trusting you with her care . griffin : ms. kane -- erica : you 're very cute , and you 're very charming . but the thing i 'm most concerned about is that you understand the responsibility that we 're giving you . she has two little boys at home , and she just lost her husband . bianca : mom , let 's go . let 's leave dr. castillo . griffin : ms. kane , i understand . [ scene_break ] ryan : to 2011 . greenlee : may it be better than 2010 . seriously , it 's not that hard . ryan : it will be . i 'll make sure of it . [ telephone rings ] greenlee : bianca . she must be calling from the hospital . hello ? madison : hey . it 's madison . greenlee : any change ? madison : actually , yeah . i 'm not leaving pine valley . i know i said i would , but i ca n't . and i 'm sorry if this messes things up for you and ryan , but this is my home . it 's where i need to be , especially now . greenlee : thanks for filling me in . madison : i still do n't want to tell ryan . this is my baby . greenlee : yep . talk soon . ryan : everything ok ? greenlee : everything 's fine . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know we ca n't . annie : i know . i know . not with emma upstairs . i had this whole night planned out for us , and it was gon na be so special . j.r. : it still can be . annie : even if i ca n't show you how i feel ? j.r. : i know how you feel . the question is , do you know how i feel ? you and i , we 're like oil and water . we should n't be together . maybe -- i do n't know , but something about you is -- i keep coming back . annie : here 's to 2011 , the year i become your wife . [ scene_break ] jack : i could n't find any real glasses , so i guess these will have to do . here you go . i just want to propose a toast . i know this was n't exactly the new year 's eve that any of us envisioned . bianca : that is an understatement . jack : yeah . but here we all are , together . erica : together . bianca : together . | on the roof of ryan 's condo , erica tells caleb that she needs him . caleb lets her know that she can count on him . they kiss . greenlee and ryan come downstairs from putting emma to bed when ryan receives a call from frankie . greenlee remembers her conversation with madison in which she was going to arrange for madison to leave town . ryan tells greenlee about kendall 's pneumonia and it is compromising her heart . they come up with a plan to take care of all the children . in the hospital , kendall has dreams . at the chandler mansion , asher questions j.r. about his spending time with marissa and a.j . on new year 's . in her hotel room , annie watches television alone . griffin fills jack and bianca in on kendall 's condition . jack wonders as to where erica could be . kendall calls out for zach . asher finds out about j.r. and annie , but promises to keep the secret . ryan calls annie for help with emma , but annie has other plans for the evening , but finally agrees to stay with emma . annie asks j.r. to accompany her to ryan 's , but j.r. refuses . j.r. promises to make it up to annie tomorrow . annie lets him know that it is always tomorrow . kendall awakens and finds that griffin is with her . greenlee arrives at kendall 's to check on the children and finds madison there . |
tad : i ca n't -- i ca n't believe it . i would never on my worst day consider what just happened between the two of us work . krystal : that 's good to hear . tad : i mean , the entire time you knew , throughout the entire evening , that i was dying to get a peek at that . krystal : well , that and a couple of other things . have i satisfied your curiosity in those areas ? tad : monumentally . unbelievable ! krystal : i still do n't understand why you went through all that trouble just for this . here 's for all your hard work and effort . [ krystal hands tad the folded - up piece of paper ] tad : shut up . that 's funny , really funny . [ krystal chuckles as tad unfolds the prized slip of paper ] tad : i 'd like to thank my agent and the academy for the honor bestowed on me ' krystal , what the hell is this ? [ scene_break ] [ j.r. wistfully fingers babe 's collection of miniature cattle ] [ babe walks into the room and gets ready for bed ] j.r. : babe , tonight over at the valley inn -- babe : i do n't want to talk about it . j.r. : hey , we have to . babe : please do n't do that . [ scene_break ] ryan : wait , wait , wait -- greenlee : what ? what ? what ? you 're not still cold ? i 'm not . ryan : no , you 're mad at pablo . greenlee : yeah , right . your point ? ryan : and i 'm ticked at kendall . greenlee : and who is n't ? so what ? ryan : so -- so is this reason -- is that reason for us to do this ? greenlee : more than enough . now shut up and kiss me . [ scene_break ] juan pablo : josé , what are you doing ? josé : just making sure that we have everything that we need . juan pablo : kendall , may i present josé . kendall : oh , hola . it 's nice to meet you . josé : the pleasure 's all mine , miss . juan pablo : josé has been with my family for many years . josé : we were little boys together . juan pablo : now , i can trust you to protect my life , but not to fix the furnace ? josé : i am fully prepared . juan pablo : good man . now , make it fast , will you ? edmund : hey ! where the hell do you think you 're going ? [ scene_break ] maria 's voice : edmund ? edmund , no . i 'm not dead . i 'm not dead , edmund . i 'm alive . edmund 's voice : that 's right , you 're alive . it 's me , maria . i 'm the one who 's dead . [ waking up from a nightmare , maria sits bolt upright in bed ] maria : no ! [ phone rings ] maria : edmund ? man : mrs. grey , this is charlie . maria : charlie ? charlie : whittaker . i work with your husband . i just called with some information . maria : oh , ok , i 'm sorry . i just woke up . charlie : sorry to bother you , but edmund gave me some names to check -- one of the men pablo ruiz is using for bodyguards ? maria : ok , and they 're ok , right ? charlie : all except one , this josé alejandro . he did a stretch in prison a while back . his cellmate was one of the calatravases . maria : oh , my god . well , then , they 're all in danger . somebody 's got to call them and tell them right away . can you get ahold of them ? charlie : i could n't reach him on his cell . do you know how else to reach him ? maria : ok , you know what ? i 'll get ahold of him . do n't worry about it . and you said it 's josé alejandro ? charlie : yes . maria : thank you so much . thanks , charlie . [ phone rings ] operator 's voice : the number you dialed can not be accessed at this time . please try your call again later . maria : damn it ! [ scene_break ] juan pablo : edmund , we 're all on the same side . edmund : why 'd you leave your post ? you 're supposed to be stationed at the front gate . juan pablo : the furnace broke , and josé 's going to fix it . edmund : yeah , meanwhile , anybody can just drive right up to the lodge . juan pablo : but you were stopped outside . edmund : i still do n't like it , ok ? nobody should be able to get that close . juan pablo : we 'll reassign another man . edmund : i already have . juan pablo : ok . josé , get to the furnace . kendall : i 'm surprised you made it through the snow , edmund . you got a dog team out there ? edmund : hello , kendall . i got something called four - wheel drive . kendall : well , great . well , then , you can drive me back to pine valley tonight . edmund : you know , maybe you 're thinking i 'm here to say happy new year , but i 'm actually driving juan pablo to atlantic city tomorrow morning . kendall : well , the roads will be clear by tomorrow morning , so then you and juan pablo can take his car . juan pablo : she 's a very determined woman . kendall : yes , and a very good driver , so if you can kindly hand me the keys , i 'll be gone . [ scene_break ] mia : what ? you 're leaving already ? oh , kendall , has 2004 already gotten off to a rocky start ? ryan : wait , wait , wait , wait , wait , wait -- greenlee : what ? you 're stopping now ? ryan : this is a mistake , this is a mistake . just think about it ! greenlee : ugh ! ryan : think ! greenlee : you know , first , you 're all `` forget pablo , he 's a playboy . `` then you warn me off him because it 's dangerous . now i 'm off him and on you and you 're throwing me back ? ryan : i just do n't want to do something that we 're both going to regret . greenlee : fine . we 'll do something only you 'll regret . even though i do n't know what . ryan : no , no -- greenlee : oh , my god . no . ryan , you 're back in love with kendall ? ryan : look , i ca n't predict what 's going to happen with kendall and me . greenlee : i can . watch a nature show on black widow spiders and their mating habits . ryan : yeah , having sex is going to feel good now , but in the long run , it 's going to hurt a lot of people -- you , kendall -- greenlee : oh , after what she 's done to you ? tricking you out of alexander cambias ' money ? ryan : she did not trick me . i 'm going to say this again -- she did n't mount some big campaign to get the inheritance for herself . greenlee : oh -- do n't even . not for michael cambias ' spawn . that woman is no more pregnant than i am , and i am not with child . ryan : kendall had every good reasons to do what she did . greenlee : chief of which is she 's a user , a two - faced manipulative liar who will decimate anyone to get what she wants . ryan : that 's not the kendall that i know . greenlee : i bet the one you know moans , `` oh , ryan , i need you . help me , ryan . help me and my baby , ryan ! `` well , if you 're dumb enough to believe her , you can have her ! [ scene_break ] kendall : when can we leave ? edmund : aidan , you feel like chauffeuring kendall to pine valley ? kendall : oh , i do n't want to put you out . mia : oh , no , we 'd be happy to take you back . kendall : great . i 'll get my stuff . ryan : what are you doing ? what ? are you leaving ? kendall : yeah , i 'm leaving . i 'm going home . i 'm not a masochist . you guys can have fun poking each other with large sticks for all i care . i 'm out of here . ryan : ok , excuse us for a minute , please ! mia : well , i guess maybe we 're not leaving after all . aidan : edmund ' edmund : mm - hmm ? aidan : did everything seem ok to you on your way in ? edmund : well , the front gate was unguarded . other than that -- juan pablo : josé came inside to fix the heat . edmund : where 's a phone around here ? mia : well , they 're everywhere . unfortunately , they 're useless . aidan : yeah , the storm took down the lines . edmund : yeah , well , i 'm trying to find maria , let her know i 'm ok . listen , i 'm going to see if i can get coverage in another room . mia : now what ? aidan : you know , i 'm going to have a look around , make sure everything 's secure . mia : you want some company ? aidan : no , thanks . i 'm going to do it by myself . [ scene_break ] krystal : and you did n't just happen to see me and babe with that piece of paper . you were out and out spying ! tad : i prefer to think of it as surveillance . krystal : you were eavesdropping . and i do n't like sneaky , and i do not like people surveilling me , ok ? tad : it was n't all about that . there were other reasons . you remember i told you about that mother bear protecting her cub thing being a turn - on ? krystal : mm - hmm , yeah . i never forget a snow job . tad : it was n't a snow job . it was the truth . i mean it . i happen to admire you for your dedication to your daughter . i 'm just as dedicated to my son . there 's nothing i would n't do for jamie . krystal : including sleep with me ? tad : that was kind of selfish . but i would n't have to sleep with you to get my hands on something like this . krystal : that 's what you think . tad : no , it 's what i know . it 's my job , and i 'm good at it . and as fascinating as your bank statement might be , it is hardly something i 'd put in the league of being capable of destroying babe 's life . what is the real deal ? krystal : that 's what babe gave me ! tad : no , it could n't be . it could n't be . how could a bank statement possibly damage babe 's life ? krystal : did you see my balance ? negative , overdrawn . if j.r. saw that , he 'd think i 'd set babe out in the world to snag a rich husband or something . tad : well ? did you ? krystal : if all i really wanted was money , do n't you think i could get my own sugar daddy ? tad : well , it depends . am i in line for the job ? [ scene_break ] simone : oh , sir , sir , martin -- tad martin . he has a room . i just need to know what number . mr. van pelt : we at the valley inn have a policy -- simone : yes -- mr. van pelt : we protect our guests ' privacy , ma'am . i 'm sorry . simone : wait -- oh , sir , please . you do n't understand . actually , you do n't get it . see , mr. martin got the room for us , and see , he just forgot to give it to me when he danced his way , you know , up to the room , and , you know , he 's up there waiting for me right now . i 'm supposed to join him , and , you know -- mr. van pelt : i 'm sorry , , but the valley inn has a strict policy . simone : right -- to provide for the needs of their guests , to anticipate their wants , so to speak . mr. van pelt : always . simone : yes . mr. van pelt : i 'll see what i can do . simone : tad martin . mr. van pelt : tad martin . simone : yes -- thaddeus martin . brooke : hey ! i thought you 'd given up being so self - destructive . [ scene_break ] maggie : yeah , that 's about how i feel . jamie : you want a drink or anything ? maggie : no . i want to know why you took off like that . where 'd you go to ? oh . right . i forgot . all roads lead to babe . so what 'd she do to you this time ? jamie : you would n't believe me if i told you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : damn it , babe . are n't you going to talk to me again ? all right . all right , fine . i 'll do the talking . maybe tonight i kind of got carried away . i did n't mean to hurt your feelings , but what do you expect ? first , you tell me that you have a husband , and he 's in my face all new year 's eve . then you disappear . i followed you up to the room , and it takes you forever to answer the door ! then you told me you 're too tired to make love to me . what the hell am i supposed to think ? babe : you think that i was meeting someone else up there , not you ? is that what you expect me to say ? ok . you 're right . you 're right . i was . you happy ? babe : what 's wrong ? why are n't you celebrating ? is n't that what you wanted to hear ? j.r. : you know i do n't . babe : we were so good together . i almost thought that i loved you enough that i could get us through anything . j.r. : but you do n't . babe : it takes two , j.r . i ca n't shoulder all of this weight and then you just sit there and think horrible things about me . is it your daddy 's influence ? i mean , because you were n't even jealous until we got here . god , i love you . i will always love you . j.r. : you just told me that you were meeting somebody up in the room . babe : why not say it ? it 's what you 're set on believing anyway . so fine , just believe it . i do n't even know what i was thinking . what , that we had something magical ? that you could trust me as much as i trusted you ? but all i get is meanness and accusations , and you sit there and you accuse me all these horrible things , and then you hound me to confess . i have never loved anyone as much as i love you , and i would do anything to stop anyone from messing that up . i would probably even stop your dad from ruining it , and maybe even jamie , but not you . i 'm so sick of trying to get this poison out of your brain . i 'm done trying . you have a nice life . [ scene_break ] jamie : am i nuts ? the night that babe and i spent together was something special . i know it was . maggie : ok , jamie , maybe it just did n't mean the same thing to her , ok ? jamie : you were n't there . maggie : right . well , that 's a complication that i definitely do n't need . jamie : yeah , sure , there was a lot of flirting and messing around , but babe and i connected on a whole other level . i know we did . maggie : ok , ok , ok , ok . let 's say that you did tap into her inner core . jamie : i saw a babe that you have n't seen . babe : well , yeah . jamie : the only thing is now she 's in total denial , like it never happened , like i was the only one there . maggie : maybe she 's just doing what she needs to do to survive . jamie : like she has to pretend that it was no big deal because j.r. 's way out of control . maggie : ok , you know what ? you 're not there when they 're alone together . jamie : i 'm telling you , he tries to push her around . maggie : jamie , they 're married . if babe is not acting the way that you want her to , maybe it 's because she just wants you to move on . jamie : there 's nothing she wo n't do to get me going . maggie : yeah , like what ? jamie : i ca n't tell you . sorry . hey , maybe your take on babe is better than mine . hey , maybe i 'm making way too big of a deal out of one stupid night . but it was just -- i do n't think that i can ever feel like that with anybody else . she was so real . you know what i mean ? it was like no other two people could be more comfortable , or just around each other . have you ever had that with anyone , that kind of magical connection ? maggie : i 'm not sure . jamie : you meet someone and then you feel deep down inside that you already know them , that you know everything there is to know about them . maggie : right , like you met them in a past life and loved them or something , right ? jamie : yeah . so you 've been there . maggie : yeah . but with friends . jamie : i wish babe was just a friend . my life would be a lot simpler . but every time i see her , it puts me in knots . i mean , i just want to hold her and keep her safe . maggie : maybe that 's just not what she wants . from you , anyway . jamie : i mean , that 's what she says , but deep inside , i know there 's something else . i mean , j.r. is -- j.r. 's going to break her heart . i know it . maggie : ok , so you 're just going to go save babe from her husband ? [ scene_break ] brooke : simone , tad wo n't thank you for saving him . simone : you know , why do ex - wives think they 're the authorities on the men that they 've lost ? liza : because we are . i assume this conversation is tad related . brooke : yes , simone has convinced herself that she 's on a rescue mission . liza : you ca n't save tad from himself . dozens have tried . brooke : hundreds have tried . simone : yeah , well , i 'm not about to let that transparent tramp -- liza : now , are you talking about krystal ? simone : she does not deserve him , liza ! liza : oh , i do n't know about that . tad just might be her just desserts . simone : oh , oh , wait a minute , now . she can not have my cake and eat it , too . liza : i think i 'm going to need some -- mr. van pelt : excuse me , ms. torres . simone : oh , yes . mr. van pelt : the information you requested . simone : oh , thank you . mr. van pelt : you 're welcome . brooke : happy new year . i warned tad not to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar . liza : do you really think that tad is hot for babe 's mother ? brooke : yeah . what do you think ? liza : i need more chocolate . hmm . brooke : let 's go . [ scene_break ] tad : no , i 've known more than my fair share of gold diggers in my time , and something tells me that you do n't qualify . krystal : well , i appreciate that . but j.r. is n't as savvy and sophisticated as you are . plus , he 's got that maddy - daddy whispering evil in his ears . so if he sees the bank statement -- tad : no . i 'm sorry . i might have been born yesterday , but i stayed up all night and i 'm not buying it , because whatever that little piece of paper in that bedroom was , babe went positively chimpy over the mere idea that it might be made public . krystal : well , she 's just like a lot of other girls her age that grew up in front of a television . she 's overly dramatic , especially when it comes to her mama and what people might think and -- tad : overly dramatic . you expect me to believe she went crazy over your bank statement ? krystal : yeah . yeah . i mean , she 's pregnant . her hormones are running amok , plus with all that crud that jamie 's dragging her through , it 's amazing she has n't lost her mind . tad : so , you mean to tell me that this whole thing , the whole evening , the whole game of cat - and - mouse was just over a bank statement in the name of sport ? krystal : i kind of like to think of it as strip hide - and - seek . it 's fun , was n't it ? tad : yeah . all right , i admit , it was the most memorable new year 's eve i had in a long time . krystal : i thought so , too . thanks for ringing in the new year with me . tad : sheesh . krystal : i got to go . but if you get lonely , i 'm in the shower . tad : yeah . fat chance . [ shower runs ] tad : turn myself inside out over a stupid bank statement . yeah , what the hell . [ pounding on door ] simone : open up this door , tad ! i know you 're in there ! [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , why are you bringing me in here ? ryan : to make you understand . kendall : i do n't need the visual aids , thank you . ryan : we need to fix this , kendall . kendall : you and greenlee slept in the bed . you make it . ryan : greenlee and i did not sleep together . kendall : fine . it 's semantics . you did the deed . is that better ? ryan : we did n't have sex . kendall : right . you and greenlee did n't do anything . ryan : why do you do this , kendall ? why do you push me away ? kendall : i could n't push you into anything if you did n't want to go there . ryan : you and i are not finished , and you know it . [ scene_break ] juan pablo : i understand your choice . you should find someone who will make you happy . greenlee : what a relief for you -- unloading me on some other guy . edmund : nothing . we 're in a dead zone here . greenlee : how soon before we can get out of here ? edmund : as soon as ryan and kendall get back , i suppose . greenlee : forget them . let 's hit the road . mia : no , no , no , no , no , not without aidan . edmund : where 's he off to ? mia : i do n't know . you think he 'd take off without one last look around ? [ scene_break ] aidan : you want to tell me what the hell you 're doing ? [ scene_break ] babe : look what you did . you broke it ! let go of me ! j.r. : i ca n't . do n't ask me to do that . babe : j.r. , please , let go of me ! j.r. : i love you , babe , as much as you love me . babe : you do n't love me . if you did , you would n't treat me like i 'm some tramp ! j.r. : oh , that 's not fair ! babe : why ? i 'm just telling you how it feels , how it feels when you do n't trust me . i 'm your wife , j.r. , the mother of your child . i 'm not just some girl that you picked up for a good time ! j.r. : i 'm jealous because i love you ! i know you 've had all sorts of boyfriends . you 've been real open about that . but i 'm your husband . i thought that that meant something different . babe : it does . j.r. , there 's no one else like you . god , you may not have been my first , but you 're still my one and only . you have my heart . how come you ca n't see that ? j.r. : how come it took you so long to tell me about paul cramer and your marriage ? babe : because it did n't mean anything . i mean , all i remember clearly was the headache that i woke up with and filling out those annulment papers all hung- over as hell . paul cramer was never my husband , not the way that you are . i mean , he and i -- we never even connected . so in the truest sense , you really are my first . i never even had an inkling of what love was until there was you . [ scene_break ] simone : supposedly the person who called was frantic to find me , and then by the time i get downstairs , there 's a dial tone ! mr. van pelt : i 'll speak to the desk staff , and i 'm sure we can figure out exactly what the pro -- simone : no , no , no , no , no . that 's fine . forget it . you know what ? you have been such kind help . it 's fine . it 's fine . mr. van pelt : it 's nothing , ms. torres . simone : tad ? tad : yeah ? i thought i heard your voice . happy new year . simone : you did n't answer the door before . tad : before what ? simone : when i was pounding on it just a few minutes ago . tad : no , i was in the shower . simone : mm - hmm . is she still in there ? tad : who ? simone : the business that you were entertaining earlier -- krystal . tad : i thought we settled this . simone : oh , what ? because you gave me some shoveled story that you were rolling around with her for jamie ? please . tad : simone , do n't do this , please ? simone : oh , come on . like you got this room so that you could rest before the ball dropped . tad : why not ? simone : give me a break ! tad : let me tell you something -- if more people did things like this , there 'd be fewer drunks on the road during new year 's . tad : you want a mint ? simone : no , thank you . my new year 's resolution is not to take rides from handsome men that want to play me . tad : mine is to give up drinking . simone : swear right now that you did not get this room so that you could massage the mattress with that -- that -- tad : simone , for god sake . simone : krystal . tad : ok , look , by all means , look under the bed , all right ? check the closet if it 'll make you feel better . really . simone : you think i 'm nuts . you do , huh ? do n't you ? am i crazy ? tad : no . i think you 're adorable . simone : but i 'm high maintenance ? i 'm hard on you ? tad : no . you just were n't listening to what i told you at casa del chandler . simone : yeah , well , it 's kind of hard to believe when we 're talking about krystal . i mean , the woman is so overtly , so beyond easy . tad : and you assume that i would find that attractive ? simone : no . no , you would n't . not you . i know better . forgive me for freaking out , again ? tad : oh , sweetheart -- forget it . simone : ok . so , since you 've got this room , why do n't we take advantage of it and enjoy our first date of 2004 ? [ scene_break ] kendall : go ahead and make your speech . ryan : i made a lot of mistakes in 2003 . and i really screwed up 2002 . i want this year to be different . kendall : and how do you intend to accomplish that ? ryan : getting you to trust me . kendall , ca n't we just start over ? ca n't we start over , you know , clean slate and all that ? kendall : is that what you really want ? ryan : yeah , it is . but i ca n't do it alone . kendall : ok , so you really told greenlee to get lost for good , or will she be crawling under your blanket the next time she gets a chill ? ryan : i tried . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] aidan : everyone 's freezing upstairs . how much longer ? josé : i 'm working on it . aidan : well , i ca n't go upstairs without giving them good news . josé : you can tell them to wait a little longer , and they 'll have more heat than they can handle . [ scene_break ] maria : so i 've tried , like , 20 times and i ca n't reach him . yes , that 's -- no , he would n't turn it off . he would n't do that . look -- ok , look , all i really want to know is if he actually has coverage in that area , or if it 's the weather or something like that . no , if i could use a land line , do n't you think i would have used a land line by now , for god 's sake ? oh , my god , you are useless . [ phone rings ] man : george mckeegan . maria : hi , mr. mckeegan . i just -- george 's voice : if you leave your name and number , i 'll return your call as soon as i can . [ answering machine beeps ] maria : hi , mr. mckeegan . this maria grey , edmund grey 's wife , and edmund is in a lot of danger right now . he 's up in a cabin somewhere near buckeye in a lodge , and i do n't know what the name of the lodge is . i was hoping that you might know what it is . please give me a call as soon as humanly possible , because people 's lives are literally at stake here . my number is 630 - 555 - 0445 . thank you . isabella : maria , what is it ? what happened ? maria : well , i 'm hoping it 's nothing , but i just -- i was having this dream , and edmund 's voice was in the dream , and he was telling me that he was dead . isabella : no , no , no , maria . it was just a nightmare . maria : oh , but i got a phone call from a guy that edmund works with , and this guy told me that he had just found out that one of the people protecting pablo might be a traitor . isabella : but is that where edmund is , with pablo ? maria : he 's probably with him right now , but they do n't know that this guy could be an assassin . isabella : maria -- you ca n't go there alone . maria : i do n't even know where it is ! i have no idea where it is , and i have to try to find where it might be . isabella : then you should call the police , because they can take care of this better than you can ! maria : mama -- but i can get up there quicker than they can . i can get up -- please do me a favor , mama . please , just watch maddie and sam for me . isabella : but you do n't even know where to find edmund . maria : no , but i am hoping that somebody at `` tempo `` or somebody might know . isabella : oh , god -- i do n't want you walking into trouble . the children -- maria : mama -- mama , i will be fine ! please , i 'll be fine as soon as i know that edmund 's fine . ok . maddie : mommy ? maria : thanks . baby , what are you doing up ? maddie : i drew this picture for you and daddy . it 's my happy new year 's . there 's you and me and sam and abuela , and that 's daddy . maria : oh , honey , it 's beautiful . that 's beautiful . maddie : where 's daddy ? i want to show him , too . maria : well , daddy 's -- daddy 's at work right now . maddie : where are you going ? maria : well , i 'm going to go to work -- his work -- and get him and bring him home . ok ? maddie : can i sleep in your bed till you and daddy -- maria : yes , you can . sure , sweetheart . come on up . there you go . get all snuggly . i love you , sweetheart . maddie : i love you , too . maria : mmm , sweet dreams . maddie : sweet dreams . isabella : you be very careful . maria : i will . i 'll be back as soon as i can . i love you , mama . [ scene_break ] juan pablo : my best men are here with us . edmund : everything check out ? aidan : yeah , it seems to . edmund : yeah ? juan pablo : even if they wanted to , nobody could get to us . aidan : edmund did . mia : and i thought i was a worrier . aidan : i 'm sorry . i just ca n't shake this feeling that something is not right . edmund : you mean because josé was n't at his post ? aidan : no , it 's not that . i do n't know what it is . greenlee : someone drag ryan and kendall down here before i lose my mind . ryan : no need . kendall : and it 's too late for your mind . mia : ok , let 's all just get in the car now . kendall : fine , i 'm there already . let 's go . ryan : the sooner the better . greenlee : wait ! mia : oh , greenlee -- kendall : now what ? ryan : please , let 's go . [ scene_break ] maria : and that 's where edmund is right now . he 's up there at the lodge with pablo . brooke : maria , i do n't have any idea where pablo went . maria : well , it 's that lodge that the staff uses for -- brooke : oh -- split rock lodge ? maria : yes , yes , thank you . ok , good . good , good , good . brooke : hey , you know , it 's in the middle of nowhere -- maria : yeah , i know . brooke : and they 're in the middle of a blizzard . maria : i know . just show me where it is on the map . brooke : it 's here . maria : ok , perfect . brooke : what -- maria : perfect . brooke : yeah , you ca n't go there alone . maria : no , i 'll be fine . i 'll be fine . brooke : look , let me change my clothes , ok ? i 'll go with you . maria : no , no . you know what ? i think if i go there by myself , at least i 'll look like the lonely wife or something . if you go , i 'm just afraid it 's going to be more of a distraction , it 's going to be more of a problem . brooke : well , i do n't feel very good about this . maria : and will you do this ? will you do me a favor and call this man ? call this george mckeegan -- he 's edmund 's contact at the fbi -- and just tell him what 's going on . brooke : i 'll explain the situation to him . maria : excellent , that 's it , because he might be able to get men up there without causing more of a scene or a situation . thank you so much , brooke . thank you . i got to go . [ scene_break ] edmund : damn it . mia : you know , edmund , i can give maria a call when we get to an area with a signal , if you want . edmund : thanks . i appreciate that . kendall : god , why are we still here ? ryan : greenlee , we should hit the road . greenlee : in a minute . i wish i could have been the person you needed . juan pablo : you were . you are . it was n't the right time for us . greenlee : we should have met someplace else , some other time . juan pablo : yes . i 'm sorry . you are everything i imagined the perfect woman to be . kendall : i 'll be in the car . try to make it before i freeze to death ! aidan : hey -- kendall : aidan -- aidan : keep the damn door shut ! [ scene_break ] babe : that was different . j.r. : it was ? how ? babe : i do n't know . look at me . j.r. : you see any answers ? babe : i 'm trying . j.r. : what was wrong ? babe : hey , nothing . you were wonderful . j.r. : so were you . babe : maybe just a little bit careful , like you were thinking something was going to go wrong ? j.r. : i do n't feel that way . do you ? babe : heck , no . i think we got through the worst of it . j.r. : worst of what ? babe : well , us being newlyweds and all and our families interfering and -- j.r. : god , i hope so . i do love you , babe . babe : and i love you . j.r. : so that 's it ? that all for the secrets ? no more lies , right ? babe : i told you . we 're cool from here on out . j.r. : good . [ scene_break ] jamie : babe is afraid to do what she knows is best for her . maggie : what ? glom on to you ? jamie : be with me ? yeah . i mean , there 's too much pressure from j.r. , babe 's mom . maggie : i do n't know . babe seems pretty independent . jamie : she just puts on this superconfident brave front . did you make any new year 's resolutions yet ? maggie : hmm -- to keep my opinions to myself and not get into other people 's business . oops , i already broke them . how about yourself ? jamie : that no matter how babe disses me or lashes out , i 'm not deserting her . i wo n't give up . maggie : ok , well , since my resolution 's already shot to hell , let me give you a little bit more advice . do n't get too invested in this . jamie : you 're kind of late on that one . maggie : sometimes , no matter how much you care about someone , they 're already with the people that are right for them . jamie : there 's no way that j.r. is right for babe . [ scene_break ] krystal : hey , liza ! you should n't be alone . liza : oh , i was just leaving . krystal : oh , no , no , no . you got to stay for one final toast . liza : do you have one in mind ? krystal : always , but it does n't work without the bubbly . liza : oh , that 's ok . krystal : mm - hmm . liza : let her rip . krystal : to men . you just got to love them , those simple , trusting souls . liza : oh , that was the end to a perfect evening . happy new year . krystal : yeah , well , it has been so far . hey , you were right about tad . let me tell you , he is special with a capital s , and that stands for sexy , and starting -- starting to get over his dearly departed wife . yep , 2004 is going to be fantastical . [ scene_break ] [ simone laughs ] simone : oh . oh ! oh , what we had before was fantastic , oh ! but that was absolutely unbelievable ! tad : oh , i 'm kind of surprised myself . simone : oh , do you get better every year ? tad : i was inspired . simone : do you think there 's any way we could tap into that inspiration again anytime soon ? [ `` tad the cad `` plays ] tad : how soon are we talking ? simone : what time is it ? tad : now ? simone : mm - hmm , well , you know -- tad : agh ! [ scene_break ] kendall : god , aidan , why do n't you give me a heart attack . mia : what is it , aidan ? kendall : you do n't want to drive me back to pine valley , fine . i 'll drive myself . aidan : shh , shh -- shut up , shut up , shut up ! edmund : what 's going on ? aidan : i 'm not sure . i saw a flash of light outside . edmund : like a headlight ? kendall : well , here 's a stretch -- we 're surrounded by pablo 's private army . maybe someone 's taking a cigarette break . i 'm getting out of this hellhole . [ gunshots ] [ kendall screams ] aidan : get down ! [ next_on ] bianca : what would you guys think if i decided to tell the truth about my baby ? erica : take me home , and i 'll tell you a secret that i kept to keep you safe . greenlee : the best part about being gunned down on new year 's -- no pesky resolutions to keep . | maria has a premonition that edmund 's life is in danger . she rushes to find him . edmund is at the cabin with the 6 people who are stranded their and ready to leave . kendall and greenlee both accuse ryan of still having feelings for the other . mia and aidan have just hooked up . and there is a suspicious guy there who is supposed to be there to help juan pablo . |
tad : give me that . joe : is it bianca ? erica : no , no , no , bianca 's fine . joe : well , then what are you up to ? tad : a mission of mercy . joe : oh . i 've heard that before . erica : no time to waste . this way . tad : come on , pop . joe : what ? tad : no , come on . joe : what 's going on ? all : happy anniversary ! [ cheers ] ryan : surprise ! tad : whoo ! ryan : yeah ! we got you ! marian : he was surprised . [ scene_break ] brooke : the galleys will have to wait . i do n't have time . j.r. : but you 'll make time for me . wo n't you , brooke ? [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm going to send out photo cards from this year 's new year 's . anita : because you were the cutest new year baby ever . bianca : ever , ever , ever . [ knock on door ] bianca : yes ? come in ! anita : only if it 's good news . adam : do you feel up to having a visitor ? bianca : you ? adam : yeah , just -- just me . she -- she certainly looks happy . bianca : yeah , she is . we both are . you ca n't take miranda back , so if j.r. sent you to -- adam : no , no , j.r. does n't even know i 'm here . and i 'm not here to talk about miranda . i want to talk to you about j.r. 's son . [ scene_break ] babe : hey . i swear to you , james could fall asleep standing on his head . jamie ? what is it ? did you get the ids from matt ? jamie : shh . [ scene_break ] anita : all right , i should get to the celebration . bianca : thank you . adam : j.r. losing bess -- i mean , miranda -- brought down j.r. 's world . it was bad enough , made it worse that he found out that he had a child , a son who had died , a child he never saw , never knew . when you were mourning the loss , when you thought miranda was dead , you at least saw her . you had -- you had a memory to hold on to . bianca : yeah . i looked into her eyes . i held her . adam : j.r. 's been destroyed . he 's broken , bianca . bianca : well , nobody wanted j.r. to get hurt . adam : babe did . and she only finally came clean with you about miranda because she wanted to tear j.r. 's heart out . bianca : well , i 'm not so sure that that 's completely true . adam : do you think that that child would be here with you if they were still married , and happily so ? no , that child would be with babe , who 'd be playing house with her somewhere else . bianca : all right , adam , please , that 's enough . adam : help me find babe . she ca n't be allowed to walk away from this . bianca : babe did n't say where she and jamie were going . adam : babe thought she could ruin my son 's life and not pay for it . bianca : adam , how will going after babe help j.r. ? adam : yes , you 're right . you 're absolutely right . it 's a rather poor alternative , is n't it ? but since i 'm not god , i ca n't put j.r. 's son back in his arms , it 's all we have . [ scene_break ] brooke : what do you want , j.r. ? j.r. : i have n't seen you in a while , brooke . how was the holidays ? happy ? oh , right , no jamie . that must be tough . brooke : i 've had better christmases . j.r. : it 's hard being home , missing your child , while everyone else is warm and fuzzy . brooke : you did n't come here to commiserate about the holidays . what can i do for you ? j.r. : you warned me you were going to slander me in `` tempo , `` make it seem as if i was responsible for bianca 's fall . brooke : that was all over . j.r. : well , i 'm just returning the favor , warning for warning . babe 's going down for playing me . if you do n't want your son to go down with her , i suggest that you tell him to ditch the girl and get out of the line of fire . [ scene_break ] [ footsteps ] jamie : all right . just stay put . babe : what is it ? jamie : that squad car 's still out there . those cops must be going door to door . babe : for us ? jamie : well , not yet . i think they 're looking for our favorite forger , and they want to find him , bad . babe : if they find our photo ids then we 're -- jamie : and then they 'll come looking for us . babe : oh , my god . jamie : hey , no , no , no , no . all right , it 's cool . they 'll knock , we wo n't answer , we 're not home . we 'll just stay quiet and they 'll go away . [ james cries ] babe : honey . come here . jamie : or we kick in plan b . babe : shh . shh , shh , shh , shh . [ scene_break ] erica : you always hear `` the man who needs no introduction , `` except this time it 's actually true . [ laughter ] erica : for 35 years -- agnes : could i please get through ? excuse me , excuse me . jack : come on , you . agnes : i 'm responsible for joe martin 's being here , so i ca n't miss his introduction . myrtle : honestly . [ laughter ] joe : how wonderful to see you . agnes : wonderful to see you . opal : who the heck is this blond bombshell ? should ruth be worried ? myrtle : i recognize the face . palmer : agnes . agnes eckhardt . welcome home . agnes : thank you so much . myrtle : should you be worried ? agnes : well , 35 years ago , when i was on the board of this hospital , i persuaded joe martin to move here from california . tom : oh , make way , make way . opal : phoebe ! tom : hello , phoebe . opal : oh , what a pleasure . erica : phoebe , i 'm so happy to see you . opal : now we 're going to have to hear about how her late husband charles tyler put joe on the staff here . agnes : well , we all would like to take responsibility and credit for joe martin 's success , but believe me , it belongs to him alone . of course , you 're all vital to keeping pine valley on the map , but it 's standouts like joe martin who are the heart and soul of it . so congratulations , joe . and should we try to go for another 35 years ? [ laughter ] erica : oh , agnes , i 'm just so happy that you 're here with us today . agnes : oh , well , thank you , my dear . now , do i know you ? erica : yes , i 'm erica kane . agnes : not mona � s daughter ? well , you could n't be . you 're too young . erica : well , that 's very sweet , thank you . but , yes , i am , i am mona � s daughter . agnes : well , it 's incredible . erica : oh ! thank you . agnes : oh , i remember how mona used to worry about what would happen to you , but you seem to have done pretty well for yourself . erica : well , thank you . nick : i would n't bet on it , agnes . erica : oh , nick ! nick : huh ? oh , princess , it 's been too long . erica : i know ! agnes : it certainly has . erica : oh , you two know each other ? agnes : oh , nick taught me so much . nick : shh . agnes : the mambo -- nick : oh , oh . agnes : the cha - cha , and the bossa nova . erica : i see . nick : yes , i had quite a crush on you , agnes . but then i fell for erica kane here . agnes : well , oh , but , nicky , i would have been too much for you . i 'm going to say hello to phoebe . hello , hello . good to see you . aidan : anytime you want me to get your father , just let me know , ok ? lily : he 's busy , and i like being with you . aidan : so you 're sure you 're all right ? there 's lots of noise and lots of people , are n't there ? lily : i 'm ok with you . erica : nick , are you here for joe 's celebration ? and when did you get -- why did n't you tell me you were coming and how long are you going to stay ? nick : wait , not so fast . i ca n't stay , i 'm on my way to new york , but i do have some business to attend to here . so when am i going to get an introduction to the newest young lady in the kane clan ? erica : oh , nick . oh , miranda is so beautiful . you are going to fall in love with her right away . nick : well , i bet we both will . erica : `` we both -- `` nick : yeah . erica : you did n't come alone ? nick : well , i ran into somebody at the airport . erica : who ? [ nick chuckles ] nick : as if i 'd spoil the surprise . come here . [ scene_break ] adam : if only the miracle could happen twice . if only j.r. 's son had survived and could be delivered back into his home , where he belongs . i do n't begrudge you miranda . she 's your blood . she belongs with you . but j.r. has lost two children -- this little girl and his son . bianca : i am so sorry . adam : do n't be sorry . babe engineered it . but just think , remember back how you felt when you were grieving for miranda . hmm ? imagine enduring that twice . it 's not fair . bianca : no , you 're right , it 's not fair . it 's not fair at all . erica : bianca ? what are you doing here ? bianca : mom , adam just came to say hello . erica : no , he did n't . well ? adam : i came by to see how bianca was doing . erica : well , that 's very considerate of you . i have a surprise . bianca : well , i can tell . what is it ? erica : jack ? jack : and without further ado , all the way from the mysterious far east -- [ bianca gasps ] bianca : oh , my goodness ! uncle mark ! and nick ! mark : out of my way . that 's my niece over there . bianca : oh , my gosh ! oh , give me a hug ! you look so wonderful ! nick : all right , all right , make room , dalton , please . let somebody else get a hug in here . you are more beautiful every time i see you ! erica : how dare you sneak into my daughter 's room . adam : i did n't sneak . she agreed to talk to me . erica : what kind of a scam or guilt trip did i , thank god , interrupt ? adam : miranda is right where she belongs . but lives and hearts have been broken because of this , and i demand justice for my son . erica : justice , how ? adam : i will not yield to babe carey until she gets the punishment she deserves . erica : neither will i . adam : are you and i of one mind about this ? erica : no one wants to see babe punished more than i do , for bianca 's sake and j.r. 's . [ scene_break ] brooke : i have no idea where they are . j.r. , give it up . leave them alone . j.r. : babe set me up . she took that baby away from me . she knew that i loved bess . brooke : yes , that was terrible , but punishing babe is not going to bring back your baby . j.r. : you shot a man , killed him to protect jamie . you 'd better start protecting him again . brooke : j.r. , do n't do this , all right ? think about your mother . dixie would n't -- j.r. : my mother ca n't stop this . warn jamie or do n't . but if he gets hurt , you share half the blame . [ scene_break ] bianca : oh , my goodness , it 's so beautiful . mark : ellen picked it out . she 's got one just like it . nick : you must have chartered a cargo plane . mark : you look fantastic . how 's it going ? erica : 187 days and counting . mark : one day at a time . erica : some of those days -- mark : i know , you think you wo n't make it . erica : having family like you really helps . mark : erica , you were always there for me . i just wish i were closer . erica : well , you 're here now . come on , let 's not waste a minute . bianca : well , i never need to receive another present for as long as i live . thank you very , very much . nick : well , then i 'll hold on to mine . bianca : you brought me something , too ? nick : well , yeah , but it 's not from me . bianca : well , what is it ? nick : you said you did n't need it . bianca : oh , stop it ! erica : stop teasing her ! nick : not fair ganging up . ok , let 's see . jack : all right , nice . so what have you got there ? nick : well , this is a one - of - a - kind , very special message from the heart of someone near and dear , and irreplaceable . bianca : oh , mom . look at the handwriting . erica : nick , how in the world did you get this ? this is from my mother . [ scene_break ] joe : well , i 'm sorry my other kids could n't make it here today on our 35th anniversary . tad : they 're here in spirit , pop . joe : yeah , yeah . still , i feel as though i 'm among family here , and i do n't mean just ruth and tad . i mean everybody in this room . even you , palmer . even you . we 've had our differences , but we 've always fought as family . and , myrtle , ever since my mother passed away , you have never been too busy but to talk some good sense to me when i needed it . myrtle : oh , you never needed much , dear . joe : and it 's so good to see that we 're joined by the younger generation . ryan : after everything you and everyone at this hospital have done for us , we would n't miss it . joe : yeah . greenlee : plus , we 're studying you and ruth to learn the secret of a long , happy marriage . joe : studying ? ah , well . ryan , three words -- `` i 'm sorry , darling . `` and say it often . [ laughter ] ruth : and mean them . joe : and it 's a mixed blessing , when i see that we have so many people that i 've treated in this room . and , of course , others that i 've hired . maria : twice . joe : yeah . anyway , before i wrap this up , i would like to give a special thanks to a very special lady who 's come a long way to be with us today . and she 's right , she is the one who brought me here to pine valley in the first place , agnes eckhardt . agnes : thank you . joe : because of her generosity and her philanthropy , there really is n't a person in all of pine valley who is n't in debt to agnes . opal : oh , please ! you 'd think she built the town single - handed . joe : now , agnes , as you said , here 's to the next 35 years . agnes : right on ! [ laughter ] agnes : whatever happened to daisy ? palmer : oh , oh , daisy , daisy . i wish i knew . opal : yeah , she split centuries ago . could n't take the competition . agnes : well , you make a lovely couple . palmer : the heck we do . we 've been divorced for years . tom : agnes , palmer , you ready for your close - up ? opal : that old coot . myrtle : did i miss something ? opal : miss agnes icky - heart thought me and palmer were still a couple . honestly . myrtle : well , every time i see the two of you together , you 're like joined in the hip . opal : well , that 's because of petey -- and the holidays ! we 're family . myrtle : excuses , excuses . listen , you 've been on the sidelines too long . now , do n't you wish sometimes in your heart it was different ? tad : you 're late . hey , hey , come on , careful . dad 's going to have to reattach my shoulder . brooke : i was detained by j.r . tad : now what ? brooke : now we have to find a way to protect jamie . tad : ok , tell me . brooke : j.r. is tracking them down . he wants babe 's head on a plate and jamie 's head right next to it . i want to get out of here . come on . tad : no , no , wait , slow down , slow down . brooke : we have to find him and we have to warn him . i want to go right now . [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , change my mood , rickel . what do you got ? rickel : these kids , they got the whole country to run in . it 's not easy . j.r. : we had southern florida pinpointed , the area near the concert site . that should have given you enough lead . rickel : well , there was a couple that fit their descriptions up to a point , but -- j.r. : so ? why did n't it pan out ? rickel : well , martin and your ex are traveling alone . this couple had a baby with them . j.r. : a baby ? protection there is -- you . [ scene_break ] babe : hey , we 'll be fine . we 'll still work . we 'll just -- we 'll get jobs that pay cash under the table and ones that do n't take out taxes or social security . jamie : i 'll do odd jobs . babe : yeah , and i 'll clean houses or something . hey , we 're going to manage . besides , i grew up with mama . it was like getting a ph.d. in how to cut corners to survive . jamie : well , then james and i will be your eager students . babe : we 'll protect him from j.r. we 'll make it into a game . jamie : a game that we win . [ scene_break ] rickel : where would two kids on the run pick up a baby ? j.r. : that 's a good question . take these two the study . fax , email everyone you interviewed . and start with the place where they saw the couple with the baby . rickel : will do , mr. chandler . we 'll find them , i guarantee it . j.r. : you 're damn right you will . a baby . adam : i just came from the hospital . i saw miranda . she 's -- she looks well and happy . j.r. : so there 's no reason to think about her or discuss her ever again . adam : it might help . j.r. : it 's a waste of time . adam : healing is not a waste of time , son . it 's perfectly natural to grieve so we can go on with the rest of our lives . j.r. : you grieve . i 'm too busy . adam : j.r. , your son is dead . j.r. : do n't ever say that again . [ scene_break ] brooke : he put a bug on my office phone . tad : j.r. did ? brooke : yeah , i caught him . i walked into my office and i caught him . i mean , fortunately , he thinks i believed his lame cover story , and he was telling me to call jamie . tad : i hope you had somebody take care of it . brooke : no , i did n't . i left it where it was because i think it might work in our favor . tad : no , no , no . brooke : yes , i think it could throw him off track . tad : bad idea . bad idea . brooke : listen to me . i could have him searching the other side of the globe . tad : it could also backfire too easily . no , get rid of it , please . we just have to trust jamie to get in touch with us if he needs to . brooke ? brooke : all right , maybe you 're right . maybe it 's not that bad . i know that j.r. is out for revenge , but at the same time , it 's fortunate that he does n't know that they have his son with him . tad : you do n't know the half of it . if he finds out that boy is alive -- brooke : he wo n't . who 's going to tell him ? tad : bianca . bianca might . [ scene_break ] nick : i 've kept that safe for , what , over 10 years now . erica : my mother always thought of everything . nick : well , she had to , to keep up with her daughter . she wanted bianca to have this letter when her daughter was born . jack : i 'll tell you , mona , she always managed to stay a step ahead , did n't she ? nick : mm - hmm . erica : and i was always the last to know . [ laughter ] bianca : oh , grandma . listen to this . `` my darling bianca , i hope when you have your child , i 'll be there in person to share your joy . but in case that 's not possible , i 'm writing you this letter . being your mother 's mother has been the greatest challenge of my life . it is also my deepest joy . she 's the light of my life , and i 'm sure your little girl is already the light of yours . your little girl . yes , i 'm convinced that you 'll keep the line of kane women going into the next generation . so i want you to benefit from my experiences in raising your mother . they say some traits skip a generation . i always felt that your temperament was closer to mine than to your mother 's , but if this every - other - generation rule holds , your little girl is destined to create quite a stir . but i know you 'll be able to keep her in line . try not to show your exasperation or that you have no idea how to deal with her at any given moment . never be indecisive . pretend you know what you 're doing , especially when you have n't got a clue . lead with your heart and with your head , and i guarantee that eventually , when she 's an adult , she 'll wake up and realize that she was wrong and you were right most of the time . when she slams the door in your face for the 50th time , screaming that she hates you , she does n't . she loves you and trusts that you 'll love her beyond all the teen traumas and dramas . as a parent , you 'll make mistakes . we all do . but if you do half as well as erica did with you , you will raise a woman that we can all be proud of . before i end this letter , i want to share some words that sustained me during the most trying times of motherhood . they always remind me that i was n't alone . the almighty was always with me . remember -- ' the greatest and the least , the weak and the strong , the rich and the poor , in sickness and health , in joy and sorrow , in tragedy and triumph , you are all my children . ' `` bianca : dr. joe , congratulations and happy anniversary . joe : why , thank you , thank you . oh , it would n't be a party without this little one . how are you ? she looks every bit as happy as her mama . edmund : dr. joe , when i can tear you away from that , i think your son wants to take a picture with you . joe : uh - huh . ok , thank you . stuart : our house seems so lonesome without you there . marian : oh , bianca , we 're so very happy for you . but , you know , first , it was colby , and then bess , and -- i 'm sorry -- miranda . i ca n't seem to get used to calling her miranda yet . bianca : i understand . stuart : we were hoping that maybe we can come and visit now and then ? bianca : oh , of course . my goodness , you know that you are both always , always welcome . stuart : what 'd i tell you ? marian : thank you . stuart : thank you , bianca . ryan : hey , you ! hey ! look at you ! greenlee : hi ! ryan : you know , i do n't know which one is prettier today . greenlee : no offense , but i 'd say the smaller person has a slight advantage . bianca : well , maybe in this case , anyway . greenlee : bianca , could i hold her ? bianca : well , yes . miranda , you remember your uncle ryan and your aunt greenlee ? greenlee : hello ! hello , baby ! hello ! aw . hi ! oh , i 've never felt -- they 're miracles . are n't you ? yeah . bianca : children mean everything , do n't they ? erica : my mother knew that . bianca : and you know it . and now , thanks to miranda , i know it , too . tad : all i can say is that photographer better snap a couple from this angle . mark : and i need a photo to take back to ellen . nick : well , if you 'll excuse me , i 'm going to kiss myrtle fargate . hello , my sweet . bianca : i 'd actually really like to talk to you later . do you think you could swing by my room ? tad : sure . i 'm always available for you . bianca : well , i hope that you still feel that way after you find out what this is about . [ scene_break ] adam : i want a lasting memorial of some kind , a foundation that will keep your son 's memory alive . j.r. : bianca got her baby back . she does n't need a memorial . adam : well , maybe we do , son . i think we could have some sort of a service as we come to terms with this tragedy . j.r. : get two dozen roses , toss them in the river . maybe it 'll make you feel better . i wo n't ! leave me alone ! adam : we 'll talk later . rickel : i have some news for you . [ scene_break ] babe : well , hiding out with you does have its upside . jamie : yeah . things could be worse . a lot worse . babe : here . turn around . jamie : oh . oh , this is too good . ah . babe : is all that tension ? jamie : yeah , it must be . babe : what do i have to do to release these muscles ? [ knock on door ] officer : police ! open up ! [ scene_break ] simone : oh , ok , i am so sorry for the detour . but for some reason , i am so baby friendly lately . hey ! bianca : hi ! simone : i wanted just a quick little minute with you because -- where is it ? the guys at enchantment put this together for miranda . bianca : oh , simone ! oh , that 's so sweet . thank you . simone : oh , you 're so welcome . bianca : look , look , miranda , you got a present ! simone : it 's a present . woman : saints alive and hold the holy phone ! it 's you ! and you got your baby with you . oh , where 's my camera when i need it ? simone : do you know her ? bianca : no . simone : ok . let 's just make a break for it . woman : oh , no , no ! wait , wait , wait , wait ! hold on , no ! you are bianca montgomery , are n't you , erica kane � s daughter ? and this precious little gumdrop has got to be miranda . oh ! well , you see , i 've been following your story all along . simone : uh - huh . woman : stolen babies , helicopter crashes , floods , and that lying blonde from h - e -- double you - know - what . i tell you , it just made my stomach turn . simone : uh , who are you ? woman : verla . verla grubbs . simone : oh . verla : langley wallingford 's daughter . it was a big secret around these parts a while back , but they came up with some big explanation . hey , maybe i was switched at birth like this little `` miracula - randa . `` simone : ok , well , let 's scram - a - randa . bianca : oh , no , no , no , it 's ok . i know who you are . at my baby shower , we were picking names out of hats and opal suggested yours . simone : oh , that 's right . verla : she did ? oh , bless her heart ! simone : yeah . verla : oh , you mean this precious little thing might have been named verla ? simone : oh . hmm . verla : `` miranda 's `` almost as pretty . well , listen , if you want to change your mind and take my name , i wo n't sue , i promise . bianca : oh , well , that 's so sweet of you . i think we 're going to stick with `` miranda . `` are you ok ? verla : oh , oh , i am better than ok . it just does my heart good to see the two of you together like that . simone : yeah . verla : just thank the lord you woke up with that baby in your arms . what , what , sweetie ! bianca : well , i really appreciate that . you did n't come to the hospital to visit me , did you ? verla : no , no . actually , i was just passing through pine valley and i wanted to say hi to my old pal myrtle . bianca and simone : oh . simone : yeah . bianca : ok . all righty , sweetness . verla : well , i got a train to catch . simone : ok . bianca : well , it was so nice to meet you . verla : it was superb meeting you . simone : ok , ok . verla : bye . bianca : say good - bye , miranda ! verla : bye , sweetheart . bye - bye ! simone : nice seeing you , ms. grubbs . verla : somebody up there , just let them be happy for five minutes ? is that too much to ask ? [ scene_break ] aidan : you sure you want to do this ? there 's still plenty of people taking flash photography . lily : it scared me at first , but it was n't too bad . you helped distract me . aidan : oh , good . you know that mathematical problem that you gave me ? it was really hard . i could n't do it . but you ? you solved it just like that . that 's amazing . lily : you knew the answer all along . aidan : are you kidding ? i was way off . lily : you let me win . you want to get some cake ? [ scene_break ] opal : good lord . the idea of being back with that old goat ? it 's enough to make you lose your cookies . myrtle : well , i did n't get any cookies . you ate them . listen , if you went after that old fellow , i do n't think he 'd stand a chance . [ scene_break ] brooke : i guess we just have to wait and pray that jamie and babe will be all right . tad : they managed so far . just hope their luck holds out . [ scene_break ] officer : nobody 's home . [ footsteps retreat ] babe : see , i told you we 'd be ok . our little family 's going to make it . jamie : i 'll be a little more confident of that when we 're a few hundred miles away . [ scene_break ] bianca : i need some advice . i was hoping that i was going to find the answer in here . it 's a letter that my grandmother wrote me a long time ago . tad : that 's a hard order to fill . your grandmother 's a very bright woman . bianca : yeah , i think this probably would have stumped even her . should i tell j.r. the truth ? should i tell him that his son is alive ? [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , if -- if i made you feel worse earlier , that certainly was n't my intention . son , i know you 're suffering , and i want you to remember that you 're not alone . j.r. : i 'm not alone . dad , he 's alive . my son is alive . [ scene_break ] singer : ooh , yeah looks like we made it , look how far we 've come my baby , we might have took the long way , we knew we 'd get there someday . they said , `` i 'll bet they 'll never make it `` but just look at us holding on , we 're still together still going strong singers : you 're still the one singer : you 're still the one i run to , the one that i belong to , you 're still the one i want for life singers : you 're still the one singer : you 're still the one that i love , the only one i dream of , you 're still the one i kiss good night . ai n't nothing better , we beat the odds together . i 'm glad we did n't listen , look at what we would be missin ' . i 'm so glad we made it , look how far we 've come my baby . [ next_on ] kendall : the dna test today -- you nervous ? tad : if you think babe should be punished , then you do what you 've got to do . officer : surprise , surprise . somebody 's home after all . j.r. : you 're going to have another grandson -- adam chandler , iii . [ scene_break ] note : agnes nixon , amc 's creator and head writer was born agnes eckhardt on december 27 , 1927 , in chicago , illinois . | there is a big cast party at the hospital for the 35th anniversary of amc , where agnes nixon , creator of amc is the guest of honor . meanwhile , adam chandler visits bianca , telling her he wishes he and jr could have the same `` miracle `` in finding jr 's son , that she had in finding miranda . it sounds like adam almost somehow knows that bianca has information about jr 's son . at that very moment , jr is secretly retaining an investigator to find babe and jamie to make them pay for what they did to him . and surprisingly , his contact informs him that they are traveling with a baby . brooke hears jr 's threats to her son and is very worried . tad knows that it 's possible that bianca will tell jr about his son , which will get jamie in big trouble , along with babe , for kidnapping . |
erica : ok , do n't forget to label these boxes . oh , these boxes , these have to go out to the van . amanda : oh , but i thought -- erica : no , do n't think . oh , sweetheart , no , no . these boxes , they -- this one in particular , this is going to go over to new beginnings . bianca ? bianca : oh , i 'm sorry . erica : are you all right ? bianca : i 'm sorry . wow , i 'm just preoccupied , i guess . um , we had a surprise visitor last night . reese 's ex - fiancé . erica : he came here ? oh , honey . bianca : yeah , i know . no , no . he 's gone . we talked about it , and i 'm fine . erica : you 're fine ? bianca : yeah . erica : your fiancée 's ex - fiancé , who she did n't even tell you she was engaged to , and he 's a man , and he came here , and you 're fine ? bianca : i know , i know . but we worked through it . everything is out in the open now , no more secrets . erica : and where 's reese now ? bianca : she 's at the casino , getting the final touches on everything for the big opening tonight . erica : so she 's with zach ? bianca : yeah . is that a problem ? [ scene_break ] zach : what are you doing ? reese : there 's a lot to be done before the guests get here . zach : you 're supposed to supervise . reese : ouch . i know . no , that 's all right . it 's ok , i 'm good . i 'm good . zach : all right . [ scene_break ] amanda : hey . j.r. : hey . uh , about that kiss -- amanda : it 's ok , j.r. , i get it . it was either grab me or the bottle . [ scene_break ] david : what the hell are you doing here ? i fired you . jake : oh , i 'm sorry . are you talking to me ? i filed a grievance against you for termination without cause . david : without cause ? you 're kidding , right ? jake : no , i 'm not kidding . because legal says i can stay here as long as i want to until i have a hearing . david : oh , you mean just so that you can keep on endangering more lives . jake : look , you say whatever you want to say to me , ok ? i 'm not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee lies in bed , dreaming ] greenlee : i take you , ryan , to be my wedded husband . to love and to comfort , to honor and to cherish . for better or worse , for richer or poorer , in sickness and in health , as long as we both shall live . ryan : i may kiss the bride . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] opal : oh , greenlee was here last night . she drank tea , but i did n't see her tea leaves until after she left , and , oh , my lord , they 're bad . the happiest day of greenlee 's life will be her last . [ scene_break ] ryan : you must be so excited to get back to school , see all your friends , hmm ? a little bit ? [ doorbell rings ] ryan : see , there 's ashley and her mom now to give you a ride . have a good time , ok ? have fun , bye . good morning . greenlee : morning . i got your note . `` do n't come down until emma is gone `` ? you did n't want her to know that i stayed over ? ryan : well , she 's just been through so much lately . you know , with the kidnapping and the fire and her mom getting taken away . greenlee : i thought i was helping . ryan : you are helping . there 's just some things that she does n't understand , you know ? the christmas tree and santa claus are one thing , but seeing you where her mom usually sleeps -- greenlee : it 's a little more complicated . ryan : yeah . greenlee : i 'm sorry . ryan : no , do n't be sorry . do n't be sorry . she 's crazy about you . and i really want you guys to have , you know , a relationship of your own . but it 's going to take a little bit of time . it 's going to take some time before she really kind of gets to know you . greenlee : before she can find out i 'm sleeping in your bed . ryan : listen , when emma 's ready , you 'll move in , ok ? but until then , we 'll plan the wedding , our future , everything as a family . greenlee : whenever something good comes along , i always dive in headfirst , because i 'm sure that it 's only a matter of time before it falls apart . but now i do n't have to rush , because it 's forever . no more bad dreams . i had a dream last night that we were married . and it was n't the end of us , it was just the beginning . ryan : yeah ? greenlee : mm - hmm . ryan : i 'm going to make that dream come true . [ both laughing ] [ scene_break ] opal : oh , greenlee was all strung out about ryan , you know ? i mean , he popped the question , and she turned him down . krystal : slow down , slow down . opal : because of this nightmare she 's been having . and so i offered to do a reading . i know , i know . but she was such a wreck . so i fixed her some tea , and we spread the cards . she pulled a couple , they practically sang the wedding march . but then , after she left , i noticed that there were some cards that had fallen on the floor . i was n't playing with a full deck . well , that means that the whole reading is null and void . krystal : look , opal , there 's -- there 's something i -- opal : so then , i walked over and i picked up the cup . and when i saw the leaves i was so spooked , i just dropped it like a hot potato . oh , i do n't know what to do . i mean , do i tell greenlee ? i ran around this town like chicken little before that tornado hit and it did n't do a lick of good . it did n't do anything to stop all the destruction and the death and -- oh , krystal , forgive me . krystal : no , it 's all right , dear . it 's all right . opal : i 've been running off at the mouth . i did n't even give you a chance to say why you came by . krystal : opal , i think you ought to sit down . opal : why ? it 's bad , is n't it ? krystal : something happened . opal : well , tell me already , please . krystal : joe got word from africa . tad is missing . opal , opal . [ scene_break ] jake : let me ask you something . why did you come back to pine valley ? nobody wants you here . david : this hospital needs me , jake . you see , you martins have given the impression that seducing patients and putting them in comas , killing them , is really no big deal . well , those days are over . you see , a real doctor is in charge now . jake : `` you martins . `` you 're so condescending . let me remind you , you have tried to take down my family and my father before . it never works for you . david : the past is the past , jake . from this moment on , in these halls , the name martin means absolutely nothing . jake : you know , this hatred that you have for us , it 's not about medicine , is it , with you ? it 's personal . and i think it 's personal because we 're a family . we are a strong , solid family . david : wow . i 'm starting to well up . do you think maybe your daddy will adopt me ? jake : see , no matter what you say , it wo n't break us . and that gives us a power that you will never know . how does it feel when you wake up in the morning on this planet and realize that you do n't have one person , not one , that really cares about you ? you know what i call that ? i call that sad . no , actually , a better word for it would be pathetic . you 're pathetic , dave . [ scene_break ] amanda : we 're cool , ok ? you do n't have to explain . j.r. : i just -- i want you -- i was n't using you . amanda : yeah , you were -- for good reason . you put your lips on me to keep them off that champagne glass , and i 'm glad . i 'm glad i was there to help . j.r. : you 've helped me out a lot lately . but this decision that you 've made to not be friends ? amanda : trust me . j.r. : over the holidays , i did n't think i was going to get through it . but then i 'd look up and there you were to peel me off the ceiling , put a smile on my son 's face . amanda : it was no big deal . j.r. : you 've done so much for me and little adam . let me do something for you . just to say thanks . amanda : you do n't owe me anything . i should get back to work . erica 's cracking the whip . j.r. : she has n't eased up ? amanda : no , the only thing worse than her catching me slacking off would be to run into your father . j.r. : well , if you do , and he gives you a hard time , you 'll let me know ? amanda : ok . thanks . j.r. : i 'd better go . [ scene_break ] zach : does that hurt ? reese : no , no . it 's a scratch . zach : you probably just need to get a tetanus shot . reese : oh , my god . i 'm fine . and i 'm fully immunized already . i 'm just going to do a final walkthrough and make sure everything 's together , check the fire exits , smoke alarms , and everything else . zach : let the guys do that . reese : oh , the guys . what am i supposed to do ? should i arrange flowers ? or put a little potpourri in a bowl ? zach : that 's not what i meant . no , come on , stop . no , no , no , no . i just meant you worked hard , and you deserve a break . and how are you going to play poker the way i taught you if you have broken fingers ? reese : well , that 's a good point . i have a surprise for you . once we hang this up , this will officially be the `` fargate carnival room . `` you know , you did n't say anything at the memorial . i 'd love to hear a little bit more about the woman you would dedicate all of this to . zach : she was my friend , always there when i needed someone to talk to or someone to straighten me out . and we would just sit and drink some scotch together . no big deal , just two friends enjoying each other 's company , that 's all . reese : that 's exactly how i feel about you . zach : well , i do n't think you realize it , but that 's a top compliment . reese : i mean it . zach , you 're such a good friend . zach : well , then . friends should always be honest with each other , right ? you look like hell . [ scene_break ] erica : i just wondered where reese is , that 's all . it makes perfect sense that she 'd be at the casino . she 's overseeing the renovation . bianca : she 's with zach , and that bothers you . why ? erica : all right , i saw reese and zach together . zach was very upset about kendall , and reese was comforting him in a way that -- that concerned me . bianca : you 're kidding me , right ? my fiancée and my sister 's husband ? erica : reese has a history with men that she deliberately hid from you . bianca : i knew it ! i knew that i would regret telling you that . erica : honey , i 'm just saying it 's possible . bianca : it 's absurd . reese is a lesbian . she was engaged to simon before , because she did n't know who she was then , and she did n't tell me about it because that 's her past . erica : it 's so far in her past that he showed up on your doorstep for reese on new year 's eve ? bianca : i ca n't do this . erica : bianca -- look , honey . i want to believe that reese is being truthful with you , that she is completely and totally devoted to you . bianca : great , believe it . erica : it 's just that she was very defensive when i spoke to her about this -- i mean , after her encounter with zach . bianca : you confronted her ? erica : i merely mentioned the fact that she had been engaged to a man once before , and she just flew off the handle . bianca : do n't do this , mom . erica : bianca , do what ? protect my daughter ? bianca : i do n't need protection from the love of my life . i need you to back off . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey . any word on tad ? jake : hey , yourself . no , nothing yet . j.r. : well , somebody has to have seen him , jeff , or jamie . it 's been weeks . jake : i 've actually got an extra contact trying to find out something , and hopefully , we will hear soon . krystal : somebody ? somebody please help us . jake : what 's happening now ? j.r. : are you ok ? jake : opal , what 's the matter ? opal : tell me it 's not true . tad -- you 've got to tell me . jake : no , no , no . we 're going to find him , ok ? krystal : jake , jake , i think she 's having a heart attack . jake : opal , listen here . david : i 've got it from here . jake : like hell you do . david : krystal called me to let me know that opal was coming in . step aside . i can have security remove you from the hospital , if you 'd like . please , let 's get her to an exam room . come on . opal : where 's tad ? i just need tad . david : all right . j.r. : unbelievable . you called hayward ? krystal : he 's her heart door . jake : really , krystal ? what 's he do for you ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , amanda , there 's one more . adam : oh , how nice to have my parlor back . erica : well , how nice to know that my office is waiting . adam : what time would you like to leave for the casino tonight ? erica : do you think we 're going together ? you 're presuming that we 're a couple . adam : well , just instead of running around in circles and making my head spin , would you tell me exactly , precisely what we are ? erica : i am a successful , independent , powerful woman . adam : yeah , and ? erica : and you are an acquaintance . adam : an acquaintance . yes , so that 's your euphemism of choice these days ? erica : well , you could try saying friends again , but the truth is , that would be a stretch , since most of the time i do n't even like you very much . adam : oh , do you make a habit of kissing people you do n't like ? erica : i never kissed you . you kissed me . it was meaningless , something i 'd like to forget . adam : yes . all right , i 've forgotten it . but i 'd like to forget you . the chandler hotel is closed . i 'd like you out by tonight . erica : oh , that 's not a problem . as a matter of fact , i think i will leave right now . someone will come by . they 'll pick up my things . adam : i 'll send you a bill . erica : a bill ? for what ? adam : well , the time you spent here , the office space , the maid service , the room service , the telephone , internet , and blood . erica : blood ? adam : the donation i made that saved your life , erica . erica : you 're not serious ? adam : well , i suppose the satisfaction of knowing i am coursing through your veins should be compensation enough , but there 's all that other stuff . erica : you invited me here . you begged me to come here and keep you company . surely you do n't really expect me to pay you ? adam : have you forgotten ? we 're in a recession . erica : you 're unbelievable . adam : yeah . it 's a pleasure doing business with you . do n't come back . erica : to this dump ? never . i say never . [ scene_break ] greenlee : we 're getting married . tell me i 'm not still dreaming . ryan : you 're not still dreaming . it 's real . greenlee : whenever and wherever we get married , i want it to be perfect . no stress , no drama . ryan : no crashers . greenlee : i want kendall to wake up so she can be my matron of honor . i want emma to be my flower girl , and i want spike to be my ring bearer . me , me , me . what about you ? do you have any special requests for the big day ? ryan : i wo n't be walking down the aisle . [ scene_break ] krystal : now , for your information , david is a friend . jake : but i heard you spent christmas with him . and that you had him at the house , and you had him near the kids . i mean , is n't that more than just a friendship ? krystal : that was n't planned , all right ? i -- j.r. : you 're trying to hide it , but it 's not working . you freaked out when he tried to comfort you right here in the hospital . krystal : my husband is missing , all right ? i had a panic attack . j.r. : the way that you beat on him , that was n't panic . that was guilt . jake : do you have anything that you feel guilty about , krystal ? krystal : nothing . jake : ok . if you were having an affair on my brother , would you admit it ? krystal : you know , how could you -- how could you -- jake : how could i what ? women do n't cheat ? women do n't lie ? they do n't marry one guy and take off with another ? i 'm just saying -- krystal : i told you , david is a friend . jake : i know that you just had your one - year wedding anniversary , right ? do you know that my brother told me he was tore up he could n't be with you ? so what ? do you feel the same way ? krystal : why are you looking at me that way ? j.r. : because you 're acting just like my mom when david reeled her in . i knew that he wanted to steal you away from tad . i warned you . but it 's too late , is n't it ? david : i gave opal a cursory exam . everything looks fine . i 'm running an ekg right now . if it 's clear , she can go home . krystal : great . can i see her ? david : yeah , follow me . j.r. : do n't . do n't go with him . [ scene_break ] zach : ok , one more time . every person that shows up here is a vip . it does n't matter who it is . if they need something , you get it for them . if you ca n't get it for them , find me . franz , are you paying attention to me ? good . wow . um , get to work . hey . let 's clean this up , all right , gentlemen ? thank you . and you , you clean up nice . reese : oh , well , thank you . i did n't think that overalls were going to cut it . zach : what are you looking at ? get out of here . go , work . you 're distracting my guys . do n't do that . reese : ok , well , if i am , it 's your fault , giving me the full - on salon treatment in your office . that was very nice . thank you . zach : it 's a grand opening . you ca n't be looking like a lumberjack . reese : oh , you know what just for that , i 'm going to wear a hard hat . excuse me , can i get your hard hat ? zach : fine , let me see what i paid for . give me the whole thing . reese : oh , i have to do a little -- zach : uh - huh . reese : oh . ok , so -- zach : wow . [ bianca walks in ] zach : hey . reese : oh , my goodness . look at you . hello . bianca : hi . reese : wow , how are you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you got cold feet already ? ryan : no , not at all . i ca n't wait to get married . greenlee : but you just said you 're not going to walk down the aisle . ryan : do you remember when we just took off , just the two of us ? you , me , and the open road ? do you remember that ? do you remember how incredible that felt ? yeah , you remember that . no worries , no fear . so i wo n't be walking down the aisle on our wedding day , but i 'm going to ride my bike to you , my incredibly beautiful bride , and after the ceremony you 're going to get on the back , and we 're going to take off , just the two of us . start a new life together . greenlee : burning rubber in a church might be an issue . ryan : oh , you 're going to look so hot . what i see right now , i see , like , white leather with , like , a miniskirt and hot boots . greenlee : yeah , not happening . ryan : know what i mean ? there 's the guy in philadelphia who made your helmet , remember ? we 're going to get him to put a veil on . and maybe some gloves , you need some , like , leather gloves with the boots . to match the boots -- greenlee : why are we talking about clothes when we 're not wearing any ? [ doorbell ringing ] erica : oh , are you all right ? ryan : erica . yeah , i 'm fine . are you all right ? how are you ? it 's good to see you out of the hospital . erica : annie escaped from oak haven . she broke in here . i mean , how did that ever happen ? how did she get out ? ryan : oh , erica , you do n't have to worry about her , ok ? it 's fine . erica : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i clearly -- i interrupted your nap . i mean , after all you 've been through , i know you really do need some sleep . oh . i see . i guess i was worried for nothing . you 've clearly moved on . greenlee : do n't start , erica . erica : what did i say ? greenlee : it 's not enough that you wormed your way into my company -- now you want to force your way into my private life ? erica : your private life is of absolutely no interest to me whatsoever . ryan 's well - being , on the other hand -- that is really a big concern of mine . ryan : well , i -- i appreciate that you -- greenlee : translation -- she wants me gone . erica : ok , let 's try this again . this is not about you . this is about ryan . and after all he 's been through with annie , he really needs some time to recover . i 'd just hate to see him get into something that he would regret . ryan : i appreciate the concern , i really do , and especially with all you 've got going on right now , to take the time to come here , that 's -- it means a lot . but i 'm fine . i 'm actually better than fine . i 'm -- i 'm great . i 'm in a great place . i 'm -- i 'm in the right place . with greenlee . how is kendall ? greenlee : she needs you , we do n't . erica : ok . obviously , i have come at the wrong time . i hope to see you at the casino later . ryan : ok . erica : ok . ryan : ok . erica : oh , greenlee , just one more thing . i want you to know that i have moved my office out of the chandler mansion , back into fusion . hope to see you there sometime . i mean , if you can find the time . ryan : do n't let her get to you . greenlee : it kills me to say this , but what if she 's right ? what if we 're moving too fast ? ryan : what ? moving too fast ? how long have we been apart ? greenlee : maybe we should just slow things down , and not just on an emma level , but for you . i mean , it 's ok , ryan . if you need space -- ryan : greenlee , all the time that we 've lost , all the years that we 've been apart -- are you kidding ? too soon ? it 's not soon enough . greenlee : are you sure ? ryan : yes , i am sure . i am positive . i should have never let you go to begin with . i should have held on to you so tight and never let you go . that 's what i should have done . it 's what i 'm doing now , ok ? and i want the world to know it . we 're going to the casino opening . greenlee : but i thought that - ryan : no , i do n't care what i said . i changed my mind . we 're going to the casino opening , and you 're going to be on my arm , the woman i love , and i 'm going to show everybody , all right ? i want to show everybody that we 're back together for good . [ scene_break ] reese : and look , look . all up there ? that is all glass mosaic , which -- it is an architect 's dream , because he can use it anywhere . what 's wrong ? bianca : no , nothing -- i 'm distracted . you 're gorgeous . you 're so glammed - up . reese : oh . yeah , well , i was working here with the crew all morning , and zach said to me -- oh , and i quote , `` you look like hell . `` yeah , nice , huh ? so he gave me the salon treatment . bianca : this was zach 's idea ? reese : yeah , you know , he wanted to surprise me and do something nice , and so it 's a big night , i said , `` why not ? `` ok , something 's wrong . what is it ? bianca : no , i -- i -- my mom told me about your argument with her . reese : are you upset i did n't say anything ? bianca : no , i 'm upset at her for suggesting the most ridiculous thing ever . i told her that you and zach are friends . it 's insane for her to suggest that you 're something more than that . reese : wait -- wait a minute . your mom thinks that something 's going on between me and zach ? bianca : well , she did n't tell you that ? reese : no . she went off on me about simon . she -- oh , my god . wait a minute . what did she say ? bianca : well , i -- i had just told her about your past , and she saw you together . this is where her mind goes . reese : oh , nice . now , i knew that i was going to have the mother of all mother - in - laws with erica kane , but come on . bianca : yeah , i know . she said you went off on her . reese : no , i did n't , actually . i -- look , zach was upset . he left , and there she was , and it was like she was ready to pounce . she was looking for anything to make it seem like i am not good enough for you . bianca : what did you say to her ? reese : i told her that our relationship is our business . bianca : good . i told her the same thing . reese : good . bianca , what your mom thinks about me and zach -- it 's crazy . bianca : i know . reese : all right ? the truth is , i do n't really care what she thinks . i 'm sorry . i care what you think . she got to you , did n't she ? man : excuse me , reese . reese : yeah ? man : we got a problem out front . reese : all right . i 'll be right there . i got -- can we talk about this later ? bianca : yeah . reese : are you ok ? bianca : yes . reese : yeah , all right , i got -- i 'll be right back . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] david : come on in . krystal : i , uh -- i drove opal home , got her into bed . david : she 'll be all right . she just needs some rest . krystal : yeah , i do n't know . i 'm not so sure about that . she 's worried sick about tad , and then there 's that tea leaf reading stuff . david : well , i do n't know if i can diagnose tea leaves , but i would n't have sent her home if she was n't going to be ok . now , why do n't we take care of you ? here . it 's in there . krystal : [ sighs ] david : great . just relax . everything 's going to be all right . in fact , it 's going to be better than all right , because tonight , we 're going out on the town . krystal : i just , um -- i came by for that glass of -- winifred 's got the kids . i 've got to get back . david : all right , listen . i understand , ok ? we are still grieving for babe , but it 's not healthy to hide behind closed doors forever . krystal : i 'm not up to it , all right ? not yet . david : what do you think babe would want from us ? she would say , `` go out there and live your lives . `` it 's a new year , krystal . it 's the perfect time . krystal : babe would want that . all right , i 'll go to the party . alone . [ scene_break ] reese : hi . welcome . nice to meet you . bianca : hey , inside , can i steal her for a second ? zach : sure . bianca : i 'm sorry . you 're right . my mother did get to me . but listen , do n't go back to that fear place , ok ? i believe that you are committed to me , our life , and our family . i trust you , and i love you , and i 'm so sorry this ever came up . reese : it 's ok , all right ? erica loves you , and she is just watching out for you . bianca : well , no more , not when it comes to us . [ scene_break ] zach : wow . erica : oh , hi . thank you , thank you . i -- oh , the casino looks amazing . i just , um -- just one thing missing . i wish kendall was here . zach : me , too . erica : well , the renovations look just fabulous . you 've done a terrific job . zach : it was n't me . it was your future daughter - in - law . pretty special . [ scene_break ] j.r. : quit watching me . adam : you should n't be here . j.r. : i do n't need a babysitter . go chase erica . leave me the hell alone . [ scene_break ] david : hey . krystal : hey . david : you did n't drive , did you ? krystal : i -- i took a cab . excuse me . david : krystal , take my arm . i do n't bite . krystal : i am perfectly capable of walking on my own , ok ? david : who cares what they think ? krystal : get away from me . david : here , have some champagne . j.r. : what 's wrong with you ? krystal : i had to get out . j.r. : with hayward ? krystal : look , j.r. , it 's not the way it looks . j.r. : oh , really ? because it looks like you 're on a date with this slimeball with tad missing . david : back off , junior . i 'm just giving krystal what she wants . maybe some day if you 're lucky , some poor sucker will do the same for you . [ with amanda watching , j.r. goes in another room and drinks out of a bottle ] david : j.r. does n't understand , ok ? forget about him . this is our night , so why do n't we have a good time , okay ? [ cell phone rings ] krystal : hello ? what -- i ca n't -- hello ? hello ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : opal , i 'm so glad you 're here . ryan : you know what , opal , i owe you a huge thank you . greenlee : i do n't usually go for the whole hocus pocus voodoo stuff , but your reading just reiterated everything ryan 's been telling me . i said yes . we 're engaged . opal : you ca n't -- you can not get married . [ scene_break ] erica : hi . bianca : oh , hi . erica : where 's reese ? bianca : she 's over there . i told her about your little theory -- about her and zach ? erica : and ? bianca : and she 's offended and angry , and she thinks this is as ridiculous as i do . erica : honey , i just do n't want to see you hurt anymore . bianca : she loves me . she will never hurt me . [ scene_break ] zach : what is it ? is there something wrong with the room ? reese : no , it 's not about the casino . it 's about me and bianca . we have to move out of your house . zach : why ? reese : because you and i ca n't be friends anymore . [ scene_break ] greenlee : why ca n't we get married ? [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , my god . tad -- [ krystal falls to the floor ] [ scene_break ] announcer : this new year 's -- krystal : i slept with david . announcer : the tables turn -- tad : this is a restraining order . krystal : all i want is my baby . announcer : and -- reese : you set me up ? bianca : i came back home , and i saw you . reese : so is the wedding off ? | at the chandler mansion , bianca helps her mother pack up her belongings to move back into the fusion offices . bianca tells erica that she had a visit from reese 's ex - fiancé , simon . zach , reese , and the contractors are at the casino , putting the final touches on the renovations before the grand opening . j.r. apologizes for kissing amanda . david runs into jake at the hospital and asks why he is here since he had fired him . jake says he filed a grievance against david and will continue working until the hearing . greenlee dreams that she recites her wedding vows to ryan . ryan lifts her veil and kisses her . when krystal visits opal at to check on kathy and jenny , her friend tells her about greenlee 's tarot reading concerning her wedding to ryan . opal feels chest pains after krystal tells her tad is missing in africa . |
hayley : i 'm hayley santos , and i 'd like to welcome you to a very special `` wave . `` as you can see , i 'm not in my studio in burbank . i 'm in pine valley , pennsylvania , which has been voted the best town in america . it also happens to be my hometown . i was n't born here , but i spent some of the happiest and most challenging years of my life in a place i 'm proud to call home . in the next hour , i 'm going to explore what makes pine valley the best town in the country . i 'm gon na show you the soul of this town , and the soul of any town is its people -- what the town 's given them and what they 've given back . so i 'm going to interview some die - hard pine valleyites who will reveal the heartbeat behind the best town in america . i was 16 , kind of goth . the polite version , a handful . the truth ? hell on wheels . but my dad and i survived . dad is adam chandler , founder of chandler enterprises -- a self - made man and proud of it . he was n't actually born here either , but like a lot of people who did n't live in mansions and may have come and gone , he has the same thoughts about this place . `` pine valley -- my home . `` [ scene_break ] adam : it was n't just a rivalry between me and pete cooney that brought me here , although a lot of people would like to believe that . no . i came here because of erica kane . the media portion of our company was shooting a film based on erica 's memoir `` raising kane . `` it 's a pity the movie did n't turn out , but i recognized the potential of this town . and i grabbed it . i moved my company headquarters here . the smartest decision i ever made . i put pine valley on the map . erica : i 've been told that i put pine valley on the map . of course , that is n't really true . i mean , not just one person can take all the credit for everything this town is , everything it has to offer . i confess that i did n't always appreciate pine valley . when i was growing up , i wanted to be anywhere but here . i wanted to be a star . and that meant hollywood or new york . so i went . and i became a star . but i soon realized that i did n't have to live in one of those places to be everything i wanted to be . everything i wanted was right here . [ scene_break ] joe : 40 years . huh . where i met ruth . [ chuckles softly ] the prettiest nurse in the hospital . we raised our family here . our sons have settled nearby with their families . it 's going to be hard to leave . ruth : we 're moving to florida . joe : yup , we 're retiring . ruth : we have had a wonderful life here . joe : and even though we 're leaving , pine valley will always be our home . tad : the martins found me when i was about 9 years old , wandering around a state park with a broken arm . and how i got there was a long story . anyway , uh , my father was actually the physician who set it . and that was the luckiest day of my life because what joe and ruth decided , they really needed in theirs was a sad , scared little boy . so they took me in . i guess over the years , they sort of managed to fix everything else that was broken . pretty amazing . it 's amazing , you know ? but then again , that 's pine valley . [ scene_break ] brooke : ha ha ! i rode into town on the back of my boyfriend 's motorcycle . and i will never forget my aunt phoebe standing in the door . she was holding a glass of sherry in her hand , and she had a look of absolute shock on her face . and that was the beginning of quite a ride . [ scene_break ] krystal : pine valley . ha ha ! that 's too cute . ha ha . but i had to meet my new son - in - law . so i came . babe and i spent most of our life on the move . so i never expected to stay . but i kept putting off the good - byes until one day it just -- it hit me . i had a shot at something i 'd never had -- home . [ scene_break ] ryan : i did n't even have a home when i first came to pine valley . of course , i did n't want one . i was all about one thing and one thing only . you know , hayley . the con . that was everything for me . of course , then a funny thing happened . i fell in love with a woman . and i fell in love with pine valley . [ scene_break ] jesse : well , i was a hard - headed , straight - up wannabe thug fresh out of center city . suburbia was not my thing . this was a town full of uptight people with their heads so far up their , well -- suffice it to say this was not my kind of town . then i met the girl of my dreams -- angela baxter . fine , fine , fine ! and that 's why i love pine valley , because it gave me angela . angie : and then he was there . just like that , we were a family again . [ chuckles softly ] after 20 years . 20 years ! it was a miracle , our miracle . here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so i jumped a tramp steamer . i wanted to go anywhere but pine valley , and i wanted to get away from everything chandler . so i ended up in san diego . i met babe . it was love instantly . i am proud of the life that i created for my son and for the woman that i love . after all that running , everything i needed was right here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] brot : you know , after iraq , home was the last place i wanted to go . hell , i did n't want to go anywhere , because i did n't think there was anyplace in the world where i could fit in . back home , i was the star of the football team , the most popular guy in school . and now when i think of a place called home , i do n't think of where i grew up . i think of pine valley . that 's weird , huh ? [ scene_break ] opal : the glamorama , the chicken shack . i may not feed or beautify the locals anymore , but i still love them -- every single last one of them . well , almost . palmer : she can deny it all she wants to , but i know that she loves me . [ scene_break ] david : oh , i 'm sure you 're expecting me to complain about the small - minded , ungrateful people here . but that 's not going to happen , because the truth is i do n't care what people think of me . i have done some of my best work here . i have saved the lives of countless pine valley citizens . and , yes , it 's true they have n't exactly embraced me , but i 'm not going anywhere . i plan on taking my last breath right here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] jake : born and raised . i left and came back . i left . i came back . you see the pattern ? i always thought that i was going to grow up to be my dad . and that 's a good thing . in fact , it 's a great thing . i mean , the chief of staff . married to the love of your life , raising little jakes and jakettes . but it never quite worked out . joe : i remember when jake was a little boy , he came to me with a pine cone in his hand . and he asked me , `` why do those trees drop so many cones on the ground ? `` and i told him that trees drop the cones to remind us that they 're up there looking out for the people who live in the houses below . pine valley has had good times and bad times . but even in the bad times , you always had the feeling that someone was looking out for you . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm a very different man from the guy who blew in here six years ago looking for revenge . hmm , did pine valley change me ? i do n't know . ask this woman right here . [ scene_break ] erica : people see the glamour , the clothes , the public me . but i 've gone through some very difficult times , both before i was famous and after . some made the tabloids , some did n't . sometimes i thought i would n't survive , but i did with the help of some family , especially my mother mona . i think of myself as strong , independent , but the truth is i had firm ground to stand on . i had pine valley . [ scene_break ] hayley : i 've seen people do it for power , for money , for revenge , for escape . my high school boyfriend did it to give a girl a green card , but it means the most when the two go hand - in - hand . `` love & marriage in pine valley . `` erica : i was hoping you would n't go there . huh . ten times . adam : 13 if you count erica twice and liza three times . [ scene_break ] zach : well , i thought getting married on a boat was romantic . kendall : oh , it was , it was . but that was n't in pine valley . zach : ok . kendall : yeah , and i think when we retied the knot at pine valley hospital that , yeah , i really was not looking my best at all . zach : i think someone 's dropping a hint . kendall : well , yeah , do n't you think that a nice big ceremony would be fun ? our friends , our family . it does n't sound so bad , does it ? zach : it does n't sound bad at all . [ scene_break ] opal : oh , we have had some beautiful weddings here in pine valley . and not all the marriages turned out so pretty , but the weddings , they were straight out of the movies . maria : every bride should have a horse - drawn carriage ride through the snow . opal : ha ha ! well , one thing 's for sure : a pine valley wedding guarantees some drama along with the cake and champagne . nina : my wedding at courtlandt manor . a pure fairy tale . opal : cliff and nina 's marriage took a couple of tries to make it to the happy ending part . erica always did know how to throw a wedding . well , of course , she had a lot of practice . picture perfect till greenlee blew it sky - high . jackson : my daughter always knew how to make an entrance . [ scene_break ] j.r. : when i lost babe , i thought that was it . i was convinced that i 'd never love anybody as much as i loved her . then i met marissa . ha ha ! that smile . marissa : his dimples . i mean , how could i not fall in love ? j.r. : i resisted at first -- for a long time . marissa : when i first came to pine valley , i was really just focused on getting my life back on track and my education . and then i met j.r . j.r. : it 's great ! she 's great . scott : uh , no . i 'm not married . i 'm not even dating right now . [ scene_break ] erica : to find love once is wonderful . to find love more than once , it 's amazing . adam : althea , erica , brooke . uh , dixie , gloria , natalie . no , natalie was before gloria . [ scene_break ] greg : some couples are just meant to be . angie : `` i now pronounce you husband and wife . `` i know that when that minister said those words , he said them a thousand times to a thousand different couples . but when he said them to me , i knew they were just for jesse and me . oh , gosh ! we were so young . jesse : you know , after all the loving that 's gone down in this town , they should really rename pine valley love capital of america . [ chuckles ] what are you trying to do over there ? you loving me ? give me that . angie : of course , i 'm loving you . jesse : that 's my baby . frankie : this is randi . ha ha ! my wife . [ scene_break ] brot : once i 'm set up , i 'll find some lucky lady . i 'm sure she 's out there . natalia : it 's like there 's something wrong with you if you 're not married or engaged or engaged to be engaged or whatever . i mean , if i never find mr . right , i 'm completely cool with that . [ scene_break ] adam : althea , erica , brooke . uh , dixie . [ stammers ] yeah , gloria , natalie . liza , krystal . no , no . krystal : something in the water or maybe the moonshine . i went through my whole life without putting a ring on this finger . since i landed here , been married three times . liza : oh , romance ? ok . um , heh heh . well , i came back to pine valley for colby , my daughter . tad : no ! i 'm not gon na do it . liza : i guess romance just did n't fit into the picture . no , it does n't really fit into my picture . tad : i 'm not gon na tell you who i 'm interested in on national television , you know . this is national , right ? liza : things just happen , you know , especially -- i do n't know -- especially here for some reason . tad : maybe , maybe i 'm looking for love . you know , maybe not . liza : i do n't know . never say never . tad : you know , maybe i am . i do n't know . forget it . next -- next -- next question . [ scene_break ] adam : does the order really matter ? the important thing is that i 'm actually married to the only woman i ever really loved . annie : he was so afraid , shattered , alone . i understood that . sometimes i think i am the only person in the world who could have saved adam that night . i took him into my arms , and we have n't let go of each other since . [ exhales ] how was that ? too much emotion ? [ scene_break ] jake : if somebody had told me back then that amanda dillon would be my love , the actual love of my life , actually my wife , i would not have believed it . amanda : this was my wedding ring . crazy , huh ? jake is the most amazing man , but he did n't even know i was alive . jake : she was -- she was hot . amanda : so i decided to go to the e.r . to get his attention . jake : caliente , caliente hot . amanda : i pretended to have a sore neck just so he 'd massage it . after that , it was pretty easy to get him to put his hands on me . jake : muy , muy , muy caliente hot . get it ? amanda : when we first hooked up , we had so much fun . and then i really started to fall for him . tell me i 'm not gon na screw it up . [ scene_break ] erica : erica kane martin brent cudahy chandler montgomery montgomery chandler marick marick montgomery . there . i told you i could do it . ryan : people say that you only have one soul mate , one person on the entire planet that 's your match . so what happens if you walk by that one person on the street or you 've loved and lost ? that 's it ? you 're done ? i do n't believe that . erica : someone once told me that i should write a soap opera about my life and call it `` all my husbands . `` i laughed , but the truth is i loved every single one of them at the time . ryan : your soul mate could also be somebody that you -- you just end up dancing in perfect sync with . erica : sometimes you love a man because he protects you or makes you laugh or teaches you how to sail . ryan : do i think i 'll fall in love again ? [ chuckles ] maybe i already have . erica : i 'm counting on it . [ scene_break ] hayley : sometimes instead of saying `` pass the salt , `` you want to scream across the table `` why the hell did you mess up my life ! `` but you usually do n't . `` pine valley , family friendly . `` maria : oh , yeah . we had a big family . mateo : four sisters and one bathroom . maria : oh . did he really -- he did n't just really go there with the bathroom , did he ? mateo : blow dryers and make up and hair products . maria : it was not the horror show that he makes it out to be . mateo : i miss it . [ scene_break ] ryan : i actually kind of blocked out most of my childhood . um , well , we were n't exactly a scrap book , photo album kind of deal , if you know what i mean . so , i mean , why would i want to repeat a history that should never have happened in the first place ? right ? so i decided i never wanted to have kids . emma : daddy ! ryan : [ laughs ] and now i ca n't even imagine my life without them . how you doing ? oh . [ emma whispers ] ryan : yes , sweetness , we are gon na be on tv . right there . [ scene_break ] annie : i wanted to give my kids all of the hugs and kisses and love my parents never gave me . i wanted to be the mom that my mother never was . and i think i 've done that . my emma is such a happy , happy little girl . and she 's not living with us right now , but i have a feeling she 'll be spending a lot more time at the mansion very soon . adam : family is the most important thing to me . palmer : adam chandler ? he 's a rattlesnake . eats his young . colby : so i 'm supposed to pick a major this year . so i 'm thinking psychology with an emphasis on family therapy or circus management . adam : colby has finally figured out that home is where she belongs . if only j.r. could see the light . oh , have you seen little adam ? ha . he 's pure chandler through and through . j.r. : wave to your aunt hayley . ha ha ! hayley : aw . j.r. : is n't he awesome ? i know every parent says that about their kids , but little adam , he just has n't had it very easy . you know , losing his mom and having me for a father . i 've screwed up so many times . i just hope i have n't scarred him for life . i just want him to know no matter what happens , i love him . no matter what happens . [ scene_break ] erica : sometimes i see so much of my mother mona in them , especially bianca -- that quiet strength . kendall is a little more like me , not so quiet . quiet or not , we always get what we want . kendall : imagine erica kane as your mother . you ca n't . bianca : the best of everything , unfortunately , can come with the worst of everything . kendall : tabloids , rumors . bianca : fame you never asked for , and pressure . kendall : luckily , my mother wrote the book . a few books , actually . bianca : almost everything i am i owe to her . [ scene_break ] tad : although , i got to say , we martins do have a plan to be fruitful and multiply until we eventually take over the whole world . so far , my contributions are -- besides jenny -- are kathy and jamie . and they 're just -- they 're my pride and joy . they 're just great kids . i 'm proud of all of them . [ scene_break ] amanda : she 'd wake me up in the middle of the night to see if we could see the man in the moon wink at us . and i swear sometimes he did . jake : joe and ruth for parents , score . tad ? you know , a pain in the rump . and jeff and tara ? golden . i 'm kidding about my brother , by the way . amanda : at least i always had my dad . i loved how you always called him `` uncle pork chop . `` jake : big holidays . you know , snowball fights . i just really want to give trevor the whole package . amanda : i just hope that i can give trevor everything that my dad gave me . jake : because , actually , trevor is one of the best things that have ever happened to me . and it does n't matter , you know , that david is his father . i mean , it really does n't . david : my son trevor , my daughter marissa . they will never really know just how much i 've done for them . [ scene_break ] jesse : 20 years . 20 long years . frankie : when dad came home , it was n't all hugs and kisses . i was ticked . but i get it . randi : i grew up in foster homes . i never really knew what a family was . now i do . it 's pine valley , it 's the hubbards . they 're my family . natalia : and one day it hit me , you know . we are a family . angie , i mean , she 's got that fierce mom thing going on . and frankie ? well , there 's nothing terrible about having a big brother . [ scene_break ] scott : when my mom died , you know , my dad , he told me that everything was going to be ok , that we would always stick together . i may have lost my mother , but i realized that i was n't alone . i had the greatest dad a kid could have . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , let me see . let me see . come here . oh ! look at this . now , is that a family or what ? right ? [ scene_break ] hayley : sometimes the things that bond us together are n't the birthdays or the proms or the fun milestones . sometimes we come together when we need to . `` loss . `` erica : the last time i saw myrtle , she invited me over for tea . she told me that she had a dream : she and my mother were driving around in one of those classic convertibles -- top down , wind in their hair , laughing , driving down the road . a few days later , myrtle passed away in her sleep . i like to think that my mother drove by and picked myrtle up in that car , and they 're both driving around together right now having a good laugh . [ scene_break ] tad : i still talk to dixie all the time . that 's the truth . on a clear night , i 'll go outside and i 'll look up at the stars -- actually just one particular star -- and i 'll tell her everything . it took a long time for me to accept that she 's really gone . but , you know , maybe she 's not . who knows ? because it does n't matter how dark the night is , i always know exactly where to find that star . palmer : my beautiful dixie . i miss her so . [ scene_break ] opal : just seeing her smile was enough to make your day . everybody loved my jenny . i am so proud to be her mama . greg : jenny was my high school sweetheart . when you start that young , it 's supposed to last forever . maybe that 's why it 's hard to go back . [ scene_break ] brooke : my daughter laura was 8 years old when she was killed by a drunk driver . and i did n't think i would survive it . but the memory of that bright , beautiful face , that 's what kept me going . [ scene_break ] krystal : we deserve the best , and together we can always get it . that was our motto . babe was n't just my daughter , she was half my heart and always will be . j.r. : babe died in my arms . and i swear i could -- i could just feel her life slipping away . i was ripped up about it . i mean , i was angry , too -- why she did n't just stay and fight . you know , why did n't she fight harder ? not for me , but for little adam . you know . hey ! because when you love someone so much , you fight to stay with them . [ scene_break ] david : honestly , it 's not really me they hate . i confront , i challenge , i push people to their limits . they fall short . that 's what they hate -- their own weaknesses . me , i 'm just the scapegoat . let me tell you something , they would really miss me if i were gone . i get people 's blood boiling . i make them feel alive . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee ? man , so many things to say , um , about her , but i guess the best way to describe her is that she was just so full of life . she was up for anything . and i lost her on our wedding day . one moment i was planning a future with my bride , and the next moment , i was searching for her body . [ scene_break ] mateo : i miss my sister so much . [ scene_break ] adam : stuart was the best fly fisherman on the east coast . he made his own lures . beautiful things , works of art . ha ha ! everything stuart got was special to him , a gift . and he always gave back more than he got . i just wish -- i just wish he was -- hayley : it 's ok , dad . take your time . adam : i ca n't -- i ca n't do this . i just ca n't . [ scene_break ] brooke : leaving pine valley . palmer : no one leaves pine valley , not for good . nina : father is the reason we moved to pine valley , and father is the reason why cliff and i ultimately left . [ scene_break ] lily : you take the m15 bus from park and pine street at 9 : 15 a.m. , 10 : 15 a.m. , 11 : 15 a.m. , 12 : 15 p.m. , 1 : 15 p.m . maria : there 's always that pull . greg : your hometown , it 's with you for life . bianca : i still think of it as home . i know that there will always be a special place for me there . brooke : oh , of course i 'd come back , but would n't somebody have to warn erica first ? erica : brooke who ? jackson : can any man stay away from erica kane forever ? lily : m.i.t . is a lot more difficult for me to navigate than pine valley , and not only because one of the school colors is red . but when you have autism spectrum disorder , your family helps a lot . jackson : the pine valley public school system took lily in , mainstreamed her . maria : you know , i still read the `` pine valley bulletin `` on - line . but i see the holiday dinner menu at the valley inn or that there 's gon na be a memorial day town picnic , and i just really want to go home . lily : home . jackson : home . bianca : home . brooke : home . [ scene_break ] hayley : whether it 's a wish on a christmas tree angel or a prayer for a happy , healthy child , it 's a force that keeps us going . `` hope . `` jake : the thing about pine valley , we love our history . but we really are all about moving forward . tell us we ca n't do something , and we will . you knock us down , we get up stronger . those tornadoes that ripped through here last year -- jesse : i mean , really , it looked like bombs went off all over the city . like a war zone . angie : we had injured in the waiting rooms , the halls . jesse : the phones were out . the power was out . angie : but we took care of our people . jake : it was like the end of the world . and for some people , it was . krystal : it only took a few minutes , and the comeback was sticks . my daughter and my grandbaby buried alive . david : i tried to get to the hospital in time , but i was too late . babe was dead . joe : it was bad . it was n't the first time it happened . back in ' 94 , a tornado came by and leveled the house . ruth : but we survived and rebuilt . so did the town then and now . tad : no , we rebuilt , man , because we did n't have an option . nobody could afford to just throw up their hands and walk away because that 's not how the people around here are . we get busy , you know , rebuilding our town and our lives . we kept pine valley on the map , kept it moving forward so we could keep moving forward . ryan : and everyone came together to help , you know . and we did n't stop until absolutely every person was accounted for . i was really proud to be a part of that . [ scene_break ] adam : erica and i were trapped right here in the tunnels here in the mansion . i kept that woman alive . she owes me her life . she 'll never admit it . ha ha ! erica : after ryan rescued adam and me , i went to the hospital to see kendall . i tried to get her to wake up . i begged her to open her eyes , but she would n't . kendall : it 's a miracle i 'm here . erica : in the ruin of that storm , literally in the rubble , bianca gave birth to a beautiful baby girl -- gabrielle . so much destruction , so much death , and yet there was gabby . in the midst of all that tragedy . bianca : looking at gabrielle now , you ca n't tell that she was born in the middle of all those tornadoes . but when she grows up -- this is just a prediction -- she might just be the strongest kane woman of us all . [ scene_break ] hayley : that 's pine valley . i know i ca n't be completely objective , but i think it deserves its title as best town in america . it might not have the best weather , the biggest attractions , or the lowest unemployment , but it has something much more important . tad : i 'm a lifer , and i say it without apology . i am a lifer with a mission , and that 's to get my whole family back in this town , every single martin . [ chuckles ] jake : i got everything i need right here -- a job that i love , the most beautiful wife in the world , a healthy baby boy . i mean , you know , it 's not all cupcakes for us yet , but it will be , give or take six months . liza : coming back home is not always easy . you know , when i first got back here , i was trying too hard to get colby to accept me again . and then i just realized that i do n't have to work that hard at it . and i also realized that pine valley is really my home and it always has been . j.r. : my family 's here . my future 's here . no , i 'm not going anywhere , right ? [ laughter ] adam : a new life with the love of my life . what more could i ask ? ahh . erica : so many people thought that the end of `` new beginnings `` would be the end of me . well , they obviously do n't know me very well . i have so many projects in the works , including trying to help those beautiful children i met in africa , raising money for bianca 's miranda center . as difficult as these times are for so many people , i truly believe that we need to look past our own problems and give hope to those who need it most . emma : there 's no place like home . there 's no place like home . there 's no place like -- ryan : ha ha ! that was so good ! you love that movie , do n't you ? she loves that movie . [ scene_break ] jesse : the hubbard family has landed , and we are staying put . [ all laugh ] jesse : all my children . look at all my children . [ scene_break ] erica : what do i think makes pine valley so special ? i think it 's because everyone who lives here feels a connection . you do n't have to be related . you do n't even have to like each other . no matter who you are or what you do , pine valley is like a big home with a lot of rooms . we have disagreements . we have issues . joe : in the end , we all come together . erica : and the door is always open . [ scene_break ] agnes : the great and the least , the weak and the strong , the rich and the poor , in sickness and in health , in joy and in sorrow , in tragedy and triumph , you are all my children . | this episode of amc marked its 40th anniversary with quite a few of the stars coming back for special appearances . this episode was based on a documentary hosted by hayley which celebrates pine valley being named the `` best town in america . `` this episode contained special appearances by the actors and actresses , who portrayed maria santos gray , palmer cortlandt , opal cortlandt , brooke english , zach and kendall slater , bianca montgomery , jackson montgomery , erica kane , annie lavery chandler , adam chandler , david hayward , jake martin , tad martin , joe and ruth martin among others . |
j.r. : this meeting is long overdue . it 's ridiculous we have n't even discussed an alliance till now . ryan : a what ? j.r. : i 'll admit it was a bad break losing cortlandt electronics , but i think we could get it back . there 's a lot of opportunities that are out there right now . we got to act fast . ryan : i do n't think you understand what i 'm doing here . j.r. : i understand . cambias is a dynamic company . so is chandler . if we explore a partnership right now -- ryan : we 're not working together . j.r. : i do n't understand . ryan : do you have any idea what you 're doing to annie ? [ scene_break ] annie : come on , amanda . open up . open up . open up . what took you so long ? amanda : it 's not a good time , annie . annie : it 's important . i 'll explain . just open the door . amanda : i 'm really sick . if you come in , you could catch it . annie : i 'll catch the bubonic plague if i have to . it 's that important . [ scene_break ] marissa : i have really good news . scott : you stole a key to get me out of here ? marissa : almost as good . i have been on the phone all morning with prosecutors from the justice department . they are open to the idea of an early release . scott : how open ? marissa : i 'm gon na go see the parole board , and if things go like i think they will , you could be out of here very soon . scott : but i 'm gon na miss these guys . i do n't know . marissa : ok . just do n't say your good - byes just yet . so what do you think ? are you ready to be back in the world ? scott : are you kidding me ? i 've been ready since the moment i stepped in this place . better question is , is the world ready for me ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i hate these things . frankie : it 's better than getting the flu . greenlee : i came to see kendall and thought this was a good idea -- until i saw the needle . frankie : why did n't you just let the nurse give it to you ? greenlee : i requested you . you 're supposed to be the best . `` painless frankie `` they call you . frankie : left arm or right ? greenlee : does n't matter . frankie : you want to tell me what you want before or after the shot ? greenlee : before . frankie : good choice . greenlee : madison . frankie : i figured . greenlee : i thought you could give me an update on how she 's feeling . frankie : she 's feeling fine . greenlee : you two are close ? frankie : that 's right . greenlee : real close ? frankie : what are you fishing for , greenlee ? you think madison 's baby is mine ? [ scene_break ] madison : kendall ? kendall : hi . madison : you look pretty good . kendall : thanks . yeah , tell that to dr. castillo . he wo n't let me go home . he keeps saying it 's too soon . madison : as someone who was in here not too long ago , they 're usually right about these things . kendall : did you talk to my mom and bianca ? did they give you their notes after i finally sent them home ? madison : pneumonia is nothing to fool around with , especially with your heart problems . kendall : the medication has kicked in , so i am feeling great . everything is under control , and i really need to get home to my boys . kendall : i should be doing that . madison : you will when you 're stronger . madison : i could lie in bed at home . at least then they 'll see that i 'm not dead . griffin : if you 're planning on going anywhere , you 're gon na have to pass through me first . kendall : madison , do you know dr. mcwonderful ? madison : no . griffin : actually , it 's pronounced `` ca - sti - llo . `` madison : nice to meet you . griffin : so what 's this i hear about you wanting to leave ? is it the food ? kendall : no . actually , it 's you and your silly macho - doctor routine . griffin : i 'm just trying to save lives , ma'am . kendall : ok , that may work in the jungle , but around here -- griffin : jungle ? kendall : whatever . jungle , desert -- i do n't know . wherever the hell you were . it does n't matter . the fact is if someone wants to leave a hospital , they can leave . griffin : ok . fine . i got other patients . you want to go ? just go ahead and walk right out that front door . kendall : you think i ca n't ? griffin : i think you 're stubborn enough to try but smart enough to know you wo n't make it to the elevator . take a deep breath . up , up . hold it . you 're sounding better . madison : he seems to know what he 's doing . kendall : zach hired dr. castillo to help with the miranda center expansion . madison : that 's great . that place really helped me out when i needed it . kendall : ok . maybe you can tell him to focus on that job instead of hovering over me 24/7 . griffin : hovering -- i failed that in med school , but i did ace all my cardiology classes . and since you 're a heart transplant patient with pneumonia -- kendall : recovering from pneumonia . griffin : your condition has improved . your blood pressure 's down and your fever broke . kendall : ok . then you 're still treating me like i 'm at death 's door . griffin : it 's a very scary door . it has a big skull - and - bones knocker . kendall : i do n't scare easily . madison : is she gon na be ok ? griffin : that 's the plan . but i still do n't feel comfortable she 's not at risk . kendall : i 'm at risk of completely losing my mind . griffin : medically speaking , that probably happened long before you got into the hospital . madison : [ chuckles ] kendall : do n't encourage him . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i know madison is not carrying your baby . frankie : then what are you trying to stir up here ? greenlee : it 's a simple question . how close are you two ? frankie : we 're good friends . my wife is also her good friend . does that answer your simple question ? greenlee : yes , and that 's good . frankie : i 'm glad you approve . greenlee : i 'm concerned about her . frankie : huh . yeah , right . i heard about your big , generous offer to send her out of town . sounded like a sweet deal for you . greenlee : madison is pregnant . she 's alone . she quit her job . she 's recovering from a gunshot wound . frankie : the last thing madison wants or needs is your concern . greenlee : yes , but she needs friends around her . she needs a support system , friends in her corner . frankie : as long as it 's not ryan . greenlee : i never said that . frankie : did n't have to . why else would you ship her out ? greenlee : listen , she wanted to go out of town . she did n't think she could handle it financially . that 's when i made my offer for a move that would 've been better for everyone . frankie : especially you . greenlee : i wo n't deny that . but i honestly thought this would be good for her , too . frankie : she turned you down . but that wo n't be the end of it , is it ? so , what , now you want to offer me big bucks to claim that i 'm the father of madison 's baby ? greenlee : please . frankie : it might not fly once the baby comes out . greenlee : you 're acting like there 's some big conspiracy here . ryan and i are solid , and it 's not like he even knows that madison is carrying his -- ow ! ahh ! ahh . [ frankie gives greenlee an injection ] [ scene_break ] scott : you know what i feel like doing right now ? giving you a big kiss . j.r. paid off the guard to watch me , report back to him . marissa : he did ? scott : yeah . that surprises you ? marissa : i guess not . scott : i 'm sorry . i just wanted to give the guard something that would drive j.r. up the wall . marissa : it would certainly make him nuts , not that i think he 's trying to win me back . scott : yeah , but he would hate to see you with me . marissa : yeah , i think that 's fair to say . scott : yeah . so j.r. came here last week to see me . marissa : i had no idea . scott : yeah , he 's trying to feel me out on things between me and my brilliant attorney . marissa : what did you tell him ? scott : conjugal visits . lots of conjugal visits . ohh . marissa : oh . sorry . scott : see that ? you know what just happened ? you almost got yourself shot there . marissa : ok . look . hey , let 's just get you out of prison first , and then we can worry about j.r . here are the business magazines that you asked me to bring you . scott : thank you very much . i want to keep myself informed . because once i get out of this place , i 'm gon na dive right in and get my life back on track . marissa : like i said , it 'll really go a long way with the parole board if you have a job waiting for you , and i know it wo n't be easy . scott : no . corporate thieves not exactly high on the employee food chain these days , but that 's ok because i have a plan . marissa : good . and just forget about j.r. ok ? scott : i 'm sorry . who ? would you do me a favor ? would you make a phone call for me ? marissa : sure . who do you want me to call ? really ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : annie and i , we work together . ryan : and ? j.r. : that 's it . ryan : i know what 's going on , j.r . i saw annie on new year 's eve . ok ? she was a wreck . j.r. : i know . i know she was upset . ryan : because you were with marissa . j.r. : i really do n't feel the need to explain any of this to you . ryan : as long as you 're with the mother of my little girl , yeah , you will explain things to me . look , annie 's a little fragile right now . ok ? so when that happens , she can spin out . she can really , really spin out of control . do you understand ? you got to look at what messages you 're sending her . are you with marissa ? are you with annie ? j.r. : ok . marissa and i are getting a divorce . ryan : ok . great . so after that , what 's gon na happen ? are you and annie gon na go public ? j.r. : annie and i are fine . that 's all you need to know . ryan : really ? you 're fine ? j.r. : ok . it 's not a perfect situation . she gets frustrated from time to time , but we 're working on that . she is fine . ryan : i thought that once , too , and she lost it . ok ? she tried to kill people . you know that , right ? she tried to kill erica and greenlee . [ phone rings ] ryan : lavery . ok . yeah . if you think it 's important , i 'll be right there . thanks . [ hangs up phone ] look , i do n't know what the situation is , i do n't know exactly what 's going on , but straighten out with annie . ok ? because if you do n't , i will . [ scene_break ] annie : come on . amanda : if you catch this creeping crud , do not say that i did n't warn you . annie : you look fine to me . amanda : i look like crap . i feel even worse . ohh , it just hit me last night out of the blue . look , i have to go pick up madison , and opal 's dropping off trevor in a little bit . annie : ok , this is an emergency . i 'm willing to take my chances . amanda : ok , but i can hardly hold my head up . annie : this wo n't take any energy . i just need you to set up a double date with you and jake and me and j.r . amanda : a double date ? that 's the emergency ? annie : yeah . it 'll make my relationship with j.r. real . amanda : did the one that we had with scott help you ? all it did was upset you . and besides , i thought you and j.r. were supposed to be keeping things on the down - low . annie : jake would n't tell anybody , right ? amanda : we would still be out in public , annie . annie : you 're right . you 're right . i do n't know what i was thinking . i 'm just -- i was supposed to spend new year 's with j.r. , and i ended up spending most of the evening by myself . amanda : i 'm sorry , but you knew what you were getting into . annie : not like this . and marissa -- she 's become so manipulative , and she 's just trying to reel j.r. back in . amanda : annie , do n't do this to yourself . annie : it 's happening . it 's happening all over again , just like what happened with ryan and greenlee . i saw him , by the way , on new year 's , and it just brought back all of these memories . i remember him saying to me , `` we 're just friends . greenlee and i , we 're just friends . we 're not getting back together . `` and you know what ? they did . and then the exact same thing happened with adam and brooke . amanda : that does n't mean it 's gon na happen again . annie : no , because i wo n't let it happen again . i just need to come up with a way to have j.r. spend more time with me and less time with marissa . amanda : [ coughs ] what you need to do is stop obsessing about j.r . annie : whoa . you really are sick . amanda : ohh ! oh , my god . thank god jake got somebody to cover for him for the rest of the afternoon . there is no way i could spend the entire day alone . annie : really ? tell me , exactly what are your symptoms ? [ scene_break ] kendall : part of being a good doctor is treating the whole patient , not just parts of her . griffin : do you have an ingrown toenail ? did you sprain your funny bone ? kendall : i am bored to tears . griffin : do you know what would be a lot less boring ? heart palpitations . madison : are you having those ? griffin : not yet . but they could be coming , and they can be very exciting , like a booming car stereo with the bass cranked all the way up right in your chest , and that could be the precursor to all kinds of other fun stuff . kendall : all right . ok . i think we get it . madison : like what ? griffin : you see that ? somebody does n't find me boring . and to think that once i had entire villages writing my name in stones . kendall : ok , that does n't sound real to me . madison : is it true ? griffin : yeah . they would 've written `` dr. mcwonderful , `` but they ran out of rocks . madison : ha ! i could see that . griffin : maybe three - on - one will do it . greenlee : hey . kendall : hi . greenlee : hi , everyone . you 're looking so much better . kendall : tell him . griffin : she 's improved , but you 're not going home yet . greenlee : how are you doing ? madison : good . really good . greenlee : no problems ? madison : no . the gunshot wound is healing . and , actually , i got to go right now , but i 'll come back and check on you later . ok ? kendall : thanks again for everything , madison . griffin : do n't let her break out of here . kendall : um , did you come here to see me or my doctor ? greenlee : what ? oh . him ? yeah . not hard on the eyes . so you look good . i already said that . really , i am happy that you 're doing better . you really know how to ring in the new year . kendall : i heard you spent the night with spike and ian . i appreciate that . greenlee : no problem . if there 's anything else i can do to help -- kendall : thanks . greenlee : i know it 's gon na take us a while to get back in sync . it 's kind of weird not having you poking into my business . kendall : actually , i could really use some juicy gossip right now . i 'm dying to hear something . god knows there 's got to be something going on , right ? [ scene_break ] madison : thank you for keeping such a tight rein on kendall . griffin : heart transplant patients always need someone to keep an eye on them . i 'll make sure that kendall 's regular cardiologist stays on her . madison : what about you ? griffin : i 'm a surgeon . i just happened to be here when kendall was brought in . but playing the whole patient police -- that 's not my thing . i 'll see you . madison : see you . frankie . hey . frankie : hey . i just had an interesting conversation with greenlee . madison : oh . i 'm afraid to even ask . frankie : you should be . do n't trust her , madison . whenever you 're with her , watch your back . [ scene_break ] j.r. : can i get you something to drink ? marissa : no . i 'm fine . j.r. : are you sure ? marissa : yeah . i just want to go over some of these custody papers . i think that -- j.r. : ok , marissa , what 's wrong ? it 's only been two minutes , and it 's like an arctic chill in here . marissa : you went to see scott in prison , and you asked about me . j.r. : so he told you i saw him ? marissa : why did you go to see him ? j.r. : you want the truth ? marissa : i thought we were being completely honest with each other these days . j.r. : i was concerned about you . do you really think it 's such a good idea to have him as your first client to build your law career ? marissa : i think i have a good shot of winning . j.r. : but if you get an early release for a guy who 's a convicted felon , who openly admitted stealing from a dead man -- marissa : it makes me a good lawyer . j.r. : i 'm just saying it could put you on the other side of some very powerful people that may not want to do business with you . i 'm just saying let 's look at the big picture . marissa : ok . big picture ? scott 's been punished enough for what he did . he deserves a second chance , and he deserves a good lawyer who can get him one . j.r. : lucky for me , you do give second chances -- [ phone rings ] j.r. : because you 've given me about 10 . [ phone rings ] j.r. : j.r . annie : j.r . i 'm in trouble . j.r. : what 's wrong ? annie : i need you . please come to the hotel . i feel like i 'm dying . [ scene_break ] scott : wow . when i asked marissa to call you , i did n't think you 'd get here so quickly . ryan : she said it was urgent . scott : she 's a good lawyer already . i think it is . ryan : something about a takeover of one of cambias ' companies . scott : yeah , that 's the information that i have . ryan : ok . so who 's making the move ? scott : my former partner and cousin , j.r . ryan : really ? scott : mm - hmm . ryan : that 's a little confusing , considering i just met with him , and he was talking about some kind of merger . scott : no , that 's bogus . it 's an end - around . all right ? j.r. does n't want to be partners with anyone . trust me . i know . ryan : and how did you get this information ? scott : i still have some allies over at chandler . they keep me up to speed . the company is in a very bad place right now . ryan : not according to j.r. , it 's not . scott : he 's desperate . so he wants to make a big move to stay relevant to the board , and cambias -- that 's his first target . ryan : ok . thank you for the heads - up . i 'll check it out . scott : yeah . i would n't wait too long . ryan : and what do you get out of this ? scott : payback , for one thing . ryan : what 's the other thing ? scott : i want to be on your team . ryan : you want a job ? scott : you will never find a more loyal employee than me . ryan : no offense , but you come with a little bit of baggage . scott : a lot of baggage . but it also means that i 've got a lot to prove , which means i will work twice as hard as anyone else . ryan : once you get out of this place . scott : which is gon na be pretty soon . marissa thinks i got a real shot at it . ryan : i guess having a job would be very helpful . scott : exactly . the parole board -- they like to know that when you get out of here , you 're not gon na go rob a bank . do i have to remind you how many beer runs i made back when we were roommates ? ryan : no , you do n't have to remind me . but cambias is n't exactly looking for a beer run guy right now , if you know what i mean . scott : seriously , though , i can be an asset to you , ok , not just dealing with j.r. , but the whole operation . ryan : i 'm not doubting your competence , but i ca n't possibly hire you at cambias right now . scott : baggage still too heavy , huh ? ryan : especially after that whole nanotech scandal and all the problems at chandler . the board would string me up if i tried to take you on . scott : i know . serving time does n't help either . if i was in your position , i probably would n't hire me either . ryan : it 's gon na be a tough road ahead . not too many people are gon na be looking to help you out . scott : then i 'll just have to get back up on my own . [ scene_break ] j.r. : annie ? annie ? what is it ? what 's wrong ? annie : i 'm sorry to have called you like that , but i 've never felt this sick before in my life . j.r. : let me feel your head . my god , you 're burning up . annie : i tried to take something to reduce the fever , but nothing 's working . j.r. : how long have you been feeling like this ? annie : it just came on so suddenly overnight , and everything -- my whole body is aching . j.r. : it sounds like the flu . let 's get you into bed . annie : ok . oh , my god . j.r. -- j.r. : ohh ! annie : ohh . [ scene_break ] frankie : greenlee tried to smooth everything over , but it 's pretty clear . she does n't want ryan anywhere near you or your baby . madison : that 's not really much of a secret . i mean -- and i agree with her . i do n't want to share this baby . frankie : greenlee does n't exactly just let things go . madison : she 's just protecting her territory . frankie : it 's more than that . you want this baby ? madison : i do . frankie : greenlee does n't . i think she wants a way to guarantee that you and your baby wo n't interfere with her life . [ scene_break ] kendall : this is weird . greenlee : what 's weird ? kendall : you usually wo n't shut up about your latest drama . greenlee : and you always accuse me of being too self - absorbed . kendall : you are . but i get the feeling that you 're holding out on me , and you know how i hate that . so , please , just spill . i 'm desperate here . anything juicy going on with you and ryan ? greenlee : there 's really not anything going on . ryan and i are living together now . kendall : yeah , i know that already . ok . so how 's that going ? greenlee : great . kendall : one - word answers ? greenlee : fabulous and great . kendall : ok . now you 're making me mad . greenlee : no , that 's it . we 're happy . everything 's going really well . no complications . you ok ? kendall : i 'm fine . [ coughing ] griffin : does n't sound fine to me . kendall : oh , my god . what , do you have super hearing ? i just need some water . that 's all . griffin : and then you need to get some rest . here . greenlee : i will come back tomorrow . ok ? kendall : you ca n't throw her out either . griffin : i think i can take her . kendall : that i 'd pay to see . at least it would stop me from dying of boredom . greenlee : i 'm leaving . kendall : ok . come back with some better stories , please . greenlee : she certainly has n't lost her sense of humor . griffin : she 's a riot , all right . greenlee : i 'm just glad you were here when she came in . thank you for taking care of her . griffin : that 's part of the job description . greenlee : do n't be so modest . i know you 're new in town . how you liking it here ? griffin : it 's good . i 'm getting used to things . greenlee : must be hard getting a social life going , though , huh ? what do you do for fun ? griffin : you hitting on me ? greenlee : me ? no . griffin : i just thought -- never mind . greenlee : you are perfect for my friend , though , and i saw the way you two were connecting . so i thought -- griffin : you hooking me up with kendall ? what 's wrong with you ? kendall 's husband passed away , like , five minutes ago . what do you expect me to do ? hop into her hospital bed ? greenlee : i do have more than one friend . i was talking about madison , not kendall . griffin : madison ? the blonde ? greenlee : yes . i saw you two in that room , and you seemed to be connecting . griffin : so , what , did you think we were like soul mates ? greenlee : i just thought she might be someone you might be interested in . my mistake . griffin : ok . yeah , i do ok finding my own dates . greenlee : i 'm sure you do . just be sure to stay away from smart , beautiful women like madison , because they 're obviously too much of a challenge for you . griffin : oh . someone 's pissed off . is it because i 'm still treating your husband ? greenlee : i am no longer responsible for david . griffin : yeah , i know that . you passed him off . greenlee : do i have to remind you what that man put me through ? you may see him as some sort of brilliant mentor , but i -- i 'm not doing this . i do not want to talk about david . griffin : yeah . you 're too busy playing matchmaker . [ walks into kendall 's room ] hi . what are you doing ? where did you get this ? kendall : madison left it here . griffin : ok . listen to me . i know that you 've been dealt a really bad hand recently , but most people waiting for a heart transplant usually die before they get one . you 've been given a second chance , but that does n't mean you 're indestructible . kendall : you think i do n't know that ? i feel like i 'm falling apart here . griffin : ok . fine . so here 's your opportunity to fall apart where it 's safe , in the hospital , before you go home to your two little boys . because when you 're there , kendall , you 're gon na have to start taking care of yourself , stop neglecting that heart of yours , and seeing a shrink might not be a bad idea either . kendall : ok . all right . would you please stop lecturing me ? i am doing the best i can . griffin : i think that you can do better . because if you do n't , your kids may lose another parent . [ scene_break ] amanda : stay back . ah - choo ! you do n't want to catch this . madison : ok . amanda : oh , thank you . madison : are you sure you should be out ? amanda : i do n't have a choice . moms do n't get sick days , so -- madison : moms get breaks , right ? amanda : welcome to my big break today . i am making an emergency run for medicine and krystal 's chicken noodle soup . i ache all over , but i ca n't stop now . madison : is there anything i can do ? amanda : no , thank you . thank god jake got his shift covered for the rest of the afternoon , because i do n't know how i could do it . but i do n't know how single mothers do it , you know ? more power to them , right ? madison : right . luckily , there are lots of great nannies out there . amanda : and we have one of the best ones . just do n't ask me how much she makes . madison : that bad ? amanda : but worth every penny . you 'll see someday . ah - choo ! [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm sorry . scott : it was worth a shot , right ? ryan : hey , you know what i can do is i can just make some phone calls . i can see what else is out there if you want . scott : do n't worry about it , really . ryan : it 's not personal , man . you know that . scott : no , i get it . but when i do land somewhere , look out . ryan : yeah ? i look forward to the competition . and thank you very much for the heads - up about j.r. ok ? scott : yeah . ryan : all right . good luck . scott : before you go , how 's emma ? ryan : she 's good . she 's really good , actually . scott : great . ryan : have you heard from annie ? scott : no . but you sound a little concerned . ryan : she 's been a little bit tense lately . that 's all . scott : sounds like j.r. is still in the mix . do what you got to do to protect your little girl , but watch out for them . [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right . you 're gon na be ok . i 'm gon na call a doctor . annie : what ? no , no . j.r. , i need you . i do n't need a doctor . j.r. : i think you do . you do n't want this to get any worse . annie : it 's just the flu . i must 've gotten it from amanda , and jake even told her there 's nothing he could do . so -- j.r. : but , still , i 'd feel a lot better if someone took a look at you . annie : i 'm fine , really , unless it gets into my lungs . j.r. : right , your asthma . that 's another reason to call the doctor . annie : really , i 'm fine . ok ? please , just stay with me ? j.r. : i 'm not going anywhere . annie : would you mind getting me a glass of water ? j.r. : sure . annie : [ coughs ] ohh , thank you . thank you for coming . i know how busy you are . j.r. : it 's ok . annie : i do n't know what i would 've done without you . j.r. : i 'll always be here for you . [ phone rings ] j.r. : j.r. chandler . marissa : hi . are you ok ? you left in such a hurry . annie : tell the office to leave you alone . marissa : you 're with annie ? j.r. : yeah . she got sick at the office . she 's running a high temperature . it 's a bad flu , so i had to take her home . marissa : j.r. , you ca n't be around her . even though you 're in remission , you ca n't afford to catch the flu . j.r. : i had my shot . marissa : the doctor told you that it 's not 100 % . after the lymphoma , your immune system is compromised . j.r. : please do n't worry . marissa : i will always worry about you . you 're a.j . 's father . you have to protect yourself . just leave annie now . annie : i 'm sorry marissa heard me . j.r. : it 's all right . i handled it . annie : i did n't know that it was her on the phone . j.r. : she thinks that i should leave . annie : figures . j.r. : she does n't want me getting sick . annie : that 's not really any of her business anymore . j.r. : yeah , but my immune system is not really strong enough to be dealing with viruses . maybe she 's right about me leaving . annie : i do n't think i 'm even contagious anymore . j.r. : but i ca n't risk getting sick . i ca n't do that to a.j . i 'm the only one that 's holding the company together . i ca n't even be sick for a single day . annie : i 'll wear a mask . you can wear a mask . j.r. : i 'm not gon na leave you alone . i 'll bring somebody over here -- annie : no , i do n't want anybody else here ! j.r. : and i would love to stay -- annie : please stay . i 'm not really sick . j.r. : what are you talking about , annie ? you 're burning up . annie : no , i 'm not . [ picking up a hot - water bottle ] i was faking it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hi . i am so happy to see you . ryan : yeah ? you had one of those mornings , too , huh ? greenlee : i went to see kendall , and it was a little awkward , but the main thing is she 's doing better . ryan : she must be doing better . she 's got visitors coming by . greenlee : what about you ? ryan : i had a weird morning . i went to see j.r. , and then i went to prison . greenlee : to prison ? ryan : yeah . scott chandler wanted to see me . greenlee : about what ? ryan : he 's hoping to get an early release , and he wants to come work for cambias , and it 's just hard . i hated turning him down , but a job would be good for his parole . greenlee : he did admit to corporate theft . ryan : i know . but the guy wants to start over , you know ? greenlee : i always liked scott . ryan : yeah , he 's a decent guy , right ? he just got mixed up with -- greenlee : the wrong woman ? ryan : yeah . yeah , maybe . it 's nice to say that i do n't have that problem . greenlee : no . you finally found the right woman . ryan : yeah , you got that right . greenlee : and this right woman 's gon na fight like hell to make us be right forever . [ scene_break ] kendall : would you please just leave ? griffin : why ? because you ca n't handle the truth ? kendall : because you 're implying that i 'm trying to kill myself and make my children orphans . griffin : ok . maybe that was a hard sell . but i am trying to keep you alive here , and you 're not helping me . kendall : all right . listen . you know what ? we 're not in your war zone anymore . ok ? there 's no bombs about to go off and explode . so maybe you can try and take a second and feel what your patients are going through . griffin : that 's exactly where i 'm gon na be when i 'm finished with you . but first , i have to make you well again . we doctors take this oath thing pretty seriously . so you get some rest , or else i 'm gon na pull out a magic trick . madison : sorry to disturb you . hey . kendall : hi . no , you 're not . madison : i think i left a cell phone here . kendall : you did , actually , and my prison guard took it away from me . madison : i like dr. castillo . kendall : yeah , of course , you do . you know what ? you can have him . here you go . madison : thank you . if there 's anything i can get you before i go -- kendall : no , thank you . madison : take care , huh ? kendall : actually , could i ask you something ? madison : sure . kendall : is there a tidal wave hovering over my head ? madison : no . no tidal wave . kendall : a hurricane ? a monsoon ? madison : no . neither . but that 's how it feels ? kendall : do you ever feel like that ? like life is just spinning and swirling around you , and you 've got this huge tidal wave hovering over your head , and you have nothing to cling to ? madison : actually , i know the feeling pretty well . kendall : how do you know what to do next when you feel like you ca n't even take a breath ? madison : i do n't know . i guess just catch every breath that you can . look , i know it 's nothing at all like what you 're going through , but when i lost ryan , i had the wind knocked right out of me , you know ? but i 'm still standing . life 's still going on . tidal wave has n't knocked me down yet . kendall : actually , there is something that you can do for me , something that might help me catch my breath again . [ scene_break ] annie : i know . you do n't have to tell me . it was stupid . j.r. : do you know how worried i was about you ? annie : that 's what i wanted -- you to take care of me for a change . i 'm sorry . it was really selfish . i just wanted to be able to have a second of alone time with you . j.r. : so you fake being sick ? annie : i thought if i pretended , we 'd be able to spend some real time together . i know it was too much , and i am sorry . please forgive me . i just -- i just needed to be with you . ryan 's voice : annie 's a little fragile right now . ok ? so when that happens , she can spin out . she can really , really spin out of control . do you understand ? [ scene_break ] madison : mission accomplished . i even got your doctor 's permission ! kendall : hi , guys ! hello ! get up here now ! you get up here now ! ohh , i missed you ! ryan : madison called . madison : kendall did n't give me much choice . kendall : i missed you so much . i missed you . ryan : wow . it looks like the boys really are the best medicine , huh ? kendall : thank you both so much . hi ! hi ! hi ! ryan : happy new year . kendall : happy new year . did you hear that ? it is now . you know what ? this is exactly what i needed to catch my breath -- a hug from these guys , right ? a hug from these guys . you 'll see what i mean someday . it kind of puts life into perspective , does n't it ? madison : yeah , it really does . kendall : kids help you make sense of life when there is none . you 're a silly goose . give me another kiss ! a kiss on the cheek , please ? i want one . ryan : oh , kisses for mommy ! absolutely . look . he 's just hanging out . just take a load off there . take it easy . [ scene_break ] griffin : huh . suddenly , it all makes sense . greenlee : what ? griffin : why you wanted to hook me up with madison . she 's ryan 's ex , is n't she ? greenlee : you think i 'm worried about her ? please . | ryan visits j.r. at the chandler mansion and asks him if he knows what he is doing to annie . amanda is sick at home , when annie pays her a visit . amanda does n't want to let her in , but annie insists . when annie sees that amanda is really sick , annie wants to know what her symptoms are . greenlee questions frankie about madison and his closeness to her madison visits kendall to see how she is doing . while there , griffin comes in . kendall makes the necessary introductions between griffin and madison . marissa visits scott and lets him know about his parole hearing . scott kisses marissa after hearing the good news . annie tells amanda about how j.r. is treating her . greenlee visits kendall and kendall wants every piece of `` juicy `` gossip . greenlee is hesitant to tell her anything . kendall begins to cough as griffin comes in and gives her some water . in the corridor , madison gets more acquainted with griffin . frankie advises madison to watch her back when it comes to greenlee . marissa questions j.r. about his visit with scott . annie calls j.r. and pretends as though she is dying in order to get him to come to her . ryan visits scott in prison and finds out that j.r. may try to take over cambias . scott asks ryan for a job at cambias , but ryan refuses . |
[ jack walks into the boathouse ] jack : greenlee ? damn . all right , kiddo , where are you ? ok , god . tell me i have no good reason for being so afraid for my daughter . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm getting out of this hellhole ! [ gunshot ] [ kendall screams ] aidan : get down ! [ gunshots ] aidan : everybody , get down ! they 're going to shoot -- get down ! [ kendall screams ] aidan : get down ! [ scene_break ] erica : nice throw . nice throw . jack : hey , you . erica : i 'm not following you , if that 's what you 're thinking . jack : never crossed my mind . erica : remember when we used to ring in the new year with champagne and dancing ? jack : yeah . as i recall , there was also some kissing involved , or did you forget that ? erica : never . so , are you still on the lookout for greenlee ? jack : yeah . as a matter of fact , i am . this was the last place i actually saw her . erica : and she never showed up for our family dinner . jack : i 'm trying to track her down . i went over to fusion , to her loft , left messages everywhere . i finally go so desperate i actually called mary . yeah . erica : what about pablo ? jack : pablo ? yes , well , it seems that pablo has dropped out of sight , as well . i 'm just afraid that if greenlee 's with him , she might have put herself right in harm 's way . erica : jack , a more likely scenario is that she and pablo are off on an impossibly romantic getaway , living life to the fullest in a luxury , five - star hotel room . [ scene_break ] greenlee : why did they stop shooting ? aidan : is everybody all right ? ryan : yeah , i 'm ok . you ? aidan : yeah . josé : what the hell is going on ? i heard gunfire . man : open the door and throw out your weapons juan pablo : it 's andreas calatrava . andreas : there is no other way out . [ scene_break ] [ lena laughs ] bianca : oh , lena , you are so bad ! lena : what kind of a name is `` chance `` anyway ? bianca : i do n't know -- the name of brooke 's weird date . lena : what 's he doing hitting on me in the coatroom ? bianca : well , it 's only because you 're simply irresistible . lena : oh , yes . i guess he did n't catch us on the dance floor . could you believe that cheesy pickup line ? bianca : oh , yeah -- `` hey , baby , you ever meet someone and know right away that you were -- `` bianca and lena : `` meant to be `` ? lena : i ca n't believe it ! and then i say , `` well , yes , but only in the arms of a beautiful woman . `` bianca : oh , did you see his face when you introduced me as your date ? lena : but , you know , right afterwards i heard him use the exact same routine on someone else . bianca : i guess sometimes new year 's brings out the desperation in some people . lena : um -- anyway , i guess it 's past pumpkin hour , so you and your baby need lots of rest . bianca : no , no , lena , just think about it . a new year , a new life , so many possibilities , so much to look forward to . i 'm sorry . i -- i did n't mean to -- lena : what ? hey , it 's 2004 . ca n't two friends hug ? and if someday it leads to something more , i wo n't complain . but if not , chance says his number 's in the book . bianca : oh , wonderful ! he wo n't be lonely . maggie : my new year 's resolution is going to be working on my sucky timing . pretend i was never here . i 'm sorry . bianca : no , no , no -- maggie , where you going ? maggie : i 'll just go crash the dorm . it 's really not a problem . lena : no , please stay . i was about to leave . bianca : no , no -- actually , nobody is going anywhere . i -- i need you both here for moral support . maggie : support for what ? bianca : something that is going to send my mother screaming around the bend . [ scene_break ] jack : well , it 's cold out here , huh ? erica : uh - huh . jack : you must be freezing . erica : yeah . a little . jack : let 's see if i can go get that old heater working . come on . jack : there we go . erica : oh . jack : who 's your caveman daddy now , huh ? what are you thinking about ? erica : special times . the times that do n't get circled in red until they 're past . jack : yeah , kind of like the day i found out that greenlee was my daughter . erica : i had in mind the night that you were named pine valley 's man of the year . jack : oh , yeah . jackson montgomery , the people 's go - to guy . erica : well , i remember that after that event , we met in the park and you brought me here . same twinkle lights . and we danced . and that was pure magic . jack : yes , it was . right up until we had a knockdown - dragout and you stomped off into the darkness . erica : well , when did we ever do anything the easy way ? jack : good point . should n't some things be easy , though ? erica : i hope you do n't mean me . jack : never . no , i mean , should n't it be easier for me to get through to my own daughter ? erica : how can i revert that one - track mind of yours ? jack : well , i 'm her father . i mean , is n't -- is n't she supposed to listen to me ? erica : well -- jack : what ? erica : well , that would be nice . ok , you 're new at this , i know . but , jack , greenlee is a grown woman . you know , she 's not a little toddler . jack : yeah , but she 's gone tearing off to god knows where with god knows who without telling me . erica : because , jack , she does n't need a permission slip to run off and have a love affair . jack : i know , i know . you know , i actually went by wildwind to see if edmund had a line on pablo . but he 's disappeared and maria 's nowhere to be found . and isabella -- she 's beside herself with worry . erica : well , isabella -- you know , she 's an old mother hen . jack : so , what does that make me ? i mean , what if she 's right to be worried ? i mean , i have told greenlee over and over and over , `` pablo is a target , stay the hell away from him . `` erica : you know something , jack ? when you 're reading the law , you are beyond brilliant . jack : thank you . erica : but when you read women , you need a crib sheet . jack : oh , really ? well , suppose you favor me with some insight . erica : gladly . [ jack laughs ] erica : ok , now , assuming that greenlee is in love with this pablo de la etc . , she will have certain behavior that is just a given . she will act impulsively , and she will make choices that are rash , stupid , or downright risky . jack : if this is supposed to be reassuring me , it 's falling a little short . erica : jack , women -- we run on passion and impulse . jack : what , and men do n't ? erica : well , from time to time . but for the most part , no . you all seem to compartmentalize . you all think that you can keep your accounts separate . jack : yeah , it 's one way to keep track of things . erica : that is so mental . i mean , women -- women think with their hearts . jack : yes , they leap , and then they question as they 're fixing their makeup . erica : exactly . women run the tides of their emotions wherever they may lead them because we 're fabulous . [ jack laughs ] erica : that 's why when we make a mistake our whole lives are on the line . but if we find a love that lasts , that is worth any risk . jack : i see . does `` any risk `` include keeping secrets from this man you love ? erica : yes . it absolutely does . [ scene_break ] aidan : all right , ryan , help me turn this table over . ryan : all right . greenlee : next new year 's , i think i 'll -- aidan : stay down . greenlee : skip the gunplay and go to bed early . mia : well , you ca n't say 2004 did n't start off with a bang . edmund : you see anything ? juan pablo : not yet . greenlee : the best part about being gunned down on new year 's -- no pesky resolutions to keep . mia : no pressure to drop the last 10 pounds . ryan : hey , any final requests ? no ? well -- kendall : ryan , shut up . aidan : all right , i 'm going to go secure the back . mia : be careful ! edmund : keep your head down . ryan : hey , i made the `` pablo hazardous to your health `` connection a long time ago . anybody listen to me ? no , you just blew me off . juan pablo : there are two men moving behind the ski lift . kendall : oh , ryan , if you 're lucky , you can die young and leave a good - looking corpse . greenlee : you do n't sound very choked up , kendall . kendall : why should i be ? greenlee : you can drop for all i care , but what about your precious bun in the oven , huh ? you can make this your deathbed confession . you made the baby up , part of your get - rich - quick scheme . edmund : i count three by the garages . kendall : ok , if we 're such dead ducks , then why do you even care ? ryan : hey , if we 're all going down anyway , what do you say we go down with a smile on our face ? i 'll race you two guys upstairs . kendall : would you just get over yourself ? ryan : hey -- get down ! get down ! aidan : this is as good as i can make it . kendall : aidan , thank you . thank you -- thank you for pushing me out of the line of fire . aidan : i 'm sorry about the body slam . kendall : no , that 's ok . i was frozen . my feet were , like , nailed to the ground . aidan : but you 're ok . mia : yeah , of course she is . you made sure of it . kendall : oh , my god , aidan -- aidan , you 've been hit . aidan : oh , do n't worry , it 's just a scratch . kendall : no , no , let me see . mia : maybe i should get a towel . should i get a towel ? aidan : no , really , it 's fine . we 've got bigger problems than this . edmund : the calatravas probably took our security out . ryan : well , that 's great . that leaves five men , three women , and three guns against who knows how many of them . edmund : i count 10 so far . juan pablo : there 's only one way to do this -- give them what they want . i will turn myself over to the calatravas . [ scene_break ] maggie : well , maybe we should table this till we catch some zs . bianca : oh , no , i 'm completely awake . maggie : yeah , well , stats show that predawn is n't prime time for rational thought . lena : it sounds like you 're speaking from experience . maggie : oh , i can honestly use the words `` 3 : 00 a.m. `` and `` impulse dye job `` in the same sentence . it took my hair months to recover . bianca : well , you do n't have to worry . we 're in no danger of becoming bottled blondes tonight . maggie : yes , but any life - altering decision that includes your mother requires a clear head and a warning label . bianca : ok , well , i 'm completely clear . i have been since christmas eve . lena : i 've been meaning to say something . you seem -- i do n't know -- more at peace . bianca : well , that 's exactly what i am . and that 's why i feel so good about the decision that i 've made . maggie : are you sure you want to fill us in on it ? bianca : well , yeah . i mean , you guys are the ones that i trust most -- in this world , anyway . lena : hey , that means everything to me . maggie : same here . lena : well ? do n't keep us in suspense . maggie : yeah , tell us . what is this about ? bianca : what would you guys think if i decided to tell the truth about my baby , starting with my mother ? [ scene_break ] erica : women do keep secrets from the men they love . horrendous mistakes are made in the name of that love . jack : we 're not talking about greenlee anymore , are we ? erica : no , we 're not . we 're talking about any woman , jack . any woman who -- who withholds or rearranges and manipulates the facts , telling herself that it 's what 's for the best . jack : i see . but what if she 's wrong ? what if by keeping quiet she 's making things worse instead of better ? erica : well , that kind of love , jack , is just so blind and so intense that that 's not even something that comes into her mind , because protecting the man she loves is -- well , that takes precedence over everything . jack : even if it costs her this man 's love ? erica : well , that 's not even something to be considered . because life without that man is out of the question . i do n't know what 's in greenlee 's heart , but i can speak for myself . jack : you go ahead . i 'm listening . erica : look , we each need to decide what we can live with and what we ca n't live without , how much we can forgive . and wrong choices are made , lies are told , truths are omitted . but like it or not , there is only one reason for all of it . jack : and what is that ? erica : love . love is the only reason there is . take me home . take me home , jack , and i 'll tell you a secret . i 'll tell you a secret that i kept to keep you safe . [ scene_break ] edmund : whoa , whoa , whoa ! juan pablo : edmund , get out of the way ! greenlee : please , you ca n't give in to them . juan pablo : i must ! i 'm the one they want ! ryan : hey , my vote ? i say go for it ! greenlee : shut up , ryan ! ryan : listen , he 's the one who got us into this deathtrap . i say it 's time for him to stand tall . kendall : actually , ryan , you got us into this . i was perfectly happy at home cleaning out my fridge . ryan : well , i had no way of knowing that don pablo over there was ringing in the new year with his merry band of calatravas . greenlee : you ca n't throw him out there to the pack of wolves . ryan : well , i did n't sign on for fighting his family feud , greenlee . greenlee : oh , hell , no . you 'd actually have to believe in something outside yourself . that 's not your style , is it , ryan ? ryan : what 's it going to take , a bullet through your skull before you realize he is a walking safety violation ? juan pablo : enough ! if i hand myself over to the calatravas , they will leave you alone . greenlee : pablo , they 'll shoot you on sight . juan pablo : lavery is right . this is my battle . edmund : ahem . juan pablo : i -- edmund : look , can we play the blame game later ? aidan : look , surrendering yourself is not going to end this , pablo . edmund : they 're not going to leave any eyewitnesses behind . aidan : forget about a human sacrifice , please . ryan : hey , hey , hey , hey , what -- whoa , whoa , we can send pablo out there , and while he 's dodging bullets , we could make a break for the back . greenlee : that 's not funny , ryan ! ryan : ow ! you know what 's not funny , is being surrounded by assassins with automatic weapons and bad attitudes . mia : hey ! we all get that our lives are in danger here ! the question is , what the hell are we going to do about it ? edmund : all right , all right , everybody , get down ! stay down now ! listen up . we got three options , ok ? one -- we sit here . we wait till the feds come here , all right ? two -- we try to fight back with limited arsenal . or three -- this is a variation on ryan 's plan without using pablo for bait -- a few of us try to make a break for it . aidan : well , we make it past enemy lines , we bring back help . ryan : i 'm for door number three . i 'll get out there and disguise myself as a snowman . greenlee : made for a weasel -- it 'll be less work . aidan : look , all in favor of holding this barricade until help arrives -- can i have some ayes ? greenlee : aye . kendall : aye . mia : aye . juan pablo : aye . edmund : all right , the ayes have it . ryan : all right , majority rules . all we got to do is pray that we stay alive until the cavalry gets here . [ wind blows ] mia : still snowing ? aidan : no , it stopped . here , get down . edmund : see anything ? aidan : only snowdrifts . greenlee : it 's so quiet . aidan : yeah , almost too quiet . ryan : at least they stopped shooting at us . aidan : what are they waiting for ? juan pablo : andreas is playing with us . josé : i 'll sneak out back and i 'll see what i can see . andreas : you have not thrown down your weapons . you do not believe we are serious ? perhaps you will change your mind when you learn that we have taken one of your loved ones as hostage . maria : edmund ? i 'm sorry ! edmund : my god , it 's maria . [ scene_break ] jack : comfy ? erica : i will be once i get everything out in the open . jack : erica , this thing you think you want to tell me -- are you sure you want to tell me ? erica : i ca n't face the new year , i ca n't face you until i tell you this -- this secret i 've been withholding . jack : well , then , i guess you better tell me . erica : ahem . it all started last august -- the last night that michael cambias was seen alive . jack : that would be the same night that you and david hayward spent wrapped up in each other 's arms , right ? it 's ok . just for the record , i want you to know i never believed any part of that story . erica : i 'm so glad you did n't . really , jack , i never meant to hurt you . jack : but , listen , derek does believe that you and hayward may have been lovers , and that 's a good thing . we want him to believe that because it keeps your alibi intact , ok ? erica : i just wonder how protective you 're going to feel about me once you find out why i had to concoct such an outrageous story . jack : well , i always tell my clients that they should n't reveal too much . once you let that genie out of the bottle , it 's kind of difficult to get it back in . yeah . erica : well , i 'm going to have to take my chances . ok , to begin with , i do n't regret for a minute anything that i did . i mean , that night , michael cambias had been set free . he had spit in all our faces . and bianca was -- was devastated . [ scene_break ] maggie : bianca , get real . i mean , if you tell your mother that you 're going to have michael 's baby , she will totally freak . bianca : well , yes , and i expect that . i expect that she 'll be shocked , and i expect a probable meltdown . maggie : no , and then you will have to scoop her up and put her back together . before you know it , it 'll be all about erica , you taking care of her instead of the other way around . bianca : well , you know , there 's nothing new there . maggie : all the stress , the aggravation , erica having a fit -- that 's not good for the baby . i 'm sorry if this is not what you want to hear , but -- bianca : no , maggie , i want to hear the truth . maggie : well , you know what ? you just -- you do n't need me mouthing off to you . bianca : you mouth off because you care about me , and i love you for that . maggie : well , you do n't hear lena spitting any tacks . bianca : well , that 's true . i mean , what do you think ? do you agree with maggie ? do you think that my telling my mother about the baby is a mistake ? lena : honestly ? bianca : please . lena : at the end , i think it 's the only decision you can make . maggie : what ? how do you get that ? lena : maggie , it 's mature , it 's honest . maggie : it 's crazy . erica will not be throwing any baby showers any time soon . bianca : ok , maggie , calm down . i just want to hear what lena has to say . maggie : well , then , you know what ? she does n't know your mother . lena : actually , i do . i worked for her , remember ? maggie : ok , well , this is totally different . bianca : maggie , come on . i 'm the one who asked lena for her opinion . let 's let her talk . maggie : fine . let 's hear it . lena : bianca , every day that your baby grows inside you , you become more of the woman that you want to be . and your mother needs to accept that , but how can she if you hide the truth ? maggie : again , what if erica ca n't handle the truth ? lena : well , that 's too bad for erica . i 'm sorry . bianca ca n't be making decisions for herself and her baby based on what 's best for her mother . maggie : erica is actually only part of the problem here . because in a few days , bianca 's sister is going to be standing trial for murder . i mean , at first , yes , it will be kendall that is the star attraction , but the main- interest story will be bianca pregnant with michael cambias ' baby . do you know how hot and heavy that spotlight 's going to get ? you do not need that . bianca : you know what ? i might not have a choice . maggie : well , what about your exit strategy ? i mean , you were going to get gone and have the baby someplace where no one knows you . bianca : well , i know , and that is just fine for me , but what about kendall ? what about my sister ? she 's going to need me in that courtroom . i ca n't just duck out on her because i 'm afraid that people are going to find out that i 'm pregnant . maggie : well , have you run any of this by kendall ? bianca : no , i have n't , not yet . maggie : well , maybe you should before you make your decision . because this could really affect her defense , her claim that she 's the one having michael 's baby . bianca : yeah , well , for the time being , the world can go on thinking that she is . all that i 'm going to do is i 'm just going to tell my mother in confidence , just the two of us , that -- that kendall made up her baby in order to protect me , and that i 'm the one who 's really pregnant . lena : that 's really brave of you . maggie : well , i just do n't get it because , you know , you wanted to keep this all under wraps . i do n't understand what 's changed . bianca : all right , well , i will tell you what 's changed . but you guys have to promise me that you 're not going to laugh and that you 're not going to ship me off to oak haven . lena : ok , we promise . what is it ? what happened to change your mind ? bianca : my very own christmas miracle . maria : edmund , i 'm sorry ! they -- i -- i came up here to give you a message ! [ scene_break ] man : the message is her husband is dead unless he and his compadres cooperate ! ryan : hey , hey , what are you doing ? take it easy ! take it easy ! aidan : they 're using her as bait ! do n't go onto their turf . ryan : think about it -- you use pablo here as a trade for maria -- maria : they told me to tell you to come out and put down your weapons . there 's a traitor in there with you ! aidan : hey -- come back here ! come back here ! ryan : i 'll get his gun ! get down -- aidan : get down ! where did you stash it , you bastard ? kendall : stash what ? aidan : huh ? the bomb that he set to blow us all to kingdom come ! kendall : aidan , there 's a bomb in here ? greenlee : oh , my god ! mia : we got to get the hell out ! kendall : are you sure about an explosive ? aidan : yeah , i caught this one messing about with the furnace downstairs . greenlee : he said he was fixing it . ryan : yeah , fixing to blow us sky - high . juan pablo : yo confie en vos y asi es como me pagas ? [ i trusted you and this is how you repay me ? ] josé : eso es lo que te mereces ! [ this is what you deserve ! ] aidan : your bomb -- is it downstairs on a timer or a remote ? josé : what difference does it make ? in or out , you 're all going to die anyway ! ryan : with a bomb counting down , i 'd like to take a head start out there , thank you very much . edmund : i 'm going after maria . ryan : what ? aidan : edmund , stay cool . they 're not going to hurt her . they need her until the bomb blows . meanwhile , this one 's going to show us exactly what he 's been up to downstairs . come on . greenlee : ryan was right . nobody 's safe around you . [ scene_break ] lena : ok , ok . start at the beginning . maggie : yeah , tell us what happened . bianca : ok . um -- well , the beginning , i guess , is when i got pregnant , when i was raped . and up until christmas eve , i was terrified that if anybody found out how my baby was created that they would judge her and that that shame would make her hate herself . maggie : which is why you wanted to have the baby someplace where no one knew you . bianca : right . but what i did n't realize was i was afraid that i would hate her , too . lena : no . that could never happen . bianca : well , i -- i thought that if no one knew where she came from , then i would n't have to face the truth , either . and i think that 's what i 've been doing the whole time . i think , even though i kept saying that this baby would make everything better , that deep down inside i was afraid that she was just going to make everything worse . maggie : so , on christmas eve -- bianca : on christmas eve , i was forced to face my fear . i was really , really lost and really hopeless . and then i sent up an sos to my grandma mona , and the next thing i know , i 'm following the sound of church bells , and it leads me to this tiny , little chapel and a baby that nobody wanted , tucked away in a manger . maggie : a real baby ? bianca : he was real to me . and he needed me , and i took care of him . i fed him and i held him and i sang to him and i cried with him . and the next thing i knew , without even realizing it , i started to fall in love with him . maggie : and you did n't know where he came from ? bianca : no . that was the thing -- like , it did n't matter who his parents were or where he came from . it would n't have changed the way i felt about him one bit . and then it was like the sky opened up and suddenly everything made sense , and i knew that every child is a gift from god . and i knew that i could love this baby , that i will love my baby and that nothing else matters . [ scene_break ] erica : so that 's all of it , jack . i sure hope that you can understand why i felt that i had to keep you in the dark about all of this . jack : erica -- come here . come here . my god , woman , did n't you know all you had to do was come to me ? erica : and then what ? ask you to keep it a secret ? forget that you had this -- this duty , this sworn duty to uphold the law ? no , jack , i -- i knew i could n't ask you to do that . i could n't put you in that position . so the only thing i felt that i could do was -- was protect you from knowing too much and keeping it from you so it could n't come back to hurt you . jack : and you did all of this in the name of love ? erica : i did . all in the name of love . [ scene_break ] aidan : he was down here tinkering with something . juan pablo : mostrame , donde escondiste la bomba ! [ show me where you hid the bomb . ] josé : al carajo ! [ go to hell ! ] ryan : hey , hey , hey , hey ! whoa , whoa , whoa ! give me that ! give me that ! you can smash his face in after we find the dynamite . all right ? come on . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . aidan : what is it ? ryan : guys , it 's got -- it 's got a timer . we got five minutes and 22 seconds left to defuse this . aidan : all right , pablo , you go upstairs , get everybody undercover , anything that will absorb the blast , ok , if the need should arise . go now . and you -- you get this thing , stop it from going off . josé : it 's too late , man . we have to get out of here now ! aidan : no , it 's not . that 's not an option . ryan : listen -- you help us or you get blown to bits . do you understand me ? aidan : all right , now , which wire do i cut without setting this thing off ? josé : i do n't -- for god 's sake , i do n't know ! i was just following orders ! i do n't know ! aidan : all right . then i 'm just going to have to cut the white wire , then , are n't i ? you 'll be the first to know if i 'm on the money . si , josé ? josé : you do n't want to die . ryan : neither do you . aidan : say your prayers , josé . josé : all right , then ! for god 's -- the red one , the red -- for god 's sake , cut the red one ! aidan : if you 're lying to me , i 'm going to chase you down in hell . ryan : i 'm going to tie him up . aidan : ok . once he 's secure , meet me upstairs . i 'm going to take this . [ scene_break ] maggie : ok . aunt maggie weighing in here . tough girl . look , if you really want to go through with this and tell your mom that you 're having the baby , lena and i will be right behind you -- about 10 feet or so . bianca : oh , i see . so you 're chicken ? maggie : no . no , really . i mean , if this is the road that you want to take , then who am i to block traffic ? we will be right behind you . bianca : well , that 's great . and thanks . i know that i can count on you guys 100 % . but in all fairness to my mom , i think that i 'm going to have to tell her this one - on - one , heart - to - heart . just daughter - to - mother , just the two of us . maggie : make that three . bianca : right . lena : ok , well , i 'm out of here . you 're going to need plenty of sleep if you 're going to face erica with the truth . bianca : oh , no , i ca n't possibly sleep . i think i 'm going to tell her this right now . maggie : what are you talk -- you ca n't do that . it 's too late . lena : she 's right . it 's the middle of the night . bianca : i do n't care . i have to . if i do n't tell her this now , i 'm afraid i 'm going to lose my nerve . lena : ok , well , do you want me to give you a ride ? bianca : no , no , i want to drive myself . lena : well , can i at least stay here and wait for you ? bianca : i would love that . i mean , maggie , if you 're all right with it . maggie : sure . please , i 'm not going to sleep any time soon . bianca : well , wish me luck . lena : oh , you can do this . maggie : and just remember , it 's you and the baby first . bianca : ok . maggie : ok . bianca : see you later . maggie : bye . maggie : so , what do you think ? lena : i guess erica 's just going to have to accept bianca 's baby as a fact of life . she 's a strong woman . i 'm sure she can take it . maggie : hmm . well , it 's not erica i 'm worried about . it 's bianca . [ scene_break ] greenlee : that thing 's not going to go off in our face , is it ? aidan : no , no , no , do n't worry . i cut off the juice . well , where 's edmund ? mia : oh , god . well , he started to lose it . kendall : yeah , edmund and pablo went out to try to save maria . aidan : oh , my god -- mia : i 'm sorry , we tried to stop them . aidan : no , no , no . ryan : well , that 's suicide without the note . aidan : not if i put on a sideshow . kendall : no . aidan , no . what are you going to do ? aidan : i 'm going to shake things up a little . all right , i 'll be back . i promise . ryan : you girls sit tight . greenlee : where you going ? ryan : well , somebody 's got to watch his back . greenlee : what do we do now ? kendall : well , we -- we use whatever we can for self - defense , that 's what we do . kendall : what , are you planning a one - legged getaway ? greenlee : if one of those thugs sneaks up on me , i 'll backhand him all the way to argentina . kendall : you could n't backhand a fly with six legs . mia : would you guys just hold off until we 're home free , please ? [ explosion ] mia : oh , my god . aidan . [ scene_break ] jack : whew . erica : oh , i 've missed that . jack : oh , yeah . so have i . erica : and i do n't just mean the kissing . i mean the way you look at me . jack : yeah ? and how am i looking at you ? erica : like you 're falling in love with me again . jack : oh , not again . still . come here . i want you to save your energy . [ jack and erica laugh ] [ knock on door ] jack : oh . erica : oh . bianca : mom -- uh -- it 's bianca . are you awake ? erica : uh -- yeah , honey . erica : sweetheart , hi . what is it ? bianca : hi . jack : hi . bianca : i 'm sorry . i know that it 's late -- or early . i probably should 've called first . jack : no , no , no , no . it 's -- it 's all right . what 's -- what 's going on ? bianca : well , i -- i have something to tell you . [ scene_break ] maggie : you want some more hot chocolate ? lena : no , thank you . maggie , may i ask you something ? maggie : sure . what ? lena : uh -- bianca has decided not to hide her pregnancy anymore . are you upset because you think she 's making a mistake , or because you wo n't be going away and having bianca and the baby all to yourself ? [ scene_break ] edmund : ryan , they still have -- ryan , they still have maria ! ryan : go ! go ! i 'll catch up ! kendall : all right , places , ladies . we got a live one ! come on ! come on , go ! go , go , go , go ! mia : we got him ! juan pablo : maria , run ! kendall : you guys , he 's out cold . greenlee : we came -- kendall : yeah , we saw -- mia : we kicked butt ! kendall : yeah , we did . [ josé holds a gun to greenlee , mia , and kendall 's backs ] josé : hold it right there where you are , and turn around real slowly ! hands where i can see them ! come on , hands ! [ scene_break ] maria : help ! oh , edmund -- no ! edmund ? edmund ? no , no , no , no ! [ edmund takes a bullet in the back meant for maria ] [ next_on ] j.r. : your marriage -- was that your idea or was that babe 's ? bianca : i decided not to go to europe . the big news is why . josé : you 're going to help me get out of here alive , or i will kill your friends one by one . andreas : why try to save the life of a woman who 's already dead ? | erica and jack are ready to reconcile . bianca informs maggie and lena that she has decided to tell erica that she is still pregnant . they both promise to support her . kendall , greenlee , mia , juan pablo , ryan , aidan and edmund are still stranded at the cabin , hiding from shooters . ryan wants juan pablo to put himself in the line of gun - fire to protect the rest of them , since he is responsible for their danger , and nobody else is . the gunman take maria as hostage . she helps them catch the mysterious man in the basement . but edmund gets shot . |
ethan : hmm . wow . what did i do to deserve this -- a half - naked woman and an espresso machine ? kendall : yes , and she 's not afraid to use it , either . ethan : oh , really ? kendall : really . ethan : is there no end to your hidden talents ? kendall : oh , honey , you have barely skimmed the surface . ethan : really ? kendall : mm - hmm . you nervous ? ethan : why ? is that señor cappuccino 's first time out of the box ? kendall : you know what i mean . the dna test today , finding out if zach is really your father . [ scene_break ] zach : do n't mind me . i 'm just going to park ringside and enjoy the view . david : sorry , slater . you missed the strip search . and they do n't hose us down until after chow , so why do n't you come back later . zach : no , that 's ok . i like the preshow . i am a little surprised , though . with your reputation , i thought it 'd be standing room only . david : hmm , and i 'm not surprised that you 're into gloating . zach : do you know how i rang 2005 in ? david : cheating at solitaire ? zach : no . i cleaned out my desk . and guess what i found in one of the drawers . david : a business card to your favorite male escort service . zach : i gave that back to you . [ david laughs ] zach : no , no , no , no . what i found was the disc from the casino , my security disc from the night that you were trying to exploit adam chandler . so i screened it for the da , and they said to me , they said it was the first feel- good movie of the year . how about that ? your future 's looking pretty dark there , hayward . [ scene_break ] tad : i ca n't give you that kind of advice . all i can tell you is what i 'm doing , and i 'm not telling j.r. his son is alive . bianca : but how can you do that ? he 's like a son to you . tad : for the same reason i initially kept my mouth shut when i found out who this peanut really was . because of my other son . [ scene_break ] babe : why , mr. tucker . you look positively scrumptious . jamie : yeah . give me a pocket protector and a calculator and i 'd be a regular techo - geek . babe : tell me everything 's going to be all right . jamie : hey , it is all right , babe . you , me , and james , we 're golden . the buchanans will not run us down . neither will j.r . [ scene_break ] j.r. : did you hear what i said ? your grandson , my son , is alive . adam : that 's remarkable . j.r. : you think i 'm cracked . but i am stone - cold sane . it 's not over after all . the miracle is making its rounds . i 'm going to hold them in my hands next . they 're mine . yes ! this is so not over . [ scene_break ] tad : i love jamie every bit as much as you love miranda . i give you my word he is the sole reason that i did n't tell you about her the second i found out who she was . bianca : because babe and jamie had kidnapped james from the buchanans and the law was after them . tad : bianca , as a parent , you never stop asking yourself how far you 're prepared to go to protect your children . and for me , my answer was right there . you go the distance , no matter what that is . bianca : but you had to choose between jamie and j.r . tad : yeah , that 's right . and a flip of a coin was n't going to cut it . i mean , jamie and babe begged me not to tell j.r. about little james , and as much as i understood their point of view , i felt sorry for j.r . i mean , he deserved to know that his son was alive , and i was going to tell him . bianca : so what changed your mind ? tad : j.r. did . it seemed to me that no matter what i did or how hard i tried , i could n't get through to him . he just kept spiraling further and further out of control . i do n't know when i failed him or when it happened , but it 's perfectly obvious that the boy that i raised and loved -- still do love -- was just as capable of being cruel or cold as his father . bianca : yeah , i know . i 've seen it , too . tad : yeah , and the final straw was when he took a lead pipe to jamie 's head , nearly split his skull open . bianca : oh , my god . wow . david had told me about that , but was it really that bad ? tad : it was worse . i mean , as sickening and shocking as it was , the worst part was that it was n't all that surprising . i realized without even knowing it that i 'd stopped asking myself just how far j.r. was prepared to go to get what he wants . and so the only choice i had left was to stop him , to stop him from going after jamie and babe and using his own son to grind them into the dirt . bianca : so you decided that the best thing would be to let j.r. continue to believe that his son was dead . tad : i made a judgment call . bianca : but were n't you tempted to tell him after he gave miranda back ? tad : you 'll never know how much . but in the end , i decided to keep a secret . i made my choice , my decision based on admittedly selfish reasons . you , my love , have got to make up your own mind . bianca : there are just so many lives involved . there are so many people that are affected by what i decide . tad : ok , so break it down . if you think babe should be punished , then you 've got every right to see it through . if you do n't want to see j.r. go through the kind of hell that you did , then you do what you 've got to do . bianca : if i tell j.r. and you do n't , he 's going to hate you forever . tad : bianca , we 're halfway there already . and this may be the final push or it may be too late for j.r. and i no matter what happens . i just know one thing . i 'm not going to be the father who pits one son against another , and i 'm not going to be the man that hands dixie 's grandchild to adam chandler . if you tell j.r. , then so be it . i 'll understand and i 'll accept it and i 'll deal with whatever comes , because to be honest , a large slice of me really hates what we all did to you . [ scene_break ] zach : you 're going to be charged and tried for kidnapping and false imprisonment . now , those are felonies with pretty big prison time , i think . david : if i 'm convicted , and that 's a big `` if . `` zach : not so big an `` if . `` we got the dvd , and then if adam chandler 's on the stand talking about the pain and the anguish that you caused him , i do n't know , i can almost hear the gasping from a jury in horror . krystal : oh , `` gasping , `` please . they 're going to be whooping and hollering . you try to poll a jury that 's friendly to adam chandler , you 're going to have to have a change of venue to mars . zach : hmm . krystal , right ? krystal : yeah . zach : yeah . i bet you a dollar right now that hayward has more enemies than chandler does . david : you might want to stop drooling , slater . i 'm not on a chain gang yet . zach : i have faith in the justice system . krystal : why target david ? why all of the sudden snatch a dvd from the lost and found and jump to adam 's defense ? you know what a bloodless monster he is . david : nah , you 've got this all wrong , krystal . this is n't about slater defending adam . this is payback , with interest , long - distance revenge , because i came between him and maria all those years ago . zach : this is about bianca montgomery , about keeping a child from its parent . david : of course it is . and you 'd be the expert on that , now , would n't you ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ethan , you are amazing . ethan : you have n't seen my finishing run yet . kendall : well , i mean , you got regular heartbeat , no palpitations . i mean , you are on the cusp of finding out who you are , and you 're not breaking a sweat . your pulse is slow and steady . ethan : well , the way i see it , whatever the dna results , whatever my last name turns out to be , it 'll still be me , right ? kendall : which way are you leaning , cambias or ramsey ? ethan : i really do n't think about it that way . if bianca and miranda are in some kind of danger because of the cambias fortune , then i hope to god that i am that baby 's cousin , because i will be in a position then to do everything i can to protect them . kendall : well , even if your name does change , i 'll still feel the same way about you . ethan : really ? kendall : mm - hmm . ethan : how 's that ? kendall : pretty damn great . ethan : oh , really ? pretty damn great ? kendall : mm - hmm . [ scene_break ] bianca : you are nothing like them , tad . there is nothing of david or krystal or babe in your heart . tad : do n't kid yourself . do you know how many times i was this close to telling you about miranda but did n't ? bianca : you had your reasons . tad : yeah , because i was trying to stack the deck in jamie 's favor . the sad fact is by holding back the truth i jumped right off the top of the hero column and into the pool with david and babe and krystal , and god knows i 'll probably be paying karma off for years to come . bianca : look , what really matters now is that you did do the right thing . you helped to bring my daughter back to me . tad : after you nearly died . it was too close to call , too close for comfort . bianca : if it makes you feel any better , i 'm pretty sure that j.r. did n't intend to hurt me . he just could n't give miranda up . he kept saying that she was really his , i mean , forget about the truth . god , the look in his eye . tad : i know . that look that screams `` what 's mine is mine , and i 'll do anything to anyone who tries to take it away from me . `` i 've seen it . bianca : it scared the hell out of me . tad : it scares the hell out of me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : my son is alive . happy new year . adam : j.r. , son , you 're still grieving over a horrendous loss . now , come on , you need some rest . j.r. : dad , does this look like the face of a man who 's grieving ? adam : let 's call someone . j.r. : who ? the white suits at oak haven and check me into a vip padded cell ? how about roll me out to the solarium , feed me some mashed - up bananas while i drool into a cup . i am not crazy ! although , that 's never stopped you in the past . adam : oh , come on , you just -- why do n't you sit down , and we 'll just talk this over calmly ? j.r. : no . why do n't you sit down , i 'll fix you a drink , and i will talk you through this awesome 11th - hour gift from the gods . adam : all right . j.r. : so that pi that just left -- he tracked babe and jamie down to a florida motel , registered under the names kate and brad anderson . he flashed their pictures around , got a positive id from the motel manager , the maid , a store clerk . it was them , all right . they were there . krystal , hayward , and tad were also there . oh , you 're going to love this . hayward hamstrung martin . he had him tied to a bed . the maid walked in . she thought they were playing some sort of bondage fantasy . adam : oh , there 's a portrait no artist could paint . j.r. : yes , but there was a blond . she was sniffing around babe and jamie . i have n't got a line on her yet . adam : all right , all right , so , we already knew that jamie and babe were down there . j.r. : yeah , dad . but they were n't alone . they had a tiny traveler onboard , a 10-month - old baby boy . [ scene_break ] jamie : the cops on matt 's trail , we can pretty much kiss our new ids goodbye . babe : ok , so now what ? jamie : well , we have to find a new source , but not here . it 's not safe . and we need to get gone , like today , right now . babe : ok , i 'll get everything packed , and i 'll go get james ready . jamie : and i 'll get some supplies for the road . jamie : hey . wipe that worry off your face , babe . it 's going to be ok . babe : and again , you make me believe it . officer : surprise , surprise . somebody 's home after all . [ scene_break ] tad : if you take away all the justifications , the hard , cold fact is we all did you a tremendous wrong , and you have every right to want to see people answer for it , including me . bianca : you know , i 'm pretty new to this whole parenting thing , but i think i 'm starting to get it . it 's not just putting your arms around them or telling them that you love them when they hurt . tad : not even close . bianca : i still do n't know what i 'm going to do . i was kind of hoping you would have the answer . tad : sorry , sweetheart . all i 've got are my answers . and i 'm prepared to live with them . you have to get to where you have to on your own . the good news is you 're a very rare person , and you will never have to do it alone . take good care of your mother . [ scene_break ] david : who the hell are you to be handing down judgments ? are n't you the same man who staged his own violent death , who forced his father into premature mourning ? you 've got the stones to come here and lecture me about keeping a child from its parent ? did you ever imagine what your father looked like the day he got slammed with the news that his son had been carbecued ? no , you could n't get me back for maria or for my part in taking down your sleazoid brother , michael . and so an opportunity availed itself to take me down , and you jumped at it . and you 're saying it 's all in the name of bianca ? that 's pretty pathetic . why do n't you stop hiding behind women and little girls , hmm ? revenge is revenge no matter how you cut it . at least , in the end , your brother was man enough to admit that . you 're nothing but a lousy coward . [ scene_break ] officer : i knocked on that door a while ago . any reason you did n't answer it then ? jamie : i was on a business call . i just thought it was a bunch of kids playing pranks . i -- is there something wrong , officer ? officer : are you bradley anderson ? jamie : no . the name 's harry . harry tucker . officer : manager said he rented this place to a bradley anderson . jamie : oh , i 'm a friend of his from college . i 'm in town on business . and the bradster was kind enough to let me stay with him for a couple days . is there some sort of problem ? officer : your neighbor in 3-a , matthew finley ? jamie : what do you want with him ? officer : well , he 's a forger , among other felonies . wait , what did you say your name was ? jamie : tucker . harry samuel tucker . officer : ah . mr. tucker . any idea why we found your name written on a scrap of paper in matt finley 's apartment ? [ scene_break ] kendall : hi . bianca : hello . come on in ! yes ! kendall : how are you feeling ? bianca : we 're great . kendall : you look amazing . ethan : wow , you have an incredible glow about you . bianca : well , that 's all thanks to miranda . kendall : hello . hello , do you have a little smooch for auntie kendall ? bianca : of course she does . kendall : yes , i am going to chew you up . i ca n't take it . ooh ! ethan : bianca ? bianca : mm - hmm . ethan : i 've been thinking a lot about what you said about why finding out the truth matters . i think you 're right . bianca : wow . does this mean what i think it means ? ethan : if it 's still on the table , i 'd like to take you up on your offer to be tested against miranda , but only if you 're sure . you realize it could mean miranda having to give up half of her estate , and if there 's a problem with that , then -- bianca : oh , ethan , you know that does n't matter . the only thing that matters is you finally knowing who you are . right ? ethan : well , finding out that i 'm related to this -- kendall : hmm . ethan : lovely little lady here would be an absolute joy . even if it means that i have to find i 'm related to mr. slater . hello . [ scene_break ] zach : well , you can have a lot of time to analyze lives -- 24 to life , probably . krystal : damn it , slater , he did it for my daughter ! ca n't you see that ? he did it for our child . so ca n't you just put aside some stupid grudge match from how many years ago and see the sacrifices he made for his kin ? or does n't putting family first mean anything to you ? david : you 're wasting your breath , krystal . he 's a cambias . they eat their young . zach : so long , hayward . oh , and just know that i 'll be thinking of you when it 's lights off in your cellblock , and you 're fending off the advances from your roommate . i 'll see you . excuse me . david : oh , great . this day just gets better and better . guard , can i see my lawyer , please ? this is cruel and unusual punishment . tad : hayward , challenge yourself -- stop whining for five minutes . i 'm here to see krystal . [ scene_break ] officer : you mind if we go inside ? jamie : sure . if you 're referring to the brown - haired gentleman down the hall , well , of course he has my name . officer : and why is that , sir ? jamie : i 'm a salesman . i met mr. finley on the stairs and happened to have my sample case with me . now , my dynamic sales pitch and practical demonstration of the product resulted in a sale . i never let a live one get away . that 's my motto . officer : what exactly do you sell ? jamie : only the finest in men 's hairpieces for the follically challenged . guaranteed not to shrink , shed , or molt . officer : hair 's kind of long for a man 's toupée . jamie : well , just between you and me , this is overstock from our fab four collection . officer : are you saying this finley wears a rug ? our make says he 's got a full crop . jamie : oh , that 's just testimony to our fine custom weaves . only his hairdresser and harry tucker know the truth . and if you do n't mind me saying so , while you do have a fine head of hair , the hairline 's a little in recession . officer : thanks , bud . i 'm fine . jamie : i -- oh -- hey . be that way , but just remember , hair today , gone tomorrow . officer : yeah . whatever . look , here 's my card . ask mr. anderson to call me about finley when he gets home . jamie : yes , sir . harry tucker at your service . you have a good day . jamie : oh ! babe : harry tucker . you put the `` awe `` in `` awesome . `` [ scene_break ] adam : jamie and babe are traveling with a baby boy ? j.r. : my baby . my son . adam : that 's unbelievable . j.r. : well , start believing it , because it 's true . adam : well , suppose it is true . question number one -- where in the hell has the child been all this time ? j.r. : i have no idea . but if my baby did n't die and just disappear , paul cramer had something to do with it , cause he 's the one who handed bess -- miranda over to me . adam : all right , we all know paul cramer 's slime , but he 's dead slime . we 're not going to get anything out of him , not now . j.r. : hold on . all right . you know , a ton has been written about paul cramer since the chopper crash and the murder . let 's see if we can bring up any clues on the internet . adam : i 'm not doubting you , son . the story sounds , well , almost plausible . i -- still , i -- j.r. : just think about it here for a second , ok ? babe has had miranda this whole time . and she just now gave her back to bianca . why do you think she did that ? out of the kindness of her little black heart ? i do n't think so . adam : no . j.r. : because she got her baby back . adam : my god ! if you 're right about this , if this is true -- j.r. : if it 's true , that means that you 're going to have another grandson . and he will live in this home . you 'll be welcoming adam chandler , iii . how does that grasp you ? adam : adam chandler , iii . j.r. : i knew that you 'd approve . adam : yeah . son , whatever happens , i want you to know this -- no matter how this comes out , i 'm sorry about deceiving you , my part in getting bianca 's baby back . j.r. : forget it , dad . adam : does that mean you forgive me ? j.r. : no . but i 'll let you hold your grandson when i bring him home . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , can you put a rush on that ? thank you . anita : i 'm going to take this little mama to see her nana myrtle . bianca : oh . well , i will be here when you get back , ok ? anita : can you say `` i love you `` ? bianca : bye - bye . anita : `` i love you `` ! bianca : i love you . say hi to myrtle for me . kendall : i see you ! bianca : bye - bye . ethan : you know , ladies , i 'm going to go , too , just to make sure everything 's ok . bianca : he 's doing the right thing . kendall : i know . now , what about you ? when is your departure date ? i want to rearrange my whole schedule . bianca : oh , kendall , you can stop worrying about me and start worrying about him a little . this is going to be rough on him . hey . kendall : ok . ethan : everything 's fine . bianca : great . kendall : good . good , good , good , good . ethan : it 's time . it 's time to put away my kid fantasies , to put away my father as a pirate king , and to find out the truth , whatever that may be . myrtle : hey there , tall , dark , and dour . come and say hello to your niece . ethan : some things have no right to stay hidden . a son should know his father no matter how much of a bastard he turns out to be . [ scene_break ] j.r. : yeah , there 's lots of hits here for paul cramer -- `` the sun , `` `` banner , `` `` the exposer . `` adam : we already knew he was dorian 's nephew . j.r. : mm - hmm . adam : whoa , whoa , wait , whoa . who 's this ? j.r. : `` kelly cramer buchanan reported last seeing the deceased , her half brother , the night before paul cramer went missing . `` adam : does that help us ? j.r. : she 's a perfect match . adam : a match for what ? j.r. : the lady that was looking for babe and jamie in florida . `` buchanan , `` `` buchanan . `` `` newly elected lieutenant governor kevin buchanan � s joy was short- lived when he learned his 9-month - old son ace was kidnapped out of a hotel suite during the election . `` adam : november 2 ? j.r. : hmm . adam : 9-month - old baby boy ? the age is right . j.r. : `` seen here in happier times with ex , kelly . `` oh , god . it fits . it all fits , does n't it ? kelly buchanan in florida , looking for her baby boy , the baby paul cramer took to give to his half sister , and the child that disappeared the same night that jamie and babe blew off the radar . j.r. : there 's your grandson . that 's my boy . [ scene_break ] jamie : babe , babe , babe , wait , wait , wait . i love the props , but all i did was stall that cop , send him into reverse . now , he 's going to be back , and we got to be gone tonight . babe : great , i 'll have us packed in a flash . [ knock on door ] babe : was anyone there ? jamie : no one that wants to be seen . it 's addressed to harry and faith tucker . [ scene_break ] tad : i just came from seeing bianca . krystal : how is she ? tad : we 'd better prepare for the worst . krystal : well , bianca has to do what she feels is right . i understand that . it 's just that i 'm just so afraid for babe and for jamie and for that precious little baby . tad : you should be , because j.r. is not going to stop . krystal : i know . i know . oh , god . i just can not stand the thought of my baby doll in this place for even an hour , not to mention a whole lifetime . tad : the idea of jamie throwing his life in the dumpster does n't exactly thrill me , either . [ scene_break ] adam : i want this for you , son . with every fiber of my being , i want it to be the miracle you believe it to be . j.r. : bianca got hers . it 's my turn . adam : yeah , but we ca n't afford to go off half - cocked . we have to be able to be as careful and methodical as erica and tad were in taking miranda back . j.r. : do n't worry . i 'm strictly background as far as my pis hunting babe down . do n't worry , son . we 'll get you back . and we 'll make them pay . we 'll make them pay till it hurts , then make them pay some more . [ scene_break ] myrtle : miranda is your blood . now , take an armful of god 's love and god 's innocence , and that will take all these off your brow . it 's all right . [ miranda cries ] zach : oh -- anita : it 's ok . zach : hi , little one . oh , it 's ok . it 's a blessing -- myrtle : now , i did n't hear that . zach : i was just telling miranda that it was a blessing that my brother died before he laid eyes on her . myrtle : well , i agree with that . i did n't expect that coming from you . zach : what i meant was she wo n't have to bear the burden of the cambias curse , handed down from father to child . myrtle : hogwash . anita : myrtle -- myrtle : i mean , all this nonsense about curses -- i mean , the things you used to see in the flickers on a saturday afternoon -- witches and voodoos and living dead and -- oh , really , come on . zach : well , maybe you 're right . hey , monkey -- you are your mother 's daughter . and if anything can break this curse , it 's the love of bianca montgomery . [ scene_break ] bianca : whatever the results of this test today , we know that you can handle them , because you 're an adult . who you are is already formed , and it has nothing to do with your dna . ethan : go on . bianca : what if you were so young that your father could still shape you in his image and he was a bad guy ? i mean , so bad that he could mess you up for life ? ethan : would zach knowing that he had a son in his life have made a difference , for better , for worse ? i do n't know . maybe finding out he had a child in his life would have led my father down a very different path . kendall : well , you know , it 's never too late . erica and i -- we have the scar tissue to prove it . ethan : i do n't think any child or parent should be denied the chance to know each other , and where they go from there is their choice and no one else 's . [ scene_break ] tad : i just ca n't believe i was so stupid . krystal : what are you talking about ? tad : the night of the crash , i knew cramer was lying . i could feel it . i could feel it in every cell of my body . i just did n't do anything about it . i mean , i was so freaked out by what happened and worried about the girls , i did n't follow through . if i had , none of this ever would have happened . krystal : tad , i am not going to let you do this to yourself . do you hear me ? you did , you followed through . you ordered that dna test . and then i undid all your good work by doing what i did . i want you to listen to me . no matter what happens from here on out , wherever we end up , you did everything in your power to make things right . you never forget that . never . [ scene_break ] adam : i 'll work my friendship with dorian , find out what she knows . j.r. : and i 'll have a one - on - one with ms. kelly buchanan . adam : forgive my doubts . j.r. : i 'll bury them with this promise . my son will be under this roof within a week , and his mother and my ex - brother will regret that they ever threw any lies in my face . [ scene_break ] jamie : he 's got our ids . he wants to recon later at a café carondelet . babe : well , that 's great . we can go on like we planned . it 'll be harry and faith and the baby gus . what ? jamie : well , the cops found harry tucker 's name in matt 's place . and as brilliant as i was , that officer might not have bought my sales pitch . we may be walking into a trap . babe : then there 's no way we 're risking it . we 're just going to go on like we planned . jamie : having those ids will make our life a lot easier , not to mention a lot safer . babe : you 've never led us wrong before , so i 'm going to leave this call up to you . jamie : i say we risk it . babe : then baby gus and i are with you all the way . [ scene_break ] myrtle : the truth is there are good parents and not - so - good parents . now , you just teach them respect , you teach them right from wrong , you fill them with heart , and you get it all back in spades . of course , there is a bundle of heartbreak , too . but , well , that 's -- that 's the good lord 's way . that 's the good lord 's way of making sure you walk the straight and narrow . but believe me , it 's worth it . do n't let anyone ever make you think different . [ scene_break ] kendall : does n't my sister look amazing ? ethan : yeah . kendall : i want to come back and see her and the baby later . anita : if you want to see bianca , looks like she 's free . zach : no , that 's ok . i 've found what i came for . give me a kiss . let bianca rest . and , mrs. fargate , as always , a unique pleasure . myrtle : that 's an odd duck . [ scene_break ] ethan 's voice : maybe finding out he had a child in his life would have led my father down a very different path . [ remembering ethan 's sentiment , bianca calls j.r . ] [ phone rings ] j.r. : j.r. chandler . [ next_on ] bianca : you deserve to know the whole story . jonathan : you 're putting kendall and ramsey ahead of me . do you trust them more than you trust me ? kendall : let 's see if i can and make you forget about all of your troubles . adam : you deserve an equal . dorian : you ? adam : gladly . | ethan decides to go ahead with the dna to prove once and for all if he 's a cambias and in order to protect miranda . jr finds out that it 's very likely his son is alive . at first adam thinks he 's lost it but he wants to help his son find out . tad tells bianca he will not prevent her from telling jr about his son if she decides that 's right . zach goes to see david and krystal in jail and gloats about his evidence against david assaulting adam chandler and says he will make him them pay for taking miranda away from bianca . david tells zach he 's only bitter about losing maria , he could care less about bianca , he 's a fraud and just as sick as any cambias . after hearing ethan admitting that zach might have changed if he 'd known about his son earlier , and observing zach being very protective with miranda , bianca decides to call jr and tell him about his son . |
[ j.r. coughs ] amanda : most everyone you know is in there . do you really want them all to know you started drinking again ? j.r. : ask me if i give a damn . amanda : i -- i thought you said alcohol was n't that important to you . j.r. : yeah ? well , i lied . babe 's dead , tad 's missing along with my brother , krystal 's hanging out with that bastard hayward behaving just like my mother did . yeah , this baby right here is about the only friend i have left . [ scene_break ] zach : i do n't understand . reese : look , it 's complicated , all right ? just -- just accept it . you and i ca n't be friends anymore . zach : i ca n't do that . i need a reason . [ scene_break ] bianca : do n't do this , mom . you 've stirred things up enough already . erica : bianca , reese was the one who got overly defensive . bianca : there is nothing going on between reese and zach . drop it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : well , when you read the cards everything was sunshine and super- sized happiness for me and ryan . opal : i was wrong . ryan : opal , the point is -- is that greenlee and i are in love , and now we 're getting married . opal : no . no , you can not get married . you see , there were some cards missing from the deck , and so that means the whole reading was not accurate . after you left i read your tea leaves . it 's clear as the nose on your face . you must not get married . jake : i need some help over here . opal : oh , my god . jake : krystal ? are you ok ? david : she 's my patient . get out of the way . jake : hayward -- hayward , i 'm not going to start -- david : if you want to help , go get some water . you ok ? jake : excuse me . krystal : i , uh -- david : it 's all right . here , here . drink some water . krystal : oh , thank you . thank you . mm . david : you 're ok . you 're ok . it 's ok , everyone . she just got dizzy . krystal : no , it was -- it was the phone call . opal : was it tad ? krystal : they found tad and jeff and jamie . they 're all ok . that -- that was the embassy . they said tad is at some hospital in the congo . that 's all i know . that , and he told them to tell me he 's going to be coming home soon . david : here you go . you have some color back in your cheeks . krystal : listen . i did n't come here with you . i came on my own , so please just -- just leave me alone , all right ? [ scene_break ] opal : yeah , i do n't know exactly when , joe , just that he 's ok , and he 's coming home . you 're telling me . yeah , give ruthie a huge for me , would you ? all righty . okie dokie . bye - bye . jake : are you seeing what i 'm seeing , opal ? opal : i 'm seeing a woman who played fast and loose with tad and adam , who went to jail for her part in an ugly lie about switched up babies , but i 'm also seeing a woman who just lost her child and who is easy prey to that snake with a silver tongue on him . boy , tad ca n't get home fast enough . jake : i just think that hayward 's out to hurt every martin he comes across . opal : yeah , well he 's going to have to get through me to get any further . [ scene_break ] natalia : are you sure you do n't want me to take you home ? rebecca : honey , honey , stop it . i 'm fine . i 'm excited . everyone 's having fun , and i want to be part of that . angie : she 's going to be fine , sweetheart . she just needs to take it easy . her first round of chemo went very well . no dancing on the tables though . rebecca : oh , shoot . i wore my dancing shoes , too . well , let 's go play a round of blackjack then . i 'm feeling lucky tonight . come on . randi : sounds fun . let 's go . rebecca : i 'll meet you over there . natalia : ok . angie : hey , you 're quiet . you ok ? jesse : yeah , just a little strange showing up at parties with both you and rebecca . angie : wait a minute . now you do n't like being a player , player ? a woman on each arm ? hey , hey , look . i can try and make light of this . you do n't have any business complaining . jesse : all right . [ scene_break ] reese : all right , all right . ok . erica , she got it in her head somehow that you and i are romantically involved . zach : you 're kidding , right ? reese : no . no , i 'm not , and i would laugh except it really upset bianca earlier . zach : well , this is ridiculous . where would she get that idea ? reese : i do n't know . i -- i guess she saw us , and she thought you and i were acting a little too close . zach : wow . well , besides the obvious , i do n't -- why would she think that ? reese : i do n't know , but you know i just think it would be better for all of us if bianca and i just moved out . zach : well , i do n't -- i do n't want you moving out . it is n't -- bianca : wait , no , no . no , we 're not moving out of zach and kendall 's place . no , we 're not going anywhere . you know my mom . she gets an idea in her head and then she just wo n't stop until she proves herself right . reese : there 's nothing to prove . bianca : no , i know . exactly . so we just tune her out . forget it . zach : no , no , no . hang on a second . your mom is your mom , but she 's gone through a lot of stuff , as we all are , with kendall . take it easy . i -- i 'll find her and talk to her . bianca : you just have to know that i will always side with you . [ scene_break ] adam : are you regretting your decision to come stay ? erica : only when i 'm harassed by desperate men . [ adam laughs ] adam : ah , yes . oh , do n't gamble away all your money , because you still have to pay me for the use of my home and my staff . erica : adam , i 'm really not up for playing games . [ adams laughs ] adam : erica , the day you stop playing games -- [ jack and carmen walk in ] adam : it would be a pity for you to stop playing games today . with him , at least you have a chance at winning . [ scene_break ] carmen : this is so exciting . come on . i want to go play . jack : listen , listen . why do n't you go warm up a table , and i 'll join you in a minute , ok ? all right , see you in a minute . [ scene_break ] ryan : listen to me . i love opal , i do , and she 's very , very good at what she does , but she 's not perfect , ok ? and i 'm not going to let her affect whether or not we get married . greenlee : she predicted the tornados . ryan : yes , she did . sometimes she 's right , but like she said , sometimes she 's not . she makes mistakes , ok ? ok . jack : so , i understand congratulations are in order . greenlee : aww . jack : i do hope you 're not moving too fast . ryan : well , we ca n't really move along at all without your go ahead , right ? both legally and blessing - wise . jack : well , in terms of legally , both your divorces are moving along . they 're all in process . in terms of my blessing , are you happy ? [ greenlee and ryan laugh ] jack : i 'll take that as a yes . greenlee : mm - hmm . jack : i 'm not going to fight that anymore . you have my blessing . [ scene_break ] pete : here you go . woman : thanks , pete . pete : hi , guys . randi , frankie , this is scarlet . scarlet : hi . randi : hi . nice to meet you . pete , can i talk to you for a second ? pete : yeah . randi : why ? pete : you like the new look . i 'm still getting used to the contacts , but this is a really cool suit , is n't it ? randi : very . um , who 's the girl ? pete : uh , well , i took your advice about making colby jealous . do you think she 'll notice ? randi : she 'll be blind not to . how did you meet scarlet ? pete : um , the yellow pages . randi : what ? pete : from an escort service . i got the deluxe all - night package . randi : she 's a hooker ? pete : it 'll show up on my dad 's credit card as `` entertainment services . `` i 'll just tell him i hired a dj . he wo n't know they cost that much . if you 'll excuse me , i have to look like i 'm having fun . [ scene_break ] j.r. : time for a refill . amanda : you know what ? i have a -- a better idea . why do n't i take you home ? j.r. : you just ca n't get enough of me , can you ? i think i want to drink some of slater 's champagne first . colby : j.r. , where 've you been ? tad 's been found . they 're -- they 're all ok . j.r. : well , damn . that calls for a celebration . cheers . colby : what the hell are you doing ? j.r. : oh , chill out . it 's just a little champagne . tad 's alive . colby : you were drunk before i told you . j.r. : hey , do n't talk to me like that . you 're my little sister . colby : i do n't understand . j.r. : no , you do n't . you do n't have any idea , do you ? colby : please stop . j.r. : oh , please go away . hey , come on . come on , come on . i want to dance . amanda : j.r. , please . j.r. : come on , let 's dance , a little bit . colby : j.r. 's drunk . you 've got to do something , daddy . amanda : please give me the bottle . j.r. : stop it . stop . all right . you know what ? fine . i do n't need you to have a good time . woo ! [ j.r. laughs ] david : you officially earned every single penny i paid you . [ scene_break ] opal : krystal -- i want to know what 's going on with you and david hayward . krystal : nothing . opal : you 're lying . krystal : he and i lost a child , all right ? i have driven myself sick with grief . tad 's been missing . it 's been hell , all right ? david just tried to reach out and help . that 's all . opal : you know i 'm sorry for your grief . i know all too well what it 's like to lose a daughter . but when jenny died , i wish my husband could have been half the man that yours is , and he is coming home soon , so do n't you forget that . krystal : you know , please do n't lecture me on how to handle my grief or my marriage . opal : listen up here , missy . i have stood by and watched that man lure dixie away from tad , and i 'll be damned if i 'm going to stand by and watch him do it again . [ scene_break ] [ women cheer ] rebecca : right on my number . i ca n't believe it . oh , this is more money than i 've ever won in my life . this really is my lucky night . jesse : sweetie , listen . do you have to go ? you really got to go ? come on . get someone else to cover your shift . angie : our new chief of staff over there , he 's looking for any excuse he can to clean house . he 's already knocked off jake , and i 'm sure i 'm next in his sights . sweetheart , i need to just be a good girl and play by the rules . i 'm -- i 'm glad she 's enjoying herself tonight . jesse : yeah . [ scene_break ] jack : well , well , well . a lot of noise coming from this table . hey , jesse , how are you ? how you doing ? carmen : uh , not good . that little ball hates me . jack : no , the little ball does n't hate anybody . he 's just a little fickle sometimes . tell you what -- why do n't you have a drink and go ahead and start . hi . jake : can i borrow you for a second ? jack : yeah , sure , jake . will you excuse me for just a second ? thanks . what 's up ? jake : did you hear about hayward ? that he 's the new chief of staff . jack : yeah , i did hear that . how does a thing like that happen exactly ? jake : monkey business . he plays dirty , and he 's trying to get me fired . i mean , the charges are crap . jack : so what can i do to help ? jake : you could take my case , represent me before the board , help me take him down . what do you say ? jack : i say yes . you can count me in . i 'd be happy to . [ scene_break ] ryan : come and sit for a second . sit down , and i want you to look at me , ok ? nothing is going to influence our future together . greenlee : the dreams that i had ? ryan : all right , stop . stop . nothing , all right ? the dream is nothing . do you trust me ? greenlee : of course , i do . ryan : you do , right ? and you believe in fate , do n't you ? greenlee : yeah , i do . ryan : ok , well , then hit a button . hit a button . it 's a calendar . just hit any button . go ahead . ryan : you see , now , i -- i could n't have planned this any better . we 're getting married on february the 14th . greenlee : we 're what ? ryan : that 's what you hit . you believe in fate , right ? are you on board with this ? greenlee : ok . we 're getting married on valentine 's day then . reese : what ? bianca : what ? you guys -- you guys are getting married on valentine 's day ? ryan : yes , we are . we just chose it . a very scientific method , actually . why ? reese : that 's actually when we were going to tie the knot . greenlee : oh , then we 'll have to choose a different date then . ryan : ah , yeah , well , no . that would be kind of like tempting , you know , fate . the gods might get angry with that . you know what i mean ? greenlee : yeah , but we would want to invite the same people that bianca and reese would be inviting , so -- ryan : yes , that 's true . that is true , but we could just kind of alter the time a little bit . you guys could take the evening . we could take the afternoon . bianca : you know what ? why -- why do n't we just do a double wedding ? that 'd be fun . [ scene_break ] j.r. : oh , i like this song . frankie : do n't look now , but the knockout you brought to the party , she 's over there dirty dancing with j.r . pete : she 's having fun . colby : we 've got to do something . get him home -- adam : you -- you know how he is when he drinks . if we try to confront him now it will make it just worse , make a bigger fool of himself than he already is . amanda : all right there , travolta . it 's time to go home . come on , j.r . ryan : ok , j.r. 's in bad shape . greenlee : are you really surprised ? babe was the one that was keeping him together . without her he 's flying apart . j.r. : what ? what -- what 'd you just say ? ryan : easy , easy . j.r. : what 'd you say about babe ? ryan : easy , easy , easy , nothing . j.r. : you know what ? i do n't need your pity , so do n't talk about her . zach : what 's going on ? ryan : it just looks like maybe j.r. 's been a wee bit over served potentially . zach : i think it 's time to go home . let me get you a cab . j.r. : i said there was n't a problem , mm - hmm ? adam : the hell there is n't a problem . look at you . you 're drunk , j.r . this is your doing , is n't it ? j.r. : oh , shut up . this had nothing to do with her . i had a drink because i wanted to have a drink , and who the hell would n't with a rat bastard father like you ? come on . you want to hit me , do n't you ? i can see it in your eyes . come on . give me your best shot . colby : you were right . this is just making things worse . please , daddy . j.r. : that 's it . run away . go ahead . do what you do best . run . david : amazing . this is the man in charge of my grandson . look at him , everyone . ca n't even take care of himself much less a child , much less babe 's child . zach : get him out of here . amanda : come on . j.r. : put his right here . let it ride . amanda : j.r. , let 's go . it 's time to go home . j.r. : lovely party . amanda : all right . party 's over . [ scene_break ] randi : looks like colby 's brother just ruined her night and yours . sorry . pete : colby did n't even look at me once , even before j.r. came on the scene . i -- i do n't get it . i changed my look , i -- i hired a hot date for nothing . randi : hey , it does n't matter what you 're wearing or who you 're with . it 's who you are that matters . pete : then i 'm definitely out of luck . who i am is a dweeb . i have been all my life . i finally decided to stop fighting it and dweeb it up , wore the glasses and the ties . randi : that was a cute look sort of . pete : cute does n't cut it . i 've got the best education -- best education money can buy , learned a million things , but i never learned how to be cool , how to communicate , how to be myself , especially with women , certainly with colby . randi : you really care about her , huh ? pete : i love her . the only time i 'm happy is when i 'm with her , but she always blows me off . i have to figure out what i need to do to get her attention . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , you ca n't be serious . a double wedding ? with ryan and greenlee ? listen to me . do not ruin your special day by tying it to them . i mean , they are just guaranteed disaster . bianca : reese thinks it 's a great idea . erica : it would be a huge mistake , honey . please do n't do this . bianca : you know , if you feel so strongly about it , then why do n't you just step out of wedding planning , and we 'll do it on our own ? erica : bianca . bia -- [ scene_break ] zach : all right . well , congratulations . glad it worked out for both of you , and i know kendall would be happy , too . greenlee : yeah , it 's going to give her another reason to wake up . i know she 'll be there for it . [ scene_break ] angie : you hanging in there ? rebecca : i 'm a little tired , but this sure beats the hell out of chemo . you know , acting like a normal person , laughing , and having fun , and not hooked to some machine . angie : well , sometimes that 's the best medicine there is . rebecca : yeah . oh -- ooh . angie : wow . [ angie and rebecca laugh ] rebecca : oh , my . [ scene_break ] david : you ok ? krystal : ok ? you 've got to be kidding . hell no , i am not ok . david : all right . just take slow , deep breaths , ok ? that 's it . slow your breathing down . krystal : all right , i just -- just please leave me alone , all right ? i do n't need you . david : krystal , you 've had a shock . that 's all . but it 's good news , right ? i mean , tad is coming home . krystal : what is wrong with me ? why am i thinking the horrible things that i am thinking ? i actually did n't want tad to come home . i mean , what kind of a wife , what -- what kind of a horrible person am i ? [ scene_break ] erica : jack . jack : hi . erica : have you heard about the wedding ? i mean , they 're going to have a two- fer ? greenlee and ryan and bianca and reese ? jack : actually i had n't heard that part , no . erica : oh , jack , please , please try to talk greenlee out of this whole horrible thing . jack : erica , greenlee is happy and so is ryan . maybe they figured something out that we never could . maybe they can actually make a go of it this time . erica : jack , you know very well that this is a recipe for disaster . i mean , it 's just -- it 's too soon for both of them . jack : i did n't realize there was a waiting period . erica : yeah , i -- i gathered that much . personally , speaking for myself , i do n't believe in doing rebound relationships . they do n't work . [ scene_break ] carmen : just not my night , i guess . frankie : looking at something ? no ? because it looked like you were checking out my lady . randi : frankie , stop , ok ? frankie : walk away . randi : he did n't recognize me . frankie : how can you be sure ? i 'm getting a drink . carmen : what was that about ? randi : my ex - pimp put a video out , all over the internet , of me . he had a hidden camera while i ... carmen : oh , honey , i 'm so sorry . what can i do ? randi : nothing . it 's out there forever . so can we just not talk about it ? what 's up with you and jackson ? carmen : nothing much . we kind of stalled out , you know ? like we 're stuck on neutral and not really going anywhere . randi : maybe it 's just the after - holidays blues . people get like that sometimes . carmen : yeah , maybe . [ scene_break ] angie : i wonder how many times they 've danced like that ? how many parties , friends ' weddings ? they seem so comfortable together . frankie : this is crazy . he should be dancing with you . angie : no , sweetheart , i insisted . there is a bigger picture here , and we all fit in somewhere . [ scene_break ] jack : erica , if they want to have a wedding with bianca and reese , guess what ? that is none of my business , nor is it your business . erica : but , jack , i mean , first of all , it 's crazy . and second , i mean -- jack : hi . carmen : what are you doing , jackie ? i 've been waiting for you . jack : well , i -- erica : well , he 's having a conversation with me . carmen : i 'll just be by the bar , then . jack : excuse me . erica : well , jack , wait . we -- we have n't finished . jack : yes , in fact , we have . carmen . carmen , carmen , carmen -- hang on . what 's going on ? what 's wrong ? carmen : what 's wrong ? jack : yeah . carmen : ever since we got here , you dumped me off at the tables , and you 've been talking to everyone but me . jack : there 's a lot going on here tonight , and it 's kind of -- you know , it 's kind of complex . carmen : no , actually it 's really simple . you 're still in love with erica , jack . you ca n't get enough of her . jack : now you 're just being silly . carmen : silly ? jack : whoa -- and loud . could you hold it down , and we 'll do this in a more -- carmen : oh , i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to embarrass you . why do n't i just spare your reputation and just leave , ok ? erica : oh , jack , i 'm so sorry . i just could n't help but overhear . i mean , she 's certainly keeps the volume on max . sorry . jack : erica , butt out . [ scene_break ] zach : if i may -- excuse me , please -- have everyone 's attention for a second , please ? grab a glass of champagne . hi . i want to just take a moment to thank everyone for coming out tonight to celebrate the reopening of our casino . this -- this place always had that very special place in my heart and my wife kendall 's heart . um , and i know that she would share my gratitude if she were here tonight , so here 's to loved ones who could n't make it , um , to new unions , new friends , and to a new start . cheers . [ applause ] [ scene_break ] [ knocking at door ] [ door opening ] [ david sighs ] david : i was worried about you . krystal : you should be . i 'm worried about me , too . david : you did n't mean what you were saying about tad . krystal : but i did . i 'm glad tad 's alive , but the thought of him coming back here , trying to make things the way they were , just scares the hell out of me . david : why ? krystal : because it just makes me -- it makes me feel trapped and forces me to realize the damn truth . david : which is ? krystal : i never really loved tad enough . i never , never loved him the way that i should . i know tad loves me . and i -- i 've tried . i 've tried to love him the way that he deserves , but -- i mean , the truth is we 've always been best friends more than great lovers . and we tried to make it work for jenny and kathy . but it 's not the same . it 's just -- it 's not the same as it is when i 've been with you . and he 's going to know . i mean , he 's going to come home , and he 's going to know . the minute he walks through that door , he is going to know . david : he 'll only know if you tell him . krystal : well , maybe i should . maybe i need to tell him . [ scene_break ] angie : it 's been a great night all around . rebecca 's enjoying herself . tad 's been found and coming home . and i just keep falling more and more in love with you . jesse : what was that mess between opal and krystal ? angie : she thinks krystal is cheating on tad . and i 'm afraid it might be true . oh , gosh , jesse , i caught krystal and david hayward kissing . jesse : no , you did n't . angie : look , she is in such a bad place right now . and david , he 's like some shark who smells blood . even if -- i do n't know how far things have gone , but i 'm just glad that tad is on his way home . listen , sweetie , i 'm running late . i love you . jesse : i love you , baby . [ scene_break ] [ knock at door ] pete : colby . scarlet : whoo , pete ! you left me there . why ? pete : i , uh ... scarlet : you silly . do n't you remember ? you paid for the whole night . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what would babe think about me now ? amanda : she 'd be angry at you for drinking , but she 'd still love you . j.r. : yeah . babe used to say i could n't see my son if i 'd been drinking , but ... hayward was right . i do n't deserve him . i do n't deserve babe 's son . [ scene_break ] scarlet : do n't be nervous . i wo n't bite . but it is included in the price . pete : i , um -- i appreciate you trying to do your job , but i -- scarlet : you do n't like me ? pete : i just ca n't . scarlet : why ? pete : you 're not colby . scarlet : the one you were trying to make jealous at the party . that did n't work , huh ? pete : no , no , it did n't . but it did make one thing clear . i 'm never giving up . i 'm going to spend the rest of my life loving her . [ scene_break ] adam : i let him down . colby : how can you say that ? you 've been trying so hard . adam : no , no , i have n't . i ca n't -- i just -- i ca n't let j.r. get sucked in again . i will not let it happen . i 'm not going to let amanda dillon take him down . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why do you keep doing this ? hmm ? why do you keep taking me in ? maybe you should get some smarts and just walk away . amanda : i care about you . j.r. : hey , come here . amanda : you know , you can sleep on the couch . you 're going to feel like hell in the morning . j.r. : i do n't care about the morning . and i 'm not going to sleep on that couch without you . amanda : j.r. , i do n't think that -- [ scene_break ] doctor : dr. hubbard , you may want to take a look at these . angie : rebecca fowler 's mri . doctor : mm . angie : this from today ? doctor : mm - hmm . angie : what 's the bottom line ? doctor : ah , well , it 's pretty amazing , actually . after only one treatment , the tumor appears to have stabilized . this lady may actually have a chance . [ scene_break ] bianca : are you sure you 're ok with this whole double wedding thing ? reese : yeah , it 'll be great . it 's just not fair . their wedding is going to be legal and ours is just going to be symbolic until we say our vows in another state . bianca : well , i 'll love you just the same . reese : i know . but you know what i mean . bianca : i do . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm sorry . ryan : for what ? greenlee : for all the crazy talk . opal just pushed some buttons , that 's all . i do n't think our wedding is doomed . it 's going to be perfect , just like the rest of our lives . [ scene_break ] erica : well , you really should be out here dancing with kendall . zach : yeah , well , that 's ok . i 'm all right . erica : it 's all falling apart . i have one daughter who 's fighting for her life . my other daughter really is very , very angry at me , because she thinks i 'm interfering . zach : she 's not angry with you . she just wants to live her life with whom she 's in love with . and reese loves bianca the same way that i love kendall . look at them . it 's ok to admit you 're wrong , you know . [ scene_break ] david : all right , look . you 're working yourself up . you do n't mean what you 're saying , ok ? you 're just in shock because of the news -- krystal : you know , do n't -- do n't tell me how i feel . if there 's one thing that i learned from babe 's death , it 's to listen to how i feel and to stop pretending -- david : ok . krystal : that everything is ok when it is not ok . david : ok , ok , i 'm sorry , all right . look , why do n't i get you some milk ? we 'll calm you down . krystal : no , i do n't -- i do n't want any of your milk . i do n't want any more of your drugs . i want you to get out . ok , get out . get out of my house . get out of tad 's house . get out of my life . get out of my mind ! | at zach 's casino , j.r. continues to drink straight from the bottle of whiskey . amanda urges him to stop , but he refuses to listen to amanda . zach does n't understand why reese does n't want to be friends with him anymore . reese explains that it is because that erica feels that something is developing between reese and zach . greenlee questions opal as to why opal thinks that it is n't wise for greenlee and ryan to we d . opal explains that it is because that some of the tarot cards had dropped to the floor and opal had n't given greenlee an accurate tarot reading . jake finds krystal collapsed on the floor and yells for help . david , immediately comes to krystal 's rescue since david is krystal 's doctor . krystal tells everyone that tad , jeff and jamie had been found and tad would be home soon . opal calls joe to tell him the good news about tad , jeff and jamie . the entire hubbard family arrives at the casino for a fun night on the town . rebecca immediately wants to hit the gambling tables . bianca , after walking up to reese and zach , insists that they are not moving out of zach 's house . randi confronts pete about his date with scarlet and is shocked when randi finds out that scarlet is a prostitute . colby catches j.r. drinking and urges him to stop . david , on the other hand , rejoices in j.r. 's hitting the booze . opal confronts krystal about krystal 's involvement with david . ryan , greenlee , reese and bianca plan to marry on valentine 's day . |
erica : sweetheart , is something wrong ? bianca : no , i 'm -- i 'm fine . jack : well , come on in . bianca : i 'm sorry to interrupt . i did n't expect you to be here , uncle jack . jack : sweetheart , do n't apologize , please . obviously , you have something on your mind . bianca : yeah . yeah , i do . i thought i had everything i was going to say all planned out , but now that i 'm here , i -- i do n't really know where to begin . erica : well , just take your time , sweetheart . really , whatever it is , your uncle jack and i are here for you . bianca : well , i 've decided not to go to europe . jack : that is big news . bianca : no , the big news is why . [ scene_break ] josé : oh , i see you 've been very busy . get up . where are the men ? mia : like i do n't ask myself that question every day . kendall : mia , let 's not tick off the angry man with a gun . [ gunshot ] [ women gasps ] josé : all right , the three of you are going to help me get out of here alive . greenlee : no , we wo n't . josé : oh , you will , or i will kill your friends one by one . [ scene_break ] maria : help ! oh , edmund -- [ gunshot ] maria : no ! edmund ? no . no , no , no , no , no , no , no . baby , no , no , no ! it 's ok . it 's ok . it 's going to be all right . ok ? edmund , we 're going to get help . baby , stay with me . stay with me , edmund . can you hear me ? we 're going to get help , and you 're going to be ok . can you hear me ? andreas : why try to save the life of a woman who 's already dead ? [ gunshots ] maria : no ! [ scene_break ] josé : come on , let 's go . move ! move ! move ! greenlee : you know , tough as we are , we 're not bulletproof . we wo n't make very good shields . josé : i 'll take my chances . let 's go . vamonos ! are there any men upstairs ? greenlee : i 'm not sure . check kendall 's room . that 's where they end up eventually . kendall : is n't that a little unnecessary right now ? i mean , unless , of course , if you 're jealous . greenlee : jealous ? of what ? you and that turnstile you call a bed ? please . kendall : you know what ? i 'm not the slut . you 're the slut . you 're the one who walked in on me and ryan . greenlee : well , he did n't seem to mind the interruption . you should have seen how quickly he expressed his gratitude after you left . kendall : you take that back . mia : why should she ? it 's true . kendall : what the hell do you know about it ? mia : any time i see aidan , he 's with you . josé : shut up ! kendall : oh , ok . well , then that would explain why i found you in bed with pablo . greenlee : what ? you were with pablo ? my god , you 're as bad as she is . mia : me ? what about you ? you were already with ryan -- josé : shut up , all of you ! we need to get out of here now ! kendall : ok , is ryan next on your list of unavailable men ? mia : what , are you afraid of a little competition ? kendall : oh , please . you could n't compete with anybody . greenlee : `` charlie 's angels . `` kendall : what the hell are you talking about ? greenlee : think about it . mia : oh , yeah . i am so cameron diaz . kendall : all right . greenlee : it 's time to take bosley down . kendall : all right , ok . i 'm right there with you , drew . greenlee : lucky for me . one for the money -- mia : two for the show -- kendall : three to get ready -- greenlee : four to -- kendall : go ! mia : go ! [ scene_break ] maria : come on , baby . stay with me . stay with me , baby . come on . honey ? ryan : your diversion worked , aidan . how is he ? how is he ? maria : baby , come on . juan pablo : dead . [ man moans ] ryan : this one 's still with us . he 's still with us . aidan : maria , are you all right ? ryan : go , go , go . maria : aidan , no ! ryan : go , she needs help . maria : no , he 's been shot , and i ca n't get him to respond . aidan : oh , my god . maria : come on , edmund . aidan : has he got a pulse ? maria : no , i ca n't get a pulse . ryan : he 's all yours . juan pablo : so -- maria : you hang in there , honey . juan pablo : this how it ends . maria : you hang in there . we 're going to get you some help . juan pablo : you kill my brother , i kill yours . man : carlos -- he -- he was -- juan pablo : what did you say ? man : i hope your brother died like the pig he was . maria : come on , baby . ryan : he 's losing a lot of blood . maria : i know -- [ gunshot ] maria : i got it . i got it , i got it ! i got a pulse ! aidan : you got one ? maria : it 's very weak , but it 's there . aidan : good . maria : ryan , will you go get my suv and bring it as close to the shed as possible ? my medical bag is in the back . ryan : ok , ok . maria : just run , please . aidan : where was he shot ? where was he shot ? maria : he was shot here in the side . aidan : can you see an exit wound ? maria : no , i do n't see one . i do n't feel an exit wound anywhere . damn it , that bullet is still in there . aidan : whereabouts is it lodged ? maria : well , from the angle , it looks like it might be lodged somewhere near his spine . ok , ok , i 've got to get him stabilized so i can get him down the mountain . aidan : maria , if you move him , you could cause -- maria : i know ! what the risk is , ok ? who is the doctor he you or me ? i 've got to -- i ca n't let him bleed to death here ! aidan : all right , maria . what can i do ? what can do ? maria : i am -- ok , i need -- i need blankets and i need some sort o of board or something that i can move him on . aidan : i 'll be right back . maria : thank you . run . come on . come on . ok . come on , honey . you can do this . you stay with me . come on , honey . you fight ! [ scene_break ] babe : you scared me half to death . where is j.r .. ? jamie : it 's ok . he left when you were in the shower . babe : what , so you just let yourself in ? jamie : relax , nobody saw me . j.r. and i used to play secret agent all the time when we were kids . i know every tunnel in this house . babe : nice how the one that you remember leads straight to my bedroom . jamie : i had to make sure you were all right . babe : why would n't i be ? jamie : last night , the valley inn ? how j.r. treated you ? how he spoke to you ? babe : if you had paid this much attention to your date , maybe you 'd be in her bedroom right now . jamie : you know i 'm not like that . babe : yeah , you sure were the night that we met . jamie : that 's because of you . babe : i do n't know if that 's a compliment or an insult . jamie : i heard j.r. in your room at the valley inn . is that what he 's always like when you two are alone ? babe : what is it that you think you heard ? jamie : he was acting like he owns you or something , like you have to do what he wants or else . babe : jamie , it was new year 's eve . j.r. wanted to celebrate . jamie : ok . does he usually get that mad when you say no to him ? babe : are you totally clueless ? i picked that fight with j.r. on purpose . jamie : why would you do that ? babe : is n't it kind of obvious ? to get us the hell out of there . or was part of you hoping that maybe we 'd stay , and we could do it right there in front of you so you could watch ? jamie : that 's real nice , babe . babe : well , the least you could do is thank me . i saved your butt . if j.r. would have found you in that closet , he would have killed you . jamie : oh , what would he have done to you ? babe : nothing . what , you do n't believe me ? take a good look . j.r. and i came back and we made love all night long . we did it over and over and over -- jamie : ok , you can stop now . babe : and i wanted to take a shower and come out and cuddle with my honey and watch the sun rise . instead , i come out here and find you . jamie : like i said , i had to make sure you were all right . babe : god , you are a head case ! i was great until i came out here and found you spying on me . get the hell out of here and stay out of my life . [ scene_break ] maggie : you know , this is taking a while . you do n't have to wait around . lena : that 's all right . i told bianca i 'd be here when she gets back . maggie : well , it could take hours . lena : i do n't mind . unless you 'd like me to leave so you can get some rest ? maggie : no , no , it 's -- it 's ok . i mean , i 'm not going to sleep until she gets home , anyway . lena : i guess if that textbook does n't put you out , nothing will , huh ? maggie : read the same page six times . lena : you never answered my question . maggie : does it really matter what i think ? lena : matters to bianca . telling erica about the baby is a huge decision for her , and you do n't -- you disagree with it . maggie : right , and you do n't . lena : no , i do n't . i think it would be good for bianca to get this whole thing out in the open . maggie : do you know what erica 's reaction is going to be when she finds out ? i mean , come on , she was all about bianca terminating this pregnancy . lena : that was never erica 's decision to make . maggie : it does n't matter . it 's everything that erica does n't want for bianca . she 's going to freak out . and then bianca 's just going to make sure that erica 's ok rather than taking care of herself . lena : i do n't think so . bianca said the baby 's her priority now . maggie : well , yeah , that 's what she says , but what about when erica refuses to even look at this child ? lena : i think you 're getting way ahead of yourself , maggie . maggie : no , i 'm not . it 's going to be just like when bianca was first raped . that 's why she should n't say anything . our trip was never the issue . lena : i really do n't think you should worry . i will personally make sure that bianca takes time out for herself , no matter what erica says . maggie : oh , really ? and what about me ? i live with her . i 'm her best friend . lena : i 'm not shutting you out . i just think that you have enough going on already with your studies and everything . maggie : oh , please . my studies . like this is n't the opportunity that you 've been waiting for , lena . lena : my only concern is bianca 's well being . maggie : is it really ? lena : you do n't believe that ? maggie : you know what ? i think it 's time that we just get everything out in the open . lena : i could n't agree more . [ scene_break ] jack : so what -- what made you change your mind about europe ? bianca : a lot of things . um -- most of it is in my head . i 'm sorry . i know that i 'm being vague . it 's kind of hard to explain this . erica : well , honey , you were so excited about spending your semester abroad . bianca : i know , but i can go to europe another time . erica : well , so , was it maggie ? did she back out , so that 's why you 're not going ? bianca : this has nothing to do with maggie . erica : well , then i do n't understand . jack : just let bianca talk . erica : oh , of course . i 'm sorry . go ahead , honey . bianca : well , i had -- i had kind of a wake - up call on christmas eve . and i do n't really know how to explain this , but it opened my eyes to a lot of things that i had n't wanted to face before . erica : like what ? bianca : my life -- where it 's going , what it 's going to be like , who i 'm going to be . jack : sweetheart , you know , throughout this whole ordeal , you have handled yourself with such grace , such dignity . i mean , you -- you 've truly been astonishing . bianca : well , thank you , but it 's not over . and if i went to europe now , then i would just be running away . erica : oh , no . honey , no one ever thought that , certainly not your uncle jack and me . we never thought that . bianca : i know that , and you 've been great . i love you so much . and -- um -- actually , that 's part of the reason why i made this decision . erica : oh , honey , do n't tell me that you 're staying here because you 're worried about us because , really , your uncle jack and i are -- we 're working things out . bianca : i know that you are . i know that you 're going to be fine . i never lost faith in that . but -- actually , there 's someone else , someone even more important , and they need me to stay here . erica : honey , who else is there ? it 's ok , sweetheart . i 'm going to make this a lot easier for you . i know why you 're not going to europe . bianca : you know ? erica : of course i do . i mean , who knows you better than i do ? i can see the change in you clear as day . bianca : so then why did n't you say anything ? erica : well , i did n't want to say anything that you might possibly mistakenly construe as judgment . bianca : you know , mom , i do n't know what you 're talking about . erica : you and lena . honey , i see how close you 've gotten . bianca : mom , lena and i are n't in a relationship . erica : i thought that you had reached a new understanding . bianca : well , yes , we -- we have been spending more time together -- and that 's wonderful -- but , really , lena is not the reason that i 'm staying . erica : then it is because of me , because i said that i did n't want you to go to europe ? bianca : no , mom , please -- erica : no , honey , please listen to me . i was wrong . i was being selfish . i did n't want you to go to europe because i did n't want to part with you , but i made a mistake , honey . and now -- i mean , now with kendall 's trial about to start , honey , i really think that this distance might just be the best thing for you . bianca : so you do n't want me at kendall 's trial ? jack : well , your mother 's afraid , and , frankly , i share her concern in this that -- honey , there are going to be a lot of graphic details brought out at this trial . bianca : yeah , i know . i 'm prepared for that . jack : are you ? are you also prepared for all the media attention you 're going to get ? because if you stay here , it 's going to be almost impossible to avoid . bianca : well , i do n't want to avoid it . i want to face it . that 's the only way that i 'm going to be able to put this behind me . jack : i see . now , you listen to me , because i want you to think -- and i mean very carefully -- about what you 're about to get yourself into . bianca : i have . but i 'm not the only one who has to face what 's happened . erica : but who , honey ? who ? who are you talking about ? bianca : the baby , mom . i 'm talking about the baby . [ scene_break ] jamie : be as mad as you want . i wo n't turn my back on you and this baby . babe : jamie , you ca n't keep sneaking in here . i am not your responsibility , and neither is this baby . i can take care of myself . jamie : what about j.r. ? what happens if he does it again ? babe : he wo n't . jamie : yes , he will . he 's a chandler . this is how they treat women . babe : what happens in my marriage is not your responsibility . now , this interrogation is over . now , will you please leave before j.r. gets back so i can get dressed ? jamie : not until you tell me about paul cramer . j.r. : paul ? [ scene_break ] paul : will you page me when the transport 's ready ? nurse : they 're working on it now . paul : thanks . good to see you again , j.r . excuse me . j.r. : i thought you went back to llanview . what are you doing here ? paul : there 's a donor kidney that needs to be flown upstate . j.r. : they could n't get somebody else to do that run for you ? paul : it does n't work that way . look , as soon as they 're ready , i 'm out of here , ok ? j.r. : answer me a question first . paul : look , if this is about babe , i do n't want anything more to do with her , ok ? j.r. : i know . she feels the same way . paul : then what is this , then ? what happened in san diego stays in san diego . i mean , i do n't need it getting around llanview , either . so if that was your question -- am i going to stay quiet about the marriage ? -- the answer is yes . j.r. : no . that was n't my question . the marriage -- was that your idea or was that babe 's ? paul : you 've finally caught on to what she 's all about , have n't you ? [ scene_break ] maria : ok , bring it here , bring it here ! hurry . ryan : hey , where are they ? juan pablo : i took the bodies outside . maria : he 's tachycardic with a thready pulse . ryan : what ? what does that mean ? maria : it means he 's in shock . where the hell is aidan with that -- that board ? [ scene_break ] maggie : lena , what did you think would happen ? bianca and you would make up and , what , i 'd just disappear ? lena : maggie , where is this coming from ? nobody is asking you to disappear . we invited you to spend new year 's eve with us . maggie : no , bianca asked me , not you . you act like i 'm in the way . lena : i 'm sorry , that 's not what i intend . but while we 're on the subject , do you treat me any better ? you told me yourself you do n't think i 'm the right woman for bianca . maggie : well , i 'm entitled to my own opinion . lena : well , it does n't make it any easier to hear . you do n't think i deserve another chance ? maggie : i 'm not the one who has to forgive you . lena : no , you 're not . bianca is , and she has . i know how much she values your friendship , and i also know what it 'll do to her if we ca n't find a way to get along . maggie : my friendship with bianca has nothing to do with you , lena . i mean , i was here way before you were . lena : oh , and you 'll be here way after i 'm gone , right ? maggie : yeah , if that 's the way it goes . i mean , if you guys ran off to a deserted island , i mean , i 'd still be her best friend . lena : we 're supposed to be honest , right ? maggie : yeah . right . lena : all right , then . honestly , i 'm not convinced that all you feel for bianca is friendship . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , is this about the baby that kendall claims she 's going to have ? bianca : yes . erica : oh , no . honey , that baby does n't exist . bianca : yes , she does . and she deserves to have a chance for you to know her and to love her . erica : honey , i do n't know what you 're talking about . bianca : what i 'm saying is that the baby is innocent , no matter how she was conceived . erica : well , yes , of course . look , i 'm not sure that i 'm really following you , but i want you just to know that you are fortunate you terminated that pregnancy . and thank god you will never , never have to know what it 's like to carry that disgusting man 's child . bianca : mom , it 's not about richard fields or michael cambias . erica : yes , honey , yes , it is . trust me , i know . bianca : no , i do n't see it that way . erica : bianca , believe me , that baby would be a constant reminder of who the father was , and i would n't wish that on anyone , especially not you . bianca : well , what about kendall ? erica : i beg your pardon ? bianca : kendall is your daughter , too . she 's the one having this baby . erica : honey , of course kendall is my daughter , too , but kendall is lying . there 's no way that she 's -- jack : kendall did take the pregnancy test to confirm that she was pregnant . erica : and there 's no way that i believe that , not for a minute , jack . but you know what ? it 's not a big surprise that you 're rushing to her defense . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . you know i 'm not doing that . come on , please ? erica : ok , then do n't you think that it 's possible that for someone as conniving as kendall is to fake a pregnancy test ? bianca : ok , mom , just forget about the test for a minute . if kendall is pregnant -- erica : if kendall is pregnant , then i hope to god the father is someone else , someone with a soul . bianca : well , what if there were no doubt that the father is michael ? erica : if that is the case , then i would never speak to her again . bianca : but what about the baby ? erica : honey , if there is a baby -- and i do n't believe there is -- that baby 's father raped you . [ scene_break ] babe : who ? jamie : you heard me -- paul cramer . babe : i 'm sorry , the name is just not familiar . jamie : really ? because i saw the report that adam had on you , and paul cramer from san diego was all over it . babe : ok , fine , i knew him . big deal . he was some guy from down at the base . jamie : were you involved with him ? he made adam 's list , babe . that means he was more than just `` some guy . `` babe : does it really matter , jamie ? i mean , what 's the big deal ? he already left -- jamie : he was here ? did you see him ? babe : look , just drop this , ok ? you 're going to make it worse . jamie : that was him . the guy at the valley inn giving you a hard time -- that was paul cramer , was n't it ? what did he want ? babe : nothing . he flew the coop . he 's a medevac pilot . satisfied ? jamie : not really . was he trying to hurt you ? babe : he did n't do anything . adam invited him and his aunt dorian over to the house . it was one of adam 's lame excuses to try to make me look bad in front of j.r . jamie : did it work ? babe : no . j.r. already knew about paul , and so adam went through a lot of work for nothing . me and j.r. -- we 're solid . jamie : for how long ? babe : forever . now , would you go , please ? jamie : are you sure this guy is n't going to be a problem ? krystal : sugar , babe 's made her feelings for you quite clear . what , do you need a gun to your head ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : aidan . my god , are you ok ? aidan : oh , greenlee . yes . how 's everybody up here ? greenlee : we 're fine , we 're fine . what happened ? what about pablo ? did they -- aidan : no , no , pablo 's safe . kendall : oh , my god , aidan ! aidan , we heard gunshots and an explosion . mia : i was so worried about you . you 're bleeding again . aidan : it 's all right . i 'm fine . i 'm not the one who 's been hurt . edmund 's been shot . greenlee : oh , my god . mia : what ? aidan : maria 's with him . she 's doing everything that she can , but he needs to get to a hospital . kendall : oh , ok . mia : my god . what can we do ? aidan : i do n't know , get blankets , sheets -- anything that we can use as bandages . greenlee : i 'll strip the beds . mia : i 'll help you . kendall : do you need anything else ? aidan : no , all i need is this . kendall : ok . [ scene_break ] maria : all right , i 'm not getting a heartbeat . juan pablo : use this to keep him warm . ryan : it 's going to be all right . maria : come on , edmund . edmund ! come on , baby . i 'm not getting -- ryan : what was that ? maria : keep your hand right there . ryan : i got it . maria : keep pressure on it . juan pablo : what happened ? maria : his heart stopped ! ryan : it 's ok . all right . maria : come on , edmund . do n't you do this to me ! edmund ! do n't you die on me ! aidan : how 's he doing ? ryan : his heart stopped . maria : let 's get him on the toboggan right now . aidan : everybody out of the way . maria : i want to get him off the cold ground , keep him warm . aidan : watch out , watch out . maria : all right , ready ? we 're going to move him on my count . aidan : ok . maria : very carefully . ready -- ryan : ready . maria : and one , two , three -- ryan : careful . maria : good job , good job . come over here -- ryan : ok , i got it , i got it , i got it . maria : come on , baby . keep him warm . you can do this . you can do it . maria 's voice : edmund ? edmund , no , i 'm not dead . i 'm not dead , edmund . i 'm alive ! edmund 's voice : that 's right , you 're alive . it 's me , maria . i 'm the one who 's dead . maria : come on , edmund ! edmund . ryan : come on . maria : i ca n't get a pulse . nothing . mia , will you hand me my bag ? i 've got a syringe with epi in it , please . mia : what are you going to do ? maria : open his shirt . i 'm going to inject it directly into his heart . maria : ok , keep the compressions . ok , it 's there . it 's weak , but it 's -- aidan : you got anything ? maria : no . it 's barely -- ryan : come on , edmund ! come on ! maria : ok , we 've got to move him . we 've got to get him to -- right now . let 's move him , come on . ryan : all right , everybody -- maria : come on , edmund . ryan : on three -- one , two , three . maria : hang in there ! we 're going to get you to safety . [ scene_break ] j.r. : just answer the question , paul . the marriage -- was it your idea or was it babe 's ? paul : babe 's . i was loaded . i 'd been partying , so had she , and she says , `` hey , let 's do it . `` and i guess i said ok because i woke up with a killer hangover and a ring on my finger . j.r. : and then what ? you two had a little laugh and then you went your separate ways ? is that it ? paul : kind of . she said it was a goof . we had the marriage annulled the next morning . it 's not like we kept in touch . i want nothing to do with you , with babe , with any of this . j.r. : yeah , well , you 'll get no arguments from me . paul : i did n't think so . i wish you guys all the happiness in the world . just watch out . there 's a lot more to babe than she lets on . and the things she can talk you into ? it 's pretty damn scary . [ scene_break ] krystal : well , this does not look good at all . you with your cheeks all flushed , babe in a skimpy , little towel , and where is that cute husband of hers ? do n't suppose he is under the bed , do you ? jamie : i wanted to talk to babe . krystal : you want to talk , you pick up the phone , you ring the doorbell . you do n't just tunnel in . makes it look like you have something to hide . jamie : well , fine . next time i will use the front door . krystal : you 're not real good at taking hints , are you ? you do n't belong here , sugar . jamie : and babe does ? i mean , ca n't you see how unhappy she is ? krystal : maybe if you were n't in her face every time she turned around . jamie : i 'm just trying to take care of her and her baby . krystal : she 's got a husband for that . and if things get stuck , they 've got me . i 'm real good at unsticking things . jamie : you want this to be j.r. 's kid , do n't you ? well , was adam right ? did you do something to dr. parker so that he would keep quiet about when the baby was due ? krystal : listen , do n't you pop off and say something you 're going to regret . jamie : i 'm not going to let j.r. raise my kid . krystal : you really are a stubborn one , are n't you ? you kind of remind me of a bull my uncle curly once had . his name was beauregard . yeah , beauregard was real cute , but he never did get why he was penned up all separated from the cows . and so he kept busting through the fence , trying to get to them . and that went on for a real long time until uncle curly got tired of fixing that fence . and instead , he fixed beauregard with one quick snip . so you just think about that on your way out , all right ? get on out . and say hello to that sweet daddy for me . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , if kendall is pregnant with michael cambias ' baby -- i mean , the very thought of that alone makes my skin crawl . bianca : oh , do n't say that . erica : yes , i will say that . how could she do that to you ? how could she sleep with the man who raped you ? well , look , you just do n't know . thank god you were spared that . bianca : i do know what it 's like . erica : i mean , i felt like my body was possessed , like i had no control over my body whatsoever . i mean , i did n't want to have that monster 's baby . bianca : but kendall does . erica : it grew inside me like some kind of a tumor . and i did everything i could to try to block it out . bianca , that 's why , honey , i did n't want you to go through with that pregnancy . that 's why i wanted you to terminate , so you would n't feel trapped . bianca : well , mom , maybe you felt that way because you were so young . you were only 14 years old . do n't you think that we could see this as a chance to make a fresh start ? erica : no , honey , that is just not possible . i 'm sorry . i mean , i know that you want to believe that , but -- bianca : but , mom , we could be a family again . all of us . erica : honey , do n't you think that i want that ? i mean , i want that more than anything . bianca : ok , well , then , why ca n't you do this to -- for me ? just try to open your heart to this baby ? jack : you know , i mean , it is a way to put our family back together , erica . look , if bianca here can reconcile with kendall after everything she 's done , then why ca n't you ? erica : do n't do this . do n't you dare try to put this on me , jack . do n't do this . you know how much i want this family . i want that more than anything . bianca : all right , mom , please , please , do n't get mad at uncle jack . erica : i 'm sorry , honey . i 'm sorry . bianca , you know that i would do anything for you . anything . but please do n't stand there and ask me to accept michael cambias ' child because i could n't . bianca : ok . ok . you do n't have to do anything that you do n't want to do . i should go . jack : i 'll be right back . bianca ? bianca ? whoa , whoa , whoa . wait , wait , wait , ok ? sweetheart , was there something else you wanted to tell us ? [ scene_break ] maggie : you think i 'm interested in bianca ? lena : i think you have feelings for her that are -- maggie : of course i have feelings for her . she 's my best friend . lena : so you keep saying . maggie : well , you seem to think it 's something else . lena : you said yourself you love her . maggie : i love her . of course i love her . but i 'm not in love with her . where do you get that ? i 'm straight , lena , ok ? i like guys . i do n't like girls , and i do n't like bianca . lena : good , then you should n't have a problem with us seeing each other . maggie : well , my short - term memory is n't as good as yours . lena : maggie , if you 're going to be like this every time i 'm here , i 'm just going to have to arrange to see bianca somewhere else -- at my place or outside of pine valley altogether . maggie : no , it 's all right . i mean , this is her house . if she wants you here , of course you 're welcome . lena : good . i 'm glad we settled that . maggie : yeah , me , too . lena : i 'm staying until bianca gets back . she 'll need our support , whichever way it goes with erica . [ scene_break ] bianca : uncle jack , you 're always worried about me , but i 'm fine . jack : i worry about you because i love you . bianca : i know . jack : i hope you also know that you can come to me anytime you want to talk to me about anything , anything at all . bianca : i know that , too . but i think that mom just said everything i needed to hear . [ scene_break ] krystal : well , that jamie sure does have it bad for you . babe : his heart 's in the right place , but his brain sure left the building . krystal : well , honey , he 's going for paternity tests and court orders . is n't there some way you can talk him out of all this nonsense ? babe : i 've tried , hard . this is all your fault , you know . krystal : mine ? what did i do ? babe : ever since i was little , you taught me how to get a guy and how to keep him around . but you never taught me how to get rid of the ones that would n't go away . krystal : yeah , well , who knew any of them could actually stick around ? babe : mama , this is n't funny . krystal : i 'm sorry , honey . i know . babe : well , what am i doing wrong ? krystal : nothing , all right ? here 's the trick . to make them go away , you got to want them to . so do you ? [ scene_break ] nurse : you should be ready to go in 10 , mr. cramer . paul : thanks , annie . annie : have a safe flight . paul : all right , i 'll do my best . jamie : you paul cramer ? paul : yeah , i am . what can i do for you ? [ jamie knocks paul down with one punch to the face ] jamie : stay the hell away from babe chandler ! you got it ? paul : you guys are a bun of lunatics ! the girl 's not even worth it ! j.r. : what the hell was that ? jamie : i do n't think i owe you an explanation . j.r. : you come in here , you sucker - punch some guy ? jamie : what do you care ? i 'm not your brother anymore , remember ? j.r. : you do n't have to remind me . jamie : so then do n't worry about it . j.r. : no , i think i will . jamie : why ? you afraid you 're next ? j.r. : why did you do it , jamie ? jamie : well , let 's just say if you 're not going to protect your wife , i will . j.r. : my wife ? my wife does n't need you looking out after her . and i know you did n't come in here to knock around paul cramer , so drop the tough guy act ! this is about our baby , is n't it ? jamie : you 're so sure it 's yours ? j.r. : yeah , i am . and i do n't need to be looking at babe 's medical records to prove it . jamie : you know what ? shove it , j.r . [ scene_break ] bianca : i could n't tell her . you were right . the truth would just devastate her . she would never be able to see my child for who she really is . maggie : i 'm so sorry . bianca : if she ever did find out , it would kill her . she would never understand why -- maggie : we understand . it 's ok , we understand . lena : it 's ok . it 'll be ok . [ scene_break ] erica : something else is going on with bianca , something beyond her decision not to go to europe or a second chance with lena . did she say anything to you ? jack : no . no , she did n't . erica : but you know i 'm right ? jack : i think if there is something else , bianca will come to us in her own time . erica : jack , what are we supposed to do until then ? jack : we wait . erica : i do n't know if i can do that . jack : we wait and we trust bianca , ok ? erica : jack , bianca 's sudden compassion for kendall -- kendall , who is just pretending to be pregnant with this man 's baby -- i mean , how could she have these feelings ? how can -- how can bianca feel that way ? i do n't understand . jack : well , maybe that just means we can learn something from this . [ knock on door ] jack : maybe this is her . hi . may i help you ? man : are you erica kane ? erica : yes , i am . man : and are you jackson montgomery ? jack : that would be me . and those are -- man : i got a twofer . you 've been served . erica : we 've been subpoenaed ? jack : yes , to testify at kendall 's trial . and , oh , look at this , more fun . we 've been summoned to testify for the prosecution . [ scene_break ] maria : gsw to the lower back , no exit wound . his pulse is weak and shocky . occasional spontaneous respiration . he arrested on site , but i injected epi directly into his heart . he 's still very unstable . doctor : ok , let 's get him into a cubicle . give him two large - bore ivs , get a crash cart set , and call respiratory and x - ray . type and cross for six units . maria : take good care of him -- doctor : we 'll take it from here . maria : no , no , no , i 'm not going to leave him alone . doctor : it 's hospital policy , ok ? it 's hospital policy . maria : i 'm a doctor here in this hospital , and i was with him . i know his entire condition . i 've been with him since he was shot . ryan : maria -- maria : no , but i -- no , ryan , you know what ? you do n't know what you 're talking about . ryan : i think it 's better -- maria : edmund ! ryan : it 's going to be all right . doctor : call the or and tell them to be prepared for an emergency lapi . i have a feeling it 's going to be happening soon . nurse : do you want to go ahead with the lapi ? doctor : no , no , no . we know there 's blood in that belly -- maria : edmund -- nurse : is there spontaneous respiration ? doctor : yeah , keep -- maria : oh , my god ! edmund ! ryan : shh , shh , i got you . nurse : there was no response -- maria : edmund ! i have to be in there with him . edmund ! doctor : i need another pair of hands in here to keep pressure on this wound . [ next_on ] erica : what does the prosecution want with me ? jack : i imagine they expect you to incriminate kendall . j.r. : you 're hassling babe . how would you like it if i hit you ? juan pablo : i do n't feel anything -- not for you , not for anyone . maria : do you even know what his condition is , ryan ? because i do . he needs a miracle . | jamie still wo n't give up on babe . krystal tells him he must leave her daughter alone . and jr is suspicious , not only of jamie , but also of paul kramer . bianca tries unsuccessfully to reveal to erica and jack that she did not abort the pregnancy which resulted from being raped by michael cambias . all erica can think of is her `` assumption `` that bianca has already aborted and how she would never forgive kendall if she is actually pregnant by michael . bianca gives up trying to get through to her mother . but jack sounds like he wants to listen to bianca . edmund has been shot at the cabin . maria tries unsuccessfully to revive him . but it looks like the others are not in danger , for the present moment . |
ryan : kendall ! [ hannah takes aim at kendall but shoots ryan instead when he throws himself in front of his baby mama ] greenlee : what ? oh , my god ! [ ryan grunts as he falls down holding his bleeding head ] hannah : damn you , kendall . greenlee : oh , my god , ryan ! zach : we got to stop the bleeding . get a towel , get something . aidan : right . call 911 . kendall : ryan , open your eyes . ryan -- ryan , talk to me . ryan , can you talk to me ? zach : stay with us , come on . open your eyes . come on , stay with us . kendall : open your eyes , ryan . babe : yes , we need an ambulance at 400 lake drive , penthouse . somebody 's been shot . his name 's ryan lavery . [ scene_break ] [ while the sirens blare down below , aidan investigates the rooftop and finds a spent cartridge . ] aidan : could n't stick around and clean up your mess , hannah . [ scene_break ] zach : he 's conscious . babe : i 'll meet them at the elevator . zach : stay with us . focus , you got to focus . keep your eyes open . ryan : target -- the target was kendall . they 're aiming -- kendall : i 'm right here . ryan : aiming at kendall . kendall : i 'm ok , i 'm ok . ryan , ryan , you pushed me out of the way . greenlee : ryan , you saved kendall . kendall : i 'm all right . zach : what do you mean , the target was kendall ? stay down . get down ! kendall : ok , ok . ryan : kendall , the target -- greenlee : ryan , stay awake for annie and -- and emma and spike . you have to stay awake , ryan , for your family . kendall : ryan , fight hard , ok ? fight hard . come on . do it for annie . do it for our son , ok -- zach : stay with us . kendall : come on , stay with us for our son , come on . no , no . no , ryan -- no , ryan -- greenlee : when are they going to get here ? babe : hurry , hurry . he 's in here . greenlee : they 're here , they 're here -- please help , help . emt : he 's going to need -- second emt : how long has he been out ? zach : he just went out . emt : all right , board and collar . second emt : abcs and neuro . his airway 's clear . pupils are reactive but sluggish . lung sounds are clear . his color 's pale . first emt : yeah . no other wounds , but his pulse is weak . aidan : there 's no sign of the shooter . whoever it was left a shell casing . zach : what did they use . aidan : a high - powered rifle , one that a sniper would carry . kendall : who -- who would want to do this ? zach : whoever it is , is still out there . emt : unresponsive upon arrival . my god , this looks bad . let 's pack him and get out of here . let 's roll . yeah , we 're about five minutes out -- kendall : i should go with them . zach : no , no , no . we can all go together . kendall : no , i -- zach , come on . greenlee : listen , i 'm going to call rachael and see if she can take care of emma and the boys , ok ? aidan : listen , does anybody know how to get ahold of annie ? babe : yeah , i know where she is . greenlee : great , i 'm going to call her , too . babe : no , no . you know what ? she needs to hear this in person . i 'll go tell her right now . greenlee : rachael , rachael , rachael , pick up . ooh -- zach : whoa , whoa , whoa . easy , hey -- you ok ? greenlee : i 'm fine , i 'm fine . listen , you guys , we need to go . aidan : no , no , no , you 're not going anywhere . greenlee : oh , yeah , but you 're not stopping me . aidan : yes , i am . greenlee : what ? aidan : sorry . greenlee : aidan , i need to see what 's going on with ryan . zach : we 'll let you know as soon as we know . kendall ? get away from the window . kendall : no , no -- yeah -- aidan said that the shooter was gone . zach : i would prefer it if you did n't stand by the window . kendall : listen to me , listen , zach -- i was the target . ryan saw something outside and then he pushed me to the ground . greenlee : kendall , you do n't know that . it could 've been any one of us . kendall : no , no , it -- this was meant for me , was n't it , zach ? zach : yes , it was . but i 'm going to keep you safe . kendall : yeah , but who -- who would do this ? who ? zach : i do n't know , but i 'm going to find out , i promise you . kendall : ok . we need to be with ryan right now , so we 're going to go . aidan , take care of her and -- talk to you soon . zach : come on . [ scene_break ] richie : i have leukemia , the bad kind . i 've been tested and retested , and every time they come back with , `` richie , you 're going to die . `` that 's it , i 'm done , man . doctor : and you still might die of the disease . richie : and there you go , so -- doctor : but our latest blood work indicates , ok , that you might be a candidate for a bone marrow transplant . richie : they -- they ruled out a bone marrow transplant a couple of years ago when i was first diagnosed with this thing . doctor : and there have been remarkable advances in treatment lately . richie : so now you 're telling me there 's a chance that i could beat this thing ? doctor : i 'm saying there 's a chance , yes . annie : what -- what kind of chance , doctor ? doctor : well , if we can find a compatible donor , i think the odds are fairly good that we could achieve remission . richie : no , no -- annie wants to know what the odds are -- live or die , place your bets . doctor : 20 % . maybe 25 % richie : huh . i was hoping you were going to give better odds than that . doctor : well , couple of days ago the odds were zero . richie : ok , so those are my chance what happens next ? doctor : all right , well , the best chance to find a match would be a close relative -- parent , child , sibling . as richie 's sister , you 'd be an obvious candidate , of course . [ richie chuckles ] richie : oh , yeah . what do you say ? do you want to save my life ? [ scene_break ] [ sirens ] [ knock on door ] [ sirens fade ] hannah : hello , josh . josh : hannah . hannah : i was hoping you were home . josh : yeah , i just got out of the shower . did you hear all the cops outside ? was there a riot going on ? hannah : i do n't know . [ scene_break ] [ siren ] joe : what have we got ? emt : approximately 30-year - old male , gunshot wound to the head . joe : ryan ? emt : pulse is 84 and weak . respiration is 24 , blood pressure is 106/84 , and he 's got a 14 gauge in his left a.c . joe : ryan ? ryan , can you hear me ? doctor : put him in cube two . cbc lytes , stat type , cross . hang o - negative right now . get neurosurgery and clear cat scan . emt : one , two , three . in there . doctor : let 's get the blood transfusions working . i also need an iv of vanco stat . nurse : right away . zach : joe ? joe : they stopped the bleeding . that 's the good news . kendall : joe , wait -- is ryan still unconscious ? joe : well , he 's got a gunshot wound in the head . kendall : yeah , well , what are you saying , joe ? joe : well , look , he 's a tough guy and believe me , i would n't bet against him . you notify annie ? zach : got someone looking for her now . joe ? [ scene_break ] annie : this is all a little overwhelming , doctor . doctor : oh , not really . i mean , the testing 's fairly -- it 's a fairly simple procedure . there 's a little risk , always , but a very slight one . richie : no , doc , it 's a little bit more complicated than that . you see , me and my big sis , we 're not really that close , are we ? doctor : oh . well , then i should let you two discuss that . congratulations , richie . richie : mm - hmm , yeah . suddenly i 'm feeling my chances just dropped right back down to zero . annie : babe ? babe : annie -- ryan 's been shot . annie : oh , my god . babe : he 's in the er . annie : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] joe : pulse is getting weaker . doctor : stabilize him . start the transfusion . nurse : ok , it 's a go . joe : ryan ? work with us , ryan . ryan ? [ scene_break ] kendall : that 's supposed to be me in there . zach : shh , do n't do that , hey -- kendall : no . ryan saved my life , and now spike and emma may lose their father because he was protecting me . zach : joe has his best team in there , ryan is strong -- he 'll make it . kendall : yeah , but what if he does n't ? zach : do n't do that . he 's going to be -- kendall : no , i ca n't help , zach . it 's like there 's darkness just surrounding us . it 's like there 's this black cloud that just wo n't go away . ryan has to be ok , he has to . zach : he will be ok . sit down . come on . are you ok ? kendall : i 'm fine , i think . zach : i have to make a phone call . kendall : ok . zach : i 'll be right back . hey , it 's zach . i need you to do me a favor . no , now , it 's urgent . make sure old man cambias is still in custody . i 'll call you back . [ scene_break ] josh : what the hell are you doing ? hannah : you do n't know ? it 's not as fun if i have to spell it out for you . oh , come on , josh . you used to like it when i got rough . josh : i thought we agreed this was n't a good idea . hannah : oh , ca n't a girl change her mind ? josh : what 's going on , hannah ? hannah : oh , god ! is n't it obvious ? i -- want to have sex , and you do n't . josh : i do n't think you want to do this . hannah : oh , like hell i do n't . you have no idea what i want . josh : are you ok ? hannah : hmm , that 's funny . josh : seriously , because you 're acting a little strange right now . hannah : i 'm acting strange ? well , where should i go , josh ? do you want the whole story or just the highlights of hannah nichols ' poor , miserable life ? josh : what the hell are you talking about ? hannah : you know , a recent history . it 's always easier to remember . oh , gosh . tad was fun , nice man , decent guy . obviously not for me . zach , on the other hand -- [ josh chuckles ] hannah : now , he could take the pain away -- that is , when he was n't dishing it out . josh : you just ca n't let that go , can you ? hannah : did you really believe me when i said i was over ? josh : not entirely . i was expecting you to make your next move . hannah : oh , you 're such a smart boy . but it 's too late . why do n't you ask adam chandler ? josh : adam chandler ? what the hell does he have to do with any of this ? you sleep with him , too ? hannah : please . even a whore has standards . josh : you were working for him , were n't you ? hannah : bingo . josh : to spy on zach . hannah : yes . josh : oh -- hannah : but , see -- i changed my mind when i thought that he was -- when i thought that he was -- josh : when he was what , hannah ? hannah : it does n't matter . you know what ? nothing matters now . josh : what the hell have you done ? [ hannah laughs ] [ scene_break ] annie : where is he ? kendall : he 's with joe , he 's with joe . annie : is he -- kendall : he 's alive , he 's alive , and he 's fighting . he 's fighting hard . annie : how did -- how did this happen ? is it something richie did or -- joe -- joe , tell me my husband 's alive . tell me ryan 's ok . oh , god . no . joe : annie -- wait . ryan is safe . annie : what ? joe : he 's lost a lot of blood , but he will recover . annie : but they -- joe : he 's pulled through , annie . annie : they said that a bullet -- doctor : the bullet grazed his skull near a silent part of the parietal lobe . he was very lucky . annie : oh , my god . kendall : thank god , thank god , thank god . i told you . [ scene_break ] zach : so that 's it , then ? still paralyzed , still in isolation , and -- and no contact with anyone ? thank you . hey . annie : i do n't know how to thank you both . zach : is ryan -- kendall : he 's fine , he 's fine . he -- me made it . he 's going to -- zach : come here . all right . [ scene_break ] aidan : thanks . hey . you all right ? greenlee : define `` all right . `` have we heard from the hospital yet ? aidan : no , nothing yet . greenlee : thank you for staying . aidan : are you kidding me ? of course . greenlee : no , i just -- i know i can be difficult and a real pain in the butt , but -- i really like you looking out for me . aidan : well , you better get used to it . greenlee : i 'm trying . it 's just it 's been so long since , you know -- aidan : i know . greenlee : and i know i 'm just really hard at -- it 's really hard to accept all these limitations . i mean , even now , my body feels like a rag doll , but you 're right . i would never have made it to the hospital -- they 'd put me in the next room next to ryan . aidan : hey , give yourself break , all right ? greenlee : i just -- i hate it . aidan : i know . you almost died , though , greenlee , ok ? and you 're not 100 % better . joe wants you to relax , he wants you to rest , and i 'm going to make sure that you do . greenlee : ok , boss . aidan : i like that `` boss `` -- i think it suits me . greenlee : yeah ? aidan : yeah . greenlee : me , too . aidan : come on . lay down . let me go clear up this mess . [ truck backfires ] greenlee : oh , my god , zach ! [ scene_break ] hannah : what have i done ? oh , i do n't know , josh . what 's your best guess ? josh : oh , i do n't know , hannah . maybe the work you were doing for adam was to get back at zach ? hannah : i loved him , i hated him -- but i still wanted him . it 's pathetic , is n't it ? i wanted him to need me , so i -- josh : so you what ? hannah : ugh ! [ as zach tries to call josh , hannah pistol whips him unconscious . ] [ scene_break ] babe : i 'll call back later for an update , thanks . richie : so what 's the deal with ryan ? babe : he 's going to be ok . richie : i guess they ca n't blame this one on me , huh ? babe : i think you being here gives you a pretty good alibi . richie : you going to be my witness ? babe : sure -- if you 'll tell me what you and annie were talking about . richie : you know , just family stuff . babe : it seemed pretty intense . richie : yeah , `` intense `` is a good word for it . that 'll work . babe : what happened ? richie : you know that doctor that was leaving when you came in ? babe : yeah . richie : oh -- he said that i had a chance at a bone marrow transplant . babe : huh . my god , richie , that 's wonderful . babe : well , i mean , if she could save your life -- richie : she 's not going to try to save my life . huh . you know , i -- i was all set to just wrap things up , you know ? take care of unfinished business , and then now it 's like i got this governor 's pardon , and i -- babe : it must be so overwhelming . richie : no , it 's not . i ca n't let it get to that point , you know ? babe : to where ? richie : hope . see , the doctor said i 've got a 20 % chance if i find a match . that means it 's four to one i 'm still going to die . babe : richie -- [ richie groans ] babe : it 's ok to hope . ok ? especially now that there is a reason for it . richie : i do n't know how to hope . i really do n't . i do n't know how to hope anymore . i do n't . [ richie breaks down crying in babe 's arms ] [ scene_break ] annie : joe , can i see ryan ? i have to see him . joe : well , he 's -- he 's conscious , but it -- he 's in and out . i think it might be better to wait a bit . kendall : joe , i think it would be good for both of them . zach : and as you know , my wife is always right . joe : ok . you can go in for a little bit , but please , make it a short visit , huh ? annie : ok . ryan : wow . i really did die and go to heaven . i mean , look at the angel they sent me . huh . annie : how do you feel ? ryan : lucky . especially now . annie : i do n't know what i would have done . ryan : shh . it 's good , it 's good , it 's good , it 's good , it 's good . it 's all good . i 'm fine . i 'm alive , and i 've got you . [ out in the hall , zach and kendall hug ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : did i say `` zach `` ? aidan : um -- i do believe you did . greenlee : i meant aidan . aidan : it 's all right . relax . greenlee : i 'm sorry . it 's just i heard a noise , and i got -- aidan : and you called out a guy 's name who you 've had to depend on for the last five weeks . i 'm ok with it . greenlee : you are ? aidan : yeah . you and zach -- you went through a lot . ok ? i know you two got close . but it makes me proud that he finally knows the beautiful brave woman that i 've known all along . so you call me zach . i 'm sure zach 's made the same mistake with kendall . greenlee : kendall would smack him and then kill me . aidan : you know , you 'd be surprised how -- how kendall will understand . you know , we know that you guys -- you -- you did whatever it took to survive it down there . ok ? so do n't apologize . you 're only human . especially apologizing to me . no . greenlee : you are officially a saint . aidan : far from it -- greenlee : no , aidan -- aidan : believe me . greenlee : it 's true . you are . i do n't know what i would do without you . aidan : well , let 's just hope that you never have to find out . [ phone rings ] aidan : what ? excuse me . kendall -- what 's the word ? kendall : ryan made it . he 's going to be just fine . aidan : that 's great . can i tell greenlee , or do you want to do the honors ? kendall : i think you should spread the good news . aidan : ok . greenlee : what , what ? ryan ? what 's going on ? aidan : ryan 's thickheadedness has paid off . greenlee : he 's ok ? aidan : he 's ok . greenlee : oh . [ scene_break ] zach : come on , josh , where the hell are you ? it 's important . [ scene_break ] hannah : there you are hey , there you are . josh : hannah , what -- what is -- what are you doing ? what are -- hannah : hey , i 'm -- i 'm sorry , but i just could n't let you talk to zach . josh : li -- listen , whatever -- whatever you 've done , i can help you . hannah : you 're going to help me ? [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : you 're going to make it all go away ? you are really sweet , josh . but i do n't think you 're going to want to do that after i tell you what i did . i tried to kill your sister . josh : what ? you what ? hannah : shh , shh . god , not too loud , ok ? lean back , or i 'll have to shoot you . it 's your move , josh . josh : well , why -- well , why are you doing this , hannah ? hannah : oh , do n't worry , i missed . josh : you still did n't answer my question . why -- why ? [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : it does n't matter why . you would n't understand , anyway . josh : try me . hannah : ha . because it was my turn . mine . your sister has done terrible things , and she was going to be punished for it . and then when she was out of the picture , i 'd be the one that zach would turn to . i would be the one that he counted on . josh : you 're crazy . hannah : hey , hey -- no , no , no , do n't ever , ever , ever call me that . josh : zach would never turn on kendall , for you or anyone else . now listen to me -- hannah : mm - hmm . josh : if you have n't actually shot or killed anyone , untie me right now and -- and we can work this out . hannah : oops . ryan lavery pushed kendall out of the way and took the bullet instead . wow , there are so many heroes in this town -- all in the business of rescuing your sister . josh : is he dead ? hannah : oh , i do n't know . who cares ? but your sister is dead . she does n't know it yet , but justice will be served . josh : and then zach is just going to go for you , right ? i do n't think so , hannah . hannah : no , no , no , of course not . but this time , he 'll feel the pain of losing everything he loves . just like i had to do when i was 17 . i had to give up ethan , my son , and zach , the only man i ever truly loved , all because of his sick father , who promised to help me . and instead , he lied and he -- he used me for sex . and what does zach do for me ? nothing . but he will walk over hell or hot coals for kendall , and only kendall . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : wow -- but i do -- i do have to hand it to your sister . oh . she is really good at stealing other people 's lives . first mine , then greenlee . and she 's always forgiven , always gets away with it . but no more . no more . your sister 's going to lose everything dear to her . where do you think i should start , josh ? [ scene_break ] richie : ah -- sorry about that . babe : sorry for what ? richie : tears . i do n't -- i do n't -- i do n't do that , really . babe : richie , you 're just being human . you can pretend not to care all you want to , but i do n't believe you . richie : i care about you . babe : richie -- richie : i was n't trying to make a move on you or anything . sorry , it 's ok . ahem . i guess i ca n't use that dying man 's trip anymore , huh ? huh . babe : i would n't have bought it , anyway . richie : no , you probably would n't . i 've been through it all , babe . i mean , first it was anger , then it was denial . then you finally accept it . and now they give you this ? babe : and -- and `` this `` should be the easy part . and do n't think that annie wo n't come through for you , either . i mean , she came here today , did n't she ? richie : yeah , she came here today . she thought -- she heard that i was dying . she came to get a front - row seat . babe : not true . ok , i was with her , richie , remember ? she -- she came here today , because she still cares about what happens to you . richie : i do n't know . the way we 've hurt each other -- i 've done some things that she ca n't get past , and i do n't blame her . i do n't think i could , either . babe : look , we 've all done things . that does n't mean we ca n't be forgiven . richie : oh , yeah . those -- those horrible crimes . you keep talking about it , but they were n't this bad . babe : i wish . richie : what , you do n't want to talk about it ? babe : i kidnapped a child . richie : really ? you ? babe : yeah . it was -- it was miranda . bianca 's baby . she 's -- she 's kendall 's sister . i pretended her baby was mine , even after i found out she was n't . i do n't know -- um -- i was heartbroken , and i was so afraid and confused . i mean , a whole host of reasons that sound crazy to me now , but it took -- it took a lot of people forgiving me , including bianca and kendall . anyway , the point is , is do n't think that annie wo n't , either , if you put forth the effort . richie : well , we 'll see . i do wish i could go back , though , you know ? babe : yeah , if only we could . richie : yeah . you know where i would go back to ? babe : to where it first went bad with you and annie ? richie : oh , no . i would go back to those batting cages when i was just wes the bartender on the date with the most beautiful girl i 've ever seen . mm - hmm . babe : yeah , that was a great day . richie : greatest day of my life . [ richie kisses babe ] [ scene_break ] annie : does it hurt ? ryan : no . no , i could go out and run a marathon right now . annie : you do n't know how you scared me . ryan : i am fine . honestly , i am totally fine . how -- how 's kendall ? annie : she seems ok . zach told me she was the real target . ryan : yeah . the only question is , who and why ? annie : you saved her life , ryan . ryan : oh . i did n't do anything that zach would n't have done if it were you . you know , we look out for each other . zach : hey . kendall : hey . zach : how 's your head ? ryan : empty , apparently . [ zach chuckles ] ryan : either i got a really big dome or a small brain . zach : or both maybe , you know ? [ ryan and annie chuckle ] kendall : ryan -- i ca n't -- i -- i do n't know what to say to you , and i feel like `` thank you `` just -- it 's not enough . ryan : yeah , it 's plenty . i 'm just really glad i got there in time . any idea on the shooter ? zach : not yet . ryan : you look out for this one , all right ? zach : of course . ryan : all right . kendall : can we get you something ? can we do anything for you ? ryan : no , i 'm in good hands . i got my best girl right here . she 's going to take really , really good care of me . just -- just be careful , all right ? i 'm fine . zach : thank you for what you did . ryan : hey , man , one of these days , we 'll be even . zach : see you later . kendall : are we going home now ? zach : no , not yet . i got to go past your brother 's house . i just want to tell him what happened . i 've been calling him , and i ca n't get him on the phone . kendall : wait -- you 're worried about my brother now , too ? zach : i just want to keep him in the loop . my security 's coming . they 're going to take care of you . kendall : no . no , no , zach . i am coming with you . you ca n't stop me . [ scene_break ] hannah : i do n't want to shoot you , josh . josh : just -- put the gun down . if you do n't want to be called crazy , then stop acting like it . hannah : cool under pressure . sexy . josh : what do you think you 're going to do next ? hannah : oh , i 'm just going to sit here , and wait . josh : for what ? hannah : zach will wonder why you did n't get back to him . and he 'll come looking for you . hmm . and when he does , i 'll be waiting . you see , i have been waiting for zach my whole life . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . richie : for what ? babe : um , this is n't what i want to do . richie : you could 've fooled me . babe : you know , um , maybe i should go check on ryan and annie -- see how they 're doing . richie : no , babe , you do n't have to go -- babe : yes , i do . ok , i really am glad for you , richie , i am . richie : ok . babe : i just -- i -- i really have to go now . richie : ok , go . [ scene_break ] ryan : come over here and give me a little bit of love . come on . what , do the bandages scare you off ? annie : uh - uh . you actually look like a really hot mummy . ryan : really ? annie : mm - hmm . ryan : well , it feels like about 3,000 years since i 've had a kiss . do n't make me wait any longer , ok ? [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , hey . what are you doing ? no . no , no , no . not on my watch . listen , you got to relax , remember ? greenlee : aidan , i am not going to just lie here all day . aidan : well , you do n't just have to lie there . you have to lie there and look gorgeous . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : oh , yeah ? aidan : yeah . greenlee : you first . aidan : now , you stay , all right ? you need anything ? greenlee : one thing . aidan : what ? greenlee : well , um -- he 's kind and intelligent . the best - looking man i have ever laid my eyes on . he usually knows when he 's funny , but he 's even cuter when he does n't . and he can be ornery and difficult . aidan : whew . does n't sound like me , i 'm afraid . greenlee : and i love him . every part of him . and so what i need and want is to be with you right now . aidan : hey , i do , too , but i do n't want to push you , all right ? greenlee : i 'm not going to break , i promise . i just -- i really need you . [ greenlee and aidan kiss ] [ scene_break ] josh : hannah , think about this . hannah : i 've thought of nothing else , josh . josh : listen , you 've been treated horribly . you 've been pushed to the edge . but this is not going to make the pain go away . hannah : never underestimate a good old - fashioned revenge , josh . it can be very sweet . josh : i can talk to zach . we can figure this out . [ knock on door ] kendall : josh , it 's me . sorry to barge in , but you 're not answering your phone . zach : come on , josh , open up . we need to talk . hannah : tell them to come in . [ next_on ] tad : what 's adam done this time ? j.r. : it 's not him that i 'm mad at . kendall ( to zach ) : you 're ordering your men to kill hannah ? hannah ( to josh ) : i 'm so sorry , baby . i really did like you . | hannah aims her rifle at kendall , but misses and hits ryan instead . aidan , immediately goes after the shooter , while the others call for help for ryan . aidan finds on the roof a bullet casing from the rifle . hannah comes to visit josh and tries to entice him into making love to her , but he pushes her aside . hannah begins to own up to josh as to what she had been working for adam against zach . josh gets a call from zach , but hannah hits him over the head before he can answer the call . hannah ties josh up in a chair . ryan is rushed to the hospital . the doctor gives richie the good news that he could have a bone marrow transplant and live . richie asks annie to be his bone marrow donor . babe rushes in and tells annie that ryan had been shot . annie rushes to ryan 's side . zach calls one of his associates to find out if his father had been released from prison . hannah ties josh up and then reveals to him that she had just tried to kill kendall to make her pay for all she had done . hannah asks josh as to where she should begin getting revenge on kendall . |
adam : now , he 's going to check your ears and your eyes , and when you 're done , he 'll give you a lollipop . you ready ? colby : where are you going ? adam : little adam has a doctor 's appointment . colby : you 're taking him ? adam : apparently . you would n't know where j.r. is , would you ? colby : i thought he was here . adam : no . no , he was -- did you know how drunk your brother got last night ? colby : if he did n't come home , then where -- adam : the s.s. amanda , the most traveled ship on the sea . [ scene_break ] amanda : you ok ? amanda : you ok ? j.r. : yeah . i 'll be fine as soon as i get another drink . [ scene_break ] ben : jake martin ? jake : yeah . ben : ben copeland . i 'll be representing you at the disciplinary committee hearing . jake : what happened to jackson ? ben : tied up in a deposition . he 'll be here as soon as he can . jake : all right . well , this whole thing 's a waste of time , ok ? david hayward 's trying to get me fired for a vendetta he 's got against my family . ben : we 'll make the best case we can . jake : well , i 'm on desk duty when i should be saving lives , so i do n't want the best case . i need to win . ben : i 'm going to go make a call . jake : make a call . brot : there you go . there you go . nice job , l.t . good job . jake : hey . something happen ? or why are you looking so -- taylor : looking so good ? great coach . brot : i 'll go get the car . taylor : thanks . jake : what -- what 's going on ? i mean , either you had a major setback or -- or -- what 's up ? something up ? [ scene_break ] ryan : where are you now ? bianca : i am at the casino . i was just wondering if you and greenlee could come by , so we could start planning this double - wedding thing . ryan : yeah , sure . how about lunch ? bianca : perfect . you know , ryan , the whole idea of us all getting married at the same time just sort of flew out of my mouth , and if you guys do n't -- ryan : we love it . bianca : ok . great . well , i kind of banned my mother from wedding planning , so we should really get cracking . ryan : all right , i 'll call greenlee right now . bianca : great . all right , so then , my fiancée and i will see you and your fiancée soon . reese : i can not decide what color to paint the damn gazebo . zach : why do n't you listen ? what did i tell you ? paint it white and put a spotlight on it any color you want . reese : oh , ha ha . you 're a genius , you know ? you really are . give it up . right here . zach : word . reese : word . whoo . well , it 's white . we do n't need that anymore [ scene_break ] j.r. : come on . you 've got to have a bottle of something somewhere . amanda : j.r. , stop . j.r. : that 's not what you said last night , honey . amanda : last night , you were hurting and missing babe . listen to me . it 's morning , ok ? no more alcohol . you have a hangover from hell . you need some food and coffee . j.r. : i 'm not hungry . amanda : tough . sit down . i 'm making you eggs . besides , you ca n't start the day out without a good breakfast , right ? and you need to be full of energy for little a . j.r. : one drink . one more drink . that 's all i want . i 'll be going home to my son . all right ? ok ? see , now , come on . this is what i 'm talking about here , a little vodka . i just need some orange juice and some ice . [ scene_break ] adam : look , could you direct me to dr. -- david : there he is , my handsome grandson . hey . little adam : thank you for that car you gave me . david : oh , you know something ? you are so welcome . you know that hug you gave me for it ? can i get another one ? adam : we have -- we have a -- we are missing an appointment . it 's an early appointment . here we go , here we go . david : well , junior must be seriously incapacitated if you 're here , huh ? i mean , so , what ? is he home , sleeping it off , or did he even make it home this time ? adam : that 's none of your damn business . david : the hell it is n't . this is my grandson , and if his father 's lying in some gutter somewhere , i have a right to know . adam : not in front of the boy . david : you know , you 're absolutely right . he has been through enough already . he 's already lost his mother . now , what if he loses his daddy , too ? adam : never going to happen . david : oh , really ? what if it 's too late , huh ? what if j.r. ca n't battle back this time , adam ? nobody can save him , not even you . adam : my family is just as strong and resilient as ever . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what am i thinking ? i ca n't do just one drink . look what happened on christmas eve . look what happened last night . amanda : i should 've taken the bottle away both times . j.r. : it would n't have mattered . i would 've found another one anyway . this disease , it messes with my head . it makes me think , `` yeah , sure . i can have another cocktail before breakfast and seeing my son . yeah , no problem . `` amanda : you 're right . j.r. , what you have is a disease , and you worked so hard to get sober , and i -- j.r. : no , this is not your fault , ok ? i was weak . amanda : that 's not true . j.r. : you 've been a good friend to me , amanda , ever since babe died and right up till last night . amanda : so , how much of last night do you actually remember ? j.r. : every single moment with you . amanda : so , you do n't regret coming back here ? j.r. : regret ? no , just the opposite . colby : oh , thank god . j.r. : colby , we 're kind of in the middle of something right here . colby : no one knew where you were . j.r. : yeah , well , mystery solved , so -- colby : j.r . i 'm worried about you . so is dad . you have to come home . j.r. : no , i 'm going to come home when i 'm good and ready to come home . colby : your son needs you now . you ca n't blow him off , because you want to get wasted . j.r. : all right , about that ? the one thing you do n't get is every time i walk through that door , i feel babe . i see memories and reminders everywhere , and the way you look at me , that 's what 's pushing me to the alcohol . that 's what makes me drink . colby : and what is she doing ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : hello . mmm . good morning . ryan : good morning . can we start every single day like that ? please , please ? can we ? greenlee : yes , for the rest of our lawfully wedded lives . ryan : how did you sleep ? any more bad dreams ? did you talk to opal again ? greenlee : no , i 'm done with all that tarot cards and tea leaves . give me a break . ryan : no , you were pretty freaked out about it . greenlee : by a stupid nightmare . i 'm sorry i ever let it get to me . ryan : as long as you still want to be my wife . greenlee : i do . ryan : you sure ? greenlee : absolutely . ryan : oh , yeah ? ok , all right , good . you ready to plan a wedding ? greenlee : yes . ryan : good . i told bianca and reese that we 'd meet them at the casino , not my first choice of places to meet , but -- greenlee : why ? because of zach ? i thought you two worked things out . ryan : i 'll be fine . hey , sweetheart . how you doing ? greenlee : hi . ryan : oh . emma : i miss mommy . can greenlee stay ? ryan : hey , my big girl . oh , it 's time for you to go to school , and guess what happens today ? today you 're going to catch the bus , ok ? i 'll walk you down there . ok , say bye to greenlee . greenlee : bye . ryan : say bye . ok , i 'll be back . ok . [ scene_break ] reese : hey . bianca : hey . reese : hi . zach was just about to give me another blackjack lesson . zach : and why is that ? because the way you play , you 're going to lose everybody 's college money . reese : ha ha ha ha . you 're really funny . you know that ? very funny . bianca : you know , ryan and greenlee are going to come by and start planning the wedding . i figured that we should really , you know , get a move on . reese : oh , cool , cool . bianca : because we really do n't -- reese : what 's the matter ? you ca n't find cards in your own casino ? zach : no , this is business , so i 'm sure they 're locked up in the office . reese : oh , right . the office -- wait . i think you might need your keys . [ reese whistles ] zach : whoa . reese : nice . zach : good arm for a girl . reese : yeah , right . hey , you . what 's wrong ? bianca : we just have this really big event to plan and no time to do it in , and , i do n't know . you seemed pretty casual about the whole thing . reese : well , should i be freaking out ? bianca : no , that 's not what i 'm saying . it 's just -- it 's starting to get really close , and i 'm -- i 'm starting to feel overwhelmed . reese : but , then , honey , we 're going to get it all done . bianca : with what time ? i mean , we both work all the time and taking care of an infant . reese : all right , we -- we will make it happen , ok ? we can do this . come on , it 's planning a wedding . how hard can it be ? bianca : i have no idea . how long did it take you and simon ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , you know what ? you need to just lay off amanda . she 's the one person who understands me and the one person who 's helping me . colby : what ? get drunk ? j.r. : all right , i 'm warning you . amanda : j.r. , do n't yell at her . she 's worried . colby : do n't speak for me . i know what you did to my father , blackmailing him for money and this yacht . j.r. : oh , you mean the same yacht that you got trashed in and end up getting it on with some guy you barely knew ? now you 're going to point the fingers at us ? all right , you know what ? you go home . you tell daddy that i do n't need him . i certainly do n't need a little pain - in - the - ass sister dogging me around . stay out of my life . colby : this is n't you . this is the alcohol talking . do n't do this to yourself , to your family . j.r. : look , i do n't need advice from some stupid kid ! get out . get out ! amanda : j.r. , no . j.r. : yes . amanda : no , stop -- j.r. : get off me . [ scene_break ] taylor : brot wo n't leave town until i am fully recovered , so i 'm taking my time . that 's what this is about . jake : you 're faking it . oh , my -- look at you . taylor : stop . jake : what ? i have seen you run up and down these hallways practically , and now you 're -- you 're trying to pretend like you 're an old lady . you move like a old lady . taylor : ok , stop it . jake : what ? taylor : i just -- i need a little bit more time with him , and this is the only way . jake : but what you 're doing is wrong . taylor : i 'm actually trying to help , jake . jake : oh , so you 're going to lie , and that 's supposed to be for his own good ? taylor : we do not have a deep enough connection yet . i need more time with him . jake : wow , so that 's how you get it ? by pretending to an invalid ? taylor : could you stop being so self - righteous ? i ca n't exactly sit down and chat with him over coffee . it 's too intense for him . but if we do something like physical therapy or exercises , it -- it 's actually -- he gets comfortable , and he opens up to me a little bit . jake : such a shame , i thought you were making progress . taylor : this is my progress , ok ? that 's what this is about . jake : hmm . taylor : healing his scars , the scars that are keeping him -- jake : from loving you ? taylor : yes , and from letting me love him . jake : no , i get it , i get it . taylor : look , i 've -- i 've tried being honest . i 've tried being tough . i 've tried everything i can think of , but he runs . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] ryan : i was gone for like two sec -- how did you -- greenlee : well , you know , i know it 's early , but i wanted to give you that dinner that i could n't give you last night because we were on our best behavior for emma . ryan : well , um , it looks really fantastic and everything , but i 'm not really hungry . greenlee : really ? because i am . singer : you touch where nobody ever touched reached where nobody ever reached in me singers : yeah singer : now i 'm slipping , unraveling feeling you fill my heart breathing you in my soul now that you 're here , i know you are my one and only [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm so sorry . bringing up your ex - fiancé was way out of line . reese : yeah . you know what ? this -- this is n't about simon . it 's not . it 's about zach and your mother 's theory that i am in love with him , ok ? i thought we agreed that this is ridiculous . bianca : yeah . reese : yeah ? so why are we talking about this ? bianca : i do n't know , i do n't know . i 'm -- i 'm stressed about the wedding , and that made me feel insecure , and i took it out on you . you did nothing wrong . i 'm just nervous . reese : ok . look , a lot of couples , they crack under the pressure of planning a wedding , so we need to promise that no matter how difficult it gets that we just keep talking to each other , all right ? ok , if we do that , we are not going to just make it down that aisle , but we are going to have the best day of our lives , ok ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i could stay right here like this forever . [ music plays ] ryan : well , eventually , we may need a little bit of food and water . greenlee : crème fraiche on your lips ? that 's all i need . ryan : yeah ? greenlee : you asked me how i slept last night . i did n't . it was -- ryan : awful . greenlee : do you have any idea what 's on tv between 3 : 00 and 5 : 00 in the morning ? ryan : yes , i do , actually . absolutely nothing . greenlee : i know . ryan : nothing . greenlee : finally , i just stared out the window at -- greenlee and ryan : the moon . ryan : hey , that reminds me . that reminds me . please find it . to make it official . greenlee : it 's beautiful . what is it ? what kind of stone ? come on . ryan : well , you know , diamonds , i just -- they 've been done so many times , you know ? i just -- i do n't know . it 's a moonstone . greenlee : it 's perfect . ryan : you 're perfect . singer : forever this way singers : you fill my heart keeping you in my soul singer : oh now that you 're here greenlee : what ? what ? ryan : i just -- i just kind of -- i just had like a vision . greenlee : what is it ? ryan : i -- i saw -- i saw two -- two women . i saw a blonde and a brunette , and they were waiting for us at a casino . what ? it 's true . we got to go meet our , uh , matrimonial counterparts . greenlee : co - couple ? ryan : our co - couple . ah , we got to come up with a name for them . i have an idea . why do n't we go and think of it in the shower ? come on . greenlee : you know what ? wait . i 'm having a vision . ryan : uh - oh . greenlee : yeah . and it looks like this . [ scene_break ] colby : you were right . j.r. is with amanda . adam : oh , dammit . colby : i tried to get him to come home , but he would n't . he just screamed at me and told me to go away . adam : oh , sweetheart . i 'm sorry . colby : he looked awful , like he had n't slept at all . he was too busy with amanda . adam : that golddigger caught him when he was vulnerable and pounced . she 's got him drinking again , lured him into bed . colby : j.r. 's in bad shape . we have to help him . adam : i -- i tried last night . you tried today . it does n't work . no matter how badly he wants our help , he just ca n't accept it right now . colby : so what do we do ? adam : we stay here and take care of little adam . it 's all we can do . colby : you make it sound like there 's no hope . adam : j.r. has had a lot of chances . i 'm afraid this time , he may run out . [ scene_break ] j.r. : my father ruined my life . he made us move back from san diego . now my wife 's dead . amanda : why do n't we get some air ? j.r. : no . you know , hayward blames me . my father 's the one who wanted her gone . so what do i do ? i move her back into the house . that 's -- i mean , how stupid is that ? amanda : you did it for little a . j.r. : no , my father 's probably really happy i 'm drinking again . just proves him right . i 'm just worthless and good for nothing . amanda : i thought you were done proving yourself to adam . is n't that the whole reason that you moved back to california ? j.r. : i tried , ok ? i tried , and i failed . god . amanda : you did not fail . ok , you are getting through this . listen to me . babe may be gone , but all the changes that you made , all the reasons that she fell back in love with you , they 're still there . j.r. : and so is this . every time i think i 'm ok , i go right back to it . i hear my father . i mean , him giving me his name sealed the fact that i 'm going to hear his voice until the day that i die . i hear him , that voice , saying that i 'm not good enough , and those demons , they creep right back in , and they 're telling me if you ca n't beat him , join him . so what do you say ? how about you join me ? you got similar demons to me . come on , let 's give into it and surrender , hmm ? amanda : i -- i do n't want it , j.r . j.r. : ah , you did last night . we rocked this boat . amanda : stop . j.r. : come on . have a drink with me , and we 'll make some love , all right ? amanda : just stop . j.r. -- [ scene_break ] greenlee : hi , guys . reese : hey . bianca and zach : hey . reese : it 's our fellow bride to be . zach : why do n't we go to the office ? a little more comfortable , a little more private . ryan : no , we 're good here . greenlee : um , so , let 's talk location . ryan : ok . greenlee : valentine 's day , it 's too cold for the outdoors . ryan : how about a church ? greenlee : snore . bianca : yeah , i -- i kind of -- kind of agree . reese : ok , well , you know , zach had a great idea . bianca : uh , you know , i 'm not -- reese : he thought that we could -- bianca : i 'm not sure that would actually be -- reese : no , no , no , in the casino right here , and we 'd be the first ones , the first ones since we rebuilt it . greenlee : all right , you know what ? i 've been to a wedding in a casino . not my fave . zach : well , it 's not the same place . this is different . this is -- it 's a new start , you know ? reese : yeah , i mean , it could be anything we want . anything , you know ? we just -- anything we agree on . zach : so outside , i get , but we can build a gazebo , put heaters in it , maybe for two or four , and then after that , we can have a -- a commitment ceremony . reese : yeah , you know the -- the guests can walk from the gazebo and through the tuileries or anything -- anything you want . anything 's possible . zach : and we can close off the entire casino . up to you . reese : oh , tell them -- tell them about the music . zach : oh . this is good . a friend of mine 's a big music executive , and he was in philly last night , and he told me that we can have any band on his label . anybody . reese : is n't that cool ? greenlee : it all sounds -- ryan : it sounds interesting . zach : well -- excuse me one sec . hey . reese : so we thought that we could cover the entire ceiling with white lights . we would just hang them all around -- bianca : stop , stop . this is all wrong . reese : i thought you wanted to have the ceremony here . bianca : that was one idea . i -- i was n't aware of all these other details that you and zach are so excited about . reese : nothing 's set . it 's -- that 's why we 're all here . we 're here with ryan and greenlee , and we 're going to talk about what works , what does n't work . bianca : well , obviously , it does n't work . look at their faces . they hate it . ryan : i -- i would n't -- i would n't go that far . greenlee : i would . a big production ? i mean , that 's not what we talked about at all . ryan : we were , um , we were , you know , hoping for something sort of small , a little low key . reese : yeah . , so were we . i mean , it will be . greenlee : a gigantic gazebo ? parisian gardens ? that 's hardly low key . reese : ok , just -- just try and picture it , ok ? the guests , they come in out from the cold , and they enter a canopy of star -- bianca : did you not hear me ? i said no . ryan : i 'll go talk to her . greenlee : ok , pitching a fit and storming off , that 's the other sister . something going on ? reese : uh , yeah . there 's a lot going on . [ scene_break ] brot : got it ? taylor : yes , thank you . i am starving . brot : ah , yeah , but i was thinking maybe we could work on those stretches they showed us at the hospital . taylor : if i do n't eat something , i think i will pass out . i 'm not kidding . sit ! that was an order . brot : yeah . taylor : listen , i have this crab dip . [ taylor chuckles ] taylor : i know that sounds funny , but it 's amazing . it 's delicious . you have to try it . my old roommate amanda , she recommended it to me . it 's terrific , and i was thinking maybe we could have a picnic . you know , like we used to have in iraq , only no sand in the food . brot : no , i really like the idea of us working on those stretches . taylor : you know , i worked my butt off in therapy , and i am exhausted , and i know you are , too , so come over here and try my crab dip ! brot : no . taylor : wait . wait ! you know , when i started my therapy , i wanted to go nonstop , and i just wanted to push myself and see how far i could go , but i 've learned that if i -- i will never heal if i do not give myself a break sometimes , and you know that 's not easy for me . i could really use your help . please stay . brot : ok . but i 'll open the wine . taylor : i 'll do it . brot : no . taylor : i got it . brot : no , no . after all the corks you 've shredded , hand it over . [ scene_break ] david : you should go . amanda : i do n't want to leave j.r. alone . david : he wo n't be alone . he 'll be with me . you 'd like that , right , junior ? some quality time , just the two of us . amanda : you going to be ok ? j.r. : yeah . hayward does n't scare me . in fact , we 're just going to talk anyhow . david : wow . some mess you 've made . looks like you had quite the wild night . j.r. : you got something to say , say it . david : it 's good to have the old j.r. back . the real j.r. , the worthless drunk . j.r. : oh , yeah . i 'm the worthless one ? david : stumbling around some slut 's boat , reeking of booze , too drunk to take your own son to the doctor . you 're an embarrassment , junior , a danger to anyone who knows you . babe would be so ashamed . j.r. : if i 'm a danger , you just took one step too close . [ scene_break ] ryan : bianca , hey . hey , hey , hey . talk to me , ok ? clearly , you need to talk to somebody right now , and it 's not going to be reese , so you 're stuck with me . bianca : i 've just -- i 've had this feeling for a while . after we moved in -- ryan : with zach ? bianca : with zach , yes . i do n't know . i just -- i kept telling myself that it was ridiculous , and i tried to ignore it , but i could n't , and then , it just kept building and building , and now , every time i turn around -- ryan : every time you turn around , what ? bianca : it 's nothing . forget it , forget it . forget i said anything . ryan : is this about zach and reese ? do you think that there 's something going on there ? [ scene_break ] reese : well , i was n't completely honest with bianca about my past . greenlee : why not ? reese : well , because things were incredible between the two of us , and i did n't want to mess them up by bringing up things that just are n't important anymore . i hope that 's enough . greenlee : yeah . keeping something from somebody you love , it 's a bad idea . trust me . been there , lied that . so , what ? bianca 's upset about an old secret ? reese : no , now she 's fixated on a new one . greenlee : you 're keeping something else from her ? reese : no , but she 's convinced i am -- no , no . correction . erica convinced her that i am . [ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : how did i know that name would come up . reese : no , no , no , no , no . do n't get me wrong . i like erica . greenlee : i ca n't stand her . let it rip . reese : well , erica told bianca that i am -- i 'm lusting after zach . greenlee : but you 're -- reese : mm , yep . greenlee : and zach , i mean , he 's crazy about kendall . reese : mm - hmm . greenlee : he would n't even look at another woman . this is just erica stirring up trouble . it 's ridiculous , right ? reese : yeah , well , yeah . zach and i are close friends . that 's all we 're ever going to be . [ scene_break ] taylor : what about -- what about that time we played soccer ? brot : oh , near tikrit , right ? taylor : mm - hmm . brot : yeah . taylor : cause you spotted that group of kids , and so we had to stop the whole convoy , and everybody had to get out . we started kicking the ball around , and then , for a few minutes , there was no gunfire , no bombs , no war . just laughter . brot : you know , i remember thinking , how can they do it ? you know , those kids , to just go out and play when they 're surrounded by so much death . amazing . taylor : they 're children . that 's what kids do . they keep on living . brot : yeah , and i remember i was in that freezing cold shower for i do n't know how long . [ taylor laughs ] brot : and i still managed to have sand in my nose and my mouth . taylor : i did n't care . do you remember that night ? how we snuck out ? we made love under the stars , in the moonlight . that was a very painful memory for me . but i would think about it , because then i would be with you . did it -- did that memory make it easier for you ? brot : no . i had to block it all out , you know ? in the hospital , all there was to think about was the routine , what you had to do that day , that minute . if you get too far ahead of yourself , and you start thinking about what you 'll never get back , you do n't survive . taylor : we can get it back . we can get it back right now . brot : what are you talking about ? taylor : i 'm ok . [ music plays ] taylor : dance with me ? singer : i swore i 'd let nobody in not that way again i 'd fix it so there would n't stand a chance but you lessened the distance i think you knew what this could be you never gave up reaching for me because you hold me up so high give yourself with no condition because you guide me when i 'm stumbling in the dark [ scene_break ] amanda : i need your help . jake : well , i 'm sorry i ca n't help you . i do n't officially work here anymore . amanda : i 'm sorry , but , please , jake , i do n't know where else to go . it 's j.r . jake : what about him ? amanda : he 's drunk on my yacht with david . they got in a fight last night at the party , and the look in david 's eyes when i left him -- i am afraid that something really bad might happen . jake : ok , let 's go . amanda : thank you . [ scene_break ] singer : you 're the one who won my heart ooh , ah [ music plays ] taylor : wait . do n't -- do n't , do n't go . brot : have you been faking this all along ? [ scene_break ] ryan : bianca , you and reese , you 're in love . you 're getting married . zach would never do anything to betray you , to betray kendall . bianca : zach is gabrielle 's biological father . ryan : does kendall know ? bianca : look , it 's -- it 's complicated , but zach has been amazing . i mean , he 's completely bonded with gabrielle , and he and reese have gotten close . ryan : and that 's good , right ? bianca : yeah , i guess . it 's just , whenever i see them together they 're just so close . i do n't know . something does n't feel right . my mother is the one that pointed it out to me . ryan : i think you should talk to reese . bianca : i have , of course , and she says that the idea is insane , which it probably is . i do n't know . i just wish that there were some way to be sure . ryan : what are you talking about ? bianca : i do n't know what i 'm talking about . ryan : bianca , what does that mean ? are you saying that you want to test them ? because that 's a really bad idea . [ scene_break ] reese : i just -- i should 've been honest with bianca from the beginning instead of trying to just keep things perfect . greenlee : well , at least you guys are talking about it . reese : yeah , well , talking does n't seem to be working . you got any other ideas ? greenlee : i 'm sorry . i do n't see how else to solve your problem . zach : what problem ? [ scene_break ] [ motor hums ] colby : here he comes to the finish line ! go on -- and he wins ! adam : well , i think that deserves great big cup of hot chocolate . colby : yeah . adam : lucretia has got hot chocolate in the kitchen waiting for you . you ready ? whew . looks like you two had a lot of fun . colby : i think we played with every toy he got for christmas . adam : you are a wonderful aunt . colby : well , he just lost his mom , and his dad could be -- i 'll be here , keeping his life as normal as possible , so he feels safe and loved . [ scene_break ] amanda : j.r. ? j.r. ? is anybody here ? j.r. ? jake : amanda . amanda : oh , my god . blood . [ scene_break ] [ david groans ] j.r. : quit your whining . what you need to do is confess . david : confess to what , you worthless slob ? j.r. : to everything . how you 're seducing krystal and your plan to steal my son . david : you can go and rot in hell . j.r. : by the time i 'm done , one of us just might be there . | in the living room of the chandler mansion , adam readies little adam to go to the doctor . colby comes in and wants to know where j.r. is . amanda wakes up on the sofa of her yacht and sees j.r. looking out the window . j.r. immediately wants another drink despite amanda 's protests . at pine valley hospital , ben copeland arrives to represent jake in his hearing against david . brot and taylor walk down the hall . brot goes to get the car while taylor goes to talk to jake . taylor lets jake know that this is the only way that she knows of keeping brot in pine valley a little while longer . at zach 's casino , bianca calls ryan to tell him and greenlee to meet bianca and reese at the casino to plan for the double wedding . bianca watches reese have a playful flirtation with zach . adam takes little a to pine valley hospital to the doctor . while adam inquires at the nurse 's station about little a 's doctor , david walks up and makes some snide remarks concerning j.r. and his whereabouts . colby barges in on j.r. and amanda kissing . colby , immediately blames amanda for j.r. 's drinking . j.r. defends amanda and tells colby to leave . emma comes downstairs to go to school and sees greenlee there . emma hugs greenlee and begs ryan to let greenlee stay . |
[ doorbell rings and interrupts liza and tad kissing on her sofa ] liza : mm . tad : mm , maybe they 'll go away . [ doorbell rings ] liza : maybe not . whatever . bailey , is everything ok ? bailey : no . nothing is ok . [ scene_break ] [ incessant knocking on door ] opal : erica ? erica , it 's me . open up . open up . i saw it . i saw hayley 's documentary , and let me tell you , gal pal , you have got to get your little fanny over to ryan 's pronto . you hear me ? i mean pronto . now open up , please . you got to get -- did you hear what i said ? what are you standing there for ? come on . you g -- oh , shoot me now . [ opal sees ryan standing there ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : tell me ryan is n't with emma right now looking up at the moon wishing that i was with them . tell me my death did n't bring erica and my dad back together . tell me kendall wo n't be waiting to welcome me back with open arms . go ahead . tell me i 'm wrong . david : all right . i 'll tell you . [ scene_break ] jake : no matter what he does or what he says , i will never believe him . amanda : so , you 're still going to gloucester , no matter what i say . my god , jake , if you keep acting like this , if you keep doing this to david , i do n't see how you and i can go on . jake : uh , so what is that ? is that an ultimatum you 're giving me ? amanda : if that 's what you want to call it . jake : i 'm calling it what i just heard you say . do you think i want this ? i do n't want this . amanda : neither do i . look . do you think i like this , balancing this line between you and my baby 's dying father ? jake : that man is working you . amanda : that man is dying , and you are already dancing on his grave . jake : well , you 're damn straight , i am , and , you know , what 's sad is that you 're not right next to me dancing along with me . instead , you 'd rather give this up , right , this , us , over him ? amanda : i am begging you to please leave this alone , jake . jake : well , i 'm sorry . i ca n't . amanda : well , then i honestly do n't know where we go from here . jake : i think you do . i think you 're just afraid to say it . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan and i were just , uh -- opal : yeah . this , i got to hear . ryan : we were talking . that 's what we were doing , right ? erica : absolutely . yes . absolutely . opal : talking . ryan : hey , should i go ? opal and erica : no ! opal : no . you stay . i 'm the one that ought to skedaddle . um , as you were . erica : ha ! ryan : she , um , did say as we were . erica : she did . ryan : yes . she did . now , i think i was right about here . erica : actually , i think that this hand was , um , on my shoulder . ryan : hmm . erica : uh - uh . you were right the first time . i think it was . it was right there . ryan : oh . erica : these were definitely undone . ryan : ah , you remember that , huh ? erica : i do . it was very hard to forget . ryan : just a second . let 's get this undone -- again . ha ha ! ok . good to go . erica : yes . ryan : yes . erica : ha ha ha ! ryan : the mood has been officially killed , has n't it ? erica : i think it 's -- yes . it 's kind of like working on a science experiment . ryan : yes . it is , and i 'm definitely gon na thank opal for this , definitely . erica : well , i just think it 's better when we 're spontaneous with each other , you know , instead of choreographing the whole thing . ryan : uh - huh . could n't agree more , actually . erica : so , well , i guess the question is , what do we do now ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : obviously , you 've seen what 's been going on with everyone , so just go ahead . tell me . david : you were n't very far off the mark . greenlee : i knew it . david : ryan took the news of your death extremely hard . he 's been focusing on his kids ever since , which , i 'm assuming , gets pretty lonely . greenlee : well , at least , he 's had kendall for support and zach . i mean , the two of them must 've worked out their differences by now . david : from what i can tell . greenlee : good . good . they need to get along for spike and kendall , who 's running fusion on her own and probably tearing her hair out by now . ok , so who else ? my dad . is he back with erica ? david : ha ! yep . they 're at it again . greenlee : hmm . please tell me annie is still locked up in oak haven . david : what , do you become a psychic once you went into a coma ? greenlee : i am telling you , my dreams , they were n't dreams at all . they were so real , it was like looking through a window into everyone 's lives . david : and you want to be part of those lives again . greenlee : ryan 's more than anyone 's , so what are we waiting for ? let 's do this surgery now . i want to get home in time for valentine 's day . david : ok . all right . let 's slow down . i need to talk to dr. clayton first , ok , and he needs to do a full evaluation . greenlee : great , so we can drag this out a little longer ? david : well , excuse me for wanting to take precautions . leo would have my head if i did n't . greenlee : leo would know i 'm ready . david : call me if you need anything , all right ? greenlee : where are you going ? david : heading back to pine valley . we do n't want anyone to get suspicious , figure out what i 've really been doing here . greenlee : no . no one can know about this , about me , until we 're sure i 'm gon na make it , but you 'll be back , right , for the operation and after ? david : nothing could keep me away . [ scene_break ] amanda : this is n't about me and david . i want to do what is best for trevor . jake : oh , and you do n't think i do ? amanda : his father is dying , jake , and no matter how we feel about david , i will not let you tear him apart , not now . jake : ok , so we should just forget about the months and months of torture that he gave us , right , and -- is that right ? is that what you 're saying ? i 'm sorry . i can not do that , and i know that you think by my saying that that i am in some way hurting the child , but i 'm just wanting to protect him . in fact , i 'm wanting to protect him . i want to protect you . i want to protect this , us , and you do n't seem to get that . amanda : protect us from what , jake , from a man who is n't even gon na be here in a few months ? jake : except that he is . he 's not dying . amanda : you really believe that . jake : honey , the gift - giving spree at christmas ? seriously ? the illegal drugs that get sent up to gloucester ? what ? it 's a hoax , a hoax just to sort of grab you , manipulate you , and you are falling for every single word of it . amanda : right , so now i 'm an idiot . jake : no . babe , i 'm not saying that you 're an idiot . in fact , i understand you falling into david 's trap . i do . it 's one of the reasons that i fell in love with you in the first place . it 's your heart . you have a beautiful , huge heart that the entire town could fit inside . amanda : so , what 's wrong with that ? jake : nothing . there 's nothing wrong with that , as long as nobody takes advantage of it . i just do n't think that david deserves your compassion , is all . amanda : but you do n't get to decide that . jake : right , but i do get to decide whether i want to fight for you and if i want to fight for him , even if you do n't like it , even if you hate me for it . [ scene_break ] bailey : damon got arrested . liza : what ? bailey : he got fired from the casino and ended up punching one of the valet guys on his way out . liza : why ? bailey : i do n't know . he was pissed he got fired or something , but now he 's in jail or court , and he used his one phone call to call me , and i have no idea what to do . liza : ok . listen . just stay here with tad . yeah . listen . i think there 's some leftover baby food over there if he gets hungry , all right ? i 'll be back . bailey : liza ? liza : yeah ? bailey : thank you . tad : you should be -- thankful , very , because she did n't have to do this . hell , she should n't have to do it . bailey : i would n't have come here if i had a choice . tad : yes , you would , because you know in your heart of hearts if you come here , she 's gon na back you up , which , while it may be true , is n't exactly fair on your part , is it ? bailey : now i 'm not being fair ? tad : bailey , you took stuart away from her , and , while it may be your right because he 's yours biologically , she had to give him up , and that nearly -- bailey : killed her . i know . liza has done so much for me , and all i 've done is make her life miserable . [ scene_break ] david : i think greenlee 's attitude is exactly where we want it to be going into this surgery , ok , but in order to keep it that way , we need to keep her in the dark about everything that went down in pine valley since the morning of her wedding , when things hit the fan . dr. clayton : in other words , you want us to lie . david : yes . greenlee is convinced that she can go back and pick up where she left off . dr. clayton : not exactly realistic , doctor . david : i agree . i agree with you , but that 's what 's keeping her going . if she finds out that all her friends , her family , they went on with their lives , she could lose the will to fight . gayle : oh , you should get going . the plane is waiting for you . david : yeah . ok . i 'm on my way , but are we in agreement about this ? protect greenlee 's fantasy at all costs . yeah ? ok . good . i 'll see you soon . dr. clayton : ok . greenlee : hello , dr. clayton . dr. clayton : miss smythe . greenlee : that 's soon - to - be mrs. lavery to you . dr. clayton : how are you feeling ? greenlee : great . did you see david before he left ? dr. clayton : mm - hmm . greenlee : and did he tell you that i 'm ready for the surgery ? dr. clayton : he may have mentioned something like that . yes . greenlee : i 'm going to walk again . dr. clayton : well , that 's exactly what i like to hear . [ scene_break ] erica : you 'd think we 'd be able to get this right . ryan : there is definitely a conspiracy here . erica : oh , really ? ryan : yeah , without a doubt . i mean , every time that you and i get close to taking it to the next level -- erica : we get interrupted . ryan : yes . exactly , like tad at the dance marathon and opal just now . erica : or the phone ringing off the hook . ryan : yes . exactly . i 'm telling you right now that these walls have eyes . erica : maybe the timing just is n't right . ryan : do you mean like the timing right now today , or you mean kind of just in general ? erica : oh , i do n't want to talk about it . i mean , sometimes i think that that 's pretty much all we do is talk the situation to death . ryan : ha ha ha ! yeah . yeah . let 's just let it play out , do the whole `` it 'll happen when it 's meant to happen `` thing . what do you think ? erica : i think that sounds like a plan . ryan : and i think -- erica : i think you should probably go . ryan : wait . you think that i should go , or you think that i think that i should probably go , or -- erica : ok . oh . do n't forget this . ryan : right . i really liked what you said on the dvd about hoping to find the right person someday . erica : i may have lied a little . ryan : i feel like i might have found her , too . erica : bye . ryan : bye . got to unlock the door . it 's locked . erica : i know . ryan : yeah . [ door closes ] ryan : yes . no . [ scene_break ] tad : i owe you an apology . i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to come down on you so hard a minute ago . bailey : it 's not like you said anything i did n't already know . my gut told me to leave town . tad : what told you to stay , i mean , besides colby ? bailey : i like it here , and then damon got the job . tad : ah , yes . damon , the boyfriend in the clink . what 's the deal between you two ? bailey : what do you mean ? tad : well , you know , it 's none of my business , but i just wondered if , you know , you 're sure this guy is the guy . bailey : yeah . i do n't know about that . he is stuart 's father , though . that means something , right ? tad : generally . bailey : and he 's given up so much for the baby . tad : he also clocked a guy and got arrested . bailey : ok , so maybe he has a temper . tad : yeah , perhaps -- [ stuart crying ] tad : and you obviously do , too . i ca n't say i blame him . i 've raised some infants in my time , and it 's challenging , no matter what age you are . i can only imagine what you guys are going through . bailey : you know , we deal . we even have some fun once in a while . tad : oh , yeah . sure . bailey : seriously . we went bowling this afternoon . tad : with the midget ? bailey : well , it lasted for a little while . tad : yeah . i could guess . you were there for 10 minutes . then you started shrieking like a banshee . bailey : yes , pretty much . tad : yep . sounds like a barrel of monkeys . bailey : you know , damon was ok with it , though , or at least i thought he was , and then he goes to work , and then i get a call from the police station . tad : so , it 's not what you thought it would be , huh , the whole family thing with damon ? bailey : not even close . [ scene_break ] damon : i ca n't believe bailey sent you . liza : really ? how many other lawyers do you know ? damon : ok . for the record , that guy was being a tool . liza : sure he was . damon : so , can we make this go away , or what ? liza : yeah , probably . damon : thanks . i 'll find another job . liza : great . that 's good , and what about the rest ? god , seriously , you and bailey . do you have any idea what you are doing ? [ scene_break ] erica : yes . good evening . i 'd like to order room service , please . yes . that 's right . for one . ryan : no , no , no . that 's ok . that 's ok . i 'd never hear the end of it if i interrupted her movie . ok . great . thanks . tell her -- give her a kiss , and i 'll see you in the morning , ok ? thanks . [ beep ] erica 's voice : ryan , that is not what this is about -- aah ! aah ! ryan 's voice : wait ! i got it ! erica 's voice : stop it ! aah ! oh , i would kill for a hot bath right now . you 're kidding . ryan 's voice : what ? whoa ! what ? what ? what ? what was it ? erica 's voice : a bug the size of a poodle . are you sure this is absolutely necessary ? ryan 's voice : for what i have planned , it 's absolutely necessary . erica 's voice : hey , can we now go back for my phone ? ryan 's voice : no . we ca n't . let it go , woman , for a few hours , please . erica 's voice : people need me . ryan 's voice : you need to have fun . erica 's voice : aah ! oh , no ! aah ! ryan 's voice : take this . erica 's voice : no . aah ! my phone ! ryan 's voice : ok . let 's go . not that way ! not that way ! this way ! erica 's voice : ok . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so , how long does it take , the actual operation ? dr. clayton : well , it varies , , depending on what i find . greenlee : if you had to guess ? dr. clayton : several hours , at least . greenlee : and i 'm completely under , right ? dr. clayton : mm - hmm . greenlee : that 's a whole lot of time to dream . dr. clayton : been having some good ones lately , i hear . greenlee : you have no idea . they 're so vivid and real , i could swear they 're really happening . dr. clayton : really ? like what ? greenlee : like ryan , my fiancé . i can see him at home with his daughter just willing me to come back to him . dr. clayton : greenlee , i just need to make sure that you understand and that dr. hayward told you all the risks involved in the surgery . greenlee : i know i could die , but i 'm not going to . i have too much to live for . dr. clayton : and i 'm thrilled that you are so positive . this kind of thinking will take you very far . greenlee : yeah , but it 's no guarantee that i 'll be alive . i know that . so , here 's the thing . i 'm , like , the perfect candidate for you .. i 've got absolutely nothing to lose . everybody already thinks i 'm dead , and if i ca n't go home healed as the greenlee that i was before , then i do n't want to go home at all . dr. clayton : you 've really thought about this , have n't you ? greenlee : there 's nothing to think about . i fight for what i want , and what i want right now is my life , my old life the way i left it , and if i ca n't have that , i do n't want it . [ gayle eavesdrops from the other side of the door ] [ scene_break ] david : hey , what are you doing here ? is something wrong with trevor ? amanda : why , he 's fine . david : you 've been crying . amanda : so , how 'd things go at the hospital ? david : not that good . you were right . working at all , even just to wrap things up , has taken a lot out of me . it 's become clear that i need to focus on my health right now , and i ca n't seem to do that around here . amanda : so , where will you do that , gloucester ? david : no . no . i have enough medication to last me until -- well , i have enough . i 'm not going to gloucester . amanda : but you 're going somewhere . david : yes , to malaysia . they have this in - treatment center there that specializes in intensive therapy for cases like mine . amanda : i -- how long ? david : a few weeks , maybe a month . amanda : a month ? do n't you think that 's kind of pushing it ? david : well , they can help manage my pain , amanda , and i could use all the help i can get right now . amanda : it 's just , you do n't have that much time left , and i thought the plan was to spend that time with trevor . david : it was , it is . amanda : you want us to go with you . david : more than anything . [ scene_break ] bailey : we get no sleep ever , and i know most kids our age do n't , but we should be out partying , not up with a fussy baby , and the place we 're in , i mean , it 's great and everything , but -- tad : but what ? bailey : sometimes it just feels so small . tad : more like a storage locker than a place to live ? i remember those . bailey : yeah . it 's just hard , you know , way harder than i thought it would be . tad : can i ask you a personal question ? how you set for money ? bailey : there 's never enough . shocker , right ? i know , but that 's not why i came here . i would never expect liza to bail us out . tad : funny thing is , i know she would . bailey : i know , but she 's done too much for me and stuart . i would never ask her for anything more . tad : so , why 'd you knock on her door tonight ? bailey : truth ? tad : please . bailey : i missed liza , and not her house or her car or her money . i missed talking to her , you know ? liza is , like , the coolest person i 've ever met . tad : yeah . i 'll give you that . she 's definitely cool . ha ha ha ! he 's trying to escape . so , ms. bailey , what are we gon na do about the situation ? bailey : well , i was hoping you could tell me . [ scene_break ] jake : i just borrowed a bag from tad . i hope that 's ok . he 's not around ? krystal : no . no . i have n't seen him . jake : ok . krystal : you can hang out and wait for him . jake : no . it 's cool . i got to go . i 'll be back in a few days . krystal : ok . where you headed ? jake : i 'm going to gloucester because , you know , tad is not allowed to go up to gloucester . krystal : yeah . i know , because of the restraining order . i heard about that . jake : and someone has got to go up there and see what david is up to , and , you know , i guess i 'm really the only one that 's left , so i got to . krystal : uh - huh . how does amanda feel about that ? jake : hmph . guess . krystal : and you 're going anyway ? jake : krystal , he has sucked her in , ok , it 's bad , and this disease has got her not thinking straight . she can not see that -- i just got to go up there and save our marriage , ok ? krystal : wait a minute . hold on . now , who said anything about that ? jake : well , she did . she said that if i do n't lay off david , then our marriage was over , well , basically . krystal : ok , so you are willing to risk everything -- your life , amanda , and your baby boy -- because you want to stick it to david . jake : no . no . i 'm just trying to stop him . krystal : you 're trying to prove a point , and i 'm telling you right now , jake , that it is just not worth it . come on . look at tad and me . he gave up , and he let david win , not that i did n't cause anything , but good - bye , marriage . goodbye , family . jake : i see you guys . you look ok to me . krystal : you know what ? we live together , and we raise the girls , but the rest of it -- come on -- it just went up in smoke . do n't let that happen to you and amanda , jake . you two , you deserve way better than just ok . [ scene_break ] amanda : were you even going to ask ? david : oh , believe me , i wanted to , but i 've asked enough from you already , amanda , and as much as it would mean to me to have you both there with me , it 's just really not a safe place for trevor right now or for you , for that matter . amanda : there 's no way you can get this treatment closer to home ? david : i 'm afraid not , but i 'm gon na be fine , ok ? i promise you . amanda : i do n't believe you . it 's getting really bad , is n't it ? david : yeah , and the side effects of this therapy , it 's not too pretty , all the more reason for you and trevor to stay behind . amanda : is that the reason ? because it feels like you 're slinking off into the woods to -- david : no , amanda . listen to me . i am not giving up . do you understand me ? this is just something that i have to do on my own . i 'm coming back to you and to my son . [ scene_break ] bailey : are you ok ? damon : thanks for getting me out of there . bailey : yeah . i did n't do anything , but -- damon : ready to go ? tad : kind of restless , are n't you ? must miss your life on the road . damon : i 'm ok with it . tad : really ? do n't miss your band at all ? damon : sure , but i got different priorities now , and i think we 're doing pretty good . tad : oh , yeah . if you call clocking somebody and ending up in the hoosegow good , you 're two thumbs up . liza : yeah . we got the assault charges dropped . tad : delicious . damon : which means we can take our son and go home . liza : hey , do you mind if i hold him ? bailey : not at all . damon : it 's getting kind of late . bailey : of course , you can hold him . [ stuart sneezes ] liza : oh , bless you . bailey : bless you . liza : bless you . oh , my goodness , someone has been eating his spinach , huh ? bailey : you should 've seen the time he tried peas . liza : do n't tell me he made that little , like , old - man face . bailey : totally . liza : did you do that ? yeah , you did , huh ? tad : bailey , maybe now would be a good time to tell liza what you told me , the real reason you came over tonight . bailey : liza , i came here because i 've missed you . [ scene_break ] david : hey , you take good care of your mother now . you hear me ? ok ? you remember , your daddy loves you very much . your daddy -- listen to me . hey , psst , psst , psst . your daddy will always love you , ok ? ok . here . i 'll call you when i can . amanda : good luck . david : thank you . [ trevor whines ] amanda : david -- david : i 'm not scared , amanda . honestly , the place i 'm going , it 's a place of hope . [ trevor whines ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : you really like him , do n't you ? gayle : who ? greenlee : david . gayle : dr. hayward has been very good to me . greenlee : [ laughs ] `` dr. hayward . `` it 's been almost a year in gloucester with a comatose patient as your only companion . i 'd say he 's been better than good . gayle : i understand him , i guess . greenlee : not many people can say that . gayle : like his reasons for not coming forward with the truth about you . he was n't doing it to be cruel . he was doing it because of his brother . greenlee : when leo died , i was convinced i would , too , but the heart is a funny thing . i was able to move on . i was even able to find love again . gayle : are you ok ? it 's true . people move on , but they take the past with them , do n't you think ? at least the important parts . david must really care about you . greenlee : care is a stretch . he 's just protective of me because of leo . gayle : no . he definitely cares . look at all that he 's risked to keep you safe . greenlee : are you in love with him ? gayle : does it matter ? i 'm not the woman for david . greenlee : why not ? gayle : because he needs to play hero , and i do n't need saving . [ scene_break ] erica : hi . can you set it up over by the window , please ? ryan : yes , absolutely . erica : thank you . ryan ? ryan : yeah . busted . [ erica laughs ] ryan : are you sorry that i came back ? erica : no . i have to say , i 'm a little curious as to how exactly you commandeered the room service table . ryan : allow me to explain . i was at home , and i was just sitting there staring into space , at the wall , actually . there is was like a projector popped up from behind me and started playing our greatest hits , except there must have been something wrong with the movie because all of a sudden , the wall went white , and i ended up here . [ erica laughs ] ryan : think i 'm crazy , right ? erica : no . i think the same thing happened to me . i was here alone . ryan : waiting for the arugula . erica : waiting for you . ryan : what say we do n't wait any longer and we finish this movie right now ? erica : do you have any idea how this movie ends ? ryan : you see , that 's the best part . i have absolutely no idea . [ scene_break ] opal : i 'm telling you , i had the same feeling with ryan and erica , like something funky was attached to them , you know , keeping them back or trying to get in . i do n't know . jake : well , there 's nothing holding me back . i 'm free as a bird , so i 'll see you later . opal : well , i do not recommend that you travel right now . in fact , i just think it would be better if we all were to stay put . jake : are you listening to this ? i 'm free as a bird . nothing is stopping me , ok ? opal : do n't you dare open that door , jake martin . [ when jake opens the door , amanda stands there holding trevor ] [ scene_break ] liza : you know what , bailey ? i have missed you , too , and stuart . i 'd be lying to say i did n't . damon : this is exactly why i did n't want you to call her . can we get out of here , please ? let 's go . bailey : hey . liza : yes . you should probably go . bailey : yeah . wow , thank you , liza , for everything . tad : sorry , sweetheart . liza : for what ? tad : for pushing the situation . i just , you know -- truth is , you meant an awful lot to that girl . i just thought you needed to a hear it . liza : well , you 're right . i did . [ scene_break ] jake : you 're not gon na talk me out of this . amanda : david is not in gloucester , jake . he 's on his way to malaysia . jake : ha ! well , so , what , he 's gon na pick up his medication in person now ? is that it ? amanda : there 's this center or clinic . i do n't know what it is , but they 're doing some kind of intensive treatment . he 's getting worse , and there was something in his voice . i do n't think david is coming back . [ scene_break ] david : flight plan all squared away ? pilot : filed for malaysia , just like you asked david : is it all right if we take a small detour ? pilot : gloucester again ? david : that 's correct . pilot : we 're on our way , doctor . [ scene_break ] [ ekg beeping ] greenlee 's voice : it 's a beautiful moon out tonight , is n't it ? ryan 's voice : greenlee ? greenlee 's voice : it 's me . ryan 's voice : i got to be dreaming right now , right , but i 'm not . i mean , i told myself this was impossible , that it could n't be . greenlee 's voice : but a part of you always knew i 'd come back . ryan 's voice : i never gave up on you , greenlee , not for one second . greenlee 's voice : ohh -- [ scene_break ] erica : what are you looking at , closing credits ? ryan : ha ha ! no . this movie is far from over . erica : took long enough to get started , though . ryan : ha ha ha ! never seen so many previews in my life . erica : yet here we are -- ryan : yeah . erica : finally . ryan : here we are . | greenlee asks david to tell her the truth about kendall . amanda tells jake that if he keeps on attacking david , she does n't know how they can go on . jake thinks david is working her , but she does n't agree . opal interrupts ryan and erica 's kissing long enough to break the mood . finding it hard to get back to where they were , ryan leaves . david lies to greenlee about the happenings of the last year , assuring her that her father is still with erica and ryan is lonely , just taking care of his kids . eager to get back to her loved ones and pick up where she left off , greenlee wants the surgery done now . amanda wants to do what is best for trevor , but jake insists that david is not dying . bailey goes to liza for help with her boyfriend , damon , who is in jail for assault . while liza goes to bail damon out , tad gets bailey to admit that she made liza 's life miserable by taking stuart from her . david meets with dr. clayton and gayle , because he wants them to lie to greenlee about her family in pine valley , so that she retains her will to get better and return to them . dr. clayton sees greenlee and admires her fighting spirit . tad apologizes to bailey for his remarks . bailey owns up to tad that she misses talking with liza . when david informs amanda that he 's going for treatment to malaysia , she offers to go with him , but he thinks it 's too dangerous and says goodbye . |
erica : jack , you have to fix this . jack : erica , i can not fix your subpoena -- or mine , for that matter . erica : well , what does the prosecution want with me ? jack : i imagine they expect you to incriminate kendall . erica : well , i wo n't . jack : look , relax a second . maybe there 's a way we can limit the damage here or even make this work for us . erica : oh , jack , come on . how is that possible ? they 're going to ask me about the night that michael cambias disappeared . jack : yes , i 'm sure they will . erica : well , i ca n't tell them the truth ! what am i going to do ? [ scene_break ] babe : here , why do n't you take this ? i 'm sure it 'll fit you . krystal : very funny . you know you never have been able to lie to me . babe : i 'm not lying to you , mama . i want jamie to leave me alone . krystal : then how come he 's not gone ? babe , you seem to get all worked up whenever you 're around jamie . it makes me wonder if maybe you do n't have some kind of feelings for him , after all . babe : you 're wrong , mama . you 're dead wrong . [ scene_break ] j.r. : would you slow down ? i want to talk to you . jamie : would you just back off ? j.r. : what 's next with you , james , huh ? you going to break into your granddad 's office and steal babe 's medical records ? is that it ? jamie : i said get out of my face . j.r. : because that 's illegal . jamie : well , thanks for the heads - up . j.r. : and by the way , beating up people is , too . jamie : that cramer guy was hassling babe . j.r. : you 're hassling babe . how 'd you like it if i hit you ? jamie : oh , yeah ? bring it on . j.r. : you are out of your mind . jamie : i see the way you treat your wife . you act like she 's something you own , that 's supposed to be available to you whenever you want . j.r. : i have no idea what you 're talking about . jamie : yeah , you do . i heard you on new year 's -- j.r. : oh , really ? p.a . announcer : dr. joe martin to er , stat . j.r. : what exactly did you hear on new year 's ? [ scene_break ] [ maria cries ] ryan : she needs to be away from here . joe : come on , this way . greenlee : we got him here in time . he 's still alive . that 's one good thing . look , they 'll be able to fix him . juan pablo : they should have shot me . joe : what happened ? mia : the men who came after juan pablo surrounded us at the ski lodge . they took maria hostage , and i guess when they went to shoot her , they got edmund . joe : oh , my god . mia : well , aidan was shot , too . aidan : oh , no , do n't worry about me . mia : no -- joe : you 're bleeding . let me get you a wheelchair . aidan : it 's just a surface wound , really . joe : we need a wheelchair . maria : look , i 'm ok now . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa , maria -- no , no , no -- maria : he needs me in there right now . ryan : come on , come on . you have to believe that he 's getting excellent care -- maria : no . do you even know what his condition is , ryan ? because i do . he 's not responding to deep pain in his lower extremities . that could mean paralysis . he 's -- he 's still in cardiac arrest . he could have a heart attack any second . this is all secondary to the trauma he has sustained right now , and he could have brain damage from the lack of oxygen . he -- believe me , he needs a lot more than excellent care . he needs a miracle . joe : we 're ready for you , aidan . mia : and so is he , whether he likes it or not . aidan : mia , please -- greenlee : you did what you had to do , pablo . those criminals had to be stopped , and they 're not going to hurt anyone ever again . it 's over . juan pablo : it is n't over for maria and edmund . ryan : do n't do -- do n't do this to yourself . maria : no , i can and i will , ok ? i ca n't help it . ryan : i know how hard this is . maria : no , you -- you ca n't . you do n't know how hard it is . ryan : i found gillian when she was shot . maria : oh , my god . i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i 'm really sorry . ryan : and i wanted to do something . i wanted to do something for her , and i could n't . maria : ryan , i 'm sorry . i just -- i do n't know what 's worse . i do n't know if it 's worse having you give me false hope or preparing me for the worst . ryan : i do n't want to do either . ok , i just want you to know that either way , whatever happens , i 'll be here with you . maria : ok , i just -- i want to be in there with him , and i know i ca n't , so i just -- i got to do something . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm starving . how about we go to the pancake palace and grab a stack ? krystal : you think a mouthful of flapjacks is going to keep me from saying what 's on my mind ? babe : i do n't want to talk about jamie anymore , mama , please . i 'm stressed out enough as it is . krystal : all right , all right . i could go for a stack myself with blueberries and syrup and powdered sugar , the works . baby ! oh , my goodness ! what in the world ? oh , gosh . what -- honey , this cow craze of yours is starting to get dangerous . babe : jamie gave it to me . krystal : and you did n't give it back ? babe : no , i should have , but i just could n't . krystal : oh . babe : mama , i do n't want to have feelings for jamie . we were together just one night -- one night . he just wo n't let it go . krystal : neither can you . must 've been some night . babe : it was n't about the sex . krystal : yeah , well , with us , it never is . almost never . babe : he was just so sweet . and i was just scared to death , knowing i was coming into this house . i was just sure that all the chandlers would just laugh me out to the curb for me even thinking that i could be one of them . but jamie -- he did n't laugh . he treated me like the best thing that ever happened to him . krystal : yep . babe : i love j.r . krystal : honey , i 'm not saying that you do n't . it 's just that sometimes even if you got a free coupon to the all - you - can - eat prime rib buffet , you can still get a hankering to visit the pancake palace . babe : j.r. is my husband and he 's my future . he 's what i want , he 's all i want . god , if i could just go back to that night on the beach when i first met jamie -- krystal : you would n't change a thing . babe , the fact that jamie thinks that you 're the best thing that ever happened to him -- that 's got to grab at you . and he 's not stupid . he knows that it does . babe : then i 'm the stupid one , are n't i ? because the best thing that ever happened to me is j.r. -- god -- and i 'm letting myself ruin my own marriage . krystal : babe , you are not stupid . ok ? it 's just that for the first time in your life , you 've got a whole lot of good coming your way and you 're just having a hard time saying no to any of it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what did you hear on new year 's night ? j.r. 's voice : i love you . just tell me the truth . babe : i did . let go of me , j.r. ! jamie : it was n't what i heard . it was the way you were treating babe at the party all night . j.r. : wait a minute -- you were watching us at the party ? what 'd your date think about that ? jamie : maggie was n't -- maggie was n't too happy about it . j.r. : you know , you 're lucky to get somebody like maggie stone . but you ruined it , you blew it . you 're obsessed with my wife . you know , babe is sick of you . jamie : yeah ? she 's sick of me ? then why -- j.r. : yeah ? why what ? jamie : then why do you care what i think or what i do ? j.r. : because you 're embarrassing us . you 're delusional , and god knows what 's going to come out of your mouth next . you still have n't even told me what you 're doing over here at the hospital . jamie : and i 'm not going to . j.r. : well , since you 're here , go upstairs , check yourself into the psych ward . do us all a favor . j.r. : hey . kendall : what floor is this ? j.r. : they all look the same , do n't they ? kendall : yeah . j.r. : what are you doing here ? kendall : oh , i had to -- i had to get away from the er for a few minutes , but i should go back . j.r. : is everything ok ? kendall : you mean aside from dodging bullets and bombs and bodies ? j.r. : kendall � [ scene_break ] jack : so what do you think ? erica , i know it 's risky , but it 's all i can think of that might help at all . erica : no , no , i understand . jack : look , that subpoena means that they have specific questions that they want to ask you . erica : like what ? jack : i imagine that singer wants it read into evidence that you gave kendall the combination to my safe . erica : oh , my god . oh , my god . why did i ever give him that ? i mean , that is huge evidence against kendall . jack : yeah , well , the gun they found in that duffle bag at the bottom of the river was mine , so i imagine they 're going to use your testimony to establish that kendall took that gun . erica : but i was only trying to look out for bianca . jack : sweetheart , i know that . erica : so then why are you trying to make me feel guilty ? jack : i 'm not trying to make you feel guilty . i 'm trying to answer your question . erica : but , jack , what if what we want to do is help kendall ? jack : look , look , look , look , look , the -- we ca n't take back what you told justin about the combination to my safe . that is why you must , please , do what i tell you to do . erica : how did it even come to this , jack ? what is this all about ? why did they ever dismiss you as da and why are they going forward with this ridiculous case anyhow ? i mean , i really do n't understand that , because everyone knows that the world is a better place without michael cambias . [ erica sighs ] jack : and what are you going to do when you get on the witness stand ? erica : not that . jack : not that . erica : oh , jack . oh , jack , when is this going to end ? jack : i do n't know , sweetheart , but it will end . erica : so many mistakes . if only we could just go back , you know , go back to the first day that we were engaged and -- and just start fresh , you know , start all over again . jack : yeah , maybe start like this , huh ? [ knock on door ] jack : wow . erica : now what ? jack : what do you say we do n't find out ? erica : no , maybe it 's bianca . jack : ok . erica : sorry . erica : david . you , too ? david : i thought as much . we got to figure out what we 're going to say . hello , jack . jack : hello , david . i 'm glad you 're here . the first thing you need to know is the love story is over . erica : i told jack everything about what really happened that night that cambias disappeared . david : you told jack everything ? jack : yes , everything . david : well , thanks for leaving me hanging , erica . i know you trust jack , but he 's vowed on more than one occasion to throw me behind bars for good . erica : jack has a way that we can help kendall . jack : listen to me . just listen to me , ok ? when we are called to the stand -- and we will all be called to the stand -- what we do is we tell the truth , only as we tell the truth , we place doubt on the case against kendall . david : so you 're saying we make ourselves look suspicious ? jack : there you go . very good . exactly what we .. david : and what are you going to do when you 're called to testify ? jack : do n't you worry about that . i can shine quite a bright spotlight on myself . david : while telling the truth the whole time ? jack : perjury is not my crime of choice , david . erica : jack says that the defense will use whatever we give them . jack : so are you in , or are you going to protect your own hide at all costs ? david : i 'm in . putting kendall behind bars for murdering cambias would be a total miscarriage of justice . erica : so , our love affair is over . david : well , i 'll say one thing , erica -- a fake love affair with you is a hell of a lot better than a real one with most other women . erica : thank you . jack : and now that you are a free woman , i 'd like you back , please ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : my god , kendall , this -- it 's unbelievable . how 'd you guys make it out of there alive ? kendall : well , the guys were very brave . so was maria and mia and even greenlee . she swung a mean snowshoe . j.r. : have you heard anything about edmund ? is he going to make it ? kendall : i do n't know . they have n't said anything yet , at least not before i walked off . j.r. : do you want to go in there and ask ? kendall : no . [ scene_break ] joe : well , your wound is not serious , but i want to keep you here overnight for observation . aidan : what , against my will ? mia : aidan , be reasonable . joe : no , i ca n't keep you here against your will . aidan : no , really . mia , what can happen if i go home and sleep in my own bed ? joe : probably nothing if you take the antibiotics and if you slow down . but if your temperature rises during the night , i want you back here in the hospital right away . mia : yes , joe . joe : yeah ? mia : we will , absolutely . joe : all right ? aidan : yeah . before we go , is there any more news on edmund ? joe : no , i would 've heard . they 're probably still trying to stabilize him , but i 'll go see . mia : yeah . hey , whoa , whoa , whoa . where are you going ? aidan : i 'm going to go check on maria . mia : no , you just told dr. martin that you were going home to sleep in your own bed . aidan : i will , but i want to -- mia : no , no . you 're going home to sleep in your own bed . and unlike dr. joe , i can force you to do what i want . aidan : all right . i suppose i can shoot for an update from there . [ scene_break ] kendall : j.r. , can you just -- can you just get me out of here , please ? j.r. : yeah . of course . [ scene_break ] greenlee : are you hungry ? i mean , why do n't we go get something to eat away from the hospital , and then we can , you know -- juan pablo : you go . greenlee : that 's not the point , pablo . i want to be with you . juan pablo : i do n't want to be with you . i want you to leave me right here and do n't think about me anymore . greenlee : i ca n't do that . juan pablo : it 's happened , greenlee . i do n't have a bullet in me , but i 'm as good as dead . greenlee : no . juan pablo : just walk away from me . greenlee : no , no . you know what ? what happened is terrible , and i wish that edmund was ok , but we survived , you survived , and i thank god . juan pablo : you can thank god for this ? i should be where edmund is . greenlee : and then i 'd be where maria is . would that be better ? juan pablo : you were afraid i would die , and you were right . it was my destiny . greenlee : no , no , it was n't . if you were supposed to die on that mountain , pablo , you would have . i know that you would change places with edmund and you feel responsible , but -- juan pablo : i do n't feel anything -- not for you , not for anyone . that 's why i want you to go . greenlee : if you 're trying to chase me away -- juan pablo : i do n't feel anything . [ scene_break ] maria : the second you hear anything about my husband , please just come and find me in the er . i 'm going to be on duty there till then . nurse : yes , dr. grey . maria : thanks . thank you . ryan : are you sure about this ? paramedic : he fell from approximately 100 feet off of this scaffolding . he was unconscious when we found him . dr. parker : all right , let 's get him started on an iv . tell radiology he 's on his way up . woman : harry , harry ! honey , it 's me ! honey , can you hear me ? i 'm here now and i 'm not leaving you ! dr. parker : ma'am , ma'am , you 're going to have to stay here while we treat your husband . woman : no ! what if he wakes up ? i need to be there -- dr. parker : i understand -- woman : so he knows he 'll be all right . dr. parker : i understand your -- maria : ma'am , can i -- can i help you here ? we actually need your help . your husband sustained a very bad fall . they 're going to take him up to get x - rays right away . woman : yes . maria : they 've got to do that as soon as possible . woman : yes , of course . i know that ! oh , god ! oh , god ! maria : oh , no , no , no , no , no , no -- woman : i should be -- maria : you would actually be helping him -- woman : he 's not going to die , is he ? maria : no , no , you just have to stay out of the way . woman : you -- you 're not going to let him die ? maria : they can work much faster . woman : please , he 's my husband and i love him so much . please ! please , tell me my husband wo n't die . oh ! [ woman weeps ] [ scene_break ] david : well , this has been quite the morning . first i end an affair with erica , and now the three of us are in bed together . erica : david , please . please , kendall 's entire life depends on this . david : all right . so after we testify and kendall gets acquitted , any idea whose head is going to be on the chopping block ? erica : oh , jack is sure they wo n't go after anybody else . david : oh , is he ? so reason will prevail at the prosecutor 's office ? jack : it 's an election year , david . nobody 's going to go after a case that nobody wants . erica : and after all , whoever did kill michael cambias really did this town a favor . david : are you absolutely certain that you have no reservations about jack 's plan ? jack : it sounds like you do . erica : we can trust him , david . we really can . david : well , i guess that 's going to have to be good enough for me . i 'll see the two of you in court . erica : see you . jack : whew . well , hayward was right about one thing -- it 's been a hell of a morning . i mean , when those subpoenas showed up , i thought you were acting like the sky was falling . erica : yes , but then you said something that made everything fine . jack : so you -- you 're sold on my plan to help kendall ? erica : oh , yes , but that 's not what i 'm talking about . you said that we 're back together . that 's true , is n't it , jack ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i do n't really want you to misinterpret this , kendall , but you look like a wreck . kendall : how could i misinterpret that ? after the night i 've had , how could i be anything else ? j.r. : let me get you a room upstairs . you can order room service . you can sleep all day . kendall : no , no . j.r. , that 's very sweet of you , but this -- this is fine . this is fine , thank you . waiter : coffee , juice ? j.r. : coffee for me . kendall : juice , please . j.r. : maybe you want to talk about it . hmm ? maybe not . i do n't know . kendall : it was unreal . j.r. : i bet . kendall : people died . any -- any one of us could 've died , and poor edmund -- i mean , you saw the shape that he was in . and i -- i ran out of that hospital because i was feeling sorry for myself . i was jealous and alone , and i -- i wanted to be with the worst possible guy for me . j.r. : was that aidan or ryan ? we talked about this . honest , dependable , mr. a , high - wire mr. b . kendall : was it that obvious ? j.r. : yeah , but who 's who ? aidan was some sort of secret agent , right ? kendall : mm - hmm . j.r. : so he 's bad news mr. b . kendall : no , that was ryan . j.r. : and ryan 's the one you want to be with ? kendall : yeah , i want him , but i -- i -- i ca n't trust him . i mean , j.r. , i could 've died today . i could 've died , and the only thing i was thinking about was ryan , not the fact that i have a trial coming up or that i could face lethal injection . it 's -- it 's crazy . j.r. : maybe , but i can relate . waiter : coffee ? there you go . kendall : thank you . j.r. : like i said , i can relate . my wife 's been keeping some big secrets from me . now , unfortunately , everything that comes out of her mouth i do n't know whether or not i can believe . i ca n't trust her , but i ca n't get enough of her . i 'm totally in love with her , but so is someone else . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm going to be smart from here on out . and i 'm going to do what you said and i 'm going to forget about jamie . krystal : simple as that , huh ? you 're just going to flip the switch and you 're cured and all your problems are solved ? babe : > from here on out , i 'm going to -- [ babe sighs ] babe : i 'm going to concentrate on loving j.r . krystal : and the baby ? babe : baby , too . krystal : no , i mean , once the baby comes , are you going to be able to keep jamie out of the picture ? honey , if jamie keeps asking for that paternity test and he gets his way , what is that thing going to say ? babe : i guess there 's a possibility -- just an outside chance -- the baby is n't j.r. 's . [ scene_break ] joe : jamie ? what 's going on ? [ scene_break ] woman : he was n't even scheduled to go into work today . i tried to talk him out of going in , but when he makes up his mind about something -- .listen , doctor , i know he 's in danger and in pain , but i 'm dying inside . maria : what you 're going through is just as hard . no , it 's probably even harder because you 're the one who 's got to try to be strong for both of you . and when he wakes up , he 's going to need to see that no matter what happens , no matter what 's ahead for him , that you 're going to be the one to get him through all of that . so he 's going to have to see all of that as possible from you . woman : what if -- what if things do n't work out the way we want them -- maria : no , no , no , no , no . do n't think negatively . you 've got to think positively . really , i 've seen it work so many times . woman : yes . i think that , too . thank you , doctor . i have to go call my kids now . i guess i have to be strong for them , too . we had such a nice new year 's . ryan : you knew exactly what to say to her . maria : i 'm just as scared as she is . doctor : i wish i had better news for you , maria . ahem . we 're having a hard time stabilizing him . he 's still not breathing on his own , so we have n't been able to get in there and repair internal bleeding . you can -- you can see the bullet where it 's lodged there . maria : my god . [ scene_break ] jamie : hey , grandpa , i was just looking for you . um -- i -- i -- your computer was still on , so i figured while i was waiting , i could just check my email . joe : it was on ? that 's odd . i always log off . jamie : you probably , actually , got called away before you did it . i mean -- but do n't worry . there was n't anything on the screen that anyone could read . joe : jamie , how 'd you get in the office ? jamie : oh , dad has a key . i just -- i borrowed it . joe : so you were thinking you were going to come in even if i was n't here ? what 's -- what -- what 's going on ? jamie : i guess you know that i 've decided to figure out who the father of babe 's baby is . joe : yes , your dad told me , but -- jamie : well , it 's just -- mom and dad wo n't leave me alone about it . i ca n't even have a second to myself , so i figured i could just come here and sit for a while . because you always said that i could come by and talk whenever , and i want to talk to you about it . and mom -- i mean , you 've always been more reasonable than mom and dad . joe : hmm . well , i have a few minutes now if you 'd like to talk . [ pager beeps ] joe : spoke too soon . i guess i do n't . well , i 'll tell you what . i 'll be back as soon as i can . you just sit and make yourself at home , ok ? jamie : password . try grandma 's birthday . [ computer beeps ] jamie : all right . my birthday . [ scene_break ] babe : but then i got this really sweet doctor to fudge the conception date . and i thought i was home free , at least for a while , anyway . oh , mom , i should 've told you . krystal : babe , i figured as much . why do you think i risked a speeding ticket and grand theft auto charges getting to the hospital before adam got ahold of your records ? which tad destroyed , by the way . he 's a pretty handy fellow , that tad . having met the father , i can certainly understand the yen for the son . babe : those records are still in the computer . how am i going to fix this ? krystal : all right , all right , we 're just going to have to sort this out , all right ? you love your husband . you got a sweet tooth for his brother . and let 's not forget , you 're still married to that paul cramer boy . babe : no . i refuse to think about that . krystal : honey , you 're going to have to think about all of it , ok ? at least those unsent annulment papers are put away in a safe place . babe : right now , i just need to focus on j.r. and jamie and the baby . krystal : the first thing you have to do is give me an honest answer . and i mean it , babe . it 's got to come from the heart . because in the end , that is the only answer that matters . babe : what 's the question ? krystal : the question is , what do you really and truly want ? [ scene_break ] kendall : wow . whoa . well -- well , at least she had the marriage annulled , so you do n't have to worry about that . j.r. : kendall , i had to practically squeeze it out of her . kendall : j.r. , i think this speaks very well of you . i mean , your wife has been putting you through the tortures of the damned , and yet you 're still madly in love with her . j.r. : but you 're in the same place . i told you to go with the dependable guy , and i 'm doing this dance with babe . kendall : so how does it end , do you think ? j.r. : i do n't know . alan : good morning , ms. hart . kendall : it 's mrs. cambias . and i ca n't speak to you without my attorney present . alan : oh , this is just a friendly greeting . i thought you 'd want to know that you got your way with skipping the prelim and going right to the trial . kendall : oh , well , that 's excellent . i 'm looking forward to getting this over with . alan : i 'll let you know the date as soon as we have it . kendall : thank you . alan : oh , by the way , i 'll need to do that dna test on your baby right away . how does first thing tomorrow morning sound to you ? [ scene_break ] doctor : i 'll come back as soon as i know anything else . you know we 're doing everything we can . maria : yeah . doctor : all right . stay positive , all right ? maria : yeah . joe : dr. twombly -- ryan : what did the x - ray say ? maria : uh -- nothing . i need to go get some air . ryan : ok , ok . maria : thanks . i 'm going to go by myself . ryan : so i guess -- i guess -- joe : yeah . ryan : it does n't look good . joe : no . maria : no , no , no , no , no , do n't say it . do n't you tell me how sorry you are . [ scene_break ] mia : ok , come on . come in . sit down . i 'm just going to go across the street , and i 'll get you something to eat , ok ? careful . aidan : i do n't want anything . i 'm all right . mia : yeah , well , you have to eat something , ok ? just get into bed . lie down . i 'll go get you a -- i 'll get you a ginger ale . how about that ? aidan : look , i -- i do n't want to lie down . i do n't want a ginger ale . what makes you think that i want a fizzy drink ? mia : oh -- aidan : mia , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . [ mia sobs ] aidan : shh . i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] kendall : i told you , i can not speak to you without my attorney present . alan : i 'm just trying to accommodate you . if it 's convenient , i can set up the dna test for tomorrow morning . kendall : i -- i ca n't give you an answer now . alan : it ca n't be avoided , you know . the test has to happen before the trial begins , and i do have a court order . j.r. : you heard the lady . alan : yes , i did . if you attempt to impede the test , it will be used in evidence against you . j.r. : so now you 're threatening her ? alan : not at all . one more thing -- j.r. : no , you 're done . you just do n't know it yet . alan : i beg your pardon ? j.r. : let me introduce myself . i 'm adam chandler jr . alan : are you ? adam 's son ? j.r. : yeah , i 'm running chandler enterprises right now . it turns out i 'm having a meeting with your boss , governor brooks . now , you were just recently appointed special prosecutor , right ? yeah . but you can easily be unappointed . and the governor owes my company a lot of favors . alan : interesting . look at the time . i 'm late for a meeting . j.r. : i 'm sorry about that . that guy 's an officious jerk . are you ok ? kendall : what else can go wrong ? [ scene_break ] jack : you know , i would pick you up and take you right into that bedroom , but that would only make the doorbell ring , now , would n't it ? erica : i think we can risk it . jack : yeah ? do let 's . come here , you . [ erica giggles ] erica : jack . [ knock on door ] erica : no . no , this is n't happening . [ knock ] erica : i swear , if that 's not bianca , i 'm getting rid of them . jack : no , no , no , no , let -- allow -- allow me , please . erica : oh , no . jack : greenlee , thank god it 's you . i spent all last night looking for you . greenlee : i went to your office , your loft , trying to find you . jack : what happened ? greenlee : they came after pablo . it was awful . and now i -- [ scene_break ] juan pablo : there is nothing i can say to change what 's happened to edmund . but if there 's anything i can do for you -- maria : yeah , there is . there is . you can go to hell because my husband may die because of you . he 's in there right now , half dead , because you did this to him . you did this to both of us . so you know what ? all of your kind words and your sad , little face is not going to change a damn thing ! as a matter of fact , you know what ? you can -- damn you and damn the day we ever set eyes on you ! [ maria sobs ] [ scene_break ] krystal : babe , i am so proud of you ! babe : that was easier than i thought . krystal : yeah . that 's because you 're a woman who knows what she wants . babe : and i do . i want j.r. , and i want to stay his wife , and i 'm going to be faithful to him from here on out . and i want to be the mother of his baby and for us to be a real family . krystal : and you are going to have it , all of it , i swear . babe : you think so , mama ? you really , truly do ? krystal : i know so ! come on ! what 's our motto -- `` we deserve the best `` -- krystal and babe : `` and together we can always get it . `` krystal : yes ! [ scene_break ] jamie : i knew it . the baby could be mine . [ scene_break ] waiter : more coffee ? juice ? kendall : oh , no , thank you . waiter : ok . j.r. : so do you feel better ? at least the omelets were good . kendall : yes , they were . so you 're really having lunch with the governor tomorrow ? j.r. : does it matter ? singer believed me . kendall : i love how you made him turn tail . [ j.r. chuckles ] kendall : that was good . j.r. : yeah , well , i like to throw my weight around . but , seriously , you know , it feels good to say that i 'm running chandler enterprises . it just -- it just sounds right . kendall : yeah , j.r. , about that -- j.r. : what ? i -- i always knew that , you know , ryan might be giving you the company . kendall : well , he already did . i -- j.r. : oh . kendall : i have it now . j.r. : well , congratulations . kendall : well , right back at you . as it turns out , the cambias heir is just as impressed with you as i am . so i want you to stay on at chandler -- the same deal you had with ryan . j.r. : boy , that -- i 'd be happy to . kendall : good . good , good , good , good , good . mmm . thank you for throwing your weight around for me . i 'm going to call the hospital , check on edmund . j.r. : ok . [ scene_break ] greenlee : pablo said he has no feelings left . you know , he does n't even care about himself . jack : look , greenlee , given the circumstances -- greenlee : yeah , but he does n't care about me , either . he looked at me like i was a total stranger . he said he has no feelings left for me , and he does n't . jack : greenlee -- greenlee : but you know what ? you know what ? when i needed somebody , i was alone . i had nobody . no one . jack : well , that 's not true anymore . you have me , and you always will . come here . [ scene_break ] aidan : if maria loses edmund , it 'll kill her . [ scene_break ] ryan : you have -- you have to be strong . you have to live through this . maria : no , no , no , do n't give me my own `` be positive `` speech , please ! ryan : you -- you listen to me . what you told that woman is true . edmund needs you . do you understand ? your kids need you . maria : look , ryan , i was gone for five years , and god brought me back to edmund for a reason . that -- that reason ca n't be to watch him die . [ next_on ] krystal : do you really love my baby girl ? jamie : babe lied . there 's a 50/50 chance that the baby could be mine . ryan : i think i can save you now , if you 'll let me . joe : what has david got to do with all this ? maria : i want david in the or . you keep my husband alive ; i will consider that debt paid in full . | erica tells jack she 's very worried about what will happen to him , after he 's been served a subpoena . she discovers david hayward has also been subpoenaed . he seems to have kind of an attitude , noticing erica and jack back together at her home , but promises to go along with their plan to help kendall . maria is distraught and afraid she will lose her husband . the doctors will not let her assist them in their attempt to save edmund , because she is too emotionally involved . she tells juan pablo he 's killed edmund and she will never forgive him . but ryan is very supportive to her and she confides in him . |
tad : hey . j.r. : do you mind ? tad : no , not at all . i thought you said you wanted to talk . j.r. : i need to keep my hands busy , so i do n't hit something . tad : oh . oh , well , by all means , knock yourself out . just remember -- break it , you own it . you want me to guess ? j.r. : what ? tad : at whatever or whoever is pissing you off . j.r. : the `` who `` should n't surprise you . tad : what 's adam done this time ? j.r. : it 's not him that i 'm mad at . my dad just knows all the buttons to push . i 'm mad at myself 'cause i 've got so damn many of them . [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . oh , babe , come here . honey , i was worried sick about you . are you ok ? babe : mama , i 'm -- i 'm fine . krystal : yeah ? babe : yeah . krystal : well , come in here . come in here and sit down , all right ? you -- you want some coffee ? babe : mama , i 'm ok , really . krystal : here , sit down . listen , i heard what happened to ryan , and i know you were in the room , so do n't try to tell me that it 's no big deal . babe : he 's going to be ok . krystal : i know , i know . i called the hospital and annie filled me in . still , it must 've been terrifying . babe : it was , it was , but thank god , it 's over now . krystal : yeah ? well , from where i stand , it does n't seem like it 's over to me . come on , come on , i 'm your mama . tell me -- tell me what happened . babe : i do n't know . i just -- i was thinking how random life can be sometimes , you know ? it 's like you 're going along , you think you know exactly what your future 's going to be , and then -- and then , bam , something happens , you do a complete 180 , and you have no idea where you are . krystal : are we still talking about the shooting here ? babe : yeah , of course . what else would we be talking about ? krystal : i do n't know . uh -- i 'm thinking we might be talking about a man . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . annie : `` hey `` back . ryan : i love you . annie : never would 've guessed . [ ryan chuckles ] annie : i love you , too -- ahem -- so much . no , no , no -- doctor 's orders . ryan : i am fine . annie : uh -- [ ryan groans ] annie : see ? see ? ryan : ah . annie : lay back . ryan : i have a headache . annie : yeah , well -- ryan : oh , my head hurts . annie : getting shot can do that to you . will you just relax , please , and rest ? there 's nowhere you need to be right now . promise ? ryan : you know , you 're kind of sexy when you get bossy like that . annie : well , i have a few more tricks i can show you if you 're really , really good . ryan : oh , i 'll be really good . [ annie chuckles ] ryan : hey . did you talk to zach and find out where he took kendall ? annie : he mentioned something about stopping by to see josh . ryan : josh ? why ? annie : to warn him there is a crazy person running around shooting people . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] zach : hey , josh , if you 're in there , open up . come on . kendall : well , maybe he left . zach : yeah , maybe he did . step away from the door . kendall : why ? zach : just do it . [ knock ] zach : hey , buddy , you in there ? josh : zach , take kendall and get the hell out of here ! kendall : josh ! hannah : son of a bitch ! josh : it 's hannah -- she has a gun ! hannah : hey , kendall . come on in . your brother really needs you . zach : hannah ? hannah : hi , darling . i 've missed you . zach : let 's talk about this . hannah : oh , let 's not . i can think of so many other things to do than just talk . kendall : you hurt my brother , you crazy bitch , i will kill you ! hannah : oh -- huh , huh . you know what , kendall , sweetheart ? i promise i wo n't miss this time . josh : zach , get out of here ! i can handle this ! zach : ca n't do that . hannah : well , that is really new for you , is n't it , zach ? staying put ? you 're always so used to leaving . kendall : hannah , please , i -- i 'm sorry for whatever you think i 've done to you , but please do n't drag josh into this . hannah : you 're sorry , kendall ? wow , that is so touching . we should engrave that on your tombstone . zach : ryan 's alive -- you did n't kill anybody . so if you end this now , we -- we can work it out . i 'll tell them to take it easy on you . hannah : yeah , like they did your wife ? you know what ? it must be really nice , kendall , having a safety net to catch you every time you screw up . i wish i had one . but then again , there is only one zach slater . zach : you 're angry at me , and i understand that , so let 's talk , you and me . hannah : you ca n't play me anymore , zach . zach : what do you want ? hannah : oh , what do i want ? justice -- justice for me , for kendall . is n't that what you were going for when you tortured poor greenlee , kendall ? justice ? zach : call the police . kendall : but why ? zach : just go do it . nothing 's going to happen . kendall : ok . hannah : what 's the matter out there ? am i boring you ? you better be out there , zach . or your brother - in - law is going to die for your sins . i am so sorry , baby . i really did like you . [ scene_break ] ryan : so , joe tells me i dodged a bullet -- literally . annie : the doctors say you were really lucky . ryan : yeah , and not just because of that . you , me -- family . i 'm so lucky to have you , to hold you . god , you are gorgeous . are you really my wife ? [ annie chuckles ] annie : forever and ever . ryan : yeah ? annie : yeah . ryan : prove it . annie : hmm . julia : oh . hey , you two love birds . ryan and annie : hi ! ryan : julia , come on in . julia : i just thought i 'd stop by , see if they were treating you right . ryan : well , they 're not -- they 're treating me horribly . they wo n't even let my wife stay the night . can you talk to somebody , please , and hook that up ? julia : uh -- not my department , i 'm sorry . annie : you need to rest . ryan : hmm . annie : yeah . nurse : we need to change his bandages . julia : all right . ryan : ok . julia : annie and i will wait outside . ryan : all right . annie : ok . ryan : hi . nurse : hello . julia : annie , how are you doing ? annie : honestly ? i 'm kind of a mess . oh . [ scene_break ] colby : ugh . sean , you are so lame ! dre : you alone ? colby : you 're late again ! dre ? where have you been ? dre : i 've been around , you know ? colby : well , everybody 's been worried about you since that guy came snooping around . dre : he been around again ? colby : no . dre : well , i 'm sorry about that , and i did n't mean to split on you , either , but , um -- colby : what ? dre : you know . colby : no , i do n't know . where did you go , dre ? dre : i -- i just had to leave . colby : ok , well , the least you could do is tell me what you 're hiding from . dre : the family . colby : `` the family `` ? dre : yeah , you know how it is . you -- you get on the wrong side of something , and they come looking for you -- family . colby : oh , my -- it 's the mafia ? is there a hit on you or something ? did you rat somebody out ? oh ! [ dre chuckles ] [ scene_break ] hannah : i do n't want to do this , josh . josh : then do n't . you can stop right now . hannah : no , i ca n't . josh : you can -- i can help you . hannah : would you stop saying that ? zach : hannah ? hannah : you 're back . zach : i never left . hannah : huh . planning your strategy ? it 's so like you -- always thinking of everything . zach : well , not everything . i -- i had no idea how much i hurt you . hannah : now you 're apologizing ? that is so sweet . but you know what ? now is not the time for that , so -- let 's reschedule . zach : i 'll wait . [ hannah chuckles ] hannah : you 'll wait ? welcome to my world -- waiting for the man to become available . and he never was . you know what i did , zach ? when i found out that you were missing ? i lit a candle and prayed for you to come back . is n't that sad ? zach : we did care about each other once . hannah : you do n't care about me , or your son . do you remember ethan , our son ? zach : yeah , i remember . hannah : we were your throwaway family , were n't we ? your mistake . you sure love your new family . they 're the ones you came back for . zach : and you have a right to be angry about that . hannah : oh -- agreeing with me . huh . that 's a good tactic -- we use that in business negotiations all the time . zach : why do n't we talk , you and me ? hmm ? just face to face and let josh go . hannah : and now , you 're offering yourself up as a hero . that is so marvelous . zach : i 'm not a hero . i -- i try to do the right thing and sometimes i make mistakes , and i made a mistake with you , and i do n't want to do that again . hannah : you know , it 's too late for regrets . i 'm sorry . oh ! [ hannah groans as josh tries to get the gun away from her and a shot rings out ] zach : hey . kendall : josh ? josh , you all right ? josh : yeah , i think so . kendall : you ok ? up . [ josh groans ] zach : where 's hannah ? josh : she went out the back . kendall : ok . josh : wait , wait -- zach , she 's got the gun . kendall : no , no , zach ! zach , no ! she could be out there ready for you ! josh : kendall -- kendall -- kendall : zach -- no ! no , no , she could hurt him ! zach , please come back ! no , she could hurt him ! zach ! zach ! [ scene_break ] krystal : so was i right ? is this about a guy ? babe : i 'm kind of embarrassed , all right ? krystal : why ? babe : why ? because ryan almost died , somebody 's trying to kill kendall , and i 'm -- i 'm sitting here bugging you about some guy i 'm not even sure that i like . krystal : `` some guy `` -- hmm . now , that used to be j.r. , but now i get the feeling we 're talking about richie novak ? babe : all right , let 's just drop it , ok ? krystal : what happened , babe ? babe : mama . krystal : no , look . you know you 're going to tell me , so we might as well just get to it . babe : all right . after ryan got shot , i -- i went to go find annie . she was visiting richie . krystal : ok . babe : and , well , he got this news , big news for him -- well , for anybody . he might be eligible for a bone marrow transplant , mama . he might live . krystal : great . babe : and , then we kissed . krystal : a congratulatory kiss ? babe : i think , maybe -- i do n't know -- but it -- it ended up -- krystal : i think i can figure out the rest . babe : ok , it did n't go that far , mama . give me some credit . krystal : no . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : look , i -- you -- you know i 'm not judging you . but i can tell you 're drawn to this guy . babe : look , i do n't know what i am , all right ? i -- i just feel for the guy . you know , he -- he 's sick , he 's alone . krystal : and you 're the girl who always takes in strays . poor baby . so , tell me -- how does j.r. fit into this pretty picture ? [ scene_break ] tad : i do n't know . look , i 'm confused -- spell it out for me . your father tried to float what ? j.r. : my dad knows that i 'm struggling right now . he knows that my internet thing went up in smoke thanks to zach slater , so he 's dangling money in front of my face . tad : how much money ? j.r. : 50 million . tad : 50 million ? in exchange for what ? j.r. : to come over for dinner , to be his son . tad : sell your soul . j.r. : exactly . tad : right , so he sits there , he does n't offer you any specifics -- just a wink and a promise that he 'll be there for you when you need him -- am i right ? j.r. : ah , so you 've played this game before . tad : we both have . we both have . this is classic adam chandler bs , and we both know it , which means you still have to learn to tune him out . j.r. : the way that you did when he said he had a lead on kate ? tad : i 'm not saying it 's going to be easy , i 'm not saying it 's not going to drive you crazy at times . your father is a past master at what he does . i am saying that we both have to learn to consider the source . personally , i like to pretend that whenever he opens his mouth lately , all i hear is white noise . j.r. : hmm . i wish i could do that . tad : as somebody who loves you more than anything , i am telling you , you have to . if you want to survive , you really want to be released from being torn up every time he does or says something , then you have to . you can start by defining what you want . to hell with your old man -- what is your definition of a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ? j.r. : i do n't know , tad . i 'm all mixed up right now . tad : well , then , get unmixed . do whatever you have to , because the universe only knows one answer , and it 's yes . it means you come up with an idea , a plan that has n't got somebody else 's fingerprints all over it . j.r. , we have so little time together these days . why do n't we talk about you ? do n't you think it 's time ? [ scene_break ] colby : ok , so i got a little carried away . [ dre laughs ] dre : yeah , a little . colby : so if you 're not in , like , the mafia or in gangs or anything like that , what are you really hiding from ? dre : um -- politics . colby : huh ? dre : that 's the family business . you ever heard of samuel woods ? colby : `` samuel `` -- oh , yeah . he 's running for something , is n't he ? dre : senator . colby : yeah . i think my dad went to a fundraiser he had . so you 're , like , related to this guy ? dre : yeah , he 's my dad . colby : wow ! dre : what ? colby : i do n't know . you 're , like , this mysterious hip - hop kind of guy and your dad 's , like , a -- dre : colin powell ? colby : well , i was n't going to say that . dre : does n't matter -- everybody else does . hey , i 'm -- my dad 's what you call , like , a political force . and he does n't exactly agree with my life -- the band -- colby : mm - hmm . dre : all that , so -- colby : so you went awol on him ? dre : he wanted me to wear a suit , be a good boy and smile for the camera . a photo op ? [ colby chuckles ] dre : sorry , i ai n't into that . colby : yeah , well , ok . do n't kill me , but is it really that bad -- i mean , every once in a while ? dre : you do n't know my dad . you know , nothing is ever good enough for him . colby : actually , i do know him . he sounds a lot like mine . dre : well , then , you know . colby : yep . i guess i do . dre : anyway , um , you do n't have to tell the rest of the guys about this . colby : oh -- why ? because it would ruin your street cred ? dre : yeah , it would . so , what 's your deal with sean ? colby : what deal ? dre : are n't you two hooking up tonight ? colby : oh , my god -- i completely forgot . [ scene_break ] sean : come on , colby . i know i 'm late . i suck , but i am here now . [ running through the park , hannah literally runs into sean ] hannah : ah ! sean : oh ! hannah : oh -- damn it ! what the hell do you think you 're doing ? [ scene_break ] annie : thanks . i just -- i guess i needed a good cry . julia : sure . if you ever need me , this shoulder 's dry . annie : thanks . i just did n't want to lose it in front of ryan . julia : no , i get that . but ryan seems like he 's doing fine . actually , i 'd say he 's doing better than fine . annie : yeah . yeah , he 's amazing . julia : is there something else ? annie : um -- it 's just nothing i want to bother ryan with . julia : you can bother me if you want . annie : thanks . i just -- i do n't really feel like talking about it . julia : i get that . it 's ok . but if you ever need to -- annie : thanks , julia . thanks . i 'm -- i 'm going to go back in . julia : yeah . annie : ok . julia : ok . ryan : no ! what -- what -- what do you think ? do you think i look like that guy on the dancing show ? annie : which one ? ryan : you know . annie : oh , no , no , no . you 're way better looking than he is . ryan : aha ! you see ? nurse : oh . keep an eye on this one . ryan : come here . get over here . you know , i think maybe this getting - shot thing kind of agrees with me . annie : do n't even joke about that . ryan : ok , all right , i 'm sorry . it 's just that it 's weird , you know ? i was this close to death , and yet , i 've never felt more alive . [ scene_break ] babe : what does j.r. have to do with any of this ? nothing . j.r. is j.r . krystal : yeah . uh -- he 's the father of your child , he is the man that you used to love with all your heart . you know , maybe kissing richie was your way of avoiding your feelings for your ex - husband . babe : well , he has been trying to make up for everything lately . krystal : huh . i 'm sure he has . babe : i mean , he 's been sweet and honest -- krystal : oh . babe : available . krystal : everything he was n't when you were together . babe : i know , and i fell for it . krystal : yeah . yeah , you took the bait . babe : i mean , what is wrong with me ? i -- i make out with an ex - convict , i sleep with my ex - husband . i mean , i 'm a mother with responsibilities . krystal : and you 're doing a great job , babe . babe : then why do i feel like i 'm 14 ? what the hell is that all about ? krystal : it 's about being you . and as far as feeling like you 're 14 , join the club . [ scene_break ] tad : hmm . j.r. : i want -- i want more . [ tad laughs ] j.r. : what ? tad : well , you know , `` key largo . `` key largo , `` 1948 , edward g. robinson -- `` i want more `` ? oh , i 'm so old . never mind -- let 's go back . um -- what does the universe look like to j.r. chandler ? j.r. : well , what do you mean ? tad : i mean , in a perfect world , what would you be doing ? j.r. : i 'm -- sailing a ship . tad : ok . it 's a little vague , it 's a little esoteric , but it 's a start . so what kind of ship is it ? no , come on . is it -- is it a luxury liner ? what ? j.r. : no . it 's a yacht , with sails . it 's all tricked out . tad : nice . j.r. : and i 'm at the helm . tad : uh - huh . j.r. : and there 's , like , this sea of possibilities for me to choose from . tad : excellent . j.r. : and i 'm respected , the kind of person that a kid could look up to . tad : ah . i see . uh , so , what about passengers ? you know , sailors get lonely . hmm -- so i 've heard . is there anybody coming by to visit the captain 's quarters ? j.r. : just one -- babe . [ scene_break ] kendall : here you go . josh : i 'm fine , thanks . kendall : ok . josh : how did -- how did this happen anyway ? kendall : hannah is obviously off the deep end and wanted me out of the way . josh : and ryan 's ok ? kendall : yeah . i mean , he seems to be . josh : anything ? zach : she 's vanished . josh : i 'm sorry , zach . zach : you 're sorry ? my wife almost got killed today and that 's all you can say is , `` you 're sorry `` ? kendall : all right , zach , come on . zach : you messed up . you were supposed to keep an eye on her , you said you had it under control . josh : it 's my fault , all right ? i admit it ! zach : yes , it is your fault ! you messed up ! so what happened ? what did she do to distract you this time ? what was it -- answer me ! kendall : hey , zach , stop it ! stop . [ scene_break ] sean : here , here . hannah : uh -- i got it . sean : are -- are you ok ? hannah : yeah , i 'm fine . thank you for asking . sean : you were really tearing through here . is someone chasing you ? [ hannah puts her hand on the gun in her purse ] sean : hey , you know what ? never mind . it does n't matter . uh -- i like to know as little as possible about most people . hannah : really ? sean : yeah , it keeps things simple , you know ? so -- so whatever 's going on , just -- just do your thing . i never saw you . i 'm just -- just here waiting on a friend . hannah : she stood you up ? sean : i -- i do n't know . i sent her a text , but she has n't responded . hannah : how old are you ? sean : 19 . hannah : you know what i think ? sean : what ? hannah : i think we both had a really rough day . do you know what i 'd like to do to make it all better ? [ hannah kisses sean ] [ scene_break ] sean : what ? dre : so you and sean still cool ? colby : yeah . you know , it 's kind of been tough lately . he 's doing the college thing , and i 'm in high school . dre : yeah , i get that . colby : so what about you ? dre : me ? colby : yeah . you and girls . you like them ? dre : yeah , i like them . [ colby chuckles ] dre : and there 's nobody special right now . colby : hmm . corrina thinks you 're smoking hot . dre : yeah , well , we 're in a band together . i do n't mess around where i work . colby : you 're really serious about all this , are n't you ? the music , i mean . dre : it 's what i was born to do , i guess . besides , i 'm not very good at anything else . colby : oh , i do n't believe that . dre : huh . colby : so what are you going to do in the meantime ? hide out here till that guy your dad sent goes away ? dre : yeah , i guess . colby : well , you got a place to stay ? dre : i 'll figure it out . colby : come on . dre : what ? colby : i got a place where no one will find you . [ scene_break ] annie : from now on , i am never letting you out of my sight , deal ? ryan : deal . but you might get a little sick of looking at me . i 'm just warning . annie : never . ryan : hey , what is it ? what 's wrong ? annie : nothing . ryan : i 'm fine . annie : i know . ryan : is it richie ? did something happen with richie ? annie : no , no , it is n't him . i just -- all this shook me up , that 's all . you need to rest . ryan : well , yeah , because i 'm so good at that . will you give me my phone , please ? annie : are you kidding me ? ryan : what ? i want to find out what 's going on out there in the world . annie : derek said that they would call us as soon as they found the sniper . ryan : well , i am a very impatient guy . pretty please ? annie : all right . [ ryan chuckles ] annie : one call . ryan : yes , ma'am , one call . why kendall ? i do n't get it . why would someone want to take a shot at her ? [ scene_break ] kendall : zach , stop . stop a second . now , i 'm the one who asked you not to fire hannah . i did n't want to look like the jealous wife . that was stupid of me , ok ? so this is on me . zach : i 'm sorry , man . i 'm sorry . josh : forget it . zach : it 's no one 's fault . we did n't know she was going to do this . josh : look , what do you need from me ? zach : you get the guys and make sure that my wife and my kids are ok . josh : done . zach : and when you talk to them , the orders are to take her down . kendall : wait a second . you 're ordering your men to kill hannah ? you do n't really mean that ? zach : hannah claims she knows who zach slater really is . she 's about to find out . kendall : so then it 's shoot to kill ? and then what happens ? zach : what happens is you 're safe . i was in a hole for a month . did n't know i was going to see you or the kids ever again . i 'm here . she threatened my family . now she 'll pay the price . [ scene_break ] tad : so , this love boat of yours has got a passenger manifest of one ? and it 's all babe , all the time ? j.r. : well , some things never change , huh ? tad : yeah . well , have you told her ? j.r. : yeah , i told her . she freaked out . tad : i 'm not surprised . let 's face it -- you two do n't exactly have the greatest track record in the world . j.r. : yeah . well , i could write down all the things , the reasons that she should n't be with me . but you said `` in a perfect world . `` tad : yeah , i did . j.r. : so , in a perfect world , she 'd be there all the time . tad : so , keep the faith , because it may not be a perfect world , but it is the world that you make it . so it could happen . j.r. : yeah , like my ship has a magic wand to erase all my screw - ups . tad : i wish it did . in any case , congratulations . j.r. : on what ? tad : you just made it through an entire conversation without mentioning -- j.r. : do n't even think about it . tad : edward g. robinson . j.r. : there you go . tad : yeah . well , that 's progress . you 're going to make it . j.r. : how do you know that ? tad : because you 're your mother 's son . and mine . no matter what adam does to you , you got dixie 's heart . j.r. : you always say that . tad : yeah . i always mean it . when you finally become the man that you want to be , that 'll be what leads you . [ scene_break ] krystal : babe , you know i love you . i support you in everything you do . babe : i know , but -- krystal : but what ? babe : why do i have to keep coming back to mama to figure it all out ? krystal : guess what . you are going to be 100 , and i am going to be 120 , and we are still going to be standing here sorting all this out . babe : thank you for not judging me . krystal : oh , i 'm the last person to judge anybody . [ jenny cries ] krystal : well , i guess i got to take care of my other baby doll right now . babe : do you want me to come ? krystal : no , no , no , you stay here . take care of yourself . i love you . babe : me , too . [ babe sighs then lies down on the couch and daydreams of kissing richie ] [ scene_break ] dre : what is this place ? colby : home , sweet home . [ dre chuckles ] dre : where are we ? colby : the chandler mansion tunnels . it 's not a safe house , but you could stay here for as long as you want . dre : huh . whoa . how far do these tunnels go ? colby : i have no idea . dre : so -- what , your old man built this place just for the hell of it ? colby : uh - uh . it 's actually part of the underground railroad . dre : for real ? colby : yeah , is n't that cool ? dre : huh . the underground railroad ? huh . [ scene_break ] tad : whew . krystal : hey . tad : hey . krystal : i 'm so happy to see you . tad : oh . are you ok ? is jenny all right ? krystal : oh , yeah . yeah , we 're fine . tad : hmm . krystal : will you just hold me ? tad : sure . krystal : thank you for this . tad : well , whatever it is , you 're welcome . just do me a favor and clue me in as to what it is i did . krystal : hmm . you gave us a second chance . you gave me peace , comfort , and a home . [ scene_break ] babe : ok . [ knock on door ] babe : um -- come on , sweetie . right here . ok . j.r. : whew . hi . babe : hi . j.r. : do i look that bad ? babe : no . no , come on in . what are you doing here ? j.r. : i was -- i was just in the neighborhood . i wanted to stop by . babe : were you really in the neighborhood ? j.r. : huh . ok , you got me . i wanted to see you . i can go . babe : no , do n't . um -- where -- where are you staying these days , anyway ? j.r. : here and there . hotels till i can figure it out . why ? babe : well , you can stay here tonight , if you want . i mean , you know , you can stay in little a 's room . j.r. : what happened ? are you ok ? babe : yeah , yeah , i 'm ok . i -- i -- um -- i just had this bad nightmare is all . it 's -- it 's silly . i 'm just having a hard time shaking it . um -- so , you know , you -- you can stay here , if you like . just for tonight . [ scene_break ] annie : ok , i 've called pretty much everybody we know to tell them that you 're ok . i love it . [ ryan chuckles as he sports the words `` i 'm alive `` on the bandages around his head ] annie : oh . you are alive . hmm . [ scene_break ] [ hannah chuckles as she and sean continue to kiss ] sean : wow . hannah : do you want me to stop ? sean : uh - uh . hannah : no ? sean : no . hannah : you know what ? do you want to get lost ? go somewhere else ? what do you think ? sean : let 's go . [ scene_break ] kendall : well , they 're both asleep . josh : good . rachael said she could come by , if you 'd like . kendall : thank you . so , what 's the word on hannah ? josh : nothing new . but your -- your men are on it , the cops are on it . she 'll be found . there 's one thing you need to know , though . she was working with adam chandler . zach : doing what ? josh : nothing good . spying on you , for starters . zach : keep me informed . josh : will do . good night . kendall : good night . zach : come here . i love you . kendall : mmm . oh , zach , please -- please , do n't do anything crazy with hannah . [ next_on ] zach ( to adam ) : tell me where hannah nichols is hiding , now . ryan ( to erica ) : i do n't believe that we 've ever had the chance to dance . erica : let me lead . ryan : what else is new ? kendall ( to aidan ) : not talking about the fact that we slept together does n't make the fact that we did it go away . | zach and kendall pay josh a visit at his apartment but do n't get an answer . josh yells at them to leave because hannah has a gun . hannah holds a gun on josh and tells kendall that if she leaves , she will kill josh . j.r. visits tad and tells him about adam offering him fifty million dollars in exchange for acting like his son again . babe goes to visit krystal to let her know that she survived the shooting at greenlee 's apartment . colby waits for sean in the park but soon bumps into andre who tells her he 's running from his political family . zach tries to talk to hannah through the door while josh works diligently on getting the ropes untied . josh tackles hannah and the gun accidentally goes off . babe lies down on krystal 's sofa and dreams of herself and richie together . hannah escapes from the apartment 's back door when zach and kendall barge in . colby takes andre back to adam 's mansion via the tunnels under the house . hannah runs into sean , literally . after talking a few minutes , hannah and sean begin to kiss . annie sits vigil at ryan 's bedside . while another nurse changes the bandages on ryan 's head , julia comforts annie . tad comes home and krystal flies into his arms , glad to see him . when j.r. visits babe , she offers to let him spend the night with her in little a 's room . josh lets zach know that hannah had been working against zach to gain info on zach for adam . zach vows to make hannah pay for trying to destroy his family . |
david : get these freakin ' ropes off me . j.r. : uh - uh , not until you own up . you 're after my son , and you 're willing to do anything to get him . now , does krystal know that you 're using her to get to him ? david : you got to be kidding me . using ? j.r. : mm - hmm . david : i care about krystal . we share a bond . j.r. : oh , right , the , um -- that daughter bond . how could i forget ? david : tell me , is this you babbling or the bottle of scotch you just guzzled ? j.r. : yeah , that 's another big win for you , me off the wagon , could n't have gone more perfectly if you planned it . david : ah , boy , it certainly did n't take that long , now , did it ? hmm . so tell me , junior , what pushed you over the edge this time , huh ? the holidays ? [ phone rings ] david : or maybe it was the fact that you 're sleeping with babe 's best friend . oh , now that 's a classy way to honor your dead wife , right ? j.r. : shut up ! david 's voice : i 'm not home . leave a message . [ answering machine beeps ] krystal : david ? it 's me , krystal . are you there ? listen , i really need to talk to you . i 'm -- i 'm sorry for the way i acted -- i -- throwing that locket at you , it -- it was a beautiful gift . well , just call me , ok , soon as you can ? j.r. : oh , boy , you ran all of that , did n't you ? huh . you son of a -- you confess , damn it , or i swear to god , i 'm going to kill you . [ scene_break ] taylor : wait -- do n't -- do n't -- do n't go . brot : have you been faking this all along ? taylor : let me explain . brot : how could you do this ? taylor : how could i not ? [ scene_break ] ryan : are you saying that you want to test them ? because that 's a really , really bad idea . bianca : i -- i never used the word `` test . `` ryan : no , you did n't need to . bianca : all right , i 'm -- i 'm a little paranoid , i guess . i -- it 's not like this has n't happened to me before . ryan : what ? what has n't happened ? bianca : a woman leaving me for a man ? ryan : ok , i -- i get where this is coming from , i do . but i also think that you 're getting a little bit ahead of yourself here . bianca : ok , what if i 'm not ? what if reese and zach are -- i know , i know , it sounds crazy , but you 've never done this before ? you never set someone up just a little bit just to get to the truth ? ryan : no , i have n't -- i mean , i almost did with annie when i wanted to find out how far gone she was , but in the end , i could n't do it . bianca : and after everything that 's happened , can you honestly tell me that you do n't regret that ? [ scene_break ] zach : am i interrupting something ? reese : no . no , not at all . zach : so , what 's the problem ? reese : what problem ? zach : the one that greenlee does n't know how to solve , that problem . reese : it -- greenlee : oh , that . we 're just trying to figure out where to have the wedding . zach : oh , so the casino 's out . reese : yeah , yeah , it turns out bianca 's not much into the idea . zach : really ? was she upset over it ? did she say something , not say something ? what happened ? reese : yeah , no , she -- she did . she got upset and she -- you know , i thought this was all supposed to be fun . you know ? planning the wedding , the ceremony , our future -- i -- i do n't know . what happened ? i do n't know how it got this way . zach : can i say something ? reese : please . zach : you guys , you could get hitched in a locker room , and i would still think it 'd be great . it 's all going to work out . reese : are you sure about that ? zach : would i lie to you ? come here . come on . [ zach and reese hug ] [ scene_break ] ryan : bianca , you ca n't go into a marriage with this between you . bianca : that 's why i want to put an end to all of this . ryan : by going behind her back ? bianca : i 'm not trying to prove that reese is doing something wrong . i 'm trying to prove she 's not . [ scene_break ] zach : you all right ? reese : yeah , i 'm great . i just , you know , um -- i got to go . zach : did i miss something ? greenlee : just typical prewedding drama . i just thought between the four of us , that would be ryan 's and my department . zach : yeah , me , too . wow . greenlee : so , what 's it like at home these days ? zach : it 's fine . greenlee : but with reese and bianca -- i mean , how do you fit into all this ? it 's not your typical living situation . zach : we 're working it out . the little girl 's pretty cool . greenlee : yeah , you really love that little girl . but still , i mean , having them around must not always be so easy . zach : hey , greenlee -- greenlee : yeah ? zach : what are you trying to say ? [ scene_break ] taylor : tell me you were n't going to walk out that door as soon as you found out i could walk on my own . i had to do something . brot : so lying was your answer , right ? taylor : i just thought that if we could have some more time together , i could get you to trust me . brot : i ca n't believe you 're healed . taylor : i am nowhere near healed , and neither are you . neither one of us will be healed , brot , until we -- till we can see if we can get this thing back . brot : how many times do i have to tell you ? that 's not possible . taylor : but it 's started already . come on . this is as close as i have felt to you since -- brot : since what ? since i 've come home looking like this ? taylor : that 's not what i meant . brot : what you felt was a lie . taylor -- you set me up . taylor : do n't -- do n't . brot , you walk out that door , you do n't get to walk back in . [ scene_break ] krystal : yes , that 's right . david hayward , i 'm a patient of his , and i really need to find him . opal : oh , no , you do n't . krystal : opal , what are you doing ? opal : i know exactly what is going on around here , and i intend to put a stop to it . krystal : all right , you 're reading way too much into this . opal : my son -- your husband , and the father of your little baby girl -- was missing in a jungle , but instead of worrying about him , you have been off gallivanting with dr . evil incarnate . krystal : i have not been gallivanting -- opal : and i refuse to stand by and watch you ruin jenny 's life or tad 's . krystal : opal , for the last time , there 's nothing going on between david and me . opal : that is a pile of horse manure , and i do not need tea leaves or tarot cards to know it . [ scene_break ] david : it 's christmas . so i gave krystal a present . how thoughtless of me . j.r. : yeah , a present , huh ? more like baiting a trap , huh ? david : krystal and i created babe and then we lost her . i mean , look at you , all worried that i 'm going to take little a ? what if you were really gone , j.r. ? huh ? j.r. : shut your mouth . david : what if your son were gone for good ? that 's where i am ! that 's where krystal is , in a hole so deep , we may never get out . so if i want to share a picture or a memory or a story about our daughter , i 'm damn well going to do it ! j.r. : a story , a memory -- you did n't even know her , man ! most of her life , she was a complete stranger to you . david : she was my daughter ! and , no , i was n't there , but i was going to make it up to her , and we had the time until you took it away ! yeah , that 's right . that 's right , you want to talk about guilt , huh ? all those things that eat you alive ? why do n't we talk about that ? j.r. : i said stop ! david : you killed her , j.r. ! your daddy rang his bell , and you came running , like pavlov 's slobbering dog . j.r. : shut up ! david : i 'll tell you something , you want me to own up , huh ? you want me to confess my sins ? fine , but you 're going to have to go first ! j.r. : yeah -- yeah ? david : what are you going to do , junior , hmm ? go ahead , i dare you . [ scene_break ] krystal : you know , i really do n't like you insinuating that i 'm having an affair with david . opal : well , you sure looked like his date at the casino last night , and then i get here , you 're sniffing after him like some bloodhound . krystal : he was not my date , all right ? he 's just -- he 's been helping me . opal : oh , helping you . [ krystal sighs ] krystal : with these , all right ? plans for something i 'm thinking about building on the comeback site . i do n't know anything about blueprints , and i asked for david 's advice . opal : the man 's a surgeon . he 's not an architect . krystal : i know that , opal , but with tad out of town -- opal : what , you had nobody else you could turn to ? oh , come on , krystal , you got family and friends up the wazoo . krystal : do i ? opal : yeah . krystal : that would be nice . friends who do n't judge me and friends who -- opal : understand ? krystal : yes . opal : i 'm sorry . i get it , krystal , i really do . the man was babe 's father , and he 's hurting , too , and it 's only natural that you would want to be around him . but it 's high time that you admit it . krystal : fine . opal : fine what ? krystal : i am drawn to david . and i just -- i do n't know what to do about it . [ scene_break ] david : what 's the matter , junior , do n't have it in you ? it 's all right , i wo n't tell anyone . all right , come on , let 's stop this game . untie these ropes , and you can go on your drunken , slobbering way . j.r. : i 'm not through with you yet . david : if you 're waiting for some grand confession , we 're going to be here for a very long time . because this conspiracy theory of yours ? it 's all in your head . i have no designs on little adam , certainly none on you . and as for krystal , well -- [ david chuckles ] david : oh , great . [ j.r. whistles ] david : i knew you were going to need a fix sooner than later . j.r. : this is some good stuff here , hmm ? david : yeah , it is , and i 'm not planning on wasting it on you . j.r. : i 'm not really giving you a choice . where 's your corkscrew ? david : sorry , must be fresh out . but you know what i do have , i got a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol right back there in the bathroom . you feel free to drink that to your heart 's discontent . cold . colder . [ david sighs ] david : oh , and now you 're just plain freezing . j.r. : really ? because i think i just hit the mother lode . and this baby feels pretty warm to me . [ j.r. holds up a handgun ] [ scene_break ] brot : say we do this , say i finally let you in . then what ? taylor : what do you mean ? brot : you were so focused on getting me to stay , getting me to open up , what if i finally do , and you do n't like what you see ? taylor : i would n't . that would never happen . brot : you do n't know that . the truth is , taylor , i do n't want to disappoint you . taylor : brot , that 's crazy . i love you . brot : not me , at least not who i am now . i 'm afraid if i -- if i give that to you , all you 're going to do is just get up and walk out . taylor : so you want to be the one to leave first ? brot : do n't say it . i already know i 'm a coward . taylor : i was n't going to say that . could you -- could you come here , please , just here ? [ taylor sighs ] taylor : i -- i do n't know how to make this easier for you . but i do know this -- i never stopped loving you , not when i thought you died , not when you came back , and certainly not now . brot : you want me to say the same thing . i do n't know if i can . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm not trying to say anything . zach : not successfully , no . greenlee : ok , what i 'm trying to say is , i think it 's great . zach : what 's great ? greenlee : that it 's working out . well , with the casino and kendall and everything else that 's going on , it could be a recipe for disaster , but instead of imploding , you guys really pulled it together . i think it 's sweet , the three of you -- or four , if you include gabby . is there any water around here ? hey , there you are . ryan : hey . greenlee : hi . bianca : where 's reese ? zach : she left . bianca : she was mad , was n't she ? zach : i do n't know if she was mad or not . i do n't think so . she just left , that 's all . greenlee : hey , you know what ? it 's a wedding . i 'm sure reese is just wanting the perfect one . bianca : you know , um -- the fact is i -- i -- i just did n't really want to get married here . ryan : well , if we 're kind of putting it all out there -- greenlee : neither did we . bianca : really ? so you guys are ok with going back to the drawing board ? greenlee : yep , does n't matter . as long as you show up , i 'm good . ryan : yeah , you do n't have to worry about that . going to send me an invitation ? [ greenlee and ryan chuckle ] bianca : well , i guess i should go find reese . i 'll see you guys later . zach : ok . i 'm going to check on these guys . ryan and greenlee : no ! [ scene_break ] taylor : ok , so you ca n't tell me that you love me . well , i know you do because i can feel it . when we danced , i could feel it . brot : a dance is n't the same . a dance -- it -- it feels safe to me . taylor : why ? why , because you do n't have to look at me ? i do n't see you looking away now . brot : do n't do this . you -- you just do n't understand . taylor : i do . believe me , i do . brot : you -- just take it easy , ok ? just -- just have a seat . taylor : i will , ok , on one condition -- will you just sit next to me ? not across the room , not by the nearest exit . will you just sit down on the couch next to me ? i know you 're scared . i 'm scared , too . it 's been a long time since -- it 's just been a long time . but i 'm safe . i promise . brot , please . my god . i have really missed you . [ scene_break ] krystal : i 'm sorry . every -- ever since babe died , i have just -- i 've been walking around in the dark , you know , not a sliver of light or hope or joy anywhere . opal : except if you 're with david hayward . krystal : he gives me some relief , and i know -- i know i should be trying to find that with my husband and with my girls -- i know that . maybe if tad had n't -- had n't left . opal : oh , do n't go blaming this on him . krystal : i 'm not , i 'm not , opal . i know he had no choice . he had to leave . but christmas came and went and now it 's a new year and everything just -- it -- it just feels the same -- i do n't -- opal : but david hayward . come on , you know what that man is capable of . krystal : i know , i know , i know , i know , i know . you do n't think i 've been trying to fight this ? [ krystal sighs ] krystal : david is -- he 's the only one who lets me feel what i need to feel , when i need to feel it . he 's the only one who , honest to god , understands what i am going through and how -- how this anxiety just -- it takes over . opal : you 've been having attacks ? krystal : yes , lots of them . and without david there to calm me down , i -- opal : calm you down ? krystal : not -- not like that , opal . it just -- he 's been giving me this anxiety -- anti - anxiety medication . opal : medication ? what kind ? how much ? krystal : i do n't know . you know , he gives it to me , and i take it . he 's a doctor . opal : he 's drugging you . [ krystal sighs ] krystal : it 's not like that , opal . he 's really just trying to help me . what is that ? hmm ? did kathy leave something over at your house ? opal : no , that 's mine . i 'm -- i 'm moving in for awhile . somebody 's got to look out for you , krystal , help you to stay away from david hayward . and since tad is n't around , the job falls to me . that 's right . so if you want out of here , you got to pass through me first . [ scene_break ] zach : what was that ? why ca n't i check on reese and bianca ? ryan : i -- i just -- i -- it 's probably better just to let them figure it out on their own . greenlee : whatever they 're dealing with , it 's about way more than the wedding . ryan : yeah . zach : did reese say something or bianca say something ? greenlee : no , no , no , i just got that feeling . i mean , we 've all been there . it 's not like you and kendall have n't had your issues . and would you really want a million outside opinions when you 're trying to figure those things out ? zach : those opinions usually come from you . greenlee : yes , but not anymore , right ? ryan : yeah , right , right , absolutely . yeah , it 's just probably better to leave this all alone . greenlee : they love each other , and they love their daughter . zach : yeah ? i know that better than anyone . greenlee : well , then you also know that they 'll work it out . zach : without my interference . greenlee : without your interference . [ scene_break ] david : so tell me , junior , what are you planning to do with my big , old nasty confession , huh ? go to the police ? or maybe you 're planning on playing this closer to home , right ? [ david chuckles ] david : have you even looked at yourself in the mirror lately ? i mean , come on , let 's be honest here . who 's going to take anything you have to say seriously ? j.r. : just because i 've had a few drinks . david : oh , a few ? you 're kidding , right ? you 've been drinking for two solid days . you 're a sniveling , slobbering mess who has no right raising a child . i mean , come on , let 's face it , junior , huh ? you 're no good for little a , just like you were no good for babe . her life was ruined way before that tornado hit down . j.r. : babe was happy . david : oh , yeah , right , sure . yeah , she had a few smiles before she was wiped off the face of the earth . but what about before that , huh ? what about the rest ? the months , the years ? you made her life a living hell , and you know it . j.r. : shut up ! shut up , shut up , shut up ! [ j.r. shoots at the ceiling ] david : feeling better ? i 'm guessing not really . because no matter what you do , or where you try to hide , your guilt will always be there as a reminder , junior , that while babe was here , you could have been so much better . so is that on you , or on god , that she was taken so soon ? i guess we 'll never know . [ j.r. dials ] [ phone rings ] krystal : david , where have you been ? j.r. : krystal , it 's j.r . krystal : what -- what are you doing calling from david 's place ? j.r. : i -- i think you should come over here to wildwind . i got something i want to show you . krystal : what do you mean ? what 's going on ? j.r. : just get in your car and drive . opal : here you go . krystal : what 's this ? opal : warm milk . it does wonders for me when i need to relax . j.r. 's voice : you might want to get over here to wildwind . i got something i want to show you . j.r. 's voice echoes : wildwind . opal : you feel better ? krystal : hmm , yeah . thanks . so , what do we do now ? opal : well , laundry . krystal : laundry . opal : mm - hmm , yep . i brought over a huge sack of laundry . it 's in the car . we 're going to sit here , and we 're going to fold it and sort it and match up socks till we 're blue in the face . anything to keep your mind off you - know- who . but you ca n't say one word about petey 's superhero jammies . he gets embarrassed . krystal : my lips are sealed . opal : so are mine . tad 's going to be coming home . he 's going be tired , he 's going to be weak , and he 's going to need you to take care of him . you 're going to be here to take care of him ? krystal : of course . opal : then i wo n't say a word about this . but you got to promise me something , krystal . stay away from david . otherwise , all bets are off . [ as krystal nods , jenny cries ] opal : sounds like somebody else wants to join the party . i 'll go get her . krystal : thank you . [ scene_break ] taylor : you are as gorgeous as you ever were . brot : do n't say that . taylor : it 's the truth . it 's my truth . you ca n't take it away from me . brot : i -- i know what i see when i look in the mirror . taylor : but you have absolutely no idea what i see . i see you . brot : do n't you get it , taylor ? when people look at me , i feel like some freak . taylor : do i make you feel that way ? hey , brot , this is me looking at you . how do you feel ? brot : i do n't know . taylor : ashamed ? brot : no . taylor : ugly ? brot : no . taylor : do you feel like a freak ? brot : no , i feel like i used to feel . taylor : see ? brot : but that -- that does n't change anything . taylor : how can you say that ? brot : because the minute i walk out of that door , everything changes . the gasps , the stares . taylor : so stay in here with me . and when you go out , we 'll go out together . and we wo n't care if people stare , or if they look away really quickly . we do n't know them , and they do n't know us . they do n't matter . brot : maybe they do n't matter to you . taylor : they do n't matter to us , because in this moment , that 's all there is . right here , right now is just us . brot : i 'm sorry . i 'm just not there yet . taylor : it 's ok . brot : i want to be . i do . i -- i just -- taylor : it 's ok . we 'll take it as slow as you want . brot : thank you . [ scene_break ] krystal : j.r. , what 's -- what 's going on ? why did you call me over here ? j.r. : it 's nice to see you , too . krystal : you 're drunk . david : you think ? krystal : david ? do i even want to know ? oh , my god . what the hell is that ? are those bullet holes ? david : yep . junior here 's been using me for target practice . lucky for me his aim stinks . j.r. : trust me , if i wanted you dead , i would have ended you . krystal : j.r. , look , this has gone on far enough . now , you just -- you untie him . j.r. : aw , you 're going to save your boyfriend . that 's sweet . krystal : j.r. , i do n't care who david is . you have tied a person to a piano . obviously you 're not thinking clearly . j.r. : i know exactly what i 'm doing . tell her . krystal : tell me what ? j.r. : david 's got a confession for you . and i think you might want to hear it . [ scene_break ] ryan : so you 've known this entire time that zach was gabby 's biological father . greenlee : yeah , but i did n't say anything , because he asked me not to . ryan : because they want to be the first ones to tell kendall . greenlee : can you blame them ? imagine if she heard that from someone else . ryan : kendall should have been told a long time ago . greenlee : it 's unreal , is n't it ? zach is the father of another woman 's child . like that was n't complicated enough . ryan : and now bianca is convinced there 's something going on between him and reese . greenlee : how 'd you leave it with her ? what 's she going to do ? ryan : i do n't know what she 's going to do . she did n't say , exactly , but i have a feeling that she 's going to take care of it . greenlee : what does that mean ? take care of it how ? [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm sorry about what happened . i should have just talked to you instead of flipping out like i did . reese : it 's ok . but while we 're on the subject , what happened ? bianca : i guess i just did n't want to get married at the casino . reese : ok , so why did n't you just say something ? bianca : i do n't know . you and zach were so into the idea and -- reese : zach and i are n't the ones who are getting married . we are . bianca : i want a wedding . a real one , not just some commitment ceremony . reese : good . what were you thinking ? bianca : i was thinking that you 're right . we should go check out places in connecticut and see what they have available . i mean , when we do this , i want it to be official , not just , you know , a warm - up for the real thing . reese : yeah , that sounds perfect . bianca : great . so you 'll come with me ? reese : yeah , i will . what -- when ? now ? bianca : yeah . yeah , i 've already done all this research . i -- i found this adorable little inn by the water in a town called essex . it 's supposed to be beautiful . reese : i -- oh , god , i would love to go , but , honey , i do n't know if i can . i 've got -- i 've got the comeback meetings tomorrow . i 've got a zoning and permit meetings , i 've got the casino stuff i need to deal with . we 've still got some wiring issues i need to handle , and -- how about next week ? can it wait ? bianca : no , you know what ? i 'll go alone . reese : what ? no ! no , i want to see this place you 're talking about . bianca : yeah , of course , and you will , but , you know , there 's no reason that i should n't just go and check it out , and i 'll report back to you completely , i swear . reese : are you sure ? bianca : yeah . yeah , of course , i 'm sure . i 'm the one leaving you with the kids . you think you and zach can handle it ? zach : handle what ? bianca : nothing . just some babysitting . i 'm going to go pack . zach : what 's that about ? reese : i have no idea . [ scene_break ] brot : there 's something i need to say to you . taylor , i just -- taylor : brot , do n't . no more words . no explanations . can we just be here like this ? ok ? brot : ok . [ scene_break ] opal : jenny - penny , talking to your mama is like talking to a fence post . krystal , it 's opal . i do n't know where you 've run off to . at least , i hope i do n't . but if you are where i think you are , just let me remind you that nothing good can come of it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : david 's working you , krystal , to get little adam . david : oh , please , not again . j.r. : it 's what he 's been after the entire time -- my son . krystal : wait , wait , wait a minute . what do you mean , `` working `` me ? i do n't have anything to do with this . j.r. : oh , the hell you do n't . you 've been hanging out with him constantly . yes , he wants your trust , so he can steal my kid . david : your logic is just plain moronic . j.r. : admit it . come on , admit it to her face . krystal : all right , stop it . david does n't have to admit anything , because i know it is n't true . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're lying . ryan : no , actually , i 'm not lying . greenlee : bianca wants to test reese . ryan : no . no testing . she was very adamant about not using the word `` test . `` greenlee : whatever . basically , the same idea . ryan : yeah , basically that 's what she 's doing . greenlee : this is such a bad move . you remember what happened when aidan bugged my earring . it was the beginning of the end for us . [ scene_break ] reese : i do n't know , maybe i should just go with bianca . zach : yeah , if you want to go , go . i 'll handle things at the casino . reese : at the casino , yeah , but what about the comeback site ? krystal has been so distracted lately . getting her to pin down a meeting has been almost impossible . i am afraid if i postpone it , we 're never going to get it done . zach : well , then you should stay . i 'm sure bianca will understand . reese : i really get the feeling she wanted me to go with her . what do you think i should do ? zach : what do you care what i think ? what 's in your gut ? reese : my gut says to stay . zach : then you should stay . | at wild wind , david demands for j.r. to untie him . krystal calls david and leaves him a message that j.r. listens to as well as david . brot notices taylor getting up off the sofa and taking a few steps toward him . brot demands to know how long had she been faking . bianca tells ryan that she wants to test zach and reese to find out reese 's true feelings for bianca . krystal calls the hospital to check on david when opal walks in and takes the phone from krystal 's hand . opal accuses krystal of being involved with david . at first , krystal denies her involvement , but then confesses that david had been giving her anti - anxiety drugs to help her calm down so she can rest . brot and taylor attempt at a reconciliation . reese leaves the casino . bianca goes after her to talk to her to get things straightened out .zach wants to go after them , but greenlee and ryan stop him . ryan and greenlee let zach know that they will work things out without his interference . j.r. finds a gun hidden in the wooden cabinet . j.r. demands that david confess to everything that he had done . opal lets krystal know that opal is moving in with krystal to keep her away from david . |
[ ship bell rings at the yacht club ] j.r. : you know , i thought school after the christmas break was gon na be rough . little adam 's jumping right back in . marissa : how about some breakfast ? j.r. : ah , i 'm not hungry . marissa : are you sure ? you know that you do n't like to do chemo on an empty stomach . you want some toast or peanut butter and jelly ? j.r. : well , what i want is to know what you were reading when i walked in . marissa : i was just checking the mail . there 's nothing good . j.r. : yeah ? [ scene_break ] colby : ahem . [ bang ] colby : what ? annie : you 're not leaving the house dressed like that . colby : technically you may be my stepmother , but you have no say in my life . annie : this is a very important day for me , and i will not let you ruin it . go change . colby : go to hell . adam : colby , that 's enough . you do not talk to my wife like that . [ scene_break ] tad : [ mumbling ] five more minutes , ma . five more minutes . liza : huh . [ liza bangs a spoon against a pot ] tad : ah ! oh ! liza : ha ha ! tad : what the hell was that ? liza : good morning . this is your wake - up call . ha ha ! come on , we fell asleep on the couch . tad : oh , no , no . you fell asleep on my arm . liza : oh -- tad : i did n't have the heart to wake you up . obviously love only goes in one direction . liza : aw , come on , i tried . i did . i tried soft little footsie , wake you up . but i forgot . you sleep through everything . and i forgot about your incredible bed head that you get . tad : what ? liza : you do . you get really bad bed -- let me just -- i have n't fixed it yet , though . tad : stop it . ah . liza : ha ha . tad : i want to talk about you . are you ok ? i mean , you 're still upset about stuart and bailey ? liza : please . there 's no time to talk about that now . please . i ca n't talk about the child i lost . i got to focus on making sure that ryan does n't lose his child , which is not gon na be easy because adam has bribed judge robinson . tad : so ? just have judge robinson booted off the case . liza : i got no proof . i got no proof . all i know is i 've got to jump in the shower . thanks for staying last night . tad : shower ? liza : here 's a spoon . yes , shower . [ water running ] liza : do n't even think about it . [ scene_break ] ryan : you are so beautiful . what are you thinking ? erica : it 's a shame this ca n't last . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i hate how this disease has total control over us -- what we do , where we go . marissa : no . we decide what happens next , and that is getting you into treatment again as soon as possible so you 'll be back in remission . then we 'll have something to celebrate on our vacation . j.r. : yeah , but when will that be ? it could be months . it could be years . until then , we 're in a holding pattern . we ca n't think ahead . everything revolves around the chemo just like before . marissa : no , it 's -- it 's different this time . you know , you know what to expect . that should give you the confidence to really beat it . this cancer will not take over our lives . j.r. : promise ? marissa : promise . [ scene_break ] colby : tell your wife she has no right to order me around . adam : do n't take that tone with annie . colby : she is treating me like a child and acting like she 's my mom when she 's not . annie : well , i am emma 's mom , and i could lose her today . when we are sitting in that courtroom , the judge will be looking at all of us . everything he sees will influence his decision . colby : i seriously doubt the judge is gon na care about my outfit , not after dad paid him off . cash for custody . stop stressing . it 's a done deal . scott : time - out . everybody just calm down . adam : that 's a good idea , very good idea . we ca n't show up at the hearing at each other 's throats . annie : well , that 's exactly what ryan is hoping for . adam : yeah , we have to present a united front . annie is part of this family . she needs support . colby : what annie needs is our last name and the power that goes with it . annie : why are you doing this ? colby : because my dad needs to know the truth . as soon as you get your daughter back , you 're gon na dump him and ditch this whole family . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 're not worried , are you ? erica : no , i 'm not worried . it 's just what we said on hayley 's documentary , you know , and how she edited us together . it 's bound to create expectations . ryan : ha . erica : people are gon na pressure us to label what it is we have , define it . and of course , they 're all gon na have an opinion . you know that . and just maybe it wo n't be us anymore , you know . and maybe it wo n't be an escape . ryan : well , it will if we just keep it between us , and we just pretend like nothing 's going on . erica : you mean sneak around ? sneak around to wherever we want to go and do whatever we want to do ? now , that sounds like an affair . ryan : yes , it does . [ scene_break ] liza : hey , what are you still doing here ? tad : research , watson . liza : oh . i love you . tad : after you told me about robinson , i thought i 'd do some scratching around in his finances , and it turns out a whole chunk of change just ended up in his bank account recently . liza : really ? tad : yeah . take a look . liza : any idea where it came from ? tad : uh - huh . adam 's wallet . although i 'm sure his honor will say he won it at the track . liza : huh . yes , or he 'll say it 's an honorarium for taking care of adam and annie 's ceremony . tad : oh , give me a break . liza : mmm . listen , i know it sounds crazy , but unless we have proof -- tad : you do n't need proof . you just go to him , you tell him you know about the money . you 're gon na say something to the d.a . who will start an investigation . i 'm sure he will recuse himself . liza : honey , there 's two hours before court . you really think he 's gon na see me now ? tad : no . you 're going to see him . ha ha ! at the racket club . turns out his honor has a standing game of squash every friday before court . liza : hey , how did you find that out ? tad : are you kidding ? liza : yeah . tad : it 's what i do . if you hurry , you can get to him before he leaves . liza : my god , you are fantastic . tad : i know . liza : you really are . you know , i think that ryan 's actually gon na be able to keep emma now . tad : well , i 'm glad i could be of help . liza : hey , and i 'm gon na be expecting a bill . tad : yeah , you better be , 'cause i need all the paying gigs i can get now that i 'm a one - armed p.i . liza : oh -- tad : is that any way to treat anybody you used as a pillow all night long ? liza : oh -- how about this ? [ liza kisses tad ] tad : that 'll work . liza : is it better ? tad : mm - hmm . liza : ok . ha ha . [ scene_break ] erica : coffee ? ryan : i would love to have some coffee , but i better get going . corrina 's bringing emma home from her sleepover , and i want to make sure i spend a little bit of time with her before school today just in case things do n't go my way in court . erica : ryan , i 'm going to be in that courtroom . i 'm going to support you any way i can . ryan : [ exhales ] thank you . erica : you 're a wonderful father . i want you to be confident of that . erica : ha ! [ knock on door ] erica : oh . opal : hey there ! erica : hi . opal : how 's tricks ? erica : oh , great . what are you doing ? what are you looking for ? opal : oh , not what . who . oh , i just felt like the world 's biggest blockhead barging in on you and ryan last night . uh , i did n't do it again , did i ? erica : do n't be ridiculous . of course not . opal : oh . erica : i mean , ryan and i are mature adults . i mean , if there was anything going on between us , we certainly would n't have to sneak around . opal : well , i guess you got a point there . ha ha . oh , are those crullers ? erica : yes , yeah . they 're great . have one . opal : oh , thanks . do n't mind if i -- whoa ! what was that ? erica : what was what ? opal : well , i felt a presence , strong , kind of masculine -- whew ! erica : well , maybe it was the room service waiter . i bet his vibes are still on the cart . opal : no , it was n't the cart . it was coming from the bed . erica : oh , opal . will you please drop that ? opal : no , there is something there . it 's an energy . it 's , oh , desire . erica : yeah , it 's mine , 'cause i have to get in the shower . i desire to get in the shower right now , because i need to be in court in a few minutes , ok ? if you 'll excuse me . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] colby : nothing you can say can change my mind . i do n't like her . i sure as hell do n't trust her . she is evil ! adam : for trying to protect her daughter ? i 'd think you would appreciate that . colby : are you kidding ? she is the last person that should be raising a child . adam : all right , all right , i ca n't force you to go to court today , but as long as you 're living in my home , you will give annie the respect that she deserves . colby : what annie deserves is a prison sentence . [ scene_break ] annie : colby resents the fact that adam loves me . she thinks i stole her father , and she needs to get him back . that 's the real reason she moved back in here , scott -- to save adam , to destroy my marriage and push me out of his life . scott : annie -- annie : it 's true . why do you think she 's dressed like that ? she knew that that would make me angry and then adam would see me attacking his precious little daughter and then boom , one more strike against annie . she 's gon na keep doing this . she 's not gon na stop until i 'm gone . scott : oh , yeah . this is n't about colby or her clothes . this is about emma . you have been waiting months for a chance to get your daughter back , and the day is finally here . annie : i 'm thrilled . scott : no . you 're terrified that this time you could lose emma for good . [ scene_break ] j.r. : one more week . i do n't see the problem . marissa : j.r. , just take it easy . j.r. : no , the holidays sucked , ok ? it was more drama . i just need a break . kahn : what you need is to start treatment . j.r. : and i will as soon as marissa and i have a chance to decompress . marissa : no . i 'm fine . j.r. : no , you 're not . you 've been working your tail off . you need a vacation . marissa : the sooner you start chemo , the sooner you 'll be cancer - free . then we can take as much vacation as we want . khan : i 'm with your wife . we 've already put this off long enough . j.r. : so we wait one more week . is it really gon na make a difference ? khan : honestly , i do n't know . j.r. : then you have no reason to stop us . khan : we got you into remission before because we were aggressive . our best chance to be successful again is to take the same approach . that means starting chemo today . j.r. : you have no idea what it 's like to have poison pumped into your body , killing everything in its path . i 'll give you a hint . it 's hell . now , all i 'm asking for is one more week , so i do n't have to drag my wife down that road so soon . is that really too much to ask ? [ slams door ] khan : let him go . tad : j.r. , you ok ? j.r. : i could be dying . what do you think ? [ scene_break ] opal : i do n't know , but when i got home last night , i just felt so awful . i picked up the phone . i was gon na call you to apologize again for busting in on you last night on the two of you , but then i thought , well , maybe you and ryan were , uh -- erica : were what ? opal : well , you know . anyhoo , i hope i did n't mess things up for the two of you . erica : well , now , opal , you could n't possibly mess things up , because there 's nothing going on . opal : since when ? you 're the one that was talking about taking things to the next level . i heard what both of you said on that documentary about how you were so sure you were ready to fall in love again . why , you can tell me that means nothing ? erica : hayley asked a question . we simply answered honestly . opal : oh , wait just a little red - hot minute here . you are the one that was so frazzled about how ryan was gon na answer that question , you were n't even gon na watch that video . erica : i watched it . opal : and ? erica : and i think that hayley did a remarkable job making a wonderful tribute to pine valley . opal : oh ! all right , just do it your own damn wrong way . just keep your lips zipped if you want to , but for what it 's worth , i think that you and ryan lavery could go the distance . erica : do not do that to me , opal . do not start talking to me about marriage . opal : i do n't see why not . erica : well , for one thing , ryan and i are already married . me to my work , and ryan to his children and his company . and to try to sustain a relationship on top of all that , there is no way that that would work . opal : oh , lots of famous women have had successful careers and successful marriages . you did it yourself . erica : no , i have n't . and besides , now ? there 's no way . i mean , between the bloggers and the paparazzi , i mean , every move i make is in the tabloids , and now with what i said on the documentary that hayley made , i mean , my goodness , everybody 's just gon na be lying in wait for me to snag the next man and parade him down the aisle . opal : well , big whoop . erica : look , i 'm used to having my life splashed all over the papers all the time , but ryan is n't . he should n't have to deal with that . it would n't be fair to him . it would n't be fair to him or his little girl emma . opal : is letting a whole boatload of happiness just sail right on by fair to you ? erica : look , opal , i really appreciate your concern , i truly do , but the best thing is for me to just keep my distance from ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . liza : hi . ryan : hey , did we have a meeting today before court ? i just went out and grabbed -- grabbed some food . liza : no . uh , actually , ryan , udge robinson is no longer presiding over this custody hearing . ryan : why ? what happened ? liza : well , i convinced him to recuse himself . ryan : that 's great . that 's great . that means we 're gon na go before a judge that adam does n't own . that 's great news . finally . liza : well , sort of . except we drew judge halkirk , and i looked into her record on custody decisions , and she sided with the mother 90 % of the time . ryan : so we 're right back to where we started . annie 's got a major advantage . that 's what you 're telling me . liza : well , not necessarily because i have a plan . ryan : no . no , i am not putting emma up on the stand . [ scene_break ] colby : i am trying to keep you from getting hurt . adam : annie loves me . colby : no . she loves her daughter . in a few hours , she could have custody . where does that leave you ? adam : with a precious step - daughter that i will attempt to raise along with her mother . colby : i am not saying this to be mean , but that is never gon na happen . adam : it 's happening right now . this is the beginning of a whole new chandler dynasty . annie and i want all of our children to be part of it . i want you to make an effort . poor little emma , after what she 's been through , the last thing in the world she needs is to go into a home filled with animosity . colby : so you 're saying get along with annie or get out ? adam : no , no . i 'm saying you 're an adult . act like it . [ scene_break ] annie : you 're right . i 'm scared . scott : mm - hmm . but it helps to know the judge is taken care of . annie : even so , there are no guarantees . adam 's done so much to get me to this place , but even with all his power and influence , i could still lose my little girl . i just wish there was a way to increase our chances , you know ? like , i wish there was something we could do to make sure we get to bring emma home . [ exhales deeply ] scott : are you serious right now ? more schemes ? are you not sick of that ? annie : i want my daughter back . scott : ok , i know , i know . but you do n't need some big plan to make that happen . you just -- you just need to believe in yourself , hmm ? you got to know that you 're a good mother , know that you love emma very much , because it 's the truth . i see it . the judge will , too . annie : thank you . scott : come here . [ door opens as scott hugs annie ] colby : annie . annie : [ clears throat ] yes ? colby : i 'm sorry . this is a really stressful time for you , and i keep on making it worse . my dad is right . we 're family . we should support one another , so i 'm gon na head upstairs and change my outfit before we head to court . [ footsteps going upstairs ] adam : if you can win over my daughter , winning custody should be a piece of cake . [ scene_break ] marissa : i planned this trip to rio before i knew that j.r. needed more chemo , and now he thinks he 's letting me down because we ca n't go . khan : then go . marissa : what ? but you just said not to . i mean , j.r. should start treatment right away . khan : he should , but there are times when a patient simply is n't ready . they need their doctor and their families to back off , give them a little space to come to terms with what they 're facing . marissa : are you sure ? khan : j.r. wants to be in control of his life . we all do , but when you 're fighting cancer , life becomes about hospitals and test results and blood counts . your husband knows what 's ahead , the physical and mental toll it 'll take on him . marissa : he made it through once . khan : now he has to start all over again . it 's infuriating , scary . j.r. has to come to a place where he can put those feelings aside , focus on getting well . [ scene_break ] j.r. : look , i am not giving up , ok ? tad : no . you 're opting to fly 5,000 miles away from pine valley instead of going into treatment . j.r. : look , i 'm putting it off for a week . i 'm putting it off for seven days , ok ? why is everybody making it out like i 'm going off to die ? i just want to take my wife on a vacation . tad : j.r. , a vacation is n't gon na cure your cancer . j.r. : it 's gon na make this round of chemo a hell of a lot easier on marissa . tad : what , she told you that ? j.r. : she 's pretending that everything 's ok , that it 's cool , because we 've done this before , but i know that she 's scared . tad : and going on vacation is n't going to change that . going on vacation is not gon na make her forget that you 're sick . she 's gon na spend the entire time sitting on a beach somewhere wondering if she 's doing more harm than good . you 're gon na get upset because she 's anxious . it 's not gon na be that great for either one of you . j.r. : yeah , but it 's gon na be a hell of a lot easier than being hooked to that machine down the hall . tad : where are you going ? j.r. : i 'm gon na go call the airlines . i 'm taking my wife to rio . [ scene_break ] liza : ryan , listen , you have been the sole care provider for that little girl for over a year . ryan : and the judge knows that . she does n't need emma to tell her . liza : yes , but it 's one thing reading it from a court document . it 's another thing hearing it straight from the child . ryan : not gon na happen , liza . liza : ryan -- thank you -- everything about that little girl 's life -- her routine , her rituals , everything that makes her feel safe and comfortable -- it 's all been established by you . look , the judge just needs to hear how it would feel for her if everything all of a sudden changed . how could she cope if she was n't with you every single day ? ryan : she 's gon na cope just fine . unfortunately , i know that from experience . she 's had to adapt many times . liza : you know what ? just let her testify this one time , and she might never have to do it again . ryan : but she 's testified before , liza . i know you 're just trying to help , but this has happened before . one time she ended up in foster care , another time with zach and kendall . i do n't want to do it again . i really do n't . ok , i do n't want her to be afraid that she 's gon na be taken away again . even worse , i do n't want her to think that if she says the wrong thing she will be taken away . liza : i 'm gon na prep her . i 'm not gon na let her go in there cold . ryan : liza , she 's 7 years old . no . no . hey , hey , princess , how you doing ? oh ! ho ! wait ! how you doing ? you good ? how was your sleepover ? emma : fine . ryan : yeah ? was it ? did you watch a movie ? what did you watch ? emma : is she gon na make me talk to the judge ? ryan : no , no , ems , she 's not . she 's not , sweetie . [ scene_break ] annie : you look very nice . colby : thanks . annie : thank you for coming to court with us . it really means a lot . colby : and i 'm sorry for giving you such attitude . i guess all the custody issues hit close to home . annie : mmm . i totally understand . well , if it 's any consolation , i know adam 's thrilled that you moved back in . colby : oh , and i 'm excited to live with emma . it 's just not the same around here without little a , and i know my dad ca n't wait to have another kid in the house . adam : having children keeps you young . what do you say we bring yours home ? scott : hmm . you know what ? you two go on ahead . ahem . colby and i will meet you there . scott : what are you doing ? colby : what do you mean ? scott : all of a sudden you 're on annie 's side . i do n't buy it for a second . colby : annie 's the enemy , so i 'm keeping her close . at some point she 'll make a bad move , probably with you , and her whole world will come crashing down , and i want to be front and center when that happens . scott : colby , i told you , what happened between annie and me , it wo n't happen again . colby : oh , well , you two looked pretty tight when dad and i walked in . and pretty guilty . scott : she 's nervous . she hugged me . colby : oh , come on , scott . she 's all over you every chance she can get . how much longer can you push her away ? scott : this is not a game . you are playing with fire . colby : so pick a side before you get burned . [ scene_break ] marissa : i still do n't know what to do . khan : like i said , we do n't push . tell j.r. it 's fine to go on the trip . tad : yeah , assuming he 's up for treatment when he comes back . marissa : well , of course , he is . tad : i do n't know . he put everything he had into the first fight with cancer . when he found out it had come back , it hit him pretty hard . marissa : so what are you saying ? that he 's not up for saving his own life ? tad : no . i 'm saying he thought he 'd already done that . then he gets the rug pulled out from under him . khan : i 've been down this road with many patients . recurrence is n't easy , but j.r. has what it takes to get through it . marissa : ahh -- tad : look , i do n't care what she says . j.r. is scared . he thought he won the war . now he finds out he 's back on the front lines all over again . he does n't know if it 's gon na end , when it 's gon na end , or if he has what it takes to win . marissa : he can win . tad : not without treatment . marissa : which he will get as soon as we 're back from rio . tad : you 're really gon na go on vacation now ? marissa : well , i said that we should cancel , but it 's what j.r. wants , so i 'm just , you know , trying to support him . tad : honey , trying to support him is great , but getting on a plane is n't the way to do it . you 're the one that 's got to get him in the treatment room . marissa : how ? tad : by getting tough with him . basically you got to make him see that he does n't have a choice . [ scene_break ] adam : uh , are n't you , uh , are n't you supposed to be in court ? robinson : i just got the day off . it 's too cold for golf , so i 'm headed home . adam : what about our little , um , honorarium , that handsome fee i paid you for your assistance ? robinson : how could i forget ? i 've been discussing it all morning . annie : with who ? robinson : mr. lavery 's attorney . annie : liza ? how -- how did she find out about it ? robinson : i do n't know , but she 's threatened to go to the attorney general . [ adam and annie sigh ] robinson : i had no choice but to recuse myself . annie : uh -- adam : ah -- annie : oh , my god . erica : well , the hearing has n't even started , and justice has been served . i guess that just goes to prove that money ca n't buy everything . annie : can -- can you talk to him , convince him to come back . barry : no , i 'm afraid not . an investigation , it could get him thrown off the bench . he 'd never risk that . i 'll go see which judge we 've been assigned . annie : oh , my god . oh , my god . we -- we do n't stand a chance now . adam : you are mrs. adam chandler . you will go into that courtroom , you will win over that judge , and you will walk out with your daughter . [ scene_break ] liza : i mean , getting an impartial judge , that 's just the first step . now we just have to prove that annie is an unfit mother . erica : well , that should n't be too hard . she has a long history of mental illness . she has a rap sheet a mile long . liza : yes , i know , but as far as the court is concerned , she 's been rehabilitated . she 's been declared competent and cleared of all crimes . so that goes a long way with a judge . erica : ryan , do n't worry . everything 's gon na be fine . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey , sorry i took so long . you started packing . j.r. : i know that you think that i 'm nuts . i think this vacation is a great idea . i know dr. khan does n't agree . marissa : actually , she does . she said that you can go . j.r. : well , that 's good . then we can stop talking about the cancer for at least a week . i remembered to pack your bikini . just the bottoms . i 'm kidding . i ca n't wait to catch the beaches , go sambaing with my wife , huh ? marissa : ha ha ! hey , look , i know why you really want to go on this trip , to make memories in case something happens . but when you beat this , we will have a lifetime to make memories , so do n't give up now . j.r. : you 're starting to sound like tad . i 'm not giving up . i just want one week before i start feeling like crap again . why is everybody making me feel so bad about it ? marissa : no . we just want to make sure that you 're ok . j.r. : yeah , i 'm great , so start packing your bags . we 've got a plane to catch . marissa : ok , look , if you want to take this trip , fine , but do n't expect me to be here when you get back . j.r. : you ca n't be serious . marissa : yes , i am . look , i love you , j.r. , but i 'm not gon na help you avoid reality . if you want to be with me , you 'll stay and fight -- for your life , for our future -- you know ? or -- or go . it 's your choice . j.r. : there really is no choice . it 's just -- i 'm scared . [ scene_break ] opal : tad ? tad : hey . opal : honey , what are you doing here ? tad : oh , i helped liza prep the case , you know , and i was wondering how it was going . i kind of figured it would be over by now . opal : yeah , me , too . i got errands to run . tad : i 've been out here long enough . i think i 'm just gon na go on and head in . opal : yeah . cheer liza on ? tad : well , i did n't bring my pompoms , but yeah , i guess something like that . opal : so you helped her with the case , huh ? how so ? tad : i hate it when you get that tone of voice . just needless -- suffice to say she needed my service , ma . that 's it . opal : i 'll bet . tad : why do n't you pull your mind back out of the gutter , ok ? it was business . it was all business . that 's it . opal : oh , yeah , the overnight kind . tad : well , i did n't know there was a curfew . opal : ha ha ! you do n't have to be so prickly . i 'm happy for you . i 'm glad to see that you 're back out on the dating scene . tad : oh , good lord , i am not out on any kind of -- forget it . ok , we were just sitting there in her apartment , talking on the couch , and we fell asleep . end of story . opal : oh . well , let me just fix your bed head hair here . there . [ scene_break ] ryan : i 've become the only constant in emma 's life . i 'm -- i 'm -- i mean , i 'm really the only one that she can turn to when she 's feeling scared or sad or -- or confused , which has been often these last couple of months . and worse , your honor -- she almost died -- because of her mother 's selfishness . and it was n't just like a fluke , like a one - time thing that just happened . it happens again and again and again . annie puts her own selfish desires ahead of my daughter 's well - being , and , um -- that is -- that is really the only reason that i 'm fighting , that 's the only reason that i 'm here , that i 'm doing any of this , is because she -- she constantly puts my little girl in danger again and again . she forces her to lie and to keep secrets , horrible secrets . [ sighs ] i can see the pain that it causes emma -- because i 'm with her every single day . i can see it in her eyes , and she does n't deserve it . she 's a good girl , and she deserves just like a normal happy childhood . anyway , that 's my -- that 's my priority . that 's why i 'm here . that 's what i want . that 's my mission . that 's all i want is to keep my daughter safe . i just want to make her happy . but honestly , after everything that she 's been through -- i can only pray that that is even possible . annie : i 'll be the first to admit it : i have not been a perfect mother . i have made more mistakes than i can count because i was sick . my -- mind was so messed up , i could n't even think clearly . but my heart -- that 's never changed . it 's always been full of love for emma -- always has been and always will be . when things got bad -- and they got really , really bad -- my daughter is what got me through it . i was locked in this really scary place . i was alone , and i was hopeless , and i would hear her voice . i would hear her say , `` do n't give up , mommy . please do n't give up . i love you . `` getting well was the hardest thing i have ever done , but i did it . i did it for her so that one day i could get her back . and i know that she needs me , too . [ sobs ] judge halkirk : we 've been at this all afternoon . i 've heard enough . i 'm ready to make my decision . | annie and colby have a run - in over colby 's outfit that she plans on wearing to court . adam intervenes and takes annie 's part . tad lets liza know that judge robinson had been bought off by adam . ryan and erica wake up in each other 's arms after a night of lovemaking . j.r. and marissa meet with his doctor , who wants to get started immediately on his cancer treatments . marissa looks through the mail and sees a travel brochure on brazil . j.r. walks in and marissa immediately hides the brochure . j.r. asks marissa what had she been looking at . j.r. notices the travel brochure on brazil . opal visits erica and immediately feels the presence of a man in the room . erica denies that anything is going on between her and ryan . liza meets with ryan about the custody case . corinna brings emma home from her sleepover . emma asks ryan if liza is going to get her to talk to the judge . after talking to adam , colby has a change of heart and decides to change her clothes . scott sees through colby 's change of heart and wants to know what is going on . |
j.r. : whoa , krystal . what -- krystal : shh , shh , shh , shh . krystal : she 's worn out and dead tired . being on the nest will do that to a gal . j.r. : is she ok ? krystal : well , i think it 's going to take more than 40 winks to undo all the stress that 's been piled on her . j.r. : yeah , i know , i need to get jamie and my dad to ease up . krystal : those are n't the only two on her mind . j.r. , you need to tell me straight , right here and right now , do you really and truly love my baby girl ? [ scene_break ] jamie : oh , good , you 're here . brooke : well , where else would i be ? you sounded rather ominous on the phone . tad : you think ? will your grandfather be joining this little impromptu powwow ? jamie : i left him a message . brooke : well , maybe we should wait for joe ? jamie : well , actually , the sooner you guys know what 's going down , the better . i got the proof that i needed , and babe lied . she got pregnant the week that she and i slept together . so there 's a 50/50 chance that the baby could be mine . [ scene_break ] maria : edmund ? doctor : his pulse is weak and irregular , bp 's falling . bullet hit the spleen on the way to the spinal cord . we got to get in there and stop the internal bleeding , maria . the or 's prepped and ready , but we 've got to get edmund into surgery . maria : no . no , you 're not taking him anywhere . [ scene_break ] kendall : what 's so urgent ? did something happen with edmund ? ryan : no , no change . he was still critical when i left the hospital . that 's not why i called . kendall : oh . well , how are you post surreal shootout ? ryan : better than some . how about you ? kendall : well , let 's just say i wo n't be watching any mob movies for a while . it 's true what they say about how your life flashes in front of your eyes . i was terrified , for myself and for you . ryan : yeah , well , i had my own fear . i was afraid that i would n't be able to save you . but i think i can save you now if you 'll let me . [ scene_break ] doctor : we have to operate , maria . i 'm concerned about the position of the bullet , and the loss of blood is severe . joe : once the hemorrhaging is addressed , edmund will stabilize . then we 'll go in for the bullet at a later date . maria : i understand , but it 's his heart that i 'm concerned about . it 's been compromised post cardiac arrest , and with the arrhythmia and the blood loss , he could crash again . doctor : the cardiac surgeon on duty has been briefed . maria : that 's not good enough . it 's not . we 're going to wait . joe : maria , you are the patient 's wife . you should n't even be here . maria : well , i sure as hell ca n't be anywhere else , can i ? joe : you have got to learn to think like a doctor now . maria : i am thinking like a doctor . look , joe , can we speak outside , please ? david . thank god . ok , now we can move edmund into the or . joe : what has david got to do with all this ? maria : i -- i asked david to scrub in , and i want you to please let him do it . joe : david has been banned from practicing in this hospital . that was the board 's decision , and they 're not going to rescind it . maria : just temporary privileges . that 's all i 'm asking you , joe . david : and i 'm not asking anything from you , joe . this is maria 's call all the way . maria : he 's allowed to practice at front street clinic right now , and quite frankly , i would take edmund there right now if i knew it was going to be under david 's care . joe : the front street clinic was david 's community service . maria : ok , i do n't care , i do n't care what he did before , i do n't care what he was up -- i just want to make sure that my husband gets out of here alive . joe : we must put personal feelings aside . maria : what ? every case is personal , joe . you 're the one who taught me that . a good man could die today , and i 'm not about to stand by and let that happen . are you ? please , i 'm -- i 'm begging you . for me , joe , please , pull whatever strings you can . i want david in the or . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe makes me crazy . we 've slammed some doors , you know . of course i love her . krystal : that 's good to hear . even the door - slamming part . i mean , a little heat of the moment passion , you know , kind of keeps things fresh . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : you sound like babe . krystal : hmm . i guess it 's in the genes . everywhere we go , people kind of get stirred up , you know , kind of crazy . j.r. : yeah . krystal : crazy good sometimes , sometimes crazy bad . j.r. : i know , i was watching babe one time when people were watching her , and she , like -- she wakes them up . krystal : that girl sure does have presence . j.r. : just like her mama . krystal : hmm . well , if you ask me , it 's just all because of some super - strong life force that we both have , i do n't know . j.r. : storybook star quality . krystal : hmm . well , sometimes the trouble just starts and it just keeps on coming , you know ? j.r. : yeah . well , babe 's tough . she 's going through a hard time right now . but we 're going to get through it . krystal : you sure about that ? before babe went down , she just burst right into tears , crying like she had a broken heart . j.r. : was it my dad ? i swear to god -- krystal : j.r. , it 's you . she is so afraid of losing you . with all this ugliness going down , she 's just -- she 's afraid you 're going to leave . and as strong as she is , it would just kill her if you high - tailed it . j.r. : but i 'm here . does n't that count for something ? krystal : if you love her , then you just tell her straight out you 're not going anywhere , no matter what . [ scene_break ] tad : you 're kidding . you hacked into your grandfather 's computer ? when did you become such a menace ? jamie : around the time babe called me a liar . brooke : uh , hey , you know , you do n't get a free pass because babe has honesty issues . tad : no kidding . i ca n't believe you would jeopardize your -- your grandfather 's position at the hospital . i mean , if it gets out that you used him to get -- jamie : babe just shuts me down . i had no choice . brooke : when you went to the hospital , you had a choice . when you hacked into your grandfather 's computer , you had a choice . jamie : mom , i -- i got it . tad : no , no , i 'm sorry , i do n't think you do , because if you think the fact that babe carey is holding out on you entitles you to pull these little stunts , i 'm here to tell you you do n't have the right ! jamie : well , what right did you have to torch the hard copies of the exact same files ? brooke : you know , you 're both in this up to your eyeballs . tad : yeah , thanks a heap . so much for a united front . jamie : no , dad , answer me . what were you doing with babe 's file in the first place ? tad : no , forget it . you know , that was -- that was completely different . i was trying to prevent somebody from breaking into the file . i did n't want adam chandler to get his hands on that information . jamie : see , that 's because you do n't want to know if i 'm the father . i do . jackson 's going to need all the ammo he can get when he files my paternity suit . brooke : jackson 's agreed to do this ? jamie : well , he knows what it means to have your own child kept from you . mom , you said you loved me and that you would back me no matter what . brooke : honey , i love you enough to tell you that this paternity suit is not going to make babe love you . jamie : being a dad is worth fighting for . brooke : you 're just not thinking clearly . would you back me up here , tad ? jamie : tell me you would n't have done the same thing if you were me . tad : i do n't have to , i would n't have gotten a chance . somehow your grandfather would 've been able to talk some sense into me . jamie : grandpa would back me up . i 'm only doing what he taught me , what you all taught me -- to take responsibility and to do the right thing . brooke : oh , and what is that , to trash j.r. 's marriage and to destroy your whole future ? tad : if you 're upset or you feel jilted because you did n't get the girl , this is no way to take it out on your brother . jamie : just stop ! just stop it ! i told you my plan because as part of my family , my baby 's family i thought that you had the right to know . but i do n't need your approval . i am not a kid anymore . i am a man who might be a father . so accept that and support me or leave me the hell alone . [ scene_break ] kendall : save me from what , exactly ? ryan : well , the obvious usual answer is from yourself , but this time -- bianca : hey . hi . ryan : hey . bianca , thank you for coming . kendall : what , did the big man summon you , too ? ryan : i told her i had some news . bianca : no , he told me that he had great news that was going to put my mind at ease . kendall : well , it will take a lot to do that . ryan : come in . let 's see if this does the trick . i found a doctor who will do the amnio switch . kick bianca 's results over to you , presto -- kendall 's pregnant with michael 's child . bianca : oh , my god . i do n't know how i 'm going to thank you . well , how ? so when is this going to happen ? ryan : well , soon i hope . the doc just landed in pine valley . she 's on her way over here to meet both of you . if everything goes as planned , we can schedule the test , you know , asap . kendall : great . thank you . ryan : you 're welcome . you two make yourselves at home , pillow . kendall : wait , where are you going ? ryan : oh , i just have on party favor i need to pick up . wo n't be long . bianca : well , that 's the answer to about a thousand prayers . ryan came through for us . what ? what 's the matter , kendall ? this is the best possible news . kendall : yeah , or the worst . bianca , i think ryan is about to set me up . ( wolf ) bianca : ryan has just about altered reality to help you out . why doubt him now ? kendall : maybe not today , maybe not tomorrow , but sooner or later ryan will turn his back on me . he 'll betray me . he will . bianca : no , no , no , no , no . where is this coming from ? what happened between you and ryan ? kendall : our oh - so - romantic new year 's eve ended when ryan and i had a major blowout . [ sirens ] bianca : well , unfortunately , that 's not something new for you two . kendall : no , he ended up in bed with greenlee . bianca : ah , so that would be the new part . kendall : yeah , i heard them scheming about how to bring me down . greenlee is hellbent on proving that my pregnancy is fake . bianca : well , i ca n't believe that ryan would go along with that . kendall : yeah , well , i bolted before he could answer , but i 'm sure he agreed with her . bianca : all right , so delete the fantasy sequence and all you have is greenlee being greenlee . i ca n't believe that she would be able to sway ryan so easily . kendall : no , bianca , something shifted between ryan and greenlee . i could feel it . it 's just a matter of time before greenlee gets her way . bianca : and you think she wants ryan ? kendall : yeah , i think she wants ryan . i think she wants fusion . i mean , their mating ritual probably requires a sacrifice to the gods , and i 'm the one who 's going up in flames . ryan 's going to reveal my faux baby . he 's going to take the cambias fortune with queen greenlee by his side . bianca : you know , if ryan were to betray you , kendall , it would mean he would have to betray me , too . and whatever 's going on between the two of you , i just do n't believe that he would turn his back on me and my baby . kendall : bianca , listen to me , ryan has turned his back on me before and he 'll do it again . i mean , what makes you think he wo n't ? picture it -- me on the stand with the prosecutor grilling me , hacking me into a million different pieces . bianca : wow , it must take a lot of energy to come up with these horrible scenarios . kendall : you have no idea . bianca : no , i do n't . i also do n't have time to make myself crazy over something that has n't even happened yet . i have real battles to fight . kendall : hey , i am fighting for my life here . bianca : yeah , so open your eyes . you saw ryan . he 's not playing you . he 's fighting right along with you . you have to save your energy for the people who really are against you . kendall : yeah , well , i 'm not sure i know the difference anymore , if i ever did . bianca : you know , ever since i got pregnant , i have had to make big decisions a gazillion times every day that affect not only me but my baby and everyone i love . and the only way that i 've gotten through that is by finding a few select people to trust so that i would n't have to go it alone . kendall : that 's because that 's who you are , bianca . but the trust gene -- it skipped me . bianca : uh - uh , that 's not true . you trust me . it 's a funny thing . i mean , sometimes people have to earn your trust , you know , prove themselves somebody reliable and honest , and other times you just have to open your heart and take a leap of faith . kendall : over the edge of a cliff . bianca : it 's what i did with david . kendall : and me . bianca : yeah . and i have n't regretted it for a single second . trust ryan . he 's going to come through for you , just like you and david did for me . [ scene_break ] maria : two bullets lodged near the spine . his pulse is tachy at 120 , bp is 100/60 on one presser . he had a cardiac arrest post shooting . now he 's bleeding out internally . david : well , you have to get in and explore the abdomen . doctor : that 's exactly what we plan to do . why is dr. hayward with my patient ? maria : because edmund is now also david 's patient . doctor : dr. hayward is not permitted in the hospital , let alone -- maria : dr. graham , please , please , please , if this was your wife , would you really be arguing with me right now if your wife had a bad heart and was bleeding out internally ? thank you . joe : all right , i managed to get ahold of a couple of the board members . maria : oh , good . joe : david has clearance to stand by for the surgery . maria : thank you . thank you , joe . thank you so much . dr. graham : well , with any luck , we wo n't need his services . scrub in , doctor . i 'll see you in the or joe : i 'm going to go update the surgical nurses . maria : ok . joe : now , believe me , it 's the best possible team we 've got up there . maria : i 'm counting on that . joe : yeah . maria : thanks , joe . ok , go scrub in . david : all right , maria , i want you to take a second to think about this . i 'm going to be in there with your husband . now , with everything that 's happened since your plane crash , do you really think that edmund would want me in there ? do you really want me in there ? maria : you know what ? you kept me away from everyone that i ever loved , so you owe us bigtime . but if you keep my husband alive , i will consider that debt paid in full . [ scene_break ] babe : hmm . j.r. , you 're home . what about work ? j.r. : spreadsheets and stock quotes could n't hold my attention . this gorgeous blonde was running through my head . babe : that better have been me . j.r. : wearing a bikini and a smile . babe , i should never have brought you to pine valley . babe : you do n't want me here ? j.r. : no , no , that 's not what i meant . i just -- i dragged you out here and never gave you a proper honeymoon -- i mean the works -- sun , sand , romance . i was selfish . i brought you home instead . babe : hey . you just wanted me to be part of your family . it was sweet . j.r. : this will be sweeter . we 're going to a hideaway in the caribbean . babe : we 're going on a trip ? j.r. : the chandler enterprise travel agency is already working on it . consider yourself honeymooned ! babe : oh , j.r. , i am so excited ! i can not wait ! j.r. : neither can i . me , you , the bikini . babe : are n't you forgetting about somebody ? this will be our first family vacation -- you , me , and baby chandler . [ scene_break ] jamie : you think this is a big overreaction to me losing my virginity ? it 's not . or maybe you think i 'm acting out this real - life drama with j.r. because he took my truck when i was 3 ? tad : it 's worth thinking about , kiddo . jamie : see , right there -- `` kiddo . `` you 're trying to babyproof my life with drawer locks and socket plugs . stop trying to protect me and think about protecting a real baby , a baby that could be part of our family . tad : j.r. 's baby would be a part of this family no matter what -- if j.r. would still have us at this point . jamie : i 'm telling you that this kid could be mine -- my blood , our blood . your grandchild ? brooke : how soon are you going to go ahead with this paternity suit ? [ knock on door ] brooke : that 's probably joe . jamie : well , i 'm hoping to get the judge to sign the court order for the dna test right away . but if that happens , babe will have to go in for the amnio and -- krystal : over my dead body . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] j.r. : it 's going to happen , babe . it 's going to happen ! winifred . right on time ! winifred : lucretia could n't wait to hear what you think . j.r. : tell her that it is as outstanding as usual . babe : you ordered lunch ? j.r. : i ordered food from the islands -- babe : oh . j.r. : so i could get you ready for the real thing . babe : sweet potato fritters . mmm . did you really plan all this ? j.r. : i made you a promise when i married you in san diego . babe : that you 'd love me that much for the rest of our lives . j.r. : and now it 's time for me to prove it to you . babe : mmm . you always were the dessert - before - dinner type . j.r. : mm - hmm . babe : let me get presentable and you go pull up that chair over there . j.r. : all right . babe : but do n't start without me . j.r. : i do n't know , this mango looks delicious . babe : hands off , chandler . one of us is eating for two . j.r. : ahem . [ while babe 's in the bathroom , j.r. finds jamie 's college id card under the dresser ] [ scene_break ] krystal : buster , you 'd better check yourself . there is no way in hell that i 'm going to allow you to force my daughter to take some test . brooke : please , krystal , this is a family discussion . krystal : and you are discussing my family , my baby , my grandbaby , so here i am . tad : all right , whatever it is , just do us all a favor -- leave . you and i will discuss it later . krystal : oh , no , no , no . those days are over , mr. martin . i came here to discuss your son 's craziness . brooke : you know what -- i 'm not going to let you talk about my son that way . krystal : well , that 's because you obviously do n't know what he 's been up to . did you know that your fine , upstanding young son has been breaking into the chandler mansion and skulking through those creepy passageways to ambush my daughter ? brooke : that ca n't be true . tad : is it ? jamie : it was the only way i could see her . krystal : and if you do it again , i am calling the police . tad : no , there 's no reason to start kicking in the door and threatening people , ok ? i 'm sure he realizes that breaking and entering is n't exactly a worthwhile hobby . let 's not forget the fact that , you know , if babe had been honest in the very beginning , none of us would be in this position right now . krystal : you want to talk about honest ? your son just wants to hound my baby till doomsday . all she wants is to have her husband 's baby in peace . now , you get that real quick and you stay away from my girl . jamie : and here 's what you need to get -- that baby could just as easily be mine . i would n't let j.r. threaten me and i 'm not going to let you . this is between babe and me . she takes that test . krystal : and that is the way you show how much you care about her , by forcing her to take some kind of test that could harm her and that baby ? jamie : people do it all the time . how risky can it be ? krystal : you obviously have not done your research . before you go messing in somebody 's life , i 'd suggest you do that . jamie : mom , seriously , how dangerous is this test ? brooke : the risk is there , for infection , for a miscarriage . jamie : how big of a risk ? krystal : any risk is too much . tad : all right , ok , ok , let 's just relax . everybody take a deep breath , sit down , and we 'll discuss it calmly , please . jamie : no , i -- i got to go . tad : james . brooke : jamie , wait , please . [ scene_break ] kendall : bianca , i want to have faith in ryan , in us again . i used to think that 's all i wanted . bianca well , then do it . kendall : yeah , but what if ryan shuts me out again , i mean , like he did that night on the bike ? bianca : kendall , a lot has changed since then . kendall : if he leaves me again , then it would kill me . ryan : i 'm back , and i have just what the doctor ordered . bianca : yeah , ryan , tell us a little bit more about this doctor . i mean , where 's she from ? is she -- ryan : legit ? bianca : yeah . ryan : yeah , she 's one of the best in her field . kendall : oh , but she 's cool with perjury ? sounds like a winner . ryan : well , good people do all sorts of things for the right reasons -- do n't they , mrs. cambias ? [ knock on door ] ryan : let 's get started . dr. lossin , i 'm ryan lavery . dr. lossin : please , call me helen . ryan : helen , i 'd like to introduce you to kendall hart - cambias and bianca montgomery . helen : i 've followed your case with interest . kendall : well , we try to put on a good show . helen : is that an ultrasound ? ryan : yes , it is . helen : impressive . how did you manage ? ryan : little bit of charm , whole lot of money . kendall : yeah , it buys all sorts of goodies . so speaking of which , doc -- ryan : kendall -- kendall : i 'm sure she wo n't mind if i ask her a few questions . helen : please , go right ahead . kendall : you came here to help us fake a dna test , commit perjury , break the law . why ? [ helen sighs ] helen : i 'm a rape survivor . [ scene_break ] maria : when i was talking to mama today , she told me that sammy had a bit of an impromptu jumping lesson . i guess one of the barn cats scared his horse , and he hung on , which was good , and stayed on . joe : they 're waiting in the or . maria : ok . ok . they 're ready . so you 're going to go on into the operating room and i 'm going to be waiting right outside the door . all right , sweetheart ? so do n't worry . oh , uh -- i almost forgot . i have this that maddie made , her newest masterpiece , and i was supposed to hand - deliver it to you , but i -- i forgot , and i ca n't exactly go home and tell her , `` sorry , sweet pea , daddy did n't see it . `` so if you could just do me this one little favor and open up your eyes and -- and just tell me that our kid 's some kind of a wiz with a marker , then i can go home and i can tell her that daddy saw it . ok ? do that for me , do that for me ? please , baby ? i 'll leave this right here with you . joe : it 's time . maria : ok . ahem . all right . i love you . ok . ok . juan pablo : maria . maria : god , what do you want ? why are you still here ? juan pablo : i wanted to check on edmund . but i see now is not the time . i 'll go . maria : he 's in the operating room . he has internal bleeding and they have to stop it , and then there 's the -- there 's the bullet . juan pablo : `` i 'm sorry `` sounds so pointless . maria : no , you know what , i 'm sorry . i really should n't have lashed out at you . i mean , you came here as a friend , and it is not your fault that he was shot . juan pablo : i led him into danger . maria : no , no , no , he went in there all on his own , he did . i mean , he likes to pretend like he 's reformed now that he 's a family man , but he 's still a total adrenaline junkie and it 's all about the big story to him -- the mob and gangs and drugs and murder and international vendettas and -- you know , that 's all the good stuff to him , so -- juan pablo : he does n't treat it as a game . maria : no , no , no , he takes it very seriously . but he loves what he does , and just damn the consequences , you know ? damn those consequences that have me pacing up and down the halls and trying to think of something to say to my kids . i just -- you know , if edmund does n't make it -- really , i 'm not angry at you . i 'm not . i 'm just angry at him is what -- god , edmund ! i just -- i could kill him . i could -- i could kill him . [ scene_break ] babe : check out the slacker . j.r. : what ? babe : already on island time ? j.r. : hmm ? oh , i 'm sorry , i got -- i got distracted . the doorway here was cracked , the secret passage . you been in the tunnels ? babe : um , well , i gave mama the kooky castle tour . i guess i -- i must 've left it open . did i do something wrong ? j.r. : no , no , no . this is your house , too . you can do whatever you want . babe : well , what i want is for you to pull up that chair , and then we can feed each other . j.r. : you know what ? damn , i just forgot , i have a meeting over at chandler . babe : baby , no , come on , just call and tell them you 're on your honeymoon . j.r. : i 'm sorry , i 'm just going to be a few hours . you know what , save me some mango , huh ? babe : well , hey , be sure to check in with that travel guy . i 'll have my bikini waiting . stupid door . gives me nothing but trouble . my god , wh -- jamie : sorry , i did n't mean to scare you . just i had to wait till j.r. left . babe : you get out of here now . jamie : babe , wait . just -- babe : you leave me alone . you stay away from me and my baby . [ scene_break ] helen : you ready for this ? bianca : absolutely . kendall : um , a little privacy , ryan ? ryan : oh , yeah . hey , do n't mind me . helen : ok . here we go . [ fetal heartbeat ] kendall : oh , my god . oh , my god , bianca , your baby , she 's beautiful . bianca : wait , `` she `` ? yeah , can you tell what the se is or is it still too soon ? helen : i ca n't be certain , but there 's no indication that the child is male . kendall : that 's because she 's a girl . she 's a beautiful baby girl . bianca : hey , ryan , do you want to come look at my baby girl ? ryan : i would be honored . wow . wow , kendall 's right , the kid 's a looker . bianca : doc , how does the future supermodel / president look to you ? helen : there 's a problem . bianca : a problem ? is there something wrong with my baby ? [ scene_break ] brooke : tad , will you go after him ? god knows i 'm not helping him . tad : i would n't be much good , either . let 's give him some time alone . brooke : it 's just i 'm afraid of what he 's going to do next . krystal : well , the first thing on his list better be to stay away from my daughter . [ knock on door ] tad : pop . brooke : hi . tad : thank god you 're here . jamie 's completely gone off the deep end . joe : well , we 're going to have to fish him out later on . i did n't want to talk about this -- i 've only got a minute , but i did n't want to talk over the telephone . tad : what 's wrong ? joe : you know that lodge over in buckeye ? there 's been a shootout there . the men who killed carlos -- tad : is pablo ok ? joe : well , pablo 's fine , pablo 's fine , but edmund was caught in the crossfire . he 's alive , brooke . tad : what 's his condition ? joe : it 's critical . he 's in surgery now . brooke : i have to go . i 'm going to go to the hospital . tad : yeah , sure , ok . joe : i 'll drive you . tad : go ahead , i 'll catch up . joe : ok . it does not look good . [ door closes ] krystal : uh , so is this edmund fellow some kind of family ? tad : yeah . something like that . he 's about the nicest guy you 'll ever meet . krystal : well , i hope i get the chance someday . hey , what are you doing here ? go on . go , go . tad : i 'm not finished with you yet . [ scene_break ] babe : go . get out . jamie : shh . babe : why are you doing this to me ? jamie : please , just calm down , just stop for the baby . babe : do n't pretend like you care about me or this baby . all you do is you sneak around to get me alone and then you try to threaten me to get what you want . jamie : i just have to tell you one thing and then i 'll go . babe : then say it and get out of my face . jamie : babe , i got your medical records . i know when you got pregnant and i know the baby could be mine . babe : so , what , now you want to poke me with needles ? try to take what 's mine to prove that it 's yours ? god , your doctors and lawyers are never going to leave me alone . god , we were together one night . just one night . now you wo n't stop until you 've just left me with nothing . jamie : no , babe , that 's not it . just calm down and let me finish . it 's about the test . babe : fine , just do it . i do n't even care . just ruin my life . jamie : that 's just it . the test could hurt you , it could hurt the baby , cause a miscarriage . i wo n't make you take the amnio , babe . i wo n't put the baby at risk . [ scene_break ] helen : your baby 's fine , bianca . bianca : are you sure ? oh , my god . my god . kendall : then what 's the problem ? helen : i have to advise against the amniocentesis . ryan : but why ? i mean , if the baby 's all right , then -- helen : with the baby positioned so near the interior wall , inserting a needle would pose too great a risk to the baby . bianca : no , but we have to have those results . they 're crucial . kendall : no , no , bianca , no , i 'm not going to risk something happening to our girl or to her mommy . bianca : kendall , if you do n't have real proof that you 're carrying michael 's child , then your defense goes right out the window and that creep alan singer is going to crucify you . kendall : let him . i do n't care . ryan : well , i sure as hell do . [ scene_break ] tad : i 'm sorry , but jamie broke into babe 's confidential files . he found out for a fact she was lying through her teeth about when she conceived . krystal : if your son got ahold of my daughter 's private medical records , then he did some dirty dealing . you must be really , really proud . tad : well , i would n't want to be shown up by the next generation , would i ? krystal : oh , so the sneak 's got a thief for a daddy . tad : this is n't about thieving anything . it 's about you not being able to beat a hasty retreat . now i 've got your cell phone in here and now i 've got your car keys , which means one way or another , you 're going to deal with me . krystal : oh , tad , do n't make me regret all the fun we had . tad : hey , you do what you got to do . fun 's over . let 's talk business . i 'll bet 10 years of my life your daughter spilled all the gory details to you , and somewhere in there is a secret that 's capable of destroying her life . now , based on how everything has been going on so far , how long do you think it 's going to be before somehow someone , whether it 's me or jamie or adam , gets ahold of it ? krystal : if you mean to do my baby girl harm , then i 'm giving you fair warning , because i fight dirty . tad : warning received and noted . have a seat . because you 're not leaving until you spill everything . [ scene_break ] babe : so no more doctors with needles ? my baby 's safe ? jamie : i would never hurt you or the baby , i swear . babe : oh , jamie . oh . you really are such a sweet guy . i guess we both kind of forgot that for a second , huh ? jamie : babe , after you have the baby , i still want the paternity test . babe : no . jamie : i deserve to know . babe : you bastard . jamie : babe , wait ! [ scene_break ] ryan : i mean it , kendall , we did not come this far for you to cave . kendall : did you black out and miss something for a second ? she said bianca ca n't have the amnio . ryan : yeah , i got that , kendall , but this is not the time to give up . do you understand ? the pregnancy is the only thing to keep you from hard time . kendall : to think i promised myself no more orange jump suits . bianca : kendall , you 're not going to see the inside of a jail ever again . we wo n't let you . kendall : and i wo n't let you get all worked up over this . tell her , helen . ryan : wow , you 've got guilty written all over you . kendall : oh , looks like the prosecution has their first witness . ryan : guilty of some pretty solid moves . you try to protect your sister , you try to serve up justice to the man that rapes her , and then you do your damnedest to protect everybody that you love within 100 miles of this case . kendall : you know , face it , ryan , i 've just been spinning my wheels . we knew that i would go down for this murder sooner or later . bianca : no , you wo n't . we wo n't let you , will we , ryan ? kendall : no , we 're running out of options . bianca : kendall , you 're scaring me . ryan : she 's scaring herself more . kendall : you know , helen , i 'm sure you have better things to do than to listen to this nonsense , ok , so that 's it , we 're done . here , thank you . ryan : kendall , kendall , kendall , whatever your sins , you do n't have to atone by taking a fall , all right ? i will find another way to get the proof that you need . helen : i have an idea , if you can stand an outsider 's suggestion ? ryan : you 're about as inside as it gets , doc , so if you have a way to save kendall , now 's the time to share . [ scene_break ] maria : ok , so my mom is taking care of the kids for me . juan pablo : she 'll keep them busy . maria : yeah . just i have to eventually think of something to tell them . what do i tell them about their father ? joe : any word ? juan pablo : no , nothing so far . brooke : maria , i 'm sorry . [ maria has a vision of the plane crash where she was trapped in the burning wreckage ] maria 's voice : edmund , no , i 'm not dead . i 'm not dead , edmund . i 'm alive . edmund 's voice : that 's right , you 're alive . it 's me , maria . i 'm the one who 's dead . [ david comes out of the or and glumly walks toward maria ] maria : edmund 's dead . [ next_on ] tad : you 'd rather grow old in this room than tell me babe 's secret ? krystal : you 're cute and smart . jamie : i know for a fact that babe could be having my baby . david : we had to shock edmund back . maria : what are you not telling me ? erica : ryan ? greenlee : i need to save him from your daughter . ryan : let 's make a baby , a real one , right here , right now . | krystal informs tad and brooke that their son is stalking her daughter , sneaking uninvited , into the chandler house . she tells them jamie had better babe alone and he can not make her have the amnio to prove whether her baby is his . when she 's alone with tad , however , she finds out that he is looking out for his son and believes jamie has the right to know if he 's the father of babe 's baby . jr sounds like he 's ready to have a happy marriage with babe . but as soon as he is alone in their bedroom , he discovers jamie 's id on the floor and leaves . when he 's gone , jamie appears uninvited to see babe . when jr returns to his home , he discovers jamie in his bedroom , with his wife . and the distrust starts all over again . |
zach : tell me you found hannah . aidan : no plane tickets , no credit card details , no car rentals , no clues . zach : well , i may have one . do me a favor -- you stay with kendall . kendall : i do n't need aidan to babysit me . zach : hannah tried to kill you . kendall : yeah , and who do you think she 'll go after next ? zach : i 'll be fine . kendall : zach , please , please do n't play hero . zach : four guards -- aidan ? two in the back , two in the front , ok ? kendall : do n't ignore me , zach . zach : i 'm not ignoring you . kendall : please , i 'm worried about you . zach : i 'm going to follow up a lead -- that 's all i 'm doing . come here . kendall : oh . zach : i 'm trusting you with my wife . keep her safe . kendall : zach , please , can you -- zach : stop . kendall : please . zach : let me do the worrying . one more kiss . kendall : ok . zach : bye . kendall : bye . well , you heard him . he 's trusting you with his wife . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . wait a minute -- is that really you or am i still dreaming ? annie : i did n't mean to wake you . ryan : because i just -- i smelled your perfume , and then the dream i was having got a whole lot more interesting . [ annie chuckles ] ryan : best medicine . annie : hmm . maybe you could use another dose . ryan : yeah , maybe i could . oh , erica , come on in . annie : why do n't i give you two some time alone ? ryan : ok . erica : thank you . you put your own life at risk to save kendall 's . ryan : i was just acting on instinct . erica : i do n't think there 's any way i could ever repay you . ryan : you really do n't have to -- honestly , erica , because today , i feel like i am the luckiest man on the earth . [ scene_break ] annie : richie ? what are you doing here ? richie : a real kick in the pants , is n't it , sis ? i get a second chance at life and ryan gets a bullet to the head -- ooh . annie : he 's doing great , richie . no need to worry about ryan . richie : but you never really know how these things turn out , do you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : no ! oh ! jack : hey , hey . what 's going -- sweetheart ? it 's ok , i 'm here . greenlee : no , i just -- jack : you were just dreaming , honey , just dreaming . greenlee : i was -- i was having a nightmare that i was still back in the bomb shelter and zach was dead and the walls were closing in , and i could n't breathe and i -- i could n't -- jack : honey , listen to me . you are home , ok , and you 're safe . greenlee : ok . jack : so is zach . greenlee : ok , ok . jack : ok ? greenlee : yeah . jack : all right . greenlee : but , dad , there -- there was a -- a bullet through the window , and ryan -- jack : ryan -- greenlee : wait , where 's ryan ? is he ok ? is he -- jack : ryan is great -- remember ? greenlee : oh , right . you -- you told me that , right ? jack : right . greenlee : ok . and where 's aidan ? jack : aidan is with kendall , and zach is out trying to find hannah . greenlee : no . no , no , he ca n't do that . she 's crazy ! she 's going to shoot him again ! jack : honey , honey , stop . it 's going to be ok . zach 's going to be fine . ok ? greenlee : ok . jack : come here . greenlee : no one 's fine , dad . you can hold me , you can protect me , but no one 's really ok , are they ? [ scene_break ] adam : yes , ms. gamble . the stock 's already been transferred . zach : tell me where hannah nichols is hiding , now . adam : or what , slater ? zach : or your face in the concrete . you 've got five seconds . adam : hannah ? why would i know where she is ? you want to hook up with your old flame , i suggest you go ahead and do it , but i do n't know where she is . i do n't care where she is . zach : she 's on your payroll . she does your dirty work for you , and last night , she tried to kill my wife . if i find out that you had anything to do with that , you start saying your goodbyes right now . [ scene_break ] jack : sweetheart , you have been through so much in the past month -- unimaginable things . and , no , i could n't protect you then , but i am here now , and i 'll be damned if i 'm going to let anybody hurt you again . greenlee : what , are you going to throw yourself against the door ? jack : with great force and intent if that 's what it takes , yes . greenlee : oh , i 'm just -- i 'm trying so hard to live my life with this glass- half - full attitude , `` look on the bright side `` sort of thing , but -- oh , man , it is not easy . jack : i know , i know . greenlee : you know , when zach and i were first rescued from the bomb shelter , i just thought , `` ok , this is it . it 's over , it 's -- it 's finally over and i can breathe again . `` jack : it is over , and you can . greenlee : no , because zach has now thrown himself back in the middle of all of it . i mean , hannah tried to kill kendall , and zach -- i know him , dad . he is not going to let her get away with it . jack : listen , stop it . zach is going to be ok -- you do n't have to worry about zach . greenlee : it is kind of crazy , me sitting here worried about zach slater . i never thought that would happen . jack : you know what ? i think you two were lucky to have each other in that bomb shelter . greenlee : yeah . i mean , at first , when we realized we were stuck together , oh , we were going to kill each other , but then -- [ jack chuckles ] greenlee : after some time , he was just remarkable . jack : i would n't be at all surprised if he felt the same way about you . what ? greenlee : that nightmare i just had ? jack : mm - hmm ? greenlee : how i woke up confused and -- jack : yeah ? greenlee : disoriented ? well , it 's not the first time it happened . i keep having these bomb shelter panic attacks , only last time , i -- i called out for zach . jack : honey , i think that 's a perfectly natural reaction . greenlee : yeah , except it was with aidan . jack : i see . my guess would be that aidan would understand . greenlee : you think so ? jack : yeah , i do , but you do n't seem so sure . you think aidan has a problem with you on some level still needing zach ? greenlee : huh -- no . i mean , i -- i -- no , i hope not . i mean , aidan would never be jealous of zach . if there 's one thing that i am most sure of right now , it 's how lucky we were to have each other , to find each other , to be rescued from the bomb shelter . aidan and i and kendall and zach -- we 're just so lucky to have each other . [ scene_break ] aidan : i bought some breakfast stuff , some muffins -- banana nut and blueberry . kendall : oh , what is it with you and zach ? whenever there 's a problem , you guys talk about food . aidan : it 's a guy thing . kendall : right . saying `` it 's a guy thing `` automatically just explains it all . aidan : i do n't know -- does it ? kendall : yeah , like when you do n't want to talk about the obvious . aidan : we said , we -- we made a deal , did n't we , that we were n't going to talk about it ? kendall : aidan , aidan ? not talking about the fact that we slept together does n't make the fact that we did it go away . aidan : you want to know what i think ? i think you want to talk about what we did , because it stops you from concentrating on what is really going on here -- the fact that someone tried to kill you . kendall : yeah -- you know what ? i love when you tell me how i 'm feeling . i -- i love that . aidan : look , you 're anxious about hannah , you 're worried about zach , and you feel guilty , because ryan is lying there in the hospital . kendall : ok , ok . i hate it when you 're right . [ scene_break ] ryan : so , how is kendall ? erica : i 'm a little worried about her . i called her earlier -- she said everything is just fine , but i -- ryan : but you want to go over and check for yourself ? erica : huh . well , i wanted to check on the man who saved her life first . ryan : do i look like a guy who needs to be checked up on ? ah . erica : ryan , should you be out of bed ? ryan : wow , that feels really good , actually . do you mind if i just lean on you a little bit ? erica : no , no , you really got to take it easy . ryan : ah -- why ? you do n't have a good answer for that one , now , do you ? erica : huh -- ok , you 're thankful , i get it . now , get back into bed . ryan : i survived , and i do n't want to spend another second in that bed again . erica : ok , well , i 'm going to get you a wheelchair . ryan : you know , i -- erica : huh ? ryan : i was thinking . all the years that we 've known each other , and i do n't believe that we 've ever had the chance to dance . [ erica chuckles ] ryan : may i ? erica : ok , you have one minute , that 's it . and hold on tight -- let me lead . ryan : what else is new ? i 'm alive , erica ! [ erica giggles ] erica : you 're alive , and you 're stepping on my toes . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : i have a beautiful wife that i adore , i have children that i love , and i am dancing in here with erica kane . i do n't think i could be any happier . i really do n't . we got it now . erica : got it ! [ erica laughs ] ryan : we got it now . [ scene_break ] annie : what are you doing in this part of the hospital ? richie : more tests . annie : to see what ? richie : do you really give a damn ? annie : just trying to make conversation , richie . richie : just wait a -- fact is -- i do n't know what i could say to you . annie : i guess the truth is out of the question ? richie : ok , so there 's this list , and they 're going to find out if i qualify to be on it . annie : list ? richie : yeah , to see if there 's a match somewhere out there for a bone marrow transplant . they do n't hold out much hope . annie : oh . richie : but , do n't worry -- i 'm not asking you . annie : because ? richie : because i already know the answer . anyway , i 'm just waiting here , hoping for a miracle . i figured if ryan got one , hey , why not me ? annie : ryan deserves every good thing that comes his way . richie : yeah , yeah -- yes , yes . st. ryan . annie : yeah , as a matter of fact . well -- ahem -- richie : `` well `` what ? good luck ? hmm -- no . i guess that would be going too far , would n't it ? annie : well , i really should be getting back to ryan . richie : right , of course . oh -- i just got word that dad 's not a match . just my luck , right ? i get leukemia , dad 's not a match , mom 's dead . and our parents , they -- to top it off , they only had two kids -- me and you . annie : i 'm sorry dad 's not a match . and it is too bad you do n't have another brother or sister -- just me . but then again , i was never really a good match for you , right , richie ? is n't that what you used to always tell me ? richie : i never knew my sister had such a great sense of humor . but , do n't worry -- like i said , i 'm not asking you for any favors . annie : oh , no , sure you are . you 're just not going to come out and ask . instead , you 're going to make me feel guilty and somehow responsible . well , it 's not going to work this time , richie . richie : wow . you know , you 're already starting to sound a -- little guilty ? annie : it 's not going to work . richie : no , but the truth will . you see , if i get a second chance , if i were to tell you i 'd get a second chance , i 'd be as grateful as hell . and no more hate , no more anger . annie : just like that -- whole new richie ? richie : yeah . and if i got a second chance , it would do something for you , too . annie : and what would that be ? richie : no matter how cruel i was or whatever terrible things i 've done , you would know that you did the right thing . [ scene_break ] ryan : really , erica -- i am going to be fine and so is kendall . they 're going to find hannah , and they 're going to stop her before she hurts anybody else . erica : well , from your mouth -- you know , there was a time when i was rooting for you , you and kendall . ryan : and you would 've been the frosting on the cake . erica : oh , boy . the bullet certainly did n't get in the way of your sweet talk , some serious sweet talk . [ ryan and erica laugh ] julia : ah , you 're out of bed . and you 're hugging erica . let me guess -- you 're on some serious pain pills . ryan : you go ahead and you stick me with whatever needles you need to , because i am not going to be brought down today . erica : well , your dancing skills could use some help . ryan : you need to learn how to follow . [ erica and ryan chuckle ] julia : yeah , that 's going to happen . erica : other than that , he 's absolutely fine , and he 's not on pills . you can blame me for the hug . he needed a waltz partner , i needed a pep talk . and , you ? well , julia , you look particularly sweet in your uniform . ryan : ok , julia , you do what you got to do . bring it on -- pinch , prod , poke . whatever it is , i 'm telling you right now , i got a smile on my face , and it 's not going anywhere . julia : are you sure that that bullet did n't graze some little crazy spot in your head ? ryan : it 's actually a -- a whole new kind of therapy . i call it sith . julia : `` sith `` ? ryan : yes -- shot - in - the - head therapy -- [ julia chuckles ] ryan : `` sith . `` hey , it 's working for me . julia : hey -- go with it . [ scene_break ] aidan : i do n't want to mess things up -- i mean , what we have . i really love greenlee . kendall : yes , i know that . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : how are you and zach doing ? kendall : we 're good . we were -- we 're really good . but i do n't know -- aidan : but what ? kendall : what time is it ? i mean , has n't he been gone a really long time ? aidan : no , he has n't . he has n't been gone long . kendall : no , but zach said that he would be back soon . aidan : yeah , i know what zach said . all right ? well , look , you 're feeling what we 're all feeling right now . you 're feeling stressed out and -- and crazed because of all the drama that 's been going on . but zach is out , and he 's going to find hannah , and he 's going to make sure that everything 's going to be ok . i promise you -- he 's going to fix this . kendall : ok -- that 's what i thought last time . i do n't know -- aidan , i 've just got this really bad feeling . aidan : look , come on , kendall . you 're -- you 're working yourself up , all right ? you 're working yourself into a frenzy . remember what you always said to me -- `` i 'm a kane woman , and i can handle anything `` ? it 's true . you can , and you will . kendall : no , no , do n't -- aidan , please , please , do n't touch me . you are not my husband . [ scene_break ] greenlee : it just feels so good to be outdoors , the fresh air . oh . jack : yeah , you 're right , it does . i mean , it 's exactly what we both needed . greenlee : yeah . i mean , can you even remember back before all the bad stuff happened ? jack : yeah , i can , but it does seem like a lifetime ago . greenlee : yeah , it was . jack : yeah . greenlee : i mean , i 've changed . jack : for the better . greenlee : yes . jack : mm - hmm . greenlee : for the better . i guess it turns out i 'm actually hardheaded . jack : ca n't imagine where you got that from . [ jack chuckles ] greenlee : i guess it took me being underground in a bomb shelter for a whole month almost dying to realize what i had all along -- my friends , my aidan , my father . jack : hmm . i was so worried about you -- so worried , so afraid . honey , are you cold ? you 're shaking like a leaf . greenlee : no , i 'm fine . i just -- i have n't taken a walk in forever . jack : yeah , well -- greenlee : and it turns out i 'm not the superwoman i thought i was . jack : yeah , so come , let 's sit . come on , come on . greenlee : dad , i 'm fine . i 'm fine . jack : do me a favor and sit . greenlee : look , joe said it 's probably nothing , and he 's just going to run some tests . jack : honey , joe does n't run tests for `` probably nothing , `` ok ? i 'm thinking maybe you should n't have left that hospital so soon . greenlee : do you know how long i waited to be back in my own bed ? please , i just -- i want to be home . jack : are you telling me everything -- greenlee : yes . jack : about your health ? greenlee : yes , yes -- jack : yeah ? greenlee : absolutely , yes . jack : because you 're still shaking . greenlee : well , maybe it 's because i still have n't gotten over my father telling me he thinks i 'm in love with my best friend 's husband . [ scene_break ] adam : you think i would hire a hit on kendall ? why ? zach : because you 're not man enough to come after me yourself . adam : oh . revenge killing is your style , not mine . zach : and what is your style , adam ? stealing babies , burning down houses , now turning hannah into a killer ? adam : oh , i 'm sure she had that instinct long before she met me . zach : what did you offer her to come work for you ? must have been a payoff . adam : no , i just hired her . the reason she came back here was you . you 're looking for somebody to blame , i think maybe you should take a look in the mirror . that would be something truly heroic . [ scene_break ] annie : who you are , what you are -- it 's never going to change . richie : ok , the conversation 's over , then , right ? annie : richie , you had some crazy mental patient call me pretending to be a doctor , telling me you had hours left to live . and me , being the idiot that i am when it comes to you , i go rushing to the hospital to be by your side . i mean , what kind of a brother does that to his sister ? richie : `` what kind of a brother `` ? what kind of a sister steals seven years away from her brother 's life , huh ? come on . annie : every time i think `` give him another chance , annie . he 's -- he 's your blood , he 's your family , `` you do something so sick and cruel , it makes me ashamed i ever doubted myself . richie : that day you thought i was dying , i had a reason for calling you here . annie : how can -- richie : i had a reason for lying to you . annie : how can you justify manipulating me like that ? richie : it 's easy ! because i knew you would n't come here any other way . annie : why did you want me to come so bad ? richie : you want the truth and nothing else ? i needed you to kill me , ok ? that was the day i was going to set you up to murder your own brother . [ scene_break ] jack : now , you listen to me . you ca n't blame a father for wondering if his daughter fell in love with the man who saved her life . it does happen , you know . greenlee : ok , and maybe with the old greenlee , it would have . jack : but the new greenlee ? greenlee : no . i mean , i think that sometimes people just come into your life to help you . you know , for one intense , intimate moment , they 're your world , and you would n't survive without them . everything else just falls away . jack : and that 's what you 're saying happened with you and zach in the bomb shelter ? greenlee : yeah , pretty much . i mean -- huh -- yes , in the past , kendall and i were all about falling in love with each other 's guys . jack : well , i think it 's safe to say you two were fairly notorious for that . greenlee : yes -- reputations well - earned . jack : hmm . but no more ? greenlee : no . i think we got it right this time -- i mean , not just our friendship , but the men in our lives . kendall deserves love , but so do i , and we 're never going to do anything to ruin that for each other -- never . [ scene_break ] aidan : kendall , i 'm -- i 'm not going to jump your bones . kendall : i -- i know that , i know . i just do n't want you touching me . that 's how it happened before . aidan : it 's not how it happened before , all right ? last time , we was in a really desperate place , because we thought we 'd lost the people that we love . you thought you had lost zach , i thought i 'd lost greenlee . kendall : yes , and you tried to comfort me , just like you are now . aidan : what are we doing ? why -- why do you keep walking away from me ? look , all i was doing was -- kendall : oh , god , what , aidan ? what were you doing ? what ? aidan : i will never touch you again , all right ? when this is over , you wo n't see me , because i 'm going to stay the hell away from you . that make you happy ? kendall : yeah , you know , well , that 's not actually possible unless one of us moves away , and that 's never happening . aidan : so , what -- what do you want me to do , then ? kendall : i want you to leave me alone , please . i just got zach back , i will not risk losing him again . aidan : all right . like i told you , it 's not going to happen again . kendall : yeah , well , i never thought it would happen the first time . aidan : kendall , i was just trying to reassure you , all right ? for god 's sake , you were in a really bad way . you were working yourself up . i 'm not going to rip your clothes off and do the dirty right here on the floor . it 's not going to happen . kendall : yes , you 're right -- it will never happen again . aidan : all right , well , let 's just stop talking about it , then . kendall : great , ok . fine by me . great . [ glass shatters ] erica : kendall , are you ok ? what in the world is going on here ? kendall : mother . erica : kendall . what 's going on ? aidan : nothing , there 's no need to worry . everything 's -- everything 's fine . kendall : i 'm -- i am so glad that you 're here . i just -- well , my nerves are just fried , and i was taking it out on aidan . aidan : she 's worried about zach , and she wanted me to go look for him . kendall : yeah , but he would n't , because zach told him to stay here with me . erica : well , that was a very good idea . i mean , i certainly trust aidan way more than i trust those two guards out front . look , honey , we 're all here for you -- especially your husband . i mean , zach did exactly the right thing leaving you here with aidan . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm aware of my mistakes . i want you to own up to yours . adam : i do n't know where hannah is . if i did , i 'd probably tell you -- not because i give a damn about you , but i do n't like the idea of people taking pot shots at erica 's daughter . man : mr. chandler , sorry to interrupt , but there 's a call for you . zach : who is it ? adam : it 's -- mind your own damn business . man : she said she tried your cell -- zach : `` she `` ? man : yes , but mr. chandler 's cell is apparently out of order . zach : hello ? adam : do you mind ? zach : no , it 's not . he 's right here . it 's business . adam : chandler here . oh , yes , ms. gamble . i want you to go ahead with the business plan for chandler enterprises , and i want you to get , buy as much cambias stock as possible . yeah , i know , i know -- it 's gone through the roof . i do n't care . i want everything i can get that is zach slater 's . [ scene_break ] greenlee : speaking of love , kendall has zach -- jack : yep . greenlee : and i have aidan , so -- jack : yep . greenlee : what about you ? what 's -- what 's with erica ? jack : not much of anything , actually . greenlee : dad , we 're talking about erica . there 's got to be something . jack : well , we 're not together , you know that . greenlee : right , but how not together are you ? jack : why does this all of a sudden feel like an inquisition ? greenlee : oh , i see -- you 're allowed to quiz me about my love life , but i ca n't ask you anything ? jack : no , of course , you can . of course , you can , but there are rules involved , because i am , after all , the parent here . greenlee : oh , ok . jack : i will tell you that we spent new year 's eve together . greenlee : you did ? jack : yep . greenlee : and it was , what ? jack : well , we did n't bludgeon each other with the noisemakers , if that 's what you 're asking . greenlee : and at midnight , did you ring in the new year , so to speak ? jack : those -- those -- those rules i mentioned before ? greenlee : yeah . jack : here 's where they apply . greenlee : ok , but guess what -- i happen to know you have slept together before . jack : wait , wait , wait , wait . why do i get this feeling that you 're encouraging this ? greenlee : no -- well , yes . what -- what i 'm encouraging is that i think you should just take happiness wherever you can find it . jack : that 's very good advice . and i will tell you that new year 's eve actually felt ok . i mean , we did n't do any fighting , no blame . it was all right . greenlee : good , so that 's progress . jack : yeah , i guess that 's -- no , this , this is progress . look at you , huh ? got a little color back in those cheeks . oh , you 're nice and warm -- that 's good . greenlee : well , it 's probably just talking about you and erica , but i do have one last question , a real question . do you think that there 's a future for you and erica ? [ scene_break ] julia : you know , they have a new nickname for you at the nurses ' station ? ryan : nice way of not answering . julia : mm - hmm . `` slim `` -- that 's what they 're calling you . ryan : `` slim , `` as in i need to gain weight ? julia : as in , `` when he came in here , we thought his chances were pretty slim . `` [ julia chuckles ] ryan : well , i proved them wrong . did n't i ? and now , back to you and erica . julia : hmm . ryan : so , what is this , like a lifelong feud or something ? julia : ha - ha . i assume that she was here to congratulate you on your piece of luck . ryan : excuse me , but luck had nothing to do with it , ok ? i knew exactly where to place my head , so that i would be shot safely , and it would n't hit kendall -- very talented . julia : and now , erica 's your number one fan because of it . ryan : yeah -- not so much yours . or do you want to sidestep that conversation one more time ? julia : you know , they 're going to change your nickname to `` nosy `` instead of slim . `` erica and i have never exactly been close . but now that jack and i are friends -- ryan : friends ? julia : yeah , friends , just -- just friends . there 's nothing romantic going on , but erica 's just so -- ryan : possessive ? julia : ok -- not exactly the word i would 've chosen , but , yeah , let 's go with that . ryan : well , you know , jack 's a great guy . he 's a great guy , and i 'm sure he 'll make a really good friend . but you never know -- i mean , annie and i started out as being just friends and now , honestly , i could n't imagine my life without her . [ scene_break ] annie : you called me to the hospital that day to kill you ? richie : yeah . ryan was right all along . since i thought i was going to die anyway , my plan was to get you to kill me , so you could spend the rest of your life in jail . is that enough truth for one day ? annie : oh , my god , richie . did you really hate me that much ? richie : i just wanted you to know what it was like to be locked up . annie : you know why i testified against you . richie : no , why you lied in court -- annie : i had to stop you from hurting anybody else . richie : st. annie , always the saint . annie : well , do n't count on it anymore . that letter -- that letter that you wanted me to take that day , that explained everything that you 've done ? richie : i still have it . do you want to see it ? i -- i really do n't know if i want to give it to you now . annie : please , richie , let me have the letter . what could be so bad in the letter ? my god , you already admitted trying to set me up to murder you . what could be worse than that ? richie : you 're right . what ? you afraid to open it ? deep , dark family secrets finally revealed ? a confession , an apology , my last will and testament ? why do n't you give it back , annie , ok ? just let it be . annie : i ca n't . annie : after you were dead , by my hand , this is what you were going to leave me with ? nothing ? richie : what would -- what would be left to say ? annie : you 're right . it 's all about your actions -- it always has been . no words , just what you 've done . richie : this time , it 's a little different . annie : no , i do n't think so . blank pages . after all the time that i 'd wondered what you 'd written . richie : i 'm sorry . i am sorry . i did n't want to give that to you , but you got to give me points at least for telling you the truth , the absolute truth . i did n't want to give those to you , but i had to , so you 'd see that 's my last prop in my bag of tricks . ok ? if i just get a second chance -- annie : oh , please . richie : no , come -- if i get a second chance , i will be the brother that you 've always wanted me to be . annie : no , i 've always wanted that , richie . i 've wanted to see this good richie just waiting for an opportunity to come out . richie : that 's what i 'm promising you . annie : no , no -- but there is no good side , richie . it 's almost like you do n't have a choice . you do n't even have the option . you 're just evil , down to your soul . richie : how would you know ? i 'm telling you for the first time ever that i feel like i have a choice , that there 's something good inside of me . and if i do live , i am never , ever going to hurt you again . annie : but , guess what , richie -- that 's the same thing that will happen if you die . [ scene_break ] erica : ok . now that i know you 're ok , something still does n't make sense to me . kendall : oh , come on , mom , do n't give me that look . erica : what look ? kendall : that look . aidan : zach trusted me to look after kendall and that 's exactly what i 'm going to do . so , why do n't you guys talk ? i 'm going to go check in on the guards . kendall : yeah , i think you -- you should do that . it 's -- it 's time . erica : now , why do n't you tell me the real story ? kendall : the real story , mom , is that this has nothing to do with aidan or me . erica : who , then ? kendall : you and jack . erica : what ? kendall : yeah -- oh , come on , mom . i 've seen the way that -- that you look at jack when he 's talking to other women , or to -- to julia or even to that stupid hostess at the -- at the yacht club . i mean , you basically turn green and then make some snotty remark . erica : you know , the only snotty remarks i 'm hearing are those coming out of your mouth . kendall : i 'm sorry . mom , i just -- i know that you miss jack , and i think he misses you , too . and i 'm feeling guilty , because maybe it 's partly my fault . [ scene_break ] jack : i do n't think it 's a question of whether i want it to be over with erica and me . greenlee : so , then , what 's the problem ? jack : erica knew that kendall was putting you in danger . when somebody messes with my kids , i find it very difficult to just go back . greenlee : ok . but , you and erica , you 've -- you 've shot your love down before , only to have it come back stronger . jack : yeah , i know . this was different . i mean , she -- erica knew that kendall was trying to hurt you , and -- greenlee : but you still care about kendall . jack : i do . she 's like a daughter to me and that 's ironic , i know , but i guess maybe that 's why i could excuse her . i could forgive her . but erica was a -- is a totally different story . greenlee : wow . so life gets complicated . jack : hmm . indeed , it does . greenlee : if only i had a magic wand . [ jack chuckles ] jack : your wish , my command . here you go , sis . [ greenlee laughs ] [ jack laughs ] greenlee : ok . jack : hmm ? greenlee : um -- i wish for life to go back to a time when it was less complicated . jack : ooh . great sentiment , but i think you just wasted a spell , because there was no such time . you know ? it 's just that we tend to remember the good things . the good old days are nothing more than us carefully selecting our memories , editing our life , so that we can get through it , remembering only the good stuff . greenlee : yeah , like right now . jack : yeah , like right now . [ scene_break ] annie : i love you . and i promise i wo n't let anything get in the way of our happiness ever again . you , me , emma , and spike -- you 're all the family that i need . [ scene_break ] jack : how about a hot chocolate for the walk home ? greenlee : yes . jack : yeah ? greenlee : extra hot , please . jack : no , you do n't have to tell me . no whipped cream -- i got it . greenlee : you know what ? call me crazy -- double whip . jack : you 're crazy . you got it . be right back . greenlee : oh -- hmm . [ feeling lightheaded , greenlee has to hold on to the wall . ] jack : hey , honey , do you want a small , medium , or large ? [ jack 's voice echoes in her head ] greenlee : um , a -- a large , please . jack : you got it . [ scene_break ] erica : look , whatever is going on between jack and me , it 's not your fault , ok ? it 's maybe a little bit mine , and it 's his . but i certainly do n't want that to happen to you and zach . kendall : do n't worry . it wo n't . but i am still getting a little worried about zach . i mean , he still has n't checked in yet . erica : well , honey , i mean , if something were going on , you -- you certainly would know . kendall : i would just feel better if i knew where he was . [ scene_break ] adam : pull up hannah nichols ' file , distribute her photograph to all of my security people . yes , do n't -- keep her out of the building . yeah , and notify my son . send two more bodyguards to my house . i 'm not taking any chances . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] zach : slater . hannah : i bet you 're crazy with worry . do you still get that little worry wrinkle above your nose when you get all worked up ? i need to see you -- immediately . and i bet you 're just dying to see me , too . [ in hannah 's hotel room , sean lies across her bed asleep ] [ next_on ] babe : so why did you come by last night ? j.r. : to ask you out on a date . kendall ( to erica ) : just because you cheated on your husband does n't mean i cheated on mine . aidan ( to zach ) : you just got your life and your family back . why are you acting like you got some kind of death wish ? | aidan comes to visit kendall and zach . zach leaves aidan with kendall while he takes care of some business . greenlee awakens with a scream which alerts jack . annie meets up with richie out in the hall . richie confesses that he had planned to frame her for his murder . annie asks him to let her have the letter that he had started to give to her before . richie finally agrees to let her have it . when annie opens the letter , she finds that the letter is blank . zach meets up with adam at the yacht club and confronts him as to what adam had been doing to him behind zach 's back . erica visits ryan . they share a slow dance in ryan 's hospital room . julia comes in and interrupts them . aidan and kendall argue about their making love and how that zach and greenlee does n't know about it . kendall orders aidan to stay away from her . erica walks in and overhears them arguing . erica confronts them as to what is going on . aidan and kendall both argue as to what they were arguing about . after aidan leaves , erica questions kendall as to what is really going on . zach and adam argue , as usual , over what hannah and adam had been doing to zach and kendall . zach receives a phone call from hannah , who tells him that she wants to see him . |
kendall : i 'm going crazy in here . i miss my boys so much . i miss my house . i miss my refrigerator . i miss my food , ok ? i do n't know what the hell this is . ten bucks to tell me what this is . what is this ? ryan : i can not , which is why we are going with something new , different . kendall : what is this , you guys ? golden chopsticks ! greenlee : you remembered ? kendall : of course , i remembered ! i love the duck ! i go crazy for the duck ! and remember the soup -- the dumplings ? greenlee : yes . we got them and just about everything else on the menu . ryan : you see ? i should 've gone with the sushi . she 's upset . kendall : no , no . it 's perfect . i love you guys . [ scene_break ] madison : tell my father i 'm not leaving . guard : he 's not coming out . madison : he has to . i need to see him . guard : sorry , ma'am . you wasted a trip . madison : [ cries ] ugh ! scott : here you go . [ hands her a tissue ] madison : thanks . madison : scott chandler ? scott : madison , right ? madison : yeah . i did n't expect to see you here . scott : i did n't expect to see you here either . but i 'm glad to see you 're not wearing one of these . can i help ? [ scene_break ] colby : i want you to leave . asher : too bad . i live here , too . colby : asher , i really do n't need this right now , ok ? why i even kissed you , i actually have no idea . asher : i do . colby : i do n't want you , asher . i want damon . i am in love with damon . all right ? [ scene_break ] damon : i do n't want to leave town . liza : ok . then do n't . damon : like i have a choice , liza . damn it . [ cries ] liza : come here . [ hugs damon ] come here . come here . god , i wish this could be different . i wish there was something i could do . [ liza and damon kiss , then start to tear their clothes off ] [ scene_break ] scott : do you want to sit down ? madison : no , thanks . i 'm sorry to lose it like this . i just really needed to see my father . scott : james beardsley , hmm ? madison : you know him ? scott : i 've seen him around , heard the way he talks to people , like they 're worthless . madison : that 's him . scott : no offense , but he seems like a real bastard . madison : none taken . scott : so i 'm gon na guess that you and daddy dearest do n't get along too well . madison : i 'm going to guess that you do n't know why he 's in here . scott : uh - uh . madison : he used to beat me up . scott : oh . i 'm sorry . i did n't know that . madison : anyway , i 'm taking up your time , so i 'm gon na go . scott : no . are you kidding me ? the only thing on my schedule today is to count the bars , so please take up my time . madison : for me to even come here , my father had to know that it was important . it could 've been life or death , and he does n't even care . what was i thinking ? scott : the guy 's a jerk . madison : i hate him , but i 'm desperate . i need money , and i was hoping that i could convince him to give me whatever 's left in my trust fund , but obviously that 's not going to happen . scott : maybe he just wants to make you wait . madison : he always has to have control , even from behind bars . scott : sounds like some of my family . you fall in line or the chandlers -- they freeze you out . madison : you somehow learn how to play the game -- scott : and start hating yourself , start doing things that you never thought you 'd ever do . madison : tell me about it . scott : and that 's the way to work it , you know ? they make you think that you need them , that you could never survive without them . and do n't even think about breaking away , because that would be like cutting off a limb . madison : i want to break away , more than anything , but it 's not just about me anymore . [ scene_break ] kendall : would you quit hogging the mu shu , please ? greenlee : eat the duck . kendall : i ate the duck . now i want the mu shu . ryan : ok , guys , settle down . there 's a lot to go around . hey , i saw that . greenlee : predictable . kendall : completely . ryan : me ? kendall : mm - hmm . greenlee and i go at it -- greenlee : and you play peacemaker . ryan : yeah , i want everybody to be happy . is that so wrong ? kendall : no . it 's just so you . greenlee : this is nice . ryan : yeah -- picking on the guy . a blast . kendall : no . greenlee 's right . just the three of us -- it 's been a long time since we 've hung out . it 's strange , different , but good . greenlee : so which one of us is gon na get locked in a tower ? ryan : i was sort of hoping for some underwater wrestling . kendall : really ? greenlee : we can laugh about it . that means something . kendall : it means everything . greenlee : a toast . ryan : toast ? greenlee : yes . kendall : mm - hmm . greenlee : to friends -- those we found again , those we lost . we may not be together , but we 'll always be connected forever . ryan : hey , i do n't mean to interrupt the party here , but kendall and i need to kind of deal with something . kendall : sounds serious . ryan : zach 's lawyer called . kendall : why ? ryan : you need to deal with zach 's will . greenlee : ryan -- ryan : i know that it 's not easy , but it 's not something to put off forever . you really need to settle this . you need to settle it for yourself and for the boys . [ scene_break ] asher : chill , ok ? i 'm not trying to steal you away from damon . colby : good , because you 're not going to . asher : the only reason i 'm here is because j.r. has asked me to stay . colby : right . asher : he 's going out of town , so he wants us to work together on a project for chandler . colby : i really do n't care about your job with chandler . i just want you gone . that 's all . asher : relax . you 're making a big deal over nothing . colby : `` nothing ? `` really ? my boyfriend -- he walked in on us kissing ! do you have any idea what that 's done to him , how upset he is ? and now i have to fix things . asher : can we just be honest for once ? colby : asher , please get away from me . asher : can we just put the truth out there ? i may have kissed you , but both times you wanted it . [ scene_break ] [ after they 've had sex , damon pulls away from liza ] [ scene_break ] madison : i 'm in a tough spot . i can dig out of it . i just need cash . scott : are n't you and ryan lavery -- madison : we were . scott : oh . sorry . i guess i 'm out of the loop . madison : do n't worry about it . scott : i wish i could help you out , but i 'm strapped myself . no , wait a minute . i 've got $ 3.00 , made it folding laundry . you can have it if you 'd like it . madison : thanks , but we barely know each other . thanks for listening . you 're pretty good at it . scott : anytime . you know where to find me . [ madison leaves ] scott ( to the guard ) : what ? [ scene_break ] kendall : it 's not like i 'll be surprised . i know what 's in zach 's will . i have to do this . greenlee : i know this is important , but ca n't it wait until she gets home ? ryan : the lawyer just wants her to take a look and see if you have any questions or concerns , and then you can actually execute when you 're ready . kendall : `` execute . `` ca n't they come up with a better legal name than that ? i never thought i 'd see this again . i thought it would stay locked up until we 're old and gray . there must be so much i have to do . ryan : i do n't mean to push . kendall : you guys , i 'm fine , ok ? seeing my husband 's will and holding it -- it 's hard . but you know what ? i 'll be up , back on my feet in a few days , and then you wo n't have to coddle me anymore . greenlee : listen , kendall , we love you . we are gon na coddle you . we are gon na help with the boys . we 're gon na pick up gourmet food for you . we are going to support you and comfort and pamper you however we can , and there 's nothing you can do to stop us . kendall : well , all right , then . ok . then you are my personal servants . i guess i should read this . can you guys stay ? ryan : as long as you need us to . kendall : this is n't everything zach left behind . not even close . his real legacy is how much he loved us . [ scene_break ] asher : you gon na blame me for everything ? fine . i do n't care . colby : that is such a cop - out . asher : whatever . colby : `` whatever . i 'm asher , and nothing matters to me . i do n't care about anything . `` asher : i never said that . colby : you did n't have to , asher . you see something -- my world is falling apart , because of something we did . and you 're standing there shrugging it off like it means nothing to you . asher : what should i do ? pick a fight ? break something ? completely flip out and lose it ? would that make you feel better ? colby : as soon as things get hard , this is exactly what you do ! asher : i 'm not the one who ca n't deal with what 's going on here . colby : asher , i felt bad for you . i felt bad about your dad . i told you real things about my family . what about you ? what about your side of the conversations ? were they ever real ? asher : come on . what do you think ? colby : i think that you told me whatever you thought i wanted to hear so i would confide in you and trust you . and then look -- you moved in here . but you had this little plan to come into my house and ruin my life for fun . maybe things do n't matter to you , but damon -- he means everything to me and he is so hurt right now , and i am dying inside . and you are standing there blowing it off like it 's all a big `` whatever `` to you ! asher : that is not true , ok ? i am so sorry that i hurt you . believe me , that 's the last thing that i would ever want to do . colby : whatever , asher . [ scene_break ] liza : i 'm sorry . damon , i 'm so sorry . [ damon gets up , puts on his clothes , and leaves , slamming the door ] liza : oh , god . [ scene_break ] kendall : it 's pretty straightforward . ryan : i 'll tell zach 's lawyer that you 'll call him when you 're ready . kendall : thank you . it 's time i face this . i 'm gon na have a cookie . ryan : hmm . kendall : hmm . `` you will always be surrounded by friends . `` ryan : ok . kendall : what 's that say ? ryan : `` help , i 'm trapped in a chinese bakery . `` kendall : what ? greenlee : oh . dessert . i left it in the car , so i 'll be right back . ryan : all right . that 's weird . kendall : it is weird . hmm . so ? how are things going ? ryan : good . things are good . i hear you 've been getting pretty close with madison . kendall : yeah . i like her . ryan : she 's a great person . incredible person . the way i handled that breakup -- i mean -- kendall : ryan , you 're meant to be with greenlee . madison knows that . greenlee : madison . hey . madison : you here to see kendall ? greenlee : i came with ryan . madison : world 's worst timing -- that 's me . i will come back later . greenlee : i 've been leaving you messages . did n't you get them ? madison : i got them . greenlee : then why have n't you called me back ? madison : honestly , because i have nothing to say . greenlee : you 're going to start showing at some point . ryan is going to know you 're pregnant . how do you plan on handling that ? madison : i do n't know yet . greenlee : you need to figure it out . madison : i 'm trying . greenlee : how , madison ? how are you trying ? madison : i think about it all the time , ok ? greenlee : that 's it ? madison : what else do you want me to do ? i talk to frankie . i talk to randi . i talk to scott . i talk to myself . greenlee : scott who ? madison : scott chandler . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] colby : why did n't you open the door ? liza : i was in the shower . i just got out . colby : have you seen damon , mom ? i 've been trying to call him , but he 's not picking up any of my calls . i did something so horrible . mom , are you even listening to me ? liza : uh - huh . yes . yes , i am . colby : have you heard from damon ? did he come here ? [ scene_break ] tad : damon ? are you crazy ? you 're gon na freeze -- damon : i do n't want that ! tad : i do n't care . damon : i do n't want it ! tad : hey . hey , come on . did something happen ? whatever it is ca n't be that bad . [ scene_break ] kendall : madison will be ok . in some ways , what we 're going through is similar . ryan : kendall , you lost your husband . kendall : i said `` similar , `` not `` the same . `` madison and i are both dealing with a loss , trying to figure out how to start over . trust that she 'll be able to move on . you have to give her the space that she needs . she 'll be able to do it . so will i . we 'll help each other . ryan : i 'm glad to hear that . zach 's lawyer is waiting to hear from me . kendall : you can tell him as soon as i 'm out of here , i will call him , and we 'll set up a meeting . ryan : are you sure ? kendall : it 's time i stepped up . ryan : then i guess i better help that poor guy get out of the chinese bakery . kendall : yeah . ryan , thank you so much for everything . ryan : you got to stop saying that . kendall : no , i mean it , though . you 've helped me so much . ryan : you 're family , kendall . i 'm never gon na stop helping you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : since when are you friends with scott chandler ? madison : i 'm not . i just ran into him today . greenlee : just strolling through a prison exercise yard ? madison : my father 's in prison , too . i went to visit him . big mistake . i wo n't be doing that again . greenlee : so what did you say to scott ? madison : i did n't put him on my baby registry , if that 's what you 're asking . greenlee : you have a registry ? madison : no , i do n't . but if i did , it 's none of your business , ok , just like my private conversations . greenlee : i love ryan . you 're carrying his baby . i just want this settled . madison : translation -- `` stay away from ryan `` ? i should have his baby somewhere else ? yeah , you want me gone greenlee . i get that . greenlee : i thought that 's what you wanted . we had a deal . you were going to move to new york and live happily ever after with your baby . madison : i changed my mind . greenlee : and that has a direct impact on my life , my future . i have a right to know what your new plan is . madison : i do n't have a new plan , ok , so just stop interrogating me . i know you refuse to believe it , but i do n't want ryan to know about this baby any more than you do . so when i start to show , i will avoid ryan , i will wear big sweaters -- whatever i have to do . who knows ? maybe i 'll find some guy to pretend like he 's the father . ryan : hey . what are you still doing here ? i thought you were going to get dessert . greenlee : hi . um , i got a call from one of fusion 's distributors . it 's a big perfume emergency . will you apologize to kendall and tell her i had to go ? [ scene_break ] liza : ahem . damon was just here , actually , a little while ago . colby : what did he say to you ? liza : well , honey , he was very upset . he does n't want to work for me anymore . you know ? colby : great . great . he 's quitting his job , he 's leaving town , and it 's all my fault . liza : no , honey . honey , no , it 's not . it 's not your fault . colby : did damon tell you what i did ? liza : yeah , he did . he did . colby : i knew kissing asher was wrong . i do n't understand why i would be so stupid about the whole thing . liza : honey , sometimes these things -- they just happen . you were n't intentionally trying to hurt damon . colby : but i did . mom , i betrayed him . something like that you ca n't take back , ever . mom , i know that we have n't been close , but will you come sit with me , please ? liza : why do n't i grab you some tea ? colby : no , i do n't want any tea . mom , he was working so hard for me , and this is what i do . he was trying to turn his life around for me . liza : honey , sometimes people -- they just -- honey , they just make mistakes , you know ? colby : i was suspicious of everything . i assumed all this stuff of you guys . i mean , my god . you 're my mother . and i get it now . you were trying to help me , you were trying to help damon , and i am so sorry . liza : no , do n't . stop . do n't apologize to me , ok ? i 'm the one that needs to be apologizing to you , colby . oh , god , could you ever forgive me ? colby : for what ? [ scene_break ] tad : come on . do n't do this to your old man . you 're gon na get pneumonia . talk to me . damon : it 's colby . i love her so much , and i saw her with asher . tad : ok . so you love her . you saw her with asher . what happened ? come here . come here . damon : actually seeing them together , i stopped thinking . i stopped . i just -- i wanted to -- tad : to what ? damon : i think i 'm gon na be sick . tad : what did you do ? damon , come on . what did you do ? damon : i ca n't . i ca n't . tad : what did you do ? damon : i was with someone else . tad : you dog . ok . i 'm sorry . i 'm not making light of it . all right ? you made a mistake , and it 's a bad one , all right , but it 's not the worst thing in the world . damon : you do n't get it . tad : do n't kid yourself . of course , i do . at your age , you look the way you do , life is complicated , all right , especially when it comes to loving somebody . that does n't mean you ca n't get past it . it does n't mean that you -- damon : not this . not this . tad : why not ? damon : do n't make me say it , please ? i ca n't . tad : how bad does it get ? how deep does it go ? is it somebody she knows ? is it like a friend of hers or something ? damon : not exactly . tad : what the hell is that supposed to mean ? damon : please , please ? tad : come on . you 're starting to scare me . stop it . look me in the eye . who is it ? somebody you should n't be involved with ? somebody you met at a bar ? a chat room ? where ? damon : work . tad : oh , god , no . [ scene_break ] colby : why are you so upset , mom ? liza : ok , you have to understand that i would never , ever intentionally hurt you . you know that , right ? you know that , do you ? colby : yes , but you 're shaking . liza : because all i 've ever wanted to do was be a really good mother , you know , and be somebody that you can actually trust . colby : i tried . i really tried . liza : oh , my god , if i had one wish right now , you know what i would do ? i 'd erase everything , and i would start all over again . and i would erase every stupid move that i 've ever done just so you know that i could be there for you , how much i care about you . colby : where is this all coming from , mom ? liza : it 's just everything . it 's everything that happened with damon . it 's this whole damon thing , you know ? i just -- colby : no , mom , i 'm the one who screwed up with damon . liza : you see , i 'm the one who never trusted him . i never trusted him . i never believed that he was any good for you or for my daughter . oh , my god . colby : mom , you only did that because you thought that you were protecting me . liza : what i was doing was i was protecting myself , is what i was doing . i was protecting me . it was about me . i wanted what i wanted . i wanted to keep my little girl . that 's what i wanted ! i did n't want to let you go ! colby : why are you saying all of this ? liza : because ! because it 's wrong , colby . i messed up . you were right . you were absolutely right from the beginning . the reason i hired damon was because i wanted to keep in control of everything . i wanted to control him , and i wanted to control you , and it 's wrong . it 's just so wrong . colby : mom -- liza : it 's so wrong . colby : mom , i have wanted honesty for so long about damon . thank you . liza : it was my fault . it was my fault . you know that ? colby : no , mom . listen to me . no . damon -- he wanted to go to college . he has dreams . he wants to go to law school . none of that would 've happened if it were n't for you . liza : uh -- colby : i have to go fix -- liza : no , honey , do n't . colby , where are you going ? colby : i have to go fix things . liza : no , do n't ! because i believe that damon needs some time right now , ok ? he does . colby : no , mom , i love damon and i ca n't lose him . i need to get him to forgive me . [ scene_break ] tad : you and liza ? damon : you can say it . you hate me . hmm ! i 'm the loser you always knew that i was . your long - lost son -- he 's a worthless piece of crap who blew everything apart , and now you hate me . tad : i do n't hate you . damon : i hate myself ! tad : would you stop it ? i know you 're hurt , i know you 're in pain , but right now all i want is for you to just stand still long enough to talk to me . damon : are you kidding ? talk to you ? tad : i want to know what happened . i want to know why it happened -- damon : tad , forget it ! i 'm worthless ! just forget me ! tad : i do n't know how many ways to say it . i 'm not . i ca n't . i ca n't forget you . it 's never gon na happen . i 'm never gon na walk away from you . i 've told you a thousand times , so i 'm gon na tell you again . so you 're just gon na have to endure the speech about how when i was a little boy , the son of a bitch who called himself my father -- he dropped me off like a broken piece of trash in a park . it was a lot like this one , ok ? a lot like this one , and i felt exactly the same way you do now . i know what it feels like to be worthless . i know what it feels like to be alone , and from the bottom of my heart i 'm telling you you 're neither , ok ? you 're my son , you always will be , and i 'm never , ever gon na walk away from you . now , we can stand here freezing our asses off until february , or you can simply tell me what happened . damon : i was so angry at colby because she kissed asher . kissed him , that 's all , and then i do this with her own mother . she did n't deserve this . you did n't deserve this . tad : oh , come on , kiddo . this is life . `` deserves `` got nothing to do with it , believe me . i just want to know , did liza initiate this ? damon : what ? no . no . tad : it 's just a logical question . she tried to set you up once before . damon : no , this was not a setup . liza did not plan this . tad , i went to her apartment . i kissed her . i -- god , what is wrong with me ? tad : nothing . hey , nothing , ok ? come here . you made a mistake . you made a bad mistake , and it 's gon na hurt you . it 's gon na hurt a lot of people , but that does n't mean you ca n't get over it . damon : it was so much more than that . you do n't get it . tad : you 'll get past this , ok ? damon : you do n't get it . tad : are you kidding . look , you know what happened to me . when i was your age , i did the same thing . i slept with liza and her mother , and you know how far gone i was ? i actually thought that it made me somebody . i was proud of it , you know , because it made me a player . at least you 're in pain . you know what you did was wrong . this is killing you , and that 's what 's gon na save you . damon : save me ? tad : yeah , save you -- your heart , your soul . that 's why in life you got to have faith . that 's the most important thing sometimes . look , ever since the day i met you , i 've seen you overcome challenges that would 've crippled me , and every time you stared it down . you beat it , and that 's why i 'm so proud of you , ok ? you made a decision to do the right thing , to do better , to be better , ok ? you 're not perfect . who the hell is ? at least you 're out there in life giving it your best shot . that 's why i love you . ok ? that 's why i believe in you , and now i 'm asking you to believe in me . son , you 're gon na find your way through this . damon : how ? if i tell colby -- tad : you 're not . you 're not . look at me . do n't you dare tell colby , ok ? it 's not gon na help her . it 's not gon na help you . damon : how do i not tell her ? tad : i do n't know , but you find a way . because take it from me , i saw firsthand what it did to her mother . this will crush colby . you keep your mouth shut . damon : so , what , i just move on ? i do n't know if i can . i do n't know if i can ever look her in the face again . tad : it 's gon na be tough . it 's gon na be hard . but one way or another , you got to find a way . damon : i 'm so sorry . tad : i know . [ scene_break ] madison : so how are you feeling ? kendall : ok , i do n't want to talk about me anymore . i 'm sick of that . i want to talk about you . madison : i 'll be happy when i find a job . kendall : all right . why do n't you come back to fusion ? madison : what ? kendall : yeah . you can have your old position back . it 'll be like you never left . madison : kendall , that is a very , very nice offer , but i do n't think it 'll work . kendall : you do n't want to be around greenlee ? madison : there 's more to it than that . it 's just not a good idea . kendall : you wo n't have to be around greenlee until you 're ready . madison : how 's that possible ? what , i work the fusion office in siberia ? kendall : no , not siberia . my living room . once i get out of here , i 'm gon na have to take it easy , and i 'm gon na want to be around the boys . so i 'll be working from my home , and so will you . you 'll be working exclusively just for me . madison : for how long ? kendall : maybe a month . by then , you 'll probably be ready . madison : a lot can happen in a month . [ scene_break ] scott : greenlee ? greenlee : surprise . scott : what are you doing here ? greenlee : ryan told me he saw you the other day . you asked him for a job , and he had to say no . scott : and ? greenlee : maybe i can say yes . [ scene_break ] ryan : so kendall will be ready to execute it as soon as she gets released from here . lawyer : thanks for your help . ryan : roger , can i ask you a question about zach 's casinos , if you do n't mind ? you were involved with the casinos , right ? roger : yeah , to some extent . ryan : so i know that his partners were n't crazy about the casino sale going through , and i also know that zach was a little bit concerned about some kind of retaliation . were these guys kind of rough ? roger : you do n't know ? ryan : uh , know what ? roger : mr. slater died before the sale of the casinos was finalized . [ scene_break ] kendall : free coffee , all you can drink , any time . madison : well , ok . ok . i will work for you . greenlee 's not gon na like it . kendall : i will handle greenlee . [ scene_break ] scott : all right . why would you want to help me ? greenlee : do old friendships count for nothing , not to mention the fact that i had a major crush on you ? scott : ok . that was , like , 10 years ago , and we have barely spoken since . greenlee : i feel bad about that . i should 've reached out to you after stuart died . this is my way of trying to make up for it . ryan ca n't hire you at cambias , but i can offer you another job , one that will help you with the parole board and get you out of here . scott : ok . greenlee , it has been a while , but i have n't forgotten how you operate . you are not here out of the kindness of your heart , so let 's hear it . what do you want from me ? [ scene_break ] ryan : so the sale of the casino never actually went through ? roger : we got close , but then mr. slater 's plane went down . ryan : really ? because the cause of crash was never determined . roger : i assumed it was an accident . ryan : everybody did . but if somebody had a reason to make it happen -- i mean , zach may have been murdered . [ scene_break ] colby : [ walks up to damon in the park ] i talked to my mom . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] [ tad finds liza crying in her apartment ] | ryan and greenlee visit kendall in the hospital . kendall complains about the hospital food when ryan surprises her with some chinese food . madison arrives at the prison to visit her father , but he refuses to see her . madison sees scott instead and strikes up a conversation . madison lets scott know that she is here to ask her father for more money from her trust fund , but with no luck . colby orders asher to leave the mansion , but asher refuses by telling her that j.r. wants him there and besides j.r. wants him and colby to work on a project together for chandler enterprises . colby balks at the idea of working with asher . asher tells colby that she had wanted him to kiss her which leads to colby hitting asher in the face . damon and liza hug which results in them making love . ryan lets kendall know that the lawyer had called him about zach 's will . ryan holds the will in his hand which he , reluctantly , hands to kendall . kendall is hesitant to take the will because she had thought that the will would remain locked up until she and zach were old and gray . damon and liza pulls apart , ashamed as to what they had just done . asher and colby argue when colby lets him know that she only loves damon . kendall and ryan discuss madison and how ryan had ended things with her . greenlee and madison meet up in the hospital corridor . greenlee questions madison as to how she will handle the situation with the baby when she begins to show . madison lets her know that she will handle it . |
kendall : so , welcome to phase three of `` you can be anyone you want to be . `` ethan : a lambada dancer ? sorry , i do n't think i can do that . kendall : oh , ethan , you do n't have to put on a floorshow . we can hunker down in a private corner and move to our own rhythm . ethan : kendall , i ca n't do this . look , the longer it gets , the more difficult it 's getting , you know ? kendall : ok , well , listen , the wait will be over soon . in the meantime , choose your nervous - energy burn , and i 'll be right there with you . i 'm not going to let you go through this alone . ethan : i just feel like i could destroy something right now . i mean , i could just punch my fist in someone 's face , if the right face were to come along . [ scene_break ] krystal : we got to talk . tad : well , look who got sprung . how 'd you make bail , or do i want to know ? krystal : adam made it happen . tad : with a few conditions , i 'm sure . krystal : let 's just put it this way -- we got trouble . tad : no , you got trouble . if he 's coming after you and david after everything you 've done , more power to him . krystal : adam and j.r. know about baby james . [ scene_break ] j.r. : the tall one , dumb as dirt , put him on . sister fatima : the man wants to talk to you . j.r. : yo , james . my brother , are you there ? jamie : i 'm here . j.r. : guess what , buddy -- you and babe are so dead . i know that you have my son . game over for you and babe , payback time for me . now , put my pi back on the phone . jamie : j.r. knows . sister fatima : what next , mr. chandler ? j.r. : call the cops , tell them that these two losers are the ones that are wanted for kidnapping . call me the second that they 're in custody , and do n't take your eyes off my son . sister fatima : it 'll go down just the way you say , mr. chandler . told you this day was going to have a bad end . tea leaves never lie . liza : glory be . jinx parminter ? louisiana state ! go , go , go ! sister fatima : let me up , bitch ! liza : somebody please help this poor woman ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : prep the jet . file a flight plan for new orleans . i 'll meet you on the tarmac . adam : quick work . congratulations . feels good , does n't it ? j.r. : this minute , police cruisers screaming down the french quarter . and within the hour , babe and jamie will be in custody , huddling in a holding cell , waiting extradition . it 's time to bring my son home . adam : there 's nothing stopping you . j.r. : it 's been 10 months . my son has to be so big by now . he 's probably crawling , pulling himself up out of the crib , shaking and jumping up and down , wanting his -- i 'll be damned if my son ever calls jamie `` daddy . `` adam : oh , son , when you were a boy and you used to spend time with tad , i used to worry about that . tad , the card , the comic , kidding his way into your life , claiming it . i was terrified that you would be more his son than mine . but that fear was unfounded because you are my son , by birth , by blood , in every way that counts . and it 's going to be exactly the same way with you and your boy . mark my words . j.r. : there 's only one difference . i 'll never betray my son . [ scene_break ] tad : bianca told j.r. about his son ? krystal : no . at least i do n't think so . tad : then why are you here sounding the alarm ? krystal : adam bailed me out of jail to fish for info . tad : about jamie and babe ? krystal : yeah . he did his evil best just to try to trick me into saying that they were off with his grandbaby . tad : you 're right , he knows something . krystal : yeah , i kept telling him that his grandbaby died at that river 10 months ago . tad : after all the lies you told about bess , he 's not going to believe a word you say . krystal : i did n't give anything away , ok , but i do n't think i threw him off track , either . tad : this is great . this is just fantastic . krystal : tad , listen to me , is n't there a way we can reach them -- tad : no . krystal : and warn them that there 's trouble on their tail ? tad : listen to me , it 's not safe . the best thing to do is just cut off communication altogether . krystal : ca n't we anonymously send them some money ? i 'm broke , but david 's loaded . tad : who cares ? you think david 's money is some kind of magic carpet ? it 's not about money . if it was , brooke and i would be up to our necks in hock right now . krystal : i know that , i know . tad : money 's not going to do any good . the fact is there is n't one town left on this entire planet that 's going to be safe because if they know about that baby , if they 've got the old chandler blood in their nostrils , j.r. and adam will hunt our children to the moon and back . for all i know , j.r. 's on the phone with some kind of bounty hunter from hell right now telling him to bring back his son no matter what and just do whatever he wants to jamie and babe . krystal : tad , you 're scaring me now . tad : well , guess what -- join the club . try `` terrified `` on for size . try sitting up every single night in the same chair , afraid to go to sleep because every time i do , i have the same nightmare over and over and over again . and it 's always the same . it never changes . the kids and the baby , sitting around a kitchen table , laughing , looking like the perfect family . then all of a sudden , the lights go out and -- boom -- j.r. 's standing right there . i 'm trying to do whatever i can to help the kids , to get between them and j.r. , but i ca n't move . it 's like i 'm stuck in place and they ca n't hear me screaming for them to run . i just watch paralyzed while j.r. grabs the baby with one hand and a pipe with the other , smashes it down on jamie 's head over and over again . night after night , always the same thing -- just me watching . oh , wait a minute . here . do yourself a favor -- get a second one , make it a double . [ scene_break ] kendall : ethan took the dna test , and if they get the results tonight , they 're going to messenger them here . greenlee : all righty , then . enjoy your evening . kendall : want to hang out ? ethan : well , it 's either that or have them deliver the results by bungee cord , so -- kendall ? what 's wrong ? kendall : it 's her . greenlee : honey , order my usual . i 'll be back . ryan : ok . kendall : give me one good reason why you 're still alive . what idiot judge let you out of jail ? you let him cop a feel in chambers in exchange for a free pass ? krystal : my bail got posted . kendall : oh , someone saved your sorry butt . proof that what you put out there does n't always come back to bite you . so here you are , free as a bird , sucking down your scotch . choke on it . people like you should be dead , but for whatever reason go on living , rubbing all of our faces in it . krystal : give me your best shot , kendall . lord knows i deserve it . greenlee : she does n't need your permission to unload . kendall : but i am curious . i am dying to know what it 's like to be you right now in this very moment . do you look at your face in the mirror , flash yourself that little half - smile , saying , `` i got away with it -- yes , ma'am , i got away with murder `` ? because that 's what you are . you 're a baby killer . you let my sister believe that her baby was dead . that dirt that we shoveled at the miranda center ? we should 've been digging for your grave . but here you are . you 're breathing free air and enjoying the nightlife when you should be on death row . krystal : my judgment day will come sooner or later . kendall : yeah , well , sooner 's got my vote . greenlee : mine , too . kendall : you want to hear my favorite fantasy ? it 's me sitting ringside when you get the needle -- the one that sends you straight to hell . i need to see you suffer the way that you made my sister suffer . krystal : kendall , you have every right to be upset with me . you have every right to hate me . kendall : ok , for you to pretend that you understand anything that i 'm going through is nothing but an insult . it 's exactly what i would expect from you . greenlee : uh - uh . you do n't get to walk away . you stay and you hear kendall out , and then when she 's done , i 'll get started . kendall : so , where 's your precious baby doll now ? krystal : i do n't know . but you ca n't blame her for this . kendall : oh , how does that work exactly ? see , babe knew the child that she was feeding and diapering and passing off as her own was bianca 's . spare me her guilt pains and her secret suffering and all the tears that she supposedly cried . babe was part of this whole nasty cover - up , so how does that make her blame - free ? krystal : she got caught up in paul cramer 's lie . kendall : yeah , well , she had a zillion chances to get uncaught and do right by bianca and that innocent baby . but she chose her own piggy , selfish needs over a mother 's right to love her own child . i guess she was absent the day they taught about right and wrong , huh ? greenlee : yeah , i 'm sure the subject never came up at krystal 's home school . lying and cheating are her best subjects . the difference between right and wrong never made the curriculum . david : all right , that 's enough . ease up on krystal . greenlee : do n't you dare tell me to ease up , david . david : greenlee , you do n't know the whole story . greenlee : i know you had the chance to give bianca her baby back , but you just let her suffer . [ scene_break ] bobby : yeah , it 's time for another payment . 30,000 , same drop , boathouse tomorrow morning . oh , well , i 'm really sorry to hear that because as we speak , i got ryan lavery in my line of sight and -- you 're really going to love this -- guess who 's with him . yeah , ethan ramsey . the dude who took a bullet in the gut hanging out with the guy who got arrested for shooting him . maybe i should join the party , tell him whose finger was really on the trigger ? excellent , excellent . yeah , as long as we 're on the same page , huh ? [ scene_break ] adam : let 's concentrate on the positive , son . to adam chandler , iii , and to his speedy return home . oh , martin ! you 're about as welcome as the plague . j.r. : that 's true , but his timing 's right on the money . the jet 's not ready . we were just celebrating the return of my son . turns out he did n't die in a chopper crash . he 's with his kidnappers , babe and jamie . oh , do n't panic . one of my operatives ran them down . they should be posing for their mug shots right about now . i just dropped a bomb , you did n't blink . did you know about my son ? tad : yeah . i knew . j.r. : you knew my baby survived and you still kept it from me ? tad : yes . j.r. : do n't you think that i deserved to know ? how can you justify keeping that from me ? how could you give my son to my brother ? do you honestly hate me that much ? tad : no , i do n't hate you . i 'm afraid of you . i 'm afraid for you . j.r. : get out of my house . tad : i saw the blood on the pipe you used to beat your brother within an inch of his life . i watched bianca fight for her life while you held on to her daughter and refused to give her up . so i had to ask myself , `` what would dixie want for her grandson ? `` the answer was easy . she would n't want you to raise that boy . j.r. : do n't talk about my mother ! do n't pretend to think that you know what she 'd want for me ! she loved me ! she 'd want me to have my child ! adam : son , let it go ! forget tad ! he 's as bad as the worst of them . he 's beneath contempt . [ scene_break ] greenlee : have you forgotten leo ? have you ? david : of course not . greenlee : your brother loved you and bianca . he was her best friend . david : i know that . greenlee : leo believed in you , david . you were supposed to watch over bianca , but you did n't . you passed her over for babe . you let bianca down . you let leo down . feel that ? it 's leo 's heart breaking . kendall : i do n't get you . you protected bianca all throughout her pregnancy . you helped me help her . i trusted you . she trusted you . david : we should go . ryan : no , actually , you 're going to come with me . ethan : hold on a second , i want in on this one . ryan : i lead , you learn . krystal : david ? david : order me a scotch . i 'll be right back . ryan : save your money , krystal ! krystal : what are they going to do to him ? greenlee : forget david . what are we going to do to you ? david : all right ! all right , look at me , look at me , i 'm shaking , i 'm trembling . so , what , is this the part where you muscle - heads beat me to a pulp and leave me for dead ? ryan : could be . [ scene_break ] jamie : linda crane . l.c . -- `` liza colby . `` this is it . liza : come in , come in , come in . i was starting to get a little worried . jamie : well , we took the back way up and then took the scenic route to make sure no one followed us . liza : yeah , well , thank god for your dominant pi genes . i saw you grab the gun . jamie : i tossed it in the river . i did n't want it anywhere around the baby . liza : i do n't blame you . it 's so good to see someone from home . jamie : tell me about it . i nearly flatlined when you showed up . babe : it was like a miracle . one minute we 're staring down the barrel of a gun , and then -- jamie : then the next , you swooped in and saved the day , and not , i think , by a coincidence . liza : well , tad told me what was going on . i was supposed to stay low , but i knew there was some heat , so i took a walk in your quarter . babe : lucky for us . liza : well , luck and timing . tad thumbnailed it all for me . before i hear the whole story , i would very much like to be introduced to this handsome man . who is this ? babe : this is my son . liza : yours and j.r. ? babe : j.r. 's his biological daddy , but jamie 's his daddy in every way that counts . liza : so what 's his name ? babe : james . our sweet baby james . [ scene_break ] j.r. : your son is going to have a long stretch behind bars . i 'm hoping for a life sentence and an unmarked grave behind the prison cemetery . that to me is sweet victory . tad : j.r. , no matter how angry you are , he 's still your brother . j.r. : no , we used to hang out together , but there is no blood that ties . is n't that funny , just like you and me . you called me `` son `` because it made my mom happy and made my father nuts . but you dropped me fast when you chose jamie over me . tad : that 's not true . i do n't care what 's happened , i do n't care what 's been said , i have always loved you like a son and i always will . j.r. : you made that sound so easy . here , let me try . i love you like a dad . no , no . actually , it just -- just leaves a bad aftertaste in the mouth . [ phone rings ] j.r. : so how about we leave it with `` as dead to me `` ? tell me they 're handcuffed in the back of a patrol car . they what ? adam : son , what 's wrong ? j.r. : some crazy lady created a diversion . babe and jamie got away with my son ! what did she look like ? fair - skinned , blonde hair , late 30s . listen to me , mobilize all your units , shut down that city till you find them ! adam : son -- j.r. : damn it , it was this close . adam : the woman running interference -- j.r. : the pi took a photo on her cell cam , emailed it . adam : liza ! yes ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : they say what does n't kill you makes you stronger , but i doubt bianca can wring much comfort in that . and she 's not the only walking wounded . the numbers are still coming in , but here 's your casualty list to date . erica , bianca 's mother . your lie trashed her sobriety . kendall . your lie broke her mind , her spirit . your lie gave reggie a close - up view of life 's ugly side , meaner than anything he 'd seen on the streets where he grew up . and when my dad laid eyes on that smashed incubator , that box that was just full of life just hours before , he broke down . he lost that child , he lost erica . because of your lie , everyone lost . everyone except you and david and babe . oh , you survive , you go on , but my family may never recover . kendall : my sister will never get back the time that she lost with her daughter . i used to stress about how devoted bianca was to bess . i thought it was unnatural . but what 's more natural than a mother knowing her own child ? but babe kept the baby , and bianca went home empty - handed . you ever wonder how many nights she cried herself to sleep ? krystal : i -- i ca n't even imagine . kendall : well , you 're going to imagine it right now . imagine your daughter -- imagine your daughter had been brutally raped and imagine she was pregnant with her rapist 's baby . but she came to see that child as her salvation , a chance to turn the worst night of her life into something beautiful . that child was her hope and her salvation . and then she was snatched away . can you imagine ? can you imagine that horror for your precious babe ? can you imagine the hatred that you would feel for the person who kept -- who kept her from her baby ? you would want that person locked up in the coldest , meanest , nastiest prison on the face of this earth , and that is where i hope you go , and soon , so that bianca will never have to see your lying , stupid face again ! [ scene_break ] ryan : well , if you have something to say , hayward , now would be the time to say it . ethan : you do n't have anything to say to him ? you can talk to me . you remember back in october ? bianca was talking to you about a dna test she wanted done on the birth shirt . yeah . you , ever mindful of her feelings , advised her that if she had the sample taken from the shirt , it would destroy the shirt , the last physical link bianca had to that baby . that meant a big loss to bianca , but she was willing to make that sacrifice . and you -- you just stood back and you pretended to care . you watched her go through agony . you knew that that shirt -- that was n't the last of piece of her little baby . you knew that her little baby was alive and she was well and she was living with your daughter . what kind of man are you ? what kind of man are you that stands by , who allows that suffering to continue when you could have stopped it in a second ? i swear , i could choke the life out of you and god himself would call it justice right now ! ryan : ethan , you 're already up for one attempted murder charge . you do n't need to rack up another one . ethan : who says this one is n't going to succeed , eh ? ryan : i do , actually . you see , he and i go way back . way back . do n't we , hayward ? [ scene_break ] babe : now that j.r. knows he has a child in this world , nothing 's going to stop him from hunting us down . liza : j.r. can knock himself out . it 's not going to work . i mean , all the chandler clout and cash in the world , and adam has n't picked up my scent . babe : but today was just way too close . it was like all the nightmares i 've been having -- that j.r. finds james , and he takes him from me and i never get to see him again . jamie : babe , it 's not going to happen . i wo n't let it . we have our camouflage , our new ids , and we can get at least 500 miles before dawn , so -- liza : no , no , no , wait , wait . i have a way of contacting tad . he can give me more info on his end and tell me what j.r. 's next move will be . [ scene_break ] adam : liza and colby in new orleans . what are the odds ? let 's have another toast , son , to both of us getting our children back . j.r. : while i 'm onboard with that , i got other things i have to take care of . just cancel the jet . adam : later , but i 'm going to go and call in every favor out there to bring colby and your baby boy back here . j.r. : you know , in a perfect world , we 'd never see each other again . but if we have the unfortunate luck of running into each other , keep walking . i 'll do the same . tad : j.r. , it does n't have to be like this . j.r. : you 're the one that kept my son from me , and for that i 'll never forgive you . tad : you think that was easy for me ? you think i enjoyed doing it ? i kept looking for something in you , looking for someone -- your mother . if i saw even one shred , one spark of dixie 's generosity , of her kindness , of her forgiveness , i would 've put her grandchild in your arms personally . but it 's not there anymore . in its place is something cold and cruel , exactly like adam . j.r. : i 'd rather be like adam than you . adam : hey , i 'm not done with you yet , martin . [ scene_break ] david : go right ahead . accuse me all you want , posture . threaten me until those worthless brains of yours shrivel up and fall out . but you will never get me to apologize for putting my daughter at the head of the line . ryan : first , do no harm . that 's for suckers , right , doc ? because you do harm . you do evil . you kept bianca 's baby from her for the same reason that you do everything else -- to stoke your own damn ego . you smash and grab whatever you want , leave some poor innocent slob with the check . and if somebody gets hurt , who cares , because it 's not your problem . david : hey , in the end , we 're all responsible for our own actions , are n't we , ryan ? ryan : oh . so when you blackmailed gillian into sleeping with you , that was her fault ? and when you broke up the entire martin clan because you wanted dixie , their fault , not yours ? and when you drugged an entire boatload of people because you wanted tad to cheat on dixie , whose fault if not yours ? ethan : he really did all that ? ryan : you know what , but there was a moment -- there was a moment when i thought the doc here redeemed himself . it was right after michael cambias was murdered , and you turned suspicion onto yourself to protect all the kane women . david : yep . ryan : but then you crucified bianca to be krystal and babe 's hero . you all deserve each other . david : you know , it 's funny , you bringing up gillian . did you ever know what she really liked , ryan ? because when i could make her close her eyes , i could get her to make sounds like -- oh ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know , it 's too bad we ca n't publicly brand you for what you are so people can jump clear of you when they see you coming . kendall : oh , there must be some way to get the message out there . greenlee : posters of krystal with a banned sign on her face . kendall : or a skull and crossbones . greenlee : we could start a wicked whisper campaign . kendall : why whisper ? we can just shout it out . hey , can you guys kill the music ? greenlee : you 're wanted on the dance floor . [ music stops ] kendall : oh , do n't even try to fight it . greenlee : this on ? ahem . your attention , everyone . we have a very urgent public service announcement . kendall : i 'm sure you all have heard of my sister , bianca montgomery . she founded the miranda montgomery center in honor of her child , the baby that she thought had died . only her baby did n't die . she was stolen by this woman . her name is krystal carey . she is a liar , a thief , and a predator . greenlee : so if you see her at the supermarket check - out line , know she 's a predator . if you sit next to her on the bus or at the movies , know she 's a predator . and if your children see her on the street , tell them to run home and lock their doors . kendall : whatever you do , do n't let her in . do n't let her anywhere near you . do not let this woman destroy your family the way she tried to destroy ours . [ scene_break ] adam : nice try , martin . you wanted to follow j.r. so you could telegraph his next move to liza and babe . tad : oh , gee . outsmarted again . adam : yeah , it must really gall you to know that all of your efforts to protect my ex - wife have come to naught . tad : remind me again , what exactly is `` naught `` ? adam : it 's just a matter of time before colby is rounded up along with my grandson . tad : you 'll have to catch them first . adam : oh , liza ca n't run far enough or fast enough . tad : she does n't need to run . all she 's got to do is hire herself a voodoo priestess , have a waxwork doll made of you , and start sticking pins in all the naughty bits . adam : oh , well , that 's too bad . all the black magic does n't seem to be working , because i 've never felt more fit in my life . i have so much to look forward to , such as you suffering , and i will live to see that . tad : do n't forget the matinée on saturday . adam : oh , that 's cute -- another piece of witty repartée . you know , i used to dismiss you as a rather harmless buffoon . but you nearly cost me three of my children -- j.r. , colby , and now my grandson . you 've been a thorn in my side ever since you tried and failed -- if you 'll excuse me for stating the obvious -- to turn j.r. against me . tad : i was n't trying to turn him against you . i just thought he should know the difference between love and control . adam : oh , you still insist that you love j.r. ? is that why you let him think that his son drowned in the river ? you watched him suffer -- you watched it -- and you never once bothered to mention that he had a son who was alive ? you have a pretty strange way of showing your love , my friend . tad : is class dismissed ? adam : no . no , one more thing before the bell rings . we 're going to settle this thing . we 'll settle this score , an eye for an eye and tooth to tooth . you think losing j.r. hurt ? you ai n't seen nothing compared to what 's going to happen next . [ scene_break ] liza : i sent tad an encrypted message . he should get back to me really soon , and then we 're just going to chart a way for you to elude chandler jr. and sr . jamie : we do n't want to put you in their high beams . babe : yeah , that pi , she could 've given a description that adam recognizes or something . liza : well , you know , maybe it 's just time to pull up stakes again . in the meantime , we 'll just stay calm and lay low . jamie : are you sure ? liza : yeah , i 'm sure . listen , your dad did me a huge favor . no one knows more than i do what you guys are going through and what 's at stake . babe : liza , you warned me about the chandler men , and i was just too blind to see that j.r. could turn out like adam . thank you . you really are an angel . liza : oh . i wish i were . i would fold colby up in my arms and fly away . [ scene_break ] j.r. : we need to talk . bo buchanan : you ever hear of knocking ? j.r. : i 'm j.r. chandler from pine valley . i have information about the baby that was kidnapped from kevin buchanan . bo : well , you need to learn some manners , young man , but you got my attention . tell me what you got . j.r. : my soon - to - be - ex - wife , babe , a.k.a . bella carey , was spotted in new orleans an hour ago with the baby that she kidnapped . [ scene_break ] ethan : thanks . just stick it on there . kendall 's voice : i was always searching for clues , trying to make some sense out of my life . i never felt like i belonged with the people who raised me . i felt like there was this connection i had to something or someone , and it was driving me crazy . zach : i told you to leave town . ethan : you knew who i was . zach : no , because i knew who you were n't . bianca : ethan , did it ever occur to you that zach might be lying ? ryan : take the test . your dna 's a match , a new cambias is crowned , and you get what you came for . bianca : you got to think about miranda here a little bit . i mean , would n't it be awesome if she had somebody on the cambias side of the family that she could trust , somebody that she could share it with ? zach : the luckiest day of your life was when i told you you were n't my son . so what are you doing ? why are you trying to hold on to some hope that you 're part of this pathetic family ? greenlee : what a night . ryan : you ok ? greenlee : i do n't know . i wonder if any of us will get past this . kendall : i do n't want to get past it . david and krystal conspired to keep a child from its parent . it 's not right . children have a right to know where they come from . man : ethan ramsey ? ethan : yeah ? man : i have some test results from the lab . i 'll need to see your id . ethan : yeah . man : if you could , sign right here . ethan : thanks . [ ethan , kendall , ryan , and greenlee all solemnly read the dna test results ] [ scene_break ] [ david groans ] david : oy . krystal : kendall and greenlee thought they took out the trash . you ok ? david : yeah , dandy . it 's not like i ever had any real use for ryan lavery . and that ethan character is just as worthless . krystal : yeah , well , those gals got their licks in , too , but maybe i took some of the heat they 'd been saving up for babe . david : let 's go home . krystal : yeah . that is a good idea . you need a bath . david : a sponge bath . yeah , now we 're talking . [ scene_break ] babe : and we totally freaked out when kelly buchanan found us . liza : i 'll bet . babe : but then she saw how good we were with james and realized how terrible it would be for him to be with anyone else . [ phone rings ] liza : hello ? tad : liza , it 's me . listen , it 's ok . this is a safe line , so we 're all right to talk . unfortunately , though , that 's the last of the good news . liza : what 's the bad ? tad : j.r. 's pi made you . she even got a picture with her cell phone . liza : well , i hope she got my good side . tad : are jamie and babe there with you right now ? liza : yes , along with the handsomest little gentleman . hold on . jamie : dad ? tad : listen , do not , i repeat , for any reason make your father cry , ok ? jamie : ok , fine . how cool is liza ? she totally saved us with that whole kick- butt thing . tad : i 'm just thankful she was there . listen , kiddo , this is important . i would n't call if it was n't . adam and j.r. are on the warpath , ok ? they 're on high alert , which means you can not leave the apartment . you just stay put till i figure out a way to get you out of there . [ scene_break ] bo : that 's a loaded charge you just made . j.r. : i stand behind it . bo : and what would motivate your soon - to - be - ex - wife to kidnap the son of a lieutenant governor ? j.r. : he 's not a buchanan . he 's a chandler . he 's my son . [ next_on ] edmund : maria , we need to talk . it 's about us . jonathan : you are by far the stupidest person i 've ever worked with . greenlee : tell dani you 're sorry , now . kendall : ryan , will you please , please help me ? ethan went after zach . ethan : it 's time you joined your brother . | kendall and greenlee corner and confront krystal at sos and make a public announcement about what she and her daughter have done to bianca . ethan and ryan confront david outside . it looks like krystal and david are developing a friendship sharing their mutual woes . jr confronts tad for keeping his child from him and tells tad he will never forgive him . jr 's pi informs him she 's found babe and jamie . but then somehow tad gets liza to help them , let them stay in their house and protect them from getting caught . jr goes to llanview and tells police commissioner buchanan that his ex - wife has kidnapped the buchanan baby and informs bo that the baby is not a buchanan , he 's a chandler . |
[ monitor beeps in di 's hospital room . ] tad : hi . di : tad ? oh . tad : thank god . di : where am i ? what am i doing here ? what are you doing here ? tad : well , that depends what you mean . i mean , like here or here ? now , if you 're talking about this , i -- well , it 's kind of a long story . about 2 : 00 in the morning i started getting a little tired and that chair was just killing my back , and you were shaking so hard i thought you were going to come apart at the seams , so i just did the math and i figured bed trumps chair , and warm and cozy trumps freezing to death . how you feeling ? di : well , not exactly like a winner . tad : i bet . di : i mean , how did i -- how did i get here ? what -- what happened ? tad : i 'll give you a hint . you make a really lousy polar bear . di : hmm ? tad : i do n't know how , and i do n't know why , but somehow you ended up under the ice out there in that lake . you do n't remember anything ? di : no . tad : that 's too bad , because i 'd really like to know how it happened . did you fall in , or were you pushed ? [ scene_break ] amanda : but she 's going to make it ? joe : she made significant improvement overnight . we were lucky . the hypothermia was compounded by the single kidney , and it was touch - and - go for a while , but she 's going to be fine . jamie : that 's great . but how did she end up in the ice in the first place ? amanda : it was n't me . joe : well , i do n't -- i do n't think anyone 's quite sure what happened . what we do know is that jonathan lavery pulled her out , and just in time . amanda : well , that 's your answer right there . it 's a total no - brainer . jonathan lavery pushed her in . [ scene_break ] erin : you 're my hero . aidan : that 's the rumor . it 's all over town that you saved di henry . nice work . jonathan : she was -- needed me , and i was there . aidan : she was lucky you were there . i 'm feeling kind of lucky myself . good morning . erin : morning . [ scene_break ] julia : good morning . david : well , it 's better than it was a minute ago . so what happened to you this morning ? i woke up , and you were gone . julia : well , it was so hot , i had to go home and cool off . david : mm - hmm . i promised to make you breakfast . women do n't usually run off until they taste my french toast . julia : i guess you 're going to owe me . david : oh , adventurous . i like that . julia : i do n't think so . david : now , would you deny a man something to get him through the day ? julia : if i remember correctly , i did n't deny you anything last night . david : when can i see you again ? julia : when i feel like it . [ scene_break ] adam : damn it ! [ door opens ] krystal : hi there , cupcake . how are we feeling this morning ? adam : we 'd feel a lot better if we had your windpipe between our thumbs . krystal : oh , now , is that any way to talk to your wife ? adam : when you get me out of these , i 'll give you the welcome you deserve . krystal : well , if you just relax , we could take advantage of those cuffs , maybe add a silk scarf and a feather . i know right where your sweet spot is . adam : get the hell away from me . krystal : ooh . my , we 're still a bit unhinged , huh ? [ scene_break ] zach : you ok ? kendall : you 're the one who did n't sleep . zach : you were only pretending . kendall : i ca n't stop thinking . all this time i 've been going back and forth -- what to do , what not to do . should i have the baby , should n't i ? i never once thought that the decision could be taken away from me . and now i 'm scared to death that that 's what 's happened . kendall : i did n't expect to feel this . i mean , i was just flipping out about my jeans not fitting and baby makes three . and now i do n't want him to die . what if it 's my fault ? zach : it 's not your fault . do n't do this . come on . kendall : yeah , but , i mean , not so long ago i did n't even know if i was going to have this child . and now i have no idea what to do with him when he 's born . i mean , what if -- what if this is because of something i did subconsciously or unconsciously or whatever ? what if i 'm the reason this child does n't make it ? zach : you 've taken good care of yourself . you 're sleeping , you 're eating well , you 're taking vitamins , even that -- that big one . how do you even swallow that thing ? seriously . kendall : yeah , but i mean , i 've been under a lot of stress . i have n't exactly been singing the kid lullabies . zach : what 's happening right now is nature , not neglect , not bad thoughts . you 've done everything you can . [ scene_break ] david : so you 're going to keep me hanging by the phone ? julia : no , you can sit . david : hmm . now , is this any way to treat the man who made you ? julia : ooh , ooh . do n't say it . david : ah , you remember . julia : hard to forget . david : great . well , just in case , i 'd be happy to refresh your memory any time you want . julia : i want . david : good . i 'm free . julia : you are working , and i have a class to teach . look , last night was outrageous , and you were outrageous , but i 'm not into this whole commitment thing . david : i was n't thinking anything past lunch . i 've got an hour to kill . too much commitment ? julia : i think that i will stick with my sandwich . but i 'll call you , i promise . david : so that 's it , huh ? julia : get to work . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] di : the last thing i -- i remember is we argued about dixie . i was -- i was harsh . i do n't -- i do n't remember all the words , but i remember regretting them . after that , it 's just -- it 's cold and dark . tad : listen , about that -- i just want to say i 'm sorry , so sorry for everything that happened -- the fight , what i said , and especially for calling you dixie . believe me , that 's one mistake i 'm never going to make again , especially after what you said about dixie last night . [ scene_break ] jonathan : some people think that maybe i pushed her in the water , but i did n't . i swear that i did n't . i just -- i went to go look at that funny little house that was on the ice , and then i saw her hand pop up out of the water . ryan : jonathan , nobody thinks that you pushed her . jonathan : but they -- everyone thinks i took that little boy . ryan : but you did n't . erin : aidan helped us prove that . aidan : i was just searching for the truth . i 'm just glad it ended up in jonathan 's corner . jonathan : what if they do n't believe me again ? erin : who cares what people say ? all right ? you 're a hero , and you should be proud of yourself . aidan : so di is going to be all right ? ryan : well , i heard she 's getting better . that 's -- that 's a good sign . jonathan : do you think she was really fishing ? erin : i hope she was n't using candy as bait . aidan : maybe she was trying to catch the grandaddy of them all . jonathan : i do n't understand . ryan : and for once you 're not the only one . care to clue us in , please ? greg : nurse ? please page me when kendall hart 's test results are available . nurse : yes , sir . greg : thank you . [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , give it up , adam ! you are right where you deserve to be . now , what kind of man would wish a poor , innocent woman dead , huh ? adam : di henry is not my first choice anymore . krystal : ooh . down , boy . adam : no , no , no , no , i 'm going to be perfectly calm when the doctors get here . it was a nice trick , pushing all those buttons you know so well just to make me appear psychotic . well , i 'm not frothing at the mouth now , so they 're going to have to let me go when they see how calm and rational i am . krystal : hmm . i 'm sure they will . by the way , babe and j.r. flew off to the islands together with the baby . mm - hmm . probably will be gone for a long , long time . would n't it be a kick if they tied the knot again while they were down there ? now , what would you think about that , my calm , cool , sane hubby ? adam : you -- you are lying . j.r. would never marry that girl again . she 's as transparent as glass . he could see right through her , just like i can . krystal : oh , well , too bad j.r. is not as clever as you are . then again -- ahem . palmer : now , now , is n't this a sight ? adam chandler trussed up as the turkey i 've always known you were . adam : go away ! palmer : you know , this is much too good not to share it with others , so , adam -- ahem -- i 'd like you to say `` cheese `` for the board . adam : you idiot ! palmer : see , once we have dispensed with the particulars regarding adam 's mental breakdown , i have an excellent lawyer for you who will get you power of attorney . krystal : oh , you are too sweet , palmer . adam : you are the crazy ones if you think for a minute you can get away with that . palmer : and with this raving lunatic safely tucked away at oak haven , we can take chandler enterprises to new glory -- once we 've changed its name , of course . krystal : i was thinking krystal with a k enterprises -- kwak , for short ? [ palmer laughs ] palmer : ah , we 'll make a glorious team on and off the field . [ scene_break ] zach : this may not be the best time to bring this up , but you offered me pistachios last night , and i never got to eat them . and i 'm starving , so i 'm going to go to the cafeteria . can i get you something ? you sure ? well , they may not have lobster , but i 'll find something that 's not gray and -- hey . no tears , ok ? ryan : what happened ? what -- what did you do to her ? [ scene_break ] di : i talked about dixie ? tad : it was touch - and - go for a while . we really did n't think you were going to make it . you just kept saying the same few words over and over again , but what you said blew me away . di : oh , god , tad , i 'm so sorry . god , i swear -- i swear i did n't want to keep anything from you . i mean , it was her idea . she made me promise not to tell you . i mean , you 've got to believe me , tad . god , the last thing i ever wanted to do was to keep another secret from you , but , i mean , she -- she insisted . she said it would be better this way ! tad : whoa , whoa , take it easy . it 's ok . listen , listen , listen -- you 're not doing anybody any favors by setting off more monitors . listen , it 's ok , you know ? it 's -- what are you talking about ? who made you keep a secret ? what secret ? di : `` what secret `` ? tad : yeah . di : oh . i do n't know , it 's my head . god , i do n't know what -- what i 'm talking about then or now . i do n't -- i do n't know whether i was dreaming or it was real . tad : i 'm not surprised . you were pretty out of it . di : i mean , what did i say exactly ? tad : exactly ? you just kept talking about going to dixie -- `` go to dixie , go to dixie `` -- over and over again . you scared the hell out of us . j.r. and i thought you were on a one - way trip to the other side . i 'm really glad you decided to stick around . di : me , too . jonathan : hi . i -- i wanted to make sure that you were ok . di : yeah , i 'm doing fine . do i know you ? tad : well , if you do n't , you should . this is the young man that dove under the ice to save you . di henry , meet jonathan lavery . di : well , thank you . thank you very much . come in . jonathan : are -- are you sure ? tad : yeah . jonathan : i 'm -- i 'm supposed to keep a low profile . my brother does n't want me to -- you know , to get in the way . tad : mm - hmm . di : well , i think if you had n't gotten in my way , i would n't be here . jonathan : i was afraid that -- that you were mad . i was afraid that you would think that i pushed you , because i used to do bad things . but i did n't . i swear i did n't push you . di : ok . jonathan : i just -- when i walked up into the little house on the ice , you were already in the water . di : well , i do n't -- i do n't think you pushed me . i think you saved my life . jonathan : thank -- thank you . thank you very -- i was -- i was real glad i was there . he was there , too . uh , you -- you could n't -- you stopped breathing , and he gave you mouth - to - mouth . di : i did n't know i had two heroes . i mean , jonathan , how are you ? are you ok ? jonathan : oh , i 'm fine . you know , the nurse said i 'm as fit as a fiddle . tad : jonathan , when you were out there on that lake , did you see anything unusual ? did you see anyone hanging around ? jonathan : sorry . tad : it 's all right . jonathan : well , i -- i should go . my sister 's waiting for me . di : well , thank you again , jonathan . it was nice to meet you . jonathan : you , too . di : not your average , everyday hero . tad : no , he 's not . do you think he could 've given you the old heave - ho ? di : tad , he 's -- he 's a little lost , but he 's sweet . tad : i 'm not kidding . it 's not a joke . is there any chance he could 've done this to you ? di : i do n't know . i do n't remember a thing until i woke up here with you . greg : that little liar . [ scene_break ] jonathan : hey . i know you . you were selling smoothies at my motel . david : singular , only one very powerful one . it 's a shame your brother did n't let you drink it . jonathan : ryan does n't like you . david : well , the feeling is mutual . jonathan : he says that you 're a liar . he says that you were trying to trick me and that you 're definitely not my friend . david : you do n't have any friends . jonathan : yes , i do . david : you do n't have squat , jonathan . let me explain to you the way pine valley really works , ok ? in general , the people here -- they 're pretty forgiving . if you have a little flair , some panache , the people here will forgive you pretty much anything , even murder if it 's done with genius . but the real psych jobs like you , the ones who kidnap women , hold them hostage in caves , threaten to blow them up ? jonathan : no ! no . i 'm not talking to you . david : the kind who plants bombs at funerals for the maximum carnage ? now , those people very rarely get to walk into a courtroom . you do n't believe me , there 's a guy buried at the city dump who has one hell of a story . jonathan : i 'm not afraid of you . david : ah , of course you 're not . take my advice , jonathan . run . run as fast as you can . take your brother , take your sister , and get the hell out of town before you come to find out what the people of pine valley really feel about you . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , she was fine when i left you , which was not very long ago , and now she 's in the hospital . you want to tell me why that is ? zach : when are they coming out with a ryan lavery action figure ? you would make millions , especially if it does n't talk . ryan : are you all right ? did he hurt you ? kendall : no , uh -- he did not do anything , ok , ryan ? zach is the only reason i 'm not a puddle . zach : you do n't have to explain me to him . ryan : why are you here , kendall ? why ? kendall : zach , can i just have a few minutes to talk to ryan , please ? ryan : please tell me why you 're here . kendall : i had some spotting , ryan . i might lose the baby . [ scene_break ] adam : when i get out of these , lady , you better start running . krystal : oh , but i ca n't run . i 'm in heels . tell you what , let me get a shot of you two together -- adam : no . krystal : for posterity . palmer : wonderful . adam : not with -- not me and cooney ! no ! palmer : oh , be quiet . krystal : oh , come on , one for the family album , huh ? no doubt about it . yes ! oh , yeah . [ krystal laughs ] joe : what the hell is going on here ? adam : martin , this is your fault . those jackasses on your staff will believe anything from a woman with cleavage . look at me . this is an outrage . i was on the board of directors . i 'm one of this hospital 's biggest benefactors . krystal : biggest rear ends . adam : and i 'm just as sane as you are , and you know it . twice as sane as they are ! so get me out of here right now , or i 'm going to bring this hospital down and you along with it . palmer : never happen . joe : you frighten the staff , adam . adam : they 're idiots ! krystal : and he threatened a patient . adam : oh , no , i did not threaten a patient . i merely suggested politely that she die and get the hell out of my way ! krystal : now , does that sound like a rational man to you ? joe : you can not threaten doctors and patients in this hospital . adam : freedom of speech , doc ! i 've done nothing wrong . blame her . get her in this bed . cooney , you can have her ! krystal : oh , now , you need a wife who can teach you a lesson , snickers . joe : all right , all right . this hospital is not a playground for your little games of `` gotcha . `` adam : she started it . joe : oh , did she ? well , i think krystal is a rank amateur compared to you . how many times have you used this hospital , bribing doctors to falsify diagnoses , or even hiding little adam 's birthday party in the boardroom , for god 's sake . those are just two of the sins you 've committed against this hospital and its employees . adam : take it to a pulpit . and get ready for the biggest malpractice suit this hospital has ever seen . joe : you 're not in any position to make threats , adam . adam : well , i will be when i 'm on my feet again . joe : ok , ok . but all your money and all your influence wo n't count for anything against the integrity of this hospital , and i will fight you every inch of the way to prove that ! do i make myself clear ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : i do n't care what you say about me . i like pine valley and it 's my home now . i have friends here . i 'm going to be an uncle . i 'm a good person and i -- i help people . and if you do n't like it , you can just -- you can keep it to yourself . david : yeah , what are you going to do to me if i do n't , huh ? are you going to kidnap me , shoot me ? hang me off a rooftop in a hammock ? jonathan : shut up . david : or are you going to get big brother braden to come back from the dead to take care of me ? jonathan : stop it ! shut up ! you shut up ! [ scene_break ] aidan : are you heading out ? erin : well , i thought i would stick around and wait for jonathan 's class to be over . aidan : and i thought you were letting the chick spread his wings . erin : oh . is it too protective to stand outside the door ? oh . maybe i 'll just grab a cup of coffee from the cafeteria . aidan : oh , would you get me one , please ? erin : maybe . tad : aidan . you paged me ? aidan : yeah . i heard di 's going to be all right . did she tell you what happened ? tad : she could n't . she could n't remember a thing . aidan : well , what 's your take on the whole thing ? did di fall in or did she have some help ? tad : when i was in her room just now , jonathan lavery stopped by . and the minute he laid eyes on her , he launched into this whole `` i swear to god it was n't me `` thing , and he was pretty upset . and as much as i hate to say it out loud , it 's possible maybe that he could 've done it . aidan : when we thought jonathan kidnapped little adam , he did the same routine , but he was right and we were wrong . tad : just because he did n't kidnap little a does n't mean that he did n't attack di . aidan : i do n't know how much cheese is left on jonathan 's cracker , but why would he do it ? he has no motive , he has no grudge . he does n't even know the girl . if jonathan did anything to di , i think he saved her . tad : oh . good . i 'm glad to hear it because i agree , but that leaves us with another problem . it makes our short list of suspects all that much shorter . let 's face it , there 's not that many crackers in need of cheese running around pine valley . aidan : well , you just have to know where to look , do n't you ? tad : what ? aidan : how about amanda ? [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , i heard what happened . you took a plunge , almost drowned and froze to death . di : can you please go away ? amanda : must 've been a real shock . di : amanda , we 're not friends . why are you here ? amanda : well , at least the accident did n't affect your long - term memory . how lucky are we you did n't die . and i have got something that no one can take away from me , not even you . di : hmm ? amanda : i 've got jamie . true love , the real thing . oh , the good life is going to be all mine forever and for keeps . di : ok . well , congratulations . now please go . amanda : all those times you tried to stomp me into the ground , you got j.r. to kick me out , you made me look like a thief ? di : you were a thief , amanda . amanda : i could have lost jamie because of you , but now , you are the one that everyone hates . it sucks to be on the outside looking in , does n't it ? no way i will let you back in to take a shot at me ever again . [ from outside the hospital door , jamie eavesdrops . ] [ scene_break ] kendall : we took a sonogram , and now we 're waiting for the blood test results . ryan : and how are you holding up ? kendall : i do n't know . i mean , it happened so fast , i have a million thoughts just gushing through my head . not so long ago , i was n't even sure if i was going to have this baby . and now i just -- i just want him to be ok . ryan : that makes two of us . i mean , i know i 've been as confused as you have about the little guy , but when you said that he might not make it , i -- that hit me pretty hard . i -- i just never expected to be this scared . greg : we have the test results . the sonogram indicates a healthy baby , and the blood tests show no change in the hcg level . no fever , no sign of infection . all these are reasons to be optimistic . kendall : ok , but the spotting -- that must mean something , right ? greg : well , sometimes there can be many reasons for that . often it happens just the once , and we never know what triggers it . kendall : so -- so then it was just a fluke ? everything 's normal ? ryan : and the baby 's , like , safe and completely healthy ? greg : i believe he 's fine . just to be on the safe side , though , when you get out , there are going to be some new rules . [ scene_break ] adam : what are you going to do , joe ? throw lightning bolts at me ? pelt me with brimstone ? i am the victim . krystal : of your own bile and vinegar . joe : i want the three of you out of my hospital right away . adam : finally , a voice of reason in this pit . palmer : well , you ca n't release him , joe . the man is a menace to society , a lunatic ! joe : oh , button it , palmer . lorenzo , over here . now , you can all take your little squabbles back to your mansions and leave this place in peace . and you have five minutes before security throws you all out . and i mean all of you ! adam : fine . five minutes is all i need . [ scene_break ] greg : mr. slater ? zach : hey . how are kendall and the baby ? greg : i just left her . she wanted me to find you and tell you that both she and the baby are doing fine . zach : thank god . greg : since we have n't quite determined the cause , though , i want her to take it easy for the next 24 hours with bed rest . zach : kendall , taking it easy ? greg : well , do what you can . after that she can resume normal activity , except no strenuous exercise , no heavy lifting . zach : no problem . greg : no sexual intercourse , just till we are sure that she and the baby are in the clear . just a precaution , mr. slater . she 's going to be fine . [ scene_break ] aidan : amanda is a walking danger zone . now , my money says that she 's a hell of a lot more primed to attack di than jonathan . jamie : yeah , i 'm with aidan on this . tad : what do you mean you 're with aidan ? you got something to add ? jamie : oh , yeah . apparently , amanda left work for a while during the time di was under the ice . she had plenty of time to get to that pond and do that deed . plus , i guess she majorly hates di . amanda blames her for getting bounced out of the chandler mansion . aidan : i 'll check it out . jamie : thanks , but amanda 's paranoid enough already . i 'll take care of it . she trusts me . i can get inside her head . tad : james , inside amanda dillon 's head is not a very safe place to be . do n't stay too long . jamie : i do n't plan to . but if anybody 's going to nail amanda for going after di , little adam , and babe , it 's going to be me . tad : your mother will be thrilled . jamie : i already told her not to worry . everything 's cool . tad : good . i 'd tell her myself if i could find her . it 's weird . after she left here last night , nobody knows where she is . [ the nurse picks up brooke 's boots , which is all that was left of her . ] nurse : oh , evelyn , i found these outside the elevator over there last night . could you take them to the lost - and - found ? evelyn : yeah . nurse : thanks . [ scene_break ] di : oh ! julia : oh , i -- i did n't mean to scare you . di : oh . well , it 's good to see a friendly face . julia : i was so worried . how are you doing ? di : i was under ice last night . what ? what were you under ? julia : well , something a whole lot warmer . di : spill ! julia : oh , no , no , no , you first . i heard what happened and i -- well , you scared the heck out of me . di : i know , i scared myself , too . but , i mean , i feel fine now . no fever , no chills . just a big , huge headache . ok , your turn . julia : ahem -- di : come on , julia . just because gentlemen ca n't tell does n't mean that a woman ca n't . julia : well , it was -- it was good . di : uh - huh . hmm . julia : it was really good . ok , it was totally wild ! di : yeah ? julia : it was , like , toe - curling ! di : good , that 's that what i want to hear . god , it 's time you let loose , had some fun . julia : first new year 's resolution i 've ever been able to keep . di : oh , and that was on the top of your list ? sex ? julia : no , just live in the moment . i did n't expect the moment to last all night . di : oh , stop it ! god , that 's not fair . julia : well , it just beats reliving 2002 and 2003 , and -- oh , it definitely outranks worrying about tomorrow , so -- di : hmm . all right . so are you going to see this big sex machine again ? julia : no , that falls under the category of worrying about tomorrow , so we 'll see -- you know , if i 'm in the mood , if he 's in the mood . di : all right , who is it ? who is it ? is it anybody i know , or -- julia : all i 'm going to say is it surprised the heck out of me . [ scene_break ] david : oh , here he is , ladies and gentlemen -- the man in charge of the place where healthy people get their chest cracked open . joe : almost , david . almost . thank god it was caught in time . david : maybe you should thank me . if i had n't yelled my head off , i 'd have a foot - long zipper scar . what kind of place are you running here , joe ? joe : well , i want to tell you something , david . we are doing a thorough investigation . and when we find out who it was that perpetrated this , he is going to be punished . [ scene_break ] greg : are you busy ? di : not at the moment , no . greg : how are you feeling ? di : well , i 'm not planning another icy scuba plunge any time soon . greg : that 's very wise . i looked in on you earlier . di : oh , was i sleeping ? i 've been doing a lot of that today . greg : no , actually , you were entertaining a visitor . i did n't want to intrude . di : oh , no , you should have joined us . greg : you were with tad martin , holding hands . very friendly for two people who despise each other . di : oh , right -- i mean , the accident . he felt bad . he wanted to , you know , make sure i was ok . greg : what a nice man . well , no kidney failure , no cardiac ill affects , no lasting trauma . di : well , i 'm feeling just fine . greg : very good . you 're fired . she 's all yours , mr. martin . [ scene_break ] julia : hey , jonathan . class is going to start soon . are you ready ? what 's wrong ? jonathan : everybody hates me . no matter how hard i try to be good , they still hate me . julia : hey , listen , i heard that you did a wonderful thing . you saved di henry 's life . jonathan : does n't matter . when people look at me , they see a killer . so no matter what i do , no matter how hard i 've tried , they just see a murderer . julia : i know exactly how you feel . julia : i killed a man . jonathan : did you have a tumor , too ? julia : no . no tumor . but it 's with me every day . i wake up with it , i dream about it . jonathan : me , too . will it always be like this ? julia : i hope not . you and i -- we ca n't change what we did , but we can -- we can try our best to be better people . jonathan : i try . i try every day , but nobody believes me . julia : believe in yourself . live in the present . you 've made friends . you 're doing such good work in your life skills class . you really are . i 'm so proud of you . jonathan : you are ? julia : yeah . it takes a lot of courage to do what you 're doing . you just -- you just keep looking straight forward . do n't let people distract you . do n't let them get you down . just one step at a time , you 're going to get where you 're going . so will i . and maybe we can even help each other . [ scene_break ] palmer : wait until the board sees these . adam : imbecile ! palmer : not according to these . adam : nicely played . krystal : yes , well , i thought it was one of my better efforts . adam : oh , yeah . you lobbed a high one into the backcourt . i never saw it coming . krystal : speaking of backcourts , yours is in plain view . you might ought to get dressed . adam : you 've had your fun . just get ready for that return volley , my love . [ scene_break ] di : well , i guess i screwed up my undercover with madden for good this time . tad : no , you did n't . you were great . better , you were fantastic . di : thank you . what jonathan said -- i did n't -- i did n't know you 'd helped save me , too . tad : listen , i 'm just glad you decided to stick around in the land of the living . just do n't do it anything else this stupid . because if i ever need an assistant , you 're at the top of the list . di : i may just hold you to that . i 'm not going to die on you . i 'm not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] kendall : how did we get here ? not so long ago , this -- this baby was just a problem that we had to deal with . and now look at it . the two of us are freaking out about making sure he 's ok and safe . ryan : it has been a hell of a ride . honestly , i do n't know how i feel about it still . i mean , it 's a lot to take in , a kid and being a dad or not being a dad . but the one thing i do know is that what 's going on inside of there beats out everything . kendall : who would believe it ? ryan : it 's a first . it 's a first . kendall : and this is not the first time i 've had a first with you . it 's true . you took me on my very first picnic ever . do you remember that , with the little plastic ants ? those little ants ? ryan : yeah , do n't forget the baseball game . the first baseball game with no baseball , which was probably also a first . kendall : yes . i mean , that was n't your fault that , you know , we got rained out . ryan : no , it was n't , but the corndogs and the peanuts tasted just as good in my car . you have to admit that . kendall : yeah , it 's too bad i got mustard in my hair . [ ryan and kendall laugh as zach watches them through the window in the door . ] kendall : then you started throwing popcorn in my hair . it was not good of you . ryan : i do n't remember that . kendall : no , you reveled in it . you loved it . ryan : i think you 're making that up . kendall : i 'm not making it up . you love throwing stuff in my hair . ryan : you 're remembering things very differently . [ scene_break ] david : you know , maybe i should sue this hospital . i could make millions . it would serve you all right . joe : you never change , do you , david ? still , even you do n't deserve to wake up on the table about to undergo another man 's surgery . david : was that supposed to be an apology ? joe : i told you -- and i mean it -- we 're going to find out who did this , and we 're going to punish him . and i guarantee this kind of mistake will never happen again . david : great . i feel better already . do you mind ? joe : oh . oh . i 'm sorry , david . [ david hears a noise from the direction where joe walked off but ignores it and goes the other way . down the hall , all that 's left of joe are his shoes . ] [ next_on ] j.r. ( to babe ) : if you think this is going to work , you 're dreaming . ryan ( to ethan ) : is this why you invited me here ? ethan ( to ryan ) : i invited you for something much more exciting , an offer you ca n't refuse . kendall ( to zach ) : i heard you , and i also heard dr. madden . he said that we ca n't make love . so where does that leave us ? | kendall goes to the hospital with zach afraid she will lose her baby . ryan comes to see her and they relive old memories which causes zach to feel alienated . dr. madden comes and tells kendall and ryan that she and the baby will be fine . but he tells zach he can not have sex with kendall throughout the pregnancy . krystal is able to convince the shrinks that adam is dangerous . he gets put in a room in restraints . joe then tells them they better get out of his hospital and stop playing their games . everybody is wondering who pushed di into the ice fishing hole . she meets jonathan and does not believe he 'd hurt her although tad suspects him . jamie suspects amanda after he overhears her threatening di in her hospital room . but nobody can prove anything . little does anybody know who really did it . they discover the mysterious pair of boots without the woman who wore them . they are probably brooke 's . dr. joe tells david hayward he will get to the bottom of what has happened . later we sees men 's shoes after joe has disappeared . |
ryan : hey , beautiful . annie : you know , if i get that reaction every time i 'm coming here , i may never let you come home . ryan : you just try keeping me away . annie : so -- ryan : hmm ? annie : i talked to joe , and as of now -- ryan : mm - hmm ? annie : you are released . ryan : yes ! annie : happy ? ryan : yes ! very happy , ecstatic . annie : oh , good . we 're so lucky , ryan . this could 've been -- ryan : hmm , but it was n't . right ? because from now on , we only think about the positive side of things , all right ? annie : amen to that . ryan : yeah . annie : yeah . ryan : so , when were you going to tell me that richie is going to live ? [ scene_break ] richie : yeah , i need to know if dr . chambers got my message . it 's very important . oh , he did ? good . very good . uh -- are you ready for me now ? doctor : yes , we are . take a seat , richard . richie : ok . well , then fire away . i really want to go home , and i 'm willing to do whatever it takes to get there . [ scene_break ] babe : no -- would you stop it ? j.r. : what ? babe : doing -- doing this . j.r. : come on , babe . what 's the problem ? babe : huh -- the problem is , is that we keep making the same mistake over and over again . sex will solve everything -- well , guess what , j.r . it does n't -- not for us , and definitely not for me . [ scene_break ] jack : where is zach meeting hannah ? aidan : i think it 's best for you not to know . jack : do n't do this to me . aidan : that 's all you 're going to get from me , jack . i need you to keep it quiet , as well . jack : you better be right about this . aidan : i am right , and i know what i 'm doing . jack : whoa . oh -- sorry . kendall : oh , what is -- what 's going on out there ? jack : nothing , nothing , nothing . uh -- one of the members of the security team , uh , does n't feel so good . he has a personal emergency at home and , um , so aidan 's just taking his place -- just for a little while , then he 'll -- erica : jack ? come on . you 've never been a very good liar . come on , tell us . what -- what 's really going on ? [ scene_break ] hannah : hello , zach . glad you could make it . well , i bet you 're pretty upset with me right about now . zach : you tried to kill my wife . hannah : yes , i did . zach : why ? hannah : oh , i think you know why . i wanted to live the life that she got to live with you . zach : it 's not going to happen . it was never going to happen . and this little fantasy about our love affair -- it ends right here , right now . hannah : ok . let 's end it . [ hannah points her gun at zach ] [ scene_break ] kendall : come on , if you know something -- jack : i do n't , i do n't . i do n't know anything . really , i -- honestly , i do n't . greenlee : we 're not a bunch of helpless females who ca n't handle the truth . what 's going on here ? jack : aidan thinks he might have a lead on hannah . kendall : well , what kind of a lead ? greenlee : does he know where she is ? kendall : is -- is zach with her ? jack : kendall , look , will you -- greenlee : wait , you let him go after her ? jack : greenlee , greenlee -- greenlee : no , dad ! hannah has a gun , she 's crazy ! she 's shooting people ! you let the man that i love go out into the middle of this ? kendall : is zach involved , too ? jack : now , look , i tried to talk aidan out of this , but he would n't listen to me , ok ? greenlee : well , then , you should 've told me , because i would 've convinced him . jack : really ? you really think that 's the way it would 've played out ? look , zach and aidan have gone through hell trying to protect their families and keep them safe . and now , they feel it 's their responsibility to bring all of this to an end . erica : and they know what they 're doing . [ scene_break ] zach : so that 's it ? that 's how you 're going to solve the problem -- you 're going to shoot me , so you do n't have to see my face again ? hannah : what , you do n't think i 'll do it ? zach : no , i know you 'll do it . but i thought you called me up here to talk . you must have a lot on your mind . hannah : trying to play me again , hmm ? zach : i 'm not trying to play you , you 're too smart for that . i know i 've hurt you , i understand . hannah : wow -- bravo . three cheers for stating the obvious . zach : but i never made you feel that there was anything between us . you came here , you came into town , you wanted a baby with me . i told you it 's not going to happen . you told me you needed help . and this whole time , you were working with adam chandler . hannah : adam was a way in , yeah , so i took it . zach : why ? you double - crossed both of us . so , what -- what was the point ? i did n't give you what you wanted , so you decided you had to punish me -- by taking the woman that i love . well , you 're right -- kendall 's in my heart . this delusion you have about a great love affair between you and me -- that never happened . and kendall will be the last person that i think of . [ scene_break ] richie : who was i so angry at ? i 'll be honest with you -- my sister , annie . it was her testimony that sent me to prison . did you hear about this ? i was innocent , but she -- she still wanted me to go away . and when i got out , all i could focus on was that there was a lot of payback coming my way , at least that 's what i thought . but i do n't think that way anymore . you see , they told me i have a -- a second shot at life , and i do n't want to waste any more time trying to make people pay . i want to live , doc . how do i feel about annie now ? well , despite everything , despite all this , she 's my sister . i love her . and i forgive her -- i really do . [ scene_break ] annie : ryan , you 've just been so up , so happy . the last thing i would want to do is drag you into richie 's world . ryan : so would you be the donor ? annie : what ? ryan : well , from what i understand about these things , um , you know , family usually is the best match . annie : i do n't know . ryan : ok . annie : i 'm sorry i -- i did n't say anything . ryan : annie , it 's ok -- really . new rules from now on -- nothing brings the lavery family down , nothing . all right ? honestly , i could n't really give a damn about your brother . i do n't want you connected to him in any possible way , but i do n't want to spend any more time talking about him . i really do n't . annie : ok . ryan : you know what i want to spend time talking about instead ? your eyes . and -- and your lips . i definitely want to spend time talking about your lips . do you have any idea how incredibly beautiful you are ? come here . [ scene_break ] hannah : you think you know me so well . look at me . zach : i am looking at you . hannah : no , you 're seeing the woman i am now , what i 've become . look deeper . do you see anyone else ? zach : i 'm trying . i 'm trying to see a beautiful 17-year - old girl that i met a long time ago . hannah : she 's still there somewhere . she 's scared and she 's pregnant with your child . zach : i did n't know about ethan -- i was in school . hannah : i know , but your father did . zach : yeah , he did . hannah : i used to pray for you to come home . i prayed every day , every night . then one day , he caught me . and i looked up , and he was laughing at me , saying that no prayer would ever bring you back . he was right , zach . you did n't come back for me . and he made -- he -- zach : he made what ? hannah : his hands were so cold . he thought it was funny that i jumped when he touched me . he was so used to taking what he wanted . so he did . [ scene_break ] j.r. : ok , i get it -- sex does n't solve everything . but it 's a hell of a conversation starter . babe : j.r. , if you 're not going to take this seriously -- j.r. : it was a joke , babe -- like ha - ha , funny . babe : come on , little a . j.r. : get it ? babe : no , j.r. , it 's not funny . j.r. : look , look , nothing bad happened today . we had a great day playing in the snow . we got carried away for , like , two seconds , then we stopped . babe : no , i stopped . j.r. : ok , you stopped . you 're more mature or you 've got more restraint than i do . look , i love you , babe . i do n't care if it freaks you out -- it 's true . babe : it does n't freak me out . j.r. : you could 've fooled me . babe : it 's just i do n't think that what happened once should happen again . j.r. : you mean us having sex ? babe : yes , that 's right . j.r. : ever again ? babe : oh , my god . j.r. : ok , i get it , i get it . i 'm -- i 'm not a great catch , ok ? i 'm -- i 'm a drunk , i do n't have a job , i got no prospects , i got nowhere to live . win a date with j.r. chandler ! babe : you know that 's not how i think of you , j.r . j.r. : exactly -- for some reason , you do n't . just shoot me , but for some reason , that encourages me . babe : what do you want , j.r. ? j.r. : i want you to feel like you 're safe with me . i mean , you do , right , right now ? babe : well , i -- i did up until a few minutes ago , yeah . j.r. : so do you think we could at least try it for a little while ? you know , friends and parents , and then keeping our mind open for anything else ? babe : i do n't know . j.r. : just tell me i have a shot . that 's all i want , babe -- just a shot . [ scene_break ] kendall : wait a minute . so zach and aidan are out there together , dealing with god knows what ? erica : kendall , kendall -- kendall : and -- and we have to wait and find out if there 's good news or bad news ? greenlee : i am so pissed right now . kendall : you are ? greenlee , zach almost died a couple of weeks ago . greenlee : kendall , i was there , remember ? kendall : right . sorry , yeah -- of course , you were . jack : listen , if i could just interject here as -- kendall : yeah , i mean , aidan , aidan -- he 's just -- he 's always been so stubborn . greenlee : right , and the only way to get him to do something is to make him do the exact opposite . kendall : yeah . see , i have one of those , too . greenlee : right -- zach 's way or the highway . jack : ok , yeah . could i just say one -- erica : shh , shh , shh . kendall : no , you know -- erica : they 're working it out . kendall : they -- they think they always know best . greenlee : even when they do n't . kendall : but then , sometimes they do and -- greenlee : then i 'd just like to throw something at them . kendall : i have . greenlee : me , too . kendall : yeah . but , then , there 's times -- oh -- and we would never admit this in a thousand years -- but we do count on them . greenlee : yeah . i mean , in the bomb shelter , i freaked out left , right , and center , but zach ? he -- he kept talking to me , he -- he stayed with me . he kept me going even though i was so ready to give up . kendall : well , aidan , he -- he fought really hard to find you , too . greenlee : but so did you . i mean , zach and i would n't even be alive right now if you two had n't gotten together . and it 's got to be what makes me believe that we 'll get through this , too . kendall : together . greenlee : right -- together , because -- because we 've gotten through worse . kendall : yeah . hmm . [ doorbell rings ] sean : hey , uncle jack , erica -- everybody . erica : hi , sean , hi . what brings you here ? jack : well , sean 's got a little bit of a personal problem he wants to discuss with me , so we 're going to do that . we 're going to go outside here , we 're going to discuss this . excuse us . sean : ahem . jack : i want you to explain to me one more time -- what the hell were you doing with hannah nichols ? [ scene_break ] zach : i did n't know about my father . i did n't know . hannah : no . no , of course not . zach : tell me what happened . i want to hear everything . [ zach spots aidan hiding nearby with his gun aimed at hannah ] [ scene_break ] babe : ok . i 'll give us a shot . j.r. : thank you . babe : but just as friends with no privileges -- can you handle that ? j.r. : all right . all right . is that ok ? [ scene_break ] richie : uh -- yeah , i did meet a girl -- arabella -- but everybody calls her `` babe . `` and i 'm telling you , she -- she really is one . i mean , she is all that and more . she 's sweet , she 's smart , she 's beautiful . she 's -- she 's everything a guy could ask for , and i do n't have a clue what she sees in me . all i know is when i got the good news , she was right there like -- like it was meant to be , you know ? anyway , you know , now that i know i 'm going to live , i 've got plans . i 've got big plans , and hopefully -- yeah , hopefully babe will be a part of that . anyway , uh -- are there any more questions ? doctor : no , richard . i think we 've heard enough . richie : well , if you do need anything , you can always call dr . chambers . he was my shrink in prison . doctor : dr . chambers ? richie : yeah , he was a good guy . he 's -- he 's always had my back , from day one . doctor : richard , we tried to contact dr . chambers before the session this afternoon , and we were informed that he was killed today . richie : what -- what ? doctor : apparently , there was an altercation in the prison yard . an inmate stabbed him . richie : he saved my life , and he was a good guy . doctor : i 'm sure he was . richie : well , i hope whoever did this -- they get ahold of him and bring him to justice . look , i 'm sorry . uh -- i get a little emotional . it just -- it meant a lot , ok ? uh -- this is just terrible . this is terrible . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , your brother and i do have one thing in common . annie : and what would that be ? ryan : that we both got a second chance . annie : hey . joe : here 's your meds for the next 10 days . ryan : thank you , joe . fantastic . joe : annie explain the drill ? ryan : yes , she did , yes , she did . it 's very , very technical , but i think i can handle it . i got to rest , rest , and then some rest . joe : well , that 's it -- you got it . looks like this guy 's ready to go home . ryan : those are the words i was waiting to hear -- fantastic . you know , if i knew that a hole in the head felt this good , i probably would 've drilled one myself -- annie : do you hear what i listen to ? joe : ok , i 'll just order you a wheelchair . ryan : no , i -- i do n't need one . i 'm good , joe . joe : too bad -- hospital rules . ryan : oh . yeah . joe : dr. martin here . would you please send a chair up to mr. lavery 's room ? he 's being discharged . thank you . now , i take it you 'll see to it that he gets home safely ? annie : i will . thank you , joe . joe : yeah . ok . see you next week . ryan : ok , thanks , joe . annie : bye . joe : bye . annie : thanks again , joe . whoa -- ah ! what are you -- ryan : ah ! to hell with hospital rules -- let 's get out of here , come on . [ annie squeals then chuckles as ryan picks her up and carries her out ] [ scene_break ] sean : well , like i said , i ran into hannah at the park and -- well , actually she ran into me , but -- only i had no idea who she even was , let alone what she tried to do . i mean , what -- is kendall ok ? jack : do n't change the subject . just tell me what happened next . sean : well , you know , we -- we hooked up . jack : you know , i 'm a little unclear on this whole `` hooked up `` thing . what the hell does that mean ? sean : you want me to draw you a picture , uncle jack ? hannah and i went to a hotel room , and we had sex , ok ? erica : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] kendall : god , i hate this . greenlee : right back at you . kendall : are you ok ? greenlee : yeah , i 'm just -- i 'm tired . joe says it 's probably just my body still recovering from such major trauma . kendall : and you tell him or call him -- greenlee : many , many , many four - letter words . they 're going to be fine . kendall : our boys ? greenlee : yeah , our -- our heroes , you know ? they 're -- they 're doing what they do best , they 're -- they 're out there keeping the world safe . kendall : yeah . only who takes care of them , right ? greenlee : you know , in the -- in the bomb shelter when zach was really sick , when he had his fever -- kendall : well -- wait , he never told me about that . greenlee : oh , yeah . it was -- oh , man , it was really intense . he -- he was hearing things , he was seeing things . he thought that i was you . he looked me in the eyes , he grabbed my hand , and he called me `` kendall . `` he -- he told me he loved me and that he wanted to . that 's when i started to -- well , i did n't hate him so much . kendall : well , i guess you 'd never seen that side of zach , huh ? greenlee : yeah , never . i thought if -- if he could love so much , then , well , he probably ca n't be so bad . kendall : you know , aidan loves you like that , too . greenlee : yeah . kendall : what ? greenlee : i know aidan loves me . he 's -- he 's great . but since the rescue , he 's , um -- well , something 's changed . kendall : what 's changed ? greenlee : him , or him with me . i -- i do n't know , it 's different . he 's -- he 's not the same with me . [ scene_break ] hannah : when i told your father i was pregnant with your child , he told me to stay , and he 'd take care of me . and he did , his way . huh . he 'd come into my room at night -- to talk . and then , even that pretense stopped . i got through it . he kicked me out , and he called me a whore . zach : why did n't you run ? why did n't you leave after the first time ? hannah : i had to stay , because i knew you 'd come back for me . but you never did . you never did . [ scene_break ] little adam : is the snowman ok ? j.r. : yes . of course . those snowmen -- they love the cold . and do n't worry , we 're going to see him real soon . ok ? here , let me get your jacket off . babe : hey -- hey , little a , why do n't you come over here , and we 'll get you all warmed up ? how about that ? j.r. : um -- do you mind if i take a shower before i have to get out of here ? little adam : does daddy have to go now ? babe : no . no , sweetie . um -- daddy can hang out for a little while if he wants to . j.r. : yeah , he does . um -- i 'll be right back . [ scene_break ] richie : oh , hey , mace . what 's up , man ? oh , yeah , i just got sprung . uh - huh . oh , they brought up chambers . yeah , i showed them some real emotion . it worked . yeah , thanks for taking care of that for me , man . i owe you . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , it is so good to be home . annie : it 's so good to have you home . ryan : hey -- mistletoe is still up . that must mean that it 's still christmas . annie : i guess i forgot to take it down . ryan : yeah , i guess you did . i 'm sure we can put it to good use . [ annie chuckles ] ryan : i love you . annie : i love you , too . listen , rachael has the kids . i thought you could use some peace and quiet your first night back . ryan : ah . annie : so i 'm going to go call and check on them and put all this stuff away . ryan : ok . annie : ok ? i 'll be right back . ryan : ah . you made it , ryan lavery . you 're alive . [ scene_break ] greenlee : look at me . i look terrible . kendall : no , you do n't . greenlee : it 's ok . i 'm just -- i 'm not -- i 'm not right . i 'm not back yet . but aidan -- he -- he wo n't touch me . he -- he 's acting like i 'm some piece of rare china that 's going to break . kendall : he loves you . he 's just being careful . greenlee : too careful . i want him to grab me and kiss me and throw me down and have good old - fashioned , crazy , throw - down sex . kendall : oh . well , that -- that 'll come back . greenlee : great , because i 'm really patient , as you know . kendall : oh , yeah ? greenlee : so are you . kendall : oh , yeah , i am . um -- it 'll be good again with aidan . i know it will . [ scene_break ] erica : sean , excuse me . are you really saying that you had sex with that woman ? sean : uh -- yeah . erica : when ? jack : evidently , they met in the park . sean : i -- i did n't even know about the shooting until i heard it on the news . i -- that 's when i called . erica : well , did -- did hannah -- just -- thank you . jack : yeah . erica : did she say where she might be going ? sean : no , i do n't think so . jack : sean , did she say anything -- anything at all ? sean : uh -- well , yeah . you know , after we , you know -- she asked about girlfriends . you know , what we like to do , where we like to go -- things like that . uh -- so , you know , and i said some of us like to hang by the rocks , and she seemed really interested in that for some reason . erica : the rocks ? jack : yeah , that 's out near the waterfall . sean : she said it sounded like a cool place , quiet , romantic , no one around . you know , i did n't think anything of it at the time , but -- what ? [ scene_break ] hannah : you heard enough ? zach : after my father threw you out -- hannah : i somehow got it together to find ethan a good home , so alexander would n't find him . and -- and i started my own life . became the successful businesswoman you see right here . [ hannah cries ] hannah : oh , god ! it was all a lie ! i mean , i never stopped becoming that scared 17-year - old who just wanted to be rescued ! and it turns out , i 'm the only woman in your life that was n't . zach : you give me too much credit . hannah : no , do n't be modest , zach . let me list them for you , ok ? there was maria . then erica kane . you rescued her in las vegas . julia santos . dixie martin . greenlee ? someone you despise ? and let 's not forget your beloved kendall . what did she do to deserve such a savior ? i mean , you -- you brought her baby to term when she was in a coma . you saved her from dr. madden . zach : he was an evil son of a bitch . hannah : yeah , well , so was your father ! and you did n't rescue me ! and you did n't save our child ! you know , she should have been punished , and maybe you and i -- you know , we could have had a chance . i just -- i just could n't watch you save her over again and again . zach : i did n't know . let me make it up to you . hannah : you ca n't . zach : i think i can . let me rescue you now . [ scene_break ] jack : it 's still not much to go on . erica : well , but it 's a clue . i think the police need to know . kendall : need to know what , mother ? erica : hmm . kendall : and do n't even try to lie to me , because if you do , i will know . erica : look -- oh -- we have reason to believe that hannah called zach and asked him to meet her at -- at the rocks . greenlee : where leo died ? oh , my god . kendall : how -- how do you know ? jack : that 's a long story , one which sean here is about to share with the police . sean : but , uncle jack -- jack : do n't `` uncle jack `` me . i want you to go down to the police station and find derek and tell him everything you know . go on , go on . sean : yeah . kendall : ok , i 'm going . i 'm going right now , and i 'm going to go find my husband . greenlee : i 'm going with her . [ scene_break ] zach : let me help you . hannah : it 's too late , zach . zach : it 's not too late . my father destroyed everything he touched . do n't let him do it . do n't give him the satisfaction . hannah , please . [ scene_break ] jack : greenlee , listen to me . you are not going anywhere . greenlee : yeah , like hell i 'm not . aidan is there -- i 'm not waiting for the police , jack ! jack : no , no , no , no , no -- listen to me , you almost died . you just got out of the hospital , and you 're still sick . the answer is no . kendall : um -- you know what ? actually , jack is right . i -- you know what ? what were we thinking ? greenlee : what ? no ! kendall : i mean , really , what were we thinking ? you 're sick , and i 'll probably just get in the way . erica : finally , finally . kendall , you 're making so much sense . kendall : you know what we 'll do ? we will just wait for the police to take care of things . erica : great . great idea . jack : good . greenlee : all right . fine , fine . fine . i 'm sorry , dad . jack : honey , it 's ok . i understand . just thanks for listening , that 's all . kendall : jack , do you mind taking my jacket ? jack : not at all . and -- and the minute i hear a thing from derek , i 'll let you know , ok ? kendall : yeah , we 're just going to -- we 're -- we 're going to sit around here , and we 're going to wait for some -- for some good news . jack : i just appreciated it . kendall : yeah . jack : i 'll get that for -- huh ? kendall : no , i 've got it . jack : whoa ! wait a minute -- erica : what ? hey ! jack : do n't you -- no , no , no ! [ greenlee and kendall lock jack and erica in the closet ] greenlee : you are brilliant . jack : open the door ! erica : honey , the door ! kendall : careful , careful ! i do n't want to fall down on my neck . [ banging on door ] greenlee : see you later , alligators . kendall : ok -- um -- i got to get my stuff . jack : greenlee , open this door ! greenlee : ok . my purse . kendall : later . [ scene_break ] hannah : do n't . do n't come any closer . zach : hannah -- hannah : do n't pretend that you care about me . or you would have come after me . zach : it was a long time ago . hannah : not for me . it never ended for me . i just -- i wanted you to come home and -- and take me in your arms and say , `` i love you , hannah , `` and tell me it was going to be all right . zach : i just came home from school . the old man 's not going to hurt you again , i promise . hannah : but i 'm scared . zach : i know . but it 's ok . i 'm going to protect you . nothing 's going to happen to you . please . come on . just let me hold you . come on . [ when hannah lowers her gun , zach holds her while she cries ] zach : it 's ok . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe ? i ca n't find the shampoo . i 'd rather not use this peach stuff . babe ? [ when the doorbell rings , j.r. answers it wearing only a towel ] j.r. : hey , babe , you going to get that ? oh , my -- babe : richie ? what are you doing here ? richie : did i come at a bad time ? j.r. : does this look like a bad time to you ? [ scene_break ] annie : we should go to bed . you 're probably so tired . ryan ? [ annie finds ryan standing on the balcony in his shorts collecting snow ] annie : ryan ? ryan ? [ scene_break ] erica : how did you let this happen ? jack : `` how did i let this happen ? `` am i the only person in this closet , erica ? erica : the only reason i am in here is because your daughter pushed me in here . jack : yeah , after your daughter gave her the signal to do it ! erica : i knew they were up to something . jack : oh , did you ? oh , did you ? well , that 's great . why did n't you stop them before they got away ? can i get back there , please ? [ scene_break ] [ hannah sobs ] hannah : i -- i wish we could stay like this . zach : we can . sure we can . hannah : yeah ? zach : yeah . it 'll be all right . hannah : oh -- ok . zach : come on . it 's all right . it 's ok . come on . [ hannah takes a step backward and loses her footing off the large rocks as kendall and greenlee arrive ] hannah : do n't -- do n't -- no , no , no ! kendall : zach ! [ next_on ] j.r. ( to richie ) : is it just me , or did babe kick you to the curb ? annie ( to ryan ) : can you hear me ? erica ( to jack ) : close quarters seems to agree with us . zach : you hold on to me . hurry up ! [ zach is unable to keep holding on to hannah and she slips from his grasp , falling off the cliff ] hannah : goodbye . zach : hannah ! | zach meets with hannah at the falls outside of the city . aidan soon join them at the falls , but he does n't let his presence be known to hannah . j.r. asks babe for another chance between himself and babe . after much persuasion , babe agrees to give them another shot , but only as friends . ryan readies to go home from the hospital . jack tries to calm kendall and greenlee . sean arrives and jack takes sean outside to talk to him . once outside , jack questions him as to what he was thinking sleeping with hannah nichols . richie meets with two psychiatrists at the hospital . zach tries his best to talk hannah down from killing them both . aidan watches with fearful anticipation . erica follows jack and sean outside and soon finds out that sean had slept with hannah . greenlee confesses to kendall that ever since she was found that aidan treats her differently . kendall tries to soothe her worried mind . kendall and greenlee follow erica , jack , and sean outside . kendall and greenlee find out that zach and aidan were at the falls , meeting with hannah . greenlee and kendall want to go to their rescue , but jack and erica try to talk them out of going . greenlee and kendall pretend as though they are going along with jack and erica , but they soon push jack and erica into the closet and leave . zach finally manages to get through to hannah . they hug . greenlee and kendall arrive . hannah starts to fall over the falls . richie finds out from the psychiatrists that dr . chambers had been killed . outside in the hall , richie calls his buddy in prison , who had stabbed dr . chambers . richie goes to visit babe and finds j.r. there , dressed only in a towel . |
judge halkirk : it 's obvious that you both love your daughter . you want what 's best for her . mr. lavery 's care of emma over the past year has been exemplary . testimony from mrs. chandler 's therapist and the court - ordered psychiatric evaluation both agree she 's been rehabilitated . in addition , all criminal charges against her have been dismissed . therefore , it is my judgment that annie chandler is fit to share parenting with ryan lavery . i hereby submit my ruling in favor of joint custody . annie : [ crying ] oh ! [ scene_break ] amanda : hi . jake : hey . it 's ok . amanda : how are you ? jake : hangin ' in there . how you doing ? amanda : so , you sounded really urgent on the phone . jake : yeah . amanda : what 's going on ? jake : sorry . jake : open it . read it . and then destroy it . [ scene_break ] judge halkirk : i 'm aware the parents tried and failed to reach a shared custody agreement . therefore , i 've determined a schedule . the child will reside with each parent on a weekly basis . since mr. lavery has had sole custody up till now , emma will spend the first week at mrs. chandler 's home beginning at 6 p.m. tonight . [ gavel bangs ] judge halkirk : court is adjourned . annie : i 'm getting my little girl back ! adam : yes , yes , yes ! erica : ryan , i am so sorry that things turned out this way . adam : wish it would be full custody . annie : i sincerely hope you 'll try to get along with me better now that , you know , well , for emma 's sake . ryan : just make sure you stick to the judge 's terms , annie . do n't pull anything , or i will go to the cops . adam : save the threats , lavery . annie and i will be at your place at 6 : 00 sharp to pick up emma . ryan : no . i will drop emma off . annie : ok . just make sure you 're not late . ryan : what , you think i 'm going to take her and run , annie ? that 's your game , not mine . i will be there at 6 : 00 and not a minute before . barry : could i get you to sign some papers ? annie : yeah . adam : i think maybe you owe annie an apology . erica : are you kidding me ? you have your new wife so high on a pedestal , you ca n't even see the decay . adam : oh , well , perhaps you should take a look at your new boyfriend and tell him he ca n't use those same old stale accusations anymore . some of us are trying to be adults here . erica : by enabling that manipulative psycho ? because that 's what she really is , adam , and that 's all she is . she 's using you , adam . and someday maybe you 'll wake up and you 'll see that , but i think it 'll be too late for you . i just hope that it 's not too late for emma . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this is torture . i need to do this surgery now . i need -- this to be over . david : we all want that -- greenlee : i need to be back on my feet and rehabbed in record time . i want to go home . i want to run home to ryan . [ door opens ] greenlee : thank god . finally . can we please do this now ? dr. clayton : i 'm very sorry , but we have a problem . david : your blood counts are low . it puts you at greater risk of infection . and if there 's any bleeding during the surgery -- greenlee : i do n't care about the risk . dr. clayton : well , i suggest we put you on a regimen of iron , b-12 for several weeks , and then we see if -- greenlee : several weeks ? no . i want this surgery now . david : greenlee , the surgery is very delicate . it 's important that your bloodwork be optimal before we -- greenlee : i do n't care . i do n't care about the extra risk . if i have to lie here waiting one more day , i will lose it . dr. clayton : greenlee , listen . we all want you to walk again , but the success of the surgery depends on many factors , including your blood count . greenlee : and including my state of mind , right ? you told me i needed the drive to fight , and if i do n't have this surgery , it 'll pull the rug out from under me . my mood would hit rock bottom , and that would be a big risk , would n't it ? david , you told me you wanted me to make this decision , and i 'm making it . i 'll sign whatever you want me to to let you off the hook if things go wrong , but nothing bad is going to happen because i need this to work , and i 'm willing it to work . got it ? [ scene_break ] amanda : you wrote me a love poem ? `` my love for you , amanda , is bigger than a mountain , cooler than water on a hot day when i 'm standing in a fountain -- `` jake : ok , i -- maybe you should say it silently , 'cause you do n't want everybody to hear what an excellent poem it is . and it 's not easy to rhyme things with `` mountain . `` amanda : oh , my god , this is so sweet . jake : it 's just that i felt desperate and i -- all the crap you been through with david , and i -- just -- the fight that we had yesterday , and i just hate what is happening to us . amanda : me , too . jake : and i love you , and i do n't want to fight anymore . amanda : neither do i . jake : ok . and so , you know , after a lot of thought , i realized i need to crank it up a little bit in the romance department , you know , starting with a po - em . amanda : starting ? jake : yeah . amanda : wait , wait , there 's more ? jake : oh , baby , i 'm a powerful man . [ snaps fingers ] [ tuba playing a tune ] jake : that 's my boy . amanda : ha ha ! jake : keep going . i know what you 're thinking , but you know -- why did n't i go with a violin ? well , right . but i figured cliché , you know . and i remember the time that -- i said i remember the time that you said you liked marching bands ! amanda : ha ! [ scene_break ] colby : i ca n't understand why you just let annie win . liza : ok , nobody let anyone win here . the judge decided for joint custody . i have no control over that . colby : well , why did n't you drive it home that annie 's run off with emma before ? i mean , what 's to stop her from doing it again ? liza : because she 's got shared custody now . there 's no reason for her to run . colby : you had shared custody of me , and you ran . liza : is that what this is about ? right now you 're mad at me for the mistakes that i 've made raising you ? colby : no , no . i was just using it as an example . liza : listen , i 've told you that i have truly regretted that decision . colby : like you regret giving up custody of stuart ? liza : ok , so that 's what this is really about . right now you are still angry with me for having lost stuart . colby : i am angry because annie now has emma back , and you should have stopped that . and now who knows what she 'll do to my dad . liza : honey , believe me , your father can handle annie . colby : right . liza : and there 's nothing left for us to do . colby : yeah , well , we 'll see . liza : wait a minute . i do not want you to get in the middle of that marriage . ok ? that is a powder keg , and you could get hurt . actually , in fact , i was kind of hoping that maybe you would come back and live with me . colby : forget it . i think dad needs my help more than you need my company . liza : do not try and take on annie . honey , that woman is a hazard to the health of anyone who tries to get in her way . colby : do n't worry about me . i 'll be fine . i 'll be the sweetest stepdaughter ever . liza : 'cause she 's gon na read you like a book . colby : well , this book 's got a surprise ending . [ scene_break ] annie : whoo ! emma 's coming home . i mean , she 's really coming home . adam : oh , i 'm glad you 're so happy . it 's a crime that that judge did n't give you full custody . annie : you know what , any amount of time i get to spend with her is a victory . emma is back in my life . that 's all that matters now . adam : yeah , it is , is n't it ? annie : mm - hmm . adam : well , your happiness means everything to me . annie : i never could have done this without you . i love you so much , adam . adam : annie , you know i 'd do anything for you . [ scene_break ] ryan : i do n't understand how the judge can make that decision , considering everything annie talked about was about her and about her well - being . everything i said , everything i cared about was about emma and her safety and her well - being . i mean , annie has kidnapped emma . she tried to pin stuart 's murder on her . erica : i think it 's part of annie 's sickness that she 's been able to convince all the authorities that she 's cured . ryan : well , she 's not , and she may never be . i mean , i do n't know . now i got to hand my daughter over to her . it 's insane . erica : oh , it 's so wrong . ryan : hey . emma : what happened ? what did the judge say ? ryan : well , the judge has decided that you should start spending time with daddy and mommy , both of us . emma : is mommy moving back here ? ryan : no . no , sweets , but i know how badly you want to see mommy . and the good news is , you 're going to . every other week , you 're going to be living at adam 's house with mommy . so you 'll be able to see her every other week . emma : when do i get to see her ? ryan : tonight . starting tonight , i 'm going to take you over there myself . emma : can i go pack ? ryan : yes , you sure can go pack . i 'll be up in a minute to help you . ok ? [ scene_break ] tad : liza , you ca n't blame yourself just 'cause colby chooses to get angry . liza : oh , yeah ? really ? who else can i blame ? anyone ? please . she 's angry with me that i lost stuart . hell , i 'm angry with myself . tad : yeah , so now you 're gon na add colby 's baggage on top of that ? terrific . way to go . liza : yeah . you know , seeing him the other day and then having him just leave again , you know , that just ripped another part of my heart out . and then here today , i just helped adjudicate ryan 's daughter right back into annie 's cloven hooves . i 'm doing great . i 'm doing really great . tad : oh , you do n't know the half of it . from what i understand , that thing over in afghanistan -- they 're blaming you for that , too . liza : i do n't get it . i 'm working so hard at doing the right thing at home and at work , and i just -- everything 's just going wrong . tad : all right . enough . come on . liza : why ? where are we going ? tad : well , for starters , we are jumping off the blame train . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i need to be distracted . distract me . tell me all about your life . david : have n't we already gone through that ? greenlee : no , no , we did n't . we talked about everyone else in pine valley , but we did n't talk about you . how are things with you and krystal ? [ chuckling ] that good , huh ? david : krystal and i were a mistake . it 's over . greenlee : what happened ? david : does it really matter ? greenlee : come on . talk about it . it 'll keep me from thinking about my spine , and it might actually help you . david : we decided to end it when krystal came to find out the baby amanda was carrying was mine . greenlee : whoa . david : yeah , whoa . greenlee : so , i guess you 've been through hell this year . david : through hell would be all right . unfortunately , i 'm still there . [ scene_break ] scott : come here . congratulations , you . annie : thanks . i 'm really glad you were there for me , both of you . a united family front was really important . colby : and i was really touched by what you said at the hearing . annie : really ? colby : yeah , absolutely . i mean , talking about how much you love emma , how she helped you get better , it really hit close to home what you 've really been through and made me realize why you would have done all the crazy things you 've done . annie : oh . colby : but you obviously have your act together , and i 'm really excited emma 's going to be spending time here . adam : i can not tell you how happy i am that you see things that way now . [ doorbell rings ] housekeeper : excuse me . some men out front have a delivery ? annie : oh ! i ordered a bunch of stuff for emma 's room yesterday . we should probably set it up before she gets here . colby : i guess you were pretty optimistic about that court ruling . annie : ah , i just had a feeling , i guess . scott , will you help me with the boxes ? scott : yeah . adam : i hope your feelings about annie are sincere . colby : ok , i 'll admit i was a little jealous at first , but i 'm over it . ha ha ! adam : i love you , colby . do n't ever , ever , ever doubt that . colby : do n't worry . everything is going to be ok . i promise . you wo n't have a thing to worry about . [ scene_break ] [ playing tuba ] jake : ok . you can take a break . i 'm sure your lips hurt . amanda : i love your poem , and i love your tuba . jake : sorry , what did you say ? i ca n't hear you . amanda : i love you . jake : all right , knock it off ! thank you very much . thank you very much . have a drink on me . everybody have a drink on me . crowd : yay ! jake : all right . so -- amanda : ooh ! thank you . jake : thanks . amanda : to the best husband ever . i love you . jake : the best wife ever . all right . amanda : i 'm sorry . just one second . i just want to say i 'm really sorry for being so focused on david lately . you know , it 's just that he 's so sick and alone , far away that -- no . no . i 'm sorry . please stop me if i blather on again . i promise not to say that name the rest of the night . jake : ah , cheers to that . all right . so , i wanted to start with that and to kick it up a little bit , but i 've got a little bit -- something else , another thing , something more . yeah . i just wanted to know , how limber are you , exactly ? [ scene_break ] scott : yeah . annie : here . oh ! it 's great . scott : uh -- you think you might have gone a little overboard with all this stuff ? annie : no . i have missed emma 's christmases and birthdays . this is the least i could do . so are you glad that i won joint custody today , or are you with ryan -- you think i 'm just gon na -- [ clicks tongue ] take her and bolt ? scott : i was n't thinking that at all . i was actually thinking about how far you 've come since you lost adam 's baby , lost all hope . annie : i nearly died that night . scott : i know . but you have risen from the ashes , kiddo . free of all charges , you got custody of emma . you married adam , and you did it all by telling the truth today . no lies , no manipulation , no bribed judges on the bench . you spoke from the heart . i got ta tell you , i was impressed and honestly moved . annie : thank you . scott : you 're welcome . the thing is , i really hope you learned something today about honesty . try to remember that . [ scene_break ] erica : well , just schedule an appointment with the vendor and get back to me . ryan : ok , so here 's the thing . your dad is gon na call you every single day that you 're at your mom 's , ok ? every day . and if you forget something here , anything at all , you just call me , and i 'll grab it and i 'll bring it right over . ok ? ok ? and you know what else ? i 'm gon na fix your bike while you 're gone . i will . very first night that you 're back , we 're gon na watch `` snow white , `` because i know you 've been dying to watch that , right ? emma : i forgot the book mommy gave me for christmas . ryan : oh , my goodness . i 'll go grab it . i 'll be right back . you wait here . erica : well , i hope you have a good time with your mom . emma : are you gon na stay with my daddy while i 'm gone ? erica : well , why do you ask that ? emma : i do n't want him to be all alone . erica : i promise i 'll keep your daddy company . so cute . ryan : ok . i got it . here 's the book . here 's your jacket . let 's get that on . hey , listen . you know what , this week it 's supposed to be really cold out , ok ? i want to make sure that you wear your hat all week , ok ? stay nice and warm . erica : and i 'll walk out with you both , ok ? and then i have a really late night at fusion . ryan : let 's get this show on the road . erica : ryan . ryan . you 're a really good father . [ scene_break ] colby : dad must have given her a new platinum card . scott : you know , i think annie really bought all that gushing you did downstairs . colby : well , that 's what counts . scott : you know , there is no way that you 're gon na get adam to turn on her . colby : he will when he sees who she really is . scott : she really is his wife . colby : like she 'll actually stick by him now that she has her daughter back . scott : i think she will . colby : huh . you and dad . must be a guy thing . scott : ok , you know what , knock yourself out trying to trip her up , hmm ? a lot of people have tried . colby : what 's there to lose ? scott : your father , for starters . colby : wo n't happen . he loves me too much . besides , i am gon na open his eyes to the truth about annie . scott : the truth about annie is that she 's a good person , colby , with flaws , just like the rest of us . and she loves your father whether you can accept that or not . [ scene_break ] adam : annie , relax . they 'll be here on time . annie : i swear , if he is so much as one minute late , i am calling the state police . [ doorbell rings ] annie : oh . hi ! hi ! hi ! hi ! oh -- i have been waiting so long for this . hi . adam : hi . annie : you look so pretty . ryan : ems -- so , um , you make sure you wear your hat and your jacket outside 'cause it 's cold , right ? you promise ? emma : i wo n't forget . i love you . ryan : i love you a lot . gim me a kiss ? [ ryan sniffs ] ryan : ok , bye . [ annie shuts the door in ryan 's face ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : so , let me get this straight . amanda is married to jake , but she 's living with you to take care of the baby that you fathered ? david : living with me until recently . she 's back with jake now . greenlee : why ? what happened ? david : the arrangement was stressing amanda out , which affected trevor . jake was n't handling the situation well , so i put them all back together again . greenlee : that is so not you . dr. clayton : ready for surgery ? greenlee : what do you think ? let 's do it . [ scene_break ] [ music playing ] jake : just remember that i did this all for you . amanda : what ? jake : that 's right . uh - huh . oh , yeah . amanda : oh , wait a minute . jake : she needs that . amanda : ok , all right . jake : come on . amanda : all right , give me some help , guys . crowd : whoo ! whoo ! jake : go , baby ! yeah ! yeah ! amanda : oh , my god , i ca n't believe you did all this for me . tad : you saw it here first . [ all talking at once ] jake : you 're here . tad : of course , i 'm here . i 'd pay cash money to see that . are you kidding ? liza : oh , my god , i actually love watching people limbo . you 're good , too . tad : man , i know what 's going on in this burg . liza : yeah ! amanda : jake made all this happen . is n't this fabulous ? jake : well , you know -- tad : oh , by the way -- i 'm sorry . did you say watching ? liza : yeah . tad : did she say watching ? no , no , no , no . no watching . amanda : oh , yes . oh , yes . tad : come on , folks , let 's go . let 's go . [ crowd cheering and clapping ] tad : excuse me a second . come on , let 's go . would you hold that for her ? thank you very much . jake : watching the ladies . tad : taking off the shoes . liza : it 's been a while . jake : she 's a pro . amanda : oh , good . yes , yes ! yeah ! jake : [ whistles ] very good . amanda : yes ! ha ha ! tad : take a bow . liza : oh , thank you . amanda : very impressive . [ scene_break ] [ heart monitor beeping ] dr. clayton : ok , she 's out . dr. hayward , if you will . david : i 'd really prefer to stay . dr. clayton : we went over this , doctor . i do n't allow observers in my surgery . these techniques are experimental and -- david : all right , all right . [ door closes ] dr. clayton : all right , let 's roll her over on my count . 1 -- 2 -- 3 . greenlee : ah -- that was -- ryan : yes , it was . greenlee : how long has it been ? a year ? ryan : no , no , it has n't been a year . it 's been 11 months , 3 weeks , 4 days , 2 hours , and 2 1/2 dozen minutes . but who 's counting ? greenlee : worth the wait ? ryan : no question . greenlee : i love you for that . ryan : i would have waited my entire life . [ heart monitor beeping ] dr. clayton : all right , here we go . scalpel . [ scene_break ] jake : you might not know this , but before i went to med school , i actually got my phd in limbology . man : limbology ! amanda : limbology ! jake : it 's mine . [ crowd chanting `` limbology ! `` ] liza : bring it on ! let 's do it ! jake : if i do n't come back alive -- liza : ha ha ha ! amanda : come on , jake . show us how it 's done . tad : all right , let 's go . liza : come on . tad : all right . liza : warmed up ? [ crowd cheering ] liza : come on , lower . amanda : ooh , lower . what ? tad : oh . amanda : what ? liza : are you kidding me ? amanda : no way . what ? tad : oh , you 're amazing ! let 's hear it for him . yes , yes . jake : whoo ! thank you very much . tad : thank you . liza : do n't quit your day job . tad : no , no , no . honestly , i think a move like that calls for a little more celebration . jake : i would like to crack up another bottle . liza : ha ha ha ! [ cell phone rings ] tad : feel more human ? amanda : i should probably get this . it 's probably the babysitter . [ ring ] liza : mmm -- tad : look , i -- [ pole cracks ] liza : wow ! tad : oh ! liza : you 're strong , man ! i feel good . i 'm not as good as you , though , apparently . tad : well , no more limbo . speaking of which , i ca n't believe you can move like that . liza : well , i 'll always bend over backwards for you . tad : careful -- unless you mean it . [ scene_break ] amanda : how are you ? david : as well as can be expected , i guess . amanda : have they started your treatment ? david : yeah . yeah , the nausea 's pretty tough . but the worst part is between the meds and the jetlag and this crazy malaysian heat wave , i just ca n't seem to sleep right now . amanda : i 'm so sorry . david : is that music i hear in the background ? amanda : yes . jake and i , we went out for a drink . we 're at confusion . jake : i think it 's great that you 're getting out , amanda . no one deserves a good time more than you do . amanda : listen , when you get back -- david : yeah . listen , do me a favor , will you ? amanda : of course . david : when you go home , kiss trevor . tell him it 's from me , ok ? amanda : sure , david . i 'll tell him . david : look , amanda , i 'm sorry , but the doctor 's here . i got ta go . amanda : good - bye . [ steel drum music playing ] [ scene_break ] adam : ha ha ! well ! what do you think of your new room , emma ? emma : i love it , and i love all my toys . adam : ah ha ha ! and lucretia whipped up something special for you . annie : what is it ? adam : all for you . voilà ! annie : oh ! it 's your welcome home cake . we can have some after dinner . what do you think ? yum ? oh , wait . i have something else for you . look at that . adam : oh . annie : look at that . now you are officially the princess of castle chandler . emma , i am so , so happy to have you back with me . i love you so much . oh , yes , i do . do you like it ? it 's pretty , right ? it 's got little diamonds on it , like a real princess . emma : real diamonds ? annie : well , close . very close , right ? [ scene_break ] erica : hope you 're hungry . [ door closes ] ryan : what happened to you having to go to fusion ? erica : oh , i told fusion fusion can wait . emma did n't want you to be alone -- and neither do i . [ scene_break ] [ heart monitor beeping ] dr. clayton : ok , here comes the tricky part . number 11 blade , please . [ clink ] ryan : i think it 's about time that we got married . greenlee : ha ha ! ryan : i 'm serious . i love you . god , i love you , and i do n't want to waste another second of my life without you as my wife . not one second . so , will you , greenlee , have me , ryan -- what ? what ? what ? what ? what ? what ? greenlee , what 's wrong ? what is it ? where are you going ? greenlee ? greenlee ! [ greenlee flatlining ] dr. clayton : we 're losing her . begin cpr . [ greenlee flatlining ] dr. clayton : 1 milligram atropine , i.v . push . let 's go ! ryan : no ! greenlee , no . no , no . you are n't going anywhere , you understand ? i wo n't let you go . not again . i will never let you go again . [ clink ] [ scene_break ] liza : i still ca n't believe you would n't limbo . tad : i got nothing to prove . liza : mmm ! methink doth protethtith too much . too much champagne . tad : thounds like you 're lithping . liza : i noticed . tad : you know what ? liza : what ? tad : i would rather dance with you than a pole any day . liza : mmm . tad : i can do that at home . liza : ow ! tad : sorry . liza : it 's ok . you know , i got another foot . it 's all right . tad : you sure ? liza : and poles do n't have feet . you might want to consider it . tad : mea culpa . mea maxima culpa . liza : oh , i forgive you . tad : you sure ? liza : more or less . tad : make it up to you ? liza : yes , you can . [ liza and tad kiss as they dance ] woman : you and i will someday find a love so true oh , baby , i know how these feelings gon na go [ scene_break ] jake : you sure the sitter said that trevor 's all right ? amanda : positive . jake : then why did she call ? amanda : she 's new . have i thanked you enough for tonight ? jake : do you want me to get the tuba player back here ? i can . amanda : no tuba solo necessary . just hold me . woman : i want to spend the night holding you [ scene_break ] david : hey , how is she ? dr. clayton : well , we nearly lost her , but she made it through the surgery . david : thank god . and thank you for saving her life . dr. clayton : well , i ca n't take much credit , i 'm afraid . she was gone . flatlining . gone . and something pulled her back . and i ca n't say it was anything that i did . [ heart monitor beeping ] ryan : i will never ever , ever , let you go . remember that . remember that always . dr. clayton : oh , absolutely . the surgery itself was successful . we had good anastomosis . david : how long was she without a pulse ? dr. clayton : felt like an eternity . maybe several seconds . so she went into cardiac arrest . started cpr . everything worked great . team was great . everyone was fine . she 's gon na be just fine . | annie and ryan are awarded joint custody of emma . annie is thrilled by the news , but ryan is more stunned than anything . ryan tells annie to abide by the rules of the judge when annie receives the first week with emma . erica tries to comfort ryan after he hears the news . colby lashes out at liza for letting annie receive joint custody . liza tries to talk colby into moving back in with her , but colby refuses . greenlee gets the devastating news that dr. coleman does n't want to do her surgery because of her blood count . greenlee coaxes dr. coleman and david into doing her surgery . jake surprises amanda with a poem ( he had written himself ) which she reads aloud . amanda is also surprised with music from a trumpet player . amanda and jake kiss . dr. coleman agrees to greenlee 's surgery . ryan and erica arrive home to his condo . emma , excitedly , comes running downstairs and wants to know what the judge had said . ryan tells emma that he and annie had been awarded joint custody , and that she can go home to annie tonight . colby surprises annie by congratulating her on getting joint custody of emma . the surprises for emma arrive at the chandler mansion . scott congratulates annie for obtaining joint custody of emma through being honest . |
greenlee : i want your expertise . scott : really ? well , um , what do you think my expertise is in , hmm ? stealing corporate secrets from dying men ? greenlee : i 'm offering you a job . scott : thank you , but i 'm not interested in makeup . greenlee : at the hospital . part owner , remember ? i could use someone with your skills on the business side of things , and you ca n't make parole without a job , so -- what do you say ? scott : i say stop working me . [ scene_break ] ryan : but were zach 's casino partners that upset that they would actually go through with killing him ? roger : they 're not people you want to mess with . ryan : if there is a possibility , i got to find out . roger : be careful . madison : ryan ? do you really think zach was murdered ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i miss you , too , guys , and i 'm going to smother you all over in kisses as soon as i get home . soon . mommy 's gon na be home soon . ok . go to sleep . i love you guys . good night . griffin : what are you doing ? kendall : i 'm going home , and you know what ? you 're not gon na stop me . griffin : i wo n't , on one condition . cara : hey . you paged me . griffin : cara , this is kendall . kendall , this is my sister cara , your new roommate . [ scene_break ] jake : i was just thinking , i have n't even checked in yet , and i thought maybe we could go home and make a baby . what do you say ? amanda : we ca n't . jake : ok , you do n't want to do that . how about we could go to the park ? we could go to the beach , but that 'd be too cold . you 're right . utility closet . i know a little utility closet -- amanda : you have to work . you have to work , and i have to get to kendall 's , because bianca is waiting on me to watch the boys . jake : please , i 'm begging you . [ phone rings ] amanda : you know what ? that is probably bianca right now wondering where i am . hello ? man : dr. carolyn finn . i 'm returning your call regarding the travel documentation you 've been waiting for ? [ scene_break ] damon : you talked to your mom ? why are you even here ? colby : you 're not answering your cell , and i had to find you . what happened is all my fault , and i am so , so , so sorry . please . please , please , please , can you forgive me ? [ scene_break ] liza : this is not a good time . tad : really ? that 's funny . was it a good time for you and damon ? liza : ok , you know what ? i know what you 're gon na say , and i can not handle it right now . tad : i do n't care , liza . i do n't give a damn if you 're coming apart at the seams . you 're gon na hear what i have to say , whether you like it or not . liza : i know what you 're gon na say . tad : no , you do n't . you have no idea what i want to say , but i 'll make you a deal . i 'll start out with a question , like what the hell were you thinking ? liza : yeah , obviously , i was n't . it just -- it just happened . tad : no . no , not good enough , liza . i 'm sorry . things like this do n't `` just happen . `` not with your daughter 's boyfriend . not with your ex 's son . liza : he was upset , and i was upset , and i wanted to help him . tad : by sleeping with him ? liza : god , it was n't like that . tad : how was it , liza ? how the hell do you go from wanting to help a poor , confused kid through a rough patch to helping him out of his clothes ? liza : you know what ? just stop it ! tad : why should i ? you did n't , obviously . liza : oh ! he was upset , and so was i . tad : the difference is you 're an adult . liza : yeah , i know . i know . i know . i should 've stopped it , but i could n't . tad : yes , you could . absolutely . all you had to do was stop long enough to think about how you felt 25 years ago . all you had to do was summon enough moral fiber to keep your skirt on . liza : i 'm sorry ! ok ? i 'm sorry ! tad : [ laughs ] oh , ok . ok . terrific . then i guess we 're done here . like it never happened , right ? i 'll tell you something , liza . it sure as hell happened . it happened to you and to me and to marian , and now it 's happened to our kids . liza : ok , you know what ? say it . go ahead , say it , right ? i 'm the one thing i never wanted to be , right ? i 'm my mother ? ! [ scene_break ] damon : how is what happened your fault ? colby : all you did was try and fix things between me and my mom . damon : `` all i did `` ? colby : yes . i remember you guys could n't even be in the same room together , and now she 's like your biggest fan . damon , you were great . you were mature , you were cool about the whole thing , and -- and i flipped out . i act like a -- i acted like a spoiled brat . and i know you 're upset about the kiss with me and asher , but i swear to you -- damon : it 's all right . it 's ok . colby : really ? then we can get through this . we can get through this , and i promise you -- damon : no , it 's not gon na be that easy . colby : no , damon , of course , it 's easy , because i do n't even care about asher . damon : colby , stop . i was with someone , too . [ scene_break ] amanda : could you hold on just a second ? it 's lyndsey , one of the moms from trevor 's gym class -- personal crisis . jake : ok . good luck with that . i 'm just saying baby - making , but later for sure . ok ? be there . amanda : hi . i 'm sorry about that . did you have information for me ? man : before we can process your request , the department needs to verify your i.d . , dr. finn . your driver 's license number and your mother 's maiden name ? amanda : oh , i 'm getting another call . i 'll try again later . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sure you 're great , even though you are his sister , but i already have two roomies -- my sons . so i do n't need another one . griffin : given your condition and the risk that you could be facing , i ca n't in good conscience release you without you being properly monitored , and cara can do that . ca n't you ? cara : excuse us for a second . kendall : sure . cara : thanks . come here . [ scene_break ] ryan : you really should n't have heard any of that . madison : i did n't mean to , but do you really think it 's a possibility ? ryan : there 's no proof , ok ? there 's no proof at all that the plane was sabotaged . but considering what was going down with the casino sale and the people involved , yeah , it 's possible . madison : if it 's true , murder , i do n't think kendall could really take any more . ryan : she does n't know about it , and i do n't want her to know about it , ok ? not until i have all the answers . right now the most important thing for her is just to focus on getting better , hanging out with the boys . in fact , nobody else knows about this , and i 'd like to keep it that way , all right , especially in case the crash does turn out to be just an accident . madison : i wo n't say anything . ryan : i know . i know i can trust you to keep a secret . madison : i should go . ryan : hey . you 're still in town . does that mean you 're sticking around pine valley ? madison : yep . sticking around after all . ryan : what changed your mind ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i almost ended up here . scott : yes , but you did n't . greenlee : i was married to someone that everyone hates . scott : so what ? now you want to bond over our bad marriages ? greenlee : no , i 'm just saying that we have a lot in common . we both have made huge mistakes . i 've gotten a fresh start , i 'm offering to help you find yours . and just maybe we can help each other . scott : this is about more than me just shuffling papers at the hospital . greenlee : i lost two years of my life . i 'm finally where i want to be -- living the life i want to live with the man i love . i 'm not going to let anything get in the way of that . scott : something tells me this is where i come in . greenlee : it 's not that difficult . all you have to do is get to know a gorgeous blonde . is that a problem ? [ scene_break ] cara : i 'm a doctor , not a nursemaid . griffin : i 'm doing this for you as much as i 'm doing it for kendall . cara : recuerdas menudo ? griffin : que ? cara : yeah . when i was 4 , you said , `` try the menudo . it 's good for you . `` you remember what happened to me ? griffin : no . organ meat is very healthy . cara : i 'm not doing this . griffin : listen , kendall is grieving her husband . she 's not taking care of herself . she needs the physical monitoring as well as the emotional support , which is why i 'm trusting you with this . cara : yeah , because , god forbid , you 'd ever emotionally invest in a patient . griffin : that would only slow me down . cara : let 's just say i do this , all right ? when my papers come through , i 'm out of here . so i suggest you find yourself a babysitter -- excuse me -- doctor who plans on staying in town . griffin : did you hear anything about your documentation ? cara : every time i call , i get the runaround . griffin : oh , perfect . so you 're free ? cara : my job is here , ok , at the hospital . griffin : and you 're here all the time . what 's wrong with cutting back , taking a little break ? cara : taking a break from the hospital or jake ? griffin : you know that leaving is the best idea . jake : you ca n't leave . not now . [ scene_break ] scott : i 'm not really sure , but i do n't think ex - cons are considered quality dating material . greenlee : i hate to break it to you , but you 're not exactly a hardened criminal . so take the job and the hottie . scott : but what if i 'm not her type ? greenlee : she already likes you . madison north ? she was here just a little bit ago ? scott : she was pretty upset . greenlee : and you held her hand . befriending her is just the next step . scott : why ? greenlee : she 's a girlfriend . scott : you do not do girlfriends , ok -- oh , well , except kendall , so now tell me . why are you playing little miss matchmaker ? oh ! of course ! yes , yes , yes . ryan was dating madison , and you want to make sure that she is -- ahem -- occupied . greenlee : she 's not getting the picture that ryan has moved on . scott : oh -- greenlee , that is so cold . greenlee : no , it 's not . i feel for her . ryan let her down as gently as he could , but she 's taking it really hard , and i thought a great guy like you might help her get over him . scott : really ? do n't you mean get her to lean on me , so she wo n't go leaning on ryan ? greenlee : you can be very charming when you want to be . look , just call her . make a date . scott : i 'm still in prison . greenlee : just call her . scott : i got a better idea . this 'll be really fun . i 'll call ryan and clue him in , unless , of course , he already knows about your plan to find a home for his dumped ex - girlfriend ? greenlee : why are you being so difficult ? scott : you 're afraid that he has feelings for her or that he could , hmm ? greenlee : are you gon na do it or not ? scott : ahem . for what you are asking , you 're gon na need to make it worth my time . [ scene_break ] madison : my friends convinced me to stay , and kendall hired me back at fusion . ryan : she did ? that 's great ! madison : greenlee wo n't think so . but , luckily , kendall will be working out of the house for a little while . she wants me to help her there , so -- ryan : oh , my god , spike is gon na love that , and so will ian . ever since they heard you do your little -- the `` tweet - tweet -- `` whatever it is that you do ? madison : that 's not -- it 's `` three - three . `` ryan : how do you do that ? they love that ! you 're a goddess in their eyes . you 're gon na be a great mom . madison : do n't ! [ scene_break ] colby : you were with someone else ? when ? who ? damon : it was a mistake . i never meant for it to happen . i never wanted it to happen . colby : how did i even miss this ? damon : look , if you want to dump me , i get it . colby : no , i -- no . it hurts and it sucks . but you were able to forgive me with the kiss with the asher , and -- so i can give you another chance . damon , i love you , and i want to be with you and only you , please . damon : you 're being really great , but i do n't deserve it . colby : it was just a kiss , right ? [ scene_break ] liza : my mother lied to me . and after she slept with you , all i could see was this weak , pathetic woman who had no trouble putting herself in front of her daughter , and i swore in that moment that i would never do that , ever ! i would never do that kind of damage to my daughter , and that is exactly what i have done ! tad : no , it 's worse . much worse . because back in the day , i did n't give a damn about marian . i was so damaged , to me , it was some kind of a game . but damon ? damon respects you . he cares about you . he took care of you . he trusted you . and that 's a hell of a trick for him , especially after you set him up , and you knew it . you knew all of it , and you still slept with him . liza : i know . i know how wrong that was . tad : why ? how could you do it ? if you want to hurt me , do it . come after me . but how could you screw with damon like that ? liza : i do n't know ! i do n't know ! tad : that 's not good enough , liza . liza : it 's just things , you know , have just been so messed up for so long . colby and i -- we 've just been so far apart , and i just -- i just wanted us to come back together . tad : i got to hand it to you . you 're off to a ripping start . liza : oh , my god , what happens if she finds out ? tad : she wo n't . liza , look at me . she ca n't . i give you my word i 'm not gon na tell her . liza : thank you . tad : do n't . liza : oh , tad , we 're supposed to learn from our mistakes . i loved you so much , and i was so humiliated . i have done the exact same thing to my own daughter . tad : my god . 25 years ago . 25 years . what the hell did i do to you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : make the call within the hour or the deal 's off . scott : that right there is an excellent negotiating tactic . greenlee : i mean it . scott : oh . you need me . greenlee : you need me . think about it . [ scene_break ] tad : what is this , my penance ? is this my karma ? why are we here with our kids ? because of my selfishness ? you want to hurt damon because of my stupidity ? liza : how could you possibly be blaming yourself for this ? tad : watch me . you know what ? it does n't make any difference because right now , we ca n't afford to do something like this . we got to make this right , ok ? this has to stop now . liza : yeah . how am i supposed to face colby ? tad : you find a way . if damon can do it , so can you . liza , we ca n't afford to wallow in guilt and shame , ok ? we have to take responsibility , we have to suck it up , and we have to find a way to help our children before it 's too late . [ scene_break ] colby : you slept with someone else ? damon : it did n't mean anything . colby : oh , my god . damon , how could you do that to me ? ! hmm ? damon : i love you . colby : i need to be alone . [ scene_break ] cara : i 'm not leaving . my papers have n't come through . jake : oh . i 'm sorry . i thought i heard griffin telling you that you should leave . griffin : kendall slater wants to be released , but she has to be monitored . that 's why i asked cara if she would move in short - term . jake : oh . and angie signed off on this ? griffin : yeah . cara : but i did n't . so could you tell ms. slater no ? on second thought , i 'll do it myself . jake : never a good idea trying to tell her what to do . griffin : yeah , you should take your own advice . cara : i just do n't want you to take this personally . it 's just my brother has a tendency to act like he 's in charge of my life , and sometimes i need to remind him to take a giant step back . kendall : he really is bossy , is n't he ? cara : yeah , but he 's got this ability to make you smile while he 's getting his way . kendall : yeah . it 's crazy - making . cara : so you understand ? kendall : i do . but i also really , really need to get out of here , and you were my one hope of making that happen . listen , i do n't care if you stay one night . but if you agree to this , then i can go home . look . these are my boys , spike and ian . cara : they 're adorable . kendall : thank you . spike 's been having nightmares ever since my husband died . zach was his second father , and so spike does n't understand why daddy zach is n't coming home . cara : i 'm sure that you 'll be out of here very soon . kendall : now would be better . have you ever been stuck someplace where you feel like your head will explode if you 're there for one second longer ? cara : yeah , i have . kendall : then maybe you 'll understand why being here is certainly not gon na get me better . and if you understand that , then i hope maybe you 'll help me . [ scene_break ] ryan : seems like every time i see you , you end up crying . madison : i 'm not crying . ryan : allergies ? madison : uh , it 's just -- ryan : just what ? madison : just that my allergies would be a lot better if i did n't have to keep running into you is all . ryan : right . got it . madison : thank you . ryan : hey , about zach and his plane -- madison : i promised i would n't say a word . i wo n't . ryan : i trust you . i just thought maybe that you could help kendall a little bit . madison : how could i possibly help ? ryan : i 'm gon na be looking into seeing if the crash was sabotaged or not , and you 're gon na be with kendall . you 're gon na be spending some time with her anyway , right , so maybe you could just kind of keep an eye on her , make sure she does n't get wind of this investigation . because if she did , i think it would really destroy her . and if it turns out to be just a false alarm -- madison : i 'll do everything i can to help kendall . ryan : thanks . [ scene_break ] jake : always try to influence your sister like that ? she 's a big girl . she can handle herself . griffin : you sure about that ? cara : hey . i 'll do it . griffin : you 'll move in with kendall ? cara : yep . griffin : what changed your mind ? cara : it turns out we have a lot in common . we both think you 're a big pain in the ass . griffin : this `` pain in the ass `` thanks you . cara : you 're welcome . but , remember , once my papers come through , it 's wheels up , ok ? understood ? griffin : understood . cara : all right . i love you . griffin : love you , too . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're still here . i 'm glad i caught you . ryan : hey , the big fusion emergency . everything ok ? greenlee : yeah . i think i took care of the problem . i should know soon . so what do you guys have your heads together about ? ryan : kendall . greenlee : let me guess . the chinese takeout -- she 's hungry again ? ryan : you did bail on dessert . greenlee : i know , and i 'll make it up to her and you , but it could n't be helped . you remember how crazy fusion can get -- the suppliers , the retailers , the models , photographers . i bet you 're glad you can look for some work someplace not quite so insane . madison : kendall hired me back . greenlee : what ? madison : kendall asked me to work for her , and i agreed . [ scene_break ] tad : my son is a better man than i was at his age . i did n't give a damn about anything . he 's got a heart . this is tearing him up inside . he could barely look at me . if i 'm really lucky , what 's happened wo n't destroy everything he 's worked so hard to accomplish . i know i do n't have to mention what this will do to colby . liza : tad , please , just tell me what i can do . tad : you can start by keeping your mouth shut . liza : i wo n't tell a soul . what about damon ? tad : i do n't know . i think he 'll be ok eventually . if you and i do n't screw this up , we stand one shot at making sure our children do n't end up as screwed up as we were . liza : oh , god , there 's nothing i want more . tad : liza , you promise me you will do anything you have to to make this right . liza : i promise . thank you . [ scene_break ] amanda : hi . i 'm doing a credit check on a dr. carolyn castillo . she also goes by carolyn finn or cara finn . i would like to confirm that she does work at your hospital . great . great . if you could please verify the status of her employment , the terms of her employment ? well , i assure you that the information will be kept very confidential . i understand , but -- i understand . thank you . thank you for nothing . hey . you ok ? spike : my mom gave me this . ian : oh ! amanda : you miss her , do n't you ? kendall : where are my boys ? get over here ! give me a hug ! oh , my god , i 've missed you so much ! hi , honey ! i love you . i 've missed you so much . my goodness , let me take a look at you . i swear , you have grown 10 feet tall since i saw you last . you did . amanda : welcome home . kendall : thank you . you have no idea how happy i am to be here . i 'm so happy to be here . amanda : i hope you did n't break out or anything . kendall : no . griffin gave me the ok . amanda : how did you change his mind ? kendall : he came up with a great solution . cara is going to look after me until griffin thinks that i am strong enough . and i do feel fine , though . i feel good . amanda : that 's great . cara : and i promise i wo n't get in your way . so on that note , i was just wondering where my room was so i can get rid of this . kendall : yes . go up that hallway , to the left , and mine 's right after that one . cara : fantastic . kendall : thanks . ahh . amanda : wow . that 's some solution . kendall : yeah , i would 've agreed to just about anything if it meant i can come home to these guys . amanda , thank you so much for taking such good care of them . amanda : they are angels , and trevor is just crazy about them . kendall : why do n't you stay , and we can have cookies and milk with our boys . amanda : i really should be getting back to the house . and besides , i 'm sure that spike and ian would just love to have their mom all to themselves . so i -- oh , i think i left his blankie in the kitchen . i 'll be right back . kendall : all right . excuse me . i need to see you . i need to see you . you are so scrumptious . get over here right now ! raa ! raa ! ha ha ha ! ya ! cara : hi . kendall : hi ! cara : you got your hands full . kendall : i do , indeed . this little worm over here , this is ian , and this is spike . you guys , this is cara . she 's gon na stay with us for a little while . spike : come see my room , mom . cara : what ? kendall : sounds serious to me . i think so . then we 're gon na have to go see your room . let 's go . come here , ian . come on . let 's go see his room . i 'm not sure -- actually , you know what ? do you mind watching him just for a second ? his mom just went to get his blankie . cara : yeah , i can . kendall : good . ok . thanks . come on ! let 's go ! want to march ? we 're gon na march together . jake 's voice : you sit down . give me your bag . cara : you should take a breath . jake : no , i 'm ok . so let me just ask you . how long does it take to actually find out if this -- cara : it 's gon na take a little while to get the results -- jake : and how do you feel now ? can you feel something ? cara : do i feel pregnant ? jake : yeah . can you feel -- cara : i 'm feeling confused . i 'm totally confused , actually , because there 's a lot that we need to do out here . and a baby -- i would have to leave the field . jake : look , whatever happens , we 'll figure it out . cara : yeah . ok . it 's just we had a lot of plans , and this is gon na change everything . jake : my life 's already changed , forever . and i do n't think change is bad . cara : no ? it 's like a `` world upside down `` kind of change . jake : yeah ? we 're not exactly the type of couple that 's gon na get a job in a hospital and move to the suburbs and put the nugget in nursery school . that 's not us , right ? cara : no . that 's for normal people . jake : and i think it would be good for a little kid -- blood and guts and danger . cara : totally . fire away ! jake : what 's a baby ? we 're not gon na baby any baby , not around here . be an action hero by the time he 's 3 years old . cara : i 'd like that , yeah . like , what kid could do it but -- jake : our kid . cara : that 's right . jake : i love you . i just love you . cara : i love you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : are you sure this is what you want ? madison : it 's not like i 'll be in the office . i 'll be working out of kendall 's house , so you 'll hardly ever see me . nobody will . ryan : kendall could use the help , right ? madison knows fusion , the boys love her . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] [ knock ] damon : liza ? you there ? [ scene_break ] tad : hey . hello . colby : thanks for coming . tad : i came as soon as i got your message . colby : thanks . tad : what 's wrong ? colby : damon -- he cheated on me . tad : uh , are you sure ? colby : mm - hmm . he even told me . the thing is , is he wo n't tell me who with . tad : i 'm -- i do n't know what to say . i 'm sorry . colby : tad , i love damon , and i want to be with him , and i understand that people make mistakes . but i do n't want to break up over this . i just want to put this all behind us . tad : good for you . good for you , colby . i 'm proud of you . that 's very mature . colby : but if i 'm gon na do that , i 'm gon na have to know everything . i want to know who damon slept with , and i want you to help me find out who . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , congrats on the job . madison : thank you . ryan : someplace you got to be ? greenlee : actually , there is . that business problem is n't solved exactly just yet . ryan : everything ok ? greenlee : yeah . it will be once i get everything under control . [ scene_break ] griffin : hi . i wanted to check the status of dr. carolyn finn 's paperwork . she spoke with you today ? dr. carolyn finn ? you 're sure ? [ scene_break ] kendall : you guys , let 's look outside , pick our favorite star , close our eyes , and make a wish , ok ? ian : ok . kendall : all right . let 's do it . [ ian babbles ] kendall : i 'll do it for you . cara : wait a second here . what are you doing , huh ? you know what , buddy ? your mama 's had a really superduper long day , and it is time for her to go to bed . kendall : how about this ? how about i read you guys a story , and then we 'll all go to bed together , ok ? good . thank you , sweetie . can you say `` good night `` ? spike : good night . cara : sweet dreams , boys . kendall : ok . come here , sweetie . [ cara whispers ] kendall : just make yourself at home . come here , angel . i got you . let 's go . cara : i think someone else is ready for sleep . kendall : seriously . thanks again . cara : sure . [ returns to staring at trevor ] look at you , eyes just like your daddy . [ knock on door ] jake : kendall ? you really should lock your doors . [ trevor cries ] [ scene_break ] ryan : i do n't want kendall to know anything about this , ok ? not until we have something concrete . and until then , i want everything and anything to do with zach 's plane crash to go through me . got it ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey , what the hell are you doing ? what happened to the call ? scott : oh . yeah , that . i decided against it . greenlee : you 're turning down a great job and a chance to get close to one of the hottest women in pine valley ? scott : no , listen , i like madison . greenlee : then what 's the problem ? scott : there is no problem . ahem . i 'm just gon na be doing it my way . ahem . i 'm just gon na be doing it my way . [ scene_break ] liza : tad was just here . damon : i did n't mean to tell him . liza : it 's all right . damon : i said it was my fault as much as yours . i could 've walked away . liza : damon , this was -- this was all me . i -- this was on me . i should 've stopped it , and i did n't . damon : i 'm quitting . i know i said that before , but this -- this seals it . liza : i know . i understand . damon : oh . and i told colby . liza : what ? damon : i -- sorry . i told her that i slept with someone . i did n't say that it was you . liza : ok . um , how is she doing ? damon : she 's hurt . she took off . i do n't know if we 're gon na be ok or not . hell , i do n't know if i 'm gon na be ok or not . liza : damon , i am -- [ scene_break ] tad : colby -- look , if you want my advice , the last thing you should be doing right now is digging around for the other woman . colby : but , tad , i need to know . i need to know who she is . tad : why ? why ? is it gon na change anything ? is it gon na help anything , make things better ? maybe you should be thinking about why it happened . colby : but to me , it does n't make any sense . that 's why . tad : excuse me , maybe it does . things at your age are kind of complicated , things happen . he did mention something about you and asher ? colby : tad , i -- tad : wait a minute , ok ? i 'm not saying that to be judgmental in any way . i 'm just saying that at your age , you think you and damon are forever , and that 's great . that 's the way it should feel . but the fact is , in life , sometimes you want what you want , and you get what you get . maybe `` forever `` is a little tricky . colby : i thought that you loved me and damon together . i thought that you were happy that -- tad : i -- i 'm thrilled . i love the fact that you are together , but there are differences , you know ? sometimes those are hard to handle . you 've almost graduated from college , ok ? he 's got years of school ahead of him . in life , so many things can happen -- they will happen . colby : tad , i love damon , and i know that he loves me . i know that we can work through this together . | at the prison , greenlee points out to scott that she wants his expertise at the hospital . suspicious of her motives , scott refuses greenlee 's offer . ryan finds out from an associate of zach 's that the sale of the casinos had n't gone through before zach died . ryan gets the idea that zach may have been murdered . madison overhears the conversation and confronts ryan about it . in her hospital room , kendall talks to her boys on the phone and tells them good- night . kendall gets up out of bed when griffin comes in and catches her . griffin introduces his sister , cara . jake and amanda arrive at the hospital . jake wants to go on a vacation , but amanda lets him know about all the work that she has to do . amanda gets a call from immigration , responding to her request for information using cara 's name . when they ask her to verify who she is , amanda hangs up and lies to jake about who was on the phone .. damon finds out from colby that she talked to liza . madison tells ryan that she will keep her mouth shut about his suspicion and desire to investigate zach 's death . greenlee tells scott that she wants him to get to know a gorgeous blonde , then lets him know that it is madison but does n't say why . scott threatens to call ryan and inform him . |
tad : krystal , believe me , i can hold out just as long as you can . come on , do the right thing . tell me what babe 's holding on to . krystal : and if i spill this big , fat , alleged secret , what do i get ? tad : the satisfaction of knowing that at least you had the guts to tell the truth . krystal : it takes a hell of a lot more guts to stand up to somebody who thinks they can steamroll right over you . tad : well , lady , if this is the way that babe is going to play it , when it comes to protecting my family , i will gladly do a little steamrolling , even if it 's over you and your daughter . krystal : well , it looks like we got ourselves a good , old - fashioned mexican standoff , because i will do anything to protect my daughter from your sons -- one in particular . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm going to put a lock on this passage door . my damn brother is a stalker ! jamie : i told you i needed to talk to babe . j.r. : so you do it behind my back , in my bedroom ? maybe you did more than talk last time you sneaked in . you were n't even careful about it . jamie : wondered where that went . j.r. : you know , in all the countries i shipped out to , i could shoot you and get away with it because it would be justifiable homicide , jamie . babe : my god , j.r. , stop it . [ scene_break ] ryan : dodged a bullet again , kendall . did i get you a brilliant doctor or what ? kendall : yes , brilliant . ryan : the whole world 's going to be convinced that you 're carrying michael cambias ' child . alan singer and justin mccoy are going to look like idiots . so , what do you say ? you want some bubbles ? kendall ? oh , no . no . no , you are unreal . do you really think that i could make love to you one minute and then ship you off to prison the next ? kendall : i think you and greenlee are capable of anything . [ scene_break ] jack : here you go , honey . greenlee : thanks . i do n't know what happened . i thought that i finally understood men . i mean , how can a man who claimed he loves me look at me like i do n't exist ? jack : yeah , what i do n't understand is , after everything pablo put you through , why you care about him at all . greenlee : we love each other . before we could figure out what that means , it 's over ? i ca n't accept that . jack : yeah , well , you 'd better if you want to stay alive . [ scene_break ] david : maria , edmund is alive . brooke : thank god . juan pablo : how is he ? david : he 's in recovery and holding his own . maria : and the surgery ? david : the bleeding 's under control . and , luckily , the bullet did n't hit a major artery . mankowitz had to perform a splenectomy . maria : ok , but what are you not telling me ? david : we had to shock edmund back twice . joe : the nurses told me that if david had n't been there , edmund might not have made it . maria : is he -- is he off pressors ? david : he 's hemodynamically stable . maria : on a vent ? david : yes , for now . maria : and what about residual problems ? david : we 're going to have to wait until he regains consciousness before we determine any extent of damage , if any . now , i 'm sure you -- [ david 's voice echoes ] maria 's voice : help ! no ! i came back to edmund for a reason . i mean , it ca n't be to lose him now . [ david 's voice echoes as maria faints into his arms ] brooke : maria ? maria ! [ scene_break ] krystal : what 's for lunch ? tad : what ? krystal : if you 're going to keep me hostage here , at least you can offer me a bologna on white . and is there a free bedroom in here ? because i am not in the mood to share a room with you . tad : you 're crackers . you expect me to believe that you would rather grow old in this room than tell me babe 's secret ? krystal : you 're cute and smart . can i have my purse ? tad : no . krystal : do you actually think that holding that thing hostage is going to get me to spill about my girl ? tad : i was kind of hoping your conscience might kick in . krystal : oh , you do n't think i have one , huh ? tad : look , i understand you are trying to protect your child . i got it . but you have to understand , jamie 's trying to do the same thing . he 's killing himself trying to be responsible , to do the right thing . krystal : that 's all babe wants . tad : by lying ? krystal : she is just trying to hold on to her marriage . tad : well , considering the situation we 're in , she 's got a really funny way of doing it . krystal : ok , if you 're going to insult my girl , i am walking out of here . i do n't care how far -- tad : wait a minute . i did n't mean it , all right ? i apologize . but you got to give me something here , ok ? we want the same things . we want our children to be happy , right ? right ? you realize you work with me on this thing , everybody might come out of this alive . krystal : look , i 'm not trying to make your life harder than it is , but i do not speak on command , i do not lie down , and i do n't roll over . tad : more 's the pity . it 's a joke , ok ? humor ? i know you do n't , but a little cooperation would be wonderful . krystal : listen , whatever you think i know about babe , the fact is , she is having her husband 's baby , and you and jamie need to deal with that . tad : it does n't matter who the baby 's father is . the child will be taken care of . krystal : j.r. is going to take care of his child just fine . tad : oh , so is that what this is about here ? you 're determined to hang on to the chandler legacy , no matter what ? let me tell you something -- the martins may not be rolling in cash and prizes , but we take care of our own , which means that if jamie 's the baby 's father , the baby will be taken care of -- and the mother , if it comes to that . so if you are worried about the money , why do n't you relax ? krystal : what the hell is wrong with you people ? is money all you think about ? tad : certainly seems to be on the top of your list . krystal : oh , god , that just tears all . you people do n't have a clue what babe and i are all about . [ scene_break ] babe : what has gotten into you ? what , you want to shoot me , too ? jamie : this is n't babe 's fault . i did n't want to deal with adam or mary . j.r. : yeah , sort of ruins the mood , does n't it ? jamie : i came here to get the truth , not to cheat on you with babe . j.r. : yeah , according to you , you 've already done that . babe : jamie , please , just get out of here . jamie : would you just listen to me ? like i told babe , i 'm not going to force her to take a dna test now . j.r. : you tired of harassing us ? jamie : no . i found out the amniocentesis could hurt the baby . there 's no way i would take that chance . j.r. : wow . that 's real big of you . jamie : but as soon as that baby 's born , i 'll get that court order . j.r. : you do whatever you want . the kid 's not yours . jamie : oh , and about that -- i know for a fact that babe could be having my baby . j.r. : oh , man , not this again . why do n't you just adopt a puppy and get over it ? jamie : i mean it . i got babe 's records at the hospital . babe : that 's impossible . they 're confidential . j.r. : not if your grandfather 's the chief of staff . what did you do , jamie ? you ask him real polite to break the rules ? jamie : he 's got nothing to do with it . i hacked into his computer to gain access to babe 's file . babe : j.r. , do n't listen to him . this is your baby . jamie : or not . according to the record , she 's been lying to you about when she got pregnant . [ scene_break ] david : come on . have a seat . brooke : can i get you something ? some water or some coffee ? maria : i 'm fine , i 'm fine , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . you guys , i 'm good , i 'm good . i just need a -- juan pablo : maria ? maria : i just need a minute . i just need -- oh , my god . this is sort of crazy . this is -- i mean , what are the odds , dr. hayward ? really ? david : you know i ca n't estimate edmund 's chances . maria : no , no , no . i mean , what are the odds that you are the one -- the one that kept me away from edmund for all those years , you 're the one who lied and said that i was dead all that time , and then you 're the one who actually comes in and saves his life ? i mean , not once , but twice . [ scene_break ] jack : look , i know you 've been through a living hell , but what you should concentrate on right now is taking care of yourself , all right ? that would be a yes ? yes . good . good . i need to go check on edmund . greenlee : yeah , i should go , too . jack : you should sit right here . you should finish your soup , ok ? i mean , that 's -- if that 's ok with you . greenlee needs to rest . erica : but i 'm sure that greenlee would be more comfortable in her own place . jack : yes , but i 'd be more comfortable if you were here in case she needed anything or in case she got any nutty ideas in her head . erica : well , of course . anything you say -- if that 's what you want . jack : you get some sleep , ok ? and you -- thank you . thank you very much for doing this . erica : i 'd do anything for you . you know that . jack : i 'll remember you said that . i 'll see you later , ok ? unhook the doorbell . greenlee : that was quite a sendoff . you two an item again ? there 's no way i 'm going to sleep . erica : jack said he wants you to rest -- greenlee : jack 's not here . what is with men , anyway ? erica : are you talking about one man in particular , that pablo ? greenlee : we have this intense chemistry , but it 's just -- i do n't understand him . erica : well , maybe he should take an english class . greenlee : that 's not what i meant . i just do n't get why pablo does what he does . we love each other . i can feel it . but we just ca n't get there from here . erica : well , maybe you 're too close . maybe you need to give him some space . greenlee : have you ever backed off something or someone that you wanted ? erica : actually , when it was important enough , yes . i mean , look at jack and me . we had our little problems , and we spent some time apart , and we got back together because we do understand each other so completely . greenlee : hmm . like you understood him when you lied to him about me being his daughter ? [ scene_break ] ryan : what does greenlee have to do with anything ? kendall : i heard you at the lodge . ryan : oh , you mean in between the rounds of gunfire and explosions and -- kendall : no , no , in your bedroom . you and greenlee -- you were both dead set on proving that i 'm not really pregnant . ryan : oh , well , you heard wrong . kendall : no . ryan , i was there . i heard right . ryan : what ? kendall , i told you before the lodge that i was going to hire a doctor to perform the fake dna test . i did . that 's why dr. lossin was here , all right ? no scheme , no agenda , no plot . kendall : ok , so i 'm supposed to just believe you because you say so ? ryan : you know what ? stop . because i know all your lines off by heart already . everything out of my mouth are lies . the only reason that i 'm trying to protect you is so that you can rot in prison and i can have the entire cambias estate for my big , bad self . did i leave anything out ? kendall : well -- well , can you blame me ? can you blame me for being suspicious ? `` gee , kendall , i do n't want power or money . i just kicked you out of bed so i could play footsies with greenlee . forget about everything that i do behind your back . `` did i leave anything out ? ryan : wow , you got some ego , you know that ? you think i just sort of sit around and i try and come up with ways to trip you up ? look , we 're in this together , all right ? what do you want me to do ? you want me to swear on the bible ? you want me to swear on your little belly ? do you want me to sign something in blood ? kendall , what do you want me to do ? do you want me to say i love you ? kendall : yes , that would help ! do you , ryan ? do you love me ? do you love me ? ryan : will it make any difference ? kendall : you 're asking me to put my entire life in your hands , to absolutely trust you based on what , your word ? ryan : i 've gone with the fake pregnancy test , i told the entire world that i believe you 're having cambias ' kid , and my word is still not good enough for you . kendall : look , ryan , if i go with you on this , i could lose everything . ryan : you could also gain a hell of a lot . kendall : i need something . i need something . i ca n't just close my eyes and leap and hope that you 'll catch me . not this time . ryan : you want me to call the whole thing off ? kendall : wait . what are you doing ? ryan : i 'm going to call dr. lossin , i 'm going to thank her for her time and for her trouble , and i 'm going to tell her the whole deal is off . is that what you want ? kendall : no , no . that 's not what i want . that 's not what i meant . you know what ? i do n't know what the hell i was thinking . if you -- i want an answer , ryan . i just want an answer . i want something that i can hang on to , something to get me through this , and you ca n't even give me that . you expect me to trust you , and you ca n't even give me -- forget it , forget it . i ca n't even speak right now . ryan : wait , wait . you can hold on to me . kendall : oh , so you can put me in a headlock and bring me down ? ryan : you want something to believe in ? let 's get married . better yet , let 's make a baby , a real one , right here , right now . [ scene_break ] krystal : you actually think i spent my entire life raising my beautiful baby girl to grab the biggest , shiniest gold ring she could find just so i can swan dive onto easy street ? tad : yeah . krystal : if that 's all i wanted , i sure as hell would have found some old coot with more money than life left in him . that way she 'd only have to put up with a sorry , old geezer for a couple of years before she could hit the jackpot without all the baggage . oh , my god . i swear , i do not understand why somebody could possibly be so ignorant that he ca n't see what 's right in front of him . tad : i got a feeling you 'll tell me . krystal : money does not make babe happy . love does . and she loves the stuffing out of j.r . tad : well , then , god help us all , because jamie loves babe 's stuffing , no matter who she is . [ scene_break ] babe : he 's lying , j.r. , and you know it . jamie : i got all the facts i need . it 's all in black and white in babe 's file . she got pregnant the same week that i made love to her . babe : you know what ? you can spill all the lies that you want , but j.r. and i , we love each other way too much to let your bull come in between us . is n't that right , baby ? j.r. : are you finished ? jamie : i wanted you to know . j.r. : get out of here . use the front door this time . babe : that brother of yours is bonkers . he needs some serious help , if you know what i mean . j.r. : let 's not worry about him , babe . why do n't you -- why do n't you change into something more formal ? babe : where are we going ? j.r. : it 's a surprise . [ scene_break ] david : you 've lost enough time because of me , and i do n't want you to lose any more . you 've got to try to believe that , maria . maria : ok , yeah . i 'll believe that . i mean , that 's really what you think ? you 'd really do anything , really ? because if you 're lucky , then edmund might need a heart transplant . and then , you know -- well , actually , you 're ok because there 's so many hearts around , thanks to pablo , that we could use . you could use even the one from the guy who shot edmund . and if that does n't work , then you can use pablo 's because you have one , do n't you -- a heart ? and if that does n't work , then -- then you can just juice him up with that stuff that you gave me , the one that saved my heart but just erased my life . and that -- well , that actually could be good for edmund because then he would forget that any of this even happened to him and then he could just forget me and he could forget his kids and he could forget all of that -- brooke : maria , edmund will bull his way through this , just like he does everything else -- maria : what ? what are you even doing here ? really , did you just come to watch ? because you 're -- you wanted to watch my whole world fall in on me because i got the man that you could n't have ? maria : you have just been waiting for this , have n't you ? you 're just waiting for the day that edmund would be snatched away from me , right ? right before we were going to spend our lives together and be happily ever after together . jack : wait a minute . maria , everybody here cares about you right now . maria : oh , well , brooke does . brooke really cares . she cares about edmund , anyway . she cares about him . she loves him . because she would still be married to him , basically , if it was n't for me , if i had n't just come in and ruined everything , right ? because , oh , i know you found out that i was alive , and you would 've let me just die in the desert while you jogged down the aisle to edmund so you could be with him ! forget me ! and then i kind of showed up and i just sort of blew that whole fairy tale all to hell , did n't i ? and you have n't ever forgiven me . brooke : maria , i was wrong . i knew that . i knew it then . you and edmund were meant to be together . maria : are you kidding me ? when have we ever been together ? when ? when did we ever have a chance to be together ? you kept me from him for years ! you , like , would 've let me rot in the desert ! and you got him shot ! are you kidding me ? brooke : it 's nobody 's fault what happened . maria : stop ! are you -- god ! are -- ok , i 'm going to lose edmund now , you lost him , and everybody 's happy , right ? are you satisfied ? brooke : i do n't want this , maria , and i do n't blame you for hating me . maria : you know , i just -- my husband may not see the sun come -- he may never see the sun come up , and all i can think about is all the things that i have n't told him yet ! and i just want you to go to hell ! collectively , go to hell , all of you . david : maria -- maria : i -- david : try to calm down . jack : i want to have a word with you . juan pablo : what is it ? jack : if i were you , pablo , i would leave town for your own safety . juan pablo : it 's over with the calatravas . jack : but it 's just starting with me . and you listen to me -- you stay away from my daughter , or i will make the calatravas look like choir boys . comprende ? [ scene_break ] erica : i knew exactly what jackson would do when he found out that i lied to him about you -- he 'd stop the wedding . and i also knew that he would forgive me , and he did that , too . greenlee : i saw the goodbye . erica : look , i know that you do n't want to hear this , but love is not enough . i mean , mystery can be exhilarating , but unless you really understand each other , you 'll be crying into your pillow . if it is n't banditos , it 'll be something else . and either way , you 'll lose . so , i mean , there are so many wonderful men out there . why would you want to run into a brick wall more than twice ? greenlee : maybe i should let pablo go . when you 're thinking about it , ryan and i share so much more . erica : ryan ? why would you want to wreck his life ? greenlee : i understand him , and he understands me . but more than that , i need to save him from your daughter . [ scene_break ] kendall : that 's not funny . us make a baby ? ryan -- ryan : i 'm not trying to be funny here , kendall . it 's the only way that i know to get through to you . kendall : i just want to know that i can trust you . ryan : no , you want to test me . you want to test me over and over -- kendall : no , no , that -- that 's not true . that 's not true . i just -- i just wanted -- i want to make sure , ok ? ryan : oh , yeah ? is that right ? because i just told you that i want to marry you and that i want to make babies . now , did all that commitment -- did that make you believe in me any more than when you walked into this room ? no , kendall , because you do n't trust me . and it 's not because of me . it 's because of you . kendall : oh , no , no , no . do n't go turning this around on me . you 've given me every reason to doubt every word that 's come out of your mouth . ryan : well , i 've given you more reasons to believe in me , but you will never trust me , kendall , because you wo n't let yourself . kendall : that 's because you 'll -- you 'll say anything to get what you want . you 'll -- you 'll promise the moon if it 'll give you the stars . ryan : you know what ? whatever this is , it 's over . we walk away , no regrets . kendall : so now you 're going to bail on me ? ryan : you see what i mean ? do you see what i mean ? you do n't trust me enough to see this thing through . but then when i free you up , i give you what you want , you think i 'm letting you down . you 're totally nuts . kendall : i just -- i just want to make this work . ryan : how , by slamming me over the head with a new test every single day ? i do n't need it ! kendall : ok , listen -- all right , all right , listen . let 's say -- let 's say i believe you . let 's say i go along with dr. lossin 's plan , i go as far as we can go , and then you turn on me . while you 're sitting there counting your millions of dollars , i am stuck in prison for the rest of my life . ryan : wake up , kendall ! you 're already in prison ! [ scene_break ] babe : this sure does n't look like the caribbean . what -- what are we doing here ? j.r. : i just want to make sure my wife and baby are healthy . babe : i 'd feel a lot healthier with a little tan and some sand between my toes . j.r. : soon enough . i just do n't want you to neglect your prenatal care . babe : but i was just here . j.r. : that 's why you can never be too careful . i set up an appointment with your doctor . here he is . dr. parker . babe : you did n't have to go through all this trouble . j.r. : this is my first kid . i want to be with you every step of the way . dr. parker : cubicle one is free . shall we ? babe : well , you can wait out here if you want and -- and grab a soda . j.r. : are you kidding ? i missed out last time when the doc told you how pregnant you were . this time i want to be with you holding your hand when he gives us the news . [ scene_break ] tad : krystal , no matter how much you love your daughter , surely you got to admit that babe is n't exactly innocent in all this . krystal : but she was happy before . and now that she has what she thinks she 's always wanted , she can barely muster a smile half the time . tad : well , she can buy one with her platinum card . krystal : is money all you ever think about ? i mean , listen , i do n't have anything against money , but , my god , it 's just the gravy . it 's not the main course . you make it sound like babe just loves j.r. for his money when she would love that guy if all he had was lint in his pockets . and you know why ? because babe and i are happy with who we are and what we have . can you say the same thing ? tad : depends on how you define `` happy . `` krystal : honey , if you need a dictionary , then you 're worse off than i even thought . tad : so , where 'd you run off to ? jamie : i talked to babe and j.r . krystal : i told you if you went to her again that i was going to call the police . jamie : i had to do it , krystal . i had to let babe know where i stand . krystal : listen -- if you told her that you 're going to let somebody stick her in the belly with a needle , then you 're going to have to kill me first . [ scene_break ] erica : kendall is a master at manipulating -- men and women . kendall will play weak , ryan moves in , and then ryan knows very well that he 's under her spell . however , she 's already got the cambias estate locked up . i wo n't let that happen . greenlee : see , i know ryan . i can talk to him . he 'll listen to me . erica : no , greenlee , pillow talk really wo n't get it this time . oh , i see . that 's what this is really all about , is n't it ? you just want to get ryan out of kendall 's bed and into yours . greenlee : so what if ryan is my first stop on my 12-step program getting over pablo ? a girl could do worse . erica : well , then , you know what ? i have a better idea . why do n't you just get out of the country ? greenlee : oh -- you know what ? give it a rest , erica . you just want me out of the way so you do n't have to share jackson . erica : yes , i have a company to save , and i do n't want you twisting ryan into knots . so , yes , the farther away you are , the better chance i have at success . greenlee : why are you so convinced that i 'll jump back in bed for fusion ? and for your information , ryan would never take advantage of me like that . i know because i offered to sleep with him to get control of fusion and he turned me down . erica : who taught you that one , your mother ? greenlee , why do n't you just listen to me ? leave ryan alone . [ scene_break ] ryan : you built your very own alcatraz right up there . you 're so jammed up with your hurt and your anger and suspicion that you 're trapped , and you 're going to be in there for life unless you do something to break out . kendall : ok , so -- so i have issues . do you think i like being like this ? ryan : no , no , no , not the `` mommy hates me `` bit , all right ? please ? all right , because every time you mess up , it 's the same old line . i paid for that show . do n't want to sit through it again . kendall : fine . i wo n't make you . ryan : kendall , please . i want to help you . i want to help you , but you have to let me in . otherwise , this whole thing is going to blow up in our face because every time that you think that the whole world is against you , you go off on one of your spins and there 's nothing i can do to bring you back . kendall : you know what ? you do n't -- ryan : because -- because i 've been there already , do you remember ? you screwed up my life once already , and it 's not going to happen again . kendall : then why are you here ? i do n't understand this . why are you doing this ? why are you risking everything if you 're so sure that i could ruin your life ? why -- why are you fighting so hard to be a part of this when you could just walk away ? ryan : i 'm not a flat - leaver , kendall . not this time . it 's your choice . kendall : all right , all right . i trust you . you happy now ? we 'll do it your way . [ scene_break ] jamie : i could n't do it -- not if it could hurt the baby . but as soon as that baby is born , i 'll demand the test . krystal : you are a real piece of work . you 're going to hang this over her head at a time when this should be the happiest time of her life ? tad : he 's just thinking about the baby . that 's what 's most important here . krystal : do n't expect me to thank him . jamie : i do n't care what you think . sorry . tad : i do n't care what ellie mae here says . i 'm proud of you . you did the right thing . jamie : i got to study . krystal : boy , your boys are a real one - two punch . tad : what 's that supposed to mean ? krystal : well , they know what fork to put where , but they do n't know anything about life and what makes it worth living . tad : well , they were certainly making headway before your daughter blew into town and decided it was a good idea to sleep with both of them . krystal : babe 's made some mistakes , but you can not heap all the blame on her . jamie and j.r. were hard - wired for trouble a long time ago . i mean , let 's face it . i mean , you -- you could sell j.r. 's childhood for dog food . adam used j.r. 's mama for a broodmare , and then he planted her off to some funny farm . tad : where exactly do you get your information ? krystal : i keep my ears open . you going to deny it ? and dixie , she -- she was n't crazy , but she sure did -- tad : do n't . krystal : know a thing -- tad : stop . krystal : about raising a ruckus -- tad : shut up . not one word about dixie . krystal : all right , fine . i mean , jeez , there are plenty of others . i mean , adam married half the women in this town , and then you bedded the other half . and even when you partway settle down with the flavor of the month , you could n't stay faithful for more than five minutes . tad : if this is n't the pot calling the kettle horny . you expect me to believe that you , the queen of free love , have never , with all of your hyperactive appetite for life , cheated on anybody ? krystal : i am what they call a serial monogamist . tad : what ? krystal : i may have a short attention span , but i never double up . listen , life is tough enough to worry about who likes what , so i wait until i 'm through with one before i move on to the next one . tad : ah , good for you . you get a couple of points for organization . krystal : i get points for raising a daughter to learn what 's important -- love and loyalty . tad : i guess she was out sick when you covered monogamy , huh ? krystal : i did n't say we were perfect . but i do know that we fight for what we want and we hold on to that with all we have . tad : do n't you see that 's exactly what jamie and j.r. are doing ? because whether you like it or not , they 're both in love with your daughter . [ scene_break ] j.r. : sure is tiny . thought it 'd be bigger than this by now . how many weeks along did you say my wife is ? oh , it 's cool , it 's cool . mistakes happen , right , pumpkin ? so do n't keep us in suspense , doc . i know we 're having a baby . i just want to know when . dr. parker : your wife is n't quite as far along as i previously stated . j.r. : no kidding ? dr. parker : i guess i -- i made a mistake -- by about four weeks ? j.r. : well , how about that ? [ scene_break ] maria : oh , thank you . thanks . gosh , that was just crazy . that was total madness . i -- i 'm sorry . i 'm really sorry . i -- ahem . god , i 'm just glad the kids did n't see that . but , you know , they did n't have their mom for so long , and now i -- you know , edmund -- and i just do n't know what to say to them . what do i say to them about their dad ? brooke : you will find the right words . is there anything i can do ? maria : no , there 's -- well , you know what ? yeah , there -- yeah . brooke : name it . maria : it 's kind of big , but could you do me a favor and stay here for me , please , and call me on my cell if there 's any change ? brooke : you 'll be the first to know . maria : thank you . thanks . i 'm sorry . i 'm really sorry . maria : hey -- david : hey . maria : well , i really should n't have said -- i 'm sorry . i 'm -- i 'm really sorry . david : it 's all right . maria : and , believe me , i am so grateful that you were there for edmund when he needed you . david : all right . maria : hey . thanks , jack , for coming . thank you . jack : it 's ok . maria : i 'm ready . jack : it 's all right . we 'll all pray for him , ok ? maria : thank you . jack : just take care of yourself . maria : ok . [ scene_break ] babe : doctors , huh ? you think you can trust them with those fancy degrees and those thingamajobbies around their neck . but i guess they 're just practicing , huh ? oh , gosh , can you imagine making a whopper mistake like that and then trying to pretend it 's an accident ? j.r. : babe , you 're the one that 's been pretending . babe : not about loving you . never about that . what does it matter when your little swimmer fell in love with my baby egg ? the only thing i know for sure is you 're the only man i 've ever loved and you 're the only man that i 've made love to since becoming your wife , and anyone that says differently , they 're lying . j.r. ? do n't get all twisted about this . you know that jamie 's a liar . you even said so yourself . j.r. : i chose you , babe , but i never believed you . [ scene_break ] tad : krystal , if you do n't like way my boys are acting , you have to consider the reason -- it 's your daughter . krystal : she 's just doing what i taught her . tad : to sleep around ? krystal : to fight for what she wants and to remember that she 's never alone . babe and i are closer than ticks , and that 's never going to change . can you say the same thing about you and jamie ? tad : absolutely . yeah . he knows he can come to me about anything because he knows at the end of the day i just want what 's best for him . krystal : and that 's all i want . ever since my little arabella was in nappies , i used to always just say , `` we deserve the best -- `` tad : wait -- krystal : `` and together we can always -- `` tad : go back . krystal : what ? tad : `` arabella `` ? you 're kidding . that 's a very big name to pin on such a little girl , is n't it ? krystal : well , maybe i did get a little carried away . tad : sounds like an opera . krystal : i had this great - great - aunt arabella , and all she talked about was this $ 2,000 that she had stuffed in a couple of shoe boxes under her bed . and that was $ 2,000 more than i had , so -- tad : ah . krystal : when i got pregnant , i thought i 'd give her a namesake and maybe she 'd put me in the will and -- what i did n't realize is she did n't really like babies -- tad : hmm . krystal : much less colicky ones . so when she died , she left her money to her cats , siegfried and roy . tad : serves you right . so babe got stuck with the name ? krystal : yeah , well , not for long . i never did like the name myself . so i just went around calling her my baby , and then that turned into -- tad : babe . krystal : babe . tad : right . that was the last time i did anything for money . my baby girl is -- is all i ever needed or wanted to make me feel loved and complete . tad : then , in that case , you are one lucky lady . krystal : do n't i know it . i got to go . tad : yeah . krystal : hey , i 'm -- i 'm really sorry i read you the riot act , but you know -- you know how it is . tad : yeah , i do . you love your children no matter what . she 's your baby girl , and you love her . krystal : looks like maybe you 're starting to understand babe and me . too bad we 're on opposite sides of the fence -- for now . tad : i would n't get that coat wet . [ scene_break ] erica : greenlee , do n't tell me you 're going to go see ryan . greenlee : i know what i 'm doing now . i get it . it 's like there 's a whole new world in front of me . erica : greenlee , you are in no condition to make life - altering decisions . i 'm afraid to ask here . greenlee : i 'm following your advice . where 's the support ? erica : no , greenlee , this is not the way -- greenlee : tell jackson you tried to stop me but you could n't . [ scene_break ] ryan : do n't forget this . kendall : thanks . what ? ryan : are you sure about all this ? kendall : yeah , i said i was , did n't i ? what is your problem ? i mean , you should be happy . you got what you wanted . because of you , i could either walk or swing . you should be thrilled . ryan : yeah . great . you 're right . kendall : ok , then . ryan : ok , so we 're good to go . kendall : great . ryan : yeah . great . [ scene_break ] tad : come on , arabella . 7 come 11 . [ scene_break ] babe : well , you chose me . you must 've believed me a teeny bit . j.r. : after the baby 's born , we wo n't wait for jamie to order the paternity test . babe : well , what are you going to do ? how can we stop him ? j.r. : wo n't have to . i 'll order the test myself . [ scene_break ] erica : hi , jack , it 's me . i really hope edmund 's doing all right . and greenlee left but she 's fine , so you do n't have to worry . so i 'm here , i 'm alone , and i 'm waiting to show you how much i 've missed you . [ knock on door ] erica : jack . kendall : erica , i need your help . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee , what are you doing here ? greenlee : ryan ? ryan : what happened ? what happened ? are you all right ? greenlee : ryan , please , kidnap me again . [ next_on ] erica : you can trust me . please tell me the truth . maddie : my daddy 's going to die , is n't he ? jack : bianca , is there something you need to tell me ? ryan : so you want me to help you get over pablo . greenlee : the same way leo helped me get over you . | jamie informs jr and babe that he has evidence , from medical records , that babe lied about the time she conceived the baby . jr takes her to the hospital and has dr. parker find out for them the date of conception . it is revealed that she is much less far along than they previously thought . jr reveals to babe that he chose her but he never believed her . krystal and tad have a confrontation , where each defends their child . at the end of their conversation , they stop arguing , sound friendly and seem to having a meeting of the minds . |
[ surf crashes outside as babe fingers the hair on j.r. 's chest . ] babe : the sun is gorgeous , winnie 's got little a by the pool , and bruno 's keeping them safe and sound . breakfast is on the way but not here yet . it is a great day to be in paradise . j.r. : is that where we are ? babe : do you need more proof ? j.r. : you know , why do n't you do me a favor and slap me instead ? babe : well , then , this is not exactly what i was looking forward to . j.r. : well , one of us has to come back to reality . babe : what the heck is wrong with you ? j.r. : if you think this is going to work , you 're dreaming . and it 's way past time to wake up . [ scene_break ] erin : be careful . you know , i might put the word out to your pi and special ops friends -- devane baits his hooks with candy instead of worms . aidan : and this is coming from the girl that caught an anchovy and instantly set him free . i saw you mangle that worm . no , but it never occurred to me that you were the crunchy granola , `` i brake for whales `` type . erin : ah . aidan : why do n't you tell me -- what is your favorite sprouts and soybeans recipe ? erin : oh , i 'm sorry , but i am a card - carrying carnivore . many thanks to the meat packers and fish mongers and everybody else who does the icky stuff for me . aidan : well , i 'm glad to hear it . that way i do n't have to fish out the only vegan restaurant in pine valley if i ask you to dinner . what would you like to eat tonight ? filet mignon , barbecue , or hotdog on a twig ? erin : well , jonathan 's class is over soon . why do n't we let him decide ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : if i stand far enough away from people , will they stop being scared of me ? julia : well , studies have shown that people are most comfortable with two to three feet of personal space . jonathan : i do n't -- i don think that 's far enough for people near me . julia : well , the expression that somebody has on their face or the way they hold their arms or cross their legs can let you know if you 've crossed their personal boundaries . yes . lily : how do you think i should hold my legs and my arms and my face to let boys know that i do n't want to have sex ? [ scene_break ] ryan : so is this why you invited me here ? to play darts ? ethan : actually , i invited you for something much more exciting . an offer you ca n't refuse . [ scene_break ] [ zach hands kendall a single beautiful white rose . ] zach : it 's a start . kendall : it 's beautiful . but we should put it in some water so it does n't wilt . zach : that 's ok . i 'll get you out of here in no time . kendall : ah -- perfect . i 'm completely done with this place . well , at least until this little one is ready to show up . zach : well , i do n't know . we could hang for a little bit . this is our place . kendall : `` our place `` -- what , are you sniffing too many roses ? zach : no , you , me , after the fire in here , you know ? kendall : i did n't think you came , but you did . zach : mm - hmm . and then i came back , but i did n't bring you flowers or no declarations of affection . kendall : all i wanted you to do was to admit what you said to me when i was sleeping . zach : mm - hmm . what did i say to you ? i love you . that was it . and i 'll keep saying it as long as you want to hear it . i love you . kendall : mmm . i love you . and i heard you . but i also heard dr. madden . and he said that we ca n't make love . so where does that leave us ? [ scene_break ] lily : `` i have autism spectrum disorder , and i prefer not to be touched . `` that 's what i have to tell people when they try to shake my hand . but with some people , i can do a kiss on the cheek . and , like , my dad -- i can give him a hug . just not too long and not too tight . julia : i bet that makes him very happy . lily : yeah . and it made my ex - boyfriend happy , too , because i let him kiss me on the mouth . except for one time . even though he knew about my disorder , he used his tongue . and it made me uncomfortable . and i need to know the body language i should use that says that i do n't want to be kissed like that , and i do n't want my shirt to be unbuttoned , and i do n't want him to think it 's weird that i do n't want to have sex . jonathan : you 're not weird , lily . you 're different . but not bad different , good different . julia : jonathan 's right . just because you do n't want to be touched does n't mean you 're weird , lily . and a lot of young people are not ready to have sex , even if they think they are . lily : i 've analyzed all the data . and i 've never wanted to have sex . that 's always been a constant . and i do n't know what would change that would make me suddenly want to . so therefore , i think it 's very likely that i 'll never get married , like normal people . will i ? jonathan : i 've had sex lots of times , and it was fun . well , it was for me at least . julia : that was a very honest statement . and next , maybe we should talk about what information we should share and with whom we should share it . jonathan : lily , sex did n't make me normal or like everyone else . and it did n't fix what was wrong in my life . [ scene_break ] aidan : so i take `` let jonathan pick the restaurant `` translates to `` go peddle your dinner invitation somewhere else . `` erin : ooh . you know , i thought it was just your accent , but we 've got a serious language barrier here . aidan : `` shove off . `` is that closer to the mark ? erin : i do n't date , not in the traditional sense . aidan : really ? traditional ? is that code for `` heterosexual `` ? erin : meaning what ? meaning am i into girls ? no . not like that . aidan : so then -- the problem with me and dinner is -- is what ? erin : there ca n't be three of us at a table . aidan : but inviting your brother along was your idea . erin : no , no , no , no . not that three . the other three -- you , me , and the expectations of anything couplish . i just -- i do n't do that . aidan : well , that seems a bit extreme , but fair enough . erin : so , it 's up to you now . do you still want to take me out for dinner , or would you rather not waste your time ? [ scene_break ] zach : no sex , huh ? kendall : yeah . not for a while . maybe not until the baby is born . zach : well , that 's a while . kendall : yeah , that 's a long , long while . zach : yeah . ahem . kendall : yeah . yeah . we had the most glorious , amazing slow burn of all time . i mean , the romance and the flowers and the balloons and us -- the whole thing . and -- and we were this close to finally -- zach : i was there . i remember . but , you know , things change . kendall : well , you must be disappointed . zach : yeah , well , a man has needs . and a man in love has big needs . kendall : yes . well , so does a woman , believe me . but when i -- i realized that i could miscarry this child , i knew that i -- that i had to carry to term . i do n't know how it happened , but somehow , this baby has taken on a whole new importance . zach : well , we 'll just have to blow out the candles for a while and imagine what could have been . the things i would do -- kendall : all right , ok , well , that 's nice , great . zach : i guess the point is , we have made love . dancing , balloons , wishes , and candles . hey , we 're making love right now . kendall : so then no big deal , right ? whew , thank god , because i really -- i did n't want to anyway . really , i did n't . zach : oh , you 'll want to . and i know it 's going to be worth waiting for . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall has decided to have the baby , and she wants me to stick around , and i will . i will be here for her , and i 'll be here for the baby . ethan : it 's a novel idea . i know a few fathers who are n't familiar with that concept . ryan : including the man that happens to be in love with the mother of my child . ethan : zach claims to be in love with kendall ? ryan : yes , he does . and kendall claims it right back at him . that makes for an interesting situation , do n't you think ? me , kendall , and her ex - husband , the man -- the idiot -- that she happens to be in love with . ethan : hmm . zach wins again . kendall 's bound to lose . she 's been fooled ever since he saved her from the fusion rooftop . i mean , i saw the look on her face that night -- `` my hero . `` ryan : which is exactly what he 's going for . ethan : you still think he rigged that bizarre hammock contraption ? ryan : i mean , if he did n't , he 's certainly taking full advantage of it , is n't he ? the point is , is that zach will hurt kendall . he will . ethan : kendall 's all about `` prove your love to me . `` this guy -- i mean , he sits down , he counts his poker chips , he offers the occasional grunt . i mean , come on , one rescue , and she 's sold ? ryan : i do n't know . i mean , believe me , whatever charms the guy has that we do n't see , the son of a bitch will break her heart . ethan : yeah , that 's a given . and she will never see it coming . ryan : the very last thing that kendall needs right now -- kendall and the baby -- the very last is more stress . i mean , the guy has caused her enough already . ethan : i do n't seem to remember him doing a lot of favors for you , either . ryan : he 's just trying to push my buttons , trying to make me take a swing at him , you know , show kendall that i 'm still dangerous . but i 'll tell you this . if he does hurt her , i 'll prove that he 's right . ethan : or we could go the legal route . could be a lot more fun for us . it 'd be a lot more painful for our victim . [ scene_break ] babe : we 're in the middle of paradise , it is about 80 degrees outside . yet , you still find a way to be ice cold to me . what 's your problem ? j.r. : you . that was an easy one . why do n't you give me another ? babe : we 're here with the boy that we love , and then , bam -- `` oh , no , things are too good . `` got to chicken out . ca n't trust babe , ca n't just let the good stuff wash over us and soak in . you got to think somehow i 'm playing you , i 'm gaming you . j.r. : well , what 's new ? when have n't you worked me , babe ? babe : if you would pay attention , you could see that i am working the world 's hottest swimsuit . j.r. : ah , just another way for you to snow me till i figure out your game . babe : oh . why do n't i even do it ? why do i even treat you like a human ? j.r. : i do n't know , why do n't you tell me , babe ? oh , come on . two days ago , you were , like , `` well , what the hell ? why do n't we try to date ? `` now here we are in sunny heaven , pretending like we 're some everyday normal couple that has n't been torn up by stolen babies or brothers who have affairs . what are we even doing here ? babe : i 'm about to give you exactly what you deserve . j.r. : you going to get little adam and split ? or call the cops ? sic them on me for some phony crime ? belt me in the face with a coconut ? babe : is that what you think you deserve ? j.r. : oh , come on , babe . just quit the drama and tell me what you 're going to do . babe : i 'm going to book my own room , you paranoid jerk . you really hate yourself that much that that 's what you think you deserve ? me walking out with little a ? j.r. : all right , fine . fine , i overreacted . but you getting your own room -- how do i know that 's not part of your plan ? babe : of course . it could have nothing to do with the fact that you hurt my feelings , could it ? j.r. : no . you were there . you had your hand on my chest , i saw you . there was something going on , and it was n't about feelings . babe : that 's right . i am the little sex engine that could and will . oh , give it to me , baby . has nothing to do with real feelings like love , anger , hope , fear . do you have any idea what the last few months have been like for me ? being pushed down the stairs , poisoned at thanksgiving ? drugged , stripped , and set up on new year 's ? oh , and my personal favorite -- we can not forget christmas . finding little a kidnapped and set up in some nativity scene . j.r. : he 's my son , too . it ripped my guts out to see he was gone . babe : and there we go again , back to the only person in this room whose feelings matter . i 'm like this little windup toy of yours . `` come here , go to hell . `` j.r. : no , that 's not what i said . you know , you and this drama -- it never ends , does it ? babe : you know , for the first time in a while , i woke up this morning , and i was n't thinking about what is amanda going to do to us ? and i knew that little adam was safe . and even just for the slightest moment , things could be peaceful and normal for us , the way that i hoped they could always be . j.r. : and then tinkerbell can fly in and sprinkle pixie dust all over us . babe : shut up . you ca n't talk to me without mocking me , do n't talk to me . i 'm going to go book my own room , and i 'm going to spend the morning on the beach with little adam . you can have the afternoons . and maybe -- just maybe , i 'll finally look at you when we 're on the plane back home . j.r. : what about breakfast ? babe : choke on it . [ scene_break ] [ door slams ] opal : i am telling you , the way you charmed that little old lady , that was a sweet sight to behold . del : and what about you with that high school boy ? you got him to put down his video game and pick up a book . opal : yeah , was n't that something ? del : i think i saw him checking out your legs . opal : oh -- del : i 'm serious . opal : oh , what -- what ? these old things ? [ del laughs ] opal : oh , it 's nothing to get excited about . and neither is pushing this cart . i mean , you being a big fancy writer and all . this must be deadly dull . del : no way . i love this stuff . opal : you do ? del : yeah , i do . opal , the way you are with people and the way you tell stories -- you have a real gift . opal : oh -- del : this is exactly what i needed for my book . opal : well , there 's loads more where that came from . listen , you stick with me , honey , and i will tell you stories that will curl your hair . del : all right . [ opal laughs ] [ scene_break ] aidan : you know , he was an idiot . the guy that turned you off dating for good . aidan : you 're talking about your father . erin : you got it . nicely done . aidan : well , i 'm a detective . no charge for that one . erin : yeah . well , watching my parents all those years could kind of put you off dating for good . aidan : looks like aidan devane 's got a new case on his hands . pro bono , of course . i 'm going to have to gather the necessary information , question the relevant subjects -- erin : hmm . aidan : starting with you . erin : and what is this case ? aidan : what could convince erin lavery to date again ? erin : uh - huh . it 's a very interesting question , but i 'm not sure that there 's an answer . aidan : oh , come on . a question without an answer is like peanut butter without jelly , or a hook without a worm . erin : what , like a fish without a bicycle ? who knows ? maybe there is something out there that could convince me to date , but no guy i have ever met could figure it out . aidan : well , there 's a first time for everything . erin : ah . except when there 's not . [ an orderly finds joe 's shoes . ] orderly : found these in the hallway . do you know who they belong to ? aidan : i have n't got a clue . [ scene_break ] ethan : you , me -- the two guys zach tried to destroy running the company that his father created . look , the company that zach tried to take to stick it to me ? ryan : which is the same reason that he married kendall . i do n't know , the whole partnership thing , i just -- it does n't make a whole lot of sense to me yet . ethan : zach is going to go ballistic when he hears that you 're back on board at cambias . come on , the guy 's going to come after us with everything he 's got . ryan : which is fine by me . ethan : and me . look , at least it 's going to take his attention away from kendall . at best , she 's going to see him for the twisted sob that he really is . look , that 'll leave her free to devote all of her time and energy to the well - being and health of your unborn child . ryan : hey , now , do n't do that . do n't pin this on me and the baby , ok ? this was all your idea . ethan : you 'd be rich . ryan : yes , i would . which really is n't all that horrible in the best of circumstances . but now that i got jonathan to take care of , i 've got a baby on the way -- if i do come back to cambias -- ethan : when . ryan : if . ethan : when . ryan : if i do come back to cambias , it will not be to stick it to zach to shove in his face . ethan : how about for kendall ? how about for bianca ? cambias needs you . look , i will have those stuffy guys in suits deal with the board room meetings and the quarterly projections . you -- you handle the hot companies . you work the hot takeovers . i want you to put cambias on the map . come on . what 's wrong with you ? you so busy ? you got no life and no job . ryan : hey , easy , ok ? i 'm in . simone : oh ! you make us both so happy ! ryan : hey . wow . you actually like this idea ? simone : i love it ! ok , so we do n't have a date set . nor do we even know if it 's going to be morning suit or black tie or tails . oh , we could go hawaiian . aloha shirts and leis . just an idea . ethan : yeah . simone : i promised i am not going to be a bridezilla . ethan , you and your best man , which , of course , is you , can call 50 % of the shots . ethan : simone and i are getting married . simone : whoo ! ryan : you know , i should have known . look at you . you 're -- you 're , like , glowing . simone : i am , are n't i ? ryan : yeah , you are . simone : i want to package it for fusion . the fiancée face . wait . ethan did n't tell you about the wedding ? well , then if you did n't say yes about the best man duty , what did you say yes to ? [ scene_break ] student : is there a handout for marriage and sex , please ? julia : no . sorry , i do n't have one . lily : well , the rules are easy . but they 're hard to understand . rule number one is you fall in love . and rule number two is you get married . rule number three -- you have sex . rule number four -- you have a baby . but those do n't have to go in that order . they can get -- be mixed up . and rule number five and six -- no one really ever talks about those . they kind of contradict all the other rules . five is you fall out of love , and six is you get a divorce . julia : well , not all marriages end in divorce . lily : one in two . that 's a very good chance . if it was a 50 % chance of rain , i would not take a walk . jonathan : you could take an umbrella . lily : that does n't sound like very much fun . julia : some people get married and stay in love their whole life . lily : and some people get divorced and then fall in love . like my sister , kendall , and her ex - husband , zach slater . jonathan : and some people have babies even when they 're not in love or married . like my brother ryan and lily 's sister , kendall . ryan 's in love with greenlee and kendall 's in love with zach , like lily said . student : i do n't understand . i 'd really like a handout , please . can you make one ? julia : yeah , it 'd be a whole lot easier , would n't it ? lily : does anyone follow the rules ? julia : well , the rules are more flexible than they used to be . and sometimes people just follow their hearts . [ scene_break ] zach : there you go . now , you got a 10 : 00 a.m. with tina and an 11 : 30 prenatal yoga . it 's going to be a lot easier once you move to the casino . kendall : well , that 's all insanely loving and very , very sweet , but none of that 's happening . this is n't working for me . zach : that 's a nice try , but you ca n't resist me . kendall : of course i ca n't resist you , but you did n't offer me you . you offered me hovering at the casino 24/7 . zach : the doctor said to take it easy . kendall : yes , easy , not bed rest . my place , in my home , with my things and my normal pregnant life . zach : all right . well , i can move all the pregnant normal life condo stuff into the casino . i 'll redecorate . kendall : oh , come on , zach . you do n't understand the meaning of the word `` no , `` do you ? no , obviously not . two months ago , i had a best friend , i had a business marriage , and i was carrying someone else 's child . now , i 've lost greenlee , i ca n't make love to the man that i 'm in love with . and even more mind - blowing , i 'm -- i 'm now having my baby . zach : i want to help that blown mind of yours . kendall : please , can we just not change things ? no transitions , no shifts in the planetary alignment . let 's just please leave things as they are . [ scene_break ] ryan : it 's a minor change . minor . simone : you two running cambias together so that you can drive your father crazy . ethan : no , this is -- this is something we 're doing for the health and well- being of your friend and partner , kendall . simone : hmm . mm - hmm . right , so that zach can either neglect and/or annoy her to the point of her dumping his rump -- for her own good . ryan : i want to keep kendall and the baby safe . the whole money and power thing is like fringe benefits . simone : ok , can we , like , slow down , back up -- ryan : talk about the wedding -- absolutely . we should talk about the wedding . simone : ryan , i am so glad that you 're going to be best man to my fiancé , who promised me that he was done trying to beat , change , or in any way get the attention of his father . ethan : the man can go to hell for all i care . i do n't give a damn about him . [ scene_break ] julia : well , i wish i had all the answers . why something works for one person and not for another . why one minute we could be laughing and the next minute , you 're crying . jonathan : but you 're the teacher . lily needs answers . we all do . is n't there a -- a book or something that we can read ? julia : i wish there were , for all of us . lily : jonathan says he 's had sex lots of times . how many is `` lots `` ? jonathan : i never counted . julia : ok , i think that 's probably enough for today . but i do know one thing -- that you all are doing a great job . you 're all more comfortable with me and with each other and with sharing your thoughts and feelings . so big gold star for today . now , homework -- be brave . say something you might not normally say to somebody you might not normally say it to . and remember , be kind , be honest , and respect each other 's boundaries . ok , i 'll see you next time . jonathan : lily , are you walking home today ? lily : no , my dad 's coming to pick me up . i think he should be here pretty soon . jonathan : will you be my girlfriend ? [ scene_break ] anita : long time no see . aidan : well , california agreed with you . you look good . did you get my messages ? anita : i know , i did n't -- i did n't return any of your calls . it 's -- it 's lame . i just -- i did n't know what to say . aidan : how about -- um -- `` happy thanksgiving ? merry christmas ? happy new year `` ? or you could start with `` hello . `` unless you have something else to say . [ scene_break ] del : excuse me . have you seen a tall , red - headed woman pushing a book cart ? erin : no , i have n't , i 'm sorry . del : did i just get ditched ? [ scene_break ] babe : big scoops . sandcastle time . little adam : big . babe : big muscles . yeah ! [ little adam babbles ] babe : yep , you 're making a sandcastle . put it in there . j.r. : your breakfast , madam ? babe : it 's `` miss. `` i 'm extremely single . more single than you can imagine . big scoop . yay ! you 're in our sun , if you would n't mind moving , please . j.r. : babe , i was a jack -- babe : shh . excuse you . child present . j.r. : i was an a - s - s , ok ? babe : little man , do you think you could tell daddy what a great time we 're having making our sandcastle , and he can come back later ? j.r. : little man , can you tell mommy that i spent a fortune on the one resort that 's not jammed with trophy wives and balding husbands on its own private beach ? and daddy wants to play now . babe : you know , you should also warn daddy that the sand and the sun -- it really amps up mommy 's womanly mojo . and that he better be careful and not get too close , because i could suck him in again against his will . j.r. : do you know how you exist , little man ? because of mommy 's womanly mojo . how cool is that ? [ scene_break ] anita : after everything with bobby , i -- i just -- i never thought i would trust another guy again or even want to . and you changed that . you made me laugh . aidan : well , you deserved it . you got involved with a bad man , had a bad marriage . that 's not your fault . anita : i know . i was just -- i was so worried about being good a the time , i forgot how to be myself . and -- and you reminded me how . and i will always be grateful for that . but when i met you , i just -- i was n't ready . aidan : so the ship 's passed , has it ? anita : for both of us , i think . aidan : you know , bobby really is -- was an idiot . and the next boyfriend that you have -- that guy is going to be luckier than he deserves . anita : right back at you . aidan : well , except for the guy part , right ? anita : you have helped me through so many tough times . and now you helped me through `` the talk . `` thank you , aidan , for understanding . for just everything . aidan : happy new year . anita : happy new year . erin : hey . aidan : wow , you 're back . erin : i 'm an idiot . aidan : did i miss something ? erin : no . no , no , no , no , no . you had a front - row seat . yeah , i put on a big show . i went off and i proved that i am a blathering egomaniac who has no idea when to shut up . aidan : i 'm sorry , i do n't understand . erin : yeah , well , neither did i . now i do . you know , next time , i 'm not going to wait out here for jonathan 's life skills class to be done , i 'm going to go in with him and see if i can learn a few things . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i understand if you do n't want to be my girlfriend . lily : well , i do n't think i would make a very good girlfriend . i would n't recommend myself as a viable choice . jonathan : why not ? lily : well , i wanted to be aidan 's girlfriend . and i thought i was , but i was n't . and then i wanted to be sam 's girlfriend , and then i did n't . i 'm just not a good girlfriend . jonathan : but you 'd be perfect for me . i know it . lily : why ? jonathan : you 're beautiful . and you 're smart . and you know so many interesting things and so many big , complicated words . and you did n't mind falling down to learn to skate . and you did n't listen to what everybody said about me . you made up your mind all for yourself . lily : i knew you when you were scary , and now that you 're not . jonathan : you 're brave , you 're honest , and you 're beautiful . lily : you said `` beautiful `` twice . but that 's ok . i do n't know how this could work out . jonathan : i -- i know , lily , that you do n't like to be touched . i 'm just happy when i can look at your hair . so that part 's ok with me . lily : but boyfriends and girlfriends spend time with each other and go on dates . and my dad does n't want me anywhere near you . so i do n't know how we could see each other . go . go hide . go hide behind the door , quick . jack : hey , you ready to go , sweetheart ? honey , are you ok ? lily : yes , i 'm -- i 'm well . how are you ? thank you . jack : oh , i 'm -- i 'm fine . thanks for asking . are you ready to go ? lily : well , actually , a classmate has a question that they 'd like me to answer . and then i 'll catch the bus home and be home within the next hour . is that ok ? jack : is it ok for you to stay and talk to a classmate ? yeah , i think that 's -- i think that 's great . i 'm thrilled that you 're making friends . i mean , after the past few months , you know , i -- more than anything , i want you to be happy . lily : i want me to be happy , too . jack : ok , then , we agree . so i 'll see you at home , ok ? lily : ok . jack : be careful . lily : all right . jack : all right . good - bye . lily : bye , dad . jonathan : i thought i did something wrong . lily : yes . jonathan : yes , i did ? lily : no , yes , i 'll be your girlfriend . jonathan : but , lily , what -- what about your father ? lily : oh -- my father said that he wants me to be happy more than anything , which implies that he wants me to be happy more than he does n't want me to be around you . jonathan : yeah , but , lily , he does n't like me . lily : well , erica does n't like kendall 's boyfriend , zach . and parents ca n't choose their kids ' boyfriends or girlfriends anyway . jonathan : in the old days , they used to . but -- but like julia said , things are different now , and everything 's become much more flexible . lily : and sometimes you have to follow your heart . [ scene_break ] babe : what letter is that , huh ? j.r. : i , as in ipo . kid 's a genius . call up yale . babe : maybe we should call harvard and just let them duke it out , huh ? j.r. : tell me you did n't book that room . babe : it 'd be a lie , and we all know how wrong lying is , right ? j.r. : cancel it . babe : i own a part of fusion . i can pay for my own room . j.r. : that 's fine , you can pay for the whole darn vacation . but cancel it . babe : why should i ? j.r. : because i want you to wake up next to me . [ scene_break ] [ kendall 's condo is filled with gorgeous fresh flowers . ] kendall : oh , my goodness . when did you do all of this ? you 're amazing . zach : i have staff . kendall : i love you . zach : i love you . let me get my toothbrush . kendall : wait , wait , hold on . what ? zach : what ? someone this amazing you want to be around all the time , no ? kendall : yes , yes , of course i want to be around you all the time , but around you is one thing . cohabitation -- that 's something else . zach : no , i 'm going to crash on the couch . that 's not cohabitation , that 's crashing on the couch . ask any freshman in college . kendall : ok , your condo is 20 feet away . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : so why would you want to turn yourself into a human pretzel here on my couch ? zach : i love you . i want to be as close to you as i possibly can . kendall : you do n't have to protect me from ryan . zach : i did n't bring up ryan . kendall : you do n't trust him . zach : you do . that 's what worries me . kendall : ryan would never do anything to hurt me . zach : no ? he had a wife , he had friends . and still , he went off the deep end . now he has no wife . and his closest friend is his psychotic brother . he may still go off the deep end . especially now , with you carrying his baby . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , i have n't been to hong kong in a little while . ethan : yeah ? ryan : yeah . ethan : ok , well , how about you go to hong kong and set up some cambias offices , scout some business prospects ? ryan : well , that was -- that -- you 're far too good at this , you know that ? ethan : yeah , i went to oxford , mate . beer , darts , and girls , and -- beer and darts . ryan : beer and darts . ethan : beer and darts . ryan : yeah . simone : beer , wine , champagne . maybe an all - white bar . all - white drinks . very trendy . and no possibility of red wine on my dress . ooh . ryan : i will leave you two to the really important stuff , ok ? see you later . and you -- you , seriously , congratulations -- simone : aw . ryan : on your engagement . i 'm really happy for you . simone : thank you for saying yes to the best man . oh , and by the way -- i lied before when i said that you two have a vote . yeah -- no . pick a blue tux , and you 're fired . ok ? bye . ryan : you 're a very lucky man . ethan : thank you . you know , he 's right . i am a very lucky man . simone : hmm . [ simone gasps at the sight of a ring in a little box . ] simone : oh -- oh -- oh -- ethan : are you ok ? do you like it ? simone : oh , my -- is this real ? oh , ethan -- oh -- ethan : whoa -- [ simone laughs as ethan tries to get on one knee but loses his balance . ] ethan : simone , you changed my life . hair like midnight , and your eyes like moonlight . you brought a joy to my life that i never knew existed . i want to spend the rest of my life trying to do the same for you . simone : oh . that feels good . [ bending down to kiss ethan , simone tugs on his tie and pulls him to the floor with her . ] [ scene_break ] erin : it 's not like you dropped down on your knee and gave me a ring , you know ? you asked me out to dinner , and i , of course , have to take it all wrong and assume that you 've got romance on your brain , which -- give you the whole no - dating speech ? well , that was seriously pointless considering you 've already got a girlfriend , and obviously are n't even remotely interested in me in that kind of way . aidan : ex - girlfriend . erin : what ? i 'm sorry , i was going off again . aidan : it 's all right . the girl that you saw -- erin : yeah ? aidan : her name 's anita , and she 's my ex - girlfriend . and she did n't kick me in the head , and she did n't spit in my face , so that must mean that i 'm not half bad , right ? erin : so then when you asked me out to dinner , it was -- aidan : the dating kind of dinner . but i stand corrected . and i also respect and understand your dating policy . so do n't worry . erin : good , then . great . aidan : but i do reserve the right for a policy change , as long as nobody on the floor objects . erin : no . no objections . [ scene_break ] del : hey , have you seen opal cortlandt around ? orderly : no . sorry . del : hmm . opal , where are you ? [ after the orderly walks by opal 's discarded shoes , janet furtively pushes her on a gurney down the hospital hallway . ] [ next_on ] kendall ( to ryan ) : i 'm having this baby without you . greg ( to erica and jack ) : it 's time i told you a few things about my son . amanda ( to josh ) : no one has to support me . josh ( to amanda , about jamie ) : well , it 's the least he can do , since he just cost you your job . janet ( to jonathan ) : you have really topped your naughty self this time . | babe and jr take little adam on a vacation . she tells him she does not need him if he can not get over his negativity . he apologizes and they reconcile . kendall and zach are not certain what they 're going to do in their relationship and in regard to the baby . ethan and ryan decide to join forces in working at fusion together , helping `` protect `` kendall from zach and in ryan being ethan and simone 's best man at their wedding . julia leads the life skills class where they talk about boundaries and sexuality . lily and jonathan both express their views about sex . he asks her to be his girlfriend , admits he likes her and thinks she 's beautiful . at first she believes it can not work , knowing her father wo n't allow it . but she later decides she will date jonathan whether others approve of it or not . erin admits to aiden that she has her issues with dating and sexuality . but they decide that they will have dinner together . janet is still roaming around the hospital endangering more people . and it looks like her most recent victim is opal . |
pete : colby . colby : sorry to crash in on you like this . pete : no , no , no , it 's great . i mean , yeah , i 'm busy , crazy busy , but i can spare a few . colby : thanks . colby : what are you doing ? pete : boosting my gigs . colby : i 'm not interrupting plans with your girlfriend , am i ? pete : my girlfriend ? colby : the girl you took to the casino opening ? pete : scarlet ? colby : you 're dating , right ? pete : it 's complicated . colby : oh . i was kind of hoping you were . pete : why ? colby : it would mean that you 're over the whole crush thing , and we could be friends . and i need a friend . pete : you 're in luck . my girlfriend 's busy tonight . definitely busy . colby : so you have time to talk ? pete : what are friends for ? [ scene_break ] david plays the piano ] david : good evening , amanda . amanda : how did you know it was me ? david : your perfume . very particular . amanda : cut it out . tell me what the hell you 've done to j.r . [ scene_break ] tad : j.r. , you do n't have to tell me where krystal 's been . i know . j.r. : damn , krystal , looks like the party 's over . krystal : do n't listen to him , tad . he has been drinking . you know , babe would be ashamed of you , j.r . j.r. : really ? what would babe think about you ? krystal : this is crazy talk . all i 've wanted is for you to be home , tad . i have been so worried . tad : really ? is that what you were the entire time you were with david ? pining for me to come back ? krystal : whatever opal told you , she 's wrong . tad : opal ? what does opal got to do with it ? what , does everyone in pine valley know ? krystal : there 's nothing to know . j.r. : oh , come on . do n't be modest . hayward and her are the hottest couple in town . krystal : ok , that 's enough , j.r . j.r. : you 're missing in action , and krystal here is partying down . krystal : that is not true . j.r. : oh , come on . admit it , krystal . you 're sleeping with hayward . tad : krystal ? j.r. : you should 've seen them at the casino opening . they could n't stay away from each other . tad : that 's enough , j.r . j.r. : no , do n't get me wrong . i 'm sure she was missing you , but hayward grabbed it as -- as his ticket in . tad : you know what ? it 's time for you to go . j.r. : you 're not really surprised , are you ? you asked me to keep an eye on her . i did my best . tad : you did your best . from the bottom of the bottle , you did your best . j.r. : i asked colby to help me . she saw -- she saw david playing daddy to your kids and husband to your wife . tad : all right , you know what ? i really want you to go home right now . j.r. : tad , you -- you need to make her understand , ok ? she -- he 's only using her for one thing . he 's trying to , you know , get my son . tad : go home , j.r . [ scene_break ] colby : you saw j.r. at the party . he was totally out of control , the way he was dancing with your girlfriend . pete : yeah . scarlet had a little too much to drink , too . colby : this was not `` too much to drink . `` this was j.r. back in full - on alcoholic mode . j.r. 's lost babe . it 's like he 's on self - destruct . i do n't know what to do , how to help . pete : you 'll find a way . you 're so strong and amazing and beautiful . colby : what are you doing ? pete : you 've been going through so much . i -- i just wanted to make you feel better . colby : that was not a `` feel better `` hug . what kind of boyfriend are you ? poor scarlet . pete : uh , about scarlet . she 's not my girlfriend . never was , never will be . colby : but you said -- pete : yeah , i know what i said . truth ? i paid scarlet to be my date . colby : a hooker ? pete : a call girl . because even with my contacts and my new clothes , you look at me , and all you see is a geek , a dweeb , an alpha nerd , so i hired scarlet to make you jealous . [ scene_break ] reese : look who woke up . zach : somebody who should be sleeping . reese : yes . gosh . what a long , long day . we go from a double wedding at the casino to no wedding at the casino to a legal wedding in connecticut . zach : your fiancée wants everything to be perfect . reese : i want everything to be perfect , too . it just does n't feel very perfect with bianca away looking at places for us to get married by herself . zach : well , cancel appointments and go meet her tomorrow . reese : maybe she wanted to go by herself . maybe she wanted to get away from me . zach : what kind of talk is that from a bride to be ? come on . reese : i do n't know . it 's just -- maybe she 's not the only one with wedding jitters . [ gaby cries ] reese : oh , it 's ok . i mean , she 's driving at night . she should n't be driving at night . she does n't like to , and hotel beds -- she 's like `` the princess and the pea . `` zach : so she 's all tucked in already . reese : maybe we should get you tucked in , too , hmm ? [ reese makes kissing noises ] zach : all right , sweetie . reese : give a little kiss to your uncle zach . zach : hey , get some rest , ok ? [ gaby cries ] reese : yeah . ok , ok . all right , i know . let 's get you upstairs . ok , ok . [ phone rings ] zach : hello ? wh -- what do you mean ? she -- is she ok ? what happened ? on my way . um -- reese : hey , was it bianca ? zach : bianca was in an accident . reese : what ? is -- is she ok ? wh -- where is she ? zach : she 's right here at pine valley hospital . [ scene_break ] amanda : david , where is j.r. ? what did you do to him ? david : why do you care , hmm ? you got paid . why do n't you go buy something ? amanda : there is blood on my yacht . david : yeah , no kidding . mine . you want to feel my bruise ? amanda : oh , come on . david , please just tell me , all right ? was j.r. here ? what happened ? where did he go ? david : you do n't ever have to worry about poor , defenseless j.r. ever again . i had every right to defend myself . amanda : what the hell does that mean ? [ david points to a gun ] amanda : oh , my god . you did n't . it 's still warm , david . please tell me that you did n't . tell me that you did not kill j.r . david : you know , if i did n't know better , i would think that you 're hooked on the guy . amanda : david ! david : relax . j.r. 's the one who pulled the trigger , all right ? amanda : so -- so he 's ok ? he 's alive ? david : as alive as any other pathetic , booze - swelling loser can be . amanda : oh , god . you 're -- you ass ! why did you let me think he was dead ? david : this is a very difficult part here . so excuse me . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . bianca montgomery , she was admitted tonight . woman : you 'll have to check . reese : hey . hey , sweetie . hey -- are you ok ? zach : hey , you all right ? bianca : no , no , no , i 'm fine . reese : what happened ? bianca : i 'm fine . i -- i went off the road . reese : well , thank god you 're ok . zach : and you were this close . we -- we thought you were in connecticut . reese : yeah , honey , you left hours ago . bianca : i did n't . reese : wh -- i do n't understand . bianca : our wedding . once in a lifetime . meetings can be canceled , postponed , but you chose to stay with zach . reese : i did n't -- did n't choose to stay with zach . i -- you set me up ? bianca : i gave you a choice . reese : oh , really ? ok , um , were you planning on going to connecticut or was -- this was all a test . bianca : i had to know . reese : you had to know what ? oh . this is all about erica , is n't it ? is n't it ? she put it in your head that something 's going on between me and zach , and come on . bianca , you know how much i love you . how can you believe her ? bianca : i did n't want to believe her . i convinced myself that i was being an idiot , so i got in my car , and i came back home , and i saw you . reese : you -- you saw me . you saw -- you saw what ? bianca : in each other 's arms , standing so close , so intimate . i saw it . so what ? you 're in love ? [ scene_break ] krystal : j.r. is out of his mind on alcohol . he has blown this way out of proportion . tad : respect me enough to give me the truth . have you been sleeping with david ? krystal , answer me . krystal : tad , it 's -- it 's not like that , ok ? david has been helping me . tad : yeah , right into his bed . krystal : no , tad . i have been in a really tough place . you were in africa , and the girls , the holidays . i could n't eat . i could n't sleep . i could n't move . david gave me some , i do n't know , medication . tad : he gave you medication ? he -- he drugged you into the sex ? david raped you ? krystal : no . tad : well , then you 're going to have to give me a whole lot more than that , huh . krystal : you were n't here . you were not here . i needed you , and you were n't here . tad : my son was missing . my brother was missing . krystal : i know . i know , and i have been out of my mind since babe died , and david has -- he understands . he understands me . tad : and i do n't ? well , maybe that 's because every time i tried , every time that i begged you to help me and understand , you pushed me away . so what does this mean ? does it mean every single time you disappeared , and you took off , and i was worried that something had happened to you , that you were , what , in the sheets over at wildwind ? krystal : that 's -- that 's not true , tad . nothing happened until you -- tad : until i left town ? huh . huh . so , i guess this is -- this is the part where you blame the drugs , right ? i mean , you -- you claimed you got married to adam when you were high on moonshine . i guess now you 're telling me that you slept with david , because he was feeding you pills . krystal : i never meant to hurt you . tad : well , it certainly worked out that way . and we were so close , so close . a safe , stable , loving home . that 's what we both wanted , was n't it ? that 's what both of us were in for , and not just for the girls , for you , so you would feel protected , because you still had feelings for adam , and you could n't -- those either . krystal : i never slept with adam after we were married , tad . tad : but you wanted to , did n't you ? anyway . it does n't matter now . it 's david . after all the times you looked me in the eye and promised me that this was enough , this home , this family , this life . what the hell is wrong with you ? why ? why would you give up all of this ? you know what they 're like . you know who they are . why on earth would you chase after men like adam or david ? krystal : because they make me feel alive ! i 'm sorry . tad : no , no , it 's all right . i asked you for the truth . krystal : no , i -- i love you . i chose this life . it 's made me happy , tad , and i feel safe . tad : it does n't make you feel alive . [ krystal sighs ] krystal : babe died . i went into free fall , tad , and i wanted to reach out and grab something , but i could n't find anything , anything to hold on to . tad : i was here -- i was here the entire time . krystal : i know , tad , i know , and you tried ! you tried . you needed me . you needed me to be a wife and a mother , and i did n't want to be needed . i wanted to just not have to think , ok ? and when i was with david , i did n't have to . tad : because you were too busy . krystal : because he understood . tad : he understood . krystal : yes . tad : david hayward . david hayward understood . ok , so he was there to hold your hand . he was there to -- he gave you a nice , warm shoulder to cry on . what else did he offer you ? i want to hear you say it . krystal : all right , fine . i slept with david . tad : well , i ca n't say i 'm surprised . after all , you slept with me when you were married to adam . krystal : you remember why ? greg madden was dead . you thought you were n't going to be able to find kathy , and you were dealing with the unimaginable . your daughter was gone . that kind of stuff makes you do things you do n't ordinarily do . tad : well , i 'm sorry i missed the point . you -- you gave me mercy sex , so that makes it all right to wrap your legs around david ? how could you be so naive that you honestly think for one solitary second this is about him `` understanding you , `` about david hayward helping you ? krystal : listen , david is not using me to get to little a . tad : no , krystal . he 's using you to get to me , because he knows exactly where to stick the knife . he knows how to do the most collateral damage because he 's done it all before because he convinced dixie that he loved her . he manipulated her away from me , and now he 's taken you . krystal : he has n't taken me , tad . tad : here . krystal : what are you doing ? tad : come over here . krystal : what ? tad : come on . [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , thank god you 're here . i have been so worried . give me this . j.r. : i 'm just going to get another one . amanda : for now , for here , you wo n't . j.r. : why do you bother ? amanda : if you do n't get that , then the booze really does make you stupid . j.r. : i ca n't go home . i ca n't let little a see me like this . amanda : you can stay here as long as you need to . i saw david . j.r. : yeah ? he tell you i tied him to the piano ? amanda : no . j.r. : i put bullets in his walls . amanda : well , the wall will survive . j.r. : tad and krystal wo n't . amanda : what did you do ? j.r. : i told tad everything , that krystal was sleeping with david . you know , she actually asked me to call her `` mom `` once ? you better duck . i 'm dangerous . amanda : you 're unhappy . you 've had too much to drink . you 're going to stay here and get some rest . you 'll feel better in the morning , ok ? j.r. : no , i wo n't . babe will still be dead , i 'll still be a drunk , and my son will have a bad father . maybe i should do everyone a favor and just throw myself overboard . amanda : yeah . yeah , maybe you should . [ scene_break ] colby : i thought we were done with the whole crush thing . pete : crush ? i -- i 'm not 10 . colby : what 's so bad about being friends ? pete : i love you , colby . colby : pete . pete : you 're smart and -- and funny and sweet . colby : i was a jerk to you for a long time . pete : but we connected . you know we did . colby : totally , but not like that . you 're like a brother . pete : great . colby : why is that such a bad thing ? pete : i want more . colby : i should go . pete : not yet . [ scene_break ] reese : zach and i are not in love . zach : what 's wrong with you ? whatever you saw you think you saw -- bianca : what ? oh , i -- i did n't see it ? i made it up ? reese : well , yeah , i mean -- zach : erica came by , and reese was upset . bianca : so you were comforting her . zach : yeah . reese : oh , bianca , this is ridiculous . this is absolutely ridiculous . you have to believe us . bianca : like i believed you about your parents or that you just forgot to mention your ex - fiancé ? zach : hey , i 'm going to go check on my wife . reese : ok . this is absolutely crazy . bianca , you know that i love you . what do you want me to do to prove it to you ? you tell me , and i will do anything . i am the one who wanted to have a child with you . i am the one who proposed to you . i am the one who pursued you . bianca : why ? i mean , was it all just about rebelling ? were you running from your past ? reese : oh , my god , bianca . what is going on ? why are you acting like this ? bianca : i do n't know you at all . reese : oh , yes , you do . yes , you do . i am the woman who loves you . i am the woman who built you a house , who gave you a ring , who committed herself to our daughters . i want more than anything to promise to you till death do us part . ok . ok , i 'm not doing this . i love you . i absolutely love you , but i -- i can not do this . i can not spend the rest of my life being watched and being judged and tested by you . i -- i ca n't worry that anytime that i -- that i hug a man or a woman that i 'm going to have to explain myself . ok , now i do n't even know what 's worse , you accusing me of being in love with zach or you just staring at me . bianca : i know what i saw . reese : no , you do n't . you do n't . so is the , uh , wedding off ? bianca : i was wrong to test you , but i had to know . reese : know what ? know what ? that erica was right ? that i was just waiting for you to leave so i could sleep with zach ? come on , bianca , do you really think that i would do that ? that zach would do that ? bianca : i do n't know what to think anymore . i know that i ca n't trust you , and -- and it kills me . reese : how did we get here ? bianca . i know that we love each other . i know that that has not changed . i am sorry if i caused you to doubt me , because i kept things about my past from you , but do n't you ever , ever doubt that i love you , and i am committed to you and spending our lives together with our children . i could have lost you tonight , sweetheart . this is -- bianca : i 'm -- i 'm tired . reese : ok , then you should get some sleep . i will , uh -- i 'll see you in the morning , ok ? i love you . i love you . ok . zach : how is she ? reese : um , she 's angry , and she 's hurt . zach : i talked to her doctor . she 's on pain medication . let her sleep it off . tomorrow , everything 's going to be fine . reese : yeah , everything can be just fine . [ scene_break ] amanda : go ahead , do it . throw yourself overboard . come on , what are you waiting for ? me to stop you ? why should i ? you think everyone 's better off without you . man up and jump . just do it already . j.r. : you see ? you 're even sick of me . amanda : i 'm sick of you curled up with a bottle , crying about that your wife is dead and your life is over . j.r. : i do n't like drinking . i do n't like what it does to me . amanda : really ? because i think you do . it 's much easier to get drunk , play victim to your disease , moan about what a bad dad you are to your son , what a disappointment you are to your daddy . j.r. : and my friends . amanda : huh , well , you got that right . before you hit the booze , you could be a son of a bitch , but at least you had some spine . you fought for your dad 's respect . you fought to protect your son . now -- j.r. : where has the fighting got me ? amanda : then drink up . [ scene_break ] david : i 've been expecting you . tad : i 'll bet you have . david : i guess i should welcome you home . krystal : tell him , david . would you explain to him about the medication ? you had given me something , you know , to help me , and , you know , the holidays and babe 's death , and you and i -- nobody -- nobody really understood . and -- and i was weak . i was , and the drugs , i mean , it should n't have happened , but it did . tell him . david : i do n't think tad wants to hear all that . tad : i do n't . david : tad does n't want words . he does n't want explanations . tad wants -- what ? revenge , justice , good old - fashioned ass whooping ? tad : i want you to get what you deserve . [ scene_break ] pete : the night i was struck by lightning , we connected . colby : i thought you were going to die . pete : it 's more than that . you know it . colby : we had fun . i like hanging with you , even when you bring me dorky corsages and blast over the hospital pa that you love me . pete : i -- i know i 've done some stupid stuff to get your attention , but i 'm done with the games . i just want you to see me . see who i am . i thought if i changed the way i look , it would change the way you see me , but it did n't . so now i 'm telling you i love you , and i may not have a clue who i am or where i 'm going to end up , but i know what i want . i want you . [ scene_break ] bianca : then how can you not be honest with me about something so important ? reese : because it 's not important anymore . bianca : then why did you tell zach ? bianca : i have this feeling that you and reese are keeping something from me . zach : how would you think that ? come on , do the whole thing . reese : oh , i have to do a little twirl . zach : mm - hmm . wow . reese : give it up . right here . zach : word . reese : word . whoo . [ reese whistles ] zach : whoa . reese : nice . zach : good arm for a girl . woman : miss montgomery ? this was just delivered for you . reese 's voice : dear bianca . not so long ago , we were dreaming about our future , a life of family , friends , peace , and love . and somehow , it 's all gone wrong , and i do n't know how to make it right . all i do know is that i hate causing you pain , and so , i 'm going back to paris . your happiness is all that i want , even if i ca n't be a part of it . je t'aime . reese . bianca : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] amanda : come on , finish it off . you can go slam on whoever 's left on your short list . j.r. : you 're amazing . amanda : i 'm tired . [ j.r. pours the liquor into a plant ] amanda : way to kill my plant . j.r. : i 'll buy you a new one . amanda : as if you 'll remember that promise in the morning . j.r. : no , no more drinking , no more blackouts , no more ripping people apart . amanda : you said that before . j.r. : and i 've lost count . but this time -- amanda : is different ? j.r. : well , i wo n't know until i try , but i 'm definitely going to try , because this whole victim gig is not working out for me anyway . i 've got to be on my game if i 'm going to give little adam the life that he needs , which means no more booze . amanda : until next time . j.r. : how about we start with this time ? make me some coffee ? [ scene_break ] david : go ahead . take a swing . that 's why you 're here , is n't it ? to beat your chest for the little woman , show her the big , brave , strong man you are ? tad : actually , i was just kind of hoping we could skip to the part where you tell krystal that you love her . krystal : tad , what are you doing ? tad : trying to wrap things up . david : you 're a fool . tad : no , the only fool here is krystal . you set her up , and she sailed right into it . she did n't even blink . david : it 's not our fault that you ca n't give your wife what she needs . krystal : david ! tad : i know . he 's right . we already discussed that , did n't we ? she may be deluded enough to think that you understand her , but you and i both know the truth . the only reason you bedded my wife was so that you could hurt me , and now you want to use her to get little adam away from j.r. , and , in fact , he 's already drinking . hell , you probably think you 're halfway there . krystal : david would not do that . tad : oh , it must be love . she 's defending you . david : all right , why do n't you get the hell out ? tad : no . we 're still spinning this , and there 's still something i 'm still curious about . let 's say for the sake of argument , you win . you get custody of little adam , and you break j.r . he ends up drunk and homeless somewhere , sleeping on a park bench . what happens to her ? huh ? what about krystal ? after all the help she 's been to you , where does she end up ? on the street ? in oak haven or the cemetery ? krystal : tad , please . tad : he used you . he used you , and he 's still using you . what 's worse , he 's using babe , and you 're letting him spit all over her grave . david : shut the hell up ! do you hear me ? keep your mouth shut ! [ tad stares into the barrel of david 's gun ] [ scene_break ] pete : maybe the whole love thing freaks you out . i 'm not afraid , colby . if you 'll believe that , just take a chance . ah , i get you think that i 'm a nerd . but you will never find anyone who loves you as much as i do . colby : pete . i 'm so sorry . you 're so sweet . i care for you a lot , but friends , that 's all we can be . pete : then you need to leave and -- and not come back . colby : what ? pete : i ca n't be just friends . you know , you want someone to hang out with you , to be your buddy and to help you , and it wo n't be me . colby : but ca n't we -- pete : no ! i , um , i have to get back to my gigs . [ scene_break ] amanda : i did n't mean it , all that stuff i said . j.r. : so if i would have thrown myself overboard , you would have given me a life preserver ? amanda : maybe . j.r. : this coffee sucks . amanda : you want some scotch instead ? j.r. : hmm ! no , i 'm good . amanda : you can do it , j.r . j.r. : well , you know it helps to have someone believe in me . amanda : i do . [ amanda and j.r. kiss ] [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] zach : hey . [ door closes ] zach : what 's wrong ? [ reese sniffles ] reese : i ca n't do it , zach . i ca n't . zach : ca n't what ? reese : leave . zach : why would you leave ? of course , you 're not leaving . not at all . reese : i was going to go . i was going to go back to paris , because i thought it would be best for bianca , but i ca n't . i ca n't leave gaby . i ca n't leave miranda . zach : bianca 's upset , but she loves you . reese : i do n't know about that . [ door closes ] reese : but she certainly does n't trust me . bianca : yes , i do . i -- i 've -- i 've been such an idiot . i -- i love you . i trust you . i love our family . i -- can you ever forgive me ? reese : of course . [ scene_break ] krystal : david , put the gun down . tad : you 're going to shoot me ? david : you going to tempt me ? tad : i did n't think so . that 's not your style . that 's too messy , and you 're too clever . you 're more of a knife - in - the - back kind of guy . david : as i said , get the hell out of my house . tad : what 's with all the anger ? why are you so upset ? you won . krystal 's all yours . krystal : tad . tad : we all know whose bed you want to be in . i 'm not going to beg her to stay . david : what is this , some kind of a game you 're playing ? tad : your game , our game , the same game we played years ago , only with different rules . you took dixie from me . you 're not going to take krystal . i 'm giving her to you . krystal : tad , you do n't -- tad : he wants you . krystal : you do n't mean that . tad : he understands you . and i do n't . david : where are you going ? krystal : i have -- i ca n't -- i ca n't stay here . i ca n't , no . i 've got to figure this out , all right ? i -- i -- i -- i 've got to -- i 've got to think . david : ok , then wait a minute , wait , wait . it 's late , ok ? you 're not going anywhere . i 'm going to get you some milk . krystal : no , i -- i do n't -- i do n't want it . i do n't want -- i -- i do n't want it . | at zach 's house , bianca sees zach and reese hug and then zach kisses reese on the head . colby visits pete and tells him that she needs a `` friend . `` david plays a song on the piano in the living room of wildwind . amanda visits him and demands to know what he had done to j.r. david points to a gun on the piano and leads amanda to think that he had shot j.r .. krystal tells tad that j.r. had been drinking again . j.r. fills tad in that krystal had been sleeping with david . tad puts j.r. out so he can have a private conversation with krystal about david . krystal confesses that she had slept with david . pete owns up to colby that his date , scarlet was really a `` hooker . `` zach receives a phone call that bianca had been in a car accident and was in pine valley hospital . zach and reese rush to check on bianca . bianca confronts reese and zach that she had seen them hugging and the kiss . tad orders krystal to come with him . amanda finds j.r. at her yacht . pete tells colby that he loves her , but colby breaks pete 's heart by telling him that she only wants him as a `` friend . `` reese asks bianca if the wedding is `` off . `` |
randi : i like a man who can take me for breakfast and walk me to work . frankie : well , my clinic 's over at 3 : 00 . want to play hooky later ? randi : oh , i wish , but i ca n't . not especially with kendall out of town . and i 'm already gon na get in a lot of trouble once erica finds out how late i am . madison : do n't worry . your secret 's safe with me . frankie : um , what are you doing here ? madison : i came to see erica , to thank her for all of her help . but she 's not in . randi : did you try her office ? madison : guess you 're not the only one who 's late today . randi : impossible . erica 's never late . madison : i guess something must have come up . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] ryan : hello ? [ ring ] erica : oh , no . that 's my phone . it 's over there on your side . ryan : ok . oh . [ phone stops ringing ] ryan : well , i hope it was n't important . erica : oh . fusion . `` 8 : 44 `` ? ohh . randi must really think something happened to me . hmm . ryan : you 're not gon na call her back ? erica : uh - uh . i 'm not ready to face reality yet . ryan : really ? erica : mm - hmm . ryan : well , you know , there are different kinds of reality . [ scene_break ] [ alarm ] jake : turn off the clock . amanda : ohh ! jake : morning . amanda : after an incredible night , a limbo smack down , a love poem , and -- oh , yes -- let us not forget the tuba player . jake : yeah . you like that ? nothing says `` love `` like a tuba , i think . amanda : are your ears still ringing ? jake : huh ? yes , they 're ringing like cathedral bells . but it 's worth it if it made you happy . you are happy , are n't you ? amanda : what ? i 'm still tingling , i 'm so happy . jake : really ? ohh -- hmm . so , uh , since you 're happy , i was just wondering . why were you up all night pacing around , like , 50 times ? you were -- [ sighs ] i just hope , you know , it 's not a case of where i could get you 50 tubas and , you know , your mind would still be on david . [ scene_break ] greenlee : david ? david : welcome back . greenlee : did the surgery work ? am i going to be able to walk back into ryan 's life ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] erica : randi , there 's no need to check up on me . i 'm fine , and i 'm sure things are fine at fusion , as well . kendall : hey , mom . it 's me . i 'm just calling to say hi . what 's going on there ? erica : i 'm so glad it 's you , kendall . i thought it was randi . kendall : is everything all right ? erica : of course , it is , honey . of course . i just had , um , some things to handle outside the office . kendall : ok . is it the meeting with the advertisers ? erica : no , no , no . that has been rescheduled for thursday . but listen . i thought the whole purpose of your leaving town was so that you were gon na focus on your family , not stress about business . kendall : mom , it sounds like you were the one who was stressing when you answered the phone . erica : me stressing ? no , no , no , no . really , quite the opposite . i am perfectly capable of handling everything life throws at me , thank you . kendall : well , what about ryan ? erica : what about ryan ? kendall : well , you could always call him and have him help you when your problems start to mount up . erica : ryan has cambias to handle . i do n't expect him to want me to put my problems on his plate . kendall : ah . ok . so you admit that you 're having problems . erica : no . i admit no such thing . kendall : mom , i can call ryan . erica : no , no , do n't do that . no . i will get ahold of ryan myself . and -- and i 'll take care of everything . and you just go ahead and you focus on those three boys in your life , and give all those three boys my love . would you do that ? kendall : ok . i will . you take care of yourself , ok ? erica : i can do that , honey . thank you . i love you . bye . kendall : i love you , mom . bye . erica : huh . well , kendall thinks that you should be helping me . ryan : hmm . and what do you think ? erica : i think you 're already helping me . [ scene_break ] madison : i appreciate your trying to reach erica for me , but you do n't need to go out of your way . i 'll just come back another time . randi : sure . frankie : how 's therapy going ? madison : good . actually , the woman that your mother recommended has been very helpful . randi : great . so where do you go from here ? madison : i guess looking for a place to live on my own . maybe find a job and support myself like normal people . frankie : hey , baby , did n't you say that , um -- never mind . randi : no , you 're right . look , i 've been swamped here , and we could definitely use an extra pair of hands . so -- madison : no . no , no , no , no . i am not qualified for anything like this . i do n't have any skills , aside from gambling and mixing martinis and hosting dinner parties . randi : true . but i did n't have any skills when i started here either . and i 'm sure if you asked erica , then -- madison : no . i mean , she 's already done so much for me . i think i 'll just -- i 'll just go write a note and tell erica that i stopped by . frankie : thank you for trying to help madison out . randi : yeah , well , i still feel guilty about sending her dad right to her . frankie : well , nobody 's blaming you , randi . randi : yeah , well , maybe i had a little ulterior motive . i mean , if she took some of my workload , i would have more time for breakfast with my man . and maybe even a sick day or two . frankie : well , in that case , you got to do everything you can to change madison 's mind because -- ahem -- i 'm a little under the weather , too . randi : you 're a fool . [ scene_break ] erica : you know , i -- i know that i told kendall that i would take care of fusion while she was gone , but , you know , the truth is it is such a mess . ryan : hmm . well , i normally would never ask in a million years , but what if i helped you with it ? i mean , it 's what kendall would want , right ? us working together ? erica : it 's true . ryan : and besides , how could i possibly turn down spending more time with you ? erica : oh , i do n't think you possibly could . [ scene_break ] amanda : my being up had nothing to do with david . i was worried about trevor coming down with something . jake : hmm . well , i checked him before we went to sleep , and he was fine . he did n't have a fever . he was fine . amanda : well , i 'm a nervous mom . ok ? jake : mm - hmm . ok . amanda : that 's why . i just sensed something was -- was wrong , so i just kept getting up during the night to check on him . jake : well , why did n't you wake me up ? amanda : well , because you have to work today . and there 's no sense in both of us having to be up all night . jake : [ as ricky ricardo ] let me ' splain you something , ok ? [ normal voice ] it is a biological fact that doctors need less sleep than other human beings . in med school i got , like , two hours of sleep a night . so the next time that you have that `` i think the baby might have some sort of sickness `` blues or some sort of garden - variety insomnia , you call me . wake me . nudge me . ok ? i 'm your man . amanda : how is it you always know how to make me feel better ? jake : [ chuckles ] the other thing is being married to a doctor , i always have the right medicine . amanda : ooh . come here , doctor . [ scene_break ] david : your heart stopped . they had to do cpr . greenlee : but you finished the surgery , right ? i mean , you fixed my spine ? dr. clayton : yes . we removed the scarring that was there and reconnected the healthy tissues . but we 'll have to see if my stem - cell therapy generates new growth . that will be the key to reversing the paralysis . greenlee : how long ? dr. clayton : well , the swelling must go down enough before we can even test your progress . david : so now the next course of action is patience . greenlee : patience is an overrated virtue . dr. clayton : well , it 's not a virtue at all , actually . it 's a tool . and i suggest you learn to use it . david : greenlee , remember . healing requires rest . so close your eyes and relax . that 's an order . come on . ok . what 's the real prognosis ? i could n't tell if you were sugarcoating her chances or just trying to scare her . dr. clayton : well , she may regain use of her legs or not . and as i said before , attitude can be critical . if she tries to rush her recovery , all my efforts may have been for nothing . she 'll never walk again . [ scene_break ] randi : you could start something very entry - level . you know , answering the phones , filing . madison : but answering the phones ? i would n't even know what to say . randi : well , you pick up the phone and you say , `` this is fusion . how may i direct your call ? `` madison : and this lightens your workload how ? randi : well , believe me , i 'll find a ton of things for you to do . ' erica : madison . is everything all right ? madison : moving in the right direction , thanks to you and the miranda center . i could n't have even begun to get my act together without a safe haven like that . randi : but things would be better if she had a job . i was thinking , erica , maybe you could give her a chance the same way amanda gave me . maybe something in reception ? erica : that 's a wonderful idea . val is my assistant , and he is completely amazing , but he is only one person . so i could really use an additional assistant for when he 's just completely inundated . randi : oh , i was thinking something more in the lines of , you know , answering the phones or filing -- ryan : ok . i 'm all set . erica : randi , will you mobilize the masses ? ryan and i have a big announcement . [ scene_break ] amanda : you are such a big boy . jake : oh . well , thanks . you know , i 'm lifting him so much , i have n't had to go to the -- oh , gym ? yes . he is a big boy , huh ? amanda : come to mommy . i ca n't believe how fast you 're growing up . jake : is n't he , though ? i know . and next he 'll be asking for the car keys . oh , i want to take a lot of -- where is my -- yeah , a lot of these . i want to get early trevor . come on , right there . ready ? let 's go . [ amanda laughs ] jake : that 's good . i 'm gon na need batteries for this thing . anyway , i got to split . hey , do n't be growing any facial hair when i 'm gone , bye . amanda : bye , baby . love you . jake : you , too . amanda : yes . well , you better get used to getting your picture taken there , big guy , because your daddy jake is going to be documenting every microscopic event . yes . it 's just too bad that pictures wo n't be able to fill in the moments that david 's gon na miss out on . [ trevor fusses ] amanda : yeah . all right . [ phone rings ] david : amanda , hi . is anything wrong with trevor ? amanda : no . i just called you to let you know that he woke up with a new tooth this morning . david : a new tooth , and you called to tell me . i really wish i was there to see it . amanda : david , i know that this is really hard for you to be away from trevor , especially now that you 're -- david : you can say it : dying . amanda : you ca n't think that way . you need to focus on your treatment in malaysia . an image of yourself alive . that way , you can spend more time with trevor . [ scene_break ] erica : restoring this company to where it was before the economy collapsed is not going to be easy . it 's going to mean long hours and thinking in new ways . but i know that you are all up to it . we 're gon na have to cut costs , which means that you are all gon na be required to brainstorm and come up with very creative ways to do more with less . move product . very importantly , we need to keep everything under budget . ryan lavery has very graciously agreed to come here and help out . as head of cambias industries , he has great experience in turning a company profitable . and i just know that he can certainly work his magic here . ryan , would you like to say something ? ryan : sure . i guess i just want to say that i appreciate the faith that kendall and erica have shown in me , and i really look forward to this challenge . i really do . and i expect great things from this partnership . erica : all right , then . everyone , back to work . [ scene_break ] amanda : david , uh , i have to go . something 's come up . jake : i 'm not out the door two feet , and you 're sneaking a phone call to david ? amanda : i was n't sneaking . jake : no ? were you just calling him to check on him ? did n't you talk to him last night ? or are you gon na stick with the story that that was n't him calling , that was the babysitter calling ? amanda : no . it was david who called last night . he was checking on trevor . jake : hmm . amanda : he 's a worried father . jake : right . that 's normal . amanda : last night was supposed to be about you and me focusing on our relationship . i knew if i told you who it was , you would get mad . jake : right . but now i am mad , because you were n't honest about it . and if i had n't come back to get my phone , you would n't have told me about this phone call either . right ? amanda : why would i ? jake : why ? because we 're a couple . we 're married . we 're a team . we 're supposed to share these types of things . i do n't know . amanda : ok . so i open up . then what , jake ? then you -- you tell me that you 're mad at me for having compassion for him ? because you still think that this illness is all part of some huge plot to come between us . jake : that 's right . i do . amanda : you know , i know that you do n't have any faith in david , but i just wish that you would have a little in me . jake : who says i do n't have faith in you ? i have faith in you . amanda : then why would i ever fall for david ? [ scene_break ] david : hey . i hope you 're hungry . greenlee : ugh . not anymore . david : well , too bad . you need it to keep up your strength . so eat . greenlee : how about some cinnamon raisin toast or bacon ? maybe an egg burrito . ohh . david : all right , let 's not forget that you were in a coma for almost a year . why do n't we ease into the solids gradually ? greenlee : i 'm sick of easing into things . i want to start living my life in 3d again . david : well , as the wise man keeps saying , you have to have patience . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : easy for you to pontificate . one minute is like an hour to me , and one week is like an eternity . especially when i have nothing to do but brood . david : why do n't i bring you some crossword puzzles . greenlee : and now all i can think about , aside from not walking , is the funeral i guess i must have had last year . david : well , if it means anything to you , it really was a beautiful memorial service . greenlee : and everyone came , of course ? david : everyone who was anyone in pine valley . but , you know , funerals , are n't exactly uplifting . so why do n't we think about something more positive ? greenlee : ok . why do n't you tell me all the happy news of pine valley ? david : joe martin retired to florida . greenlee : ok . what about jake ? i mean , you said he married amanda . david : yeah . and they 're blissfully happy taking care of -- of trevor . greenlee : hmm . trevor . your son ? david : yeah . who just got another tooth . it makes a grand total of four . greenlee : i know how much being a father has meant to you . when you lost leora , you went to a really dark place . david : yeah . that 's all in the past now . greenlee : i 'm glad . you seem good . david : trevor changed my life . greenlee : i went back and forth on the whole wanting kids , but i can still remember the day that they told me i could n't have one of my own . david : biology has nothing to do with being a parent . it 's about the bond that you make with that child . it 's like a spiritual connection , no matter whose blood is running through his little veins . greenlee : are you saying jake is just as much a father to trevor as you are ? david : i know jake loves trevor . i doubt he has the depth of feeling that i do . but of course , i would n't allow my son to live with a man if i doubted he cared . greenlee : but still , that could n't have been easy for you to let him go . david : no , it was n't . believe me , i know what it 's like to live in a home with a parent who does n't want to be there . greenlee : amanda is no vanessa . david : no , no . of course not . but my mother did n't love my father . she planned on running away with another man . it devastated him . it drove him to -- i just wanted my son to live in a better place than that . so i realized i had to back off . you know , ease the tension . give everybody a break , some breathing room . give my son a gift of having a real family . greenlee : that 's an amazing gift . david : i did n't feel i had much of a choice . the situation kind of forced my hand . [ scene_break ] amanda : jake . jake , i love you , and i want to be with you . why ca n't you believe that ? jake : i do . i do believe that . amanda : but you do n't trust it . you still think that david 's going to suck me into falling in love with him . why ca n't you just let this go ? jake : you know , half the time i watch you drift away . and the other half of the time i see you trying to pull david into this house , into this home . and if you can just see that -- i mean , if you could just be honest with yourself about that , at least -- amanda : you want honesty ? here it is . it does n't matter if david is dying or not . nothing could change the way i feel about you . what we have is love . deep , committed love . and what i have for david is pity , compassion . i feel bad that he 's not going to get to watch his own son grow up . and thankfully , trevor will have you in his life to fill that spot . jake : i love that little boy . i love him like he 's my own . amanda : i know you do . it 's been almost four years since i lost my father , and i 'm still dealing with it . i do n't think i 'll ever get past it . you know , one day when trevor is older , he 's going to ask me questions about david . and not because you are not the most wonderful father , just because he 's part of him . and when he asks those questions , i need to be able to hold my head up and say that i was nice to him , i was kind to him , even if he did n't deserve it . and i did not leave him to die alone the way that my mother did to my father . i hated her for that , and i do not want trevor to hate me . look , i -- i know that i can not change your opinion of david . but i can at least put your mind at ease . i could never , ever love him , jake . it would be impossible because i already gave my heart to you . ca n't you feel that ? [ scene_break ] gayle : how 's the patient doing ? david : she ate a little . it 's a good start . gayle : i , uh , i know she 's in a fragile state physically and mentally . you think it 's a good idea to show your hand like that ? david : `` show my hand `` ? what are you talking about ? gayle : greenlee told me that she and jake are friends . are n't you worried that when she finally gets back to pine valley , she 'll tell him ? david : tell him what ? gayle : trevor is n't really your son . david : of course , trevor is my son . i do n't know what the hell you 're talking about . gayle : i heard you telling greenlee that biology does n't matter . but when you went after little adam , it was all about your biological connection . and when you took trevor from jake , the only thing that seemed to matter to you was that you were his biological father . david : and from that , you gather that trevor is not my son ? gayle : why else would you lie about having a rare blood disease unless you were worried about losing trevor ? and you 'd lose him if he was n't your biological son . david : have n't i always taken care of you , gayle ? then why are you trying to hurt me ? gayle : i 'd never hurt you . i just want you to understand . david : and you do n't think that questioning my son 's paternity is hurtful to me ? do n't you know , gayle , by now that when i get hurt , i sometimes lash out ? gayle : i -- i apologize for offending you . i only wanted you to know that you can trust me : anything you want to tell me . david : there 's nothing to tell . in fact , i 'm gon na forget we even had this conversation . and i would suggest you do the same . am i clear ? [ scene_break ] emma : look what i drew ! ryan : oh , my goodness . look at that ! that is a beautiful horse . look at that . greenlee : i love the colors . ryan : me , too . look at those colors . where should we hang it ? emma : what do you think , greenlee ? ryan : you know , now that we 're married , you can call greenlee `` mom `` if you want . emma : what 's wrong ? are you sad ? greenlee : no . no , emma , i 'm happy . because it does n't matter what you call me . what matters is i 'm a part of this family now , and i love you . i love both of you so much . ryan : come here . greenlee : ohh ! ryan : kisses all around . kisses everywhere . emma : all right . david : greenlee , wake up . are you all right ? greenlee : i 'm fine . david : are you in pain ? do you want some more sedative ? greenlee : no . no . i was just having a dream . david : you were crying . was it a nightmare ? greenlee : no . no . it was amazing . it was wonderful . and you 're right , david , about having a connection with a child . it has nothing to do with biology . it 's about opening your soul to another human being . [ scene_break ] [ trevor vocalizes ] amanda : oh , my god . oh , my god . oh , my god . is dr. martin there ? this -- i need to speak to him right away . this is his wife . nurse : dr. martin 's in surgery . it could be a while . amanda : uh , is dr. hubbard there ? is she on duty ? nurse : she 's with a patient right now . amanda : tell her i will be there right away . i need to speak with her . nurse : um , i 'm not sure what her schedule looks like . just -- amanda : it 's important ! just tell her i 'm on my way , ok ? [ scene_break ] angie : hey . frankie : hey . angie : i called you earlier . frankie : what 's up ? angie : well , i just was wondering how randi 's doing . i left her a couple of messages . frankie : she 's been putting in overtime almost every night now . angie : now , are you ever gon na make your daddy a granddaddy if your wife is always working ? frankie : you do n't say . wow . angie : yeah , you know , erica should hire more people over there to give that poor girl a break . frankie : actually , we ran into madison at the office . she mentioned that she needed a job , and randi told her that she was a perfect fit in fusion . angie : really ? frankie : yeah . but madison did n't want to ask erica for any favors . so -- angie : good . frankie : why is that ? i thought you wanted her to start rebuilding her life . angie : i do . but , i mean , jumping into a stress pit like fusion is n't what i had in mind . the girl 's been through a lot , you know ? she should go slow . frankie : right . well , she did see the therapist that you recommended . angie : i 'm glad about that . but , you know , wounds like hers are not going to heal overnight . and a company like fusion has some strong office politics . i mean , it might send her into a tailspin she ca n't pull out of . you want that ? frankie : of course not . angie : all right . then you need to tell your wife not to push madison into anything that she is not ready for . [ scene_break ] erica : val , change my 2 : 00 appointment to 4 : 00 . val : mm - hmm . erica : no , no . that wo n't do . get me a new quote by the end of the day . val : ok , madison , look . these are the files . i need you to make copies and get them on erica 's desk asap . i can not tell you how glad i am that erica finally brought another warm body in here . i have n't had a day off in weeks . randi : yeah . i know how you feel . madison : listen , i want to apologize . i never meant to step on your toes . i had no idea that erica was gon na hire me to be a personal assistant . randi : yeah , well , that 's ok . i 'm the one who suggested she hire you . madison : yes , but not above you . randi : you 're not above me . madison : no , no , no , no . i -- of course not . i did n't mean -- randi : look , madison , you 're getting val 's overload . and i 'm sure your next assignment will depend on how well you do now .. madison : i do n't expect you to completely trust me . i would like to try to earn your trust . randi : it 's not me that you need to impress . it 's erica . madison : i just want to do what 's right for once . randi : well , obviously you 're already doing something right . i mean , how many people can -- can say that erica kane taught them everything they know ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm dr. martin 's wife . is dr. hubbard free yet ? nurse : no . but your husband is . amanda : hey . i thought you were in surgery . jake : hi . well , the patient coded on the table . i had to wait for him to stabilize . what 's -- is trevor ok ? amanda : i dropped him off at tad 's . jake : ok . so that 's -- uh , why are you here ? amanda : i ca n't believe you did n't tell me . how could you keep this from me ? jake : i do n't know -- i 'm sorry . what are you -- i do n't even -- amanda : david 's disease : it 's hereditary . trevor could die from it , too ! [ scene_break ] frankie : hey . randi : hey ! frankie : i knew how busy you were , so i thought i 'd bring you lunch . randi : aw . thanks . i 'm starving , and there was no way i was gon na get out of this place . frankie : so did you talk to madison about the job ? randi : yeah . but she would n't listen . it actually took erica to get her on board . frankie : so she works here now ? randi : [ sighs ] she 's practically running the place , or will someday . frankie : what are you talking about ? randi : erica hired madison to be her backup personal assistant . frankie : that sounds like a lot of responsibility . randi : yeah , it is . but after months of busting my butt , i 'm still here answering phones . frankie : hey , i would n't even worry about it , because you are gon na get your break . you work too hard not to . randi : yeah , well , tell that to erica . it just seems to me that she 's overlooked me for every position in this joint . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't know about you , but i could definitely use a little escape about now . [ door opens ] madison : oh . uh , i 'm so sorry . um , val wanted me to give you this . i did n't realize -- erica : it 's all right , madison . you can go . thank you . [ door closes ] erica : well , i guess trying to keep this a secret is gon na be a little bit harder than we thought . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thanks . i can only imagine how difficult this past year must 've been for ryan . but having spike and emma must have helped him through it . david : kids are remarkable that way . greenlee : well , i know when you lost babe , trevor must have been a big comfort . david : you have no idea . [ scene_break ] angie : the information you found on the internet is correct , as far as it goes . amanda : what do you mean ? angie : well , malignant erythrotosis is a newly discovered disease , so there 's not a lot known about it . but according to recent studies , it does seem to be hereditary . amanda : so trevor has it ? jake : she 's not saying that . this is the first i 'm hearing about a genetic component . amanda : i ca n't lose him , jake . i ca n't . angie : we can run some tests . all right ? that 'll tell us for certain one way or the other . amanda : what kind of tests ? do they hurt ? jake : no , no , no , no . it 's -- there 's no needles or anything like that . angie : amanda , it 's just a simple cheek swab to get a sample of his saliva . jake : right . and that 'll show us his dna , and that 'll tell us everything we need to know . | frankie brings randi to work at fusion . randi mentions to frankie that she wishes that erica would hire some help for her so that she could take some time off to spend with her husband . madison tells randi that her secret is sate with her . frankie and randi are both surprised that madison is here . frankie asks what madison is doing here . madison lets them know that she is here to talk to erica , but thinks that she will just leave her a note . frankie encourages randi to ask erica for a job for madison . randi agrees with the plan . randi calls erica to see where she is , but erica does n't answer her phone since she is in bed with ryan . the alarm clock awakens jake and amanda . they kiss and cuddle before jake has to get up to go to work . jake questions amanda if she is happy because he had heard her up pacing the night before . greenlee wakes up to find david watching over her . kendall calls erica , but erica thinks that it is randi calling again . ryan suggests to erica that he help out at fusion . dr. coleman tells david that if greenlee rushes her recovery then she will never walk again . erica comes in to work at fusion with ryan right behind her . randi suggests to erica as to giving madison a job at fusion . erica surprises randi by giving madison a job as her personal assistant . randi feels betrayed by the news . after jake leaves for work , amanda calls david to tell him about trevor 's new tooth . jake walks back in during her conversation with david . jake confronts amanda about the call to david and if it had been david , who had called last night . david opens up to greenlee about his feelings for trevor . gayle overhears his conversation and later confronts david about maybe overplaying his hand when it came to his talking to greenlee about trevor . david warns gayle about the people , who betray him . david suggests that this conversation never happened . amanda does research on david 's disease and realizes that it is heredity and that trevor may catch it . amanda , panicky , first calls jake and when she can not talk to him , asks to talk to angie . at the hospital , amanda confronts jake as to why he had n't told her that trevor could die from this disease . angie suggest that they do a dna test on trevor . madison walks in on ryan and erica kissing . |
[ trevor cries ] amanda : i got it . come here , trevor . honey , you need changing ? come here , sweetheart . i know . cara : it 's getting late , so i 'm gon na get back to the hotel and get my stuff packed up . amanda : can we call you a cab ? [ scene_break ] tad : i saw liza . damon : yeah , i know . tad : and i saw colby . damon : you did n't have to do that . tad : yeah , i did . she called me , and i wanted to see how things stood . damon : and ? tad : i 'm not gon na lie to you . you 're in a hell of a mess . damon : yeah , no kidding . i bet you had better things to do with your night . tad : nothing more important than you . and in a weird way , this is my fault anyway . damon : what ? tad : it 's hard to explain . i guess it 's what they call karma . back in the day when it was me and liza and her mother , i think i did a little more damage than i thought . damon : ok , but this was my mess - up . tad : yeah , it is . sometimes how you do the right thing is more important than doing the right thing . i 'm not gon na lie to you . colby is a wreck , ok , but she says she loves you . she wants to be with you . she thinks that you two can work your way through this . damon : that 's only because she does n't know that it was her mother that i slept with . [ phone rings ] tad : is that her ? damon : yep . tad : ok . all right . i 'm gon na give you a little privacy . damon : no , do n't bother . tad : come on . answer the phone . what are you doing ? when i walked in here , it looked like you were gon na give her a call anyway . damon : i was -- to say good - bye . i 'm leaving town . [ scene_break ] colby : hi , damon . it 's me calling -- again . um , i really wish that you would call me back . i know that we can work this out . asher : i saw you over here looking upset . so i -- colby : ok . what are you doing now ? eavesdropping on me now ? asher : no . i just came over here to see if you were ok . but , yeah , i happened to catch the last part of the message . is damon avoiding you ? colby : if he is , it 's all your fault . [ scene_break ] j.r. : yeah , i need two first - class tickets . i 'm looking for an afternoon departure . you 're the man . oh , and how is that one thing going with legal ? good . just do me a favor and double - check with the lawyers . that 's the most important part . and make sure that annie does n't find out . you got it ? all right . ahem . annie : hi . who was that on the phone ? j.r. : it was just some stupid telemarketers . how is it possible that you get more and more beautiful every day ? annie : it must be having a man who believes in me so much . so we 've come up with three different approaches on how to spin this cortlandt loss . they definitely have their merits , but they have several drawbacks , as well , so we really have to work on it carefully . j.r. : mm - hmm . annie : what were they selling ? j.r. : what ? annie : the telemarketer that called -- what were they trying to sell you ? j.r. : it was extended insurance . i did n't even let her get that far . annie : weird . we were on the do - not - call list . j.r. : yeah . so much for that , huh ? listen , do we really have to do this tonight ? i 've got a bunch of errands to run , and it 's getting late . annie : no . it 's fine . we can finish it tomorrow at the office . maybe i should go with you . j.r. : we have to keep up the appearance that you and i are -- you know . being seen at the office is one thing , but at nighttime -- annie : sure . i understand . maybe we can meet tomorrow at the hotel . j.r. : i 'm gon na have to check my schedule with max . most of my day is booked up tomorrow . but i 'll make time . i promise . yeah , i got to get going . annie : oh , god . oh , my god , he 's slipping away . he 's slipping away . [ scene_break ] cara : thank you , but i do n't need a cab . i 've actually rented a car . amanda : oh . those daily charges can really add up , unless you did something more long - term ? cara : week to week , actually . amanda : smart . jake : if you 're staying here , you get to save on a hotel room . amanda : yeah . then you could stay as long as you want , really , since you 're staying here . cara : or until the government red tape is cleared up , and i can leave as planned . jake : kendall 's lucky , though , because she 's been through a lot , she needed to be with her boys , and she needs medical attention . so it 's nice . cara : it works out for both of us . well , i 'm gon na get going . jake : i should probably take him home . let 's get him home . he looks so tired . amanda : did you see the way that she was looking at him ? jake : no . what way ? amanda : the way that cara was looking at trevor -- i know you saw it . jake : she looked at him like everybody looks at him . he 's awesome . amanda : no , it was something else . it was something -- [ phone rings ] amanda : oh . will you take him ? go to daddy . ok . hello ? annie : i have to talk to you in person . amanda : are you ok ? annie : no . everything has gotten worse . amanda : listen , calm down . i 'm sure everything 's gon na be fine . annie : can we get together ? amanda : sure . i can meet you at confusion . just calm down , ok ? i 'm sure everything 's gon na be fine . i 'm sorry . i 'll be home as soon as i can . [ scene_break ] tad : what do you mean , leaving ? where would you go ? damon : i do n't know . anywhere but here . tad : oh , that 's just brilliant . that 's terrific . you 're a genius . you do n't even have a destination ? you 're just gon na pick a direction ? damon : look , i 've messed everything up . i 've blown it with colby . i 've quit my job with liza . there is nothing for me here . i 'm sorry . i know . you 're here . but , tad , i 'm not a kid . i ca n't make a mistake this huge and just go running to daddy to make things better . anyway , you ca n't make things better . you complicate things even more . tad : are you finished ? damon : yeah . tad : ok . fine . you 're not a kid anymore , so act like a man . you ca n't go running to daddy . what makes you think running away is the answer ? why would you do something like that when you have no idea how this could play out ? damon : come on . we both know this is not gon na have a happy ending . tad : we do n't know that . i just looked you in the face , and i told you she loves you . she does n't want to lose you . she wants to work this thing through . that 's a hell of a start . or is that it ? it 's not facing your problem that bothers you . it 's facing colby . [ scene_break ] asher : hey , i crossed the line , ok , more than once . but i 'm not here to make your life miserable , colby . i like you too much . colby : there you go again , asher . you 're trying to charm me . you 're trying to play me . asher : or maybe i just like you , and it is what it is . colby : you liked damon , and he was nothing but a friend to you , and then you went and hit on his girlfriend . asher : damn it . i 'm sorry . i forgot what a perfect guy damon is , how he just picked up the phone , called you back , and forgave you . oh , wait . he did n't , did he ? colby : maybe you should just leave it alone , asher . asher : all i 'm saying is that you 're pissed off at mr . perfect and you 're dumping it on me . colby : i never said he was perfect ! and he 's not perfect , asher . asher : there 's something new . what happened ? what did he do ? colby : nothing . asher : that was n't a `` nothing , he did n't do anything . `` that was a `` nothing , i do n't want to talk about it . `` colby : asher , maybe you should just leave it alone , ok ? asher : i meant what i said . i wish that i could help you . colby : there 's nothing you can do . damon and i have a lot to figure out and work out . and it just does n't involve you and me kissing . [ scene_break ] amanda : just calm down , take a deep breath . ok . tell me what happened . annie : first , i heard j.r. talking . he was talking to marissa , and he was saying all sorts of things -- he does n't have feelings for me , he does n't want me , he knows how to handle me . amanda : but that 's the cover story for marissa , right ? did you talk to him afterwards ? annie : yeah , but -- no , not about what i heard . i am telling you marissa is trying to get him back . i just know it . amanda : annie , i really do n't think that she was -- annie : and then i walked into the mansion earlier and j.r. was on his phone . and when he saw me , he quickly hung up the phone and told me it was just some telemarketer . amanda : what makes you think that it was n't ? annie : then i offered to go with him to do whatever he was doing or invited myself to maybe spend the night with him , and he completely shut me down . i 'm telling you something is going on , and i am telling you it has to do with marissa . she wants him back , amanda . i know it . tell me i 'm being paranoid . amanda : you 're being paranoid . [ scene_break ] marissa : sorry i 'm a little late . j.r. : no , i just arrived myself . how about we get a table ? [ scene_break ] jake : you were such a good boy helping mommy baby - sit spike and ian today . i bet they 're glad they got their mommy back , huh ? so you met cara . what did you think ? yeah ? [ trevor babbles ] jake : yes , that was the one with the dark hair . it 's funny . i used to love that lady . is n't that funny ? is n't that funny ? but now i got you and mommy , so it 's you , mommy , and me , and i love your mommy more than anything in the whole wide world . [ scene_break ] cara : stupid , stupid cara , making googly - eyes at a baby like you 've never seen a cute kid before -- jake 's child . jake : `` hello , mom . hi . is dad home ? no ? get ready for this , because i got some really big news for you . you sitting down ? you are ? good . `` hi . cara : so -- no . no baby . jake : well , it 's a major life change averted . right ? cara : yeah . jake : not gon na have a little martin action here ? cara : no . no boy . no little guy here . jake : but it 's ok because , um , maybe it 's just not the time . our lives are perfect right now , you know ? we have excitement . cara : yes . jake : we have each other . cara : yes . jake : yeah . cara : you do n't want a family ? jake : no , i do . i do . cara : when we 're ready ? jake : yeah , when we 're ready . yeah , when we 're ready . [ scene_break ] jake : it 's funny sometimes how things work out . something might happen that breaks your heart so bad , you do n't think it 's right , or you do n't think it 's fair , and you do n't think you deserved it . but then you realize it happened for a reason , that something else is just down the road , and that thing is even better . i wanted to ask you this . i 've been meaning to ask you for a long time . how would you feel about a little brother or sister ? hmm ? [ scene_break ] colby : i need to get out of here . excuse me . asher : hey , come on . you ca n't drop a bomb like that halfway and then just walk . we 're talking about the guy who turned his life around to be with you . he 's been working nonstop applying to colleges . he 's on the big pre - law track . what did he do wrong ? did he forget your birthday , not open the car door for you , insult your wardrobe ? maybe cheated on you ? colby : asher , you need to get out of my way . asher : are you kidding ? colby : asher , seriously , get out of my way . asher : how come if he cheated on you , then you 're getting pissed off at me ? colby : asher , if you do n't get out of my way , i 'm seriously gon na start screaming . asher : you 're pushing me out the door for a reason , colby . think about it . colby : i 'm gon na fix things with damon . think about that . [ scene_break ] damon : yes , you 're right . i do n't want to face colby . but it 's not because i do n't want to face what i 've done . i do n't want her to have to face it . it would kill her , and i 've already hurt her enough . tad : and you think disappearing on her is gon na make her feel that much better ? damon : better than if she finds out who i slept with . tad : you do n't know she 's gon na find out . it 's your job to make sure she does n't . but if you take off , you 're gon na set off all kinds of red flares . she 's already curious . she called me over here to ask me to help her find out who it was . damon : what did you say ? tad : i told her the same thing i told you -- leave it alone . move on . damon : so your advice is to lie to her for the rest of my life ? tad : my advice is exactly what it was in that park . until you figure out how to navigate this thing , you hang on . you do n't hang colby out to dry . damon : tad , i know this is gon na hurt her , but it 's better than the alternative . with me out of the picture , you and liza are the only people who know the truth . and if you guys can keep your mouths shut , maybe it 'll just go away . tad : and that 's it ? end of conversation ? you quit , right ? you go back to your power alley when things get tough ? you go back to what you do best -- my son , the quitter ? [ glass crashes ] cara : whoa ! you should shout out `` incoming ! `` before you start launching things . you trying to send me a message -- keep away from your brother ? tad : no . it was just a little misplaced anger over yet another family member . cara : and you 're bleeding again ? tad : uh - huh . that 's what i get for losing my temper . cara : it 's the same hand that i stitched up . you know , i used my finest needlework on you , too ? this is like putting a foot through a rembrandt . let me look at it . tad : i 'll tape it up when i get home . cara : i need to clean it , though , so it does n't get infected . tad : i do n't care if it blows up to the size of a basketball . i consider it a merit badge for behaving like a complete bonehead . cara : ok , why do n't you sit down right there ? ok ? go . i want to look at it -- doctor 's orders . [ scene_break ] amanda : j.r. still has to put on an act when it comes to marissa , right ? ok . so if all this stuff was happening after the custody agreement was signed , then i 'd say you had a reason to be paranoid . but until then -- [ phone rings ] amanda : oh . sorry . hello ? jake : how are things going with annie ? amanda : still talking . jake : if she starts talking in tongues , do yourself a favor and run . amanda : it 's not that easy . jake : if you value this marriage , i 'd get my butt home as soon as i can . got it ? amanda : as soon as i can . annie , i really want you to be happy . annie : thanks . you 're a good friend , amanda . you 're probably my first friend ever . amanda : i 'm here for you , but right now i got to get home to my 2 boys -- my 2 men , that is . we 'll talk tomorrow , ok ? bye . [ scene_break ] marissa : so should we get to it ? j.r. : yeah . listen , i made a few minor corrections my lawyers have ok 'd . i noted them . but as far as the custody agreement is concerned , it 's got to be signed by tonight . it 's got to be messengered to the judge . marissa : is it the same as the one that you sent to caleb ? j.r. : yeah . marissa : then it 's already signed . just send me the copy once you execute it . j.r. : so by this time tomorrow , it 'll all be done . marissa : yeah . this seems so simple , you know ? sign a paper , end a marriage . j.r. : i 'm sorry for hurting you . you deserve so much better . marissa 's voice : i do n't know how we got to this point , j.r. , but i do know that i want you back . you might think that annie means something to you right now . we both know what that 's about -- infatuation . nothing more . j.r. 's voice : marissa -- marissa 's voice : just think what a life with that tramp would be like . she 's already married your father , your cousin . look where those marriages ended up . she ca n't be trusted . what you and i have is real . all annie knows how to is scheme and lie and ultimately destroy . j.r. : you 're right . she really is starting to wear on me . marissa : the important thing now is a.j . , keeping him happy . j.r. : yeah . listen , i 'm gon na be going out of town for a few days after this whole court date 's over . a.j . can stay with you . i know that he 'll love it , and that way he 'll see that we 're still a family . marissa : of course . what 's the trip for ? j.r. : business . marissa : well -- j.r. : before you go , i just want to say thank you one more time -- for being there for a.j . , for being there for me , even when i pushed you away . marissa : i loved you , j.r . i really did . j.r. : sometimes i do n't think i showed my appreciation all the time . [ phone rings ] j.r. : annie . hey , it 's me . listen , i 'm sorry that i ran out so quickly , but i wanted to let you know that i 've got everything wrapped up , and i 'm done , and i want to see you tonight . [ scene_break ] cara : so what happened to draw the wrath of tad ? tad : it 's complicated . cara : so you catch those wild card games ? who do you think is gon na go to the super bowl this year ? tad : there it is , that world - famous bedside manner . nice segue . cara : hey , i can smell `` it 's none of your business `` from a mile away . tad : it 's not like that , ok ? it 's not a `` it 's none of your business . `` it 's simply `` it 's very , very complicated . `` cara : seems to be going around a lot these days . tad : my son wants to leave . and i 'm kind of torn up about it , because i thought i was starting to get a handle on the whole fatherhood thing where damon was concerned , but now i realize the truth is i never had a handle on it . and now he wants to say good - bye , and you know what 's really a bitch , is i ca n't figure out whether i want him to stay , because it 's best for him or it 's best for me . because he gives me a chance to make up for the mountain of collateral damage that i 've caused throughout my life . or maybe it 's just i 've said good - bye to too many people that i love , and i do n't want to have to do it again . cara : well , i ca n't disagree with you there . tad : i ca n't believe i 'm bothering you with all this . cara : come on . i 'm a doctor . next to bartenders , we 're the best listeners around . [ scene_break ] amanda : hey . what 's going on ? jake : do i tell you enough that i appreciate you ? do i let you know that i would actually be lost without you and trevor ? really . i 'm just saying i 'm really glad that you 're home . amanda : you ok ? you need a doctor , doc ? jake : i 've had this little epiphany . i 've realized that a lot of people on the outside -- they make demands on people , on our life and on our time , and then there 's nothing left for us , and i do n't think we can let that happen . amanda : let 's make sure that we do n't . jake : yeah . amanda : so you have n't told me why i had to rush home so fast . jake : it 's simple , really . if i may ? amanda : please do . jake : i was just worried that the champagne was gon na get flat . amanda : ohh . thank you . jake : i 'd like to make a toast . here 's to focusing on us . amanda : i 'll drink to that . jake : me , too . amanda : and tonight could be the perfect night to try and make another baby . jake : i 'll drink to that . now , i have brought in a few things that might help make that process a little more fun . amanda : really ? jake : yes . you ready ? a - bang ! a - boom ! amanda : is that -- jake : yes . that is hot fudge . beautiful hot fudge which you have strawberries to dip it in and together . i 'm just warning you it could get a little messy . amanda : i am counting on it . [ scene_break ] asher : hey . so what 's so urgent ? j.r. : it 's about that project that i put you and colby on . asher : yeah . i 'm actually glad you brought that up . i do n't really think it 's such a good idea anymore . j.r. : why ? asher : she 's kind of mad at me . j.r. : she 'll get over it . this is a surprise trip for annie and me . you got to get her to the airport without her knowing what i 'm doing . asher : you guys going public ? j.r. : my divorce is gon na be final in the morning . annie 's been dying to act like a real couple . we 're gon na be together finally . this is important to me , asher , ok , so do n't you think about backing out right now . asher : i 'm not the one that you need to convince . [ scene_break ] marissa : j.r. ? you home ? j.r. ? hey ? i 've picked up some of your copies by mistake . [ scene_break ] [ jake and amanda make love ] singer : will you take what i can give and give to me like some cradle in the wind ? i 'll be your lover baby , i 'll be your brother i want to discover what i am to you and you can keep on dreaming baby , i want to be everything so much waiting for us if you let me love you [ scene_break ] tad : not bad . what do i owe you ? cara : for the re - bandaging or for the listening ? tad : both . cara : all right . for bandaging , on the house . but i 'm gon na have to bill your mental health insurance for the listening . tad : you know what 's really confusing ? cara : hmm ? tad : i know i should dislike you a hell of a lot more than i do . cara : i 'm gon na take that as a compliment . look , i know you 're jake 's brother , and i was this big , unwanted surprise that suddenly showed up , so i get it if you want me on the next bus out of here . i would actually think less of you if you did n't feel that way about me . tad : no . absolutely . take off . what 's keeping you ? see , i just was hoping you 'd do it after dinner . because if you came in looking for a meal , i 'm buying . cara : really ? oh . thank you . i actually did come here for a distraction . i was thinking a drink , do some thinking . you were a really nice alternative -- sans the broken shards of glass part , of course . hey . i really hope things work out with your son . tad : me , too . cara : looks like here 's your chance . take care . damon : i 'm sorry things got a little heated earlier . tad : i 'm sorry . i was kind of hoping we could arrange a do - over . damon : i saw colby in the park . she did n't see me , left before i could talk to her . you were right . i owe her a face - to - face . tad : what changed your mind ? damon : you did . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what 's your problem with asher ? i thought you two were buds . colby : no . j.r. : does this have to do with damon ? colby : yes , ok ? damon walked in on me and asher kissing , and it 's a gazillion times more complicated than that , but that 's all you need -- all you need to know right now , ok ? so if i want to make things work with damon , i ca n't be doing projects with asher . all right ? j.r. : i 'm sorry that you 're having problems , ok , but i really need you . this trip -- it means the world to me . and so does the project that i have you and asher on at chandler . so , please , for me , find a way to coexist with the guy ? [ scene_break ] damon : i 've screwed up a lot in my life . i never really took responsibility for anything that i did . i always tried to blame someone else . um , you do n't let me do that . but you -- you do it like a friend , and i have n't really had many of those in my life . you actually make me feel better about myself , and there 's only one other person that 's ever done that for me . and now it looks like colby is out of the picture , too . so -- so i think i would be pretty stupid to walk away from you . tad : so i guess this means you 're not leaving ? damon : i do n't know . i -- i do n't want to hurt colby , but i have you , and i have a family now . i do n't want to lose you guys either , so -- tad : you wo n't . we 'll figure something out . damon : i do n't know how . if colby finds out about this , it will destroy her , and that would -- that would kill me . tad : one thing at a time . for right now , i think you know what you 've got to do . damon : pick up the phone ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : thank you for all your help , and i got to leave . hey , asher ? i 'm out of here . all right ? thanks . colby : well . that worked out really well for you , did n't it ? asher : colby , i tried to get out of the project . colby : really ? you should 've tried harder . [ phone rings ] colby : damon ? [ music plays as damon and colby talk ] singer : i looked in your eyes i said you 're the only one for me i gave you my heart 'cause i thought that we were meant to be yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah [ scene_break ] jake : so what do you think ? you think we made a baby tonight ? amanda : maybe . jake : maybe to make sure , we should just go again . amanda : two kids -- is n't that the definition of the all - american dream ? jake : perfection -- is n't that your body against mine ? singer : ooh , yeah looking so alive the tide came in and washed us out to sea it 's over now , the world wo n't wait for you and me , and it 's over now 'cause i just watched you walk away . i just watched you walk away [ scene_break ] marissa : aah ! annie : oh , my god . i killed her ! | at krystal 's , tad is surprised to find out from damon that he is leaving town . jake and amanda find cara with trevor and looking at him very lovingly . colby calls damon and leaves him a message when he does n't answer . colby sees asher and accuses him of eavesdropping in on her message to damon . j.r. on the phone , makes plans which he does n't want annie to know about . annie walks in and wants to know who he was talking to . j.r. lies and tells her that he was talking to a telemarketer . j.r. hugs annie to keep her from asking anymore questions . cara quickly leaves to keep from answering anymore questions about when she was leaving town . amanda asks jake if he had noticed how cara had been looking at trevor . amanda gets a call from annie to meet her at confusion . once there , amanda tries to calm annie down from being so upset over marissa and j.r. annie fears that marissa wants j.r. back . marissa walks into the bar and joins j.r. at a table . annie watches j.r. and marissa and imagines that they are discussing her . damon confesses that he does n't want to face colby after what he had done . colby is in the park , on the phone as damon watches her from around the corner . cara runs into tad at krystal 's and once again bandages his hand . tad invites cara to lunch , but cara refuses . annie notices that j.r. holds marissa 's hand . |
[ previously_on ] derek : have you seen this man ? he 's wanted for murder , ma'am . kendall : you see him ? maria : no . kendall : aidan -- aidan , aidan ! david : i 've been thinking about reggie , and i have an idea -- since his public defender really is n't on top of his case that maybe my brother could handle it . greenlee : what do you want from me ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : ugh ! trey : oh , my god . greenlee -- greenlee , i 'm so sorry . trey : idiot ! god . david : i just saw greenlee bolting out of here . what happened ? trey : i kissed her . [ scene_break ] jamie : i was n't sure what you wanted , so i got everything . joni : that 's exactly what i want . jamie : good . joni : where is everyone ? i thought there was going to be a bunch of kids here since there 's no school today . jamie : i do n't know , i guess -- i told everybody . joni : i told my parents i 'd be with a group . jamie : well , we are , kind of . i mean , the place will fill up and , well , we wo n't be alone then . joni : i guess you 're right . jamie : yeah . i 'm glad you came with me . joni : me , too . even if it is a slasher movie . laurie : hey , guys . jamie : what are you doing here ? laurie : j.r. left me a message to meet him here . where is he ? jamie : what ? [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , could i talk to you for just a moment ? j.r. : dad , i 'm going to be late . adam : i want to tell you that i 'm happy that you 're finally -- well , you 're finally making an effort . j.r. : oh . adam : and i want to wish you the best . j.r. : thanks . adam : this alumni interview will go a long way to getting you accepted into harvard , especially after three fs and an incomplete in your last quarter . j.r. : yeah , well , i told you i 'd make them up . adam : you can start by making up that sociology paper . i want a rough draft by the end of the week . j.r. : ok , dad . adam : it was n't easy convincing that teacher to give you an extension , you know . j.r. : i know . thank you . adam : yeah , you really want to thank me ? how about putting something on that 's a little more appropriate for an interview ? j.r. : what , like a coat and tie ? i 'll look like a geek . adam : there 's nothing wrong with looking -- with a coat and a tie . j.r. : well , i do n't have time . can i go now ? adam : yeah , well , all right , i wo n't keep you , wo n't make you wait . it 's just i 'm just glad that you 're finally excited about getting into harvard . j.r. : yeah . adam : not that it 'll be easy . that 's why i 've hired a math tutor -- three times a week , starting monday . j.r. : what ? no . no , i got it all under control . i do n't need a tutor . i got to go . adam : sorry i had to interrupt our session , ladies . i had to have a little discussion with j.r. all right , do n't make me guess . just enlighten me . lysistrata : well , maybe you can enlighten me . is there anyone you do n't need to control ? [ scene_break ] woman : sir ? your ticket ? aidan : um , i think i forgot my -- maria : aidan , are you all right ? kendall : oh , thank god we got to you before the cops did . aidan : what are you guys doing here ? kendall : aidan , the police are looking for you . aidan : look , if i get on that bus , it ends . let me go . kendall : no , it 's too late for that . you wo n't even make it as far your seat . maria : you need our help . aidan : look , i 'm sorry , no , i need to do this alone . maria : that does n't make sense . derek : maria ? maria : what is wrong -- derek : is that you ? maria : do i know you ? derek : yes , i 'm sorry . i 'm derek frye . maria : oh , i 'm sorry , i do n't remember you , no . derek : you do n't remember me . i know , yeah . i followed your story in the paper . maria : ok . derek : yeah . i 'm sorry , i do n't mean to stare at you , but , well , it 's just amazing to see you . maria : i have been told , yeah . derek : yeah , no doubt , i 'm sure . i understand that you prefer to be called maureen now . maria : yeah , i 'm more comfortable with that . derek : yeah . maria : definitely . so you 're a cop ? look at that . derek : yeah , yeah , um -- maria : i hope i was n't some hooligan or something when you knew me before . derek : oh , no , hardly . maria : are you here to meet somebody ? derek : no , i 'm -- well , i 'm heading up a joint task force with the feds . maria : oh , that 's -- that 's very impressive . that 's serious , too . actually , i was wondering how you guys catch the bad guys , because can you tell just by looking at them who 's bad ? derek : not very often , no . maria : no ? i mean , you know , say that guy right there . he looks kind of bad . derek : oh , yeah , he 's bad . maria : and the woman next to him in the hat is guilty as sin . [ derek laughs ] aidan : oh , my god . that 's a good - bye kiss ? what , am i going to the moon ? kendall : no , no , no , there 's a cop within cuffing distance . do n't turn around , do n't turn around . aidan : what 's going on ? kendall : there 's a cop within cuffing distance and -- no -- worse , i know him . i know him , ok ? do n't ask . aidan : do n't tell me there 's a warrant out for your arrest . kendall : no , no , no , he does n't want anything to do with me . see , it 's all about maureen . i guess he 's a blast from her past . oh , why is n't she getting rid of him ? aidan : well , where are they ? maybe i can make that person -- kendall : no , no , you 're staying right here with me . you 're not going anywhere . you 're staying here with me . aidan : well , how long are we going to be tangled up here for ? kendall : well , maybe all day , big boy . you got a problem with that ? aidan : do i have a choice ? kendall : no , not while lieutenant frye is looking for his boss ' nephew , the big , bad fugitive wanted for murder . kiss me . [ scene_break ] david : you kissed our brother 's widow ? here ? this is the place she comes to feel safe , to feel close to leo ! what were you thinking ? trey : i was n't . it -- it just -- just happened . david : how ? trey : i do n't know ! greenlee was on her rant , blaming me for leo 's death , and no matter what i said , she would n't listen . she just would n't let up . i did n't kill him . i did n't want him dead . david : i know that . trey : but she does n't ! but no matter what i say , she does n't listen , so david : so , what , you kissed her ? trey : god , what a colossal mistake ! how could i be so stupid ? david : yeah , that 's what i 'd like to know . trey : i did n't mean to kiss her . i never meant to do that . you believe me , do n't you ? david : no , the real question here , trey , is this -- are you falling in love with greenlee ? [ scene_break ] adam : wanting what 's best for my son makes me a control freak ? lysistrata : i see how much you love j.r. , but when you force him to do what you want -- adam : no , those were suggestions . lysistrata : ok , i have a suggestion . adam : oh , this ought to be good . liza : adam -- lysistrata : it 's obvious how much you love your family , but you love with an iron grip . your relationships with your wife and children would benefit from you allowing them more freedom . so i 'd like you to try an experiment . when was the last time you two were on a date ? liza : back when the earth was cooling . adam : that 's your answer ? a date solves everything ? lysistrata : it could solve a lot if it teaches you that relinquishing control is n't so terrible . so i propose that each of you plans a date and the other simply goes along and has a good time . liza : i think that sounds kind of wonderful . i 'd like to plan the first date . lysistrata : any objections , adam ? adam : no , absolutely none . where would you like to go ? how about the ballet ? there 's a tito exhibit at the museum . liza : hmm , it 's my date , and i have something completely different in mind . adam : ah . [ scene_break ] jamie : i told j.r . i was bringing joni . it 's not like this was a planned thing for all of us to -- laurie : oh . i get it . we wo n't crash your date . joni and jamie : it 's not a date . laurie : whatever . me and j.r. will sit up front . you wo n't even know we 're here . joni : you do n't have to sit so far away . i mean , there 's plenty of room right here . j.r. : sorry i 'm late . hey , james . just pretend we 're not here . you want any candy or something ? laurie : i 've got everything i want right here . jamie : hello ? joni ? joni : how can they do that here , in front of god and everyone ? jamie : if you do n't like it , do n't watch . joni : kind of hard not to . jamie : let 's do the movie quiz . it 's starting . joni : i 'm bad at those . `` these two actresses tied for the most oscar nominations . `` who would know that ? jamie : um -- katharine hepburn and meryl streep . 12 each . joni : that 's -- right . how did you know that ? jamie : my mom interviewed them . joni : both of them ? jamie : yeah . so ? joni : so that 's -- that 's cool . jamie : like me . joni : yeah , like you . showoff . ok , `` unscramble ' elm bignos . ' `` jamie : `` elm bignos . `` mel gibson . oh , that 's 2 - 2 . joni : you keep surprising me . jamie : good . joni : it 's getting kind of crowded . you want to maybe move closer to the screen ? jamie : the movie 's going to be starting soon , and then it 'll be just us . joni : want some ? j.r. : so did you have any trouble getting out ? laurie : i just left . it 's easier that way . j.r. : i know , the less you tell him , right ? laurie : i 'm sorry it has to be this way . j.r. : yeah , me , too . but i could n't wait to see you . laurie : your interview for harvard was today , was n't it ? i 'm so proud of you . it did n't take very long . how 'd it go ? j.r. : uh , i do n't want to talk about it . laurie : your dad must be mega thrilled . j.r. : i do n't want to talk about him either . laurie : we do n't have to talk at all . [ scene_break ] adam : well , it 's a little bit cold out to do anything really different . maybe -- excuse me . lysistrata : oh , sorry . adam : maybe we could go down to the gatehouse , build a fire , have some dinner ? lysistrata : did liza ask you for your suggestions , adam ? adam : no , but -- liza : well , so it 's my date and i 'm going to plan it . lysistrata : good . stick to that . liza : ok . adam : i was trying to help . lysistrata : you want to help ? be open - minded and let liza do this her way . you 'll get your chance when you plan the next outing . adam : i was thinking of -- liza : what ? were you thinking about me ? you were n't thinking about me . i want to do what i want to do , and i want to do something we 've never done before . i want to do something fun . can you handle that ? adam : when you want to pick me up ? [ scene_break ] trey : falling in love with greenlee ? no . no , of course not . look , i care for her just like you do . david : i 'm not putting moves on her . trey : that was n't a move . it was an accident . david : oh , an accident ? that 's an interesting way to put it . you mean one waiting to happen ? trey : what 's that supposed to mean ? david : greenlee said that you 've been following her everywhere . everywhere she goes , you go . is that right ? trey : she -- she should n't be alone right now . david : apparently not with you . i mean , you 've been so concerned about being there for greenlee . what were you doing ? you just waiting for the opportunity , the chance to lay one on her ? trey : i want to help her . she 's grieving . david : she 's vulnerable trey , and you just screwed that up ! you took advantage of it ! trey : you know i did n't mean to do that . i loved leo . i would never disrespect his widow . david : no , you did a lot worse than that . greenlee does n't trust anybody right now , especially us , and you just shattered any trust that she did have . trey : i blew it . i blew it . i know that . i 'm sorry . i 'll apologize to her . i 'll make her see that it was a mistake . david : no , no , you 'd better wait till she cools down . which is n't a bad idea for you , either . [ trey sighs ] trey : what a mess . david : yeah . look -- the reason why i even came down here was because i was looking for you . i have a favor i need to ask . trey : what , pack my bags ? get out of town ? david : would you represent someone for free ? trey : right now i 'm full - time counsel at fusion cosmetics , but i could recommend someone . david : he 's a kid , trey . he 's in a lot of trouble . he ca n't do it alone . he needs your help . [ scene_break ] aidan : ok , tell me when it 's clear , then i 'll get out of here . kendall : no , no , no way . you 'll take off . aidan : i wo n't . i 'll meet you and maureen at the car . kendall : whoa , all of a sudden you choose us over seattle ? no , i 'm not falling for that , not from a flat - leaver . aidan : a what ? kendall : there 's no way i 'm taking you out of my sight . aidan : look , i 'll be better off on my own . kendall : no , listen to me , listen to me , aidan , the cops are looking for a suspicious - looking guy who is all by himself . look , there is no way that they 'll go after a guy who 's crawling all over his girlfriend . you get it ? come on . aidan : but there 's got to be another way . kendall : you think i 'm doing this for fun ? i 'm trying to save your life , ok ? now , come on . come on . can you do any better than that ? what ? what is it ? what , are you saving yourself for maureen ? aidan : kendall -- kendall : that 's it . that 's it . you know , i 'm busting my butt over here trying to protect you -- aidan : shh , shh , shh . kendall : and you wish that i was the one talking to the cop and that maureen was here kissing you . aidan : i thought the idea was to remain inconspicuous . kendall : well , is it so freaking hard to kiss me ? at least i can make it look good . people will believe that we were lovers . you have n't even slept with maureen . aidan : you talked about that ? kendall : yeah , while we were changing a flat . aidan : maureen changed a tire ? kendall : yeah , i helped . you want to see my finger ? it hurts like hell , too , but i guess that does n't matter to you , does it ? aidan : look , kendall , we are in the middle of a situation here , ok ? kendall : i see a cop coming . you trust me , right ? aidan : oh , kendall , why not . kendall : ok , then just follow my lead and make it look good . maria : so who is the most wanted du jour ? derek : have you seen this character ? maria : who is he ? derek : aidan devane . but you already knew that , did n't you ? [ scene_break ] trey : well , i know what the system does to a kid , so , yeah . yeah , of course . i 'll do whatever i can . david : good . i knew you 'd understand . thanks . trey : i 'll get right over to the d.a . 's office , see if i can meet with -- what was his name ? david : reggie . trey : reggie . right , right . david : yeah . yeah , just stop by the clinic . dr. anderson will fill you in on the details . trey : all right . i 'm , uh , really sorry about what happened . david : i 'm not the one that needs the apology , trey . [ footsteps ] greenlee : you 're still here ? trey : well , do n't worry . i 'm leaving . greenlee : i forgot my purse . david : trey told me what happened . i 'm sorry . greenlee : what , you want some , too , is that it , huh ? want to pick up where your new brother left off ? [ scene_break ] [ movie plays ] [ scream ] [ screams ] liza : oh , come on , please ? the movie 's already started . let 's go . adam : what , that matters ? liza : take a seat , please . shh ! adam : excuse me . sorry . thank you . liza : you can stop being so dramatic . adam : we could be home in our private screening room watching harvey 's unreleased movie right now . liza : yeah , well , you know what , we would miss all this atmosphere . [ screams ] adam : i did n't know someone could make a sound like that . liza : oh , oh , here he comes , here he comes , here he comes . adam : you brought me to a teenage horror flick . liza : yeah , yeah . is n't it great ? adam : great . just great . adam : that stuff is rancid . liza : adam -- adam : oh , good grief . liza , we have atmosphere at home , with climate control and real butter . what kind of derelicts come to a place like this ? man : you 're here , are n't you ? adam : stop eavesdropping . woman : stop talking . liza : please keep it down . the whole theater can hear you . adam : for pete 's sake . i do n't believe your idea of a romantic date is a slasher - movie . liza : the movie is n't the point . adam : hmm . liza : do i need to show you what is ? adam : oh . oh . well , ok . then maybe -- maybe this is n't such a bad place after all . it 's good for something , anyway . oh , gum . liza : oh . adam : oh , good grief , that 's it . come on , we 're leaving . liza : no , no . hold on . just -- adam , where 's your sense of fun ? adam : it got stuck in the gum . liza : ok , now you 're being a grouch . would you just sit back ? relax . just kiss me . and if you forgot how , look at -- look at those two . adam : you expect me to get tips from a couple of teenagers groping each other in the dark ? liza : are you telling me you 're going to bail on me ? adam : ahem . i do n't know . let me see your face . [ liza giggles ] [ scene_break ] jack : trey kenyon . to what do i owe the rather dubious honor of this visit ? trey : it 's about my client . jack : your client ? that 's right , i heard you 're reinstated . very industrious . got yourself a client already , huh ? who is it ? trey : reggie porter . jack : reggie porter ? well , son , i know you did n't grow a social conscience in your downtime , so why are you involved in this case ? trey : david asked me to represent him . jack : hayward asked you to defend the kid who tried to carve anna up ? trey : mm - hmm . jack : what is this , a joke ? trey : no , no , not at all . do you mind if i sit ? jack : please do . trey : thank you . apparently , anna told dr. anderson that if we get the kid to cooperate , he 'll get a break . jack : i see . so janelle anderson is actually the person behind this , huh ? trey : you must know her . jack : yeah , i know her . i know her very well . trey : well , janelle wants the kid -- jack : look , janelle is not this boy 's court - appointed guardian , is she ? trey : no . jack : no . so what janelle wants is n't really relevant , is it ? trey : no -- jack : no . trey : but it 's also what anna wants . jack : okey - doke . so what do you want ? trey : i 'm going to need reggie 's case file and a letter from your office . jack : stating what , exactly ? trey : well , i want immediate access to reggie . a letter from you cuts through all the red tape . [ footsteps ] janelle : where is he ? jack : dr. anderson . now my day is complete . janelle : look jackson , reggie is missing . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa , do n't get excited . this is not your first barbecue , ok ? juvenile hall is a big place . paperwork goes slowly . janelle : he never made it to juvie . according to the cop at intake , there is no record of him being processed in . jack : you 're sure about this ? janelle : of course i 'm sure . i mean , is the matter with you people ? ca n't you keep track of one child ? what kind of operation are you running here ? [ scene_break ] maria : i beg your pardon ? derek : as i mentioned , i know your story . mr. devane helped you when you first came to pine valley and you did n't want to be found . and now he 's on the run , and here you are at the one place that is his best bet for getting out of town . and on top of it all , you 're pretending you do n't even know him . want to tell me why ? maria : you must think that i 'm -- i 'm pretty horrible . derek : confused maybe . maria : look , i 'm sorry , ok ? i 'm sorry . i should n't have lied to you . it 's just that , yes , i know aidan is in a lot of trouble , and he was really wonderful to me when i had nowhere to turn . derek : are you helping him ? maria : i would n't even know where to start . i would n't even know how to do that . i 'm just -- i 'm worried about him . derek : so you just came looking for him ? why 'd you come to the bus station ? was it something he said ? maria : no . no , look , i just do n't want him to be hurt . derek : well , if you really want to help him , help me find him . because as long as he 's out on the street , i ca n't guarantee his safety . maria : i do n't know anything . i wish i did . derek : well , it 's really nice seeing you again , maureen . but just so you know , i really do n't like being played , not by anyone . not even an old friend . maria : look , um , truce . i was just about to go and check the departure board and see if i recognized anyplace that aidan might run to . do you want to go with me ? derek : yeah . kendall : finally . i thought she 'd never get him off our scent . aidan : they 're gone ? kendall : yeah , yeah . let 's go , let 's go . aidan : no , you go . kendall : aidan -- aidan : i need to -- kendall : no , no , no , if derek gets a whiff of me , he 'll know something 's up for sure , so let 's just go now . aidan : hold on , hold on a minute . kendall : are you kidding me ? this is our chance to get back to the condo . we have to go . let 's get a move on now . aidan : there is no way -- kendall , there 's no way i can go back there . do n't you understand ? ok , if you are close to me , you 're a target , you and maureen , and i will not let that happen . i need to get on that bus . kendall : aidan , what ? aidan , what ? what is it ? [ scene_break ] janelle : quit wasting time and get one of your finest to find that child . jack : you know what , i 'll go you one better than that , janelle -- i 'll find him myself . you wait here . janelle : that man , he just has to keep believing in this system . when is he going to realize that it hurts these kids more than it helps them ? trey : hmm , i did n't realize you were so well acquainted with our d.a . janelle : yeah , we banged heads a lot -- too much . do n't get me wrong , he 's a good man . he just does n't understand what these kids need . trey : and you do ? janelle : i try . look , he thinks these kids are nothing but trouble . but , see , i know who draws cartoons for their little brother so they 'll laugh , i know who sings like an angel , i know who wants to go to college . trey : and what do you know about reggie porter ? janelle : i know that he tries . he tries harder than anyone i know . but his father is gone and his mother , she ca n't shake her addiction , and other than gang members , no one gives a damn about this kid . trey : you do . janelle : that 's not enough . i mean , do you know how many reggies there are out there ? i mean , for every kid we help , there are dozens that fall through the crack . trey : and you think that reggie 's worth saving ? janelle : yeah . i mean , he struggles to keep out of the gang life , but he gets his family fed and gets to school every day . trey : he endangered the life of a woman and her unborn child . janelle : he panicked . trey : it 's a bad excuse . janelle : it 's no excuse , but i understand it . you know , what i do n't understand is why anna and david want to help him . trey : well , apparently you must have been very convincing . janelle : it had nothing to do with me . and what 's your story ? what is dr. hayward holding over your head ? trey : david 's my brother . he asked me . i 'm not a fan of the system , either . i grew up in foster care . i know what it 's like . janelle : well , then maybe reggie has a chance . trey : i 'll do everything i can for this kid . [ footsteps ] janelle : jackson ? what , did you find reggie ? [ scene_break ] david : i do n't want anything from you , greenlee . greenlee : why not ? trey got some action . [ greenlee laughs ] david : greenlee , stop . trey feels terrible . greenlee : oh , because he did n't score ? what else did he say ? that it was good ? that i was hot ? david : that he made a big mistake . greenlee : oh , he got that right . david : trey crossed a line , no doubt about it . but , greenlee , you have to understand he 's grieving , too . and , yes , he overreacted big time . greenlee : so , is it your turn to grieve now ? is that why you 're here ? you 're no better than trey . you both took advantage of leo . i 'm all that 's left of him . why not take advantage of me , too ? huh ? is this what you want , david ? huh ? this make you feel better , make the pain go away ? david : stop it , stop it . do n't do this ! greenlee : it 's what you want , is n't it , huh ? david : no . greenlee : to feel my pain ? david : stop it ! what i want is for you to get the help that you need . and , yes , you 're right , you 're right , you are the only thing that we have left of leo . but we do n't want to lose that and we do n't want to lose you . look , i know you 're angry right now , at us , at leo , at the world . but , greenlee , you got to know this is n't the way to deal with it . greenlee : what am i doing ? david : it 's all right . it 's all right . greenlee : what 's wrong with me ? david : look , you 're -- you 're overwhelmed , ok ? you 're trying to cope , and we want to help you with that . greenlee , please , let us . we 're on your side . greenlee : you 're right . i need help . but i 'm not going to get it here . leo 's gone . he ca n't help me . and neither can you . david : greenlee , wait , wait . [ scene_break ] kendall : aidan ? aidan , what 's going on ? what has got you so freaked out ? aidan : what do you want ? woman : hello , aidan . long time no see . [ dog barks ] [ alarm ] kendall : aidan , what is it ? what is it , aidan ? what is it ? maria : ok , derek 's around back . let 's get out of here now . kendall : took you long enough to get rid of him . maria : yeah , tell me about it . derek knows that i 'm friends with aidan . kendall : what ? maria : yeah , i think i threw him off , though , so let 's just get out of here before he comes back . kendall : well , it 's too bad that aidan wo n't budge . maria : why ? you 're kidding me . kendall : i do n't know . maria : aidan ? aidan : let 's move . let 's get back to the condo . [ scene_break ] [ movie plays ] [ scream ] adam : their movies are all the same -- sex equals death . liza : stop being such a cynic . i mean , when was the last time you saw a movie like this ? adam : saw , no , but asked to invest once . liza : you did n't tell me that . adam : i turned down the invitation out of loyalty , actually . liza : to whom ? adam : to you and colby -- liza : oh -- adam : and the rest of the women of the world . these are terribly anti- feminist . liza : please , you are so full of it . adam : oh , liza . my arm has a cramp in it . liza : here , give me that . adam : oh , ow . liza : you 'll be fine . adam : liza , i 'll take you to la mer if you 'll just -- a bottle of pomerol will make us forget this misery . liza : adam , you said you would do this . adam : we 'll duck into the jewelers on the way . liza : no , this is my date , remember ? i planned this date . adam : date ? it 's torture . [ phone rings ] liza : get your phone . adam : oh . man : what is your problem ? adam : what 's yours ? woman : jerks like you . jamie : turn it off , already . have some consideration . liza : honey , just -- adam : why do n't you just mind your own business ? liza : honey , just -- jamie : yeah , `` honey , `` why do n't you shut your big , fat -- [ ring ] adam : well , well . if it is n't young jamie martin . jamie : mr. chandler . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'm sorry to say it did turn out that reggie 's paperwork got screwed up . janelle : we 've established that . trey : where is he ? jack : right now he 's in the general population at sykes island prison . janelle : what ? he 's being treated as an adult ? jack : no , he 's not -- janelle : he 's 15 years old , jackson ! jack : i realize that , janelle . janelle : do you know what danger he 's in ? you know what can happen to him ? jack : look , you can stand there and you can try to assign blame or you can let me try to fix this , ok ? now , here 's what i propose -- trey , i 'm going to call the prison , tell them to expect you and extend all courtesies , ok ? find this kid , please . i 'm very sorry this happened . janelle : yeah , well , if anything happens to him , i 'm going to sue you , the city , the founding fathers . jack : i 've already got heads rolling , janelle , do n't worry about it . trey : dr. anderson , i will find him . janelle : no , i 'm going with you . trey : i do n't think that 's a very good idea . janelle : look , reggie does n't know you . he needs a face he can trust . trey : all right . all right , all right , let 's go . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] greenlee : thanks for coming on such short notice . lysistrata : i was surprised to get your message , greenlee . our next session is n't until thursday . what happened ? greenlee : lysistrata , i think -- i think i 'm losing my mind . lysistrata : do you ? good . [ scene_break ] aidan : i changed my mind . lying low is the answer . there 's way too much heat . maria : ok , ok , then let 's go . kendall : hold on , hold on . suddenly , you 're completely spooked , and it had nothing to do with the cops . what did you see ? maria : aidan ? aidan : look , i saw my future , always on the run . i do n't want that . i want to take care of what 's right in front of me . kendall : whatever . aidan : come on , let 's move . maria : let 's go . woman : excuse me , madam . have you seen this woman ? second woman : why , yes , i think i did . first woman : where ? when ? second woman : well , right here . a couple of real lovebirds . first woman : really ? well , did you see where they went ? second woman : oh , they just left . they went that way . first woman : all right , thank you very much . second woman : they were such lovebirds . that 's why i -- noticed . [ next_on ] maggie : henry -- you forgot to take my number . trey : you 're going to the doctor -- got it ? even if i have to drag you to that clinic myself . greenlee : you remember trey ? he kissed me . lysistrata : woo - hoo ! it 's about time . | adam & liza 's psychiatrist urged them to go out on a date . liza picked the movies . jr and jamie were also there with their dates . jr skipped out on his harvard interview to be with his girl . aidan was almost caught by derek at the bus depot , but maria distracted derek while kendall kissed a disguised aidan to keep his face hidden . aidan recognized the woman who shot him but did n't tell kendall . they leave with maria and the woman finds out about them leaving after showing a picture of maria . trey kissed greenlee at the boathouse , freaking her out . he was very embarrassed ; david yelled at him and comforted greenlee . greenlee threw herself at david and realized she needs more therapy . david asked trey to help out with the kid reggie ( who held anna at knifepoint the other day ) , so trey went to jack to ask him to help cut through the red tape . the doctor from david 's clinic , jenelle , stormed in to tell jack that reggie never made it to juvenile hall . jack checked and found out he accidentally got sent to the regular prison , so he sent trey to get him out , with jenelle tagging along . |
greenlee : tie me up , ryan . make it a double knot , houdini - proof . ryan : greenlee , go play drama queen someplace else , all right ? greenlee : this is real , ryan . i need you to save me from myself . ryan : what do i look like , a lifeguard ? greenlee : i 'm done with pablo , but i 'm not over him . it would be way too easy to fall back into his arms again . i 'm not going there . ryan : look , look , i tried to protect you from pablo and it almost got us and a lot of people that we care about killed . greenlee : i know , and i 'm really sorry . ryan : you want to shockproof yourself from a fatal attraction , do n't come running to me . go check out edmund grey . [ scene_break ] david : mr. grey can be moved to icu as soon as a space opens up . nurse : yes , dr. hayward . david : and contact me immediately if he shows even the least sign of distress . pablo : how 's edmund ? please , i need to know . david : greenlee was married to my brother , and you came within inches of getting her killed . i do n't have to tell you a damn thing . [ scene_break ] maddie : mommy , mommy ! sam : mom ! maria : oh , my babies . oh , you guys . maddie : where 's daddy ? sam : yeah , where is he ? isabella : maria , is everything all right ? maria : come here . sam : what was that for ? maria : that was from daddy , and he says to tell you that he loves you very much . maddie : why ca n't he come home and tell us himself ? [ scene_break ] david : bianca . hey , what 's going on ? bianca : oh , david , i just heard about edmund . is he going to be all right ? david : well , it 's a little too early to tell . bianca : it 's so horrible . poor maria . david : yeah . look , why do n't you sit down , all right , catch your breath ? bianca : i 'm all right , david . david : bianca , you 're in your third trimester now . you think you should be leaving town ? bianca : well , um , i decided that it would be best for everyone if i stayed and had my baby right here . david : well , for what it 's worth , i think that 's a good choice . now , dealing with your mother -- well , that 's -- that 's another story . [ scene_break ] erica : kendall . how can i possibly help you ? kendall : it was right here . it was right here you told me why it kept happening . erica : why what kept happening ? kendall : i thought for sure after that night things would be different . erica : kendall , what night ? what things are you talking about ? kendall : but it 's still happening . things -- things are n't different . it 's still happening , and i do n't know how to stop it . i ca n't stop it . please , mother , will you please help me stop ? you 're the only one who can save me . if you do n't , i 'll lose everything . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] boyd : mia . hey . is aidan here ? i 've got to see him . mia : he 's sleeping . why do n't you come back later ? boyd : no , listen , wake him up , ok ? it 's about kendall . i got to see him now . mia : i 'll give aidan the message , ok ? aidan : mia , it 's all right . you can let him in . [ scene_break ] erica : kendall , i ca n't help you if you wo n't tell me what 's wrong . kendall : everything . everything is wrong . it 's all falling apart . erica : everything ? that does cover a lot of ground . i mean , if you could just narrow it down . kendall : the night of the storm , you told me that every time i get close to someone , i sabotage the relationship by testing it to the breaking point because i 'm so afraid -- i 'm so afraid of people pushing me away that i push them away first . do you remember that ? erica : oh , i believe that 's a night that neither one of us will ever forget . kendall : yeah , and you said something else . erica : kendall , why do n't you take off your coat and sit down . kendall : and you said that you understood . you understood why i made it impossible for people to get close to me and why i pushed everyone away because you had a history of doing the same thing . erica : kendall , if this is you coming here to blame me once again for -- for your trust and intimacy issues -- kendall : no , no , that 's not why i came here . i understand why you had to do what you did . i do n't want to blame you or alice or bill or -- or anyone for who i am , not anymore . erica : that 's an encouraging start . kendall : yeah , but it 's not enough . i need more . i need to know . i need to know what line you crossed . i need to know how and when you got so sick and so scared of being alone that you stopped pushing people out of your life . erica : well , i wish that i could tell you that there was a -- a once - and - for- all moment , but that 's a fear that i battle every day . i try not to run from it . kendall : even when you feel like you ca n't breathe and -- and the walls are closing in and you feel like the panic is taking over ? erica : that 's when you marshal your courage and you face your fear head - on . it 's what my mother taught me , and that 's the way i 'll -- kendall : the way you 'll teach me ? erica : kendall , i 've learned . you have to weigh your risks . luckily for me , i have had people in my life who were certainly worth the risk . kendall : people like jackson ? erica : yes . and bianca . and , believe it or not , you . if we were ever going to get past the -- the old hurts and the -- the disappointments , then i had to take that leap of faith . kendall : then when you did , it was hello , heartbreak . erica : you make it hard . you make it harder than it would have to be . kendall : are -- are you sorry that you let me back in your life ? erica : no . kendall , the only thing i regret is that you did n't trust me enough to explain everything that was going on . i mean , you seem to go out of your way to make people think the worst of you . kendall : you sound exactly like ryan . erica : well , you should listen to ryan . but you do n't trust him either , do you ? kendall : this is going to sound really bizarre , but i 'm -- i 'm more -- i 'm more afraid of ryan betraying me than i am of going to prison . erica : no . i see . kendall , did it ever occur to you that -- that maybe ryan is just as afraid as you are ? kendall : afraid of what ? erica : of history repeating itself . i mean , have n't you hurt ryan as much as he 's hurt you ? kendall -- kendall , maybe what you need to do is let ryan know that you 're worth the risk to him . kendall , instead of wondering if you can trust ryan , you should be proving to him that he can trust you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i hate what happened to edmund . ryan : yeah , he took a bullet that was meant for your boyfriend . greenlee : pablo never meant for anyone to get hurt . really , he feels terrible . ryan : well , if that makes him a prince , then you can go back to him . greenlee : i do n't want to go back to him . if i do , i 'll be setting myself up for another hit , and i do n't mean a bullet . ryan : well , hey , your mind 's made up . stick to it . greenlee : what do you do when your mind is spinning one way but your heart is racing another ? ryan : you run for the nearest exit . greenlee : you know , the thing is pablo and i were never in synch . you know , one minute he 's freezing me out of my life to keep me safe , and the next minute he 's begging me to take a chance on him . the hot - and - cold relay drove me nuts . ryan : then opt out . greenlee : what i do n't get is pablo 's honor system . he could give me up , but not this stupid vendetta ? i mean , why could n't he just be happy with me ? was n't i enough ? ryan : the one thing that i 've learned , greenlee , is that people do whatever the hell they want to do . greenlee : well , i do n't want to be in love with someone that i do n't understand . it hurts too much , and i 'm bone - tired of being hurt . ryan : you finally trust someone enough and show them the real you , and then they turn on you . greenlee : i want to get past this . ryan : so why 'd you come to me ? greenlee : because you know me , ryan -- the real me . and the last time that i had trouble getting over a guy , the guy was you . ryan : well , you got me out of your system . greenlee : with a little help . ryan : from leo . so you want me to help you get over pablo . greenlee : the same way leo helped me get over you . [ scene_break ] maria : honey , do you -- do you remember when you got hurt last year playing baseball ? you hurt your arm sliding into third ? sam : mm - hmm . maria : remember ? maddie : did daddy get hurt playing baseball ? maria : well , no , not playing baseball , but he -- he got hurt pretty badly . he hurt his back pretty badly . maddie : poor daddy . maria : yeah . but you know what , he 's being very brave and they 're taking really good care of him in the hospital , so you do n't have to worry , ok ? maddie : you 're a doctor . we could take care of him here . i could bring him toast in bed like he does when i 'm sick . sam : and i could help him tie his shoes and comb his hair like he helped me when i broke my stupid arm . maria : he would love that . you know , he would totally love that . but right now , unfortunately , he has to -- he has to stay at the hospital where the doctors can keep a really good eye on him . maddie : i still want to go see him . maria : i know . i know , sweetie . it 's just that he ca n't have any visitors right now because he really needs his rest . sam : we 're not visitors , we 're his kids . maddie : yeah , he 'd still want to see us . maria : you know what ? i have an idea . let 's -- let 's take one of the pictures out of the photo album . you guys choose . you can write a letter on the back to daddy and you can tell him how much you love him , how much you ca n't wait for him to come home , and then you can make , like , a little picture . remember how you learned at camp , with the little popsicle sticks , turned out so cute ? so why do n't you guys work on that , ok , and i will hand - deliver it to daddy myself . maddie : ok . maria : ok . sam : ok . maria : one , two , three , go . mom , god . isabella : it 's ok . [ scene_break ] pablo : you are my friend and you tried to help me . i 'm so sorry . bianca : i think that mom must have some kind of radar that goes off when she knows that someone 's about to tell her something she does n't want to hear . david : so erica cut you off at the pass ? bianca : she started going on about how just the thought of kendall 's child made her skin crawl . how could i tell her that the baby 's really mine ? david : you 're going to have to tell her at some point , bianca , and soon . bianca : maybe we could call her from labor and delivery . david : yeah , well , that 's not too far off . i mean , you 're due in late march , or early april , and you 've been lucky lately that you 've been carrying small , but , i mean , soon you 're going to start showing in a way that your mother ca n't miss , no matter how many layers of clothes you 're wearing . bianca : i know what i 'm dealing with here , david . david : hey , i know the pressure that you 're under right now . i just do n't want you to trick yourself into thinking that you can hide this . now , i 'm going to try my best to keep this under wraps as long as possible . jack : well , that 's your specialty , is n't it , david -- keeping deep , dark secrets ? [ scene_break ] erica : kendall , you would need both hands to count the number of people who have put themselves on the line for you . not just ryan , but bianca , jack , aidan , boyd , lena . even me . and no matter how much we do for you , it 's just never enough . and if something just does n't go the way you want it to , well , then you 're back to believing that the whole world is out to get you . kendall : the whole world is out to get me . that prosecutor derek , the prosecutor alan singer , everybody , all of them , they ca n't wait to hang me for michael 's murder . erica : well , you want everybody to believe that your hands are clean , but you are unwilling to tell anyone what you really did the night that michael cambias went missing . kendall : ok , for the millionth time , we went to vegas and we eloped . erica : get out . kendall : what ? erica : i said get out . i want you to leave right now . kendall : erica , i -- i came here asking for your help . erica : oh , really ? for help ? or did you really come here for a free pass to act out the next scene in your psychodrama ? look , kendall , i know what you 're facing . and if you think that you can get through it alone , you 're mistaken . you have got to just throw away your fears . you have got to finally believe that if someone says they care about you and they vow to be with you no matter what , then they will be . kendall : i believed you when you said that you would put the past behind you and that we would move on to the next level . erica : and we would have if you had been as honest with me after as you had been with me that evening . but you were n't . and you 're still revving up the car to leave me and bianca and ryan in the dust , are n't you ? kendall : ryan . the man who holds my entire future in his hands . erica : kendall , if you 're afraid to break new ground with ryan , try me . start with me . let me in , kendall . please let me in . you can trust me . please tell me the truth about michael cambias and about everything . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i never had a best friend until leo . he always showed up for me , no matter what . ryan : no job too small . greenlee : please . getting over you was monumental , but leo always pulled me back from the edge . ryan : greenlee , you did n't get over me because leo did an intervention . you forgot about me because you fell in love with him and he fell in love with you . greenlee : you 're right , ryan . that 's exactly what happened . you 'll feel so confident underneath it all . ryan : you know , greenlee , that i 'm not really up for falling in love with anybody at this point . greenlee : you think i am ? i want to banish those feelings from my life . i want to hang with someone who gets me the way that i get them . i want to sit in front of the tv and eat a pizza , not worried about where we 're headed , because with you , it already feels like home . ryan : and so what do i get out of the deal ? greenlee : well , i figured since you put yourself out there for me that the feelings cut both ways . on second thought , maybe it 's not such a good idea that we hang together . you know , i can make getting over pablo an independent study . i just thought it would be more fun -- forget it . i 'm out of here . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa . i do care about you and i do really want to help you . greenlee : you really do ? ryan : yeah , i really do . greenlee : thanks . ryan : you know what , i 'm starving . i 'm , like , starving . i 'm going to go out , get a pizza , come back , and then maybe we can , i do n't know , bounce this ball back and forth a little more . greenlee : sounds like a plan . ryan : ok . [ scene_break ] aidan : i have business to take care of . mia : hey , listen , you do whatever you have to do . just be careful , you know ? you 're walking wounded . aidan : i will . hey , i promise i 'll stay out of harm 's way . mia : ok , so call me . aidan : i will . hey , before you go , give us a kiss ? you 're the best , you are , you know that ? mia : same back at you . aidan : what do we got ? boyd : i tracked down the two witnesses from the vegas hotel , ok ? it 's taken care of . they 're booked on a six - month luxury cruise . the trial will be over before they get back to home port . aidan : and what about the preacher that supposedly married kendall and cambias ? boyd : i 'm still on the lookout , but word has it he left his collar and took off to roswell , new mexico , or something . aidan : great . boyd : born - again , area 45 , i do n't know . aidan : bloody great . so i should 've done it myself , then . i should 've done it all by myself . boyd : like you would 've had better luck ? aidan : well , you 'd better pray that i do , because for all we know , the prosecution has this guy under lock and key , under guard at some hotel , getting fat on room service waiting for the trial to start . if that preacher should get on that witness stand and swear to tell the truth ' [ scene_break ] jack : so what is it this time , hayward ? you trying to convince bianca here to be part of your new alibi ? stand it , can you , jack , that erica turned to me first , that she trusted me instead of you . jack : what i ca n't stand is the way you run for cover behind the women i care about . bianca : uncle jack , that 's not what david is doing . david : bianca -- jack : no ? david : do n't worry about me , all right ? we 'll talk more later . jack : look , bianca , i 'm sorry , but i do not want hayward to be playing on your sympathies in order to get himself off the hook . bianca : i know you do n't trust david -- jack : no , i do n't . bianca : because of mom . but i do trust him . i trust him with my life . jack : because he helped you after the rape . bianca : david has helped me through a lot of things . jack : you talking about that afternoon at the clinic ? would you like to tell me about that , because , you know , we never talked about that . bianca , i meant what i said at your mom 's about being a go - to guy for anything , no matter what , huh ? bianca : i know you are , uncle jack . jack : come here , you . [ bianca turns away from her uncle 's embrace ] jack : bianca , is there something you need to tell me ? [ scene_break ] kendall : certain things are n't mine to share . erica : without betraying any confidences , what can you share ? kendall : mother , you do n't know how many times i 've wanted to reach out to you and tell you everything there is to tell . i want you to give me a hug and i want you to tell me that everything 's going to be all right . but , see , the only way we can do that is to start over from the beginning . erica : and , kendall , we can . we can start over right here . we can start over just where we left off . please just tell me the truth . just tell me what you did the night that michael cambias was murdered , and i swear to you whatever you tell me will stay between us . kendall : what is this ? erica : oh , that is nothing that concerns you . kendall : no , wait a minute . this is from the commonwealth of pennsylvania . oh , my god . oh , my god , you were called to be a witness for the prosecution ? erica : yeah , believe me , i was just as stunned as you are . kendall : wait , wait , when were you going to tell me about this ? erica : well , i just got the subpoena this morning . kendall : wait , erica , what -- where would the prosecution get the idea that you knew anything that could be used against me ? erica : they -- they got it from me . kendall : what did you tell them about me ? erica : i told them that you knew the combination to jackson 's safe , and so you could have taken jackson 's gun . kendall : the same gun the police found in the duffle bag , the gun that they 're pinning on michael 's murder ? are you kidding me ? you just lectured me about trust , and now you 've already sold me up the river ! erica : no , believe me , kendall , i will do everything in my power to protect you . i swear to you , i will do right by you . kendall : no , no , i 'm sorry , too little , too late , mother , i 'm sorry . erica : no , kendall , stop ! come on , stop ! do n't do what you always do ! we can work this out together ! [ door slams ] [ phone rings ] kendall : hello ? well , how the hell did you let that happen ? fine , ok , i 'll be right there . [ elevator bell dings ] [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm sorry , uncle jack , this is just really hard to deal with . i mean , edmund , what happened to him . when i heard the news , it made me think about dad and about how much i miss him , especially right now . jack : i 'll bet . you know , i -- i miss travis , too . bianca : edmund just has to make it . for maria and for sam , especially for maddie . that little girl is going to need her daddy to be there for her , the way i wish mine could be there for me now . jack : well , sweetheart , i 'll tell you one thing i know without a doubt , and that is that your father would be so proud of you with the way you 've lived your life so far . bianca : i hope that 's true . [ scene_break ] maria : and i was in there working on him , doing cpr . his heart stopped , mama . i felt like mine stopped , too . i just kept working on him , working on him , working on him , you know , like , willing him not to die . isabella : you brought him back . your nightmare did n't come true . maria : no , you know what ? i ca n't -- i lost edmund once . i can not lose him again . isabella : i 'll make the phone calls . your sisters and brother would want to be here . maria : what can they do ? what can they do ? isabella : mija , holding hands , drying tears . maria : no , no , there 's not going to be any tears , mama . edmund 's not going to die . maddie : mommy ! mommy ! the man said daddy got shot ! maria : what man ? what ? maddie : the man on tv . he said daddy got shot . my daddy 's going to die , is n't he ? [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] greenlee : you set a land - speed record . mia . mia : greenlee . where 's ryan ? greenlee : out . mia : oh . i 'll wait . greenlee : mind telling me what you have to speak to him for ? mia : yeah , i just dropped by to see what the real deal is between him and kendall . greenlee : well , if i have my say , there will be no deal , real or otherwise . mia : oh , my god . i knew it . you have a thing for ryan . greenlee : you know , mia , you 're not as dumb as you look . mia : and dumping pablo was n't just to make yourself bulletproof . it 's because ryan showed up looking like picnic lunch , and it 's been god knows how long since you 've had a decent meal . greenlee : ryan made me see that pablo 's not the right man for me . and kendall 's not the right woman for him . mia : and you do n't care that she 's absolutely crazy about him and vice versa ? greenlee : like you care ? please , you 're just worried that if kendall and ryan tank , she 'll go running back to aidan . mia : well , it sure as hell wo n't be the first time that kendall 's pulled something like this . greenlee : sorry , mia , but it 's not my problem . [ scene_break ] boyd : do n't you want to stick around till kendall gets here , let her know what your plans are ? aidan : you 're more than up to the job , buddy . [ scene_break ] maddie : chris stamp got shot in the park . he died . so my daddy 's going to die , too , is n't he ? myrtle : oh , stop that nonsense . your daddy is not going to die . he 's much too strong , and twice as stubborn . maddie : but the man on the news said -- myrtle : listen , you listen to me , there is not a man in this world who can get the better of your daddy or anyone -- anyone that he cares for . maddie : really ? myrtle : really . you can bet your boots . do you know something ? before you know it , he 's going to be coming through that door , and he is going to give you such a hug , he 's going to squeeze the stuffing out of you , just like this . isabella : and while we 're waiting for that happy day , you have to show daddy what a strong , grown - up girl you can be . maddie : i am a grown - up girl . isabella : and while mommy 's helping daddy get better at the hospital , you and sam can help me keep this house in order . but first let 's go finish that letter to your daddy . maddie : ok . maria : oh , thank you , myrtle . myrtle : oh , darling . maria : thank you . myrtle : my darling girl . [ scene_break ] kendall : are you leaving ? aidan : yep . i have to find that preacher that married you and , you know -- kendall : oh , i -- i do n't know what to say . thank you . aidan : look after yourself . boyd : i 'm sorry i did n't have better luck tracking him down myself . kendall : well , you tried , right ? and , i mean , you got the other two witnesses , so that 's good . well , i bet you 're exhausted , and i have somewhere that i really have to be . boyd : so who you running to now , kendall ? i mean , aidan already left to do his knight - in - shining - armor bit . i guess that leaves ryan , right ? [ scene_break ] [ key turns in lock ] ryan : got your favorite -- double hawaiian . greenlee : you did not . ryan : why not ? greenlee : because you know i loathe , hate , and despise pineapple . ryan : oh , like i filed that away ? greenlee : let me see it . ryan : veggie delight . greenlee : you did remember ! that 's my favorite ! ryan : so , what , you 're still here ? greenlee : why , you did n't think i would be ? ryan : i do n't know , i thought maybe you might have second or third thoughts about hanging out with me . greenlee : pizza , beer , and a hottie like you are a combo i could n't walk away from . ryan : all right . ryan : ok , go ahead , take a picture . it lasts longer . greenlee : i want to tell you something , but if i do , you have to promise to keep your mind wide open . ryan : how wide ? greenlee : wide enough to drive a dream through . i called . [ scene_break ] kendall : boyd , i know how much you 've risked -- boyd : yeah , for you , kendall . i did this all for you . and this is my payback ? five seconds alone with me , and you ca n't get out that door fast enough . kendall : but , boyd , do you think for a minute that i 'm not grateful ? because you are the very best -- boyd : do n't . i swear if you say friend , i 'll put my fist through that wall . look , i signed up for a hell of a lot more . kendall : boyd , come on , i never gave you any reason to believe that you and i -- boyd : no , you did n't , you 're right . but you never shot me down , either , did you ? no , you always left just enough line to keep me hooked while i ran all your special errands . kendall : is that really what you think of me ? boyd : what do i think of you ? forget you . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : you promised to keep an open mind . ryan : yeah , in your dreams . greenlee : yours , too . promise ? now , i 've been brainstorming fusion 's next ad campaign . ryan : uh , hello , greenlee , i do n't own fusion anymore . i gave it to kendall . greenlee : hmm . dumb , but not terminal . ryan : ok , let 's hear it . bring it on . what 's your bright idea ? greenlee : all right . well , phase 1 , fusion 's launchpad , what women want . phase 2 , the sexiest man . phase 3 , how to get a man . ryan : any which way you can . greenlee : oh , but strictly nonviolent . weapons of mass seduction are slow and subtle . he does n't even realize that he 's being chased until he catches her . ryan : why do i suddenly feel like an endangered species ? ok , lead on . greenlee : ok , here 's the deal . all right , come here . ok , a man and a woman -- ryan : uh - huh ? greenlee : sitting by a roaring fire . ryan : very nice . i like it so far . greenlee : see , this is my fire right here . ryan : uh - huh , this -- this looks just like a fire . greenlee : here 's our woman . ryan : that 's the woman . greenlee : and here 's my man . ryan : the man and woman look incredibly alike . greenlee : quit it ! ryan : go ahead , go ahead . greenlee : oh , you want -- here , i 'll just do this for you . [ scene_break ] david : if i had to do it all over again , i would 've told edmund that maria was alive . bianca : i 'll tell mom when the time is right . david : and what if it 's never right ? bianca : david , kendall 's about to go on trial for murder . i 'm afraid that if i tell mom now that it 's going to kill her . [ scene_break ] [ erica sighs as she looks at a family photo ] erica : bianca . why did n't i notice before ? [ knock on door ] erica : jack . jack : hey , you . erica : hi . jack : well , you 're here . does that mean it 's safe to say that you and greenlee have n't killed each other yet ? erica : oh , no , i left a message for you on the machine . greenlee left , but she 's fine , i mean , so do n't worry . edmund -- how 's edmund ? jack : he 's holding on . the prognosis is not so hot , though . so what do you have there ? ah . from happier times , huh ? erica : jack , i do n't know why i did n't notice before . i mean , now i realize what bianca has been hiding from me . i mean , i did n't see it until i looked at that picture , but do you see how thin she was then compared to now ? jack : huh . yeah , it does look like maybe she 's put on a couple of pounds since this was taken , yeah . erica : and is n't that the best news ever ? i mean , here i was , i was so worried that she was going to slip back into anorexia after michael cambias , but now , i mean , she 's glowing , jack . look at her now . i mean , tell me you do n't see it . jack : you know , it 's funny , i just saw -- i just saw bianca at the hospital . jack 's echoing voice : come here , you . [ an idea clicks in jack 's mind as he recalls bianca refusing to be hugged ] erica : well , talk to me , jack . what do you mean you just saw bianca at the hospital ? is something wrong with bianca ? [ next_on ] babe : i can trust you , right ? tad : absolutely . babe : then i 'm going to tell you the truth . kendall : i can prove that i 'm having michael cambias ' child right now . david : do n't do something stupid you 'll regret tomorrow . erica : tell me what 's wrong . just tell me . | greenlee goes and talks to ryan who almost blows her off , but reveals he still cares about her and is her friend . kendall goes to talk to erica about the trust issue they both have . erica really reaches out to kendall , urging her to trust her . kendall sounds like she wants to until she discovers that erica has been subpoenaed for her murder trial , and finds out erica told the prosecution that she gave kendall the combination to jack 's safe so she could have his gun . |
ethan : deny it again . go on , tell me you 're not my father . zach : i 've said it in front a room full of people . why would n't i do it here at my brother 's sacred gravesite ? ethan : i had a dna test , zach . yeah . you see , miranda � s dna . you remember , your niece ? it seems we have more markers in common than they 're are flies in this dump . zach : and that 's why you want to kill me ? ethan : that and a lot more . [ scene_break ] maria : you want to try again ? edmund : you got doubts ? maria : it 's just that it 's -- i mean , this is kind of unexpected . you were just fast - tracking the divorce , and i -- what -- i do n't know what changed your mind . edmund : does my motivation matter ? maria : of course it does . everything that you feel matters to me . edmund : do you want to try again or not ? [ scene_break ] bianca : hey , you ! reggie : hey . bianca : come on in . reggie : oh , you look so good . bianca : oh , thanks . reggie : how are you feeling ? bianca : i 'm feeling much better , now that i 'm -- we 're home . reggie : oh , man , santa � s been good to you and miranda . bianca : mm - hmm . reggie : this place looks awesome . where is the little angel at ? bianca : oh , she 's sleeping off all the excitement . mom and uncle jack and myrtle and opal just left . it 's been like grand central station . reggie : well , you got to expect it . you have a lot of friends and family rooting for you . oh , man . bianca : yeah , there 's -- there 's one that i 've been kind of stuck on -- maggie . reggie : cut her loose , all right ? she 's past saving . bianca : well , that 's kind of harsh . reggie : it 's the harsh reality . that rescue mission is officially over . bianca : wait . what does that mean ? reggie : i was so upset jonathan did n't tell maggie you were in the hospital , when i saw him i just -- i could n't help it . i went off . bianca : wait a minute . what did jonathan do ? reggie : when you were in a coma , he did n't tell maggie . i mean , how pathetic is that ? bianca : my god -- she must have been furious . reggie : he said she laughed the whole thing off . called it high school bs . do you believe that ? i mean -- bianca : do you believe jonathan ? reggie : i hate to admit it , but maggie � s changed . i say you just write her off . bianca : well , how would you feel about her if you thought that jonathan hit her ? [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're crazy . greenlee : not according to my doctor . jonathan : do n't mind me , ladies . just passing through . kendall : jonathan ? greenlee : he 's definitely got issues with me . kendall : well , it 's good to know the drugs did n't put a dent in your ego . greenlee : i almost put a dent in the pavement . kendall : because of him ? greenlee : it 's a theory . kendall : well , that 's the best you can do ? that your brother - in - law secretly drugged you with anti - psychotic drugs ? i mean , what 's next ? grassy knolls and a vast left - wing conspiracy ? greenlee : i 'm not paranoid if it 's true . kendall : my god , you 're really serious about this . jonathan : hey , think fast . [ jonathan tosses an empty box toward the women ] kendall and greenlee : hey ! [ scene_break ] maria : yeah , so , of course i want to try again . edmund : i was hoping you 'd say that . maria : i mean , i do n't know what you want to do . do you want to move back into the house , or is that -- i mean , that may be rushing it . i do n't know . i understand if you want to take it slower than that . edmund : look , could i -- yeah . can i -- can we do this in private , like , later ? maybe -- are you free for dinner ? maria : yeah . yeah , i would like that . edmund : me , too . ok for bobby to see visitors ? maria : yeah . edmund : ok . listen , i 'll see you later , all right ? maria : ok . thanks . edmund : thanks . ryan : hey , you got a sec ? maria : yeah . ryan : yeah , any idea where i could find zach ? maria : no . he could be anywhere . ryan : well , if i do n't find him fast , his son could take him out permanently . [ scene_break ] ethan : what i do n't understand is why . huh ? why deny being my father ? i want an explanation , zach . you owe me that much ! zach : in this world , no one owes you anything . and i would deny you again if i had the chance . [ scene_break ] maria : oh , my god -- ethan knows ? ryan : can you come here for a second , please ? maria : yeah , what ? what ? ryan : i announce that zach � s son is gunning for him -- zach � s son . and you say nothing . you 're not shocked . you knew . maria : did ethan find out through miranda � s dna sample ? ryan : yeah . that 's the only way that rest of us could find out what you already knew . maria : you know what ? ryan : ethan is n't taking it very well , either , but you probably knew that , as well , did n't you ? maria : i was really stuck in the middle of this , ryan . ryan : how long have you been in on all this ? maria : no , you do n't understand why zach had to lie . he lied for a reason , but you have to know him to know why . ryan : i know zach as much as i want to , but you -- i mean , you 're a mystery . how could you do this ? how could you take zach � s side ? maria : it 's not about sides . this is not about sides . ryan : yeah , that 's exactly what it 's about . and you take his . what , have you lost it ? maria : yes . yeah , i think i probably have . i do n't even know . ryan : you know what ? maybe i 'm the one that 's lost it , all right ? because i could care less about ethan . i 'm over zach . i want them both out of my life , and i 'm up to my eyeballs in their crap . maria : zach is not a monster . ryan : how could you care about somebody that 's messed with so many lives ? you 're a neurosurgeon . you see cancer . you cut it out . well , slater is malignant . cut him out , too . maria : ok , listen , you can think whatever you want to think about me , but please , do not let ethan kill his father . [ scene_break ] ethan : how ? how can you stand there and keep denying that i 'm your son with your brother 's corpse as witness ? zach : that 's about all he 's good for now . ethan : what ? i do n't understand . you have so many bastard sons , you can afford to let a few loose ? zach : no , just one . ethan : you told me that my mother lied on her deathbed , zach . on her deathbed ! when she revealed who my true parents were , you turned an act of love into some dirty get - rich - quick scheme . you -- you destroyed my memory of her just so that you could protect yourself . zach : this was n't about me . ethan : no ? then what was it about ? i 've been branded a fraud , a pretender to the cambias throne . i 've been thrown in jail . people have been hurt , zach . and this could all so easily have been avoided -- if you had just said the words -- i 'm your son . but you didn � t . you did n't do it , and people have been put through so much pain because of you . why ? zach : if you want to shoot me , i wo n't give you a reason not to . [ scene_break ] reggie : i knew there was something about jonathan . and this just -- this seals it . any guy that beats on a woman is just -- . my mom -- she used to mess around with this guy who smacked her around all the time . and she always -- she always made excuses for him , you know ? i never knew why , but -- bianca : i 'm so sorry . god , that must have been horrible . reggie : the worst part was i was so little . i mean , i could n't do anything to stop it or to help . but now i could do something . how sure of you that jonathan beat on maggie ? bianca : i know he hit her at least once . anita saw maggie at sos putting make- up on to cover her bruise , and she asked her what happened , and maggie came up with this lame story about how clumsy she is and how she ran into a locker at the gym . reggie : just accidentally tripped into jonathan � s fist . how sure are you that she was lying ? bianca : 80 % . reggie : that 's good enough for me . bianca : no , no , no -- where are you going ? reggie : i 'm going to take extreme pleasure on beating on jonathan , ok ? bianca : reggie -- reggie : do n't wait up for me , and it 's for a noble cause . bianca : reggie , come on . before you go riding off on your white horse , we need to know more . reggie : ok , why does the good guy 's horse always got to be white ? bianca : ok . point taken . but before you go after jonathan , we have to be 100 % sure that he hit maggie . reggie : so why do n't you go talk to her , all right ? try to get the truth out of her . bianca : it wo n't work . maggie completely shut down on me at the hospital . she 's covering for jonathan . reggie : why is a girl as smart as maggie covering for a creep like jonathan ? bianca : because she loves him or she 's afraid of him or he 's got some kind of hold on her . i do n't understand . reggie : maybe it 's all three . but we have to do something . bianca : well , we have to be smarter than jonathan . reggie : well , how hard can that be ? bianca : we got to come up with a plan , because if we confront him directly , he 's going to find some way to weasel out of it . [ scene_break ] [ jonathan laughs ] jonathan : ooh , you should have seen the look on your faces . what did you think was in it ? weapons of mass destruction ? kendall : what grade are you in ? jonathan : where 's your sense of humor ? this is the new shipping material i found for fusion . i 'm sorry if i freaked you out . kendall : well , your presentation could use a little work . jonathan : hmm . it 's lighter , it 's stronger , and it 's cheaper than what we 've been using . kendall : numbers ? jonathan : this little box is going to save us a couple hundred thousand a year -- just on damaged goods returns and unit costs . greenlee : hmm , nice for the bottom line . jonathan : even better -- nobody else is using yet . nothing wrong with being alpha . so am i forgiven ? greenlee : ryan would be really proud . jonathan : oh , that makes me all warm and fuzzy . but unfortunately , he 's not the head honcho anymore . this has to tickle the toes of baby miranda . cambias ? do i have something on my tie ? greenlee : ahem -- it 's a great color on you . i was just computing the savings of going with the new box . jonathan : well , i 've crunched the numbers . i 'll get them . [ phone rings ] why do n't i get -- fusion . bianca : jonathan , it 's bianca . jonathan : and who do you want to talk to ? bianca : actually , i wanted to talk to you . jonathan : me ? bianca : yeah . could you come over here ? jonathan : i 'm actually a little busy right now with the whole transition thing and all . bianca : yeah , i 'm sure you are , but it 's actually pretty important . i would really appreciate it . jonathan : i 've got to go . kendall : well , that was one hell of a performance . greenlee : maybe i was just so desperate for an answer i hooked into jonathan because he 's such a head case . maybe i was wrong about him trying to drug me . kendall : you do n't even know when you 're right . [ scene_break ] bobby : i -- i did n't see the jerks who did this to me . edmund : there was more than one ? bobby : you think i 'd let one guy do this much damage ? edmund : so , this was just a random mugging ? just wrong place , wrong time kind of thing ? bobby : you got doubts . you can live with them . edmund : i got all kinds of doubts , bobby . all right ? you could be in prison real soon unless you come clean with me right now . [ scene_break ] kendall : first , i save the bubblehead from taking a header . now , i 've got to save her from herself , too ? greenlee : you think i 'm right about jonathan ? kendall : like i do n't have enough to worry about with ethan freaking out about his dad . greenlee : sorry to bother you . kendall : you know , i ca n't really blame jonathan for turning on you . well , you ratted him out to ryan when he lied about having an mba . he must detest you . you call him on every single mistake he makes . i mean , he really must completely loathe you . ryan hangs on to your every syllable , and jonathan ca n't even get a word in edgewise . greenlee : well , i 'm not the only person on jonathan � s hit list . he 's got a serious hate going for you , too . he blames you for drugging me . he swears you slipped me those meds because you have all kinds of motive . kendall : well , i 'm so glad you 're on my side . greenlee : ryan and i could barely wave him off , he was so busy calling you a lying , cheating slut , especially now that you 're sleeping with the man he 's sure shot ryan . kendall : leave ethan out of this . greenlee : makes me wonder what you did to jonathan when you got him into bed . kendall : well , maybe jonathan � s just a little wacko . i mean , he 's been acting out , his vibes are weird , but that does n't necessarily mean that he drugged you . greenlee : two minutes ago you said i was right . make up your mind . kendall : i 'm just saying it 's a little offbeat here . it does n't make sense . to go from jonathan � s too intense to jonathan � s poisoning you -- greenlee : just -- maybe because you know jonathan so much better than i do -- so much more intimately than i do . kendall : yes , all right , i know this , ok ? i never should have slept with him to get back at ryan , all right ? greenlee : on the first day that he got into town . heck of a welcome wagon . kendall : all right , i get it . jonathan hates me . greenlee : he 's not the only one that hates you . a lot of people hate you . kendall : yeah , well , a lot of people hate you . you know how many people would have been happy if i had kicked you right off the roof , if i had let you fly off that roof ? maybe i should n't let it get out that i saved you . greenlee : all right . we agree that there 's something freaky about jonathan . where do we start ? kendall : well , i can get him alone . work him over , squeeze the truth out of him . greenlee : great idea -- if you 're a moron . [ scene_break ] maria : ryan , you 've got to find ethan and stop him , because he 's got to be too crazy to even think straight right now . and if he shoots his father , he 's going to have a whole lifetime of guilt . ryan : put a crimp in his weekend , anyway . maria : ryan -- ryan : ok , i 'll keep trying . maria : thank you . ryan : but there 's only one problem . all the obvious places have turned up nothing . [ scene_break ] edmund : level with me , bobby . you were n't mugged . you were punished . i do n't know what you did , but you crossed the wrong guy , and somebody wants you dead . and when they find out you 're still alive , your life 's not worth a bucket of spit . [ bobby coughs ] bobby : you media types -- all imagination , not enough fact . why do n't you get out of here , all right ? edmund : you work for zach slater . you 're his bag man . bobby : bull . edmund : you got greedy . you crossed the wrong guy . and here you are , another screw - up . only this time , you could pay with your life . you tell me i 'm wrong . zach slater � s head -- you give that to me , that 's what i want -- and i 'll help you any way i can . [ scene_break ] zach : you 're right . i lied to you -- about the dna test , about your mother . so go ahead , pull the trigger . ethan : do n't you feel anything ? repentance ? remorse ? zach : no . not for something that was beyond my control . hannah was homesick , i was sick of home , so we had a connection . ethan : a connection ? oh , well , bed was the obvious next step . zach : this was n't a great love affair , ethan . it was two lonely kids looking for comfort in each other . and i did n't know she was pregnant . when i came back from school she was gone , no explanation , not from my father , and not from her . i did n't even know you existed until you showed up here claiming to be alexander , jr. � s son . ethan : no , your son ! your son ! oh , this is so easy for you , is n't it ? you denied me to everybody , including yourself . zach : why did n't you just leave ? why ? why could n't you just leave ethan ramsey ? ethan : oh , i -- zach : go and conquer the world , instead of trying to be somebody with a history ? ethan : i should be more like my father . is that it ? i should have run away , lived a lie ? i 'm sorry , zach , but i did n't realize that my father was going to deny me . my own flesh and blood . zach : you want flesh and blood ? i 'll give you flesh and blood . [ zach picks up a large shovel and walks toward ethan ] [ scene_break ] kendall : obviously , you 've never seen me work a guy over . greenlee : if it involves you naked , actually , i have walked in on you before . kendall : listen , i can adjust my technique for the situation . greenlee : this requires something a little more subtle than your usual technique . kendall : do you want my help or not ? greenlee : jonathan ca n't know that we 're sniffing around him . any ideas ? kendall : well , if he was a girl , i 'd go through his purse . so , let 's look in his locker . greenlee : now what ? kendall : i have a key . i have a key . let me see if it works . greenlee : why would he lock his locker ? nobody does that . kendall : i do . greenlee : you do ? why ? kendall : just -- can we focus ? please . can we focus ? greenlee : it 's probably nothing other than a bottle of scotch . lock and key is the only way to keep it away from simone . kendall : simone drinks ? maggie : what are you doing with jonathan � s locker ? [ scene_break ] bianca : hi . thank you so much for coming . i know that things must be crazy at the office . jonathan : you got that right . bianca : well , come on in , please . um -- can i offer you something ? a drink or snack or anything at all ? jonathan : no , i 'm fine , thanks . i have to get back as soon as i can . i 've got new bosses to impress . bianca : well , do n't you worry . i wo n't keep you here for long . jonathan : so what 's up ? bianca : maggie came to visit me at the hospital . jonathan : she was very worried about you . bianca : yeah , please . it was really good to see her . you know , we do n't get together as much as we used to . jonathan : well , she 's been busy with school and me . well , you know how love is . bianca : yeah -- um -- you know , i did n't really get the impression that you thought that i was rooting for you and maggie . jonathan : i would n't say that . bianca : you and i have had our misunderstandings , more than a few . i guess i would n't be surprised if you thought that i was n't into you and maggie as a couple . jonathan : bianca , if this is about the blouse incident again , i really said i would -- bianca : that 's in the past . all of it , i swear . i 'm totally behind you and maggie . and whatever problems that we 've had in the past , if maggie loves you , it 's good enough for me . jonathan : thanks . no hard feelings here , though , ok ? bianca : ok . jonathan : i 'm sorry if maggie gave you the wrong impression . bianca : oh , no . listen , i just wanted to make sure that we were perfectly clear . i mean , especially now that miranda is the new cambias heir and -- with me as her trustee , but it kind of makes you my employee . jonathan : you have n't heard , huh ? well , ethan got the dna test results back . he 's miranda � s new cousin . bianca : really ? jonathan : and partner . bianca : my god , that 's fantastic . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know zach better than anybody . maria : that does n't mean i know where he is . ryan : well , then let 's try and think like ethan . i mean , he 's not a stalker , so he would n't be waiting to ambush zach , but he really seems like the kind of guy who 'd like a big confrontation . you know , kind of get it all out . maria : that makes sense , because zach denied him to a crowd of people , so he might want to do it at a public place . and -- the mall at noon ? i do n't -- ryan : yeah , maybe , but , i mean , him lugging around that rifle ? he 'd be busted before he could say his peace . what has he wanted since he came to town ? maria : his father . and his identity , his past , his -- ryan : his family . i got it . maria : where ? where -- ryan , where ? [ scene_break ] bobby : you really want to stick it to zach , do n't you ? tell me about that . edmund : that 's not your business . bobby : it hardly seems fair not to share . edmund : bobby , somebody wants you dead , all right ? you got that ? i 'm your best chance to stay alive . [ bobby coughs ] bobby : what are you going to do ? be my bodyguard ? strap a machine gun on one arm of that rig , rocket launcher on the other ? give me a break . edmund : you think this is funny , huh ? you want to go alone on this ? you 're doing a great job so far . now , i can help you now . later , i do n't know . bobby : i know . sure , you 'll help me . you know why ? because you 're the only one who 's desperate here . you 'll do anything to keep zach away from your wife . oh , give me a break , edmund . you 're so transparent , i can read your mind . and all it 's saying is nail slater , nail slater . [ scene_break ] ethan : what are you doing , zach ? it 's a bad idea . i 'll put a round through your skull before you can hit me . zach : once again , you got it all wrong . i do n't want to hit you . ethan : put it down . zach : why ? you wo n't shoot me . ethan : try me . zach : i wanted to shoot my father hundreds of times , but that 's family . our family , anyway . ethan : put it down . zach : you want to be a cambias ? do you ? dig . ethan : dig ? zach : pick it up and start digging . ethan : why do you hate me so much , zach ? zach : i wanted to save you , but you do n't want to be saved . so start digging . and when you find your uncle , you can see what cambias looks like . tell him i said hi . ethan : you trying to distract me ? zach : no . you have to get your hands dirty if you want to be one of us . so do it ! dig ! what ? smell ? it 's awful , huh ? oh , do n't worry , it 'll pass . or maybe you 'll just get used to it . ethan : you 're mad . zach : when life itself seems lunatic , who knows where madness lies ? hey , mikey , your nephew 's here ! ethan : hey , stop it ! stop it ! zach : are you happy now ? with the incredible power of cambias running through you . great , you can pick up a phone and topple a decent - sized country , not even feel badly about it . ethan : no . all i wanted to know was who i was . i wanted to know where i fit it , and i came to you ! zach : well , this is it ! this is where we fit in ! with the trash and the garbage and the filthy waste of it all . ethan : you do n't understand . zach : oh , i do understand . you 're the lost , earnest young boy looking for a home . and i 'm the monster of a father who wants to gnaw on your bones . the problem is you 're too big . i do n't think -- ethan : shut -- shut up ! i just want to make you pay . zach : spoken like a true cambias . then do it . make me pay . ryan : wow . heck of a hazing to get into the cambias clan , huh ? ethan : go , ryan , this is family business . ryan : no , seriously , do n't mind me . i 'm just going to sit here , and i 'm just going to watch . ethan : what do you want ? ryan : me , personally ? well , i was hoping to come here and have the guy that shot me die on michael � s grave . kind of poetic , is n't it ? zach : you may want to get out of here . ryan : and miss this ? miss the chance to have both cambiases out of my life ? one joins his brother in the garbage -- stinks -- and the other one goes to prison . it 's a win - win for me . ethan : leave now . go on . ryan : no , seriously , do n't stop on my account . i came in at the part where you do n't get that your father denied you to save you from being a cambias . v greenlee : maggie ! you look great . do something different with your hair ? maggie : what were you doing in jonathan � s locker ? kendall : ahem . greenlee : we were just looking for a file . kendall : yeah , for -- for the new cartons that he ordered . they 're nice , huh ? greenlee : total genius . the board is going to be so thrilled about how much money we 're saving on shipping . and it 's all because of jonathan . maggie : well , he told me about it over breakfast . he said that you 'd be impressed . kendall : wow , he -- he impressed us , all right . greenlee : yeah , the board might even just keep him on , give him a raise . maybe even a promotion . kendall : mm - hmm . maggie : really ? well , that would actually be great . greenlee : yeah . kendall : yeah , i mean , if anyone deserves what 's coming to them , it 's -- greenlee : what can we do for you ? maggie : i was just hoping that he was here , see if he wanted to go home together . kendall : well , he got a call , and he took off . maggie : oh . ok . well , i guess i 'll meet him at home . if he comes back , will you tell him that i stopped by ? kendall : sure , of course . maggie : ok . greenlee : that was close . [ elevator door closes ] kendall : ok . ahem . all right , instead of breathing down my neck , why do n't you go watch the elevator ? greenlee : this is n't good . kendall : you got a better idea ? greenlee : look , if we 're right about jonathan , maggie � s going to find out she 's sleeping with a wack job . [ scene_break ] bianca : wow , god -- i knew it . i knew it . this is the most fantastic news . you should have seen miranda and ethan at the hospital . i swear , they bonded instantly . jonathan : that 's great . really . family 's so important . bianca : yeah . well , this is more than just family . this is going to be good for business . i mean , check us out -- cambias industries just scored an oxford grad . jonathan : i 'm sure he 's going to be a wonderful asset to the company . bianca : yeah . you 're not worried about the transition , are you ? jonathan : why ? should i be ? bianca : oh , god , no , of course not . just to be sure , i will put in a good word with the board -- and with ethan , too . jonathan : that 's really nice of you , bianca . thank you . is there anything else ? because i should be going . bianca : oh , that 's fine . again , i just wanted to make sure that we understood each other . i care about maggie , and all i want is for you two to be happy . jonathan : that 's all i want , too . bianca : good . she 's been studying really , really hard lately . you 'll take care of her ? jonathan : there 's nothing i 'd rather do . bianca : wonderful . because the girl has turned into a major klutz . she must have been thinking about bio - chem or something , instead of watching where she was going . jonathan : yeah , i know . she 's still embarrassed about that . bianca : yeah . that 's a pretty bad bruise for a kitchen cabinet . she must have whacked herself pretty hard . jonathan : i know . i just -- i told her that if she was n't careful i was going to have to childproof the entire kitchen . hey , i 'm glad we had this chat . bianca : yeah , me , too . bye . reggie : great . a whole lot of nothing . i thought you was going to nail that guy for , you know , hitting maggie . bianca : i did . jonathan just totally lied to me . maggie said that she hit her face on a locker at the gym , but when i said `` kitchen cabinet , `` he totally went along with it . reggie : so now , we can give him what he deserves . [ scene_break ] edmund : i know you 're scared , bobby , but do n't play me . i can smell the fear from here . bobby : oh . so it 's true , huh ? you lose one thing , another sense is heightened ? edmund : your only way out of this is you flip the guy who put you here . bobby : or what ? edmund : or the next time you get beaten up , you do n't get up . bobby : i need to get out of town . it 's the only way . i need money -- a million , cash . you want me to help you , i need something for my trouble . edmund : blackmail ? is that why slater had you beaten up ? all right . you get me the goods on slater , you get your freedom . bobby : and you get to pay back your competition for maria . edmund : just get me the information . maria : oh , good , you 're still here . edmund : what 's up ? maria : i just -- it 's about earlier when we were talking about giving our marriage another chance . edmund : you have n't changed your mind , have you ? maria : no . no , no , no . i -- it 's just that before we commit to -- to trying again , i kept another secret from you about zach . edmund : what is it ? maria : ethan is his son , and i knew it . and i understand if you do n't want to try . [ scene_break ] ryan : how long are you going to leave me hanging here , zach ? go ahead , tell him . tell your son you did him a favor by sparing him the cambias curse , not to mention tedious family dinners and having to send you a father 's day card . zach : why do you insist on butting in on something that has nothing to do with you ? ryan : nothing to do with me ? because of me -- because i convinced ethan to take the dna test , i 'm signing over billions of dollars to your son , not to mention honoring the wishes of a dying man . zach : may he rot in hell , along with you . ryan : well , i got other plans . and it does n't really involve you two , so could we speed this up a little bit ? are you going to shoot him , or are you just going to stand there holding that rifle looking very uncomfortable ? ethan : this is n't over . ryan : well , i saved your life . where 's the gratitude ? [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] maggie : what ? what is it ? jonathan : you must really hate me . maggie : what ? what -- where did that come from ? jonathan : you tell me . maggie : jonathan , i love you . you know that . jonathan : that 's what i thought . until i found out you 're sneaking off again with your wannabe bed buddy , bianca . maggie : no , i -- i did n't see bianca again . jonathan : no ? then you left out something pretty important from your original visit . maggie : uh -- no , i 'm sorry , i -- i do n't know what you 're talking about . jonathan : bianca invites me over today so that her and i can have a chat , so that her and i can clear the air . maggie : ok . well , is -- is n't that good ? jonathan : she 's going to put in a good word for me with the board ? she 's going to talk to that -- that jerk , ramsey ? what am i ? i 'm a charity case ? i ca n't do it on my own ? do i need you out there begging for me to get a job ? maggie : ok , look , i did talk to bianca , but i never said -- jonathan : do n't lie to me , maggie ! maggie : i 'm not . jonathan : you 're talking about me behind my back ! to bianca ! of all people ! was it good for you ? because i know she sure as hell enjoyed lording it over me ! maggie : no , no , this is crazy . it 's -- jonathan : do you even understand how that makes me feel as a man that a -- maggie : no . jonathan : what ? what , you -- you think i 'm going to hit you ? one mistake -- one mistake and you 'll never let me forget , will you ? then you go shoot your mouth off to bianca . do you realize that that hurts worst than any smack in the face ever could ? maggie : i did n't mean to hurt you . you know i 'd never want to hurt you . jonathan : shut up ! shut up , maggie . shut up . you got your payback . [ jonathan grabs maggie by the arms , shoves her out the door , and slams it shut ] [ scene_break ] kendall : that 's it ? stomach problems ? jonathan 's got stomach problems ? big whoop . greenlee : hmm . smells as bad as it should . maybe i was wrong . kendall : well , if you 're right , that 's not good . i mean , drugged by your own brother - in - law ? greenlee : i just want some answers . kendall : yeah , like when are ryan and ethan going to come back ? we should have heard from them by now . greenlee : oh , i 'm sure they 'll walk through that door any minute . maybe we should get back to paperwork , get our mind off things . kendall : no , i 'd rather stay here and find out who tried to make you crazy and dead . [ scene_break ] bianca : forget jonathan . reggie : i just want to bust him so bad . bianca : i know , but maggie � s the one who 's in trouble . she 's the one who needs our help . reggie : well , it does n't seem like she wants to be saved . bianca : it does n't matter . we have to help her before she gets something worse than a bruise . [ scene_break ] maggie : jonathan ? jonathan , let me in ! come on , tell me what -- jonathan , what did i do ? just tell me , what did i do ? tell me what -- what did i do ? [ scene_break ] edmund : is that it ? is that the last slater secret ? maria : yes . edmund : good . edmund : chinese sound good ? maria : yeah , it sounds good . edmund : i promise you , no shrimp lo mein . maria : you 're ok with this ? edmund : if we 're really going to start over , slater � s got to be part of our past for good . that work for you ? maria : that works for me . edmund : ok . i 'm hungry . let 's eat . maria : ok . edmund : ok . [ scene_break ] zach : you just started something that you ca n't possibly finish . it was over , it was done -- until you pushed for that test . ryan : best decision ethan ever made . zach : you do n't know what you 're starting . ryan : i know that i feel better . zach : good . i wo n't forget it . ryan : you know , i 'm not going to forget that you took a shot at me , either , so i guess that means that we 're even . zach : you know what , lavery ? you really are an idiot . you 're blind and stupid , and that is a bad combination . ryan : and while we 're on the subject of intelligence -- i 'm not the one who changed my identity and got busted for it . and i 'm actually not the one whose son is trying to kill me . so explain to me how i 'm the idiot . zach : well , you 're dumb enough to think that ethan or i shot you . ryan : seems to work for me . zach : yeah . at first , i thought ethan could have done it , but then -- ryan : but then you figured , how could he possibly if i got shot at while ethan was in prison ? so strange how that happened . zach : i warned you . what you do with it is up to you . [ next_on ] edmund : have i mentioned lately how happy i am that you 're still my wife ? ryan : i still care about you . greenlee : ok , jonathan . if you 've got something to hide , i 'm about to find it . | bianca and reggie confirm that jonathan is abusing maggie , want to help her but do n't know how to prove it or what to do . bianca invites jonathan over , acts friendly and tells him she heard maggie telling her that she got a bruise by hitting her head on the kitchen cabinets . he confirms that that is what happened and reveals to bianca that he 's lying since bianca remembers maggie telling a different story about her bruise . |
amanda : hi , and welcome to `` amanda , the new beginning . `` this show is all mine , 100 % amanda dillon , me all the way . you want me to give you what you want , and that 's what i 'm going to do . you want me to be good , i will be the best . i swear , i will do you proud . jamie : done . amanda : jamie -- what are you doing here ? jamie : well , i came for some of this . [ josh watches jamie and amanda kissing through the closed - circuit tv monitor . ] josh : scapegoat screwing up yet again . one step closer to taking down erica . [ scene_break ] erica : i ca n't tell you when it first came to me . i needed time to sort it out . jack : well , here , just -- just come on in here . now , hang on a second , because you 're absolutely trembling . what 's going on ? erica : i placed greg madden . he is not just some man i met at a party . i mean , i remembered his eyes . and i could see the -- the bottom portion of his face covered by a surgical mask . and i could hear his voice saying to me `` relax , breathe . `` tad : erica , are you sure you do n't want to sit down ? erica : greg madden terminated my pregnancy . when your brother , jeff , and i were married . jack : wait a minute . he -- he knew this , and he hid this from you ? erica : greg said that he -- he thought it would be too inappropriate and indelicate to remind me . tad : oh , no , it 's so much more appropriate -- let the memory come back and smack you in the face all on its own . jack : so he terminated your pregnancy , and he made kendall 's possible ? erica : it ca n't be a coincidence . tad : yeah , and let 's not forget that kendall is still under madden 's care . erica : oh , madden made sure that kendall got pregnant by ryan as a part of some sort of sick plan . [ scene_break ] kendall : your message said that you 'd be here if i needed you . you 're really moving back in ? there 's a lot of greenlee around . ryan : in every chair and every window . i see greenlee everywhere . [ scene_break ] adam : it 's a trick . babe set you up , and you fell for it . now , leave her there , and bring my grandson home . j.r. , j.r. , she 's cashing in on your fear . she probably set up little adam 's kidnapping . but there 's no maniac roaming around pine valley . she 's right there with you , right now . you 've given her a golden opportunity to hook you and reel you in . j.r. ? have we lost our connection ? j.r. , are you there ? j.r. : i 'm exactly where i want to be , and i 'm staying . adam : have you learned nothing from me about handling women ? babe : i put little a down for his nap , and winifred is there with him . and bruno is standing guard . j.r. : what 's that ? babe : it 's a surprise . but you only get it when you give me one . j.r. : ok . babe : oh , no , no . apologize . j.r. : well , how would it be a surprise when i 'm getting ordered to do it ? babe : because it 's a surprise when you follow an order , especially if i 'm the one who gave it to you . j.r. : and what am i apologizing for ? babe : for being obnoxious when you woke up this morning . j.r. : i 'm not a morning person . babe : hmm . j.r. : all right . let 's say i apologize . what do i get in return ? babe : you dirty little creep , you . last time you apologized , we wound up having sex . j.r. : and still , that 's a great way for you to say , `` apology accepted . `` ok . so , i apologize . i am so sorry . i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . i 've never been so sorry ! damn , i -- you know , i almost forgot . i 'm sorry ! [ scene_break ] [ janet chuckles as she sees jonathan leave the hospital . ] janet : you nervous ? oh , i do n't blame you . it is just getting bigger , bigger . jonathan : excuse me ? janet : your exploits . our secret . wow ! you just ca n't be stopped . jonathan : i did n't do anything . janet : oh , yeah , sure . you did a whole lot of nothing , terrible nothing to a whole lot of people . let the bad times roll ! you have really topped your naughty self this time . jonathan : i did n't push that woman in the water . i pulled her out . i took care of her . janet : oh , the di - sicle is old news . i 'm talking about all the other people that you 've `` taken care of . `` jonathan : i found little adam . i rescued him . janet : and then there are those less fortunate . oh , take that little worry furrow out of your brow . i 'm not going to say a word to anybody . and without those worry lines , you 're really quite attractive . oh -- brainstorm . do you know what ? you just stay right there . hold on one minute . all right , now , watch the little birdy . say `` cuckoo . `` ha - ha - ha ! for posterity . [ janet takes a picture of jonathan with her cell phone . ] jonathan : what ? whose posterity ? janet : well , you 're my new friend , and i have pics of all my new friends . jonathan : i 'm -- hmm -- i 'm leaving now . janet : happy trials . oh , i mean , happy `` trails , `` amigo . image : and who is he supposed to be , sleepy or dopey ? janet : he is a very useful accessory , so clam up . image : involving jonathan lavery is a mistake . he 's just not all there . of course , look who i 'm talking to . janet : you 're wrong . the lesser lavery is going to be very useful in taking the heat off amanda , and i think that if he knew my precious , beautiful little girl , he would n't mind giving up his life , his liberty , and happiness for her sake . jonathan is going to give up his future for hers . [ scene_break ] jack : sweetheart , when you confronted madden , what 'd he have to say ? erica : oh , he did n't incriminate himself in any way . tad : you 're sure ? he did n't hint about any kind of motive for why he would have done this to kendall ? erica : no . do you think maybe it 's subconscious ? do you think maybe he had some sort of a transformation , and so making kendall pregnant somehow makes up for terminating my pregnancy all those years ago ? jack : one thing i know for sure is that we have nothing to charge him with . i mean , your procedure , kendall 's procedure , they were legal . tad : oh , come on , jack . ethically the guy 's definitely on shaky ground . jack : i could n't agree with you more , but we have nothing to use against him in court , tad . i mean , i ca n't very well have him put away for falling in love with erica . tad : no . prisons would be overflowing . ok , then , folks , well , i 'm sorry . then all we got right now is one slick , smarmy doc , because i have n't been able to uncover anything in his past . erica : then we 'll keep at him . jack : no . honey , you 've done your job . i 'll take care of greg madden from here on out . you do n't ever have to see him again . [ scene_break ] jamie : so , i take it erica 's left the building . amanda : yeah . but before we go for an x rating , hold on . i would n't mind paris hilton 's money , but i 'm not exactly after her internet - vided rep . so , what are you doing here ? jamie : you do n't mind that i messed up your tape ? amanda : you made it perfect . jamie : well , what was it for , anyway ? amanda : well , erica had me get some stock footage so that video camera was here from a thing we did for backstage , and i thought i 'd make a tape for you . jamie : i do n't need a tape . i have the real , live you . amanda : yeah , but this is sort of like getting it in writing , only better . besides , i -- i really appreciate everything you 've done for me , jamie you have been great . jamie : hey , you do n't owe me anything . amanda : a lot you know . mmm . jamie : so how 's your day been ? they 're keeping you busy ? you ok ? amanda : yeah . why would n't i be ? jamie : no reason . just asking . amanda : you think i 've done something ? jamie : no . hey , if i 'm staring , it 's because you look extremely hot . josh : good thing you caught a rich one . amanda : excuse me ? josh : you got the wallingford bucks now , right ? you can support her . jamie : yeah , and what 's your point ? amanda : no one has to support me . josh : well , it 's the least he can do , since he just cost you your job . [ scene_break ] adam : pick up , pick up . no , i do n't want to leave a message . pick up . krystal : stay calm , honey pie . do n't make me call the men with the nets . adam : yeah , having me thrown into a psych ward overnight was an amusing prank for an amateur . but there 's no way you 're ever going to have me declared incompetent . and there 's no way you 're ever going to get control of my assets . krystal : well , we 'll just see about that . adam : and there 's no way your daughter is ever going to have control of my son . krystal : the way j.r. looks at babe ? and now they 're far enough away from your poisonous mouth . now , brace yourself , wacky man , those two are hooking up as we speak . another round of `` i do 's `` wo n't be far off . [ scene_break ] j.r. : now i have something to tell you that i 've never said to anyone before . i 'm sorry . apology accepted yet ? babe : hmm . apology accepted . j.r. : good . so , you brought your own sleeping bag and everything , huh ? babe : oh , no , no , no . i am not rewarding you with sex on the beach . j.r. : so , ok . well , it 's too sandy . i get that . your place or mine ? babe : no , you are going to help me put this together . j.r. : a tent ? since when are you into camping ? babe : it 's to keep little a and the rest of us from frying . j.r. : well , is n't that why god invented suntan lotion , and the application is so much more fun . babe : are you just afraid that you wo n't be able to do it ? j.r. : oh . so my manhood 's at stake . babe : mm - hmm . j.r. : now , give me that thing . why do n't you read the instructions ? i 'll set up the tent . babe : fine . j.r. : it 'll be more efficient that way . babe : i will . `` thank you for purchasing -- `` j.r. : no , no , skip ahead to `` insert a into slot b , `` that sort of thing . babe : you got it . `` choose a flat area to assemble your shelter . remove all sharp objects such as stones , twigs , etc . , from the area . place the shelter on the flat ground and spread it out so that the poly - something floor is on the ground . separate the poles , assemble each of the fiberglass poles , which are shock - corded for quick assembly . pass the assembled pole section through the pole sleeves on the outside of the shelter . poles will form an x when you 've done this correctly . `` j.r. : all done . what 's step two ? babe : i thought you had it finished , big man . j.r. : one step at a time . babe : all right , all right . i guess we 're going to have to do this together . all right . j.r. : you know , there 's so many more things we could be doing . babe : yeah , but we are going to put this together if it is the last thing we do . j.r. : ooh , i do n't think it 's the last thing we 'll do . babe : we 'll see . [ scene_break ] ryan : i mean , do n't get me wrong , i know greenlee 's gone , that this is n't her , it 's not greenlee ; it 's just this is just her stuff . kendall : right . just stuff . you know , sometimes i still want to pick up the phone from the office and call her just to rant about something . and then i realize , even if i knew where to get in touch with her , she does n't want to hear from me . ryan : am i crazy ? can i smell her perfume ? what was the name of that scent that fusion made just for her ? what was it ? kendall : greenlee 's green tea . ryan : green tea . kendall : i 'm having this baby without you . [ scene_break ] krystal : poor adam . my little nutty buddy 's gone all quiet and moody , because i brought up how happy his son and my daughter might be right now ? adam : oh , i need a little break . hey , well , sit down . yeah , why do n't you sit down ? it 's -- it 's about tea time , is n't it ? krystal : well , yeah . i usually have a cup or two about now . adam : yeah , well , i took the liberty of steeping a pot . krystal : you set that up ? adam : yes . allow me . krystal : oh . oh , you 've got to be kidding , right ? adam : well , it may be a little strong , but -- here , try . krystal : oh , yeah , sure . i take one sip of that , and you 're drinking me for breakfast . no , no . no , it 's a little too early for payback poisoning , adam . now , you know , i expected a little bit more creativity . i 'm quite frankly disappointed . [ as soon as krystal gets up from her chair , adam activates a device that drops a heavy sandbag down on it . ] adam : oh , now , i 've gone and disappointed you again . maybe i 'll do better next time . [ scene_break ] ryan : what are you -- what are you talking about ? we both decided that i would stick around through the pregnancy . that 's the whole reason that i 'm in pine valley right now . kendall : yes , i know , and i think that it 's wonderful that you want to be here , but i really want to do this by myself . ryan : he got to you , did n't he ? zach -- he does n't want you around me . kendall : no , no . ryan , this is completely my decision . this -- this is my doing . i have a baby in the works , and i did it without you knowing it , so you do n't owe either of us anything . ryan : yeah , that 's not the point . kendall : yes . it is the point . i got inseminated without your knowledge or consent . ryan : the point is that you 're carrying my child . kendall : yes , i know that and after he 's born , then you can be with me to help me decide what to do . but until then , i want to do this on my own . this way , we 're both free to do whatever it is we both want to do . ryan : say what you really mean , kendall . kendall : i 'm sure greenlee has mellowed quite a bit , and i 'm sure she 's not half as furious as she was when she left town . ryan : she did n't just leave me , kendall . she left you , too . kendall : yes , ryan , but this was my betrayal . i was the one who did this . it was n't you . it was all my thing , ok ? now , i 'm sure , like i said , greenlee has mellowed about you . i 'm sure she 's missing you and -- and if you would just go after her and go find her -- ryan : she would suffer all over again , kendall . i 'm going to tell you exactly what i told erin , ok ? a life with greenlee is not an option . she does not want me in her life , ok ? she made that very clear , trust me . kendall : yeah , but maybe she 's testing you , ryan . maybe she 's waiting for you to see if you 'll make an effort and track her down . ryan : this is not a test , kendall . you were n't there . you did n't hear everything that she said . believe me , if there was the slightest chance , i would be tracking her down right now , and i 'm not just saying this because i feel responsible . i care about you . kendall : you think that you need to protect me , because i 'm with zach , do n't you ? ryan : you 're damn right i do . you do n't think that i have a chance with greenlee . you just want me , like , out of the way . kendall : no , no , that is not true . ryan : yeah , so i do n't get in zach 's face , so i do n't go after him . kendall : there 's no reason for you to , ryan . i do n't need your protection , not from zach . ryan : you do n't ? one day you 're in love with him , and the next day , kendall , you 're in the hospital . kendall : no , he had -- he had nothing to do with that , and you know it . ryan : no , i do n't know that . all right , yeah , you 're fine . now you 're fine , but you wo n't be if you stay with him . kendall : oh , my god -- that 's ridiculous , ryan . ryan : it 's not ridiculous ! kendall : it is . ryan : come on . look at everybody that he gets close to . he hurts -- or worse -- everybody that he 's close to . look at maria , look at all the stuff that he did to his son . kendall : oh , ok , you really want to point fingers at someone who hurts the people that they 're close to ? ryan : he hates me . do you really think that he 's going to love that child , kendall ? even if he says he will , he 's lying , he wo n't . kendall : no , you 're completely way ahead of us , ryan . i have no idea if i 'm even going to raise this child . ryan : yeah , well , i know what he 's going to want . kendall : ryan , listen to me a second , ok ? just shut up and listen , please . really hear me and believe me . ok , you say that you care about me , so then listen . for the first time in ages , i 'm actually happy , and zach is the reason . ryan : you 're just kidding yourself , kendall . you 're kidding yourself . kendall : no , i do n't care what you think . no matter what you think , zach loves me , and i really think that we can be happy together if people would just back off and leave us alone . ryan : why are you doing this ? why are you falling for the whole , like , romantic fantasy thing ? kendall : ok , you know what ? remember when you and greenlee got together ? there was no way i would ever believe that she could make you happy . i -- i did n't trust her , i hated her , so i did everything in my power to make you two miserable , and i wasted a lot of your time together , time that the two of you could 've spent being happy . i 'm sorry i did that , ryan . i 'm truly sorry . but , please , please do n't do it to me . just give me this time with zach . i know you hate him , i know he 's done terrible things . a lot of people hate him , and i know he 's given you all plenty of reasons to . but have n't we all done horrible things to other people ? we 're not perfect . and i 'm willing to risk being with someone as imperfect as i am , because i love him , and he loves me . so , please , just let me take this risk , ryan . [ scene_break ] krystal : that is not funny . you could 've hurt me . adam : no , i could 've killed you , if that 's what i wanted . krystal : you are crazy . adam : no , what i am is dangerous . do n't bother scanning the ceiling for sandbags , because i never pull the same prank twice . there 's no need . you 're now officially playing hardball with a pro . krystal : you 're desperate . and you 're scared to death that you 're going to lose your empire . that 's why you 're trying to run me off . adam : do n't push me , krystal . this was only a taste . krystal : you 're not going to scare me off -- adam : hmm . krystal : so you might as well bring it on , mad dog . but just in case you step over the edge and somehow i wind up with the angels -- adam : no chance you 're going to end up in that group . krystal : i 've drawn up a will with a very explicit letter attached . adam : ah . krystal : mm - hmm . in the event of my death , no matter how accidental it might appear , the cops are supposed to swarm on you like flies on rotten meat . adam : ooh . krystal : and while they 're investigating you , my estate goes to my sole heir -- babe . so , you do your worst . babe will get my half of chandler and even more once she lands j.r . so , you see , a carey woman wins one way or the other . adam : ah . [ once krystal leaves the room , adam kicks over the chair with the sandbag in frustration . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : very impressive . babe : mm - hmm . fine engineering , sturdy construction . j.r. : mm - hmm . you feel protected ? babe : i do . i feel something more than that . do n't you ? [ scene_break ] amanda : please , josh , i need this job . what was i doing ? i mean , what 's so terrible ? i turned on the cam , and i was goofing a little bit . that 's no reason to let me go . jamie : do n't beg . it 's what he wants . josh : no , i want her to go home . amanda : josh , just listen , please . jamie : it 's a power trip . she did n't do anything wrong . josh : well , see , i 'm an old - fashioned producer . i do n't like the gofers doing their boyfriends in the boss ' office . jamie : we were vertical when you walked in . amanda : we were n't going to go at it . josh : you know what ? you 've had too many distractions , amanda -- the mistakes , the screw - ups . amanda : jamie , can you wait outside for a second ? jamie : quit . walk . amanda : jamie , please . you need to leave just for a few minutes . i need to talk to him alone . i need this . jamie : ok . but do n't waste too much of your time . amanda : josh , please . you know how much this job means to me , how much i love it . i mean , if you 'd just give me one more chance , i swear i will not disappoint you . josh : amanda , how many `` another chances `` do you expect ? amanda : i know . i promise i will be the best employee ever . please ? josh : all right . against my better judgment , i say ok , but keep the boyfriends out of here . amanda : thank you , thank you , thank you . thank you . josh : all right . now , what did erica say ? what 's her eta ? amanda : uh -- where ? what 's she doing ? josh : you did n't find out ? you were supposed to call her . amanda : well , you told me to ? josh : amanda , an hour ago , i said , `` call erica . `` our network exec is coming by . amanda : oh , i -- i do n't remember that . josh : jesse johnson ? jesse johnson slipped your mind ? you know what -- it 's happening again . amanda : no ! i -- i feel fine ! josh : oh , yeah , but you ca n't remember a request i made an hour ago about something this important ? amanda : i do n't know , ok ? maybe i just -- josh : you know what ? amanda : i did n't hear you or -- josh : amanda , forget it , all right ? just -- i 'll take care of it . why do n't you go tell the wallingford heir about the no - visiting policy . amanda : so am i still on the payroll ? josh : barely , but yes . [ scene_break ] erica : greg madden is still kendall 's physician , and it makes me shudder to think of him playing god with kendall and her baby . i swear , if he ever goes near my daughter again , i -- jack : no , no , no , no , no , no . i will handle greg madden from here on out . greg : handle me how , jack ? jack : i hear you 're in love with my wife . [ scene_break ] jamie : it 's ok . there are other jobs . amanda : josh did n't fire me . jamie : then what are -- amanda : jamie , i 'm scared . i am so scared . jamie : scared of what ? amanda : i 'm scared of me . [ scene_break ] image : you had to find a truck without shocks ? janet : there are going to be shocks and thrills galore . image : well , give me a time frame . how long ? janet : long enough to right the wrongs done to my amanda and to make sure she gets everything she wants . now , button up and put on your seat belt . [ engine starts ] janet : we are about to have lift - off . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what are you waiting for ? another apology ? how many do i owe you , like , 100 ? babe : hmm , closer to 1,000 . j.r. : well , i 'm sorry . babe : and what do you want for that one ? j.r. : well , we could start with a kiss , could n't we ? oh ! [ babe laughs ] j.r. : do n't panic ! i have everything under control ! babe : help me ! help ! j.r. : remain calm ! report to your nearest exit in an orderly fashion ! babe : who are you , super usher ? i ca n't find an exit ! j.r. : well , then go to your nearest lifeboats ! women and children first . this way to safety . babe : oh . oh , my hero ! [ babe and j.r. roll around and kiss under the deflated tent . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : you 're not making any sense . kendall : listen to me for a minute . ryan : no , you 're not making any sense . you said it yourself . you said it . you said it 's too risky to be with zach . kendall : no , no , no -- i said it 's a risk -- any relationship is a risk . ryan : well , they 're not usually dangerous . kendall : listen , there 's no danger here , ryan . we 're talking about love , and we 're talking about my future . ryan : yeah , and our baby 's future . kendall : i know what i 'm doing , ryan . zach is a good man . he 's a good man . and i appreciate the fact -- i love the fact that you want to help me and that you want to be with me . but you can not get involved in my relationship with zach . you ca n't . you ca n't try to pull us apart , because it will not happen . and i do n't want to end up resenting you . ryan : i just want what 's best for you and for the baby , that 's all . kendall : well , then do what i ask . i 'm with zach , and i 'm going to stay with zach as long as i can . so either accept it or go away . ryan : ok . ok , i wo n't get in your way , not where zach 's concerned i wo n't . kendall : well , because you ca n't . ryan : and i 'm not going to follow greenlee . i 'm not -- i 'm not , because she does n't want me to , and i wo n't do that . i 'm staying here in this penthouse . kendall : ok . ryan : ok . kendall : ok . ahem . ryan : now , go sit down and put your feet up . you need to rest . i 'll get you a glass of water . sit down . [ kendall sighs ] kendall : all right . ugh . hey , i thought i lost this . ryan : you thought you lost greenlee 's scarf ? kendall : my scarf . ryan : that 's greenlee 's scarf . she loves that scarf . kendall : no , no , no , no . that is my scarf , and greenlee loved it so much , and i would not tell her where i got it from . ryan : well , maybe she just found out and got the same one . kendall : yeah , i think she stole it from the office , that 's what she did . ryan : you do ? kendall : yeah . ryan : you think she -- she used to wear that thing all around here . kendall : yeah , except she would n't wear it around me , so i could take it away from her . i miss her , too . so much it hurts . [ scene_break ] greg : i 'm sure i 'm not the first man to love your wife from afar . tad : not far enough . greg : erica 's a happily married woman . i would n't pursue another man 's wife . jack : you followed her all the way to pine valley and then you withheld information how you two know each other . tad : and coincidentally started treating kendall as a patient . greg : kendall and greenlee came to my clinic because ryan lavery was a donor there many years ago . tad : yeah , another coincidence , huh ? greg : i do n't mean you any harm , erica . jack : save it , madden . greg : what are you going to do , take me to court ? like , tie me up with some frivolous lawsuit ? erica : i 'm not suing you , greg . just stay away from me . jack : yeah , and by the way , stay away from kendall , too . greg : i think that will be kendall 's decision . jack : why do n't you get out of here ? greg : what about my son ? erica : your son ? i adore josh . i 'm certainly not going to punish him for something you 've done . greg : it 's time i told you a few things about my son . [ scene_break ] [ josh views the videotape of amanda and jamie kissing in erica 's office . ] josh : could come in handy during an emergency . [ scene_break ] amanda i was supposed to call erica about the network exec coming . i do n't remember josh telling me that at all . jamie : hey , maybe you were doing something else when he told you . amanda : the network is coming . you forget everything else . you do n't forget that . i have always known when a blackout was coming . i mean -- at least i thought i did . what if this has happened before ? what if this is n't the first time , and i just did n't remember ? i mean , i could have had hundreds of blackouts and not known it . jamie , i could 've done all kinds of horrible , heinous things . [ scene_break ] krystal : adam , if you planted any land mines under that carpet , i swear i 'll -- adam ? adam ? honey , you jump out at me in a ninja costume , i might just laugh myself to death . adam ? adam ? [ outside , adam 's shoes sit under a stone bench . ] [ scene_break ] erica : still hoping i 'll fire your son ? greg : you need the facts about him . erica : still hoping that josh will leave television and go back to medicine ? become another you ? well , josh deserves better than that , and i intend to see that he gets it . i may be finished with you , dr. madden , but josh -- josh is my producer , we work beautifully together , and josh will remain my producer as long as he wants to . and you can do nothing about that . ok , darling , i need to get back to the office . jack : ok . erica : tad , i thank you for all your hard work . tad : anytime . jack : dr. madden , all this -- this unrequited love you have for my wife -- get over it . tad : you know , just because we do n't have anything to take to court right now does n't mean i wo n't dig something up . greg : i shall keep that in mind . you have a good day . [ scene_break ] jamie : you really think you could be a one - woman crime spree ? amanda : the blackouts are happening more . jamie : all right , well , when was the last one -- that you remember ? amanda : on the sixth -- january 6 . jamie : ok . were you able to reconstruct anything ? like where you went , what you did ? amanda : the blackout hit me when i was here at work . and then i came out of it freezing in the park . i had n't even put my coat on . jamie , what ? you -- you know something . jamie : di went under the ice on the sixth . amanda : or she was pushed . he was just leaving . josh : good . on second thought , why do n't you go home , too ? you could probably use the rest . amanda : but i 'm not fired . josh : you 're still employed . take the rest of the day off . amanda : jamie , i did n't push di into the hole in the ice . i could n't . that would be attempted murder . i mean , you know that i could n't have done that , right ? jamie : yeah , let 's just get your coat and get you out of here , ok ? [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] krystal : oh , palmer , good , you 're here . palmer : mm - hmm . krystal : come in . palmer : i was afraid he 'd want some revenge . krystal : yeah , well , he did try to sandbag me , literally . palmer : yeah . krystal : but i 'm learning to look up and enter rooms cautiously now . palmer : well , i just can not stand by and let that monster hurt you . krystal : oh , i can handle adam . palmer : divorce him , krystal . we can get you a settlement that 'll cripple the old goat . really , i can handle -- i can handle everything . krystal : that 's very sweet , but i 'm -- i 'm fine just as i am , palmer . palmer : look , you can live with me . we can travel . krystal : palmer , that would n't be right . palmer : well , when you get rid of the old goat , then we can make everything legal -- mrs. palmer cortlandt . [ scene_break ] [ janet stands over an unconscious adam lying out in the snow . ] image : so why are you bagging chandler the eldest ? janet : j.r. threw amanda out of their precious mansion . and as it says in some good book -- the sons are rubber , the fathers are glue . so the sins of j.r. are going to fall on you ! image : you mangle everything . it 's the sins of the father . janet : hey , i do n't mangle , i tweak -- edit , improve . anyway , in the words of the immortal leslie gore , `` it 's my party , and he 'll fry if i want him to . `` are you ready , adam ? let 's party ! [ scene_break ] kendall : ahem -- well , thank you for the water . ryan : thank you for not throwing it at me . kendall : yeah , you 're lucky . i 'm glad we have things settled . so when are erin and jonathan moving in ? ryan : tomorrow . i -- i decided to give myself a night alone here . well , as much as i can be alone with all of greenlee 's stuff all over the place . kendall : are you sure that 's a good idea ? ryan : yeah , i need to deal before they move in . kendall : i could stay if you want me to . ryan : yeah , that 'd be nice . [ scene_break ] erica 's voice : there is something about greg madden . there 's a feeling i just ca n't shake , that there 's some weird connection to my past . tad : my father , my mother , my brothers . you have an entire dossier on the martin family in your personal files . why is that ? what makes my family so interesting ? erica : greg madden terminated my pregnancy . greg : it 's time i told you a few things about my son . tad : no . no way . that 's impossible . [ scene_break ] erica : jesse . jesse : erica . lucky for me you 're running late . erica : uh - huh . jesse : i had time to learn more about your new co - host here . [ scene_break ] krystal : marriage ? oh , palmer , we do n't have to do anything that drastic to stick it to adam . palmer : this is n't about adam . krystal : oh , you do n't want to get hitched . palmer : the hell i do n't . marry me , krystal , and the world will be yours . [ krystal looks uncomfortable as palmer draws her into a hug . ] [ scene_break ] [ j.r. and babe kiss passionately on the beach . ] j.r. : you know , we might not be able to get the tent up , but -- babe : you know , this is how i remember us , before we came to pine valley , before all the complications . happy . are you happy ? j.r. : yes . i 'm very happy . babe : marry me , j.r . [ scene_break ] janet : third floor , bargains , and remainders . . the curdled cream of pine valley society . [ janet groans as she lifts adam onto a truck on which lie brooke , opal , and joe , all unconscious . ] janet : everybody out , oh . [ next_on ] erica ( to josh ) : will you take a look and tell me if i 've been stabbed in the back ? tad ( to di ) : you were absolutely right about my feelings for you . they have nothing to do with dixie . julia ( to ryan ) : get your coat . i 'm taking you downtown . kendall ( to ryan ) : the marshmallows are a little scary . j.r. ( to babe ) : let 's do it . we can get married tonight . | janet has a plan to use jonathan in his fragile state to set him up to take the rap for her crimes so that amanda wo n't have to . she 's still up to no good and causes shoes to appear in empty spaces after people disappear . josh is ready to fire amanda . she begs for her job back and he complies . jamie seems supportive to her and tells her she need not grovel to josh . erica informs tad and jack that she knows dr. madden performed her abortion when she was married to tad 's brother , jeff . and it 's beyond a coincidence that he engineered kendall getting pregnant by ryan . they ask dr. madden , yet again , what 's up and he does not give them the answers they seek . he 's ready , however , to tell erica about his son 's `` secrets `` . she does not listen and tells him that she trusts josh and she walks away . tad then puts 2 and 2 together about erica and josh . kendall goes to tell ryan that she 's having the baby without him and she plans to stay with zach . he tries to talk her out of it but she reminds him that he 's interfering in her life with zach the same way she did in his life with greenlee , not long ago . jr decides he will stay on the beach with babe , apologize to her and not listen to his father 's suspicions about her . krystal knows that adam might have a trick up his sleeve to get revenge upon her . she informs her `` husband `` that in the event of her untimely death , she will make sure that he gets investigated and that her will says only babe will inherit from her . unknown to everybody , it looks like janet 's latest victim is adam . and she takes him to join the unconscious bodies of brooke , joe and opal . |
david : hey , good morning . you ok ? krystal : i -- i could n't sleep . david : well , why did n't you wake me up ? i could have fixed you something . krystal : are you sorry -- for taking me in , for letting tad dump me here ? david : come here . tad is a fool . and no , i 'm not sorry you 're here , not one bit . i am sorry you 're unhappy . so what can i do to change that , hmm ? [ krystal sighs ] krystal : i want my baby . i need her , and she needs me . will you let her move in here with us ? [ scene_break ] tad : here 's your ride . all right , you 're set . is your art project in here ? are you sure ? how much do you love me ? a lot ? kathy : yes . tad : i love you , too . have a good day , ok ? kathy : thank you . tad : be careful . jesse : hey , sweetie . you 're going to have a great day at school ? kathy : yes , thanks . jesse : see you . tad : what 's up ? jesse : you going to tell me what the hell this is , tad ? tad : judging by the sound of your voice , i 'm guessing that 's a restraining order i had written up against krystal last night . jesse : i 'm not even going to ask you which judge you called in a favor with to get this thing pushed through . you realize if krystal wants a lawyer , she could have this whole thing overturned , just like that . tad : then i come up with something else , because as of right now , i 'll do whatever i have to to keep her away from our baby girl . [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] ryan : you go ahead and finish your cereal , ok ? you got to get to school , ok ? greenlee : good morning . ryan : good morning . greenlee : and good morning to you . emma : are we going today ? greenlee : going where ? emma : the flower girl dress , remember ? greenlee : ah , that 's right . we have to get you fitted , do n't we ? well , maybe not today but next week . i promise , ok ? and do n't worry , there 's plenty of time before the wedding . emma : is mommy coming to the wedding ? ryan : um -- mommy is , uh -- mommy 's too sick to leave the hospital right now , sweetheart . she 's a little too sick to come to the wedding , ok ? i 'm sorry . emma : could we send her pictures ? ryan : oh , that is such a sweet thought . [ scene_break ] annie 's voice : daddy ? where are you , daddy ? hel -- hello ? i 'm scared , daddy , where are you ? hello ? ok dad -- daddy , i 'm starting to get scared . where are you ? daddy ? daddy , where are you ? [ gasps ] daddy ! [ gasps ] oh , my god , daddy . [ scene_break ] frankie : and you still ca n't get anything out of joe ? angie : just what he told me before , that he felt like it was time for him to step down . frankie : but putting hayward in to replace him ? angie : you and i both know there 's more to it , but i did n't want to pressure joe anymore because he seems so depressed about it all . look , meanwhile , the best you and i can do is keep our heads down and stay out of the new chief of staff 's way . frankie : yeah , well , the less i have to do with hayward , the better . angie : i 'm headed to radiology . man : i ca n't believe hubbard 's shacked up with her . second man : would n't that be sweet , to have that waiting for for you after a 12-hour shift ? first man : girl 's got some moves . second man : hubbard 's going to have himself a cyber - porn queen . [ scene_break ] jesse : just what happened between the two of you to make you do something so drastic ? tad : hayward happened . while i was away in africa looking for my son , looking for jeff , she was keeping his bed warm at wildwind . jesse : ooh . oh , come on , i -- i know he 's gotten closer to her since babe died , but , come on , sleeping together ? you believe that ? tad : i believe it . she admitted it to my face . i mean , there 's not much else she could do . she 's been kind of reckless about it . seems like everybody knows what 's going on , leaving the kids with other people , spending the night out at wildwind . there was even a fire here while i was gone , which she failed to admit when i got back . in any case , either kathy or jenny or both of them could have been in danger . the only bright spot in this entire thing is the -- the look on hayward 's face when he pulled a gun on me last night . jesse : why did n't you call me , tad ? tad : because i did n't want to . i wanted to handle it by myself . i was only there long enough to drop her in his lap . he 's welcome to her , but she 's not taking jenny when she goes . jesse : oh , come on . are you seriously telling me you -- you 're not going to talk to her , try to work this out -- i mean , the way the two of you love each other ? tad : not anymore . whatever arrangement krystal and i had between the two of us is dead . hayward made sure of that . [ scene_break ] david : maybe we need to think about this a little more first . i mean , taking jenny out of her home , away from her sister , her father ? i mean , that might not be the thing to do right now . and let us not forget tad . i mean , that 'll definitely put him on the warpath . krystal : i do n't care . she 's my baby . and she needs her mother and -- and i need her . you know , look -- you know , if you do n't want her here , ok , fine . i 'll find somewhere else to live , i will . david : no , no , no , no , ok -- that 's not what i said . i 'm just pointing out the possible ramifications . that 's all . yes , yes , she can come here . krystal : you do n't want her here . david : of course , i do . you know , as a matter of fact , that 's exactly what a big old house like this needs , a child 's laughter . look , i 'll tell you what , we 'll fix up a bedroom for her , ok ? so , go ahead , buy whatever furniture you think you need . krystal : yeah ? david : yeah . krystal : thank you . david : sure . krystal : i am going to get dressed , and i am going to get my baby . [ david sighs ] david : for crying out loud . [ scene_break ] [ dr. sinclair sighs as she views tapes of aidan sneaking into annie 's room ] dr. sinclair : yes , i want to see a patient right away . bring me mr. stone . [ scene_break ] aidan : i need a favor . i need to get into the maximum - security wing . i need to see annie lavery . man : no way . it 's not possible . aidan : well , make it possible . [ scene_break ] frankie : what are you guys looking at ? intern : just a friend 's blog , that 's all . frankie : oh , yeah ? let me see . intern : it 's just some stupid stuff . frankie : you know , i do n't mind . i 'm always in for a good laugh . intern : dr. hubbard , wait a minute . voice on phone : welcome to the finest in adult entertainment . this week 's video vixen is really burning up the bandwidth . meet randy randi . [ scene_break ] ryan : you have fun at school , ok ? go ahead and -- thanks , heather . have fun , guys . greenlee : you handled that very well . ryan : i do n't know about that . i had to lie to her . somehow , i do n't think we 're going to be sending wedding pictures to oak haven . greenlee : yeah , you know , it 's just going to take time . as emma gets older , she 'll understand , and in the meantime , we just have to give her all the love and support she needs . ryan : yeah ? [ doorbell rings ] ryan : ah , the door . jack : morning . ryan : jack , come on in . jack : thanks . hi , sweetheart . did you hear about bianca ? greenlee : no . what ? jack : well , she was involved in a minor car accident but ended up at pine valley hospital last night . ryan : wait -- wait a minute , bianca was in a car accident here in pine valley ? jack : yeah . why ? ryan : uh , no reason . i just thought she was going out of town , not a big deal . i 'm glad she 's all right . jack : yeah , well , amen to that . greenlee : is reese with her ? jack : you know , greenlee , i do n't know about that . i -- i think so but i do n't know . listen , the reason i dropped by this morning was to give you guys these documents . ryan , this is your divorce paper there . i need you to read it and sign where indicated . because the judge has declared annie non compos mentis , yours is the only signature that will be required on this , ok ? ryan : ok . jack : all right . ryan : thank you . jack : you bet . honey , this is yours . again , read and sign . i 'm going to have to get aidan 's signature on that , and i have no idea his current address or how to get a hold of him . greenlee : well , he said he was going to talk to you . jack : well , maybe he did , but he never called me . i left a few messages , but i have n't heard from him . in order for us to move forward with this , he 's going to need to sign this . so , if you have any idea how to get in touch with him -- greenlee : i do n't know where he is . [ scene_break ] aidan : i have been extremely generous with you . man : yeah , i 'm starting to regret it . what is it with you and this patient , anyway ? she has borderline personality disorder . she 's dangerous . the woman 's entered la - la land and is n't about to find her way out . what could you possibly want with her ? aidan : i 'm not paying you to ask questions . man : yeah , well , you 're not paying me enough to blow my entire career over this , either . i thought you were just a concerned friend or something , but this is getting too strange for me . aidan : i 'll make it worth your while . i 'll double everything i 've given you . just get me inside . i need to see her . man : i do n't think so . in fact , i think you bet -- [ noise ] dr. sinclair : there you are . i 'm trying to locate a patient who seems to be missing -- mr. stone . have you seen him ? man : what a shock , mr. stone is missing again . what can i say ? the guy thinks he 's a secret agent . damn good at playing the role , too , a regular houdini . [ both chuckle ] dr. sinclair : that 's not funny . as soon as mr. stone is located , i want to be notified . man : yeah , absolutely . [ combination lock beeps ] man : she must be onto you . aidan : you let me worry about dr. sinclair . you figure out a way to get me inside . man : i 'm not making any promises . [ phone rings ] aidan : yeah ? greenlee : hi , it 's me . aidan : what 's up ? greenlee : my dad 's been trying to reach you . he -- he said that he left you a bunch of messages . aidan : well , this job 's been keeping me very busy . i have n't really had time to check my mail . greenlee : well , he needs you to sign the divorce papers . aidan , are you there ? aidan : yeah . greenlee : we need an address so we can overnight them to you . we need to file it as soon as possible . aidan : what 's the rush ? greenlee : ryan and i are getting married . aidan ? [ line disconnects ] greenlee : aidan ? he hung up . jack : i 'm sorry , honey . ryan : why do n't you just leave the paperwork , and i 'm sure we can figure out how to get them to him . jack : yeah , we 'll get this taken care of . listen , i 'll let myself out , ok ? greenlee : thank you , dad . jack : yep . greenlee : i should n't have told him over the phone . i hurt him again . i keep doing that . ryan : you were in a marriage that you thought was going to work out . so was i . and neither of them did . all right ? it 's never easy ending any relationship , ever . it 's nobody 's fault and -- and everybody 's fault . [ scene_break ] frankie : i could report you both for accessing something like this at work . it 's a major offense , could cost you your internship . intern : you ca n't fire us . anyway , we were just looking at your girlfriend . frankie : you shut your mouth . david : hubbard ! let him go ! what the hell is going on here ? intern : he just went off on me . david : why ? intern : because we accidentally came across some videos of his girlfriend on the internet . david : get back to your rounds , and i want you both to reread your employee 's manual regarding the use of the hospital internet connection , understood ? intern : yes , sir . [ david sighs ] david : i 'm putting you on warning , hubbard . get your anger in check or you 're out of here . [ scene_break ] jesse : tad , i know you feel gutted , but i also know that krystal loves you , and considering what she 's been through -- tad : i know what she 's been through . do me a favor , ok ? do n't mention her name to me again . [ key wo n't turn in lock ] krystal : hi . may i come in ? what 's this ? tad : this is a restraining order . if you do n't leave the premises , i 'll have jesse arrest you . [ scene_break ] nurse : she was very upset when she woke up . she 's still very agitated . dr. sinclair : all right , i 'll take care of it . good morning . how are you feeling today ? i ca n't help you if you wo n't talk to me , emma . annie : what did you say ? dr. sinclair : i said i want to help you . annie : what the hell are you talking about ? who are you ? where am i ? dr. sinclair : you 're in the hospital . annie : why ? what 's wrong with me ? dr. sinclair : that 's what i 'm trying to find out . annie : why did you call me emma ? i 'm not emma . dr. sinclair : then who are you ? annie : i am annie lavery , damn it . where is ryan ? where is my husband ? i want ryan ! dr. sinclair : my name is dr. sinclair . i -- i need you to calm down . i need you to talk to me , all right ? i 'm here to help you . annie : what is this place ? dr. sinclair : it 's called oak haven . you 're being treated here . annie : oh , my god . this is a mental institution , is n't it ? but i 'm not crazy . i swear it . you can ask ryan . please , you have to let me call ryan . he 'll come and get me . he 'll take me out of here . dr. sinclair : i 'm afraid that 's not going to help . annie : why not ? dr. sinclair : because you 're not well . because you hurt some people . annie : oh , my god . i killed him . dr. sinclair : you remember committing murder ? annie : yes . yes , i -- i -- i killed ryan . i stabbed him . dr. sinclair : no . no , you did n't . now i need you to calm down . annie : no . no , not until i speak to ryan . dr. sinclair : no , that 's not going to help right now . annie : then i want to talk to my friend . i need to talk to him . dr. sinclair : what friend ? annie : my friend . my friend , the guy that comes in here , and he talks to me and he makes me feel better . dr. sinclair : mr. stone ? annie : yes . yes , but that 's not his real name . dr. sinclair : and what is his real name , annie ? annie : i ca n't tell you . where is he ? where 's my friend ? dr. sinclair : i need you to calm down . annie : oh , thank god . listen , you need to help me get my friend -- mr. stone ? orderly : calm down , calm down . annie : no , you do n't understand ! i 'm not -- get off me ! no ! somebody help me ! somebody help ! no -- i need my friend . you have to listen to me . somebody help me . no ! somebody help me ! [ scene_break ] ryan : you going to be ok ? greenlee : yeah . i have to get into work . ryan : ok . greenlee : i love you . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : hi . greenlee : wow . um , come on in . aidan : i thought i 'd come over and sign the papers . greenlee : i thought you were out of town . aidan : i was . i got back from d.c. last night . how you doing , ryan ? ryan : i 'm doing ok . aidan : let 's have a look at it , then . wow . that 's very nice . so when 's the big day ? [ scene_break ] krystal : please , please do n't do this . tad : all i 'm doing is protecting our daughter . krystal : she does n't need protecting from her mother . jesse : oh , god , come on , guys . krystal : let me see her . tad : i 'm not the threat here . krystal : `` threat `` ? jesse , please talk some sense into him . all i want is my baby . tad : so you can take her over to wildwind to see hayward ? that 's not going to happen , krystal . forget it . she 's staying here with me . krystal : you -- you ca n't -- you can not , you can not do this . tad : yes , i can . jesse : hey , hey , you guys . stops this , man . [ jenny cries ] krystal : jenny , no . my baby is crying . my baby needs me ! jesse : listen , technically , you have to leave -- without the baby . all right , you guys got to work this mess out . and please , technically , i have to arrest you if you do n't leave here now . i do n't want to do that . please do n't make me do that . krystal : all right , just -- [ jenny cries ] krystal : please just let me hold her . let me -- let me just hold her . tad : no . jesse : let me -- let me walk you to your car , ok , krystal ? krystal ? krystal : no , no -- jesse : look , look -- let me walk you to your car . krystal : no , no . jesse : please , krystal . krystal : no . jenny -- jesse : please , please -- krystal : jenny , jenny ! jesse : jenny 's going to be ok . come here , come here . [ jenny cries ] [ scene_break ] randi : hey , baby . i knew you , uh -- i knew you 'd be tired after your graveyard shift , so i whipped something up . now , we both know i 'm no rachael ray , but i 'm trying my best . i 've got to head out to the casino and scout a location for a photo shoot . who knows ? maybe i 'll drop a dollar in a slot machine and hit the jackpot . frankie ? hello ? what 's up ? frankie : i just needed to see something . randi : why are you looking at that ? frankie : a couple of interns at work found these pictures and videos . i caught them looking at them , looking at you . randi : can you shut that off , please ? frankie : no . i have to see it all . i have to see whatever the rest of the world can see of you . [ scene_break ] aidan : why waste time when you know it 's the real thing ? greenlee : i 'll get the papers . aidan : so how 's annie ? ryan : she 's getting the help that she needs . aidan : she 's still at oak haven , then ? ryan : yeah . yeah , she moved to maximum security . aidan : why ? greenlee : you did n't hear ? she escaped . she came here and came after me with a letter opener . aidan : oh . well , i 'm sorry to hear about that . are you ok ? this must be very difficult for you . ryan : annie is where she needs to be . aidan : in restraints . ryan : she 's been increasingly out of control since she made the insane decision to kidnap my child with your help , aidan . aidan : with my help to save emma ? you 're welcome for that , by the way . ryan : forgive me if i 'm still not buying that story . aidan : well , forgive me if i do n't give a damn what you do buy , or what you do n't buy . greenlee : you know what ? emma 's safe , and that 's all that really matters . aidan : any annie is locked up -- out of sight , out of mind , eh ? maybe now she 'll finally get the attention she never got from you . greenlee : aidan , stop . aidan : she did n't get a choice to sign the papers , did she ? and you made quite sure of that . [ scene_break ] krystal : david . david : hey , what 's wrong ? krystal : it 's tad . he wo n't even let me see jenny . he got a restraining order , and now he wo n't let me see her . i ca n't lose jenny . i 've lost babe . i ca n't lose her , too . please , you got to help me . please do n't let him take my little girl . please . david : it 's ok , it 's ok , it 's ok . krystal : god . angie : what have you done to her ? krystal : he has n't done anything . it 's tad . he threw me out , he wo n't let me see jenny . jesse threatened to arrest me just because i wanted to see my baby . oh , my god , my baby . david : all right , come on . krystal : my baby . david : let 's get you out of here . come on . [ scene_break ] randi : you said it did n't matter , that you did n't care what i used to be or what i used to do . frankie : it 's just not what you used to be . it 's out there , on the internet , and i 'm sorry , but it does matter when i find my co - workers drooling over you having sex with some stranger . randi : i should have known this was going to happen , that it was going to catch up with me . i 've been nothing but stupid . frankie : do you even understand how this makes me feel ? randi : yeah . do n't worry , you wo n't have to deal with it anymore . [ scene_break ] ryan : why do n't i leave you two to take care of your business ? greenlee : is n't this difficult enough as it is ? for all of us ? aidan : yeah . so why do n't you give me the papers , and i 'll sign them , and i 'll get on my way . greenlee : right . so there it is . [ phone rings ] aidan : yeah ? man : where the hell are you ? aidan : why ? man : sinclair 's on the warpath . she went over my head . if you ca n't be found within the hour , we 're going on lockdown . i think she suspects me now . aidan : ok . i 'm on my way back . i got to get back to d.c . greenlee : please take care of yourself . [ scene_break ] tad : jenny 's ok . jesse : that was pretty damn harsh , tad . tad : do n't talk to me about harsh . you would n't understand . you were n't here the first time around . [ doorbell rings ] jesse : i 'll get it . angie : what 's going on ? jesse : tad and krystal , man . they 're having big trouble . angie : yeah , i saw that . krystal was at the hospital . she said you threw her out , would n't let her see jenny . tad : when you saw her , was she with hayward ? yeah , well , there 's your answer . jesse : i 've been trying to talk to him . angie : listen . tad , we all know that david hayward is despicable , but krystal is a victim here . tad : she 's not a victim . she 's not a victim . she had a choice . she made it . angie : look , she lost her daughter , tad . she 's not thinking straight . tad : that 's exactly what he used to get to her . i warned her he 'd do just that . angie : well , then , you -- you fight for her . she loves you . tad : i 've been down this road before . i ca n't save krystal . it 's too late . angie : how do you know that ? tad : because after hayward 's through with them , they do n't want to be saved . [ scene_break ] david : here you go . krystal : is it , um -- david : just enough there to calm you down . [ knock on door ] david : jay , hi . thanks for coming on such short notice . you know what to do ? ok . krystal , this is jay stark . he 's an attorney friend of mine . i called him this morning , thinking tad might try something . he specializes is child- custody cases . jay : i 'm sorry for what you 're going through . i hope i can help . david : i filled him in already on everything that 's going on . krystal : my husband locked me out of the house . he wo n't let me see my baby . he says that i 'm not even going to ever have jenny again . now , he can not do that . it 's not right . he ca n't get full custody , can he ? jay : well , we 'll do everything we can to make sure that that does n't happen , but i 'm afraid , i 've got to tell you , it 's not going to be easy . i understand that there were witnesses who will attest that you 've spent nights over here , that you 've been spending a lot of time with david , leaving your daughter with others while you did so . that 's not going to sit well with a judge . krystal : what are you saying ? jay : worst - case scenario ? your husband could very well get away with proving adultery and child abandonment . and , yes , he could end up with full custody . krystal : no , you have got to prove to them i am a good mother . i never abandoned my child at any time . jay : i told you that 's the worst - case scenario . now , i will try and get an emergency hearing . in the meantime , just do n't give up hope . david : thank you , jay . jay : all right , take care . i hate having to paint such a dark picture for her . david : that 's why i 'm paying you the big bucks . jay : you know that the worst - case scenario is probably some kind of joint custody . david : ok , fine , but i never want to hear you say that . do you understand ? thanks for coming . krystal : oh , god . oh , god , please -- no , no , no , not jenny , please . david : ok , listen to me . listen to me . you are not going to lose your child , ok ? we will fight for her . i will fight for her . and we will win . krystal : please ? please , please get her back . david : i promise , ok ? krystal : oh , thank you . thank you . god . [ scene_break ] angie : look at me . look at me . i 'm sorry this is happening , but you can not give up on her . she turned to david out of grief for babe . tad : she could have turned to me . she could have turned to you . she could have turned to jesse or any -- any of our number of friends . she did n't . she let herself get sucked in by him . and now i 've lost her to him , just like i lost dixie , and when i lost dixie , i lost kathy for six years . i 'll be damned if i 'm going to lose jenny to him , as well . [ scene_break ] joanna : hey , randi . you ok ? you do n't look so good . randi : just -- just leave me alone for a bit , ok ? uh , shot of tequila . what are you looking at ? man : a fine - looking woman . randi : yeah ? someone to take home to mom ? man : my mom 's in detroit , and that 's pretty far from what i was thinking . randi : i 'll bet . man : how much ? randi : well , this body 's famous now , so , top dollar . a thousand for the night . man : you 're on . randi : look , mister -- man : and you 're also under arrest . [ scene_break ] ryan : i love you . greenlee : i love you , too . i 'm just very sad . ryan : i know . it 's going to be ok . aidan will -- he 'll be ok . greenlee : i hope so . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : we were getting worried about you . where have you been , mr. stone ? or would you like to tell me your real name ? and why you 're so interested in annie lavery , hmm ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan ? annie : oh , my god . ryan . it was greenlee . greenlee killed you . i have to stop her . stop greenlee , find her , kill her . | david comes downstairs at wild wind and finds krystal , sitting alone in the living room . david comforts krystal as usual . they kiss . krystal begs david to let jenny move in , too . david finally agrees to do as krystal asks and let jenny move in . krystal immediately goes to get jenny . jesse arrives at tad 's to leave tad a restraining order against krystal . at the hospital , angie and frankie discuss the reasons behind joe stepping down as chief of staff . greenlee arrives at ryan 's and gives him a good - morning kiss . emma , excitedly wants to know when she can get fitted for her flower girl dress . emma wants to know if annie can come to the wedding . at oak haven , annie is asleep in her bed . annie dreams that she comes downstairs and finds ryan lying in a puddle of blood . dr. sinclair watches on a web cam , aidan going into annie 's room and then hiding under the bed when dr. sinclair comes in . dr. sinclair immediately wants to see mr. stone . dr. sinclair finds that mr. stone is no where to be found in the hospital . frankie overhears some interns discussing some porno pics that they were watching on the internet . frankie walks in and wants to know what they are watching . frankie takes the cell phone from them and finds out that they are watching randi . frankie pushes one of them down into a chair . david comes in and reprimands the two interns for their actions and puts frankie on warning that if this happens again , frankie will be relieved of his duties . jack visits ryan and greenlee and serves them with their divorce papers from aidan and annie . greenlee calls aidan and tells him that she and ryan are getting married . |
colby : hey , uh , what are you guys doing ? annie : well , emma 's class went to the planetarium last week , so her assignment is to create a solar system . colby : oh , cool . can i help ? i 'm pretty good at art . emma : you can do saturn . colby : how did you know that is my favorite ? emma : your mom told me . [ colby laughs ] adam : i do n't think we can wait on this . scott : i 'll set up a meeting for early next week . annie : uh , can you two take a break , please . we are talking planets in here . adam : oh , colby is helping emma with her science project ? annie : is n't that amazing ? just like a real family . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'd drink lighter fluid if i thought it would help . marissa : are you feeling any better at all ? j.r. : oh , i 'm not going to lie and say yes . marissa : i think we should go to the hospital . j.r. : no . no . marissa : you may be having some kind of reaction to this new chemo ? j.r. : they said that this was going to happen , remember ? the more aggressive the treatment , the more aggressive the side effects . marissa : um , do you want a cool washcloth for your head ? j.r. : no . well , that sounds great . hey , buddy . little adam : you look sick . j.r. : i am . bummer , huh ? little adam : are you going to die ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you are so good . i 'm loving it . tad : do n't mind me , kids . just getting some snacks for the little monsters . krystal : snacks -- or candy ? tad : oh , ye of little faith . behold , huh ? apples and peanut butter . rob ? rob : i 'm good . thanks . tad : yeah , ok . this caused hysteria , you know . what they were really begging for was ice cream . i told them they were gon na have to wait until the shop was finished . any idea when that might be ? rob : should be up and running in a couple months . tad : really ? really ? so this is like a done deal . you 're committed . you 're going ahead 100 % , huh ? krystal : yeah . why ? tad : far be it from me . i was just , you know -- i was just thinking , you know -- a candy shop , you know ? just -- a candy shop . it sounds kind of limited somehow . krystal : limited for who ? tad : well , you know , for one thing -- for all the , like , the weight conscious and the , you know , the workout freaks in all of pine valley . now , let me tell you something -- the comeback . there was a place that offered something for everybody . you know , young , old , big , tall . krystal : the comeback was a bar . tad : yeah , which had the best food . i 'm telling you , the greatest ribs in pine valley . and it had this , just -- you know , it had a really -- it had an inclusive environment , and i was just thinking , you know -- whoo , i thought you might want to recapture some of that . krystal : tad ? tad . tad : hmm ? krystal : i have been living in the past for long enough . it 's high time for a change . tad : yeah . ok . well , real question is , are you ready for one ? what do you think , rob ? [ scene_break ] amanda : so trevor has it ? jake : she 's not saying that . this is the first i 'm hearing about a genetic component . amanda : i ca n't lose him , jake . i ca n't . angie : we can -- we can run some tests , all right ? that 'll tell us for certain one way or the other . amanda : what kind of tests ? do they hurt ? jake : no , no . no , no . it 's , uh -- there 's no needles or anything like that . angie : amanda , it 's just a simple cheek swab to get a sample of his saliva . jake : so that 'll show us his dna , and that will tell us everything we need to know . how long until we can get the tests back ? angie : well , if you can get trevor here today , i 'll put a rush on it . we could know something by tomorrow . jake : that 's fantastic . is n't that good ? honey ? amanda : what if i do n't want to know anymore ? [ scene_break ] rob : i should get going . krystal : so -- so soon ? rob : yeah . krystal : i 'll , uh -- i 'll walk you out . listen , i am so sorry . i mean , things with tad are just -- rob : complicated . i get it . krystal : no . no , they are not . they 're not complicated . not with me , ok ? i know exactly what i want . rob : i 'll see you soon . krystal : how -- how soon ? i mean -- i mean , are you gon na be , um , you gon na be busy for the next couple of days , or -- rob : i 'll call you . krystal : thanks a lot . tad : i was just expressing an opinion . krystal : no . no , you were sabotaging my relationship . tad : relationship ? krystal : yeah , or whatever it is that i have with rob . yes , you are . come on , i thought we said that we were going to move on . tad : yeah , that 's what we said . but he 's your architect . you really want to mix pleasure with business ? krystal : that 's no worse than you double - dipping with your ex . tad : double - dip -- well , i guess the gloves are coming off . krystal : so , by the way -- i mean , how are things going with you and liza ? tad : what do you mean , `` things `` ? we 're friends . krystal : you 're friends . mm - hmm . yeah , well , opal told me that you spent the night . tad : on the couch . and do me a favor . stop discussing me with ma , ok ? krystal : ok , fine . ok , fine . listen , i have an idea . i 'll keep my nose out of your personal business if you keep your nose out of my personal business . tad : i got a better idea . you tell me all about yours , i 'll tell you all about mine . [ scene_break ] bailey : aw , it worked . he stopped crying . damon : shh . yeah . [ knock on door ] bailey : let 's go see who 's at the door . hey , come on in . liza : hi . bailey : sorry the place is kind of a mess . space is limited . damon : what are you doing here ? liza : well , i happened to get you a week 's severance pay from the casino -- paid in cash . bailey : wow , that 's amazing . damon : yeah , thanks , but i do n't need any favors . liza : oh , that 's ok , because i did n't do it for you . [ scene_break ] adam : scott , why do n't you tell emma about the volcano you made for the science fair ? scott : i was so proud of that thing , emma . i remember one day i decided to test it out in the kitchen . you should have seen the mess . there was lava everywhere . there was lava on the ceiling . annie : oh , i 'm sure lucretia loved that . scott : i 'm still not allowed in the kitchen unsupervised . colby : well , do n't take it personally . i 'm not allowed in there solo either . adam : what do you expect ? you almost burned the place down . colby : ok , i did do some smoke damage , but that 's it . i mean , lucretia -- she totally freaked out . she made me eat brussels sprouts for a week . emma and annie : eww ! emma : brussels sprouts are gross . colby : oh , tell me about it . annie : you ok ? adam : it 's just i 'm thinking about j.r. and little adam . hardly seems like a family without them . [ scene_break ] j.r. : people get sick all the time . that does n't mean that they 're gon na die . marissa : that 's right . we have , you know , hospitals and medicine and doctors with their stethoscopes . they 're all there to help us get better . little adam : mama went to the doctor . she did n't get better . j.r. : i know . but now her fellow angels are taking really good care of her . little adam : are you going to live with the angels , too ? j.r. : no . your mom -- she was hurt really bad and the doctors could n't fix her . but that 's not what 's happening with me . marissa : your dad is gon na be just fine , ok ? i do n't want you worrying about any of this . hey , i have an idea . do you want to go over to nana 's house and see what kathy 's up to ? little adam : can we go sledding ? marissa : sure . can you go get your coat and your boots for me ? j.r. : do n't forget your mittens and your hat . i hate lying to him . marissa : well , it 's a good thing that we were n't lying , because you are going to be fine . j.r. : you do n't know that . marissa : well , maybe you do n't , but i do . [ scene_break ] amanda : right now trevor is healthy , happy -- a perfect little boy with his whole life in front of him . jake : honey , listen . amanda : no . what -- what if we just keep it that way ? you know , they say ignorance is bliss . what if we do n't do the test , and we just let it stay the same ? jake : because we ca n't do something like that . we ca n't just ignore it . we 'll always wonder , `` does he ? does n't he ? `` and he 's a smart little boy . he 'll sense our fear . angie : jake is right . you ca n't have that kind of worry hanging over your head . it 's not good for you or the baby . amanda : i 'm scared . jake : i know . amanda : but i 'm his mom . i 'm supposed to be the strong one . jake : why do n't you let me fill in for a little while , ok ? [ scene_break ] adam : if that does n't get an a - plus - plus , the teacher needs her head examined . annie : sweetheart , what do you say to everybody for all their help ? emma : thank you . colby : you 're welcome , emma - lemma . annie : and , sweetheart , what about adam ? emma : thank you . adam : you 're welcome , emma . um , you leaving ? colby : um , yeah . unfortunately , i have my own schoolwork to do , but , hey , can i get a high - five before i go ? all right , well , i will see you guys later . scott : tell you what . i 'll walk you out . annie : come here , sweets . come here . you want to clear up with me ? colby : you know , you do n't need to escort me to the front door , but thank you . scott : i tell you , that was fun in there , you know ? colby : yeah . scott : first time in a long time that it felt like everybody was getting along . please tell me you are not using that little girl . colby : ok , i think you are mistaking me for her mother . i like emma -- a lot . and i would never use her . scott : yeah ? how about your father ? hmm ? would you use him ? would you hurt him ? because that 's exactly what you 're gon na do if you continue with this plan to push annie out of his life . colby : well , ok , scott , you 're being paranoid , ok ? i 'm -- i 'm taking your advice . i 'm officially backing off annie . scott : really ? colby : yeah . i 'm not saying i 'm her fan or anything , but i 'm willing to give her a chance . scott : a chance to do what , exactly ? hmm ? let her be your best friend before you stab her in the back ? colby : you know , scott , if that 's what you think , why do n't you run in there and warn annie about my little plan before i go too far ? but just so you know , you 'll be the one starting the war , not me . [ scene_break ] liza : cutest ! so , uh , how 's it going with the job search ? damon : it 's ok . have n't found one yet , but i will . liza : mm . well , i 'm actually having a room in my apartment painted , and the guy that 's heading up the project told me that he could use an extra hand . bailey : oh , that 's great . liza : i do n't know what it pays , but i think it would be worth him looking into it . bailey : thank you . liza : yeah . all right . well , he 's at my apartment right now , and i told him that you 'd be coming by . damon : why not , right ? liza : why not ? damon : i 'll call you . bailey : ok . good luck . say , `` bye . `` liza : what ? bailey : christmas is long over . what 's with all the gifts ? there was no severance from the casino , was there ? liza : no , that money was from me . bailey : and the gig you got for damon ? did your apartment even need to get painted ? liza : well , you know , i 'll tell you what -- no , but it was kind of fun picking out new colors . bailey : why are you doing this ? i mean , you do n't even like him . liza : no , i do n't , but i really do like you . and you know how i feel about this little guy . yes , i do . i do n't know . i just ca n't stand back and watch you guys barely scrape by , you know ? he deserves more than that . so do you . [ scene_break ] krystal : why -- why do i have to go first ? it was your idea . tad : yeah , it was my idea . krystal : yeah ? tad : so -- krystal : `` so `` ? tad : so , you go first . it 's like the coin toss in a football game . krystal : what ? what are you talking about ? tad : have i taught you nothing ? krystal : i do n't know what you 're talking about . tad : reinforcements . ah , there you are . would you please teach her about the finer points of the pigskin ? krystal : what 's wrong ? amanda : is trevor upstairs ? i really need to see him . krystal : yeah . yeah , he 's upstairs . opal just -- tad : what the -- krystal : what happened ? jake : what happened ? what always happens -- david hayward . krystal : oh , my god . did he -- is he -- jake : no . he 's not dead . i mean , he keeps reminding us all that his clock is still ticking . tad : yeah , which is a bucket of crap , and we all know it . krystal : so you still think that he 's faking this blood disorder . tad : that 's exactly what i think . jake : well , let 's hope that you 're right . because if it 's real , that could mean that trevor 's sick , too . krystal : it 's hereditary ? [ door closes ] marissa : hi . hi , guys . i hope it 's ok , us dropping by like this , but j.r. was n't feeling very well right now , so , um , i thought that little a and kathy could have a play date . but if this is a bad time -- tad : no . no , no , no . it 's great . it 's fine . listen , kathy 's downstairs playing video games . why do n't you go down and see if you can give her a run for the money , huh ? marissa : ok , what -- you guys are freaking me out . what did i just walk in on ? krystal : marissa , honey , why -- why do n't you , uh , why do n't you sit down ? marissa : why ? krystal : because there 's something that you need to know . [ scene_break ] annie : is this possible ? is this really happening ? us ? all of us , a family ? scott : felt like one earlier . annie : oh , i just really want that for emma . if she could just relax where adam 's concerned . that way she could see the loving , caring man that i see and not the man who shot his brother . scott : give her time , ok ? she 'll get there . annie : yeah ? and what about you ? emma 's not the only one who needs to loosen up a little bit . why are you so serious ? you need -- you need to loosen it up . just chill out , relax , huh ? see , is n't that a little better ? [ while annie loosens scott 's tie , he backs away ] scott : yeah . whoa , that better not be for me . annie : what -- emma : it 's for the snowman . annie : what -- adam : which we are about to build . annie : now ? it 's gon na be dark soon . adam : well , that makes it more fun . annie : all right . go get your snow gear . emma : yay ! annie : looks like you 're making some progress . adam : well , too bad i had to resort to bribery . annie : oh , do n't worry about it . get used to it . 7-year - olds -- cookies are king . come here , you . come here . i 'll help . ah , good girl . [ phone rings ] adam : ah . oh , no , that 's just -- i 'm gon na have to take this . it 's business . annie : oh , ok . we can wait for you . adam : no , no , no . you go right ahead . i 'll , uh , i wo n't be long . annie : ok . adam : adam chandler . annie : hat . all right . oh , you 're all toasty now . here you go . ok , well , stay where i can see you , ok ? annie : i was n't trying to make you uncomfortable before . scott : i know . annie : do you ? really ? just so there 's no confusion , i have no intention of breaking adam 's trust again -- not for you , not for anyone . [ scene_break ] colby : good . you 're home . you would n't believe how well it 's working , j.r. annie is toast . you should have seen her today , gushing how we 're a real family now . please . that psycho will never be a part of us -- ever . j.r. : sounds like you 're gon na make sure of that . colby : oh , i am . um , there 's just one problem . i sort of -- i sort of told scott how i really felt . i know . stupid , right ? but at the time i thought he 'd make a good ally . j.r. : scott 's on team annie . colby : oh , i get that . question is , why ? j.r. : probably because he still has a thing for her . colby : but would n't that make him want to help ? i mean , if dad and annie break up , then scott can move in for the kill . j.r. : except that 's not the way he operates . you want to break up this marriage , go for it . but you 're not gon na get any help from our cousin . colby : or you , i 'm guessing . you look like hell . j.r. : oh , well , gee , thanks . colby : please say you 're not drinking again . [ scene_break ] marissa : so you 're saying that i could be sick ? that i could die like david ? jake : do n't do this to yourself , ok ? you 're gon na get a dna test , and angie said that if we do this today , we can get the results tomorrow . tad : i 'm sorry , marissa . i mean , it 's got to be a lot to take in , especially now . marissa : what about little a ? krystal : i do n't want to think about that . jake : he 's gon na be tested , too . hopefully , he 's fine . marissa : oh , my god . i ca n't believe that this is happening . kathy : can we go sledding ? tad : well , as you 're already dressed , i think that could be arranged . go on . meet you outside . uh , listen , why do n't you step outside with me and keep an eye on the kids , ok ? jake : yeah . tad : so , amanda 's really freaking out , huh ? jake : we 're both freaking out . tad : oh , come on . at least you know that hayward 's faking it . jake : well , what if i 'm wrong and trevor 's next ? tad : you ca n't start giving a guy like david the benefit of the doubt , ok ? not now . jake : i 'm the first one to tell you i think david 's a liar , you know ? but the whole time i am actually hoping that it 's true so we could be rid of the bastard once and for all . but what if my wish comes true ? that would mean that trevor 's next . tad : that 's not how it works . jake : how does it work ? tell me how it works . tad : i do n't know , jake . get out of the street . jake : look , i would gladly put up with david hayward for the rest of my natural - born life as long as trevor was ok . i mean , you know , i love him . tad : uh - huh . you 've already given him everything that you can . [ scene_break ] marissa : when little a saw j.r. not feeling well earlier , he asked if his dad was going to die . krystal : if that just does n't break your heart . marissa : he ca n't lose another parent , krystal . krystal : you are not going anywhere , ok ? there is a good chance that you did n't inherit this disease . marissa : but what about trevor ? i mean , is it even statistically possible that both david 's kids could be in the clear ? krystal : i think that 's a question for angie . amanda : why bother ? we both know the answer . [ scene_break ] liza : honestly , i meant it when i said that i missed you guys . you guys became part of my family . bailey : well , we missed you , too . right ? liza : i do n't know . i thought it was gon na be the best idea just to make a clean break , you know ? but honestly , i -- i just do n't know what to do . i mean , obviously i 'm not very good at keeping people , you know ? i lost you . i lost stuart . my daughter just moved back in with her father . bailey : i 'm sorry . liza : yeah . well , here i am . i come back to pine valley to reconnect with my daughter , start a family -- and i 'm alone . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 're starting to sound like adam . you know that ? colby : well , i 'm worried about you . j.r. : well , stop . i 'm not drinking . colby : ok . j.r. : but i 'll take a breathalyzer if you want . colby : no . i believe you . but you have to admit -- i mean , you have n't been acting yourself these past few months . is everything cool with you and marissa ? j.r. : yeah . yeah , marissa and i are fine . we 're -- i got this flu that i just ca n't seem to shake , you know ? colby : oh . you should hit up lucretia . j.r. : why ? colby : hello ? magical soup ? j.r. : that 's right . i totally forgot about that . colby : i swear that stuff could cure a terminal disease . j.r. : well , if lucretia 's not making any house calls any time soon , i 'm not gon na be getting any of her soup , because i 'm not gon na be swinging by adam 's house . colby : so , i 'll get the recipe . j.r. : well , how are you gon na do that when she guards that box with her life ? colby : so ? i 'll -- i 'll steal it . j.r. : how are you gon na get in the kitchen unsupervised ? colby : can you believe she still makes me follow that rule ? j.r. : you practically burned down the whole place . colby : oh , that 's what dad was saying earlier . do n't worry , people . there were no flames . j.r. : so you and dad were reminiscing earlier ? colby : yeah . and scott . dad misses you . he wishes you were there . once i boot annie out of the house , then we can -- j.r. : look , annie or no annie , it 's not gon na make any difference . there 's no going back for adam and me . [ scene_break ] angie : all right , we 're all set . so , who wants to go first ? that 's a dumb question . i know none of you want to be here . jake : ok , you know , we 'll do it , because we might as well get it over with . ready ? krystal : can i get you anything ? marissa : yeah . i -- i 'd love some tea . krystal : ok . coming right up . marissa : ok . tad : so , i 'm guessing that you have n't told j.r. what 's going on with either you or little a . marissa : no . but it 's not like we 're finding anything out today , right ? and j.r. has enough on his mind . tad : that sounds so familiar . oh , that 's right . that 's right . that 's exactly what he said about you and his cancer . i got it . i got it . marissa : it 's not the same thing . tad : honey , come on . do n't make the same mistake he did . tell your husband what 's going on . [ scene_break ] amanda : yeah , that was n't so bad , now was it , big guy ? jake : so we 'll know tomorrow , right ? angie : yeah . i 'll call you as soon as the results come in . jake : ok . amanda : there 's something you 're not telling us . what is it ? angie : after you left , i consulted with a hematologist . well , i got the most recent information on malignant erythrotosis . and , um , you know , there 's not a ton of stats on this disease . but there was one number that kept coming up . and i know that this is the last thing that either one of you want to hear . amanda : just say it . angie : 85 % of patients diagnosed -- they ended up passing it on to their children . [ scene_break ] bailey : sometimes i do n't even know how you can look at me . liza : what ? bailey : i mean , you come back here to find your daughter and adopt a son . yeah , and then i came and ruined everything . liza : no , come on . bailey , you had every right to want to see your son . bailey : yeah , i know . but i caused so much drama . and now everything is messed up between you and colby . liza : no , no . really , colby left for her own reasons . trust me . well , her relationship with her father is tenuous at best . she 's got this sort of , you know , love - hate , tug - of - war kind of thing that 's going on with them . bailey : and right now it 's in the love phase ? liza : well , kind of . you know , adam , her father , actually just got remarried , and to say that colby is unimpressed with his new wife would be a massive understatement . bailey : got it . liza : so , colby decided she needed to move back in with him to protect him . i do n't want her getting in the middle of that . you know ? i worry about her . bailey : well , of course , you do . you 're her mom . why are n't you sharing this with her ? liza : well , my daughter colby is not exactly the best listener . bailey : so keep trying . you did n't give up on me , right ? do n't give up on your daughter . [ scene_break ] colby : whew . scott : so what do you think , emma ? huh ? best snowman ever ? emma : yeah . annie : well , we have to give him a cool name . scott : you 're right . how about humphrey ? annie : i said , `` cool name . `` scott : sorry . sorry , sorry . constantine . emma : no way ! scott : oh ! what ? are you just gon na let her beat up on me like that ? annie : you started it . what adult male still has a snowball launcher anyway ? scott : oh , this adult male , that 's who . adam : is the snowman finished already ? annie : hey . well , it was so cold out there that we decided to come in and warm up . i hope we did n't interrupt your phone call . adam : oh , no , no . no problem . emma : scott started a big snowball fight . adam : oh , he did , did he ? sounds like fun . annie : it was fun . but unfortunately the fun is over . it is time for bed , miss thing . upstairs , brush your teeth . i 'll be in to read you a story soon , ok ? go on . uh , sweetie , do n't you want to say good night ? emma : good night . adam : good night , emma . sweet dreams . annie : i know one day very , very soon emma is going to love you just as much as i do . [ scene_break ] amanda : he 's getting sleepy . i think i 'm gon na go put him down . jake : i think he 's fine . i think he 's comfortable . can i just talk to you for a second ? we need to talk . amanda : about what ? jake : you 're scared about what angie said . amanda : and you 're not ? she basically handed our son a death sentence , jake . jake : no , that 's not at all what she did . she said that he had a 15 % chance of not being sick . amanda : 15 % is nothing . jake : look , even if trevor has that genetic marker -- amanda : i ca n't think about it . jake : listen to me . even if he has that genetic marker , it does n't mean he 's gon na die . amanda : that 's exactly what it means , jake . maybe not today or tomorrow , but before he should . before us . jake : look at it this way . it has n't hit david for such a long time , right ? is n't that right ? and marissa -- she shows absolutely no signs of any symptoms or anything . so if this a reality -- i mean , if he -- we have time . amanda : to say good - bye ? jake : no . to find a cure . amanda : what if that 's impossible ? you could give me all the time in the world , and i 'm never gon na be ready to let him go . do you believe in karma ? jake : do n't go there , please . amanda : you know , we faked trevor 's death . we held a memorial service . you think we 're getting what we deserve ? jake : no , i do n't think that . amanda : how can you be so sure ? jake : because that 's not the way that it works . amanda : i know it was n't real . but it felt that way when i -- when i held that urn and buried the ashes . look at him , jake . i can not go through that with trevor . jake : you 're not gon na have to , ok ? you 're not gon na have to because if he is sick , i will dedicate , i will devote every single minute , every single second of my life to finding a cure for our little boy , ok ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you know , i 'm starving . maybe i should go see what i can round up in the fridge . tad : honey , you do n't have to do that . krystal : cook ? tad : be strong . marissa 's not here anymore . krystal : my god , tad -- i mean , just the thought of losing another daughter -- tad : now , come on . krystal : little a . tad : we still do n't know if that disease is for real , remember ? krystal : yeah , but we have no proof that it 's not . so , it 's possible that david is legit , right ? tad : yeah , it 's possible . krystal : so then it 's possible that marissa and my grandson -- tad : whatever you need , whenever you need it -- you just ask , ok ? ok ? krystal : you mean that ? tad : oh , hell , yes . i was wrong about what i said before . you do n't live here just for jenny . krystal : we 're friends . tad : oh , best kind . after going through what we 've been through together , and we still hang , laugh , torture one another , tell each other our deepest and darkest secrets . hmm ? krystal : nice try . nice try . i think i 'm gon na go upstairs and check on the kids and give them a kiss . tad : you ever kiss that architect ? i mean , as long as you bring it up , i just -- you know , like a real kiss , like a movie star kiss . that 's what kathy calls it . krystal : good night , tad . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey . i picked up some soup . j.r. : oh , thank you . marissa : how are you feeling ? j.r. : feeling a little better . how 's little adam ? marissa : he 's good . he was a lot better when we got to tad and krystal 's . i hope it 's ok that he 's staying the night . j.r. : i 'm glad . i hate having him see me like this . i can barely stand it when you do . marissa : stop . j.r. : no , seriously . you should see your face right now . marissa : j.r. , it 's not you . j.r. : then what ? marissa : um -- this , um , blood disease of david 's -- j.r. : yeah ? marissa : i could have it , too . it 's hereditary . j.r. : oh , my god . little adam ? marissa : yeah . yeah , he 's also at risk . j.r. : well -- you just found this out today ? marissa : yeah . i went to the hospital and i got some tests , and i guess we 'll , you know , we 'll just have to do the same for little a . j.r. : why did n't you tell me when you were on the phone ? marissa : i know , i know . i should have , but you just have so much on your plate right now i did n't -- j.r. : yeah , well , it 's a good thing that i have my appetite back . [ scene_break ] adam : the reports are on my desk in my study . would you mind grabbing them for me ? scott : yeah . annie : oh , sorry . i thought adam was alone . scott : i was just leaving . annie : ah . hi . adam : mm . mm ! well , what was that for ? annie : just a little reminder to show you how much i love you . i feel like i have been so focused on emma lately , i just did n't want you to feel neglected . hmm , let 's see here . [ music plays ] adam : oh , my , my , my . my , my , my . [ scott watches through the terrace door ] [ scene_break ] colby : hey . what are you doing here ? liza : listen , colby , i was worried about you , and i 'm hoping that we can talk . colby : relax , mom . i have everything under control . | colby comes into the chandler living room and finds annie playing with emma . at the hospital , angie and jake try to assure amanda that they will do a dna test on trevor to find out if he has david 's disease . amanda and jake come to tad 's to pick up trevor and lets them know about david and his disease and that trevor may have it . tad tries to console krystal concerning little a and whether or not that he may have this incurable disease ( which he does n't ) tad asks krystal had she ever kissed rob which she does n't tell him . marissa comes home and tells j.r. that she may have the incurable disease that david has . j.r. assures her that they will get through this . annie starts to a provocative dance for adam . scott watches from outside . liza comes to visit colby . liza and colby hear annie scream . |
scott : what is your deal with me ? guard : maybe i do n't like trust fund brats who use expensive lawyers to buy their way into early parole hearings . scott : well , if i had a trust fund , i 'd be insulted . but i did n't even know you cared . it 's good to know you 're going to miss me . guard : clean it up . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] jake : oh , i want what they 're having . do you mind ? greenlee : hey , guys . ryan : hey . come on , sit down . hey , how are you ? jake : how are you ? ryan : you look nice . [ cell phone rings ] ryan : good . good , good , good . jake : all right . ryan : so you 're a little bit late , that 's ok . greenlee : sorry , sorry . business . ryan : ok . [ phone rings ] [ scene_break ] frankie : all night , just sitting there , waiting ? natalia : that is why they call it a stakeout . brot : and most of the time , at least , we 're not -- what did you spend , like , 8 hours waiting in a car last week ? natalia : pretty much . brot : and the sting never happened . frankie : yeah . at least when i have the graveyard shift , there 's guaranteed to be something coming through the e.r . doors that night . randi : so what do you guys talk about all night on a stakeout ? natalia : ahem , well , actually , this is our first stakeout , just us two , technically . brot : yeah . natalia : i mean , last week , i had one with tad , but you know him . you ask him the time , he tells you how to make a watch . brot : that 's true . but i 'm sure we 'll find something to talk about . randi : excuse me , one second . hey . pretty serious over here . i hope it 's not bad news . madison : no , um -- it 's from someone who actually seems interested in me , wants to see me . randi : ok , that 's pretty old school . he sent you a letter asking you on a date ? madison : yeah . randi : so what 's up with this guy ? why ca n't he just pick up the phone and call you ? madison : probably because he 's in prison . [ scene_break ] angie : ha ha . i love your surprises . jesse : i love you . mayor blanco : ah . oh , the hubbards . angie : mayor blanco . mayor blanco : listen , this is n't the first time i stopped by your office to discuss a few things only to find the chief out again . now , it seems like you 're spending more time here in the hospital than at work . jesse : yeah . look , there 's a really good reason for that . mayor blanco : understood , but you may need to better learn how to separate your personal life from your professional one . i mean , the department is also suffering . [ scene_break ] marissa : oh ! annie : oh , my god . oh , my god , i killed her . oh , my god , oh , my god . oh , my god , my god -- well -- ok . ok , you 're still breathing . uh , uh -- keep doing that . um -- ugh . come on . [ cell phone rings ] annie : hello ? j.r. : hey . i 've been looking for you . annie : oh , yeah ? j.r. : are you ok ? annie : yeah , i 'm good . i 'm good , i 'm great . how are you doing ? j.r. : where are you ? annie ? annie : uh , j.r. , i ca n't really hear you . what did you say ? j.r. : i was asking where you were . annie : oh , just out and about . knocking out a few errands . j.r. : you staying out of trouble ? annie : you know me . doing my best . j.r. : did you get my voicemail ? annie : um , no , no , i -- i must have turned my phone because the battery was low . you said you were busy all night , anyway , right ? j.r. : well , everything is changed . i took care of everything . i want to be with you . annie : you do ? j.r. : yes . listen , i 'll see you at the house in a minute . annie : no ! no -- no hurry . i mean , because i have some things i have to do -- some things i have to take care of . [ marissa groans ] j.r. : what was that ? annie : j.r. , i really still ca n't hear you very well . j.r. : annie , listen , i have something important i want to talk to you about . it 's important . annie : really ? j.r. : yeah . i 'll see you at the house in a minute . [ marissa groans ] annie : shh ! oh ! um -- um -- ok . ok . ok . oh , my god , annie . what are you doing ? what are you doing ? think , think , think , think , think . think . think . yes . perfect . perfect . [ scene_break ] jesse : i do n't like what you 're insinuating , mayor blanco . you know what my wife is going through , so i think you should think before you start accusing me of not paying attention . angie : mayor blanco , you 're a godsend . i was just telling jesse that he 's hovering way too much . perfect timing to get him back to the office . thank you . mayor blanco : well -- you should listen to your wife . i 'll see you back there then ? ok . jesse : oh , my god , that -- that -- angie : jesse -- jesse , she was just baiting you . and that detective that you said has been , you know , lurking in the background who 's after your job -- jesse : peterson ? always sucking up to blanco . angie : yes . well , all mayor blanco wants is a reason to fire you and hire him . do n't give her the ammunition . jesse : you 're amazing . even without your sight , you see so much better than i do . [ scene_break ] randi : scott chandler ? you got a letter from him from prison ? madison : yeah . crazy , right ? i mean , i barely knew him before he went away . i do n't know why he 'd show any interest in me now . i mean , he was really nice to me when i tried to visit my father . randi : yeah , nice for a thief . madison : ok . hey , you do n't know what happened with him any more than i do . it sounded to me like he got caught in an ugly game between the chandlers and caleb cortlandt and annie , and they 'll just let him take the fall . i know what it 's like to be stuck in the middle of an emotional shooting match . it 's real easy to make a mistake . randi : ok . fine , you 're right . i do n't know what happened . hey , you want to join us ? madison : yeah . natalia : hey , madison . madison : are you guys leaving ? brot : yeah . we 're actually on the clock , so we 'll see you guys later , all right ? frankie : all right . natalia : bye . frankie : bye . randi : bye . frankie : i am glad we ran into you because -- well , i was going to call when i knew for sure , but i may have found a lead on a job for you . madison : oh , thank you , but i already got one . i 'm going back to work for fusion . randi : um , run that by me one more time ? madison : not in the office . kendall 's getting out of the hospital , and she needs someone to work out of her house with her . randi : ok , i 'm sorry , but is n't that , like , just doing exactly what you said you did n't want to do ? frankie : putting you right back in the middle of things with ryan ? madison : i can stay away from ryan . it wo n't be that hard . [ scene_break ] greenlee 's voice : `` i 'm busy . `` scott 's voice : `` visiting hour 's almost over . `` greenlee 's voice : `` another time then . `` scott 's voice : `` is our agreement off ? `` greenlee 's voice : `` you 're the one who needs a job . `` scott 's voice : `` you 're the one who needs madison away from ryan . come tonight or forget the whole thing . `` ryan : hey , everything all right ? greenlee : yeah . what 'd i miss ? jake : nothing . we were talking about babies . greenlee : babies ? jake : yeah . greenlee : you want to have another one ? jake : well , yes , of course , we -- yes . and this time , it would be drama - free , so yes . greenlee : wow . that 's great . amanda : yeah . greenlee : another baby . ryan : so why does it look like you 're about to take off ? greenlee : oh , you know what ? that was a text -- from a supplier . i need to go into work and pull some files . amanda : oh , come on . do n't you have somebody who can do that for you ? greenlee : oh , you know what ? listen , i 'd rather hang out with you guys tonight than do this , trust me . jake : you know , it 's fine . we 'll do it another night . ryan : yeah , i 'll come with you . greenlee : no , no , no . you do n't have to . it 's just busy work . i 'm really happy for you guys . and i hope it happens for you soon . jake : thank you . amanda : bye . greenlee : bye . jake : we 'll do it another night . [ scene_break ] [ glass shatters ] annie : ok . a burglar breaks in from the terrace , opens the door , searches the place [ marissa groans ] annie : shut up . i 'm thinking . uh -- ok . the nosy bitch surprises him . surprises the intruder . gets knocked out by the paperweight . and -- you know you really brought this on yourself . ok , ok . ok . ok , good . great . even better . [ scene_break ] randi : what do you do when kendall 's healthy enough to go back to the office ? madison : she 's supposed to be working from home for a few weeks at least . after that , i 'll deal . frankie : you know , ryan 's around his kid a lot . madison : ok . so it 's going to be impossible for me to avoid him 100 % of the time . frankie : maybe you do n't want to . madison : i 'm not telling him about this baby . randi : but you 're going to be around him . ryan 's voice : well , i 'm going to be looking into seeing if the crash was sabotaged or not , and you 're going to be with kendall . you 'll be spending some time with her , anyway , right ? so maybe you could just kind of keep an eye on her , make sure she does n't get wind of this investigation . madison : look , it 's all good . really . i 'm doing what 's best for my baby . [ scene_break ] guard : make it quick . greenlee : this better be important . you 've already screwed up my night . scott : i am sorry about your social life , ok , but there 's more important things on my mind . sit down . my parole hearing , it 's been moved up to tomorrow . greenlee : that 's it ? you messed up my dinner date -- you brought me all the way here just to tell me that ? scott : well , you need to know this because you 're going to be there tomorrow to testify on my behalf . [ scene_break ] [ beep ] [ alarm blares ] annie : oh -- j.r. oh ! nanny : who 's there ? j.r. : a.j . ? nanny : no , no , he 's asleep in his bed . the alarm went off just a minute ago . did you set it off ? j.r. : go upstairs to a.j . lock yourself in the room . do not come out till i come get you . nanny : ok . j.r. : marissa ? marissa , who did this ? marissa , what happened ? come on , marissa , talk to me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i give you a job . you keep madison busy and happy . where in that deal do you see me testifying at your parole hearing ? scott : ok , greenlee , i get one shot at an early parole , ok ? i think someone of your stature vouching for me -- that right there is nothing but net . greenlee : how flattering . look , getting you a job is one thing , but putting my reputation on the line like that would raise too many questions . scott : from ryan , you mean ? greenlee : from anyone . scott : but you 're going to do it for me , anyway , right ? greenlee : when did you get so cocky ? scott : oh , come on . i can see it in your eyes . there is something about madison -- her coming anywhere near ryan -- that 's got you on a mission . ok ? i am not being cocky . i 'm just stating facts . i can keep her away from ryan for as long as you want me to . all right ? in fact , i already started working on it . i just need a little extra help from you tomorrow , that 's all . i mean , do n't you want to see me be a free man , so i can start making your life so much easier ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . madison : hi . ryan : how are you ? madison : i just need some caffeine to keep me going . ryan : oh , really ? how 's kendall doing ? madison : well , i 'm keeping an eye on things . you know , if anyone alerts her to the crash investigation , i 'll call you . ryan : ok , ok . madison : oh , we did n't really discuss a timeframe . how long am i supposed to be doing this ? ryan : you know , i 'm not really too sure . i guess just as long as it takes me to figure out what happened to zach 's plane . if his partners killed him , then i want to be real careful about how i go about this and not raise any suspicions , you know ? madison : well , if they did murder him , i mean , is there still a threat ? are kendall and the boys in danger ? [ scene_break ] natalia : dispatch , this is 3 - 4 - 2 . we need an ambulance to 300 river road . j.r. : no , no , i already called 9 - 1 - 1 . natalia : well -- dispatch , check that . resident said he already called for one . brot : is anyone else hurt ? j.r. : no . my son is upstairs with the nanny . i came home . i found her like this . natalia : we 've got a residential burglary . one female assault victim . brot : ok , did you see anybody ? have you searched the house ? anything ? j.r. : no , i 've been trying to take care of her . marissa ? marissa , can you hear me ? brot : hey , i 'm going to take a look around , all right ? j.r. : there you are . marissa : j.r. ? j.r. , what happened ? j.r. : hold on , hold on . looks like you walked in on a burglar . look , i want to get her to the hospital now . this ambulance is taking too long . marissa : oh , they took my bracelet , the one that you gave me when i adopted a.j . j.r. : shh , shh . marissa : my purse ! j.r. : no , no , it 's ok , it 's ok . just lay back . it 's ok . annie : j.r. ! oh , my god ! what happened ? natalia : hey , can you tell me if you know or you think you know or saw who it was who attacked you ? marissa : no , they must have hit me from behind . annie : how can i help ? what can i do ? brot : all right , there was no sign of anything else disturbed . i told the nanny it was clear . a.j . : mommy ! nanny : a.j . , do n't go in there ! marissa : it 's ok , it 's ok . mommy 's ok . i really am , j.r . i just feel a little dizzy . i do n't need to go to the hospital . j.r. : marissa -- annie : seriously , what can i do to help ? a.j . : mommy , please do n't go . marissa : do n't worry , baby . mommy 's not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] jesse : you 've always been able to keep me from blowing my stack , have n't you ? angie : and you 've always been a very passionate man , but iris is definitely out to get you . jesse : yeah , i know . i know i need to be more careful with her . angie : you 'll be fine . you 're smarter than she is and a hell of a lot more resourceful . jesse : hmm . angie : and sexier , too . [ cell phone beeps ] jesse : hold on a sec . what did i do with it ? ok , things are popping . break - in at the chandlers ' . and the stakeout 's coming to a head . angie : all right , go get 'em , hercules . show iris that she 's got the best damn chief of police in the country . jesse : you got it , baby , i 'm on it . bye . angie : bye . [ scene_break ] natalia : sorry , j.r. we called for an ambulance , but the first one had engine trouble , so we sent for another one . marissa : i told you , i do n't need to go to the hospital . j.r. : then you at least need to be checked out here . i want fingerprints taken . i want the son of a bitch caught who did this . brot : listen , we 're going to have it dusted , ok ? we 'll do everything we can to find him , but whoever did this probably wore gloves . the only prints we 're likely to get right now is from people that actually live here in the house . natalia : do you think you can tell me anything about what happened here ? annie : me ? no , i -- i just got here . business matters . natalia : and you were n't here at all earlier today ? marissa 's voice : this is a sign , j.r. somebody tried to take me away from you and a.j . forever . [ echoes ] if this does n't make you realize that we belong together . j.r. : i know , i know . for one awful moment , i thought that you were gone , and i just -- oh , and then i just -- i ca n't bear that . i ca n't bear to not have you in my life . [ echoes ] natalia : annie ? yo , annie . you ok ? annie : i 'm sorry . i just -- i just ca n't believe something this horrible could happen . i have to help . you know what ? i have an idea . since you do n't want to go to the hospital , why do n't i call amanda , and she can send jake over ? brot : the emts are still on the way . annie : i know that . i know that . i just think it ca n't hurt to get a second opinion from a great doctor . j.r. : yeah . yeah , i think that 's a good idea . why do n't you give them a call ? annie : ok . amanda , i need you to help me . like , right now . [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm just being extra careful with this , that 's all . i mean , if zach 's partners did kill him to stop the casino sale from going through , they 're not going to raise suspicions by going after somebody else . madison : well , and if you find proof that they do want something else , what then ? ryan : well , then i 'll protect kendall , protect the boys . i 'll protect you , because you 're spending time over at the house . i have to do this . i have to . i owe it to zach . madison : have you found anything new ? ryan : i just got the ntsb report . it says that the investigation is closed , but i still got a lot of questions about it , so i 'm going to go to california and get some answers . madison : but if the case is closed , then how -- ryan : i want to reopen it . or i 'll dig myself , but i do n't want you to feel unsafe . madison : you amaze me . the way you take care of kendall . ryan : well , she 's the mother of my child . i 'll always take care of her . we 'll always have a connection . [ scene_break ] greenlee : let 's get one thing straight . there 's nothing about madison north that threatens me . scott : really ? not even the blond hair and that sweet face or that body that just -- greenlee : i get it . i get it . you 've been in prison too long . scott : that 's what i 'm saying . greenlee : what ryan and i have is solid . this is just about me wanting to give ryan some freedom . scott : from what ? huh ? what does madison have over him ? greenlee : nothing . i just want to keep it that way . he 's the type of guy that 'll go out of his way for a friend . scott : a friend , huh ? greenlee : madison has been through some tough times . i just want ryan to be able to see that she can move on with her life , that she can be happy on her own . scott : why do n't you just buy her a puppy ? greenlee : i 've hired you , have n't i ? you 've wasted enough of my time tonight . scott : well , -- ahem . you 're still going to be there tomorrow , though , right ? tel the board what a standup guy i am ? [ scene_break ] annie : ok , everyone , jake is here , so everything 's going to be ok . jake : hi . ooh , yeah . you got beaned in the old noggin , huh ? marissa : uh - huh . e.m.t . : obvious trauma to center frontal lobe with loss of consciousness for about 5 minutes . pupils are pearl , though , and no laceration . j.r. : what does that mean ? jake : it just means she 's dizzy . she 's going to be all right . look at me . natalia : i think we 've got everything we need . the forensics team will be here soon to dust the place . brot : take care of her . annie : we will . we 'll make sure she 's just fine and dandy . so i was thinking about prepping a press release in case the media gets ahold of the police report . j.r. : yeah . ah , that 's great , thanks . amanda : annie , can i talk to you for a sec ? annie : yeah . thank you so much for coming and for bringing jake . you are never going to believe what happened . j.r. is flipping out because his -- amanda : look , i know tonight was probably a really upsetting night . and -- and do n't take this the wrong way , but why did you call me to bring jake over here ? i mean , an emt 's already here , and marissa does n't seem like she 's in that much trouble . annie : well , i 've got to tell you what happened . i walked in the house -- amanda : no , listen . actually , i do n't think that you do . i think that you are relying a little too much on me lately . annie : what are you talking about ? amanda : we 've been using each other -- to help me with cara , you with marissa . annie : yeah . that 's what friends do . amanda : i know , but listen . jake and i , were having a great night together . and cara never even popped into my head . she never even came up in conversation . annie : ok . well , then . i 'm happy for you . it 's just , you know , sometimes the threat is more than -- amanda : sometimes the threat is not the problem that you make it out to be . you know , maybe cara is n't this threat that i thought she was . maybe marissa is not the problem you 're making her out to be . and maybe you and i are just fueling our paranoia . annie : paranoia ? amanda : maybe we should cool things down between the two of us . annie : you 're dumping me as a friend ? amanda : no , of course not . i just think that we should lay off the panicky phone calls , you know ? annie : you mean i should lay off . you have n't made any phone calls . amanda : ok , well , yeah , i guess so . annie : so that 's it ? so you do n't need me , so you 're done with me ? never mind if i need you . amanda : oh , my god . annie , no , just -- why do you have to be so dramatic about everything ? annie : dramatic ? ! me ? jake : so i suggest that you at least stay the night in the hospital , just one night for observation . marissa : no , no , please , really . i do n't want to upset a.j . any more than he already is . i 'll be fine . i just want to head home . j.r. : well , if you 're not going to the hospital , you 're going to stay here tonight so a.j . and i can look after you . marissa : j.r -- j.r. : this is not up for discussion . you 're going to stay here tonight . annie : marissa , do n't you think it would be a good idea to let them keep an eye on you overnight at the hospital ? jake : well , whenever there 's a loss of consciousness , i like to see a cat scan or an mri , but if you 're really insisting on not going in -- if you start vomiting or seeing double or get a headache , i need you to go in first thing in the morning , get some pictures taken , ok ? as long as somebody stays with you all night long and checks on you every few hours . ok ? j.r. : i 'll take good care of her . jake : mm - hmm . well , then we 'll say good night . and i 'll call you tomorrow to make sure everything 's ok . amanda : all right . annie , we 'll talk later . jake : feel better . annie : you heard what jake said . she needs to go to a hospital . she has to get an mri . i mean , a.j . 's a big boy . if we explain to him that it 's for marissa 's well - being , i 'm sure he 'll feel better about it . j.r. : i 'm not going to feel better about it . i want to keep an eye on her . she was attacked in my house . it happened in here . and if i get my hands on whoever did this -- look , i 'm sorry . the reason why i called you over here is , i wanted to tell you something -- about us . [ scene_break ] natalia : where is everybody ? louis : you guys are late . you missed all the action . brot : well , we had a burglary - assault delay us . what happened ? louis : perp made his move early . he 's already downtown . natalia : downtown ? that sucks . i mean , we did all the grunt work , and then we missed the collar ? louis : here . room 's paid up for the night , courtesy of the pvpd . hang out . enjoy yourselves . natalia : ha , ha . you 're a riot , louis . yeah , real funny . ' brot : you know , louis may have been joking around , but i was actually thinking the same thing . natalia : uh - uh , we 're on duty , brot . brot : only for 5 more minutes . the chandlers took up most of our shift , and the stakeout was going to be overtime . so we 're technically saving the department money . come on , why do n't you hang out for a little while ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . i missed you . greenlee : hi . aw . oh , i 'm sorry that i had to leave early . i was really having fun with you guys . i wish we could have made a night of it . ryan : well , we still can . both : i got something i want to tell you . greenlee : can i go first ? ryan : yeah , yeah . just give me one second . greenlee : ahem . i did n't have to go to fusion tonight . i went to see scott chandler . [ scene_break ] guard : last visitor tonight , chandler . scott : this is a surprise . madison : so was this . scott : i -- i hope i did n't freak you out or come across too forward . it 's like , i tried to tell you what i was thinking and how i felt , so -- madison : no offense at all . i just do n't usually get flattering letters from guys behind bars . scott : well , i 'm not usually behind bars . and as of tomorrow , i 'm -- i 'm getting out . madison : you sound pretty sure about that . scott : i am . madison : look , i do n't even -- i do n't even know why i came . you know what they say . all the good guys are married , dead , or in jail . sorry . i 'm a little bit nervous . scott : look , who cares about what people say ? madison : you do n't ? scott : i used to . i used to , a lot . but i think it 's more important what you think and how you feel about yourself , really . madison : i 'm not really too sure about that right now . scott : come on , i do n't believe that . look , i -- i did n't mean to make you feel uncomfortable . i just -- i -- i really enjoyed seeing you , and i felt like we had a connection . well , i 'm getting ready to start a whole new chapter in my life , you know , you struck me as someone who -- madison : well , say it . desperate . scott : no , no , no . no , no , i was n't going to say that . far from it . i was going to say survivor . madison : well , that 's better than `` desperate . `` scott : better than a convict , too . look , i know you have n't had the easiest of lives . i -- i know about the death of your first husband . you already told me about your father . madison : both not exactly princes . i do n't know what we have in common . scott : i was married to annie . you were shot . so , see ? right there -- that 's similar . you just -- you know something about starting over , and i could use some tips . madison : well , you 've barely scratched the surface . i mean , i do n't think you really know anything about me here -- my life at all . scott : well , i 'd like to . but i doubt there 's anything you could share with me that would make me think any less of you . madison : i think you would be surprised . scott : oh , yeah ? well , surprise me . 'cause all i see is someone who is beautiful and smart and just -- madison : and pregnant . [ scene_break ] brot : come on , you have to admit that this is kind of like fate smacking us in the face . a room that 's paid for . two people that like each other , that never get enough alone time to get to know each other better . natalia : brot , i just -- brot : hey . `` seize the moment , `` right ? that 's what we 're going to do . this -- this room is a gift . you -- you 're my gift . [ kissing ] natalia : wait . just -- wait . brot : what is it ? natalia : i just -- i ca n't . i got to go . excuse me . [ scene_break ] madison : i do n't know why i said that . did i mention that i was nervous ? scott : is it true ? madison : i should n't have come . scott : whoa , whoa . wait a minute . i 'm glad you did . and listen , i meant what i said . all right ? i really want to get to know you better , no matter -- no matter what . madison : please do n't tell anyone . there are a lot of people that do n't know . scott : who does know ? madison : i got to get home . scott : i have a pretty good idea of one person who knows . [ scene_break ] greenlee : when scott asked you about coming to work for you , i started thinking about what really went down with him . you know , he 's a great guy taking responsibility for what he did . ryan : yeah . i mean , i wish there was something that i could do . greenlee : i know . and then i thought about stuart and how much he would want someone to help his son . and the hospital is n't regulated by the s.e.c . , so i offered him a job . and i also decided to testify at his parole hearing tomorrow . ryan : wow . i mean , i think that 's amazing . why would you keep that a secret from me ? greenlee : well , i wanted to look him in the eyes first -- make sure he was sincere . and i guess i just did n't want to blow my own horn , you know ? make it look like i 'm some do - gooder . ryan : you know , doing something nice is ok even if it does mess with your reputation . greenlee : i 've been given a second chance in life , ryan . i thought by doing the same thing for scott , i 'd be like paying things forward . i 'm sorry , i should have just told you . ryan : you 're amazing . greenlee : no -- ryan : you are . greenlee : no . so what did you want to tell me ? ryan : i just wanted to tell you that i have to go to california for some last- minute business . but i do n't have to leave till tomorrow night , so why do n't i come with you to the parole hearing and give a little support of my own ? greenlee : i 'd like that . ryan : yeah ? greenlee : mm - hmm . ryan : ok . so tomorrow 's taken care of . why do n't we pay attention to tonight ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i can not imagine how scary that must have been for marissa walking in on something like that . jake : yeah . something seems a little odd about it . amanda : what do you mean ? jake : she got hit square in the forehead , and she does n't remember anything , or she does n't remember seeing anything -- i do n't know . amanda : does that happen with concussions ? jake : yeah , but -- i do n't know -- there was something -- although , i mean , it could be amateurs or something -- somebody desperate enough to try to pull something off like that . amanda : yeah . yeah , i think you 're probably right about that . [ scene_break ] annie : what is it ? j.r. : what happened here kind of changes things . annie : what do you mean ? j.r. : i had a big surprise planned for you -- for the two of us . two first- class airfare to gstaad . i wanted to go skiing in the alps with you . annie : you and me in the alps ? j.r. : yeah , but we ca n't go now . i hope you understand . annie : you were going to take me to switzerland ? j.r. : yeah . you said you always wanted to go skiing there . i 'm sorry , annie . marissa 's been through something pretty nasty , and it happened here . i should have beefed up security . you know , there are so many nut cases out there . i just -- i ca n't leave her or a.j . alone right now . i hope you understand . | at the prison , a guard harasses scott for being rich and having a trust fund . the guard orders scott to clean up the mess . scott reaches down and pulls a cell phone out of his sock . ryan and greenlee sit in a booth in the confusion bar and kiss . jake and amanda joins them . greenlee receives a text message from scott and leaves ryan with jake and amanda . brot , natalia , frankie and randi have lunch together at krystal 's . their main topic of conversation is the stakeout that brot and natalia had been on the night before . randi inquires as to what they had talked about on the stakeout . in a nearby booth , madison reads a letter from scott . randi joins madison to see how she is doing . at the hospital , jesse and angie share some intimate time together when the mayor interrupts them . the mayor reprimands jesse for not being at work and letting the police department suffer . annie watches marissa as she looks at a pic of herself and j.r. with a.j . annie starts to barge into the living room and accidentally hits marissa with the door . marissa falls to the floor . annie fears that she had killed her . annie checks to see if she is still breathing and to her relief marissa is breathing . j.r. calls annie that he wants to see her , but she stalls him . annie comes up with a plan to make it look as though someone had broken into the chandler mansion and had knocked marissa unconscious . annie steals marissa 's purse and her bracelet . madison tells frankie and randi that she had gotten a job with kendall while she is home . ryan finds a brown envelope outside his door concerning zach and the plane crash , and that the case had been closed . j.r. arrives home and finds marissa on the floor unconscious . ryan lets madison know that he is going to california to check on evidence concerning zach 's death . |
[ previously_on ] [ phone rings ] jamie : turn it off already . have some consideration . adam : why do n't you just mind your own business ? liza : honey , just be quiet . jamie : yeah , `` honey , `` why do n't you shut your big , fat -- adam : if it is n't young jamie martin . trey : what do you know about reggie ? janelle : he struggles to keep out of the gang life . trey : i 'll do everything i can for this kid . greenlee : i think i 'm losing my mind . lysistrata : good . you called me . are you going to tell me why ? greenlee : do n't you know ? you 're the shrink . lysistrata : true , but i do n't read minds . now i 'm going to lie down , because watching you pace is wearing me out . greenlee : i ca n't believe i 'm paying for this . something happened . do n't you care ? lysistrata : you sound angry . greenlee : i am . you remember trey , leo 's brother ? lysistrata : mm - hmm . greenlee : he kissed me . lysistrata : woo - hoo ! it 's about time . [ scene_break ] young woman : hey , maggie , you made it . maggie : yeah , i stood outside shaking for 10 minutes , but i made it . young woman : i know . organic chemistry is hard enough without having professor stevens . maggie : so you 've heard about the rumors , too ? young woman : what rumors ? everyone knows it 's a total weed - out course . you ca n't cut it here , you 're out of pre - med . maggie : and stevens does n't make it any easier , does she ? young woman : nope . scary , huh ? maggie : very . maggie : who is that ? young woman : that 's henry chin . and he should n't be in this class . he should be teaching it . woman : good morning . this is organic chemistry . i am professor shambala stevens . and before we begin , i would like you to take a good look at the student sitting to your left , and then at the one sitting to your right because by the time we conclude this course , one of those seats will be empty . [ scene_break ] adam : uh , mr. martin , may i ask what you 're doing here in a movie house in the middle of the afternoon ? jamie : i 'm watching the movie . what do you think ? adam : you 're watching a movie ? jamie : yes . adam : listen , why are n't you at school ? j.r. : there 's no way that 's my dad . not here , not now . laurie : it 's him , j.r. , and he 's here with your stepmom . what are we going to do ? j.r. : i do n't know . i swear , they never go to the movies . i mean , we have our own screening room . what is he doing ? laurie : he 's -- adam : does your mother know you 're here ? jamie : it does n't matter . adam : does your father -- patrons : shh ! adam : `` shh , `` yourself ! does your father know you 're here ? laurie : he 's talking to jamie . jamie would n't tell him -- j.r. : no , no , jamie would n't say anything . but we got to go . now . woman : shh . adam : j.r. j.r. , what are you doing here ? patrons : shh ! woman : ow ! adam : j.r .. j.r. , i asked you a question . what are you doing here ? j.r. : i 'm watching a movie . what are you doing here ? laurie : j.r. -- jamie : j.r. , come on , do n't do this . j.r. : what ? he wanted to know . joni : jamie , stay out of it . adam : you think your attitude is funny ? you 're supposed to be at an interview for harvard . man : hey , we 're trying to watch a movie . keep it down ! liza : i am so sorry . j.r. : i changed my mind . adam : without telling me ? liza : could we take this outside , please ? adam : what is your problem ? do n't you realize how important this interview is ? j.r. : i never asked for the interview or for you to get involved . man : take it outside ! adam : what difference does that make ? j.r. : forget it . i 'm out of here . adam : no , no . no , you 're not . man : let him go , for crying out loud . adam : i 've arranged everything . they 're waiting for you . is this the way you want to present yourself ? j.r. : i do n't want to present myself at all . why ca n't you get that ? adam : look , we still have time to get there if we leave right now . j.r. : do you listen ? do you listen ? i 'm not going to the interview , and i 'm not going to harvard . [ scene_break ] liza 's voice : my whole life has been wrapped up in being mrs. adam chandler . i live in his house , i work in his company . i throw charity events in his name . i do n't even remember who i was before i got married . mia : being married does n't change who you are . liza : well , it can . especially when you 're married to a strong , career - driven man . you go along for the ride , and sometimes on the ride you lose yourself . mia : liza , you have n't lost yourself . liza : i feel like i have . my sense of self is gone , and i want it back . jake : ah . there you go . mia : oh . jake : ok , let 's hear it . what do you think ? mia : well , it was everything that i 'd ever imagined when i was a little girl -- very solid , very traditional . 1940s sitcom , sort of -- you know , the neighbors come over to borrow tools and have barbecues . jake : ok , all right , so just answer the question . is that a yes or a no ? mia : it was great . it was a beautiful house . it 's kind of big , though , you know , just for two people . why are we looking at houses now ? jake : because we 're going to need a new place once we get married . mia : great . so -- so we can look then . jake : well , why not now ? i mean , that way we can -- we can get everything all ready by june , and then we wo n't have to move once we have kids . mia : yeah , i guess . i guess . jake : you do n't want to do this , do you ? mia : you asked me to join you for lunch , not make a life decision here . jake : i surprised you by showing you a house ? shoot me . mia : hmm , you know what ? i 'd rather shoot marian . `` and this is a bathroom , darling , and this is a living room , `` like we were complete and utter morons . jake : mia , that 's what real estate agents do . i mean , she was trying to show you a place that she thought you would love . so did i . mia : well , maybe you should have started by asking me . [ scene_break ] david : hey , reggie . how 's it going ? janelle : he 's not exactly talking right now . david : i can see that . all right , anybody going to tell me what 's going on ? janelle : i wish i knew . he 's not talking , and the people over at sykes island do n't know anything . david : sykes island ? that 's not a juvenile facility . what was he doing there ? trey : there was some kind of clerical error . janelle : yeah , we got him released as soon as we found out he was there . trey : he 's been limping and holding his side ever since we picked him up . david : oh , that 's great . anybody knocking him around in lockup and he ca n't defend himself . i got to check out his stitches . janelle : look , he is not going to let you go near him . trey : we got there just in time . any longer , i do n't think reggie would 've made it out of there . [ scene_break ] greenlee : did you just say , `` it 's about time `` ? lysistrata : yes . greenlee : it 's about time trey kissed me ? are you warped ? lysistrata : it 's about time somebody kissed you . greenlee : you 're crazier than i thought . follow me here , ok ? trey kissed me . he crossed a line . lysistrata : and what line is that ? a good - looking man kissing you is n't exactly cause for alarm in my book . greenlee : he 's leo 's brother , lysistrata ! there 's a huge element of creepy in that . lysistrata : is he not as good of a kisser as leo ? is that why you 're all flustered ? greenlee : he 's leo 's brother ! the point is he had no right . it was completely disrespectful to leo 's memory and to my personal boundaries . lysistrata : well , leo 's gone . you were n't being disrespectful . you were n't being unfaithful . greenlee : that is so not the issue here . i am not interested in trey . i have never been interested in trey . i will never be interested in trey . lysistrata : because he 's leo 's brother . greenlee : no , because he 's trey . and i told him that . lysistrata : and what did he say ? greenlee : that he understands . but then he goes and he does something that completely proves he does n't get it . lysistrata : like kiss you ? greenlee : yes ! like kiss me and hug me . oh , and then when he tries to be there for me , forget it . lysistrata : well , let me ask you something -- why do you think he 's doing all this ? greenlee : guilt . lysistrata : really ? greenlee : he 's the reason leo 's dead , lysistrata . lysistrata : huh . i thought you said that leo 's mother , vanessa , killed him . greenlee : she did . lysistrata : so then why do you blame trey ? greenlee : because he could have saved leo and he did n't . he 's nothing but a wimpy little coward . lysistrata : he saved your life . greenlee : so what ? that means i owe him something in return ? i do n't think so . lysistrata : well , did trey say that you owe him anything ? greenlee : no . but i know what he 's doing , ok ? i know when someone 's putting the moves on me , thank you . and then , to top it all off , david -- david defended him . lysistrata : huh . well , why do you think david did that ? greenlee : oh , who knows with those two . maybe they 're trying to bond as brothers , you know , by driving me crazy . lysistrata : that 's possible . greenlee : or maybe david feels responsible for leo 's death , too . i mean , if it were n't for their screwups , leo and i would be in paris right now and you would n't be here . lysistrata : hmm . so david and trey forced leo to postpone your move ? greenlee : they kept needing him . i mean , david told leo to go to paris with me , but did leo listen to him ? no . lysistrata : so then , how is it david 's fault that leo 's gone ? greenlee : oh , because -- because -- because he -- ok , fine , maybe david 's not responsible . but that does n't give him the right to keep telling me how much leo loved me , and it sure does n't give trey the right to kiss me . lysistrata : no , it does n't . greenlee : i just want them to realize that they 're nothing like leo and they never will be , and just leave me alone . why ca n't i get them to stop ? lysistrata : because , obviously , you do n't want them to . [ scene_break ] david : so what do you think ? should we send reggie home ? janelle : what ? david : well , if we ca n't get a look at him -- janelle : look , what about his wound ? it could be infected . david : it could be , but if i ca n't get near him , what am i going to do about it ? janelle : i do n't know . look , he does n't have anywhere to go right now . david : why ca n't he just go home ? janelle : alone ? no . david : well , what about his mother or some other guardian ? janelle : i looked for his mother after he was arrested . i could n't find her . david : ok , so what are we going to do ? we going to let him stay here ? janelle : i ca n't do that . david : obviously . reggie : look , i can hear you . janelle : reggie . look , i was thinking , you know , that maybe you could crash at my place . david : your place ? janelle : just until social services finds a group home . reggie : no -- no group homes . look , you can just squash that right now . janelle : look , reggie , it 's that or juvie . you know what ? fine . you decide because you 're doing a great job so far . reggie : i can take care of myself . david : yeah , we can all see that . reggie : look , i do n't need your charity . david : no , you may not need that , but what you do need is to be examined . so come on , reggie , let me at least take a look at you . reggie : yo , i told you , hands off . janelle : ok , fine . you wo n't let dr. hayward look at you , then i will . reggie : i do n't want your help , either ! janelle : reggie . trey : let me . janelle : you ? what do you know about it ? trey : i know enough . i 'll bring him back . [ scene_break ] prof. stevens : next class will be in the lab , so bring your safety goggles . [ students laugh ] prof. stevens : you 'll need to partner up before you leave , and choose wisely . labs account for 60 % of your grade . maggie : hey , regina , do you want to be my lab -- partner . regina : sorry , i 'm partnered up already . maggie : no , no . no problem at all . hey -- young woman : hey , do you want to be my partner ? young man : sure , yeah . young woman : ok . [ scene_break ] woman : i 'm going to speak to the manager . this is ridiculous . adam : fine . man : i hope they throw you out of here for good . adam : shut up . man : moron . liza : can we just go ? this is embarrassing for j.r . adam : that 's too bad . this ca n't wait . liza : can we just go home ? we can talk about this in private . adam : no , no . if we go home , you 'll call that ridiculous shrink who got us here in the first place . no , i 'm -- no , i 'm not leaving until this is settled . j.r. : it is settled . i 'm not going to harvard , and i 'm not going to that interview . adam : maybe i did n't make this clear to you -- that interview was not exactly easy to set up . j.r. : oh , let me guess -- you got a blister from writing out a check . joni : jamie , please , let 's just go . adam : i made a donation , yes . i 'm not ashamed of that . j.r. : well , maybe i am , ok ? laurie : j.r. -- adam : well , if you think your less - than - remarkable first quarter grades make you harvard material -- you have to impress these people ! j.r. : you already did that when you wrote out the check . what do you need me for ? adam : well , if writing a check is all it took , do you think i would have bothered setting up those math tutoring sessions ? do you think i would have made all those appointments with your teachers and your principal ? j.r. : whatever . adam : no , it 's not `` whatever . `` do n't `` whatever `` me . success requires hard work ! it requires discipline ! those are two concepts that you fail to grasp . j.r. : so you help me by throwing money at a college of your choice ? adam : i 'm trying -- i 'm trying to give you an opportunity that i never had . if i have the power to make that happen -- j.r. : then that 's what 's going to happen , right ? adam : you might start by being a little more grateful about it . my father was n't there to help me when i needed it . j.r. : yeah , i know the whole rags - to - riches story . how you -- how you came out of pigeon hollow and made something of yourself . i 've heard it . i 'm not -- i 'm not impressed . adam : are you saying my life is something to joke about ? j.r. : you 're the one who has it good . huh ? now you can bribe judges with sex . you can commit people to loony bins . you can even buy your son into harvard . good for you . adam : son , i 'm trying to help you . all you have to do is apply yourself like i did . j.r. : but i 'm not like you , dad , and i do n't -- i do n't want to be . you 're the last person i want to be like . ever . [ scene_break ] lysistrata : who is it you blame for your husband 's death ? trey ? david ? leo himself ? greenlee : exactly what is the point you 're trying to make here ? lysistrata : maybe you like having his brothers around so that you have somebody to be angry at . greenlee : oh , yeah , yeah . that 's it , exactly . lysistrata : or maybe you do n't want to face the person you really blame for what happened to leo . greenlee : the person i really blame ? lysistrata : yes . greenlee : the person i really blame for all this is vanessa . lysistrata : hmm . why would vanessa want to kill her own son ? greenlee : well , she did n't . she loved him . lysistrata : so vanessa never threatened leo ? greenlee : no . when she came here that night , she threatened me . she put a gun in my face . lysistrata : your face , not leo 's . greenlee : she needed me to get to him . i was the bait . she told him she 'd kill me if he did n't do what she wanted . lysistrata : which was run away with her . greenlee : yeah . lysistrata : we both know he was never going to do that . is that why she killed him ? greenlee : no . vanessa -- vanessa never meant to kill leo . she loved him . lysistrata : like leo loved you . greenlee : leo loved me more . lysistrata : you two shared a very powerful connection , greenlee . greenlee : that 's why vanessa hated me . that 's why she wanted to kill me . lysistrata : so your life was in jeopardy , and you needed leo to come and rescue you . that 's why leo went to miller 's falls . greenlee : yeah . yeah , that 's why . lysistrata : so leo 's life was n't in danger until his phone rang , he picked up , and heard your voice ? greenlee : that -- that 's not true . lysistrata : greenlee , why was he there ? how did he know how to find you ? greenlee : because i -- i called him . lysistrata : because you called him , and he came . why did he come ? greenlee : because . because he loved me . he wanted to save me . lysistrata : and he did . only there was nobody there to save him . greenlee : because i called him . oh , my god . i was the one who was supposed to die that night , not leo . he 's dead because of me , is n't he ? is n't he ? [ scene_break ] liza : adam , could we please go home ? adam : j.r. is throwing his life away because he ca n't keep his hands off some girl . liza : adam . j.r. : what did you just say ? jamie : he means like he ca n't keep his hands off my mother ! joni : jamie ! jamie : what ? i 'm not going to stand here and listen to him harp on j.r. when he does n't account for his own actions . joni : you 're disrespecting mr. chandler . he 's an adult . jamie : i do n't care . j.r. 's my brother . he needs somebody on his side . liza : nobody is taking sides , jamie . adam : jamie , you 'd be wise to listen to your friend . jamie : hey , do n't tell me what to do . joni : jamie -- jamie : what ? i 'm not going to stand here and have him yell at me and yell at j.r . joni : what choice do you give him ? and the way you talk to your father and the way you jump up to defend him ? jamie : joni -- come on , joni . adam : you see that ? you see it ? you see how easy it is for a girl to lead you around if you let her ? j.r. : that 's not what 's going on here . adam : oh , really ? just tell me what is going on here ! i suppose j.r. is in love with you . laurie : i -- he 's not . j.r. : just leave laurie out of this . she 's none of your business . adam : it is my business . you get her pregnant -- j.r. : if i what ? what is the matter with you ? liza : adam , that 's enough ! laurie , i am so sorry . mr. chandler did not mean that . adam : no , do n't -- do n't apologize for me ! laurie : i would never -- he 'd never -- liza : laurie . j.r. : laurie , wait . adam : j.r. -- no , listen , we 're not finished . [ scene_break ] jake : you know , i take you to look at a house , and i 'm the bad guy here ? mia , i did n't say buy the house . i just said look at it . mia : jake , look , sometimes you just spring things on me . like the proposal . jake : oh , yeah , that was really terrible , was n't it ? mia : no , it was n't terrible . it was wonderful . it 's just that not everything can be so sudden like that . jake : no ? except when it 's something that you want , right ? mia : whoa , whoa . what is that supposed to mean ? jake : i 'm not really sure what it means , mia . you know , i 'm just doing everything in my power to make things right for us . i 'm working really hard . mia : well , maybe that 's your problem . maybe you 're trying too hard . maybe we should just slow down and take some time to think things through , like , do we want a condo , or do we want a house in the country ? and do we really want to be planning for kids when i have n't had my career sorted out ? jake : you can do whatever you want . mia : not really . no , i ca n't , not if it involves the kind of hours that you put in . jake : mia , i support you in whatever you want to do . i do n't care . if you do n't want to work , you do n't have to work . you can stay at home . mia : and be a housewife ? like that 's not work ? jake : that 's not what i was implying . you know what ? i got to go to the hospital . mia : wait a minute . wait . you 're just going to walk out on me ? jake : no , i 'm walking out on this discussion . we could say that i 'm postponing it like you did our wedding . mia : jake , wait . jake : it feels like that 's all i ever do , mia . i 'll see you around . [ scene_break ] regina : professor stevens ? prof. stevens : regina , right ? regina : yes . i 'm partnered with melanie . prof. stevens : ok . got it . thank you very much . i 'll see you next class . melanie : ok . bye . prof. stevens : mr. chin . you left without giving me the name of your lab partner . henry : that 's because i 'm going to do the labs alone . i do n't need a partner . prof. stevens : that 's funny . i thought i set the protocol for this class . henry : professor stevens , if you think i ca n't handle -- professor stevens : henry , this class has an even number of students for a reason . miss stone ? maggie : yeah ? prof. stevens : do you have a lab partner ? maggie : oh -- no . no , i do n't . prof. stevens : well , you do now . henry chin , maggie stone . see how nicely that works out ? i 'll see you next class . [ scene_break ] trey : reggie ? come on , kid . reggie ? [ noise ] trey : whoa , where you going ? where you -- reggie : hey , hey , let me go ! trey : you going to run ? reggie : just let me go . trey : i said , are you going to run ? reggie : look , i do n't have to answer to you ! trey : look , you run , you are going to end up exactly where we found you today at skyes island . huh ? you want that ? do you ? trey : good . trey : looks like you 're still hurting . reggie : yeah , what do you care ? trey : i do n't . i just do n't want you bleeding on my jacket , that 's all . reggie : i 'm fine . trey : yeah , well , you should still get it checked out . come on . look , the way i see it , you got a choice . you can stay here and freeze to death , get picked up by the cops and go back into custody , or you can do the smart thing and come with me . reggie : i do n't want any more of that foster care janelle is selling . i can take care of myself . trey : yeah , well , you probably can . but in the eyes of the law , you 're a minor , and you need adult supervision . reggie : i do n't think so . trey : i used to think the same thing when i was your age . reggie : yeah , i bet . i bet you had a real rough time , right ? look at you , man . you do n't know nothing about me . trey : you know , you think you 're some great mystery to me ? i have been in your shoes , right where you are right now , more times than i can remember . [ scene_break ] greenlee : all this time i 've been blaming vanessa , david , trey . but it was me . it 's my fault that leo 's dead . lysistrata : blaming yourself does n't make you responsible for what happened to leo , greenlee . greenlee : i even blamed leo -- you know , for not putting us first -- but -- but i 'm the one who should have put him first . i never should have made that stupid phone call . i should 've just let vanessa do whatever she wanted to do to me . lysistrata : greenlee -- greenlee : he was my husband . he never should 've been at those falls . lysistrata : but if he had n't , you 'd be dead . greenlee : i should be dead ! i should be . i should have loved leo enough to give my life for him , the way that he gave his life for mine . lysistrata : what was so great about leo that his life deserves to be spared and yours does n't ? greenlee : because leo -- he had passion and energy , and he was charming and sexy and loving and funny , and -- he knew how to live , you know ? i mean , really live . and i -- what do i have ? what do i do ? nothing . i take up space in this stupid loft and wish i 'd died with him . lysistrata : well , then , there 's really only one thing left for you to do . [ scene_break ] maggie : i 'm sorry that professor stevens forced me on you . so , do you live on campus ? henry : mm - hmm . maggie : ok , great . well , that 'll make it so much easier for us to get together , and this is my phone number . call me any time . i 'm up . henry : no , i work alone . maggie : right , but professor stevens assigned us together , so -- henry : yeah , i 've got to talk to her about that . regina : hey , guys , i left my notebook in here . did n't mean to interrupt . henry : you did n't . maggie : uh , henry , you forgot to take my number . and , well , i sort of missed the part when you give me yours . henry : i 'll call you . regina : well , maggie , you 'll never hear from him . [ scene_break ] reggie : sounds like you got bounced around . trey : yeah , i did . reggie : gee , i feel for you . i relate , ok ? trey : oh , really ? do you ? reggie : are you done ? because i do n't have time for this . you really want to do this ? trey : look , you do n't want to listen to me ? fine , i accept that . but you are sure going to listen to janelle . reggie : am i ? trey : yes , you are . for some reason , she happens to give a damn about you . so if she says you 're going to the doctor , you 're going to the doctor , even if i have to drag you to that clinic myself . got it ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : this chair is heavy . lysistrata : oh , do you complain about everything ? greenlee : gives me something to do . lysistrata : ok , put the chair here . greenlee : in front of the window ? lysistrata : yeah . go ahead . come on . ok , now get up . greenlee : get up ? up where ? lysistrata : yeah , come on , get up on the chair . greenlee : this chair is very expensive . the fabric on it alone -- lysistrata : get up ! greenlee : oh -- you know , it 's kind of cold up here . how long do i have to stand here ? lysistrata : who 's really concerned with time and frostbite in the end ? greenlee : in the end ? is our session over ? oh , my god , did you hypnotize me ? lysistrata : did n't you say that you should be dead ? that without leo , all you do is take up space ? greenlee : yes , that 's what i said . lysistrata : well , go ahead . there 's your chance to put things right . go ahead . greenlee : go ahead and what ? lysistrata : jump . [ scene_break ] adam 's voice : i suppose j.r. thinks he 's in love with you . laurie : i -- he 's not . j.r. : just leave laurie out of this . she 's none of your business . adam : no , i 'll be damned if she is n't my business . you get her pregnant -- j.r. : if i what ? what is the matter with you ? liza : adam , that 's enough ! laurie : j.r. ? jamie : no . laurie : jamie . i thought you were j.r . jamie : is he meeting you ? laurie : i do n't know . what are you doing here ? jamie : i 'm looking for joni . laurie : oh . jamie : you ok ? what happened after i left ? laurie : more yelling . it was horrible . jamie : causing those scenes -- mr. chandler 's a real jerk , you know that ? i mean , he does stuff like this all the time . you ca n't let it bother you . laurie : it was different this time . jamie : how ? laurie : it just was , ok ? jamie : laurie , the guy is a control freak . laurie : what happened at the movie theater was n't his fault . jamie : then whose fault was it ? laurie : mine . [ scene_break ] adam : there 's one thing i want to make perfectly clear . you 're right about one thing . j.r. : oh , yeah ? what 's that ? adam : you 're not me . you 're my son . and as long as you 're living under my roof , you will do as i say . and if i say that you are going to study every afternoon , harder than you 've ever studied in your life , you know what you 're going to be doing ? j.r. : yeah , and if i do n't ? adam : do n't push me on this , j.r . j.r. : why ? what are you going to do ? what 's the worst that can happen ? you going to take away my tv ? you going to lock me in my room ? are you going to send me away someplace like you did mom ? or liza , when she finally got sick of you ? liza : j.r. , i think you 're both upset . you need to -- j.r. : how could you go back to him ? he 's sick -- i mean , the way he treats people . liza : j.r . j.r. : no ! no , i did n't start this . he did . but i 'm going to end it . you 're not going to control my life . adam : come back here -- j.r. : sit ! [ scene_break ] david : any sign of them yet ? janelle : nope . david : i can understand where he 's coming from -- you know , feeling cornered , feeling like no matter what , nobody 's going to give him a fair shake . janelle : yeah , i guess you would . do you think that your brother can really get through to reggie ? david : i do n't know . i mean , trey is persuasive , but reggie 's a tough kid . janelle : yeah , that 's what -- that 's what worries me . you 're back . trey : yeah . david : so , did you find him ? trey : oh , yeah . yeah , i found him . come on , let 's go . come on . he 's ready to see the doctor now . david : good work . janelle : thank you . [ scene_break ] regina : henry 's not going to call you , maggie . maggie : yeah ? well , he took my number , so i actually think he just might . regina : really ? maggie : yeah , and if he does n't , i will call him . regina : good luck getting his number . maggie : what is that supposed to mean ? regina : just be careful . [ scene_break ] lysistrata : are you going to jump or not ? now i 'm getting cold . greenlee : i do n't want to die . lysistrata : you do n't ? greenlee : no ! lysistrata : are you sure ? greenlee : yes , i 'm sure ! does a girl who wants to die spend a fortune on new shoes ? i mean , look . how pretty they -- whoa , whoa ! i do n't want to die . i do n't want to die . i do n't want to die . lysistrata : good . greenlee : wait . where are you going ? lysistrata : home . time 's up . [ scene_break ] jamie : how is what happened between j.r. and his dad your fault ? laurie : they were arguing because of me . jamie : look , things were bad between j.r. and his dad long before you were around , and they 'll still be fighting long after . it 's not because of you , ok ? laurie : do you think he 's right ? jamie : do i think who 's right ? laurie : mr. chandler , about what he said about me being a bad influence on j.r. ? jamie : no way . no way . uh - uh . laurie : but you did n't hear the things he said . jamie : it does n't matter what he said . i do n't care what he has to say about anyone . laurie : you did n't hear him . jamie : laurie , listen to me . listen to me . laurie : what ? jamie : any guy -- any guy would be lucky to have you . j.r. chandler included . laurie : you 're sweet . jamie : yeah ? well , tell joni that . laurie : if i get a chance , i will . jamie : good . well , it 's getting cold out here . how about i walk you home ? laurie : ok . liza : adam , are you ok ? let me help you up . adam : whoa . adam : j.r. -- adam : oh , my god . what have i done ? [ next_on ] kendall : you want to have some fun ? aidan : you 're going to give me some right here with maureen in the other room ? chris : enchantment is going under , erica . greenlee : that kiss was just as much my fault as it was yours . woman : show us the beginning of a passion so powerful it could melt the world . | adam spies j.r. at the movies and lights into him , disturbing the other patrons and causing a big fight with liza , laurie , j.r. , jamie , and jamie 's girlfriend . adam tries to get j.r. to reconsider going to harvard , but he goes about it all the wrong way . laurie rushes out after adam mentions that j.r. might get her pregnant . j.r. tells adam that he is the last person he wants to be like and ends up shoving adam . he feels bad about it so he rushes out . adam suddenly realizes that he pushed him to this . jamie finds laurie and comforts her . mia remembers a talk with liza about how marriage changes you . jake takes mia to look at a house in the country and she acts like he is presuming too much . he tries to be nice and supportive about their future but she keeps acting like he is pushing her . greenlee has therapy with lysistrata , who is glad that trey kissed her . greenlee comes to realize with her shrink 's help that it is really herself that she is mad at and that she is responsible for leo 's death , since she called him to rescue her . she says she should have died instead , so lysistrata gets her stand on a chair by the window and prepare to kill herself . greenlee realizes she does n't want to die after all . trey and jenelle bring reggie back to the clinic ; david wants to help him but reggie wo n't let anyone look at his wound . while they 're talking reggie escapes . trey tracks him down and tries to reason with him , as well as threaten him , to get him back to the clinic . maggie goes to her first day of organic chemistry , a killer class . she finds out that this sullen young asian man is henry , who is super - smart . they are told to team up for lab partners but everyone is taken , except henry , who starts to leave . the professor catches him and tells him that he must have a partner , so she points out maggie . maggie gives him her number but he wants to work alone . |
mia : what are you doing here ? where 's aidan ? kendall : he 's behind the door , zipping up his pants . mia : aidan ? aidan ? kendall : he 's not here , he 's not here . i 'll tell him you stopped by . mia : i 'm sure you will . you 're unbelievable , you know that ? you know , if you really care about aidan , you 'll keep him out of this wreck you call a life . why do n't you just leave aidan alone . kendall : mia , in case you have n't noticed , i 'm in big trouble here . i 'm about to go on trial for murder . mia : and i would n't really be surprised if you did it . [ scene_break ] bianca : oh . dr. lossin , hi . helen : hello , bianca . and , please , it 's helen . bianca : ok , of course . helen , come in . helen : i stopped by to see how you were doing . bianca : well , i 'm doing better than i have in a long time , thanks to you . helen : does that mean you 're comfortable with everything we 've decided to do ? bianca : oh , absolutely . i mean , i 'm aware of the risks of exchanging my blood for kendall 's in her dna test . this is all very surreal . helen : no second thoughts ? bianca : no , no , not at all . i have to do this . i want to do this . my sister may be guilty of a lot of things , including insanely bad judgment at times , and perhaps a -- a really quick temper , but she could never kill anyone . not even michael . helen : who do you think did ? bianca : well , everyone who loved me hated him . they thought that he was the devil incarnate . helen , do you think -- do you think i 'm crazy for having this -- this baby ? [ scene_break ] erica : jack ? is there something wrong with bianca ? is there something you 're not telling me ? jack : no , no , no , no . i was just -- i was just thinking what a happy day this almost was , huh ? erica : you hesitated before you said that . [ phone rings ] erica : oh , jack , please do n't take that call . jack : i have to . hi . montgomery . livia : jack , it 's livia . can you meet me at the courthouse right away ? the judge has granted our motion on the hearing to stop kendall 's dna test . jack : i 'll be right there . sweetheart , i 'm needed in court . erica : but what about bianca ? jack : well , we 'll talk about her tonight and anything else you want , ok ? i got to go . [ scene_break ] david : hey . i 'll have a beer , whatever 's on tap . j.r. : well , if it is n't dr. doom . is this where the low road leads ? david : j.r . it 's always a pleasure . i hear congratulations are in order -- married , kid on the way . bravo . you 've done good . j.r. : yeah , yeah . you want to know what the best part of it is ? i did n't have to drug my wife to get her to marry me . [ scene_break ] [ noise ] babe : jamie , if that is you , i swear to god i am calling the cops ! tad : ow ! babe : oh , my god . oh , i 'm so sorry ! tad : no , no , no , that 's fine . it 's my fault , it 's my fault . i 'm sorry . just call 911 , ok ? so , can i come in ? whoa . babe : why not ? everyone else does . tad : god , i 'm sorry about , you know , the weirdness . normally i do n't make a habit to , you know , sneak around , but i just thought , well , that you and i should have this conversation in private . babe : you and your son are torching my life ! i hate you , i hate you , i hate you ! get out of here ! tad : what did i do ? babe : what did you do ? oh , you taught him to be just like you -- cute and charming -- oh , and to say all the right things ! tad : stop it ! stop ! whoa ! i did not . do n't be ridiculous . some men are just , you know , naturally gifted . babe : oh , you stop ! get over here ! you get out from under that bed ! tad : whoa ! if you promise to stop hitting me . babe : fine . so what did you do ? did you go home and just pat him on the back , give him a thumbs - up ? `` way to go , kid -- you got the girl , i got the mama . `` tad : no . no . it was n't anything like that . i give you my word , ok ? i promise you . just do n't hit me anymore . i just wanted to apologize . babe : like i believe that . tad : it 's true . i swear it 's true . you know , i just wanted to make sure that , you know , considering the situation , you 're all right . babe : why do you even care ? tad : why do i care ? oh , come on , babe , that 's not fair . i mean , j.r. is my son , too . my boys are making you this miserable , and i feel responsible . babe : well , it is kind of your fault . you 're the one that encourages them . tad : that 's -- no , that 's not true . listen , i -- i encourage them to be themselves , to stand up for what they believe in , not to -- not to hurt you or hurt anybody . i 'm not blind . i can see what 's going on , and i 'm sorry . right now you feel like you got the weight of the world on your shoulders , and , you know , you 're living your worst nightmare , but that 's going to end . you will get through this somehow , ok ? i promise you . it 's ok . come on . come here . babe : oh , my god . are you hitting on me ? [ scene_break ] david : j.r. , i was being civil . so why do n't you stumble back to your seat and leave me alone . j.r. : the way you left all the women in this town alone ? david : well , well , then learn from my mistakes . walk away . j.r. : was that what my mother was ? a mistake ? david : i 'm not going to do this with you . j.r. : i say you are . david : j.r. , i loved your mother . j.r. : no . no , you took advantage of her when she was sick and vulnerable . david : your mother came to me . she was desperately ill . her kidney failed , she was having problems with her heart , and i saved her life . j.r. : and you made her feel like she should save yours . you know , i remember how bad i wanted to knock your teeth out into the back of your throat for what you did to her and dad . david : you already tried that once , you remember ? it did n't work . j.r. : yeah , i was a kid then . i could n't really hurt you , not the way i wanted to . i 'm not a kid anymore , doc . [ scene_break ] livia : hey ! welcome back . did you have a great holiday with danielle ? derek : when were you going to spring this on me , livia ? was i supposed to just show up here in court for the first big case since making chief to find out that my sister is the lead counsel for the defense ? livia : just step back , derek . this is a great opportunity for me . this is a high - profile case with a lot of press . this is a great chance for me to jump- start my practice . derek : it does n't bother you that we 're on different teams ? livia : no . it was bound to happen . derek : livia , kendall hart murdered michael cambias . woman , you 're going to wish you never heard of this case . livia : well , i hope you do n't take it personal when i prove otherwise . alan : derek , livia . livia : congratulations , alan . alan : we have n't even gotten started yet . livia : well , it was just such nice work your finding that misogynist , senile jurist to order my client to have an amniocentesis . i 'm just so sorry that you 're never going to get to see it executed . justin : oh , that 's not the only thing we 're going to see executed . your client is going to fry . alan : justin , sit down and shut up . jack : hello , alan . alan : jackson . jack : livia , thank you very much for the heads - up . livia : well , you 're just in time to see the prosecution 's case against kendall crumble . alan : if your client 's innocent , why file a motion to stop the dna test ? livia : because an amniocentesis is a serious violation of my client 's fourth and fifth amendment rights . oh , i 've also ruled out trial by fire in case you wanted kendall to stick her hand in the flame to see if she blisters . alan : she 's guilty , livia . livia : and you ca n't prove it . your case is circumstantial at best . the case is never going to make it past a jury . [ scene_break ] kendall : aidan chose to stand by me . i did n't ask him to . then again , that 's what a loyal friend does , not that you would understand . mia : oh , i understand . i understand that aidan feels obligated to see this case through , but then that 's it . he is done with you . kendall : hmm . you sure about that ? believe what you want . mia : oh , i will . especially when it comes from aidan . sorry , kendall , but it looks like you 've lost your best mate . kendall : sure about that ? i mean , my trial has n't even started yet , but here i am , alone in aidan 's motel room . mia : well , that would probably be because aidan was tired of dealing with you and left . either that or you broke in . kendall : or maybe my head was just spinning from my glorious goodbye kiss we just had . mia , you can stay . you can leave . hell , you can spontaneously combust for all i care . but just do it a few inches to the right . i ca n't see the tv . thanks . maria chambers : i 'm maria chambers reporting for vh1 satellite radio on xm channel 26 and wrcw tv in the pine valley courthouse , with a recent development in the kendall cambias murder trial . kendall : what ? maria : the judges agreed to hear oral arguments as the defense fights to overturn a court - ordered dna test on mrs. cambias ' unborn child . kendall : oh , my god . mia : kendall , did you know about this ? kendall : no , no , i did not . i have to go . i have to go . [ scene_break ] helen : bianca , i 've known women who were raped who could n't terminate their pregnancies fast enough . and then some who decided on adoption . and then i 've known some like you who have decided to keep their baby . bianca : who made the right decision ? helen : oh , they all did . no decision was right or wrong , just different paths on the road to recovery . [ phone rings ] helen : oh , excuse me . hello ? i 'm already there . what 's going on ? all right . i 'll get there as soon as i can . bianca : who was that ? helen : kendall . she 's on her way to the courthouse . the judge agreed to a hearing on the dna test . bianca : well , we 're ready . helen : ok . bianca : helen ? when does it stop ? when does it stop haunting you ? helen : just a little pinch , then we 're done . bianca : ok . ugh . helen : i 'm sorry . bianca : it 's no big deal . helen : the answer to your other question is never . it never stops . that 's not to say it does n't get better , but nothing will stop that pain completely . what people do n't realize , what these men are never punished for in court or prison is theft of who you once were . they take that with them . bianca : do you ever get it back ? helen : in bits and pieces . rape pushes you past the point of no return . and from that moment on , there will always be two of you -- the woman you were before and the woman you are after . bianca : i do n't think i 've quite figured out who she is yet . helen : you will . bianca : how old were you when you were -- helen : 18 . sophomore year in college . bianca : i 'm 19 . helen : he drove the school security van . bianca : how did you deal with that ? helen : not very well at first . eventually , i found my way to a rape crisis center and met some people there who could help me . and with their help , i was able to start my life over . bianca : is that why you became a doctor ? helen : no , no , i 've always wanted to be a doctor . but my experience led me to dedicate my practice specifically to women , particularly rape survivors like you and me . are you all right ? any lightheadedness or nausea ? bianca : no , i 'm fine . helen : excellent . i 've got to get this over to the courthouse . kendall 's waiting for me . bianca : oh , well , helen , thank you so much again . helen : oh , any time . and if you need to talk , call . bianca : yeah , i will . helen : ok . and keep going to group . it 'll help you more than you realize . bianca : thanks . [ scene_break ] kendall : excuse me . would it kill you guys to pick up a phone ? if you 're fighting for my future , i would like to be here nonetheless . bailiff : all rise . the honorable judge hannah lampert . kendall : that 's the same judge who presided over my arraignment . jack : kendall , kendall , just -- just be quiet , please ? kendall : she let michael walk for raping bianca . livia : it 's who we drew . kendall : well , then i 'm totally screwed . bailiff : be seated . judge : i have read briefs from both sides , and i would like to make a ruling on this matter today , so if you are prepared to present oral arguments , i will hear them now . mr. singer ? alan : your honor , our case is contingent upon two facts -- the whereabouts of the defendant on the night of the murder and the time of the murder itself . judge : as are most cases , counselor . alan : the defendant claims she not only married the deceased on the night in question but , as a result , is pregnant with his child . judge : and what is the relevance of the dna test ? alan : we believe our timeline for the murder makes the alleged wedding of the defendant in las vegas on august 29 highly unlikely , and the resulting pregnancy by the deceased impossible . judge : mm - hmm . and is there any evidence to back up this theory ? alan : a sworn statement by the defendant , your honor , in which she states that her intimate relationship with the deceased had been over for months prior to his death and that the only time she had sexual relations with the deceased thereafter was in las vegas on the night in question . succinctly put , your honor , if that baby is not michael cambias ' , it supports our time of death and rules out any credible alibi on the part of the defendant . judge : ms. frye ? livia : i 'll be brief , your honor . amniocentesis is an invasive and potentially life - threatening procedure for both the mother and the child . the prosecution is well aware of this and has shown absolutely no regard for the well - being of either of them . furthermore , if they 're allowed to go forth with this procedure , it would be a gross violation of my client 's fourth and fifth amendment rights . your honor , if the prosecution 's case is really contingent on the paternity of this child , perhaps the court needs to seriously reconsider the credibility of their so - called investigation . judge : well , i have had to make a number of complex decisions from this bench over the years , but this one is a no - brainer . the previous court order for an amniocentesis is overruled . [ gallery buzzes ] judge : i will not allow anyone to put an innocent child at risk . now , as far as the date for the voir dire goes -- alan : your honor , the state would like to request a postponement of trial . judge : on what grounds , mr. singer ? alan : we would like to postpone trial until after the defendant 's baby is born , your honor , when paternity can be determined without putting the child at risk . [ scene_break ] j.r. : oops . i 'm sorry . david : j.r. , do n't do something stupid you 'll regret tomorrow . j.r. : so if i knock your butt into next week , i got a few days to feel guilty about it , huh ? [ crowd jeers ] krystal : hey , hey , hey ! hey , back off ! back off , bubba ! back off , or i 'll open up my own can of whup - ass on your sorry self ! man : whoo - hoo ! [ scene_break ] tad : i must be losing my touch . of course i 'm not hitting on you , ok ? that 's -- that 's ridiculous . that 's absurd . i do n't do mother - daughter acts anymore , you know ? that 's not true , either . i have n't done it since i was jamie 's -- i have n't done it in a long time . babe : then what was with that hug ? tad : what do you mean , `` what 's with the hug `` ? what is wrong you ? it was a display of humanity , of compassion . i hate to see the way that this thing is tearing you up . babe : right . like you do n't blame me for why j.r. and jamie are tearing at each other . tad : no , i -- look , you want the truth ? yeah , i hate this little war they started between the two of them . any father would . but you know something ? they started it . it 's their problem . they 're going to have to solve it . your problem , you know , maybe -- just maybe -- i can do something about . babe : what are you going to do ? you going to lecture me ? tad : why ? why would i do that ? because you have a big heart ? you 've got enough room in there for both of my sons ? come on . babe : j.r. is the one that i love . he is the one that has my heart . tad : i did n't mean it that way , sweetheart . i believe you . i want you and j.r. to be happy . but let 's face it , something -- something happened with jamie , right ? and as long as he 's got a piece of your heart , j.r. is going to feel it . he 's going to know something 's missing . babe : you know , i just want my marriage to be great again . i really do hate all this . tad : i know . believe me , do i know . and it will be . like i say , i give you my word , this is a mess . be patient . everything will be ok . in the meantime , my whole family is driving you crazy . you probably feel like you have n't got anybody on your side , you know , so i just want you to know that from the sidelines , i am . babe : no , i 've got my mom . she 's plenty . she 's the whole team and a bunch of cheerleaders all on her own . tad : yeah , there 's a thought . well , hey , look , i 'd make a good mascot . could i offer you some advice ? babe : can i stop you ? tad : no , this will be relatively painless . like i say , i 've -- i got my black belt in screwing up , and over the years i 've learned the hard way -- no matter how painful , if you have a little faith in people and you give them the truth , there really is n't much in life that you ca n't work your way through . babe : i 'm sorry i hit you . tad : you 're sorry ? you know , it 's really weird . for such a small person , you pack a hell of a wallop even with a pillow . babe : you 're ok , mr. martin . tad : when somebody who looks like you calls me that , i feel really old . just , you know , call me tad . babe : ok , tad . i can trust you , right ? tad : absolutely . babe : then i 'm going to tell you the truth . i 'm going to tell you everything . [ scene_break ] krystal : so who is mr. tough guy here ? david : my name is david hayward . krystal : what 's your beef with j.r. ? david : i do n't have any . junior here just needs to walk it off . right , junior ? krystal : you must have done something to get him all riled up . j.r. : yeah . yeah , he got up this morning . my mother did n't . krystal : all right , you know , i think i could use a drink . how about you ? j.r. : whatever . krystal : great . bartender , two shots of t , hold the worm . come on , let 's go sit down . you 're all wound up today . j.r. : he had it coming , krystal . krystal : so who is this david guy , anyway ? j.r. : he 's a leech . he latches onto other people 's women just like jamie -- seduces them and destroys their marriage . krystal : oh , come on . now , nobody is destroying your marriage . you ca n't let jamie get to you like this . j.r. : the way he got to my wife ? krystal : oh , come -- now , that is just bull . j.r. : krystal , will you stop trying to protect babe ? i know that she slept with jamie . i know that the baby might not be mine . krystal : you just better keep those crazy theories to yourself . i do not want you upsetting her like this . j.r. : babe already knows what i think . krystal : oh , my god , what did you do ? j.r. : hell , what about what she did to me ? krystal : listen , babe is pregnant and you 're acting like this ? she 's probably home crying her eyes out . i thought better of you , j.r . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] bianca : oh , uh -- coming . hang on . i 'm coming . hi . erica : hi . hi , sweetheart . bianca : hi . i 'm so happy to see you . erica : honey , what happened to your arm ? bianca : oh , um -- i -- maggie got me this rocking chair , and i was pulling pieces out of the box . i must have scraped it . it 's no big deal . erica : do n't tell me that you plan to put that thing together yourself ? bianca : well , that was the plan . erica : but , sweetheart , you know , you can hire someone to do that for you . bianca : oh , and then miss all the fun of screaming at the directions ? erica : ooh , there 's so many pieces . i mean , if you want , i can try and help you with it if you want an extra pair of helping hands . i 've used a screwdriver once or twice . bianca : mom , you do n't have to do that . erica : well , i know , but i want to . i want to . i think it 's exactly what i need . bianca : ok , well , i have separated everything into various piles . there 's the screws and the bolts and the chair pieces , and then there 's the stuff i do n't recognize . that 's the big pile . erica : oh , boy . this reminds me of that christmas eve . you were maybe 5 years old , and you walked in on me as i was desperately trying to put together that dollhouse . bianca : yeah , well , you woke me up screaming at the box . erica : do you remember what i said to you when you caught me ? bianca : of course i remember . you told me that santa had to deliver presents to children in europe and that you had offered to help him out by putting the dollhouse together yourself . erica : i was so worried that you were n't going to believe me . bianca : oh , mom , i was 5 years old . i believed every word you said . i thought you 'd hung the moon . i still do . [ scene_break ] livia : your honor , i object to a postponement . my client waived her rights to a preliminary hearing under the assumption that she would receive an immediate trial date . alan : i apologize if a postponement interferes with the defendant 's social calendar . livia : your honor , you have already ruled that the issue of the baby 's paternity is specious and without merit . judge : i agreed that an amniocentesis violated your client 's civil rights . i never said i found the issue of paternity itself specious . livia : then i would ask your honor to reconsider . [ judge bangs gavel ] judge : that said , a postponement until after the child is born to safely determine paternity is n't out of the question . kendall : no , your honor , you do n't have to wait . jack : kendall , please sit down . kendall : no ! i can prove that i 'm having michael cambias ' child right now . livia : your honor , i would like to apologize on behalf of my client . kendall : no -- excuse me . excuse me , listen to me -- your honor , your honor , if you 'll allow me , i can solve the problem of paternity . i swear i can . judge : very well . kendall : these are the credentials for dr. helen lossin . she was the head of ob / gyn at cleveland clinic for almost seven years . she 's been awarded numerous medical and humanitarian awards . judge : yes , i 'm aware of her work , mrs. cambias , as well as her reputation , but i 'm not sure where you 're going with this . kendall : your honor , dr. lossin is here , and she knows of a procedure to determine paternity without putting me or my child at risk . alan : objection . this is highly irregular . livia : your honor , i would to like to ask for a recess so that i can confer with client . [ judge bangs gavel ] judge : both of you sit down . if dr. lossin is here and can safely resolve the issue of paternity , i for one would like to hear what she has to say . dr. lossin , will you please step forward ? jack : you better have a damn good explanation for this . kendall : i know what i 'm doing . jack : oh , do you ? kendall : yes . jack : well , i guess we 're about to find out , are n't we ? judge : go ahead , doctor . helen : there is a new noninvasive paternity test that can determine the presence of fetal cells in the mother 's blood . recent advances have allowed the extraction of these cells to determine the child 's dna . judge : well , is there any margin of error ? helen : as long as this is the mother 's first pregnancy , as is the case with the defendant , the findings will be conclusive . at mrs. cambias ' request , i have already drawn and sealed her blood . i would like to send the sample to be tested and have the results entered into evidence . alan : your honor , i object . helen : the procedure had a number of witnesses . alan : oh , then the sample could never have been compromised . jack : kendall , what the hell have you done ? kendall : i am saving my life . judge : overruled . who were these witnesses , dr. lossin ? helen : dr. david hayward , ryan lavery , and the defendant 's sister , bianca montgomery . alan : objection ! [ scene_break ] bianca : do you think it 'll hold up ? erica : well , you certainly wo n't tip over . one of the legs is on backwards . bianca : oh , no . oh , my goodness . oh , mom . i 've missed this so much -- us just getting a chance to hang out and spend some time together . erica : oh , i miss that , too , honey . but i promise you , we 're going to do much more of this this year . this year is going to be a great year for us . bianca : oh , i hope so . erica : i am so proud of you . you have just come through all of this -- this really horrible time with such flying colors . i mean , you just radiate strength , honey . grown up before my very eyes . you amaze me , bianca . you inspire me . oh , honey , please do n't do that . bianca : no , i 'm not doing anything . erica : you 're putting distance between us , and you 've done that a lot lately . come on , honey , please , tell me -- tell me what 's wrong . just tell me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , well , jamie . glad you could make it . i 've been wanting to belt somebody all night . jamie : i do n't want to fight with you , j.r . j.r. : i never said you had to hit back . jamie : look , you can say that i 'm dead to you and that you do n't have a brother anymore , and i get why you feel that way . but you and i have one thing in common . j.r. : no , no , no , do n't say it . jamie : we both care about babe and the baby . she 's a wreck about this , j.r. , and i do n't want to see either one of them get hurt because you and i ca n't stop going at each other . j.r. : yeah , that 's great . another noble martin . good job . jamie : ca n't we both just put our differences aside for a little while , for their sake ? are n't you going to say anything ? j.r. : i 'm sorry , jamie . [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. is so mad at me already . i mean , if he even finds out what i 've done , he 's never going to forgive me . i just know it . tad : come on , that 's impossible . how bad can it be ? look , babe , if you do n't trust me , all right , and tell me , i wo n't know whether or not i can help you , right ? babe : i do n't even know how it happened . tad : it 's ok , it 's ok . you just take a deep breath and tell me . babe : ok . well , the truth is -- and it 's going to just feel so good to finally say it -- mama , you killed him ! krystal : oops . now , hang on a second . shh , shh , shh . [ tad groans ] krystal : no , no , see , i just knocked him out . he 's ok . ok , get the door . get the door . close it . babe : what were you thinking ? krystal : that it was either him or you , and he was closer . what were you thinking ? that 's jamie 's dad . he 's the last person you should be running off at the mouth to ! babe : well , he said that i could trust him . krystal : honey , that 's what they all say when they want something . come on . tad is just trying to protect jamie the same way i 'm trying to protect you , and you 're not making it easy on me . babe : well , what does it even matter , anyway ? the truth is all going to come out now . it 's ruined . it 's over . krystal : babe , that 's when you and i are at our best , ok ? babe : yeah , well , you did n't hear what j.r. said to me today . krystal : no , i talked to j.r. , and he told me everything . babe : well , what are we going to do about him ? krystal : all right , help me out . grab that blanket over there . ok , give it here . come on , get that end . there you go . babe : what do we -- krystal : get me that -- let 's go , we got to get him on the blanket , come on ! roll him over . babe : ok -- krystal : come on , get him . ok , down here . babe : ok , ok . krystal : come on . babe : we can do it here . krystal : get that corner . all right , here we go . babe : one , two -- krystal : here we go . [ babe groans ] krystal : pull him , pull him . one last push here . one , two -- [ babe and krystal groan ] krystal : ok . great . ok . ok , ok , now we 're going to have to move this over here . here , grab those two things . get that off . babe : what are we doing ? krystal : come on , we 're going to move this over here against the wall . do n't want any more martins coming through this wall . ok . there 's one problem solved . babe : mama , what in the world are we going to do ? [ scene_break ] jamie : you 're sorry ? j.r. : yeah . i 'm sorry that i ever thought of you as a brother . i 'm sorry my mom ever married your dad . i 'm sorry that we ever met because it 's all been a big waste of my time . jamie : look , come on , j.r. , you do n't mean that . j.r. : aw , does the truth hurt ? you were never anything to me , jamie . j.r. : bartender , give me another round . bartender : i 'm cutting you off , pal . it 's time you went home . j.r. : do you know who i am ? i said give me another round ! david : nobody gives a damn who you are , j.r . j.r. : shut up , hayward . david : want to know something , junior ? a wife who 's happy at home does n't usually cheat on her husband . so why do n't you stop getting drunk , go home , and make your wife happy . [ scene_break ] bianca : that night before michael raped me , he wanted me to tell him my happiest memory . do you know what i told him ? i told him about the time that you took me to the movie premiere in hollywood . you made such a fuss over me that day -- my hair and my makeup . erica : you looked like a princess . bianca : but the best part was when we both walked down the red carpet and you held my hand . all those movie stars who wanted to have their picture taken with you -- you could have gone with any one of them , but you chose me . erica : i will always choose you . [ scene_break ] judge : dr. lossin , you 're confident that this procedure will determine paternity without endangering the defendant or the child ? helen : yes , your honor . judge : does either side have any objection ? livia : no , your honor . judge : mr. singer ? alan : your honor , while the prosecution has no doubt of dr. lossin 's abilities , we would like to reserve the right for further research into the accuracy of this test . additionally , we ask the court 's permission to take another blood sample from the defendant and witness that procedure ourselves . [ gallery buzzes ] livia : your honor , dr. lossin is a highly respected member of her field . to even question her integrity -- alan : the prosecution has no problem with dr. lossin . our concerns are about the three witnesses . livia : your honor , the only real question here is whether there are fetal cells containing michael cambias ' dna in that vial . if the prosecution would stick to facts instead of paranoia , they would realize that there is no possible way to manufacture evidence of this nature . michael cambias has been dead for months . where else could we find his dna if not from mrs. cambias ? judge : i agree . i 'll allow the blood to be tested and the results entered into evidence . the prosecution 's request is denied . now , are there any other motions for the court to consider ? alan : yes , your honor . i would like to file a motion for you to recuse yourself from this case . [ gallery buzzes ] alan : your dismissal of the rape charges against michael cambias is what set this chain of events into motion . i believe there could be prejudice on your part , which would favor the defense . judge : i disagree . you 'll take the judge you drew , mr. singer , and that is me . voir dire will be scheduled for january 20 at 9 : 00 a.m. dr. lossin , will you please turn over the vial containing the defendant 's blood to the bailiff ? court adjourned . [ judge bangs gavel ] bailiff : all rise . kendall : well , looks like things finally went our way . livia : you were lucky today , kendall . if you pull one more surprise like that , i will walk off this case . do you understand me ? kendall : perfectly . [ scene_break ] bartender : do n't try it again , son . j.r. : all right . all right . david : sorry about the disturbance . bartender : angry young guy , that one . david : yeah . he 's got plenty to be angry about . [ scene_break ] babe : mama , if this paternity test turns out wrong , i 'm going to lose j.r. forever . krystal : babe , you got to calm down now . all this carrying on is not good for that baby . come on now . why do n't you lay down and get some rest . here , put your little puppies up here . just relax . my sweet girl . do n't you worry . we 're going to find a way to fix all this . babe : you got the remote , mama ? krystal : there you go . babe : thanks . maria chambers : mrs. cambias , judge lampert has overturned the court order for an amniocentesis because of the risk it posed to you and your unborn child . but she did agree to another kind of paternity test . could you tell us about that ? kendall : sure . this new test requires only a blood sample from me . the test will detect cells from my baby in my blood that will match my late husband 's dna and prove once and for all that i 'm carrying his child . krystal : did you just hear that ? i think we just found an answer to our prayers . [ scene_break ] erica : i am so glad i spent this time with you . i mean , spending this time with you just means so much to me , honey . bianca : oh , it does to me , too . are you sure you 're ok , mom ? erica : thanks to you , my darling girl -- oh , i feel so much better . i love you . bianca : i love you , too . erica : ok . [ knock on door ] bianca : oh . uncle jack . jack : hi . bianca : hi . you just missed mom . jack : no , actually , i saw her on the way out , and she looked -- she looked very happy , bianca . bianca : yeah , she is . we spent the afternoon together . it was -- it was really nice . jack : so i guess it 's safe to assume that you have n't told her the truth . bianca : about what ? jack : that you 're still pregnant with michael 's baby . [ next_on ] jack : you 're still carrying michael 's child . let 's go tell erica right now . greenlee : save me from myself . please , you have to help me , ryan . just for tonight . krystal : your time - out is n't over yet . tad : how dare you hit me ! sean : we 're here to make an arrest . | kendall 's trial starts . right beforehand , dr. lawson gets the dna from bianca , so that kendall can present it to the court , as proof that she is pregnant . she still has not trusted either jack or livia , in telling them she 's done this . but the judge rules in their favor , believing there is adequate proof that she 's pregnant . |
maggie : jonathan ? jonathan , come on , do n't let me stand out here . i 'm sorry . ok ? i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i 'll fix it . i swear , i 'll fix it . please , do n't make me stand out here ! jonathan ! [ scene_break ] [ seeing zach walk into the hospital , edmund takes maria 's hand and kisses it ] edmund : have i mentioned lately how happy i am that you 're still my wife ? [ scene_break ] kendall : would it kill your husband to call and say ethan 's ok ? greenlee : hey , watch it with `` kill `` and `` ryan `` in the same sentence . my husband went after your gun - toting boyfriend , because you ran in here and dumped `` oh , my poor ethey `` all over him . kendall : you were more than ready to help me find ethan . greenlee : yeah , well , maybe the drugs are n't out of my system . but you got your wish . ryan went after whack - a - doodle . nice taste in companions . kendall : yeah , well , nice choice of family . how about when ryan comes back , you tell him you think jonathan was the one who poisoned you ? greenlee : no . uh - uh . that would kill ryan for sure . he adores jonathan . [ scene_break ] [ after doing a bit of relaxing reading and drinking , jonathan decides to let maggie back into her own apartment ] jonathan : maggie ? [ when he opens the door , however , she 's not there , but reggie is ] jonathan : oh ! [ reggie administers a powerful punch to the stomach that sends jonathan cowering in fear ] [ scene_break ] bianca : my god , maggie , what happened ? are you ok ? maggie : you did it , bianca . you would n't stop , and you finally did it . it 's all over now . [ scene_break ] kendall : whoa , whoa . no way . uh - uh . you sucked me into this whole `` jonathan did it `` thing . now , you 're saying `` whoops , i 've changed my mind `` again ? greenlee : i did n't change my mind . i 'm just considering the possibilities . kendall : two minutes ago you thought the guy tried to kill you . greenlee : how about that little detail called proof ? that might help me out . kendall : yeah , that and a lobotomy . i do n't have time for this . you know what ? i 'm going to go , i 'm going to try to find ryan and ethan myself without your help . no -- how 's ethan ? did you find him ? ryan : yeah , i found him , and he found his father . thank you for sending me to witness the warm - and - fuzzies . kendall : well , where is he ? i have to go see him right now . ryan : wait a minute . do n't go anywhere near ethan ramsey -- not now , not ever . it had everything . it had guns , it had stench , it had rats , flies . it had ethan with zach in the crosshairs , finger on the trigger . i 'll tell you what it was n't . it was n't `` let 's scare daddy with an unloaded gun . `` the guy wanted to shoot . greenlee : well , what did zach do ? ryan : zach -- he matched junior crazy for crazy . told him to bring it on , told him to shoot him . he said , `` but , first , let 's make it a real party , and we 'll dig up brother mikey 's rotting corpse . `` greenlee : oh , my god . kendall : is ethan ok ? ryan : were you not listening ? kendall : i 'm worried about him . ryan : well , you should be worried about him . he waved a gun in his father 's face . the guy 's full - blown psycho . greenlee : she 's not listening . unless you say he 's swell , thumbs up , you 're just speaking gibberish . ryan : you know , i thought it before , but now i know without a doubt either cambias could have popped that shot off at me or poisoned greenlee . either one . kendall : the guy just found out his father 's been lying to him for months . could you have a little compassion , maybe cut him a break ? greenlee : ryan just saved ethan from first - degree murder and lethal injection . at least have the decency to hear him out . kendall : no . no way do you get to tell me who i can care about . you peeled out of my life so fast , i still have track marks on my carpet . door 's shut , lock 's on . ryan : well , i just busted that puppy down , and i 'm back in . [ scene_break ] ethan : all i wanted to know was who i was ! i wanted to know where i fit in , and i came to you ! zach : this is where we fit in ! with the trash and the garbage and the filthy waste of it all ! ethan : i just want to make you pay . zach : spoken like a true cambias . then do it . make me pay . [ now at the beach , ethan 's rage explodes in a hail of bullets as he discharges his rifle into a sign and imagines his father flying backwards into a heap of garbage over and over again ] [ scene_break ] zach : evening . edmund : slater . maria : hi . maria : i do n't know what to do , because i -- i mean , i want to tell you what i feel . i want to tell you what 's in my head , but talking about zach right now is -- seems like a bad idea and weird and -- edmund : i think we 're really past weird . i think we should just vote for honesty . maria : ok . well , ryan came in just a little bit ago , and he was looking for zach and for ethan because just found out that he 's actually a cambias . edmund : slater lied to his face all these months ? ooh , man , his own father denied him . i can relate to that . maria : yeah , and ryan was afraid that ethan might try to kill zach . edmund : you want to go to him ? maria : no , i want to leave with you . i 'm ready . edmund : no , you 're not . maria : i 'm ready . edmund : no , you 're not . not yet . listen , i do n't want to take zach 's baggage to dinner with us . you know ? do what you got to do . maria : and what are you going to do ? edmund : i do n't know . sit here . wait to take my beautiful wife out to dinner . maria : soon . ok . edmund : `` soon . `` [ scene_break ] bianca : you and jonathan are over ? maggie , this is -- this is -- maggie : you could do it , could n't you ? you could be happy and giddy that my relationship tanked ? bianca : no , i 'm not happy . i 'm relieved . maggie : no , you do n't get it . that joke that we called a friendship -- that is over , you and me . bianca : maggie , you 're upset . please , just slow down and tell me why . maggie : no , i 'm not upset , bianca . i am furious with you . the way that you just go around and jerk people around . bianca : you know me better than anyone . is that what you really see ? maggie : jonathan is good to me , and he cares about me . you -- you just screw around with my life for fun . what you did to me -- i do n't even know how i ever called you my friend . bianca : i do n't understand . what did i do to you ? because i 'm completely clueless right now . maggie : you tried to break us up . you hate jonathan , and you decided that he 's this big , bad guy , so you decided to destroy my relationship . bianca : look , i 'm just doing what i always do . i 'm trying to be there for a friend . maggie : i am so sick of that . that 's what you always say -- because you care . you hurt jonathan . you pulled a cambias power play and you summoned him to your castle . bianca : maggie , why would i do that ? think about it . maggie : because you want him to feel small and worthless . you are such a hypocrite . you made all that noise about getting past jonathan burning your shirt , and then you stick it to him every chance you get . and now he has the privilege of trying to get his job back ? bianca : maggie , i called him over here , because i wanted to know how you really got that bruise . maggie : i told you how i got that bruise , and you just would n't let it go . bianca : well , i 'm glad i did n't , because jonathan ended up nodding to a completely different story than the one you told me . you lied to me , maggie , and then he lied to me again . i know he hit you . [ scene_break ] [ jonathan coughs ] jonathan : have you lost your mind ? reggie : what , what ? that 's not your thing ? getting hit by a man ? jonathan : you 've got anger issues , man . i 'm going to have the cops help you with that . reggie : call the cops ! maggie can tell them the whole thing , save me a phone call . jonathan : what , are you smoking crack ? maggie 's not here ! she did n't see you attack me at the door ! reggie : you 're not going to slide your way out of this one , all right ? i know . bianca knows . maggie could have your butt thrown underneath the jail . jonathan : for what ? having some lunatic walk in and hit me in my house ? reggie : oh , yeah , you 're slick . act like it did n't happen . but it 's too late . it 's over . you better cry to a judge or cop a plea -- something . jonathan , i was there , at bianca 's , when you went along with that little story about maggie running into a kitchen cabinet and blah , blah , whatever . but the thing is maggie told bianca something different . oh , yeah , you screwed up , jon - boy . you should have had your stories straight before the whole world saw that bruise . oh , yeah , yeah , that sound right there -- that 's your cell door closing . have a nice life , you coward . jonathan : you 're right , reggie . i ca n't lie anymore . i 've been protecting maggie , reggie . she 's been -- she 's been drinking a lot . reggie : yeah , i 've seen her . two beers , max . jonathan : not beer , not two . i came home , and she 's passed out . reggie , i came in the other night , and she 's passed out on the floor . she 'd fallen down . reggie : yeah . jonathan , you 're good . jonathan : no , i know -- i know , it does n't sound like her , man . it freaked me out , too . i mean , have you ever taken care of somebody that 's that messed up ? have you ever put somebody into bed ? next day , when we woke up , she had the bruise . reggie : yeah , because she was so drunk she ran into a kitchen cabinet ? yeah , right . and let me guess -- you were miles and miles away from there ? jonathan : she has no idea how it happened . i 've tried to get her to open up . i want her to tell me why she 's drinking like this . reggie : maybe it 's her roommate . jonathan : maybe it 's the mixed messages bianca 's been sending her , reggie . every time -- just hear me out . every time she 's been that loaded , it 's right after she 's seen bianca . reggie , you know their weirdness . reggie : i 'm not going there with you again . i 'm not going there with you again . jonathan : maggie needs to talk about it . she has to deal with it . she made me promise that i would n't even do this , i would n't say anything . reggie , come on . i know how it looks . i know that people are whispering . i 'm seeing the dirty looks . i do n't care . i love maggie . i would do anything for her . i 'd even take a punch . i just want her to be ok . reggie , i love her so much . [ scene_break ] bianca : i know . i hate that he hit you . i hate the idea of you being hurt or frightened . maggie : stop it . we 're not friends anymore . you ca n't talk about jonathan , and you have no say about my life . bianca : you can say that we 're not friends . you can come in here anytime and ream me out , but that 's not going to stop me from caring . that will never go away . it 's just us . it 's just you and me , maggie . nobody else is going to bust in . nobody else can hurt you now . please , talk to me . maggie : you 're wrong about everything . you just ca n't grasp that . bianca : if somebody hit me , you would n't stop until i was safe and that person was punished , because that 's who you are . you 're not the kind of person who 's going to let a man get away with violence . maggie : do you hear yourself ? you sound all sanctimonious . i mean , you 're making my boyfriend sound like he 's some sort of criminal . bianca : he hurt you , maggie , and he could hurt you again . maggie : it will never happen again ! bianca : he did it . he hit you . oh , maggie , i 'm so -- maggie : no . this is about me and jonathan . it 's none of your business . bianca : did he tell you that he was n't going to hit you again ? because you know you ca n't trust him . maggie : and what ? i can trust you ? he loves me . bianca : he hurt you . maggie : i 'm not listening to this . bianca : all right , then i 'm going to say it louder , or i 'm going to write it on the wall or say it in sign language , whatever it takes . but you ca n't go home to him and his fist , not tonight , not ever . i ca n't let you do that . you have to leave him , maggie , now . you have to walk away from him . you can move in here with me . [ scene_break ] kendall : you did your good deed for the day . why do n't you go find an old lady and carry her bags for her ? greenlee : you want to know why you 're a perpetual mess ? because people reach out to you , and what do you do ? you bite off their hands and palm their rings . kendall : where is he ? ryan : i would n't tell you if i knew . kendall : what the hell is wrong with the two of you ? i 'm not your new best friend here . it 's not like we 're the three musketeers . i 'm the girl that you used to hate and despise and suspect of every bad thing that went down in pine valley , remember ? greenlee : you make it easy . kendall : good . well , stick with that , and leave me alone . ryan : like you left greenlee up on the roof the night she was swinging , the night she could have died ? kendall : yeah , well , if i 'd known the harassment that i would get in return -- greenlee : you would have left me there ? liar . kendall : look , you guys want to settle the score , then quit fusion , and we 'll call it even . greenlee : you forgot everything up on that roof with me . the fights , the anger . all that went away , and what was left was a friend you cared about . kendall : well , maybe we were both on drugs that night . ryan : kendall , i thank god that you saved greenlee that night , but i am not trying to protect you as payback . i 'm trying to protect you , because you 're swinging six floors over the pavement , and personally , i ca n't let you fall . yes , i still care about you . [ scene_break ] bianca : maggie , you ca n't go back there again . maggie : i 'd be one of your -- your newest charity cases . thanks . i 'll pass . bianca : ok , ok . you may not believe me about this right now , but i 'm your friend . i care about you . and whatever this is that you 're going through , we can fix it . maggie : god , you blow me away . bianca : you just have to let me help you . maggie : the incredible nerve . you know , jonathan was right . i 'm a toy to you . i 'm something that you can just pick up and throw away and wonder how it ended up in the garbage . bianca : he said that to you , and you listened to him ? maggie , he has no right to come between us -- maggie : once again , he 's my boyfriend . bianca : yes , but he does n't know us . he does n't know the hell that you helped me through . you were so strong . you were amazing . you held my hand and you got me through the worst days of my life . now , please , maggie , please let me do the same thing for you now . [ knock on door ] maggie : better get that . bianca : we 're not done . maggie : yeah , you have no idea . anita : bianca , i brought that -- bianca : um -- anita : oh , you 're busy . i 'll come back tomorrow . maggie : no . no , no , no . please , stay . look at what you started . you had to blab about my bruise . what , the truth was n't dramatic enough for you ? anita : i 'm sorry . i -- i came to see the baby , but -- maggie : women 's abuse hotline . you guys are ridiculous . bianca : i asked anita to bring over some information . she 's had experience with these situations . maggie : so what , i 'm a situation now ? what , is this my intervention ? oh , my god -- you guys going to play the heroes , and i 'm just going to play the pathetic loser ? anita : maggie , that 's not what this is about . maggie : are you going to try to send me to a shelter or something ? or is that what this was all about ? you asked me to move in with you . bianca : maggie , i 'm afraid for you . i 'm afraid of jonathan . he hit you once . he could hit you again or worse . maggie : no , this is n't about me and jonathan . this is about you . this is about you hating all men ! well , guess what -- they 're not all -- all vicious freaks ! bianca : you know i do n't think that , maggie , but this man ? i do n't know what this man is capable of . maggie : no . jonathan -- jonathan is not a vicious freak . ok ? he 's not going to do to me what michael did to you . jonathan is not another michael cambias . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you do n't know me . man , i get that . and you guys care about maggie . you would never assume that she 's drinking like this , but she is . reggie , i 'm worried about her . i 'm just working every day to find a way to keep her safe . reggie : yeah , maybe keeping your hands to yourself might keep her safer . jonathan : reggie , we all need to help her right now . we 've all got to step up and say something to her . you need to tell bianca to quit throwing out these mixed messages . reggie : bianca only has one message . maybe you 're not understanding me . she cares . jonathan : reggie , we love each other . i would do anything for maggie . hey , we 've got our problems , but we 're working through them -- once bianca lets her go . reggie : no more bruises . all right ? no more excuses . maggie better not hurt herself again . otherwise , i 'll be back , and you and me -- we 'll talk again . jonathan : agh ! [ scene_break ] edmund : oh , easy , bobby . whoa , take it easy . you preparing for your next attacker ? bobby : reflex . edmund : well , good . i 'm glad you still have them . you need it . in your condition , somebody could come in and finish the job . i just saw slater . he just walked by a few minutes ago . bobby : where 'd he go ? edmund : do n't worry about him . i sent maria to talk to him . consider that a freebie . now , you got some information that i want ? or else , you know , i could just leave the door wide open -- all comers welcome . bobby : what about what i want ? where is it ? edmund : six zeros -- that 's a lot of money . tell you what . give me the information , i 'll authorize a transfer . bobby : something for nothing ? i 'm swollen , not stupid . edmund : ok . have it your way . it 's been nice knowing you , bobby . i hope the guy does n't hurt you too much when he beats you to death . bobby : i know who shot ryan lavery . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan does care about you . ahem -- we both do . and while the goo factor might make us all want to hurl , it 's true . ryan wants to help you . let him . i 'm out of here . something i 've got to take care of . bye . ryan : bye . kendall : the audience is gone . so you 're going to push me out the door or tie me to a chair ? ryan : nothing quite that extreme . i 'd just like to talk . kendall : even worse . ryan : ethan is a cambias now . kendall : yes , i tried to tell you that , but you refused to believe it . ryan : excuse me . remember me ? i 'm the guy who pushed him to take the dna test . kendall : yeah , i know that . ryan : he pulled a gun on his father , and he wanted to shoot . hell , he still might do it , and this is a guy that you want to cuddle up with ? kendall : the ethan that you see and the ethan that i know are two different guys . ryan : shades of your last misunderstood boyfriend -- michael cambias ? kendall : do n't you throw him in my face . ryan : i will throw whatever it takes to make you see what you 're getting into bed with . [ scene_break ] zach : i thought you were gone . maria : ryan came here looking for you and ethan . i 'm sorry , zach . zach : yeah , well , lavery found me . so did ethan . he brought his gun with him . he wanted me dead . maria : oh , my god . zach : so i was standing there with a rifle pointed at my head , ethan raging with the sound of fury . and all i could think was what a brave , strong man , my son . [ scene_break ] ethan : i want to kill you , because you are my father . [ scene_break ] kendall : do you know how much therapy it took for me to stop hating myself for bringing michael here , for bringing that complete skeeve to town ? he 's nothing but -- he 's a useless -- he was a useless waste of a human being , and how could you even bring him up ? ryan : ok , it was a low blow . granted . but it seems like everybody sees that ethan is bad news except for you . kendall : yeah , that 's right , because kendall is always wrong . ryan : do i think you have the best judgment ? but i know how big your heart is , and i know that you care about ethan . you guys have a lot in common . you were both raised with a lot of mysteries , and you 're both trying to figure out who you are , and once you finally found erica , she denied you , the same way that zach denied ethan . i mean , you share the same pain , and i 'm sure you share a lot of it . and sometimes that 's all it takes to make a connection . kendall : yeah , but you do n't know the other things that we share , the positive ways that we 're alike . ryan : but that does n't mean that you got to get sucked into his chaos . kendall , think . you told me you wanted out of the craziness . you stood in that elevator right there and you told me that you do n't want to self - destruct anymore . this time you want happiness . kendall : i have it . ryan : do you , really ? with all this insanity ? kendall : close to it . ryan : not with a cambias . you stay with ethan , your heart will be trashed . kendall : oh , my heart ? ok , so now you 're worried about my heart ? ryan : yes , i am . kendall : i never thought i would care about anyone again . it took me forever to move on . but just like you , i have moved on . i found somebody . and who i care about is none of your business , never again . and as far as -- if you want to point fingers at crazy families , start with yours and leave ethan alone . ryan : my family ? what is that supposed to mean ? kendall : i 'm -- i 'm not going to be bossed around by you , and i 'm not going to get hurt by ethan , ok ? i 'm going to go , i 'm going to find ethan myself without your help . whatever he needs , i 'm going to give him , because that 's what i want . ryan : kendall , i did n't mean to upset you . ugh -- mr. dee . mr. dee : mr. lavery . ryan : well , let 's get this over with . [ scene_break ] maria : please . you need to talk about this . zach : what 's there to say ? maria : about how you feel . your son just had a gun pointed at your head . zach : he was me . he was me standing there . he was me looking at my father and remembering how much i hated him , how much i wanted him dead . ah -- well , i did n't want this for him . how did it come to this ? i mean , now what ? maria : well , you are not your father . and you can offer ethan something that your father never gave you . zach : i ca n't take away his name . i ca n't take away the power and the money . i tried and i failed . maybe i never had a chance . maybe neither one of us did . you know , i thought changing a few names and telling some lies , maybe we could break this curse , but , no , i -- i do n't know . maria : come on , you talk about this curse like it 's actually real . zach : michael , my father , me . you tell me it 's not real ? maria : it 's not inevitable . it 's not . yes , he 's hurt and he 's angry and he 's confused right now , but that -- but i think you just have to give it some time . zach : you were n't there . you did n't see the hate and the rage in that boy . how are you supposed to get past that ? maria : with his father 's help . you reach out to him . you can tell him that you understand . you can -- you can break the cycle . you can get through to him . if you love him enough , zach , you can change the unchangeable . zach : the way you did with edmund . [ scene_break ] maggie : `` twelve signs of abuse . does your partner call you names ? `` well , evidently , i was abused all throughout grade school , and i never even knew it . `` is your partner jealous or possessive ? `` how about `` does your former best friend have to be the center of everybody 's universe ? `` bianca : maggie , if jonathan -- maggie : no , let 's not stop the party now , please . `` does your partner try to isolate or cut you off from other people ? `` bianca : has he ? like maybe by telling you that i treat you like a toy ? has he asked you not to see me or reggie or all the people who care about you in your life ? maggie : why ca n't you just leave me alone ? anita : because we care . bianca : has he cut you off , maggie ? maggie : jonathan loves me . bianca : is he jealous ? possessive ? maggie : jonathan loves me . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee picks the lock to maggie 's apartment ] greenlee : thank you , husband . maggie ? jonathan ? ok , jonathan . if you 've got something to hide , i 'm about to find it . [ scene_break ] edmund : all right , let 's make this easy , hmm ? did slater shoot lavery ? yes or no ? bobby : as good as . edmund : bobby , what does that mean ? bobby : it means the man 's not an idiot , and he 's got plenty of cash . he did n't have to pull the trigger . just shell out for the bullets , the rifle , and the shooter . edmund : what 's his name ? bobby : how sexist of you . zach 's hit man -- hit woman . edie , his right hand . dirty work with a smile , but she left about a month or so after the shooting . i saw her take the shot at lavery at the gazebo . edmund : ok . full name and location . bobby : oh -- hmm . sorry , but meds are kicking in here . no offense if i drift off here . edmund : yeah , yeah , i 'm sure . like , a million in the caymans would wake you right up , would n't it ? bobby : ok . you deliver the zeros , i deliver zach . in the meantime , i need my rest . edmund : all right , done . you rest . soon as that money comes through , you tell it all to maria . bobby : funny how it all comes back to her , huh ? edmund : and the police . bobby : so this is n't just about keeping zach away from your wife ? you want to make this man suffer , huh ? [ scene_break ] zach : so the two of you together -- what was that ? maria : that was -- edmund wants to give us another chance . zach : uh - huh , and , you ? maria : and i said , yes , of course . i mean , that 's what we 've been wanting all along . zach : he told your kids he served you papers , wanted you out of the house , and now it 's hearts and roses , huh ? maria : yeah , well , i was surprised , definitely . i was surprised , and i 'm just guessing that he had -- you know , he 's had this time to think about it and that i probably said something that , you know , sunk in , got to him . zach : mm - hmm . when did he make that generous offer ? maria : a little while ago . zach : oh . ok . maria : `` oh . ok . `` what 's that ? what does that mean ? zach : did he mention that he cornered me earlier and told me that i could never have you ? maria : because i 'm his wife and he still wants me . zach : yeah , maybe that 's it , or maybe it 's because he does n't want me to have you . maria : what ? that is so like you . that 's -- i met and fell in love with and married edmund long before i ever knew you existed . and now my husband and i are going to give it our best shot because we are going to make this work . zach : saying it out loud does n't make it true . maria : i know that edmund wants this . and i know -- i have to try , zach , or i 'll never know if i could have fixed it . and i 'm doing it for the love that we had and our children and the life that we had -- zach : the love you had ? maria : i 'm with edmund , which means i ca n't be with you , not as your confidante , not as your friend , and not as some past lover that you come and kiss when the mood strikes you . we have to be done . so , we 're done . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] ethan : hello ? kendall : ethan . oh , my god , i was so scared . i did n't know what happened to you . ethan : me , neither . kendall : well , where are you ? ethan : it does n't matter . kendall : stop it . yes , it does matter , ok ? now , you 're worrying me even more , now , please , ethan , just let me come and let me help you . ethan : i bet you 'd give it a heck of a good shot , would n't you ? you 're amazing , kendall . i 'm sorry i could n't move the bloody ocean for you . kendall : wait a minute -- you 're what ? ethan : i 'm sorry for everything . kendall : `` bloody `` -- oh , my god . oh , god , ethan , no . [ scene_break ] bianca : maggie , it 's safe here . we can talk . maggie : this is about some sick guy and some pathetic girl . that is not us . that is not me and jonathan . bianca : is it pathetic to need help ? maggie : he cares about me , bianca . he just wants to give me the world . bianca : what kind of world ? maggie : no , no , no , you 're not going to do this . you 're not going to take this away from me . i love him , bianca . i -- i love him , and he loves me . bianca : no , maggie , please , please , do n't go back to him . do n't let him hurt you again . maggie : get out of my way . bianca : no , please , please , stay here . you ca n't just go back to him , maggie . i love you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : `` hemlock . `` `` strychnine . `` all right . `` sicko poison guy . `` damn it . [ door slams ] jonathan : you 'll never get my password . [ scene_break ] mr. dee : last one . ryan : ok . there you have it , counselor . cambias industries now officially belongs to miranda montgomery and to ethan ramsey . oh . check it out , alex . you had two grandchildren after all . now they have cambias . all done . all gone . [ scene_break ] zach : you made your decision -- edmund . and you and i -- i respect that . maria : thank you . zach : i just hope you wo n't regret choosing something that does n't exist . edmund : you ready ? maria : yeah , let 's go . bye . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , ethan , thank god ! [ dazed and confused , ethan turns around and points the rifle at kendall ] [ next_on ] jonathan : i 'm really , really curious . why did you break in here ? kendall : ethan , it 's me . it 's kendall . ethan , please . tad : tomorrow , you two are going to argentina . j.r. : we chandlers fight to the death for our children . kevin : well , then prepare to die . | ethan is hiding and not ready to talk to anybody about what he 's feeling knowing he 's zach 's son . ryan warns kendall to stay away from ethan . but she does n't listen . kendall and greenlee are both suspicious of jonathan but know they 'd better not tell ryan because ryan would not appreciate their suspicions of his brother . jonathan is locking maggie outside the door of their apartment . reggie , bianca and anita try to intervene and get maggie to see how sick the relationship and how abusive jonathan is . but maggie refuses to listen . jonathan is accusing maggie of drinking and passing out and says that 's how she got her bruise . |
hannah : do n't -- no ! zach : no -- hannah : ah , ah , ah , ah ! aidan : i 've got you , zach ! [ zach groans ] aidan : hold on tight . kendall : zach ! my god , zach . oh . greenlee : aidan ? aidan : hold on tight . greenlee : aidan , we 're here , we 're here . kendall : zach , zach , please do n't let go ! please ! zach : i 'm right here . they 're going to get us out . hannah : i ca n't . i -- zach : yes , you can . do n't look down -- look at me ! believe me . i 'm going to save you this time . kendall : please . [ scene_break ] [ locked doorknob jiggles ] [ pounding on door ] erica : jack , you 're going to kill yourself . jack : what would you like me to do , erica ? you want me to just wait until our daughters come back to let us out ? [ thud ] jack : damn . erica : see what i mean ? [ erica coughs ] jack : what the hell were they thinking anyway to enlist us ? erica : well , their -- their men were in trouble , they wanted to help , and we were standing in their way . jack : oh , my , listen to you , the voice of calm . a couple of minutes ago , you wanted to tear that door down . erica : well , i have learned in the last few months that there are certain things that even i ca n't control . what ? jack : nothing , nothing , nothing . erica : no , what ? tell me -- what were you thinking ? anything -- tell me . jack : i was just thinking that this is not the first time you and i have been in a situation like this where we 're stuck in , locked someplace together , and we ca n't get out . erica : hmm . that 's true . jack : yeah . erica : well , then , i -- i wonder what happens next . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so , what happened , richie ? the psych ward gave you a free pass ? where are your handlers ? richie : i 'm out for good , buddy . babe : when did this happen ? richie : a few minutes ago . i -- i thought you might want to know . j.r. : oh -- hmm . well , now she knows , so you can leave because , as you can see , we 're a little bit busy . richie : whatever . babe : wait . [ scene_break ] annie : ryan ? [ annie wraps a blanket around ryan ] annie : ryan , oh , come on . come inside , it 's freezing out here . you 're going to catch a cold . ryan ? can you hear me ? ryan , what 's going on ? what are you doing out here ? ryan : let me just look at you , ok ? wow . i have honestly never seen you like this out here in the moonlight like this . is it -- is it possible that all this time , and i never truly realized how beautiful you are ? is that possible ? annie : and -- and i love that you think that , but -- ryan : but you think i 'm crazy , right ? annie : no . no . ryan : sure you do . of course , you do . well , let 's hear it for all the crazy people out there , because you got something going on , you people ! annie : ryan , the neighbors -- ryan : ok , sorry -- shh . i 'm not crazy . annie : ok . ryan : i 'm not . annie : ok . ryan : i just want to feel everything . i want to feel everything -- especially you . annie : i 'm right here . ryan : annie ? do you have any idea how lucky we are ? to be here right now , out here under the stars like this , under this sky that 's covering us right now like a blanket ? i mean -- hey . hey . let 's spend the night out here , under the stars . annie : i -- i do n't think joe -- ryan : come on . annie : i do n't think joe would recommend that your first night back , ok ? ryan : well , i 'm recommending it , ok , because i 'm fine . i have never felt better in my entire life . i -- here . do i feel cold to you ? annie : no , you actually feel warm . i -- you do n't seem like you have a fever . ryan : no , i do n't have a fever . annie , it 's not fever . it 's just -- it 's -- it 's life . it 's our love . and it 's going to keep us warm always , it really is . ryan : let me keep you warm right now . [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. , please , will you just watch little a in there for me ? i 'm not going to be long . j.r. : oh , come on , babe . you do n't owe this guy anything . babe : i 'm asking you to do this for me , ok ? j.r. : i 'll be right here . babe : thank you . richie : a little insecure , is he ? babe : you should have called first . richie : you 're right , i 'm sorry . look , if you and your ex have something going on -- babe : we went out to build a snowman with our son , ok ? richie : ok . it just looked as if maybe i -- babe : you interrupted us ? no , you did n't . richie : it 's none of my business , right ? babe : look , richie , what do you want ? why are you really here ? richie : come on , you know the answer to that question . i just got sprung from another cage , and i wanted to spend it with the only person in this world i care about , and that happens to be you . [ scene_break ] jack : oh , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . erica : no , no , it 's ok -- just your arm . jack : well , what -- my -- erica : huh . jack : is that better ? erica : yes , thank you . jack : ok . erica : uh -- you 're still petrified , are n't you ? jack : well , yeah , yeah -- of course . are n't you ? erica : yeah , i 'm petrified . jack : yeah . erica : i mean , when i think of what kendall 's walking into , i -- i could just scream . jack : and greenlee . erica : oh , yes , her , too -- of course . jack : of course . erica : jack , i -- i 'm concerned about both of them , really i am . come on , give me a little credit for a change , ok ? jack : all right , ok . my apologies . erica : thank you . jack : mm - hmm . erica : so -- jack : yeah ? erica : how are you ? jack : what ? erica : uh -- small talk . i just thought it might take our mind off things . jack : ok , um -- i 'm good , i 'm good . i 'm -- i 'm really good . how are you ? erica : well , practice is good ? jack : yeah , yeah . erica : good . jack : i ca n't complain , making a living . how 's the show ? erica : good . jack : hmm . erica : although , i do still get a lot of mail about you . jack : about me ? erica : yes . well , it seems that `` the new divorce `` was a big hit with -- well , the audience , anyhow . jack : ah . erica : ahem . jack : seems like a thousand years ago . erica : yeah . we had fun , though , did n't we ? jack : yeah , we did . erica : well , you 're right . it was a long time ago . jack : yep . erica : mm - hmm . [ erica winces ] jack : oh , i 'm sorry . was that your foot ? erica : no -- oh , no , no , no . jack : you liar . erica : hey -- watch who you 're talking to , buddy . jack : i know exactly who i 'm talking to , buddy . [ erica and jack chuckle ] erica : oh , it 's just so funny . i mean , sometimes we can work so well together . and then other times -- jack : sometimes , we just do n't . erica : yeah . jack : yeah . erica : close quarters seems to agree with us . jack : yeah . so maybe we should just stay locked up in here forever . erica : i can think of things that are far worse . [ scene_break ] zach : stay with me ! aidan : i 've got you , zach . i 'm going to try and pull you up , all right ? zach : quickly ! kendall : zach , we 're all here ! zach : i hear you , that 's good . everything 's fine . kendall : i love you ! zach : i love you . hannah : it 's ok . i know . aidan : greenlee , you ca n't . greenlee : no , aidan , i 'm fine , i 'm ok . aidan : look , what are you doing ? greenlee : i 'm going to help you with zach . let 's go , let 's pull him up ! aidan : oh . right . then try and pull him up there , zach , on three , all right ? you ready ? kendall : yeah , yeah , ok . aidan : one , two -- three ! help me . [ greenlee and aidan groan ] greenlee : ok , good ! keep going , keep going , keep going ! kendall : ok , we 've got you , zach ! aidan : all right , let 's go again . kendall : ok , i 'm pulling . aidan : on three -- come on . greenlee : hold on ! pull ! zach : hannah , are you looking at me ? hannah : ugh ! ok , ok . i 'm looking at you . zach : ok . we 're almost there -- you hear me ? hannah : i do hear you . kendall : keep going , keep going ! zach : i 'm sorry about what my dad did you . i 'm sorry i was n't there . i 'm here now . believe me . greenlee : pull ! hannah : i believe you , zach . [ zach groans ] zach : i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry . greenlee : pull ! hannah : it 's all right , zach . everything is just the way it should be . goodbye . zach : would you hold on to me ? hurry up ! hannah : bye . zach : hannah ! [ zach groans as hannah lets go ] greenlee : come on , zach . aidan : zach ! zach : stop ! kendall : well , come on , zach ! zach : let me go ! greenlee : no , no , zach ! aidan : she is gone ! greenlee : please , zach ! aidan : you did everything you could -- where are you going ? stay here , stay here . zach : take your hands off me , i got to go -- i 'm going to pull her out of the river ! kendall : it is too dangerous . aidan : if you go down to that river , you 're going to get yourself killed . zach : what do you want me to do ? i had her in my hands , i was holding her , and i let her go . now , i got to bring her back ! kendall : no , no ! you do -- no ! you need to stay here with me , for me and the boys ! you promised me that you would never leave us again . i will not let you break that promise . i will not . aidan : greenlee . greenlee : i ca n't believe it happened again -- aidan : hey . greenlee : just like with leo . aidan : shh , it 's over . [ car door closes ] derek : where 's the shooter ? aidan : let 's go . derek : where 's hannah nichols ? aidan : she 's down there . derek : send the inflatable with two surface teams to look for hannah nichols . downstream from the rocks ! [ scene_break ] jack : you are an amazing woman . erica : i 'm pleased you still notice . jack : grace under pressure , indomitable . erica : not always . jack : i want to be honest with you . i wish that this -- erica : had never happened ? jack : yeah . erica : jack , you have no idea how many sleepless nights i 'd lay there , i 'd pound my head against the pillow and wish that i could rearrange the past . but i ca n't , i know . no , we have to move on . the question is , where ? jack : yeah , that 's a hell of a good question , all right . erica : oh , i 'm just reminded of the last time that we were , uh , locked up in a confined space together . jack : yeah , on our boat before the wedding . erica : yeah , you kidnapped me . jack : you bet i kidnapped you . you were so damn stubborn , you gave me no other choice . erica : i was not that bad . jack : are you kidding me ? you pretended to fall overboard . erica : ok , well , so , maybe i was a little extreme , but it was all so i could just make sure that we did n't make that mistake again of -- of not being together . [ phone rings ] erica : well , is there a phone in here ? jack : that 's my cell phone -- what is wrong with my head ? i did n't think to look for it . hello ? julia : hi , jack . i 'm sorry to bother you . i just had a legal question i wanted to run by you and -- jack : great . listen , i -- i kind of need your help . julia : what 's wrong ? jack : could you come over to kendall and zach 's , please ? i 'm stuck in a closet . julia : what ? jack : it 's a long story , i 'll explain later . could you get over here as quick as you can ? julia : i 'm on my way . jack : thanks , thanks . that was -- that was julia . she 's on her way over , we 'll be out of here in no time . erica : julia ? wow . how interesting . [ scene_break ] j.r. : she 's got 10 minutes , tops . then i 'm kicking that loser out of here . babe : no . richie : come on , you 're shivering . babe : i 'm all right , richie . richie : what , are -- are you afraid that j.r. in there is going to get the wrong idea about you and me ? babe : no , he wo n't , because there is no `` you and me . `` richie : ok . i wo n't push . babe : but you do push , richie , when you say things like i 'm the only person you care about . richie : it 's true . babe : well , i do n't want to be that person anymore , ok ? i thought we talked about that . richie : we did . but that kiss gave me the idea that we 're going to move past that conversation . babe : well , then i gave you the wrong idea . i was just happy for you , that 's all . richie : if you say so . babe : so , how did you get released ? richie : huh ? babe : you know , from the hospital ? why did they suddenly let you go ? richie : well , despite the -- [ richie chuckles ] richie : good efforts of my big , bad brother - in - law to keep me locked up for the rest of my life , an entire squad of shrinks declared me legally sane . how about that ? babe : that 's great ! i mean , have you talked to annie about being a donor ? she 'll come around . richie : sure , she will . yeah . babe : so , i mean , are -- are you feeling all right ? i mean , do you need anything ? richie : now , there 's a loaded question . babe : i just meant that -- richie : yeah , i know , i know , i know . you were just being polite . [ as babe ] so , what do you think about the phillies this year , richie ? do you think they need more pitching ? [ normal voice ] you can pitch me all the politeness you want , but the fact remains that kiss happened , and it was n't just to congratulate me . you know it , i know it . now , let 's cut the crap and let 's start talking about that . [ scene_break ] annie : whew -- oh , oh , oh ! i 've got the shivers ! oh . ryan : really ? good -- that means i still got the magic touch . annie : oh . ryan : here , here , here , here . [ annie shivers ] ryan : get over here , get over here . annie : hmm , it feels so good to touch you -- ryan : yeah ? annie : and feel you . every woman on earth would kill to feel this lucky . ryan : yeah ? annie : mm - hmm . ryan : you know , it 's funny you should say that , actually . annie : why , you plan on marrying every woman ? because i 'm not going to be ok with that . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : no . it 's just i was thinking about when i drove off that cliff two years ago and how incredibly dead i was inside , dead in so many ways , dead to so many people , you know ? but mostly myself , and now after the gunshot . i just -- i just feel so alive ! [ annie giggles ] ryan : and not just because i have a second chance -- i just have all this energy . annie : yeah , i noticed . ryan : huh . i 'm serious . when i think about all the time that i wasted just , you know , out there trying to make my mark , whatever that means , just worrying about me , only me -- i mean , that 's just complete garbage . that means nothing . annie : you are hardly nothing . ryan : no , that 's not what i mean . just think about who i am and what i am right now . all i am is i 'm a guy who is incredibly blessed , blessed with a beautiful , healthy family , with friends , with -- with people that care about me , with -- you know , with money . god knows i 've been very lucky in that department -- mostly due to alexander cambias . annie : it was n't all him . ryan : no , but think about it , really . most of what i built came from the vault of a cold - blooded killer , annie . and that has to change . annie : so , what is it ? what do you want to do ? ryan : how would you feel about changing the world ? [ scene_break ] derek : we 're going to need to file a report on this , aidan . aidan : ok . well , then stick this in your report -- zach slater did everything he could . he even risked his own life to save a woman that he once cared about . and she slipped , and she fell into the water . it was a tragic accident . [ scene_break ] zach : what are they doing down there ? why have n't they found anything ? kendall : the rescue team is working as fast as they can . zach : i should be down there . greenlee : zach , stop it . no , listen ! hannah is gone , she 's gone . nobody would survive these falls -- you have to accept that , and you have to accept it 's not your fault . zach : oh , but it is . i was late . i was years too late . aidan : so , are you all right ? is everything ok ? greenlee : yeah , i -- i think we 're good . aidan : zach ? zach : thanks for saving my life . aidan : well , i had a pretty good support team to back me up , eh ? [ helicopter flies ] greenlee : zach , i know you do n't want to hear this , but maybe it 's the end of all the darkness for all of us . zach : yeah . kendall : well , i 'd like to think so . derek : we 've got three more rescue units coming in . we 'll work all through the night if we have to . zach : thank you , derek . zach : i 'm sorry . kendall : for what ? zach : for putting you in a position where you could worry about me again . kendall : well , zach , we do n't have to talk about that right now . zach : i just -- i -- so i needed help , and i wanted to come and just figure out why and what was going on . kendall : did you figure it out ? zach : yeah , i did . i came up here , because i wanted to kill hannah because of what she did to you . and then she started talking . it all started when we were kids . i was 18 , going to school , she was 17 . pregnant with my kid . staying at my father 's house . kendall : hannah and your dad ? oh , my god . zach : and she waited for me to come back . all her life , waited for me . what is that , you know ? i -- i had her . i had her in my hand . i had her right here . ethan 's mom . and then i let -- i let her go , and i lost them both . kendall : no , zach . hannah let go . it was her decision to leave this world , and there is nothing -- nothing that you or anyone else could have done about it . [ scene_break ] julia : jack , where are you ? erica : oh , i see we 've been saved by the cavalry to the rescue . jack : julia , we 're in here . julia : oh . oh , ok , i see it now . oh ! hello ? [ julia chuckles ] jack : thank you . julia : yeah . oh . erica , i did n't know that you were in there , too . erica : oh , yes . you can always count on me to be in the most unexpected places . thank you , julia . thank you so much for saving us , because without you , heaven knows how long we might have stayed in that closet . right , jack ? jack : absolutely . ahem . erica : oh , by the way , julia , why were you calling jack ? julia : oh , i had a legal thing i wanted to run by him . erica : and it could n't wait ? jack : erica -- erica : well , i mean , you have no idea what our family has been going through ? julia : yes , i do , i just -- erica : you did not see the news reports that have been all over the place about hannah nichols and what she 's done to our family ? julia : yes , i did , and if i could just finish a sentence -- erica : oh , please , please -- i 'm quite sure that nothing takes precedence over your date . well , you know , your sister maria had this really awful sense of self - importance . i just think it 's so terrible to share that gene pool . [ scene_break ] annie : so , how exactly are you planning on changing the world ? [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : i do n't know . i do n't know . i think -- i think we should start by giving away all that money . do n't -- do n't worry , we got plenty . there 's going to be plenty for us and plenty for the kids and plenty for our future . i mean , all the rest of it . all the cambias money , you know ? we just have to do something good with that money , do you know what i mean ? annie : i think i 'm -- i 'm starting to get the point . ryan : i mean , this -- this is all we need right here . this life in this place with spike and with emma . i mean , this is my dream . annie : well , richie , this shooting , spike 's surgeries -- our dream has n't exactly been easy , ryan . ryan : i know . i 'll give you that . that 's true . maybe it 's just a way for the gods to tell us that we have to put some back in the pot , that 's all . annie : so , what do you want to do first ? ryan : uh -- i do n't know . why do n't you and i just come up with some stuff ? we 'll think about some stuff . i 'll talk to jon , i 'll talk to zach . maybe he 'll want in . we 'll just -- we 'll just open the door , and we 'll see who comes in . we 'll see , you know , who needs it the most . i -- i really believe that we 'll know when it 's right . you still think i 'm nuts ? annie : no , i never thought that . ryan : oh , yeah i do n't know . i mean , here 's a half - naked guy running around on the terrace talking about giving away all his money to change the world . sounds pretty crazy to me . annie : i think it 's wonderful . i think you 're wonderful . [ scene_break ] babe : well , you are pretty sure of yourself , are n't you ? richie : well , i 'm pretty sure when someone likes me , if that 's what you mean . babe : it was never a matter of me liking you or not , richie . or -- or even being attracted to you . richie : so you admit that much ? babe : look , it would n't matter if i was . i told you where i stood on this . my work and my son -- those are my priorities right now . richie : ok . then tell me why j.r. 's in a towel prancing around your apartment like he owns the place , like he owns you . babe : i told you . richie : right , right , right . you and j.r. were going to build a snowman , but he wants me to believe differently . babe : look , then that 's j.r. 's business , ok ? it has nothing to do with me . he and i are little adam 's parents , and after all of the hell that we have put him through , we just want to be good parents , whether we 're together or not . richie : good friends ? babe : yes , yes , good friends , just like you and me . and that 's all we 're going to be , richie , so you can make whatever you want to out of that kiss , but it 's not going to go any further than that . [ scene_break ] little adam : where 's mommy ? j.r. : well , mommy 's just taking out the trash . she 'll be back in a minute . [ scene_break ] richie : look , i understand that this is hard for you . it 's a lot for you to take in , me showing up without an expiration date -- babe : richie -- richie : no , no , no , just -- just let me finish , ok ? hear me out . i was going to die . and now , there 's this slight possibility that i 'm not , so i 'm not going to waste any more of my time being careful and telling you what you want to hear . i like you . i want to be with you , and more than just friends . you know me well enough by now to know that i 'm not the type of guy that gives up easily . babe : i -- i think you better go now . richie : what , do you want me to lie to you ? give you some bs about how understanding i am ? babe : i -- i told you how i feel , richie . richie : and i 'm telling you i do n't believe it . j.r. : is there a problem out here ? richie : no , there 's no problem . babe : richie was just leaving . j.r. : so soon ? someone 's calling for you , babe . what 's the matter , richie ? you do n't look too happy . is it just me , or did babe kick you to the curb ? [ scene_break ] derek : we 're going to need to get an official statement . zach ? zach : i 'm alive . derek : did hannah have any family you 're aware of ? anyone we can contact ? zach : no . derek : that 's too bad . zach : yeah , it is too bad . if she had a family , maybe things would have turned out differently . [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you . aidan : for what ? kendall : for saving zach , again . aidan : oh . kendall : i owe you so much . so how 's greenlee doing ? aidan : she 's -- she 's weak . you know how she is . she 's denying it . she 's stubborn . why did you let her come out here ? kendall : aidan , do you honestly think i could have stopped her ? aidan : i guess it 'd be like trying to stop you , right ? kendall : yeah . aidan : well , it 's over . now we can move on . kendall : i hope so . you know , greenlee loves you . aidan : well , i need to hear that from her , i do n't need to hear it from you . i love her , too . kendall : ok , well , she thinks that something 's wrong . i mean , she feels like you 're acting different to her . aidan : what do you mean ? kendall : it has nothing to do with us . she does n't know about us . she can never know , and neither can zach . aidan : well , you 're right , yeah , but what 's this about greenlee ? kendall : you need to make things right again . you need to make things the way that they used to be . and then maybe we can all really move on . [ scene_break ] zach : this is where leo died . sorry . greenlee : yeah . i blamed myself , too . [ helicopter flies ] derek : yeah . i need a subsurface team here at first light , ready to go in and rake the bottom of that river . we have a body to find . kendall : yeah , you know what ? i 'll tell you all about it when i see you . right now , i just need some alone time with zach . i love you , too , mom . bye . [ helicopter flies ] aidan : are you tired ? greenlee : a little . but i 'm happy you 're safe . aidan : then let 's go home , shall we ? greenlee : yeah . zach : is there anything else ? derek : nah . go home , get some rest . i 'll call you if we have any more questions , or news . zach : thanks , derek . derek : yeah . [ scene_break ] jack : so what did they say ? erica : they 're all fine ! jack : oh , my god . thank god . [ erica laughs ] jack : hey -- erica : huh ? jack : did they catch hannah ? erica : well , hannah apparently fell into the river . there is a rescue crew looking for her right now . just , it 's really late . it 's dark . jack : yeah . julia : that 's terrible . erica : yes . yes , it is . well , thank you so much for rescuing us , julia . i 'm sure that you will both have a laugh or two about all this on -- on your date . jack : it 's not a date , erica . erica : no ? jack : julia called for some legal advice . erica : legal advice , right . yes , whatever you say . and i 'm sure that you will both have a wonderful time doing -- whatever it is you 're doing . [ door closes ] julia : whew , boy . that 's what it feels like , huh ? jack : what ? julia : to be on erica 's hit list . it 's pretty scary . jack : no , actually , she just likes to yank my chain . it amuses her . julia : yeah . well -- but , hey , everything 's good , huh ? how are you feeling ? you must be relieved . what ? jack : maybe it 's not such a bad idea , after all . julia : excuse me ? jack : nice dinner , couple of cocktails , some great conversation . a date , you and me . why not ? [ scene_break ] annie : so ? ryan : so ? [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : but what ? annie : saving the world kind of turns me on . ryan : oh , yeah ? annie : yeah . ryan : me , too . [ annie chuckles ] [ scene_break ] richie : so is this the part where we duke it out ? j.r. : oh -- no , no , no , no . i do n't think you want to go there . richie : tough guy , huh ? j.r. : tough enough for the likes of you . richie : oh , yeah . yeah , i can see that . but you know what ? the thing is , junior , i 've been around tough guys for a long time . some of them are n't so tough any more . some of them are even dead . j.r. : yeah ? is that a threat ? richie : no , man , i 'm a lover , not a fighter . hmm . i will see you around later , bro . [ after j.r. goes inside , richie watches the happy family through the window ] richie : oh , yes . i will see you around . [ next_on ] tad : is that a lei around your neck or are you just happy to see me ? krystal : come over here and find out . adam ( to colby ) : i have a job for you . it involves tad and krystal . kendall ( to zach ) : kiss me all you want , you can kiss me all over , i 'm not going to stop talking . | zach with the help of aidan try to pull hannah back up from off the cliff . richie visits babe only to find j.r. answer the door , wearing only a towel . j.r. tries to get rid of richie , but babe insists on talking to him a few minutes . erica and jack are still locked in the closet where kendall and greenlee had left them . hannah tells zach good - bye as she lets go of his hand and falls to her death . greenlee tries to comfort zach by telling him that this was n't his fault . kendall lets aidan know that greenlee had told her that things were different between greenlee and aidan since the accident . jack and erica relive some moments when they had been locked up together before . jack 's cell phone rings . the call is from julia . jack tells julia to come over to kendall 's immediately that he has been locked in a closet . when julia arrives , she is surprised to find erica in the closet with jack . erica throws some very insulting remarks toward julia . babe lets richie know that there is nothing between them but friendship and the same goes for j.r .. annie comes downstairs and finds ryan out on the balcony , wearing only his shorts . they make love on the patio in the snow . ryan lets annie know that he is giving away millions of the cambias fortune . derek and other police officers arrive to investigate hannah falling off the cliff . |
natalia : excuse me -- about time you showed up . frankie : huh -- oh , sorry . i had to deal with some stuff . natalia : stuff -- is randi coming ? frankie : who ? oh , no , not likely . natalia : oh , well , you guys get into a fight ? frankie : yeah , something like that . natalia : it 's not about her old job , is it ? frankie : she told you about that ? natalia : frankie , come on . i mean , that 's all in the past . you 've got to let it go . frankie : yeah ? well , why does it keep slapping me in the face ? [ scene_break ] randi : whoa , whoa -- i was just kidding . i 'm not a prostitute . i 'm serious . man : i 'm sure the judge will be happy to hear that . you have the right to remain silent . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : where have you been , mr. stone ? or would you like to tell me your real name and why you 're so interested in annie lavery ? aidan : did the aliens get to you , too ? dr. sinclair : not that i 'm aware of . come with me . annie : oh , you found him . dr. sinclair : annie 's been looking for you , mr. stone . annie : mr. stone ? tell her that 's not your real name . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you really think aidan will move on ? ryan : it 's tough letting you go . i know that because i 've been there . but yes , i think aidan will be fine . i do . and so will we . greenlee : it will never go away , though , will it ? all those what - ifs like what if we 'd handled things differently ? ryan : well , i think that 's just life , you know ? it throws things at us , and we can either duck - and - hide or we can face things head - on , together . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm coming with you . reese : bianca , you are not invited . bianca : so ? my mother wants to have brunch with you alone , no customers , no waiters -- no witnesses . reese : you make it sound like erica wants to off me . zach : maybe she wants to make peace . reese : see , that 's where i was going with this . come on , your mom already laid into me once . what more can she do ? bianca : oh , my mother ? the possibilities are endless . [ scene_break ] erica : if the hospital calls about my daughter , please , just find me , interrupt me -- day or night , it does n't matter . just -- my daughter kendall takes precedence . man : understood . have a nice day . erica : thank you . [ josh watches from the shadows as erica gets in the elevator ] [ scene_break ] randi : look , i used to be a prostitute , but i 'm not anymore . i just got into a fight with my boyfriend about it . i saw you eyeing me , and i got ticked off . man : that 's a new excuse . randi : my boyfriend 's name is frankie hubbard . man : the chief 's kid ? randi : yes . call jesse . he can explain everything . [ scene_break ] natalia : wow . frankie : that 's one word for it . thanks . natalia : so is randi totally freaking out ? frankie : she was until i calmed her down . now i 'm the one who 's losing his mind . god -- my friends , my colleagues , even my parents can look up this website , and boom , there she is , my girlfriend . natalia : exactly . your girlfriend . [ frankie sighs ] natalia : frankie , come on . you love her . frankie : more than -- more than i know . natalia : did you tell her that ? frankie : what , before or after she walked out on me ? natalia : wait -- so she just walked out on you , and you just let her go ? frankie : i did n't know what to say . i still do n't . natalia : dang , i feel you . frankie : yeah , well , what 's up with you ? natalia : hmm , nothing new . it 's just -- it 's dad . i 've got to tell him about my plans . frankie : you mean about joining the force . natalia : yeah . frankie : you 're really comparing that to my problems ? natalia : no , no . well , maybe just a little bit . frankie : come on , what could be the worse thing that could happen here ? natalia : well , for starters , he could lock me up and throw away the key . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : who do you think this is , annie ? annie : ryan , my husband . thank god you 're here . i was so worried . dr. sinclair : about what ? annie : not what -- who . i thought that greenlee killed you . but she did n't . you 're here . you 're right here with me . [ sighs ] annie : wait -- what am i doing ? i have to warn you . aidan : warn me , about what ? annie : greenlee is out to get you , ryan . aidan : my name is not ryan -- annie : and she 's not going to stop until you are dead . dr. sinclair : ok , i think that 's enough , annie . annie : no , no , i 've been having these dreams , and i think that they predict the future . greenlee is coming for you , ryan . aidan : what have they done to you , annie ? is it the chip ? did they plant another one ? they did , did n't they ? dr. sinclair : come on . aidan : do n't give away your secret , annie . do n't ever give it away . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know , i wish we could do what we said we 'd do on new year 's eve -- shut it all out and only look forward . ryan : we can . greenlee : for about two seconds until a big old , sad reminder comes knocking on the door . ryan : hey , this is going to get easier , ok ? greenlee : how do you know that ? ryan : because i love you . because i love you more than i 've ever loved anybody , ever . and i really believe that that can get us through -- anything . [ doorbell rings ] greenlee : if that 's another big old , sad reminder , do n't open it . ryan : it 's definitely big , definitely big . greenlee : you know what it is ? ryan : it is the biggest , baddest wedding gift ever . close your eyes . [ scene_break ] erica : opal ? hey , that is not for you . opal : well , who is it for ? jackson ? oh , please tell me it 's not for adam . my ticker could n't take it . erica : i 'm having brunch with reese . opal : reese ? hmm . last time i heard , you wanted to drop - kick that poor child to tahiti . erica : what i wanted was for my daughter bianca to be informed , but bianca has not been very receptive to knowing the truth about her -- her fiancée 's eyes for zach . opal : well , sugar , i could have told you that . hmm -- erica : hey , opal , maybe you should stick to the fruit if your ticker is what 's worrying you . opal : all right , all right . so what is the agenda ? you 're going to stuff reese silly and roll her out of pine valley ? or maybe you 've got plans to , what , bribe her to leave instead ? erica : neither . it 's a gift . [ opal chuckles ] opal : yeah , right , and i 'm angelina jolie . erica : look , opal , i have two options . i could either accept reese or i 'll lose bianca , ok ? so we both know exactly which choice i 'm going to make . opal : well , you have n't considered the third option . you can squeeze reese to admit that she 's been snooping around zach . erica : uh - uh , nope . i do n't even intend to bring him up . opal : no agenda ? no motive ? so this really is just brunch ? erica : well , not just brunch . it 's a peace offering . [ scene_break ] bianca : my mother does n't do peace offerings . reese : it is just brunch . bianca : famous last words . reese : will you just wish me luck ? bianca : good luck . zach : good luck . reese : thank you . bianca : well , i should go check on gaby . zach : there 's something we got to talk about first . [ scene_break ] [ music plays as josh continues spying in the hotel ] singer : understand they 're right behind me dealers at the door understand i feel unworthy was mentioned once before randi : thank god you 're here , jesse . jesse : you want to tell me what the hell is going on here ? randi : your guy came on to me , and i got annoyed , so i pretended to be a hooker . jesse : why would you do that ? randi : to mess with him , i guess . that 's when he tried to arrest me . jesse : i do n't believe this . randi : right . i mean , why would you ? just take me down to the station . let 's just get this over with already , but do n't expect frankie to come bailing me out this time . jesse : how does frankie fit in to all of this ? randi : he does n't , not anymore . jesse : what happened ? randi : my life happened . every stupid decision i made , every sleaze - ball guy i 've been with -- it 's just -- it 's all out there . jesse : `` out there `` -- where ? randi : the internet . did n't you hear ? ask frankie . he practically knows the web address by heart . he -- jesse : it 's ok . come here , come here . [ scene_break ] bianca : you 're angry . zach : i 'm a little angry and confused . you know , no , i 'm a lot angry right now . bianca : i 'm sorry . zach : what are you sorry about ? about setting us up , telling me that you were going to be out of town , or believing any of the stuff in the first place ? after everything we 've been through , why would you think i 'd want to hurt you like that ? bianca : i would n't . i -- i mean , i never thought i -- i could . i do n't -- i do n't know , zach . something took over -- fear , paranoia -- i just -- i could n't control it . zach : could n't control it ? how about that -- how about you talk to me -- talk to your fiancée ? instead of listening to your mother and getting all worked up ? bianca : i 'm sorry . i do n't -- i do n't know what else to say . zach : how about you say you trust me , you trust her , and all these fears are unfounded ? bianca : i ca n't . i do n't know if they are . [ scene_break ] opal : well , enjoy your brunch , and good luck . reese : i 'm sorry -- what ? opal : oh , um , good stuff . try the bacon . erica : bye , opal . opal : tootles . reese : for me ? erica : and bianca . an early wedding present . reese : well , thank you . erica : you 're welcome . reese : should i ? erica : yes , please , open it up . reese : what is this ? oh , my goodness . wow , it 's -- it 's amazing . thank you . erica : oh , you 're so welcome . [ both chuckle ] reese : thanks . erica : so , um , i 'm so glad you like it . why do n't you sit down and enjoy ? whatever 's left , i mean , whatever opal left . reese : oh , well , i 'm sure it 's going to be great . oh , looks delicious . reese : so how are things going ? erica : oh , very well , thank you . busy , of course , between new beginnings and running fusion . and you -- how about you ? i mean , the casino looks amazing . reese : oh , thank you . thank you so much . you know , it was easier because zach had a really clear vision of what he wanted . [ reese chuckles ] erica : so i 'm sure that you 're wondering why i 've invited you here . i never should have questioned your commitment to bianca . i was wrong , and i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] bianca : did i misunderstand ? zach : did you just ask me that ? really ? that 's just great . i thought you guys worked this out . bianca : i -- i believe that she loves me , and she loves our daughter . and i think that , in her heart , she does n't believe that something is going on between the two of you . zach : well , in my heart , i love kendall , more than life itself , and i think you know that . bianca : i -- i do . zach : she 's the mother of my children . bianca : well , so am i , in a way . so is reese . zach : not the same thing . bianca : well , you ca n't deny that gaby has brought the two of you closer together . zach : i 'm not denying anything . it 's what kids do . they bring people closer together . now you , me , reese , and gaby -- we have a bond forever . bianca : so -- so , what , you 're saying that you feel nothing ? zach : no , no . i feel a lot for reese . i feel -- friendship . i feel love . more than anything else , i feel gratitude , because she 's in your life , and i 've never seen you this happy . i see the two of you together , and it just -- it gives me some peace . i need that right now . bianca : i know you do . zach : your sister 's my life . you should know that better than anyone . bianca : i do . i do . i 'm so sorry . i do n't -- i really do n't know what i was thinking . zach : hey . love makes you do silly things sometimes , right ? [ scene_break ] aidan : this is not my room . dr. sinclair : you wanted to get into this wing . consider your wish granted . perhaps a little isolation will do for you what it 's doing for annie , because i am breaking through to her . i 'm putting all the pieces together . ok ? aidan : just going to leave me in here ? dr. sinclair : oh , no , no , no . not for long . you see , your secret - agent act is n't working on me . i 'm going to go have a little chat with the administrator . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok , can i open them ? ryan : no . greenlee : can i open them ? ryan : actually , no , you ca n't . greenlee : come on , come on . ryan : no , no , no , you ca n't . no peeking -- not allowed . ok , open them . greenlee : no , you did n't . ryan : yeah , i did . actually , i did . it 's right there . do you like it ? greenlee : like it ? shazam ! can i ? can i , can i , can i ? ryan : yes , of course . it 's yours . go ! go ! it 's , like , the perfect greenlee bike i saw . it 's tough . it 's got a little sass . greenlee : i ca n't believe you did this . ryan : it 's your perfect dream bike . greenlee : ah -- ride , polished , bedazzled with jewels . ryan : you can do whatever you want with it . the only rules are it stays in this living room until our wedding day . greenlee : and we ride off into the sunset ? ryan : yeah , and we never look back . [ greenlee squeals as ryan picks her up and kisses her ] [ scene_break ] jesse : everything 's going to be ok . randi : how ? your son is the best thing that 's ever happened to me . now i 've just -- i 've ruined everything . jesse : no , you did n't ruin anything . fletcher ruined it . the person on that website -- that 's not who you are anymore . and trust me , i know a thing or two about stuff coming back to haunt you . we 'll fix this . [ jesse talks to the undercover cop ] jesse : well , that 's it . free to go . randi : really , that 's it ? jesse : yeah , that 's it . you need a ride ? randi : no , no , i was supposed to be here to scout a location for fusion , so i should definitely try not to ruin my whole life in a day . jesse : hey , you know what ? never give up on the best thing that ever happened to you . randi : thanks , jesse . [ scene_break ] natalia : what is it about a father 's approval ? frankie : hmm , i 've been wondering that my entire life , even when he was n't around . natalia : shut up . you 're a doctor - turned - war hero . please , what 's not to approve ? frankie : no , i get this feeling sometimes that he thinks i look down on him for what he does or -- i do n't know . i do n't know . natalia : do you ? frankie : i think what he does is amazing . natalia : but ? frankie : but it is his job that took him away from us . if that had n't happened , i might be officer hubbard instead of dr. hubbard . but that does n't matter . the point is , bottom liner , he 's going to be proud of you no matter what , especially if you join `` the force . `` natalia : well , when he freaks , i 'm going to tell him you said that . frankie : do that , please . natalia : mm - hmm , ok . frankie : to the force . natalia : to the force . [ natalia laughs ] [ scene_break ] erica : you 're not the person i thought you were , reese . reese : really ? who am i ? erica : you 're a woman who loves my daughter very much . i thought that i saw a situation between you and zach , and i read something into it that i should n't have . reese : you know , zach and i , we 're just friends . yes , he is gaby 's biological father , but he -- erica : but that 's an arrangement that you have well under control . and it 's beautiful , really , the family that you 've created . reese : you know , erica , i need you to know that bianca can trust me . so can you . erica : i know , and i do . and i 'm sorry that is misjudged you . it 's just that bianca has been hurt in the past , and after finding out that you had been engaged to a man , i -- reese : yeah , you were afraid that she was going to get hurt again . erica : but i 'm not afraid anymore . my daughter has chosen a wonderful partner . reese : it means so much to me to hear you say that . [ knock on door ] erica : oh . excuse me . [ both chuckle ] erica : bianca -- bianca : i know , i know . i was n't invited , and i should n't have come . but i 've been going crazy . is everything ok ? erica : well , i believe that 's a question for reese . [ erica chuckles ] [ scene_break ] aidan : you need to get me out of this cell . man : not until i get some answers . aidan : we do n't have time for that . man : look , my job is on the line . dr. sinclair 's making a lot of noise . the least you can do is tell me what 's going on . aidan : like i said , i 'm not paying you to ask questions . i just need to see annie . man : annie lavery ? next door ? i 'm not helping you until you talk . aidan : she 's my friend . she needs help . man : clearly , but that 's what the doctors are for . aidan : dr. sinclair is messing everything up . she does n't know what annie needs . i do . man : you 're really jumping through hoops for this woman . landing yourself in a mental institution ? that 's going above and beyond for some friend . come on . why are you really here ? aidan : i owe her . [ scene_break ] [ ryan laughs in greenlee 's dream ] [ motorcycle revs ] ryan : whoo ! [ ryan laughs ] ryan : ah ! [ ryan laughs ] [ tires screech and bike crashes ] ryan : what -- what happened ? did you -- what -- did you have another bad dream or something ? greenlee : you can never ride it , ryan . ryan : uh , ok . uh -- greenlee : no , i mean it . you can not get on this bike . swear to me . ryan : ok , all right , i swear . slow down for a second . greenlee : we must get rid of it . now . [ scene_break ] aidan : i want to see annie make it out of the other side of this . man : again , why ? aidan : because something inside me says that i need to save her . and i know i can , but i need your help . man : i 'm sorry . i ca n't . dr. sinclair 's watching my every move -- yours , too . there . aidan : what ? man : that vent . it connects the two cells . you want to talk to annie ? that 's your way in . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you were on this motorcycle -- my motorcycle . and then you -- it ca n't be here . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i know how much effort you put into finding this for me , but i need the bike gone . ryan : ok . ok , i 'll get rid of the bike , all right ? whatever you need . [ scene_break ] reese : erica and i got everything out in the open . we 're all good . erica : oh , we 're better than good . we 're fantastic . reese : i have to go meet zach downstairs . erica : well , please say hello to him for us . reese : i will . and , erica , thank you so much for brunch . it really -- it was wonderful . thank you . erica : you 're so welcome . reese : bye . bianca : bye . erica : sweetheart , i apologize . i made assumptions that i should n't have , and i am so sorry if i caused any problems between you and reese . bianca : thank you . erica : i can see that she loves you . bianca : and that i love her . erica : and i 'd be really honored if you let me back in on the wedding plans . i promise i will not -- bianca : stop , stop , stop . like we could do it without you . mom -- i 'm proud of you . erica : not nearly as proud as i am of you . ok , let 's talk wedding shower . ok , bridal shower plans . i think we need a theme for this spectacular affair . bianca : ah , well , if by `` spectacular affair `` you mean `` small and unassuming , `` then we 're in . [ scene_break ] josh : kendall . kendall , it 's -- it 's me , josh . listen , i do n't have a whole lot of time right now . i 'm risking my life just walking in this room , but you know what ? let zach try to catch me . i had to see you . you 're the only reason why i came back . kendall , i do n't -- i do n't know if -- if you can hear me right now , but i just need you -- i need you to know this . i love you . you are pretty much the only person who has ever accepted me for me . you know , people pretended , acted like they had no problem with me , but you were the only one who backed it up . you put your marriage on the line . you stood up to zach for me . i owe you my life -- which pretty much stinks right now . and thanks to zach , yours is n't looking too great , either . you deserve so much better than this . how the hell could he let this happen to you ? listen , what i 'm going to do wo n't bring you back , but i will make him pay for letting this happen . [ scene_break ] reese : oh , i made it out alive ! zach : this is the security system . i 've got to check the schematics . please look at it . reese : oh , yeah , ok . zach , you would n't believe it . erica was actually civil to me . no , no , she was nice . zach : we just need to change some of the wiring , because i do n't think it 's going to work like that , so we just got to run another test . is that ok with you ? reese : yeah , that 's the plan . we 're going to try and work the kinks out . what -- what is up with you ? zach : what do you mean ? reese : well , i tell you i went and had lunch with erica , you do n't even want to hear about it ? zach : well , no , there are some things that are more important , like the security of my casino . reese : i know that . why are you being so cold to me ? huh ? what happened to my friend ? i thought we were cool . zach : maybe we 're not cool . maybe -- can i ask you something about this little arrangement we have at home ? did -- did i miss something ? did something happen between us ? [ scene_break ] [ aidan listens from the vent ] annie : greenlee killed my husband . dr. sinclair : no , ryan is alive and well . annie : no , she 's evil and she 's out to get my family . i miss my home . dr. sinclair : do you remember going home ? do you remember when you broke out of here ? annie : i think -- i think so . um -- i saw ryan , emma -- i saw her . what are you doing with the mean lady ? greenlee , i hate her , too . emma : mommy ! you came home . my christmas wish came true . annie : bitch , you stole my husband , my child , my life . greenlee : so do it already . kill me . get it over with . [ echoes ] end things . annie : stop it . stop it ! dr. sinclair : stop who ? who are you hearing ? annie : i 'm saying terrible things . or is greenlee saying terrible things ? i do n't remember who 's the bad one . dr. sinclair : just talk to me , all right ? just try to remember . annie : i was wearing a wedding a dress . [ annie hums `` here comes the bride `` ] ryan : who did you hurt ? who -- who did you hurt with the knife , annie ? annie : no . no , i did n't hurt him . dr. sinclair : hurt who ? annie : i 'm in jail , are n't i ? they 're going to kill me . dr. sinclair : no -- no , no , no , no , you 're safe here . annie : i want you to go . i 'm not going to say another word . i mean it . go . get out ! [ scene_break ] frankie : dad , what are you doing here ? jesse : looking for you , son . natalia : hi . jesse : hello , daughter . you , come here . jesse : what 's up with you and randi ? frankie : oh , let me guess . you saw her , too ? jesse : yeah , i saw her , at the casino . she 's having a pretty rough day , frank . she says you 're part of the reason for that . frankie : yeah , well , i caught some guys at my job looking at my girlfriend having sex . dad , it 's all over the internet . jesse : so ? forget those troglodytes . forget everybody . they 're idiots . frankie : wow . how ? jesse : frankie , the two of you have come so far . you 've worked so hard to get here . randi has moved on with her life . she 's starting to finally believe in herself . you want to walk now ? frankie : look , that 's none of your business , dad , really . jesse : you -- you are my business . and if you love her , this would be a huge mistake . frankie : i do n't know what to do . jesse : come on , kid , you 're not my son for nothing . you love her ? you want to be with her ? go find her . tell her you love her . tell her -- tell her you will be there for her . [ scene_break ] reese : i care about you deeply , zach . way -- way more than a friend . you gave us gaby . all right ? when you decided to do that , you gave us a living , breathing piece of yourself . so , yeah -- yeah , we 've got a very special connection . i mean , every time i look at you , i see a little piece of my girl . god , so much . i just want to pinch your cheek . zach : stop . come on . reese : you know who else i see when i look at you ? zach : who else do you see ? reese : kendall , and all that love you are holding in your heart just for her , saving only for her . you know what amazes me , zach ? how much love you have for her . i ca n't believe you 've ever got any room left . zach : sometimes i feel like i do n't . reese : you know , she is incredibly lucky . zach : so is bianca . reese : yeah , i think we 're pretty lucky , too . zach : i 'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable . i just needed to know where we were , what we 're doing . reese : no , no , no , no , come on . i 'm really -- i 'm glad that you brought it up . zach : yeah ? reese : yeah . you 're my friend . you know , to lose that would be awful . zach : yeah . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm sorry for freaking out and making you get rid of that bike . i do n't know what 's wrong with me . [ doorbell rings ] greenlee : is that another surprise ? ryan : not from me . dr. sinclair : hello , mr. lavery . ryan : hello . dr. sinclair , come in . i did n't expect you to come over right away . this is dr. sinclair , the one who is taking care of annie . greenlee : hi . dr. sinclair : you must be greenlee -- you 're actually the reason i 'm here . [ scene_break ] natalia : mom and angie -- definitely not into it . frankie seemed pretty cool , but you 're my deciding vote . jesse : hmm . the only vote that counts here is yours , sweetheart . do you really want to be a cop ? natalia : yeah , i really do . jesse : then listen to your heart . it brought you back here , right ? natalia : yeah , back to you . and now it 's telling me to stay . jesse : wow , a cop -- a cop . [ natalia laughs ] [ scene_break ] randi : hey . frankie : hey . my dad said you had a rough day . did something else happen ? randi : long story . frankie : but -- you 're ok ? randi : that depends . frankie : on what ? randi : you . frankie : i 'm sorry . randi : for what ? you did n't sign up for this . frankie : yeah , but i did sign up for you . can we please just go home ? randi : are you sure ? i mean , you do n't have to -- [ frankie kisses randi ] [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : well , if there 's anything that you can think of , or have any questions , please do n't hesitate to call me . ryan : how is annie doing ? any progress ? dr. sinclair : hmm -- some , yes . ryan : well , that 's great . that 's great . so if she 's getting better , then what 's the next step ? dr. sinclair : my goal is to get annie competent enough so that she can stand trial for her violent crimes , including the murder of her brother . greenlee : and then ? dr. sinclair : in all likelihood , she 'll spend the rest of her life in prison . [ scene_break ] aidan : annie , can you hear me ? follow my voice to the vent . annie : mr. stone ? are you really there ? aidan : yes , i am . i 'm going to get you out of here , annie . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's not easy , is it ? i find myself talking and talking , and hoping and hoping . did reese tell you about our brunch ? we got everything out in the open . i 'm actually back making all the wedding plans with them . the shower -- zach : hey , erica , what are you up to ? [ scene_break ] josh : impressive drafting skills . did you do these yourself ? reese : i sure did . are you an architect ? josh : aspiring . reese : really ? josh : mm - hmm . you 've done a great job with the place . reese : well , thanks . it was n't easy , but we are almost finished . josh : looks pretty finished to me . what 's left ? reese : oh , well , you know , we 've got a little of this and -- man : here are the security schematics . reese : oh , thank you . josh : i guess you ca n't be too safe in a casino . reese : no , you ca n't . [ reese chuckles ] reese : oh -- will you excuse me for a minute ? josh : mm - hmm . reese : hey , beautiful . bianca : hey ! reese : guess what ? i just met this aspiring architect . he did n't say it , but i think he thinks i 'm brilliant . you want to meet him ? bianca : yes . where is this -- i do n't know -- fan ? [ bianca and reese chuckle ] reese : he was right here . i do n't know . where 'd he go ? [ josh smiles as he looks at the picture he just took of the security schematics for the casino ] | at confusion , frankie meets with natalia . frankie lets her know what had happened between frankie and randi and the pics on the internet . at oak haven , dr. sinclair questions aidan about how he knows annie and why aidan is so interested in annie . ryan and greenlee spend quality time together at ryan 's condo . bianca insists on going with reese when reese goes to have brunch with erica . in the bar , randi is approached by a man ( unbeknownst to her that he is a cop ) and she comes on to him . erica arrives at her hotel room and finds opal there , enjoying the meal that she had planned for reese . zach tells bianca that they have something to talk about . josh watches everyone and everything at the casino . jesse arrives at the bar and randi fills him in on what had happened . jesse has a talk with the cop and clears everything up . jesse tells randi that she is free to go . erica surprises reese with a wedding present . erica apologizes to reese for all the cruel things that she had been saying to bianca about reese . ryan surprises greenlee with a motorcycle . dr. sinclair becomes suspicious of aidan . bianca visits erica to see how everything is going between erica and reese . the administrator of oak haven meets with aidan and shows aidan a way that aidan can talk to annie . |
[ david brings greenlee a deck of cards ] david : thought these might help pass the time . greenlee : what , you know some magic tricks ? like the one where i snap my fingers , and i know whether my surgery worked ? david : all together now . you have to be -- greenlee : patient , patient . i do n't do patient . i need to know . am i going to be able to walk back into ryan 's life or not ? [ scene_break ] [ ryan laughs ] erica : what ? ryan : i 've literally been reading the same sentence for the last 20 minutes . i think that means it 's quitting time for me . erica : well , i am so on board with that plan . ryan : i 've got an even better plan . how about you and i leave here together , and we find a nice quiet candlelit table someplace and just unwind over dinner ? erica : that is very tempting . but if we are gon na keep you and i a secret , then i think maybe we 'd better leave separately . ryan : yes . ok . of course , after madison interrupted earlier , i 'm not sure it matters at this point . erica : oh , do n't worry . i 'll handle madison . ryan : mm - hmm . i may have to go alone , but do not expect me to leave quietly . [ ryan kisses erica ] [ scene_break ] randi : i told you , product description goes on top . madison : sorry . what ? randi : look , we 're on a tight deadline , madison . if you ca n't handle this , then -- madison : no , no , no . i can . randi : well , not if you keep staring at erica 's office . you 've been doing it all day . so what 's up ? madison : erica hired me as a second assistant . i figured she would need a lot of help , but i have n't seen her for hours . randi : ok . so today 's your first day , and you have zero experience . how much exactly do you expect erica to trust you with ? madison : you 're right . i should shut up and be happy to be here . randi : look , it 's totally normal for erica to spend the entire day in her office with the door closed . i mean , it could take her all day just returning phone calls . madison : maybe that 's it . or maybe she 's having second thoughts . randi : about what ? madison : me . [ scene_break ] colby : what are you doing here ? liza : colby , honey , can we talk , please ? i 'm -- i 'm worried about you . colby : relax , mom , ok ? i have everything under -- [ annie screams as adam lies on the floor ] colby : what the hell did you do ? scott : uncle adam , talk to me . are you having a heart attack ? adam : no . no . i feel like my heart 's going to explode . scott : i 'll call 911 . colby : and i 'll get him some water . annie : what should i do ? colby : put some clothes on . oh , i 'm sorry . stay here , ok ? he needs you . i 'll be right back . annie : adam , i 'm sorry . i 'm here . i 'm here . it 's ok . you 're gon na be just fine . you 're gon na be ok . adam : i 'm fine . i 'm fine . call off the ambulance . scott : too late . [ scene_break ] david : as much as i would love to snap my fingers and reverse your paralysis , the best i can do is beat you at a game of gin rummy . greenlee : deal 'em . tammy smith ? who 's that ? david : oh , that 's your alias . i also had a fake i.d . made in case you -- greenlee : like , died ? again ? you could have picked a better name . do n't you have better things to do ? david : what , than trounce you at a game of cards ? nope , i could n't think of anything better than that . greenlee : i am serious . i mean , would n't you rather be fixing hearts , scaring med students ? anything but stuck here with me . david : i 'm not stuck here . this is exactly where i want to be . take a card . greenlee : you miss pine valley . i can tell because i do , too . david : i miss trevor and marissa . greenlee : and amanda ? david : all right , yes . i do miss pine valley , but pine valley does n't miss me , and that 's just the way it is . greenlee : hmm . i 'm guessing you made it pretty easy for them not to miss you . david : if you 're suggesting i did some awful things , what else is new ? but hey , what can i tell you ? i wanted a family . greenlee : so you went to the extreme . david : please . do n't tell me you do n't understand . i know you , greenlee . you know what it 's like to want something so bad , something that you ca n't live without , something that forces you to break all the rules . but trust me , i hardly have a monopoly on cruelty in that town . greenlee : what do you mean ? david : jake and amanda did everything in their power to keep me from knowing about trevor . they led me to believe he was dead . i held a memorial service for him . i buried his ashes . can you even imagine doing something like that , leading a person to think that someone they love is dead ? greenlee : that 's exactly what you 've done to ryan . [ scene_break ] randi : look , erica gave you a job that people would kill for , so what 's the problem ? madison : maybe she felt pressured into it . randi : by me ? madison : no . i am so grateful that you went to bat for me . but like you said , i do n't have any experience in cosmetics or in anything else , and all of the drama that i 've been part of -- it could be terribly embarrassing . randi : look , there is one thing that you should know about erica kane . she does n't do anything she does n't want to do . ryan : ok , guys . thank you very much for pitching in with all the marketing stuff . i really appreciate that . randi : of course . want to take a look ? ryan : i do , i do , but not right now , ok ? i 'm out of here for tonight , all right ? thanks , guys . oh , um , madison , erica would like to see you in her office . madison : you wanted to see me ? erica : shut the door . [ scene_break ] scott : he 's right in here . emt : ok . sir , are you all right ? [ adam mumbles ] annie : what 's -- what 's wrong with him . second emt : we need you to back up . annie : no , i 'm his wife . i 'm not going anywhere . scott : hey . hey . he 's strong , all right ? he 's gon na be ok . colby : i told you she would pull something like this . did you know what she was doing in here ? scott : no , of course not . colby : she did this on purpose to kill him , to get his money . annie : help him . come on . first emt : ok , we need to get him to the hospital now . annie : ok . i -- i 'm gon na -- i 'm gon na go with him in the ambulance . emma can not know about this , ok ? corrina 's upstairs . scott : yeah . liza : honey , i can take you to the hospital . colby : no . i 'm -- i 'm ok waiting here . liza : you should be with your dad . emt : let 's go . annie : ok . colby : i moved back in here to protect him . i had no clue it would be from this . [ scene_break ] david : you know , ryan and trevor are two completely different situations . your injuries were so severe , i did n't think you would live . would n't it have been worse to get their hopes up , only to crush them again ? greenlee , i do n't think you realize that this is nothing short of a miracle we 're even having this conversation . greenlee : i know , and you 're the miracle worker . i get it . but you have to see the parallels . david : i wanted to tell ryan about you , but at the time -- greenlee : you do n't have to explain . you saved my life . i hope you know how thankful i am . david : not enough to let me win at a game of cards , right ? greenlee : ok . ryan will know i 'm better when the time is right , when i 'm all healed up , and i can go back to him good as new . do you know something i do n't ? david : no . you 're completely up to speed on your progress . greenlee : then why do i get the feeling that you 're hiding something ? david : i think your confidence is inspiring , and the last thing i want to do is to discourage it , but you have to be realistic , greenlee . you have to ask yourself the tough questions , like what if you ca n't go back to ryan the way you want to ? greenlee : i will . i know it . david : i want your dreams to come true as much as you do , but you have to accept the possibility that it might not happen . [ scene_break ] madison : i can be gone in two minutes . erica : excuse me ? madison : if my being here makes you uncomfortable in any way , i will leave , no questions asked . i just came here to thank you for your help . i was n't expecting anything . erica : you think i 'm going to fire you , because of what you walked in on before . madison , i did n't call you in here to reprimand you . i called you in here to explain . madison : oh , you -- you do n't need to do that , really . erica : what you saw before meant nothing . i mean , that was just an innocent kiss between two good friends . that 's what ryan and i are . we 're just , you know , really good friends . and it 's important for you to understand that , because if gossip were to begin to spread , i would n't want -- madison : you and ryan are just friends . got it . i 'm not going to say anything to anyone about what i saw . i know i 'm asking you to trust me , and i have n't given people much of a reason to do that . i mean , look at the hubbards . they 've been so kind to me . and so have you . and i just -- i want to show you how much that means to me . so you and ryan can count on me . [ scene_break ] opal : ryan . hey . how you doing ? ryan : fine . opal : so sorry about the custody case . boy , the very idea of having to share your little baby with that nut job of a mother of hers is just plain wrong . ryan : well , thank you very much for saying that , opal . i do have to deal with it for a little while till i get the decision overturned . opal : well , at least you do n't have to go through it alone . you and erica . come on . i 'm her best gal pal . you think i do n't know ? ryan : know what ? opal : are you really gon na stare me straight in the eye and pretend that there is nothing going on ? ryan : no . no , i 'm not . i 'll -- i 'll tell you exactly what 's going on . erica is on her way down here right now to meet me , right now , to discuss fusion business , opal . opal : i do n't know . maybe there 's something in the water in pine valley these days or something . tad is doing the same thing to me . he 's stonewalling me about him and liza . what gives ? ryan : i do n't know what you 're talking about , really , so , i mean , tad is tad , and if you do n't believe me , then you can just ask erica when she comes down here . opal : oh , yeah . i know her . she 's gon na hand me the same mountain of malarkey you are . you know , for the life of me , i just do n't get it . i mean , why is it that you 're going to such great lengths to hide something that 's so obviously right ? i can tell you this . if i ever landed a hunk like you , you can be sure i 'd be parading you up one side of the street and down the other . ryan : wow . well , uh , thank you , i think , but you have a very active imagination , opal . opal : maybe . ryan : yes . opal : but probably not . i 'll tell you what . let 's just take a little look at what the cards have to say . they never lie . [ scene_break ] frankie : what have we got ? emt : heart rate 's irregular . 160 to 180 . frankie : blood pressure ? second emt : 90 over 50 . he 's in and out of a - fib . frankie : all right , guys , let 's get him in here . annie : he said he felt like his heart was going to explode . frankie : all right . i paged dr. hawkins . he 's the cardiologist on call . annie : but i do n't know him . frankie : he 's one of the best . i 'll keep you posted . all right , guys , let 's get a 12-lead ekg . hurry up ! [ scene_break ] erica : madison , you really thought that i was going to fire you . you 're so used to people giving up on you that easily . well , not anymore . my hiring you -- that was a commitment that i made , and i intend to see it through . when i see someone who is in the same place that i was once , i want to help . madison : yeah , well , some people would say that i 've had enough help , you know ? i mean , i had the nanny , the cook , the driver . erica : you came from privilege ; i did n't . we still have a lot in common . madison : i do n't think so . erica : i -- i was , uh -- hurt once by a man that i trusted . i 'm not gon na give up on you . i 'm not like the others . i will be there for you . madison : a month ago , you did n't even know who i was . and since then , you have saved my life , made sure that i was safe and had a place to stay , and now a job ? that is an incredible amount of faith to have in a stranger . i want to find some way to repay you for that . erica : if you want to show your gratitude , you know what ? just work hard at fusion . that 's all i want . madison : would it be all right with you if i also spent some time volunteering at the miranda center ? the people over there have been so good to me . erica : i think it 's a wonderful idea . madison : thank you , erica . for everything . you know , you really did n't have to explain anything to me about you and ryan . and i hope i 'm not overstepping here , but every time i have loved someone , it has been rejected in the worst possible way , but when love is real and mutual , it should never have to be hidden behind closed doors . erica : i 'll keep that in mind . [ closes door ] [ scene_break ] ryan : so you 're gon na have to remind me -- thank you -- how this works again . it 's been a while since you gave me a reading . opal : oh . ryan : how does this -- opal : it 's very simple . i just lay out the cards and then tell you what i see . ryan : ok . then you ask if erica and i are involved , right ? opal : well , the cards do n't give you any yes - and - no answers . they just -- you know , they paint a picture of your future . ryan : oh . ok . great . opal : hmm , that 's interesting . now -- let me see here what we have . holy heifers , would you look at that ? ryan : what ? look at what ? opal : a call is coming from someone in your past . ryan : who ? opal : well , all i know is that this person is gon na be returning to your life , and soon . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i wo n't let you rain on my parade . david : i just want you to be prepared . greenlee : for failure ? i 'm sorry , but i refuse to think that way . not only will i have a full recovery , i bet it 's happening already . my nerves are doing their thing as we speak . david : i 'm sure that your positive attitude will carry you a long way . i 'm just not sure that it 'll take you exactly where you want to go . now whose turn is it ? greenlee : this game is boring . besides , i think you 're cheating . david : sore loser . ok , fine . i 'll deal another hand . greenlee : no . i want you to test me . test my legs right now . do n't you want to know if i 'm right ? i mean , if i am , you can go home to trevor , and i can go home to ryan . we both win . so , what are we waiting for ? [ scene_break ] frankie : still in a - fib ? dr. hawkins : if we do n't regulate his heart now , he 'll go into shock . find out how this happened . annie : wait . what is it ? colby : hey , is my dad ok ? scott : was it a heart attack ? frankie : dr. hawkins and i -- we need your help to determine the cause of adam 's distress . what was he doing right before he collapsed ? annie : uh , well , my husband and i recently renewed our wedding vows , and this was kind of our honeymoon , so i was alone with adam entertaining him . should n't you be inside making sure he 's all right ? [ scene_break ] randi : how 'd it go ? madison : i have n't lost my job . randi : i still do n't get why you would think erica would fire you . i mean , she did welcome you with open arms . madison : well , i 've had a lot of people open arms to me , only to stab me in the back . but that was then . this is now . erica : good night , ladies . do n't work too late . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , i , uh -- i 'm sorry that the cards did n't give you the big scoop that you were looking for . opal : oh , well , they always tell the truth . ryan : mm - hmm . that 's right . that someone from my past is gon na call . opal : yeah . so you better be ready . ryan : well , you know , i 'll try , but i do n't know who that mystery person is , so -- opal : you 'll find out soon enough . i got to go . ryan : ok . opal : bye - bye . ryan : bye . [ scene_break ] david : anything ? greenlee : no . why is n't it working ? david : healing takes time , greenlee . greenlee : well , is n't there something else you can try ? david : all right , look . why do n't we just give it a rest for now , ok ? greenlee : please . david : well , i could stick you with a safety pin , you know , just very gently . greenlee : light my feet on fire if you have to . david : anything ? you felt that ? greenlee : yes . barely , but yes , i definitely felt something . the heel of my left foot . david : that 's right . greenlee : i knew the surgery worked . david : hey , that 's a really good sign , but we still have a long way to go . greenlee : well , what 's next ? david : i 'm gon na go get dr. clayton . greenlee : go . i 'll be here . i 'm not going anywhere , for now . [ scene_break ] scott : adam was finally getting better . now he 's back in the hospital . annie : this has happened before . scott : yeah , but did it have to happen again ? annie : if there 's something you want to say , come out and say it . scott : ok , fine . you really think that was a smart idea , what you did ? you know adam has heart problems , and yet there you were doing -- annie : doing what ? doing what ? wearing a sexy outfit ? doing a performance for my husband to show him that i love him ? is that really so horrible , scott ? no , it 's not . so why do n't we talk about what 's really bothering you . scott : what are you talking about ? annie : i saw you on the terrace watching . so you 're not upset about the dancing . you 're jealous . you wish you were the one sitting in that chair tonight , not adam . scott : you are way off . annie : if you want adam to get better , you should leave . he needs positive energy around him . so you can take your judgment and leave and go home , and i will call you when there 's news . [ scene_break ] liza : hey , how 's it -- whoa . colby : you know , you should go , too . it 's -- it 's not like you 're family . liza : honey , i am your family . and the reason that i showed up at the mansion tonight is because i 'm worried about you . i -- this whole game that you 're playing with annie , pretending to be her friend -- she is a dangerous woman . colby : exactly . that 's why i need to protect my dad . liza : ok , i do n't buy her act any more than you do , believe me , but i think you should leave that up to somebody else . colby : who ? he 's my father . what do you think ? you think i 'm too young , too weak ? come on , mom . tell me . i can take it . god knows i 've taken worse from you . you think if i take on annie , she 's gon na crush me , that i 'm incapable of doing anything , so trying to prove my stepmother 's actually evil , i 'm gon na screw that up . you know , thanks -- annie : colby -- i could hear you all the way down the hall . what are you two fighting about ? is she giving you a hard time about something ? colby : um , it 's the same argument we always have . she does n't want me living with my father . she 's jealous . annie : ah . and she 's probably jealous that you and i are getting closer , too . worried that she 'll be replaced by the cool , the young stepmom . colby : definitely . liza : oh , annie , you have no idea what you 're talking about . annie : no ? so why do n't you enlighten me ? colby : it 's true . she 's bored . she does n't know what to do -- liza : colby . colby : mom , it 's true . you do n't stop trying to control me . i 'm sorry you lost your son , but do n't take it out on me . liza : well , actually , bailey and i are trying to work things out , trying to rebuild the relationship . colby : great . go be bailey 's mom . at least you 'll have a daughter who actually wants you around . liza : all right , well , i 'm gon na go . tell your father i hope he feels better . annie : it 's ok . she does n't belong here anyway . [ scene_break ] adam : what 's my prognosis ? dr. hawkins : thanks for your help . i can take it from here . frankie : ok . my shift 's over . page me if you need anything . adam : well ? dr. hawkins : your accelerated heartbeat was caused by atrial fibrillation -- a.f . i want to keep you here overnight , get you started on medications , and then we 'll see where we are . adam : well , how bad is this a.f . ? dr. hawkins : well , it could be a cause for congestive heart failure . adam : that 's fatal . dr. hawkins : well , not necessarily . in your case , the first step was to get your heartbeat back to normal , and now we see if the meds can keep it that way . adam : oh . so , um , is there any chance i could still die ? dr. hawkins : yeah , but we have plenty of ways to avoid that . adam : i was just having a night alone with my wife . dr. hawkins : would you like me to fill her in ? adam : no , no . she should hear it from me . thank you . [ scene_break ] dr. clayton : well , i 'm encouraged . greenlee : that 's it ? dr. clayton : well , yes . i 'm very pleased that you think you 've regained some sensation . greenlee : i do n't think . i know . does n't that have to mean something ? dr. clayton : i just do n't know right now . you underwent a very complicated surgery , and i was very clear about the time frame for recovery . it 's important that you just do n't push too -- greenlee : at first you tell me to be positive . then you 're saying ignore the positive feelings i 'm getting . david : ok , that 's not what he 's doing . dr. clayton : i 'm saying we need to be realistic . greenlee : if i hear that word one more time , i 'm going to scream . this is n't wishful thinking . what i felt was real , and i need something like that to hold on to , ok ? so do n't kill it . david : ok , i 'm sure that 's not what the doctor is intending to do , ok ? listen , why do n't we discuss this outside , ok ? i 'll be back . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , i thought we were gon na be busted by the tarot deck for sure . ahem . erica : well , i 'm just very happy to hear that you got through the reading unscathed . ryan : yeah , well , sort of . opal did make one prediction that somebody from my past was going to call and that this person was going to be coming back into my life . erica : well , i know who it is . just before i left the office , kendall called . she was fishing for all sorts of information as to how fusion is doing . ryan : you see ? the cards do n't lie . she was right . not that i need the cards to get a clear image of my future . now , i feel like it 's getting a little crowded in here right now . it 's a beautiful night . you want to take a walk out on the patio ? erica : lead the way . [ phone vibrates ] [ scene_break ] frankie : randi ? hello -- madison : she 's in the file room . she 'll be right out . frankie : uh , congrats on the new gig . madison : thanks . i have got so much to learn . frankie : but you 're up for this , right ? i mean , it 's not too much , too soon . madison : i 'm not sure what you mean . frankie : your therapy . you said it was going well . i thought you 'd maybe want to focus on that for a while . madison : i want a normal life -- a job , a paycheck , maybe make a few friends along the way . and here i can do that , thanks to randi . i 've got a long way to go , but you 've got to start somewhere , right ? frankie : yeah . i -- randi : hey , i thought you were headed home after -- after work . frankie : yeah , well , i was starving , and i thought we could grab a burger . randi : hmm . sounds good . frankie : madison , you 're welcome to join us . madison : uh , thanks , but i 'm gon na stay here and keep going over these files . randi : ok . see you tomorrow . [ elevator door closes ] [ scene_break ] scott : hi . corrina : hi . scott : emma asleep upstairs ? corrina : yeah . i 'm gon na go check on her . scott : thank you . [ scott recalls seeing annie give adam a lap dance and hearing him laugh ] annie : you 're jealous . you wish you were the one sitting in that chair tonight , not adam . [ scott imagines himself in adam 's place kissing annie , but then angrily kicks the ottoman across the room ] [ scene_break ] dr. hawkins : you can see him now . colby : is my dad ok ? dr. hawkins : oh , just one at a time . liza : oh , hi . i was on my way out , and i got a call . colby : i 'm sorry about what i said before . i was just trying to keep up the act with annie . that 's why i said all that stuff . liza : mm - hmm . yeah , but you meant what you said about bailey . colby : i was n't trying to hurt you . i just need you to understand , i am doing what i have to do to protect my father . liza : uh - huh , and what happens to you along the way ? huh ? you stoop down to annie 's level , go ten rounds with her , and then what do you become ? colby : the same person i 've always been . liza : really ? colby : yeah . liza : really ? or are you already changing ? [ scene_break ] dr. hawkins : i 'll give you some privacy . annie : oh , this looks -- serious . adam : no , no . just more expensive . the more machinery , the higher the price . annie : i did this . this is all my fault for getting you all excited . adam : was n't that the point of getting my heart racing ? annie : i 'm so sorry . adam : no , do n't be . you were wonderful . i feel fine . i 'm fine . i 'll get out of here in the morning . annie : are you sure ? adam : yes . it 'll take more than a lap dance to kill me . [ scene_break ] singer : the first time we held hands do you remember the first time that we danced ? ryan : you know what ? i forgot my phone back on the table . i want to make sure i have it in case emma calls . erica : of course . ryan : hello ? you missed me . please leave a message . [ beep ] ryan : oh , you see that ? i do have a missed call . erica : well , did they leave a message ? ryan : no , they did n't . it 's from a private number . [ scene_break ] david : did you make a phone call . greenlee : yes . ryan . but i hung up . it was an impulse , ok ? i told you , i needed something to give me hope , but you and dr. clayton are right . i have to be realistic about my chances . and i decided i wo n't call ryan until i 'm better . i 'll stick to that . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , you 're right . oh , it 's just such a beautiful evening . ryan : uh - huh . it sure is . erica : i just love the moon . do n't you ? woman : we love and we finally know it -- | at the hospital , greenlee lies in her bed and is bored to death . david comes to visit with a deck of cards and suggests that they play gin rummy . at the chandler mansion , annie does a very provocative dance for adam while scott watches from outside the living room window . liza visits colby to try to smooth things out with her when they hear a scream from the living room . hurrying into the living room , liza , colby and scott find annie standing over adam , who is lying on the floor . scott immediately calls for an ambulance , which adam wants sent back . scott lets adam know that it is too late . at fusion , randi reprimands madison for her mind not being on her work . madison watches erica 's office door and is worried that erica had changed her mind and will fire her . randi offers madison encouragement to do her job . ryan suggests to erica that they call it a day and go to dinner at a little out of the way restaurant . erica , worried about what people will say , tells ryan that they should leave separately . ryan comes out of erica 's office and tells the office help that he is leaving for the day , but that erica wants to see madison in her office . timidly , madison walks into erica 's office . in talking to david , greenlee fears that david is hiding something about life in pine valley . erica relieves madison 's fears that she is going to fire madison . erica also explains the kiss between her and ryan . madison gives erica some sound advice not to let love pass her by nor hide it behind closed doors . ryan bumps into opal at the confusion bar and she immediately begins to question him about his relationship with erica . ryan denies there is any relationship . greenlee demands of david to check her legs . opal gives ryan a tarot reading about his future and finds out that someone will walk back into ryan 's life . at the hospital , frankie hurries to adam 's side when he is brought into the hospital . annie tells scott that he wishes that he was the one that she was doing the seductive dance for . annie is able to go in to see adam and she blames herself for him being in this condition . adam assures her that he will be out of here the next morning . at the chandler mansion , scott remembers the seductive dance that annie had done for adam . scott kicks the ottoman over and up against the fireplace . greenlee calls ryan but does n't get an answer . ryan finds that he had received a call from a private number . david walks in and finds out that greenlee had made a call to ryan . |
j.r. : hey ! you 're supposed to be resting . marissa : yeah , but scott 's parole hearing got moved up to this morning . j.r. : i 'll just have to call another attorney . marissa : no . i 'm scott 's attorney . j.r. : you were hit in the head when somebody broke in here last night . marissa : i remember . j.r. : no , actually , you do n't . marissa : look , i 'm fine . i just need to get some coffee , and i will -- oh ! j.r. : whoa ! hey , hey . it 's all right . i got you . [ scene_break ] natalia : hey . angie : how did the interview go ? natalia : well , your patient went out a window someplace , but it turns out it was n't the perp who clubbed marissa chandler . his alibi checked . angie : i 'm sure you and brot will catch whoever did do it . natalia : yeah , maybe . angie : that does n't sound like you . is everything ok ? natalia : i do n't know . it depends on how you define `` ok `` . angie : did something happen at work ? natalia : work 's fine . angie : all right , then . i 'm gon na take a wild guess here . this is about you and brot . did he do something ? natalia : no , i did . it 's me . it 's more like what i did n't do . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey . i 'm going over the report that you and natalia wrote up about the chandler break - in . brot : what about it ? you got a problem with it ? jesse : there 's always a problem when bad guys get away , brot . you seem to have a bigger problem . brot : my bad , chief . it 's just i did n't get much sleep last night . jesse : that happens when you 're working on a case that does n't have that many clues . brot : i 'm also thinking i need to be off detective fowler 's case . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings and madison listens to her message ] scott : hey , it 's your favorite prisoner here -- scott chandler . i hope i did n't have to clarify that for you . anyway , it was nice seeing you , and i hope we can get to know each other better once i 'm out of this place . hopefully soon . take care . [ scene_break ] scott : hey . greenlee : hey . ryan : how you doing ? scott : can i answer that in about an hour ? i appreciate everything that you 're doing for me . ryan : i 'll let you guys talk a little bit . i got ta make a phone call . be back in a second . scott : so how you doing ? do we still have an understanding ? greenlee : why do you think i 'm here ? scott : after seeing ryan , i just wanted to make sure . i want to get back into the world . i got ta get out of this place . greenlee : i can only do what i can do . you have to understand , in front of ryan -- scott : yes , i get it . he ca n't know that you want me getting close to madison . i know . greenlee : that would defeat the whole purpose . scott : hmm -- so i 'm guessing he does n't know that madison is pregnant with his child . yeah , i heard the news . and until this very moment , i was n't sure that you did . raises the stakes a lot , do n't it ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : it 's all right . i got you . it 's gon na be ok . just take a seat . marissa : ok . marissa 's voice : oh ! [ smash ] annie 's voice : nosy bitch surprises him -- surprises intruder , gets knocked out by the paperweight . j.r. : annie . can you come help me ? can you look after marissa while i get her some water ? marissa : what ? no . no , you really do n't have to do -- ah ! thank you so much , annie . this is perfect . first you stage this whole break - in , making me the poor defenseless victim , needing all of j.r. 's attention . ha ha ha ! you really screwed yourself this time . annie : i know what you 're doing , marissa . marissa : what ? what am i doing ? j.r. : i know one thing you 're not doing . that 's going to that parole hearing . marissa : i guess scott 's former attorney is gon na be there anyway . j.r. : i 'll get his number for you . annie : i 'm gon na need to put out a press release about what happened here . j.r. : that can wait . annie : no . my phone has been ringing off the hook . i 'm gon na need your statement . j.r. : i do n't want marissa 's name being used . she does n't need any crazies bothering her right now . annie : what do you mean by that ? j.r. : keep it short and not so sweet . say that it takes a real lowlife to break into a man 's house and attack a defenseless woman . marissa : hey , i am not defenseless . i just did n't see him coming . j.r. : ok , cut `` defenseless . `` say whoever 's responsible is gon na be put away for a long time . annie : i will go to the office and get it done right away . i need to see you . meet me at the hotel . [ scene_break ] natalia : i just do n't feel comfortable talking about the situation . angie : it 's no problem . if you change your mind , you know i 'm still here . natalia : thanks . maybe -- i do n't know . maybe it would be different if we did n't work so closely . angie : well , that can form a strong bond between people , especially when you deal with life and death . natalia : exactly . that 's the bond we have . we have a strong bond , except last night -- last night , we had to go this hotel room for a bust , only we got there late , so it was just the two of us -- alone , off duty , in this really nice hotel room . angie : i 'm not understanding the problem . natalia : i like brot . i really like him . i do . i just -- angie : what ? natalia : i put on the brakes . i think he 's frustrated . i do n't know . angie : and you put on the brakes because -- natalia : i guess because we 're on the force together . like you said -- life and death situations . angie : but you were off duty . natalia : technically , but the room was still a part of the investigation . it felt kind of inappropriate . angie : did you explain this to brot ? natalia : i did n't think i had to . it seemed pretty clear that -- angie : what ? natalia : that it just was n't the right time again . angie : again ? so this has happened before ? natalia : i guess , yeah . angie : let me ask you this . are you concerned that you might be sending the wrong message to brot ? natalia : what do you mean ? angie : that you like him , but you do n't find him attractive . [ scene_break ] jesse : so you 're saying that you think you 're getting so serious that you should n't work together anymore ? brot : no , not at all . jesse : what are you saying ? brot : i 'm saying the two of us are n't serious . i think i 'm in this alone . i get it , chief . i 've been living with this for a long time . there 's times i look into the mirror , and i do a double take . jesse : no , wait a minute . are you trying to tell me that natalia is -- brot : i do n't know , but i do n't know what else it could be . jesse : have you discussed this with her ? brot : no . jesse : do n't you think you should ? 'cause here 's what i think . i think maybe you should take your narrow ass , go find natalia , and straighten this out . [ scene_break ] greenlee : madison did n't want people to know . i 'm surprised she told you . scott : i guess this ruins your whole plan , huh ? for me to fall in love with madison , raise ryan 's baby as my own . am i getting warmer ? greenlee : no , just annoying . scott : no , you just do n't like people saying no to you . greenlee : i just wanted madison to find someone to be there for her . so when the inevitable happened -- scott : ryan finding out . greenlee : yes . he would see that she was happy , content . scott : hmm . i got ta be honest with you . i 'm not feeling very content right now . greenlee : then i guess the question is , are you willing to let my little omission screw up your best chance at freedom ? scott : or another question is , am i pissed off enough to ruin your happily- ever - after with ryan ? [ scene_break ] natalia : you do n't think this is about his scars , do you ? angie : it 's not a question of what i think . natalia : he could n't think that i was that shallow . i mean , if he does , i would n't -- angie , i would never , never do anything like that to him . angie : i 'm sure you would n't , but he could be thinking it . natalia : oh , no . i need to talk to him . i know it 's not gon na be easy , but -- angie : but what ? natalia : but i guess there 's no time like the present . i need to talk to you . i made a terrible mistake . [ scene_break ] annie : come on , j.r. where are you ? uggh ! who carries a bag like this ? it 's so marissa . [ knock on door ] annie : hi . i 'm so happy to see you . j.r. : i 'm glad that you understand . i know how upset you can get sometimes , especially when it 's about marissa . annie : i 'm fine , j.r. sure , i do n't really love the situation . she is your ex , and you 're not even really fully divorced yet . but honestly , seeing how caring you are with marissa , it just made me love you even more . j.r. : i 'm not sure that i believe that , but thank you for saying it . annie : so i was thinking about that trip that you were planning for us to go to switzerland . j.r. : yeah . i 'm sorry . i had to postpone it . annie : but to cancel our trip because of one little -- mishap ? j.r. : little mishap ? someone broke into my house . they could have killed marissa . annie : oh , come on . that 's a little bit extreme , do n't you think ? j.r. : annie , will you listen to me ? annie : marissa will be fine . we 'll have a wonderful trip . j.r. : no , annie . annie : j.r. , you said -- j.r. : i said stop ! [ scene_break ] scott : i thought i saw it all working with j.r. , being married to annie . those two are amateurs compared to what goes on in this place . greenlee : i 'm sorry . i know this has been hard for you . scott : greenlee , if we 're gon na be in this together , no more games . understood ? greenlee : ryan loves me , and i love him . we 've been through hell to find our way back to each other . but the thing about ryan is , he 's got this loyal streak which is both wonderful and frustrating . because if he finds out madison is alone and needs him , he will be there for her . scott : right , but if he sees that she has someone in her life then he can move on with his with you . greenlee : yes . nobody gets hurt . everybody gets a fresh start . scott : win , win , win . greenlee : so are you gon na tell ryan that madison is pregnant ? ryan : scott , lawyer 's here . scott : right . guess my hearing is about to begin . ryan : good luck . you deserve a fresh start , man . scott : hopefully , i 'm about to get one -- thanks to greenlee . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey , beautiful . angie : mmm , that 's nice . jesse : you 're nice . hey , did brot show up here ? angie : natalia just went off to talk to him . jesse : good . those two really need to figure a few things out . angie : i have a feeling that they are . [ scene_break ] natalia : i owe you an apology for last night . brot : that 's not necessary . natalia : i think it is . it is , because this is n't the first time our evening ended like that . brot : it 's not a problem . natalia : i like you . i really do . i just -- look , you know what , let 's go . can we go ? brot : go where ? natalia : to the scene of the crime . [ scene_break ] annie : i 'm sorry , j.r . i just want this so badly . j.r. : i do , too . this trip was n't just about an escape to europe . my divorce was supposed to be finalized today . annie : what do you mean `` supposed to be `` ? j.r. : after the trauma that marissa suffered , i called the courthouse , and i canceled our appearance . annie : well , call the court back . j.r. : i know that you 're disappointed . so am i . but the fact of the matter is , she was hurt in my house . it 's my responsibility , and i 'm not changing my mind . annie : you have to , j.r. ! j.r. : no , you have to understand . what happened last night changed everything . [ scene_break ] scott : thank you , sir . i will not disappoint the parole board . parole board member : that 's our hope . scott : i 'm looking forward to starting over , working at pine valley hospital . parole board member : our decision was largely based on that job opportunity . good luck . scott : thank you . ryan : so it 's over . scott : yeah , it 's finally over . ryan : hey , congratulations . no hard feelings , right , me not hiring you at cambias ? scott : no , i understood , but thank goodness greenlee stepped in . i owe you one . greenlee : i 'm sure you 'll do a good job . guard : they 're ready to process you out . scott : i 'll see you on the outside . ryan : i think he 's gon na do great . greenlee : counting on that . ryan : i 'm gon na go talk to the parole board guy , ok ? greenlee : ok . i 'm gon na grab our stuff . ryan : all right . greenlee : hi . thank you . and i 'll grab his phone , too . [ cell phone rings ] ryan : ok , ready to go ? greenlee : yeah , you got a text . from madison . i 'm just curious . how does she know you 're going to california ? and why is it a secret from kendall ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : if you were the one that was lying on that ground beaten unconscious , i would have been just as protective of you . annie : is that supposed to make me feel better ? j.r. : annie , it 's only for a little while longer . and if you think about it , i 'm sure you 'll see that i 'm doing the right thing . i got ta get going . annie : fine . j.r. : it 's all gon na work out . annie : sure , it will . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i still ca n't believe that you think zach may have been murdered . ryan : the ntsb ca n't believe it either . they did the investigation . greenlee : `` case closed . `` but you do n't buy it . ryan : nope . not 100 % . greenlee : so you enlisted madison to find out the truth ? ryan : i did n't tell madison about it . she overheard me talking to zach 's lawyer , which is why i 'm going to california today . greenlee : and kendall does n't know anything about it . ryan : no , she does n't . and i told madison not to say anything either . greenlee : it 's a good thing to know she can keep a secret . how could you lie to me ? ryan : because i knew if i told you about it , you 'd want to go . greenlee : of course , i would . ryan : but i did n't want you to go through that again , have to go to the place on the beach where zach 's plane crashed . greenlee : since when did i become another woman you had to protect ? [ scene_break ] marissa : scott ! scott : hey . marissa : welcome home . scott : i do n't think so . marissa : it is so great that you 're free . scott : yeah , well , i see some things have not changed . marissa , why the heck are you back in this house ? marissa : there was a break - in , and i got knocked unconscious . that 's why i could n't make it to your parole hearing . scott : are you ok ? marissa : yeah , i am . yes . really . scott : marissa , that 's even more reason to move far away from this place . marissa : j.r. 's been really great lately . scott : no , wait . hold on a second . do not let him pull you back in , marissa . marissa : i -- scott : do not let him start making decisions for you . marissa : i 'm not . my marriage is really over . we just have to sign the final papers . scott : all right , well , my advice to you , get it done and over with . j.r. : well -- look who 's here . scott : j.r . i notice my things are missing . i assume you 've put them in storage . j.r. : yeah , storage . scott : your subtle way of kicking me out ? j.r. : the courts might have let you go free , but you do n't get off so easily for betraying this family . scott : ok , you can relax , because i would n't move back into this place on a bet . just came back for this . [ takes a painting of his father 's off the wall ] take care of yourself . i meant what i said . get away from this place . marissa : j.r. , he 's still your family . j.r. : no . not anymore he is n't . marissa : i just thought that now that he 's free -- you know what , no . it is not any of my business anymore . we should go . we 're gon na be late for court . j.r. : you know there 's no hurry . not now . [ scene_break ] jesse : you are really amazing , you know that , with natalia . angie : i love her like my own . and with cassandra being so far away -- jesse : i was thinking about that . if she ca n't come visit us , why do n't we go visit her ? let 's pack a bag . angie : oh , jesse , that 's a brilliant idea . jesse : i know it 's brilliant . thank you very much . angie : no , it 's a half - brilliant idea . you ca n't be thinking about taking a vacation now , not with everything going on with david and our good mayor out to fire you . jesse : what i ca n't do is let you fly across country all by yourself alone . what ? angie : if i was piloting the plane , i 'd agree with you , but there is no reason i ca n't be a passenger . i 've actually been thinking about visiting cassandra ever since she moved from paris to san francisco . jesse : maybe frankie can go with you . angie : frankie is not leaving randi to baby - sit me . this is another test for me , one that i know i can pass . jesse : yeah , i have no doubt about that . what ca n't you do , angela hubbard ? our little girl 's gon na be so lucky . angie : a little girl ? jesse , you know that we 're having a daughter ? [ scene_break ] brot : natalia , i can tell you 're nervous . you do n't have to do this . natalia : you have no idea what i 'm about to do . listen , about last night , i think -- i know i gave you the wrong impression , and last night was n't the first time . brot : well , end of dates are n't exactly our strong point . natalia : which could probably make you feel -- not so good about us . but i want you to know -- i want you to know that when i see you , i see a very sexy man , not just the guy who suffered some horrible injury in iraq . brot : what about my face ? natalia : i love your face . it 's kind . it 's sweet . it 's handsome . and i am so sorry that if for one second i made you to believe any different -- brot : it did cross my mind . natalia : it was never about that , brot . brot : so if it was n't that -- natalia : it 's not . brot : so it 's safe to assume that things are n't clicking between us . natalia : no . i did n't say that , either . brot : then what is it ? natalia , my ego can take it . natalia : well , keep your ego in check , but i 've never had feelings this strong . ever . brot : well , that 's -- that 's really confusing . how is it that you can have those feelings , but we 're -- natalia : look , it 's just hard to explain ! brot : well , can you please , please , just try ? natalia : i 'm just -- i 'm -- not that experienced . brot : that 's fine . natalia : no . i mean , really -- not that experienced . brot : by not experienced , you mean .. natalia : yeah , i do . or do n't . i have n't . brot : not ever ? natalia : not ever . [ scene_break ] waitress : can i get you something ? scott : no , i 'm good . i 'm free , and it is pretty amazing . oh , food . yes , yes . that would be great . all righty . so , let 's see . i can have pretty much anything -- waitress : whatever you like . scott : in that case , i will have the new york steak , please , rare , and a baked potato . i 'm sorry . yeah , i think i left my credit card at home . waitress : we take cash . scott : yeah , you know , on second thought , i 'll just have a bowl of whatever your soup is today . waitress : it 's always good here . scott : great . annie : scott ? scott : in person . annie : i did n't know that you were -- scott : still alive ? annie : you know what i mean . when did you get out ? where are you staying ? scott : today , and i do n't know . annie : well , i still feel horrible about how things ended between us . you had every right to be angry with me . scott : annie , i was n't angry with you . ok ? i 'm the one that fooled himself into believing that we really had something , so my mistake . annie : you were wonderful to me , and we had some really great times . scott : not so great . annie : i guess it does n't matter what i think , but i 'm really glad that you 're out . scott : yeah , so am i . [ scene_break ] marissa : you delayed our divorce hearing ? j.r. : we 've already signed so many preliminary papers . we 've been divorced every way except for officially . marissa : i guess you 're right . what difference can a couple days make ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm really sorry that i was n't up front with you from the beginning . greenlee : it 's your instinct to be protective . it 's in your dna . it would be too much to ask you to change . ryan : do you want me to change ? greenlee : no . that 's why i fell in love with you , why i 'll always be in love with you . sometimes i want to protect you , too . [ scene_break ] scott : i really miss you , dad . stuart 's voice : scott . scott : i know exactly what you 'd say if you were here right now . `` no , son , it is n't right to use someone for any reason . `` i wo n't hurt madison , no matter what i set up with greenlee . you taught me better than that . but prison taught me a few things , too , so i 'm gon na have to figure out the right balance . i wish you were here to help me with that . madison : hey . scott : hey . madison : i just was reading about your release . scott : yeah , we chandlers make news just walking though a door . madison : well , congratulations . scott : thank you . madison : who 's your lunch partner ? scott : oh , that 's my dad 's painting . madison : he was good . scott : yeah , yeah . the best of all of us . madison : you must miss him . scott : i do , i do , although i 'm glad he was n't here to see me go to prison . i think he had higher hopes for me than that . madison : we all make mistakes . it 's just a matter of what you do to make up for them that counts . scott : you 're absolutely right . i guess it starts right now . madison : really ? scott : yeah . madison : like what ? scott : i was just thinking how nice it would be if you 'd join me for a cup of coffee . [ scene_break ] jesse : back when you had the amnio , bonnie dropped the file . i picked it up , and i could n't help but see it . angie : and you did n't say a word , all this time . jesse : sorry ? angie : do n't be . i know why . you were doing it for me . jesse : you were just so excited about being surprised . angie : well , i just got my surprise a few months earlier , that 's all . and actually , i was sort of wanting to raise a little girl with you . jesse , a little girl . a daughter ! jesse : a girl . as perfect as you are . [ scene_break ] natalia : ok , so now you know , and i should probably leave , because you must think i 'm -- brot : you know what i think ? i think you 're an amazing , beautiful woman who has nothing to be embarrassed about . i 'm gon na give you some privacy . [ elevator doors open ] [ door closes ] brot : why do n't you take off your jacket ? just your jacket . that 's it . natalia : yeah . brot : come on . natalia : i 'm sorry . you must think i 'm -- brot : natalia , stop . we ca n't keep making assumptions about each other . natalia : there are reasons why it never happened , you know . my first boyfriend just -- he was a total jerk . the guy after him -- gay . the list just goes on and on . then i met you . and you were sweet and kind and funny and sexy . i just froze . brot : why ? natalia : i did n't want to disappoint you . brot : disappoint me ? disappoint me ? do you know what it means to know that you 've wanted me , you 've wanted me to make love to you , touch you ? singer : ooh tender and soft as the wind how you 're drifting through my soul there is no one here but the two of us to hold gently your words become a hug to a softer shade of red how you touch me there with your whisper how you make me feel so breathless breathless in your arm so breathless where i 'm sheltered by your hug no one 's ever taken me to a place like this where i 'm breathless where i 'm breathless to a place like this so breathless ooh -- brot : are you ok ? natalia : yeah . woman : so breathless [ scene_break ] angie : now i get to tell cassandra she wo n't be the baby girl in the family anymore . jesse : sure you do n't want me to come out there with you ? i 'll miss you so much . angie : sweetheart , i 'll miss you , too . she and i both will . jesse : you know , do n't try to do too much out there , all right ? i need you back here safe and sound , both of you . huh ? huh ? angie : got it . [ cell phone rings ] jesse : what 's going on ? [ ring ] jesse : nice . hubbard . commissioner : chief hubbard . it 's commissioner bennett . jesse : what can i do for you ? commissioner : mayor blanco and i have some personnel matters to discuss with you . two people on your force . we need to meet today , and this is not a request . it 's an order . [ scene_break ] natalia : when i was growing up , people would always talk about waiting for the right guy . i did n't know what that meant until now . here with you . [ scene_break ] scott : i know it 's a little strange , some guy in prison hitting on you . oh , boy . madison : i understand what it 's like to be lonely . i never even meant to tell you . scott : that you were pregnant . madison : yeah . i should n't have blurted that out like that . i just have a tendency to do that . scott : do you ? oh , thank you for the warning . my offer still stands for tea or whatever . madison : so i have n't scared you away ? scott : i do n't scare that easily . madison : well , if you knew me better , you might . scott : really ? what else could there be ? you 're pregnant and what ? bank robber ? madison : no , i 've never robbed a bank . scott : you never robbed a bank ? are you kidding me ? i met a guy in prison who is a bank robber . real great guy . salt of the earth . look , i know this is where we give each other all kinds of reasons to walk away , but what if i do n't want to ? what happens then ? madison : ok . why do n't you tell me some more about your dad 's painting ? [ scene_break ] [ greenlee massages ryan 's shoulders ] ryan : is this my punishment for not being straightforward with you ? greenlee : mm - hmm . how long do you have before that plane ? ryan : i think i got lots of time , actually . [ cell phone rings ] greenlee : do n't answer it . do n't answer it . [ ring ] ryan : it 's the ntsb . you got something ? man : when 's your flight ? ryan : couple hours . man : can you move it up ? the sooner the better . [ scene_break ] marissa : thank you . for the last couple of weeks . j.r. : you know , things have been good between us . a.j . : mommy ? marissa : hi , baby . come here . come here . a.j . : are you ok ? marissa : oh , yeah . getting better by the minute . [ scene_break ] annie : you kept the picture , did n't you , marissa ? you carried it around in your purse . do n't you get it ? you are out . no matter how much you scheme and manipulate , you are out ! [ cuts marissa out of a family photo with j.r. and a.j . ] there . much better . | j.r. brings marissa in some coffee on a tray to the living room . j.r. finds marissa working on scott 's case . marissa tries to get up , but starts to fall and j.r. catches her . annie walks up to the door and sees j.r. with his hands around marissa 's waist . at pine valley hospital , angie and natalia discuss hers and brot 's relationship and what had happened the night before . jesse sits in a booth in the confusion bar , going over some paperwork from the break - in at the chandler 's . jesse questions brot about the report . madison looks at a book on pregnancy when she gets a call from scott that his parole hearing is today . greenlee and ryan arrive at the prison for scott 's parole hearing . scott lets greenlee know that he knows about madison and the baby . annie imagines that marissa confronts her about her staging the accident to look like a break in . annie lashes out at marissa that she knows what marissa is doing when j.r. walks in and tells marissa that she is not going to court . brot tells jesse that he feels as though that he is in this alone . jesse advises brot to find natalia and discuss this whole matter . annie looks at marissa 's purse and her bracelet when there is a knock on the door . it is j.r. j.r. tells annie that he had postponed their ski trip to switzerland which does n't sit too well with annie . to add salt to the wound , j.r. lets annie know that he had put off the divorce . as a result of greenlee testifying at his parole hearing , scott is granted parole . in picking up her things to leave the prison , greenlee intercepts a call from madison to ryan letting him know that kendall had been trying to get in touch with him . greenlee also finds out that ryan is planning a trip to california and that madison had known about his trip . back at the condo , greenlee confronts ryan about not telling her about his trip . scott arrives back at the chandler mansion and is welcomed by marissa , but not by j.r. scott lets j.r. know that he would not move back into the mansion if he was let . scott takes his dad 's pic down off the wall and leaves . marissa can not believe j.r. 's attitude toward scott . |
[ previously_on ] bianca : is mom going to join us ? chris : she ca n't . she had an emergency meeting . woman : have you seen this woman ? maria : aidan . aidan : let 's move . let 's get back to the condo . jake : i 'm just doing everything in my power to make things right for us . mia : maybe that 's the problem . trey : i want you to know what you mean to me . [ scene_break ] erica : welcome to enchantment , lena . lena : i 'm so thrilled to be working with you . it 's my dream . erica : senora ortiz credits you with saving her company . lena : la vida was not in so much trouble . she 's too kind . erica : well , i am just sure you are going to be a perfect fit here at enchantment . chris , lena is going to double our international sales . chris : it 's too late for that . erica : what ? chris : enchantment is going under , erica . by this time tomorrow , it 'll be deader than enron . [ scene_break ] simone : kendall hart has been registered at the valley inn for weeks . why would she check out without leaving a forwarding address ? ok , all right . you know what ? if she just calls in for her messages , could you please tell her to get to her office ? ugh ! woman : such expensive berries . simone : well , anything for you , marishka . only the best . marishka : yes . yes . vincent , look . mmm . mmm . well , that alone was , what , $ 50 ? time passes so quickly and is so very valuable . no , no , not that brand . it 's not mine . i do n't drink sewer sludge . simone : you know what ? i will get you whatever you 'd like if you 'd just give me one moment . boyd : hi . marishka : indeed , you will . boyd : kendall asked me to meet her here . simone : ok , we 'll just start with what we 've got . boyd : well , wait a second . what do you think you 're doing ? simone : well , you know , kendall 's supposed be in the shots with you , but she 's not here . boyd : no , no , no , no . you 've got me confused with someone else . simone : no , no , you 're boyd , right ? you 're exactly as kendall described you . please , just get us started . we are costing -- they are costing us a fortune . so if you would just work with me -- boyd : yeah , but , hold on , i 'm -- i 'm not a model . simone : no , just stand there , ok ? look bored , look surly . snarl at them if you want to . god knows i do . ok . all we need 's a stand - in for kendall and everything 's going to be great . i -- ok . oh ! mia : hi . oh ! what 's wrong ? simone : nothing . nothing . you know what ? you 're just in time . mia : what ? simone : this is perfect . mia : what ? simone : yes , excellent . stand . excellent . ok . warm up the camera , load the film . we 've got our models . chop - chop . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh . ha -- ha -- ha -- mmm . hmm , and i thought i was underdressed . aidan : and i expected you to still be asleep . kendall : oh . breakfast . i 'm famished . aidan : do you know where my medical supplies are ? where did you put them ? kendall : no , your wound looks disgusting . aidan : oh , do n't look at that , please . kendall : see , i wish they could have left some butter or syrup or something . here . let me . aidan : it 's fine , all right ? i 've got it . kendall : no . no . aidan : do n't worry about it . kendall : no , aidan , it needs to be done properly . have you been using your anti - bacterial soap and taking your meds and everything ? aidan : well , what do you think ? kendall : i think there are worse ways i can start my morning . tell me if it hurts . [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] greenlee : hello . trey : i will do anything to make it up to you , anything . kissing you was drastically wrong . it was low , the lowest . so blast away because you could n't possibly be more disgusted with me than i am with myself . greenlee : i did n't call you over here to scream and yell . trey : then why ? greenlee : that kiss was just as much my fault as it was yours . [ scene_break ] brooke : oh . so you are ok . edmund : clearheaded for the first time in months . brooke : well , that 's nice . why did n't you , you know , return any of my messages ? edmund : oh , i 've been busy getting my life in order . ahem . brooke : well , hey . congratulations . edmund : thanks . brooke : oh , wow , that is -- it 's beautiful . edmund : it was a valentine 's day present for maria . brooke : well , she 's going to love it . oh -- ah [ scene_break ] kendall : you are going to have one sexy scar . aidan : yeah . yeah , right . kendall : no , no , no , really , it 's cute . it looks like a little lightning bolt . everybody will want one . aidan : well , i hope they find an easier way to get one . are you finished yet or what ? kendall : yeah , like , 10 minutes ago . now i 'm just admiring my work . actually , i 'm taking the day off from fusion so i could have a little fun . you want to have some , too ? some fun ? aidan : and what if i do , kendall ? you 're going to give me some right here with maureen in the other room ? kendall : oh , she left when you were in the shower . what ? what ? hey , hello ? that 's good news . aidan : yeah , the hell it is . she might never make it back . [ scene_break ] erica : lena , you have to forgive my fiancé 's odd sense of humor . chris : erica , this is not a joke . i wish it were . i 'm afraid you 're back in the job market , ms. -- lena : call me lena . chris : lena . erica : lena , please do n't pay any attention to him at all . really , enchantment is thriving . why do n't you go on and drop in on marty fisher in human resources , and he will get you all acclimated . and then you and i will have lunch in a couple of days when you 're all up to speed . lena : thank you . erica : ok . chris : good luck . you know , maybe kendall and her crew could help you out and take some of this office furniture off your hands . erica : i would like an explanation for this insanity . chris : yeah , well , so would i , but you first . erica : me ? chris : yeah . yeah , yeah . you started it . erica : i see . so this is a reaction to my efforts on your behalf . chris : `` efforts . `` and what efforts would those be , erica ? erica : i did speak to jordan roberts for you , if that 's what you mean . chris : really ? and when were you going to share this information with me ? erica : ok , so this is your idea of comedic payback ? i did n't mention my meeting with jordan to you and so you come and you terrify my vice president ? chris : oh , by the way , i got a call from one of jordan 's people . erica : jordan wanted to call you himself . chris : oh , i would have loved -- anyway , this person calls me and asks me to go down to take a physical for a job i never applied for . erica : chris , this is an amazing opportunity . chris : hmm . oh , so you decide to play agent and make a career change behind my back ? well , i just figured i would , you know , return the favor . erica : it 's not the same . chris : oh , no , sure , it is . erica , erica , you choose my job , i get to choose yours . erica : all right , you 've made your point . chris : no , i do n't think so . you see , i think that enchantment is too stressful for you and you need to get out of this pressure cooker . so tomorrow you 're going to start at a new job -- relaxing behind the lipstick counter at lacy 's . you know , i -- i put in an application for you , and you 're in . [ scene_break ] trey : greenlee , you are in no way responsible for that kiss . greenlee : come in . greenlee : believe it or not , i had sort of a breakthrough , thanks to dr. schwartz . she 's a little strange , but i guess she knows what she 's doing . trey : what did she say ? greenlee : i realize you 're not to blame for leo 's death . you would have saved him if you could . you did save me . but there were just deeper issues there that i could n't deal with , and it was easier to put my anger and disappointment out on you . it was way easier than looking at what really happened and why . trey : i just wish this were n't all so necessary . greenlee : that leo 's still alive ? yeah . but he 's not , so i have to live my life as it is , not as i 'd like it to be . trey : well , still , kissing you was way out of line . greenlee : it 's ok , trey . you do n't have to keep apologizing . trey : well , greenlee , so , you mean -- so we actually still have a chance ? [ scene_break ] edmund : maria might have loved that dress , but it was way too good for maureen gorman . brooke : edmund , what is going on ? edmund : why do n't we just stay off the subject of maria and my private life ? brooke : well , i 'm already involved . edmund : there 's not that much to tell . maria wo n't be moving in . brooke : well , i got that . where is she ? edmund : i do n't know . hiding with her murdering boyfriend somewhere . brooke : oh , edmund -- edmund : look , i caught her trying to climb out a second - floor window , ok , just to see aidan . brooke : i should have -- i should have clued you in before now . edmund : how involved are you ? brooke : when you told me about maria 's e - mail to aidan , i came here to see her . edmund : yeah ? brooke : i just wanted to find out what she was thinking . edmund : that 's dangerous . brooke : and i -- i broke your confidence , edmund . i told her that you knew about the e - mail . edmund : go on . brooke : i just may have forced her hand . i may have sent maria running to aidan . edmund : thanks . you did me a favor . [ scene_break ] aidan : why did n't you tell me that maureen had gone ? kendall : hello ? i just did . that 's why you 're in an uproar . aidan : get my clothes , please . kendall : ok . and they would be where ? aidan : in the bathroom , ok ? i need to put them on so i can go and find maureen before -- [ key turns in lock ] [ knock on door ] aidan : oh , that 's maureen . kendall : i 'll get your clothes . aidan : thank god . maria : hey . aidan : what do you think you 're doing ? maria : what do you mean ? i left my wallet . why am i under attack ? aidan : because you went outside in the first place and it 's stupid . you ca n't leave here without running it past me first . maria : oh , really ? why not ? kendall : because aidan needs a chaperone . he 's afraid if he 's left alone with me we 'll get into our animal lust and it 'll mess up his recovery . aidan : you just always have to stir things up , do n't you ? kendall : yeah , that 's right , every chance i get . maria : hey , you know what ? if you guys need a little alone time , just let me know , i 'll get lost . aidan : it 's fine . do n't even listen to her , please . kendall : yeah , he 's right . i joke around way too much for aidan 's tastes . the truth is if i left this apartment , he would jump up and down for joy and change the locks . you 're the one he wants to be alone with , maureen . [ scene_break ] trey : i do n't want to rush you into anything . it 's way too soon . i know that . but if you 're willing to give me another chance -- greenlee : please ! you never know when to quit while you 're ahead ! trey : but you said that i did n't have to apologize . greenlee : i 'm being nice ! i 'm letting you off a very embarrassing hook . why ca n't you just take that gift and retire gracefully ? trey : look , i did n't realize . i -- i just thought that -- greenlee : what , you thought i wanted to hook up ? well , here 's the real deal , trey -- that kiss was completely inappropriate , in the worst possible taste , just like your suggestion that after a suitable period of mourning you and i have some wild fling . trey : i was n't suggesting -- greenlee : i just wanted you to come here so we could put this whole mess behind us . you made a grotesque mistake that we 'll never refer to again . understood ? trey : i did n't mean to -- greenlee : what , you did n't mean to suggest that we have an affair ? yes , you did . well , get this , trey -- i want to move on with my life , but the only place for you in it is as my legal counsel . clear enough ? trey : it will never happen again . greenlee : you got that right . trey : is there any way i can apologize over a goat cheese omelet at the valley inn ? greenlee : i have to get to the office . thanks for stopping by . [ scene_break ] simone : you know what ? this will just take a minute , ok , so stay . mia : n -- no . simone : stay . mia : no . simone : stay . boyd : yeah , so , listen , i 'm here , and you 're where ? get it in gear , kendall . simone : uh - oh , uh - oh . yeah , you better get your butt down here or i 'll kill you . ok . so these are just test shots , all right ? you do n't have to worry about them being used in any type of ads or anything like that . boyd : this -- simone : so just stand here , relax , and have fun . marishka : yes , let 's whoop the roof down . simone : your shirt . boyd : you took my jacket . simone : well , take it off . boyd : what ? simone : boyd , the real model 's going to be shirtless . marishka : it is necessity , not prurient interest . boyd : and here i thought i was just going to have coffee . simone : thanks . marishka : give him coffee . boyd : no ! that 's not what -- forget it . i do n't want -- simone : ok , you know what ? we 're on the clock here , people , so let 's get snapping , all right ? pho -- marishka : please . simone : shoot them . marishka : feign interest in each other , hmm ? hmm . we 're selling fusion , not starch . simone : yeah , just touch him . marishka : please , show us the beginning of a passion so powerful it could melt the world . come on , get closer . that 's it . mm - hmm . all right , look like you like each other . simone : breathe , yeah . marishka : come on , fusion . make it hot . that 's right , steaming . can you look out here ? yep . uh - huh . both of you , both of you , out . together . simone : spooning ? marishka : touch her . mia : spooning . marishka : that 's good . simone : that 's -- yeah . marishka : that 's better . look out . [ scene_break ] erica : chris , if you could just see past that male ego of yours , you would know i am right . you 'd be grateful . chris : you 're -- you 're an original , erica , i mean , a true original . erica : do you know how vast jordan 's holdings are ? chris : who cares ? erica : he has an empire , chris , he has movie companies , and he has publishing , he has cable channels , and that 's just the entertainment side . he has a hockey a team , and he has racing stables . chris : so he spits money . big deal ! erica : yeah , he spits money , and he embodies power . and he desperately needs you to head up his security operations . chris : oh . and how did you convince him to do that ? erica : i did n't have to . your experience speaks for itself . i think it was your f.b.i . connection that really just convinced him . chris : was it ? you did n't have to , you know , leverage or push him in any way ? erica : he wants you for you , chris . chris : oh , that 's a relief . erica : why ? chris : why ? i mean , it 's bad enough that you go behind my back and you try to run my life , but the thought -- the thought of you leading him on to do it , you know , it 's not a pretty picture . erica : ok , bianca told me that you saw me with jordan at the valley inn . you 're jealous . chris : get over yourself . erica : please do n't be embarrassed , ok ? i mean , it 's fine to be jealous . jealousy is a natural reaction . chris : i 'm not jealous ! do n't you get it ? i 'm angry ! erica : ok , then , do n't be angry at jordan ! chris : no , no , no , i 'm not -- erica : he 's offering you a great opportunity . chris : i 'm not angry at jordan , erica ! i 'm mad at you ! do n't you get that ? i have a career ! i 've invested 20 years of my life into it , and i like it ! erica : but he 's offering you something better . chris : what ? what is he offering me ? hiring some muscle boys to escort moguls to movie premieres ? boy , now , there 's a real challenge for you . erica : no , it 's much more than that . chris : you know , i can see , you know , he presents this job opportunity to you through this haze of smoldering looks and hand - kissing and flattery . erica : it does n't mean i did n't make a good deal for you . chris : it cheapens you . erica : using all my god - given assets for our advantage ? come on , do n't be ridiculous . chris : let 's -- let 's just say that i 'm interrogating some hot jet - setting european babe , hot -- like that girl lena you just hired . erica : you think she 's hot ? chris : and i 'm not getting what i need . so i kind of move in , leaning in a very sexual way , to get what i want . hmm ? how would you feel about that , erica ? [ scene_break ] brooke : i expected splintered furniture , not a thank - you . edmund : well , her mind was already made up , you know , before you saw her . `` come and get me , `` she wrote . it 's pretty plain to see what that means . she chose aidan . you know , when i found out from the cops that they were after aidan , i raced home to protect her because i , you know -- of course , she already knew this . i mean , you know , what 's a little murder rap between lovers ? brooke : are they lovers ? edmund : well , the way that she 's acting , they may as well be . brooke : oh , then why jump to that conclusion ? edmund : because the entire time she was stringing me along , she was just lying to me , she was just trying to protect him so that they could find someplace to run off together . i do n't know . i should have listened when maria said that she was n't the same person . i should have listened to her . it would have made things easier for a lot of people , i mean , because she -- because she 's right . she is not -- she -- whoever she is , i do n't even want to be with her , all right ? i do n't want to spend another minute with her . i 'm glad she 's gone . brooke : edmund , you have to go after her . [ scene_break ] aidan : so everyone knows where they stand then , that this is n't about my personal interest in anyone . kendall : right , yeah , not much . aidan : get over the personal stuff and maybe we 'll make it out of here . kendall : oh , you know what ? you know what ? i 'm going to run to the grocery store and get some munchies . i 'm sure you kids can entertain yourselves . aidan : you have n't been listening to a word i 've said , have you ? kendall : no one reads between the lines better than i do . tie a scarf on the doorknob in case you want me to stay gone longer . aidan : look , you are not going anywhere ! kendall : the hell i am ! i -- i am going unless you give me a reason to stay ! maria : i mean , it does n't make sense because we 've got to still show up in town or people are going to have some sort of suspicions . we ca n't just drop off the face of the earth . aidan : right , so you 'd rather get pushed off of it , would you ? because if you go wandering around out there , they 're going to make sure you stay gone permanently . [ scene_break ] marishka : come on . fire . simone : yeah . marishka : passion . come on , give me heat , give me something , anything . just do n't look bored . simone : touch him more . marishka : uh ! this his heat ? we can hang meat in here . simone : oh , they 're new at this . boyd : you know , and this is getting old real fast . simone : ah , come on , boyd . mia : jake ! boyd : that 's it . simone : we 're not finished ! boyd : well , i am . now , kendall invites me here and then stands me up ? i 'm out of here . tell her i dropped by . simone : oh , great . marishka : i 'm not accustomed to failure . greenlee : simone , what is this ? marishka : it 's a shambles . i have no pictures , none . simone : oh , stop your whining . i 've been trying to salvage the photo shoot . where were you ? where 's kendall ? greenlee : she was a no - show ? simone : oh -- greenlee : i 'll kill her . simone : yeah , no , that 's my honor . mia : i was just trying to help out , you know , with the shots and to design the campaign and everything . jake : i 'm not jealous . marishka : why would you be ? it was like the tundra between them . jake : you know , you do feel a little cold . mia : i am cold . yeah . simone : now , boyd had the face and the body -- my gosh , the body -- but there is absolutely no chemistry between him and mia . greenlee : well , if we could bottle that , we 'd have it made . simone : why not ? greenlee : if that 's not what women want , i do n't know what is . i think we can save this . [ scene_break ] maria : what are you saying ? why would somebody want to kill us ? kendall : yeah , you 're the one who 's sporting a bullet hole . aidan : look , i really did n't want to tell you guys this . maria : i think it 's a little bit late for that , now , i 'd say , aidan . aidan : oh , god . i saw the shooter at the bus station . kendall : wait , hold on -- maria : were you spotted ? kendall : the shooter ? maria : did they see you ? aidan : no . well , i do n't think they did . but they were running around there with a picture . kendall : what , a picture -- a picture of you ? aidan : no . a picture of maureen . maria : why a picture of me ? aidan : because if they get to you -- this is what i 'm thinking -- if they get to you , then you lead them to me , and then their mission 's accomplished . maria : but i 'm not going to give them any information about you . i mean , would we ? kendall : no , but would -- they would kill us if we do n't give you up ? aidan : or they will torture you until you told them something . kendall : oh , great , torture and maiming -- this just gets better and better . maria : ok , so what do we do ? what do we do now ? what do we do ? aidan : well , you were right about people being suspicious , ok ? so instead of disappearing , i think you need to go someplace where i am not , someplace safe . kendall : oh , well . how 's tahiti this time of year ? maria : what have you got in mind , aidan ? what do you think is best ? aidan : for you ? what 's best for you is a one - way ticket back to wildwind . [ scene_break ] edmund : wait a minute . whose side are you on ? brooke : hello . i 'm on the same side that i 've always been -- yours . i mean , once upon a time , i thought you and i could be happy together , but i know now that you -- you have to be with maria . edmund : maria does n't exist . brooke : yes , she does . edmund : no . brooke : yes , she is there . under the layers , yes , she is . edmund : what am i supposed to use , a blowtorch ? brooke : time and love and generosity will work . edmund : i tried that , brooke . i tried them all . she proved me wrong . brooke : well , hey , you know , you can go howling around this mansion and burning dresses and pictures and throwing crystal glasses at the wall , but it 's not going to change anything . it 's not going to change how you feel about maria . edmund : i 'm telling you , i do n't feel anything . brooke : she is as much a part of your life as sam and maddie are . do n't you know ? she 's the one who makes you alive . you were born to be with her , edmund . is n't that how you 're really feeling ? edmund : i -- i ca n't , not anymore . brooke : you ca n't help it . it does n't matter what 's going on with aidan . maria is your heart . and if you do n't go after her , you will never be truly alive ever again . [ scene_break ] erica : even if you had to play some male version of mata hari , i would not doubt your love for me . chris : maybe . but if that poor girl had to deal with you , she 'd be begging to be deported . [ scene_break ] boyd : hear anything good ? lena : oh , i -- i -- i did n't know where to go . i did n't want to interrupt . boyd : hmm -- no , i do n't believe that . let 's see if erica does . lena : no , wait . [ scene_break ] erica : look , this whole thing has just gotten out of hand . i did not overtly flirt with jordan roberts . i mean , i simply met with him as i would with any business associate . chris : well , you were n't wearing a business suit that day . as a matter of fact , i 'd never seen that sexy little number you were wearing before . erica : chris , i am willing to drop this whole matter . why are n't you ? chris : well , i 'd be glad to as soon as i 'm sure you know which line you crossed and understand that if you ever do it again this husband - to - be walks . [ scene_break ] simone : thank you . oh . ok , we have our dominatrix photographer for another hour . greenlee : say you 'll do it , ok ? jake : oh . hmm . greenlee : we just need you to figure out ideas for our new campaign , ok ? come on -- what women want . simone : please , jake . jake : ok . for you , i will make a fool out of myself . simone : oh , yes . jake : i can not wait to get back to the hospital . greenlee : yeah , well , as if mia would give up her glamour job in the industry to go back to icky , sweaty , sick people . marishka , you 're a darling . jake : wait a minute . is this a job ? this ? i mean , is this , like , a salaried , vacationed , health - care coverage kind of job for you ? mia : i was going to tell you . jake : when ? when ? am i on a mailing list for a press release or what ? [ scene_break ] edmund : look , it 's out of my hands , brooke . i ca n't transform maureen into maria . she does n't want her memory back . i ca n't make her get her memory back . brooke : are you sure ? edmund : yes . brooke : i mean , after all that research that we did , are you sure ? edmund : none of it works , brooke . brooke : you have to keep trying . you know that you would sell your soul to the devil in order for maria to get her memory back . edmund : yeah . sell my soul . i already have . brooke : do n't joke about this . edmund : no , no , no . to the person who took away her memory . who better to restore it , right ? brooke : david hayward ? edmund : yeah . talk about a pact with the devil . brooke : can he do it ? edmund : he 's talking about tinkering around with some formula that might be able to restore her memory . brooke : edmund , why , if there 's even a glimmer of hope , you have to go for it . edmund : why you pushing so hard ? brooke : because i want one of us to be happy . [ scene_break ] aidan : can you give us a minute , kendall ? kendall : what , i 'm being dismissed in my own apartment ? maria : it 's only going to take a second . please , do you mind ? kendall : all right , like it matters ? i 'm just going to be in my bedroom with a glass pressed against the door so i can hear you guys . i 'm kidding ! i 'm kidding . you know , i 'm in danger , too ? do i get a vote in this ? no . of course , i do n't get a say in this . i 'm going to find a grocery store that delivers . aidan : that girl knows just exactly how to tick me off . maria : well , it 's because she 's crazy about you . aidan : yeah , well , you 're right about the crazy part . maria : she told me about the two of you . aidan : maureen , that was over before it even started . maria : it 's not so over for her . aidan : look , forget about her , ok ? you and edmund just had this massive row . i want you to know that he 's going to take you back . maria : no , he 's not going to take me back . i do n't think so . it got really ugly , aidan . aidan : the guy is mad about you . maria : no , he thinks that i took off with you . that 's what he thinks , and so he went completely out of his mind . aidan : i 'm so sorry , maureen . maria : no , he locked me in my bedroom , he cut the phone line , he went totally crazy , aidan . he just -- and then he caught me as i was trying to climb out the window to escape . aidan : he did n't hurt you , though , did he ? maria : no , he did n't , but i hurt him . i hurt him pretty terribly . i -- i totally crushed his dream of ever reclaiming maria . aidan : well , what i want to know is , why did he lock you up in the bedroom in the first place ? maria : the message on the laptop , the `` come and get me . `` he thought that i was sending that to you . aidan : oh , man . maria : yes , exactly , and i could n't tell him that i was hiding you there and that you came and you were trying to send some electronic trail because he would have called the cops . aidan : so you took it in the neck for me ? maria : and he 's sure that i betrayed him . aidan : i 'm so sorry , maureen . i never meant for any of this to come between you and edmund . maria : i know , i know , but it 's pretty much blown us sky high . and now i 'll never be able to go back to edmund . [ scene_break ] boyd : erica does n't like anyone spying on her . lena : i was n't . erica hired me , and then she sent me down to human resources , and the man there , mr. fisher -- well , he gave me this , but he was too busy to show me around . i did n't know where else to go . boyd : well , you must have been assigned an office . lena : i was going to ask erica , but she and chris seemed to have hit a rough patch . boyd : yeah , well , erica 's got a temper , and mr . stamp -- well , he can match her . if i were you , i 'd steer clear until the dust settles . lena : you mean i should stay away until she 's in a better mood ? boyd : perfect translation , yes . lena : well , thank you for the advice . boyd : my pleasure . lena : so , you work closely with erica ? mr. -- boyd : oh -- boyd . boyd larraby . lena : lena kundera . so , what do you do for our company ? boyd : i 'm a chemist . lena : oh , you 're in r & d ? boyd : yeah . i head it . lena : ah . so you 're the one who can get me all the latest products in the line ? boyd : well , i 'll tell you what -- you treat me right and i 'll make sure your name 's at the top of my list . how 's that ? lena : ok . meantime , can you show me around ? boyd : sure . i got time for that . lena : oh , how lucky i am to be found here by you . boyd : maybe i 'm the lucky one . [ scene_break ] erica : i am not fond of ultimatums . chris : and i 'm not fond of the woman i 'm engaged to using her charms on other men . erica : i do n't go after something unless i really want it . and i will use every weapon i possess to get what i want . chris : well , you do n't have to resort to empty - headed flirting to get what you want . you 're too smart for that . erica : i am smart . i 'm really smart and i know what men want , and i am smart enough to stop short of giving it to them after i get what i was after from them . chris : yeah , well , it 's never too late to change . erica : why should i ? chris : because there are two things i wo n't accept , erica kane , and one is you running my life , and the other is you degrading yourself . erica : so it 's your way or the highway ? chris : you got it , babe . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] jake : you know , i -- you told me that this was , like , a favor for liza , that you were just giving her a hand . mia : i know , until i recovered from my fall . jake : all right , was that really the plan here ? mia : it was . jake : `` it was `` ? what , until you decided that selling cosmetics is more fulfilling than being a physical therapist ? mia : why are you so angry about this ? jake : i mean , obviously , it 's just not as glamorous for you . it 's not that i 'm angry , all right ? it 's just that i do n't understand i 'm , like , the last one to find out here ? you 've taken on this new job . it 's a big part of your life . i 'm your boss over there at the hospital . you know , i 'm supposed to be your fiancé . mia : `` supposed to be `` ? jake : that 's right . yeah , first , you call off the wedding , and now you do n't want to work with me at the hospital . i mean , mia , what kind of message do you think you 're sending me ? marishka : oh , yes , yes . come on . come on . more heat . some intensity finally . god , come on , give me more . go ahead , fight if you have to . i do n't care . greenlee : come on , you guys , pose . come on . marishka : get close together . oh , good , good . oh . that 's good . [ scene_break ] edmund : look , all i have to go on is hayward 's ego - speak . there 's not one shred of evidence that he can restore maria 's memory . brooke : yes , he 's hateful and he 's immoral , but when it comes to medicine , he is the one . he saved my daughter 's life . edmund : even if it 's just to fill up his swiss bank account ? brooke : who cares ? fund him until you know for certain . edmund , what is a future with maria worth to you in dollars and cents ? edmund : yeah , hayward , it 's me . just checking . really ? on the level ? huh . ok . edmund : hayward thinks he found something . it could happen . it could happen . [ scene_break ] aidan : i 'm so sorry , maureen . as soon as i 'm able , i want to go over there and speak to edmund and tell him why you felt you had to do what you did , and then -- maria : no , no , no , it 's much deeper than that . it went deeper than the e - mail and my helping you . we -- i had to -- i had to pretend to come on to him so that i could try to get away . and that did not go over big . we got in a huge fight . we said some -- some really hurtful things . aidan : hey , look , eventually , all right , edmund will cool off and -- maria : no , no , because this time on some level we really meant every hurtful thing . so -- look , i just -- i do n't want you to feel like this is your fault . it 's really not . things happen for a reason . i really believe that . aidan : oh , i feel like hell . maria : no . so , we 're sort of stuck with each other . aidan : oh , no , this is so unfair to you , maureen . maria : what ? aidan : it 's unfair . maria : i mean , not really -- it 's not as though edmund and i did n't have the time to try to get back whatever magic he and maria had . aidan : yeah , but if i had n't been in the way , both of you would be -- maria : if you had n't been in the way , who is to say what would have happened ? really , who 's to say ? i mean , i did see glimmers with edmund and i had hopes , but there was really nothing that i could build a life on . aidan : so far . nothing that you could build a life on so far . maria : so far . but edmund 's cut me loose for good . so , i 'm free . [ next_on ] edmund : the antidote , hayward . i want it now . trey : i have a new place for reggie to live -- with me . jamie : you said your church is all about forgiveness and understanding . make me your cause . isabella : what 's going on , kendall ? tell me who else is here . | simone is trying to keep it together at fusion because greenlee and kendall are not there . they have a top - level ( rude ) photographer there but no models . when boyd comes by to have lunch with kendall , simone makes him a model , along with mia . but they have no experience or chemistry so it 's a bust . jake comes in at the end of the photoshoot . kendall , who is taking the day off work , parades around in her underwear and helps a shirtless aidan with his bandages . he gets upset when he learns maria is gone . maria returns and he says they ca n't go out because they are targeted now , too . they point out that if they go missing , it will not look good . maria fills aidan in on what happened with edmund ; she feels bad for hurting edmund . kendall comes in just as maria is explaining that she 's free now . kendall does not look happy . greenlee tells trey that the kiss was her fault , too , and she forgives him . when he suggests they might share more , she tells him she 's not interested and the kiss was inappropriate . she goes to fusion and is n't happy to see what 's going on there . simone and greenlee notice that mia and jake have fantastic chemistry . jake is annoyed that mia took the job there and has n't told him anything about it . erica hired the latina woman lena as her vice - president . chris storms in and tells erica that enchantment is finished . this is his way of getting back at her for her little deal with jordan to try to get him a job . they have a long discussion . chris tells her that he wo n't tolerate her trying to get him another job , or her degrading herself ( like flirting with jordan to get him a job ) . edmund tells brooke about what happened with maria and also that he 's been paying david to work on her amnesia . brooke supports him on this so he wonders why . she says she wants one of them to be happy . david phones edmund to tell him that he 's made a breakthrough on the formula . |
[ voice of woman screaming , scream echoes in greenlee 's mind ] greenlee : this is where leo died . just like hannah . aidan : they 're still searching for her . greenlee : yeah , but they 'll never find her , just like they never found leo . for so many years , i kept thinking if i was just stronger , i -- if i could just grab on to anything -- aidan : greenlee , you did everything you possibly could to save him . greenlee : but it still haunts me . just like what happened with zach and hannah will always haunt him . [ scene_break ] kendall : i made you some green tea . ok , i know you hate the stuff , so you want a beer ? maybe a scotch ? zach : i 'm fine . kendall : how could you be after what just happened ? come on , zach , please talk to me . zach : what do you want to know ? i gave my statement to the police . kendall : i know how hard you fought to save hannah . zach : and i could n't , end of story . kendall : ok , this is a woman that you once loved . the -- the mother of your dead son . a woman who was still in love with you . and all you can say is `` end of story `` ? i do n't think so . [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] tad : hey . krystal : hey . tad : what are you doing ? i thought you were at work . krystal : yeah . i got off early . what are you doing ? what are you hiding there ? tad : oh , nothing , just a little -- paperwork . we have paperwork . krystal : paperwork ? tad : mm - hmm . krystal : since when do you do paperwork at home ? tad : since i feel like being at home and not in the office , why ? krystal : come on , tad . come on . what 's on the computer ? tad : nothing . no , i told -- krystal : well , no -- well , open the lid ! tad : i told you , paperwork . why should i open the lid ? krystal : why not ? tad : because . for one thing , you might not like what you see . [ scene_break ] adam : i have a job for you . colby : i already work at the comeback . adam : oh , no , no , this is a more personal nature . it involves tad and krystal . colby : what about them ? adam : well , i need your help , but i 'm going to give them a wedding reception . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , good . you 're here . i 've been needing this . i deserve this , too . my family 's been through such a difficult time . between my oldest daughter and my latest ex . you know him . you know jack . you know how he can be . and then , of course , there 's his daughter greenlee . she 's a nightmare . of course , you know that story , do n't you ? so you know what i really , truly believe ? i believe that i am in just the right place . alone with a strong man who will do everything i ask . [ scene_break ] adam : what i 'm planning is a good thing . come on now . i 've -- i acted like a jerk , and now i 'm trying to make things better . colby : by having a party for tad and krystal ? adam : no . trust me , colby , i just want to see krystal happy . colby : then be honest with me , dad . what are you really up to ? [ scene_break ] krystal : what is it you do n't want me to see ? tad : no , get away from me . no . krystal : what ? tad : you honestly think i 'm going to tell you what i think i do n't want you to see ? forget it . krystal : oh , come on , now , this is n't even funny , tad . what are you doing , looking at dirty pictures here on the computer ? tad : what if i am ? i 'm not dead yet . krystal : tad , there are children in this house . you 're sitting around looking at x - rated material in the living room ? tad : i said `` what if i am ? `` i did n't say `` i am . `` krystal : all right , ok , stop with the double talk . tad : no . no , go away . no ! krystal : now , give me that ! tad : oh , oh , no ! no ! krystal : tad , i mean it ! i 'm serious . tad : oh ! krystal : give it to me . tad , tad , give me -- give me that computer . i 'm going to get it from you . i 'm going to get you now ! tad : you wanton hussy ! krystal : no , give it here ! tad : just like that . i want a woman with a fire in her eyes . i do n't need the internet . i got the real thing right here in my own living room . do n't tickle . that 's not fair . krystal : you show me , you -- tad : fine , fine , fine . take it , take it , take it . go , go , go , go , go . do n't say i did n't warn you . krystal : hardheaded . tad : i 'm hardheaded ? krystal : it 's a travel site . tad : oh , well done , sherlock . krystal : so , what ? what , you 're -- you 're planning a trip to maui ? tad : no . i was thinking about -- about planning our honeymoon . [ scene_break ] greenlee : leo was my first love , and ryan is one of the greatest men i have ever known . aidan : yeah , he 's definitely one of the good ones . greenlee : but you 're my hero , aidan . when everyone else thought that we were dead , when zach and i were missing and everyone gave up , you and kendall -- you , you hung on . aidan : greenlee -- greenlee : because you believed in love , and you believed in us . aidan : greenlee , i want -- greenlee : no , aidan , you do n't get to argue with me . you are my hero , and i am so proud and lucky to be with you . and if leo was here right now , he would give me a high - five , because i did it . i finally got it right with you . [ scene_break ] kendall : just talk to me . tell -- i mean , tell me what 's really going on inside of you . for god sakes , you were -- you were -- you were trapped in a bomb shelter . you were missing for weeks , and you were cold and hungry , and you almost died . zach : well , now i 'm here . all worked out . why do n't you vacuum this place ? kendall : well , you know what ? do n't change the subject here . listen , you never even really opened up about all the time that you spent with greenlee . or when you were alone with hannah on that cliff . zach : why are you doing this ? kendall : because i 'm sick of you putting up this -- this barrier between us . i am your wife . i need you to communicate with me . zach : a woman is dead . another innocent woman , dead , victimized by my twisted family . so i 'm sorry , i do n't want to sit here and talk about how i ruined another life , that 's all . kendall : zach , that 's not what i was saying . zach : no ? i failed hannah , same way i failed ethan . you want me to sit here , drink tea and talk about it ? it 's not going to change anything . kendall : see , this is exactly what i 'm talking about . you are obviously upset . zach : ok , and let me deal with it my way . kendall : no , i wo n't let you cut me out , and i will not abandon you . ok . go ahead , zach . go ahead and say it . you want me to leave . you want to push me away again . zach : i do n't want you to go anywhere . kendall : good . because i 'm not . zach : good . kendall : well , good . well , i 'm here . i 'm -- i 'm -- i 'm here when you need me . zach : i do need you . i need you to be my wife . i need you to be the reason why i made it out of that hole in the first place . and i need you to be the person that understands that i need to grieve in my own way , my own time , and deal with these demons my own way and not drag you down with it . kendall : you wo n't . zach : before hannah died , you know , she told me how scared she 'd been and how abandoned she felt and how lost -- her whole life , and -- and -- it 's going to take a minute to figure that out , that 's all . kendall : ok , well , i get that . but maybe -- i do n't know -- maybe -- maybe you need to talk to someone . zach : hey -- kendall : maybe unburden yourself . zach : i 'm not a talker . you know that . and even if i were , i -- there 's -- there 's some things that are better left not talked about . kendall : you 're right . i mean , we all have things like that . ok , i 'm really sorry i pushed you . zach : what did you say ? kendall : i said i 'm sorry i pushed you . i 'm sorry . zach : i am , too . it just -- it 's going to take a little time . kendall : yeah , and like you said , you should n't have to talk about it . zach : no . but there is something that i would like for you to do . [ scene_break ] aidan : here , grab this blanket . i 'm going to start a fire . i 'll be right back . greenlee : wait -- wait , wait , wait , wait . come here . come -- come sit with me . aidan : i thought you said you were cold . greenlee : well , i am , but i thought maybe we could find another way to get my temperature up . maybe some skin - on - skin action . aidan : greenlee , you just got out of the hospital . greenlee : right . see ? right there -- why are you treating me like i 'm some porcelain doll ? aidan : i 'm not . why are you mad at me , because i just want to take care of you ? greenlee : i know you want to take care of me , but i need you to -- i just want you to kiss me . i just want you to kiss me so my legs buckle . aidan : and i want that , too . all right ? i really do , but it 's just -- greenlee : it 's just what ? it 's just that i was in the hospital ? i know . i know what i 've been through . aidan : you need time to recuperate . greenlee : no . do n't tell me what i need . aidan , i am a big girl , and i know what i need . i need us , i want us . aidan : you have -- you have us . i 'm not going -- greenlee : i want what we were . where is the sparks and the sparring ? and i want broken bones and -- and mercy sex and -- aidan : greenlee , greenlee -- greenlee -- greenlee : just take me to bed , right here , right now . [ scene_break ] krystal : i ca n't just leave the comeback . tad : oh , who are you talking to ? kyle would kill himself for you , and we both know that babe is almost as good at running that place as you are . krystal : are you forgetting about jenny ? tad : 24-hour daycare , mamasan . krystal : i do n't know . [ krystal sighs ] tad : no , what you mean is you 're out of excuses . krystal : tad , look , it does sound amazing , and i 'm sure you think i must be crazy for not going , but -- tad : but you 're not because deep down in that gorgeous head of yours , you 're not comfortable with the idea that this is a real marriage . [ scene_break ] colby : do n't try to play me , dad . i know you ca n't stand tad and krystal being together . you know what ? you 've done so many awful things to them that i 've lost count . adam : most of which was very upsetting to you . colby : because i like them . adam : yeah , because you love them . i know that , which is one of the reasons i want to make amends . a public mea culpa to bury the hatchet , indefinitely . for you , for me , for -- for all of us . colby : ok . so if i buy into this , you 're thinking something small , like maybe dinner with tad 's family ? adam : yeah -- no , i 'm thinking of a big , big celebration . i want everybody in town to be invited . colby : i knew it . you 're planning to ambush them . adam : no , no , no , no . what i 'm looking for is -- is what your generation calls closure . colby : i do n't get it . adam : i love krystal . i drove her away . and now , there 's no winning her back . but something in me -- some -- something -- a small part of me just ca n't let go . colby : well , you have to . tad and krystal are married now . adam : i know , i know , i know that now . i know . and -- but possibly , i could look at them , at the reception together , and really realize that that is the life that krystal wants now . i mean , what -- what is -- what is love all about if it 's not letting somebody live the life they want to live ? colby : i did n't think you 'd ever get that . adam : well , i got it from you , sweetheart . i got it from you . when you moved out of my house , it broke my heart . but you thrived with krystal . you went from a lonely , self - important debutante to a very mature young woman . colby : i did n't think you noticed . adam : i did , i noticed . you lived your life on your terms , and it 's turned out beautifully . so maybe if i can finally find it in myself to -- to just tell krystal that she 's out of my life for good , then maybe i can celebrate her choices , and not rail against them . well , maybe i finally can move on , too . colby : so maybe your heart has changed , but even if you do plan a party , i doubt tad and krystal will come . adam : well , that 's where i need your help . i want you to convince them to be at the valley inn tomorrow night for a surprise . colby : i do n't want to lie to krystal . adam : no , no , i 'm not talking about lying . you 'll just facilitate the surprise . come on , what do you say , kid ? can you help your old dad move on ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , sven , that 's just perfect . [ relaxing music plays as erica gets a massage ] erica : i really needed this . i 've been neglecting myself . but you know me . where my children are concerned , i 'm -- i 'm just selfless . sven : hmm . erica : like i said , things have been really difficult , and i truly believe in a woman 's right to have it all . i even wrote a book on it . but that does n't mean it 's easy . that 's why i 'm here . to try to get in touch with myself again . to try to find the real me again . it 's time for me to take back my power . i need that . i 'm erica kane , after all . i survived so much . i mean , my goodness , i stood up to a grizzly bear and -- and fought him off with nothing but pure guts and determination . i survived my father , the death of my mother , prison , shoulder pads , and all my husbands . i really did love them all , at the time . but so many were disappointments . sven : ja . erica : but i 'm not giving up on love . i still believe in love . i 'm passionate , and i 'm still me . i 'm still me . and yet , jack 's out on a date with a nurse . i mean , not that that is n't a very noble profession , but julia ? julia can be downright tedious . sven : ja . erica : tedious -- you 're right . so what will they talk about ? well , they 'll probably wind up talking about me . because after all , jack still loves me . and i 'm erica kane . hmm . so there 's no moving on . especially not for jackson . [ scene_break ] jack : i am so , so sorry . i make it a rule to never take a cell phone call during -- julia : when you 're on a date ? jack : actually , i was going to say when i 'm out with a friend . julia : oh . another erica emergency ? jack : nope . just a client , thank god . julia : she really gets under your skin , does n't she , that erica ? jack : yeah , but she does n't seem to phase you at all . now , how is that ? julia : i learned to tune erica out a long time ago . jack : i had no idea that it was actually possible to ignore her . julia : oh , no , i do n't think it 's possible to ignore erica kane , i just -- i just do n't take her very seriously . and i certainly do n't take anything she says personally . but i guess you do n't have that luxury . you were married to her . jack : `` were `` being the operative word . julia : i still ca n't think of the two of you in past tense yet . so , what exactly happened when you were stuck in that closet ? jack : oh -- um -- well , just exactly what usually happens . we fight , we argue , and then somehow , we make a connection of some kind . julia : yeah . pretty much what i figured . jack : it was that obvious ? julia : hmm -- jack , you and erica in a room together are like fireworks going off in a box . jack : yeah , but not in a good way . julia : so ? this is it , then ? are you calling it quits ? jack : hmm . i want it be over . but if i said i was sure , i 'd be lying . hmm . julia : spoken like a true addict . jack : what a great analogy . because with erica , the highs are high , and the lows -- julia : low ? jack : yeah . yeah . and right now , all i want is just a little calm in my life , you know ? julia : you would n't last five minutes . jack : oh , do n't be so sure . julia : calm is boring . [ julia chuckles ] jack : enough about me . i 'm tired of talking about me . what 's up with you ? julia : well , actually , i have some pretty exciting things going on in my life , and i 'm hoping that you 'll be part of them . [ scene_break ] kendall : it is cold ! it is very , very cold outside . zach : it 's not really that bad . it 's not that cold out . kendall : no , it 's like the arctic tundra . it 's freezing . i mean , i 'm like -- i 'm still shivering , my eyelashes are frozen together . my hair 's like icicles . zach : well , well , calm down . let me warm you up . kendall : all right . yeah . that 's better . mmm . ok . you know what ? i could stay here and never leave this house for the rest of my life . zach : hmm , that 's nice . it 's a lie , but it 's a nice lie . kendall : it 's not a lie , it 's true . hold me tighter . good . zach : thank you . kendall : for using you as a human furnace ? zach : for giving me some peace and quiet . just a couple of moments , we do n't have to worry about anything . kendall : yeah , well , i 'm still a little worried . i mean , one walk in the pennsylvania arctic is not going to take away what happened to you . zach : maybe this will . let me try something . do you mind ? kendall : no . zach : ok . kendall : hmm . zach : huh ? kendall : that is a very nice diversion . that 's -- that 's good , but i do n't -- that 's -- i need something else . that 's -- that did n't do the trick . zach : hmm . kendall : yeah . oh , my favorite little forehead spot . zach : yeah ? kendall : that 's very smart , but you know what ? no , you -- i mean , kiss me all you want . you can kiss me all over . i 'm not going to stop talking . i 'm just going to keep talking . blah , blah , blah . [ kendall chuckles then she and zach kiss ] [ scene_break ] [ krystal laughs as she surprises tad with a hawaiian motif ] tad : well , `` mele kalikimaka `` to you , too . krystal : well , it 's not really christmas anymore , but your face sure says , `` mahalo ! `` tad : that a lei around your neck or are you just happy to see me ? krystal : why do n't you come over here and find out ? tad : i believe i shall . krystal : mm - hmm . [ krystal giggles ] tad : did i get lucky or what ? krystal : i got lucky when we got married . and since we said this was going to be a real marriage , i thought , you know , why wait for the honeymoon ? tad : when you can bring the honeymoon to us ? krystal : mm - hmm . tad : ooh , all right . krystal : we got room service here , i got mai tais . tad : yeah , well , i guess the only thing i got to do is get you out of that outfit , and we could start -- krystal : oh ! tad : down there . [ krystal laughs ] tad : hmm . [ krystal giggles ] tad : i 'm allergic to grass . colby : whoo - hoo ! it is sub - zero out there , man ! but -- ahem -- way tropical in here . am i interrupting something ? [ krystal coughs ] tad : kind of , sort of . colby : ok , i 'll just go check on jenny . krystal : no , no , no , colby , no . tad : yeah , go ahead , take that walk . krystal : no , no . we were just -- just kidding around here , just kind of having a belated honeymoon . colby : seriously ? oh , that 's so cute ! tad : you know , y ' all did n't invent sex . i was n't aiming at `` cute . `` colby : but if you guys could just hold off for a few minutes , there 's something that i would like to talk to you about . krystal : sure , what is it ? tad : sure , go ahead , what is it ? colby : you guys have been the best pseudo parents ever , and i really want to show my appreciation . i want to give you guys a wedding present . tad : ah . well , if your dad 's springing for it , then a sports car would probably hit the spot . colby : i was thinking more like a dinner -- tomorrow night , at the valley inn , on me . krystal : oh . tad : can i have a steak ? colby : and potatoes . krystal : huh -- oh . tad : it 's almost as good as a car . krystal : no , colby -- tad : come on . krystal : really -- no ! we do n't want you spending your money on an expensive dinner . colby : but i want to . come on . what do you say ? will you come celebrate your wedding with me ? [ scene_break ] adam : yeah , just make sure we 're ready . all right ? yeah . tomorrow night . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] greenlee : huh . to paraphrase my favorite movie -- not that i do n't love this seduction scene you have going , but -- `` you had me at hello . `` [ aidan chuckles ] aidan : that 's very clever . tonight is all about relaxing , ok , and being quiet . greenlee : ok , but i thought you liked it when i made sexy sounds . aidan : oh , i do . but like i said , tonight 's about being gentle and soft and getting back to who you are . greenlee : ok . aidan : all right ? so just lie down on your front and let me do what i do best . greenlee : what are you doing ? aidan : it 's called reiki . greenlee : does it come with the sushi ? [ aidan snickers ] aidan : no . it 's a japanese term for `` universal energy `` that promotes healing on -- on every level . singer : but nothing ♪ greenlee : how about i show you something i know ? singer : who cares if i appear ♪ greenlee : oh . singer : well , somewhat naive it 's true i really need you and i 'll stand accused with my heart on my sleeve hold me want me love me love me ♪ [ scene_break ] marshall : sorry to interrupt . i just wanted to leave a tip . erica : go ahead . marshall : actually , that 's a lie . uh -- the truth is i wanted an excuse to introduce myself , so i tipped jessica twice . erica : well , that 's very generous of you . man : yeah . i 'm marshall logan , and i have been an admirer of yours for years . erica : well , thank you . i would offer to shake your hand , but -- marshall : oh , but far be it for me to interfere with a perfect manicure . [ erica chuckles ] erica : smart and generous -- very winning combination . marshall : ah . i just would n't be able to live with myself if i did n't ask . would you allow me to take you out to dinner sometime ? erica : well , um , actually your timing could n't be better . i am newly single , you never know when i 'll need a dinner companion . marshall : oh . then i 'll await your call . erica : nice to meet you , marshall . thank you . good night . marshall : yes . good night , erica . jessica : you sure got it going on , ms. kane . erica : huh . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] jack : a free clinic at wildwind ? i -- that 's great . i mean , this town has n't had a thing like that since english house . julia : so you think it 's a good idea ? jack : heck , yes , i do . of course , it is , and it would make a perfect health- care companion to the miranda center . julia : well , i just want to give something back to the community . jack : yeah , i guess you do . you 're giving up your home . [ julia and jack chuckle ] julia : so , do you think you could help me arrange all the necessary permits and -- jack : absolutely and pro bono , of course . julia : oh , no . no , jack , this is going to take a lot of your time , and i never intended for you to do any of this for free . jack : i think what you 're doing is fantastic , and i would be honored to be any kind of a part of it , any kind at all . julia : ok . well , then , to our partnership . jack : to partners . [ scene_break ] krystal : no , honey , you -- you work so hard for your money . i do n't want you spending it on us . colby : but , krystal , this is really important to me . tad : it 's a nice thought , hero , and i love you to death for trying , but the fact is your erstwhile mother is not too comfortable with public displays of our marital bliss . krystal : excuse me -- who is in the grass skirt here ? tad : excuse me -- who 's killing himself trying to get you out of it . krystal : no , tad -- colby ? honey -- ok . if you want to take us to the fanciest restaurant in town , then i will be there with bells on . colby : tad ? tad : oh , you had me at `` steak . `` colby : really ? tad : yeah . colby : oh , awesome ! i 'm going to go make the reservations . aloha ! krystal : aloha . ah . tad : now , that is cute . krystal : hmm . tad : in the meantime , where were we ? krystal : where were we ? let 's see -- i think you were about to show me the top of diamond head . tad : you are evil ! krystal : evil ? tad : evil ! krystal : oh , you love it . tad : oh . colby : tad and krystal are in . adam : i knew you could convince them . colby : i 'm really proud of you for doing this , dad . do n't make me regret it . [ music plays ] adam : yeah . colby came through . yeah , that 's right . you have the invite list ? good -- make sure zach slater is coming , too . this is a party he wo n't want to miss . singer : you think about all that ♪ [ scene_break ] kendall : oh . zach : where you going ? kendall : i 'm going to check on the boys . zach : boys are fine -- there 's a monitor right here . you stay with me . kendall : hmm . are you sure you 're ok ? zach : never been better . kendall : yeah , well , i am completely starving , so i 'm going to go and get that leftover pasta in the fridge . do you want any ? [ zach chuckles ] zach : i 'll have a slice of scotch , please , thank you . kendall : a slice of scotch ? zach : mm - hmm . kendall : ok . coming up . [ phone rings ] zach : hmm . kendall : ugh . hello ? hi . uh -- tomorrow night ? yeah -- uh , of course . just e - mail me the information , and we 'll be there . bye . that 's really weird . zach : what ? what 's up ? kendall : well , that was colby . she is inviting us to a wedding party for krystal and tad at the valley inn tomorrow . zach : we 're on the guest list ? nice . kendall : yeah . i wonder what that 's about . zach : do n't worry so much . come on , tell me a story . [ scene_break ] erica : oh -- jessica ? here you go . thank you very much -- you did a beautiful job . thank you . [ phone rings ] erica : hello ? oh , colby , hi . a surprise wedding reception for tad ? yes , of course i 'll be there . uh -- colby ? is -- is jackson invited by any chance ? he is ? i see . no -- oh , no , no . no problem at all . i assume it 's all right if i decide to bring a guest ? great . ok , bye . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , that felt -- felt good ? you feel good ? greenlee : yeah . i feel wonderful -- a total gentle -- aidan : mm - hmm ? greenlee : sexual convert . aidan : good . greenlee : and what i said before about another woman , i -- aidan : hey , i 'm sorry . greenlee : no . aidan : i overreacted . greenlee : aidan ? i know you 've been through a lot , too . [ aidan sighs ] greenlee : and telling me that i come first , i -- i 've never heard that from a man before and actually believed it . aidan : well , believe it because it 's true . greenlee : i do . and i trust you , aidan -- more than anyone . [ scene_break ] kendall : maybe he 's right . some things are better left unsaid . [ kendall recalls her night with aidan . zach dreams that kendall is in hannah 's place on the rocks ] zach : no , hannah , i 've got you ! i 'll protect you ! kendall : no . i 'm slipping ! you 're losing me ! zach : no , no , you hold on ! hold on ! kendall : oh , oh -- no ! no ! zach : kendall ! [ scene_break ] adam : and , of course , we 'll have our finest champagne . woman : of course , mr. chandler . adam : well , now , wait -- on second thought , i 'll bring some over from my private cellar . mm - hmm . well , other than that , that 's -- everything is in order . this is going to be a night that pine valley will never forget . [ next_on ] everyone at fusion : surprise ! greenlee ( to greenlee ) : i ca n't believe it . this is like we 're really back . richie : how can you sit there so calm with that silly little grin on your face while you sentence me to death ? ryan : if we do it my way , richie , you just might live . | at miller 's falls , greenlee lets aidan know that this is where leo had died and how for years that she had blamed herself for his death . greenlee knows that zach will blame himself for hannah 's death . at home , kendall tries to get zach to talk to her , but he refuses to talk to her about hannah 's death . tad is busy on the computer , planning a honeymoon for himself and krystal when krystal walks in . tad quickly closes the laptop . krystal demands to know what tad is hiding from her , but tad refuses to tell her . krystal keeps pressuring tad until he gives in and tells her that he was planning them a honeymoon . at the yacht club , adam cons colby into helping him plan a wedding reception for tad and krystal . colby is hesitant , at first , to help him , but gives in . erica visit 's a spa for a complete makeover . erica meets a mysterious man named marshall , who asks her out on a date . julia and jack enjoy a night out on the town . julia lets him know of a plan that she has for opening a clinic at wild wind . jack is all for the idea and offers is help . zach and kendall make love . after some coaxing from greenlee , she and aidan make love . |
j.r. : what day is it ? amanda : the day that you 're massively hung over again . j.r. : the custody hearing . tad 's fighting to keep jenny . i 've got to go . amanda : j.r. , at least take a shower first . j.r. : there 's no time . [ scene_break ] tad : look , i did n't say it was going to be easy . livia : trying to take a child away from her mother ? try impossible . tad : i guess it 's a good thing i have a fantastic lawyer . livia : do you really believe that krystal would harm her own child ? tad : no , never intentionally . but it 's not worth the risk , now that she 's been brainwashed by david . livia : are you just being a scorned lover ? because this is harsh . she just lost babe . tad : which means her judgment is all the more impaired . look , she can shack up with the devil himself if she wants to . but i am not going to let jenny anywhere near hayward . adam : if you had n't left krystal to fend off hayward alone , none of this would be happening . [ scene_break ] krystal : david . david : hey . krystal : tell me you 're coming to the hearing . david : of course , i am . krystal : listen , i spent all morning with your lawyer friend , and tad wo n't budge . let me tell you , the things he said to our friends and his family . what if the worst happens ? what if i lose jenny ? david : that little girl is your daughter . no one is going to take her away from you . i wo n't let them . [ scene_break ] aidan : annie , are you there ? the nurse is gone . annie : are you going to help me get out of here now ? aidan : not yet . we have to take it one step at a time , starting with dr. sinclair . annie : i do n't like her . aidan : i know . but the next time you see her , you ca n't get upset like you did before . you have to show her that you 're getting better . annie : how ? aidan : listen carefully , and i 'll tell you . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey . ryan : hey , come in , come in . greenlee : thank you for coming by so fast . reese : oh , yeah . you know , it sounded urgent . what 's going on ? bianca : yeah . ryan : well , we found a place where we can all get married . [ scene_break ] erica : you do n't believe me ? you think i 'm lying about getting things out in the open with reese and bianca ? zach : i think you 're good at hiding how you truly feel . erica : well that 's a very interesting comment coming from you . look , in this case , reese was not honest about her past . i was trying to protect bianca . zach : by accusing her fiancée of making a play for me . erica : look , it was a misperception . i was wrong . i apologized to reese and bianca , and they have accepted it . i 've let it go . zach : i have n't . [ scene_break ] [ josh looks over the seasons east hotel & casino 's security system schematics on a laptop then picks up a gun ] josh : ca n't be too safe in a casino . [ scene_break ] krystal : opal , you 're here early . this is my attorney , mr. stark . stark : i 'll meet you inside . krystal : so you 're here to testify to the world that i cheated on your son and make sure the judge gives my baby to tad . opal : this is n't easy for me , trying to take a child from its mother . krystal : unless the child is jenny , and i am the mother . opal : it has to be done . [ scene_break ] tad : what the hell are you doing here ? [ cell phone ringing ] livia : excuse me . tad : you know what ? never mind . do n't answer the question . just leave me alone , all right ? adam : i 'm here to help , tad . tad : yeah , by blaming me for krystal 's little walk on the dark side ? adam : i do n't give a damn about krystal . my concern is keeping hayward away from my family . and so is yours . tad : my concern is protecting jenny . adam : oh ? what about little adam ? hayward has a plan to take him . we have to stop him . tad : we ? we -- as in you want me to team up with you ? adam : krystal did . we were all on the same path until krystal fell under hayward 's spell . so was j.r . tad : i 'm amazed the three of you could agree on anything . adam : well , that 's how determined we were to protect that little boy . but krystal turned on us -- and you . now she 's trying to take your child . tad : a child you were willing to steal and sell . adam : you know , i ca n't stand you any more than you ca n't stand me . but if we do n't set aside our differences , that sick sob is going to take your daughter , j.r. 's son , and god knows who else . do n't underestimate hayward . he 's not your ordinary enemy . j.r. : amen to that . tad : my god , you look like hell . j.r. : key witness , right here , baby . i can prove that krystal and hayward have been knocking boots . ok ? put me on the stand . i 'll say it . i 'll say it all . adam : you reek of alcohol . is that yesterday 's binge or do you have a flask in your pocket ? j.r. : get off of me . tad : wait , wait . j.r. , do us all a favor . just go home , ok ? j.r. : no . hayward 's after my son . i 'm going to be in that courtroom . adam : staggering drunk . livia : it 's time to go . adam : exactly what the judge needs to see . j.r. : yeah , well , i 'm ready . tad : j.r. , you are going to sit in that courtroom , and you are not going to say one word . do you understand ? come on . [ scene_break ] erica : i was n't aware that i owed you an apology as well . zach : when you doubted reese , you doubted me as well . erica : but i told you very clearly , zach , that i have never questioned your devotion to kendall . i know how much you love her . zach : yeah ? how do you know that ? how ? erica : that 's a ridiculous question . zach : no , come on . humor me . erica : because i 've seen how you care for her . i 've seen how you care for your children . i know the depth of your commitment . kendall is the only woman in the world for you . zach : see what you just did ? you described reese 's feelings for bianca . i know it 's a lot right now . they got engaged , they have a new baby . i 'm the donor . but it 's their family , bianca and reese . me and my focus is on my kids , kendall . any more misperceptions , we 're going to have a real problem . erica : well , i already have a problem with the way you 're speaking to me . especially since i already said i am sorry . i was wrong . i know how much you love kendall . i knew you 'd never betray her . david : i have news on kendall . [ scene_break ] annie : so dr. sinclair wants me to get better . aidan : i 'm not sure what dr. sinclair wants . but you have to be calm with her . you ca n't scream or shout or make her think that you want to hurt anyone . annie : like greenlee . she 's mean . aidan : listen , annie , this is very important . you tried to hurt greenlee before . you ca n't ever do that again . you ca n't tell anyone how you feel , especially dr. sinclair . annie : why not ? aidan : because she 'll never let you leave here . annie : why do i hate greenlee so much ? what did she do to me ? i mean , i have these memories in my head , like little things that i see in my head . but it all gets jittered . aidan : you blame greenlee for ruining your marriage , for stealing your husband . annie : ryan . aidan : everything that you remember , the things that are coming back to you , you ca n't talk about it . annie : so what -- am i supposed to lie ? aidan : no , you just have to keep your memories a secret . so when dr. sinclair asks you about what happened before you came in here , or what you did to greenlee and ryan or anyone , you have to say you do n't remember . annie : i do n't remember . aidan : good . and if you 're in a therapy session with dr. sinclair , and you feel scared or sad , those kinds of things you can tell her . annie : yeah . i do still have feelings for ryan . i still love him . but i hate him , too , for leaving me , for putting me in this place . they did it together , did n't they -- ryan and greenlee ? aidan : listen , annie , i know you want revenge , but it 's not going to solve anything . and you definitely ca n't talk to dr. sinclair about it . if you want to get out of here , you have to say the exact opposite . dr. sinclair : who are you talking to ? [ scene_break ] ryan : it 's in connecticut , and the chapel dates back to , i do n't know , like the revolutionary war or something . greenlee : yeah , we 'll fill it with candles . it 'll be beautiful . ryan : it will . and it 's available on valentine 's day , and most importantly , it 's legal for all of us to get married there . bianca : it 's perfect . i mean , for us , it 's perfect . reese : yeah . i mean , but are you guys sure you 're ok with this ? it 's what you want ? greenlee : we love it . but things got a little tense the last time we tried to pick a location , so -- reese : yeah , well , the tension 's over . erica waved the white flag . everything 's all good . bianca : and she 's also back on board for helping us plan the wedding . greenlee : how do you feel about eloping ? ryan : we are doing this together with our friends , family , and everybody we love . reese : yeah . it 's all going to work out . no more delays . the wedding is back on . [ scene_break ] opal : i 'm doing the right thing by my granddaughter , getting up there and telling the truth . krystal : that i 'm an unfit mother ? do you really believe that ? opal : i warned you to stay away from david hayward . i tried , i really did . but when you left your two girls to go rip each other 's clothes off -- krystal : opal , i wish you would just understand . opal : did i judge you for being drawn to david ? no , i did not . i swore i would not tell a soul in the world , and all i asked was that you would promise to stay away from him . but what did you do ? the first chance you get , you 're out of there . i mean , come on . how weak are you ? do you just have no -- krystal : all right -- ok , all right . just do what you have to do , opal . say what you have to say . opal : i lost my jenny , your baby 's namesake . i understand grief . what i do n't get is why a woman with the most loving husband in the world -- krystal : you know what ? you are seeing this from tad 's point of view . opal : i defended you right down the line . i gave you the benefit of the doubt at every turn until i walked in on you , locked lips with satan himself . opal : and so now you 've got david and to hell with the rest of us . krystal : opal , opal , please . opal : david got you that lawyer , did n't he ? he 's just a regular angel . or is he ? do you ever think what he wants out of all this ? is he working to give you jenny , or does he just want to take little adam all for himself ? [ scene_break ] david : as you know , kendall 's heart is failing . it 's been in slow decline . but unfortunately , over the past 48 hours the deterioration has accelerated . zach : how long does she have ? david : i ca n't be exact , but i would guess it 's a matter of days . zach : what about a transplant ? david : we 've already discussed this , zach . kendall does n't meet the criteria . i ca n't even get her on the list . zach : i do n't care about a list , david . i 'll find her a heart if i have to kill somebody . erica : what did david have to say ? zach : nothing . [ scene_break ] annie : i was just talking to myself . i do that a lot , just say kind of what 's going on in my head out loud . dr. sinclair : how are you feeling ? annie : good . really good , better . i think i 'm really getting better . dr. sinclair : earlier , we were discussing how you had escaped from the hospital . are you up to talking more about that ? annie : yeah , i think so . dr. sinclair : great , great . we established how you had gone to ryan 's apartment . what happened there ? annie : i do n't remember . dr. sinclair : you do n't remember . well , you did earlier . in fact , you said the memories were quite powerful . they scared you . annie : yeah . yes , i was scared . dr. sinclair : scared of what ? annie : um , not ryan . dr. sinclair : well , honey , then of who ? i mean , perhaps greenlee ? annie : no , no . i miss ryan . i miss him . and i just -- i wish that i could talk to him again and somehow explain -- dr. sinclair : explain what ? annie : i do n't want them to think that i 'm bad . i do n't want them to hate me . dr. sinclair : who is them ? because you hurt a lot of people . annie : ryan . and greenlee and emma . [ scene_break ] ryan : i love the huge hill there out in front . i think emma and spike are going to have a riot sledding down that , do n't you think ? greenlee : you never told me what 's in these boxes . ryan : uh , that is all annie 's -- all her stuff . i found emma going through her drawers and seeing her mom 's stuff , and she just kind of looked confused , really . so i put it in boxes . you know what ? it 's probably time for me to get that stuff downstairs , right ? in the basement or something ? greenlee : annie 's whole life , packed in a box and put into the basement . it 's like she 's -- ryan : i do n't really know what to do , you know ? i mean , we 're getting married , and her stuff 's here , and -- i do n't know . i should probably get this stuff downstairs before emma gets back home . greenlee : what 's in that envelope ? ryan : um , this is -- it 's annie 's jewelry that she was wearing when she got admitted into the hospital . look , annie 's not going to be in our life forever , ok ? greenlee : i know . i heard dr. sinclair say that she probably would spend the rest of her life in prison . ryan : if she can even get to a point where she can stand trial . either way , she 's going to get the help that she needs . she is . and we 're going to move on . greenlee : i should let you get to work . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : all right , let 's just take it back a bit to the events that led to you coming here . annie : i do n't remember . dr. sinclair : all right . let 's -- we 'll just take it slow . maybe it will come back to you . [ annie remembers ] greenlee : i 'm sorry that i ruined your wedding to ryan . i apologized . i was in a bad place . let it go . annie : is that how it works , greenlee ? you blow into other people 's lives , turn everything upside down , but then when everything is shining again in your world we 're all just supposed to get over it ? i do n't want you talking to ryan about me . greenlee : chill out . annie : no , because then you 're just going to turn him against me , greenlee . greenlee : no , i 'm not . annie : stop . stop chasing him , ok ? if you do n't stop , i will stop you . all i was , everything i wanted , it did n't matter . it 's like i did n't exist . but i do exist , damn it . i exist . and i know you , greenlee . i will get to you . i swear , i am ready for you this time . and i will rip your heart out with my hands ! dr. sinclair : annie ? are you all right ? is something coming back to you ? annie : no . no , i just feel sad . dr. sinclair : what are you sad about ? what are you thinking about ? annie : i miss my daughter . i love emma so much . am i going to ever see her again ? dr. sinclair : ok , let 's just take things slowly . but i think i know what we need to do next , ok ? annie : did you hear that ? aidan : yeah . you did a great job . annie : my god , that was so hard . pretending i did n't remember , especially about greenlee . aidan : annie , i know you do n't like it , but dr. sinclair is going to keep on asking you what you remember about her . now , remembering is really good for you , but you ca n't tell dr. sinclair what it is that you do remember . annie : so what am i supposed to tell her ? aidan : that you do n't feel angry about greenlee anymore , that you forgive her . annie : what ? no , i do n't . aidan : say you forgive greenlee and that will bring you one step closer to being home with your little girl . [ scene_break ] emma : daddy . ryan : hey . wow , you 're home early . i thought you had a play date with ashley . emma : she got a cold . what are you doing ? ryan : oh , um -- well , i 'm just boxing up some of mommy 's things . and i 'm going to put them someplace safe until -- emma : until she comes home ? can i see what 's in the boxes ? ryan : i have an even better idea than that . how about you go through the boxes and you find something that you really , really like . and when you find something , you can keep it . yay ? ok , let 's open it up . [ scene_break ] david : hey , sorry i 'm late . i got held up at the hospital . how many pills have you taken ? krystal : just a couple . i was nervous . you gave them to me to take the edge off , remember ? david : yeah , yeah . but you have to be careful . you ca n't be popping these things like breath mints , all right ? especially today . where 's your lawyer ? krystal : he 's inside . david : ok . i 'm going to go see if he 's ready , ok ? krystal : david ? david : what ? krystal : you 've been really good to me , you know , with the medication and the attorney . but i just have to know , are you really doing all this to help me , or is it to take little a ? david : wow . you know , i expect to be accused and denigrated by everyone else in this town , but by you ? krystal , if you want my help , stop listening to these morons and trust me . krystal : no , i do . i do , i swear . david : good . and do n't be paranoid , not now . i mean , today is about your daughter , not j.r. 's son . krystal : i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry . david : all right . look , i 'm doing this for you because of babe . jenny is her sister . you 're her mother . and i love you . krystal : do you really mean that ? david : yes , i do , with all my heart . tad : what heart ? [ scene_break ] zach : kendall needs a heart . can you get her on the list or not ? joe : i can try , zach . but she 's going to be so far down the list that -- i 've seen her chart . there 's not enough time . zach : just get it done , ok ? joe : if that 's what you want , yes . zach : that 's what i want . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : oh , ms. smythe . what are you doing here ? greenlee : you told me to contact you if i had any more thoughts . dr. sinclair : i thought you would call . what can i do for you ? greenlee : honestly , i do n't really know why i am here . i feel like i am going crazy . sorry , bad choice of words . dr. sinclair : it 's ok . greenlee : i ca n't stop thinking about annie . you know , what she might do to me , to ryan . but mostly , i 'm unresolved . dr. sinclair : how so ? greenlee : the whole world is pretending like annie does n't exist . and ryan says that we have to move on , but i know he 's as worried as i am . i can tell . i know that annie is going to spend the rest of her life in maximum security , in a mental institute or a prison . i know that . i just have to find a way to make peace with it . i need -- i do n't know what i need . dr. sinclair : you need to see annie . [ scene_break ] bianca : and there 's a beautiful little inn nearby where we can all stay together and -- mom , what do you think ? erica : oh , i -- i think that would be fine . bianca : `` fine `` was not really the response we were looking for . erica : look , i -- um , i just ran into zach at the hospital , and i 'm just a little worried about him . reese : what happened ? erica : well , zach has been under a lot of stress lately , and so , you know , i just let him be . and i went in to see kendall , but when i came out , he was speaking with david . bianca : and ? erica : well , when i asked him about it , zach just walked away again . bianca : what if he got bad news about kendall ? [ scene_break ] zach : hey . you 're a guy who is not afraid to break the rules , right ? jake : i 'm just a guy who 's having a drink . zach : how do i get kendall to the top of the heart transplant list ? jake : hmm . i ca n't help you there . zach : you ca n't , or you wo n't ? jake : well , david hayward made sure that i 'm no longer employed at pine valley hospital , so i do n't have any pull . zach : all right . if you did have pull , who would you talk to ? jake : well , first i 'd have to pretend i have a job , and i do n't have a job . and secondly , i do n't want to lose my license altogether , so -- zach : jake . jake : yeah . there 's nothing i can do . zach : my wife is dying , partly because of your screw - up . how does this work ? what do i do ? jake : i -- zach : what do you need ? how much ? you want money ? you want the casino ? you want my house ? what do you need ? jake : to get kendall to the top of the list like that , you would need -- you would need access , and i do n't have that kind of access . i 'm really sorry . i am . [ scene_break ] emma : why do you have mommy 's wedding ring ? ryan : well , because the special hospital that mommy 's in right now does n't allow anybody to wear jewelry . emma : will you give mommy 's ring to greenlee ? ryan : no , sweetheart , no . no . emma : can i keep it ? ryan : yeah , of course , you can . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hello , annie . aidan 's voice : forgive her , forgive her , forgive her , forgive her , forgive her , forgive her , forgive her . annie : i will , i will , i will . annie : greenlee . greenlee : yes . annie : i 'm sorry . greenlee : i 'm sorry , too . annie : i forgive you . dr. sinclair : thank you for seeing us . greenlee : i never should have come here . dr. sinclair : annie just apologized . greenlee : she lied . she does n't forgive me . dr. sinclair : how do you know that ? what proof do you have ? greenlee : in her eyes . i have seen that look in her eyes before . she 'll kill me the first chance she gets . dr. sinclair : a look is hardly enough to make a case . greenlee : i am telling you she wants me dead , and if you believe one word out of her mouth , you 're as crazy as she is . [ scene_break ] amanda : uh , a dirty martini . actually , club soda . thanks . jake : hey . club soda , huh ? does n't sound like the amanda that i know . well , used to know . amanda : i had a flu shot today . why do i feel like crap ? jake : i think it 's all in your head . although you do kind of look like crap . you 're not even wearing lip gloss . thanks . amanda : nice . jake : well , you hang out with j.r. , that 's what you get . amanda : you and j.r. are n't that different , you know . he 's screwed up because of david , so are you . you should team up , take him down together . jake : funny , i thought you -- i thought you and david were tight . amanda : why would you think that ? jake : i hear things . maybe that 's , you know , why you 're not feeling well . word of advice -- the last place you want to find yourself stuck is between david hayward and j.r. chandler . [ scene_break ] judge : please continue , mr. martin . tad : when i got back from africa , i found out that krystal was having the affair and that she had been neglecting our children , constantly leaving them with friends and family . as a matter of fact , the girls were away from home on christmas eve so that she could be with her lover . your honor , this is a -- it 's a sad situation for everybody . i understand my wife 's been in a world of pain since she lost her older daughter , babe . and she has another daughter who is not even two years old . jenny deserves a stable and dedicated parent , and at this point , there 's no question of which one of us that is . adam : the man that mrs. martin took up with is a criminal , a psychopath , and a known womanizer . she knew all about his sordid history and still allowed him to seduce her . when we were married , she and i , she cheated on me , too . she lied , she kept secrets . and she tore our life apart . i strongly believe that a child belongs with its mother -- if the mother is not a wanton homewrecker . j.r. : why do n't you put me on the stand ? i saw everything . tad : j.r. , we had a deal . livia : sit down . j.r. : i was with kathy and jenny for hours while krystal and hayward came strolling in , laughing and smiling -- jay : your honor , this man is not on the witness list . j.r. : i do n't give a damn . the guy 's a maniac . he 's after my son , ok ? as far as -- david : will somebody shut this liquored - up loser ? please ? j.r. : oh , really ? why do n't you come over here and make me ? judge : order ! take your seats at once or i will have both of you removed . adam : your honor , please forgive my son 's outburst . opal : well , you 've already heard most of the dirty details . i do n't have a heck of a lot more to add , except one thing . krystal is hooked on drugs . jay : your honor , that is an outrageous accusation with absolutely no proof to back it up . opal : david gave her the pills . she told me so herself . and the idea of my granddaughter living with a two - timing junkie just scares the bejeebies out of me . [ scene_break ] man : mr. slater , we need your signature . zach : what is it ? second man : an armored car 's coming to pick up last night 's receipts . man : the alarm on the special is n't wired yet , so they 're coming through the main lobby . zach : fine . bianca : what 's going on with kendall ? reese : has there been a change ? erica : tell me what david said . bianca : if there 's bad news , just tell us . zach : i got work to do . bianca : no , zach . zach , i -- zach : what ? bianca : you know something . i can tell . i thought we decided no more secrets . zach : all right . [ alarm goes off ] gunman : everyone down . hit the floor . [ gunshots ] [ scene_break ] krystal : yes , i had an affair with my daughter 's father , the daughter that i lost . we were both grieving , and we reached out to each other . david 's just been there for me in a way that nobody else can . he loved babe just as much as i did . judge : mrs. martin , do you need a moment ? krystal : no , no . david understands . he feels what i feel , he -- he holds me and he rocks me , and we remember our little girl , her smile and her laugh . she was an angel . she was an angel on earth . now she 's in heaven . she 's gone . my beautiful baby . i ca n't -- i ca n't lose jenny . please do n't take jenny . i can not lose her , too . please . david : your honor , may i ? krystal : no . no , david . no , david , i 'm not finished . i 'm not . no , no -- please , just leave me alone . please just let me -- [ krystal 's pills fall on floor on the floor ] [ scene_break ] amanda : david 's a freak . j.r. 's a friend . jake : if you say so . amanda : what , now i ca n't be friends with a guy ? just because taylor dropped you -- jake : whoa , hey , whoa . you do n't have to be a bitch , ok ? amanda : neither do you . saying i 'm a -- [ heaving sound ] [ scene_break ] annie : greenlee came here to make sure i never get out of here . she wants to steal my life . you know what ? greenlee 's not sorry for anything , and neither am i . aidan : annie , i told you , you ca n't say things like that . if people know what you 're thinking , you 're never going to get out of this place . annie : why are you helping me ? aidan : because i have the same thoughts that you do . the same feelings . we need to get better together . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee walks into the penthouse , sees ryan and emma ( wearing her mother 's wedding ring ) napping on the couch , and sadly walks out ] [ scene_break ] erica : oh , my god ! zach : stay down . reese : zach . zach : stay down ! [ the masked gunman points his gun at zach ] | tad meets with his lawyer concerning the custody hearing for jenny . on amanda 's yacht , amanda and j.r. wake up together . at pine valley hospital , krystal comes to visit david to see if david would be attending the custody hearing . at oak haven , aidan talks to annie through the air vent . aidan assures annie that he will help her to escape . reese and bianca visit greenlee and ryan to discuss wedding plans . at the hospital , zach has a confrontation with erica over erica 's suspecting that something was going on between zach and reese . josh searches the internet for the layout of the casino . josh picks up a gun as he gets up from the desk . opal arrives at the courthouse only to run into krystal and mr. stark , krystal 's attorney . krystal confronts opal as to why she is here and if opal will be testifying against krystal . adam walks up to tad and olivia 's table . adam offers tad his help in bringing david down . j.r. staggers up and also offers to testify against krystal . david meets up with zach in the hall and has some important info about kendall . annie questions aidan as to why she hates greenlee so much . dr. sinclair comes in and wants to know who annie had been talking to . krystal takes three pills before the custody hearing . |
krystal : did the phone ring while i was in the shower ? tad : no . it did n't ring the last time you asked either . or 15 minutes before that . krystal : i know , i know , i know . i just want to be ready when angie calls with the test results for marissa . listen , i 'm no sure how long i 'm gon na be at the hospital with her , so i asked opal to watch the kids . and there is some mac and cheese in the fridge if you get hungry . tad : honey , look at me , all right ? she 's gon na be fine . i swear it . both little a and marissa are gon na be just fine . krystal : i know . of course , they are . tad : hey , they got the world 's best support system , you know ? you and me , j.r . krystal : i 'm glad she told j.r . i mean , marissa is always looking after other people . she never lets anybody look after her . tad : well , she gets that honestly from her mama . krystal : why -- why wo n't -- she did n't even want me to be at the hospital . where else would i be ? i mean , come on , i 'm her mother . i 'm damn sure gon na be there for my daughter . [ scene_break ] liza : hi . colby : mom . liza : hi . honey , hi . um , how 's your father doing ? colby : i do n't know . i just got here . i 'm sorry again about last night . i was such a jerk . all the garbage i said , and you still come here for me , so thank you . i could really use a mom right now . bailey : hey . sorry i 'm late . thanks for meeting me here . [ scene_break ] adam : well , whatever it takes , doctor . i , uh , i have a beautiful wife that 's waiting at home for me . oh . ha ha . dr. hawkins : i 'll check in with you later . adam : yeah . annie : hi . you 're coming home today , right ? that 's what you said ? adam : well , there 's been a slight change of plans . annie : what ? why ? adam : well , i 'd rather wait till scott and colby get here to talk about it , and j.r. may turn up . colby said she 'd speak to him . annie : no . it 's bad news , is n't it ? you ca n't leave me , adam . i ca n't live without you . [ scene_break ] marissa : how 'd you sleep ? are you still feeling the chemo ? j.r. : mmm -- it 's better than yesterday . how are you doing ? marissa : i guess that depends on if i get marked with my father 's disease . j.r. : little a did n't -- and neither will you . marissa : i 'm really glad that the holdup at the lab did n't delay his results . so i mean , at least we know he 's ok . j.r. : yeah . let 's head to the hospital . marissa : no , no . you stay . you need the rest . j.r. : not a chance you 're going without me . [ scene_break ] jake : this is mr. sun . that 's your friend . see that ? of course , he shows up a little too early for me sometimes , but you know when he 's the friendliest ? he 's the friendliest when you 're sitting on the beach , and you 're having a cerveza and you 're looking at the chicas in their little tangas , and it 's the nicest thing you ever saw -- amanda : good morning . jake : whoa , hi , mom . mom 's here . shh . you know the drill . you know the drill . mama , look who it is . we 're awake . [ amanda kisses trevor ] jake : you know what ? we were thinking that he needs to lie down a little bit . he said it to me . he was gon na give himself a time - out , and i said ok . and when you 're in the time - out , you know what ? you can think about the sun and the beach and the waves and -- do n't talk about or , you know , say anything about the girls or the , uh , the beers . oh , there you are . what ? he 's gon na be fine . amanda : there 's an 85 % chance he wo n't be . what kind of god does this ? jake : god 's not gon na be giving out any diseases to our innocent little baby , ok ? this trevor 's a pro at beating the odds . baby , he 's gon na be fine . he 's gon na be fine . [ scene_break ] david : amanda , hi . it 's me . um , you have n't returned any of my calls since yesterday . i 'm just hoping everything 's all right . look , do n't worry about me , ok ? i 'm doing fine . in fact , i 'm in between treatments right now , and i have time to talk , so anytime . and do n't worry about the time difference . it really does n't matter . just do me a favor and kiss trevor for me , ok ? all right , take care . [ medical equipment beeping ] david : hey . i did n't know you were still awake . greenlee : what kind of treatments are you getting ? david : so you were listening . greenlee : i usually do n't eavesdrop before i 've had my breakfast , but the door was ajar . and what 's with the time difference ? last i checked , gloucester and pine valley were in the same time zone . david : if amanda found out that i was few hours away , she might show up here with trevor , ok ? and that 's the last thing we would need . she 's spontaneous that way . so i told her that i was treating a rich patient out of the country . greenlee : hmm . you did n't lie to amanda , because you 're afraid she 's going to visit , so what 's the real reason ? david : you 're not gon na let this go , are you ? greenlee : huh . i do n't have much else to do . david : all right . i have n't told you everything . greenlee : surprise . david : but it 's really important that nobody in pine valley find out . [ scene_break ] jake : do you remember -- do you remember when you got pregnant ? you did n't even want to have a baby . but you did it anyway , right ? why do you think that was ? because trevor was meant to be in your life , that 's why . then remember you were gon na put him up for adoption , and we went through with that , and we ended up getting him back . why do you think that was ? because you were meant to be his mom . amanda : because you kept him safe for me . jake : i might have had a little bit to do with it , but it was the big guy . the big guy gave you trevor , gave him to you . and it 's the big guy that 's gon na make sure that he stays with you . you got to hold on to that , ok ? nothing , nobody is ever gon na take him away from you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : did you get any sleep last night at all ? marissa : no , not really . i just kept thinking about david . i mean , why did n't he tell me out this genetic marker ? i know that the hereditary factor is a recent finding , but you know , he 's got to be on top of all the latest research . why would he keep that kind of information from me ? is it just like no big deal to him whether i could die or not ? j.r. : i ca n't believe i 'm almost going to defend him here . maybe he did n't want to see you go through any more . i mean , he 's sick , i 'm sick . he did n't want to lay this on you , too . marissa : david knows that i 'm at risk . i mean , how could he just do nothing ? what kind of a father steps back ? i mean , unless there 's another reason that he kept it to himself . [ scene_break ] krystal : ah . ha ha . our season tickets to the philharmonic still addressed to mr. and mrs . i thought i 'd changed that . tad : huh . why do n't you see if your architect wants to go ? krystal : oh , you mean the architect that you scared away ? tad : i did no such thing . krystal : mm - hmm . tad : if he scares away that easily , he 's nowhere near ready for this town 's finest `` nibelungen `` orchestral outtakes . krystal : ha ha . very funny . oh , the truth is i asked him , and he 's not interested in classical music . since i 'm still getting my nibelungens wet in the classical arena , why do n't you ask what 's her name -- liza ? tad : not a bad idea . i may just do that considering she 's coming over for lunch . krystal : oh . great . i 'll make myself scarce then . tad : do n't even start . she 's coming over for lunch . nothing is happening . nothing is happening , because we will not be alone . [ doorbell rings ] tad : and i can prove it . ah , bonjour , monsieur . entrez - vous . good to see you . krystal , i have the honor of introducing you to pierre . pierre , this is krystal . pierre : ah , your wife ? krystal : ah , ex . pierre : how could any man let such beauty get away ? tad : ah , that 's a good question . pierre 's gon na be painting the man cave for us . krystal : oh , uh , we 're painting ? tad : yeah . i do n't know about you , but i kind of think jenny 's work in crayon has sort of taken the macho out of the place , so it 's time for a makeover . right , pierre ? pierre : yes . i am an artist , and i would love to paint you sometime . very tasteful , uh , a red scarf perhaps . tad : love it . pierre : yes . tad : he likes classical music . krystal : uh , no . i mean , thank you . very kind . [ phone rings ] krystal : excuse me . hello . ok , great . i 'll be right there . the test results are in . tad : i know , i know . i heard , honey . krystal : ok . tad : drive carefully and let me know as soon as possible , all right ? krystal : ok , thanks . nice to meet you . tad : yeah . pierre : ahh -- lovely woman . tad : you have no idea . allons - y . are we ready ? pierre : yes . i 'll get started immediately . and my assistant will be right in . tad : oh , ok , sure . [ knock on door ] damon : oh , great . tad : good morning . damon : did you just happen to hire the guy who just hired me or did you think that giving work to the baby daddy would score points with liza ? tad : i wanted to make sure the baby daddy can afford groceries . damon : yeah , i can take care of my kid . tad : yeah , what with getting fired from your last gig and getting arrested , i 'd say you 're doing swimmingly . i just want to make sure that for the time being , somebody 's got little stuey 's back , ok ? damon : he 's got me , and he 's got bailey . tad : he 's got a lot of people who love him . a lot of people want to make sure he 's taken care of . well taken care of . damon : what ? tad : oh , silly me . i was kind of expecting a thank - you . [ scene_break ] liza : hey , little guy . ready for your checkup , huh ? bailey : colby , long time no text . colby : mmm . uh , i 've been busy . liza : hey , listen , would you -- why do n't you meet me in the doctor 's office ? bailey : yeah , yeah . that sounds good . liza : ok . bailey : it was nice seeing you , colby . colby : it looks like that relationship you 're so hot to rebuild is doing just fine . liza : ok , listen , it 's not doing just fine . damon got himself into a little bit of a situation , so he needed a lawyer . colby : hmm . they needed you , and you need them . liza : and i need you . colby : you know , i think you should go catch up . i would n't want you to miss the big checkup , so -- liza : colby , wait , please . come on , honey . i 'd rather talk with you . colby : well , uh , i need to see my dad , so -- liza : ok . well , let me go with you . colby : no . i do n't want you to come with me , all right ? [ scene_break ] annie : it 's all my fault . i -- i never should have danced for you . that was way too much . adam : annie , no , it was n't -- annie : i was just trying to do something nice for you . i was just trying to make you happy , and instead i 'm killing you . adam : no , you 're not killing me . no , you 're not . i 'm not dying . annie : you 're not ? thank god . thank god . then what 's all this family business nonsense about ? adam : it 's just we need to talk together . annie : ok , ok , so talk to me . adam : well , it 's a family matter , though . annie : i 'm not family ? adam : well , of course , you 're family . you 're a chandler now , but , um , well , the family , we do this once in a while . the families get together and talk to each other about things that are important . annie : ok , not even like a little hint ? adam : everything is gon na be just fine , sweetheart . annie : ok . adam : oh . [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . marissa : hey . krystal : what 's going on with j.r. and colby ? marissa : oh , adam 's here . he called some big family meeting , and colby 's afraid that it 's bad news . krystal : huh . nothing in this world can kill adam . you did n't get a wink of sleep , did you ? i did n't either . but do n't you worry , because i have a good feeling that everything is gon na be just fine . hey . jake : hey . krystal : so angie called you , too ? jake : yes , of course . angie : oh , good , you 're all here . amanda : what 's the result ? angie : jake , would you do the honors ? jake : yeah . jake : yes , yes , yes . amanda : trevor 's ok ? jake : yeah , he 's fine . amanda : oh , my god . jake : and so is marissa . all three of them , and nobody 's got the genetic marker for the disease . krystal : i knew it . i knew it . i knew you were gon na be ok . jake : hold on a second . there 's something about these results that actually do n't make sense . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so what 's the big bad secret that no one in pine valley can know ? david : i do n't suppose you would take my advice and let it go , focus on your recovery ? greenlee : i can multitask . you told me that you did some awful things to create your little family with amanda and trevor . david : i also told you that it did n't work out quite as i had planned . greenlee : yeah , but you do n't give up . so i 'm assuming there is another plan , something that 's definitely outside the rules . come on . tell me . i 'm not gon na bust you or judge you . you saved my life . i owe you . look , if you 're in trouble , maybe i can even help . david : no . greenlee : david , you can trust me . talk to me . [ scene_break ] colby : if we do n't do anything about this , nobody will . j.r. : we 've already had this conversation . i 'm not getting involved . i have enough on my plate as it is . colby : i really hope marissa 's gon na be ok . j.r. : yeah , me , too , so let 's make this quick , huh ? annie : i thought i heard voices . colby : how are you ? how 's dad ? this must be so hard . annie : i 'm ok . and your dad 's ok , too , and he 'll be better once he sees you 're here . colby : ok . j.r. : props on putting my dad in the hospital . next time , you might want to install a stripper pole to dance around . yeah , yeah , that would work . annie : it would be nice if you could put the petty stuff behind us for , like , a second out of respect for your father . scott : sorry i 'm late . annie : that 's all right . adam will be glad to see you . [ medical equipment beeping ] adam : j.r . thank you for coming . scott : what 's wrong ? why 'd you want to see us ? adam : i wanted to talk about the future , our family 's future . j.r. : yeah , well , i need to get back to marissa , so could someone take notes ? adam : j.r. , wait , wait . please hear me out . i do n't have much time . they 're going to operate . [ scene_break ] tad : well , it 's really turning into a party . liza : well , we just came from the hospital getting stuart 's checkup , and bailey told me that she had n't eaten . tad : oh , hey , well , you know , it 's fine because we got plenty of food . bailey : thank you . it 's actually time for his nap , though , right ? is there anywhere i could put him down ? tad : matter of fact , i got the perfect place . i never tore apart jenny 's crib . it 's upstairs . it 's , like , the second door on the left . bailey : ok . cool . thank you . tad : you 're welcome . bailey : yeah , it 's ok . liza : oh . ok , stuart rocked his exam . you know he 's in the highest percentile of everything ? height , weight , his motor skills development . tad : not to mention blowing bubbles and sucking on his fist . liza : i 'm telling you , that kid 's a rock star . oh , tad , do you know how good it feels to be back together with him ? i just -- i ought to thank you . i ought to thank you . tad : yeah ? liza : yes . tad : i could think of a few ways you could do that . liza : all right , pick a top two . ha ha ! what are you doing here ? damon : uh , my job . tad hired my boss to paint the basement . liza : you hired pierre ? bailey : hey , what are you doing here ? damon : anybody else gon na show up to watch me work ? bailey : your first day of work and it 's at tad 's ? that 's kind of funny . damon : yeah , it 's funny . where 's stuart ? bailey : oh , he 's upstairs . we just got back from the checkup . he 's perfect . damon : yeah , of course , he is . it 's my kid . uh , let 's go see him . bailey : yeah . tad : damon , are n't you on the clock ? damon : it 's break time . [ tad chuckles ] liza : thank you for hiring him . tad : yeah , well , with a chip on your shoulder that big , i do n't think anybody else would have . liza : ha ha ! tad : besides , he 's not that bad . he reminds me of me when i was that age . liza : think so ? tad : yeah . liza : uh - huh . tad : i wanted to make things easier on you and bailey . liza : aw -- tad : especially since you guys are trying so hard to make it work . liza : uh , yeah . tad : but ? liza : so we 're at the hospital , and i saw colby there , and she thought i was there to see her , and then she saw that i was there to see bailey , and she 's feeling like she 's being replaced . this whole thing was so much easier when everybody was living with me . nobody felt like they were being left out . tad : well , there you go . liza : what ? tad : that 's your answer . yeah , living with you . buy a big house . you can afford it . just make sure that everybody you 're crazy about is under the same roof . on the downside , you are stuck with a pain - in - the - ass baby daddy , but even though he is a pain in the ass , i 'm sure he 's very talented . he could paint the place . liza : yeah , well , you 're leaving out a very important person here . tad : who would that be ? liza : mmm . who would that be ? who would that be ? hmm . [ scene_break ] adam : the meds are n't as effective on the heart as they used to be , so dr. hawkins is putting in a pacemaker . completely routine for cases like mine . annie : your heart 's giving out ? adam : it just needs a little help . scott : well , what if the pacemaker does n't do the job ? adam : well , it -- i do n't plan on dying anytime soon , because i have too much to live for . and some issues that need to be resolved . [ scene_break ] greenlee : amanda thinks you 're away , being treated for something , does n't she ? that 's why you told her not to worry . but that 's exactly what you want . you want her to worry . david : why would i want that ? greenlee : to suck her in . you , so noble , off being treated for some horrible disease you do n't even have . how horrible is it , and what are your chances ? oh , my god , david . you want amanda to think you 're dying , do n't you ? ha ha ! you 're good . you 're really bad , but you 're good . [ scene_break ] amanda : trevor and marissa are ok , and little adam , too . those are great results . how can you say anything 's wrong ? jake : because of statistics and probability . if somebody has malignant erythrotosis , there 's an 85 % chance of passing it on genetically to the next of kin , to the next generation , and two of their children and a grandchild does n't have it . i mean , that 's almost nonexistent . marissa : well , so maybe we 're miracles . krystal : mm - hmm . angie : well , there are miracles and then there is next to impossible . jake : i 'm sorry . but these results tell me one thing and one thing only : that david is lying . marissa : no . no . there 's -- there 's no way . david knows that i lost my mom and dad . there 's no way that he 'd tell me that he 's dying , no way he 'd put me through all that again . jake : sorry , marissa . but if he had this disease , one of you would have it as well . amanda : oh , my god . all this time he 's been lying ? krystal : well , i did n't think david would stoop this low . and for what ? jake : well , he 's been trying to get my wife 's attention , and nothing has been working , and a death card , it 's pretty effective on her and everybody else , right ? marissa : i just -- i do n't believe it . i mean , there has to be some other explanation , a perfectly legitimate reason why none of us has the marker . angie : listen , jake is right about the numbers because as thrilled as we all are with the results , i mean , in this case , one of you should have tested positive for the marker . marissa : unless -- are you sure that david is trevor 's father ? [ scene_break ] [ pierre speaking french ] pierre : you 're supposed to be painting , not making out with your girlfriend ! i should have never hired you ! tad : whoa , whoa , whoa . wait , calm down , ok ? pierre : no , wait . this is a mistake . i should have never hired this bum . damon : i 'm not a bum . pierre : yeah . you 're fired . tad : no , no , pierre , listen . listen to me , you do n't want to do that . pierre : oh , yes , i do . tad : no , no , you do n't , not unless you want to paint the entire house by yourself . pierre : excusez - moi ? tad : yeah , see , that 's what i was trying to tell you . while you were downstairs , damon convinced me that while we 're painting the cellar , we might as well do the whole place , top to bottom . that 's what he was doing up there . he was reconnoitering for me . damon : yeah . tad : he just wanted to make sure that , you know , you could give me a fair assessment . actually , he 's extremely creative . we were thinking about a whole new palette . pierre : i can see it already . c'est magnifique ! you will not be disappointed . and you , you , come here ! ha ha ! [ tad laughs as pierre kisses damon ] liza : merci beaucoup . tad : yeah , yeah , i know . [ scene_break ] adam : this pacemaker will monitor every beat of my heart , and i plan to live every beat of my heart to its fullest . that 's what i want from all of you . because this family is my life . and until my heart finally gives out -- annie : do n't say that . adam : no , no . i can continue to live through you . that 's why i want you to put aside your differences and work together . just stop fighting and help each other . j.r. : that has n't exactly been the chandler way . adam : well , maybe we ought to try to do better . i realize that none of you trust annie or our relationship , but she makes me happy , and i want to make her happy , and i want to give her the family that she never had . i want you to do a little more than just accept her . i want you to embrace her . colby . colby : yes , dad ? adam : i want you to find what makes you happy , maybe a career or maybe fall in love . but make -- make your own life . j.r. : you want colby to have her own life ? since i was born , all you 've done is try to stop me from having my own life . adam : completely true . and i regret it . [ scene_break ] amanda : i thought j.r. was trevor 's father at first . i was hoping he was . marissa : it 's all right . i know about j.r. and amanda . amanda : then after i had the sonogram , we calculated that trevor was conceived at the same time i was with david . angie : so your only proof of paternity was a sonogram ? jake : ok , what we 're gon na need to do is a dna test since there are so many questions . marissa : so trevor could be j.r. 's ? amanda : it 's possible . so let 's do it . let 's do a dna test . jake : right . all right . we 're gon na need samples from trevor , obviously , and from j.r. and from david . marissa : ok , well , j.r. 's here in the hospital . i will talk to him . jake : good . amanda : david 's out of the country . jake : yeah . did -- do you have any idea if he cleared out his locker ? angie : i do n't think so , but i have a master key . jake : oh , no . no , no , no . you 're not gon na compromise your position as the chief of staff . no , that 's not gon na work at all . believe me , if you broke into david hayward 's locker -- i 'll do it . angie : you sure ? jake : i 'll do it . and i 'll do it with pleasure . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this is extreme , even for you . jake must be going crazy . but there 's nothing he can do . i mean , it 's not like he can argue with the almost dead guy , right ? so he and everyone else has to back off , show some respect while you get amanda all to yourself . so what are you going to do about the dead part since you 're not going to die ? david : ahh -- miracles do happen , do n't they ? greenlee : especially with the love of a good woman . david : i mean , come on , look at you . you 're supposed to be dead , and here you are in my face , right ? i mean , when you go back to pine valley to ryan , to your father , what do you think they 're gon na do ? they 're gon na be ecstatic , are n't they ? greenlee : is that what you 're hoping for ? you beat death so everyone is nice to you ? forgive all the horrible things that you 've pulled ? good luck with that . i do n't mean that in a mean way . i mean , you 're you . you 've screwed over almost everyone in pine valley . it 's a lot of forgiveness . david : it could happen . greenlee : but you 're beginning to worry . amanda 's not returning your calls , and if she 's figured it out , then you might as well just bury yourself now . let me help . david : i already told you , greenlee , i do n't need your help . greenlee : well , that 's too bad . you saved my life . now i 'm going to save yours . [ scene_break ] damon : thanks for saving my ass . tad : you 're welcome , damon . you better get back to work tout de suite before he changes his mind . damon : all right . see you later . bailey : bye . liza : listen , i can take you home now if you 're ready . bailey : no , that 's ok . i 'll take damon 's car . he can hitch a ride with pierre . you should get back to that lunch you started . liza : mmm . bailey : first course like that , you ca n't bail , liza . thanks for today . bye . liza : i guess we were n't very subtle . we should , uh , i do n't know . we should probably be showing a little bit more restraint . tad : yeah . liza : yeah . tad : so -- what ? you hungry ? liza : starving . [ liza and tad begin kissing ] [ scene_break ] krystal : that little boy broke up my marriage . i should be thanking him , right ? saved me from a life of hell . david was just obsessed with that child from the moment that he found out that it was his . what he 's done to amanda and jake -- i mean , imagine if trevor is not david 's . think of all the pain and the heartache that could have been avoided . jake : fresh from davey boy 's locker . angie : i 'll put a rush on it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that , uh , that regret line always seems to get dragged out right before you go in for the kill . annie : j.r. ! adam : no . j.r. 's right . he has every right to be suspicious . i 've lied to him , manipulated him , but no more , no more . you 're your own man , j.r . i know that , but i 'm not sure you do . but you will soon . and maybe one day you 'll figure out that the chandler name is n't a curse , but a blessing . and , scott . you have n't had an easy time since you came here to pine valley . you were so full of good intentions , passion for doing the right thing . and yet you feel guilty over your father 's death . well , believe me , i know what that feels like , and i did n't do what i could to help you . scott : no , you did , uncle adam . adam : no , no . i look at you , and i see a man struggling to figure out where he belongs . you belong right here . you belong with everyone else in this room , in this family . all of you belong in this family . you 're its future . dr. hawkins : it 's almost show time . if you 'll excuse us , everybody , we need to prep mr. chandler for surgery . colby : i love you , dad . adam : oh , i love you , too , sweetheart . scott : you still owe me that tennis match . adam : ha ha . that 's a go , gamer . dr. hawkins : mrs. chandler . annie : i 'm not going anywhere . i 'm not leaving my husband . wait . promise you 'll come back to me . adam : i promise . [ scott hugs annie ] scott : it 's gon na be ok . adam 's gon na be ok . annie : ahh -- [ colby watches them from the hall ] [ scene_break ] liza : ok , whoa . tad : whoa ? what do you mean ? liza : whoa . whoa , we got to stop now . yeah , we got to stop now . ha ha ! tad : i must be losing my touch . that 's not exactly the reaction i was looking for . liza : oh , please , come on . what , damon and pierre could come upstairs any minute . opal could be walking in with the kids . tad : not exactly a `` g `` rating , is it ? liza : no . tad : ok , well , then there is only one solution . liza : and what is that ? tad : you and me on a date . i mean , seriously . liza : aw -- tad : serious date . two adults out for an evening alone . liza : mmm . tad : no painters or baby daddies or moms . liza : yes , that was a problem for us in the past . tad : oh , touché . liza : oh . oof . tad : i 'd like to think i 've matured . so come on , what do you say ? you and me . maybe even stop at the philharmonic . liza : oh -- tad : what do you think ? liza : i would love to . tad : yeah ? liza : yes . tad : i look forward to an evening with the most beautiful woman in pine valley . mon petite chou . liza : did you just call me a cabbage ? tad : no , liza . i just called you beautiful . liza : mmm . [ tad and liza kiss ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : thank god you 're all right . marissa : there 's more . j.r. : good news , i hope . marissa : well , angie and jake say that the results are close to impossible , that if david really were sick , then the odds are at least one of us would have the marker . j.r. : so -- marissa : so they think it 's proof that david is lying about his disease . j.r. : that 's not exactly a surprise . marissa : i would hate to believe that he would lie to me about something so huge . but there is another possible explanation . one of us is n't david 's child . j.r. : what are you saying ? marissa : it 's possible that trevor is your son . [ scene_break ] david : i do n't need you to save me . greenlee : really ? really ? you need something big to get out of this . me alive , that 's big . david : are you kidding ? i kept you hidden for almost a year . they 're gon na crucify me . greenlee : i 'll tell them it was my idea . i begged you to keep my secret until i was completely healed . and you being the caring , supportive , compassionate -- david : ah , yeah , all right . let 's not lay it on too thick . greenlee : you honored my request . you 'll be a hero , my hero . david : no , no . greenlee : total redemption . that 's what you want , is n't it ? i can make that happen . david : i do n't want you involved in this , greenlee . greenlee : but , david , i -- david : trust me , ok ? bringing you back from the dead is not a big enough miracle to save me . greenlee : there 's more ? david : oh . it 's -- it 's really complicated . greenlee : oh , my god , david . what did you do ? [ scene_break ] jake : it 's david 's hairbrush . i 'd call that dna gold , would n't you ? hey . so angie 's already sent that hairbrush to the lab along with your little sample . what do you think of that ? huh ? well , if it plays out the way we hope it does , you 'll really and truly finally be safe . that 's all i 've ever wanted for you . amanda : you have never stopped fighting for him . it 's like trevor knows that the way he looks at you when you talk to him , the way you guys are together . jake : you know what that 's called ? that 's called man love . is n't that right , little buddy ? right ? amanda : maybe it 's more . maybe there 's another connection , a blood connection . what if you 're trevor 's father ? | krystal comes downstairs and asks tad had the phone rung . krystal lets tad know that she does n't know how long that she will be at the hospital waiting for the results of marissa 's tests to see if she has the disease that david has . at the hospital , liza catches up with colby and asks her how adam is . colby apologizes to liza for the remarks that she had said to liza the night before . colby becomes upset with liza when bailey walks up with stuart . adam 's doctor is talking to him about the surgery when annie walks in . annie finds out that adam is not being released . annie insists to adam that she can not lose him . adam lets annie know that colby , j.r. and scott will be joining them . at home , jake spends time with trevor talking to him when amanda walks into the living room , looking sad . jake assures amanda that trevor will be fine . at the hospital in gloucester , david makes a call to amanda telling her that she had n't returned his calls and for her to call him no matter the time . david walks into greenlee 's room and she begins to question him as to what he is up to and had he led amanda to believe that he was dying . david tells greenlee that he sees that she is not going to let this go , but no one in pine valley can know . the whole family gathers in adam 's room to find out that he is going to have to have a pacemaker put in . adam has a piece of advice for everyone in the room except annie . liza takes bailey and stuart to tad 's home . liza tells tad about stuart 's doctor 's appointment . liza is surprised to see damon come upstairs from the basement and is even more surprised to learn that damon is working for pierre , painting tad 's home . tad urges liza to buy a bigger home to hold all the people that she loves . krystal , jake , angie , marissa and amanda get the results back from the lab tests and it proves that no one has the disease that david has . marissa questions amanda if trevor is really j.r. 's son . angie and jake arrange for a dna test for trevor . adam urges his family to come together and work together for the betterment of the chandler family . greenlee offers to help david in his problems . adam is taken into surgery . scott consoles annie which colby witnesses . marissa tells j.r. that no one has the gene of the disease that david has . marissa tells j.r. that trevor may be j.r. 's son . amanda tells jake that he may be trevor 's dad . |
[ previously_on ] trey : you 're a minor , and you need adult supervision . reggie : i do n't want any more of that foster care janelle is selling . i can take care of myself . edmund : all i have to go on is hayward 's ego - speak . there 's not one shred of evidence that he can restore maria 's memory . aidan : i never meant for any of this to come between you and edmund . maria : i know , but it 's pretty much blown us sky - high . [ scene_break ] aidan : there 's no other option . either you stay here or you go back to edmund . kendall : ok , how long does she stay ? aidan : well , until i figure out how i can neutralize morgan . maria : no , you ca n't go after somebody who 's already shot you . kendall : that 's it , i 'm out of here . aidan : where do you think you 're going ? kendall : i 'm going to work . i 'm already late for a photo shoot . aidan : you ca n't leave here , either . kendall : i 'm not going to sit around and watch you two play the action- adventure tango . maria : she 's right . this whole setup is not going to work , aidan . aidan : this is the only setup that we have . maria : no , it is n't . we can still go to the police . aidan : i never trusted them when my aunt was in charge . now she 's on maternity leave -- maria : no , but if kendall and i believe that you 're not a killer , then if we go to them and we tell them the whole story , they 're going to believe us , too . aidan : look , it 's not me that i 'm worried about . i 'm worried about you . kendall : that 's so sweet . guess that leaves me free and clear . [ knock on door ] kendall : oh , my god , we 're dead ! maria : what kind of killers come to the front door ? kendall : well -- then why are you whispering ? aidan : look , just shut up , stay down . i 'm going to check around back . kendall : hello ? excuse me , the knock is at the front door , aidan . aidan : right , but it might be a diversion . [ knocking ] aidan : all right . the place is clear . hey -- come here . kendall : oh -- aidan : do n't look out there . kendall : ok , you can relax , 007 , it 's not your favorite assassin . it 's your mom . [ scene_break ] edmund : you figure it out ? david : we 'll get to that . edmund : the antidote ? david : please , make yourself at home . edmund : no , i want an answer , hayward . my wife needs her memory back now . david : trust me , edmund , i 'm as eager as you are to make that happen . edmund : ok , good , then i want it . david : want what ? edmund : the antidote , hayward . i want it now . [ scene_break ] jamie : hey . joni : i 'm glad i ran into you , jamie . jamie : you are ? why ? joni : i 'm still thinking about what you told me . how j.r. shoved his dad . jamie : i just wish i could 've been there to see it . joni : how can you say that ? i mean , i 'd never even talk back to my dad . jamie : your dad 's not adam chandler . joni : even if . jamie : you know i meant for it to just be us at the movies yesterday . joni : i know . jamie : i wish j.r. and laurie had n't shown up . i mean , you did n't need to see j.r. 's dad in action . joni : i do n't know . um -- i 'm kind of glad yesterday went the way it did . jamie : you are ? why ? joni : because the whole scene -- your brother 's latest blowup -- jamie , it made me realize my parents are right about you . [ scene_break ] laurie : i have to get back to school . j.r. : thanks for meeting me . laurie : what happened with your dad after i left yesterday ? j.r. : it got worse . laurie : sorry . j.r. : you 're sorry ? laurie , i 'm beyond sorry . i mean , the way he went off on you , he had no right . laurie : no , he did n't . is that why you ditched school today -- to get back at your dad ? j.r. : no . i do n't care about him . laurie : come on . j.r. : it 's true . i do n't care about adam chandler 's money or his connections or anything else he thinks he 's given me . and i -- i definitely do n't care about his screwed - up advice . laurie : j.r. , have you been out here all night ? j.r. : no , i stayed at tad 's . laurie : you guys talk ? j.r. : no . he was out of town , but his fridge was full . laurie : so , you were alone ? j.r. : if i could n't be with you , who cares ? laurie : well , j.r. , no matter what , you need to be in school . j.r. : no , i do n't . i -- i do n't care about school , either . laurie : what does that leave , j.r. ? i mean , what do you care about ? [ scene_break ] janelle : ok , fill it . use every single one , then come back and bug me for more . thanks . nurse : dr. anderson , can you sign this ? janelle : yes , thank you . nurse : you 're welcome . janelle : reggie , come on . up and at them . you know we ca n't be late for social services . reggie : i 'm not going to another group home . they suck . janelle : we 'll find you the least suckiest one . reggie : there 's no such thing , janelle . look , i 'm not going . janelle : reggie , you do n't have a choice . reggie : maybe my mom will come back . janelle : but until she does , you ca n't sleep on the street . reggie : i know , i 'll stay with you . janelle : you know , we have been through this . reggie : i know . look , i 'll sleep on the couch . i mean , i 'll -- i 'll wash dishes , i 'll find out -- janelle : reggie , i do wish i could take you in , and i promise you -- listen , i will always look out for you . but i am just not mama material , especially not when i 'm running this place . reggie : look , i 'll even swear off the gang . trey : you 're absolutely right you will . reggie : man , this guy is like a flea . i just ca n't get rid of him . janelle : mr. sheppard , right now is not a good time . trey : but i have a new place for reggie to live -- with me . [ scene_break ] jamie : joni , your parents are not right about me . joni : we do n't belong together , jamie . jamie : why , because your family 's rated g and mine 's not ? joni : no , it 's the violence . jamie : come on ! j.r. 's dad deserved worse than a shove . you ca n't blame me for that . joni : i 'm going back to hang out with my friends from church . [ jamie shuts locker ] jamie : wait , wait . joni : there 's nothing more to say , jamie . jamie : you said your church is all about forgiveness and understanding . right ? joni : so ? jamie : so meeting my family , dating me -- joni , it 's the biggest opportunity of your lifetime . joni : what ? jamie : make me your cause . just think how blown away god will be . joni : i do n't think god 's impressed by extreme dating . jamie : maybe not , but i bet you he 's amazed by how much my dad loves j.r. even though he 's not his own son . and i bet he 's really into how my mom makes mistakes , how she tries her best to fix them . and she goes back to what 's important , like her homeless shelter . and i bet god 's moved to tears by how much i like you . joni : we still have totally different values . jamie : i 'm for world peace , an end to hunger , and happiness for kids all over the world . you onboard for all that ? joni : of course . jamie : then stop harping on values and figure out what scares you about being with me . joni : i 'm not scared of you . i just do n't think we 're right for each other . jamie : because your family goes to church and mine does n't ? joni : i do n't mean to be judgmental . jamie : ok , so i 'll put it a different way . you think we ca n't be together because we 're so different . joni : yeah . jamie : well , joni , if peanut butter and bananas can manage , and reality and tv can figure it out , we can at least date . joni : jamie -- jamie : joni , boyfriends are supposed to make it hard for you to concentrate in church . and they 're definitely not supposed to be your clone . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i only care about you , laurie . that 's it . laurie : me ? j.r. : you . laurie : hold on . does that mean that i 'm the reason you went off on your dad ? j.r. : well , he basically called you a white - trash whore . laurie : i think he meant he 's worried that i 'll make you ditch major opportunities -- j.r. : no . laurie : like college . j.r. : no , he 's just -- he 's just worried that i 'm not performing like a good investment should . laurie : parents are supposed to care about grades and stuff . j.r. : laurie , if my ratings are good -- you know , grades , test scores , extracurriculars -- then my dad does n't give a stock option about me . he just sits back and lets me mature . laurie : come on . j.r. : no , but if i do my own thing , he goes ballistic . he has sex with a judge , an affair with jamie 's mother , he goes off on you . laurie : your dad got upset when you did drugs and blew off a major interview . j.r. : no , he 's just afraid that his namesake and heir wo n't turn out just like him -- that i wo n't live out his dream of going to harvard . laurie : j.r. , you ca n't really nix harvard . j.r. : watch me . laurie : but harvard 's the chance of a lifetime . j.r. : no , it is n't . you are . laurie : j.r. -- j.r. : laurie -- you mean more to me than anything in the whole world . and i 'd give up anything and anybody to be with you . ok ? laurie : not really . i wo n't let you ditch harvard just to stay here with me . and i wo n't prove your dad right , j.r. no way . i wo n't be the reason you mess up your whole life . [ scene_break ] kendall : all right , hide . hide already . maria : ok . kendall : go , go . isabella : hi . kendall : hi , mrs. santos . what brings you here on such a cold winter day ? isabella : i have the lease , kendall . i need for you to sign it . kendall : oh . ok , no problem . isabella : can we do this inside ? kendall : uh -- yeah , sure , sure . come on in . isabella : oh , do you have company ? kendall : me ? oh , no , no . i do n't even have any friends . isabella : but i thought i heard voices . kendall : oh , probably the radio . isabella : oh . oh . kendall : what are you doing ? isabella : oh , i wanted to make sure it did n't stick . mateo oiled it so it would n't stick , so i just wanted to make sure -- kendall : oh , no , no , no , no . it 's fine , it 's fine . everything is fine . and this is the best place ever . i am the happiest tenant in the world . so , how about that lease ? isabella : you know , the neighbors called me to tell me that they saw strangers come in and out of here . kendall : oh , no , no one 's -- no one 's been here . isabella : are you sure no one 's been here ? kendall : oh -- [ noise ] [ isabella gasps ] kendall : oh , no -- wait -- wait a minute . what are you doing ? i have n't signed the lease yet . isabella : and you wo n't until you tell me who else is here . what 's going on , kendall ? [ scene_break ] david : i know it does n't look like much , but here it is . edmund : how far along are the tests ? david : i 'm about 98 % certain it 'll restore maria 's memory . but , of course , that 's based on data , not clinical trials . edmund : ok , fine . then you give it to me , and i 'll have my review panel confirm your findings . david : i do n't think so . i 'm going to perfect it first . edmund : how long will that take ? david : well , there 's several factors to consider . i 'd say anywhere from a week to six months . edmund : listen to me . i am backing you . this is my call . and 98 % sounds ready to me . david : not ready enough -- [ phone rings ] david : i 'm afraid . david : dr. hayward . yeah , i have that in the other room . one minute . i got to take this . uh - huh . [ scene_break ] reggie : there 's no way i 'm living with him . janelle : do n't worry . trey , i 'm sure your heart is in the right place . trey : thank you . janelle : but social services has already placed reggie in a home . trey : yes . mine . reggie : no way . janelle : let me see that . trey : i petitioned the courts and got custody of you , reggie . reggie : get me out of this , dr. a . janelle : on what grounds did you seek custody ? trey : i 'm reggie 's lawyer . he and i have developed a rapport . reggie : uh - uh . trey : the judge was particularly moved when i told her about how we bonded in the alley . reggie : we did n't bond , we fought . trey : come on , reggie , do n't be scared . reggie : who are you calling scared ? trey : you . but do n't worry . they only granted me temporary custody . reggie : why ? what 's wrong with you ? trey : nothing . social services still has to check me out and make sure i have all the prerequisites -- smoke detectors and my refrigerator works most of the time . janelle : you 're forgetting one thing , counselor . trey : ah , yes . i can guarantee that you will not find me on any of the child abuse registries . reggie : do n't i have any say in where i live ? janelle : i 'm afraid not . trey : it 's a messy system , huh ? reggie : look , i can survive a lot , but not him . janelle : you know , your offer is very generous , but i do n't think you 're cut out to take care of reggie . trey : why not ? my caseload 's light . janelle : i 'm not worried about your caseload . trey : then what is it ? is it the color of my skin , doctor ? [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , please , mrs. santos , you 're not really going to invade my privacy ? isabella : i heard something in the other room . are you afraid that i 'll find someone ? kendall : no , no , of course not . honestly , it 's just i 'm such i 'm a slob , and i -- things are -- things are falling everywhere , and i 'm trying to change my ways , but it 's going to take a while . isabella : kendall , i 'm not worried about your housekeeping . i 'm worried that maybe you have a wild lifestyle that 's going to upset the neighbors . kendall : oh . oh , no , please , do n't -- do n't worry about that . i -- men hate me . i was ditched on my own wedding day . i mean , i ca n't even get a date . isabella : then who were the people that the neighbors saw ? kendall : oh . you know what ? it had to be my -- my decorators . i 'm decorating the place . i 'm looking for new ideas for the place . isabella : maria . kendall : what ? isabella : this is maria 's scarf . kendall : uh -- no , no , it 's not . it 's -- that 's mine . i got it at the mall . isabella : that 's not possible . it -- this was a handmade original . edmund had it imported from hungary . kendall : wow ! well , you know what ? they 're quick with the knockoffs these days . very quick . isabella : oh , that 's possible . but it looks so much like maria 's . kendall : yeah , well , it 's not . so i 'm sorry , but i 'm really in a hurry . i really have to get to work , so if you do n't mind , let me just -- let me just sign this here , and -- it 'll only take a second . here you go . ok . so -- there -- there 's the lease . there you go . isabella : mm - hmm . kendall : and here 's your purse . ok . excuse me , sorry . got to run , got to run . ok , so -- um -- here you go . have a great new year -- feliz ano nuevo . adios . hey . kendall : come out , come out , wherever you are . maria : my god , that poor woman . kendall : her ? what about me ? i 'm going to get wrinkles from this weird setup . aidan : sorry , i hate to break it to you , kendall , but mrs. santos is the least of your worries . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 're not the only reason i 'm not going to harvard , laurie . laurie : what are the other ones ? j.r. : i told you , i do n't want to be my dad 's puppet . laurie : so to prove how you think for yourself , you 're going to mess up your whole life ? j.r. : well , your dad told you i was off - limits , but here you are . laurie : i 'm not ditching one of the best universities in the world . j.r. : p.v.u . 's a good school , laurie . laurie : it does n't compare to harvard . j.r. : all right , if harvard 's such a great school , why are n't you applying ? i mean , your grades are better than mine , and there 's a big - time financial aid . laurie : my dad says financial aid is charity . he wo n't fill out the forms . j.r. : that 's crazy . laurie : whatever . i ca n't even apply , but i wo n't hold you back . j.r. : well , you ca n't make me go . laurie : maybe not . but i can get totally out of your way . j.r. : what do you mean ? laurie , what are you saying ? laurie : j.r , i 'm breaking -- j.r. : do n't you dare ! laurie : oh , god . j.r. : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . that 's just -- i hate my dad so much , and then i morph right into him . laurie : he 's the only parent you 've got left . j.r. : i know , but you 're my whole world . laurie : no , i 'm not . i 'm just a girl who fell hard for you . j.r. : no , no . laurie : i 'll be a sweet memory . j.r. : no , laurie , please -- laurie : and believe me , when you take your harvard degree and become secretary to the u.n. , or the guy who discovers atlantis , you 'll thank god i got reality better than you did our senior year . j.r. : laurie , please -- laurie : please , let me go back to school . j.r. : no . laurie : j.r. , we 're over . j.r. : no . laurie : j.r. -- we 're over . i wo n't hold you back . i 'm ending this right now . j.r. : laurie , please ? laurie . laurie , please ! laurie , stop ! [ scene_break ] edmund : let me know when you 're finished working on that antidote , hayward . david : that 's not like you , edmund . you do n't need to argue any further ? edmund : no , what i need is results , ok ? david : oh , i guess frustration has its upside . edmund : listen , you need anything else to keep working ? equipment ? money ? david : yeah , maria . i need you to make sure that she takes the antidote . edmund : yeah , well , thanks to you , she 's not quite onboard yet , but she will be . [ scene_break ] kendall : you know , this is n't the last we 're going to see of your mother . maria : what -- what ? she came by here to get the lease signed . kendall : no , she was snooping . i practically had to tackle her to keep her from going into the bedroom . and who were these people giving reports about me ? i mean , who runs these condos , interpol ? maria : that 's just people talking . i do n't think that 's a big deal . kendall : yeah , well , it could be , especially with how fixated she is on her daughter . aidan : kendall 's got a point . this is not good , maureen . kendall : thank you . finally . you know what 's really weird ? maria : no , but i have a feeling you 're going to tell me . kendall : isabella santos is like the perfect mother . she would do anything for you . she loves you so much , she would give her life for you . all she wants is your happiness . maria : yeah , i know all this , kendall . kendall : and you completely draw a blank . nada , zip . aidan : it 's not exactly her fault , though . kendall : yeah , isabella even knows that . she forgives her precious little maureen for pushing her away . maria : you know , i 've got a lot of guilt over this as it is , kendall . thanks , though . kendall : you know , if i lost my memory , erica would start the parade right at her penthouse . maria : what is your point of this whole conversation ? kendall : what , do i have to spell it out for you ? you already have a husband and kids and a castle and tons of friends who care about you and a family who would break off a limb for you . but you 're still here with him . i mean , you could do whatever you want to , and you 're still everyone 's idol -- st. maria of the push - up bra . maria : hey . you know what ? kendall : no one calls you a selfish tramp . no one wishes you were n't born . and it 's not fair . aidan : look , none of this is fair , kendall . kendall : then why is she the hero and i 'm just along for the ride ? aidan : i appreciate what you have both done for me . kendall : yeah ? aidan : but this whole thing is costing you way too much . maria : good job , kendall . kendall : this place is a sty . what , are you going to sit there or are you going to help me clean it up ? [ scene_break ] janelle : there are some good , smart people that think that race should play a big part in foster care placing , but i am not one of them . trey : so then what possible problem could you have with me taking care of reggie ? janelle : your brother just died . trey : so what ? janelle : you 're still a mess . trey : how would you even know ? janelle : i read the paper . and there 's no way in three short months you 've come to peace about your drug - dealing mama and the family she kept you away from . my guess -- whatever screw - the - world plan you came up with as a 6-year- old , it just does n't cut it anymore . and now you 're downright desperate to give your sad , pathetic little life one ounce of meaning . trey : what exactly is your point , doctor ? janelle : my point is you are not papa material , not even temporarily . trey : with all due respect , i know exactly where reggie has been . i know every freaking thing about being thrown away because i went through the same system . so , yes , doctor , i am qualified to take care of reggie . reggie : excuse me ? trey : what ? reggie : i 'm willing to give him a try . [ scene_break ] edmund 's voice : you 're maureen gorman . you 're a creation of david hayward . plus your own fear and desperation . you 're made up of lies and deceit , and you are covered with the face of someone that i used to love . maria : well , then i guess we both had our eyes opened tonight , did n't we ? because i thought you were compassionate and sympathetic . edmund : just some sucker . maria : oh , yeah . i thought you were a man that was worth getting to know . i thought you were a man that i could make a life with . edmund : yeah , i was a pretty hot prospect , until an accused murderer looked twice at you , right ? take what you want . get out of my house . [ doorbell rings ] edmund : isabella . what a nice surprise . come in , please . isabella : oh , edmund . how is maria doing ? does she remember us yet ? edmund : i 'm sorry , no . no . i -- i wish i could tell you different , but not yet . isabella : oh . edmund , what 's wrong ? edmund : maria moved out of wildwind . isabella : oh , dios mio . but why ? edmund : i 'm sure i 'm partly to blame . isabella : edmund , where 's maria ? edmund : i do n't -- try the pine cone . isabella : you do n't know where she is ? edmund : no , i do n't . i 'm sorry . i -- i -- but i 'm sure she 's fine . isabella : wait a minute . has maria ever been to mateo and hayley 's condo ? edmund : not that i know of . i mean , not since they left for l.a. why do you ask ? isabella : well , i was just -- i was just there to give kendall her lease to sign . and kendall has the same scarf that you gave maria on christmas . edmund : that 's impossible . that 's an imported original . isabella : but kendall says that hers is a knockoff that she bought at the mall . edmund : you were just at the condo ? isabella : yeah . is it possible for kendall to have an exact copy of maria 's scarf ? edmund : i mean , things get ripped off all the time . it 's possible . isabella : oh . well , since i ca n't have my daughter , maybe i can kiss my grandchildren . edmund : you know , they 're going to be back from school in about an hour . would you wait , please ? they 'd love to see you . isabella : i -- maybe another time . i need to go to the church and pray for maria . it looks like she needs more help to come all the way home . edmund : i 'd say so . come on . isabella : edmund , i 'm going to say a prayer for you , too . please have faith , edmund . edmund : i 've done my best , isabella . i really have . [ scene_break ] joni : i do n't want you to be my clone . jamie : good , because i do n't want to be yours , either . joni : thanks . jamie : i did n't mean that the way it sounded . joni : i have to go . jamie : wait . i have n't drawn you my family flow chart yet . you know , who 's related to who , who 's done it with whom and when . i mean , on paper , i swear , it looks just like the british monarchy . joni : this is n't funny to me , jamie . jamie : can i at least see you after school ? joni : no . jamie : why not ? joni : i have to go home . jamie : just give me five minutes . joni : i ca n't . i left a book at the boathouse . jamie : well , then i 'll go with you . joni : no , you wo n't . and you 'll never go with me anywhere again . jamie : well , at least confess the truth , then . joni : what ? jamie : tell me the real reason why you 're so scared of me . joni : i guess i ca n't handle a family that requires a flow chart . jamie : oh , stop lying . joni , my -- my only sin is liking you . liking you and making you like me . joni : bye , jamie . [ scene_break ] adam : oh , laurie . laurie : mr. chandler . adam : easy . i do n't bite . laurie : right . adam : um -- i -- last night at the theater , i said some -- well , rather harsh things to you . laurie : what you said , mr. chandler , was mean and unfair . adam : yes . yes , i guess it was . and i 'm sorry . laurie : good . adam : have you seen j.r. ? he did n't come home last night . i 'm worried sick . laurie : are you really worried , or do you just want to ream on j.r. again ? adam : laurie , i know sometimes it probably seems that i am crazed , wanting j.r. to have every single thing that i never had . but it 's only because i love him so much . i love him because he 's his own passionate self . because he 's the best part of me . you seem like a very nice girl . laurie : that 's not what you said yesterday . adam : yes , i know . i know , and i 'm really sorry about that , but please try to understand how frightened i am . last year , j.r. lost his way . and he lost his mother a few months ago . laurie : i know . adam : and i do n't think i could bear it if he lost anything else . laurie : do n't worry . he wo n't lose a single opportunity because of me . adam : please , just tell me where j.r. -- doug : hey , hey , get your hands off my daughter . laurie : daddy ! no . adam : hello , mr. lewis . i was just asking laurie where j.r. is . doug : she does n't know . she 's not allowed to see conniving drug addicts . adam : well , that 's rich . your virtuous daughter was all over him yesterday . doug : oh , you 're a pig , you know that ? adam : where is my son now ? doug : tell me chandler 's lying . laurie : i saw j.r. yesterday . adam : just tell me where j.r. is now . doug : where 's my daughter who i always trusted ? laurie : shut up ! both of you . why do n't you just go celebrate ? adam : what is that supposed to mean ? laurie : it means you got exactly what you want . j.r. and i are both miserable . we broke up . [ scene_break ] maria : where should we put these ? kendall : i do n't know -- cupboard ? aidan : well , it 's nice to see you two girls getting on . maria : yeah , famously . aidan , wait , wait , wait . please do n't go do this alone . kendall : oh , come on . just let him go . maria : do you not get that he could be killed ? kendall : what are we going to do , maureen ? we 're going to tie him up ? maria : look , please , i am begging you , let 's try the police . we can call anonymously or something and try to work something out over the phone . aidan : maureen , morgan has been onto us for weeks . it is quite clear that we are connected . maria : so you 're just going to go take care of morgan ? aidan : yeah . and fiona 's husband . kendall : hey , wait a minute . hold on , hold on -- am i in any real danger , too ? aidan : look , i want you to stay here with maureen . i want you to lock the doors when i 'm gone . kendall : great . fusion 's going to fizzle without my magic touch . aidan : trust me , it 's a lot worse if the assassin finds you , kendall . [ scene_break ] janelle : all right , i want him in school every day , and you keep him off the streets . trey : yes , janelle , i know the drill . janelle : i want you here next week for a checkup , ok ? reggie : do n't worry , dr. a. i wo n't forget where i came from . janelle : good luck . both of you . trey : come on , reggie . the car 's out this way . reggie : hey , you got -- you got cable and stuff , right ? you know , cable -- cable - plus ? trey : yeah , i have digital cable - plus , satellite radio , all the up - to - date electronics -- everything , you name it . reggie : awesome . trey : and you 're free to use it whenever you want . but let me tell you something . any of the stuff i own magically disappears and you give me that wide - eyed , lost - orphan look , i swear , i will dump you right back in the system where you came from . got it ? [ scene_break ] jamie : hey , laurie . what 's up ? laurie : hey . not much . how about you ? jamie : i feel like one of those punching bag clowns . you know , the kind you hit and they keep on popping back up for more action ? laurie : what happened ? jamie : joni broke up with me . her invisible bungee chord ripped her away again . she 's doing what her parents want . laurie : oh . jamie : she says she thinks we 're too different . laurie : i thought opposites were supposed to attract . jamie : they are . something go down between you and j.r. ? laurie : we broke up . definitely . jamie : i 'm sorry . i mean , that reeks . just because of his dad ? laurie : because i wo n't be the reason he trashes his whole life . jamie : laurie , you 're the best thing that 's ever happened to j.r . laurie : jamie , please . i 'm trying to do the right thing here . jamie : well , try harder . your thinking is as bad as adam chandler . sorry . i really am sorry , laurie . about everything . laurie : me , too . [ scene_break ] j.r. : laurie ? joni : no , it 's -- it 's just me . j.r. : oh , hi , joni . joni : you ok ? j.r. : uh -- no . are you ? joni : who is ? [ scene_break ] maria : aidan , are you sure you have to do this ? kendall : yeah . all of a sudden , i have a really bad feeling about you leaving , too . aidan : no , this is -- this is best for everybody . ok ? like i said before , make sure the doors are locked when i leave . [ key turns in lock ] [ next_on ] boy : are you always this bossy ? maggie : excuse me ? boy : because i do n't respond well to being pushed around . maggie : well , i do n't respond well to being ignored . maria : so this is just good - bye for now . aidan : uh - uh . for forever . | aidan , kendall and maria are arguing about their options when isabella visits to get kendall to sign the lease . kendall does , but isabella notices a scarf that maria got for christmas . kendall claims it is a similar one that she bought at the mall . later , aidan , kendall and maria argue some more . kendall whines that maria has everything . edmund visits david to get the formula he 's working on , but david says it 's not ready ( i think edmund steals it anyway ) . joni breaks up with jamie because they are too different ( she thinks he 's too wild for her ) . laurie talks to jr at the boathouse during a break from school and wonders why he was n't in school . she does n't want jr to make major life decisions because of her , so she breaks up with him . he begs her not to but she is firm and leaves . adam goes to school looking for jr and begs laurie to tell him where jr is . he pours his heart out and in his zeal , grabs her arm . her dad , nearby , yells at adam not to touch his daughter . they argue ; laurie yells at them both to shut up because they got what they wanted : she and jr broke up . janelle gets reggie ready to go to social services so they can put him in a group home , but trey arrives and says that he is now reggie 's temporary legal guardian . reggie and janelle do n't think that will work . trey tells janelle in an impassioned speech about how well he knows the system , so reggie is convinced to give it a try . trey warns him that if he tries to steal anything , he will be back in the system . isabella visits edmund and tells him about the scarf , so edmund puts two and two together . aidan decides to go after morgan , the assassin who tried to kill him , as well as fiona 's husband . he convinces maria and kendall that they 're safest if they stay there . as he is about to leave , edmund is outside and turning the key in the lock . jamie and laurie tell each other about their breakups , and joni and jr run into each other at the boathouse , both feeling miserable . |
david : that young man right there , officers -- he 's the one that assaulted me . babe : you ca n't do this to my husband . he 's innocent . sean : step back , ma'am . tad : wait a minute . just a second . give us a minute . what the hell do you think you 're doing ? if he hit you , i 'm sure you deserved it . david : hmm . dixie would be touched to know that you 're watching out for her boy . tad : maybe -- maybe i should clock you myself . adam : get a grip . officer , could i just have one minute to sort this out ? yeah , thank you . dr. hayward , i want you to drop the charges against my son before i tear your throat out . david : oh , is that a threat , adam ? you want to turn this into a family affair ? adam : yeah , yeah , you tell the police that my son did not assault you . david : i ca n't do that , adam . not until you and i have a very serious discussion about who killed michael cambias . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sorry , ryan , for everything . i was wrong to doubt you and push you away when you totally put yourself on the line for me . so no more doubts , no more tests . i trust you , ryan . i trust you completely . maggie : oh . hey , mama , what 's up ? hey , kendall 's going to be fine , ok ? we 're all going to be there to support her . bianca : my uncle jack was here . he knows about the baby . maggie : you told him ? bianca : no , i did n't have to . he figured it out . he saw the signs , and i was tired of lying to him . what have i done ? maggie : you have n't done anything . bianca : you know what , maggie ? it 's like everyone i love -- my sister , my mother , my baby , uncle jack -- it 's like they 're all standing on the edge of a cliff , and if one thing goes wrong , they 'll all fall right over . [ scene_break ] erica : what is it ? jack : nothing , nothing . just -- just missing you , that 's all . erica : no , do n't do that . do n't -- do n't put me off like that . come on , i can see it in your eyes , jack . something 's wrong . jack : yeah , i do n't get to hold you like this enough -- that 's what 's wrong . erica : you know something about my daughter , do n't you ? [ scene_break ] adam : what the hell does the michael cambias death have to do with you railroading my son into jail ? david : oh , do n't play dumb with me , adam . you want to keep your son out of the slammer , you 'll negotiate -- and quickly . sean : you have the right to remain silent -- babe : wait , what are you doing ? my husband -- he 's not a criminal ! sean : hey -- hey -- opal : officer , ca n't you serve and protect someplace else ? sean : back off , ma'am , right now . liza : officer , there 's at least a dozen people who deserve cuffs more than j.r . marian : yes , and i 'm sure some of them have their own , just for sport . mary : and here i thought babe 's soirée was going to be boring . sean : you have the right to remain silent . anything you say -- babe : but you ca n't do this ! this is n't right ! ofc . morrison : ma'am , i 'd hate to haul in a mother - to - be . babe : but he did n't do anything wrong ! j.r. : babe , stay out of it . krystal : officer , i 'm a witness . i saw the fight . j.r. was minding was his own business , and that man attacked him . david : krystal , is it ? i do n't know you well enough to call you a liar , but you left the bar before j.r. hit me . krystal : no , no , i did not . i heard you antagonizing my son - in - law . then you threw the first punch . david : that is not true . that 's not what the other witnesses would say . krystal : officer , i would arrest that man right there . j.r. : no , no , no , krystal , just drop it , ok ? i beat on hayward first . adam : j.r. , that 's enough ! j.r. : no , i do n't care ! i 'm going to tell the truth ! this jerk was ragging on me about mom , and i let him have it , and i 'd do it again in a heartbeat ! tad : have n't you done enough damage to my family already ? david : all right , all right , everybody calm down for a minute , ok ? j.r. was drunk and he was itching for a fight . something to do with trouble at home . now , i meant no disrespect to dixie . you know how completely and how deeply i admired your mother . j.r. : you trashed her life , you son of a -- tad : j.r. , listen to me . now 's not the time . beating him to a pulp is not going to solve any problems with your wife or your brother . [ scene_break ] maggie : you got to believe this is going to play out so the big guys come out on top . bianca : that 's not what happened after michael 's hearing . maggie : ok , you know what ? he beat the rap , but he got dead real fast . bianca : yes , and everyone thinks that kendall did it . and there 's so much evidence against her . maggie : hey , big deal , all right ? ok , look , kendall -- you know that she 's innocent , and she has the best backup . she 's got you , she has ryan , she has jack . she 's got a great lawyer . she 's going to be fine . bianca : i sincerely hope so . maggie : she will . and , please , she is going to spoil her little niece to death . bianca : once i know that kendall is safe , it 'll be much easier to tell mom that i 'm still pregnant . maggie : erica 's just going to deal . bianca : you 're a shameless optimist . maggie : well , what would you do without me ? [ knock on door ] maggie : oh , that must be the pizza i ordered . i got it on the way home . bianca : oh . with jalapeños ? maggie : of course . i can not wait for your cravings to end , though , really . i ca n't handle jalapeños one more time . [ bianca laughs ] maggie : oh , lena . what are you doing here ? lena : i saw the pizza boy outside , and i thought i 'd deliver the food and the entertainment . gee , i hope you do n't mind . bianca : oh , no , of course not . i 'm just curious about the entertainment portion of the evening . lena : well , i knew you 'd be anxious about kendall , and i thought you could use a distraction , so wait for it -- ta - da ! ok -- ta -- ta -- maggie : what -- lena : what do you think ? bianca : i think you must have lost your mind . [ bianca laughs ] lena : well , i 'm doing the hustle . you said once that you saw it and you liked it , so this is your chance to learn . bianca : all right , well , what are we waiting for ? lena : come on ! let 's boogie ! [ scene_break ] erica : is there something you 're not telling me , jack ? i mean , are you having doubts about her case or about kendall ? jack : no , no , no , no . no , no , no . livia and i have a very , very solid case . i -- and , look , let 's face it , if kendall gets a positive dna test back on her baby , well -- erica : no , i do n't want to hear a word about this supposed michael cambias baby . jack : ok , then , let 's just talk about the trial , huh ? we do have some obstacles , but i think we have enough evidence to establish reasonable doubt and kendall will be acquitted . now , how 's that ? are you satisfied ? erica : satisfied ? i wo n't be satisfied until it 's over . i mean , when i think about poor bianca having to sit through this trial after what she went through with the -- with the rape hearing . and , i mean , how awful is this -- is this for kendall ? but , i mean , i am as worried about bianca as i am for kendall . and then there 's reggie . jack : reggie ? what about reggie ? erica : jack , reggie knows something about michael cambias ' murder , and i 'm really worried that it might just be incriminating . jack : all right , all right . stop , stop . please , just stop right now and listen to me . i will take care of reggie and bianca and kendall and you . erica : jack , you already do that . you do that all of the time . but this is different . how in the world can you protect us all ? no , jack , you would n't . jack , you ca n't sacrifice yourself for us . i wo n't let you . jack : you could n't stop me . i will do whatever i have to do to protect my family . [ scene_break ] ryan : did somebody medicate you ? kendall : no , i 've just had time to think . ryan : which usually leads to more trouble , so what -- what gives ? kendall : i talked to bianca and erica . ryan : you went to erica for advice ? kendall : well , she 's not on my short list of favorites , but she made me realize that i have no right to hassle you about trust when i 've given you no reason to believe anything that i 've done or said . i thought that i was alone because i had the guts to take on the world by myself . but it turns out that i 'm alone because i 'm too afraid to trust the people who care about me . ryan : you got all this over a cup of tea with erica ? kendall : well , binks gave me an earful , too . she basically told me i 'm an idiot not to believe you . seems like idiot 's been my mo lately . ryan : well , you 're allowed . you 're about to face a jury and a judge with a murder rap . kendall : yeah , but i 'm not as afraid as i was because of you . a hell of a lot of people think i 'm guilty , but -- but you 've stood by me when i 've given you every reason to run the other way . ryan : i 'm a danger junkie . what can i say ? kendall : no , do n't -- do n't act like it 's nothing . you -- you found a way for me to take a paternity test to prove that i 'm having michael 's child . you gave up your claim to the entire cambias fortune . because of you , i have real evidence that i was married to michael , that i was committed to him . if i go free , i 'll owe it all to you . ryan : i did n't do it so that you would owe me , kendall . kendall : you did it because you 're a good man , ryan , because you believed in me even when i refused to believe in you . i 'm sorry . i want to make it up to you . i want to prove to you that i trust you and that you can trust me , too . ryan : you 'll have to pass my test first . kendall : ok , well , what kind of a test ? i 'm not really into blindfolds or weird food or anything like that . ryan : no , no , no , it 's not going to hurt . it 's not going to hurt . it 's just a simple truth test . i 'm going to ask you some questions , and you have to answer them honestly . are you game ? kendall : ok , on one condition -- you have to answer my questions just as honestly . deal ? ryan : yeah , you 're on . i 'll even let you start . kendall : ok . what are you thinking about right now ? ryan : shopping . kendall : what ? no -- ryan , no . if you do n't take this seriously , how do you expect me to ? ryan : this floor is kind of hard , and right now i 'm wishing that i 'd bought a bed . kendall : why ? ryan : so that i could make love to you all night long . do you believe me ? did i pass ? kendall : one more question -- do you love me ? ryan : yes . kendall , i love you . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] lena : ok , this is it . this is where you turn around . this is it . now -- [ bianca laughs ] maggie : hey , are you all right ? bianca : i ca n't hear you . maggie : maybe this is n't such a good idea . lena : what ? [ lena laughs ] [ music stops ] maggie : i said maybe this is n't such a good idea . she could obviously get hurt . bianca : oh , no , maggie . i 'm fine , really . lena : come on , maggie . do n't be such a square . [ bianca chuckles ] maggie : what , what ? bianca : well , she -- lena : it 's -- `` a square `` -- it 's an expression , a colloquial -- maggie : no , i understand what it means , but why is it coming out of your mouth ? lena : well , i researched for tonight to get the full experience . so do n't snap your cap , maggie . get down to it and move to the groove . yeah . bianca : yeah ! yeah , maggie , come on . do n't be such a downer ! let it hang out ! maggie : ok , all right . i 'm hep . well , could we just , like , not hustle ? something else ? lena : ok , we 'll do something else . what , what , what , what , what ? ok , ok , how about -- ok , the macarena ? maggie : oh , the macarena ! lena : yeah . maggie : yeah ! lena : yeah , yeah . maggie : that 's , like , my favorite . bianca : all right . maggie : you do n't know it ? bianca : i do n't know it . maggie : oh , ok . watch , watch . follow the leader . bianca : ok , ok . [ `` macarena `` plays ] maggie : ok . you ready ? lena : uh - huh . maggie : ok , ready , lena ? five , six , seven , eight -- yeah ! lena : ok , how does it go ? ok . maggie : no , no , no , head , head . waist . lena : waist . bianca : i know this . maggie : to the hips . lena : yeah . bianca : oh , yeah ! maggie : and turn to your right -- go ! [ scene_break ] adam : officer , this -- this is all a misunderstanding , i 'm sure . i 'm sure dr. hayward and i can work this out together -- in private . sean : well , meet us down at the station . you can have all the privacy you want . adam : well -- babe : wait ! pops , please do something . adam : it 's late . it 's very late . i 'm sure your shift is almost over . think of the paperwork we could save you . sean : all right . you got five minutes . adam : oh , good . thank you , thank you . excellent . why do n't you follow winifred into the kitchen for some coffee and make sure you get some of lucretia 's triple threat chocolate cake . winifred : right this way , officer . adam : delicious . the cuffs , officer -- come on . he 's not going anywhere . and i give you my word we wo n't have another brawl . liza : yes , we 'll keep the peace . colby does n't need her brother in prison . adam : shall we ? winifred : this way . j.r. : the great adam chandler at work . huh ? what are you going to do , dad ? you going to buy him off ? adam : there are other ways to deal with dr. hayward than money and fists . why do n't you comfort your bride ? let 's get this over with . [ babe sighs ] babe : oh , baby , that was so close . thank god your pops stepped in . krystal : j.r. , i was kind of hoping you 'd go along with my story , you know ? kind of show the not - so - good doctor that he does n't mess with this family because we stick together . j.r. : oh , you mean about the lie about david hitting me first ? that was good . you 're good . i almost believed you . i was standing here myself . that takes real talent . your daughter learned from the best . krystal : i was only trying to help . j.r. : i need some air . what are you doing out here ? babe : put this on . j.r. : it 's cold out here . it ca n't be good for the baby . babe : i 'm not leaving , j.r . i 'll never leave you . go ahead , j.r. be all snarky and rude just like your pops . but it wo n't happen . you ca n't push me away because you love me as much as i love you . hand to god , j.r. , i will win you back . i will prove to you that this is your baby . and , damn it , we will be a real family . i 'll make sure of that . feel him , j.r . this is our baby . your baby . and i will not let you walk out on him or me . i 'll make sure that that never happens , and that is a promise . [ scene_break ] david : for months you 've been hinting to erica that you had something on her , that you saw her the night that cambias disappeared . adam : and so i did . david : oh , really ? adam : yes . david : then what were you doing that night and where were you doing it ? adam : you know , why do n't you stick to medicine or whatever else you 're doing these days . david : you might be called to testify at kendall 's trial , and if you are , i do n't want you to so much as breathe erica 's name . do you hear me ? adam : i doubt very much that i will be called , but if i am , i have no intention whatsoever of mentioning erica . david : oh . adam : you happy ? david : oh , please . your brand of loyalty only lasts until you 're in danger . i want a guarantee from you that you will not incriminate erica in any way to save yourself . adam : what are you implying ? tad : do n't be coy , adam . i think you know . adam : this is a private meeting ! palmer : if you dare hurt erica , i 'll shoot you again , you old bastard . and next time , i 'll shoot to kill . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , how do you plan to protect us ? it 's not possible . and i know i have n't made it any easier by telling you -- [ music plays ] erica : what i did the night that michael cambias disappeared . jack -- will you please answer me ? jack : i do not want you to worry about me or about your daughters or about reggie . erica : but , jack , the trial starts tomorrow ! jack : tomorrow is another day , but we have tonight . we are all alone , miracle of miracles , and no one will interrupt us because nobody could have that much bad doorbell luck . may i have this dance ? jack : hmm . [ erica laughs ] jack : oh , that laugh . my god , how i have missed that laugh . erica : jack . this is magic . jack : oh , you ai n't seen nothing yet . i want you to close your eyes . go on , close them . and now i want you to imagine that we 're on a balcony dancing , somewhere on cap ferrat . erica : that 's where we were supposed to go on our honeymoon . jack : yes , it is . now , close your eyes . you 've derailed my train of thought . now , let me see , where were we -- ah , yes -- dancing on the balcony . and the breeze is heavy with jasmine , and the moonlight is spilling on your shoulders . and the stars -- my god , the sky is just full of stars . but none of those heavenly bodies are near as beautiful as you . je t'aime , ma petit choux . erica : i love you , too . [ scene_break ] kendall : do you mean it ? ryan : i do . i love you . now it 's my turn . my test , remember ? what are you feeling ? kendall : my heart -- my heart is pounding so hard that i 'm afraid it 's going to explode out of my chest . ryan : so you 're afraid . of what ? kendall : can i ask you one more question ? ryan : for you , i 'll bend the rules . what is it ? kendall : do you care for greenlee ? ryan : yes . kendall : do you love her ? ryan : not the way you think . you 're the woman that i love . kendall , believe in me , in us . if you can do that , there 's going to be no stopping us . kendall : i believe you . i do . i -- i believe you , ryan . i love you . [ scene_break ] opal : think we 'll be having dinner anytime soon ? mary : i 'd stick to the appetizers if i were you . i shudder to think what babe is going to nuke for our main course . krystal : well , at least my little girl has the good manners not to disrespect people behind their backs . mary : guilty as charged . i also eavesdrop . it 's just a trait that i have n't been able to conquer . it 's a weakness . it 's just that whatever the lie babe told made j.r. go right out the door . opal : she who lied to her own daughter , kept the truth about who her real father was away from her for years -- i mean , actually let her own flesh and blood believe that a man as smarmy as roger smythe was her father . krystal : mary ? opal : oh , yeah , that 's not the half of it , but i 'm not a gossip . so i would recommend that you keep that flapping mouth of yours shut about stuff you do n't even -- that does n't even concern you . krystal : you go , girl . i could n't have said that better myself . opal : hmm . krystal : and thank you for stepping up for my little girl . opal : oh , sure . well , i 'm a champion of true love . but as much as i support two hearts finding their bliss , stay away from my ex . he 's off - limits . you go find your bliss someplace else or you 'll have me to deal with . liza : well , opal , i do n't think that palmer is really krystal 's type . marian : everyone seems to be her type . liza : you seemed to be quite affectionate with tad at the new year 's party . krystal : oh , and vice versa . marian : well , tad likes to have his fun , but do n't get any ideas because tad belongs to liza . krystal : and simone and anybody else who wants to grab the brass ring . so you wo n't mind if i help myself . opal : over my dead body . i 've seen the way you operate , missy . no . tad deserves better than to be just another notch on your compact . mary : oh , listen to you all . this pathetic and ridiculous whining and fighting over some -- who 's going to get the guy . what men , i might ask ? there 's nothing but scraps and leftovers . [ scene_break ] david : did you really shoot adam ? palmer : i did , and i meant it when i said i would n't hesitate to pull the trigger again . adam : oh , shut up , you idiot . palmer : just give me a reason . adam : besides that dye job on your eyebrows ? palmer : oh . tad : oh , god , here we go again . david : all right . what am i missing here ? tad : oh , this is great . you 're going to love it . these two claim that palmer shot adam because adam insulted him . david : the eyebrows ? tad : it 's a dye job . palmer : i do n't dye my eyebrows . anybody else would 've killed the old buzzard . i just wanted to warn him . tad : it 's a ridiculous story , and i 'm not buying it . i still say you pulled a gun on cambias and he surprised you with one of his own . you still managed to kill him , but not before he 'd winged adam , and then you both stuck his body in a meat locker . david : wait a minute . wait a minute ! are you saying you were shot the night that cambias disappeared ? adam : well , what if i was ? tad : kind of makes my little theory a little more interesting , does n't it ? especially since now i walk in to find you warning him not to use erica as a human shield . adam : i would never do that to erica . david : then why have you been harassing her these past few months ? tad : you set her up , adam ? adam : i wo n't be accused of this nonsense in my own house . tad : oh , yes , you will . erica was pretty unhinged after that hearing . would n't take much to make her look guilty for something she did n't do . adam : if you want somebody guilty of using erica as a shield , look at hayward , not me . tad : that does n't mean that you would n't be willing to use erica as a fall guy if somebody started to point the finger at you . adam : what , what , what -- you 've got nothing to say , palmer ? you 're just going to sit there while they hurl these inane accusations at me ? palmer : you expect me to defend you ? adam : you shot me . i could send you to jail for that . maybe i still will . palmer : you know , come -- now that i think about it , maybe i did n't shoot you . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] ryan : i love you . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] lena : ooh ! bianca : ok . enough . this is a gas , but my dogs are barking and i 'm too pooped to pop . maggie : oh , come on . you have a few months for that . [ music stops ] lena : ok , so why do n't you put your feet up and i 'll heat up the pizza , ok ? bianca : ok . maggie : i can make a salad -- my special dressing . bianca : oh , good . i 'm really hungry . i did n't even realize all that dancing -- whoa ! maggie : what ? what ? lena : what is it ? bianca : oh ! maggie : i told you she overdid it . are you ok ? bianca : no , no , no , no . i 'm fine . it 's the baby . maggie : oh , my -- did she move ? bianca : well , she usually kind of swims . this was a kick -- a real kick ! oh , my god , this is wild ! you got to feel this . come on . come on , maggie . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i remember when you first told me you were pregnant and how you kept apologizing to me because you thought it was too soon . but all i could register is that i finally had something that was mine -- it was really mine -- that was good because it came from love . babe : our love , j.r . j.r. : for so long , i just never thought that i could ever love like that again . i have n't felt that way since after -- since after my mom died . babe : you never lost that love , j.r . i felt it that night on the pier . you have so much good inside , you just do n't even know it . but i feel that love every time -- every time you hold my hand or spoon me at night and make the whole world disappear . [ scene_break ] [ mary gasps and coughs ] mary : thank -- oh ! oh , you saved my life , marian . thank you . marian : well , this party 's already a bust . we do n't need a corpse on top of it . opal : even yours . mary : oh , it 's so wonderful to have such a close friend . marian : just because i saved your life does n't mean we 're still friends . mary : darling , we 've always been so close . marian : not anymore since you and adam ganged up to drive poor j.r. 's sweet wife out of this house . mary : oh , poor , yes . hardly sweet . marian : you dare to judge ? you should be ashamed of yourself . liza : oh , please , mother . you know mary does n't do shame . [ mary coughs ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 're cold . babe : make me warm , j.r . please hold me . j.r. : you better go inside . [ scene_break ] adam : you just confessed to shooting me . you ca n't just change your mind . palmer : but maybe i lied . or maybe i was drunk on that scotch . adam : lightweight . palmer : it 's all coming back to me now . of course . you see , it was just exactly as tad described it -- without the theatrics , of course . you killed cambias . adam : i did n't kill anybody . i did n't kill any -- i am the victim here , and i have a scar to prove it . what are you looking at ? david : a guilty man with an unreported gunshot wound and a witness to a killing . palmer : after kendall is acquitted , the authorities are going to be salivating for a new suspect . who better than you ? adam : you 're a nut case . i have no motive . palmer : oh , come on , adam , get off -- adam , you have lost your business , your family is scattered all over the place , your own son has turned his back on you , and nobody is going to cry when they send you up the river . tad : i 'll throw a party . david : looks like you 're cornered , adam . adam : it 's all a pack of lies . david : yeah , well , call it what you want , but if you 're smart , you will swear that you 'll keep your mouth shut about erica and what you saw the night that cambias disappeared . if not -- well , you and your son can start packing for a bunk down at statesville . do we have a deal ? i drop the charges against j.r. , you protect erica . adam : not that it 's any of your business , but i 've already assured erica that she can trust me implicitly . i 'm not going to set her up . i 'm not going to make her the fall guy -- david : hmm . ok . adam : not for me or anyone else . now , get out of my house . david : can i take that as a yes ? adam : yes . david : good . oh , and by the way , next time your son comes after me , i 'm not going to be so gracious . tad : no . before you two start slapping each other on the back and hitting the single malt , i just want you to know i do n't care what story you take on the road . i 'm not buying it . palmer : hey , a nip 's not a bad idea . tad : do n't bluff me , palmer , because i 'll raise you . if i find out that you killed cambias , i 'm not about to let kendall or anybody else take the rap for it . palmer : i never understood rap . did you ? tad : i am going to get the truth , one way or another . after that , as far as i 'm concerned , you two tap - dancing chipmunks can take your vaudeville act all the way to statesville . david : officers , i 've settled the matter with mr. chandler . i 'm dropping the charges against his son . babe : that 's great , baby . sean : thanks again for the cake . it 's the best i ever had . winifred : you come back anytime . sean : mm - hmm . mary : oh , thank god . maybe you can end this travesty of a dinner . i almost died . adam : a lynching ? mary : no , i was choking . it was horrible . adam : go toward the light , mary . go toward the light . the charges ? liza : david dropped them . david : adam , stay out of trouble . adam : you stay the hell out of my life . david : always a pleasure . tad : you got what you wanted . why do n't you give everybody a break ? adam : where 's j.r. ? babe : i think he 's upstairs , but i 'm not sure . liza : well , i 've had enough of this feuding and fighting . i think i need some food , some real food . what do you say ? marian : well , stuart 's meat loaf will fix you right up and you can also tuck colby in as well . come on . liza : good night . palmer : i hope you 'll allow me to call on you soon . krystal : well , that would be my pleasure . hey , and if your back is n't better , i 'll fix you right up . i give one hell of an adjustment . palmer : i bet you do . [ krystal chuckles ] opal : you fool . palmer : shrew ! i hope they burn your driver 's license . opal : well , i 've had my fill of this evening myself , especially the people . krystal : well , you - all come back real soon . opal : would you -- tad : ow . opal : get out of here . babe : i guess my first dinner party was a bust . krystal : oh , well , there 'll be others . how you doing ? babe : you mean with j.r. ? i can still tell that he loves me , but he 's hurt real bad , mama . i got to figure out a way just to prove to him that he 's my one and only for life . krystal : are you going to go ahead with that blood test , paternity test thing ? babe : yeah . the sooner , the better . this baby -- it 's going to bring us back together . krystal : what if it 's not j.r. 's ? babe : well , with paul cramer 's help , this baby 's going to be 100 % chandler no matter who the daddy is . krystal : that 's my baby doll . honey , i 'll help you any way i can . babe : oh . krystal : what are you doing , snooping around again ? tad : nope . forgot my car keys . krystal : i 'm sorry i knocked you on the noggin . tad : i 'll survive . piece of friendly advice -- secrets never save anybody . usually they blow up in your face . whatever you 're hanging on to , i 'd give it up -- for your sake and your baby 's . [ scene_break ] maggie : looks like the macarena busted bianca 's funk button . [ lena chuckles ] bianca : no ! lena : what is it ? bianca : oh ! i had it again . maggie : what , the nightmare ? bianca : yeah , the same one . michael was in it . oh . [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] erica : did you hear that ? jack : no , what was it -- the beating of your heart ? erica : it was -- it was thunder . [ jack chuckles ] erica : the storm is coming . jack : no , i think maybe that was the sound of you rocking my world , sweetheart . erica : it was thunder . jack : honey , it 's mid january , hardly thunderstorm season . hey , if it is thunder , do n't you worry about it . i 'll be right here . come here . hmm . [ scene_break ] ryan : you cold ? kendall : no , i just -- i felt this chill like when i was -- from the inside . ryan : ok , i 'll warm you up again . kendall : he 's not in the cemetery . ryan : say what ? kendall : michael . tad and boyd and aidan -- they stole his body from the funeral home and they put it in the landfill . ryan : wow . i 'm impressed . now he 's finally where he belongs . but do me a favor -- do n't think about michael . ok ? just concentrate on us . ok ? [ scene_break ] [ at the pine valley landfill , a hand slowly rises from under the refuse followed by an arm then michael 's smirking face . ] [ next_on ] michael : i ca n't let you forget what you did to me . you sent me to hell , and now i 'm going to return the favor . and hell is a fire and brimstone . jack : erica ! michael : it 's no escape from what you fear most , and i 'm going to make you pay for what you did to me . | adam is able to persuade david to drop the charges against jr for assault . david agrees to do so , under the condition that adam does not implicate erica in the cambias murder trial , from knowing what she and david did the night michael cambias disappeared . jack attempts to tell erica that bianca is still pregnant , but he does n't want to ruin the mood . so he just assures her that bianca , kendall and reggie will all be o.k . then they go in the bedroom and make love without any interruptions . |
[ ryan plays his guitar ] josh : is n't it a little late to become a rock star ? ryan : what are you talking about ? it 's never too late . hey , how are you ? josh : i 'm good . ryan : welcome . thanks for coming . josh : thank you . so , you wanted to talk about liquidating some of your cambias investments , huh ? ryan : not `` some , `` joshua -- all of them . we 're clearing the decks , man . josh : it 's your money . ryan : ah , it 's just fuel to keep the engine running , and now the engine 's going in a different direction . more importantly , how are you , man ? serious , we never get a chance to talk or anything like that . i hardly know anything about your life . josh : i 'm -- i 'm doing good . ryan : are you ? josh : yeah , but do you mind if i ask you a question ? ryan : yeah , sure , go ahead . josh : you 're not in any trouble , are you ? [ scene_break ] annie : how are we doing ? babe : we are almost set . ava : everything looks great so far . annie : you need any help ? amanda : no , we 're good . the glasses are salted and my kick - ass blend of margaritas are iced and ready for mass consumption . annie : great . they should be here any minute . amanda : all right . ava : oh , i hear the elevator . annie : everyone ready ? babe : ready . all : surprise ! [ a huge banner declares , `` welcome back , kendall and greenlee ! `` greenlee : oh , my god . annie : welcome back , you . greenlee : oh , hi , hi , you guys . i ca n't believe it . this is like -- kendall : yeah , it is . greenlee : like we 're really back . kendall : and nothing can separate us . [ scene_break ] [ at the cabin in the woods , aidan recalls his night with kendall ] [ scene_break ] kendall : what is this ? you guys did such a great job ! [ music plays ] kendall : hey . are you ok ? greenlee : yeah , i 'm just grateful to be here . i mean , for a while there , i did n't think zach and i would make it out alive . kendall : well , thank god you did . greenlee : i guess i thought , you know , we 'd make it out of the hole , a night in the hospital , and i 'd be back to the old me . kendall : ok , well , it 'll take some time . greenlee : well , i 'm sick of waiting . i 've never been much of a shrinking violet . kendall : no , you 're more like a venus flytrap . greenlee : huh . no , i just -- i want to feel strong again . kendall : ok , greenlee , you are one of the strongest women i have ever met . greenlee : besides you . babe : somebody turn up that music ! amanda : oh , i got it , i got it . greenlee : so we agree -- no more fighting ? kendall : oh , we 'll fight . greenlee : well , undoubtedly . kendall : but i do promise no more setups and no more back - stabbing . greenlee : and most importantly , no more secrets . annie : all right , come on , guys . if this is a celebration -- greenlee : well , then let 's make sure it 's a party . [ laughter ] annie : here you go . ooh . greenlee : all right . kendall : one of these -- thank you . greenlee : you heard it here first , ladies -- fusion is back for good . all : whoo ! [ scene_break ] richie : hmm . painless needle , great bedside manner , and to top it off , gorgeous , dark eyes that i could stare into all day . julia : ok , that 's it for now . richie : well , does that mean you have to go ? julia : if you need anything , you know where the call button is . richie : oh , ok . i get it -- you 're a professional . that does n't mean i have to stop , though . joe : well , richie , i wanted you to know that since your father 's not a viable donor , i 've put you on the national list . richie : well , that is a long list of people waiting to die , is n't it , doc ? joe : hmm . your sister is still your best chance for a full match . richie : well , i guess i 'll just have to make annie understand that she does n't have a choice . [ scene_break ] dre : whoa . man , this place is tricked out . colby : dre , are you ok ? dre : oh -- yeah , i was just checking out this place . you know , the tunnels would make a hot after - hours club . colby : a band playing at 4 : 00 a.m. is not exactly stealth . dre : huh -- you know you 'd come . colby : yeah , i probably would , but i bring you good news -- your dad 's pi checked out of his hotel . dre : well , colby , you rock ! wow -- oh , what can i do for you ? colby : bj 's has the best burgers ever ! dre : oh , man , it 's going to feel so great to get out of this place . so , burgers it is . you can invite your boy sean . colby : what 's the point ? he 's been blowing me off lately . dre : you two still have n't talked ? colby : the truth is , i have no idea what sean 's been up to these days . [ scene_break ] j.r. : the documents have already been signed . that 's great . but , listen , i -- i want to get this deal closed by today . yeah , see if you can make that happen . you look like hell . sean : back off , j.r . j.r. : something going on with you and colby ? sean : i 'm just getting some takeout . j.r. : you know , it 's funny because i know that look . what the hell did you do to my sister this time ? [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] aidan : hey , what 's the matter ? quentin : ah -- i do n't -- i do n't feel so good . aidan : come in , sit down . quentin : at first , i was just feeling a little weak -- ah ! and then , my stomach just -- [ quentin coughs ] [ scene_break ] amanda : hey , this one 's almost kicked . do you want the last glass ? babe : oh , no thanks . amanda : hey , why are you looking at printouts for campbell 's ? babe : oh , a little something i 'm working on . amanda : oh , yeah ? what 's up ? babe : i 'm ok , i do n't need your help . amanda : got it . white elephant , right here in the room . if i can see it , i know you can , too . babe : listen , i do n't want to get into it today , amanda . today is about kendall and greenlee . amanda : and what 's going on between you and me is about j.r. ? babe : well , what 'd you expect -- that i 'd forget that you set him up to take the blame for zach 's accident ? amanda : look -- uh -- ok , making j.r. sweat was lousy . karma 's a bitch and so am i. j.r. got what he deserved . but you and i -- we still have to work together . babe : not today , we do n't . amanda : it 's going to be a long day . ava : hi , amanda . here 's the thing i do n't get -- why are you still here ? amanda : excuse me ? ava : i mean , you let j.r. go to jail to blackmail his father , all of those millions of dollars . amanda : and your point is ? ava : my point is you do n't really need the job , so maybe it 's time for you to get lost for good ? amanda : listen up , you wig - top , pasty - faced -- ava : ok , porcelain skin and supermodels ? amanda : oh , my god , for like five minutes -- ava : whatever , i 'm the face -- kendall : lies ? hello . come on , you guys -- hello ? so much for our `` kumbaya `` moment , huh ? amanda : i 'm sorry , kendall . i was just -- kendall : you were what ? you were having a fusion friendship moment ? yeah -- no , no , no , no . that 's ok , that 's -- i 've been there before . but , you guys , we 're a team , ok ? so we have to start acting like one . greenlee : look at that . the numbers on fusion green are way over projections . annie : yeah , we had a huge sales push over the holidays . kendall : all work and no play makes greenlee very dull greenlee : no , do n't say it . i 'm never dull . annie : ah -- i should know . greenlee : what does that mean ? kendall : uh , well , you -- you did try to steal her man . greenlee : well , who has n't tried to get with ryan ? he 's like pine valley 's resident prince charming . annie : hmm , and he 's all mine . greenlee : turns out i got one , too . aidan and i had the most amazing night . kendall : really ? well , so did zach and i actually . it must be something in the air . greenlee : oh , he taught me this new massage technique called reiki , we were on the floor , it was -- kendall : well , we we were by the fire . greenlee : hmm . annie : we did it in the snow . kendall : in the snow ? annie : yeah . kendall : nice -- ok . ok , you know what i think ? i think we need to have a toast for us getting lucky , right ? greenlee : yeah , i agree . kendall : yes , and actually , speaking of the man who saved my life , how is ryan ? annie : he 's a whole new man . greenlee : well , the old one was n't so bad , either . annie : oh , but , seriously , though , it 's like that bullet made ryan fall in love with life all over again . [ scene_break ] ryan : why would you think i 'm in any kind of trouble ? josh : well , i did n't say that . it just -- it seems -- ryan : like i 'm crazy ? josh : i did n't say that . ryan : but you were thinking it . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : it 's all right , man . it 's all right . i 've been getting a lot of that lately , really . but i 'm not crazy , for what it 's worth , i 'm not . it 's just -- i do n't know . ever since i got shot , i 'm just rearranging my priorities a little bit , that 's all . and money 's one of those things , and annie and i believe that we have enough . so does zach , by the way , so i plan to have a little chat with your boss about giving some of his back , too . josh : hmm . i 'll be sure to let him know . ryan : all right . let 's check out the paperwork . wow . josh : yeah . this is a lot of money , ryan . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : good , because i 'm going to need a lot for what i have planned -- a lot . [ knock on door ] richie : i 'm here to see my sister . ryan : well , she 's not around right now . but you know what ? why do n't you come on in ? i 've been meaning to talk to you . richie : you 've been meaning to talk to me ? ryan : what do you think , i 'm going to shoot you with this ? come in , relax . have a sandwich . [ scene_break ] aidan : quentin ? what happened ? quentin : i was camping . i needed to get out from the cold . aidan : listen , man , you 're burning up , all right ? i 'm going to have to take you to pine valley hospital . quentin : no . aidan : we 'll be there in 40 minutes . quentin : no , no doctors , no hospitals , all right ? [ quentin groans ] aidan : listen , if you wo n't let me take you to the emergency room , at least come back to my place where it 's warm , and you can rest . quentin : i do n't need no help . i 'm doing fine on my own . aidan : yeah , i can see that . [ quentin coughs ] aidan : listen , you helped me save greenlee 's life , ok ? i owe you . now , get up on your own two feet , or i 'm going to carry you out of here -- you hear me ? quentin : look , i 'm fine . aidan : listen , come on . let 's go . quentin : ok . [ quentin coughs ] [ scene_break ] ryan : josh madden , you know my brother - in - law , richie novak ? josh : by reputation only . ryan : ah , you hear that , richie ? another potential buddy lost . so , what do you say -- want that sandwich ? richie : ha -- i am not hungry . josh : you know what , ryan ? we can do this some other time . i 'll get the ball rolling , and we can talk later this week . ryan : excellent ! and make sure you tell zach that i am on my way to see him , try and shake some change out of his pockets , all right ? josh : will do . ryan : ok . nice guy . so , you are here to talk to your sister ? richie : that 's right . ryan : well , i can only imagine why that is at this particular time . i 'm going to take a guess -- and the answer is no . richie : excuse me ? ryan : annie will not be your bone marrow donor , richie -- not today , not tomorrow , not ever . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i think i may have had one too many of amanda 's margaritas . babe : well , you need to be careful . you have n't been out of the hospital that long . greenlee : i 'm fine . what 's up ? babe : well , i just got off the phone with our new promotional partner . greenlee : uh -- talk to me . babe : it 's campbell 's . greenlee : like the `` mmm , mmm , good `` people ? babe : yes . actually , they have a lot of brands . they have campbell 's select , v8 , prego . anyway , they want to sponsor a fashion show with us . greenlee : not that i would n't have killed for can of chicken noodle when i was in that fallout shelter , but what does spaghetti sauce have to do with fashion ? babe : well , it 's actually more about our health . i was reading in the press packet that heart disease is a leading cause of death for women today . greenlee : seriously ? babe : yes . they 're doing this whole `` go red `` campaign to promote their line of heart - healthy foods . greenlee : well , it 's a perfect tie - in . i mean , fusion is all about female empowerment , making women stronger , happier . why not healthier ? babe : yes . the problem is , is we have almost no turnaround time . we 're going to be working around the clock . greenlee : well , i 'm all for anything that helps women live long , healthy lives -- especially if they look fabulous doing it . [ scene_break ] kendall : you know , this new packaging is amazing . annie : and it is made of 60 % recyclable materials . kendall : very good -- that 's even better than our first one . annie : got to save the planet , right ? we have kids to think about . kendall : yeah . yeah , you know , my -- my kids are lucky to have a mom . if ryan had n't have jumped in front of that bullet -- annie : huh . he 's glad he did . kendall : he 's really ok ? annie : yeah , he 's -- he 's better than ok . all he wants to do is -- is dance with me . kendall : oh , no -- ryan ? wait , wait -- what do you mean , he 's doing the tango ? that 's weird . annie : i -- you know , it 's crazy , and he 's also learning how to play the guitar . kendall : oh , no . oh , yeah , i 've been through that -- it 's not good . you 're in for a lot of headaches , trust me . annie : i know . i know , but i do n't care . my husband is alive . ava : kendall , could you look at the proofs from my latest shoot ? kendall : yes , of course . i 'll be right back . annie : go for it . babe : i 'm -- i 'm glad to hear you sounding so happy . annie : thanks . babe : any chance you 'd share the wealth with your brother ? [ scene_break ] richie : look , i know you hate me . ryan : i do n't have time for hate , richie . richie : well , that 's good , because you would want to know that i already went to annie and i told her that i do n't want to hurt her anymore . ryan : you did a pretty good job of that already . richie : no . see , that 's all in the past , i promise you . i do n't want this bad blood between us -- we 're family , man . ryan : we 're family , huh ? richie : yeah . ryan : well , is n't that convenient ? look , richie , this is how i see things , ok ? you 're a violent guy . you 're violent , and you 're unpredictable , and you 've got a really bad cruel streak in you , and that is a dangerous combination . richie : ok . [ richie claps ] richie : i 'm out of here . ryan : no -- hold , hold , hold on , please . do n't go yet , please have a seat . please . i guess what i 'm trying to say is that i just survived a shot to the head , and i really do n't want any more trouble for my family . richie : referring to me ? ryan : so there 's no way that i can let annie be your donor , richie . there just is n't . richie : well , ryan , with all due respect , i do think that 's annie 's decision . ryan : with all due respect , we are married , and we make our decisions together . richie : you are one arrogant bastard , are n't you ? how can you sit there so calm with that silly little grin on your face while you sentence me to death ? ryan : just because annie ca n't help you , richie , it does n't mean that i wo n't . richie : i do n't understand . ryan : i will personally find you a donor , and i will even pay for all of your hospital bills . richie : you 're serious ? ryan : if you do it my way , richie , you just might live . [ scene_break ] annie : have you seen the latest quarterly report on the nail line ? babe : yes , i sent them up to accounting . annie : great . babe : so , you 're not going to answer me about richie ? annie : it 's personal , babe . babe : i know , i know -- he 's your brother , and he 's dying . i mean , you 're his one shot at a full life , annie . annie : it 's more complicated than that . babe : at least get tested . i mean , that way if you 're not a match , the decision is out of your hands . annie : i 'm sorry , but ryan is my only concern right now . [ scene_break ] kendall : this is great . this is about women and health . greenlee : `` campbell 's presents fusion 's heart - healthy fashion show . `` kendall : it 's great ! it 's great ! greenlee : did we just high - five ? kendall : yeah , we did . i guess we are officially back in the zone . greenlee : real partners again . kendall : yeah . so , speaking of partners , you and aidan -- you 're sounding pretty good . greenlee : if i do n't mess it up . you know me -- i can be impossible . kendall : well , i thought that you said that -- you know , i thought that everything was great with you guys , i mean , the sex and everything . greenlee : yeah , but it did n't start that way . you know , like i was telling you before , he was treating me like i might break if he even touched me , and so i basically told him to go to hell . kendall : well , that 's pretty harsh . greenlee : i know . but somehow , he made it work for both of us . he lit these candles , and then when i questioned him about it , he just said , `` shut up and let me do what i do best `` -- with that accent . but you know how romantic he can be . kendall : what does that mean ? [ scene_break ] ava : so , amanda , with -- really , with all that money , it does n't seem like you 're very happy . amanda : oh , great -- now she 's playing shrink . ava : no , i 'm -- look , j.r. really hurt you , did n't he ? amanda : clearly i 'm not the only one . ava : ok , i maybe had a thing for him for , like , two minutes max . amanda : yeah . none of us knew that . ava : what can i say ? i mean , j.r. chandler -- what a ladies ' man . women just keep crawling back . [ scene_break ] j.r. : leaving so soon ? you know , that just ai n't polite . sean : look , what happens between me and colby is -- is our business . j.r. : if it involves my sister , then it is my business . sean : look , i have n't seen your sister in days . colby : what 's going on ? j.r. : why do n't you tell me ? your boyfriend here looks like he has n't slept in weeks . colby : he 's right . sean , are you ok ? sean : look , could we go somewhere and talk , alone ? j.r. : whatever you have to say to my sister , you can say right in front of me . colby : oh , hey , j.r. ? it 's fine . will you give us a second ? dre : you ask me ? that guy 's a player . j.r. : yeah , no doubt . but he showed up . sometimes all that extra effort is worth the payoff . sean : listen , i 'm sorry i have n't returned any of your calls . things have been -- complicated . colby : sean ? it 's us . you could tell me anything . sean : you know that woman , hannah -- nichols , the one who died at miller 's falls ? colby : yeah , i heard about it on the news . tad knew her . sean : we hooked up , colby . hannah and i slept together . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey . here you are , drink that . quentin : you got any aspirin ? aidan : something tells me you got a lot more than a headache , quentin . quentin : oh , i do n't know . i think i just need to sleep it off . [ knock on door ] quentin : who is that ? aidan : it 's a friend . do n't worry . julia , come in . thanks for coming . julia : yeah , your text -- your text sounded urgent . quentin : look , i done told you , i do n't want to see no doctors . aidan : which is why i called a nurse . julia , this is quentin -- he 's the one that helped save greenlee 's life . julia : it 's always nice to meet a hero . quentin : i 'm no hero . julia : but you 're obviously sick . do you mind if i take a look ? quentin : look , i do n't want to see any doctors or a nurse . julia : i promise i 'll be gentle . julia : so , what are your symptoms ? quentin : i 've been feeling a little weak lately , like i 'm going to pass out -- hot , cold . my head feels like it 's going to split open and my stomach is queasy . aidan : do you think it could be the flu ? quentin : hmm . ooh ! oh -- ah . julia : well , whatever it is , we need to get you to the hospital . quentin : oh , no , no . i 'm not going anywhere near pvh , no . [ scene_break ] kendall : yeah , can you tell the kids i miss them ? i miss you , too , zach . i love you . greenlee : everything ok ? kendall : yeah . we just -- the kids are just taking a nap . greenlee : no , i meant with us . you got a little weird on me back there . kendall : you know what ? have you seen this , this spread for the new lip - gloss ? it 's very good . greenlee : it 's fine . i did n't mean to gross you out with all those details about aidan . i just figured since you were together once , you 'd know how romantic he could be . kendall : that 's ancient history . greenlee : well , then what got you so freaked out ? hey , we 're back again , remember ? buds -- tell me what it is . kendall : the truth ? yeah . uh -- i know i 'm supposed to be this -- this big , high - powered , i do n't know , businesswoman , you know , who has it all and can do it all . but , really , i just love watching ian sleep . and i love watching little spike chew on that little red wings puck that zach gave him . greenlee : you miss your family ? kendall : yeah , i do . but that does n't mean i do n't want to be here . greenlee : i understand . i miss seeing aidan , too . maybe we could get together later , just the four of us . kendall : yeah . yeah , that 's -- that 's a good idea . we can meet at the -- the valley inn where krystal and tad are having their party . greenlee : i would love that . kendall : good . annie : hey , kendall ? kendall : yeah ? annie : you have a phone call on line one . kendall : ok , i 'll be right there . so , we 're good ? greenlee : sure . [ scene_break ] babe : i know it 's not my fight , mama , but if i do n't help richie , who will ? all right , just tell little adam i love him , ok ? all right , bye . annie : hey , can you guys make sure these get shipped by tonight ? woman : sure . annie : thank you so much . is there something else ? babe : annie , i just -- i just do n't understand how you can be so selfish . annie : listen , babe . i know that you care about my brother , but i am not going to be bullied into making this decision , ok ? so just back off . [ scene_break ] amanda : i like this picture of you . it 's a side of you i 've never seen before . ava : thanks , i guess . uh -- do i look human to you ? amanda : you look honest . ava : thanks . and thanks for making me that virgin margarita . i 'm sure you could sell that recipe to confusion . amanda : huh . actually , it 's not mine to sell . do n't laugh , but j.r. taught me how to make those . he was actually doing ok for a while . ava : you do n't blame yourself for him falling off the wagon , do you ? amanda : uh -- no . j.r. can pretty much get into enough trouble on his own . ava : yeah , that 's for sure . amanda : what ? ava : jonathan and i broke up . amanda : because of j.r. ? ava : because of a lot of reasons . i do n't really want to talk about it -- ahem . amanda : are you sure ? ava : yeah -- why ? are we becoming best friends now or something ? [ ava chuckles ] amanda : yeah -- probably not . [ scene_break ] kendall : this is fantastic -- i love this -- yes ! annie : and the red . the red is good , right ? it 's for valentine 's day . kendall : yes , it is and , i mean , it 's all about a healthy woman and a woman who has a healthy heart is a woman ready to love . so , actually , i have an idea . hey , guys ? guys and gals , can you guys gather around , please , and -- and bring your glasses . yeah . bring your glasses , bring your drinks . oh -- i 'm sorry . yeah , i 'll take one . annie : thank you . kendall : ok . -- i think today deserves an official toast . so , i 'm going to tell you a little story -- just a little story . greenlee : yikes . kendall : yikes . annie : uh - oh . kendall : ok . well , fusion started from a dream , a dream about a group of smart , driven women with similar goals working together to make something really big happen . so , all of us here , we each bring something different to fusion . greenlee -- greenlee lends us her insight and her vision . yeah . annie and babe keep us organized , thank god -- greenlee : yes , thank god . kendall : and passionate . amanda -- amanda always offers a fresh opinion , a wonderful fresh opinion when all of our ideas run dry . and ava -- let 's see , what can i say about -- amanda : oh ! kendall : what can i say about ava ? ava : say something nice for once ! kendall : ok , yes , yes , yes . you know what , ava ? ava : what ? kendall : you , my dear , aside from being beautiful , you challenge us . but that 's a good thing . it 's a very good thing because fusion has always been about women working to their fullest potential . and i am just really , really happy to be a part of this . so -- ok . uh -- to fusion . all : to fusion ! kendall : and what it means to every single one of us here . greenlee : whoo ! annie : salud , salud . greenlee : salud ! kendall : yes , i 'm going to have that right now . ok , um -- actually , i have -- i have one more thing to ask for . annie : what ? kendall : i would like to go and visit the man who saved my life . you think ryan 's up for it ? annie : i think these days , ryan is up for just about anything . kendall : cool . annie : cool . kendall : ok . i 'm going to run , i 'm going to go , so can you hold down the fort ? greenlee : of course . kendall : ok , great . great ! see you guys . annie : have fun . kendall : bye . annie : bye ! greenlee : oh -- wait . kendall ? kendall , you -- oh . `` charm `` ? [ scene_break ] richie : you 've been watching way too many daytime talk shows . ryan : i 'm just trying to learn how to live my life again , richie , that 's all . richie : you see ? that 's what i want , too -- a second shot at life . and annie is probably my best shot for that , so despite everything that i put you guys through -- ryan : richie , you make it sound like you borrowed the car and you put a dent in the fender , man . you terrorized annie her entire life , you stalked her . you even tried to make her kill you so she would go to prison . richie : well , hey . turnabout 's fair play , would n't you say ? ryan : you know what i think , richie ? i think annie did the world a favor by testifying against you and putting you in prison . [ richie claps ] richie : ok . so that offer of yours is just another one of your little tricks ? ryan : no , richie , the offer is real . and it is so much more generous than you deserve , but it is real . but i can not allow annie to be part of your life again -- i ca n't . richie : this is n't over . ryan : i say that it is . now , get out of my house and stay away from my wife . [ scene_break ] babe : i -- i left the financial breakdowns for the fashion show on the desk over there . greenlee : great . babe : ok . i 'll see you tomorrow . greenlee : good , ok . oh , and major score on that campbell 's concept , babe . great work . babe : thank you . amanda : bye - bye , my sweet margarita . ava : well , i advise that you eat a banana for the potassium . it helps with a hangover . my mom was a drunk -- i know a lot of tips . amanda : well , my mom is mentally ill . she put my dad in a freezer . ava : after he died ? or did she just put him in there ? amanda : she killed him and put him in a freezer . ava : oh , my god . you -- you win . amanda : yeah , so -- i guess we have more in common than we thought we did . so here 's to surviving our crazy mothers . ava : to never being friends . amanda : never . ava : and to j.r. chandler , the one that got away . amanda : thank god . ava : what a shame . [ scene_break ] j.r. : sean is a loser . just forget about him . colby : it 's not that easy . we really cared about each other . j.r. : maybe not so much on his part . colby : oh , thanks a lot , j.r. that 's exactly what -- what i want to hear from my big brother . j.r. : i just do n't want you going back to him . colby , you deserve so much better . colby : well , as far as i 'm concerned , sean can go back to seattle . god . i truly thought he would change after ava . j.r. : men do n't normally change . it takes an exceptional person to -- sean just was n't exceptional . colby : but you are ? j.r. : well -- yes . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : i 'm trying to reform . colby : because you love babe ? j.r. : and i know that i do n't deserve her . but i 'm going to try like hell to be the man that she does deserve , and be the father that little adam needs . not to say that i 'm not going to make mistakes , because i make a mess of them . but i 'm going to try to do what 's right . that 's what being a grownup 's all about . colby : that does n't sound like you . j.r. : good . [ colby chuckles ] j.r. : let 's face it -- if you love somebody enough , you do whatever it takes to get them back . colby : but how do you know if you 're really in love ? j.r. : if you have to ask that , then it 's not love . come here . dre : you really running away from her ? sean : dude , you have no idea what 's going on with me and colby . dre : well , i see her crying . i know you 've been blowing her off . sean : well , it 's not like we were some power couple or anything . dre : you were tight . colby thought you were her boyfriend . sean : yeah , well , if i was , i 'm not anymore . maybe it 's what you were hoping for all along . colby : can we go ? i 'm not hungry anymore . dre : yeah , sure . let 's get out of here . j.r. : look , if you ever hurt my sister again , then i 'm going to hurt you . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , all we 're trying to do -- calm down , all right ? we 're just trying to help you out , that 's all . quentin : look , i just want to get back to my camp . aidan : to your camp ? it 's in the middle of nowhere , far away from town . it does n't make sense . julia : are you hiding from someone ? quentin : i like my privacy . aidan : julia , i think -- i think you should go . julia : but he needs help . aidan : yeah -- quentin 's a bit riled up at the moment . maybe you should just go , all right ? i 'll make sure that he gets the help he needs . julia : ok . you know where to find me . aidan : right . the nurse is gone , so now you can settle down . quentin : look , i 'm sorry , man . i -- i should n't have stepped out of line . aidan : it 's all right . i 'm sorry , too . quentin : for what ? [ aidan knocks quentin out ] julia : how hard did you hit him ? aidan : just hard enough . julia : i 'll call dr. joe . aidan : all right . i 'm just going to go get my coat . julia : joe ? it 's julia . i 'm going to be bringing in a patient that you need to look at right away . this man -- he 's a friend of aidan 's . joe : ah . get him in here as quickly as you can , all right ? julia : i 'll be there in a few minutes . [ scene_break ] amanda : it 's good to have you back , greenlee . greenlee : oh , thanks for your help while i was away . amanda : yeah . greenlee : whew . amanda : you ok ? greenlee : yeah , i guess you were n't kidding when you said those margaritas would kick my butt . amanda : actually , i did n't put any alcohol in yours . i figured since you just got out of the hospital -- greenlee : oh , i guess i just got up too fast . amanda : ok . you -- you want me to stay ? greenlee : no ! enjoy your night -- go . amanda : you sure ? ok . greenlee : yes . amanda : all right . [ greenlee sits down and reads the manuscript for kendall 's new book , `` charm . `` ] greenlee : whew . kendall , kendall . kendall , where do you come up with this stuff ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : looks like you could use an extra set of hands . babe : what did you do ? j.r. : i leased the condo across the way . i 'm your new neighbor . [ scene_break ] richie : annie ? [ annie gasps when richie surprises her in the parking garage ] annie : what do you want ? richie : i want to live , and you 're going to make that happen . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] ryan : just a sec . kendall : there 's my hero . how are you doing ? how are you feeling ? ryan : oh , i missed you so much ! kendall : oh , you did ? ryan : i missed you . i missed you . kendall : thank you . uh -- it has n't been that long , but that 's -- [ ryan welcomes kendall with a big smooch ] [ next_on ] adam : here 's to the newlyweds . is it all right if i kiss the bride ? tad : no . greenlee : if you 're looking for kendall , you just missed her . zach : i came by to see you . kendall : are you ok ? ryan , what 's wrong ? what 's the matter ? | josh pays a visit to ryan and they discuss the cambias fortune and how that ryan is going to give most of it away . happy that the pi has left town , colby and dre agree to go for a burger . j.r. runs into with sean at a local restaurant . the women of fusion plan a celebration for kendall and greenlee arriving back at work . they all propose a toast to greenlee and kendall . aidan goes to the house in the woods to pick up his things and is visited by quentin , who is sick from an unknown disease . aidan calls julia to help , but quentin refuses her help . aidan knocks quentin in the head and takes him to pvh . j.r. blasts sean for his treatment of colby . sean lets colby know that he slept with hannah . richie pays a visit to ryan . ryan lets richie know that no way ever is annie being a bone marrow for richie .ryan does agree to help richie find a donor and he will even pay richie 's medical expenses . babe tries to get annie to help richie , but annie flatly refuses . kendall pays a visit to ryan . ryan grabs her and kisses her . greenlee finds kendall 's journal and begins to read it . |
jake : you ok ? amanda : kill me now . just put me out of my misery . remind me to never , ever take a flu shot again . jake : excuse me for one second , all right ? no , you do n't have a temperature . do you have a headache ? amanda : no . jake : no . any achy joints , muscles ? amanda : my feet hurt . jake : that 's because you wear six inch heels . congestion , runny nose ? amanda : i want to throw up things i have n't even eaten yet . jake : hmm . amanda : i 'm so tired . i just want to go to bed . jake : want to go to what ? amanda : bed . jake : bed . maybe that 's a reason for your symptoms -- bed . maybe you 're going to bed too much . amanda : what ? no . jake : no ? are you late ? amanda : only fashionably . jake : do you have any nausea ? you have any fatigue ? you feeling -- amanda : you know , you 're not even a doctor anymore . jake : i 'm going to let that slide , what you just said , because -- maybe you should just do this . go home , and on the way home stop at the drugstore and pick up one of those little tests . amanda : no way , jake . not a chance . i 'm not pregnant . [ scene_break ] krystal : look , please . just leave me alone . please , just let me -- [ krystal 's pills are all over the floor ] opal : oh my lord . david : let me help . krystal : no , i -- i can do it myself . david : krystal . krystal : i said i can do it myself . [ scene_break ] zach : put the gun down . there 's security all over this place . put the gun down if you want to live . [ the mashed gunman runs off ] man : mr. slater . mr. slater . zach : lock this place down . man : boss , you ok ? zach : yeah . man : we 're on it . reese : bianca , bianca . erica : is she going to be ok ? reese : bianca ? zach : bianca ? erica : oh my god . bianca . [ scene_break ] amanda : i know myself . i 'm not a `` just say no `` kind of gal , and i 'm not stupid , so i always have protection . jake : well , on that note , since you 're not a `` just say no `` kind of gal , maybe it was in the heat of the moment , maybe it was in the alley behind the bar or backseat of a car . amanda : you 're just doing this to torture me . jake : no , i 'm not . amanda : yeah , no , you have no life , no woman , no job . jake : look , look , look . there 's an upside to all of this , ok ? because -- amanda : what ? jake : if you 're pregnant -- let me think here . hmm , see i would n't be the baby daddy because we have n't `` hee - haw `` in like three months . amanda : you 're a jerk . jake : i 'm trying to be helpful . this is me trying to be helpful . amanda : no , you know , we 're never going to -- oh , god , again . [ scene_break ] jesse : it 's nice to finally have some quality time alone . what 's wrong ? music too loud ? is this the wrong table ? angie : no , no . no , sweetheart , it 's perfect . i 'm -- i 'm just so worried about tad and krystal . jesse : yeah , tad really got the wind knocked out of him , did n't he ? angie : krystal is n't the villain . it 's david . jesse : i know , i know . i know . angie : i mean , he 's the one who -- who 's done this . you -- you know what ? i should have known . if -- when i saw them kissing , i should have done something . jesse : and what ? sent them to their room ? look , krystal is an adult . she made her choice . there 's nothing you could have done to stop this , all right ? angie : i just hope whatever choice she 's made does n't cost krystal her daughter . [ scene_break ] krystal : i 'm really -- i 'm really sorry . i -- i 'm just a little tense . judge : this is a stressful situation , mrs. martin . krystal : yes . judge : please . krystal : thank you . they are -- they 're just for nerves . they 're , um -- i 've had some trouble sleeping and all since my daughter died , my -- my other daughter , babe . they , uh -- they help , the pills . judge : are you ready to continue , mrs. martin ? krystal : yes , yes , yes . judge : you were saying ? krystal : i -- i 'm sorry , i have -- i seem to have forgotten what -- where was i ? [ scene_break ] zach : bianca ? erica : bianca ? reese : sweetheart . erica : bianca ? thank god . bianca : oh my god . my head . reese : oh , sweetheart . let 's see . where does it hurt ? erica : no , no , no . we need to get you to the hospital . bianca : no , no . mom , i 'm ok . i 'm going -- i 'm going to be ok . just -- did they catch him ? zach : they will . reese : you guys , i think , um , i think i recognize this guy . zach : what ? reese : i mean , i recognized his ring . he was in here earlier . he was claiming to be an architect . oh my god . this is my fault . he was looking at the security plans . he knew about all the alarms , all the ins , all the outs , everything . zach : ok . it 's not your fault . tell me about this ring . what -- what ring ? reese : it was -- it was -- it was silver . it had black onyx , and , like , a triangular cut out in it . zach : all right . explain it to the police when they get here . calm down -- guards are back . man : yes , he did n't escape before we locked the place down . he 's got to be in here somewhere . man : boss , whoever this guy is , he helped himself to $ 10 million . [ scene_break ] jesse : to my beautiful wife . angie : that kiss was david . krystal told me it would never happen again , and i believed her . maybe if i had said something to tad , this would n't have happened . jesse : none of this is on you . angie : but if i had known that david was drugging krystal -- jesse : tad said that krystal was taking these drugs of her own free will . angie : there is no way that she would have just fallen for david . jesse : so david was drugging her into this affair ? angie : any meds that come from david hayward are suspect . anything that lecherous sob does is suspect . he 's caused almost as much damage as the tornados . he took joe 's job . he fired jake . jesse : the board backed up that decision , right ? angie : do n't tell me you 're defending him . jesse : no , i 'm not trying to defend him . i 'm trying to forget him so we can have a nice dinner . angie : and he 's constantly interfering with my work and frankie 's , using any excuse to question us , demean us , undermine our ability to help our patients . jesse : prime rib looks good . angie : can you get a search warrant ? jesse : prime rib looks good . angie : you know , i am almost sure that whatever medication he 's giving krystal , it is n't legal . jesse : ok . angie : and if we could find -- if we could find some way to prove that david is working outside the law again , we could expose him . he would lose his license , and he 'd have to step down as chief . jesse : look at you . you 're trying to be tricky , right ? no search warrant . angie : why not ? jesse : it 's not warranted . the man has n't done anything criminal . angie : that we can prove . and we ca n't prove it unless we get the evidence , and we ca n't get the evidence unless you get a search warrant . jesse : come here . i love you , but please stick to medicine . angie : gosh . jesse : baby , baby , no probable cause , no warrant . angie : i just want david hayward to -- jesse : prime rib . [ phone rings ] angie : i 'm sorry . prime rib sounds great . jesse : thank you . hubbard . i 'll be right there . uh , listen , baby . something just went down over at the casino . i 've got to go . order an appetizer . i 'll be right back , ok ? angie : mm - hmm . jesse : leave hayward alone . jake : hello . is this seat taken ? any of these seats taken ? yes ? angie : police business . jake : hmm . angie : have you heard anything from tad ? jake : well , uh , just that he 's still in session . he said he 'd call me when he 's done . angie : damn david hayward . jake : cheers to that . angie : you never should have lost your job . you never should have been fired , and your father , he should still be -- jake : still be running the hospital . but i was , and he ai n't , so how about some sushi ? sam , where 's my sushi ? angie : so -- so that 's it ? jake : what ? you do n't like sushi ? angie : the man cost you your job . he -- he -- he 's compromised your future . he 's going after tad , ruining his marriage . do n't you think you should be fighting ? jake : i did fight . i lost , remember ? angie : well , it 's time to fight harder . [ scene_break ] judge : mrs. martin ? krystal : i -- i remember . i remember . i was talking about my daughter , babe . since she passed , i -- i 've just -- i 've had a really hard time . uh , this is her picture . i wear it around my neck every day to keep -- to keep her close , next to my heart . she was a beautiful girl , inside and out . livia : your honor , this hearing is about mrs. martin 's -- krystal : you know , if you saw -- if you saw her picture , you -- you would see . you -- it 's broken . it 's broken -- like my life since she died . judge : mr. stark , perhaps your client could use a recess . krystal : no , no , no . i -- i 'm fine . i 'm good . i 'm good . as good as i can be . it 's just that i -- i loved her . i loved her so much , and i miss her . i miss her . i miss her . i mean , we -- we did everything together . we were so close . we were -- we were as close as two people can get . i mean , she used to say , `` you are the best . you are the best mother in the world . `` she said that . how could you say i 'm a bad mother ? how can you say that ? livia : your honor . krystal : how ? livia : please ? krystal : i gave birth to the woman that you love . i raised the woman that changed your life , that gave you a shot , that made you a man . how can you call me unfit ? [ scene_break ] zach : coordinate your detail with my security chief , please . jesse : i was filled in on the way over . clark , any updates ? clark : uh , the vic 's been questioned . we 're gathering evidence . jesse : find him . is everybody ok ? zach : a little bump on the head . everything else is fine . reese : yeah , and that guy could have shot you . he could 've killed all of us . erica : well , no , he did n't . so , ok then , if there 's nothing else for me to do here , i would very much like to go back to my suite . jesse : oh , no , no . i ca n't let you do that . the man is armed and dangerous , erica . erica : well , then please have your men escort me back , and -- and i will lock myself in , and i wo n't come out until it 's safe . agreed ? zach : no . erica : ok . look , we could just stand here , and we could continue to discuss this , or you could give in now . jesse : clark , mathis , escort the lady to her room , please . bianca : i 'm coming , too . reese : yeah , so am i . erica : oh , no . i -- i would much rather that you both go back to your kids . bianca : no . the kids are fine , mom . i 'm worried about your safety . erica : bianca , this is not necessary . bianca : you 're not going without me . erica : bianca , there 's no need . bianca : we can stand here and discuss it , or you could just -- erica : all right , all right . all right , fine then . uh , then , shall we ? jesse : zach , any ideas ? customer with a grudge , disgruntled employee , a drug addict looking for money ? zach : i do n't know . there was something . jesse : what ? zach : looking in his eyes , seemed like i 'd -- i 'd seen him before . [ scene_break ] guard : wait here . erica : oh , please , you ca n't think that he 's hiding under my bed or anything ? honestly , we are very safe in here . you can go . guard : we 'll stay until we get the all clear . erica : well , now , i think there 's going to be a problem because i really need to take a long , hot bath . so we need some privacy . you understand . really , we 're safe in here , and we wo n't leave the room . i promise . guard : ok . erica : thank you . bianca : what 's going on ? erica : oh , bath . bianca : uh , mother , you insisted on coming up here , you insisted on the cops leaving us alone . erica : well , did you want them to stay and scrub my back ? bianca : you 're up to something . what is it ? reese : ok , i 'll -- i -- bianca : no , no , no , no . no , whatever you say , you can say in front of reese . erica : the , uh -- the ring that reese described , it sounds very much like the one of a kind ring that i had made for josh . bianca : what ? erica : i gave it to him just before he got in all that trouble with zach and left town . bianca : wait , mom you 're saying that the man with the gun was -- oh my god . reese : oh my god . josh : dammit , mom . you ruined the surprise . [ scene_break ] [ looking at her pregnancy test , amanda remembers making love with j.r . ] j.r. : hey . [ scene_break ] jake : trust me , if i had something on david hayward i would be the first one to try to take him down . angie : maybe there is something . jake : we 've got plenty of evidence that he 's an ass . last i heard , you ca n't put somebody away for being an ass . what else do you got ? angie : the medication he 's giving krystal . jake : you think he 's dosing krystal ? angie : well , she says it 's just a sedative , something that helps her relax since babe died . jake : hmm , so you think he 's drugging her . angie : you know david loves playing mad scientist , right ? jake : yeah , yeah . remember maria santos grey ? and he was giving her the hayward special , i believe . he said that it saved her life , but it actually ending up making her lose her memory or something crazy like that , but the bastard skated on those charges . angie : listen , jake . if this drug he whipped up is illegal , krystal 's his new guinea pig . jake : untested . untested . if we can prove that it 's not fda approved , we can show that he 's using krystal as a lab rat , and maybe we can get his license stripped . we can get him fired . angie : you 'd get your job back , joe returns as chief of staff , and krystal realizes what david is , and hopefully finds her way back to tad . jake : that works for me . wow , that 's some hot wasabi . angie : now , if we could only find proof . jake : well , you have an in with the police chief . why do n't you just get him to give us a search warrant ? angie : no , i tried that . jesse refused . no legal grounds . jake : really ? well there are other creative ways . you know , when i was a kid , my big brother tad , he showed me a thing or two about locks , and picks , and alarms , and such . angie : oh , my . jake : mm - hmm . angie : breaking and entering ? jake : that just sounds so dirty when you say it like that . these hands , you do n't know , these hands -- golden . [ angie laughs ] angie : let 's do it . jake : yeah ? [ scene_break ] krystal : look at that face , and babe 's soul was -- was even more beautiful . she loved her son . she loved her husband through the good , bad , and worse . she never gave up on what she wanted or on the people that she loved no matter what they did to her . judge : mrs. martin , this hearing is to determine your ability to care for your infant , jenny . krystal : of course , i can . of course , i can . i am a good mother . yes , i mean , i -- i have been -- i 've been depressed . yes , who would n't have been ? and -- and i know i 've done some things and made some choices that you all do n't agree with , but i have never harmed jenny . i would never do that . i would never put her in danger . tad : how can you say that ? you nearly burned the house to the ground . krystal : the girls were not home . tad : what if they had been ? were on those pills the night that it happened ? judge : mr. martin . livia : your honor , there are fears that mrs. martin has become too dependent on her medication . krystal : that is not true . that is not true . i mean , these pills , they -- they help . they -- they help me to focus , to be a better mother . but i do not need them . i do n't need them . i can live without them . i can not live without jenny . and let me tell you something . she needs me . she needs me just as much . tad , tad , i know -- i know i hurt you . i know that you 're mad at me , but you know -- you know how much i love our baby . you know that . please , please , please do n't take my baby . please , please , i can not lose another baby . i ca n't lose another baby . livia : your honor , we have no questions for this witness . judge : mrs. martin , you may step down . judge : mr. stark , anything further ? stark : no , your honor . judge : all right then . i have made my decision . deciding custody is never an easy matter , but based on what i 've seen and heard today as well as the evaluations that have been submitted to this court , the court is granting full custody to mr. martin . krystal : no . [ scene_break ] erica : josh , what happened ? why are you doing this ? josh : i heard kendall was hurt , so i had to come and see her , and i needed some cash . erica : but this is n't the way . come on , let us help you . bianca : josh , this is crazy . josh : oh , it 's so good to see you , sis . so , you 're going to be a part of the kane family now ? watch out . bianca : stop this . josh : you know what ? family reunion is over . i need a way out of here . erica : josh , you could 've killed your sister and me . josh : i aimed high . everyone 's fine . i should 've aimed closer to zach . erica : and killed your sister 's husband ? kendall has protected you . josh : yeah , and i 'm grateful , but that bastard ruined my life and kendall 's ! why did n't he protect her ? erica : is this because you -- you embezzled the money from zach 's company ? josh : erica , i was going to pay him back . he did n't give me a chance , and i 'm tired of living my life on the run , looking over my shoulder , living on scraps . it 's time i got what i 'm owed , and he gets what he 's owed . erica : ok , you let me give you some money . josh : is that going to make you feel better ? is that going to ease the guilt ? just throw some cash at the son you threw away . erica : i never threw you away , josh . i love you . josh : well , if you love me so much , you 're going to get me out of here . bianca : no , no , no , no way . mom stays . you go . josh : kane women . you got ta love 'em . bianca : i ca n't let you do this . josh : get out of my way , bianca . look . bianca : you -- you would n't shoot . you would n't shoot me . josh : you do n't get a vote , so get out of my way . reese : bianca , please , come on . come on . come on , bianca . bianca : no , no , no . mom , do n't do this . reese : bianca , do -- do as josh says . erica : josh , i 'll help you . [ scene_break ] amanda : i was n't expecting to see you because of the meeting , the hearing and all . so how did it go ? j.r. : i do n't know . i left before it was over . amanda : why ? j.r. : do you have anything to drink ? amanda : uh , water and juice -- only the best , take your pick . so what happened ? j.r. : well , krystal 's a train wreck . she can barely keep it together . amanda : sorry to hear that . j.r. : yeah , well , i blasted her for being with hayward , slammed her for being a bad parent -- i mean , is n't that a joke ? i 'm with a bottle more than i am with my son . if i 'm not hung over , i 'm drunk or i 'm looking for more booze . at least krystal 's trying to keep her kid . not me . i want to drink . amanda : you 're going to quit . i 'm going to help you . j.r. : yeah , well , krystal started talking about how much babe loved us , how strong she was . [ j.r. sighs ] j.r. : yeah , it should have been me up on that stand for murder . i killed a man that babe loved . buried him under a bottle of booze . amanda : j.r. , you 're going to beat this , ok ? you 're going to get back on track . j.r. : no , actually , i think i 'd like a couple more shots . amanda : so you can be hung over in the morning and hate yourself even more ? stop it , ok ? stay with me . j.r. : ok . amanda : we 're going to get through this , ok ? um -- and -- mm , sorry . j.r. : hey , hey . you ok ? [ scene_break ] angie : if i had n't seen it with my own eyes -- jake : i am a god . angie : let 's just get our proof before david comes home . jake : i 'll check out the files . angie : all right , i 'll check the house for a lab setup . [ going through david 's mail , jake finds a large check made out to amanda ] [ scene_break ] krystal : please do n't take away my baby , please . judge : i 'm sorry , mrs. martin , but i believe at this point it 's in the best interest of the child that mr. martin be granted full custody . krystal : i am not a danger to my baby . david : krystal . krystal : i am not a danger to my -- [ krystal shouts ] david : krystal , krystal . [ whispering ] krystal . judge : the restraining order is lifted . you will have visitation , limited and supervised . the court will monitor these visits , and at such time as it 's deemed appropriate , the court will consider expanding the scope of access to your daughter . tad : excuse me . i 'm sorry , can i -- can i say something ? judge : you may . tad : i 'm sorry , she 's -- she 's a good mother . she 's one of the best . i hate the fact we 're here . i ca n't stand the fact that we 've come to this . i would never , ever try to take jenny away from you . and i would never try to keep you away from her , because i know how much you love her . but i love her every bit as much , and right now i 've got to protect our daughter . and you -- you 've got to take care of yourself . if it 's ok with you , i mean , you know , if it please the court , you can visit -- see jenny anytime , anytime you want . but you come alone . judge : all right , counselor , draw up the order for visitation from mr. martin 's request and i will sign it . attorney : i will , your honor . judge : i commend your generosity and your love for your family . this court is adjourned . [ gavel pounds ] krystal : thank you . tad : how is she ever going to get to sleep unless you sing her one of those lullabies of yours ? krystal : if -- if you do n't mind , you know , if i can just ask , can i please just see her now ? can i please just kiss her good night ? opal : maybe another day -- tad : no , no , no , it 's fine . of course , you can . adam : so ... martin is the hero yet again . david : shut up . adam : i 'm sure that was n't exactly how you had it planned . i think you would prefer krystal to have been in tears so you could take control , comfort her , push more pills down her throat . david : listen , why do n't you track down your son before he empties every liquor bottle in pine valley ? adam : you pretty well ripped up the martin family , but a little word of warning . you so much as breathe on anyone in my family , you 'll never see me coming . [ phone ringing ] david : this is hayward . i 'm on my way . call mrs. slater . tell them to get to the hospital asap . [ scene_break ] josh : i need a way out , and i need a car . erica : mine 's right in the garage . i 'll bring it around . josh : well , i ca n't exactly walk right through the lobby , erica . any other great ideas ? reese : ok , there is a security exit that only zach and i know about . if you park your car near the rear area of the delivery , it 's only a few yards from the exit . josh : i 'm so feeling the love . all right , you go get the car . call me when you 're at the exit . i 'll stay here with the girls . bianca : no , no , mom , do n't do this . josh : oh , wait , sibling rivalry ? do n't worry , bianca , she definitely loves you best . bianca : you ca n't do this . it 's too dangerous . erica : i 'll be -- i 'll be fine . josh , please do n't hurt them . josh : we 'll catch up on old times . erica : right . i 'll see you soon . bianca : josh , you 'll never get away with this . [ josh chuckles ] bianca : there are cops everywhere , and security . josh : yeah ? well , i 've survived worse . ask erica . i 'm a fricking miracle . [ scene_break ] jesse : i 'm going to keep my man in place just in case somebody missed something , all right ? erica kane . what happened to staying behind locked doors ? erica : well , reese and bianca are there . i need to get something from my car . jesse : ah -- zach : i 'll go with you . erica : that is really not necessary . zach : it 's not safe . erica : you have your hands full in here . jesse : listen , there is a man with a gun running around the property . erica : you know , i 'll be -- zach : what 's going on with you ? something 's wrong . josh : you got that right . [ josh is holding reese hostage ] zach : hello , joshua . welcome home . [ scene_break ] jake : what did you find ? angie : lookie , lookie . i found these in david 's study . we 'll know more when i have them analyzed . jake : mm . angie : what about you ? jake : oh , nothing . he likes to use this -- this nozumi , a masseuse , a couple of times this week . that 's about it . [ scene_break ] amanda : uh -- what are you doing ? j.r. : what ? i thought maybe you picked a bottle up of something , i do n't know . amanda : get out of my things . j.r. : are you ok ? it seems like you 're a little bit -- i do n't know , off . amanda : i had a flu shot . i 'm not feeling so great . j.r. : yeah , god , that makes two of us . ooh . amanda : well , stay here . get some rest . you 'll feel better in the morning . j.r. : aw , why are you so good to me ? amanda : i do n't know . j.r. : you know , i 'm going to do it , amanda . i 'm going to be the man that babe loved . i 'm going to be a good dad to little adam . amanda : you are a good dad . j.r. : hmm . [ scene_break ] erica : josh , what are you doing ? jesse : let her go . let her go . bianca : please , just -- josh : get the hell away from me ! get away . jesse : everybody , just calm down . nobody is getting hurt . josh : i like the way you think . jesse : all right , all right . erica : josh , josh , why are you doing this ? i said i would help you . josh : oh , i figured you were going to let me down again . you know , it would n't be the first time . zach : let reese go . we 'll settle this . josh : no , i do n't think so , zach . you see , i need her . one warm body gets me out of here alive . jesse : josh , josh , you 're with family . put the gun down . josh : how about i keep the gun , i keep the hostage , call off your men and give me a car and she lives . you do n't , she dies . erica : josh -- zach : i 'll get you a car . it 'll be in the front . jesse : i 'll make the call . all right ? making the call . i 'm making the call . relax . clark , we 've got a situation . i need you to send one of these single cars around to the front entrance . stand the men down . you hear me ? stand them down . ok , all right . put the gun down , let her go , you can leave unharmed . you 've got my word . josh : i 'd rather keep -- reese : ah ! bianca : no , no , wait . you ca n't just let him go out there without -- reese : it 's ok . i will be ok . zach : joshua , talk to me . let 's work this out . josh : now , now you want to work this out . i told you i was going to pay you back . i apologized to you . i begged to work things out , zach . you wanted me dead . zach : you do n't steal from me . josh : i borrowed from you . you did n't give me a chance . you would n't listen to me . so much for family . and you know what ? now i 'm stealing , and you are going to let me out of here . i 'm out of here . zach : you can go . reese stays . josh : not a chance in hell . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what do you want ? jake : sorry , did i interrupt -- interrupt something ? j.r. : go to hell . jake : uh , i just would like to see amanda . [ scene_break ] amanda : please be negative . please be negative . [ scene_break ] tad : somebody was in dreamland . opal : mm . krystal : oh . krystal : oh , my goodness . oh , my sweet girl . you know how much mama loves you , misses you . krystal : oh , you just sleep tight , ok ? and i 'll see you in your dreams , ok ? [ humming brahms ' lullaby ] i shall keep you from harm thou shalt wake in my arms [ scene_break ] doctor : dr. hayward . david : yeah . doctor : mrs. slater 's injection fraction has decreased significantly . heart 's pumping minimal blood . david : damn it , she 's on her way to organ failure . have you located her husband ? doctor : we tried all of mr. slater 's contact numbers . there 's been no response . david : well , keep trying . i need to tell him his wife is dying . [ scene_break ] zach : let her go . josh : i 'm not stupid . zach , i walk out of here without her , i 've got a bulls eye on my back . erica : josh , you 're angry , and you 're frustrated . i understand that . but please do n't make it worse . let reese go , please , please . do it for me . josh : do what ? do what -- for you ? i 'm going to need a much better reason than that . erica : i was going to say , for kendall . she 's done nothing but help you . josh : yeah , yeah , she has . she 's one of the most decent human beings i 've ever -- i 've ever met . but you know what ? right now i 've got to -- i 've got to help myself . and this guy -- [ phone ringing ] josh : this guy did n't help her at all . jesse : all right , all right . here 's the call . talk to me . josh , josh . thank you . the car is out front . it 's ready . you can go . you can go , josh . just leave ms. williams here . josh : like hell . bianca : no ! erica : bianca ! [ as reese struggles free of josh , he and zach point their guns at each other ] | at the confusion bar , jake urges amanda to take a pregnancy test . in the courtroom during the custody hearing , all of krystal 's packet of pills falls to the floor . at the casino , zach orders the gunman to put the gun down . instead , the gunman runs off . when zach checks on everyone to see how they are , they find bianca knocked unconscious . amanda denies that she could be pregnant . jesse and angie try to share some quality time together despite angie wanting to get the goods on david . reese tells zach , erica and bianca about the ring that the man was wearing . the head of security at the casino tells zach that the gunman had gotten away with 10 million dollars . in her hotel room , erica opens up to bianca and reese that the masked gunman could be josh . josh comes out of hiding and insists that erica had ruined his surprise . erica offers josh her help . amanda comes home with the pregnancy test and is almost caught by j.r. jesse receives a phone call and is called away to the casino . angie and jake come up with a plan to bring down david . tad gets full custody of jenny . |
asa : we are here to place our claim on ace . j.r. : first of all , his name is not ace , and he 's not here . kevin : babe kidnapped him from my hotel room , and i intend to get him back . he 's my son . j.r. : well , according to his dna , he 's mine . adam : there 's no point in getting all worked up , gentlemen . must be a shock to learn that you 're raising my son 's child , but -- although i 'm sure you can understand . asa : how -- chandler , how do you and this boy of yours have the guts to claim that he 's yours ? j.r. : it 's a fact . kevin : the only fact that matters is that i have legal custody . if you think that 's going to change because of your pathetic fantasy -- j.r. : that 's my son in new orleans . kevin : well , thanks for the tip , but when ace is found , he 's coming home to me . j.r. : really ? what if you 're not around to come home to ? [ scene_break ] tv announcer : there 's been a major breakthrough in the kidnapping case of the son of pennsylvania 's lieutenant governor , kevin buchanan . although details are being withheld , sources close to the investigation anticipate an arrest could come at any time . [ tv turns off ] liza : let 's just hope the trail is cooling down . [ knock on door ] jamie : i 'll handle it . sorry , father , i think you have the wrong place . tad : the hell i do . jamie : dad ! [ scene_break ] maggie : you love me ? what am i supposed to do with that ? bianca : i do n't know . it just came out . maggie : is it a trick or something to try to save me and keep me from jonathan ? bianca : no , that 's not what this is . it 's the truth . i love you . maggie : stop it . no , we had this conversation months ago . remember ? love me or love me like a friend . bianca : no . maggie , things have changed . maggie : because lena -- because lena dumped you ? bianca : no , that 's not what this is at all . maggie : stop it . i am with jonathan now . it 's where i want to be . [ scene_break ] jonathan : how 'd you get in here ? greenlee : well , it took you long enough . jonathan : excuse me ? greenlee : i could n't wait any longer , let myself in . i hope you do n't mind . jonathan : you do n't have a key . greenlee : a lock pick . your brother gave it to me , taught me how . amazing little tool . i always carry it in my purse . jonathan : i know you 're family , greenlee , but this is my home . greenlee : i 'm sorry . i did n't think you 'd mind . jonathan : i 'm really , really curious . why did you break in here ? [ scene_break ] kendall : it 's me , it 's kendall . kendall ? the woman that you forgot to make breakfast for this morning , remember ? ethan , please . [ scene_break ] maggie : just because your relationship with lena did n't work out does n't mean that you can go and trash mine , ok ? i 'm not going to let it happen . jonathan makes me feel like no one ever has . he makes me feel wanted and needed and beautiful . bianca : maggie , you 're trying way too hard . maggie : me ? me ? what about you ? the sermon , this stupid pamphlet ? you know what ? butt out of my life ! bianca : maggie -- maggie , no . maggie , ok , stop , please . you can hate me , you can cuss me out -- i do n't care -- but do n't go back to him . do n't put yourself in danger . maggie : danger ? please . please , he loves me . he talks about his plans , our plans , our future together . and once -- once he just finds a job where he 's appreciated and where he 's needed , we are going to have that future together , and do n't ever expect to be a part of it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i came for the roberts - renfield file . it was n't in the office , so i figured it was here in your computer . so , how about that file ? jonathan : i did n't realize it was so important . greenlee : that broken bottle was there when i got here , i swear . jonathan : accidents happen . greenlee : actually , i 'd like your opinion . jonathan : about ? greenlee : well , i 've been going crazy lately -- normal crazy , not psycho crazy -- about who drugged me . i mean , who would hate me so much that they 'd want to medicate me into the loony bin ? jonathan : you already know what i think about that . there 's only one person that radical . kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : ethan . my god , i was so worried about you . ethan : i -- i almost killed you . kendall : no . no , ethan , you could n't . you could n't . you do n't have it in you . ethan : do n't i ? until you looked in my eyes and you said my name , i did n't know who i was , what i was capable of doing . kendall : i know exactly who you are . you 're ethan . you 're ethan . you 're lousy at strip poker , great at three - point baskets . you make a hell of an eggs benedict -- which , by the way , you whiffed on . remember what you promised me this morning -- breakfast in bed ? instead , you were out the door . ethan : seems like months ago . kendall : yeah , i know . ethan : i picked up that gun like it was keys , gloves -- just autopilot . maybe i just wanted to scare zach , threaten him , see some fear in his eyes . maybe i wanted to kill him . kendall : no , i do n't believe that . ethan : i had this -- this craziness in my head . it took everything that i had not to pull that trigger . i just wanted -- i just wanted some payback , i wanted some revenge ! i just wanted to see his blood . kendall , what is happening to me ? [ scene_break ] asa : you take that threat back , boy . j.r. : do n't call me `` boy . `` asa : i 'd like to smack you right here and now . adam : asa , asa , asa , relax . you have n't lost your taste for 18-year - old scotch , have you ? kevin : this is n't a social call . adam : no , it is n't . it 's a serious problem . it requires serious thought , not a brawl . so , why do n't we try to settle this in a civilized manner ? asa : yes , yes , that 'd be good -- like the mcnally property . adam : oh , asa , that was over 20 years ago . asa : i got a long memory , adam , especially when i 'm screwed over . kevin , adam and i were competing for some land , 1984 . i got the deed , he bought the property adjacent . and what do you think he did ? he started to slant drill to steal my oil . adam : you scammed your way into that property , and my drilling was straight . asa : like a damn pretzel . adam : well , luckily , we 're both old enough and wise enough to put that behind us . asa : i want to tell you something , adam -- i do n't give a damn how much oil you steal , but you or him are not going to steal my great - grandson . adam : you 're entitled to any great - grandson that belongs to you . but that baby is a chandler . [ scene_break ] liza : you , dressed as a priest ? are n't you afraid that lightning is going to strike you down ? tad : well , my chicken suit is in the cleaners -- liza : hmm . tad : and i did n't want to take any chances . adam 's already assigned a private investigator to follow me around pine valley , and i just spotted another one at the airport . babe : i 'm sure they have their whole army out . tad : i 'm afraid a private lynch mob is the least of your problems because j.r. has told the llanview police and the feds that you two are the ones that kidnapped the baby . and because you were spotted in town , i 'm sure they 've got this whole area covered . babe : so pretty much we 're cooked . tad : not if i can help it . jamie : so what 's the plan ? tad : i 'm going to get you out of here as soon as i can , and you and colby . where is she ? liza : in her room . tad : good . i 'm sorry , liza . i did n't think i was going to have to uproot you this fast . liza : no , look , you know , i 'm not against a new zip code . i just want to keep colby safe . babe : and james . tad : which is why tomorrow you two are going to argentina . jamie : argentina ? babe : what , argentina ? tad : i 've already talked to juan pablo . it 's all arranged . babe : uh -- jamie : thank you . tad : do n't thank me . i 'm just a father taking care of his son . i think you know how that feels . you 're going to be just fine , little munchkin . babe : i guess if we 're leaving the country , i 'm going to get james ' stuff together . jamie : ok , yeah . liza : i 'll help you . jamie : you know , i 'd walk through fire for that kid . tad : i 'd say you already are . jamie : i ca n't help it . i remember the first time he looked at me and the way he looked at me -- like he knew . he reached out and grabbed my heart . now he owns it . tad : i know the feeling . listen , there 's something about tomorrow you need to realize . jamie : that i should brush up on my spanish . tad : no . after you get on that ship , it 'll probably be the last time you ever see american soil . jamie : or you and mom . [ scene_break ] asa : ace is a buchanan -- my name , my great - grandson -- and none of your damn bull is going to change that . j.r. : he 's my son , old man . asa : do n't you ever call me `` old man . `` j.r. : adam chandler iii is his name . adam : gentlemen . we knew this was n't going to be simple . kevin : oh , it 's simple . it 's sad , but it 's simple . look , i sympathize with you , j.r . i do . to lose the baby that you thought was your daughter has to be devastating . on top of that , to learn that your son was killed in a horrific accident -- j.r. : he did n't . kevin : well , that 's what i call denial . look , i understand it . it 's a lot easier to believe that cramer kidnapped him and that he 's still alive and well than to face the truth . j.r. : the only truth is he 's been raised by strangers , but that 's about to soon change . kevin : well , that 's your theory . there 's no proof . look , even if we wanted to check out your story out of courtesy , we ca n't , not with cramer in the ground . j.r. : any idea who put him there ? kevin : that 's police business . j.r. : or maybe a family matter . maybe cramer got a little greedy , wanted to spill the truth . that 's some serious motivation for murder , is n't it , kev ? you and your old buddy cramer partners in crime because you knew your baby was stolen ? [ scene_break ] babe : i guess if we 're leaving the hemisphere , i 'm going to go get myself packed . ok . i -- i have a letter for mama . it 's just some snaps of the baby from christmas and new year 's and stuff . do you think maybe i could give it to you to give to her ? tad : sure . tad : smart . if i know your mother , she 'll probably sleep with these pictures under her pillow . babe : could i ask you a favor ? tad : what is it ? babe : i know that i 've already asked you so much and you 've -- you 've already done so much for me , and i really will be forever grateful . just this one more thing , i promise . can you just talk to jamie for me ? just convince him to let me go ? tad , please , just take jamie back to pine valley with you . [ scene_break ] kevin : you think i kidnapped my own son and then killed paul cramer ? that 's ridiculous . asa : whoa , whoa . kevin did not kill anyone . j.r. : that 's just an opinion . look , you know , i really do n't care who offed cramer . all i care about is getting my son back , and when i do , i will get proof that he 's a chandler . kevin : well , you might want to cap that enthusiasm there , junior . we did a little poking around , found out that you 've been arrested for -- what was that ? i believe drugging your poor wife ? adam : well , if you 'd been a little more thorough , you 'd know the case was dropped . asa : adam , there 's no reason the case ca n't be reopened . is n't that right , lieutenant governor ? kevin : just a phone call away , really . adam : i thought we 'd dispensed with threats . kevin : it 's no threat . i feel sorry for bella , or babe -- whatever the hell her name is . i do . i mean , she loved that little girl very much . she obviously lost it when she had to return her to bianca montgomery . it makes sense that she became delusional and believed that ace was her baby . j.r. : delusional ? babe is a lot of things , but she 's definitely not that . kevin : yeah , well , maybe she had a little help . last time i saw her , she was confused and distraught . now it makes sense . her mental state was due to the drugs that you obviously slipped her . adam : do n't let him get to you , son . do n't let it . kevin : look , all i 'm saying is that babe , when she 's found , is going to need help -- medical , psychiatric . j.r. : the only thing that babe needs is to be locked up for the rest of her life . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'll be all right . tad : now , wait a minute -- after everything you two have been through together , you do n't want him to go with you ? babe : it 's just that -- tad : where 's this coming from ? babe : it 's not right . this is my mess . tad : if i remember correctly , it was jamie 's idea to snatch little james in the first place . babe : only because he wanted to help me . look , this is n't how i wanted it to turn out . it 's totally spun out of control and become something i did n't want . and jamie -- he 's already in too deep . he 's -- he 's done too much already , but leaving the country and never seeing his family again -- that 's going way too far . tad : it 's jamie 's choice . babe : tad , what kind of life is that for him ? it 's not like j.r. is ever going to stop hunting us down , and whatever happens to me , it 's fine -- i deserve it and i 'll deal with it . but if something happens to jamie because of me , i 'm never going to be able to forgive myself . so that 's why you have to take him home with you . you got to just get him away from me and out of this mess . tad : babe , how much does jamie mean to you ? [ scene_break ] liza : how did you ever hook up with babe and her son ? jamie : you have problems with krystal , and i get that . but babe 's different . liza : is she ? i mean , do n't get me wrong . she 's -- she 's sweet and kind , and she knows how to get what she wants . jamie : babe did n't pull me into doing anything i did n't want to . liza : well , she 's made some mistakes . [ james sneezes ] liza : you could get hurt . bless you . jamie : we 've all made mistakes . but that does n't make us bad people . liza : most people do n't keep their best friend 's baby . jamie : babe did that for j.r. , not herself . i know who she really is . i know her heart . liza : i 'm sure you do . but , you know , maybe it 's time to say good - bye and wish her luck . i mean , going to argentina , you will be away from your friends and your family maybe forever . jamie : i 'm doing it for the same reason you took colby away from pine valley -- to save that little smile . liza : you know , something tells me that there is more here than just this baby 's welfare . am i right ? jamie : i love babe . [ scene_break ] babe : i love jamie , and i love him with everything that 's in me . but he does n't know it and he 's not going to . [ scene_break ] ethan : when i had zach in my sights , it took everything in me not to pull that trigger . i 've never felt that kind of rage before . kendall : hey , you had every right to . listen to me -- zach lied to you over and over again . he betrayed you , he denied you . that would 've put anyone over the edge . i mean , did he -- did he even explain why ? did he apologize ? ethan : with my gun trained on his heart , he told me that he would deny me again if he had the chance . kendall : i 'm sorry . ethan : i just wanted to make him feel a fraction of the pain that i have had to go through . kendall : yeah , well , zach does n't feel . he does n't feel . he 's all about self- preservation . he 's like a cockroach . he is way beyond contempt . ethan : in that moment , so was i . it 's like i was taking my first steps towards being a cambias , and it changed everything . if ryan had n't come along when he did -- i do not want to be the man i was today . kendall : you 're not . you 're not , ok , ethan ? that was one second out of your life . it 's the past , it 's gone . it means nothing . ethan : then why do i still feel it inside me ? [ scene_break ] anita : i hope i gave you enough time with maggie . bianca : oh , yeah , you gave me plenty of time to turn it into a total disaster . anita : oh , what happened ? bianca : i do n't know , i 'm still trying to figure it out . do you ever look at somebody and all of a sudden , in a flash , just feel something that you did n't quite expect ? anita : what are we talking about ? bianca : this give you a clue about how well i got through to maggie ? anita : bianca , so you keep trying . bianca : how ? the maggie that i know would never let a guy abuse her . so how is it that that same woman is running back to a man who could hurt her or even kill her ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : maybe you 're right . maybe kendall did drug me . i just do n't want to believe it . jonathan : if you 'd get past your wishful thinking for a second , you 'd see i 'm right . come on , who else is that desperate ? who else has been that twisted that they would hurt you to get to him ? greenlee : well , why not just go after ryan himself ? not like she has n't done it before . jonathan : that would n't solve the problem . greenlee : i 'm the problem ? jonathan : absolutely . whatever you say , whatever you do , whatever you think , that 's all that matters to him . i mean , for him there is no one else . everything he does , he does for you . so if somebody wants to get close to him , they 'd probably have to get rid of you . greenlee : x - ing me to get to ryan -- pretty extreme . jonathan : kendall 's whole game . ca n't let your guard down , greenlee , just because she 's playing nice . greenlee : i 'll keep that in mind . jonathan : what 's the rush ? greenlee : i 've got to get this file back to the office . jonathan : it can wait . why do n't you kick back , have a beer . why do n't you teach me about lock - picking because who knows when that could come in handy . [ knock on door ] jonathan : mags . there you are -- the love of my life . maggie : oh , i did n't know we were having company . i forgot my key . jonathan : we were just about to have a beer , huh ? greenlee : i really should get going . maggie : no , please do n't go on account of me . greenlee : really , i 'm late already . excuse me . [ scene_break ] bianca : maggie is never intimidated by anyone , so how is it that she ca n't see through jonathan ? anita : maybe a part of her does n't want to . maybe she was rejected by somebody that she really cared about and she feels unloved , lonely . and along comes jonathan , you know , telling her that she 's the greatest thing on the planet , and it makes her forget about whoever let her down . [ scene_break ] maggie : why did you lock me out ? jonathan : i was upset . maggie : so was i . you could n't open the door and talk about things ? jonathan : no . i could n't chance it . i wanted to make sure i had control of my temper . it was just -- it was my messed - up way of protecting you . [ scene_break ] bianca : maybe jonathan wo n't hurt maggie again . anita : chances are . the worst thing is abusive guys are pretty unpredictable . dinner gets burned , maybe not such a big deal . but buy the wrong soda and they go ballistic . it 's like living with jekyll and hyde . [ scene_break ] maggie : so you 're not mad ? jonathan : of course not , no . baby , i locked you out of our apartment . i 'm the jerk . i 'm just -- i 'm just glad you came back . i do n't deserve someone as wonderful as you . maggie : what do you always say that ? you know , why do you put yourself down ? jonathan : it does n't matter . maggie : yes , it does . jonathan : maggie , sometimes you -- you say things , you put me down . you probably do n't even know you 're doing it . it just -- it 's hard on the old ego , you know ? maggie : what do i say to hurt you ? jonathan ? please tell me . [ scene_break ] ethan : i am not going to be like my father . this -- this ends now . kendall : ethan , listen to me . you are not your father , ok ? his sins are not yours . ethan : i think it 's a little early to lay odds on that one . kendall : no , listen to me . listen , i had to deal with my father . now you 've got to do the same . ethan : you were lucky , kendall . your father was kind enough to die on you . kendall : oh , ok , you think that makes it easier ? no , dead or alive , you still have to deal . it was -- it was a biological mistake that zach was your father . he was a sperm donor , not a dad . ethan : kendall , he still shares my blood . kendall : yes , and so does your mother . hannah -- she must have been a hell of a woman , ethan . i mean , to keep you away from the cambias name , that takes guts , real guts . she sounded amazing . now , that is someone for you to be proud of , ethan . be proud to be her son . your mother has sacrificed everything for you . [ scene_break ] babe : look , you know jamie . he 's so darned kind and noble . i tell him that i love him , we both know he 's going to do the honorable thing even if that 's not how he feels . he 'll be stuck , he 'll have no way out , but at least this way he 'll have an escape hatch . tad : i do n't think he 's looking for an escape hatch . i think he thinks you two are happy together . babe : he is everything that i 've ever wanted in a guy . but i 've held on to him way too long and he has a life that he needs to get back to . that is why i have to let him go . tad : maybe he wants a new life . babe : tad , he deserves a life better than -- than being on the run a million miles away from his family . if he goes back with you , you could -- you could help him . you could convince everyone that he had nothing to do with the kidnapping , that he just followed me down to florida to convince me to give the baby back . then that way he 'd be free . [ scene_break ] jamie : babe needs to be free to do what she has to do . now , if i blab that i 'm crazy about her , it 's just more pressure and -- like she is n't stressed enough already . she 'd feel obligated to give us a shot like she owed me . so , as much as i do love babe , being friends is the only thing to do . liza : sounds logical . and i will tell you that logic will fly into the face of love any day of the week . honestly , i encourage you to be honest and tell her how you feel . [ james babbles ] [ scene_break ] babe : i love him . i love him way too much to see him lose everything . tad : i appreciate the sentiment , but jamie 's not exactly a kid anymore . he has n't listened to me for a long time , and he 's certainly not going to start now . babe : but he respects you . tad : and i respect him and his decisions even if i do n't agree with them . he 's not a fool . he 's not about to give you up , certainly not on my say - so . if you do n't want him to go with you , he 's going to have to hear it from you . [ scene_break ] jamie : maybe i will tell babe how i feel . liza : when ? someday ? because in the meantime , you 're james ' daddy and you 're babe 's buddy ? how long are you going to let that go on ? jamie : all i know is that i was meant to do this , and as crazy as that sounds , nothing has ever felt so right . every time i look at babe , every time i look at james , nothing else matters . just to keep them safe and happy and loved . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that boy does not have your blood . kevin : the fact that ace is n't my biological child does n't change the fact that i 'm his father . i walked the floors with him , i watched him sleep , i fed him . you love a baby because you do . j.r. : that 's a nice speech . big problem -- you walked the floors with a baby that was stolen from the day he was born . kevin : according to you . according to the court , i have custody . adam : no , what you have is a piece of paper once those dna test results are in . asa : there will be no dna test taken on ace . adam : we do n't need your permission , asa . i have plenty of judges who will order that test . kevin : you know what ? you can bribe all the judges you want . i 'll tell the state 's attorney general 's office to block any court order you manage to get . asa : people tend to listen when the lieutenant governor calls . adam : well , my old fishing buddy , the governor , listens when i call . so you 're putting a stranglehold on the courts ? well , i guess we 'll just have to try this case in the court of public opinion . when this story breaks -- and it will -- my son is going to have the people on his side . what he thought was his child was ripped out of his arms on christmas eve , and his own son was kidnapped by his slut of a wife who ran off with his brother . there 's not going to be a dry eye in the commonwealth . you ca n't buy that kind of sympathy . kevin : we happen to have our own newspaper . it 's called `` the banner . `` adam : oh , `` the banner , `` yeah . oh , spare me . no , you 're going to be outside looking in . a public official is caught up in a baby - snatching ? is he innocent , is he guilty ? it does n't matter . the damage to your reputation would be irreparable . kevin : you ca n't prove any of this . adam : do n't have to . that 's the beauty of it . lies , whispers , innuendoes , that 's -- that 's all it takes . j.r. : you know , we chandlers fight to the death for our children . kevin : well , then prepare to die because this is a fight you 're going to lose . you do n't stand a chance . asa : we 're done here , kevin . kevin : thanks for the scotch . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , listen , think about this . think about this . the woman who raised you was not lying on her deathbed , so all of those feelings that you had growing up , those feelings that you did n't belong -- ethan , you were right . ethan : i expected being right to feel a lot better than this . i must have known . that must be why i put off the test , because i did n't want to get stuck to zach . [ phone rings ] ethan : you should answer that . kendall : all right , do n't -- do n't go after your gun . [ ring ] kendall : hello ? greenlee : it 's me . kendall : i ca n't talk right now . greenlee : i broke into jonathan 's apartment and tried to log onto his computer . kendall : what ? greenlee : to get evidence that he drugged me . he came home . kendall : you got caught , you idiot . what is wrong with you ? greenlee : i handled it . he did n't give anything up , but he really creeped me out . kendall : all right , you know what ? i do n't have time to deal with this right now . i 'm in the middle of something . greenlee : ethan ? ryan told you to stay away from him . kendall : yeah , well , i do n't roll over and play fetch either . greenlee : who 's the idiot here ? kendall : just tell ryan about jonathan . greenlee : you 're a big help . [ scene_break ] anita : men like jonathan -- they use it . they twist a woman into so many knots , she starts to believe that she 's actually responsible , that it 's her fault , that she pushed him too far . bianca : maggie 's a fighter . there 's no way that she would put up with that . anita : it sounds like maggie is too off - balance to fight . if she 's like most victims , she 's convinced herself that she has to do the right thing and say the right thing and the abuse will stop . [ scene_break ] maggie : will you just tell me what i did wrong ? what i said ? i 'm just trying to make sense of this . jonathan : i lost it when you said you were disappointed in me , and you called me stupid how many times ? i -- i felt like i was under attack and i wanted it to stop , so i lashed out and i 'm an idiot . i did it with my fists instead of words . maggie , i love you so much . i just -- i want to be everything to you . and if i think you look down on me , if i think that you feel like i 'm an idiot , i do n't -- maggie : oh , no , no , no . i do n't . i love you so much . i never meant to hurt you . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i promise , i 'll never do that again . [ scene_break ] bianca : that 's how it was for me when i was raped . i thought for sure that it was my fault . anita : then you have a beat on what 's going on in maggie 's head . bianca : i was so ashamed . i thought that i was the one who set michael off . as crazy as it sounds , i thought that i was the one to blame . anita : thank god that -- that you got through it . bianca : yeah , with counseling and because of maggie . i wish you 'd known her then . she was fearless . she was the first person that i told and the only person that i knew that i could count on . really , i knew that i could tell her anything and everything , and somehow i felt that it would make everything ok . god , why did i ever let go of that ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] jonathan : may i have this dance ? maggie : i told bianca to leave you alone and to stay out of our lives . jonathan : you 're my champion . you know that ? you 're incredible . god , you 'd go to the wall for me . oh , you 're so beautiful . you 're incredible in bed , too . maggie : i am ? jonathan : how could you not know that ? you turn me on like no one ever has . how could you ever think you were gay ? maggie : i was wrong . it was all a mistake . singers : breathless singer : breathless in your arms singers : i 'm breathless [ scene_break ] bianca : i just want to go in there to maggie 's apartment and grab her and yank her out of there . anita : all she would do is fight to stay . bianca : so what are we supposed to do , just watch ? just give her more pamphlets to rip up ? anita : you -- you be her friend , spend time with her , try to get back the relationship that you used to have . because if you push her too far , she 's going to run . bianca : yeah , i did that and she 's gone . [ scene_break ] kendall : what is it ? ethan : promise me that you 'll make sure that i do n't change , that this cambias curse wo n't come true . i ca n't lose everything i love , kendall . i ca n't lose you . kendall : i promise . [ scene_break ] tad : guys , how 's the packing going ? babe : oh , we 're almost done . tad : well , if it 's all the same to you , little james is down for the count . liza : in my bedroom . tad : so we were thinking about taking this little whirling dervish out for some fresh air . colby : and some ice cream . tad : i know , three scoops . i remember . so , you 'll be ready ? jamie : yeah , we will . we 'll be ready . tad : all right . babe : one way or the other . jamie : i -- i ca n't do this . babe : what do you mean ? jamie : there 's -- there 's something i have to tell you and i ca n't wait . babe : there 's something that i need to tell you , too . i do n't want you going with us to argentina . jamie : where the heck did that come from ? babe : look , i 'm going to be forever grateful for everything that you 've done . and you 've been so good to james and to me . but it 's not like we have a future . you have your life and i have mine . that 's why i 'm going to say good- bye right now . [ next_on ] j.r. ( to david and krystal ) : it 's time to make you pay . jamie : i love you , babe . you love me , too . greenlee : things have n't been so great between me and your baby brother . this is so hard . ryan : you can tell me anything . [ in bed , jonathan reaches over to maggie 's throat ] | adam and jr get a visit from oltl 's kevin and asa buchanan . kevin and asa tell the chandlers that they refuse to believe that ace / james is jr 's child and refuse to authorize a dna test . babe and jamie are ready to flee to argentina with the baby but babe asks tad to take jamie back to pine valley with him so jamie is not implicated for kidnapping james with her . but they both know that jamie is determined to face the consequences with babe and not abandon her . bianca and anita discuss what they should do to get maggie to realize jonathan is an abuser and leave him . but she refuses to listen . greenlee breaks into jonathan 's apartment and he catches her . she 's still determined to prove that he drugged her . kendall urges ethan to deal with his feelings about his parentage . |
ryan : helms , borden , and macarthur all came on after i left , so if i could get their cvs both professional and personal -- woman : yes , sir , right away . ryan : and will you let everybody know that i called this meeting just to be brought up to speed ? i do n't want to walk out of there with pounds of paperwork , ok ? woman : yes , sir . ryan : thanks . do n't i look like i 'm ready to take on cambias industries ? julia : well , you might be taking on a lot more than that . i think you may be in danger , ryan . ryan : let me guess -- zach . [ scene_break ] [ zach hums ] kendall : mmm . if that did n't smell so delicious , i 'd think i was still dreaming . zach : there you go . kendall : thanks . nice . where 's yours ? zach : i had coffee . kendall : oh . well , i 'll share . zach : yeah ? kendall : yeah . zach : you 're already sharing all your meals . vitamins , nutritions -- everything is packed into this breakfast for you and your baby . kendall : you cooked this ? zach : no . kendall : no ? no . zach : i hired a chef . he 's next door cooking up a storm . kendall : i have a chef ? zach : mm - hmm . kendall : i have a private chef ? i love this . this is perfect . i think maybe i probably am still dreaming . zach : well , maybe the news of the world will wake you up . kendall : ok . zach : what , that bad ? [ on the front page of the pine valley bulletin , is a picture of ryan with the headline : lavery returns to share helm of cambias industries . ] [ scene_break ] tad : wow . you look like you 're ready for anything . di : why ? what are you going to throw at me this time ? tad : you feel attacked yesterday ? di : no , i just was n't sure if you were going to come back . tad : to be honest , that makes two of us . di : so why did you ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , i questioned the household staff , employees at chandler , everyone . not a clue where my father is . babe : or mama ? where would they even go , and who sent the telegram saying they disappeared ? j.r. : somebody who wanted us to drop everything and race back here . babe : to come here and find these shoes laying around ? j.r. : yeah , like at some sort of japanese restaurant . and these . somebody rigged sandbags to drop on us ? babe : or on adam and mama . j.r. : it does n't add up . what the hell is going on here ? [ scene_break ] image : good god ! what is your costume budget ? janet : you can not put a price on creativity . image : you better forget about the halloween leftovers and start to deal with the sardines you got packed in the back of this tin can . janet : as a matter of fact , i am going to be dealing with my cargo today . image : dealing ? how ? what is going on in that crackpot brain of yours ? janet : if i told you , it would n't be a surprise . image : you do n't have a plan . this is all just an opportunity for you to play dress - up and have a human scavenger hunt . janet : quite the contrary -- i am going to create a cliffhanger that is so great , it is going to leave you clinging to your frame . [ scene_break ] j.r. : who are you calling ? babe : the police ? j.r. : uh - uh . no way you 're going to drag derek and his boys into this . babe : uh , well , that does n't really make sense unless you know something i do n't . j.r. : what is that supposed to mean ? babe : well , maybe you have some insider information , maybe a little theory of your own . j.r. : yeah , i 've got a theory . your mama set up this disappearance to drain the chandler piggy bank . babe : my mother did not abduct your father . if anyone 's behind this , you know it 's adam . he probably has mama someplace torturing her . your dad 's going to pay for this ! j.r. : your mama 's going to pay for this , babe ! [ scene_break ] [ regaining consciousness , adam looks around and finds himself in bed with brooke , opal , and krystal . ] adam : oh , my god , how much did i have to drink ? oh , my head , my head . am i a trigamist ? [ brooke groans ] brooke : ugh . what the -- am i in the basement ? adam ? joe : ruth , where the -- opal ? opal : give me some of that quilt , you blanket hog ! i -- oh . i 'm dressed ? my shoes ! krystal : what ? what in the -- opal : you ! hand over my shoes ! krystal : i do n't have your shoes ! opal : my shoes ! adam : none of us has any shoes . [ opal cries ] brooke : well , i think that 's probably the least of our worries . joe : where are we ? opal : my shoes . joe : a warehouse ? krystal : no , more like a packing crate . adam : it 's a -- it 's a metal box ! opal : oh , come on , you got to be kidding . krystal : no , no . we are in the back of a box truck . opal : well , of course you would know . krystal : it 's a truck ! opal : what the hell kind of a joke is this ? joe : it 's no joke . we 're locked in . opal : what ? brooke : well , ca n't we see out ? i mean , is n't there any way to , like , tell where we are , or -- krystal : adam can let us out . adam : sorry , i left my can opener at home . krystal : no , you thought this would be one , big , scary hoot . well , we 're not scared , and we are not laughing . so just tell your goons to open up . [ scene_break ] tad : i heard you were getting sprung today . i thought you could use a lift to wildwind . you just survived hypothermia . i think you deserve a little special treatment , some tlc . so , i 've got a couple thermoses in the car . one 's got coffee , one 's got soup . i got blankets , and the car seats are heated . di : you know , i 'm not holding you to what you said yesterday . tad : you do n't have to . di : yeah . i mean , because , you know , we all say things that we -- we want to take back later , so -- tad : i do n't . i meant every word i said . i have feelings for you . and i want you to hold me to that . that 's why i 'm here . di : yeah . and once again , right , we have to push through the -- the crowd of my fans , my friends , you know ? people fighting for a chance to be the one to bring me home , so -- tad : actually , you did have another visitor . j.r. stopped by . i 'm not the only person who was scared for you , and i 'm certainly not the only person who still feels something for you . i want to make this work , you and me . [ scene_break ] kendall : hmm , this is a very yummy , perfect meal . you ought to try it , zach . it 's ryan and the paper , and you are not happy that he 's back at cambias . zach : i got to go to the office . kendall : what ? you have to go now ? zach : yeah . i 'll call you . kendall : no , wait a minute . no , no -- zach , you do n't get to shut down and walk out on me . zach : there 's a lot of work at the office , you know , before the end of the month . kendall : you 're going to go after ryan for invading cambias . zach : i do n't care about cambias and neither does he . he wants to use my son . [ scene_break ] ryan : believe me , i can handle anything that zach is going to dish out . julia : well , some of his employees came into the bar with an early edition of the paper . ryan : really ? announcing my return ? julia : they said they were sure it would set zach off . ryan : yeah , that does n't really come as a surprise to me . julia : one guy even said that `` lavery wo n't last long , because zach can pull the plug on anyone or anything that gets in his way . `` julia : i tried to get all pals - y with them , but they would n't come across with the details . and when i mentioned your name , they froze me out . ryan : well , maybe zach 's guys are n't quite as dumb as they look . julia : and now zach and kendall are divorced . they 're all over each other , which makes so much sense . he hates you . you 're there trying to help her with the pregnancy . do n't you think that he 's going to try and get rid of you ? ryan : so , what do you want me to do ? want me to pack up and leave town ? you want me to change my name or give up my life , you know , the way -- the way you did ? because i 'm not . i 'm not going to hide from zach . if he wants to come after me , then i will enjoy the fight . [ scene_break ] jonathan : ryan ! ryan , we 're home ! where 'd he go ? erin : probably to work . jonathan : oh , right . right , he 's -- he 's back at cambias now . erin : mm - hmm . hey . hey , what 's wrong ? jonathan : i -- i wish he was here . i did a -- did a lot of horrible things here . erin : well , just do n't even think about it , ok ? we 're starting fresh . now , can you unpack all this stuff for me while i run back to the motel to pick up the last load ? jonathan : yeah . erin : yeah ? ok . well , i 'll be back just as soon as i get everything in the car and check out , ok ? jonathan : ok . erin : all right . [ knock on door ] jonathan : oh . what did you forget ? uh , i think you -- you have the wrong place . janet : i think you thought wrong , sonny . jonathan : hmm . what do you -- what do you want ? janet : i want you . jonathan : me ? me ? why ? what -- janet : what 's your name , kid ? jonathan : jon -- jonathan lavery . janet : surprise ! it 's just me . [ scene_break ] krystal : if this is your revenge on me , adam , why drag them into it ? brooke : yes , why ? opal : and take our shoes , you sick fool ! joe : you threatened me at the hospital . that 's when we admitted you to the psych ward for observation . brooke : yeah , well , too bad they did n't hold him there . opal : i mean , i was just doing my -- my sunshine lady gig . those manolos cost me a healthy hunk of change , and you are going to replace them , mister ! krystal : yeah , well , my shoes were n't too shabby , either . opal : oh , oh , yeah , right . well , we 'll all pitch in to get you a new pair of flip - flops . adam : why would i drug myself and take off my own shoes ? joe : he 's got a point . brooke : listen , i ca n't see anything outside , but it seems like someone left us a sort of care package here so we do n't starve . krystal : what do you mean , care package ? brooke : well , there 's crackers and cookies and squeeze cheese . opal : anything to drink ? brooke : well , i do n't know -- something that looks like fruit punch . and trail mix and -- krystal : what is this ? is this some kind of kid 's party or something ? brooke : comic books . adam : i 'm calling for help . my cell phone 's gone . who has a cell phone ? joe ? joe : no , mine 's gone , too . brooke : ugh . krystal : you know what ? i think i was using mine when i got snatched . opal : mine was in my smock pocket , and of course , it 's not there anymore . brooke : well , i do n't have my purse , and that 's where my cell is . [ phone rings ] adam : that 's mine . where is it ? joe : it 's coming from there , the cab of the truck . adam : great . joe : yeah . krystal : well , fat lot of good it 's going to do us in there ! opal : oh , we have been de - shoed and de - phoned ! brooke : maybe we 're parked where somebody could hear us . krystal : if we make enough noise . come on , all right ? come on ! help ! brooke : help ! help ! opal : get us out ! krystal : somebody , help ! opal : help ! help ! [ scene_break ] jonathan : who are you ? why are you following me ? janet : why are you asking questions you already know the answer to ? jonathan : i do n't -- i do n't -- i do n't know anything about you , except that -- you changed clothes , uniforms , and that you 're all these different things . i mean , people , and -- janet : honey , i am only just myself . always myself , but i can not control what goes on in that mind of yours . jonathan : you -- are you having fun doing this ? you having fun tricking me ? janet : maybe i 'm not really here . maybe i 'm just in that jumbletron of a brain of yours . jonathan : you -- no , you knocked on this door , and you walked in here without me asking you . janet : i 'm your imaginary friend , and i 'm going to stick by you through fat and slim . jonathan : you 're not my imag -- you 're not my friend at all ! i did n't make you up ! you 're very real . janet : why do you deny that you psychotically invited me to drop in ? i mean , imaginary friends are fun . after all , we have to do anything , almost anything that you tell us to . go ahead , try it , try it . give me an order . jonathan : i did n't imagine you . i 'm not seeing things . i had an operation , and the doctors -- the doctors cut out the tumor -- janet : yes . jonathan : that was -- the surgery was successful , and the doctors cut out the tumor that made me do bad stuff ! janet : that 's right , they cut out that tumor ! and what if they did n't get enough of it ? what if they took too little tumor and too much brain , huh ? now , that would certainly explain everything , would n't it ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan 's staying here for me . he needs something to occupy his time . zach : and jonathan is not enough ? kendall : ryan sold cambias to miranda and ethan . before that , he ran the company by himself . he did a pretty good job . i mean , does n't it make sense for ethan to take advantage of ryan being back ? they could become gazillionaires together . zach : this is n't about business . kendall : well , maybe bianca hired ryan . zach : this is about us , and about you carrying his baby . [ scene_break ] ryan : zach does n't impress me or scare me , julia . julia : you sound like me when noah was telling me what we were up against . and he was right . and now he 's gone . ryan : i 'll be careful . and i will stay safe , i promise . julia : it 's so easy to say . ryan : can i ask you something ? when did you get to bed ? julia : which night ? ryan : after the casino . julia : well , i had a 20-minute power nap . that and a quart of coffee will get me through until 1 : 00 or 2 : 00 this afternoon . another 20-minute nap and i 'll be good until midnight . ryan : hmm . so when do you actually plan on sleeping ? julia : well , it 's a bad habit . i gave that up a long time ago . ryan : you realize that you do need to sleep , right , julia ? julia : there 's someone after me , too , ryan . if i nod off for too long , i 'm gone . [ scene_break ] tad : so if you 're willing to give it a try , i for one think we should see where this leads . i ca n't give you any guarantees , but -- del : well , i can . i guaran - damn - tee you 're going to take your teeth home in your pocket if you do n't stay away from my sister . di : whoa , whoa -- del , i do n't need your help with this . del : i had to watch you suffer the last time this jerk treated you like dirt . di : ok , it was different then . tad : why do n't you lighten up , del ? del : what did you tell her ? tad : that 's between your sister and -- del : what did you tell opal about me ? tad : opal ? del : you warned opal off me . admit it ! that 's why she dropped off , she 's out of sight , she wo n't return my calls . tad : wait a minute . you and my mother are keeping time ? that 's disgusting . i do n't know whether to laugh or vomit . del : she 's a fine woman . tad : yeah , with a fine bank account , right ? del : why do n't you keep your mouth off of her ? di : whoa ! whoa , whoa -- del , del , del , tad did n't even know you were spending time with opal . leave him alone . del : ow ! ah ! do n't break it . tad : why not ? i 'd be doing the literary community a big favor . you know what you 're going to do , do n't you , del ? you 're going to leave your sister and me alone . you 're going to leave opal alone . and you 're going to leave opal 's assets alone . right now you 're going to get out of here . del : you have n't heard the last from me . tad : yeah , send me a post card when your wrist stops hurting . i did n't hurt him , not in any lasting sense . di : he just gets wrapped up in playing the role of protector . tad : you do n't need a protector . neither does opal . anita : hey , the attending signed off , so you 're free to go just as soon as transport comes up . tad : oh , we do n't need an orderly . i 'll make sure she does n't trip and sue the place . anita : hey , tad , still no word from your dad ? tad : no , but dad must have a good reason for staying out of touch . i 'll track him down and get the back story . that way you do n't have to call up the mounties . [ scene_break ] janet : i mean , how did you think you were going to get away with this ? jonathan : i -- i have n't done anything . janet : they 're pretty sure you did . i 'd like to know where have you been for the last 24 hours ? and i mean really the real flesh - and - blood you . i do not mean the woo - woo flights of whatever 's left of your brain . jonathan : no . no , i 'm not -- i 'm not crazy . i 'm not -- i 'm not crazy . janet : got a truck ? jonathan : what ? no . no , why would i -- why would i have a truck ? janet : exhibit a -- what does that look like ? well , that looks like you standing next to a -- oh , my ! a truck ! you going to deny that it 's yours ? is something burning in here ? liar , liar , do n't look now , but your pants are on fire ! [ scene_break ] opal : reward ! big bucks ! just let us -- [ opal coughs ] [ phone rings ] joe : wait , wait , wait . that 's mine . opal : yeah . joe : it 's the hospital or ruth wondering where the devil i am . brooke : well -- krystal : all right , all right . how about a little snack break , ok ? opal : yeah . wet my whistle . joe : wait a minute . opal , do n't , do n't , do n't . opal : why ? brooke : well , because whoever drugged us left that . joe : we do n't -- we do n't know what 's in there , that 's why . adam : go on , krystal . taste it . krystal : excuse me ? adam : no , sure . you 're the big brave talker around here . go on . krystal : well , ok , if this stuff will knock me out again , so i do n't have to listen to you , i 'll be a happy woman . adam : yeah , one way to find out . joe : krystal , please , do n't do it . krystal : not bad . opal : hey -- krystal : no , no , no , wait your turn , scaredy - cat . brooke : so what is the common denominator ? why us ? joe : that 's right . what is it that ties us all together ? adam : babe is trying to snag j.r. again . she wants me out of the way . brooke : we 're all here , too , adam . adam : well , babe could have brought you over here to get back at jamie . krystal : oh , oh , oh , oh , have you lost your marbles ? my daughter does not possess a criminal mind . now , your son , however , just like his daddy , has a mean streak as wide as the wabash . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you actually think my father killed your mother ? babe : well , i know if somebody on the inside did this , it was your father . j.r. : `` emergency -- adam and krystal are missing . `` we 're both wrong . babe : we 're so wrong . neither one of them set this up . j.r. : they were kidnapped . [ scene_break ] janet : what we have here is a failure to communicate . jonathan : i 've only helped -- helped people since i 've been back . janet : helped can them , like hams ! jonathan : no . i found that little chandler boy , and i pulled that woman out -- out of the icy water , and -- janet : that 's right . oh , right , of course you are ! you 're a saint , a man among men ! of course . do n't want your other imaginary friends to hear this , but i know where you got them stashed . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i can understand if somebody went after my father for a bad business deal that went south or whatever . but why would they take krystal , too ? babe : mom has half of adam 's stock and power . j.r. , if she gets hurt , if something happens to her -- j.r. : nobody 's going to get hurt . [ doorbell rings ] j.r. : just stay by the phone . tad : i brought by somebody i thought you 'd want to see . di : hi , j.r . i asked tad to bring me over , so that i could thank you for coming to the hospital and checking on me . no , i mean , let me finish . it means a lot to me to know whether you -- whether you care , you know , if i live or die . j.r. : care about you ? i do n't give a -- as a matter of fact , i was hoping they 'd say that you were n't going to live . tad : j.r. , that 's enough . babe : tad , thank god you 're here . you got to find my mama . [ scene_break ] brooke : krystal and adam were taken from their home . adam : which is why babe 's the primary suspect . krystal : j.r. ! brooke : and opal and i and joe were taken from the hospital . joe : you think it 's someone that is connected with the hospital ? brooke : i do n't know . does anybody come to mind ? joe : you mean like someone who has a lot of hate in him and no conscience to speak of ? krystal : and a talent for chemistry . opal : who ? brooke : well , he has drugged half the town at one time or another . adam : hayward , that dirtbag ! opal : but hayward does n't know me well enough to hate me . brooke : well , i do n't think he has anything against me , either , so -- joe : yeah . what we need is to find someone who has a grudge against all of us . krystal : is it possible to find somebody with a few less enemies than my hubby over there ? joe : nobody hates you , brooke . opal : well , except a certain superstar whose name is erica kane . brooke : you do n't think erica would do something like this , do you ? opal : well , not by herself , but -- oh , no , no , forget it . she loves me . it would n't be -- well , billy clyde tuggle -- now , he 's dead and buried , of course , blew off that bridge and -- oh , no . petey . petey ! adam : you think that brat did this ? what 'd you do , dock his allowance ? opal : well , with me away , petey is probably , as we speak , throwing a highly destructive keg party reducing cortlandt manor to rubble . i got to get out of here . [ phone rings ] adam : that 's mine . that 's mine . my people -- [ ring ] adam : my people -- they 'll locate my cell phone , and we 'll be out of here by nightfall . krystal : well , let 's hope so . and if not , then it 'll be thanks to my daughter and a certain new man in my life . adam : he does n't have the energy to dial a phone . opal : man , you did not waste any time , did you ? who are you cheating on old adam with ? adam : your old husband . opal : palmer ? the father of my son ? krystal : palmer did propose to me right before this all happened . [ opal screams ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : i did n't stash anyone . you took that picture , but that 's your truck . and you 're making things up , because you have a mental problem . janet : hey , now , look , there 's no need to get nasty . it 's not like i 'm going to rat you out . i 'm not a snitch . jonathan : there 's nothing to rat -- i 'm innocent . janet : you know , i really would hate to bother your family or you any longer , especially your poor brother and sister . after all , they 've tried to do to help you , god knows they have their hands full . jonathan : yeah . yeah , ryan -- ryan starts a really big job today . janet : all right , now , do n't try to change the subject , you mastermind . come on . what 's your next move ? come on . do n't make me get out the stun gun and the rubber hose . confess . what are you going to do with the bodies ? [ scene_break ] ryan : tell me more . julia : whenever i close my eyes , the whole thing replays in my head -- the shooting that i witnessed nine years ago , all the -- the blood and the screams and the feds putting us in the witness protection program in that safe nonlife that we had to live through . through it all , he 's -- he 's there somewhere . and i can feel the gun in my hand , and i can see garret 's face . i can hear the blast from the gun , and i remember the -- the blood pooling up . i do n't want to sleep . so i just -- i get out of the house , and i mix with people , and i just lose myself in the music and the noise . ryan : it helps if you 're not alone . julia : i 'm always alone , ryan . i 'm alone and lost and exhausted . but it 's worth it if i can -- can just block out that one moment when i fired that gun . [ scene_break ] kendall : whatever is going on with cambias and ryan and ethan , it has nothing to do with us . just try to focus on how wonderful your life is and all the great things that you have going for you . zach : you . kendall : us , zach . you and me and everything that we feel for each other . we are finally together and -- and we 're in love , and no one or nothing should be allowed to get in our way . zach : nothing can . kendall : i saw ryan last night , and he agreed to stop with the whole head- butting between you guys , and i really think that he will . zach : ryan came to see you ? kendall : no , i went to his place . zach : you went to the pine cone ? kendall : no , his -- his old apartment , the one that he shared with greenlee . zach : and this happened last night ? kendall : yeah , well , it 's his first night being back there without greenlee , and i know it 's hard for him . i felt really bad for him . [ phone rings ] kendall : zach ? [ ring ] zach : hello ? no , i know , i just did n't expect -- yeah . nothing for you to worry about . i will . damn him . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , my dad is responsible for getting into my head and keeping me awake for years , and now greenlee does that . so if you ever need late - night company , you can give me a call . [ knock on door ] julia : thanks . ryan : oh , thank you . woman : you 're welcome . and paul borden 's on line 2 . ryan : oh , great . thanks . i got to take this . julia : that 's -- i 'll be fine . thank you . please be careful . ryan : i will . ryan : paul . hi . it 's ryan , yes , i just wanted to try and get you for a couple of minutes before the meeting . i have a couple offbeat ideas i 'd like to run by you . [ scene_break ] kendall : what was that ? zach : nothing . i got to go . kendall : wait , can you just stay a little longer , please ? zach : do n't worry . i 'm not going to slaughter ryan for moving in on cambias . kendall : what are you going to do to him ? zach : call me if you need me . [ scene_break ] babe : we flew back this morning . no one saw them leave , they did n't hear anything , and there were n't even any bags packed . all we got is this telegram and their shoes that were outside by the door . you 've got to find them . j.r. : send a flunky to the bars and the trailer park while you look for my father . babe : when did you become such a jerk again , j.r. ? j.r. : can we just remember who 's more important here ? babe : oh , by that , you mean who 's worth more . j.r. : yeah , that 's exactly what i mean , as a matter of fact . babe : these are people we 're talking about , j.r. , not property . god , what is wrong with me ? why would i actually sign on for more ugliness with you and agree to marry you ? tad : marry ? j.r. : do n't worry . it 's not going to happen . tad : well , about adam and krystal -- they could 've gone off together , maybe back to crow hollow . babe : no , mama would n't go anywhere without telling me , and not after everything that happened in crow hollow , especially not with me already gone . j.r. : she certainly would n't have kicked off an $ 800 pair of shoes and run outside barefoot . babe : neither would adam . tad : which leaves us with the telegram . i 'll do what i can , see if i can find out who really sent it . i do n't know who uses telegrams anymore . palmer : oh , good morning , everybody . would you please tell your mother that i 'm here ? babe : mama -- tad : both krystal and adam are missing . palmer : really ? opal dropped out of sight yesterday . hmm . maybe she ran off with all the rest of them . [ scene_break ] opal : you ! adam : no , hold her ! opal : you little -- oh , you witch , you ! joe : it 's ok , it 's ok . whoa , whoa ! opal : oh ! you ! joe : what ? opal : you -- you drained this old buzzard dry as you could , and now you 're going after my ex ? krystal : palmer pursued me ! opal : oh , yeah , right . well , i just want you to know one thing , missy . his fortune is branded with petey 's name , ok ? adam : look , look , i 'll gladly step aside for palmer . once i 've unloaded you , i 'll be free to recapture brooke . brooke : oh , you and what army ? joe : oh , come on . can we do something productive , ladies and gentlemen ? brooke : adam , how many times do i have to tell you , i do n't want you , so please stop trying to use me to make your wife jealous . krystal : oh , as if that 's even possible . opal , you want adam ? opal : lord , no ! brooke : hmm . [ noise ] joe : wait , wait . what was that ? opal : a heartfelt rejection . joe : no , no , no . it 's outside . i heard something . brooke : someone ? joe : yeah , yes . brooke : what ? joe : right , right . [ women shout ] janet : poor sardines , you 're getting restless . i 'm sorry , i ca n't let you out of your big tin can just yet . you 're helping me fry a bigger fish . j.r. and babe ca n't get away with making amanda miserable the way they have . they need to be taught a lesson . i 'm just not doing this for my daughter . oh , i 'm doing this for mothers and daughters everywhere . [ scene_break ] [ as she 's heading out , kendall opens her condo 's door and finds julia standing there . ] [ scene_break ] [ standing in his office , ryan looks up from his paperwork and sees zach come through the door . ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : they took it all , right ? when i had the surgery , the -- the doctors cut out all the bad stuff ? erin : of course they did . it 's all gone . we already told you that . jonathan : no , no , i mean , is there a chance that there -- there could be something left , a little bit of -- erin : no , jonathan , jonathan -- they got it all , ok ? i mean , we saw scans and x - rays , and the tumor is gone . all of it , ok ? why ? what happened ? jonathan : nothing , i just -- nothing , nothing . i started to think about what- ifs and , you know , uh -- they got it all , right ? erin : yeah . jonathan : it 's gone ? it 's gone ? erin : of course they did . jonathan : ok . ok . ok , i 'm -- i 'm fine . i 'm ok . erin : ok . jonathan : let me -- let me take this upstairs for you . erin : all right . thanks . [ scene_break ] tad : yeah , i love you , too . well , mom says when dad did n't come back last night from the hospital , she figured it was just another late night . and then there was no sign of him this morning . she assumed that he 'd slept on the sofa in his office . [ phone rings ] tad : it 's jamie . hey , kiddo . listen , i got a question for you . i -- yeah . yeah , of course i 'm sure . yeah , as a matter of fact , there is . i want you to get over to the chandlers ' asap . it means now , james . it 's important . jamie 's looking for brooke . palmer : now brooke 's among the missing ? j.r. : this is surreal . babe : everyone 's dropping off the face of the earth . what are we supposed to do ? tad : find them . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] brooke : that 's jamie calling . he 'll find us . opal : yeah , when ? when half of us have been devoured to support the lives of the others ? krystal : would you chill ! you 're way too stringy and gamey to eat . opal : you are begging for it ! adam : go for her throat . with those fingernails [ while everyone inside the truck argues , janet inserts a hose through an opening in the side and opens the valve of the tank of laughing gas . ] janet : i 've been working in pine valley krystal : oh , shut up , adam , or i 'm going to make your life even -- janet : just to get you back joe : please , you 're just wasting energy . brooke : oh , we all are . janet : i 've been plottin ' and a - plannin ' to show you what you lack . you 're a bunch of meanie beanies . you should be nice and kind . now you 're gon na suck some fun gas in your sockie feet [ next_on ] zach ( to ryan ) : so we 're even . you have my son , and i have yours . julia ( to kendall ) : you love zach , let ryan go . kendall : and if i do n't ? julia : you 'll deal with me . brooke : does anybody smell that ? adam : it 's some kind of gas . krystal : of all the ways that i expected to go , this was n't it . | all the people whom janet has drugged and put in the truck are awake and wondering who 's done this to them and how they can escape . tad and di are worried and ready to help babe and jr find their respective parents . tad finds out from jamie that brook is also missing . julia tells ryan to beware of zach . julia and ryan seem to really like each other . and kendall is disappointed at zach 's obsession to prevent ryan from taking over cambias . |
adam : everything has to be ready by 8 : 00 -- that 's when the honored guests will be arriving . waiter : yes , mr. chandler . adam : and if everything is ready on time , there 'll be a nice gratuity in it for you . waiter : thank you , sir . adam : oh , erica , as beautiful as always . erica : thank you , thank you , adam . adam : let me get you a drink -- it 's club soda and a twist of lime ? erica : no , no , thank you . i 'm actually meeting a date . adam : really ? let me guess -- jackson montgomery ? erica : no , as a matter of fact , no . it 's someone else . i 've moved on , adam . you should try it sometime . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : kendall , kendall , kendall , where do you come up with this crazy stuff ? this is wickedly good . i wonder what `` charm `` means . zach : they say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness . greenlee : huh . well , then call me mad . hey , you . zach : hey . greenlee : if you 're looking for kendall , you just missed her . zach : i came by to see you . [ scene_break ] babe : you leased that condo ? j.r. : yeah . it 's great , right ? babe : why ? j.r. : well , i figured it 'd be easier to hang out with little adam . i can take him off your hands if you need a break . babe : oh , j.r. , you are so full of it . the only reason why you leased that condo was to keep an eye out for richie . j.r. : who ? oh , yeah , yeah , yeah , yeah , the -- the convict . well , now that you mentioned it , i actually do have a problem with him hanging around you and our son . babe : richie is n't hanging around anybody , and that 's my business , is n't it ? j.r. : little a is our business . babe : j.r. , the man is dying ! j.r. : yeah , he 's dying to get in your pants ! i 'm sorry . babe : yeah , you should be . richie novak has leukemia , and nobody seems to give a damn whether he lives or dies , including his own sister . are you happy now ? so -- so you do n't have to worry about richie anymore . you know what ? you can take that lease , and you can shove it ! [ scene_break ] richie : i want to live , and you 're going to make that happen . annie : we 've had this conversation , richie . richie : let 's have it again . annie : well , now is not really a good time . richie : tick tock , annie . time 's wasting -- at least , it is for me . so , please , let 's just have this conversation again , right here , right now . annie : or what ? [ annie gasps when richie grabs her arm ] [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , i missed you so much ! i did , i did , i did . i missed you , i missed you . kendall : put me down ! ryan : yes , yes , of course . kendall : i 'm getting dizzy ! ryan : absolute , anything you say -- there you go . kendall : whoa . ok . ryan : yeah . kendall : all right . ryan : hi . kendall : hi . um -- annie said that you were a changed man , but i had no idea . ryan : i 'm a changed man ? no , new man . new man -- bullet to the head will do that to you , i 'm telling you . kendall : yeah , i see that . ryan : whoa . kendall : are you ok ? [ ryan groans as he holds his head ] kendall : ryan , what 's wrong ? ryan , what 's wrong ? what 's the matter ? ryan -- ryan , are you all right ? ryan : no , no , i just -- i just got a sudden pain . i got a little -- kendall : well , you know what ? sit down , sit down . just walk slowly . whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . ryan : agh . kendall : ok , ok , what can i do ? can i get you something ? can i get you aspirin , or -- or should i call your doctor ? ryan : ah -- i got you . kendall : what do you mean ? [ ryan laughs ] kendall : are you -- i hate you ! are you kidding ? ryan : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . i could n't resist , i 'm sorry . kendall : that 's not funny ! ryan : i know , it 's not . it 's not funny , it was a bad joke . kendall : it really was . ryan : i 'm having a good time . i 'm very happy these days . kendall : ok , great . i 'm really -- i 'm glad that you 're happy . i 'm really glad that you 're happy , but that was -- it was a close call . this was a close call , for both of us . ryan : ah . i know . i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , ok , i 'm sorry . you 're right , it was , but we 're here , we 're alive , all right ? and life is so good , life has never been better . kendall : yes . ryan : ok ? kendall : right . so , what 's with the guitar -- ryan : yeah ! kendall : van halen ? jimmy page ? ryan : the guitar -- jimmy page -- thank you very much . do you remember a few years ago when i was trying to learn how to play ? do you remember that ? kendall : oh , do i remember ? i wish i could forget . you were horrible ! ryan : yes , i was . kendall : you were horrendous . ryan : i sounded a lot like a cat trying to claw his way out of a paper bag . kendall : no , no -- [ ryan strums guitar ] kendall : no , that 's not what you said . i think you -- i think that 's not what the cats were doing , actually . ryan : no , it was n't . how did you ever put up with me ? kendall : because i loved you . ryan : hey -- what 's with that ? what 's wrong ? kendall : i do n't know , ryan . i mean , you almost died . ryan : i know i did , kendall , but i survived -- and i 'm playing the guitar . kendall : yes , you are . you are playing the guitar . yeah -- um -- well , i just -- i just want to say thank you for saving my life . ryan : `` saving your life `` ? no , you got it all wrong , kendall -- you saved mine . [ scene_break ] greenlee : here you go , sir . one margarita on the rocks , no salt . the girls threw kendall and me a little welcome - home party . zach : ah -- nice . greenlee : yeah , it was -- nice to be liked again , or at least tolerated . zach : i think you were right the first time . greenlee : oh -- zach : how you doing ? greenlee : me ? fine . but you know how it is when you 've been away from the office for a month and stuck in a bomb shelter -- the work just seems to pile up . zach : ah . it 's just me here . how you doing ? greenlee : truth ? zach : truth . greenlee : tired , stomach hurts sometimes , but whatever you do , please do n't tell aidan . he 'll start treating me like a rare porcelain doll again , and i ca n't stand that . zach : ok , well , you got to take care of yourself , all right ? deal ? greenlee : deal . ok , enough about me . god , did i just say that ? zach : yeah . greenlee : um -- how are you ? zach : i 'm ok . just i ca n't get this image out of my head , you know ? i keep thinking about hannah , and i 'm holding her , and then i just do n't know what to do , you know ? and i 'm looking down and looking at her face , and when she lets go , she -- she almost seems at peace . greenlee : maybe she was . zach : yeah , maybe she was -- and i 'm having nightmares about it . greenlee : really ? zach : i 'm holding on to hannah , and -- and then i look back , and it 's kendall . greenlee : and then she fell ? been there . you want to know what the shrinks will tell you it means ? zach : no . why would i -- no , it 's random . why do i care what they think ? greenlee : i know i should n't say this . i should say something comforting and sweet . zach : but you 're not going to , are you ? greenlee : no . zach : what are you going to say ? greenlee : well , you know how bad things happen in threes ? i ca n't help wondering what 's going to happen next . [ scene_break ] annie : let go of my arm , richie . richie : i 'm sorry . i am sorry . annie : yeah , yeah , like hell you are . richie : i do n't know what comes over me . i just -- annie : you ever grab me like that again , i 'll give you a taste of your own medicine -- again . richie : what are you talking about ? annie : what , you do n't remember ? remind me -- how 'd you get that scar , richie ? richie : my sister went crazy , and she bit me -- it 's not a big deal . annie : oh , really ? your interpretation of the facts -- not quite accurate . richie : who cares ? annie : you know what ? i care . especially when you do stuff like that , it reminds me of those old things . richie : you do n't forget a damn thing , do you ? annie : no , i do n't , not when it involves you . i remember everything , richie . richie : well , do you really hate me so much that you wo n't go take one simple little test to see if you could actually save your only brother ? annie : you know what ? `` my brother `` ? do n't even insult me with that . annie : i wish -- i wish i hated you , richie . i wish it were that simple . god knows you deserve it . richie : i 'm going to die , ok ? i 'm going to die . annie : yes , and you know what ? i 'm the one you tried to kill . [ scene_break ] [ pounding on door ] j.r. : babe ! now , this is real mature . open the door -- please . ok , do n't talk , just listen . babe : what is it , j.r. ? j.r. : i know that you 're upset about richie , i get that . babe : oh , really ? congratulations . j.r. : but you also have a knack for taking in strays -- present company included . but richie -- he is the mangiest stray in the yard . and he 's -- you know , he 's a dying psychopath -- which , by the way , is a con 's con if i 've ever heard one . babe : excuse me ? j.r. : well , he 's lied before . it 's not out of the realm of possibilities he 's lying about this , too . babe : trust me , j.r. , the man is dying . j.r. : yeah , if you say so . babe : you know what ? just -- just go home . j.r. : what is it with you and this guy ? is it some sort of weird fixation ? babe : oh , that 's what really bugs you , is n't it ? j.r. : the guy 's got nothing going on anyway , he 's dying . what -- what if he does something to you ? what if he does something that you do n't like , or what if he does something to little adam ? babe : or what if i sleep with him -- that 's what you 're really worried about , is n't it ? you know what , j.r. ? i 'm not married to you anymore , i 'm not your possession , so i can sleep with whoever i please ! j.r. : what did married have to ever do with it ? it did n't stop you before . babe : j.r. , you should not even talk . j.r. : it was you and jamie first . babe : oh , how about you and everybody else in town ? j.r. : what about josh madden , that freak of science ? babe : oh , well , since we 're on the subject of freaks , i married you , did n't i ? just go home , and pull out your binoculars , and why do n't you just start spying on me ? j.r. : come on , will you stop it ? krystal : did we -- uh -- come at a bad time ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , marshall . [ marshall chuckles ] erica : well , how nice to see you again . marshall : oh , erica , i was so surprised to get your call -- pleasantly so . erica : yes , of course . well , should we go to our table ? thank you . [ scene_break ] colby : sorry i 'm late . adam : oh , no , no , no problem . i managed to hold down the fort while you were gone . are -- are you still upset about sean ? colby : i just ca n't believe he did this to me . adam : sweetheart , the fact that that boy just jumped casually into bed with a neurotic like hannah nichols is everything you need to know about sean montgomery -- and the people he came from . colby : you 're not helping , dad . adam : oh , honey , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry you 're upset . i 'm sorry . colby : thank you . so , what 's left here to do ? adam : well , nothing that i 'm aware of , but it occurs to me that if you could run by the manager , ask him if there 's anything that needs to be taken care of . i 'll order for you . colby : thanks . adam : ah . [ scene_break ] marshall : so you can imagine when they found out that my family actually owned the vineyard , they stopped extolling the virtues of that `` sprightly cabernet . `` erica : ah . [ marshall laughs ] erica : yes , i -- i can imagine . will you excuse me ? i think that i left my cell phone at the bar . adam ? adam : hmm ? erica : i need you to rescue me . adam : that bad , huh ? erica : ooh , you have no idea . adam : what are friends for ? erica : ah . thank you , god bless you . well , what do you know -- i found it . i had it with me all along . sorry . so , you were saying ? adam : barry -- barry , it 's adam . yeah -- no , no , no . everything 's fine , nothing 's wrong . i 'm doing a favor for a friend , and you can help me out if you just stay on the phone for a few minutes and help me , ok ? yeah -- um -- mm - hmm . what ? that 's terrible . that 's -- that 's a disaster . of course , of course . i 'll tell her -- i 'll tell her right away . erica , i 'm -- i 'm sorry to interrupt . erica : you 're not interrupted at all . i mean -- adam chandler , this is my friend marshall logan . what is it , adam ? adam : yes , i 'm afraid -- i 'm afraid we 're going to have to regroup . that business deal i got you into is about to implode . erica : oh , my god , no ! adam : yeah , yeah , it 's -- it 's millions , millions we 're talking about here . i 'm sure you can understand ? marshall : well , yes , certainly i can understand , but erica and i were -- erica : `` millions `` ? oh , marshall , um , you would n't be too upset , would you ? marshall : no , of course not . i -- sure . deal with your business , and i 'll call you . erica : oh , thank you , thank you , good night . oh , adam , you just saved me from an interminable evening of -- of conversation about stock options and family crests and -- i owe you . adam : ooh , i like the sound of that . erica : ah . ok , then . whatever it is , just ask away . adam : all right , i will . erica , will you marry me again ? i mean , again - again ? palmer : over my dead body . [ scene_break ] babe : sweetie , we were n't really fighting . j.r. : no , that 's right , buddy . mommy and daddy -- we were just talking . tad : kind of loud . krystal : as grownups often do . babe : and it did n't mean anything . j.r. : because mommy and daddies can be mad at each other but still love each other , too , right ? babe : so , why do n't you into your room and -- j.r. : play . babe : yes . little adam : ok . tad : just for a while . krystal : yeah , that -- that 's a good idea , ok , little a ? we 'll be right out here if you need us . tad : so , what the hell did we walk in on ? babe : oh , you want to know ? you -- you really want to know ? j.r. : babe -- babe : for starters , my ex - husband decided that he was going to lease the condo next door -- can we say `` invasion of personal space `` ? j.r. : can we say `` overreacting `` ? krystal : ok ! i guess we got here just in time . j.r. , you want to step outside ? [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : whew . tad : well , looks like it 's you and me , kitten . j.r. : yeah . i leased it for a good price . krystal : you think so , huh ? j.r. : yeah . krystal : i do n't think you realize how much it 's going to cost you . tad : so , i 'm guessing that you 're pissed . babe : you have no idea . tad -- i mean , him being here is just sort of -- tad : cramping your style ? babe : yes . and it 's not that i 'm seeing anybody or -- or even thinking about seeing anybody . he 's just -- tad : he 's there . babe : right . tad : mm - hmm . well , why do n't you try setting some boundaries ? i mean , let 's face it -- just because he lives across the courtyard does n't mean he 's going to be here every night for dinner . babe : so you want me to set boundaries like you and mama did ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : this thing with richie novak -- it 's got me worried as hell . he came over , told babe that he has a shot at staying alive , in case she wanted to know -- and he came over the other night . krystal : and so you made this dumb move in response to that ? j.r. : no , not `` dumb , `` `` proactive . `` krystal : oh , it 's dumb . dumb , dumb , j.r. and listen to me , if you keep pushing babe away from richie , she is going to go all florence nightingale on you , and she 's going to nurse him as long as he lives . [ scene_break ] richie : so the new annie truth is that i tried to kill you ? annie : sociopaths are so good at deflecting responsibility . [ richie whistles ] richie : never happened , ok , but you do have a great imagination . annie : please , please , richie . you always thought you were so tough , you always counted on the fact that you were bigger and stronger than me , but it never worked , because i always fought back . i wanted to kill you back then , and i often think back about how different things would be now if i had . richie : well , you 'd be in jail . annie : and you 'd be dead . richie : and you still might get your wish . annie : that 's right . there 's always that . richie : but i 'm not seeing a happily - ever - after here , annie . or have you taken a real good look at your husband lately ? annie : this has nothing to do with ryan . richie : oh , i do n't know about that . annie : what -- what did you do to him ? richie : what did i do to him ? i did n't do anything to him , annie -- you 're so predictable . but as someone who 's spent a minute or two with people society deems as crazy , i 'd say that big brother ryan just jumped straight to the head of the class . annie : wow . well , this -- this is unbelievable -- you trying to convince me that ryan is the crazy one . richie : yeah , well , it could just be a temporary thing -- i mean , he did just take a bullet to the head . annie : yeah , he did , and you know what ? it humbled him . it reminded him how precious life is . so if ryan showed you some kindness , it 's just because he realized his life is too short to waste on grudges and anger and hate . maybe you could learn something from that , richie . richie : ok . maybe i 'll just build a statue in his honor -- how 's that ? annie : hey , you know what ? this is just a waste of my time . richie : time -- now , there 's that word again -- `` time . `` i need to know , one way or the other . annie : and i 've already told you -- i have n't decided if your life is worth saving yet . richie : that 's harsh , sis . annie : yeah , well , you 've earned it , richie . goodbye . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god . thank you . thank you very much . i -- honestly , i have n't laughed this much in a long time . ryan : you 're welcome . i 'm glad i could be of service . kendall : oh , god . ok -- so , all of this energy and lust for life -- this comes from giving all of your money away ? ryan : yes , and do n't tell zach , because i 'm going to hit him up , too . between the two of us , i think we can really make this happen . kendall : oh , really ? ryan : yes . kendall : ok , good luck with that . ryan : i have phenomenal powers of persuasion , kendall -- phenomenal , thank you . kendall : yeah . ryan : yeah . kendall : yeah , i think i 'm actually -- i 'm getting the idea . ryan : yeah ? kendall : yeah . ryan : it 's just that we have so much , we have enough money , our families are secure . we do n't need -- we can spread it around a little bit , that 's all i 'm saying . kendall : ryan , you are -- ryan : clinically insane ? kendall : yes , yes . ryan : yes . kendall : yes , you are , but that 's not what i was going to say . i was going to say that you 're amazing . ryan : no , it 's -- it 's just you have no idea how a close brush with death can make you appreciate life even more -- i mean , zach must be feeling a little bit of that . kendall : yeah , zach is feeling a lot of things , but good luck at getting him talking about them . ryan : how 's he holding up ? kendall : well , if you ask him , he 's doing great . i mean , he 's -- he 's fine . so what if he just watched the mother of one of his children fall to her death ? and so what if she tried to kill his wife ? does n't matter -- he 's good , he 's got it all under control . ryan : you resent him for that ? kendall : no . ryan : but you still wish that he would talk to you about it ? kendall : i just -- i know that what happened to hannah is eating him up inside , but he just -- like , he 's just keeping everything in . ryan : really ? even from you ? kendall : yeah , he 's keeping everything from me , but i know it 's there . and i want to help him , but he wo n't let me . zach is a master at hiding his feelings -- from everyone . [ scene_break ] zach : i got to be strong for kendall , she 's been through a lot . greenlee : and you have n't ? zach : i 'm a guy -- it rolls off us , it 's not the same . greenlee : oh , you know what ? do n't make me hit you . oh -- i think i know kendall pretty well , and i think she can handle anything that you can dish out . zach : you think i 'm underestimating my wife ? greenlee : that guy that i met in the bomb shelter -- the one that was annoying and arrogant and almost lost it when his cell phone battery died , and he lost the pictures of his wife and kids ? that guy -- i think kendall might want to meet him . letting her know that the great zach slater does n't always have all the answers and that he might even need a hug once in a while is n't going to rock her world . zach : a hug , huh ? greenlee : yes , a hug . zach : ooh . greenlee : you do know what that is , right ? zach : no , i know from hugging . i 'm -- greenlee : good . zach : i got a question for you -- when did this happen ? when -- when did you get to have all the answers ? greenlee : i think somewhere between the bad jokes and sticks mcgee and the bad sushi , i might 've learned something -- what do you know ? zach : hmm . [ scene_break ] adam : this has nothing to do with you , palmer , so butt out . palmer : mm - hmm . you have preyed upon the innocent women of this town far too long . i shudder to think what you did to my niece , and now krystal ? krystal -- well , you have hurt her irrevocably . adam : stop panting after her like a schoolboy . palmer : and now she 's run into the arms of -- of tad martin , of all people ? well , if you think i 'm going to stand by idly while you try to ruin erica 's life again -- erica : palmer , he could n't even if he tried . but thank you , i really appreciate it . i 'll handle adam and his offer . palmer : yes , i 'm sure you can do that , but watch your back . adam : palmer does n't have a clue . my intentions are genuine . erica : adam , you ca n't possibly be serious . adam : no , on the contrary . i think `` we `` is a brilliant idea . erica : you 're really talking about you and krystal , are n't you -- like last time ? adam : no , no , no , no , not -- no , that 's not true . erica : oh , it is so true . because every time you -- you are at war with the woman you really love -- krystal -- you come and propose to me . and even if you were serious , adam -- and i do n't for one minute believe that you are -- i certainly would n't be willing to play second fiddle to krystal carey . adam : krystal carey martin . erica : yeah , but you 're not angry . adam : i 'm only half kidding , erica . erica : well , you better talk to the other half , because we would kill each other . adam : oh , it would never be boring -- you and i . you and i , an alliance , we can conquer the world -- or at least our little pocket of it . erica : you 've really thought about this , have n't you ? adam : well , from time to time , yes . erica : adam , let 's face it . you and i -- we can talk about alliances and mergers and all the rest of it . but the truth is we need to be in love . adam : ah . erica : it 's how we 're made , it 's what makes us tick , it 's who we are . and in your case -- for some unknown reason -- it happens to be krystal carey . adam : well , the same could be said about you and jack montgomery . erica : well , then we are just prisoners of our passion . adam : i 'm going to write that down . well , if you wo n't marry me tonight , would you at least be my date for the evening ? erica : ah -- are you invited ? adam : `` invited `` ? i -- i 'm the person who threw this surprise party for tad and krystal . erica : are you , now ? adam : yeah . and i think it promises to be a very interesting evening . colby : hi , erica . erica : hi , colby . colby : here you go , dad . adam : oh . colby : i took care of everything . you 're still coming to the party , are n't you , erica ? erica : oh , colby , i would n't miss this for the world . [ scene_break ] zach : ok . thanks for the advice . greenlee : anytime , boss . zach : kendall and i are going to some party that tad and krystal are throwing at the valley inn . we 're going to get a bottle of champagne and toast our good fortune . greenlee : and not wait for the other shoe to drop ? zach : right . come here . greenlee : ooh -- hug . zach : i told you i knew how . greenlee : can i ask you something , slater ? zach : what ? greenlee : um -- is there a reason that a charm would be important to kendall ? zach : i do n't know . i -- i got her a couple of good - luck charms before we went missing , but -- greenlee : oh . zach : why ? greenlee : nothing . zach : ok . greenlee : ok . zach : can i leave now ? greenlee : yes . zach : all right . i 'll see you later -- do n't disappoint me . greenlee : `` charm `` -- now i get it . that would make a great title for -- [ scene_break ] erica : a surprise party for krystal and tad , thrown by you ? adam , i must say i 'm stunned . adam : well , i do n't want all the credit because it was colby 's idea . colby : oh , dad , stop being modest -- he thought of it all by himself . adam : no , no , no , no , no , i -- there was so much friction between tad and me that it was starting to affect colby . so i thought in the -- well , in the interest of peace -- erica : oh , my goodness , how incredibly noble of you , adam . adam : huh . colby : it 's hard , but he 's trying -- are n't you , dad ? adam : absolutely . [ colby chuckles ] adam : anything for you , my darling . colby : hmm . erica : well , i like to make my contribution to the festivities . adam : well , that 's not necessary , erica . your presence is contribution enough . erica : i insist -- because , adam , you ca n't throw a wedding reception without flowers , can you ? so , colby , will you please call alice marcus for me , see if she can do a rush delivery , and please be sure to let her know it 's for me . see if she ca n't whip up some fabulous bouquet that just screams `` krystal . `` colby : ok . i 'm right on it . erica : thanks . adam : that was very generous , erica . erica : oh , generosity had nothing to do with it , adam . colby may think that you 're trying to change , but i know you way too well . so why do n't you tell me , adam -- what kind of surprise do you have planned for this evening ? [ scene_break ] tad : babe , you do understand that krystal and i never intended for things to work out this way ? marriage was never even in the picture . babe : but it happened anyway . tad : yeah , and you know why -- i had to keep adam away from jenny -- and i 'd do it all over again in a heartbeat . babe : and that works for you two , i 'm glad , but -- but i do n't need protection , tad . tad : you sure ? i mean , we are talking about richie here . it 's not as simple as just trying to be a good samaritan . sometimes you got to know the difference between doing something good for somebody or doing something for somebody you should n't -- and leaving him expecting more . babe : i do . tad : hmm . ok . message received and noted . here 's to independent women . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so you think that i 'm pushing her to richie ? krystal : i think you 're headed that way . j.r. : well , that 's not giving babe a hell of a lot of credit . krystal : oh , and you moving in next door as her gatekeeper does ? let me ask you something -- do you love babe ? j.r. : of course i do . krystal : and do you think she loves you ? j.r. : yeah , you know , i think when she 's being herself . krystal : well , let me tell you something -- there 's a reason why they say `` absence makes the heart grow fonder . `` you get me ? j.r. : yeah , i get you . tad : agh ! you two cold enough out here yet ? krystal : uh -- yeah , we 're just about ready to wrap things up , were n't we ? j.r. : yes . thank you . krystal : you 're welcome . j.r. and babe : i 'm sorry . tad : oh -- you . listen , your sister is planning a congratulatory honeymoon celebration for us at the valley inn . why do n't you guys suit up and attend ? j.r. : yeah , well , count me in . babe : you know , i was just going to stay close to home tonight . krystal : oh , no , no , no , no . you grab a babysitter and put on your party dress ! we are a family , so we 're going to go out and act like one . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , so i 'm very , very -- i 'm -- i 'm very sorry that i interrupted your practice . um -- so i -- i just really wanted to say thank you . ryan : you really did n't need to do that , kendall , it 's ok . kendall : yes , i -- [ playing stops ] kendall : please , i -- i beg you to stop . ryan : it 's so good , though . kendall : no , no , please listen . ryan : it 's very good . kendall : just stop -- i know it 's good . um -- i just -- i just have to tell you that i know you do n't like being called a hero , but you are , and you have been mine many times . and no bad , horrendous guitar playing and stupid , stupid jokes can take away the fact that you did save my life . so , please , just accept my thanks , please . ryan : you 're welcome . kendall : ok . you know , annie is a lucky girl . ryan : no , i 'm the lucky one . kendall : oh , you know what you are ? you 're the master of deflection -- aside from a horrendous guitar player -- that 's what you are . so i 'm going to leave you with your toy , and i 'm going to go . ryan : ok , you know what i 'm going to do -- i 'm going to play you a song so you can leave by . kendall : please do n't . ryan : no , it is , it 's a good one -- it 's called `` kendall , thanks for coming by today , have a great day . `` kendall : do n't play anything anymore -- please , i -- ryan : i 've been working on -- i want you to hear this one ! kendall : i 'll pay you lots of money to not play . ryan : you just got to listen . sing along , kendall . kendall : i 'm not going to -- ryan : you 're ruining my song . kendall : ryan , stop -- ryan -- ryan , stop -- stop it ! ryan : this is my goodbye song . i 've been working on this -- kendall : i will break your guitar . zach : all right , i did n't know there was a concert -- i would 've worn something a little more casual . kendall : it 's a really bad concert , it 's bad . ryan : what ? kendall : what are you doing here , honey ? zach : i came to surprise you and pick you up . kendall : you did . zach : where 's annie ? ryan : you want me to play you a little something ? zach : no , no , no . is annie making t - shirts for the concert ? kendall : no , no -- listen -- well , annie 's at fusion . ryan -- ryan : yeah ? kendall : the big , bad boss lady of fusion -- me -- i -- i made your wifey work . so while we 're out partying with our friends , she 's doing a special project . ryan : really ? what kind of special project ? kendall : a top - secret special project . she 'll fill you in when she gets home . ryan : sounds a little suspicious . kendall : no , no , no , it 's not . not at all . ryan : anything bad ? kendall : no , not at all , no . um , actually , it 's totally in line with your new attitude . ryan : aha . kendall : it 's good . trust me , it 's good . see you later , enjoy your guitar . ryan : ok , i will -- i have been . zach : oh , no -- yes , we will -- kendall : yeah , we -- ryan : do you want me to play a song to exit ? zach : no , no , no -- kendall : we 're -- we 're going . ryan : you sure ? zach : rock on . we 'll see you later . kendall : nice seeing you . zach : ok , play again in five minutes . ryan : ah . i trust you , kendall . [ scene_break ] adam : ca n't a man do a good deed without the suggestion that he 's up to something ? erica : well , yes , a man could , but not you , adam . the wounded look does n't become you . adam , you never do anything -- good or otherwise -- without some sort of an agenda . actually , it 's something i 've become quite fond of in you . adam : really ? well , i will tell you this -- that a party is not a party without a theme . erica : and tonight 's theme is -- adam : you 'll have to wait and see . but i guarantee you wo n't be disappointed . colby : flowers are on their way , and so are tad and krystal . adam : well , ladies , here 's to a wonderful evening . [ scene_break ] annie : oh -- ryan : hey , you ! [ annie chuckles ] ryan : wow . what 's with all this ? let me check it out . annie : no -- hands off . ryan : what ? annie : you will see . ryan : oh , wow . those have anything to do with the bogus reason that kendall gave me that we ca n't go to the party tonight ? annie : what did she say ? ryan : nothing really specific , just that it was all good . annie : and that is all you need to know for now . ryan : really ? come on , tell me something . annie : i have a better idea -- why do n't i show you instead ? grab your coat . ryan : ok , i 'll grab my coat . where are we going ? annie : well , you 're not the only one that can plan a surprise , but i will give you a little hint . ryan : ok . annie : we are going back in time -- to where it all began . [ scene_break ] greenlee : aidan , it 's me . i 'm still at fusion finishing up a few things . hey , um , we 're invited to the valley inn tonight with zach and kendall . let 's go , ok ? we deserve a little fun . call me . love you . hi , kelly ? oh , i 'm so glad i got you . it 's greenlee smythe . i 'm good , i 'm good . listen , i have got a fabulous manuscript , i just know you 're going to love it . have i ever disappointed you before ? yeah , yeah , it 's called `` charm , `` and it is going to be a bestseller . no , no -- me ? i did n't write it , no . my best friend did -- kendall hart . [ scene_break ] erica : adam ? the two gentlemen who just arrived -- are they part of this evening 's surprise festivities ? adam : yes , yes , they are . erica : you know , part of my new year 's resolution was to start focusing more on my own life , so on second thought , i think i 'll go . adam : you 'll regret it . erica : i doubt it -- keep the flowers . adam : erica -- wait . colby : hey , you guys . krystal : hey . colby : come with me , i 'll show you our table . kendall : hmm . zach : i know what i was going to tell you . kendall : oh , what , what , what , what , what ? zach : you look incredible tonight . kendall : thank you . you 're looking pretty hot yourself for an old married man . zach : i do n't look that old . i 'm going to get rid of this . kendall : ok , ok . oh , yes -- i 'll take this . thank you very much . mmm . zach : all right , here we are . kendall : ok , let 's do this . zach : see what this is about . kendall : yeah , mm - hmm . [ laughter ] krystal : i remember that . tad : what , is there some kind of special event going on ? you know anything about this ? adam : here 's to the newlyweds . krystal : oh , my god . colby : surprise ! krystal : colby , what is going on here ? colby : it 's a wedding reception from me and my dad . adam : so let 's raise our glasses to the bride and groom . is it all right if i kiss the bride ? tad : no . krystal : colby , i know you had good intentions , but the fact that your father is celebrating our marriage -- i 'm not buying it . adam : oh . krystal : let 's get out of here . kendall : ok , if this is n't a real surprise party , why the hell are we here ? zach : if we hang out long enough , we 'll find out . adam : krystal -- man : sorry , sir . our orders are no one leaves the room until mr. chandler says it 's ok . colby : what ? krystal : oh -- krystal : all right , adam , you have my full attention . what the hell is going on here ? [ next_on ] ryan ( to annie ) : this is the best day of my life , kendall . adam ( to krystal ) : i 'm going to make you a deal . i have a lead on where tad can find kate . angie ( to tad ) : what does an old friend have to do to get a hug around here ? | kendall pays a visit to ryan . ryan grabs her and hugs her . richie catches up with annie in the underground garage and forces her to talk to him . zach comes to fusion . greenlee thinks that he had come to see kendall , but he tells greenlee that he had come to see her . erica comes into the dining room just as adam plans krystal 's and tad 's wedding reception . adam offers erica a drink , but she refuses . erica lets him know that she is meeting a date . she encourages adam to move on just as she is doing . babe finds out from j.r. that he had leased the condo which is just across from her . j.r. and babe argue over her involvement with richie . richie grabs hold of annie 's arm to keep her from leaving so he can tell her what he wants . annie notices the scar on richie 's neck . tad , krystal and little a interrupt babe and j.r. 's argument . marshall arrives for his date with erica . adam manages to get erica away from marshall on the pretense of business . adam asks erica to marry him again . palmer interrupts adam 's proposal . adam asks erica to come to the party that he planned for tad and krystal . greenlee gets on the phone with an acquaintance to get kendall 's manuscript published . zach and kendall arrive for the surprise party . after everyone arrives , adam proposes a toast to the happy couple and asks tad to kiss the bride . tad refuses . krystal gets up to leave . adam follows her out , locking the door behind him . he requests that no one is allowed to leave the party . |
greenlee : ryan ? ryan : can we keep that off , please ? greenlee : what 's with the mood lighting ? which i find very sexy , by the way . ryan : i just signed all the legal papers . cambias is back in the bloodlines , where it belongs . greenlee : can i talk to you about jonathan ? ryan : he 's losing it . and now that everything 's gone to miranda and to ethan , he says he 's ok with it , but he 's not . i know how he feels . greenlee : i do n't think you do . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] reggie : two games later and i 'm still heated ! bianca : what did you do ? reggie : oh , i did it . i got jonathan good . i told him he 'd better stay away from maggie or -- bianca : reggie , you might 've made things worse . [ scene_break ] jonathan : hi . it 's about time you woke up . i have a surprise for you . tad : take it easy on your uncle tad , ok ? colby : show me how to head the ball like that . liza : you know , tad is the best at hitting his head against inanimate objects . tad : do n't help , all right ? i 'll show you how to hit the ball later on , ok ? just do n't hurt me anymore . colby : mom , then can i go play with those girls ? liza : yeah , but stay in plain sight , all right ? go on . tad : well , go on . you might as well say it . liza : say what ? tad : oh , come on . it 's killing you . go for it . liza : i told you so . tad : uh - huh . liza : mm - hmm . i told you that krystal carey was a double scoop of `` uh - oh `` from day one . [ scene_break ] david : boy , does this reek of a set - up , or what ? krystal : well , my baby doll sends me an e - mail and tells me to meet her here , then i show up . after all these months of heartache , it still kills me . david : she 's not coming , krystal . anyone can fake an e - mail address . krystal : david , she used our keep - safe code word that i gave her when she was practically a toddler . who else would know that ? j.r. : i want my son back . [ scene_break ] babe : so it 's all set . you pack for pine valley and i 'll pack for argentina . what ? jamie : i do n't know if you mean it or if you 're just trying to run me off . either way , it 's my turn to speak now . i love you , babe . babe : nice try . i do n't buy it . jamie : i do n't lie about stuff like that . babe : you 're just -- you 're just saying that because you do n't want to leave . jamie : no , i do n't want to leave because i love you . babe : jamie , we shared a kiss a few days ago , that 's it . jamie : a kiss that nearly made our hearts stop . babe : this is ridiculous . you ca n't just tank your life because you locked lips with someone and it felt good . please , jamie , you do n't owe me this . jamie : that 's funny , because i was just telling liza that i did n't want you to think you owed me . babe : yeah , not much at all . you only gave up your whole life , risked everything for me . and now you 're a wanted man . jamie : but not by you ? babe : tad can get you out of this mess . just please go with him . go home , pick up the pieces . it 's over . jamie : hey , i am not walking out on you , not when the rest of my life is at stake right here . i 'm going to stick and fight , and i 'm going to win . [ scene_break ] krystal : for once , i agree with you , j.r. we all want your son back . we 'd give anything to be able to hold him in our arms , but that just is n't possible . j.r. : cut the crud ! i know that he 's alive . you know , you just got to love modern technology . this just came in from a friend of mine . babe is a brunette . still looks like a dumb slut . david : shut the hell up ! j.r. : there 's jamie , being led around by the nose . and if you look closely , i know that it 's a little hard to see , but that baby right there -- that baby is adam chandler iii . would you like to know what names they 're going by right now ? how about where this photo was taken ? david : still two steps ahead of you ? j.r. : not me , or the authorities . llanview cops are clued in , as well . so are the feds , and a few guys with big guns and little respect for human life . yeah , pretty much sucks to be babe and jamie . it 's no fun for you , either . david : why are we here ? j.r. : well , that 's a no - brainer . it 's time to make you pay . [ scene_break ] tad : all right , i admit it -- you were right , i was wrong . you had krystal 's number from the very start . my blinders cost me plenty , including you for a while there . liza : well , not so long . and i 've been there . i 've done that . i was deeply , madly in love , only to stand by and watch it die on the vine . tad : yeah , well , adam 's better off dead . liza : who said anything about adam ? but you 're right , adam was my krystal . he was the king of betrayal . tad : you know what stuns me is that a couple of geniuses like us with such messy and complicated lives have failed to learn anything about love . liza : well , big risks , big payoff . tad : yeah , with a truckload of disaster at the end of it . liza : yeah , but if you have really good friends and you plan really well , you , too , can be sitting on a bench in new orleans waiting for a fake driver 's license and a fresh start . colby really liked it here , tad . tad : i know . i 'm sorry . it was n't supposed to be like this . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you were ok with all this . ryan : yes , i was . i was ready to cut cambias loose , and then it just kind of hit me . greenlee : but since way back , you were ready to sign it all over to miranda . ryan : hmm . last year , cambias was like a -- like a stroke of good luck that practically tackled me in the desert . and then it became solid . i ran it , i controlled it . i made it purr like a kitten . greenlee : brilliantly . ryan : you know , all the private jet and the mounds of money , billions -- that 's with a b -- that 's a pretty tough act to follow . you know , that 's some pretty serious revenge against the old man . it 's about as far as you could possible get from living over a dry cleaners and watching all the money go to beer and belt straps . greenlee : well , a life like that can cut two ways . it can make you strong or it can mess with your head , but you turned your life around . ryan : hmm . i still ca n't go in there , you know . that 's why i have the dry cleaning delivered , because the smell of the solvent -- i bet you anything that it makes jonathan gag , too . greenlee : you never told me that . ryan : from there to here . all the power and the money and the respect -- the things that we did n't have when we were kids . greenlee : you can have all that without cambias . ryan : yeah , you 're right . you 're right , i can . because i 've been up and down enough , i know how to bounce back , but that was jonathan 's first trip up . so , see , you understand why he was so freaked . i mean , the thought of him going back must have been like the belt strap being pulled out again . [ scene_break ] reggie : all right , so jonathan knows i 'm onto him . how does that make things worse ? bianca : a warning could make jonathan feel like he 's being controlled , and then he 'll have to take back control , and he 'll do it with the only person he can -- maggie . reggie : he 's a punk . he did n't even try to hit me back . bianca : what did he do ? reggie : well , he actually gave me my props , said he 'd do the same thing if he thought a clown had hit a woman , and then he launched on a story about how he was just protecting maggie and the only reason she got that bruise is because she was drunk . and she was drunk because of you . bianca : because of me ? why would he say that ? reggie : maybe because of me , a little bit . i mean , i 'm not saying it 's true or anything -- bianca : reggie , what did you do ? reggie : i might have told maggie a while back that the two of you -- bianca : what ? reggie : i said it was obvious the two of you had something going on , something bigger and more real than jonathan . was i wrong ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 'll find something wonderful , something all on your own , something no one could ever take away from you . ryan : you inspire me . greenlee : but jonathan -- maybe he 's found another way to get what he wants . ryan : what do you mean ? greenlee : things have n't been so great between me and your baby brother . i mean , on the stress meter , we keep bouncing up there . this is so hard . ryan : hey . greenlee ? you can tell me anything . you 've got a problem , then i 've got a problem . you and jonathan are the two most important people in my life . greenlee : i know . that makes this doubly tough . ryan , i 'm afraid jonathan might be the one -- [ knock on door ] ryan : whoever it is , i 'll get rid of them , ok ? jonathan and maggie : happy birthday ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : two weeks . that 's how long i thought my son was dead -- two weeks and a lifetime of grief for a baby that never died . you throw the nine months of hell you caused bianca in there , and it 's finally coming around to bite you in a major way . the good news is , though , everybody 's going to soon find out what a sick bitch babe really is . krystal : it would n't have come to this , j.r. , if you had n't been such a bloodsucking -- david : oh , forget it , krystal . there 's no point . krystal : what , i 'm supposed to feel bad that he 's in pain after what he did to babe ? j.r. : that 'll never work . could you please explain to her how the world works ? david : why do n't we cut this nonsense , all right ? why the hell did you fake the e - mail and then drag us all the way down here ? what , so you can just jerk us around ? j.r. : a little reminder -- i 'm not doing this purely because i hate you and yours . i want my son ! krystal : j.r. , do n't be a jerk . you saw the picture . we do n't have him . david : that 's right . so good luck . come on . j.r. : you have the next best thing to my flesh and blood -- dna proof that it is my son . [ scene_break ] babe : you think that i do n't know what 's at stake here ? jamie : let 's just look at the big picture here , babe . it 's not just you and me on the run till we drop . this is about family and love and the kind of life some people never even get a shot at . i will love you for the rest of our lives . babe : why are you making this so hard ? i care about you , too , but -- jamie : but not in that way ? babe , just -- babe : please . this is about an innocent baby boy . that 's it . jamie : and i could n't love baby james more if he were my own . he is my own . you , me , and james -- somewhere between here and pine valley , we became a family . now , i love him and i love what we are . babe : why do you keep saying that word ? jamie : because it feels so right . it 's been rolling around in my head since the first night that we met . now , i did n't know what it was back then , but now i do . and i thought you should know . babe , please . you love me , too . [ scene_break ] greenlee : totally mortified . ryan : oh , please , i even forgot it was my birthday . we 've had , like , 100 things going on . i get the big piece . greenlee : no , it 's completely unforgivable . it puts me up there with the world 's worst wife 2005 . maggie : oh , no , you 're not the worst wife . jonathan is just the world 's best brother . jonathan : i should 've let you know when you were at the apartment . greenlee : oh , you should n't have to . ryan : all right . i 've milked all the guilt i can get out of this . please , let 's party . beer , hocket ? jonathan : no . no , man , i 'm good , thanks . maggie : yeah , i 'm good , too . ryan : wife ? greenlee : not thirsty , thanks . ryan : all right . jonathan : and -- oh , here . this , my brother , is for you . ryan : oh , you should n't have . jonathan : well -- ryan : i mean , i 'm glad you did , but you should n't have . jonathan : well , i have a new philosophy on gift - buying . i only buy you gifts that i want . that way if you hate it , i get it . ryan : dude ! an rc airplane ! maggie : what 's an rc -- jonathan : what ? maggie : do n't know . ryan : radio - controlled ! maggie : oh , ok . did n't know . jonathan : i figured you had to replace the cambias jet with something , right ? ryan : this is a lot more fuel - efficient . come on , let 's go test it out . jonathan : yeah ? do you mind if i go with him ? maggie : oh , yeah . please , go be macho . greenlee : here , one last bite , come on . ryan : no , i 'm good . macho . that 's right ! whoo ! jonathan : i got the control . let 's go , macho man . maggie : he 's just the sweetest , is n't he ? you know , he pulled this whole thing off without me . greenlee : even the cake ? maggie : yeah , he picked it up and everything . greenlee : amazing . [ scene_break ] reggie : all right , whatever you and maggie had going on , or not , is none of my business . only one thing matters -- that 's friends and whether or not jonathan 's pounding on maggie 's face . bianca : yeah , we 're going to figure this out . we 're going to help maggie through this . reggie : we have to . i mean , if we ca n't come through for each other -- you , me , maggie , dani -- we might as well just hang it up . bianca : uh - uh . nobody is hanging anything up . reggie : jamie did . i mean , the boy , he just jets , you know ? no call , no nothing . and i could n't figure it out . but now i know . it was his skank girlfriend . i mean , she had miranda the whole time . how could he not say anything to you ? bianca : sometimes things spin out of control and before you know it , you 're sucked into it . reggie : he 's still a punk . bianca : you know , reggie , you do n't know everything that 's happened . but a lot of stuff is just about to hit the fan , and when all is said and done , babe and jamie are probably going to be arrested for kidnapping babe 's own child . [ scene_break ] j.r. : which lab did you go to ? david : you might want to start using what 's passing for your brain these days , j.r . j.r. : i know that you have dna proof . david : we did a test on miranda . that 's all the proof we needed . j.r. : what a crock . all right , tell me what i need to know and i 'll do you a favor . krystal : oh , i ca n't listen to this . i think i 've had my fill of chandler blackmail , adam style . he got squat , and you 're going to get less than that . j.r. : what if i told you that i 'm willing to dig deep into my big old heart and give you your reward ? david : well , how do you like that , krystal ? it seems j.r. is not so close to catching babe and jamie , after all . the only reason for this little desperation party is you need us . what 's the matter , j.r. ? are we your last resort ? krystal : well , then you still have squat . david : that 's right . and get this -- you 're about to lose that baby all over again . [ scene_break ] liza : you know , it 's good to see you again . you look terrible . tad : i just got here . easy on the flattery . liza : adam outdid himself this time . the kids got me up to speed . making it look like jamie hired a hit man and blackmailing you to rat me out ? tad : no , no , technically , i would be ratting myself out because i had to cover myself , right ? liza : yeah . how do i ever pay you back for having the courage of ten men ? tad : courage ? liza : yeah . tad : no , you got the wrong guy . i 'm so terrified for jamie , i ca n't even see straight . you do n't owe me a thing . you really saved their bacon back in that café . and on top of that , you gave them a safe haven . and on top of that , you 're not giving me a hard time for making you and colby pull up stakes and move all over again . liza : there 's something else , though . i can see it . tad : oh , liza . lately i 've done some things i am never going to forgive myself for . liza : yeah , well , we 've been singing that song for a long time , have n't we ? tad : no . this is different . an all - time low , whole new chapter . but i am a father , and if i can give jamie a shot at life out of prison , i 'm just going to have to do whatever it takes . [ scene_break ] jamie : you do love me . now , why ca n't you say it ? babe : just snap out of it , ok ? all i do is i take and i take . just this one time , i want to be the person who gives . jamie : oh , oh , sacrifice ? yeah , that 's highly overrated . babe : look , you deserve to live out in the open , not on the run and in hiding . i am giving you this gift , please . jamie : you want to give and take ? i 'm all over that . babe : what are you doing ? jamie : well , you want me to leave you , go home ? fine , i 'll respect it , but i need to change clothes and clean up a little first , and then i 'll be out of your way . babe : thank you . that 's all that i was saying . just move on with your life . jamie : meet the woman of my dreams , fall deeply , insanely in love . make crazy love in new orleans . babe : perfect . give her my regards . you 're a free man . jamie : babe , if you want me to go -- babe : go . [ shirtless , jamie kisses babe 's neck , making her swoon ] babe : damn it , you ! i love you , jamie martin . i love you like i 've never loved any man in my whole entire life . my name is babe carey . and this is n't like the night that we met on the beach . as amazing as that was , we were strangers . it was all about just being attracted to each other . but now we know each other . babe : we 're in love . you know that i 'm yours , right ? forever and always . [ scene_break ] reggie : you of all people are not going along with this . bianca : no , i 'm not excusing it , but i do sort of get it . reggie : i guess there 's one more miracle . babe actually made me feel sorry for j.r . bianca : oh , this has n't played out yet . believe me , everyone is going to be all over this -- the cops , the fbi , the buchanans -- and you know the chandlers are n't sleeping at night . somebody 's going to catch up with babe and jamie before long . reggie : good , because jamie and babe , they crossed the line , and babe deserves whatever she gets . bianca : yeah , i know . you 're right , of course . god , this all went horribly wrong that one night beside the river . is it ever going to end ? [ scene_break ] krystal : yeah , i think you hit the nail on the head there , david . j.r. is n't getting near that baby . all he 's got is information . and you ca n't sing a lullaby to that , now , can you ? j.r. : you know better than that , do n't you , hayward ? i would n't make demands without leverage to back them up . david : all the leverage in the world is n't going to make nonexistent dna results suddenly appear . j.r. : in addition to the results , which i know that exist , i want answers . kelly buchanan -- how did she pass the baby off as hers ? when did kevin clue in ? was it day one , or was he in the dark like me all the time ? and i want to know how the buchanans treated my son . krystal : why do n't i just bake you a pie while i 'm at it ? come on , let 's go . j.r. : wait a minute , wait a minute . not so fast . ca n't leave without your party favors . [ scene_break ] [ rc airplane buzzes ] ryan : how you feeling about this whole cambias thing ? you all right ? jonathan : i 've decided to see this as an opportunity . ryan : well , that 's very grown - up of you . who are you and what have you done with my brother ? jonathan : ha , ha , ha , ha . listen , i know that i 've been a little freaky lately , ok , but i just -- i do n't know , man . you know , when life 's going good , any change can make you nuts . ryan : tell me about it . ah ! jonathan : no , no . get up ! light post , light post ! ryan : what , are you drunk , dude ? let 's not kill this thing yet , all right ? jonathan : ok . i just -- i want you to know that i 'm cool , all right ? we 're cool . you 're cool . that the cambias thing is in the past , the future 's golden , that the brothers lavery are still going to rule the world . ryan : and that 's never going to change . what you got now ? jonathan : get off me , chump . i 'll kill you . there it goes ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : is everything ok , maggie ? maggie : yeah , i 'm awesome . greenlee : that 's great . ryan and i were talking about how rough it is to lose cambias , for him and jonathan both . you know , after everything they went through as kids , this just pulled the rug right out from under them . maggie : yeah . well , how is ryan handling it ? greenlee : he 's toughing it out . it helps to talk to someone , you know , a specialist . maggie : you mean like a therapist ? greenlee : yeah . and medications are so advanced these days , you know , just to deal with it and move on . what do you think ? maggie : well , if that 's what works for ryan -- greenlee : and what about jonathan ? maggie : uh , what about him ? greenlee : well , do i remember hearing that he was taking meds ? maggie : look , if you want to accuse jonathan of something , then just come out and say it . if not , just keep your mouth shut . keeping a relationship alive . [ scene_break ] tad : your kid 's a disaster . liza : yeah , well -- tad : speaking of which -- you know what never fails to amaze me is the sheer level of destruction that adam and j.r. leave in their wake . i 'm not kidding . i do n't know why they bother to get married , because obviously they get their sexual jollies from , you know , wreaking havoc . liza : does it make you -- it just must make you so sad to see j.r. where he 's ended up . tad : man , you have no idea . i remember the night at the hospital the night of the crash , and we stayed up . bianca and babe were out there somewhere having their babies . there was so much to hope and pray for . and now it 's like i do n't even recognize him anymore . it 's like he 's all of the worst things that adam has to offer and none of dixie to balance it out . liza : well , i never knew how peaceful it would be to be away from the chandlers . it is a blessing to be free from that . tad : hmm . well , let 's just hope that that blessing spreads to jamie and babe . [ scene_break ] babe : wait -- the baby . jamie : he 's asleep . babe : i 'm sorry , i really do want you right now . it 's just that things -- jamie : ok , ok , i know . i know . we 're about to jump off into who knows what . right here , right now , we 're alone . now , when are we ever going to have that chance again ? i do n't know , so please do n't ask me to think about that when all i want to think about is you . singer : yesterday seems far away we get one more chance today and you and i will find our way take me down , down , down to desire where the body trembles when the wild wind blows , hold me , hold me do n't let go [ scene_break ] j.r. : tonight 's party favor is a peek inside my mind . krystal : that 's a scary place to be . david : the black hole of calcutta . j.r. : i came here with a dream , a vision of many , many ways i could make babe suffer . david : well , that 's kind of hard to do when you 're not calling the shots . j.r. : oh , come on . where 's your compassion for a man whose baby 's been taken from him ? krystal : not a drop . j.r. : come on , david , help me out here . is there anything worse than knowing that your baby 's dead , knowing that you 'll never see that baby 's face ever again ? david : you do n't want to go there , j.r . j.r. : do n't worry , krystal , you can join our little grief club . consider it a gift from me to you . but you 're going to have to pretend that your precious daughter 's dead -- not just for two weeks or nine months , but permanently . see , i 've come up with so many ways for babe to bite the big one . the old bullet through the brain ? i like that one , although it 's pretty quick and painless . david : oh , i 'll be happy to show you pain , j.r . j.r. : you ca n't beat me . i 've been working on this -- slow , unusual , bloody -- the many , many deaths of babe . krystal : you are going to hell , j.r. ! j.r. : you see , the thing about my fantasies ? they 're all permanent . babe 's no miracle baby , not like my son . so when she bites it , it 's going to be forever . krystal : babe is going to live longer than all of us . j.r. : i would n't count on that one . [ scene_break ] greenlee : today should be a national holiday . everyone should celebrate the day you were born . ryan : yeah . greenlee : now i just have to get over the humiliation of not remembering . ryan : hey , i 'm over it , all right ? let 's get back to where we were before the party . greenlee : sure , if you want . ryan : but first -- first , i think i have the answer to the whole jonathan thing . greenlee : you do ? ryan : yeah , i do . i just need something of my own to do , you know , like you have fusion . and i 've got nothing but time on my hands , so i 'm thinking perfect -- lavery brothers will conquer the world and your brother - in - law will be out of your face . what do you think ? greenlee : is that what you want ? ryan : i do n't even know what it 'll be yet , you know , but i just know that jonathan and i , we could be really good together . and i think -- i think i need to do this as much for me as i do for him . greenlee : you have one more birthday present to open , birthday boy . ryan : hmm . come here . [ scene_break ] maggie : so , hey , did you -- you see the look on ryan 's face ? he was really surprised . ok , what 's wrong ? jonathan : did i say something was wrong ? maggie : well , i thought that you had a good time tonight . what happened ? jonathan : what was up with you and greenlee ? maggie : nothing . jonathan : the two of you with your heads together ? you did n't think i 'd notice ? maggie : no , i -- i was just showing her my bracelet and telling her what a wonderful boyfriend you are . jonathan : you 're so obvious , maggie ! maggie : you 're wrong . jonathan : what ? see ? you 're doing it again . maggie : what am i doing ? jonathan : you 're pushing all my buttons ! it 's like you 're trying to make me crazy , begging for another bruise so you can run off and go get more sympathy from bianca ! maggie : no , i do n't want -- jonathan , come on ! jonathan : i 'm not going to give you the satisfaction . [ scene_break ] reggie : a little reality check , and suddenly the world does n't suck as much . bianca : yeah , i know . reggie : everyone is n't evil . bianca : heaven on earth . that 's my little girl . reggie : yeah , you got miranda back and the bad guys will pay . you ca n't ask for much more than that . bianca : and we 'll keep maggie safe , too , reggie . we have to . [ scene_break ] tad : those names going to work for you ? liza : yeah . boy , your guy is good . where in the world did you find -- tad : no , no , you do n't , baby . trade secret . liza : well , i guess it 's time to start packing . tad : do me a favor , just -- let 's just hang out for a few more minutes , ok , watch colby bend it like beckham . after all , who knows when we 're going to be in new orleans together again . what do they say around here ? `` laissez -- laissez les bon temps rouler `` ? liza : yeah , `` let the good times roll . `` tad : ah . liza : grab what happiness you can while you can , because you never know when the good times will roll around again . tad : huh . [ scene_break ] jamie : i 'll go get our son . [ james fusses ] babe : hi , my sweet little boy ! did you have a good nap ? did you ? come -- oh . look what mama got . what did mama get for you ? jamie : cheerios . babe : for my handsome boy . oh , get it . ooh , yummy . jamie : hey . marry me , babe . i want to be your husband . i want to be the father that james deserves , for real . babe : yes . yes , yes . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know , it 's amazing . all of this for a baby that 's still alive . what 'll it be for your baby , krystal ? the feds , the cops ? they 're the least of babe 's troubles . you do n't even want to let yourself think what 'll happen if i get to her first . party favors all around . gee , i wonder what babe 's shrine will look like . [ next_on ] erica : how much will it cost me to get you to stay away from both my daughters and out of this town for good ? ryan : would i let you go into the cambias craziness all by yourself ? behind this door is your right - hand man . zach : this is the end of the line for you . | bianca and reggie are both very suspicious of jonathan . bianca reveals that although she 's angry at babe , she is worried about what will happen to babe and jamie when they get caught for kidnapping baby james . jr is able to scare david and krystal by telling them what will happen to their daughter when she is caught . babe reveals to jamie that she is in love with him . he proposes to her and she says yes . greenlee tries but is unable to admit to ryan that she believes jonathan drugged her . maggie is still determined to stay with jonathan and put up with his abuse . |
julia : i know -- last face you wanted to see . kendall : no , not at all . come on in . i wo n't bite . julia : i wanted to talk to you about -- kendall : ryan ? you want to make sure you 've got a clear shot , and i 'm not a threat . but i am . [ scene_break ] ryan : did you have an appointment ? zach : this is very impressive -- new office , a suit . secretary 's very pretty . ryan : yeah , she prefers `` administrative assistant . `` zach : mm - hmm . so now you 're a big shot at cambias again . ryan : yeah . ethan made me an offer i could n't refuse . zach : i see . so we 're even . you have my son , and i have yours . [ scene_break ] amanda : do you really have to go ? jamie : yeah , my dad sounded kind of intense . amanda : i 'll go with you . jamie : amanda , that 's not a good idea . amanda : why , he told you not to bring me ? jamie : he did n't even mention you . you 're not exactly welcome at the chandlers ' . amanda : he 's just trying to keep you away from me , is n't he ? jamie : where the hell did this come from ? amanda : jamie , do n't go . you ca n't . if you go , you may never come back to me . [ scene_break ] babe : how are we supposed to find everybody ? palmer : well , if i 'm lucky , adam and krystal are off getting a quickie divorce . tad : i do n't think so . that would n't account for ma and brooke and my father . none of them would just go awol . j.r. : that does n't mean that they 're together . your father would n't cross the street at the same time as mine . babe : never , and there 's no way mama 's having tea with brooke and opal , but for all of them to disappear at the same time , it 's more than a coincidence . tad : i agree , much too big a coincidence to be random . di : you really think someone did this to them ? palmer : well , who in their right mind would put that lot together ? they 'd have to be insane . [ scene_break ] [ janet hums as she adjusts the gauge on the gas tank . ] opal : trapped in a truck , god only knows where , only junk food and punch to eat ! we 're all going to die . and only one of us deserves it ! adam : shut up , opal . we need to think . why , why would someone do this ? krystal : practical joke ? brooke : criminally bad sense of humor ? joe : my guess is ransom . opal : well , the tarot would know . adam : yes , if it 's ransom , there will be negotiations at some point . now , let me do the talking . krystal : you 'll get our throats cut . no . joe , you 've got to be the one . adam : i look at the big picture . i negotiate fortunes every day . brooke : hold it . does anybody smell that ? opal : kind of sweet . what is it ? krystal : could be my fusion shimmer stick . joe : no . it 's not perfume . adam : my god , it 's some kind of gas . janet : who else treats their prisoners so well ? the fun 's just begun . krystal : gas ? are you sure it 's just not drugged - up , slept - in - a - truck morning breath ? joe : it 's definitely gas . opal : oh , my god . we got to -- we got to find out where it is coming from . joe : opal , no , no , no ! adam : you have cheese for brains ? you 'll blow us to hell ! opal : oh . oh . my poor petey . he 's going to be an orphan ! well , almost . krystal : babe . babe and my grandbaby . they need me ! brooke : we 've got to get a way out of here ! opal : please , somebody let us out ! [ the women yell and bang on the sides of the truck . ] ] adam : blast it ! krystal : i feel kind of woozy . adam : yeah , well , save it for yourself , keep it to yourself . you 're using up my oxygen . opal : we 're going to die ! we 're all going to die ! joe : all right , everybody , listen , let 's not panic . all gases rise . now , if we get down on the floor , it 'll take longer for it to affect us . down on the floor . brooke : all right , all right . krystal : company not good enough for you ? adam : i 'd rather die standing . brooke : so much for the ransom theory . krystal : of all the ways that i expected to go , this was n't it . joe : well , if this is to be the end , i 'm glad it 's with all of you . or most of you . opal : what , you want us to die with you , is that it ? that 's real nice . joe : i meant it as a compliment , opal . brooke : oh , taken as such . krystal : yeah . opal : well , dying does n't feel quite like what i expected . i feel kind of floaty . brooke : you know , we all look kind of funny lying down here on the floor -- sort of like a slumber party . [ laughter ] krystal : and you . you look even funnier . what you doing up there , planning your last words ? [ everyone laughs hysterically . ] adam : god , you 've all turned into blathering idiots ! [ scene_break ] tad : aidan 's looking at security videos at the hospital . palmer : well , what good would that do krystal if adam 's kidnapped her ? tad : i highly doubt it . do n't get overheated on me right now . i do n't need it . i have two people at the airport , and we 've got the bus and the train stations covered . now , i 'm going to call up derek , see if he can help us canvass the neighborhoods , because we 're going to have to start talking to friends and coworkers . di : somebody 's got to find something . tad : they already did -- shoes -- three pairs of them at the hospital . aidan 's looking into that , too . di : that has to mean that they 're all together . j.r. : the chandler jet 's still in the hangar . babe : i found mama 's book . i 'll call everyone she knows , see if they 've heard anything . palmer : yeah , that adam 's probably shanghaied krystal to prevent us from taking over his business . j.r. : as if either one of you were a threat . he would n't waste his time . babe : what if i make these calls and no one knows anything ? what if we do n't find her ? j.r. : do n't think like that . we 'll have krystal driving my dad crazy by dinner . babe : so now you care , even though she 's not as important as the great and powerful adam chandler ? palmer : you know , if adam 's behind this , i 'm going to offer a reward , dead or alive -- and a bonus for adam dead . di : it does n't make sense , palmer . why would adam want to vanish , brooke and opal and joe ? palmer : and who invited you ? what would it take to get somebody to rip you out of your shoes ? tad : relax , p.c . she 's trying to help . j.r. : really ? since when ? you did n't give a damn when my son was taken . why are you concerned ? di : i was out of town when little adam was missing . if i had known about it , j.r. , you know i would 've been here . j.r. : oh , yeah , well , we did n't you then , we do n't need you now ! di : ok , you need to bark at me ? go ahead , get it out of your system . but i care , j.r. , all right ? i 'm not just going to walk out the door and pretend nothing 's wrong . deal with it . [ scene_break ] jamie : ok , amanda , reality check -- i 'm going to come back here , because i live here , not just because of you . amanda : ok , i get that . it 's just every time you see j.r. , he just spews more crud about me . he hates me so much . what if he says something so horrible you want me gone ? jamie : what are you so afraid i 'm going to hear ? if it 's something that horrible that i 'm going to kick you out of my life , i 'd kind of like to hear it from you . amanda : there 's nothing to hear , jamie . i have n't done anything . but he hates me , babe hates me more . they blame me for every little thing that goes wrong in this town . jamie : amanda , it 's show . if you have n't done anything wrong , there 's no reason for me to jump on the blame wagon . amanda : promise ? jamie : i promise . amanda : thank you , thank you , thank you . you have been so great to me , jamie . maybe when you come back -- jamie : you know , the funny thing about that is i actually have to leave before i can come back . i 'll keep you posted . [ scene_break ] julia : i knew you 'd go on the attack . that 's why i was n't even going to come over here . kendall : yet here you are . julia : i 'm actually here to help you avoid stress . it 's not good for you or for the baby . kendall : ok , any place you 're not ? stress - free zone . now you can show yourself out , please . julia : better idea -- why do n't you decide , zach or ryan ? kendall : i love zach . julia : then get your claws out of ryan . kendall : oh , my god , that is so you . i 'm running late . i do n't have time for this . julia : you know , i know zach pretty well . kendall : that 's great . well , then we 'll compare notes some other time . julia : i know that he hates ryan , and ryan hates him right back . so if you really care about these guys , why do n't you do them and yourself a favor and do n't do anything that gives them a reason to butt heads . do n't get zach so mad that he goes after ryan and get ryan so worked up that he slams zach . kendall : ok , in case you have n't noticed , these guys have minds of their own . julia : you can stop this before it gets out of hand . you love zach , let ryan go . kendall : and if i do n't ? julia : then you 'll deal with me . kendall : oh , my god . you are falling for ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : you do n't have my son . you have nothing to do with kendall 's baby . zach : it 's up to kendall . ryan : you do n't even really have kendall . i mean , yeah , she 's kind of giddy in love this week , but next week or tomorrow or maybe even tonight -- you just never know where her head 's going to be . zach : wherever it 's going to be , i 'll be with her . ryan : oh , that 's nice . well , whatever you guys have going on , let me make this very clear -- you will never have anything to do with my son . zach : `` my son , `` huh ? you keep saying that . i mean , is that the first blush of paternal feelings ? are you going to raise him in your image ? sounds like news . does kendall know about that ? ryan : we have n't decided anything . zach : why do n't you give the kid a fighting chance , let him be raised by anyone but you ? ryan : is that wisdom from your own experience as a father ? i mean , where do you get off telling me what 's best for my child ? zach : where do you get off calling maria santos to fight your battles for you ? ryan : what ? maria ? i do n't even know what you 're talking about . zach : she called me , told me not to interfere with kendall or your baby . ethan : actually , ryan did n't call maria , i did . [ scene_break ] tad : all right , everybody take it easy . just take it easy , please ? i guarantee the more we work together on this thing , the quicker we 're going to figure it out . so think . what does everybody that 's missing have in common ? di : on the face of it , not a whole lot . j.r. : like you know so much about them . di : different careers , social circles . palmer : well , krystal 's in a class all by herself . j.r. : they have us in common . it 's my dad , it 's babe 's mom , jamie 's mom . joe and opal are jamie 's family . tad : you used to consider them your family , too . palmer : hey , what 's the motive ? j.r. : ransom . my trust fund , jamie 's inheritance from phoebe , babe 's new shares of fusion . that 's a lot of bling . tad : it 's ambitious , and ordinarily i 'd agree with you , but if that 's the case , where 's the phone call or the note ? if they were snatched for cash , we would 've received some kind of demand . di : what other motive could there be ? extortion , revenge ? j.r. : who would get back at us by taking them ? babe : oh , my god . do you think it could be amanda ? jamie : what about amanda ? [ scene_break ] amanda : thanks for stopping by . you must have esp . i 'm sorry . i 'm not so much into the cleaning up thing . i 'm so busy with work and all . myrtle : and jamie , huh ? listen , amanda , you know , you only flit it and out of the boarding house these days picking up your stuff . now , i do n't want to rush you , but someone 's asking about the room , and i just want to know , are you ready to give yours up permanently ? amanda : oh , i really wish i could say yes , but i 'd really like to hold onto it a little bit longer , if that 's ok with you ? myrtle : of course . you 're not the first girl who 's wise enough to hold on to her digs , especially if she 's not very sure of the future . amanda : well , i am sure of one thing -- i am falling so head over heels for jamie . it is the greatest feeling in the world -- and the worst . oh , myrtle , i 'm so confused . i do n't know what to do . myrtle : does jamie share your feelings ? amanda : he is so great to me . when someone slams me , he sticks up for me , and he got me the most beautiful earrings for new year 's . myrtle : hmm , beautiful . and what about the l word ? amanda : when i was at the hospital , you said that i could change , and that is what i want to do more than anything . but how do i do it , myrtle ? how do i become a girl that jamie could love back ? [ scene_break ] [ brooke hums ] opal : you still alive , too ? brooke : well , i hope so . because if we 're not , and we 're with him , we 're in hell ! adam : what in blazes is going on here ? what kind of poison gas takes this long to work ? joe : only you would make that complaint . brooke : oh . see that ? see that ? see these little bubbles ? see , see ? like carbonation ? i 'm carbonated ! krystal : like champagne . adam : what 's the matter with you ? come on , we 're about to die here , and you 're acting like teenagers . krystal : oh , come on , what are we doing , ruining chandler 's last stand ? opal : oh , he always was a blowhard ! adam : this is n't hell , you know , it 's worse . it 's a dream , and you 're all figments of something i ate ! joe : what did he say ? brooke : adam tried to make a joke . adam : you think this is a joke ? it 's ridiculous . it 's -- i -- i did , i did ! i made a joke ! and you 're all in my joke ! [ everyone continues laughing as the hose continues delivering laughing gas into the truck . ] [ scene_break ] jamie : who the hell would take my mom ? tad : at this point , we 're not positive she was taken . babe : amanda does top the list . jamie : ok , that 's kind of a stretch , considering my mom 's never even ticked her off . babe : yeah , and i know from experience it does n't take much . maybe she just did n't want the little tramp to marry you . jamie : amanda 's got issues with adam and krystal , but my grandfather , my grandmother ? she 's got zero reason to go after them . palmer : well , if amanda 's as certifiable as her mother , she does n't have to have a reason . jamie : fine . does anybody have any proof ? witnesses , fingerprints -- anything ? babe : ahem . jamie , amanda 's not here . you can stop pretending to protect her . j.r. : maybe jamie 's not pretending . [ scene_break ] amanda : is there some list of things i should do to change ? myrtle : well , wanting to is the first step . amanda : whoo - hoo for me . ok , but how ? myrtle : well , maybe you 've started already . now , six months ago , what would you have done to try to get jamie 's love ? amanda : well , probably pay a guy to fake harassing me , so jamie would help me , i guess . the last time i pulled something on jamie , he hated me . i almost lost him for good . myrtle : he 's still around . there must be some hope . amanda : for how long ? myrtle , you 've got to help me . i do n't want to scam jamie into loving me . he 's so good . i need to be on his level . myrtle : honey , you are a beautiful girl . now , why do n't you just be you ? amanda : that 'll never work . that 's not enough . i mean , jamie 's got women at school and the hospital hitting on him all the time . i dropped out of pvu , i 've got a gofer job , i 've never done anything clever or exciting . myrtle : darling , you 've got a heart , despite all your conniving . now , you 're smart , you 're funny . amanda : no , i 've got it -- i 'll be a nurse ! no , jamie will love me for sure . we can meet in the cafeteria for lunch , we could take our breaks together . myrtle : relax , darling , relax . look , try being yourself and see if it works . amanda : it 'll have to work . i can not live without jamie . myrtle : darling , you can not force jamie to love you , and if you try , you 're just going to lose him . amanda : i want to share everything with jamie . i mean , i love his smile and the way his hair 's messed up in the morning . oh , i just -- i need to be with him . it has to work . myrtle : darling , this sounds more like an obsession to me than love . amanda : do you think i 'm like my mom ? myrtle : no , i did n't say that , darling . amanda : but you were thinking it . myrtle : no . amanda : everyone does . `` janet from another planet 's daughter , sound the alarm , stay away . `` do you think i 'd put jamie down a well ? do you think i 'm crazy like my mom ? [ janet gasps as she overhears her daughter 's comment . ] [ scene_break ] zach : congratulations on the new hire , ethan . who 's in charge , you or this clown ? ryan : ethan is the ceo . i just work here . now , if you two will excuse me , i 'm going to go make us some money . zach : whose idea was it to call maria , yours or his ? ethan : mine . brilliant , was n't it ? zach : mm - hmm . almost as brilliant as lavery trying to worm his way back into cambias . ethan : actually , that was my idea , too . took a lot of convincing . zach : i bet . ethan : yeah , i had to offer him a really big bonus . now -- ahem -- if you do n't mind , i have a company to run , so -- zach : i know you probably do n't want to hear this , but he 's taking advantage of you . ethan : why would i want to hear something that 's so blatantly untrue ? zach : he 's using you to get to me . ethan : how 's he doing that ? zach : i do n't know , maybe he thinks i care what happens to you . ethan : huh . well , he 's going to be disappointed then , is n't he ? zach : whatever 's going on between ryan and me is our problem . i do n't want you tangled up in it . ethan : i do n't know whether to be touched or offended . has it ever occurred to you that i may be using him ? zach : using him for what , to get my attention ? ethan : worked , did n't it ? zach : yeah , you got it . so what do you want ? ethan : i want you to back away from kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : this is very cute -- you with a crush . julia : i like ryan . i 'm not in love with him . i do n't want to see him get hurt . kendall : neither do i . julia : then we agree . if you let ryan go -- kendall : `` let ryan go `` ? hello , i 'm carrying his child , and he wants to be in on it . julia : does n't mean you have to keep him at the end of a string . kendall : ryan is free to do whatever and whomever he wants . does n't mean i 'm going to give you my blessing to go after him . julia : i do n't need your blessing . i 'm trying to protect him . kendall : yes , so am i , and i know you a lot better than ryan does . there 's no way any man in his right mind could ever be happy with you . julia : what is wrong with you ? you need zach and ryan ? you just get off on the war , two men fighting over you ? kendall : i do n't want them to fight any more than you do . julia : then stop putting them at each other 's throats . you keep this up , somebody 's going to get hurt . kendall : well , i have talked to both of them together and separately . i 've been honest with ryan and zach . julia : your kind of honest . kendall : what happened to you helping me be stress - free ? you do n't care about us , you do n't care about me and this baby . you just want to make sure that we do n't distract ryan away from you . i want what 's best for him . julia : well , according to you , no matter what it costs him . kendall : i do n't want to keep ryan from being happy , i want to keep him away from you . ow ! ah ! julia : what 's wrong ? kendall : i think the baby . julia : all right , lie down . kendall : get your hands off me . julia : i 'm a nurse . kendall : you 're a bitch . i want a doctor . ryan : would you just please let her help you , please ? kendall : ow ! god . julia : look , where 's the pain ? kendall : wait . oh , my god . it 's -- it 's right here . you 'd better not tell me it 's stress - related . julia : what did you eat today ? kendall : it 's none of your business what i ate . ryan : well , it 's not like it 's a national secret , kendall . please just tell her what you ate . kendall : i had a fresh - herb omelet , bacon , grapefruit juice . julia : it 's not the baby . it 's more than likely heartburn . take an antacid , you 'll feel better . kendall : that 's it ? that 's your big fat professional diagnosis ? ryan : look , what she means to say is thank you very much , and she appreciates your help . here . kendall : ahem . ryan : well , i do n't really mean to break up all the fun , because it does sound like fun , but kendall and i have a lot to talk about . julia , do you mind giving us a second here ? julia : oh , i 've already been here way too long . ryan : thank you . kendall : ryan , i 'm late for work , i have heartburn , and i 'm really not in the mood to discuss anything , thank you . ryan : we have to talk about the future of this child . [ scene_break ] zach : so much concern for kendall . ethan : i work with her . her and simone are very close . i want her to be happy . zach : i want the same . ethan : you 're not capable of making anyone happy , zach . zach : i love her , so i 'm trying . ethan : see , the problem is that by doing that , you 've already come in the way of an entire family . zach : we 'll make the best of it . ethan : there 's no room for you . you 're not wanted . maria agrees . zach : you should n't have called her . ethan : i did n't have a choice . you 've screwed with the lives of enough children and parents . you ca n't help yourself . if there 's a way of mucking it up , you will . i should know . zach : this is still about you using kendall , is n't it ? [ scene_break ] [ joe entertains his fellow captives with hand shadows . ] joe : did you know that humans and spiders have the same blood pressure ? opal : fascinating . your hands -- they are beautiful . they 're so graceful , but manly . so gentle , yet strong . virile , even . adam : you like strong hands ? i 've got strong hands . opal : when 's the last time you had a manicure ? joe : well , i do n't know . krystal : here . you want those ? brooke : oh , no , i do n't like those , either . krystal : oh . well , i guess we do have something in common besides adam , after all . brooke : yeah -- tad . krystal : well , they both sure are hot in the sack . brooke : oh , yeah . did you know that adam tried to seduce dixie when she was helping run our house , and then he tried to convince me to adopt her baby ? i mean , what kind of nerve does that man have ? [ scene_break ] jamie : i do n't blame you for suspecting amanda . she 's pulled a lot of crud , made a lot of enemies , but making five people disappear ? i really do n't think she can pull that one off . j.r. : well , you 're the expert on her now , logging in all that undercover time . jamie : this would take a lot of planning . amanda 's more hit - and - run . but you guys would know more about that than me . tad : jamie , have you noticed anything unusual about amanda 's activities lately ? jamie : no . and this is bigtime . i would 've got a whiff of something . j.r. : yeah , staying on top of her day and night . jamie : back off . j.r. : you 've completely conned yourself by bedding that wack job . why do n't you admit it , james -- you just want to get back in amanda 's pants . tad : will you two cut it out ? we 're talking about our family here , people we love . let 's just try to stay focused . and i 'm sorry , but i 'm going to have to back jamie up on this one . it just seems to me that amanda 's way too much of a lightweight to pull off a production this big . jamie : exactly . there 's no way that she could lug my grandfather anywhere . babe : unless she had help . jamie : from what i 've seen , amanda works alone . and for something like this , i think i would look for a guy who could lift a few pounds . di : this is n't the first bizarre thing that 's happened in pine valley lately . [ scene_break ] brooke : and that was when adam put dixie in the insane asylum . krystal : that is horrible . i 'm sorry you were married to him . brooke : i 'm sorry you still are . adam : ooh , raisins ! i love raisins ! mmm . how did i get so lucky as to marry two women as beautiful as you ? krystal : you 're rich . adam : you know , if we were mormons , i could marry both of you . brooke : as if . adam : `` as if , `` yeah . or forget about marriage . concubines or my two golden canaries . yeah , the three of us , together at last . does n't that sound like fun ? krystal : oh , no , no , no . do n't , do n't , do n't tell me . are you suggesting a ménage a trois ? adam : are you saying yes ? yeah ? [ scene_break ] janet : a belated christmas present from your father . amanda : oh , they 're beautiful . i 'll call daddy and thank him . janet : well , with all this undercover business , thank - yous may have to wait . myrtle : they 're lovely . oh , and they match your mother 's . how nice . janet : trevor thought so . but perhaps amanda does n't want to match her mother . myrtle : um , now , i think you two must have a lot to talk about , so i 'm going to leave you to it . amanda : oh , thank you so much for stopping by , myrtle . myrtle : you 're welcome , darling . amanda : sorry you heard that . janet : oh . but not sorry you said it . amanda : mom , it 's not the way it sounded . i did n't mean it like -- janet : amanda , just be honest with me . i can take it . are you ashamed of me ? [ scene_break ] ryan : how you feeling , any better ? kendall : oh , all good . do n't expect me to call and thank nurse julia . ryan : what was going on there between you two ? kendall : she charged in here worrying about zach going after you . where the hell did she get that idea ? ryan : i do n't know . kendall : yeah , well , keep a leash on her , ryan , ok ? zach is not out to get you . i 've talked to him . he knows how i feel about him and about you . ryan : oh , i see . so the whole `` ca n't we all just get along `` speech ? kendall : no one 's walking away , so we are in this together , and it 's going to be fine , but julia needs to rein it in . it 's not like this is even her problem anyway . unless -- did you say something to her ? ryan : no , i did n't say something to her . look , the last thing that i want , kendall , is trouble , ok ? if somebody starts it , it 's going to be slater , not me . [ scene_break ] zach : you lost kendall without my help . ethan : that 's what you tell yourself , is it ? kendall and i were well on the way to working things out before you came along and blindsided her . zach : word has it you 're engaged . congratulations . where 's the problem ? ethan : i 'm over kendall , whatever we had , but i 'm never going to know what could 've been , because you came along and interfered . zach : `` could 've beens . `` what a waste of time that is . ethan : i 'm not going to let you do the same thing to ryan and kendall that you did to me , destroy their future . zach : when did you and ryan become good friends ? ethan : ryan is a man who 's willing to face up to his responsibilities . that makes him more a man than you will ever be . zach : ryan , huh ? yeah . so i guess we 're back to me abandoning you and your mother . [ scene_break ] tad : derek , i know it 's unofficial . i mean , we have n't got a shred of proof that anything illegal has happened yet , but you got to admit it 's weird . it 's just too weird . so until we know what we 're dealing with , just do me a favor -- at least put out apbs with descriptions , ok ? i 'd really appreciate it . no . yeah , ok . thanks . well , it 's a start . j.r. : all we got is shoes and weird vibes . babe : so what now ? tad : keep checking in on your mom 's friends , but use a cell phone . j.r. , i want you to man the house phone just in case any of our missing persons decide to check in . j.r. : where are you going ? tad : i 've got to pay somebody a visit . di : not without me . palmer : i 'd better make sure that some spaceship has n't taken off with opal . those damn venutians -- they may have sucked her up after all . j.r. : so you going to keep saying that amanda did n't do it , or do you want to help us ? jamie : i want my mom back safe . if amanda is behind this , i 'll get it out of her . [ door closes ] j.r. : you all right ? babe : yeah . sure . no . j.r. , i 'm scared . what could 've happened to mama ? j.r. : we 're going to find them -- all of them . i promise . [ scene_break ] adam : why are you so shocked ? we 're all adults here . i never had any complaints about either one of you in the bedroom . brooke : hey , there 's two of us . we could kill him . krystal : guaranteed happy ending for everybody . brooke : we could tie him up . krystal : yeah , and then we 've got him at our mercy . brooke : that 's right , and we 'll get out the whips and the feathers . you know , a man 's heart can only take so much . krystal : yeah , but it 's the rest of him . that could take all night . brooke : i 'm up for that . how about you ? adam : you want to try to take me ? please do . opal : your cuticles are so healthy . not like the claws some people sport and call it class . joe : i ca n't check in with my service . i do n't have any of my paperwork here with me . i ca n't do anything about complaints from the board , insurance companies , and lawyers . i ca n't be held responsible for anything . opal : no . joe : i am helpless . i am -- i 'm free ! [ when joe throws his hands up in the air , he falls backward off his seat . ] krystal : oh , my god . do you need a doctor ? opal : well , i guess there 's an upside to even to being on your last breath , huh ? i mean , if we die here , old miss krystal there wo n't be able to get her raggedy cuticle claws into palmer . thank you , kidnapper , wherever you are . [ scene_break ] janet : amanda , please be honest . amanda : ca n't we just forget it ? janet : the truth is so important . amanda , i have spent years struggling to become a better person , to turn the other cheek , to make amends , and if you , the -- the flower of my heart , thought that i was crazy , i could n't stand it . amanda : mom -- janet : i heard what you said to myrtle ! amanda : crazy is the poison that babe and j.r. spread about me , you . it 's not fair to either of us . janet : no , honey , it 's not . it is n't fair . you 've been enough , through enough without their slander . so , honest -- honest -- you do n't think that your mother 's some lunatic wack job nut case ? because if i really , truly were crazy , i would have to go away again . i do n't want to . i could n't . amanda : mom , i do n't want you to , either . what i was trying to tell myrtle is that babe and j.r. , they do n't understand you . i mean , they 're all about the past and the bad stuff . they do n't see how great you are . you love me more than anyone . i mean , you listen to me , you worry about me , help me . you are the greatest mom in the entire world . janet : i sure try to be , because you 're the sun and the moon and the stars to me , and i hate it when people do n't see you for the princess that you are . and after everything i 've done for you lately , i just could n't stand it if you thought your mom did anything wrong . amanda : everything you 've done for me ? what do you mean ? janet : hold still ! amanda : mom , what do you mean ? janet : you are an absolute vision ! you look so beautiful . now , where 's a camera when i need it ? amanda : mom , mom -- mom , forget the earrings . what exactly have you done for me lately ? [ scene_break ] opal : i wish i had some of my special oils . oh , my patchouli really heats up when i get going , and my male customers clamor for it . clamor . joe : well , this is fine , thank you . opal : you like gin ? joe : i tell you , i 'm more of a scotch man . opal : no , cards ! poker ! hey , brooke , you up for a round or two ? not you . brooke : oh . opal : here , i got -- brooke : why not ? opal : come on , cut for the deal . joe : all right . brooke : you know , i 'm a high roller . opal : well , one of your golden canaries has flown the coop . adam : i did n't want brooke -- or concubines or canaries or -- i did n't want to be married to both of you . i just want to be married to you . krystal : why would you say something stupid like that ? oh , because we 're dying ? what , are you moving toward the light ? adam : no . you 're the only light in my life , krystal . i love you . i really love you . [ scene_break ] tad : jonathan ? you home ? jonathan : what -- what do you want ? [ scene_break ] ethan : we 're not rehashing ancient history , zach . you and i are finished . zach : right back where we were . ethan : ryan 's a good man . he 's better for kendall and the baby than you will ever be . so why do n't you walk away , go back to vegas . zach : you know i 'm not doing that . ethan : that 's a shame , because there 's nothing left for you here . see yourself out . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'd rather get more heartburn than talk about this right now . ryan : kendall , we do have a lot to talk about . this is really important , ok ? we have to figure out what we 're going to do , who 's going to raise this child . kendall : i 'm going to need some more antacids for this . ryan : the sooner that we talk about this , the better it is for everybody , especially him . kendall : no , i do n't want to talk about this -- not now , not over lunch or dinner or nonalcoholic drinks . ryan : this is really important , kendall , ok ? we have to guarantee the best possible future for this baby . kendall : i want you to leave . ryan : i want you to marry me . [ next_on ] janet ( to amanda ) : sit down , i 'll tell you everything , but you have to promise not to pry . julia ( to zach ) : i came for the answer to a simple question . do you want kendall 's baby ? kendall : ryan , this is our baby . you can trust me with this . ryan : no , i ca n't , and i wo n't . | in the truck , unknown to the captives , janet has installed a gas pipe for them to inhale . it 's laughing gas and they all get silly , have fun and forget that their lives are in danger . babe , jr , tad , di , palmer and jamie are all trying and failing to come up with a clue as to who kidnapped the five people . babe and jr suspect amanda and assume she might want ransom for taking jr 's dad , babe 's mom and jamie 's mom , knowing that the three of them all have money to cough up for their parents . jamie tells them he seriously doubts it 's amanda and tad agrees . nobody can figure out who would want to take all five of those people or where any of them could have disappeared to , together or separately . janet overhears amanda talking privately to myrtle about how she might be ashamed of her mother and the reputation of janet from another planet might cause amanda to be unpopular in pine valley . janet asks her daughter if she is ashamed of her and is able to manipulate her with a guilt trip . julia goes to talk to kendall telling her she needs to de - stress herself while pregnant . ryan also goes to see kendall . he surprises her by telling her that he wants to marry her in order for the baby to have a stable future . the two women do not get along but both care about ryan . julia goes to inform zach that ryan is returning to cambias , knowing he will not be ok with that or the fact that ryan and ethan are friends . ethan still hates his father 's guts . |
ryan : i like the one on the right . val : absolutely . i think it really captures what you were talking about in the brainstorming session . ryan : mm - hmm . erica ? erica : hmm ? ryan : i 'm just looking for that famous erica kane sure and definitive decision . erica : oh . i 'm sorry . my mind was wandering . ryan : so which marketing campaign do you want to go with ? erica : oh . none of them . [ scene_break ] amanda : you have never stopped fighting for him . it 's almost like he knows that , the way that he looks at you when you talk to him , the way you are together . jake : yeah . that 's just something i like to call `` man love . `` right , buddy ? amanda : what if it 's more ? what if there 's another connection , a blood connection ? what if you 're trevor 's father ? jake : we 've discussed that , remember ? when you first got pregnant , we figured it out . it timed out to be david 's . amanda : we were so focused on keeping trevor away from david that we never stopped to rethink it . jake : what is there to rethink ? calendars do n't change , do they ? do they ? amanda : no . but my delivery date did . i mean , we just assumed that i went into premature labor , jake . but , you know , what if trevor was n't born prematurely ? what if he came right when he was supposed to ? jake : well , that would mean that you conceived earlier . [ scene_break ] marissa : it 's possible that trevor is your son . j.r. : trevor ? my son ? marissa : well , think about it . i mean , amanda said she figured that david was the father because of the conception date , but no doctor can ever be 100 % sure about that . dna , on the other hand , does n't lie . that 's why you have to take a paternity test , j.r . i mean , we have to figure out if trevor is really your son . j.r. : my god . another son ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh , my god , david . what did you do ? huh . you have n't changed a bit in the last year , have you ? keeping everything inside , not letting anyone in , especially someone that actually cares about you . what 's dragging you down ? i can feel it every time that you walk into the room . i know you want to stay in your son 's life and the strain that 's put on jake and amanda , but there 's more to it than that , more to it than just your devotion to your son . david : he 's not my son . that 's the problem . trevor is not my son . [ scene_break ] ryan : ok . well , something is on your mind , and it 's not business . so what 's going on ? erica : my heart 's just not in it anymore , i guess . ryan : into what ? into the marketing campaign ? into the development ? what ? erica : everything . i mean , i am looking at lip - gloss and blush , but my mind is focusing on those beautiful little children , their faces , those beautiful little children who are starving to death . and giving them food and holding them because there is nobody left to hold them . it just -- it felt so good . it felt so right . and this ? i mean , this just feels so trivial and even selfish . ryan : well , there is definitely no comparing the two . i 'll give you that . but you always have been a woman of multiple talents . and so there is no reason , that i see anyway , that you ca n't continue to pursue the philanthropy that you started in africa and just keep one hand on the tiller here . i mean , i personally remember how much you loved running enchantment , and this place needs the same creative spark that you had down there . erica : i 'm just not sure i can do that . i mean , what good is this ? i mean , how is any of this making the world a better place for anyone ? [ scene_break ] madison : i know you 're scared . so was i. i went through years of what you 've been going through . and not just the pain , but the humiliation , the sense of betrayal from being hurt by someone that you loved . that feeling that it 's somehow your fault , or that you failed in your marriage , in your life . but they 've been teaching me here every day that none of that is true . i was suffering just like you are , but not because of anything that i had done . we all deserve to live a life free from this , and we can have it . you 're in a safe place , emily , with friends , surrounded by women who all share the same feelings that you 've been going through . that 's why this place exists . it 's a place that you can get help . and i 'm not any sort of professional , so you will need to speak with a doctor , get examined . oh , dr. hubbard here is very experienced with this . in fact , he really helped me . he 's very good . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i do n't understand . trevor 's not yours ? david : i did n't always know trevor was n't my son . for months i had no doubt that he was mine . after everything they did to keep me from knowing about him -- pretending that he died at birth , sending him off to live with a nanny in hiding . jake and amanda were convinced that he was my son . therefore , he had to be my son . but when i finally held him in my arms , i felt so connected to him . i was his father in every way possible . it was n't until recently that i found out the truth . greenlee : oh , my god , david . i 'm so sorry . so that 's what you were talking about when you talked about the bond you have with a child that 's not yours biologically . you were n't even thinking about me and emma . you were talking about what you have with trevor . david : yeah . greenlee : but how could you keep it a secret ? how could you let everyone think he 's your son when he is n't ? david : because he still feels like my boy . i do n't love him any less . i do n't want to protect him any less ! in my mind , in my heart , nothing has changed ! greenlee : it has . especially if jake is trevor 's real father . is he ? do you even know ? tell the truth , david . who 's the father of that baby ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : it was n't a good time in my life . i was angry with amanda . i thought that she was my friend . it turns out that she was working for david , trying to seduce me , trying to get me drunk , all so david could lay claim to little adam . marissa : she regretted what she did . i mean , you both told me so . j.r. : yeah , she said that she felt guilty . but she also tried to terminate the child when she thought he was still mine . marissa : and you helped to talk her out of it ? j.r. : the idea of having a baby at that time -- it 's what helped me get my act together , get sober again . everybody thought i 'd be relieved when i found out the dates did n't match . the kid was n't mine , but inside i was disappointed . i have a son that brought me back , and suddenly he was gone ? i 'm sorry . i should n't be laying this on you . marissa : no . no , no , no , it 's ok . i mean , you 're supposed to be able to tell your wife how you feel , right ? j.r. : yeah . but i know how bad you want children . and now i might have another child with another woman . marissa : you know how much i adore little adam . and just because he is n't mine , it does n't make me love him any less . and if trevor turns out to be your son , then i 'll love him just as much . j.r. : everything that jake and amanda have been through with david , and now i 'm in the mix . i do n't like it . and i do n't like how this might turn out . marissa : we have to stop worrying about all the possibilities . we ca n't figure out anything until we know for sure who is trevor 's father . they 're testing david 's dna right now . you have to go get tested right away . [ scene_break ] amanda : we were pretty crazy back then . jake : yeah . like a couple of crazy teenagers . amanda : not that i complained . jake : i was so unsure about my relationship with tad , i remember . [ trevor fusses ] amanda : that is right . i was sure i 'd never have another real relationship again . jake : well , there 's something to be said for those crazy and wild days . you want something to eat ? you want a bottle ? amanda : we both should 've been more careful . jake : yeah , well , i 'm glad we were n't . trevor : dada . dada . jake : did he just say `` dada `` ? amanda : i think so . jake : you know , i feel like i had a connection with him from the minute i saw him in the sweltering barbados clinic . and i think i would 've had that connection even if he was n't your son . no matter what , i would 've -- i think . then my feelings for him just kept growing month after month . and i had a lot of feelings . you know , i felt really bad about all the deception and the lies to david , about him dying and everything . i mean , all of it . all of it . amanda : i remember when you showed me that house , showed me what you did to protect him , to hide him away . and when i saw trevor again for the first time since i 'd seen him when he was born , i just -- i fell in love with him all over again . jake : well , i brought you there earlier than planned . as much as i wanted to do it for you , i did it for myself , you know ? i think that we have both really dreamt about him being ours . i mean , ours , `` yours and mine really `` ours . but that had to be just too good to be true , do n't you think ? that kind of thing only happens in movies and fairy tales . i mean , um , it 's just me hoping . we do n't know anything for sure yet . amanda : no . no , we do n't . [ scene_break ] frankie : no fractures , physically should be ok , and she wants to stay . so thanks . madison : that 's why i 'm here . frankie : you know , it 's not easy for women when they come here to agree to see a male doctor , especially a brother . we still need a lot more women mds volunteering . but thanks for helping emily accept me like that and helping her to understand what it is we do here . that 's important , so you did a great job . madison : well , this is a great place . there needs to be a lot more places like it out there . frankie : and people like you helping out . madison : no , this place has done a lot more for me than i 've done for it . in fact , everyone seems to be doing that lately -- you , your family , erica . even though i just started working for her , i feel like i 'm already starting to realize this potential in myself that i never knew was there , something beyond just being a rich girl controlled by her father and her husband . frankie : well , we make our own opportunities in life , madison , just like you 're doing here and over at fusion . i hope this does n't come out condescending or anything , but i 'm really proud of you . madison : does n't sound condescending at all . that sounds nice . thank you . that means a lot . you know , i started out doing all of this -- helping here and working at fusion -- in part because i wanted to prove to you and your family that i am not the same person who did all of those horrible things . but i feel like it 's becoming even more than that . i do n't know , like maybe i could even help change lives . frankie : feels good , does n't it ? madison : very good . frankie : hmm . [ scene_break ] ryan : think of it this way . no , you 're definitely not feeding the hungry or saving children . i see that , and i hear you . but in a way , i think you 're still helping people . the women that buy the products here at fusion -- i mean , you 're giving them a sense of glamour . you 're giving them that erica kane fantasy . you are . you are , and that 's always been your philosophy -- to inspire . whether it be here or on your television show or at enchantment . erica : that was a really valiant effort . thank you very much . but , ryan , the problem is at night women just wipe their makeup off . they just wash it right down the sink . i mean , what we do here -- this is just like cotton candy . it just dissolves into nothing . and i want to do more than that . i want to leave a footprint behind me , something positive and something permanent , more than just a smear of lipstick . randi : sorry to interrupt . erica , you have a phone call on line 3 . she would n't leave a name , but she said you 'd be expecting her call . erica : ok . thank you . ryan : mm - hmm . hmm . randi : she has n't been the same since africa , huh ? ryan : no . no . but you saw the show . i do n't think many people would be able to come out of that unaffected . randi : but before , she was -- ryan : no , that 's ok . `` before , she was -- `` randi : no , she just -- she ran the company differently . it was all about erica . val : you were going to say `` diva , `` and you would not be wrong . erica : no , ryan , has no idea . so just keep it simple , and keep it a surprise . ryan : life has been very good to erica , and i think she 's just looking for a way to give back . and i think africa was the catalyst for that . erica : ok . i want you to get these all back down to marketing . and since marketing is not impressing me at all , i want you two to put your heads together . i want you to come up with something . think about it . i mean , i ca n't put my finger on it , but it just -- it needs to be more contemporary . you know , just with it . try to get in touch with that zeitgeist . i know , that sounds ridiculous , but do it . just work with it , ok ? and , ryan , we have that conference call with the l.a. distributor . ryan : right . randi : ok . so is this gon na be a little job or a big one ? val : try impossible . [ scene_break ] amanda : we found out that david 's probably not trevor 's father . i thought i would never be rid of that man , but now it actually looks like we might be . yes . yeah . i 'm sorry . i know he 's your dad . i just -- marissa : no . no need to apologize . i know what he 's put you through . [ trevor fusses ] marissa : wow . funny . i came here today thinking that you were my little brother . we 're either not related at all or -- amanda : or you 're his stepmother . marissa : well , i 'd definitely have to learn how to wrap my head around that . j.r. : i guess we 'll find out soon enough -- about david or the two of us . find out one way or another . angie : all right , guys , let 's get you to a room and get you swabbed . jake : right . amanda : you do n't think much of me , do you ? marissa : what do you mean ? amanda : a woman who sleeps with three men in that short period of time -- i mean , `` slut `` is the word that comes to mind . marissa : i do n't pass judgments like that , amanda . and besides , whatever happened led to that beautiful little boy in your arms . amanda : if trevor does turn out to be j.r. 's , how do you think he 's gon na react ? how will you react ? [ scene_break ] david : i do n't know who the father is . greenlee : but it 's probably jake ? david : it 's possible , yes . but in the beginning , amanda thought that it was j.r. 's baby . she was pretty `` active `` back then . greenlee : what changed her mind about j.r. ? david : the dates . after her first checkup , she said that the conception date did n't match up for j.r. that 's when she was convinced that the baby was mine . and that 's when all their manipulation started . for months amanda did everything she could to keep me from knowing the truth . the idea that i could be her baby 's father was terrifying to her . greenlee : but the baby was n't yours . so the date that they figured it from must 've been wrong , as well . the father could still be j.r . david : and after i had my own dna test and i realized trevor was n't mine , i assumed it was jake . but honestly , all i really cared about was that trevor was not mine . greenlee : what now ? david : i was n't gon na tell anyone . ever . greenlee : you were n't -- you really were n't going to tell amanda , the boy 's mother ? or jake , who loves trevor just as much as you do ? you were n't even gon na say a word ? david : no , i was n't . greenlee : david , you have to . before another day goes by , you have to let them know -- david : no ! i 'm not gon na tell them a damn thing ! [ scene_break ] randi : i wish i could be more specific , but neither could erica . it just was n't enough . marketing is not a happy group right now . they are scrambling to put something together more hip . madison : wish i could help , but i 've never quite considered myself hip . shallow sometimes , yes , but never hip . randi : i overheard erica talking to ryan . she said her heart just was n't in the business anymore . she wanted to find a way to give back , not just run a company . madison : that makes sense . i mean , look at what she did with the dance marathon . and i understand . if there is such a thing as karma , i have a lot of catching up to do . randi : well , you 've made a good start giving back time at the miranda center . madison : yeah , but will that make up for everything that i did to your family ? i do n't think so . randi : well , you 've taken the first step . keep walking the good walk . madison : did n't fusion do a green line of products ? randi : yeah . it did pretty well . madison : yeah , because fusion products are always the best . it 's a classy boutique operation . randi : right . so what are you thinking ? madison : what if fusion did a whole line of cosmetics where the profits went to a charitable cause ? profits turns into nonprofit . randi : hmm . that 's actually a great idea . you should pitch that . madison : oh , i do n't know . i 'm new around here . and anyway , business is about making money , right ? i would n't want to sound like i was poking my nose in where it did n't belong . randi : yeah , well , you 're not gon na know unless you try . madison : you 've been here longer . why do n't you ? i 'll stand behind you . erica : `` stand behind you `` over what ? [ scene_break ] marissa : well , i 'm sorry that i did this . amanda : you ? marissa : i opened up the whole can of worms about trevor 's paternity . i just wanted so badly to believe david , that he would n't lie about something as horrible as having this disease , and now look what 's happened . amanda : what 's happened is jake and i finally have some hope of being rid of david , that this baby could really truly be ours without him making claims on him . and the last thing you need to do is apologize for that . i should be thanking you . now we finally have a chance . we 've been living a nightmare for so long . now we can really truly give trevor a real father , one that can only make his life better . marissa : `` trevor 's real father `` ? david may be my biological father , but my real father died in a car accident with my real mother . they are the ones who raised me and loved me . and for me to consider david a more real parent , because he just happened to sleep with krystal back then just would n't be right . any more than it would be right for trevor to consider j.r. or david more real than jake . jake has been trevor 's father from the beginning , and he always will be . no dna test can change that . [ scene_break ] j.r. : we 're not gon na talk about this ? jake : well , i do n't know what there is to talk about . i mean , i suppose when we find out the truth -- and it depends what that is -- you know , we 'll discuss it . j.r. : well , when marissa first gave me the news , after the shock wore off i was like , `` wow . is this some kind of gift ? `` do you remember when amanda first got pregnant ? babe had just died . and somehow it felt right -- that i have a child in my life . jake : all i know is you treated amanda like crap . j.r. : yeah , i did . i was mean to her . you , on the other hand -- you were her salvation . jake : well , we love each other no matter what . j.r. : and that 's all that matters . [ scene_break ] david : it 's possible neither jake nor j.r. is the father . who knows how many other men amanda slept with back then ? and why should jake get to be trevor 's father after what he did ? he used that boy to tear my heart out ! he deliberately made me think my own son was dead . you , of all people , know what that means to me , greenlee . to lose another child ? greenlee : what they did to you was horrible , yes . but ca n't you be not as horrible just for once ? why is that so hard for you ? david : what is the point ? you do n't have a clue as to what i 've been through all these months . greenlee : yeah , you 've proven what a good man you can be . look at what you 've done for me , sacrificed for me , saved my life . should n't you put as much into saving your own life ? why ca n't you do that ? why ca n't you save yourself ? david : why do n't you get it ? ! i am saving myself with my son ! trevor is saving me ! and he may be my last chance . [ scene_break ] erica : that 's an amazing idea . randi : well , actually -- madison : actually , that 's not the whole idea . randi thought fusion could do a whole nonprofit line . erica : oh , i like this . and we could make sure that the profits go to the miranda center , and i could even open up more miranda centers around the country . i love this . i 'm gon na kick this around with ryan . i 'm gon na talk to legal and marketing and -- great . randi : i do n't get it . why did n't you tell her that it was your idea ? madison : i owe you a lot , including this job . so throwing a little credit your way is the least that i could do . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i was watching you out in the corridor , watching you hold that baby , the way you looked at him . it was exactly the way that i used to look at little adam . well , it 's exactly the way i still look at him . you love that boy unequivocally and , my man , that is lightning in a bottle . i want you to know i hope that this test proves that you 're the father . i want to make a promise to you . trevor 's always gon na be your son . that 's never gon na change . jake : wow . i just must be a really lousy judge of character , because i would 've thought you would 've had a completely different reaction . i was -- i was wrong . j.r. : maybe . or maybe i 've changed a bit . jake : well , you 're a good man , j.r. , you are . so thank you . [ scene_break ] marissa : i 've been defending david for months . and now if he is n't even sick -- everyone told me that i was crazy to believe him , but i did . damn it , i did . amanda : you were n't alone . i believed him , too . it almost cost me my relationship with jake . he knew from the very beginning that david was lying about his disease . marissa : why do you think he did it ? amanda : he felt backed into a corner . he felt everyone ganging up on him , i guess . maybe this was his way of clearing the playing field . marissa : do you think he knew that trevor was n't his ? amanda : i do n't know . if he did -- you know , it 's insane to think that he would fight for a child that way that was n't his own . marissa : maybe it is n't so crazy . is n't that what jake has been doing -- fighting for a child that was n't his own ? amanda : you 're right . my god , david loves trevor . no matter the results , it may never be over . david may never give up . [ scene_break ] david : i have worked so hard to get where i am . all my life i 've been driven to succeed , and i did . my walls are covered with plaques , awards , certificates . i have saved countless lives . i have basked in all the praise and adulation . i really am the best at what i do . but what do i have ultimately in the end ? nothing . in the end , i leave nothing . here lies a once great doctor , one of many . please . there 's no pride in what i do anymore , greenlee . i just go through the motions out of selfishness and ego . because the truth is all my life all i 've ever wanted was one thing -- a family . my own family -- a wife , children . [ sighs ] the promise that comes with growing old and watching your kids grow and flourish . the only thing greater than pride in oneself is the pride you have in your children , to stand there at the back of the room and watch your son 's first piano recital or your daughter kicking in the winning goal , their first of many diplomas . children -- what so many people take for granted , and what i just ca n't seem to stop losing . greenlee : what price to you pay if you lie to your child ? how many lives would be ruined ? how many hearts broken ? david : that 's what it is , is n't it ? hmm . yep . that 's what it always comes back down to . say it , greenlee . you feel the same way as everyone else -- that i 'm evil , that i 'm some kind of monster . go ahead , say it . you 'd happen to be right . that is the sickening truth . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . erica : hey . ryan : i 'm just going over the quarterly report here , and the numbers are n't nearly as bad as we thought . there might be a light at the end of the tunnel . erica : oh , that 's so good ! ryan : yeah . erica : then let 's shine it on something meaningful . ryan : what do you mean ? erica : i just heard the most wonderful idea . it reminds me of exactly what we were talking about , and it 's gon na feed itself publicity wise , especially once i throw my weight behind it . ryan : what are you talking about ? erica : ok . what do you think about a whole network of miranda centers all over the country ? ryan : wow . uh , i think that sounds like a great idea . but , um , you know , maybe we should focus on fusion first . erica : oh , i am . that 's exactly what i 'm talking about -- creating a line of fusion cosmetics that is completely nonprofit . all of the net earnings go to building miranda centers all across the country . what do you think ? ryan : i think that you have never , ever been this happy . that 's what i think . [ scene_break ] frankie : all right , buddy , you know what to do . jake : sorry i have coffee breath . frankie : all righty . i 'll be back . and here you go . angie : all right . thanks . the tests on david are almost done . listen , i want you to tell me exactly what happened with amanda when she first got pregnant . frankie : well , you know she asked me to make it look like it was j.r. 's because she was certain it was david 's . but then david got involved , realizing that amanda set him up . and because amanda was convinced that david was the father , everybody else 's mind was set . angie : and then the baby was born early , or so they thought . he was probably born right on time , meaning that the scenario that amanda cooked up to deceive david about j.r. being the father was probably the real story . frankie : that or either jake is actually the father . it 's complicated . angie : and ironic . maybe the truth was the truth was all along . j.r. : so how long do we have to wait ? frankie : not too long for david , a little longer for you two . jake : well , if david turns out to be the father , the rest of this is moot , right ? we 'll be right back where we started . [ scene_break ] greenlee : do i have to say anything , david ? you 've already said it all . david : well , then i guess i should go . greenlee : look , i 'm truly sorry for your pain . i know it 's for real . i know it hurts because i know what children mean to you . i was there when you lost leora . at least , now i understand what 's been haunting you . david : but that still does n't change how you feel about me . greenlee : i do feel for you , david . whatever you 've done , however misguided , you and i will always share a special bond . but do i think that you 're gon na find forgiveness out there from the rest of them ? honestly , no . do i hope you find what you 're looking for ? the family ? the children ? god , yes . but that 's not trevor . trevor is a lie , and until you tell everyone the truth , until jake and amanda know who trevor 's real father really is , you 'll never find that happiness . do n't you see ? you 're trying to hold on to something that was never real in the first place , and eventually that 's going to tear you apart . david : call them . call them . go ahead , tell them exactly how i 've destroyed their lives . if you can do it , go ahead , greenlee . i deserve it . but it 's up to you . [ scene_break ] erica : and we can link the advertising , too . i mean , sell fusion cosmetics , of course , but also at the same time raise awareness for all the miranda centers across the country . this really can work , do n't you think ? ryan : absolutely . we will make it work . erica : oh , i love it when you talk like that . yore so supportive . ryan : well , you give me something to be supportive about . i mean , this is a very easy idea to get behind . erica : and you make me feel so alive . it 's what i love about you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i ca n't . you saved my life . i ca n't blow yours apart . [ scene_break ] angie : i 've got the results of david 's dna test . comparing it against trevor 's dna , it is virtually impossible that david is trevor 's father . amanda : oh , my god . ohh -- jake : so , well , that -- that means it comes down to you and me . so one of us is trevor 's real dad . | erica is busy at fusion but her mind is elsewhere . ryan tries to get her attention , but with no luck . erica lets him know that her mind was wondering . amanda lets jake know that he had never stopped fighting for trevor and wonders if jake could be trevor 's father . jake has his doubts as to what amanda is saying . greenlee demands to know from david what he had done . david tells greenlee that he is not trevor 's father . greenlee urges david to let amanda and jake and amanda know the truth , but david refuses . ryan questions erica as to what is on her mind . erica lets him know that her mind is on the children in africa and that fusion is trivial to her . frankie watches madison as she offers encouragement and help to one of the women at the miranda center . madison sees frankie and tells the woman that he will also help her . greenlee asks david if jake is trevor 's father or if he knows . j.r. tells marissa that he had talked amanda out of having an abortion . marissa urges j.r. to be tested to see if he is trevor 's father . jake holds trevor in his arms as trevor calls jake `` da - da . `` j.r. and marissa approach jake and amanda . greenlee urges david to tell jake and amanda the truth , but david insists that he is not telling them anything . madison comes up with a good idea for fusion products in which they would come up with a whole new line and use the proceeds for charity . when they pitch the new idea to erica , she loves the idea . madison lets erica believe that it was all randi 's idea . erica tells ryan about the idea , who is behind erica 100 % percent . jake and j.r. are given a dna test to see who is trevor 's father . j.r. tells jake that he will be trevor 's father no matter what . angie tells jake , amanda , j.r. and marissa that david is not trevor 's father . david hands greenlee the cell phone and tells her to call jake and amanda the truth , but greenlee refuses . |
jake : slobs . amanda : do you think annie 's ok ? jake : what 's your definition of ok ? amanda : well , i like her . i just think maybe she 's not the best person for me to hang out with with my family history . jake : babe , you are nothing like annie , ok ? you 're nothing like your mother , so do n't even start going there . you are beautiful . you 're stable . you 're grounded . you 're honest . amanda : anyway , i canceled my plans with her , so maybe i 'll go down to the nursery instead . jake : yeah , go see all the new babies . amanda : our baby might be down there someday . jake : yes , that 's true . i ca n't wait . [ scene_break ] griffin : i thought you stopped calling the state department about your paperwork . cara : i did . griffin : then why did they tell me they spoke with you yesterday ? cara : i do n't know . it does n't make any sense to me . amanda : it was me . i made the call . [ scene_break ] jesse : commissioner . where 's the mayor ? commissioner : dealing with a sewage crisis . jesse : oh , lucky her . so tell me , what personnel issues does the mayor have problems with in my department now ? commissioner : well , two of your officers were seen in a compromising position -- engaging in conduct that clearly violates the rules on interdepartmental relations . jesse : yeah . happens . i 'll call them in , and i 'll reprimand them . all right ? commissioner : reprimand 's not going to cut it . one of the officers is -- your daughter . [ scene_break ] brot : be right back . [ scene_break ] bianca : great news ! kendall : yeah ? bianca : they dropped all the charges against mom . kendall : that 's amazing . that 's great ! how happy is she ? bianca : i have no idea . mom did n't call me . caleb did . [ scene_break ] caleb : well , good news . liza caved sooner than we expected . jack : are you saying liza dropped the charges ? caleb : that 's what erica said in her message . jack : thanks for letting me know . [ scene_break ] erica : you ca n't hurt me . you ca n't hurt kendall . you ca n't hurt anyone i love ever again . david : erica . erica : i 'll get a doctor . david : wait . what happened ? erica : you do n't know ? david : no . erica : you 've been in a coma for quite a while . david : how ? why ? erica : you were shot on thanksgiving . it 's january now . david : shot ? erica : yes . they were transporting you to prison , and you escaped . you confronted ryan on the roof of his building . you had a loaded gun . you wanted to kidnap greenlee . david : greenlee . [ scene_break ] jack : we both really appreciate you stepping up as her attorney that way , but now that these charges have been dropped -- she wo n't be needing your services . caleb : good . glad to hear that . [ cell phone rings ] [ ring ] caleb : i never should have gotten one of these things . where is it ? [ ring ] [ ring ] caleb : hello ? [ ring ] caleb : hello ? [ ring ] caleb : stupid -- hello ! hello . hello . yeah . yeah , it 's me . what 's wrong ? all right . i 'll be right there . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 've been having all these nightmares about david . but now that the charges have been dropped -- bianca : it can all just go away ? kendall : i do n't know . i hope so . bianca : so do i. blaming him for zach -- blaming anyone , it does n't help . kendall : reverend torres keeps trying to help me move forward . bianca : he 's a good friend . kendall : yes , and he 's right . looking back , well , it 's just not helpful . and besides , we have so much to focus on now , like mom 's wedding , if she 'll ever plan the date . bianca : yeah , i guess . kendall : do n't get too excited . bianca : i know . her and uncle jack have just been in this weird holding pattern for a little while now . kendall : well , there 's been a lot going on . bianca : i know . kendall : you do n't think it 's a good idea , do you ? bianca : i love uncle jack , but he and mom -- i do n't know . another marriage just -- it is n't a guarantee . kendall : no marriage is , right ? bianca : what ? kendall : you and reese , the problems that you 're having . that 's where this is coming from , is n't it ? bianca : no . i just remember us getting all caught up in the planning . and you get so focused on this one big day , and then you do n't think about all the other days that come after it . kendall : well , you and reese have spent a lot of those days apart . bianca : reese will come when she can . i just do n't want to pressure her . kendall : why ? why not ? do n't take the time together that you guys have for granted . bianca : i hear you . i do . i just do n't think that reese wants to come back and deal with a whole bunch of pine valley drama . kendall : i am all about the drama . bianca : i 'm sorry . i actually did n't mean that . kendall : no , it 's ok . it 's all right . it 's no secret . zach did n't want any part of pine valley drama either , so we stayed apart for way too long . please , binks , do not make the same mistake . you love reese . be with her . get her here now before it 's too late . [ scene_break ] amanda : i did n't mean to cause any trouble . griffin : what did you think you were gon na accomplish , pretending to be my sister ? amanda : i needed to know the truth . griffin : you know the truth . cara 's been trying to leave the country . amanda : well , that 's what she said , but i thought -- she might be lying , working it for jake to stay around . cara : i 'm not . amanda : i guess i needed to know for sure . griffin : did you call anyone else ? her bank ? med school teachers ? best friend from fourth grade ? cara : it 's ok -- griffin : no , it 's not ok . if you had questions , you should have asked . amanda : my husband 's ex shows up out of nowhere , and the man she left the marriage for turns out to be her brother , so i do n't know what to believe . but now i realize that it does n't matter . jake loves me and trevor more than anything , and nothing can touch what we have . and i know that . the past is over . [ pager beeps ] cara : i 'm needed . pediatrics . took guts to own up . amanda : go ahead . let me have it . griffin : it 's so much easier with guys . a guy will just punch you in the face . [ pager beeps ] griffin : got ta go . [ scene_break ] natalia : hey , brot , come here . hey , brot ! [ scene_break ] commissioner : your daughter has been carrying on with an officer right under your nose . she 's blatantly defying department rules , and you 're looking the other way . jesse : this is n't about my daughter , is it ? this is about mayor blanco trying to find any reason to get rid of me . commissioner : mayor blanco 's already expressed concern about your inability to draw the line between your personal life and your professional duties . it 's one of the reasons she brought me in . and if you do n't draw that line , we will . jesse : oh -- brot : what 's up , chief ? getting takeout , too ? it 's a great day , is n't it ? [ scene_break ] griffin : look who it is . how long has he been conscious for ? erica : just a couple of minutes . griffin : i was n't talking to you . you need to leave . caleb : i 'm sorry -- erica : he 's awake . he 's awake , and he 's asking a lot of questions . [ scene_break ] bianca : reese ca n't just drop everything and move here . kendall : zach did n't want to come home . he was so angry , and he wanted distance . so i gave it to him -- gave away hours and days that we could have spent together . we assumed we had a million more , but we did n't . no matter how angry he was or how much he resisted , i should have just insisted that he come home . bianca : thank you for caring so much . but reese and i , we 're not you and zach . we love each other , but i 'm not sure it runs as deep as it used to . kendall : well , that 's because you have n't seen her in so long . binks , you have to call her tonight . you need to make her book a ticket . promise me that you will . [ doorbell rings ] jack : hey , hey . i 've got some great news for a change . liza dropped the charges . your mother is free and clear . kendall : we heard . jack : you did ? good . kendall : yeah , caleb called bianca . jack : so i figured maybe erica was here celebrating with her two favorite people . is she ? bianca : actually , we have n't heard from her . [ scene_break ] erica : all of a sudden , he just opened his eyes . what if he knows what really happened ? what if he saw kendall shoot him ? caleb : did he give any sign of that ? erica : no , but i have to get right back in there as soon as i can . i have to drum my version of the story into his head till he believes it . caleb : they 're not gon na let you just walk back in there . erica : no . dr. castillo already kicked me out . caleb : why do n't you do what you have to do ? i 'll take care of the doctor . erica : thank you . griffin : ok , he 's stabilized . vitals look good . welcome back , dr. h . david : castillo . griffin : glad you remembered your star pupil . david : what are you -- griffin : i was just passing through pine valley , thought i 'd pull a bullet out of your chest . david : you . griffin : it was an epic surgery . i ca n't wait to tell you all about it . i want to check in with your primary doctor , make sure the neurologist is on her way . welcome back , dr. h . [ scene_break ] jesse : just talking to the commissioner . brot : hold on , chief . before we talk about work stuff , i want to say something . i care about your daughter a lot , and you already knew that . and we 're both grateful that you cut us some slack . but i want to be clear on something . natalia and i are together . jesse : well , that explains the smile . brot : i did n't think it could happen for me again . after taylor , figured that was it . figured i 'd forget everything else and just focus on my career , but somehow your daughter just got into my heart . i wo n't let her go . anyways , i did n't mean to go on for so long . what did you want to say , chief ? jesse : no , it can wait . i 'm really happy for you . [ scene_break ] natalia : i 'm such an idiot . i actually thought that he could be -- that we could -- [ scene_break ] jake : your daughter 's fine . she 's got a run - of - the - mill cold . mr. winslow : maybe i was n't clear when we came into the e.r . our daughter has cancer . leukemia . jake : your daughter is in remission -- mrs. winslow : her immune system is still very weak . jake : we ran a battery of tests . she 's good . she 's great . you can take her home . mr. winslow : if you do n't put her in some kind of isolation , i will . and if that means never letting her leave the house , putting her in a plastic bubble , we 'll do it to protect our child . jake : you can protect your child , mr. winslow , and she can lead a normal life at the same time . mr. winslow : our daughter is n't normal . being sick makes her different from the other kids . she ca n't do what they do , not anymore . cara : do n't say that . do n't take away her hope . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey , baby , how you doing ? how 's san francisco treating you ? angie : actually , not so great . jesse : what 's wrong ? angie : i do n't want you to panic . i just got back from the doctor , and she said it 's nothing to be overly concerned about . jesse : doctor ? angie : yeah . there was a little scare with the baby , but she 's ok . i promise you . jesse : what happened ? angie : i had some cramping , but i saw a very good ob / gyn here . and i know her reputation , and i agree with her diagnosis . jesse : a diagno -- a diagnosis ? are you kidding me ? i 'm getting on a plane . i 'm coming out there , and i 'm bringing you home . angie : no , you ca n't . jesse : what do you mean ? are you in the hospital ? angie : no , i 'm not in the hospital . i just ca n't travel , ok ? all i need is rest , and cassandra 's going to wait on me hand and foot . her words , believe it or not . jesse : i 'm coming out there . angie : what for ? so you can sit at my bed and the two of us can be bored , not accomplishing anything ? look , sweetheart , i love you for wanting to come , but you are needed there . and it 's really not necessary . jesse : you 're killing me here . angela -- angie : can you do me a favor ? jesse : yeah . anything . angie : i need you to get jake to step in for me . and tell him to call me , so that i can give him all the details . jesse : that 's all you need me to do for you ? i 'm gon na be sitting around on my hands . i 'm coming out there . i got ta see you . angie : ok . all right . just give me a couple of days to veg out , all right . i 'm gon na be back before you know it . jesse : i love you . you call me if anything changes , anything happens . you just call me , all right ? angie : i will , and i love you , too . [ scene_break ] cara : she is a child . she 's not a piece of glass . mr. winslow : you do n't know our daughter . jake : why do n't we all -- mr. winslow : and we did n't ask for your opinion . cara : you want to know the fastest way to bring your daughter 's cancer back ? keep her a prisoner . say no to everything . take away her spirit . crush her dreams . mrs. winslow : how dare you ! cara : your fear will kill her hope , and that is a tragedy because she can beat this . i know she can ! griffin : what 's going on ? cara : i 'm just trying to tell these people how wrong they are about their daughter 'cause she 's got cancer . griffin : may i speak to you in private , please ? cara : no , no ! the last thing that your daughter needs is to be surrounded by people who are walking on eggshells , who are always whispering , who are waiting to hear the words . what she needs is encouragement , optimism ! griffin : come here . cara : freedom ! get off , griff ! griffin : what are you doing ? cara : i 'm standing up for that little girl . those people have no idea the harm that they 're doing to her . griffin : those people are her parents . cara : they do n't know what i know . griffin : you know you should be nowhere near that case . jake : hey , what is going on ? [ scene_break ] jack : what do you say some night next week the four of us all get together and celebrate , huh ? kendall : yeah ! well , i 'm in , on one condition . jack : what 's that ? kendall : convince mom to pick a wedding date . bianca : kendall . kendall : what ? [ cell phone rings ] jack : excuse me . montgomery . thanks for letting me know . kendall : is everything ok ? jack : yeah , just some business i need to take care of . i 'll get back to you guys on that dinner next week , all right ? bianca : ok . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm glad to see you 're awake . did the doctors or nurses -- did they tell you anything more about -- david : the shooting ? no . erica : i 'm sure they do n't want to upset you . david : it 's all right , erica . i can handle it . erica : as i said , you were up on the roof with ryan , and you pulled a gun on him . there was a struggle , and ryan knocked that gun out of your hand . i arrived at the moment that you were about to throw ryan over the side of the building , so i did the only thing i could possibly do to stop you from killing ryan . i picked up the gun , and i shot you . david : we both know that is a lie . [ scene_break ] jake : somebody gon na speak ? griffin : you know cara . sometimes she gets too involved with her patients . jake : i think showing a little emotion is a good thing . i think that 's her right . cara : i think we need to just drop this whole thing , actually . jake : well , guys , we 're doctors , right ? it 's ok to show a little emotion , some personal investment in what goes on around here . i think it 's a good thing . i think in moderation , it shows that we care . griffin : there 's a line . cara : griff , can we -- jake : unless you want your brother to decide everything that you can and can not handle , i 'll butt out of it . what exactly happened ? what am i missing ? griffin : david hayward is awake . [ scene_break ] erica : what i told you is the truth . why would i lie about shooting you ? david : no . i remember now . i heard the gunshot . i felt the hit . i turned . you did n't shoot me , erica . kendall did . jesse : huh . could n't sleep any longer , huh ? like forever ? why are you here ? erica : i was here when he first woke up . jesse : i 'm gon na have to ask you to leave , 'cause i 'm gon na have to ask him a few questions . erica : well , whatever he tells you , jesse , do n't believe him . the coma has completely confused him . i believe he 's delusional . and you know what else , jesse ? i think that sick mind of his is even more twisted . jesse : thanks for the tip , erica . erica : mm - hmm . he knows . he knows that kendall shot him . [ scene_break ] brot : i got all your favorites -- natalia ? [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , you never answered my question about reese . invite her to the wedding . in fact , no . do n't make this an invite . make it more of a request . bianca : there is n't even a date set yet . [ phone rings ] kendall : hello . griffin : kendall , it 's dr. castillo . griffin castillo . kendall : i know who you are . is everything ok ? griffin : i 'm calling you because of what happened in dr. hayward 's room . kendall : why are you bringing this up now ? griffin : because he 's awake . [ scene_break ] jesse : rest up good . soon enough , you 'll be in prison where you belong . david : i was shot . jesse : yeah , you were . and the d.a . realized you deserved it , so she has decided not to pursue charges against erica . david : erica must be very relieved . [ scene_break ] man : is it just you , or are you waiting for someone ? natalia : definitely just me . alone . you got a problem with that ? is it a problem for a person to get a cup of coffee ? do n't even . brot : natalia -- natalia : do n't touch me ! do n't even talk to me . just forget this even happened . brot : hey . [ kiss ] customers : whoo ! whoo ! brot : oh . natalia : thanks , yeah . i woke up , and you were gone . where did you go ? brot : 'cause i knew you 'd be hungry . so i ran out and got you a cheddar burger and a chocolate shake . is n't that your favorite ? natalia : why did n't you say anything ? brot : i did say something . it sounded like you mumbled `` ok . `` natalia : i mumble in my sleep . brot : i guess i have to learn how to translate mumbling . natalia : i thought -- i mean , when you left -- brot : you thought that i got what i wanted and i took off ? natalia , i 'm not that guy . i 'm the guy that ca n't wait to get back to you . besides , it 's gon na take a lot more than your mumbling and snoring to get rid of me . natalia : well , i may mumble , but i do not snore . brot : oh , is n't that cute ? but you 're gon na have to start trusting me , trusting us . natalia : i 'll work on it . where 's the takeout ? brot : it 's back at the room . natalia : be a shame to let that go to waste . brot : true that . milkshakes are good , too . natalia : i was talking about the room . [ scene_break ] kendall : deep down , i knew that david would probably wake up . bianca : how do you feel about it ? kendall : i do n't know . i wanted him to suffer , to pay for zach , but i just wish i could get him out of my head . bianca : you will . now that mom 's cleared and david 's not just lying there . kendall : it feels like there 's -- something is unfinished . bianca : then finish it , kendall . figure out what it is . talk to someone . kendall : i will . i 'll talk to someone . bianca : you promise ? kendall : i promise . bianca : ok . kendall : ok . bianca : you need some rest . i will make up the sofa . kendall : thank you very much , but you do n't have to do that . i 'm going to sleep in my own bed . bianca : yeah ? kendall : yeah . i 've been up every night thinking about zach , the things i wished i had said and done . but i 'm not gon na do that anymore . you and mom and dr. castillo said that zach would want me to take care of myself , so it 's time i start to do that . [ scene_break ] jesse : nothing more to say ? david : just trying to figure out what 's going on . jesse : what 's going on is it 's over for you . griffin : hey , he 's not supposed to have any visitors . jesse : hey , i 'm not a visitor . i 'm the chief of police , and i need to question your patient . griffin : dr. hayward needs to rest . jesse : dr. hayward can rest the next time he dies . griffin : he barely knows where he is . jesse : trust me , he knows where he is . do not underestimate the good doctor , especially when he 's trying to save his ass from going to prison . right ? david : i 'm not there yet . griffin : you really need to rest . he 's not up for an interrogation right now . jesse : as soon as he is , find me . i 'll be around . and just in case you get some crazy idea -- griffin : you think he 's gon na bolt out of bed and jump out the window with his bedsheets ? jesse : i think i 'm not gon na take any chances . griffin : what if i have to take him in for tests ? jesse : find me . i 'll be right here . [ scene_break ] erica : jesse 's in there with him . david could be accusing kendall right now . caleb : i do n't think so . would n't take this long . erica : i know david . he 's not gon na just let it go . [ sees jack ] david 's awake . jack : i heard . what are you doing here ? erica : i had to let david know that the charges are dropped . i guess i just had to let him know that he lost . jack : so what did he say to you ? erica : he was very weak . he was very disoriented . it was very hard to say . jack : he ca n't hurt us . not anymore . not you , not greenlee , not any of us . caleb : we wo n't let that happen . erica : ok , then i 'm gon na go find kendall , and i 'm gon na go tell her what happened . jack : are you sure that 's a good idea ? erica : of course , it 's a good idea . i do n't want her to hear from somebody else . i 'm the one . i need to be the one to tell her . jack : caleb . i 'd like a word with you . [ scene_break ] jake : hi . cara : hi . jake : back at the hospital , that was pretty intense , you and that little kid 's father . i do n't think i 've ever seen you react like that . seemed a little personal to me . cara : well , i do n't know what you 're talking about . [ gets up and leaves ] jake : leaves a nice glass of wine . she left this for you . man : thanks . jake : you 're welcome . jesse : hey . just who i 've been looking for . jake : yeah ? jesse : yeah . jake : you heard about hayward ? he 's awake . you 're gon na have your hands full , my friend . so 's angie when she comes back to the hospital . good luck with that . jesse : actually , that 's what i wanted to talk to you about . kind of hoping you 'd be willing to -- dive right smack into the middle of that madness . [ scene_break ] griffin : doctor forget to give you a lollipop , or did you hear about dr. hayward ? amanda : what about david ? griffin : well , clearly i 'm in the minority , but i think it 's a good thing when someone comes out of a coma . amanda : well , just wait . you 'll see . griffin : wow . now you sound like you really need a lollipop . amanda : i 'm surprised you think i even deserve one . griffin : everyone deserves a lollipop . amanda : i invaded your sister 's privacy . griffin : and you admitted it . cara was right . it took guts . amanda : if i had real guts , i 'd tell jake what i did . you know what , i 'm gon na go right now and go talk to him . griffin : why would you do that ? cara and i are n't gon na say anything . amanda : i do n't keep secrets from my husband . i made a mistake , and he should know . griffin : mistake ? i do n't remember any mistake . [ scene_break ] jake : listen , jesse , anything that angie needs , i 'm there . ok ? jesse : thanks a lot , jake . jake : and the baby 's gon na be fine . i just know it . jesse : yeah , i know . it 's just been one hell of a day . and to top it all off , i could be out of a job . [ scene_break ] [ natalia and brot return to the yacht club room to have more sex ] singer : baby come on and scoot a little closer now have i got something for you maybe you 'll have to make a move to come back come on , it 's right so let 's not waste it just for tonight do n't hesitate do n't hold it back the things you want to do 'cause i 'll give in yeah , i will fall fall right through to you [ scene_break ] jack : who knows what hayward might be capable of ? this relationship he has with liza . it 's -- well , it 's kind of an unknown . caleb : you think he might be pushing to get the charges reinstated against erica ? jack : i think anything is possible . if that happens , erica 's going to need a lawyer . caleb : you do n't even have to ask . [ scene_break ] erica : where 's kendall ? bianca : she 's asleep . erica : i need to see her right away . bianca : no , do n't wake her . erica : david has come out of his coma . she has to know this . bianca : she does . she does know . erica : how did she react ? bianca : she was a little bit confused at first , but then she thought she 'd feel better if she got some sleep . erica : well , i hope she 's right . bianca : this is the first night since zach died that she 's sleeping in her bed instead of the couch . this is a huge step . erica : yes , it is . it certainly is . that 's good . i want her to sleep . i want her to stay away from david . i want her to stay as far away as possible from that man . [ scene_break ] [ kendall walks into david 's room ] david : i 'm -- very glad to see you . | amanda goes to see jake at the hospital , because she is uneasy about her friendship with annie and afraid of turning into someone like her . jake gives amanda a kiss and assures her she 's not crazy . in the hospital corridor , griffin asks cara if she 'd called immigration again ? cara denies talking them recently . amanda walks up and confesses that she made the call . griffin and cara are both surprised that amanda would do such a thing . at krystal 's , jesse meets with the police commissioner , who lets him know that mayor blanco contacted him about jesse 's lack of interest in the police department . plus two of his officers were seen in a very compromising situation and one of them was his daughter , natalia . natalia wakes up beside brot in a room . at the yacht club she snuggles up closer to brot as he strokes her hair . brot whispers in her ear that he 's going out for food and gets up and leaves . at the hospital , erica tells a comatose david that he will never be able to hurt her family again . david wakes up and speaks erica 's name . david asks what had happened to him , so she explains that he was shot , but she leaves out the part that it was kendall , who did it . bianca shares her doubts about their mom marrying jack with kendall . bianca begins to talk about reese and them being so far apart . kendall urges bianca to get reese here now . natalia wakes up and finds brot gone . she calls out for him , but does n't get an answer . she quickly dresses and leaves the room . she mumbles to herself that she thought brot was different . brot runs into jesse at krystal 's and lets him know that he and natalia are together now . jesse begins to tell brot what the commissioner said but changes his mind and tells brot instead that he is happy for them . |
[ it 's night in pine valley . kendall and ryan are sleeping together , as are jack and erica . ] singer : sleep , my darling , safe in bed , angels dancing in your head . i am here . i am here . nothing else to fear . [ thunder ] michael : sleep , my darling , safe in bed . angels dancing in your head . singer : i am here michael : i am here . singer : i am here michael : i am here . singer : nothing else to fear . [ as bianca sleeps , she drops a small doll , which lands on a pile of rubbish at the landfill . suddenly , a hand emerges and grasps the doll . then michael rises out of the ground and looks directly at the camera . ] michael 's voice : you thought you were done with me , did n't you ? dead and buried and all that ? yeah , well , i prefer `` gone but not forgotten . `` you see , i ca n't let you forget what you did to me . you sent me to hell , and now i � m going to return the favor . and hell is n't fire and brimstone . it 's no escape from what you fear most . michael [ standing at the door of his thrashed condo ] : my , oh , my . what have they done to my home sweet home ? i 'm telling you , where 's the respect ? [ michael turns and walks toward the viewer ] : you tried so hard to erase me from your lives , but you did n't . you ca n't . you see , i � m in your lives forever . i 'm in your minds , your souls , your dreams . and you will pay for what you did . i 'll make sure of that . let 's -- let 's start with the accused , shall we ? hey , kendall , time to prep for your trial . welcome back , kendall . welcome back to the night i was murdered . [ kendall is horrified to see a gun in her hand ] [ gunshot ] [ michael lies on the floor seemingly dead ] kendall [ waking up in terror ] : oh , my god . ryan : huh ? hey , hey , hey , what 's wrong ? what 's wrong ? kendall : i -- i just -- i had another dream about michael . ryan : oh , oh , sweetie , it 's ok . it 's just a dream . michael -- he 's gone . he 's out of our lives , ok ? come on , sit down . kendall : right . ryan : come here . i got you . go to sleep now . kendall : ok . right . it was just a dream . ryan : it was just a dream . kendall : it was just a dream . ryan : it was just a dream . kendall : michael 's out of our lives . right . it 's all over now . michael : it 's not over till say i say it 's over , kendall . [ kendall looks to her side where ryan was and sees a grinning michael ] [ as kendall stands over him holding a gun , michael opens his eyes , laughs fiendishly , and gets up . ] michael : oh , kendall , what have you done now , huh ? [ kendall gasps as michael grabs her from behind and puts his hand around her throat . ] michael : where 's -- where 's mikey jr. ? the bundle of nonjoy that you conceived on our wedding night , huh ? you know , i bet he 's going to be a handsome little devil , just like his daddy . kendall : no -- no -- michael : unless -- unless , of course , you lied about the whole thing and there is no baby , no wedding , no husband , huh ? kendall : no . michael : kendall , you need to say something . you are fighting for your life here . i never had a shot -- well , so to speak . but -- but you do . you have a shot , so if you just give the right answer , say the magic words , maybe , just maybe , you 'll live to laugh about it , huh ? so come on , spit it out , kendall . i want to know -- we all do -- where 's the baby ? kendall : i 'm pregnant . i 'm pregnant , i swear it . michael : what , with this ? this is a hell of a fashion statement . but if this is the best you can do , you 're going to hang for sure . ryan : hey , do n't mess with that . i gave it to kendall for christmas . kendall : oh , ryan , thank god you 're here . thank god . you have to help me . ryan : oh , thanks , man . i could use a scotch . michael : mm - hmm . mmm . it 's to die for . [ michael and ryan laugh ] kendall : ryan , what are you doing ? no , you have to help me . we have to get away from him ! michael : i have something for you . ryan : mmm . cuban . michael : one of the perks . kendall : ryan , ryan ! ryan : so , you do n't like the pooch ? michael : no , no , no . the pooch is a hoot , but , honestly , does kendall really think she 's going to fool anybody with that thing ? ryan : well , i mean , she 's fooling herself with my help . that 's what 's important , is n't it ? michael : this is true ! [ ryan and michael laugh ] kendall : stop laughing at me . why are you laughing at me ? stop laughing at me ! ryan , you have to help me . you -- you promised . michael : refill ? ryan : yeah , that 'd be great . you know , i heard a lot about you . michael : good things , i hope . ryan : you 're a player . i just wish i 'd met you before you died . could 've picked up a thing or two . michael : besides kendall ? [ ryan and michael laugh ] kendall : this ca n't be happening . ryan : no , i mean it , i mean it . the way you infiltrated enchantment and you snaked erica and adam and the fusion girls out of the company . man , that was masterful . michael : yeah . well , listen , you 're no slouch yourself , the way you got my old man to sign over the entire family fortune to you . ryan : well , i could n't have done it without you . i mean , somebody had to shock him into his last heart attack . michael : well , i admit i was good . but , you know , i could have made a few mistakes . ryan : hmm . michael : yeah , i 'm telling you , you just ca n't trust anybody these days . ryan : do n't i know it . aidan : kendall ? kendall : oh , aidan . thank god you 're here . i need your help . you will not believe what happened to me . aidan : i came to say goodbye . kendall : goodbye ? no , aidan . no , you ca n't leave me . i need you . i need you . you were right all along about ryan . he 's no good . i ca n't trust him . aidan : do n't worry . you 'll figure something out . kendall : no -- but , aidan , no ! you said that you would save me . aidan : you said that you loved me . kendall : i did love you . aidan : you used me , kendall . kendall : no , no , aidan , i was all wrong . i understand that now . aidan : listen , i would love to stay and chat , but mia 's waiting . kendall : no , aidan -- no , aidan , please , you ca n't go ! aidan , no ! [ ryan and michael laugh ] michael : you and kendall -- i love it . oh , man , very nice technique . ryan : well , you know , i did n't think i could pull it off , but when kendall falls , she falls hard . kendall : no , you do n't mean that . you begged me to trust you . michael : she 's so easy , is n't she ? ryan : can you believe that she thinks i would give up all that money and all that power for her ? in a few days , i � m going to own the world and she 's going to be behind bars and out of my life forever ! michael : ooh , gives me the warm fuzzies . kendall : you said that you loved me . ryan : oh , she says she does n't trust anybody , but all it takes is a few little kisses and the l word . michael : and how . you know , actually , jewelry does n't hurt , either . i once gave her this little diamond necklace that said `` swamp girl `` on it . after that , smooth sailing . ryan : to swamp girl . michael : to swamp girl . kendall : no . no . michael : yes , ryan played you , sweetheart . how does it feel being betrayed by the man you love ? it 's got to rip your heart out . kendall : no . no . michael : and it 's only the beginning . kendall : no , no ! no , no ! no , no , this ca n't be . no ! [ baby cries ] kendall : bianca , what are you doing here ? bianca : i live here . look at her , kendall . is n't she beautiful ? just like her aunt . i named her kendall , after you . kendall : can i hold her ? bianca : of course you can . hey , sweetie . kendall : hi . bianca : here 's your auntie . kendall : oh . bianca : here she is . kendall : oh , yes . oh , hello . hello , baby kendall . oh , you really are perfect . you 're so sweet and so innocent . that 's never going to change . i 'm going to make sure of that . yeah . i 'm always going to be there for you . you 'll never have to know the truth or spend the rest of your life apologizing for something that you did n't do . bianca : it 's because of you , kendall . kendall : i would give anything if it meant this kendall could be free . i swear i will protect you for the rest of your little life . it was all worth it . it was . it was all worth it . bianca : here , i 'd better put her down . it 's time for her nap . [ instead of bianca , michael takes the baby out of kendall � s arms ] michael : well , what a cutie pie , huh ? she looks just like me . what do you think , huh ? kendall : oh , my god . oh , my god , no . no -- where -- where 's the baby ? michael 's voice : who the hell do you think you are ? kendall : give me back the baby ! michael 's voice : you ca n't protect my child from me . kendall : no . michael 's voice : she 's mine . kendall : no . michael 's voice : and nothing you do will ever change that . poor kendall . so much fear in such a pretty package . [ scene_break ] simone : i do n't like this dream . can i please wake up ? michael : simone , it 's ok . you can open your eyes . simone : you ? michael : whoa , whoa , whoa , not so fast . simone : no , no , you 're -- michael : i 'm a big fan of yours , simone . you do a bang - up job of running fusion . simone : i run fusion ? michael : mm - hmm . simone : am i any good ? michael : the best . simone : really ? michael : mm - hmm . simone : wait -- how 's that possible ? i 'm just a worker bee . michael : well , it 's your reward . you see , you saved your friends and a lot of strangers from the most hated man in pine valley . simone : you ? michael : well , you 're sharp . you are , are n't you ? simone : wait , so -- wait . you 're saying that i got rid of you ? michael : mm - hmm . too many questions . here , work . get to it , simone . simone : wait , i -- how can greenlee and kendall let me run fusion ? they 'd never let me . michael : why , because you 're not smart enough ? who thought up the sexiest man campaign ? simone : uh -- michael : who noodled the gonzo marketing tactics ? come on , simone , brainstorm . let it pour . show them what you can do ! simone : um -- ok . look , all right , do you have a pen ? michael : this ought to do the trick . [ michael tries to hand simone a handgun ] simone : oh , get that away from me ! michael : that 's ok . take it . simone : no , i do n't want it . no , i do n't want it ! michael : you took it that night . how does it feel ? simone : no -- michael : like you remember ? simone : look , i was not in my right mind . i did n't know what i was thinking . michael : well , that 's the problem , simone . you do n't think . you -- you act . all impulse , no thought . all jiggle , no meat . simone : please , just take it . michael : i ca n't . mommy says i can only take a bullet . simone : i do n't want it . what if it goes off ? michael : well , it did n't seem to bother you that night , now , did it ? simone : i do n't want to be here . michael : simone , i do n't want to be here , either , but whose fault is that ? simone : someone help me ! michael : simone , simone , simone -- it 's ok . open your eyes . simone , simone , you 're a good time girl . you 've played it for all it 's worth , but this time playing dumb is not going to get you anywhere but buried . simone : no , i did n't mean it , ok ? it was an accident . michael : simone , stop acting like it was a mistake . simone : no , i -- michael : you wanted to do it . simone : stop it ! i did n't . it was a mistake . it was an accident . michael : nobody is going to believe you . this playing dumb is only going to get you so far . you 're going to be found out . simone : no ! i told you , it was an accident . listen to me . michael : simone , simone , tell it to the judge . tell it to the judge . simone : i -- i did n't mean it . i swear , i did n't . you have to believe me . michael : i 'm not the one you should worry about , simone . face it . you 're going to crash and burn . simone : my god . i -- i ca n't -- it could n't happen . it -- it could n't . michael : face it , simone -- your worst fear is that everybody thinks you 're a joke . but turns out the joke 's on you because you 're going to go down for your stupidity . [ scene_break ] [ door slams ] adam : what are you doing ? palmer : what we came to do . adam : not like that . we 're going to do it my way . palmer : this is my idea . was n't for me , you 'd still be fishing in that hellhole . adam : do n't make me wish i was still there , palmer . palmer : if you do n't have the stomach for this , then get out ! i 'll take care of it myself . adam : like hell you can . hand over the gun . we 'll hide in the back room . we 'll surprise him when he gets here . palmer : i 'm not going to hide from that bastard ! no , when he walks in that door , i 'm going to blast him right through the eyes . adam : when we were in pigeon hollow , you could n't shoot a tin can one foot in front of you . palmer : ah , bull doo ! i can -- stand back , stand back . adam : you would n't . palmer : cambias raped our bianca , and he 's not going to get away with it . adam : no , he wo n't -- palmer : i want -- adam : but not like this . palmer : i want to see him beg for mercy . i want him to be afraid just like she was , and then i � ll send him right to hades ! adam : give me that . palmer : ah ! adam : damn it , palmer . he 'll roast soon enough . michael : you do n't know what you 're doing , adam . you pull that trigger , you will regret it . palmer : i 've got you now , you bastard . how does it feel ? scared , are n't you ? michael : you do this and you 're going to straight to hell . [ gunshot ] adam : what the devil did you do ? palmer : me ? what did you do , you fool ? adam : what in blazes is going on here ? michael : you 're guilty , that 's what . sorry , boys , but you 've just earned yourselves a life sentence . adam : no . like hell . i 'm out of here . what the blazes is � [ gripping the bars of a jail cell ] damn it ! i demand to be let out of here immediately ! [ michael laughs ] michael : no can do . palmer : let us out of here immediately ! i swear i 'll tear your heart out . i 'll rip you limb from limb . michael : you 've done your damage , boys . no one and nothing can save you , not even teamwork . be good to each other because you 're cellmates for life . till death do you part . palmer : no ! adam : no ! [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] michael 's voice : yo , lena , get a move on . it 's showtime . lena : welcome to the show , ladies and gentlemen . today i 'd like to share with you a simple recipe for murder . audience : ah ! lena : the ingredients are very easy to find and relatively inexpensive . i prefer the garden variety poison . it 's quick and painless -- unless you 're the victim . [ audience laughs ] lena : the next step is to determine what your enemy consumes on a regular basis . my victim had allergies , so i chose his medication . all you have to do is empty the capsule and refill it with the poison . nothing could be simpler . you see , these capsules look just like regular medication , but they pack a lethal punch . well , the rest is up to your enemy . a beverage of choice , a quick swallow , and it 's all over . well , now that we 're all set , let 's move to the scene of the crime , shall we ? [ applause ] lena : an important part of the process is placement . you must always remember to put the poisoned item exactly where it is usually kept . this reduces suspicion and greatly increases your chances of success . [ as lena demonstrates how to place the bottle of pills in michael 's cupboard , he grabs her from behind . ] michael : we had fun , did n't we ? then you had to go ruin it all by falling in love with bianca . i mean , did you really think it was going to work ? lena : stop it . leave me alone ! michael : did you really think that killing me would erase your sins and your past , that bianca would be just so grateful that she 'd forgive your failings and fall right back in your bed ? lena : let me go ! michael : but , of course , deep down , you knew that , did n't you ? the truth did n't set you free at all , did it ? that 's why you tried to off yourself . not good enough for bianca , not good enough to live . or is it just that you missed me so damn much that you wanted to catch up , huh ? lena : i 'm not afraid of you . michael : oh , that 's good ! that 's good . say it again , this time with feeling . come on , go ! lena : i 'm not ! michael : oh . you know what ? the truth is you 're a coward , even with that . [ lena looks down and is stunned to see a gun in her hand . ] michael : does it make you feel brave and powerful ? lena : stand back . michael : god , i get so hot when you think you 're in control . but the truth is you never are in control , are you , lena ? that 's why you 'll never get what you want . that 's why you 'll go down due to circumstances beyond your control . bianca : lena , are you here ? lena : bianca , what are you doing here ? get out ! it 's not safe ! michael : you want her so damn bad that you would do anything , would n't you ? sorry , lena , but bianca � s mine . of course , you knew that , did n't you ? she will always be mine . bianca : stop it . you 're hurting me ! lena : let her go ! get out ! michael : adios . lena : bianca , bianca ! michael : sorry , braveheart . bianca is mine . she will always be mine . [ scene_break ] michael 's voice : bianca . bianca , wake up . wake up , bianca . you have to find it . time 's a - wasting , binky . get to it before it 's too late . go ! bianca : oh , god . michael 's voice : you have to find it , bianca . you are the only one who can . bianca : where is it ? where is it ? where is it ? where is it ? maggie : bianca , what are you doing ? bianca : i have to find it . it has to be here . it has to . maggie : what are you looking for ? bianca : i -- i do n't know . but i have to find it . maggie : maybe i could help you . bianca : god -- you ca n't help me . i 'm the only one who can do this . maggie : but you do n't even know what you 're looking for . bianca : well , i 'll know it when i see it . maggie : well , why is it so important ? bianca : i do n't know . what i know is i have to find it . erica : bianca . oh , darling , i � m so glad you 're home . would you like some hot chocolate ? would you like some soup ? bianca : no , no , mom , i do n't have time . erica : well , why , honey ? what 's the rush ? bianca : you have to help me . i have to find it . it 's the only way . erica : `` it 's the only way `` ? what are you talking about ? bianca : it 's the only way that we can end this . this has to stop , all of it . mom , help me ! erica : bianca , you do n't have to find anything . bianca : yes , i do ! if i do n't , something horrible is going to happen . erica : no , what you have to do is you have to forget it . bianca : forget -- i ca n't . how can i forget ? erica : honey , you have to . you have to forget all this . it 's for the best . forget all of it and focus on the future , just like i did . bianca : no , i ca n't . i have to find it . it 's up to me . i 'm the only one who can do this . i just have to look and look until i find it ! i just have to find it . i just have to find it ! it has to be somewhere ! erica : bianca , stop it . stop it this instant . bianca : no , i ca n't ! erica : if you do n't , you 'll hurt me . bianca : i 'll hurt you ? erica : is that what you want -- to hurt your mother ? kendall : stop it , bianca . you have to stop it . bianca : i ca n't . i have to find it . erica : but you ca n't find it . bianca : yes , i will . i have to . [ bianca goes through door after door , finally ending up in michael 's condo . ] kendall : bianca , bianca , it 's our secret . it 's a secret , remember ? we ca n't tell anybody . nobody can know . bianca : are you talking about the baby ? kendall : no , i 'm talking about everything , all of it . it 's a secret . it 's our secret . and if anybody finds the truth , then it 's over . bianca : no , but this has gone on far too long and too many people have been hurt . oh , my god , kendall . what are we doing here ? kendall : oh , my god , we have to get out of here . come on , come on ! [ bianca and kendall gasp ] michael : hello , losers , lesbians . kendall : let us out of here . michael : what , and let bianca leave here empty - handed ? hmm . do you really want to find it ? i mean , is that what you really , really want to do ? kendall : no , bianca , do n't answer him . bianca : i will find it , and i 'll save them all . michael : such a brave little girl . you know , i 'm going to let you in on a little secret . i know where it is . it 's right here , inside me . so you know what that means , do n't you ? if you want it , you 're going to have to come get it . kendall : bianca , do n't listen to him . do n't listen to michael . please , you ca n't give in . you 've got to let go . michael : do n't listen to your sister , bianca . you know what you have to do . you have to find it . because if you do n't , i 'll win , and then i � ll take everything that you love . [ scene_break ] michael : do your damnedest to escape me , but you ca n't . no exit , no excuses . see , i � m in your minds , your souls , your dreams . i will make you pay for what you did to me . oye , oye , all rise for the honorable judge in the case of the commonwealth of pennsylvania vs. jackson montgomery . [ gavel pounds ] michael : mr. montgomery , please tell the court what you did the night that michael cambias disappeared . jack : that 's easy , your honor . i killed michael cambias in cold blood . erica : he 's lying ! bianca : it 's not true ! reggie : he did n't do it ! michael : order in the court ! erica : do n't believe him , your honor . jack did n't kill michael . he 's lying to protect me . reggie : look , he 's trying to cover me . bianca : no , no , no , they all did what they did to -- michael : this is my court , and i want order , damn it ! that 's better . mr. montgomery , approach the bench . jack : yes , your honor . michael : do you believe i � m stupid , mr. montgomery ? do you really think that i � d let you get away with this , that i � d just lock you up , case closed , problem solved , and that i � d forget all about this ? well , i do n't think so . you see , i � m the judge . i am your judge , and i believe you 're lying . jack : i killed michael cambias , and now i have to pay . michael : well , i guess you do n't get what you want . i 've made my decision . erica : well , where 's the jury ? you do n't -- michael : silence , or i 'll hold you in contempt , bitch . i find you , the defendant , jackson montgomery , not guilty . jack : no , no , no , no , no . no , no -- erica : jack , i knew it . i knew you 'd be cleared ! jack : no , no -- [ gavel pounds ] michael : i am not finished . ms. kane , approach the bench . i find you , erica kane , guilty of murder in the first degree . bianca : but she did n't do it ! jack : no , this is a mistake ! michael : the only mistake that 's been made , mr. montgomery , is by you , believing that you could sacrifice yourself to protect them . well , i 'm sorry , buddy , but there are no martyrs in my court . ms. kane , it is with great pleasure that i hereby sentence you to spend the rest of your natural life in prison for the murder of michael cambias . erica : no . jack : you do n't have the right to do that . michael : i have every right ! jack : you ca n't do this . michael : why not ? because i 'm dead ? you see , the problem here is that you all believed that killing me would stop me , but it 's only made me more powerful . guard , take her away ! erica : please ! michael : come with me , sweet cheeks . i 've got big plans for you . i can be a lot of fun . just ask your daughters . erica : no ! no ! jackson , do something ! jack : erica ! erica ! erica : let me go ! let me go ! jack ! jack , please help me ! jack ! you promised you 'd protect me ! jack : erica ! erica : jack ! michael : you ca n't save her , jackson . all your smarts , all your education , your pull -- you 've got squat , jack . you are powerless . erica 's gone for good this time , and it is all your fault . jack : erica ! [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] [ `` it 's my party `` plays as we see a happy 14th birthday cake ] erica : it 's perfect . i ca n't believe daddy did all this just for me . [ knock on door ] erica : my guests . david . david : happy birthday , erica . erica : for me ? david : mm - hmm . i would do anything for you . adam : where is the birthday girl ? erica : adam , what are you doing here ? adam : oh , erica , you know why i � m here . you 've always been my favorite ex- wife , twice over . and whatever you need , i � m going to make sure it happens , no matter what . erica : jackson . jackson , this is the strangest birthday party , but i 'm so glad to see you . jack : i love you so much . erica : and i love you . oh , is n't this wonderful ? a birthday party just for me . is everybody ready for cake and ice cream ? michael 's voice : what are you waiting for , birthday girl ? it 's time to blow out the candles . [ music stops ] erica : where 'd everybody go ? michael 's voice : make a wish , erica . blow them out . erica : daddy , is that you ? where are you ? michael : right behind you . erica : no . michael : am i what you wished for ? erica : no . michael : come on , erica , let 's dance , you and me , cheek to cheek . come on . erica : what are you doing here ? michael : celebrating your birthday . erica : you 're dead . michael : oh . who killed me ? erica : does n't matter . everyone wanted you dead . michael : but you have the gun . do n't shoot me . dance with me , erica . erica : i wo n't . michael : well , then i guess i � ll have to find another partner . i 'm sure bianca and kendall wo n't refuse me . they 're such beautiful girls . they take after their mother . erica : no ! no more ! no more , damn it ! you wo n't hurt them ! you wo n't hurt my daughters ever again ! michael : you just try and stop me . [ gunshot ] [ gunshot echoes ] [ michael laughs ] michael : you took your best shot , erica , but you ca n't stop me . all your love , all your lies -- none of it 's good enough to protect your daughters . i 've got them , erica , and i 'll keep them for eternity . you 're the flame . [ scene_break ] michael : it 's your turn , reggie , my man . feeling lucky ? jack : bye , reggie . reggie : where are you going ? i mean , you 're my dad . you ca n't leave . jack : you are the greatest son that i ever almost had . reggie : but you do have me . i 'm right here . erica : we 'll always think of you fondly . reggie : you do n't have to think of me . i 'm right here . we 're a family , right ? kendall : you 're a hell of a kid , reggie . see you around -- or not . reggie : wait . where are you going ? wait . dad , look , you said you loved me . i 'm your son now . you just ca n't leave . i did everything you asked me to do . you wo n't leave me . you ca n't . look , i protected you . all right , i watched your back . i protected my own , did n't i ? you got to tell them it 's not supposed to be like this . bianca : i 'm sorry , reggie . reggie : wait . no . i ca n't be alone . michael : they 're gone , reggie . reggie : i did the right thing . i protected bianca . i should get my family . michael : you get nothing . [ scene_break ] [ in his dream , boyd stands over michael holding a gun ] kendall : oh , my god -- boyd . oh , my god . you did it . you 're my hero . boyd : it had to be done . kendall : no one 's ever done anything like that for me . michael : you fool . kendall 's using you . boyd : no . i had to protect her . michael : did it work ? did she swear undying love to you ? look around you , buddy . you freed kendall up to love everybody else but you . hell , i even got a piece of her . boyd : you do n't know what you 're talking about . kendall knows what this cost me . she loves me . michael : really ? well , then , where is she ? huh ? where is she ? she loves you doing her dirty work . that 's a big difference . boyd : you shut the hell up . michael : do n't kill the messenger . think about it , boyd . you threw your whole life away for that bitch . you could have won the nobel prize . and now you 're going to swing for murder . boyd : no . that was n't murder . you deserved to die . michael : well , there 's nothing sadder than a boy genius gone bad . boyd : yeah , well , somebody had to do it . michael : mm - hmm . well , you got the short end of the straw . oh , listen -- i 've been meaning to ask you . you do n't happen to have a formula for a potion that reverses the effects of lethal injection , do you ? kendall [ with ryan and aidan fawning over her ] : boyd . over here . boyd : kendall ? kendall : i just wanted to thank you for everything . really , thank you so much . and if you ever need anything , please do n't -- do n't hesitate . boyd : kendall , what are you doing ? i thought you and i had a chance . kendall : oh -- silly goose , why would you think that ? michael : oh , the ever - loyal boyd . girl 's best friend on two legs . what a sap . you lost your girl and your life . you 're pathetic . [ scene_break ] [ david is slumped over his desk sleeping ] michael 's voice : yo , david , up and at 'em . time to look at the crime and pay the tab . david [ awakens and gets up ] : that 's it . that 's it . no more sleep . no more dreams . not tonight . michael : oh , damn it , david , go back to sleep . you of all people deserve what 's coming to you . hayward . hayward , can you hear me ? hey , i want you to have your nightmare , you smug son of a bitch . as usual , hayward played dirty . [ scene_break ] michael : at least i have you , kendall . you 're always good for another go . so , let 's do another encore , hmm ? what do you say , baby ? kendall : i 'm ready , mother . i still ca n't believe this is happening . it 's like my whole life has led up to this moment . so , where is he ? erica : who ? kendall : ryan . is he waiting for me , or is he already at the altar ? erica : there is no altar . kendall : oh . well , we do n't need an altar as long as we have each other . so , when does the ceremony start , mother ? erica : i 'm so sorry . kendall : for what ? erica : you worked so hard to win my love , and now you have to pay for it . kendall : what do you mean ? mother ? michael : you have to let go , kendall . you have to just close your eyes and let it all go . i promise you , you wo n't feel a thing . kendall : leave me alone . i have to go . i 'm late . michael : well , actually , you 're right on time , honey . kendall : what are you talking about ? you 're not invited . michael : well , consider me the guest of honor , hmm ? kendall : no . michael : hello . you 've been convicted , knucklehead . kendall : what ? michael : for my murder . kendall : no , no . no , i have n't . no . that 's not true . i 'm innocent . everybody knows . everybody knows that i � m innocent . that 's not true . you 're not telling the truth . michael : whatever you say . let 's just get a move on so you can get your just reward , ok ? kendall : no , i ca n't go . i 'm not ready . michael : this is n't a parade , kendall . this is an execution . so , do you have any last words , hmm ? kendall : no . no , this ca n't be happening . no . michael : you can do better than that , kendall . everybody 's listening . kendall [ strapped to a bed while all her family , friends , and lovers sit impassively around her ] : no . no . no . i do n't want to die . [ scene_break ] michael : the sun will rise and the truth will come out and they 'll all pay -- every single last one of them . i 'll bet my death on it . - creepy things . squiggly things . [ next_on ] greenlee : help me break up ryan and kendall before they get any tighter . bianca : i think that there 's something in my mind that could help kendall , and i just have to find it somehow . jack : your honor , both the defense and the prosecution unanimously accept this panel . | the ghost of michael cambias is haunting all of his adversaries , in their sleep . first kendall drifts off and dreams that ryan has betrayed her and is joining forces with michael . then she notices bianca 's baby , holds her and michael takes the baby away . then simone drifts off and dreams that michael has cornered her and will charge her with murder , and it will no longer work for simone to `` play dumb `` . then bianca dreams that michael tells her she needs to find something . so she gets up , searches all over , yet can not tell anybody what she 's looking for . she goes to erica 's . erica tells her she must forget what she 's looking for . she runs through many doors . then she is haunted , again , by michael cambias . jack dreams that he pleads guilty to the murder of michael cambias . but he notices michael is the judge who rules that jack 's not guilty , and instead he charges erica with murder and sentences her to life in prison , while jack watches him haul erica away . then erica has a dream about her 14th birthday . she is first visited by adam , david and jack . then michael cambias comes to haunt her . boyd dreams that michael comes to inform him that he 's been had , by allowing kendall to use him . and michael tells him what a loser he is to not have even gotten kendall in the sack , when michael reminds him even he got a piece of her . adam dreams that he and palmer get nailed for murder . lena has a dream that she has a television cooking show where she tells people the secret formula for poisoning their enemy . but then michael corners her , tells her she will get charged with murder , and he captures bianca . then reggie dreams that he has been abandoned by jack , erica , kendall and bianca , and must face michael cambias . michael tries and fails to give david hayward a nightmare . so he goes back to haunt kendall , by having her dream that she is getting strapped down to receive the death penalty with her men and her family watching . |
ethan : hey . shower 's ready . kendall : hold on a second . wait , wait , wait . good morning to you , too . and what follows that ? that 's better . ethan : good morning . kendall : it 's getting there . you had the courage to find out , and that 's half the battle . ethan : kendall , i 'm the guy who bollixed up a pyramid scheme . now i 'm supposed to run a global conglomerate ? kendall : yes . you 'll be brilliant . you can do it , trust me . just stop thinking about zach and the past and the future . ethan : it 's impossible . kendall : no , it 's not . no , it 's not . you can do it . all you have to do is just put everything else out of your mind and put all of your energy into this moment right now . because right now can be a very remarkable place . [ scene_break ] maria : thank you . joe : maria . just on my way to your office . do you have steve riegert 's file ? maria : he 's got his first follow - up today . joe : ah . well , would you get a timeline summary up to me ? i mean , just so i can brag about you to the big shots at the board ? maria : oh , thank you . how about this afternoon ? is that pretty good ? joe : that 'll be fine , that 'll be fine . maria : ok . thanks . joe : oh , maria , i know that life has been challenging for you these days . maria : that 's -- ok , that 's one way of putting it , yeah . joe : well , i do want to say that through it all , you 've been thoroughly professional , and you 've stayed on top of things here , and i do appreciate that . maria : thank you . thanks . things were looking pretty bleak for a while , but now -- now the sun 's just starting to peek through . [ scene_break ] bobby : thanks . that 's all i need to know . sweet . one snap of your fingers and a cool million just zips in through an account in the caymans , huh ? edmund : just like that . now it 's time for you to hold up your end of the bargain . bobby : bring on the cops . i feel a song coming on . edmund : good . but before you talk to the police , there 's a couple other people i want you to fill in . bobby : right , right -- maria . you think with zach out of the way , she 'll be all yours ? or are you just going to enjoy watching him go down ? [ scene_break ] ryan : yes , and i 've also got this toy airplane that you 're going to love watching buzz all over . yes , you are ! we can take it up high , way , way , way , way up , all the way up , all the way up to the clouds ! all the way up . bianca : it looks like love to me . ryan : yeah , i 'm crazy about her . bianca : oh , no , i was talking about miranda . she 's nuts about you . ryan : no . bianca : ryan , are you sure about this ? ryan : about what , the transfer of power ? miranda 's alive . she 's right here . right ? here you go . here 's mommy . bianca : come here . come here , sweetness . ryan : yeah . best place in the whole world , is n't it ? bianca : mm - hmm . ryan : back where you belong . bianca : you 're telling me . ryan : and uncle ryan is going to make sure that you get everything that belongs to you . bianca : it 's a lot of money . ryan : yes , it is . but what is money compared to this , huh ? what is it ? [ scene_break ] bobby : a million . a cool million . zach : now , do n't tell me i should see the other guy . surely , you took the worst of it . see , that 's what happens when you tick off the wrong people . is n't it funny , a smart guy like you , you never learned that ? [ scene_break ] erica : well . you look wide awake . ethan : raring to go . whatever you need , erica , i 'm all yours . [ scene_break ] maria : oh , my god ! edmund : sorry . maria : edmund , you scared me to death . edmund : sorry . maria : oh , my god . is everything ok ? maddie and sammy ok ? edmund : yeah , no , the kids are fine , they 're fine . maria : ok . edmund : listen , there 's something -- sorry . there 's something you have to know , something you 're not going to want to hear . maria : what ? you -- you 're not backing out of this ? you said you wanted to work this out . edmund : i 'm not backing out of anything . maria : ok . ok . then what is it ? edmund : not from me . this has to come from the source . maria : edmund , is it a really big deal ? because if it is , i 'd rather you just tell me right now . at least tell me what it 's about . edmund : it 's about who shot ryan and who tried to beat bobby to death . [ scene_break ] zach : wow . thorough job . must have been professional . bobby : well , your guess is as good as mine -- better even . zach : now , if somebody wanted to scare you , they did a fine job here . but if they wanted you dead , i 'd want my money back . which do you think it was ? bobby : i do n't know . zach : never saw his face , no clue who he was ? bobby : nope . zach : or why he did it ? bobby : yeah , maybe because of you . zach : because of me ? bobby : yeah , you have a lot of enemies . i spend a lot of time defending you . could be someone did n't like it . zach : you 've got problems , bobby . bobby : hmm . you think so ? zach : yeah . you have n't pulled your weight for a long time . what , did you think i would n't notice , would n't care ? bobby : what 's the bottom line here , zach ? zach : you 've already crossed it . you 'll do anything for cold , hard cash . bobby : i thought that 's what you and i had in common . zach : you 're not thinking clearly . that 's why you 're in this bed . i tried to be patient with you , but i ca n't do that anymore . you 've been asking for this . [ scene_break ] ethan : you sure you wo n't have one ? erica : i 've been up for hours . ethan : so have i . erica : i came to see kendall , not your shortcomings . ethan : well , they 're a little tatty , i know , but then again , i was n't expecting visitors . kendall 's just showering . erica : what are you doing here ? ethan : i assume that 's rhetorical . unless , of course , you meant it in the bigger , cosmic sense of the word , in which case i can only say , what are any of us doing here , erica ? erica : i want you to leave my daughter alone . ethan : well -- ahem -- i 'm just hanging around for the free food . you sure you do n't want some ? erica : obviously , your cambias meal ticket did n't pan out , so here you are , just leeching off kendall . ethan : she 's very generous . erica : so you flunked your dna test . that only proves what most of us already knew -- you 're nothing but a fake . ethan : well , luckily for me , kendall does n't have your insight . erica : you 're obnoxious enough to be a cambias . ethan : thank you . oh , no , hold on a second . that -- that was n't a compliment , was it ? erica : oh , spare me . will you please spare me your very lame attempts at humor ? ethan : ok , fine . i 'll be direct with you . kendall is an adult , and your opinion of me does n't mean squat to her . she makes her own decisions . erica : kendall is my daughter . ethan : well , i am prepared to overlook that . erica : well , i 'm not . we kane women look after each other . ethan : making up for lost time ? erica : oh , that 's hardly any of your business . ethan : well , you can save me from parents who view their children as toys to be manipulated . erica : and you are manipulating her , using her , taking her for everything she 's worth ? ethan : maybe i 'm protecting her . erica : well , now , that 's a laugh , because the only one you 're protecting is you . ok , why do n't you just really be straight with me now , ethan . tell me , what will it take ? how much will it cost me to get you to stay away from both my daughters and out of this town for good ? name your price . ethan : you 're too funny ! [ scene_break ] bianca : i want the miranda montgomery center to continue . ryan : absolutely . bianca : we just have to drop the word `` memorial . `` ryan : and maybe we should think about providing other services , like locating lost children , maybe counseling their parents ? just , you know , blue - skying . bianca : so you 're planning to stay on the board ? ryan : as long as you 'll have me . bianca : oh , ryan . that 's such a relief . you know , we have n't really discussed the nuts and bolts of your resigning from cambias yet . ryan : what would you like to know ? bianca : well , you have certainly made us a lot of money over this past year . i mean , just your work with fusion alone , you deserve a great , big , fat severance package . ryan : well , i do n't need it . bianca : but you 've done a great job . ryan : and i was happy to do it . bianca : no , ryan , you 're losing a fortune . ryan : no , you see , technically , i 'm not losing anything . turns out that it was only on loan . bianca , you 're looking at the happiest guy and the luckiest guy in the entire world . i got to see you reunited with this miracle . yeah . and i 've got a beautiful wife that i love more than anything . you hear that ? miranda , you and me -- we got it made ! bianca : well , do n't forget me and greenlee in that picture . i think all four of us have got it made . ryan : yeah , might be five soon . bianca : ryan ? ryan : what ? bianca : you and greenlee are going to -- ryan : well , we 're thinking about it , you know ? we 're thinking about it soon . bianca : oh , my goodness ! ryan : yeah , i know . it 's nice after such a crazy year . bianca : that 's amazing . ryan : crazy , crazy year to have your priorities straight . bianca : well , i 'm so happy for you , and greenlee . ryan : thank you . i 've got it all . i feel like i have it all . right ? yes , i do . bianca : does n't he ? ryan : it feels so good to be in a place where i do n't have to prove anything to anybody . bianca : i know what you mean . [ scene_break ] [ ethan enjoys a hearty laugh ] erica : laugh while you can . ethan : that 's what i say . that 's what i say , live in the present -- kendall , too . enjoy what you can while you can . kendall : what 's so funny out here ? oh . mother . all right , uh , let me in on the joke . ethan : ahem . your mother -- your mother just offered me cash to leave -- to leave town . [ kendall joins ethan in his uncontrollable laughter ] erica : it was a check , actually . ethan : fill in the amount , this poor beggar would never darken your door or bianca 's door ever again . erica : ok , before you scream , i was only thinking of you . kendall : no , no . i 'm sorry . erica : well , i 'm so delighted to be such a ray of sunshine in your lives . ethan : you -- you tell her . kendall : ok . erica : tell me what ? kendall : the -- ethan : ahem . kendall : the dna test conclusively proved that ethan is zach 's son . ethan : miranda 's cousin . so what does that make us ? erica : us ? nothing . nothing ! let 's be very clear about . kendall : mother , ethan and miranda both own the entire cambias fortune . he can buy or sell you , me , all of pine valley . erica : may we speak privately ? ethan : here 's a good idea -- ahem -- i have to go and get changed . thank you , erica . you made my day . erica : kendall , surely you can not intend to continue this -- this relationship . kendall : why not ? erica : why not ? it 's perfectly clear why not . i mean , for heaven 's sakes , kendall . kendall : well , i do n't understand . mother , what am i doing that is so heinous ? erica : you 're having an affair with a cambias . kendall : miranda is a cambias . erica : that is completely different . kendall : no , mother , it 's not different . erica : michael was raised a cambias . kendall : yes , exactly . michael was groomed to follow in alexander 's footsteps . ethan was n't . he was cut off from the truth , remember ? erica : but ethan is drawn to it . he has actively sought it out . he has this burning desire to claim his birthright . kendall : well , actually , he wanted to forget about it , but i talked him out of it . erica : oh , please , tell me that 's not true . kendall : ethan is no more like michael cambias than jackson is like your father . erica : jackson and my father are not related . kendall : ok , well , shall we discuss how much i 'm like my father ? erica : if you would like , but you are not like him . you 're your own person . kendall : mother , i 've learned a lot since i dated michael . when i met him , i was taken by him . i did n't really know who he was . erica : and you think you really know ethan ? kendall : yes , i do . he 's kind and he 's understanding and he 's actually very courageous . ethan is everything that michael was n't , and i want him around for a very , very long time . erica : you want him ? kendall : yeah , and even more important , ethan wants me , for no other reason than he respects me and -- and he likes me for who i really am . erica : oh , honey , i think you 're making such a big mistake . kendall : mother , it 's not your life . erica : no , i know it 's not my life , it 's your life . but i love you and i do n't want to see you hurt anymore . you deserve happiness . kendall : well , i have it now . ethan makes me happy . can you just accept that ? erica : i guess i 'll have to try , wo n't i ? kendall : this is n't really the reason you came over this morning , was it ? erica : no , no . it 's really not . i was just on my way to my new beginnings space and i was just hoping that you would come along with me and , you know , we could discuss how to best lay out my office space . kendall : you know , i would love to do that . you know i really would . only -- erica : ethan ? kendall : yeah , we have to go over the papers with bianca . rain check ? erica : of course . [ scene_break ] bianca : you know , i 'm sure that we can still find a way to keep you on at cambias . i think i can convince the board -- ryan : hey , bianca , we 've been over this . you do n't want to straight - arm the board right off the bat . it 's not going to make you any friends , and with ethan running half the company , you 're going to need all the friends that you can get . bianca : well , i 'm sure that i can make ethan agree with me . i 'm sure that i can talk him into it . ryan : no , no , no . a , i do n't want to , and , b , you do n't want to start with ethan thinking he 's done you any favors , all right , you know , expecting payback . bianca : oh , ryan , but ethan is not like that . it 's -- ryan : no `` buts . `` you are the munificent , fair , and kind partner . i want you to carve out that niche , and i want you to stay in it . bianca : and ethan ? ryan : ethan . ethan , ethan . well , we 're just going to have to stay tuned , and we 're going to have to see how he turns out . but the point is you -- not you -- you need a right - hand man . you really do . you need someone -- you need someone who 's going to get your back all the time , a hatchet man , if you need one . bianca : gosh , it sounds like war . ryan : well , you got to remember who you 're doing it for . you 're just safeguarding your future , that 's all . bianca : but i do n't have a lieutenant who will fight my battles for me and lay down his life for me . [ doorbell rings ] ryan : punctuality is a plus , too . will you excuse me for a minute , please ? bianca : who is that ? who is that at the door ? ryan : would i let you go into the cambias craziness all by yourself ? i would n't let you do that . behind this door is your right - hand man -- unless you ordered a breakfast pizza ? bianca : no , i did not . who 's there ? what ? who 's -- uncle jack ? jack : actually , that 's senior vice president and general counsel uncle jack . that is , if you like my resume . bianca : oh , uncle jack , i love you so much ! jack : so does that mean i have the job ? ryan : i 'd say it looks pretty good . bianca : i think ryan 's right . [ phone rings ] bianca : what do you think ? ryan : hello ? edmund : ryan . it 's edmund . i need you at the hospital . ryan : why , was there an accident ? is it maria ? edmund : no , no . listen , it 's about the attempt on your life . some new evidence has come to light . ryan : well , i 'll be right there . edmund : meet me in room nine . [ scene_break ] maria : why not just tell me what you want me to know ? edmund : maria , we 're making an honest attempt at trying to put our marriage back on track , am i right ? maria : yes , it 's what i want . edmund : so do i . for that to happen , this has to come from the outside . and then you draw your own conclusions after you 've heard the facts . maria : ok , this is about zach , is n't it ? edmund : come on . [ scene_break ] zach : there are only so many screw - ups a man can get away with . bobby : if this is why i was spared , i wish they 'd finish the job . get to it . zach : this is the end of the line for you . you 're one of my mistakes . now , i hate mistakes . and on the rare occasion when i do make one , i make sure to get rid of all evidence that reminds me of it . and in this case , that means getting rid of you . edmund : mind a witness or two ? zach : we 're busy . edmund : i can see that . doing what ? zach : terminating an employee . edmund : do n't you have a human resource department for that , zach ? zach : i 'm a hands - on kind of guy . bobby : you always have your minions do your dirty work . zach : you make this so easy for me . i try to help you , give you chances , even clean up your mess after you . bobby : such a great boss . zach : and this is how you repay my generosity ? by stealing from me ? bobby : i never stole from you . zach : two weeks ' severance pay . security 's going to pack up your stuff for you . edmund : you ok ? bobby : yeah , glad you guys came when you did . maria : what is this all about ? bobby : him . maria , do n't you get it ? everybody 's got questions . the answer to them all is zach . [ scene_break ] bianca : and who is the valiant knight who 's going to keep us from being gobbled up by big business ? uncle jack ! jack : at your service , milady . bianca : you know what that makes us ? it makes us the luckiest princesses in the whole land . jack : and the most beautiful . bianca : oh , that goes without saying . jack : i took the liberty of reviewing this agreement with ethan that you have here , and it does acknowledge the 50/50 split of the cambias estate . bianca : it looks ok , right ? jack : everything seems to be in order . bianca , i must tell you , i will -- i 'll never hide anything from you , and i will never pull any punches . now , the contract 's fine , but i do n't trust ethan any farther than i can throw him . it has nothing to do with his name . really , it does n't . [ doorbell rings ] jack : but i just want you to know that i will not let him out of my sight , and i will cut him no slack , ok ? bianca : you do n't have to do that . ethan is a good guy , and once you get to know him like i do , i guarantee that you will trust him like i do , too . oh ! hey . kendall : hello . bianca : speak of the devil . come on in , you guys . ethan : hey . bianca : hello . say hi . [ scene_break ] bobby : i thought he was going to lay me out . ryan : who ? bobby : the same guy that used you for target practice . maria : no , no , no . wait a minute . bobby : zach slater . he put the hurt on both of us . maria : no , zach did not shoot you . edmund : just listen . bobby : there 's a woman who works for him . edmund : yeah . bobby gave me her name and all the information . bobby : that night at the casino benefit ? i saw her shoot you . ryan : and you just remembered this now ? bobby : i , uh -- i used the information to shake down zach . ryan : who would n't ? bobby : i told him i 'd keep quiet if he came across with enough cash . ryan : that does n't sound like a very smart move , bobby . bobby : i disguised my voice . he was n't supposed to know i was behind the deal . ryan : you mean blackmail ? bobby : right . but i did n't know he 'd caught on , and when i went to collect my pay -- ryan : instead of money , he worked you over . bobby : you 're quick , obviously . maria : i do n't believe a word of it . [ scene_break ] zach : your attorney could n't have found anything wrong with the contract , so what 's your problem ? erica : you . you ought to be shot , and i may be just the one to do it . [ scene_break ] jack : i would like to see this transition go as smoothly and painlessly as possible . ethan : same here . look , before we do , you and i got off to a bit of a rough start , but we have something in common , which is that both of these ladies wish us onboard . bianca : and that 's non - negotiable as far as i 'm concerned . kendall : i feel the same . ethan : so i am going to back you all the way . jack : well , you know me . i 'm always up for a fresh start . ethan : good . then there is just one more thing i 'd like to propose . jack : well , do it now before we put pens to paper . ethan : ok , i do n't expect it 's going to gum up the works too much , but the prospect of leaping to the head of cambias industries is -- is somewhat daunting , and i would feel much better if i had strong allies like kendall beside me . bianca : well , i do n't think kendall is going anywhere . are you ? kendall : only where the two of you want me to go . ethan : good . i 'd like you to play a much broader role within the company . to be honest , i think i could use all the help i can get . bianca : well , that 's wonderful . kendall , are you ready to take on a little more power ? kendall : just tell me when and where . jack : here and now . let 's get to it . ethan : ok . bianca : ok , we 're going to sign some contracts . kendall : that 's it , come to auntie kendall . bianca : yes . kendall : come to aunt kendall . bianca : look , i 'm really sorry that this has been so difficult for you . ethan : well , you know , it 's -- it 's all behind me . bianca : no , i mean everything with zach . ethan : zach is what he is , and i can deal with it . [ scene_break ] zach : i gave you the place at market price -- your requirement , not mine . erica : this is not about the contract . this -- i 'll sign the contract . this is about you and that horrible son of yours . how could you allow this to happen ? how could you ? do n't you know how this affects me and my entire family ? one daughter is sleeping with him and the other is handing over half her world to him ! this is all because of you . [ scene_break ] maria : why are you lying about zach ? bobby : i 've got no reason to lie . maria : yeah , well , because he did n't fall for your extortion scam . bobby : zach is a very powerful , dangerous person . we 're living proof . maria , whether you want to believe it or not , zach had ryan shot and ethan framed for it . maria : it does n't make sense . he would n't do that because ethan is his son . edmund : he 's a son that he lied about . maria : yeah , he lied about him because he wanted to protect him from the whole -- getting in the whole cambias mess . he wanted to make sure he did n't get hurt . bobby : zach 's a spin master . maria : no , he 's not going to try to send his own son to prison . bobby : back then at the benefit ? zach thought that ethan was scamming everybody , looking to cash in as a fake cambias heir , so he had the rifle planted in ethan 's locker . by the time he figured out that ethan was n't an imposter , it was too late . rifle had to stay where it was . edmund : and the second attempt ? bobby : i do n't have any hard proof . but i 'd bet my life on it that zach was behind that one , too . [ maria runs out of bobby 's hospital room ] ryan : i 'll go talk to her . edmund : yeah , thanks . bobby : so , how 'd i do ? earn my paycheck ? edmund : you did fine . just fine . [ scene_break ] zach : all because of me , huh ? erica : you are beneath contempt . zach : ok . all right . see , this is funny because i thought it was all because of you . bianca and kendall , i mean , they 're perfectly content . erica : because of me ? what are you talking about ? how about you ? who were you thinking about when you denied ethan , you selfish idiot ! now he 's playing victim . he 's getting all sorts of sympathy from one and all , you thoughtless son of a -- zach : i tried to do the right thing -- erica : oh , yeah . zach : and it would 've worked if it had n't been for ryan and your daughters screwing it up . erica : do n't you dare blame kendall or bianca or ryan . zach : i will blame whoever i want ! make a note of it . [ scene_break ] kendall : yay ! bianca : we 're legal . ethan : set to go . jack : all right , well , congratulations , ethan . i 'll get these to the board . ethan : thank you , thank you . kendall : go to mama . ethan : hey , come here , ladies . kendall : ok , we 're having a group hug now , yes . ethan : thank god for you two . i mean it . hold on a second , what am i talking about ? i never was any good at math . hello . little baby makes three . hi . i completely forgot about you . you 're on my side , are n't you , cousin , eh ? bianca : of course she is . ethan : hey . hello . look at you . i make you a solemn oath , my little cousin , my little partner -- your mother , your aunt , and i -- we are going to take good care of things for you until you are old enough to boss us all around . how about that , huh ? [ bianca laughs ] ethan : no , you can laugh , seriously , but this little one , she has brilliance shining out of her eyes . when she takes hold of this company , i promise you she 's going to change the world . there we go . bianca : right now the only change she needs is a diaper change . excuse me . kendall : i want to come . i 'm going to come . bianca : oh , yeah , come , come . jack : see you , pretty . ethan : ahem . all that fresh start business -- that was just for their benefit , eh ? jack : everything i 'm doing here is for their benefit . ethan : you do n't trust me , do you ? jack : the only reason i took this position was because i knew it would be a great vantage point to keep my eyes on you . ethan : on me , yeah . jack : or anybody else who would try to take advantage of bianca or kendall or miranda . ethan : well , good , because i truly believe that with both of us looking out for them , they should be just fine . now , why do n't we work on having a little fresh start of our own , eh ? jack : just as long as you know if you try anything -- and i mean anything at all -- you will answer to me , and it wo n't be pretty . all right ? ethan : i would n't dream of it . [ scene_break ] maria : this just does n't make sense . something 's off . ryan : well , it ca n't be easy to hear that zach 's responsible . maria : because he 's not ! the zach that i know did not do those things that bobby said . ryan : well , maybe we all know different zachs . i mean , the guy 's pretty complicated . maria : he 's not a killer . it does n't fit . ryan : certainly fits the zach that i saw at the landfill . you just do n't want to believe it , maria . maria : when you -- when you look into the eyes of someone you loved and that loves you , ca n't you tell when they 're lying ? ryan : sometimes . maria : he -- from the moment he came back here to pine valley , i have been on him to come clean . ryan : he should be honest without all that pressure . that 's the point . maria : but he actually had good reason to keep some of those secrets , and what he did tell me was true , all of it . i know he did n't shoot you , ryan . seriously , not one doubt . i have not one doubt . i believed zach then , i believe him now . [ scene_break ] zach : you want to lecture me on the art of parenting , desirée dubois ? erica : i at least admit my mistakes . i 've made a few . but at least i acknowledged the existence of my daughter . zach : oh , yeah ? kendall , when she first came to pine valley , you were there for her ? erica : oh , i am not discussing this with you . everything i did , i did for the good of my family . zach : so did i . only regret is the outcome . erica : how else could you possibly have expected it to come out ? zach : i was this close to getting ethan off the hook with the law and out of here . erica : yeah , well , you did n't . and so now he 's taking half of miranda 's inheritance . oh , boo - hoo , poor ethan . zach : you still do n't get it , do you ? erica : no . zach : well , let me try to explain it to you . he 's slipping into the cambias mindset . and he hates me -- i 'll deal with that -- but i would do it again exactly the same way if i could save him from what he 's fighting now . erica : oh , my god . `` i would do it the same way again if i could save ethan . i would risk anything , including ethan 's hatred and the lives of everybody else in this town , if i could just save him . `` what a crock of lies ! zach : shut up , woman ! for once in your life , just shut the hell up ! [ scene_break ] bobby : i just stuck my neck out and drew a line that zach looked very ready to cross . edmund : he 's not going to get that chance . bobby : what do we do next ? edmund : bring in the police . you tell them exactly what you told these guys . we 'll make the charges stick on slater . he wo n't be able to shake loose . bobby : and have me whacked ? edmund : listen , as soon as you 're released , we 'll get you relocated someplace safe . bobby : yeah . you got what you wanted . you got your million dollars ' worth , right ? edmund : as long as it 's true . and by the way , bobby , that 's the last time anybody mentions a fee . bobby : whatever you say . edmund : good . then we both get what we want . [ scene_break ] maria : all right , well , you believe what you want . i have faith in zach . ryan : zach was a big part of your life for a little while , ok , but please do n't let that cloud your judgment . maria : what if bobby told you that it was greenlee that was behind all this ? maria : see ? exactly . that 's exactly what i 'm saying . ryan : you ca n't deny that people change . bitterness , anger , that changes people . that can make them angry and bad , all right ? bobby 's story actually makes sense . maria : because you do n't know zach . that 's why you think it makes sense . and who 's bobby , some shining beacon of truth ? i mean , please , he probably knew that zach was going to fire him and that 's why he 's trying to get back at him . ryan : you honestly believe everything that you 're saying ? [ maria sighs ] maria : yes , zach has had disappointments . yes , he is probably bitter . but did he try to murder you ? no , and i would bet my life on that . [ scene_break ] kendall : does she always drift off like that without a whimper ? bianca : are you kidding ? it must have been your kiss that did it . so you excited ? kendall : yes , of course . i 'm thrilled . but i did n't know that ethan was going to push me on you . bianca : push you on me ? like he had to push . look , we 're off to a great start . i mean , ethan , you , and uncle jack -- oh , god . when mom finds out about ethan , she 's going to flip . kendall : she already has . [ scene_break ] erica : i think we 're finished here . zach : and you would 've done exactly the same thing . you have made choices for your daughters for their own good and they hated you for them . when bianca was walking towards the edge of a cliff , you did everything in your power to stop her . erica : yes , i did everything i know how to warn both my daughters off your son ! zach : they do n't listen , right ? erica : no , they do n't . i tried everything i knew how to get them to change their minds , but you know what , they made their own decisions for themselves as to what was right for them . and if you had allowed your son to make his own decision -- zach : then what ? we 'd be playing pool together , be at a vacation , just the two of us ? what ? erica : i do n't care about your relationship ! what i am saying is if you had allowed your son to become a card - carrying cambias in the first place , then my daughters would not be wasting their sympathy on him and , most importantly , my daughters would be safe . zach : what i 'm saying is that you have every reason to be concerned . because at the end of the day , ethan is just another cambias . now he 's got the name , he 's got the power , and it will change him . and , yes , you should be very , very afraid . [ scene_break ] ethan : now that we know where we stand , i have one very important assignment that i ca n't trust to just anyone . jack : and what would that be ? ethan : zach slater . i want him destroyed . [ next_on ] maria : take a hike . erica : get your hormones in check , maria . zach and i are not through . greenlee : sleep with jonathan again . get jonathan to spill his guts . j.r. : babe and jamie are this close to miserable , and they 're not even aware of it . | ryan asks jack to be bianca 's and miranda 's legal counsel after he signs over cambias to them . he and jack and erica and many others are still suspicious of ethan however . erica confronts zach about how he and his son are liars and how she does not trust them around her daughters . bobbie warner tells maria , edmund and ryan that he believes zach got him assaulted and tried to shoot ryan . ryan believes him and implicates zach . but maria tells ryan she does not believe that zach is guilty of any of this . edmund has a private conversation with bobbie , revealing that they have a little private secret together . |
j.r. : if you 're here to insult amanda again , you 're going to get a close - up view of the belly of this ship , picking seaweed out of your teeth . jake : i like seaweed . i just came to see if she 's ok . j.r. : do n't worry about amanda . jake : she was sick earlier , and i just want to see if she 's doing any better . j.r. : yeah , yeah , she 's just peachy . [ scene_break ] [ amanda checks her pregnancy test ] amanda : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] man : dr. hayward ? david : yeah . man : mrs. slater 's ejection fraction has decreased significantly . heart 's pumping minimal blood . david : damn it . she 's on her way to organ failure . have you located her husband ? man : tried all mr. slater 's contact numbers . there 's been no response . david : well , keep trying . i need to tell him his wife is dying . [ scene_break ] angie : hey , andy . are you headed back to the lab ? andy : yeah , what do you need ? angie : i need these analyzed . now , i have a suspicion it 's a blend of compounds , so run a spectrum of tests for me , will you ? andy : you bet . angie : thanks . oh , and andy ? i need them yesterday . andy : i 'll get right on it . angie : thanks . greenlee : hey , angie . anything new on kendall ? angie : no , not that i 've heard , but david may have a report right now . greenlee : thanks . angie : right . greenlee : david ? hi . i know it 's late , but i just could n't stop thinking about kendall . i had to see how she was doing . david : greenlee -- [ flatline tone ] david : excuse me . let me have those paddles . ok . clear ! come on , kendall , do n't do this . clear ! [ scene_break ] erica : let reese go , please , please . do it for -- josh : do what , do what ? for you ? i 'm going to need a much better reason than that . erica : i was going to say for kendall . she 's done nothing but help you . josh : yeah . yeah , she has . she 's one of the most decent human beings i 've ever -- i 've ever met . but right now , i do n't got to -- i 've got to help myself , and -- and this guy -- [ phone rings ] josh : this guy did n't help her at all . jesse : all right , all right , just a call . talk to me . josh , josh . thank you . the car is out front . it 's ready . you can go . you can go , josh . just leave ms. williams here . josh : like hell . bianca : no , no ! jesse : let her go . [ zach shoots josh ] bianca : oh , my god ! reese ! jesse : bianca , stay back , stay back ! zach : you ok ? reese : yeah . zach : come on . reese : yeah , i think so . bianca : ok , come here . reese : ok . bianca : oh , thank god . erica : josh ? jesse : the emts in here quick , quick , quick , quick . erica : do n't move , do n't move . help is coming . help is on the way . josh : i just wanted a -- i just wanted a second chance . erica : shh , it 's all right , it 's all right . you 'll get your second chance . i promise . no , shh , shh , shh , shh , shh -- josh : do n't -- oh , it 's all over . erica : no , you -- you hold on , josh . you hold on . hold on , ok ? josh : i love you . please tell kendall i love her , too . erica : shh . josh : take care of her . she -- she deserves the second chance i did n't get . erica : shh , shh , shh . it 's all right , honey . it 's all right . shh , just do n't try to talk anymore . it 's ok . jesse : bad news . erica : shh , shh -- josh , josh ! emt : some bleeding from the right ear -- oh , man . erica : josh , josh , no , no , no . zach : keep him alive . erica : no , stay with me , josh , zach : whatever it takes . erica : josh ! zach : did you hear me ? keep him alive . i need his heart . [ scene_break ] colby : on your mark , get set , go ! whoo - hoo , crazy boy at the wheel ! oh , my god ! oh ! adam : i 'll save you ! oh , i 'll save you . oh , i 'll save you . oh , oh , come here , buddy . i know how to handle these dangerous drivers . yeah , ok , there you go . now let 's see your driver 's license and registration , boy . oh , guilty of driving after bedtime . colby : i was studying in my room when he wandered in . he missed his daddy , so i brought him down here to cheer him up . he loves that car . adam : well , i 'm afraid the racetrack is closed , so , uh , your dad 's going to be here in just a few minutes . so why do n't you go upstairs and tuck yourself in , huh ? colby : i 'll be right up to tuck you in . all right . adam : oh , i love that kid . colby : so , how did the custody hearing go ? adam : tad got full custody . hayward brought krystal to her knees . destroyed a family . tad , tad martin turned him into a bitter , bitter man . you do know that hayward 's going to come after little adam before long ? colby : he 's already started scoring points . that 's definitely little a 's favorite toy he got for christmas . adam : right . oh , i know , i know . colby : j.r. is n't helping any , either . adam : no , no , he is n't . he is n't . colby : you wo n't let david take little a away , will you ? adam : well , he 'd have to get past both you and me to do that , would n't he ? colby : i better go tuck him in . adam : yeah . [ adam sighs ] [ scene_break ] jake : where is she ? j.r. : indisposed . jake : i 'll wait . j.r. : no , i do n't think so . jake : it 's not your boat . j.r. : she 's very generous . we 've , um , been sharing . jake : hmm , what does that make you ? her do boy ? her butler ? j.r. : now , since you called her `` hooker `` last time , it makes me her defender in the least . jake : hmm . j.r. : do you really want to get into this with me ? jake : oh , no , not really . i just came to see how she 's doing . i 'm not here to fight with you . j.r. : ok , i 'll pass along your concern . [ jake leaves ] j.r. : amanda ? you ok ? amanda : yeah , hey , yeah . who was that that i heard ? j.r. : that was jake . he was checking on you . are you still feeling bad ? amanda : kind of . stupid flu shot . j.r. : yeah . amanda : figures , huh ? i 'm the one it does n't work for . j.r. : maybe you should lay down . i could make you some soup or -- or go get you some flu stuff or something . amanda : no , thanks . i just -- i do n't want to make you sick , too . so i 'm not kicking you out or anything , it 's just that i -- i mean , it 's probably better if you go home tonight . j.r. : yeah , yeah , you 're probably right . it 's past little a 's bedtime . i should go tuck him in . amanda : thank you for understanding . i 'll call you tomorrow . j.r. : yeah , hey , feel better . amanda : ok . [ scene_break ] greenlee : how is she ? david : i 've gotten her back into normal sinus rhythm for the moment , but her heart is very weak . greenlee : how weak ? david : i do n't think she 's going to make it through the night . greenlee : is there anything else you can do ? david : i wish there was . i 'm sorry . greenlee : um , where 's zach ? and erica and bianca ? david : i had my staff trying to locate zach . i was just about to call erica myself . greenlee : keep kendall alive , please , until they get here . david : i 'm doing all i can . greenlee : can i go in ? david : sure . [ scene_break ] emt : right pupil fixed and dilated . second emt : still breathing ? emt : not for long . he 's posturing . second emt : heart 's still beating . pulse is steady . zach : get him to the hospital . keep him alive . i need that heart . emt : we 're doing what we can . zach : alive , i said . jesse : let them do their job , zach . emt : all right , let 's tube him and get him out of here . erica : what do you mean , zach ? what do you mean `` you need his heart `` ? zach : that 's what hayward and i were talking about . kendall 's heart is failing . this one 's still healthy . erica : yes , he 's still alive . no , he 's my son . zach : and she 's your daughter . josh is dying . kendall is the only one that matters now . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i am offering you prime gloatage material here . ryan and i back together . come on . give me just a little , ' i told you so . `` rub it in my face . you got your wish . we may even be getting married again . you knew ryan and i belonged together , and you would n't let up no matter how hard i tried to shut you up . next time , i 'll listen . i promise . do you know what i love the most about you ? ok , love and hate the most about you ? you love to put up a good fight . you never give up . and you know i 'm not just talking about ripping a bouquet out of my hand or yanking the veil out of my hair into the wedding cake . you have fought for some very important , positive things in your life . you 've fought to save erica , bianca , and your boys , zach included . so now it 's time to fight for you . fight your way out of this ugly bed . you can do it . i pity the poor coma that has to go up against you , because you have the strength . use it now , kendall . now . [ scene_break ] jake : hey . you seen dr. hubbard ? woman : no , um , there was word of a gunshot victim coming in at er if you want to check down there . jake : oh , all right , thank you . thanks . woman : by the way , we miss you around here . david : what are you doing loitering on hospital grounds ? jake : i 'm -- i 'm just looking for angie . david : really ? well , you 're going to have to catch up with her elsewhere when she 's off duty . the doctors in this hospital actually work here . jake : hey , dave ? david : yeah ? jake : i just want you to know that this whole thing between us , it 's -- it 's not over . david : as far as i 'm concerned , it is . you 're out . one less martin to give me a headache . jake : just letting you know . david : why do n't you take your hollow threats elsewhere ? i 've got a hospital to run . jake : just letting you know , just -- david : yeah . jake : letting you know . [ scene_break ] p.a . paging dr. staten . dr. staten , please . emt : fixed and dilated . angie : get neuro down here stat . start the apnea testing . zach : keep him breathing . where 's hayward ? angie : he 's been trying to reach you . it 's about kendall . zach : she 's alive . angie : she 's already arrested once . it 's not looking good , zach . bianca : mom . erica : oh , it 's not right . he wants me to sacrifice my son to save my daughter . zach : hey . david : kendall went into cardiac arrest a little while ago . i was able to resuscitate her , but her heart is definitely failing . it 's just a matter of time . greenlee : thank god you 're here . zach : she 's not going to die . david : zach -- zach : shut up and listen to me . josh madden 's been shot in the head . he 's in the er , so i want you to take his heart and put it into kendall . david : is he dead ? zach : he will be . david : all right , well , then we 're going to have to wait until he 's been declared dead and permission 's been given to harvest his organs . in addition , there are tests for tissue match and -- zach : half his brain is gone . what are they going to call that already ? and as far as matching , he 's kendall 's half - brother , so we got a good chance , all right ? you do whatever you need to to make this happen . take his heart . put it into kendall . you said yourself you do n't have much time . please . greenlee : what happened ? how did he get shot ? zach : it 's not important . this is her chance . hey . something happened , and there 's hope for you , for us . you just got to hold on , all right ? just -- you just got to hold on . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what 's that smell ? adam : david hayward burning in effigy . j.r. : are you serious ? adam : uh , the , um , present he gave little adam . it took me quite awhile to tear it all into small enough pieces so it would fit nicely in the fireplace . j.r. : oh , and what do you intend on telling little adam ? adam : oh , that an evil man gave him a defective car , and , um , that first thing in the morning , i 'm going to go get him an even better one . j.r. : ah , who is the 4-year - old here again ? adam : just a healthy venting of frustration . j.r. : how did the hearing go ? adam : what do you think ? j.r. : krystal lost . another family wrecked by david hayward . adam : would you like to throw a hubcap in ? it made me feel a little better . you know , hayward 's going to try to make a move on little adam . you know that ? j.r. : i 'll hold him off . adam : really ? that 's what krystal said . look at her . she 's a mess . high on pills , seduced by that bastard . she hardly had time to blink , and suddenly , she 's lost her little girl . j.r. : well , do n't worry , dad . i wo n't be seduced by david hayward . adam : you 're just as big a mess as krystal . except with her , it 's pills instead of booze . look at you . you 've hardly spent a moment with your son since you 've been here , and you 've made a fool of yourself in front of the entire -- j.r. : all right , that 's enough . hayward can not touch me . adam : oh , ca n't he ? he have anything to do with you falling off the wagon ? j.r. : do n't go there . i do n't need you to be playing aa counselor to me . adam : no , that 's not what i 'm doing . i 'm just trying to check the timeline here . hayward is playing a big , sick game here . did he have anything to do with you falling off the wagon ? j.r. : no , absolutely not . adam : hayward is trying to play a big , stupid , sick game . i want to know if he helped you take that first drink . [ scene_break ] amanda : what are you doing here ? i thought you did n't work here anymore . jake : i do n't . so , how you feeling ? better , worse ? amanda : i 'm fine . i mean , for the most part . amanda : yes , yes . jake : oh , good , good . then i know mr . happy pants knows how to give a message . oh , um , not that this is really any of my business , but you do know he 's a train wreck . you do know that , right ? amanda : you 're right . it 's none of your business . jake : uh , wait , sorry . listen , before you go , can i -- can i ask you a question ? amanda : what ? jake : why would david hayward write a check this big to you ? [ scene_break ] [ machine beeps ] angie : josh is on life support . the wound was too severe for us to be able to help him . the neurologist completed his tests , and they indicate there 's no brain activity . the machines are the only thing that 's keeping him alive . i 'm sorry , erica . erica : well , what do we do now ? angie : there is nothing more that we can do . as next of kin , you 'll have to make some decisions . erica : kendall ? zach : she 's alive . david : but her heart is very weak , and she 's probably not going to make it through the night . zach : josh ? angie : dr. mortenson finished the apnea test , and they indicate cessation of all brain activity . david : i 'm very sorry , erica . it means that -- erica : i -- i know what it means . it means that my son is brain dead . david : we 're going to need your permission to turn off the machines and for any organ donations . zach : erica , please . josh is gone . there 's nothing we can do for him . kendall has a chance . erica : is josh 's heart still -- angie : viable ? very much so , but for the time being . erica : david , can you do this ? can you put josh 's heart inside kendall , and will that save her ? david : i ca n't really say for certain . we 're going to have to run some tests , make sure that she would n't reject it . but it really is the only hope she has . erica : do the tests . i 'll sign whatever you need me to sign . i need to get some air . bianca : i 'll come with you . greenlee : i 'll be right back . i told ryan i 'd call . zach : hmm . reese : it 's going to be a match . it 's going to be . it just -- it just has to be . zach : how are you doing ? you had a rough day . reese : yeah , i 'm ok , thanks to you . you saved my life . zach : oh , shut up . you -- you did that . reese : yeah ? with my self - preservation instincts ? [ chuckles ] i thought i was going to die . zach : hey , come on . it 's going to be ok . come here . it 's all over now . it 's all over . shh . bianca : sweetheart , oh , my god . reese : i 'm sorry . i 'm so -- i 'm so sorry . bianca : no , no , no , no , do n't be sorry . god , we 're all scared . it 's -- it 's ok now . it 's ok . erica : any word ? zach : no . david : ok , we 're still waiting on the tissue matching , but i 'm having both josh and kendall prepped in anticipation of a good result . i 'm also letting the lab know that this their top priority . excuse me . zach : i 'll be back . bianca : angie , i 'm -- i 'm sorry . would it be ok if i took my mom to see josh ? angie : oh , yes , of course . bianca : ok , thank you . mom ? do you want to say good - bye ? [ erica nods ] [ scene_break ] angie : what do we have ? lab tech : you wo n't believe what was in those pills . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you think hayward pinned me down and poured booze in my throat ? now your paranoia is showing . i may be a fool for drinking again , but i 'm not an idiot . because hayward does n't whisper in my ear . adam : all right then , what are you going to do about it ? j.r. : about hayward ? adam : no , about drinking . j.r. : i 'll get a hold of it . i did before . i 'll do it again . adam : i want you to put yourself into a treatment center . j.r. : what ? and leave little adam wide open so hayward can pounce on him ? i do n't think so , dad . adam : no , colby and i can take care of little adam . j.r. : he needs his father . adam : no ! of course , he needs his father , but his father for the last few weeks has been at the bottom of a bottle while his sister and i have been taking care of his son , and we will continue to take care of him as long as you need our help . j.r. : no , you do n't tell me what to do any more than hayward does . adam : you need help , damn it . j.r. : and you need to stay out of my life ! you know , i probably should just leave ! i mean , there 's nothing for me here anyway . certainly , not a loving family . colby : stop it . what are you doing going at each other like this ? j.r. : why do n't you talk to him ? he seems to have all the answers . colby : please stop , both of you . we need to be a family , now more than ever . adam : yeah , well , that 's what i 've been trying to say , but your brother does n't want to listen to me . j.r. : you know , i 'm beginning to think that you want to claim on little adam just for yourself . adam : now who 's -- who 's sounding paranoid ? i want my son back . i want the strong j.r. , the sober j.r . i need your help , son , to put up a fight . why do n't you do it for babe ? think what babe would feel if she saw the kind of father you 've become for her little boy . think about that the next time you start salivating over your next drink . [ scene_break ] amanda : i -- i have no idea what that is . jake : well , this , this is evidence . evidence that he paid you for something , something huge . the question is what would -- what would it be for ? amanda : nothing . i mean , he did n't he did n't pay me for anything . why would -- i mean , what -- what ? are you suggesting that he was paying me for sex ? did n't we just go ten rounds over this ? jake : no , do n't , ok ? amanda , i might be a lot of things , but i always try to be honest with you . now this -- this is something for a lot more than just sex , this amount . now , are we capable of being honest with each other ? what -- what was this for ? can you tell me what this was for ? amanda : ok , all right . he paid me to get j.r. drunk . that 's it . jake : that 's it ? to get somebody who 's been sober for just a year to have a drink ? amanda : yeah . yeah , that 's it . and i actually slept with him to boot . so , you know what ? you were right about me all along . i 'm a hooker , a whore . you happy ? i 'm actually for sale as any other prostitute . [ amanda faints into jake 's arms ] [ scene_break ] colby : you 're wrong , you know ? he loves you . j.r. : do n't be naive . he 's still adam chandler . colby : he just wants us to be close again . j.r. : no , what he wants is to control me , and if he ca n't control me , he wants to control my son . in that respect , he 's no better than david hayward . colby : take that back . j.r. : no , it 's the truth . he learned from the mistakes he made with me . he knows how to deal with it just right this time . mold little adam into the perfect chandler heir . obedient with no questions asked . colby : all this hate , it 's just an excuse to avoid your real problem . you 've got to stop drinking , j.r . j.r. : colby , leave me alone . colby : please . j.r. : get the hell out ! [ scene_break ] jake : well , hello . amanda : what happened ? jake : you passed out . this is my friend gordon . he 's going to just look out for you , ok , and check you out . i 'll be right outside . amanda : no , i -- i do n't want an exam . i came here for one reason , that pregnancy test . gordon : ok , well , that 's one of the tests we 're running . we also drew some blood , so we should know something soon . amanda : ok , these results , they 're confidential , right ? gordon : of course . amanda : good . no one can know the results , ok ? gordon : ok . [ scene_break ] jake : wow , it 's such a shame . my father really wanted to try to get close to josh , and jeff . angie : i 'm sorry . [ jake sighs ] jake : so wait a second now . david hayward is going to operate on kendall ? are you serious ? angie : if the heart is compatible . listen , jake , i know david is nasty , but he is a damn good cardiothoracic surgeon , and if he can save her life -- jake : look , if he saves her life , he 's going to be a hero around this place . angie : not for long . i got the analysis back from the lab , and it 's a lot of ugly stuff in those pills we found at wildwind , and very little of it fda approved . david has definitely been drugging krystal with an illegal substance , and those pills are going to be the very thing to take him down . jesse : what are you all talking about ? what pills ? [ scene_break ] zach : hey . we found a heart for you . now we got -- we got to make sure it 's a match . it has to be . so do worry about return policies like you always do . i know how picky you are . this is -- this is going to be -- this is what you need , a little strength to come back to us , to me , spike , and ian and our incredible life . i love you . i 'm waiting for you . [ scene_break ] erica : we had so little time together . maybe if i 'd gotten to know you better , maybe i could 've understood how hurt you were , how angry , how alone . you said that all you wanted was a second chance . i am so sorry that ca n't happen now . i would give anything to change that . i know how much you love your sister , and maybe now you 'll be able to give her that second chance that you said you know she deserves . she reached out to you when you were in trouble . and so , now you can reach out to her and maybe , maybe you can live on inside her . i am so sorry , josh . i hope you finally find peace . [ scene_break ] jesse : what are you two up to ? angie : let me talk to him . jake : yeah . angie : sweetheart , listen . i might have found evidence that david has been drugging krystal with an illegal substance . jesse : found ? angie : yes . jesse : how exactly did you find this evidence , angela ? angie : what difference -- jesse : were you doing something you were n't supposed to do ? you know what ? i do n't even want to hear it . i have too much on my plate right now . somebody got shot tonight . angie : but , jesse , this is proof that krystal has been -- jesse : not another word . angie : jesse , what -- jesse : not another word . angie : i do n't -- [ scene_break ] gordon : so i gather this was n't planned . amanda : no . gordon : well , your home test was right . you are pregnant . but everything else looks good . the dizziness , the nausea , that 's all normal , so just set up an appointment with your ob / gyn . [ knock on door ] jake : knockity knock . gordon : hey . jake : hey . is everything ok ? gordon : yeah . i 'd say everything checks out . jake : yeah ? gordon : ms. dillon . jake : all right , so everything checks out . that 's -- that 's good then . amanda : yeah . jake : except , uh , you 're -- you 're pregnant . so who 's -- who 's the father ? amanda : that 's the problem . i do n't know who the father is . [ scene_break ] babe : i want to give you something . j.r. : a sports car ? babe : no , maybe something a little smaller . j.r. : new golf clubs . babe : how about a new baby ? [ scene_break ] david : it 's a match . greenlee : oh , thank god . david : we 're going in right away . kendall 's ready to go . now , it 's going to take a long time for the surgery . i 'll get word to you as soon as i can . singer : if i brought you a bouquet of rainbows , colored from the midsummer sky , wrapped in a ribbon of sorrow zach : i 'll be right here . singer : sprung from the tears that you cried . if i painted your picture on water , sung you a song made of stone erica : i will always love you . singer : if i wrote you a poem of whispers erica : i 'm so sorry . singer : rhymes with the sound of your soul . would you let me be the one ? i 'd do anything to be your love . if i could i 'd do what nobody 's done . if you would let me be the one | jake visits amanda at the yacht , but can not get past j.r. , who refuses to let jake see amanda . in the bathroom of the yacht , amanda takes a pregnancy test and finds out that she is pregnant . at pine valley hospital , angie instructs andy to analyze some pills that she had found at david 's . greenlee walks up behind angie and questions her as to kendall 's condition . kendall stops breathing and david has to resuscitate her . at the casino , erica begs josh to let reese go . reese begins to try to get free which results in zach shooting josh in the head . adam destroys the car that david had purchased for little a for christmas . david lets greenlee know that kendall wo n't live through the night . zach tells the paramedics that he wants them to keep josh alive that he needs josh 's heart . erica begins to question zach as to why he needs josh 's heart . zach explains to erica , reese and bianca that kendall is dying . at pine valley hospital , zach instructs david to take josh 's heart for kendall . zach visits kendall and tells her that something had happened that would cause them to be able to be together . adam questions j.r. if david was the one , who had caused j.r. to take a drink again . at the hospital , jake confronts amanda about the check and what had she done that david would give her that much money . amanda confesses that she had been the one , who had gotten j.r. to take his first drink . amanda faints . erica gives the doctors permission to take josh 's heart for kendall . david lets kendall 's family know that josh 's heart was a perfect match for kendall . angie gets the test results back from andy about the pills that david is giving to krystal . amanda is indeed pregnant , but does n't know who the father is . josh and kendall are wheeled into surgery . angie tells jake about the pills that she had found at david 's . jesse overhears the conversation . |
erica : you are so supportive . ryan : well , you give me something to be supportive about . you make it very easy to get behind an idea . erica : and you just make me feel so extra alive . i just love that about you . uh , i am sure now i better get in touch with legal and with accounting and see if we can pull this whole thing off . i mean , doing a whole nonprofit line for fusion is gon na be a lot more complicated than just , you know , checking off our box on our tax return . you know what i mean ? ok . look . when i just said the word `` love , `` i meant that strictly as a term of endearment , i mean , no big revelation or anything like that . i just meant , you know , it 's really like i love these boots , oh , not that i think of you as a pair of boots . ryan : no , no . it 's ok . i understand . i happen to love those boots , too . erica : oh , thanks . ryan : hmm . erica : so , i mean , it should n't throw you at all . you were surprised to hear that word from me . ryan : well , you said it was no big deal , right ? why ? did you mean it for it to be something more ? [ scene_break ] annie : ok . colby : and you 're not gon na get away with sneaking any sweets this time . annie : yeah . colby is right . you have to listen to doctors ' orders . i 'm going to make sure of it . adam : i was not unconscious when he was sounding out the dos and don'ts . scott : how are you feeling ? adam : fine . fine , really . well , a little odd , how one might feel with a computer in his chest telling his heart when to beat . annie : my $ 6 million man . adam : oh , bah , i 'm worth 60 million if a penny . annie : you should go upstairs and get in bed . adam : no . i want to take a shower . annie : ok . well , just be careful , ok ? remember what the doctor said about the incision . adam : yeah . right , right , right , right . watch the incision . annie : right . adam : all right . scott : well , he seems back to his old impossible self . colby : i hope you meant what you said about making sure he follows all the doctors ' orders . annie : of course , i did . what are you talking about ? colby : the part where he is n't supposed to get , uh , excited in any way . [ scene_break ] david : call them . call them . go ahead . tell them exactly how i 've destroyed their lives . if you can do it , go ahead , greenlee . i deserve it , but it 's up to you . greenlee : i ca n't . you saved my life . i ca n't blow yours apart . david : but you expect me to do it , do n't you ? you want me to confess all my latest sins to the people of pine valley . [ scene_break ] woman on p.a . : paging dr. bender . dr. bender , please . angie : i 've got the results of david 's dna test . comparing it against trevor 's dna , it is virtually impossible that david is trevor 's father . amanda : oh , my god . oh , my . jake : mwah . so , well , that means it comes down to you and me . one of us is trevor 's real dad . amanda : but it 's not david 's ? after all we 've been through -- oh -- when will we know ? when will we know who the father is ? [ cell phone rings ] angie : we 're about to find out . the results are in . [ scene_break ] annie : if you were referring to adam 's and my sex life , that is none of your business . colby : i 'm just reminding you what the doctors warned him about . annie : the doctors also said that sex was entirely up to him and how he was feeling , again , a discussion that does not involve you at all . colby : i 'm just worried about him . he always tries to play a tough guy , but he just had a major procedure . maybe until he gets used to the pacemaker , and we know it 's working ok , he should be left alone at night . annie : are you suggesting i move out of our bedroom ? scott : no . no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no . no . no , of course not . a decision like that is strictly between you and adam . colby is just expressing what all of us are feeling -- concern for him . annie : concern is fine , but i have no intention of moving anywhere . emma : mommy , mommy , look what i made . annie : oh , show me , sweetheart . scott : what do you think you 're doing , huh ? colby : i am trying to keep my father alive . [ scene_break ] erica : i just told you , it was nothing . it was just a throwaway compliment . that 's all . [ ryan chuckles ] erica : oh , you 're bad . ryan : yeah . i am a little bad . i 'm sorry . i could n't resist . i like to see you squirm , but , hey , look . look . we have exactly what we said , exactly what we talked about -- just two people enjoying each other 's company , having some fun together , nothing more , nothing less , no reason to throw on something as earth - shattering as love into the mix . erica : oh , exactly . i mean , why ruin a perfectly good thing ? ryan : well , now that we have that cleared up , why do n't we get started on this idea ? [ beep ] randi : yes ? ryan : randi , hi . could you call sam down in legal and get his team together and try and put a meeting with erica and me in the next couple of days , please ? randi : will do , oh , and , ryan ? ryan : yes ? randi : happy birthday . ryan : thank you , randi . erica : it 's your birthday ? i had no idea . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i know amanda and jake . if they find out the truth -- and you know they will sooner or later -- no one will ever , ever forgive you . you 've only got one shot of that happening -- if you 're the one that tells them the truth first . you only recently found out about trevor 's paternity , and it totally screwed with your head , so you did n't tell them , but you need to tell them . you need to do the right thing before someone else tells them first . david : after what they 've done to me , do you really think i give a damn how they feel ? greenlee : maybe not , but you care about how marissa feels and little adam and how trevor will feel in the future . i mean , god , david , on top of everything else , you 've made them all believe that you 're dying . stop this now . do n't let them keep thinking that baby is n't jake 's . do n't let trevor go through life with you lying to him . i know what it 's like . for a huge part of my life , i did n't know who my real father was . roger and my mother lied to me for years , and it was awful . you told me that you love trevor as if he were your own . well , how do you think he 's gon na feel when he finds out all these things that you 've done ? the only way you 're ever going to have a relationship with him or marissa or little adam is to tell the truth now . please . [ scene_break ] man on p.a . : michael crawford , 340 . michael crawford , please call 340 . jake : so ? frankie : i have n't read it yet . she outranks me . [ trevor fusses ] angie : well , there 's no doubt . jake , you are trevor 's father . amanda : oh , i love you . j.r. : congratulations . jake : thank you . thank you . j.r. : yeah . jake : wow . angie : yeah . sometimes the good guys win . frankie : so , should i go buy a cigar for the proud papa ? what do you say , jake ? angie : i think the proud papa needs a minute to let this sink in . amanda : fairy tale time , huh ? jake : i have a son . i have a son . hi . hi . i 'm your dad . amanda : ha ha ha ! [ jake and amanda kiss ] [ scene_break ] gayle : david left without saying a word . he was n't originally planning on going back tonight . greenlee : no . gayle : he 's made a big decision , has n't he ? greenlee : yeah . he did . he 's going back there to tell them the truth -- about himself , not me . gayle : i 'm glad . i just hope it does n't break him . he 's been through so much . greenlee : he 's not an easy man to care about , but i 'm glad i 'm not the only one who does . gayle : i admire him a great deal . greenlee : yeah . he 's doing the right thing . gayle : how are you feeling ? greenlee : you know , i 'm still sore , but i 'm getting there . still no progress on my legs , though . gayle : dr. clayton said not to expect much yet . could be a while , but you 've been recovering quickly . it 's almost february . greenlee : oh , my god , it 's ryan 's birthday . [ scene_break ] [ annie gasps ] annie : look at how beautiful this is . you have gotten so good at drawing . emma : it 's for daddy 's birthday . annie : oh , right . i forgot that was today . emma : i wish he was here . annie : i 'll tell you what . i have an idea for a special surprise . you want to hear it ? [ annie giggles ] [ scene_break ] scott : why you got to poke around the nest like that , huh ? i thought you wanted to keep a low profile with her . colby : i do . scott : yeah ? colby : yeah . scott : ok . well , if you really want to play up to her and lay low , suggesting that she is trying to kill him with sex is not the way to do it . colby : she is playing a game , and if we 're not careful , game over . whodunit ? annie in the bedroom with a negligee . [ scene_break ] erica : we should do something for your birthday . ryan : uh , no . actually , we should n't , really . no . it 's -- birthdays really do n't mean that much to me anymore these days . they just are a reminder that time is ticking away , so it 's -- speaking of which , you know , truthfully , i have a ton of work at cambias right now that i got to get to , ok , but thank you , anyway . i appreciate it , and i look very forward to working with you on this new idea . erica : and you know how i love your input . i do n't mean love love . you know what i mean . ryan : hmm . i 'll call you later . erica : ok . ryan : ok . madison : oh , hey , before you go , could you just ok these for us ? marketing made all the changes you and erica asked for , sent then back up for you to sign off on them . ryan : oh , i really got to get going . just show them to the boss lady . if she likes them , then so do i . randi : ok . madison : oh , happy birthday , by the way . ryan : thank you very much . [ cell phone rings ] ryan : hello ? emma : daddy ? ryan : hey , princess . emma : happy birthday . ryan : ha ha ha ! thank you , my love . emma : i miss you . ryan : i miss you , too . [ scene_break ] erica : yes ? opal : it 's me . get over here now . erica : why ? what have you done ? opal : kind of what we talked about . erica : define `` kind of what we talked about . `` opal , i told you , i just wanted it to be a very simple dinner for two . he 's not big on celebrating his birthday . opal : would you just get your fanny over here quick before ryan gets back ? [ hangs up phone ] [ scene_break ] frankie : i 'm glad to be the bearer of good news . jake : yeah . frankie : i got to get back to my rounds . jake : frankie , thank you . frankie : hey , you 're welcome . [ frankie kisses the top of trevor 's head and chuckles ] j.r. : trevor is one lucky kid . jake : i think i 'm gon na take my wife and my son home . `` my son . `` that 's a really good feeling to say that . bye . ready ? angie : well , i guess there are some happy endings to be found around here , after all . j.r. : yeah , and jake is a great guy . trevor is always gon na have a safe place to go home , a wonderful father . angie : mm - hmm . marissa : why do n't we go on home ourselves ? j.r. : actually , i have something i have to take care of . catch up with you in a bit ? marissa : ok . j.r. : all right . angie : is he all right ? marissa : yeah . yeah . he 's happy that trevor has jake as a dad , but -- i do n't know -- i do n't think he would 've minded if it had turned out to have been him instead . [ scene_break ] erica : [ gasps ] ohh -- opal : oh , well , you sure took your sweet time getting on over here . i could n't wait any longer . i just went ahead , and i iced a little inscription on the cake . what do you think ? erica : opal , i asked you just for a little help , just to help me set up a simple surprise birthday party for him , but look at this . you have just -- oh , opal , it looks like a den of seduction . where 's the string quartet ? opal : oh , well , as a matter of fact , right there , miss smarty pants . erica : oh , no . this is so way over the top , opal . what ? `` to my darling ryan on his birthday `` ? opal : yes . erica : no , no , no . opal , this sends completely the wrong message . opal : oh . erica : he 's a friend , opal . opal : oh , a friend . ok . well , fine . i 'll fix it , all right ? do n't worry . i will fix it right now . there you have it . erica : `` to my darling fred ryan `` ? opal : well , i 'm sorry . i did n't have a lot of space to work with . you could say you had a cold . `` to my darling fred ryan . `` erica : ha ha ha . opal : oh , come on . come on now . loosen up . celebrate the guy 's birthday proper - like . i mean , you 're the one who always tells me how whenever you 're down , he 's the one that brings you back up again . well , come on . show a little gratitude . erica : i do n't need you to tell me how to handle a man . thank you . opal : oh , come on . now come on . erica : will you stop that ? opal : please . erica : opal , ryan is a good friend , period . end of discussion . opal : you know , you keep on saying that . `` he 's just a good friend . `` well , i just do n't understand why you keep trying to throw away the beginning of something so beautiful . i mean , ryan -- it 's not his fault that you just do n't seem to be able to get past your own hang - ups long enough to just celebrate . give him the birthday bash he deserves . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . colby : hey . ryan : emma called me . she said that she wanted to see me . colby : yeah . sure . come on in . ryan : ok . emma : happy birthday ! ryan : oh , thank you again . thank you so much . hey , emma called me . i know it 's not a scheduled day for me , but she wanted to -- annie : it 's ok . i know . emma : mommy told me to call you . colby : i 'm gon na let you guys visit . happy birthday , ryan . ryan : oh , thanks . emma : can we have cake and ice cream like last year ? ryan : ha ha ha ! annie : i can have lucretia put something together , last - minute birthday party . ryan : no . that 's ok . this is all the birthday present i need right here -- just a kiss and a hug from you . well , i guess -- i guess i better get back to work , huh ? hey , thank you for calling me , giving me a big hug and a kiss for my birthday . oh , my goodness , that made my day . [ ryan kisses emma on both cheeks ] emma : i love you , daddy . annie : you all right ? ryan : yeah . thank you for that , for letting me see her . annie : happy birthday , ryan . [ scene_break ] greenlee : a whole year , already his birthday again . gayle : were you with him on his birthday last year ? greenlee : yeah . greenlee 's voice : yay ! wow , you are really good at that . ok . what goes good with birthday cake , huh ? what ? emma 's voice : ice cream . greenlee 's voice : ice cream ? you think ? look . look what i have -- ice cream . ryan 's voice : oh , man , look at all that ice cream . greenlee 's voice : what made you so smart , emma ? ryan 's voice : excuse me . that would be me , thank you very much . greenlee 's voice : really ? ryan 's voice : yeah . greenlee 's voice : what is that there ? ryan 's voice : what 's what ? what are you talking about ? greenlee 's voice : oop ! ha ha ! made you look . ha ha ha ! your daddy is so silly . ryan 's voice : you are a naughty girl . greenlee 's voice : yeah . you know i am . gayle : i 'll let you get some sleep . greenlee : happy birthday , ryan . [ scene_break ] jake : yeah . well , you kidding me ? tad , it 's like a second christmas for us . well , i love you , brother . yeah . yes . i will . ok . bye . tad . he wants to give me the -- this is what he wants to do to you , but i say this is from me . forget that one . amanda : mm . jake : i love you . amanda : i love you , too . we 're home , big guy . can you believe this ? we are actually home together with our baby . mm . yes . jake : hi . can i tell you a secret ? trevor : huh ? jake : i have prayed for this moment right here every single night , that it would be just the three of us , both of you would be mine , and now that it 's happening , it 's better than i ever hoped , really . amanda : well , trevor is all ours , and david can not hurt us anymore . yes . jake : man , it 's been a tough road . there 's something else i want to tell you , too . i made a lot of mistakes along the way , you know , and when i said to you that i could n't raise him if he was another man 's , i did n't mean that . that was wrong , and it 's not true , you know ? i was talking out of pain and frustration , and it 's just not true . nothing in this world could stop me from loving him or you . i love you . [ scene_break ] marissa : family has always had a strong pull on j.r. , now more than ever with adam getting that pacemaker put in and j.r. having cancer , neither one of them willing to give an inch over annie . it 's just been a tough time . angie : and how would you have felt if j.r. had turned out to be trevor 's father ? marissa : i 'm really relieved how it all turned out , actually . we 've just got so much going on in our lives already , it only would 've complicated things that much more , and amanda and jake seem really happy . i think that things are as they should be . angie : well , lookee , lookee . that sure was a quick trip to malaysia . [ scene_break ] annie : do you think the doctors told us everything ? scott : why would n't they have ? annie : i do n't know . maybe adam had them paint a rosier picture for us . maybe he 's sicker than he 's letting on . scott : or maybe you 're just letting your fears get the best of you . he looks a lot better now than he did before he had that pacemaker put in . annie : yeah . it 's just , this whole thing scares the hell out of me . scott : well , of course . it 's understandable , but maybe you 're picking up on his fears , too . i mean , something like this has got to give even a man like him pause , make him think about his own mortality . annie : maybe . still , i 'm worried about him . adam : no need to be worried . all i needed was a shower . i feel marvelous . annie : ah . [ scene_break ] madison : hey , welcome back . ryan : thank you . thank you . is erica still here ? madison : no . she left a little while ago . i do n't know where she went . randi is wrangling with marketing . is there something i could help you with ? ryan : no . no . that 's all right . i just came by to see if erica was still here . ahh -- madison : is everything ok ? ryan : yeah . everything is fine . it 's fine . i just got to get home . that 's all . madison : ok . i realize that what i 'm about to say might put my job at risk , but before you came up here , you were downstairs at confusion , were n't you , having a little bit more than a soda . ryan : guilty as charged . it 's a little birthday celebration for myself . that 's all . madison : been there . i 've also made the mistake of driving myself home after a couple , so why do n't i give you a ride , huh ? ryan : that sounds like a good idea , but first , you have to answer a question for me . madison : ok . what 's that ? ryan : how come you have n't asked about what you walked in on the other day ? madison : you mean , you and erica ? she already explained that to me . ryan : she did ? madison : mm - hmm . ryan : well , then maybe you can explain it to me , please . i 'm serious . what -- what do you think ? madison : i think erica is one of the most extraordinary people i 've ever met , and i think the two of you make a great team , both in business and whatever else you might choose . personally , i do n't know why you would want to hide it . ryan : yeah . well , we 're just taking things one day at a time , you know , but i will tell you this , that if you 're lucky enough in this life to find somebody that you can -- you can -- you can -- you can escape with when you want to , somebody you can just sort of sit back and be yourself with , you know , no games , then that 's what erica and i have right now , and -- you 're right -- there 's no reason to hide it . why would anybody want to hide that ? certainly not anything to whisper about in the office corridors . madison : duly noted . why do n't we get you home now ? ryan : that 's a great idea . madison : ok . [ scene_break ] [ heart monitor beeping ] ryan 's voice : ha ha ha ! greenlee 's voice : boy , she had fun . ryan 's voice : thank you for making it so much fun . it was you . usually , i hate birthdays . i ca n't stand them . this was fun . it was a blast . i loved it . greenlee 's voice : hold still . you have icing . ryan 's voice : yeah , i have icing because you pushed my cake in my face . greenlee 's voice : ha ha ha ! ryan 's voice : speaking of that , you know , we got a lot more cake . we can have a little bit more fun with some icing . greenlee 's voice : i have a better idea . ryan 's voice : yeah ? greenlee 's voice : your present . sit . sit . ryan 's voice : my present ! greenlee 's voice : no . my present . you 're gon na give me a foot rub for throwing you such a fabulous birthday party . ryan 's voice : i see . thank you for gift - wrapping it . greenlee 's voice : so you know i 'm doing my part , saving the trees . ha ! oh ! ha ! ha ha ha ! do n't . ryan 's voice : what about right there ? greenlee 's voice : no ! ha ha ! ha ! greenlee : oh , my god . gayle . gayle ! gayle : what is it ? what 's wrong ? greenlee : my feet , they 're tingling . poke them or something . hurry . anything . anything . just use anything . ow ! gayle : sorry . greenlee : oh , my god . that 's the most beautiful pain i 've ever felt . [ scene_break ] angie : i 'll be in my office if you want to talk afterward . marissa : did you even go to malaysia ? david : no . that was a lie , and , unfortunately , that was n't the only thing i was dishonest about . i came here to tell you first before everyone else . i 'm not dying . there was no rare blood disease . i faked the whole thing . marissa : why ? david : ah , to keep some people close , others to keep away , but , you know , the reasons , they do n't really matter . what matters is that i lied to you , that i risked losing you , and nothing is worth that , but before you give me hell , there 's more . trevor is not my son . marissa : i know . while you were off not in malaysia , amanda had a dna test done . they know that jake is trevor 's father . david : wow . then that 's it , then . can i just -- come here . come here , please . marissa : how could you do this ? i mean , how could you keep that kind of information from them ? how could you make us all think that you were dying ? do you know how cruel you have been ? david : yes . yes . i do . marissa : i thought that i had it , your blood disease , and we thought that little a could have it , and he could die . david : marissa , i 'm so sorry . i never meant for you to -- marissa : well , what the hell did you mean , then ? david : look . the whole thing , it just spiraled out of control . i became desperate . i was trying so hard to hold on to the son i thought all that time was mine , and when i found out he was n't -- marissa , what can i tell you ? i 'm a screwed - up man , all right ? i mean , here i was , trying to hold on to a child that is n't mine at the risk of losing a daughter who is and who 's been here all along . yes . i came here to tell everyone , but more important , i came here to tell you first . you 're all i have left , marissa , so i 'm asking you , please , can you find it in your heart to forgive me ? marissa : i do n't know if i can do that , i mean , certainly not right now . i am too damn angry , and you have got way too many other people to clear things up with first , but you are very right about one thing , david . you are one screwed - up man . [ scene_break ] [ piano music playing ] erica : happy birthday . ryan : wow . i can not believe you did all this . erica : well , actually , i had a little help from opal . i think she went a little overboard , but you know what ? the sentiment grew on me . it 's your birthday , and you deserve all this . ryan : thank you . wow , look at that cake , huh ? `` to my darling -- `` so , who 's this fred guy ? erica : well , that 's you . you 're my best fred . ryan : ah . ha ha ! [ scene_break ] adam : i was n't interrupting anything , was i ? scott : no . i was just about to go home and take a shower myself . colby : what were you and annie talking about before dad walked in there ? scott : well , she 's worried about him . she is worried that the doctors have n't told us everything . stop trying to see something ugly in everything that she does . colby : easier said than done . [ scene_break ] adam : what are you so worried about ? annie : is there anything you 're not telling me about your health or about what the doctors said ? adam : no . i would n't hide anything from you , annie . annie : i just want to make sure that you stay healthy . would you like me to sleep in the guest room tonight ? adam : what ? why ? annie : well , just so you get some sleep , and you stay relaxed and you do n't get excited or anything . adam : who put that silly idea into your head ? scott ? annie : colby , but do n't be upset with her . she 's just concerned about you . we all are . adam : the answer is no . i want you by my side tonight and every night . annie , i ca n't live without you . [ scene_break ] colby : ah , my god , am i glad to see you . come inside . j.r. : whoa , whoa , whoa . this is as far as i go . colby : why ? j.r. : i did n't come here to see you . i did n't come here to see anyone . just wanted to see this old place . colby : how come ? j.r. : remember what it was like to have a father . colby : you have no idea what 's going on in there . i need your help , just -- please . you 've come this far . just please just come inside . [ scene_break ] jake : he went out like a light . amanda : probably because he knows that everything is exactly the way it 's supposed to be . jake : hmm . amanda : kind of afraid to go to sleep myself , afraid i 'll wake up and realize this whole thing was a big dream . jake : well , then let 's not go to sleep . let 's stay up all night and watch our son . amanda : hmm . jake : hmm ? amanda : mm - hmm . [ knock on door . when amanda opens it , david is standing there ] [ scene_break ] colby : just walk through that door with me . dad misses you . we all miss you , and i need you . i do n't know what annie is up to , and i do n't know what dad is thinking . j.r. : i 'm sorry , colby . i ca n't . he 's made his choice . besides , i have my own family . i got my own son i have to concentrate on , but i 'll always be there for you , no matter what . you call me if you need to talk to me , ok ? my house is your house . all right . get inside . get warm . [ scene_break ] adam : oh , i 'm fine , barry , just fine , ticking like a fine swiss watch . listen . i 've been thinking . it 's about time i updated my estate planning . when can you and i get together ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : well ? dr. clayton : this is good , better than i thought . we can start therapy in the morning . greenlee : no . no , no , no . i want to start now . the sooner i can walk back into ryan 's life , the better . [ scene_break ] ryan : it was great to see emma smile . it 's just that i felt a little out of place over there . erica : well , i 'm really glad that emma got to see you on your birthday . ryan : thank you . it 's funny . well , it 's not really that funny , but birthdays never really meant that much to me , you know , growing up , but this one did , but it sort of snuck up on me . i got to be honest . i left emma , and i felt a little bit lost , i guess , and so i went over to confusion . i had a couple of drinks . i wanted to come home . i wanted to go to bed and just wake up tomorrow , and it would n't be my birthday anymore , you know ? i guess i was just trying to find a place that i felt comfortable , and -- what do you know ? -- i found it . [ scene_break ] david : amanda , i just -- [ amanda slaps david ] amanda : you bastard , and all the time , you knew . you knew that trevor was n't yours . david : no . that 's not true . i just found out . i just found out a few weeks ago . i came by to tell you and jake that i 'm sorry . [ jake knocks david down with a punch to the jaw ] | erica lets ryan know that he is so supportive of her ideas . erica explains how remark about love . annie , scott and colby bring adam home from the hospital . colby watches annie 's so - called concern for adam . colby reminds annie to see to it that adam follows the doctors ' orders . david gives greenlee a cell phone to call amanda and david to tell them the truth , but greenlee refuses . jake , amanda , j.r. and marissa find out that david is not trevor 's father . angie gets a call on her cell phone that the results are in on the paternity tests . annie tells colby that hers and adam 's sex life is not any of colby 's business . randi wishes ryan a happy birthday . erica tells ryan that she had no idea that it was his birthday . greenlee urges david to put a stop to this before trevor will go through his life without knowing who his father is . frankie brings angie the test results . angie tells jake that he is trevor 's father . jake and amanda , with tears in their eyes , kiss as they have learned that jake is trevor 's biological father . gayle and greenlee discuss that david had reached a milestone decision . emma tells annie that today is ryan 's birthday . erica wants to do something for ryan 's birthday , but ryan refuses . ryan gets a call from emma wishing him a happy birthday . opal calls erica and tells her to get over here pronto before ryan gets back . j.r. tells marissa that he had something to take care of before he goes home . erica blasts opal for making ryan 's condo look like a den of seduction . erica stresses that ryan is only a good friend . ryan visits emma at the chandler mansion . ryan thanks annie for letting him see emma on his birthday . greenlee remembers ryan 's birthday the year before when she and emma were with ryan . david walks into the hospital . angie tells him that that was sure a quick trip to malaysia . david explains to marissa that he had lied to her about dying and that he had also lied about him being trevor 's father . marissa tells david that she is really angry with him right now and it may take a while for her to get over her anger . greenlee dreams that ryan is giving her a foot massage . greenlee yells for gayle , who tests greenlee 's feet and realizes that greenlee is getting feeling back in her feet . dr. coleman examines greenlee and tells greenlee that she is ready for therapy . greenlee wants the therapy scheduled as soon as possible . ryan enjoys his birthday dinner with erica . annie offers to move out of their bedroom , but adam insists that he wants annie by him forever . david goes to see amanda and jake . amanda slaps david 's face for what he had done to her and jake . jake hits david to the floor . |
[ previously_on ] greenlee : if we could bottle that , we 'd have it made . if that 's not what women want , i do n't know what is . edmund : how far along are the tests ? david : about 98 % certain it 'll restore maria 's memory . edmund : sounds ready to me . to memories . [ scene_break ] maria : look , edmund , i know that -- i know that you must be pretty angry . edmund : let 's not get into that . maria : yeah , but you found me with aidan . edmund : and you came home with me . finish your drink . maria : why are you looking at me like that ? edmund : like what ? maria : like a bug under glass . edmund : oh , i 'm sorry . i just never expected you to be back here after -- you know . maria : after you locked me in my room ? edmund : we 've all done things that we 've regretted . edmund : maureen ? are you all right ? maria : edmund . it 's you . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] woman : fusion cosmetics . how may i help you ? simone : greenlee , you have got to take a look at these . greenlee : get back to me right away . what is it ? simone : oh , my gosh ! the contact sheets from this morning 's photo shoot . they are absolutely fabulous . greenlee : that was this morning ? simone : yeah . greenlee : seems like days ago . woman : fusion cosmetics , please hold . simone : look at this . i think this is exactly the look that we were going for . greenlee : let me see that . mia : wait , wait , wait -- wait . greenlee : here . mia : i thought these were just test shots , you know , not -- not for publication . marishka : all my work is for publication . mia : that was not my understanding . simone : why use expensive models when you 've got the real connection right here ? mia : but marishka made us look like this . i mean , i -- that was not us . i -- marishka : i do n't make the magic , darling . i simply capture it . simone : greenlee , what do you think ? greenlee : i think this can work for us . mia : you ca n't be serious . woman : mia , your fiancé is on the phone ? simone : oh , perfect timing . mia : oh , yeah . i 'll be -- i 'll be right there . i 'm going to be the face that launches fusion lipstick ? kendall : like hell you are . woman : could i please put you on hold for a moment ? woman : hello ? jake : yeah , hi , hi . i 'm still waiting for mia . woman : she 's got a bit of a crisis on her hands right now . you want to keep holding ? jake : uh -- tell you what -- no need . i 'm sure she 's going to be on her way home soon , so just tell her that jake called , ok ? woman : ok , no problem . jake : all right . thanks a lot . woman : sure . bye . [ doorbell rings ] tad : thank you . you 've made me so happy . what 's for dinner ? greenlee : nice of you to show up . simone : uh - huh . kendall : my face is supposed to launch fusion lips . greenlee : well , now it 's mia 's face and mia 's lips . and mia 's lipstick -- rioja . kendall : since when ? greenlee : since you decided to blow off the photo shoot without so much as a phone call . kendall : greenlee , i was helping a friend . greenlee : yeah , like you have any friends . kendall : oh , look who 's talking . greenlee : look , our marketing plan is to make our customers want to be just like the women of fusion . kendall : i am the woman of fusion . i started this company , not mia . mia : you know , my sister financed this little enterprise , and she put half of her holdings in my name . [ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : which means mia is just as much a woman of fusion as you are . kendall : why , because her sister has money ? greenlee : because she shows up , which is more than i can say for you . if you do n't like it , there 's the door . [ scene_break ] maria : edmund . edmund : maureen ? are you all right ? maria : no , no , no , no , do n't call -- no -- call me `` maureen `` ? it 's maria . edmund : but i thought that 's what you wanted -- maria : no . no , i -- because i remember . i remember everything . i remember our love . i remember our life together . i remember -- oh , my god , i remember everything . edmund : i do n't believe this . maria : yeah , i -- well , we got married march 11 , 1994 . i remember i was wearing my mother 's mantilla . we drove away from the church in this beautiful horse - drawn carriage . edmund : you remember ? maria : yes , i remember . i remember -- finally , i remember everything ! oh , my god , edmund , i love you so much . i remember how much i love you . i remember everything . edmund : i ca n't believe this -- this -- you do n't know how long i 've waited to hear this . maria : it 's because of you . you were the one who pushed and pushed until i came back . you pushed until i finally came back . edmund : i do n't believe this is happening . maria : it is , edmund . i 'm never going to leave you again . i 'm right here , and i am never going to leave . maria : edmund ? edmund ? did you hear me ? edmund -- did you hear me ? edmund : maureen , are you all right ? maria : what did you put in my drink ? [ scene_break ] aidan : ow . man . what the -- aidan : well , well , well . morgan . i should 've guessed . morgan : did n't think you could run from me forever , did you ? aidan : you must be off your nut . untie me now , you stupid little -- morgan : now , now , now . come on . do n't you want to kiss and make up , darling ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i need the price sheets on the new packaging , now . kendall : wait a minute . hold on . you lose me , you lose this building . palmer leased it to me . greenlee : i 'm not trying to dump you , kendall . i 'm trying to do my job . kendall : hello , it 's after 6 : 00 . greenlee : yeah , which means you missed a whole day of work . you got a lot of catching up to do . kendall : excuse me . some of us have lives outside this office . greenlee : yeah , well , cancel them , ok ? until this company gets off the ground , i need you to eat , breathe , and sleep fusion cosmetics . kendall : wait a minute . so i have to move a cot into my office to be a part of the photo shoot with boyd ? greenlee : there is no photo shoot with boyd . he walked off the set this morning when you did n't show . kendall : he did ? huh , huh . at least some of us know the meaning of loyalty . woman : here are the price sheets you wanted , mrs. dupres . greenlee : thanks . thanks , thanks . kendall : wait a minute , wait a minute . hold on a second . if boyd left , then who the hell posed with mia ? mia : take a look . kendall : jake martin ? what , are you -- are you kidding me ? what , you think women are going to look at mia with that straight arrow and want her life ? simone : a lot of women like to marry doctors . mia : yeah , and jake is the hottest m.d . around -- not to mention one of the last good guys in the world . kendall : `` good `` ? `` good `` ? give me a break . women do n't want `` good . `` they want `` dangerous . `` greenlee : i know he 's not a model , but jake is kind of cute . simone : oh , you know , and he 's got those eyelashes -- mia : hmm . simone : to die for . mia : you should see his body . greenlee : i have . we 're going with jake . kendall : that 's it ? that 's final ? end of discussion ? greenlee : well , you heard mia and simone . you 're outvoted . unless you know another hot guy that we could use for this campaign . kendall : i can name at least 10 guys hotter than jake martin . greenlee : yeah , like the guy you were with all day -- what 's his name ? kendall : how did you know i was with a guy ? greenlee : you just told me . kendall , kendall , kendall , when are you ever going to learn ? [ scene_break ] morgan : you miss me , darling ? aidan : yeah . i ca n't wait to get my hands on you . morgan : well , that 's not going to happen , is it ? so i would n't even bother wasting your energy trying . mind you , though , it does n't really matter . you 'll be dead soon enough . aidan : well , who 's going to kill me , you ? morgan : you know i can . aidan : i know you ca n't . you tried to kill me in the valley inn . you had me right in your sights , and you barely even winged me . morgan : so ? i only wanted to nick you . aidan : yeah . either that or you were just a lousy shot . morgan : well , i 'm better than you . want me to prove it ? aidan : you wo n't shoot me . you 'll just keep me warm until julian shows up , wo n't you ? morgan : julian trusts me . aidan : yeah , but that 's one of his many problems , is n't it ? morgan : yeah , and he knows that i 'll carry out his orders . aidan : well , go on , then . do it . take your best shot . you got me right where you want me . even you ca n't miss from here . morgan : oh , yeah ? aidan : you 're waiting for him , are n't you ? tell me , when does he arrive here , then ? morgan : if i told you that , i mean , that would just kill all the suspense . aidan : so until then , you just play little nursemaid ? wow . you having fun , are we ? morgan : mm - hmm . you ? if you had n't fooled around with julian 's wife in the first place -- aidan : oh , this is what this is really about , is n't it ? morgan : yes , this is what this is about . julian trusted you . aidan : it 's not about julian . this is about you . why are you so interested in this ? you think i betrayed you with fiona , do n't you ? huh ? is n't that why you want me dead ? [ scene_break ] edmund : i just thought it would clear your head . it 's scotch , straight up , just the way you like it . maria : no , maybe maria liked it , but i 've never been much of a scotch drinker and that just goes right to my head . that 's kind of what i 'm feeling right now . i 'm just not feeling good . edmund : ok , i 'm sorry . listen , drink some water and -- and maybe you 'll feel better , ok ? maria : ok . edmund : here . maria : thank you . edmund : how far along are the tests ? david : about 98 % certain it 'll restore maria 's memory . maria : this is not working . edmund : what ? maria : i 'm just not feeling good . i 'm -- i 've got a headache -- it 's -- you know what ? i think i 'm going to go lay down . edmund : ok , i 'll help you up the stairs . maria : no , i can manage . i can manage . edmund : you sure ? maria : yeah , thanks . oh . edmund ? edmund : yeah ? maria : i just -- i wanted to say that i 'm really grateful that you did n't turn aidan in . you could 've , and i would n't blame you if you did . edmund : ok . let 's not talk about aidan . maria : no , but you took me back in . you put aside your feelings and you took me in , and i appreciate it . edmund : you 're my wife . maria : i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry i hurt you . i did n't mean to hurt you . i did n't want to lie to you . i 'm -- you 're just such a -- you 're a wonderful -- you 're an incredible , generous man , and i 'm sorry . edmund : not always . ahem . maria : what ? edmund : nothing . just get some rest . maria : thank you . [ knock on door ] david : edmund are you out of your mind ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] woman : fusion cosmetics , how may i help you ? jake : hi , hi . this is jake martin calling back . did mia get my message ? woman : yeah , a while ago . it 's kind of crazy here tonight . jake : oh , ok . well , i tell you what -- why do n't you have her call me , then , at home . woman : ok , sure . jake : ok , thanks a lot . woman : mm - hmm . bye - bye . jake : hey , wait a minute . mitts off . put that down . tad : wow . first you take away a guy 's rose . then you get violent over a piece of bread . scares me to know you can prescribe medication . jake : now , wait a second . did n't you come over here to talk about the foundation -- tad : i did -- jake : not ruin my dinner ? tad : no , no , no , i am , seriously . jake : well , what is it ? tad : i had the most inspired idea this afternoon . you 're going to love this . jake : am i going to want to hear this ? tad : no , seriously , seriously , ok ? dixie was a teacher , right ? jake : right , right . tad : p.v.h . is a teaching hospital . therefore , it 's natural for somebody like me to come along -- jake : hold it right there , all right ? i do n't mean to offend you . i do n't even mind you coming over here , all right , but just -- when are you going to get a life ? tad : `` get a life `` ? jake : yes . tad : what is that supposed to mean ? this is important . jake : so is this . tad : it 's important to me . jake : well , so is this , all right ? it 's important because mia and i -- we had a little riff , a little fight this morning , ok , and i just found out that she 's -- she 's not going to be coming back to work at the hospital . tad : wow . jake : so -- tad : that 's big . jake : no , it 's not . actually , it 's not big at all . i think i just blew things completely out of proportion . tad : so , in other words , you were a jerk and this little outtake from `` lady and the tramp `` is a makeup dinner . jake : you got it , you got it . and i do n't want anything ruined , ok ? tad : gotcha . therefore , may i suggest a little pinch of salt in the salad ? jake : you know what ? can we talk about the foundation , maybe , another time ? because mia 's going to be here any minute . tad : did n't sound like it on the phone . jake : well , she 's really busy working for liza 's company , that 's all . once the novelty wears off , then she 's going to be able to cut her hours back . tad : jake , are you trying to convince me or yourself ? [ scene_break ] woman : ms. saunders , your fiancée called again . this time he wants you to call back . mia : oh , thank you . thanks . you know , i do n't really know about that one . marishka : trust me . i know heat when i see it . simone : hey , you know what ? marishka 's right . yeah , i think we should go with this one . mia : yeah , but the heat that she sees in this particular shot is because of a very intense argument that we just had . simone : so ? now you can go kiss and make up . mia : yeah . when ? i 've been here since dawn . and if greenlee has her way , i 'll be here till midnight . simone : yeah , brainstorming over cold chinese noodles . i have to admit , though , i absolutely love it . of course , i have no other life outside of here . mia : yeah , well , i 'm not going to , either , unless i spend some time with jake . i have to call him . simone : use my phone . mia : yeah ? marishka : my assistant just brought these from the lab . simone : oh ! mia : more pictures ? marishka : yes , even more exquisite than the first . simone : oh , my gosh . oh , these would look amazing on a billboard . mia : billboard ? simone : oh , my -- mia : there 's going to be a billboard ? simone : gosh , picture it ! mia : oh , yeah . kendall : you have got no right to pry into my personal life . greenlee : i do n't care who you waste your time with as long as it 's not on company time . kendall : greenlee , it was an emergency . i 'm telling you -- greenlee : is that what they call it these days ? kendall : you would n't understand . you 're stuck in here 24/7 . you 've forgotten the rest of the world exists . greenlee : i want to top everyone else in this industry , kendall , starting with your mother . i thought you wanted that , too . kendall : i do . greenlee : ok , well , you ca n't beat erica by ditching work for some guy . kendall : oh , like you would n't drop everything right now if leo walked in that door . [ scene_break ] morgan : do n't flatter yourself , babe . i was over you two seconds after you climbed out of my bed . aidan : yeah , you may say that , but these ropes say that you want me . morgan : sod off . i would n't even be in the same room with you if it were n't for julian . aidan : see , that 's something i ca n't figure out -- why would you take orders from him when we both know he 's not the sharpest tool in the shed ? morgan : sharper than you any day . aidan : yeah , maybe , but not you . god , if you got out from underneath julian 's thumb , you might start running banks and stop robbing them . morgan : from where i 'm sitting , the only one under julian 's thumb is you . then again , i did n't kill julian 's wife , did i ? aidan : i did n't kill fiona . it was julian himself . i was trying to protect her , and you know it . morgan : right . like you 're trying to protect the other woman from her husband -- maria grey , right ? aidan : yeah , what do you know about maureen , anyway ? morgan : when are you going to stop chasing after these poor , helpless women ? i mean , they always end up getting hurt . aidan : i swear , you better not lay a finger on her . morgan : maybe i 'm not the one you should be worrying about . aidan : did you tell julian about maureen ? morgan : he already knew that she 'd been hiding you , and that made her rather useful to us . but now that you 're accounted for , i mean , there 's really no telling what he might do to her . [ scene_break ] maria : do n't kill me . do n't -- do n't kill me ! do n't -- do n't -- david : did you honestly think you 'd get away with it ? edmund : get away with what ? david : oh , do n't give me that . you know you took my cardio serum . edmund : look , i financed your research . david : i told you it was n't done , ok ? i need to work on it . edmund : you told me it was , what , 98 % certain that it would restore maria 's memory ? david : 98 is n't 100 % , edmund . and if i 'm wrong , that drug could wipe out maria 's memory entirely ! edmund : yes , but if it works -- david : listen to me . that drug could cause serious health problems for your wife , all right ? edmund : yeah , well , did n't you test that same drug on roger and dixie ? david : yes , yes ! those were people with heart problems , which your wife does n't have . i 'm telling you , edmund , i need more time to make sure it 's safe ! edmund : i do n't have time . i do n't have time . her life is in danger , and i 'm not going to lose her . david : yeah , well , you might be losing her for good if you give her that drug . now , are you willing to risk that ? are you really willing to risk her life ? [ maria screams ] edmund : stay here . [ scene_break ] kendall : greenlee , i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to bring that up . greenlee : it 's true . if leo walked in this room , i 'd leave with him and never look back . but it 's not going to happen -- not now , not ever . if you do n't mind , i have a marketing session to attend . you showing this time ? kendall : yeah , i 'll be there . greenlee : conference room , one minute . kendall : just wanted my lipstick back . greenlee : we 're having a marketing session in the conference room , now . simone : on my way . greenlee : i 'd like you to sit in on this . marishka : it 'll cost you . greenlee : you coming , mia ? mia : i have to call jake and tell him i 'm going to be late . greenlee : well , we 're paying marishka by the nanosecond , ok ? let 's go . mia : it wo n't take long . greenlee : call him later ! mia : ok , i 'm coming . [ scene_break ] tad : you went to the trouble of preparing this beautiful dinner for her and she 's not bothered to return your phone calls . brother , that 's got to tick you off just a little bit . jake : it 's a new job . and mia 's the first one to understand when i 'm the one who 's working late at the hospital . tad : yeah , but when you work late , you 're saving people 's lives , not arguing about the color of next season 's eye shadow . jake : mia 's work is just as important as mine is . tad : yeah , i know . i know . i 'm sure it is , and i 'm sorry . it 's just that the life you have together is more important . i hope she understands that . jake : she does . tad : good . because i would hate to see anybody play my favorite baby brother for a sucker . jake : she 's not , all right ? she 's just -- she 's -- she 's coming home late from work , all right , a little late . mia 's not going to do anything to interfere with what we have . tad : well , what exactly is that ? i mean , i 'm just a little curious . i mean , first you 're telling me that , you know , you 're engaged . the next i know , pop turns around and says that you guys have canceled the wedding ? jake : postponed . valentine 's day is a little too soon . tad : for you ? you wanted to marry her in the hospital . jake : for both of us . it gives us some time to plan things . tad : yeah . and maybe it gives you guys a chance to get to know each other a little better . jake : what is that supposed to mean ? tad : it means that your engagement was a little rushed . ok , look at the facts . she went out a window , she nearly died , and the next thing i know you 're looking into honeymoon hideaways . jake : you know what , man ? i asked mia to marry me before the accident . tad : yeah , but you set the date after . jake : so what ? tad : so you had a knee - jerk reaction to nearly losing somebody that you care for very much , and that is totally understandable . but now you get a chance to step back a little bit , make sure you 're not rushing into anything that you 're just not ready for . jake : i am ready . understand me ? i 'm ready . i 'd marry her tomorrow if she 'd let me . tad : then maybe it 's mia who 's not ready to marry you . jake , is this deja vu all over again ? [ scene_break ] aidan : oh , man , maureen 's of absolutely no use to you now you 've got me . she 's back with her husband , and there 's nothing between her and me ! morgan : right . like there was nothing between you and fiona . right , i get it . you see , julian 's got this little thing against women who cheat . aidan : look , julian could never accept the fact that it was over between him and fiona . morgan : yeah , once you killed her ! aidan : i did n't kill her , and you know it . deep down , i know you do . morgan : you know , julian said you 'd say that . aidan : how can you believe him over me ? you and me were closer than -- than two people can be . morgan : yeah . but then you double - crossed me , did n't you ? which julian 's never done ! aidan : i did n't double - cross you . i just never gave you what you wanted . morgan : yeah ? julian does . aidan : yeah , but for how long ? until he finds out how you double - crossed him . morgan : what are you going on about ? aidan : oh , do n't you remember , huh ? the imperial bank heist , when you skimmed a couple of million off the top for yourself ? morgan : i did n't skim a shilling off that job or any other , and you know that ! aidan : yeah , but does julian ? because soon after you shot me , i wrote a letter to julian explaining exactly where that missing money went when it went out of his pocket straight into yours . morgan : you are lying . aidan : julian might believe me . i 've made arrangements for that letter to be sent to him if anything happens to me . and if you think he was mad when fiona betrayed him -- hmm . morgan : julian knows me , all right ? he knows i would never do anything like that . aidan : you 're shagging him , are n't you ? morgan : so what if i am ? aidan : well , if you are , you 're not as smart as i thought you were . because if you 're sleeping with julian , it 's only going to end up in one place -- you 're going to be six feet under in a coffin right next to fiona 's . you ought to think about that . [ scene_break ] maria : no -- - [ maria cries ] edmund : maria ? [ maria cries ] edmund : shh . shh . honey , it 's ok . it 's ok , it 's just a dream . right here . maria : oh , my god . oh , my god . edmund : whew . maria : oh . edmund : you ok ? maria : yeah . that was -- oh , that was real . edmund : want to stand up ? maria : yeah . that was so real . edmund : maybe you should sit back down . maria : yeah . edmund : you want to tell me about it ? maria : i was -- yeah , i was in an airport -- or a bus station or something -- i do n't even know . i do n't know where i was going . edmund : were you alone ? maria : no , you were there , and -- but you were n't you . you know what i mean ? you were very cold and you were -- you kept telling me i had to give him up . edmund : give up who ? maria : i do n't know . i do n't know . i 'm not remembering the details of it . you know what i mean ? just -- i -- i only can remember the feelings that i was feeling , like my heart was being ripped out of my body . and you were telling me that i had to give him up , and i was begging you not to make me , and you were forcing me to . and -- and i -- oh , my god , it was just -- i thought i was going to die . i thought -- i really -- i thought i was going to die . this was so real . it was like it was happening . it was really happening to me . edmund : that 's because it did happen . it was n't a dream . it was a memory . maria : what do you mean ? edmund : my god , it 's working . maria : what 's working ? edmund : i just meant that your memory is working , that you 're starting to remember more . maria : ok . i do n't know , though . i -- this ca n't be a memory because you told me that our life was this incredible heaven on earth . this was -- this was horrific . edmund : remember i told you that sammie is adopted , right ? after the adoption , his birth mother wanted him back . maria : yeah , but what does that have to do with my dream ? edmund : well , you -- you fought that . you did n't want to give him up . and you fought that with every inch of your being , and you went to the airport with sammie , and you were going to leave the country . maria : and you stopped me ? edmund : i had to . i had to . i mean , i did the research . i knew how the case was going to turn out . we were going to have to give sammie up , and the only question was when . and i figured it 'd be better to do it then , you know , before he was old enough to remember . maria : and i kept saying , `` do n't kill me . `` edmund : yeah , because you thought you 'd die if you gave sammie up . maria : you 're saying it , you know , and i -- and i 'm hearing it , but it does n't sound familiar to me . it does n't seem -- edmund : ok , listen to me -- maria : it 's not sparking . you know what i mean ? it 's not sparking -- edmund : do n't push it . ok , do n't push it . whew . you 're remembering -- you 're remembering our life together . you 're exhausted . let 's just lay down , ok ? you lay down . maybe i 'll lay down later . i 'm -- whew . ok ? tomorrow we 'll all feel better , ok ? ok . [ scene_break ] tad : jake , i 've been there . trust me , it 's hard to start a family when one of you is always someplace else . jake : well , mia would never put her work before her family . i can tell you that right now . tad : you mean like tonight ? jake : what -- what is your deal , huh ? we 're going to be together . we belong together , tad . ca n't you see that ? tad : yeah , maybe . but once upon a time , you thought that you and greenlee belonged together . you and gillian . even liza . jake : this is different . it 's very different . and i resent the fact that you treat me and you talk to me like i 'm some kind of young kid when you yourself hardly have your own life as any sort of a manual for stress - free living . tad : well , you got me there . jake : all right , listen , i 'm sorry . just forget i -- tad : no , it 's all right . do n't apologize . you 're absolutely right . hey -- i think i 'll get out of here , you know , before mia comes home . jake : all right , thanks . i appreciate it . tad : ok . i still want to talk to you about creating a teaching position in dixie 's honor . jake : yeah . i think it 's a really good idea , and tomorrow my schedule 's wide open , so -- tad : good . good . i 'll call you , ok ? and in all sincerity , good luck tonight . do what i do -- serve dinner naked . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so we 're all agreed ? this is our first print ad . kendall : hardly . simone : so , what , we 're going to sit on this until we have money to pay for advertising ? that 's a waste , kendall . i thought we already agreed that we 're going to do guerrilla marketing . kendall : i thought we wanted to sell lip color , not bore people to death . mia : hey . what 's the matter with you ? you do n't like these shots ? kendall : for your photo album , maybe , but you and jake do n't scream fusion at all . mia : oh . oh , yeah ? i 'll show you screaming -- greenlee : ladies -- ladies -- kendall : oh , come on , you guys , look at her . she is nothing like her picture or the image we want . woman : i think she looks great . greenlee : so people wo n't recognize her on the street . who cares ? ok ? we needed the shot and we got it . simone : right . and it 's not going to do us a bit of good if we do n't get it out there . kendall : we could do before - and - after . marishka : show her as a blank slate waiting to be beautified . greenlee : by fusion cosmetics -- `` makeup for women who need help to look good . `` mia : hey ! greenlee : hey , we are not going to do a before - and - after . we want women to want to be us , to think the women of fusion are fabulous all the time . that 's what we 're selling . kendall : well , how can we sell what we do n't have ? greenlee : it 's business 101 , supply and demand . kendall : if this is the way that you want to create demand , then i guess we do n't need much supply after all . greenlee : you know what ? you 're just upset because your face is n't on the cover . get over yourself . ok , what i see is a full - page ad . call the `` pine valley bulletin . `` simone : and do what , beg ? kendall : we 're supposed to take this product national . greenlee : we 're going to once we test - market here . i 'm going to need you to do a couple more shots . marishka : naturally . greenlee : yeah . simone : ok , so this is what i see for the ad . you know , jake and mia over here , right ? and then , like , our logo maybe , like , swimming around , iridescent going through here . i do n't know . what do you think ? marishka : go with it . it 's striking . simone : you know what ? we need a slogan . kendall : here 's one -- `` fusion -- for lips that say ' duh . ' `` mia : you know what ? i 've got one , i 've got one . how about `` two hearts coming together `` ? [ greenlee groans ] greenlee : stick to posing , mia . skip the slogan . come on . [ phone rings ] simone : ok . kendall : is anyone going to get that ? simone : what do you think ? what do you think ? marishka : i think it 's fabulous . simone : especially if it goes around -- [ kendall sighs ] kendall : fusion . jake : yeah , i 'm looking for mia saunders . kendall : who is n't ? jake : is she there ? this is her fiancé . kendall : oh . oh , jake , hi . hi , it 's kendall . jake : hi . kendall : hi . no , mia 's a little busy right now . jake : oh . well , she was supposed to be home about an hour ago , and i just need to know if i should hold dinner . kendall : you cooked her dinner ? well , are n't you just about the most perfect man on the planet ? mia really does n't deserve you . [ scene_break ] david : well , is maria ok ? edmund : never better . david : good . give me back my drug so i can continue testing it . edmund : it 's finished . david : what do you mean , `` it 's finished `` ? what , are you cutting me off ? edmund : no , i 'm congratulating you . you got it right . david : what is that supposed to mean ? edmund : the antidote -- it works . david : you gave her the drug ? edmund : she 's already starting to get our life back together . david : you idiotic , self - serving lunatic . [ scene_break ] jake : kendall , is mia there or not ? kendall : yeah , hold on a second . let me see . greenlee : we 've got a lot of ground to cover tonight . anybody up for some lo mein ? simone : oh , chicken or shrimp ? mia : count me in . kendall : of course you 're in , you back - stabbing little suck - up . jake , i 'm so sorry , but mia says she 's way too busy to talk to you right now . jake : all right . ok , ok . kendall : what -- do you want me to -- you want to try again later ? jake : sure , sure , i 'll try back . kendall : ok . bye . jake : to my beautiful bride - to - be , wherever she is . [ scene_break ] david : you gave an untested drug to an unsuspecting patient ? edmund : do n't give me that , you hypocrite . david : do you even realize what you 've done ? edmund : yes , yes -- the same you did to roger smythe , dixie , and , i believe , my wife five years ago . david : that drug was designed to help heart patients ! i told you , edmund , that it could have serious side effects ! do n't you even care ? edmund : do n't give me that . david : look , a few weeks ago , you were ready to destroy my life because i gave her that drug . now you 're using it for your own purposes ? edmund : listen to me ! you stole my wife 's memory . i am getting it back . do you hear me ? now , get out of here . david : or you could be losing it altogether . edmund : where do you think you 're going ? david : i 'm going to examine maria . i want to make sure she 's not having a negative reaction . edmund : hayward , please , do n't stop my wife from getting her life back . david : edmund , do n't you understand this ? you might be the one that took away her life this time -- for good . [ scene_break ] morgan : julian would never turn on me . he loves me . aidan : he also loved fiona , or so he says , and look what happened to her . he killed her . morgan : shut up ! [ aidan groans ] aidan : and he thinks he owns you now . if you so much as look at another guy , then out comes the knife . morgan : i said shut up ! [ aidan groans ] aidan : you 're just a dead woman walking , morgan , and now you 've gone and made yourself vulnerable to that psycho . morgan : i am not , nor ever will be , vulnerable to anyone ! aidan : yeah , you just keeping telling yourself that , darling . [ phone rings ] morgan : hello ? hi , julian . where are you ? of course i 've got him . when have i ever let you down ? great . no , i ca n't wait to see you . edmund : hayward , get out of my house . i told you -- david : get out of my way . get out of my way . edmund : maria ? | edmund gives maria her drugged drink ; she feels woozy and goes to lie down . david shows up and yells at him for using an untested drug . maria screams so edmund rushes upstairs . she tells him about a horrible dream she had . he tells her it was no dream , it was a memory of when kelsey wanted sammy back and maria tried to escape with him , only to have edmund stop her at the airport . he goes back downstairs and argues some more with david , who insists on examining maria . when they go upstairs , they find maria has gone . jake has prepared a romantic dinner to make up with mia , but she is busy at work and never gets his messages . greenlee keeps her hopping and wo n't let her phone jake , either . kendall , upset that mia took her photo shoot , nastily tells jake that mia said she is too busy to take his call . tad visits jake to talk about dixie 's foundation . jake tells him to get a life . tad has a heart - to - heart talk with jake about why he and mia are engaged and whether she 's ready for it or not . kendall and greenlee argue because kendall wanted to be the face of fusion but they 've picked mia because of her photos with jake . mia is a little overwhelmed about it all . greenlee knows that kendall was with a guy ; kendall lashes out , saying that if leo were here , greenlee would not be such a workaholic . greenlee snaps at her and goes back to business . aidan is held captive by morgan , the female assassin ( alias ripoff chick ) . we find out that she & aidan used to be an item and she is mad at him for not getting more serious with her . she is now sleeping with julian , the man who killed his wife and pinned it on aidan . he warns her that julian will cast her aside when he finds out that she was skimming from his profits . |
kendall : ryan ? ryan ? ryan : so , you do n't like the pooch ? michael : no , no , no , the pooch is a hoot . but , honestly , does kendall really think she 's going to fool anybody with that thing ? ryan : well , i mean , she 's fooling herself with my help . that 's what 's important , is n't it ? [ michael laughs ] michael : this is true . [ ryan and michael laugh ] kendall : no , stop laughing at me . ryan : hey . hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . what is it ? what is it ? huh ? [ scene_break ] erica : it 's nothing . i 'm fine . jack : hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . come on . talk to me , will you ? erica : it was a dream . it was a horrible dream . jack : was michael cambias in it ? erica : how did you know ? jack : he seems to be making the rounds . erica : you , too ? jack : yeah . erica : oh . oh , jack , it just makes me ache . i mean , why is n't he the one who 's rotting in prison for his crimes ? instead , kendall 's going to have to pay and we 'll all have to pay for what he did to bianca , what we all did to him . [ scene_break ] bianca : i have to find it . just have to look and look and look and find it . i just have to find it . [ cookie sheet crashes ] lena : oh . bianca : i ca n't believe this . maggie : bianca , what happened ? i thought -- i thought baking calmed you down , not made you comatose . what 's wrong ? did you get burned ? put your fingers up to your earlobes -- bianca : i can save my sister . i can save kendall . [ scene_break ] maria : as a friend and colleague of the accused , i have to ask , is kendall cambias guilty ? greenlee : maria , that 's up to the jury to decide . we have to trust the system . david : greenlee , you 're through here . excuse us for a second . greenlee : excuse me . excuse you . david : what the hell are you trying to do , get kendall executed before the trial even begins ? [ scene_break ] lena : hey , listen , i know you 're frightened , but it is n't up to you to save kendall . bianca : it is if i can prove that kendall 's not the one that killed michael . lena : what , you have some sort of new evidence ? where did you get it ? i mean , how ? maggie : i 'm so confused . i thought this was just anxiety baking for kendall . bianca : well , that 's what it was , but it cleared my head enough for me to have this flash of last night 's dream . do you believe in dreams ? lena : i 'm afraid my dreams stay with me whether i want them to or not . bianca : right , but , like , are they too many nachos the night before , or do you think that dreams have a message ? lena : was -- was michael in your dream ? bianca : i think so . i do n't know . i 'm not sure . it was n't totally clear , but he was n't the important part . i was looking for something . maggie : classic . did you find it ? bianca : no . that 's the problem . i have no clue what it is . it 's just something out there that i have to find . this is not like any other dream i 've ever had . look -- lena : you have goose pimples just from talking about it . maggie : ok , and you have no idea what this it could be ? bianca : no . no , but i do know that i have to find it because i 'm positive that whatever this is can help prove that kendall is not guilty . [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] kendall : it was about michael . ryan : did he hurt you ? kendall : just having him in my head , in my dreams -- the one place that i felt like i could escape him -- it just -- ryan : you 're , like , trembling . come on , what did he do ? kendall : he just -- he showed me that i was a fool . he made me -- he made me realize that the only person i outsmarted was myself . and he loved it . he loved all the fear and the shame and the disgust . ryan : come on . come here . kendall : no . ryan : but he did n't do it alone , did he ? i was there with him . smack in the middle of your shame and your fear , yours truly . kendall : you were there . ryan : oh , god , your psyche really , really has it out for us . do you want me to hand you your clothes now or you want a cup of coffee before you bail on me ? kendall : no . i 'm not going to go . i 'm not going to go anywhere , ok ? it was just -- it was just trial day jitters . ryan : says the woman who 's clocked more court time than the crew of `` the practice . `` kendall : yeah , the pine valley courthouse , my vacation home . guess i 'll hang curtains there . or i 'll hang first . [ thunder ] ryan : you have to shake it off , ok ? just shake it off . it was a bad dream . and soon this trip to court -- you 're going to shake that off , too . kendall : god , ryan , i wish it was that easy . i wish i could just wake up and have the whole murder trial just be washed away with the sunrise . ryan : i would give you that right now if i could . this is what i want you to do . when you go the courthouse , i want you to sit down and just -- just zone out . kendall : like i 'm not even there . ryan : yeah , just go someplace safe , someplace warm , happy . kendall : you mean like here ? ryan : live a little bit . how about like an island cruise ? kendall : no . too many mai tais and i might heave over the rail . ryan : all right , well , then how about rock climbing in tibet ? kendall : no , and ruin a good manicure ? ryan : wow , for somebody who only dabbles in reality , you really suck at this game . all right , you go ahead . you choose someplace , any place you feel at peace . kendall : ryan , the last three hours that i 've been here with you is the most peace that -- that i 've felt in a long time . ryan : here it is . judge , jury , and lawyers be damned because you 're going to be here and you 're going to be in my arms . kendall : i 'll memorize every bit of it . who needs digital ? ryan : well , you do n't need to memorize this mug because i am going to be right behind you in the court . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , hey , i wo n't be able to dress for the trial . jack : ooh , an even better reason to keep doing this . erica : there 's always -- there 's always next time . jack : yes , well , that 's music to my ears , but i must admit that my motivations were n't entirely seductive . erica : well , what is it , then ? jack : sweetheart , i do n't want you going anywhere near that courtroom until you have to . erica : well , that would be this morning , because everyone in that courtroom is someone i love , and we 're all going to be affected by what goes on in there . jack : listen to me . this is only the first step of a long , ugly marathon . i want you to wait out the voir dire and save your energy for the trial , ok ? erica : oh , jack . it 's already too late for that . i mean , i 've been running on empty for a long time already , and -- oh , i just should n't have gone near michael cambias ' place the night after the court dismissed those rape charges against him . jack : well , my sweet , i own the guilt of setting michael free , and i always will . erica : i would n't have if we had gotten married the way we planned . jack : yeah . erica : look , it 's -- i just know that we were n't where we were supposed to be . we -- we were n't together . if only greenlee had come in 10 minutes later , if only i had told you about her in the first place . jack : if only , if only , if only . forget about the if onlys , ok ? you know , a wise person once said those who do n't learn from history are destined to make the same mistakes over and over . but our past is written in huge , neon letters , and all we have to do , my dear , is read it and absorb it and move on . no reason to beat ourselves up . ok ? now kiss me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : do you mind ? maria : i 'm maria chambers for vh1 satellite radio only on xm . david : greenlee , i 'm going to say this with deep love and affection , all right ? what the hell are you thinking ? greenlee : you 're chummy with la kane . two bucks says the perp 's mommy would give the same sound bite . david : no , no , no , no . erica might have her problems with kendall , but she 's not trying to put a noose around her neck . all right , look , i 'll come from a different direction here . how well do you think your brand of loyalty is going to play with fusion 's demo ? greenlee : ok . ok , i 'll just go tell the vh1 reporter that kendall 's the most honest , sweetest , vicious slut i know -- minus the vicious slut part . david : good choice . greenlee : if you do me a favor . david : greenlee -- greenlee : it 's no big deal . help me break up ryan and kendall before they get any tighter . david : what the hell do you care about ryan and kendall ? greenlee : forget it . you 're about to pop a vein . david : all right , ok . i 'm sorry , all right ? go slow , and i promise nothing will explode . greenlee : you know ryan and i go way back . he 's one of the good ones . david : oh , yeah . yeah , i 'm one of his biggest fans . greenlee : whether you like him or not , kendall 's running a con on him . david : greenlee , men and women have been conning each other since the beginning of time . romantics call it love . so if ryan takes a hit , tough luck . greenlee : this is n't love . it 's greed . kendall 's using him . david : yeah , like i said , tough luck . ryan is not my concern . greenlee : ok , you two share history together . fine . do n't do it for him . do it for me . when kendall stages her next attack , it 's a sure bet that i 'm going to be caught in the fallout with ryan , and i do n't deserve that , and neither does ryan . david : oh , greenlee , greenlee . you idiot . i ca n't believe you 're falling back in love with that smug side of beef . how many times are you going to jump in front of the lavery love train ? greenlee : that train was sold for parts a long time ago , ok -- david : oh , yeah , sure it was . greenlee : so just forget it . ryan and i are just friends . i want to save him from kendall . and if i can protect fusion in the process , it 's a bonus . david : all right , look , look , you want to protect big , buff ryan from twiggy little kendall , that 's fine with me . just leave me out of it . greenlee : my next point -- twiggy little kendall 's not pregnant with michael 's baby . the whole world knows it . david : why do n't you say that a little louder , ok ? i do n't think the reporter heard the whole thing . greenlee : this is where your fancy degree comes in . help me expose kendall for the liar that she is and stop her in her tracks . [ scene_break ] judge : prosecution 's motion to allow cameras in the courtroom denied . alan : the public has a right to know , your honor . judge : let them learn how to read a newspaper . move along . livia : your honor , the defense moves to have all charges against mrs. cambias dismissed . judge : yeah , it 's always good for a giggle . denied . ok , looks like we 're done here . justin : whoa , whoa . not quite , your honor . judge : counselor ? alan : the prosecution requests a two - week continuance . livia : objection , your honor . alan : we 're in the process of locating fred lomax , your honor , the minister who allegedly married mr. cambias and ms. hart . judge : well , if you do n't have your witness now , what difference will two weeks make ? justin : your honor , we 're hot on his trail right now as we speak . we have the arizona police helping us out with this matter , and they 've given us several solid leads . what 's surprising to us is the opposing legal counsel has n't even bothered to track him down themselves since he 's such a key player in your defense . livia : well , we do have legally verifiable documentation that this wedding did take place . sounds like you have squat to prove otherwise . what is it ? how much of your job would you like us to do for you ? judge : all right , enough . mr. singer , why are n't your ducks in a row ? alan : one last duck and we 're good to go , your honor . judge : does your entire case depend on this one witness , this fred lomax ? aidan : reverend lomax ? [ noise ] [ scene_break ] aidan : i can hear you in there , sir . reverend , i need to speak to you . it 's urgent . a woman 's life hangs in the balance . fred : all our lives hang in the balance . part of life 's infinite jest and magical mystery tour . aidan : right . yeah , that 's true , sir , but this is a legal matter . i need to speak with you urgently . otherwise a young woman could be put to death . fred : death ? aidan : yes . fred : i hate death . you 're not dead . aidan : no , not yet . may i come in ? it 's urgent . can i come in and speak with you ? fred : no . we 're speaking now . aidan : yeah , but this is going to take a few minutes . i need to see if you have any recollection of marrying a young couple back in august . i know it 's a while ago . fred : arturo , battlebrooke , boothby , cambias , crane -- aidan : cambias . mr. and mrs. cambias . may i come in ? it 's urgent . fred : you 're not wearing any mushrooms , are you ? aidan : excuse me ? fred : are you slow , boy ? mushrooms ! aidan : no . no , i 'm not wearing any , no . fred : well , you ca n't be too careful . come on in . [ scene_break ] maggie : maybe it is n't something you saw . it 's something that you expected to see but did n't . and it 's like your mind blocked it out but your subconscious -- it 's like it 's trying to make you pay attention . bianca : ok , we 've been friends way too long . i understood everything you just said . lena : i did n't . so this is n't something that you saw , just something that you realized was missing ? bianca : exactly . the problem is that i do n't know what it is that was n't there . lena : ok , well , whatever it was that you -- that was n't there , you could n't have seen it because the night of michael 's murder , you were fast asleep at your mother 's . right ? bianca : well , no , not the whole night . i did get up in the middle of the night to throw away reggie 's gun . maybe i saw something while i was doing that or on the way back or something . i do n't know . god , this makes so much sense . this is why i felt i had to stay for kendall 's trial . [ scene_break ] maria : how can you , as former da , advise the defense -- jack : maria , maria , i have no comment . i 'm sorry . judge : ok , counselor , you have one day to find this fred lomax . alan : we 'll need at least a -- judge : ask me if i care . we will proceed as scheduled . jury selection will take place immediately . bailiff , please show in the first group of prospective jurors . let 's get started . [ scene_break ] david : so because kendall is on your hit list , she ca n't possibly be pregnant ? is that it ? greenlee : yeah , pretty much . please , david , david , you 're brilliant and slightly bent . you can help me figure out kendall 's game . david : yeah , well , sorry , kiddo , but i 'd swear to it in court -- kendall is having a baby . you 're forgetting -- i was there when she took the original pregnancy test , all right ? that baby is as real as you or i . greenlee : i do n't accept that . david : you know something -- what you really need to do is be honest with yourself . i saw the way you looked at ryan just now . you may not love him , but you sure as hell want him . greenlee : you 're wrong . david : yeah , right . sure i am . greenlee : forget it , ok ? so , kendall did it , really ? she made it with that monster ? david : yeah , well , stranger things have happened , right ? greenlee : none so disgusting . i guess if michael is going to breed with anyone , thank god it was bridezilla kendall and not bianca . at least binks was spared a little bit of hell . david : enough , enough . enough , ok ? this morbid fascination with kendall and michael -- it has to stop . greenlee : david , chill out . what is with you and kendall ? why are you her champion ? [ scene_break ] bianca : all right , when i came back from tossing the gun , i saw reggie fast asleep on the couch , and i went to bed . i had no idea that michael had disappeared that night . if i had known , maybe i would have slept better . maybe not . maggie : or , you know , maybe you saw someone on your way or on your way back or in between , even . why do n't you go back to sleep and try to figure it out ? bianca : no way . i 'm too wired . maggie : i know there 's a way to figure this out . let me think . lena : if she ca n't remember , we ca n't force her . maggie : that does n't mean that she ca n't remember . i mean , it 's obvious her mind is just trying to protect her . bianca : right . because maybe whatever it is i 'm looking for could hurt someone else that i love . maggie : a clue to the person who killed michael cambias . i mean , it 's easier -- easier to forget than to deal with it . lena : look , bianca , you ca n't take all of this on yourself . i know you love kendall , but it 's not up to you to save her . bianca : yeah , but that 's just it . i think it might be . lena : well , what if it 's true ? what if in order to save kendall , you do have to sacrifice someone that you love ? bianca : i do n't know . but i know that i ca n't just leave this alone . i can feel it in my heart and in my mind . i -- i 'll manage to figure this out . maggie : well , the front door to your mind is obviously locked , so let 's just kick the back door in . who are the people that you love ? bianca : all right -- mom , myrtle , you , uncle jack , david , kendall , reggie , palmer , opal , boyd , and lena . in no particular order . did one of them kill michael cambias ? maggie : you know , maybe your mind is torn between your urge to protect that person and to try to save kendall . lena : bianca does n't need an amateur freud right now . she should n't feel that kendall 's life depends on some silly dream . maggie : excuse me ? or do you feel that you have to do this because you may gain something from all this ? lena : i 'm looking out for bianca . maggie : or for yourself . where 'd she go ? lena : the courthouse . maggie : that 's great . [ scene_break ] fred : i need you to hold on to this . it 's for your own good . aidan : yeah , right . yeah , of course , yeah . fred : what 'd you say your name was , again ? aidan : aidan . aidan devane . fred : aidan of the vein . aidan of blood . mineral essence . a little to the left . aidan : yeah . reverend lomax , have you left the church by any chance ? fred : the church and i had a parting of waters . luckily , i got the desert in the settlement papers . aidan : right . these things happen . listen , what can you tell me about -- fred : hang on a minute . hang on , hang on . the astral planes are n't in line yet . hmm . hmm . [ fred laughs ] fred : i 'm just fooling with you , kid . aidan : right , right . fred : come on . the astral planes -- what do they know from tin foil ? i just like the part -- hmm , hmm . aidan : listen , fred -- fred : hey , hey , hey , you got to hold on to your part . we got to stay connected . if we do n't stay connected , we could get a shock . but connected , you and me , we 're the same . but without the conductor , we 're just two men . aidan : right . fred : we 're just like two any other men poised to damage each other 's cause . aidan : that 's the thing , you see , fred -- i really need you to help me with my cause . the cambias couple -- do you remember them ? fred : yeah . between boothby and crane . may they all rest in peace . aidan : what ? fred : well , they 're joined , so they 're in peace . now , it 's the couples that i have n't joined that i worry about . you see , as long as they 're unjoined -- aidan : reverend -- fred : they could hurt each other bad . aidan : are you on medication or something ? fred : no . flax seed , son . flax seed . you need to be clean inside as well as out . would you care for a can of hearts of palms or artichokes or -- aidan : listen -- fred : look , it 's good stuff . you are what you eat . i mean , i 've only got a few cans left , but -- you just seem like an okey - dokey guy . no , no , no , you 've got to hold -- aidan : i 've got -- reverend , i 've got a great idea . i know a store quite close to here that sells hearts of palms , hearts of celery , hearts of cucumber . if you like -- would you like me to take you there ? [ scene_break ] jack : all right , here 's the results of the jurors ' questionnaire . kendall : what does it tell you ? livia : each juror 's age , profession , living situation , marital status . kendall : my peers . a retired college professor ? livia : justin and alan will never keep her . kendall : oh , good . she 's a single female . single and smart . she 'll be reasonable , so can we keep her ? justin : i think the professor 's going to play agatha christie . alan : aggie might swing our way . justin : all right , you 're on . five gets you ten . watch , they 're going to dismiss her . kendall : well , maybe she can be foreman . she looks like she could think for herself . livia : whoever we select needs to accept our version of the truth . jack : we do n't want her thinking for herself . livia : juror number eight is excused . justin : what 'd i tell you ? alan : number three needs the boot . justin : divorced four times ? she 's not our kind of gal . kendall : i bet you number three would be sympathetic . livia : yeah , chances are she wanted at least one of her husbands dead . the prosecution will never accept -- alan : juror number three may be excused , with the prosecution 's thanks . [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] erica : it 's open . [ noise ] bianca : mom , what are you doing here ? erica : i suppose i was looking for something -- a trace , a clue as to what really happened here . but it 's pointless . i mean , there is no explanation for all of this . bianca : no , it 's not pointless , not for me . erica : honey , please . bianca , there 's nothing here for you . there 's nothing here for either one of us . bianca : no , i 'm not so sure about that . have you ever gotten the sense that there 's something out there just waiting for you to find ? erica : i 'm not sure i know what you mean . bianca : i think that there 's something in my mind that could help kendall and i just have to find it somehow . erica : oh , honey , do n't do that to yourself . do n't take on that burden . jack and livia -- i mean , together -- believe in them -- they are unbeatable . bianca : do you really believe that ? erica : they are going to keep kendall out of prison . i am sure of that . bianca : oh , my god . is that blood ? erica : no , honey , please , this whole place is just -- just poison . bianca : no , i ca n't let him win . i have to find the answer . erica : he is not going to win . bianca : mom , i love uncle jack , but he could n't put michael in prison . how can i be sure that he can keep kendall out ? things happen . things go -- [ scene_break ] david : greenlee , just -- just let it go , all right ? justice will find its own way . i have complete confidence that whatever kendall has done , she will get what she deserves . nothing you do can change that . greenlee : this is so not you , david . david : yeah , well , as much as i like to control the universe , it 's out of my hands . besides , life works a hell of a lot better when you do n't interfere . greenlee : i expected you to be railing at the powers that be . david : well , maybe i learned that it 's pointless . come on . you want to go inside , watch the proceedings ? greenlee : i 'm going to talk to that vh1 reporter , give her a new sound bite -- one that wo n't bite kendall in the butt . ms . chambers , do you have a minute ? maria : sure . man : tape is rolling . maria : i 'm maria chambers for vh1 satellite radio and wrcw - tv . i 'm here again with a friend and colleague -- [ scene_break ] judge : have any of you had any personal contact with the defendant ? yes , please stand . in what capacity did you meet mrs. cambias ? juror : i waited on mrs. cambias at bj 's a bunch of times . she 's a good tipper . and i wear fusion . judge : thank you . you 're excused . no , mrs. cambias , you may be seated . now , you do understand that this is a capital case . would any of you be unable , during the penalty phase of this or any other capital trial , to assign the ultimate penalty -- death by lethal injection ? thank you for your honesty . you 're excused . jack : well , what a shame that is . number seven was our ace in the hole . erica 's voice : no matter how much we do for you , it 's just never enough . and if something just does n't go the way you want it to , well , then you are back to believing that the whole world is out to get you . kendall : aidan ? aidan : yes , your honor . i 've had personal contact with the defendant , and she has screwed me over many , many times . [ scene_break ] aidan : you 're hiding your enlightenment out here , fred . my friends would kill to hear what you have to say . if you were to come with me , you could reach more people . fred : well , why in the hell would i want to do that ? i have the whole world in my hand . [ sirens ] aidan : oh , bullocks . fred : you ok ? aidan : yeah . do you know what that sound is , fred ? fred : the police ? aidan : no , that sound is the sound of the end of the world as we know it . [ sirens ] fred : that 's the end of the world ? aidan : in all its ominous glory . fred : oh . damn watch . i knew it was off . aidan : fred -- fred , fred , this is not the time for a nap . this is a time for action . fred : i 'm prepared to meet the eternal be all , end all with peace and serenity . aidan : fred , come on . fred : i said peace and serenity ! now , what part of that do n't you understand ? aidan : what if i was to say that now is not your time ? fred : i would say that you 've been reading fortune cookies upside down . aidan : you have been delegated the great conductor . it 's your job to spread the word of flax and foil to all of those that have none . fred : ah , do n't kid an old kidder , son . that 's not in my text . aidan : this is a holy order from the european quest . i have been sent to tell you that you have been set free . fred : the accent and all -- yeah . yeah , that makes sense ! aidan : the round table and the holy grail of the new millennium , i am the messenger . fred : well , then , hot damn , sir aidan . up and at 'em ! aidan : come on . we have n't got time for that , fred . we can buy whatever we need . fred : no , no , we do n't buy anything . we live off the bounty of the closet . aidan : you 're a reverend . you know what they say . the proclamation will provide . fred : you know , half of what you say does n't even make sense . aidan : that 's because you do n't know the codes . look , consider me your tutor . and you 're already slow . you 're behind . come on , let 's go . let 's go . [ knock on door ] man : fred lomax ? police . open up . fred : whoa . whoa . you must be high up . you got us an escort ! aidan : fred , fred , fred -- shh . they 're not with us . that is the end of the world as we know it in flesh form -- the enemy . listen , i am your friend , and we should protect our friends . you understand ? [ knock ] officer : open up in there . [ scene_break ] jack : kendall , are you all right ? kendall : it 's all up to them . jack : you know , we 're going to be going through several rounds of prospective jurors . same questions , different faces . you do n't have to be here for this . kendall : no , i 'm fine . i 'm fine . alan : just a few more questions . have any of you filed inheritance claims ? mrs. du pres , do you know the defendant ? greenlee : do i ever . judge : you can attest to her character ? greenlee : i detest her character . she convinced me to overlook her personal defects and create a company with her . but once we made it to the top , she turned on me , ripped it away . alan : do you feel you could judge her fairly ? greenlee : if fair means i get to flip the switch at her execution , then fair it is . alan : we accept this juror , your honor . kendall : no , they ca n't do that , can they ? judge : the defendant will refrain from any further outbursts . kendall : i 'm sorry , your honor . i just -- i do n't think that they -- judge : i will not tell you again . livia : mr. larraby , are you familiar with the defendant ? boyd : in theory . i did her dirty work on command . judge : and was she duly grateful ? boyd : she gave me a pat on the head and then a kick in the pants . my good friend kendall . alan : move to excuse this juror , your honor . residual affection for the murderer is evident despite her heartless abuse of his feelings . jack : would you characterize your chances with kendall hart as slim or none ? aidan : too small to calculate , really . besides , i 'm beyond giving a rat 's ass . jack : and why do you say that ? aidan : she 's a walking liability . she 's damaged goods . jack : how exactly did you arrive at that opinion ? aidan : i do n't know . she sees betrayal around every corner . dump or you shall be dumped . that 's what she thinks . she does n't give a damn about anybody else but herself , and she only trusts one person , which is ryan lavery . ryan : i object ! judge : you ca n't object , mr. lavery . ryan : oh . well , then i 'd like it stated for the record that kendall does n't trust me , either . a fortune , a fake belly , and three little words are n't enough . what is it going to take , i ask you ? judge : ms. kane , is it true that your daughter is incapable of trust ? erica : your honor , i know where this is going , and if it please the court , i 'm not having any . jack , please do n't let them put this back on me . jack : erica , erica , it 's -- it 's all right . the court knows that the blame lies with kendall here . erica : that 's right . i mean , maybe the adoption left a hole in her heart , maybe my later rejections hurt or confused her , but , my god , grow up already . i mean , how many times can you say , `` my mommy made me do it `` without boring even you ? livia : ms. saunders , you 're confident you can be completely objective in this case ? mia : absolutely . i 'm simply an observer , but i observed as kendall devoured aidan like an all - you - can - eat buffet and then picked her teeth with his bones . and contrary to previous claims , she did n't pay the tab , let alone leave a tip . simone : we would have backed kendall up , held her hand , but she would n't give us a chance . so as far as i 'm concerned , god better help her because we 're off the clock . [ scene_break ] jack : your honor , both the defense and the prosecution unanimously accept this panel . judge : you 'll render your verdict only on the evidence introduced and in accordance with the instructions of this court , so help you god . jack : well , i think we 've impaneled a hell of a good jury here and you should be relieved . maria : i 'm maria chambers for vh1 satellite radio ' simone : oh , hey . mia : hi . we came to see how kendall 's doing . greenlee : huh . the teflon widow 's fine . she 's zoned out at the table like she 's too poor for words . simone : hmm . well , i guess that 's one way to deal . greenlee : you might want to take a lesson . mia : me ? why ? i have a lock on a superhealthy attitude . greenlee : well , that could change . kendall may actually be pregnant -- with aidan 's child . judge : the panel will reconvene tomorrow in the jury room at 8 : 30 a.m . please remember there are no cell phones or other electronic devices allowed , and please remember to bring your parking vouchers for validation . jack : now , if only juror number four would drop out , alternate one would be an absolute dream . livia : mm - hmm . number ten will never stomach the gorier details . judge : ok , ladies and gentlemen , does the prosecution expect me to hand out a continuance ? alan : no handouts needed , your honor . we have it from the arizona police that the reverend fred lomax is all but in custody . we 're good to go . [ scene_break ] aidan : do or die , fred . fred : that 's what they said at area 51 . aidan : and we know what happened there , do n't we ? fred : chills the soul . aidan : listen , i have learned from you , fred . in order for us to stay in equilibrium , you must now learn from me . fred : truer words , my friend , were never spoken . aidan : no , not that way . the bathroom , the window . it 's part of the path . fred : jump off the path , break your mother 's back . the window it is . officer : reverend lomax , we 're here to -- the bathroom , the bathroom . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , honey , what is it ? what -- what do you see ? bianca : it 's his . it was his . he 's gone , and it 's still here . erica : honey , do n't do this , please . bianca : i can remember the sound that it made when he took it off . erica : no , do n't do this . look , let 's -- we 're going to leave now because this whole place is just evil . i mean , the earth should open and swallow it up . i will burn this place down if i have to . bianca : no , mom , you ca n't do that . erica : you know that i will , and i will . i will do anything for you . bianca : i know , but it wo n't make the memories leave . nothing you do will . it does n't work that way . erica : then you have to put those memories somewhere else . you have to put them somewhere else in your mind where they ca n't touch you as often , where they ca n't hurt you so much . bianca : mom -- erica : come on , let 's just go and forget this place . forget that we were here . just forget it all . ok . let 's go . [ next_on ] bianca : i think i know something . kendall : about michael ? bianca : and the night he disappeared . ryan : at first i was n't really happy to see you , but now i 'm glad you 're here . gives us a chance to settle things . maria : edmund , just squeeze my hand if you can hear me , if you understand me . jack : will you marry me ? | bianca tells lena and maggie that she knows she got a very significant message , in the dream she had the previous night . and there 's something she must find in order to help kendall . kendall 's trial begins . both the prosecution and the defense select and reject jury members . kendall has a `` fantasy `` that all her family and friends turn on her and get selected to the jury to see her fry . |
ryan : scotch , rocks . julia 's voice : one guy even said that `` lavery wo n't last long , because zach can pull the plug on anyone or anything that gets in his way . `` simone : you are so busted . ryan : hey . simone : hey . ryan : what are you guys doing here ? simone : oh , please do n't even pretend to be surprised to see us . ryan : did that seem like i was pretending ? because -- simone : you can lose the poker face , boys . ok , this `` fancy running into you `` was obviously prearranged . ryan : i have no idea what you 're talking about , simone . ethan : not a clue . simone : ok , give me credit for having at least half a brain cell . what are the odds that the anti - zach and zach 's ticked off son just happen to be at zach 's casino at the same time , huh ? hello ? tonight is obviously a zach attack . suck it up and confess . [ scene_break ] kendall : confession time . zach : i thought you were sleeping . kendall : well , i was -- until your inner thunder woke me up . zach : inner thunder , huh ? kendall : mm - hmm . zach : no , ca n't hear anything . you must have been dreaming . kendall : nope , no dream . i was picking up your brain waves . so if there 's any hope for sleep , you 'd better get it off your mind and off your chest . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe , what are you trying to lay on me ? babe : j.r. , you do n't know me . j.r. : who knows you better than i do ? babe : mama is the only person on this planet who knows me deep down to my soul . now , if she 's gone -- if she does n't come back , i 'm going to be all alone for the rest of my life , wherever i go . j.r. : krystal 's going to come back . and so is my dad . brooke , opal , joe -- i know it seems like everybody 's disappeared like in one of those ufo movies . babe : j.r. , you 're really not getting this . j.r. : what ? that you 're so scared you can hardly swallow ? i do get it . babe , together , we can get through this . babe : j.r. , are you really that clueless ? you think that you want me for your wife , but you have no idea how low i can still sink . [ scene_break ] amanda : how would i know anything about all these missing people ? tad : i do n't know , but right now , i 'm desperate . i have nowhere to turn , ok ? i 've got to find my family . i 've got to find jamie 's family . so is there anything , anything at all that you can tell me ? di : even if you think it 's not important , amanda , we need to know . jamie : if amanda knew something , she would have told us already . tad : i 'm not so sure about that , jamie . amanda : oh , my god . you think i 'm some nut case that made five people disappear ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] opal : that 's me . that -- that 's my cell phone . that 's -- that 's probably petey . he 's calling me . he 's probably just worried sick about me . or else he needs me to post bail . joe : who 's out there ? krystal : let us out ! opal : yeah . we got adam chandler here ! he 's more loaded than all the rest of us put together ! krystal : i 'll give you his pin number ! opal : yeah ! adam : stop the screeching . you out there -- if you ca n't let us out now , maybe you could give us another whiff of that goofy gas . a blasted prisoner is a happy prisoner . we could just sit here and drool until your ransom demands are met . krystal : oh , look at you . one drug buzz , instant junkie . adam : trust you to get it wrong . i 'm trying to engage our captor . opal : yeah . draw the critter in . i saw this once on a `` columbo `` episode where there was this magician , and -- brooke : excuse me , everyone , but am i the only one who 's gleaned from the silence that the `` critter `` has come and gone ? [ scene_break ] janet : balloons free balloons . have a balloon . have a whole bunch . you look like you could use a lift . jonathan : you again . another costume -- how -- how is this happening ? oh , god . oh , no . no , maybe it 's not . maybe -- maybe the balloon person is n't real . maybe i made you up . janet : greetings and hallucinations -- has such a nicer snap to it , do n't you think , than `` greetings and salutations `` ? oh . the silent treatment . i see . you know , in the loony bin , they call that `` catatonia . `` riddle me this , jonathan -- if i do n't exist , how can i make you do this ? [ when janet pops a balloon with a pin , jonathan jumps . ] janet : ha ! a true catatonic would n't even have blinked an eye even if i stuck him with the needle . no , my friend , you do n't have the chops to pull off catatonia . that 's all right , though . you do n't really even have to audition to go back into the fish factory and the cracker farm . god knows , you 're going to become a psych ward lifer if you do n't start listening to me . [ scene_break ] adam : i want you all to listen very carefully for our captor 's return . then let me do the talking . i will open negotiations toward a resolution that satisfies all parties . joe : well , sounds good , adam -- if we 're dealing with the diplomatic corps . brooke : yeah , but not so helpful if we 're dealing with your garden - variety maniac . adam : even maniacs have objectives . krystal : yeah , spoken by one who knows . opal : well , now , i -- i got to go with adam on this one . i really think that this has got to be some kind of a ransom scheme . [ a loud noise erupts as the truck begins to sink in the soft mud . ] brooke : oh ! opal : oh ! krystal : ok , now the cargo 's shifting . opal : oh . [ scene_break ] tad : amanda , i 'm not necessarily accusing you . amanda : right , you just barge in here and act like i 'm some scary , crazy serial killer . janet 's voice : and after everything i 've done for you lately , i just could n't stand it if you thought your mom did anything wrong . jamie : way to go , dad . you got her all shaken up . di : amanda , no one 's calling you a serial killer . and anyway , who said anybody was dead ? tad : amanda , i watched you grow up . as far as i 'm concerned , you 're still the sweet little kid that used to give puppet shows and ran around town setting records for wheelies on your bike . but you 're also the sweet little girl that got unfairly saddled with a bunch of dysfunctional parental garbage . amanda : you 're talking about my mom . where did that come from ? jamie : no , you need to back off , dad . amanda : you think i 'm sick like her ? tad : i do n't think anything . i 'm just asking . amanda : asking what , ok ? people are missing . tad : i know , amanda . not just people . people i love . amanda : so what ? i went to pop a wheelie and then pull a multiple kidnapping ? what hooks me to any of this ? di : your anger . amanda , you got a big hate on for the world , especially for the corner that includes j.r. and babe . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe the skank , babe the cheat , babe the liar , babe who slept with my brother , who lied about my son being dead . ran off with little a. oh , i 've seen the worst of you , babe , and you 've seen the worst of me . but we 've trudged through that garbage and here we are . which is where ? what are you trying to tell me ? that you have one more lie for the stockpile ? one more con for old times ' sake ? what piece of nasty are you waiting to tell me this time ? babe : all the ugly things that you did to me -- the lies , the threats , the putdowns -- everything you did to try to keep me from my son -- i sucked it up . i tried to stay reasonable and patient , but there were times , j.r. , that i just wanted to rip your heart out . j.r. : tell me something i do n't know . [ scene_break ] ethan : well , if i did have a plan for this evening , it was only to celebrate my engagement to my beautiful fiancée . simone : mmm , yes . and you choose the place to party , the one that your father owns , so that you can flaunt your beautiful fiancée and our happiness in front of his stone - cold face . ethan : that 's a bonus , but -- simone : hmm . ethan : i did n't arrange to meet ryan here . simone : ok , so that 's ethan 's story , and he 's obviously sticking to it . so , what 's your excuse for being here ? [ scene_break ] zach : nothing 's keeping me awake . i just do n't need much sleep . kendall : uh - huh . so you 're not haunted by rem - stealing demons ? zach : uh - uh . i 'm mostly demon - free . i 'm content . kendall : content is the best you can do ? zach : i 'm -- happy ? would that make you happy , if i were happy ? kendall : yes , very happy . kendall : very happy and surprised . very surprised . because you are so not the man i thought i married when i married you to avoid falling in love . and who knew ? zach slater , mr. fair and open - minded . not zach slater , mr . controlling and manipulative . your reality beats the rep any day . you really are one of the good guys . zach : do n't get carried away . kendall : well , i am carried away , and i love it . you 're the only person in my life who did n't freak out or lecture me when the truth came i mean , everyone -- they gave me dirty looks and outrage and whispers . you did n't even ask me why i used my own egg , which makes you one amazing man . zach : kendall , stop . stop . kendall : what is it ? what did i do ? zach : i 'm nobody 's hero . not even yours . kendall : yes , but you love me , so that makes you my hero . zach : i do love you . no , it does n't make me heroic or noble . i was against the surrogacy from the very beginning , and i made no secret of it . i did n't want you carrying ryan and greenlee 's baby , and i would have done anything to stop you , anything -- except telling you the one thing that would have stopped you . because i thought i could keep ryan 's secret and keep you and your friend safe at the same time . well , that did n't work , did it ? my arrogance blew things up right in my face . kendall : wait a minute -- your arrogance blew up ? i do n't understand . zach : it does n't matter . it 's done now . kendall : yeah , it does matter . it matters to me . you lied again . [ scene_break ] ryan : i am not the anti - zach . simone : hmm . not much , you 're not . ethan : that 's a compliment . ryan : even still , he would n't even be a blip on my radar if he did n't happen to be hanging out with the woman who 's carrying my child . simone : so you 're hanging around his casino for what to accomplish exactly ? hmm ? ryan : let me ask you two something . what does the expression `` pull the plug `` mean to you ? simone : you 're going to kill zach ? ryan : no , i am not finished . just stay with me for a second here . `` pull the plug `` -- what does that mean to you ? the first thing that pops to your head . simone : uh -- scrap the project , fire the moron , drop the whole ad campaign . ethan : detach the brain - dead patient from life support ? i do n't know . simone : oh . ryan : ok , ok . so take that and go one step further . picture those words coming out of slater 's mouth . simone : oh , my -- you just gave me chills up and down my spine . how do you know that your source was on the level ? ryan : um -- trust , i guess , and the fact that the source has got no reason to lie . ethan : so you think your name had something to do with zach 's pull - the - plug comment ? ryan : indirectly , yes , i do . ethan : ok . go with me here , all right ? slater , casinos , vegas , vaults full of cash -- some of it dirty . guys , experts in kneecap demolition , the many uses of wet cement . simone : oh , my god . zach is in the mob ? ethan : shh . simone : zach is -- oh , my god ! ethan : there could be a connection , ok ? mob boss , casino boss -- it 's not exactly a quantum leap . simone : ethan -- i mean , zach can be a lot of things , mostly bad . i mean , a mob thing ? i mean , it 's obviously a theory . you do n't have any proof . ethan : not yet . simone : oh , ryan , you 're not seriously up on this gangster angle ? i mean , come on . zach sitting in the back office ringing up hit men ? ryan : truthfully , i can think of other theories that are probably more likely on why zach would pull the plug . ethan : mm - hmm . yeah , and he does n't mean the ring around the bathtub , either . ryan : well , we should check it out . ethan : i agree . simone : oh , god . do i even want to know ? [ scene_break ] kendall : you just told me you were demon - free , and you lied . you got a whole chorus of demons dancing around in your head . zach : i told you i was mostly demon - free . kendall : you would have a spa day with my mother before you 'd ever admit to having any regrets . zach : regrets are a waste of time . they do n't change anything . you ca n't go back . kendall : not even if you wanted to ? right a wrong , or correct a mistake ? zach : life will play out the way it plays out . and the power i have to change the course of human events is very limited . kendall : you changed the course of my life , starting new year 's eve . zach : well , that was different . that was love . pure love . the kind of love you have for greenlee . and your determination to carry this child for her -- i -- only divine intervention could have stopped that . kendall : well , it tried to the night of the blackout . so i had to improvise . zach : yeah . you have an iron will , an amazing heart , and a powerful spirit . kendall : thank you for noticing my finer qualities . now if i could only get you to notice your own . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe , i always knew that you were fire in a pretty package . how do you think i found you on that pier in san diego ? the heat , the sparks . but i also knew that you had a red - hot temper and a spine made of titanium . you do n't take any crud from anyone . and after all the junk that i put you through , you have every right to go ballistic on me . but i 've also seen you pull back . i 've seen you turn the other cheek . babe : huh . i am not that nice . j.r. : the night that i announced that i was taking little adam out of the country , i canceled your visitation , i told you you were n't going to get a glimpse of your son until i raised him to be the man that i wanted him to be . that night i stumbled out of that bar drunk -- you must have wanted to kill me . or pray that i wrapped my car around a tree . but somehow , you got past it . and damn it , babe , if you did n't try to save my life . when i would n't give you those car keys , and i plowed into amanda , you could have ratted me off to derek for vehicular assault , extreme dui . i mean , revenge could n't have been much sweeter . but you did n't take it . and i know you did n't take it , because you 're weak or wimpy or soft or some kind of saint . i know you must have fantasized about trying to put me in prison or thought for a second about putting me there . you did n't pick revenge . and the more you pulled back , the closer we got . babe : you 're not getting it . you are not hearing me . i 'm talking about something that 's way bigger than just one night . j.r. , i am trying to tell you that you were right about me . j.r. : babe , come on . [ scene_break ] amanda : you 're not right about me . i 'm not pure evil . jamie : do you have any evidence that amanda pushed babe down the stairs , poisoned the chandler 's food , kidnapped the baby ? tad : she 's made threats . di : she went off on me at the hospital . amanda : well , that 's because you 're against me . you all are . except jamie . and i actually really care about him , ok ? why would i torture him by taking his mom and his grandparents ? jamie : that 's a good question . amanda : even if i wanted them to disappear -- which i do n't and never have -- do i look like david copperfield to you ? five people missing . how would i even begin to do that vanishing act ? tad : drugs . di : hmm . tad : you 've already dabbled in pharmaceuticals . di : maybe your friendly neighborhood drug dealer down at the mall running a special on mickeys this week . amanda : this is outrageous . tad : no . it 's unfortunate . but it 's not too late to fix it . amanda , if you 've done anything over the top , we can still turn this thing around . if you need help , i swear to god , i 'll make sure you get it . but -- all you got to do is talk to us . just get it off your chest . i promise you , you 'll feel better . amanda : oh , my god -- jamie , please tell them i did n't do anything . i mean , he 's not going to take it from me . not janet from another planet 's daughter . please tell him i did n't do anything bad . jamie : hey , hey -- you need to back off , dad . amanda 's telling the truth . tad : so , where does that leave us ? di : back to our original suspect ? maybe jonathan lavery is to blame , after all . amanda : oh , my god . of course he is . how could you think anything else ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : leave me alone . janet : now , my dear friend , why would that be constructive ? jonathan : you are either part of -- of the tumor that the doctors did n't get out or you 're just a very , very strange person that dresses in weird costumes and trying to make me believe that i -- i did these horrible things . janet : killing edmund grey ? killing your brother braden ? oh , come on , even you have to admit -- those were not exactly golden deeds . jonathan : i was sick then . i 'm well now . janet : you know how they say that if you think you 're insane , you 're probably sane ? should n't the reverse really be true that if you 're thinking you are sane , you are -- oh ! -- mad as a march hare ? jonathan : i know i 'm not crazy . i 'm not crazy . janet : ah , here we go , right down the rabbit hole . now , listen , jonathan , i know -- i know , jonathan , that the road you are on is rough , and it 's treacherous . and i know that the journey -- this transition that you are trying to make is full of peril and disappointment . believe me , i am with you . i feel your pain , jonathan . jonathan : no , i want you to go away now . janet : it 's my mission to make sure you get there safely . just consider me your personal sherpa . jonathan : i do n't want a sherpa . i do n't want any of that . i -- i just want you to leave me alone . janet : halt ! this is not play school . this is war , mister . and either you start following orders or people are going to start to die ! [ scene_break ] brooke : ah ! opal : whoa , nellie ! krystal : we 're -- we 're stuck in a sinkhole . adam : no , do n't -- do n't try to stay still . [ creaking ] adam : no , no . brooke : no , no ! joe : do n't do it . brooke : you do n't want to do that . i know what we 're sinking into . i 've felt it before . it 's not a sinkhole . opal : i 'm afraid to ask . brooke : quicksand . [ scene_break ] j.r. : ok , sit down . i know what 's got you all worked up . our relationship has been a battlefield . we should hate each other , but we do n't . we 're still standing . and we 're in love in such an amazing way . babe : j.r. , i know that you love me . i can feel it , and i can see it in your eyes . you 're exactly where i wanted you when i was going to -- winifred : excuse me . oh , little a had a bad dream , and he 's calling for his mommy . babe : i 'm here , sweet boy . winifred : oh , go see your -- oh . babe : come here . it 's ok , buddy . nothing can harm you , not while your daddy and i are here . oh , sugar . [ scene_break ] krystal : ok , ok . ok , everybody -- everybody just freeze , freeze in place or it is final checkout time . [ creaking ] opal : yeah , well , if brooke says we 're stuck in quicksand , it 's final checkout time whether we stay still or do a breakdance . joe : the less we move , the more time we have . brooke : joe 's right . do n't move and do n't panic . adam : well , i do n't know about the rest of you , but i plan on getting out of here alive , if only to keep krystal 's daughter from sinking her fangs into my son again . krystal : would you listen to you ? my baby doll is the one who needs protecting . brooke : somehow i doubt that . krystal : oh , brooke . everybody thinks you 're so smart , but i just do n't see it . opal : watch it , flooze - a - girl . you are way outmatched and outclassed . krystal : you look down your nose at my daughter when you -- if you had the brains that god gave a flea , you would realize that she was the best thing that ever happened to your jamie , and she still is . jamie is living his dream because of babe . adam : so babe is in love with jamie ? you admit that she 's deceiving my son ? krystal : i said no such thing . opal : oh , even if she did , the hussy 's word is n't worth a plugged nickel . joe : come on , folks . is sniping at each other really the best use of our time ? opal : anybody want their palms read ? [ the truck creaks as it sinks deeper and deeper . ] [ scene_break ] tad : amanda , i 'm sorry . amanda : you should be . tad : i did n't mean to upset you . obviously grilling you was a mistake . amanda : i 've done stupid things , tad , but i do n't abduct people . tad : yeah , ok , i get that . but you have to understand something -- i 'm grasping at straws here . i 'm stumped , and i 'm scared . amanda : i know what that 's like . tad : yeah , after all , half of my family is missing , including krystal and adam , and none of it makes any sense . di : makes sense to somebody . jamie : yeah , somebody completely crazy . di : but crazy like -- like a fox , smart . tad : no . more than that -- they 're brilliant . we 're talking about an ingenious multitasker here , somebody who 's great with details , with plotting , with planning , seeing the big picture , tearing it down and putting it back together like some kind of jigsaw puzzle . amanda ? something just clicked for you . what was it ? [ scene_break ] janet : it 's just past the right - hand shoulder . you ca n't miss it . jonathan : no , no , i 'm not -- not listening to you . janet : you have to listen to me . jonathan , you must hurry because you are going to prevent a terrible tragedy . jonathan : bad things happened when i did what braden told me to do . janet : i 'm not braden . i 'm not even related to you . now , come on , get going . repeat the directions . where do you need to go ? jonathan : what i need to do is tell ryan that i 'm -- i 'm having hallucinations . janet : no , you idiot ! no ! what you need to do is go to willow lake ! that 's what you need to do because this is life and death now , jonathan . you do not have time to go get ryan . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] ryan : the tab is all covered . you guys have fun , ok ? ethan : pretty fast and loose with your cash now , lavery . ryan : i just put it on my expense account . thank you very much . do n't let him stay out too late . i got to go . see you . simone : ooh . i love it when you guys get all james bond -- not , actually . i learned when i was a journalist that -- ethan : you were a journalist ? simone : yeah . ethan : i had no idea . simone : well , there 's a lot of things that you do n't know about me . ethan : such as ? simone : well , for one , you 're not the only one who has father issues . my issues with my father probably could fill up a psych textbook . in fact , by this time , they probably have . it 's my father 's specialty . he would shrink me into his version of what he wanted me to be , and then when i would n't live up to it , he would freeze me out . yeah . and i would go looking for daddy in all the wrong men . you learn . but i -- i gave him way , way too much power over me , which is why i get why you 're obsessed with zach . ethan : i 'm not obsessed with my father . not even close . why would i want to waste my time thinking about zach when the beautiful lady in front of me commands my full attention ? simone : hmm . that 's a very nice save . hmm . but seriously -- ethan : seriously . i said i 'm letting my father go , and i am . i am . but it 's a process , you know ? it 's not going to happen overnight . simone : i just want you to be happy . ethan : i am . i 'm happy right now planning a future with you , speaking of which -- any ideas on a wedding date ? simone : yeah -- ah . um -- well , i was thinking march 20 , first day of spring . you know , the robins singing in their nests , the violets waking up from their winter 's nap . the days are longer , the sun is warmer . i always thought there was something lucky about the first day of spring unless , of course , punxsutawney phil has his say . yeah , they can throw rice at my wedding , but snowballs would be a big bummer . ethan : i 'll -- i 'll call the wedding planner , no snowballs . simone : ok , good . yeah , ok , just make sure it 's bright , blue , sunny , shiny days . ethan : you know , it 's always sunny somewhere on the globe . we could -- we could get the cambias jet . we can put all our friends on it . we could go to anywhere -- australia , st. barts -- wherever you want to go , really anywhere . simone : really ? ethan : yes , really . simone : oh , good . then we can , like , send them off , so that we can start our hot honeymoon ? ethan : yes . simone : yeah ? singer : no more life inside [ scene_break ] kendall : you going ? zach : i 'll be back in a while . kendall : where ? zach : casino . taking care of business . [ scene_break ] [ carrying a flashlight , ryan breaks into zach 's dark office and begins looking around . ] [ scene_break ] tad : i saw it -- you made some kind of connection . what happened ? amanda : i do n't know anything . tad : you do n't have to know anything . if you got a feeling , an inkling , anything , just tell us what it is . jamie : yeah , even if it feels wrong completely whacked . di : amanda , it 's just we 've got nothing to go on . tad : please . this is my mother and my father . help me . [ phone rings ] tad : hang on , hang on . what is it ? [ scene_break ] babe : oh . ah , you are my life , sweet boy . you know that ? i would do anything for you . i would lie , cheat -- and kill . i would give up my life for you . [ phone rings ] j.r. : hello ? palmer : any news ? j.r. : say again ? yeah , of course . i 'm on my way . babe : j.r. , please tell me it 's something good . palmer : what is it ? j.r. : tad got a hit on joe 's cell phone . they 've tracked it down . babe : good luck . palmer : wait for me . babe : oh , god . i almost lost you . [ scene_break ] [ opal screams and sinks to the floor as the truck creaks and leans to one side . ] opal : if anybody gets out of here alive , tell palmer i loved him . scoundrel that he is , i loved him to the bitter end . adam : brooke ? i 'm sorry for being a faithless husband . brooke : well , look at it this way , adam . if you had n't cheated , j.r. would have never been born . i would n't have divorced you and never had jamie . [ creaking ] brooke : so we had that much to be grateful for . jonathan : is anybody in there ? joe : yes , yes ! opal : ah . joe : we 're here . adam : we 're trapped in here ! opal : help ! krystal : somebody locked us in . joe : and we 're sinking ! opal : help ! brooke : get us out of here ! opal : help ! please ! joe : please ! [ jonathan grunts as he tries unsuccessfully to open the truck 's door then runs off . ] opal : hello ? brooke : do n't stop ! joe : are you there ? opal : oh , my god . adam : who 's there ? where did he go ? hello ! [ creaking ] krystal : maybe he was n't trying to help us . janet : jonathan , you incompetent moron . now all these people are going to die . [ scene_break ] [ kendall gets out of bed , dresses , and leaves her condo . ] [ scene_break ] [ sitting at zach 's desk , ryan peruses through his appointment book and notices a highlight on the 20th . ryan : why only this date , zach ? what is so special about this day ? [ looking under the desk , ryan uncovers a puzzling sheet full of numbers , while zach approaches . ] [ scene_break ] babe : your daddy was so sweet today . he was just like he used to be . and mommy got so close to telling him the truth . but then i just could n't , because i knew he would n't understand , and i would lose you for good . you know you 're mommy 's sweet , sweet angel . i ca n't lose you . and i ca n't lose mama , either . [ scene_break ] di : you 're ok ? amanda : aside from being accused of mass murder , peachy . actually , i am kind of foggy on one thing . di : what 's that ? amanda : you jerked jamie 's family around for months , posing as a dead woman everyone loved ? they trashed you . di : mm - hmm . amanda : but now you 're one of the good guys , back on the martin side ? disaster strikes , and you 're on the clean team . i am the prime suspect . exactly how does that work ? di : i 'm not sure that it does . amanda : where are you , mom ? you always pick up for me , always . call me as soon as you get this , ok , wherever you are . [ scene_break ] [ creaking ] [ opal whimpers ] krystal : you know , i 'm -- i 'm saying this without the benefit of goofy gas , but for what it 's worth -- opal : oh , no . please do n't -- krystal : you were great in the sack . adam : you were n't so bad yourself . [ opal cries ] [ creaking ] krystal : oh ! opal : oh ! brooke : oh ! hey , hey , hey ! opal : get us out of here ! adam : get us out of here . [ yelling ] joe : get us out ! brooke : hurry ! opal : please ! [ as janet hides in the bushes , jonathan returns with a rope and tries again to open the back of the truck . ] tad : what the hell are you doing ? [ next_on ] mirror image ( to janet ) : you getting a giggle out of this ? well , i got news for you , dim bulb -- you 're the punch line . krystal : we 're going to be ok . jonathan ( to j.r. , adam , and tad ) : look up there . the rope 's fraying -- it 's not going to last much longer . adam : j.r. ! j.r. : do n't move ! if you do , we 're all dead . | the kidnapped people in the truck are afraid they 're going to die when janet drives the truck into quicksand . janet persuades jonathan to go and `` save `` them . at the same time , tad , jamie and jr are able to figure out where joe 's cell phone is coming from and they find them and catch jonathan at the scene of the crime and ask him what he 's doing . amanda is able to figure out that it 's highly likely that her mother is the one who is responsible for the disappearance of the five people , although she does not admit it to jamie or to tad . ryan , ethan and simone are privately investigating zach . zach still wants to be with kendall and exclude ryan from the picture and ryan returns those feelings about him . |
tad : you 're going to sit there and tell me you did n't find our evening at the philharmonic inspiring ? liza : no , i did n't . tad : you 're lying . liza : no . but the night with you was kind of magical . tad : well -- liza : mmm . tad : it 's getting kind of late . liza : yes , it is . and , uh , well , i would invite you back to my place , but would you believe my heat is out ? it 's kind of like an igloo in there . tad : well , there 's nothing wrong with the heat in my house . i mean , the man cave is n't exactly the most romantic place in the world -- liza : no , but it sounds kind of perfect actually . tad : yeah ? liza : yeah . [ scene_break ] krystal : ah , well , glad we finally made it to that movie . rob : we 'll have to do it again . soon . krystal : yeah . you know , um , it looks like everybody 's gone to bed , so -- we could have a nightcap . or -- ha ! it 's obvious i have n't done this in a long time . rob : i had a great time , but i should get going . big meeting tomorrow . krystal : oh , that 's right . that 's right . you have to go over the designs for the cafe . rob : i want to be prepared . i 've got thing for the owner . krystal : well , then good night it is . ha ha . bye . [ knock on door ] rob : that was nice . krystal : yeah , yeah , it sure was . rob : but i think i can do better . [ rob kisses krystal ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : are you ok ? marissa : um -- no , i am definitely not ok . j.r. : what happened ? marissa : uh , david . he admitted everything . and now i finally see what everyone has been telling me all all along . my father is a monster . [ scene_break ] david : i came by to tell you and jake that i 'm sorry . amanda : jake . [ jake begins punching david out ] jake : no . it 's his turn . what 's up , dave ? welcome to our house , dave . that 's right . how does it feel , huh ? huh ? amanda : ok , jake ! jake : you like hurting people ? stop it . do you ? do you like it ? amanda : ok , ok , baby , stop ! jake : do you like how it feels when you hurt people ? amanda : jake ! [ scene_break ] natalia : coffee , black , please . brot : make that two . natalia : i 'm beat . brot : well , you can always go home and take a nap if you 're too tired . natalia : nice try , but i think that this caffeine will give me a second wind . i 'm gon na nail this guy . brot : i 'll tell you , natalia , whoever this guy is he 's pretty risky . i mean , come on , one break - in after another . natalia : right . well , you 'd think he 'd change it up , but no , he stays with the same thing every time . i mean , he breaks in , the alarm goes off , we get there , he 's gone . police dispatcher over radio : we have a burglar alarm at 3900 glenview road . repeat , 3900 glenview road . natalia : that 's wildwind . let 's roll . come on . [ scene_break ] marissa : i 've been so stupid , enough to think that i was special . you know , i 'm his daughter , he would n't hurt me . j.r. : well , unfortunately in david 's twisted world , everyone 's fair game . marissa : he 's not dying . he faked the whole thing knowing what i had been through with my adoptive parents , and knowing what we 're going through , and he knew that trevor was n't his son . i just -- i just do n't understand . j.r. : you started having doubts when we were waiting on trevor 's dna results . i mean , after everything that david 's pulled , this ca n't really surprise you . marissa : it does n't . j.r. : then what do n't you understand ? marissa : how can i still care about david ? what is wrong with me ? j.r. : there 's nothing wrong with you . you 're always gon na feel that way because he 's your father . it 's the same thing with adam . you want to love him because you have that connection . marissa : but i ca n't . j.r. : then do n't . fight it . take it from me , if you love your father too much , it 'll ruin your life . [ scene_break ] amanda : jake , please stop ! [ jake stops strangling david ] amanda : do n't . do n't apologize . do n't thank me . i was not defending you . i will never defend you again . you 're not dying , are you , dave ? david : no . amanda : you know , that 's how we found out . we never would have even tested trevor 's dna if you had n't lied about being sick . your own scheme screwed you up . david : i just came by to tell you that -- amanda : just stop . do n't . just leave . you have nothing here . [ david stumbles out ] jake : he needs to suffer . he needs to suffer like we did . amanda : he will . he has nothing and no one . he 's going to spend the rest of his pathetic life alone and miserable . jake : that 's not enough . amanda : so you want to beat him to death ? jake : yeah . amanda : jake , why ? why does it matter if david is alive or not , you know ? i hope i never see him again , but if we do , who cares ? we are done with him . jake : do you honestly think that he came here to apologize ? do you believe that ? that bastard has been controlling our life for months . he has no intention of backing off . he wants to stay right in the middle of our life . that 's what he wants to do . he wants to stay in it and battle us for as long as he possibly can . amanda : well , you keep the battle going by hitting him . he could call the cops or get a lawyer . jake : so i 'll call the cops . i 'll get a lawyer . i can sue him . i should sue him . i 'm gon na sue him for damages that he caused this family . i am . i 'm gon na sue him . amanda : jake , please , just let this go . please . jake : how am i supposed to let it go ? how are we supposed to let it go ? i do n't understand that . we need to stand up for ourselves . we need to show the world what this guy is made out of and what he did to us . amanda , as far as i am concerned , he raped you . amanda : i really just want this all to be over with . jake : so do i , so do i . that 's -- that 's why he has to go away for good . [ scene_break ] tad : i think everybody 's asleep . liza : oh , this brings back memories . you and me , sneaking around in the dark , right ? then all of a sudden we 'd be in there , pop , the lights would go on , and we would -- oh . [ liza and tad walk in on krystal and rob making out on the couch ] [ scene_break ] [ alarm blares then stops ] natalia : there 's nobody here . the house looks fine . brot : our guy changed his m.o . he jimmied the lock on the front door instead of a broken window . hey , take a look at this . natalia : melted snow . brot : perp took a look around before he left . natalia : but did n't take anything . brot : it 's a brand - new computer . he had to have walked right by it . natalia : yeah , this is officer fowler with cadet monroe . i 'm at 3900 glenview investigating a break in . we need a fingerprint specialist over here . police dispatcher over radio : copy that . [ scene_break ] krystal : hi . rob and i came back from the movie , and we turned on the news . i guess we just fell asleep . tad : yeah , and when you were asleep , your lips fell , and they slipped and fell all over his face . and i guess -- i guess it was mama that came downstairs and turned the television off . krystal : ok , ok , so what about you two tiptoeing around ? tad : no , no , it was n't like that . listen , no , the heat 's off in liza 's building , and i thought she could crash on the couch , which is clearly not gon na happen because it 's ocupado . krystal : oh , well , no . you know what , the couch is yours . i do n't know about the rest of you , but i 'm actually feeling a little bit beat right now . rob : walk me out ? krystal : yeah , come on . rob : ok . tad : ha ha ! krystal : sorry . liza , no , it 's ok . i am so sorry . rob : do n't be . i like going out with you . it 's never dull . krystal : see you tomorrow . rob : all right . krystal : are you kidding me ? come on , now . who are you trying to fool here ? liza : no , really . my heat is off . krystal : oh , ok . liza : it is . krystal : a drop of truth in an ocean of lies . tad : oh , please , what do you expect ? you honestly want us to believe that you and frank lloyd lipstick fell asleep watching the news ? give me a break . krystal : it 's -- what 's -- [ phone rings ] tad : hang on . liza : ahem . tad : yeah , amanda , what 's up ? amanda : it 's jake . david dropped by our place . your brother beat the crap out of him . tad : well , after what david pulled with trevor , what do you expect ? amanda : i thought this was all over . jake took one look at david , and he went nuts . tad : where are they now ? amanda : david left . i tried to get jake to drop it , but he took off . tad : i 'll find him . do n't worry . liza : what 's going on ? tad : well , apparently jake had it out with hayward all over again . you do know your wife is worried about you ? [ jake walks in and slams the door ] jake : well , she 's not the one who should be worried . tad : oh , come on , jake , look . sounds like you got a couple of good shots in . trevor 's your biological son . why do n't you just forget about it . it 's over . jake : i 'm not gon na forget about it . it 's not over till that son of a bitch is gone . tad : look , why do n't you sit down and relax . i 'll get us a couple of beers -- jake : we need to get rid of hayward . [ scene_break ] david : i assume jake martin called you . what did he accuse me of this time ? natalia : no . nobody called us . your burglar alarm went off , and the intruder broke your lock . david : great . brot : what happened to your face ? david : i ran into a wall . clumsy me , huh ? listen , is this gon na take long ? natalia : we need you to take a look around , see if there 's anything missing . david : all right , fine . look , why do n't i call you later , all right ? are we through here ? natalia : anything ? policeman : just a partial . no help . police dispatcher over radio : all units , we have a stolen vehicle report , 300 river road . natalia : roger . brot : is n't that the chandlers ' mansion ? natalia : yeah . we got to go . i 'll be expecting a call . david : right . [ scene_break ] j.r. : when you 're a kid , you look at your parents with this awe , like they 're superheroes . but in the end , you realize that they 're just human like everyone else . marissa : why are you saying that ? i should forgive david ? j.r. : for being human ? sure . for being evil ? never . marissa : i hope i never stop looking up to you . j.r. : well , you have n't bailed on me yet , so i 'm thinking there 's a pretty good chance . [ j.r. and marissa kiss ] [ scene_break ] [ david dresses his facial wounds , then picks up his picture of trevor and tears up ] [ scene_break ] tad : look , just forget about hayward , ok ? move on . jake : i was in my house . with my wife . and we 're putting our son down for the night . my son . it 's the first moment we are a real family . and there 's a knock on the door . who do you think it is ? it 's him pretending that he 's there to apologize . but that 's not at all why he 's there . he 's there to show me that he is really still right in the middle of our life , that he is willing and able to take my family apart . tad : you got to stay calm . jake : do n't tell me to stay calm ! you want to help me ? tell me how to take this anger and this hatred and do something with it , how to fight with that . tad : do me a favor . go find amanda . tell her that he is here and that everything will be ok , all right ? krystal : ok . tad : so i guess we 're just , well , gon na have to wait to finish this until you cool off . jake : oh , no . i was cool . brother , i was cool when he had the asinine idea of asking my wife to have another child with him . i was cool when i found out they actually had sex . i was cool when i found out he told the whole town that he 's got six months to live . and you know what ? it made us think that trevor might be sick , he might die . is that ok ? is any of this ok ? are you kidding me ? i 'm done being that guy ! i 'm done being cool ! tad : so what do you want to do , kill david ? jake : yeah . but i 'm not doing that . you need to tell me what to do , ok ? you need to tell me how to take him down some other way . i 'm gon na drag his ass through court . i 'm gon na -- whatever i have to do . civil court ? is that the way to do it ? so i can put him up there for the whole world to see all the heinous things that he has done to every single person in this town . you need to tell me how to do that . liza : jake , seriously , is that really what you want to do ? do you want to put amanda through some long , drawn - out legal battle ? tad : no . he wants to use the threat to drive hayward out of pine valley . [ scene_break ] [ while music plays , j.r. and marissa make love ] singer : never give in heaven every day i try nothing can change me i see each day in our new life overwhelmed and unprepared i never thought that i 'd be standing here i 'm trembling she 's everything she 's my everything she 's my everything [ scene_break ] colby : i was getting ready for bed when all of a sudden i heard my car start . natalia : and you parked your car right here ? colby : yeah . my dad is always telling me to park it in the garage . i should have listened . brot : but you 're sure no one borrowed the car ? colby : yes . whoever took it , hotwired it . brot : we 'll get the description and a plate number out right away . colby : well , do you have any idea who might have taken it ? natalia : there have been a lot of break - ins in this area . now , we 're not sure if this one is connected or not . colby : wait . the guy might come back and try and get in the house ? brot : we do n't know that , but just in case , be sure to keep your doors and your windows locked . natalia : yeah , and tell your security team to step it up . police dispatcher over radio : burglar alarm , 500 front street . repeat . 500 front street . brot : that 's confusion . guess our guy 's moved on to bars now . natalia : i got to go . i 'll keep you posted on the car , ok ? colby : oh , but -- [ scene_break ] jake : and then of course there 's blackmail and fraud , importing illegal drugs , false imprisonment . he kept amanda at wildwind under false pretenses . that 's false imprisonment , right ? liza : well , it 's intentional infliction of emotional distress . well , we got quite a list here . jake : good . all right , good . so , now , a civil suit , that 's gon na be easier . am i correct ? liza : yeah . because we do n't have to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt . just preponderance of evidence . in other words , we present enough evidence to the jury that they conclude that the victim 's claims are true . jake : well , good . we got evidence , and we got victims up the ying yang , so hopefully he gets a load of this list , and he hightails it out of town . liza : yeah . i do n't think so . jake : well , if all those charges do n't scare him off , then maybe everybody knowing about the charges will scare him off . liza : listen , there is definitely a case here , but you know , going up against david , it 's not easy , it 's not ever simple , so i 'm just gon na ask you one more time . is this really what you want to do ? jake : he hurts people , he 's been terrorizing people , and it 's gone on long enough . and this time , he 's picked the wrong family . he 's got to be stopped . liza : all right , i will draw up this paperwork . jake : good . just let him know it 's happening tonight , ok ? liza : well , it 's a lot of paperwork , so -- jake : no . i would like him to be gone by tomorrow . liza : look , even if i -- jake : i 'm talking tomorrow . no leeway , no waiting period , nothing like that . either he leaves or this lawsuit goes underway tomorrow morning . liza : all right , i 'm on it . jake : what are you looking at ? tad : nothing . i do n't blame you . i 've been where you are and then some . you have every right to want hayward gone . but then what ? jake : but then what what ? we celebrate . i do n't know , champagne , caviar , whatever . tad : no . it 's a serious question . then what ? let 's say you get your wish . when you spend so much of your life and energy fighting against an enemy like david , eventually that enemy begins to define you . it gives you purpose . if you get him out of the picture , then what 's your plan ? [ scene_break ] amanda : you saw jake ? krystal : yeah , yeah . he is pretty riled up , but i think tad can talk some sense into him . amanda : why is n't jake here with me and trevor ? we have waited so long for this . for -- just to be free . the nightmare is finally over , so where is my husband ? krystal : he is fighting for your family . he is doing what he thinks is right . amanda : oh , i 'm sick of fighting . that is all we 've been doing for months . i just -- i have been so caught up dealing with david , it has n't even really hit me that the man that i love is the father of my baby . that is our dream . that is what we have been wishing for , praying for . so why ca n't jake just forget about revenge and just enjoy it ? krystal : that 's men . when they 're not slaying the dragon , they -- they feel useless . you know , they 're not happy unless they 're in crisis mode . amanda : jake does n't have to be . he is choosing to keep the fight going . krystal : no . what he 's doing , he 's reacting with his heart and not his head , ok ? he 's not gon na rest until he gets rid of david . amanda : that 's the problem . i do n't want him to . i despise david , but i 'm also afraid of him . i am scared of what he will do if jake keeps pushing this . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] david : gayle , hey . how 's our patient doing ? no , i ca n't talk to her right now . just tell greenlee i 'll be there soon . all right . what do you want ? liza : what happened to your door ? david : someone broke in . you 're lucky i did n't -- liza : what , hold a gun to my head ? or were you gon na come up with something else ? it would have been kind of difficult since you 've already committed every crime known to man . david : thanks for the reminder . liza : hmm . david : why are you here ? liza : well , the truth really , which i would have liked a long time ago along with everyone else . david : well , we ca n't always get what we want , liza . liza : no . the truth . huh . truth about that blood disease , the truth about those gifts that you handed out , right ? pretending to be so generous when really you just wanted everyone to squirm , and then telling everyone , especially your own daughter , that you 're terminal when you knew all along you were healthy . david : are you finished ? liza : no . 'cause the worst one of all was trevor . you knew that little boy was jake 's , and you said nothing . huh . when did you actually find out ? i bet you found out right from the beginning . david : no ! it was n't right from the beginning . i only recently found out . long after i 'd fallen in love with him . liza : oh , please . what , was that supposed to make me feel sorry for you ? david : would you give me a break , please ? like you do n't know what it feels like to have a baby ripped from your life . stuart is gone , right ? well , i 'm guessing that the feeling is still there , the love is still there , and it 's killing you inside . my head is pounding , so unless you want to tell me what the hell you 're doing here , just get out . liza : i 'm here to represent jake . i 'm his lawyer . david : great . this day just gets better and better . liza : he 's filing a civil suit against you with complaints a mile long . i 'm sure i do n't have to tell you what 's on there . david : no , you certainly do n't . you can leave now . liza : no , actually i ca n't because this requires a response . david : you want a response ? fine . jake can do whatever the hell he wants . i do n't give a damn anymore . liza : well , that might be true , but why do n't we , i do n't know , explore the options here , see if there 's a way that you can avoid all of this . david : let me guess . they want me to leave pine valley and never come back . [ scene_break ] natalia : so he kicks down the door ? josh : yeah . guy had to be pretty strong . natalia : so the alarm did n't scare him off ? josh : no . he just came right in . natalia : and nothing 's missing , right ? josh : not as far as i can tell . natalia : all right , thanks . we 'll be in touch . once again , our perp breaks in and leaves empty handed . brot : but this time , he left us with something in the parking lot out back . natalia : what is it ? brot : colby 's car . [ scene_break ] marissa : that 's how i 've always been . independent and determined to take care of myself . i never thought that i 'd need someone as much as i need you . j.r. : i 'm here . marissa : but when i say need , i do n't mean because of david , like you have to fill some daddy void . j.r. : ha ha . i know . marissa : but there was a void , you know , this empty space in me that i did n't even know was there until i met you . now that space is filled with love . now i feel whole , strong , and like -- like i can do anything . j.r. : i feel the same way . when i 'm with you , you 're by my side , i 'm not afraid . it 's like everything will be ok . [ door opens ] little adam : daddy ! j.r. : oh , hey , buddy . what 's wrong ? little adam : i had a nightmare you were both gone . j.r. : oh -- well , we 're not going anywhere , you hear me ? we 'll always take care of you . it 'll be the three of us forever . forever . [ scene_break ] jake : taking care of my wife and son . that 's all that matters to me . tad : ok . so we 're back to getting rid of hayward . i 'm right with you on that one . but just remember , as bad as the fight has been with him , he 's been your sole focus for as far back as anybody can remember . jake : i know . it 's huge waste of time and energy . i know . tad : it 's a waste of time , time you ca n't get back . you might want to start thinking about that , before this is over . because when it is , you might start feeling guilty , start thinking of ways to make it up to trevor . that 's exactly the way it was with me and kathy . jake : i 've never seen you happier than when you were with her . tad : yeah , sure , now . but it took us a while to get here . for years , i used to be so upset about the time that i missed , i could n't see what was going on in front of me . i missed the moment . life has taken a lot of things away from you , but it 's also given you a lot . you 've got a son . a son . so you do what you have to to protect the people you love , but do n't let a guy like david hayward keep you from moving forward with your family . [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm still scared . david has always been part of my relationship with jake . every single thing that we ever did was either because of him or in spite of him . so what happens when we can do whatever we want ? you know ? i mean , what happens when we 're not making our moves based on whatever david just threw at us . i know , i know it sounds crazy . but if not having that threat in our face every day , what if it changes us ? and not for the better ? krystal : no . listen , jake 's stronger than that , and so is your love . amanda : it did n't start out that way . we just had a few dates and then broke up . the love came a long time after that . it was all backwards . krystal : well , so what 's wrong with that ? huh ? that 's -- that 's surprising . amanda : i do n't want any more surprises . i just want to be a normal couple , predictable . krystal : well , i 'm sorry , but that just does not exist . love is gon na go where it wants to go . i mean , sometimes it lasts a day . sometimes it lasts a lifetime . and from what i see , you and jake are -- you 're forever . amanda : how do you know that ? krystal : because i have been looking for that kind of love my whole life . i still have n't found it . [ scene_break ] liza : you ca n't stay here , david . why would you even want to ? really ? there 's nothing left for you here . amanda 's never gon na let you see trevor . jake is going to destroy you with this lawsuit . the hospital 's never gon na bring you back , and well , even your own daughter wants you gone . david : so there 's no hope ? liza : what , for your future , here ? yeah , no , definitely not . so if i do n't leave here with a promise that you 're gon na leave , i 'm gon na file this lawsuit first thing in the morning . he 's suing for untold damages . do you understand that ? david : as i said , jake could do whatever he wants . liza : we are offering you a way to leave quietly . do n't make this worse . david : do what you have to , liza . liza : ok . so that means you will consider leaving ? david : it means i want you out of my house . [ liza finishes squinting at david and leaves ] [ scene_break ] brot : you know , colby was right . her car was hotwired . the perp probably took it for a joy ride , then decided to dump it . natalia : a joy ride ? he drove from the chandler mansion to confusion and broke in here . seems like a little more than a joy ride to me . josh : i found some cartons knocked over in the kitchen . some of the cupboards were left open . your guy might have been after some food . brot : you know , i searched the car , and i did find this . natalia : is this u.s. army ? brot : could be marine , but i ca n't tell . but if you look closely -- natalia : that 's blood . brot : whoever this belongs to might have cut himself . singer : you murder every party [ scene_break ] j.r. : i know . i know . we need a bigger place , and we need to remember to lock our bedroom door . marissa : no , that 's not what i was thinking . it 's what you said to little adam . j.r. : i meant every word . marissa : but his nightmare is n't entirely off . one day we will both be gone . j.r. : no , i got a million years . i 'm gon na beat this disease . we 're gon na -- have a long , long happy life as a family . marissa : then it 's time . j.r. : to tell little a about the cancer ? marissa : no . to give him a little brother or sister . i 've seen the way you are with colby , how close you guys are and how you support each other . j.r. : i love her , even when she drives me nuts . marissa : so what do you think ? j.r. : i think we should start trying as soon as i 'm done with the chemo . but until then -- we can have some fun practicing . [ scene_break ] krystal : oh . hey . tad : hey . krystal : where 's jake ? tad : you just missed him . krystal : any luck ? tad : kinda sorta . i think jake 's gon na let the lawyers handle david . how 'd it go with amanda ? krystal : uh , she 'll be ok . tad : huh ? krystal : yeah . i mean , she 's afraid . for so long , the poor girl has been living moment to moment never knowing what 's next , and now she finally has a whole life ahead of her with jake , and she 's afraid they wo n't make it . tad : huh . that 's because she does n't know trevor 's gon na pull 'em through . krystal : yeah , nothing bonds two people like a child . tad : like you and me . no matter what life throws at us , we 're always gon na be jenny 's mom and dad . always . krystal : oh . [ liza watches krystal and tad hugging and leaves ] [ scene_break ] david : hey . amanda : what are you doing here ? david : i just came by to tell you that it was real . all of it . amanda : what are you talking about ? david : my feelings for trevor . and for you . everything i did was out of love . amanda : ok , you really need to leave now . david : if it was n't for love , i never would have gone that far . look , i 'm not using that as an excuse . it 's just -- i was desperate to have a real family . amanda : you and me -- that was never real . david , it never could be . my family is with jake , and after the hell that you put us through , the last thing that you deserve is to have a family of your own . david : you 're right . jake : you have a death wish or something ? what are you doing in my house ? david : all right , take it easy , ok ? i 'm giving you what you want . i 'm leaving town . and i did n't need your threats to convince me . amanda : are you serious ? david : yes , i am . this is good - bye . | tad and liza enjoy the night out at confusion . krystal and rob come home to an empty house . krystal offers rob a nightcap , but he refuses because of a big day tomorrow . rob kisses her good - night . rob comes back to give krystal a better kiss . marissa tells j.r. that she is not o.k . that david had confessed to her everything and that she knows now david is a monster . david goes to see jake and amanda . jake and david have an all out brawl right in the living room . brot and natalia come into the confusion bar to have a drink . they discuss one of the break - in cases that they have been investigating . they get a call while they are there and runs out . marissa goes all to pieces over the confession that david had made . amanda urges jake to stop . david confesses to amanda that he is not dying . amanda orders david to leave . tad and krystal slips into his home so as not to awaken anyone , but finds krystal and rob on the sofa . brot and natalia investigate a possible break - in at david 's . amanda calls tad for help in finding jake before he does something to david . jake comes into tad 's home and tells tad that david needs to be gone . brot and natalia get a call of a possible stolen car at the chancellor 's . jake vows vengeance on david by killing him . jake asks for liza 's help in bringing down david . krystal goes to see amanda and tries to assure her that everything will be fine . |
[ previously_on ] simone : we 're not finished . boyd : well , i am . kendall invites me here and then stands me up ? i 'm out of here . david : you gave an untested drug to an unsuspecting patient ? do you even realize what you 've done ? edmund : hayward , please , do n't stop my wife from getting her life back . morgan : did n't think you could run from me forever , did you ? come on , do n't you want to kiss and make up , darling ? [ scene_break ] kendall : where is that bartender ? how long 's it going to take ? simone : ok , you know what ? we really need to focus . our first hurdle is generating buzz . we got to get our name out there , you know , we got to connect with those cosmetic czars and czarinas . kendall : oh , we can always put together a gift basket with our products . simone : yeah , you know , but we need , like , live contact . yeah . you know , like -- like if we could go to that cosmetic convention that 's being held right now in aspen . that would be great . kendall : oh , you know what ? that 's the one where , like , all the industry 's heavy hitters , they meet , they gorge on caviar , and they give out free hand cream samples , right ? simone : yeah , we should be there , rubbing shoulders , making contacts . kendall : whoa , whoa , what 's stopping us ? simone : uh , money . and then there 's , you know , money , and then -- [ kendall laughs ] simone : of course , there 's money . kendall : there 's money . simone : i mean , the registration fees are outrageous , and then there 's airfare , hotel . i mean , it 's aspen . kendall : yeah , well , you know what , they jack the prices up to keep out the nobodies . simone : nobodies , right , like us . kendall : oh , well , finally . what 's a girl have to do to get a drink around here ? bartender : what can i get for you ? kendall : i will have a dirty martini , straight up , please . bartender : mm - hmm . simone : yes , i 'm going to have -- you know what ? nothing for right now , thanks . bartender : hey , kendall , do you ever hear from aidan ? kendall : no , i guess he 's flown for good . simone : all right , girl . i 'm going to leave you to enjoy your martini . kendall : wait , wait a minute . you 're not going to join me ? simone : you know what ? i changed my mind . i 'm going to go back to the office and talk to greenlee about this aspen thing . maybe we just might be able to scrape up some dough . kendall : no , no , do n't -- do n't talk to greenlee . do n't talk to anyone about this -- no one . [ scene_break ] aidan : come on . [ aidan groans ] morgan : and the condemned shall eat a hearty meal . you miss me ? aidan : like the plague . morgan : yeah ? well , i 've got all your favorites -- chicken vindaloo , extra hot , papadums -- aidan : yeah , well , i 'm not hungry . morgan : really ? huh . so , trying to break free from these ropes did n't work up an appetite , huh ? i remember you used to be quite peckish with me after a romp . aidan : what 's keeping julian ? morgan : oh . anxious to meet your executioner , eh ? aidan : yeah , you said he was coming . where is he ? morgan : i do n't know . said he had to take care of some business , i do n't know -- something close to your heart . aidan : there 's nothing close to my heart , morgan . morgan : liar . i remember you used to be quite the white knight with the women you bed . aidan : yeah , well , you should know , eh ? morgan : were you this hostile with fiona , or is it just me that brings out the beast in you ? aidan : you bring out nothing in me . morgan : yeah ? not even hatred ? aidan : no , hatred 's your thing , not mine . morgan : since when ? oh . do n't tell me . this is about the americanization of aidan . i mean , please , do n't tell me that you believe the good guy still , you know , wins in the end . because if that were true , darling , it would be you standing where i 'm standing and it would be julian tied to that chair , counting down his final hours . [ scene_break ] david : are you out of your mind ? what were you thinking , stealing that drug and giving it to your wife ? i told you it needed more testing ! edmund : her car is gone . david : oh , that 's great , great . so she 's out there right now , we do n't know what state she 's in , how the drug is affecting her . edmund : she has n't been gone long . i 'm going to call derek . he 'll put out an a.p.b . david : no police . edmund : what do you mean no police ? david : i said no police ! edmund : she could be in trouble out there ! david : listen to me -- edmund , you crossed a line . you 're in my world now , so you 'd better know the rules ! i am on probation , all right ? anna is in a foreign country right now waiting to find out if our unborn child needs in utero heart surgery . i am not going to let you or anybody else shut me down because you were stupid enough to give your wife an unapproved drug ! edmund : you said 98 % sure that drug was ready -- 98 % ! david : that 2 % was the difference between life and death ! i told you it needed more time , edmund ! edmund : i do n't have time ! you 're out of time , all right ? she 's in danger and i could lose her ! david : edmund , look around you . you 've already lost her ! she 's gone ! and if anything happened to her , i 'm telling you right now it 's going to be on your head , not mine . [ scene_break ] regina : hey . are you ok ? kendall : simone , if anyone is going to that conference in aspen , it 's going to be me . simone : ok . all right . so why ? why ? why you ? kendall : why ? because i got spliced from the photo shoot . simone : oh , no , you did not get spliced , kendall , you were a no - show . kendall : well , whatever . just do n't blab to greenlee that i want to go . simone : ok , so who are you going to clear this with ? kendall : who says i have to clear it with anyone ? simone : greenlee 's your partner . kendall : yeah , but she 's not my boss , and if you tell her that i want to go to aspen , she 'll pitch a fit and pull an erica and insist that she goes in my place . simone : ok , you know what ? nobody is going anywhere until we drum up some cash . kendall : you just leave the fundraising to me . simone : kendall , you 're as broke as i am . kendall : hello ? who finessed our corporate headquarters ? simone : you and your benefactor , palmer cortlandt . kendall : that 's right , exactly , and i happen to have another potential investor coming in here in just a few minutes . simone : really , in just a few minutes ? kendall : mm - hmm . simone : and what , pray tell , are you going to use as your incentive ? kendall : you leave that up to me . simone : yeah , that 's what scares me . kendall : well , still , whatever -- do n't you tell greenlee anything ? do n't say a word to greenlee . simone : all right . all right , kendall . know what -- it 's your show . i was never here . we never had this conversation . kendall : very good . well , here 's to aspen . simone : yeah , and you keeping your head on . kendall : later , girl . boyd : drinking alone ? kendall : not anymore . you want to join me ? boyd : no , thanks . kendall : boyd , are you -- are you mad about the mix - up at the photo shoot ? boyd : `` mix - up `` ? it was n't a mix - up , kendall , it was a setup . kendall : no , it was n't . i swear to you it was n't . boyd : kendall , you tried to use me for some campaign to undercut erica . kendall : no , it was a test shoot in house . boyd : and then you have the nerve to blow me off . kendall : boyd , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry it came across that way , but i thought you 'd get a kick out of it . boyd : listen , kendall , let 's get one thing straight -- i work for erica , not you . kendall : ok , you 're right . i 'm sorry . it wo n't happen again . boyd : you 're straight it wo n't . [ scene_break ] morgan : you sure you do n't want to join me ? suit yourself . i mean , it 's not as if you 're going to starve to death . that 's not really julian 's style . aidan : what are you now , an expert on julian or something ? morgan : well , let 's just say it 's my job to anticipate his wants and needs . aidan : more like julian snaps his fingers and you obey him like a trained dog . morgan : no . i 'm very well compensated , not to mention satisfied . aidan : does n't it annoy you , running errands for a whacked - out thug like julian ? morgan : yeah , well , when you consider the alternatives , you know ? aidan : oh , come on , morgan , there 's plenty of alternatives . you were first in your class at cambridge , for god 's sake . morgan : yeah , well , it 's really sweet of you to remember . aidan : yeah . i remember lots of things about you . morgan : like what ? aidan : like you take honey in your tea and you were a ranked player at east london chess club . almost as good as me . morgan : oh , yeah , you 're really good , you are . i mean , you 're a bleeding wiz . but i 'm better . aidan : i 've never lost against you , though , have i ? morgan : whatever . i took you on three separate occasions . aidan : yeah , in your dreams . morgan : you know , i 've moved up a rank since we last played together . aidan : oh , really ? morgan : mm - hmm . aidan : learned some new moves , have we ? morgan : mm - hmm . aidan : show me . morgan : you want to play ? aidan : afraid to take me on ? morgan : oh . see , you do n't stand a chance . aidan : you going to deny a dead man his last rights to play chess ? morgan : no . i can think of a lot more fun things we could do with your final hours . aidan : you 're just afraid i might ruin your chess club ranking , are n't you ? hmm ? morgan : no , i wo n't lose . but even if i did , i mean , it does n't really matter , does it , because you 're not going to be around to tell anyone so . aidan : well , let the games being , then . morgan : you 're so funny , aidan . up to your old tricks again ? i mean , i 'm going to be sitting here , pondering the chessboard , and you 're going to be sitting there pondering your means of escape . aidan : see , the way i see it is you either trust me or we sit here doing nothing . it 's up to you . [ scene_break ] regina : hey . miss ? did you hear me ? are you ok ? because you look kind of out of it . look , i 'm going to get you some coffee , ok ? do you want some ? great . ok . watch my stuff . i 'll be right back . maggie : well , partner , we survived our first chem lab . henry : i guess . maggie : well , we did n't discover the meaning of life , but , hey , you know what ? we did n't burn the place down , so i think we did ok . henry : well , i think we did better than ok , maggie . maggie : are you kidding me ? you did n't see my hands shaking ? henry : you were nervous ? maggie : are you serious ? i had the worst dream last night . i was underneath a petri dish , underneath this huge microscope , and this big eye looking down at me . henry : professor stevens ? maggie : no , it was you . henry : i do n't look down on people , maggie -- ever . maggie : so we should probably finish up that -- writing up that lab . what do you think ? you know what , we ca n't do it here because it 's way too noisy . henry : well , how about the library ? maggie : oh , no , it 's too quiet there . you know , i need sensory input , like crunching chips and music . my dorm room or yours ? henry : yours will be cool . what are you looking at ? maggie : that woman . i know her . what is she doing here ? will you watch my stuff for a second ? i 'll be right back . ms. gorman ? maureen ? hi . maria : hi . do i know you ? maggie : well , you do n't exactly know me . i work at the hospital . my name is maggie stone . maria : should that -- should that mean something ? maggie : no , not really . i 'm david hayward 's cousin . maria : i 'd downplay that family tie if i was you . maggie : are you taking classes here ? maria : why do you ask ? maggie : well , you know , you 're here and you have books and , well , i know that you used to be a doctor , right ? maria : yeah , before your cousin wiped out my memory . maggie : i 'm pre - med . well , it 's really hard , but i think i can hack it . i 'm sorry . this must be weird . i just really wanted to come over and see if you were ok . maria : yeah . yeah , no , as a matter of fact , i 'm -- i 'm better than i 've been in a long time . maggie : well , that 's great . good . i 'll leave you alone . maggie : that was weird . have you ever had a conversation with someone and it 's like playing tennis , but there 's just no one hitting the ball back ? henry : maybe . maggie : great , now you 're doing it , too . henry : look , i got to stop by work and pick up my paycheck . maggie : oh , ok . hey , i live in tyler hall , room 203 , so why do n't you swing by in , like , an hour or so and we can finish up writing that lab . henry : ok . maggie : ok ? oh , i 'll walk out with you . regina : i got cream and sugar . hello ? maria : hi . regina : light reading ? maria : yeah , i hope you do n't mind . regina : oh , no , no problem . but for fun , i 'd go with dean koontz or stephen king . maria : oh , well , i 've got a story that would curl even their toes . regina : really ? maria : oh , really . regina : you going ? maria : yeah , i 've got something i need to do . regina : hey . your coffee . maria : oh , thanks , but you go ahead and drink it . and thank you for -- thanks for being one of the few people who cares . [ scene_break ] kendall : boyd , i swear to you i had no ulterior motive when i asked you in on that photo shoot . boyd : and why do n't i believe you ? kendall : i know that you 're loyal to erica and i respect that . boyd : yeah , right , so much you wanted me to break my contract with enchantment and sign on with you ? kendall : well , yeah , i 'm not stupid . i mean , your research is cutting edge . who would n't want you to join their team ? boyd : look , i explained already , i 'm not interested . if that photo shoot -- kendall : that photo shoot was all about us goofing on each other and vogueing it up in front of the camera . you know , like when you go on a date and you cram yourself in one of those little photo booths . boyd : so that whole photo thing was just an excuse for you and me to get together ? kendall : well , yeah , kind of . i mean , you did ask me out . boyd : yeah , and you turned me down . kendall : well , i was n't sure if you wanted to socialize with the enemy . boyd : you 're not the enemy , kendall . kendall : and then i started thinking , i mean , it could n't do us any harm . i mean , we had pretty good chemistry at enchantment and i thought let 's see what can churn up outside the lab . boyd : all play and no work ? kendall : exactly . by the way , i heard those shots of you and me really sizzle . boyd : those pictures had better not turn up anywhere . i 'm not kidding . kendall : they wo n't , they wo n't , i promise . i will personally get rid of the negatives myself . i 'll destroy them , i promise . you still mad ? boyd : how do you do it , kendall ? kendall : what ? boyd : a minute ago i wanted to wring your neck . and now all i can think about is what you 're doing saturday night . kendall : oh , what 's wrong with tonight ? we could have dinner here , catch a movie , see what happens after that . boyd : i ca n't tonight . kendall : why not ? boyd : i 'm meeting someone . and there she is now . lena : sorry i 'm late . boyd : hi . lena : the traffic was all in a jam . so , am i too late for that drink ? [ scene_break ] [ aidan sighs ] aidan : you are amazing . morgan : what ? aidan : you bring your chess set on all your assassinations ? morgan : helps keep me focused . left or right ? aidan : um -- i 'll go for the right . morgan : your move . come on , then , tell me what you want to do . aidan : well , we have n't named the stakes yet . morgan : well , what did you have in mind ? aidan : right . if i win this game , you give me the rest of the vindaloo . morgan : i thought you said you were n't even hungry . aidan : yeah , like you said , my last meal and all that . morgan : and here i was thinking that you might be hungry for something else . aidan : well , do we have a bet ? morgan : but what if i win ? aidan : yeah , right . when hell freezes over . [ scene_break ] david : what happened when you gave her the drug ? edmund : i put it in some scotch . david : the whole vial ? edmund : no . no , just a few drops . david : ok , and how did she react ? edmund : she -- she said she was n't used to drinking scotch , she forgot that she was , and she -- she went to lay down . david : when i came here earlier , maureen screamed . what was that about ? edmund : oh , that was n't a scr -- she thought she had a nightmare . david : what does that mean , she thought had a nightmare ? edmund : because she did n't . it was n't . it was a memory from back when she was maria , from years ago . david : before the plane crash ? edmund : yes ! which is why i know your serum is working , because her memory is coming back . david : edmund , maria has had memory flashes before . edmund : yeah , but not like this . i mean , this was a particularly rough time in our marriage . she remembered the whole story . david : great , great , and it sent her out into the night . edmund , i need to examine her . edmund : that 's why we have to go find her . david : look -- edmund : come on . david : i -- i promised anna that i would call her in zurich to find out what the update was on the baby , ok ? i 've been trying to reach her all day . edmund : fine , fine , then i 'll go by myself . david : you 're not a doctor , edmund . edmund : would you make up your mind ! david : all right , look , we 'll take my car . i have my medical bag in the trunk . edmund : oh , my god , maria . maria . oh , my god , i was so worried about you . are you ok ? maria : yeah . what are you doing here ? maria : what is he doing here ? edmund : actually , i was about to ask him the same question . you 're not welcome here , hayward . david : i was worried about maureen . maria : why ? david : well , i always follow up on my patients . maria : guinea pigs ? david : look , since i 'm here -- maria : you 're not going to be here for long . david : how are you feeling ? maria : like you care ? david : well , you look flushed . maria : yeah , well , it 's cold outside . david : right , and you went out without a jacket . maria : yeah . i do n't see how that 's really any of your business , but yeah . david : i 'm just concerned about your welfare . maria : you know what ? david , keep your bogus concern to yourself , please . if i happen to wash up on a beach sometime , knock yourself out , ok ? david : can we try to get past that ? maria : the courts got past it , but i 'll never get past it . edmund : ok , listen , hayward , you 're upsetting my wife , ok ? i want you to go . now . david : i still need to examine her , and i want that vial back . edmund : not yet . david : you call me , edmund . edmund : ok , he 's gone . you mind telling me where you went in the middle of the night ? maria : pine valley university . edmund : the university ? look at me . your life is in danger . do you have any idea the risk that you took ? does n't anything , anyone mean anything to you ? [ scene_break ] boyd : kendall hart , lena kundera . lena : hello , kendall . kendall : hi . what 's that accent ? lena : polish . boyd : lena 's newly arrived in pine valley . she 's the new vice president over at enchantment . kendall : oh , enchantment . well , i 'm very impressed . you have to let boyd here give you the grand tour of our lovely little town . let him show you the tinfoil exhibit at the science center . lena : yes , i 'm sure it 's fascinating . boyd : should we get a table ? lena : please . boyd : ok . lena : nice meeting you , ms. tart . kendall : that 's hart . lena : whatever . boyd : i 'm sorry about that . lena : are you sure i was n't disturbing you and your friend ? boyd : no , not at all , really . lena : so kind of you to take pity on me . boyd : pity ? lena : well , i have so much to learn about the cosmetics business . but it seems to me that its heart is where you are in development and research . boyd : well , this is the first time a numbers - cruncher has shown any interest in my lab work . lena : the key to any business is its product , and you create the product . if erica is the face of enchantment , you are its soul . boyd : well , i do n't know about that , but thank you for the kind words . it 's nice to be appreciated . lena : oh , anyone who does n't appreciate you is a fool . [ scene_break ] petey : hey , nanny k. i want to see that new spy movie . kendall : again ? palmer : oh , yes . oh , yes . kendall : hi , palmer . palmer : good evening , kendall . kendall : ok , all right , all right , we can see `` die a deadly death `` again , but first i got to talk to your dad . palmer , i have got a lovely proposition for you . [ scene_break ] david : ahem . [ disguised voice ] `` what is the hybridization of the carbon atom in urea ? `` maggie : oh , david , what are you doing here ? david : [ normal voice ] hey . maggie : hi . david : oh , i was just having a flashback of my pre - med days . maggie : a.k.a . , your glory days . david : no , no , only seen from a distance . maggie : hmm . david : look , i was hoping i could drag you away for some dinner . maggie : oh . oh , gosh , i 'd love to . please , get me away from this horrible dorm food , but i actually have to meet my lab partner in a little while . david : ooh , organic chemistry . in my days we called it the lawyer - maker . maggie : why ? david : because you go in thinking about pre - med and you come out hoping to be a lawyer . maggie : yeah , well , it 's still a weed - out course , but , you know , i have a really cool professor and i lucked into a genius lab partner . david : great . [ phone rings ] david : oh . oh , it 's anna . thank god . listen , i got to take this , ok ? i 've been waiting for her to call . anna , hey . thank god . i 've been waiting for you . when i do n't hear from you , i start thinking the worst . anna : yeah . i 'm fine , david . the same . david : are you sure ? i keep getting your voicemail . anna : i know . i 've been in the hospital attached to wires and screens . dr. hoffman 's been monitoring me and the baby . david : all right , any change ? i mean , what did he say ? did he discuss surgery with you ? anna : david , please , i 'm trying to tell you . just shut up a minute . david : i 'm sorry . it 's just -- i hate being so far away from you . anna : me , too . so -- dr. hoffman 's fairly certain that the baby 's heart needs surgery in utero -- it 's so crazy , i ca n't even get my head around it -- to prevent something that he called , um , hypoplastic left heart . david : well , that 's -- that 's what we discussed before you left . anna : it all seems so real to me right about now . david : look , this procedure has an excellent success rate , anna . and if we decide to go forward with it , hoffman will do a wonderful job . anna : right . he said that he 's going to call you to talk to you about all this , about the operation . and i know he has n't said anything yet , but i 'll -- i 'll go along with whatever decision you decide to make . david : no , no , we -- no , we decide this together , ok ? you understand ? i mean , the two of us . anna : she 's so tiny . she 's really active . you know , you should see the sonogram . she reminds me of you when you 're looking for your keys . david : yeah , well , she 's a fighter , just like her mother . anna , i trust hoffman 's diagnosis and his techniques . we just have to ride this through . anna : if you say so . david : i love you , baby . you two are my life . anna : i love you so much . david : you just have to hold on , ok ? be strong . anna : i will . bye . david : bye . maggie : that was n't good news , was it ? maggie : david , you did n't tell me that anna was in zurich . david : i did n't want to worry you . maggie : well , do n't baby me , ok ? tell me what 's going on . david : the baby has been diagnosed with a heart defect . maggie : oh , my god , david . david : yeah , yeah , and it 's called aortic stenosis . we 're trying to determine whether or not she needs surgery in utero . maggie : wow , that 's scary stuff . david : yeah , no kidding . maggie : what 's the success rate for this type of procedure ? david : well , it 's a new procedure . only two hospitals in the world even perform it , so there are n't any real numbers at this time . maggie : and the doctor ? david : dr. hoffman is considered to be the best in his field , so right now i 'm forced to put my trust in him . maggie : well , at least the baby and anna are in good hands . david : yeah . i just wish they were n't so far away . maggie : well , we all know how well you do helpless . david : you noticed , huh ? maggie : well , yeah , frankie was like that , too . david : yeah , i heard that she liked to call the shots . maggie : huh . oh , yeah . you know , there must be a genetic marker for control in our families . david : well , there you go . you can pioneer some research . maggie : yeah , maybe i should . you know , and i 'm pretty rigid myself . i just do n't know why . david : you 're kidding me , right ? come on , it 's not like you and i had anything close to what would be called a normal childhood . we both lost our dads at an impressionable age , and our mothers , at best , were volatile and unpredictable . maggie : please . my mother , i mean , she thought that life was a nonstop -- a nonstop cocktail hour . i mean , frankie and i , we were taking care of ourselves at , like , the age of 6 or 7 . david : so what do kids do when their parents are out of control ? maggie : take all the control they can get . david : exactly . maggie : do you -- do you think that 's what 's attracting me to medicine ? david : you tell me . maggie : well , all i know is that today when i was working with my lab partner for the first time , it just felt like it fit . you know ? it 's like that 's where i was supposed to be , and i can really get used to that . david : i 'm really happy for you , maggie . maggie : thanks . i 'm -- i 'm really happy for me , too . [ scene_break ] kendall : palmer , fusion really needs to get its face out at this cosmetics thing . palmer : mm - hmm . well , it sounds like a good way to get some positive p.r . of course , it will be tres chere . petey : that means it 's going to cost big bucks . kendall : that 's what i love about you , palmer . you 're always so simpatico . [ palmer chuckles ] petey : that means she 's hitting you up for expenses . palmer : you know , kendall , when you leased that building from me , i told you at the time that that was the end of my largess . kendall : i know , palmer . i 'm not asking you for any help . actually , i 'm doing just the opposite . i have an idea that could help you . palmer : really ? kendall : yes , well , i know that you had to cancel your trip to milan because opal 's visiting her kinfolk in coon bluff or wherever she 's from , and i know that you have no one to look after petey . palmer : yes , yes . well , yes , that 's true . kendall : well , how about i take petey to the cosmetics conference with me ? petey : no way you drag me to some girly makeup marathon . kendall : it 's in aspen . petey : aspen ? that 's where the surfer chicks go for the winter ! dad , you got to let me go ! i can break in the new snowboard you got me for christmas ! please , dad , please ? palmer : ahem . [ scene_break ] maria : mmm . thank you . edmund : you 're going to get yourself killed out there . you 're welcome . because of aidan , you 're here , safe from whoever 's trying to kill him . maria : well -- edmund : how can i protect you , you 're going out there running around without telling me ? maria : i was at a university , so i 'm sort of surrounded by students . i do n't think i was in any major danger . edmund : oh , yeah ? have you seen the students these days ? come on , what were you doing there in the first place ? maria : that 's a very good question . i -- it was weird . i was just sort of drawn there . and -- and i got there and i just happened to be sitting at this table and flipping through this book on organic chemistry , and i 'm looking at all these formulas and these hypotheses and it made sense to me . edmund : really ? maria : yeah , i mean , all this complicated stuff , and i actually understood it . so i went to the school of medicine and i picked myself up a little enrollment stuff . edmund : you 're thinking about going back to school ? maria : i thought what the hey , you know , i learned how to be a doctor once . i could do it again , right ? what do you think ? what ? what is it ? edmund : it 's you . you 're coming back . [ scene_break ] maggie : hello . come on in . so i got chips , soda , popcorn . help yourself . henry : no , i 'm fine . maggie : ok , well , then let 's just get right down to it . the lab report . henry : right . maggie : please make yourself comfy . henry : hey , what 's it like being a twin ? is your sister pre - med , too ? henry : maggie , did i mess up , say the wrong thing ? maggie : no , no , um -- it 's my sister , frankie . no , she 's not pre - med . um -- well , she is n't anything . she passed away . henry : man , i did n't know . maggie : no , how would you know ? henry : no , i 'm sorry . maggie : no , really , it 's ok . do n't worry about it . hey , you know , i need a chip fix . why do n't you pass me that bag of chips and a soda , please ? mmm , thank you . oh , my gosh ! hold on , let me get you a towel . here . oh , i dropped the bag before . are you really wet ? henry : no , not that much . maggie : oh , your jacket . oh , my god , the lab report , the lab report . henry : well , not a trace of carbonation . maggie : oh , thank god . i could not imagine doing that over again . henry : well , you have n't popped your own soda . maggie : yeah , like that 'll happen . henry : oh , come on , you afraid of some fuzzy sugar water ? maggie : fine . ok . ah ! henry : well , looks like we 've just been christened lab partners . maggie : oh , cheers . henry : cheers . [ scene_break ] palmer : i think i have heard enough . peter , what about your schoolwork ? petey : i 'll bring it with me . kendall : yeah , i 'll make sure he gets it all done . palmer : mm - hmm . and , kendall , the odds are that erica will be attending that conference . kendall : yeah , i know that , but palmer , this trip is about fusion and my rocket to the top of the cosmetics business . this has nothing to do with erica or enchantment . i mean , how is this company going to survive if we do n't stay competitive ? palmer : well -- ahem . in that case , it seems that you and my son are aspen- bound . kendall : yes ! petey : surfer chicks , here we come ! kendall : right ! yes ! we 're going to aspen you 're the best , palmer . you are the best . [ scene_break ] aidan : um , knight to b-6 . morgan : you bloody bastard . aidan : 18 moves . looks like the east london chess club ai n't what it used to be , eh ? morgan : yeah , well , i 'll win the next one . aidan : hey . what about my food ? aidan : right . look , i 'm a man of many talents , but even i ca n't eat with my hands tied . morgan : nice try . aidan : what ? come on , the doors are locked . you 've got a gun . if you want a rematch , untie me . morgan : one wrong move and you are so dead . aidan : when have i ever made a bad move on you , morgan ? [ scene_break ] maria : what do you mean ? what are you talking about ? edmund : i 'm talking about you coming back to me . maria : yeah ? i 'm already here . edmund : no , that 's not what i mean . i mean , the whole -- the dream , the chemistry book . you 're starting to remember more and more . maria : yeah . yeah , i mean , i did n't really remember the chemistry , but i -- it made sense to me . you know what i mean ? it was -- it was like a part of me . it was like an old friend or something . you know what i mean ? it just made sense , it just clicked , and -- edmund : i know what you mean . maria : you know what i mean ? yeah . edmund : yes , i do . maria : weird . and it was just amazing . it was just so amazing to me . i 'm looking at all these configurations and these symbols , and it 's just clicking and all falling into place . so -- i do n't know . i do n't know why , but it did . maria : so off i go . edmund : i know why . [ next_on ] henry : maybe we should n't study in your room . maggie : yeah , that bed is way too tempting . greenlee : who thought you were qualified to be someone 's guardian ? liza : mia , is all this more important than getting married to jake ? tad : if mia is too stupid to know what you have to offer , then dump her . | maria shows up at pine valley university . maggie is chatting with henry , her lab partner , when she sees maria , so she goes over to chat with her . maria does n't recognize her and is sarcastic when maggie mentions that she 's david 's cousin . maria is looking at a course catalog . david and edmund bicker and are just about to go out to look for her when she shows up . david tries to see if she 's okay but she does n't want anything to do with him . he leaves , asking edmund to call him . maria tells edmund that she was at the university checking into taking classes because she wants to go through medical school again . he takes this as proof that she 's getting her memory back . david drops by pvu to see maggie and have lunch , but she made plans to study with henry in her dorm room . anna phones david to tell him that the doctors are going to have to operate on her baby in utero to fix the heart problem , as they expected . he fills maggie in on what 's been happening . simone and kendall are at the pine valley inn . they talk about how it would be great to show off their cosmetics at this big convention in aspen , but it costs a lot of money . kendall thinks she knows a way to get the money but does n't want to tell greenlee about it . kendall runs into boyd there and he is steamed because he thinks she was trying to steal him away from enchantment again . she swears she was n't so he softens . he meets lena kundera there for drinks and she is bitchy at kendall ; then she kisses up to boyd . morgan brings food for aidan , who has been struggling to get out of his restraints . he challenges her to a game of chess while he works on her , trying to get her to let him go . kendall proposes to palmer that he pay for her and petey to go to aspen . that way she can baby sit him and go to the convention at the same time . he agrees . henry and maggie bond during their study session . aidan beats morgan at chess and asks her to untie him so he can eat . she reluctantly agrees . |
greenlee : so here 's the stuff we talked about -- severance package , confidentiality , noncompete clause . jonathan : trust me , i 'm done with the cosmetics industry . blows the feminine mystique . greenlee : so you 're ok with this ? jonathan : oh , yeah . brave new world . greenlee : because it 'd be understandable , you know , if you 're upset . maybe -- jonathan : what ? greenlee : espresso . do you want one ? jonathan : no , thank you . you go ahead . greenlee : sure . bye . kendall : did you do it ? did you tell ryan that you think jonathan is the one who poisoned you ? greenlee : well , i tried to , and then -- wham -- balloons , cake , presents . kendall : i knew it . wuss . well , i 'm going to go and tell ryan right now myself . greenlee : what ? you go anywhere near my husband with that news , you 're going to do it without your arms , missy ! [ scene_break ] ryan : bobb - o , my man ! bobby : for me ? you should n't have . ryan : you 're right , i should n't have . now , you were a married man , till you screwed that up . so i have a question for you . what would a good and loving husband do to make sure that his wife never gets hurt again ? you 're stumped . i can tell by that stupid look on your face . you see , it was a trick question because a good and loving husband would do absolutely anything to make sure that his wife does n't get hurt again , and that would include working over a guy like you so bad that it would make this look like a weekend trip to the spa . so i want you to tell me the truth . are you still going to tell me that zach is responsible for me taking that bullet ? [ scene_break ] zach : everything you see is yours . erica : fabulous . let 's move this along . the sooner we close this sale , the sooner i 'm rid of you . zach : it 's just a formality . you could have sent an employee . erica : no , i really like my employees way too much to punish them like that . and , of course , i still do n't trust you at all . maria : thank god . they said you were up here . erica : oh , and somebody needed a hug ? here we go again . maria : why do n't you just spare yourself my presence and go ? erica : i own this building now . you 're trespassing . maria : you know what , you 're pushing it , erica . take a hike . erica : get your hormones in check , maria . zach and i are not through . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] tad : candy - gram . liza : candy - gram ? tad : well , what did you expect ? i could hear you having a heart attack on the other side of the door . i dumped the kids ' car at the international terminal at the airport . hopefully , that 'll keep the cops busy for a while . speaking of which -- where are my favorite fugitives ? jamie : there has been a slight change of plans . tad : no , there has n't . it 's too late for that . you 're going . babe : we are , but jamie and i are getting married , too . colby : wow . [ scene_break ] j.r. : is that llanview da still in our pocket ? adam : oh , yeah , snug . and useful . i understand bo buchanan has convinced the feds to put new orleans on lockdown . j.r. : we have to get to my son before the buchanans swoop in with their cops and connections . adam : oh , come on , they 're not going to beat us . i 've assembled an army out there . adam chandler iii is there . and soon you 're going to have your son , and then you will have the dna test to prove it . j.r. : that 's right , you have experience stealing babies for a little dna . anyway , it does n't matter . babe and jamie are this close to miserable , and they 're not even aware of it . [ scene_break ] liza : wow -- marriage . romantic . did you forget that you 're married to his stepbrother ? jamie : amongst all those technicalities and details , that one does n't count . so that means you guys can just send us off and do n't have to worry about us anymore . tad : who 's worried ? i 'm happy to be rid of you . babe : i mean , look , even with all the mess , everything that 's going on , we still managed to find each other . the one person that we 're meant to love for our entire lives . liza : gee , were we ever that young and hopeful ? tad : do n't help . liza : ok . jamie : it 's the real deal . liza : colby , why do n't we clean out the fridge ? we can see if we can find something to make celebration smoothies with and celebrate the good news . colby : no smoothies . milk shakes . let 's go . liza : yeah . jamie : i would feel a whole lot better about heading off if i knew you were behind me on this . tad : oh , god . kiddo , it 's not that . i got your back on any continent . i want you to be as happy and as in love as i was with dixie . jamie : but you do n't think i 'll have that with babe ? tad : i did n't say that . a year ago , maybe six months , i would have tried to shoot you down . but considering the woman she 's become , the sacrifices she 's prepared to make , and the obvious love she feels for you , i 'd say it 's all there if you want it . jamie : it 's a freaky thing at first , this feeling . but it 's amazing . it 's huge . tad : i know . jamie : i mean , the whole world makes sense now , even after the whole chaos with j.r. and the babies and cramer . it 's like for the first time in my life , i have the answer without even knowing the question . i love her , dad . and she loves me . tad : and juan pablo will be waiting for you at the end of your boat trip , all three of you . you , the woman you love , and the child you love . you just make sure you raise him to be as good a man as his father . i just wish that -- jamie : dad , what is it ? tad : i just wish it was n't on the other side of the world . [ scene_break ] adam : pilot said we should beat our eta . i should hear from our people soon -- tell us exactly where we can find colby and your son . colson says bo buchanan is a chip off his cowboy - hatted , dirt - stomping daddy . the buchanans can be beaten , and the chandlers are just the people to do it . i can almost feel my hands around liza 's neck , gently explaining to her that you do n't steal from the chandlers and get away with it . adam : j.r. , when you have your son back -- which you should have had all along -- i do n't want you coming back to pine valley . [ scene_break ] erica : you 're just a lot of self - importance in a too - tight sweater . maria : `` self - importance , `` coming from you ? really ? i told you to go . erica : and i did n't . how fascinating . zach : she does own the place . erica : although i do know it 's rather chilly out , so i can certainly understand that you 'd rather tryst here than outside in the cemetery . maria : you 're pushing it , erica . erica : oh , i 'm so scared . zach : maybe you should check out the new paint in the office . erica : well , i 'd wish you luck , but why bother ? you are clearly at her mercy . and that is so pathetic , for both of you . maria : you know what ? i am a little busy right now . but remind me to launch an entire world of ugly on you really soon . erica : give my best to edmund . maria : oh , my god , i hate that woman ! ok . i needed to see you . yeah , i needed to see you . zach : why ? we spoke at your office . is this is going to be another `` it 's over , get on with your life , i chose edmund `` speech ? maria : no , no , no , this nothing to do with that . zach : well , then why are you here ? maria : you looked me in the eye and you told me you had nothing to do with ryan being shot at your casino . was i wrong to believe you ? zach : i do n't know . were you ? [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , maria thinks you 're a liar . not just in general , but specifically about zach having me shot . bobby : right , right . i heard maria defend zach . big shock . ryan : ok , so this is what we 're going to do . you 're going to talk , i 'm going to listen , and then i will decide whether you 're full of it , and then we 're just going to take it from there . aidan : well , my money 's on `` full of it . `` bobby : you know what , guys ? this is a private room . aidan : i thought you might be lonely . i know even compulsive liars have feelings . bobby : oh , yeah , yeah . you 're calling me a liar just so you can one - up me to my wife . aidan : i 'm sorry , your what ? your wife ? should n't you be calling her your ex- wife by now ? and if i want to one - up you , i can do it ten times before breakfast . ryan : aidan , you know what ? why do n't you wait outside and let me handle bobby ? aidan : why ? ryan : why ? because he hates you and he has some information that i need from him . bobby : true , both counts . now get lost . aidan : well , i hate to intrude , but i 'm the one with the interrogation experience . and there are unpleasant things i can do to an unwilling witness that nurses or even doctors ca n't even trace . ryan : you know , i forgot , you are good . aidan : well , i hate to brag . ryan : no , go ahead . looks good on you . so you stay -- no talking , though . and , bobb - o , you start . you convince us , please , that zach had his -- what did you call her ? his assistant / hit woman have me shot and you watched and saw the whole thing ? aidan : i 'm sorry , i hate break in again , but there 's glaring hole in this guy 's story you might want to ask him about . you see , warner does n't even have the stones to blackmail slater about anything . ryan : wow . that is a problem . is that true ? are you stoneless ? aidan : and the money you had delivered to the boathouse -- are you claiming that was hush money from the big man himself ? because the idea that you snapped your fingers and he scampered in with the cash -- bobby : you know what ? you know what , guys ? i do n't know anything , and that really sucks for you , ryan . because that means that someone wants you dead , and they can take a shot . so why do n't you get out of my room before i catch a bullet that 's meant for you , ok ? ryan : hey , take it easy , pal . you have a very , very delicate condition . you know what that means ? that means that you should just take it easy , lie still , and listen to me . unlike groveling losers , i do n't waste time worrying about my own skin . what i want to know is really very simple . even you should be able to understand it . i want to know if zach slater poisoned my wife . [ scene_break ] greenlee : we 're not going anywhere . kendall : why are there no cameras in this elevator ? what the hell is wrong with you ? greenlee : gosh , maybe that you want to tell my husband his beloved brother could be a stark raving sister - in - law drugger . kendall : yeah , but only because you have n't told him first . so much for your total marital honesty . greenlee : we 're talking about his brother . what if someone went to bianca and told her you 're a killer ? kendall : uh , hello ? me on the witness stand , you trying to rip my dress off , practically getting me the chair ? any of that sound familiar to you ? greenlee : fine , bad example . those two are bonded , especially since jonathan showed up with cake , presents , and balloons for big brother ryan . kendall : that 's right , ryan 's birthday . well , why were n't the two of you out celebrating ? greenlee : just focus . kendall : i -- i do n't see how ryan can love that guy . greenlee : bianca loves you . kendall : yeah , well , ryan loves you . greenlee : hey , want to go another round ? you ca n't go to ryan with this . he 'll think we 're both on meds . kendall : well , then we have to get him good , solid proof . but the question is , how do we get it ? greenlee : easy , like you . sleep with jonathan again . only this time , it 's better . kiss - kiss , grind - grind , and you get jonathan to spill his guts . keeping a relationship alive . kendall : ok , let me be very clear here . me , jonathan , into bed ? ew ! no . greenlee : you thought he was hot enough his first day in town . kendall : no , i 'm not taking him to bed . greenlee : well , take him to the supply closet . it 's closer , faster , and simone says it 's surprisingly roomy . kendall : you like the idea so much , you take him to bed . greenlee : since when are you so particular ? kendall : i 'm in a relationship . greenlee : well , that 's never stopped you before . all you have to do is cuddle up to jonathan , say , `` oh , that was awesome , it makes me so hot that you tried to make greenlee psycho . `` kendall : you are psycho . i 'm with ethan . greenlee : great , the other town nut job . well , guess what -- all nut jobs are alike in the dark . kendall : you 're such a little brat . greenlee : ok , ok ! all right , all right ! all right , fine . i doubt even jonathan would go back for seconds . kendall : ok , first we solve this , and then i shake you until your eyes pop out of your head . greenlee : well , you 're not exactly tossing off ideas . kendall : we need hard proof . we need something concrete . we need something we can hang on to . we have to trace the drugs to jonathan . greenlee : yeah , which we do by breaking into pharmacies near his place , hacking into the computers , and finding out which meds he had filled . kendall : ok , then we grab some candy bars on the way out . did you even make it past first grade ? greenlee : so far you 've had a fat nothing . the key is in jonathan 's computer at home . kendall : yeah , which he caught you busting into . nice job there . greenlee : yeah , well , i covered like butter , and i got his password . kendall : well , whoever set me up must have hacked into my computer . greenlee : god forbid you listen when i told all fusion staff to have firewalls installed . kendall : yeah , but i doubt firewalls would stop jon boy . oh , my god , the cops . it was jonathan . he must have hacked into the pine valley police department computer system . remember when ethan tried to get the files on michael ? they were all gone . greenlee : but that was so long ago . kendall : yeah , but jonathan 's had it out for ethan since day one . greenlee : all this time . god , ryan . kendall : ok , focus . focus . greenlee : so we have to go back in . kendall : yeah , the question is , how ? [ scene_break ] bobby : four or five months ago , zach sent edie to david hayward 's cabin , had her give him a big dose of his own medicine . she dumped a bunch of hayward 's most potent impotent drug in his scotch . ryan : but david is still smiling , so what went wrong ? bobby : he tasted it , did n't down enough to get zapped . she put too much in . edie 's big on overkill . aidan : come on , this is now four or five months ago . all right , does n't prove a thing . bobby : yeah , you 're right , sherlock . it does n't prove anything except for that zach used a lackey to drug an enemy . sound familiar ? aidan : you know , you 're a rotten liar , warner . and you know what the trouble is ? you 're bad at the truth , as well . i 'm sorry , ryan , but i do n't buy it . i 'm sorry . bobby : i got my face rearranged because someone wanted me quiet . zach slater . ryan : if slater wanted you quiet , he would n't have left you alive . [ scene_break ] zach : as i recall , you were satisfied then . so , what , you thought it through , or something changed your mind ? what ? maria : you know , i know the way that you can turn any question back on the person asking , but , please , not now , not with me . i just need to know , did you or did you not have anything to do with ryan being shot at your casino ? zach : i already answered that question . if you believe me or not , that 's up to you . maria : well , i know you had something to do with it the second time . i know you shot at him the second time because you admitted it to me . zach : can i ask you something ? did edmund send you here on recon ? is that how you show your love ? i thought going back with him was enough . maria : this has nothing to do with edmund . this is us . this is about you and me . zach : you 're not my confidante , you 're not my friend , you 're not an old lover that i can kiss whenever the mood strikes me . your words , not mine . maria : yeah , you 're right . you 're right , it is just me , and i 'm asking you for the truth . zach : the only good thing about us not being us anymore is that i do n't have to answer you . you told me to get on with my life , so that 's what i 'm doing . maria : you really enjoy this , do n't you ? this is what you enjoy . you enjoy being mr. keeper of the secrets so that everyone has to come to you , beg for answers , and then you do n't give them ! zach : i did give you an answer . just not the one you wanted . maria : fine , you know what ? whatever . thank you . thanks . zach : you can come out now . erica : you never mentioned that the walls were so thin . so , did you have ryan lavery shot ? zach : we can finish the walk - through some other time or not at all . it 's up to you . erica : well , maria 's right . you are a master of evasion . i mean , entertaining , but is it worth it ? zach : lighting panel is over there , a the switch is on . no dimmers , but that 's easily fixed . erica : well , look at that . zach : excuse me . erica : look at how your eyes narrow . look at how your jaw just tenses . i mean , you have issues with being challenged . it must be very hard for you to stay calm . zach : little things do n't upset me . erica : ouch . so there 's no one here but you and me now . why do n't you answer maria 's question ? did you order that hit on ryan ? zach : are you just nosy , or do you have a dog in this ? erica : i have a dog in this , very much so . zach : i ca n't see why . erica : because if you are guilty , that makes you the would - be killer named cambias . zach : and that would make you happy , to be here alone with a would - be killer ? erica : it would be much better than that other cambias , your son , ethan . because then my daughter kendall would be safe , at least until she makes up her mind to dump that guy . [ scene_break ] kendall : why did today have to be jonathan 's last day ? that creepazoid will go home soon . greenlee : you know , we ca n't exactly search his files when he 's sprawled on the sofa watching espn . kendall : well , maybe you can make him go do some wild errand , like get some rare caviar for ryan 's birthday celebration or something . greenlee : why me ? why not you ? kendall : he hates me ! greenlee : target of his attack ! kendall : yeah , well , all the more reason he would want to bend over backwards to cover up -- those dark circles -- guys can wear -- they can wear makeup now , too . it 's the new thing . greenlee : jonathan , i 'm sorry that it worked out like this . jonathan : i 'm not . this gives me and ryan a chance to set the business world on fire -- just the two of us , the way it should have been all along . greenlee : do you have a location for your new venture ? because there 's -- there 's this warehouse conversion down by the docks . major hip factor , great price per square . jonathan : ryan loves that kind of stuff . i 'll check it out right now on my way home . greenlee : harbor court . jonathan : thank you . oh , and thank you , fusion . it 's been real . kendall : ok . for a bubble head , you are absolutely brilliant . now , come on . let 's go . [ scene_break ] tad : come on , move it , move it , move it ! we do n't have time ! liza : you ca n't fool me . this tough , gruff exterior -- this little act when you 're weeping like a little old lady on the inside , are n't you ? tad : yeah . six hankies , no one in sight . liza : mm - hmm . tad : that 's why i have you for backup . come on ! colby : mom , i think someone broke into our house . liza : what ? babe : ta - da ! liza : not funny . and so attractive . babe : thank you . and check out baby james ' little cozy playhouse here . we 're going to cover it with a blanket when we go outside . jamie : yes , babe got rid of all the cool stuff , like the recliner and the video games and all that fun stuff . but he 's still got some style . tad : looks like you 're all set . jamie : yeah , i guess we 're ready to go . babe : hey , thank you . come here -- liza : oh -- babe : both of you , seriously . and you -- you remember how much your nephew loves you , ok ? liza , what you did for us -- taking us in even when you knew everything that you were risking . liza : i did it for their sake , and for yours . we do n't want j.r. making his father 's mistakes , now , do we ? [ scene_break ] adam : we are paying these men a fortune to find your son . and when he 's finally back in your arms , i want you to come and get on this plane again and i want you to fly far , far away , where the buchanans ca n't get their hands on you and your boy . j.r. : you ca n't be serious . adam : no , i want you to go and i want you to stay gone until i can get the buchanans under control and settle a few scores here in pine valley . j.r. : you never wanted me to leave before . you tried to stop me from running away with bess . see , that 's your problem , dad . that 's your glitch . you never want your kids where you ca n't reach them . i thought you gave them bess ' dna so i would n't leave . adam : i 've made a lot of mistakes in my life , son . the most devastating was losing your trust . i just could n't quite see that you were a smart and strong young man who did n't need me to run his life for him . but i know better now . i still try to fix everything for you , but larger than that is the respect and pride . i do n't really expect you to forgive me . i can always hope . but i 'll always be there to back you up whenever you need me . j.r. : we 've all made mistakes . most of the time , it was me trying to stick it to you . marrying babe , for one . adam : and she gave you a son who will become a true heir -- adam chandler iii . but i promise you something , that there 's nothing better in the whole world than having the son you always wanted . [ phone rings ] j.r. : chandler . meet us with a car . they have liza 's address , but we have to get a move on it . if we can track them , that means the cops are n't far behind . [ scene_break ] [ tires screech ] [ siren wails ] liza : two ? four ? tad : try half a dozen -- squad cars , new orleans pd . liza : ok , colby , follow the leader , remember ? you just do as i say . babe : no . no , you guys need to go now . all of you . jamie : no , you know what ? they want me and babe . these cops bust in here , we ca n't let you guys go down for us ! tad : do n't panic . nobody 's going down . if they 're here for you -- jamie : dad , just -- please , just get them out of here . we 'll take whatever happens . we ca n't let you guys -- [ pounding on door ] officer : police ! open up ! jamie : dad , dad , just go ! tad : no , not without you . [ pounding ] tad : just a minute . [ pounding ] tad : coming . oh , man , again ? listen , if it 's about the snoring , it 's a deviated septum . i ca n't help -- officer : yeah , yeah , yeah , we 're doing a house - to - house . tad : yeah , well -- fine , sure . officer : we got an escapee from prison . tad : and you thought they might be here ? no , i do n't get much company . and i certainly had none tonight . would you like a cup of coffee or something ? officer : no , just keep your door locked and your ears open , all right ? we 'll take care of the rest , ok ? tad : sure , whatever you say . thank you . babe : oh , my god , i -- i ca n't -- i ca n't stop shaking . colby : we 're good at this game . jamie : no , it 's ok now . we 're cool . tad : no , we 're not . as long as they 're out there , you ca n't move . you ca n't go anywhere . if they stay too long , that boat 's going to sail without you . they 're here another ten minutes , everything goes down the drain . [ scene_break ] j.r. : pilot says we 'll be making a descent soon . adam : you know , i can just see liza 's face as colby comes running into my arms , tells me how much she 's missed me , says she wants to go home with her daddy . they can come between us and our children , but they ca n't stop the love . j.r. : what if you 've never had a chance to meet your child ? adam : j.r. , i promise you , it 's instantaneous . the minute he looks into your eyes , the love will be there . and it will give you more strength and more power than you ever thought possible . j.r. : my son , for the first time . and the rest of them , hopefully , for the last . adam : i know you detest babe . but jamie -- j.r. : dad , i know , i know . i taught him how to skateboard , you know . we used to camp in brooke 's backyard . who would 've ever thought that he 'd steal my child ? i should have cut tad and him off a lifetime ago . but that 's my punishment for waiting around . but now it 's time for their punishment . i may still be out of the country , so i 'm going to need you to call the cops and the judges . make the whole world understand that that witch and my so - called brother were responsible for kidnapping my baby . adam : i 'll take care of everything here . you and your boy wait for my word . [ scene_break ] kendall : would you hurry up ? where is ryan 's lock pick set ? greenlee : i upgraded . kendall : well , you do know that only works at your place , right ? greenlee : oh , bite me . i swiped this yesterday right after i got jonathan 's password . it 's time you show me some worship and awe . maggie ? you home ? kendall : i am awed by your thick skull . how could you let this guy spike your corn flakes for months and never clue in ? greenlee : you know , if i 'm the brains behind this project , and the class , taste , and charm , why do i need you ? kendall : because when you told me that you suspected jonathan , i did n't laugh in your face or run and tell ryan . so i would say i 'm the reason this project even exists . now , how about that password already ? greenlee : figures you want the honors . it 's secret . kendall : well , so much for you being the brains . what is it ? greenlee : it 's secret . kendall : are you that desperate to play know - it - all ? you wo n't even tell me ? greenlee : you are downright scary sometimes . watch closely . s - e - c - r - e - t . kendall : you 'll smirk off that one for days , wo n't you ? greenlee : well , a girl 's got to have a hobby . and we 're in . kendall : all right . well , now we have to look for anything that has to do with meds . try prescriptions and we 'll go from there . greenlee : ok . [ scene_break ] ryan : go over your story about the cash and the boathouse one more time , please . bobby : to hell with your questions and your threats . i do n't owe you a thing . ryan : you took money to break up my marriage . i 'd say we 're not even yet . bobby : oh , right . right . maybe zach did n't do it . i mean , i 'm sure there are plenty of guys who hate your guts and want to see you dead . show of hands ? aidan : i just needed an invitation . edmund : hey , hey , hey ! hey , what are you doing with my witness ? bobby : tough luck , edmund . you just lost your witness when you sicced these thugs on me ! from now on , not one word ! not to you , not to the cops -- nobody ! edmund : all right , listen -- guys , guys -- hey , aidan , get out of here , ok ? do you have any idea what is riding on bobby 's word ? ryan : that would be the problem . ryan : you sure about this ? i mean , making bobby 's word golden ? what -- edmund : ryan , bobby 's gotten closer to slater than anybody else . now , if he says he did it , that 's good enough for me . now will you excuse us ? anita : let 's make it a group exit , shall we ? the patient needs less noise and more rest . aidan : just having a friendly chat . anita : bye - bye , guys . bobby : thought i might need an oxygen tank with those guys sucking the air out of the room . anita : i 'm just glad that you agreed to help edmund . bobby : too bad your approval does n't matter anymore . this is between me , edmund , and slater . aidan : you ca n't build a case on that jerk 's story , ed . edmund : bobby has no reason to lie . ryan : the guy is perpetually on the make . he covers his rear as often as he breathes . his word is worth nothing ! maria : edmund -- ok , good , i 'm glad you guys are all here . i just saw zach , and i just confronted him about your shooting . aidan : what ? you ca n't pump a guy like that for information . maria : yeah , no kidding . he 's been training with your guys . it 's neither confirm nor deny . aidan : did you mention bobby ? maria : no , i did n't . ryan : well , did you get a read on him ? maria : just offense is defense . i mean , he 's just -- you ask him a question , you do n't believe him , it 's your problem if you do n't believe it . it 's classic evasion . ryan : yeah , it 's classic slater . maria : he 's up to something , and i know it . i -- edmund , i think -- i think you might be right about zach . edmund : ok . well , i 'll let bobby talk to derek , and then slater has nowhere left to run . [ scene_break ] < > zach : here are the keys . no need to change the locks unless it would make you feel better . i wo n't be offended . erica : you may well be the coldest man i 've ever met . but then maybe you have to be to look at yourself in the mirror every day . zach : hmm . i could say the same about you . you passed your own reflection probably , what , a dozen times during the walk - through ? you enjoyed every one of them . erica : yeah , my conscience is clear and rested . zach : should be , after the long break you 've given it . erica : you denied your own son . zach : you denied your daughters . both of them , different times . you denied them of who they are . are you sure you want to do this ? we 've both done things to our families . some good , some bad , some selfish . erica : so you admit it ? you did have ryan shot . zach : you brought a gun to my brother 's house . you picked it up , you aimed it , and you shot . you hit the wrong man , but the intent was there . erica : that is one moment in time , and no one could blame me for that . my daughter had been raped ! almost destroyed . zach : so you 'd never do it again ? erica : not unless you have another maniacal brother . michael cambias , thank god , is in hell where he belongs . zach : what if i put another gun in your hand , at the precise moment that you found out the truth about miranda , with you standing face - to - face with david , krystal , and babe carey ? [ keys hit floor ] [ scene_break ] adam : what 's the update ? you have the others assembled ? man : plainclothes are by the house , ready to move in . second man : we got lucky . the new orleans pd had a door - to - door search . local prison break . your ex 's building is on lockdown . no one 's in or out . j.r. : you 'd better pray that the cops or the feds do n't beat us to the prize . adam : you know , if that happens , you can kiss a lot more than your bonuses goodbye . am i clear ? liza : that 's the last of the cars . they 're all headed out . jamie : well , let 's take the hint and get out of here . what do you say ? colby : follow the leader . who goes first ? babe : think we 're going to make our boat ? tad : if we haul it . jamie : let 's rock ' n ' roll . [ scene_break ] erica : only an idiot or a bastard would have said that to me . maybe both . zach : you 're a very dangerous woman , erica . i knew that the moment i met you . you 're bright and beautiful , and you get away with things that most women ca n't . but you use the truth as your personal property , twist it for your own protection . erica : all right , i 'll tell you the pure , untwisted truth . i hope that our town is mercifully rid of you as soon as possible . and i hope that we both leave this earth at the same time on the same day and arrive at heaven 's gate at roughly the same time , and see which one of us makes st. peter 's cut . zach : ah , that 's funny . it 's another charming lie . you have n't thought about the hereafter a day in your life , or you would n't be erica kane . the building is yours . there 's no need for us to meet again . [ scene_break ] derek : the victim does n't usually listen in . ryan : just pretend i 'm not even here . edmund : well , that 's good , because you 're not going to be speaking . this is bobby 's show . are we clear on that ? all right , boys , slater 's about to go down . [ scene_break ] kendall : nothing . nothing . nothing . greenlee : who wipes clean their hard drive if they have nothing to hide ? kendall : i do n't know . greenlee : you know what ? your bony hips are cutting into my pants . kendall : ok , well , obviously , it looks like he had some files . greenlee : yeah , he probably downloaded all the biggies into an external drive or just burned some disks or something . kendall : you ca n't wear manolos and be a computer geek . greenlee : i have hidden talents . and i watch `` alias . `` kendall : fine , whatever . so then we look for some -- some kind of disks ? greenlee : yeah , with a label that reads , `` to whom it may concern -- i jonathan lavery am -- `` jonathan : are you getting a little bored , ladies ? because i could help you speed things up . you think i drugged you , greenlee ? greenlee : well , did you ? [ next_on ] edmund : you 're not going to steal from me and get away with it . maria : what did bobby steal from you ? jonathan : it 's killing me that it had to come down to this , but there 's only one way to end this now . j.r. : where 's my son ? | kendall and greenlee are trying unsuccessfully to find out whether jonathan drugged greenlee . and neither has told ryan of their suspicion about that . bobbie warner still gives nobody any information about his secret of who shot ryan or who assaulted him . ryan and aiden still believe zach was guilty of both crimes . even maria is beginning to doubt zach . |
ryan : this is honestly the best day in my life , kendall . annie : did you just call me kendall ? ryan : did i ? oh . uh -- wow . where 'd that come from ? annie : uh -- if i do the math right , i would say about four years ago . ryan : oh , honey , it 's -- well , you know , it 's dark in here and with the dark hair , i got a little -- annie : better come up with something better than that . ryan : hey -- i 'm sorry . i -- annie , i love you , and you 're my wife , and i want to spend the rest of my life with you , ok ? is that better ? annie : it 's a start -- jim . ryan : `` jim `` ? annie : mcbride . jim mcbride , my seventh - grade boyfriend . he was really hot and a really big guy -- ryan : right . ok , good . annie : he was a good dancer , a really good dancer -- ryan : i get it . come here ! come here , i get it . i 'm sorry , ok ? i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] joe : i 'll be damned . julia : how 's our patient ? joe : the same , unfortunately . julia , when dr. hubbard arrives , let me know . i want to speak to her before she comes in this room . julia : of course . i 'll go see if she left word . joe : thank you , thank you . hang on , son . help is on the way . [ scene_break ] angie : what does it take for an old friend to get a hug around here ? tad : angela -- [ angie and tad laugh ] tad : angela hubbard , i can not believe it ! what a miracle . angie : hi , tad . tad : it is so great to see you . angie : oh , likewise . tad : you look gorgeous . angie : tad , you look -- tad : no , forget it . most days , i feel like the warranty has run out . angie : oh , please -- tad : no , but you look every bit as good as you did 20 years ago . angie : oh , i could kiss you . tad : what are you doing later ? [ angie laughs ] tad : but seriously , what brings you home ? angie : well , your dad , actually . joe called me in to consult on a case . tad : pop called you in ? angie : mm - hmm . tad : must be serious . i mean , it 's all good . i mean , tell me cassandra 's with you , because i got to give her a hug . i mean , she 's got to be , like , 17 , 18 years old by now , right ? angie : going on 35 . tad : yeah , i 'll bet . angie : no , she 's spending some time in europe with jacob while she waits for her new classes to start . angie : no , no , we 're friends . it 's all good . um -- we have n't met . tad : oh ! speaking of which -- see , now , i 'm the dolt , right ? this is one of the original good guys right here . angie -- angie hubbard , i 'm proud to produce krystal carey martin . angie : so you 're krystal ? krystal : one and the same . angie : and now `` martin `` ? krystal : yeah . angie : well , i see some things have changed . tad : oh , it 's a long , interesting story . krystal : yeah . anyway , it 's a pleasure to meet you , dr. hubbard . angie : oh , please , `` angie . `` krystal : anyway , i 've heard so much about you from dr. joe and tad . i kind of feel like i know you . angie : now , listen , i do n't mean to be nosy , but this is all kind of a sudden , is n't it ? tad : no , i -- no , i left you a message , did n't i , about little jenny ? angie : oh , yeah , yeah , named after your sister and me and jesse 's best friend . you know , jesse would have loved that . tad : i hope so . i really hope so . see , jesse was angela 's first husband , as well as my sister 's truest friend in the world . um -- see , they were the couple everybody aspired to be back in the day . angie : oh , stop . tad : no , it 's true . he was a wonderful man . i still miss him . angie : yeah . i know . well , listen , you were talking about jenny , and getting married . tad : well , honey , it 's more than any of us have time for . the short story is that krystal and i wanted to make a real home for our baby girl , so christmas eve , we tied the knot . krystal : yeah . we tied it again just a couple minutes ago . angie : wait a minute -- you renewed your vows so soon -- right here ? tad : yep . mm - hmm . angie : today ? tad : i told you it was interesting . you 'll never guess who paid for it . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach ! aidan : let him go ! kendall : come on ! aidan : that 's enough ! colby : dad ? dad ! dad ! you guys , he 's not breathing ! help ! you guys go get help ! [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] annie 's voice : you 've reached the laverys , ryan , annie , and emma . please leave a message . [ answering machine beeps ] richie : where the hell are you , annie ? [ scene_break ] annie : um -- so , remind me . what is it that we are never going to do again ? ryan : i -- i 'm never going to call you any other name other than your own . [ horse whinnies ] annie : especially on this trip . ryan : especially on this trip . ok , deal . hey , it really was a nice surprise coming back to this place . annie : i figured we deserved it . ryan : yeah . sort of start things all over again . annie : the right way this time . ryan : yeah , the right way . you bet . annie : hmm . [ music plays ] [ annie giggles ] singer : here i 'm here i 'm here here with you i 'm here i 'm here here with you ♪ [ scene_break ] julia : what are you doing out of bed ? quentin : i have to go . julia : not a chance . quentin : i never wanted to come here in the first place . julia : look , quentin , nobody wants to come here , but you are sick . quentin : look , i 'm fine . it 's just the flu or something . julia : no , it is not the flu , and you are not going anywhere . quentin : well , we 'll see about that , wo n't we ? julia : ok , well , you 're not going to get very far without these . quentin : are you kidding me ? julia : do i look like i 'm kidding ? you 're going to get back in that bed , or i 'm going to put you there . quentin : listen , lady , i 'm going to walk out of this place bare - ass if that 's what it takes . now , get out of my way . julia : oh ! quentin : ugh ! julia : oh ! [ scene_break ] angie : so adam is still up to his old tricks ? tad : oh , he 's managed to dig up a few new ones since you 've been gone . krystal : yeah -- you know , i 'm sorry , could we just not talk about adam ? i 've just really have had enough of him . colby : tad , come quick ! krystal : what ? what 's wrong ? colby : it 's my dad ! zach hurt him ! krystal : what ? colby : come on . zach : hey , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . aidan : zach , zach , you 're not fine -- you just lost control ! krystal : what happened ? zach : everything 's all right . kendall : what , is she a doctor ? krystal : yes . kendall : he 's not answering me . angie : adam ? adam , can you hear me ? colby : he has a bad heart . krystal : what happened ? colby : zach went crazy and just started strangling him ! kendall : ok , colby , calm down . colby : i do n't need to calm down ! what did you do ? kendall : ok -- zach -- no , no , no , i 've got to find him . angie : he 's coming around . kendall : i 've got to find him . zach ? angie : adam , open your eyes . adam : yeah -- angie ? angie hubbard ? colby : dad , take it easy . adam : what the devil -- what the devil are you doing here ? angie : well , trying to make sure that you 're all right . adam , do n't you think you 're a little old to be getting into fist fights ? adam : no , it was n't a fight ! he tried to kill me ! zach slater -- where is he ? what , did you just let him walk out of here ? i 'll have you all arrested for aiding and abetting ! colby : hey . hey , hey , shh , shh . take it easy , take it easy . angie : listen -- listen to your daughter , adam , ok ? tad : there , now -- are n't you happy you came back ? [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] julia : i barely got him back into bed , he was in so much pain . joe : what are his vitals ? julia : bp 165/100 . joe : mm - hmm . [ alarm sounds , monitor accelerates ] joe : he 's seizing . diazepam , 10 milligrams . julia : got it . joe : yeah , quick . all right . [ alarm stops , monitor slows ] julia : it 's working . joe : yeah . good . now , you get out of here . julia : what ? joe : you heard me . everybody , i want everybody out of this room . i 'll get a special team in here to move him . it may be dangerous to keep him here . julia : no , joe , i 'm not going anyplace . he 's my patient . besides , if he 's contagious , i 've already been exposed . joe : yeah . come on , son . come on , son . that 's it . julia : his heart rate is steady . joe : yeah . that 's good , that 's good . ok . julia : joe , what is this thing ? joe : i do n't know . but we 'd better find the answer soon . this young man is running out of time . [ scene_break ] adam : why are you all just standing around ? call the cops . zach slater 's still on the loose . he could be in the hotel . tad : oh , yeah , we 'll get right on that . colby : dad , just calm down . angie : listen to your daughter , adam . colby : is he going to be ok ? angie : well , he 'll have a sore throat for about an hour or so , but otherwise , he seems fine . tad : just for trivia 's sake , how many lives have you been through ? i mean , it 's like 40 , 50 ? you know , just round it off . krystal : all right , tad , adam -- tad : i want to know . adam : are we done here ? angie : well , i just need you to sit still for a few more minutes . colby : thanks for your help , doctor . angie : oh , you 're welcome . you 're colby , are n't you ? colby : yeah , that 's right , yeah . angie : hi , i 'm angela hubbard . i knew your mom back in high school . colby : knew her , like liked her , or -- angie : uh -- well , let 's just say liza and i traveled in very different circles . [ scene_break ] kendall : i could not catch up . zach disappeared . where do you think he went ? aidan : i do n't know , but we 'll find him . are you all right ? greenlee : yeah , it 's just been a long day . aidan : do you want me to take you home ? greenlee : no , no , you need to help kendall find zach . go -- go ahead . i 'll get home . aidan : are you sure ? greenlee : yes , i 'm just a little tired . go . aidan : all right . i 'll call you in a bit . greenlee : ok , bye . kendall : bye . greenlee : bye . [ scene_break ] adam : do you have your cell ? krystal : why ? so you can call the police ? adam : no , i wanted to order a pizza . yeah . zach slater tried to kill me in here in front of a whole room full of witnesses . krystal : dre , honey , could you take colby for a walk ? dre : sure thing . colby : are you sure he 's going to be ok ? angie : sweetheart , your dad 's going to be just fine . adam : you do n't have to get -- get involved in this , honey . colby : you 're right , i should n't have . angie : do you need to go rescue her ? tad : krystal , from adam ? no , i do n't think so , not anymore . [ scene_break ] krystal : so , what did you say to zach ? adam : i told him he could n't have any of my pizza . krystal : seriously , adam . i 'm sure you poked him and prodded him until you finally struck a nerve like you tried to do with me tonight . adam : you have no idea what you 're talking about . krystal : i do . i do because i know you , adam . and somehow i have to believe whatever happened here tonight was your own damn fault . angie : hey , joe . guess who i just ran into . joe : angie , i 'm sorry -- can you come over to the hospital right away ? angie : ok , i 'll be right there . i got to go . tad : no , i 'll drive you . i 'll get the car , i 'll meet you out front , ok ? angie : oh , ok . tad : i got to get her to the hospital , all right ? krystal : that 's fine , yeah . tad : going to call you , ok ? krystal : i -- ok . [ scene_break ] richie : oh , come on , man . [ richie sighs ] richie : all right . because if the governor gives you a reprieve -- huh -- you got to have the strength to cash it in , man . come on . come on ! ok , annie . you want to hide from me ? i get it , sweetheart . that 's fine . you got my life in your hand , and you want to make me beg for it . you want to make me wonder if i 'm actually going to get you to go in and get a test to see if you 're a match to save my life . you want to run down the clock ? is that what you want to do ? that 's ok . that 's fine . if that 's your game -- i 've got a few games of my own . [ scene_break ] annie : oh . annie : oh . [ annie giggles ] ryan : wow . annie : oh . ryan : oh . annie : you like your surprise ? ryan : i liked all my surprises . annie : oh , me , too . ryan : this is perfect . you -- are perfect . annie : i happy . ryan : yeah ? annie : mm - hmm . ryan : ah , it feels good , does n't it ? annie : yeah . the best . ryan : it sort of makes you want to take things to the next level , huh ? annie : anything you say . ryan : so what do you think about trying to make a baby ? whoa , whoa , whoa , where are you going ? you 're not running away , are you ? annie : you really want another child ? ryan : why not ? i mean -- i mean , you 're an incredible mother . spike loves you . emma is amazing . what kid would n't be the luckiest kid in the world to have you as a mom ? annie : and you 're an incredible father . ryan : you see ? it 's perfect . annie : i -- i love , love , love that you want to share your dreams with me . ryan : ok . that 's not a `` no . `` annie : and i would love to have a baby with you , ryan -- someday . ryan : but not right now . annie : well , it does n't mean we have to stop practicing . [ scene_break ] julia : how 's our patient ? joe : stable . but i need you to promise you wo n't try to get out of bed again . quentin : what 's wrong with me , doc ? joe : we do n't know yet . we 're working on a diagnosis . and we have a specialist on the way right now . quentin : i know , i heard . joe : mm - hmm . quentin : dr. hubbard ? joe : yep . so you know you 'll be in the best possible hands . julia : i 'll see if i can get an eta on her . joe : you 've changed since the last time i saw you . [ quentin chuckles ] joe : hmm ? quentin : guess so . joe : well , do n't be scared . you know we 're not going to let anything happen to you . [ scene_break ] angie : they 've already quarantined a room ? good . tell them to have a sterilized gown , gloves , and mask for me ready for when i arrive . yes , we 're about -- tad : five minutes . angie : five minutes out . all right , thanks , nurse keefer . tad : that 's julia . you 're going to like her . she 's a nice woman . angie : hmm . tad : maria 's sister . angie : i did n't know maria . tad : yeah , you did . annie : no , i did n't . tad : you -- you never met maria ? angie : no , uh - uh . tad : i 'm either getting seriously old or you have been gone a long time . angie : hmm , you 're getting seriously old . no , i have n't been gone , just living my life . tad : yeah , all on your own , too . i heard . brave woman . i 'm proud of you . angie : well , i figure it was about time i gave it a try . there 'll never be another jesse for me , so i figured i should stop looking . quit while i was ahead . tad : hmm . angie : tad , i have to say this -- tad : no , you do n't . angie : i 'm sorry i did n't come back for dixie 's funeral . tad : you know something ? i always pictured you out there pulling a mother teresa , you know ? or in africa , you know , just trying to save some village -- angie : i was in madrid addressing a cdc conference on infectious diseases , and i would have come back in a heartbeat had i known . tad : i know . i know you would have . no apologies necessary here . i mean , we both know what it 's like to have to pick yourself up and start over again . i do n't want you feeling sorry for old thaddeus . i 've made my peace with him . angie : i can see that . she seems lovely . [ tad chuckles ] tad : krystal ? oh , she 's all of that and dessert . you know ? well , it 's an unconventional marriage , to say the least . but you know , it 's -- it 's -- angie : part of that long , interesting story you promised to tell me ? tad : yeah , do n't get me wrong , you know ? we love each other . we really do -- in our own way . we 're trying to do the best we can for jenny . i mean , we 're rock solid on that . you know , now , we 've been talking about kids . i never asked you about frankie . what 's he into ? angie : well , you know frankie , always a little mysterious about his plans . tad : mm - hmm . angie : how close are we ? what ? tad : man ! you really have forgotten all about this place . angie : ah , but it 's coming back to me , slowly but surely . tad : `` slowly -- i remember there was a tree outside the bank . phillip , mr. marshall 's cat . `` [ scene_break ] krystal : you know , just when i think you could n't sink any lower , you somehow find a new layer of scum to crawl into . [ adam chuckles ] adam : please save me the tired platitudes of your rural southern upbringing . krystal : what you did tonight -- telling me i had to go back with you before you reunited tad with his daughter -- that was blackmail , adam . adam : no , tad is blackmailing you with jenny , and you do n't even know it . and i 'm offering you the life that you want , a life with me . krystal : and when that did n't work , you go after zach slater . what in the world did you tell him to make him want to choke the life out of you ? adam : the truth , that 's all . krystal : the truth -- that you got your precious company back ? i do n't think zach slater cares about that . i do n't think anybody cares about that , adam , except you . adam : well , this town had written me off . obviously , they were making a mistake . krystal : what about colby ? you used colby to get all of us here for this ugly spectacle . and i do n't even think you care how that makes colby feel . adam : colby will understand . krystal : you are going to drive her away , adam . you are going to drive her away , just like you 've driven everyone else out of your life . adam : this -- this could be a win - win for all of us , for everyone . tad gets his kid back , you get your real life back with me . why could n't you accept my deal ? why ? [ scene_break ] kendall : zach , hey , it 's kendall . um -- can you please call me back ? i 'm really worried about you . bye . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : zach 's car is gone . kendall : oh . see ? i -- i -- i 've tried cambias , i 've -- i 've tried the casino , rachael , and he has n't gotten in touch with anybody . i do n't understand this . why would he leave and take off without telling us where he went ? aidan : maybe he 's just gone somewhere to -- to cool off . kendall : aidan , i have n't seen him like this since -- aidan : since what ? since when ? kendall : since the day we had that terrible fight , and he took off , and i almost lost him . aidan : hey , look , just do n't go there , kendall , all right ? kendall : how can i not go there , aidan ? for god 's sakes , zach has n't had any peace since he 's been back . i mean , he 's been -- he went through hell in that damn bomb shelter , and then the madness with hannah , and now this . aidan : we 'll find him . we 'll find him , ok ? can you just call greenlee for me ? because i just -- i want to check in with her . kendall : yeah , of course . here . here 's her number . no answer ? oh , ok , well , maybe she fell asleep . aidan : yeah , maybe . do you mind if we just swing by her place first ? would that be all right ? kendall : yeah , let 's do it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thought i might find you here . need some company ? oh -- whoo . oh . ok , so clearly i 'm going to be the first one to talk -- no surprise there . but in case you 're wondering -- and worried -- adam chandler 's going to be fine . for all we know , he faked passing out just to make you look bad . zach : i 'm not worried about adam . greenlee : good . zach : i am worried that i let the bastard get to me . greenlee : adam is hateful on a good day . zach : yeah , but i 'm better than that . i -- uh -- greenlee : actually , it kind of reminded me of when we were in the bunker and the battery on your cell phone died ? zach : what is -- i lost pictures of kendall and my boys . this is completely different . greenlee : not really . you 've always been the guy who controls his own destiny . in the last few months , the universe has n't been cooperating . zach : so i 've completely lost control ? greenlee : could be . zach : ok . what else do you have , doctor ? greenlee : accept that you never had it to begin with and move on . what 's the line -- `` god laughs at all of us who make plans `` ? zach : that 's it ? greenlee : yeah . zach : am i paying for this , like an hourly charge ? what 's -- what 's the deal ? greenlee : the clock , as they say , is ticking . [ scene_break ] colby : i 'm worried about him , i 'm mad at him . are we ever going to talk about it ? dre : what ? colby : the kiss . dre : oh , right -- that . colby : what ? dre : it was cool . colby : just `` cool `` ? dre : huh -- it was great , colby . it was rock ' n ' roll , tupac , lebron james swooping in from the free - throw line . colby : ok , i might just have to smack you . [ dre chuckles ] dre : sorry . colby : no , i 'm sorry . i was just being -- i do n't know . dre : i think i get it . your dumb boyfriend ran a stupid play that made you bounce his bony ass to the curb . so , you needed to feel pretty for somebody , and i just happened to be there . but you are pretty , colby . and , in fact , you 're beautiful . and you do n't have to prove that to me or anybody else . colby : you better just be careful . dre : why ? colby : i might have to kiss you again . [ dre and colby chuckle ] dre : so are you really ok ? [ colby sighs ] colby : i 'm better . thanks . [ scene_break ] adam : will you please , please explain to me why you wo n't accept my terms ? krystal : one reason is , i do n't really believe you know where kate is . adam : oh , well , if -- if you think i would go to all this trouble without adequate leverage , then you underestimate me like everyone else in this town . krystal : well , that 's fine . if that 's true , then please for once in your life do the right thing and help tad find his daughter . adam : what 's in it for me ? krystal : huh . `` what 's in it for -- `` huh . [ adam chuckles ] krystal : you have n't learned . adam : yeah . krystal : you have n't learned after what happened with jenny . you ca n't continue to play god , adam ! nobody has the right to separate a parent and a child . adam : oh -- wow , that -- that 's priceless coming from you . krystal : well , that 's right , that 's right . take it from me , adam , because i regret what i did to bianca every day of my life . i went to jail for it , and i deserved to go to jail for it . i learned my lesson . obviously , you never will . adam : well , it does n't really matter anymore anyway . does n't matter because the deal is off the table . and if you tell tad that i know anything , i 'll just deny it like i did the last time . and you and tad can go ahead and have your -- your happy little make - believe family . and tad will never know what happened to his beautiful , lost , and lonely daughter -- just like i will never know what happened to charlotte . you are the only person who could 've made that difference . you 're going to have to deal with it every day for the rest of your life . krystal : and that 's the other reason why i did n't take your deal . because anyone who would do that , what you just did -- anyone who would keep tad away from his daughter i do n't want to have anything to do with . [ scene_break ] ryan : ahem . annie : so , emma 's already asleep ? corrina : yes . she spent the whole day running around with kathy . annie : you wore them out -- smart girl . corrina : look , i was n't going to bring this up , but , um , your brother 's been leaving a bunch of messages on the phone at home . do you want me to tell him that you 're out of town ? annie : no , no . um -- i 'll handle richie . thanks , corrina . give -- give emma a big kiss for me , ok ? ryan : hey . annie : hey . ryan : everything ok ? annie : yeah . everything 's perfect . [ glasses clink ] [ scene_break ] richie : wow , emma . you look so much like your mom when she was your age -- little golden eyelashes and everything . you are going to live a good life . but your uncle richie -- he deserves one , too , and since your mama -- since she wo n't help him , well , sweetheart , i guess it 's up to you to step up and give me what i need . now , i promise it 's not going to hurt -- at least not too much . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , this feels so good . hmm . annie : i could stay here like this forever . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : nope , sorry -- we have way too much living we need to do . annie : are you falling asleep ? ryan : hmm -- uh - uh , mm - hmm . maybe a little . annie : huh . you know , i 've been thinking about what you said before -- about how we have so much love to share ? you 're right . i mean , we are -- we are so blessed . we have everything we could ever want . ryan : everyone should have that chance . [ annie remembers ] richie : you see , if i get a second chance -- if i were to tell you i 'd get a second chance -- i 'd be as grateful as hell . and no more hate , no more anger . i will be the brother that you 've always wanted me to be . [ scene_break ] quentin : um , how am i ? julia : better . your vitals are stronger , and i 've started a drip to increase your fluid intake . quentin : hmm . this dr. hubbard -- you know her ? julia : only by reputation . i understand that she grew up here and she worked at pine valley hospital for years . joe thinks the world of her . [ scene_break ] angie : joe ? joe : angela ! angie : joe ! oh , it is so good to see you ! joe : so good , indeed . i just wish it were under better circumstances . angie : yes , i know -- you said it was urgent . how 's the patient ? joe : yeah -- well , stable . angie : he had some kind of seizure ? joe : it appeared to be a generalized tonic . that 's about all the things we know right now . angie : all right . well , i want to examine him right now . joe : well , before you go in , i have something to tell you . it could -- angie : oh , my god ! [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] aidan : greenlee ? greenlee , are you home ? kendall : aidan ? there 's a message . [ answering machine beeps ] greenlee 's voice : aidan , i think i know where zach went . um -- i 'll be back soon . i love you . kendall : well , if she knew where zach went , why did n't she tell us ? [ scene_break ] zach : so , what other words of wisdom do you have for this poor , unfortunate man ? greenlee : well , you 're definitely not poor . zach : ah , i 'm poorer now than i was before adam took his company back . greenlee : is that what made you so mad ? zach : no . no , he can have the company -- it was n't that . he just -- he made it personal , you know ? greenlee : hannah . zach : hannah . and i 'm -- i 'm getting over that . i am over it , i 'm -- i 'm fine . it 's -- how 's my time with you ? greenlee : oh , we 've still got a little . zach : yeah ? greenlee : yeah . zach : you 're good at this . greenlee : what ? zach : this , this -- pep talk . it 's -- it might be a new career for you . greenlee : oh , no , thanks -- i already got one . but i will give you one big chunk of advice , free of charge . zach : oh , ok . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : if you want to erase this night from your memory , go home . once you see those two beautiful little boys , you 'll forget all about adam and hannah and anything else . and when you wake up in the morning in your bed with kendall next to you , this will all seem like some faraway dream . zach : some of it was n't so bad . greenlee : compliments now ? ok , we 've officially crossed from bizarre to truly creepy , so i say we hit the road . zach : creepy ? greenlee : yeah -- ah ! [ scene_break ] richie : ok , emma . it 's time we go on our little adventure . there 's a doctor in mexico who really needs to see you . [ phone rings ] richie : what ? annie : i 'll do it . richie : what ? annie : i 'll get tested to see if i can be your bone marrow donor . richie : well , uh , i 'm glad you finally came around . annie : i 'll call you tomorrow to make the arrangements . richie : can i ask why the sudden generosity from you ? annie : you 'd never understand . richie : anything you say , sis . richie : sorry . [ scene_break ] adam : yeah -- another drink , please . make it a double . adam : oh . i thought you went home to krystal 's . colby : you used me . i asked you not to disappoint me -- adam : i know , i know . colby : and let me down again . adam : i 'm sorry -- i 'm so sorry . i -- i thought -- i thought i could make it all better . colby : you always do these things and then say you 're sorry . i 'll drive . adam : what are you saying ? colby : we 're going home . i 'll take you . [ adam chuckles ] [ scene_break ] tad : i 'm sorry i had to leave you there with adam . krystal : well , i made it out alive . so , how 's angie 's patient ? tad : well , she came bolting through here so fast , i did n't get a chance to ask her . whoever he is , is lucky , though . when it comes to taking care of people , angie treats everybody like they 're family . [ scene_break ] angie : frankie -- julia : dr. hubbard , your mask . angie : oh , my god ! frankie , i ca n't believe it 's really you ! frankie . frankie : mama . angie : oh ! oh ! oh , frankie . oh , frankie . oh . oh , my god . oh , my -- [ scene_break ] aidan : ah -- still no answer . kendall : of course not because why would our significant others bother to tell us where they ran off to , especially after my husband practically strangled a man in public ? aidan : you know , there must be a good explanation , kendall . kendall : there is -- only we 've been too wrapped up in our guilt to see it . aidan : what are you saying ? kendall : well , have n't you noticed how close greenlee and zach have been since they were in that bunker ? aidan : yeah . kendall : yeah ? aidan : so ? kendall : `` so `` ? have n't you ever wondered what went on down there ? aidan : oh . come on , kendall , please , do n't do this again . kendall : no -- aidan , i 'm -- i 'm being completely serious here . i mean , we 've been going through all sorts of hell , because of this one night that we slept together . and who 's to say that greenlee and zach did n't do the exact same thing ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : it 's like a knife in my gut . zach : let 's get you to a doctor . greenlee : no , no , no , it 'll pass . it always does . zach : what 's going on with you ? tell me . greenlee : i do n't know . i 've been having these weird pains , trouble swallowing sometimes . zach : have you told aidan ? greenlee : i ca n't . he 's already been treating me like i might break at any second . [ greenlee gasps ] zach : ok -- shh . let 's get you to a hospital , come on . greenlee : no , no , no . i 'm afraid , zach . zach : you 're afraid of what ? greenlee : i 'm -- i 'm afraid . i 'm terrified that if i go in that hospital , i 'll never come out -- that whatever this turns out to be will be the thing that kills me . [ next_on ] angie ( to frankie ) : but i thought i would never see you again . krystal ( to j.r. ) : i need you to tell your father the mother of all lies . greenlee ( to aidan ) : i 've been lying to you . aidan : about what ? kendall ( to zach ) : i have to come clean about something . | annie is quite surprised when ryan calls her kendall . she demands that he start explaining why he called her kendall . when zach strangles adam , he collapses . after quentin has a seizure , joe orders that he be placed in isolation . tad is shocked to see angie hubbard back in town . colby hurries out to get tad . angie rushes to adam 's side . adam comes to and wants to know what angie is doing back in town . kendall ca n't find zach , so aidan offers to help her and they leave together . greenlee figures out where zach could be and goes to look for him . joe recognizes quentin as being angie and jesse 's son . angie gets a call from the hospital . tad drives angie to the hospital while krystal has a talk with adam . krystal urges adam to tell tad where kathy is . adam wants to know what 's in if for him . ryan asks annie to have another child . annie refuses for the time being . greenlee finds zach . she begins to have stomach pains . zach offers to take her to the hospital , but greenlee is afraid that she may never come out alive . angie arrives at the hospital and is surprised to find that her son is her patient . kendall hears the message that greenlee left for aidan saying that she may know where zach is . kendall begins to suspect that something more happened between zach and greenlee down in the bomb shelter . |
bianca : kendall 's made it this far . jesse : hi , um -- listen , i know this is a bad time . i need some help . i need to know what happened in your room before the shooting . reese : we -- we told you everything . jesse : but in the room -- what did josh do ? what did he say ? zach : josh robbed a casino , held a hostage at gunpoint , so i ended it . what else do you want to know ? erica : no , it -- it 's all right . um -- i have no idea how i can help , but i 'll tell you everything that i know . jesse : you know what ? it can wait . all right , listen , i want you to know also that i 'm praying for kendall . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . greenlee : hi . ryan : any word ? greenlee : it has to work , ryan . it has to . but what if kendall 's body rejects josh 's heart ? ryan : do you honestly think that kendall would leave her two boys , leave zach , leave you ? greenlee : how are you doing ? this must bring back memories of gillian . ryan : i 'm ok . i 'm ok . [ scene_break ] bianca : she 's going to be ok . erica : i ca n't lose her , too . erica : how is kendall ? david : the surgery was a success . erica : oh , thank god . zach : well , what do we do now ? how is she ? what are we doing ? david : the next 48 hours are critical . we 've started her on immunosuppressive therapy to lower the risk of rejection . zach : so , can i go see her ? david : well , not until she gets out of post - op . and he 'll be the only visitor allowed , at least for the time being . zach : hey . david : i am sorry about josh . erica : kendall 's alive . it 's what i 've been praying for . david : yes , there is reason for joy . but that does n't take away the pain of losing your son . erica : kept telling myself that i made the right decision , that josh 's death was n't in vain because kendall 's alive , but -- david : but of course , it still rips you up inside . we tell ourselves all sorts of things to get over the loss of a child . if you find something that works , let me know . [ scene_break ] j.r. : oh ! uh , hey -- hey , little adam -- hmm -- how you doing ? little adam : are you ok ? j.r. : yeah , sure . i 'm ok . little adam : want to play with me ? j.r. : you know what ? i would love to play with my favorite little man in his favorite little world , but first , let me take a sip of this . i -- i would n't want to spill it . [ j.r. chuckles as he continues drinking ] j.r. : yeah . [ scene_break ] amanda : are you here to slam me because david paid me to tank j.r. , or because i 'm pregnant , or because i do n't know who the father is ? jake : hmm , so many choices . i 'm actually just here because i 'm concerned . amanda : what 's this ? jake : prenatal vitamins . amanda : thanks , but you can keep them . jake : that 's all right . look , i 've been -- i 've been an ass and , uh -- i 've given you a hard time . so , i 'm just coming to , you know -- coming to be a friend , to help . amanda : i 'm knocked up , so you 're being nice to me now ? forget it . jake : amanda , there 's nothing easy about being pregnant , you know ? and i -- i get that you 're a strong , independent glamazon of a woman . i do , but you know , you do n't have to go this alone just to -- to prove a point . just let me help you . amanda : i do n't need a friend or advice or vitamins . i 'm -- i 'm getting an abortion . [ scene_break ] angie : i want to talk to you . [ david sighs ] david : not now . angie : i know what you 've been doing . david : really ? well , then you know that i just performed a heart transplant on kendall slater . i 'm exhausted . angie : i know what you 've been doing to krystal . david : she 's happy . angie : you 're drugging her . david : if love is a drug , darling , then -- angie : these do n't look like hearts and flowers . david : where did you get those ? angie : i had them analyzed . they 're not prescription sedatives . you whipped them up yourself , and you 've gotten krystal hooked . you turned her into an addict . [ scene_break ] zach : kendall is alive because of you . erica : i would have given her my own heart if i had to . zach : thank you for giving your consent for the transplant . erica : there was no other decision to be made . zach : if there 'd been any other way , i 'd -- erica : i -- of course , i wish there were . josh made mistakes . he was wrong , but i loved my son . and now he 's -- he 's dead . zach : sorry . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i still ca n't believe that josh would do something like this . reese : yeah , it was pretty scary . ryan : he must have been pretty desperate to come back to pine valley , you know ? considering zach 's wanted him dead for so long . and now , of course , he is dead exactly when kendall needs a heart . greenlee : you do n't think that zach shot josh to -- ryan : to get his wife a perfect match of a heart ? i mean , it does n't really matter what i think , right ? all that matters is that this is working out for zach and for kendall , right ? reese : all i know is that zach saved my life . [ scene_break ] joe : erica , i just heard . i 'm so sorry . erica : it 's your loss , too . joe , i -- i made so many mistakes with josh . joe : oh , do n't say that . erica : you saw the goodness in him . you saw the -- the talent in him and that he was compassionate . joe : he was a very special doctor , and he -- he could have had a brilliant career if he had chosen that path . erica : and if i had been a better mother , maybe i would have seen how much trouble he was in sooner . so that he felt the only option he had was to embezzle from zach 's casino . maybe i could have stopped him . i mean , i think that so much could have been different if i had just -- joe : erica , you did nothing wrong . josh 's choices were his own . he knew you loved him . he loved you . joe : these are his effects . erica : josh saved my life at the mardi gras ball and now he saved his sister kendall 's . [ scene_break ] jack : hey , you . greenlee : hey . jack : any word on kendall ? greenlee : she made it through surgery . jack : well , thank god . that 's good news , huh ? greenlee : yeah . jack : yeah . greenlee : it still has n't sunk in , you know ? she 's alive because josh is dead . jack : yeah , josh holding reese hostage at gunpoint , bringing a weapon into the casino where zach was ? i mean , what the hell was he thinking about ? greenlee : it was n't the josh i know . he was funny and sweet and charming and -- when i needed a friend , you know , he was there . jack : well , i know you 've lost a friend , but if josh 's death can give kendall her life back , then , well , it 's something to be thankful for , huh ? greenlee : if i lose kendall -- you know , last night i think i promised her that if she recovered , i would do whatever she wanted to . jack : ooh . [ jack chuckles ] greenlee : yeah . do you think that people in comas can hear or remember ? jack : well , you know that 's what they say . you just might be in trouble , kiddo . greenlee : if she walks out of these doors , i 'll do anything she wants . just do n't tell her i said that . jack : ok . [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm really sorry about your grandson , joe . joe : thank you , ryan . i 'm going to try and reach jeff again . not the kind of message you want to leave on voice mail . ryan : i , um -- i know how hard it must have been for you to give consent to use josh 's heart in the transplant . erica : jilly . i know how much you loved her . ryan : i did , i did , i loved her , and it was the hardest decision i probably ever had to make , or one of them , anyway , but laura lived because of gillian , and kendall will live because of josh and because of you . erica : i have to make some kind of cosmic sense out of this insanity . if josh had to die then it 's so that his sister kendall could live . jack : i am so , so sorry for your loss . greenlee : josh was a good man . whatever made him do what he did at the casino , he must have been in a lot of pain . erica : i hope he 's at peace now . i hope that he knows that he gave this great gift to kendall . greenlee : i think he does . jack : is there anything at all that i can do ? erica : no , no , really . i 'm all right . i -- i just , um -- i 'm just going to wait . ryan : there 's not a whole lot to wait for right now . i mean , david did say that zach is the only visitor that kendall can have right now . erica : i know , but i just -- i just want to be here . i just -- i just want to be close to kendall . greenlee : and then keel over from starvation and exhaustion when they do let you see her ? jack : yeah , why do n't you let me take you to your hotel ? erica : oh , i -- i 'm not sure that i can really go back there . jack : i 'll stay with you . i 'm sure it 's difficult for you to see this , but kendall has her mother 's spirit and now her brother 's heart , and i think with that combination , she 's going to walk right out of here , i really do . ryan : even erica kane ca n't go on forever without some food and a little sleep . erica : ok , but you promise me that you will contact me just the second you hear anything . ryan : absolutely promise . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey , we could put another section -- oh , i 'm sorry . i can fix that . i could fix -- little adam : you ruined it . j.r. : i 'm sorry , little adam . i 'm sorry . little adam : you stink . j.r. : listen to me , i love you . i love you , little adam . hey , little adam ! adam : hey , what in blazes is -- what did you do to upset little adam ? you 're drunk . [ scene_break ] amanda : people have abortions every day , ok ? so do n't preach at me , do n't try and talk me out of it , and please do n't tell me i 'm going to hell . jake : i 'm not -- i 'm not doing anything like that . i 'm just saying you might want to take a little , you know , more time before you make such a big decision . amanda : i 've decided . jake : amanda , you 've taken more time to decide what not to wear to a party -- is this because you do n't know who the father is ? amanda : it 's because -- there 's no way in hell i 'm ready to be a mom . [ scene_break ] david : you 're going to tell me where you got those , or you 're going to make me guess ? angie : you 're giving krystal illegal , unproven , untested drugs . she thinks she 's taking a legal sedative to calm her nerves , and you 've turned her into a lab rat . david : did krystal give those to you ? angie : krystal is too blind or addicted to suspect that you 'd ever do something so disgusting . david : hmm , that 's a serious accusation . angie : it 's true . david : career - ending , if proven beyond a reasonable doubt . angie : well , that 's why the police are on their way . david : your husband . angie : you have done enough damage to the people i love , this town . it 's time your behind was stopped . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i thought that he was taking a nap , dad . adam : so , you only have to be sober when he 's awake ? j.r. : i did n't think he would see me like this . adam : you did n't think he 'd see you at all . your son 's mother is dead . he needs you whole , healthy , strong , and you 're upside down in a bottle . david : you 're pathetic . you do n't deserve to be a father . j.r. : you 're not going to take my son from me . adam : i am not trying to take your son away from you . j.r. : you 're never going to take him , damn it ! you hear me ? never ! [ scene_break ] amanda : i want babies someday , but i 'm not ready to be a mom . i 'd suck . i ca n't even keep plants alive . i -- i live on a boat , not exactly baby - proof . i am not baby - proof . jake : are you making this decision because you do n't know who the father is , or because you do know who the father is and you 're not saying ? amanda : i -- i want my life back the way it was , starting now . jake : wait a second -- you 're not -- you 're not doing this right now , are you ? amanda : the sooner , the better . jake : wait a second . i 'll -- i 'll take you . i 'll take you . amanda : no , i -- i just -- i want to do this alone . this is not a selfish , all - about - me decision , ok ? i would not make a very good mother . i ruin lives for cash . i 'm not a nice person . no kid deserves me as a mom . jake : amanda -- i -- i happen to think that you 'd be a great mom . [ scene_break ] angie : the way you 've run this hospital to punish people on your enemy list is bad enough , but to ruin krystal and tad 's marriage -- david : so , you 're going to have me arrested by your husband because krystal wants me instead of tad . i do n't think that 's a felony . angie : you manipulated krystal away from tad , and you used these to do it . jesse : i got your message . what 's up ? angie : arrest him . jesse : excuse me ? angie : they 're one of david 's experiments . you used them to get krystal addicted so he can control her . jesse : pretty serious charges . angie : they 're all true . david : i guess you want a statement . jesse : uh , yeah . david : why do n't we go to my office ? [ scene_break ] bianca : it was definitely a -- a weird thing when josh just showed up into our lives , but we grew to love each other . at least i thought we did . i remember the times we spent together , all of us . it really started to feel like we were a family . reese : i 'm so sorry , sweetie . bianca : i just -- i do n't understand . i do n't -- i do n't know that person . i do n't know the person that could 've killed you . when i saw him holding a gun to you , i -- i was so scared . thank god you 're ok . reese : thank zach , huh ? zach : how you holding up ? hey -- what was that for ? bianca : if you had n't -- reese is here because of you . bianca : and i know it was a terrible thing that you had to do , but you did n't have a choice , and because of you , she 's safe , and now kendall has another chance . zach : yeah , she does , and i 'm grateful . what i 'm worried about is kendall waking up and looking at me , and all she sees is the man that killed her brother . [ scene_break ] little adam : where 's daddy ? adam : oh , he 'll be back soon . i 'm sorry he scared you . he did n't mean to . he loves you very , very much . he just has n't been feeling well lately . little adam : is he going to be ok ? adam : oh , uh -- yeah . that 's what i pray for every day . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 've messed up . i know you 're supposed to be perfect and all , but you should have taken me and not babe . you hear me ? you messed up ! i 'm useless . my father thinks i 'm a loser . my son 's afraid of me . and all i can think about is having another drink . so if you 've got some great , big , amazing plan , i suggest you get on with it , because i ca n't keep doing this anymore . [ scene_break ] erica : thank you for bringing me back . jack : you 're welcome . would you like a cup of tea , or have something sent up from room service ? i know you need something to eat . erica : oh , no . i 'm good . you do n't have to stay . jack : i 'd like to . you 've been through a lot . i 'd just like to see that you 're all right . erica : my son is dead . my daughter 's in a coma . no , i 'm not all right . jack : erica , if there 's anything i can do , whatever it is , you know , i 'd be happy to do it . erica : josh just looked like he was sleeping , like he could wake up at any moment . doctors assured me that that was impossible , but somehow watching him there , lying there so peacefully -- and he was breathing . and i could n't help but think that maybe some day , somehow , a miracle could happen . but kendall needed a miracle today , so i had to choose . i had to accept that josh was dead so kendall could live . jack : erica , josh could n't be helped , and kendall could . erica : you say that so easily . what if it were lily and reggie , greenlee ? could you say it so easily then ? could you so easily take responsibility for having your son 's heart cut out so your daughter could live ? jack : i 'm sorry . erica : well , it was the hardest decision i ever had to make in my life , and i was alone , and so do n't think that you can just offer me some tea or some food and think that that 's a help . jack : erica , i would have been right by your side . i just figured that with what 's been going on between us lately , you would n't want to look up and see me standing there . it would be the last thing you would want . erica : yeah , whatever is going on between us , our families have always come first . jack : absolutely . all you had to do was pick up the phone and call me . erica : yeah , well , i did n't want to bother you . jack : bother me . erica , how would you be bothering me ? erica : you 're with carmen now . you have your own life . jack : oh , come on -- please . what -- why are you doing this ? erica : i think you should leave . jack : i think we need to stop playing this game that we play . erica : you think this is a game ? jack : yeah , i think that 's exactly what it is . and the problem is , the rules keep changing , erica . and i 'm tired of not knowing what the rules are , what the hell the score is . i care about you so much , and i always will , and you know that . and , yes , our family always comes first , and , yes , we will always be in each other 's lives . ok , unless of course , you do n't want me in your life anymore , and then say the word and that can be arranged , as well . ok . well , this was a bad idea . call me if there 's anything that i can do . or do n't . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . bianca : hey , how is she ? zach : her heart is strong , and she 's even got some color in her face . bianca : good . i can not wait to see her . ryan : next step is she opens her eyes . greenlee : and puts her nose back in everybody 's lives . bianca : yeah , right , i know . zach : yeah , it 's -- bianca : if you guys are n't married by the time she wakes up , then you better be careful , because she 'll probably drag you down the aisle by your ears . greenlee : oh , that 's only because she loves us so much . ryan : yes . greenlee : but you the most . zach : hey . reese : i just ca n't wait to meet her . zach : you 're going to love her , and she 's going to love you . bianca : you should go home and get some sleep . zach : i 'm good . i 'm fine . everything 's good . bianca : no , no , you 've been up for , what , two days ? go home to spike and ian , and give them a kiss . tell them sleeping beauty got a magic heart . zach : `` sleeping beauty , `` huh ? bianca : would you take this man home ? reese : sure , absolutely . let 's go . zach : if anything happens , give me a call , all right ? bianca : absolutely . greenlee : we 'll call you . zach : ok . bye . ryan : see you . reese : good , huh ? all right , i 'll see you later , ok ? bianca : ok . greenlee : well , i think it 's going to be a while . so anyone getting a junk food attack like me ? oh , of course , you are . bianca : i 'm -- i 'm good . greenlee : do n't worry , i 'll share . ryan : ok . how you doing ? bianca : it 's crazy . ryan : yeah , it is . bianca : you know , i was thinking maybe we should postpone the wedding . ryan : really . why ? bianca : well , i mean , kendall 's still in a coma , but maybe if we wait , she 'll wake up in time . ryan : as much as i want kendall at the wedding , it might be weeks before she actually wakes up . bianca : i know . it 's just -- it 's such an important day . ryan : which is exactly why kendall would probably tell you not to postpone it , and she 'd keep telling you that until you agreed with her . bianca : probably . but it 's -- it 's not just kendall . it 's also mom . i mean , she 'll be grieving , and to have a wedding so soon -- ryan : erica will be fine . she will . what else you got ? bianca : well , i do n't understand . ryan : postponing the wedding is n't about kendall or erica or anything else other than the fact that you are still afraid that there 's something going on between reese and zach . [ scene_break ] erica : yes ? jack : we need to decide once and for all whether we can be honest with one another . i do n't know where we stand . i do n't know what you want . i do n't even know what i want . i just know there must be some way for two people who care as much as we do for each other to -- i do n't know . erica : stop hurting each other ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , look , if you have any doubts at all , just call off the wedding . the point is , is that you do n't -- you do n't need an excuse to do it . bianca : wait , are you saying that you do n't think i should trust reese ? ryan : no , no , that 's not what i 'm saying . i just -- i want you happy , bianca , that 's all . i want you 100 % sure . when i married annie , i kind of rushed into it , and if i 'd listened to my gut , then maybe it would n't have been such a disaster . bianca : well , reese and i know each other better now . look , i -- i almost blew us up with that stunt i pulled , but she forgave me . and i forgave her . and -- and i want to spend the rest of my life with her . ryan : ok , good . good . so you 're cool with reese and zach ? bianca : we 're family . i 'm -- i 'm glad that reese and zach are as close as they are . [ scene_break ] zach : your mom 's going to be home real soon , all right ? reese : well , all three of you look like you could use a nap . why do n't i take these two and put them down . ok , come on . zach : come on , monkey . reese : you want to go for a little nap ? zach : no , i 'm not going to sleep . i 'll be up for a while . reese : come here . come on . [ gaby fusses ] zach : i got her . reese : ok , thanks . zach : hey , what you doing ? come here . oh , my goodness . huh ? what are you making so much noise for ? everything 's going to be all right . everyone 's going to be happy . yeah . [ scene_break ] bianca : so , i do n't know everything that reese is thinking . do -- do you know every little thought that greenlee has , or what she 's going to do ? greenlee : where 's the fun in that ? bianca : yeah , exactly . it keeps things interesting . ryan : every once in a while i would love things to be a little boring . greenlee : he does n't mean that . ryan : so -- wedding 's on ? greenlee : is it off ? bianca : it 's definitely on . [ scene_break ] [ gaby cries ] reese : ok , kiddo -- oh , zach is falling asleep . it 's ok . it 's ok . it 's all right . [ scene_break ] amanda : hey . what are you doing here ? j.r. : watching the moon eat the sun . amanda : it 's freezing . you do n't have a coat . come on , let 's go someplace -- j.r. : leave me alone . amanda : what is your problem ? you 've been drinking . j.r. : i scared my kid . i never wanted him to see me like that . the way that he looks at me -- amanda : he 'll get over it , j.r. you 're a good dad . j.r. : come on , what do you know about being a good parent ? sure , maybe i know how to throw a great party , or great in the sack , or -- but as a father -- my son was afraid of me . amanda : so get sober and go home and tell him you 're sorry , and that -- and that you love him . j.r. : see , the sober part 's probably going to be a problem , because i ca n't . i need it . amanda : you do n't . j.r. : hayward was right . i do n't deserve to be a father . i let down babe . i let down little a . damn it ! [ amanda screams as j.r. falls into the water ] amanda : j.r. ! [ scene_break ] angie : did he make a statement ? jesse : uh , yeah , he did . angie : so , are you going to arrest him ? jesse : actually , angela , i 'm going to have to arrest you -- for breaking and entering . angela , you have the right to remain silent . anything you say may and will be used against you -- angie : would you come off of it ? jesse : in a court of law . angie : this is n't funny . jesse : you have the right to an attorney . if you ca n't afford one , one will be appointed for you . [ scene_break ] erica : when i was with jeff , josh once told me that he thought you were the man for me , that i should try to get you back . jack : well , obviously josh had n't realized that you do n't take advice on who to love from anybody . erica : as hard as it was for josh to accept me , us , to get past everything -- he became a member of this family . he helped his sisters , he helped his nephews . if only he had let us help him . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : an eclipse just for you , kendall . bianca 's voice : dear god , bring kendall back to us . greenlee 's voice : give her the strength to come home to her family and friends . bianca 's voice : let her feel our love , our hope . greenlee 's voice : our prayers . bianca 's voice : give us a miracle . greenlee 's voice : show us a sign . ryan 's voice : do n't stop now . you got to keep on fighting . your family needs you , kendall . your boys . zach needs you . [ scene_break ] amanda : j.r. ! j.r. , where are you ? somebody help me ! help me ! j.r. ! oh , my god . oh , my god . | at pine valley hospital , the erica , reese , bianca , zach and greenlee stand vigil while kendall has surgery . jesse comes into the waiting room and wants to question erica as to what had gone on in erica 's hotel room . ryan arrives and gives greenlee a kiss , and inquires as to how kendall is . david comes out and gives them a good report that the operation was a success . at the chandler mansion , j.r. pours himself a drink and starts to sit down in the floor , but falls down instead . little a comes in and wants j.r. to play with him , but little a soon tells j.r. that he `` stinks . `` and runs out of the room . adam comes into the room and realizes that j.r. is drunk . jake brings amanda some prenatal vitamins to the yacht and offers his apologies as to the things that he had said to her . amanda tells him that she is getting an abortion . jake tries to talk her out of getting the abortion . angie confronts david as to the pills that he had been using to drug krystal . jesse walks up and wants to know what is going on . angie insists that jesse arrest david for getting krystal on drugs . david and jesse go to his office to talk . |
[ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : valentine 's day -- it 's perfect . ryan : i know it 's perfect . you ca n't get any more romantic than that . right ? am i right ? greenlee : well , there 's only one problem . ryan : what ? greenlee : how am i gon na wait that long to marry you ? erica : ryan ? ryan ? wake up . ryan : oh . hey . erica : hey . these were the only mugs i could find in your kitchen . how 'd you sleep ? ryan : i slept , um , fine . fine . [ scene_break ] annie : hey , do you know where adam is ? scott : no . he said something about an early meeting at confusion . annie : huh . it would n't happen to be with barry , would it ? scott : no clue . annie : come on , sweetheart . let 's go surprise your daddy . come on . good girl . [ scene_break ] j.r. : adam . eating alone ? adam : i have a meeting . how about you ? j.r. : no . my date just arrived . colby : hi , dad . adam : sweetheart . sweetheart . is everything all right now with your car ? colby : oh , thank god . according to the police , not a scratch on it . j.r. : what happened ? colby : i 'll explain over smoothies . see you . adam : uh - huh . have fun . j.r. : someone stole your car ? colby : yeah . ok , i 'll explain about that later . now we need to deal with dad . j.r. : it 's not a coincidence we 're all here . colby : what do you think ? [ scene_break ] tad : thanks . i appreciate the help . no . liza : hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . tad : oh . hey , listen . i 'll talk later . hey . liza : hi . tad : have a seat . ok , listen . it 's official . i have spoken to everybody i know , every contact i have , and nobody has seen hide nor hair of hayward anywhere . liza : oh . you see ? good . that threat of the lawsuit actually worked . tad : well , it looks like it . liza : and how does your brother look ? have you seen him ? tad : nope . i have n't talked to him . liza : no ? tad : i figured it 's so early , he should be able to sleep in with his brand - new family . liza : well , good . he should be focused on his family and not getting back at david . hmm . [ scene_break ] jake : buenos días , mi amor . amanda : ooh . your accent is improving . jake : gracias . you think so ? [ amanda giggles ] amanda : it is a good morning , right ? a new morning ? jake : it is a great , great morning . amanda : i 'm serious . this is it -- david out of our lives . jake : i do n't know . but we 're gon na find out . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you can do this . you can do this . ohh ! ha . looking good , huh ? oh . i take it the truth did n't go over so well . [ scene_break ] erica : i ca n't wait to go public today with our new product . i mean , it is the perfect direction for fusion to go , you know ? helping women who ca n't help themselves ? and soon we 'll have miranda centers all over the country . ryan : i 'm proud of you . erica : thank you . [ ryan sighs ] erica : well , i 'm gon na go take a shower , and i 'm gon na go get ready for the interview . ryan : ok . [ knock on door ] ryan : i know that knock . emma : surprise ! ryan : hey , princess ! it 's the best surprise ever ! you 're early . thanks for bringing her by . annie : hold on . can i come in ? [ scene_break ] barry : adam . adam : barry . thank you for coming . barry : my pleasure . [ scene_break ] colby : i saw it in dad 's appointment book . j.r. : so he 's meeting with barry . colby : yeah . here . not at the house . you do n't think that 's a little weird ? j.r. : no . maybe dad needed a breather from annie . god knows i would . colby : no . i think he was trying to keep a secret . j.r. : you know what i think , colby ? i think i do n't want any part of this . colby : oh . so you do n't care if annie gets everything ? j.r. : how do you even know that 's what they 're talking about ? colby : well , what else could it be ? this is n't good , j.r. annie now has joint custody of emma . what if dad leaves her the house , the money , chandler ? there 'll be nothing to stop her -- j.r. : from what ? colby : killing dad . i mean , she 's already killed two people and counting . what if he 's next ? barry : you do realize , adam , that this is highly unorthodox . adam : i 'm simply doing what has to be done . [ scene_break ] liza : so considering -- thank you -- the situation , it should be no trouble changing trevor 's last name . tad : jake got you to work on this pretty fast . you know that ? liza : well , actually , this was an anticipatory move . yeah , you know , i figured that jake should know just how lucky he is to have him and not focus on david . tad : he will eventually . liza ? liza : hmm ? tad : thank you . and not to completely change the subject , but what the hell happened to you last night ? liza : wow . you just completely changed the subject . what do you mean ? tad : what do you mean , what do i mean ? i thought you were coming back to the house . as a matter of fact , i was kind of looking forward to it . you know , i -- i waited up for you . liza : i did come back to the house . yes , i did . and you and krystal were having a little moment or something . tad : a `` something `` ? liza : a something . you were having a something . tad : you saw something ? liza : yes . tad : but it was -- just for the record , there was nothing going on . liza : really ? why did n't you say anything ? tad : you did n't give me the chance ! i did n't know you were in the house ! for the record , there was nothing going on . liza : oh , i ruined everything . tad : no . liza : no ? you and me ? now look at us . we 're back to zero . tad : no . i just think we 're kind of hovering limply around a four or a five . liza : ooh . a four or five ? well , last night we were -- huh . we were hovering around a 10 . how do we get back there ? tad : something tells me that if we try really hard -- liza : yes ? tad : we 'll be able to find a shortcut . [ scene_break ] woman : available for immediate occupancy . fully furnished . get back to me . hello . are you interested in the house ? jake : no . we 're interested in the person that used to live here . amanda : dr. hayward was an acquaintance of ours . we saw the vans outside . we had no idea he was moving . woman : it all happened overnight , literally . jake : do you know where he is ? woman : i do n't . jake : hmm . well , do you know where all this stuff is being sent ? woman : even if i did , i could n't share that with you . jake : right . of course . sorry . woman : excuse me . amanda : why have n't you pack these ? man : we got specific instructions to trash all photos . woman : mm - hmm . jake : what are you thinking ? amanda : i 'm thinking that david may actually be moving on with his life . [ scene_break ] david : everyone despises me . end of story . that 's quite a recovery . greenlee : are you mad i pushed you to tell them ? david : no . amanda , jake , marissa -- they already knew . greenlee : about trevor ? david : yep . greenlee : how ? david : amanda did some research on my blood disorder . needless to say , it panicked her when she realized that it could be hereditary . questions led to tests , which led to more questions . greenlee : so they tested trevor 's dna ? david : yeah . he 's jake 's . 100 % . greenlee : so they got what they wanted . i mean , do n't get me wrong . what you did was messed up . but in your own twisted , david way , it was all out of love . if i can see that , eventually they will , too . david : why ? i did n't . when jake and amanda took trevor from me , i had no intention of forgiving them ever . i did n't care whether it was out of protection or out of love . all i saw was the deceit . greenlee : but you did forgive amanda . and let 's be honest . they 're nicer people than you . they ca n't stay angry forever . it 's physically and mentally impossible . i mean , eventually they 're gon na have to forgive you . david : i really like the improvement i 'm seeing here . greenlee : so people are mad at you . so what ? you 'll have to work harder to get through to them . david : no , greenlee . i 'm done . no more creating drama . no more stirring up problems . ok ? it 's time i leave that town in peace . greenlee : but you ca n't just patch me up and send me back on my own . david : oh , yes . actually , i can . my life in pine valley is over . [ scene_break ] ryan : so this is the one you wanted . right ? emma : i ca n't wait to watch . ryan : oh , good . annie : sweetheart , why do n't you go get yourself some juice ? ryan : uh , yeah . ok . you know what ? also , i have some bagels already cut on the counter . if you want to go help yourself , you can . want a bagel ? ok . is there something that you wanted to talk to me about ? annie : ah . looks like somebody had an interesting evening . ryan : i thought i was supposed to pick emma up this afternoon . annie : well , it turns out i have an appointment this morning . and emma was dying to see her daddy , so i thought the two of you could have breakfast together . but apparently you already ate . table for two -- how cute . huh . sparkling cider . let me guess . ryan : or not , considering it 's none of your business . annie : i 'm happy for you , ryan , that you 've moved on . i 'm happy for the both of us . it still is strange , though . ryan : what ? what is ? annie : just being here where the three of us used to live . so foreign , yet familiar . emma : daddy , where 's the jelly ? ryan and annie : bottom shelf . annie : oh . i guess some things you never forget . anywho -- ryan : yeah , i have a pretty big day ahead of me , a lot of work to do . so -- annie : ok , great . i 'll see myself out . ryan : ok . annie : ahh . so , um , same time next week ? ryan : yeah . why do n't we call first ? annie : you know what ? you 're right . we should make that a rule from here on out . ryan : yeah . sounds pretty reasonable . annie : ok . tell emma i 'll call her tonight . erica : finally . i thought she 'd never leave . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're going to move away ? david : that 's right . greenlee : just skulk off and hide ? david : well , hopefully without the skulking part . greenlee : that 's so not you . you 're a `` bring it on , give me more pain `` kind of guy . we 've always been alike that way . david : yeah . well , a lot has happened since you 've been gone . greenlee : you ca n't let these people control you . david : no one 's controlling me , greenlee . i 'm leaving town by my own decision . greenlee : yeah . well , you 're making the wrong one . david : all right , you know something ? here 's an idea . why do n't you focus on your therapy , ok , and leave my life to -- oh , i do n't know -- me ? greenlee : huh ? the way you did with mine ? david : oh , come on . that was different , and you know it . you needed help . greenlee : exactly . give me your phone . david : what for ? greenlee : i 'll call jake , marissa -- whoever i have to -- tell them what you did for me . david : that 's a joke , right ? i mean , what could that possibly accomplish ? it 's just one more lie i told added to the never - ending list . greenlee : not when they hear it was what i wanted . you saved me , protected me . you nursed me back to health , all the while urging me to be honest , but i would n't listen . david : ok . see where the problem is with that story ? it never happened . greenlee : so ? they do n't have to know that . once they see how selfless you were , they will have no choice but to forgive you . marissa especially . david : you 're not calling anyone . greenlee : why not ? david : because . i mean , coming back into town like this , before you 're ready ? that was n't part of your plan . greenlee : plans change . david : no , greenlee , you deserve to be fully recovered . all right ? you deserve to walk into your life on your own terms , not mine . greenlee : i would n't have a life if it were n't for you . like it or not , fate brought us together . david : ok . so what ? now we 're a package deal ? greenlee : let me be clear . do i want to go home ? absolutely . but i 'm not going anywhere without you . [ scene_break ] adam : annie . annie : hey . adam : what are you doing here ? annie : oh , i was just stopping in for some breakfast . adam : where 's emma ? annie : oh , i dropped her off with ryan a little early . you know , goodwill gesture . hi , barry . it 's good to see you . barry : likewise , annie . annie : i did n't know you had a meeting this morning . so what 's on the agenda ? or is it top - secret ? adam : no . actually , we just finished . you 'll put those papers in order for me ? barry : of course , i will . have a nice day . adam : thank you . annie : you , too , barry . adam : coffee ? annie : no . answers . what exactly are you up to ? [ scene_break ] randi : she 's late . madison : do n't worry . i 'm sure she 'll be here . man : we 're on a tight schedule . any idea when ms. kane plans to arrive ? randi : um , you know what ? i 'm sure she 'll be stepping off the elevator any minute now . do you think she forgot ? madison : maybe we should call her . randi and madison : not it ! [ scene_break ] ryan : are you out of here already ? erica : yes . i 'm running a little bit late , and emma does not need to know that i spent the night . i 'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do . ryan : ok . i 'll talk to you later . erica : ok . maybe then you will feel like telling me what 's on your mind . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa . what ? erica : you have been distracted since the moment you woke up this morning , and do n't even think about trying to hide it from me . just a waste of your time . [ scene_break ] david : you act like i plan on abandoning you . i 'm gon na see you through till you heal . i promise . greenlee : and then what ? david : and then we go our separate ways . greenlee : that 's full - on abandonment in my book . who 's gon na help me explain what happened ? i need you there to back my story . david : you 're kidding , right ? greenlee , no one in pine valley is gon na believe me . if these bruises prove anything , it proves that . greenlee : yeah , but i 'm gon na tell them that you helped me . david : do n't you understand ? they do n't care about the truth . all they care about is crucifying me . so if you want to get back in the fold real quick , my suggestion to you is this . tell them what they want to hear -- how i found you , how i kidnapped you , how i kept you in hiding all this time until you escaped my evil clutches . greenlee : there 's no way i 'm gon na say that . david : all right , you know -- damn it , greenlee . do you want to walk or not ? greenlee : yes ! david : all right , good ! because that 's what i 'm here to help you do . so why do n't we start ? walk . greenlee : right now ? david : yes ! right now ! and without this . greenlee : oh , god . david , i 'm gon na fall . david : no , you 're not . the greenlee i know is too stubborn to fall . so let 's see it . walk . greenlee : ok . ohh ! david : now we 're finally getting somewhere . [ scene_break ] tad : yeah , it 's a private jet . it would be registered under the name of dr. david hayward . liza : uh - huh ? wow . no -- wait , that is something . tad : i did n't think so . thanks anyway . liza : i 'm gon na talk to you soon . jake : anything ? tad : my friend at the airport . hayward took off in his jet last night , but he could n't tell me where to . jake : oh , damn . tad : oh , come on . i just started digging . liza : ok , that was marissa . amanda : oh . any word ? liza : yes . she said that david left a good - bye note , said he was n't coming back . amanda : you see ? there you go . jake : listen , i 'm gon na need you to step up the search . ok ? pay off whoever you have to pay off . just find out the place that he went . and here 's the favor i got to ask you . i 'm gon na need you to go there personally . amanda : ok , enough ! one more word , and i will scream . [ scene_break ] adam : and i 'm just making some changes to my estate . that 's all . annie : um , what -- what kind of changes ? adam : are you worried about this ? annie : i 'm not worried , adam . but why all the secrecy ? you can trust me with anything . you know that . adam : well , good . good . because i want to put together a dinner party . annie : a party ? adam : yes . for this evening . i 'll put together the guest list . annie : ok . um , who -- who would you like to have over ? adam : well , scott , colby , j.r. , marissa . it 's just a little family affair . annie : adam , half those people have not stepped foot in our home . adam : but in this case , i think they 'll make an exception . annie : i see . adam : mm - hmm . i was thinking about doing this some time ago . but , well , colby and j.r. are looking at me with daggers in their eyes . so , clearly , i could n't wait and take any more time . annie : well , adam , you keep referring to `` this . `` what is `` this `` ? why ca n't you just tell me ? adam : patience , my precious angel . patience . [ scene_break ] j.r. : this is ridiculous . colby : j.r. , wait . j.r. : no , i do n't care what adam does with his money ! please , just leave me out of this . adam : ah , dinner at the mansion . i 'll have lucretia whip up some of your favorites . colby : mmm . nice . j.r. : is this some kind of joke ? adam : no . nothing of the kind . no , no , no . make sure you bring marissa . j.r. : why do you think we would even have dinner with you ? adam : well , because little adam would benefit , for one thing , and i intend to give the big announcement . i 'm sure you 'll be very pleasantly surprised . j.r. : was it just me , or is he speaking in code ? what the hell is going on ? colby : well , there 's only one way to find out . [ scene_break ] randi : ok . madison : really ? randi : yep . i 'm gon na have to call her . erica : no need . i 'm here . hello , everyone . man : hello , ms. kane . will mr. lavery be joining us for your interview ? erica : no . not at all . no . this is my personal project . randi : here you go . erica : hmm . thank you . madison : in case you wanted to take a look at some talking points that marketing set up ? erica : i know exactly what i 'm gon na say . huh . randi : nothing fazes that woman . madison : ever . [ scene_break ] greenlee : no peeking . ryan : i 'm not peeking ! i would never peek . greenlee : ok . you can open your eyes . ta - da ! you like it ? ryan : wow ! yeah ! it 's -- it 's beautiful . where 'd you get it , the airport ? greenlee : ohh -- it 's in honor of our wedding day . valentine 's day -- ring any bells ? ryan : we 're getting married on valentine 's day ? greenlee : heh heh heh heh ! ryan : i 'm just kidding ! i remember ! i love this . i really do . i love it a lot . i love it so much , this is what i 'm gon na do , because i love it so much . i 'm gon na put it in the kitchen someplace that i can never find it , except for once a year on our anniversary i 'll pull it out . ok ? greenlee : i can not wait to marry you . ryan : what do you know ? that makes two of us . [ ryan comes out of his flashback ] ryan : hey , ems . emma : is that a new mug ? ryan : this ? um , you like it ? emma : it 's got a big , red heart for valentine 's day . ryan : it sure does . well , it 's all yours . emma : really ? ! ryan : yep . go nuts . [ scene_break ] david : ok , recess is over . come on . get up . greenlee : i 'm too tired . david : really ? and what happened to being a `` bring on the pain `` kind of person ? ok , fine . let 's see it . come on . let 's get back to work . greenlee : stop . i know what you 're doing . it wo n't work . david : i 'm not the one playing games here , greenlee . tell me , exactly . what is your plan ? hmm ? what , do you plan on hanging out in gloucester for the rest of your life ? you think i 'm gon na be here watching over you when you know that all i want to do is disappear ? greenlee : so disappear . no one 's stopping you . david : you do n't really want to go back there , do you ? greenlee : of course , i do . david : oh , really ? fine . then prove it . get off your backside and walk . unless you do n't have it in you ? maybe you really are scared . hmm ? too weak . greenlee : [ sighs ] i did it . david : again . a real step this time . greenlee : take that , hayward . david : gladly . [ scene_break ] amanda : david is gone . why ca n't we just leave it at that ? jake : because i do n't trust him . that 's why . we 've been down this road . amanda : it 's over , jake . we won . why ca n't we just move on with our lives ? jake : because i would n't even know where to start , to be honest with you . tad : liza does . here . show them your magic papers . liza : it 's an official name - change request . tad : trevor 's gateway into being officially called a martin . liza : i would hope that that makes you feel a little bit more secure . amanda : it does . thank you . what about you ? does this make you feel more safe ? secure ? jake , please tell me that you 're ready to let this go . [ scene_break ] colby : you heard what he said . `` we will be pleasantly surprised . `` j.r. : hmm . colby : maybe he 's gon na kick annie out of the house , his will , and his life . j.r. : i think you 're dreaming . colby : so dream with me . besides , it 's one dinner . and if he 's gon na do what i think he 's gon na do -- j.r. : i would n't want to miss it . [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] scott : hey . did you ever find uncle adam ? annie : yep . he 's asked me to set up a dinner for tonight -- you , me , colby , j.r. , marissa . scott : that 's a guest list . annie : yeah . tell me about it . scott : what 's the occasion ? annie : i do n't know . but you 'll come . right ? scott : of course . are you ok ? annie : what ? why ? scott : i do n't know . you seem a little nervous . annie : i 'm fine . scott : and you really have no idea what tonight 's about ? annie : something about his estate , making changes . you know , i really do n't like when adam keeps me in the dark like this . and you know what ? he 's been acting different since he came home from the hospital . scott : yeah . a brush with death will do that to a person . annie : what if he 's reprioritized ? what if he 's decided his children are most important , and that 's why he 's shutting me out ? no . adam would never do that . that 's ridiculous . he loves me . he would never turn his back on our marriage . if there 's any justice at all , he would turn his back on those idiots . i -- what ? stop ! annie : well -- scott : oh , man . annie : what -- scott : just so you know , my uncle can smell fear a mile away . annie : well , i would never show him fear . scott : good luck with that . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm taking fusion into a brand - new arena . so come out in droves , ladies , and try our new line of products -- miranda . it 's nonprofit , so just think about it . every time you apply a lipstick or a blush , you 'll be helping a fellow woman in need . and what could possibly be more beautiful than that ? man : and we 're out . wonderful job , ms. kane . erica : thank you . thank you so much . hi . how 'd i do ? ryan : hey . you did fantastic . you were incredible , as always . you really were . erica : thank you . ryan : hey , i 've been thinking about what we talked about earlier , and , um , you 're right . i have been distracted . i have . my mind 's been all over the place thinking about the joint - custody issue and all of that . and i have n't had enough time for you , which is why i think we should go away together , anywhere , for valentine 's day . just you and me , together , alone . what do you think ? erica : i think `` wonderful . `` ryan : i think it would be good to get away . erica : so do i . [ scene_break ] david : so it was either i leave town for good or get dragged through court -- all my evil deeds made public knowledge . if it was just me , fine . but i ca n't do that to marissa , not after everything i put her through . and my career . well , forget about it . there 's only so many times you can bounce back from a trashed reputation . so when i thought about it , what kind of life could i possibly have ? no family . no job . no friends to speak of . greenlee : since when have you had friends ? david : very true . greenlee : [ chuckles ] smile number two -- that must be some kind of record . david : give me one of these . greenlee : so basically what you 're saying is no one at home needs you anymore . david : mm - hmm . greenlee : what if that 's not true ? what if -- and brace yourself -- i need you more than ever ? [ scene_break ] scott : ahh . annie : have you composed yourself ? scott : yes . annie : and are you ready to help ? scott : put me to work . annie : great . if you could just take this over to the -- whoa ! ohh ! ohh ! whoa ! adam : well , i guess i know what my first order of business will be this evening . scott : ahem . annie : uh , thank you for catching me . that was n't really necessary . scott : yeah . annie : hi . so , um , is this a business dinner tonight ? you said it was a small family gathering . adam : it 's both . are you surprised ? annie : adam , you 're -- you 're playing this so close to the vest , i do n't know what to think . you 're -- you 're meeting with lawyers , yet you 're having several of your family members over tonight . why do n't you just tell me what it is , whatever it is ? adam : that would be telling . [ scene_break ] ryan : i want to take you away because -- because it 's gon na be fun . and we have n't been on vacation before , so , you know , i think it 's the perfect time . erica : valentine 's day is the perfect time . ryan : great . ok , good . i already checked the schedule , and emma 's with annie that week , which is great . and i 'm sensing a little hesitation . i do n't know why . what 's going on ? erica : ryan , it 's been exactly a year . why would i want to go away with you on the anniversary of greenlee 's death ? [ scene_break ] david : trust me . i 'm the last person in the world you need . everything i touch implodes . ask around . greenlee : i have n't imploded . not yet , anyway . i walked today on my own because of you . david : yeah . well , you 'll have ryan there to pick up where i left off . greenlee : and he 'll be wonderful and sweet , and i ca n't wait to be with him . but i want you there , too . for some reason -- i do n't know . the thought of doing this without you -- what can i say ? you 're my safety net . david : you 're wrong , greenlee . you 'll be fine without me . you 've never really needed anyone before , and you do n't now . if i know anything about you , greenlee , i know that . greenlee : and i know you , david . there 's a part of you that craves having people be dependent on you , indebted to you . that 's what i 'm telling you i am right now , so why do you keep pushing me away ? [ scene_break ] tad : unbelievable . liza : what ? tad : i just got confirmation . hayward 's jet flew up to gloucester last night . liza : ok . tad : what is it about that place ? i mean , it 's unbelievable . i 'm almost tempted to ask whether or not dr. doom and ms. bend - over - backwards have got a thing going , you know ? this is huge . i got to call jake . i got to give him the update . maybe not . liza : close your eyes . tad : what ? liza : close your eyes . tad : ok . games . i like games . ok . liza : mm - hmm . now , close your mouth . tad : close my mouth ? liza : mm - hmm . now , close your ears . tad : i -- i need two more hands . liza : `` see no evil , speak no evil , hear no evil . `` get it ? tad : got it . liza : good . tad : ok . all right . all right . i just got one more question , and it 's not about david . ok ? it 's about you and me . liza : i will allow it . tad : your place or mine ? [ scene_break ] jake : he is asleep . amanda : you 're still looking for him , are n't you ? waiting for david to pop up around every corner ? jake : well , i 'm assuming you 'd like to hear me say no . huh . amanda : no . all i want is the truth . jake : the truth is i think it 's gon na take a while , you know , to trust that he 's actually gone . amanda : that 's fair . jake : but i 'll get there . you know , i 'll get there for you , for our son . i will . i 'll get there . amanda : i know . jake : i just -- i 'm so in love with you . i ca n't -- amanda : i know that , too . | ryan wakes up on the sofa after a night of partying with erica . he rolls over and dreams of greenlee , but he is really awakened by erica giving him a cup of coffee . annie questions scott about adam 's whereabouts . j.r. and colby join adam in the confusion bar . j.r. finds out that someone had stolen colby 's car . tad and liza kiss good - morning as they sit down at a table in the confusion bar . jake and amanda wake up together . jake kisses amanda . amanda wonders if they are really through with david . david watches as greenlee tries to take her first step . ryan is deep in thought as erica tells him that she can not go public with her new ideas . annie brings emma home to ryan . annie asks if she can come in . barry meets with adam about his will . adam signs the new will . tad questions liza as to why she had n't come back to the house , but liza tells him that she had come back , but he and krystal were sharing a moment . jake and amanda stops by wildwind to finds movers there , moving out all of david 's things . david lets greenlee know what had happened in pine valley when he had told everyone the truth . david tells greenlee that his life in pine valley is over . annie notices that ryan had had breakfast with someone . annie claims that she is glad that he is moving on . david stands by greenlee as she tries to walk on a walker . greenlee wants to call jake and marissa and let them know what he had done for her . david refuses to let her call anyone . greenlee tells david that she is not going anywhere without him . annie join adam and barry to find out what is going on . madison and randi try to keep a client occupied until erica gets there . tad and liza are on the phone , trying to find out where david had gone . jake and amanda join them . jake demands to know where david had gone . amanda orders him to stop or she will scream . |
jake : hey ! look who it is . scott : greenlee told me you were temporary chief at the hospital . jake : that 's only until angie gets back on her feet . scott : great . i do n't know if anyone filled you in . jake : no , they did . welcome aboard . welcome aboard . scott : thank you very much . problem , though . janine can not find my office number . jake : oh . that 's because there is no office . scott : i 'm sharing ? jake : no , no , no . can you pass me that ? this is your laptop . put it on your lap . [ scene_break ] kendall : good morning . cara : morning . kendall : hello . how is my lovely live - in doctor ? cara : ah ! i 'm just a tenant , my dear , just a tenant . kendall : yeah , tell that to your brother . cara : for you . kendall : oh . thank you . cara : i will tell my brother that you look rested . kendall : thank you . that 's what sleeping in your own bed will do for you . cara : i noticed you were off the couch . kendall : first time since zach died . cara : that 's a positive step , ok ? kendall : actually , i have your brother to thank for that . griffin opened up to me . he told me how strong your mom was when your father took off . cara : wow . griff told you that , huh ? kendall : yeah . cara : i got to call the cops . kendall : why ? cara : because somebody 's impersonating my brother . [ scene_break ] david : any chance one of my colleagues taught you how to pick a lock in med school ? griffin : no . but i have some experience with handcuffs . david : yeah , i remember your reputation . i ca n't believe you ended up here . griffin : just passing through . david : why ? griffin : it 's a long story , but not as long as the one that ends with my mentor being chained to a hospital bed . david : life does n't always go as planned . griffin : that 's one lesson . that 's one commandment you drilled into my head -- you 're the doctor , they 're the patients . the patients are the job , nothing more . [ scene_break ] erica : so what time did you come in last night ? jack : i do n't know . it was late . what time did you leave this morning ? erica : i do n't know . jack : i do n't want to fight . erica : i do n't either . jack : but i do want to figure out what is going on with you , and you keep shutting me out . erica : i am not shutting you out , jack . but how in the world do you expect me to respond when you keep accusing me of being involved with caleb . jack : i never said that . i know what we have , and you know it , too . hey . erica : hi , greenlee . so you called us down here . what is it ? what 's so important ? greenlee : ryan and i are engaged . jack : oh ! congratulations . greenlee : so there are going to be two big , happy weddings around here . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey . krystal : marissa . hey , honey . marissa : is everything ok ? krystal : yeah . i 'm just visiting a friend . and you ? marissa : i 'm here to see david , offer him my legal services . krystal : you want to be his lawyer ? marissa : i tried to get started last night , but they took him off for some tests . krystal : ohh . that man has done nothing but hurt you . why would you want to help him ? marissa : because this is n't about him . this is about me . he 's always going to be there , so i 'm choosing to deal with him on my own terms . no more waiting for the next scheme or the next lie . hey , i 'm taking control here . krystal : david does n't respond well to ultimatums . marissa : that 's not what this is . this is an opportunity for him to change for the better . would n't that be a good thing ? krystal : yeah . but what if he does n't want to change ? [ scene_break ] david : i saw the x - rays , by the way , where the bullet was when they brought me in . i was a much better teacher than i thought . griffin : i was a better student than you thought . david : you took my lessons to heart . that 's good . griffin : yeah . you forgot the most important one -- do n't fall in love with your patient . david : she was a lot more than just a patient . come on . that never happened to you ? griffin : no . i usually do n't stick around long enough . david : so in other words , you take the easy way out ? nurse : sorry to interrupt . those films you wanted came in . [ david steals griffin 's phone ] griffin : great . thank you . tell you what . you ever get out of those handcuffs , i want to buy the first round of beers . you can tell me what the hell happened to you . david : greenlee smythe happened to me . griffin : i 've met her . she 's not bad at all , dr. h . david : you have no idea . [ scene_break ] kendall : yeah , griffin -- he surprised me , too . i did n't think he ever opened up about anything . cara : yep , that 's my brother . kendall : and then when he started talking about your father , i thought he was playing a trick on me . cara : was he wasted ? kendall : no . not that i know of . honestly , i just think that he thought that your mother 's strength would inspire me . cara : she 's an amazing woman . she took care of us all on her own , so -- kendall : two doctors -- maybe i should call her . cara : you 're doing fine . kendall : am i ? cara : yeah . you 're out of the hospital . you 're off the couch . you 're on your way . kendall : i 'll feel like i 'm on my way when i am back to running my business full - time , and when i do n't feel like i 'm going to scream or cry every time i walk by my husband 's picture . are n't you glad that you agreed to stay with me ? cara : actually , kendall , i am . kendall : the grief -- it does n't get better . it just changes . i was so angry . i was angry at everybody and everything . i could n't look at my best friends , ryan and greenlee , in the face . their happiness just -- cara : it was hard to see ? kendall : yeah . cara : and now ? kendall : like you said , i 'm on my way . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan took me back to the place where we got married the first time . ryan : seemed appropriate . jack : nice . ryan : thank you . greenlee : yes , and it was perfect . everything . the proposal was romantic . it was thoughtful . it was miraculous . i never thought -- two years ago on valentine 's day was supposed to be the beginning , and then we lost each other . we lost everything . ryan : but we found each other again , and this time we 're not letting go . erica : that 's just such wonderful news . jack : yeah , it is . so have you set a date for this big event ? greenlee : we thought we would double with you guys . ha ! i 'm kidding ! ryan : we have n't set a date yet . jack : very good . greenlee : we did n't want it to conflict with your wedding . jack : erica and i have n't actually set a date yet either . greenlee : but i thought you guys wanted to get married as soon as possible . erica : well , every time we think we 're in the clear , another obstacle gets thrown in our way . greenlee : what obstacle could keep erica kane from marrying the love of her life ? [ scene_break ] scott : there 's been some kind of misunderstanding here . greenlee -- she promised me a job . jake : you have a job . scott , you 're a data entry clerk . scott : yeah , right . data entry . you 're not joking ? jake : i 'm not joking , no . scott : jake , that 's like one step above a candy striper . obviously , someone has given you the wrong information . jake : i explained all of this to greenlee , ok ? we do n't have any jobs here . you 're a doctor or you 're not a doctor . this is all we got . i know it 's not very exciting , but you 're gon na be entering data . you 're gon na be putting it into the computer . you 're gon na be sorting mail . scott : take out the garbage , too . jake : listen , do n't complain . you know why ? because i 'll introduce you to leona , and you do n't want that . you know why you do n't want that ? because she 'll teach you how to work a toilet brush like nobody 's business . scott : fine . but , look , how can i work if i do n't have an office ? jake : you 're gon na be everywhere . you 're gon na be ubiquitous , walking around . go to personnel , down that way , you 're gon na get yourself one of these . ok ? i got to go to a meeting . scott : ok , do you realize that i was ceo of -- jake : stop complaining . i think it 's a little better than prison . manual . i explained all of this to greenlee . madison : hey . scott : oh . hi . madison : i 'm trying to get in with the ob that 's always running late . by the time i get in there , i 'll be ready to give birth . scott : do you realize that they have me sitting out here ? madison : this is your first day of work . scott : yes , yes . yes , it is . madison : so ? scott : i 'm a data entry clerk . madison : data entry clerk ? that sounds -- scott : yes , i know how that sounds . madison : i think it 's pretty cool . scott : oh , really ? which part ? madison : you were on top of the world , and you made a mistake , right , but you owned up to it . now you 're trying to get your life back on track . it 's not a dream job , but here you are making the most of it . [ scene_break ] david : marissa . hi . what are you doing here ? marissa : i want to take your case . david : you want to take -- marissa : no . i 'm gon na speak here , and you 're going to listen . david : ok . marissa : you 're a very powerful presence , david , and i 've let that power intimidate me . i let myself be manipulated by you , but that stops right now . if you accept my offer , i call the shots . no exceptions . you will listen to me , and i will show you that there is another way to live , an honest way where you take responsibility for what you 've done . if you agree to that -- and not just say the words , but truly understand why it 's so important -- i will fight for you with everything i have . david : why ? marissa : because you 're not going away . that 's pretty clear to me at this point . and i do n't know why i care so much about what happens to you , but i do . and i do n't know if you can be a better man , but my life would be a hell of a lot better if you were . [ scene_break ] jack : i tell you what . you just pick whatever date you 'd like , huh ? ryan : are you sure ? jack : i 'm positive . i 'm sitting here looking at two people who are destined to be together . do n't let complications and doubts and all this other nonsense get in the way of that . do n't let it creep in . just -- you belong together as husband and wife . greenlee : want to get me another mimosa ? jack : no . i want to take you . let 's both get a drink . come on . ryan : did we pick a bad time to spring this on you and jack ? erica : no , not at all . ryan : ok , because i sort of sense a little tension . erica : do n't worry about me . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're getting married ? greenlee : kendall . kendall : congratulations . [ scene_break ] cara : welcome . griffin : are you hungry ? i 'm starving . cara : what else is new ? griffin : let 's go . i 'm buying . cara : yeah ? you 're not here to finish up your conversation with kendall about dad ? griffin : i only told her that to inspire her to take care of herself . cara : you told the patient something personal . griffin : yeah , not something i 'm gon na make a habit of . cara : i 'm not judging . griffin : no . you love it . cara : i do love it , because there 's nothing wrong with being real . griffin : i am real . i 'm the realist person you know . cara : you 're the realist person ? what does that even mean ? griffin : i 'm going delirious from the lack of food . cara : aww . you know what i see ? i see that pine valley has done a number on you . sharing family stories ? griffin : maybe i should 've told her about that story when you hooked up with matt samburski . cara : oh . braces -- ew . because that would 've inspired her . griffin : or maybe i should 've told her how you freaked out on the parents of that sick little girl the other day . cara : i 'm gon na make you a sandwich . griffin : you see ? it 's not so funny when i flip it around on you , is it ? cara : you just lost the cheese from your sandwich . griffin : where 's my phone ? [ scene_break ] david : i thought you hated me . marissa : when you were in that coma , i did everything that i could to block you out , erase you completely . but i kept coming back to the one consistent thing you 've ever said to me . you want a relationship , a connection with the one child you had left . david : is that what you want ? marissa : but if you try to work me even once , i will make sure that you go to prison , and i will slam the cell door shut myself . so am i taking your case or not ? david : i could n't have asked for a better lawyer -- or daughter . marissa : i 'm gon na go file the paperwork with the court . you got your life back , david . think hard about how you want to use it . [ scene_break ] madison : growing up with money can be good , not so good if you suddenly find yourself with none . scott : is that what happened to you ? madison : my father went to prison . my husband -- i had to start over from scratch , you know ? i got a job as a cocktail waitress at the casino where i gambled away all of my money . scott : but you ended up at fusion . madison : doing pretty much what you 're doing right now . scott : oh , really ? in that case , i bet you do n't know what an inpatient perspective payment system is . madison : ooh , stop . you 're turning me on . madison : ca n't wait . scott : you 're lucky you 're pregnant already , because there would be trouble if you were not . that was just so wrong and rude and insensitive . i apologize . madison : no , no . it was funny . scott : i guess prison did n't do much for my social skills . madison : i think they 're fine . i think this could be good for you , this job . you never know where the possibilities might take you . show me your office ? scott : my office ? i 'm actually not settled in just yet , so -- [ scene_break ] kendall : when did it happen ? i thought it was n't even on your radar . greenlee : i 'll tell you another time . kendall : no , no . i want to hear everything , ok ? now dish . greenlee : ryan proposed last night , and we have n't planned anything yet . when we do , it 'll be low - key . kendall : no . you need to do something big and extravagant . come on . you deserve it . greenlee : we 'd rather keep it small . kendall : greenlee , you should have the dream wedding you 've always wanted . please do n't hold back because of me . ryan : hey , can i just show you something real quick ? i 'm just gon na steal her for one second . ok . you ok ? kendall : is that why you ushered me over here , because you think i 'm freaking out , because you guys are engaged ? ryan , i 'm excited for you guys . ryan : it 's ok if you got some feelings around this . i want to be able to -- kendall : i 'm fine . ryan : because the last thing that greenlee and i want is to be insensitive to your feelings . so if there 's a way that we can make this kind of easier , i want to talk about it . kendall : no , i told you i 'm ok . all right ? it 's not like i did n't know this was coming . ryan : yeah , but it might 've hit you a little harder than you thought . kendall : ok . you know what ? your wife - to - be , she needs another mimosa . so i 'm going over there . [ phone rings ] erica : hello ? david : hello , erica . so nice to hear your voice again . erica : why are you calling me ? david : i do n't know . i was just sitting here in my hospital bed , thinking about the bullet that kendall pumped into me . for some reason , i thought of you . erica : what do you want ? david : just a little favor , that 's all . erica : meaning blackmail . david : i want to see greenlee , alone , here at the hospital , and i want you to make that happen now . erica : all right . jack : excuse me . erica : so what are we all talking about ? kendall : i was just discussing greenlee 's divorce to david and how she ca n't get married until it goes through . jack : i 'm moving that along as quickly as i possibly can . greenlee : yeah , it was easier when he was in a coma , but now i have to do it the old - fashioned way . erica : and you know what ? you should get on that right away . you should go right down now and talk to david . jack : she most certainly should not . you should go nowhere near that man . erica : no , she 's gon na have to face him sooner or later . sooner is better . jack : absolutely not . i have a perfectly competent attorney working on this . erica : what i mean is that you know david . he could just drag this thing out for months and months and months , especially once he knows that you 're engaged . greenlee : erica 's right . he 'd probably hold out just for spite , and i do n't want some random judge or lawyer deciding when i 'm going to get married . i have the papers . all i have to do is get david to sign them . jack : no . do not go anywhere near him alone . greenlee : i 'm going . ryan : ok . let 's go . greenlee : no , no . you know what ? if david sees you , he 's definitely not going to make this easy . you should stay here and talk to kendall . ryan : ok . ok . all right , but i 'm not leaving you alone with him for very long . greenlee : he 's gon na be handcuffed . ryan : i am gon na be a few minutes behind you . greenlee : take your time . i know how to handle david . kendall : i got a package from the national transportation safety board , the final information on zach 's crash , but i could n't open it . i 'm just -- i 'm not ready . i was kind of shocked getting it . you do n't seem surprised . ryan : i knew it was coming . kendall : how ? ryan : i went to california to check on the crash . kendall : why ? ryan : because i had some questions about it , kendall . i thought that maybe zach 's crash might not have been an accident . kendall : what ? ryan : with his partners and their threats and everything . kendall : you did n't say anything . ryan : i did n't know anything . kendall : that 's the business trip that you just took ? ryan , i was sitting right next to greenlee when she was on the phone with you . how could you guys not tell me ? ryan : because we did n't want you to worry about nothing . kendall : ok . so then what are you saying ? now i should worry ? was zach murdered ? did one of his partners blow up his plane ? what happened ? ryan : i met with the ntsb guy , and he confirmed it was an accident . kendall : are you sure ? ryan : yes . yes . he said it was a faulty fuel valve . it was an accident , kendall , and there was nothing that anybody could 've done to have stopped it . i hope , in some way , that helps . kendall : i guess yeah . at least now i know . that helps . [ scene_break ] erica : thank you , caleb . thank you for coming . caleb : where 's jack ? erica : david hayward just called me . he insisted that i get greenlee down to see him immediately , or he said he was gon na go to the police . he was gon na tell them that kendall was the one who shot him . caleb : i had a feeling this was coming . erica : knowing david , this is only his first blackmail request . caleb : what did you tell hayward ? erica : i tried to appeal to his sense of decency , whatever shred of compassion he might have left , but it 's all gone . caleb : dorothy , you 're telling this to the wrong guy . you should be talking to your fiancé . [ scene_break ] cara : hey , i 'm sorry . i did n't know there was n't any food in the fridge . griffin : now you 're buying . cara : ok . you look exhausted . griffin : that 's what happens when you 're out in the cold right after you had pneumonia . you 're supposed to be keeping an eye on her . cara : she looked fine when she left . griffin : you have any shortness of breath ? kendall : no . griffin : chills ? coughing ? elevated heart rate ? kendall : i do n't feel sick -- at least not physically . griffin : ok . you just saved yourself the embarrassment of being dragged back to the hospital . let 's go . cara : griff and i , we 're just gon na go grab a quick bite to eat , ok ? we 'll be right back . kendall : you better go . you 're gon na lose him . rev . torres : whoa . bad time ? kendall : hi . no , not at all . cara , this is reverend torres . rev . torres : please . ricky . cara : hi . nice to meet you . rev . torres : nice to meet you . griffin : reverend . rev . torres : a doctor that makes house calls , huh ? griffin : just picking up my sister . let 's go . cara : all righty . bye . rev . torres : see you . so how you doing ? kendall : how does it look ? rev . torres : ok . i think i have something that might lift your spirits . the nonprofit that i 'm working with is building a bunch of homes , affordable housing for families in need . we 're looking for volunteers . kendall : i do n't know . rev . torres : come on , kendall . how many times do i have to tell you ? swinging a hammer can be a great stress release . kendall : yeah , i do n't think they make a hammer heavy enough . [ scene_break ] scott : so i 'm really glad you stopped by . madison : yeah . i 'm gon na be late now , and you should probably maybe do some work , huh ? scott : what are they gon na do ? demote me ? madison : you would n't want a docked salary on your first day . scott : no . madison : i 'll see you . scott : all righty . oh . yo , boss . can i talk to you in my office ? oh , wait -- greenlee : not now . scott : data entry ? please . i have experience . greenlee : sorry . they do n't make license plates in here . look , it 's the best i could do . what 's the latest on you and madison ? scott : it 's totally awkward . we do n't really have much to talk about . but you got me a job , so a deal 's a deal . i 'm gon na do everything i can to make sure she does n't lean her pregnant belly on ryan . greenlee : make it work . we 'll talk later . i have to go . scott : mm - hmm . and you can promote me any time . david : i thought i 'd never see you again . [ scene_break ] jack : krystal . hi . krystal : oh . hi . jack : hi . what 's with the face ? what 's going on ? krystal : ohh , marissa , and david 's resurrection . she offered to be his lawyer . jack : have a seat . krystal : i know what she 's doing . she 's trying to be strong . she 's trying to get in control . jack : no . i 'm not even sure that 's possible with hayward . krystal : exactly . and i tried to change her mind , but she 's just not listening . jack : from what i 've ever heard about marissa , she 's full of fight -- much like her mother . i presume she got that trait , as well as many other wonderful characteristics , from you . krystal : you 're being sweet . jack : no , i 'm being serious . have some faith in her . maybe marissa will surprise you . [ scene_break ] erica : you 're my lawyer , caleb . and jackson can not know anything about kendall . caleb : you do n't think that he 'd help her ? erica : look , let me be clear . i 'm not choosing you over jack . it 's just that in this particular instance , i need an ally . caleb : maybe you do n't need to tell jack . maybe it 's kendall . erica : no . no , i can not do that . caleb : you realize you 're giving all the power to hayward ? erica : but what choice do i have ? he 'll send kendall to prison . caleb : since when do you let anybody push you around ? you should be putting hayward in his place . erica : you 're absolutely right about that . caleb : so what 's stopping you ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan and greenlee got engaged . i want to be happy for them , and i am , but there 's still a part of me that -- rev . torres : that wishes that they would just crawl under a rock ? kendall : does that make me a horrible person ? rev . torres : ok , look . i could sit here and give you the speech about rising above , but let 's be honest here . when we 're in pain and people close to us are having everything go their way , that can be tough . you might not want to deal . kendall : is n't that selfish ? rev . torres : no . it just means that you 're doing what you need to do . and when you 're ready , things will change . and if these people are really your friends , guess what -- they 'll understand . kendall : thanks . there 's something else . ryan told me that he went to california to investigate zach 's death . rev . torres : so what did he find out ? kendall : nothing . it was an accident . rev . torres : ok . should n't that be a relief ? kendall : yeah , it should . ryan 's intentions were good . he just wanted to give me closure . he wanted me to see that zach 's death was unavoidable . but it was n't . i pushed him to go and help them . i put him on that plane . rev . torres : no , you did n't put him on that plane , kendall . i thought you stopped blaming yourself . kendall : i did -- i 'm trying to , but it 's not working . it 's like i 'm ready to face the world . i think everything 's great . i 'm not thinking about how horrible things are and what a miserable life i have right now . and then i go and i see how perfect ryan and greenlee 's life is , and it 's -- it 's just hard . [ scene_break ] cara : why did you do that to kendall ? griffin : what are you talking about ? cara : it was obvious she wanted to talk , but you could n't get out of there fast enough . griffin : i 'm the doctor , she 's a patient . patients are our job . cara : treat , cure , move on . yeah , heard it a thousand times . griffin : then why do you sound so surprised ? cara : it bothers you to see her in pain , does n't it ? griffin : zach described this incredible woman who was so full of life . she would 've gone to jail for her friends . now she 's just lost and sad , and i 've seen that grief up close . cara : what do you mean ? griffin : it 's just i got her out of the hospital . she 's got you in the house . i 've done my job . [ scene_break ] scott : ca n't you give me a break ? you and i , we go way back . jake : scott , this is all i got . ok ? it 's a tough world out there . do yourself a favor . rtm -- read the manual . do n't make me quiz you . scott : oh , hey . how did the appointment go ? madison : all good . scott : great . madison : so i guess i 'll head out . scott : oh . you got -- yeah . madison : places to go , people to see . not really sure which people , but -- scott : lucky people , right ? ryan : hey . you guys know each other ? scott : uh , we sure do . [ scene_break ] greenlee : a little more than a year ago , i was where you are now -- in a hospital bed , trying to come to grips with my new reality , you standing over me . a lot 's changed . david : yes , that 's true . but a lot has stayed exactly the same . [ scene_break ] cara : you always do that with people . when things get real , you distract them while you book for the exit . griffin : you know why ? cara : because of me . you know what , griff ? i love you , and i ca n't thank you enough for everything that you 've done , but i am right here . ok ? i 'm still here . griffin : and still as big of a pain in the ass as ever . cara : hey , now . i was trying to have a moment . griffin : where are my keys ? cara : your keys ? where 's your wallet ? what 's going on ? griffin : i must 've dropped them between here and kendall 's . you stay here . cara : i 'm gon na be here . ohh . jake : hey . cara : hi . jake : how you doing ? cara : i 'm good . it 's just my brother is -- anyway , do n't ever let tad become a doctor and get that whole surgeon complex . you know what i 'm saying ? jake : oh , no . tad 's already got enough complexes as it is . how 's it going at kendall 's ? cara : physically , she 's good . jake : the little girl , lucy winslow , with the leukemia -- she 's actually doing very well . cara : that 's good . maybe her parents will get the message this time not to overprotect her , and it 's just gon na make her feel worse than she already does . jake : i 'm not sure why that upsets you quite as much as it does , but -- cara : my brother -- he does n't go the extra step with patients , i do . that 's all . jake : well , i 'm gon na meet my wife -- meet amanda . so -- cara : i 'll see you at the hospital . jake : yeah . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sorry for getting all emotional . rev . torres : you know what ? do not apologize , because you know what ? come basketball season when the sixers are out of the playoffs , i 'm gon na be crying like a little girl . anytime you need to talk , i 'm here . kendall : thank you . [ scene_break ] caleb : look , when my life fell apart , instead of fighting my way through it , i ran away to the mountain . kendall 's a smart girl . she knows something 's not right . and if you do n't tell her what 's going on , you 're gon na be putting her on a mountain of her own . erica : no , caleb . i 'll be putting her behind bars . really , there 's nothing you can say that can convince me otherwise . i do n't want to spend any more time debating this . caleb : i 'll do whatever i can to help , but you 're making a big mistake not telling kendall and not trusting jack . erica : please do n't put words in my mouth . of course , i trust jack , completely . [ scene_break ] krystal : of course , i 'm gon na be there for marissa if she falls . but after everything she 's been through , i 'm just not quite sure that me being there to catch her is gon na be enough . jack : why does it have to be just you ? i do n't think marissa 's going to fall , but if she does , you be there to catch her , and i 'll be there to help . we 'll do it together . [ scene_break ] scott : yeah . madison and i , we met while she was visiting her father . ryan : in prison ? scott : mm - hmm . yeah . we got to talking , realized that we have a lot in common . we do . ryan : really ? scott : yeah . we both like long walks on the beach , watching the sunsets , drinking milkshakes . no , i 'm kidding . she 's just so cool , easy to talk to , laid back . i 'm just very lucky that i met her . ryan : i 'm very happy for you guys . all right . i 'm gon na go find greenlee . see you . scott : ok . madison : you did n't have to do that . scott : no , i know , but -- ahem -- i kind of liked it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : one thing has definitely changed in the last year -- us , our relationship . that 's why i came to talk to you . i want -- david : that ring . it 's new . i did n't give that to you . | cara is surprised when kendall tells her that griffin told her about how their father left them when they were young and how strong his mom was to raise her children on her own . kendall tells cara griffin 's story helped her sleep in her own bed for the first time since zach died . cara tells griffin that she is glad that he seems to be acting more human with his patients instead of just fixing their physical problems and releasing them from the hospital like they are not people . griffin admits that he is sad to see kendall grieving and losing touch with the woman zach described to him as full of life , loving , strong and someone who would risk anything to help her friends . kendall confides in reverend ricky that she is happy for ryan and greenlee but it still hurts to see them have a perfect life and know that she does n't have that anymore . griffin goes to kendall 's house to pick up his phone and keys that he left he does n't go in the house because he looks through the window and sees kendall talking to ricky and as he stares at them he looks jealous . |
[ previously_on ] henry : well , it looks like we 've just been christened lab partners . maggie : oh ! cheers . henry : cheers . trey : i have a new place for reggie to live . i petitioned the court and got custody of you , reggie . jake : mia 's going to be here any minute . tad : are you trying to convince me or yourself ? greenlee : we 're having a marketing session in the conference room . mia : i have to call jake . greenlee : call him later ! [ scene_break ] maggie : oh , man . henry . henry , wake up . henry : hmm -- what ? maggie : hi . henry : hi . we fell asleep ? what -- what time is it ? maggie : um -- 8 : 30 ? henry : a.m. ? maggie : yeah . henry : maggie , look , i 'm really , really sorry about this . maggie : for what ? falling asleep ? henry : you know , i do n't usually do this kind of thing . maggie : it 's ok . do n't worry about it . hey , at least we got a lot of work done , right ? henry : i have to go . maggie : so , you want to meet up later so we can talk -- woman : wow . cute guy . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] reggie : yo , t , door . [ knock ] reggie : yeah ? greenlee : hi . reggie : hey . greenlee : who are you , and why are you answering trey 's door ? reggie : i 'm reggie , and -- because i live here . greenlee : oh . ok , well , does trey still live here ? reggie : who are you ? greenlee : trey ! reggie : yo , t , your girl 's here . greenlee : his girl ? trey : my what ? ahem . greenlee . greenlee : what have you been telling this kid ? [ scene_break ] mia : fusion 's line of credit needs to be accessible by the start of business today . what , you 're a 24-hour banking service , are n't you ? ooh , you put me on hold and i will find another bank . thank you . half an hour -- perfect . hi . liza : hi . good morning . mia : good morning . liza : you 're really taking to all this , are n't you ? mia : yes . this is such a rush . i love this . liza : well , that 's great . well , you know what ? you have to put it on hold because we have to go . mia : we do ? liza : yeah . remember ? you have that appointment ? mia : oh , god . remind me ? liza : georgia finley , the lady who 's designing your wedding dress ? [ mia gasps ] mia : oh , god . that 's today . i totally forgot . liza : yeah , well , that 's why you have me , so come on , let 's go . mia : i -- actually , i think i need to postpone . i really do . liza : what ? no , you ca n't . mia : it 's just that i have the budget proposals to do , and this thing with the bank and the line of credit , i -- liza : no , no , no , no , no . wait a second . you have no idea how difficult it is to get an appointment with this woman . you can not blow her off at the last minute . mia : yes , but everybody here is depending on me . i 've never had an opportunity like this before . liza : and you 've never gotten married before , either . mia , is all this more important than getting married to jake ? [ scene_break ] tad : oh ! you 're here . great . i -- oh , i got the proposition you asked me for . you know , for dixie 's endowment , the teaching position . you remember . jake : oh , yeah . tad : you want to take a look at it ? jake : sure , sure . tad : you know , for a guy that had a candlelight - and - roses dinner lined up last night , you 're here pretty early . what happened ? jake : well , actually , nothing happened . mia never called . i put the food in the fridge , the candles in the trash , and i went to bed . tad : alone ? jake : alone . mia got in some time after midnight , and she was gone by the time i woke up this morning . tad : so she never had any idea of what you were planning , huh ? jake : you know , it 's weird . i -- i do n't know what 's happening . i do n't know what 's going on with her . i just -- i 'm -- tad : disappointed ? ready to start screaming ? jake : i 'm starting to think that you 're right , tad . mia does n't want to get married -- at least not to me . [ scene_break ] joni : ok , so , this is the student center . i want to check out the gym , the library , the english department , and -- oh , that freshman dorm , tyler hall . laurie : there 's a rumor that it 's haunted . joni : the dorm ? laurie : yeah . lighten up . it 's college . the ghosts are probably too busy studying to cause any real trouble . joni : you 're making fun of me ? laurie : a little . i 'm going to grab a course catalog . you want one ? joni : definitely . jamie : you know , everyone 's been saying the freshman dorm 's a portal to the underworld . joni : jamie , what are you doing here ? jamie : i 'm skipping class , just like you . [ scene_break ] trey : reggie , this is not my girl . this is my sister - in - law , greenlee dupres . greenlee : hello , reggie . reggie : hi . is that -- your name 's really greenlee ? greenlee : yeah , it 's a family name . reggie : oh , so -- well , whatever they call you , you 're hot . but i 'm sure you know that . so you 're here to see t , right ? greenlee : that 's right . reggie : ok , i 'll be over there . trey : i was n't expecting you so soon . greenlee : i can see that . so what 's going on ? what 's with the new roommate ? trey : reggie needs to a place a crash and i 'm his lawyer , so -- greenlee : so , what ? this is something the court sanctioned ? trey : absolutely . reggie : why ? do you have a problem with me being here ? greenlee : i do n't , but you might . i mean , who thought you were qualified to be someone 's guardian ? trey : excuse me ? greenlee : did they even bother to do a background check on you ? trey : green -- all right , greenlee -- greenlee : obviously , they did n't . otherwise , criminal past would have disqualified you . reggie : criminal -- what criminal past ? trey : she 's exaggerating , reggie . greenlee : oh , i am ? well , let 's see -- identity theft , arson , tampering with a lie detector -- reggie : whoa , whoa , whoa -- trey : that 's enough . ok , social services knows what they 're doing . reggie needs a place to stay , and he 's much better off with me than he is with a group home with a bunch of strangers . greenlee : you really believe that , do n't you ? wow ! reggie : just what is so funny , lady ? [ scene_break ] mia : no , of course , my work here at fusion is n't more important than my wedding to jake . liza : well , i was just beginning to wonder . mia : just , liza , we 're not even getting married for six months . liza : you know , a good wedding takes months to plan . seeing a dress designer in january is n't tantamount to , i do n't know , jumping the gun . mia : i know , i know , and i will , i 'll see her , but i 'm not going to run out of here right now to go look at a wedding dress . that 's totally unprofessional . liza : believe me , it 's ok ! mia : oh , were n't you the one who walked in here all businesslike with those shanghai products , wanting to see the marketing agenda ? liza : yeah . mia : and when was that ? it was new year 's eve . liza : yeah , so ? mia : so i 'm simply taking my cue from you , that 's all . liza : you are ? mia : how does it feel to be emulated ? liza : ahem . is that what it really is , or are you using work to avoid your life ? mia : this is my life . this is my life . it 's a big part of it , anyway , and jake understands that . he does . now , i need to talk to you about this line of -- liza : no , no , wait a minute , wait a minute . just back up . does jake really understand ? have you talked about this ? mia : what do you mean ? liza : i do n't know . i mean , this is a big change . mia : i know . i know . and it 's great . and i 'm jake 's happy for me . why would n't he be ? [ scene_break ] tad : look , maybe i was dead wrong last night , ok ? there is no reason on earth that mia should not want to marry a fine , upstanding , red - blooded , hard- working american doctor like yourself . jake : look , do n't play this on the surface , tad . tad : no , really . i mean , you 're a real catch . i 'll marry you . jake : just give it a rest . tad : are you sure ? because mom and dad would be real proud if i brought home a doctor . jake : forget it . just forget it . tad : just do n't be too hard on yourself , all right ? she does love you . does n't she ? jake : she says she does . tad : well , what kind of answer 's that ? jake : it 's an honest answer , tad . i love her with all my heart . she just -- she 's suddenly finding this whole cosmetic company thing the end - all be - all in her life , and all the plans we made together have been pushed aside . tad : so , you 're not her first priority anymore ? jake : no , i 'm not her first priority . you know , even with my job here at this hospital and all the stuff i got going on here , i put her first with everything . i think she 's pulling away . tad : no , now , wait a minute . no , no , no , no . wait , wait , wait . look , i -- i was off base , ok ? just because the woman wants a career does not mean that she 's trying to ditch you . jake : i support the whole career thing . i do n't have a problem with that . she 's the one who 's suddenly cancels this wedding in february . jake : she quit her job at the hospital , tad . tad : well , because she got a chance to be a high - powered business exec . that follows . it 's logical . they make a lot more money , and you should be happy . they got a better dress code . have you ever seen those suits with the short skirts , the see - through blouses , the lace - up things with high heels ? that 's hot ! i need a shower , i 'm sitting here thinking about it . jake : she 's not returning the phone calls i 'm making . tad : well , maybe she 's not returning your phone calls because there 's other -- i mean , they 're starting a comp -- oh , what the hell . i could be funny or i could be brutal . which do you want ? jake : be brutal . tad : the phone - call thing is n't good . maybe she is pushing you away . [ scene_break ] reggie : is it funny to you because i got to stay in a group home ? or because i ca n't go home because my mom 's strung out half the time ? trey : reggie -- reggie : no . or is it funny because i just do n't look like the type of person who should be in a place like this ? greenlee : actually , it 's none of the above . reggie : well , why do n't i believe you ? trey : she speaks her mind . i would take her word that she 's not laughing at you . greenlee : he 's right . i was n't laughing at you , reggie . i was laughing at trey . trey : me ? greenlee : mm - hmm . trey : why ? you do n't think i can do this , do you ? greenlee : no , i do n't . trey : and what makes you such an expert ? greenlee : well , for starters , should n't reggie be in school right now ? reggie : well , reggie does n't have classes this morning . greenlee : convenient . trey : would you excuse us , please ? would you just lay off the third degree , please ? greenlee : i ca n't question what you 're doing with this kid ? i own this apartment . trey : i 've got it under control ! besides , i am serious about helping reggie out . greenlee : so you 're going to be his role model ? someone to look up to ? trey : yes ! in fact , that 's why i asked you to come over . greenlee : i thought you had papers for me . trey : well , that , too . but i 'm serious about this . greenlee : so this is really about you ? trey : no . this is about reggie . reggie : excuse me . if it 's about me , why do n't i have any part of the plans you 're making for me ? [ scene_break ] joni : neither one of us is cutting class . you know they gave juniors permission to check out p.v.u . today . jamie : that 's why i 'm here . joni : you want to go to college here ? jamie : i wanted to see you . joni : jamie , do n't do this . jamie : joni , i want a second chance . i know i screwed up , and i 'm sorry . joni : jamie , i know you 're sorry . so am i . but i meant what i said . we 're not going to work out , ok ? we 're just too different . jamie : no , we are n't . look , we 're both here . we both want to go to college . joni : so do a lot of people . come on . jamie : you know you 're good for me . you even said you loved the way i make you laugh . joni : i do n't want to get into this , not the day i want to do this . i want to meet some teachers and just check out some classes . jamie : well , if you think you ca n't do that with me , ok . i 'll see you around . laurie : joni , what is the matter with you ? [ scene_break ] mia : look , jake understands my reasons for wanting to push the wedding back until june . liza : i know that you did a 180 , i mean , but the man wanted to marry you while you were still in the hospital . mia : look , he gets that i 'm invested in making this career move . liza : if you say so . mia : look , you know what ? he did n't even get mad at me when i came home after midnight last night . liza : wait a minute . you worked until after midnight ? mia : yeah . sometimes that 's what it takes to get the job done around here . liza : yeah , you know , i know . i 've spent a majority of my life that way . mia : so then you understand where i 'm coming from . liza : yeah , i do , but you 're just starting a life with jake . do n't lose sight of that in all this . mia : i wo n't . i could n't . besides , he 's busier than i am . he spends hours at the hospital , and he 's always on call and he 's being paged . liza : i just worry about you . mia : well , do n't . jake and i are solid . [ scene_break ] jake : tad , i mean , i -- things are just -- they 're starting to fall apart . i can feel it . tad : jake -- jake : she 's been through so much , and that 's -- that 's why i do n't pressure her . i do n't want her to feel defensive . tad : well , there is that . i mean , she 's got so much on her plate . maybe the way she 's acting has n't got anything to do with you or the marriage . it 's possible . jake : well , you do n't understand . life has not been easy for this girl . she was forced to put her son up for adoption . she comes here to pine valley in search of her family , she gets all entangled with adam and liza 's whole private war . we 're not talking about stability here . tad : huh . come on , adam and liza ? they do n't do stability , you know . that should n't surprise you . jake : i 'm just saying that she has had a lot to sort out , and i understood that . i mean , that 's why i never pressured her . that 's -- i never pressured her even when i saw her pulling away . tad : ok , so she 's dealing with a lot . what if she 's trying to test your resolve ? you know , women do that . jake : mia 's not a game - player , tad . i 'm telling you , when it finally started working with us , when we made that connection , it was intense and it was good . and i knew -- i knew in my heart we were meant to be together . tad : that 's the way you 're supposed to feel . jake : that 's right , and the feeling was mutual . she had this accident . that 's when i knew . i just knew . i knew i wanted to be with her . i wanted to be with her all the time , forever . i wanted to spend the rest of my life with her . tad : is that what she wants ? jake : yes , it 's what she wants , and it 's she wants because she told me . she told me that she wanted to start a family with me . she told me that she wanted to grow old with me . she 's not -- she 's not lucky , like you and me . we 're lucky . we come from a good family . i want to give her that . tad : ok , let 's go back to the `` growing old together `` part , shall we ? what about passion ? ok , what about the `` ca n't keep your hands off each other `` mentality ? is that there ? jake : it 's there . tad : you sure ? jake : it 's there for me . tad : is it there for mia ? hey , jake , if you blow off a hot romantic dinner with someone , you know , i -- you do n't do it without a phone call . jake : it 's not like that . tad : i 'm not so sure . whatever it is that mia is looking for , it just does n't seem like she 's finding it with you . jake : well , you are brutal . tad : i 'm sorry , jake , but it 's just not supposed to be like this . for god 's sake , man , you love somebody that much , you want to make them your wife ? if the wining and dining is n't working , then maybe -- maybe there 's only one thing left for you to do . jake : what 's that ? tad : dump her . jake : i 'm not breaking up with mia . tad : but you 'd rather tie yourself in knots in order to hang on to her ? jake : if that 's what it takes , yes . and your advice about dumping her is n't going to fly , so go ahead and take off . tad : jake , i 'm just trying to help . jake : by telling me to break up with the woman i want to marry , tad ? i do n't need that kind of help . see you later . tad : you need to hear this , ok ? the way mia 's treating you stinks . you 're not her doormat . jake : that 's not what it 's like . tad : you practically have tread marks up and down your spine . jake : that 's bull , and you know it . tad : jake , what if -- what if this is just like greenlee and gillian all over again ? jake : do n't you even go there . you 're way off base . tad : look , you 're my brother , you 're family , i love you , you know that , but you 've got to hear this , ok ? this is your pattern . you do it over and over again , all right ? you lay down your life . you give your all to some girl , and what do you get back ? nothing . if mia is too stupid to know what you have to offer , then , kiddo , you got to move on . jake : you 're the last one who should ever give advice about the patterns of women . tad : i -- i 'm not saying i 'm perfect . everybody 's got their pattern . jake : then why are you picking on mine ? tad : because yours is tearing you apart . jake : yeah , just like yours tears women apart , tad . but i guess that 's just what goes around when you get involved with someone as selfish as tad the cad , right ? tad : tell me something . why are you so fired up to get married in a hurry ? jake : because i love her . tad : no . because you 're in love with the idea of being someone 's husband . look , whether or not you want to admit it , you are rushing things . do yourself a favor and slow down . find a girl who 's not going to make you question whether or not your feelings for her are returned . jake : like you and dixie ? tad : yeah , like me and dixie . jake : come on , tad , let 's be honest . i was there . i remember what it was like . you think you had the perfect marriage with dixie ? when ? was it the first time around , or was it the third time around ? was it before or after your relationship with liza ? tad : hey -- jake : yeah , that 's right . you 're rewriting history , tad . the truth is you love dixie more now that she 's dead than you ever did when she was alive . [ scene_break ] mia : you know , after my accident , i had a lot of time to think . and i made a promise to myself that i better start making better choices , you know , and stop settling for things just because they were right in front of me . i 'm just -- i 'm tired of making decisions that i regret . liza : we all have those . mia : not me . not anymore . and fusion is proof of that . liza : you know , i have to tell you , i 've never seen you so excited . mia : well , having this job -- it 's this chance -- it 's just opened this whole new world for me . liza : and working for a cosmetics company ? i mean , that 's done this for you ? mia : yeah , it 's made me a part of something . i feel feminine and glamorous . it 's , like -- i do n't know . for the first time in my life , i feel like a real woman and not some gawky kid who spends way too much time in her uncle 's gym . liza : i had no idea you felt this way . mia : well , you know what ? i really never did either . but any time i 've ever gone into a department store or tried to buy clothes , it just did n't fit , and now i want to look good . i mean , so do we all here . i 'm starting to think about my hair and my makeup and my clothes and my nails , and -- oh , my god , i must sound so shallow to you right now . liza : no ! no ! i mean , you never thought about those things ? mia : not really , no . liza : why ? mia : i do n't know . i guess -- i guess i did n't really feel very good about myself , especially after i gave william up for adoption . you know ? but ever since i told frank , it 's like i 've made a peace with myself . liza : maybe you 've decided to stop punishing yourself . mia : yes . whatever it is . but now life just seems so full of possibilities for me . liza : being in love will do that to you . mia : no , it 's not even love . it 's work . i just -- i ca n't wait to get up in the morning and come to the office , and i 've got all this energy . that 's not me . liza : and being with jake ? mia : he 's the best , liza . he really is . liza : well , apparently , you can have it all . mia : i can . i can have it all , and i 'm turning my life around . liza : well , when would you like for me to reschedule this fitting for a wedding dress ? simone : oh , mia ! oh , my god ! you just might have the face to launch and sell a million lipsticks . [ scene_break ] trey : remember , we were talking about getting you a part - time job ? reggie : what about it ? trey : well , i know a place that 's looking for help . greenlee : are you talking about fusion ? i made a detour from work to come down here to talk to you about hiring some high school kid ? trey : well , if i 've wasted your precious time , i apologize . reggie : ok , what about it ? what 's fusion ? i do n't want to work in no nuclear power plant or something like that . greenlee : please . fusion is not a nuclear power plant . trey : though with mrs. dupres and my sister kendall running it , sometimes it 's pretty close . reggie : well , what is it ? greenlee : a cosmetics company . reggie : no , no . i 'm not working there , selling deodorant and perfume -- no , greenlee : oh , well , you tried . trey : reggie -- reggie : no ! i mean , i do n't want to be wasting my time selling smelling stuff and -- no , nah . greenlee : my company 's a little more complex than that , thank you . reggie : whatever . trey : greenlee -- look , fusion needs all the help it can get , right ? and reggie 's asking price is cheap . greenlee : it is ? reggie : it is ? trey : look , a couple hours a week after school . that 's all i ask . greenlee : trey , you 're really putting me on the spot here . reggie : well , get off the spot , all right ? because i 'm not into selling smelly stuff and -- no . trey : you 're not going to be selling anything , reggie . odd jobs around the office , that 's it . reggie : boring . trey : reggie , reggie -- you 're going to be working for really hot women . so you in or you out ? [ scene_break ] joni : i do n't want to talk about jamie . laurie : why not ? what 's wrong with him ? joni : laurie -- laurie : no . i want to know because he seems like a really great guy to me . i mean , he 's smart , funny , cute , and he really likes you a lot . joni : who would n't want to date a guy that makes headlines in the tabloids , right ? laurie : joni , he 's not responsible for what his family does . people make mistakes , even you and me . joni : yeah ? was dumping j.r. a mistake ? [ scene_break ] tad : you ever say that again , i will tear your head off . do you understand ? jake : get your hands off me . tad : do n't you say that to me . do n't you ever say to me ! jake : oh , but you can say whatever you want to me , tad ? what makes you think you can come in my office and dump all over my relationship with mia ? tad : i 'm dumping on mia because she 's dumping on you . and i 'm on your side , remember ? jake : all right . tad : yeah . jake : i 'm sorry . i do n't know -- i do n't know -- i 'm sorry . i know -- i know how much you loved dixie . i know how much you miss dixie . i miss dixie , too . i do n't know what came over me . i 'm sorry . tad : apology accepted . just do me a favor , ok ? you make sure that mia means that much to you , because if anybody 's going to get hurt in this thing -- i like her , i like her a lot , but i 'd just assume it was n't you . [ phone rings ] tad : hang on . yeah , hello . no , the report 's on my desk . because i left there . well , check under the chinese takeout menu , i do n't know . all right , fine , it 's ok . just give me 10 minutes . i 'll get to the office and find it myself . i got to go . i 'll see you later ? jake : thanks . tad : do n't work too hard . mia : jake , get up . jake : i 've waited my entire life for this moment . mia : jake -- jake : now , i know it seems kind of soon , but i love you , mia , and nothing 's ever felt so perfect , so right , than when i hold you in my arms . forever . mia , will you marry me ? mia : yes ! yes ! yes , jake ! nurse : dr. martin ? multiple victim m.v.a . en route . we need you in the e.r . jake : ok , let 's go . [ scene_break ] simone : mia , your posters -- oh ! they are absolutely fabulous ! mia : really ? simone : oh , gosh . yes , you 've got to see them . we 're actually going to launch fusion 's first campaign . liza : well , this is great news . simone : uh - huh ! ok , so , we 've hired high school students to start hanging posters . so by this time tomorrow , mia , your beautiful face is going to be all over town . liza : mm - hmm . mia : ok , suddenly , i 'm getting a little bit overwhelmed here . simone : no , no , we want to be overwhelmed -- with orders ! liza : i can not believe this . my sister , a pinup girl . mia : oh , stop . simone : oh , liza , i do n't know if there 's any way that we could ever thank you for everything you 've done for us . liza : no , no . i gave you suggestions , some advice -- simone : oh , no , you 've done much more than that , and you know it . i mean , you gave us the confidence to believe in ourselves and our ideas . mia : including your guerrilla marketing strategy , simone . simone : oh , gosh , let 's hope it works . liza : how can it not with mia plastered all over pine valley ? simone : mm - hmm . mia : oh , god . i 'm never going to hear the end of this , am i ? liza : no . you 've given me great material . but listen , if we 're not going to go get a wedding dress for you , at least give me the figures and i 'll review them . mia : ok . listen , i 'm sorry about your wasted trip . liza : no , it 's not a wasted trip . but we should talk about rescheduling for a fitting . simone : oh , yeah . mia : yeah ? simone : yeah . liza : listen , congratulations again . mia : oh , thanks . simone : thank you , thank you . mia : i know . simone : yeah . oh , gosh . i can not believe that you 're getting married in six months . mia : yep . yep , yep , yep . that 's the plan . simone : mm - hmm . well , if these posters are any indication about you and jake , you two are going to be insanely happy . mia : i 'm sure we will be . [ scene_break ] jake : all right , let 's get him in cube three . woman : doctor , will he be all right ? doctor : yes . he 's going to be fine . jake : he 's going to be just fine . give me the bullet . doctor : 22-year - old woman , passenger side impact . there are multiple contusions and lacerations on her left side . her respirations are strained . there 's a laceration on her left shoulder -- jake : mm - hmm . doctor : with a bleeder , but i ca n't find it . nurse : pressure 's dropping , 80/50 . doctor : where is it ? i ca n't find the bleeder . jake : ok , ok , alison , just take a deep breath . you can do this . all right ? good . now , first , i want you to link the incisions so you can see what you 're looking at . there you go . now put the sponge in there and see if you can spot the bleeder . got it ? alison : hmm . jake : good . take a hemostat and clamp it off . there you go . alison : it 's working . jake : yeah . there you are . open her i.v . nurse : got it . alison : thank you , jake . jake : all i did was watch . keep up the good work , dr . waters . ok , let 's see if we can get you ready . [ scene_break ] laurie : you ca n't compare me and j.r. to you and jamie . joni : why not ? i mean , is n't j.r. smart and cute , funny , and really into you , too ? laurie : yeah , but -- joni : and does n't he have a family with problems that have nothing to do with him ? laurie : i guess . joni : so , why is it ok that you broke up with j.r. , but not ok that i ended things with jamie ? laurie : because it was my idea to break up with j.r. you broke up with jamie because your parents told you to . joni : that is so not true . laurie : jamie . hey . did you get a chance to check things out ? jamie : yeah . this place is awesome . laurie : did you get a chance to look at that course catalog ? jamie : oh , yeah . laurie : look at all these journalism courses . jamie : oh , my gosh . i know this guy . he worked with my mom at `` tempo . `` where 'd you get this ? laurie : over there . jamie : all right , thanks . i 'll be right back . laurie : he really is sweet , is n't he ? joni : just like j.r . [ scene_break ] henry : maggie . maggie : hey ! henry . i 've been looking for you . i mean , i still do n't have your phone number , so -- henry : well , i 've been in class . maggie : you did n't leave this morning because of something i said , right ? henry : no , it was n't you . i just do n't like to be late for things . maybe we should n't study in your room . maggie : yeah , that bed is way too tempting . oh , wait , i did n't mean it like that . henry : no , i know what you meant . maggie : ok , good . well , how about we go to your dorm room ? henry : i do n't -- i do n't live on -- in the dorms . maggie : what , you live off campus ? henry : yeah . maggie : oh , that 's cool . henry : well , not really . it -- maggie : why ? do you live with eight roommates and have a keg in the living room or something ? henry : i got to go . maggie : oh , you have another class you do n't want to be late for ? henry : yeah . maggie : ok . bye . [ scene_break ] simone : well , you know what ? actually , i was thinking more of , like , a feature article on this new cosmetics company called -- mia : that 's fusion -- f - u - s - i - o - n. i could messenger you a letter of credit first thing in the morning . simone : the evening edition ? well , how about , like , tomorrow 's `` what 's cooking `` page ? yes . mia : tomorrow -- tomorrow is perfect . simone : ok ! thank you ! mia : ok , thanks a lot . simone : thank you , good - bye . mia : thanks a lot . ok , bye . mia and simone : ah ! mia : oh , so where 's kendall and greenlee ? should n't they be here , you know , running their company ? simone : oh , well , actually , i do n't know about greenlee , but kendall 's in aspen . mia : what ? simone : hmm . mia : what is she doing there ? simone : well , actually , if i tell you , you got to promise you wo n't tell greenlee ? mia : ok . simone : she went there on business . yeah , there 's this huge cosmetic convention , so she 's there drumming up new business . mia : oh , really ? simone : yeah . mia : and who 's paying for this little trip ? simone : palmer cortlandt . mia : hmm . simone : mm - hmm . mia : oh , please tell me she had to take little petey cortlandt . simone : yeah . mia : that 's classic . i ca n't wait to tell jake . simone : so -- are you sure your fiancé is going to be fine with this all - out campaign ? have the two of you -- mia : oh , it 's not a problem . jake is totally supportive . greenlee : hey . simone : oh , perfect timing . i wanted to clear it with you about setting up another photo shoot for mia . you know , try to build our gallery for the campaign ? greenlee : a good idea . just do n't blow the whole budget . mia : who 's your friend ? trey : ladies , this is reggie porter . greenlee : reggie 's going to be working here part - time after school . mia and simone : oh . mia : that sounds like fun . simone : yeah , great . mia : i 'm mia . reggie : hi . mia : hi , and this is simone . simone : oh , yes , hello . reggie : this place is really kind of cool . greenlee : thank you . reggie : you know , i could really dig hanging around here . trey : yeah , well , you 're not going to do a lot of hanging out . you 're going to be working . look , why do n't you come back in a little bit and greenlee will have something for you to do , ok ? reggie : all right , well , see you later . women : bye . trey : did you have some papers for me to sign ? greenlee : that can wait . where 's kendall ? mia : do n't know , but i 'm sure she 'll be in soon . greenlee : well , she better be , or i 'm going to pull her lacquered fingernails out one by one . trey : ouch . simone : on that note , i 'm going to marishka about the photo shoot . mia : just please do n't make it for today . i want to get home in time for dinner with jake . simone : oh , of course . [ scene_break ] jake : his kidneys are overloaded . switch his i.v . to a k.v.o . for the next four hours and give me a call when you have his next labs , ok ? nurse : right , doctor . alison : dr. martin . jake : yeah . alison : i wanted to thank you again for walking me through that procedure . jake : yeah , well , it 's no problem . you did a fine job . alison : i promise in the future i 'll be better about holding it together . jake : what do you mean ? do n't beat yourself up over today . you know , my dad once told me when i got started that a good doctor is always walking a fine line between complete control and total chaos . it 's how you handle it that counts . alison : well , you set a good example . jake : well , thank you . alison : hey , listen , after the shift , some of the residents are headed over to b.j . 's . would you like to join us ? jake : uh -- actually -- thank you for asking , but i -- alison : i 'd like to buy you a drink . if not tonight , sometime . jake : yeah . yeah , sure . sure , sure , why not ? what do i have to lose ? [ next_on ] bianca : what do you want me to say ? that you have a shot with kendall ? boyd : do i ? man : well , i was hoping we could have dinner together . kendall : i would love to have dinner with you . chris : i 'll make this a night you never forget . | maggie and henry wake up in her dorm room ( he 's in the chair ) , having fallen asleep studying . he 's embarrassed and rushes off . later , they run into each other on campus . they chat and she tries to make plans for more studying . when the subject of where he lives off - campus comes up , he rushes off again , leaving her puzzled . tad visits jake and they talk some more about jake & mia . jake thinks she 's pulling away from him and tad wonders if they really love each other and warns jake not to let himself get hurt . he thinks jake is maybe just in love with the idea of being married . jake sharply criticizes tad , using the memory of dixie , and then quickly apologizes . later , jake is in the er helping out a pretty young doctor and they exchange glances . she asks him to go out with her and some of the others so she can buy him a drink , to repay him for helping her with some technique in the er , and he agrees . liza wants to take mia to her wedding dress fitting but mia says she has to work instead and must postpone it . liza wonders whether the job is more important to mia than jake . mia talks about how great the job is and says jake and she are fine , too . simone and liza tease mia about how big she 's going to be with her face plastered all around town . simone tells mia about kendall 's secret trip to aspen but asks her not to tell greenlee . reggie is chillin ' at trey 's place with some music when greenlee visits . she wonders who he is so trey fills her in . she laughs at the idea of trey being someone 's role model . he talks her into letting reggie work at fusion after school . the teens are at pvu to investigate it for the future . joni brushes off jamie again . laurie gives her a hard time about it but joni turns it around on her and says she 's treating jr the same way . |
[ monitor beeps ] maria : hi . baby , you were shot . you 're in the hospital , but you 're going to be ok . you 're going to be all right . [ scene_break ] [ gallery murmurs ] bianca : ryan is supposed to be on our side . how can he testify against kendall ? reggie : yeah , and what 's up with him and greenpea ? bailiff : state your full name . ryan : ryan aloysius lavery . bailiff : raise your right hand , left hand on the bible . do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you 're about to give to this court is the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you god ? ryan : i do . [ scene_break ] tad : you decided to come . thank you . i appreciate it . krystal : so , why are we here , tad ? i mean , if you want to be friends again , we might consider that . tad : i 've never wanted to be anything but friends with you , my little trailer park sex poodle , and dear arabella here . babe : what -- how the heck do you know my real name ? krystal : i told him -- before i knew we could n't trust him . tad : ah , ah , ah -- careful . trust has got an edge on it , cuts both ways . and you have n't exactly been honest with me or j.r. or anybody since you blew into town , have you ? krystal : we have been as honest with you as we -- what 's that ? tad : this is the result of a little research that i 've been doing . babe : research ? on me ? tad : that 's right , cookie . on you . krystal : and what are you planning to do with that ? use it against us ? tad : do n't know yet . some of it is pretty juicy . and unless we come to some kind of arrangement , i might just have to . [ scene_break ] alan : what made you break off your engagement with the defendant ? ryan : well , i guess finding her in the arms of another man had a lot to do with it . alan : and what did you to do -- kendall : you have to stop him . you ca n't let him testify against us . livia : the prosecution can call whoever they want . what , can ryan lavery say something to hurt us ? i thought you two were on good terms . kendall : yeah , so did i . alan : what did you learn about the defendant when you returned to pine valley ? ryan : well , as it turned out , we were both rivals for the cambias estate . alan : and because of that , as you told police , you decided to spy on her . is that right ? ryan : yes . alan : well , that certainly is lucky for us . during the time that you were spying on the defendant without her knowledge , did you ever hear her say anything in relation to michael cambias ' disappearance and subsequent death ? ryan : yes , i did . [ gallery murmurs ] alan : what did you hear ms. hart say about the victim 's disappearance and subsequent death ? ryan : she said a lot of things . i mean , then again , a lot of people said a lot of things , so -- alan : let 's stick to the defendant and what you told chief derek frye . ryan : uh -- do you have it in the police file ? maybe you could , like , refresh my memory a little bit . alan : it had to do with a certain building down by the docks , a meatpacking plant ? ryan : oh , right , where the body was stashed . alan : you said the defendant was talking about the building before the body was found , did n't you ? ryan : yes . alan : and what was the defendant saying about it ? ryan : well , she said the building was scheduled for demolition , and she seemed frightened of what would happen if it was . alan : so acting on what you heard ms. hart say , you went to see for yourself , did n't you ? ryan : well , i 've always really loved a good murder mystery . livia : objection , your honor . nonresponsive and not even funny . judge : sustained . mr. lavery , please confine yourself to what you saw and heard . ryan : yes , your honor . alan : so , what did you see and hear ? ryan : rats . i saw a lot of rats , including a big , frozen one -- michael cambias . judge : mr. lavery -- ryan : i saw the body . i discovered it . not pretty . judge : move on , mr. singer . alan : let 's go back to the day you revealed yourself at the reading of alexander cambias ' will . you maintained that michael cambias was already dead at the time kendall hart was claiming to have married him . is that correct ? ryan : yes . alan : and you believed that so strongly that you set out to prove it by hounding the police and the medical examiner until the time of death was revealed . ryan : yes , that 's true . alan : on what did you base this strong belief ? ryan : well , i heard kendall make some disparaging remarks on television after michael � s hearing . alan : if i may , your honor , commonwealth 's 5 . this is a transcript from trial- tv , august 28 , 2003 . these are the words of kendall hart -- `` your pathetic client attacked me , my mother , and raped my sister . you ca n't let this man go . he 's vile . if you do n't stop him -- `` were these the comments that led you to believe the defendant was lying about her relationship with michael cambias ? ryan : yeah , that pretty much did it for me . alan : no further questions , your honor . [ scene_break ] krystal : you know , i think it 's pretty damn petty of you to come up with something like this just to hurt us back . but you 're not going to go through with it . and you want to know why ? tad : ok . krystal : because the person you 'll hurt the most is j.r. and you love that boy too much to do that . i saw how you carried on when they came to arrest him for beating up that handsome dr. hayward . you would n't do anything to hurt that boy because you know he loves you like a father . much more than he even loves adam . tad : do this . krystal : what ? tad : you got a piece of flattery stuck between your teeth . and it 's going to take a hell of a lot more than that to make me burn this . but you know what will ? krystal : no . what ? tad : you and me finishing the conversation we started in your bedroom before your mother tried to brain me . you said you wanted to tell me something , something important . what was it ? babe : nothing . i -- i do n't even really remember . tad : well , as adam would say , i guess i 'm just going to have to play the cards i 've got . krystal : none of that means a thing , tad . come on . that 's just ancient history . tad : ancient history -- damn good subject . i used to love that when i was in high school , you know ? but you know what i hated ? algebra . i sucked . i still have nightmares about taking the exam . but i 'll bet you do n't . remember taking algebra in high school , babe ? i 'm sure you remember the teacher . you know , the one that changed your grade from an f to a c without making you take a makeup exam ? krystal : what 's he talking about ? babe : it was n't even like that . it was mr. albright . krystal : the one with the green eyes -- babe : and the really long eyelashes . krystal : yeah . come on . he was very young . he was practically a kid himself . babe : and he was witty and intellectual . he motivated me . tad : apparently there was a whole lot of motivating going on . babe : what was i supposed to do if he wanted to change my grade ? tad : study algebra ? krystal : and just how much high school algebra do you remember , tad ? tad : nothing . i told you , i hated it . all i remember is driver 's ed -- which brings us to the subject of old arabella 's driving record . krystal : oh , come on . like you have n't had a harmless fender - bender or a couple of traffic tickets . tad : more than a couple . i just never tried to talk my out of one by inviting the cop up to my room for cuba libres . olé . krystal : all right , look , my baby doll never had a fat cat daddy or a fat checkbook to make her problems go away . you use what you 've got . who are you to judge us ? tad : no one . all the dirt i got in my closet , i 'm nothing if not lightly soiled . krystal : yeah . tad : i 'm sure you 've got a good reason for everything you do . but since you 've hit town , you 've single - handedly managed to turn my entire family upside down . you got both my boys wanting to kill each other , and before they do , i � d like to know who they 're doing it for . krystal : all right , fine . fine . so you 've come up with grade changing and a couple of traffic tickets . anything else ? tad : no , that 's about it . oh ! wait . there is one traffic ticket that caught my eye . oh , here we go . speeding , just north of the mexican border . here 's the funny part . it happened when you swear that you were in san diego , babe . krystal : so ? tad : said companion was young , male , in his 20s , and here 's the tricky part -- he was n't j.r. had brown hair , wearing a naval uniform . seeing that started all kinds of bells going off in my head . i remember about this young boy mentioned in adam � s little dossier -- paul cramer . but you only met him once at some toga party . was that the night of the party , babe ? krystal : you know , a lot of guys would fit that description . tad : you 're tying to tell me it was n't paul cramer ? before you say anything , how would you feel if i told you that all i � ve got to do is turn the page and i can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you know old paul a hell of a lot better than you say you do ? [ scene_break ] paul : excuse me . do you know where i can find dr. maria grey ? brooke : oh , dr. grey 's in there . her husband 's a patient here . paul : oh , i know . dr. larry wolek from llanview wanted me to deliver this to her . he heard about what happened to her husband , and he wanted to show his support . brooke : you 're paul cramer , are n't you ? we were at a new year 's eve party at the valley inn ? paul : yeah , i see . brooke : i 'm brooke english . i think we have some friends in common -- babe chandler ? well , you probably knew her as babe carey . paul : yeah -- i only know her slightly . i think we 'd only met once before the new year 's eve party . it was -- i do n't mean to be rude , but i have to get back to llanview . do you think you could just maybe hand this -- brooke : oh , yeah , i 'd be happy to give it to dr. grey . paul : thanks a lot . brooke : sure . maria : no , no , no , no , no , no , you really ca n't talk with that tube down your throat , so do n't even try , ok ? we 're going to try to wean off that vent , though , very soon . i know . but just relax . i just want you to sleep and rest , and i 'm going to go call the kids and tell them that you 're ok . ok . all right . i love you . [ scene_break ] livia : mr. lavery , you testified that you heard a lot of things from a lot of people . ryan : i did . livia : what things from what people ? alan : objection , relevance . livia : well , mr. singer has opened the door on mr. lavery 's spying activities , so i think if he observed anything that might be exculpatory for my client , that should be admissible , as well . judge : that 's interesting . go ahead , but watch it . livia : so , who else did you spy on besides kendall cambias ? ryan : boyd larraby and aidan devane . livia : and in relation to the disappearance and death of michael cambias , what did you observe about these two men ? ryan : well , they both seemed pretty happy that michael cambias was dead . alan : objection . judge : overruled . livia : and what did you observe that made you come up with this , exactly ? ryan : well , the fact that they were both in love with mrs. cambias . livia : did you observe anyone else , anyone who might be relevant to this case ? ryan : david hayward . [ gallery murmurs ] ryan : and i heard hayward and devane arguing in michael cambias ' condo . and a decanter got smashed , so i picked up a few of the pieces of the broken decanter . i had them analyzed and later found out that it contained scotch as well as a chemical castration drug . alan : your honor ! [ gallery murmurs ] judge : ahem . sustained . the jury will disregard the last part of that statement . livia : so you observed dr. hayward and aidan devane arguing . did you observe anything else ? ryan : i heard devane accuse hayward of trying to hurt michael cambias , and then later i heard hayward admit that to his ex - wife , anna devane . livia : so in your opinion , there are many citizens of this community other than kendall cambias who might have a motive for murdering michael cambias ? alan : objection , leading the witness . judge : sustained . ms. frye , you 've made your point . move it along . livia : mr. lavery , you testified that you were convinced that michael cambias was already dead at the time mrs. cambias claims they were married . is that correct ? ryan : i was . livia : `` was `` ? does that mean you 've changed your mind ? ryan : well , i must have . why else would i sign over billions of dollars to kendall � s child as the true cambias heir ? [ scene_break ] pablo : it 's good to see you awake . i am responsible for this . yes . it was my fight . i should be in that bed instead of you . maria : yes , he 's feeling much better . much better . very soon . you 're going to get to see him very soon . i know -- ok , sammy , i will tell him . i will tell him . you know how much he loves you both . and i love you , too . ok , sweetheart . bye - bye . brooke : edmund 's awake ? maria : yes , he is . yes , thank god . you know , i just -- i really want to apologize again for what i said the other day . i just -- brooke : you do n't have to . maria : oh , yeah , i do . yeah , i do . there was really no excuse for what i said . brooke : no . you had every reason to , ok ? every minute that i kept edmund away from you was precious , and if anything had happened to him , i would have never forgiven myself . maria : well , he 's going to -- he 's going to be all right . looks like he 's going to be all right . he 's alert , he 's responsive . that 's good . i 'm very hopeful . brooke : are we going to be all right , you and i ? maria : i -- i understand why you did n't tell him that i was alive . brooke : i loved edmund and i did n't want to lose him , but it does n't justify what i did . maria : you still love him . that 's why you 're here . brooke : yes , i still love him . maria : well , you should -- you should go in because he 'd really be happy to see you . man : dr. grey ? maria : yes . man : i 'm dr. maurice taylor of the royal london hospital . maria : well , what can i do to help you , dr. taylor ? dr. taylor : i thought i 'd become familiar with your husband 's case before i introduced myself . i 'm ready to examine him whenever it 's convenient . maria : well , i did n't know that you 'd been called to consult on my husband 's case . i just had no idea . dr. taylor : oh , i do beg your pardon . i thought you knew . maria : no , not at all , but who called you ? dr. martin ? pablo : no . i called him . [ scene_break ] krystal : blank page , just like i thought . tad : all right , fine . you two are tough . i 'll give you that . babe : adam already tried to blackmail me with paul cramer , but it did n't work . j.r. already knows everything there is to know about paul because i told him . tad : this is about a lot more than just paul cramer . krystal : what 's it about ? tad : give me a break . look , i 've been sniffing around for two days . do you honestly think i could n't fill this if i kept at it ? and if i keep at it , adam � s going to . come on , babe , be smart . you felt you could trust me , and you can . get it off your chest . tell me what 's been bothering you . you do , and it could save a lot of trouble for all of us . krystal : all right , that 's it . listen , you save your concern for somebody who 's falling for it . we 're out of here . come on , babe . babe : no , no . tad 's right . my secret 's going to get out eventually . might as well be right now . [ scene_break ] [ gallery murmurs ] reggie : i told you there was nothing to worry about ryan � s testimony . he 's a standup kind of guy . bianca : yeah , he is . he 's not what i 'm trying to remember . reggie : ok , you lost me . bianca : i lost `` it , `` and i have to find it . reggie : oh , hey , lieutenant , the commonwealth of pennsylvania � s not looking too good right now , is it ? look , you should have stayed with my story about the center city gang killing cambias . [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : we 're back on the record . continue , ms. frye . livia : did you say `` billions `` ? `` billions `` with a capital b ? you stood to inherit billions of dollars if alexander cambias did n't have a grandchild . is that correct ? ryan : that is correct . livia : and you stood to lose billions of dollars if my client , kendall cambias , married michael cambias and conceived a child by him . ryan : you said it , ms. frye . that 's billions with a b . livia : and yet that is exactly what you believe she did , is n't it ? ryan : yes , that 's what i believe . livia : nothing further , your honor . alan : your honor , redirect . judge : sit , mr. lavery . alan : so , mr. lavery , now you believe her . what else did you change your mind about with regard to kendall hart ? livia : objection . i 'd like to know where the prosecution is going with this line of questioning . alan : your honor , it 's true that mr. lavery has not been as forthcoming with his testimony as i expected . i want to know why . judge : well , i assume he knows that he has to tell the truth . he 's still under oath . alan : thank you for reminding us all , your honor , of the need to tell the truth . may i ? judge : go ahead . alan : what is your current relationship with ms. hart ? ryan : wow . that 's sort of hard . i do n't think they have a word for somebody that used to be engaged to and were fighting over billions of dollars with -- alan : the question is simple enough , mr. lavery . do you have a relationship with ms. hart at the moment ? ryan : i have a relationship with the guy who presses my shirts . alan : are you sleeping with him ? [ gallery laughs and murmurs ] livia : objection . alan : i 'll rephrase . did you sleep with ms. hart -- livia : objection ! alan : since you returned to pine valley ? judge : that one he can answer . alan : answer the question , mr. lavery . even though you and the defendant are no longer engaged , is n't it true that you renewed your relationship as lovers ? ryan : yes . alan : is that why you 're willing to believe anything she tells you ? livia : objection , your honor ! ryan : no , that is not why . alan : no ? why , then ? is it because you 're in love with her ? livia : your honor , i request that you stop counsel from questioning until you have ruled on my objection . judge : objection overruled . alan : thank you , your honor . my question is , mr. lavery , are you or are you not in love with the defendant , kendall hart ? ryan : yes . yes , i am . alan : no further questions , your honor . [ gallery murmurs ] [ scene_break ] maria : will you excuse me one moment , please , doctor ? what are you doing , pablo ? look , i appreciate what you 're doing , but can you please just stay out of our business ? pablo : dr. taylor is an expert in the field of neurology . maria : no , believe me , i know all about dr. taylor 's reputation . pablo : maria , i just wanted to give you what you gave me with carlos -- peace of mind , knowing that edmund has the best in the world . maria : peace of mind . i -- ok . ok . look , edmund � s going to be ok , and so i just need to let go of all this -- this fear and -- so thank you . thank you , really . doctor -- dr. taylor , i really appreciate you coming all this way . i really do . thank you . my husband is awake . he 's alert and responsive , and i think things are looking hopeful . dr. taylor : that 's very encouraging . maria : i will take you to see his latest test results , and then i � ll take you in to see him . [ scene_break ] brooke : well , i can tell you , i was not looking forward to managing all the campaign coverage by myself . but knowing you , i know you 're going to be back at your desk by super tuesday , right ? what is it ? edmund , wait , wait . i know you ca n't talk with that thing . it 's ok , it 's all -- do n't -- do n't -- edmund , please , do n't -- do n't do that . do n't -- your -- your legs ? your legs ? i 'm sure your legs are going to be fine . i know , edmund . i 'm scared , too . [ scene_break ] reggie : is n't that great , greenlee ? you know , ryan swore that he loved kendall -- under oath . greenlee : shut up , reggie . reggie : no . wait , you got to give the kane women some props , ok , while poor , little greenlee � s with her nose against the window pane -- `` what about me ? what about me ? `` greenlee : why are you taking kendall � s side ? she 's not your sister . i am . reggie : that 's funny , because about two weeks ago , you wanted nothing to do with me . greenlee : come to think of it , let 's keep it that way . bianca : you know , reggie , i do n't know why you 're on kendall � s side , either , but i 'm sure glad you are . reggie : because kendall � s an innocent woman , that 's why . bianca : well , we just have to prove that . reggie : well , livia � s doing that as we speak . bianca : yeah , well , i could help if i could just figure it out . reggie : figure what out ? you 're making no sense . bianca : it 's just -- it 's too complicated to explain , reggie . reggie : look , bianca , kendall � s going to walk , ok ? and i 'd bet you all my money -- if i had any . look , just do n't worry , ok ? it 's going to be all right . [ scene_break ] kendall : you scared the hell out of me . you know that ? ryan : good . it was good for the jury to see you scared and helpless . that way they know we did n't plan it ahead of time . they got that pure , stunned reaction out of you . kendall : so that 's why you did n't tell me that singer had called you in for the prosecution ? ryan : would it have made a difference if i had ? i mean , you would have thought i was going to double - cross you , anyway . you had to see for yourself that i would n't . kendall : well , i certainly saw . everyone did . ryan : anything to help the case . kendall : yeah , well , thank you . i should probably go check on bianca . poor kid looks more stressed out than i do . ryan : yeah , that sounds like a good idea . j.r. : hey , ryan , i just want to say , man , that was some grand gesture in there . that was really impressive . ryan : oh , yeah . hey , j.r. , listen , i really -- i meant to tell you privately that i � d given the entire cambias estate over to kendall . i mean , that includes chandler . you realize that ? j.r. : hey , it 's no problem . kendall told me . you did the right thing . ryan : you know , she 's a very smart woman . she 's smart enough to realize that you are the man to run chandler . j.r. : well , she already offered me the job . ryan : oh . well , i said she was a smart woman . j.r. : anyway , the only thing that 's important right now is that kendall beats these charges . ryan : yeah . j.r. : you stepped up . i do n't know how . ryan : you just do what you need to do . j.r. : i do n't mean about you saying what you had to say on the stand . i mean about the leap of faith . you really believe in kendall , do n't you ? ryan : yeah , i do . j.r. : even though she -- she rolled over you last time you were together ? ryan : well , she was in trouble . j.r. : yeah , well , she caused the trouble . ryan : hey , hey , hold on a second here . what are we talking about ? j.r. : the leap of faith . if i could do what you 're doing -- you know what , man ? it 's really not that important . i 'll talk to you later . [ scene_break ] krystal : i mean , i can understand why you want to trust him . he 's acting all strong and sincere . but we do n't need him , all right ? our lives have been great , just the two of us , and they always will be . babe : i know that , mama , and that 's why it 's going to be ok . that 's why i want to tell him about the paternity test . [ krystal sighs ] krystal : well , if you really want to -- tad : paternity test ? babe : yeah . well , there 's this new state - of - the - art paternity test . it 's kind of like a blood test , except it wo n't hurt the baby at all . tad : that 's it ? that 's what was bothering you ? that 's what you wanted to tell me ? babe : yeah . i was just a little nervous about even saying the words `` paternity test `` because that could mean to you or to j.r. that i have a doubt of who my baby 's daddy is , and i do n't . krystal : we do n't . babe : but i am sick of other people 's doubts . so with this new test being safe , not like the other ones , i just figured , what the heck . let 's do it . krystal : what the heck . shame the devil . baby , you are so smart and so brave , and i am -- i am so proud of you . babe : oh , mama -- krystal : i 'm so proud of you . tad : so -- [ tad laughs ] tad : so that 's it ? that 's the big secret ? babe : that 's it . krystal : yeah . i 'm sure you were expecting something a little juicier . tad : oh , no , no , that 's -- that 's plenty juicy . it 's a fine secret . i tell you what -- if there are any other secrets that you want to talk about , you give me a call . krystal : yeah , well , got you on speed dial , honey . tad : i 'll bet you do . ladies . krystal : good googly moogly . i thought you were going to spill about paul cramer . babe : my mama did n't raise any dummies . krystal : well , honey , you 're just going to have go through with that paternity test now . i just do n't see any other way around it . babe : i know , and i got to keep me and paul secret . krystal : yeah , well , especially since he 's the one that 's going to fix it so that it turns your way , you better . babe : j.r. could totally be the daddy . krystal : he probably is . babe : i know . krystal : and i say better safe than sorry . babe : oh , i so do not trust him . krystal : well , honey , your mother did n't raise any dummies . babe : oh , gosh . but if he just keeps digging , he is bound to find out all the truth . and if finds out about me and paul -- krystal : i do n't want you to give that another thought , ok ? your job is paul . you leave tad to me . babe : but tad is a lot smarter than paul is . krystal : since when do we worry about men 's brains ? come on , honey . have you ever known your mama not to get a man to do just what she wants ? huh ? [ scene_break ] [ kendall and bianca laugh ] mia : could there really be something different about the kane women ? because every time i turn around , kendall � s got another guy wrapped around her finger , ready to take the fall for her . ryan : ok , go ahead . tell me you think i 'm an idiot . greenlee : no , ryan , i do n't think that , exactly . ryan : kendall needed this . greenlee : kendall has nothing to do with it . you need to play the hero all the time , but i ca n't stop you , so i wo n't even try . ryan : good . don � t . greenlee : but i can keep her from taking advantage of it . mia : how ? wait . never mind . whatever it is , i 'm in . it 's like she puts some evil spell on men that dulls their senses . greenlee : how do we expose kendall for the lying manipulator that she is ? mia : of course , the woman is on trial for murder right now . greenlee : are you saying that you feel sorry for her all of a sudden ? mia : no . i 'm not sorry for her . i 'm the opposite of sorry for her . greenlee : do you realize that kendall might have gotten aidan to knock her up just so she could pass this baby off as michael � s and beat this rap ? mia : well , i know you believe that , but i don � t . i don � t . greenlee : well , what you believe does n't matter . what does a jury of her peers believe ? mia : that it 's michael � s baby , and that 's bull . greenlee : of course it is . mia : i do n't even think she 's pregnant at all . greenlee : my god , what if she 's managed to fool everyone ? mia : well , she 's not fooling us . greenlee : but for god � s sake , it should be easy enough to prove that someone 's faking a pregnancy . mia : then let 's do it . mia : as far as i 'm concerned , kendall � s asking for it . greenlee : exactly . and how hard can it be ? all we have to is get her in a room alone and corner her and -- simone : hey , what are you guys doing ? is n't the trial happening ? what 's going on ? greenlee : we just decided kendall � s pulling off the greatest scam in the western hemisphere . simone : what else is new ? greenlee : and mia decided that she wants to expose her . simone : now ? in the middle of her murder trial ? mia : she ca n't get away with this . greenlee : she 's afraid that kendall � s pregnant with aidan � s baby , not michael � s . mia : no , i told you before -- she 's not pregnant at all . simone : she 's showing , guys . mia : yeah , and greenlee here is out for kendall � s blood because ryan just got up on the stand and swore under oath that he loves kendall . simone : oh . mia : mm - hmm . simone : ok . so exactly what are we planning here ? greenlee : you know , what if kendall is pregnant and she did n't tell aidan that it 's his baby because the kid is the key to the cambias fortune ? mia : oh , you 're really reaching , greenlee . simone : wait -- so , wait -- are we trying to figure out who the father of kendall � s baby is ? greenlee : or maybe aidan does know that he 's the father and he 's keeping mum about it because she 's pulled a number on him like you 've seen her do . mia : aidan could n't sleep with me if he knew that kendall was carrying his child . and like i said before , she 's not even pregnant . greenlee : and like you said before , let 's prove it . simone : ok , so we are trying to prove that kendall � s faking the pregnancy ? mia : so , are you in ? greenlee : are you in ? [ scene_break ] alan : so , in your expert opinion , the window of death for michael cambias was between 8 : 00 p.m. august 28 and 4 : 00 a.m. august 29 ? woman : yes , that 's correct . alan : no further questions , your honor . livia : so , 8 : 00 and 4 : 00 , august 28 and august 29 . woman : yes . livia : and you can testify to that even though the body was n't found until september 22 , almost a month later ? woman : the rate of decomposition can be ascertained to a very high percentage of accuracy . livia : really ? now , is n't it also true that a body decomposes at a much faster rate if it 's been frozen and then thawed than if it 's never been frozen at all ? woman : that discrepancy has been taken into account in our calculations . livia : absolutely . did you happen to be in town on september 14 last year ? woman : i was , yes . livia : do you remember there were all these electrical storms and there were power outages all over town ? woman : yes . livia : well , i mean , is n't it likely that during one of those power outages , the refrigeration unit might have shut off long enough for michael cambias ' body to thaw and then refreeze when the unit went on ? woman : i suppose so . livia : you suppose so ? when your freezer turns off , the meat defrosts and then freezes again when the freezer turns back on -- which is terrible for ice cream , by the way . but then the body would defrost and refreeze and defrost and refreeze , and would n't that have an effect on the data of the decomposition rate ? woman : there are always variables , of course . livia : so since we have no way of knowing how long or how many power outages happened during that week or how long michael cambias ' body was hanging in that freezer in that warehouse or how many times that body defrosted and froze and defrosted and froze , then there 's really no way for you to ascertain the exact time for the window of michael cambias ' death , is there ? woman : yes , that 's true . livia : so then your guess of the time of death is nothing more than a highly -- highly educated guess , is n't it ? alan : objection . livia : i have nothing further . judge : this would be a good time to break for lunch . we 'll stand in recess until 2 : 00 . bailiff : all rise . [ scene_break ] reggie : well , you know , before that little speech , i was going to treat you to ice cream , but how about nachos instead ? bianca : ok , nachos . kendall : well , i think we had a pretty good morning , do n't you think ? livia : i 'm just getting started . i 'll see you back at 1 : 45 . kendall : ok . [ kendall sighs ] reporter : there she is . second reporter : there she is . reporter : kendall -- second reporter : kendall , would you like to make a statement ? simone : excuse us , excuse us . reporter : kendall -- simone : hey , how 's it going ? kendall : well , we 're just getting started . simone : you look tired . kendall : yeah , i feel even worse . simone : you know what ? you just need to relax for a few minutes , you know ? kendall : i think i 'm going to do that -- simone : no , not here with them . let 's go someplace more private . come with me . yeah . [ scene_break ] brooke : edmund , you have to keep in mind that an hour ago , you were n't even awake . i mean , you know , you -- you ca n't expect everything to just , you know , come back in perfect working order all at once . it 's -- and you have a wife who will move heaven and earth to make sure that you -- that you are well again . maria : hiya . brooke : hey . maria : hi . we have a specialist from england who has come to see you because you 're very special , and we 're working on getting you off that vent , and if that 's not enough , we 've got so many hugs and kisses coming your way from your adorable children that that 's going to bring you home in no time . ok , my sweet ? i love you . [ scene_break ] paul : i am on my way to llanview right now . babe : oh , you ca n't leave yet , paul . first you got to promise me you 'll do that little favor that we talked about . and i need you to promise right now . [ scene_break ] krystal : i 'm just getting started . [ scene_break ] bianca : i have to admit , when the prosecution first called you as a witness -- ryan : now , do n't tell me kendall � s suspicions are rubbing off on you . bianca : i knew you would n't let us down . ryan : we 're going to get through this . she 's going to be ok . [ scene_break ] kendall : nice , simone . you going to pull the knives out of my back now ? greenlee : oh , do n't go . mia : no , no , no , stay with us . simone : it 's not what you think . we want to help you relax . kendall : yeah , well , i have a better chance of that under that big tree out there . simone : oh -- kendall : you know , the one with the pigeons in it ? greenlee : we know this is a terrible time for you , kendall , but it 's also a wonderful time for you , too . mia : yeah , you 're having a baby . simone : yeah . greenlee : a very rich baby . mia : worth billions with a b . greenlee : who cares who the father is ? simone : oh , it 's not the baby 's fault . mia : no , he or she is a lucky baby . greenlee : a very lucky baby . mia : yeah . oh , let me touch it . kendall : no -- touch what ? greenlee : your baby . mia : yeah , let us touch it . it 'll bring us luck . kendall : yeah , well , then go buy yourself a rabbit 's foot . i do n't like being touched . simone : oh , come on . do n't be selfish . kendall : no . greenlee : why not ? mia : yeah , come on , kendall . just this once , let us touch that sweet little baby in your tummy . [ next_on ] erica : why do n't you just give us some proof ? kendall : you want to feel michael � s child ? go right ahead . paul : give me one single reason why i should do anything for you . babe : i 'll give 30 million reasons why . krystal : you are asking for it . tad : bring it on . | livia and all of kendall 's allies are shocked to find out ryan is testifying for the prosecution . he sounds , at first , like he 's ready to get her in trouble . but at the end , he proves that he is not . greenlee , mia and simone all plot a plan to prove that kendall is lying about being pregnant . they corner her and ask to touch her baby |
aidan : you 're suggesting that zach and greenlee slept together ? huh . there 's no way . kendall : ok , i 'm not saying that they did . i 'm just saying that it 's possible . aidan : why ? why , because you and me did it ? kendall : this is n't guilt , aidan . aidan : yes , it is guilt , all right , and it 's got a little bit of paranoia mixed in . kendall : oh , oh , come on , aidan . do n't tell me you have n't thought about that . i mean , for -- for god 's sake , greenlee and zach , they used to hate each other . and now , when my husband storms off , the only one who has any idea where he might be is her ! aidan : so greenlee has some idea of what makes zach tick . big deal -- they spent five weeks together in the bomb shelter . it does n't mean that they slept together . kendall : and if you 're wrong ? aidan : i 'm not . kendall : ok , let 's just say that you are . could you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that you would not be jealous or upset if you found out greenlee and zach did the exact same thing that we did ? [ scene_break ] zach : how you doing ? greenlee : i think it 's passing . zach : good . greenlee : there 's something seriously wrong with me , zach . zach : yeah , and we 're going to fix it . you 're not going to die -- i wo n't allow it . greenlee : what did i tell you about control ? zach : you said something like i do n't have as much as i think i do or something . greenlee : do n't make promises you ca n't keep , ok ? zach : i can keep this one . greenlee : how ? zach : well , you 're tough , and you 're strong , and you got too much to live for . and i 'm selfish . greenlee : selfish ? zach : mm - hmm . i ca n't let you die -- would n't know what i 'd do without you . [ scene_break ] adam : thank you . [ adam coughs ] colby : hmm . adam : hmm . i 'm the one with the sore throat . why so quiet ? colby : tad and krystal getting remarried , zach slater trying to kill you -- gee , dad , you really know how to throw a party . adam : zach slater is a fool if he thinks he can get away with this . i had half a dozen witnesses . colby : if he 's a fool , then what does that make me ? [ scene_break ] [ krystal remembers ] adam 's voice : this -- this could be a win - win for all of us , for everyone . tad gets his kid back , you get your real life back with me . why could n't you accept my deal ? why ? krystal : yeah , it 's krystal . i need to talk to you . [ scene_break ] tad : hey , pop . how 's your patient ? he going to pull through ? joe : ahem -- i sure hope so . it 's frankie hubbard . [ scene_break ] angie : where have you been ? frankie : around . angie : `` around `` ? that 's the best you can do , frankie ? why -- why did n't you call me ? frankie : ma ? angie : or at least tell me where you were , that you were all right ? i was worried sick about you -- we all were ! frankie : i 'm sorry . angie : oh , frankie , my baby . do n't you know that i thought i would never see you again ? frankie : it 's good , ma , really . i -- i feel a lot better now . angie : do n't lie to me , frankie . frankie : i 'm not . this thing , whatever it is , it -- it comes and goes . angie : `` this thing , `` as you call it , is an unknown agent that 's affecting every organ in your body and according to the chart joe sent me , you not only just had a seizure , but you 've been suffering with it for a long time . frankie : a while . angie : and you still did n't -- how long is `` a while ? `` frankie : a few weeks , maybe a month . angie : you feel listless , stomach cramps ? frankie : yeah , all of that and lately i 've been having some problems swallowing , too . angie : ok . frankie : listen -- hey . i really am sorry . i did n't want to worry anybody . i just needed some time to chill , you know ? huh -- a lot happened over there . angie : frankie , i begged you to tell us about being in iraq but you would n't . instead , you shut us out -- i mean , just left us a note with no forwarding address ? frankie : oh . angie : i promise you i wo n't go on like this forever , but i do need to get it out of my system . you were wrong to do that to us . you have a family who loves you , who wanted to understand . frankie : i get it , ma . ok ? i get it . how 's cassandra ? angie : worried sick about you . frankie : what do you want me to say , mom ? angie : i do n't know . i do n't know , i 'm -- where else does it hurt right now ? tell me that because i 'm a doctor -- at least i can do something about that . frankie : it 's like i keep saying , this thing just -- angie : what ? frankie : oh , man . angie : frankie ? frankie : uh -- ma ? angie : i need somebody ! get me two milligrams of lorazepam . julia : what happened ? angie : get the pressure cart , stat . [ frankie groans as he seizes ] [ scene_break ] joe : he was going by the name of `` quentin `` -- yeah , and he was living in the woods -- tad : yeah ? joe : where they found zach and greenlee , yeah . tad : `` quentin `` ? joe : yeah , yeah . i did n't know it was frankie until i walked into his hospital room . tad : well , how sick is he ? joe : well , that 's the thing -- we do n't know . some kind of toxin , organism that attacks different parts of his body . that 's why i called in angie . i mean , who could tell it was to treat her own son ? should 've seen the expression on her face when she first walked in that room . i mean , i kind of blindsided her . tad : oh , come on , pop . you ca n't blame yourself -- it was hardly your fault . i 'm sure in some way , she 's grateful that frankie found his way here . joe : incidentally , how did angie find you ? tad : oh , that was courtesy of adam chandler . joe : what happened , huh ? tad : well , to make a long story short , krystal and i end up , you know , exchanging our vows all over again in front of a bunch of stunned friends , nobody more stunned that the old silver - haired devil himself , who was so upset he turns around and goads zach into strangling him half to death . joe : what do you suppose he had in mind ? tad : oh , pop , come on . it 's adam -- who cares ? whatever it is , this is over -- thank god . joe : yeah . [ scene_break ] j.r. : krystal ? sure , come on in . krystal : close the door , j.r . i do n't want anybody to know i 'm here . j.r. : ok . what 's the deal ? krystal : i need you to do something for me . j.r. : name it . krystal : you just -- you have to promise not to tell anybody . j.r. : krystal , what is with -- krystal : j.r. , just -- just promise me . j.r. : ok , i promise . what do you want me to do ? krystal : i need you to tell your father the mother of all lies . [ scene_break ] adam : you 're not a fool , colby . colby : it sure feels like it to me . first , you get me to throw a party for tad and krystal , and then you lock everybody out and then everyone starts freaking out . adam : i honestly wanted to bury the hatchet with tad martin and give tad and krystal the wedding they deserved . colby : that is so much crap ! adam : colby ! colby : tell me the truth , dad ! for once in your life , give me that respect , would you ? i deserve it . adam : huh -- all right . all right , you want the truth ? it 's not pretty but here it is . i just wanted to show off a little bit tonight . colby : show off ? why ? adam : because everybody in that room -- with the exception of you -- had swept me under the rug like so much dust off their shoe , and i just wanted to show them that adam chandler was back , that chandler enterprises was up and running , and if anybody thought that i was through in this town , they 'd better re -- better reconsider . colby : ok . i -- i understand , i get it . adam : you see , it was just really a public relations maneuver , which i must admit did n't go as i planned . colby : no , dad . what it was , was pathetic . [ scene_break ] greenlee : are you saying you need me ? zach : what ? no . i -- i said that somebody sometime may think that you could grow on them after a while , that 's -- greenlee : oh , you sweet talker , you . zach : yeah . come on , let 's get you warm . let 's get you better . greenlee : huh -- do n't change the subject , slater . zach : i mean -- greenlee : and besides , you know i like it out here . zach : it 's nice . greenlee : i 'm fine . zach : i just -- i thought maybe if you got warm , maybe that would help you a little bit . you can use my coat . it 's not yours to keep , you can -- [ greenlee laughs ] zach : you can borrow it , ok , for a minute . there . greenlee : you know , you 're not awful , either -- for the record . zach : wow , that is one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me -- thank you . feel better ? greenlee : yeah , thanks . zach : it 's a nice coat , right ? greenlee : mm - hmm , nice . zach : good . greenlee : oh , yeah . [ zach chuckles ] greenlee : can i ask you something , without you thinking i 'm completely certifiable ? zach : go ahead . greenlee : do you ever miss being down there , in the shelter ? i mean , not the snake and sticks mcgee and the lack of food and the water and the claustrophobia and , ok , i 'm sounding crazy , even to myself . zach : there was a -- a quiet simplicity , and i do miss that . greenlee : yeah . down there , it was like the outside world did n't even exist . zach : right . and now , we 're thrown back into it and it 's -- i do n't mean that . these are people that love us and they -- they care about us . greenlee : yeah , yeah , and they want to help know what it was like down there , but we ca n't explain what it was like down there , because they were n't there , so how could they possibly understand ? and then we feel guilty for feeling that way , because aidan loves me , and kendall adores you , and we should want to talk to them . zach : but we want to talk to each other . greenlee : right . so , what do you think it means ? zach : i do n't know . we did share something and it -- it was unique and -- profound . and i guess maybe we 're not ready to let it go yet . [ scene_break ] aidan : you want to play the game , let 's play the game . kendall : this is not a game , aidan . this is a question that you obviously do n't have an answer to . aidan : look , if , right -- and this is a really huge `` if `` -- zach and greenlee did do it down there in the bomb shelter , well , then i would understand . kendall : bull . aidan : look , you wanted an answer -- there you have it . kendall : well , i -- i do n't believe you . aidan : well , i guess that solves that , then , does n't it ? kendall : well , i would n't be so understanding . aidan : how can you say that ? do n't you think that 's being a little bit hypocritical ? kendall : yeah , maybe . aidan : yeah . kendall : yeah . well , the fact is that what happened between you and me -- it was one night that we thought we lost the two people that we loved . we thought we 'd lost them , it -- and it was physical . this thing between zach and greenlee , it 's emotional . aidan : well , what do you think happened down there -- they had some big love affair ? over 50-year - old biscuits and water . kendall : i do n't know , aidan -- i have no idea . the only thing that i do know is that zach went off on adam , and then he took off without telling me . aidan : and i said to you , `` it 's a guy thing . `` sometimes when you lose it , you lose control , you just want to be by yourself . kendall : well , zach is not by himself -- that 's my point . that 's what i 'm saying -- he 's with greenlee . aidan : and you and greenlee have a long , long history of going after each other 's boyfriends . is that the real issue here , kendall ? that you 're frightened that history is repeating itself ? [ aidan sighs ] aidan : so , am i right ? kendall : oh , aidan , if you think this is some catty girl thing between me and greenlee , you 're missing the point . aidan : and what exactly is your point ? kendall : my point is that greenlee and i , we -- we love each other like sisters . but as you 've seen , we are completely capable of really hurting each other and sometimes without even realizing that we 're doing it . i mean , ryan and greenlee started out as friends . ryan was mine and then he was hers . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : i -- i know that . kendall : yes . aidan : i know this . kendall : so , it -- it makes perfect sense to -- to go back there , especially when you know things have n't been the same . aidan : things have n't been the same between you and zach ? kendall : no , and -- and the same with you and greenlee . i mean , you just said so yourself . aidan : yeah , well , that 's because greenlee 's been ill . kendall : ok . greenlee 's been ill , and zach has been a bottle of rage , and the two of them are commiserating with each other . you just -- you just made my point . you keep making my point . aidan : so when exactly was it that greenlee seduced zach ? was it when she was dying of starvation ? was it when she was bitten by the snake ? in fact , you know what ? i know when it was -- it was when they come across the corpse and , you know , one thing led to another . kendall : oh , would you stop ? you 're being ridiculous . aidan : no , you 're being ridiculous , kendall , and you always do this . you 're working yourself up over nothing , all right ? i hate it . it 's just it -- i do n't want to be a part of this anymore . it really annoys me . if you do n't want to believe the best in people , well , then you do that , you go ahead , but i like to trust people , all right ? i like to give people the benefit of the doubt . kendall : you do ? well , look how well that 's worked for you so far . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 've told kendall things that i should 've been telling aidan . zach : very different -- that 's girl talk . that 's not even the same . greenlee : no , no , i did n't want to hurt his feelings . he 's been treating me like i might break at any second , and how could i tell him it was making me crazy ? zach : but he 's not wrong . greenlee : yeah , there is that . zach : so , when were you going to tell him that you 're not feeling well ? greenlee : like , never ? zach : oh . greenlee : bad idea ? zach : yeah . you got to be straight with people , and especially aidan and doctors . you got to tell them what 's going on . greenlee : joe martin knows that i 've been weak and dizzy , and it 's probably because i 'm so dehydrated and malnourished from being down there for so long . zach : then why are we here ? what are we doing ? let 's get you home , get you well . come on . [ scene_break ] angie : come on , frankie . hang in there , baby ! [ monitor beeps quickly ] julia : he 's stopped breathing . angie : i can see his cords but he 's not breathing . something 's lodged in his airway . hand me an et tube . i can feel it but i ca n't get past it . it 's too low . oh . we 're going to start losing brain soon -- we 're going to have to do a tracheotomy . give me a scalpel . angie : he 's stable . nice work . julia : it 's `` julia , `` by the way -- julia keefer . angie : yeah , we spoke on the phone . tad told me about you . angela hubbard . julia : nice work yourself , considering -- angie : he 's my son ? julia : i do n't know that i would 've been as steady if it were someone as close to me . angie : oh , believe me , there was a volcano going on inside . julia : that should help him sleep through the night . angie : what else can you tell me about his case ? julia : um , not much -- other than what 's in frankie 's -- i mean , quentin 's chart . we had never seen anything like this here . angie : have you looked into some type of local virus that could be circulating ? julia : we 're tracking everything . angie : what about blood screens ? julia : not yet . angie : make it a priority . we need blood screens of every patient who has been in pine valley hospital in the last year checked and cross - checked to frankie 's . julia : ok . angie : we 're looking for similar symptoms -- antibodies , mutations , anything that connects to frankie 's blood work . julia : all right , i 'm right on it . is there anything else ? angie : frankie 's middle name is quentin -- franklin quentin hubbard . julia : i 'll pass it along . and i 'll get on those blood screens . angie : thank you , julia . [ scene_break ] adam : perhaps i 'm not as on top of my game as i thought i was . colby : i do n't think you were making a big splash for everybody . i think it was for krystal -- you still love her . adam : that 's beside the point . colby : well , do you ? adam : it does n't matter ! she 's married to tad martin . they have their great big , happy family , which , if i 'm not mistaken , you 're still a part of . colby : yes ! and i am a part of this one , too , only that you wo n't allow there to be two families in the world . so you 're either in or you 're out . adam : that 's not true . colby : oh , sure it is . and every time you do something like you did tonight , you make their family look better . [ scene_break ] tad : ah -- joe : yes . tad : joe . the perfect end to a perfect day . [ joe chuckles ] joe : you look tired . tad : i feel tired . all this excitement will do that to you . joe : yes , it will . of course , meeting angie must 've brought back memories . tad : oh , yeah -- the good old days , angie and jesse , greg and jenny , you know , me and -- joe : dixie . tad : yeah . angie apologized -- she said she was sorry that she missed the funeral . whenever -- whenever anybody mentions the funeral , i start thinking about dixie . when i think about dixie , i naturally think about kate . joe : yeah . tad : and i start wondering , you know , where she is , what she looks like , if she 's all right , if i 'm ever going to meet her . [ scene_break ] krystal : listen , i think we can both agree that your father has done some pretty despicable things . j.r. : yeah , we would n't have enough time to list them all . krystal : exactly . j.r. : but i do have a list . krystal : well , so do i . j.r. : anyway ? krystal : tonight , your father added to that list . tonight , he said something that just sounded so outrageous and so beyond even adam 's capacity for cruelty that i have to know if it 's true . j.r. : what ? krystal : when he locked you all in that room and he pulled me out in the lobby , he offered me a deal . if i moved back in with him , then he would give me some information that he had . if i would become mrs. adam chandler , he would tell tad where kate is -- your little sister . [ scene_break ] aidan : you know what ? for what it 's worth , i have n't had the best track record in relationships since i 've arrived in this town , but you know what -- neither have you . kendall : i know that . aidan : and you always do exactly what you 're doing now -- you blow up at people , you do n't trust them , and you leave them before they leave you . kendall : i 'm not leaving anybody . aidan : no , exactly . you 're right here , and you 're acting like an -- like an ass . kendall : oh , i am ? thank you so much . wow , you 're -- you 're using up your apology there , real quick . aidan : get your coat . kendall : what , are you going to throw me out again ? aidan : we 're going for a walk . kendall : oh , that sounds familiar . aidan : do n't you ever say anything directly ? kendall : you know what ? you are just like zach . whenever you want to shut kendall up , take her out for a walk . ok , why do n't we just -- can we arm- wrestle or something , something different , please ? it is so cold out there , it 's freezing . aidan : yeah , and you 're really hotheaded , all right ? it 's freezing cold outside and maybe that will chill you out . kendall : oh , come on . aidan : look . kendall : fine . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm not going to the hospital tonight . zach : why not ? greenlee : because i ca n't be sick . zach : you are sick . it 's nobody 's fault , but we got to fix it . we got to get you better . greenlee : no , no . i have to just get through another day and then today and then tomorrow and then , in a week or a month , everything will be back to normal . zach : oh , ok , doctor . and ignoring everything and not telling aidan 's going to make things better . greenlee : i told you because i thought you 'd understand . zach : i do understand . i understand you 're stubborn and no one can drag you to the hospital , but i also understand that you 're a smart girl , and you want to keep living for a while longer , you know , and annoy people like me , so eventually you 're going to do the right thing . why are you looking at me like that ? whoa . hey . [ greenlee hugs zach ] greenlee : hmm . zach : so , does that mean i get to take you to the hospital ? greenlee : no , that means that you get to take me home . zach : all right , that 's a start . i 'm going to keep bugging you -- you know that . greenlee : hmm . do i expect anything less ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : so , you 're telling me that my father knows where kate is ? krystal : so he says . but we know that adam has a pretty sticky relationship with the truth , which means we ca n't always believe what he has to say . then again , why would he say that ? j.r. : to get you to come back . you just said so yourself . krystal : i would never stick around if i knew it was all a lie , and adam knows that , which makes me believe there 's something to it . j.r. : well , there 's one good way of finding out . krystal : what ? j.r. : i 'm going to go over there right now and pound the truth out of him . krystal : no , j.r. , come on , do n't . use your head . there 's another way , a better way . j.r. : i assume you already have one . krystal : adam wants you home . he wants that more than anything , even me , i think . j.r. : so you want me to pretend like all is forgiven ? `` sorry , dad , did n't mean to say all those terrible things to you . sure , i still love you . `` krystal : you do , do n't you ? j.r. : i ca n't do this . krystal : j.r. , look , i -- i know that i 'm asking a lot . j.r. : do you ? krystal : and i would never even ask you if i thought there was another way , but -- come on . this -- this is for tad . we 'd be reuniting a family , your family . and i think you 're strong enough to be the man to do it . [ scene_break ] adam : well , i believe you 've made your point , colby . i mishandled the entire evening . colby : hmm , you think ? adam : and i 'm tired . and i do have a sore throat . and i would appreciate a break in all the slings and arrows . colby : fine . no more piling on . but no more using me to fight your battles , either . adam : agreed . colby : thank you . adam : are you staying here tonight ? colby : yeah . adam : i 'm never sure . colby : dad , i know where my home is , ok ? adam : yeah . i love you so much , sweetheart . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh ! god , i can barely feel my face . zach : all right . greenlee : oh . zach : sit down . come on . greenlee : oh . zach : put this on you . here you go . [ greenlee giggles ] greenlee : ah . zach : a little better ? greenlee : yeah , perfection . ooh . no answer ? zach : hmm ? no , voicemail . greenlee : hmm . well , she 's probably still with aidan . i left him a message . thanks for driving me home tonight . zach : and thank you for finding me . it helped -- the talking part . greenlee : and arguing , kind of ? zach : did n't argue . i was just giving you my opinion on what maybe you should do . greenlee : i know , i know . tell aidan the truth and see the doctor , but -- zach : mm - hmm . greenlee : truthfully , zach , i 'm starting to feel better already . i think talking to you was the best medicine of all . zach : talking to me ? that 's -- do n't kid a kidder . greenlee : i would n't think of it . zach : all right , i 'm on to you , and i can be a real pain in the butt , you know that . greenlee : tell me about it . zach : how about a hot chocolate ? greenlee : what , am i , like , 5 ? with marshmallows ? zach : yeah . how else would you drink hot chocolate ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , ok , so -- so you were right . a walk was exactly what i needed . aidan : well , thank you , ma'am . kendall : yeah . i 'm sorry for being such a bitch and -- and for being paranoid and being all the things that my evil twin can be . we still friends ? aidan : come here . zach : hey . what 's going on here ? kendall : i 've been worried to death . zach : i 'm sorry , i -- i -- kendall : you 're sorry ? you took off again without telling me , and all you can say is you 're sorry ? greenlee : hey , hey . i found him , just where i thought he would be . kendall : well , maybe you could have told me where the hell you were going to find him so that i would n't have been worried that he was lying dead on the side of the road . zach : hey , hey , hey , calm down , calm down , calm down . if you 're going to be angry at somebody , be angry at me , not greenlee . aidan : guys , why do n't we take this inside , ok ? zach : that 's a good idea . greenlee : i -- i did n't know exactly where zach was , or i would 've told you . you and aidan . aidan : i think the important thing is , is that we 're all home , and we 're safe . zach : yeah . let 's take this show on the road . come on , kendall . greenlee : kendall , are you ok ? aidan : i think these two just , you know , need some time to talk . zach : and you two probably need to work some stuff out , too , so we 're leaving . greenlee : hey , you -- this is supposed to be a happy moment . no security guards outside , nobody in the hospital , nobody missing . the kids are all safe and sound in their little beds . why are n't we all happy ? kendall : we 're happy . sorry . i 'm sorry . i just -- aidan and i -- we were just really worried , that 's all . greenlee : and i should 've told you where i was going . kendall : yeah , you should have . and can i ask where that was ? greenlee : why do n't you tell her ? zach : come on . good night . aidan : good night . [ scene_break ] j.r. : have you told tad about this ? krystal : no . j.r. : why not ? krystal : because tad would have the same impulse you had , and he 's going to want to throttle adam , only i do n't think he would stop once he got started . j.r. : what if dad 's lying ? krystal : it would break tad 's heart -- to have that hope taken away from him , which is why we need to know for sure what adam knows , and you 're the only one who can do that . j.r. : back to the chandler mansion -- krystal : j.r. , you ca n't tell anyone the reason , not tad , not babe , not anyone . j.r. : so i 'm just supposed to let everybody think that i caved ? `` j.r. went back to the mansion with his dad `` ? you know , when tad came to the jail , he told me that he was proud of me for taking the responsibility to not let my father lie to get me out of jail . krystal : i know . i know -- that was a big step for you , i know . j.r. : he said it meant i could take my father on any playing field . krystal : he 's a pretty smart guy , your stepfather . j.r. : maybe we should road - test his theory . krystal : thank you . thank you , j.r . [ scene_break ] joe : well , look , it 's a new year . maybe you ought to take some time off and devote everything , you know , to the search . tad : that 's an excellent idea . joe : well , i 'm glad to hear you think so . tad : what do you mean ? joe : well , son -- tad : you are always right . joe : i am , of course . well , i 'm going to go out on that note . tad : ok . all right . thanks , pop . joe : ok . anytime . bye . [ scene_break ] julia : how 's our patient ? angie : better . thanks . julia : i have those blood screens you asked for . angie : did you find anything ? julia : well , there were three cases similar to frankie 's . these two . angie : similar symptoms . julia : and unresponsive to our initial course of antibiotics . angie : but eventually , you did make a diagnosis . julia : right . but this case is still open . angie : greenlee smythe ? [ scene_break ] aidan : hey . are you all right ? greenlee : yeah . could n't be better . [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . tad : oh , hey . krystal : i thought i 'd find you here . tad : yeah . krystal : mmm . [ krystal snickers ] tad : oh , boy . ok , what 's that for ? krystal : let 's just say i have a feeling it 's going to be a really great year . tad : ok . krystal : ok ? tad : well , in that case , ready to go home ? krystal : yeah . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] adam : hello ? j.r. : dad -- adam : j.r. ? what a surprise . colby : be nice . adam : uh -- what -- what can i do for you ? j.r. : i need to talk with you . adam : good , i 'm listening . j.r. : not on the phone . alone , in person . adam : all right . j.r. : listen , i 'll stop by tomorrow . adam : is this about anything in particular ? j.r. : yeah , it 's -- it 's about a truce . adam : tomorrow it is . see you then . j.r. : good night . adam : good night , son . colby : well ? adam : i think your brother may be ready to come home . [ scene_break ] julia : long day . angie : that obvious ? julia : from one mom to another , yeah . angie : how many ? julia : one . angie : oh . oh . she 's beautiful . julia : thanks . angie : how old ? julia : 5 . angie : 5 -- 25 -- they 'll always be our babies . julia : mm - hmm . have a good night . angie : good night , julia . i do n't want you to worry , baby . mama is going to find out what 's wrong with you , and she 's going to fix it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : can i tell you something -- without you getting mad ? aidan : yeah , of course , you can . greenlee : i 've been lying to you . aidan : about what ? greenlee : getting better , feeling better . it 's not happening , aidan , and it 's making me a little scared . no , a lot scared . aidan : come here . why did n't you tell me ? greenlee : because i did n't want to worry you . aidan : hey , we 're -- we 're a team , right ? and teammates do n't keep secrets from each other . greenlee : right . aidan : how are you feeling now ? greenlee : truthfully , tired . i know i need to check this out , but tonight , i just want to sleep in my own bed -- with you . ok ? aidan : ok . we 're going to take care of this first thing in the morning , all right ? greenlee : oh , god . aidan : come here . [ greenlee squeals when aidan picks her up ] [ aidan chuckles as he carries her to the bedroom ] [ scene_break ] kendall : so , you went to that place where the bomb shelter was ? why ? zach : i do n't know . i got in the car , i started driving , and that 's where i ended up . kendall : and greenlee knew right where to find you . zach : yeah , she did . kendall : ok -- um -- i have to come clean about something . zach : go ahead . kendall : i 'm feeling a little left out of your life right now , and i do n't like it very much . zach : i 'm sorry , i did n't -- i did n't mean for -- kendall : no , you do n't have to say `` i 'm sorry . `` do n't apologize . i just -- i need you to look into my eyes and know that you can tell me anything . i do n't care if it 's -- if it 's bad or good . it does n't matter what it is . i just want us to be as close as we 've always been . can we do that ? zach : sure we can . kendall : ok . so , then what was tonight really all about ? zach : tonight was about your husband being a horse 's ass . come on . i did n't spend five weeks in a hole , so i could come out here and fight with you . i love you . always have , always will . kendall : well , that 's all i needed to hear . zach : come here . kendall : it 's cool . zach : yeah ? kendall : mm - hmm . [ kendall and zach kiss ] [ next_on ] angie ( to greenlee ) : i 'm the specialist that joe martin called in to take a look at your case . ryan ( to zach ) : how do you feel about spending the next three months in africa ? woman ( to kendall ) : i 'm here to see the author of our new romance novel , by kendall hart ? | kendall is completely beside herself with worry because she does n't know where zach is and if he is with greenlee . greenlee and zach has a heart to heart talk as he urges her to let him take her to the hospital . angie is overjoyed to see frankie again . frankie has yet another seizure and angie has to perform a tracheotomy on him . angie instructs julia to find everyone , who has had similar symptoms like frankie 's . kendall begins to wonder what had gone on between zach and greenlee when they were in the bomb shelter . krystal visits j.r. and enlists his help in finding out if adam really knows where kathy . greenlee has some more symptoms that frankie has been experiencing . adam explains to colby why he had acted as he had the night before . colby decides to spend the night with him . j.r. has his doubts , at first , about moving back into the chandler mansion , but then agrees to be krystal 's spy . greenlee refuses to go to the hospital , so zach takes her home instead . zach catches kendall and aidan hugging . |
opal : bang -- that 's what the chinese used to do when they had an eclipse . they 'd smack pots together and bang drums . they thought a dragon had swallowed the sun , so they had to make a whole lot of raucous to scare it away . krystal : if only monsters scared that easy in real life , huh ? opal : so should we park our fannies at a table ? krystal : so you can lecture me on what a horrible person i am ? i mean , that is why you asked me to come here , right ? opal : no , no , i called -- krystal : save it . i do n't need you or anybody else lecturing me on how to live my life . [ scene_break ] jesse : you have the right to have an attorney present -- angie : oh , you 're joking , right ? jesse : if you ca n't afford to have -- david : you broke into my house . that 's no joke . jesse : angela , i asked you to leave this to me . angie : you know what ? this man stole tad 's wife by getting her hooked on an illegal drug . david : i 'm starting to think you 're the one hooked on drugs . jesse : i need you to back off . angie : you know what ? sweetheart , i had the pills analyzed . they are not fda- approved . jesse : angela , where did you find these drugs ? angie : that does n't matter now . jesse : actually , it does matter now . if these are your only evidence , and hayward says that these are not even the pills that he gave krystal -- angie : oh , really ? and i guess he sold you a bridge , too ? how many women ? jesse : angela -- angie : how many has he used as guinea pigs ? experimenting on them with his crazy concoctions . david : maybe we should add slander to our list of charges . jesse : enough , ok , enough . angela , i 'm going to need you to come downtown to make a statement . angie : are you really doing this ? arresting your own wife ? fine , cuff me . jesse : that wo n't be necessary . david : well , maybe as a precaution . angie : no , maybe david 's right . i mean , what if i make a run for it ? then you 'll have to shoot me . [ scene_break ] amanda : if you 're not dead , i 'm going to kill you . [ j.r. chokes ] j.r. : ah , what happened ? what happened ? amanda : what do you mean , `` what happened ? `` you got wasted and took a nosedive off the dock . and i almost died trying to save your sorry butt . [ j.r. chokes ] amanda : hey . hey , j.r. , come on . oh , my god -- j.r . [ j.r. coughs uncontrollably ] [ scene_break ] taylor : see , it 's a cool place , right ? brot : i guess . taylor : well , it beats pizza delivery at the condo again . hostess : can i help you ? taylor : table for two . hostess : follow me . taylor : now i know that we 're more sawdust - on - the - floor and dartboard - on - the- wall kind of people , but that does n't mean we ca n't enjoy -- whatever that was . brot : did you notice where she sat us ? way the hell in the back , in the dark . taylor : maybe she thought we wanted privacy . brot : no , taylor . she did n't want me to scare off the rest of the customers . taylor : i think you 're being paranoid . brot : did you not see the way she looked at me when we walked in ? taylor : no , because i was too focused on you . we are sitting at a lovely table . we 're going to have a fantastic meal and enjoy a nice evening out like any other couple . [ scene_break ] jesse : i 'm going to need you to come downtown , too . david : i 'm right behind you , chief . i 've just got a few patients to look in on . i 'm a chief now , too , you know . angie : you know what ? krystal is my friend . i wo n't let you hurt her anymore . jesse : angela , we really have to go . angie : yeah , you might have her fooled , but you sure as hell do n't fool me . david : this ca n't be easy for you . thank you for doing the right thing . jesse : i 'm doing my job . david : no , of course . but , i mean , come on . hauling your wife into the station with the other policemen looking on -- i mean , that 's got to be awkward , to say the least . but then again , the two of you had your share of uncomfortable situations lately , right ? angie : what is wrong with you ? taking that fool 's word over mine ! [ scene_break ] krystal : well , is n't this a coincidence . tad : what ? i just came here for lunch . krystal : oh , right , and you just happened to pick this restaurant . opal : i had no idea that tad was coming . krystal : yeah , right . tad : wait a minute -- does somebody want to clue me in ? krystal : well , your mother asked me to go to lunch , and she just happened to forget that you were going to be joining us . i do not like being ambushed . opal : krystal , krystal , no . i asked you to meet me so that we could bury the hatchet . tad being here is pure coincidence . well , unless the fates are nudging you two together . tad : mama , trust me , now is not the time for the crystal ball . opal : i want what is best for my granddaughter , and i think that we all agree that that means having her mother in her life . tad : krystal is in jenny 's life . so far , so good . opal : ok , so that 's the two of you working together for jenny . krystal : wait a minute . at the hearing , the idea of my daughter living with me scared you to death . and now you 're in my corner ? opal : krystal , i have seen you with jenny . i know how much you love her . tad : krystal 's love for our daughter is not in question . opal : that 's right . the bottom line is that she needs both of you . so whatever else is going on , you just got to put your differences aside for the sake of the child . you know , when palmer and me split , we stayed friends for petey . tad : for god 's sake . opal : well , i ca n't say that there are n't times still when i have the urge to kick that old goat in the backside , but the point remains . petey knows that he is the most precious thing in the world to us . tad : mama , mama -- we both appreciate your concern . really , but i think it 's best if you stay out of it . opal : do it your own damn wrong way , but do n't expect me to cut back on my q.t . with jenny . tad : oh , god forbid . you can visit anytime you like . speaking of which , i was going to leave here after lunch and pick up jenny , take her over to her swimming class . do you want to do it ? krystal : really ? tad : yeah . i mean , i 'll be there to pick her up right when it 's done . but under the circumstances , it might do you a world of good to watch her splash around for a while . krystal : that would be wonderful . [ phone rings ] krystal : excuse me . yeah ? david : hey , it 's me . listen , i need you to meet me at the police station , and bring the bottle of pills i gave you . krystal : is everything all right ? david : it will be if you do as i ask . krystal : you know what ? i -- i am right in the middle of something . i -- david : krystal , this is very important . i really need you right now . krystal : i 'm on my way . uh , i have to take a rain check on the swim class . tad : you 're going to blow off our daughter again for his sake ? must be important . krystal : i 'm sorry . i got to go . [ scene_break ] amanda : do n't sit , and take your wet clothes off . [ j.r. shivers ] amanda : oh . oh , my god . you idiot ! god . take these . get -- do n't sit down . get up . j.r. : what for ? amanda : you already ruined my clothes . you 're not going to ruin my furniture , too . oh , my god . put these on . what were you thinking getting that drunk that close to the water ? god . if i was n't there , you would have died . did that concept even cross your mind ? did you jump on purpose ? j.r. : no , it was an accident , and maybe you should n't have pulled me out . amanda : oh , come on . we already had that conversation . remember the part when i told you that you do n't want to do it , and you decided to quit drinking and turn your life back around ? j.r. : what does it matter ? everyone i care about would be better off without me . amanda : not true . [ j.r. coughs ] amanda : think about little a . hey . it 's o -- hey , j.r . wait , come on . hey , j.r. oh , my god . where 's my phone ? jake , jake , i need help now . [ j.r. passes out ] jake : that 's it -- mild hypothermia . the alcohol in his blood -- that probably does n't help , but the good news is he really was n't in the water that long . amanda : what can i do ? jake : just -- nothing really . just keep the blankets piled up and eventually his body temperature will return to normal . amanda : hey . jake : yeah ? amanda : thank you . jake : it 's all right . are you ok ? amanda : yeah , i was n't in the water as long as he was . jake : mm - hmm , well , he 's lucky you walked by . i know he 's in bad shape , but i did n't think he wants to kill himself . amanda : he did not try to kill himself . jake : all right . amanda : he did n't . he was drunk , he fell over . jake : mm - hmm . well , what were you doing there ? amanda : my car would n't start , so i decided to walk to the hospital . i had my appointment for the abortion . jake : oh , yeah , right , hmm . amanda : what does that mean -- `` hmm `` ? jake : i do n't know . maybe fate intervened . i do n't know . amanda : no , j.r. , the drunken dumb - ass , intervened . jake : ok , i 'm just saying , it 's not something that , you know , is that simple . you might just want to give it some thought is all i 'm saying . amanda : i told you , i 'm not ready to be a mom . jake : hey , no , i 'm not trying to push you in either direction . i 'm just saying , you know , it 's something you do n't have to rush into . amanda : oh , oh , my god . what time -- yes , actually , i do . i called the hospital , and they can still see me today , so -- jake : can i just say something ? you just pulled him out of the freezing - cold water . you were in this water . can you just take a -- take a rest , take it easy ? amanda : i really need to go to the appointment and just put this whole mess behind me . can you please stay here and watch him ? jake : no , do n't ask me -- no , i 'd rather just go with you , ok ? amanda : it 's very sweet , but please -- i told you i need to do this by myself . jake : you 're not just going to let me help you ? let me help . amanda : please . you want to help ? keep an eye on him . thank you . thank you . [ door opens and closes ] [ scene_break ] hostess : here you are . corrina : so how 's your brother ? ren : oh , god , that sucks about his wife . colby : yeah , it does . corrina : how 's pete ? ren : is that loser still stalking you ? [ ren and corrina laugh ] colby : he 's not a loser . ren : whatever . corrina : yeah , he goes around telling people how much he loves her . he announced it over the p.a . where she works . ren : are you serious ? corrina : mm - hmm . colby : he 's not doing that stuff anymore . it 's different now . ren : oh , since his new look ? whatever , glasses or no , that kid is still a total geekazoid . oh , thank you . colby : he actually made this speech . it was kind of amazing . he straight told me how he really feels , just laid it all out there . whatever you think of him , that took serious guts . corrina : and in response to this kind of amazing speech , you said -- colby : that i care about him but only as a friend . ren : oh , oh , my god -- ouch . [ corrina laughs ] colby : it 's not funny . pete wo n't even talk to me anymore . ren : whatever . that guy is going to be stalking you again by tomorrow . corrina : mm - hmm . corrina : oh , my god . do not say you miss him . colby : i just -- i liked hanging out with him . corrina : and what 's there to like again ? ren : you know , guys -- guys , check that guy out over there . can you say `` freak show `` ? [ corrina laughs as she stares at brot ] [ scene_break ] angie : the man sitting outside your office is a menace , but i 'm under arrest ! jesse : angela , you were the one that set this thing in motion . now please , you really need to work with me here . do you or do you not want to make a statement ? angie : yes , i do . you 're out of -- you 're out of your damn mind ! david : hey , thanks for coming . krystal : what is going on ? why is angie here ? [ jess and angie yell ] david : she 's been arrested . krystal : why ? david : well , for breaking into my home , our home . krystal : no , no way . angie would never do anything like that . david : she did it for you . krystal : for me ? david : yeah , yeah , the all - knowing dr. hubbard is convinced that i 've been plying you with illegal drugs . krystal : are you kidding me ? david : no . krystal : what you 've given me is a mild sedative . david : i know that . you know that . but angie believes otherwise . so strongly , in fact , that she claims that she stole a bag of pills from my study , and her tests are saying that it 's not a legal drug . krystal : not a legal drug ? that 's impossible , right ? david : well , not if she tested another batch of pills before claiming these were the ones that she took from me . krystal : you think she 's trying to frame you ? david : do you have the bottle of pills that i gave you ? i just want to be absolutely certain that there has n't been a mix - up or that angie has n't planted some illegal pills in your bottle . krystal : i can not believe she would do that . [ david replaces krystal 's pills with another batch from his pocket ] david : nope , no mix - up . these are the same pills . that 's great . that 's good news . jesse : get back to work . what are you looking at ? angie : finally , we can get to the truth . krystal : angie , did you break into his house ? angie : do you have the medication that he gave you ? david : all right -- no , no , no , wait a minute . i mean , should n't she be in the stockade or something or in a holding cell ? jesse : i am warning you , david . angie : krystal , the -- jesse : angela , please -- angie : krystal , the pills . jesse : i will take the pills . krystal : look , he told me to bring them , but i 'm not taking them anymore , all right ? i do n't need them anymore . jesse : i 'm going to have these analyzed right away . david : go right ahead . i 'm as anxious to get this cleared up as you are . i 'm telling you right now , whatever 's in that bottle is perfectly legal . angie : yeah , we 'll see about that . david : you know your problem , angie ? you worry too much . krystal is in excellent hands . [ scene_break ] tad : so , david says `` jump , `` and krystal asks `` how high ? `` what about our daughter ? opal : letting her take jenny to swim class ? i mean , are you nuts ? tad : did n't you just finish lecturing me on trying to get along with her ? doing something for the sake of the child ? opal : yeah , yeah , but slowly , gradually . i mean , what if hayward had called when the two of them were in the pool ? i mean , krystal might have run off and left jenny bopping like a cork . tad : i was trying to be nice . opal : i know . i know , but , honey , the judge gave you he custody . that was the right thing . now , you got to hold on to it until you are sure that krystal is ready , really ready to be a mama again . tad : it kills me . huh . i remember this exact feeling because i was in exactly the same place with dixie . i swear , once david gets his hooks in them , it 's like they turn into different people . everything she said , everything she did was pure david . all i can do is sit here and watch them slip further and further away till they disappear . god , i hate it . opal : do you still love krystal ? [ scene_break ] brot : those people ca n't stop staring at me . taylor : they 're just kids . brot : this is why i ca n't step outside of the house , because as soon as i go to , this is what happens . taylor : hey , hey , you do n't have to worry about stuff like that anymore , ok ? you 're not -- you 're not alone anymore . ren : oh , my god . oh , i should n't have eaten . that guy 's making me sick . colby : shut up . he 's my friend . corrina : right . [ corrina and ren laugh ] colby : where do you get off cutting down people who are way braver than you 'll ever be ? first , pete . now , brot ? corrina : you know his name ? colby : yeah , sergeant brot monroe . he risked his life for us in iraq . would either of you even consider going over there ? no , you just sit around eating burgers , playing in a stupid band while guys like him get blown up fighting for this country . if anyone should be laughing , it should be him , at you two spoiled brats . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what the -- hmm -- where am i ? jake : you 're still alive . j.r. : whoo . what ? jake : you tried to kill yourself . j.r. : what -- no , i -- i slipped . where 's amanda ? jake : well , she -- after she rescued you from the water , almost killed herself , she went to the doctor . j.r. : what for ? jake : probably because you make her sick . [ jake chuckles ] jake : or you disgust her , kind of like you disgust me . no , no , no . j.r. : move . jake : no , no , why -- so you can stick your head in the oven and take the coward 's way out ? j.r. : i told you i slipped . jake : mm - hmm . let me ask you something . do you honestly think that you are the only man who 's ever lost his wife ? do you ? you respect tad , my brother , do n't you ? he lost his wife . now , i know -- but he 's a man who lost his wife . now , do you think that he just wallowed in alcohol and self - pity ? j.r. : why do n't you get out of my face ? jake : no , he did n't . he picked himself up , he brushed himself off , and he moved on , and he did n't just do that for himself . he did that for his family , for his children . now what about you ? what about your child ? do you care what happens to your child , at all ? j.r. : excuse me ? i love my son . jake : oh , do you , enough to get yourself loaded and walk off a dock ? j.r. : i guess you 're perfect , huh ? jake : no , i 'm not perfect , but i do n't have a 4-year - old at home waiting for me , counting on me . j.r. : yeah , that 's right . you just make babies as favors for friends . jake : where do you think little adam 's going to end up now that his mother is dead and his father 's trying to kill himself ? j.r. : you know what -- just say it one more time . jake : what -- or what ? j.r. : i do n't care what you or anyone else says or thinks , i 'm never , never , going to be leaving my son . [ scene_break ] tad : krystal 's a good mother . opal : that was n't the question . tad : look , no matter what happens , from here on out , that woman is always going to have my gratitude . she saved me , mom . i was on the brink . she gave me a whole new life . opal : she seems to be doing her darnedest to blow it to smithereens . tad : she 's not . david is . and i 'm not trying to excuse her behavior . our marriage is done , but who she is deep down , that 's not gone . opal : you sure about that ? tad : yeah , i 'm sure , because hayward 's doing exactly what he always does , what he 's best at . he is manipulating a person in pain . krystal -- she may be down . she 's not out . she 'll be back as jenny 's mother . opal : even after the way she hightailed it out of here ? tad : for god 's sake , mama . maybe it was an emergency . opal : what ? david cracked a horn ? tad : it 's not a joke . she 's in pain . she 's vulnerable . but she knows that her daughter needs a stable family , and i have faith in that and so should you . opal : i do n't know . tad : i do . mama , the woman that handed me a beautiful baby girl is still in there somewhere . she 's got to be . hayward ca n't destroy that . not again . [ scene_break ] jesse : tell the lab to put a rush on this and get back to me immediately with the results , all right ? angela , you 're free to go . angie : get myself a lawyer , you mean . free to get myself a lawyer . you know what ? i think that i will , because at least i 'll have someone on my side . krystal : all right , you know what -- can we just leave ? let 's -- let 's go . david : yeah , come on . angie : you 're not -- you 're not leaving with him ? david : yeah , i 'm taking her home . wait a minute , what are you -- angie : you do n't have to go anywhere with him . i want you to go back to my place , and i 'll meet you there , ok ? do n't look at him , look at me . david : who the hell do you think you are ? angie : krystal , i 'm telling you the truth . david is using those pills to control you . david : all right -- you know , that 's enough . angie : you know what ? i 'd like to report a crime ! this man is operating a narcotics laboratory in his home . david : she 's out of her mind . angie : get your hands off her ! krystal : hey , it 's all right . angie : no , it 's not . now listen , i 'm asking you to trust me , ok , because you 're not seeing clearly . now , this man is ruining your life ! david : you 're harassing her . angie : you 've lost tad , and you 've lost jenny because of him . now , it is not too late to change things around if you listen to the people who love you . krystal : david loves me . angie : oh , sweetheart , listen to me -- no . no , he 's deceiving you . babe is gone , and you 're hurting . and nobody is blaming you for losing your way . but i am telling you , krystal , if you do n't stop this right now , everything good in your life will be gone . and i 'm not saying that to frighten you . i 'm saying it because i care . krystal : if you really care about me , angie , just leave me alone . angie : oh . i have to get to work . and do n't worry , i wo n't cross state lines . david : no , wait a minute , wait a minute . not so fast . you do realize that you 're part of an ongoing police investigation , right ? angie : a bogus , trumped - up joke of a police investigation . david : all right , you know , regardless of your opinion , i ca n't further jeopardize the reputation of the hospital by having a suspected felon on my staff . now , i 'm sorry , but i am forced to put you on suspension . jesse : baby , baby , just breathe , just let it go . breathe . angie : do you have any objection to me clearing out my office ? david : no , no , not at all . i think that 's a great idea . [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , my goodness . oh , mama has missed you so much . yeah . i 'm so sorry i have n't been around as much as i should be , but you know what ? i think about you all the time . you 're my beautiful girl . i love you so much . wow , she 's really -- huh . she looks tuckered out . tad : yeah , she is actually . i was just about to put her down for a nap . come on . let 's take cow face . let 's go . take cow face in here . good girl . play with cow face for a while . there you are . whoa ! there you go . there you go , go , go . ooh , there you go . there you go . so , mind me asking what was so important that you had to duck out on our little mermaid ? krystal : well , it is angie . tad : what about her ? is she all right ? krystal : she got arrested for breaking into wildwind . tad : why the hell would she break into wildwind ? krystal : well , huh , because , just like the rest of you , she hates david . [ scene_break ] jake : you better not be trying to drown yourself in the toilet , because i wo n't pull you out . j.r. : what the hell is this ? huh ? jake : oh , has nobody ever had `` the talk `` with you about the birds and the bees ? let me explain it to you . see , when a man is attracted to a woman -- j.r. : amanda went to the doctor . she 's pregnant ? did you know about this ? when was she going to tell me ? jake : i suppose she did n't think it was any of your business . yours or mine . j.r. : yeah , but how long was she going to keep it from me ? wait -- she 's going -- is she having an abortion ? jake : i do n't know . if she is , that 's her choice . j.r. : and what about my choice ? i 'm the father . jake : i think when you spend half your time drunk and the other half passed out , i think you give up that choice . j.r. : no , no , no . she should have told me . jake : do you honestly think she wants a child with you ? i mean , look at you . i think you should just stay out of it . do n't you ? do n't you ? j.r. : not a chance . that 's my baby , too . and get your hands off of me . [ scene_break ] david : hey . what 's the rush ? amanda : uh , no rush . the elevators are just so slow . david : yeah , it 's on my list of things to do . so what brings you to my fine hospital ? amanda : uh , just here to visit a friend . kendall . david : i did n't realize you two were so close . amanda : she 's my boss . david : yeah , but i 've never seen you visit her . amanda : well , i 've been so crazy at work . you know , moving back into the office after the fda shut us down , trying to turn the company around . i 've been meaning to visit her for so long , so i heard she had the heart transplant , and i knew i had to come . david : wonderful . now , why do n't you tell me why you 're really here ? [ scene_break ] colby : i 'm so sorry about my friends . they 're lame and immature . brot : forget it . colby : i ca n't . what they did was -- brot : was the same as what everyone else would do . it 's not your problem , colby . taylor : you know what ? he 's just not used to being out yet . he just needs time . brot : no , you know what ? i do n't need you to make excuses for me , and i do n't need you to fight my battles . this is who i am now , and these people are going to stare and these people are going to laugh . i guess i thought i could deal with this . taylor : wait . you 're leaving ? brot : you know this better than i do . coming here was a mistake . taylor : brot . colby : should i go after him ? hostess : is there a problem ? taylor : yeah , i do have a problem . the stuck - up bitches who strut around like they 're all that , when they 're not even close . they 're just shallow , ignorant snobs who look down on people when their whole contribution to life is , what , handing out menus ? by the way , that man is a soldier . and you 're welcome . [ scene_break ] amanda : you 're right . i am not here to see kendall . david : ok . then why are you here ? amanda : i 'm not supposed to say anything . [ david chuckles ] david : come on . you can trust me . amanda : i 'm looking for erica . we have this new project at fusion , and ever since commander kane 's taken over , she 's treating me like crap , so she finally put me in charge of handling something big . david : that 's great . what is it ? amanda : well , i ca n't tell you . but if i 'm late , it 's back to fetching lattes , so -- [ hits elevator button ] amanda : come on . david : yeah . yeah , when it comes to erica and business , i mean , she can be very secretive . but secrets have a way of coming out , now , do n't they ? amanda : i 'm just going to take the stairs . david : erica 's not here , by the way . she went to the hotel . amanda : well , then i guess i wasted a trip . david : i guess so . amanda : all right . i 'll see you around . david : yes , you will . [ scene_break ] tad : you 're telling me that angie , our angie , was willing to break into wildwind ? krystal : yep . tad : she must have had a hell of a good reason . krystal : she 's out to get david , like everybody else in this town . tad : oh . he 's automatically the victim ? krystal : she picked his locks , and she rifled through his things . tad : looking for what ? krystal : well , she is trying to prove that david is turning me into a junkie . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : she says she found some illegal drugs that he 's using to control my mind . well , obviously , she 's the one who ca n't face reality . tad : do you hear yourself ? i mean , you do realize you 're talking about one of our dearest friends . krystal : yeah , i know , and she broke the law , tad . tad : obviously , because she was desperate to help you . krystal : i do not -- i do n't need help . tad : are you really this far gone ? has hayward possessed you in some kind of way ? i mean , should i get on the phone with a priest , have him come over here ? we 'll do an exorcism right now . krystal : oh , god . you know , once again , tad , you just do not get it . tad : yeah , no , i do n't get it . he does . he understands you . he 's the one that makes you feel alive . well , you know what ? if you were in so much pain that you need to believe that right now , then fine . but , please , do n't let him erase everything else that you are . krystal : who am i ? i 'm not your wife . i 'm not babe 's mother anymore . tad : you 're her mother . babe may be gone , but you 're jenny 's mother , and you 're little adam 's grandmother , and you 're the beloved friend of half of this town . that 's who you are . that 's what 's real . not whatever you think you have with david . that is nothing but a lie . krystal : maybe you and i were the lie . tad : do n't you ever tell me that . krystal : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry i can not be , you know , your perfect wife . i 'm sorry that i can not pretend that everything is grand , and i am sorry . i 'm sorry that i want -- tad : open your eyes , damn it . what is it going to take ? what is it going to take for you to see all of your friends who are laying down their lives for you so you can tear your life apart for the sake of that son of a bitch ? what is it going to take for you to wake up and look in the faces of two precious baby girls and the face of a husband who loves you , who is doing everything he can to save you even though you 're his worst possible nightmare ? i 've been here before . and i am begging you , from the bottom of my heart , to wake up to see what 's real before you lose it . before it 's too late . [ scene_break ] nurse : amanda dillon ? amanda : yes . nurse : we 're ready for you . j.r. : wait . amanda : what are you doing here ? j.r. : this ca n't wait . amanda : can you give me just one second ? what ? j.r. : can we go someplace else ? amanda : i have an appointment . j.r. : i know . amanda : talk fast . j.r. : amanda , i know . why did n't you tell me ? amanda : i have to go . j.r. : no , do n't do this . amanda : just -- j.r. , let go . j.r. : please . amanda : let go . [ scene_break ] krystal : please , please , stop . tad : all david really wants is pain and suffering for this entire family , for all of us . krystal : you know what ? if you would just get past your history with dixie and david -- tad : no , i do n't have to . i 'm not going through this again , not anymore . get out . go on . get out . leave . go back to david 's bed . [ krystal storms out ] tad : hey . come here , sweetie . come on . [ tad chuckles ] tad : oh , give me a hug . give your old man a hug . [ scene_break ] david : why are you still here ? angie : i 'm waiting for my husband . do you have the lab results ? jesse : yes , the pills are prescription sedatives . angie : no , that 's not possible . the pills i found are the same ones that he 's been giving krystal . david : you can say that all you want , but it 's not going to make it true . angie : i still found illegal drugs in his house . jesse : well , those illegal drugs you found illegally are now inadmissible evidence , thank you very much . david : well , you know , i ca n't tell you how upsetting it is that after everything i 've done to save this hospital , that someone on my own staff would accuse me of such a despicable act . angie : i 'm going home . jesse : angela . angela ? david : hmm . now , who was it that said -- i think it was st. peter who spoke of the `` unfading beauty of a wife 's gentle spirit . `` what the hell do you think you 're doing ? did you ever hear of police brutality ? jesse : yeah , would you like to sample some of that ? no witnesses . david : maybe you have n't thought this through , huh , chief ? if i take a beating , the first person they 're going to suspect is the man who 's wife i put in prison . jesse : messing with my wife -- that 's a huge mistake . you mess with me . you could quickly learn what brutality truly is . | krystal meets opal at the confusion bar for some girl talk , but is surprised when she turns around and sees tad . krystal blames opal for setting her up . at the hospital , jesse reads angie her rights and questions her about the medication that she had found at david 's house . amanda jumps into the frigid waters to rescue a drunken j.r. taylor and brot arrive at the confusion bar for a night out on the town . angie lashes out at jesse when jesse tells her that he wants her to come downtown for some further questioning . tad grants krystal some quality time with jenny which she accepts excitedly until she receives a phone call from david , who needs her to come to the police station . krystal declines her play date with jenny . amanda brings j.r. home to the yacht and reprimands him for his actions . j.r. faints . amanda quickly calls jake for help . colby 's friends make fun of brot , who sits at a nearby table . colby lashes out at her friends for making fun of brot . krystal arrives at the police station and gives david the pills that he had been giving krystal . jesse quickly has them analyzed . angie tries to talk some sense into krystal concerning david , but krystal refuses to listen to angie . david puts angie on suspension from the hospital . |
marissa : hey . j.r. : hi . marissa : hi . so i got your call and got dressed . got over here as fast as i could . what 's up ? j.r. : i 'm taking you to a very special dinner . marissa : nice . is this part of your positive attitude about recovery , or do we actually have a special event to celebrate ? j.r. : well , it 's definitely an event , but i do n't think celebrate is the right word . marissa : i do n't get it . what 's going on ? j.r. : family dinner at my father 's . fireworks optional . [ scene_break ] annie : ok , you know what ? enough of the suspense . i want to know what 's going on . adam : you and , uh , scott will just have to wait for the others to arrive . annie : adam , i just do n't want you getting overwhelmed and excited . adam : well , i appreciate your concern , but i 'm fine , all right ? now if you 'll excuse me , i have to change clothes for the dinner . [ scene_break ] tad : why do n't i go find some wine in the fridge ? liza : why do n't i try and make you forget about a silly drink , huh ? tad : you think so ? liza : i 'll do my best . tad : hmm . really ? liza : oh , shh . hold that . tad : a good start . liza : mm - hmm . [ music playing ] tad : liza . liza : yes ? woman : in my dreams of thee you wake up to find that i 'm the one you need liza : oh . do n't -- do n't even think about laughing right now . woman : in my dreams of thee [ tad giggling ] woman : you wake up to find -- liza : wow . wow . tad : no , i ca n't -- no , i 'm sorry . really , i 'm so sorry . it 's just it 's so human , you know ? it is . it 's funny . liza : congratulations . you just laughed your way out of this little rendezvous . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee ? how did we get on to her ? i sort of thought you 'd be full of exciting ideas about where we should go on our getaway . erica : first things first . ryan : ok . um , well , first , i am thinking about us and about the present and about the near future and not about the past . i 'm thinking about you and me and not greenlee . [ scene_break ] david : you 're wrong , greenlee . you 'll be fine without me . you 've never really needed anyone before , and you do n't now . if i know anything about you , greenlee , i know that . greenlee : and i know you , david . there 's a part of you that craves having people be dependent on you , indebted to you . that 's what i 'm telling you i am right now , so why do you keep pushing me away ? [ scene_break ] colby : hi , daddy . adam : hi . colby : how are you feeling ? adam : i 'm fine . i 'm fine . i 'll be right back down . colby : hi , scott . scott : hello . colby : annie , could i have a word alone with you ? um , this dinner tonight -- should i be concerned in any way ? annie : no . of course not . colby : should you ? annie : do n't be ridiculous . you know your father . he likes to keep people guessing . not me . i do n't like to play those games . [ coughs ] need water . [ coughing ] [ scene_break ] marissa : so , what makes you think that this dinner is some big deal ? j.r. : i saw my father here earlier with his lawyer . colby seems to think that he 's trying to put a block on annie making a run at his estate . marissa : is that what you think , too ? j.r. : well , i think it 's looking pretty good , but you can never be too prepared . the only way to know for sure is to watch the action from a front- row seat . marissa : you know what ? i 'm a little worried . adam never fails to upset you , and with your condition -- j.r. : i can handle it . with you , i can handle anything . [ scene_break ] erica : look , i think about us , too , all the time , and i am not against our going away together . in fact . just the opposite . ryan : ok , good , because i 've been talking to a friend of mine who 's got a house in the bahamas . beautiful . secluded , beautiful beaches -- erica : no , no . wait . i did n't finish . look , valentine 's day is a very significant day for you and greenlee , and maybe you wanted to be gone by that day , and that 's a coincidence , or maybe you wanted something else to focus on instead of the incredibly painful memory of her death . ryan : it 's not an issue . erica : ok . but if it is , i mean , that 's ok , too . i get it . it 's just that we need to talk about it . ryan : why -- why are you asking about this ? erica : because earlier , when i brought it up , you could n't get off the topic fast enough . and yes , you tried to cover it , but i know you pretty well by now . ryan : maybe because , um , i was trying to get off the subject . erica : because ? ryan : because i have been thinking about her . [ scene_break ] david : you 're forgetting something , greenlee . i know how strong you are . the idea that someone like you needs someone like me -- come on . if that came out of my mouth , you would laugh in my face . greenlee : i 'm not laughing . david : you know , i think you 've been out for so long that you 've forgotten who i am . you 're absolutely right . i do surround myself with people who need me , and i feed off them . i take from them . i ruin them if i can . and you do n't belong in that category , greenlee . you 're too good for that . so you need to find your legs , and you need to run . run away from me as far as you can and as fast as you can and do n't look back . otherwise i 'm gon na drag you through the muck and mire like everyone else that comes near me . it 's in my nature . [ scene_break ] liza : look at that . tad : you 're not doing this . liza : wow . look at that . tad : look at who you 're talking to . come on . liza : huh ? tad : i know you too well . liza : really ? look at me . i 'll show you how not well you know me . tad : no , the mood is what you make it . liza : is that right ? tad : yes , it is . liza : well , you made it -- tad : a little romance , huh ? a little seduction ? liza : mm - hmm . tad : and a little laughter . liza : hmm . tad : that 's what makes it fun . liza : yeah , fun , yes , not funny . tad : oh , come on . sweetheart , listen . who do you -- i 've known you too long . liza : yeah ? tad : this is -- no , forget it . you act like i 'm laughing at you . i 'm not . i was laughing at the situation . liza : really ? tad : and by the way , you have the greatest , sexiest laugh in the world -- deep , throaty , hmm ? and i just -- i simply do n't hear it enough . liza : i laugh plenty , but not when it does n't fit in a certain situation over here -- tad : when we 're crawling all over each other like a bunch of crazed ferrets ? liza : yeah , pretty much . tad : i beg to differ . mm - hmm . i really do . i can prove it . ah , oui . you know , because one must not laugh right now , you know , because eet would flatten the soufflé , eh ? huh ? if you chuckle , it would suck all the leetle tiny bubbles out of my pommes frites . besides i ca n't wait to see you -- liza : ha ha ha ! tad : it 's true . liza : all right , you got me . tad : i got you . i got you . liza : you do n't think that 's you , do n't you ? tad : no ? liza : come here . i 'll show you . tad : i 'm happy to lie down . liza : ah ! ha ha ha ! tad : mmm . now , i got to -- wait , wait . do n't rip it . all right , now . [ knock on door ] tad : come here . liza : um -- [ knocking on door ] bailey : hello . is anyone home ? liza , if you 're in there , it 's me -- bailey . i really need your help . liza : [ whispering ] no , i 've got it . i 've got it . [ louder ] coming ! one second . all right , are you good ? tad : yeah . no , no . just -- liza : come on . tad : just a second . liza : she 's at the door . tad : right . fine , fine . just go . get it . liza : hey , bailey , what 's wrong ? bailey : damon 's off at work , and the police , they showed up next - door , and there are sirens . it 's like a total crime scene . and stuart just got so upset . is there any way we could just stay here for a little while ? liza : oh . of course , you can . come on in . come on in . bailey : thank you . oh , i 'm not interrupting anything , am i ? tad : no . no , no . interrupting ? what would make you think that ? [ scene_break ] marissa : hi . j.r. : are we too late for the blood - letting ? scott : i got to tell you , i 'm surprised to see you here . you did n't exactly buy adam 's hospital speech about making us one big , happy family again . j.r. : you can hardly blame me . scott : so then why are you here ? j.r. : whatever happens tonight , i did n't want to hear it secondhand . adam : j.r. j.r. , thank you for making my guest list complete . [ doorbell rings ] adam : oh , it 's all right , scott . i got it . go on in . barry , come in . barry : i hope this is n't too late for you . adam : no , no , no . it was just fine . barry : now , we have a separate document for each individual name . you 'll find them in here . adam : each individual , yeah , and it 's indicated on which one ? is everything in order ? barry : exactly to your specifications . adam : all right . thank you . good night . ah , thank you all for coming . marissa : oh , wow . our pleasure . adam : warm over here , is n't it ? marissa : yes , it is . adam : a little bit uncomfortable . barry : yeah , thanks . yeah , i 'll be right there . annie : hi . barry , hi . i thought i heard your voice . are you joining us for dinner ? barry : no , no . it was my understanding this was a family gathering . annie : well , do n't go , actually . i 've been -- i 've been meaning to call you because i 've been thinking about , um , estate planning . barry : really ? annie : yeah . do you think that would be a good idea ? barry : i think adam has the issue well in hand . good night , annie . adam : you know , i can not tell you how it warms my heart to see you all here tonight . ah , there you are . i thought we 'd lost you . well , i have to go do a little work in my study , so -- i hope you 'll all play nicely while i 'm gone . j.r. : gone ? gone for how long ? adam : oh , just a little while . then we get to the good stuff . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you ca n't scare me off . david : greenlee , look . i like you . i always have , ever since leo . that 's why i 'm pushing you away before it 's too late . greenlee : but there 's still so much you can do for me . david : if you go back to pine valley with me by your side , that 's a giant strike against you right off the bat , and you do n't deserve that . so get used to it . i 'm already gone . [ scene_break ] erica : ok . thank you . good night . ryan : i , um -- i should have said something earlier . i 'm sorry . i 'm not -- i 'm not terribly good at talking about feelings and stuff like that , and i did n't -- i did n't want to hurt you . erica : because you 're thinking of her on the anniversary of her death ? of course , you are . greenlee has even been crossing my mind lately . ryan : just so you know , i meant what i said , you know , that i 'm thinking about the future -- our future , not -- not the past . erica : thank you for sharing your feelings with me . well , i was supposed to meet opal downstairs about 10 minutes ago . ryan : ok . so do you want to get together later , talk about our escape plans ? erica : maybe definitely . certainly . ryan : we will find time together , just the two of us . erica : bye . hi . sorry i 'm late . opal : oh , it 's ok . hey , i saw that big announcement about your new makeup line , supporting those miranda centers all over the place . it 's fantastic . erica : i am so excited about it . opal : yeah , you should be . great . erica : and i 'm gon na be just over the top busy , you know , getting everything organized for the next few months on top of everything else . opal : yeah . well , it 's good you got a partner then , huh ? erica : yes , yes . ryan is going to be a big help . opal : yeah . well , just remember , all work and no play and all that . but of course , it 's nice to know that when play time does come around , ryan 's right there at the ready , huh ? erica : opal , what is wrong with you ? why do you keep on going there ? i mean , ryan told me that you were fishing with him , too . you just will not give up the innuendo . why ? opal : i told you a million times why . i think it is a sin when your heart is so full of sweet , tender feelings that you keep it all bottled up like a can of granny 's preserves . [ scene_break ] madison : she was beautiful . ryan : hey , what are you doing here ? i thought everybody left for the night . madison : i was just working on a project in the file room . i saw you and erica talking . i did n't want to interrupt . ryan : yeah , we were just working out some logistics about something . madison : can i see the picture ? ryan : yeah . sure . madison : wow . there really was something about her , was n't there ? i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . is this awkward for you ? i heard that she was your fiancée . ryan : she was my wife and then my fiancée . no , it 's not awkward . it 's very complicated , but it 's not awkward . madison : ok , well , good . i 'm starting to feel like this place is some sort of second home for me , so i 'm actually really interested in the history of it . ryan : well , there really would n't be any history if it was n't for greenlee . it 's true . she and kendall built all this . madison : what a shame she ca n't be here to watch it grow . ryan : yeah , especially considering it started so small , you know ? i mean , they -- they started this experimenting with lip gloss in the kitchen , she and kendall . madison : now all this . ryan : yeah . this is her legacy . [ scene_break ] woman : ok . now try to raise your left leg one more time . come on . more . more . excellent ! greenlee : what 's next ? woman : well , you earned yourself a break . greenlee : no , no . i want to do something else , on my own this time . woman : you need a recovery period , too . you can sit . greenlee : all right . ok . what are you looking for ? woman : the tv remote . greenlee : i do n't think there is one . woman : no prob . erica : i 'm taking fusion into an exciting brand - new arena , so come out in droves , ladies , and try our new line -- miranda . it 's non - profit , so just think about it . every time you apply a lipstick or a blush , you 'll be helping a fellow woman in need . gayle : what 's going on ? i thought dr. hayward made it clear he did n't want greenlee distracted by tv . woman : i 'm sorry . i was just trying to find -- greenlee : david was right . i do n't want any distractions . i need to stay focused . please get that thing out of here . [ scene_break ] bailey : so the police were knocking on the neighbors ' door and everything , and i do n't even know if they were home . i mean , they 're always so busy doing it and everything . the banging on the walls and the moaning and the groaning . i mean , you know what i 'm talking about . it 's awful . tad : i think so . liza : oh , well , my phone . it 's on vibrate . huh . look at that . liza colby . you 're at the police station right now ? bailey : oh , is that my neighbors ? liza : uh - huh . yeah . yeah , no , i think i can get down there . sure . all right , i 'll see you soon . no , no . that was this couple . they were -- they were at this comedy store , you know , and they were laughing it up , and , well , something just went wrong , so i 'm gon na head on down to the police station . tad : oh . ok , fine . terrific . then i guess i 'll just , what ? stay here with bailey . is that ok ? [ door closes ] bailey : um , tad . tad : yeah ? bailey : i 'm pretty sure she wanted you to go with her . you guys have a plan at the comedy club or anything like that ? tad : the comedy -- oh . oh , oh , yeah . uh , the comedy club . well , um , i -- you got to forgive me because , in fact , i really -- i did n't want you to feel like you were intruding . bailey : right . tad : are you gon na -- if i ? bailey : liza 's the one doing me a favor . you guys just go do whatever you want to do . tad : yeah . well , from your lips to god 's ears . liza : my god , what took you so long ? tad : ok , well , i 'm a little slow , all right ? my brain is engorged . liza : yeah , ok , so where are we going ? tad : i think i know the perfect place . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so , annie -- why are we here ? annie : adam will fill us in when he 's ready . j.r. : could be a lot of things . what 's your best guess ? annie : um , his will , i suppose . he did just have a near - death experience . j.r. : so it was barry that dropped off those papers , was n't it ? yeah , so , it could be the will . or maybe divorce papers . annie : that is ridiculous , and you know it . stop goading me . scott : ok , if we could all just act like adam asked and try to get along . j.r. : you know , maybe you 're right , annie . maybe he did tweak his will , to cut you out . annie : or maybe he 's cutting you out , his sad , sorry excuse for a son . j.r. : let 's not forget , annie , that adam holds all the cards , even the ones that are up his sleeve . he 's a slick manipulative bastard , and you have no idea how he really feels . annie : well , then the rotten apple apparently does n't fall far from the tree , does it ? scott : guys , guys , guys , guys . annie : so i guess , really , maybe marissa does n't know how you really feel about her then . marissa : actually , i know exactly how he feels . j.r. : you know what , leave my wife out of it . annie : you brought her here . marissa : what , are you saying that i should leave ? scott : no . no , she 's not saying that . j.r. : no , she does n't know what she 's saying . she 's got so many personalities , she does n't know which one is saying it . annie : yeah ? that 's better than having no personality at all , mr. invisible son . marissa : maybe kindness is invisible to you . adam : [ clears throat ] ha ha ! i do n't know what you folks are drinking , but i 'd rather have mine with water . annie : oh , you know how it is when family gets together , adam . adam : indeed i do . this is the part where you say , `` you 're probably wondering why i asked you all here this evening . `` well , here 's the reason . let 's get started . why the hurry ? [ scene_break ] opal : come on , fess up . i know something 's going on with the two of you . erica : opal , this insatiable lust for gossip -- opal : gossip ? erica : has got to end . opal : gossip ? hey , may i remind you that you and me -- we are best gal pals ? now , even the great erica kane needs a friend that she can share stuff with once in a while . erica : you 're right . let me ask you something . pretend you 're me . i know it 's a stretch , but just pretend . if you were involved with ryan , if -- how would you play it ? opal : me ? erica : mm - hmm . opal : i 'd take out a full - page ad . i 'd rent a billboard . erica : come on . really . remember now , you 're erica kane . you 're living life in the spotlight . everybody 's watching you . they 're dissecting every move you make , judging you , always passing judgment . and then there 's ryan with his precious little girl and his son with a disability , the death of his fiancée last year , the remarriage of his criminally insane ex - wife . and you put erica kane on top of all of that , it 's the perfect tabloid story . and any private world that you thought you had , well , it would be fragile . and it would just disintegrate in this public circus . i mean , any rich and quiet spot you might have thought that you created for yourself , it would just dissolve under all that pressure . so , if i were involved with ryan , i just might want to protect it . i just might want to protect that world at all costs , even if it meant not confiding in my best gal pal . opal : well , you can consider it unconfided . [ scene_break ] adam : i 've had a lot of time for reflection this past week . and i tried to think what it is i would like to leave behind me . annie : ok , stop this talk . you are going to outlive all of us . adam : no , no . i have one chance here to put this whole thing to rest -- just one chance , and i do n't want to miss it . and i do n't want any of you to miss it either . scott : so is that a will you had drawn up ? adam : it 's a trust , a trust , actually . actually , it starts right now . i 've detailed which section belongs to each of you . and if you fulfill the requirements therein , well , you 'll be handsomely rewarded . hayley has already done more than i could possibly expect . skye will be rewarded if she ever comes back . so now , why do n't we start with colby . colby : what do you mean start with me ? adam : just read your section . colby : out loud ? adam : yes , family . colby : um -- `` my daughter colby is to be provided a small yearly stipend until such time as she finds a suitable man and settles down . `` adam : yeah , that stipend will be increased to a rather large , generous amount . colby : `` the man she chooses must come from a good family , be in good standing with that family , and must be at the same economic and social level as our family . `` j.r. : are you trying to arrange a marriage for her ? adam : no , no , not at all . i just want to help colby avoid some of my early mistakes . i want her to marry for love . if she finds a man , i want to make sure that he 's worthy of her . and if she follows my guidelines , she 'll be handsomely rewarded . colby : it also says if i divorce , my stipend falls to bare minimum . adam : i know you were scarred by my divorce . i do n't want that to happen to you . the legacy i chose for all of you is tailored to your benefit . i wrote those provisions because i love all of you . [ scene_break ] [ liza giggles ] tad : stop . liza : i ca n't believe that this was your romantic idea . tad : well , you got any better ideas ? liza : very romantic . tad : oh , come on . liza : mm - hmm . tad : we were teenagers . we know how to do this , right ? liza : ha ha ! tad : i vaguely remember . opal : tad ! you home ? oh ! hey ! i was n't sure if you were out or what . tad : yeah . oh , yeah . you know , i was out , actually . we were -- it was weird , weird . i started at this comedy club , you know . it was this bizarre thing with the audience participation . opal : uh - huh . tad : and these two clowns called the cops . opal : cops ? tad : yeah . opal : who 'd they arrest ? tad : couple of sex maniacs . [ liza giggles ] tad : boy , did they have it coming . opal : i 'm supposed to pretend i did n't hear that , right ? tad : it would help . opal : hear what ? nighty - night . tad : night , now . oh , well played . liza : come on . tad : i can trust you with state secrets , i can see that . liza : oh , ho ho ! tad : come on . liza : oh , my goodness . ok . if we do n't get down to that man cave now -- tad : well , it 's too late to turn back . [ scene_break ] scott : `` to my dear scott , you 've been in limbo since your father 's death . now it 's time to be the man you 've always aspired to be , a man of principle . you 've said a company must put ethics above profit , so be it . you have one year from this day to make our family company profitable , ethical , and above- board in all ways . transparent books , no exploitation . practice what you preach , and the inheritance will be yours . and -- and you must do this with your cousin j.r. by your side , should he choose to work for the company again . `` adam : there 's no time like now for something like this . you boys are young and strong and healthy . make it a partnership . j.r. : excuse me . what happened to the power of greed , hmm ? adam : greed makes us wealthy beyond comparison . it also makes us ridiculously unhappy . now , do it again . just go back and do it again . just do it right this time , and the riches will be doubly sweet . if you fail , you 're not getting anything . j.r. : well , i guess that means i 'm next . [ scene_break ] michelle : great workout . i will see you in the morning . 9 a.m. tomorrow . greenlee : see you then . gayle : i owe you an apology . i overreacted before when i saw the tv on . greenlee : no , you were right . she put it on before i knew what was happening . it was n't good for me . gayle : i could see that on your face . greenlee : i had this image of what i 'm going back to in pine valley . it 's fixed in my mind and it 's keeping me focused . and that vision is just as important to my recovery as physical therapy . i ca n't let anything interfere with that . [ scene_break ] madison : hope you did n't mind dwelling on the past a little bit for my benefit . ryan : no , no , not at all . in fact , i think it 's kind of cool that you 're interested . madison : well , thanks . i really did like hearing about the history of this place . ryan : well , hey , it 's getting a little bit late . you know , maybe you should get going . i really respect the dedication , but you 're not gon na do much good if you 're exhausted . madison : ok . you heading out , too ? ryan : yes , soon . you go ahead . i got ta grab a couple things first . madison : ok . [ ryan stares at a picture of greenlee , then places it in a binder , and closes it with finality ] [ scene_break ] tad : finally . liza : ha ! [ giggling ] tad : what is it ? liza : i 'm sorry . tad : look , look , ok . i 'm gon na correct what i said . there 's a time for funny , and there 's a time for fun . liza : mm - hmm . and this is so not funny . mm - mmm , no , no . [ giggling ] liza : i 'm sorry . tad : it 's obvious i 've -- liza : i do n't know . i just -- tad : i 've clearly created a monster . liza : yeah , oh . mmm . tad : stop it . [ liza giggles ] tad : stop . liza . do me favor . liza : yeah . tad : just move . no , no , move your knee . liza : hee hee hee ! tad : move your knee . liza : uhh -- [ scene_break ] erica : ryan . ryan : look , i know that i said that we would find time to be together , but what are we waiting for ? i mean , i do n't want to wait . do you ? erica : no . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee dreams ] erica : i think you 'll all see when i show you the incredible things i 've done with my company , and my company alone , why i was meant to be standing before you today . [ greenlee coughs ] erica : greenlee . what are you doing here ? greenlee : i 've been around a few weeks now , figured it was time to get back to work . erica : well , that 's wonderful news . take your time , get settled . greenlee : i 'm ready to dive in , actually , take charge . erica : well , as you can see , i 'm in charge here now . greenlee : ha ! were . not that i do n't appreciate all you 've done for me here , but your services are no longer required . erica : excuse me ? greenlee : well , i 'm sure there 's some society do that will simply fall apart because you 're not there . so you may go . oh , erica ? while you 're at it , will you go find ryan for me , please ? yes , ryan . ryan . ryan . ryan . yes , ryan . [ david walks in and hears greenlee calling for ryan ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , this is more about little adam than it is about me . adam : well , you 're the one that has to make it work . hmm ? hey , we want him to know his family . j.r. : yeah , but there are certain parts of this family that i have to protect him against . adam : what are you gon na tell him when he wants to know why you 're keeping him away from his grandfather , when all you know is the same mistrust that 's kept us apart for most of our lives ? j.r. : yeah . adam : yeah . j.r. : who 's fault is that ? adam : no , i do n't want to talk fault . i 'm gon na talk about a happy , successful father - son relationship as demonstrated between us . but the only way that 's gon na happen is if you move in here with us . marissa : you want us to move in with you ? j.r. : effective immediately , otherwise i and little a are written out of the will . adam : oh -- j.r. : well , i 'm glad that you 're starting this fresh relationship thing the right way . annie : adam , i do n't see anything about me in here . adam : oh , well , you see , i was afraid somebody might get hold of it and read ahead to the really good part . annie : oh , my god . | after meeting at confusion , j.r. informs marissa that they are going to dinner at the chandler 's . annie is curious about the purpose of the dinner , but adam refuses to tell her anything . colby eavesdrops , but soon leaves so she wo n't be caught by adam or annie . when liza and tad return to her apartment , she turns off the lights and starts to do a provocative dance for him , but his laughter puts a damper on the mood . erica refuses to go away with ryan on valentine 's day because it is the anniversary of greenlee 's death . david assures greenlee that she will be fine when she goes back to pine valley . colby asks annie if they should be concerned . ryan admits to erica that he has been thinking about greenlee . bailey interrupts liza and tad . barry arrives at the chandlers ' with the necessary papers . annie tries to question barry , but he refuses to tell her anything . greenlee watches an announcement on television in which erica announces the new fragrance line . adam meets with his family and gives them the new stipulations to his will and what they must do to get their inheritance . colby reads hers first and finds out that she must marry someone of whom her father approves . scott discovers that he and j.r. must get chandler enterprises on solid footing again . j.r. learns that he , marissa and little a must move back in the chandler mansion . annie notices that adam has n't given her hers . adam pulls her papers out of his coat , and she can not believe what she 's reading . david watches as greenlee dreams of taking over fusion from erica . |
[ previously_on ] kendall : how about i take petey to the cosmetics conference with me ? palmer : you and my son are aspen - bound . boyd : erica does n't like anyone spying on her . lena : i was n't . erica : i am not fond of ultimatums . chris : and i 'm not fond of the woman i 'm engaged to using her charms on other men . erica : so it 's your way or the highway ? chris : you got it , babe . [ scene_break ] man : no , go , we got to -- i got him . uh - huh . petey : check me out . i 'm king of the world . man : my man , petey . you won it ? petey : snowboarding champion , junior division . wait till i tell my dad . kendall : yeah , yeah , yeah , he 'll be very proud , i 'm sure . petey : you 're not kidding . this 'll be a 20 % boost in my allowance , at least . kendall : you are a true american sportsman . now , will you please give me a break and go play video games until dinner time ? petey : you 'll know where to find me . kendall : yeah , i 'd better . oh , ms. berlin , ms. berlin . hi . i just wanted to thank you so much for giving me your time this afternoon . ms. berlin : oh , not at all . we were very impressed by your presentation . send me some product . if it 's as good as you say it is , you 're in . kendall : in , as in we might have shelf space at lacey 's stores all over the country ? ms. berlin : we 'll see . kendall : well , you wo n't be disappointed . greenlee can kiss my butt . aidan ? aidan ? aidan -- oh , i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i -- i thought you were someone else . sorry . [ scene_break ] val : erica should review this . bianca : ok . bianca : thanks , val . val : bianca , why are you still here ? i thought this enchantment gig was supposed to be part - time . you ought to be out there dancing , throwing yourself in the mosh pit . bianca : getting something pierced ? val : hey , do n't knock it . it 's the best investment i ever made . bianca : i 'll keep that in mind . val : good . you should . bianca : hi , i 'm calling about the cruise -- the sophic spring escape . yes , six nights , four islands . yeah , a private room . ocean view would be spectacular . where do i send the deposit ? yes . thanks , i -- i am aware that it is a ladies- only cruise . [ knock on door ] bianca : oh , i 'm -- i 'm sorry , i have to call you back . hey -- boyd : hey . bianca : come on in . boyd : i 'm sorry to interrupt . i thought erica might still be here . bianca : oh , she 's not . is there something that i can help you with ? boyd : sure . it 's about the fda regulations . i was just wondering if erica 's sources were telling us what we could expect . bianca : i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i ca n't help you with that . i -- my mother 's sources almost never talk to me . boyd : right . hey , can i ask you something ? how 's kendall doing over at -- what -- fusion ? bianca : well , if you believe what she 's telling the media , she 's doing great . boyd : yeah , that 's what i expected . what , did n't you ? i mean , soon , the whole country will be buying her line , you know that . bianca : it sounds like you 've already bought her line , boyd . boyd : excuse me ? bianca : tell me something . you -- you do n't have a thing for my sister , do you ? boyd : you mean , it shows ? bianca : do n't say it . you 're in love with her . boyd : that would be a yes . [ scene_break ] bartender : wrong guy ? kendall : yeah . bartender : martini ? dirty , is n't it ? it 's on the house . kendall : am i that pathetic ? bartender : could have happened to anyone . you made a mistake . kendall : yeah , well , it seems like i 've turned that into a work of art . but you know what ? i will take you up on that offer . and how did you know my drink ? you remembered ? bartender : my job . man : dirty martini . oh , you read my mind ? bartender : not really . this one 's for the lady . man : oh , i see . would you make me one ? bartender : as soon as i grab a fresh bottle of vodka . kendall : you can have mine if you 'd like , mr. -- man : kinsey -- michael kinsey . kendall : you say that like you have a license to kill or something , mr. kinsey . michael kinsey . michael : well , i do n't , so i guess you 'll just have to call me michael . kendall : ok , michael . well , i 'm kendall -- kendall hart . [ scene_break ] erica : maxie ! hi ! maxie : i did n't know you were here . hi . erica : will you excuse us ? reporter : yeah . maxie : are you introducing any product ? erica : oh , no , no , no , not at the moment , no . just after the whole crush of the holiday season , i am here to treat myself to a little r & r . maxie : well , just take five minutes and check out the competition . you could write off the whole trip . erica : i just might do that . maxie : your daughter 's new company is creating quite a stir . erica : are you serious ? kendall is here ? maxie : and winning over many converts , too . she says you 're her role model . erica : she 's using my name ? maxie : erica , she 's got the goods . you should be proud . erica : what are you trying to say , maxie ? maxie : i just -- i just thought you should know . erica , you 're going to have to deal with this . she 's breathing down your neck . where are you going ? erica : to stop her from breathing . maxie : but she 's -- [ scene_break ] michael : well , does n't look like you 're enjoying aspen . kendall : why do you say that ? michael : well , you seem a little , i do n't know , distracted . missing someone . kendall : oh . no , no , that was silly . i -- i just -- i saw somebody from the back and he reminded me of a friend . michael : oh , a friend . kendall : yes , a friend . his name 's aidan , and i have n't seen him in a while . michael : well , i do n't think i like this aidan , not if he makes you feel sad . kendall : i 'm not sad . i -- i 'm not . actually , i 'm doing pretty good . i 'm doing good . this was one of my best days ever . bartender : thanks for waiting . dirty m coming up . kendall : you know what ? wait a minute . here , why do n't you take mine ? i have n't touched it . and i -- i really should go . michael : oh , if i 've made you uncomfortable , i 'm -- kendall : no , no , you did n't do anything wrong . michael : well , then stay . i would really like to hear about your great day . please . kendall : ok . michael : here you go . kendall : thanks . [ scene_break ] bianca : oh , well , boyd -- wait , wait -- hold on . how can you be in love with kendall ? you hardly know her . boyd : she 'd come down to the lab when she was working here . she 'd hang out . bianca : why ? boyd : i think she wanted to make friends . bianca : well , i guess it worked . come -- come here . boyd : no -- bianca : let 's knock this out a little bit . boyd : it did n't . i mean , at first , we all tried to ignore her . i mean , your mom made it pretty clear what she thought of kendall , even if she did give her a job . bianca : sounds to me like kendall 's been telling her victim story again . boyd : well , we figured she was just here to cause trouble , you know ? but she was n't . i mean , she was eager . she really wanted to learn the business . bianca : really ? she 's been saying that for months , i just thought that she -- boyd : you know , it 's easy to sell kendall short , maybe because of the way she looks , but she 's got a knack for product development . i mean , she had specific ideas we used . bianca : you 're kidding . boyd : no . bianca : she 's been bragging about that , and i thought she was delusional . so kendall really has a talent for the business ? boyd : can i tell you something in confidence ? i 've only known one other person with the god - given instincts kendall has for this business . bianca : oh , do n't even say it . boyd : your mother , erica kane . [ scene_break ] kendall : so i 've never really been driven . i mean , not professionally , anyway . but then i had this idea , and it just took hold of me . michael : well , it 's one thing to have an idea , but it 's another to make it happen , that 's for sure . kendall : well , to be honest , it really was n't that hard . anyway , i found myself a partner , i got a building and some start - up cash , and then boom -- there it was and here i am . it 's kind of a mystery how it all came together . michael : it 's no mystery . you love it . kendall : of course , fusion is just getting off the ground , so i must seem incredibly naive to you . michael : why ? kendall : well , because to someone like you , one little company must mean nothing . michael : someone like me . we just met . kendall : yeah , but you said you import luxury goods , that you spend most of your time in europe . you 're incredibly successful . michael : i never said i was successful . kendall : ok , you know what ? the shoes you 're wearing -- they cost more than my first car . sorry . sorry . i know it 's rude to notice people 's things . michael : where on earth did you learn that ? kendall : i do n't know . `` masterpiece theater `` ? michael : well , as a matter of fact , i like it when people notice my shoes . kendall : so , what are you doing in aspen ? is it business ? [ phone rings ] michael : oh . oh , excuse me . i have to take this . do n't go away . i wo n't be long . kendall : ok . erica : selling your wares , kendall ? [ scene_break ] boyd : look , i do n't understand it . i did n't even notice your sister until i started talking to her , until i saw she was a serious , intelligent woman . bianca : wow . now i have heard everything . somebody loves kendall for her mind ? boyd : for everything she is . even her weaknesses . bianca : oh , boyd , please , stop . boyd : bianca , i dream about her . and not just when i 'm asleep . bianca : ok , ok , boyd , it 's time to wake up . boyd : i know , i know , but i ca n't help it . i ca n't stop thinking about her . i mean , what would make her happy -- bianca : what do you want me to say ? that you have a shot with kendall ? boyd : do i ? [ scene_break ] kendall : what are you doing here ? erica : at a cosmetics convention ? kendall : oh , that 's right -- you are cosmetics . erica : i just ran into maxie berlin . she tells me you 're using my name . kendall : i was just answering a reporter 's question . you know how that is . erica : oh , really ? and what are you saying to the press ? reporter : ladies , presenting a united front ? erica : excuse me . reporter : mother and daughter , each with her own company . hold for a beauty shot . over here , ladies . erica : no -- no pictures , please . reporter : it 's a keeper . this must be thrilling -- introducing your line with your mother , the erica kane , by your side . kendall : yeah , it 's pretty amazing , all right . erica : could we have some privacy , please ? reporter : just one question . are you rivals ? erica : i certainly do n't consider kendall to be a competition . reporter : and you , ms. hart ? kendall : well , erica has always inspired me . i hope one day to match her success . reporter : do n't we all . erica : well -- reporter : thank you . kendall : sure . erica : how dare you . kendall : how dare i what ? i was asked how it felt to be competing against you . erica : how dare you come to this town and try to pitch your fraudulent company using my name , trying to pass yourself off as my -- kendall : your daughter ? erica : let 's get this clear . you are never to mention me or enchantment in connection with this venture of yours . if a reporter asks you a question , you ignore it . is that understood ? because i have worked too hard . i have worked way too hard to have my reputation compromised by you . and do n't think i do n't know what this is all about . kendall : if i thought my company could succeed by trading on your name , i would flush it down the toilet . erica : then you better start flushing . kendall : well , you 'll see . you will see -- if it takes me till i 'm 90 and you 're 104 , i will show you what i can offer . erica : what you can offer ? the only thing you can offer is the ideas and the personnel that you stole from my company . i 'm sorry , i ca n't say i 'll be impressed . kendall : oh , yes , you will . you will . you wo n't like it , but you will be impressed . erica : oh . you know , i have said everything that i have to say . kendall : i know how you feel about me , erica , and you know how i feel about you . but i still admire you , and i think of you as my role model . you -- you started from nothing , you had a dream , and you turned it into something from nothing . and i know that there is no other erica kane . but maybe i did inherit some of that strength from you . erica : strength ? you call what you have strength ? i do have original ideas . i do have dreams . you do n't have dreams . you do n't have an idea in your head . all you are is , you 're a -- you 're a thief . you 're a sneak . you 're a taker . kendall : all right , fine . then go ahead , spit on me , grind me into dust . if you did n't think that i could give you a run for your money , you would n't be in my face . erica : kendall , you want to compete with me ? please , bring it on . bring it on . what have you got ? a cute name ? a logo ? some vague promises of perhaps some shelf life ? that 's great . that 's great until the consuming public out there realizes that you have zero to back it up . can you say flash in the pan ? i mean , all these fools out there who are telling you that you are the new me -- they 're going to disappear -- just like that man who just walked away from you did . kendall : he 's coming back . erica : like ryan came back ? bartender : what can i get you ? erica : oh . thank you , nothing for me , thank you . but i would imagine another round here for the lady who is drinking alone . bartender : you ok ? kendall : uh -- i should -- i should go find petey . michael : oh , i 'm so sorry . i had no idea i 'd be gone so long . kendall : oh , that -- that 's ok . thank you for coming back . i have to go . michael : oh , must you ? i was hoping we could have dinner together . kendall : oh , i 'm not here by myself . michael : oh . kendall : i 'm taking care of a 10-year - old . michael : oh . bartender : i think petey 's about ready for some nighttime snowboarding . you know , the lodge provides that for kids . totally supervised . kendall : well -- really ? bartender : mm - hmm . kendall : huh . oh . once petey finds out he could be on the slopes , i could n't stop him if i tried . bartender : best place for him . michael : i hope this means you 'll join me for dinner . kendall : you know what ? i would love to have dinner with you . michael : great . [ scene_break ] erica : hello ? erica : am i in the wrong room ? chris : hello , beautiful . i -- i did n't like the way we left things , and i -- are you still [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm sorry , i ca n't help you out there . i mean , kendall and i are completely different , and i have no clue what she 's thinking . boyd : yes , but you 've known her a lot longer than i have . just tell me , what does kendall want ? bianca : i think that kendall probably wants what anybody wants -- to find her place in the world and be happy . boyd : ok . which is how ? bianca : well , i do n't think i 've ever really seen kendall completely happy . i guess she was with ryan . boyd : fine , so ryan made her happy . how ? bianca : he believed in her . she saw herself through his eyes , and she liked what she saw . boyd : well , she 's an angel . bianca : well , then she 's a very lucky woman . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm going to have to get petey settled before we go . michael : of course , of course . do n't rush . i 'll meet you at the restaurant . it is three doors down , literally . it 's called soraglio . kendall : ok . great . michael : ok . oh , no , no , no . please , please , let me . kendall : ok . michael : there you go . kendall : oh , thank you very much . michael : of course . kendall : i do n't know if i should do this . michael : do what ? have dinner ? kendall : well , i mean , we just met in a bar , and i do n't know if this is really a good idea . michael : well , if you want to bring the boy along -- kendall : oh , god , no ! what -- it would serve you right just for suggesting it . michael : well , i would gladly put up with spitballs and video games if that is what it takes . kendall : yeah , well , i would n't . ok , here 's the plan . michael : mm - hmm . kendall : we will have a nice , quiet dinner and then we will say good night . michael : sounds perfect . kendall : great . michael : good . kendall : so then i 'll see you in half an hour , mr. kinsey . michael : michael . kendall : michael . bartender : here you go . michael : oh . bartender : thank you , mr. -- cambius ? michael : you 're welcome . [ scene_break ] boyd : i wo n't say another word now that i 've thoroughly embarrassed myself . bianca : forget , it boyd . i 'm happy to know what 's going on with you . boyd : yeah , well , now that you know i 'm an idiot , i 'll just get out of your way . bianca : as far as i 'm concerned , kendall should be so lucky . boyd : so just so i 'm sure , you 're not encouraging me , but you 're not discouraging me , either , right ? bianca : let me put it this way . you 've got a better shot with kendall than you 've got with me . boyd : right . lena : oh , hello . bianca : hey . lena : i was needing to find erica . bianca : she 's in aspen . lena : oh , dear . bianca : oh , no . ca n't it wait ? boyd : look , i 'm going to take off . bianca : ok , see you later . boyd : good night . lena : i found a discrepancy in the irs documents . bianca : oh , dear . lena : i 'm sure i can find the problem , but i need to get into the classified files , and my access code is n't working . bianca : wow . um -- you know -- i know val knows those codes . let me just check and see if he 's still in his office . val ! great ! you 're in luck . he 's still here . lena : oh , goody . bianca : val , can you come into the office for a minute ? i have a little problem here . lena : i 'm in luck . bianca : thank you . [ scene_break ] bartender : all set ? petey : i 'm ready . wow ! that must have set my old man back . kendall : we 're never going to get away with this . petey : just stick to the story . you lost your luggage on the way . what were you going to do , wear a hotel bathrobe the whole time ? kendall : yeah , but this -- this replacement costs hundreds of dollars at the hotel boutique . bartender : if you do n't spill soup on it , you could return it in the morning , right ? kendall : no . i 'm not returning this . bartender : yeah , it 'd be a crime . petey : you look un - frickin'-believable . kendall : thanks , petey . bartender : the kid 's not wrong . kendall : yeah , but this -- this is . this whole thing is insane . it 's crazy . petey : i know . you pay for your part of the meal , and then he wo n't think that he can get lucky . kendall : ok , thanks for the tip . bartender : come on , master cortlandt . kendall : go , go . go ski . bartender : i 'll take him personally to the snowboarding area . i 'll look in on him . petey : i do n't know why you guys worry so much . what kind of trouble can i get into here ? kendall : uh - huh . ugh . ok . [ scene_break ] chris : whew . well , you know , i took a big chance setting this all up . you could have kicked me down a ski slope after the fight we had . erica : i do n't remember fighting . let 's never fight again . chris : ok , deal . [ chris and erica chuckle ] erica : oh , i just know i 've never , never been so happy to see you . chris : good . erica : you 'll never guess who 's here . chris : well , there 's only one person i know who could put that look on your face . what is she doing here ? erica : she 's starting a new cosmetics company . chris : oh , well , then you have nothing to worry about . knowing kendall , she 'll self - destruct sooner or later , right ? erica : what do you mean by that ? do you think i 'm threatened ? chris : did i say `` threatened `` ? erica : because i 'm not . chris : of course not . erica : she does n't want to run a cosmetics company . she just wants to embarrass me . chris : erica , she wants to be noticed by you . that 's what everything has been about . erica : you know , maybe if she would just keep her distance , we could at least be civil to each other . chris : well , that does n't work for kendall . she wants to be near you . erica : well , it 's always so unpleasant . you know , we traded insults , we hurt each other . and why ? what for ? i mean , i do n't even want to fight anymore . chris : then do n't . do n't . erica : but , chris , everywhere i go , everything i do , she 's in my face . i just -- i wish she would leave me alone . [ scene_break ] kendall : good evening . i 'm looking for mr. kinsey . maitre d ' : oh , yes . right this way , please . kendall : thank you . michael : spectacular . kendall : thank you . michael : yeah . kendall : oh . and thank you for this . michael : go on , sit down . have a seat . waiter : the wine list , mr. kinsey . michael : oh , lizette told me that you had two bottles of pommery 1973 . waiter : ah , the special stock . of course . kendall : this -- this is -- this is lovely . it 's very old - world . michael : it has an understated elegance . it suits you . oh , i hope you do n't mind -- the chef is an old friend of mine , an austrian . he insisted on making us a special dinner . i 'm sure if you 're not a vegetarian , that you 'll be very pleased . kendall : oh , i am -- pleased . no -- not -- not a vegetarian . michael : are you comfortable ? kendall : yeah . why ? do i look nervous ? michael : a bit . kendall : well , i 'm a little overwhelmed . michael : so am i . [ music plays ] michael : and of course marbella is spoiled forever . kendall : oh , it 's those german tourists again . what can you do with them ? michael : luckily , i discovered a forgotten island , doro tea , southwest of abitha . kendall : abitha ? michael : mm - hmm . well , if i am very lucky , it should remain a secret for another year or so . it has the best parasailing in the mediterranean . kendall : oh , my god , michael , it 's a wonder you even find time to work . michael : oh . i work very hard . it 's just i learned to work to live , you know ? not the other way around . kendall : so what are you doing in aspen ? you working or living ? michael : one of my distributors has a warehouse nearby , so i fly in two or three times a year . have you ever been here in the spring ? it 's a completely different place . kendall : no , i have n't . i 'm not really much of a traveler . michael : by choice ? kendall : not exactly . michael : so it 's a matter of circumstance rather than desire ? kendall : well , you -- you 're not limited at all . i mean , you discovered a secret island south of abitha . i grew up downwind of a swamp in florida . michael : oh , i 'm just your basic salesman , kendall . kendall : no . there 's nothing basic about you . michael : well , nor about you . no , nothing can convince me that you would n't feel right at home among the finest things that the world has to offer . kendall : when -- when i was a child , i remember feeling special , and not because anybody made me feel that way , but because -- michael : go on . kendall : i felt -- i felt like -- i felt like there was a better place i was supposed to be living . someplace else . and i felt like if i just held on , i would get there , and i would be who i was supposed to be all along . michael : well , maybe you 're already there . kendall : no , i think i would have noticed . michael : no . the woman who enchanted me this evening , the woman who graciously consented to be my dinner guest , is without question one of the most extraordinary women i 've ever met . kendall : i have a feeling that that 's saying something . michael : well , i do n't mean to be presumptuous , but you are very special . you 've certainly made me feel that way . [ scene_break ] val : look , even if i did call aspen , the inn has specific instructions not to disturb ms . kane unless it 's life or death . bianca : val , that is not the usual protocol when mom goes away to a convention . val : this has nothing to do with the convention . chris has gone out to aspen to surprise erica . bianca : ah . enough said . lena : it does n't matter . i can wait . bianca : no , no . you were so concerned before . val , you know the access codes to the classified files . why do n't you just give them to us ? i mean , lena is having an i.r.s . problem that she really needs to fix . val : i 'm sorry . i ca n't -- i really ca n't give you those unless i have erica 's ok . lena : it 's -- it 's perfectly fine . i was just being -- what 's the word ? -- obsessive . i wait . bianca : ok . well , thanks , anyway , val . val : ok , then . this time , i 'm really going . my plants are watered , my computer 's shut down -- bianca : you 've made all your long - distance phone calls from the office ? val : good - bye . lena : thank you so much . i 'm sorry to have kept you . bianca : oh , do n't worry . you did n't keep me at all . i just had some paperwork to finish up . lena : oh . that 's very commendable but not much fun . bianca : well , what about you ? you having a good time here ? lena : at enchantment or pine valley ? bianca : both . lena : i like both , i think , yes . the work is challenging , the people are very friendly . i find my situation very satisfactory . bianca : you 're from europe somewhere ? lena : yes . bianca : i went to europe once a long time ago , but i would love to go back , maybe spend a few months there , get a rail pass . lena : oh , europe is very sophisticated . perhaps you would feel more at home there . bianca : more at home than in america ? lena : ah , i mean , we are more progressive . it 's easier for a single woman traveling . i [ scene_break ] erica : you know that fight we had ? chris : fight -- oh , you mean the one you said you forgot ? erica : yeah , well -- chris : what about it ? erica : just came back to me again . chris : what , is there anything i can do to make it go away again ? hmm ? erica : the rose petals on the bed have gone a long way . chris : yeah , well , i knew you 'd be a sucker for that hollywood touch . erica : oh , you just -- you just know me too well . chris : mm - hmm . erica : have you eaten ? have you considered ordering room service ? chris : room service . sweetheart , we 're in aspen . come on , we 'll just go out . we 'll find some movie stars . erica : you 've never been impressed by movie stars . chris : you 're right . but i know they 'll be impressed by who i 'm with . erica : are you sure ? it 's very nice right here . chris : you see what time it is ? erica : early ? chris : early . so let 's go out . we 'll have a wonderful dinner , and then we 'll take a long walk in the chilly air . and then we 'll come back here . we 'll figure something out . erica : whatever you say . chris : i 'll make this a night you never forget . [ music plays ] [ kendall laughs ] michael : dessert ? kendall : oh , no , no . i could n't , thank you . michael : then join me for a cognac . kendall : ok , just one . michael : ok . two cognacs . special reserve . kendall : oh . dinner was wonderful , michael . and now here 's something i bet you say all the time , but i never have . michael : hmm . kendall : my compliments to the chef . michael : i 'll pass them along . so you never did tell me how long you 'll be here in aspen . kendall : i 'm not sure . how long will you ? michael : i -- i leave early tomorrow . i have a meeting in singapore that ca n't be rescheduled . kendall : yes , life goes on . i should get back to petey soon . chris : uh -- let 's go . erica : no . i will not be run out of restaurants by kendall . chris : this time , you will . erica : but i -- chris : erica -- now , look . i promised you a night you would never forget . is it going to be because of a fight in public with kendall or because of me ? kendall : well , cheers to you . michael : cheers . h , like e yo lena : i did n't mean to presume you 'd be traveling alone , a woman as bright as you are , as beautiful . bianca : do n't stop on my account . lena : i 'm sure you could have any number of traveling companions . i 'll try again for the access code tomorrow . i 'm sorry to have bothered you . bianca : oh , no , lena , no . it 's no bother at all . lena : oh . then i 'll be sure to be bothering you again . erica : thank you . chris : for what ? erica : oh , for getting me out of that restaurant . you were so smart , because kendall was just going to provoke me . it 's what she lives for . and you know what ? i 'm just not going to pay any attention to her . that 's the way to deal with her . i just will be oblivious to everything that she tries to do . chris : erica , erica -- who are you here with right now ? kendall ? or me ? erica : i am with you . chris : oh , i like that . erica : definitely you . chris : i like that . michael : this is so strange . kendall : it is ? michael : oh , an evening like this -- it 's something that happens only in books . meeting someone with whom you 're instantly comfortable . you know , if i were n't going to singapore tomorrow -- kendall : no , let 's -- let 's not say anything else . thank you so much for dinner . michael : it was truly my pleasure . petey : nanny kendall ! kendall : petey . officer : are you responsible for this child ? kendall : yes , yes , i am , but what happened ? officer : an orgy . kendall : a what ? officer : an orgy of pizza and ice cream with a dozen sugar - shocked 10-year- olds . and this one is the ringleader . petey : i do n't know what happened . everything went black . officer : would you mind coming back inside and straighten things out with the management ? kendall : yeah , of course . of course i will . i just -- i just need one minute . petey : what happened to prince charming ? is n't he coming back ? officer : ma'am , we 'll wait for you inside . kendall : no , he 's not coming back . but it was perfect while it lasted . [ next_on ] simone : greenlee is about ready to detonate . greenlee : i 'm ready to dump you from this partnership . kendall : i love what we 're doing . if you do n't , then just leave . jake : i am engaged , and i 'm getting ready to go home to my fiancée . woman : sure you 're not in the mood for a detour ? | kendall does a great job at the cosmetics convention in aspen . she sees someone that she thinks is aidan at first . she meets a handsome businessman named michael kinsey and they hit it off great ( the bartender calls him by another last name ) . erica is incensed that kendall is there , doing well , and using erica 's name to get people to listen to her . she tells kendall off , even though kendall says erica inspired her . michael disappears but kendall is just glad about the great night they had ( he has to leave early the next morning ) . petey gets into trouble when he 's left on his own , buying ice cream for the other kids and making everyone sick . chris surprises erica by showing up and they make up . they are n't happy to see kendall when they go out to dinner . chris urges her to ignore kendall but they decide to leave . bianca makes plans to go on a lesbian cruise . she is surprised when boyd tells her that he 's in love with kendall and that kendall really was eager to learn about the business when she was there . lena comes in and says she needs to get into some important files on the computer but it 's not taking her access code . bianca tries to get it for her but val says he ca n't give her the code without erica 's authorization . lena chats with bianca and when it comes up that she 's from europe , she suggests that perhaps bianca would like it more there ( since she 's a lesbian ) . lena compliments her and it almost seems like she 's flirting . |
krystal : ah . tad : that 's good . that 's cute . so , what 's next ? boiling oil and whoopee cushions ? krystal : well , be ready for anything . tad : i thought i was . excuse me . [ krystal laughs ] tad : this is impressive . who helped you rig this ? krystal : oh , honey , i work alone . i 've been booby - trapping ever since i could walk . tad : i underestimated you . krystal : oh , well , you should n't do that , now . too many men kind of think that if a girl is gifted in the obvious areas that that 's the extent of her talent . tad : i apologize . krystal : yeah , well , apology not accepted . tad : you want me to type it ? krystal : i want you to swear that you 're going to stop messing with babe � s life or i 'm going to ruin yours with one short click . [ scene_break ] babe : you can adios as soon as you do this favor for me . paul : i am not hacking into some hospital records just to fix a paternity test for you . babe : with my new , improved plan , it 's not really even like breaking the law . it 's just -- it 's more like a little bend . paul : babe , you messed things up when you did n't file our annulment papers . babe : and i will regret that till the day i die , but the last thing i need is an `` i told you so `` from you . paul : give me one single reason why i should do anything for you . babe : i 'll give you 30 million reasons why . [ scene_break ] jack : ok , now , you just remember to stay calm , be matter of fact , and most of all , most of all , no high emotions , ok ? erica : i am not going to mess this up . we have much too much to look forward to , now , do n't we ? jack : mm - hmm . erica : a wedding and a honeymoon . jack : honeymoon , mm - hmm . erica : and a fabulous life after that , thanks to you . jack : hmm . erica : yeah , i better go collect my thoughts -- jack : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . are you running out on me now ? erica : well , if i do n't , i 'm not going to be able to think of anything but you . jack : oh , was n't that exactly the right thing to say . you 're not going to be long , are you ? erica : just a minute . jack : ok . reporter : dr. hayward -- second reporter : doctor -- first reporter : do you have any comment ? jack : what the hell are you doing here ? bianca : so far it seems like it 's going well . it seems like the jury 's on kendall � s side , right ? reggie : yeah , well , thanks to this guy , you know , telling them how kendall � s going to be innocent unless he would n't gave her billions of dollars . ryan : i only told the truth . reggie : yeah , well , it worked . look , kendall � s going to be fine , ok ? well , i 'm about to go to the vending machines . are you craving anything in particular or anything ? ryan : uh , well , i am . how about some -- i do n't know -- chocolate and nuts ? reggie : all right , i � m on it . bianca : i 'm ok . reggie : you sure ? bianca : yeah , thanks . reggie : ok . ryan : nobody can tell . bianca : for a second , i thought that reggie -- ryan : reggie is as clueless as everybody else . nobody thinks you 're pregnant . everybody is sure that kendall is . [ scene_break ] kendall : stay away from me . greenlee : i thought pregnant women loved attention . mia : yeah , we just want to feel the baby . simone : is that such a bad idea ? kendall : well , you have to touch me to feel him . greenlee : him ? you 're having a boy ? kendall : it 's none of your business . mia : you know , you 're on murder trial right now . a lot hinges on your pregnancy . simone : yeah , so maybe this is n't such a good idea . kendall : you know what ? i do n't need this , ok , not on the first day of my trial . greenlee : well , it could help your case if we 're behind you . mia : backing you up as the mother - to - be . kendall : well , fine . then throw me a baby shower . then i � ll let you rub my belly for good luck . simone : yeah , come on , guys . let 's rethink this . kendall : look , just get out of my way , please . greenlee : kendall , i -- you know , i got to hand it to you . you 've got an amazing figure for a woman with a baby onboard . kendall : well , thanks . i eat right . greenlee : you have n't gained an ounce anywhere except for where you 're carrying whatever it is that you 're carrying . kendall : i told you i � m hoping for a boy . greenlee : too bad you 're going to deliver polyester fiberfill . kendall : get out of my way . greenlee : i want proof that you 're pregnant . kendall : fine . then talk to the court . i already proved it to them . greenlee : i 'm not as easily fooled . [ door opens ] kendall : oh , finally , someone to save me from you wack jobs . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : want to bet ? erica : what am i interrupting ? kendall : i 'm about to scream the place down . they wo n't let me out of here . greenlee : we simply want to share in kendall � s happy event . kendall : hey ! erica : do you really think that a courthouse is the right place to hold someone against her will ? simone : exactly . i was beginning to get flashes of an afterschool special -- girl gangs and reform school . kendall : yeah , well , in this case , you 'll go to prison . i will press charges . greenlee : you 're making way too much of this , which proves me right . mia : you see , we think that kendall is with pillow instead of with child , and we want proof , now . erica : well , i do n't want any part of this . greenlee : ryan handed her fusion and enchantment because he accepts her word on this . we 're not nearly as trusting . simone : yeah , you know what ? i 'm with erica . i do n't want to be included in this , either . greenlee : erica , if this pregnancy is bogus , you could have your company back . kendall : no . i will not be pawed . would you want to submit to a body search if you were in my place ? erica : well , i seem to remember that when i was pregnant with bianca , i never minded if a friend put her hand on my stomach . kendall : yeah , well , i do n't see any friends in this room . erica : they have a point , kendall . kendall : no , i will not be pawed . erica : well , that just proves that greenlee is right . you 're faking this pregnancy . [ scene_break ] jack : you know , i 've got a great idea . why do n't you just turn around and leave ? david : as a taxpayer , i own part of this building . jack : hayward , you are not needed here . david : i 'm here for moral support . jack : well , now , you 'd have to have morals for that , would n't you ? david : what is erica going to say on the witness stand ? jack : wait -- whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . now , you agreed to go along with this . erica 's going to do what she has to do , and if you try to stop her , next thing you know , my friend , you may find yourself on trial . [ scene_break ] livia : has anybody seen my client ? bianca : kendall 's missing ? kendall : well , congratulations , greenlee . not everyone can manipulate the mighty erica kane . erica : no one manipulates me . greenlee : do n't distract us , kendall . kendall : but you and my mother joining ranks -- that 's -- that 's great . the wedding wrecker and the wreckee . do n't you think that 's a miracle ? mia : the miracle 's going to be if you 're really pregnant . simone : you know , i think we should leave . greenlee : not yet . simone : look , we asked . kendall refused . forcing her is not the way to go . mia : oh , she 's made it the only way . kendall : miracle number two -- simone is the voice of reason for a change . you should listen to her . greenlee : and let you continue this baby charade ? erica : look , kendall , why do n't you make it easy on yourself ? why do n't you just give us some proof ? greenlee : look on the bright side . we prefer to think of you as some greedy , power - mad liar . someone who would actually have michael cambias ' child is a hundred times worse . erica : and none of us wants to believe that . mia : you know , faking the baby does make sense , but doing the deed with michael -- it 's way too gross , even for you . kendall : even if i did let you touch the baby , how do i know you wo n't lie to everyone and tell them i 'm faking it ? simone : kendall , why would they do that ? kendall : to cause me more grief . i 'm the demon who used a rapist to get what i want -- money , power , security . greenlee hates me for taking fusion from her . mia : we just want the truth . kendall : i do n't trust you any more than you trust me . erica : well , what about me ? would -- would you trust me ? i mean , if i feel the baby , would you trust me to tell the truth ? kendall : well , i 'd like to be able to . erica : well , then why do n't you just put an end to everyone 's doubts right now ? kendall : all right . ok , fine . come here . no , no , no , no , no , no . i 'm not up for a group grope . greenlee : i 'll check it out . kendall : oh , yeah , like i � d let you lay a hand on me . erica : let me do the honors -- unless you wo n't take my word for it . mia : well , it 's ok by me . greenlee ? greenlee : be my guest . kendall : ok , mother . you want to feel michael � s child ? go right ahead . greenlee : well ? i was right , was n't i ? she 's not pregnant . erica : how could you ? part of me wanted to believe that this just was n't possible , that even you could n't be this low and this vile . she 's carrying that monster 's baby . kendall : see ? you satisfied ? i 'm the satanic slut that you thought i was . is n't that great ? now everybody can go back to thinking the absolute worst of me . so why do n't you -- ryan : so why do n't you move along and demonize another pregnant woman , preferably one that does n't have a murder trial to worry about ? greenlee : this was all her doing . kendall : oh , right . i was n't getting enough abuse , so i just begged you to heap it on . livia : kendall , good -- pardon us , people . we have a judge and a jury waiting . kendall : well , thanks for the entertainment , the love and the support . erica : well , i guess we got what we wanted , even though it was n't what we wanted to hear . mia : oh , god . how could this be , huh ? how ? simone : kendall 's really pregnant . mia : oh , god . i feel ill . i 'm leaving . simone : yeah , i 'm with you . greenlee ? greenlee : thanks , but i 'm going to stick around . [ door closes ] greenlee : can i explain ? ryan : explain how you continue to hammer kendall over and over again ? i know it by heart . greenlee : i 've lost my company and a woman who used to be one of my few friends . please , ryan . i ca n't lose you , too . [ scene_break ] jack : great work , livia . livia : thanks , but we have some damning testimony coming up that could really hurt us . jack : yeah , it could . on the other hand , sometimes a gift falls into your lap when you least expect it . alan : so , the fibers found in the duffle bag came from one of kendall hart � s dresses . did this dress have any particular importance ? man : ms. hart was -- livia : objection , your honor . we would prefer that ms. hart be referred to by her legal name , mrs. cambias . judge : so ordered . continue , mr. singer . alan : detective tanner , you were saying about mrs. cambias ' dress ? det . tanner : it was the dress she was seen wearing the night mr. cambias disappeared . alan : your honor , we ask these photos be entered into evidence as exhibits 19 and 20 . judge : so ordered . alan : now , detective tanner , did you find anything else in the duffle bag ? det . tanner : traces of michael cambias ' blood . alan : you 're sure it was his ? det . tanner : it was an exact match with cambias ' . alan : exact , you say ? livia : your honor , we all understand the meaning of the term `` exact , `` and we can see that the blood is michael cambias ' . judge : move on , mr. singer . alan : is that all that was in the bag ? det . tanner : no , sir . there was also a revolver , .38 caliber . alan : and that is the same caliber as the murder weapon ? det . tanner : yes . michael cambias was shot with a .38 . alan : can you tell us who owns the weapon you recovered ? det . tanner : it 's registered to jackson montgomery . [ gallery murmurs ] livia : very impressive photos . and you say that these fibers recovered from the duffle bag are an exact match of these fibers which are from mrs. cambias ' dress . det . tanner : that was our conclusion . livia : but this is barely visible to the naked eye . i mean , was n't there a hunk of her dress torn off ? det . tanner : no , ma'am , there was not . livia : well , was mrs. cambias ever in her husband 's condominium ? det . tanner : of course she was . livia : how many times ? det . tanner : i -- i could n't say . livia : well , they were involved long before they were married . is it possible that it was 100 times , 1,000 times ? det . tanner : i do n't know . livia : you do n't know . well , could you tell us about the duffle bag itself ? who did it belong to ? det . tanner : we concluded that it was mr. cambias ' . livia : you know , i frequently take my laundry to the cleaners in a pillow case . what do you use , detective tanner ? alan : objection . judge : sustained . livia : what did mr. and mrs. cambias use the duffle bag for ? det . tanner : i do n't know . livia : could laundry have been carried in it ? det . tanner : it could be . livia : and if mrs. cambias ' dress needed to go to the cleaners and it was placed in the duffle bag , would fibers possibly have been left behind ? det . tanner : it 's possible , but that -- livia : yes or no , detective . det . tanner : yes , it is possible . livia : you say you found blood in the duffle bag . a large quantity of blood , a quantity consistent with the wounds sustained by michael cambias at the time of his death ? det . tanner : we found traces . livia : traces ? what , a smear , a few drops ? det . tanner : several drops , yes . livia : and you concluded that those drops were from a spatter or they fell from a wound ? det . tanner : it was impossible to say . livia : oh . so it could 've been from a cut , say a paper cut ? det . tanner : it 's possible . livia : can you identify the person who dropped that duffle bag in the river ? det . tanner : no , i can not . livia : i have nothing further , your honor . judge : redirect , mr. singer ? alan : no , your honor . judge : you may step down . mr. singer , are you prepared to call your next witness ? alan : yes , your honor . the commonwealth calls erica kane to the stand . [ gallery buzzes ] bailiff : raise your right hand . left hand on the bible . do you solemnly swear or affirm the testimony that you 're about to give to this court is the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you god ? erica : i do . bailiff : state your full name to the court . erica : erica kane . alan : ms. kane , are you related to the defendant , kendall hart cambias ? erica : she 's my daughter . [ scene_break ] paul : what the hell is with this `` 30 million reasons `` routine ? babe : it 's what you 're trying to wring out of aunt betsy -- well , unless , of course , she finds out about our one - night marriage . paul : who told you that ? babe : well , see , tv is my greatest vice . i really ca n't resist . so i � m sitting there , and i 'm watching vh1 , and this show comes on -- `` america � s filthy , undeserving rich . `` paul : let me guess -- babe : and there was betsy cramer , as big and unpleasant as life itself . you lied to me . paul : ok , so she 's loaded . that does n't mean that i � m going to inherit her -- babe : will you just stop it ? you stand to inherit trump money if i keep my mouth shut . paul : you know , it might not even matter anymore , ok ? the old bag might even give her money to someone else . babe : and if she finds out about our marriage , that `` might `` becomes a `` definitely . `` you want to risk it ? paul : what are you after ? babe : not a slice of your inheritance pie , so just chill out . there 's this new paternity test . paul : wake up -- i � m a pilot for a medevac chopper . babe : would you just listen ? ok , it 's a state - of - the - art blood test , and it 's only done in a couple of labs in the united states and over north america . paul : and you want me to take you to one ? babe : i want you to fly up to canada and pick up the results before they 're delivered here . paul : and then what ? and then i give them to you ? babe : no , you make sure the papers say what they need to say , and then -- paul : no , you 're -- you 're trying to get me to rig your paternity test ? babe : i want you to help me stay with the man that i love , and if it means making a couple of changes on a piece of paper , if that 's going to make everyone happy , then so be it . paul : everyone is you . babe : me and my real husband and our baby . paul : or somebody 's baby . babe : lucky for you i can use my cell phone out here , because i would really hate to break any hospital rules while screwing you out of $ 30 million . let 's see -- should i call aunt dorian as a warmup to aunt betsy , or should i just call the old money bags directly ? [ scene_break ] tad : well , do n't just hover there . go ahead , do it . hit the key . delete the whole damn thing . i do n't care . better yet -- i tell you , why do n't you just pick it up and shake it like a maraca ? i could use the thrill . either way , it 's not going to stop me . krystal : oh , i 'm not going to delete anything . i am going to send me an email . tad : [ mocking krystal ] an email ! [ normal voice ] what , a chain letter , just to see if 10 saps will forward it to their friends , make somebody a bit lucky ? krystal : yeah , well , if i send this one , a lot of people are going to get lucky , and they 're all going to be named thaddeus martin . tad : yeah , well , that 'd be a neat trick considering there 's maybe a couple of us on the entire planet . krystal : yeah , well , get ready -- you 're going to have some company . i 'm going to post your full name , your address , your social security number , your phone number , and your mother 's maiden name . tad : how the hell would you know my mother 's maiden name ? jeez -- krystal : hey -- tad : that 's not funny . ok , that 's not -- there 's a law against breaking and entering , you know . krystal : yeah , well , you deserve identity theft hell for torturing babe . tad : `` torturing babe `` ? what about my sons , ok ? what about j.r. and jamie ? it does n't matter . look , krystal , i -- i got to admit , i appreciate your creativity , i really do , but all this does is prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that babe � s got some kind of secret that 's a lot more dangerous than anything i � ve stumbled across . krystal : you know , my second mistake was letting you know that babe � s real name was arabella , and my first mistake was thinking that you were some kind of righteous guy ! tad : i am a righteous guy . look , i want her to be happy . i want her to stay with j.r. for the rest of her life . krystal : you sure have a funny way of showing that ! tad : if you would just be honest with me , i would n't have to dig up anything . krystal : why should i play `` true confessions `` with you ? this is babe � s business . tad : if she has n't done anything wrong , then what does she have to hide ? krystal : my babe has never done one really bad thing in her life . yeah , sure , she 's smart . yeah , she uses what god gave her and what i taught her , and i 'm proud of her for that . tad : i did n't say you should n't be . krystal : well , i 've seen the looks of all these people in this town , being judgmental . i am not going to let you give them any more ammunition . tad : krystal , that 's not what i � m doing . krystal : oh , come on . and i can play detective just as good as you can . i bet you i can come up with a few dozen women who would be happy to get you in a room and slap you down memory lane . tad : ok , look , just -- i 'll make you a deal , all right ? i 'll make you a deal . i will stop looking into your daughter 's past the day that you are completely , 100 % honest with me . krystal : i do n't think you 're in a position to bargain , tad , so just get ready for tad martin , the cloning , part one . [ tad chuckles ] tad : yeah , you can suck on that . krystal : huh - huh . well , that buys you about 10 minutes until i can get to that next computer in the other room -- tad : hey -- krystal : and i 'll do it ! tad : enough ! come here , all right ? wait a minute . the booby - trap was one thing . this is not . it 's not cute . it 's not funny . it 's not remotely attractive . krystal : if you do n't like what i � m doing , good ! get a taste of what i 'm feeling ! tad : in spite of everything that you are -- krystal : i 'm an easy mark , some dumb hick who 's not going to stand up for my own daughter ? you make me sick . simone : wow . whew ! as you would say , `` i � ll just pretend that i � m carrying a white flag and carry on . `` please , go on . tad : simone , i 'm sorry . i 'm kind of busy . simone : yeah . well , you obviously are going at it . is there anything i can get you before i go ? maybe an energy bar or a band - aid ? krystal : you can drop by later and help him clean up . simone : oh , that would be my pleasure . oh , and let me remind you -- you were at `` you make me sick ! `` have fun . [ door closes ] krystal : that woman is about as subtle as a sumo wrestler . is that your type -- the type you like to do and ditch , huh ? tad : none of your business . why do n't we just stay on the subject . krystal : oh , this is the subject . you 're so wrapped up in babe and jamie � s love life because yours is so pathetic ! tad : oh , well , that 's rich . all this and more from a trucker 's pinup girl . krystal : oh , listen , any man i go after is a real man . you 're all attached to this kid bimbo because you ca n't deal with a woman who 's your equal . [ scene_break ] liza : sit down , join me . mia : could you make that a double ? ok , now why order a bloody mary and let the tomato juice delay the buzz ? liza : well , whatever it is , it ca n't be that bad . mia : we know for sure that kendall is pregnant . liza : that 's not news . mia : no . the news flash is that aidan could be the father . [ scene_break ] alan : ms. kane , where did mr. montgomery keep his gun ? erica : in his safe . alan : and do you have the combination to the safe ? erica : yes . yes . alan : who else has the combination ? erica : well , i ca n't really say for sure . alan : did n't you tell police that mrs. cambias had the combination ? erica : your honor , i really -- i must confess -- some of what i told the police was n't exactly true . [ gallery buzzes ] alan : you said that you had given the combination of mr. montgomery 's safe to your daughter , kendall hart cambias . is that true ? erica : yes , yes , it is . alan : so , mrs. cambias had the combination and access to mr. montgomery 's safe prior to her husband 's murder ? erica : yes , she did . alan : no further questions . livia : ms. kane , i ca n't resist . what did you tell the police that was n't exactly true ? alan : i object , your honor . relevance . livia : your honor , are n't the lies told to the police of relevance to us all ? judge : answer the question , ms. kane . erica : this is just completely embarrassing . mr. mccoy , i � m so sorry if i misled you and derek -- chief frye . but i was under just so much pressure , and i was scared . we all were . i mean , i had the combination to jack � s safe , and the gun was missing , and michael cambias was dead . and everyone knew how much i hated him . so i told the police that i was in bed with dr. david hayward -- [ gallery gasps ] erica : the night that michael cambias supposedly was murdered . i needed an alibi , so i lied . i did n't have an alibi . please -- please do n't hold this against me . please . [ gallery buzzes ] [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : order . order . continue , ms. frye . livia : so , ms. kane , you are telling this court that neither you nor dr. hayward had an alibi for the night michael cambias was allegedly murdered ? alan : objection . this has no bearing on the case against kendall cambias . judge : overruled . livia : i have nothing further , your honor . judge : mr. singer , redirect ? alan : not at this time , your honor . judge : you may step down , ms. kane . erica : your honor , i am terribly sorry for any trouble i may have caused . i just was n't thinking . and the police -- they were just so terrifying , and they clearly wanted to blame someone for michael cambias ' murder , and i just -- i was in a panic . judge : that will be all , ms. kane . jurors , you will disregard the last part of ms. kane 's statement . this court will take a brief recess . bailiff , please escort the jurors out . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise ! erica : warned you not to cross me , mccoy . kendall : thank you , mother . [ scene_break ] ryan : so you 're finished with kendall , you 're going to leave her alone ? greenlee : what else can i do ? she 's knocked up . ryan : well , that did n't stop you from hassling her before . greenlee : erica felt the little devil child . what choice do i have ? i mean , there goes my mission in life -- proving that kendall � s faking so i can get fusion back . kept my mind off pablo . ryan : well , before you know it , you 'll find a new project to latch on to . greenlee : maybe i 'll just haunt courtrooms , watch trials . ryan : why , are you thinking of following jackson � s footsteps ? greenlee : guess weirder things have happened . me cross - examining witnesses ? ryan : they would n't stand a chance . greenlee : what about your testimony , mr. lavery ? was it the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth ? ryan : that is what i swore to tell . greenlee : so you do love kendall . ryan : god help me . greenlee : hmm , he better . ryan : well , i did n't expect you to approve . greenlee : i do n't have to , but i do want you to be happy . ryan : just not with kendall . greenlee : whatever 's gone down with kendall and me , i 'll always be your friend , ryan . ryan : i appreciate that . greenlee : and as your friend , i can honestly say that i ca n't see you and kendall having much of a future together . ryan : i 'll try to prove you wrong . greenlee : she 's pregnant by cambias and on trial for his murder , for god � s sake . ryan : it 's not going to be easy , but we 're going to find a way to figure it out . greenlee : well , i guess that 's all any of us can do -- find a way to be as happy as we can be . [ scene_break ] liza : i am so sorry about you and aidan . mia : what about me and aidan ? liza : well , that it 's ending this way . mia : ending ? no . uh - uh . i 'm not like you , liza . i 'm not going to let that lowlife bitch steal my man . [ scene_break ] tad : you met brooke english . you know liza colby . you mean to say you do n't think they 're my equal ? krystal : you know what ? they are pretty together . my guess is they kicked you to the curb . tad : you know , you are so determined to make me the bad guy . you have no idea how hilarious this is . krystal : oh , really ? then how come you 're spitting sparks instead of laughing ? tad : because , personally , i do n't think it 's very funny that your daughter 's hanging on to a secret that could tear my family apart . so i � ll tell you what , krystal carey -- you go ahead and do anything you have to because i � m not going to let that happen . krystal : you know what ? if you would just butt out , everything would be just peachy ! tad : i 'll butt out the day you show me proof positive that babe � s defused the h - bomb she 's got stashed in her closet ! krystal : there is no secret , ok ? so why do n't you just back off , or i � m going to do something you 're going to regret . tad : oh , you 're going to do something ? ellie mae , you 're no match for me . krystal : oh , you are in for one humongous , unpleasant surprise , mr. martin . tad : what are you going to do ? call up one of your boyfriends , huh ? one of your real men that sucks down steaks and chews on nachos and trims his fingernails with a chain saw ? does n't scare me any more than you do . krystal : i do n't have to hide behind any man . tad : you 'd better come up with something , because if you cross swords with me , you wo n't stand a chance . krystal : oh . oh , you are on my list , let me tell you , and that is going to be one uncomfortable place to be . you are going to regret this . tad : i 'll tell you what -- you take my name , you put it right at the top of that list , and then you underline it . krystal : oh , you are asking for it . tad : bring it on . [ scene_break ] liza : what do you mean , you 're not like me ? mia : oh , my god . you know what i mean -- with tad . liza : what with tad ? mia : you know , you want him , but anytime he 's around another woman , it 's like you wilt into nothingness and you just creep away . liza : wait -- i do n't creep . mia : yeah , you do . liza : that 's ridiculous . mia : you -- anytime that tad is within 20 feet of simone or krystal , it 's `` goodbye , liza . `` everybody 's seen it -- me , marian , everybody . liza : what do you mean , you and marian ? what are you doing ? are you dishing me behind my back ? mia : well , yes , we are , ok ? what else is family for ? liza : it 's , maybe , to be supportive . mia : oh -- to let you know when you 're screwing up your life . liza : i 'm not screwing up my life . i 'm not screwing up -- mia : you 're sitting on the sidelines ! liza : oh . mia : damn it , do you want to be alone ? is that what you want ? liza : no , of course i do n't want to be alone . i want someone to share my life with . mia : oh , `` someone `` ? someone , just some guy . liza : tad . tad , i -- yeah , i want -- well , you -- are you happy ? i -- i want -- i want tad -- every hysterical , exasperating inch of him . mia : good . so what are you doing ? go after him ! liza : go after him ? what am i going to do , go tie him up and just drag him home ? it takes two people to have a relationship , mia . mia : you and tad -- you guys were an item when you guys were kids . you were . and even more recently , there 's been action . you know there has been . you two shake -- you two shake each other up in a good way , like me and aidan . i am not going to sit around and hand the life that i deserve to some other woman . i 'm just not going to do that , and neither should you . [ scene_break ] singer : every day a shade of blue you wo n't believe what i � m going through it just feels like i ca n't afford to let myself go no oh , no everyone is just the same they touch me but i ca n't say there has been no one brighter than you i ca n't deny these things that i do feels like the world 's at stake 'cause i have been waiting i have been waiting for you heavenly that 's what you are you burn in me like a shining star how am i supposed to be that king without you ? oh , oh , oh it 's true , yeah everyone is just the same they love me but i ca n't say there has been no one brighter than you i ca n't deny these things that i do feels like the world 's at stake 'cause krystal : wait . wait , wait , wait , wait ! singer : i have been waiting i have been waiting for you krystal : ok . [ scene_break ] paul : so you 're going to call my aunt dorian . babe : unless you see to it to doing the right thing . paul : what are you waiting for ? call her . of course , you know , you tell her that you and i got married , and i get to tell j.r. that you never got it annulled . it 'll be just as bad for you as it is for me , if not worse . babe : oh , you think so ? paul : j.r. � s a pretty volatile guy , and you told him we were done . babe : we are . paul : you should 've gotten those papers filed . babe : speaking of papers , why do n't we talk about these paternity test papers ? paul : put the phone away , all right ? we both know you ca n't blow me out of the water without taking you down with me . babe : i need this fixed , paul . paul : it 's too risky . play the odds . there is a chance it 's j.r. � s baby , right ? you told me that he 's probably the father . damn it , babe , did you lie about this , too ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : what else is there to say except good luck , ryan . i hope you get everything you want . ryan : well , i 'm glad we can still be friends . greenlee : you going back into court ? ryan : yeah . come on . greenlee : no , not me . kendall would n't want me in there , not right now . ryan : well , maybe you can use the extra time to find a new project . greenlee : hmm . [ door closes ] greenlee : i 'll find something , all right . [ scene_break ] erica : i was just making good on my word . maybe you can learn something from this . kendall : yeah . bianca : mom , you should n't have done that . reggie : next time , i think you should just take the fifth . jack : you were absolutely wonderful , and that jury was completely sympathetic . erica : they were , were n't they ? jack : yes , they were . erica : poor terrified me . i needed an alibi , and the police were just scary . reggie : now the world knows you 're not knocking boots with dr. haywire over there . bianca : you know , the judge told the jury to disregard everything you said about being terrified that the police were going to try to pin michael � s murder on you . jack : it does n't matter . once a jury hears a thing like that , it sticks , believe me . david : this better not come back to bite me in the backside . jack : well , you know what , david ? if you 're innocent , you should n't have anything to worry about . bianca : will this save kendall ? jack : it will help , believe me . ryan : so wait a minute -- erica pointed her finger at herself to take the heat off of you ? kendall : yeah , yeah . i could n't believe it . and then before with greenlee and the fusionites , she helped me with them , too -- unless -- unless she felt this thing and actually thought it was for real . ryan : hey . hey , would i buy you a cheap pregnancy pillow ? i spring for the best , all right ? kendall : yeah , well , my compliments to miss philly � s baby shop . ryan : i 'll pass it along . kendall : so , where 's greenlee ? did she decide to torment someone else the rest of the afternoon ? ryan : it 's like you won the lottery . greenlee 's not going to bother you ever again . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee lets herself into kendall � s condo and starts looking around . ] greenlee : let the treasure hunt begin . where are the prenatal vitamins ? the same place as the baby clothes and the toys kendall could n't resist buying -- no place . datebook . yes . let 's see . october -- nothing . nothing in november or december or even this month -- not a single ob - gyn appointment . kendall 's no more pregnant than i am . not one sign of � [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , god ! liza : tad ? tad ? [ scene_break ] paul : babe , how many other guys have you been sleeping with ? babe : just one . paul : oh , yeah . forget it -- you 're on your own on this one . babe : wait , wait , wait . please , paul , you ca n't go ! paul : get this -- i do n't give a damn whose kid you 're having , ok ? babe : you know what ? get this -- you 're going to give a damn if you find out the baby is yours . [ scene_break ] alan : do you recognize this gun , mr. montgomery ? jack : looks like one i own . alan : it is , in fact , registered to you . jack : well , then , i guess , in fact , it is my gun . alan : where did you keep this gun ? jack : in my apartment in a locked safe . alan : and when was the last time you used this gun ? jack : i do n't recall . alan : do you know where this gun was found ? jack : according to the police , it was found in a duffle bag that they fished out of the river . alan : and do you have any idea how the gun got there ? jack : no , none at all . that gun was stolen from me . it was taken from my safe . alan : hmm . when did you notice the gun was missing ? jack : i do n't remember . alan : and who had the combination to that safe ? jack : well , i did , of course , and ms. kane as well . but i did n't give the combination to anyone else . alan : but you heard ms. kane testify that she gave the combination to the defendant , kendall cambias . jack : yes , i heard that . alan : i want you to try to remember when you discovered the gun was n't where you thought it was . did you have an occasion to open the safe prior to or on the night of august 28 ? jack : the night michael cambias was supposedly shot ? alan : that is correct . jack : well , it could n't have been that night . i went nowhere near my safe , nor did i use my gun . i used a .38 i took from the police evidence room instead . [ gallery reacts ] [ next_on ] greenlee : i need the number for miss philly � s baby shop . babe : if you will just relax and do things my way , we could both get what we want . kendall : you 're not going to confess to michael � s murder , are you ? tad : what exactly is it you want ? liza : i want you . | greenlee , mia and simone corner kendall and ask if they can feel her pregnant belly , she tells them she wants them to leave her alone . they remind her that if she 's lying about her pregnancy it will ruin her case , but she should trust her friends knowing they would not judge her for doing that as much as they would if they actually believed she 'd have a baby with michael cambias . erica enters the room and tells kendall she agrees . erica feels kendall 's belly and `` acts `` to the others as though she is disgusted with her daughter for knowing that she 'd conceive a baby with that monster . singer gets witnesses to incriminate kendall , while livia cross - examines them and establishes reasonable doubt . |
erica : yes , this is erica kane . warren davis , please . yes , it 's erica kane , and -- well , it 's considering the money that i employ him to take care of . all right . just ask him to call again . i 've been calling him . thank you . what happened ? where 's pam ? val : she 's in the control room . she lost today 's guest . erica : well , someone needs to go find him . val : well , you 're going to have 20 minutes of dead airspace unless she can fill that space fast . erica : well , i hope you 're not including me in that description . val : well , why do n't you just talk to the camera for 20 minutes -- nobody does it better . erica : as a matter of fact , you can tell pam that i 've got a better idea . val : all right , ms. kane . jack : how are you ? excuse me . i need to talk to you , it 's important . erica : yes , of course , absolutely . but first , jack , i have a tiny little favor to ask you . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , we need to have those rates by the end of this week . yeah , just tell him that campbell 's is sponsoring . it 's going to be a charity fashion show , tons of publicity , and celebrities eating his food . ok , bye . babe : hey , i have more designer submissions -- is this a bad time ? kendall : i 'm going to be swamped anyway , so let me see them . babe : ok . kendall : actually , that 's -- that 's really good . babe : mm - hmm . kendall : uh -- no . no ! that 's too 1980s -- and not in a good way . no , no , no . yes , actually , i like that . babe : great . i 'll set up some meetings . kendall : good job , babe , good going . babe : well , it 's nice to have you back , boss . kendall : thank you . amanda : kendall ? kendall : yes ? amanda : i have those dj mixes you asked for . kendall : ok , you can just add them to the pile . and you know what ? tell tommy that if he tries to sell us that stupid sound system one more time , i will have zach break his knees . they 're poker buddies -- relax . amanda : i do n't know how you do it . kendall : do what ? amanda : you just go right back to running a company after everything that 's happened ? kendall : oh , well , compared to what my family has been through , this is like a day off . wait a minute , where is it ? babe : what ? amanda : what , did you lose something ? kendall : yeah -- um -- it 's -- it 's this thing that i -- that i wrote when zach was gone . it does n't really mean anything to anyone but me , but where could it be ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : they liked the book ? they `` loved `` the book ? oh , my god , that 's great . i told you , kendall 's story -- it 's the stuff . oh , can you tell your rep to wait for me ? i want to be there when she hears she 's getting published . ok , see ya . ooh . i wish i did n't have to leave . aidan : and where do you think you 're going ? greenlee : got to get to fusion -- big news . aidan : oh . big news , huh ? great . well , you can tell me on the way to the hospital . greenlee : oh , that again ? ca n't we do it later ? aidan : no . greenlee : but i feel fine today . aidan : greenlee , i 'm not going to argue with you about this , all right ? greenlee : i know , i know -- i promised you . aidan : no , you promised zach . he 's the one you promised . [ scene_break ] zach : hit me . nice . thank you . hey . ryan : hey . zach : you here to play ? ryan : sure . zach : no , it 's on me . ryan : oh , great , thank you . zach : all right , blackjack . what 's going on here ? perfect . ryan : how do you do it , zach ? i mean , come on , some things never change . what did you do , stack the deck ? zach : nah , i 'm just lucky -- i could say the same for you . ryan : ah . zach : josh said you wanted to talk to me . ryan : yes . did he tell you why ? zach : well , he said you liquidated all your assets , and you want to start a charity . how can i help ? ryan : you could match me dollar for dollar , and we could change the world together . [ scene_break ] angie : your brother 's ok for now . um -- i had to trach him earlier , but he 's stable . how am i doing ? um -- that 's a complicated question right now , honey . no , no , cassandra , i do n't need you to come here . let 's just see how your brother does in the next few days . yeah , i 'll tell him . i love you , too . bye- bye . hi , baby . frankie : cassie -- angie : your sister sends her love -- and she also wanted me to tell you that she is `` wickedly pissed `` at you for not telling anyone where you were . frankie : yeah , i can hear her saying that . angie : your white count is still very low . how 's your throat ? frankie : sore . angie : you stopped breathing , frankie . frankie : i know -- emergency trach . i had to do one myself on a guy in basra . there were n't any medics around so i just did it . the guy died anyway . angie : well , my son 's not going to die . you hear that , frankie ? are you listening to me ? [ scene_break ] annie : oh -- this does n't make us friends , richie . i agreed to get tested to see if my bone marrow can be a match for yours , and that 's as far as it goes for me . richie : so why are you doing it ? annie : does it really matter to you ? richie : let 's say it does . annie : i 'm doing it for ryan . richie : well , that just came from way out in left field . annie : not that he really cares about you one way or the other , but ryan cares about life , richie , and making a positive contribution to it . ryan feels like he got a second chance , and other people deserve one , too . richie : so in this new spirit of giving , you 're going to let me have my second chance ? that 's sweet . annie : mock me all you want -- i would n't expect anything less from you . richie : look , sis , whatever -- whatever the reason , i am grateful . you 're going to safe my life -- thank you . i -- it does n't matter why . annie : ok , well , do n't get ahead of yourself . i agreed to take the test , but if you actually want me to save your life , there are a few conditions we need to clear off the table first . [ scene_break ] zach : that 's a lot of dollars . ryan : oh , you 've never had any trouble making money . zach : i 've had trouble holding on to it lately . ryan : i heard about that . what happened last night with adam ? zach : not my finest moment . ryan : does that really bust you up -- losing chandler enterprises back to -- zach : nothing to do with that . but there was some damage , and josh is putting out fires . cambias to a hit , so it 's -- ryan : you will bounce back , you always bounce back . you 're zach slater , for god sakes , you got to bounce back . zach : double down . ryan : oh . dealer : sorry , boss . ryan : ouch . hit me . zach : thanks again for everything you did for kendall . ryan : oh , well , listen it 's -- anybody would 've done what i did , zach . zach : well , anybody might say that they would , but you did . so anything i have is yours . ryan : i was really hoping you would say that . thank you very much , my friend . zach : you get your charity set up , and we 'll let the accountants out of the cage and let them earn their money . ryan : great , perfect . that is very good news , but this -- this is going to take more than just money . i mean , i want you . i want your time and your commitment in this , as well . zach : sure , you got it . ryan : really ? zach : uh - huh . ryan : great . so , how do you feel about spending the next three months in africa ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : where did that come from ? aidan : where did what come from ? greenlee : `` i promised zach , not you , i 'd go to the hospital today . `` aidan : well , yeah . i mean , i 'm just stating the facts . greenlee : no , you 're not . you 're mad because you 've been telling me to do this for days , and i 'm only doing it now . aidan : right , because zach told you . greenlee : you see , i knew it -- you are mad . aidan : i 'm not mad , greenlee , i 'm just -- i 'm just curious as to what magical powers of persuasion the man has that makes you finally want to take care of yourself . greenlee : he does n't , aidan . it was just time , that 's all . i could n't keep lying to myself anymore about something being wrong -- or lie to you . aidan : i just -- i want you to go to the hospital , all right ? it does n't matter to me who gets you there . greenlee : yeah , it does . i 'm sorry . i am . aidan : listen , i know you and zach got close in that bomb shelter , but you 're not down there by yourselves anymore , all right ? you 're up here with me , and i care about you very much . greenlee : i know . will you take me to the hospital ? [ scene_break ] jack : erica , i am not going to do your show , end of story , but i do need to talk to you . erica : and you will , just on national television . jack : oh , my god , this is so familiar . erica : it is , is n't it ? just like old times . oh , your fans are going to be so happy . jack : `` my fans `` ? erica : your fans . they have never forgiven us for ending `` he said , she said `` so abruptly . jack : yeah , listen to me , i do n't like being ambushed like this , you know that . erica : great , and we can talk about that , too . jack : i do n't want to be on television ! listen to me . i do n't know what part of that is so unclear to you . i do n't want to do this . erica : look , jack , i really need you to do this for me -- and you know you 're going to do it anyway . so why do n't we save all this fabulous energy for on camera , ok ? [ theme plays ] [ cheers and applause ] [ scene_break ] amanda : i found some old layouts from enchantment . kendall : you guys , do n't worry about it , i 'm sure it 'll turn up . babe : oh -- oh , is this it ? kendall : let me see . amanda : what is it ? kendall : oh . um -- simone hated meetings , so she would sort of draw whatever popped into her head . i think this is supposed to be me . amanda : oh , wow . kendall : is n't that flattering ? babe : oh , yeah , sexy . kendall : ah -- i miss her . ok , you know what ? forget the papers . we have to focus now on the fashion show . amanda : yes , we need to talk about models . babe and kendall : yes . ava : `` models `` ? excuse me , am i no longer the fusion model ? kendall : `` models `` -- plural . this is not a solo act . ava : well , i do n't want to share the runway with anyone else . amanda : ah , ava , sometimes sharing is a good thing . ava : yeah , you would know . kendall : ok , guys , make sure the designers know they have to do this in red . ava : red ? babe : you know what ? i already told them , but they can be a little flaky , so i 'll shoot them an email . ava : wait , wait , why red ? kendall : uh , ava -- campbell 's , heart -- red . amanda : it 's a great color . ava : well , lily wo n't be able to come . plus , green looks so much better with my eyes and my hair and -- babe : what hair ? you 've been wearing wigs since you gave yourself a mohawk . ava : yeah , and it 's growing in , like , so much wavier . i want to get new pictures taken . kendall : oh , that 's great , that 's a great story . ok , the ava hour is over . can we please get back to work , please ? amanda : hey , wait , wait , wait . look at this . [ amanda turns on the tv ] [ cheers and applause ] erica : thank you , thank you , and welcome to `` new beginnings . `` for those of you who may not recognize this very handsome man sitting next to me -- jack : oh -- erica : this is my old friend , my ex - husband and former costar , mr. jackson montgomery . [ applause ] ava : wow , he does n't look happy to be there at all . kendall : well , she does . way to go , mom . [ scene_break ] erica : so , how are you ? jack : good , good , fine , thanks . yeah , thank you . erica : well , you out there , you should know that jack is really doing us an enormous favor by being here today , because our regularly scheduled guest had to cancel . jack : so you 're saying i 'm your second choice ? erica : no , jack , you are never my second choice . [ cheers and applause ] erica : so many out there in our audience , they have n't seen us together since the last time they saw us together on `` he said , she said , `` so why do n't we just catch everybody up ? jack : ok . erica : any time , jack . jack : you -- erica : people out there -- yeah , they 're used to tuning in seeing people talking . jack : ok , well , i 'm -- i 'm sure , as many of you know , the past several months have been very difficult for our families , erica 's and mine . um -- i 'm sure if you watch the news , you know the details . it was a time that was filled for us with a -- a lot of pain , a lot of tears , a lot of anger . erica : and a lot of love . jack : yes , and a lot of that , too . erica : and i have to say for me , the best news is -- is having come through this , we are good friends . i like to call it my `` miracle of forgiveness . `` jack : yeah , it 's -- [ applause ] jack : it 's a miracle , all right . erica : is n't it right , yes ? well , you mean that things are back to normal ? jack : well , i would n't go so far as to say that . erica : why not ? jack : well , erica , with you and me , things are never really normal . i mean , we have big ups and big downs and lots of drama -- lots and lots of drama . [ laughter ] erica : sounds very sexy to me . [ jack chuckles ] jack : you know what i mean . [ cheers and applause ] erica : yeah , i think they all know what you mean . and we will talk more about that when we come back . [ theme plays ] [ cheers and applause ] erica : oh , it 's going so well . oh , they love -- where are you going ? jack : i 'm leaving , i 'm leaving . i gave you one segment , that 's all -- no , thanks -- i 'm done -- i 'm done here , i 'm done . erica : please , jack , come on . they love you . jack : no , what -- what they love is you using me as straight man -- i make a statement , you come back with a snappy rejoinder , and you bring down the house . erica : oh , you 're just a little rusty , that 's all , but really , you 're going to get back to it . jack : i do n't want to get back to it , erica . erica : well , we 'll talk about that later , ok , because right now we are back . [ theme plays ] [ cheers and applause ] [ scene_break ] erica : things have never been normal between us -- jack : hmm . erica : because what fun would that be ? [ babe turns the tv off ] amanda : wow . they have still got it , do n't they ? babe : well , i would n't want to sit there discussing our life on national tv with my ex . ava : well , it 's just business , honey . i mean , if someone paid me , i 'd pretty much do anything with an ex . amanda : i 'm sure you have . kendall : yeah , you know what ? my mom and jack , they just have this connection that will never go away , no matter what or who comes between them -- which is usually me and greenlee . babe : well , if they can survive you two , they can survive anything . amanda : well , i do n't give a crap about strong connections . when i 'm done with someone , i 'm done -- no phone calls , no -- ava : no booty calls ? amanda : no nothing . i actually do this thing on my cell phone where i reprogram his number to another number . ava : like what ? amanda : anything -- a pizza shop , a friend , someone who will set me straight . babe : hmm . that 'll be the day . amanda : excuse me ? babe : oh , did i say something ? ava : hey , are you still mad at her for what she did to j.r. ? kendall : well , of course , she is . we 're all pissed at her . i mean , it was a horrible thing to do . amanda : and i apologized , ok ? babe : yeah -- after you banked a few million dollars of adam 's money . ava : whoa , whoa , it -- it was that much ? amanda : what do you want to do ? you want to draw blood ? kendall : you guys , amanda 's right . she did apologize , and there is not one woman in this room -- including me -- who has n't done something as bad or worse . now , the subject was exes . babe : well , it 's a whole nother story when there 's a child involved . ava : yet another reason why i 'll never breed . babe : i mean , you 're always going to have a connection to that person , because you 're parents first , so you ca n't just turn them into a pizzeria . amanda : well , excuse my sorry , childless self . ava : i would have beautiful babies , but i just ca n't imagine throwing my whole career away . kendall , how do you do it ? kendall : coffee and a very amazingly understanding husband . ava : no , i mean you 're friendly with all your exes . kendall : what do you mean ? amanda : like ryan ? i mean , here you were engaged to the guy more than once , and now you guys are like best buds -- you even work with his wife . kendall : yeah , but , i mean , ryan and me ? that was a long time ago . babe : yeah , what about greenlee ? ava : whoa , greenlee was an ex ? that 's kind of hot , actually . kendall : no , false , no , she -- ok , you know what ? i am officially sick of this subject . babe : only because it 's your turn . kendall : i am the boss . amanda : ooh . well , then we 're the boss - ettes . babe : ok , kendall and greenlee did n't have a thing , ava . she was talking about aidan . ava : aidan ? amanda : ah , right , were n't you guys hot and heavy a couple years ago ? [ scene_break ] richie : so now there are conditions ? annie : that 's right . i 'm giving you something precious , i 'm going to need a little something in return . richie : i 'm dying , sis , ok ? it 's not a lie , it 's not a game , it 's a fact -- i might not even make it to the transplant . so if this is just a little tease , let 's not waste each other 's time . annie : you want me to go ? i 'll go . richie : what the hell do you want ? annie : i want you to disappear , richie . i want you to get well and move as far away from me and my family as you possibly can , and i never want to see you again . richie : well , what would you like me to do ? you want me to write it in blood ? annie : no , just a pen -- on this . i want what you promised me that day in the psych ward . i want you to confess all of your sins -- for real this time . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you were helping adam chandler ? angie : well , i 'm the specialist that joe martin called in to take a look at your case . greenlee : i did n't know i needed a specialist . angie : listen , we have another patient here with some irregularities in his blood that match yours , which is why it 's so important you 're here now . greenlee : what are his symptoms ? angie : well , there have been a mixture of things -- fatigue , trouble swallowing , stomach pains . is this familiar ? how are you feeling now ? greenlee : better . aidan : uh - uh . greenlee : i -- i really am . i really am . it 's just last night , not so good . angie : all right , listen , we 're going to start you off on some new antibiotics , see how you respond . greenlee : could i see this patient -- you know , maybe compare notes ? angie : uh -- he had a rough night . greenlee : i promise i wo n't stay long . angie : all right , i 'll take you in to see frankie . greenlee : `` frankie `` ? angie : the patient -- he 's also my son . aidan : quentin ? angie : frankie 's middle name is quentin . greenlee : you know him ? aidan : yeah , so do you . quentin -- or frankie -- was the one that helped us pull you and zach out of the hole . i brought him here when he was sick . hey . how you doing , man ? greenlee : i do n't remember even seeing you , i was so out of it , frankie . thank you . thank you for saving my life . frankie : he saved mine . angie : what 's that ? aidan : i brought quentin here -- i mean frankie -- when -- when he did n't -- he did n't want to come , so i brought him here against his will . he was n't very happy about it . i thought it was a stomach problem . angie : it is , among other things . but listen , thank you . greenlee : i 'm sorry you 're so sick . angie : listen , come here . there 's no need to panic , greenlee . greenlee : what happened to his throat ? angie : i had to give frankie an emergency tracheotomy last night . greenlee : oh , god -- `` do n't panic `` ? angie : which does not mean that you will require the same . now , having you two in the same place will let us monitor the illness until we can determine the cause of it . greenlee : you mean before it kills us ? greenlee : i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry , i 'm just a little freaked out right now . specialists , unknown diseases -- all makes me a little nervous . aidan : is everything all right ? greenlee : you tell me , dr. hubbard -- is it ? angie : i was trying to explain to your -- greenlee : oh , he -- he 's not my husband -- i mean , you know , i love him -- angie : listen , we want to check greenlee into the hospital and run a battery of tests to see if we can pinpoint the origin of this problem . now , you say frankie helped you out of what ? greenlee : my friend and i fell into an old , abandoned bomb shelter , and we were trapped for weeks . aidan : when i found quentin camping out in the woods , he helped us find them . angie : wait -- wait a minute . frankie was living in the -- i -- i want to go out there . aidan : sure , whatever you want . angie : all right , listen , in the meantime , we should get you started -- and i 'll also need blood samples of anyone else who spent time in this area . aidan : well , there is -- there 's zach , right ? angie : slater ? aidan : yeah , do you know him ? angie : not really , but i -- i have seen him in action . greenlee : well , kendall was with you for a long time , right ? angie : so we 'll -- we 'll test her and get the samples to the cdc , as well . listen , we really should get you going . greenlee : the cdc ? oh , my god . aidan : hey -- greenlee : oh , my god . aidan : listen , one soldier to another , how bad is it ? frankie : it 's bad . real bad . [ scene_break ] ava : you and aidan were a couple ? oh , my god , i so did not know that . kendall : no , no , no , we were not a couple , ok ? i mean , he was a blip -- i barely remember it . amanda : aidan ? ok , i 'm sorry , those eyes and that sexy accent -- it 's not something you forget . kendall : ok , all right , you know what , guys ? um -- as your boss , i 'm officially ordering all of you little boss - ettes to get back to work . amanda : come on . kendall : please . babe : boo . kendall : now , uh , annie thinks that we should have a silent auction , and i think it 's a great idea . babe : ooh -- i can get zoë to send us some signed cds . kendall : good , good . amanda : maybe campbell 's has some `` go red `` merchandise we can use ? kendall : ok . ava : and i think we should auction off some ava underwear . amanda : what ? that 's disgusting . babe : no . kendall : no . ava : new , new -- signed , even . kendall : oh , signed ? that 's fancy . amanda : my god . so gross . woman : hello ? kendall : uh -- can we help you ? if -- if you 're a vendor , this is n't really a good time . woman : i 'm here to see the author . babe : `` author `` ? woman : of our new romance novel -- `` charm , `` by kendall hart ? [ scene_break ] zach : africa , huh ? ryan : i 've already talked to jamie martin , and , you know , he 's down there working with doctors without borders and he says that they need every single able body that -- that they can get right now . zach : yeah , well , i 'm -- i 'm not a doctor , and i hate to break it to you , but you 're not , either , so i -- ryan : well , luckily , we still have a lot of skills that they can utilize down there , like fundraising skills and organization skills . zach : mm - hmm , have you talked to annie about this ? ryan : not specifically about this , but she is behind me 100 % . zach : living in africa -- she 's ok with that ? ryan : this is going to be an adventure for all of us . we 're going to be down there doing something positive . it 's going to be fantastic . i have a very good feeling about this , zach . zach : what about emma ? is she part of this adventure ? ryan : absolutely . why not ? zach : ok , well , i 'm not . i 'm not going to do it , i 've had enough adventure for a while . ryan : really ? you wo n't even consider it ? zach : sure . i have -- i 'm not doing it . it 's not going to happen . you should consider what you 're doing to other people 's lives -- i mean , you 're really creating a problem . ryan : i do n't see it like that at all , zach . zach : so what do you see ? what about spike and kendall ? are they going , as well ? i mean , have you talked to kendall about that -- probably not , right ? come on , man , i understand it , you 're -- you 're grateful , you want to show gratitude , i get it . ryan : i am grateful , i 'm grateful for everything . zach : fine . but slow down a little bit . you know , you 're making all these plans -- wait a couple of weeks . ca n't change the world overnight . [ scene_break ] richie : all my sins in black and white , huh ? that is clever . is this ryan 's concoction or did you come up with it on your own ? annie : ryan does n't know anything about this . richie : hmm . well , see , the problem is if i did confess , then you 'd have more than enough ammo to send me back to jail -- that is the idea , is n't it , annie ? it 's a good show . you 're more like me than you know . annie : the one thing i will never be is someone like you , richie . richie : do n't be so sure of that , sweetheart . the gene pool on the novak side 's a little sketchy . annie : i do n't want you to go back to jail , richie , and i do n't really care where you choose to spend the rest of your miserable life as long as it 's nowhere near me . but you 're right -- if you do break your promise and bother me again , i might give that little confession to the police . call it insurance . richie : i call it crap . annie : well , those are my terms . take it or leave it . nurse : mrs. lavery ? are you ready to start your tests ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm not delusional , zach , all right ? i am just trying to make up for all the time that i 've wasted stuffing money into a bank and just watching it grow . zach : all right , i 'm just -- i would like for you to consider other people 's feelings and their lives . i mean , look at your wife , for instance . annie 's a smart woman . she 's not -- ryan : i know how smart my wife is , zach . i do n't need you to tell me that , all right ? zach : do n't get pissed at me , because i do n't agree with your travel plans . ryan : i 'm not pissed about that . i 'm pissed because you 're being condescending right now . you know what i think right now ? i think by believing that i 'm nuts , it keeps you nice and comfortable and detached , and you can just sit back and write a check and think that everything is fine -- that 's what i think . zach : maybe we should stop now . let 's stop right now before it gets personal -- can we do that ? ryan : it already is . [ scene_break ] aidan : how 'd you do ? greenlee : i did very well . angie : other than a slightly elevated heart rate , she 's right -- she did surprisingly well . i mean , there is still some weakness , because of past respiratory difficulties and organ strain , but otherwise she 's in surprisingly good shape . greenlee : that 's good , right ? it means i can go home . angie : nice try . greenlee : fine , i 'll stay . aidan : oh , well , that 's -- that 's awfully nice of you . greenlee : but i need to get to fusion first . angie : fusion cosmetics ? aidan : she owns the company . greenlee : with kendall , and someone 's coming -- a meeting i set up that no one really knows about . angie : greenlee , i 'm sorry to be the bad guy , but no . you need to check in and stay . aidan : she 's right , honey . greenlee : fine . angie : all right , i 'll have one of the nurses do your paperwork . greenlee : ok . angie : oh , i want to get your blood draw now , too . aidan : sure . see you , frankie . listen , what 's so important about this meeting at fusion , huh ? [ scene_break ] kendall : the `` author `` kendall hart ? well , i 'm kendall , but i 'm -- i 'm no author . woman : trust me , you are . kendall : uh -- no , no . i 've never written anything . woman : well , i need to find the kendall who did , because everyone at hyperion is dying to meet her . babe : oh , kendall , this is so exciting . kendall : no , it 's not because it 's not happening , ok ? i never wrote anything , and i sure as hell never turned anything in . amanda : now i 'm confused . kendall : yeah , join the club . woman : does this ring a bell ? `` he moved closer to her . his lips were on hers , rough and strong . `` ava : ooh , that 's hot . amanda : nice -- keep reading . kendall : oh , no , ok ? that -- this is a really big , huge mistake . there -- there 's been a mistake , ok ? that right there , what you just read -- um -- that 's a journal entry i did when my husband was missing . woman : oh , so that 's the back story . i had a bet with another editor -- she was convinced you were having an affair . kendall : no , no . ok ? you have to give that back . woman : ooh , i 'm sorry -- it 's too late . i would think you 'd be thanking your friend greenlee for sending this to us . kendall : greenlee . [ scene_break ] nurse : you can put your clothes right over there . greenlee : do you have this in any other color ? someone should 've abolished teal years ago . nurse : i 'll be right back to take your vitals . greenlee : whoo - hoo ! i 'm so out of here . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm going to kill her . amanda : huh -- did n't you already try that ? kendall : shut up , amanda . this is serious . this is -- this is an invasion of privacy . it 's -- woman : a gold mine , if you ask me . i mean , we 're already talking sequels , movie rights . ava : movies ? woman : we 've had inquiries from abroad . babe : kendall , this could be huge for fusion . amanda : no kidding . i mean , the founder of fusion writes a steamy romance novel ? kendall : no , no -- i never meant for any of these scribbles to go public . can we just -- can we just stop the presses now or -- or whatever it is that they do ? woman : if you really mean that , tell me right now . we are going to print immediately . kendall : what ? woman : the book is basically ready to go , and we have fast - tracked it for a february launch . kendall : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] erica : so , jack , i can still call you a friend ? jack : yes , erica . of course , you can . [ applause ] erica : well , that means more to me than you 'll ever know . are n't you glad he decided to stay today ? jack : oh , well , come on , folks . you know erica -- do you think i was given much in the way of a choice ? erica : well , i hope you choose to join us again tomorrow for yet another `` new beginning . `` [ theme plays ] [ cheers ] val : wow , guys , the phones were going insane . they loved it . jack : good , good . good , i 'm happy for that . it was -- actually , it was -- erica : fun ? jack : yeah , it was fun . erica : it was fun . so , what was this -- this big , important thing you needed to see me about ? jack : yeah , well , the big , important thing i needed to see you about i do n't have time to talk you about now , because i 'm late for a meeting , so -- erica : ok , well , then -- dinner ? [ scene_break ] zach : so what do we do now ? meet at the bike rack after school or -- ryan : i did n't come here to fight , zach . i just thought that -- well , it does n't really matter what i thought . zach : are you all right ? i 'm not calling you nuts -- i 'm just asking a friend a question . you ok ? ryan : i 'm fine . all right ? i 'm -- i have been getting that question a lot lately , so i 've been thinking of maybe tattooing my cat scans on my forehead , so people know that i 'm fine , and i 'm not nuts . zach : i admire your zeal , i do . ryan : just not my salesmanship , huh ? zach : not so much -- it needs a little work . ryan : all right . zach : hey -- slow down . the world and all the problems are going to be here . come on . ryan : all right . woman : oh , hi . the exit -- it 's over there . ryan : right , thank you . thanks . [ scene_break ] nurse : mrs. lavery ? annie : it 's your move , richie . either sign this paper , or i 'm out of here . good luck . richie : no , annie -- wait . [ scene_break ] jack : dinner ? erica : i 'd love to . jack : erica , i did n't say anything about dinner . erica : you said that we had to talk about something really important , and i like to discuss important things when i can relax , so 8 : 00 ? val : she 's one in a million . jack : no , i think you 're selling her short . [ scene_break ] woman : we will need to know if we could go ahead with this pretty soon . kendall : ok , i 'll let you know . thanks for stopping by . woman : it was great meeting you . kendall : you , too . greenlee : well ? did i miss it ? kendall : no , actually , greenlee , you 're right on time . hey , guys , can -- do you mind taking lunch ? babe : yeah , sure . amanda : yeah . kendall : thanks . greenlee : oh , god -- did something bad happen ? they 're not publishing the book ? kendall : no , greenlee . actually , they are publishing the book -- and i could just smack you with it . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] zach : aidan . what 's going on ? how 's greenlee ? aidan : we just checked greenlee into the hospital . zach , you need to come down here and take a blood test with kendall . zach : why ? for what ? aidan : remember quentin , that guy that helped us rescue you and greenlee from the bomb shelter ? zach : what about him ? aidan : he 's got something similar to what she does . zach , there 's something in the blood . the doctors are not sure what it is , but they think it 's related to -- to the area where we found you . zach : that place keeps following us around , does n't it ? [ scene_break ] angie : my baby , baby , baby . what were you doing out there , so far away from the people who love you ? is that what made you sick ? is that what we 're looking for , some kind of connection to this place you chose to live ? i 'll find it , frankie . [ angie kisses her son then leaves his room ] angie : god will give me the wherewithal to find it . [ next_on ] ryan : zach is concerned that i 've lost it . josh : have you ? j.r. : i think it 's time i came home . adam : i can see that , but the real question is -- why ? kendall : greenlee ? greenlee : ca n't breathe . | at fusion , kendall goes over the details of the campbell 's fashion show with amanda and babe . amanda , babe and ava begin to question kendall about her relationship with aidan . greenlee tells aidan that she is going to the hospital at the request of zach . aidan seems to resent that greenlee would n't go to the hospital for him , but she would go for zach . zach plays blackjack when ryan comes in and joins him . ryan asks zach for his financial support for the people in africa . zach agrees , but refuses to go spend three months there . kendall ca n't find the romance novel that she had been writing . one of the representatives of hyperion arrives at fusion to inform kendall that her novel will be published as soon as possible . kendall has more than a few reservations about her work being published . at the hospital , greenlee and aidan meet up with angie , who orders that greenlee be admitted and for tests to be run on her . aidan finds out from quentin that the symptoms of this disease are serious . greenlee leaves the hospital without anyone knowing . angie asks that aidan , zach , as well as , kendall be tested for this disease . annie arrives at the hospital to have tests run to see if she could be a bone marrow donor for richie on the condition that her brother agree to leave town afterwards . greenlee arrives at fusion just after the woman from the publishing house leaves . greenlee asks what had happened . kendall lets her know that she is going to be published . erica manipulates jack into going on a dinner date with her . |
[ phone rings ] j.r. : amanda , call me . it 's j.r . it 's important . pete : that 's like the third time he 's called . randi : mind your own business much ? j.r. : i 'm going to keep calling you , so you might as well answer . you 're going to have to talk to me at some point . erica : personal calls at work ? amanda : i was just deleting my messages . erica : yeah , well , delete on your own time . at work , you should be focusing on work . amanda : sorry . it wo n't happen again . oh , this shipment -- it 's already sent . i 'm just waiting for greenlee 's ok . erica : you 're waiting ? waiting ? i mean , do you see greenlee anywhere ? no . because she 's way too busy playing house with ryan . am i the only person here who puts this company ahead of her personal life ? pete : i do n't have a personal life . erica : and if you 're not careful , you wo n't have a job , either . [ scene_break ] frankie : kendall is still holding her own . there are no signs of her rejecting the heart . bianca : thank god . reese : good , that 's wonderful . is there anything else we can do ? frankie : well , you 've been doing it . being here , sitting with her , talking to her . it really helps . especially now that you 're taking over the slack . bianca : what do you mean ? frankie : well , zach has n't been in to see kendall since the transplant . i just assumed he was sick or something . bianca : oh . frankie : well , page me if you need anything . reese : all right . bianca : sure . reese : thank you . bianca : zach has n't been to see kendall since the transplant ? did you know about this ? reese : no , i had no idea . [ scene_break ] zach : is spike ready ? ryan : yeah , he 's all packed up and ready to go . spike ? zach : hey , boy . greenlee : hey . zach : did you have fun ? greenlee : fun is an understatement . we had fun to infinity and beyond . ryan : yeah , thanks for letting us have this play date . i know it was n't on the schedule . zach : well , the schedule 's pretty much out the window these days . greenlee : how 's kendall ? any change ? zach : no . greenlee : well , you should take that as a good sign . ryan : yeah , that she has n't rejected the heart . zach : we 're going to go and do some work at the casino . ryan : ok . well , hey , spike , do n't gamble away all your christmas presents , ok ? zach : see you guys later . ryan : yeah , see you . greenlee : give kendall a kiss for me . that was weird . ryan : what ? greenlee : i do n't know . zach -- something 's going on with him . [ scene_break ] annie : i 'm starting to remember more , mr. stone . but some of it really scares me . aidan : like what ? annie : i think i stabbed a woman . i think her name was erica . aidan : that 's very good that you remember , annie . but you ca n't forget what i said . annie : i wo n't . i can tell dr. sinclair that i feel scared , but i ca n't tell her about my memories . aidan : that 's right . but you can tell me anything . annie : why did i do that ? mr. stone , why did i want to hurt that woman ? aidan : because you were hurt yourself . [ scene_break ] amanda : erica , we have this covered if you want to go home . erica : i do n't have a home , thank you . besides , there 's way too much work to be done here . amanda : all right . i just thought with everything that you 've been through with josh and kendall -- erica : i 'm fine , amanda . amanda : it 's ok if you 're not . oh , what is he doing here ? erica : you took the words right out of my mouth . amanda : i 'll take care of this . j.r. , i 'm busy . j.r. : busy not calling me . i needed to check to make sure that you were ok . amanda : i 'm great . now leave . j.r. : no , not until you talk to me . erica : you want to talk ? do it elsewhere . amanda : j.r. was just leaving . j.r. : no , i 'm not going anywhere . erica : yes , you are . and you can take amanda with you . amanda : what ? no . erica : yes . you can benefit from your own advice , amanda . take the rest of the afternoon off . oh , amanda . thank you for your concern . i appreciate it . what are you staring at ? get back to work now . [ scene_break ] zach : glad you could make it . brot : is there a problem ? zach : why would you think that ? brot : i thought something with my army case would have popped up . zach : nothing to do with that . brot : so why did you want to see me ? zach : i want to offer you a job . brot : a job ? zach : yeah , here at the casino . security -- we 're going to redo the whole thing . brot : and you immediately thought of me . zach : well , the army trained you . you 're quick on your feet . and you know a couple of things about loyalty . brot : did taylor put you up to this ? you know , did she call you , put in a good word for the charity case ? look , i appreciate what you did for me , but i do n't need your handouts , ok ? zach : i do n't give handouts . i could use your help . now , he 's going home . you think about it . the job is yours if you want it . [ scene_break ] ryan : zach ? greenlee : why not ? ryan : are you serious ? greenlee : who else are you going to ask to be your best man ? ryan : like , anybody else . greenlee : you share a son . i thought he was your friend . ryan : we at one point were friendly , but -- greenlee : i thought you worked things out , did n't you ? i mean , you 've been through a lot together . ryan : yeah , not a lot of it was fun , greenlee . greenlee : just think about it . when kendall wakes up , bianca and i will ask her to be our matron of honor , and how cool would it be to have zach up there , too ? father of gabby and spike ? ryan : you 've got to let this go . really , let this go . zach knew that annie killed richie , and he did n't say anything . greenlee : well , he thought he was doing the right thing . ryan : he always thinks he 's doing the right thing , maybe the right thing for him . but if annie had just gone to prison like she was supposed to -- god , do you know how much pain we could have avoided ? emma would n't have been caught in that fire . di would still be alive . greenlee : and annie would n't have lost her mind ? [ scene_break ] annie : i do n't understand . i mean , i 'm remembering things . is n't that good ? aidan : it means you 're getting better . annie : great . so then why should n't i tell the doctor ? aidan : because i 'm not sure that dr. sinclair wants to help you , annie . she could have you locked away for a very long time , and you do n't want that , do you ? annie : no . no , i want to go home . aidan : and we can do that if we stick together . are you with me ? annie : yes . mr. stone , i 'm not remembering everything , am i ? aidan : what makes you say that ? annie : i have this feeling when i think about certain people , but mostly when i think about richie . dr. sinclair : you 're talking to him , are n't you ? who are you talking to ? and do n't say yourself this time . annie : no one . i was n't talking to anyone . dr. sinclair : are you sure you were n't talking to him ? annie : who ? dr. sinclair : richie . i heard you say his name . have you been seeing him again ? annie : no , no . i have n't . dr. sinclair : is he here ? can you see him ? annie : no . dr. sinclair : no . that 's right . he ca n't be , because richie is dead . annie : what ? no , get out . dr. sinclair : do you remember how your brother died ? annie : stop it . richie is n't dead . greenlee is dead , not richie . not richie . not richie . get out . get out . not richie . not richie , not richie , not richie . get out . it 's not richie . no , no , no . it 's not richie . no , no , no , no . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm sorry . no more zach talk , i promise . you can pick whoever you want to be your best man . or you do n't need to have one at all . ryan : no , actually i do have somebody else in mind . you know the guy down at the body shop , the guy who kind of grunts a lot ? he 's covered in tats ? you know that guy ? i think we could work it out , maybe . greenlee : you 're impossible . ryan : and you are beautiful . and i do n't need a best man to tell me that , ok ? [ phone rings ] greenlee : no . no . ryan : dr. sinclair , is there a problem ? actually , we were just in the middle of something . hello ? greenlee : what did she say ? ryan : she said that i 've got to get down there right away . greenlee : what , why ? ryan : i do n't know . she did n't say . she just said that and then she hung up the phone . greenlee : do you want me to come with you ? ryan : no , will you stay here with emma ? would you do that ? greenlee : yeah . ryan : i 'm not going to be long . i 'm going to come right back , ok ? all right . [ scene_break ] annie : no , no , no , no . aidan : annie , it 's ok . you 're ok . annie : richie 's gone , is n't he ? what the doctor said is true . aidan : yes , richie 's gone . annie : and it 's my fault ? aidan : yeah , you killed him , annie . annie : oh , god . why do n't i remember ? aidan : because it hurts too much to think about it . annie : oh , my god . what 's going to happen to me ? am i -- are they going to put me in jail ? aidan : not if you listen closely , annie . annie , you ca n't tell dr. sinclair that you killed richie , even if you remember everything . i 'm the only one that definitely wants to help you , and i will . but you have to trust me . can you do that ? annie : i think so . mr. stone ? aidan : yeah ? annie : will you hold my hand ? [ scene_break ] casino employee : hello , sir . may i help you ? brot : yes , i 'd like to leave a message for zach slater . casino employee : yes , certainly . what would you like it to say ? brot : um , tell him thanks , but no thanks . casino employee : and who is this message from ? brot : i do n't know . why do n't you describe me ? you sure as hell have been staring long enough . taylor : well , well , well . what are you doing here ? brot : like you would n't know . taylor : oh , did zach give me up ? i am definitely going to have another conversation with that guy . brot : you should n't have had a conversation with him in the first place . taylor : look , before you blow things out of proportion , listen to me . zach needed somebody for security , and you need a job . brot : says who ? taylor : well , what are you planning to do ? hide out in the condo for the rest of your life ? unless you won some jackpot that i am unaware of , you need cash . brot : i 'm not going to get it like this . taylor : wait a minute . did you turn him down already ? brot : yeah , i did . do n't give me that look . look , look around . all you see here is people that are happy , perfect , and just looking for a good time . taylor : so what ? brot : they do n't need me coming around messing that up by some freak show . [ scene_break ] emma : i 'm hungry . can you make me a snack ? greenlee : uh , something pre - packaged ? emma : mommy used to make cookies . greenlee : from scratch ? or one of those cut - up things that you just pop right into the oven ? ok , i 'll go with option number two . one batch of cookies , coming right up . emma : chocolate chip ? greenlee : if it 's in the fridge . you know where your baking sheets are , right ? good . emma : i have a lot to teach you about being a mommy . greenlee : yeah ? well , you will be very happy to know that i am a quick learner . [ scene_break ] aidan : are you holding your hand out with your palm facing up ? annie : yeah . what comes next ? aidan : now imagine that i 'm sitting there , right next to you . and i 'm placing my hand on yours . what does it feel like ? annie : it feels warm . aidan : now i 'm giving you a really big squeeze . annie : want to have a thumb war ? aidan : how about i tell you your future instead ? now , make sure your palm is really flat . i 'm going to trace the curve of your life line . annie : it tickles . what do you see ? aidan : i see that you are going to have a very long and happy life . annie : i believe you , mr. stone . aidan : what 's wrong ? annie : i feel your fingers molding into mine . how did you know how i like to hold hands ? aidan : because that 's my favorite way to hold hands , too . hold onto me , annie . you 're not alone . annie : not when i 'm with you . [ scene_break ] taylor : ok , nothing about this is easy . i get that . but you make it harder than it has to be . brot : i make it harder ? how ? how ? taylor : by always assuming the worst . did it ever occur to you that i actually thought you might enjoy working here ? it 's security . and that zach might jump at the chance to hire someone like you because it 's security ? brot : did it ever occur to you that it 's my life ? you should ask first . taylor : if it 's your life then live it , and stop using the explosion as some sort of excuse . then maybe we could -- i do n't know , we could learn who we are together . we could learn how to be together again . brot : i ca n't do this right now . taylor : then when ? brot : i do n't know . you just need to back off . taylor : i do n't understand why you wo n't just let me help you . i 'm just trying to help you . brot : i said , go . taylor : i have physical therapy . i 'll see you . brot : scotch , rocks . now . [ scene_break ] erica : you did n't go to school ? where 's the apostrophe , pete ? it 's not `` fusions , `` plural . it 's `` fusion 's , `` possessive , as in belonging to this cosmetics company . pete : i did n't get a chance to look at it . erica : so you just decided to waste my valuable time ? pete : you said to bring it as soon as i get it . erica : yeah , for approval , pete , not for a spelling check . get it out of my sight . pete : yes , ms. kane . god , she 's going to kill me . erica : oh , the level of incompetence is astounding . do i have to do everything myself around here ? bianca : i 'm surprised that you 're doing anything . erica : what do you mean ? bianca : i mean that you 've had a rough couple of days . i just assumed that you 'd be taking some time off . i do n't know , just a few weeks to relax . erica : with your sister in the hospital and greenlee nowhere to be found ? bianca : ok , i 'm just worried that you may be taking on a little too much . erica : well , do n't worry about me . worry about your sister 's company . bianca : ok . well , then i 'll help out more . erica : when are you going to do that , bianca ? between feedings and diaper changing and planning weddings ? no , no , no . i am kendall 's proxy , i am in charge . pete : whoopee . erica : randi , how 's that press release coming ? [ scene_break ] reese : hey . zach : hey , yourself . reese : what are you doing ? zach : i just dropped spike off with rachel , and i 'm going to do some work . reese : oh , great . well , you know , i 'm going to go see kendall later . you want a ride ? zach : you saw her this morning , right ? reese : yeah , but you know , bianca did n't really have enough time with her , so i said i 'd meet her at the hospital this afternoon . zach : good . i 'll see you later . reese : ok , when ? zach : when ? what did i just say ? i 'm -- what do you mean , when ? reese : i was just curious when . today ? tomorrow , next week ? zach : what 's the matter with you ? i said later . i 'm going to see her later , all right ? reese : ok , can i just say something to you ? you have n't been back to the hospital to see kendall since the transplant , and i was just wondering when . zach : i 've been busy enough to worry about anything . reese : really ? come on . zach , what 's going on ? do n't do this . [ scene_break ] jake : hey . brot : is it illegal to be left alone in this town ? jake : pretty much , uh , yeah , it is . i 'll have a -- you know , whatever you got on tap 's fine . you know , if you hate it so much in this town , why do n't you just -- why do n't you just split ? oh , that 's right , you ca n't because taylor 's here . right . brot : can i ask you a question ? jake : sure . brot : when you and taylor were hanging out , did she always interfere in your life ? jake : pretty much it was me interfering in her life . you know , i just sort of tried to whip her ass into shape -- get the cripple in shape , if you will . brot : nice . jake : thank you . i try . they 're not all gems , you know . anyway , here 's to interference . that 's the way you know somebody cares about you . no ? ok . okey- doke . she does care about you , you know . you know that , right ? brot : i know that , yes . jake : then why do you give her such a hard time ? brot : because it 's always got to be on her timetable , her terms . i just want to do things my way when i 'm ready . jake : hmm . i thought you did that , did n't you ? you made everybody think you were dead ? my guess is that your terms -- that did n't really work out that well for taylor the first time around . brot : but she asked zach slater to offer me a job . jake : she got slater to offer you a job . how 's that bad ? she hooked you up . brot : but i -- i never asked her to . jake : well , that 's the nice thing about people , you know , that care . they do n't have to be asked . they just take the initiative . man , you are a bastard . brot : excuse me ? jake : why do n't you stop moping and wallowing around in self - pity and realize that you survived an accident that you had no business surviving . and then you go ahead and hurt taylor in the worst possible way . and when she should be writing you off , she wants you back in her life . and you 're having trouble dealing with that ? brot : yeah , i am . but you would n't understand that . you would n't . jake : no . you 're right , i would n't . because i had feelings for her and then pushed them aside . do not tell me that was for nothing . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you ca n't ignore me forever . amanda : i can try . j.r. : do n't you think we should talk about this ? i mean , i know that 's it your body , and it 's completely your choice , but , amanda , that baby was mine , too . amanda : is . j.r. : what ? amanda : is your baby . i did n't have the abortion . [ scene_break ] bianca : you 're worried about kendall , mom . i can understand that , probably better than anyone . but drowning yourself in work is not the answer . erica : i 'm fine , bianca . bianca : mom , you 're ordering everyone around . erica : well , somebody has to . kendall is fighting for her life . somebody has to fight for her company . bianca : but for how long ? erica : until she wakes up . and she will , and no one is going to tell me anything differently . i mean , your brother 's heart was vibrant and strong and healthy and loving . and his heart is beating in her right now , and she 's going to feel that heart beating -- bianca : of course . erica : kendall is going to feel that loving . she 's going to feel that strength , and she will come back to us . i know that . bianca : yes , she will . erica : yes . bianca : she will . erica : yes , she will . i am , yes . so until kendall walks from that elevator into this office , i am going to be here . i am going to make sure that everything is the way it 's supposed to be for her . [ scene_break ] zach : this is going to sound weird , but when -- when they took kendall 's heart , she -- she just -- she was n't the same person anymore . reese : i do n't understand you . you seemed so positive . zach : i was positive . i 'm very grateful . but in the recovery room , looking at her , and it 's just -- it 's different . reese : so that 's why you have n't been back to the hospital ? zach : yeah . what if she feels something ? what if she -- reese : feels what ? zach : what -- what if she 's -- feels is not the same for me anymore ? reese : well , you know , you 're not going to know unless you give it a chance . unless you try . zach : the heart i love , kendall 's heart , is gone now . reese : get your coat . come on , go get your coat . we 're going to the hospital . [ scene_break ] emma : i think the cookies are ready . greenlee : i think we need to give them a few more minutes , sweetie . [ emma screams ] greenlee : emma ? [ emma screams ] emma : greenlee ! [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , ok , i 'm here . what 's so important ? dr. sinclair : i was hoping you would bring greenlee with you . ryan : no , greenlee is watching my daughter . i got a life . remember the one you told me to get on with ? which is pretty difficult when you keep calling me on my cell phone and showing up at my place . ryan : my ex - wife 's . dr. sinclair : annie 's relationship with her brother . ryan : wait a minute , wait a minute . you called me down here to talk about richie ? dr. sinclair : she 's been bringing him up again , and i would like to get some clarity on their relationship . ryan : ok , i -- i told you everything . everything i know is in your file . so why do n't you check that file ? dr. sinclair : i 'm not sure i appreciate your tone . ryan : and i 'm not really sure i understand your methods . dr. sinclair : look , we both want the same thing , mr. lavery . for annie to be held responsible for the crimes she has committed . does it really matter how i get her there ? [ scene_break ] annie : i feel safe with you . aidan : i 'm glad . annie : you 're the only one who makes me feel like that , like i 'm not a horrible person . aidan : that 's because you 're not . annie : well , i 've done some really horrible things . aidan : only because you were driven to it , annie . annie : you are real , right ? not like richie ? aidan : of course , i 'm real . you 've seen me . annie : yeah , well , i 've seen richie , too . and not just when i close my eyes . i mean , sometimes -- sometimes he 's everywhere . aidan : well , can you feel richie holding your hand ? annie : no . aidan : well , that 's how you know i 'm real . annie : i figured out who you are , you know . aidan : you have ? annie : you used to love the mean lady . you loved greenlee . aidan : yes , i did . but that seems like a long time ago . annie : did we ever love each other ? is that why i feel so calm with you ? aidan : no , we were always just friends , annie . annie : because you loved greenlee , and i loved ryan . aidan : that 's right . annie : and ryan loved me back . aidan : he did , for awhile . and then he hurt you . annie : just like greenlee hurt you . annie : mr. stone , why did you stop holding my hand ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : why did n't you tell me you did n't go through with it ? amanda : because it 's none of your business . j.r. : it 's half mine . it is my business . amanda : you 're not ready for another kid , definitely not with me . you can barely take care of little a. i 'm sorry . j.r. : it 's ok . amanda : no , i -- you can be a really great dad . i just meant , you 're still reeling from babe 's death , trying to be sober . besides , it 's not like we 're in love or anything . j.r. : it 's not like we hate each other , either . amanda : that 's not enough . this baby , it deserves every chance in life , chances that i do n't think we can give . j.r. : we wo n't know if we do n't try . amanda : no . j.r. : so what are you going to do ? amanda : i 'm going to have the baby . j.r. : ok , so you have this baby -- what if i want to be a part of the child 's life ? you 're not sure if you 're going to keep the child . amanda : look , i 'm not sure of a lot of things right now , ok ? but what i do know is that i am having this baby . but whatever i decide after that is my choice , ok ? not yours . [ scene_break ] greenlee : frankie , frankie . frankie : what happened ? greenlee : she -- she burned herself . frankie : where ? greenlee : on her hands . we were making cookies , and she went in to check on them . i should have been watching her more closely . frankie : she 's just a little girl . it 's not your fault . can i see your hands , emma ? please ? emma : no . it hurts . greenlee : i know it does , sweetie , i know . is she going to be ok ? frankie : yeah , she 'll be fine . let 's get you guys to a cubicle . greenlee : ok , come on . frankie : those were some cookies , huh , emma ? [ scene_break ] annie : mr. stone ? why did you stop holding my hand ? aidan : what do i , uh -- what do i owe this visit , then ? man : i thought you could use some time out of the cell . was i wrong ? annie : no . no . no , please , do n't leave me alone . [ scene_break ] pete : i think erica missed her calling as drill sergeant . randi : i do n't even know why you put up with her . is n't your family loaded ? pete : yeah . randi : so , what , daddy 's allowance is n't enough ? you need an intern 's stipend , too ? pete : no , i 'm not here for the money . i dig the lifestyle . all right , i dig the ladies . randi : must be nice . erica : randi , i have some errands to run , but please call me if anything comes up . randi : of course . randi : and the workaholic has left the building . pete : the woman never stops . you think she 's a robot ? randi : it 's very possible . pete : maybe she 's leaving to get her hard drive rewired . bianca : watching her suffer -- that -- that 's funny to you guys ? randi : no . pete : no , we 're the ones who are suffering . randi : erica has been riding our backs like you would n't believe . bianca : just to clear things up , she 's not a robot , she 's a human being . she was abandoned by her father as a child . did you know that ? randi : i had no idea . bianca : yeah , after being let down like that , she learned to rely on herself . you know what ? it worked . randi : bianca , i 'm sorry . bianca : but it was n't easy . so instead of ridiculing her and making fun of her behind her back , why do n't you show her that there are people in this world that she can count on ? why do n't you show her that she can count on you ? [ scene_break ] zach : wait . reese : for what ? zach . come on , when you fell in love with kendall , you fell in love with all of her -- her spirit , her essence . zach : i listened -- i listened to her heart . i would put my head on her chest and just listen to it , and she 'd play with my hair , and -- i miss that . so what now ? what if it sounds different ? reese : well , there 's only one way to find out . [ scene_break ] jake : hey . mind if i join you ? amanda : why not ? jake : good . amanda : so , what 's going on with you ? jake : uh , you know , just doing a little barhopping . i 've come up with a new method . see , i 'll have a bunch of drinks at one location , then i 'll -- i 'll work it off on my journey to the next -- the next location . it 's good . amanda : i 'm jealous . jake : yeah ? what are you jealous of , that i 'm doing all this drinking , or that i 'm an out - of - work doctor that 's got nothing to do but drink , and i got time on my hands ? amanda : a little of both . jake : uh - huh , good . and you ? mm , club soda . huh ? i guess that means the abortion 's off . amanda : i do n't think it 's fair . just because i do n't know who the father is . jake : let me guess . you 're leaning towards david . hayward , right ? [ scene_break ] brot : hey . glad i can catch you before your session . taylor : hi . brot : so , how 's it been going ? emma : ow , it burns ! frankie : if you let me put this ointment on , the burning will stop . i promise . emma : no . ow . greenlee : oh , why wo n't she stop ? frankie : it 's the shock . we have to calm her down . it 's ok , it 's ok . brot : i might be able to help with that . what happened ? frankie : emma here burned herself making cookies . emma : it hurts . brot : hello , emma . i was burned , too , and it hurt really bad at first . but it turned out to be ok . you want to know why ? because i was brave . you think you can be brave , too ? and maybe let my friend help you ? yeah ? greenlee : what do you say , emma ? frankie : yeah ? greenlee : yeah ? brot : you can do it . frankie : here it comes . greenlee : it 's ok . frankie : good job . real brave . greenlee : oh , good job . good job . frankie : good . there we go . [ scene_break ] aidan : i need to use the internet . can you help me do that ? man : this is a maximum security psych ward , not a hotel . ryan : excuse me , excuse me . hi . you 're the administrator , right ? man : yeah . ryan : yeah . i need to make a formal complaint . dr. sinclair is totally and completely out of control . [ scene_break ] annie : please , mr. stone , come back and hold my hand . i need you . oh , god , no ! richie 's here , and he 's angry and he 's bloody ! no , no , no , no , no . you stay away from me , richie . you stay away from me . richie 's voice : i am never going away . i 'm always one step -- [ thudding sound as richie flies through the air after annie hits him with the wrench ] annie : richie ? i did it . i remember . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm not doing this . it 's ridiculous . reese : no , no , it 's not . you said you were afraid that it 's not going to sound the same , right ? just listen . listen . zach : i can hear it . the rhythm -- it 's -- it 's her heart . it 's her , it 's kendall . i know it 's silly . thank you . [ erica sees zach hugging bianca and holding reese 's hand ] | the camera scans pics at the fusion offices . the phone rings and amanda listens to the answering machine as she gets a call from j.r. but does n't answer it . erica walks into the offices and tells amanda to listen to her phone messages on her own time . at pine valley hospital , frankie tells reese and bianca that kendall is holding her own before he goes on his other rounds . reese and bianca both wonder why zach has n't seen kendall since the heart transplant . zach goes to pick up spike at ryan and greenlee 's . at oak haven , annie tells aidan ( mr. stone ) that she is beginning to remember more . he warns her to keep it a secret from dr. sinclair . annie asks aidan why she stabbed erica . dr. sinclair listens and watches annie from outside the door . when j.r. visits amanda at fusion , she tries to get rid of him , but erica gives her the rest of the day off . zach offers brot a job at the casino , but he turns him down . greenlee tells ryan to ask zach to be his best man . dr. sinclair accuses annie of talking to richie , then informs her that her brother is dead . dr. sinclair summons ryan to oak haven . emma asks greenlee to make her some chocolate chip cookies . at the casino , reese asks zach why he has n't visited kendall . after a little hesitation , zach shares with reese his fear that kendall will be different with josh 's heart . |
[ previously_on ] michael : an evening like this -- it 's something that happens only in books . jake : to my beautiful bride - to - be -- wherever she is . alison : some of the residents are headed over to b.j . 's . i 'd like to buy you a drink . jake : yeah , sure , sure . sure , why not ? what do i have to lose ? [ scene_break ] kendall : trust me , i have a five - star fantasy life , and i 'm telling you that dinner with michael kinsey was better than anything hollywood could dream up . simone : oh . all right , then give up some details . kendall : ok , picture this -- he is sexier than pierce brosnan -- simone : ooh . mia : ooh . kendall : totally , totally sweet , and very generous . simone : and generous . kendall : yes . and he made me see myself in the most flattering light . simone : ok , wait , wait . how do you mean ? kendall : well , according to michael , my ambition is a grand passion . and according to michael , i am the most enchanting woman on the planet . simone : he said that ? kendall : yeah , more or less . simone : so , you know , where does this leave things ? kendall : well , i told you , this was a rare , one - time thing . that 's why i could allow myself to be swept away even a little . simone : mm - hmm . how far ? you said you just had dinner . kendall : and he kissed me good - bye . simone : good - bye ? so you 're not going to see him again ? kendall : i do n't think so . simone : oh . i 'm sorry . kendall : no , no , it 's ok . it 's better this way . it 's better this way . i wo n't have a chance to wreck it . simone : that 's true . kendall : but that kiss -- that kiss -- oh -- simone : yeah , but it was just one kiss . kendall : oh , do n't say it like that . one kiss from michael kinsey could make me believe in heaven again . hi . how did -- how did the business meeting with the accountants go ? greenlee : you would n't understand . kendall : um -- actually , i have some great product demos -- greenlee : forget it ! forget everything . i 'm ready to dump you from this partnership . [ scene_break ] jake : all right , ask no more . the truth is -- if you all really want to know the truth -- i never wanted to be chief of staff . no , i 'm serious , i 'm serious . i had my boat . i had the girl . and i was ready to sail around the world . but -- alison : duty called . jake : it 's got me on speed dial . all right , refill for me . anyone else ? ok . ok , buddy . woman : so , why is dr. martin out with us ? alison : even the boss needs to blow off steam . man : but he never hangs out with the residents . alison : maybe no one 's asked him to . what are you smirking at ? man : here 's to you , alison . alison : excuse me . jake : there you go . keep the change . bartender : thank you . alison : how come you did n't offer to buy me a drink ? jake : well , i guess you could say i 'm being political -- politically correct , that is , because i like to treat all the residents the same . alison : hmm . jake : besides , were n't you the one who invited me out for the drink ? alison : i did . and i still want to buy you one -- if you stick around . jake : well , i think i 'm making your friends over there want to censor themselves . alison : you do . but now it 's just you and me . nobody has to censor anything . jake : hmm . bartender , will you bring this lady a draft , please ? [ scene_break ] [ computer beeps ] j.r. : finally . j.r. 's voice : `` i 've been on - line for three hours , just hoping you 'd sign on . `` laurie 's voice : `` why ? what 's up ? `` what 's up ? what 's up ? what 's up ? j.r. : i ca n't wait anymore , laurie . i need to tell you something . laurie : what ? j.r. : i love you . j.r. 's voice : `` i wanted to tell you ' i love you ' in person , but since you broke up with me , i did n't know when i 'd see you again . `` laurie 's voice : `` you make it hard to stay broken up . `` j.r. 's voice : `` because you 're missing me as much as i 'm missing you ? `` laurie : `` i guess . `` j.r. : then let 's figure out a way we can be together . laurie : how ? nothing 's changed . your dad practically ordered me out of your life . j.r. : laurie , my dad and i -- we never got along . he did n't cause our problems . laurie : i know that . j.r. : then why let him say what we can do ? laurie : because as long as you do n't totally self - destruct , your dad can really help you . he can give you anything you want . j.r. : except you . laurie , you 're the only thing that makes me want to show up for life . laurie : i wish i really had that power , j.r . but when we went out , your grades tanked , you skipped school , and ditched your harvard interview -- j.r. : it was bad timing . it was n't your fault . laurie : i 'm not so sure . makes me think your dad 's right , that i am bad for you . j.r. : no , no , he 's not . it 's just sometimes i feel like nothing matters , so why bother ? but nothing will matter if i lose you . laurie : that ca n't be true . j.r. : it is . so i 'm going to win you back . laurie : j.r. -- j.r. : i swear . i swear , i 'm done messing up . i 'm going to get back on the honor roll . i 'm going to have perfect attendance for the rest of the year . i 'm going to make my dad flip by getting into every ivy league school there is . laurie : i really hope you can pull that off , j.r . j.r. : i can . i can . and i 'll make him lighten up on you , i swear . laurie : that would be nice -- if it really happened . j.r. : laurie , you have to give me another chance . i need you to believe in me . so , come on , let 's make up . [ scene_break ] bartender : there you go . alison : thank you . they 're still on their best behavior -- you know , to impress the boss . jake : so , what about you ? alison : i 'm trying a different approach . jake : let me guess , alison . it does n't involve your best behavior . alison : well , depends on what you consider best about me . jake : well , you 've shown me that you 're a very capable doctor . alison : hmm . i was hoping for something more personal , like my eyes , my complexion , my -- something . jake : hmm . alison : hmm . jake : alison , you know that you 're a knockout . alison : i was n't sure you thought so . i do n't usually have to fish for compliments . jake : i 'm sure you do n't . alison : guess we 're both acting a little out of character tonight . jake : hmm . you think so , huh ? alison : yeah . you 're here , are n't you ? jake : well , whatever that means . alison : it means that underneath , you 're still the same guy who almost chucked his career for a little wind , water , and heat . jake : well , i 'm sure that if you ask your friends over there , they 'll tell you that i 'm going to go home tonight and read `` the journal of american medicine `` for a good time . alison : hey , they 're still stunned by the fact that you drink beer . jake : you know what ? i never drank beer when i was a resident . i 'm serious . that may be why people have thought of me as somewhat of a droid . alison : rumor is they unplug you at the end of a shift . jake : so , you listen to rumors ? alison : jake , i understand that you have to be serious when you 're working . we all do . all the more reason to cut loose when you 're off hours . jake : and how do you suggest i do that ? alison : well , since you asked , make a mistake . [ scene_break ] simone : our partners are going at it again . mia : oh , no . no , i need time to go over these projections . simone : yeah , well , you 're going to have to do that later . greenlee is about ready to detonate . i think we should definitely clear out now . mia : yeah , you 're right . she looks just like mike tyson did before he bit off holifield 's ear . let 's go . simone : ok . mia : so , we 're going to go and grab some takeout . simone : yeah . mia : ok . mia and simone : bye . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , what nit do you need to pick tonight ? greenlee : how dare you go to aspen . how dare you go to a cosmetics marketing conference without even consulting me . kendall : ok , first of all , i do n't need a hall pass to go anywhere . second , i found out about the conference five minutes before it started . greenlee : plenty of time to call me . kendall : i made an executive decision , and i jumped on a plane . get over it . greenlee : real executives do n't blow big bucks for a name tag and a seat at the wannabe table . kendall : palmer footed the whole bill , and i did n't sit at the wannabe table . greenlee : oh . back up . why would palmer shell out major cash to market our company ? kendall : i took petey with me . greenlee : oh , my god . so you did n't even get a seat at the wannabe table ? kendall : no , i did n't sit anywhere because i worked the whole freaking room . greenlee : when ? in between playing mary poppins and bopping dreamy michael ? kendall : you know what ? i did n't sleep with michael . greenlee : save it , ok ? i do n't want to hear any kinky jacuzzi stories . kendall : that 's because you 're jealous . greenlee : i 'm not up for an assault rap , so i 'll ignore that . kendall : listen , i got petey up at dawn and i sent him off with a posse of rich - kid snowboarders . greenlee : so you and michael had a whole day of après - ski ? kendall : no , i met michael after the conference and we went out once . greenlee : wow . you 're running guys off faster than ever . kendall : i 'm not up for a murder rap , so i 'll ignore that . and if you can stop sulking for more than five minutes , you 'd see you should be grateful . i busted my butt at that conference . greenlee : and accomplished what ? kendall : i schmoozed the entire industry . but this is my one triumph . hmm ? greenlee : `` maxie berlin `` ? kendall : mm - hmm . greenlee : she 'd eat this for breakfast . you found it on the floor . kendall : no , i did not . i cornered her , and i gave her our great entire pitch . greenlee : no . no way . to get maxie 's attention , you would need demo projections , prototypes . kendall : all i needed was nerve and passion . maxie loves the fusion concept . she practically promised to give us primo shelf space at lacey 's . greenlee : without even trying the product ? kendall : i promised her samples . greenlee : so you got a definite maybe . kendall : why are you pulling your usual grim reaper grumble ? greenlee : it 's called realism , kendall , and i have to have it because my partner dashes off to resorts while i stay here all night to write our business plan . kendall : no , you stay here all night because you 're afraid to go home . greenlee : that 's not the reason . i wanted to finish this . kendall : greenlee , i love what we 're doing . if you do n't , then just leave . no one is forcing you to suffer here day in and day out . greenlee : i was being professional , something you might learn in between field trips and play dates . kendall : you were being professional ? ok , you 're the one who trudges in here and acts like this is a chore . you act like this business is some awful medicine you have to take , and you cry in the bathroom every afternoon . greenlee : excuse me -- my husband died . kendall : i know that , and i 'm sorry about leo . we all are . but , listen , we have a business to run , a business we 're trying to start , and we need your whole self here to do it . greenlee : what ? kendall : your widow gig is costing us , greenlee , ok , so cancel it . cancel your grief fest right now . [ scene_break ] laurie 's voice : `` j.r. , you can love me more than anything and i could feel the same back , but nothing can happen for us . `` j.r. : laurie , that 's -- that 's crazy . laurie : i wish it were . but say you do go to harvard and you come home in the summer . j.r. : then we could be together . i could get a restaurant job with you . laurie : instead of traveling in europe or doing an internship with nasa ? j.r. : yeah . laurie : j.r. , do n't you think curly fries will seem really lame compared to the international space station ? j.r. : not if i 'm sharing them with you . laurie : you 'd be serving them . j.r. , how can you not get this ? i ca n't stand the idea of you giving up anything for me . j.r. : you sound like my dad . laurie : that 's because it 's the one thing we totally agree on . j.r. : laurie , but you 're my only happiness . laurie : that ca n't be true . j.r. : it is . you keep talking about all this stuff my dad can give me when the real parent that gave me everything that really mattered was my mom . laurie : j.r. , i -- j.r. : and if she knew -- if she knew that i found a girl that made me feel like the king of the world , she 'd say -- she 'd say , `` hang on tight . `` she 'd say , `` do n't ever let laurie go . `` laurie : really ? j.r. : laurie , i know i have a lot , but i love you more than all of it . and i swear , i swear on my mother 's memory that i ca n't be happy without you . so , please , just -- just love me back . doug : what are you doing ? j.r. : what happened ? `` laurie ? `` `` laurie ? `` [ scene_break ] greenlee : how dare you beat me up because i miss my husband . who do you think you are ? kendall : the co - ceo of fusion cosmetics , the co - ceo who just wants to follow up on her meeting with lacey 's ' senior vice president . greenlee : fine . i 'll spew 15 great ideas , even though i still think maxie squished you , then scraped you off the bottom of her sling backs . kendall : i 'm ready for your ideas . greenlee : i need to know exactly what you pitched to her . kendall : our `` what women want `` campaign . what else ? i explained to her that fusion is aiming for teens and 20s because that 's the head space that we 're in , and i told her if she did n't want the trendies running off to the competition , she better be extra good to us . greenlee : and she went for that ? kendall : totally . she just wants to test our products . greenlee : you dingbat , we do n't even have a true product line yet . we 've only promoted one lipstick . kendall : i know that . but you 're the one who was so hot for marketing before we went into production . greenlee : to build anticipation on the street , not frustration in the industry . [ phone rings ] greenlee : ugh ! fusion . maxie . hi . what a nice surprise . yes , really ? uh -- did she say that ? uh -- i do n't know what to say . uh - huh . well , that 's very kind of you , maxie . thanks a lot . kendall : what ? what did she say ? greenlee : well , she sort of -- kendall : what ? greenlee : raved about you . kendall : uh - huh . yes . ok , tell me everything she said . greenlee : no . she said you were a natural , like erica . kendall : yes . uh - huh , yeah . what else ? anything else , chicken little ? greenlee : did you really tell maxie that you learned everything about this business from me ? kendall : well , it 's true , is n't it ? greenlee : yeah . ok . fine . i was -- kendall : hateful , ungrateful , out of line ? greenlee : i was wrong -- totally wrong . [ scene_break ] jake : you are a shameless flirt . alison : flirting is a harmless , non - contact sport . jake : and you 're its mvp . alison : thank you . jake : so , alison , do you think that asking me to make a mistake could work ? alison : i only know what i see . when you 're at the hospital , you 're focused on whatever case is in front of you . jake : thank you . that 's nice . but what about my reputed droidyness ? alison : yeah . actually , the rumors get worse . downright disturbing whispers in the residents ' lounge . jake : really ? alison : mm - hmm . jake : ok , i 'll bite . what are they saying about me now ? alison : that off duty , you are a total homebody . jake : you are right . i do like to spend time at home . alison : really ? jake : mm - hmm . alison : well , right now , you look like a hot guy in a bar -- hot guy flirting with a very forward woman . jake : flirting , yes . but that 's as far as it gets . alison : why ? jake : why ? well , because i am engaged and i am getting ready to go home to my fiancée . alison : then why come here first ? jake : because she 's working . alison : sure you 're not in the mood for a detour ? jake : very sure . alison : hmm . [ pager beeps ] alison : i 'm not on call . i 'm able to grab a drink if i want . jake : sure you do n't . do n't worry , i have your schedule . alison : oh , finally . i have to take this outside where i can hear . jake : someone special ? alison : my mechanic . my car 's been giving me fits . jake : ah . you must do one heck of a tune - up . alison : do not go anywhere . jake : oh , man . simone : oh , yeah , i 'm about starved . mia : hey . hello . what a great surprise . simone : hey . jake : hey . mia : what are you doing here ? jake : well , i -- i 'm just grabbing a beer with a couple of my resident friends over here . so , are you all done with work ? mia : no , no , not yet . jake : no ? mia : we 're still number crunching . simone : oh , yeah . we just needed fuel . which reminds me -- you have got to see the pictures from the photo shoot . they 're hot . jake : really ? simone : oh , yeah . mia : yeah . you know what ? i 'll try to remember to bring home the proofs tonight . simone : yeah . jake : yeah . simone : in fact , you should probably send them in because some modeling agency would probably make it worth your while to ditch medicine . jake : oh , no , no , no . that 's not going to happen . mia : oh , come on . simone : i do n't know . well , i will let you guys have some quality time , and i 'll go order the food . mia : oh , yeah . great . ok . oh , god , i 'd love one of those . jake : really ? bartender , get -- mia : no , no , but i ca n't . i 'm still on the job here . jake : well , it seems to have put some rosiness back in those cheeks . mia : and you know what ? you 've really been so great about this , and it 's just made all the difference . thank you . jake : hey . hey . mia : what ? jake : let 's go home . mia : what ? why ? jake : because -- because i want to be alone with you . that 's why . mia : that 's really sweet . it is . jake : mia -- come on , let 's go . we 'll go home , and i 'm going to make some pasta and i 'm going to light some candles , open up a bottle of wine , and you and i can make love all night long . mia : i really wish i could . i do . jake : why ca n't you ? mia : i told you , i have to finish the marketing budget . jake : you have to , or you want to ? mia : both , i guess . i do n't know . jake : mia -- mia , listen , listen . i miss you . mia : did you know that our company has separate accounting for capital and operating costs -- jake : oh , jeez , mia . mia : what ? what ? jake : no , i just want you to just -- i just want you to tell me straight out . mia : tell you what ? jake : what 's going on with us . i do n't know . are you still in love with me , or what ? mia : look , do n't be ridiculous , all right ? just , please -- you know i love you . how can you -- of course i love you . it 's just -- it 's a crazy time right now . jake : yeah , it 's insanely busy . mia : for both of us . your beeper never seems to stop . jake : let 's stop it . all right ? let 's stop it right now . let 's just you and i take the rest of the night off , go home . mia : no , i will be home in a couple of hours . all right ? it 's not going to be like this forever . soon fusion will be up and running and your residents will learn their way around the hospital , and then we can get back to us . jake : mia -- mia : no . no , no , i can work just as hard as you can , all right ? jake : you know -- mia : i did n't say anything when your beeper practically interrupted your marriage proposal to me . jake : mia -- mia : what ? jake : mia , i have taken on a ton of responsibility that i do n't even want with this job , all right ? mia : whoa . excuse me . jake : you have to understand that . and you know what ? i -- i call you , and i let you know what my schedule is at all times . and i cram that schedule as much as possible so that you and i can spend time together . mia : jake , i -- jake : just forget it , all right ? you know , we 'll just -- we 'll just talk about it whenever you get home , all right ? all right . mia : jake , i swear -- i swear to you , you 're my whole life . jake : obviously not . simone : ok . well , the kitchen 's totally backed up , and i do n't think we should wait . you want to grab a pizza at mario 's ? i think we should really get back to greenlee and kendall before they trash the office . jake : why ? what 's going on there ? mia : nothing . it 's just a difference of opinion . jake : difference of opinion . there seems to be a lot of that going around . simone : ooh . mia : you know what ? maybe we can just let them work it out . simone : whoa -- well , you saw them wipe out the bridal fair . mia : all right , look , we ca n't let anything happen to those proofs . i 'm sorry , i 've got to go . i promise you i 'll be home soon . jake : well , i hope i 'm still awake . mia : please try to stay up . i 'll make it worth your while . i love you . simone : oh . i love you , too . ok , let 's go . alison : gee , did someone steal your favorite toy while i was outside ? jake : no . alison : just asking . jake : all right , listen , i 'm sorry . how 's the car ? alison : it 's got to stay in the shop overnight . jake : yeah . that 's too bad . alison : yeah . it happens . guess i 'll have to find a cab . or someone to take me home . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i have n't been in peak form lately . kendall : well , no new widow would be . greenlee : well , still , i should n't take it out on you . kendall : well , you want fusion to be successful . i get that . it 's not personal . greenlee : some of it is . i still think you 're a freaking disaster waiting to happen . kendall : that 's not news . greenlee : it 's like every day i wait for some new disaster , and you deliver . kendall : i deliver some good stuff , too . you have to admit that . greenlee : you do n't make it easy . kendall : oh , like you do ? greenlee : partners like us do not occur in nature , kendall . we 're naturally enemies . kendall : that 's the truth . greenlee : but i 'm trying to work with that energy . you know , turn it on the competition . kendall : that 's new . what , are you on drugs or something ? greenlee : no . kendall : then what just happened to your snarkiness ? greenlee : i started seeing someone . kendall : what , you 're dating someone already ? greenlee : of course not . i 'm seeing a shrink . kendall : oh , i 'm sorry . i mean , that 's -- that 's great . that 's great . actually , people tell me all the time i should do it . greenlee : run , do n't walk . kendall : what do you do , you lie on a couch for 15 minutes and then shriek and cry and then you suddenly feel better ? greenlee : no , it 's more like lysistrata provokes me . kendall : who ? what ? it sounds like a mouthwash or something . greenlee : i know . she 's not what you 'd expect . not what anyone would expect . to be honest , i do n't have a clue how therapy works , but i do feel -- kendall : ok ? greenlee : no . not even close . kendall : like you 're moving on ? greenlee : i would n't go that far . kendall : not homicidal , not suicidal ? greenlee : closer . kendall : i 'm sorry , greenlee , about leo . it was n't fair to you . greenlee : i know . but here i am anyway . and i 'm staying . heart and soul . i promise . kendall : thanks . greenlee : did you really meet a guy in aspen ? kendall : oh , yeah , did i ever . greenlee : well ? come on . keep me in the loop . kendall : ok . his name was michael . greenlee : `` was `` ? what , are you in the widow club , too ? what ? lysistrata encourages my black humor . kendall : great . greenlee : so ? tell me about him . tell me about him . are you going to see him again ? kendall : i do n't know . we -- we met . we had dinner . we said good - bye . and -- and then he vanished in the snow . greenlee : well , did he get your number ? did he get your e - mail , your fax , something ? kendall : no , nothing . nothing . i -- i did n't get his number , either . greenlee : kendall , you 're off your game . you always get the digits . you know that . kendall : i know , i know . i totally blew it . i 'll probably never hear from him ever again . [ scene_break ] doug : what , are you on with chandler jr. again ? laurie : are you drunk ? why am i even asking ? i knew you would n't stay sober . doug : who do you think you 're talking to ? laurie : you , dad ! doug : well , then show some respect ! laurie : respect ? i hate you ! doug : well , where do you think you 're going ? laurie : what 's it to you ? you 're just going to pass out . doug : i asked you a question , young lady . laurie : i have a lot of questions myself . just get out of my way , please . doug : laurie -- laurie : i have a new job . i ca n't be late . doug : what ? what are you making faces at ? laurie : you reek of beer . doug : yeah , well , it 's your principal 's fault . laurie : i do n't want to hear this . doug : he got off reaming me out in front of your snoot bag faculty and the brats in the cafeteria . laurie : you mean my teachers and my classmates ? doug : yeah . he said i -- he said i neglected a spill by the salad bar . laurie : maybe the principal was worried someone might get hurt . doug : oh , yeah . well , that 's what he said . you know what ? all he was worried about was a lawsuit . laurie : so that makes it ok to go get drunk ? did you drive home ? doug : how can you be worried about every stranger on the road and not care about me ? you 're my daughter . laurie : i do care about you , daddy , but you just staggered in here and reamed me out about j.r. again . doug : well , that 's because i do n't want you to get used up by that messed - up druggie . laurie : j.r. and i broke up . what more do you want ? doug : respect , honor , love . laurie : then start acting halfway decent . doug : honey , where do you get off talking to me like that now ? laurie : i do n't want to . i just want to be the kid in this stupid house . doug : yeah , but i work my butt off to pay for this stupid house . laurie : dad , you 're so mad all the time , you 're drinking yourself out of a job . doug : well , it 's a terrible job . laurie : so when you lose it , what are we going to do ? doug : i know . maybe i 'll have to swallow my pride and let you saddle back up with that chandler kid . laurie : daddy , please do n't . doug : let you sweet - talk him into covering our rent . laurie : you loser . [ scene_break ] kendall : wow , look at these . oh , jake really loves her . must be bliss to come home to . hey , i thought you guys went for food . simone : yeah . greenlee : yeah , we do n't have the cash flow for flowers . simone : the flowers were delivered , and the kitchen at b.j . 's is backed up . mia : it looks like we should have waited . you guys have made peace , i see . simone : yeah , so why does n't someone cough up a couple of bucks because i tipped the delivery guy . greenlee : well , who are they from ? maxie berlin ? mia : i do n't know who they 're from , but i do know who they 're for . kendall : get out . simone : open it . kendall : no , i ca n't , i ca n't , i ca n't . greenlee : i can . mia : open it . greenlee : wow . you did n't get michael 's number , but he sure got yours . [ scene_break ] jake : so , do you live far from here ? alison : not too far . i guess i could walk . even though it 's cold and dark . jake : ok , alison . i can take you home . you know what ? you have been a good man , kyle . kyle : thanks . have a good night . jake : ok . oh , you know something ? i -- i parked my car in the hospital parking lot , and i 'm going to have to go back to my office to get the key . but i could use the walk . alison : for a free ride home , i think i can cross the street and brave the glare of the hospital lights . jake : you are an adventurous girl , are n't you , alison ? alison : very . jake : let 's go . good night , all . [ scene_break ] woman : oh , my god ! man : all righty , then . woman : they left together . [ scene_break ] jake : i 'll just be a sec . i got to find something here . doug : first you say you hate me , then you call me a loser . what 's next ? laurie : one of us needs to work , dad . doug : i did n't give you permission to leave . laurie : you 're too out of it to get how important my new job is . doug : you know , and you 're too full of yourself to listen to your father . laurie : a father i 'd be better off without . doug : laurie , how can you say such a thing ? laurie : i wish you died in that car crash instead of mom . doug : you know , you 're all the same -- you , your mother -- laurie : do n't say anything about mommy ! doug : all of you ! laurie : do n't you dare ! doug : all of you ! there 's never enough ! you always want more , always demanding better ! laurie : if that were true , why did mom waste her life on you ? [ scene_break ] simone : well , read the card , kendall . what did michael say ? girl , read it . greenlee : come on . simone : it 's going to be ok . just read it . mia : it 's not going to be like this forever . soon fusion will be up and running and your residents will learn their way around the hospital , and then we can get back to us . listen , i got to go . um -- something i got to do . simone : what ? well -- greenlee : are you going to read it ? or you want me to read it to you ? kendall : no , i 'll read it . i 'll read it , i 'll read it . `` kendall , for last night and many nights to come . michael . `` simone : aw . now , that 's romantic . greenlee : guess you did n't scare michael off after all . man : we 'll meet you outside . woman : ok . mia : uh -- hi . i 'm -- woman : you 're the girl in that hot poster . mia : i 'm jake -- i 'm dr. martin 's fiancée . and i 'm just wondering , have you seen him ? woman : no , he left . mia : oh , oh . do you know when ? woman : no , sorry . i really did n't notice . bye . mia : thank you . bye . [ music plays ] jake : hmm . you are bad news . [ next_on ] edmund : just how far along are you and aidan ? i have to know if you love him . aidan : i know exactly what you like and how you like it . you interested ? mia : jake 's in for a big surprise . | greenlee gets angry at kendall for running off to aspen , so they start fighting . mia and simone leave so they can be alone . kendall tells greenlee to stop taking her grief out on the rest of them . when the woman from lacey 's department store phones to rave about kendall , greenlee grudgingly admits that kendall is right and she was wrong . they make a sort of peace . at a bar , jake flirts with alison , a resident , who is really coming on to him . simone and mia arrive to get takeout . jake tries to get mia to go home with him for a romantic evening , but she insists that she has to work . they fight ; mia and simone leave . jake , who is a bit drunk , takes alison home because her car is not working , and they end up kissing , etc . kendall gets flowers from michael , her aspen date ; mia goes back to the bar but finds jake gone . j.r. chats with laurie on instant messaging and tries to get her to make up with him . he promises to do well in school from now on . she still does n't think it will work but almost tells him that she will love him and go back with him , but her father comes home drunk , interrupting . he is in a bad mood and she is disgusted , so she tells him off . she tries to leave , but he keeps at her , so finally things come to the point where she says something horrid and he slaps her . |
babe : adam , are you okay ? all i did was tell him that j.r. and i are getting married again . does n't he look a little funny ? krystal : i tell you what -- your happy news and our narrow escape from that truck full of chuckles , i think we have reason to celebrate , right , adam ? why do n't you uncork a few bottles of bubbly , or did we use up all the good stuff at my holiday party ? adam : this recent traumatic ordeal has given me a fresh perspective . what is the point of all this rage ? krystal : are you sure that gas did n't go to your head permanently , sweet cheeks ? adam : in honor of this momentous occasion , i want to give the bride - to - be a gift -- a piece of prime real estate in a lush , idyllic setting . babe : maybe we should call a doctor . [ adam laughs ] krystal : i 've got plenty i can diagnose him with . adam : as a matter of fact , i want to show it to you immediately . krystal , you stay here with the baby boy . let 's go . babe : this i 've got to see . adam : it 's precious wetland , beautiful acreage with its own special draw . once you set foot on that property , you 'll never be able to tear yourself away . [ door closes as adam leads babe away . ] krystal : no ! [ scene_break ] tad : he j.r. , no . stop , stop . just take it easy . jonathan , what exactly did this balloon seller tell you ? j.r. : `` hello , i 'm your new friend ? let me direct you to the nearest quicksand marsh , so you 'll be a hero ? `` tad : stop . jonathan : he -- she said -- said that lives were at stake . j.r. : oh , yeah . so this she - male 's to blame for everything ? nice try ! jonathan : he , she , i -- i do n't know . they were right . i mean , he / she is n't right all the times . sometimes , he / she is really off . jamie : who 's really off ? jonathan : all those people were trapped . and -- and i could n't take the chance that somebody would actually die , so -- so i listened to the advice this time . tad : wait a minute -- `` this time `` ? you 've seen this person before ? jonathan : sort of . i mean , she -- she has a lot of different jobs or she has a lot of different uniforms . j.r. : the only uniform you 're going to have to worry about is prison orange , pal . jamie : just can it , j.r. did this gender - bending multitasker -- did you at least get a name ? [ scene_break ] janet : oh , goody . thank you for finding my earring . i just love this pair . amanda : you made five people go missing , mother . janet : oh , well -- are n't these pretty ? now , look -- now we can be jewelry pals again . amanda : you locked people in a truck and parked it in quicksand . janet : the idea just came to me . look at you . why do n't you ever zip up your coat ? you 're going to just die freezing out here . amanda : mom , stop . did you drug babe and krystal on new year 's ? janet : hussies need to be shown up for who they truly are . and i think krystal bouncing out of the cake in her birthday suit with nothing but a `` 2006 `` sash on was certainly one of my finer moments . it 's a good thing you 're such a good girl . amanda : did you drug babe and put her in josh 's bed ? janet : that was so easy . it was like leading a horse to water , only j.r. drank up all the water , or maybe babe was the horse . huh . amanda : did you steal babe and j.r. 's baby on christmas eve ? janet : that little boy is so adorable . it 's hard to understand how something so wonderful can come from people so evil . amanda : what else have you done , mother ? janet : never you mind . amanda : mom , you have to tell me -- is everyone ok ? janet : oh , honey , please . just think happy thoughts and leave all the tedious details to me . i certainly do n't mind a little dirty work . no truly devoted mother really does . amanda : mom , what other dirty work are you planning ? janet : you know , one day , you and jamie are going to get married , and you 're going to have children of your own , and then you will understand , because there is nothing that a truly loving parent wo n't do to ensure their child 's happiness . [ scene_break ] ryan : are you absolutely sure that september 20 was the date of the blackout ? simone : oh . ethan : you have a theory as to why the schematic had that date on it ? simone : ca n't we just be relieved ? i mean , a marked date on the calendar plus some crazy - looking sketch does n't add up to be a zach mob connection . frankly , i 'm breathing a huge sigh of relief here . anybody want a drink ? ryan : no , i 'm telling you , simone , it 's not time to celebrate , all right ? this date means something . it 's important . simone : yeah , yeah . yes , something to my product and my power bill , but nothing for a potential gangster . is n't that what you guys are worried about ? ryan : ethan , do me a favor -- will you do me a favor and check your own calendars ? check september 20 on what you got there . simone : you did n't answer my question . i mean , is there something else you 're worried about ? hello . i will not be ignored . ethan : no , sweetheart . it 's very hard to do that . ryan : look , it 's just that we do n't have all the answers . we do n't have any answers right now , but we 're going to find them . simone : why do i get this feeling that we 've just moved on to an entirely new color palette ? ethan : she 's right . september 20 , day of the blackout . simone : well , now , see , i 'm good like that . i 've got perfect recall for events and dates -- you know , the magna carta , my first -- well , you know . oh , my gosh , and the annual 2-for-1 shoe sale at lacey 's . ryan : you know what , honestly , honestly , thank you , simone . thank you , but really , right now , september 20 is the only date that matters . simone : right . ethan : where are you going with this ? ryan : look , if this is what i think it is , kendall could be sleeping with her own worst enemy . [ scene_break ] [ after zach watches his security tape of ryan stealthily entering and leaving his office , he pulls out the diagram from under the desk and rubs his face . ] kendall : liar , liar , pants on fire . zach : what 's wrong with my pants ? kendall : nothing . you said that you 'd be a little while and then , do you expect me to sit around all night waiting up for you ? zach : i expected you to be sleeping . kendall : well , i could n't sleep . now , what is more important than watching a hot pregnant woman sleep , huh ? this funny - looking thing , huh ? what is this ? [ scene_break ] ethan : take this schematic , get it identified . i do n't care how much it costs or how much manpower you need to use . you wake public officials if you need to . you bribe them if you have to . ok ? man : i 'll get right on it . ethan : thank you . [ door closes ] ethan : care to share your suspicions ? simone : yeah -- patience is not one of my many virtues , ok ? throw me a bone here -- it 's killing me . ryan : my guess is that your dad is playing god with some people that i have a very big stake in . simone : huh . anybody we know ? ethan : anyone we do n't ? come on , playing god is zach 's hobby . simone : why could n't he just taken up skydiving ? ethan : faking his own death , denying me , false confessing to edmund 's murder ? omnipotence is my father 's drug of choice . ryan : if zach 's getting away with what i suspect , it 's going to make those things look like curling up and knitting with your grandmother . and it 's time to stop him . [ scene_break ] zach : well , actually , that 's part of a project that turned out to be ill- advised . ah . so , that 's it ? no more questions for me ? kendall : uh , well , should i be asking any more ? is there something that you want to tell me ? zach : yeah , there is . i love you . and why are n't you home in bed ? kendall : i love you , too . and why are n't you home in bed with me ? zach : because i 'm busy embezzling money from you . kendall : never happen . zach : no ? why not ? kendall : because you love me . and because money does n't mean that much to you , and because i trust you completely . enough reasons , or do you need more ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you try to throw my baby doll in that muck , and you will feel my foot in your backside so fast that you will be eating quicksand . that property that you ca n't tear yourself away from , the one with the `` special draw `` ? that 's the quicksand pit over by willow lake , the one that we just got our necks out of . adam : well , you ca n't blame a fellow for trying . we should 've left you there to sink . krystal : oh -- well , then , at least i would n't have to listen to any more of what you were saying in the back of that truck , mr. wannabe romeo . adam : the arabella carey memorial swamp . you pay a little bit at the entrance trailer , then there 's the gift shop where you can get some , you know , souvenir alligators and mud - wrestling competitions every day , 2 : 30 sharp . babe : you know , i 'll just settle for a hospital wing instead . arabella carey chandler , minus the `` memorial `` part . krystal : yeah , that 's right after we rename chandler `` carey enterprises . `` adam : you 'll have to pry the papers from my cold , lifeless hands . krystal : oh , that could be arranged . babe : you two going to be going at it like this during our wedding ? adam : extreme duress induces delusional thinking . i 'm sure j.r. was so worried about me that he would 've given miss malibu minx here anything . there will be snowmen in hades before this wedding takes place . hmm . krystal : unfortunately , adam does have a point . in the heat of panic , men say all sorts of princely things , and then once the trauma is over -- babe : it was n't like that , mama . j.r. and i really were going to tie the knot on the island and probably would 've been married by now had we not gotten word that you guys were missing . krystal : so your plan to saddle j.r. is in full tilt ? babe : it 's looking good . krystal : honey , getting j.r. to marry you is only the beginning . you think dealing with kendall over at fusion is tough , it 's only going to get trickier from here on out . are you sure that this is what you want ? babe : i know this is going to sound all sorts of crazy , but i 'm not sure it 's going to be necessary to scam j.r. after all . [ scene_break ] jonathan : first , she was a -- she was a nun , a woman definitely . i saw her that day that woman was drowned . and then she was a nurse -- nurse . she came to see me at the hospital . j.r. : the same place babe was tossed down the stairs ? were you in the stairwell that day ? jonathan : no , i -- and then the next day , i saw the police officer , but the kind with the dark glasses and -- and a big trooper hat and the boots . and then -- then there was the park with the balloons , a man . he had a mustache . jamie : so this person 's a regular visitor ? tad : jonathan , does anybody see this person besides you ? jonathan : you think i 'm crazy again ? j.r. : crazy , sane -- does n't matter . we 're going to lock you up for good this time . [ scene_break ] janet : i could n't leave town after seeing you . you were lying there so precious and helpless in the hospital , i just could n't abandon you . amanda : mom , i am a big girl . i can take care of myself ! janet : well , i know that you can , of course , but why should you have to ? that 's what i was trying to tell trevor is this -- you were lying there , you were injured , you were misunderstood and rejected , all alone in the world . i know what it 's like to feel that way . i know what it 's like to live in the shadow of despair . amanda : i 'm fine ! i always was . mom , i know that you love me , and you 're trying to help me , but my life is good , ok ? i swear it . you need to take care of yourself , ok ? janet : but taking care of you is taking care of me . i am a part of you , and you are a part of me . amanda : where does daddy think that you are right now ? janet : well , unfortunately , daddy is n't quite as supportive as he once was , and i 'm afraid trevor has grown rather cold of late . amanda : i 'm taking you to the airport and flying you home tonight . janet : no ! no , i ca n't go yet . i have so much more work to do . i have so many people and places to take care of before the wedding ! amanda : mom , i love you so much . but you need to go home and rest , ok ? we do n't need to worry about this wedding right now . there 's no rush . janet : but home is where you are , amanda . and we do n't have to book flights to get to go where i 'm living now . amanda : you left daddy ? janet : oh , no , i could never leave trevor . i 'm just taking a -- a sort of a -- a sabbatical . would you like to see my workspace ? i would love to show it to you , but you have to remember that my project is a work in progress , and it ca n't be fully appreciated until it 's complete , and things are going really well right now , but i am nowhere near done . [ scene_break ] tad : you 're going to have to take it easy . j.r. : look , i do n't care if lavery is over there eating his own crayons or is as sane as you and i . he needs to be in permanent lockdown -- straitjacket in a padded cell or a cell in maximum security . look , i 'm not picky . tad : no , you 're upset because your family 's been targeted by this whole thing . that 's why you have to let me handle it . please . j.r. : handle it ? how ? tad : hey , aidan ? aidan : thanks for calling . erin : oh , god . what 's going on ? are you -- are you ok ? jonathan : i did n't -- i did n't want to come here , but he made me . he said that people were going to die if i did n't and then -- this is n't my fault , erin . erin : well , who -- who said people were going to die ? jamie : that 's a good question . maybe you and aidan can help us figure that one out . j.r. : yeah , this is j.r. chandler . jamie : the nurse you saw -- j.r. : get derek frye on the phone right now . jamie : what did she look like ? jonathan : it 's hard to say . aidan : think hard , jonny . help us out here , can you ? jamie : was she young , kind of pretty ? about 5 ' 5 `` ? brown hair ? jonathan : i -- i do n't know about the -- the nun . i could n't see her hair , but the -- the nurse 's hair was definitely brown . tad : jonathan , do you know amanda dillon ? jonathan : i -- i do n't think so -- why ? is amanda dillon a bad person ? [ scene_break ] amanda : is this some kind of voodoo setup ? janet : voodoo ? that 's a set of beliefs . i do n't believe in anything or anyone except me -- no . you want something done right , you got to do it yourself . amanda : is that a truck in oatmeal ? janet : oh , no . it 's horrible . uh , just horrible . pretty girls do n't have to eat oatmeal . i never made you eat oatmeal when you were a little girl , now , did i ? no . no , but it did . it gave me a brilliant idea for today . all right , now let me introduce you to mommy 's pet project . i call it `` naughty pine valley . `` [ scene_break ] krystal : what the heck do you mean , you might not have to scam j.r. ? babe : look , i -- i know that my son is my first priority , i get it , but would n't it be a lot easier if j.r. could just stay human , then i would n't have to divorce him to get my son ? this plan did start all before he found out about di , and you saw what that did to him . he was lashing out , he was drunk . he was crushed and you saw it , too , and then not to mention thanksgiving -- all that anger , wanting to take off ? he was so sad he could n't hide it . and the thing is i do n't think he wants to hide it from me anymore . [ scene_break ] stuart : it would be nice for little adam if his parents could work things out . adam : `` nice `` ? it would be a disaster , stuart . stuart : do you remember how happy they used to be ? they could teach you something about forgiving . adam : the weak forgive . i will not allow this abomination of a wedding to take place . stuart : how are you going to stop them ? adam : actually , i 'm delegating that task to you . [ scene_break ] babe : i have hurt j.r. so much , mama . and i 'm not proud of it , but he 's letting me in and things really are different . it 's -- it 's almost like i have my old j.r. back . and maybe the marriage could work , and then i would n't have to scheme and things could be real . krystal : are you saying that you are in love with j.r. ? babe : no . i 'm not in love with j.r . but if i let myself , i probably could be . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe was a wreck . when that truck went down , if krystal would 've died , babe would 've been done . jamie : half our family almost died . erin : he was just trying to help . tad : well , he certainly has a habit of showing up in the nick of time . jonathan : um -- i only came here , because the balloon person said it was -- it would be my fault if those people died . j.r. : yeah , of course . and sparky the wonder freak here saves the day . tad : j.r . it 's a nice feeling , is n't it , jonathan ? helping people , being a hero ? as a matter of fact , it 's such a nice feeling i would n't blame a guy for wanting to make it a habit . erin : what are you trying to say ? tad : i think maybe your brother 's need to be appreciated forces him to put people at risk so he can save them . [ scene_break ] janet : so here 's babe at the foot of the hospital stairs . `` oh , help , someone ! i 'm falling ! `` buh - buh - buh - buh - bump -- thump . yeah . run over you with her car ? tsk , tsk , tsk , tsk . ok , here . chandler supfest -- mmm . yum , yum , yum , yum , yum . it 's just too bad j.r. was n't hungry that day -- oh , oh ! david hayward on his way into open - heart surgery . i just got this new mini - gurney on back order -- is n't it adorable ? ah ! oh , and di -- ok , di . `` help me , help me , i 'm drowning ! `` oh , gurgle , gurgle , blah . now , that was impromptu , but that did turn out awfully well . does n't she know better not to impersonate someone ? oh , kendall . kendall , hanging in her hammock , dangling off the top of the roof -- ooh . whoo ! that one took some doing , but it 's a good thing i have an engineer 's mind , too . amanda : what do you have against kendall ? janet : oh , nothing , darling , absolutely nothing at all . [ scene_break ] kendall : see , i was afraid my mother would go ballistic , but then she finally agreed that she would get onboard with us . zach : yeah , so she can throw me off ? kendall : she 's going to meet us halfway . this is -- this is awful . this really needs to be redone . it 's not good . zach : i agree . kendall : oh , i do n't know why i am so concerned about what my mother thinks and getting her approval , but i just am . this one 's better . zach : you love her , and you want her support . kendall : yeah , and as much as i love you , i just wish there was someone in this town that was on my side . zach : erica -- she does n't give up , does she ? kendall : no . zach : really wear a person out . kendall : she never wore you out . zach : as you 've said , i do n't care what people think . [ scene_break ] ryan : i mean , you got to think about it . everybody was floored that kendall was carrying her own child , everybody except for zach . i mean , the guy was n't surprised at all . he did n't even react at all . he was n't even swearing under his breath . [ phone rings ] ethan : you found something ? you sure about that ? thanks . looks like zach had good reason to hide that schematic . it 's the pine valley power grid . ryan : he did it . the bastard caused the blackout . he 's the reason that kendall could n't carry greenlee 's baby . [ scene_break ] kendall : maybe i should be more like you and not give a flip what people say . zach : oh , but you do care . that 's what matters to me . kendall : by the end of thanksgiving , i had only one thing to give thanks for after my family went nuts on me . zach : your family should n't have turned on you like that . and i intend to make sure they never turn on you again . i 'm in your corner . i will do whatever you need . i 'm here to support you , no questions asked . if someone wants to get to you , they have to go through me first . but you could make it a lot easier for me to protect the woman i love . be my wife . marry me , for real this time . [ scene_break ] simone : yeah , but why do it to the entire town ? why not just cut the wires to the fertility clinic ? ryan : no , no , no . you see , that would be too obvious . ethan : yeah , zach 's a lot smarter than that . ryan : if it was n't for zach , then kendall would be carrying greenlee and my baby , and i would be with my wife . ethan : kendall would never have been in this position in the first place . simone : ok , let 's not forget , ok ? kendall made the last - minute choice to use her own egg all by herself . ryan : yeah , but zach 's stunt forced her to make that decision . she should never have had to make that . simone : how in the world would zach have even guessed ? who would have ? ryan : it 's because of kendall 's determination and her -- her will to help greenlee . she completely trumped zach 's plan . just think of what it cost . ethan : yeah , and zach knew the whole time that you were alive . ryan : yes , he did . and apparently , he did n't consider my child worth living , even though it would have saved greenlee . he still hates me for telling you who he was . simone : yeah , i do n't mean to interrupt this , you know , testosterone - fueled bash fest . what zach did is wrong , ok ? and he screwed up everybody . but it 's not all about you , ryan , all right ? zach pulled the plug on the entire town to protect the woman that he loves . now , you can shoot me , but i think that it 's the most romantic thing i 've ever heard . [ scene_break ] zach : i love you , and i want to be with you . and i ca n't guarantee that things are going to be perfect all the time , you know ? but i -- i can guarantee that i can do whatever i can to make sure that your life is easier and -- and better and happier . and if i drop the ball , if -- then i will spend the rest of my life making sure that i -- i make it right for you , because you deserve that . you deserve more than that . will you marry me , please ? kendall : yes . yes , yes ! my god , yes ! of course . yes ! [ kendall laughs as she and zach hug then kiss . ] [ scene_break ] [ janet hums the `` wedding march `` as she models a bridal veil . ] janet : i made this one for you , darling . amanda : these are n't all for me , are they ? janet : oh , do n't be a silly goose ! no , these are my uniforms , for my work . crafting a persona is as much about the outside as it is about the inside . amanda : god , mom , what has happened to you ? janet : inspiration . ha . you . look -- listen , amanda . think about it . think . who do you meet in your neighborhood ? well , first off , there 's a police officer . he keeps you safe . he protects you . oh , and then there 's the nurse . she keeps you healthy . and then , there 's -- oh , jolly old st. nick . and we know what his job is , do n't we ? ho , ho , ho , ho , ho ! and then , here 's a little number that i wore when i was helping kendall take her nap . it is awfully cute , and it could look very good on you . amanda : i am not going anywhere near those clothes . janet : the kendall incident was devised to help you , protect you . amanda : protect me how ? kendall hart is not after me . janet : you were unfortunately , consistently being blamed for the humility lessons that j.r. and babe require . and so i needed to do something to throw them off the track . and it worked . however , you are still unfortunately being accused of some of the other incidents , but i have taken important steps to fix that little problem . amanda : i just ca n't stand by and watch you hurt people . janet : look , occasionally a random person , like -- like kendall , or -- or opal , or -- or joe martin have to meet somebody from my neighborhood . see , that way , it throws everybody off the track , and it gets them off the scent and it -- it makes them think about other things . and then they start worrying about jonathan lavery , and it makes jonathan lavery look like the suspect that he truly should be . you know , jonathan lavery is , after all , a serial killer . no one is safe as long as he is free . no one is safe as long as he is free . they really should have arrested him back when i framed him for that little fire back at babe 's seedy little bar . you know -- all right , i know what you 're thinking -- where 's the fire diorama ? do you have any idea how hard it is to make flames look real ? amanda : mother , please stop ! listen to me . i am begging you . ok , yes , jonathan lavery has done some awful things , but you are the criminal now . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i do n't know what 's real anymore . and i do n't think i hurt anybody since -- since my surgery . what if i did , and i do n't know ? well , then that 's -- that 's what this nun / nurse / police person 's saying . erin : no , listen , you have n't hurt anyone . and we 're going to find whoever this is who 's telling you these things . aidan : your alibi checked out when little adam was kidnapped . you remember victoria ? jonathan : yeah , yeah . but that 's -- that 's not the person with the balloons . that -- this all sounds so crazy , even to me , and -- and i had the brain surgery . you know , and all these costumes -- aidan : it 's just crazy enough it could be true . j.r. : where are the cops ? tad : j.r. , jonathan 's not going anywhere . so why do n't you head home ? [ scene_break ] babe : j.r. and i had something once . or at least i thought we did . krystal : and all that got shot to bits , remember ? babe : we have hurt each other so much , i do n't see why it 's so bad to hope that we wo n't have to hurt each other again . krystal : what if -- what if j.r. does not turn back into the boy from the san diego pier ? deep down , my insides are screaming that j.r. is still the same reptile that his daddy raised him to be . [ scene_break ] adam : if you refuse to talk j.r. out of this matrimonial suicide , then i will have to do what i have to do . and it 'll be on your head . stuart : my -- what are you going to do ? how are you going to -- you 're going to threaten to disinherit him again , again , again ? you 're going to threaten to take away half his business ? you 've done that all before . has it ever worked ? uh - uh , no . j.r. just ca n't wait to throw it right back in your face . he 's just like his daddy that way . you remember when babe first got here ? how angry you were ? how did j.r. react ? he hugged her as close as he could to himself just to get back at you . ca n't you ever learn something ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you are this close to getting your heart ripped out and roasted on a hot black stick . babe : i am not going to let j.r. break my heart , again . krystal : will you just give it up ? and you jump back from j.r. , or your heart is going to be the least your worries . [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm sorry , `` romantic `` ? how do you -- how do you find this romantic ? it 's romantic that zach took kendall 's most generous impulse of her entire life and deliberately made it into a huge joke ? simone : that 's not the romantic part . ryan : well , then what is the romantic part ? i mean , i do n't get it . the betrayal ? because kendall 's not going to think so . believe me , she 's not going to take zach 's manipulation as a sign of love , especially because it cost her her best friend and a whole lot more . ethan : yeah , kendall 's pretty big on the trust thing . ryan : i mean , i suppose the upside of all of this is that she will get rid of zach for good . the downside -- simone : is that this will break kendall 's heart . i already know the answer to this . so please do n't flip out , but i have to ask anyway . is it absolutely necessary that kendall knows that zach caused the blackout ? [ scene_break ] zach : getting divorced from you is the best thing that ever happened to me . because now i get to marry you again . and give you that dream wedding that you have never thought about . kendall : hmm . never in my wildest dreams did i ever imagine i would be getting married in a maternity wedding gown . you 're going to have to roll me right down the aisle . zach : or we can wait until the little boy 's born . you can carry him instead of a bouquet . or whatever you decide for his future . i just want you to be happy , that 's all . kendall : well , that 's easy . you make me happy . [ scene_break ] janet : my own child thinks that i 'm a criminal ? amanda : look around . ca n't you see what you 're doing ? janet : dear god , what have i done ? all i ever wanted was to make you happy . you are the one true joy of my entire life . you 're the only thing i ever did right . and now you 're telling me that i got it all wrong ? amanda : mom , i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to hurt your feelings . janet : but if you think that i 'm a criminal -- if you do n't get it -- if i have n't made you happy , then what 's the point ? if i let you down -- and i obviously have -- then i have dishonored the most precious , sacred gift ! my beautiful baby ! i 'm so sorry ! can you please forgive me ? amanda : mom , listen , i love you . ok , of course i can forgive you , but you ca n't do this anymore . janet : oh , why should you forgive me ? yeah , i do n't deserve your forgiveness ! i do n't deserve your love ! i do n't deserve anything at all ! i do n't deserve to be a mother ! i do n't deserve anything at all ! [ scene_break ] babe : i promise you the first sign of j.r. 's mean streak , i will kick him to the curb , and i 'll take my son out of here just like i planned . krystal : you know what they say -- the road to hell is paved with good intentions . j.r. : well , hello , everybody . hi . babe : hey . j.r. : krystal , how are you doing ? krystal : just dandy . babe : how are you doing ? j.r. : uh -- better , now that everyone 's safe . babe : you know , i realized i never gave you my answer . j.r. : well , do n't keep a guy in suspense . babe : well , i already told my mom , and i told your dad , so i guess it 's time i fill you in . yes . i will marry you . j.r. : hello , mrs. adam chandler , jr . [ scene_break ] jonathan : if i ca n't afford one , one will be provided for me , i know it . i 've been arrested before . erin : this is going to be ok . we 're going to figure all this out somehow . aidan : we 're on it already . jonathan : do n't worry about me , erin . jail is not such a bad place for me to be . at least there , i know i -- i ca n't hurt anyone . officer : let 's go . jamie : i know jonathan may have done this , but my money is still on amanda for something . tad : and you 're going to find out what . jamie : there 's no way she 's completely innocent . [ scene_break ] amanda : i 'm so sorry , mom . listen , i overreacted . you are the best mom ever . i have never doubted how much you love me . i 'm just concerned about you , that 's all . janet : well , honey , no , do n't be concerned about me . i 'm fine as long as you 're happy . amanda : you have worked so hard to get better and -- and live down your past and lead a normal life . and i could n't bear it if -- janet : oh , no , no , no , no , no . the last thing i want to do is make my little baby cry . oh . amanda : mom , if you got caught or locked up , i 'd be lost . and you have been so lucky so far . janet : not lucky , just smarter . amanda : no , mom , listen . none of your projects have gotten anybody killed , thank god , but you have got to stop while you 're ahead . janet : there is so much left to be done . amanda : how long have you been off your meds ? do you have any with you ? do you have any left ? janet : all gone . amanda : you have to get these refilled . janet : i 'm fine , honey . no worries . amanda : listen , if you love me like you say you do , then you will get back on your meds . janet : hey , you doubt i love you ? amanda : give me these . i 'll get them refilled . promise me that you will take these pills . promise me you 'll stop the humiliating lessons you 're giving babe and j.r. and scratch any future ideas for enemies . janet : you have my word . [ janet slyly crosses her fingers behind her back . ] amanda : look , i 'll be back soon , ok ? and i need you to stay here until i get back , all right ? janet : i will . i 'll be waiting . image : she does n't trust you . she locked you in . janet : when has a little padlock ever stopped me ? amanda : daddy , it 's me . um -- mom 's in pine valley , and she 's totally lost it . i do n't know what to do . you have to call me as soon as you get this . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm going to head home . you coming ? zach : i have to finish a couple of things first . i 'll see you there . [ scene_break ] ryan : we have to tell kendall . she has to find out who zach really is . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 'd better be in my bed before i go to sleep . zach : i 'll be there . kendall : hmm . [ once alone , zach sets the schematic of the pine valley power grid on fire and drops it in the trash can . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : the lies have to stop . simone : so what next ? ryan : kendall 's not going to believe that the man she 's in love with is responsible for sending her life into a tailspin . simone : yeah , especially if it 's coming from you . ryan : you 're right . you 're right . i do n't want to upset kendall unless i 'm absolutely positive that zach 's responsible for the sabotage of an entire city power grid . i mean , the schematic 's not enough . i need hard evidence . and i 'm going to find it . and then i 'll go to kendall . and that 's when i 'm going to blow the lid off of zach 's lies . [ next_on ] kendall ( to erica ) : zach and i have something important to tell you . erica ( to kendall and zach ) : oh , great . i 'm going to hate this , are n't i ? amanda ( to janet ) : daddy loves you like i do , ok ? he 's going to understand . janet ( to amanda ) : trevor ca n't find out about my mission . julia : ryan , what do you think about me adopting your baby ? | tad , jr and jamie question jonathan for what he might know about the five people getting kidnapped and locked in the sinking truck . he talks about a `` crazy woman `` who keeps appearing who told him he had to go to where the truck is . and he just wanted to save these people . jr calls the cops and they take jonathan away . jonathan is almost convinced with what janet is telling him that he might still be `` bad `` . tad and jamie wonder of amanda could be responsible for all the unexplained things that have happened recently . janet shares with amanda that she has kidnapped the five people , pushed di into the ice hole , put kendall on the hammock hanging over the skye scraper , drugged david hayward and had him put in the or , pushed babe down the stairs and poisoned the chandler 's thanksgiving dinner . amanda tells her mother she can not keep doing these things and attempting to frame jonathan lavery for her crimes . but janet manipulates her daughter by having a breakdown and telling her she loves her and she 's a terrible mother and all . amanda has a dilemma but calls her father informing him that her mother has really lost it and needs his help . |
j.r. : hey . annie : we have to talk . j.r. : sure . uh , i 'll call you later . annie : no . it 's important . j.r. : so is this . it 's a.j . 's parent / teacher conference . we 'll talk later . annie : will we ? or will you be with marissa ? j.r. : she 's gon na be at the conference . annie : that 's not what i mean . what i mean is the look on your face every time i show up here . you are always freaking out that if we get seen together , it 's gon na ruin this whole custody thing . j.r. : this is so close to being done . annie : the divorce was postponed . do you know how much it hurts me to know that you would drop anything to be with marissa ? that i have to beg to spend a few minutes with you . j.r. : i 'm sorry that you feel that way . i really do . but we 'll get together , all right ? just do n't get all crazy on me . annie : did you just call me crazy ? [ scene_break ] damon : thanks for , uh , meeting me . tad : oh , well , you know , between you and the bottomless bowl of pretzels i had to myself -- damon : i have a plan . after everything that happened with liza , i still think leaving town is the best way to go , so i 'm heading to washington . tad : d.c. ? damon : yeah . ha ! i turned up a spot on a friend 's couch and checked out some venues to score a d.j . gig . look , i know this is n't what you want , but i 'm -- i 'm hoping you 'll be cool with it . tad : it 's kind of hard for your old man to be cool with the idea of you running scared . [ scene_break ] ryan : liza , you would n't be here to see david by any chance , would you ? liza : that 's hardly your concern . ryan : well , it kinda is , actually . i mean , the d.a . , who was supposed to put him in prison is the one calling the shots with regard to his health and happiness . liza : ok , those were medical decisions , and now that he 's alert and competent , i no longer need to be his advocate . what is your point ? ryan : i smell a little bit of conflict of interest , do n't you ? i mean , is it just me or every time david 's in the picture , you 're not far behind . what is it ? what do you see in him ? liza : well , you might want to ask greenlee . she married him . [ scene_break ] david : you 're engaged . greenlee : yes . david : how sweet . except you 're still married to me . that 's why you came here , is n't it ? not to see how i was doing but to get me to sign off on the divorce . greenlee : ryan and i are together , david . you need to accept that . there 's nothing you can do to change it . david : if you really believed that , you would n't be here right now . [ scene_break ] j.r. : not crazy crazy . it 's just an expression . annie : not to me . not after oak haven . padded cells and strait - jackets . everyone likes to make their jokes , but it was real , and it was horrible . and i am so far from being that person . i ca n't believe you would even say that word to me . j.r. : i 'm sorry . i was n't thinking . [ cell phone rings ] annie : let me guess . let me guess . marissa ? j.r. : she 's wondering where i am . annie : i am the one who is here . i am here . talk to me . i am the one you care about , right ? i mean , you do care about me ? j.r. : of course , i do . you have to stop doubting . you have to trust me , annie . annie : it is not that easy for me , j.r . j.r. : i 'm sorry . there is nothing crazy about you . annie : well , there is nothing easy about this life , ok ? do you know how difficult it is for me to be in a room and not be able to talk to you ? not be able to touch you ? to have to worry that if i look at you the wrong way , people are gon na think that we 're a couple ? j.r. : i know how difficult -- annie : no , you do n't ! you do n't know because you 're out there living your life while i am stashed away at a motel . i am the only one making sacrifices while you 're off playing family guy with marissa . j.r. : she is a.j . 's mother ! annie : and what am i ? what am i to you ? are we together or are we not ? j.r. : we are . annie : huh . only when nobody else is looking , right ? j.r. : for now . only for now . annie , we agreed that this was for the best . annie : prove it . j.r. : prove what ? annie : prove that i mean something to you , prove that we mean something to you . j.r. : ok . all right , i will reschedule the trip , just the two of us . annie : call marissa and tell her to schedule the court date . she 's fully recovered . there are no more excuses . finalize the divorce . [ scene_break ] damon : i 'm not running away . tad : yeah . this friend with the couch , do i know him ? damon : a friend of mine from high school . do n't worry . it 's ok . he 's got his act together . even has a decent job . tad : if he 's got a couch , that 's a start . damon : look , i do n't know what to say . i know this is not perfect , but i -- i 'm really hoping that you 'll understand . and i want you to know that i 'm not just running away to become a screw - up again . tad : well , there 's one thing i know for sure , that you 're right . if you stay in pine valley , you 're gon na run into colby , which means you 're gon na be bending over backwards to make sure she does n't find out the truth , which means you 'll have to lie . and one way or another , she 's too smart not to know it . so you 'd both be miserable . [ damon scoffs ] tad : i 've said it a thousand times , and i 'll say it one more . no matter what you do , i 'm proud of you . damon : yeah ? even though your ex and i -- tad : oh , hey , listen . we both know i 'm no one to judge on that front . damon : yeah , well , thanks , though . tad : besides , the good news is , you 're only two hours away . i got lucky . we have plenty of time to spend together . damon : yeah . i like that a lot . tad : yeah , well , if you like that , you 're gon na love your going - away party . damon : no , no . no , party . tad : oh , yeah . just a festive , little get - together , intimate , you know , with cake . damon : look , after everything that 's happened , i really think that under the radar is the way to go . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee knows that marrying david was a huge mistake . liza : yes , but nobody forced her . ryan : no , but you might want to review the facts on how their marriage came to be , liza . either way , she woke up , and she realized that she made a life- changing mistake . you ever done that ? you ever make a mistake and then realize that it just turned your world upside down , hurt the people that you love ? liza : well , we 're not talking about me . ryan : greenlee is doing what she can to make things right . what about you ? liza : what about me ? ryan : i mean , she 's in there right now trying to get david to sign divorce papers . she ca n't change the past , but she can make sure that the guy does n't drag her down again . liza : mm . well , good for greenlee . ryan : you can do it , too , liza . liza : you see , i am not attached to david . ryan : really ? 'cause that 's not how it looks to just about everybody . you can show people that he 's not the one pulling your strings . liza : all this concern for my welfare . it 's really just you making sure that i put david behind bars so far that he never sees daylight , right ? ryan : ok , yes , you will be doing the world a service . but you 'll also be doing yourself a service , liza . you do n't have to be hated . you know that , right ? i mean , you can even have some friends . liza : who , you ? ryan : sure . me . yeah . i 'm a good friend . you remember . we were friends once . do the right thing with david , liza . show people who you really are . i know who you really are . show everybody . make your daughter proud . [ scene_break ] david : look at you , all confident , chin in the air . but i know you , greenlee . you would n't be here right now if you did n't think that i could cause trouble for you and ryan starting with not signing those divorce papers . greenlee : i was hoping that we could be civilized about this . david : civilized ? nice word . greenlee : there 's nothing left between us , david . so why not just end this amicably ? david : wow . another nice word . we 've been through so much together , greenlee . you loved me . i know you did . now here we are , trying to be civilized and amicable . greenlee : will you sign the papers ? david : i remember when i pulled you out of that water . you were so pale , practically dead . i breathed the life back into you . i did anything and everything for you , lived my life for you , devoted my life for our future . for you . greenlee : do you hear yourself ? that 's not love . it 's obsession . that 's not what i want . i want peace . i want contentment . david : mmm . and that 's what you 'll have with ryan ? greenlee : i already do . david : huh . yeah . right . well , enjoy it while it lasts . he 's hurt you before , remember ? walked out . he 'll do it again , trust me . greenlee : it 's different this time . david : hmm . yeah , of course . 'cause you 're so in love , right , and so hopeful ? too bad for that nasty , little thing called reality that always seems to intrude . greenlee : the reality is that ryan and i will be together forever , because i will do whatever i can to hold on to what we have . david : now who 's obsessed ? [ scene_break ] tad : where are you headed off to ? i just got here . damon : yeah , i know . i got to go to the hospital . i have to say thanks to angie , who 's done so much for me , you know . that job and getting my adhd under control and everything else . tad : that 's a terrific idea . unfortunately , angela 's up in san francisco , remember ? she 's in bed rest , the pregnancy and all . damon : oh . is everything gon na be ok with that ? tad : it better be . damon : well , i guess i can still drop off the gift that i got her . tad : you know something ? i think that no matter what , you 're gon na be just fine . tad : see you later . damon : right . opal : oh . hi there , honey . i 'm sorry to be late . i just got busy tweeting , and i lost track of the time . tad : you tweet ? opal : well , yeah . erica turned me on to it . i got 198 followers and counting . tad : well , i hope you 're not too busy tweeting to help me plan damon 's going- away party . you know , i really want it to be special . opal : well , by all means . if i did n't know any better , i 'd say that that stiff upper lip was actually a genuine smile . tad : well , not quite . but he wants to move to d.c . it 's only a couple hours away , and something tells me i can make that work . opal : i know you can . but two hours or two days , colby 's not gon na be happy . you think that liza had anything to do with breaking them up ? tad : ha ha ! opal : what ? tad : oh , god . you know something ? if we do n't get a move on , we 're gon na miss your appointment . opal : i know a non - answer when i hear one . tad : love you , too , mom . [ scene_break ] woman over p.a . : paging dr. white . dr. white -- damon : hi . liza : hi . damon : how 's colby ? liza : she 's , um , she is struggling . and i imagine that you are , too . damon : so you know it 's official , i 'm going to washington , d.c . liza : huh . ahh . i 'm so sorry . damon : do n't be sorry . i have a place to crash and some job stuff with my music . i 'm good . liza : damon , you have a whole basement over at tad 's . you 've got a big support system . you 've got a gift for law . damon : i need a fresh start . liza : 'cause of me . damon : no , no . i was just as responsible . liza : you know , colby is gon na be really upset . damon : yeah , i know . liza : she still loves you . damon : and i love her . i do . i love her . and that 's part of the reason that i have to leave . if i stick around , i 'll be way too tempted to try and get back together . liza : damon , would it be so terrible -- damon : yes . it 's not possible , not after everything that 's gone down . liza : what if we could go back and you -- damon : we ca n't go back . so you know , tad 's gon na throw me a going - away party . liza : do n't think i 'll be getting an invitation . damon : you have to be there . liza : oh , yeah . i do n't think so . damon : if you 're a no - show , colby 's gon na wonder why . liza : yeah , and if i do show and the wrong thing is said or looked at or -- damon : that 's not gon na happen . we 're not gon na let that happen . you , me , and my dad , it 's gon na stay our secret . liza : i do n't know . damon : well , think about it , ok ? for colby . liza : ok , i will . damon : thanks liza : damon . i 'm , uh -- i 'm so sorry . [ scene_break ] greenlee : why are you doing this ? are you trying to hurt me ? are you trying to make me doubt ryan ? david : i 'm just trying to get you to see , greenlee , that you have every reason to believe that you have to be worried about the long term once the glow fades . greenlee : i 'm not worried at all . david : something else is bothering you . what is it ? greenlee : just this . david : you know he will never love you as much as i do . greenlee : well , if you love me as much as you say you do , sign these divorce papers . let me go -- and put us both out of our misery . [ scene_break ] annie : if you and marissa ca n't set a date to finalize the divorce , i 'll go talk to her . j.r. : no . i 'll do it . marissa : j.r. ? are you here ? j.r. : you have to go . annie : and what if i do n't ? j.r. : annie , you 're angry at me . you 're upset at the situation . but i 'm doing this for a.j . , so you got to help me . annie : almost losing emma was one of the worst things that ever happened to me . j.r. : so you understand . annie : yes . you know i understand . j.r. : i 'll call you later . annie : i 've heard that before . j.r. : i promise . as soon as i 'm done with marissa . marissa : oh , there you are . did n't you hear me calling you ? j.r. : yeah . uh , sorry . it was a conference call . marissa : did you forget about our parent / teacher conference ? j.r. : no . i was on my way . there was crisis in the jakarta office . did i miss it ? marissa : yeah . i mean , we had to cut it short . i mean , it was fine . j.r. : well , what did the teacher have to say ? marissa : well , mrs. hopkins said that a.j . has been great . j.r. : so no more acting out , no more fighting ? marissa : yeah . no , no . for the last couple of months , he 's been a model citizen . j.r. : that 's because of you . marissa : me ? j.r. : yeah . we stopped fighting . we started acting like real parents , and that made all the difference for a.j . and for us . marissa : yeah . on the subject of us , have you gotten a chance to reschedule the court date , so that we can finalize our divorce ? j.r. : not yet . marissa : ok . you said you were gon na handle that , right ? j.r. : yeah , yeah . marissa : is there a reason why you have n't ? j.r. : i meant to get to it , but chandler -- marissa : oh , right . when you do set the date , just do n't forget to show up . i mean , a.j . 's teacher was very understanding , but i do n't know that the judge would be . j.r. : i 'll be early . i owe you that much for not making the conference . marissa : you mean that ? j.r. : yes , of course , i do . you came all the way over here , so what is it that you need ? marissa : a half - hour and an extra pair of hands . is that possible ? j.r. : sure , sure . let me shut my computer off . i 'll meet you outside . marissa : great . thank you so much . j.r. : ok . [ door closes ] j.r. : i know what you 're thinking . annie : you let me believe that marissa was handling the court date . j.r. : with a concussion , i did n't want -- annie : oh , enough about the damn concussion . this whole time you have been the one putting off finalizing this divorce . j.r. : i simply forgot to set the date . annie : you forgot ? j.r. : do you know how intense it 's been over at the office lately ? annie : you say you want to be with me . you say you ca n't wait to be with me , to be out in the open , to be out in public together , and yet you forget the one thing that would make that possible . j.r. : all right , this is enough , annie . annie : what the hell is going on , j.r. ? do you want to be with me or do you not ? j.r. : yes , of course , i want to be with you ! annie : no ! then please , you have to do something to speed this up ! i feel like i am falling apart more and more every single day . please . j.r. : all right , i 'll set the court date today . i want to be with you , annie , and i am sorry for every bit of pain that i 've put you through . you 're my partner in every way , and you 're there for me like no one else is . i need you . annie : well , now i need you , j.r. , and i just do n't mean an hour every once in a while or when it 's convenient for you . j.r. : i mean it , annie . i need you as much as you need me , so do n't let a technicality like a court date get in the way of that . annie : you 'll make it happen today ? j.r. : absolutely . [ scene_break ] tad : you here checking on your charge ? hayward . liza : uh . my days of being david 's advocate are done now that he 's strong enough to make his own decisions . tad : well , just so long as he 's making them from behind bars . liza : he is going to be going to prison . he 's going to await his trial there . as soon as the doctors sign off . tad : ca n't happen soon enough . liza : hey , listen , i 'm glad you 're here , because i got a lead for damon . tad : what kind of a lead ? liza : well , i 've made a few phone calls , and there 's a law program . it 's a scholarship and an internship , and he 's been accepted . tad : you did that ? liza : well , i figured i 've messed up a major part of his life , it 's the least i can do . they 're holding a spot for him , and here 's an e - mail for confirmation . tad : `` davis . `` well , that 's impressive . liza : what ? tad : california . liza , tell the truth . are you doing this to help damon or to get him as far away from pine valley as you possibly can ? [ scene_break ] david : if i had just done what you had asked , let you go the night of the party , i never would have been shot . lost all this time . greenlee : and zach would still be alive . kendall would have her husband . her children would have their father . we 've hurt so many people . it 's time to end this . david : i never intended for any of that . greenlee : of course , you did n't . all you wanted was to ruin ryan 's life , and you ruined so many others , all because you could n't have what you wanted . david : give me the papers . greenlee : you 'll sign them ? david : i 'm gon na do what i should have done that night . i 'm gon na let you go . greenlee : just like that ? david : we 're finished , greenlee . i have to accept that . i just need one more favor . greenlee : i knew it . david : help me sit up , please . greenlee : oh . sure . david : oh . greenlee : i remember when you had to help me with every little move . david : i 'll never forget it . you would think there would be only one way to go from there , huh ? up . thank you . greenlee : just , um -- sign at the x 's . [ ryan stands in the doorway ] greenlee : david ? david : yeah . greenlee : and there . david : here you go . free and clear . greenlee : i did love you , david . i wanted our marriage to work . when i woke up , you were so good to me , you were so kind . you gave me more than my life back . you gave me hope and love . even after everything , i 'm still grateful . david : grateful . huh . well , i guess that 's something to hold on to , huh ? greenlee : do n't do what i did . when i woke up , i had my second chance . i wasted so much time being angry , getting back at the people who 'd hurt me . david : well , maybe that 's just who i am , right ? greenlee : i know you do n't like to show it , but there is good in you . this is your chance to let people see it . david : all right , greenlee , you got what you came for . greenlee : this is your chance to have a fresh start . [ hugs david ] thank you for not fighting me on this . david : i just hope you have a real shot in hell at being happy . greenlee : i will be . [ scene_break ] liza : tad , i do n't blame you for thinking the worst of me , but i 'm telling you , i only tried to do something good for damon . tad : no kidding . i -- liza , this is -- i do n't know what to say . i mean , do you think he 's qualified ? liza : after being my assistant ? with his brains and his instinct , yeah , he 's definitely qualified . tad : well , when do you plan to tell him about this amazing but oh - so - far - away opportunity ? liza : i 'm not . you are . and do n't mention me . tad : california . liza : i mean , if you think that it 's not right for him or if you do n't want him to go , then just do n't tell him . you make the call . but you were the one that told me , `` we got to do right by our kids . `` that 's all i was trying to do . opal : what 's that ginger - headed devil trying to rope you into now ? tad : well , actually she just did something wonderful . she got damon accepted to a pre - law program , you know , one of the best . probably make his whole career . opal : well , coming from her , there 's got to be a catch . tad : it 's in california . opal : that 's a catch , all right . tad : and she 's leaving it up to me , you know , whether or not to tell him . opal : what are you gon na do ? [ scene_break ] annie : so did you have a fun day at school ? emma : alex brought in his snake for show and tell . i got to pet it . annie : a snake ? argh . emma : it was cute . annie : no . snakes are not cute . kittens . kittens are cute . emma : can i have one ? annie : a kitten ? emma : no . a snake . annie : i do n't think so , my sweetheart . i think your dad would agree with me . emma : well , greenlee likes snakes . annie : of course , she does . emma : hey , are you going to the wedding ? annie : what wedding ? emma : daddy and greenlee . they 're engaged . annie : really ? they 've been back together for , like , five minutes . j.r. : there was so much ice out there , i did n't think that the tires -- marissa : ha ha ! [ scene_break ] damon : ah . tad : cold here , is n't it ? damon : yeah . january . brr . tad : it 's cold in d.c. , too . damon : is it ? yeah , i guess it is . tad : so how do you feel about california ? damon : what ? tad : as in davis , california . as in u.c.-davis . damon : u.c -- i 'm not following you . tad : this is your acceptance confirmation . you 've been invited to join the freshman class , spring semester . damon : are you -- so -- is this a joke ? are you kidding me ? tad : no . you got a spot and a pre - law internship , man . you got the whole package . and all you got to do is say yes . damon : how did you do this ? how did this happen ? tad : it was n't me . but it is what you want , is n't it ? damon : oh . i do n't know . i mean , working in the d.a . 's office has been awesome , but i 've been all set to -- tad : to d.j . and sleep on somebody else 's couch . damon : huh . can i think about it ? tad : sure . for about five minutes . classes start next week . damon : california . tad : it 's warm . damon : it 's far . [ scene_break ] [ hospital equipment beeping ] [ pen clatters to the floor ] liza : good afternoon . david : yeah ? what 's so good about it ? liza : listen , this is not gon na take very long . i just wanted to let you know that you 're gon na be transferred to a prison while you await your trial as soon as the doctors say that you 're strong enough . david : well , i would n't expect anything less . liza : i know how much you loved her . it must be really hard for you to see her with ryan . david : i pushed greenlee away . the things i did she felt were n't forgivable . there 's no coming back from that . liza : well , why do n't you , uh , focus upon who has n't left you . marissa . since she 's offered to volunteer to be your lawyer , it must mean she really cares . david : hey , who knows . if my daughter will give me a second chance , maybe there 's still hope for you and colby , huh ? liza : what are you talking about ? david : the trouble you 're having with your daughter . you sounded pretty upset . liza : i told you all that when you were in a coma . are you telling me that you actually -- you heard everything i said ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : it 's done . without a fight . i 'm just saying . i was expecting a major battle . what are you doing ? ryan : i 'm done ! i 'm done with that . right now it 's just all about the future , ok ? i 'm gon na go open some champagne , and i want you to pick our wedding day . greenlee : we already set a date , and it could n't be more perfect . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm gon na get the rest of the boxes in a minute . i 'll catch up with you . emma : hi , marissa . marissa : hi , emma . j.r. : what are you doing here ? annie : funny . i have the same question for you . j.r. : tad 's throwing a going - away party for damon , and marissa needed my help hauling the decorations in . annie : oh . that 's sweet . what else does she need ? j.r. : nothing . just the decorations . [ footsteps ] marissa : oh ! j.r. : whoa ! you got it ? marissa : ha . thanks . j.r. : yeah . marissa 's voice : you really have to stop humoring annie . she is such a mess . you should just cut her loose and be done with her . j.r. 's voice : yeah . she 's really becoming a pain in the ass . it 's always about what she wants , what she needs . marissa 's voice : yeah . what do you want , j.r. ? what do you need ? emma 's voice : he 's never gon na marry you , mommy , 'cause he loves marissa . you lose again ! annie : ah ! ah . emma : mommy ? are you ok ? annie : i 'm fine . yeah , i 'm fine , sweetie . marissa : thank you so much for helping me . i really appreciate it . j.r. : well , it 's my pleasure . is there anything else i can do ? marissa : nope . you did it . i just have to do some serious decorating now . j.r. : yes , you do . marissa : uh - huh . but you 're free to go . j.r. : all right . you have a good night . marissa : you , too . [ annie stares at marissa through the window ] [ scene_break ] damon : if i move to california , i 'll never see you . tad : you 'll see me . damon : yeah . once in a while . you had -- you stood up for me . you had my back no matter how many times i screwed up , and i screwed up , like , five times a minute . i ca n't bail on you like that . tad : that 's not how this works . damon : what ? what do you mean ? tad : you 're a kid -- my son . you 're supposed to go , do , become , live your life . damon : i can live it in d.c . tad : yeah . or you can kick ass in california . you got a hell of a future ahead of you -- if you want it . grab it , and i 'll be behind you 100 % . damon : i think i want it . i want to go to california . ha ha ! [ scene_break ] david : you know what they say about people in comas -- they hear everything you say . liza : everything ? you heard everything ? david : you were a very bad girl , liza . liza : so i do n't suppose there 's any chance this is gon na stay between us , right ? no . you 're gon na have too much fun using that against me , are n't you ? david : liza , your secret is safe with me . in fact , if you ever need someone to talk to , i hope you 'll come to me , especially when i 'm conscious . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what do you think ? ryan : pushing our luck ? greenlee : or getting our big second chance . we can take every horrible memory of that day and replace it with that positive , happy one . ryan : valentine 's day it is . [ scene_break ] [ annie picks up a pair of scissors and sneaks up behind marissa ] | annie sits in a chair in the living room of the chandler mansion when j.r. comes in from the patio . annie tries to talk to him about their relationship , but he puts her off . annie confronts j.r. about when his divorce will be final , but once again he puts her off and calls her crazy . after she adamantly protests , j.r. apologizes for using such an offhand comment . tad and damon sit at the bar at krystal 's diner . damon lets tad in on his plans that he is going to washington to crash on a friend 's sofa while he djs . tad does n't like that idea too much , but what can he do since it is damon 's life . ryan meets up with liza in the corridor of the hospital . ryan suggests that liza defending david and being his advocate is a conflict of interest . liza reminds ryan that he should be telling greenlee this since she was the one who married david . in his hospital room , david reminds greenlee that she is still married to him . greenlee tells david that she is with ryan now and there 's nothing he can do about it . david feels that she is underestimating him if she thinks that that will stop him . j.r. tries to make annie believe how much he cares for her and how much he needs her . annie tells him to prove that he loves her by setting up the date to finalize his divorce from marissa . j.r. claims that marissa has to schedule it . marissa comes in the front door and yells for j.r. j.r. orders annie to leave . damon tells tad that he hopes that he will understand his having to leave town . david reminds greenlee of the many times that ryan let her down , and that this time will be no different . greenlee does n't believe david and asks that he sign the divorce papers . damon leaves tad at the diner to go to see angie about his adhd . opal joins tad and apologizes for being late because she was tweeting . tad asks opal to help him to plan a going - away party for damon . damon runs into liza at the hospital and asks about colby . liza assures damon that colby loves him . damon returns the sentiment , but knows that he can not stay in town and see colby every day knowing what he did . greenlee asks david why he is trying to make her doubt ryan . marissa lets j.r. know about the parent / teacher conference and asks why he was n't there . he lies that there was an emergency with chandler enterprises . marissa also asks j.r. why he did n't schedule the hearing to make their divorce final . annie listens at the door . after marissa leaves , annie lashes out at j.r. for delaying the divorce . j.r. promises that he will set the divorce date immediately . |
kendall : careful , you 're going to tilt . well , very nice office -- in a private eye / pinball wizard kind of way . aidan : what can i say ? it 's home , too . kendall : oh , you upgraded from the pine cone ? aidan : yep . i could n't resist the perks . so what happened to you ? take a wrong turn ? kendall : actually , i 've got a job for you . aidan : well , sorry , but the caseload 's pretty busy right now , kendall . kendall : yeah . yeah , yeah , i noticed . aidan : so can i get you a drink or some popcorn , or maybe -- how about a root canal ? kendall : i 'll pass on that , thanks . actually , i would just like some answers on jonathan lavery . aidan : well , ask ryan . kendall : i want dirt , aidan , and you 're the best . aidan : why are you tagging jonathan ? kendall : greenlee . i think he fed her those crazy pills . aidan : you know what ? the meeting 's over . kendall : aidan , come on , please , you 've got to help me . aidan : well , help you what ? put the heat on jonathan so you can get back at ryan ? forget it . kendall : no , this is not about getting back at ryan . actually , i want to save him , and greenlee . aidan : this is worse than i thought . you 're not out for revenge . you 're out of your friggin ' mind . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're mad at me . ryan : look at this , a two - for - one sale at lacey 's . i 'm not mad . greenlee : i do n't believe you . ryan : well , it 's not every day that a guy 's wife accuses his brother of poisoning her . greenlee : i 'm sorry that jonathan got you involved . i did n't want him to tell you . ryan : pretty serious charges , greenlee . i 'm glad he said something , but i would have rather heard it from you . greenlee : i did n't want to say anything until i had evidence . ryan : so you broke into his apartment and his computer ? greenlee : if i got proof , would you consider the possibility ? ryan : you know what ? it 's been a long day , greenlee . greenlee : we need to discuss this . ryan : there 's nothing to discuss ! jonathan did n't drug you . [ scene_break ] maggie : hi . i 'm really happy that you 're here . i was really worried last night when you did n't come home . are you ok ? [ scene_break ] ethan : well , valuation 's the best it 's been , and the p / e ratio is way up in fiscal 2004 . bianca : projections are on track for 2005 , too . ethan : yeah . bianca : short version -- ryan has done a great job . hey , listen , all this is making me dizzy . do you want to take a break ? ethan : why not ? bianca : do you want to see pictures of miranda 's first encounter with ice cream ? ethan : is she eating it or wearing it ? bianca : a little of both . tv newscaster : new orleans police are closing in on the couple suspected of kidnapping lieutenant governor kevin buchanan 's son . the alleged kidnappers are babe chandler and jamie martin of pine valley , pennsylvania . additional details will be forthcoming . but first , we 'll check in with our local weather . [ scene_break ] j.r. : my son . adam : where 's colby ? tad : not here . adam : colby ? colby ? it 's your daddy ! man : you 're under arrest for the kidnapping of ace buchanan . i suggest you hand over the baby . babe : i wo n't . man : it was n't a request . j.r. : no , wait a second . do n't be taking that baby from his mother . [ scene_break ] bianca : paul cramer kidnapped babe 's little boy and gave him to his sister . i know . it 's completely crazy . and when babe found out , she had to get her little boy back . ethan : she had to kidnap him ? there are legal channels for doing this kind of thing . bianca : well , babe does n't exactly think inside the box . ethan : bianca , you ca n't condone what she 's done . this girl stole months of your life with miranda . bianca : i know , and i will never forgive her for keeping me from miranda . but i do sort of get why she felt she had to kidnap her child . i mean , you do n't know j.r. very well . ethan : maybe not . but babe had no right to keep a father from his son . bianca : the way your grandfather kept your father from you . ethan : that 's another lifetime . bianca : the thing about j.r. -- he does n't want to be a father to that baby . j.r. wants to own him . [ scene_break ] j.r. : no , do n't touch that child . man : it 's a police matter . now , you 've already disobeyed an order , broken through a police line . jamie : hey , arrest him . j.r. : i do n't need permission to see my own child . man : this is ace buchanan . his father is en route with commissioner buchanan . step back . j.r. : i am trying to protect my son . i do n't want him traumatized . why ca n't you understand that ? adam : where is she , martin ? where 's colby ? tad : she 's safe . adam : now , tell me where she is . i swear to god i 'll -- j.r. : i told you not to touch him . man : that 's it . you 're getting your own set of cuffs . adam : officer -- man : detective . detective healy . and you 're next if you do n't step back . adam : detective -- detective healy , i suggest that you -- well , focus on the culprits here and leave my son alone . det . healy : i do n't take orders from civilians . adam : no , of course you do n't , but i 'm sure you 'd be willing to talk to my good friend , the state 's attorney general . det . healy : our orders come from the top . adam : i can send you both into early retirement . now , i suggest that you and i discuss your options outside . give these kids some time . det . healy : the door stays open . adam : yeah . det . healy : we 'll be watching . we 've got the place covered . make a move , you 'll regret it . j.r. : he 's beautiful . jamie : no , do n't touch him . j.r. : fantasy 's over . he 's my son , not yours . jamie : you lost your right to him a long time ago . tad : easy . easy , james . j.r. : give him to me , babe . jamie : you 're going to have to go through me first . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm as sane as anyone who decorates their office like an arcade . aidan : you 've done a complete 180 , kendall . you go from hating greenlee to riding to her rescue . you 're the one that 's on the tilt . kendall : no , i 'm not the only who thinks jonathan did it . greenlee does , too . this was her idea . aidan : based on what ? kendall : jonathan does n't like her . he 's been acting really weird . he 's been blaming her , resenting her . he could have gotten the drugs and slipped them to her anytime he wanted . aidan : so , all you 've really got is that he 's been acting weird . that 's not much to build a case , is it ? kendall : well , there was a lot of other things . they 've added up . we confronted him . aidan : you did ? kendall : well , actually , he busted us snooping in his apartment . and then he dragged ryan in , did the whole thing about how innocent he is . total bull . aidan : oh , you 're the expert . kendall : yeah , i know that . that 's why i 'm so onto him . the problem is , jonathan totally got to ryan . he did the whole little brother bit , and now all ryan sees is his poor kid brother being ganged up on . aidan : what , the same kid brother that you decided to sleep with the first night that he spent in pine valley . to punish ryan . now , are you sure this is n't more of the same ? kendall : no ! no , i 'm sorry i ever did that . i 'm sorry for a lot of things . but this is not about me , this is about jonathan . and i think he 's dangerous . something else i 'm an expert in . i dated michael cambias , remember ? now , if you 're not going to do this to help me , do it to help ryan and greenlee , and whomever else jonathan might go after . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 've had some run - ins with jonathan . and you 're really focused on trying to figure out who drugged you . jonathan is a quick fix . mystery solved . greenlee : you really think that i want your brother to be guilty ? ryan : i think you want answers . and -- and so do i . but , greenlee , you do n't know jonathan the way i do . ok ? you grow up in that kind of environment , you get to know somebody inside and out . you have to to survive , and that 's what we did . greenlee : you got out a lot earlier . jonathan was alone with your stepfather for a really long time . ryan : point ? greenlee : you said jonathan wo n't even discuss what happened after you left . so you do n't know what your father did to him . you do n't know what damage was done . [ scene_break ] jonathan : go ahead , take it . stab me in the heart . come on . put me out of my misery . maggie : why are you doing this ? what happened ? jonathan : you talked to greenlee about me ? you must have ! she used it to attack me . maggie : i do n't know what you 're talking about . jonathan : you think i poisoned greenlee ? maggie : what ? jonathan : greenlee is convinced i 'm the one that 's been slipping her anti- psychotics . now , what did you say to her ? maggie : i -- i did n't say anything . how could she accuse you of -- jonathan : at ryan 's party ! the two of you were talking . what were you talking about ? maggie : i told you . i told you that i showed her the bracelet that you gave me . no one was accusing you of anything . jonathan : there must have been more . the truth would be nice . maggie : look , greenlee asked if you had mood swings , ok ? jonathan : huh . you told her i was nuts ? capable of anything ? even hitting you ? maggie : no . no , i defended you . jonathan : how could you turn on me like that ? i love you . i thought you loved me . maggie : i do love you . i -- i -- i did n't tell greenlee that you were crazy . i told her to back off and to leave you alone ! jonathan : you expect me to believe that ? maggie : yes . i love you . i 've never loved anybody like this in my life . i love us . i love what we have . i do n't want to mess that up . please , jonathan , give me the knife . let me put it away . [ scene_break ] ryan : look , i -- i know that it was n't easy for jonathan after i left . my stepdad was -- he was a master at inflicting damage . my older brother , braden , is proof of that . greenlee : i 'm sorry . ryan : patrick was a piece of work . you know , he always let us know when we disappointed him , what failures we were . and when we tried to prove that we were n't -- when we tried to prove that we could be loved , that 's when the strap came out , to prove us wrong . [ scene_break ] jonathan : maggie , you thought that -- no . no . no . i 've been telling you how much i love you , that -- i would never hurt you . i thought you trusted me as much as i trust you . if you do n't trust -- you and ryan are the only two people that i trust in my entire life . [ scene_break ] ryan : my stepdad destroyed braden , but not jonathan . ok ? hockett 's like me . he knew that he had to fight back to save his soul , and that 's exactly what he did . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i ca n't do this . i ca n't do any of this . maggie : jonathan , do n't -- do n't say -- jonathan : i ca n't live with a woman who does n't trust me , maggie . i ca n't live with a woman who flinches every time i look at her , who 's always ready to believe the worst of me . maggie : i do n't . jonathan : i should have known . i should never have fallen in love with you . [ scene_break ] ryan : jonathan has issues . so do i . it 's the lavery baggage . greenlee : it 's not the same . ryan : whoever drugged you -- it 's not about issues , greenlee , that 's evil . it 's not jonathan . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 'm in hell . i do n't know what to do . i ca n't leave . i love you too much . so , what are my choices ? if i ca n't stay , there 's no hope . [ scene_break ] tad : stop , please . this is over . there 's no more plan bs . there 's an army of police out there that are convinced you 're a kidnapper , so you ca n't afford to do anything . it would make this worse . babe : your dad 's right . it 's over . j.r. : it 's just beginning . tad : maybe . if you 're smart . look , i do n't care what 's happened . i do n't care what got you here . you two grew up together . you loved one another . and i do n't care what your feelings are for james now . the fact is , you share a child with j.r. now , like it or not , you three are family , which means you 've got a choice . you can blow this thing up sky - high , make it as ugly as possible , or you might consider trying to help one another . j.r. , you really think you can cut babe out of her son 's life ? j.r. : the sooner , the better . tad : why ? why would you want to ? you want your son growing up hating you because you made the same mistake adam did ? you 've never gotten over it . you ca n't do that to your own child . not for nothing , but as of five minutes ago , we are up to our necks in legal trouble . and let 's all remember one thing . as far as the world 's concerned , that baby is ace buchanan , and he 's going home to llanview . now , if you decide to work with each other , instead of trying to tear each other apart , you just might be able to help one another . and you 're parents -- think about that . it does n't matter what you want anymore . you love that kid so much , you do what 's right for him . [ scene_break ] ryan : look , just -- just because i 'm trying to wave you off of jonathan , it does n't mean that i 'm going to bail on figuring out who drugged you . in fact , i 've already got a lead . greenlee : you 've got something ? ryan : yeah . greenlee : what ? ryan : a woman that works for zach slater . greenlee : a showgirl from his casino doped me up ? ryan : well , apparently she 's responsible for all of his dirty work . i mean , it could be the same person that shot me , that shot at us , that tried to drug david . greenlee : zach slater wanted david dead ? ryan : well , more like incapacitated . according to bobby warner . greenlee : bobby warner 's your source ? you do n't believe him . ryan : well , edmund seems to think it was enough to put slater away . greenlee : bobby was ready to sleep with me for money . not much of a stretch to think that he 'd lie for cash , or less . besides , someone doped me over time . they 'd have to have access to me daily . and i think i 'd notice a hit woman hanging around . ryan : no . no , you see , professionals know how to be invisible , how to gain access to a target without being seen . greenlee : maybe . ryan : cheers . greenlee : is this the wine that jonathan gave us for new year 's ? ryan : yeah , it 's my favorite . he even got the vintage right . ryan : greenlee , my brother did n't poison the wine . greenlee : you sure ? ryan : you do n't trust him . you do n't like him . i get that . but he has done nothing to hurt you -- greenlee : jonathan hates me , and he wants me out of the way , and you ca n't see it , ryan . you do n't want to because he 's your brother . ryan : because he did n't do it ! greenlee : would you just help me find out for sure ? ryan : stop , greenlee , stop ! you 're not going to do this . you 're not going to turn me against my brother . [ scene_break ] maggie : i know that you would never hurt me . jonathan : do you mean that ? maggie : of course i do . you 're hurt . for greenlee to accuse you of slipping her drugs ? that 's horrible . look , i 'm sorry i ever even spoke with her . i -- i 'm just going to stay away from her from now on . jonathan : no , you do n't have to do that . maggie : one thing is for sure . i am not throwing you out . i love you too much . jonathan : oh , you do n't know how much i want to believe that . maggie : you can . oh , you can . i want to be with you . only you . i do n't know what else i have to say . what i have to do to make you understand how much i love you . jonathan : marry me , maggie . marry me . [ scene_break ] kendall : you ca n't just ignore me . there is a crime to be solved . there 's lives to be saved here . aidan , this is about greenlee and ryan , not me or you . all right , fine , you know what ? i thought you would want to move past all of this petty crud and maybe help a friend out , but no , instead you want to make snide remarks and throw my mistakes in my face . aidan : shh ! kendall : what ? aidan : i 'm trying to work here . i mean , do you want me to get information on jonathan lavery or not ? kendall : oh . well , yeah , yeah . really ? well , what do you have ? aidan : well , i 've only just started . you know , a full background check takes time -- and concentration . and i ca n't concentrate with you screaming in my ear . kendall : ok , not another word , i promise . aidan , this is great , really . thank you so much . i will pay you whatever you want . whatever you want . aidan : well , we bill by the hour . plus expenses . and the sooner you get out of here , the sooner i can get my work done . kendall : ok , great . i 'm gone . so you will call me the minute you have anything , right ? all right , i 'm out of here , i 'm gone , i 'm leaving . ok . look , i am walking out the door . aidan , you really are a great guy . aidan : if you 're not gone in two seconds , i 'm going to give you that root canal . kendall : gone . bye . aidan : oh , drives me nuts . all right , jonathan lavery , what have you been hiding ? [ door opens ] aidan : kendall , i mean it . i 'm not going to get any work done if you keep bugging me . david : and what if i keep bugging you ? aidan : what do you want ? david : tad . where is he ? [ scene_break ] bianca : j.r. is working from the dark side . ethan : he 'd have to . look who he 's dealing with . babe is unforgivable . she stole months of your life with miranda , and now she 's doing the same thing with her husband . what kind of person is going to allow -- allow someone to believe that their own child is dead ? bianca : i did it . in florida . i found out that babe had j.r. 's son and i did n't tell him . ethan : well , there was that whole coma business . bianca : well , yes , but after that , i had the chance . j.r. had to trick it out of me . ethan : i do n't understand . why would you put j.r. through the same kind of pain and misery and suffering that you had to go through ? bianca : i do n't know . i 've asked myself the same question several times . there were a couple times when i decided to tell j.r. , but every time , i just -- i could n't go through with it . ethan : you really hate him that much ? bianca : no . i was afraid for that baby . ethan : j.r. loves his child . bianca : a child needs unconditional love . and with the chandlers , there are always conditions . and that kind of love can warp a kid for life . j.r. is proof . [ scene_break ] j.r. : how could you let me think my son was dead ? jamie : if you 'd have known , you would have forced babe to give him up , just like you forced her to give up bess . j.r. : i thought i was losing my little girl . so i held on tighter . babe : no . no , what you did is you blackmailed me for custody . you made it so i could never see that little girl again . so when i found out that our son was alive , i just did to you what you did to me . j.r. : but to let me think that he died ? jamie : you did n't give us a choice . every time you could have stepped up , you blew it . j.r. : so you played god with my son ? jamie : well , we could n't take the chance that you would play chandler . tad : all right , come on , guys , try harder . for the baby 's sake . j.r. : i want to be a good father . i want him to be proud of me . i want to do the right thing . tad : then start now . j.r. : look , babe , i do n't want to fight anymore . let me look at him . he 's so innocent . he needs both of his parents in his life . whatever happened between us , he needs you , babe . please . just let me hold him . jamie : do n't do it , babe . babe : your dad 's right . we have to do what 's best for this baby . we got to make it work for him . somehow . there 's no such thing as too much love , right ? babe : i love you , my baby boy . i promise you , everything is going to be sunshine . it 's ok . j.r. : hi , son . i 'm your father . but you can call me daddy or dad . whatever you want . you know me , do n't you ? you know how much i love you . and that i 'll be the best dad , ever . babe : ok . it 's time to come back to mama , james . j.r. : james ? you named my son after him ? babe : just give him to me , j.r . j.r. : you named my son after the guy who kidnapped my baby ? tad : j.r. -- jamie : just relax . j.r. : no , you back off . detective , police , get in here now . [ scene_break ] ethan : not exactly a page turner ? bianca : i just ca n't stop thinking about babe and jamie . if they get caught by the police , what 's going to happen to that little boy ? ethan : you ca n't want her to get away with kidnapping . bianca : i just want that little boy to have a chance to -- to have a normal life , to be loved . ethan : what 's normal ? we did n't have a normal childhood . we 're fine . bianca : i just think that if j.r. gets custody , that little kid is never going to have a chance . ethan : maybe you underestimate j.r . [ knock on door ] bianca : i hope you 're right . kendall : hi . i 'm sorry i did n't call first . bianca : oh , no , of course . come on in . kendall : hey , i did n't know you 'd be here . hey . ethan : listen , we were just about to make a bonfire out of all this paperwork . you want to join us ? kendall : uh -- actually , i have a fire of my own to put out . binks , have you -- have you seen maggie lately ? bianca : here and there . kendall : well , has she mentioned jonathan at all to you ? mentioned him being off the wall or acting any weirder than normal ? bianca : why do you ask ? kendall : well , i do n't have proof , but i think he poisoned greenlee . ethan : what ? kendall : so you know something , do n't you ? binks , you have to tell me . if you know something or heard something , anything , i need to know . bianca : jonathan was the one who burned my shirt . you know , the one that could have given ethan a sample of miranda 's dna . kendall : of course , of course , he was . he knew how much that meant to you and you . well , that 's it , then . that 's -- that 's it . ethan : one second , young lady . where are you going ? kendall : i 'm going to go and find jonathan now . i mean , now we have even more proof that he drugged greenlee , and this time , i 'm going to nail him . [ scene_break ] maggie : you really want to marry me ? jonathan : forget it . boy , i 'm sorry i asked . i should have known you 'd say no . maggie : no , no , no . i have n't said anything yet . jonathan : no , you do n't want to hurt my feelings . you can say it . i can take it . you do n't love me . maggie : no , i do love you . jonathan : no , you feel sorry for me , right ? ryan 's loser brother . he ca n't keep a job , he ca n't keep a woman . oh , do n't -- maggie : no -- jonathan : do n't look at me that way , ok ? i do n't need your pity . one less fool on the planet , huh ? no one would even know i 'm gone . maggie : that 's not true . i would . i want to spend my life with you . jonathan : you do n't have to humor me ! maggie : yes -- jonathan : ok ? i get it . maggie : yes . yes , l 's just do it . let 's do it . i want to be your wife . i want to spend my life with you . jonathan : i love you . now i can love you forever . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i do n't like jonathan , but i 'm not trying to turn you against him just because he gives me the creeps . sorry . look , someone tried to turn my brain to mush , and i 'm just trying to figure out who . i want to feel safe again . i want you to feel safe again . i want us to have our lives back , and we ca n't do that until we fix this . ryan : i should n't have gone off on you . i promise that we 'll find the truth and we 'll get our lives back . greenlee : then we can work on that addition to our family . ryan : i love you . greenlee : i love you . ryan : and i trust you , absolutely . and the only other person that i trust 100 % is jonathan . greenlee : he 's lucky to have you for a brother . ryan : well , it 's mutual . when we found the prescription bottles in kendall 's condo , i was sure that she did it , and you were convinced that she did n't do it . i let it go . not because i trust kendall , but because i trust you . well , now i 'm asking you to trust me about my brother . can you do that for me ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : i want him arrested . he tried to grab my son and run . tad : that 's not true . babe : j.r. 's a liar . officer : you 're under arrest . jamie : you 're a liar . you 're the one who wanted to take off with the -- get off me ! tad : james -- babe : jamie ! tad : james , no ! stop ! babe : you 're going to make it worse ! stop ! tad : jamie ! officer : you 're under arrest ! [ scene_break ] ethan : wait there . ok , listen . i love the enthusiasm . but let 's let aidan do what he does best . let 's let him get some dirt , ok ? he 's very good at that . kendall : and miss all the fun ? no , i want to see him suffer . ethan : if you 're right , jonathan is dangerous . ok ? he could come after you anytime , any place , anywhere . look , from now on , for both of you -- he 's off- limits , ok ? i 'll take care of this . kendall : oh . spoilsport . ethan : how about i make you up that breakfast that i owe you ? eggs benedict , you remember ? kendall : you , my friend , do not play fair . bianca : guys , i promised uncle jack that i was going to bring these cambias papers over to him tonight . do you think that you could watch miranda for just a little while ? ethan : yeah . kendall : of course . ethan : i 'd absolutely love to . that 'd be wonderful . bianca : ok . thank you so much . it wo n't be long . ethan : no . what 's wrong ? afraid of changing a few nappies , hmm ? kendall : no . bianca -- she 's always so close to miranda . i mean , she never leaves miranda since she got back . ethan : you 're her aunt . i 'm her cousin . i mean , she obviously just trusts us to entertain her baby . kendall : yeah , it 's -- it 's just really weird . bianca : uncle jack , hi , it 's me . i was wondering , do you think we could go over those cambias papers tomorrow night ? thanks . there 's something that i have to do tonight . [ scene_break ] david : krystal and i have a right to know what 's going down . aidan : really ? like krystal and you had a right to keep bianca 's baby from her ? yeah ? krystal : she has her baby now . aidan : so does that mean you 're all paid up ? krystal : our grandchild needs to be protected . aidan : well , the further away from david , the better off he 'll be . krystal : aidan , there 's no telling what is going to happen if j.r. gets ahold of that baby , not to mention , my little girl . aidan : sorry , i ca n't help you , all right ? bye - bye , now . david : listen , you idiot , j.r. is threatening to kill babe . our daughter needs us . just tell us where she is . aidan : nobody needs you , david . not your daughter or your grandson . david : where the hell do you get off ? aidan : experience . yeah , you , i , and anna -- we all know what happens when you try to protect your family . you destroy it . david : you moron . you do n't have a clue as to what 's going down ! krystal : now , david , wait . let 's just get out of here before somebody has to be scraped off the ceiling . david : i 'm going to remember this . [ scene_break ] det . healy : anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . you have the right to have an attorney present . j.r. : say bye - bye . det . healy : if you ca n't afford one -- officer : you just do n't know when to quit , do you , kid ? adam : just like his father . i want this man arrested . tad martin aided and abetted the kidnappers in addition to being a general pain in the butt . det . healy : if that were a felony , you would be in cuffs , sir . tad martin , you 're under arrest . you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law . babe : wait , wait ! he 's taking my baby ! stop him ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : trust is n't one of my best events . burned too many times -- until you . and my father . the only two people on the planet that i trust . absolutely , positively , all the way . i trust you . if you want me to take your word that jonathan did n't drug me , consider it taken . ryan : i promise you that you 're safe and that no one will ever hurt you again . i 'm going to make sure of that . [ scene_break ] ethan : what 's that for ? kendall : i 'm just happy for you . happy that you have family . ethan : oh . so am i . so am i . kendall : i think miranda 's pretty thrilled , too , the little worm . ethan : she 's just ticklish , are n't you ? kendall : hmm . ethan : just ticklish . kendall : yes , well , i do n't think that 's it . ethan : oh , really ? kendall : ok , so , listen . listen , you little muffin , do you want to learn how to play basketball ? because if you 're lucky , your cousin ethan will show you how to make some great baskets . ethan : let 's see if she wants to have a go . kendall : want to do it ? come on , i bet you 're a natural . of course , there she goes . ethan : look at that . shoot with a -- kendall : go , go , go . ethan : go . you ready ? one , two , three -- boom . [ scene_break ] maggie : mrs. lavery -- hmm . jonathan : that 's beautiful , just like you . maggie : it is going to be fantastic . jonathan : then why wait ? let 's do it now . let 's elope . [ knock on door ] maggie : i 'd better get it . jonathan : no , do n't . [ knock ] bianca : maggie , are you home ? jonathan : this is our night , maggie . yours and mine , ok ? do n't let bianca ruin this . bianca : maggie ? are you there ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right . you know , take it easy . i 'm not the criminal here . i was n't going to take off . babe : if i had n't have said anything , you would have been long gone ! j.r. : just to my hotel . detective , my son has been through so much today . i was just trying to take him someplace quiet . jamie : liar ! j.r. : get him checked out by a doctor . babe : please -- please , just do n't let him take my son . det . healy : mr. chandler , until commissioner buchanan gets here , you 'll stay put . j.r. : you have my word . det . healy : the baby stays , you stay . adam : detective , the attorney general would like a word . det . healy : yes , sir ? yes , sir . i understand . you 're free to take the baby back to your hotel room . j.r. : thank you . babe : no ! no , please , james ! jamie : you 're not going to get away with this , j.r . babe : please do n't let him take him ! officer : do n't move . babe : james -- j.r. : come on , son , let 's get out of here . babe : please ! kevin : stop right there , chandler . bo : you 're not taking that baby anywhere . [ next_on ] maggie : jonathan proposed . we 're eloping . kendall : what 's our next move on jonathan ? greenlee : no moves , kendall . it 's over . adam : tell me where liza and colby are . your freedom is at stake , martin . yours and jamie 's . erica : you 're in for a world of pain . | ryan promises greenlee he will find out who drugged her and make sure she is safe but she will never convince him that his brother did it . kendall asks aiden to investigate jonathan lavery . he agrees . babe and jamie get caught . jr and adam are confident that they will get the baby boy back . but at that moment , bo and kevin buchanan appear and tell the chandlers that the baby is theirs ' and they will not take him . jonathan proposes to maggie . she accepts . but bianca is right at the door ready to ask jonathan some questions . |
jamie : where 's amanda ? josh : trying to help your girlfriend get fired again ? jamie : is she here ? josh : no , princess must be sleeping late . if you 're still here when she wanders in , tell her she 's gaining on the unemployment line . [ left alone in the office , jamie begins searching amanda 's desk . ] [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , my god . janet : [ swedish accent ] dear child , you look like you might drop the bag . i 'm inga , child , inga svenson - menson from sweden , devoted nanny . i train the wee ones while i soothe the frazzled mums and dads . amanda : knock it off , mother . janet : [ normal voice ] oh , well , it took me a long time to do this ! amanda : `` wee ones , `` `` mums and dads , `` swedish ? what the hell are you up to now ? janet : nothing . i am simply going to finish what i started , darling , that 's all . [ scene_break ] jonathan : everybody 's all right , though . the truck did n't sink in the quicksand until everyone got out . they 're fine . ryan : so this is what you get for saving a truckload of people ? jonathan : the police and everybody else are n't sure that i did n't -- ryan : do n't worry about the police , ok ? i 'm going to get them to drop the charges , and i 'm going to get you out of here . jonathan : no . ryan , do n't . do n't do that . i -- i want to stay in jail . [ scene_break ] david : there is this great restaurant in center city , just off lombard . you would n't believe it . how about saturday night ? julia : thanks , but i ca n't . david : sometime next week , then ? or not . [ julia sighs ] julia : david , it 's -- it 's been great , but -- david : do n't expect my help with you dumping me . julia : look , i 'm just -- i 'm just putting my life together again and -- david : mm - hmm . and me being in your bed last night gets in the way ? julia : i do n't want you to misunderstand what we 've had . it 's fun , but you ca n't be part of my new life . [ scene_break ] zach : and a lovely good morning to you . erica : it was before you crashed in . kendall : mother , mother ? do n't . erica : say whatever it is you have to say . zach : in years to come , we 'll look back on this and laugh . erica : i do n't think so . kendall : mother ? zach and i have something important to tell you . erica : oh , god . now what ? [ knock on door ] josh : brace yourself . the yacht club claims we never contacted them . erica : but we 're taping our segment there today . josh : so i called to confirm . according to them , we 're not taping there . erica : but we cleared it weeks ago ! josh : well , according to them , they say we never booked it . zach : you can use our casino instead . kendall : well , that 's generous . is n't that thoughtful ? erica : hold it . who screwed up ? josh : i do n't know , but i will find out . erica : yes , find out . find out right now , josh . josh : oh , and by the way , do n't forget , we are taping your mardi gras ball announcement in 20 minutes . erica : oh , great . race in , drop a bomb , and then tell me that i 'm taping in five minutes . kendall : he said 20 . zach : you can use any part of the casino you like . it 's yours . erica : you have nothing to offer me , zach . you have nothing that i could ever want or need . kendall : mother , you promised that you would try with zach . erica : and i am , trying to tolerate him . but allowing him to do me a favor , allowing myself to become indebted to him ? surely you do n't expect me to owe him anything ? surely he would try to collect in a week , and god knows what he would demand in return . zach : what do you think you have that i could possibly want ? kendall : ok , zach , please -- zach : hmm ? you always see the worst in people . kendall : no , no , do n't antagonize her . erica : and you never fail to deliver . zach : you flatter me . kendall : mother , this is not helping . ok , both of you stop ! both of you , ok , this is not helping . now , why do n't we just sit down and review our little treaty . shall we ? [ scene_break ] josh : there 's got to be some kind of joke about you going through amanda 's drawers , but i ca n't think of it . jamie : amanda 's a pen thief . i loaned her the gold wineman my grandfather gave me , and she never returned it . josh : whatever . loot at her desk , get out of here . jamie : i 'm not going anywhere until i talk to amanda . josh : well , when she shows , if she shows , i get her first . jamie : you looking to blame her for something else ? josh : amanda 's response -- you know what , scratch that -- amanda 's irresponsible , and when she screws up , she should pay for it . jamie : right , who cares that she did n't do it . josh : i gave her chance after chance . you know , i bought her whole blackout story , but you know what , now it 's -- jamie : you do n't believe she 's having blackouts ? josh : she got me good . yeah , i got christmas shopping to do -- blackout . new movie playing at the mall -- blackout . great cover story , only it 's not going to work anymore . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] amanda : now what ? janet : ooh , ooh . [ swedish accent ] ooh , answer and let your beloved take you off to happy land . amanda : oh , i 'm already there . janet : [ normal voice ] oh , no , come on , tell jamie that you 'll go off to a romantic lunch with him . amanda : mom , give me that . janet : no ! amanda : you said you were going to finish what you started . translation , please ? janet : [ swedish accent ] in the swedish ? amanda : mom , i am serious . janet : [ normal voice ] ok . i have to practice . now , who needs a nanny , who has a child who needs training , and who needs a nanny of my unique abilities ? [ swedish accent ] the chandlers . and once i 'm there , who do i see every day ? that little piggy babe , and then i can impact her in all the ways that i want to . amanda : no , mom , you have done enough already . janet : [ normal voice ] look , sweetie , relax . i 'm not going to shove anybody through ice , i 'm not going to rig any high - rise hammocks , and i 'm not going to sink anybody into quicksand . i 'm just going to give babe the benefit of my understanding and my wisdom , so that she 'll lay off and butt out of your life . amanda : no , mom . come on , give me the costume . janet : it wo n't fit you . amanda : mom , i am not letting you leave here like this . janet : it 's a disguise , sweetie . you do n't want people to recognize me , do you ? amanda : i need you to stay here until dad calls me back . janet : trevor ca n't find out about my mission . amanda : daddy loves you like i do , ok ? he 's going to understand . janet : you 're wasting very valuable time . amanda : ok , listen , i put in a lot of calls to dad . he 's going to call me back soon . now , i have gotten some brownies , sandwiches , and a six - pack of ginger ale . janet : ooh , so we can have a party ! amanda : well , i ca n't stay , but i will be coming back every few hours . janet : whoa . you 're going to leave and lock me up again ? amanda : well , mom , i have things to do . janet : yeah , well , you know , so do i . amanda : mom , the things you did to di and kendall and all the people in the truck -- they were illegal . janet : oh , pooh . i was just giving them a little scare , that 's all . big deal . amanda : jonathan lavery was arrested . janet : that 's a surprise ? he 's a serial killer . amanda : jonathan was arrested for what you did , your crimes . janet : so justice was convoluted , but it all worked out in the end . come on , let 's go have a celebratory brunch . amanda : you really do n't get what you 've done . janet : what i 've done ? what i 've done is loved you , cared about you , and protected you . i 'd do anything for you . you feel the same way about me , do n't you ? amanda : yes , i love you , mom , but i need you to stay here . janet : uh , please , you 're going to lock me up like i 'm an animal or a criminal or -- amanda : what other choice have you given me ? what am i supposed to do ? janet : you 're supposed to trust me , trust my word . please , please , amanda , you know i need my freedom . amanda : mom , it 's not like a tiny -- place . janet : it 's not like a tiny cell . that 's what you were going to say ? or it 's not like a tiny padded cell in a locked psych ward . that 's what you were going to say . no , well , you should know that anytime you leave me in a room , and you lock the door from the other side , then that 's what you 've done to me . it is the same thing , and the last time i was locked up for years . oh , god . amanda : it was horrible , i know . janet : no , you do n't know . you could n't possibly know , or you would not do this to me ! you -- you can trust me . you can trust my word . i love you . now you can show me that you love me . give me the key . please , amanda . [ scene_break ] ryan : so this woman with all the outfits told you to save the people in the truck ? jonathan : she said that they were in danger and that i had to go quick . well , maybe . ryan : maybe ? what do you mean `` maybe , `` jonathan ? you just told me that she said to save them . jonathan : because i ca n't be sure , ryan , if she 's for real , or if i just think i see and hear her like i did with braden . ryan : oh , no , no , no , jonathan . look , you had this surgery , all right , and the surgery -- jonathan : changed me ? that 's what i thought , too . but now -- now i need to wonder if they got all the tumor out . ryan : hockett . the doctors can tell that . they do the x - rays and the scans -- jonathan : ryan , if i did try to hurt those people -- ryan : you did n't hurt them , jonathan , you saved them . jonathan : ryan , i might 've put them in danger , so that i could be a hero . ryan : no . no , jonathan , you would n't do that . jonathan : how can you be so sure when i 'm not ? ryan : look , we 'll figure this out . jonathan : ryan , i have to do this one myself . ryan : no , you do n't have to do it for yourself . i can help you . jonathan : ryan , you -- you are such a good brother , but i have to fight this one on my own . ryan : no , you do n't , jonathan . that 's what families do . that 's what they 're for . jonathan : ryan , families are n't to hide behind . if i did this , then i have to take the punishment . and if i did n't , well , then i have to prove it . ryan : fine , fine , but you can do it outside . you do n't have to prove it from inside . jonathan : damn it , ryan , would you listen to me ? i love you , but just do me the favor this one time and walk away from me . [ scene_break ] david : starting a new life . hey , how could i be any more perfect for that ? i know , i know , you 're saying , `` david has everything . ditch the stress - filled life of a surgeon for the relatively calm existence of a janitorial engineer . `` and , yes , it 's been a great run , but , you know , i kind of feel like i need a little more , and i 'm on my road to getting that , so why do n't we join our two new lives together , hmm ? i mean , you said yourself i 'm fun and great in bed . julia : i did n't say that . david : no , just now , but i am , are n't i ? julia : well , yes . will you just stop being so -- david : so entertaining that you ca n't say no ? julia : close . ok , david , i have to . i ca n't take you along for this ride . i 'm sorry . david : why deny yourself a partner in crime ? you know , someone to share the burdens , the pleasures . julia : i wo n't be alone forever . david : oh . so there 's someone else in the picture ? julia : no . not yet . david : well , have you even met this guy ? i mean , do you have his name , his number ? you plan on stalking him anytime soon ? julia : will you stop asking so many -- david : all right , all right , just one more , one more . in the cold light of day -- and obviously not today , some other day , maybe next week or in the next year -- when it finally hits you that you kissed off your soul mate , what then ? julia : my soul mate ? david : hey . you got to give it a shot or else you wo n't know , right ? julia : david -- we 've had a really great time . and we still like each other . david : yeah , then by all means , let 's end it right now . julia : seems like a good idea to me . david : all right . ahem . in the event that a brick lands on your head , hits you really hard , makes you come to your senses , keep my phone number . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 've suffered enough , jonathan . jonathan : what 's going on with kendall ? ryan : kendall 's got enough to worry about right now with the baby and just everything . jonathan : ok . well , i 'm sure you 'll take good care of her . what about di and joe martin and all the others ? ryan , they -- they suffered horrible . maybe i can help the police figure out if -- if i did this or if someone else is to blame . and what about this weird woman ? if she really exists -- and if she does , maybe i can help them find her , ryan . livia 's working with me again , and you know how great she is . erin 's out there trying to find me a great doctor . ryan : guess there 's nothing left for me to do , huh ? jonathan : you 've got your hands full , ryan , with -- with kendall and your baby . they need you more right now than i do . ryan : you know , i did n't give you enough credit . you 're being really brave and really strong right now . jonathan : well , i 'll -- i 'll believe that if i 'm not guilty . ryan : i 'm proud of you , man . jonathan : livia . hi , i was just telling ryan how we 're working together again . ryan : i appreciate you taking this on . livia : i assume we 're postponing . jonathan : postponing what ? what are you -- livia : your brother and kendall and i had a meeting scheduled . jonathan : about what ? about you guys and the baby ? ryan : yeah , but , you know , nothing 's more important than , you know , what you 've got going on right now . jonathan : no , ryan , nothing 's more important than the baby . what 's going on ? ryan : kendall is stipulating my parental rights . livia : it 's nothing that ca n't wait a day or two . jonathan : ryan does n't want to wait , do you ? ryan : no , i do n't . and here i thought i was the big brother . jonathan : you are . i 'm just getting smarter . ryan : you are , huh ? all right . [ scene_break ] kendall : could you just accept this for the very generous impulse that it is ? there are no strings attached , ok , mother , so please chill , all right ? just for my sake , please ? erica : all right , for you . kendall : ok . ahem . erica : zach , how very generous of you to offer the casino . i 'll certainly think about it . zach : i 've watched `` new beginnings , `` and you do a damn good job , and we would be honored if you taped your show in our establishment . be good for business . kendall : mother , you look shocked . erica : we would be very lucky to have such an impressive venue -- if we were to need it . zach : i admire you , your strength and your talent , and there 's no reason why we should n't be friends . is there ? erica : we should try . ok . so , what was the wonderful news you wanted to share ? [ scene_break ] janet : tit for tat . give me tat key . amanda : i 'm sorry , mom . janet : but i did everything that you wanted . amanda : i ca n't . it 's for your own good . janet : oh . i see . so you do n't believe that i love you , or it just does n't matter , is that what it is ? maybe you do n't love me anymore , or you do n't need me . is that it ? amanda : stop , please ! no guilt trips , ok ? you know i love you . why has n't dad called me back yet ? janet : you know , trevor can be very hard to reach . amanda : well , somebody must have called him . somebody has to be able to reach him . janet : i 'm sorry , honey , i ca n't help you . amanda : dad has to come and take you home . janet : oh , no . no , no , no , no , no . i 'm -- i 'm not going home . honey , i 'm not going to leave you , not in your hour of need . amanda : mom , i will be fine . i got your prescription filled . janet : i do n't need any medication . amanda : look , mom , you say you love me . janet : with my whole heart . you know that . amanda : ok , ok , but then do n't fight me on this . now , take this . promise me you will take your medication , you will stay here until dad comes to get you . janet : there . i 'd do anything for you . amanda : thank you . see you later , ok ? [ door locks ] janet : anything but take this poison . [ as soon as amanda leaves , janet takes the pill out of her mouth . ] [ scene_break ] livia : i have n't heard anything from the da . they have n't even scheduled your arraignment . jonathan : great . now you 'll have more time to go help kendall and ryan . livia : yeah . when i hear something , i 'll come back . jonathan : make sure that kendall gives ryan all of his parental rights . he 's going to be a great father . livia : i 'll see what i can do . guard : some lady 's here to see you . jonathan : no , you -- you 've got to arrest her . the second she comes in , you have to grab her and throw her in the cell . she 's the one i 've been talking about ! she 's the one that 's responsible for everything ! lily . i -- i thought you were someone else . i 'm sorry . guard : sure you want to stay ? jonathan : i -- i got pretty loud . he said that there was a -- a lady coming in , but he did n't say who . i 'm -- i 'm real sorry , lily . are you all right ? lily : no . jonathan , you said you wanted me to be your girlfriend . jonathan : more than anything . lily : well , boyfriends and girlfriends get to go out . like go to the movies or stay home . but you 're always here . you spend too much time here . jonathan : this time it might be permanent , lily . i , uh , might have done some bad things . i might be crazy again . lily : no , there 's no way you 're crazy . i 'll testify to that in court . [ scene_break ] kendall : honey , why do n't you go get some coffee ? zach : good luck . erica : i get it . you brought zach here to test me . so did i pass ? kendall : actually , i was testing the both of you . ca n't say that i 'm thrilled with the results , but at least you 're both willing to try to tolerate each other . erica : well , for your sake . kendall : well , at least it 's progress . erica : why did you ask him to leave ? kendall : he wanted some coffee . ok . so how do i begin ? erica : oh , great . i 'm going to hate this , are n't i ? [ scene_break ] ryan : julia . hey . i did n't expect to see you here . julia : oh , yeah , i know , i 'm sorry , i should 've called before i came over . ryan : no . julia : i just -- i just hopped in the car , i did n't even thing about it . your assistant said you 'd be back in few minutes , and so -- so here i am . ryan : and so here i am . so what do are we going to do about that ? julia : this is big . i think we should both sit down . ryan : ok . julia , you said you wanted to sit down ? julia : oh , no . thanks . ok . it 's no secret that i want children . i 've wanted a baby for ages , but noah and i , we could n't start a family in witness protection . i hated my life . it was so dangerous . i mean , how could i bring a child into a world like that ? but now -- you know , and this might not be the right time to say it , but when is the right time , right ? so if you and kendall have n't decided what you 'll do about the baby , and if kendall does n't want to keep it , or if you 're not ready to be a single dad -- but , then , i think this could be the perfect solution . ryan : what could be ? julia : me . ryan , what do you think about me adopting your baby ? ryan : you want to adopt my son ? julia : it came to me a few days ago . i mean , if you and kendall have n't already decided to be his parents , because if you have -- ryan : no , no , no . no , no , no , we have n't -- we have n't decided anything yet . julia : i 've put off parenthood for so many good reasons , but now there 's just no reason -- reason to anymore . and i 'm so ready to be a mother , and -- it just came to me . it would be so , so perfect . ryan : this idea just came to you ? julia : well , not exactly . i guess -- i guess kendall being pregnant , expecting the birth of her son , i -- i was jealous . envious ? envious . creating a life , sharing yourself with a child , feeling it grow inside of you -- it 's just such a miracle . and , you know , right now there 's nobody that i want to procreate with , but it does n't mean i ca n't have a child , and especially when there 's one right in front of me that really might need a mother . [ julia sighs ] julia : and i know that kendall and i are n't exactly the best of friends , but it does n't mean that we ca n't start over . and i know that i 'd be a wonderful mother to her child -- and yours . ryan : i 'm -- i 'm not questioning that . julia : and -- and the arrangement could be made however you want to . i 'd grant you full access . you could be as involved in the baby 's life as you would want to be . you are the father , after all . so what do you think ? ryan : i think it 's an incredibly generous offer . julia : and you 'll consider it ? you 'll seriously consider it ? ryan : yes , i will seriously consider it . but right now my top priority is protecting kendall and the baby . julia : protecting them ? from whom ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ok . this should n't be so difficult . erica : no , it should n't . would you please just tell me what it is ? [ knock on door ] josh : erica , the mardi gras ball announcement ? we got to get it out to the news outlets , all right ? erica : ok , absolutely , i 'm ready . ok , honey , whatever it is , you have to tell me now , or i 'll have to wait till after the taping . kendall : no , mother , no , mother , this ca n't wait . i have to go meet with ryan and livia . erica : oh , you and ryan ? kendall : this -- it 's about the baby . erica : oh . kendall : i am legally recognizing ryan 's parental rights . erica : oh , honey , that 's wonderful you 're going to recognize ryan 's rights . kendall : yeah -- erica : that 's just great . josh : erica , we 're set up for you out here . erica : yes . josh : erica , is this background ok for you ? erica : oh , this is great . josh : ok , can we get someone to get her coat ? erica : thank you . zach : well , she 's walking and talking , and she has n't killed me yet . josh : all right , stand by , everyone ! kendall : i have n't told her . josh : running tape ! all right , erica , whenever you 're ready . stage manager : and in five , four , three -- erica : hello . on every episode of `` new beginnings , `` we give a few people the chance to change their lives . now you and i have a chance to help our friends and neighbors who have been impacted by hurricane katrina . `` new beginnings `` will be raising funds for the american red cross disaster relief fund to aid everyone who 's been impacted by national disasters , with continuing relief for hurricane katrina . to kick off this effort , i will be hosting a mardi gras ball . all proceeds from the ball will go to this fund . please join in helping us help our friends who have lost their homes , their loved ones , their livelihoods . donate what you can . the web address is . or simply call toll - free 1 - 800-red - cross to find out how you can contribute . and thank you so much for your generosity . stage manager : and we 're out ! josh : erica , that was -- erica : ok ? josh : yeah , that was perfect . erica : we do n't need another one for backup , nothing ? josh : not at all . we got it . it was great . erica : ok . josh : great job , everyone . kendall : you are amazing . erica : thank you . kendall : yes , you were perfect . now , i have to go to that meeting , so i 'll see you soon . erica : oh . ok . all right , then , but give ryan my love , and please tell him i am so proud of you both , because you 're really concentrating on what 's truly important -- the baby son . [ scene_break ] lily : i could be an expert witness for you . jonathan : you ca n't because you 'd be prejudiced because we 're friends . you want to help me . lily : well , that does n't make me wrong . because of my autism spectrum disorder , i 've had to learn a lot about what goes on inside people 's minds and how it reflects onto their face . jonathan : and so you can see that i 'm not crazy ? lily : when you returned to pine valley , i studied you a lot , because you had scared me so bad . jonathan : i did n't mean to . lily : i know . but it 's almost like you 're a completely new person . now , i mean , when i look into your eyes , i do n't want to run . and i read a lot about mental illnesses , because kids used to yell at me that i was crazy , even though i was n't . jonathan : well , they -- they just did n't understand your -- your disorder . lily : i know , but i was hard to connect to , and that 's common among many people with mental illnesses . but we connected , and i could n't do that with you if you were n't ok . and i understand you a lot more than i understand most people . jonathan : you do n't lie . the thing is , lily , that the woman that i thought you were earlier when you came in ? you do n't even know if she 's real . she keeps wearing all these weird disguises . [ scene_break ] image : did mommy 's baby girl give you the big old nasty `` hate you `` shaft ? janet : can the negativity , ok ? i 've got a lot on my plate right now . image : who could blame amanda for turning against you . you 're not a nurturing mother . you 're like a one - woman demolition team wrecking her life . janet : i 'm not . i 'm not destroying her life . i am helping her , i am protecting her , and i love her now and always . image : the medication you need right now is a big old dose of reality ! did you not hear your daughter telling you `` calm down , lay off the masquerading , pop a pill `` ? god , she sounds just like trevor . janet : stop it ! just stop it ! shut up , i told you ! stop talking about trevor ! i think if you say one more word about trevor , i 'm going to smash your mirror into a billion pieces ! oh , my . well , what do you know . what do they say ? one door gets locked , another door gets uncovered . [ scene_break ] jonathan : if you were to sell balloons in winter , would n't -- would n't you wear , like , a parka or -- or a hooded sweatshirt or something warmer than a straw hat ? lily : yeah , that 's very unusual . but then again , most mysteries are . ok , you said she always meets you in disguise ? why 's that ? jonathan : so -- so that i wo n't recognize her . lily : correct . and when you were doing bad things , i put on a disguise and followed you . jonathan : i did n't know that . lily : yeah , that 's because i 'm very good at my job . and this woman is obviously very good at what she does , too . jonathan : if she 's real . lily : jonathan , if she was only in your head , she would n't care about being recognized . the disguises are proof she is real . now all i have to do is track her down . [ scene_break ] jamie : amanda , have you heard a word i 've said ? amanda : jamie , what ? no , i -- jamie : i 've been talking to you since you got out of your car . amanda : look , i have got tons to do today , all right ? jamie : that 's great , but i 've been waiting for you for nearly an hour . amanda : i 'm sorry . jamie : you did n't come home last night . where were you ? josh : amanda , where have you been ? amanda : look , i know i 'm late . josh : for the last time . amanda : it wo n't happen again . josh : oh , we 're definitely on the same page about that . i 'm docking your pay for hours missed . amanda : no problem , i deserve it . josh : right again . and no lunch hour today . you 're working through . amanda : no , i ca n't ! you -- no -- josh : excuse me ? amanda : i mean , any other day , every other day , even , i can miss my lunch , but not today . josh : you know what , amanda ? you always seem to have something more important than your job . it seems to be last on your list . amanda : no , it 's not . it 's really not ! god . jamie : i have told you before -- you do n't have to beg anything from him . it 's just a job . it 's not that important . [ when janet 's prescription bottle falls out of amanda 's purse , josh kicks it aside so jamie wo n't see it . ] [ scene_break ] erica : in case you missed it earlier , i 'm incredibly busy . zach : i came by for a chat . erica : call me sometime , we 'll schedule a lunch . zach : there 's no time like the present . erica : i have nothing i want to discuss with you . zach : i do . i want to talk about one of your favorite people -- mr. ryan lavery . [ scene_break ] ryan : julia , please do n't take that literally . julia : but you did n't mean that in the usual `` i just want to make sure everything goes fine in the delivery room `` kind of way . you feel that there 's a threat to kendall and the baby . like zach , for instance ? [ ryan sighs ] ryan : you 're too smart for your own good , you know that ? and by the way , you 're too smart for mine , too . julia : i 've dealt with some threats myself , ryan . i could help . ryan : no , i have the situation under control , thank you . and right now , i 'm about to secure the legal rights to my son . julia : you can trust me , you know . ryan : yes , i know i can trust you , and i will , and -- and i really will seriously consider your offer . julia : i appreciate it . and you should also know you can trust me enough to tell me about the situation . what is the situation , ryan ? kendall : i 'd like to know the answer to that myself . [ scene_break ] jonathan : if i ca n't tell you who to look for , how -- how will you find her ? lily : your list of the meeting places . i 'm going to go to each area and search really carefully for clues and interview any possible witnesses . i have to carefully analyze every aspect of each area . jonathan : that 's going to take a long time . lily : nothing distracts me from my case when i get on it . and do n't worry , i wo n't charge you for this investigation . jonathan : well , your time 's worth something . lily : ok , well , i 'll make you take me on a real date once you get out of jail . jonathan : great . great . you be careful , all right ? lily : i always am . [ scene_break ] janet : amanda , forgive me . i am sorry , but this is for your own good . [ janet finds a way to escape from the warehouse . ] [ scene_break ] amanda : i can handle it , ok ? jamie : you do n't have to work here . amanda : this is the best job ever . jamie : yeah , i can see how happy it makes you . amanda : just -- i have to get back to work , ok ? later , all right ? [ once alone , josh picks up janet 's prescription bottle , removes three pills , and puts it back into amanda 's purse . ] [ scene_break ] erica : why would i ever want to discuss ryan with you ? zach : why not ? you 're devoted to him . you 're happy that kendall is carrying his child . erica : i see , you came back here to find out why i support kendall 's pregnancy . maybe because i 'm her mother . zach : or maybe it 's because you want kendall and ryan to be back together . well , that 's not going to happen , because she loves me , and i love her . we 're going to get married again -- for real this time . [ scene_break ] kendall : is this a private situation or can anyone join in ? ryan : it 's not private at all . in fact , i was just talking about some business before julia came in , that 's all . kendall : hmm . ok . been here long ? i 'd hate to think that ryan was n't -- julia : just being polite to me , i know . i 've already taken up enough of your time . thanks for lending a sympathetic ear . and , kendall , have a wonderful day . kendall : ok , what was that all about ? she was weird . she did n't make a wisecrack . she just walked out of here very nicely . ryan : livia should be here any minute , and then we can just kind of get this meeting done with . kendall : ok , what 's -- what 's wrong ? what 's going on ? what 's wrong with you ? ryan : with me ? nothing . nothing 's wrong with me . kendall : you did n't get any sleep , did you ? ryan : yes , i slept . kendall : then you 're stressed . ok , you 're stressed . is it the meeting ? is it putting your rights on paper in black and white ? what is it ? ryan : yeah . you know , the meeting and returning to cambias . kendall : yeah , it is a lot . ryan : yeah . so what you 're saying is that i look like hell , and you look amazing . you know , it 's funny to me what people say about pregnant women having a certain glow about them . who knew that was true . kendall : well , it 's not just about me being pregnant . zach and i are getting married again . ryan : and the ink is n't even dry on the divorce . kendall : well , we never should 've gotten divorced in the first place . if we love each other , why should n't we get remarried ? ryan : when are you getting remarried ? kendall : maybe today , maybe tomorrow . ryan : kendall , you ca n't . kendall : who the hell says i ca n't ? ryan : you ca n't remarry zach until you know -- kendall : what ? until i know what , ryan ? what do n't i know ? [ next_on ] kendall ( to ryan ) : if you insist on telling me who i can and ca n't marry , then we need to forget this whole thing . babe ( to janet ) : i should probably be getting little a back to the house now . janet ( to babe ) : oh - ho , no , you do n't ! amanda ( to josh ) : thank you . | julia tells ryan that she could adopt his and kendall 's baby . kendall and zach are ready to tell erica that they are getting remarried knowing she will not take it well . kendall and ryan are ready to meet with livia to discuss his parental rights . he does not know when or how to tell her about his suspicions of zach turning off the power at the fertility clinic in order to prevent ryan 's baby from being born . she tells ryan she will remarry zach and he tells her she can not do that . jonathan gets taken to jail and does n't know what to do about janet who he does not know is even real . lily comes to visit him and figures out for him that if this mysterious woman is wearing all these different clothes as disguises , then she must be real because an imaginary person does not need to hide from anybody and have a need for a disguise in the first place . amanda urges her mother to get some help , take her meds and stay locked in the room where she can not endanger anybody . but janet finds a way out . and when amanda goes to get her mother 's meds refilled , she drops them out of her purse . josh finds them and keeps them , assuming they are amanda 's . |
tad : now is n't a very good time . krystal : but since you 're here , i mean , could you close that door ? that draft 's giving me a little bit of a chill . liza : we would n't want that . tad : are n't you supposed to be on the other side of the door ? liza : ooh , do n't mind me . i 'll wait . [ scene_break ] babe : kitty got your tongue ? paul : are you saying that that baby 's mine ? babe : you and i got married -- paul : and separated . babe : right before i married j.r . paul : does not mean we made a baby . it was one night . babe : that 's all it takes , sweetie . and according to my calculations , you 're a finalist in this baby 's `` who 's the daddy `` contest . [ scene_break ] greenlee : too small for a cradle , too big for booties . what did kendall buy ? i 've simply got to find out . yeah , in philadelphia . i need the number for miss philly � s baby shop . [ scene_break ] [ gallery reacts ] erica : no , jack -- kendall : livia , you ca n't let jack do this . livia : it 's a little bit too late to stop him . justin : damn you , jack . alan : objection . [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : order in this court ! will you please read back mr. montgomery 's last statement ? stenographer : `` it definitely was n't that night . i did n't go near my safe or use my gun . i used a .38 i took from the police evidence room instead . `` judge : you are as familiar with the law as i am , so you know you just incriminated yourself . would you like to obtain counsel at this time ? jack : no , your honor . erica : jack ! jack : i 'd like to continue the questioning so that i can tell the truth . the whole truth . alan : your honor , i move to have the witness ' response stricken from the record . it 's nonresponsive and irrelevant to the case . livia : that 's ridiculous . alan : mr. montgomery obviously has a private agenda . livia : just because you do n't like his answer ? alan : he derailed the questioning to sabotage these proceedings . judge : all right , counselors , approach the bench . reggie : it 's all right . j 's just putting the moves on , ok ? erica : but what if it backfires , reggie ? i mean , jack just admitted to the world that he 's a suspect , and livia seems to be encouraging him . bianca : well , that 's because it 's -- she knows that it 's all part of his plan . i mean , the more people who look guilty , the better kendall � s chances of getting off . erica : oh , yes , he will save kendall , but he will put himself away . that is not the answer . alan : everyone knows mr. montgomery has a personal interest in this case -- too personal . you ca n't let him manipulate your court . judge : i will handle my courtroom as i see fit , mr. singer . you may return to your seats . ladies and gentlemen , special prosecutor singer has made a motion to strike this witness ' testimony . i 'll take the matter under advisement and rule in the morning . court is in recess until 9 : 00 a.m. tomorrow . [ judge bangs gavel ] bailiff : all rise . alan : this is n't over . livia : that was quite a high - wire act . jack : i thought it went very well . livia : you always did like working without a net . jack : if it pays off . let 's just hope judge lampert there allows this testimony . livia : well , we 've still got some options , so i � ll give you a call and let you know how we proceed . jack : i 'll be perched by the phone . erica : jack , why did you do that ? my god , you all but admitted -- look , i know that you want to help kendall , i know you want to protect all of us , but , jack , this is not the way . please do n't do this . please do n't incriminate yourself any further . jack : let 's not talk about this here . ryan : hell of a testimony , jack . kendall : yeah , you really blew some minds -- and some gaskets . you 're not going to confess to michael � s murder , are you ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you sure you want to watch , liza ? liza : you know , i think i 'm just going to catch up on my male reading , figure out the male mind here till you 're finished . tad : by all means , consider us finished . krystal : for now . liza : oh , look , it 's a compatibility test . i just love these things . tad , would you like to do this with me ? tad : no , thanks . i have n't studied up . krystal : oh , i 'm a whiz at these things . what 's the first question ? liza : are you looking for a serious relationship ? krystal : oh , now , serious is a real passion killer . that would be a definite no . liza : what about you , tad ? are you looking for a serious -- tad : i heard the question . i 'm not going to play , all right ? krystal : oh , come on , tad . now just because we might score as high on the court as we do off does n't mean i � m going to march you down the aisle . you seen my shoe , babe ? tad : oh . here . krystal : oh , thank you . tad : here you go . why are you here ? what do you think you 're doing ? liza : i want krystal to leave . krystal : well , are n't you the clever one ? turns out i 've got someplace to go . could you zip me up , babe ? tad : oh , yeah . good idea . all done . krystal : oh , now , you , too , big boy . oh , now that we 're decent , could i have a word with you outside , please ? tad : sure . you want in on this , too ? liza : oh , no , no , i got four more questions to go . tad : ooh , that 's cold . i do n't know what to say . i am so sorry about this . krystal : yeah , well , first simone , then liza . you really ought to lock your door . tad : you have no idea . krystal : a guy as popular as you , you ought to have a secret knock . oh , honey , do n't look like somebody just kicked your puppy . we 'll hook up again real soon , i promise . tad : i 'm going to hold you to that promise . krystal : i 'll keep it -- as long as you stop muckraking on my babe . [ scene_break ] paul : how pregnant are you ? babe : why should i even tell you anything when you wo n't even do one teeny , tiny favor for me ? paul : what you want is n't that easy . babe : all i want is for you to help me pass this paternity test with flying colors . get it ? flying ? paul : you want me to break the law . babe : oh , stop being so dramatic . all i want you to do is get in that whirligig of yours and fly up to canada and pick up the results . paul : and make sure that they prove that j.r. � s the father . do you have any idea what you 're asking me ? babe : of course i do . but i did n't even have a choice . my whole life is at stake here . i mean it . if you do n't do this favor for me , i could lose j.r. forever , and he 's the only man that i � ve ever loved . paul : maybe you should have thought about that before you got yourself into this mess . babe : do n't preach at me . just help me . you and me -- we made some mistakes . but we 're good people , paulie . we deserve to be happy . and we can be with just a little bit of teamwork . paul : one night of `` teamwork `` is what got me here . babe : so you 're going to hold a grudge forever ? i really hate playing hardball . i do , especially since you 're such a sweet guy and all . but if i have to -- will everyone just hit the floor when i announce that we 're still married and i 'm carrying your baby ? paul : you would n't . babe : bye - bye , aunt betsy � s inheritance . bye - bye , j.r. we 'll be left with nada . a sad picture , really . paul : damn it , babe -- babe : it does n't even have to happen . i am so sorry that i � m being so snarky , but you 're being so darn difficult . paul , if you would just relax and do things my way , we could both get what we want . babe : both of us have a shot at the lives we 've always dreamed of . how can you pass that up ? you 're more stubborn than i remember . paul : because you do n't even know me . babe : do n't turn off your cell . adam : babe is some piece of work . paul : mr. chandler . adam : pretty as they come and as infuriating as she is entertaining . i was on my way to a board meeting , but if you have the time , i 'd love to chat . paul : no , i 've got a chopper to catch . sorry . adam : how 's dorian ? paul : she 's good , i guess . adam : you do n't look so good . something bothering you ? paul : it 's just the job . it catches up with you after a while . adam : yeah , so does trouble , particularly of the female persuasion . she worked you over pretty good , did n't she ? paul : i 'll tell my aunt dorian you were asking about her . adam : i know that you and babe have a past . paul : it was just a toga party . adam : well , babe � s life is just one great , big toga party , and you were a party favor . i do n't blame you for refusing to acknowledge that you were involved . paul : it really was just one night , ok ? adam : well , that 's all it takes with a woman like babe . she 's 100 % irresistible trouble . all smiles and curves . what 's to think about ? by the time the synapses kick in , it 's the morning after . paul : what 's between me and babe is personal . adam : yes . you 're putting up a hell of a fight . i 'm impressed . paul : like i said , it 's personal . adam : yes , and i respect that . and it 's personal for me , too , paul . that woman is married to my son . now , i do n't know what she wants from you , but what she wants from j.r. are his name and his inheritance , and she 'll do anything she can to get it . paul : that 's none of my business . adam : you seem like a decent young man , one who 's willing to do the right thing . paul : meaning help you ? adam : j.r. is blind to babe � s ways . i ca n't get through to him , his brother ca n't get through to him , but i think maybe you can get through to him . i think if you tell him the babe you know , show him the real babe , i would be very grateful . paul : i ca n't help you . adam : my children mean the world to me . if you could help me , i 'm prepared to be very generous . [ pager beeps ] paul : i 've got to go . adam : um -- my card with all of the numbers . take your time , think it over . give me a call . [ scene_break ] greenlee : well , you 've got to check it again . it could be under hart or cambias or -- or hart - cambias . what do you mean , you do n't have time ? you 've got a hell of a way of running a business -- [ dial tone ] greenlee : hello ? miss philly ? freak . all right , kendall , one clue . that 's all i need to prove to ryan and everyone else you 're delivering nothing but a big , fat lie . full strength . hmm . thought mommies - to - be stuck to decaf . got to be something -- hmm . uh - huh . greenlee : still good . since when do mommies - to - be have happy hour ? hmm . i 'm close . i know it . greenlee : what 's this ? `` dear ryan -- `` kendall � s voice : `` i 've been wrong about so many things , but you most of all . you 've done everything to help me , and i 've only pushed you away . i never should have doubted you . i should have trusted what we have . i love you , ryan . `` [ scene_break ] kendall : jack , you have to take care of yourself . you ca n't get on that stand tomorrow and say that you shot michael . erica : no , jack wo n't because he didn � t . bianca : uncle jack , mom 's right . you ca n't lie . jack : that 's enough , everybody . look , not only is the prosecution within hearing distance , we have a hoard of reporters just outside that door . this is not the time or the place for this conversation , ok ? reggie : well , look , j , we have to know . jack : all you have to do is just trust me , ok ? and do n't question what i do and do n't worry , please . erica : well , you put yourself in the line of fire . jack : actually , what i did was the old bait and switch . come on , folks , no long faces . we actually are winning this round . kendall : yeah , well , it does n't feel like it . you could be charged with michael � s murder . ryan : all right , what do you say i take you home . kendall : no , i do n't want to go yet . jack : go on , kendall . i 'll see you tomorrow . kendall : no , jackson , please , i do n't want you to do this . jack : it 's all right , i promise you . ryan : come on . jack : and as for you two , if you would be so kind as to take my lady love back to my place . erica : no , i 'm not leaving you . jack : yes , you are going to leave me . listen , i just have to take care of some things . i 'll be there , ok ? i 'll be home . erica : soon ? jack : yeah . i 'll be right behind you . after all , we have something to celebrate tonight , do n't we ? reggie : wait , did i hear celebrating ? ok , kendall � s in the hot seat , and you basically closed the door to your own jail cell . what is there to celebrate ? jack : well , i guess you 'll just have to wait to find out . now , go on , get out of here , all of you , please ? erica : you wo n't be long ? jack : no . i 'll be there soon . bianca : all right , mom , come on . reggie : i 'll catch up with you guys later . erica : all right . bianca : ok . justin : damn it . just when i think we got jack exactly where we want him , throws us a curveball . alan : just wait . jack : reggie , look , i 'm just going over to my office to pick up some papers . you can come if you 'd like . reggie : no , i do n't want to go . we have more important things we have to do , like go down to the police station . jack : and why would we be going down to the police station ? reggie : because , dad , i got to turn myself in . [ scene_break ] tad : i certainly hope that you are proud of yourself . liza : well , i think it 's a good thing i showed up when i did . tad : let me tell you something -- that 's a great dress . if this is the part where you 're going to start to slam on krystal , forget about it . i do n't want to hear it . liza : all i 'm saying -- tad : zip it . liza : i think you already did , mister . tad : look , i 'm not kidding , all right ? i 'm dead serious . i 'm sick and tired of you trying to warn me off of every single woman that i so much as look at . liza : i do n't think i have to . krystal and simone come with their own little warning labels . tad : i mean it , liza ! i do n't need a mother . i 've already got two . liza : you think i want to be your mother ? i do n't want to be your mother . tad : well , sweetheart , you know something ? if the apron string fits , then just strap it on . liza : listen , i did n't show up to be your mother . i certainly do n't want to wipe your nose . tad : well , you took my candy away . liza : because -- tad : because , as my friend , you think you know best , is n't that right ? liza : oh , and you 've got me all figured out . tad : to a t. all right , fine . i 'll tell you what . your life consists of memorizing the `` tv guide , `` all right ? you wash your hair on days that end with a y , you avoid fat , eat plenty of fiber -- liza : you know that 's not true . tad : and you have completely forgotten how to have fun ! and now you 're determined to make me every bit as boring and pathetic as you are . liza : pathetic ? tad : pathetic ! forget it , liza . i like it in the land of the living . i like having sex , all right ? i 'm not interested . liza : so you think you know everything there is to know about me ? tad : backwards and forwards . liza : you know , i think you 've been living on the planet tad for a little bit too long because how could you possibly know what i want ? tad : `` planet tad `` ? liza : yeah . tad : all right , liza , i 'll bite . what exactly is it that you want ? liza : i want you . [ scene_break ] reggie : look , the night of the cambias hearing , i went , i bought a gun , i went to his condo , and i shot him . jack : no , you did not . you did not . you were with bianca all night . reggie : oh , yeah , i was with her for a while , but then i started to realize it was n't good enough just to sit around and wait just in case she needed protection . i had to go to the problem and deal with it for good . jack : and you 're coming up with this confession now ? i do n't buy it , reggie . reggie : the only reason why i kept quiet is because i figured they could n't nail kendall or anybody else . jack , face it , i did it . take me in to the cops , please . jack : reggie , you are not capable of committing cold - blooded murder . reggie : oh , i 'm not ? i pulled the gun on luis . i was going to shoot him , but somebody came in -- jack : you never would 've pulled that trigger . reggie : oh , so you 're calling me a coward ? jack : no , because you have a heart , reggie , and you have a soul . reggie : look at my rap sheet . all baby steps leading up to murder . it was bound to happen . that 's what the cops are going to say . jack : shh . listen to me . look , i know what you 're trying to do here . you 're trying to protect me , and i love you for that , but you can not do this , reggie . reggie : and i 'm not going to let you go to prison for something you did n't do . jack : your lying is not going to help anybody . reggie : oh , my lying ? oh , so you want me to come clean ? well , you come correct . i want you to admit to me , tell me you did not kill michael cambias . jack : listen to me , reggie . right now is a very critical time for a lot of people , people that you and i care a great deal about . one wrong move , one misstep , and it could blow up in our faces . you understand what i 'm saying ? yes ? that 's why i need to know that i can count on you . reggie : you know you can . jack : good . then , please , just follow my lead . let me do what i have to do and leave the questions at the door . reggie : but , j , what if something goes wrong ? jack : just -- most of all what i need is i need for you to believe in me , no matter how crazy it gets . can you do that ? reggie : i do n't like it . but for you , i � ll do it . [ scene_break ] bianca : mom , you 've got to relax . i 'm sure that uncle jack has a stash of your favorite chai tea somewhere here . i 'll find -- erica : i do n't want any tea . i just want jack to take back what he said on the witness stand . bianca : mom , i hate it as much as you do , but i � m sure that uncle jack had his reasons for doing what he did . erica : but what if he was wrong , ok ? what if he went too far ? i mean , your uncle jack -- he could lose everything . everything . and it 's all a lie . i should know . uncle jack did n't do anything wrong . he did n't shoot michael . he was nowhere near the condo that night when -- bianca : when what ? what , mom , what ? erica : maybe i will have some -- bianca : no , no , no , no , no , no , you know something , do n't you ? if you were n't with david the night that michael disappeared , then where were you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : great . nothing but a bottle of cheap wine and a stupid love letter . what a waste . kendall : i hate this door . ryan : oh , this is the easy part . kendall : thank god this day is over . ryan : what do you mean ? you 're one step closer to being acquitted , thanks to erica and jack . kendall : yeah , ryan , not like this . i do n't want jack playing kamikaze for me . ryan : hey , hey , he 's got to know what he 's doing , you know ? he 's not going to crash and burn . ryan : yeah , well , if singer has his way , we 'll all go down in flames . ryan : no , not going to happen . not going to happen . erica , jack , even david -- they 're coming through for you . you got way too many people on your side for there to be anything but a happy ending . kendall : yeah , well , i know one person who 'd like to see me fry . ryan : kendall , will you stick with happy thoughts , please ? kendall : yeah , ryan , how can i when i know that little twit is determined to screw me over . ryan : oh -- let it go , kendall . just let it go . please let it -- kendall : fine , i 'll try , but just be ready with bail money because when my trial is over , i 'm going to be facing new murder charges once i 'm finished with greenlee . ryan : kendall , will you please let it go ? greenlee is harmless . kendall : since when ? she and her posse totally ganged up on me at the courthouse . ryan : `` her posse `` used to be your friends . kendall : yeah , well , that was before mia and simone became greenlee � s stooges . i swear , ryan , they were ready to strip - search me . ryan : try and feel the baby ? kendall : yeah . no , greenlee wo n't stop . she 's on a witch hunt . greenlee : bitch hunt 's more like it . kendall : she 's got two modes -- she 's attack and destroy . how can i feel safe knowing that she 's gunning for me ? ryan : well , you 're safe here . it 's just you and me . kendall : yeah , like i do n't have enough going on ? the last thing i need is to be in greenlee � s sights . ryan : you 're not in greenlee � s sights . i told you , i had a sit - down with her , all right ? she promised me -- she swore that she would play nice from now on . kendall : oh . ok , so she batted her big , brown eyes and you believed her ? ryan : you 've got to understand where she 's coming from , all right , kendall ? kendall : yeah , yeah , that 's easy -- hell . ryan : she 's not in a good place . kendall : what , and i am ? ryan , i 'm on trial for my life here . ryan : listen -- listen to me . she 's messed up , all right ? she 's messed up over pablo . jackson 's consumed with your trial , and her mother -- and her mother is like -- kendall : oh , wait a minute . ryan : she 's useless . kendall : hold on , ok , so now i have to deal with greenlee � s attention issues ? ryan : it 's not about her getting attention . all right , maybe it is a little bit . but the point is that she just needs something to hold on to . kendall : or someone . ryan : i 'm talking about fusion , her company . she thinks it 's the only thing that she 's got left , and she 'll do anything to try and get it back . kendall : yeah , she 's psycho . ryan : she 's passionate , kendall ! she 's passionate about everything that she does ! kendall : oh , did she try to share some of that passion with you ? ryan : come on , kendall . you would fight just as hard for fusion . kendall : yeah , i would fight , but i would n't be as clumsy and juvenile and sloppy and stupid -- ryan : all right , ok . ok , i get it , i get it . the point is that she just simply needs something to believe in . kendall : fine . great . then let her go back to pablo . the grand feud is over . let love reign . if we 're lucky , he 'll take her back to argentina and make lots of bambinos . ryan : oh , forget about it . it 's not going to happen , all right ? the bombs and the bullets might be over , but , you know , he 's still dangerous , and she 's already been ripped up enough , and i 'm not going to let that happen again . kendall : greenlee deserves whatever she gets . do n't you understand that ? you want to feel sorry for her , fine . waste your time , go ahead . but can we just please -- i do n't want to talk about her anymore . please ? ryan : hey , you 're the one who brought her up . all right , ok . all right , what do you want to talk about ? you want to talk about sports ? kendall : no , i do n't want to talk about sports . ryan : golf ? you want -- kendall : yeah , golf . ryan : what do you want to talk about ? kendall : i want to talk about this . ryan : oh . what 's this ? kendall : this . [ scene_break ] krystal : i ordered some food . you want some ? babe : no , i 'm not hungry . tell me what you were saying . what happened with tad ? krystal : i could barely get a word in edgewise . first that dizzy simone came in , and then liza . and those are the ones that use the front door . no telling how many women come in through the window and out through the woodwork . i just -- i just wish he would shake them loose . babe : what , now that he 's met you ? krystal : oh -- mmm -- oh , oh , oh , oh , brain freeze . babe : from tad or the shake ? krystal : oh -- oh , honey , you know i do n't let a man give me a headache . waiter : here you go . krystal : ooh , thank you . babe : ahem . you got it bad for tad , do n't you ? krystal : oh , please . hardly , baby doll . babe : mama , whenever you order supersize , that means you 're frustrated in love . krystal : i am nowhere close to in love with tad martin . hey , guapo , that cheeseburger coming ? [ scene_break ] tad : liza , come on . be serious . we tried that . i mean , what about our , you know , what - the - hell , no - holds - barred trip to tahiti ? we both slammed on the brakes pretty fast . liza : well , hello . i was n't ready , and now i am . tad : well , nothing 's changed on planet tad . i 'm not ready to make any promises or guarantees . liza : look at where playing it safe has gotten me . it 's gotten me nowhere . i want more . i want a lot more . tad : right now ? is that why you chased krystal out of here ? liza : look , you know what ? if she ca n't stand the heat -- tad : you 're serious . liza , come on . i do n't know what to say . liza : you and i -- we -- we do this thing , you know . we walk away , we pretend like it 's not there , we try to ignore it . but you and i -- we always end up right here . tad : well , when we do , i mean , alarms go off , you know ? sirens , bells , lights , whistles , the whole thing . liza : yeah , but you like it like that . you like the edge , and so do i , and that 's why i know you 're not going to say no . tad : what has gotten into you ? liza : you know what ? honestly , i am tired of waiting for you to try to figure it out , so what do you say ? tad : i say that i do n't want to hurt you . liza : oh , come on . because you 're playing the field ? i 've seen the competition . the designer girl scout and the southern - fried cheese ? i can deal . tad : have you been drinking ? liza : i have been sidelined long enough , and you know what ? i 've told myself to forget about you . i 've told myself , `` find somebody more suitable , more mature . `` and i do n't want somebody suitable . i want you . tad : was that a shot ? that was a shot . liza : listen , you want me to take on simone ? you want me to take on krystal ? i 'll do that if that 's what you want me to do . tad : how do you feel about mud wrestling ? liza : i think i might like to keep it clean with you . [ scene_break ] bianca : mom , you 're not going to get out of it that easily . just tell me . where were you the night michael cambias disappeared ? just level with me . erica : after the rape hearing , after michael cambias was released , i -- i had a posttraumatic stress episode . bianca : mom , why did n't you say something about this ? erica : i did n't understand it myself . i guess that the horror of everything just -- just triggered some feelings , some memories of my own rape . bianca : what happened ? erica : i wish i knew . but it 's just all a fog . i lost time that night . i do n't remember everything that i did . bianca , what is it ? bianca , answer me . what 's wrong ? bianca : i was just thinking about that night . do you remember , at michael � s condo , i told you that i had this feeling that i knew something , something that might help kendall ? erica : oh , honey , i wish you would n't torment yourself . bianca : well , mom , as hard as i have tried to remember , it 's just been buried so deep that i just could n't get to it . but just now -- erica : what happened ? what did you remember ? bianca : mom , i � m afraid that -- erica : what , honey ? what is it ? bianca : i just want this whole thing to be over . erica : yes , honey , we all do , and it will be soon . jack : hi , ladies . erica : hi . jack : did we miss anything ? erica : that 's just what i wanted to know from you . jack : what ? erica : did we miss anything ? did anything happen at the courthouse after we left ? jack : oh , no , sweetheart . the court wo n't reconvene until tomorrow morning , so why do n't we concentrate on the important things in life , like our celebration . reggie : ok , celebrating what ? tell us . jack : you know , before i do that , we need something to party with . so why do n't you guys run across the street to the deli there and get some munchies and something fizzy to drink . reggie : oh , no -- yeah , no problem . might as well live large , you know ? jack : yeah , my feeling exactly . oh , come here , you . erica : jack -- jack : i 've wanted to do that all day . you know what else i wanted to do ? what ? what ? erica : i wo n't let you sacrifice yourself for me . [ scene_break ] babe : so you really think that that 's a good idea ? krystal : mixing all this spicy food ? probably not . babe : getting hung up on jamie � s dad . you know , tad is totally hot and all , but he wants to shred me . krystal : honey , do n't you worry about that , all right ? rule number one -- i never mix business with pleasure . i got my eye set on that prize no matter how much pleasure tad packs . trust me -- trust me , all right -- tad � s going to have his hands so full with me , he 's not going to be able to dig into your business . babe : you can be pretty distracting . krystal : well , i hope you 've been doing some distracting of your own . did you talk to paul ? babe : at the hospital . krystal : well ? is he going to help you with that paternity test ? babe : i 'm working on it . i told him he might be my baby 's daddy . krystal : you did what ? babe : i had to , mama . he was being a jerk , and everything i � d say he 'd have an answer for it and it was n't the one i wanted to hear , so i just lied . krystal : and you told him that he might be the daddy ? babe : mm - hmm . krystal : well , i hope you shut your mouth after that . babe : almost . i mentioned that i might tell the world about his offspring and that we 're still married . krystal : you had to hit him with both barrels . babe : he was being a jerk . and , besides , if i ever do blab it all , paul could lose $ 30 million . krystal : that flyboy is worth 30 million bucks ? babe : but if he does n't help me , he wo n't be worth a plug nickel . [ scene_break ] adam : well , i thought i 'd hear from you , but i did n't expect it to be this soon . adam : no , no , no , no . timing could n't be better . my meeting just ended . i 'm all yours . paul : hmm . adam : it 's a noble profession you 've chosen -- helping others . admirable . but admiration does n't pay the bills , does it ? paul : i get by . adam : yes , well , if you choose to help me save j.r. from babe , i 'll see to it that you more than `` get by `` for the rest of your life . do you doubt me ? paul : this whole bribe thing does n't sit well with me . adam : no , this -- do n't think of it that way . it 's not a bribe . it 's a chance for you to secure your future . you 're young . you want to get married , have children . you choose to help me , those children will all go to the school of their choice . if you choose -- if you make the right decision -- you will be financially secure for the rest of your life . paul : how much financial security are we talking about ? antonio : sorry to barge in . paul : i 'm not sure i can do this . adam : well , think about it . think about all you can do with that many zeroes . paul : but why so much ? adam : it 's the least i can do for the man who 's going to save my son from that gold - digging goldilocks . i 'll be in touch . [ scene_break ] babe : so it 's a no - brainer , right ? paul whiffs , he gets nothing . he helps me , he gets his millions , and i get to keep the husband that i love . krystal : pure genius , baby doll . babe : it 's a lot easier than fighting off tad � s harem . krystal : oh , there 's no fighting to that . all i got to do is get him to break a couple of bad habits -- one blonde and one brunette . [ scene_break ] liza : i have to go . tad : now ? liza : yeah . but tonight when you 're getting ready to go to bed , why do n't you think about that kiss and think about what we said and what we could have because it could be good . it could be really good , tad . [ scene_break ] jack : come here , you . i love you . bianca : all right -- reggie : oh , god . enough of the kissing , please . it 's time to party . bianca : yeah . here , uncle jack . would you do the honors ? jack : sure , sure . grab some glasses up there , reggie , will you ? watch out . stand back . stand back , stand back . you never know with these things . get some glasses here . bianca : oh . jack : for you , my dear . erica : thank you . jack : and you . bianca : thank you . jack : and you , reggie . and i 'll take mine . thanks . so -- bianca : all right , so what are we celebrating ? jack : only the greatest news in the world . that the lovely erica kane has said yes to being my wife again . so hear , hear , huh ? bianca : that 's fantastic . reggie : it is about time . jack : and this time we 'll actually make it down the aisle , wo n't we , sweetheart ? [ scene_break ] ryan : well , that sure beats talking about sports . ok . what 's going on in there ? kendall : it 's not fair . ryan : i 'm afraid to ask , but what 's not fair ? kendall : you . just you 've done so much for me . you 've stood by me through the trial . you gave up the entire cambias fortune . and , ryan , when all of this is over , if i � m acquitted -- ryan : and you will be . kendall : i 'll get everything , once we prove i 'm having michael � s child , and you 'll get nothing . ryan : i can live with that . kendall : yeah , but why should you ? ryan : i 'll live on love . kendall : that 's very romantic , but is n't winning a lot more fun ? ryan : yes . kendall : yes . well , i know a way we can both win . ryan : does it involve breaking any laws ? kendall : no . no , no , no . it would involve seeing a judge once the trial is over . ryan : have n't you seen enough of little men and women in black robes already ? kendall : depends on the circumstances . ryan : ok , what ? what are you getting at ? what ? kendall : let 's get married . [ next_on ] liza : why do n't you let me buy you a drink ? i 'd like to set you straight on a few things . mary : whose gun is this and why do you have it ? bianca : you told her ? erica : told me what ? [ phone rings ] | after erica gets on the witness stand and incriminates herself in order to help kendall , jack gets on the witness stand and incriminates himself in order help erica . reggie is ready to turn himself into the police and confess to murder , in order to help jack . the defense is getting more confident that kendall can be acquitted . jack calls a meeting and celebration at his home , with erica , bianca and reggie , and announces his engagement to erica . |
j.r. : good morning , sort of . babe : looks like paradise . it feels like paradise . j.r. : well , there are no palm trees , but i 'll make it up to you . babe : so when 's reality supposed to hit , because last time we felt this good i got it right between the eyes . should i brace myself ? j.r. : oh , yeah . i think you should brace yourself . [ scene_break ] amanda : is this the cia ? my name 's amanda dillon . i 'm trying to track down my dad . [ scene_break ] erica : you and kendall getting married , again ? is this your idea of a joke ? zach : uh - uh . no , it 's not a joke . kendall wanted to tell you herself , but you 're always so busy , and then she had to run . erica : i see . and you just could n't wait to burst back in here and share this with me ? zach : so no `` welcome back to the family again `` ? erica : kendall 's not here . the performance is over . i do n't have to pretend to like it or to like you . zach : why do you hate me so much , hmm ? bianca likes me . kendall loves me . so what is it that you ca n't forgive me for ? [ scene_break ] kendall : why ca n't i remarry zach ? what should i know first ? ryan : you should just know what you 're getting into , kendall , and who you 're getting into it with . kendall : ok , what horrible thing has he done now ? parked in a loading zone , keyed your car ? what , ryan ? ryan : know what , livia is going to be here very soon . let 's just focus on this meeting , ok kendall : no , ryan . let 's get it out in the open right now or there is not going to be any meeting . there 's no way i 'm giving you full parental rights to this child unless you tell me what is going on . if you insist on telling me who i can and ca n't marry , then -- then we need to forget this whole thing . ryan : kendall , you know my problems with zach ? they used to be yours . kendall : ok , hello , deja julia ? ryan , you told me to butt out . so take a page out of your own book . ryan : it 's just , kendall , zach -- he operates by his own rules . it does n't mean that those rules are right for you . kendall : ok , listen , i 'm having you sign a document that gives you rights to my child . that 's it -- not me , not zach . if you have any proof that something against my husband , then show me the proof . ryan 's voice : the bastard caused the blackout . he 's the reason that kendall could n't carry greenlee 's baby . ryan : when exactly -- exactly are you getting married ? kendall : why do you care ? what is it to you ? ryan : because , kendall , i have to buy you a toaster , and i need to know it 's the right one . i need to know if it 's a two - slice or a four - slice -- kendall : oh , god . ryan : or if you want the extra - wide slot . kendall : all right , i really wonder about i wonder about your sanity . i really do . i do n't know what 's going on with you , but you need to know , fine . i do n't know . i 'm not sure . probably sometime after the mardi gras ball . ok ? you satisfied ? ryan : yeah , i am . are you registered anywhere ? kendall : oh , ryan . please stop , ok ? just tell me what 's going on . that 's the only present that i need . that 's the best wedding present you can give me . ryan : i care about you , kendall , ok ? i care about you . and the more i think about what happened with the blackout , the more i realize that you could 've bailed . you could 've gone home , and you did n't . you put it all on the line for greenlee and for the baby . and i just -- i just want to protect you . i want to keep you and the baby safe , that 's all . kendall : ryan , i am safe . i have zach . and do n't start . do n't start with me . you 've got to believe me , and you 've got to trust me . i know what i 'm getting into . i know the package that i 've got . ryan : no more lies , no more secrets ? kendall : no , no . everything is out in the open . i know everything about this man that there is to know . ryan : well , if you know every little secret about zach , and you still want to marry him , then no one should stop you . [ scene_break ] erica : i think my daughter can do better . zach : better than a man who 'll devote his life to her ? erica : better than a casino owner with a shady reputation who has done and god knows what he will do . zach : see , i think this is more than a mother looking out for her daughter . i think this is about you and me and what happened in vegas . erica : there is no `` you and me . `` zach : i saw you . i saw you in a way that no one else has ever seen you , not here , not anywhere broken and drunk and alone inside of a bottle , there 's no way to get out . erica : there 's no reason to have this conversation . zach : is that why you hate me ? because i saw the perfect erica kane out of control and hallucinating ? is that what this is about ? because i had to wrestle you into a hospital bed and put you in restraints so you would n't hurt yourself ? you 're afraid , are n't you ? you 're afraid that this nightmare 's going to come back . well , i give you my word right now that i will not say anything to anyone about what happened . [ fingering the pills he took from amanda , josh eavesdrops on the private conversation through the open office door . ] [ scene_break ] babe : ok , fine . i 'm braced . what 's the fight of the day , or are you going to call of the world 's shortest engagement ? or maybe you could kick me out of the house again . at least let me get dressed , so i can get a running start . j.r. : i can do better than that in a good way . babe : we 're not going to fight ? j.r. : well , we can later if you want to . but i think this is the part where i stun you with a ring . babe : yeah , a ring did n't guarantee us happiness the first time . that 's really not necessary . j.r. : getting engaged to the mother of my child ? i ca n't think of anything bigger than that . that 's why i want to give you something special . this time around , total commitment to you , to little a , to us being a family . i hope that you feel the same way . babe : i do , j.r . j.r. : i was n't sure if i could part with this . babe : what is it ? j.r. you 're the mother of my child . wherever you go , it home . there 's only one person in my whole life who ever made me feel like that . and that 's why i think this should be yours now . babe : j.r . it 's dixie 's necklace . j.r. : tad gave this to my mom , and she gave it to me the last day that i saw her . she told me that it was filled with more love than i could ever imagine . and that 's what i want for us , for our family more love than we could ever imagine . [ j.r. leans over and gives babe a sweet little kiss . ] babe : j.r. , this necklace it means too much to you . j.r. : and it would mean even more if you were wearing it . i just hope it means as much to little a when he gives it to his wife . babe : you 're really doing this . j.r. : it 's hard to believe , right , considering where we were not too long ago ? i guess i trust you , babe . i know that you 're not going to run off with it anywhere . babe : i ca n't take this . [ scene_break ] erica : wow , your ego is incredible . if you think that i 'd give you even a second 's thought , except that you 're such a menace to my daughter -- zach : i will do everything to make her happy . erica : oh , really ? and how could you possibly do that with her carrying the baby of the man you detest ? nothing good can come of your being in the middle of that relationship . zach : i gave my word i would n't interfere with ryan or the baby . erica : and how could you not ? when you see them together , making plans that do n't include you , sharing something as miraculous as the creation of a new life ? you on the outside looking in ? oh , i knew you . you 'll find a way to break in there , or you 'll find a way to get ryan out of the way . zach : you 're not listening to me . erica : i have seen my daughter with ryan , and i have seen her with you . and until about five minutes ago , she spent most of her time with you being miserable . zach : i was n't the cause of that misery . erica : ryan made kendall happy . zach : no , very happy , sure , until he dumped her and married greenlee . he does n't know this woman . erica : ok , all right , it ended badly . i will give you that . but ryan -- ryan was a man that kendall could count on -- bianca , too . really , both my daughters could trust ryan with anything . zach : bianca trusts me . so does kendall . erica : for the moment . zach : you string enough moments together and next thing you know you have a lifetime , a happy one . erica : you know , i really wish i could believe that . i really wish that i could look back months , years from now and see that you spent every single day as if kendall really mattered to you . but if kendall 's life , her future were on the line right now in this instant , and i had to choose whom to trust , it would n't be you . it would be ryan lavery . [ scene_break ] ryan : it all looks good to me . livia : a wise decision . without these documents , ryan , you 'd still be a donor who had waived any and all rights as a parent . and if god forbid anything happened to you , ryan would have to go to court to fight to have any decision- making power about the child . kendall : there 's been so much fighting , and this child has n't even been born . i 'm just telling the truth . the child is half his . ryan : thank you , kendall . it means more to me than -- well , than you probably know . kendall : ok . livia : congratulations . you have just graduated from donor to parent , with all of the rights and responsibilities . ryan : feels good . kendall : well , from now on , any decision we make about this child we make together . livia : well , if that 's everything , i 'm going to go and file these papers . kendall : yeah , you know what , i have some places to go , so i 'll walk you out . ryan : and , uh , we 'll talk soon , right ? kendall : you can count on it . ok . ryan : thanks . see ya . ethan : was that kendall i just saw leaving ? ryan : yes , it was , and zach is going to marry her again . ethan : why ca n't she see him for what he is ? ryan : if we want kendall to see the truth , then we have to prove to her without a doubt that zach is responsible for everything that happened at the clinic , and that he 's responsible for her and greenlee 's surrogacy plan going all to hell . ethan : and blowing your life to bits . ryan : yeah , well , you know what , we do n't have a lot of time , so please start talking . we need answers , like , fast . [ scene_break ] j.r. : it 's perfect . babe : tad , he gave this to dixie as this -- this huge sign of their love , a kind of mega - love . it 's kind of a lot to live up to . j.r. : when tad gave that to my mom , they were n't living the dream life . they had their problems . but they got through all that crud . that 's the kind of love that we have . babe : god knows we have been through it all . j.r. : yeah , maybe even more . babe , we have fought , we have lied , we have hated each other , but we 're back . babe : yeah , but dixie , she was -- she was almost a saint . j.r. : she would 've thought that you were a great mom . she would 've thought that you were great all around . she 'd want you to have that necklace . with that necklace on , it 's a way of keeping her alive . please , please accept it . babe : you 're so sweet , j.r . j.r. : come on , no more tears . we got a wedding to plan ! what do you say ? what , big wedding , small wedding ? underwater , on top of a mountain ? what do you say ? babe : you know what i think would be really nice ? j.r. : hmm ? babe : just a quiet wedding , just family . j.r. : that sounds perfect . although i do n't think that `` quiet `` is the right word for our family . now , with all that said , why do n't you go take our son to the park ? babe : you want me to take little a to the park alone ? j.r. : yeah , you 've got a lot of quality time to be catching up on . why do n't you go build a snowman ? i 'll be there just in time to take a picture . babe : thank you . adam : you let babe take little adam ? j.r. : i trust her . adam : so do i , as long as bruno 's along for the ride . he 'll be checking in every half - hour . j.r. : that 's totally unnecessary . i love babe . i 'm going to marry her . i think you should live with it . adam : i 'd like to celebrate it . i 'd be honored to be your best man . j.r. : now , where did that come from ? [ scene_break ] ethan : there was no sign of a break - in at the power station . the problem was with the software . the relays here , here , and here were overloaded . the whole thing shut down . ryan : well , what 's the power company 's explanation ? ethan : officially , their investigation was inconclusive , but most people suspect some kind of bug or virus in the system , though nothing was detected . ryan : has anything like this ever happened before ? ethan : no . no . they say the chances of these three grids going down at the same time are a million to one . ryan : well , was there any evidence that it was manmade ? ethan : the software designers insist their program was n't at fault . they think somebody hacked into the pine valley power system , someone with a schematic of the city 's power grid . ryan : which , of course , zach had . i mean , plus the date that was marked off in his calendar and the schematic -- i mean , it 's obvious that the guy did it . ethan : yeah , i 'll take it . ryan : yeah , you 'll take it , but i 'm sure a court wo n't . ethan : nor convince kendall . ryan : we need something that will convince kendall . can you please get your software forensics on this ? ethan : i will , but , you know , the chances of this leading back to zach are minimal . ryan : you realize that this is not an ordinary blackout , right , because in a situation like this , the clinic 's back - up generators would 've kicked in , and they did n't . i mean , something had to go wrong at the clinic , too . ethan : that 's a busy night . ryan : two power failures in one night ? i mean , what are the odds of that ? just a little more proof and not even kendall could ignore that coincidence . ethan : i know firsthand kendall does not like a fiance that lies to her . [ scene_break ] zach : you have nothing to fear from me . maybe one day you 'll understand that . maybe one day you 'll look at me and not see the misery of vegas but a man who wants to give your daughter everything . let it go . erica : josh ? did you want something ? josh : uh , sorry to interrupt . it 's crunch time . what 'd you want to do about the replacement venue for the yacht club ? erica : well , has this little chat changed everything ? is the casino no longer available ? zach : it 's at your disposal . erica : well , i 'm up against the clock . seem to have no choice . zach : i 'll take care of everything . erica : oh , great . what else can go wrong today ? i mean , of all the men in the world , i have to be at his mercy . we 've had too many of these problems -- miscommunications , non - communications , things lost in translation . look , my career is on the line . my reputation is at stake . so if you are covering for someone or covering something , i want to know . amanda : i 've been holding forever . amanda dillon . josh : amanda ? erica 's unhappy with the problems we 've been having . would you care to explain ? [ scene_break ] babe : you know how to make a snowball ? did daddy teach you yet ? i 'll show you . ready janet : hey there , hi there , ho there , babe . [ scene_break ] [ kendall struts into zach 's office and begins to passionately kiss him . ] kendall : hmm . zach : mm - hmm , mm - hmm . kendall : mm - hmm , yes , there is more where that came from . zach : mm - hmm ? kendall : if you tell me your deepest , darkest secrets . zach : well , that would probably involve my love for irish single malt . whiskey . kendall : yeah . i 'll keep that in mind . what else ? zach : what 's going on ? kendall : i just saw ryan , told him we were getting married again , and he gave me all sorts of trouble about not really knowing the man behind the curtain . but i defended you . no secrets , right ? zach : well , there is one . i told your mother we were getting married again . kendall : hmm , that 's more like a warning than a confession . how 'd she take it ? zach : she did n't throw her arms around my neck , but she did n't throw the desk , either , so i think we 're good . kendall : yeah , that 's -- that 's good . that 's very encouraging . so , my love , you are the original man of mystery . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : what do n't i know ? tell me . tell me things i do n't know . did you -- did you ever rob a bank , or are you wanted in some country that we should n't visit ? what , i mean , shoplifting as a kid ? zach : can i ask you a question ? kendall : shoot . i 'm an open book . zach : what did ryan do to get you going like this ? kendall : i 'm just getting to know my husband - to - be again . we 're -- we 're sharing , we 're bonding . you know almost everything about me , all the important things anyway , and what do i know about you besides the basics ? zach : basics are all you need . i love you . what else ? kendall : are you putting me off ? because i bragged , i bragged on and on to ryan about how upfront you were with me , that you were utterly and completely , cards - on - the - table square with me . zach : what did ryan say ? kendall : nothing . zach : so he did n't find what he needed when he broke into my office ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , the night that my child was conceived , the night of the blackout , what happened to the back - up generators ? greg : why do you ask ? ryan : i guess just because a lot of -- a lot of lives were affected . greg : are you looking to cause trouble for me ? ryan : no , no , no , no trouble at all . honestly , i 'm just -- i think it 's really important for me to understand exactly what happened when my child was conceived . you have to admit it 's kind of bizarre , and i just -- i guess i just want to understand everything that happened . greg : well , i wish i could understand it , because what happened that night was impossible . [ scene_break ] josh : erica has some questions about what went wrong with the yacht club . amanda : it was n't me . i did n't screw up . i did exactly what you told me to . i called the club , reserved the date , the time . i even wrote down my contact 's name . i kept it all in a call log . i checked , double - checked . it 's all right here , somewhere . erica : well , did you book the club or not ? amanda : i did . j osh : i 'm sure if she did n't , she meant to or thought she did . erica : what is going on here ? josh : amanda has made some mistakes . amanda : i did n't make a mistake this time . josh : the mix - up with the network executive , the screw - up with the limo company , the erased interview ? erica : amanda , how could you do this to me ? do you have any idea what you 've done , how you 've sabotaged me ? not once , but twice ! i mean , this is crazy ! amanda : i 'm not crazy ! i 'm not like my mom ! i did n't sabotage you . i just -- i keep having these blackouts . erica : blackouts ? blackouts ? you knew this ? josh : erica , i brought her to the hospital . i did n't think it was that big of a deal , but the thing is amanda loses time . i thought i could keep an eye on her , but obviously i 've failed . if you want to be mad at someone , let me have it . erica : amanda , i know how happy you are to have this job . i know how proud your mother is that you have this job . amanda : my mother ? you talked to her ? when ? what 'd she say ? erica : amanda , try to focus . we are going to have this conversation , and we are going to have it only one time , so listen closely and do not black out . now , i know you 've been struggling , and i know this is not easy , but we can not afford mistakes like this . amanda : but i -- erica : last chance . one more mistake , and you 're history . do you understand ? amanda : yes , ma'am . erica : ok . look , i 've got to get ready for my show . i 'm going to have my tea in my office , josh . amanda : you totally hung me out with erica to save your own butt . [ scene_break ] janet : i was never able to be with my amanda at that age . babe : why were n't you with her ? janet : well , as our vice president says , i had other priorities . fortunately , good behavior put me back with her sooner than expected . and ever since then , she 's been my one and only priority . well , it 's a full - time job -- although i must say , finger 's crossed , things are on the upswing . with jonathan now arrested for all those -- those awful incidents that have been going on , my amanda 's in the clear , innocent as the day she was born . babe : i 'm just glad it 's all over . janet : so now you and j.r. can stop with the suspicions and the accusations . if you ca n't reach out and embrace my daughter , could you please at least leave her alone ? she is a good girl . she deserves a triple scoop of happiness and joy . oh , my . i see you 've got yourself a double scoop babe : yeah -- janet : all this glow is not from the sun . babe : j.r. and i , we got engaged again , so i 'm pretty much in love with the whole world right now . i hope some day your amanda can have the same happiness . janet : are n't you a treasure . i hope so , too . i do n't see why not . you know , maybe one day my amanda will have your glow , something like yours . after all , she 's so in love with jamie . i think it 's just a matter of time . oh , my god ! would n't it be wonderful , a double wedding ? you and j.r. , amanda and jamie . beautiful brides , very handsome grooms . i can just see it now . [ janet hums the `` wedding march `` ] babe : well , do n't get your hopes up . janet : why do you say that ? she 's moved in with him . they -- they love each other . she loves him , he loves her . and after all , who would n't ? right ? babe : if amanda is happy , that 's -- it 's great , really . jamie , too . janet : well , she is , he is . they are , so what is the problem ? babe : there is no problem . everything is -- it 's great . really , it is . but i should probably be getting little a back to the house now . janet : oh , no , you do n't ! not until you tell me what 's really going on . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what are you doing , dad ? why do you want to be my best man ? adam : blame stuart . stuart is convinced , despite everything , that you and babe are meant to be . kismet , destiny . you 're an adult , as stuart keeps reminding me . you 're a grown man who can make his own choices . and you 're a man of whom i am very , very proud . i love you , j.r. and if i 've angered you -- god knows i have -- or if i 've overstepped when it comes to babe , it 's because i 'm trying to protect you . that 's why . the same as you 're trying to do with your son -- protect him . that need to make everything safe in his world . you understand that now , do n't you ? j.r. : i 'm all about his world . adam : excellent . oh , uh , just one little thing . just a suggestion , but i hope you 'll hear me out , take this to heart . [ scene_break ] greg : no , those generators were state of the art . you know , they 're critical to cryogenic preservation , and they were the first thing that i checked when i bought this clinic . i had them maintained regularly . i actually had them checked the week before the failure . that 's why i have no idea how they failed . ryan : but they did . another million - to - one disaster . greg : what do you mean , `` another `` ? ryan : when the technicians finally got the generators up and running , when they got everything going again , what 'd they say caused them to cut out ? greg : it was all jargon to me , but apparently something interfered with the relay that 's supposed to trip in when the power fails . ryan : something or someone ? [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan actually searched your office ? zach : yep , it 's all on disk . i have cameras everywhere . kendall : well , what in the hell -- what could he be looking for ? zach : most people digging through dirt are looking for gold . kendall : any gold i should know about ? zach : you 'll have to ask him that . hmm . or ethan . he was his decoy , helped him get out of here . asking me for a friendly family drink . you know , i should pay more attention . really a team these days , are n't they ? kendall : wait , hold on a second . why did n't you just tell me , mr. no secrets ? zach : well , because i 'm supposed to be getting along with ryan . he 's not going to find anything here , so did n't want to upset you . kendall : what would he be looking for ? zach : if ryan thinks that i have anything that 's any of his business , i wish he 'd tell me . [ scene_break ] janet : amanda 's absolutely starry - eyed over jamie . every dream , every hope is pinned on that hunk of boy and their future . there 's nothing that she wants more than to be mrs. dr. jamie martin . babe : amanda has always been crazy -- i mean , had -- had a thing for jamie . janet : is it one way ? babe , tell me . i need honesty . if their hearts are not tied up in a knot , i 've got to know . it 's the only way i can prepare amanda . babe : i do n't exactly have the inside track on jamie and amanda . janet : he asked her to move in together . he gave her earrings . he is very nice , and he 's so gallant . no why would he be doing that to my daughter if he -- oh . he does n't love her , is that it ? is that what -- oh , my -- babe , just tell me ! babe : no , no , there 's nothing to tell , mrs. dillon . it 's just that they 've broken up once , and you know they 've had their share of problems . i just -- i would n't want to see anyone getting hurt . janet : hurt ? oh , my god . oh , my god ! is jamie taking my angel for a ride ? [ scene_break ] amanda : you totally slammed me with erica . josh : i 've saved your behind how many times , taken the blame ? amanda : now erica knows about my blackouts . she 's going to think i 'm some kind of freak . josh : relax . your job 's safe for the moment . amanda : yeah , until you blame me for something else . josh : amanda , i want you to totally slam - dunk this job . what happened earlier , shake it off , it 's over . we 've got work to do . get to it . [ josh dissolves all three pills into erica 's cup of tea . ] amanda : whatever . josh : i 'm sorry i was harsh earlier . i really am looking out for you . amanda : i really do n't want to lose this job . josh : best thing you can do to keep this job and stay on erica 's good side is do what i do -- erica first , 24/7 . dial in 100 % to whatever she needs . i usually deliver la kane 's good - luck tea before each show . why do n't you do the honors ? amanda : thank you . josh : yeah , harry , we 're good for the casino . yeah , get there and set up fast . oh , yeah , the works . i want cameras rolling the minute erica walks through those doors . [ scene_break ] erica : thank you . amanda : your tea . erica : oh . yes . well , thank you , amanda . why do n't you just put it on the desk . amanda : i am really sorry about everything that happened . i will never let it happen again . i am going to be the most perfect assistant ever . please say you forgive me . erica : well , of course i do , of course i do . my goodness , sometimes i just forget , you know , how new you are to this business , and the business can be overwhelming , and you 'll learn . amanda : uh , your tea . are n't you supposed to drink it before the show , for good luck ? erica : to an amazing show . [ scene_break ] janet : so jamie 's really just toying with amanda ? i mean , how can he do that , knowing how much she loves him ? how -- i do n't understand . he just -- he seemed so nice . how could he be so cruel and so callous ? how could he just rip her heart to confetti ? babe : no , no , there is no confetti . janet : she ! ha - ha - ha ! he thinks that she 's still behind all those things , does n't he ? you all do , do n't you ? how 's it possible ? she 's in the clear . babe : you 're right , she -- she is . janet : jonathan lavery has been arrested . babe : and he 's in prison right where he belongs . janet : and does n't that count for something , anything ? what does a person have to do in this town to be treated decently ? i mean , if the man of her heart does n't believe in her , then how is my amanda going to get any of her happiness that she deserves ? oh , so it 's really -- it 's true ? i mean , he just does n't really love her ? babe : i do n't know , mrs. dillon . i really do n't , ok ? look , i did n't mean to upset you , and i 'm not here to cause any trouble . please , i promised little a i 'd take him to the swings , so we 've really got to go . janet : oh , no , babe , please ! please , babe , just tell me what -- bruno : you heard her . she does n't want any trouble . janet : trouble is as trouble does . you clearly have n't learned your lesson yet , babe . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i do n't believe that that 's the kind of suggestion best man candidates are supposed to be giving about the bride ! adam : i want to trust her , i really do . no , i do n't . but i trust you . and if you want to give her another chance , i 'm staying out of it . j.r. : so you 're trusting me to not trust her too much ? adam : if you think she 's the woman for you , then what better way to find out ? i 'm giving you the golden key , j.r. use it . [ scene_break ] greg : what do you mean the generator failure 's not an accident ? are you saying it was intentional ? ryan : it 's possible . greg : i mean , i did n't even think to investigate . i -- i did n't even report it to the police . i was sabotaged ? ryan : if you were , we all were . [ scene_break ] zach : ryan is trying to discredit me . there 's no surprise there . kendall : trying to uncover a big , bad secret ? zach : well , he wishes there was something . kendall : i broke things off with ethan , because he lied to me . i begged him over and over to be straight with me , and he could n't . i could n't forgive him for that . zach : no one likes being lied to . kendall : well , then do n't make me a liar defending you . if you have a secret , then tell me right now . [ next_on ] ryan ( to tad ) : i have to protect kendall , and i need your help to do it . babe ( to j.r. ) : what is it ? j.r. ( to babe ) : it 's our prenuptial agreement . janet ( to jamie 's picture ) : how could you ? it is not nice to fool mother janet . erica ( to michael ) : you 're dead . michael ( to erica ) : am i ? | josh is up to no good . in erica 's office , he tells her amanda is responsible for all the screw - ups because of her black - outs . and he 's drugging her without her knowing . she tells kendall and zach that she does not approve of them getting married but does not plan to do anything crazy about it . kendall and ryan meet with julia who informs them that by law , ryan has no parental rights unless kendall grants them . she signs the papers for ryan and he feels compelled to tell her what he suspects from zach but does not know how to tell her . zach reveals to kendall that he is watching ryan on a surveillance camera and knows that ryan is spying on him also . she demands that zach tells her his secrets telling him she can not accept any more cover - ups . ryan goes to talk to dr. madden about what he knows in regard to the blackout that one night in his clinic . and dr. madden informs ryan that there is no logical explanation for why the power went out that night except that somebody was tampering with it . |
jake : it 's not a trick question . i just want to know . is david hayward the father of your child ? amanda : you know there are lots better drinking games than `` who 's the baby daddy . `` jake : all right , is that a no ? is that `` you do n't want to answer `` ? is that `` you hope to god he is n't , because he 's the spawn of satan . you know , the whole `` rosemary 's baby `` thing . amanda : ugh . would you shut up ? jake : sorry . just trying to keep it -- just trying to keep it light . amanda : damn . jake : hello , rosemary . [ laughs ] [ scene_break ] colby : my goosebumps have goosebumps . i ca n't wait for summer . j.r. : hey , there he is . there 's my big guy . adam : ah , we were watching `` nemo . `` i swear -- i swear he knows every single line . j.r. : well , why do n't we go watch it together . just the rest of it , all right ? yeah ? adam : are you sure that 's a good idea . j.r. : excuse me ? adam : are you sober ? colby : dad ! j.r. : hey , colby , why do n't you take little adam into the kitchen , and see what lucretia 's got on the dinner menu ? colby : all right . i hope she does n't do those nasty brussels sprouts . j.r. : do n't come between me and my son -- ever . [ scene_break ] brot : hello , emma . i was burned , too . and it hurt really bad , but everything turned out ok . do you know to know why ? because i was brave . do you think you can be brave , too , and let this very cool doctor help you ? yeah ? good job . i knew you looked like a brave little girl . emma : i am , but it hurts . does your face hurt ? brot : at first it did . and at first it hurt a lot , and i was afraid , but the doctors helped me and the pain went away . and so will yours . emma : you promise ? brot : i bet you that this very cool doctor here will even seal the deal with a lollipop . greenlee : ooh . brot : ooh . you like that ? [ laughter ] [ scene_break ] ryan : dr. sinclair has crossed the line . her job is to treat annie , ok ? it 's not to treat me , not to treat greenlee . man : dr. sinclair is one of the top forensic psychiatrists in the country . ryan : i do n't care about that . her phone calls are invasive . her behavior is very unethical . man : well , i 'm sure that 's an overstatement . ryan : it 's not an overstatement , and if you continue to sanction her behavior , i will slap her and this hospital -- nurse : mrs. lavery is having a severe episode . ryan : dr. sinclair . dr. sinclair : not now . man : you need to let the doctor deal with your wife . [ scene_break ] richie : i am never going away . i am always watching you . annie : no ! oh , my -- oh , mr. stone ? mr. stone , i remember . i killed my brother . [ richie laughs ] annie : leave me alone , richie . leave me alone . you stay away from me , richie . dr. sinclair : so your brother is back . why is that , annie ? why is he back to haunt you ? [ scene_break ] adam : your son was afraid of you the other day . i do n't want to see that happen again . j.r. : it wo n't . adam : oh , that straight from the man who 's sworn to quit drinking as soon as he gets over his hangover . j.r. : look , i 'm sober . i was at an aa meeting . adam : i 'm glad . i 'm glad , but one meeting does n't make you fit to be little adam 's father . j.r. : i 'm sober . adam : today . what about tomorrow ? j.r. : are you trying to pull a hayward on me ? are you trying to get little adam from me ? adam : oh , do n't get paranoid on me . i want you to be the best possible father that you can be for little adam . j.r. : all right . then try trusting me . adam : as soon as i see reason to . colby : little a 's helping lucretia make dessert . what did dad say now ? j.r. : the usual . colby : what 's going on with you ? you 've been weird all day . j.r. : being a chandler sucks . colby : where did that come from ? j.r. : oh , you know , the whole chandler control thing -- me , mine , more , give me , even when it comes to your kids , even when the best thing for them is probably just to let them go and stay away from them . colby : is this about little a ? he totally needs you . j.r. : amanda 's pregnant , colby . the baby 's mine . [ scene_break ] krystal : let 's , um -- let 's get a table . come on . david : uh , sure . amanda : i 'm out of here . jake : no , no . no , you do n't go ducking out every time he shows up . he 's just going to get curious . no , you 've got to play this [ boston accent ] smart , ok ? smart . amanda : yeah , well that went out the window when i got pregnant . jake : david hayward is a control freak . if you give him just a little whiff that this bump could be his -- amanda : david is not getting this baby . jake : why do n't you just tell the whole restaurant ? amanda : this is such a mess . jake : keep it together . keep it together . you can do this . you just do n't give him any clues that he could be the father . because if he thinks that , then he 's going to go after the truth , and if that is the truth , he 's not going to stop until he gets the baby . amanda : that 's crazy . jake : that 's david hayward . look how he went after little adam . look how he took krystal away from tad . just do n't let the baby be next is all i 'm saying . [ scene_break ] david : well , dillon sure gets around , huh ? i mean , one moment she 's velcroed to j.r. , the next she 's back with martin . krystal : why do you care ? david : it 's just an observation . krystal : yeah , well , you have n't stopped observing since we got here . david : it 's entertainment . excuse me , waiter . i 'd like to send a special surprise over to the lovely woman at the bar , please . [ scene_break ] brot : you know , you did this better than some of my army friends . emma : because i 'm brave . greenlee : well , this brave little girl needs to get home . emma : i like you . brot : i like you , too . [ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : thank you for everything . brot : oh , i did n't do anything . hub here did all the tough stuff . greenlee : you put a smile on her face . here . come on . you want to put that in your mouth ? frankie : i 'll walk you guys out . greenlee : let 's go . thank you . brot : bye . greenlee : bye . taylor : you were so great with her . brot : oh , it was the lollipop . taylor : you never could take a compliment , you know . brot : hey , listen . i 'm sorry for blowing up on you about trying to pull that casino job for me . taylor : no . i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i should never have interfered . brot : no , no , no . you were just trying to help , and it was me being all proud and stupid . taylor : that 's because you wanted to do it all by yourself , you know ? the original hard case . brot : me ? no , i think that would be you . [ both laugh ] frankie : wow . you really handled emma like -- taylor : see ? i told you . frankie : i know doctors who would kill for that kind of bedside manner with kids . brot : kill ? is n't that against your hippocratic oath ? taylor : remember , he ca n't take a compliment . frankie : you want a job ? taylor : do n't look at me . my fingerprints are nowhere near this one . frankie : listen , the hospital has some openings for orderlies . brot : man , you know i do n't know anything about this medical stuff . frankie : yeah , but you know people , you 're smart , compassionate . we could use someone like you . brot : this is n't a mercy hire , is it ? taylor : oh , hard case . frankie : all i do is put in the good word . if you do n't get the job , that 's on you , brotha . you interested ? brot : well , um , where do i sign up ? [ scene_break ] [ annie grunts ] [ manic laughter echoes ] dr. sinclair : annie , what 's wrong ? do you see richie now ? what is he telling you ? annie ? annie : oh , he 's gone . oh , richie 's gone . thank god . dr. sinclair : annie , did you make him go away ? listen to me . if you 're going to get better , you 've got to start sharing with me . annie : richie 's gone . dr. sinclair : what made him appear ? did he help you remember anything ? annie ? [ scene_break ] man : i understand your frustration , mr. lavery , but your wife has shown improvement since she 's been under dr. sinclair 's care . ryan : ok , so -- wait , wait . she just had a huge meltdown . you call that improvement ? man : it 's a process . dr. sinclair : i 'm so glad that you 're here . i would like to have a word with you . man : if you will excuse me , i have a hospital to run . dr. sinclair : i assume you were complaining about me . ryan : yes , i was . dr. sinclair : hmm , well . ok . my methods are unorthodox . i would n't expect a layman to understand , but they do work especially on a patient such as mrs. lavery . ryan : and what type of patient is that ? [ dr. sinclair sighs ] dr. sinclair : i now believe that your wife is faking her psychosis . ryan : what ? there -- there is no way that that is an act . dr. sinclair : you 'd be amazed at what a person is capable of , what the mind is capable of when someone is desperate . ryan : annie is sick . ok -- the things that she 's done , no sane person would -- dr. sinclair : that is what she would have you believe , but lucky for you , i 'm an expert , and i 'm going to prove that annie is as sane as the rest of us . ryan : you ca n't seriously believe that . dr. sinclair : i know this is a lot for you to take in , mr. lavery , but once i prove my diagnosis and annie is tried and convicted of first degree murder , you 'll thank me . [ scene_break ] taylor : so , how did it go ? how -- how did he do ? did brot get the job ? frankie : oh , he 's in with personnel right now , the big interview . taylor : oh , frankie , i hope he gets this job . it would mean so much to him . frankie : yeah , it would mean a lot to the hospital , too . i mean , brot , he knows a lot about pain and fear , what it 's like being rushed in on a gurney , not knowing what the hell is going on . that kind of experience , it could be totally invaluable for the patients here . taylor : yes . hey , so how did it go ? how did you do ? did you get the job ? [ taylor laughs nervously ] brot : you are now looking at pine valley 's newest orderly . taylor : i knew it . i 'm so proud of you . brot : aw , thank you . thank you . i could n't have done it without you or you . frankie : ah , well congratulations , sir . brot : thank you , man . frankie : i 'll see you around ? brot : absolutely , thank you . all right . frankie : all right . [ taylor giggles ] taylor : so , when do you start ? what happens now ? brot : well , i 'm pulling the a.m. shift , and it starts tomorrow morning . right now i have to go do some more paperwork , get an i.d . , and take a tour of this place because the last thing i want to do is get lost trying to take a patient from one end to the other . taylor : that would be awful . brot : yeah , it would . taylor : but you 'll be amazing . i mean , you already are . brot : does that mean you 'd be interested in celebrating with me later ? i was thinking maybe we could go back to confusion . taylor : really ? me ? brot : yeah , you . taylor : are you sure you want to go back there ? because things did n't go so well the last time . brot : you know what ? i -- i do n't care if they seat us in the basement . i 've got a great job , i 'm with a beautiful woman , and tonight 's just not about the job . it 's about us coming back together . taylor : yes , i -- i would like to celebrate that , too . brot : ok . taylor : yes , yes . [ scene_break ] bartender : from the gentleman . jake : thank you so much . amanda : i 'd like to shove it up his -- jake : whoa , whoa , whoa . you 're at a 10 and i need you at a 3 , ok ? just calm , cool , collected . david : you 're looking beautiful as ever , a bit pale perhaps . amanda : i 'm fine . david : i 'm sure you 'd do a lot better if you were n't with this loser . [ jake laughs loudly ] jake : you know , some jackass paid for this champagne , and if it was n't vintage , i 'd crack it over your head . [ david laughs sarcastically ] david : you know , it 's sad really . i mean , one day it was `` doctor without borders . `` the next it 's `` doctor with no career . `` jake : ha ha . david : hey , i heard they 're hiring at the local pharmacy . you know , the guy that does the free blood pressure screening ? jake : yeah . david : i mean , come on , jake . that would be perfect for you . jake : yeah . david : although , you might have some competition . angie hubbard 's going to be looking for a job , too . jake : hmm , you know if you keep this up , you 're going to be the only doctor working in that hospital . david : yeah , well , i guess i 'm the only competent one there , huh ? jake : oh , such a swollen ego . stay away from sharp objects , dave . you might pop your own head . david : always good for a laugh , jake . krystal : listen , um , i think they 're going to serve dinner soon . jake : hey , krystal . i hope he 's not letting you mix drinks with the pills and the pills with the drinks . krystal : i 'm not taking the pills . david : that 's right . you hear that ? i guess leaving your brother was the healthiest thing she could have done . jake : healthy for who , dave ? healthy for who ? krystal : david . please , excuse us . david : enjoy yourself . jake : listen , the prince of darkness 's radar is way up , so you just clink , you laugh , and you pretend to drink . amanda : are you crazy ? jake : ok ? pretend to drink . pretend to take a sip just for the camera , go on . come on , let 's go . amanda : oh my -- oh my god . dammit . jake : you ok ? you all right ? amanda : no . no , its not all right . i -- i ca n't do this . [ scene_break ] colby : amanda 's having your baby ? how can that be ? i mean , i know how it can be , but -- wow . j.r. : yeah . wow . mm - hmm . colby : what are you going to do ? j.r. : amanda does n't want me anywhere near the child . i can hardly blame her . i 've screwed up pretty bad since babe died . colby : you 're the dad . you have rights . j.r. : yeah , well , i can barely be a father to my son . you know , amanda 's probably right . that child would be better off without me . colby : you 're having a hard time . j.r. : i 'm having a hard time because i scared my son , because being drunk was more important than being a dad . colby : you 're getting help . j.r. : i 'm far from the finish line , colby . colby : you slipped , but you got back up . you 're doing it , j.r. , and you 'll keep doing it . j.r. : i 'm still counting the hours of sobriety . colby : and pretty soon it 'll be days , and then weeks , and months , and years . you 're a great dad . do n't give up on yourself , and if you want to be in this baby 's life , do n't give up on that either . j.r. : yeah , but amanda was pretty clear that she does n't -- colby : so , talk to her and show her . go to more meetings . make the commitment . she knows you 're a great dad to little a . convince her that you can be just as good a dad to this baby . [ scene_break ] annie : i remember it , mr. stone . i remember richie . i remember killing him . i -- i ca n't stop remembering . it was terrible . aidan : listen , annie , it was terrible , but you have n't remembered everything . you do n't remember that richie tormented you , and you were n't the only one . richie hurt a lot of people . annie : that does n't make what i did ok . aidan : no , it does n't , but it does explain how you were pushed to the edge . annie : the woman who i stabbed , erica , did she do something bad to me ? aidan : no , she did n't . annie : oh -- my god . but i tried to kill her ? i -- i 've done so many horrible things . i 've hurt so many people , killed -- wait . i did n't hurt anybody else , did i ? aidan : the important thing is , annie , is that you 're starting to get your memory back . annie : how can you say that ? i 'm a monster . i should be locked up for the rest of my life . [ scene_break ] [ when taylor walks into confusion all dressed up , jake stares at her . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . greenlee : look . daddy 's home . emma : daddy , daddy . ryan : hey , hi . hey , what -- what happened ? emma : i was making cookies and i got burned . ryan : oh my goodness . greenlee : you did n't get my message ? we -- we were making cookies and she got burned , like she said , and frankie said that there wo n't be a scar . ryan : wow . i better kiss them just to make sure , do n't you think ? just a little gentle kiss here and then one just here . is that better ? greenlee : hey , emma , do you want to have a cookie and watch a video upstairs ? emma : yeah . ryan : let me help you pick that up , ok ? there . greenlee : there you go . ryan : you go ahead . greenlee : go ahead . ryan : all right . emma : can greenlee stay for a sleepover ? ryan : i do n't see why not . greenlee : i 'd love to . [ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : i am so sorry . i -- i totally was n't paying attention , and the next thing i know she was in the kitchen and she took the cookies out of the oven by herself . we 're not even married , and i 've already flunked mommy 101 . ryan : i do n't really know what to say . greenlee : i 'm so sorry . ryan : you baked ? greenlee : yes ! but your daughter was hurt because of me . ryan : my daughter , soon to be our daughter , seems happy . she adores you . she obviously feels very safe with you . i think you 're doing quite well in the parenting department , ok ? greenlee : really ? ryan : it depends on how the sleepover goes . greenlee : oh , god . ryan : you are going to be the best mom ever . greenlee : i hope so . i ca n't wait , and emma 's been through so much . how was sinclair ? ryan : you do n't want to know . greenlee : that bad ? ryan : it seems like the good doctor is n't trying to help annie . it seems like she 's trying to hang her . [ scene_break ] annie : i 'm a monster . aidan : annie , you 're not a monster . your life was caving in from all around you , richie threatened you , and the love of your life walked out on you . annie : well , dr. sinclair says that -- aidan : you ca n't trust dr. sinclair . annie : but she wants to help me get better . aidan : do you trust me ? annie : yes . aidan : well , then trust me on this . i will help you , annie , but it has to be our little secret , ok ? if you do everything i say , you 'll keep getting better . dr. sinclair : mr. stone . aidan : 10,041 . dr. sinclair : how are you feeling today ? aidan : 10,042 . dr. sinclair : still counting molecules , i see . aidan : 10,043 . dr. sinclair : well , i hate to interrupt your concentration , but i just came to inform you that your psychiatrist is no longer available . i 'm your doctor now . [ scene_break ] jake : wow , look at you . taylor : do n't . jake : what ? taylor : stare . jake : i 'm not , i 'm not . i 'm saying you 're walking , you 're talking , you 're looking amazing . you 're walking . did i say the amazing thing ? congratulations . taylor : well , i could n't have done it without you . jake : oh , yeah , inspiration . taylor : pain in the ass . jake : tomato . taylor : to - mah - to . jake : all right , i 'd ask you to dance but you 'd probably step all over my feet , and i would n't want you to embarrass yourself in front of all these people . taylor : aw . well , i -- i would , but actually i 'm meeting brot . jake : oh , really . taylor : i think i 'm early . jake : well , that 's ok . you know , a beautiful woman should n't wait alone . taylor : no , i 'm not , i 'm not -- jake : and lucky for you i happen to be available , very available . [ taylor laughs ] jake : [ irish accent ] it 's a little thick on this side of confusion . what do you say we -- we party on the other side ? [ normal voice ] come with me . after you , go , go , go . sorry , very rude . taylor : any one , any one ? jake : this is good . this is great . ok , now . taylor : ooh . jake : finger in the glass . all right , so you are laughing , you 're smiling , you 're wearing a dress . that 's -- that 's good . what 's the -- something special ? taylor : um , brot got a job . jake : brot got a job . great . taylor : actually it was almost a catastrophe . you know that thing that we do , people like us , where we think we know best and actually we do n't ? jake : yes . taylor : i did that . i figured , you know , hey , brot needs a job . i will get him a job . never mind the fact that he did n't want that job . never mind the fact that he thinks i overstepped any acceptable boundaries . never mind the fact that he was really , really mad . jake : oh , not that he 's -- he 's not mad anymore , then ? taylor : he 's not mad . he 's not mad . we ran into each other at the hospital , and it 's a long story . but anyway , he 's an orderly . jake : oh , that 's -- that 's -- that 's good , because if you 're an orderly , and you 're brot , you know , you 're helping people out . taylor : mm - hmm . jake : you know , it 's probably a little better than working in a casino , anyway . taylor : i did n't say anything about casino . you knew i tried to get him that job ? jake : uh , yeah , because we had run into each other , and it might have -- it might have come up . taylor : ohh , that 's so funny , because he apologized to me , too . did you know about that ? jake : i -- i might have said something about rethinking his anger . i might have mentioned , you know , realizing you 're the luckiest guy in the world . i might have said something about worshipping the ground she walks on . taylor : you did n't . jake : emphasis on the worship . well , yeah , i did . so -- what ? taylor : you -- you are incorrigible . jake : incorrigible , that 's an awful big word . that 's like an s.a.t . word . taylor : it 's like 40 points in scrabble . [ scene_break ] [ amanda yells ] amanda : oh , god . j.r. : amanda ? amanda . amanda : ever hear of knocking ? j.r. : i came to talk . amanda : get the hell out . [ scene_break ] david : you 've hardly touched your food . krystal : why do you do that ? david : do what ? krystal : you pick fights . you go looking for trouble . david : i gave amanda a bottle of champagne . krystal : no , no , you would n't let it go , you know . you had to go after jake . you had to make a scene . why ? why -- i mean , why did you fire him ? huh , because he 's tad 's brother ? and angie , because she 's tad 's friend . david : jake is incompetent . angie broke into my house . i was perfectly within my right to take the action that i took . krystal : you did n't have to do that . i mean , it 's almost like you did it out of -- out of spite . why , why antagonize people ? why try to make an enemy out of everybody in town ? david : no , krystal , you have it all wrong . i am defending myself . tad , jake , the chandlers , now the hubbards , they are all jealous of what i have , ok ? they 're nothing but jealous , angry , bitter people who want what i have . they are threatened by my success , by my power , and , most of all , what i have now with you . krystal : i think maybe we should leave . david : oh , no , wait a minute . oh , come on , and miss dessert ? we do n't have to do that . you know , i have something that i was going to give to you later , but this is obviously the better time . i stopped by stark 's office . your divorce papers . and since he 's here , why do n't you just march over there and get his signature , ok ? krystal : the divorce papers already . david : yeah . hey , you 're one signature away of being free and clear from that idiot for good . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i do n't understand . dr. sinclair wants annie to be hurt ? ryan : she thinks that annie is faking being crazy . greenlee : faking . which part ? the bloody bride in the wedding dress who knifed erica , the whack job who talked to her invisible dead brother that she killed , or the escaped lunatic who came after us and wanted us both dead ? ryan : hey , i 'm with you . [ greenlee laughs ] ryan : ok , i 'm totally with you . it 's just that this sinclair is totally determined to prove it . she wants annie nailed for murder and put away in prison and it seems to me like she 'll do whatever it takes to make that happen . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm not leaving until you hear me out . amanda : i told you -- i told you that this baby is nobody 's but mine , ok ? j.r. : i get that . amanda : no , you do n't . j.r. : amanda , i 'm not here because of the baby . i 'm here for you . i may be a man , i may be a chandler , but it does n't mean i do n't get what you 're going through . potentially becoming a mother is a pretty extreme thing . amanda : you do n't think i can do any of it ? thanks for the vote of confidence . j.r. : no , i -- i do think you can . i just do n't think you should do it alone . put your feet up . you 're going to have so many changes and so many choices , it must be overwhelming . right now you 're probably juggling whether or not you 're going to work , whether you want to be a mom , whether you 're going to have someone else raise the kid , and i just thought maybe you might need a friend . amanda : you ? j.r. : me . for the next nine months -- for however long you need me , i 'm here . [ scene_break ] david : do n't let him ruin our dinner . get him to sign , and we can celebrate . krystal : i , um -- i do n't know if i want to do that . david : you do n't want to do it ? what ? krystal : why are you doing this ? david : you do n't want a divorce ? krystal : why are you doing this ? david : because you do n't want to be married to a man that you do n't love . at least that 's what i thought . i mean , has something changed ? krystal : i have to go . i -- i have to get out of here . david : all right , ok , all right . fine , we 'll go home . krystal : no , no . not with you , i do n't . i do n't want -- i do n't want to be with you right now . [ scene_break ] jake : are you upset with me that i tried to talk some sense into your man ? taylor : no , because whatever you said , it obviously worked . jake : that 's it . i got it . my new job , i 'm going to be a self - help talk show host . taylor : oh , my gosh . jake : yes . taylor : no , jake , i do n't think the world is ready for dr. jake . you 're hit and miss . jake : i 'll tell women that they 've got to man up . stop talking so much about your feelings . it 's too many words . and i 'll tell men they 've got to get in touch with their feminine side . every man 's got to wear a thong . yes , that works for me . and look at this . you 're laughing and you 're smiling and you 're walking . it 's a big day for you . taylor : well , it would be even better if we ended it watching telenovelas and eating popcorn . jake : ah , `` todos los niños . `` tell brot about that one . taylor : oh , i -- i do n't know if brot and i are ready for popcorn . jake : yeah , you 're right , you 're right . popcorn is very emotional . it takes time . taylor : it does . it takes time to be close to the one that you love , not to flinch every time she goes in for a hug . jake : mm - hmm . taylor : you would n't understand the strategic manipulation required just to get a little peck on the check from this guy . he definitely needs to relax , and i 'm doing it again . jake : no , no , no , no , no . taylor : i 'm telling you all the things that you do n't want to hear . jake : no , i think that you and brot are going to be just fine . taylor : how about you , jake ? jake : me ? i think that when we first got together , i knew that you loved a guy named brot . and i was prepared to handle that . but brot alive , that was -- that was just a whole different world . taylor : i would understand if -- i would understand if you were sorry that you had ever met me . jake : no , i -- i do n't -- i do n't regret anything . just maybe never knowing what could have been . [ scene_break ] aidan : he sent you to get inside my head and get my secrets . well , nobody gets inside here . but , you know , beautiful woman could strip me of my defenses , distract me from my mission , seduce me into a confession . dr. sinclair : i 'm not a spy , mr. stone . and i have no interest of stripping you of your defenses , or anything else for that matter . aidan : so if you 're not a spy , then what are you ? dr. sinclair : that , mr. stone , is my question to you . this textbook paranoid schizophrenic you 're playing , it 's a little too on the nose . we have to do something about that . [ scene_break ] tad : are you ok ? you want me to sign this ? krystal : i -- i do n't know what i want . tad : well , you let me know when you decide . krystal : tad , tad , wait . wait . [ scene_break ] jake : hey , i 'm not lonely . i 've got -- [ barcelona accent ] esmeralda , renaldo , all my `` todos los niños `` friends from barcelona . taylor : i think -- i think you are an amazing man . jake : well , my mother says the same thing . [ taylor laughs ] jake : i should -- i should go because your date 's going to be here at any second . taylor : jake . i 'm so glad that -- that we could be friends . jake : well , do n't do anything i would n't do . no , wait , scratch that because i would do just about anything . so -- jake : hey , congratulations . i think that 's in order for the new orderly . brot : thank you . appreciate that . listen , what you said before about taylor ? i really needed to hear that . jake : well , do n't keep her waiting . [ scene_break ] ryan : the annie that i married , she was a good mom . she was a good friend , and i guess there 's just -- you know , there 's this part of me that 's still hoping that she 's in there somewhere , for emma 's sake . greenlee : yeah , you want her to get the help she needs . you want her to get better . ryan : which ca n't happen if she goes to prison . greenlee : yeah , well , unfortunately it 's in the court 's hands now . i do n't think there 's anything we can do . ryan : maybe there is . [ scene_break ] annie : there are n't just bad memories . there are good memories , too . emma . aidan : emma 's a beautiful little girl . annie : she loves to dance . i remember that now . annie : her first recital , she was so perfect . and so happy . [ door unlocking ] aidan : what 's going on ? that 's not my doctor . i want to see my doctor . dr. sinclair : no , no , no . aidan : where 's my doctor ? dr. sinclair : mr. stone , i thought i 've already explained this to you . come on . you see ? i 'm your doctor now . [ dr. sinclair holds up a loaded syringe ] [ scene_break ] amanda : thank you . j.r. : is there anything else i can get you ? amanda : you know , i could really go for some tomato soup and peanuts . mm . oh , wow . i think i 'm having my first craving . j.r. : yeah , i think you 'll have to settle for tea and crackers until i can make a store run . amanda : this will have to do , i guess . j.r. : ok . amanda : mm . thank you . j.r. : goofball . [ david watches j.r. and amanda through the cabin 's door ] | at the confusion bar , jake questions amanda as to who the father of her child is . j.r. and colby arrive home to the chandler mansion . adam and little a jump out and surprise them . j.r. lets adam that he will never let adam come between j.r. and little a . at pine valley hospital , brot coaxes emma into letting frankie bandage her hand . at oak haven , aidan quickly hides while ryan talks to the administrator about dr. sinclair . annie remembers killing richie . j.r. tells colby that amanda is pregnant with j.r. 's child . amanda sees david and krystal walk in and wants to leave the bar , but jake talks her out of leaving . david ca n't seem to keep his eyes off amanda which makes krystal suspicious . taylor commends brot for his treatment of emma . frankie offers brot a job at pine valley hospital . dr. sinclair lets ryan know that she feels that annie is faking her psychosis and is going to prove her theory . brot tells frankie and taylor that he got the job as an orderly . brot asks taylor out on a date to celebrate . ryan comes home and finds out about emma 's burnt hands . greenlee feels that she had just failed the `` mommy `` test . ryan fills greenlee in on dr. sinclair 's plan to prove that annie is as sane as anyone else . dr. sinclair tells aidan that she is his doctor now . |
[ phone rings ] natalia : i ca n't stop thinking about that dvd we found outside tad 's . i mean , why would a burglar be carrying around hayley santos 's documentary ? that 's weird . brot : it 's not weird if you 're scoping out all the rich people in pine valley . think about it . that piece was a who 's who of this town , right ? they discussed their businesses , their families . some of them were even interviewed in their own homes , which is enough information for any burglar . they did n't need to start from scratch . he already knew which houses to hit . natalia : hmm . we , that does make sense with the wealthy families . all right , you got david hayward , the chandlers , but the martins ? i mean , that 's a pretty normal house . no fancy jewelry , no servants , no safe . i mean , why would he want to break in there ? jesse : maybe they needed some place to hide out . someplace familiar . natalia : what are you thinking ? jesse : i 'm thinking inside job . [ scene_break ] liza : hey . tad : hey . hey . i just -- i was making some coffee . you want some ? liza : no . no , thanks . is damon downstairs painting ? tad : yeah , last i checked . why ? what 's up ? liza : how did he seem to you ? i mean , did he seem -- i do n't know -- strange at all ? tad : you mean stranger than normal ? i mean , he was petulant and then bored . liza : hmm . tad : that 's just pretty much the way i 'd act if i had to paint a basement . liza : did you notice that he had a bandage on his hand ? tad : no . but then again , i was n't looking for it . liza : yeah . well , he said he cut it when he slipped on the ice . tad : and you think he cut it when he went through the window here last night ? is that it ? liza : oh , tad , what am i going to do ? tad : what are you going to do ? the only thing you can . we are going to talk to jesse . liza : no . tad : yes . liza : no , i ca n't . [ scene_break ] angie : hi . how are you doing ? madison : i 'm great , actually . i just had another therapy session . angie : how do you like dr. gallagher ? madison : oh , she 's amazing . i mean , i still have a lot of work to do , you know . after a life under my father 's thumb , and then my husband 's , i have to learn how to live for myself for once . angie : yeah . you know what ? i just want you to be careful not to push too hard , too fast . i mean , you have so much going on . your work at fusion , volunteering at the miranda center , your new apartment . madison : i know what you 're thinking . can a person really change that much ? [ scene_break ] frankie : i thought you said you were working through your lunch break . randi : i am working through lunch -- right here . frankie : so , what ? you 're volunteering ? randi : well , you always say that they could use some more help , and who knows ? maybe i can make a difference . frankie : oh , of course , you can . especially you . you 've been where a lot of these women are right now . it 's going to do them some good to see somebody who 's escaped the hard life , who 's turned it all around . randi : yeah , well , i just hope i know the right things to say . frankie : well , just be yourself . be honest . that 's all they need . be honest with me , too , baby . randi : what ? frankie : you 're doing this to impress erica , are n't you ? [ scene_break ] [ ryan sighs ] erica : hi . you 're early . how was cambias ? ryan : it was good . it was good . everything that was n't marked urgent , i just sort of put aside , because we have a deadline to meet . erica : for what ? ryan : for what ? to figure out what we 're going to be doing on our vacation . remember ? of course . now , listen , it 's a holiday . it 's the only reason i 'm doing this , because it books up very , very quickly . they suggested that . and so far , what i booked for you is , i booked you a massage on the beach , which i thought you would like -- nice and relaxing . as far as all the other stuff , i got to figure out what you like . i thought maybe surfing . they probably have some great surf down there . jet skiing . you can rent jet skis . you got to reserve those in advance as well , maybe some scuba diving or wakeboarding . i do n't know -- if that 's , like , too high energy , then we can do , you know , horseback riding or something like that . you just got to let me know what you want to do . and as far as restaurants go , apparently , there 's more restaurants than nights we 're going to be staying down there , so you let me know , and we 'll choose what restaurants on what nights . ok ? it 's going to be great . erica : you 're trying too hard . [ scene_break ] physical therapist : that 's right , just a few more reps . really good , greenlee . excellent . david : what the hell are you doing with this ? do you have any idea what seeing this would do to her ? greenlee : [ grunts ] you know , kendall and i built that company . erica had nothing to do with it . how dare she stick herself in front of that camera and crown herself the savior of fusion ? physical therapist : let 's concentrate on the exercises , ok ? greenlee : you know , how would you like it if you went away for a little while and someone stole something you poured your heart and your soul into ? that would -- greenlee : [ winces ] oh , god -- david : what happened ? what is it ? greenlee : oh , god , it hurts , it hurts , it hurts . right here . [ scene_break ] liza : ok , what if my instincts are wrong ? right ? look , damon has already got a record . if i go to the cops with this , he will be the number - one suspect . and then just by getting accused of it , he will probably lose his job , and then how is he going to support bailey and stuart ? tad : listen , that 's not your responsibility , ok ? and it 's not mine . if he 's innocent , he 's got nothing to worry about . if he is n't , then he has to answer for what happened here last night . liza : oh , god . you know bailey will hate me forever . tad : well , that 's better than bailey getting nailed for accessory after the fact . liza , you got excellent instincts . if you 're even remotely suspicious , you ca n't keep this to yourself . we 've got to call jesse . liza : all right . you know what ? just let me talk to damon first . [ scene_break ] jesse : all right , so pierre the painter was working alone at the house waiting for his assistant to show up when he was attacked . natalia : right , damon miller , who never did . brot : or did he ? jesse : exactly . we pulled him in here last week on an assault charge . now he 's a no - show at work and his new boss ends up with a concussion ? . natalia : he did have access to at least two of the crime scenes . jesse : that 's good enough to make him a suspect for me . [ scene_break ] randi : i 've come to do something good and you accuse me of trying to suck up to erica ? frankie : that 's not what i said . i do n't doubt that you 're here to help out for all the right reasons , but i know you got a raw deal at work . madison being hired as erica 's second assistant was n't what you had in mind when you agreed to bring her on board . i only bring this up because i do n't want this to turn into some type of competition between you two . randi : do n't worry about madison and me . it 's not like madison 's running around rubbing her job in my face . you know what ? she 's actually -- she 's gone out of her way to give me credit for an idea that she came up with . an idea that erica loves . frankie : she probably feels guilty knowing that you deserve the job . randi : a few months ago , i would have jumped to conclusions wondering -- i do n't know -- what madison was up to . but she 's trying to get her life back together . and i know what that 's like . frankie : hey , but still , it ca n't be easy for you . randi : no . frankie : not after what she did to us . randi : you 're right , it 's hard . but you know what ? she 's trying to undo the things that she 's done . i 've at least got to give her a chance . [ scene_break ] angie : actually , i know for a fact someone can change that much . i 'm looking at her . madison : for the first time in my life , i am not afraid anymore . i ca n't wait to get up in the morning and go to work , volunteer at the center . i really want to get back -- try to make up for all the pain that i caused . angie : madison , you were in pain , too -- just as much as any of those women at the miranda center . madison : yes , but past tense . that 's one of the first things that dr. gallagher helped me understand -- that i ca n't fall back on that -- letting it excuse my behavior . i have to take responsibility , or i could spend the rest of my life as a victim . that 's no way to live . [ scene_break ] ryan : yeah , i 'm working a little hard right now . sort of in overdrive for the moment , but you know , once we get down there on vacation , believe me , i 'll be able to sort of kick back and relax , i promise . erica : ryan , i told you i 'd go away with you for a few days , but it sounds to me like you 've got us so booked up that we are n't going to have any time just to be together . maybe we wo n't even be able to remember what day it is . ryan : and you think i 'm looking for another way to get my mind off of -- the fact that it 's valentine 's day -- greenlee ? erica : you 've been very open about how you feel . but i think maybe you 're going over -- maybe . just going overboard a little bit . look , i think the idea of escaping to a tropical island with you -- i think that 's wonderful . if you want to go horseback riding , you want to go parasailing , i 'm going to saddle up , i 'm going to fly right beside you . but i do n't need any of that to have fun . i just need you . [ scene_break ] david : if you hurt her recovery in any way -- greenlee : look , it 's ok , david . it 's ok . i 'm ok . david : that scream you let out did n't sound like you were ok . greenlee : yeah , i 'm just out of shape . i have n't worked out in a year . it 's bound to hurt . though not as much as the thought of erica running my company . i mean , i tried not to let it get to me , but my god , what was kendall thinking ? anything erica touches ends up being all about her . she 's going to bring fusion to its knees . david : [ sighs ] i thought you wanted to walk back into ryan 's life . greenlee : of course , i do . why do you think i 'm putting myself through all this torture ? david : all the therapy in the world is n't going to make a difference if you 're not doing it right . which means 100 % concentration and no stress . that 's why i did n't want to have the tv in the room . you hear about one little thing and you obsess over it until it consumes you . greenlee : that 's not true . david : oh , really ? you 're so freaked out about erica , you 're not focused on your therapy , greenlee . forget valentine 's day . you keep this up , you may never walk out of here . [ scene_break ] frankie : which brings us back to the front desk . madison : hey , you two . randi : hey . madison : nice surprise . you here to help out ? randi : yup . whatever i can do . frankie was just giving me the insider 's tour . madison : impressive place , is n't it ? randi : very . frankie : i got to get back to work . randi : ok , go . frankie : see you at home ? randi : mm - hmm . frankie : i got it . randi : oh -- so , tell me where i can start . cooking ? kitchen ? housekeeping ? madison : oh , these women need a lot more than a warm meal and clean sheets . mostly what they need is someone to talk to . randi : uh , yeah -- i do n't think i 'm exactly qualified to be giving out advice . madison : well , neither am i . there are plenty of professionals . mostly what you need to do is just listen . randi : hmm . madison : that was linda . she just came in last night . why do n't you go and introduce yourself ? randi : hi , linda . i 'm randi . do you mind if i sit down ? [ scene_break ] liza : hey , damon . got a minute ? damon : if you 're going to give me a lecture about bailey and stuart , please save it , ok ? i know my responsibilities . you think i 'd be working like this if i did n't ? liza : no , no , i see that you are -- you 're very committed here . i just got to ask , you -- how exactly did you get that cut on your hand ? damon : i told you , i slipped on the ice . liza : must have been a pretty hard fall , right ? damon : or a sharp piece of ice . what is this ? liza : well , somebody broke into this house last night and -- whoever did it cut themselves on a piece of glass . damon : oh . and i have a cut on my hand , so it must be me ? liza : i did n't say that . damon : you did n't have to . damn . did n't take you long to jump on it . you have been wanting me out of bailey and stuart 's life since i showed up here . so is this your -- your big way of getting rid of me for good ? [ scene_break ] jesse : hey . tad : what 's up ? you following up on yesterday ? jesse : yeah , just a few more questions . tad : ok , i 'll -- i 'll go get opal . jesse : no , wait . tad , i need to talk to you . tad : me ? jesse : you . tad : damn , you 're good . ok , i admit it . i did it . and i would have gotten away with it , too , if it were n't for those meddlesome kids and their dog . jesse : it 's about your painter 's assistant . tad : damon ? jesse : so what can you tell me about this guy ? tad : just that -- i do n't know -- he 's the biological father of the baby that liza tried to adopt , and that she got him a job with pierre . jesse : you do know that he attacked one of his coworkers from his last job ? tad : yeah , i heard about it . jesse : so , you trust this guy ? in your house , around your kids ? tad : i do n't know . i kind of thought i was doing liza solid . so , you know , why do n't we just cut to the chase ? what are you saying ? you consider this guy a suspect ? jesse : not if his alibi checks out . but is there anything you think i might need to know about this guy ? tad : yeah , he 's got a bandage on his hand . liza : damon , wait . jesse : damon miller -- you mind coming with me down to the station ? i 've got a few questions i 'd like to ask . damon : are you kidding me ? liza : ok , he 's not going anywhere without his attorney . jesse : fine . come right along , attorney . tad : listen to me , ok ? just give me a second . look , it 's not -- it is not the way it looks . liza : i do n't have any time for excuses right now . damon needs my help . [ scene_break ] linda : thank you . randi : you 're welcome . randi : [ sighs ] thanks . madison : you ok ? randi : yeah . it just -- it was n't so long ago that i was stuck exactly the same place that she is . you know ? just -- living a life that was a dead end , praying for a way out that i was sure was n't going to come . madison : i know . it 's always easier to start over when you have someone to help you . you had frankie . maybe that woman has you . randi : anyway , i should -- i should get back to fusion . i 've got an intern manning the phones and -- well , not that erica would notice i was gone , anyway . madison : well , if you want erica to notice you , just do n't be afraid speak up . randi : yeah , i do n't think that erica 's really concerned with anything that i have to say . madison : ok , now you 're sounding like that woman that you said you used to be . the one who no one cared about . but you and i both know that 's not who you are anymore . you just listened to everything that linda had to say . now it 's your turn . go back to fusion and make yourself heard . [ scene_break ] val : and the thought is to have a slogan , like , `` you do n't have to be a model to look like one . fusion -- release your inner beauty . `` or maybe not . erica : val -- val , we are trying to raise money for battered women . we 're trying to give them hope , some piece of mind , not make them feel like they 're not as beautiful outside as they are inside . val : oh . you 're right . the -- yeah , the slogan does n't really cut it . erica : well , actually , it 's not just the slogan , val , it 's the whole thing . i mean , take this back down to marketing . they have to rethink this whole thing , 'cause this is not working . val : you got it . erica : ok . erica : [ sighs ] so , here 's an excellent reason why we need to take a vacation . [ ryan chuckles ] [ scene_break ] jesse : your boss took a pretty nasty blow to the head yesterday . damon : yeah , i heard . jesse : you heard ? you know , you might have been able to prevent that had you shown up on time , or even at all . so , where were you ? damon : i got sidetracked . this new band was playing at diego 's bar . i lost track of time listening to them . jesse : `` diego 's bar `` ? anybody see you at diego 's bar ? damon : i do n't know , man . i was into the music . jesse : [ chuckles ] not a very strong alibi , is it ? damon : well , i did n't realize i was going to need one . are you accusing me of something ? jesse : just trying to get the facts , find out where everybody was . damon : like i said , i was at diego 's bar . can i get out of here now ? jesse : nope . damon : i 've already told you everything i know . liza : all right , that 's enough questioning without a lawyer present . jesse : he has waived his right . and refused your services . liza : well , you 've questioned him enough . you going to book him , or are you going to let him go ? jesse : fine . you 're free to go -- for now . wait a minute . your paint on your shoes matches the paint that pierre was working with at the house the night he was attacked . damon : well , it 's pierre 's favorite color . he has me mix a ton of it . liza : come on , jesse . really , you think if he was guilty , he would n't have cleaned off his shoes ? jesse : come on , liza . you and i both know that criminals are usually as dumb as a sack of hammers . that 's why they usually get caught . [ scene_break ] dr. clayton : the m.r.i . did n't show any damage . looks to be just a muscle strain . we 'll get you on an anti - inflammatory and muscle relaxer . you need to go easy on the p.t . for a day or two . greenlee : uh - huh -- meaning i 'm t just out of shape and pulled a muscle . did you really have to bring dr. clayton in here to tell me what i already told you ? david : i was n't taking any chances , greenlee . dr. clayton : look , just take it easy , ok ? that pain killer i gave you should be kicking in too soon . i 'll see you tomorrow . greenlee : ahem . david : all right . what kind of setback is this ? dr. clayton : well , it 's nothing serious . she 's healing well , but she needs to stay focused on her therapy . and i 'm sensing some frustration in her . that 's not good . david : trust me , this has nothing to do with her recuperation , and everything to do with a certain diva back home . thanks for coming so fast . dr. clayton : yeah . david : huh . [ door opens ] greenlee : waste of his time . david : yeah , waste of his time . he just confirmed my diagnosis . you need an erica - ectomy . you need to get her out of your head , greenlee . greenlee : i need to get her out of my life . it just does n't make any sense . kendall is perfectly capable of running fusion on her own . she does n't need that egotistical -- unless , unless , unless she and zach are having another baby . is that it ? i mean , three kids is a lot to handle . i mean , maybe she asked erica to help her out . david : that 's not what 's happening . greenlee : you ca n't convince me that she just snap - decided to make erica partner . david : you know something ? whatever 's going on down there , you worrying about it ca n't control it , all right ? so why do n't you think about something that you can control , like your therapy ? all right ? and being able to walk again . greenlee : ok . you 're right . erica can wait . all that matters is getting back to ryan . [ scene_break ] angie : hey . frankie : hmm . need a hand with those ? angie : i thought you were at the center today . frankie : i was . pulled an early shift . knew you were short - handed here , though , so here i am . angie : well , thank you , baby . oh , i 'm still trying to decipher the mess that david left me . you know , i have to backtrack on a lot of these cases by hand , unless i want to plumb the depths of the evil christmas gift that he gave me . frankie : well , it 's smart of you not to dig too deeply into those files of his . angie : oh , i saw madison this morning . has randi said anything about how things at fusion are going ? frankie : well , between the two of them , they 're getting along a lot better than i expected . randi even started volunteering at the miranda center with her . angie : oh . sounds like they 're both throwing themselves into work . frankie : yes , and they 're not the only ones . you 've been here around the clock , too . natalia says dad has been doing the same thing . everything all right with you two ? angie : of course . it 's just that we both have demanding jobs , and neither one of them allows for much free time . frankie : listen , i know you 've been having a hard time with how you got david 's job and all of that , so just -- angie : you know , what i -- yeah , what i 'm having a hard time with is how i got david 's job , which is largely due to your father and -- frankie : ok . all right , so why do n't you make time , smooth it out ? that 's what you 're always telling me . angie : i 'm the mom . i dispense with the advice , remember ? frankie : ok . and part of that advice has always been nothing comes before family . angie : yes , sweetheart , that 's true , but you know , it 's different when your children are grown . i mean , we can focus on ourselves a little more , and that 's what we 're doing . frankie : no , you 're focusing on work . do you even remember the last time you and dad sat down and had dinner ? went out on a date ? angie : it has n't been that long . all right , maybe -- maybe it has , but , you know , i do n't know -- these days , everything just seems to sort of blur together , and i -- i really am feeling in a -- in a strange place right now . frankie : ok , so why do n't you take off ? i 'll take these . you go home , spend some time with dad . you know , if you keep burning the candle at both ends , before you know it , you 're going to be out of candle . [ scene_break ] jesse : all right , anything on that belt you found in colby 's stolen car ? brot : not yet . got the list of distributors from all the manufacturers , but it 's a common item . it 's going to take a while before we get the list of all the retailers . jesse : cool . well , stay on it . brot : all right . jesse : anything back from the lab on the blood yet ? natalia : well , the type matches that on the belt , the glass at tad 's , and at wildwind . now , the d.n.a . is going to take a little longer to come through , but it ' s looking like we can match the blood to all three crime scenes . jesse : now all we got to do is tie it to a suspect . natalia : now , what about damon miller ? jesse : not enough to hold him on . i 'm going to go over to diego 's now , follow up . see if the staffers -- see if anybody saw him there . natalia : no , wait , you know what ? i 'll go . why do n't you just go home , ok ? i 'll work on it , and i 'll call you if i get any information . jesse : you trying to get rid of me ? natalia : no , i just want to give angie a crack at you . come on . jesse : well , that 's very sweet of you , but angela is just as busy as i am . natalia : i heard from a little bird that she 's going to be home early for a change . jesse : a little bird ? natalia : mm - hmm . jesse : little bird with a name like frankie ? [ natalia laughs ] natalia : come on , go spend some time with wifey . jesse : all right , all right . you win . just call me if anything comes across this -- natalia : ok , go , go . jesse : i 'm -- i 'm -- natalia : now go . all right . this is how we go . [ scene_break ] david : how are you feeling ? greenlee : better . mac pain pills . david : mm - hmm . greenlee : i 'm glad you decided not to abandon me . david : does n't mean i 'm going back to pine valley with you . greenlee : well , i am ready for more therapy . david : oh , wait . ok , why do n't we take it easy for today , all right ? you can start first thing in the morning , but for now , i want you to just relax . greenlee : i 've never really been good at that . i 've always been happiest when i 'm in the middle of chaos . you know that . that 's why love fusion so much . you know , there 's always a fire to put out , a success to celebrate , a new line to launch . that place is my baby , david . david : i know . but would it really be so bad if things were working out for erica at fusion ? as long as the company 's doing well , right ? still successful ? greenlee : i 'd rather kendall burn that place to the ground than give any part of something i love to erica kane . [ scene_break ] val : ok . so , off your inner beauty comment , this is what we came up with . a woman lies on a beach . peaceful , serene , nothing but the sound of the waves . she smiles , happy , full of life . the caption comes up : `` fusion -- find your inner peace . `` that more of what you were looking for ? erica : so , wearing our makeup is supposed to give women hope of taking a vacation ? val : well , who does n't dream of escaping from all the stress and angst and insanity of their job ? um , besides me , of course . i mean , every day here is like a weekend in cabo . erica : so , wearing our makeup is like a vacation at the beach ? where 'd you get that idea ? val : uh , from you , to tell the truth . yeah , i saw the travel brochures on your desk , and i thought it would make a good pitch , but i guess i was wrong . are you going on vacation ? erica : not if we ca n't pull this campaign out of the garbage , val . no , back to the drawing board . val : well , you want to give me a few hints as to what you 're looking for ? erica : something -- real . randi : so why not use real women ? no models , no flawless beauties , just real , honest - to - goodness women . maybe even some of the women that the miranda center helped out ? and this way , we could show the consumer exactly who we 're trying to help with the product line . ryan : i think that 's a really good idea . erica : and so do i . that 's a really good idea . you 're on a roll these days , randi . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] jesse : just a second . my wife is calling . angie : what are you doing home so early ? jesse : i thought that for a change , i would cook dinner for you . angie : well , how did you manage to get -- how did you manage the afternoon off ? jesse : my daughter the cop . she suggested i spend more time with my wife . angie : i think there 's a conspiracy . jesse : frankie ? angie : mm - hmm . jesse : you know something ? maybe -- maybe they have a point . i mean , we really have n't been able to spend much time with each other since -- you took over as chief of staff . angie : wait a minute . hold up . i am not the only chief who has n't had time on their hands . i mean , you were working late every night . jesse : yeah , tell me about it . the string of burglaries in the area . i 'm working my ass off trying to catch this guy . angie : well , i 'm trying to make sense of the mess david left behind . you know , i swear , i think he 's tried to rig the place so it would implode unless he was there to pull his sneaky strings . [ sighs ] you know what ? let 's face it . we both have demanding , high - pressure jobs , jesse . jesse : it 's never been this tough before , though . maybe it 's time we took a fresh look at the decisions we 've made . angie : what -- what are you thinking ? that maybe we 're in over our heads ? jesse : maybe . angie : so -- what ? i mean , if we 're going to spend more time together , maybe one of us needs to think about stepping down ? jesse : i do n't know . maybe . angie : huh . well , i do n't hear you volunteering . jesse : oh , baby , no , i 'm not suggesting you -- i miss you . i just miss you , baby , that 's all . angie : i know . i miss you , too . and i am not going to waste this rare time we have together arguing over whose job is more important . because i would rather have a quiet dinner with my husband . i would rather have those nice , sexy lips all over me . jesse : yeah , who needs dinner ? i ate yesterday . [ phone rings ] [ scene_break ] bailey : what happened ? why did he go to the police station ? liza : listen , all they did was question him about the break - ins , but they had to let him go because they had nothing . bailey : well , where is he now ? liza : i do n't know . i do n't know . he got really upset and he took off , but i 'm sure once he calms down , bailey , he 'll call . bailey : why were they even questioning him in the first place ? liza : because they were suspicious about the cut on his hand . and the fact that he worked for the guy that was assaulted . and it 's all circumstantial . it all means nothing . bailey : this is n't fair . [ sighs ] liza : bailey -- bailey : i have to go and find him . liza : bailey -- [ door closes ] liza : yeah . thanks a lot . [ scene_break ] natalia : hey , what are you doing back here ? i thought we had a deal . i 'd call if something came up . jesse : do n't blame me . something came up for angela . natalia : damn it . frankie dropped the ball . jesse : ha , ha . so there was a little conspiracy here ? natalia : maybe . jesse : frankie play a little part in it ? look , angela got called away . that 's all . soon as we wrap this case up , there 's going to be plenty of time for dinners , all right ? now , what did you find out at diego 's ? natalia : well , i was actually on my way over there . they 're just opening up now . jesse : i 'll go . free evening . [ scene_break ] frankie : what ? i told them not to call you . angie : look , i 'm here now . what 's going on ? frankie : bus crash . multiple victims . they 're on their way in now . frankie : wait a minute -- and you were n't going to tell me ? frankie : we got a staff in the e.r . fully capable . come on , we can handle this . go home and have dinner with dad . angie : frankie , listen , what you did was sweet , but unnecessary . now , your dad and i are fine , but the people who are on that bus -- that 's another story . let 's get to work , doctor . [ sirens ] [ scene_break ] liza : i asked you , let me handle this . but could you do it ? no . no , you could n't do it . you just had to stick your nose right into it . you had to pick up the phone . you had to call jesse , and then bailey ? tad : would you spare me the righteous indignation , ok ? i did n't do any such thing . i did n't call anybody . i did n't call jesse , i did n't call bailey . they came to me . both of them . they had questions , legitimate questions . liza : right , and you were just so willing to answer them ? i really thought i could trust you , tad . i never should have come here , huh ? [ scene_break ] erica : why do n't we start with the staff and the volunteers at the center and see if any of them are interested in sharing their stories for a good cause ? randi -- randi : yes ? erica : really good job today . randi : thank you . madison : that was n't so hard , was it ? randi : no , it was n't . and i guess i should have spoken up before . i also should have told erica that the charity line was your idea . you do deserve some credit around here , too . madison : i do n't need erica to single me out . the work that we 're doing at the center gives me more than enough satisfaction . ryan : i love it when you get passionate about something . your whole face lights up . erica : well , it 's very hard not to be passionate about this . i mean , i 've been looking for a way to give back . ryan , when we get this all in place , i really want to unveil this whole thing to the media . i want to show them what fusion is really all about . [ scene_break ] greenlee : and i 'm proud to announce , though it took a lot of hard work , that i 've finally been able to undo the damage done to fusion by erica kane . reporter : well , what was the secret ? how were you able to pull it off so fast ? greenlee : huh . no secret . just the support of my loving husband . [ ryan chuckles ] gayle : what do you think she 's dreaming about ? david : what she 's always dreaming about . going home to ryan . gayle : what happens when she finds out the truth ? david : what , that ryan 's not waiting for her ? that he moved on with erica , of all people ? i think it 's going to break her heart . gayle : she 's going to have to find out sometime . you ca n't keep her here forever . david : no , you 're right about that . but i can tell her as gently as possible when the time is right . gayle : you think she 's going to fall apart ? david : yes , i do . but i guess i 'll be there to pick up the pieces . i 've done it before . i can do it again . | at the police station , brot and natalia discuss the recent break - ins which center around wealthy families . jesse feels that it is an inside job . liza visits tad at home to discuss if he noticed any changes in damon . liza tells tad about the cut on damon 's hand . tad wants to call the police which liza opposes . at the hospital , madison meets angie and tells her that she is on her way to the counseling session . at the miranda center , randi informs frankie that she is there to volunteer . frankie accuses randi of trying to impress erica . at fusion , ryan shows erica brochures for their trip . erica accuses him of trying too hard . greenlee has her therapy session . outside the door , gayle sits down with a tabloid paper which david grabs out of her hand before greenlee sees it . greenlee yells in pain . david rushes to her side . liza refuses to go to the police about damon . jesse tells brot and natalia that he thinks that damon is a prime suspect in the burglaries . liza goes into the basement to see damon and to question him about the cut on his hand . jesse visits tad to discuss damon . |
[ previously_on ] david : well , is maria ok ? edmund : she 's already starting to get our life back together . david : you gave her the drug ? morgan : i can think of a lot more fun things we could do with your final hours . jake : let 's go home . mia : i told you i have to finish the marketing budget . jake : you have to , or you want to ? you are bad news . [ scene_break ] morgan : your time 's running out . aidan : do n't worry about me . morgan : oh , but i do . oh , this heat . morgan : you remember the last time i had you tied up ? the circumstances were very different . aidan : and the setting was a lot more inviting . morgan : so at least we still have heat . aidan : you know what i want ? morgan : oh , yeah . aidan : cheese and turkey on rye bread with all the trimmings . morgan : oh , you did n't . aidan : checkmate means another meal for me , unless you 'd like to make the stakes more interesting . morgan : nothing can alter the end that julian 's got planned for you . aidan : but i can have a lot more fun in the time i have left . morgan : yeah ? well , what do i stand to gain ? aidan : i know exactly what you like and how you like it . are you interested ? [ scene_break ] maria : reticular , adipose , hyaline cartilage -- hyaline cartilage . fibrous -- edmund : you learning a new language ? maria : um , i 'm actually remembering one . can you believe it ? i mean , this is coming back to me . edmund : what 's that ? maria : well , i found these medical books in the library , and everything that i read is just coming back , i mean , like i was just looking through this whole list of connective tissues right here and i remembered it . edmund : that 's incredible . maria : yeah . i mean , some of it i probably absorbed by working in the hospitals but certainly not all of it . it must just be locked in there in my brain somewhere and it 's coming back . edmund : that 's what the doctors have been telling you . maria : yeah , well , you know what the great thing is ? the great thing 's not just realizing that i knew this stuff once , but i honestly did n't think i could ever be a doctor again . edmund : and now you want to ? maria : i do n't know . edmund : it 's -- it 's -- it 's an enormous amount of work . maria : well , yeah . yeah , but i could help people . i mean , i could really make a difference in people 's lives , and , i mean , is n't that what everybody dreams of doing ? edmund : not everyone . ahem . you 're sounding exactly like maria . laurie : then why did mom waste her life on you ? you 've finally done it . you 've gone too far . [ scene_break ] alison : you ca n't stop , not now . jake : i ca n't do this . alison : yes -- jake : i ca n't . alison : you can . [ scene_break ] waitress : lucky you . you got our last four . mia : oh , great . you know , a woman i work with says your chocolate - covered brownies are better than sex . waitress : well , you 'll have to let me know tomorrow . mia : well , i 'm sharing them with my fiancé , so they 'll just be a part of the festivities , not the main event . waitress : oh , like i said -- lucky you . mia : yeah . jake 's in for a big surprise . alison : please , jake . i want you . [ scene_break ] morgan : tell me what i want , then , aidan . go ahead . aidan : how does a couple of million sound ? morgan : what , have you got it on you ? want me to do a body search ? aidan : oh , i have the money , morgan . morgan : oh , yeah ? well , how exactly did you come by this fortune , then ? not honestly , i 'm sure . aidan : no , just by using that routine we had in birmingham -- settling in to that old building next to the bank , getting all chummy with the local blokes . morgan : have you ? so there 's a bank next to the pine cone motel , is there ? i never noticed . aidan : um , close enough . morgan : scoring is so easy when they consider you one of their own . aidan : the simple folk of pine valley think i 'm a saintly do - gooder with a troubled soul . morgan : hmm . interesting . because i , on the other hand , noticed how cruel and ruthless you can be . [ scene_break ] edmund : medicine was more than -- ahem -- maria 's profession . it was her passion . it 's -- it 's just nice to hear that again . maria : well , i 'll -- i 'll put these books away when i 'm finished with them . edmund : no , keep them , keep them . please , it 's -- you know , just keep reading . you never know what you 'll start remembering . maria : oh , i used your computer . i hope you do n't mind . edmund : to check an e - mail ? maria : no , no . i was actually downloading an application to p.v.u . 's medical school . because remember i got that enrollment information before ? so i was just following through . edmund : um , there are better schools , you know . maria : well , yeah , but i thought i 'd stay nearby unless you think that that 's not a good idea . edmund : i -- i 'll help you any way i can , ok ? i -- [ maria laughs ] edmund : study . maria : ok . edmund : i 'll let you study , ok ? maria : edmund ? edmund : yeah ? maria : thanks . you 're just being so great about this . edmund : you mean , i 'm not locking you in a room under -- listen , that was -- maria : yike . edmund : that was not my finest moment . maria : no , but -- but i wish i could 've helped aidan without hurting you . edmund : just concentrate on your work , you know ? it 's -- you 're doing good . call me if i can do anything , ok ? maria : ok . oh , edmund , you know , i -- this might not be what you 're hoping that it 's going to be . i mean , remembering medical facts is not the same as recapturing feelings . edmund : i can tell the difference . maria : ok . it 's just that , you know , i -- i do n't even know who my old self was still . i mean , i 'm still just a complete mystery to myself . i did n't even know when my birthday was until i saw it on the plaque in the mausoleum . edmund : i could 've told you that and a whole lot more if you 'll let me . maria : thanks . [ doorbell rings ] edmund : excuse me . brooke : oh , hey . edmund : hey . brooke : i just finished the edits on your article , so i -- oh . maureen , hi . maria : hey . brooke : i was n't expecting -- i -- medical books . maria : i 'm going to go back to medical school . brooke : it worked . maria : what did ? what worked ? [ scene_break ] doug : oh , laurie , baby , i -- laurie : i 'm not your baby . doug : i did n't mean to do that . laurie : yes , you did ! i made you mad , so you wanted to hammer me . doug : honey , i just lost control . laurie : you think your life stinks , so mine 's so great ? are you ever sober ? are you ever awake ? my life reeks , but i do n't go around slapping people i supposedly love . doug : honey , i do love you . laurie : you just say that when you think it 'll get you out of a tough spot or like i need a pat on the head from you . doug : no , no , no . i mean it . laurie : you never hit me before . doug : honey , i 'd cut off my hand if i could take it back . laurie : did you ever hit mom ? doug : dear god , no . no , i never hit your mother . never . i mean , that 's why -- that 's why when you said , you know , she wasted her life on me , that 's why i hit you , because you should n't be talking about her like that . laurie : mom would spin in her grave if she heard you using her name as an excuse to beat me . doug : oh , honey , come on . i did n't beat you . laurie : i stood by you , daddy . i tried to understand when you drink too much and get all sloppy and then pass out . everyone else left so they would n't have to deal with it , but i stayed . doug : i know , honey , and i 'm grateful for that . i really am . laurie : that 's why you want to keep me around like your slave , forever . i have to cook meals for you . i have to clean up after you while you totally wreck my life . doug : no , no , i do n't mean to do that . laurie , please , come on . ca n't we work this out ? laurie : no ! i have a new job and i ca n't be late . are you going to wreck that , too ? doug : what new job ? laurie : one that 'll help pay for this fabulous life we lead . i have to go . at least one of us has to act like an adult . doug : oh , come on . laurie . [ scene_break ] jake : alison -- alison : please . do n't say you 're sorry . i 'm not . you were wonderful . jake : i 'm engaged , and i 'm also your boss . alison : jake , i wo n't tell a soul . jake : just -- i 've never done anything like this before . it 's just not me . this is -- alison : it 's all right . it was what it was . do n't feel guilty . [ knock on door ] jake : ok . get dressed . tad : come on , jake . drop the spreadsheet and unlock the door . i want to talk to you about dixie 's foundation . jake : just hold on a sec . [ tad yawns ] tad : sometime this week would be great . jake : ahem . tad : what 's wrong with you ? you really are becoming a grind . alison : thank you , dr. martin . jake : absolutely . alison : excuse me . tad : you slut . well , i mean , there 's grinding and then there 's grinding . jake : jeez . you know , i thought you were here to talk about the foundation . tad : no way . you think i 'm going to let you off the hook that easily ? i see you took my advice about breaking up with mia . jake : can we not talk about this now , tad ? tad : are you kidding ? i ca n't think of a better -- on dad 's desk ? jake : oh , tad . come on , man . tad : ok , ok , fine . no judgment . but it 's just a little kinky . i 'm impressed . i did n't expect you to start working out your frustrations so soon . if you need anybody to talk to , you know , you know where to find me . jake : i got one question . tad : sure . jake : how am i going to tell mia about this ? tad : are you kidding ? you do n't . [ scene_break ] waitress : if anyone gives you any grief , you come right to me . now i 'm going to go down to the basement and get some more napkins . jamie : hey . finally , i know a person in a place of influence . laurie : hey , take it easy , ok ? it 's my first night . jamie : did you bring your cook a present ? laurie : no . should i ? jamie : oh , yeah . they 're real temperamental . i mean , you want to win them over on your side . laurie : no one told me . jamie : hey , do n't sweat it . just bring him a lot of soda , he 'll love you . laurie : well , i hope so . oh , um , do you want to see a menu ? jamie : no , no . you know what ? i 'll tell you what -- i 'll have a cheeseburger medium with cheese , jalapeno slices , some guacamole and , if you can swing it , bun toasted . laurie : i 'm still at cheese . jamie : it 's cool . i 'll dine basic tonight . laurie : would you like something to drink ? jamie : just water . laurie : ok . jamie : whoa , whoa -- laurie : oh -- look at me . i 'm going to get fired . jamie : it 's ok . just sit down . sit down , you 're ok . sit down . you 're fine . your boss is n't around , so you 'll be ok . laurie : of all the nights to start a new job . jamie : what 's going on ? laurie : i just had this big blowup with my dad . jamie : what , did he fall off the wagon again ? laurie : and he hit me . jamie : what ? laurie : i ca n't sit here blubbering . i need this job . jamie : laurie , you ca n't just let him get away with this . did you call the police ? laurie : no ! jamie : well , then social services . i mean , he ca n't just haul off and hit you any time he gets drunk . laurie : he did n't use his fists , and he -- jamie : not yet . laurie : he slapped me . there 's no law against that . jamie : well , there should be . i 'd like to smack him around and see how he likes it . hey , hey . come here , come here . it 's ok . somehow it 's going to be ok . [ scene_break ] morgan : so , you 've endeared yourself to the common man of pine valley , eh ? aidan : i 've made quite a few fans among the common women , too . morgan : what , and this is all some -- part of some master plan that julian and i have interrupted , is it ? aidan : my contracting job gives me access to homes of pine valley 's richest citizens . morgan : well , have you used it ? aidan : oh , you have n't heard the best yet . my aunt is bloody chief of police . aunt anna thinks that i walk on water . morgan : now , that could come in handy . aidan : yeah , you 're right . it could 've done if i 'd have made my move before somebody cut me off . morgan : yeah , but once you had their confidence , mate , you should 've struck fast . aidan : it 's a waste because these yanks -- they 're ripe for the picking . morgan : ooh , is that supposed to tempt me , is it ? you know , i think i prefer the sure thing i 've got back in england with julian . aidan : oh , yeah ? being julian 's lover must be real top rung on the ladder . morgan : yeah . it 's pretty close to heaven . aidan : now , why do n't i believe you ? in fact , speaking of heaven , how 's julian temper doing since he sent fiona there ? morgan : i can handle julian , thank you , and his temper . aidan : but the relationship ca n't be completely satisfying you , can it ? morgan : what julian lacks in the bedroom , he more than makes up for in the bank . aidan : you 're playing with fire , morgan . morgan : it 's my business . aidan : now , do n't get me wrong . i agree you can never have too much money , but it 's a shame that you do n't love him . morgan : what 's love got to do with it ? aidan : you 'll never have what you and i had . not with him , anyway . morgan : what do you want me to say , that you 're a better lover than julian is ? aidan : are n't i ? morgan : of course , but i do n't understand why you need to hear me say it . aidan : we had some hot times , did n't we ? morgan : the hottest . aidan : of course , that 's all over and done with now if you stick with julian . morgan : aw . you jealous ? aidan : no , concerned . concerned that you 'll never get `` happily ever after `` with a rabid dog . morgan : right . and betraying him will just turn him into a playful puppy . aidan : you 're a worthy adversary , morgan . if we band together , there is no man ever born that could stop us . think you still got a chance of winning ? [ scene_break ] maria : what 's working ? edmund : uh , the wait - and - see attitude that brooke advocated . we did n't want to , you know -- ahem -- push you into , you know , remembering anything . brooke : i was thinking that it would be better for you if , you know , you retrieved your memories naturally . maria : ok . well , i do n't want anybody to count on this too much -- you know , this medical stuff . edmund : no , we 're not . maria : ok . all right , i 'll get all my stuff out of the way so you guys can work . medical stuff is getting heavy . brooke : really . maria : and how . all right . i 'll see you . edmund : ok . brooke : what are you doing ? why do n't -- why does n't maureen know about the drug ? i mean , is n't david administering it ? is n't that why she 's so focused on the medical books ? edmund : that is the result of hayward 's drug , yeah . brooke : well , why would he give her the drug without telling her what she 's taking ? edmund : he did n't . i did . i -- ahem -- slipped a few drops into her drink . brooke : what ? do you know if there are side effects ? do you even know if this drug is safe ? edmund : brooke , i 'm getting my wife back , whatever it takes . [ scene_break ] laurie : oh . do n't tell j.r. he and my dad really do n't -- jamie : j.r. would want to help . laurie : it 'll make things worse . j.r. : so , you work here now , huh ? laurie : i 'm supposed to . and i 'd better get back to it . j.r. : well , can -- can i have a minute ? jamie : i 'm going to -- laurie : yeah . j.r. : uh , what happened today ? i mean , we were e - mailing each other , and then all of a sudden you just signed off . laurie : i had to go . j.r. : why right then and there ? laurie : my dad walked in . j.r. : oh . ok , well , then we can continue face to face . i like that better anyway . laurie : there 's no point in continuing , j.r . i want you to leave me alone . we 're over , so do whatever you want . i 've got to get back to work . j.r. : what 's going on here ? [ scene_break ] tad : jake , i 'm just a little confused here . you say that you did n't break up with mia yet . but since alison , you 're going to , right ? jake : no . god , no , tad . no , that 's the last thing i want is to lose mia . tad : well , do n't be a yutz . i mean , if you confess to mia that you polished dad 's desk with some blonde , what do you think she 's going to say ? jake : no , no , no , you do n't understand . mia -- she 's everything to me . she 's perfect . tad : so what was alison , comparative testing ? jake : just -- jeez , man , i do n't know ! i was ticked off at mia . man , i had a couple drinks . it was stupid . tad : no kidding . i mean , if you 're serious , if you 're still in love with mia . jake : yes , i am . of course . tad : oh . did you use protection ? jake : yes , i used protection . tad : thank god for that . at least you did something right . jake : god . tad : well , if that 's the case , then -- then you got to start protecting what you 've got with mia . you got to keep your pants on and your mouth shut . jake : but , tad -- tad : no . no `` buts . `` no -- jake : this is -- tad : trust me , ok ? i 've been here before . you 've got to keep this to yourself . jake : this girl alison is a resident here ! tad : you sure can pick 'em . i assume you do n't mean resident of pine valley . on dad 's desk ? jake : oh , man , will you just stop it with that ? tad : sorry . old habits . look , i admit sometimes confession can be good for the soul . other times it is suicide , ok ? verbal hari - kari . jake : all right , listen , what about you ? you tried to keep these secrets from dixie , and what happened ? tad : well , you know what happened . jake : exactly , so you expect me to trust you on this ? tad : yes . precisely because i have screwed up so many times over the years . i got more scars than you could possibly imagine . and this i know -- if you do want to marry mia any time in the distant future , you ca n't tell her about this . jake : all right , i got to go home . tad : is she going to be there ? jake : yeah , she 's going to be there . tad : well , then do yourself a favor . shower first . [ scene_break ] edmund : look , i could n't tell maria that i was , you know , giving her an untested drug . brooke : edmund , for god 's sake -- edmund : look , she 's not going to take anything that hayward developed . anything . brooke : so you tricked her ? did hayward tell you if there are any side effects or not ? edmund : listen to me , listen to me . she 's fine , ok ? she 's fine . she 's going to medical school , she 's starting to remember , she wants -- brooke : would you take an untested drug ? would you give one to your children or -- edmund : hayward said it should be safe . brooke : hayward ? edmund : yes . brooke : you 're risking maria 's life on his word ? on his ego ? edmund : i am not risking her life , brooke . brooke : this is about her safety , is n't it ? edmund : this is about her safety . ok ? how safe do you think she was hiding out with aidan ? that man is wanted for murder , ok ? there is a hit out on him , and maria 's in the crosshairs , ok ? she 's been making some dumb , confused decisions . the only reason why she 's here is because i threatened to call the cops on aidan . brooke : and as far as you know , this drug could do her more harm than good . edmund : ok , i hear you . now , what 's in the file , ok ? you said you had some edits you wanted me to look at . i 'll read them tonight . i will get back to you , ok ? maria : hey , kendall , call me as soon as you get a chance . let me know if aidan got out of town ok . i want to make sure he was n't delayed . so just call me when you get a chance . thanks . edmund : could n't get aidan directly ? maria : no , i was just checking in . does brooke have you buried under work ? edmund : just how far along are you and aidan ? maria : excuse me ? edmund : just tell me how you feel about him . [ scene_break ] aidan : you must be suffocating with julian . morgan : our arrangements have certain drawbacks , yeah . aidan : you should n't have to put up with that , morgan . morgan : and exactly what alternative are you offering me , aidan ? aidan : the way i see it is julian made the smartest move of his career hooking up with you . morgan : really ? aidan : yeah . i know how valuable you are . your instinct for a score has always been on target . in fact , you strategize better than any other bloke i 've partnered with . morgan : are you being serious ? aidan : that 's not all . you 're good , kid . you 're fearless . morgan : yeah ? so where does that put us ? aidan : well , we can have a lot more and share a lot more with that julian out of the picture . morgan : let 's talk about the sharing part . aidan : oh , i 'm game , if i was n't all tied up . morgan : yeah , you 'd have been gone two days ago . aidan : not alone . not if i could 've talked you into coming with me . morgan : how do i know you 're being serious ? aidan : oh , come on , morgan , my memory must be better than yours because if think back about the times that we spent together , there 's no part of it that i do n't want back . morgan : it 's not that i do n't think it 's a good idea , you know . its just there are other factors to consider . aidan : you do n't have to be afraid . you and me are more than a match for julian . morgan : yeah . i 'd like to think so . if julian proved us wrong -- you know , i 've got better things to do with my time than keep fiona company on the other side . aidan : well , it 's up to you , is n't it ? because if you ask me , morgan , julian 's got a hair trigger . and eventually , he will snuff you for ordering the wrong wine with dinner . morgan : and , what , some things are worth dying for , are they ? aidan : absolutely . like independence , great sex , financial freedom . we could be living the high life . we could have it all , morgan . morgan : yeah . for how long ? aidan : well , all of life 's a gamble . who knows how long we 've got ? morgan : but while we 're here -- aidan : by god , the world 's going to know . morgan : and we 're going to revel in every minute . aidan : so do n't have life pass you by . because that julian -- that julian 's temper -- it makes him sloppy . and sooner or later , his luck 's going to run out . now , do you really want to be around here when that happens ? morgan : checkmate . aidan : you crafty little bugger . morgan : did you just throw the game on purpose ? aidan : now , why would i do that ? morgan : oh , i do n't know . maybe to lull me into a false sense of superiority and camaraderie . like one of our marks ? aidan : you 're way too smart for that , gorgeous . morgan : yeah . i am . so why do n't we try something else ? [ scene_break ] edmund : do you still care about aidan ? maria : why are you doing this , edmund ? edmund : because i have to know if you love him . maria : i do n't know . i 'm sorry . i wish -- if i said anything else , i just -- i would n't be being honest . edmund : i believe you . how 's your reading going ? maria : it 's going good . i 've actually skipped on to nerve cells . the composition of the neuron . it 's fascinating . edmund : i 'll take your word for it . maria : so i 'll -- i 'm going to go get my books and come back and study some more . mia : tonight , i 'm yours . and these are for dessert . but we have to earn them by burning off a lot of calories first . and then we can indulge in some chocolate . [ scene_break ] jamie : i do n't want to be in the middle of this , j.r . j.r. : laurie put you there , not me . and what was that scene when i walked in ? jamie : she was upset and stuff . j.r. : about what ? did she tell you what i instant - messaged her ? jamie : no . j.r. : that i love her , ok ? that 's got to mean something . jamie : sure , but just do n't fight with her right now , ok ? j.r. : well , i got to straighten this out . i 'm going to take her outside and just talk to her for -- jamie : no . you 'll just make things worse . j.r. : you have no idea . jamie : look , she already lost one job because of you , ok ? just give her her space . she 's got a lot going on . j.r. : you want to tell me what 's going on ? you really get off on telling me how to deal with my girlfriend ? jamie : what did you not get , huh ? she even told you to your face to back off , right ? she 's not your girlfriend anymore , bro . you got dumped . [ scene_break ] mia : you 're holding out on me . are you trying to make me work harder ? jake : no , no , no , just -- just a little tense , i guess . mia : you work too hard . i have an idea . jake : yeah ? mia : why do n't you let me put you in a nice hot shower , and then i 'll give you a massage ? jake : yeah . mia : yeah ? oh , you smell so good . did you go to the gym after you left the restaurant ? jake : yeah . yeah , yeah , i went to the gym . mia : you did ? i like that you try to stay all cut and buff for me . that 's so sweet . so tonight i 'm going to make up for all the nights i missed because i was too busy or too tired . ok ? does that sound good ? jake : yeah . yeah , it does . it sounds really good . mia : yeah ? jake : yeah . but you know what ? instead of a shower , how about a bath ? mia : fun . i 'll join you . jake : why do n't you go get it going ? mia : hot water and sea salts coming right up . [ scene_break ] tad : hey , there you are . i 'm sorry i 'm late , but -- jamie : hey , dad , i 'm in a hurry . i got to run . tad : where are you going ? jamie : see you . tad : jamie . [ phone rings ] tad : hello . jake : beep me . tad : i 'm sorry , i think you have the wrong number . jake : hey , listen , stop screwing around , all right ? i need your help here . page me . tad : what have you done ? jake : i ca n't tell her , all right ? and i can not stay here . i got to get out of here . tad : ok . all right , fine . just relax and prepare to be paged . jake : thanks . mia : so , why are you still dressed ? jake : it 's just taking me some time to decompress . mia : i have an idea . [ music plays ] mia : is that better ? jake : it 's nice . mia : very nice . come here . [ pager beeps ] mia : i did n't hear anything . no . jake : no , no , no , i got to get it . mia : just my luck to fall in love with a responsible guy . jake : yeah , it 's the hospital . mia : i know . i know . you got to go . jake : yeah , afraid so . mia : well , i guess it 'll be a brownie and bath for one . at least i 'll get to find out if simone was right . jake : about what ? mia : about those brownies . jake : oh . mia : she said that they can take the place of making love , you know . jake : i 'm sorry about this . i 'm so sorry . mia : so let me give you one for the road so you know what you 're missing , ok ? [ scene_break ] edmund : cranberry and soda ok ? maria : yeah . edmund : going to do you a favor . maria : what 's that ? edmund : well , you 've been open and honest about aidan , so i 'm not going to bug you about him . maria : thank you . edmund : as far as i 'm concerned , he 's out of our lives . ok ? maria : ok . edmund : he 's in the past . here 's to a promising future . [ scene_break ] aidan : well , that surpassed anything i ever remembered . just think what we could do if i was n't all tied up . morgan : right now i ca n't think of anything else . aidan : oh , it 's all good , morgan . morgan : yeah . except the part where you knock me out to get my gun . aidan : now , i would n't do something like that . morgan : maybe not . but old habits die hard , do n't they ? aidan : do i want to save my life ? yes , i do , sure . but i also want to save yours . i mean , honestly , really , how long do you think it 's going to last with julian ? morgan : julian 's fine as long as you do n't cross him . but that 's what you 're finding out , is n't it ? aidan : morgan , darling , if we get together , we would be unbeatable . i swear it , we would be -- we would be incredible . morgan : yeah . i 'd have to be sure you 're not playing me , though . aidan : well , how can i prove that to you ? morgan : get me into one of the fat cats ' houses . aidan : all right . ok , consider it done . morgan : and after i land one of those pigeons you 've prepped , maybe we could hook up . aidan : it just so happens i know the perfect way . morgan : so do i . and this little beauty is going to be my first hit . [ next_on ] kendall : where 's trey ? reggie : what you want with him when you got the real deal right here ? david : i think it 's important that maria knows that you 're drugging her and that i think it 's risky , ill - advised experiment . morgan : you 're worried i 'm going to cut you out ? aidan : to make sure you do n't even try , we 're going to take care of maureen together . | morgan & aidan continue to play their game . he tells her that he has everyone in pine valley convinced that he 's a nice guy but he says that he and she can con them like they used to . she agrees and says that maria should be their first target . maria studies for medical school . brooke drops by and sees her studying and says `` it worked ! `` so she and edmund have to cover . brooke ca n't believe that edmund is testing this medicine on maria and tries to get him to see reason . jake tries to stop having sex with alison but she keeps him interested . tad visits jake at his office and realizes he just had sex . jake wants to tell mia what happened but tad tells him that 's a bad idea . mia prepares a romantic evening for her and jake but he 's having a little trouble with guilt and , er , performance problems . he gets tad to page him so he can claim that he has to go to work . edmund asks maria how involved she was with aidan . laurie and her father continue to argue ; she learns that he might lose his job at the school . she goes to her new job , working at a restaurant . jamie comes in and she takes his order but she 's so upset over her dad that she keeps messing up . she tells jamie what 's been going on . later , j.r. comes in and wants to confront her but jamie convinces him that laurie is having a rough time and he should leave her alone for now . |
kendall : thanks , ryan . way to keep me hanging . ryan : no , wait , wait , whoa , whoa , whoa , my bad . i mean , that was , like , a real question . you -- you really want to get married ? kendall : do you ? ryan : well , it 's just , like , kind of sudden . i mean , you definitely know how to sweep a guy off his feet , but -- kendall : forget it , forget it . sorry , you know , i 'm sorry , that was just me babbling . i had a long day and -- ryan : look , would you please just shut up , kendall ? kendall : i do n't know what i was talking about . ryan : shut it . shut it , please . i did n't say that i did n't want to . i just want to understand why and where this is coming from . greenlee : so help me , ryan , do n't make me come in there . kendall : do you want to know what i 'm feeling ? [ scene_break ] bianca : so , when 's the big day ? erica : well , we have n't had a chance to set the date yet , but , well , after the trial , of course . reggie : after the trial ? oh , hell , no , you two are eloping right now . [ scene_break ] jamie : wow ! dad , are n't we a little old for frat parties ? tad : it was n't a frat party . it was krystal carey . jamie : what did you do to tick her off this bad ? tad : what did i do ? what did i do ? considering your contribution to the situation , i would advise a little less lip and a lot more elbow grease . jamie : well , at least tell me you nailed her for it , right ? tad : funny you should mention that . i was getting around to it and then liza bust in . jamie : so liza helped you go after krystal ? dad ? dad , what -- what did liza want ? tad : huh ? [ knock on door ] tad : well , thank god you 're not a female . joe : if i were , i might understand them better . i was going to ask you if that sofa was free tonight . tad : why ? did mom toss you out ? jamie : what did you do ? joe : well , does `` innocent until proven guilty `` ring a bell ? tad : not to me . i got my own woman problems . jamie : is this the kind of problem you 're talking about ? [ scene_break ] krystal : hey there , speedy . well , if i had known you 'd have been that quick , i would n't have bothered getting dressed . liza : i had enough time to make my point . krystal : oh , i bet tad did n't have enough time to make his , though . bummer . liza : you know what ? why do n't you let me buy you a drink ? i 'd like to set you straight on a few things . [ scene_break ] j.r. : benson , help me out here . what does `` asap `` mean ? mr. benson : `` as soon as possible , `` but -- j.r. : and when did i tell you i wanted that merger to take place ? mr. benson : i understand that . but i still think we should run this by mr. chandler . j.r. : you 're looking at the only chandler that matters now . my office , my title , my orders . adam chandler sr . does n't run this place anymore , so you either get that or you get out . babe : way to be , j.r . [ scene_break ] adam : ah , mary smythe , as she makes herself right at home . mary : adam . adam : what a surprise . mary : you sound cheerfully smug . adam : as well i should be . i finally found a way to make j.r. see his misguided marriage in its proper light . mary : congratulations . adam : hmm . whoa , whoa . what are you doing with that ? mary : well , this is just horrifying , do n't you think , so i thought i 'd replace it with my own work . you 're very welcome . adam : put it back . put -- mary : adam , you ca n't really prefer this to `` my desire at dusk , `` adam . adam : put it back . mary : no , really , adam -- adam : leave it . mary : `` m.c .. `` ? `` m.c. `` ? adam , whose gun is this , and why do you have it ? `` m.c. `` oh , my goodness , adam ! if i were your wife , this would be my gun . adam : true . very true . mary : oh , how sweet -- a token of affection from my husband to make me feel safe . adam : you have such a wonderful sense of whimsy . hand me the gun . mary : you know , i 'm a big fan of marriage . it has so many benefits -- companionship , joint bank accounts , benefits of the marriage bed . and , you know , if i were your wife , i could never be compelled to testify against you in court . adam : oh , you can end your ode to married bliss . mercifully , you 're not my wife and i 'm not on trial . mary : and this is not my gun . details . you know , we 're both acquainted with someone who has the initials `` m.c. `` adam : no one comes to mind . mary : oh , sorry , let me rephrase that . we were acquainted with someone -- michael cambias . i think this handsomely personalized hand piece must have belonged to him . [ scene_break ] reggie : look , jack , you have to get on the phone with one of your judge buddies , tell him to haul on over here now . jack : reggie , i hate to break the news to you , but judges do n't haul it anywhere on command , ok ? erica : there 's no need to rush , reggie . reggie : oh , please , with the luck you two have ? jack : i am not going to be saying my `` i dos `` from behind bars , i promise you . erica : no , jack has made me a promise , and i believe him . there 's going to be time to do this right . our wedding 's going to be flawless . jack : mm - hmm , as will our honeymoon . bianca : whoa ! what is that ? jack : well , right here i have in my hand proof that i intend to keep my promises , both old and new , because inside this envelope are tickets to cap ferrat in the south of france for the entire family , and , if you will check them out , you will find that they are nonrefundable . that 's how confident i am . erica : you are a hopeless romantic . jack : well , that , too . reggie : well , romance is going to be real hopeless , you know , with the whole family tagging along . let me see that . erica : so you see , honey ? this is going to be so much better than a semester abroad . i mean , you 're going to have springtime in europe , after all . bianca : mom , you deserve this . erica : and so do you . reggie : j , man , you got ripped . jack : how ? reggie : you got tickets for me , you know , binks -- jack : yeah . right . reggie : kendall , lily , you , and the glamorous miss kane , but then they threw in an extra one . nobody 's going to throw that in for free . you got punked . jack : no , your father remains unpunked . this ticket is for greenlee because it is , after all , a family vacation . i 'm going to call your sister right now , see if she wants to join us tonight . reggie : erica , you 're not going to let him call that wedding crasher , are you ? erica : reggie -- [ jack chuckles ] erica : i have chosen to bask in this moment and to pick my battles . so why do n't you try that ? reggie : well , you 're not going to be basking in anything if greenlee comes . jack : reggie , how about you try to share ? reggie : well , how about you guys remember that she 's the reason why you two are n't together in the first place ? if you guys want this wedding to get anywhere off the ground , you need to make sure she stays as far away as possible . [ scene_break ] kendall : that 's it . ryan : we 're done ? kendall : no , no , you asked me what i was feeling . that 's it . now , you tell me . ryan : oh , i thought it was pretty obvious what i was feeling . kendall : no , ryan , no , you did n't answer my question . [ phone rings ] [ ring ] [ ring ] [ ring ] [ phone rings ] greenlee : ahem . half a mo . this is greenlee . fabulous ! i 'll be right there . ryan : yeah , yeah , yeah , like you 're going to sashay out of here , greenlee . kendall : this is not happening . greenlee : while your grasp on reality fascinates me , i ca n't stay to discuss it . ta - ta . ryan : no , no , you 're not going anywhere . greenlee : actually , i am , to a big family gathering , with my big family . you know , the one that used to be yours ? ryan : start talking , greenlee . greenlee : fine . so , kendall , heard any good lawyer jokes lately ? ryan : ok . all right . ok , enough with the cutesy pie and you tell me what the hell you 're doing here . [ scene_break ] tad : give it here . why do n't you go make yourself useful , all right ? go get us some takeout . jamie : i 'm there . tad : oh , yeah , i forgot . your arm might actually fall off if you were to open up your wallet . jamie : thank you . oh , grandpa , you might want to crash in my room -- because there 's no telling what you might find in that couch . tad : out ! joe : i might be safer in a motel . tad : no , do n't let this throw you . it 's nothing a -- a broom would n't clean up . joe : mm - hmm . tad : either that or we could just dynamite the place and start over again . joe : dare i ask what happened , or are we just going to clean up mindlessly ? tad : i tell you what , first help me with the feathers and then maybe you can give me some advice about cleaning up another huge mess . [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , goodness . did you -- did you happen to notice a leopard - print bra while you were at tad 's ? i lost track of mine . liza : well , these things happen . as i was saying -- krystal : about tad ? liza : yes , tad and i have been friends a really long time , and i just wanted to give you a little insight on that because it 's a pretty exciting history . krystal : oh , history . yeah , you know , i did that in high school and i pretty much snoozed through most of it . liza : did you notice a little scar ? krystal : oh , his man - in - the - moon scar , yes . liza : yeah . gear - shift accident , way back when . he said it was worth it . krystal : that 's fascinating . let me ask you something , though -- did y ' all ever get hitched ? liza : no . krystal : engaged ? liza : no . krystal : go steady ? liza : that 's not really the point . krystal : ever been more than just friends who did the cha - cha ? liza : tad and i have never really been together . but we 've really never been apart , either . now , i 'm sure you 've seen it -- when a man and woman go through this sort of long , painful , romantic dance , you know , this meant - to - be dance . krystal : yeah . but if tad is your destiny , then why push it ? i mean , why do n't you just let it happen ? liza : tad and i can make each other happy , and i do n't think we should have to wait another second . krystal : oh , yeah , like he 's just waiting by the phone . liza : no , i know the two of you had some fun , and i think that 's great . krystal : but the party 's over and now you 've got destiny to deal with ? liza : for your own sake , i hope that you do n't interfere . krystal : last time i checked , which was about an hour ago , tad was still a man . forget `` try , `` honey . i wo n't have to lift a finger . [ scene_break ] babe : check you out , bmoc ! but instead of `` big man on campus , `` you 're big man of chandler enterprises . j.r. : my employees have to fall in line . i 've got to be the one to make sure that that happens . babe : but you do it with this cool , edgy flare . you 're way slicker than blake carrington 's boys could ever hope to be . j.r. : listen , babe , i 've got a lot on my plate right now . is there something i can help you with ? babe : how about we play office ? i 'll take dictation , and you can chase me around the desk . j.r. : just -- just tell me why you 're here . babe : well , i 'm here for the same reason that i became mrs. babe chandler . j.r. : ah , of course . you did n't have to come all the way down here for this . i could 've had a messenger do this . how much do you need ? babe : you 're tired and cranky , so i 'm going to let that one slide . i did n't come down here for money , and i sure as hell did n't marry you for it , either . j.r. : my mistake . babe : i 'm here because i love you and i want to spend time with you . dinner . you need a break , we need a break . j.r. : you know what ? just leave it . i do n't have time for this . babe : then you 'd better make some time . j.r. : babe , take a look around . this is my job . do you understand how important that is ? [ babe sighs ] babe : yes , i know that you 're the big kahuna , the head honcho who matters most to the peons who jump when you say `` boo . `` but you matter most to two other people -- your wife and your baby . j.r. : i 'm aware of my obligations . but chandler enterprises is under a major transition period . it 's crunch time . babe : no , no , no , it is munch time . i went by bj 's and i got your favorite spread , and i am not leaving until you dig in . j.r. : all right . two minutes . babe : right . it 'll take you that long just to get the hot sauce right . you remember our first nacho binge ? the night that we met ? j.r. : hmm . it 's kind of a blur . babe : we went to that dive that you thought was so great . lots of food and plenty to drink . j.r. : hmm . and you kept giggling . it took you 10 minutes to stop laughing . babe : because nobody can make me laugh like you do . and then we went to that rickety - old carnival and we wrote up those fake wills before each ride . and you won me this . [ babe sighs ] babe : you spent 12 quarters to win me a 10-cent necklace . and i 'll cherish it for the rest of my life . then i said i did n't want that night to end , and you said , all low and sexy , `` but it does n't have to , baby . `` so we jumped that fence to that motel pool , and then we stripped down to nothing , and we let the water slide all over our bodies , until the manager ' [ scene_break ] mary : and still the smug cheerfulness lingers on . it 's odd , given that i 've just found a gun hidden in plain sight . adam : oh , it 's only a nuisance in light of today 's success . mary : all right . since you 're dying to tell me -- adam : surprise , surprise -- paul cramer can be bought . mary : ah . adam : i may have to adjust the figures , but i think -- i think doorman 's nephew will rise to the occasion and i 'll have what i need to break up babe and j.r . mary : oh , since your plans have worked so well thus far . adam : oh , mary , is that -- is that sour grapes ? [ adam chuckles ] adam : and now that babe is departing , i 'll no longer need your services . mary : oh , but you will . i can do so many other things that are helpful , such as finding a gun that belongs to a dead man . adam : if only your sculptures showed as much of your flare for the absurd . mary : adam , if you 're not my patron , my art is going to suffer . and without my art , i might be driven to acts of public decency . adam : oh , an anomaly for you . mary : for instance , i might just turn the gun over to the police and let them figure out who this belongs to . adam : why , mary , are you trying to blackmail me ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : paperwork . that 's why i 'm here . ryan : please tell me you can do better than that , greenlee . greenlee : oh , rather than bug kendall with all the pesky fusion details , i just thought i 'd swing by , pick up the papers myself . kendall : and , what , weasel your way in with your prada lock pick ? greenlee : or use the key i still have . i just thought i 'd swing by and get the papers myself . ryan : really ? so why did n't you ? greenlee : well , your sudden interest kind of threw off my timing . ryan : oh . kendall : yes , leaving you no choice but to hide in the hallway and eavesdrop on a private conversation . that 's really classy . greenlee : well , it was either that or bust up all that intensity . `` discretion 's the better part of -- `` whatever . kendall : first the rooftop , and now in my home . do you ever get sick and tired of watching me and ryan together ? greenlee : each and every time . relax , i covered my ears and closed my eyes . otherwise , my brain might 've bled . kendall : why do n't you just get your own damn life already ? greenlee : chill with the melodrama , ok ? why do n't you get back to your proposal ? at least that 's one way you can get a man to marry you . i 'll see myself out . ryan : good idea . go . greenlee : wait , kendall , actually , i was going to ask you , do you and ryan plan on having another baby after you crack this one out ? baby john doe might need some company since he does n't know who the daddy is . ryan : oh , hey , hey , hey ! greenlee , get out ! go ! kendall : i want to kill her . ryan : easy . [ door closes ] kendall : how in the hell can you let that bitch win again ? [ scene_break ] reggie : greenlee and this wedding is a bad mix -- i mean like h - bomb bad , really bad . i do n't think i 'm the only one on this , either . erica : penny for your thoughts . bianca : oh , um -- i was thinking about kendall . erica : honey , you do n't have to worry about kendall . she 's going to be acquitted , i know that . bianca : i -- i know that you know that , and do n't worry , i 'm not worried . i -- i was actually thinking i 'm glad that she has ryan again . erica : he 's been loyal , has n't he , after all they 've been through . bianca : yeah , and it 's made a world of difference . i mean , even though kendall would never admit it , she -- she kind of shimmers when he 's around , just like you do when uncle jack is around . just seems like being loved makes you glow from the inside out . erica : and , baby , that will happen for you someday , it will , i mean , with someone you already know or someone new . i mean , you 're just going to feel like you 've known this person your whole life , and -- and no matter what happens and how complicated things can get , that special person in your heart just makes everything go more easily . oh , baby , you have to believe that that 's going to happen for you someday . bianca : i do . um ' [ bianca shrinks away from her mom 's embrace ] erica : what ? bianca : i 'm sorry . no , i 'm -- i 'm sorry . it 's -- erica : no , no , no , no . you know what , it 's ok because i know . bianca : you told her ? erica : told me what ? jack : yeah , erica , actually , it is true -- have a seat -- that bianca and i do know something that you for some reason have n't yet figured out . bianca : uncle jack -- jack : you 're a crier . erica : i 'm a crier ? jack : you 're a crier . i said it and i 'm not going to take it back . you 're a crier . actually , bianca and i have had conversation on this topic several times . anytime something emotional happens -- like you just wanted to hug bianca there -- the waterworks , they start . bianca : mom , it 's true . reggie : yeah , i 've seen it , but you 're a pretty crier , though . erica : well , i 'm not going to cry . i mean , not until i ask bianca to be my maid of honor . jack : hi . greenlee : who 's getting married now ? jack : erica and i . that 's why i called you to come over . greenlee : oh , god . it 's contagious , like cooties . erica : oh , how sweet . yes , we are so delighted . greenlee : fine . whatever . your funeral . do n't mind me . [ knock on door ] maria : mr. montgomery -- jack : whoa , whoa -- maria : i 'm maria chambers for vh1 satellite radio . erica : oh , someone get her out of here . maria : the media is buzzing over your stunning reveal in court today . did you use the gun that you stole from the evidence room to kill michael cambias ? will you confess to his murder when you retake the stand ? jack : maria , this is private property and it 's a private party , so could we just not do this , please ? maria : all right , i 'll see you in court . jack : yeah . i ca n't believe you just walked in here . well , you know what they say -- it 's not a party until the media crash it . erica : oh -- jack : anybody want a refill here ? greenlee : wait a minute . you 're going to confess to murder to save kendall ? jack : greenlee , what -- greenlee : if you want to take the fall for that bitch , i could care less . my god . she needs you more than i do . reggie : you had to ruin it , huh ? you had to come in and blast on a good time and just kick it to pieces , did n't you ? greenlee : yeah , well , i 'm not the one who ruins everything . that would be kendall and erica 's job . [ scene_break ] kendall : she hides in my home like some wannabe pi , and you just let it go ? ryan , she 's not going to stop snooping until they lock me up for good . ryan : oh , come on , she does n't want you to go to prison , all right ? she would never take it that far . kendall : oh , yeah , because greenlee 's just the soul of restraint . ryan : well , she did manage to stand out there without retching out loud . kendall : she heard us kissing . she heard me propose to you , and you just let it go ? ryan , you know what ? if you think poor , harmless greenlee is suffering so much , you can go and find her and kiss it and make it better . ok ? go . get out . get out ! ryan : you know what ? i ca n't leave , not just yet , because i have to answer your question first . kendall : no , you know what ? greenlee was not enough humiliation . you want to pester me about the proposal , too ? well , you know what ? ryan : yes . kendall : forget it . forget that i ever mentioned it ! ryan : yes , kendall , yes . the answer is yes . [ scene_break ] mary : did you kill michael cambias ? adam : if i did , i 'll get away with it . you enjoy holding that , do n't you ? mary : more than some things , not as much as others . adam : hmm . hand me the gun . mary : then i 'll be empty - handed . adam : one final request -- give me the gun . mary : ca n't blame a girl for trying . adam : oh , no , no , i applaud you for trying . but perhaps this might be a good time to use your energies toward a more -- well , more creative project . mary : do you have something in mind ? adam : yes , i might , at that . [ scene_break ] tad : take new year 's eve , for example , all right ? i start the evening with one woman , krystal , i end it with another , simone . never mind liza colby waltzing in here this afternoon , finding me in flagrante on the floor -- joe : too much , too much . just give me the big picture , no details . tad : big picture ? joe : yeah . tad : all right , fine . out of all the women in my life that i -- i 'm not related to , you know , i 've known liza the longest -- although , you could 've fooled me the way she was acting . she waltzed in here , kicked krystal out , and said out of the middle of nowhere she wants the two of us to give it a shot . joe : huh . well , that 's a bold move . tad : `` bold `` ? joe : yeah . tad : you do n't know from bold until you 've spent an hour with krystal carey . the things that woman can do with a ping - pong paddle . she is just so hot . joe : well , she is an attractive woman , yes . tad : as is simone , ok ? fun , funny , works hard , plays harder . joe : all right , all right , all right . tad : i know , too many details . but , i mean , honestly , you know , with simone , i never thought i had to worry about it . joe : mm - hmm . tad : we could just have a good time . you know what i mean ? joe : mm - hmm , she 's in your comfort zone . tad : i thought she was . she said she was absolutely fine with keeping things casual , and then -- boom -- all of a sudden , everything is hearts and flowers . joe : hmm . tad : in five short weeks , i 've gone from being tad the casserole king , the pathetic widower that everybody thinks they have to take care of , to tad the -- joe : the cad . tad : it 's not funny . i need help here , ok ? how long have i been trying to bury that ? i did n't ask for any of this . joe : but you have n't exactly been fighting it , have you ? come on , sit down , sit down . tad : fight it ? i did n't think i had to fight it , not till liza waltzed in here this afternoon . i just kind of figured that , i do n't know , i 'd love dixie for the rest of my life , and then have fun with anybody who wanted to go along for the ride . joe : and now too many takers and not enough tad . tad : you know , at this point , a little paternal sympathy would n't kill you . joe : i 'm going to be paternal . all right , your life has come full circle and it 's like you 're 17 again . tad : no , no , because when i was 17 , we would n't have had this conversation . i 'd be having fun and , you know , whatever . joe : mm - hmm . and now you 're worried about -- tad : liza . no , i mean , all of them . i just -- mostly liza . you should 've heard her , pop . she just -- she put it out there , you know ? there 's no casual with liza , not after all this time . and the idea of hurting her is just -- it 's killing me . joe : who says she 'd get hurt ? i mean , forget tad and liza at 17 . liza 's grown up now . she knows what she wants . and from what you tell me , she 's willing to take a chance . [ scene_break ] [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : you are slick , though , i 'm telling you . liza : well , you know , what about you ? you did n't even bat an eye , asking me if i wanted to watch . krystal : between the three of us , i think tad was really the only one who lost his cool . liza : well , you know , that alone made the day worthwhile . krystal : well , speak for yourself , you know ? unfinished business makes me a little antsy . liza : tad can do that to a woman . krystal : and so much more . you know , i figured out why all the girls go gaga for tad . he 's one of those bad boy / good boy things all rolled into one . liza : excuse me ? krystal : a rare breed . enough bad boy to make it fun and exciting . liza : enough good boy to make you lose your heart . krystal : and get ensnared for life . liza : well , you know , there was really only one woman who ensnared him . krystal : the famous dixie . how 's it feel to play second fiddle to a memory ? liza : second fiddle with tad is worth the whole string orchestra with someone else . krystal : i do n't know . i played first violin or i do n't play at all . liza : then i suggest you find a different orchestra , the sooner , the better . [ scene_break ] woman : jamie . jamie : chelsea ! hey , how have you been ? chelsea : great , except this friend of mine just -- poof -- fell off the earth . jamie : really ? chelsea : uh - huh . jamie : well , where was the last place you saw him ? chelsea : hmm , the pit . we used to hang out there , but then he told me he was involved with somebody and things were complicated . jamie : he said that to you ? chelsea : mm - hmm . jamie : wow , what a jerk . chelsea : so , is he still taken ? jamie : no , he 's not . he 's 100 % free . [ scene_break ] kendall : what are you saying ? ryan : well , it 's really just one syllable , so try to stay with me -- yes . kendall : but do you mean it ? ryan : do you ? hey , hey , kendall ? i 'm right here . look , my arms going around you , ok ? come here . you take me at my word and i will take you at yours . can you do that ? kendall : oh . i love how this feels . ryan : you think you can handle it for , like , the next 50 or 60 years ? kendall : i think we 're lucky if we can make it until tomorrow morning . ryan : i know it 's a little bit of a crapshoot , but this is the way i think of it -- i figure , like , luck has got to be on our side now . you know , it 's about time . what do you say ? kendall : i say you let me squeeze you really tight and smother you with lots of kisses . ryan : hmm . kendall : yes . now . [ kendall laughs ] kendall : mm - hmm , you like that . [ scene_break ] mary : this project -- will i be working with you ? adam : oh , very closely . mary : and will i have creative control ? adam : well , not entirely , but , yes , your input will be crucial . mary : but you 'll be in charge ? adam : i always am . mary : ok . i 'm intrigued . adam : what if i promise you a mind - altering experience ? hmm ? greenlee : oh , mom . i 'm in real trouble . sorry to barge in . [ scene_break ] [ babe and j.r. cuddle on the sofa after making love ] babe : remember that first time that we made love ? we stayed wrapped in each other 's arms for two days straight . hmm . and i let you go just long enough to make a vending machine run so we would n't starve to death . you remember what you said to me ? you said that i was the reason that you left pine valley and got on that ship , because it would eventually bring you to me . no guy has ever been so sweet . oh . what 's wrong ? j.r. : i 've got work to do , got files to read . just leave that mess for the janitor . oh , and just so you know , nothing 's changed . the paternity test will happen as planned . babe : go , then . just go . [ babe flings the necklace at j.r. as he exits ] [ scene_break ] jamie : brr . dad , cheer up . you got a wild bra running around your house . how bad can it be ? tad : yeah , he 's got a point . certainly nothing compared with the problems you 've been dealing with between krystal and babe and j.r . jamie : thank you . tad : i do n't how you 're handling it . joe : yeah , that 's right . come on , come on , sit down , have something to eat . tell us how you 're holding up . jamie : i 'm fine . tad : oh , come on , son , you 're amongst family . feel free to weep openly , you know , bang your drum . jamie : dad , seriously , i 'm cool . joe : yeah ? about what ? which part ? jamie : all of it , all of it . babe wants to stay married to j.r. , that 's her call . and as far as the baby goes , i 'll wait till he or she is born , then push for the test . if i 'm a dad , i 'll be a dad , a part of that baby 's life . joe : wow , that 's well - reasoned , well - put . i 'm impressed . tad : you 're not my son . where 's the pod ? i 'll trade you some chicken wings for some of that youthful wisdom . jamie : you know what ? no , thanks . i got a date . tad : excuse me . what ? jamie : i got to go . i 've kept her waiting too long already . tad : `` her `` ? who `` her `` ? jamie : dad , she 's perfect . she 's not married , not pregnant , and she 's never met j.r . tad : ladies and gentlemen , my son , james edward martin , a young man of wit , wisdom , and , apparently , common sense . joe : yeah , you 're absolutely right . who raised that kid , anyway ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you 're an ok gal , liza . straight - talking , upfront about what you want . i respect that . liza : well , i 'm glad i made myself clear . krystal : oh , yeah , you did . you want tad , and nothing 's going to stand in your way . liza : well , that 's it , exactly . so you 'll be leaving tad alone from now on ? krystal : oh , no , no . no , i did n't say that . liza : i thought you only played first violin . krystal : yeah , well , you know how to get to carnegie hall , liza -- practice , practice , practice . [ scene_break ] erica : i was right about you before . you are a hopeless romantic . you make such beautiful promises about our happily - ever - after , about our wedding day . sometimes without even saying anything . just the way you touch me or look at me , kiss me . jack : you know i plan to keep those promises , do n't you ? erica : how can you do that , jack , if you 're in prison for the murder of michael cambias ? jack : you said you trusted me , that i would n't let that happen . please , please , do n't lose your faith in me now . erica : no , it 's not you . it 's not you , jack . it 's michael cambias . he 's still out there . i feel it . jack : erica , michael cambias is dead . erica : he 's dead . i know he 's dead . but some part of him is still out there in some new shape , some new form . i mean , he came to pine valley with one purpose in mind , and one purpose only . he is hell - bent on trying to destroy us all . i still feel his presence . i think bianca does , too . jack : michael cambias is gone . he is not out there somewhere . he is dead and he is buried , erica , and he is not going to hurt bianca or you or any of us , not ever again . [ scene_break ] mary : adam , i 'm sorry . i know the timing is terrible , but sorry . adam : well , if you 'll excuse me , i 'll be in my room . adam : greenlee . mary : darling , why have you got those tragic , little frown lines on your face ? greenlee : i could n't do a damn thing about it . i just -- i had to let go . mary : is this about pablo ? greenlee : i lost everything and everyone i cared about , and it 's all because of kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : no , no , no , no , do n't go . ryan : no , it 's ok , it 's ok . stay here . stay , stay , stay . ryan : cold , cold , cold . kendall : where did you go ? ryan : well , you kind of -- kendall : leave me . ryan : you kind of hijacked my chance to propose to you . so the least that you could do is let me put this on your finger , this ring . kendall : you remembered -- you remembered where i kept it . ryan : kendall , what do n't i know about you and love every single bit ? huh ? come here . would you rather i said no ? kendall : what if it does n't happen ? what if this is all just a big fantasy that i live on for the rest of my life while i 'm in jail ? ryan , to be this close to you and lose you again , to never touch you again , i ca n't -- ryan : not going to happen . there 's going to be no prison . not going to happen . kendall : how do you know that ? ryan : well , i do . i know it . you 're going to be acquitted and you 're going to be free , and on that day , we 'll say `` i do . `` [ next_on ] jack : there is something i 've been keeping from you , and you 're not going to like it very much . mary : you want to pick up where we left off last night ? adam : are you referring to my bedroom or the blackmail ? greenlee : kendall , i 've got you and your bundle right where i want you . | greenlee spies on kendall and ryan , overhearing the conversation where she asks him to marry her and he accepts . she gets a call from jack to join his family in his honeymoon with erica . but when she goes to his home , she discovers the family is in support of kendall . as a last resort , she goes and finds her mother who is involved in a `` proposition `` with adam chandler . mary discovers a gun with the initials mc at adam 's home . knowing he could be in trouble , she informs him that it might be to his advantage to marry her because that way she would not have to testify against him in a murder trial . |
david : jamie could be saying anything right now . babe : like what ? i do n't understand what you mean . david : babe , come on . divide and conquer -- the police are good at this . babe : you think that jamie 's turning on me ? no . there 's no way . we 're in this together now , me and jamie and baby james . david : not anymore you 're not . you 're all in this up to your eyeballs , and the only way for you to get out is for you to disassociate yourself from him . babe : i can not even begin to think of myself as separate from him . i love him . what else is going on ? david : i have to protect you . babe : you know something . you know something and you 're not telling me . david : i need you to focus , babe . babe : you know why they took jamie , do n't you ? what is going on ? david : he 's probably being questioned by the llanview police . babe : for taking james ? david : llanview homicide . babe : a homicide ? why ? what for ? david : paul cramer 's murder . babe : what ? that 's ridiculous ! jamie could never have killed paul . david : how do you know that ? babe : because i just know that he could n't . it 's ridiculous . you can not be serious with me right now . come on , you only told tad that to keep him off our trail . you can not tell me that you actually think that jamie even had anything to do with paul 's murder . david : i 'm sorry , sweetheart , but that 's exactly what i think . [ scene_break ] bo : yeah , cramer had a way about him . jamie : between having coffee with cramer and a shot of raw sewage , give me the sewage and make it a double . bo : well , i -- i did n't say it was a good way . i mean , most people did n't like him . jamie : try hated him . he was garbage . derek : you thought he was worse than that . jamie : so ? bo : hmm . well , you claim that paul cramer took your girlfriend 's baby , handed him over to my nephew . jamie : well , it 's slightly more complicated than that , but , yeah . cramer took james away from babe . he played everybody , and everybody hates him . bo : yeah , well , see , if he had died of natural causes then , you know , i could relax , but he was murdered . that means i have to find out who did the honors . jamie : well , when you do , tell him `` thanks `` for me . bo : we have witnesses to two separate incidents where you assaulted paul cramer . first one , you decked him in the hospital right here in pine valley , and then the next one was in llanview at a nightclub called ultra violet . jamie : cramer deserved it . bo : how ? i mean , how did he punch your buttons ? jamie : he would n't leave babe alone . he was threatening her . bo : so you were defending babe chandler . jamie : that 's right . bo : you know , but this first incident back in january , babe was still married to j.r. chandler then . derek : j.r. could n't defend his wife ? bo : hey , jamie , were you having an affair with babe while she was married to your stepbrother ? jamie : we were n't having an affair . bo : then why clean paul 's clock for something that involved a woman that was married to another man ? all right , you said he was threatening babe . with what ? jamie : it was harassment . he would n't leave babe alone . i was her friend . bo : oh , and she 's a lucky girl to have a friend like you . you stood by her , fought her battles for her . you 'd probably do just about anything for babe , would n't you ? jamie : ask chief frye . bo : well , is this about another visit to prison when you got stabbed in the gut ? jamie : that 's right . bo : and that was for babe , too , in order to prove that j.r. was drugging her . now , you would put your life on the line for her , would n't you ? would you take a life , too ? did you kill paul cramer for babe ? [ scene_break ] zach : now , wait a second . what happened here ? we were happy to be rid of each other , and now here you are . what do you want ? erica : why are you leaving ? save me time . tell me the real reason . zach : there 's nothing keeping me here anymore . erica : oh , really ? what about dr. maria `` boom , boom `` grey ? so , ok , maybe she went back to hearth and home , but that 's no reason for you to turn tail and run . zach : i told you before this is business . erica : well , you have plenty of business to take care of here . you 've signed on to decimate that immoral trio who hurt my daughter bianca so badly -- babe and krystal and david hayward . zach : you do n't need me for that . erica : well , what about your son ? zach : shut up about my son . erica : you have no idea what you 're doing walking out on him . zach : he pointed a gun at me . erica : well , you can be very hard to reach . zach : well , he did it . that 's why i 'm leaving . erica : oh , that is such a cop - out . zach : the boy wanted me dead . erica : you are completely clueless when it comes to parenting . zach : i tell you what . why do n't you take your challenges and your advice and s -- and take them out the door with you before i pick you up and toss you out . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall 's paranoia is really getting out of control , huh ? what 'd she tell you ? that jonathan slipped greenlee some antipsychotics , that he drugged her ? well , it 's nuts , ethan , so forget about it . ethan : it does n't sound like paranoia , ryan . ryan : that 's because kendall 's a pro . ethan : she had some good points . ryan : if i had a nickel for every time kendall pulled something like this , i could buy and i could sell you . ethan : ryan , she has no reason to make this up . ryan : what , are you kidding me ? why does kendall do half the things that she does ? because she wants revenge . ethan : if kendall wants to get back at you through greenlee , then your wife 's little green butterfly act would have ended with her hitting the sidewalk like a stone . ryan : you do n't know her like i do . ethan : i know a woman cares very much -- ryan : about herself , only about herself . ethan : why is everybody in this town so quick to condemn kendall ? ryan : because we know her . ethan : bianca knows her . bianca knows her very well , and yet she 's always willing to give kendall a little bit of slack . ryan : yeah , well , bianca is a little more forgiving than the rest of us . [ scene_break ] bianca : maggie , open the door ! jonathan : perfect . this is just perfect . bianca : who the hell do you think you are ? i heard you . i heard what you were trying to do , and you ca n't use me to beat her up ! jonathan : maggie ? bianca : ok , you get it , right ? you get what he 's trying to do ? he 's putting on this `` poor me , poor jonathan `` act to mess with your head . maggie : bianca , why were you listening at the door ? jonathan and i were having a private conversation . bianca : `` conversation `` ? i heard it . i heard his sick manipulation . maggie : he 's my fiancé . bianca : maggie , he is so beneath you . jonathan : right where you want to be , right ? i 'm sorry , but her jealousy is so obvious , maggie . bianca : i am not jealous . i want you to be with anybody who loves and respects you , but not him . maggie , you 're drowning . can you see that ? maggie : i thought you knew what being in love was like . bianca : you think this is love ? love is not about power , maggie . it 's not sick and ugly . maggie : you do n't know what jonathan and i have , bianca . bianca : maggie , i heard it . i heard him attacking you with me . he was using me to get you to do god knows what with him in bed . maggie : why should you care about that ? jonathan : i 'd like to know the answer to that , bianca . what 's this all about ? bianca : i hate what you 're doing to her . jonathan : that 's obvious . i want to know what 's behind it . i mean , you hate me for being me ? or do you hate me because you want to be me , because you 're in love with maggie ? i want to get it all out on the table for once , bianca . how do you feel about maggie ? jonathan : well ? maggie : no , listen . you just ignore her , ok ? this has nothing to do with us . jonathan : maggie -- maggie : this is about her . jonathan : i ca n't help it . i ca n't help it . i want this settled right now ! maggie : it was settled , but i guess bianca never got the memo . i love you . you are what i want . bianca : maggie , this is so wrong . i could hear him using me against you , degrading you . maggie : jonathan was mad at me , and he had every right to be . maybe with you and lena , it was all sweety - sweet , but we are a real couple , and this is how real couples argue . bianca : they do n't try to win with sick power trips . maggie , you sound like a textbook - abused partner . maggie : jonathan never abused me ! he loves me ! bianca : but he loses his temper , right ? he gets angry ? maggie : well , who does n't ? bianca : and he hit you . maggie : what gives you the right to comment on my personal relationship ? bianca : and it 's always your fault , right ? maggie , since when do you let somebody walk all over you ? he 's wiping his feet on you . he just had you begging for sex , any kind , any way . you never begged for anything in your life . maggie : why , because i never begged for you ? you do n't know what i 'm like in a loving relationship , a sexual relationship . i love jonathan and i have everything that i want and need . jonathan : that 's it , bianca . hey , maggie � s seen right through you . you lost . she 's all mine . [ scene_break ] ethan : you know , maybe your brother is not exactly who you think he is . dealing with family can be very difficult . ryan : wow ! ethan : believe me , i know . ryan : kendall 's got you good , man . not that i blame you , because i 've been there . you know , i trusted that . i actually feel sorry for you . ethan : well , do n't . kendall and i are just fine . ryan : oh , that 's nice . my advice ? set a limit , decide how much of the lying and the cheating that you 're going to let slide , and then when she reaches the quota , just run ! ethan : you ran . then you came back . ryan : otherwise , when she smashes your life to bits , you 'll think you ended it , but really she 'll make up this new , amazing story and she 'll suck you back in , you 'll go in to save the day , and then -- ethan : all right . ryan : bam ! ethan : ok . can i get you back to the real point here , ryan ? what exactly are you going to do about jonathan ? ryan : jonathan has n't done anything . you want to look at the real villain here ? look at your dad . [ scene_break ] zach : bye , erica . erica : i 've called you a lot of things , but i never thought you were a quitter . zach : why do n't you call me a realist ? erica : you 're folding before your hand is even dealt . zach : no . i have all the cards i need . erica : this is bianca 's stationery . this is bianca 's handwriting . oh , my . bianca is rarely this blunt . `` i 've had enough lies and betrayal to last me for the rest of my life . `` well , that 's certainly true . `` i ca n't fathom how you could do this to your own son . i will not have someone like you anywhere near my daughter . so do something decent for a change and get out of our lives . `` well , she certainly gave it to you with both barrels . this is the real reason you 're leaving ? zach : it 's just more proof that life in pine valley would be a lot happier without me in it . erica : how can a man be so successful and so dense ? zach : i do n't know . you figure it out . i got a plane to catch . erica : sit down . zach : i really do n't have time for -- erica : i said sit . zach : ok . make it fast . erica : ok . i 'm selfish . zach : hmm . erica : i hate it , but i need you here because you fight dirty and because it is payback time to the carey girls and david hayward for everything rotten they did to my daughter bianca . and if you 're here and involved in ethan � s life , that will help me protect bianca and kendall . zach : you 're hoping that ethan and i will kiss and make up and go to vegas together . erica : hmm , would n't that be bliss ? zach : hmm . it 's not going to happen . erica : lesson number one -- when your child is involved , you can never predict the future . zach : if you ca n't predict the future , you ca n't help me . it 's just wasting my time . erica : you catch that flight and you will cut ethan out of your life forever . and i know you do n't want to admit it , but you are going to be sorry for the rest of your miserable life . look , you need to take notes , because i have n't near finished yet . [ scene_break ] babe : jamie did n't kill anyone . david : damn it , babe ! your son is with the buchanans right now . babe : and i 'll get him back ! i 'm his mama ! david : the buchanans are fighting to keep james , and they just might win . if they do n't , j.r. will . you have to understand something here . there is a war that 's waging between the buchanans and the chandlers , and you are smack in the middle of it . and when the smoke clears , if you 're lucky , a judge will allow you some time with your son . babe : i am his mama . they ca n't keep him away from me . david : you ca n't raise a child in a prison cell , babe . that 's why it 's important that we get you out of here any way that we can . we need to paint you out as a confused young woman , a young woman who was swept away by the love of her child and controlled by a man who was out for his own motives -- babe : a man ? david : no . babe : a man ? what are you -- what are you saying ? jamie ? david : it 's not what you want to do right now , i understand that , it sounds terrible , but it 's important . babe : no , do you know what it is ? it 's disgusting . david : for baby james ? babe : no , no , i 'm not going to do it . i love jamie , ok , and i know the kind of man that he is , and anyone that thinks that he could kill somebody is an out- and - out fool . david : i saw him , babe . the night paul cramer was killed , i saw jamie standing over the body . the man was dead . babe : you ? you 're the one that told the cops that . you 're the reason that they took jamie away . [ scene_break ] bo : a witness saw you the night of cramer 's murder and places you at the scene . now , you fill in the blanks . jamie : you think i could commit murder , even a lowlife like cramer ? derek : almost anybody can kill if the circumstances are right . jamie : ok . i was there the night paul bought it . i wanted to nail him , wanted him to confess how he 'd screwed things up with babe , bianca , and the babies . so i tracked him to the cemetery , and then i heard a shot . when i found paul , he was already dead . now , i 'm sorry i was too late , too late to force him to admit what a lying , cheating waste of space he was . but i was n't sorry he was dead , and i did n't kill him . and if your witness says that i did , i suggest you go tell hayward that he 's as big a liar as cramer was . [ scene_break ] ethan : my father is a liar . there 's no doubt about that . and whilst it is possible that he could have drugged greenlee and set kendall up to take the fall , kendall 's convinced that we need to look -- ryan : see , i get it , i get it ! i know what happened . i understand . you got kendall crying on your shoulder , you got her whispering in your ear about big , bad jonathan and `` i , you know , he hates me , he set me up . `` ethan : i trust kendall 's judgment , ryan . ryan : well , that 's not your first mistake . you see , you 're playing right in to your father 's hands . he sees how tangled up you two are , how whacked out kendall is . all the focus is on her , so he can do whatever he wants , who 's going to notice ? well , you , for one . me , for two , not to mention aidan devane and -- all right , what do i have to do ? how do i explain to you that kendall is blaming an innocent man ? what do i have to do ? ethan : well , you could start by showing me some proof of his innocence . ryan : you want me to show you proof ? how about you show me proof that jonathan is involved in the slightest way ? look , you 're about to go on trial for the attempted murder of me . if somebody asks me who i think did it , i could say zach slater or not . ethan : prison is one way to shut me up , ryan . but it wo n't protect your wife . ryan : i 'll protect my wife , thank you very much . the point is zach is behind this , all right ? and he may slip up before you go to prison or he may not -- i do n't know -- but i will be there when he takes the fall . in the meantime , you stay away from my brother , or i will not need a high - powered rifle for what i 'm going to do to you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i only want to make maggie happy . do n't i , baby ? maggie : uh - huh . bianca : and if she does n't do exactly what you want her to do -- and i do n't just mean in bed -- you punish her with me ? jonathan : it 's looking like this abuse thing is on the other foot . bianca , whatever guilt or damage you 've got , can you take it someplace else ? bianca : you know i 'm right , do n't you , maggie ? he slams our friendship and your feelings for me , or he makes you think that he 's so hurt by it that you have to make it up to him . that 's control . it 's manipulation . you do n't have to put up with it . jonathan : she does n't because it 's in your head . bianca : please , maggie , get out of here before he seriously hurts you and you end up in the hospital or worse . jonathan : hey , you know how much i love you , do n't you ? maggie : yes . jonathan : how much i love you ? maggie : yes . jonathan : and i would never hurt you . i would never hurt you . i would never hurt her . but i ca n't live without her , bianca . bianca : it 's just words . it 's just words , maggie . what was the last thing that he did to prove that he loved you ? how many times have you been terrified that he 's going to punch you ? you ca n't trust him . maggie : you do n't get it , bianca ! he is not another michael cambias . bianca : i -- i did n't say that . i -- maggie : well , then stop acting like he is . you do n't like men . we all know that . you had a horrible , horrible experience with one . but they 're not all wicked and evil . bianca : i do n't think that . maggie : well , then stop loading all of your baggage on him . i love him , and i want to marry him . i 'm sorry . jonathan : it 's ok , it 's ok . keeping a relationship alive ... maggie : i 'm sorry . jonathan : no , it 's ok . it 's ok . maggie : what , are you going to stand there and watch ? bianca : maggie , do n't do this . come with me -- maggie : get out ! are you angry ? jonathan : no . no , honey . you were wonderful . you were wonderful . no . maggie : oh . [ scene_break ] ethan : fine , you protect greenlee . i 'll protect kendall . but i 'm going to make sure that neither you nor the rest of this town continues to treat her like a scapegoat . ryan : oh , you got us all figured out , huh ? so what happened ? we drew straws , kendall got the short one , and now she 's the town scapegoat or something ? ethan : stop it . nobody 's going to tear kendall down anymore , not while i 'm around . ryan : kendall manages to get what she deserves . ethan : i intend to make sure that she does . ryan : well , you 've just signed on for the toughest job of your life , and i 'm not talking about running cambias . hey . remember what i said . stay away from my brother . that goes for kendall , too . [ scene_break ] erica : ethan is only behaving as any child would . zach : how many of your children have threatened you with guns ? erica : this is about you . the ultimate obstacle that ethan could place in your way , your big test -- boy , did you flunk . zach : oh , all right . so , what 's passing -- me dead and ethan in prison ? erica : you did n't even scale the wall . you did n't even try . you backed off . now you 're backing off all the way to las vegas . zach : he knows where to find me . erica : but why would he bother ? you will have already proven that he 's right , that he 's not worth the effort , that you wo n't even try . zach : erica , you were n't there . you do n't know half the stuff that went down . erica : i know , believe me , only in my life kendall plays the part of ethan . and by the way , guns figured rather prominently in our battles . zach : kendall threatened you with -- erica : please . that was the least of it . sometimes kids will poke you with a stick and they 'll say , `` still love me ? `` and you say yes . then you might get hit by a two - by - four . `` still love me ? `` and you say yes . the punishment increases , and you say yes . zach : through all that , you never headed for the door ? erica : well , you know i did . we met in las vegas , remember ? but i 'm letting you learn from my mistakes . zach : where are you getting all this ? erica : well , i had the best , most patient , wisest mother who ever lived . look , you owe it to your son . you owe it to ethan . i mean , he 's your responsibility . zach : oh , no , he wants nothing to do with me . erica : he jumped through flaming hoops to prove that he was your son . now he tosses you a few to prove that you 're his father and you ca n't take the heat ? zach : you 're oversimplifying things a bit . erica : no , look , why do n't you understand something ? this is the cycle of life , zach . stop fighting it , go with it , learn from it , because if you do n't , you 're just going to be a sorry , miserable man for the rest of your life . zach : i can still make my flight . erica : well , i finally get it -- the cambias curse . this is you all over , is n't it ? you and your disappearing act . you could n't take the pressure from your father , so you disappeared , and now you ca n't take the pressure from your son . only this time it 's a little easier , is n't it ? because you did n't have to fake your own death . you just have to hop on a plane . that 'll get ethan good , wo n't it ? that 'll really make him suffer . [ scene_break ] david : you have to understand . babe : no -- david : i was thinking of you and james . babe : no , no , you understand and you understand this right this second . you go to chief frye and you take it all back . david : babe , it 's not that simple . babe : i mean it . you lie and you cheat , you steal . you tell them that you pulled the trigger yourself that killed paul if you have to . david : that 's not going to save you . babe : i do n't even care . you better get jamie out of this , because if you do n't , you 're not only going to lose a grandson , you 're going to lose me . david : look , i understand that you do n't want to listen to me right now . you 're angry . but i swear to you i know how to get you out of this . babe : no . i will find a way out of this on my own , and it 's not going to be by betraying jamie . i love him , and i 'm going to marry him . and he means as much to me as you and as much as mama . they 're my family now . it 's me and jamie and james . and nobody -- i mean , nobody -- is going to ever take that away from us . [ scene_break ] bo : did you see anyone else that night when you got to the body or when you were leaving ? jamie : no , no one . derek : what ? no , that 's all right . dr. david hayward . jamie : did you forget something , like another lie that could nail me for a murder i did n't commit ? david : i came to retract everything i told you . derek : why not ? david : it was all a lie , start to finish . derek : funny . jamie just corroborated the lie . jamie : yeah . that 's right , you sicko . you 're so wacked , you probably killed paul yourself . can i go back to my cell now ? it 's a little toxic in here . bo : oh , hold on a second there , doc . jamie martin just made an interesting accusation . i did n't hear a denial . [ scene_break ] jonathan 's voice : i think it 's better that we clear the air now , all of us . ryan 's voice : ok . who would like to go first ? jonathan : ok , this is going to be hard . greenlee thinks i 'm the one who 's been poisoning her . ryan : huh . what ? no , she does n't . you 're putting me on . jonathan : i wish i were , but greenlee 's dead serious . ryan : greenlee ? do you honestly think that my brother is the one that slipped you those drugs ? greenlee : yes , i do . ryan : jonathan did not try to hurt you . there 's no way he would ever , because that would be the same as hurting me , ok ? so you 're just going to have to take my word on this . he did n't go after you , he did n't want you gone , and there 's no possible way that he tried to poison you . greenlee 's voice : jonathan hates me and he wants me out of the way and you ca n't see it , ryan . you do n't want to because he 's your brother . [ knock on door ] bianca : ryan ? ryan , are you there ? ryan : yeah , i 'm coming . bianca : oh , god , ryan ! ryan : hey ! bianca : you got -- you got to get over there ! [ pounding ] ryan : it 's ok ! bianca : i was just over there and i -- i thought that i was just exaggerating or that it was a mistake -- ryan : just , please -- bianca : or that i made it up , but i was just over there , and it 's true . ryan : what ? what do you -- bianca : it 's really true -- ryan : what , bianca ? bianca : and i tried to stop him , and i could n't do it . you 've got to get over there . you 've got to stop him . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 've never had anybody stand up for me like that . maggie : well , you should have . jonathan : you were so strong . you were so brave . maggie : no , no , i was n't , actually . i -- i just ca n't let anyone hurt you . jonathan : i 'd do anything for you , maggie . i love you so much . are you sure ? i know that you told bianca that you ca n't wait to marry me , but if you 're having any second thoughts , if you wanted to wait , i can cancel our plane reservations -- maggie : no . jonathan : and we can do whatever you -- maggie : no , no , i meant every single word that i said . jonathan : someday i 'll be the man that you deserve . [ scene_break ] david : well , shucks , sheriff , you think you have enough rope to make me dance at the end of it ? give me a break . bo : you know , hayward , i think you 're about as popular with me as paul cramer was with you . david : hmm . bo : now , if you have something important to add , add it . david : you know something ? you 're absolutely right . why do n't we get this over with . opal cortlandt told me that cramer mocked her accent , so she pumped him full of holes . can i go now ? derek : i wish you would . what do you think ? bo : i think that hayward � s about the biggest horse 's rear that i 've ever seen that was n't sporting a brand on it . but i do n't think he killed paul cramer . derek : i do n't believe jamie did it , either . bo : no . i think the real killer 's probably waiting for me back in llanview . [ scene_break ] babe : oh , jamie . hey , are you ok ? what happened ? jamie : hey , could you just give us a minute ? babe : please ? we 're in love . we 're practically married . guard : i could get put on report . babe : i promise , i wo n't rat you out . jamie : yeah , me , neither . babe : i just -- i miss him so much . guard : one minute . babe : thank you ! thank you ! come here ! oh . oh , god ! jamie : it 's ok . everything 's going to be ok . babe : no , you do n't even understand . david -- he came in here and he tried to tell me to lay all the blame on you , and then this whole thing with paul -- jamie : yeah , no , i know , i know , ok ? but it does n't look like they 're going to tack on a murder charge on to everything else that we -- guard : time 's up . babe : but we have n't even got to say hello . guard : i 'm sorry , but i got to think about my pension . jamie : oh , what -- i love you , babe . babe : i love you , too . everything 's going to work out for us , somehow . [ scene_break ] ethan : no , i 'm sure you would have called me anyway , george , absolutely . really ? your company did all that for us -- really ? well , no , no . we should absol -- let 's do dinner or something . ok , ok . perfect . thank you -- no , thank you . thank you for calling . [ scene_break ] maggie : oh . this is how it 's going to be from now on , you and me , forever and forever . jonathan : this is what you want , right ? maggie : this is exactly what i want . [ scene_break ] bianca : no , no , ryan . ryan : ok , bianca , what is it ? bianca : you do n't have time . ryan : what is it ? what ? tell me . bianca : oh , god , it was horrible . he was awful , demeaning -- ryan : who ? bianca : and abusive , and i tried to talk to him -- ryan : bianca , just stop and tell me who it was . bianca : and i could n't -- ryan : who hurt you ? bianca : it was n't me . it was -- it was maggie . ryan : maggie ? who hurt maggie ? bianca : your brother . you have to stop him . [ next_on ] zach : i 'm here because i 'm your father , and i 'm going to be your father until you kill me . erica : i intend to use zach slater to get back at the people who nearly killed bianca . bianca : does maggie have to be killed before you 're going to believe me ? your brother is not who you think he is . | david tries to get babe to help him implicate jamie for kidnapping the baby and for murdering paul kramer , in order to save her from charges against her . she refuses to betray jamie . ethan tries unsuccessfully to convince ryan that jonathan drugged greenlee . bianca intervenes in maggie 's and jonathan 's abusive relationship . when maggie refuses to listen , she goes to ryan and tells him he needs to stop his brother from what he could do to maggie before it 's too late . erica urges zach slater to stay in town and stop running away from everything and perhaps attempt to bond with his son . |
babe : jamie , it 's babe . i -- i need you to call me asap . i need to talk to you before you do anything else . [ turning around , babe realizes that j.r. has overheard her phone message . ] [ scene_break ] amanda : daddy , this is my gazillionth message . i know you 're on a special case , but this is urgent . call me as soon as you get this , ok ? i love you . jamie : amanda ? bad day ? amanda : the worst . then you came in . the one person left in pine valley that actually cares about what happens to me . thank god i still have you . [ amanda sighs and hugs jamie . ] [ scene_break ] janet : jamie , jamie , so blamie , big and handsome but lamey . and bad and evil and naughty . god . jamie , how could you do it ? how could you do it to my sweet amanda ? how could you do this ? it is not nice to fool mother janet . you know what it means , do n't you , jamie ? it means tough tootsies to you ! [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] ryan : you got a sec ? tad : for you , i got two or three . unfortunately , the video machine 's on the fritz . what 's up ? ryan : you mean other than your family in quicksand and my brother at the scene ? tad : you mean your brother in jail . ryan : that , too . yeah . look , tad , if you want to tell me to go to hell -- tad : ryan , what 's up ? ryan : i have to protect kendall , and i need your help to do it . [ scene_break ] kendall : i used to be a champion liar . a pro . there was none other than me . but now i am allergic . i mean -- well , i -- other than telling greenlee that this baby was hers . but it is hers in sort of that forever way . but that 's -- that 's not the point . the point is that i -- i am done with lies . i 'm allergic to yours , mine , anyone else 's . they have screwed me up and screwed me over , and i ca n't take it anymore . so , you and me , here . zach : face to face . kendall : heart to heart . if you 're keeping something from me , it 's amnesty day , so just tell me , please . i mean , i -- even it 's horrible , i can take it . zach : you seem to be a little worked up . kendall : well , zach , if ryan was snooping for something , he -- he had a reason . and if he had a reason , then i want to know what it is . zach : maybe he just does n't like me . kendall : this is stupid , is n't it ? i should n't even be here . i should go to ryan and ask him what he wants . zach : no . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , whose brilliant idea was it to use a red gel ? this is supposed to be a woman 's second chance for a perfect prom . not stephen king 's prom from hell . i asked for a dream , you give me a nightmare ? am i the only person here who gets this ? oh , come on , crew , hurry up ! let 's nail the run - through ! [ a smug josh , looks on all satisfied . ] michael 's ghost : tough day , erica ? nerves shot , head aching ? we can fix you right up . name your poison . it 's on me . erica : you 're dead . michael : am i ? erica : you ca n't -- oh ! josh : erica ? are you ok ? erica : well , what did you say ? josh : well , you 're absolutely right . the lighting is way off base . i 'll get you the look you want . let me handle the grunt work like lights and audio . you just do what you do best . be fabulous . erica : i know how to do my job . you just remember how to do yours . get the crew in gear , josh . let 's just get this segment in the can , so we can move on ! that goes for everybody ! [ scene_break ] ryan : so the schematic in zach 's office is from the mainframe of the city 's power grid . now , we all know that blew out . that caused the blackout . then the temperature control system in madden 's clinic also blew out . now , the problem with that is -- is he 's got a back - up generator for that . that 's not on city power . so something had to happen at the clinic , as well . two major power outages , both , like , a million to one . and the only upshot out of all of this is greenlee 's embryos unusable , my sample , almost unusable . tad : it 's quite the coincidence . what was the date on the schematic ? ryan : same date as the blackout . same date that zach had marked in his calendar . in fact , the only date that zach had marked in his calendar . so the way i see it is kendall showed up at the clinic and was told that everything is a no - go -- until she made that last - second decision . tad : her egg , your baby . ryan : yeah . tad : that is one hell of a situation . ryan : and one that zach caused , tad , i 'm sure of it . tad : well , one thing is for sure . that man loves to cause more trouble than humanly possible . i 'd say you got yourself a whole truckload of nifty circumstantial . ryan : yeah , and unfortunately , that 's all that have . tad : what do you mean , all ? juries convict on circumstantial . they do it all the time . my problem is you do n't have to convince a jury . the only person you have to convince is one emotionally overwrought pregnant woman . ryan : if i 'm going to go after the man that she loves , i need more than circumstantial . i need some hard proof . tad : i 'd call that a good idea . so what 's your plan ? ryan : um -- you 're my plan . tad : terrific . ryan : come on , tad . i 've hit this from every direction . i got nothing . i got dead ends , all right ? i 'm here to bow to the master . please , help me prove that zach is in this up to his eyeballs . tad , please . kendall deserves to know the truth . [ scene_break ] kendall : why stop me from going to ryan ? are you afraid of what he might tell me ? zach : what happened to `` we 'll talk , and we 'll work it out `` ? kendall : i thought that we could be fabulous . zach : and now what ? now we 're not ? are you afraid it 's all going to fall apart ? kendall : yes , of course that 's what i 'm afraid of . secrets always come back , and they just bite me right in the head . why should now be any different ? zach : that 's right , why should it ? hmm . hmm . i know why . because it 's you and me . nothing that ryan lavery can do or say will change that . i know that , and you should , too . kendall : ok , listen , if you have a secret , just tell me , all right ? tell me so that i can just make sure that things are ok , and then i can take care of myself and -- zach : protect yourself ? kendall : yes -- if it 's not already too late . oh , god . i finally found true love and i did it again , did n't i ? [ scene_break ] [ janet talks to a newspaper clipping entitled , `` james martin inherits wallingford millions . `` ] janet : how could you ? no , no excuses . there are n't any excuses . i will accept no excuses for this kind of treachery against a girl with such a pure and loving heart . liar , liar , pants on fire . what are we going to do with you ? and before you say it -- no , we 've already done fire . i 'm going to need more costumes . image : such a drama queen ! is it because nattie got to play juliet in the school play , and you had the bathrooms at intermission ? is that why you 're so into this dress - up thing ? janet : costumes are a critical part of my undercover work . especially if we 're going to give jamie what he deserves . image : how do you know the pec - man really betrayed amanda ? janet : because , that lying , vicious , scheming babe -- she tried to deny it . but , i mean , she made it clear that -- that amanda 's putting all of her love eggs into jamie 's rotten basket ! oh , she -- she 's going to be heartbroken , i 'm telling you . just -- just heartbroken . image : hey , add girl , whoa , stop . which is it ? you going to go after babe ? no , wait , j.r. no , no , wait -- jamie . you know , listen , that squirrel of a brain of yours is going to have a heart attack if you do n't stop it ! now , blondilocks never really came out and said that jamie had betrayed amanda . janet : i am very sensitive and in tune with honesty - related issues . image : takes a lame - o liar to know one , huh ? janet : out of the mouths of babes [ scene_break ] babe : guess i 'm not the smooth talker that i thought i was . i tried to cover about jamie to amanda 's mom , but i think i may have blown it . that 's why i was trying to talk to him , to let him know he had some major damage control to take care of . but i promise , it 's the only reason that i did call him . there was nothing sneaky , nothing behind your back . you believe me , do n't you ? j.r. : of course i do . why are you so surprised ? babe : it 's weird . it 's like we should have `` new and improved `` on our foreheads . j.r. : you mean the whole `` honesty , trust , not torturing each other `` thing ? think you can get used to it ? babe : i think i could get used to all kinds of things with you . j.r. : hey , little man . you mind if daddy helps you , hmm ? here ? let 's see . let 's see . what do you got -- what do you got there ? well , little adam , you did . you found a dollar mine . wow . [ babe laughs as j.r. magically produces a dollar for his son . ] j.r. : he 's definitely a chandler . he 's got the magic touch . why do n't you keep digging , son ? maybe you 'll find enough so we can buy mommy something special . babe : how did you do that ? i did n't even see you plant those . j.r. : shh . you 're going to blow my cover . i 'll let you in on my secret . i 'm magic . babe : oh . i knew that . i just forgot for a while . j.r. : you 're the man , little a . babe : oh . this is it . just my idea of heaven . right here in the park . j.r. : yeah . [ scene_break ] amanda : pure hell the whole day . erica goes off on me . a whole shoot almost got blown . `` prom night , part 2 `` -- do n't ask . and guess whose fault it was , even though it was n't . jamie : how 'd this get all pinned on you ? amanda : well , ask josh . he totally screwed me over . and so i went off on him , and then he goes off on me . i mean , it has been disaster after disaster , and i do n't know how to make it stop . jamie : i overheard you leaving a message for your dad . sounded kind of heavy . amanda : mom said he 's on a big case . so big , he ca n't return my phone calls ? i mean , i know his job is important , but what about his family ? i mean , he is the only person that can always make -- jamie : make what ? what can trevor do that no one else can ? amanda : daddy can always make me feel like everything will be better . jamie : well , until you hear from him , you let me do that for you , ok ? now , tell me what else is wrong . amanda : well , were n't you listening ? jamie : yeah , but i know you . you 're a tough girl . it takes more than a bad day to rattle you . hey , i ca n't help if i do n't know what 's wrong . amanda : you would help , would n't you ? make the craziness go away , fix what 's broken . you 'd find a way . jamie : for you ? i 'd try like hell . i mean , do n't you know that by now ? talk to me , amanda . you can trust me . [ scene_break ] tad : ryan , let 's just say for the sake of argument that you get what you want , put zach together with this power outage , prove that he helped you and kendall , baby makes three . what then ? ryan : well , then i tell kendall . tad : i 'm talking about after that . i 'm talking about the big picture . even if you kick zach where it counts , that baby 's not going to go away . and zach 's certainly not the kind of man that 's going to crawl back under a rock and disappear . and i 'll bet you cash money kendall sure as hell 's not going to want you holding her hand saying `` push . `` ryan : well , what am i supposed to do , tad ? am i supposed to forget everything that i 've learned ? i mean , if zach did this to kendall -- zach did this to all of us -- then she has to know . tad : why ? who says ? maybe she does n't want to know . i 'm personally acquainted with a whole mess of people who hate the truth . and hate the messenger even more . ryan : she 's my friend , tad . she 's carrying my child . look , if you do n't want to help with this , i understand that , but it 's not something that i can just walk away from . tad : i did n't say that i did n't want to help . i just want to make sure that you know that even if you get what you want , you may not want what you get . i tried . so i guess we should start planning our first move against mr. slater . di : i could help . zach offered me a job . you know , if i go to work for him , maybe i could find what you 're looking for . [ scene_break ] zach : so what do you think you did again ? kendall : well , i -- i did n't . i did n't do it , but i almost did . i -- i was this is close . i let my head get all fizzy , and i -- i think of these awful , deep , dark secrets that you 're keeping from me , just because ryan busted in here . zach : makes sense to wonder what he wants . kendall : no , do n't -- do n't humor me , zach , ok ? i know i 'm a head case . there is no reason to doubt us . there 's no reason to think that -- that we ca n't work . we can be fabulous , because we are -- if i just let us be . and do you -- do you realize what 's happening here ? zach : mm - hmm . you 're getting more beautiful by the second . kendall : i almost spun out of control . but then , i did n't . i 'm good . and this is -- i am , and it 's because you love me , and i love you back . and -- look at me . this is so cool . i can trust you completely . is n't this amazing ? zach : it 's incredible . kendall : i 'm serious . zach : so am i . kendall : we can finally be happy . i do n't have to tear down whatever joy we build together . zach : and how tall is this alleged joy ? kendall : penthouses , skyscrapers , all with a fantastic ocean view . zach slater , you and your once and future wife can have a life together . a good life . kendall : mother , why -- you do n't have to look so horrified . i mean , you know that we 're in love . erica : how can you ? how can you after all that man has done ? i wo n't let you hurt her . kendall : mother -- erica : no , you stay away from my daughter . kendall : no , mother -- erica : we have to go , now ! kendall : mother , we ca n't go anywhere . what are you talking about ? mother , you promised that you would try , you would try to accept us . erica : accept you with that creature ? after the way he 's invaded our lives ? the way he tried to tear us apart ? what he did to your sister ? kendall : but -- bianca ? mother , wait -- what are you talking about ? erica : how can you just stand there next to that man after what he has done ? you pretend it never happened ? zach : slow down . can i get you some water or something ? kendall : mother , mother , mother , please -- erica : oh , i -- i do n't -- kendall : sit down , ok ? take a deep breath . let 's sit down , just for a minute , ok ? we can sit down and relax , ok ? erica : oh , my head . i know , it 's this place . there are just too many memories . and my work . i have a show to do . zach : just relax a second -- erica : no , i do n't need your help . i need to get my show done . i need to get my show in -- josh : there she is . erica : the can , and then i can just -- josh : the star of the show . crew 's ready when you are . kendall : no , no , no , no , no , my mother 's not going anywhere . josh : well , we can always push it back if you need to , but -- erica : i am ready . i am always ready . you -- whoo , get me out of here . [ scene_break ] babe : so do you mind telling me how life got so great ? i mean , you did do all those magic tricks with the dollar bills . are you the one that 's responsible for this ? you , me , and our son here like this ? j.r. : well , i 'll take the credit for it if you want . but it was you . you did the impossible . you took a shot . and you made us a real family again . winifred : ahem -- sorry to interrupt , but the courier said to get this to you right away . j.r. : oh , good . that 's fast work . thank you , winifred . could you take little adam back to the mansion ? babe : that 's a good idea , buddy . i bet lucretia has some hot chocolate for a chilly , chilly boy , huh ? and it looks like daddy might need some alone time with mommy . j.r. : just a few minutes . winifred : here we go . babe : all right , sweet boy . winifred : such a good boy . babe : love you . winifred : oh . come on , let 's go . babe : what is it ? j.r. : it 's our prenuptial agreement . [ scene_break ] amanda : you never said one bad word about babe , even after all she 's done to you . and if you can forgive her , you can forgive anyone . maybe even -- jamie : babe and i are done . you know that . now , we 've dealt with that , but there 's something more , something you want to tell me . i know you . i know you , because i care . if you need help , let me be the one to help you . amanda : you know , none of this should have ever happened . it 's all their fault -- babe and j.r. 's . i never had blackouts before . i knew exactly what i was doing -- good , bad , ugly , whatever . they screwed up everything when they mowed me down . and they do n't even care . they mock me , threaten me . what did they expect ? they could just treat me like dirt and no big deal ? jamie : amanda , stop . ok , look at me . if you have something to say , just say it . it 's going to be ok , i swear . amanda : jamie , my mother [ scene_break ] janet : ooh . image : where are you ? what are you doing ? janet : i 'm practicing for that ballroom dance show . what does it look like i 'm doing ? image : well , whatever it is , it is not pretty . but what else is new ? janet : i am covering my tracks , covering my escape route , so that i can sit here and look sweet and demure and be good little mommy while amanda was gone . image : hmm . when she was good , she was just awful . and when she was bad , she was an idiot ! no -- i meant , what are you going to do about jamie ? janet : well , if you did n't harp and carp so much , i might be able to think ! image : hmm . janet : he has to get what he deserves . image : and you 're the one to do it ? oh , little miss laughing gas . janet : no . nothing so cheerful this time . nothing like that for the dirty little bird . [ scene_break ] di : you know , i did n't hear details , i just heard slater 's name . i mean , you need someone on the inside ? it 's probably going to be pretty hard to get someone on the casino boss ' staff . everyone probably knows better . me -- i do n't know -- i 'm not that smart . tad : you 're willing to do it ? di : yeah , and it 's your fault . you 're the one who gave me the pi bug in the first place . tad : huh . well , it might be my fault , but it 's not my call . you got to talk to this guy . ryan : oh . yeah -- no , thank you . look , tad , maybe we should do this another time . tad : no , wait a minute . if you think about it , it 's not that bad an idea . see , you two have got no connections together . that means when zach looks at her , the last thing he 's going to think is that she 's going to rat him out to you . ryan : ok . still not enough for it to work for me , tad . tad : she 's helped me before . she did great . ryan : she 's helped you before ? di : even after the whole dixie thing . that 's what you 're thinking ? ryan : does that even make any sense at all ? tad : about as much sense as the brother of a man who 's in jail for kidnapping half my family asking me for help -- and getting it . ryan : she worked for you , ok . that 's -- that 's great . but from what i heard , even before that , she worked for hayward . i mean , she played dixie and got paid by david . and now zach 's offered you a job , so i hope you understand why this does n't really work for me . i mean , any friend of zach and david -- tad : ryan , take it from me . if i can trust her , so can you . [ scene_break ] kendall : that was not my mother in your office . at least not since -- zach : she forced you into recovery . kendall : mother ? erica : welcome . welcome . oh , and thank you all for coming . there is no audience like a las vegas audience . it feels so good to be back on the strip . the sound of those one - arm bandits -- that is just -- that 's music to my ears . josh : this thing on ? cameraman : yes . miss kane never jokes like this during rehearsal . this is some kind of joke , is n't it ? josh : oh , no , erica 's a pro . she does her job , you do yours . just keep it rolling . erica : hey , josh -- josh ? i need some water . i mean , how am i supposed to go on with a dry throat ? josh : duty calls . i 'll be right back . erica : hey , where 's my music ? somebody took my music , damn it ! i ca n't go on without my music . kendall : mother ? mother , mother , please , please -- mother , you 're here for your show , `` new beginnings . `` you know that , do n't you ? erica : i know it 's my show . are you kidding ? that 's what i do . three shows a night , six nights a week , i do my show . only somebody does n't want me to do my show . they took my music . oh , my god . who designed this costume ? kendall : ok , all right , listen to me , mother . listen , you 're not making any sense . why do n't you come with me , ok ? let me help you . erica : would you please run along ? i do n't need your help . i do n't need a backup . i work alone , little girl . i work solo . anyway , hell with my music . get out of here ! i know my set by heart . everybody here -- they came to see desirée dubois , and that 's what they 're going to get . kendall : mother , please , you 're not making sense . let me take you home , ok , so i can help you . erica : i do n't need you to help me . my fans take care of me . my fans have always taken care of me , have n't you all ? hey , puggy ? pug , you out there ? come on up here , pug . come on , give me some sugar . pug ? puggy ? josh : lay low . take notes . this is the story of the year right here . kendall : mother , did you take pills ? or did you have a drink to calm your nerves ? if you did , i can take you to a meeting . erica : what are you babbling about ? come on , if i had a drink , would i be so parched ? hey , where 's my water ? [ ice shakes in shaker ] michael : coming right up . brandy , cosmo , bloody mary ? erica : you ca n't be here . go . go . you leave me . michael : oh , leave you , erica ? never . now , just tell me what you need , and let me make it all better . just like i made it all better for little binks , hmm ? erica : you leave me alone . you get away from all of us . you leave all of us alone . get out of here ! you 're sick ! you 're a monster ! you go to hell ! [ scene_break ] tad : first thing i 'm sure we all appreciate is the fact that zach is smart . dangerously smart . he 's much too intelligent to get his hands dirty , which means we have to find somebody unsmart enough to talk in front of somebody like julia . somebody who knows where the bodies are buried . ryan : great . that makes me feel much better about bringing di in on this . di : do n't worry . full descriptions from julia , i 'll be good to go . ryan : just -- everybody stop , please , for one second . i just have one -- one question . so we 're talking about slater and threats and me , a guy that you do n't even know that well . so why do you want to be part of this ? di : you 're -- you 're tad 's friend . ryan : well , yes , tad has a lot of friends . di : yeah . well , i have a lot of karma points to clock in . maybe in about 1,000 good deeds , i 'll be able to be an aardvark in my next life . [ di chuckles ] [ scene_break ] amanda : well , these program logs are really piling up on me . jamie : amanda , what about your mother ? hey , it 's me , jamie . you tell me , i can help . amanda : ugh -- i ca n't . jamie : amanda , just let -- amanda : i feel stupid even saying it . you know how clingy my mother is . with my dad out of town on business , she 's out of control , and i do n't know what to do for her . i do n't know how to fix things at work . i 'm completely useless , and i hate it . jamie : that 's it ? that 's all that 's bothering you ? amanda : that 's why i did n't want to tell you . it makes me look like such a baby . i 'm embarrassed enough as it is . look , let 's not do this . jamie : you do n't have to handle everything on your own , not while i 'm around . amanda : those things that jonathan lavery did -- you think jail 's the only answer ? jamie : maybe not . he may have reasons for what he did that we do n't know about . maybe prison 's not for him . maybe he just needs help . amanda : you mean shrinks ? an institution ? jamie : no , i mean help , in whatever shape it may take . just like i want to help you . amanda : nope . no more whining . and it 's time for me to get over myself . i mean , big deal . my job rots , and my mother loves me . i 'm young , employed , and i have got you to count on . and i also have massive errands to run . jamie : well , ok , i 'll come with you . amanda : oh , it 's boring girlie stuff . i 'll see you back at the apartment . [ scene_break ] j.r. : we sign this , we get married , and hopefully , this paper will rot in a safe - deposit box for 50 or 60 years . babe : such a romantic way to start our new life together . how can we lose ? j.r. : look , we 've already been through this once . i would n't take this shot if i expected us to tank . babe : so this is where we are ? you , me , and the lawyers ? and forget your mother 's necklace or sweet times at the park . i see how you feel about me . j.r. : babe , i love you . you know that . babe : no , you know what i know is that i can bust on you right to your face , and you do n't even know it . ha . j.r. : you 're busting on me ? you 're right , i do n't get it . babe : j.r. , you have the most beautiful eyes and a wicked sense of humor . and the way you kiss me -- let 's just say that your money is the least interesting thing about you . keep it . so come on . bring on that prenup , baby . all i want to do is love you . [ scene_break ] erica : oh . that right . you 're gone . and do n't even think of coming back . kendall : mother , why do n't you let -- let us help you , ok ? zach : let 's get you back to the office , come on . erica : no , no , i 'm just getting started . kendall : no , mother -- zach : erica -- erica : hey , did you miss me ? [ erica giggles as she seductively reclines across the bar . ] erica : i missed you . kendall : is she on drugs ? what , did someone drug her ? what is happening to my mother ? what is going on ? i do n't understand this . erica : ooh , you see what happens when i 'm gone too long . i get withdrawal symptoms . but now i 'm back . and i am better than ever . michael : rock on , erica . oh , is it hot in here , or is it just you ? ooh - ooh- ooh , shake your moneymaker , erica ! go ahead . erica : shut up ! shut up and go away ! go away and leave me alone ! leave us all alone ! this is my show -- josh : enter network brass , right on cue . erica : and you ca n't just come in here like that . you ruined everything once before , and i swear to you , i will never let you do that again -- never , never ! zach : hey , hey -- erica : well , what ? zach : come with me . [ scene_break ] babe : so if i read this thing , it pretty much says what 's yours is yours and what 's mine is mine ? j.r. : yeah , that 's the gist . babe : good . because i am a woman of means now , and there 's no way you are going to get your dirty little paws on my shares of fusion . j.r. : well , babe , how could i be the prince of perfume ? babe : i 'm sorry , buddy , but you 're just going to have to buy your fusion sticks at the store just like everyone else . so , come on . i have got a prenup to sign . i love you for your heart and not your wallet . and there 's no way i 'm letting some little piece of paper get in the way . so hand that puppy over . [ scene_break ] amanda : hi , mom . how are you ? janet : well -- all right , it 's -- it 's not easy just , you know , sitting locked up in here all day long . brings back memories , but if it 's what you want -- amanda : you at home with daddy , taking your meds -- that is all i want . it 's time for your dose . janet : amanda , do you love -- i mean , do you really love him ? amanda : jamie ? well , what made you think about -- janet : honey , jamie -- really , do you really , really love him ? or could you be just as happy maybe with some other handsome , rich premed student , or prelaw or pre - anything ? tell me . honey , really , do you maybe just like jamie bunches instead ? [ having followed amanda , jamie approaches the building where janet is staying . ] janet : if you do n't love jamie , honey , it no biggie . no biggie at all . look at you , you 're bright , you 're smart , you 're wonderful . you have a heart as big as all outdoors . sweetheart , we could find you that special one . amanda : no , i love jamie . ok ? and he really cares about me . i want him . mom , i know that you really worry about me , but you do n't need to . jamie just got done telling me how much he cares about me , how he 'd do anything for me . mom , when you are home with dad , you do n't have to worry . jamie will take care of me , ok ? janet : you sweet , sweet , innocent , naive child . how do i tell you ? how do i -- how do i just dump truckloads full of smelly reality on your dreams ? amanda : mom -- janet : it just is n't fair . amanda : just take your pill , ok ? i promise i 'll be fine . janet : no . no , no , no ! you do n't understand . jamie is in on it . it 's a trick , a con , a game -- whatever . he is part of it . amanda : ok , ok , you are right . he is part of it . just take your pill , and we 'll talk about it . janet : no talk . action . that 's all we can do . we have no choice now , because jamie is part of the plan j.r. and babe have to hurt you . [ scene_break ] babe : you know , if you 're a really good boy this year , i may just give you some of my fusion shares for your birthday . till then , you keep your hands off my company shares , and i will keep mine -- what 's this ? article h , paragraph 3 ? you miserable son of a bitch . [ scene_break ] di : we 'll get you what you need , for you and for kendall . ryan : thank you . di : mm - hmm . ryan : hey , you got a minute ? tad : sure . di : yeah , i 'll be outside , rehearsing my pitch to zach . tad : so , i suppose this is where we start talking about jonathan again . ryan : well , we really did n't get into it , tad . maybe we should . tad : ryan , about half my family nearly died under five tons of quicksand . how far do you want to get into it ? ryan : and i 'm sure you do n't want to hear me defend my brother yet again . tad : listen , a lot of things have gone down . a lot of bad things . and i have n't got the slightest idea who 's behind it . but my gut tells me the jury is still out on jonathan . ryan : i appreciate that , tad . tad : no , appreciate this -- if you get what you want , the kane family is going to take another hit . and as tough as erica and her kid are , they 've already taken a beating . [ scene_break ] erica : my show -- i have to go on . kendall : mother , please , let him help you . he wants to help . jesse : how long has this been going on ? josh : she just snapped . i 'm already on damage control . zach : come on . let 's get you out of here . michael : easy does it , twinkle toes . erica : no . i wo n't let you touch me . i wo n't let you hurt anybody i love ever again ! [ thinking that he 's michael , erica picks up a very sharp knife off the bar counter and plunges it into zach 's side then withdraws it and points it at his face . ] woman : oh ! oh , my god ! kendall : call 911 . what are you doing ? what is wrong with you ? [ next_on ] janet ( to amanda ) : i 'd better handle this . [ hearing a noise outside , janet grabs a baseball bat for protection . ] amanda ( to janet ) : no , mother . babe ( to j.r. ) : please tell me that this was your father 's idea . please tell me you had nothing to do with this . erica ( to zach ) : i am doing this for kendall . i 'll put her out of her misery . | amanda is trying frantically to contact her father because she knows her mother is losing it . janet is ready to get revenge upon jamie because she believe he 's going to break her daughter 's heart . jr and babe admit that they might have some trouble completely trusting each other but they want to get back together . she discovers , however , that he 's written something , in a prenuptial agreement that is very suspicious . ryan asks tad to help him get to the bottom of the mysterious blackout at dr. madden 's clinic and find out if zach has anything to do with it . but he has his doubts when he finds out that di is helping tad , remembering that she has also helped both zach and david hayward . kendall tries to get the secret out of zach . josh has drugged erica , without anybody knowing , before her big shooting . she starts freaking out and behaving irrationally and nobody knows what has happened . she believes she sees michael cambias and people believe she 's drinking again . and she threatens zach with a knife . |
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