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ryan : thank you for coming on short notice . dr. sinclair : thank you . greenlee : mm - hmm . ryan : well , i guess i attacked you out of my own guilt . dr. sinclair : hmm , well , guilt can be quite crippling in situations such as these . greenlee : it was unfair to question you . ryan : or your methods . dr. sinclair : well , the important thing is that you 're both ready to work with me . ryan : absolutely . absolutely , and i 'm sorry that it took me this long to see it . it just -- when annie went through that , it really changed my life , and i did not know how to deal with it . dr. sinclair : mr. lavery , in no way did you contribute to annie 's behavior . ryan : do you still think that she 's faking insanity ? dr. sinclair : absolutely . annie is pretending in order to avoid prison time . it 's very common amongst criminals , but i have altered my treatment plan . in fact , i 'm expecting a breakthrough very soon . [ scene_break ] annie : psst , mr. stone , are you there ? you 've been gone all night . are you ok ? mr. stone , if you 're there , please answer me , please . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hope you like the flowers , babe . they 're purple hyacinth . the color stood out to me . kind of like you did . that 's not the only reason i got them . the florist told me that they meant `` i 'm sorry , please forgive me . `` i really screwed up this time , babe . i started drinking again . and it 's so hard to stop when you have nothing to live for . i know if you were here right now , you would say , `` well , what about little adam ? `` i screwed that up , too . i scared our son . he does n't deserve a father like that . no kid does . oh , god , babe . i do n't know how i 'm going to tell you this . there 's no amount of flowers that can make up for what i 've done . amanda 's pregnant with my baby . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , i need you to call all the media outlets and tell them that our new ad campaign for valentine 's day will be on their desks by 5 : 00 p.m. today . reese , would you mind taking a look at my blueprints ? i 'm thinking of expanding my walk - in for more storage . reese : oh , sure , i 'll see what i can do . bianca : mom , mom , why do n't you just use what you 've got ? pete : that 's what my mom always told me . erica : that 's exactly what i am doing , honey . i 'm using my walk - in for more storage , and we have reese here . why not take advantage of her . randy , i 'm going to -- bianca : oh , my gosh . are -- they 're here . man : i have a delivery for a bianca montgomery and reese williams . bianca : yes , i 'll sign . reese : i 'll take those . bianca : oh , my goodness . reese : thank you , thank you . bianca : thank you . erica : are those -- bianca : ah , yes , they are . they 're our wedding dresses . erica : oh . bianca : oh , my gosh . this is perfect . we can try them on here , and then we can see what everybody thinks . reese : perfect . amanda : just when i thought my day could n't get any worse . i 'm reminded of how painfully single i am . bianca : i ca n't wait to see what mine looks like . reese : i know . amanda : you have n't seen your dresses before ? bianca : no . reese : uh - uh , but we both love the designer , nicky zia ? bianca : yeah , and we told her what we wanted . i ca n't wait to see yours , too . reese : i know . bianca : let 's do it . erica : hold on . if you try those dresses on , the wedding is off . [ scene_break ] zach : i know you 've been in to see kendall . she looks better , right ? frankie : ah , let 's see , your eyes are not playing tricks on you . her color 's looking good . her capillary refill is -- david : excuse me , dr. hubbard , i do n't appreciate you getting involved in my cases . frankie : the man was asking about his wife 's condition . what would you have me do ? david : well , next time , you come and find me . right now , your job is over there , organizing your charts . frankie : zach -- zach : was that necessary ? david : my staff needs to respect the proper protocol , zach . zach : i need to find out about my wife . david : well , unlike dr. hubbard , i do n't want to give you any false hope . zach : i 'll take whatever you got . david : it 's too soon right now to make any guarantees . zach : all right , but she looks better , right ? i mean , her color is better . it looks -- it looks like she 's coming back to us . david : i 'm simply trying to caution you . i have seen patients get stronger than kendall and not make it . now if you want to be realistic , we should -- zach : yeah , i 'll tell you what 's real , david -- i almost lost my wife . she fought her way back . i 'm not losing her now . when you got some good news , call me . [ scene_break ] annie : are you going to take mr. stone 's tray , too ? i was told that he was transferred up here . orderly : do n't worry about him . we want you to focus on getting better . annie : yeah , but he used to visit me in my other room . would it be ok if he visited me here ? orderly : mr. stone wo n't be visiting anyone in the near future . annie : what do you mean ? orderly : i 'll send something else to eat . annie : no , i -- if you could just tell me where my friend is . please , i just need my friend . wait , no -- no , wait ! come on , please ! what did you do to him ? what did you do to my friend ? [ scene_break ] ryan : what changes are you planning to make to annie 's treatment plan ? dr. sinclair : oh , well , the specifics are n't important . what 's vital is getting to the truth behind annie 's behavior . ryan : ok , what was it that made you believe that annie was faking ? dr. sinclair : well , an accumulation of things . prior to oak haven , annie 's behavior became very large and theatrical , as if she was trying to make a statement . and you 're not there to monitor as well as we can . in house , we 've witnessed her going in and out of these delusions at very convenient times . greenlee : but when she thought she was emma , i -- i swear she believed it . dr. sinclair : ah , yet another showy , crazy act . but when she escaped , she knew exactly where to find you . she knew who you were , and her mind was sharp and focused . please , you 've got to trust me . i 've dealt with numerous cases such as this one . greenlee : well , if your treatment plan works , what 's next ? dr. sinclair : annie will be fit to stand trial -- convicted and sent to prison where she ca n't harm anyone else . that is what you want , is n't it ? greenlee : of course . ryan : yeah , we -- we just want to put all this behind us . dr. sinclair : ok , well , listen , i 'm going to be late for my next session . ryan : ok , well , thanks again for coming , and , honestly , we will cooperate from this point forward . dr. sinclair : great . ryan : ok . dr. sinclair : what 's important is that we 're all on the same page . ryan : yes . yes , yes , yes . dr. sinclair : thank you . ryan : thank you . see you soon . dr. sinclair : bye - bye . ryan : bye . greenlee : she 's gone . ryan : so , what did you think ? tad : she 's got an agenda , and annie is definitely her target . ryan : so , you agree that dr. sinclair is out for annie 's blood . tad : definitely . she acts more like a -- a d.a . trying to nail a conviction rather than a psychiatrist trying to rehabilitate a patient . greenlee : what should we do ? tad : you talk to jesse yet ? ryan : no , we have n't talked to jesse . we need some evidence that she 's acting unethically , that she 's breaking patient care laws . tad : well , i 'll definitely do whatever i can do to help . ryan : thank you , tad . i appreciate it . i know annie has n't made anyone 's life very easy . greenlee : well , i got to get to work before erica sends the bloodhounds to find me . see you . tad : see you later , hon . greenlee : good luck . ryan : ok . have a good day . ryan : what are you looking for ? tad : medical databases . let 's see what we can dig up on the esteemed dr. riley sinclair . [ scene_break ] annie : i need you to come back , mr. stone . are you there ? i ca n't do this without you . [ scene_break ] david : hi . are you new here ? brot : brot monroe . david : right . david hayward , chief of -- david and brot : staff . brot : i already know , and i wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you . david : sure . brot : it happened in iraq . the unit i was with got ambushed and , out of nowhere , an rpg slammed into a parked car we were using for cover . next thing i know , there was a medic that was trying to keep me from burning alive . david : so , how many operations have you had ? brot : 32 . it took multiple , from skin grafts to plastic surgery , just to get me to where i am today . you know , sometimes it 's still hard for me to look in the mirror . david : well , you 're a very brave man , brot . but do n't expect any special treatment . i 'm demanding of everyone on my staff , no questions asked . brot : you know , i would n't want it any other way . david : good . you 'll fit in nicely . welcome . brot : thank you . frankie : brot , what 's up ? brot : right , what 's up , man ? frankie : i see you were talking to hayward . listen , take my advice -- do n't ever trust him . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 're probably wondering what amanda 's going to do about the baby . well , she 's going to have it , but what she does after that , i do n't know . it 's going to take everything for me to stay away from that baby . i want to raise it . i want to be a sober father . i just do n't think i 'm going to be able to make it back there . can you help me , babe ? can you help me be that strong j.r. ? your j.r. ? [ scene_break ] bianca : that 's it ? that 's really the reason that you were threatening to stop the wedding ? erica : honey , you can not try the dresses on in front of each other . it 's bad luck . you do n't know this ? amanda : oh , this place is cursed anyway . bianca : mom , we do n't believe in superstition , do we ? reese : well , um -- i -- you know the tailor 's coming , so we 've got to try them on somewhere . erica : ok . we can go to zach 's place . you can try them on there , and then we 'll just keep you separated while the alterations are done . and after that , we can just continue with the wedding plans -- the wedding shower . reese : oh , ok , great , and we should probably call greenlee . erica : why call greenlee ? i mean , is n't it enough that greenlee is hoarding all the attention on your wedding day ? does she always have to be front and center ? greenlee : no , erica , that 's your job . it 's comforting to know that you 're consistently blunt . bianca : greenlee , this bridal shower is just as much for you as it is for us . reese : yes , everyone deserves to celebrate . erica : yes , but i 'm sure that greenlee 's friends will throw her a bridal shower . greenlee : i thought you were a friend , erica ? [ amanda coughs ] amanda : sorry , dry throat . bianca : greenlee is part of the bridal shower , mom . that 's final . greenlee : do n't bother giving me a gift . you 've done enough . erica : what about that set of knives you 've been wanting for so long ? [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : i do have the perfect place to put them . do n't tempt me . pete : if she 's about to get all psycho , i 'm out of here . amanda : too late . reese : erica , is there anything that we can help you with ? erica : no , i think i 've done enough . i think greenlee can do everything here from now on , and i am going to take you two back to zach 's for that fitting . greenlee : go ahead , i have everything under control . erica : ok . well , our new ad campaign for valentine 's day must be sent out today before 5 : 00 p.m. and here 's a list of everything else that needs to be done before the end of the day , and nobody should leave until it 's finished . greenlee : `` pick up dry - cleaning . organize 2008 invoices , sort shoes by color `` ? you have shoes here ? erica : of course , i have shoes here . i like to be prepared for anything . bianca : ok , i think that is our cue to go . erica : ok . greenlee : trash it . amanda : shred it . randi : you do it . you 're the intern . pete : no way . i 've got enough bad karma . greenlee : now that the wicked witch of pine valley is gone , let 's have a little fun around here . who 's hungry ? randi : hey . i could order some takeout . pete : yeah , we could get chinese , next door . we 'll pick it up . greenlee : perfect . are you ok ? amanda : as long as i do n't have to organize erica 's shoes . greenlee : god , no . i need your help . i was looking over this new ad campaign i came up with for valentine 's day . i 've been working on it at home . amanda : erica already did a mockup . greenlee : yeah . again , trash it . amanda : `` a little charm goes a long way . happy valentine 's day . `` i love it . greenlee : great . scan and e - mail it to all the department heads . amanda : ok . so , are you getting nervous about the wedding ? greenlee : uh , the only thing that makes me nervous is having erica involved . i keep trying to avoid disaster , but i 'm not sure that 's possible with her there . amanda : well , nothing can come between you and ryan . you have that ca n't - eat , ca n't - sleep , all - consuming kind of love . greenlee : hey , you forgot inconvenient . amanda : well , you guys are going to have an amazing life together . do n't let erica bring you down . greenlee : thanks for the pep talk . hit me with it again at the shower . amanda : so , are you guys ready to start a family ? greenlee : we have n't really talked about it . what 's with all the questions ? amanda : but , i mean , you want kids , right ? i mean , i know you ca n't carry your own , but you -- oh . oh . greenlee : are you sure you 're ok ? amanda : yeah , no , i -- i just have a bug or something . greenlee : you know , maybe you should go home and get some rest . amanda : really ? i thought you needed my help here . greenlee : i can handle it . amanda : oh , thank you . pete : randi wants to know if you want moo shu pork or beef and broccoli . amanda : uh , neither . oh . pete : what 's her deal ? [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : annie . how are you feeling today ? are you all right ? i 'd really like it if you would sit down and talk to me . tell me , what 's going on inside your head ? aidan 's voice : everything that you remember , the things that are coming back to you , you ca n't talk about it . dr. sinclair : annie ? do you hear me ? you all right ? i really need you to focus . annie : i do n't want to talk to you . dr. sinclair : why not ? i -- i 'm just here to help you . annie : you do n't want to help me . you never wanted to help me . dr. sinclair : i 'm your doctor . what makes you think that i do n't want to help you ? annie : he told me . dr. sinclair : who told you ? who told you i do n't want to help you , annie ? answer me . annie : where is he ? what have you done with him ? tell me what you 've done with him ! [ scene_break ] ryan : you got anything ? tad : eh , nothing we can use . how about you ? ryan : yeah , yeah , i got lots about her impressive career . that 's about it . listen to this , `` in 2001 , dr. riley sinclair was honored at the federal conference on mental illness as an exemplary psychiatrist . the award carries a special distinction because honorees are nominated by individuals and families who are affected by mental illness . `` tad : hmm . oh , yeah , well , it says here , she also won something called the winter fellowship . it 's kind of impressive -- only five other people in the country , and they all had interests in psychiatry and law . ryan : i mean , she 's a saint . we are not going to find anything on her . tad : maybe not . there 's something here . give me a minute . ryan : what ? what do you got , fraud ? identity theft , forgery ? because we 're probably going to need all three of those to bring down -- tad : no , just a two - year gap in an otherwise very notable career . buckle up , doc -- there 's a chance you 're going down . [ scene_break ] erica : hi . come on in . thank you so much for coming . woman : are the brides here ? erica : they are . they are changing . we had to hang a sheet so they do n't see each other when they 're out here in their dresses . zach : what are you guys doing , building a fort ? miranda : it 's for mommy and reese . zach : yeah ? erica : it 's bad luck if they see each other before the wedding . opal : that 's right . you do n't want to mess with tradition . bianca : ok , i 'm ready . reese : i 'm ready , too . opal : all righty . here we come . zach : you 're about to see the most beautiful women in pine valley in their new dresses . pay attention . erica : keep your eyes closed . bianca : mother , this is ridiculous . erica : well , it 's ok , it 's just in case . bianca : ok . erica : watch out for the ottoman . bianca : ok . erica : ok , just a few more steps , and here you are . ok . opal : all right , but be careful of these steps right here . all right , we 're almost home free . zach : those are the dresses ? or are they just robes ? you see ? i 'm smart . [ opal and erica laugh ] bianca : ok , this is -- this is insane . i -- i do n't see why we have to do this when we do n't believe in superstition . erica : ok , just step a little closer together . keep your eyes closed . close them . bianca : ok , ok . erica : ok , we just want to see how the dresses look together . bianca : ok . reese : ok , you know , mine -- mine is n't exactly how i wanted it to be . bianca : oh , no -- mine either . opal : it 's all right , it 's all right . ok , ladies , drop the robes . bianca : is that a good speechless ? come on , guys , what do you think ? zach : i think you look beautiful . why ? [ scene_break ] randi : hey . frankie : hey . randi : what are you doing here ? frankie : i needed a break from the hospital . randi : really ? you never want to leave that place . frankie : let me clarify . i needed a break from hayward . that man -- he can drain the life out of an energy drink . are you here much longer ? randi : yeah , well , we 're kind of short - staffed today , and greenlee and i were just finishing up erica 's scary stack of -- greenlee : junk . already handled . take the rest of the day off . randi : really ? greenlee : of course . i support other couples in love . nobody wants to be erica -- loveless and made of stone . [ frankie chuckles ] frankie : thank you . appreciate it . randi : cool . let me go grab my things . frankie : yeah . greenlee : what the heck . why do n't you take the day off , too . go track down your girlfriend , colby . pete : she 's not my girlfriend . never was and never will be . greenlee : you never know . pete : i do . i 'm considering the priesthood . j.r. : hey . is amanda here ? greenlee : um , no , she left a little while ago . she was sick . j.r. : oh . greenlee : wait a minute , wait a minute . do you know if she 's ok ? j.r. : she will be , just as soon as a find her . [ scene_break ] david : whoa , hey . amanda : excuse me . david : no -- i did n't expect to see you here . are you feeling all right ? amanda : i 'm -- i 'm fine . david : well , you do n't look fine , and you did n't look good last night at confusion , so , did jake upset you or is it something else ? amanda : i swear to you i 'm ok . i have to go . [ david chuckles ] amanda : what are you doing ? david : i got to tell you , amanda , you really do keep me on my toes . i saw you last night with j.r. on the yacht . amanda : you were spying on me ? what are you , some kind of creepy stalker ? david : no , no , no . i stopped by to see if you were ok , and i saw j.r. and he looked like he was taking pretty good care of you . amanda : how long were you watching us ? david : long enough . so what 's going on ? why are you still hanging around him ? i mean , the job is over , darling . j.r. looks like he 's about to have a total meltdown . amanda : shut up . i 'm sorry that i ever got involved in your stupid plan . [ scene_break ] tad : about five years back she quit the hospital where she was on staff . did n't go back to work for two years . hmm . it 's a start . ryan : well , she could have gone on sabbatical to write a book or have a baby or deal with family issues or something . tad : no , i do n't think so . i mean , it says here that she 's the only child of parents who are dead , she was never married , she has no kids . ryan : ok , then maybe she took time off to teach . tad : well , it 's not listed . and there 's no publications since then . ryan : ok , so you 're telling me that she took two years off and nobody has any idea what she did ? tad : yeah . do n't you find that odd ? two years is a long time when you 're living on the fast track , trying to collect all those awards . ryan : yeah , i find it odd , but we need more . tad : well , check this out . when she did go back to work , she did it at another hospital in a different state . ryan : all right , let 's go with that . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : which man are you talking about ? is it someone who visits you ? is it a patient ? annie : ryan . i meant that i want to know where ryan is . dr. sinclair : ryan is fine . in fact , i just met with him a while ago . he said he 's very happy that i 'm working with you to try and make you better . he really feels that i can help you . that is , if you work with me . annie : ok . dr. sinclair : great , ok . well , i 'd really like it if you would sit down and -- let 's play a little game . annie : what kind of game ? dr. sinclair : it 's called `` word association . `` i say something , and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind . do n't even think about your answer . annie : ok . dr. sinclair : ok . highway . annie : car . dr. sinclair : accident . annie : hurt . dr. sinclair : tire iron . annie : flat tire . dr. sinclair : family . annie : home . dr. sinclair : brother . annie : sister . dr. sinclair : stone . i 'll repeat the word again . stone . annie : solid . dr. sinclair : you 're holding back on me , annie . annie : no , i 'm not . i swear . dr. sinclair : i ca n't help you unless you 're open and honest with me . annie : ok . you 're right . i -- i have n't been honest about something . dr. sinclair : ok . look , you can tell me whatever 's on your mind . i swear it wo n't leave this room . annie : we 're not alone . dr. sinclair : who 's with us ? annie : zippy and dusty . dr. sinclair : who are they ? annie : flying monkeys . look out ! oh ! oh ! that one almost took your head off . oh , no , there are more coming ! there are more coming ! dr. sinclair : stay with me , annie . annie : we have to hide , dr. sinclair . we have to hide . you have to hide . hurry ! dr. sinclair : all right , we 'll talk some more when the flying monkeys are n't bothering you . [ scene_break ] ryan : so how are we going to look into those missing years ? tad : we got the doctor 's phone number ? ryan : yeah . what are you going to do , call her and ask her ? tad : why not ? just give me the phone number . i got an idea . ryan : it 's 555 - 0183 . [ phone rings ] dr. sinclair : hello ? tad : i 'm calling for a dr. riley sinclair . dr. sinclair : speaking . tad : hi , doctor , my name is ben pearson . i write for `` forensic watch `` magazine . we 're doing a series of articles called `` cracking the criminal mind , `` and we 're rather impressed with your accomplishments . we 'd like to profile you , if you 're amenable . dr. sinclair : what would i have to do ? tad : not much . just agree to an interview and a visit to your place of work . if you 're willing to meet for a drink , i can lay it out for you . how do you feel about confusion in , uh -- half an hour ? dr. sinclair : i can be there in 20 minutes . my sessions are actually done for the day . tad : that would be terrific . i 'm looking forward to meeting you . bye . ryan : still got it . tad : you have n't seen anything yet . [ scene_break ] amanda : you scared me . what are you doing ? david : why did n't you tell me you were sick ? amanda : why did n't you tell me you 're a stalker ? david : why ca n't you answer the question ? amanda : why ca n't you leave me alone ? david : amanda , come on . i 'm a doctor , i can help . amanda : you know what ? i already made that mistake once . i 'm good . brot : hey , miss , you left this at the pharmacy . amanda : thanks . david : that was a nice thing you did . brot : nah , it was no big deal . david : did you happen to notice what was in the bag ? brot : no , i did n't look . david : no ? what about on the front ? was a prescription label listed ? i 'm her doctor . i did n't prescribe any medication for her , so if she 's using this hospital to get a fix , i kind of need to know . brot : nah , it was just some sort of vitamin . i got a lot of work to get done . remember , no special treatment , right ? david : yeah , that 's right . that 's right . thanks for reminding me . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey , sweetie . miranda : mommy 's pretty . bianca : oh - ho ! well , i 'm not as pretty as you . you know , i guess clearly , trying to save time by giving the designer carte blanche was a mistake . oh , wait . there 's this , too . opal : oh , honey , no , not at all . you look like an angel from heaven . reese : no , you know what ? mine is the mistake . erica : no , really , you both look stunning . it 's -- it 's just that i think both the dresses could use a little -- opal : adjustment . reese : what -- what kind of adjustments ? zach : i like them . opal : you are not helping . myrt , we need you . deborah : can i suggest we lose the bow ? opal : well , i 'm partial to bows , but i guess it could go . maybe hike up binky 's hem a few inches . erica : oh , at least , yes . and , honey , lose the shawl . opal : yeah . how about some color ? you know , we could give them each a sash that coordinates with the tone of the bridesmaid . that 's very popular these days . erica : reese , tell me that you 're not really attached to that -- that jewel thingy . reese : this ? no , i mean , it 's not -- opal : i guess it could go . what about straps for her ? erica : oh , i like that idea . i really like that idea . deborah , you think you could work your magic ? deborah : not a problem . erica : oh , good . ok . zach , what do you think about the straps ? zach : oh , yeah , now that 's -- you lost me . i 'm not sure what you 're asking me . [ laughter ] reese : i 've been lost a long time now , since we have a new dress going . bianca : well , i think it 's -- it 's obvious . you guys hate them . opal : oh , no . no , not at all , honey . erica : no , we just -- we want to be sure that they both look beautiful together . opal : that 's the thing . zach : see , miranda , that 's what you have to look forward to when you get married . miranda : i can make a beautiful wedding dress out of this . bianca : oh ! opal : oh , miranda , no ! erica : oh -- oh -- oh , honey . bianca : i think you look great . reese : hey , so do you . [ scene_break ] annie : mr. stone , dr. sinclair is trying to play trick games with me . she 's trying to get me to say things i do n't want to say , just like you said that she would . what if she comes back ? i need your help . my god , what have they done to you ? [ scene_break ] tad : do you mind if i record the interview ? dr. sinclair : no , go right ahead . tad : so , um , i got to admit , i became a bit of a fan when i was researching your background -- forensic psychiatry . especially the donaldson vs. harold case . that was something else . dr. sinclair : yeah . the patient was faking mental illness to avoid punishment for murdering -- both : his entire family . tad : and he would have gotten away with it . there never would have been a conviction if it were n't for you . and that 's just the tip of the iceberg . your -- your track record of putting these people away -- it 's impeccable . [ dr. sinclair chuckles ] dr. sinclair : that 's my job . tad : yeah . easy to say . i mean , let 's face it , doc , murderers -- they -- they 've got a lot to lose . it 's got to be tough to break in through and , you know , rifle through that kind of mind . no matter the level of premeditation , it 's still aberrant behavior . it 's got to be daunting to live with that kind of mental instability . dr. sinclair : well -- look , i break it down to its simplest form . a criminal is a human being , and as long as you do n't lose sight of that , it 's easier to get into their mind and even empathize with them . tad : you put them away . you 're -- you 're telling me that you -- you empathize with a killer ? dr. sinclair : it 's amazing what you can feel for someone when you listen to their story , when you know where they 're coming from . you can even put judgment aside . tad : come on . there are n't too many people around who can compartmentalize those kinds of thoughts . dr. sinclair : that 's why i chose this profession . because right or wrong , a patient needs to be heard . they need to be nurtured . and a patient - therapist bond can be extremely strong . as strong as love . [ scene_break ] greenlee : how 's tad ? did you guys come up with a plan ? ryan : well , we found a two - year gap in the doctor 's career , and he is posing as a reporter to dig a little deeper . [ doorbell rings ] amanda : oh , good , you 're home . can i come in ? ryan : yes , of course . come in . greenlee : are you still sick ? amanda : kind of . my life 's been turned upside down these last couple weeks . ryan : what 's wrong ? amanda : i 'm pregnant , and i want you to raise my baby . [ scene_break ] david : whoa , slow down , junior . did n't anyone ever teach you not to run in a hospital ? look , i know why you 're here . i can answer your questions . j.r. : i do n't have time for your games . david : fine . oh , in case you 're wondering , amanda 's not here . j.r. : where is she ? is she ok ? david : yeah , no , she 's fine . but it 's nice to see how much you care . you got here a lot faster than i thought you would . j.r. : you set me up ? david : no . no , not at all . the nurse was n't lying when she said amanda was here . she left a while ago . j.r. : bastard . david : you know , you might want to save that name for your child . i know amanda 's pregnant with your baby . [ scene_break ] erica : thank you so much for coming by today . you were such a help . opal : oh , well , we did what we could , i guess . but if i get any further visions , i 'll be sure to give you a call . erica : great , ok . opal : see you later , honey . erica : bye . stay warm . opal : thanks . bye . erica : bye . [ reese chuckles ] reese : you know , this is all wrong . bianca : i know , i know . i mean , it 's not exactly what i imagined , either . reese : no . no , no , no , no . i mean , seeing each other . your mother was right . erica : i was trying to tell you . bianca : come on , you do n't really believe in that old wives ' tale , do you ? ok , ok , ok . well , then , we 'll just -- we 'll get new dresses . no big deal . reese : yeah ? bianca : yeah . reese : you know , for what it 's worth , you look amazing . bianca : mmm . so do you . all right , why do n't we get out of these things ? reese : ok . oh . erica : yeah . erica : you know , honey , i -- i did n't want to say this in front of reese , but the truth is i 'm really glad that miranda tore down the sheet . [ bianca laughs ] bianca : really ? erica : because this way you can just focus on brand - new gowns . bianca : sure . erica : and i so wish that kendall was here . she would just love to be part of everything . bianca : well , mom , you may get your wish very soon . erica : oh , i -- i hope you 're right . [ scene_break ] reese : ah -- oh . zach : yeah . reese : yeah . | at ryan 's and greenlee 's home , dr. sinclair meets with ryan and greenlee about annie and her treatment unaware that tad listens to their conversation upstairs . j.r. visits babe 's grave and tells babe that amanda is pregnant with his child .at pine valley hospital , zach questions frankie about kendall 's condition . david walks up and reprimands frankie for giving out info on one of david 's patients . at oak haven , an orderly tells annie that mr. stone is gone . tad lets ryan and greenlee know that dr. sinclair definitely has an agenda against annie . while greenlee goes to work , tad and ryan search the internet for info on dr. sinclair 's past work experience . at the hospital , brot and david become acquainted . frankie walks up and advises brot not to trust david hayward . at fusion , amanda questions greenlee if greenlee and ryan had discussed having children . amanda starts to get up and almost faints . greenlee sends her home , as well as , pete and randi .tad finds out some very disturbing info about dr. sinclair on the internet . |
david : i was wondering when you 'd come in here . so how is the lovely amanda these days ? jake : she 's excellent . she 's better without you in her life . david : must be exhausting holding onto a grudge this long . so what can i do for you , dr. light ? jake : you can make a speedy recovery , so i can check you the hell out of this hospital . david : i 'm sure you would -- if you had the authority . jake : that 's right . you have n't been getting your e - mails . see , angie 's on pregnancy bed rest , and i have been appointed chief of staff , so , actually , i do have the authority . and as far as i 'm concerned , you look fantastic . i think you look well enough to go to prison . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so what do you want for a wedding present ? ryan : i already have my wedding gift . i just got to wait to unwrap it , that 's all . greenlee : i mean besides that . ryan : david in an orange jumpsuit would be pretty nice . greenlee : hmm . hmm . and while we 're exchanging our vows , he 'll be breaking rocks . ryan : do they still break rocks in prison ? greenlee : i do n't know . it 's nice to dream . ryan : ha ! so my turn now . what do you want ? greenlee : hmm . you know what i 'd really , really like ? the perfect valentine 's day wedding . no interruptions , no dramas , just you and me saying `` i do . `` ryan : i can arrange that . [ scene_break ] liza : honey , i do n't want to leave you like this . colby : i 'll be ok . i 'm fine . liza : you do n't look ok . colby : i kept on thinking that damon and i had a chance , that i was n't gon na give up . liza : honey , is there anything that i can do ? asher : i think you 've done enough . [ scene_break ] j.r. : annie tells me you 've been following her . scott : following her ? j.r. : yeah , because you want her back . scott : that 's funny . j.r. : it 's hilarious . now get the hell out of here . scott : or what ? hmm ? wow ! let 's see . not exactly my taste , but then again , i guess you and annie -- all you really need is a bed , hmm ? j.r. : we work here . scott : i 'm sure you do . you 're not fooling anybody , j.r. now , if i found out about your love nest , who 's next ? marissa ? [ scene_break ] annie : give me that phone . marissa : this belongs to j.r . annie : i said give me the phone ! marissa : it 's too late . i 've already heard every pathetic word . annie : i do n't even know what you 're talking about . marissa : `` i 'm losing it here `` ? `` i 'm five minutes away from doing something we 'll both regret `` ? annie : so i 'm an emotional person . marissa : emotional ? you 're out to get j.r. back , and that affects my son . i think it 's time that j.r. knows how crazy you really are . [ scene_break ] j.r. : prison must 've really dulled your instincts , because all you see here is me giving your ex - wife a place to stay in town . nothing else . scott : no friendly benefits , huh ? j.r. : no . hey , do n't you have someplace you need to be ? that 's right -- emptying bedpans at the hospital . ha ha ha ! that 's your new job , is n't it ? scott : at least it 's honest work . j.r. : it 's a good thing that greenlee threw you a bone , otherwise you 'd be rotting in that cell . scott : see , i learned from my mistakes , j.r. you ? you just keep making the same one over and over and over . j.r. : have you checked the score lately ? j.r. , everything , to scott , nothing . scott : it 's a hell of a lot better than having annie spinning out of control . j.r. : that 's where we differ . nothing is ever out of my control . scott : yeah , i 'm sure you believe that . j.r. : so what 's your big plan now ? you gon na take all this to marissa ? hopefully , you get a little pat on the head ? scott : no , no . i 'm out of this . i 'm sure you 're quite capable of blowing up your own life without anyone 's help . or maybe annie will . j.r. : that supposed to be a warning ? scott : it 's just some free advice . what 's family for ? [ scene_break ] marissa : they prove that you 're losing it . annie : no . they prove that you 're jealous and overreacting . marissa : do you want to hear yourself ? i can play them again . annie : look , i was worried . i thought that i was being followed , which i was , by scott . marissa : if that were true , and i highly doubt it , then why are you so desperate to get your hands on this phone ? annie : it is none of your business ! marissa : i think you want to erase the messages , so that j.r. does n't hear how pathetic you sound . annie : that is not true . marissa : i think we 're gon na listen to them again . annie : give me the phone . marissa : i understand why you feel embarrassed , but that 's not it , is it ? you 're terrified that j.r. is gon na find out who you really are , and then he 'll be done with you for good . annie : shut up . you do n't know anything . marissa : fine . we 'll just let j.r. decide . annie : no , we wo n't ! give me the phone ! marissa : calm down . annie : give me the phone , or i swear to god i will -- [ scene_break ] liza : i 'm sorry . who , exactly , do you think you 're talking to ? asher : i know exactly who i 'm talking to . liza : yes . i 'm colby 's mother , and you do n't belong here . so if you please excuse us -- asher : i live here . liza : ok . so why do n't you find another room to go be obnoxious in ? asher : look , you did your whole mom thing for colby at the party . why do n't you let me take care of her now ? colby : excuse me . i do n't need you or anybody else taking care of me , ok ? i 'm not invisible . excuse me . asher : hey , let her go . liza : ok . what exactly is your problem here ? asher : i know about you and damon . liza : i 'm sorry . i do n't know what you 're talking about . asher : i heard you two talking tonight . you 're the one he slept with . [ scene_break ] david : so without even an examination , you 've already reached a diagnosis ? jake : you 're gon na have an examination , dave . it 's just not gon na be from your good friend griffin castillo . david : no , of course not . you would n't want one of your best doctors working on me , right ? jake : see , the problem is i think he 's a little sweet on you , the whole teacher / student thing , and he does n't know you like i know you . david : really ? and what do you know ? jake : i know never to turn my back on a snake . and i know that if you appear weak , it 's because you want everybody to think you 're weak , and maybe we 'll lower our guard . i 'm confident , though , when these tests come back , it 'll show that you are ready to rock and roll . david : right . i guess it slipped your mind that i 'm also co - owner of this hospital . jake : then i guess you 're gon na have to just run your half from behind a prison wall , dave . david : i tell you what . why do n't you wait to celebrate until the examination , ok ? jake : i see what 's wrong . you are afraid that no one 's gon na give you a proper examination . but you do n't have to worry about that , dave , because this is not the hospital that you tried to run into the ground . david : oh , noble dr. martin , crusading physician . i 'm sure you 're hoping they erect a statuette in your honor someday , right ? jake : everything is a joke to you . i guess that 's what happens when you 're just a miserable human being . you lose all your power , and nobody cares about you anymore . david : really ? and how do you know what 's gon na happen to me ? jake : i do n't , but i 'm assuming you 'll try to play all the angles . i just think the odds are against you this time because everybody 's on to you , dave . no more surprises . david : so you think a man who staged his own death , survived all this , is going down for good ? it 's not in my dna . but i guess for you , hope springs eternal , right ? [ scene_break ] ryan : is it cool if i just go talk to her for a second ? greenlee : she 's got to hear it sometime . madison : hey . ryan : hey . madison : everything ok ? ryan : yeah , it is . i just wanted you to hear this from me and not from somebody else once the word gets out . greenlee and i are getting married in a couple weeks . madison : oh . valentine 's day , huh ? ryan : yeah . i just thought you should know . madison : thank you . you really did n't have to tell me that . ryan : yeah , i did . i owe you that much , madison . madison : no , you do n't . i really do n't want you to feel like you do . [ scene_break ] scott : somebody looks like she could use something a little stronger . i 'd offer to buy you one , but my boss does n't pay me enough money . [ scene_break ] liza : so you know it was me ? what do you want ? asher : i do n't want anything . liza : of course , you do , otherwise you would n't have brought this up . how much is this gon na cost me ? asher : you still do n't get it , do you ? liza : you know what i get ? i get that you are a slick little operator . and none of this would 've happened if you would 've stayed away from my daughter . asher : nice try , lady , but you ca n't hang this one on me . liza : ok . you know what ? you just tell me what i need to do to keep you from destroying my daughter . because if you say anything , that is exactly what you 're gon na do . asher : listen to you , mother of the year . you sleep with your daughter 's boyfriend , and then try to pay me off to keep quiet ? and if i do n't , and she gets all messed up , what ? it 's my fault ? does n't anyone know how to be a good parent around here ? liza : you do not know me . asher : i know colby deserves more than you . but , hey , she 's stuck , and right now she needs a mom -- even one like you . so relax . i 'm not gon na say anything . liza : thank you . asher : i 'm not doing this because of you . and i swear , if you hurt her one more time , i 'm gon na tell her everything , no matter how much it destroys her , just so you ca n't hurt her again . [ scene_break ] madison : if you 're worried about me freaking out , because i 'm alone on valentine 's day , do n't be . ryan : because of scott ? madison : what ? no . no , i 'm not there yet . ryan : ok . i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to jump to conclusions like that . madison : scott 's a great guy , and i do like him , but i just ca n't turn off my feelings that quickly -- not that i have any for you anymore . [ scene_break ] scott : that looks pretty intense . greenlee : ryan 's breaking the news to madison about us being engaged . scott : does that make you nervous ? greenlee : why should it ? i have nothing to be nervous about . scott : you have plenty to be nervous about . but then again , who am i to stand in the way of true love ? greenlee : you 've gotten a new sense of humor , since you 've been to prison . scott : if i did n't laugh , i 'd weep . greenlee : madison needs a friend , not a professional cynic . scott : i am madison 's friend , ok , but it is up to her if she wants to tell ryan about their baby . [ scene_break ] marissa : are you threatening me ? annie : no . marissa : that 's what it sounded like . annie : are you gon na go telling j.r. that , too , filling his head with more of your paranoia ? marissa : you 're the one who 's delusional . annie : why ca n't you just be honest ? you are jealous . marissa : jealous of what ? annie : of our close working relationship . marissa : believe what you want , annie , but you are the last person in the world that i would ever be jealous of . i 'm not jealous of you , annie , because i have it all now , and you have nothing . look at me . j.r. and i are n't divorcing , we 're renewing our vows . we love each other , till death do us part . ha ha ha ! annie : j.r. does n't love you . marissa : i never said that . annie : he wants to be with me ! marissa : annie ! annie : we actually are together ! j.r. would never leave me for you , ever ! [ scene_break ] asher : hey . how are you doing ? colby : um , i ca n't sleep . i ca n't be in my room anymore . i really do n't know what to do with myself . but other than that , i 'm great . asher : you want to watch a movie or -- if you change your mind -- colby : i wo n't . [ scene_break ] david : hey . what 's the matter ? bad day ? liza : yeah , but nothing i want to talk about . david : maybe i can help . liza : no , you ca n't help me with this . listen , i answered your message . what is it ? what can i help you with ? david : i have a confession to make . liza : really ? only one ? david : i may have been exaggerating a bit when i told you that i remembered everything you said when i was in the coma . liza : really ? david : believe me , i wish i did remember . from the look on your face when i was bluffing , it 's pretty big . liza : i really hope that you are being honest with me right now . david : i remember some things . all right ? scattered things here and there like voices and sounds . i do remember hearing you , liza , a few times , and it really helped to have somebody there , so thank you . liza : ok . you 're welcome . is that it ? david : yeah . i just wanted you to know that . liza : ok . because if that 's it , i 'm gon na be going now . david : wait a minute . do n't go . liza : david , please . i have had the longest day of my life . all right ? what i want to do is i want to go home , i want to get into bed , i want to get into the covers , i want to pull them over my head , and i want to forget this day ever happened . ok ? david : liza , come on . you 're clearly upset . liza : yes . good . very perceptive . david : maybe i can help . liza : david , you can not help me with this . david : how do you know ? liza : because this has to do with emotions and feelings and guilt . i do n't think you actually have any of those . david : wow . that 's a pretty harsh judgment , considering where i 've been and where i might be going . liza : i just -- i ca n't do this right now . ok ? david : everybody needs a friend , liza , and you and i do n't have a lot of those these days . so let me be a friend to you now . tell me what 's bothering you . [ scene_break ] scott : the longer you keep ryan from knowing about his kid the worse it 's gon na be . greenlee : i 'm not keeping any secret . madison is . and if she tells ryan about the baby , we both lose . scott : you got more at stake than i do . greenlee : do n't bet on it . scott : greenlee , what are you gon na do , hmm ? fire me ? send me back to prison ? come on . greenlee : we had a deal . scott : yes , we had a deal . and there 's a big part of me that regrets it , ok , because madison is a very nice girl . all right ? i do n't like playing her . greenlee : it 's not going to be forever . scott : what does that even mean ? greenlee : ryan 's going to find out about the baby eventually . i just want it to be after the wedding . scott : why ? oh . right . so you can make things even more complicated . greenlee : you can sit here and judge me all you want , but ryan and i have gone through hell to be together . we deserve one day of perfect happiness before , yes , it gets complicated . is that too much to ask ? scott : hold that thought . madison : you should get back to greenlee . scott : hey . madison : hi . scott : did you forget about our date ? madison : our -- no . right . yeah . the time got away from me , i guess . congratulations . to greenlee , too . ready ? scott : whenever you are . all right . hey . ryan : hey . ok . greenlee : they make a nice - looking couple . ryan : yeah , they do . they do . greenlee : suddenly , i 'm not so hungry . let 's go home . [ scene_break ] marissa : i 'm glad you 're here to see this . j.r. : what 's going on ? marissa : annie is under the impression that i want to get back together with you . i do n't . is that clear enough to you ? she also seems to think that you guys are together . j.r. : is that what you said ? annie : we are together . we 're in love . j.r. : annie . marissa : oh , is that true ? is your working relationship just another big lie ? annie : tell her , j.r. make her understand ! j.r. : annie , i warned you to keep our meetings strictly business , but , obviously , you are n't able to do that . annie : strictly business `` ? j.r. : i hate to do this , but i 'm gon na have to let you go . annie : you 're firing me ? j.r. : i only kept you on the job , because i thought the family owed you . that was a mistake . you 've become too involved in my personal life . annie : you ca n't do this . j.r. : we 'll talk about this at the office . i 'm sorry . marissa : this is gon na get very ugly . j.r. : i 'm real sorry about annie . she 's been a little -- marissa : a little insane ? j.r. : no . marissa : you should listen to her messages . you 'll change your mind . she 's obsessed with you , j.r. , and i think it 's starting to get dangerous . j.r. : what do you mean ? marissa : she cornered me in here before the party , clutching a pair of scissors in her hands like she was planning to carve her initials into my face . j.r. : you got to be kidding me . marissa : she did n't actually do anything , but you should 've seen the look in her eyes , j.r. she is disturbed . she has this fantasy that i am conspiring against her to win you back . j.r. : i tell you what . i 'll talk to her . i 'll try to calm her down . marissa : i think it 's too late for that . we both know that she 's not gon na go without a fight . this could get very ugly . so , i think under the circumstances , it 's best if i take a.j . for the next couple of days . i know it 's your time with him , but come on . j.r. : no , it 's all right . i totally understand . you watch our son . i 'll take care of annie . [ scene_break ] asher : found these in the library . up for a game of cards ? colby : you just do n't quit , do you ? asher : movie , cards . if you say no to this , then i 've always got partner yoga and a dance battle up my sleeve . colby : uh , i think i 'm gon na go with the cards . asher : yeah . holidays were n't too much fun at home , so i 'd usually stick around the boarding school . all the other kids would leave , and i 'd be there with the staff . colby : and you played poker ? asher : one of the groundskeepers was a serious player . he taught me how to play lowball , texas hold 'em , and he even let me win a little bit . colby : wow . that was nice of him . asher : yeah , he must 've felt sorry for me , this kid not feeling like he belonged to anything or anyone . i guess he figured i could use a few wins in my life . anyway , i 'll teach you how to play . hmm ? texas hold 'em ? i might even let you win at least once . colby : because you feel sorry for me ? asher : not sorry enough to let you win every time . so come on . texas hold 'em is the easiest game . colby : ok . how about we make the big and small blinds $ 2.00 and a buck ? i 'll cut the deck . no wild cards -- keeping it real . so when are you gon na start teaching me ? [ scene_break ] madison : so where is this special restaurant you 're taking me to ? scott : have a seat . madison : ok . scott : there 's something i got to tell you . madison : it 's a $ 10 bill . scott : that is a $ 10 bill , yes . madison : so -- scott : that $ 10 bill represents the sum total of my net worth right about now . madison : oh . scott : but with this hospital gig , i 'm gon na get a paycheck by the end of the week . so -- madison : it 's ok . scott : no , it 's not ok . i never should 've asked you out . some catch , right ? ex - con with an empty wallet ? no good . no good . madison : i understand the empty wallet part . when my father cut me off , i tried to pretend like i still had money , fool everybody . scott : that 's when you got in the gambling situation ? madison : mm - hmm . and i squatted at the casino hotel . trust me , i know what it 's like to not be flush . so i 'll buy dinner . scott : no . you are not gon na buy me dinner . madison : but your last $ 10 . scott : no , no , no . you could call it stupid , macho , male chauvinistic pride , ok , but i am not gon na let you pick up the dinner tab . ok ? no , no . madison : i mean , we got to eat . scott : you and the baby ? madison : we are kind of hungry . scott : yeah , of course , you are . there 's a great hot dog stand at the edge of the park . we could do that . madison : i love hot dogs . scott : do that ? throw on a little relish , maybe some mustard on there ? madison : oh , sounds perfect . scott : ok . listen , i promise i 'm gon na make it up to you with a real dinner as soon as i get a real paycheck . ok ? madison : you do n't have to make anything up to me . this is exactly what i want . scott : all right . then two gourmet dogettes coming right up . all righty ? madison : hey . thank you for rescuing me . scott : anytime . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh . what 's this ? ryan : i do n't know . maybe it 's our first wedding gift . greenlee : it 's probably from my dad . yes . ryan : so what is it ? greenlee : i do n't know . let me see . `` dear greenlee , i only wanted the best for you , your happiness above all else . i will never forget . david . `` [ scene_break ] annie : j.r. , thank god you 're here . i have to explain -- j.r. : just stop right there . annie : but marissa 's probably -- j.r. : annie , will you stop ? ! do you realize what you 've done ? annie : i could n't help myself . honestly , marissa was being so awful to me . j.r. : have you been following marissa ? annie : what ? no . i went to get your phone back . j.r. : because of the messages ? annie : enough with the messages . delete the messages . they 're not important . j.r. : what about before at krystal 's ? did you threaten marissa with a pair of scissors ? annie : threaten her ? i went to help her decorate ! oh , my god , she 's such a drama queen ! j.r. : that is not what she said . annie : of course not , because the woman hates me , and she 's gon na do whatever she can to make me look bad . j.r. : why would she do that ? annie : because she wants you back , j.r . j.r. : no , you heard her at the park . it 's not true . annie : but she 's lying ! j.r. : annie , you ca n't keep doing this . if marissa does n't believe the story , she 's gon na fight me for full custody , and i will not lose my son ! annie : i do n't want to lose you . and it feels like every single day you are slipping further and further away from me ! j.r. : i realize that this has been hard . you just got to be a little bit more patient . annie : patient ? you always say that i need to be more patient , but nothing 's changing ! and then i have marissa in my face , making it look like i 'm some kind of stalker ? ! oh , my god , i hate her ! i swear to god , if you had n't shown up , i would 've -- j.r. : what ? what would you have done ? annie : i just want this to end . that 's all . i just want us to be together . j.r. : and we will . it 's just gon na be a little more difficult . annie : what ? what are you talking about ? j.r. : because of what just happened , we ca n't be seen together under any circumstances . and that goes for the house and the office . annie : so you really are firing me ? oh , my god ! j.r. : annie , i am doing this for us . you have to trust me . you have to let me handle this . will you let me do it ? annie ? annie : what other choice do i have ? j.r. : i have to go do more damage control with marissa . i 'll call you when i can . [ scene_break ] colby : you 're right . i have a straight -- a straight flush . asher : damn . colby : i should 've told you i play online . asher : do n't worry . next time i 'll be ready for you . so is this doing any good ? colby : um , i 'm only obsessing over damon 90 % of the time , so i guess that 's progress . um , what were you and my mom talking about when i went upstairs ? [ scene_break ] david : i 'm assuming the problem you 're having has to do with colby ? i 'm sorry . liza : it 's a never - ending saga , right ? what else is new ? david : yeah . but when it 's your own kid , it 's different , you know ? just like me and marissa . it brings its own special kind of pain , right ? liza : colby 's heart is broken . david : what happened ? liza : it 's damon . it 's damon . he 's leaving her , and he 's leaving town . david : why is he doing that ? liza : well , he had good reason , and it was n't because of colby . david : what , then ? liza : i just ca n't do this . david : did you have something to do with them breaking up ? liza : please , i ca n't . david : all right , liza , look . i know it 's not easy , all right , and i do n't want to push you , but maybe it might be good for you to talk about it , get it out in the open . all right . you know what ? just know that i 'm here to listen whenever you 're ready to talk . ok ? liza : david , thank you . david : yeah . maybe i should n't promise that . jake thinks i 'm already recovered and ready to travel -- from here to prison . liza : david , how sick are you really ? david : i tried to sit up before . i almost passed out . liza : and you are telling me this because -- david : because i 'm really not well , liza , and jake could probably railroad me to prison . so maybe you could persuade him to back off . what 's so funny ? liza : i was sitting here looking at this kind and compassionate man , thinking that it was probably an imposter wearing a david hayward mask , but i 'm glad to know that you are still the manipulator you 've always been . david : you 're wrong on several counts , liza . liza : really ? david : yeah . liza : go ahead . this one should be fun . david : i do empathize with you and your situation with colby , and i meant everything i said about you trusting me to help in any way i can . liza : as long as there 's some sort of quid pro quo in there somewhere , right ? david : i am still not well , liza . that is not a joke . it 's not a con . it 's the truth . but the people in this town , particularly this hospital , would n't give a damn if they delivered a corpse to the state prison . liza : you 're being a little melodramatic . david : really ? yeah . you did n't see jake 's face , the smile on his face , when he delivered the news . believe me , i know what i 'm up against . liza : i 'm sure they 're gon na follow proper procedure . david : so you 're gon na ignore this ? you 're not gon na do a damn thing ? liza : you know what , david ? you have caused me enough trouble . what i think right now is that you and i -- we need to serve a little bit of penance . there 's been enough sin going around . david : i tell you what , liza . you can beat yourself up all you want . i 'm not sorry for anything i 've done . and i 'll tell you something else . i 'm not about to go silently into the night . trust me . [ scene_break ] asher : your mom and i did n't really talk about much . colby : really ? asher : i pissed her off and said i was sorry . that 's it . colby : ok . asher : i have a tendency to piss people off , if you have n't noticed . colby : i 've noticed . ohh . asher : so you want to win some more of my money ? colby : no , thanks . asher : still thinking about damon ? colby : no . i 'm actually -- i 'm thinking about her . or the girl or the woman or whoever damon slept with . i do n't understand how somebody can actually do something like that . asher : it does n't matter . colby : it does matter -- to me . asher : just let it go . colby : i ca n't . i know i should , but it just hurts so much . i just wonder if it ever stops hurting . asher : hey . it will . you 'll win again . you 'll win big . [ scene_break ] scott : they 're so good . madison : these are the best . scott : the best . guess what happens next time . madison : hmm ? scott : scotty throws in a big bag of french fries . that 's what 's gon na happen . madison : big spender . uh - oh . scott : just trying to impress . so tell me the truth . are you ok with ryan 's big wedding announcement ? madison : i 'm still standing , so i guess that 's a good sign . scott : a little something there . madison : you 're a pretty nice guy , you know . scott : i take a pretty good mug shot , too . madison : please do n't talk like that . scott : what ? ok . i promise i will not talk like that , but you have to promise me something . do not call me a nice guy , because when a girl says that , that right there is the kiss of death . `` you 're a nice guy , but -- `` madison : ok . then fine . i 'll be clear , then . tonight 's one of the most fun nights i 've had in a long time -- and one of the best meals , so thank you . scott : that was , um -- madison : nice ? scott : nice . [ scene_break ] annie : ok . you have to stay focused . you have to stay focused . j.r. will keep his promise , and he will get the divorce , and we 'll be together . marissa : stop kidding yourself . he 's not gon na want you now , especially after tonight . annie : go away . marissa : you thought you could get rid of me , huh ? too bad . annie : what do you want ? marissa : you know what i want , annie -- the same thing you want . annie : no ! no , no , no , no , no ! [ knock on door ] marissa : room service . annie : go away . marissa : nope . not until i show you your entree . our divorce papers , just what you ordered . oh . whoops . [ tears up the papers ] annie : go away ! no . j.r. 's gon na get the divorce . he 's gon na keep his promise . he 's gon na keep his promise , because he loves me . he loves me . he loves me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hi , dr. burke ? j.r. chandler . i wanted to speak to you about a former patient of yours at oak haven . an annie lavery , now annie chandler . [ scene_break ] ryan : david can only get to us if we let him . we all know what to do with this . it 's very simple . that 's it . greenlee : i wish that was david . ryan : it will be soon enough . ok ? he 's never gon na get near you ever again . i 'm gon na make sure of that . greenlee : i love you . [ phone rings ] greenlee : get it . get it . i 'm gon na go up to bed . ryan : yeah ? ok . i 'll be up in a second . hello ? jake : hey , ryan . it 's me . ryan : jake , what 's going on ? jake : i just wanted to give you the heads - up on hayward . ryan : why ? what happened ? jake : i 'm just going over these tests , and i 'm going over them again just to make sure . ryan : ok . get to the point . jake : right . i do n't know if he faked these or if this is some other set or something , but based on these tests , he 's not going to prison anytime soon . ryan : we 'll see about that . | in his hospital room , david almost faints when he tries to sit up . jake comes in to see david . david asks how amanda is doing . jake , sarcastically , assures him that amanda is doing fine since she is away from him . at confusion , greenlee and ryan sit at a table together . greenlee asks ryan what he wants for his wedding . ryan is slow to answer , then asks her what she wants . greenlee wants the perfect wedding ceremony on valentine 's day . ryan turns around and sees madison at the bar . greenlee follows his eyes and sees his ex- girlfriend , too . in the living room of the chandler mansion , liza tries to comfort colby about damon leaving town . liza offers to help colby any way she can . asher comes in and tells liza that she has done quite enough . liza and colby are confused by asher 's outburst . at the yacht club , upstairs in the corridor outside of annie 's room , scott and j.r. exchange slurs over annie and j.r. 's involvement with her . j.r. accuses prison life of dulling scott 's instincts about people . j.r. asks scott what his big plans are now . marissa accuses annie of losing it when marissa mentions that she heard the pathetic messages that she left j.r. on his cell phone . annie demands the cell phone or she will -- annie 's words trail off in thin air . liza orders asher to leave , but he says he lives there now . after colby goes upstairs , asher informs liza that he knows she had slept with damon . jake lets david know that he will have an examination to determine if he fit to go to prison until his trial . ryan tells greenlee that he needs to go and say a few words to madison . ryan informs madison that he and greenlee are getting married soon . madison makes the connection that they are getting married on valentine 's day . madison does n't want ryan to fell obliged to her . scott walks in and joins greenlee , who watches ryan and madison . scott lets greenlee know that he would buy her lunch if his boss paid him more . asher threatens liza that if she ever hurts colby again then he will tell her everything about mother and damon . scott and greenlee watch ryan with madison . scott insists that ryan needs to know that madison is carrying his child . marissa asks annie if she is threatening her . annie imagines that marissa tells her that she and j.r. are renewing their wedding vows . annie lashes out and tells marissa that j.r. would never leave her . j.r. walks up and overhears the conversation . marissa hurries to j.r. 's side to warn him about what annie is saying . j.r. fires annie from her job at chandler enterprises . annie walks off in a huff . marissa tells j.r. that this is a very bad situation . since she ca n't sleep , colby goes downstairs . asher asks her to watch a movie , but colby declines . |
[ previously_on ] aidan : when i think back about the times that we spent together , there 's no part of it that i do n't want back . trey : i know a place that 's looking for help . you 're going to be working for really hot women . edmund : do you still care about aidan ? i have to know if you love him . maria : i do n't know . edmund : cranberry and soda ok ? [ scene_break ] morgan : those doe - like eyes , open , innocent , trusting face . she might as well have a target painted on her forehead . aidan : there 's much bigger game running around pine valley , morgan . morgan : yeah ? little memory - deprived maureen -- i mean , she must 've been a right pushover for you , eh ? which is funny . the dumb , naive ones never used to attract you , eh ? aidan : yeah , and they still do n't . morgan : so what 's so special about this one then ? aidan : i used her to keep me away from the police . morgan : yeah , right . i 'll bet hide - and - seek was n't the only game you played , was it ? aidan : oh , come on . she 's married with two kids . morgan : so ? what , since fiona , you 've started respecting the sanctity of marriage , have you ? aidan : look , i 'm not even attracted to her , ok ? she 's not my type . morgan : yeah ? well , she 's mine -- living in that big castle , rolling in green . aidan : your time is way too valuable running after the wrong pigeon , darling . morgan : yeah ? interesting . very interesting . so why do you want to protect this girl , exactly ? aidan : i do n't . it 's you i want to protect . morgan : oh , i can take care of myself , thanks . besides , this princess wo n't even know she 's been hit . aidan : you 'll never be able to pull it off -- not solo . morgan : watch me . i 'll fill you in when i get back . aidan : i 'm serious . i did n't prep her like i should 've , so it wo n't work , darling . morgan : such modesty . come on , aidan . we both know that you 're the best at laying the groundwork . and just like the old days , i 'll take over from here . aidan : and cut me out ? uh - uh . morgan : what ? aidan : i invest my time and my energy for you just to sweep in and make off with the score ? i do n't think so , morgan . morgan : you 're worried i 'm going to cut you out ? aidan : to make sure you do n't even try , me and you , we 'll go and take care of maureen together , ok ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] reggie : oh , man . hmm . trey : you sure you do n't want -- one ? reggie : no , i 'm cool . trey : you know , that 's not a nutcracker . reggie : yeah , i know what it is . i 've been to court . trey : belonged to oliver wendell holmes . reggie : yeah ? he 's like a big man around here or something ? trey : he was the greatest judge that ever lived . i paid $ 1,000 for that . reggie : $ 1,000 for a hunk of wood ? hey , man , you got rooked . look , i scratched it up some , so , what , is this my ticket out of here and back into the system ? trey : well , old oliver , the kind of man that he is , probably would 've gotten a kick out of it . reggie : hmm . trey : hey , think fast . reggie : what are these ? trey : you got to be able to get in and out of this place when i 'm not around , right ? reggie : yeah , i guess i do . cool . thanks , man . trey : i just forgot something . hold on . reggie : might not be a bad gig after all . [ knock on door ] [ reggie sighs ] trey : hey , reggie , do me a favor and grab that ? [ reggie hums ] reggie : hey , baby , what 's up ? kendall : who are you ? where 's trey ? reggie : what you want with him when you got the real deal right here ? [ scene_break ] maria : you know , if i go back to medical school , i 'm not even going to have a chance to breathe . edmund : i 'll make sure you inhale once in a while . maria : it 's going to be crazy . oh , my god , i 'm dead . edmund : what ? maria : i am dead ! look at this . `` if you 've been out of school for an extended period of time , please describe your activities during that period . `` ha ! edmund : well , you will win most interesting essay . maria : yeah . let 's see , how should i start ? um -- `` my first stint in medical school was erased , along with the rest of my memory , due to a mad scientist doctor who gave me an experimental drug after a plane crash that i was in , where i was presumed dead , and then i spent the next five years in nevada under an assumed identity . details upon request . `` that 'll go over . edmund : well , if that does n't work , then maybe i can give a testimonial about your roadside life - saving skills . have pen and swiss army knife , will travel . maria : great . edmund : that 's a nice sound . [ phone rings ] maria : oh . edmund : lot nicer than that sound . good evening . david : why do n't you tell me how your wife is doing and i 'll judge whether it 's a good evening or not . edmund : take it easy , pal . [ scene_break ] morgan : i do n't think you 're going to make very good time tied to that chair , darling . aidan : very funny , morgan . but if i 'm with you , this will be the easiest score of our career . morgan : maybe . or maybe you 're just going to distract me . aidan : first , we 'll get the money , and then we can enjoy some of our own distraction . what do you say we go back to that nude beach in negril ? morgan : where you convinced me that honey was a natural sunscreen ? aidan : you never complained when i licked it off . morgan : after i have relieved maria of her little fortune , maybe we could , you know , plan an encore . aidan : you rush this , you go solo , and you 'll blow it . morgan : listen , the sooner i get to the castle -- aidan : wildwind it is , morgan . morgan : yeah , right -- the sooner we can get to the nude beach . god , you really still have n't learned patience , have you , aidan ? aidan : well , i 've learned plenty of other new tricks i can show you . morgan : later . morgan : oh , come on , do n't sulk , baby . i 've got all the help i need . and if i have to use it , well , we both know what a good shot i am , do n't we ? do n't worry , the girl wo n't suffer . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm not your baby . reggie : well , how about me and you go out and we could change that ? kendall : i do n't think so . trey ! reggie : trey , another one of your women checking in . trey : that 's not a woman . that 's my sister . reggie : another legal do - gooder ? sure does n't look it . kendall : is that supposed to be a compliment ? reggie : damn straight . trey : reggie , this is kendall hart . she works at fusion -- too ? reggie : right . right , yeah , you mentioned her . kendall : oh , goody . reggie : well , i 'm reggie porter and we 'll be seeing a lot of each other . kendall : i doubt that . reggie : i 'm working with you . kendall : excuse me ? reggie : you know , me and the other ladies , we have n't really settled in on my position , but how about you make me your very personal assistant ? kendall : is he serious ? reggie : i could do a lot for you . trey : sounds serious to me . kendall : who -- who are you ? where did he come from ? reggie : well , he 's right here , and , you know , i could take you out to dinner and i could tell you everything you want to know . trey : what can i say ? reggie appreciates a beautiful woman . reggie : yeah , you know , i was n't really going to work down at fusion until i met the girls . but , you know , looking at that day after day -- ca n't beat it . kendall : ok , who -- who told him he had a job at fusion ? -- as if i did n't know . reggie : my man trey , he has tons of influence . kendall : and why would you use it to help him ? reggie : because trey 's my guardian . kendall : what ? trey : i was awarded temporary custody . kendall : why , he is n't another half - sibling , is he ? trey : no . i was down at the front street clinic one -- [ knock on door ] trey : day and -- just remember where we were . kendall : yeah , like we could forget . trey : dr. anderson . come on in . janelle : thank you . trey : so what 's this , some surprise drop - in checkup ? reggie and i are doing great . janelle : on what planet ? trey : reggie , you 're cool with the agreement , right ? reggie : like it matters . what 's the deal ? janelle : it 's not good . reggie : look , i can get my gear in , like , five minutes . trey : well , hey , hold on . where are you going ? reggie : wherever they move me . trey : let 's just listen to what janelle has to say first , all right ? reggie : what did i do now ? janelle : it 's not you this time . reggie : get out of here . janelle : social services has its problems . they mess up . too much falls between the cracks . but somehow they managed to pick up on your detour from lawyer to arsonist ! [ scene_break ] david : we 're going to discuss this now . edmund : not if you do n't calm down . it 's work , about that article brooke dropped by . maria : oh , oh , i 'm sorry . i 've been keeping you from it with all my stuff . edmund : no , it 's fine . david : edmund , are you there ? edmund : of course i am . david : meet me at b.j . 's right now . edmund : it 's not a good time . david : i 'm not asking you if it 's convenient . whoever you 're with , whatever you 're doing , drop it now or i 'm coming to you . edmund : that would n't be advisable . david : `` would n't be advisable `` ? oh , i think it 's important that maria knows that you 're drugging her and that i think it 's a risky , ill - advised experiment . edmund : well , look , if it 's that major , then i 'll just have to meet you . david : yeah , i thought you 'd see it my way . get here fast . maria : duty calls ? it 's ok . guard : sir ? mrs. santos is here with the children . edmund : oh . great . send them in . maria : yay . maddie : daddy ! edmund : yeah ! isabella : they would n't sleep until they got hugs and kisses from daddy . edmund : hi , kids . maria : hi ! maddie : mommy 's here ! sam : mommy ! maria : hi ! oh ! i missed you guys . maddie : you have ? really ? maria : oh , duh ! yeah . of course i did . edmund : unfortunately , i have to -- i have to go out . isabella : now ? so late ? edmund : yeah , i 've got a nervous author . i 've got to talk him down . isabella : well , the kids got their hugs and kisses . i guess we can go . come on . maria : aw . maddie : no , i want to stay with mommy . sam : me , too . maria : me , too . edmund : ok , ok , listen , they 'll be safe here , ok ? i really got to run , though . if i do n't see you later , i will see you in the morning . maria : ok , see , this is good . so we get to have a visit . sam and maddie : yeah ! edmund : keep an eye on her , ok ? isabella : what happened ? edmund : nothing , nothing . she 's getting some of her memory back . [ isabella gasps ] edmund : yeah , she is . she 's remembering , she wants to go to medical school , and she had a memory about sam . isabella : que milagro ! oh , our prayers are answered , edmund ! edmund : call me on the cell if you need me , ok ? isabella : oh , we 'll be fine , we 'll be fine . we 're getting her back . maria : wait , where 'd it go ? ha - ha . there it is . what do you think ? sam : that 's a brain . maddie : it is gross . i hope i do n't look like that on the inside . sam : you do . maddie : aw ! maria : yeah , you do , you do . you want to know what they do ? want to know what all the little parts do ? maddie : yeah ! sam : definitely ! maria : ok , well , this is the left side of the brain , and that side of the brain [ scene_break ] morgan : if you 're so anxious to help me -- aidan : oh , come on , morgan , untie me , will you , please ? morgan : just tell me how i should gain access to the castle . tell me where she keeps the good stuff . aidan : the best way to get in there is with me . morgan : tell me the second - best . aidan : well , since you sunk a bullet in me , wildwind is crawling with extra security . morgan : hmm . see , fortunately , i 've got a way with boys who like to play with guns . i shoot them first . aidan : there 's a side entrance that leads down to the cellar and up through the kitchen , but you 'll never be able to crack that safe . morgan : i 've opened a few in my time . aidan : yeah , not like this one , though . morgan : so what 's it got in it then , just some diamonds ? aidan : the rocks and the cash in that safe is enough to make queen elizabeth drool , because maria 's husband 's family has got some kind of hungarian royalty thing going . morgan : yeah , but would n't they be safer in the bank ? aidan : not with the security system these people have . morgan : right . and she gave you access to all this stash because , what ? aidan : in case i needed to finance a fast getaway , morgan . morgan : you know , if you were just interested in that fortune , why did n't you just take the money and get out of there ? aidan : i do n't know why . because some genius sunk a bullet into my side ? morgan : yeah . or maybe bedding that doe - eyed innocent was just so much fun , you could n't stop . aidan : i never slept with her . i 've already told you that . morgan : yeah , well , you two must have been really close for her to , like , just offer up this nice chunk of her family fortune . aidan : oh , come on , you 've got nothing to be jealous of . take me along with you and , if necessary , i 'll snuff maureen myself . morgan : i ca n't release you yet . i 'm going to go to wildwind . tell me where the safe is . aidan : it 's behind a painting in the alcove off the main living room . morgan : if i ca n't crack it , i 'll have to see what else i can pick up , eh ? [ scene_break ] janelle : did setting fire to erica kane 's house just slip your mind ? trey : i did n't think it should matter . janelle : exactly , you did n't think . kendall : excuse me , whoever you are , but trey was never accused of arson or anything else , so what 's your problem ? janelle : the problem is actually reggie 's . reggie : ok , can you please keep me out of this ? janelle : what , is she a lawyer , too ? reggie : no , she 's with me . kendall : i am not . trey : she 's my sister . reggie : look , i 'm tired of this , all right ? did you torch the house ? janelle : can we just talk about this in private , trey ? reggie , just give us a minute , ok ? reggie : oh , i 'm not leaving , especially when it 's getting good . kendall : i 'm not leaving , either . reggie : besides , this is my life you 're deciding . janelle : you do n't sound surprised about any of this . reggie : my boss , greenie , greenlee -- something like that -- she told me he was n't clean , but i did n't get the whole 411 . janelle : boss ? trey : yeah . when i was n't busy teaching reggie the fine arts of making molotov cocktails , i got him a job . janelle : a legitimate one , i hope . kendall : oh , why do n't you just lighten up ? janelle : why do n't you mind your own business ? you know , social service has your entire file and it does n't look good . reggie is probably going to have to go back to the group home . kendall : well , that 's not fair . janelle : yeah , the system is n't fair , and you are n't exactly anyone 's idea of a role model . trey : i was never pretending to be . janelle : now , reggie , you had better be prepared . reggie : look , i 'm cool , all right ? it 's funny how the perfect role models always seem so righteous dumping off chump change to charities , but when it comes down to taking kids like me home , forget about it . janelle : whatever happens , we 'll make it work , ok ? reggie : yeah , whatever , man . look , when you - all decide where you 're going to put me , just let me know , all right ? trey : just stick around . janelle : do n't go . come on , reggie . trey : come on , let 's fight this . reggie : like it matters ! look , a crib 's a crib , all right ? all i need is a mattress . janelle : i hope you 're satisfied . trey : me ? janelle : he would 've never been put in your custody if you were honest with the authorities . now he 's uprooted again , disappointed again . what made you think that you could handle -- [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , why do n't you just shut up ! morgan : yeah , you always were impetuous , were n't you ? that was a really , really dumb move , aidan . i knew all that rubbish about you and us getting it together was just rubbish ! [ aidan groans ] morgan : you should 've known better than to cross me , aidan . aidan : where are you going ? morgan : wildwind , to see if anything that you 've told me is true . and if it 's not , i might just have to cause just a little bit of trouble for your doe - eyed innocent . aidan : you touch -- you touch maureen and i 'll -- morgan : what are you going to do , aidan , spit on me ? aidan : there 's nothing that 's going on between maureen like you 're imagining . morgan : yeah , i want to see what this girl has got that i do n't . i mean , maybe she reminds you of fiona . i mean , fiona was your first great mistake , and this yank 's your second . aidan : you are way off , morgan . morgan : oh , no . i mean , what if the poor little thing gets in my way ? then both of your mistakes are going to be waiting for you in eternity . mind you , not that it matters . julian 's going to be sending you there soon enough , mate . [ key turns in lock ] [ scene_break ] [ isabella laughs ] isabella : ok , not too much . i 'm just going to have to take it off before bedtime . maddie : ok , your done . isabella : oh , thank you . maria : lovely , lovely . maddie : lovely . maria : good job . what should we do to you ? it 's your turn . maddie : my hair . maria : your hair . ok . i say we put it in a big beehive . what do you think ? maddie : no . no , no , no . maria : no ? you 're not a very good sport . maddie : yes , i am . maria : what do you think , abuela , we should do ? [ isabella gasps ] maria : what ? isabella : that -- that 's how i used to brush your hair when you were a little girl . maria : oh , really ? hey , sam , did n't you guys get some puppets for christmas ? sam : i 'll get them ! maria : excuse me . maddie : me , too ! maria : oh , ok . well , so much for brushing hair . isabella : i used to -- i used to brush your hair exactly like that , alternating sides . maria : well , that might just be , you know , like , an automatic thing , that 50 % of the population probably brushes their kids ' hair that way . isabella : oh , no , no , you remember . maria : but i do n't really remember . i mean , i wish i did , but i do n't remember anybody brushing my hair when i was a child . isabella : oh , but it 's -- it 's inside of you . it 's -- it 's a part of you , and it 's coming back . [ scene_break ] david : sit down . edmund : do n't you ever threaten me again . david : i got you here , did n't i ? so did you come up with a solution ? edmund : to what ? david : you 're supposed to figure out a way for me to examine maria so that i can evaluate the drug 's effects , remember ? edmund : maria wo n't let you near her . david : that 's not good enough , edmund . you have to find a way to make it happen . edmund : listen to me , she wo n't let it happen . david : either you find a way for me to examine her or you can wait and i 'll be performing her autopsy . edmund : is that supposed to be funny ? david : you could 've killed her . is that plain enough for you ? edmund : based on what , your extensive research and testing ? david : my tests are n't conclusive , edmund . edmund : ok , then quit the scare tactics . david : listen to me , you idiot , two of the animals in my current study are failing . now , of course there could be other contributing factors , but the fact is this -- that drug should never have been administered to maria , or to anyone else , for that matter . edmund : look , i just gave her a few drops , ok ? david : how do you know how much is too much or too little ? edmund : just -- you said there could be other factors . david : yes . what , you want to gamble with your wife 's life ? look , edmund , if you do n't think that my word is good enough , have your experts contact me . they can look at my results . edmund : all right . you said maybe it was a genetic weakness in the animals ? david : yes . but we ca n't make that assumption . and i do n't want to have maria 's blood on my hands . edmund : listen to me , she 's fine , all right ? i just left her . she 's in perfect health . [ scene_break ] isabella : that does n't sound good . maria : excuse me . i hope i 'm not getting that cold that 's going around . isabella : you look flush . let me see . maria : i do ? isabella : oh , you 're warm , yeah . maria : i 'll be ok . i 'll be ok . isabella : no , listen , just to be on the safe side , i 'm going to make you some tea with honey and lemon . maria : no , no , i 'll get it . you sit . isabella : no , hey , hey , hey , do n't argue with me . ok , put your legs up . come on . come on . maria : ok . i 'm going , i 'm going . isabella : there you go . come on . see ? now you 'll be nice and warm . ok , now stay there , stay warm . i 'll be right back . maria : ok . thanks , mama . isabella : you called me mama . [ scene_break ] kendall : you have no right to talk to trey like that . janelle : oh , yes , i do . kendall : you 're not with social services , right ? janelle : right . kendall : then how 's it any of your business ? janelle : because i 've stitched up reggie a couple times and had to watch him walk back on the street . i know his struggles , his disappointment , and his life . and i sure know that he deserves better than this . trey : we were doing ok , janelle . kendall : yeah , until you busted in like the queen of doom . janelle : no , i feel responsible for him . trey : do n't you think i do , too ? i opened my home to the kid ! kendall : yeah , and got him a job . trey : how is that a crime ? janelle : look , he has been shuffled from one foster home to another . trey : i know about that a lot more than you do . janelle : and each time he hopes that he can settle in and depend on the people around him . trey : only to be thrown back into the system . i get the drill ! janelle : then you should know better . look , i know that he does n't like the group home . trey : oh , do you ? i mean , do you really think that that 's the right environment for a kid his age ? janelle : it will provide him with some stability . trey : what do you think he has here ? janelle : a well - meaning guardian who has n't thought things through . kendall : how do you know that ? trey : ok , look , i may not be perfect , but i am willing give my best . janelle : yeah , for how long ? you know what , there is no point to this because you are not part of the decision anymore . you withheld information . so reggie will probably be taken out of your custody . he 's going to have to pack up and leave again after two weeks of living the good life . kendall : yeah , well , it 's better than not at all . janelle : oh , no , it makes things much worse . kendall : trey cares about reggie , and reggie is n't stupid . he knows it . janelle : yeah , maybe . trey : look , you can knock me and what i 've done , but i want to help reggie . there is no hidden agenda . janelle : right , so you 're telling me you 're going to put your life on hold and fight the system for reggie ? trey : i 'm already doing that ! janelle : you know , a lot of do - gooders just ca n't cut it . trey : look , i am not some trust fund baby . i can hack it . janelle : yeah , well , you 'd better . because if you make promises to reggie and do n't deliver , you 're going to answer to me . [ door slams ] kendall : well , is n't she pleasant . trey : she 's just watching out for reggie . kendall : yeah , well , you 'd better deliver or she 's going to have your head hanging on her wall . trey : thanks for backing me up . kendall : you 're welcome . i only wish i meant it . trey : what ? kendall : oh , come on , trey , this is totally insane . [ scene_break ] laurie : reggie . hey , what 's up ? reggie : what 's up ? so you 're working here now ? laurie : yeah , i just started . i have n't seen you in school . reggie : yeah , it 's been a while . laurie : you still live in the barclay ? reggie : no , that dump ? i moved . laurie : good . that place was dismal . reggie : yeah , no lie . laurie : so what 's up with school ? reggie : yeah , i 'm -- i 'm going sometimes , you know ? how about you ? laurie : it 's moving too fast . i 'm looking at colleges and -- reggie : well , you have brains . you 're going to ace that easy . you 'll be running the country sometime , like , in a couple years . laurie : i would n't put money on it . reggie : having a sucky day ? laurie : yeah , way worse than that . reggie : yeah , me , too . so how about you make it better by go getting a couple of beers ? reggie : well , it 's not even like they 're going to miss it . the brew will take the edge off , trust me . laurie : tell my dad . all it does for him is mess up his head . reggie : what does your dad have anything to do with -- laurie : my dad gets drunk and then he totally wrecks my life . reggie : i know your dad likes to drink , but come on . laurie : you want a drink ? then go somewhere with a server who does n't care because no way am i putting my job on the line so you can do something so stupid . reggie : look , it 's ok . just calm down , all right ? it was just an idea . laurie : well , it was a really dumb one . reggie : ok , all right , all right . i did the whole addiction thing with my mom . laurie : i know . how is she ? reggie : the same . her partner of choice is still h. heroin sucks . oh , my god . i need to get a tattoo of that somewhere . laurie : i have n't seen your mom around in ages . reggie : yeah , me , neither . but get this -- i got this old bleeding heart liberal dude that 's going to take me in . laurie : like adopt you ? reggie : it 's more like crashing with a friend with a great crib . he like , spits out money . laurie : bring him in . i could use a big tipper . reggie : yeah , i better do it fast . social services is so messed up , they leave me in a place long enough to unpack , and then they 're ready to shuffle me off someplace new . laurie : that stinks . reggie : yeah . laurie : i 'm sorry . reggie : that 's all right . i 'm going to write a movie and , you know , rap about it and get rich . [ scene_break ] kendall : i have n't seen you in a week . one week . some guys would buy a plant , some would clean their kitchen floor . you adopt a kid from the hood ? trey : i did n't adopt him . kendall : whatever . how did your life suddenly become a spike lee movie ? trey : all right , all right , look , external appearances aside , reggie and i do have a lot in common . kendall : man , i came over here thinking i had news . trey : wait , news about what ? fusion ? kendall : no , about this perfect guy that i met in aspen . but that 's nothing compared to you playing bachelor father . trey : please , knock it off with the labels , ok ? kendall : yeah , but , trey , trey , this is so insane . trey : no , kendall , it is n't . kendall : but why ? why did you take this kid in ? trey : because he needed a place to stay and i have room . kendall : yeah , a lot of people have room , but they do n't bring strangers into their homes . trey : well , maybe they should . kendall : is this for reggie 's benefit or for that girl , janine ? trey : janelle . and , no , how could it possibly be for her benefit ? she thinks i 'm a crazy arsonist . kendall : yeah , so do i now . trey : nice . really nice . kendall : look , you have some really good impulses every now and then , but taking this kid in -- that is way above and beyond . trey : what , so i ca n't do this because i have a social conscience ? kendall : no way . but to score with janelle , that makes sense . trey : ah . well , i guess i wo n't be asking you to speak to social services on my behalf . kendall : i 'm also going by the way she was looking at you . she was so worried about our relationship . trey : she does n't care . kendall : oh , come on , please . she was so worried that i was your girlfriend . trey : more like worried about you being my accomplice . janelle has two feelings for me -- dislike and suspicion . kendall : well , if that 's true , then this whole silly salt - and - pepper act makes absolutely no sense . trey : i told you about my bouncing around from foster family to foster family . it really screwed me up . kendall : so , what , now you 're going to save reggie from the same fate ? trey : yeah . i am going to . [ scene_break ] isabella : i 've waited so long to hear you call me mama . maria : it 's funny , it just kind of slipped out . i -- you were being so kind -- isabella : it 's all locked up inside you and now it 's coming to the surface . maria : i guess . yeah , maybe . i mean , that 's possible . isabella : yeah , and -- and everything that -- what 's ever passed between you and that aidan , i do n't want to know , i 'm not asking , but wildwind -- this is your home . this is where you belong , with us . sam : roar ! maddie : mom , make him stop ! he keeps calling me the other white meat . maria : you guys , i do n't think you should get too close to me . i 'm afraid i 'm coming down with something . maddie : but the dragon 's after the pig . maria : i know , but i do n't want you to get it from me if i have a cold . maddie : aw . isabella : well , your mother 's right , and you 're definitely warm . you should go to bed . maria : am i ? ok . and you know what , it 's past your bedtime , anyway . isabella : mm - hmm . sam : aw . maddie : do n't make us go . maria : oh , but are n't you having a good time at your abuela 's ? maddie : yeah , but we like home better . maria : i know , but we 've got all those valentines to do . you do n't want to get sick now . maddie : yeah , and i 'm going to send out the most of my whole class so i 'll get the most back . maria : that is a brilliant idea , miss . maddie : brilliant . maria : brilliant , but you 'd better go home and get your rest . isabella : oh , well , we can stay until edmund gets back . maria : no , that 's ok . the guard 's still here . i 'm going to be fine , and once i get some sleep , i think i 'm going to be , like , good as new . isabella : ok . all right . ok , your mother 's right . ok , get your coats . sam and maddie : aw ! isabella : well , you can take the puppets with you . sam : good ! i 'm still hungry ! maddie : you 're supposed to be nice . sam : i am too hungry ! maddie : ah ! isabella : you 'll call me if you need anything ? maria : i will , i promise . isabella : tonight i 'm going to pray that the next time you call me mama , it 's because you remember that 's who i am . maria : thank you . thank you . isabella : all right . ok . maria : ok , i 'll see you . isabella : ok , stay there . bye - bye . maria : bye . isabella : come on , kids . maria : drive safely . bye , guys . sam and maddie : bye ! maria : bye . oh , man . [ scene_break ] david : my wife is on the other side of the ocean , waiting to find out if our baby needs in utero heart surgery . i 'd swim across that ocean if i could be there with them . edmund : nobody 's stopping you . david : believe me , every part of me is pushing me to be there with them . and here i am stuck with you . edmund : hayward , take off . david : yeah , you 'd love that , would n't you ? so you can have your wife all to yourself , protected from everybody except you . edmund : a few mice in a maze slow down and you panic ? david : you 're right , edmund . edmund : listen to me , it 's working , ok ? it 's working . she 's starting to become maria more all the time . she 's applying for medical school . david : you administered that drug without my permission . edmund : hayward , you succeeded , ok ? it 's working . she 's excited about getting into medical school . david : edmund -- edmund , look , her medical knowledge has always been close to the surface . i mean , she 's drawn to being in hospitals . i mean , she even performed that emergency trach for you . the progress she 's making could have nothing to do with the drug . edmund : are you afraid that -- that , what , that you 'll go down if this goes bad ? i mean , do n't worry about it . i 'll take full responsibility . david : you do n't give that serum to her anymore , do you hear me ? you swear to me , edmund . it 's too late , is n't it ? you gave it to her . edmund : ahem . it 's working , hayward . david : what part of `` you 're risking her life `` do n't you understand ? [ phone rings ] edmund : it 's maria 's mother , isabella . isabella ? isabella : yes , edmund , edmund , you were right ! finally , maria 's returning to us . edmund : uh -- that 's great . isabella : yeah . she was brushing maddie 's hair exactly the way i brushed maria 's hair when she was small , and , edmund , then she called me mama . for the first time since she arrived , she called me mama . edmund : isabella , that 's -- that 's great news , and it 's just the beginning . um , listen , tell maria i will -- i will call you -- i 'll see her when i get home , ok ? isabella : oh , well , i 'm not at wildwind . edmund : you 're not ? isabella : no , no , i 'm at home with the kids . maria wanted us to leave . i think she 's coming down with something . i hope it 's not the flu . [ knock on door ] maria : yes ? guard : another visitor , ma'am . maria : ok , thank you . morgan : i 'd like to speak to you about aidan devane . [ scene_break ] trey : it 's not like i think that i 'll be anybody 's dream parent . but right now , reggie needs to be around someone that knows what he 's up against . kendall : does n't he have any family ? trey : yeah , his mother 's around somewhere . kendall : hmm . so what screwed up her maternal instinct ? trey : well , her primary need right now is to find out where her next fix is going to come from . kendall : trey , this is n't babysitting . you 're taking full responsibility for this kid . trey : do n't you think i know that ? kendall : leo . trey : what about him ? kendall : if you 're thinking of trying to find a replacement for him -- trey : look , kendall , that is insane . kendall : no , this is n't fair to reggie . trey : how could reggie ever fill leo 's shoes ? that it makes no sense . kendall : no , maybe it does n't . but that has n't stopped you so far . trey : ok , kendall , i want to help reggie . that 's it . period . kendall : ok , ok . i just -- i just hope that this does n't blow up in your face . [ scene_break ] edmund : so it 's a cold ? isabella : well , she was coughing and feverish . maria was afraid maddie and sam might catch it . edmund : ok , listen , i 'll -- i 'll check on her and i 'll call you , ok ? isabella : ok . david : what 's going on ? edmund : it 's -- it 's a cold . david : where you going ? wait , she 's sick ? edmund : no . david : ok , well , look , let 's go . edmund : where are you going ? you just want to get in the way of treatment . david : i 'm trying to keep her alive , you moron . look , if she 's having an adverse reaction to that drug , it needs to be identified . edmund : her mother said it was just a cold . david : oh , oh , your mother - in - law said that ? does she know that you gave her daughter an experimental drug ? edmund : ok , listen to me , i will call you if it 's serious , all right ? now , i think she 's fine . you are not coming with me . [ scene_break ] maria : i do n't know you . morgan : i 'm with scotland yard , ms. gorman . guard : inspector glover . i 'll call in the badge number . maria : ok , thank you . while you do that , i 'll -- i 'll talk to the inspector . morgan : please , call me morgan . maria : ok , morgan . is there anything that i can get you ? coffee or tea or something ? morgan : that 's very hospitable of you , maureen , but , no , this is n't a social call . aidan : oh , come on ! oh ! i have to get to maureen . i have to . come on ! [ next_on ] lysistrata : whoo - hoo ! yes ! finally ! what took you so long ? morgan : i 'd like to introduce myself . edmund : i know who you are , and i want you out of here now . | edmund & maria share a nice moment . david phones edmund and threatens to come there if he does n't meet him to talk about maria . isabela brings sam and mattie by to say goodnight . edmund goes to meet david . isabela was heartened by the fact that maria called her mama and brushed mattie 's hair the same way she brushed maria 's when she was a little girl . maria starts coughing and feeling a little feverish so her mom takes the kids . edmund hears that maria is sick so he rushes home . david wants to come along but edmund wo n't let him . morgan decides she 's going to steal from maria ; aidan tries to stop her so she hits him in the head with her gun and takes off . when he was trying to get her to release him , aidan told her how to get inside the house . morgan visits maria , claiming to be from scotland yard . kendall meets reggie when she visits trey . she tells trey about her new boyfriend michael . janelle goes to trey 's and yells at him for not telling social services that he set erica 's house on fire . trey and kendall try to defend him . after janelle leaves , kendall says she thinks janelle has the hots for trey ; she also thinks trey is helping reggie because he misses leo . reggie goes to the restaurant where laurie works and they share sob stories . |
maria : good morning . how are you , my sweetheart ? edmund : lady , you 've got a hell of a bedside manner . maria : yeah ? well , you 're kind of cute . i just might take you home . edmund : ok , i 'll take you up on that . maria : ok . first , you 're going to have a little more r & r before you 're allowed to come home , before we can spring you . edmund : i 'll be back on my feet in no time ? maria : back where you belong -- back home with your wife and kids . edmund : you know , i remember -- when i was -- when i was fading , i remember you -- you pulling me back , fighting for my life . maria : well , there was no other option . i was not going to let you go . i 'm going to bring you back all the way , honey -- edmund : maria , i ca n't move my legs . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hmm . where am i ? mary : you 're still at the chandlers ' . you stormed in here last night , remember ? greenlee : you let me sleep here all night ? mary : yes . you looked so much like a little girl -- my little girl -- i did n't have the heart to wake you . greenlee : this tender mother - daughter moment was brought to you by sheer desperation . do n't worry . it wo n't happen again . mary : greenlee , you can go this on your own as you usually do , or you could stay here and listen to what your brilliant mother figured out while you were sleeping -- how to put kendall hart out of your misery . [ scene_break ] [ gavel pounds ] reggie : order in the court , order in the court . kendall : reggie , what the hell are you doing up there ? reggie : oh , well , you know how the judge is writing down all that chicken scratch while she 's up here during the trial , right ? kendall : yeah . she 's taking notes . so ? reggie : so i was hoping that she left some up here so we could see whose side she 's on , or if she 's going to nail j or not . kendall : oh . well , did you find anything ? reggie : no , i did n't find anything at all . kendall : well , thanks anyway . it 's the thought that counts . reggie : and you already know what i 'd lay on the line to make sure you 'd get away with this . bianca : so the engagement is back on , and mom and uncle jack are going to get married as soon as the trial is over . lena : that 's good . it 's what you 've been praying for . why do n't you look happy ? bianca : well , i am happy for the two of them , but , you know , with them being together 24/7 , it 's going to be that much harder for uncle jack to keep my baby a secret from mom . [ scene_break ] jack : i understand your concerns completely . believe me , if there were any other way -- listen , we 'll -- we 'll talk later , then , all right ? ok , thank you very much . erica : who was that ? jack : nobody important . so , you ready for court ? listen , since you drove , why do n't i just meet you there ? erica : you trying to get rid of me ? jack : oh , no , no , no , no . no , not a chance . erica : well , then why are you pushing me out the door ? i mean , jack , you 've been acting very strange the past few days . jack : gosh , i always thought that was part of my charm . erica : why did you rush off the phone when i came in ? and what is the secret that you 're not letting me in on ? ok , well , all i have to do is press star-69 -- jack : no , no -- just -- yeah , ok . but there is something i 've been keeping from you , and you 're not going to like it very much . someone 's coming over to talk with me about the direction the trial is taking . erica : kendall ? is it kendall ? she 's having trial jitters ? she 's coming over so you can hold her hand ? jack : and it would be hers to hold , but , no , it 's not kendall . erica : well , why are you making me guess like this ? who is it , jack ? who is the mystery guest ? jack : it 's a colleague , all right , who is putting their whole career on the line to help me out . erica : well , you know that you can trust me to be discreet . who is it ? jack : erica , i would trust you with my life . so , please , trust me with yours , and trust me when i tell you that this is a murky gray area that you would do best to steer clear of . erica : all right . all right , i 'll be the dutiful wife - to - be . i 'll meet you at the courthouse . but after this , no more secrets , jack . i love you . jack : i love you , too . [ knock on door ] jack : hi , hannah . thanks so much for coming . hannah : i just sneaked up the back like a $ 2 hooker . jack : i apologize for the inconvenience . hannah : look , for our purposes , this conversation never took place . jack : understood . hannah , i realize you 're risking your seat on the bench to meet with me . hannah : yes , all right . well , court 's adjourned , the robe 's off , let 's get down to it . jack , i respect you way too much to diddle around , so , straight up , that bomb you dropped on the stand about using a gun you took from the police evidence room ? is it your intention to subvert this trial or destroy your entire career ? [ scene_break ] kendall : reggie , you 've really put yourself out there for me , and i am beyond grateful . reggie : well , do n't get all weepy on me . kendall : i just -- i just know how much i owe you . bianca : kendall ? what do you owe reggie for ? kendall : well , you name it . reggie 's been my rock during all of this craziness . reggie : well , you know , that 's me , reggie the rock . you know , rocky . kendall : that 's right . this kid 's earning college credit watching my back . bianca : yeah ? well , reggie 's great like that . lena : kendall , we 're all behind you . erica : and the sooner you believe that , the better off you 'll be . hello , sweetheart . good morning , lena . reggie , why are n't you in school ? reggie : oh , i was covering the trial for the school newspaper , so -- erica : i see . ok , then . just be sure you spell my name right . kendall : erica , can we do a little sidebar for a second ? erica : yes , yes , of course . i spy with my little eye something sparkly . kendall : oh -- it 's an engagement ring . erica : yes , i thought so . kendall : ryan and i are getting married . we 're incredibly happy , and i have you to thank . [ scene_break ] greenlee : the last time i heeded your motherly advice , i jumped all over erica and jack 's wedding like a monkey on a cupcake . mary : greenlee , i sat in that chair all night getting a crick in my neck watching you sleep , trying to figure out what to do to help you . greenlee : never mind what 's in it for you . mary : what 's in it for me ? relief , reprieve , that the little girl i neglected all these years has finally come to me for some answers . greenlee : better late than never ? mary : well , you must think so or else you would n't be here . i 'm willing to take what i can get if you are . greenlee : ok . give us your best shot , mother . tell me how i do n't lose to kendall . mary : you simply expose her for the lying , manipulative shrew that she is . greenlee : this is your stunning insight ? i 'd already been all over that . kendall is currently dirt - proof . mary : well , maybe you did n't dig deep enough . maybe you 're afraid to get your own hands dirty . greenlee : what could i possibly be afraid of ? mary : your father 's disapproval ? you ca n't be jackson 's good little girl and go after kendall at the same time , so you 've held back . you ca n't be so passive . greenlee : passive ? i raided kendall 's condo for proof that this pregnancy is bogus . mary : and that 's wonderful , but you ca n't stop there . you have to figure out what kendall is going to do next and get there ahead of her . greenlee : out - kendall kendall ? mary : kendall . or sit back and watch her take over ryan and your company . in the end of all of this , jackson is going to figure out that his faith in kendall was misplaced , and the two of you will be closer than you ever were . greenlee : i 've given kendall more breaks than she deserves . mary : mm - hmm . so it 's time to bring out the heavy artillery . greenlee : you know , i never thought i 'd cop to this , but you 're right , mother . i got to push this all the way if i want to come out on top . no boundaries , no prisoners . [ scene_break ] maria : well , the absence of feeling is very common with this particular kind of injury . in other words , it 's perfectly normal . edmund : it does n't feel normal . maria : i know , honey , but it really is . it is . i mean , we just have to wait for the swelling to go down before we can determine whether we should go in and remove the bullet fragment . edmund : do i get a vote ? maria : yes . your vote needs to be to just concentrate on getting better . please ? for me ? just think about that . think about how much i love you and the kids love you . carmen : good morning , dr. grey , mr. grey . maria : good morning . i 'm going to go do some rounds , but i 'm going to leave you in the very capable hands of ms. carmen . will you take good care of him for me ? carmen : will do , dr. grey . maria : thank you . i love you . edmund : carmen , would you be a love and help me make a phone call ? carmen : sure . what 's the number ? edmund : 555 - 2725 . carmen : it 's ringing . edmund : thank you . it 's me , edmund . i need your help . [ scene_break ] maria : ahem . pablo : maria , what 's wrong ? maria : huh ? pablo : has something happened to -- maria : no , no , no , no , it 's nothing . it 's really -- i 'm fine . i 'm just , like ' [ scene_break ] hannah : you think i do n't empathize ? i hated having to let cambias walk . i know he raped your niece . i can only imagine your anger and frustration , which is -- [ hannah sighs ] hannah : why i am risking my seat on the bench to meet with you . jack : duly noted , hannah , and most appreciated . hannah : what i will not tolerate is any attempt to turn my courtroom into a sideshow . jack : hannah , you know that was never my intention . hannah : well , whatever your intentions , today i have to rule to either strike your testimony from the record or to allow follow - up questioning that could make you guilty as hell . jack : i can handle anything the prosecution throws at me . hannah : if you incriminate yourself on the stand under oath , i will be powerless to help you . jack : well , i tell you what -- you stick to your guns , hannah , and i 'll stick to mine . hannah : damn it -- jack , i hate to see a lawyer of your stature be disbarred or thrown in jail . if i strike your testimony , you could slip quietly into the background . jack : yeah , well , you know what ? going quietly was never my forté , and you know that . what i want , hannah , is for you to let my testimony stand . hannah : you 'll do as i rule in my courtroom , no special privileges . jack : i 'm well aware of what i 'm facing . hannah : no , we are talking hard time , jack . if you continue to implicate yourself in the cambias murder , you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law . that means no more mr. da , no more practicing attorney . if you are lucky , you might get a cell to yourself with a view of the exercise yard . the stakes do n't get much higher than that . jack : i 'm ready to face the consequences of my actions . hannah : i 'm sorry to hear that . you were one of the good ones . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what i did n't find in kendall 's condo were toys , baby clothes , prenatal vitamins -- anything to prove that she 's got a bun in the oven except for an empty box from this baby shop in philadelphia . mary : well , maybe she 's got the baby gear in storage . greenlee : why not keep it around if she 's trying to prove that she 's pregnant ? i called the shop , and they have no record of her making a purchase there . mary : but they would n't if she paid cash . greenlee : or it was a gift . what sane person would buy a present for that demon seed ? and why would kendall schlep all the way to philly to shop for a baby , even if it does exist -- which i 'm sure it does n't . mary : those are very valid questions , and it 's up to you to find the answers . and i would be glad to help . greenlee : do n't overplay your hand , mother . get ready for late - breaking news -- jackson and erica are back on the wedding track . mary : oh , he 'd be a fool to put his head back in that noose . greenlee : you 're not jealous ? mary : not in the least . greenlee : that means that you 've set your sights on other prey . adam : mary . what happened last night ? i waited -- mary : greenlee decided to sleep over . adam : i see . well , forgive my interrupting . mary : we 'll be done shortly . adam : take your time . greenlee : mother , how long have you and adam been an item ? mary : oh , i would n't exactly call us an item , but last night we were on the cusp of taking inventory . greenlee : until i came in and rained all over your new romance . mary : like a monkey on a cupcake . i hope that putting your needs before mine proves how much i love you . greenlee : it 's a start , i guess . but right now i 'm all about pulling the pin on kendall 's faux pregnancy . mary : ryan will thank you for opening his eyes . are you sure that it 's just undying gratitude that you want ? greenlee : i want to save ryan and fusion and watch kendall crash and burn . mary : well , then you go for it , but just make sure that ryan is n't fooled by kendall the way jackson was fooled by her mother . [ scene_break ] erica : what in the world do i have to do with your getting engaged to ryan ? kendall : everything . you 're the one who told me to stop listening to that voice inside my head , the one that predicts the unhappy ending , and start trusting ryan . erica : and you 're telling me that you actually took my advice ? kendall : i ran with it all the way back to my guy . i 'm through pushing ryan out of my life . i do n't want to push you away , either . erica : well , that 's not the impression you gave me the last time we talked . kendall : i know this trial has been hell for everyone . but if any good can come out of this , maybe you and i can finally get this mother - daughter thing right . [ scene_break ] bailiff : ahem . this court is now in session . all rise for the honorable judge hannah lampert . judge : recall jackson montgomery to the stand . and now , to address the prosecution 's motion for striking this witness ' testimony from the record . upon review , i find that mr. montgomery 's answers were given in direct response to mr. singer 's questioning and , therefore , rule to let his testimony stand . [ gallery murmurs ] [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : order . mr. singer , proceed . mr. montgomery , may i remind you that you are still under oath . jack : yes , your honor . justin : alan , let jack have it . alan : not to worry . the tables are about to turn . all right , mr. montgomery , let 's talk about this smoking gun . [ scene_break ] maria : oh -- pablo . pablo : stay still . stay still . you are all right . maria : what happened ? pablo : you fainted . maria : i do n't faint . pablo : the doctor who checked you out said you need rest and real food . maria : ok , well , thank you , dr. ruiz , but -- oh -- i need to be with edmund right now . pablo : you 're no good to edmund like this . maria : look , i 'm taking up perfectly good hospital space right here . pablo : nobody needs this space . i made sure before i paid for it . so relax and let someone take care of you for a change . [ scene_break ] edmund : losing myself in a good or even mediocre book does n't really appeal to me . brooke : oh , since when ? edmund : since my legs turned to lead . you could set fire to my foot and i would n't feel it , brooke . brooke : stop . come on , what do the doctors say ? edmund : maria says it 's temporary . brooke : so then it is . edmund : did you bring what i asked you ? brooke : yes , i did . it was right where you said it was going to be -- top left - hand desk drawer . edmund : did you show it to maria ? brooke : i have n't seen her . now , what is this ? and do n't tell me that it 's a piece that you 're working on for `` tempo `` because i know it 's bigger than that . [ scene_break ] greenlee : excuse me -- uh -- debbie . debbie : yeah . greenlee : have you seen this woman before ? debbie : is n't that , like , confidential or something ? greenlee : let me talk to the manager . debbie : that 's , like , my mom , and she 's , like , at lunch . greenlee : hmm . listen here , young lady , i am the district attorney of pine valley -- jacqueline montgomery . i need your help to break a major criminal case . debbie : this says `` jackson , `` not `` jacqueline . `` greenlee : the printer goofed . debbie : hmm . well , i better make sure you are who you say you are , like they do on tv . greenlee : ok , ok , ok . i 'm not the da . i 'm a desperate shopper who needs to know what this woman bought here . [ debbie sighs ] debbie : what difference does it make ? greenlee : bunny bixler is throwing a baby shower for gloria upson . we 're talking , like , the philadelphia mainline . and if i buy the same gift that this woman bought , i will be bumped down to the b list and my kids will be off the birthday party circuit ! no designer goody bags , no photo ops with britney , so , please , tell me what this woman bought here , or my kids will be social outcasts . debbie : like , i 'm not real good faces , but i 'd remember that hair . does n't look familiar . greenlee : what the hell is this ? [ scene_break ] alan : mr. montgomery , tell the court what use you had for the gun you took from the evidence room the night of august 28 . jack : i used that gun for protection . alan : protection from what ? jack : michael cambias was back on the streets . he had threatened me and my entire family right here in this very courtroom . alan : and the gun you kept at home in a safe was not an option ? jack : i was not at home . i was at the police station . i was not about to leave there unprotected . so , yes , i went to the evidence room , i took a gun , and i returned it the next morning . alan : did you take anything else from the evidence room that night ? jack : yes , i did . alan : what was it ? jack : a kilo of heroin . [ gallery reacts ] [ judge pounds gavel ] [ gallery murmurs ] erica : jack , do n't do this ! jack , please do n't do this ! reggie : it 's got to be a lie . [ judge pounds gavel ] bianca : he 's making himself look guilty . kendall : he 's making this worse . justin : i knew it ! i knew it ! i knew you stole that kilo ! judge : settle down or i will clear this courtroom ! continue , mr. singer . alan : you took a kilo of heroin from the police evidence room ? jack : yes , i did . alan : tell us what use you had for a kilo of heroin . jack : i planted that heroin where i knew it would be found -- in the fireplace of michael cambias ' condo . [ gallery murmurs ] erica : jack -- he 's gone too far . i mean , why not just put a gun to his head ? reggie : i mean , they 'll lock him up for sure now ! bianca : we have to trust uncle jack . erica : trust that -- kendall : are they going to take him to jail ? are they going to arrest him ? [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : quiet ! alan : and your motive for planting the drug ? jack : well , i would think that would be obvious . i was trying to set michael cambias up . alan : the police received an anonymous tip . jack : that came from one of my sources on the street . i myself was at the condo when the police found the heroin . alan : possession of that quantity with intent to sell carries a stiff prison sentence . jack : well , that 's the idea , mr. singer . i was trying to stop michael cambias , stop him from terrorizing my family ! alan : you stated for the record that the gun you borrowed was for self- protection . jack : yes , yes , that 's correct . alan : you never intended it as a murder weapon . jack : i would have used that gun if it had become necessary , yes . alan : but framing cambias was simpler , involving less personal risk than gunning for him . jack : let 's just say it was one of many options that i explored . alan : mr. montgomery , did you murder michael cambias ? jack : no , i did not . alan : no further questions , your honor . judge : ms. frye ? livia : well , i have plenty , because this witness ' testimony stinks to high heaven . [ scene_break ] greenlee : women really wear these things ? debbie : yeah , and not just women . like , guys wear them , too . greenlee : why would a guy wear a pregnancy pooch ? debbie : well , it 's like a bonding experience with the baby 's mother . greenlee : why would a woman wear one ? debbie : like , to try on maternity clothes , like , before she starts showing . greenlee : huh . i bet that 's not all it comes in handy for . do i look pregnant ? debbie : yeah ! like , totally ! excuse me . greenlee : oh ! [ greenlee laughs ] greenlee : oh , my little guy 's kicking up a storm . feel . woman : oh , he stopped . he must be taking a breather . good luck with your delivery . greenlee : so that 's how she pulled it off . oh , kendall , i 've got you and your bundle right where i want you . [ scene_break ] adam : greenlee 's gone ? mary : yes . she 's regrouped , refreshed , and ready to take on all comers . adam : must have been some pep talk you gave her . mary : yeah , it was a real eye opener for both of us . i hope that she realizes by now that i really am on her side . adam : well , maybe it was worth my spending the night alone . mary : poor baby . i 'm sorry . adam : yes , when you did n't show up , i was beginning to wonder if maybe you were all bark and no bite . mary : oh , i bite . i could go for a little nibble right now . what do you say ? you want to pick up where we left off last night ? adam : are you referring to my bedroom or the blackmail ? [ scene_break ] edmund : since i woke up , i 've had this feeling . i -- i ca n't name it . i do n't know what it is . brooke : well , mr. pulitzer at a loss for words . edmund : i just -- i ca n't -- i ca n't shake it . brooke : well , what kind of a feeling is it ? edmund : that 's it -- i ca n't define it , but it just -- everything feels different , brooke . brooke : getting shot at , you know , and coming back from the brink of death -- i think that would alter your outlook . edmund : i was shot at in bosnia . this is different . this is bigger . brooke : oh , yeah ? bigger than getting trapped in quicksand ? edmund : it 's all life or death , i guess . i do n't know . brooke : you know what ? this is the kind of stuff that you have always shrugged off , or else you said you were going to write about it in the book you 've been threatening to write for years . edmund : you know , the bullet 's still inside of me . brooke : is that what you 're so worked up about ? listen , i 'm going to tell you something . i read about this guy recently who -- and do n't ask me how -- had a toothpick stuck in his brain , and he lived to be past 90 . edmund : that 's a comfort . brooke : hey , i 'm sorry , ok ? listen , have you run whatever this feeling is past maria ? edmund : no . she just thinks my concern 's my legs . brooke : well , tell me this , then . does this have anything to do with what 's in there ? edmund : it 's my living will . [ scene_break ] maria : get that away from me . pablo : it 's chicken soup . maria : i do n't want it . pablo : you need to eat it . [ maria sighs ] maria : i need to go be with edmund . pablo : he 's just down the hall . now , eat . maria : hmm -- pablo : do all doctors make such horrible patients ? maria : only the truly brilliant ones . pablo : good one . maria : i appreciate this , though . thank you . it 's just -- i mean , it 's just kind of weird because , you know , edmund 's the only one who 's really ever taken care of me before . pablo : and he 'll do so again . but he took a bullet for me , so this is the least i can do in return . now , close your eyes . maria : ok . i 'm not going to be able to sleep , you know . i ca n't . my mind is just racing , racing , racing . i do n't know . nothing is like it was before . pablo : try to think about happier times , the ones past and the ones to come . [ scene_break ] singer : would i be standing here after all these years among the stars above ? maybe not if it was n't for your love smiling faces all around like when a king that 's just been crowned a battle has been won that i 'd have lost if it was n't for your love your love brooke : so , i 'm just going to take this and i 'm just going to put it right back where i found it and we 're going to have a big old laugh 50 years from now . edmund : brooke , hold on to that for me . brooke : me ? why not your lawyer or maria ? edmund : i told you , i do n't -- i do n't want maria involved in this . brooke : edmund , she is involved . she 's your wife . edmund : yeah , i know . but i know that she 's already stretched to the breaking point . brooke , i know she puts on a brave front , but she 's worried about me . brooke : that 's what you do when you love somebody . edmund : i do n't want to add to any more stress . brooke : i think you 're the one who 's stressed . really . i have never heard you talk this way . and you know what ? i just think this is some -- i do n't know -- postoperative depression . that 's -- edmund : or maybe it 's -- maybe it 's a wake - up call . or somebody tiptoeing over my grave . brooke , whatever it is , i 'll feel a hell of a lot better , i 'll sleep better knowing that that 's in the hands of somebody that i can trust to do the right thing . brooke : oh , please . do n't say `` when the time comes . `` edmund : brooke , please . brooke : i still think maria should have this . edmund : no ! i will not bring maria into this . [ scene_break ] livia : so , mr. montgomery , i 'm to understand that it is your testimony that you stole a gun , because you were afraid to take a 10-minute drive to get the one in your safe ? jack : yes . when it comes to my family 's safety , i do n't take chances . livia : so it 's natural your fingerprints would be on the weapon ? jack : i would imagine they would be all over it . livia : did you ever give the combination to your safe to kendall cambias ? jack : no . never . livia : because you did n't trust her ? jack : i would n't put it that way , exactly . livia : did you trust kendall cambias -- yes or no ? jack : no . no . livia : was your then - fiancée erica kane aware of your mistrust of her daughter ? jack : i would expect so . it certainly was n't a big secret . livia : then why would miss kane give something so intimate and personal as the secret combination to your safe to her daughter whom she had a rocky relationship with ? alan : objection . irrelevant . judge : overruled . i 'd like to hear the answer to that myself . jack : i do n't know . livia : it is highly unlikely that miss kane would give kendall cambias the time of day , let alone a secret combination . alan : objection . conclusion . judge : sustained . is there a question in there somewhere , ms. frye ? livia : mr. montgomery , is it true that when michael cambias was acquitted you publicly assaulted him and threatened to kill him ? jack : yes , i did . he had raped my niece . alan : objection , your honor . allegedly raped . judge : sustained . watch your tone , mr. montgomery . livia : so you felt that his actions justified your taking the law into your own hands ? jack : no , i did n't say that . livia : that 's exactly what you did ! you stole a gun , you planted the heroin , you broke into a private residence . you were already removed from this investigation because of a conflict of interest and because of your alleged unethical conduct . yet you want this jury to believe that you did not fire the gun that killed michael cambias ? alan : objection , your honor ! witness is on the stand . she 's giving her summation ! livia : withdrawn . i have nothing further . judge : redirect , mr. singer ? alan : no , your honor . judge : witness is excused . this court will reconvene in one half - hour . bailiff : all rise ! jack : so , gentlemen , when may i expect to be arrested ? [ scene_break ] edmund : just hold on to this for me in the event -- i will sleep easier and make a kick - ass recovery . ok ? brooke : fine . i 'll just put it with all my other useless stuff , like that electric olive pitter i have . and you are going to be line dancing at your great - granddaughter 's wedding . edmund : from your lips -- [ door opens ] maria : hey . what are you two up to ? brooke : oh -- maria : ok , i know you have a magazine to get out and everything , brooke , but i got to ask you to leave the shop talk at the shop until he gets a little bit better . brooke : absolutely . maria : thank you . thanks . brooke : sorry . maria : it 's ok . brooke : so , then , we will just consider this subject closed . maria : see you . brooke : uh - huh . [ scene_break ] adam : you still have n't answered my question . mary : what question ? adam : is your interest in me confined to the bedroom , or does it extend to blackmail ? mary : huh . well , i do know several people that would be interested in the gun bearing the initials `` m.c. `` adam : oh . gun ? [ mary chuckles ] adam : what gun ? mary : oh , good . good , you got rid of it . adam : got rid of what ? mary : ok , ok . why let a possible murder weapon come between us , and why would i want to blackmail you when i have everything right here at my fingertips ? adam : oh , yes . you must be exhausted after staying up all night with greenlee . mary : hmm . i just want to fall in bed . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , what are you saying ? protecting your family is not a crime . it 's self - defense . bianca : uncle jack , you have to get back on that stand and say that you made a mistake . reggie : look , if this is justice , you can add `` deaf `` and `` dumb `` to `` blind . `` kendall : jack , this is my trial . none of this has anything to do with you . erica : and this is all your fault , livia . how dare you ! you made it look as if jack had something to hide ! jack : erica , listen , listen , listen to me . livia -- and alan and justin , for that matter -- they 're all doing what they 're sworn to do , which is uphold the law , ok ? erica : but you are not a criminal . jack , the thought of you in jail -- that is just -- that 's not an option ! reggie : look , jack , swear me and i 'll tell you -- jack : whoa , whoa , reggie , reggie , please , please , do n't help . look , i appreciate you all rallying around me , i do , but the fact is they have me dead to rights -- theft , criminal trespass , possession of an illegal substance . obstruction of justice . well , justin , this is the moment you 've been waiting for , is n't it ? lt . perry : jack , i did n't want it to come to this . jack : it 's all right . just do what you have to do , all right ? lt . perry : you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . you have a right to have an attorney present . simone : greenlee , hey ! what is the big emergency ? what , is the trial over ? greenlee : forget the stupid trial . wait till you see what i found at this baby shop . kendall is so over . what are you doing ? are you arresting him ? [ next_on ] ryan : so you feel like you 're losing all sorts of things to kendall ? greenlee : including you . david : so what 's the trouble today ? krystal : i was kind of hoping you would take a look at my chest . liza : do you want to make a go of it with me or not ? | jack incriminates himself at kendall 's trial , confessing to having intent to kill michael , although not going through with it , and admits to planting heroine in his home . at that point , the cops come to arrest him . but it is in perfect timing to be seen by greenlee who is forced to forget her selfish attitude and want to help her father . |
ryan : just breathe , ok ? just take a deep breath . it 's ok . bianca : it 's not ok . you have to stop them . you have to stop jonathan . ryan : ok , tell me what happened between maggie and jonathan , please . bianca : if you do n't stop them , then maggie 's going to be in trouble . ryan : what ? it 's tough for me to help you if i do n't know what you want . bianca : ok , ok , ok . you have to stop jonathan from eloping with maggie . you have to save her . [ scene_break ] maggie : you know , this is better than i ever even imagined it -- eloping with the man that i love , who 's loving and romantic , spontaneous -- jonathan : hmm -- no . no , i 'm not spontaneous at all . i wanted you from the moment i saw you . and now i have you . [ scene_break ] lily : i checked my schedule . we have time to evaluate . aidan : oh , yeah ? what 's the subject ? lily : our date . we 'll use a scale of 1 to 100 . like school . how would you rate our date ? aidan : 99 ? 100 ? let 's say 100 . lily : the number of questions i asked -- aidan : 100 . lily : i did n't think it was that many . aidan : no , the score that i 'm giving your questions is 100 , because they 're very insightful . lily : cool . aidan : you know why i could n't answer some of them , though , right ? because a pi has to honor his clients ' privacy . lily : yes . so , on a scale of 1 to 100 , how would you rate -- aidan : 100 . all the way , lily . it was a great date . every guy should be so lucky . [ scene_break ] jack : you did what ? erica : i tried to use my rather considerable powers of persuasion to get zach slater to stay here in pine valley so he can keep an eye on his son . jack : well , that 's great . that 's just perfect . you want slater to stay , and i 'm doing everything i can to get him the hell out of town . [ scene_break ] zach : wow . this is nice . it suits you . the dark wood and the leather . understated power always has its advantages . it 's a lesson many people do n't learn till later in life . and look at you , suave young billionaire . ethan : if you think that 's going to stop me from shooting you , you 've made a grave mistake . [ scene_break ] lily : smiling feels nice . maybe that 's why people do it . we have a 90 % chance of success in solving this mystery if i rearrange my schedule . aidan : you know , that 's all right , lily . i think i can handle it . lily : i 'll be the best partner you ever had . and i 'll still have time for dates . excuse me . i have to go wash my hands . [ scene_break ] kendall : caffeine brought us clarity , and , you , my friend , can not do this alone . greenlee : the more bodies we have on this case , the faster we nail jonathan for poisoning me . kendall and i are going back into the field . aidan : you know , you even eyeball the field and i 'm going to tell ryan exactly what you 're up to . [ scene_break ] ryan : wow . jonathan and maggie are getting married ? bianca : there 's no `` wow `` about it , ryan . this is life or death . [ scene_break ] kendall : no , you do n't get to boss us around . we hired you , so you better tell us . greenlee : you with the mouth open , did you pay aidan his retainer yet ? aidan : no . greenlee : no money , no secret agent - client privilege . that should do it . kendall : ah , there , see ? you took it . so now you ca n't tell anyone anything . greenlee : it 's official . you 've been hired to obtain proof that ryan 's brother nearly drugged me to death . kendall : yes , and as for us staying out of the field , good luck stopping us . lily : hello . greenlee : lily ? kendall : hi . greenlee : hi . what are you doing here ? lily : i 'm working with my boyfriend . and i know what you two are doing . kendall : lily , we 're not doing anything . we 're just -- lily : you 're not listening to my partner . that 's not a good idea . aidan , i wanted to thank you for the cheeseburger , double fries , and iced tea . but i have to go now . bye . aidan : bye . greenlee : partner ? kendall : boyfriend ? aidan : yeah . lily is helping me with my computer , i 'm her friend , and i happen to be a male . kendall : you 're her male friend ? greenlee : back on topic -- you think ryan 's in any way prepared to believe his beloved brother poisoned me ? kendall : ok , let me help you out there -- no , not a chance . we know that for a fact . greenlee : he needs proof , which means we need proof , and excuse me if i do n't think you and my sweet kid sister can do it on your own . kendall : you might as well hire more staff . go on , get more people , raise your rates . come on , greenlee can afford it . aidan : why do n't you just stop talking , all right , and do n't say another word until i 'm done , and i have n't even started yet . you will back off , you will stay back , and you will let me do my job , and you will not pursue jonathan lavery anymore , because if you 're right , he could be too damn dangerous . [ scene_break ] jonathan : god , your skin 's incredible . maggie : you wanted me the minute you met me . right ? at bj 's ? jonathan : mm - hmm . maggie : i was banging on the door , and you bribed the manager . jonathan : hmm . cheese in a can and here we are . maggie : hmm . jonathan : how did i ever get you to fall in love with me ? maggie : by just being you . and that 's all i need . and we also need to pack . jonathan : no . maggie : i have to get our wedding stuff together . jonathan : no , no . i want you in all new things . all new , maggie , nothing that you 've ever wore for anyone else . maggie : this is crazy . crazy fabulous , but -- jonathan : i want you to buy a dress soft and long that comes in right about here and flows out right about here . maggie : mm - hmm . jonathan : and your hair -- i want it up , in pins , so i can take it down when you 're my wife and we go back to our room . i want you to be soft around your face . and underneath , you 're going to have to get me something very special for underneath . maggie : whatever you want . jonathan : i want you . i want you forever . maggie : you know that you are the most romantic man i have ever met ? i got to go . [ scene_break ] ryan : can you just take me through this slowly , please ? bianca : no , ryan , there 's no time . he hit her . jonathan hit maggie , and he left a bruise on her face . and now they 're going to go off and get married and -- ryan : did you see it ? bianca : the bruise ? yes . she tried to cover it up with makeup , but -- ryan : did you see him hit her ? bianca : no . i 'm not going to stand there and watch somebody hurt a friend , but i saw the bruise . i asked her about it , and she came up with this lame story . he came up with a completely different story . he lied . ryan : so you talked to her ? what did she say ? bianca : well , she tried to cover for him . and when i did n't buy it , she got angry . ryan : do you think that maybe she could have just got frustrated because you did n't believe her ? bianca : are you saying that you do n't believe me ? ryan : i believe that you 're worried about your friend . just maybe you 're worried for the wrong reasons . bianca : huh . all right , i do n't have a tape or a signed confession , but i know . does maggie have to be killed before you 're going to believe me ? your brother is not who you think he is . [ scene_break ] erica : bianca likes ethan . that 's bad enough . but kendall is falling for him . i mean , i tried to stop it , but kendall is in way too deep . so i have to help my daughters any way i can . and if that includes zach slater , then so be it . jack : now ? now you learn the art of compromise ? erica : i do n't want kendall to be involved with another cambias . she should n't have to live through that again . jack : which is why i want to get slater as far away from this town as i possibly can . look , ever since las vegas , this man has targeted our family , the people we love . he made bianca relive the whole horrible michael cambias experience , and i 'm not so sure he is n't the man responsible for my daughter almost losing her mind and her husband . erica : look , it makes me sick when i think of what zach slater has done . but , yes , i am learning to compromise , and now i see that slater can be of use to me . jack : no , come on , erica , this man is filled with nothing but anger and vengeance . erica : which is exactly what i need right now . i intend to use zach slater to get back at the people who nearly killed bianca . [ scene_break ] ethan : why are you here ? zach : i 'm here to say that i 'm here . ethan : is that supposed to be profound , or are you just stating the obvious ? zach : take it for what it 's worth . ethan : which is what , exactly ? a gesture of goodwill ? an apology ? zach : i 'm here because i 'm your father . and i 'm going to be your father until you decide to kill me . ethan : you 're going to be my father if i do n't kill you first ? that has to be one of the most bizarre things ever said , even in this room . zach : i look at this room and your empire . the power and the legacy -- you got everything you ever wanted . but you do n't get to pick your parents . one of life 's little quirks . ethan : well , look , here you are . dad , dadums , pops , old man -- zach : `` zach `` is fine . ethan : what kind of threat do you think you pose to me ? what kind of father are you going to emulate ? are you going to be like adam chandler ? jack montgomery ? maybe you 're going to take a leaf out of your old daddy 's book , eh ? zach : i thought maybe we 'd start over , do something original . ethan : will you attack my business career , hmm ? you going to try and dethrone me here at cambias industries ? are you going to go after my personal life ? you going to try and attack the relationship between kendall and me ? i do n't know , maybe you 're just going to tousle my hair , pack my lunch box , and send me off to respect my elders . zach : what would you have me do ? ethan : that 's easy . i 'd have you eat dirt and die . [ scene_break ] greenlee : we appreciate your macho protective instinct , but we can take care of ourselves . jonathan 's a freak , not the bogeyman . aidan : the bogeyman -- have you ever met the bogeyman ? because i have , several times , and studied his behavior . it comes across a lot like your brother - in- law -- a man that is very dangerous to women . greenlee : you know something . what ? aidan : i do my research . kendall : yes , which we paid you for , so tell us . aidan : you ca n't have it both ways . i mean , you think jonathan lavery pumped you so full of meds , you almost jumped off of a building . and this is the same guy that you think you can sneak up on with a magnifying glass ? greenlee : we 'll be ok . aidan : well , then here . take it back . you 're on your own . kendall : no . no . a deal 's a deal . no take - backs . aidan : well , then , let me do my job . you think jonathan lavery 's guilty . if he is , i will find it . greenlee : and we 'll help you . aidan : you know , it takes a sick , smart mind to pull off what you say jonathan lavery has . i get to crawl into that dark cave , not you . greenlee : we underestimated him , but he underestimates us now . aidan : the guy already erased his hard drive . you know , any more top - secret investigations from you two , the guy 's going to cover his tracks so deep , you 'll need a backhoe to dig it out . greenlee : ok . but not one word to ryan . kendall : not until we get our money 's worth . aidan : like i told lily , my clients ' privacy is my primary concern . greenlee : i wo n't lose ryan over this . i ca n't . [ scene_break ] ryan : bianca , you know i will do anything for you . bianca : well , then , do this for me now . ryan : you just -- you have n't shown me any proof of anything . bianca : you do n't know what he does to her , what he says to her . ryan : look , they were just here . they threw me a party for my birthday . they brought cake , they ate cake , they held hands . there was no bruise , there was no anger , there was just love . bianca : how much did he love her when he hit her ? ryan : if he had done that , i swear to you i would be the first person to hold him accountable . bianca : i heard him . i heard the way he talks to her when he thinks that nobody 's around and nobody can hear . it is ugly and hateful . i went over there because i needed to talk to maggie , i needed to try to get through to her and show her that there was a way out . and i was about to knock , and i heard him shouting at her -- ryan : bianca -- bianca : no , i did n't go over there to eavesdrop , so do n't look at me like that . the things that he said to her were sick and cruel . ryan : hey , if you had come knocking on the door when kendall and i were having one of our fights , i 'm sure your ears would have bled off from the stuff that we were tossing around . bianca : you do n't know , because you 're not like him . she would n't go to bed with him . and jonathan said that she did n't want him because she 's lying and she 's gay and she wants me . he was manipulating her . but instead of standing up for herself , instead of saying `` shut up or get out , `` she was apologizing to him . he had her begging him to let her prove him wrong . he wanted to break her , and he found a way . ryan : is this about maggie and jonathan or maggie and you ? i 'm just asking . is this about jealousy ? your jealousy ? [ scene_break ] jack : oh , gosh , i know that look , and it never means anything good . erica : what they did to bianca , what they took away from her -- jack : i know , i know . i do . what hayward and krystal did , it was -- erica : and babe . it started with babe , and it will end with babe . jack : and they 'll pay , believe me , but let the law take care of this , erica . erica : the law ? jackson , your faith in the law amazes me . it really does . i mean , you and i have both seen it fail before . the law let michael cambias go free . jack : so you want to leave this in the hands of zach slater ? erica : exactly , because somewhere in that dark hole where his heart should be he cares deeply for his niece and for bianca . and , yes , he is vicious , but that 's good , because he can hurt people in ways they 'll never see coming . i mean , the law -- it 's all well and good , jack , of course it is , but i intend to have plan b in place for david and the bimbo mother and daughter . and that plan b is zach slater . jack : come here . erica : what ? jack : come here . this is not just about babe and her parents , is it ? it 's also about you and you seeing bianca on the ground like that , like a broken doll . erica : they did that to her , jack . it 's as if they pushed her off that balcony themselves . they tortured her mind . they almost broke her spirit . i could have lost her . i could have lost my baby . and when i think of what bianca lost , all that time with her baby and her faith in people -- that is the biggest part of bianca -- you know that -- her faith and her trust . and they just trampled all over it with their selfishness and their lies . jack , how could i possibly let that go unpunished ? jack : and that 's why you want slater right here in pine valley ? erica : i know that you know me way too well to be surprised by that . jack : i 'm not surprised . what i am is working with ethan to destroy slater . [ scene_break ] zach : well , i guess it does n't really matter what kind of a dad i 'm going to try to be , because we 're going to have to try and get past this `` eat dirt and die `` thing . ethan : you 'd follow through ? why ? for show ? you feel guilty ? for fun ? zach : lots of fun so far . it really is . ethan : you really went out of your way to deny me as your son . and now you 're just going to change all that ? zach : what do you care about motives so much ? i mean , life is about what you do . or choose to do . you know , the rest is elevator music . ethan : right . what are you talking about ? woman : excuse me . mr. cambias ? ethan : yes . woman : you have back - to - backs all day tomorrow , starting with an 8 : 30 with mr. reynolds and ending with a 7 : 30 dinner with hylton , gonzales , and hampton . ethan : fine . could you get me a copy of the reynolds prospectus and have all correspondence between cambias industries and hylton , gonzales , etc . , sent to me . also , get accounting to send me their numbers . and -- yeah , can you have a background report done on mr. reynolds ? woman : i 'll have it on your desk before i leave . ethan : wonderful . thank you . that makes you laugh ? me doing my job ? zach : no . i think you wear the crown well . you 've never run anything except your mouth . and now you got this . must be in the dna . [ scene_break ] bianca : this is not about jealousy . ryan : you and maggie were close and are close , and , you know , jonathan comes in the picture . i know you care about maggie . bianca : i love her . and if she found her soul mate , i would be a good enough friend to be happy for her , but this is not a healthy relationship . she 's terrified . ryan : have you talked to her ? have you been in an environment where she can be honest with you ? bianca : yes , but people -- ryan : and what did she say ? did she say anything at all , or did she just say that she loves jonathan and everything 's fine ? look , bianca , i 'm not trying to be a jerk here . but this is -- you know , it 's not easy for me to hear , so i 'm trying to understand exactly what happened . bianca : you do n't know him anymore . ryan : you see , i know jonathan better than anybody possibly could , because i 've seen what he survived . bianca : did you know that he stole my shirt and burned it ? the shirt that i was wearing when i gave birth to miranda ? the shirt that i held against my face as i cried myself to sleep every night ? ryan : what ? bianca : the shirt had dna evidence that could have proven that ethan is a cambias . and jonathan could n't have that , because then you would lose the estate . ryan : but nobody told me -- are you sure about -- you have proof of this ? bianca : he lied about it , and maggie lied for him , but finally , he confessed . the kid brother that you love so much , you have no idea what he 's capable of . ryan : well , that 's horrible . if i had known that -- bianca : it does n't matter now . i do n't care about the shirt , but maggie is in danger . ryan : bianca , you 've jumped from a shirt to a bruise to jonathan being a killer . i mean , there 's just no logic . there has to be an explanation . bianca : there is an explanation . you love your little brother so much that you ca n't see him for who he really is . ryan : or you love your sister so much that you 're starting to believe her smear campaign . i mean , she 's had it in for jonathan since the day that he got to town . bianca : with good reason . ryan : no , you 're starting to see things through kendall 's filter . bianca , i 'm telling you , she 's got a lot to answer for . [ scene_break ] kendall : uh . how much do i need this ? greenlee : lots . kendall : and how dangerous could jonathan be ? greenlee : also lots . aidan 's right . the guy is slick . i mean , doping my coffee , drugging my juice ? oh , it gives me the creeps thinking he invaded my space like that . kendall : yeah , well , what are we supposed to do , just sit back and let big manly aidan take over ? i mean , i 've got to believe that two savvy women like us could find some way to uncover jonathan 's dirty secrets . greenlee : i hate doing nothing . it 's so blah . kendall : yeah , so is this drink . since when is there no vodka in a vodka tonic ? could we have another round , please ? greenlee : i still think we should swing by the pharmacies and scope out jonathan 's drug - buying habits . kendall : yeah , except that every time that you try to break into a computer you get busted . greenlee : me ? you traipse into jonathan 's apartment without checking to see if he 's even there . smooth move . kendall : no , i was not alone on that . hello ? he tricked you into thinking he was n't coming home . greenlee : just when we thought we tricked him . kendall : oh . thank god . thank you . greenlee : thanks . kendall : that sneaky , double - crossing rat . he does n't deserve to live . greenlee : you want to go down for murder again ? kendall : yeah , because it was just so much fun the first time . good times . so , did you check his medicine cabinet ? greenlee : why ? to see if he uses enchantment 's face cream for men ? kendall : no -- to see if he 's on meds , brainiac . i wish we could go back in there and check it out . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] jonathan : what 's the matter ? bride - to - be forgot her key ? lily : i 'm here to check you out . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm -- i 'm serious . your mom -- your mother would be -- she 'd be great . she 's coming , she could waltz in , and she could throw herself over jonathan , and she can talk about how she has a terrible relationship with her daughter and would he like to go in for a skinny - dip and -- and to commiserate ? greenlee : ew ! kendall : ew ! greenlee : my mother and -- you know , that is so wrong . i almost felt sorry for jonathan for a second . kendall : ugh ! i thought you got rid of her . greenlee : my mother ? kendall : no , bleeding - heart greenlee . greenlee : are you kidding me ? when have i ever had a bleeding heart ? kendall : you got all ooey and gooey when you became mrs. ryan lavery . yes , you did . you did . you got all gooey and whatnot . but i have to say , you got over it , you moved past it , and the almighty witch is back . greenlee : what can i say ? you bring out the best in me . kendall : yeah . greenlee : all i bring out in you is absolutely unusable ideas . like siccing my mother on jonathan . i think that 's the worst idea you 've ever had . kendall : oh , really ? ok . well , who was the genius ? i was not the genius . you were the genius who tried to jump off the fusion rooftop . greenlee : yeah , while viciously medicated against my will . what 's your excuse ? kendall : i 'm very creative . greenlee : yeah . like showing up to my wedding -- in a white dress ! kendall : please . you -- you got married at a castle . it was a fairy - tale wedding . i was the only interesting thing that happened that day -- or night . greenlee : have no fear . ryan and i made up for lost time . kendall : well , so have ethan and i. i mean , we have n't made up for lost time , but -- greenlee : i get it , i get it , i get it , i get it . jeez . kendall : all -- all i 'm saying is i 'm completely over ryan . ethan is the only man that i ever want . greenlee : bold statement . ever , as in `` forever `` ? do i see a castle in your future ? well , you 'd have to keep him out of prison long enough to say `` i do . `` kendall : snarky wench . you 're a little wench . you know that ? and you are so -- you are ! do n't make that face at me ! you are so going to pay for the next round . you 're going to pay for a car home . you 're going to pay for my new shoes that i 'm going to make you buy . hello , lovely . can we have another round , please ? [ scene_break ] ethan : i have nothing to prove to you . i 'm not going to apologize for a decent education and some ability . zach : i do n't want you to . i 'm just making an observation . you are a cambias . ethan : which you like to point out every time you really want to get under my skin . unfortunately , i have more important things to take care of right now , like the lives of tens of thousands of cambias employees . zach : because if you take care of them they may take care of you , right ? ethan : you trying to be my mentor ? do n't . i 'd rather talk to the guy on the street corner , zach , to be quite honest . zach : hmm , so , mentoring 's off the list , as well ? well , that 's good to know . ethan : you do n't belong here , cambias industries with all that it represents . are n't you afraid your little curse is going to swing in through the door and smack you on the back of the head ? zach : i 'm here for you . ethan : great . well , i do n't think we have a `` daddy 's day `` at work . and if we do , to be honest , you 're not welcome , so if i have n't made myself crystal clear , let me just reinforce something . you denied me as your son before , and i 'm denying you as my father forever . zach : all right . it 's a start . [ scene_break ] aidan : yeah , good to hear . hey , listen , oz , i need a location on a lorraine rossiter . she 's -- she 's 23 . she filed a complaint against jonathan lavery in 2002 . domestic violence . yeah , i know . well , i need to talk to her . oh , well -- i just -- whatever , man . see what you can do . thanks . thanks , mate . reggie : aidan -- now , this is my type of office , man . aidan : how are you doing ? reggie : how 'd your date go ? aidan : you know what ? can i just say your sister is an absolute genius . reggie : well , you know , she is all the brains . i have all the good looks , you know . aidan : i mean , she 's so focused , man . i mean , i 'll give her a problem and she solves it in matter of minutes . reggie : well , it sounds like your date was full of work . aidan : romance was the furthest thing from her mind . reggie : big thanks from me and my dad , ok ? aidan : no problem . no problem . she 's a good kid to have around . reggie : yeah , well , now it 's time to give her back . is she ready ? aidan : `` ready `` ? reggie : yeah . aidan : she 's already gone . she did n't say anything to me about giving her a lift home or anything . reggie : oh , man -- i mean , it 's no problem or anything . as long as she has her map , she 's in control . aidan : great boyfriend i am . i did n't even think about it . reggie : no , man , look , we just got our signals crossed , all right ? like you said , lily 's a pure genius . [ scene_break ] lily : it looks the same here . good . i 'll be fine and this will go quickly if you cooperate . jonathan : you 're jack 's daughter , greenlee 's sister . i saw you at thanksgiving . why are you here ? lily : to ask you questions . jonathan : well , i 'm kind of in a hurry right now . lily : these are very important questions . jonathan : ok . go ahead , make it fast . shoot . lily : i do n't carry a gun . i 'm not that kind of detective . jonathan : what ? you 're a detective ? lily : yes . is maggie here now ? jonathan : why are you asking me if maggie 's here ? [ scene_break ] erica : you 're working for ethan now ? jack : sweetheart , you know bianca brought me in at cambias . that means i work for miranda and ethan , yes . erica : two days ago you did n't even trust that man . now you 're a team ? jack : whoa , whoa , no , no , i still do n't trust the guy , but he wants slater out of our lives , and that 's a directive that i can get behind . we can not give slater access to the ones we love . and i 'll tell you something else . you get in league with zach slater and you not only put yourself , but everyone you love , at risk . erica : no . i am going to make sure that he only hurts the people who deserve it . jack : and not even the great and powerful erica kane can control this guy . erica : i ca n't control him , but you can get rid of him ? jack : you bet i can . erica : but i need him here , jack , where he can do the most damage . jack : oh , and he can do plenty of damage , ca n't he ? like his murder game , huh ? like his defense of michael cambias , lying to ethan , lying to all of us ? oh , he can do a lot of damage , but he will not destroy the person you ask him to . he 'll destroy whoever he wants to . now , look , i want babe and hayward and krystal to get what 's coming to them , and they will , but not like this . sweetheart , pine valley has enough bad guys without you keeping one as a personal pet . now , please , can you just trust me on this and just leave it alone ? [ scene_break ] bianca 's voice : the kid brother that you love so much , you have no idea what he 's capable of . man 's voice : you want to back - talk me , ryan ? young ryan 's voice : i 'm just saying -- man 's voice : you live under my roof , take my food , and you want to back - talk me ? you stupid , ungrateful -- you 're one big disappointment , ryan . [ belt strap lashing ] man 's voice : you will respect me ! [ glass falls ] man 's voice : son of a -- you spilled my beer ! young jonathan 's voice : you got to cry , ry . if you cry , he 'll stop . please , ryan , cry ! young ryan 's voice : i 'll never cry for that bastard . man 's voice : jonathan , you want some of this ? young jonathan 's voice : no , sir . young ryan 's voice : leave him alone . man 's voice : come here , buddy . young jonathan 's voice : please , ryan , do n't let him . young ryan 's voice : i said leave him alone ! [ echoes ] bianca : ryan , are you ok ? ryan : yeah . bianca , did you -- bianca : look , there 's nothing left to say , and there 's no time . jonathan hit maggie . he humiliated her . now he 's got her so messed up she thinks she wants to marry him . and if she does , she 'll never get out . whatever he does to her , she will just stand there and take it until it 's too late . that 's her life if we do n't do something . ryan , are you listening ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : ok . not that i get any of this , but why do you ask if maggie 's here ? lily : it 's helpful to ask others for information you need . it 's like canvassing . it 's investigative procedure . but it 's ok if she 's not here now . may i see your hands , please ? jonathan : more procedure ? lily : turn them over , please . jonathan : did i mention i 'm in a hurry ? lily : yes . jonathan : what is this ? a school project ? lily : no . jonathan : is it for your dad ? a bigtime lawyer , hmm ? former da trying to follow in daddy 's footsteps ? lily : i could follow in his footsteps if he left footprints . but he does n't . he 's much neater than that . jonathan : then what is this about ? is this part of the latest campaign of wrecking my life ? lily : i 'm not trying to wreck your life . i just need proof that you hurt her and stop you from ever hurting her again . can i see your medicine cabinet now ? [ scene_break ] zach : oh , man , so no father - son rugby games , huh ? ethan : fascinating . i just denied you as my father , and you just laugh it off ? zach : when i was your age , my father and i had been dead to each other for years . we 're in the same room . we 're having a conversation . that 's progress . ethan : maybe i was a little vague . i do n't have any use for you , zach , not as my father , not as my mentor , not as my savior . not even as a little enemy to kind of keep on the sidelines to smack around every now and again . nothing . no use for you at all . zach : that 's fine . in the meantime , you know where to find me . jack , hi . jack : hello , slater . my , my , my , you and slater in the same room without bloodshed . ethan : hmm . jack : maybe i should just toss this in the circular file . ethan : toss what ? jack : you said you wanted to destroy your father . i think this should do it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hmm ! waiter : ladies ? kendall : oh -- greenlee : oh -- kendall : yes . thank you , thank you . that 's mine . fine . thank you . greenlee : no , quiet . i 'll take that . kendall : um -- no , hello ? i got it . you 're not the empress of cambias anymore . this one 's on me . greenlee : it makes you crazy when i 'm nice . kendall : it 's good you suck at it . [ greenlee laughs ] waiter : how about if i split the check 50/50 ? greenlee : oh -- kendall : that 's a good idea . great idea ! hell of an idea . greenlee : excuse her . you know , she 's a little -- kendall : oh , you know what ? tell you what . why do n't you just add 20 % to mine ? greenlee : and 25 % for me . kendall : god , you 're -- you 're getting goofier by the second . greenlee : oh , and you 're such pure grace and charm . kendall : yes , i am . oh ! greenlee : i 'm going to miss nights like this . kendall : uh -- they have n't thrown us out of the joint yet , so , you know , you do n't really have to stress about that , but when they do , we 'll just pick another one . greenlee : it wo n't do any good . i wo n't be able to drink at all soon . kendall : ah . you 're lit . you 're not exactly 12-step material yet . greenlee : maternal , not material . ryan and i are trying to get pregnant . [ scene_break ] ryan : sorry , i just -- i just needed a second . bianca : if you ca n't come with me now and help me stop them from eloping , then i 'm going to have to find another way , but i ca n't just stand by and do nothing . i ca n't stand by and watch someone i love lose everything . [ scene_break ] reggie : you know , i still feel kind of funny about lily calling you her boyfriend . on the other hand , i 'm kind of glad , because she picked somebody that could chase away those hot girls . aidan : yeah . you know , but she 's a really great kid , reggie . she really is . so sweet . it 's like a weird combination of old soul , young soul , you know ? reggie : yeah , i do . the thing is about lily , she ca n't see the bad stuff coming at her . that 's why she needs people like us around her . but i 'm going to head back home . i 'm going to meet up with her . so you be safe -- aidan : and you . reggie : and i 'll see you around . aidan : take care . reggie : all right , man . lily : we have a 90 % chance of success in solving this mystery . i 'll be the best partner you 've ever had . aidan : oh , bloody hell . [ scene_break ] jonathan : who sent you ? what 's the matter ? now you ca n't talk ? lily : i can talk . no one sent me . no one even knows i 'm here . [ next_on ] erica : what did you do to make my daughter look so unhappy ? greenlee : nothing . erica : liar . greenlee : schemer . erica : rat . jonathan : you think i hurt women ? do you think i 'm going to hurt you , too ? maggie : you love me as a friend . bianca : it 's so much more than that . | everybody is suspicious of jonathan . bianca goes to urge ryan to prevent his brother from hurting maggie . ryan still does not believe that his brother is a danger to anybody . kendall and greenlee brainstorm together and hire aiden to investigate jonathan for them . he 's able to unlock a code with lily 's help about jonathan 's history of domestic violence . hearing that she is a great `` detective `` , lily goes to talk to jonathan , revealing to him that she believes he hurts maggie . erica reveals to jack that she trusts zach slater more than ethan ramsay . jack reveals to erica that he trusts ethan more than he trusts zach . |
ryan : i 'm leaving right now . i will be there as soon as i can . annie ? annie : hey , what 's wrong ? ryan : greenlee stopped breathing . she 's at the hospital . annie : what ? ryan : i mean , she 's fine -- she 's fine now . but i told kendall that we would be there as soon as we can , ok ? ryan : emma ? annie : our daughter -- blonde , dimples ? ryan ? ryan : oh -- yeah . no , no , of course , i just -- i -- i had greenlee on the brain , ok , so i 'm -- i 'll go to the hospital , i 'll meet you there , ok ? annie : ok . ryan : what ? annie : while we 're there , i want you to get checked out , too . [ scene_break ] krystal 's voice : just be careful , j.r . if your father realizes you 're moving in just to get information about kate , he 's going to be furious . j.r. 's voice : i 'll get what we need for tad . [ j.r. goes through his father 's drawers ] adam : why are you going through my things ? [ scene_break ] zach : what does that mean , joe ? joe : it means there 's been a mutation , and this new strain is not affected by our anti - toxins . zach : what does it mean in english ? joe : what it means is it 's systematically destroying the oxygen - carrying cells in the blood . zach : so you do a transfusion , right ? joe : no , no , no , that 's just a stopgap at best . and meanwhile , they 're getting weaker and their organs are closing down . kendall : we want to make sure there 's plenty of blood in the bank for greenlee and frankie 's transfusions , so just spread the word , please , and get here right away . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey . anybody ever tell you how gorgeous you look in a hospital gown ? [ monitor beeps ] greenlee : huh . do n't joke . i hate these things . aidan : you look beautiful no matter what you wear . [ monitor races ] [ greenlee gasps ] aidan : angie -- angie ? hey , it 's all right . it 's all right , it 's ok . greenlee : help me . god -- [ greenlee wheezes ] angie : she 's not moving anywhere . page dr. sigman and please get me a nurse ! aidan : please do something ! angie : listen , aidan , i need you to get back . greenlee , i 'm going to have to intubate you . dr. sigman : what 's happening ? angie : she 's asphyxiating . i have to tube her . give me a seven tube ! julia : aidan , i need you to stay back , please . aidan : all right , greenlee , i 'm right here , babe , all right ? angie : all right , listen , let 's go , people ! we have to stabilize her and we have to do it fast ! julia : i 'll fix it . did anyone call respiratory ? [ scene_break ] jesse : you look tired , kiddo . i know you 're fighting this thing . i wish i could fight it for you . listen , i am so sorry i had to leave you and your mother -- when you were so young . but i love you , frankie , and i know you know that . i never stopped . frankie : dad . dr. martin . joe : yes , it 's me , frankie . do n't try to talk . [ frankie mumbles ] joe : easy , easy . [ frankie coughs ] joe : your throat is still sore from the tracheotomy . well , look , i have an idea . you want to say something , here -- why do n't you just write it on this sheet , ok ? yeah . [ frankie writes down `` dad was here `` ] [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps normally ] julia : her b.p . is leveling off . aidan : does that mean she 's ok ? angie : get her on a ventilator . julia : we 'll take care of it . jada , can you roll the bench right here ? kendall : dr. hubbard , is greenlee ok ? angie : for now . but these events are going to happen with more frequency , i 'm afraid . zach : joe said the poison 's shutting down her system . kendall : can you stop it ? angie : we 're working on that . nurse : dr. hubbard , dr. martin needs to see you right away . dr. sigman : go . i 'll monitor greenlee . jack : aidan . i just got kendall 's message -- what the hell 's going on here ? aidan : greenlee 's sick , jack . she stopped breathing . jack : what ? why ? julia : jackson ? dr. sigman , this is greenlee 's father , jackson montgomery . jack : hi . um , can i see her , please ? dr. sigman : yeah . come with me . jack : thanks . julia : hey , hey . how are you holding up ? aidan : i ca n't believe we 're here again , all right , after everything that 's happened . she did n't deserve this . [ jack holds greenlee 's hand ] [ scene_break ] kendall : between you and ryan and the boys and now greenlee , i feel like i live at this hospital . zach : it does feel like it sometimes , but we 're just here till greenlee feels better . kendall : did you know i wrote a book while you were missing ? [ zach chuckles ] zach : what , you wrote a book ? you scribbled some stuff down -- that 's what you told me . kendall : no , i wrote a book -- i did . yeah , it was -- it was my therapy , my escape . greenlee got it published . zach : you 're kidding me . kendall : no , no , i 'm not -- huh . it 's coming out next month . yeah . she went behind my back and made me an author . and we were at the office celebrating when she had her attack . i mean , i -- i knew that she was n't feeling well , but i had no idea how bad it was . zach : hey , hey , hey , hey -- shh . come on , do n't do that . kendall : zach ? she hates -- greenlee hates being at the hospital . she hates it . zach : you know what ? everybody hates being at the hospital -- not the people that work here , of course , but -- one thing we know about greenlee , she 's a survivor . kendall : well , i ca n't just sit around and watch . i have to do something . i have to . [ scene_break ] angie : christ ! joe : yeah . angie : his numbers are all over the place -- joe : yeah . angie : and i -- i just had to intubate greenlee . joe : hmm . nurse , still no word from the lab ? nurse : i 'll go check . joe : yeah , thank you . oh , there 's something else you need to see . angie : `` dad was here `` ? joe : yeah . he wrote that just before you arrived . angie : he 's hallucinating now . frankie : no . no . angie : oh , baby , no . no , it 's -- it ' s ok . i do n't want you to try to talk . frankie : he was here , mom -- right here -- angie : yeah . frankie : right where you 're standing . angie : i know -- jesse is always with us , sweetheart . frankie : no , no -- it was real , mom . angie : it 's ok . frankie : dad was here . angie : it 's ok . frankie : dad was -- angie : it 's ok -- that 's right . you rest . mama 's going to take care of you . joe : could we step outside , you think ? angie : it 's getting worse , joe . joe : we 're doing everything we can . angie : frankie has to survive this -- you hear me ? he has to survive this . i lost jesse in this hospital , and i 'll be damned if i 'm going to lose frankie , too . [ scene_break ] adam : you have n't answered my question . j.r. : i guess i got a little nostalgic , being in my old bedroom . adam : huh . yes , yes , so you left your old room , and to rifle through my belongings ? j.r. : no . i found what i was looking for . adam : ah -- ha . i have n't seen that in years . j.r. : you surprise me , dad . you do n't seem like the scrapbook type . adam : yeah , well , stuart put this together after you left on that tramp steamer . j.r. : yeah . would you look at this ? soccer photos , school ribbons . yeah . i think report cards -- yeah . adam : the detritus of your youth . j.r. : you actually looked through all this old stuff ? adam : of course , i have . i 'm proud of these memories . j.r. : you have n't been proud of me since i was `` junior . `` adam : the minute you walked through that door , back through that door , your slate was wiped completely clean . j.r. : no one ever really forgets their past . adam : hmm -- well , i 'm much more interested in your future . [ scene_break ] richie : what is this ? babe : well , that is a triple blast , antioxidant blueberry smoothie just for you . richie : oh , yeah -- that sounds healthy . [ babe chuckles ] richie : oh , yeah -- that needs tequila . babe : well , look , you 're going to have to start taking care of yourself now that you might have all those years ahead of you . richie : mm - hmm . babe : you 're really scared , huh ? richie : yeah , it sounds weird , huh ? babe : drink the smoothie . no , it does n't sound weird -- it 's honest . i mean , i would be scared , too . it is the big question of life -- what are you going to be when you grow up ? i 'm still trying to figure that out myself . richie : well , you 're a lot further along than i am . babe : well , you got to start somewhere , richie . i mean , what was your dream ? everybody has a dream . richie : hmm -- my dream ? babe : yeah . richie : my dream is sitting across from me looking at me . [ scene_break ] annie : ryan , i really want you to talk to somebody . even if there 's nothing wrong with you physically , maybe you could talk to a psychiatrist or -- ryan : oh , wow . great -- so now i need a shrink , too . annie : ryan -- ryan : that 's fantastic -- you know what ? i 'll meet you at the hospital , ok ? annie : hey . emma : mommy ? mommy -- annie : what 's wrong , sweetie ? hey , hey , hey , hey , hey . what 's wrong , angel ? what 's wrong ? mommy and daddy are right here , sweetheart . it -- it 's ok . go to the hospital , i 'll take care of this . ryan : emma , daddy 's got to go to the hospital , because i 've got a friend who 's really sick . are you going to be ok ? emma : i 'll try . ryan : oh . you know what ? i can stay for a little while . annie : ryan -- ryan : no , no , no , no , it 's ok . come here . come to your big dad . annie : oh . ryan : come on over here . why do n't you tell your daddy -- tell me what 's going on . emma : bad dream . [ scene_break ] joe : you have to understand , zach -- this is damn frustrating for us , as well . i mean , a doctor 's supposed to have answers , but this is -- this is -- zach : because some plant -- joe : yes . but you know , you 're the one who made the connection , and that gives us a fighting chance . [ scene_break ] tad : jack ? how 's greenlee ? frankie ? jack : holding on . tad : well , they know what 's causing it ? jack : some kind of poison they picked up in the forest there . aidan : if they do n't find the antidote soon , neither greenlee or frankie 's going to make it . [ scene_break ] julia : hey . kendall : hey . um -- i know it 's against the rules . julia : no . take a minute . kendall : thanks . wow . you look like hell . but , i 'm here to change that . now , do n't worry -- i talked to the cute new doctor , he said it was ok . so , i got something for you -- ta - da this is 100 % silk , the best money can buy . so , no more ratty hospital gowns . and let 's see what we have here -- ah . this . this was my grandma mona 's . mom said it was her favorite hair clip . so , if your hair gets matted and all ratty , at least you 'll have some bling . it 's not charity . i just -- i need you looking your best . i -- i talked to kelly at hyperion , and they want me to do a multi - city book tour for `` charm . `` greenlee : hmm -- kendall : yeah . that means fancy dinners , first - class hotel , an expense account -- everything . greenlee : hmm . kendall : and i get to bring a guest , and that means you . i need you , greenlee . it 'll be just like old times . kendall : who the hell are you ? you ! greenlee : oh ! kendall : you ! [ greenlee and kendall yell ] greenlee : i 'm pregnant . i 'm going to have ryan 's baby -- ah ! yeah ! kendall : greenlee , i 'm so sorry . you had a miscarriage . kendall : we have ryan 's sperm , your eggs , and my womb . this is actually possible . greenlee : someone else could carry my baby with ryan -- and you 're volunteering ? kendall : i 'm -- no , we 're pregnant . hmm . kendall : i love you , greens . [ scene_break ] angie : then i want repeat blood cultures . listen , is jackie from the cdc still working with you on this ? well , please , just have her get back to me asap . my patients are getting worse by the minute ! listen -- one of my patients is my son . thank you . thank you , i 'll -- i 'll be waiting for your call . bye . angie : jesse , i need you now more than ever . [ angie gasps when someone walks up behind her ] angie : ah , tad martin , i swear you just took 10 years off my life . tad : oh , i 'm sorry , baby . i just did n't want to wake up frankie . let 's go outside , come on . will you do me a favor -- take a break , ok ? just five minutes , come on . have a seat . now , listen , i can only imagine what you 're going through . and it 's none of my business , but if anybody can figure this thing out , it 's you . now , i know . you are angela hubbard , you are unstoppable . i mean , at least we know that this thing is a plant , right -- some kind of root that 's messing with frankie , so how are they going to fix it ? angie : well , we 're now working with the department of agriculture and poison control , also the cdc . and we 're attempting to coordinate an effort to try and pinpoint the toxin and then develop an antidote . tad : well , it sounds complex . angie : it is , and even if we can come up with a viable sample , we wo n't have the time to test it . tad : so , on top of everything , you 're worried you 're going to have to use frankie as some kind of guinea pig ? angie : there 's no other choice . i could end up killing my son . tad : it 's not going to happen . keep the faith , ok ? i do n't have many heroes in this life , but you 're one of them , and i know you do n't want to let me down . angie : this is true . tad : hmm . angie : you know , it just sort of unnerved me when frankie said that he saw jesse in his room . tad : he what ? angie : he was probably hallucinating -- it happens . tad : well , you know , i saw jesse once myself . yeah , it was after the tornado went through pine valley and dropped a house on my head , but i saw him . he was there with jenny . i mean , i did n't know whether i was dead or alive or somewhere in between , but he knew it was n't my time , so he showed me the way home . that 's what he 's doing for frankie . angie : tad , what if jesse was here to take frankie away ? tad : i do n't think so . i think if frankie is seeing his father , it 's because he needs him to help him keep fighting . i mean , that 's what jesse was always best at . and the man i knew would never let his son down . [ scene_break ] ryan : sometimes i have bad dreams -- did you know that ? and sometimes everybody does , and the good news is that they go away just as soon as they come . annie : so do you want to tell us what the dream was about ? emma : it was about uncle richie . [ scene_break ] richie : yeah , i got you a rum and soda . ahem . babe : i thought we were sticking to smoothies , mister . [ richie chuckles ] richie : yeah , well , that was before i freaked you out by calling you my `` dream . `` babe : right -- that . richie : yeah . i 'm sorry -- i did n't mean to put you on the spot . babe : look , richie -- richie : will you just sit there and down that drink and let me finish ? now , you asked me a question , and i went with my gut . and this whole living concept is new to me , and honestly , how could you pass up on a catch like me ? babe : oh , oh , so you 're a catch now ? richie : yes , i 'm a catch . i 've got this debilitating , possibly fatal disease , and i am on parole -- that is sexy , right ? babe : well , i 'm sure there are many women who find that sexy . [ richie chuckles ] richie : and then there 's my smile -- ooh , the ladies love my smile . babe : mm - hmm -- how many ladies ? richie : that does n't matter , because i only care about one . babe : well , i have to say you do have a nice smile . richie : yeah ? babe : yeah . richie : hmm , nice enough for you to drop the zero and get with a hero ? babe : j.r. is a nonissue . richie : oh , he just moved in next door to you . babe : yep , and he moved right back out . richie : seriously ? babe : yep . the movers were there this morning . richie : you think you scared him away ? babe : who knows ? if there is one thing i have learned being married to j.r. chandler , it 's that things are never what they seem . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm trying to work the program , live my life one step at a time . adam : you ca n't make a living working the program , son . j.r. : i 'm aware of that . adam : so what are your plans ? j.r. : i still like my idea of the online beauty network . adam : but you had trouble financing that . j.r. : yes , but my media ideas were solid . sponsorships were lined up . it was all there except -- everything else . adam : well , maybe it 's not . j.r. : what 's this ? adam : open it . j.r. : it 's a full prospectus for my idea . adam : mm - hmm . i had barry put that together after i had reacquired chandler enterprises . j.r. : why ? adam : because i thought we could put together a media and online consumer products division . j.r. : and you want me to run it ? adam : yes , i want you to have full autonomy . chandler enterprises will be nothing but a parent company . j.r. : it 's my exact proposals -- adam : hmm . j.r. : from the product integration to the cell phone platforms . adam : do n't act so surprised . for years , i 've wanted us to work together , side by side -- a team . j.r. : oh . i do n't know what to say . adam : i want it to work this time , son . i 'm going to give you a chance to be your own man -- your own man . and i may regress now and then , but if i do , i want you to call me on it . deal ? j.r. : deal . [ adam chuckles as he hugs his son ] [ scene_break ] jack : greenlee 's going to make it through this . you know that . kendall : god . jack , i hope so . jack : no , kendall , she is . and when she does , you 'll be the reason . kendall : why me ? jack : why you ? listen to me . you understand greenlee . she 's never had that in her life -- somebody that gets her totally . you understand each other , you get each other . and you back in her life , being friends with her again ? that 's the best medicine my little girl could have . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] aidan : thanks . what i want to do is go in there and make her well . zach : that sounds familiar . `` you ca n't control anything , zach . `` aidan : what , did greenlee say that to you ? zach : she did . we went back to the place , and we were just talking , you know , and then -- aidan : she 's definitely good at telling you how it is . zach : yeah , she is , but you know sometimes , guys like us -- that 's exactly what we need . we think we have all the answers for those damsels in distress , and sometimes we do n't . she 's going to be all right , she 's strong . she 's not going to quit . look at me -- do n't you quit on her . ok ? [ monitor races , then flatlines as greenlee begins convulsing ] julie : get dr. hubbard . joe : come on , greenlee . angie : come on , greenlee . hold on , hold on . there you go , there you go . all right . all right . joe : the convulsions have stopped . julia : b.p . is stabilizing . angie : damn it , she ca n't take much more of this . [ flatline stops ] zach : doc ? hey , doc ? aidan : angie , please tell me that greenlee 's going to be ok . angie : her body 's in extreme duress , but she 's stable . jack : angie , was that a seizure ? angie : probably a grand mal . we believe that the toxin contains a cortical depressant that triggers seizure activity . kendall : but there wo n't be any permanent damage ? angie : well , there should n't be . jack : wait -- well , wait a minute ! there should n't be , or there wo n't be ? which is it ? angie : well , as far as we can tell , she 's weathered this setback like the others . zach : but this is a new reaction ? angie : for greenlee , yes . but unfortunately , it 's consistent with what we 've already seen in frankie . aidan : yeah , and sylvester . angie : dr. hahn said that sylvester had several seizures before he -- jack : before what ? who the hell is sylvester ? aidan : this guy in the woods . he had the same symptoms as frankie and greenlee . zach : and in sylvester 's case , it killed him . [ scene_break ] jesse : it 's ok , frankie . i 'm back now . from now on , i promise you that i will be by your side every step of the way . [ scene_break ] annie : it was just a dream . i know it seemed real , but -- ryan : but then you wake up and it 's all gone . and you 're in your house , you 're in a place here with your mom and dad , and it 's safe . it 's perfectly safe , ok ? annie : hey , do you want to sleep down here for a little while ? ryan : huh ? emma : can i sleep out here for -- annie : you can , you can . hey , if you want to go -- ryan : no , no , no , it 's ok , it 's ok , because i got something really important to do first . you know what i got to do is i have to get my very trusty dragon- fighting sword . annie : oh ! ryan : yes , it 's very , very , very trusting . it 's come in very handy before . how do you like that right there ? wha - cha ! emma : that 's not a sword , daddy . ryan : what ? it 's not ? no , you see , what you have to do is you have to use a little bit of imagination . [ phone rings ] ryan : and then it becomes a sword . pretty cool , huh ? annie : hello ? yes , of course , i remember . you have my test results ? and are the tests 100 % conclusive ? i see . ok . thank you for letting me know . i ca n't be richie 's donor . ryan : are you ok ? annie : if i ca n't be his donor , who will ? [ scene_break ] richie : there 's no one else ? yeah , thank you , doc . thanks for calling . yeah , thanks . babe : richie , i -- i 'm so sorry . richie : hey , i guess some brothers and sisters are n't as close as you thought . [ scene_break ] ryan : for what it 's worth , i 'm sorry . annie : why ? richie 's been horrible to us . ryan : well , he 's your brother , and i know you were trying to help him , despite what he 's done . annie : i just feel sad . richie 's going to die , and there 's nothing i can do about it . [ scene_break ] babe : so -- so your sister was n't a match . i mean , maybe there is -- is a cousin , or -- or an uncle somewhere ? i mean , annie ca n't be your only hope . richie : you 're right . there 's got to be someone else out there . [ scene_break ] adam : sorry for the interruption . the japanese market just opened . where 'd you get that ? j.r. : it was in the scrapbook that uncle stuart made . [ adam grabs the old photo from j.r. 's hands and tears it up ] adam : obviously a mistake . j.r. : this book is about my childhood ! adam : some things have to be forgotten . tad martin 's one of them . j.r. : you 're never going to let it go , will you ? this vendetta against tad ! adam : we do n't need to discuss him . j.r. : i was looking over these numbers . i 'd like to go over them more closely . adam : you can review the whole prospectus in the morning . j.r. : actually , i 'd like to look at them now . you can go to bed . i 'll see you at breakfast . adam : good night , son . [ j.r. drops the folder on the table then tries to open the wall safe ] [ scene_break ] joe : angie , there 's something we have n't talked about . would you -- angie : the conflict of interest ? are you serious , joe ? you 're the one who brought me in on this . joe : i did n't know at the time that i was asking you to treat your own son . angie , there are rules about that sort of thing . no doctor should be treating her own family . it 's almost impossible to remain objective . angie : in this case , i 'm asking you to make an exception . you know what scares me is that i think i 'm the best doctor for this job , and i still do n't have the answer . joe : yeah . we 're going to find it . angie : we have to . because i did n't come back home just to see my son die . we have -- have to . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : hmm ? is it greenlee ? zach : she 's resting . kendall : whew . i almost fell asleep . zach : why do n't we go home , check on the boys ? kendall : no , i talked to josh . he said they 're fine . zach : it 'll do you some good . kendall : i ca n't leave greenlee . she needs to know i 'm here for her . [ scene_break ] jack : erica , it 's jackson . listen , i 'm calling you because -- i wanted to make sure you were taking care of that note from the sec . call me when that 's handled , ok ? [ scene_break ] [ keypad beeps ] j.r. : he changed the code . wonder if it 's little adam 's birthday . [ keypad beeps as adam watches ] adam : hello , it 's adam chandler . i have a job for you . [ scene_break ] [ annie cries while watching emma sleeping ] [ scene_break ] babe : i really am sorry , richie . i am . richie : hey , hey -- at least i got you to spend some time with me . that 's got to count for something , right ? [ phone rings ] richie : oh . hey , annie . annie : i just got a call from the hospital . richie : yeah , me , too . i guess we made that pact for nothing , huh , sis ? annie : how are you ? richie : um -- i 'm -- i 'll live for now . annie : is there anything else i can do ? richie : um -- no , annie . you 've -- you 've done all you can do , and thank you . hey , give little emma a kiss on the cheek for me from her uncle richie , ok ? babe : annie feels bad , does n't she ? richie : yeah , i guess she does . babe : well , hey , look , if -- if there 's anything good that 's come out of this -- i mean , at least you know now you have a family . richie : you 're right , babe . i do have a family . [ scene_break ] angie : this is n't working . joe : they 're working as fast as they can . angie : then they have to work harder . i want sigman in that lab 24/7 until he produces an antitoxin that we can use . joe : ok , ok . i 'll talk to him . angie : all right , thanks , joe . i 'm going to go see about frankie . tad : you look like you could use some coffee . come on , i 'll buy you a cup . joe : yeah , i could , actually . [ jesse hides from angie as she enters frankie 's room ] [ next_on ] babe ( to krystal ) : you just sent j.r. on a suicide mission . greenlee ( to ryan ) : do i look hot or what ? ryan : you look beautiful . joe ( to angie ) : antidote is ready . we should n't wait . angie : please let this be ok . | ryan , on the telephone , learns that he is needed at the hospital because of greenlee . he yells for annie to tell her that he is going to the hospital . ryan wants her to accompany him , but she reminds him about emma . ryan , for just a moment , does n't remember emma . j.r. thinks about what krystal had told him about being careful . j.r. begins to rummage through the desk drawers when adam walks in on him . adam questions him as to what he is doing , going through his things . at the hospital , aidan stands vigil by greenlee 's hospital bed . greenlee begins to go into seizures . kendall brings greenlee some things to the hospital to help make her feel better . jesse visit frankie . frankie opens his eyes and sees jesse standing there . annie gets word from the hospital that she can not be a bone marrow donor for richie . the doctor also calls richie , who is with babe , and gives him the news . both richie and annie are crushed by the news . babe offers her sympathy . after adam supposedly goes to bed , j.r. tries to get into the wall safe . adam watches him . adam makes a call to someone telling them that he has a job for them . |
ryan : you want us to adopt your baby ? amanda : i 'd be a disaster as a mother . it 's not like i had the best example . greenlee : and i did ? growing up , i spent more time with the nanny . my mother was trotting the globe with roger , blowing through money -- way too busy to raise a child . what makes you think i 'd be any better at it ? amanda : i 've seen you with emma . you 're so great with her . that little girl thinks that you hung the moon . ryan : and she 's not the only one . amanda : you see . that right there is the difference . you 're in love , getting married . i tank every single relationship i 've ever been in from boyfriends to business partners . but at least with the whole bella scandal , i only ruined my career . i mean , this is someone 's life that we 're talking about , an innocent child who deserves a chance . i am not in a place to give it that . greenlee : what about the baby 's father ? [ scene_break ] david : so i guess condolences are in order , huh ? another poor kid got caught swimming in the drunken end of the chandler gene pool . j.r. : where do you get this stuff ? david : oh , come on . i mean , why else would you come running down here at the mere thought of amanda being admitted into the hospital ? j.r. : amanda 's a friend -- something you would know nothing about . i mean , look around you , hayward . you 've alienated the entire town . except for krystal . david : what can i say -- she 's a good judge of character . j.r. : judge of character -- her judgment 's clouded , because of all those pills you 've been shoving down her throat . what 's a matter ? you could n't get her to go along with your plan , so you had to drug her to keep her in line ? david : you know , you might want to focus on that baby amanda 's carrying . the first trimester can be real tricky . j.r. : stay the hell away from her . david : oh , do n't worry , junior . you may be a dismal failure as a parent , but amanda 's doing her part to make sure this kid has a fighting chance . as a matter of fact , she was just here picking up prenatal vitamins . i just did n't have the heart to tell her that there 's no amount of folic acid that can make up for your disappointing dna . [ scene_break ] jack : so this arraignment is only a formality . the judge will read the charges against you , and you will enter your plea . jesse : angela , this will go a lot faster if you just admit you broke into hayward 's house and let jackson work out a deal with the d.a . angie : do all arresting officers advise defendants on how to plea ? jesse : baby , i 'm just trying to help you here . angie : `` baby `` ? you sure were n't babying me when i was being booked . jesse : ok , now you 're making it sound like i wanted to arrest you . angela , you left me no choice . you broke the law . angie : david hayward has been breaking the law for years . i do n't see him being brought up on felony charges . or are those reserved strictly for family ? [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : you know , right or wrong , a patient needs to be heard . they need to be nurtured , and if given that chance , a patient / therapist bond can be incredibly strong . it can be as strong as love . tad : i 'm sorry , but you love your patients ? dr. sinclair : well , there are many different types of love . not all stem from attraction . there 's the love a parent has for a child , or the bond between two friends . and what i have with my patients is a connection based on mutual understanding . tad : well , regardless of the type , if feelings are involved , then how can you as a physician hope to remain objective once that boundary has been crossed ? [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] annie : mr. stone ? mr. stone , can you hear me ? mr. stone ? mr. stone ? mr. stone ? annie : mr. stone , please , wake up . i 'm scared . you have to wake up . oh , thank god . thank god . are you ok ? over here -- over here in the vent . it 's me , it 's annie . aidan : annie -- annie : oh , my god . are you ok ? where did they take you ? [ aidan sighs ] annie : hey , no , no , open your eyes . open your eyes . aidan : i 'm so tired . annie : no , no , no , no , please . please , i ca n't do this alone . please , i need you to stay with me , please . aidan : annie , i need you to help me . annie : how ? aidan : just keep talking . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : it 's my job to create a safe environment for patients who feel like they can share their innermost thoughts and feelings . no judgments , no expectations . i ca n't do my job unless i 've gained someone 's trust first . that 's the key to any successful relationship , professional or otherwise . something you no doubt have already learned . how long have you been married ? tad : about a year . dr. sinclair : they say the first year is always the hardest . tad : that 's an understatement if i 've ever heard one . dr. sinclair : i take it the honeymoon 's already over ? tad : along with the rest of the marriage . i do n't even know why i wear it anymore . dr. sinclair : i 'm sorry . tad : no . i am . in any case , i apologize . i wanted to interview you . i 'm here to talk about your work , not my obvious failures as a husband . dr. sinclair : is that how you feel ? like a failure ? [ scene_break ] bailiff : all rise . the honorable judge dennis bryant presiding , case number 09783 - 1 , commonwealth of pennsylvania vs. angela hubbard . judge : be seated . it says here you 're a physician . angie : yes , your honor , at pine valley hospital . judge : and you are being charged with criminal trespass , burglary ? angie : yes . judge : how does a respected doctor with an impeccable record wind up on the wrong side of the law ? angie : your honor , you will have to ask my husband . he 's the one upholding it . [ scene_break ] david : yeah , i got to hand it to you , junior . you not only fell off the wagon , you took a nosedive right into amanda dillon 's bed . although , i have to admit -- i mean , that 's an interesting choice for a rebound , do n't you think ? i mean , babe 's been gone , what , a few months ? you 've already made a baby with her best friend ? hmm . seems grief really does bring people closer together . j.r. : you 're not grieving for babe . no , you 're only exploiting her death so you can get closer to krystal . david : you see , the difference is we lost a child together , so it 's only natural for us to draw closer for comfort . j.r. : you know , you 're so quick to play the father card when it suits you , when the only real contribution you had in babe 's life was a one - night stand at some frat party decades ago . david : right . well , at least i can say that i had something to do with babe 's conception . can you say the same thing for the child amanda 's carrying ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : does j.r. know about the baby ? amanda : not that it matters . i mean , he 's in no position to take care of this child . you saw him at the casino opening . he was so drunk he could barely stand . trust me , he will not fight this adoption . ryan : no , but adam will . i mean , this is his grandchild that we 're talking about here . there 's no way he 's going to let j.r. sign away a chandler heir . it 's not going to happen . greenlee : he 's right . adam will fight any adoption with everything he has , tie it up in court for years . amanda : adam does n't know that i 'm pregnant . greenlee : it 's not something you 'll be able to hide for long . amanda : so i 'll say someone else is the father . ryan : and you think that j.r. is going to go along with that ? amanda : j.r. moved across the country to get away from adam . he did n't want his son to grow up in that house . he was trying to give little a a normal life . and i 'll show him that this little baby can have one with people who are actually in love and have a future . we never will . greenlee : you sure about that ? amanda : i will never be anything more to j.r. than a warm body , someone to turn to when he needs to dull the pain of losing babe . ryan : amanda , you have to give yourself a little credit , please . greenlee : you are carrying his child . that changes things . amanda : not everything . babe was the love of his life . they had plans and goals . and now all he 's left with are the memories . i mean , how could i ever live up to that ? greenlee : no one expects you to . amanda : ok , you do n't get it . babe wanted more kids . they were trying before the tornado . this child would be a constant reminder of the life that he should have with her , and i do n't want to be the person that he ends up settling for , or worse , got stuck with because i got pregnant . there 's only one ever after to that story , and it 's not happily . it 's j.r. resenting me . look , we may have made this baby together , but we ca n't raise it that way . so please say that you 'll help . [ scene_break ] david : what is it they say ? the only thing certain in life are death and taxes ? well , i beg to differ , junior . because there will always be your weakness for single malt scotch and amanda 's penchant for casual sex . i mean , just last night i saw her at confusion . she was all cozied up at the bar with jake martin . and then , of course , a few months ago it was my bed she was waking up in in the morning . what i 'm getting at , junior -- the father field is wide open . so you might want to hold off on making any kind of commitment , financial or otherwise , until at least things are narrowed down . i mean , after all , you do n't want to be the chandler responsible for another 5 million going in the hole . j.r. : amanda 's not trying to trap me . [ david chuckles ] david : all right . you know , look , i realize you 're a drunk , but you ca n't honestly be so naive to think that this child is actually yours , not with the father field wide open . i mean , come on , junior . amanda 's after one thing and one thing only -- an inheritance . j.r. : amanda 's already told me that she does n't need or want my money . she 's dealing with this baby on her own . david : really ? wow . huh , she 's already pushing you away , huh ? well , that should be all the proof you need . i mean , come on , junior . if amanda was carrying your child , do n't you think she 'd be using that as her claim ticket for the good life ? there 's only one reason she 's not -- dna . she knows adam is going to demand a test . and when he does , that test is going to prove beyond any doubt that you are in no way , shape , or form that child 's father . krystal : it always come down to the same thing with you -- shoving your way into little adam 's life . j.r. : i tried to warn you , krystal . hayward will stop at nothing to get his hands on little adam , no matter how many lives he has to destroy . look what he 's done to yours . god , i hope it was worth it . krystal : all right , no more games . i want the truth . have you been using me ? [ scene_break ] jesse : angela , all you had to do was plead guilty , take the deal , avoid a trial , and put this mess behind us . angie : we would n't be in this mess if you had n't put your job before our marriage . jesse : angela hubbard , you broke into that man 's house , and you confessed . jackson , would you please tell her she left me no choice ? angie : i 'm standing right here . i do n't need jackson to tell me anything . jack : well , that 's probably a good thing because jackson has another hearing to get to . angie : oh , jackson , i 'm sorry . jack : it 's ok . angie : thank you . jack : sure . i 'll be in touch . jesse : thanks , jackson . jack : excuse me , gentlemen . officer : fowler , back in line . natalia : yes , sir . jesse : do n't you see what hayward 's doing here ? first , he firebombs tad and krystal 's marriage , and now he 's trying to do the same damn thing to us by manipulating you into this crime and forcing me to arrest my own wife . angie : nobody forced you to do anything . jesse : angela -- angie : you 're the chief of police . jesse : that does n't give me the right to look the other way , and i never thought you would expect me to either . [ scene_break ] greenlee : why come to us ? ryan : because amanda trusts you . greenlee : based on what ? it 's not like i 've ever had a baby before . ryan : well , you 've been around kids a lot . i mean , spike , emma , ian . greenlee : there 's a huge difference between babysitting and actually being responsible for a tiny person 's life day in and day out . i just had to take emma to the emergency room , because i was n't watching her closely enough . ryan : do you know how much experience i had with kids before spike was born ? zero , none whatsoever -- you just kind of figure it out as you go , you know ? actually , i learned a lot from my parents . i learned exactly what not to do , and i still make mistakes . greenlee : you 're an incredible father . ryan : not just because i have two incredible kids . it does n't automatically make me an incredible father . i mean , half the time i do n't -- i do n't know what i 'm doing . but i ca n't imagine my life without them . greenlee : are we actually considering this ? adopting a baby ? ryan : i do n't know . you tell me . seriously . when you were with aidan , you were very adamant about not having kids , so what 's changed ? greenlee : i 've finally found the right guy for me . we just have to decide if we 've found the right child for us . [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , uh , hi . i 'm glad you 're here . i -- i just found the perfect parents to raise our -- j.r. : is it mine ? amanda : what ? j.r. : am i the father ? amanda : j.r. , what kind of question is that ? of course , you 're the father . j.r. : are you sure ? amanda : look , where is all this coming from ? j.r. : we 're not in a relationship . hell , we 're not even dating , which means you 're free to go see anybody you want to . jake martin maybe ? amanda : jake and i are beyond over , ok ? j.r. : then why do you keep pushing me away , refusing to let me have anything to do with this baby ? amanda : because i 'm the one who 's pregnant . there 's not a lot you can do . j.r. : yeah , and making all the decisions . a couple days ago , you were talking abortion . now you 're getting prenatal vitamins , and you 're talking adoption ? if this baby really is mine , should n't i have a say ? amanda : how did you find out about the vitamins ? j.r. : i ran into hayward over at the hospital . amanda : oh , my god . david knows i 'm pregnant . does he think that he 's the father ? j.r. : you were sleeping with him . is the baby david 's ? [ scene_break ] david : why are we going over this again ? i 've already told you how i feel . either you trust me or you do n't . krystal : i want to believe this is real , that you have n't been using me as part of some plan to get custody of little adam . david : why do i feel a `` but `` coming on ? [ krystal sighs ] david : you 've had so many people whispering warnings in your ear , you ca n't even see what 's right in front of you . is it really that hard for you to accept the fact that i genuinely care for you ? i 've put my life on hold , krystal . i 'm just waiting for you to make a decision . i 've made up my mind . i 've been very honest with you about my feelings . i 've told you over and over again how much i love you . so how many times do you have to hear it before you actually believe it ? krystal : never stop saying it . your love is the only thing that 's been getting me through this . [ scene_break ] tad : tell me something . do you ever get sick of hearing about other people 's problems ? dr. sinclair : not when i can help . tad : with all due respect , i did n't ask for any , and you are off the clock . dr. sinclair : i 'll make an exception . [ tad chuckles ] tad : you 're like a dog with a bone . you ever quit , give up ? dr. sinclair : if i had , dozens of perfectly sane criminals would be sitting in psychiatric wards instead of serving out their sentences in an 8-by-12 cell . tad : well , it 's a nice thought , but from where i sit , it seems like the criminal justice is a little like the mail . it just keeps coming . so sooner or later , people slip through cracks all the time . dr. sinclair : no , no , no , not the ones i treat . if a patient is faking , i will prove it . tad : huh . ok . so , why does it mean so much to you ? jesse : dr. sinclair . i did n't realize the two of you were friends . [ scene_break ] annie : oh . i was so worried . nobody would tell me where you were . i kept asking . she tried to trick me with a game . aidan : what kind of game ? annie : well , it was easy at first . she would say a word , and i had to tell her what it reminded me of . but then she said `` stone . `` and she kept asking over and over . aidan : and what did you say ? annie : well , i said `` solid , `` and then she got mad , and then i pretended i saw flying monkeys to get her to leave the room . aidan : you did good . annie : what if she asks me again in , like a tricky way , and i get stuck ? aidan : do n't worry about dr. sinclair , ok ? i 'll take care of her . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : mr. pearson is doing research for an article he 's writing on me . jesse : is that right ? tad : yeah . actually , it 's more of a series . it 's called `` cracking the criminal mind . `` it 's a study in how both forensics and psychology are doing their part to put away this nation 's worst offenders . jesse : sounds fascinating . tad : i hope so . i 'll send you a copy . dr. sinclair : how do you know the chief ? tad : oh , our wives are friendly . although , i do n't think we 've had too much to do with each other since my breakup . dr. sinclair : well , i should let you two catch up , then . tad : no , no , you do n't have to leave . dr. sinclair : no , really . you know , it 's getting late , and i have a lot of business to catch up on , you know . it was a pleasure meeting you , mr. pearson , and i look forward to reading the article . tad : no , i 'm not done . i mean , i 've still got a lot of questions . dr. sinclair : oh , feel free to call my office any time . chief . jesse : take care . so , what 's up with you meeting with annie lavery 's shrink ? tad : i 'm telling you , there 's something screwy with that shrink . come to think of it , i could use a little help , the kind only my good friend the chief of police can provide . jesse : yeah , well , this chief of police is really pretty ineffectual . i mean , i ca n't even help my own wife . how in the hell am i supposed to help you , tad ? [ scene_break ] natalia : hey , are you all right ? it 's going to be all right . you and dad will get through this one . no problem . angie : i do n't know . you know , david hayward is trying to destroy everything that really matters . my career . my marriage . the faith i have in your father . the faith he used to have in me . natalia : dad -- dad loves you . it 's ok . angie : yeah , well , sometimes that 's not enough . natalia : why ca n't it be ? angie : it 's not always that simple or easy . natalia : sure it is . look how much you 've already been through . 20 years . a string of tornadoes . i mean , are you really going to let this hayward jerk tear you apart now ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i slept with david a few times after babe died and jake dumped me . i was trying to take my mind off my crappy life . it 's what i do . i get hurt and i act out , making one bad decision after the other . you and i are a lot alike in that way , which is why we ca n't keep this baby , our baby . j.r. : i 'm the father ? amanda : it 's up to us to do right by this kid . find it great parents who can keep it from turning out anything like us . j.r. : you said you found someone . amanda : ryan and greenlee . j.r. : do you have any idea how hard that would be for me ? to watch them raising our child ? to hear that little voice calling ryan `` daddy `` ? amanda : you promised to be a friend and let me decide how to handle this . j.r. : amanda , i ca n't just turn my back and walk away . this is our child . ca n't we just find a way to make this work ? amanda : it wo n't . j.r. : you do n't know that . amanda : this is our chance to give this baby a better life , the kind of childhood that you and i only dreamed of , growing up in a family with two happy , sane parents who love each other . we owe our baby that much . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what if amanda changes her mind ? ryan : she said that keeping the baby was n't an option . greenlee : that could change once it 's born . once she sees that sweet little face and holds that baby in her arms , all bets are off . i mean , we could spend months getting attached to this baby , picking out a name , decorating the nursery , and then amanda could decide to keep it after all . i mean , that does n't worry you ? ryan : yeah , it does . it worries me , but it honestly does n't worry me as much as having a huge secret hanging over our heads as soon as we get married . wondering how long it 's going to be before adam puts things together or before j.r. cracks under the pressure . that worries me more . greenlee : what about emma ? i mean , this is a lot of change all at once . new baby , new mom . i mean , the timing could n't be worse . we need to focus on the family that we have before even considering adding to it . ryan : you are already thinking like a parent , putting emma first . i do n't know what you 're so worried about . you 're going to make an amazing mom . greenlee : i 'm not ruling out the idea of having more kids . when the time is right , maybe we could get a surrogate , have a baby of our own . what do you think ? ryan : i think i 'm incredibly lucky . greenlee : you 're just figuring that out now ? [ scene_break ] tad : i 'm telling you , there 's something going on with her . she 's going to do anything she has to to bring annie to trial . jesse : yeah , well , makes my job a lot easier . if all psychiatrists were as tough as this one , maybe more criminals would end up behind bars instead of lurking in mental homes , playing crazy until they 're back out on the streets . tad : jesse , what if annie is crazy ? what if an otherwise decent human being is suffering from a complete break with reality ? jesse : and leaving a trail of bodies in her wake -- dead . her brother , di henry , erica kane -- almost . ryan and greenlee , they might as well have targets painted on their back . you know , if annie gets out , that place is going to be her first stop . think about this , tad . how would you feel if your daughter , kathy , is playing with emma , and emma 's mommy loco walks through the door ? tad : ok , fine . point taken . i 'm not out there , you know , heading up the free- annie - lavery committee . i would just like to know why dr. sinclair is so determined to throw away the key . jesse : you need to drop this sinclair business and focus on something a little more important , tad . tad : like what ? jesse : like fixing your marriage . david : we can go somewhere else . krystal : no , no . i -- i ca n't keep avoiding tad , hoping that our problems are just going to disappear . that 's not the way life works . if i 'm going to move on , i 'm going to have to settle this . david : i 'll be right over here . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee , who 's at -- hi , dr. sinclair . what can we do for you ? dr. sinclair : well , i was thinking a lot about our conversation this morning , how refreshing it was to hear your change of heart regarding annie 's rehabilitation . greenlee : we want annie to pay for what she 's done . dr. sinclair : well , clearly , you do n't think i 'm capable of making that happen . ryan : well , we were a little hesitant at first , but like i said , we talked about it , and you do n't have to worry about us wavering back and forth . we 're completely on board with your new treatment plan . dr. sinclair : is that why you felt the need to hire someone to look into my past ? greenlee : what are you talking about ? dr. sinclair : tad martin . or should i say mr. pearson ? he was quite charming with a plausible cover . and he almost had me convinced . that was until his good friend , the chief of police , walked up and had no idea who mr. pearson was or any idea about the article he was supposedly writing on me . ryan : ok , you 're right . i mean , we were a little unsure about your track record . we wanted to see your success rate , and we had tad check it out , that 's all . dr. sinclair : well , maybe i should just remove myself from the case , bring in another doctor whose methods you find less objectionable , whose only goal is to release annie . but i want you to know there are no guarantees . even rehabilitated , annie could still show up here to finish what she started that night . i want you to ask yourself -- are you willing to take that chance ? [ door opens and closes ] ryan : she 's just trying to scare us . greenlee : mission accomplished . ryan : hey , annie is locked up in oak haven , and she 's not getting out , ok ? [ scene_break ] aidan : sinclair is n't buying my whole crazy act . she knows i 'm hiding something . that 's why they took me away , to see what they could get out of me . annie : they hurt you ? aidan : i 've been hurt worse . annie : oh , my god . oh , this is all my fault . aidan : annie , do n't say that . annie : it 's true . you were trying to help me . aidan : and i wo n't stop trying . ok ? i promise , one way or another , i 'm going to get you out of this place . [ scene_break ] david : still nauseous ? amanda : well , i am now . david : try some ginger . that should settle your stomach . amanda : cut the crap . i know you figured it out . david : that you 're pregnant ? or that the baby could be mine ? amanda : do n't go stocking up on cigars just yet . the baby is j.r. 's . david : you might have some trouble convincing him of that . he seems to be having some doubts . amanda : that you put there . he was fine until your little heart - to - heart at the hospital . david : i was simply reminding junior of what he already knows -- that his was n't the only bed that you were keeping warm at night . amanda : i have n't been in yours in months . oh , is that what this is about ? you miss me . david : i paid you good money to be a means to an end , amanda . nothing more . amanda : then you should n't have a problem staying out of my life . i did what you asked for . i got j.r. to start drinking again . now leave us the hell alone . david : i showed amazing restraint , considering . amanda : the baby is not yours . david : right , right . because i know you well enough to know that if there was a chance it was mine , you 'd come running to tell me , right ? [ scene_break ] angie : you were right . i -- i should n't have gotten involved in this plan to begin with . david hayward is a cancer , and if we give him an opening , he will seep in and infect everything good in our lives . we have fought too hard for way too long to get back here , and i am not going to let him destroy us the way he did tad and krystal . [ scene_break ] tad : things a little clearer ? krystal : yeah . yeah . i guess i was just scared to face it , because then i would know it was really over . tad : i really hope you find what you 're looking for . [ tad sighs ] tad : and i 'm sorry that i could n't give it to you . [ scene_break ] amanda : what is it with a man ? he sleeps with a girl and he just assumes that it changed her life forever ? david : or in this case created one . amanda : you are not the father . david : you can pull the wool over junior 's bloodshot eyes , but mine are crystal clear . amanda : speaking of , should n't you be getting back inside ? krystal 's going to start to wonder where you are . or do you just keep her so drugged up she wo n't notice ? david : you might want to relax . stress is n't good for the baby , which is why i 'm going to let you and junior have your happy little family , at least until they have a dna test that proves that child belongs with me . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : how 'd it go with mr. stone ? orderly : we kept him sedated , administered three rounds of electric current , but his story never changed . he still claims he 's a secret agent . dr. sinclair : did -- did annie give you any trouble today ? orderly : she was a little agitated this morning , but she finally calmed down around the time we brought mr. stone back to his room . here are his labs . dr. sinclair : thank you . he ca n't save you . no one can . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee dreams ] greenlee : wait . ryan : there 's nothing to be afraid of . ok ? i promise . all right . dr. sinclair : are you ready ? ryan : open the door . dr. sinclair : ok . annie , it 's time . you 're free to go . annie : i ca n't believe this is really happening . dr. sinclair : you 're cured . there 's no reason to keep you here . annie : where 's emma ? ryan : she 's at home . she 's really excited to see you . annie : i 've missed her so much . ryan : i 'm really proud of you , annie . i knew -- i knew that you 'd get better . annie : yeah . well , then why 'd you file for divorce , ryan ? annie : it was you , was n't it ? you convinced him to leave me . ryan : just calm down , ok , annie , just -- annie : if i ca n't have you , ryan , no one can . [ annie plunges a scalpel into ryan 's stomach ] | amanda visits ryan and greenlee at their home and tells them that she wants them to adopt her child . ryan and greenlee both have reservations about adopting amanda 's child . at pine valley hospital , david confronts j.r. about amanda being pregnant and j.r. is the father . j.r. orders david to stay away from amanda . jack , angie and jesse are in court over the breaking and entering charge of angie .dr . sinclair meets with mr. peterson ( tad ) for an article about her career . annie tries to talk to mr. stone through the air vent in her room at oak haven . an orderly brings mr. stone ( aidan ) back to his room . annie urges him to wake up . ryan and greenlee find out that j.r. is the father of amanda 's unborn child . at the hospital , krystal questions david if he has been using her . at the yacht , j.r. questions amanda if he ( j.r. ) is the father or is david the father of amanda 's unborn child . jesse interrupts tad 's and dr. sinclair 's conversation . |
annie : i ca n't wait for the parlor to be redone . it 's gon na be like a whole new house . mitch : mrs. chandler , the police chief . annie : thanks , mitch . what are you doing here ? scott : has something happened ? jesse : i was just gon na ask you the same thing . there was a 911 call from inside this house . [ scene_break ] damon : look , i messed up , ok ? did n't you ever screw up , wish you could get a chance to make it right ? what am i saying ? rich , spoiled brat like you -- you never screw up , do you ? if you do , daddy just buys you a whole basket of shiny new chances . [ knock on door ] adam : colby ? it 's your father . open the door . damon : do n't tell him i 'm here . colby : why should n't i ? adam : is everything all right ? did i hear voices ? [ scene_break ] jake : you know , i 'm thinking to myself , so what ? if the janitors go on strike , maybe we all get a break at the hospital . we deserve a break . frankie : it 's not funny . my mom is freaking out that it may shut down the whole hospital . jake : your mother does a great job . frankie : i know . it 's just her being the chief of staff -- sometimes i just wish she would -- jake : you wish what ? what were you gon na say ? that hayward was back ? if you 're gon na say that , you 're gon na be wearing that beer . is that what you were gon na say ? huh ? no . you let him do whatever damage he does wherever he is . [ scene_break ] gayle : you 're not supposed to be moving around without assistance . greenlee : well , i have to get out of bed eventually . besides , i want to see it . gayle : see what ? careful ! greenlee : i 'm not gon na break . look at it . it 's so close you can almost touch it . it 's a sign . gayle : a full moon 's a full moon . greenlee : no . it 's a sign that i should go home to ryan . gayle : you will soon . greenlee : not soon . tonight . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't think we 've ever put a party together so quickly . ryan : well , at least it does n't involve a hundred marathon dancers and some disco . erica : you know , if it did , i would do it just to get this fusion miranda line launched . ryan : you 're gon na put so much passion into it , this is gon na be great . erica : well , i mean , every single dime going to set up the miranda centers around the country -- i do n't remember when i 've been so excited about anything . i just have a feeling this is gon na be a night to remember . ryan : your team certainly looks engrossed in the preparations over there . hey , guys , ready for the big night ? randi : um , yeah . the gift bags are full and all ready for distribution . madison : the dj 's due any minute to go over the playlist . erica : and what are you looking at ? randi : oh , just a newspaper article . ryan : what ? fusion and the party ? madison : not exactly . [ scene_break ] colby : it 's just me , dad . you must have heard my radio . adam : oh , yeah . i just wanted to apologize for earlier . colby : oh , but we 're good . good . adam : but you 're still angry . colby : no . i 'm done throwing vases , so that 's a good sign . adam : chase archibald had a completely legitimate reason for being here . he was being interviewed for an internship at chandler , not to be my potential son - in - law . colby : dad -- adam : believe me , i 'd be thrilled if i thought you two would hit it off , but i swear to i did n't try to set you up . colby : ok , ok . great . good . good . adam : good . there is a young man out there for you , colby . ok ? [ scene_break ] jesse : yes , somebody called 911 from this house and hung up . and it is procedure to investigate hang - ups just to make sure everybody 's ok . and given the rash of robberies that 's been taking place here , i would like to , if you do n't mind , search the grounds . [ scene_break ] frankie : it 's just both my parents have been so stressed out about work lately , it 's getting to them both . natalia and randi and i -- we tried to get them to take some time off together , but -- do i want hayward back ? there is no way in hell i will wish that on you or either one of us . jake : you 're lucky . just saved yourself a beer dousing . frankie : well , thanks . me smelling like beer is not a good look at my wife 's big party tonight . appreciate it . jake : how are the hands ? frankie : not 100 % back yet , but almost . jake : ok . because they miss you in physical therapy . what can i say ? connie 's got a big mouth . frankie : connie should learn some more p.t . to keep her mouth shut . jake : you should learn to stay in physical therapy because if you do n't -- frankie : hey , i know the risks , ok ? jake : ok . sorry . the once wise mentor falls . frankie : it 's not you . jake : and i 'm back . frankie : i 've been pulling extra shifts to make sure everything is on track , not because my mom ca n't , but because hayward left all of these minefields everywhere . jake : i know . i 've stepped on a few myself . is there anything i can do to help ? anything ? frankie : well , when i figure it out , i 'll let you know . jake : all right . good . can you just get back into physical therapy , please ? can you do that ? connie misses you . maybe you could talk to your mom . frankie : see , you do n't get it . talking to her is a part of the problem . jake : oh ? welcome to my world . you know , they teach you how to walk , right ? and then 18 years later you find yourself using those legs to walk right out the front door . but then you walk into their office and now , all of a sudden , you 're calling mom or dad `` boss . `` frankie : yeah , well , it makes me want to leave . [ scene_break ] ryan : nothing can ruin tonight . nothing at all . the very best place for this is gon na be in the trash . erica : it certainly is garbage . i just do n't know if we can ignore it . ryan : hey . hey , hey . this is a huge night for you , for fusion , for the miranda center . there 's no way we 're gon na let this distract the press from what 's really important . erica : you 're right . of course not . you 're right . but -- listen , how are the rsvps coming along ? madison : it looks like the only people who are n't coming tonight are those who were n't invited . ryan : hottest ticket in town . erica : the media ? randi : i did follow - up calls today , and we definitely got their attention . we 're gon na have a full house . erica : as long as their attention is on the miranda centers and our new fusion line and not this . but , randi , i just have to thank you again . really . this is an inspiring idea . randi : i ca n't do this . erica : do what ? randi : this . this was n't my idea . it was madison 's . it was . madison : it was your idea to use the women from the miranda center as models . erica : ok , you know what ? i admire your teamwork and your modesty , but in the future i 'm going to be expecting honesty . randi : understood . madison : ok . of course . ryan : now , how about you bring me up to speed on the logistics for tonight ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : will you go and find david for me ? i want to talk to him about going home . gayle : i 'm not sure where he is . david : i 'm here . hey . greenlee : hey . david : i thought we were gon na take it easy for a while . greenlee : i am taking it easy . look -- hot chick walking . very impressive , huh ? david : very . greenlee : so then you agree with me . david : about what ? greenlee : i 'm ready to go home . david : soon . greenlee : now . david : as much as you 've improved , i do n't think you 're strong enough . greenlee : i am . david : there 's nothing wrong with being cautious . greenlee : when have you ever been cautious when you wanted something ? david : greenlee , you 're gon na go home , all right ? there 's no doubt about that . i just want to make sure that you 're fully prepared . and if you push yourself too hard , you 're gon na undo all the progress you 've made . greenlee : i 'm going home . i 'm not running a marathon . david : any strain , any injury , could result in more surgery . greenlee : well , then , i 'll wrap myself in cotton . david , please . i said i would n't go back until i could walk into ryan 's life , and look -- i 'm walking . i 'm ready to go home now . david : greenlee , damn it ! no , you 're not . you 're not ready . [ scene_break ] colby : ok , i get you 're concerned about my future , but you got to lighten up , ok ? i 'm gon na do all that stuff . i 'm gon na get married , i 'm gon na fall in love , i 'm gon na have a kid -- maybe even two -- but it 's gon na be with somebody i choose , not the adam chandler - anointed , handpicked , suck - up heir to the kingdom . adam : understood . colby : ok . really ? adam : i love you . colby : i love you . adam : by the way , it occurs to me -- what if i were to approve of some young man that you like ? you would n't automatically kick him to the curb just because dad likes him , would you ? colby : no , no . not gon na happen . so , no more setups . adam : ok . no more broken vases . colby : deal . [ colby closes the door after adam leaves ] colby : ok . lose the smile or i 'll -- damon : hey , hey , i am a fan . you know , you set the old man straight . thanks for not turning me in . colby : oh , no , no . you are not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] scott : i do n't think there 's any reason to check the grounds . it 's only family at home . jesse : where 's adam and colby ? adam : chief of police hubbard , to what do we owe the honor ? annie : jesse said somebody dialed 911 from inside the house . did you ? adam : no . the security company 's been noodling that new security system all day long . maybe the computer just dialed 911 by mistake . jesse : well , i guess that 's possible . sorry for the intrusion . annie : hey , question -- what 's with the new dress code ? jesse : oh . my daughter - in - law -- she 's helping throw a party at work . annie : fusion 's having a party ? jesse : yeah , some big blowout at confusion . they 're launching some product . the thing is , if you want your new security system to work , you got to turn it on . and while you 're at it , lock your doors . adam : oh , we will . we will . finally -- quiet . annie : anybody who is anybody is going to be at that party . and we 're here ? we are chandlers ! god , this is so typical of ryan and erica , to snub us . i mean , what is it gon na take ? what am i gon na have to do ? adam : no , no , no -- they did n't . annie : what ? adam : snub us . we got an invitation . i did n't think you 'd be interested , so i declined it . annie : adam , i love you very , very much . but you declined the wrong invitation . we are going to that party . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , you guys seem to have absolutely everything under control . and we need to get ready . erica : you go ahead , all right ? a few things i want to talk to randi and madison about . ryan : i 'm sure they can take care of it . randi : we definitely can . you guys should go ahead . erica : i just want this evening to be perfect . ryan : ok . i 'll see you later . and it will be perfect . erica : ok , our p.r . people will handle the press , but it 's just possible that a reporter or two may try to corner you for dish or some sort of scandalous angle . i do n't want you to be nervous , because that 's when they can trap you . madison : maybe i should just stay behind the scenes . erica : no . oh , no . if you have an opportunity to reach out to other women who have been in the same position you 've been in , i want you to show them that it 's possible not only to survive the abuse , but to build a new life and to thrive . madison : i am more grateful than you can imagine for what the miranda center and you have done for me . the idea of talking to reporters -- erica : do n't be afraid . do n't be afraid because of what people might think . my goodness , if i was concerned about what people said , i would n't be waking up in the morning . [ scene_break ] greenlee : how can you say i 'm not ready ? i walked -- maybe not in 4-inch heels , but i walked . and i 'm gon na be walking more every day . i am fine . i 'm cured . i 'm healed . i 'm ready to go . david : greenlee , you 're still on pain meds . and you just hurt yourself during your last physical therapy session . remember ? greenlee : yeah , well , i was n't focusing . david : because you were angry with erica . greenlee : look , i can raise my leg high enough to kick her in -- david : greenlee ! you need to focus 100 % on your recovery , not on some score that you want to settle . greenlee : look , all that matters is getting back to ryan . i 'm ready , david . i know i am . david : not if you sabotage yourself by pushing too hard . greenlee : i have been a star patient . i 've done everything asked of me and more . i 've been upbeat and positive and cooperative . i mean , cooperative is n't even my style , but i 've done it because i have a goal . you want me 100 % , then let me go back to ryan . i will feel so much better if i 'm with him . david : ok , and my goal -- my job -- is to take the emotion out of this decision , ok ? greenlee : ok , you want to make a deal ? call dr. clayton . have him come look at me . if he says i 'm strong enough , you have to let me go home . deal ? david : ok , fine . i 'll call him . greenlee : that was n't so hard , was it ? what are you waiting for ? go . call him . gayle : she really is making progress . we ca n't keep delaying telling her the truth about what 's waiting in pine valley . david : but she 's worked so hard to recover , to walk again . the truth is gon na crush her . [ scene_break ] annie : it is our duty to go to this party . everyone knows that there is bad blood between ryan and erica and this family . what better way to stop the gossip and just show up at their event ? show them that we 're above it all . scott : last time you attended one of erica 's events , she gave you a swirly . adam : [ laughs ] he has a point . annie : all i 'm saying is we can show that we have class and dignity by forgiving and forgetting . i insist we go as a family . scott : whoa . family ? you 're dragging me into this ? annie : yep , and colby . scott : oh , i do n't think colby 's in a party mood , annie . annie : we have to show pine valley that this family matters . adam : the chandlers do n't have to prove they matter . it 's a given . annie : ok . ok , that 's true . now maybe it was true in the past . the thing is , with all the craziness that has ensued over the past few months , we 've missed a number of social events . and when that happens , people slowly start to count you out . and then they start to wonder if there 's trouble with the family , and worse , with the company . and i would hate for people to think that way of you or of chandler enterprises . adam , i do n't want to go to this party to be on the `` style `` page . i want to go to prove that the chandlers are at the forefront of this community . yeah . adam : i guess this means i 'm changing clothes . annie : yes ! yay ! come here . thank you , thank you , thank you . it 's gon na be so much fun . i promise . adam : yes , it wo n't be dull . annie : right . adam : yeah , that 's for sure . annie : and you should wear that adorable gray suit . that would be perfect . scott : oh , no , i 'm not going . mr. and mrs. adam chandler in all their glory will be plenty to wow the crowds , thank you . annie : you 're making a mistake . scott : no , you are . you 're determined to fashion yourself into the formidable mrs. adam chandler . the problem is , people can spot desperation a mile away . annie : i am married to the man of my dreams , living the life that i want . scott : whatever you say . [ scene_break ] damon : me out of the picture , bailey and stuart move back in with liza -- is n't that what you want ? what your mom wants ? colby : damon , my mom has been trying to help you . damon : maybe she was trying to look good so that bailey will stick around . colby : so you 're really gon na bail ? damon : seems like the smart thing to do . colby : but if you 've done nothing wrong -- i mean , why leave ? unless you 're looking for an excuse to dump your family . damon : look , i have tried to make it work . colby : so you 're gon na run ? damon : the funny thing is when bailey and i first hooked up , she was into me because of the whole bad boy thing . but i cleaned up my act for her . i gave up partying , the band , my buddies . i got a job . it still was n't enough . you know , some guy 's ripping people off , so your mom and tad start looking at me funny . i could deal with that , but bailey -- the way she looked at me . it 's like everything i 've done , it 's just not enough . colby : you know , if this is you feeling sorry for yourself , it 's not very attractive . damon : oh , i 'm sorry . i forgot i was talking to princess chandler . you have no idea what it 's like to screw up hard core and have to prove yourself to everybody , even the people who claim to give a damn . colby : like hell i do n't . [ scene_break ] erica : ok , i 'll be back as soon as i can , ok ? and i want you to be sure that you keep all the servers really busy , circulating . make sure that they keep the press very happy , which means fed , but not too many drinks . randi : we 'll take care of it . erica : ok . i know you will . i 'll be back . madison : erica ? i thought about what you said , and you 're right . it does n't matter what people think . it 's just that for so long what my father thought , what henry thought -- they defined my world . and all i ever really cared about was their approval . that 's a hard habit to break . but i would be honored to answer any questions about what the miranda center has done for me . erica : i am so happy to hear you say that , madison . it means you 're taking back control of your own life . it means you are living on your terms and nobody else 's . madison : i just hope i do n't embarrass myself . erica : of course , you wo n't embarrass yourself . you just remember -- your terms . no one else 's . [ scene_break ] ryan : ok , great . have fun , ems , all right ? and , hey , thank joanna 's mom for me , ok ? ok , i love you , too . see you tomorrow . [ scene_break ] greenlee : gayle ! gayle : everything ok ? greenlee : did david call dr. clayton ? gayle : he said he would . greenlee : what if he does n't ? gayle : dr. hayward usually keeps his word . greenlee : you 're right . you 're right . i should just relax , read a book , get some sleep . gayle : you want to get home . greenlee : yes . gayle : it 'll happen . be patient . greenlee : patient . right . that 's me . [ scene_break ] colby : so after i jacked some cars to get back to my dad , i stole my sister- in - law 's id , and i went clubbing . i stole money from my brother and i borrowed a limo with a friend . oh , and on my 16th birthday , i took a joyride in a yacht . damon : no way . colby : mm - hmm . and i crashed it . damon : you ? colby : yeah . i was in so much trouble . i let everyone believe i drowned . damon : what happened ? colby : i got hungry . damon : but you seem , like , so together , you know ? i mean , in a pain - in - the - ass kind of way . colby : well , my family did n't give up on me . damon : good for you . colby : hey , what you said earlier about stuart being better off without you -- i mean , you may be a jerk , but maybe what your kid really needs is his mom and dad to work things out . damon : well , it 's kind of hard to do that when bailey does n't trust me . colby : so convince her . [ knock on door ] annie : colby . colby : go away ! annie : it 's important . colby : go on . [ colby opens the door ] colby : another intern for me to check out ? annie : we are going to a fusion party . i 'm gon na need you to get ready . colby : you know , i 'm gon na take a pass . annie : that 's not really an option . it 's very important to your father that we do this as a family . colby : fine . whatever . annie : great , great . get dressed . oh , and it 's a party . no jeans . colby : i 've got somewhere to be tonight . damon : yeah , a party . rough life . colby : oh , you have no idea . damon : so you 're gon na let me go , give me a chance ? colby : well , i wo n't call the police , but if you want another chance , it 's up to you . you can run or you can stay here and work things out with your kid . [ scene_break ] jake : you know what ? every time i turn around , someone is saying to me , `` hey , jake martin , your father saved my life . your father saved my job . your father saved my pension . your father saved my poodle . `` frankie : and those shoes we 're always reminded about filling . jake : in your case it 's high heels . but i 'm just saying leaving -- leaving is not necessarily the answer . frankie : yeah , i know . but how do you deal ? people think i 'm only where i am because of the great dr. angela hubbard . sometimes i even have to wonder -- about promotions , about raises . will i have actually earned it , or is somebody looking to score points with the boss 's son ? jake : well , maybe you just have to work harder than everybody else . that 's rough but it 's doable . frankie : she put the first pennies in my piggybank and now she 's signing my paycheck . jake : oh , no , you ca n't look at it like that . frankie : give me another way . jake : you have to separate yourself from her , that 's all . separate lives . frankie : it 's easy to say . jake : look , no -- i got it , i got it . you know what i 'm gon na do ? i 'm gon na tell everybody -- i 'm gon na start this rumor that you owe your whole career to me -- your medicine , your hoops , your whole life in general because of me . and then no one 's gon na even remember that your mother exists . frankie : wow . who will buy that ? jake : well , i 'm just saying that leaving is not the answer , ok ? i 've been there . i 've tried to screw the system a million times and ran away . but you know what ? couple of weeks ago my parents moved down to florida and i really , really miss them . so people like us ? honestly ? we 're the lucky ones . [ scene_break ] randi : so we 'll have an intern watch over the tables so no one takes more than one . madison : ok , i 'll talk to the dj , make sure everything 's good to go on that front . you did n't have to do that , you know . randi : what ? tell erica the truth ? madison : why did you tell her ? randi : look , funding a charity with a cosmetic line was an amazing idea . you deserve the credit for that . and it levels out the playing field . madison : what do you mean ? randi : look , we both want to get somewhere in this company . i do n't want to have to owe you . and now i do n't . so whatever happens after tonight , it 's wide open . madison : so we 're competitors . randi : may the best woman win . hey . jesse : whoa . you look great . how are you doing ? randi : i thought you and angie had a date night . jesse : yeah , well , we both got called back to work . randi : so what are you doing here ? jesse : what , a man needs an excuse to come check out how his daughter - in - law is doing ? come on . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee daydreams ] ryan : greenlee ? but -- but you -- greenlee : i 'm alive . i 'm here -- if you 'll have me . ryan : if i 'll have you ? ryan : how did this happen ? how ? how did this happen ? the moon . i was looking at the moon earlier and i was thinking about you . i was thinking about you , and now you 're here . this is a miracle . greenlee : it 's fate . [ scene_break ] erica : hi . are you ready ? the car service is downstairs . ryan : i just need to pick a tie . come in . whoa . you look so good . erica : oh , thank you . ryan : you ok ? what 's wrong ? erica : nothing . ryan : erica , something 's wrong . what is it ? erica : ok . that horrible headline . ryan : the tabloid ? erica : mm - hmm . ryan : come on , it was n't so bad . erica : really ? it does n't bother you ? ryan : no . now which tie do you like ? silver or black ? erica : maybe it should . [ scene_break ] jesse : so , you and madison -- everything copacetic ? randi : we 're working it out . jesse : glad to hear that . guess i 'm a little early , right ? ryan and erica not even here ? randi : they should be here any minute . but in the meantime , we could use someone to taste test some appetizers . jesse : just ask mikey . mikey would eat anything . i 'm your man . i do n't want the bread , though . just the meat and cheese . what the hell is this ? did they see this ? randi : yeah . ryan laughed it off and erica threw it out . jesse : oh . that 's good , because it is garbage and that 's exactly where it belongs , man . this kind of stuff , it just starts fireworks -- and not the good fireworks -- the kind that messes people up . [ scene_break ] erica : look , ryan , we ca n't just ignore the headline . we ca n't just pretend it did n't happen . ryan : i know , but you give the press nothing , they get bored , and they just go away . erica : well , sometimes that 's true . but sometimes if you ignore the press , it just dares them to keep on digging . and do we need that ? do we need that kind of pressure , that kind of publicity ? ryan : i thought erica kane decides what people think of her . she does n't let the media dictate that . erica : look , you and i are adults . we can handle it . but what are you gon na do when one of emma 's little friends reads the headline about us and teases her about it ? she 's gon na be confused , upset maybe . she wo n't understand . ryan : well , then , i 'll explain it to her . i 'm not worried about it , but i can see that you really are . unless -- are you saying that you do want to go public ? [ scene_break ] gayle : i thought this might relax you . greenlee : thanks , but if you 're hiding david and dr. clayton in there -- gayle : i 'm sure they 'll be here soon . greenlee : are you ? because i 'm not . gayle : dr. hayward said he would set up the examination . greenlee : yeah , but maybe he 's not . maybe he 's just trying to shut me up , push me off for another day or maybe the day after that or next week . gayle : dr. hayward only wants what 's best for you . greenlee : yeah , what is that , exactly ? i mean , i know he 's all for me going home , but i just get the feeling that there 's something going on , something he 's not telling me . gayle : i would n't know anything about -- greenlee : you know , david tells me stuff , but erica at fusion -- not a word . i mean , i would n't know anything if i did n't see the press conference . gayle : you 're not supposed to have any stress . greenlee : yeah ? gayle : dr. hayward did n't want anything hindering your recovery . greenlee : yeah , well , lying to me does n't ease my stress . it just makes it worse . it makes me wonder . it gets me all worked up . is there something going on that he 's not telling me ? gayle : i do n't know . you 'll have to ask him . greenlee : ask him . [ scene_break ] david : thanks for coming . dr. clayton : well , i was already on my way over when you called . i took a closer look at greenlee 's m.r.i . results , and there is some reason for concern . david : she 's pushing herself too hard , is n't she ? dr. clayton : well , too much physical stress can reverse the progress she 's already made . david : all right . i 'll make sure to monitor her sessions more closely and adjust the workouts . dr. clayton : no . we need to stop the therapy immediately . david : greenlee is not gon na be able to hear that . dr. clayton : well , if she continues , there 's a very real possibility she 'll need a second surgery . david : we almost lost her the first time around . dr. clayton : that 's why surgery is the treatment of last resort . but to ensure that , i insist on complete bed rest for 30 days . david : no , i 'm telling you , she 's not gon na be able to accept this . we 're gon na have to tie her to the damn bed . dr. clayton : well , i need to pick up some additional film in x - ray before we talk to her , ok ? i 'll be back . david : all right . gayle : was that dr. clayton ? david : yes , it was . gayle : i hope he 's coming back . david : oh , he 's coming back . but greenlee 's not gon na like what he has to say . she 's not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] annie : this is the party of the season ? adam : ms. kane ? mr. lavery ? are they here ? madison : any minute now . annie : so classless . so when does fashionably late apply to the host ? and where 's the paparazzi ? i thought this was supposed to be a media event . colby : do you want me to take a pic with my phone cam , tweet , `` the chandlers have arrived `` ? i 'll see you guys later . i thought you promised no more setups , no more interfering with my love life . adam : i did . colby : then what the hell is chase doing here ? do you ever quit ? [ scene_break ] [ damon walks around the chandler mansion and picks up something off adam 's desk ] [ scene_break ] erica : ryan , i 'm not suggesting that we have a press conference . i 'm simply saying that we should head them off . ryan : ok , you 're losing me . erica : we deny there 's anything going on between us . ryan : so you do want to lie . erica : well , i want to protect what we have . do n't you ? ryan : why , erica ? are you ashamed ? erica : of course not . but i do n't want the press chronicling our every move , writing about us . `` did they kiss ? did they hold hands ? have they broken up ? `` ryan : oh , now you got us broken up already . erica : no , i 'm just saying . this is working . ryan : being a secret . erica : well , that was your suggestion originally . ryan : you know what ? we probably should get going . erica : ryan , i 've been there . i 've been there . and please understand . i 'm just trying to protect what we have . ryan : by denying that we exist . erica : yes . ryan : ok . erica , what is the real reason that you do n't want people to know the truth about us ? [ scene_break ] gayle : i 'm sure greenlee will understand once dr. clayton explains why bed rest is the best course of action . david : yeah , right . look , here 's my advice -- be ready to duck . she 's been known to throw a thing or two . her aim is lethal . gayle : i will keep that in mind . david : damn it ! gayle : greenlee took all my cash . david : and her fake i.d . | annie tells scott that she can not wait until the parlor has been redecorated . jesse and two police officers walk into the study . jesse lets annie know that a 911 call was made from the chandler mansion . colby and damon are in her bedroom when adam knocks on the door . damon quickly hides in the bathroom as colby lets adam in . greenlee tries to get out of bed when gayle comes in and catches her . gayle reminds her that she should n't be getting out of bed . greenlee tells gayle that she wants to go home tonight . david listens from outside the door . madison shows ryan and erica the headline which links ryan and erica as a couple . adam apologizes to colby for chas archibald being there . ryan insists to erica that they will not let this ruin their party for fusion 's new miranda line of cosmetics . randi gives in and tells erica that the new miranda line was all madison 's idea . erica tells randi and madison that she does n't want any more secrets . colby gets adam out of her room as soon as possible . damon thanks colby for not turning him in . annie finds out that erica and ryan are having a party for the new miranda line of cosmetics . annie also finds out that they had received an invitation , but adam had refused . annie insists that the whole family attend . erica gives madison and randi pointers on how to deal with the press . |
kendall : i ca n't find my keys . cara : oh . here , roomie . kendall : thanks . cara : where are you going ? kendall : it 's my first day back at fusion . i ca n't walk . cara : you do have that appointment with griff , though ? kendall : yeah . i will stop at the hospital on my way . cara : ok . how you feeling ? kendall : good . yeah . cara : ok . no heart palpitations ? shortness of breath ? weakness ? kendall : just first - day jitters . i just want to get to the office and dive in . cara : ok -- after your checkup . kendall : after my checkup . got it . cara : all right . have fun , ok ? kendall : thank you . i will . i can do this . everything will be ok . [ scene_break ] jake : anemia . uh - uh - uh . david : yep , that 's right . still think i faked the test results ? jake : it 's not impossible . david : as brilliant as i am , i 'm still chained to this bed . ergo , the results are legitimate . jake : do you know what i 'm thinking ? let 's take all the tests again . david : and why would you want to do that , doctor ? so you can tamper with them ? make it look as if i 'm fit enough to go to prison even if it kills me ? griffin : you would n't do that , would you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : is this for me ? ryan : yes , it 's for you . i hope you 're hungry . greenlee : i 'm starving , but i ca n't be late . ryan : no , this is kendall 's first day back . you need your strength , ok ? i want you to eat . greenlee : i do n't know who 's more excited , kendall or me . ryan : i thought maybe i 'd meet you for lunch , and then at dinner , maybe we 'd go to the club and have a nice -- greenlee : wait a minute . slow down . what 's with all the plans ? ryan : nothing . i just thought we should have our fun before we 're an official married couple . that 's all . greenlee : or you 're trying to keep my mind off david avoiding prison . ryan : david is going to prison , whether he likes it or not . greenlee : somebody has a plan . ryan : you just focus on your yogurt , ok , and eating a good breakfast -- and fusion . greenlee : hmm . sounds like a good one . but whatever it is , i want to help . i mean it , ryan . if you have a way to get david out of that hospital bed and into prison , i want in . ryan : no plan -- yet . greenlee : i knew it . i knew it . there is no way that you would sit back and do nothing . ryan : i will let you know . greenlee : tell me now , or i 'll torture it out of you . ryan : as tempting as that sounds , you just drink your coffee , ok ? greenlee : do n't change the subject . ryan : fine . my plan for today is to get my bride - to - be the perfect wedding gift . [ scene_break ] david : dr. castillo , you came in here just in time to be my witness . i believe dr. martin here might be planning to tamper with my test results . jake : dr. castillo , you are more than welcome to watch me retake dr. hayward 's blood tests . griffin : i do n't think that 's necessary . dr. martin has an excellent reputation . jake : dr. martin does have an excellent reputation . i just read that in the men 's room . it 's on the wall . griffin : i believe he 'll make the right decision . jake : thank you . that 's very sweet of you . david : i know you 're new around here , but let me fill you in on a not - such - a- big secret . this man hates my guts . griffin : from what i hear , he has good reason . jake : you know what 's not such a big secret ? i 'm still in the room , dave . i can hear everything you 're saying . david : are you really siding with him ? griffin : our job is to get you better as soon as possible . david : even if it means i go to prison ? griffin : as soon as you get healthy , that 's out of our hands . jake : dave , i 'd start hoarding my pudding if i were you , because compared to the state pen , the food around here is five - star . i 'm out . david : i really could 've used some support there , you know . the results are legit . there 's no reason to retest me . griffin : it 's jake 's call . look , i do n't want to see you go to prison . if i had it my way , i 'd have you back on staff doing what you do best . david : really ? then why do n't you help me out here ? let me prove you wrong . griffin : i respect you , but i respect what you taught me more : do n't get emotionally involved with a patient . no kendall . why am i not surprised ? [ scene_break ] kendall : you can do this . you are the best at this . there is nobody better than you . greenlee : kendall . kendall : i 'm back . [ scene_break ] natalia : hey , what you saying ? ohh . i can not believe -- i ca n't believe i put this off for so long . god , and i was so nervous . but this is so much fun . heh heh heh ! and you , you 're the best . brot : i 'm your only . natalia : yeah . it still makes you the best . brot : you inspired me . but , unfortunately , we have to clock in for our shift soon , so we should probably get moving . natalia : right . [ scene_break ] tad : so the herbal tea is from mama , the audio book is from krystal , and check this out . this one 's from me : sudoku . ha ha ! look . it 's even in braille . you need a fun fact ? sudoku was created by a blind mathematician in the 18th century . it says so right there . angela still does this , right ? jesse : yeah . she ca n't start a day without one . tad : awesome . oh . last but not least , her favorite chocolate . jesse : oh , yeah ! nice ! tad : what the hell you doing ? she 's on bed rest , not you . get your own damn chocolate . jesse : do n't be hating . come on , man . let me have one chocolate . tad : one . what the hell . give me one of those . how is she , anyway ? jesse : you know her . she barely likes to sit down . having been ordered to bed rest is driving her nuts . you all right ? but she knows what 's best for the baby , so she 's doing it . tad : good on her . jesse : mm - hmm . how you doing ? tad : fine . i 'm ok . great . jesse : except you miss the hell out of your boy , huh ? tad : give me another damn chocolate . jesse : yeah , long distance sucks . i just got back from seeing angela , and i want to hop on the next jet out . tad : yeah . at least she 's got cassandra . jesse : there are some people i could just drop - kick across the big pond . tad : who 's the suit ? jesse : the new commissioner , mayor 's hired gun . he 's out for me . tad : lovely . commissioner : chief hubbard . jesse : commissioner bennet . tad : i 'll go replace the chocolate . jesse : hmm . what can i do for you , commissioner ? comm . bennet : i had an interesting talk with the mayor . jesse : she 's good for that sometimes . comm . bennet : are you aware that your daughter and officer monroe are , once again , flouting city policy in a hotel room ? jesse : and you 're having them followed ? you 've got nothing better to do ? comm . bennet : you were supposed to handle this . jesse : so let me handle it . and back off my officers , please ? comm . bennet : `` officer , `` singular , because you 're going to fire one of them . jesse : commissioner . comm . bennet : you know that 's the policy . so who 's it going to be ? officer monroe or detective fowler ? jesse : commissioner bennet , the mayor is out after me . right ? we know that . back off my officers , please . come on . comm . bennett : you have until the end of business tomorrow . one of them goes , or you do . [ scene_break ] jesse : sit down , both of you , please . natalia : ahem . jesse : that was me trying to call in a favor from councilman hurren . natalia : what 's mayor blanco doing to you this time ? jesse : actually , not me , you -- and you . brot : is this about us seeing each other ? jesse : did you two spend the morning in a hotel room ? yeah . the mayor 's poodle could n't wait to tell me all about it -- commissioner bennet ! brot : sorry , chief . natalia : ohh . it was my idea . jesse : hey . yeah , he is mayor 's hired gun . he wants me to fire one of you . natalia : he ca n't do that . jesse : do n't sweat it . it 's not gon na happen . you are two of my best , and i still have a long list of favors to call in . natalia : i 'm so sorry to put you in this position . jesse : shut it . you have finally found one hell of a man . and i do n't have to tell you what you found , do i ? brot : no , sir , you do n't . jesse : do n't do that here ! what , are you stupid ? look , i support you 100 % on and off duty , but come on ! i 'll make this work somehow . natalia : but you could get squeezed out . jesse : i will make this work somehow . go do something . let me handle this . now ! [ scene_break ] tad : sounds serious . jake : tad , i have a drug problem . tad : jake . jake : no , not me . i got a problem with drugs , and prescriptions are going missing , and somebody is obviously helping himself . tad : or herself . jake : yes , or herself . i talked to angie . she wants me to deal with this internally because , apparently , the hospital is dealing with sort of a fallout since hayward was in control . so she wants this whole thing sort of -- tad : oh . you 're hiring me ? jake : i called the best p.i . in the business -- and since he was n't available , you 're gon na have to do . i do n't know if the whole undercover thing is gon na work out because everybody knows this face . everybody knows what brother got the looks , so we 'd have to do it aboveboard and sort of out in the open . are you ok with that ? tad : i do n't know . besides the insults , have you got someplace for me to start ? jake : yes , i do . i got this from human resources , right ? this is the supply manager . his name is alex mopley or mopely or whatever . i do n't know if he 's guilty . i 'm not saying that . i 'm just figuring it 's a good place to start . tad : ok . i 'm on it . jake : good . you need to bring in somebody else ? tad : no . you know me . i like to work alone . jake : yes , i 've always known that about you . tad : so let me ask about hayward . jake : yes , hayward . i have never wanted somebody to get better faster in my whole life . [ scene_break ] cara : hey . here you go . morning . griffin : good morning . cara : how did kendall 's checkup go ? griffin : she never showed . cara : wow . because i spoke to her this morning . she said she was on her way over here . so she must 've gone straight to the office , then , huh ? hmm . griffin : you did n't encourage her to -- cara : no . of course not . griffin : because you have this whole `` no one tells me what to do `` kind of thing going . cara : for me , but not when it comes to somebody else 's life . you know this . come on . griffin : i 've had women fake heart conditions to be examined by me . now i have this woman who has a real heart condition , and i ca n't even get her to come in for an exam . cara : it 's a major blow to the ego . griffin : my ego can take it , but her heart -- i do n't know what 's up with kendall , but if she has a death wish , i 'm not gon na be the doctor of record . cara : hmm . if i did n't know any better , i 'd say that you actually care about her . griffin : i do n't like wasting my time . ryan : i 'm sorry to interrupt . is it true that hayward is not going to prison because of some kind of health issue ? griffin : it 's not my call . you have to ask dr. martin . ryan : ok . thank you . david : lavery . do n't you want to welcome me back to the land of the living ? ryan : why not ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : you totally screwed up your big welcome by showing up early . kendall : i said i did n't want anyone making a big deal about me being back . greenlee : i know what you said , but it is a big deal . kendall : yeah . greenlee : so i thought you had a doctor 's appointment . kendall : like i said , i could n't wait to be here . greenlee : neither could i . it 's a big day . we got back - to - back meetings with new suppliers , the designer for the new line . i could cover the meetings if you 're , you know -- kendall : i 'm not up to it ? greenlee : no . of course , you 're up to it . you would n't be here if you were n't up to it , right ? kendall : right . greenlee : so , good . i 'll get you the files , get you up to speed . fusion is not where i 'd like it to be . we really took some hits in the last couple of quarters . kendall : we 'll bring her back . we 've done it before . greenlee : yeah , we have . i 'm really , really , really glad that you 're back . kendall : it feels good . it feels great , actually . ahh . actually , you know what ? i 'm gon na get some coffee . greenlee : you sit . i 'll get it . kendall : greenlee -- greenlee : i 'm going back there anyway . kendall : i know what you 're doing . greenlee : what ? getting my partner some coffee ? kendall : no . you 're watching my every move . you 're waiting for some clue or some sign that something 's wrong , that i 'm not ready to be here . greenlee : that 's not what i 'm doing . kendall : yes , it is . greenlee : ok . i 'm sorry . it 's just that the last time you came back to work , it was tense . i want you to know how glad i am that you 're back . this is our company . i want us to run it together . kendall : yes , that 's what i want . it is . but all i 'm asking for is no hovering . ok ? if you hover , people will notice . they 'll think something is wrong with me . they 'll start whispering behind my back and tiptoeing around me , questioning my decisions . if this is going to work at all , i need to know that everyone has complete confidence in my ability to do my job . greenlee : we know . kendall : ok . sorry . i know that i can vent all over you , and you understand . greenlee : i 'll take that as a compliment . and next time , i 'll wear kevlar . kendall : ok . you can get me that coffee now . greenlee : get it yourself . randi : what are you doing here ? kendall : i work here . randi : i know , but i was supposed to have this up before you got in . welcome back . kendall : aw , thank you . madison : i hope you 're hungry for cupcakes . kendall : always . yes . are you kidding me ? look at this . greenlee : hi . i need to speak to a dr. griffin castillo . [ scene_break ] brot : damn . natalia : i know my dad . he 's not gon na fire either of us . blanco will take him out instead , which is exactly what she wants . brot : yeah . here 's the deal . the mayor can throw everything she 's got , but she 's not gon na mess us up . i waited too long for this , for you , and i 'm not gon na let anyone hurt you , natalia . i love you . natalia : i love you , too . detective : fowler ? some uniforms cornered your favorite pusher behind the high school . natalia : let 's go get this lowlife . let 's do it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : these are last quarter 's numbers , which we all know were n't great , and this quarter 's projections factoring in the new launch . kendall : hmm . greenlee : what ? kendall : well , it looks kind of optimistic , given what we 're digging out of . greenlee : we can hit the target . kendall : ok . it 'll take aggressive marketing , which lowers the profit margin . greenlee : it 's a good thing we 're aggressive . griffin : there she is . kendall : excuse me . what are you doing here ? griffin : it 's a nice place . you have anything for dark circles ? kendall : we 're in the middle of something . griffin : you 're supposed to be in the middle of something with me . kendall : i 'll stop by later . griffin : now is good . kendall : later . excuse me . sorry . ok . where were we ? randi : who is that ? kendall : nobody . randi : a very hot `` nobody . `` madison : kendall 's heart doctor . kendall : all right . ok . so , marketing -- aggressive does mean expensive . greenlee : no , i do n't think it has to be . we can go guerilla like the old days with simone , with a twist . kendall : viral ? greenlee : exactly . we blanket all the social - networking outlets . randi : he 's still here . kendall : do n't look at him . ok . you know what we could do ? e - mail blasts . we could hook up with other sites . it could work . what ? what ? excuse me . griffin : ahem . kendall : i am trying to do my job here . griffin : so am i . so you have two choices . you either come back to the hospital with me , or you take off your clothes , and i examine you right here . [ scene_break ] madison : kendall really likes the idea of a virtual campaign . greenlee : why do n't you let kendall speak for herself ? madison : we discussed it last week . greenlee : well , `` we `` have n't . randi : ok . how is this gon na work ? greenlee : how 's what gon na work ? randi : madison is having your fiancé 's baby . are we all ok with that ? [ scene_break ] david : i 'm kind of surprised you have n't stopped by to see me sooner . ryan : it 's been on my mind , it really has , but i 've been busy with the wedding and the honeymoon . david : ah . the wedding . so did you get my present ? ryan : we dealt with it . david : in other words , it 's in pieces . ryan : no , we did n't even open it , hayward . besides , the best present you could give greenlee is just to disappear -- preferably before the wedding . david : you set a date , huh ? ryan : valentine 's day . david : wow . tempting fate . ryan : setting things right . david : i guess we 'll just have to wait and see if this marriage lasts longer than the last time you dragged greenlee down the aisle . ryan : i wanted to thank you for signing off on the divorce so easily . greenlee really appreciated it . david : i would do anything for her . you know that . ryan : yeah , like going to prison . look , we 're getting married , right , so this is like a fresh start for everybody . david : kind of like a fresh chance for you to hurt greenlee all over again , right ? ryan : do me a favor . when they slam that prison door in your face , do n't call greenlee . ok ? do n't write her , nothing like that . what you got to do , make some new friends while you 're there , because you 're about to become nothing but a bad memory , hayward . [ phone rings ] ryan : excuse me . i got to take this . but i wanted to say love the new jewelry . hello ? yes , this is david hayward . are we all set ? [ scene_break ] kendall : what the hell are you doing ? griffin : when i took you back as my patient , i was real clear . you play by my way , or you go find yourself a new doctor . kendall : i 'm standing . i 'm breathing . i 'm fine . griffin : you were n't supposed to return to work without medical clearance . kendall : so clear me already so i can get back to my meeting . griffin : if you 're so healthy , why did n't you show up for your appointment this morning ? were you afraid i was gon na find something ? kendall : i forgot . griffin : lies with a smile . that 's a bad symptom right there . kendall : you talk to your sister ? griffin : yeah . she got a kick out of you blowing me off . me ? not so much . kendall : all right . look , you 're gon na check my heart , you 're gon na check my blood pressure , then you 're gon na tell me that i 'm fine . so why waste the time ? griffin : because you 're a transplant patient whose heart has been compromised . kendall : broken . it 's been broken . and this is how i fix it . i will grieve my husband every day for the rest of my life , but i need to live again , and that means taking care of my boys and going to work . this place means more to me than you will ever know . griffin : i 'm all for you getting back to an active life . kendall : then do n't undermine me . griffin : then play by the rules . kendall : do n't you get it ? they are all watching me . they are waiting for me to crack and collapse into a puddle like i 'm some kind of an invalid . and nothing pisses me off more than being treated like i 'm going to break . griffin : i 'm not doing that . kendall : yes , you are . you show up here . you 're ready to bust out with our stethoscope and drag me back to the hospital . do you have any idea what that looks like to my employees ? like i 've only been here a couple of hours and already i ca n't hack it . griffin : i think they would understand if you 're not ready to go back . kendall : i want their respect . i need it . you could put all the stents and band - aids on my heart that you want . but this , being here , is the only way to fix what 's wrong with me , step one on the way to whatever a normal life is . please , please do n't take that away from me . griffin : i want to make sure you get to step two . kendall : then leave , please . just give me this morning , this day . [ scene_break ] greenlee : madison and i have an understanding . do n't we ? madison : we do . greenlee : the baby is a nonissue here or anywhere else . right ? madison : total nonissue . greenlee : right . that 's why we 're keeping it quiet . satisfied ? hmm . do n't take too long getting there . randi : `` nonissue ? `` who are you kidding ? a couple of months from now , greenlee will be bumping into that big belly of yours every single time she makes a move in here . you do n't think that she just might be bothered by the fact that her husband is that baby 's father ? madison : as long as ryan does n't know , it 's gon na be fine . randi : you know what ? give me that cupcake , because whatever sugar high you 're on , i need some of that . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan ? ryan : hey . how 's the most beautiful bride - to - be in the world ? greenlee : thinking about you . ryan : i am actually kind of working on that perfect wedding present . greenlee : and that plan for david ? ryan : i 'm just gon na say you 're gon na be very , very happy . ok ? that 's all i 'm gon na say . how 's kendall ? how 's the reentry going ? greenlee : tricky . but it 's really good to have her here . i just hope it 's not too soon . can you come by later today ? ryan : i will do my best . ok ? i love you . greenlee : i love you . [ scene_break ] jake : ok . i filled your dance card . david : you should n't even be at the party . jake : the thing is , dave , i 've always known that you 're abnormal . but as it turns out , your red blood cell count -- that 's also abnormal , which means only one of two things . either , `` a , `` losing blood cells , or , `` b , `` you 're not producing enough blood cells -- either of which , not good . we do n't want you to lose your reservation at the state pen , so i will try to fix you . i got a couple of things scheduled for you here . we got a retic count , a serum iron count , and the slightly painful peripheral smear count . how are you with a lot of needles ? david : i can handle a few jabs . jake : good , because immediately following that , i got your colonoscopy scheduled . david : what are you talking about ? jake : the best thing is not to think about it . you push it away . david : i am not gon na allow this ! jake : it 's gon na be ok because with some drugs , you will hardly feel anything -- if i remember to give you the drugs . [ scene_break ] tad : i 'm starting a drug wholesaling company , and you 're the man at pine valley hospital . so i thought i 'd come straight to you . alex : i 'm not really `` the man . `` tad : come on . you are the supply manager for all drug purchases . so i 'm hoping i can convince you to bring p.v.h . 's account over to my company . alex : it 's a big business to take on . tad : yeah . my father always said , `` go big or go home . `` i 'm sure you remember him , dr. joseph martin . alex : and dr. jake martin 's your brother , acting chief of staff . maybe you should go to him with this . tad : no , no . i 'd like to think i can get your account because of my merit , not my name , and i think i got some pretty good ideas just how to do that . cara : hi . if it is n't thaddeus martin . hello . alex : hi . cara : so , work any good cases lately ? alex : `` cases ? `` what kind of cases do you work ? tad : um , i used to enjoy life as a private investigator . that is , until dr. castillo here walked through my door . see , she hired me , did n't like what i found , and then fired me , consequently revoked my license . cara : you deserved it . tad : what do you mean , deserved it ? you 're the one who could n't handle the truth . cara : ha ! i hired you to find out if my boyfriend was cheating on me . tad : and i did -- he was . cara : you took photos . tad : that 's called proof . cara : you sent them to my work . tad : mistakes happen . cara : i was humiliated . tad : why ? you were n't the one in the photos . cara : you deserved to lose your license , because you 're the worst private dick in the history of private dicks . tad : if you do n't mind , i prefer `` p.i. `` cara : really does n't matter because you are n't one anymore . tad : no , that 's true . i 'm not , you know ? so if you 'll excuse me , i 'm in the middle of a business meeting . i 'd like to try to get another business on its feet . cara : i hope you 're a better businessman than you were a p.i . alex : i should be getting back to the hospital . give me a call . we 'll talk . tad : i 'll do that . i 'm really so sorry for the interruption . alex : no problem . tad : how 's tricks ? cara : hi . so tell me , you and the supply manager from the hospital . is this about the drug situation ? tad : what would you know about the drug situation ? cara : rumors . they 're true , are n't they ? jake hired you to nail a thief . tad : that 's privileged information . for all i know , you 're the drug thief . cara : what ? i just saved your ass . tad : after hanging it out to dry . are you kidding ? it 's a good thing i 'm quick on my feet . cara : and i know how to keep up . tad : yeah , you were pretty good . i almost believed you hated my guts , thank god . cara : i actually have n't had that much fun in a really long time . tad : then you got to get out more . but you 're a fairly believable liar . cara : sadly , i 've had a lot of practice . [ scene_break ] brot : natalia just called . she 's bringing in that pusher . jesse : that 's what she does . that 's my girl . she 's great at it . brot : that 's exactly why you 're gon na keep her on the force and fire me . [ scene_break ] kendall : please tell me you understand how much this means to me . griffin : i do understand . if someone was keeping me away from my work , i 'd be a huge pain in the ass , too . kendall : excuse me ? griffin : but that does n't take away the fact that you 're putting yourself at a huge risk . [ phone chimes ] griffin : i got to go . but you 're in my office first thing in the morning , or i 'm bringing my ekg machine , and i 'm placing it right over there . kendall : ok . all right . griffin : i 'm serious , kendall . this is your last chance . kendall : you called him and ratted me out . thank you so much , partner . greenlee : i did , and i 'll put him on speed dial if i have to . kendall : why ca n't you just mind your own business and let me take care of me ? greenlee : because your health is my business . our company needs all the help we can get to get back to where it was . and i ca n't have you being all proud and noble and stoic , and then collapsing on me . kendall : i 'm not gon na collapse . greenlee : because you 're going to take care of yourself , and you 're going to ask for help when you need it . there 's no shame in asking for help . how many times have you helped me ? that 's what we do . that 's why we make such a great team . kendall : even when you 're driving me crazy ? greenlee : especially then . so how do you feel ? truth -- and the word `` fine `` better not come out of your mouth . kendall : i 'm tired . i 'm really tired . i 'm achy , i wonder when i 'm ever gon na feel like me again , and i really want to take these heels off . greenlee : was that so bad ? kendall : no . what about you ? how are you ? you 're working with ryan 's ex- girlfriend . is that gon na be a problem ? greenlee : no . no . not at all . i 'm marrying the most amazing man , and the man who made our life hell is going to prison as soon as jake solves this big medical mystery . are you ok ? kendall : yeah . yeah , i was just thinking how great our lives will be once david is out of them for good . [ scene_break ] jake : ahh . i love you like this , dave -- sedated . you 're so cooperative . listen , i 'm gon na get all the new test results , and we 're gon na take it from there . ok , buddy ? lisa , can you do me a favor ? can you get an orderly to take dr. hayward back down to his room ? never mind . there 's an orderly . orderly , we got a patient ! so tomorrow will be your colonoscopy . first thing in the morning , ok , 5 : 30 a.m. that 's all they had , so rest up . [ phone rings ] jake : ooh . there 's my phone . i got to go . dr. martin . [ scene_break ] cara : hi . tad : hi . well , thanks again for not blowing me out of the water . cara : you mean helping you . tad : what ? cara : yeah , because , i got to tell you , i 've always wanted to do a sting . tad : technically , this is n't a sting . cara : i think i could be really good at the whole cloak - and - dagger thing , you know , playing a character . tad : you hang on to that thought , mata hari . cara : no , really ! i could pretend to be dirty , like a doctor on the take . what do you think ? tad : i think you 're enjoying this too much . cara : i think what you do is really cool . tad : yeah , sometimes . cara : ok . so does this happen a lot ? do you get to wing it , `` fly by the seat of your pants `` kind of thing , or what ? tad : it happens . cara : yeah ? tad : yeah . now that we 've safely landed , i 'll see you later . cara : hmm . ok . [ scene_break ] natalia : come on this way . brot : amazing , is n't she ? jesse : absolutely . but that is no reason for you to throw yourself on the sword . i 'm not firing either one of you . brot : chief , have any of those favors returned your calls ? natalia is one of your best detectives , and i 'm just a beat cop . jesse : one of my best . brot : but she breathes this job . jesse : and you do n't ? brot : yes , but i could find a job in security . jesse : security ? brot : chief , i just want natalia happy , ok ? and nothing makes natalia as happy as being a cop . jesse : you know there 's been something else putting a smile on her face here lately ? brot : i want to keep it there . write up my pink slip , chief . [ scene_break ] greenlee : it 's the bond girl theme -- sexy , adventurous , exciting . kendall : edge , but elegant . greenlee : yeah . we 'll keep it fun in the final . we 'll riff on the names . kendall : we should change it to `` goldeneye eye shadow . `` greenlee : brilliant ! you have n't lost your touch . kendall : oh , yeah . it does feel good . it feels great , actually . greenlee : i 'll be right back . [ kendall has visions of a gun ] greenlee : i know it 's early , but i think that we deserve this . [ cork pops ] greenlee : kendall , are you all right ? [ scene_break ] griffin : hey . have you seen dr. hayward ? orderly : i was supposed to pick him up from pathology , but he was n't there . [ scene_break ] ryan : you might want to be careful , dave . it sure is a long way down . | at home , kendall comes downstairs and finds cara sitting on the sofa . kendall assures cara that she is ready for her day . cara reminds kendall of her doctor 's appointment with griffin . kendall assures her that she is going there right now . cara asks kendall if she is experiencing any symptoms and kendall assures her that she is fine . at fusion , kendall walks off the elevator and assures herself that she can do this . at the hospital , jake is in the room with david with david 's chart in hand . jake lets david know that he is ordering more tests on him . griffin overhears jake ordering more tests on david . ryan and greenlee are at home at the condo . greenlee and ryan know that this is kendall 's first day back at work and wonders how she will manage . ryan and greenlee make plans for later . ryan assures greenlee that david is going to prison . greenlee wants to be in on helping ryan to put david behind bars . kendall looks around the room and assures herself once again that she can do this . greenlee comes in with a bunch of balloons for kendall 's first day back at work . in a motel room , brot and natalia have just made love and snuggle in each other 's arms . tad and jesse are in the squad room at the police station . tad has just brought some things for angie that he thinks that angie may like . jesse tells tad about his trip to see angie . jesse looks around and sees the police commissioner which unnerves jesse because he knows what is coming next . the commissioner joins tad and jesse . the commissioner tells jesse that he is going to have to fire either brot or natalia or jesse will lose his job . jesse , sitting at a desk in the interrogation slams down the phone when brot and natalia come in . jesse lets brot and natalia know that this matter concerns them . jesse also lets them know that he knows all about them and the motel room . jesse also lets them know that he is going to have to fire one of them . natalia speaks up and tells jesse that he can not do that . jesse orders them to go about what they were doing that he would handle this . jake lets tad know that some drugs have gone missing from the drug room and he asks tad to investigate to find out who is stealing the drugs . jake gives tad a file with a pic in it of the man that tad should talk to . in the corridor of the hospital , cara walks up to talk to griffin . griffin lets her know that kendall had not shown up for her appointment . cara can not believe her ears since kendall had told her that the hospital was where she was going . cara senses that griffin cares for kendall . david sees ryan outside of his hospital room . david asks ryan if he is n't going to invite him back to the land of the living . kendall and greenlee discuss their business meeting and if kendall is up to it . kendall accuses greenlee of watching her every move as if kendall is going to fall apart at any moment . madison and randi come in and is surprised to see kendall already there . randi surprises kendall with a `` welcome back , kendall `` sign . madison also has pastries . greenlee calls griffin to alert him about kendall . through the window to the interrogation room , brot and natalia watch jesse . brot assures natalia that he will not let anyone hurt her as he loves her . a detective comes in and drags natalia away on a case . kendall and greenlee have their meeting with madison and randi about marketing concepts . griffin walks in complete with his medical bag . kendall goes over to talk to him and assures him that she is fine , but he refuses to believe her . kendall goes back to her meeting while griffin sits down in a chair to watch her . madison and randi notice that griffin is waiting on kendall to finish . kendall goes over to talk to griffin again . griffin makes kendall make a choice whether she will have her examination at the hospital or here at fusion . randi reminds greenlee that madison is having ryan 's baby . greenlee tells randi that she and madison have an understanding . ryan lets david know that he and greenlee are getting married on valentine 's day . ryan thanks david for signing the divorce papers for greenlee . ryan gets a call and leaves . |
[ previously_on ] aidan : where are you going ? morgan : wildwind , to see if anything that you 've told me is true . i want to see what this girl 's got that i do n't . david : that drug should never have been administered to maria . what part of `` your risking her life `` do n't you understand ? adam : a date solves everything ? lysistrata : it could solve a lot if teaches you that relinquishing control is n't so terrible . [ scene_break ] liza : well , my fantasy date was me and adam going to the movies , eating popcorn , and smooching a little . adam : with our feet stuck to the floor . lysistrata : and the reality ? liza : the reality was that i took a back seat . ahem . j.r. and adam decided they would have a confrontation , a real nasty scene . lysistrata : wow , adam 's son was at the same movie ? adam : when he was supposed to be at a meeting with harvard 's admissions people . liza : j.r. lied . gee , that 's never happened before . adam : he knew how important that meeting was . liza : the date was supposed to be about us . adam : i could n't ignore what he 'd done . i had no choice . liza : you had me . you had two hours of holding hands and mindless fun . instead , you make it all about j.r . adam : i 'm supposed to sit back and endure some idiotic slasher movie while my son throws his future away ? liza : what about our future ? when do we come first ? adam : it was a stupid movie ! liza : forget the movie ! you know , i begged you not to confront j.r. till after the movie was over . i mean , god forbid we do n't have any time for ourselves . adam : you know something , liza -- i 'm going to tell you something . i was grateful for that distraction . sitting there in that theater , literally glued to our chairs , trying to resurrect some -- some pathetic teenage fantasy . i was embarrassed , for myself and for you . lysistrata : whoo - hoo ! yes ! finally ! liza : i hit him . lysistrata : whoo ! it 's the first time i 've seen you come out swinging ! wow ! liza , what took you so long ? [ scene_break ] joni : all right , so take this whole thing , you know , people thinking jesus were here . now , what kind of car would he drive ? man : well , what do you think ? joni : i think a great , big , old s.u.v . so he can tool all of his disciples around . laurie : hey , joni . mr. stafford . joni : hey . mr. stafford : hey , laurie . how 's the job working out ? laurie : it 's ok . what can i get you guys ? joni : dad ? mr. stafford : two , uh , big - ridge sundaes , right ? joni : with extra whipped cream ? mr. stafford : do n't tell your mother . laurie : ok , two big - ridge sundaes , extra whipped cream coming right up . joni : excuse me , dad . hey , laurie . have you seen j.r. ? laurie : yeah . he was in here before . joni : so ? laurie : `` so ? `` what ? joni : did you talk to him ? laurie : yeah . i told him again we 're over . for good . joni : are you ok ? laurie : like i even have time to care . bartender : evening . doug : hey . bartender : what 'll it be ? doug : um -- laurie : go ahead . drink up , dad . it 's on me . [ scene_break ] maria : you 're an awfully long way from london , inspector gordon . morgan : yeah , aidan 's led us on quite a merry chase . maria : so you have n't found him ? morgan : not for a lack of trying . but i have it on good authority that aidan 's holed up somewhere here in pine valley . maria : you do n't know where ? morgan : no . i was hoping that you might point me in the right direction . maria : really ? why me ? morgan : my sources tell me that you and he were quite chummy . maria : well , he was there for me when i needed him . morgan : yeah ? have you been in contact with him recently ? maria : you know , i do n't really have to answer any of your questions , inspector . morgan : you do realize that your friend is wanted for murder , maureen ? maria : no , i know that that 's what he 's accused of . morgan : and he 's convinced you that he 's innocent , has he ? maria : aidan is in a lot of trouble because he 's been shot . somebody 's trying to kill him , and i think that 's who you should really be looking for right now . morgan : right , so -- maria : if you find that shooter , you 're going to find the person who killed fiona sinclair . morgan : so you 're not going to help me ? maria : i am not going to help you put an innocent man in jail , no . morgan : you really think that aidan 's innocent ? maria : i would stake my life on it . morgan : pray it does n't come to that . [ scene_break ] [ aidan grunts ] aidan : oh , morgan . if you touch maureen , i swear i 'll -- come on . adam : you advocate violence within marriage ? lysistrata : of course not , but liza needed more than a primal scream . adam : she needs to keep her hands to herself . lysistrata : my sense is that slap was a long time coming . now , liza , how do you feel about what just happened ? liza : ashamed . adam , i 'm sorry . i do n't know what got into me . i got mad and -- but that 's no excuse . lysistrata : oh , and you were making such progress . adam : wait , what if i 'd slapped her ? would you have cheered me on ? lysistrata : oh , do n't be coy , adam . it does n't suit you . now , liza , let 's get back to that night at the movies . liza : it was a disaster . adam did n't want to be there from the start . lysistrata : even though it was your choice ? adam : we have a home theater right here -- and popcorn with real butter . lysistrata : it 's liza 's turn . liza : when adam spotted j.r. with his girlfriend , i mean , our date just went down the tubes . lysistrata : and what did you do to stop adam from trashing your evening ? liza : i begged him , i pleaded with him not to make a scene , not to embarrass us in public . lysistrata : and in the past , how often have begging and pleading worked with your husband ? round it off to the nearest zero . liza , do you know the meaning of `` insanity `` ? adam : this is insanity . lysistrata : outside of bedlam , insanity 's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results . liza : but i did n't do anything . lysistrata : oh , you whined a little , you pleaded . and when that did n't pay off , you shrank back -- the long - suffering wife whose big bully husband is beyond her gentle reasoning . adam : `` gentle reasoning , `` you call it ? `` gentle rea -- `` liza bowls over obstacles like a sherman tank . she 's the most formidable woman i 've ever known . lysistrata : and how many marriages ago was that ? truth , adam , when 's the last time you saw liza fight back ? adam : well , i ca n't think of an exact date . liza : you know why ? because we ca n't remember the last time i was -- i was me . i was the ultimate risk - taker . i was a b.s . detector . you and i ca n't even remember the last time i had a sighting . adam : the tumor business . i made you doubt your reason a bit and you figured it out and you fought back . liza : i was still just reacting . i was playing your game . before we were married , i made the rules . i could match you point for point . and now lysistrata : now ? liza : i do n't know . i think i just fell behind , so much so that i took myself out of the game . i -- i stopped the race and i put myself off on the sidelines , cheering nobody . adam : that 's not true . liza : it is . how many times have i packed my bags and colby 's bags and threatened to leave ? although i never made it out the door . until you forced us to live in separate quarters . lysistra : yeah , to give you both some much - needed perspective . liza : you know what , i do n't really like what i 'm seeing -- about me , about my marriage , and my life . adam : liza , you have never once hesitated for a moment to call me when you thought i 'd gone too far . you are my harshest critic . liza : where does that get us ? i rant and you repent and we make love and wake up in the morning and the dirty tricks start all over again . and you know who 's to blame ? adam : oh , here it comes . liza : me . i 'm the one to blame . three times you 've asked me to marry you , and three times i have walked down the aisle knowing the worst about you . and i never once called out for help . how sick does that make me ? [ scene_break ] doug : laurie , listen , i did n't come here to tie one on . laurie : excuse me . doug : i just want to say -- listen -- i just want to say i 'm sorry for what happened back at the house . laurie : right . you did n't even know i was working here . i tried to tell you , but you were between six - packs . doug : listen , whatever you think of me , i am still your father . laurie : please . do n't remind me . hey . joni : hey . thanks . mr. stafford : thanks , laurie . that looks great . laurie : thanks . j.r. : hi . laurie : hey . j.r. : look , laurie , i 'm sorry about storming out of here before . laurie : everyone 's so sorry all of a sudden . j.r. : i was hanging outside , waiting to see if i could give you a ride home when your shift 's over . then i saw your dad come in and i just wanted to make sure he was n't messing with you . laurie : not any more than usual . i can handle it . j.r. : i can wait around if you need a lift -- i mean , if he is n't still here . laurie : thanks , j.r. , but i 'm closing tonight . j.r. : well , i can wait . bartender : laurie , order 's up for table six . laurie : i 've got to get that . [ scene_break ] morgan : ms. gorman , would it be fair to say that aidan trusted his life to you ? maria : he -- i was there for him when he needed me . morgan : yeah , and what exactly did he need you for then ? company ? comfort ? sex ? maria : what kind of question is that ? i do n't see how that 's at all pertinent to your -- morgan : hey , are you ok ? do you want me to get you a glass of water ? maria : no , i 'm good . i 'm -- i 'll get it . i 'll get it . i think this cold has just taken a turn for the worse , very quick . maria : i 'm sorry . you were asking me something annoying ? what was it ? morgan : would you characterize your relationship with devane as intimate ? maria : oh , that 's right . you know , i do n't see how that 's any of your business . morgan : it 's germane to my investigation . maria : really ? how so ? morgan : because if you two were lovers , it 's only natural that you would want to defend him . maria : i do n't see it as a question of defending him . i think aidan is innocent . morgan : yeah ? how can you be so sure ? maria : i just am . morgan : then why is he running ? maria : because he 's being set up . he 's being set up by the same person who actually killed fiona , her husband . he 's the one -- look , he 's the same person who sent out a hit on aidan . morgan : can you prove any of this ? maria : well , he 's got a very real bullet hole in his side ! morgan : could be self - inflicted . maria : i -- please . look , i know that aidan was trying to lure julian out of town , out of pine valley by an e - mail . morgan : well , was this e - mail ever sent ? maria : no , he never got the chance . morgan : and you still think he 's innocent ? maria : look , i 'm not saying that he 's some sort of a saint . he was sleeping with julian 's wife and that 's why julian killed her . but now julian is after aidan . morgan : but you 're still defending him , even now , even now that he 's out of your life ? maria : what can i say , i owe him . morgan : well , you still have this e - mail ? maria : yeah , i might . i might . it might still be on the laptop . i 'll go check . morgan : look , is there somebody i should call ? maria : no . no , no , no , i 'm -- it 's passing . passing . i 'll be fine . it 's ok . [ keys jingle ] [ door closes ] morgan : you must be edmund grey . i 'd like to introduce myself . edmund : i know who you are , and i want you out of here now . [ scene_break ] aidan : oh , come on . [ aidan grunts ] aidan : oh , come on . aidan : oh , man . [ aidan grunts ] [ scene_break ] jamie : hey . laurie : hey ! what 's up ? how are you ? jamie : good . laurie : excuse me . jamie : hey , j.r. , what are you doing back here ? j.r. : i could ask you the same thing . jamie : i think i left my biology book here . j.r. : that 's as good excuse as any . jamie : excuse for what ? j.r. : putting the moves on my girl . jamie : get over it . she 's not your girl anymore . j.r. : so you just move right in ? jamie : man , paranoia runs deep . j.r. : do you want my girlfriend ? [ scene_break ] lysistrata : liza , tell me about your home life growing up . what was your father like ? liza : kind . decent . adam : except for his back - street affair with mia 's mother . liza : my father was lonely because my mother was cheating on him with everything that wore pants . adam : including one of your boyfriends . lysistrata : and how did you feel about that ? liza : totally betrayed , humiliated . lysistrata : and your father -- how did he deal with your mother 's infidelities ? liza : well , i 'm sure that it hurt him . but i think he sort of resigned himself to the fact that his wife was -- lysistrata : a cheat ? a two - timing , mattress - hopping tramp ? [ adam chuckles ] liza : well , that 's a little harsh . adam : she 's not far off the mark , actually . liza : well , you 're a fine one to talk . lysistrata : we 'll get to him . tell me , liza , how did you feel about your father ? did you think he was a good man for looking the other way ? liza : oh , god . lysistrata : a saint , even ? liza : no , no , i thought he was a wimp . i mean , what kind of fool just rolls over and lets their spouse just get away with murder ? i mean , if only for once i wanted him to stand up for himself , to just fight back . oh , my god . i 'm my father . and you -- you are her ! adam : oh , wait a minute . liza : i married my mother . [ scene_break ] morgan : mr. grey , i did n't mean to intrude . edmund : it 's all right . my security told me you were here on official business investigating aidan devane , right ? morgan : i was just asking your wife a few questions . edmund : ok , but i 'm sorry , it 's not a good time right now . she 's feeling rather ill . maria : i 'm fine . i 'm feeling fine . ahem . sorry , ms. gordon , i could n't find it . i think the kids must have erased whatever was on the laptop . morgan : pity . maria : well , if there 's anything i can do to retrieve it , i 'll try . morgan : your cooperation will be very much appreciated . maria : do you have a business card or something , some way i can get in contact with you ? morgan : oh , no , do n't bother about that . i 'll be in touch , all right ? and thanks for your time . maria : yeah . morgan : good night . edmund : how you feeling ? maria : why are you back so early ? edmund : isabella called me , said you were coming down with something . that 's why i told her to leave . maria : oh , please , edmund . come on , you know that 's not why you told her to leave . you told her to leave because she was here about aidan and that 's the last person you want on my mind . aidan : come on . [ car approaches ] morgan : you know , i won a wager with myself that you 'd get free . aidan : you ca n't keep a good man down . morgan : you know , with men like you still around , it 's a wonder that the sun even set on the british empire . aidan : it might rise again . morgan : yeah ? is that why the army calls it special forces ? aidan : come closer and you 'll find out . morgan : do n't you want to hear about my little visit with your precious maria ? aidan : i assume that you did n't give her my regards . morgan : alas , lady grey was not at her best . aidan : well , not with you there . morgan : get in there . she got an attack of the vapors . she looked like the heroine -- like some anemic heroine from a victorian pantomime . aidan : well , you have that effect on people . morgan : yeah ? maybe she 's lovesick , aidan , just really missing you . either that or she 's just got the flu . not that it matters , though . i mean , her chiseled husband was in attendance , standing there waiting for her every whim . aidan : did you find the safe ? morgan : exactly where you said , yeah . aidan : open it ? morgan : i 'm not a safecracker . aidan : you 'll need my help then . morgan : seems like you 're a man of many talents , aidan . aidan : oh , there 's no end to what these hands can do , morgan . come on , let 's go . ah ! ugh ! you bitch ! morgan : this is my party , love . i 'll say when we leave ! aidan : you could 've killed me . you know , julian would n't be very happy . morgan : julian said i had to keep alive . he did n't say i could n't make you suffer . sit down ! sit ! looks like we 'll be needing some more ropes , eh ? edmund : maria , listen to me , this has nothing to do with aidan . i was concerned about you . maria : you 're doing it again , edmund . edmund : doing what ? maria : you 're crowding me . you just -- ugh ! -- make it so i ca n't breathe . i do n't even have room to move . edmund : listen , if you 're not feeling well , you should be laying down . maria : if i 'm sick , i am sick . it is not your responsibility , ok ? it 's not up to you . you 're just -- you 're trying to take control of me or something . edmund : maria -- maria : look , i 've got all this pressure to be this person that i 'm not , ok , and you can obviously see that it is wearing me down . edmund : your mother called me because she was concerned . maria : what 's my mother have you on , speed dial every time she thinks i 'm having -- every time i 'm having some sort of a breakthrough because i brushed maddie 's hair the same way she brushed my hair or something crazy ? you know what , if i 've got to go get a life , she 's got to go get a life , you 've got to go get a life . you all do , ok ? edmund : maria , your mother did call me because she loves you . maria : no , because she thinks that maria is coming back , and she 's not . do n't you think i would know ? i would -- god ! do n't you think i would know if it 's coming back , because i 'd be the one to feel it , and i do n't , ok ? i do n't feel any of it . it 's not coming back to me . but i 've got all this pressure -- people and your expectations and everything , and then your expectations , isabella 's expectations , the kids ' -- edmund : maria , listen to me , just please , please sit down . maria : i do n't want to sit down . just leave me alone , ok ? i want to do what i want , and i 'm -- edmund : maria ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : jamie , i asked you a question . jamie : no , you accused me of going after laurie . j.r. : and then you walk away . jamie : because you 're being stupid . i 'm not going after anybody . j.r. : then what 's the deal with you and laurie ? jamie : it 's called being friends . maybe you should try it sometime . j.r. : what does that mean ? jamie : figure it out . man , you are something else . doug : you talking to me ? jamie : oh , you bet . after all the crud you piled on laurie , you 're sitting here drinking yourself drunk ? doug : i did n't -- laurie gave me the beer . i -- jamie : yeah , just like she made you slap her , huh ? j.r. : what ? did you beat laurie ? jamie : no , keep it down . j.r. : no , i 'm going to call the cops on this guy . jamie : you wonder why she does n't open up to you ? j.r. : why , because i want to protect her ? jamie : no , because you 're some loudmouthed jerk , just like your old man . [ scene_break ] adam : liza , you take that back . i am nothing at all like your mother . liza : you know what , you 're right , you 're worse , because my mother never would 've committed somebody simply for disagreeing with her ! lysistrata : back to your father . did he and your mother disagree often ? liza : oh , all the time . lysistrata : and was your father usually right ? liza : he was more rational , more fair - minded . lysistrata : so how did these disagreements usually end ? liza : with my father caving in , letting my mother win . lysistrata : why ? adam : because marian 's a cloying harpy . liza : because i think my father felt it was easier to let my mother win . lysistrata : he accepted her as she was , even at the cost of his pride , his manhood ? liza : well , he threatened to leave a few times . he packed a bag , he checked into a motel , but he always came back . lysistrata : and were you happy when he came back ? liza : yeah , he was my father . i adored him . lysistrata : even though he would n't stand up to your mother ? even though you lived in a destructive environment because he was too weak to fight against it ? liza : i do n't know why he stayed . lysistrata : there must have been some emotional payoff . liza : i do n't know why my mother did what she did . oftentimes , i thought that she did that because she was trying to provoke him . she was trying to get him to scream at her or fight back or something . that she became some sort of serial cheater because it was the only way for her to reach him . do you think that 's the only way you can reach me , by hurting me ? adam : no . liza , no . i do n't -- i do n't want to hurt you . liza : but you do . again and again . and we have to do something to make it stop or we 'll do to colby what my parents did to me . lysistrata : not if you break the cycle , beginning right now . liza : how ? lysistrata : by reclaiming the woman you once were , a strong , independent woman who fulfills her own needs and her own desires . liza : i do n't know that i know who that woman is anymore . lysistrata : i think you do . so let 's get to work . we 'll start in your bedroom , yours and adam 's . adam : uh -- what [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm nothing like my father . jamie : you give a pretty good impression of him . j.r. : just stay away from laurie , ok ? jamie : and what if i do n't ? are you going to pound me for being her friend or for being the one guy that does n't make her cry or wish she was dead ? you know what , i take back what i said . you 're not like your old man . you 're like laurie 's . laurie : j.r. ? what 's wrong ? j.r. : look , why did n't you tell me that your dad hit you ? laurie : because it 's none of your business . j.r. : wait , why ca n't you believe that i would do anything to make things right for you ? laurie : you really mean that ? j.r. : you know i do . laurie : ok , then . forget me . start by making things right for yourself . [ scene_break ] lysistrata : all right , you two , hit the sheets . adam : what the devil -- lysistrata : lie down . just do it ! adam : ahem . lysistrata : wow . for two people who 've been together as long as you have , you two look like a couple of stiffs . adam : we never had witnesses before . lysistrata : well , maybe that 's part of the problem . liza , are you comfortable on that side of the bed ? adam : of course she is . she always sleeps -- liza : would you please stop answering for me ? i actually like the other side of the bed . adam : well , you never said anything . liza : well -- it 's just that i like being near the door in case colby calls me . adam : well , why you 're making it a state secret is beyond me . i 'd be glad to switch . lysistrata : do n't talk about it . just do it . come on . liza : well , would you just -- if you just -- adam : ow . ow ! liza : well , you just need to move your butt a little bit faster . lysistrata : better ? liza : much . lysistrata : our placement in the universe is crucial to our inner sense of balance . adam : what about my placement in the universe ? what if i 'm happier on that side ? lysistrata : deal with it . now , when you have sex , who 's usually on top ? adam : oh , that 's it , that 's it . no , no . that 's it , that 's it . this session is over . liza : adam , you get back in this bed right now . [ scene_break ] maria : so weird . i barely ever get sick , but i feel like i 've been hit by a truck . edmund : let me get this wrapped around you , ok ? maria : i 'm cold . cold , cold , cold , cold . edmund : all right , here we go . maria : thank you . edmund : you cold ? maria : yeah . edmund : you 're burning up . maria : no , i ca n't be . i 'm freezing to death . edmund : i 'm calling the doctor . maria : ok . edmund : get me dr. hayward . this is an emergency . maria : david ? why ? what are you calling him for ? lysistrata : comfy , adam ? adam : no . lysistrata : good . now , when you make love , which one of you is in the superior position ? adam : that is such a total invasion . liza : adam is . lysistrata : and are you all right with that ? adam : i have n't heard any complaints . lysistrata : liza ? liza : well , our time together 's usually pretty spectacular . adam : there . you see ? what do you mean , `` usually `` ? liza : well , it 's just that it 's gotten a little stale lately . adam : well , perhaps you 're forgetting that we 're in the middle of a very long dry spell . i do n't remember the last -- liza : maybe that 's because it was n't so memorable . adam : liza -- liza : no , it 's just that , you know , sometimes a little variety is nice , you know , to spice it up a little bit . lysistrata : excellent suggestion . liza , where do you keep your scarves ? liza : on my top right - hand drawer . lysistrata : these should do . here . liza : what do you want me to do with these ? lysistrata : use your imagination . adam : somebody want to let me in on the joke ? lysistrata : your wife 's going to tie your hands to the headboards . adam : oh . no , no , no . no , here 's where i draw the line . lysistrata : this is all about control , remember , adam ? you refused to give it up on your date , so now we 're trying another approach . liza ? liza : well , i feel little silly . lysistrata : nothing wrong with that . liza : adam ? adam : oh , for crying out loud . liza : ok . here , move to the middle a little bit . adam : middle . liza : ok . this is -- lysistrata : just go for it . liza : ok . you keep -- adam : ow . liza : oh , sorry . you gave this to me for my birthday . ok . lysistrata : nice and tight . liza : oh -- oh . adam : obviously never a boy scout . ouch . please try not to destroy all the circulation . liza : oh , sorry . is this good ? adam : oh , `` good . `` liza : ok . lysistrata : keep going . liza : ok . adam : all right , come on . liza : all right , all right . adam : have your way with me . liza : ok , just move this a little bit . adam : ouch . i can only stretch so far . lysistrata : do n't think about it , just do it . liza : all right , all right . adam : oh . liza : this one 's so pretty , though . you know , it 's not going to ruin it , is it ? lysistrata : come on , come on , keep going . liza : ok . all right . is that good ? is that cozy ? adam : it 's not good , it 's not cozy , no . liza : ok . ok , what -- ok , what now ? adam : what the dickens . lysistrata : assert yourself . come here . i 'm going to lock the door behind me . liza : you need the key . lysistrata : oh , thank you . liza : ok , it 's locked . lysistrata : good . adam : what is that lunatic doing now ? she 's supposed to be a marriage counselor , not a sex therapist . liza : lysistrata ? uh , what now ? anybody there ? adam : i am going to -- i am going to so fire that hippy - dippy quack . oh , come on . come on , untie me so we can get out of here . liza -- come on . untie me . liza : you know , our therapist might be gone , but our session is n't over . not until i say it 's over . adam : oh . oh . oh . oh . [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , laurie , i figured it out . i 'm going to hit the books , reset the harvard interview . i 'm just -- i 'm going to get in gear all around . laurie : it 's easy to say . j.r. : no , i mean it . i want you back , and if that 's what it takes to make that happen , then i 'm there . laurie : i ca n't be the reason , j.r . j.r. : you 're not . i 'm doing it for me . but if it happens to bring you back to me , then i 'm going to fight it . so i 'll be at the library . you 'll call me if you need that ride ? laurie : ok . i will . j.r. : bye . doug : that kid really cares for you . should 've heard the way he stood up for you , you know , like you 're really worth something . he 's got my vote . laurie : dad , i do n't get you . i thought you hated j.r . doug : no , no , not the chandler kid , the other one , jamie martin . [ scene_break ] aidan : wow . good job . i bet even houdini could n't get out of this one . morgan : you 're going to push me too far , aidan . aidan : oh , you can take it . you could always take it . working with you , morgan , you were the best . morgan : yeah , right . aidan : you remember the rush on the job , the precision , the execution ? every second counting ? we were a perfect fit , morgan . morgan : yeah . and then you moved on , did n't you ? aidan : and here we are , noughts and crosses , the old team . come on . cut me loose , eh ? we 'll go and crack that safe at wildwind . morgan : yeah , right . and then you 'll take the money and maria and run out of there . aidan : maureen 's more trouble than she 's worth , darling . morgan : hmm ? you know , i 'm really glad you said that because i 've got something else in mind . aidan : what 's that ? morgan : we 're going to hit wildwind tonight , after everyone 's asleep . you 'll crack the safe , we 'll clean it out , and then we 'll head to julian 's place -- paradise island , bahamas . aidan : and he 'll be expecting us there , will he ? morgan : why do n't you just let me worry about that ? of course , if you stand in my way , both you and your precious maria are going to bite the bullet . [ scene_break ] edmund : maria , listen to me , you 're spiking a fever , ok ? maria : you ca n't let him touch me . i do n't want david anywhere near me . edmund : hayward will help you . please , maria -- maria : please , edmund , do n't let him get near me . edmund : maria -- maria ? ok , that 's it . [ phone rings ] david 's voice : hello , this is dr. david hayward . please feel free to leave a message after the tone , and i 'll be happy to get back to you . [ answering machine beeps ] edmund : hayward , it 's edmund . i 'm here at wildwind . maria 's sick . she 's real sick . now come on over as fast as you can . hang in there , baby . dr. hayward will know what to do , ok ? just hang in there , sweetheart . [ next_on ] mia : i know why you 're doing this . you 're trying to make up for what happened last night . officer : i apprehended the perp . simone : i am not a perp . regina : you 're actually studying , or are you hitting the books to hit on maggie ? edmund : tell me that i have n't done any permanent damage to the woman i love more than life . | laurie 's dad showed up at the restaurant bar where she worked to get a drink ; she put a beer in front of him and dared him to drink it . j.r. came back to talk to her but she did n't want to talk to him . jamie came in and chatted with her ; j.r. accused jamie of trying to steal his girlfriend . joni was also there with her dad . j.r. promised laurie that he would work hard to turn around his life on the off - chance that he will get her back . jamie told off laurie 's dad for hitting her , which j.r. heard . laurie 's dad told laurie that he liked jamie . adam & liza had therapy with lysistrata . liza realized that she has been acting wimpy like her dad and adam has been acting like marian . adam was not thrilled with the therapy . lysistrata made them go up to their bedroom . she had liza assert herself by first admitting that she liked the other side of the bed better and then she tied up adam to the bedposts with her scarves . lysistrata locked them in , so liza started kissing adam . morgan questioned maria , who is getting sicker , about her relationship with aidan . morgan also found the safe that aidan told her about . edmund came home and ordered morgan out . maria got very sick and fainted . edmund phoned david to come help tend to maria . aidan got free of the ropes just before morgan came home but she got the drop on him with her gun and tied him up again ( first she shot him when he tried to go out the door ) . she said they 're going to break into wildwynd tonight and then go see julian . |
tad : liza , thanks for coming . why do n't you have a seat , ok ? i just want to start by saying how much i care about you , and -- and the idea of you and me getting together -- well , thanks for putting it out there , you know ? as an idea , it 's great . there are risks . i mean , we 've known each other a long time . things could get complicated . that 's not bad . i 'll remember that -- spontaneous , open , honest . [ knock on door ] tad : coming ! tad : li -- uh -- hi , krystal . krystal : hi . i -- i found something in adam 's library , and i just thought you might want to see it . tad : yeah ? another dossier ? krystal : no . `` the indian book of love . `` tad : `` the kamasutra `` ? krystal : i thought we could work through it in , like , a day and a half . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what are you doing ? you ca n't take him away . jack : it 's ok , greenlee . it 's ok . greenlee : no . how could you think that jackson could murder michael cambias ? jack : this is n't about murder . this is about something else . greenlee : but you have n't done anything wrong . you could n't . you 're , like , the best person in this whole building . he 's worth 20 of the rest of you ! jack : all right , greenlee , greenlee , greenlee , it 's ok . reggie : look , greenlee , everything 's going to be -- greenlee : no , you get away from me . do something , bianca . help my father . i thought you loved him , too . [ scene_break ] aidan : well , here we are . fred : yeah , here we are . where are we ? aidan : this ? this is the place for your spiritual retreat , fred . oh , wow . ooh . can you feel that celestial aura ? i can . it 's not bad , huh ? can you feel it ? fred : well , i once did a retreat in a cave in nepal for a year and -- aidan : really ? fred : it did n't have a bed , either . aidan : oh , well . fred : but it did have a yak . aidan : well , i 'm sure we could find you a bed somewhere . fred : well -- no , wait , wait , wait . i feel it . oh . yeah . i -- i feel the aura . oh , oh . oh . aidan : all right , you 're going to -- you 're going to stay put here , right , fred ? it 's very important that the police do n't find out where you are , or else my good friend can go to prison , remember ? fred : the cambias bride . aidan : right . now , i 'm going to go check on her and i 'm going to bring you back some food , ok ? fred : mm - hmm . [ pounding on door ] fred : what now ? out the bathroom window again ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : my god , is n't anyone going to do anything ? are you going to let this happen ? bianca : uncle jack says that he knows what he 's doing . greenlee : yeah , he 's falling on his sword for that one . jack : greenlee , stop this right now , please ? please . i will be all right , i swear . greenlee : if you love him , how could you just stand there , erica ? he 's about to be put away for something he did n't do . kendall : shut up , greenlee , ok ? you do n't know what -- livia : kendall , say nothing ! greenlee : no , what jack is doing is covering for you . you created this hell , kendall . none of this would be happening if it were n't for you . jack : no , this is -- this is something i had to do . erica : you just stop it ! you are making it worse . greenlee : you 're like the black death , all three of you ! anyone who gets involved with you kane women ends up paying for it ! ryan : so is this , like , a private disaster , or can anyone join in ? ryan : hey -- whoa , whoa , whoa , greenlee , you have to get more of the whole picture before you go all nuts like this . greenlee : i know what 's happening . jack 's being hauled off to jail to save kendall 's lying hide . i would n't be surprised if he confessed to murdering michael cambias or god knows what . ryan : what ? wait . did jack confess ? reggie : no , she 's just talking without input from her brain , as usual . jack : look , this will all be over soon , so do n't worry , please ? please ? and you do n't worry about me at all , all right ? greenlee : i ca n't stand this . ryan : all right , you come with me . come on . livia : you doing all right ? kendall : what just happened in there ? livia : well , i 'd say jackson montgomery just took a major bullet for the defense team . did you see that jury 's faces ? they do n't know what hit them . kendall : yeah , well , so , then , that 's good , right ? livia : that 's very good . that 's what reasonable doubt looks like . kendall : well , i mean , what about jackson ? they ca n't hold onto him for long , can they ? livia : well , probably not , but it could cost him a lot . kendall : well , he 's not supposed to get hurt . no one else is supposed to get hurt . livia : well , he could have to pay a major fine , do some prison time , and it could cost him his career in the law . [ scene_break ] erica : no , i do n't want you to give one second 's thought to anything that greenlee had to say . greenlee does n't know jack . greenlee does n't know him the way we do , and she never will . bianca : i know , but she loves him and she wants to help . so do i . there 's got to be something we can do . erica : you know what we can do ? we can do what jack wants us to do . we can listen to him , we can trust him , and we can believe that he knows what he 's doing . bianca : what if he 's wrong ? i mean , what if this is a huge mistake , taking this incredible risk for kendall ? erica : well , honey , i hope not . [ scene_break ] alan : you 've already got a list of charges to throw at montgomery ? justin : he asked for it , alan . alan : jack is a pretty popular guy around here . even the judge is a good friend . justin : listen , he broke the law . he 's got to go down for it . alan : do you have to enjoy it so damn much ? why do n't you just focus on our next move . i do n't want to hear jack 's name again for the rest of the day . we 've got ground to make up this afternoon . justin : all right , fine . we can start doing that by proving that kendall 's not even carrying cambias ' baby . better than that , we can prove that she was n't even married to him . alan : we 'll need the dna results and that preacher lomax who supposedly married them . justin : i 've already told you , we 're looking for him . alan : do your job , mccoy . find him . [ scene_break ] [ pounding on door ] fred : i have never been on a spiritual retreat like this one . expect the unexpected . it 's enlightening , but let 's vamoose . aidan : no , no , fred , fred , there 's no way out this time . just let me deal with whoever is at the door . fred : well -- aidan : sit down and get comfy . what the hell are you doing here ? how did you find us ? boyd : i was afraid of this . aidan : you could 've been followed , boyd . boyd : you were supposed to hide lomax , not bring him back here . aidan : this is the best way -- boyd : the best way to what ? what , set up kendall ? fred : hey , i know you . do n't i ? aidan : this is great . fred : yeah , i -- i 've seen your face . boyd : i do n't think so . fred : no , no , no , i 'm sure i do . i never forget a face . boyd : i never saw you before in my life , all right ? fred : no , it was in -- let me see -- tijuana -- no . aidan : fred -- meditate . fred : machu picchu ? aidan : go meditate . the world is depending on you . besides , do n't let this guy wreck your zen . go on . [ fred hums ] aidan : hey , you actually think i 'm going to set kendall up ? why would i do that ? boyd : you tell me , ok , because it looks like you 're planning on springing this lunatic on the court at the last minute to show that kendall never married michael cambias . [ scene_break ] tad : as much as i appreciate your reading material here , as much as i would thoroughly enjoy a round - trip ticket to the subcontinent -- krystal : mm - hmm . i like the way that sounds . tad : yeah , well , i just do n't think it 's a very good idea for me to start practicing tantric sex this very minute . krystal : oh , come on now . what time do you think it is in the subcontinent ? tad : stop trying to distract me . krystal : stop fighting it . tad : krystal , come on . the fact is you just want me to stop digging around in babe 's past . now , so far you 've tried , you know , booby traps and threatening me with identity theft . now you 're bringing out the really big guns , you know -- the indian book of whoopee . krystal : well , it worked for a minute , did n't it ? tad : oh , hell , yeah . the idea of you and page 84 is enough to make me forget my name and address , but i ca n't . i 'm sorry . not right now . i 've got an appointment . krystal : cancel it . tad : tempting but impossible . krystal : i bet it is n't . tad : it is . i 'm sorry . it is n't . i ca n't . it 's about the irs , all right ? i have to get together with my accountant . we got to crunch a bunch of numbers because i -- i do n't want to be audited . krystal : no ? as long as you 're not avoiding me , because there is something on page 162 that also caught my eye . tad : krystal , i 'll -- i 'll check it out . krystal : we could do that together . tad : it 's going to have to be a lot later because the way things are shaking out , i wo n't be available till late this afternoon . that 'll be at the earliest . krystal : well , then , i guess that gives me something to look forward to . and if that meeting gets boring , then you know what 's waiting for you . tad : hmm . krystal : why do they always think we 'll buy the bs ? tad : my god , that woman is dangerous . [ knock on door ] tad : yeah . did you want this ? liza : you called ? does this mean you 've decided that you want me ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : jack was n't arrested for murder , but he still incriminated himself in court , and all because of that liar , that poor excuse for humanity . ryan : ok , greenlee , we 've been through this . you 're not going to get me to trash kendall . greenlee : who asked you to ? thanks for the water . why do n't you go back to kendall ? you did swear under oath that you love her , and i would n't want you to commit perjury . ryan : ok , all right . let me make something very , very crystal clear here . greenlee , listen to me , all right ? what may happen between kendall and me has got nothing to do with what you and i have . greenlee : and what is that exactly , ryan ? you promising to be my pal , my confidant , my friend who 's a boy ? ryan : well , it 's a little difficult to put into words , but you and i are connected , greenlee . we will never stop caring about each other , all right ? we know that , and so does kendall . greenlee : she ca n't be happy about it . ryan : all right , well , right now , let 's just stick with you . ok , what happened today -- you saw your dad get arrested . greenlee : he did the perp walk down the same corridors he used to rule . ryan : come on , jackson knows his way around every corner of the legal system . you 've got to believe he 's got a plan . greenlee : it did n't look like it . ryan : well , you have to know that his strategy is to call the prosecution 's case into question , to cast a reasonable doubt on kendall . greenlee : but at what cost ? he 's ruining his life for what , for whom ? we 're right back to kendall . ryan : so you feel like you 're losing all sorts of things to kendall . greenlee : including you . [ scene_break ] david : well , ms. carey . krystal : hey , doc . you can call me krystal -- with a k . david : i trust your son - in - law is staying out of jail ? krystal : oh , yes , yes , he 's behaving himself . he has n't beaten up any brilliant doctors lately . david : i 'm happy to hear that . so , what 's the trouble today ? krystal : well , i have this tickle , you know , up and down my throat . and i just ca n't seem to get rid of it no matter what i do . david : hmm . any cough ? krystal : yeah , sometimes . a little bit . [ krystal coughs ] krystal : i was kind of hoping you would take a look at my chest . david : you 're staying with the chandlers , are n't you ? so i 'm sure that adam can set you up with a top pulmonary specialist . why come here ? krystal : well , i 'm just more comfortable with regular folks , you know ? those country club mds , they just care more about their cars than their patients , you know ? want to take a listen ? david : all right . let 's see if your chest is clear . krystal : ooh . that is cold . let me warm that up for you . [ krystal puckers up and blows on the stethoscope ] krystal : try again . david : thanks . take a deep breath . [ krystal breathes deeply ] david : say ninety - nine . krystal : ninety - nine . now these are what i call healing hands . you have got the touch . i can see that . david : well , i can already detect one thing . krystal : what 's that ? david : that you 're not here for your health . so why do n't you cut the bs and tell me what it is . [ scene_break ] tad : just , for god 's sake , forget about it . liza : why are you hiding it ? tad : i 'm not hiding anything . liza : you 're putting it in the drawer . tad : listen , i 'm not hiding . liza : let me see it . tad : for god 's sake . liza : `` the kamasutra . `` tad : you happy now ? liza : is this why you called me over here ? tad : no , you were n't supposed to see the book . liza : because you were looking at it by yourself ? tad : no . yes . no . i mean , it was n't like i was , you know , sitting around doing research . liza : well , come on . you do n't have to be embarrassed or anything . you know , i 've been telling people i want to spice up my life , even though this is n't what i was really thinking about . but you thought about me and that 's -- you care about me , and there 's a -- a bookmark . wow . tad : yeah . liza : so you put some thought into this here . tad : mm - hmm . liza : oh , my . well , you know , i 'm flattered that you have such confidence in me . [ tad chuckles ] tad : come here . we do n't need the damn book , all right ? you should write a book . somebody should write a book about you . what you did was very brave . liza : well , you know , i was just being honest that i -- i want you . so , what do you say ? tad : that 's just it . i was completely thrown for a loop , you know . i mean , now you know what you want -- liza : oh , no , no , no , no , no . wait , wait , wait a minute . what do you mean -- this is beginning to sound a little bit like a kiss - off despite `` the kamasutra . `` tad : no . no , no , that 's not what i 'm saying . liza : because , you know , if this is how you let me down gently , why do n't you just sort of fast - forward to the finale and then i can leave with a shred of dignity . tad : i do n't want you to leave . liza : ok . this is the weirdest `` stick around , liza `` i 've ever had , but you know what ? it 's you . what do i expect ? tad : hey , you know what ? exactly . right on the money . it 's what you expect -- that 's the problem . liza : no , that 's not the problem . look , this is where you 're going to give me that whole monologue about how you know me so well and you can predict my every movement . tad : after what you did this afternoon , i 'm not sure of anything anymore . liza : look , do you want to make a go of it with me or not ? tad : yes . absolutely . i just ca n't make any guarantees . liza : i do n't want any guarantees . tad : i -- i 'm -- you 're not the only woman in my life . liza : i know . tad : and you do n't care ? liza : right now , no , i do n't . tad : see , that 's the thing -- knowing you , that 's just so weird . liza : you know what ? stop it . just shut up because you 're going to talk it to death . tad : no , but i -- i -- liza : no , but -- no , shut up . tad : can i say one thing ? liza : yes . what 's your one thing ? tad : i forgot . liza : mm - hmm . [ scene_break ] krystal : well , i really do have a tickle . david : hmm . krystal : and i 'm sure your expert hand on my chest would just do me wonders . but i 'm here because of adam chandler . david : what about adam ? krystal : well , you know the saying -- the enemy of my enemy is my friend . david : well , hello , friend . krystal : you know , i 'm glad you said that , because honest to god , i really could use your help with adam . [ david laughs ] krystal : what ? what ? i could . i 'm telling you , adam is just ruining my little girl 's life . david : oh , i 'm sure he is . but whenever anybody says `` honest to god , `` they 're usually lying . krystal : oh , ok . yeah , i should 've known . you probably made straight a 's in human psychology . david : yes , i did . and i can also tell a three - pack - a - day smoker from someone who 's telling me they quit . krystal : well , i quit smoking years ago . but i could use some information on tad martin . david : so is that why you 're really here ? krystal : well , i 'd like an unbiased opinion . david : oh , i do n't know if i can promise you that . krystal : well , just give me the skinny on tad , you know , tell me how to deal with him . david : you want my best advice on how to deal with tad ? fine . do n't . so what else do you need to know ? [ scene_break ] liza : what did i -- what did i say ? tad : shut up ? liza : yeah . there 's plenty of time to talk afterwards . tad : or during . are you sure about this ? liza : i 'm positive . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee , you 're not losing me . greenlee : it feels like it . ryan : well , that 's because you get yourself all carried away and turn into a crazy person . greenlee : and you can say that to me because of our deep and intense connection ? ryan : you broke into kendall 's condo , greenlee . who does that ? that is so not cool . greenlee : ryan , i do n't need this from you , ok ? ryan : well , you 're going to get it right now because i care about you . greenlee : you promised to help me get over pablo . i 'll take you up on that . but as for the kendall advice -- save it . ryan : you have to back off kendall . greenlee : ok , ok ! you win ! i 'll stop about kendall . i 'll be like everyone else and join her fan club . ryan : god , you just do n't quit . greenlee : from now on , i 'll believe everything she says . kendall had nothing to do with michael 's murder . she 's his wife , his heir . she 's carrying his unfortunate baby . ryan : you do n't have to be skeptical all the time , greenlee . it does n't make you smart just because , like , you question everyone and everything . greenlee : you 're right , you 're right . why did i go to that baby shop in philadelphia ? i guess i just wanted to prove something to myself since no one else gives a damn . ryan : what ? what baby shop ? what are you talking about ? greenlee : i really believe that kendall is faking her pregnancy , and i 'm still not sure that she is n't . ryan : because of a shop ? greenlee : miss philly � s in philly . they sell pooches for women who want to practice being pregnant . i guess it goes on a lot more than we think . ryan : do you have any idea how crazy you sound ? greenlee : not as crazy as kendall if she 's parading around in one of those pooches . ryan : ok , greenlee , just drop it now ! greenlee : are you saying that it would n't matter to you if it turned out that kendall is lying about being pregnant ? ryan : i 'm saying that it 's obvious that kendall has got you talking all crazy , all right ? and i 'm just trying to spare you the pain from running into a brick wall at mach 1 . greenlee : so it 's me that you 're trying to protect ? ryan : stupid me . now , come on , come on . it 's time -- the court 's going to be back in session . grab your stuff . come on . [ scene_break ] aidan : i did what i said i 'd do , which is keep fred away from the prosecution . boyd : then why bring him back to pine valley ? aidan : because singer 's got all of arizona law enforcement after him . do you think they 're going to look here ? boyd : so you mean hide him in plain sight ? aidan : right . boyd : look -- look , i 'm sorry , ok ? i 'm sorry i jumped on you , all right ? i just thought -- aidan : it 's fine . we 're all on edge right now . but , really , he 's safe here . boyd : you sure he 's here ? aidan : physically , yes , but that 's all we can count on right now . listen , how 's it going on with kendall in the courtroom ? boyd : well -- aidan : wait . tell me on the way . i need to go and check on kendall . boyd : whoa , whoa , whoa . you -- you 're sure that 's wise ? aidan : fred ? fred ? fred : [ child 's voice ] fred is not here . i am ragnar the inca boy . [ fred laughs ] fred : [ normal voice ] i 'm just pulling your metaphysical chain again . hee - ya ! this guy 's so easy . aidan : fred , i 'm going to pop out for a little while , ok ? but i 'm going to lock the door so you can do your spiritual retreat thing , and i 'm going to be back with something for you to sleep on and some food . all right , buddy ? fred : that 's all right . i do n't mind . aidan : sound good ? fred : yeah , i do n't mind being alone . i meet a better class of people when i 'm by myself . god . good times , good peeps . [ scene_break ] alan : ms. stone , what did you see when you went to the deceased 's condo that evening ? maggie : i saw two people taking something out of -- alan : two people ? you 're sure ? it was dark . maggie : yes , it was dark , but they were in the shadows . i could tell that there were two people . alan : and can you identify one or more of the people you saw ? maggie : yes , one . i could n't see faces , but i could hear her voice . alan : one person . you could hear her voice . and who was that one person you could identify ? did you make a statement to the police as to the identity of the person you saw ? maggie : yes . alan : well , who did you tell the police that person was ? maggie : i told them it was kendall hart . [ gallery reacts ] alan : the defendant ? ms. stone , you seem reluctant to confirm your prior statement . you were n't lying to the police , were you ? livia : objection . argumentative . judge : sustained . alan : of course you did n't lie to the police . the person you saw on that dark and shadowy night was indeed the defendant , kendall hart , correct ? livia : asked and answered , your honor . judge : move it along , mr. singer . alan : you testified that the two people you saw were carrying something away from mr. cambias ' home . can you describe what that was ? maggie : not really . it was dark . alan : well , try it . tell the court what it looked like to you -- size , weight , color . maggie : i 'd say it was about from here to say here . kind of oversized , i guess . alan : so between five and six feet long ? maggie : yes . i do n't know what color it was . alan : and the weight , more or less ? maggie : that i do n't know . alan : but it took two people to carry it ? maggie : i guess . i mean yes . alan : no further questions , your honor . judge : ms. frye . livia : ms. stone , you 're doing very well . thank you for your testimony . now , you testify that you were unable to identify the other person , is that correct ? maggie : yes , that 's correct . livia : but how would you say that he or she compared in size to the first figure ? was it another human being of regular size ? maggie : yes . livia : not an nba star or , say , one of the munchkins ? maggie : yes , that 's right . livia : now , so you ca n't really rule out that the person you saw was , indeed , michael cambias ? alan : objection , your honor . asks for conclusion . livia : i did n't ask her to conclude that it was michael cambias . i asked her if it could have , in fact , been michael cambias alive and kicking ? judge : she said it was a human being of regular size . that 's all she knows . move it along . livia : of course , your honor . now , the object that the two regular - sized human beings was carrying -- you could n't identify what that was , either , could you ? maggie : no . livia : could it have been a duffle bag ? maggie : yes . livia : a duffle bag full of bowling balls for all you know . of course , mr. singer , withdrawn . i 'm just so curious . what were you doing there that night in such a fortunate vantage point ? maggie : i was there to kill michael cambias , but i chickened out . [ gallery reacts ] livia : nothing further , your honor . judge : you may step down . judge : mr. singer , are you ready to call your next witness ? alan : i call technician sarah tepfenhardt . she has the results of the dna test conducted on mrs. cambias . alan : and you now testify that the chain of evidence has been observed 100 % ? ms. tepfenhardt : yes , sir , i do . alan : will you establish for the court the degree of reliability of the dna test you performed on mrs. cambias ' unborn child ? ms. tepfenhardt : well , let me clarify . the test is performed on fetal cells carried in the pregnant woman 's bloodstream . the test is universally considered to be 99.9 % reliable . tissue from michael cambias obtained from the medical examiner 's office was used as the comparison to the fetal cells . alan : and you 've supplied affidavits for the court , signed by witnesses , certifying the authenticity of the tissue used for verification ? ms. tepfenhardt : yes , i have . alan : so , finally , ms. tepfenhardt , may we now say , based on the analysis of the fetal cells , that the father of the child mrs. cambias is carrying is not michael cambias ? ms. tepfenhardt : i 'm sorry , did you say not the father ? alan : yes , i said not the father . ms. tepfenhardt : well , no , the child that mrs. cambias is carrying is most definitely michael cambias ' . [ gallery reacts ] erica : oh , my god . [ judge bangs gavel ] alan : no further questions . livia : no questions , your honor . bianca : thank god for ryan lavery . judge : court will stand in recess until tomorrow . [ judge bangs gavel ] [ scene_break ] david : so why do you want information on tad ? what 's the interest ? krystal : well , the interest is he has been nothing but trouble ever since his son met my daughter . david : all right , so what can i tell you ? krystal : well , aside from the fact that you are brilliant and you made straight a 's in psychology , i do know that you crushed tad 's heart when you had an affair with his wife . so you must know him at his most vulnerable . david : all right , so exactly how long have you been in pine valley ? krystal : well , honey , you 've got to tap - dance pretty fast in this town if you do n't want to get thrown out with the recycling . so just , you know , tell me all you can about tad , you know , what makes him tick . david : well , it sounds like you know enough already . krystal : please . i 'm not interested in tad the way you think . david : oh , no , you just want to protect your daughter , right ? krystal : of course . i swear . what ? you can say `` of course , i swear `` and not be lying . david : yes , you can , but this time it 's the feeling one con gets when they listen to another con . krystal : wow . that 's pretty generous of you to put me in your league . david : all right . i can tell you this -- tad likes to pretend that he 's trouble . he 's cool and dangerous . but from what i saw when i had to look , he 's a softie , you know , kind - hearted , a real family man . krystal : yeah , yeah , that 's what i thought . but he has put the fear of god in me and babe . david : well , he will fight for those he cares about . krystal : wo n't we all . david : mm - hmm . krystal : and he really did love this dixie ? david : yeah . yeah , he did . tad was never happier than when he was with dixie , for what she was able to give him -- stability , comfort , a home . so if you want my advice , stay clear of him . krystal : ok . well , i guess i got what i came for . david : good . krystal : what do i owe you ? david : professional courtesy , one barracuda to another . who knows -- maybe someday i might need your help . [ scene_break ] jack : hey . reggie : oh , do n't be so happy to see me . the only reason why i 'm here is to add a couple lines to your rap sheet . jack : ok , let 's hear them . reggie : number one -- deserting a child . number two -- making a stupid mistake . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , so you have fred lomax , right , and the cops ca n't find him . aidan , you 're sure ? aidan : there 's no way they could . kendall : oh , aidan , you did it . thank you . thank you so much . i do n't think i 'll ever be able to say that enough . aidan : listen , you do n't have to . kendall : someone like you looking out for me -- it 's a lot more than i deserve . someday i 'll find a way to repay you , but in the meantime � simone : would you stop it ? you 're going to go cross - eyed staring at them . mia : they were kissing ! simone : kendall was kissing him . mia : and why ? simone : who cares ? mia : well , i wish i did n't . simone : well , forget about it . come on , let 's go get a drink . it 's happy hour somewhere . come on . mia : but wait . wait , wait , wait . what if greenlee 's right ? what if aidan and kendall are working together , he got her pregnant , and he cooked up the test results ? what if that 's true ? simone : ok , that cocktail -- it 's sounding better and better . let 's go . livia : today was really good . kendall : but what about jack ? everything 's -- livia : as far as i know , he 's fine . we 've got one loose cannon -- the minister that married you and michael . the prosecution seems to think that he 'll kick some daylight into this case . aidan : well , if that 's what you 're worrying about , do n't , because our friend fred wo n't -- livia : do n't say another word until i leave . aidan : hey , i did n't say a word about fred . [ scene_break ] alan : what are you sitting there for ? we only have a few hours to find that damn preacher , and he 's our last hope to blow apart kendall 's alibi . justin : come on , alan . has n't the door already been slammed shut in that part of our case ? alan : you get me someone on that witness stand to call kendall hart a liar . then we can start worrying about poking holes in the paternity test and their reasonable doubt defense . and wipe that look off your face . i do n't need to see that now . justin : ok , all right . alan , listen , relax . i 'll do my best to go out and find this reverend lomax . alan : you do that , mccoy . it 's just your career riding on it . justin : oh , really ? how do you figure that , alan ? alan : because if you do n't find him in time , i 'll make sure you never work in a law office in this country again as long as you live . [ scene_break ] bianca : you did good . maggie : are you sure ? do you think i hurt kendall ? bianca : no , i think that you made it seem like it 's possible that she was with michael that night . maggie : i really swear , i do n't know who else i saw . lena : you really helped out by admitting you wanted to kill michael yourself . you proved that there was more than one person who wanted the man dead that night . bianca : mom -- are you ok ? [ scene_break ] jack : hey , hey , hey , reggie -- whoa , whoa . listen to me . i never would have said a word if i thought i was going to lose you . i do n't want to split us up . i love you , man . i 'm just asking for some more time so i can clear this up . i just need for you to have a little faith in me . reggie : that 's real easy for you to say . jack : yeah , i know it is . but that 's what i 'm asking you to do , father to son . reggie : damn it , jack , you always get me with that father - son bit , do n't you ? jack : we good ? reggie : yeah , man , we good . jack : good . thank you . you know , as long as you 're here , there is -- there is a way you can make yourself useful . [ scene_break ] tad : about what just happened -- liza : no . you know what ? do n't -- do n't -- we should have a moratorium on reviews and talking in general . tad : usually i agree , but a couple things do need to be said . liza : no . no words , no . tad : not even a few ? liza : no . i think we might talk ourselves out of something will give us a lot of happiness . tad : on the other hand , we make the wrong assumptions , we could risk something that means a hell of a lot . liza : you know , you make a point . maybe we should do no thinking . no talking , no thinking . tad : that -- this is -- this is just one of my favorite fantasies , but it 's just so -- liza : oh , come on , let 's just go with it . let 's just go with it . come on . tad : it 's new . liza : it 'll be something new , yes . tad : that 's for sure . liza : so , until next time . tad : yeah . [ knock on door ] tad : back again so soon ? krystal ? krystal : are you through with your accountant , or do you always do your taxes in your robe ? tad : well , i just got out of the shower because talking about all of that money just made me feel dirty . krystal : well , i 'm glad i rushed back to help you get your mind off your troubles any way that i can . tad : i do n't know . i 'm feeling kind of wiped out with all that rabid accounting . krystal : well , do n't worry . i 'll do most of the work this time . and afterwards , i will fix us a lunch that 'll just blow your mind . tad : you cook , too ? krystal : in more ways than one . tad : hmm . well , you rest , you rust . [ scene_break ] jack : say , this is fun . you know , you never have time to play chess with me at home . reggie : yeah , i see why . but i 'm going to be making a lot more time for you . jack : thank you . maybe pick up some pointers , huh ? reggie : yeah . yeah , and by the way -- yeah , checkmate . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i think you were right . i am going mental . better call oak haven . ryan : never mind . greenlee : no , seriously . even now , i do n't think kendall 's pregnant . ryan : well , then , i am right . you are certifiable . [ scene_break ] erica : i never truly believed it was possible . everything in me told me that it was just a sick lie . but now you are having the child of that rapist . the only thing i can feel for you is pure and simple hatred . [ next_on ] erica : my daughter is pregnant . jack : you know . now that it 's out in the open , it 'll help us deal with it . kendall : livia , my life is on the line here . please , you 've got to let me take the stand . greenlee : all right , kendall . say `` cheese . `` | jack is taken to jail after incriminating himself . greenlee is outraged and blames kendall . a surprise witness confirms that michael cambias would have to be the father of kendall 's baby . everybody is shocked . erica confronts kendall , telling her she feels nothing but hatred for her , from having a baby with a rapist . |
erica : you 've been here all night . jack : yeah . yeah , i guess i have . what are you doing here ? erica : greenlee called me to ask me to bank blood for greenlee . how is she ? jack : well , she made it through the night , thank god . [ jack sighs ] jack : these doctors , they 're frantic scrambling around trying to find a way to counteract this poison . erica : oh , well , i 'm sure that they 're going to find something . jack : they 're running out of time . [ scene_break ] kendall : how is she ? angie : greenlee is stabilized . we 've extubated her . she 's breathing on her own again . kendall : thank god . uh -- can i see her ? angie : just keep it short and sweet . kendall : got it . thank you for everything , dr. hubbard . angie : please , call me angela . kendall : you must be exhausted . how 's your son ? angie : listen , i got to run . i 'll get back to you as soon as we know anything more . kendall : thank you . ryan : hey . kendall : hey . um -- i want to go so see greenlee , actually . ryan : hey , do you mind if i go in there first , and i give her the good news ? kendall : sure . i 'll call aidan . ryan : ok . kendall : ok . hey , do n't get her all riled up in there . doctor 's orders . greenlee : do i look hot , or what ? ryan : you look beautiful . greenlee : you say that to all the girls ? ryan : no . just the pretty ones . [ scene_break ] babe : you should 've seen the look on richie 's face when he found out annie was n't a match . krystal : i can imagine . so what happens next ? babe : well , he stays on the list for a bone marrow transplant . god knows how long that 'll take . j.r. : oh . poor richie . some guys just ca n't catch a break . [ scene_break ] richie : hey , sis . ahem . annie : richie ? what are you doing out here so early ? richie : oh , you know , could n't sleep . felt like taking a walk . who is this pretty little girl ? emma : hi , uncle richie . richie : hi . you want to help me feed the birds , huh ? [ richie chuckles ] richie : come here , give me a hug . emma : yes . [ richie growls ] richie : come on . [ british accent ] sit right here with me . [ normal voice ] and we 'll feed the birds . annie : are you ok ? richie : huh . yeah . i 'm just do for a blood transfusion -- go back to the blood bank . i am their best customer since dracula . emma : can i go play with michelle , mommy ? annie : um -- oh . sure , yes . go , sweetie , but no jumping off the swings this time . ok ? not today . richie : huh . annie : ok , go have fun . hey . annie : i -- i 'm sorry that it worked out this way , that i was n't a match . richie : hey -- can i ask you a question ? annie : sure . richie : if it would 've been a match , would you have gone through with the transplant ? annie : yes . i would have . [ scene_break ] joe : this antidote -- what about possible damage to the central nervous system ? man : minimal , but -- woman : again , i stress this is all based on hypothesis at this point . we 're basically dealing with an unknown . joe : you have never tried this particular combination ? woman : no , we have n't . man : no . joe : what about interaction with cardiac stimulants that he 's on ? man : we do n't know . joe : you do n't know -- well -- angie : here 's what i know . we 've got two very sick people who are n't going to make it if we do n't step in with something , and one of them is my son ! joe : now , all right -- um -- would you please excuse us for just a moment ? please ? just stay here and -- [ joe sighs ] joe : angie , i 'm sorry . angie : for what ? joe : i put you in a terrible position . i should 've gotten another doctor . angie : that 's my son . i 'd be making the decisions either way . so option a , we go with a new drug we barely know , which could kill him . or option b , we do nothing and continue to watch him deteriorate . let 's do it . [ scene_break ] adam : if my father had only known that the chandlers had such a handsome family crest -- man : i was concerned with the order being such a rush . but i do think it came out nicely . adam : uh - huh . you always do excellent work , carlos . carlos : thank you , mr. chandler . adam : yes , yes , and now , you know what else to add . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what ? what ? what 's that look for ? babe : do i even have to explain ? j.r. : i am sorry , babe , but i ca n't scare up a bucket of tears for richie just because he 's not going to be able to spend an extra couple days on the planet . babe : ok , why are you even here , j.r. ? j.r. : kendall 's calling everyone to donate blood . she 's even gone to the list of the people that she ca n't stand . i was on the bottom . krystal : that was very nice of you , j.r . j.r. : yeah , well , we have our moments . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : look , if you want me to apologize , i will apologize , ok ? babe : you do n't -- you do n't have to do anything you do n't want to do , j.r . j.r. : i do n't like the guy . i do n't like the way he comes sniffing around you , i do n't like the way you let him . i do n't like it at all . babe : and ? j.r. : and what ? babe : great apology , j.r. that 's right . j.r. : whatever . i got to get going anyway . babe : oh , and where is that , j.r. ? where is home for you these days ? j.r. : why , what do you mean ? babe : well , you -- you made such a big deal about moving in next door , and now -- and now suddenly , you 're gone . krystal : well , i think j.r. has a pretty good reason , right ? i mean , you found a better deal . babe : what ? and -- and you knew and you did n't bother to say anything ? well -- where are you living ? j.r. : it 's just like krystal said . a better place . cheaper . babe : please tell me that you did not move home . j.r. : well , i do n't like to consider it my home , but yes , i moved back into the chandler mansion . babe : my -- my god , j.r. , that is the last place you should be . [ scene_break ] annie : richie , i am sorry that i lied back then about what happened . i truly wanted you to get help . i did not want you to go to jail . richie : look , you did what you thought you had to do . i 'm over it now . annie : do you mean that ? richie : what 's the point of lying now ? annie : well , you know , and maybe you can find a match . richie : yeah , maybe . annie : i want that for you , richie . i really do . emma : i want hot chocolate , mommy . annie : oh -- oh , really ? and what do we say ? emma : please . annie : please , ok . you stay here , i 'll be right back . richie : you know what ? i used to like hot chocolate , too . did you know that ? hmm ? did you know i was sick ? emma : leukemia ? richie : that is right . very good . you say that very well . your mom must have explained it to you . emma : she told me no one else can catch it . richie : and that 's right . that 's right . but you know what ? i know someone who can make it all better . did you know that ? [ scene_break ] erica : hmm . i do n't mind giving blood , but the juice they make you drink afterwards -- jack : horrible , ai n't it ? erica : oh , terrible . [ jack chuckles ] jack : thank you so much . i really appreciate you coming down here like this . i do . [ phone rings ] erica : well , i -- jack : look , if you -- if you need to get some work done , i understand . it 's ok . you know , you can go . erica : no , i do n't want to leave you , jack . oh . jack : erica , you have been just great about all of this , really . but i do n't expect you to drop everything for me . [ phone vibrates ] jack : you need to get that , you go ahead and get that . erica : no . no , no , no , no , no , it can wait . jack : who is it ? erica : ok , it 's warren , my financial advisor . first , i ca n't get him on the phone , and now , he just wo n't leave me alone . [ phone vibrates ] erica : oh , my goodness . jack : talk . erica : ok . hi , warren . no , actually , no , i 'm not at the office right now . can i get back to you ? i see . all right . oh . he needs some more paperwork from me . jack : erica , i told you , you need to take care of this . you need to take care of this . go , take care of this . i 'll let you know if there 's any changes , all right ? erica : ok , ok . jack : yeah . erica : just -- one more thing . look , i know that greenlee and i have had our -- our moments , and we get under each other 's skin , and i 'm sure that we always will . but she 's strong and she 's determined , and she has a lot to live for . jack : yeah . erica : and -- she has the best father in the whole world right by her side . jack : thank you for saying that . [ scene_break ] kendall : what do you think ? ryan : greenlee ? she 's not going anywhere unless it 's kicking and screaming . kendall : that 's our girl . ryan : yeah , it is . wow . we really have been through it all together , have n't we ? greenlee : stop the wedding ! tell me you just asked why -- if -- if anyone knows why this couple should not be joined in unholy matrimony and let me rip ! kendall : now , greenlee , get the hell out of my way ! [ gunshot ] greenlee : save my sister ! save my baby ! ryan : hold on to me , hold on to me . one , two , three -- [ ryan grunts ] ryan : up you go . i got you , i got you , i got you . i 'm coming back ! i ca n't leave him alone again ! i ca n't ! ryan : my personal favorite has got to be -- has got to be the jacuzzi . kendall : oh , you mean when i tried to sabotage your wedding ? hey , greenlee , get out ! no . uh -- excuse me , but you were right there with us . ryan : no , i got -- i got pulled in . i wanted nothing to do with that . kendall : lies ! you 're lying . ryan : no , not lies . you have a way of doing that , you two , you and greenlee -- pulling people into whatever drama you have going on . kendall : that 's funny , i have not thought of that stuff in so long . ryan : really ? kendall : yeah . ryan : i have . [ scene_break ] angie : hey . everything 's going to be fine , baby . frankie : hmm . sure . now , forget that you 're my mother and tell me what 's going on . angie : we 've put together a treatment for the poison you ingested -- me , joe , department of agriculture , poison control . we 've been working all night . i 'm very confident . frankie : yeah ? angie : we have every indication that this will work . frankie : you -- you would n't lie to me , would you , ma ? angie : no . no way . now , i want you to listen to me . you need to save up , because you 're going to need all the strength that you have . joe : angie . antidote is ready . we should n't wait . angie : ready ? [ angie injects frankie ] [ scene_break ] babe : why , j.r. ? give me one good reason why you 're back with adam ? i mean , what part of `` it 's a bad place for you `` do n't you understand ? j.r. : i know what i 'm doing . i can handle it this time . babe : where have i heard that before ? j.r. : what do you want me to say , babe ? you want me to say that i 'm weak ? that my old man pressured me ? i came crawling back to him ? you know what ? you believe what you want . i 'm out of here . krystal : babe , do n't you think you were a little harsh ? babe : no , mama , i do n't . and , you of all people know how poisonous that place is , especially for j.r. , and here you are practically encouraging him . krystal : yes , i did encourage him . in fact , i asked him to do it . [ scene_break ] carlos : that should do it . adam : let me see . [ adam chuckles ] adam : splendid . carlos : thank you . i think your son will be surprised . adam : oh , yes , he 'll -- he 'll be very surprised . mm - hmm . [ scene_break ] angie : frankie , guess what . you were n't dreaming , after all . your daddy really is alive . frankie : huh . [ frankie gasps and coughs as he wakes from his dream and starts pulling off his ivs ] [ scene_break ] erica : val -- val , i have a little project for you . val : anything . erica : ok . i want you to go through my financial correspondence and find out if i ever got some letter from -- well , it was regarding leeman krauss . val : from this month , or this year ? erica : um -- i have no idea . val : ok . well , i 'll get right on it . erica : it 's not even about that much money , for heaven 's sakes . pam : good morning . glad you 're here . how 's greenlee ? erica : oh , she 's better , thanks . pam : great . i need you to take a look at these profiles asap . we got to book guests for the next two weeks . once we nail that , then i can get the b - roll footage going . you ok ? erica : oh , i 'm fine . i just -- i 'm a little woozy after giving blood . pam : well , you want to lay down for a minute ? erica : oh , absolutely not . of course not , pam . do n't be so dramatic . val : erica ? erica : yes , val ? val : um -- there 's about -- um -- 20 folders of financial documents that do n't seem to be in any particular order . pam : well , what are you looking for ? erica : something that may have been sent to me . [ phone rings ] pam : uh , got to run . the swim therapist -- he 's asking about the setup . get me your pics today . we got to book people . erica : yes , val ? val : i 'm really sorry , but , you know , is there a subject line that i should be looking for or a dollar amount ? erica : well , i 'm a talk - show host , not an accountant . [ scene_break ] angie : oh , god , frankie ! frankie : get me out of here ! angie : frankie , it 's -- it 's ok ! frankie : get me out of here ! angie : come on , baby , come on ! frankie : i want out ! angie : you want out of here . totally normal , totally normal . well , guess what -- i want you out of here , too , and i promise you that 's going to happen , but right now , i need you to stay with this , ok , baby ? let all these people take care of you , ok ? come on . come on , it 's ok . it 's ok . it 's ok , frankie . nurse : shall i get restraints ? angie : are you crazy ? no ! that 's the last thing he needs ! nurse : i 'm sorry , doctor , i just thought that maybe -- angie : no , i -- i 'm sorry . you 're right . have them ready , just in case . but i 'm hoping we wo n't . listen -- nurse : yeah ? angie : stay with him . nurse : ok . angie : i 'll be right back . i 'll go get them . please -- please let this be ok . please . [ scene_break ] kendall : she 's going to be ok , right ? ryan : absolutely . kendall : ooh . please get better , little lady . please . um -- how 's annie ? ryan : who ? kendall : annie . you know , 5 ' 3 `` , brown hair , hot little chick who lives with you . annie ? ryan : right . i 'm sorry . she 's great , actually . she 's good -- no -- she 's not . she 's actually going through a tough time still . sorry -- um -- kendall : well -- ryan : you know , with her brother and all that , so -- kendall : what else is happening ? what 's going on ? ryan : she got herself tested to see if she would be a match for his bone marrow transplant and it turns out that she was n't . kendall : oh . well , how 's she doing with that ? ryan : she 's having a tough time with it , you know ? the guy is a maniac , but he is still her brother . personally , i 'm just happy that my family is out of it . [ scene_break ] richie : hey , emma , you know in gardens , sometimes there 's the old dried - up , ugly brown plant ? and then there 's the healthy , green , pretty plant . well , with plants like these , sometimes gardeners -- they 'll take soil from the healthy plant , and they 'll give it to the sick plant , and then the sick plant could be all better . you know , you could do something like that for me . emma : give you dirt ? richie : yeah , kind of . kind of , and i would be so happy . and we could come here , we could hang out , get hot chocolate -- whatever you want -- emma : ok . richie : for a long , long time , ok ? ok . but you got to tell your mom and dad . and they might say no . emma : why ? richie : well -- hmm . oh . [ richie chuckles ] annie : what did i miss ? richie : oh , not much . little emma was just teaching me about gardens and plants -- things like that . you know , you 're a very smart little girl . emma : thanks , uncle richie . [ richie chuckles ] annie : here . richie : oh , no , i got to get running . hmm . hey -- you take care of yourself , ok ? emma : ok . richie : ok . ahem . later . emma : i like uncle richie , mommy . is n't he nice ? annie : yeah , sweetheart , he 's nice . he 's very nice . [ scene_break ] babe : so you asked j.r. to be a spy in adam 's house ? krystal : only to find out about kate . babe : but how do you even know that adam 's telling the truth about knowing where she is ? krystal : i do n't . i do n't , but i just dot think adam would 've gone to all that trouble to get me back if there was n't something . honey , j.r. wants this . babe : does -- does tad know ? krystal : no , no . i -- i ca n't tell him , no . i mean , if this turns out to be a bust , it -- it would break his heart . but j.r. is determined -- i mean , kate is his sister . babe : ok , mama , look , i -- i know that your hearts are both in the right place , but i am still afraid that you just sent j.r. on a suicide mission . [ scene_break ] j.r. : too late to catch breakfast ? adam : no , no , no , we got time for that , plenty of time for that . um -- come , come on in . come on in , sit . i have something for you . j.r. : sure . what is it ? adam : you know how i always said that my old man never gave me anything ? [ adam chuckles ] j.r. : all the time . adam : well , i was wrong . this morning , i found something that he had given me once . i 'd forgotten all about it . j.r. : a piece of coal ? adam : no -- a ring , the chandler family crest . my father was a coal miner . but he had his dreams , and one of his dreams was that someday the chandler family would be rich enough and powerful enough to have their own family crest . i want you to have it . j.r. : are you sure ? adam : yes . um -- it 's not valuable , of course , but it is a link to where we came from -- the only one i have , unfortunately . it would mean a great deal to me if you would -- and to your grandfather -- if you would wear it . j.r. : i 'd be honored . thank you for asking me , dad . [ scene_break ] erica : charles , hi . no , i -- i have n't found the paperwork yet , but i am working on it -- along with a thousand other things . ok , pam , where were we ? pam : the pastry chef . erica : from chicago ? val : i 'm sorry , um -- erica : yes ? val : but you 've got statements and papers from 10 years ago mixed in with stuff from this year . erica : oh , that 's not good , is it ? huh . well , listen , val , can you try to just make some sense of it , sort it out , ok ? thanks . what else ? pam : well , there 's samuel woods . erica : who ? pam : u.s. attorney , running for senate . erica : oh , pam , you know i hate politicians . pam : yeah , well , this one 's supposed to be the real deal , plus he 's seriously hot -- in a political kind of way . erica : ok , lend me his bio . i 'll -- i 'll get back to you . val , i 'd like to order some lunch -- i 'd like to get it delivered . oh , no , no , no -- not here , not to me . to jack -- to jackson montgomery at pine valley hospital . [ scene_break ] angie : jesse , it 's me . i need your help . our boy 's in trouble , honey -- real trouble . jesse , i know -- i know that you want to see frankie again but , please , please do n't take him away . we just found him again and i -- i do n't want to let him go . he -- he 's got a lot more to do right here . and he 's been so strong , baby -- you would be so proud . will you help me be strong ? help me keep him alive , give me the wisdom and the strength to keep him alive ? i know i 'm asking for a lot , but , hey , you know me -- never too shy to ask for what i want . hello ? [ scene_break ] val : erica , i 'm sorry to bother you again , but -- i could n't find that correspondence you were looking for . erica : really ? huh . ok , val , look , i hate to ask you to do this . i know it 's all been very tedious , but could you call charles dansforth for me and tell him that we ca n't find the letter ? val : oh . ok . erica : i mean , what else can we do ? i mean , we 've given it our best shot . val : well , do you want me to refile everything in a different way ? pam : i 'm sorry , but we 've got to get this schedule ironed out . i need you to eyeball a few clips . erica : yeah , of course . val , thank you so much -- i mean , thank you for all your hard work . val : right . samuel : what i hear about most from people , from your average american citizens , are questions about the big divide in this country -- not along political lines , not along racial lines . it 's a division between -- erica : is that him ? pam : hmm . samuel : the privileged few and the rest of us . pam : what did i tell you ? samuel : so why is it that the rich and powerful continue to get away with business behavior that often is unethical , and more often than not , is in fact illegal ? well , no more . i have spoken personally with the president . i 've been given the green light to set up a task force . my office , the fbi , and the sec will be all involved . there will be no more free lunches handed out in the boardroom . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh . hi . sorry , i -- i did n't want to wake you . the doctors said to let you rest . greenlee : that 's all i 'm doing these days . kendall : you feeling better ? greenlee : i do n't feel worse . that 's progress , right ? kendall : of course . greenlee : what 's happening with frankie ? is he doing ok ? kendall : yeah . greenlee : did they give him the antidote yet ? if it works on him , it 'll work on me . kendall : it will -- it has to . greenlee : fusion needs a new chemist . any of them available or are they too busy trying to keep me and frankie from kicking it ? kendall : would you stop ? why -- stop talking like that . greenlee : hey , i 'm fighting this . do n't worry . if i stop being a smart - ass , then you 'll know i 'm really on death 's door . kendall : ok , smart - ass -- well , joke away . come on . greenlee : you do n't really want to hear any of my jokes . kendall : you 're probably right . greenlee : i do n't think you can handle them . orderly : hi . i 'm here to take you for your full body scan ? kendall : um -- well , i -- i want to go . orderly : you ca n't be in the room . kendall : ok , well , then i 'll go as far as i can . greenlee : you do n't have to . kendall : no , i 'm going -- let 's go . let 's go . orderly : ok . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , hi ! hi , hi , hi . annie : hi . ryan : hey ! how are you ? you ok ? annie : yeah , i 'm -- i 'm ok . we just -- just ran into richie . he looked pretty ragged , it just kind of got to me -- that 's all . ryan : i 'm sorry . annie : i just ca n't believe after everything we went through , there 's no way to help him . emma : uncle richie said i could help him , but you wo n't let me . [ scene_break ] krystal : look , when adam offered the trade -- me for everything he knows about kate -- i considered it . tad could 've found kate . babe : yes , and you could 've lost jenny . god , what a bastard adam is ! krystal : yes , he is that . you know , maybe you 're right about sending j.r. in there . i -- i should be the one to take the risk -- babe : no , no , no , mom -- krystal : no , i was n't thinking it through . i was being selfish . j.r. : hey . krystal : hey , look -- we need to talk . can i see you ? j.r. : sure . uh -- is everything ok ? krystal : well , i do n't know -- you tell me . how 's it going over there ? j.r. : it 's , um -- it 's kind of surprising . krystal : did you find something ? j.r. : no . but dad gave me a ring -- said it was his father 's . krystal : i did n't know the old man left adam anything at all . j.r. : yeah , he said he forgot all about it . i was actually kind of touched by it . krystal : just be careful , j.r . j.r. : i know what i 'm here for . do n't worry about me . [ adam listens in on the conversation ] [ scene_break ] ryan : what exactly did uncle richie say to you ? emma : he said i could save his life like a sick tree in the garden . annie : i had no idea . i -- i left for two minutes . ryan : oh , no , that 's ok . there 's no way that you would 've known that he would do something like this . emma : why wo n't you let me save uncle richie 's life ? ryan : well , um -- come here , emma . come here -- come here and sit next to your dad . ok ! see , the thing is this decision -- this decision that uncle richie is asking you to make -- this is a grown - up decision . it 's not a decision that little girls make , you know ? one of the best things about being a little girl really is that all you have to worry about is just playing with your friends and -- oh , i do n't know -- going to school and teaching your brother how to ride his tricycle . annie : mm - hmm . emma : i 'm good at all that stuff . annie : mm - hmm . ryan : you are , you 're -- [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : you 're very good at all that stuff -- you 're great at it . emma : well , does that mean i ca n't help uncle richie feel better , too ? ryan : uncle richie will get help . he 'll get the help that he needs , but he 's going to get it from another grownup . annie : but it -- it is so sweet that you want to help , honey . emma : will he be mad that i ca n't ? ryan : no . annie : no . ryan : no , no , no , he 's not going to be mad . i 'm going to have a little chat with uncle richie , and i 'm going to make sure that he understands all of that , ok ? but right now , you know what we have to work on ? emma : what ? ryan : we have to work on flying lessons ! annie : oh -- flying ? ryan : that 's right -- whoo - hoo ! your flying lesson of the day ! annie : yeah ! ryan : look at you looking fantastic ! annie : whoo ! ryan : look at you go -- oh , my goodness ! how was that ? emma : i 'm dizzy . ryan : i 'm dizzy , too . give your dad a hug . give me a hug , you little boo . give me a big hug . [ scene_break ] samuel : i just received a letter recently from a 75-year - old widow -- retired schoolteacher . she 'd lost her life savings . now , it was n't a lot by business standards -- it was $ 40,000 . but it was everything she had . so how 'd that happen ? how did $ 40,000 just disappear overnight ? a little sleight - of - hand stock manipulation -- business as usual . well , no more . i 'm putting you on notice . anyone who would steal money from a 75-year - old retired schoolteacher , playtime is now over . [ erica turns tv off ] erica : he 's not that good - looking . pam : hmm -- you 've got to be kidding . erica : why do n't you get his number ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i want to take you to a spa when we get out of here . greenlee : oh , amen to that -- both of us . hey -- doctor , whatever is that you 're giving me , keep it coming . i feel much better . angie : i 'm glad to hear that . [ alarm ] angie : that 's my son ! get me a crash cart ! ok . all right , frankie . all right . ok . all right , frankie -- just hold on , hold on . come on . come here . [ frankie has a seizure while greenlee and kendall watch ] [ next_on ] angie : clear ! greenlee ( to jack and aidan ) : this is literally a do - or - die situation . aidan : we do n't have much time to decide . greenlee ( to zach ) : for five weeks you willed me to survive . i need your help one last time . | annie and emma meet up with richie in the park . annie and richie exchange some small talk . richie asks annie if the tests had proved that she could be a bone marrow donor for him , would she have gone through with it . annie tells him , `` yes . `` adam meets with his contact , who gives him a ring that adam had asked for . joe meets with the representatives from the center for disease control . joe questions them about the antidote . angie , hearing joe talk to the representatives , walks up and becomes to question the representatives also .joe takes angie aside . angie tells joe that she wants to go through with this if it could save frankie 's life . frankie dreams that angie tells him that his father , jesse is really alive . babe finds out from j.r. that he had moved back home with adam . krystal fills babe in on what adam had told her about tad 's daughter , kate may still be alive , and he knows where tad could find her . babe becomes extremely worried about j.r. doing this .adam gives j.r. the ring that had supposedly belonged to adam 's father . j.r. gets a call from krystal . adam listens in on the conversation . richie tries to coerce emma into convincing annie and ryan into letting emma be his bone marrow donor . frankie has yet another seizure . angie goes into the hospital chapel to pray for frankie . angie hears a noise behind her . |
reese : well , good morning . bianca : good morning . reese : what ? bianca : you know that painting , that toulouse - lautrec painting , that we both loved at that exhibit ? what was it called ? devotion . reese : yes , yes . it was of the two girlfriends . bianca : mm - hmm . reese : one was watching the other one sleep . bianca : i was just inside that painting a second ago , watching you sleep . reese : well , i can go back to sleep so you can continue to enjoy it -- bianca : no , no , no . i like this picture even better . erica : hello up there . yoo - hoo , sleepyheads . it 's time to get up . the guests are going to be here before you know it . bianca : and then reality set in . reese : happy bridal shower . bianca : thank you . you , too . erica : oh , no . actually , that goes on the main table , but not until we get the cloth down , of course . bianca ? bianca : we 'll be down in a bit . erica : ok , all right . zach : they would probably kill for a little more sleep . leave them alone . erica : oh , please . trust me . they definitely want to get up . this is a very big day . zach : what are you planning ? erica : oh , lots of activities , lots of presents , and maybe a surprise or two . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , do n't you have a bridal shower to be getting ready for ? greenlee : do n't kid yourself . it 's erica 's shower and bianca and reese happen to be involved . i 'm the necessary evil . ryan : come on , you 're going to have fun . all your friends are going to be there . there are going to be games and jokes and whatever you do at a bridal shower . greenlee : i do n't want to go . [ scene_break ] krystal : i did what you asked . i got tad to sign the papers , and i signed them , too . david : how do you feel ? krystal : what do you mean ? david : do you feel good about it ? krystal : yeah . david : stop lying to me . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : excuse me , did mr. stone give you any problems last night ? nurse : no . he 's still sleeping . dr. sinclair : all right , thank you . tad : what 's up , doc ? dr. sinclair : how did you get in here ? tad : i followed her . i just -- i had to tell a bit of a white lie down at the guard -- at the gate . hope it 's all right . dr. sinclair : what do you want ? tad : well , if it 's ok , i just wanted to follow you around for awhile , you know ? for the article -- just up close and personal , see what you do around here . dr. sinclair : oh , you have n't talked to them yet , have you ? tad : to whom ? dr. sinclair : ryan lavery and his fiancée . yeah , i know who you are . tad martin , private investigator . and i know exactly what you 're after . [ scene_break ] krystal : i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to make you angry . david : then stop lying . krystal : look , i just did n't want to dump all my feelings and my problems on you . david : if we ca n't be honest with one another , especially about our feelings , what the hell do we have ? krystal : it 's just been so complicated and so confusing . i mean , everything happened so fast . babe died , and then the anxiety attacks , and then you , and then us . i mean , i just felt like i was bouncing around in the dark , and i did n't know where i was going to land . half the time , i have n't even been thinking straight . david : do you regret it , you and me ? krystal : no . no , you have been wonderful . you saved me . i was crazy with grief , and you helped me find my way through it . it 's just that i can not stop thinking about the what - ifs . what if babe had n't died ? and then , on the other hand , what if you had n't been there to help me through it when she did ? david : stop , stop . stop torturing yourself . living with the what - ifs is a waste of time . you 've got to figure out what it is that you want , krystal . what do you need , right now ? or else you 're going to be living in that dark place forever . krystal : you make it sound so easy to do . david : it can be . i 've opened up an escape hatch for you . all you have to do is go on through . or you can just turn around and forget all about me . rip up these damned papers and go back to tad . [ scene_break ] tad : i guess i 'm losing my touch . what was your first clue ? dr. sinclair : the chief of police who ran into you at the bar . it was quite obvious how surprised he was when i called you mr. pearson . but , if it 's any consolation , he 's what gave you away . tad : now you 're just trying to make me feel better . dr. sinclair : no . you 're wasting your time , regardless , looking into my past , because i 'm quite professional when it comes to my methods . and i do n't appreciate someone attempting to sway my diagnosis of a patient , trying to prove an ulterior motive on my part . tad : look , doc , i 'm sure all ryan really wants is to make sure that annie 's getting the best possible care . dr. sinclair : no , ryan lavery would just like to see the mother of his child safely tucked away here for the remainder of her days , out of sight , out of mind , regardless of the truth . tad : which is ? dr. sinclair : that she 's faking her condition . and she 's doing a really good job . she is not insane , and i intend to prove it . tad : why are you so determined ? dr. sinclair : because she is a cold - blooded murderess . she needs to pay for her crimes . tad : you know something , doc ? you and i have got something in common . we both make our living observing people . and i definitely get the sense there 's more going on here than just you doing your job . dr. sinclair : you were right the first time . you have lost your touch , because you have enough going on in your own life than to be meddling in mine . your wife is sleeping with the same man that ruined your previous marriage . wow , that 's got to be an incredible psychological blow . but you know what ? i could recommend a really good doctor , if you find yourself needing to talk to someone . tad : honey , i 'm handling it . [ scene_break ] zach : what are you up to ? erica : what am i up to ? will you please stop thinking the worst of me ? i mean , today is not just a day for celebrating , it 's a day for forgiving . and i do n't just mean greenlee . i have been kind of harsh on reese , and i want my daughter to be happy , so today is a party of reconciliation . zach : a new beginning . erica : oh , that is very well said . bianca : hi . oh , my gosh ! amazing . yeah , amazing . it really is . oh , and the tablecloths are in the hall closet . erica : ok . reese : yeah , erica , this is really very , very kind of you . erica : thank you . reese : oh , you know it means the world to me . not just the party , but you being so accepting . thank you . erica : well , my goodness , you 're about to become a member of our family . so nothing could make me happier . zach : well , this sounds like it 's for girls only , so i 'm out of here . hey , come on in . amanda : thank you . hi . erica : hi . amanda : we thought we 'd come early , see if we could help out . erica : oh , good , amanda . well , it 's going to be absolutely wonderful . we have some activities , lots of presents , and maybe a surprise or two . bianca : why does that last part make me nervous ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i thought bridal showers were part of the whole ritual ? greenlee : they are . it 's just these things are about being with your friends , and my best friend is n't going to be there . i 'm sure bianca feels the same way . it just seems so strange without kendall . ryan : i know you 've been thinking about her a lot lately . but you should know that you can talk to me any time you feel like it , all right ? it 's one of my many , many good qualities , listening . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : annie ? we 're going to do some visualization exercises . annie : what are those ? dr. sinclair : they 're going to help you tap into your subconscious . annie : what for ? dr. sinclair : so that you can finally remember . [ scene_break ] krystal : no , i wo n't tear them up . david : why not ? it will be a hell of a lot easier than you think . tad will take you back , if that 's what you 're worried about . maybe not right away , but eventually . all you 'll have to do is convince him that it was all my fault , that i took advantage of your grief , drugged you with pills , lured you into my evil web . tad will take you back faster than you can say `` i 'm just a pathetic victim . `` krystal : stop it . i do n't feel that way . david : then how do you feel ? krystal : i do n't know . david : then maybe you need to figure that out . do n't make any rash decisions until you do . [ scene_break ] tad : got a minute ? ryan : yeah , come on in . greenlee just left , but i wanted to call you . sinclair came by here last night . tad : yeah , i know . she just busted me . she took great pleasure in informing me what a lousy private investigator i am . ryan : that 's what she came by to tell us . tad : it does n't matter . i got a chance to see her in full indignation mode . ryan : and ? tad : did you or greenlee say anything , anything at all , about hayward coming between me and dixie ? ryan : no . no , where did that even come from ? tad : she used it to brush me off , which means she 's done her homework . which means your instincts were spot - on from the very beginning . there 's something definitely going on , and whatever her reasons are , they 're personal . [ scene_break ] greenlee : they 're beautiful . thank you . randi : you 're welcome . erica : ok , so is everybody marking their cards ? reese : ok , so this glassware -- does that come under cooking and appliances ? colby : oh , no , you 've got to have glassware on your card , like i do . opal : all i need is sexy lingerie and bed linens and i 've got bingo . erica : sometimes that 's all it takes . reese , this one 's for you . reese : oh , ok . opal : oh , here , i 'll help you . oh , that 's heavy . wait , let me hold this . reese : oh , thanks . all : oh ! amanda : what does that go under ? randi : scent and perfumes , maybe ? opal : yeah . put it under perfumes . erica : and greenlee , this one is for you . opal : oh , wait , wait . yes ! greenlee : wow . amanda , they 're gorgeous . thank you . [ doorbell ringing ] erica : hello , please come in , come in . i 'm erica . claire : yes , i know , i recognize you . i 'm claire . erica : it 's so nice to meet you . well , everyone , everyone , look who 's here . reese : mother . claire : reese . oh , just like the one you got at your last shower . erica : everyone , this is reese 's mother . this is claire . claire : hello . please do n't put a stop to all the fun . reese : well , this is very unexpected . claire : well , erica can be very persuasive . you must be bianca . very nice to meet you . bianca : and you , too . claire : i had no idea you were erica kane 's daughter . reese : mother , does it make a difference ? claire : hello , i 'm claire williams . greenlee : i 'm greenlee smythe . very nice to meet you . claire : very nice to meet you . opal : hello , there . bianca : how could you do this ? erica : i thought this would be a really nice surprise . bianca : a nice surprise ? you know how difficult this is for reese . she and her mother do n't get along at all . you know that . her mother wo n't accept that she 's a lesbian . erica : well she 's going to have to accept it now , is n't she ? and even though reese wo n't admit it , you know she would like to have her mother at her wedding , the two of them all reconciled . i was able to get through to claire , mother to mother , that coming here today would be best for both of them . and look , see ? they 're starting to warm up . bianca : yeah , or maybe that 's just the fumes being lit . excuse me . greenlee : bianca 's too nice to say it , but i 'm not . you 're tossing stink bombs in here , doing whatever you can to get between bianca and reese . erica : i am doing no such thing . my god , do you have such a jaded view of me ? greenlee : yes , actually , i do . [ scene_break ] david : her heart 's pumping strong . her organ systems are being perfused . but there 's still no indication that she 's coming out of the coma . you understand that , right ? zach : she 's fighting her way home . i can feel it . i 'll be back . brot : speaking from personal experience , it really is more than possible . i 've been where she is . [ scene_break ] erica : you may have attached yourself to this wedding like a barnacle , but that does n't give you the right to insult me or come between bianca and reese in any way . and i do n't think kendall would appreciate what you 're doing any more than i do . greenlee : kendall would do exactly what i 'm trying to do -- shut you down before you blow bianca 's relationship all to hell just because you do n't approve of her partner . erica : well , the only one stirring up anything right now is you . so you just keep your nose out of my family business , and you focus on not hurting ryan again . bianca : would you like to meet gabrielle ? your granddaughter . she 's asleep upstairs , but i 'd be happy to -- claire : oh , no , no . please do n't wake up the baby . it 's all right . please , everyone , just continue on with the party . opal : oh , ok . i will . what 's next ? reese : i guess presents . is that good ? ok . is that for bianca ? opal : all right , let 's see what 's in there . bianca : oh ! opal : what is it ? all : oh ! erica : i know it 's a bridal shower , but i just could n't resist getting something beautiful for gabrielle to wear to the wedding . bianca : it 's beautiful , mom . thank you so much . [ doorbell rings ] opal : it 's got kind of a balloon skirt . bianca : who might that be ? mary : darling . greenlee : mother . [ scene_break ] tad : you 've got to understand , from the second she found out that you and greenlee asked me to start digging into her past , sinclair started digging into mine . she 's sending you a message . in a moment 's notice , she 's prepared to go on the offensive to keep anybody from stopping her . ryan : annie is not faking this , all right ? she 's sick , and sinclair is trying to send a sick person to jail instead of helping her . tad : it certainly looks that way . do you want to stop her ? we 're going to have to find out what her reasons are , and what possible connection she could have to annie 's past . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i 'm going to take you back in time , to a dark night and a lonely road . annie : i do n't want to . dr. sinclair : you 've just left a cabin in the woods . annie : i do n't know what you 're talking about . dr. sinclair : you get in the car with him . aidan 's voice : annie , i know you can remember . the things that are coming back to you , you ca n't talk about them . annie : no . dr. sinclair : with richie . annie : i do n't know anybody named richie . dr. sinclair : yes , you do . he 's your brother . you hate him . you blame him for all your problems with ryan . annie : no , i do n't remember any of this . you need to leave . i feel sick . i do n't want to do this anymore . dr. sinclair : that 's when you decide you need to end his life , once and for all . your car gets a flat . annie : oh , no , stop , please . please , god , do n't make me do this . i do n't want to talk about this . please do n't ask me to -- [ loud clanging of metal ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : i did n't even realize you were in this hemisphere . mary : well , i was on my way back from a show in rotterdam , and i got erica 's message . imagine my surprise . so , you 're engaged to ryan . why did n't you call me ? greenlee : i did n't know the rotterdam area code . erica : i know , i know . it 's a little unusual , but believe me , this -- this double wedding , this is going to be lovely . colby : hey , wait , i got bingo ! [ cheering ] amanda : look here , ladies . claire : so , are you two a lesbian couple as well ? randi : what ? reese : no . no , mother . no , randi and amanda -- they are heterosexual , and unlike some people , they can actually enjoy themselves with friends who are not straight . claire : does that make you happy ? embarrassing me like this ? well , i guess i should n't be surprised . that 's all you ever tried to do to me . well , excuse me if this lifestyle choice of yours is still rather confusing . reese : shut up , mother . just shut the hell up . [ scene_break ] annie : get that away . get that away from me ! dr. sinclair : you remember , do n't you ? richie was working on the tire , and probably asked you to get that from the trunk , and that 's when you decided that now is the time to end it all . aidan 's voice : you ca n't talk about it . annie : no . please , you 're scaring me . i have no idea what you 're talking about . dr. sinclair : i am talking about the night you killed richie . annie : no . dr. sinclair : the night you killed your own brother . annie : no . dr. sinclair : you remember , annie , do n't you ? annie : no . dr. sinclair : we both know you do . annie : no -- stop it . dr. sinclair : admit it ! admit it right now ! you killed your own brother in cold blood . annie : leave me alone ! leave me alone ! [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , hi . i just -- i came by to see jenny . um , winifred had an emergency . she asked me if i would come here and wait for you , so -- i hope that 's ok . tad : thank you . krystal : ok , well , i guess -- i guess i 'll be going . tad : are n't you forgetting something ? you were here . i mean , now that i 've signed the divorce papers , should n't you be packing up your stuff ? moving over to wildwind ? [ scene_break ] brot : what 's her gcs ? david : you 've had medical training ? brot : no . just been in a coma myself . i was induced when they flew me home , and i died several times on the table . david : really ? what was it like -- the coma ? do you remember any of it ? brot : yeah , i remember the dreams . you know , my friends , my mom , my fiancée . they were all there , but when i woke up , there was nothing but strangers . i remember thinking how i just wanted to crawl back to a place where there was no pain . just be with my memories . i know it sounds strange , but waking up -- it almost felt like dying . david : no . i think i understand . i wonder what kind of dreams she 's having . and if given the choice , would she remain in that world or come back to this one ? [ scene_break ] mary : can i expect a wedding invitation soon ? greenlee : sure . just let me know where you 'll be . mary : well , it 's up in the air . but actually , i thought i might stay in town for a bit . greenlee : really ? mary : mm . look up adam , see how he 's doing . erica : do n't bother . he 's moved on . mary : well , it was worth a shot . no matter . i 've got this gorgeous personal trainer who really misses me . be happy , my darling . bianca : greenlee , i 'm so sorry about my mother 's little surprises . greenlee : not to worry . give reese my love . bianca : how could you do that to your daughter ? i mean , really , what kind of mother are you ? erica : bianca . bianca : you know what ? you and i have our own discussion to have . i -- i know that you say that you do n't understand everything , but can you not see what you 're doing to your daughter ? claire : i 've tried to understand . i want to understand . bianca : oh , really ? is that why you hung up on me when i called to tell you that our baby was born ? or why you refused to go upstairs and look at her ? claire : it 's difficult enough for me to deal with reese 's -- bianca : with what ? her problem ? her choice ? claire : you have to realize , the last time i saw my daughter , she was engaged to a very nice man . erica : uh , bianca , why do n't we go outside and have that discussion that we need to have , and let reese and her mother talk ? reese : it 's ok . bianca : all right , fine . reese : i 'm sorry . claire : you 're sorry ? reese : i 'm sorry that you do n't understand . i 'm sorry that you ca n't accept that i did n't make a choice . you 're the one that made the choice , mother , and you continue to choose not to accept the fact that i am a lesbian . [ scene_break ] bianca : you do n't like reese , and you do n't trust reese . and so , true to form , you stick your nose in our business , and you try to ruin our bridal shower , and it 's really not a -- [ erica throws snow at bianca ] [ scene_break ] [ annie wields the wrench at dr. sinclair ] dr. sinclair : is that how you did it , annie ? is that how you killed richie ? [ annie drops the wrench ] dr. sinclair : it took you long enough ! annie : wait , wait , wait , wait , wait . go away , go away . [ scene_break ] reese : do n't you want to know what it 's been like living a lie ? i mean , mom , i was so in - the - closet , i did n't even know it myself . all i knew is that i did not feel the way my friends felt about boys , and so i just hid my feelings . i hid my feelings because i knew that they would not approve , and i knew that you would not approve . and , yeah , i let it go on with simon way too long , because i was trying to figure things out . i was confused . and you know what ? i did n't want to hurt you . claire : well , it did hurt me . and it still hurts me . [ scene_break ] bianca : i -- i ca n't believe that you threw snow on me . erica : well , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . you were getting hysterical . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry about the snow , and i 'm sorry about bringing reese 's mother here . bianca : i -- i do n't believe you . you think that reese is out to get me , and -- and you keep seeing these looks between reese and zach , and you keep trying to make something of it , and there is n't anything there . erica : look , i said i 'm sorry , and i meant it . and -- and i made a mistake bringing reese 's mother here and thinking i could help reese with her mother . but i got past whatever business there was between zach and reese , but obviously you have n't . bianca : i -- i ca n't believe you 're saying this to me . erica : where -- where are you going ? bianca : there 's somebody else that i need to talk to right now . [ scene_break ] krystal : i wish we could talk . tad : about what ? what do we have left to talk about ? i mean , i 've certainly , you know , said my piece . years ago , it was dixie . now look at all the people david 's hurt -- you , me , jenny , my father , jake . he 's even got jesse and angie going after one another . i 've -- i 've said it all . you know , i 'm tired of trying to warn you , trying to get you to open your eyes . i got two little girls to look after . you can not continually expect me to jump in and try and save you . krystal : i am not asking you to , tad . i just wish you would see that david is just misunderstood . tad : i do n't want to listen to you defend him anymore . that 's the drugs talking , krystal . it 's got to be . krystal : he has not given me any -- tad : he 's been handing you handfuls of illegal and addictive drugs . krystal : how in the world did that get past the police ? tad : i do n't know , you tell me . how 'd he do it ? you know , i do n't care . i do n't care what he 's got up his sleeve , all right ? do me a favor . i do n't feel like sitting down here while you 're upstairs packing . just -- just go away . come back another time when i 'm not here . [ scene_break ] ryan : you ok ? greenlee : no . i 've been erica 'd . ryan : what did she do ? greenlee : invited reese 's mother without telling her . inviting my mother without telling me . ryan : mary is in the country ? what happened ? greenlee : i do n't even want to talk about it . i 'll get more upset . ryan : ok . hey , hey , hey , all right , all right , all right . come here . give me a kiss . you know what ? how about a massage ? greenlee : you know exactly what i need , do n't you ? ryan : no , i was talking about me , actually . i slept on my back really funny . it 's killing me . ok , come here . come , sit . sit . tad stopped by earlier . he said he 's going to continue to check out sinclair , but he 's got a really , really bad feeling about her , kind of like we did . and i do n't know , but the whole thing is just making me feel -- greenlee : uneasy ? ryan : yeah , uneasy . greenlee : i 've been feeling like that for weeks now . ryan , i had another dream . annie got out , and she stabbed you and killed you . ryan : it was just a dream . greenlee : no , but it 's not the only one . and now you and tad are having weird vibes . you know , maybe we should n't be getting married just yet . ryan : whoa , hey , slow down . do n't do this to yourself , ok ? stop . i 'm going to go upstairs , and i 'm going to make a nice hot bath with some bubbles . greenlee : no , i have to do something . i have to be somewhere now . [ scene_break ] david : what are you looking for ? these ? krystal : these are n't just sedatives , are they ? you switched them at the police station , right ? these are something you created , and not just something illegal , something much worse , right ? i do n't need your damn pills . my god , what have you done ? what have you done to me ? it 's not just the pills . it 's -- it 's -- it 's worse . i need you . i ca n't leave you . i hate you . please , just -- just throw me out . throw me out . just -- just get rid of me . just let me go . i hate you ! i hate you ! i hate you . david : krystal , krystal . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : feeling better now ? look , i need you to learn to trust me . it 's the only way i can help you , and i want to help you . i need you to focus . good . good -- that 's good . that 's really good . all right , here . i want you to look at something , ok ? oh , no , no , no . no , no . it 's time that you faced what happened . it 's time that you know what you did . you remember , do n't you ? these are pictures of your brother , lying on the ground in his own blood . you remember , do n't you , because you were there . you decided to put an end to it all . you decided to put an end to your own brother 's life . annie : i -- that was -- i did n't mean to . i was trying to -- [ alarm sounds ] [ scene_break ] reese : all my life , you tried to force me into being who you think i should be , instead of who i am , and you are still trying . why ? why ? is it because your life is so screwed up ? is -- is it because you found yourself trapped in a marriage that 's unhappy , with no sex at all ? you broke dad 's spirit . you are trying to break mine . there is no -- [ claire slaps reese as zach walks in ] [ scene_break ] [ erica walks into her room , picks up a picture of josh , and senses him touching her shoulder , then he disappears ] [ scene_break ] bianca : hey . greenlee : somehow i 'm not surprised you 're here . bianca : mm . yeah , well , i 've been thinking about her all day . greenlee : me , too . bianca : she should have been there today at the shower . greenlee : mm - hmm . she would have whipped everyone into line when things got nasty . bianca : yeah . i need her so much right now . i want her by my side at the wedding . greenlee : i know . me , too . i miss my best friend . bianca : what you guys have is more than just friendship . you 're as much her sister as i am . [ as bianca and greenlee hold hands , kendall 's eyes flutter open ] | at zach 's home , reese and bianca share a tender moment in bed before erica starts to yell at them to get up and get ready for the bridal shower . at ryan and greenlee 's , greenlee sits on the sofa when ryan walks into the room . greenlee tells ryan that she does n't want to go to the bridal shower . tad arrives at oak haven for another interview with dr. sinclair . dr. sinclair lets him know that she knows who he is and what he is after by interviewing her about her career . the bridal shower hits a snag when both reese 's mother and greenlee 's mother arrives for the festivities . bianca lashes out at erica for inviting claire to the bridal shower . at wildwind , krystal tells david that she had gotten tad to sign the divorce papers . david senses a hesitation and tells krystal to tear up the papers . krystal lets david know that she does n't want to tear up the papers that she does n't know what she wants . tad visits ryan and lets him know that dr. sinclair had busted him as to who he really was . tad realizes that dr. sinclair definitely has an agenda against annie . dr. sinclair tries to get annie to own up that she had killed richie , but annie refuses to divulge any information . |
jesse : it looks good , but i think it 's time i should take off , huh ? randi : why ? everything 's just getting started . jesse : yeah , but it 's not really my scene , you know ? do n't get me started on this room full of wannabe movers and shakers . randi : yeah , like the one over there ? [ scene_break ] liza : oh , but it feels so good to be here , away from the police station . tad : not to mention those handcuffs . i 'll bet you 20 bucks officer torres takes those home tonight . liza : you know , you really are the first man that 's ever staged his own arrest just to get me to smile . tad : not everybody has such a gorgeous smile . oh , gee . speaking of smiles , krystal 's here with her pet architect . liza : hi . [ scene_break ] colby : so chase just happens to be here ? adam : yes . yes . do you honestly think i orchestrated this ? colby : oh , i do n't think . i know . annie : colby , how could your father have set this up if we did n't even know we were coming here ? colby : are you serious ? my dad can arrange corporate takeovers over tee times . arranging my marriage is a piece of cake in comparison . chase : hope i 'm not interrupting . i just wanted to say hello . colby : oh , i did n't know you were so into makeup . chase : i 'm not . my girlfriend -- i could n't keep her away . adam : your girlfriend . chase : allison . yeah , she just went to the restroom , but i 'll be sure to introduce her when she comes back . adam : please do . [ scene_break ] woman : do you get airsick ? greenlee : what ? oh , no , it 's just for pain . i just had surgery . woman : you sure you should be flying ? greenlee : not really , but i do n't have a choice . i have to get back to pine valley . woman : i hope everything 's ok . greenlee : it will be . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan , i 've been there . i 've been there . and please understand , i 'm just trying to protect what we have . ryan : by denying that we exist . erica : yes . ryan : ok . erica , what is the real reason that you do n't want people to know the truth about us ? erica : ryan , whatever this is that we have , it belongs to us . it does n't belong to the bloggers or the reporters or to the people who read the tabloids . it 's ours . but if we put it out there , if we start living our personal relationship in the public eye , then we give it to them . and they can chronicle us . they can just twist us and turn us any way they want to , and they can , of course , write about our happiness at first . but we both know that those vultures are just waiting for their first chance to splash our heartache all over the front page . ryan : heartache ? whoa . you act as if we 're destined to fail . ryan : you do n't think we have a shot . erica : i did n't say that . ryan : why are you so convinced that we wo n't go the distance ? erica : well , none of my relationships have so far . ryan : `` so far `` being the operative words there . ok , all right . so , what do you want to do ? do you want to just run away ? erica : no . i am certainly not going to run away . i just -- is it so wrong to want things just to stay the way they are -- just between us , our own private escape ? ryan : got to get real at some point . erica : i think that we are extremely real . i just do n't want the media to have anything to say about us . ryan : let 's forget the media . erica : ryan , i ca n't . right now i have a party full of them just waiting to pounce on us , waiting for us to arrive . and this is such a big night for fusion , not to mention the miranda center . ryan : i know . erica : and so you pick now to try to dissect what our entire future holds for us ? ryan : i know , and i 'm sorry . you 're right . you 're right , you 're right . it 's a huge night for the miranda line , and tonight should be focused on that , ok ? erica : ok . ryan : all right . you ready ? erica : i am . but you 're not . ryan : no , no . just give me two seconds . erica : ok , look . i think that we should probably arrive separately anyway , do n't you ? ryan : ok . erica : ok . i 'll take the car service and meet i 'll meet you there ? ryan : ok . [ scene_break ] liza : so i wonder where our host is . tad : oh , you know erica . liza : unfortunately , i do . tad : grand entrances are her thing . krystal : i am glad you 're here instead of home alone . tad : ah , yes . you know , maybe i should send you a fruit basket for your sage advice . krystal : yes , you should send me a fruit basket , especially since i live right down the hall . tad : that 's no excuse . remind me to get right on that , will ya ? liza : sure thing . i definitely need a drink right now . you want to join me ? tad : after you . liza : ok . krystal : have fun . liza : yeah , we 'll catch up later , ok ? [ scene_break ] jesse : wow . now that 's what i call -- mm . i did n't know you were gon na be here . angie : well , i dealt with that emergency a lot quicker than i thought . and the janitors have n't decided to go on strike on me yet . listen , i would have called you , but i just assumed you 'd gone back to work . jesse : i did , but things were slow , so i figured i 'd come support randi here . angie : yeah , that 's why i decided to come , too . jesse : well , we 're both here now . that 's what matters , right ? angie : right . [ scene_break ] frankie : so much for my parents spending an evening alone . randi : well , what happened with that ? i thought you and natalia worked it out . frankie : yeah , so did we , until the hospital paged my mom for an emergency . instead of waiting on her , dad went back to the station . randi : well , at least they 're together now . frankie : does that look like together to you ? [ scene_break ] chase : i really look forward to starting this internship . adam : good . chase : ladies . annie : bye . gosh , he is just too cute for words . that allison is a lucky girl , do n't you think ? colby : oh , kind of hard to say , since they 're both complete strangers . adam : i suppose i 'm not gon na hear an apology any time soon . colby : just because chase is on the level does n't make this merit trust any less prehistoric or ridiculous or lame . adam : i 'll take that as a `` no . `` colby : good guess . adam : i just ca n't win with her . annie : oh , you won . she 's just never going to admit it . [ scene_break ] [ alarm sounds ] security guard : perp must have escaped out this window . second security guard : should we call mr. chandler ? security guard : let 's check and see if anything was taken first . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hello ? ryan ? ryan : hey , how 's it going ? madison : well , great turnout . the press is buzzing about fusion 's new line . ryan : good , good , good . and erica ? madison : she 's around here somewhere . you want me to find her for you ? ryan : actually , do n't bother . she 's right over there . [ scene_break ] frankie : how did it go earlier with you and mom ? jesse : mm - hmm . i think you know the answer to that . our night got cut short because of work . it happens . frankie : seems to be happening a lot these days . jesse : you know , i appreciate what you and your sister tried to do . can we just leave it at that ? frankie : i do n't know . things seem strained between you two . i mean , you get here tonight , completely separate . is it about the work , really ? really ? jesse : we both thought each other had to work , ok ? frankie : or you just did n't want to deal with each other . jesse : ok , now . are you trying to lecture me , son ? frankie : no , no , no , dad . it just , you know , all marriages go through ruts . jesse : not this one . this one went through a gaping black hole that sucked us dry for 20 years . now , if we can survive that , we can survive anything . do n't you think ? [ scene_break ] randi : thank you for coming . angie : oh , are you kidding ? you think i 'd miss out on all of this ? randi : i 'm really sorry that you and jesse ended up missing that dinner . angie : oh , so you heard about our evening -- interrupted . randi : you know what ? you guys should get out of here . go home , pick up where you left off , and -- angie : well , maybe you should mind your own business . just kidding . you know , actually , that 's a nice idea , but i think the moment has passed -- for tonight , anyway . so let 's just drop it , ok ? it 's no big deal . randi : sure , sure . angie : see you in a minute . randi : all right . [ scene_break ] liza : well , i think that might be a good idea . tad : oh ! liza : hi . tad : if there 's a fire , you might consider giving your old mom a heads up . colby : well , there is no fire . i just need to get out of here . liza : wait , honey , did adam do something ? colby : um , you wo n't believe it . liza : oh , yeah ? try me . colby : ok . well , dad could n't stand that he was n't gon na be around when his will got read . so he made this whole merit trust to torture us with while he 's still around to enjoy it . tad : whoa , whoa , whoa . take a deep breath and start from the beginning . colby : well , he 's basically fixed it so he can arrange my marriage . liza : what ? colby : mm - hmm . i get a small yearly stipend until i find a suitable man , and then my stipend skyrockets , obviously . tad : wait now . let me guess -- but only if the suitable man passes muster . colby : yes . and if he does n't , then i get nothing . and then if he does -- well , then if i get divorced -- liza : then you still -- you get nothing . colby : is there anything you can do ? legally , i mean . liza : i do n't know . this is out of my realm , but believe me , i 'm gon na look into it . colby : thanks . i 'm gon na go home . liza : honey , listen to me . i promise you i will fix this . colby : thanks . tad : take it easy . liza : excuse me for a minute . tad : this is gon na get ugly , is n't it ? liza : if anyone deserves ugly , believe me , it 's adam . can i speak with you for a moment , alone ? adam : anything you have to say to me you can say in front of my wife . liza : all right then , you scheming , manipulative ass . [ scene_break ] madison : oh , ryan was looking for you . did you two have a chance to talk ? erica : not yet , no . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] colby : hey , what 's going on ? security guard : security breach , ma'am . someone broke in the mansion . colby : what ? did you catch him -- or her ? security guard : escaped through an upstairs window . colby : so what 's missing ? security guard : nothing , as far as we can tell . second security guard : we were just about to call your father . colby : do it . [ scene_break ] liza : colby 's gon na rebel . i mean , you know that . why is your wife shaking her head ? annie : first zach , now tad . it 's really hard to keep up with you . maybe if you were a better role model for you daughter -- liza : padded cells and straightjackets -- they send a much better message . annie : please . that is all a part of my past . in all honesty -- liza : from you . hmm . annie : i hope that colby sees what her father and i have and tries to emulate it . liza : oh , god help her if she does . adam , admit it . you just ca n't let go of control . that 's why you backed your own daughter into this distorted corner -- so you can choose her life partner . i am gon na contest this in court . and the second that you 're gone , i will have the whole thing voided , and she will get what she is owed without any strings . adam : oh , i see . you have n't heard about the `` no contest `` clause . if you go to court , colby gets nothing . and that will be on you . [ scene_break ] krystal : hi . angie : hi . having fun ? rob : well , better than the last party you took me to . krystal : oh , well . now that 's the understatement of the year . rob : i was just about to grab us some drinks . can i get you any ? angie : oh , thanks , but no thanks . he 's nice . krystal : yeah . so far , so good . angie : well , you know , things seem -- i do n't know -- easy between you . krystal : yes . well , i guess i 'm taking a page from angie and jesse . angie : uh - huh , you are . i do n't know . maybe you might want to take a page from someone else . krystal : what is that supposed to mean ? angie : i do n't know . i do n't know . oh , krystal . you know , lately things just do n't seem that easy . i mean , it 's like everything is about work . it 's just starting to feel like maybe it 's beginning to put a strain on us , you know ? krystal : you 'll get through that . angie : and you know this how ? krystal : well , because even though it might not feel like it , you and jesse are the real deal . you 're a living , breathing , tear - jerker of a fairy tale . hey , do n't you forget that . [ scene_break ] jesse : thaddeus . tad : chief . hey , is something going on between you and angela ? jesse : why , is it written all over our foreheads ? tad : no , maybe it 's written all over your face . what is it ? jesse : i guess we 're having issues . tad : like what ? jesse : inundated with work . never seeing each other . so , it can be stressful . tad : so i guess it 's just your basic , everyday , garden variety marital rough patch . jesse : exactly . you know , i wish you 'd explain that to my kids . tad : why ? jesse : angie and i show up here separately to this thing , and frankie 's got us in divorce court . tad : another vote counted . well , we know how franklin feels . how about you ? jesse : you know better than that . tad : i ca n't help it . i was gon na offer some loving , friendly advice and say it does n't matter that you two arrived separately . just make sure you do n't leave the same way . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i ca n't believe he kept this . ow . oh , god . oh , god . tv reporter : reporting live from the big party downtown . [ music playing ] [ scene_break ] tv reporter : things are just about to get started here , and you know what ? you can feel it . there 's a buzz surrounding fusion 's new charity line , and in just a few moments we 'll see what that buzz is all about . erica : you made it . ryan : yeah , i dressed myself and everything . erica : listen , ryan , i -- randi : um , excuse me , erica . the press is ready to see you . ryan : you 're gon na do great . erica : good evening , everyone . thank you . thank you . i am so honored that you came out this evening to help celebrate the wonderful coming together of beauty , women , and charity . with the launch of fusion 's new miranda line , we are gon na be funding the miranda center right here in pine valley , but also funding all new outposts , many new outposts throughout the country . and as such , we are really gon na have an impact on women everywhere . actually , one of the women who has benefited from the miranda center right here in pine valley is our very own madison north . the miranda center is all about hope and healing , patience and understanding . we provide a safe haven for women in which to rebuild . and as acting ceo of fusion , a company that was created by women and for women , i ca n't think of a more worthy cause . thank you . and now , i understand that there are some members of the press here this evening , so i 'd like to open up the floor to questions . reporter : what 's your response to the recent tabloid story regarding your relationship with ryan lavery ? erica : i 'd say , why do n't we just stick to celebrating our new nonprofit line for fusion ? thank you . reporter : are you partners ? or are you more ? what 's your current status ? ryan : you know what ? like erica said , we 're gon na focus on fusion and the new miranda line today . second reporter : you do realize that stonewalling only fuels rumors . i mean , if you two are involved , why not come clean ? what are you so afraid of ? erica : nothing . i 'm not afraid of anything , despite what some people might think . well , thank you very much for being here this evening , and enjoy the rest of your evening . have a good time . [ scene_break ] tad : so then she drags me in in handcuffs and informs everybody i was arrested for flashing . krystal : oh , no . she did not . tad : she did . i must confess , even though it was n't the back story i wanted to go with that it got a smile out of ms. colby . krystal : so you guys are ok ? tad : better than ok . you know , i meant what i said . i was n't joking . i really do owe you . krystal : oh , i know you owe me . tad : you kicked my butt into gear . krystal : any time , roomie . tad : life is really strange . you know that ? krystal : yeah , i know that . you want to tell me how you know that ? tad : well , just after everything we 've been through , you know , good and bad , up and down , backwards and forwards -- here you are giving me romantic advice . krystal : who knows you better than me , huh ? [ scene_break ] jesse : some press conference , huh ? angie : never a dull moment . jesse : so , are erica and ryan really -- ? angie : i have no idea . jesse : and do we care ? angie : uh , we do n't . jesse : no , we do n't . so , why do n't we go home and do something we care about ? angie : i say we do . [ scene_break ] adam : not the evening erica anticipated , was it ? annie : no . but i , for one , enjoyed every minute of it . did you see the look on her face ? priceless . [ phone rings ] adam : adam chandler . what ? when ? yeah , we 'll be right there . annie : what happened ? adam : somebody broke into the house . [ scene_break ] damon : it was n't me . [ scene_break ] tv reporter : and that 's the story from confusion . i was hoping to speak with ryan lavery , get his take on what happened tonight . i 'm sure he 's around here somewhere . ah , well . back to you in the studio , rod . [ scene_break ] ryan : those reporters asked some pretty tough questions . erica : i suppose you 're upset because i did n't give them any answers . ryan : no . you do n't owe them anything . erica : but you , on the other hand -- ryan : i think we owe each other -- i think we owe each other to finish the conversation that we started at my place . erica : i thought that we already had . ryan : just because we stopped talking does n't mean that we 're finished . erica : ryan , i honestly do n't know what 's left to say . ryan : well , we better figure it out , because if we do n't , if we leave things where they are now , i really do n't know where we go from here . [ scene_break ] randi : it was n't that bad . madison : you 're kidding me , right ? they did n't ask a single question about the miranda line , the center . so much for my brilliant idea . i guess you picked a perfect time to give me credit for it . [ scene_break ] liza : oh , hey . how 's it going ? rob : it 's going ok . have you seen krystal ? i went to get us some drinks , and i seem to have lost her . liza : yeah . rob : guess she already found a refill . interested ? liza : why not ? thanks . rob : do you feel like this happens a lot ? liza : define `` this . `` rob : krystal and tad always hanging out . liza : oh . rob : i mean , i get that they share a daughter . liza : and a house . rob : i do n't know . sometimes i just wonder . how am i supposed to compete ? liza : rob ? watch and learn . [ scene_break ] adam : first colby 's car . now this . annie : but nothing was stolen ? are you sure ? security guard : we 've gone over the house twice now . second security guard : sir , would you like us to call the police ? adam : well , given the recent string of burglaries in this neighborhood , i should think so , yeah . security guard : i 'll get right on it . adam : did my daughter happen to make it home tonight ? second security guard : i believe miss chandler is upstairs in her room . adam : did you get a gauge on her mood , by any chance ? second security guard : she did n't look too happy to me , sir . [ scene_break ] colby : i ca n't believe after everything we talked about , you would try and rob us again . damon : i told you , i did n't do anything . colby : oh , and that 's supposed to mean something ? you know , your word is useless . damon : colby , just take a second and think about this . why would i break in if i was already here ? it makes no sense . colby : ok , if it was n't you , then who was it ? damon : i do n't know . i tried chasing the guy , but he knocked me out . colby : hold on . ok , wait . you saw who broke in . damon : yeah . i was downstairs looking around , and he ran right by me . the alarm went off . colby : and then what happened ? damon : i followed here into your room . he knocked me from behind . by the time i got back on my feet , he was gone . look , i swear . i 'm telling the truth . i even have the bump to prove it . colby : sorry . so you did n't get a look at this face ? damon : no . colby : height ? age ? nothing ? damon : i think he had brown hair . that 's about it . look , if it was me , then what the hell am i still doing in your room ? say you believe me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey . pretty eventful night in there , huh ? man : that 's one way of putting it . greenlee : you do n't happen to know if ryan lavery is still here ? man : all i know is that he wo n't give an interview . he shut the elevator doors in my face . greenlee : so he 's upstairs . man : i guess . but if you 're looking for a sound bite , good luck . greenlee : thanks . but i do n't think i 'm gon na need it . [ scene_break ] ryan : that reporter asked us what we were afraid of . erica : and i told her -- nothing . ok , what is it you want to hear ? you want to hear that was just one big monstrous lie ? that , in fact , i am scared ? not only of losing you , but losing you in front of the entire world ? there . ok . i said it . ryan : hey , hey . i 'm a little bit afraid , too . that 's why i keep pushing for us to go public . erica : i do n't understand . ryan : well , maybe if we tell the world , then somehow we 'll be accountable . erica : to them ? ryan : no , no . no , no -- to each other , to us . i mean , look , i 've been in failed relationships that have been splattered all over the headlines before . i have , and i know how much it sucks . i really do . but maybe we can make that work for us . maybe if it 's out there , if we 're out there -- i do n't know , maybe we 'll just work a little bit harder to stay together . erica : you mean like an insurance policy . ryan : spoken like a true businesswoman . yes , like an insurance policy . so what do you say , erica ? do we walk away and cut our losses before it gets real ? or do we stick it out and fight ? you know what ? do n't answer that . do n't answer that , because you know what ? truthfully , i do n't even care what you say , because i happen to know that what we have is worth fighting for . and you can be scared . you can tell me to get the hell out of here . but that does n't matter , because i 'm not going anywhere . [ ryan and erica kiss ] [ scene_break ] jesse : can i get you anything ? angie : you know what ? i think i 'm gon na get myself this sofa over here because my feet -- i 've been on them all day . jesse : well , guess what . you are in luck , little lady . feet are my specialty . get over here . come on . angie : ok . jesse : come on . there we go . hmm . how 's that ? you like that ? angie : mm , you 're a master . jesse : yeah . at this , maybe . other things , not so much . do you know what ? from here on out , i 'm gon na try to not let my work drive me so hard , make a better effort to spend more time with you more often . matter of fact , i 'm gon na make that a promise . how 's that ? angela ? oh , out like a light . you did n't hear a word i said . i thought i was tired . poor baby . [ scene_break ] liza : do you mind if i steal him ? tad : what ? we 're not gon na limbo , are we ? because i have n't done my stretches . liza : honey , you do n't need to stretch for this . [ liza kisses tad ] rob : you ok ? krystal : no , actually . rob : what can i do ? krystal : you can take me back to your place . [ scene_break ] annie : can you believe how windy it is out there ? adam : maybe i should go talk to her . annie : no . no . adam : well , people are always saying , `` do n't go to bed angry . `` annie : they also say , `` things look better in the morning . `` trust me . let colby sleep this one off . [ scene_break ] damon : guess i should take off . colby : wait . damon : what ? you obviously do n't want me here . colby : it 's a nightmare outside , and your head 's all banged up , and you have no place to go . damon : i 'll figure something out . colby : tomorrow . tonight , you are staying here . damon : does this mean you believe me ? colby : it means , if you snore , i 'll kill you . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee reaches for the doorknob to erica 's office as she and ryan have their hands and lips all over each other ] | everyone begins to gather at the confusion bar for the party that fusion cosmetics is throwing to promote their new miranda line of cosmetics . greenlee is on an airplane coming home to pine valley . erica tells ryan that she wants to protect their relationship and does n't want to go public with the information . colby , once again gets frustrated at adam when she sees chas archibald at the party . krystal is glad to see tad at the party with liza . jesse , angie , randi and frankie are also in attendance at the party . the alarm goes off at the chandler mansion . the guards search the house to see if anything is gone . damon hides behind the bathroom door in colby 's room . greenlee arrives at ryan 's door , but is reluctant to knock on the door . instead , of knocking on the door , greenlee finds the key and lets herself in . greenlee calls out for ryan , but does n't get an answer . greenlee finds a picture that emma had drawn as she looks around the apartment . she also finds another box of things that she can not believe that ryan had kept . ryan arrives at the party and immediately asks about erica . ryan 's and erica 's eyes meet across a crowded room . randi urges angie to go home and spend some time alone with jesse . colby lets liza know about the changes in the will . liza decides to give adam a piece of her mind . in talking to adam , liza finds out that if the will is contested , colby will not receive any inheritance . colby arrives home and finds out that the house had been broken in . colby instructs the guard to call adam . erica holds a press conference , but will not divulge any info about hers and ryan 's relationship . |
ryan : what , are you trying to mind - meld someone ? greenlee : i was just thinking about the wonders of science fiction . ryan : if this is about kendall 's dna test , i really do n't want to hear it . greenlee : i just find it hard to believe that kendall made a baby with that creepazoid cambias . but if science says she closed her eyes and thought of the cambias millions , it must be true . ryan : so you 're going to leave it alone ? greenlee : what else can i do ? i guess we can all relax now that we know kendall 's not a liar . [ scene_break ] kendall : the dna proof almost killed erica . i mean , i used to get a contact high out of busting her chops , but , bianca , i think this time i finally went too far . but i did n't have a choice , right ? i mean , i had to prove that i was carrying michael 's baby . bianca : well , because you 're determined to protect me . i 'm sorry . kendall : no , it 's ok . i 'll be fine . but the person i 'm worried about is erica . bianca , you have to take care of her and help her . if you do n't , i 'm afraid she 'll do something that she 's going to regret . [ scene_break ] guard : you 've got a visitor , mr. montgomery . jack : hey , sweetheart . erica , what is it ? erica : my -- my daughter is pregnant by that horrible man . jack : you know . well , thank god , i say . thank god it 's out in the open . it 'll help us deal with it . erica : you knew all along that she was pregnant ? jack : bianca told me . erica : bianca told you about the pregnancy ? jack : yes , and i wanted to tell you the moment she told me , but we knew how you 'd feel . we were worried about how you 'd react . erica : well , how would anyone react ? what kendall 's doing is monstrous ! jack : yeah , but , i mean , at some point you had to know that kendall might actually be pregnant . erica : oh , well , in the very beginning when i very first heard that , i thought , well , if she is , i mean , then the baby must be aidan 's or ryan 's -- anybody she picked up off the street , but -- anybody 's but michael cambias ' . no , all this time , all these months , i was so sure that it was a trick . i was sure it was . it had to be . and i promised ryan that i would n't push it , and i did n't . in fact , i lied -- thought i was lying -- for kendall . i covered for her in front of all of her enemies . i 'm the one who touched `` the baby , `` and i was so sure that it was a fake . and i thought that she would be exposed . and now you 're telling me that she 's actually going to have that monster 's baby ? jack : that 's a lot to absorb . it is , but in time i think maybe you -- erica : every single day -- every single day , bianca has to deal with that rape . jack : hey -- erica : and kendall has just made a mockery of this with this pregnancy . jack : listen , listen , bianca has come a long way , and she will make it to the other side , believe me . erica : i do n't understand , jackson ! kendall 's pregnancy is a slap in bianca 's face , and yet bianca supports kendall ? how is that possible ? jack : because they 're sisters . because they love each other , erica . because that 's what families do . i think maybe we could all take a lesson from bianca . erica : no -- lesson ? if you 're telling me there 's a lesson here , what is the lesson ? forgiveness ? no . i do not forgive this . i do not forgive kendall . she chose to sleep with that piece -- she chose to have that man 's baby . so , no , i do n't forgive her , no . can you imagine that filthy man has impregnated both of my daughters ? well , thank god that one of them had the good sense to terminate . jack : sweetheart , please . please do n't condemn the other one for making the decision that was right for her . erica : right ? there is nothing right in any of this . [ scene_break ] kendall : can i ask you a favor ? bianca : yes , of course . anything . you know that . kendall : please , please just take care of mom . ok , i know she 'll never understand in a million years , but you know how she is . just make sure she does n't take this on herself , ok , because she 's not responsible for this . i did all of this by myself . bianca : no , we did all of this together , kendall . we 're together , always . wow . you really feel pregnant . kendall : really ? i ca n't -- i ca n't feel anything through this baby - on - board disguise . bianca : well , how about now ? kendall : i take that back . i feel like an aunt . [ scene_break ] ryan : so you 're just telling me that you think kendall 's pregnant because you know it 's what i want to hear ? greenlee : of course not . i 'm a true believer . i swear . ryan : last time you swore , i found you in kendall 's condo . greenlee : i explained that . ryan : not very well . greenlee : it 's over , all right ? i quit . i 've hit a big dna wall , have n't i ? i mean , kendall 's got experts and facts and figures to prove that she 's got more than a burger in that belly , and i 've got a pie in the face . ryan : hmm . so that 's it ? this time you 're going to leave it alone ? greenlee : it 's like you said -- i 've got to find a new project . ryan : hmm . like , what do you have in mind ? greenlee : i do n't know . photography , maybe ? ryan : seems harmless . greenlee : right now i 've got some fusion paperwork to sign off on . ryan : wait , wait -- greenlee ? thanks . greenlee : you worry too much . [ scene_break ] mia : hey ! welcome back . aidan : hey , how you doing ? mia : i saw you in the courtroom , but i could n't get close enough to do this . so , when did you get back ? aidan : a while ago . you know , i should have called , but i 've been so busy . mia : yeah , no kidding . that dna report was brilliant . aidan : it -- it was ? mia : yes . oh , do n't be modest . i mean , i know how you work . i mean , it was classic . when the expert got up and told the court that the fetal cells prove that michael was definitely the father , it practically knocked the prosecution right out of their pinstripes . aidan : you know what ? i had nothing to do with it . mia : oh , come on , you can deny it all you want . it was brilliant . i know this is probably something that we just want to keep between ourselves . quiet , you know ? aidan : mia , where are you going with this ? mia : well , you said that you 'd do anything for kendall , and this proves it . aidan : is that it ? you 're still on this spin about kendall and me ? i thought you promised you would give this up . mia : i missed you . why do n't we just go back to your place and i 'll show you how we greet conquering heroes in the new world . hmm ? aidan : just give me a few minutes , all right ? mia : ok . a few minutes , no more . just a few . kendall : so , did you get any information about reverend lomax ? aidan : i 'll fill you in . kendall : so where is reverend lomax , anyway ? aidan : third ring of saturn , maybe ? kendall : what ? aidan : do n't worry . fred is safe . kendall : oh , aidan , you did it . you did it . because of you , the prosecution wo n't be able to get their hands on the one person who could annihilate me . thank you . thank you so much . aidan : do n't thank me yet . do n't thank me until it 's over . listen , i 've got to run . i 'm going to go back to my place so i can get some stuff . i 've got to take it to mr. lomax to tuck him in for the night . kendall : i hope babysitting this guy does n't get you into any trouble . now , you 're sure the cops wo n't find him ? aidan : yeah . kendall : singer 's guys ca n't dig him up ? aidan : absolutely . this place is well tucked away . nobody even knows that it exists . kendall : is there anything that you 're not great at ? aidan : a few things . livia : good . you 're here . aidan : yeah -- um -- just on my way out . i 'll be free in a couple of hours if you should need anything . livia : thank you , mr. devane , for whatever it is i do n't want to know about . kendall : you were amazing today . singer did n't know what hit him . livia : yeah , we prepped pretty good . the prosecution 's case turned to rubble , their witnesses went sideways . all in all , i 'd say we 're on pretty good ground . kendall : so then you think it 'll all be over soon ? livia : well , so long as they do n't find that minister who married you and michael . which is highly unlikely , right ? kendall : we can only hope . so what do we do now ? livia : well , if lomax is a no - show , the prosecution will rest . i wo n't call any witnesses , and it 'll go straight to the jury . kendall : wait , hold on . no witnesses ? what is that all about ? livia : well , right now the prosecution 's own witnesses have created enough doubt that has relieved you of culpability , so we 're in the lead . i 'd be a fool to bring a defense witness on who could cost us everything we 've gained . kendall : look , i know you 're the attorney , but -- livia : you 're right , i 'm the attorney , so you 'll defer to my wisdom and expertise and allow me to handle the strategy . kendall : no , please , livia , my life is on the line here . please , you 've got to let me take the stand . [ scene_break ] mia : so , are you ready for the welcome home that i promised you ? aidan : you know , nothing would please me more , but there 's a couple of things i need to take care of first . mia : ok . i 'll come along with you . aidan : no , really , you 'd be bored . mia : not as long as i 'm with you , i wo n't be bored . aidan : well , as tempting as it sounds , let me get this out of the way , and then i can concentrate 100 % on you . mia : hmm -- errands that you have to run solo ? is this part of some secret mission , something like that ? aidan : you know , i could tell you , but then i 'd have to brainwash you . mia : and that would mean that we 'd have to take a shower , right ? aidan : what ? you know , just give me a couple of hours , and we can spend the whole weekend together . mia : ok . great , ok , so i 'll just go back to your place , and i 'll just light some candles -- aidan : no , no . mia : no ? no ? aidan : my place is -- it 's a bloody mess . mia : oh . aidan : let me take care of business . i 'll go back , get a bottle of wine , clean up a little bit , and i 'll give you a call , all right ? mia : sure , ok . aidan : see you . mia : i 'm on to you , mr. super spy . [ scene_break ] jack : whatever has happened between you and your daughter , you still love her . that child she 's carrying , erica , is an innocent who ca n't be blamed for the sins of the father . erica : i know that , jack . but that does n't change the fact that kendall chose to have the child of the man who raped her sister . jack : it 's very difficult for any of us to accept . you 're right . erica : after all we 've been through this year , after all we 've survived , i just -- i thought maybe it was time for us to finally just enjoy our lives and enjoy our love . and now with this now -- jack : now -- now all we have to do is make room in our lives and in our hearts for this baby . erica : jackson , kendall is just bringing more and more tragedy into our lives . do n't you see that ? what kendall has done -- this impacts everybody , bianca most of all . jack : bianca will be able to handle it . erica : do n't tell me bianca will handle it ! why should bianca have to handle it ? that is not fair to her . she 's worked so hard to put that rape behind her , and i 've seen her . she has been exhausted by it , but she did it . you know , and i saw a glimpse of peace in her eyes because she knew she had made the right choice . jack : the right choice for her . and kendall made her choice , and we should accept both . erica : i will not accept kendall 's choice because kendall 's choice is wrong . it 's completely wrong . i mean , she chose to have the baby of her sister 's rapist for selfish reasons -- just for money and for power -- and she did n't give a thought to anybody else . not her sister , and certainly not that poor baby . jack : well , that just means that that baby is going to need its family more than ever . and that family includes you . erica : i do n't understand you . i do n't understand how you ca n't meet me halfway on this . you do n't understand that if my daughter has that child it will separate us forever . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee sneaks into kendall 's condo again and positions herself in her shower with camera at the ready ] greenlee : this time you 're mine , kendall . i 'm going to out you for the selfish , greedy , curly - haired liar that you are . all right , kendall . say `` cheese . `` [ scene_break ] kendall : livia , please let me testify . i want the jury to hear my side of the story . livia : kendall , i 'm your attorney , and i do n't want to hear your side of the story . ok , you 're so confident , you want to have your day in court ? let 's do a little role - playing . take the stand . kendall : fine . bring it on . livia : the defense calls kendall hart cambias . you might as well try out the chair . kendall : ahem . livia : have at it . tell the court what you want them to hear . kendall : i would tell them that i had good reasons for doing what i did , and anyone else would have done the same . livia : somehow , i doubt that . kendall : maybe i did n't love michael , but i had very good reasons for marrying him . livia : after what he did to your sister ? that alone will plant you knee - deep in a world of hurt . singer and mccoy will sink their teeth into you and rip you to shreds . kendall : fine ! let them try . i 've got nothing to hide . livia : bull ! you had means , you had motive , you had opportunity to kill michael cambias . singer will have you standing over michael cambias ' body with a smoking gun . kendall : if i stick with the facts , i will be fine . livia : and what about your perjury conviction ? how are you going to plan to spin that ? kendall : oh , that was a long time ago . it does n't mean that i 'm lying now . livia : uh - huh , and how will he just punch daylight into your story once he exposes that fact to the jury ? kendall : look , livia , i just want the jury to understand that i 'm not a bad person . livia : aw , boo - hoo . it 's not a popularity contest , kendall . we have one goal -- to get you acquitted . right now the prosecution 's case reeks of reasonable doubt . all i have to do is deliver a brilliant closing argument , and you will walk instead of fry . kendall : if i do n't say anything -- livia : get over yourself , kendall . we 'll do it my way , or you can find another attorney . kendall : fine . fine , i 'll sit this out , but i do n't like it . livia : well , you be sure to thank me when you 're found not guilty . what are you even doing here ? have n't you logged in enough hours in this place ? go home . kendall : i 'm waiting for someone . have you seen ryan ? livia : he left a long time ago . go rest up , kendall . i 'll see you tomorrow . [ scene_break ] erica : if kendall has this child , how can i even speak to her again ? jack : honey , why must it be all or nothing with you ? erica : with me ? kendall did n't conceive this child out of love . i mean , she disregarded all of us . she chose to have this rapist 's baby just so she can ensure that she will have the cambias estate . i mean , she 's bragged about it . she 's using this child as a meal ticket . jack : to support this child , you 're just going to have to try harder . you 're just going to have to be stronger , love more , whatever it takes to make this work for everyone . erica : no , i wo n't -- i wo n't be part of this travesty ! jack : because you 're angry at kendall ? [ key turns in lock ] bianca : but what if the baby was n't kendall 's ? what if the child were mine ? [ scene_break ] [ door opens and closes ] [ footsteps ] greenlee : smile for the camera , kendall . [ door opens ] [ greenlee screams ] ryan : you should have brought a snorkel . get out of there ! greenlee : no , please ! damn it , turn it off ! it 's freezing ! ugh . ryan : what the hell were you thinking ? what are you doing ? greenlee : what are you thinking , sneaking up on people ? ryan : all you had to do was look in your rearview mirror , greenlee . greenlee : you followed me ? what kind of friend are you ? ryan : you know what ? greenlee : stop it ! ryan : no , no , no , no -- believe me , you 're going to want these for your photo album to look back on the good old days . tell me something -- is this your good side , greenlee ? because i really do n't think you have one right now ! greenlee : do n't be a jerk ! ryan : i 'm not the one skulking in somebody else 's shower . greenlee : i 'm not skulking . i 'm trying to get proof that kendall 's lying . ryan : come on , greenlee , you swore to me that you were done with all this , you 'd stop harassing her . greenlee : i ca n't stop it , ryan . there 's too much at stake . ryan : so you totally and completely humiliate yourself to get fusion back ? greenlee : i 'm not humiliated . i 'm wet . towel , please ! it 's not about fusion . it 's about you and jackson . if i do n't do something , it 'll be too late . ryan : the clocks are already ticking . greenlee : look , i mean it , ryan . you 're in love up to your neck . my father 's about to cop to murder because kendall punked both of you and everyone else in this town . ryan : but not you . greenlee : because i 'm thinking with my head . no offense . ryan : no , sure you are . i 've got the pictures here to prove it . greenlee : ryan , pay attention . kendall has conned everyone in this town into believing that she 's pregnant with a few fake test results and a pillow . ryan : wait a minute -- wait , stop . a few hours ago , you were , like , bowing to the science gods , and you agreed that kendall is pregnant with michael 's baby . greenlee : well , i agreed , but i need to see it to believe it . i thought if i get a picture of kendall in the buff without the baby , everyone will see the truth that she 's a fraud ! ryan : so , what , are you doing this for your dad , to save your dad ? greenlee : and you . how can you argue that ? ryan : i do n't want to argue . greenlee : then you understand ? ryan : well , i 'll agree that you 're right about one thing . you are all wet . greenlee : ryan , what are you doing ? ryan : you need to dry off , greenlee ! greenlee : where are you taking me ? ryan ! ryan : i 'm taking you somewhere where you 're not going to harm anybody , including yourself ! greenlee : ryan , i 'm really mad ! i mean it ! [ scene_break ] aidan : standing like that gives you a headache , does n't it , fred ? fred : life gives you headaches . and life gives you heartaches . it 's why we must fortify ours -- reinforcements ! aidan : yeah , got all your favorites -- tinfoil , flaxseed , hearts of celery , hearts of lettuce , hearts of artichokes . and look -- something to warm up the heart . fred : ah , you are a convert , dear boy . aidan : yeah . you helped me see the light , fred . fred : and is the good mrs. cambias safe in her bliss ? aidan : oh , yeah . mrs. cambias will be all blissed out very , very soon , as long as we honor our quest and protect her from those that wish her harm . [ scene_break ] erica : you , having michael cambias ' child ? that -- it 's just so horrible . i mean , how can you even say that ? even the words are just -- bianca : mom , i have to know . if i were having michael 's baby , would you cut me out of your life ? would you erase me from the family photo albums and refuse my calls ? erica : bianca , you have terminated your pregnancy . why are you doing this ? there 's no reason to have this discussion . jack : maybe there is , erica . erica : why ? what possible reason could there be to have a hypothetical `` what- if `` conversation about something that could never happen , will never happen ? bianca : mom , i heard you say to uncle jack that you 're never going to talk to kendall again . erica : well , i never meant for you to hear that . bianca : but you meant what you said , did n't you ? erica : look , i -- i ca n't talk about this . not here , not anywhere . bianca : mom , mom , please ? it 's important . erica : honey , i love you . but this conversation is over . bianca : i know you love me . you love kendall , too . will you stop loving her because she decided to have this baby ? and what about me ? could you still love me if i were having michael 's child ? erica : if kendall loved you , she would never have chosen to have the child of the man who raped you . bianca : ok , so what if it were my decision ? erica : stop this , please . bianca : would you automatically hate my baby if i decided to have it ? erica : do n't say that . of course not . i could never hate a baby . jack : erica , bianca 's just looking for answers . erica : i can not listen to this . i ca n't listen to this . i ca n't . jack : erica , we have to talk about this . erica : i ca n't discuss this . i ca n't discuss this , and i wo n't . not here , not now , not anywhere . bianca : no , mom -- mom , please ? jack : bianca , bianca , just let her go . bianca : uncle jack , what have i done ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : are you going to talk to me ? you keep playing with my clothes . ryan : where has talking gotten me ? i mean , you tell me one thing and then you do the complete opposite . you swear to me that i can trust you , and then i find you in kendall 's condo , in her shower . greenlee : you 're in my drawers right now , and i 'm not complaining . ryan : no , no -- do n't you try to cute your way out of this . greenlee : you think i 'm cute ? ryan : i think you 're a pain in the ass . greenlee : in a good way , right ? ryan : i thought you said you did n't want to lose me . greenlee : i do n't . ryan : let me ask you something -- how many lies do you think you can tell me before i walk ? greenlee : ryan , i want to help you . ryan : by carving up kendall 's life ? greenlee : by saving a few lives , including yours . why are you so mad ? come on , what 's the big deal ? my plan was totally nonviolent . ryan : you 're kidding me , right ? greenlee : all i wanted to do was get a picture of kendall stripped down . if she was still zero -- a size zero -- there would be no cambias heir and you 'd cash out . ryan : i do n't care about the money . greenlee : everybody cares about the money , especially kendall , and that belly is her ticket to billions . ryan : let me ask you something . wait , wait , stop , i want to ask you something . what is it going to take -- i 'm just curious -- what 's it going to take for you to believe that kendall 's actually pregnant ? greenlee : well , you can take the picture for me . she 'd be a hell of a lot more willing to pose for you . oh , something artsy , even . ryan : oh , just drop this , greenlee . just drop it . greenlee : why do n't you just take a few shots , ok ? i 'm sure you see kendall naked all the time . ryan : what ? yes , of course i do . greenlee : now who 's lying ? ryan : this is none of your business . greenlee : you have n't seen kendall naked lately , have you ? ryan : who do you think scrubs her back , greenlee ? greenlee : ryan ? ryan , level with me . ryan : wait , wait , why are we talking about my private life ? greenlee : kendall 's not sleeping with you right now , is she ? and i bet i know why . ryan : yeah , maybe because she 's on trial for murder , because the press are hounding her and she 's being stalked by a madwoman . kind of kills the mood . greenlee : no , no , do n't put this on me . i 'm the only one in this room with 20/20 . ryan : oh , really ? so you honestly do n't see anything wrong with being a paparazza in kendall 's shower ? greenlee : it was genius ! admit it . ryan : it was desperate and it was borderline psycho . greenlee : no , no , no , i 'm not the wacko here . you 're the one who 's caught up in the nightmare that kendall calls reality . ryan : and you 're going to bust me out ? greenlee : someone has to . ryan : listen to me , greenlee . listen . all right , i understand -- i really do -- i understand that you 're unhappy and you feel like -- you feel like the whole word is being pulled out from underneath you , that people have let you down , but -- but you 're grasping at everything and everyone to try and make sense of it . but listen to me -- beating up on kendall is not the way . greenlee : at least i 'm not naive enough to believe everything that spills out of her mouth . ryan : come on , greenlee ! i love her , ok ? and for the last time , will you just please , please leave my fiancée alone ? greenlee : fiancée ? after everything she 's done to you and everyone in this town , you 're going to marry that -- when did it happen ? ryan : you were there . greenlee : you accepted kendall 's proposal ? ryan : after she 's acquitted , we 're getting married . [ scene_break ] bianca : i really screwed up with mom , did n't i ? jack : you tried , kiddo . but your mother 's history , with all her memories , she just -- she just was n't ready to hear about your baby , even hypothetically . bianca : yeah , but will she ever be ready ? i mean , you saw her . she came unglued . she went off on kendall . and what she said about it being cruel to burden a child with this legacy -- i mean , is that right ? do you think i 'm selfish to want this baby ? jack : no , no , absolutely not . honey , you already love this little soul inside of you so much . and you know love conquers all , right ? bianca : i 'm not so sure , uncle jack . i mean , everything about having this child has felt so right for me , but how is it ever going to be ok for mom ? jack : well , i 'll tell you how -- because when i get out of here , you and i -- we 're going to sit down and we 're going to talk to her together . honey , you have to . the longer you wait , the worse it 's going to be . and besides , you and me -- we get together , we are an unbeatable team . we are irresistible , ok ? we 'll make this work out for everyone , i promise . bianca : as soon as you get out ? jack : yeah . bianca : which is going to be soon , right ? jack : yeah , any time now . bianca : kendall thinks that she 's going to be acquitted just as fast . jack : that 's the way it looks . so , with all that good information , why are n't you doing cartwheels ? bianca : uncle jack , who do you think they 're going to arrest next ? jack : i do n't know . lord knows , they 've got a barrelful of suspects from which to choose , though , huh ? bianca : so you think it 's going to be somebody we know ? jack : i think that 's a possibility . i think also it 's a possibility that they may never find who killed michael cambias . and even if they do , the charges they brought against kendall are going to cripple their case . that was supposed to make you feel better . what 's wrong , kiddo ? bianca : it 's -- it 's nothing . jack : the cops are going to need an eyewitness or a signed confession . bianca , honestly , it looks like this is one sleeping dog that might just lie for eternity with everyone 's blessings . bianca : i think i was there . i think i saw who killed michael cambias . [ scene_break ] kendall : erica ? well , you 're not the person i expected to see here . well , please , come in out of the cold . erica : thank you . kendall : at the courthouse , you -- you said that you hated me . erica : i did , yes . kendall : well , i -- i do n't blame you . i mean , of course you hate me . those are from palmer . was n't that sweet of him ? erica : you 're doing this incorrectly . you know , you really need to cut the stems on an angle , and then they 'll last longer . kendall : oh . well , i guess i 've never had much of a green thumb . erica : they 're so delicate . kendall : erica , are you ok ? erica : of course i 'm ok . why would n't i be ok ? michael : erica , what 's wrong ? hmm ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : why did you accept kendall 's proposal ? ryan : i love her . greenlee : ever since you came back , you 've really been there for me . ryan : excuse me ? i mean , you thought i was up to no good . you beat me up all over the place . greenlee : i was wrong . i admit it . everyone makes mistakes . ryan : well , my marriage to kendall is not a mistake . greenlee : i wish you 'd think about it . ryan : it 's what i want . greenlee : ryan , you helped me take off leo 's ring , and i was n't ready , but you got me there . when carlos and i got hit by that car , you kept me alive . when those thugs were ready to slice and dice me and pablo , you stopped them . at the ski lodge -- god knows what would 've happened if you were n't there . and then when pablo and i broke up , who was front and center ? i owe you so much . ryan : you do n't owe me anything . friends help each other . greenlee : well , then let me help you now . see , i thought that pablo and i were meant to be together -- fate , destiny , and all that . all the danger and excitement made everything hotter and brighter until we flamed out . i guess `` fizzled `` is more like it . ryan : well , i 'm -- i 'm sorry that you got burned , greenlee , but kendall and i -- we put in the miles , and what we have is real . greenlee : look , i thought what pablo and i had was real , too . but once all the drama was over , we could n't get back to what we had -- if we ever had it . now , i just -- i do n't want that to happen to you . ryan : it wo n't , ok ? because kendall and i , we have -- you know , we have a history , and that history gives us roots , and the roots will just keep us -- keep us grounded in reality . greenlee : i just want you to be happy , and i do n't see how you can be , married to kendall . ryan : well , i will be . we will be because we know how much work it 's going to take to keep it . greenlee : no , you should n't have to work that hard . i 'm sorry , but hooking up for kendall -- hooking up with kendall for life -- i mean , you 're taking a hell of a chance . ryan : i 'm willing to risk it . greenlee : marriage is n't an extreme sport . you know , with kendall , is it really `` till death do us part `` kind of love , or is it just another adrenaline rush ? ryan : ok , you want me to say it ? because i 'll say it again . i love kendall . greenlee : prove it . ryan : how ? greenlee : unless you 're afraid you ca n't . ryan : ok , i 'll bite . how do you want me to prove that i love kendall ? greenlee : make love to me . [ scene_break ] mia : what kind of errand brings you to the middle of nowhere , aidan ? [ kendall moans ] aidan : i had to see you , kendall . i had to be with you . kendall : oh , aidan , it has been way too long . i thought we 'd never be together . are you sure nobody knows ? aidan : you mean mia ? kendall : mm - hmm . aidan : no . [ kendall moans ] aidan : she believes everything i tell her . mia : aidan , you jerk ! aidan : all right , legs together . hearts of celery soup with a dash of flaxseed . fred : ah , you are one of the true ones , no doubt about it . for that which i 'm about to receive -- mmm , mmm . nectar of the goddesses . care to join me ? aidan : that 's all right . you -- you eat up and sleep well because i 'll be back with breakfast , ok ? fred : hearts of bacon , perhaps ? aidan : no , no , but i can see what i can do . is there anything else that you shall need ? fred : you are the kindest host i have ever known on any planet . aidan : i aim to please , fred . like before , i 'm going to lock the door so you can continue your retreat in peace , ok ? fred : and to make sure that the good mrs. cambias is safe from darker forces , correct ? aidan : that 's our quest . fred : and a noble one it is , sir aidan . aidan : the key . mia : i know what 's going on here . you 're not going to get away with it ! fred : elohim ! you are here . have mercy on me ! mia : excuse me ? fred : it was written that an astral angel would deliver me . i never thought it possible until now ! [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm not the only one who lost time that night . mom told me that she has forgotten a whole chunk of what happened . she -- she remembers being with david hayward , and then nothing , like a black hole . jack : what ? what , what , what , bianca ? bianca : bits and pieces of that night are starting to come back to me . jack : so what do you think you remember ? sweetheart , you can tell me . bianca : i think that the person who killed michael cambias is mom . [ scene_break ] kendall : erica , what 's the matter ? are you sick ? do you want to lie down ? michael : ok , let me take care of you . erica : no . no . kendall : are you sure ? you seem like you 're a little bit out of it . of course you are . you must be totally stressed out . michael : let me -- let me take you to the bedroom . unless you prefer the couch ? erica : no . michael : erica , you need to rest until you feel stronger . erica : i said no , and i meant it . do n't -- do n't come near me . michael : erica , do n't be like this . i want to help you . kendall : are you sure -- are you sure you 're ok ? erica , can -- can you hear me ? erica : stay away from me ! i mean it ! do n't touch me ! michael : oh , come on , erica . do n't be like this now . come on . erica : do n't you come near me . i swear i 'll kill you ! [ next_on ] greenlee : before you take the big plunge with kendall , take this mini plunge with me . no one ever has to know . kendall : please do n't do this ! erica : you never , never should 've come back to this town , michael cambias . kendall : no -- bianca : the night that michael was killed -- david , did mom do it ? | erica expresses her horror , to jack , to believe it could be true that `` her daughter `` would be pregnant by michael cambias . at first , jack assumes she 's talking about bianca . but when she reveals she is talking about kendall , and how she could never forgive kendall for doing such a thing , jack knows it 's not the time to reveal to her that kendall is , in fact , faking , and bianca is choosing to have the child of michael cambias . bianca enters and overhears their conversation , and asks her mother what she 'd do if it was her , instead of kendall , who is choosing to have michael 's child . this is too much for erica to deal with . |
[ monitor flatlines ] angie : get me a damn crash cart ! he 's in cardiac arrest . i need you to take over the compressions . dr. sigman : got it . angie : set it at 360 . julia : we 're charged . angie : clear ! [ angie applies the defibrillator paddles to frankie 's lifeless body ] [ scene_break ] zach : whoa -- easy -- where 's the fire ? aidan : where 's greenlee ? zach : i thought she 'd be here . aidan : well , obviously she 's not . zach : all right , slow down , ok ? aidan : they 're supposed to let me know if anything changes , all right ? i left them three numbers -- what the hell else am i supposed to do ? zach : you 're supposed to calm down -- hey . [ aidan sighs ] zach : she 's somewhere in the hospital , so calm down , let 's go look for her . are you ready ? aidan : all right . zach : all right . [ scene_break ] [ monitor flatlines ] angie : hit him again , same charge . julia : come on , frankie . angie : get them the hell out of here ! kendall : no -- no -- do n't even think about it . angie : clear ! julia : nonreactive . angie : come on , frankie . come on , baby , i need you to fight , ok ? i need you to fight , frankie -- i need you to fight ! greenlee : oh , my god , kendall . that could be me . [ monitor beeps normally ] angie : heart rate ? julia : 120 . angie : he 's out of v - fib . greenlee : does that mean he 's ok ? kendall : yeah , he 's breathing again . i can hear it on the machine . greenlee : oh , thank god . orderly : miss , i really have to get you to your test . greenlee : hey , back off . that guy saved my life -- the least i can do is make sure he 's still breathing . kendall : it 's ok -- greenlee ? it 's ok -- frankie made it . he 's alive . it 's ok . dr. sigman : pulse is steady and regular . angie : get me 100 of lidocaine for an iv push and set up a drip . julia : got it . angie : dr. sigman , i want an echocardiogram , stat . dr. sigman : yes , dr. hubbard . angie : that was a close one , frankie . but you pulled through , baby . mama is very , very proud of you . i love you so much . [ scene_break ] aidan : oh , thank god -- where were you ? zach : hey . greenlee : i went to see frankie . zach : how is he ? greenlee : i do n't know . they just got him out of cardiac arrest . kendall : frankie 's fine . he 's -- he 's stable right now . it just shook us up a little bit . aidan : what caused it ? greenlee : they gave him a drug that 's supposed to make us better , and it almost killed him . aidan : hey -- you do n't know that . greenlee : i was there , aidan . he flatlined . aidan : but he 's ok now . greenlee : yeah , for how long ? this thing is eating us alive . i need to go take another test . aidan : what ? what -- what kind of test ? greenlee : the kind that 's supposed to tell the doctors what they do n't know , only they take all these tests , and they still do n't know . aidan : hey . it 's all right . greenlee : i 'm sorry . aidan : i 'll take you , ok ? greenlee : thanks . kendall : she 's so scared , zach . zach : i know . kendall : you should 've seen her face when frankie stopped breathing . it was like she was looking at a picture of herself . and she even said it -- she even said `` that could be me . `` well , it ca n't be , zach -- it ca n't . we ca n't lose her now . [ scene_break ] angie : what do you see ? dr. sigman : frankie 's cardiac episode may not have been caused by his reaction to the poison . angie : which means it could be a direct result of the antitoxin . dr. sigman : mm - hmm , but without another human test study -- angie : yeah , i -- i know , doctor . we ca n't really be sure if the antidote is working at all . so , what would be your recommendation , nick ? [ nick sighs ] nick : wait for the patient to build up his strength and try a different dosage . angie : well , that 's going to take time , which we do n't have at the moment . nick : i 'll go check on that echo . dr. hubbard ? for what it 's worth , it 's been a real privilege working with you . i 've learned more about infectious diseases in a week than i did in four years at med school . angie : thanks . [ scene_break ] babe : the `` go red for women `` campbell 's heart - healthy fashion show is fusion 's biggest event of the year . no , no , no -- i do n't need excuses , i need those numbers ! ava : whew , today is not the day to be on babe 's bad side . amanda : when i left her last night , she was fine . ava : yeah , well , something 's got her freaking out . babe : has anybody seen the stat sheet for the `` go red `` campaign ? finally ! thank you . amanda : oh -- i bet i know what this is about . ava : well , dish , dish . amanda : richie novak . ava : oh , annie 's psycho brother ? amanda : actually , he 's kind of hot . ava : hmm -- hot and psycho . sounds like a perfect match . babe : am i the only one working today , ladies ? ava : i guess so . amanda : babe , what 's wrong ? i mean , you seem a little -- babe : overworked ? amanda : i was going to say `` tense . `` babe : `` tense `` ? amanda : yes , babe -- tense . look , i know i left you with richie last night -- my bad . did something happen ? babe : yeah , yeah -- he just saw the rest of his life go flying out the window . amanda : what ? what do you mean ? [ babe sighs ] babe : richie needs a bone marrow transplant . annie was going to be a donor , but she was n't a match . amanda : wow , that really sucks . babe : yeah . amanda : have you talked to annie ? babe : i called . anyway , i -- i 'm really , really sorry i 'm in such a crappy mood today , ok ? there 's just not a lot of good news flying around pine valley these days . [ scene_break ] angie : are these the latest of the cdc lab approvals ? julia : for the first round of tests , yeah . angie : all right -- why do n't you go ahead and initiate another full panel ? julia : i 'll call that in . angie : all right , thanks . julia : angie ? what happened back there ? it seemed like frankie 's electrolytes were leveling off , but then -- angie : and then he arrested . it could 've been the poison , could 've been the antidote -- we 're working in the dark here , julia . joe ? joe : yes ? oh -- angie : i 'm sorry to keep you waiting . it 's been a little bit intense out here this morning . joe : yes , well , it 's perfectly understandable . dr. angela hubbard , matthew tassler , one of our toxicology lab technicians . angie : yes , matt -- we 've spoken on the phone . matthew : it 's a pleasure . joe : yeah . sharon black , one of our new interns . sharon : it 's an honor to be working with you , dr. hubbard . angie : oh , it 's good to have you here , too . listen , i asked julia to join us . matthew : hi . joe : and you all know nurse keefer . julia : yeah . joe : ok , let 's get started . angie : well , you 've done some good work here , sharon -- though there 's another piece of the puzzle . patient one , male , mid 20s -- he just suffered a cardiac incident and had to be resuscitated . joe : he what ? i had no idea . is -- is frankie all right ? angie : uh , he 's -- he 's stable for now . joe : yeah ? everyone , could you please give us a few minutes alone ? julia : yeah . joe : please ? julia : come on , guys . joe : why did n't you page me ? angie : there was n't time . joe : it 's not going to work out . you 're here , you are having to treat your own son -- that does n't -- angie : look , he was dying , joe , ok ? frankie was going to die if i -- if i did n't react , so i do n't need you to stand here and -- and give me some speech about medical ethics ! i do n't want to hear it , because i did what i had to do -- i did ! i did ! oh , my god , i almost killed him ! joe : hey . angie : oh , joe , i almost killed my own son ! [ scene_break ] kendall : yeah , yeah -- the spotlight 's always on greenlee . greenlee : well , i hope it keeps shining bright for my big finish , because this could be my last performance , ladies and gentlemen . aidan : that 's not funny . greenlee : hey , would you guys relax ? they say morbid humor is good for you . aidan : listen , i 'm going to -- i 'm going to call jack , give him an update , all right ? greenlee : ok . i love you . guys get so weird when you 're sick , do n't they -- like they want to fix everything , only this time , they ca n't . kendall : well , i think aidan is worried about you , that 's all . greenlee : i know . i 'm worried about me , too . kendall : can i do anything for you ? greenlee : yes -- go to that meeting with your publisher . kendall : no , no , forget it . greenlee : what are you going to do instead ? sit around here and watch me die ? kendall : that 's not funny . greenlee : you have to go , kendall . i discovered you as an author , and if you do n't show , it 'll make me look bad . ahem -- besides -- kendall : no , i got it . [ greenlee coughs ] greenlee : besides , `` charm `` is going to be a big publicity coup for fusion . kendall : see , of course -- you 're in a hospital bed , and you 're still the queen of spin . greenlee : hmm . and you promised i could go on the book tour . kendall : true . greenlee : make sure they know i only fly first - class and that i 'll need a suite at all the hotels . kendall : ok . anything else , madam ? greenlee : yeah , yeah -- tell them to throw in george clooney . now , seriously , you 're going to be late . kendall : no , greenlee -- greenlee : get out of here . kendall : greenlee , no ! i 'm telling you i 'm not going to leave you like this -- i wo n't , ok ? zach : would i be a suitable replacement for you ? greenlee : oh , listen , your wife has important book business to attend to . will you kick her out of here for me ? zach : you heard her -- get out . we got bomb shelter stuff to talk about . kendall : right . greenlee : and awful , awful jokes . zach : yeah . [ greenlee chuckles ] kendall : ok , well , then i guess you 're in good hands . greenlee : the best . kendall : ok , i 'm -- i 'm going to call you , ok -- are you sure ? greenlee : kendall ! kendall : all right , ok ! i 'm going -- books , glory , all that fun stuff . i am leaving . goodbye . zach : i 'll call you -- bye . kendall : yes , please call me ? zach : we 'll call each other . [ greenlee sighs ] greenlee : she was hovering . zach : she did n't want to leave you . greenlee : yeah , but i needed her to . i mean , i want kendall here , but sometimes i just need to -- zach : come here . come here . [ zach holds greenlee while she cries ] zach : ok . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] joe : it 's all right . angie : oh , gosh . i 'm sorry . um -- that was pretty unprofessional , was n't it ? joe : you do n't have to hide your feelings from me . angie : frankie almost died , joe . joe : yeah . angie : he was in v - fib . joe : yeah , and you pulled him back . angie : well , we might not be so lucky the next time . joe : it had nothing to do with luck . it had everything to do with your skill as a physician . angie : with a specialization in toxicology and infectious diseases -- joe : yeah . angie : not that it 's doing us any good right now . joe : ok , ok . i admit , this case is baffling . i still think you are the best doctor for the case . and we are going to beat this thing , huh ? angie : we 'd better -- joe : yeah . angie : because we 've got two lives depending on it . the patient is becoming more hypertensive . his liver enzymes are elevated and there 's been a decrease in urine output . julia : so both his liver and his kidneys have been compromised ? angie : worse . they 're shutting down completely . matthew : what about his blood panels ? angie : uh -- his recent co - ag studies are off , and his platelet count is steadily declining . joe : and now with the heart attack -- angie : his cardiovascular system has clearly been affected . joe : mm - hmm . sharon : but there 's been a divergence in the way the two patients are reacting to the poison . julia : i read about the water hemlock study in the cdc files . two patients were infected with the same toxin , but reacted differently . joe : mm - hmm . angie : i 'm familiar with the study . sharon : how were they cured ? angie : they were n't . both of the subjects died . joe : still , in those cases , the onset of the symptoms was much quicker than our cases . angie : unfortunately , that does n't help us here . joe : yeah . sharon : so , what do we do ? angie : we keep the patients alive as long as we can . and we hope that science or one of god 's miracles falls in our laps . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh ! oh , god , i hate crying . oh . i feel like the last few months , i 've just become the biggest , like -- zach : you 're such a baby , getting stuff all over me . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : hey . zach : here . greenlee : thanks . you know i love when you pick on me . zach : you know i like doing it . greenlee : still , no one will tell me anything around here . they keep whispering in corners and acting like they 're not talking about me when i know they are . zach : it 's all about you , huh ? such an egomaniac -- where do you get that ? greenlee : i 'm serious . zach : so what ? you 've got a big mouth -- use it . ask them . greenlee : yeah . oh . nick : could i have a moment alone with the patient ? zach : i 'll be back . greenlee : oh . nick : hi . greenlee : hi . nick : all right . greenlee : oh . nick : ok . all right . now , just breathe normally . greenlee : so -- doc , i was thinking that maybe we could be on a first - name basis . [ nick chuckles ] nick : breathe . greenlee : i 'm greenlee , and so that would make you -- nick : nicholas . greenlee : nicholas . nick : my friends call me nick . how you feeling ? greenlee : not so great , but i 'm still here . huh . nick : you tired ? greenlee : yeah , and my throat 's still a little sore from that -- nick : the tube down your throat ? greenlee : yeah . nick : yeah . greenlee : but i 'm talking better , which is the good thing -- and the bad thing for some people . nick : that 's good . greenlee : so , nick , frankie had a heart attack . does that mean that i 'll have one ? nick : your conditions are similar , but not identical . greenlee : so , is that a yes or a no ? nick : well , for now , it does n't appear as if your heart 's been affected by the toxin . greenlee : ok . i 'll take that as a positive sign . nick : good . nurse : doctor ? nick : yeah . thank you . greenlee : is that about me ? nick : yeah , just some new blood work . greenlee : you do n't like what you see ? i 'm a big girl , nick -- i can take it . nick : you know , i 'm -- i 'm just going to consult with dr. hubbard on this . for now , just sit tight , get some rest and try not to worry , ok ? greenlee : yeah , sure . that 'll happen . [ scene_break ] babe : ooh -- i really like this one . amanda : oh , me , too . babe : you know , why do n't we do a fusion green tie - in ? we could give a shout out to saving the planet while helping women get healthier . amanda : works for me , especially the women getting healthier part . babe : yes . amanda : i like that one . babe : yeah , that 's really hot . amanda : hey , kendall , how 's greenlee ? [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] angie : thank you . nick : dr. hubbard ? angie : her enzyme levels are rising too rapidly . nick : and there 's decreased kidney function and anemia . she must be bleeding internally . angie : damn ! nick : should we go in and try to find the source ? angie : we ca n't risk a surgery , nick . she 's too weak . nick : dr. hubbard , if i can be candid , this patient is deteriorating even faster than your son , all right ? our only other choice is -- angie : the antitoxin -- i know that . but i need to see a full workup on the overall effects before i can use it again . nick : i do n't know , dr. hubbard . right now , this drug might be the best chance for her to survive . angie : we have to at least try to explore other options . i 've already risked frankie 's life . now , i need the test results before we gamble with greenlee 's . aidan : is it that bad ? angie : unfortunately , yes . jack : angie , i just want to know everything , ok ? angie : why do n't we go in here where we can talk privately , ok ? jack : all right . angie : will you check on frankie 's labs for me again ? nick : yeah , i 'm on my way . [ angie sighs ] angie : layman 's terms -- greenlee 's organs are shutting down . we need an antidote to help counter the effects of the toxin . aidan : yeah , well , i just heard you telling your colleagues that it might kill her . jack : aidan -- angie : this is an unknown drug . now , there are several variables that we 're dealing with here . aidan : angie , i do n't get it , all right ? you 've been working with your team in the lab for -- for days now , all right ? you 've consulted the cdc , poison control , the department of agriculture . i mean , are you telling me that you ca n't find a simple cure in this day and age -- jack : hold it down . aidan : with modern medicine for a simple poisonous plant ? angie : please , have a seat . come on . i wish it were that simple . the toxin has mutated . it 's binding to selective cells and assaulting greenlee 's entire system . jack : angie , just , you know -- spare us the science and just tell us what are our real choices here , ok ? angie : we 've developed an antitoxin . we gave it to frankie . aidan : yeah , and it gave him a heart attack . angie : we ca n't be sure what brought on frankie 's cardiac episode . aidan : oh . jack : ok , so you 're saying it might not have been this -- this antidote , right ? angie : well , i -- his system was very weak . he may have had a pre - existing condition that we were n't aware of . jack : ok , just -- just to make sure i understand what you 're saying , you 're saying that this -- this antitoxin , it might still work for greenlee ? angie : not until i see the full results from frankie 's trial . aidan : but quite clearly , greenlee is running out of time . angie : look , i know that this is an ugly disease . and i know how frustrating it is to hear `` i do n't know `` as a doctor and as a parent . [ pager beeps ] angie : that 's dr. sigman . aidan : listen , angie , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry i 'm losing it . angie : it 's -- it 's ok . i -- we 're doing everything we can . everything -- trust me . jack : thank you , angie . angie : sure . [ monitor beeps ] jack : how is she ? julia : she 's resting . jack : maybe i should just let her sleep . julia : i think she 'd like to see you . jack : yeah ? julia : yeah . just be positive , keep her strong . jack : absolutely , of course i will . of course -- aidan , do you want to go in ? aidan : no , i 'm fine . i 'll wait here . jack : thanks . thanks , julia . jack : hey , kiddo -- huh . greenlee : hey . jack : how you feeling ? greenlee : like i just fell off the roof . that was supposed to be funny . do n't go getting all emotional on me , jack . jack : huh -- all right , i promise you something . i wo n't get emotional if you do n't forget you made me the promise to call me dad . greenlee : ok -- dad . [ scene_break ] joe : so the lab confirmed it was a cicutoxin ? angie : but we 're still guessing at the drug . joe : all right . well , then , it 's your call , angie . angie : the only chance that we have to save them both is if we inject greenlee right away . it 's a crap shoot , and i 'm not even sure it 's ethically or morally the right thing to do . joe : yeah . angie : i do n't know , my instincts tell me that both frankie and greenlee will die if we do n't at least try . joe : mm - hmm . angie : no pressure , huh ? joe : yeah , well , you trust your instincts , that 's going to be their best chance . [ scene_break ] jack : can i get you anything ? greenlee : hmm -- oh , actually -- jack : what ? greenlee : my barrette . jack : this ? well , that 's a pretty thing , huh ? greenlee : yeah . kendall gave it to me . it was her grandma mona 's . jack : mona 's ? greenlee : yeah . jack : mona was a great lady . greenlee : kendall knows i hate the way hospitals make me feel , so the little things help . jack : you bet . let me help you with that , huh ? greenlee : huh . jack : here you go . greenlee : huh . jack : here you go . greenlee : boy . this is really awful . jack : i know it is . greenlee : i mean , the hell of it is , you know , i just got everything back -- my family , my friends , aidan . jack : well , it 's those people , the people who love you , who are going to help you through this . i -- huh . i called your mother . greenlee : what ? jack , why did you do that ? nothing good ever happens when she is in the picture . she 's either going to ignore this -- my prediction -- or she 'll show up with her latest boy toy and make this all about her . sorry -- no , thank you . jack : greenlee , i agree with everything you say , but i did feel that she had a right to know , ok ? greenlee : it 's ok . -- i 'm just scared . jack : you 're going to make it through this , because you 're a montgomery . montgomery 's -- they do n't give up easily , so do n't you . [ scene_break ] kendall : where is she now ? zach : she 's in with jack . so far , so good . kendall : uh , how 's aidan ? zach : he 's had a rough morning , but he 's going to be all right . kendall : god , zach , i hate this . i hate that she made me take this stupid meeting . zach : well , you heard what she said . you know , greenlee thinks it 's kind of her book , as well . kendall : yeah , i know . but this feels so unimportant right now . zach : well , it is important because you 're important to her . kendall : yeah , well , clearly , i 'm not the only one . sorry , uh -- that did n't sound good . i 'm -- i 'm glad that the two of you are , you know , joking around and finishing each other 's sentences and -- i think it 's great . zach : hey , hey , she needs all the help she can get right now . kendall : will you call me if there 's any change ? zach : you know i will . i love you . kendall : i love you . kelly : kendall hart -- kendall : hi , kelly . hi . kelly : so , is `` charm `` like the greatest thing in your life , or what ? [ scene_break ] aidan : are those frankie 's lab results ? angie : unfortunately , the test results are still inconclusive . joe : which means that under normal circumstances , we would take more time to assess frankie 's reaction to the medication . aidan : yeah , but these are n't normal circumstances , are they ? greenlee 's running out of time . angie : that 's my concern . jack : angie , what can we do ? angie : we can administer the antitoxin to greenlee . aidan : yeah , the one that almost killed frankie . angie : yes , but we did learn some things from his most recent results . and we 've made some adjustments . jack : but the bottom line is , you still do n't know if this will work . angie : no . jack : so what you 're saying is , you want to put a little bit of this in my daughter , a little bit of that , and you do n't even know what 's going to happen when you do ? joe : jack , nobody wants to see greenlee suffer . angie : but the clock is ticking . and if we do n't do something soon , i 'm afraid the possible side effects wo n't matter . aidan : because she will die ? angie : yes , she will die . greenlee 's system is failing more rapidly than we anticipated . she could crash at any moment . now , i know this is an impossible decision . i just had to make it myself for frankie . but when i tell you that this is her only chance , i mean it . now , yes , greenlee may die with this antidote , but she will definitely die without it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so , they 're saying if i agree to this new treatment , i could die . but if i do n't do it , i 'll die , anyway ? jack : it 's a little more complicated than that , but yeah , that 's basically it . aidan : we do n't have much time to decide . greenlee : well , this is literally a do - or - die situation . aidan : what are you thinking ? greenlee : i 'd like to talk to zach . [ scene_break ] kendall : this looks great . ok , so it 'll go out today ? amanda : babe and i have it covered . kendall : thank you so much , amanda . amanda : no problem . sorry about the interruption . love the book cover , by the way . kelly : thank you . kendall : ok , so , where were we ? kelly : we were looking at the cover . your friend is right , you look fantastic . kendall : thanks . wow , that 's a -- that 's a big picture . kelly : for a big book . our readers are going to love it . which is why we want to get you out there on the road to meet them asap . kendall : oh , right . you 're talking about the book tour . kelly : face time with the public sells product . kendall : i know , i -- look , i think this is great . all of it is great . but i have two small children at home . and -- i run a business . and my business partner and my best friend is very ill . so , i would love to help out with this , but i do n't really know -- kelly : i -- i understand completely . and my prayers are with greenlee . we will make this work , kendall . you just leave the scheduling to me . fans everywhere are going to want to meet the woman who wrote such a fun , fabulous , and sexy story . kendall : thanks . so when does the book come out , exactly ? kelly : february 5 , but you can already preorder it online . kendall : that 's just a few days away . kelly : we 're planning a lavish premiere party . i hope greenlee will be able to make it . we were so thrilled when she brought your book to us . kendall : she 'll be there . we do everything together . she would n't miss it for the world . [ scene_break ] [ aidan sighs ] jack : what is it , aidan ? aidan : nothing . jack : are you angry because greenlee asked for zach ? aidan : if zach can help greenlee through this , then i shall kiss his ring . i 'm angry because greenlee 's going through this . [ scene_break ] zach : so you 're in a bit of a tough spot . greenlee : again . zach : we 've been through worse . greenlee : for five weeks , you willed me to survive in that bomb shelter . i need your help one last time . zach : let 's figure it out . [ scene_break ] angie : you got to pull it together , angela hubbard . you got to pull it together , girl . you got work to do . hey . hey , baby . frankie : mom -- my chest -- angie : you had a setback , but everything is fine . you 're doing ok . mama 's here . i 'm going to take really , really good care of you , ok ? [ scene_break ] jack : no , honey , there has n't been any change . yes , greenlee knows you hate hospitals just as much as she does , so -- you bet . i 'll tell her that , ok , ok hey , i love you . all right , bye . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you make it sound so easy . zach : yeah , well , it 's not going to be easy , but i know that the girl that climbed out of that little bunker is a lot stronger than the one that fell into it . greenlee : you mean the one who freaks out at snakes and corpses ? zach : uh - uh . the one who told a tough guy like me that i will see my family again . greenlee : well , that was easy . you love kendall and the boys . zach : well , this is bigger than that . i do care about you . and i want you to live . because all those silly dreams you told me about , all those silly , little -- i do n't know , i just -- i want those dreams to come true for you . i know you 're scared . i 'm scared , too . because who knows what this thing is that we 're fighting here ? but we 'll do it . you 'll do it . you 're going to grab it by the neck and throw it down and beat it . because that 's what you do . i 've seen it . would n't be here without that . greenlee : so , you think i should just roll the dice and do this thing ? i mean , not like i have any choice . zach : it 's a piece of cake . greenlee : yeah ? zach : yeah . greenlee : you have that much faith in me ? zach : i do . so come on , let 's beat this thing and go home . [ next_on ] erica : what a surprise , mr. woods . samuel : i was under the impression that your producer was trying to reach me . ryan ( to annie and emma ) : who are you ? greenlee ( to joe ) : let 's do this . | frankie goes into cardiac arrest , and angie has a hard time stabilizing him . angie blames herself for giving frankie the antidote that could have cost frankie his life . as greenlee watches them working on frankie , greenlee realizes that that could have been her . as the orderly takes greenlee back to her room , they meet up with jack and aidan . kendall visits greenlee and offers her words of encouragement that she will beat this illness . greenlee insists that krystal meet with her publisher . kendall has some reservations about leaving greenlee , but she leaves to go to her appointment . angie finds out from the lab technician that greenlee is bleeding internally . the lab technician suggests that greenlee have surgery , but angie insists that greenlee is n't strong enough for surgery . angie fills jack and aidan in that if greenlee has the antidote then she may die , but if she does n't have the antidote then she will surely die . jack and aidan tell greenlee the sad news . greenlee asks to talk to zach . kendall listens as zach and greenlee talk about whether or not to have the antidote . |
kathy : are you going away again ? tad : no , darling . i 'm going to stay right here with you and jenny . kathy : then why do you have all those bags ? tad : they 're krystal 's darling . she 's -- she 's going to be living somewhere else . kathy : why ? does n't she love you anymore ? [ scene_break ] [ krystal and david make wild , passionate love ] [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : you remember , do n't you ? your brother lying on the ground in his own blood . you remember because you were there . you put an end to it all . you put an end to your own brother 's life . annie : i -- i did n't want -- i tried -- [ aidan pulls down the fire alarm ] annie : what is that ? dr. sinclair : it 's all right . just finish what you were saying . annie : no , no , make it stop . dr. sinclair : no , no , i need you to focus . annie : no , it hurts . make it stop . [ dr. sinclair grunts ] dr. sinclair : all right . you keep thinking about richie . annie : make it stop . make it stop . aidan : annie ! [ aidan bangs on the wall ] aidan : annie . [ fire alarm blaring ] annie : oh , you came back . aidan : i told you . i 'm not leaving without you . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan . ryan : hi . erica : hi . ryan : i would have called to tell you i was coming over , but i know how much you love surprise guests . erica : i see . i take it that greenlee told you about the shower . ryan : yes , she did . you invited mary ? erica : i thought it would be nice for all the brides to have their mothers there to celebrate . ryan : reese 's mother has n't spoken to her since she came out , and now reese is marrying another woman . wh -- what are the chances that she 's here to celebrate ? [ scene_break ] reese : all my life you tried to force me into being who you think i should be instead of who i am , and you are still trying . why ? why ? is it because your life is so screwed up . is it because you found yourself trapped in a marriage that 's unhappy with no sex at all ? you broke dad 's spirit . you are trying to break mine . there 's no way that -- [ claire smacks reese ] claire : reese -- zach : you need to get out of here . reese : do n't . claire : this is between me and my daughter . zach : look , it 's my house . if you ca n't accept reese for who she is claire : reese is confused . she does n't know what she wants . reese : yes , i do . you just -- you just do n't want to listen . claire : i 'm sorry . i should n't have hit you , but you have to understand . reese : mom , i understand . you do n't , and i 'm just going to have to accept that . i will move on , and i think that you should , too . i have my own family now . i do n't need you or your approval . get out . i said get out . zach : you heard what she said . [ claire leaves sobbing ] [ reese sobs and hugs zach ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : i miss my best friend . bianca : what you guys have is more than just friendship . you 're as much her sister as i am . [ kendall 's eyes flutter open ] greenlee : kendall ? can you hear me ? it 's me , greenlee . [ kendall gags on her respirator tube ] bianca : no , no , no , no . it 's ok . you 're -- you 're in the hospital . the tube is helping you breathe , sweetie . you have to calm down . honey , it 's ok . i swear it 's ok . oh , my god . thank god you 're awake . we need you so much . [ scene_break ] annie : the -- the doctor knows what i did . she has pictures . they 're so bloody . aidan : annie , annie , look at me . do n't look at the pictures . annie : i did that to him . i hit richie . i killed him . aidan : you 've got to stop talking like that . if dr. sinclair hears you , she 's going to make sure you 're sent to prison for the rest of your life . annie : i have to go away . [ scene_break ] tad : krystal has been sad for a long time , and there 's nothing i can do anymore to cheer her up . kathy : when i 'm sad , krystal makes me cookies . maybe you should try that . tad : i do n't think cookies are going to fix this one . kathy : why not ? tad : baby , you 've got to understand . krystal and i have been fighting a lot . that 's not good for anybody . kathy : are you fighting because of me ? tad : no , sunshine . krystal and i both love you so much . we just do n't love each other the way we used to . that 's why she 's moving out , see ? we both decided it was best for everybody if she lived somewhere else from now on . but you 're going to see her all the time . she 's going to be here to visit before you know it . kathy : no , she wo n't . when moms leave , they never come back . [ scene_break ] krystal : first the pills and now the sex . you 've got this hold on me . i just -- i ca n't say no to you . david : do you want to ? all you have to do is say the word . i have n't heard it yet . krystal : you wo n't . david : i did n't think so . [ as they kiss , the cell phone rings ] krystal : no . come on , do n't . do n't get that . do n't . david : it 's the hospital . i have to take it . [ scene_break ] bianca : there was a tornado . the boys are -- are fine . we all are thanks to you . i -- i owe you my life . you risked yours to save me and -- and the baby . yeah . she 's fine . she 's -- she 's amazing . in fact , i -- i 'm dying for you to meet her . i mean , she 's already gotten so big . nurse : i 'm sorry . family only . you 'll have to wait outside . frankie : i need a set of gases . let 's continue the i.v . fluids . come on , people . let 's get her vitals checked . someone call the neuro . please , let 's go . [ scene_break ] ryan : i -- i know you had good intention here , ok ? but it 's not like it 's an episode from your tv show . it 's not for you to fix . erica : actually , i was following bianca 's lead . bianca reached out to -- to be the one who could bridge the gap between reese and her mother for their beautiful baby 's sake . claire was not receptive at all , so i thought i would try , you know , as one mother to another . ryan : and you never thought about clearing that with reese first ? erica : well , what bride would n't want her mother at her wedding ? ryan : greenlee is n't even thinking about the wedding right now , because there 's been too many bad omens . mary showing up was the final straw . she is convinced that the ceremony is doomed from the start . erica : maybe she 's right . [ scene_break ] zach : so erica invited your mother , huh ? that 's completely out of line . reese : uh , yeah . zach : she should n't interfere . reese : i 'm glad she did because any illusions that i had about working things out with my mother or having her accept me just disappeared when she walked through that door . zach : here . it ca n't have been easy seeing her again . reese : she 's still my mother , and i 'm going to love her even though all those hateful things come out of her mouth . she honestly thinks that -- that i am doing this to hurt her , that i am marrying bianca to act out . zach : well , she does n't know you . reese : no , she does n't . zach : but , you know , you 've got everything that 's important . you love bianca . reese : from the minute i saw her . we have this -- this amazing connection that i have never felt with anyone . except you . [ scene_break ] [ alarm blaring ] aidan : richie hurt a lot of people , annie . he had to be stopped . annie : he was my brother . how could i kill my own brother ? aidan : your -- your brother was insane , all right ? he did things . he did terrible things that drove you to your breaking point . you did n't know what you were doing . annie : yes , i did . i wanted him gone . aidan : richie put you in here , all right ? he did this to you . [ fire alarm stops ] annie : she 's going to come back . she 's going to want to know more about richie . aidan : listen . annie , you were n't yourself when you killed your brother . he drove you crazy . listen to me , all right ? when sinclair comes back in here , you do n't tell her anything , all right ? not a word . do you understand ? dr. sinclair : who are you talking to , mr. stone ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i ca n't believe she 's all right . bianca : it 's a miracle . i -- i was n't sure if i -- greenlee : it 's ok . it 's ok . we have her back . bianca : yes . i ca n't believe it . greenlee : i ca n't wait to see the look on zach 's face . bianca : oh my god , zach . i have to call zach . [ scene_break ] reese : you have been such a good friend , and sometimes i feel like you 're the only that i can be myself with . zach : come on . what about binks ? reese : i try to protect bianca . i try and protect her from things that i do n't want to hurt her , and i know that when i do that , and i 'm not honest , it just makes things worse . and with you , i do n't have to do that . i do n't have to do that . i -- we can talk . we can talk about anything and everything , and i do n't have to censor myself or worry , and -- i 've started depending on you . i started depending on you , and that really scares me , because -- i mean , i , i -- i am in love with bianca . i am marrying bianca . zach : of course , but what we have , it 's -- it 's good . you do n't have to worry about it . it 's safe because nothing 's ever going to happen here . reese : it does n't make this right . zach : hey , we all have impulses , you know ? as long as you do n't act on them , no one gets hurt . reese : i know that you 're not big on talking about your feelings , but , um , i need to know what -- what you think , what you feel when you look at me . [ phone rings ] reese : saved by the bell . [ scene_break ] greenlee : mind if i sneak in before a line starts forming at the door ? kendall : hey . greenlee : how are you feeling ? kendall : tired . greenlee : i wo n't stay long , not that i 'd have a chance . i 'm sure zach will want you all to himself . bianca went to call him , let him know you 're awake . kendall : how long has it been ? greenlee : it does n't matter . kendall : how long ? greenlee : three months . but zach never gave up hope . he always knew you 'd come back . god , i 've missed you . [ kendall looks down at greenlee 's ring ] greenlee : ryan gave it to me . kendall : oh . greenlee : turns out you were right . some things are meant to be . kendall : you and ryan ? greenlee : yeah . we 're getting married in a few weeks . i 'm so happy you 'll be there with us . kendall : what -- what happened to annie ? greenlee : a lot has happened . david : welcome back . kendall : david ? greenlee : like i said , a lot 's happened . david : more important , you have a new lease on life . everything 's normal . no obvious signs of rejection . by all accounts , the transplant was a success . kendall : transplant ? david : yeah . you have a new heart . [ machine beeps quickly ] [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i heard voices , mr. stone . who were you talking to ? aidan : i hear voices all the time . it 's the aliens trying to get inside your head . i would n't let them in if i were you . dr. sinclair : i 'm more interested in how you got out of your room . the door 's locked , yet someone saw you pull the fire alarm down the hall . care to tell me how you did that ? aidan : i 'm a secret agent . there 's no lock that i ca n't pick . dr. sinclair : or key you ca n't steal . aidan : now , now . i 'm not a thief . dr. sinclair : we 'll see about that . [ dr. sinclair frisks aidan ] aidan : ooh . do you give all your patients such personal attention ? dr. sinclair : well , well , well . what do we have here ? aidan : that 's not mine . dr. sinclair : i know . what 's it doing in your pocket ? aidan : a good spy never reveals his tricks . [ dr. sinclair chuckles ] dr. sinclair : looks like mr. stone has decided to do this the hard way . aidan : no , that 's not necessary , all right ? i 'm sleeping just fine . dr. sinclair : oh , no , no . that 's not a sedative . being a secret agent , i 'm sure you know all about truth serum . [ scene_break ] krystal : hey . i came by to get my things , but if this is not a good time , then i 'll -- tad : well , actually -- kathy : krystal , you 're back . krystal : oh , hey , pumpkin . mm . tad : honey , why do n't you go upstairs and give -- give one of your dolls a makeover for me , ok ? i -- i just want to talk to krystal for a few minutes . kathy : can you stay and play beauty parlor with me and daddy ? krystal : aw , honey , not this time , but , you know what ? i will come up and check your handiwork before i go , ok ? ok . be good . tad : go on . see you in a minute . kathy : those my bags ? tad : yeah . well , there 's still a few upstairs , but i could n't bring them down because kathy was getting pretty upset . krystal : so i guess you told her that i was moving out for good , huh ? tad : well , you know , the bags were kind of a dead giveaway . krystal : i promised her i would never leave . tad : you made a lot of promises you could n't keep . krystal : tad , i never meant to hurt you . tad : well , you did . now she 's hurting , too . that 's what happens when you make selfish choices . everybody around you suffers . [ scene_break ] ryan : on valentine 's day , we 're all going to walk down the aisle , and -- and we 're all going to say our vows . erica : well , i hope it 's a perfect wedding because bianca really deserves to be happy , and so do you , ryan . ryan : well , thank you . i am . i mean , i 'm happy . it 's taken me a while to get here , but i 'm finally happy . i 've got two incredible kids and i have an incredible woman to spend the rest of my life with , ok ? i know it sounds kind of strange , but there has been something that 's bigger than us that 's kept bringing greenlee and me back together , and now it is up to us . [ cell phone rings ] erica : excuse me . ryan : go ahead . erica : bianca ? bianca : mom . erica : what is it , honey ? what happened ? bianca : it 's kendall . [ scene_break ] zach : is it true ? greenlee : yeah , she 's awake . david 's in with her . david : i went ahead and started you on anti - rejection medicine to keep your immune system from -- kendall : hi , zach . david : i 'll be back . [ zach kisses kendall ] kendall : you look different . zach : i 'm the same . you are as beautiful as you always were . i missed your face . i thought i 'd lost you . kendall : i 'm here . zach : do n't leave me again , all right ? ca n't do it . can not deal with the family . i need you . the boys need you . kendall : it 's been so long , i probably wo n't even recognize them . zach : oh , they 'll recognize you . spike , he looks at your picture , and he kisses it every night before he goes to sleep . and ian , you -- you ask him , `` where 's your mommy ? `` and he points right to your face . yeah , they know you , and they want you to come home . i 'm glad you came back . [ scene_break ] tad : i 'd packed up all your clothes . you can look around . i did n't know what else you might need . krystal : i -- i really just want that painting that stuart did of babe , you know , and a few other photos , but i mean , you -- you can keep everything else . tad : everything else ? what else is there ? i mean , that 's about all i have left , is some pictures in a photo album . our marriage is broken , our family 's in pieces , and all because you had to jump into bed with dr. death . krystal : all right , look . i did n't come here to fight , tad , so i 'll just -- i 'll just get my stuff , i 'll go up and say goodbye to the girls before i go . tad : no , you wo n't . you 're not seeing the girls . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : it 's time to uncover the truth , mr. stone . you say you 're a secret agent . aidan : i am . dr. sinclair : that sounds like a dangerous line of work . aidan : i 've had some close calls . dr. sinclair : where ? aidan : all over the world . dr. sinclair : when was your last mission ? aidan : about nine months ago . dr. sinclair : and what was your objective ? aidan : to save a doctor . dr. sinclair : tell me about it . aidan : he was taken hostage in southern sudan ... [ aidan to himself : be vague , stick to the facts . reveal nothing . do n't break . fight it . fight for annie . ] aidan : and i got him home safe and sound . dr. sinclair : very impressive . aidan : any more questions ? dr. sinclair : just one . what 's your real name ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh , bianca , how is she ? bianca : she 's amazing . mom -- amazing . i wish you could have seen it . erica : i have to see her . bianca : no , um , um -- zach just -- he asked for a little time alone with her . erica : oh , well , of course , he did . because it 's such wonderful news . [ scene_break ] ryan : what did the doctor say ? greenlee : she has a whole team . they 've been streaming in and out of her room since she woke up . they all say she 's going to make a full recovery . ryan : that 's great news . greenlee : yeah , it should be . but something 's off . ryan : what ? what do you mean ? greenlee : she 's just not herself . ryan : well , come on . she just woke up from a coma . i 'm sure she 's trying to adjust . it 's a lot to take in , right ? [ scene_break ] erica : do you think that zach told her about gabrielle ? do you think that he told her that he 's the father ? bianca : that he 's the donor . erica : bianca , i think you need to tell her . bianca : yeah , i know . i know , i know . i mean , i wanted to before the tornado . and then gabrielle 's due date was almost two months away . that would have given kendall time to adjust to things . now she has to find out about everything a at once . reese : ok , everything that you have told me about kendall and everything i 've heard about her since i came to town is how incredible she is . and the fact that she woke up from the coma , it proves it . she 's your sister . she 'll understand . erica : i hope so . [ scene_break ] kendall : i want to see the boys . zach : you will . soon , but right now you 've got to rest . the doctor said not to overdo it . kendall : holding the boys is the best medicine for me . please . zach : all right . i 'll call rachael , bring them over here . kendall : i ca n't stop thinking about spike . he was so scared . the whole house was shaking . zach : spike 's fine . ian 's fine . not a scratch on them . you know why ? because you put them under the table . you saved their lives . kendall : that night we -- zach : let 's not talk about that night . it 's over . kendall : we were talking . i said i was n't ready to have any more kids . zach : kendall , i 'm -- kendall : no , i do n't want to wait anymore . i want to give you the little girl you 've wanted . zach : what i want is for you to get better so you can come home . it 's not going to happen if you do n't rest . kendall : zach , all i 've done is rest . i have three months to make up for . zach : you have a lifetime to make up for three months . and i swear we 'll spend every moment making you happy and making you love me , because i love you . kendall : i love you , too . zach : all right . now , listen , you stop fighting me . erica : she ca n't help it . it 's in her blood . kendall : mom . erica : i just -- i could n't wait any longer . [ scene_break ] krystal : you wo n't let me see the girls . tad : nope . jenny 's asleep . and kathy 's obviously having a bad time . if you go upstairs right now , all you 're going to do is set her off all over again . krystal : i have every right to see them , tad . tad : not according to the judge . and if i were you , i 'd be thankful i let you see them at all , considering the company you 're keeping . [ kathy listens from the stairs ] krystal : do n't you push me , tad . if you do , i swear i will take jenny and i will disappear . tad : with hayward ? you think so ? you better think again . hayward never comes anywhere near jenny , never . do you understand ? and if you push me , so help me god , neither will you . jenny means more to me than anything else in this world . i 'm not about to let you take her anywhere . krystal : i 'm going to come back and get my other bags later . tad : do n't bother . i 'll send them along to your new home . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : ok , time 's up . i need an answer . who are you ? aidan 's voice : keep it together . do n't break . aidan : you really want to know ? close the grate . [ scene_break ] erica : we got you back . you 're a living , breathing miracle . that 's what you are . kendall : that transplant saved my life . erica : i know . kendall : david explained everything . about the medication , the chances of the rejection . it 's so crazy . i have a new heart . where did it come from ? mom , what are n't you telling me ? zach : the donor was josh . kendall : what ? erica : honey , there was an accident . and josh -- josh just could n't be saved . kendall : what -- what happened ? erica : but at least your brother 's death is not in vain , because a piece of him will live on in you . kendall : so much has happened . zach : yes , a lot has happened , so let 's focus on the positive stuff . you 're back . erica : yes , and just in time to help me plan this wedding . kendall : you 're planning greenlee 's wedding ? erica : your sister 's . and bianca and reese have very , very generously offered to include greenlee in the spotlight . so it 's going to be a double ceremony . zach : oh , that reminds me . i 'll be right back . hey . time to get in there . they 're talking about wedding and such . bianca : i -- what did i tell you ? zach : you want to go and meet kendall ? reese : i -- i think i 'm just going to let bianca have some time with her sister . zach : come on . bianca : here she is , kendall . this is -- this is reese , my fiancée . [ scene_break ] tad : ok , kathy , you ready to slap some makeup on your old man ? kathy ? kathy ? kathy ? kathy ? [ footsteps pounding ] tad : honey , where are you ? kathy ! [ tad runs outside when he sees the front door open ] [ scene_break ] [ grate closing ] annie : [ whispering ] no . wait , please . dr. sinclair : enough with the stall tactics . what is your name ? aidan : aidan . dr. sinclair : aidan what ? aidan : aidan devane . dr. sinclair : i 've read annie 's file front to back . i know all about you , mr. aidan devane . how you helped arrange her daughter 's kidnapping , how you led ryan lavery and your own wife to puerto rico after extorting millions of dollars , after a phony ransom demand . aidan : i only got involved after the fact to save emma and to bring her home safe . dr. sinclair : emma has been home with her father for months now . coincidentally you 've been camped out here for the same amount of time right next door to annie 's room . aidan : it 's not how it looks . dr. sinclair : really ? you 're not here to help break annie out ? aidan : no , i 'm not . i 'm here to make sure that that bitch stays locked up for the rest of her life . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , it was getting a little crowded in there . greenlee : how did kendall seem ? did you notice anything different about her ? erica : in what way ? ryan : well , just -- you know that kendall 's obviously been through so much . i think greenlee 's just concerned about how she 's adjusting , that 's all . erica : well , she is doing extremely well , considering . david : excuse me . we have kendall 's latest round of tests . do you have a minute to go over them ? erica : of course . david : good , come . ryan : what was that ? greenlee : i 'm telling you something was off . when i told kendall that we were getting married , she seemed upset or something weird . does that sound like the pushy , interfering kendall that we know ? ryan : i am sure kendall is just trying to accept the fact that she lost three months of her life and that our wedding is not even a blip on her radar right now . greenlee : i just have this feeling -- ryan : quit -- quit reading into everything , please , ok ? just accept that sometimes things actually work out . we can actually be happy , ok ? [ scene_break ] erica : what 's the prognosis ? david : well , she obviously needs to strengthen her muscles , but if she sticks to the medication , i 'm optimistic . she can make a full recovery . erica : ah , i -- i ca n't believe this . i ca n't believe that this is actually over . you 're telling me a full recovery ? david : that 's right . erica : david , i -- i can never thank you enough . i will never forget what you 've done for my daughter . david : i wo n't let you . [ scene_break ] bianca : reese helped zach rebuild the casino . she drew up the plans , she designed every last detail , and it 's amazing . reese : oh , well , bianca is biased . she loves everything i do . zach : and she 's a good cook . she makes those funky french pancakes , banana things , every saturday morning . it 's a staple in the house . the boys love it . bianca : we moved in to help zach with the boys . kendall : thank you . i know they can be a handful . reese : no . at least they sleep through the night . kendall : that 's right , the new baby . i do n't even know her name . bianca : gabrielle . kendall : that 's beautiful . bianca : i ca n't wait for you to meet her . she -- she 's perfect . kendall : oh , how can she not be ? look at her parents . i 'm sure the donor was just as perfect . bianca : i wanted to tell you . i tried to before the tornado touched down . kendall : tell me what ? bianca : zach was our donor . | tad comes downstairs , carrying two suitcases which he sets down by the front door . kathy comes out of the living room and asks him as to where he is going . tad tells him that he is n't going anywhere , but krystal is moving out . at wildwind , krystal and david kiss and make love . dr. sinclair shows annie pics of richie , dead , lying on the road , and tries to get annie to remember . annie is just about to breakdown and talk when the fire alarm sounds and dr. sinclair leaves . ryan visits erica at her hotel room to question her as to why she had invited both mary and claire to the bridal shower . at zach 's house , reese blasts claire for not accepting her lifestyle . claire retaliates by slapping reese in the face . zach walks in and tells claire to leave . reese tells claire to get out . bianca and greenlee visit and get the surprise of a lifetime when kendall opens her eyes . dr. sinclair comes into aidan 's room and wants to know who he was talking to . david , zach , erica , ryan and reese arrive at the hospital . everyone is overjoyed to see kendall awake . david lets kendall know that she had a heart transplant . kendall finds out that her new heart is josh 's . dr. sinclair gives aidan an injection of truth serum . |
bianca : we 're running out of time , ryan . we have to go and help maggie now . ryan : ok , i will , i 'll talk to jonathan , all right ? i will find out what 's -- bianca : ok , when , when , after they elope ? after he 's put a ring on her finger and a chain around her neck ? if we wait that long , then maggie 's life or whatever is left of it is going to get a whole lot scarier . ryan : `` whatever 's left of it `` ? what is that supposed to mean ? bianca : it means abuse gets worse , not better . you know that . that 's why i need you to come with me , because whenever i try to talk to her alone , i seem to make things worse . ryan : jonathan loves maggie . i know that for sure . bianca : jonathan hurts maggie . i know that , and i will do anything to make sure that it never happens again , anything from knocking him out to locking him up . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you think i hurt women ? what women ? lily : may i please see your medicine chest ? jonathan : you think i drugged greenlee ? you can get the hell out of here . lily : do n't touch me ! jonathan : you think i 'm going to hurt you , too ? lily : touching hurts me . jonathan : oh , yeah ? do you break ? not enough calcium as a baby . lily : i have autism spectrum disorder and my nerves get overloaded when someone touches me . jonathan : yeah ? wow , i 've heard a lot of kiss - off stories in my time , but that one -- that one 's the lamest . [ scene_break ] greenlee : kendall ? are you ok ? did you just go from fun drunk to sick drunk ? because if i have to clean up after you , i wo n't be happy . kendall : i have to go . greenlee : whoa , no , no , no ! hold on ! we were making plans , how to nail jonathan into a 9 x 11 cell for drugging me . kendall : let go of my purse ! greenlee : do n't revert to type and make me hate you all over again . what happened to make you go all quiet and weird on me ? [ scene_break ] ethan : counselor . livia : nice digs . ethan : thank you . i 'm moving up in the world . livia : hmm . ethan : but i 'm guessing you did n't come here to critique the decor . livia : no , we have a trial date , and i wanted you to see the witness list . ethan : my witness list or -- livia : yes , it 's your defense . ethan : ok . i 'd rather go to jail . [ scene_break ] lily : there 's nowhere left for me to move . the wall 's in the way . jonathan : well , then i guess you 'll have to tell me the truth , wo n't you ? who sent you ? hmm ? was it reggie ? no ? no ? was it kendall ? kendall send you ? greenlee ? she must be back to psycho to send some kid with some bs story about not being touched . lily : i 'm not a kid . i 'm 16 years , 272 days , and 17 hours old . and i told you , no one sent me . no one even knows i 'm here . jonathan : yeah ? well , then no one 's going to mind if i do this . lily : no ! no ! no ! stop ! no ! no ! no ! no ! jonathan : ok , hey , wait ! wait , i did n't do anything ! what 's wrong with you ? lily : 99 , 98 , 97 , 96 , 95 -- jonathan : what the hell is up with you ? lily : 93 , 92 , 91 , 90 -- jonathan : hey , hey , hey , i did n't do anything . i did n't hit you . lily : 86 , 85 -- jonathan : i did n't hit you . if you tell somebody i hit you , it 's a lie ! i did n't touch you ! lily : 82 -- the drugs ! i have to find the drugs now ! i 'm on the case . i 'm on the case . 86 -- jonathan : there are no drugs here . lily : i have to look for them . 83 , 82 -- jonathan : ok , knock yourself out . ok . lily : 81 [ scene_break ] kendall : just back off , greenlee . greenlee : i 'm not letting go . kendall : let me go home ! greenlee : not until you tell me what went wrong ! kendall : ow ! come on . greenlee : hold on . how long was the waiting list for this beauty , or is it a knockoff ? kendall : i have connections , all right ? now , i 'd like to go home now . greenlee : we were all warm and fuzzy and nicely lit - up , and then suddenly you turned into a popsicle that 's been in the freezer too long . what 'd i say ? kendall : like i would listen to anything you say . greenlee : we were back in the day . we were -- we were sisters in crime- solving , sitting by the campfire singing `` kumbayah , `` and then suddenly i told you that i had to stop drinking because ryan and i are going to make a baby . oh , that 's so off the kendall radar . that ca n't count for anything . or can it ? kendall : you ca n't -- no , you ca n't trick me into being your friend again . you plied me with liquor , you made me laugh , and i almost fell for it . now , please give this back to me . please , it is one of a kind ! greenlee : wow , your connections need a major tune - up . kendall : come on , greenlee , just -- i 'm sick of this . give it back to me . erica : hey , what 's going on ? greenlee , let go of her ! what did she do to you ? greenlee : good question . answer it , kendall . kendall : i 'm done here . i got to go . bye . greenlee : well , your timing sucks , as usual . erica : well , at least you 're not behind the wheel of a car this time . greenlee : will you drop that ? kendall has . erica : well , kendall may have forgotten what kind of a person you are , but i certainly have not , and i swear to you , if you ever try to hurt my daughter again , i will make certain that every sign of your miserable , pointless existence is erased from all of our lives forever . [ scene_break ] ethan : i 'm not having zach slater and ryan lavery go on the stand in my defense . livia : ethan , my job , which you pay me very handsomely for , is to spread reasonable doubt all over the courtroom . now , the way i do that is by convincing a jury that there were other possible perpetrators with a reasonable motive and opportunity . i put ryan lavery , zach slater on the stand , i get you acquitted of all charges . ethan : i said no . livia : oh , johnnie cochran , please give me strength . i thought we were home- free once we proved you were a real cambias . ethan : what does that have to do with anything ? livia : you 're not a fraud ! you 're exactly who you claim to be . your father was lying . ethan : do n't call him my father ! livia : that makes you a sympathetic victim . ryan can testify to that . ryan can also testify to the fact that he and greenlee were shot at while you were in the custody of the pine valley pd . ryan was the muscle behind the dna test -- ethan : you know , i think we 're done here , counselor . livia : that proved that you were a cambias . why would you want to kill him ? but your father , on the other hand -- ethan : do n't call him my father ! livia : ok , we 'll call him the easter bunny for all i care ! just give me a chance to put him on the stand and make him look guilty as hell ! ethan : if you put zach on the stand , he 'll tell you that i took him down to the dump and pointed a gun in his face . livia : he 'd be lying , right ? i mean , i can get him on perjury . please tell me that he will be lying . ethan : no , i 'm sorry , counselor , but no lying will be necessary . livia : ok , well , it would be his word against your word . it would just be he- said / he - said . ethan : there was a witness . livia : no . do n't tell me . ethan : ryan lavery . livia : well , i hope you like sharing a cell with your new roommate bubba because you just slammed the cell door behind you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you missed a spot there . lily : there are no drugs on the table . just five white candles , a tray , two small boxes , and three bowls . jonathan : why did you bust into my place , hmm ? why are you turning my life upside down ? i want to know who sent you here ! lily : nobody sent me . jonathan : you 're lying . lily : i never lie . jonathan : hey , everybody lies . aidan : hey , you keep away from her . jonathan : you get your hands off me , man ! what the hell 's going on ? i would n't touch her if i were you . aidan : are you all right , lily ? lily : he did n't hit me . see ? i never lie . aidan : what did you do to her ? jonathan : i did n't do anything to her . she 's a whack job . she barges in here , she accuses me of drugging my sister - in - law , and then she tells me she 's going to search for evidence ! aidan : lily , you did n't , did you ? lily : i 'm on the case , aidan . jonathan : yeah , aidan , whatever case she 's on , she 's got no badge , she 's got no warrant , she 's got no permit , or any training that i can tell of -- you know , and not to mention that your gears are stuck in permanent reverse . aidan : come on , lily . let 's go , shall we ? jonathan : no , no , no . you 're not going anywhere . this is when it 's fun for me . i 'm calling the cops . lily : can they arrest him ? i did n't find the evidence . jonathan : i 've got illegal entry , i 've got assault , and i 'm sure the cops are going to come up with a couple more charges . ryan : whoa , whoa , hey , hey , hey , hockett , what -- what is going on in here ? i think we can handle this without the cops , all right , man ? bianca : lily , what are you doing here ? are you ok ? jonathan : i was the one barged in on . why is n't anybody asking me if i 'm ok ? lily : i 'm on the case . aidan : she 's not supposed to be here , all right ? she misunderstood something . she was never supposed to get involved . jonathan : i knew it . this whole thing was a setup . ryan : why is lily here , aidan ? lily : do n't be mad at aidan . he was hired , but i was n't . it was all my idea . i just wanted to help him get the goods on jonathan for drugging my sister , greenlee . is n't that right , aidan ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'd offer to buy you a club soda , but i do n't plan to stay here and watch you drink it . erica : i have n't excused you for anything . greenlee : oh . i know that look . you 're ready to run to my father to rat me out for my sins , real or not . erica : and would n't you just love that . is n't that what you want , so you can just go whining to daddy about how cruel i was to you , how i bruised your very fragile little ego , how i erased your self - esteem from your hard drive ? greenlee : i have a better idea . i wo n't tell if you do n't tell . erica : you 're saying that you think that we could actually agree to let the next few minutes be off the record ? greenlee : done . a jackson - free zone . self - righteous toad . erica : hateful piece of cheap baggage . ok . what did you do to make my daughter look so unhappy ? greenlee : nothing . erica : liar . greenlee : schemer . erica : brat . look , kendall has turned a corner in her life . she is finally trying to make some sense of it . and if you have done anything to derail -- greenlee : you want to know my sin ? i was trying to rebuild the friendship that kendall and i used to have . erica : what did you do , greenlee ? greenlee : we were talking , we were having a great time , and then suddenly the lights went out , like someone hit a switch and no one was home . i do n't know why . i was totally wonderful . erica : oh , why do i bother to ask ? you always make yourself sound like sister mary bernadette of the holy rosary . greenlee : as if you 'd know . erica : think , greenlee . i mean , try to think really hard and maybe you will actually remember the little oops that sent kendall spiraling out of here . greenlee : we fought over the bill . she said we should do this again . i said my drinking days are numbered once i get pregnant . erica : what ? greenlee : well , actually , what i said was ryan and i were trying to make a baby . erica : oh ! are you completely recovered ? is this a relapse ? greenlee : as much as i 'd love to believe i 'm hallucinating you , i know i 'm not . erica : ah . then you are just a mean - spirited , nasty , unfeeling snot . greenlee : over the line , erica . erica : well , how else would you explain this terribly hurtful thing you said to kendall ? greenlee : oh , my god . that 's what it was . [ scene_break ] jonathan : did you know your wife and her new buddy kendall sicced a private investigator on me ? ryan : of course i did n't know that , and i can guarantee you that greenlee had nothing to do with this . jonathan : you sure about that ? ryan : yes , i 'm sure . i know my wife . i told her you had nothing to do with her being drugged , and she believes me , ok ? jonathan : then how did james bond and junior g - girl end up in here ? ryan : aidan , who hired you ? aidan : you know i ca n't tell you that . bianca : who hired him is n't nearly as important as why . ryan : it 's got to be kendall . am i right ? it 's kendall . man , she does n't give up ! she 's convinced that my brother 's guilty , so she , what , she just spreads her paranoia wherever she goes ? bianca : maybe she 's not paranoid . maybe she 's right . jonathan : stop trying to get between my brother and his family and his screwed - up friends , ok ? it 's not fair to him and it 's not fair to me ! ryan : hey , hey , hey , take it easy , hockett . nobody 's making me do anything , all right ? bianca : where 's maggie ? jonathan : you know , i am tired of being attacked by people who do n't even know me ! aidan : maybe you 're the one attacking people . ryan : hey , aidan , back off . aidan : hey , do n't assume you know what 's going on here , ryan . ryan : that 's what i 'm doing ! i 'm trying to find out what 's going on ! bianca : where is maggie ? jonathan : butt out , bianca ! how about that , ok ? maggie 's my business ! she 's not yours ! ryan : ok , hockett , take it easy . bianca 's just concerned for her friend , all right ? bianca : do n't make excuses for me , ryan . jonathan : no , i want you all to get out of here right now ! ryan : no , i 'm not leaving here until you and i talk about this . you got to calm down ! jonathan : there 's nothing to talk about , ryan ! bianca : where is maggie ? aidan : answer her , jonathan . where is maggie ? maggie : i 'm right here . bianca : thank god you 're all right . maggie : of course i am . what is going on ? bianca : ryan is here to help . i ca n't let you do this , and i ca n't seem to get through to you on my own . maggie : jonathan ? talk to me . what 's going on ? jonathan : i 'm so sorry , ok ? bianca and her sister have been spreading stories again , this time to ryan and aidan . so please tell them what they want to hear . did i or did n't i hit you ? just say what you need to say , ok , and we 'll all live with it . maggie : look at me . do i look like i 've been battered and beaten ? i do n't think so . jonathan : i think you look like a beautiful bride . maggie : i love jonathan . we are getting married tonight . do not try to ruin our happiness . bianca : maggie , please -- maggie : you are the worst of them , to come in here and trash him , and now you 're going to come in here with a posse , including his own brother . what are you trying to do to me ? bianca : i know what i saw and what i heard . jonathan : bianca , just give up on this , ok ? aidan : let 's go , shall we , lily , right now ? maggie : i told you i was fine and to leave me alone . jonathan : whatever you think you heard you misunderstood . maggie : stop putting your nose in where it does n't belong . bianca : how can i leave you alone ? how can i do that ? i do n't want you to get hurt again . jonathan : how much of this am i supposed to take ? maggie : ok , stop it . ryan : ok , everybody stop . all right , this is n't getting anything settled . you got to come with me because we got to talk . jonathan : i am so sorry our special day got ruined . maggie : it 's ok . jonathan : i 'll make it up to you , i promise , ok ? bianca : please stop . maggie : come here . i love you . jonathan : i love you , too . maggie : i love you . everything 's going to be ok . jonathan : ok . maggie : ok ? jonathan : bye . maggie : bye . [ door closes ] maggie : i want you to leave now . bianca : if you want me to leave , you 're going to have to throw me out or call the police . [ scene_break ] ethan : and then ryan showed up and ruined what otherwise had been a very constructive afternoon . livia : ethan , your father betrayed you . you 're very angry and you 're very hurt . you never meant to cause him any harm . i know ryan and zach realize that . ethan : unfortunately , counselor , i went out and bought a brand - new , big , shiny rifle , put it right in zach 's face , put my finger on the trigger . i 'm sorry to blow your defense to bits , but to be quite honest , i really would much rather i 'd had the chance to blow his head off . livia : ethan , i have never heard you speak this way . ethan : well , get used to it . livia : i 've seen higher fliers than you crash and burn . what goes up always comes down . ethan : ok , counselor , listen -- you worry about my case , i 'll worry about gravity . how about that ? livia : well , promise me that you wo n't go pointing any rifles in anybody 's face in the meantime ? i 'm running out of options . ethan : you 'll think of something . you 're quite the brilliant counselor , you know . listen , why do n't you -- why do n't you bill yourself at triple your rate . livia : definitely . ethan : ok . and i 'll see you shortly , counselor . [ scene_break ] anita : hey , kendall . kendall : hey . anita : just watching the baby for bianca . she had somewhere she had to go . kendall : actually , i 'm not here for bianca . i just wanted a dose of miranda . anita : well , there she is , the little night owl . i was just about to try to put her back down . kendall : oh , no , no , let her stay up for a while . god , she is so beautiful , is n't she ? anita : oh , she 's gorgeous . kendall : hey . ooh ! ooh ! here , sweet thing . hey , sweet thing . yeah . you practicing staying up late to go clubbing with auntie kendall , are you ? are you ? oh , wow . you , my friend , you really are the answer . you 're feeling crummy , you come in here and get a look at your sweet little face . yes , your sweet little face ! you 're having a bad day , just pat your sweet little head and it all goes away . it does . my goodness . you are the good mood in a bad day . hey , you spread the joy , baby girl . anita : are you ok ? kendall : i 'm better by the second . miranda : ah . kendall : hmm . listen , anita , if you want to go , i can stay here and watch her until my sister gets home . anita : you 're sure ? yeah , i have a ton of things i can get to . kendall : i 'm sure bianca would n't mind . anita : ah , aunts take seniority over girlfriends any day . now , you be good with kendall like you were for me , ok ? good night , you two . kendall : good night . anita : bye ! kendall : hey , sweetness . hey , sweetness . oh , she went bye - bye . hey . i love you . [ miranda coos ] kendall : yeah , i love you , baby . [ scene_break ] aidan : you know , confidentiality means that when a client hires me that i have to keep it a secret . you got to understand that everything that you hear in this office is a secret , also . it 's confidential . lily : but secrets are hard for me because sometimes i say things i should n't because i do n't know i should n't say them . but my dad and my tutor are helping me . but there are always new things . like tonight . i told jonathan we were investigating him , which i should n't have done . but i 'll work on it . i 'll put in my schedule , and i 'll take time . i 'll be a good partner . aidan : oh , lily , i think you 're missing my point . i 'm not trying to teach you to become a better detective . i 'm just trying to say that i do n't think it 's a good idea that we work together . lily : but i know a lot of teenagers that work . dani works at fusion , and i helped you solve the puzzle . aidan : you did , and you did a great job , and i really appreciate that . but my kind of work is very specialized and it can be very dangerous . more importantly , i do n't want anything to ever happen to you . i mean , you ca n't just go up and confront someone . i 'm sorry , lily , but you ca n't be my partner anymore . it 's just not going to work . lily : i know i let you down . i 'm so sorry . aidan : listen , it 's not about letting me down . please do n't be upset . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you have no idea what it 's like when your brother 's the head honcho . i show up in pine valley out of nowhere and you set me up to be your number two . now , half the people think the only reason i got that job is because you pulled the strings . the other half are using me as direct access to you . man , i was flying with the eagles . i did n't know who to trust . i needed something big , something powerful to keep my feet on the ground , and that was maggie , someone who loves me for me , someone to whom i do n't have to prove anything . now , i understand why people in this town want to beat me down , but to accuse me of hurting the best thing in my life ? ryan : ok , stop . you 're all irish right now , jonathan , and i know where you get your way with words , but right now i need you to be 100 % honest with me . jonathan : you want the truth ? i love maggie more than i 've loved any woman in my entire life . i did n't know how to love until i met her . ryan : we did n't exactly have healthy , loving role models growing up , did we ? jonathan : no , we did n't , did we ? we learned one messy , screwed - up relationship at a time , right ? `` is this how it works ? `` `` no . `` `` ok , i 'll pick up the pieces and i 'll try again . `` but this time , i figured it out , ryan . maggie taught me how to be vulnerable without being afraid , how to -- how to give without expecting , without demanding something in return . i 've hit the jackpot this time , man , and i 've earned it . i deserved it . and i 'm not going to let some jealous lesbian take it away from me ! [ scene_break ] bianca : hypothetical situation . remember how we used to play that game ? let 's say i 'm still with lena and you see her slap me across the face hard . what do you do ? maggie : better hypothetical -- what if i do n't see lena hit you ? bianca : ok . how about i 'm sporting a really mean bruise . you would go mental on lena , and you know it . it 's a beautiful color on you . bianca : another hypothetical . close your eyes and try to picture my mother and uncle jack . maggie : you know , i do n't have time for games right now . bianca : this is important . try to picture it . jackson montgomery hauls off and slugs erica kane , uses her as a punching bag . maggie : never happen . bianca : exactly . it would never happen because there is nothing on this earth that would make my uncle jack hit my mother or any woman , no matter -- ok , try this one . reggie flies into a rage and throws dani against the wall , maybe he breaks her arm . i mean , he did n't mean it . he just lost his temper . or ryan ? he has one too many and slugs greenlee in the jaw ? maggie : stop it ! bianca : it would never happen . you ca n't picture it , can you ? none of those women will ever have to hide bruises from their friends or their family . but your situation is different , is n't it , from all those other couples because you can actually imagine getting socked in the jaw by jonathan , ca n't you ? this has to be terrifying . you think that you found someone , the guy for you , but you 're in way over your head . this is an impossible situation . you can not fix it by pretending that it did n't happen or acting like it 's never going to happen again . if you ignore it , you 're only going to dig yourself in deeper . and i know you know it 's true . deep down , somewhere in your heart , i know you 're hearing me . [ scene_break ] erica : you were celebrating kendall 's broken heart . greenlee : that is so off the mark . kendall has ethan . erica : that is a tragic headline waiting to happen . you stay far away from my daughter . do not have a conversation with her about anything ever , and i will advise her to do the same thing . you two are like matter and anti - matter , and every time you meet it 's like mass destruction , so do n't do it anymore ! greenlee : how did this turn into all my fault ? erica : you listen to me -- i have done everything i know how to cut you some slack because i love your father so much . i am doing my very best not to make you a deal - breaker . greenlee : hold on , hold on . you do n't get props for standing up for kendall . you thought she drugged me , too . erica : only for a minute , and only because i understood all too well why she 'd be tempted . god knows it 's taking every fiber of my willpower just to let you breathe . [ scene_break ] greenlee : one more . or two . or three . ethan ! could you sit so your eyes are in my universe ? ethan : how could i resist an invitation like that ? greenlee : so tell me , do you have plans to destroy kendall ? [ scene_break ] aidan : i 'm sorry . sorry . i did n't mean to touch you . lily : i do n't know how to say what i want to say . aidan : you know , we 've both had a hard day . we 're both on overload . how about we talk about this another time ? lily : can you do it again ? aidan : do what ? lily : what you did . touch my arm . aidan : are you sure ? lily : it does n't hurt . aidan : really ? lily : not even a little . do you know what this means ? aidan : uh , no , i really do n't . lily : it means we were meant to be boyfriend and girlfriend ! we could n't touch each other , but now we can ! reggie and dani touch each other in a lot of different places , but i do n't think i 'm ready for that . but after tonight , i think we can work on it . do n't you ? aidan : you know , lily , our kind of friendship , i think it 's great -- lily : that 's what we 'll do ! i 'll make time on my schedule ! bye , aidan ! aidan : help ! [ scene_break ] erica : listen , i 'm not going to waste any time . i know why you 're upset , and i understand . kendall : mother , i 'm not upset . erica : it 's ryan and greenlee , is n't it ? their marriage is bliss and they 're planning a baby , and that has you spinning . do n't even try to deny it . kendall : mother , i told you i 'm over ryan . i 'm done with him . ok , i do n't care who he procreates with as long as it is n't me . i do n't have a maternal bone in my body . erica : then why are you here ? and why did i know you 'd be here ? because i 'm right , that 's why . kendall : well , it 's not like i sat and thought about it . i just -- i wanted to be with miranda . erica : exactly . kendall : no , but , mother , i told you i 'm done with ryan . i 've moved on . ethan and i , we 're doing great . so whatever ryan or greenlee say or do , it should n't have any effect on me at all . erica : but it does , sweetheart . it does , does n't it ? kendall : i turn to water on the inside and fire on the outside . but -- but i 'm over him . erica : yes . juliet got over romeo , too , in her extreme way . oh , honey , great love -- i mean , that takes years to get over , if you ever do . look at jack and me . great love just takes hold of your heart . and even though you break up , that love remains , even though you try to erase it , you try to deny it . kendall : oh , god . no , do n't -- do n't tell me that i 'm doomed to love ryan forever . erica : no . no , no , no , of course not . but right now , right this minute , you have to be very careful of rebound romance , of ricochet heartbreak . kendall : meaning ? erica : meaning , kendall , i want you to use that brilliant mind of yours and not your vulnerable heart . ethan is a complete mess over his father , and you are still emotionally entangled with ryan . this is not a formula for grand romance . this is a formula for major disaster . [ scene_break ] ethan : destroying kendall is not on my to - do list , and why would you care if it were ? greenlee : i do n't want you to destroy kendall . ethan : is this part of some 12-step program ? i mean , are you trying to make amends for all the people whose lives you screwed over ? is it bitches anonymous ? greenlee : fine . you want amends , you got them . i 'm sorry i suspected kendall of poisoning me . i 'm sorry that i accused her at all . but ryan and i have left some scars on kendall , and some of them are still pretty raw . someone could open them up very easily . ethan : someone like me , you mean ? greenlee : you have great heartache potential . ethan : so , what you 're saying is that you would like me not to hurt kendall quite as much or in the same way that you hurt kendall ? greenlee : it sounds crummy when you say it . it sounded better when i thought it . but however it sounds , i mean it . do n't hurt kendall at all . ethan : you know , i think -- i think i 'm having this chat with the wrong lady , so if you 'll excuse me . [ scene_break ] maggie : jonathan loves me , bianca . he really , really loves me . bianca : look at what he does , not what he says . maggie : you 're not around us . you do n't know how we are together . bianca : you changed your hair , you changed your clothes . maggie : i needed a new look . bianca : it 's not love . maggie , that 's control . i heard him . he wants to hold on to you so tight that you ca n't even breathe , let alone be who you want to be . maggie : maybe you 're the one who wants to control me . bianca : i just want you to be happy , and i do n't see it anymore . even your smile is different . maggie : if jonathan lost his temper , it was my fault . bianca : that 's a sign of abuse . he gets you to feel like you 're responsible for what he does . maggie : i 'm not easy to live with . you 've lived with me before . i -- i could drive a person -- bianca : what , to hit you ? is that right ? ok . so you get mad . you tell jonathan how ticked off you are . he wants to duck it . you want to talk about it . so , what ? he gets to turn on you and whack you across the face ? no . uh - uh , no way . there is no justification for that ever , no matter what you did . how sorry was he , maggie ? how many times did he swear to you it was never going to happen again ? did he bring you flowers , or was it jewelry ? yeah . i read about this . it even has a name . it 's called the honeymoon phase . and when the honeymoon is over , the abuse starts all over again , and again and again . please , talk to me . please open your heart to me . let me be a friend to you , the way you were always a friend to me . maggie : maybe jonathan just does n't love me . maybe i 'm just not lovable . [ scene_break ] jonathan : maggie 's been going nuts . every time she turns around , there 's bianca saying , `` you should break up with him . jonathan 's no good . `` ok , it 's been making me go pretty crazy , too , so if i was n't politically correct just then , sorry . ryan : i know bianca even better than i know you , jonathan . i do n't think she 's out to get you . i do n't think this is about jealousy . jonathan : maybe you 're too close to her , you know ? maybe i can see her more objectively than you can . she wants maggie . she 'll do anything to get her . ryan : no . no , jonathan , you can say that about kendall , you can say that about a lot of people , but not bianca . she 's just not wired that way . she 's the most unselfish person that i have ever met . jonathan , did you ever hit maggie ? jonathan : you 're going to tell me that you 've never gotten into a fight with greenlee ? we 're passionate people . sometimes you raise your voice ! sometimes you even throw things ! ryan : i asked if you hit her ! jonathan : did n't you hear her at the house ? she said -- ryan : shut ! it 's just you and me here . i need you to answer my question ! did you ever hit maggie ? jonathan : yeah . yeah , i did . [ scene_break ] erica : i want you to be happy . i want you to enjoy your life and i want you to let your head rule your heart for a change . i 've never managed to do that , but maybe you 'll have better luck . [ scene_break ] aidan : it was only supposed to be harmless hanging out , solving puzzles , and then she wants to go to play detective , and now this . anita : oh , aidan , it 's my fault . i 'm the one that got you into this . you know what , i 'll go talk to lily and help her figure out what 's what . aidan : well , i 'd rather you than me because i really do n't know what to say and i do n't want to hurt her feelings . anita : you know , i have n't met many men like you . aidan : well , i have n't met many women like you . [ scene_break ] ethan : hey . kendall : hi . ethan : you know , if you had n't called me , i was just about to call you . what 's the big emergency ? kendall : i still love ryan . [ scene_break ] jonathan : guess your next question 's going to be did i drug greenlee . ryan : you told me you did n't . was i wrong to believe you ? do i need to ask you that question ? [ scene_break ] bianca : do n't you ever say that again ever . you are lovable . maggie : but if -- if what you 're saying is true and if jonathan does n't love me -- bianca : oh , would you listen to yourself ? look at what he 's making you feel about yourself . you are smart and -- and beautiful and funny and strong . you were my rock . you remember that ? there was a time i did n't know how to put one foot in front of the other , and you showed me how . i cherish every single part of you . you are extremely , beautifully lovable . maggie : you love me as a friend . you love me just as a friend . bianca : no . it 's so much more than that . [ bianca tenderly kisses maggie ] [ next_on ] kendall : i 've totally screwed us up , have n't i ? ethan : did you want to screw us up ? anita : stay away from me . ryan : you 're not going to vegas . you 're not going to marry maggie , not until you 've dealt with this . bianca : i think i 'm falling in love with you . | lily goes to confront jonathan with her mistaken idea that she should be a detective partner of aiden and help him in his investigation . but she discloses confidential information to jonathan about the investigation of whether he drugged greenlee . ryan finds out that aiden has been hired to investigate his brother . bianca is about to get through to maggie about how jonathan is abusing her . but she also reveals she may still be in love with maggie . ryan gets the truth from jonathan that he hit maggie . erica tells kendall she realizes that kendall may still be in love with ryan . |
jamie : i do n't know what i thought we 'd find here , but i ca n't believe amanda would be sneaking around for this . [ by the time jamie and aidan search janet 's secret room , everything has been cleared out except a blob of oatmeal on the table . ] jamie : what do you got ? aidan : ugh . it smells like oatmeal . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] janet : brr ! oh , please tell me my nose is n't all red . hi . oh ! someone hire a clown ? amanda : oh , my god , mom , what are you doing here ? are you kidding me ? janet : do n't even get me started . well , there i was , all comfy cozy , cup of tea in hand , thinking cap screwed on tight , and all of a sudden i 'm running around like a wild banshee trying to clear out without a trace . ugh ! gosh darn it if my dioramas did n't get all mussed up in the hubbub . amanda : mom , i had you locked up in that warehouse . janet : there 's something you do n't hear every day . amanda : no , there 's no way you could 've gotten out . janet : i took a secret passageway -- something else you do n't hear every day ! amanda : oh , my god . please tell me you have n't done something i 'm going to regret . janet : i was run out by intruders . did n't i warn you something like this was going to happen ? amanda : no , mom , ok , start from the beginning . work with me . janet : it 's jamie , the dirty bird , sweetie . he came back to the warehouse . he came back , because he does n't believe you , he does n't love you . he betrayed you , amanda , just like mommy told you he would . oh , honey . i 'm so sorry ! it is such a burden to be right all the time . [ scene_break ] erica : this is n't right . i do n't belong here . do i ? jonathan : i do n't know . did -- did you commit a crime ? erica : i was at the casino . we were doing a -- a rehearsal of my show . michael cambias was there . and he was coming at me and , i mean , i just -- i just grabbed whatever i could get into my hands to keep him away from me , and i -- and i stabbed him . i think i killed him . oh , no , that does n't make any sense . no , this -- this must be a dream , a bad dream . jonathan : this place is -- it 's very real , erica . erica : michael cambias died years ago . oh , god . who did i stick that knife into ? [ scene_break ] kendall : my mother went insane , ryan . she stabbed him in the chest . she stabbed him . i can still see his face when the knife went in . ryan : do n't do this to yourself , all right ? kendall : no , do n't touch me , do n't touch me and pretend like you care about me ! ryan : i do care about you , kendall . kendall : oh , really , ok , and to hell with zach ? you hate him as much as my mother does , ryan . i do n't understand how this can happen , how she can just kill the one and only thing that makes me happy and that i love ! ryan : she did n't kill anything , ok ? he 's not dead . kendall : oh , ok , but you wish he was . well , you know what , ryan , if you stick around long enough , maybe you 'll get your wish . [ scene_break ] doctor : he 's losing volume . there 's a bleeder in here somewhere . how 's his iv access ? second doctor : got a 16 in each arm . i could try for a 14 . first doctor : bp 's 90/50 and dropping . second doctor : he 's getting tachy . first doctor : get me six units of o - positive , stat ! damn it , this guy 's bleeding to death . [ scene_break ] di : marty stern . the last time i saw you -- marty : i was about 20 pounds heavier and about a hundred miles from sober . di : huh . well , do n't tell me you 're on the straight and narrow now . marty : well , let 's just say that the road is n't quite as wide as it used to be . di : ok . marty : you 're looking fine as ever , di . you still dancing ? di : uh - uh . gave that up a few years ago . marty : do n't tell me you 're on the straight and narrow now . di : no . actually , zach slater offered me a job here . marty : well , if you 've come for an interview , you 're going to be waiting a while . you saw what happened with erica kane ? di : i know , i know . i hope zach 's ok . marty : oh , that guy 's got nine lives . di : hmm . marty : has at least three left . of course , there 's no telling when he 's going to be back to work . di : oh , that 's too bad . i could look forward to seeing more of you . marty : i 'm zach 's right - hand guy . i 've done some hiring for him in the past . if you say he 's already offered you the job , who am i to stand in your way ? di : no , marty , come on , do n't mess with me . i really need to work . marty : who 's messing ? consider yourself employed . di : you mean it ? oh , my god , i owe you bigtime ! marty : maybe you could find some way to pay me back . di : yeah , maybe . marty : hey , you remember cleo ? di : yeah . marty : yeah ? she ended up taking rico for a real ride one night . di : yeah ? marty : uh - huh . di : oh , god . [ scene_break ] [ kendall weeps as she fingers her bloodied dress . ] ryan : i do not want zach to die . kendall : you do n't lie to me ! do n't lie to me because you feel sorry for me . if zach dies , it 's one less person to attack your freaky brother . or one less person to get in your face and tell you what a walking disaster you are , or maybe one less person to get in the way of you and your child . i mean , your life would just be wonderful if the love of my life just dropped dead right now ! ryan : ok , you 're so completely off base . i want you to sit down , i 'm going to see if i can get you some more -- kendall : no , no ! are you in this with my mother ? do you guys have a little pact there ? she grants your wish and kills zach , and you grant her wish and come riding to my rescue , is that it ? because it 's very convenient that you just happened to be here when we came in . ryan : ok , all right , stop , ok ? i have no idea why erica did what she did . i do n't know what 's going on with her , but i can guarantee you it 's got nothing to do with her pushing you and me together , ok ? kendall , just -- you need support right now . that 's what i 'm trying to do . i 'm just trying to give you support . i 'm trying to make this as easy for you as i can , ok ? anything you need , anything zach needs , i 'm here . kendall : ok , well , there is one thing i need . ryan : ok , great . name it . kendall : why did you break into zach 's office ? what were you looking for ? [ scene_break ] janet : men . they are such lying , stupid -- ew -- stinky sons of -- can we just move this sports equipment ? amanda : mom , this is jamie 's apartment . you ca n't rearrange his stuff to stash yours . he 'll find out in two seconds . janet : oh , yeah , right , a junior g - man with the two of us . oh , he should just try it . he 'd be caught out in a minute . aha ! oh , i got it . goldie hawn and kate hudson . oh -- joan and melissa rivers , wynona and -- and what 's - her - name judd ! oh , god ! ready ? amanda and janet dillon ! oh , we 'd teach them such a lesson ! we 'd be immortal ! are we going somewhere ? amanda : i 'm taking you to the hospital . mom , you need a mega dose of meds and round - the - clock care by someone who can lock you up and keep you locked up . i ca n't do this anymore . janet : amanda , just stop it right now . mommy is not crazy ! [ scene_break ] jamie : this is crazy . what would amanda be doing here ? jamie : hey , i got something . aidan : a back door . jamie : yeah , ok , why would she need a back door when i saw her coming out of there when i caught her ? aidan : i think this place looks like a safe house , locked from the outside with a secondary entrance in here . what 's that ? jamie : i 'm not sure . oh , wow . aidan : spirit gum . jamie : the stuff they use to put on fake hair ? aidan : yeah , mustaches , beards , you got it . hang on . you ever see amanda playing with dolls ? jamie : i take back what i said . this place is getting more interesting by the minute . aidan : i 'd like to take a closer look . we might be on to something yet . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you want to read my book ? it 's very inspir -- inspirational . it helps you forget that you 're in jail . i wish i knew how to help you the way that you helped me . you remember ? the first day that i -- that i came back to pine valley ? i asked you for a new beginning , and you -- you were so kind to me . erica : my mind is like mush . i think back to the casino , and i really ca n't tell what was real from what i imagined . was i hallucinating ? am i losing my mind ? jonathan : no , i 've been feeling the same way lately . not knowing what -- what 's real or imaginary ? doing something bad that i never meant to do , or if you even did it at all ! erica ? do you think you have a brain tumor ? erica : oh , my god . jonathan : oh , no . no , no . erica , i apologize . i -- i did n't mean to make you feel bad . uh - uh , you 're going to be fine . i know it . you have so many friends and family . they all love you so much . and you have fans . you -- you must have , like , 10 million fans . everyone 's going to come together and help you figure this out . you 'll be fine , i know it . jack : damn right she 'll be fine . erica : jack . jack ! oh , i 'm so glad you 're here ! jack , i 've really been terrified . jack : sweetheart , everything 's going to be fine . i 'm going to get you out of here . erica : jack , i do n't even know why i 'm in here . who did i hurt , jack ? what did i do ? [ scene_break ] doctor : bp 's 80 over palp . second doctor : are we getting bilateral breath sounds ? alexander : you should know better than to keep me waiting . zach : my god in heaven . alexander : god is nowhere to be seen . what does that tell you ? zach : let me out of here . alexander : i could n't if i wanted to , and i do n't want to . zach : you 're in my head . i 'll make you disappear . alexander : is that any way to treat your father after so many years apart ? zach : you 're dead ! alexander : you are dying now , my boy . this time , it 's the real thing . zach : i 've always hated you . alexander : be that as it may , should you decide to open your eyes again , i 'll still be here , and so will you . you have been reunited with your beloved family -- forever . michael : long time , no see , alex . huh , or do you still prefer `` zach `` ? `` zach . `` pretty miserable way to go , huh , zach ? not as messy a crime scene as mine , but a crime scene nonetheless . i tell you , those kane women , they really know how to grab a headline , do n't they ? not to mention a weapon . zach : somebody get me out of here ! [ echoes ] michael : a - plus on the karmic payback , bro . you were supposed to come to pine valley to avenge my death , and you wound up sleeping with the enemy , just like me . you had this coming to you , big brother . alexander : smell that , son ? it 's the stench of one more body being thrown into the flames -- yours . welcome to hell . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , please just tell me that this is a nightmare , and i 'm going to wake up . i could n't possibly have stabbed zach . jack : but you did . the question is , why ? erica : i did n't even see zach . i was protecting myself from michael cambias . michael cambias was there . at least i thought so . and he was taunting me , he was -- he was holding kendall in his arms . oh , god . it was zach , was n't it ? i am losing my mind . jack : sweetheart , listen to me . i have to ask you this . had you been drinking ? had you taken any pills ? erica : no . i did n't have one drop of liquor . i did n't even have an aspirin . do n't tell me that you 're buying into this ridiculous tabloid report . jack : i 'm not buying into anything , but i do know that anyone , anyone , sweetheart , can have a slip . erica : i know exactly how fragile recovery is , and i was n't using anything . i swear . i swear on everything that i hold dear -- on our children , on our love , everything -- i swear i did not have a drop of alcohol , i did not take one pill . please , say you believe me . jack : of course i believe you . erica : thank you . jack : but it just does n't make any sense . i mean , why would you hallucinate michael cambias ? erica : there 's obviously something very wrong with me . jack : there 's an answer to all this . and we will figure it out , i promise you . [ scene_break ] zach : why ca n't i move ? alexander : because there 's nowhere for you to go . you are where you were always meant to be -- with your family , your blood , under your father 's control . zach : not a chance . michael : yeah , it 's pretty disgusting , is n't it ? that stain never comes out . zach : you get the hell away from me , both of you . you have no power over me . you never did . alexander : i sent that girl away . i denied you your son . next , i 'll take kendall . zach : i will marry kendall , and i will be happy . michael : it 's time for you to kiss your precious kendall bye - bye . she 's gone . you lost her , just like i did . now , i know this may seem like a big blow to you , but once you 've taken some time to think about this , you 'll realize that you were just getting your little brother 's sloppy seconds . zach : do not mention her name , you twisted rapist punk ! michael : daddy , daddy , you 're not going to let him talk to me like that , are you ? alexander : you wo n't marry kendall , zach . you wo n't be happy with her , because i wo n't let you . [ scene_break ] kendall : trying to think of some lie to cover up the truth ? well , you know what ? it 's too late , ryan . zach knows . he recorded the whole thing , it 's on cameras , he has a disc of it . ryan : he does , does he ? well , good for him . kendall : you broke into his office , ryan . you used ethan and simone as a decoy . so you must have been looking for something pretty damn good . ryan : i was going on a hunch . it 's nothing . kendall : is n't it funny how `` nothing `` can drive a person to jail time , a broken jaw at the very least ? ryan : a broken jaw from who , from zach ? believe me , he 'd break his fist first . kendall , look , word on the street is zach may be a threat to me . kendall : ryan , he 's not a threat to you . ryan : well , he could 've been , kendall , and i was just checking it out . that 's all i was doing , ok ? and i have n't found anything concrete , i have n't , nothing -- not yet . anyway , if i do , if i find any proof at all , i 'll tell you first , ok ? kendall : you know what , i 'm sitting here right now not even knowing if he 's going to wake up tomorrow , ok , and just because you hate zach is no reason for you to not tell me what you know . ryan : i told you , i do n't know anything yet . kendall : you broke into his office , ryan . you freaked out when i told you that i was going to marry him again . you told me that i had to know the truth , but you wo n't tell me what that truth is . now , you 'd better have a damn good reason for what you 're doing , or i swear to god i will walk away from you and never come back -- and i will never even speak to you again , and that includes the day i give birth to your son . tell me right now what you know . [ scene_break ] janet : amanda , you ca n't . you can not lock me into a hospital . amanda : mother , that was before -- janet : you promised that you would never do that . you gave a solemn oath . you know what they 'll do to me in there , and i ca n't live like that . i would rather die . what , you 're going to kill your own mother now ? amanda : mom , i do n't know what else to do , ok ? you are hurting people , and you do n't want to stop . janet : i am doing the very best i can to help you . amanda : where is dad ? he has to take care of this ! i ca n't ! janet : i know he does . he is brilliant . he has such a genius of a mind . but we can not be selfish about that . we have to be able to share him with the world , and right now he is . he 's away on a top - secret -- amanda : secret mission , i know , mom , but people in his own family should be able to -- [ key turns in lock ] amanda : oh , no , it 's jamie . [ scene_break ] marty : this place just got a whole lot more exciting now that you 're a part of the team . di : yeah ? you have just hired yourself one hell of a hostess , mister . marty , i got to run . but , hey , thank you , really , for the opportunity . it 's going to be great working for you . marty : i 'm looking forward to it . di : i did it ; he gave me the job tad : yeah , i 'm not surprised . `` looking forward to it . `` di : oh -- tad : not the only thing he wanted to give you . how many hands does that guy have ? di : tad , tad , come on , his name is marty . he 's an old acquaintance . and listen , he is zach 's second in command . if he 's the guy we 're looking for , getting information just got a whole lot easier . tad : no , forget it , forget it . it 's a terrible idea . i do n't want you doing it . di : you told ryan i was the perfect person to come here and infiltrate the casino . tad : do n't argue with me , ok ? there 's getting information and then there 's getting in over your head . and i 've already had my fair share of pulling people out of quicksand lately , thank you very much . come on . di : oh , you know what ? you 're forgetting something again . i 'm not dixie . [ scene_break ] erica : michael cambias was definitely there -- or so i thought -- but as clear as i 'm looking at you . and when i saw him , i just -- i got so angry . i just had this uncontrollable rage . and i truly believed that he was back , and i knew what i was doing -- only i did n't . jonathan : like greenlee . jack : stay out of this , lavery . jonathan : sorry . i just wanted to help . jack : you want to help ? just shut up ! erica : no , jack . what about greenlee ? jonathan : well , when -- when i was bad before , i gave her -- i gave her my medication . remember ? and -- and she said some really mean things , remember ? she would get really angry , and she would see things that -- that were n't there . like the -- like the circus on top of the fusion rooftop . she did some really scary things . i mean , did somebody give you my old medicine , erica ? i mean , is that why you stabbed zach ? [ scene_break ] zach : you have no power over me , old man . i will be with kendall , and there 's nothing you can do to stop me . alexander : you 've proven yourself to be a true cambias . the blood streaming through your veins ? mine . all mine . michael : past tense , father . look at that gash . the only blood he has running through him now is that of a helpful donor . alexander : silence , michael . you tried to escape your heritage . you ran away , alex , you changed your name . but the genetics , the birthright -- those are inescapable . you 're still a cambias . you sabotaged the only hope you had for happiness with kendall . secrets make doomed marriages , my boy . michael : so does death . alexander : shut up , michael . zach : everything i 've done was to protect kendall . alexander : keep telling yourself that . perhaps it 'll offer some comfort through eternity . i say no kendall , no marriage . my word is final . [ scene_break ] kendall : i ca n't stand this stalling , ryan , i ca n't . ryan : wait a minute , kendall , would you just please come with me ? i want you to relax . kendall : no , no , no , there are too many unanswered questions right now , ok -- like why did this happen , and what is going on with my mother and did zach even make it out of surgery . ryan : well , yes , he did , ok ? now just come with me , sit down . kendall : no , ryan , no , there is one question -- there is one question that you can answer for me . please just tell me what you think zach is hiding , ryan . i deserve to know . ryan : this is not about zach , ok ? this is about you and our son , kendall , and i ca n't let him hurt you and get away with it . i mean , you know me better than to think that i would just back off . kendall : go to hell , and take your dirt on zach with you . ryan : hey . hey , so you -- you heard about zach ? ethan : any news on his condition ? ryan : no . not yet . and kendall 's wrong , by the way , about me wanting to mess with her happiness , and she 's also wrong about me wanting zach to die , because if he did cause the blackout , i want the son of a bitch alive so he can pay . ethan : does kendall know ? about the blackout ? ryan : no , i have n't said anything . i want to be able to back it up first . ethan : well , you never know . may not have to say anything at all . i think my father might die , if for no other reason than to cheat me out of this war he started . he 's got to make sure i ca n't win . [ scene_break ] simone : kendall , honey ? you know , zach could be in surgery for a while . why do n't you let me take you home , huh ? i can make you something to eat . i 'm sure the baby 's hungry . and you look like you need to lie down before you fall down . kendall : do you hate him , simone ? simone : zach ? no . no . let 's just keep that between us girls , ok ? in a twisted way , ethan 's much happier knowing that i hate his daddy as much as he does . kendall : i ca n't make sense of any of this . simone : i know . it 's a lot to deal with . of course , there is still a chance that he did n't do it . but if he did , honey i do n't blame zach for causing that blackout , for screwing up the whole greenlee surrogacy thing . i do n't . because if you really think about it , it 's actually romantic -- in a zach slater kind of way . it 's like i told ryan and ethan . i mean , say zach was the one that caused the blackout , ok , say that he 's the one that made greenlee lose her eggies and ryan 's fishies say bye - bye . he did it out of love for you . he did it to protect you , kendall . my god , that 's just undeniably sweet . are you sure you do n't want me to take you home ? you really look like you want this night to be over . kendall : ryan hates zach . simone : and zach hates ryan , and ethan hates zach , zach hates ethan , and blah , blah , blah , blah , blah . like it or not , we 're smack dab in the middle of a testosterone fest . you know what they say about boys and their egos . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 're not defined by your father , ethan . take it from me , i found that out the hard way . i 'm still finding it out , ok ? the best thing that you can do is to walk away from zach . otherwise , this war that you have with him is going to eat you alive . ethan : maybe he 'll flat - line it and save us all the trouble , eh ? ryan : you think his death will set you free ? it does n't work that way . you are the only one that can end this , all on your own . zach has the power until you say he does n't . [ scene_break ] alexander : your entire life is a catastrophe . you lied to the woman you love . your relationship is hanging by a thread . you failed with her and with your son . michael : you did n't do much for me , either . alexander : kendall will disappear , but ethan wo n't . he will always be there , a haunting reminder of the mess you 've made of your life . michael : yeah , you 've almost outdone me . ryan : i 'll second that . alexander : ah , there is he is , my true heir , the son i 've always wanted . the man who rightfully deserved my fortune . until you ruined that . michael : yeah , like i really knew i was going to get little binks pregnant . ryan : you 're dead , zach . you 're dead , and i feel like i 've won the lottery , because you 're out of our lives . you 're out of mine , kendall 's , and our son 's . so rest in peace -- or not . [ scene_break ] di : you know , i 've been on my own since i was a kid , tad . i 've been a crime boss ' girlfriend , i went to prison , i was a con artist not - so - extraordinaire . tad : why do n't you just scream it a little louder ? you made your point . you 're not dixie , you can take care of yourself . di : right , and i 've been doing it my whole life . tad : i 'm glad to hear it . i mean it , because this could very easily get dangerous . di : what , tad , working here , just looking for a little dirt on zach ? tad : yeah . a little dirt on zach slater , a very serious individual . not to mention giving the brush - off to his right - hand man , the human octopus that would love nothing more than to keep his grubby little digits all over you . di : ok . ok . you want to protect me . i appreciate that . you want to keep me safe . but i can handle this . you know , marty tried back in the day . and he did n't get anywhere , not then , not now . tad : i 'm sure you 're past mastering at giving old marty the brush - off . i just do n't like -- di : seeing me with him ? tad : was trying not to say it . di : that 's the sweetest thing i 've ever heard you not say . listen -- i mean , marty -- marty is a computer whiz , tad . and if anybody could hack into a power system , he 's our guy . tad : ok , terrific . but even if he is the connection between zach and that blackout , you 're taking a hell of a risk , whether you want to admit it or not , ok , and i ca n't be here , i ca n't be here to look over your shoulder . di : why ? what came up ? tad : let 's just say we came here to uncover one secret , and i may have just tripped over another . [ scene_break ] erica : derek , i think someone may have drugged me . jonathan : like when i drugged greenlee . jack : look , we need to get erica to the hospital , we need to get a tox screen done , and we need to do it now . derek : hold up , people . zach slater was stabbed tonight . a roomful of witnesses saw it . you just expect me to open up this cell ? jack : yes , derek , that 's exactly what i expect you to do . look , somebody slipped erica a drug . it 's still in her system . we need to get her to the hospital , get that tox screen done , find out what that drug is before my wife has a cardiac arrest ! erica : oh , derek , please ? i 'm terrified . derek : i can get someone in here tomorrow -- jack : no , we 're going to do this now , derek . look , wait , if you 're afraid she 's going to make a run for it , handcuff her to me , handcuff her to you -- do whatever you have to do -- but get my wife to the hospital before it 's too late ! [ scene_break ] aidan : looky , looky , looky what we have here . now , whose hair is this ? [ scene_break ] amanda : look , you 're totally weirding me out , jamie . if you have something to say , just say it already . jamie : found this tonight . amanda : you into dolls ? who knew . jamie : i found this in the warehouse i followed you to . amanda : you went back there ? jamie : yeah , to find out why you went there . amanda : you told me you had to fill in for someone at the hospital tonight . you lied to me ! jamie : well , you 've been lying to me . have n't you , amanda ? amanda : oh , my god . you seriously think i have something to hide ? i told you why i went to that warehouse . erica is looking for a space to rent for `` new beginnings . `` why would i lie about that ? jamie : that 's weird , that 's what i want to know . amanda : i trusted you , jamie . i thought you trusted me . i fell so hard for you , head over heels in love for real . how could you mess with me like this ? jamie : i 'm not playing you , and i 'm not against you . but i also do n't buy your story about the warehouse . i think you 're hiding something . and we 're not going anywhere until i find out what it is . [ scene_break ] simone : are you ok ? my god , do we know anything ? nurse : i 'm sorry , we have no information at this point . [ kendall remembers recent conversations . ] zach 's voice : i do n't want to change who you are . i love who you are . i love who you 've been and -- and i love who you 're going to be . ryan 's voice : he 's a fraud . he 's a liar . zach : be my wife . marry me . for real this time . ryan : you ca n't . kendall : who the hell says i ca n't ? ryan : you ca n't marry zach until you know -- kendall : what ? until i know what , ryan ? what do n't i know ? anita : kendall ? kendall ? zach 's out of surgery . simone : oh , thank god . kendall : he 's alive ? anita : i can take you to him . simone : oh , honey , go , go . go see your man . [ scene_break ] jamie : you tell me your hands are clean , we go right back to being friends . but if you had any part in this , i 'm not going to turn on you . i 'll get you the help you need . amanda : and now you think i need help ? jamie : amanda , whoever did this needs serious medical attention . amanda : you mean they 're crazy . jamie : if you 're behind this , we have a serious problem . maybe it was triggered by the skull fracture from the accident . maybe you really do n't know what you 're doing during these blackouts you say you 're having . amanda : oh , so now you think i lied about the blackouts , too ? last i heard , jonathan lavery was locked up for all the bad things that happened . why am i in the hot seat ? i 'm innocent ! jamie : if you 're so innocent , tell me what the deal is with this warehouse , that doll . admit to what you know , because we 're going to find out either way . amanda : you think i 'd ever trust you again ? [ phone rings ] jamie : i got to get this . yeah ? [ as jamie answers the phone , janet clobbers him over the head with a metal bat . ] janet : now , you , jamie martin , are the one in need of serious medical attention . you , you , you ! amanda : oh , my god , he 's out cold . mom -- what are you looking for ? janet : rope . you know where mr. `` oh , i love you , amanda , except when i do n't `` keeps it ? amanda : what do you need rope for ? janet : honey , this is kind of a tall building , right , and he 's sort of a hunky guy , right , so you 're going to help me . amanda : no , you are not touching him ! janet : honey , this pathetic excuse of fiancé has hurt my sweet angel . and now we 're going to teach him a lesson . amanda : no , mom , no more lessons ! look , i do n't care what i have to do , it all stops now ! jamie ! come on , please , wake up ! jamie ! oh , god , mom , how could you [ when she turns around and sees that her mom is gone , amanda grabs her coat and purse and dashes out after her . ] [ scene_break ] derek : will you turn around , please , erica ? jack : thank you , derek . you 're doing the right thing here . listen , you get her into a squad car , i 'll call the hospital and make sure there 's somebody standing by , all right ? guard . [ scene_break ] tad : i may be onto something that scared me half to death . it concerns erica 's connection to greg madden . di : that 's already figured out . she 's already figured out her connection with madden . tad : maybe , maybe not , at least not all of it . di : i mean , can i help you ? tad : no . this is n't a theory i want to start sharing with anybody , at least till i 'm positive . di : ok . tad : mainly because i 'm praying that i 'm wrong . di : it 's that bad ? tad : bad ? if i 'm right , this thing 's going to blow a whole lot of lives straight to hell . [ scene_break ] alexander : give me your hand . come with us . you have no choice . kendall 's voice : zach ? zach ? alexander : this is your destiny . you 're a cambias . always have been , always will be . kendall 's voice : please , zach , come back . [ using kendall as a lifeline , zach grabs her hand and regains consciousness , while kendall recalls simone 's words . ] simone 's voice : but if he did , honey , i do n't blame zach for causing that blackout , for screwing up the whole greenlee surrogacy thing . i do n't . because if you really think about it , it 's actually romantic -- in a zach slater kind of way . [ next_on ] amanda ( to janet ) : tell me where you are , and i 'll come get you . janet ( in the chandler secret tunnel ) : i ca n't do that , sweetheart . i 'm right in the middle of something . kendall ( to erica ) : are you completely insensitive or totally insane ? greg ( to tad ) : tell me what you 're trying to wheedle out of my son . j.r. ( to babe ) : if you do n't sign that prenup , we are totally over . | while in jail after stabbing zach , the effects of the drug wear off on erica . she does not remember what happened but believed she saw michael cambias and had to protect kendall from him . knowing that michael cambias is dead , she has no clue what happened to her . jonathan , who is in the adjoining cell suggests that maybe somebody drugged her . jack comes to see her and demands that derek do a toxicology screen on erica before it 's too late . kendall tells ryan she believes that he and erica set up a plan to murder zach . but ryan tells her that did not happen . she demands to know ryan 's secret suspicions about zach . he does n't tell her . but simone does . while unconscious in the hospital , zach is having a struggle with the ghosts of his father and brother telling him he needs to die and is as sick as they are . and he fights to be with kendall . janet is still up to no good . amanda is torn between ratting her out to jamie or being falsely accused , herself , of janet 's crimes . janet makes certain that wo n't happen , however , and knocks jamie out |
erica : val , i want you to call the hospital , get an update on greenlee 's condition , and then i want you to call and confirm my meeting with the accountants . thank you . [ intercom beeps ] pam : erica ? erica : yes ? pam : did you check out the new footage i sent you on samuel woods ? erica : who ? pam : the guy who 's running for senate ? erica : oh , right . uh -- well , of course , the 9/11 connection , that is incredibly impressive , and the way he lost his wife -- that 's just tragic . pam : huh -- i know . erica : but apart from all of that , pam , it 's -- it 's nothing more than warmed- over populism . i do n't want this show used as some sort of a political soapbox . pam : `` the view `` wants him . erica : oh , huh -- do they now ? pam : and the late - night talk shows are lining up , too . i 'm telling you , erica -- this guy is smart , he 's good - looking , he has a great story , and did i mention he was good - looking ? erica : we 'll erect a statue to samuel woods -- very soon . however , we have today 's show to worry about ? pam : which means i should go worry about it . erica : yeah , that 's why i pay you big bucks , pam -- you anticipate my every request , thank you . whoopi , hi , it 's erica ! well , how are you , girlfriend ? [ scene_break ] annie : ryan , i am so sorry about this . ryan : you do n't have to apologize -- there 's no way that you would know richie would ask our daughter to be his bone marrow donor . annie : no , but that 's the thing -- i should 've known . i forgot who he was for five minutes and look what happened . ryan : emma is going to be fine , ok ? trust me -- she 's going to be fine . [ knock on door ] richie : ahem -- got your message . you guys wanted to see me about something ? ryan : yeah , come on in . annie : how could you ? richie : what -- what ? ryan : emma told us the story that you shared with her , the one about the flower garden and the sick tree . in fact , it made such an impression on her that she cried herself asleep tonight thinking that we would n't let her help you . richie : look , man , i did n't mean to -- ryan : yeah , sure you did , richie . you did mean to , and now , you 're going to make things right . [ scene_break ] adam : you going somewhere , son ? j.r. : business meeting . potential investors . adam : oh , do you want me to go along ? j.r. : no , no , that 's all right . i can take care of it . adam : i see you 're wearing the ring . j.r. : yes , i am . adam : your grandfather would be proud . j.r. : thanks , dad . i 'll talk to you later . adam : yeah . ah , no , son . thank you . j.r. : krystal , it 's me . i 'm on my way . [ adam listens to j.r. 's call ] [ scene_break ] julia : ok , now , you 're going to be a good girl for tad and krystal , right ? tad : oh , who are you kidding ? she 's always good , are n't you ? kathy : yeah ! tad : you know , there 's cookies in the kitchen . last one there 's a rotten egg ! julia : ooh ! krystal : go get them ! julia : oh , thank you for watching her , you guys . tad : no , that 's fine . krystal : oh , we 're happy to help . julia : with the frankie and greenlee situation , everybody at the hospital has been working double and triple shifts . krystal : yeah . is there anything new ? julia : well , they 're going to try the new antitoxin on greenlee today . tad : and what about frankie ? julia : we almost lost him last night . tad : oh . this has got to be killing angie . [ scene_break ] angie : oh -- joe : thought you could use this . angie : thanks , joe . joe : yeah . when was the last time you had something to eat ? angie : on the plane to pine valley . joe : on the plane -- well , we ca n't have our doctor getting sick . angie : this is n't too bad . have you heard from greenlee yet ? joe : yes , i spoke to her . she -- she 's agreed to the procedure . angie : ah , good . joe : wants to talk to you first . angie : ah . well , you know , sometimes i wish i were two people . joe : hmm , yeah , so do i . we 'd have a hell of a staff . angie : hmm . joe : something to consider , though , you know ? angie : what ? joe : sticking around , you know , coming to work with us ? well , it is -- it is your home , you know ? and we certainly could use you . angie : that 's so sweet , joe , thank you . but right now , all i want to think about is saving these lives -- if i can . [ scene_break ] aidan : so joe tells us you 're going to go ahead with the treatment . greenlee : yeah -- guinea pig . zach : lab rat , just because of everything . greenlee : well , i 've got my whole crew here with me . i love you . i 'm sorry i 've been such a pain . aidan : you have n't . greenlee : yeah , well , ask him . thanks for helping me through this , zach . zach : any time . greenlee : and you -- the author . kendall : yeah , right . greenlee : i 'm so proud of you . i 'm so happy we 're friends again . i 'm so lucky to have all of you in my corner . zach : hey , doc . greenlee : hey , dr. hubbard . how 's frankie ? angie : he 's resting -- so far , so good . no more complications . greenlee : great . angie : you wanted to talk to me before the procedure . greenlee : yeah . um -- i -- i know this thing that you 're going to do to me , this drug , whatever it is -- i know that it 's either going to kill me or save me . i get it . i guess what i really need to know is what are the odds of me making it out of this bed ? i 'd like an honest answer . angie : greenlee , as you know , the procedure is experimental . greenlee : i know , i know , i know , i know that . you do n't have to qualify it for me anymore . if this were a horserace -- angie : you 'd be the long shot . greenlee : thanks for your honesty . angie : it 's the same thing that i would say to my son . these are uncharted waters and there have been no clinical studies . the amount of the antitoxin is pure guesswork . but i would also tell frankie -- and i 'm going to tell you now -- that with all our medical advances , scientific wonders , a fighting spirit is still the best thing you have going for you -- that and all the people who love you fighting alongside . greenlee : well , i have all that . angie : i can see you do . greenlee : tell frankie hi from me . and if i pull through this , he damn well better , too . angie : i will , sweet girl . zach : thank you . greenlee : so this horse walks into a bar -- zach : and the bartender says -- aidan and kendall : why the long face ? greenlee : no long faces . i 'm going to beat this thing . this long shot 's going to win . [ scene_break ] [ jesse sits by frankie 's bedside stroking his unconscious son 's forehead ] [ scene_break ] ryan : look , do you want to -- annie : yeah . ryan : yeah . [ richie chuckles ] richie : oh , what -- you do n't want annie watching you kicking my ass , man ? is that it ? ryan : i 'm not going to hit you , richie . i 'm not . i mean , what you did was a pretty awful thing , and i 'm trying really hard to give you the benefit the doubt -- you know , that you were just acting as a desperate man . but that would assume that you 're a normal human being , so no . no , what i have for you is going to be a little bit more painful . i 'm going to make you tell the truth . emma : hi , uncle richie . richie : hey , emma . how you doing , sweetheart ? ahem . ryan : uncle richie has something he needs to say to you . do n't you ? [ scene_break ] tad : ok , wait , wait , wait , wait . no , you ca n't move it again ! j.r. : watch out for him -- he cheats ! tad : she 's already -- that was 12 . she 's already winning , so she does n't need you giving away my secrets . j.r. : hmm . tad : what brings you here ? j.r. : i was just in the neighborhood . krystal : yeah , and i -- actually , i 'm going to put you to work if you do n't mind . would you come in here for a minute ? j.r. : sure . krystal : excuse us . tad : ok . j.r. : so what 's going on ? krystal : i am starting to get cold feet , j.r . j.r. : why ? krystal : because i 'm starting to think that this game that you 're playing with adam is dangerous . j.r. : you 're the one who suggested it . krystal : i know , i know , but now i think i was wrong . j.r. : have you been talking to babe ? krystal : yes . yes , i told her . j.r. : damn it , krystal -- why would you go do something like that ? krystal : because i did n't want her to think that you moved in with adam because you 're weak . i thought she should know the real reason . j.r. : yeah . so , what did she say -- oh , no , let me guess . that j.r. ca n't handle it , that he 'll be back on the bottle in no time -- am i getting warm here ? krystal : she 's not wrong , j.r. and i was selfish to push you . i know , i know you think you can handle adam -- we all think we can handle adam , until one day we wake up , and we 're up to our necks in quicksand . adam has already taken so much of your life , j.r. do n't let him take the rest of it . [ adam takes a swig of his drink as he eavesdrops on j.r. and krystal ] kathy : that 's mine ! tad : you sure your name is n't trump ? j.r. : you do n't give me a lot of credit , do you , krystal -- you or your daughter ? krystal : no , you 're wrong about that . babe cares about you and so do i . that 's why i should 've thought this through before i asked you to do it . i was just so angry at adam for playing with our lives . adam : what games , krystal ? what games -- what games are you playing ? aside from your sex romps with tad martin ? i have a lead on where tad can find kate . i will tell him where to find her -- if you 'll come back to me . yeah . krystal : i was not going to let him get away with that . j.r. : neither am i. kate is my sister and if that son of a bitch knows where she is , i 'm going to find out . i do n't need any babysitters checking on me to see if i 've disappeared back into the bottle . i 'm back at the house because i want to be -- and i 'm doing it for tad . [ scene_break ] erica : ok , done . here you go . pam , any word on -- an update on greenlee 's condition ? pam : val said that all the hospital will tell him is that her condition is unchanged . erica : that 's it ? are you kidding ? ok -- i 'll just go call jack myself . hmm . what are these ? man : i just need your signature . erica : well , my goodness , i really would like to read through them first . ca n't this wait ? man : we 're on a very tight deadline . second man : it 's not a big deal , erica . i 'll -- we 'll come back in a little bit , pick them up from you . erica : ok , thank you . [ phone rings ] erica : oh , jack , why are n't you picking up ? [ scene_break ] nick : we 'll be back in a little bit to check on you . kendall : you need anything ? greenlee : nah , i 'm good . but they say nothing important 's going to happen for the next few hours , so why do n't you guys take a break ? go , please -- not too far . kendall : remember -- i 'm not doing this book thing without you . greenlee : first - class air , penthouse suite , george clooney -- i 'm right there . zach : come on . i 'll call george , ok ? [ greenlee chuckles ] zach : see ya . greenlee : you , too . aidan : do n't even suggest it , all right ? greenlee : aidan ? aidan : no , i 'm not going anywhere -- end of discussion . what is this about george clooney anyway ? jack : knock , knock . greenlee : hi , dad . jack : hi , honey . hey , i have somebody here who would like to see you . greenlee : lily ? lily : the most common gift for someone in the hospital is flowers , but i know that you were having trouble breathing . then i was going to bring you candy but i know you had a tube down your throat -- so i brought you this . [ lily hands greenlee a framed photo of themselves at erica and jack 's wedding ] lily : i know we 're not technically sisters , because we 're not biologically related , and i 'm adopted . but we are in another way , because we both call jack our dad . well , i thought the frame was pretty -- you can put a picture in it if you want to . greenlee : no , lily . this is perfect . thank you . [ scene_break ] jesse : you got to hang in there , frankie . be strong . what am i saying , huh ? you 've been the man of the house since i left . god . i wish i could explain what happened -- i wish i could tell you and your mother . oh -- so many things . you 've got her strength , and i want you to use it and fight . frankie , i love you , boy . [ when jesse hears a noise , he hides behind a door ] frankie : mom . angie : hey . mama 's here , baby . mama 's here . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this was very brave of you to come here , lily . i know how much you hate hospitals . lily : well , they 're not my favorite place but i seem to be here a lot now , because of all the medical emergencies of the people i know . greenlee : hmm . tell me about it . lily : i believe i just did . jack : lily , greenlee and i have a few things we need to discuss . aidan , would you mind ? aidan : yeah , sure . shall we ? would you like hot chocolate , lily ? lily : yes , but not from the machine , because they do n't use real milk . aidan : ok , well , we 'll find you some -- some decent milk . greenlee : that was sweet -- bringing lily . i wish i 'd taken the time to get to know her better . jack : you 're going to have plenty of time to do that -- all the time in the world . greenlee : you promise ? [ scene_break ] zach : are you ok ? stupid question , huh ? kendall : i was just thinking . zach : what ? kendall : i was thinking about something that we could do for greenlee . zach : ok . kendall : let 's go . i 'll tell you in the car . [ scene_break ] ryan : all right , uncle richie -- why do n't you tell emma what you told me ? richie : ahem . hey . ok -- emma ? you remember in the park when i told you that you could help me get well ? emma : uh - huh . richie : yeah ? but i was afraid that your parents would n't let you do it ? well , they were right for telling you that you were too young , ok ? you see , uncle richie did n't know that they only let grown - ups do that sort of thing , so i 'm sorry . however , do you know what else ? uncle richie found an adult who is going to help him get well . emma : you did ? richie : i did . so , i do n't want you worrying that you could n't help me . in fact , all i want you to worry about is being cute . ok ? is that a deal ? [ emma giggles ] richie : hee - hee - hee - hee -- give me five . [ richie chuckles ] ryan : all right , ok . richie : all right . ryan : well , hey , now that you 're wide awake , what do you say you and me -- we head to the kitchen , we get ourselves some snacks , and we watch a little bit of tv ? what do you think ? annie : hmm . ryan : come on . annie : thank you for that . little girls should n't have nightmares about things they do n't know anything about . richie : yeah -- big girls , either , so i 'm told . ahem . [ scene_break ] tad : why am i the last person in town to find out that you 've moved back in with adam , and that you 're doing it for me ? krystal : tad ? i -- i can explain . j.r. : no , no . he needs to hear it from me . remember when i was in jail , and you came to visit me ? tad : sure . j.r. : my father offered to bail me out , move me back into the house , but you thought it was a bad idea ? tad : for obvious reasons . or were n't you there the other night for his latest escapade ? j.r. : i was there . tad : well , then , answer the question . why are you back there ? j.r. : you 're my real father in every sense of the word . and i needed to prove to myself and to you that i was strong enough to go in there and deal with adam chandler once and for all and then be done with him . i just want to be the son that you could be proud of . i want to be the man that you said that i could be , and i have to do this in order to get there . [ tad hugs j.r. while adam angrily clears his desk , then he holds up kathy 's new mexico adoption certificate ] adam : so this is what you 're really after , is n't it , son ? you want to give your `` real father `` a gift . proof that tad and dixie 's little offspring is alive and well . if you only knew how close she really is -- kathy : you want to play another game ? tad : well , what happened to `` hannah montana `` ? kathy : i put her on pause . tad : ah , i see . you 'll have to excuse me -- humiliation beckons . krystal : that was really nice , what you said to tad . j.r. : i meant every word . krystal : i can see that . and so could he . i am not going to question you anymore , j.r . i can see that you 're your own man . i can see that . [ scene_break ] pam : line 1 for you . erica : oh , pam , who is it ? this is erica kane . samuel : samuel woods . erica : really ? well , what a surprise , mr. woods . samuel : really ? i -- i was under the impression that your producer was trying to reach me . erica : yes . sometimes my producer , pamela , can be a little too spirited in her pursuit of guests . we do have to rein her in from time to time . samuel : well , then that makes this a lot easier . erica : excuse me ? samuel : i 'm afraid as much as i would like the opportunity to meet you , i ca n't do your show , ms. kane . erica : may i ask why not ? samuel : too many conflicts , dates . it just would n't work out . erica : has `` the view `` been in contact with you ? samuel : no , no , this is not about doing another talk show , i assure you . i 'm flattered just that you asked me . as a matter of fact , my wife was one of your biggest fans . and after watching your show recently , i can see why . erica : flattery and a turn down all in one call ? you certainly do know how to operate , mr. woods . samuel : please , call me samuel . and again , i 'm sorry i could n't do your show , ms. kane . erica : do n't even give it a second thought , really . well , it has been so nice talking to you , mr. woods . bye . pam : am i fired again ? erica : get him for me , pam . i do n't care what you have to do , but i want that man on my show . pam : got it . can i ask you what changed your mind ? erica : no . pam : oh . [ scene_break ] ryan : the three of us , our little family . annie : plus spike . ryan : plus spike . annie : our not - so - little family . ryan : plus spike and kendall and zach -- you 're right , it is n't so little . you know , i remember a couple of months ago when we were over there , and kendall and zach were out someplace , and i think you were in the bedroom with emma , and i was just sitting there with spike and was thinking to myself , `` everybody that i love is -- is right here with me . `` you know , i could close the door , and i could lock it , and i know everybody would be safe . nothing -- nothing could hurt any of us , because we were all in the same place . [ scene_break ] aidan : just look at her . she 's a tough girl , jack . jack : yeah , she is . aidan : she 's scared . i ca n't blame her , though . jack : and all we can do is just watch and wait . hey , julia . julia : hey . we 're going to sedate greenlee before the treatment . if you want to go and say good night -- jack : sure . kendall : can you guys wait , just -- just one minute , please ? joe : ok . so you know the drill . we 're going to start with the iv drip that 'll put you to sleep . and then dr. hubbard will administer the antitoxin . greenlee : and then after that -- kendall : ahem . greenlee : hey . kendall : hey . greenlee : i thought i told you to go home . kendall : well , we did . we did , but we thought we 'd bring a little friend back for you . zach : hey . here you go . kid could n't sleep . said he wanted to come talk to you , so here we are . greenlee : hi . kendall : you want to go see greenlee ? you want to hold him ? greenlee : yeah . kendall : want to sit with greenlee ? give her kisses . greenlee : hi , spike . oh , it 's been so long . hi ! kendall : ok . greenlee : yeah , it 's been so long since i 've seen you . last time we were in this place , we did n't have much fun , huh ? hey , we got through it , did n't we ? here . kendall : aw . oh . zach : he 's sleepy . kendall : oh . greenlee : i know . i 'm going to do it again . because there 's so much i need to tell you about your mom , and me , and your daddy ryan , your daddy zach , and all the people who love you . yeah . we 've been through it , but we 're all here . and now , so are you . oh . thank you . thank you . joe : you ready ? hmm ? ok . kendall : george clooney . greenlee : yeah . zach : enough with the clooney talk . we 'll see you later . greenlee : yeah , you will . kendall : oh . zach : bye . kendall : bye . jack : here 's his jacket . greenlee : you know , it would n't be so bad , your face being the last thing i saw . aidan : it 's going to be the first thing you see when you wake up , babe . greenlee : hmm . jack : i love you , baby . greenlee : i love you , too . jack : see you in a little bit . greenlee : let 's do this . [ greenlee is given an anesthetic to put her to sleep ] [ scene_break ] angie : you stay with us , baby . you 've got to stay with us . [ angie picks up the photo of herself and jesse from the bedside table ] angie : jesse , help our son . please , please . [ hiding behind the door , jesse can hardly contain himself but keeps quiet ] julia : angie ? sorry to interrupt . joe is waiting for you to give greenlee her treatment . angie : i 'll be right there . [ while greenlee holds alfonso the tiger , jesse administers the antitoxin as aidan and joe watch ] [ scene_break ] erica : jack -- how is she ? jack : well , they 're just starting the new treatment now , and we wo n't know anything until morning . erica : you 're not planning to -- to stay here all night , are you ? jack : sure i am , pacing and drinking stale coffee and climbing the walls . unless , of course , you have a better idea -- i 'd love to hear it . erica : i just might . [ scene_break ] jesse : easy , son . it 's going to be a long night . but i 'll be right here with you . [ scene_break ] kathy : show me the money ! tad : do n't look now , but i think you 've been skunked , kid . krystal : oh , kathy wins ! kathy : yay ! tad : well done ! j.r. : all right ! tad : bring it on . [ adam listens to the happy conversation from the martin household then burns the adoption certificate in his fireplace ] j.r. 's voice : wow , kathy . i can never win a game because he has tons of money . krystal 's voice : let 's start again , i think -- tad 's voice : rematch , rematch ! [ scene_break ] [ ryan sleeps in his bed next to annie ] [ scene_break ] [ jack and erica wake up huddled together at the boathouse ] erica : jack , what a beautiful sunrise . look at it , jack . it 's a new day . jack : my god , when did i fall asleep ? erica : i guess after we talked all night and solved all the problems of the world . jack : did we get to all of them ? erica : hmm , maybe just the ones in our own little corner -- i do n't know . have faith , jack . [ scene_break ] [ adam talks to his sleeping son ] adam : you know better than to tangle with me , j.r. you 'll all find out what a mistake that was . [ scene_break ] julia : i hope she was n't too much trouble . krystal : oh , not a bit . tad : no , except for kicking my butt a few times at a board game . krystal : oh , he 's a sore loser . julia : thanks for taking her , you guys . tad : we 'll take her off your hands anytime . have a good day . [ tad chases krystal around the house ] krystal : hmm . get off me ! [ scene_break ] angie : aidan -- aidan , come on , we need you to leave . aidan : what ? what is it ? angie : get up , get up . aidan : is she all right ? angie : look , i will keep you apprised . i need you to leave . aidan : greenlee ? angie : get me an oxygen mask . angie : i need you to get dr. martin . joe : what 's the matter ? angie : she 's not responding . i think we 're going to have to get her on a vent . joe : page the anesthesiologist . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] kendall : hello ? aidan , what 's the matter ? no , but i -- but i thought that they said -- ok , all right , we 're on our way . zach : is greenlee ok ? kendall : no . [ scene_break ] angie : joe , her sat 's dropping . joe : all right . ambu bag . angie : she 's still hypoxic . joe : i do n't think she 's oxygenating . angie : she may be obstructed . joe : just an airway , probably . aidan : jack , it 's aidan . you need to get back to the hospital , now . [ scene_break ] annie : no . [ annie chuckles ] annie : emma , sweetheart , it 's time for breakfast . let 's let daddy sleep in , ok ? come on . uh - oh . whoops . morning , sleepyhead . ryan : oh . annie : oh . ryan : um -- who are you ? [ annie laughs ] annie : oh . what do you mean , `` who are we `` ? we 're your family . i am annie , this is emma . ryan : no -- no , you 're not . annie : uh -- sweetheart , why do n't you go to your bedroom for a second ? mommy needs to talk to daddy about something . can you do that for me ? good girl . good girl . if this is some kind of a joke , it 's not funny . i think you scared her . ryan : i 'm sorry that i scared her . i -- this is -- this is not a joke , ok ? i do n't know what 's going on . i do n't know -- i do n't know what happened here . um -- but i do know this . i have never seen you before in my life . [ next_on ] ryan ( to joe and annie ) : i 've lost four years of my life . angie ( to jack ) : i 'm sorry , but she slipped into a coma . kendall ( to greenlee ) : we 're not going anywhere . greenlee : hey , guys , i 'm right here . tad : jesse -- [ tad spots jesse at the hospital and chases after him ] | zach and greenlee discuss as to what to do about greenlee being injected with the antitoxin . julia brings kathy ( unbeknownst to her that it is really kate ) for tad and krystal to take care of . adam notices that j.r. wears the ring that he had given him . j.r. takes a call from krystal in which adam listens to them . erica yells for val to call the hospital to get an update on greenlee while she tries to get jack on the phone . pam comes in and wants to know if erica had spoken to the senator . erica calls whoopi goldberg . annie apologizes to ryan for what richie had asked emma do . richie comes to visit . greenlee decides to have the antitoxin . jesse visits frankie . joe lets angie know that greenlee agreed to the procedure . jack brings lily in to visit greenlee . lily brings a pic of herself and greenlee together at jack and erica 's wedding . angie lets greenlee know that this procedure is a long shot . erica calls the senator , who declines her offer to be on her show . erica insists to pam that she get her the senator for her program . erica comes to the hospital and drags jack away . jack and erica wake up to the rising of the sun . adam listens to j.r. and krystal and the deal that they had cooked up against him . ryan wakes up and lets annie and emma know that he does n't know them . greenlee lapses into a coma . |
amanda : mom ? oh , thank god you finally picked up . janet : i always have time for my little girl . amanda : where are you ? what are you doing ? janet : what do you think i 'm doing ? the phone starts vibrating , i answer it and greet my beloved daughter . amanda : mom , i need to talk to you in person janet : we 're having a lovely conversation right now . you have my full attention , as you always do . amanda : do n't i know it . janet : my whole purpose in life , darling , is to help you . is someone bothering you ? who is it ? tell me , tell me who they are . i 'll put them on my list . amanda : mom , listen , everything 's fine . no one 's bothering me . we need to talk about your helping , ok ? i do n't need it , and you need to stop it . janet : i 'm the best judge of that . amanda : you hurt jamie . janet : jamie hurt you . he broke your heart . he listened to that foulmouthed j.r. and that little twit babe . he had to learn his lesson . amanda : i can deal with jamie without hitting him over the head . janet : if they do n't all learn to be good little boys and girls , things could get much worse for all of them . [ scene_break ] babe : jamie ? hello ? anyone here ? oh , my gosh . jamie , are you ok ? jamie : i 'm feeling a little rough , babe . i feel like i drank a full keg and then -- babe : oh -- jamie : smashed my head into it . babe : wait , here , you just -- do n't move . you need to lie still , ok ? look at me . can you see me ? jamie : yeah -- you and your two friends . babe : that 's a bad joke , but a really good sign . see there ? you smiled . j.r. : i knew it . all that love crap ? just another slut - mouthed lie . [ scene_break ] erica : any word on my tox screen results ? derek : the status is the same as it was 15 minutes ago . jack : derek . just try to relax , sweetheart . erica : relax , jack ? i 'm in police custody . derek : the results will be here when the tech finishes them , but the facts are the facts . eyewitnesses saw you put a knife in zach slater 's chest . erica : derek , you do n't understand . i did n't stab zach . i -- i stabbed michael cambias . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa -- sweetheart , you have the right to remain silent , please exercise it . derek : why do n't you write a thank - you note to the surgeons ? they kept you from facing murder charges . erica : i really do n't need to stand here and listen to this . jack : erica , stop -- honey -- erica : oh , oh , oh -- tad : i 'm sorry . derek : where do you think you 're going ? erica : i 'm going to straighten out this mess myself . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . ethan : so , any update on zach 's condition ? ryan : no , no update . of course , kendall 's still sitting beside his bed like he 's god 's gift to single , pregnant women everywhere . simone : well , maybe she thought it was romantic , too . ethan : thought that what was romantic ? simone : the blackout -- the fact that zach caused it , i mean , and the whole scrambled egg disaster that went along with it . ryan : and how would she have found that out ? simone : you know damn well how she found that out -- from you last night . ryan : look , if kendall found out anything last night , it was n't from me . it was from you . [ scene_break ] zach : kendall ? simone 's voice : but if he did -- honey , i do n't blame zach for causing that blackout , for screwing up the whole greenlee surrogacy thing , for screwing up the whole greenlee surrogacy thing , for screwing up the whole greenlee surrogacy thing . zach : what is it ? you have nothing better to do than to watch a grown man heal ? kendall : you 're the man i 'm supposed to marry . zach : mm - hmm . where are my flowers ? someone 's sick in the hospital , you 're supposed to bring flowers . you know , a beautiful woman once told me that . kendall : ok , stop . that 's not -- that 's not fair . zach : not fair ? i 'm not kidding . where are my flowers ? kendall : no , it 's not fair to joke around when i ca n't smack you one . zach : you can smack a man when he 's down . kendall : come on , zach , just stop . please stop it . zach : what 's wrong ? surely i do n't look that bad in a hospital gown . kendall : my mother almost killed you . zach : yeah , but she did n't . i 'm still here . i have too much to live for . [ scene_break ] ryan : for , like , the fifth -- the fifth time , ok , i did not tell kendall about the blackout . simone : look , i am not just a pretty picture , ryan . all right , i saw you talking to kendall . she was screaming at you . she told you to take your dirt on zach and go to hell . you told her ! ryan : i did n't tell her , ok ? simone : quit lying . ryan : i did n't . i had no intention of telling her anything until i had some concrete evidence . now , of course , i may need that evidence , like , yesterday . ethan : yeah , that schematic is not going to be enough . ryan : no , it 's not going to be enough . i know kendall , and she 's going to want me to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that zach pulled the plug on pine valley and the fertility clinic . look , we need to find a connection between zach and that night , to the night that all of our lives got trashed along with greenlee 's embryos . simone : i 'm going to be sick . i 'm the one that never wanted her to find out . god , how could i have done this ? ethan : pick up the pace of this investigation . ryan : pick up the pace ? what am i supposed to do ? i mean , we 're on it . i got tad 's people on it . hopefully somebody 's going to find a connection between zach and the computer that pulled the master switch . [ scene_break ] di : marty , thank you for coming so quickly . marty : trouble on the job already ? i just hired you last night . di : no , no , no , the job is fabulous . it 's me that 's not . marty : what is it ? di : you were always such a good friend . i feel like such an idiot telling you this . marty : i 've always felt really close to you , di . i want to help . di : yeah ? well -- i do n't know , i 've always been bad with money , and i was going through kind of a rough patch and i just -- i went out and bought myself a little something to make me feel better . marty : those things are going to blind somebody . whoa ! di : i know . i -- i bought them on credit at lacey 's . marty : you wo n't be the first woman i 've known with a maxed - out credit card . di : yeah . oh , but , marty -- i mean , even with the job here , there 's no way i can ever pay for these . i mean , i do n't know what i was thinking . i mean , and now it 's too late to take them back . you know ? marty : i 'm really sorry . [ di sighs ] marty : look , maybe i can help you pick up a few extra shifts . di : yeah . yeah , that 'd be great . you know , what i really need to pick up is the guy who handles billing at lacey 's . maybe he likes blondes . marty : do n't do that to yourself , di . you 're too good for that . di : yeah ? i 'm in over my head , marty . got any other ideas ? marty : i know a guy who can hack into the account database at lacey 's and make your troubles go bye - bye . di : no . no , i would n't want anybody to risk going to prison for me . i 've seen it firsthand . it 's not fun . marty : no risk . no trail . no way anybody can find out . di : any idea how i can get ahold of this guy ? marty : you 're looking at him . [ scene_break ] j.r. : do n't try to deny this one , babe . one day , you 're inches away from getting married to me . the next , you hit a speed bump , you 're right back with jamie . you know , you really need to step off that family tree . babe : do you think you could please shut up ? i came over here to warn jamie that amanda 's mother might cause some trouble . jamie : oh , you 've seen her ? babe : i left a message on your voicemail . i just was n't sure if you got it . j.r. : do n't you ever feel ashamed of how quickly you lie ? babe : ashamed ? why do n't we heat up that stove ? here comes the big black pot . j.r. : do n't buy her bs , james . jamie : i 'm sorry , babe , i did n't get your message . i was a little busy being unconscious . oh -- babe : hey -- no , no , you need to be careful . are you sure you 're ok . jamie : no -- yeah , i 'll be fine . j.r. : oh , get a room , you two ! maybe the one over the garage is still available . what the hell are you doing ? jamie : looking up the word `` jackass `` to see if they have a current picture of you . here . [ scene_break ] amanda : mom , what is that echo in the background ? where are you ? janet : what echo -- echo , echo , echo ? amanda : stop it , this is n't funny . just tell me where you are , and i 'll come get you . janet : well , i ca n't do that , sweetheart . i 'm right in the middle of something . amanda : mom , i have to be with you right now . janet : did your father put you up to this ? amanda : look , i 'm worried about you . janet : you and trevor -- you 're trying to take me back to that hospital where they were going to take away my memory with those -- those nasty little electrodes . [ imitates electric shock ] janet : ouch ! well , it just so happens i need my memory , all of it ! otherwise , how am i going to remember who 's been good and who 's been bad ? amanda : nobody is going to shock you . they 're going to help you , ok ? please tell me what you 're planning . please . janet : i need to remember that the older trevor gets , the less understanding he is . you know , we used to have so much fun , sweetheart , but lately his -- his sense of humor is just in a deep freeze . amanda : i 'll take you home , and we 'll have tons of fun -- just you , me , and daddy . janet : i ca n't do that , darling . i just ca n't do that . my work right now is too important , too many lessons to be learned . now , listen , you stay away from jamie and those other two , or you 're going to get hurt again . amanda : just tell me where you are , mom . janet : ooh -- whoopsie ! another call coming in on the other line . toodles , darling . [ scene_break ] jack : as your husband and as your attorney , i would suggest very strongly you stay as far away as possible from zach slater . going anywhere near the man you allegedly assaulted is only going to fuel the prosecution 's case . derek : listen to your lawyer . he 's giving you some good advice . i think you should take it . tad : maybe you could use some of this . erica : oh , thank you . tad : it 's ok , sweetheart . jack : thanks . listen , once we get the results of that tox screen back , then we 'll know exactly what we 're dealing with , ok ? josh : hey , everyone . i was hoping to speak to erica . erica : josh , are you all right ? josh : oh , yeah . this is just a small gash in my bicep , no worries . i 've got another arm . erica : oh , god . do n't tell me -- did i do that , too ? josh : might want to keep quiet about that , erica . and not to worry about the mardi gras ball , either . everything is on track . derek : the mardi gras ball is the least of your problems . jack : derek . josh : i did speak to jesse johnson from the network , though . erica : what ? what now ? josh : well , everyone 's been working like crazy to keep this from the tabloids . unfortunately , one of their stars , bill greer , was at the casino last night and saw everything . with an eyewitness there , the tabloid decided to go with a big headline about you knifing your former son - in - law in a casino brawl . jack : you know what , josh ? erica does n't need to see this just right now . erica : and you know what else ? when the whole story comes out , i wo n't have anything to fear . derek : do n't count on it , erica . josh : you have nothing to worry about . i 've issued a statement in your name . it was all just an accident of tragic misunderstanding . erica : why , thank you . josh : what can i say ? it 's enlightened self - interest . i 'm always on your coattails , erica . wherever they go , i 'm there . erica : josh , you 're always so honest . so , do i have permission to go to the ladies ' room , or are you going to further humiliate me ? derek : please escort miss kane to the restroom . stand outside the door . officer : yes , sir . tad : i 'll take that . erica : thank you . i 'll be right back . [ scene_break ] simone : i did n't mean to wreck everything , anything . i was consoling her . i thought that you had told her -- ryan : it 's ok , it 's ok , it 's ok . do n't worry about it , all right ? it 's not your fault . simone : open mouth , insert shoe . hopefully i can chew on the heel and choke to death . ryan : stop , stop , stop , ok ? the damage is done . now we just -- i guess we just got to fix it . simone : i 'm so sorry , ryan . ethan : sweetheart , the truth had to come out sooner or later . simone : ryan is the father of kendall 's child . zach is the man she loves . no matter who she believes , kendall 's the one that gets torn apart . ethan : we just have to make sure that she 's going to believe ryan , ok ? it 's about time my father got the damnation he deserves . [ scene_break ] zach : normally i can tell exactly what you 're thinking . but now i 've -- if you do n't tell me , i ca n't fix it . kendall : last night -- i -- i thought i -- i almost lost the one thing that i thought i would never have , the gift that i could only dream about -- real love , unconditional love , someone in my corner at all times . zach : we still have that . i 'm here . kendall : yeah , but i almost lost it . in a moment of total insanity , the gift that you gave me was almost stolen away . my drunken , drug - crazed mother -- she became the nightmare that i feared . i might not be lying here in a hospital bed with stitches , but it 'll take me just as long to recover . erica : not too long , i hope . mom says she likes sharing ... kendall : how can you come here ? are you completely insensitive or totally insane ? erica : i came to find out what happened . kendall : `` what happened `` ? has alcohol completely destroyed your brain to the point where you ca n't see between your own lack of conscience and your complete arrogance ? this is what happened , mother . get the memo . you stabbed the man i love . this is about his pain , not yours . erica : kendall , i know that you 've been through a great deal , but you do n't understand . you do n't know everything that happened last night . kendall : ok , i know that zach is lying in a hospital bed right now , i know you put him here , and i know that i almost lost him because of you . erica : kendall , please listen -- kendall : you dare walk in here and tell me i do n't understand ? excuse me , have the words `` i 'm sorry `` come out of your mouth in the past two minutes ? erica : i am so sorry for all that you have suffered , any pain i may have caused you . but i had no control . kendall : oh , my -- `` control `` is your middle name . what are you talking about ? you thought i was gay , so you sent josh over to seduce me . you sicced j.r. on me when you tried to get me away from zach . you promised you 'd meet me halfway on zach . instead , you stabbed him ! erica : we think i may have been drugged . zach : why do n't you give your mom and me a couple of minutes alone . kendall : you want to be alone with her ? zach : sure . i can defend myself just fine if i know what 's coming . kendall : when i come back , zach better have all the blood he 's entitled to . zach : all right . you got my complete attention . [ scene_break ] jack : where 's my wife ? officer : somehow miss kane found another way out . she did n't come by me . jack : damn it ! josh : yeah , josh madden . no , i ca n't wait . yes , he called me . yeah , hi . how you doing ? no , it looks like he 's going to be ok . i 'm not sure . yeah , everything else is fine . did you get the fax ? good . yeah , no , it looks like it . i ca n't tell from here . yeah , it should be all right . and the mardi gras ball is going on as scheduled . no , miss kane will not be in prison . it 's all just a misunderstanding . no , she 's not back on prescription drugs , either . yes , that 's on the record . all right , thanks . [ when no one 's watching , tad picks up erica 's coffee cup , dumps it out in the trash can , places it in a plastic cup , and stashes it in his coat pocket . ] josh : you want a statement , too ? tad : no . no , i 'm sorry , i did n't mean to stare . i just could n't help but notice that you take pretty good care of erica . you must care about her a lot . you do care about her , do n't you , josh ? josh : is there a point to this ? if you have n't noticed , i 'm a little busy . tad : hmm . do n't do small talk , do you ? josh : no , i 'm not into small talk . tad : well , that 's too bad . i find that it greases the wheels of civility , you know ? i say something small and meaningless to you , and you say something small and meaningless to me , and then gradually a little bit -- a little bit we work towards the center where we 're actually discussing something we care about . takes a little practice , but i find , you know , most people get better quickly . josh : did n't happen very often in my family . my father 's not exactly the master communicator . tad : well , i 'm not surprised . i mean , with a job that important , you know ? i 'm sure everything was pretty major in your father 's house when you 're dealing with life , death , birth , infinity . josh : yeah , if we 're lucky . my dad 's day was encrypted in patient - doctor confidentiality . tad : must 've been hard on your mother . josh : yeah -- right up to the point when she died . tad : i 'm sorry to hear that . life is hard sometimes . then again , i should n't complain , because i 've been fairly lucky because -- see , i 'm adopted . i never had to deal with my real family until i was much older . josh : hmm . looks like we just left small talk and are headed to deepsville . tad : was n't that tough , was it ? josh : i have things to take care of . greg : josh , stop . what happened to your arm ? are you ok ? [ josh wordlessly walks out . ] greg : you 'll excuse me for suggesting it , but there is no such thing as small talk with a private investigator . tad : why not ? we were just in the same room together . i was just chatting with josh , the same way you and i are chatting right now . greg : well , why do n't we skip the chitchat and cut to the chase ? why do n't you make it simple ? tell me what you 're trying to wheedle out of my son . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you see , this is why my son will stay with me . i ca n't even trust you for five minutes to stay faithful . babe : and i ca n't trust you not to turn into a selfish jerk at the drop of a hat . but you 're not going to get away with it this time , j.r. , because i 'm not as naive as i was last time . j.r. : oh , you mean when you signed over the rights to a kid who you knew was n't yours ? babe : see ? here we go again . j.r. : you could 've had it all . you could 've had marriage , our son , love , but you gave it up . [ while j.r. and babe argue , jamie pulls some hair from amanda 's hairbrush and places them in an envelope . ] babe : you call offering me a prenup that strips me of my mother 's rights a `` speed bump `` ? oh , you wait to see what kind of roadblock i put up on that one . j.r. : the best defense is a good offense , right ? babe : yeah . bring it . god , i ca n't even believe i thought i was in love with you again . j.r. : well , every time you 're bloodied and battered , you come screaming about how rotten i am . jamie : she is n't wrong . babe : jamie , do n't waste your time on him . the reason that i 'm really here is i was afraid that mrs. dillon might 've tipped off her nut - job daughter and i thought you should know . i ran into amanda 's mom at the park -- jamie : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . janet 's here in pine valley ? be : yeah , and thanks to me , i think that she knows you 're not really head over heels in love with amanda , and if she laid that on amanda and your cover 's blown , it could be all kinds of ugly . jamie : well , what , like a - baseball - bat - to - the - head ugly ? j.r. : nice job , champ . some kind of wack magnet . [ door closes ] amanda : am i the wack you had in mind ? [ scene_break ] erica : i did n't come here to debate my guilt or innocence . [ zach groans ] zach : i always knew you had a problem with me . you did n't have to gut me for it . erica : you , your whole family , have given me cause to treat you as a serious threat to my daughter 's happiness . zach : hmm . so now your cards are on the table ? you 're all in ? erica : i 'm just telling you the truth . most of what happened last night is still -- it 's such a -- it 's a blur to me . zach : i could fill you in on a few juicy details . erica : look , i do n't know why you could n't just take my advice and leave pine valley when i asked you to . i mean , when i think of all the pain we have all suffered at your hands , ever since the first day you came to pine valley -- zach : what do you want to do ? you want to have another crack at me ? you go ahead . [ scene_break ] kendall : excuse me . ryan : listen to me , stop . kendall : no -- no , ryan , leave me alone . ryan : please stop -- kendall , what are you going to do ? are you going to avoid the truth forever ? kendall : you want the truth ? i 'll tell you the truth . the truth is you 're a first - class son of a bitch . ryan : look , simone was n't supposed to tell you -- kendall : and that makes it ok to say something so awful and crazy , like zach is some zeus throwing lightning bolts , causing power failures ? that he would purposely try to wreck what greenlee and i had and what you and greenlee had ? wow , ryan , that is some revenge . ryan : it is not -- it 's anything but revenge . kendall : no , this is because zach and i have what you and greenlee screwed up , and you ca n't stand it . ryan : this is because i care about you . kendall : the ryan i cared about died when he went off that cliff . this new ryan is some crazy person i do n't want to know . ryan : so zach denied everything that simone told you ? kendall : i did n't tell him , and i wo n't tell him . it 's not worth our time . i love him , and he cares about me in a way you can only dream about -- no lies , no manipulations . and if i find out that you 've said one word about this ridiculous electrical sabotage theory to anyone , you will find out what hormones can really do . understood ? ryan : i am not going to stop searching for proof , kendall . kendall : fine . then watch your rights to this child in my body go poof . ryan : you will not be able to deny this forever , kendall . kendall : ryan , you can keep searching until you drop dead . you 're not going to find anything . there 's nothing to find . jack : everything all right here ? kendall : no , not really , but i 'm handling it just fine . why do n't you go corral my mother ? zach : hello , gentlemen . erica : jack . is -- is the tox screen in yet ? i mean , what are the results ? jack : sweetheart , it is n't in yet , but we need to leave for the courthouse for the arraignment hearing . slater , what happened to you was not erica 's fault , and the tests that she took will prove that . zach : so what do i do , just forgive and forget ? jack : sure . why not ? [ scene_break ] tad : that 's quite a boy you 've got there . brilliant , intelligent , well - spoken -- all in a kind of nonstick kind of way . greg : my son a brilliant young man , yes . it 's a pity he 's chosen to waste his talents . tad : well , i 'm sure he gets that talent from your side of the family . greg : mr. martin , you are about as subtle as a heart attack . tad : thank you , dr. freud . greg : what do you want from my son ? tad : nothing . why are you getting so upset ? i was just trying to give you a compliment on your obviously brilliant child - rearing skills . greg : oh , come off it . you 're back on the hobbyhorse about erica kane . you do n't hide your investigation very well . tad : i do n't see why i should . i 've got nothing to hide . greg : you know my interest in erica . end of story . tad : i did n't know it had anything to do with josh . let me ask you something . why is it that you could be so interested in my family -- what , with all the research and everything -- and i ca n't even give you a compliment about your pride and joy ? and while you 're trying to come up with an answer for that , where 's the article you were supposedly writing about my family ? [ scene_break ] jamie : where did you run off to last night ? last thing i know , we 're talking , and then i 'm down for the count . j.r. : did that blow to the head knock you into stupid ? this is n't rocket science here . there 's two people in a room , one gets knocked out . the other one must be the bad guy . babe : what happened to jamie ? j.r. : you never used to be this dense , james . jamie : that 's because i 'm not a chandler . i do n't shoot mouth off and ask questions later . i hear people out . j.r. : maybe you 're waiting to get thrown down some stairs , or take a dip in some quicksand . i do n't know . babe : did you hit jamie or not ? amanda : of course i did . [ scene_break ] kendall : listen to me , i 'm sick of your rules . we 're playing by my rules now . just leave zach alone . ryan : i 'm right about this , kendall . i know i 'm right . kendall : ryan , drop it . ryan : i 'm not going to drop it . i 'm going to keep searching for proof , and when i find it , you will be the first person that i tell , and then you will finally know the truth about zach . kendall : ok , listen to me , i have never been so serious about anything in my life . i 'm not doing this . i 'm not playing this with you . i 'm done , i 'm done . ryan : i 'll let you know when i find something . kendall : are you kidding me ? did you hear me ? are you listening to me ? stop it , ryan . i do n't ever want to see you or hear from you ever again . [ scene_break ] erica : the tox screen results are n't in yet . jack : they 'll get those to us down at the courthouse . derek : let 's get going . [ scene_break ] kendall : you ok ? zach : oh , never been better . could ask you the same thing . kendall : wait , what do you think you 're doing ? zach : i have a reputation to uphold . kendall : as what , a complete and utter lunatic ? no -- what , are you kidding me ? no , no , no , no , you 're not going anywhere . where could you possibly have to go right now ? the casino is fine , marty is taking care of it . you 're not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] marty : whoa . you really did some damage . di : yeah . but i look so good in diamonds . marty : you look good in anything . di : hmm . marty : all better . i left you with a $ 23 credit just to throw them off a little further . di : wow . well , what you just did -- can anybody do that ? marty : if anybody could , anybody would . lacey 's security system is one of the most advanced systems around . i helped design it in beta , three years ago . di : is there any place you ca n't hack into ? marty : not really . di : hmm . you 're the best . [ scene_break ] j.r. : do you remember how to dial 911 , james ? i 'll be your witness when she goes up on charges . you know , she could 've done permanent damage to what 's left of your brain . jamie : ok , it 's been fun , really , but why do n't you guys take your love / hate relationship someplace else . i 've already been there and done that and it 's getting kind of old . babe : no way , i am not leaving you alone with her , jamie . jamie : i do n't have to worry about amanda . j.r. : if you forgive this psycho and you wake up one morning with an ice pick where your aorta used to be , i do n't think you 're going to be able to come running to me when you 're dead ! babe : i do n't get you . how do you knock out the only person in this town who even gives a damn about you ? jamie : now maybe we can pick up on where we left off last night , huh ? amanda : i 'm not afraid of you . jamie : oh , i would n't want you to be . see , i need your help so i can help you . what 's going on with you ? that 's all i want to know . amanda : i 've been straight with you . jamie : not even close . so why do n't you try it again , and this time , i want you to lay it all out for me . [ scene_break ] [ reporters shout ] jack : i want you to have a seat , get a breath . i 'm going to work out a deal with the da , ok ? erica : ok . jack : take care of her . josh : no press in here ? how did that happen ? erica : jack took care of it . josh : well , everything 's taken care of for the ball , too . erica : oh . have you finalized the guest list ? josh : mm - hmm . and we checked out everything with the american red cross liaison . erica : and all the final details ? josh : yeah , the flowers , the extra masks . the staff has it all under control . erica : ok , and i 'll be there -- just as soon as i can get out of this . [ scene_break ] jack : it could be hours before we get the results of miss kane 's blood work . colin : great . she can donate to the american red cross . jack : the results will show last night 's events in a totally different light . colin : it 's hard to compete with eyewitness testimony , jackson . jack : so i 'm going to ask for a 24-hour continuance in the name of justice , and i want you to go along with it . colin : i do n't know what you did when you were da , jackson , but i 'm not in the habit of letting a would - be killer just roam the streets , all right ? jack : actually , i was going to ask that she be remanded to my custody . colin : a roomful of upstanding citizens saw your client / wife skewer zach slater with a steak knife . i got a slam - dunk here , jackson , slam - dunk , and i 'm not about to let the voters think that i am soft on celebrity criminals . jack : you listen to me , summerhill , because my wife is going to walk out of this room today , one way or another . [ scene_break ] tad : you were supposed to be writing some article concerning my family about -- what was it ? -- medicine and genetics . was n't that right ? greg : yes , that 's right . tad : ah . well , i have n't caught up with it yet . but then again , i 'm sure , you know , my subscription could 've lapsed . greg : it has n't been published . you see , i 've been spending so much time talking to know - nothings and fools and trying to oversee the most talked about pregnancy since the madonna . i 've been rather busy . my writing 's been put on hold . tad : been running scared , have we ? greg : mr. martin , i have absolutely nothing to be scared about . my conscience is perfectly clear . tad : how nice for you . greg : a warning -- stay away from me . stay away from my family . [ once greg leaves , tad digs his coffee cup out of the trash and places it into another plastic bag then labels them both . ] tad : `` dr. x. `` `` mrs. y. `` lest [ finally tad digs into his overcoat and pulls out a bag containing a gauze pad with josh 's blood from the previous night 's stabbing . ] tad : talk to me , guys . tell me i 'm wrong . [ scene_break ] di : see , marty 's got to be the guy who worked with zach on the blackout . ryan , he had lacey 's account down in minutes , the system completely disabled . i mean , if he wanted to , he 's got the chops to get into pv power and telecom and make the lights blink purple if he wanted to . ryan : well , knowing that he 's the guy and getting him to roll on slater are worlds apart . di : yeah . yeah , he thinks zach walks on water . he adores that man . ryan : hold it . i know exactly how to get him to tell us what we want to hear . [ scene_break ] jamie : well , i want to know everything . why did you crack my head in ? amanda : you were lying to me , jamie . you were playing me . you were on babe and j.r. 's side all along . jamie : and you got this information from where ? amanda : you know , go ahead , call the cops , put me in jail -- i do n't care . i am tired of sitting back and taking all the crap you three throw at me . jamie : since when have i ever been lumped in with babe and j.r. ? those two have their own drama to deal with . amanda : you do n't respect me . i have tried so hard . jamie : amanda , where is your mom right now ? amanda : where did that come from ? jamie : what does your mother have to do with all this ? [ scene_break ] [ janet skulks around the chandler mansion 's secret tunnels . ] babe : hell , we are not done yet , not a snow cone 's chance in hell . j.r. : no , we are overdone . we 're well - done ! we 're past done ! babe : no , i am not signing away my rights to my son ever again ! oh -- j.r. : you know the deal , babe -- sign or go ! babe : then i guess i 'm just going to have to go . j.r. : then hit it . do n't let the door hit you on the way out . babe : are you really saying we 're over ? j.r. : yeah , if you do n't sign that paper . i do n't know how many other ways i can tell you . janet : showtime , little one . babe : last chance to change your mind . i want to be sure you know what you 're doing . j.r. : if you do n't sign that prenup , we are totally over . babe : even if i 'm pregnant ? [ scene_break ] jack : erica kane is innocent . colin : yeah , but we 're just a little biased in this case , are n't we ? jack : we 're just a little more worried about votes than justice in this case , are n't we ? [ reporters shout as zach and kendall enter the courtroom . ] zach : you want justice ? you better listen to me . [ next_on ] ryan ( to marty ) : you lay another finger on her , and i will have your arms ripped out at the sockets . j.r. ( to babe ) : if you are pregnant , i 'd marry you right now . babe ( to j.r. ) : you just proved how much you love me . zach : let me tell you what i think should happen to erica kane . | kendall is very angry at erica for what she did to zach . but jack is determined to get the tox screen to reveal that she was drugged . di tells tad that marty is the man for hacking through computer and whom can find out for them if zach caused the power outage at the fertility clinic . kendall knows that ryan is investigating her husband and demands to know what he suspects . he tells her and she does not buy it . but he tells her he will prove it and let her know when he does . she tells him if he does not drop it , he will lose all rights to his son . babe tells jr she will never forgive him for the pre- nup and tells him for all he knows , she could be pregnant . janet knows that she better move out of her room in the warehouse . she finds her way to the chandler house and overhears babe and jr 's conversation . amanda still covers for her mother and tells babe jr and jamie that it was she who knocked jamie out . |
annie : what , what ? no , no ! ryan : well , then , how -- what -- annie : ryan , ryan , this is your home . this is your home . you live here , and i am your wife . ryan : huh . annie : ok ? sweetheart , i thought you were supposed to be in your bedroom . can -- can you go ? can you go pick out your cereal for -- for breakfast ? that would be great . go pick out your cereal , ok ? go . if this is some kind of a joke , it stops here . you 're starting to scare her . ryan : something is wrong . i , um -- i got to get out of here , ok ? annie : no , ryan , ryan , please . ryan ? ryan : you keep telling me that you 're my family , and i do n't know you . i do n't know you , ok ? and i 'm telling you that this is not a joke . all right ? i 'm not joking ! annie : oh , my god . you 're serious , are n't you ? you really do n't know who i am . [ scene_break ] [ alarm ] nurse : we 've got a code in room one ! kendall : that 's greenlee 's room . zach : ok . aidan : what 's going on ? what -- what happened ? kendall : what 's happening ? zach : ok , give them some room . give them some room . aidan : greenlee ? greenlee . i 'm right here , baby . angie : i need to clear this room . joe : clear the room , please . clear the room . aidan : joe , but -- joe : no , no -- now . aidan : we ca n't lose her . kendall : come on , aidan . zach : snap out of it . come on . joe . joe ? joe : she 's all right now . angie 's stabilizing her . kendall : what 's happening ? aidan : did she have another seizure ? joe : yes , she did . the toxin is attacking her heart and her lungs , and her electrolytes are out of whack . zach : but she is stable . joe : yes , she is . for now . but overall , her condition is deteriorating . kendall : i do n't understand . why is n't the antidote working ? joe : i do n't know . aidan : there must be something more than we can do , joe . joe : yes , there is . there is . you can call jackson . aidan : i already did . i left a message -- it went straight to voicemail . joe : ok , call him again . i want him here in case we have to make a decision . kendall : what does that mean ? joe : it means that greenlee is running out of time . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you started without me ? adam : i was n't sure you 'd be joining me this morning . j.r. : and miss out on one of lucretia 's famous sweet rolls ? not a chance . adam : ah , yes , free food -- one of the benefits of joining the family fold . j.r. : are you ok ? adam : why would n't i be ? j.r. : i do n't know -- no reason . adam : you missed dinner last night . j.r. : right . yeah , sorry about that . i had some things i had to take care of . adam : are you being purposely vague ? j.r. : i had a meeting , ok ? a.a . adam : ah , yes , ah , yes , ah , yes -- the hallowed 12 steps . j.r. : that 's right . did i do something to piss you off somehow ? adam : no . j.r. : well , you 're acting like it . adam : am i ? j.r. : yeah . adam : hmm . j.r. : we 've been here before , dad . you got something to say to me , spit it out . adam : i have nothing to say to you -- except that i have a lot on my mind . business . j.r. : business . you know , speaking of business , i looked over that proposal that barry and you drew up -- for my internet project ? adam : hmm . j.r. : i was thinking maybe we could discuss that over breakfast . adam : no , the proposal will have to wait -- ahem . i have a -- an overseas investor calling me in five minutes . j.r. ok . we 'll talk later . adam : i 'm sure we will . stuart : was that j.r . i just saw leaving ? oh , it 's so good to see him back in the house again . it 's beginning to feel like home . adam : that judas . for all i care , he can go straight to hell . [ doorbell rings ] j.r. : babe . i miss a play date ? babe : i 'm not here about little adam . j.r. : then what -- what 's wrong ? is something wrong ? babe : no , no . i just wanted to say i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] jack : thank you for getting me through last night . erica : well , i 'm always going to be here for you , jack . a divorce does n't change that . [ cellphone rings ] jack : god , let this be good news . erica : answer it . jack : it 's aidan . aidan , what 's the update ? all right , i 'll be -- i 'll be right there . erica : is it greenlee , jack ? jack : yeah , listen , she 's -- erica : ok , you go , go , go , go . i 'm right behind you . jack : all right . erica : ok . [ scene_break ] ryan : i called a cab . annie : ok . no , you 're not going anywhere . ryan : uh -- yeah , i am , actually . what is that ? annie : this -- this is our life together , yours and mine . remember ? this is a picture of our wedding . the wedding that greenlee interrupted . ryan : wait a minute . greenlee . annie : well , ok . and -- and this picture was taken right after you found out that emma was yours . you really do n't remember any of this ? ryan : i do n't understand . how did you get these ? annie : these are pictures of our life together , ryan -- yours and mine . the life that we 've been building for two years . ryan : `` years `` ? annie : do you know what the date is today ? ryan : yes , i know what the date is today . it 's , um -- it 's , um -- annie : ryan , it 's february 1 , 2008 . ryan : huh . no . you 're wrong . annie : ok , ryan , there 's a picture from the miranda center christmas party . ryan : no , you know what -- i do n't want to see any more pictures . no more pictures -- because people can doctor photos to make them look like something that they 're not . annie : it 's ok , ryan , ryan , wait . ryan : all right ? no , no , no ! annie : ryan , please -- ok . ryan , do you remember the gunshot . ryan : `` the gunshot `` ? annie : there was an accident about a month ago , and you have n't been yourself since . ryan : oh , i see . are you trying to make me feel crazy ? annie : no , no , no , of course , not . ryan : because i 'm not crazy -- i know exactly who i am , ok ? i am ryan aloysius lavery . i have a younger brother , jonathan , and i have a younger sister , erin , who i have n't seen in a little while . and i am not married , but i used to be -- to gillian andrassy . annie : ok , good , that 's good . so you -- you have n't forgotten everything from your past . ryan : oh , i see , but just you , huh ? you do n't find that a little bit too convenient ? annie : ryan , i spoke to the doctor after your accident , and he said you might have some kind of a delayed reaction to the head wound , some kind of a posttraumatic stress and i -- ryan : yeah , well , a doctor is exactly what i need . thank you . annie : ok , ok . i 'll call the therapist . ryan : no , thank you . i want to see joe martin . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] nurse : i 'll get a drip going to level off her electrolytes . angie : all right , good , and let 's make sure to keep an eye on the bp . nurse : ok . [ monitor races ] nurse : dr. hubbard , she 's convulsing . second nurse : her bp is 160/130 . kendall : oh , god , this is worse than the last one . aidan : greenlee ? greenlee , greenlee , hold on . get off of me , all right ? she needs me . angie : we need to stabilize her . aidan : greenlee , do n't , do n't . please , please . [ scene_break ] stuart : why are you so angry at j.r. ? adam : j.r. is n't coming home because he wants to . he 's coming home to spy on me -- to set me up . stuart : for what ? adam : the details do n't matter . stuart : well , if j.r. 's in -- in some kind of trouble , maybe i can help him . adam : j.r. has all the help he needs -- huh . stuart : what is this ? j.r. 's voice : what could you possibly have to apologize for ? babe : i -- i kind of gave you a hard time when you said you were going to be moving back into the mansion . j.r. : yeah . yeah , you kind of -- you kind of did that , did n't you ? [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : look , it 's my fault anyway . i was going on and on about how i 'd never live under my father 's roof ever again . you were just busting me . i -- i get it . it 's all fair . babe : no , no it was n't . mama told me the truth . i know why you 're really back , and j.r. , i -- i could n't be more proud of you . adam : that 's enough . stuart : now , who 's spying on who ? adam : i am doing what i need to do to find out what i need to know . stuart : oh , adam , and you 're always the one that gets hurt in the end . you never learn . that 's what 's so sad . [ scene_break ] tad : hey , pop . joe : hi , hi . tad : so what 's the word -- how 's frankie doing ? joe : he 's still unconscious , but his vitals are improving . tad : so that 's good . that means that experimental medication or whatever you 're giving him is working , right ? joe : wish i could believe that . fact of the matter is i simply do n't know . tad : well , but you just said his vitals are improving . joe : i know i did say that and they are improving for now , but this -- this toxin is so unpredictable . it 's one step forward and two steps back -- frankie improving , greenlee regressing . it 's a nightmare . tad : oh , i 'm sorry . joe : yeah . tad : so how is it with greenlee ? joe : well , if we do n't have a miracle , i do n't think she 's going to make it . [ scene_break ] aidan : wake up . kendall : aidan ? aidan : wake up -- come on ! kendall : aidan , come on , let -- aidan : somebody do something ! kendall : let them work , ok ? come on , let 's -- aidan : greenlee ? zach : come on . aidan : greenlee , baby , i love you . [ monitor races ] jack : oh , my god , angie , is she -- angie : jack -- come on , let 's go talk out in the hall . come on . jack : angie , what happened ? angie : she had another seizure . look , jack , i 'm -- i 'm sorry , but she 's slipped into a coma . kendall : what ? it -- it 's temporary , right ? it 's from the seizure , right ? angie : we do n't know yet . jack : oh , my god . can you -- can you give her a higher dose of this antidote ? would that help ? kendall : can you wait for the drug to take effect ? angie : look , until we know something more , we 're just going to have to wait . i 'm sorry . jack : how long , angie ? angie : as i said , i have no way of knowing . look , i 'll be back as soon as i can . aidan : no . [ as the monitor beeps , greenlee 's spirit lifts out of her body ] greenlee : god ! why did n't somebody tell me i needed an eyebrow wax ? hmm . at least this means i 'm not dead yet . [ scene_break ] zach : she 's going to be ok . jack : she has to be . kendall : ok , so what do we do ? we just sit around and we wait ? aidan : no , we do n't . we need to let her know that we 're here and that we 're fighting for her . jack : hey , sweetheart . we 're all here , and we 're all pulling for you . greenlee : hey , guys , i 'm right here . kendall : we 're not going anywhere . zach : you already know you ca n't get rid of me . aidan : and we 're all still going to be here when you wake up . i promise . greenlee : wow . they all really care . erica : jack ? can i get you anything ? greenlee : that 's right , erica -- bail at the first opportunity . jack : i 'm just glad you 're here . erica : where else would i be ? greenlee : i do n't know -- maybe getting a manicure , plotting to have me locked up in oak haven ? essentially trying to minimize my very existence just like you 've always done . do you remember what it was like when you were forcing bianca to be the face of enchantment ? god -- you were so smug then . erica : oh , please . you loved every minute of it . you could n't wait to tell me bianca 's secret . greenlee : wait a minute -- you can see me ? erica : of course , i can see you . i 'm a figment of your subconscious mind . greenlee : my life is hanging by a thread . of all the people in this hospital , i highly doubt my subconscious would choose to talk to you first . erica : face it , this is what you want -- to fight . so bring it on . greenlee : all right , you 've always hated me , erica . why ? erica : i never hated you . you 've always been your own worst enemy -- i called you on that , and you did n't seem to like it very much . greenlee : that 's crap . you hate me , because i remind you of you . erica : oh -- do n't flatter yourself . greenlee : why are you here ? erica : to support jackson , of course . greenlee : that 's classic . you 're using my coma to sink your expensively manicured hooks into my dad ? erica : because of you , your dad and i are divorced . greenlee : uh - uh , lady . that was all you . erica : oh , no -- you never wanted to take responsibility for your actions , but you have always been jealous of my success , my strength , my family . greenlee : in your dreams . you 'll just never be happy , erica , because all you do is want . erica : oh , well , is n't that the pot calling the kettle black ? look around you -- you have everything you could possibly want . you have a father who gave up the love of his life for you . you have a best friend who -- who loves you like a sister , and you have a handsome and loyal man who loves you . greenlee : i do n't need your validation . erica : oh , i think you do , but you 'll never know for sure unless you come back to challenge me . so , please , why do n't you get out of that ridiculous hospital gown and wake up ? i 'm always ready for a fight with you . [ scene_break ] tad : so , listen , how are they treating you , kiddo ? listen -- i want to talk to you about your old man . they tell me you thought you saw him the other day . well , ca n't say i 'm surprised . with your mom back in town , i miss him more than ever . he was a good man , frankie -- probably the best of men . he was the kind of man who would do anything for the people he cares about . you should 've seen him with my sister . he was like a bulldog -- huh . protected her same way he protected you . when you were a baby , things got bad around here . your folks almost lost you , had to fight to get you back the same way your mother 's fighting for you now . and if jesse were here -- if he is in some way -- then he 'd be fighting for you , too . you can beat this thing , frankie . i know you can -- you got it in you . and if you believe you saw your father , i do n't care what anybody says about hallucination -- you saw him . because there 's one thing i know -- he was the kind of person that was always there when you needed him most . he was for me , and he is for you . he always will be . [ jesse watches from outside the room ] [ scene_break ] ryan : joe . joe : oh . hey , ryan . ryan : hey , it 's great to see you . joe : yeah . you got a problem ? ryan : well -- annie : we woke up this morning , and ryan ca n't remember me . ryan : um -- would you just excuse us for a second , please ? thank you . listen , joe -- joe : yeah ? ryan : this is -- this is a little bit embarrassing probably , but i -- i think maybe last night i might have had too much to drink , because i woke up this morning and -- and this woman and her daughter were in my house . joe : really ? ryan : yes , and it -- it gets a little bit more interesting . she says that we 're married and that it 's 2008 , and she showed me all these pictures and everything and anyway the point is , is that , um , i think maybe she 's maybe crazy or something . i 'm not sure . joe : yeah . and you -- you do n't remember annie at all ? ryan : no . joe : huh . ryan : joe , i have never seen her before in my life . annie : joe , please tell me what 's going on . joe : well , why do n't we step into my office ? ryan : well , hold -- hold on a second . just -- just tell her that you know me and tell her -- tell her the truth , please . joe : now , calm down . ryan : you want me to calm down ? i 'm living in a nightmare here . you 're asking me to calm down ? just tell her that she 's wrong . tell her she 's not who she thinks i am . please , tell her . annie : joe , i 'm scared . ryan : could you -- could you just stop talking to him , please , for a second ? joe : ryan -- ryan : please . joe : ryan , you were recently admitted to this hospital with a head wound -- gunshot . ryan : yeah , that 's -- that 's what -- that 's what she said , joe , but i -- i do n't remember that at all . joe : ok . i 'd like to run some tests . ryan : well , what -- what -- what -- what kind of tests ? joe : just routine . routine tests , that 's all . yeah . ryan : you do n't actually believe her , do you ? annie : ryan -- ryan : do you ? do you -- do you believe her ? joe : ryan , right over there is an empty exam room , and there we can kind of figure things out , ok ? do you trust me ? ryan : yes . joe : ok . ryan : i trust you . joe : all right , all right . ryan : i -- i really -- i really need to do this by myself . joe : right . just give me a little time with him , and i 'll get back to you with an update as soon as i can , ok ? annie : ok . joe : ok . [ scene_break ] stuart : adam , you keep making the same mistakes . you do n't know how to trust . adam : with good reason , it turns out . j.r. is colluding with the enemy . stuart : which one ? there 's so many , sometimes i lose track . adam : krystal . stuart : i thought you loved krystal . adam : no . not anymore . stuart : why not ? she had to marry tad in order to keep her little girl . adam : no , krystal did n't have to do anything . she chose to marry tad martin . she chose to deny her feelings for me . stuart : oh , you 're still in love with her . i know , and you 're hurting , and i -- and i know . i -- i can tell . adam : you 're so naive , stuart . these things are beyond your comprehension . stuart : well , i have a family , too , and we 're happy . are you ? adam : i wo n't be made a fool of by anyone . especially not my family . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i told krystal that i did n't want to get you involved in this . babe : i did n't give her a choice . j.r. : but i do n't want you getting caught up in the crossfire . you know how my father gets if he feels threatened . babe : you can handle adam . j.r. : yeah ? since when ? babe : since now . you marched right in there without thinking twice . j.r. : i did n't have a choice . if he knows where kate is , i have to find out . i owe tad . babe : i know , i know , and i also know what this house represents . j.r. : i have n't had a drink since i moved back in here , if that 's what you 're worried about . babe : i 'm talking about adam and all those mixed feelings you have about him . j.r. : if what krystal says is really true , and my father knows where kate is , and he 's hiding it , that 's the end for us . babe : j.r. -- j.r. : i could never forgive him for that . babe : he is your father . i know that you still care about him . j.r. : yeah , but what kind of monster would do something like that ? babe : you -- you do n't have to pretend with me . i know how much losing adam would hurt you . j.r. : yeah . but i still have to face him -- beat him . babe : and you will , because you have always had it in you to be a better man than he could ever think of being . j.r. : you know , that 's something i never thought i 'd ever hear you say . babe : and for what it 's worth , i 've got your back . j.r. : come here . [ j.r. and babe hug ] [ scene_break ] tad : you should have seen your mother back in the day . she was something . hmm . all that lipstick , and those shoulder pads -- angie : i seem to remember someone wearing a gold chain and lots of open - neck sweaters . tad : yeah . guilty as charged . i 'm sorry , i was just dragging him down memory lane . i ca n't help myself . i swear , he looks so much like jesse . angie : yeah , he does . the cheekbones , those full , heart - shaped lips . tad : yeah , he comes by it honestly . that 's the way it works . i swear , there 's times i think little a looks just like dixie . angie : it is hard living with reminders of what we lost . tad : it beats the alternative . not a day goes by i do n't wonder if kate 's got dixie 's hair or her lips , her eyes . angie : i 've been dreaming about jesse a lot lately . every night , in fact . tad : makes sense . angie : yeah , you know , it 's something about being back home , pine valley . tad : yeah . a lot 's changed since you 've left . angie : yeah , well , a lot has n't changed . i drove past our old house on the way back into town , and it 's still a gorgeous blue . tad : that 's right , it 's still the color , that same blue . what about this place ? as i recall , you 've logged a few thousand hours in here . angie : this is where i lost him . uh -- boy , you know , sometimes i almost want to believe frankie when he says that he saw jesse . i know that 's impossible . tad : maybe not . frankie 's going to beat this thing , angela , i know he will . because that 's what jesse would do . and there 's a piece of jesse in frankie . angie : yeah . well , listen , i 've got to get back to greenlee . thank you for being here with him . tad : yeah , ok . he does n't have a choice , the poor kid . i 'll see you later , ok ? angie : i love you , tad . tad : you , too , baby , you , too . whew . [ as tad looks at the picture of jesse and angie , jesse roams the hospital halls hiding his face ] [ scene_break ] aidan : she 's so still . zach : and quiet . aidan : it 's pretty scary , is n't it ? greenlee : that 's right , boys . enjoy the silence . because it wo n't last . zach : she 'll come back . aidan : she has to . i honestly do n't know what i 'd do without greenlee . greenlee : huh . never in a million years would i have pictured this . the two of you hovering over my body , actually wanting me to live . aidan : that 's because you 're too damn stubborn to accept how we got together in the first place . greenlee : mercy sex is n't exactly the best way to start a long - term relationship . [ aidan chuckles ] aidan : oh -- i 've told you a hundred times , i 'm the one who did you a favor . greenlee : ok , ok , maybe that 's true . aidan : did you just admit that i 'm right about something ? greenlee : well , i did n't then . aidan : no , you argued with me like hell . greenlee : and you fell in love with me . aidan : yeah . i did , did n't i ? imagine that . greenlee : you rescued me from that shelter , and you never gave up . [ aidan sighs ] greenlee : what is it ? aidan : i love you , greenlee . i 've never been more in love . and i could n't take it -- i could n't take the thought of you never coming back . i mean , i -- i did some crazy things -- greenlee : hey , it 's ok . aidan : no , it 's not . hear me when i say this , and i mean really hear me . i 'm crazy about you . and nothing would make me more crazy than to lose you again . greenlee : that 's what you said to me when i came back from the hospital , right before we made love on the floor . oh , i love thinking about that night . and i do believe you . you 've brought me joy , aidan . you stuck by me , no matter how crazy or selfish i get like no one since leo . and i do notice . so hang in there , because i want to see where this takes us . and i love you , too . aidan : i 'm going to go check in with the doctors . jack : i 'll go with you . watch over my girl , huh ? zach : of course , i will . i 'll be right here . so here we are again . greenlee : seems like our lives are always hanging in the balance . zach : well , but you seem to be handling it a lot better . greenlee : hmm . say it again . zach : well , you seem to be handling it a lot better . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : no , no , the message . say the message again . zach : you 're not who i thought you were . greenlee : i still love hearing you say those words . why is that ? i hated you so much before . zach : well , that was before , and now -- greenlee : right . the shelter . zach : yeah . and we 're bonded for life . so hurry up . get back to yours , ok ? greenlee : i will , zach , for all of us . jack : well , i certainly hope that 's a promise . greenlee : hey , jack . jack : hey . greenlee : i 'm sorry , dragging you down here again . jack : i thought we had a deal . no `` jack , `` not anymore . it 's `` dad , `` got it ? greenlee : got it . jack : good . greenlee : it still takes some getting used to . jack : i know , i know . i certainly wish i could fill in those missing years -- for both of us . greenlee : i wish i had been an easier daughter , given you more happiness than trouble . you 're a great guy . you deserve it . jack : well , you know -- [ greenlee chuckles ] jack : it 's not too late . greenlee : i do n't know . jack : huh . greenlee : this seems pretty serious to me . jack : greenlee never quits . greenlee does n't give up . my greenlee -- she 's a fighter . greenlee : kendall , what would i do without you ? sometimes it feels like i 'm looking in the mirror , we 're both so messed up . like soul mates . just not the happily - ever - after kind . we 've seen the best of each other and the worst . but one of my favorite memories of us is -- kendall : is when we realized we wanted to have a family together . greenlee : it was one of the happiest days of my life . kendall : `` well , looks like i 'm having a baby . `` greenlee : `` my baby . you 're going to have my baby . `` kendall : `` your baby . `` both : `` we 're going to have a baby ! `` kendall : oh . oh ! you know , spike really was supposed to be our child together . greenlee : well , he 's still the best of both of us . we 've been through so much together . we showed our claws , we bore our hearts , we put bags under our eyes -- kendall : hey , hey ! i look good . look at you . oh -- greenlee : what do you say to one more trip down memory lane ? kendall : i say show me the train . greenlee : choo - choo ! [ as music plays , scenes from the past flash by ] greenlee : like i always said , you 're my one and only true friend . kendall : i 'm right here . greenlee : good . because things are about to get a little crazy . [ monitor races ] kendall : someone get help ! oh , god . angie : get me a cart ! aidan : what happened ? kendall : i do n't know . the -- the machine just started making funny noises . [ scene_break ] joe : well , i understand this must be extremely troubling for you . annie : i do n't care about that , i just want to make sure ryan is ok . joe : i know you do , i know you do . i did some basic motor response tests . he seems to be fine physically . annie : well , you do n't understand , joe . he looked our daughter in the eyes this morning and did n't recognize her . joe : i know , i know . it 's very important that you remain calm . annie : well , how -- how am i supposed to remain calm ? joe : well , you have to try . i 'm going to run some neurological tests , as well . annie : but you said -- you said that there was nothing physically wrong . joe : yes , well -- the human brain is very , very complex , and there 's so much about it we still do n't understand . annie : but are you saying this could be permanent ? joe : oh , no , no , there 's no need to leap into a worst - case scenario , that kind of thing . i mean , the whole thing could clear up in a week . but i do need time to study him . annie : i -- i need to see him . joe : yeah , i -- i understand that , but the important thing is not to agitate him any further . annie : i know , but please , joe , i need to see my husband . joe : well , all right , ok , but you have to remain calm around him . now , if we keep an eye on him , everything should work out , i think , yeah . annie : ok . ryan : joe showed me the newspaper with today 's date on it . february 1 , 2008 . i 've lost four years of my life . [ scene_break ] stuart : adam , talk to j.r. and bring whatever this is out in the open . fix it . adam : i ca n't . i ca n't forgive j.r. , not for this . [ scene_break ] j.r. : thanks for the high - five . babe : well , i 'm always in your corner , j.r. , when you do the right thing . j.r. : yeah , that has n't happened very often . babe : lately , more and more . j.r. : i 've put you through a lot . babe : well , keep this up , and we 'll call it even . [ scene_break ] annie : i know you 're confused , ryan . none of this makes sense to you , and i know that . but we 'll get it back . i promise . [ ryan pulls away from annie when she tries to hug him ] [ scene_break ] tad : hmm . well -- [ tad sighs ] tad : that 's about it for me , kiddo . i 'm out of here . but i 'm sure i 'll be back again soon to torture you with some more tales of my misspent youth . in the meantime , you just remember what i told you . you fight this thing , frankie . your mother needs you . so do i . we all need you . [ tad spots jesse out in the hall and takes off after him ] [ scene_break ] angie : give me 5 cc 's of epi ! [ alarm ] greenlee : help me . i 'm not ready to go ! i made all these promises ! i -- i want to stand up to erica , i want to be jackson 's daughter , i want to know zach , and -- and love aidan , and -- and be friends with kendall forever ! angie : she 's not responding . greenlee : do something , damn it ! i want to live ! i want to live ! [ next_on ] aidan ( to angie ) : give me the poison , and give me the toxin . you can experiment on me . annie ( to zach ) : ryan believes his world stopped four years ago . was n't that when he was engaged to kendall ? ryan ( to kendall ) : i love you . tad : jesse ? jesse : yeah . | ryan wakes up and does n't recognize either annie nor emma . annie , at first , thinks that ryan is only kidding , but she finds out that he is dead serious . annie gets their wedding pics to show ryan that they are really married , but ryan still does n't believe her . j.r. walks into the living room where adam is busily doing work . adam is less than cordial with j.r. by refusing to talk to him . j.r. gets a visit from babe , who apologizes to j.r. for saying what she had said to him . stewart rushes in and is glad to see j.r. home . stewart becomes confused when adam calls j.r. a `` traitor `` and vows to make j.r. pay for betraying him . at the hospital , greenlee has lapsed into a coma . aidan leaves jack a message on his cell phone to get back to the hospital as soon as possible . zach and kendall are also called to get to the hospital . greenlee has an out of body experience in which she sees and hears everyone that says anything to her . jack and erica arrive at the hospital . erica and greenlee argue as usual . greenlee also has a talk with aidan , zach , kendall and jack . greenlee begins to have another seizure in which greenlee begs them not to let her die . tad visits frankie . starting to leave frankie 's room , tad sees jesse and goes after him . |
j.r. : where did you get these ? answer me . why do you have marissa 's stolen things ? annie : they were n't stolen . i took them . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , i should have listened to you in the first place . i should have told her the truth by now -- that she 's the one who pulled the trigger . but how can i do that ? how can i possibly do that now after i 've kept it a secret for so long ? caleb : hey , hey -- you will find a way . tell me your name again . erica : erica kane . caleb : yeah . singer : lost in the moment i 'm closing my eyes erica : jack ? jack , david escaped . jack : what ? erica : they found him . they caught him on the hospital roof . jack : what did he do ? did he -- come after you ? did he go after greenlee ? erica : i -- i have no idea . jack : i think maybe i should find jesse , get his personal assurance that when they take the son of a bitch to prison this time , he actually makes it there . erica : yes , yes , yes . i want to go with you . caleb : i 'd like that assurance , too . jack : let 's go . [ scene_break ] kendall : hi . cara : hi . so how did that appointment with griff go ? kendall : i 'm sorry , i lied to you . cara : it 's ok . you do n't have to , just so you know . look , griff 's a really good doctor . kendall : trained by david hayward . cara : so did you -- kendall : yeah . well , i heard . i heard that he tried to escape . it 's weird . i -- he 's been on my mind all day , even before i knew . cara : what do you mean ? erica 's voice : kendall , kendall , kendall -- cara : kendall ? hey , why are you thinking about david ? kendall : it does n't matter now . what 's important is he 's going to prison . he ca n't hurt anyone i love ever again . [ scene_break ] jesse : ok , chain him up . do n't let him out of your sight . david : i 'm telling you , this is a setup . jesse : you tried to run . david : how the hell can i run when i ca n't even walk ? all right , you know something ? just call marissa . i want my lawyer here right now . jesse : nobody is going to keep you from going to prison , ok ? jack : we need to talk . please ? david : if you know what 's good for you , and your daughter , you 'll stop this . [ scene_break ] kendall : reverend ricky ? ricky : hey . kendall : hi . ricky : i was in the neighborhood . thank you . kendall : yeah ? uh , church stuff ? ricky : yeah , church stuff . kendall : oh , ok . well , yeah , let me take your coat . let 's get you warmed up . ricky : ok . kendall : yeah . ricky : thank you . kendall : mm - hmm . so what church stuff ? ricky : huh ? kendall : ha . thou shalt not lie . come on . come on , give it up . ricky : fine . it was your first day back at the office and i just -- i wanted to know how it went , ok ? kendall : oh . well , that 's nice . checking up on me . ricky : oh . well , you 're smiling so it could n't have been that bad . kendall : it went great . it went great . yeah . the company 's tanking , and it 's going to be a real struggle to get it back to where it was . ricky : ok . kendall : but it 's a goal -- one that i 'm ready to face . ricky : well , good . so , we should celebrate . have you eaten ? let me take you out to dinner . kendall : are you asking me out ? [ scene_break ] brot : chief , the mayor needs an answer by tomorrow . please ? jesse : i 'm kind of busy here . brot : well , the mayor needs an answer by tomorrow . me or natalia -- one of us has to go . jesse : i 'm aware of that . brot : ok , so you have no choice . you have to fire me . jesse : i have a lot of choices , monroe , and firing you ai n't one of them . and you got work to do . book him ! brot : is he ready to go ? david : oh , jeez . what a freakin ' joke . jack : you got to be kidding me . david : i will put my hand on a bible . i will take a polygraph test . i will do whatever necessary to prove that i was not trying to escape . my health is being compromised while the real criminals walk free . all you have to do is open up your eyes and you will see -- the cover - ups , the deception . they 're the guilty ones , and they know it . it 's just a matter of time before the truth comes out . erica : well , the truth is , you 're going to prison . and whatever anybody else may or may not have done has no bearing on it . david : you want to bet on that , erica ? brot : we 're done here , hayward . jack : do n't let him get to you . he 's just blowing smoke . excuse me . caleb : where there 's smoke -- [ scene_break ] j.r. : what did you do ? annie : it was an accident . j.r. : you accidentally robbed marissa ? did you knock her out ? annie : no , it was n't like that . i walked into the parlor as marissa was walking out . the door , it hit her in the head by accident , and she fell to the ground unconscious . what was i supposed to do ? j.r. : i do n't know , annie -- call an ambulance ? annie : no , you know if i did that , everyone would say that i hit her on purpose . they would say that i lost it and attacked her in some jealous rage . so i -- i made it look like it was a burglary , and i -- i took her things to make it look more convincing . j.r. : i do n't believe this . annie : i just -- i panicked , ok ? j.r. : no , what you did is , you left her lying on the floor while you decided to trash the place . annie : oh , she was fine . she was going to wake up any minute . i -- i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , j.r . please do n't hate me , but i was scared . and i wanted to tell you the truth , but i did n't think you would believe me . j.r. : you lied to my face . annie : i just -- i did n't want to lose you . i did n't want to risk losing you . and marissa , she 's been doing so many things to turn you against me already . she called dr. burke . she sent dr. burke here -- my old shrink from oak haven . j.r. : no . annie : what do you mean , no ? j.r. : no , she did n't send him . i did . [ scene_break ] brot : hey , chief -- jesse : i am not firing you . brot : so you 're going to give the mayor exactly what she wants ? jesse : excuse me ? brot : she knows you wo n't fire me or natalia , and she 's counting on you to stall , then she 's going to use that to get rid of the person she really wants gone , which is you . jesse : i 'm not going anywhere . brot : i 'm not going to let her do this to you or us . jesse : get back to work , now . let me handle the mayor . brot : i ca n't . hey , will you take this to personnel , please ? officer : yeah , sure . brot : thank you . [ scene_break ] david : oh . i am so glad to see you . i really need my brilliant , beautiful lawyer . marissa : no , what you need is a replacement . i quit . [ scene_break ] ricky : i like you . what i mean is , i -- i respect you . i mean , you 've been going through a lot and i just -- i want you to know that you 're not alone , ok ? there 's no other -- agenda . kendall : right . oh , god , i feel so stupid right now . ricky : no , do n't . no . no , no , no , no , kendall . kendall : no , i do , i do . i mean , how could i assume -- ricky : no , i was n't clear , ok ? kendall : i 'm -- i 'm glad we 're friends . ricky : yeah , me , too . kendall : yeah , yeah . we 're hanging out and talking . ricky : it 's awesome . i love it . kendall : it 's great . it 's great , right , but anything else -- it 's just way , way -- both : too soon . kendall : yeah . i think this is probably the farthest i can go with anyone right now . i 'm sorry . ricky : no , no , please , do n't apologize . i should apologize to you . i -- i sent out the wrong signal . you know what ? i should go . kendall : no , no . wait , wait , wait . not until we figure out where to eat . [ scene_break ] jack : well , hayward 's got a lot of nerve . you got to give him credit for that . going on like he 's the innocent victim , lies and cover - ups . what the hell is he even talking about ? erica : you know , i did stop by fusion , and i filled in greenlee and kendall , and i let them know that david is in police custody . jack : thanks for that . erica : but i do think that it still would be a good idea for you to check in on greenlee . jack : why ? did she seem upset ? erica : well , how could she not be ? and i just think that a call from you , that would go such a long way . jack : sure . i 'll be right back . erica : that speech that david made -- you know that was aimed directly at me . either i keep him out of prison , or he tells the police that kendall 's the one who shot him . all i care about -- all i care about is kendall . all i care about is keeping kendall safe . caleb : she is safe . and we 'll keep it that way . [ scene_break ] annie : you called my old psychiatrist ? what -- what possessed you to -- you think i 'm crazy ? j.r. : no . no , that 's not it . annie : well , it is it . why else would you -- wha -- what , you want me locked up again ? marissa 's really gotten to you ? j.r. : for months , i 've been putting you in extremely stressful situations . ok , i forced you to act like there 's nothing going on between us . annie : and i told you i 'm handling it . j.r. : but it 's the things that you 've been doing -- ripping my cell phone out of marissa 's hands , stealing her things , dropping not - so - subtle hints -- i got to admit , annie , it 's a little bit disturbing . annie : so you -- you talk to me about it . you do n't call my old shrink about it ! j.r. : no , i 'm not the one who 's keeping secrets , annie . you had the police investigating a crime that you committed . annie : oh , my god . it 's always my fault . it 's always my fault ! what about marissa ? you think she 's so innocent . she 's not . she 's -- she 's calculating and she 's -- she 's jealous . she 's so jealous , and she -- you have no idea how she 's been provoking me over and over . j.r. : no , well , even if she has , your responses have been extreme . which is why i -- which is why i think it might be a good idea for you to talk to someone . annie : i do n't need to talk to anybody . i 'm fine . i do n't need to talk to anybody . i 'm fine . once you -- you get the divorce , and we 're together , i 'll be fine . j.r. : no , you do n't understand , annie . if you do n't get help , there will never be an `` us . `` never . annie : so , if i do n't go see dr. burke , you 'll dump me ? j.r. : no . annie : really ? because i 'm pretty sure that 's what you just said . j.r. : this is n't about you and me . this is about holding on to a.j . and if we make ourselves public too soon , marissa will make a case to take him . annie : for weeks , i have been your dirty little secret . i have done everything you asked , because you told me you were getting a divorce . j.r. : we had a plan . you knew that . i got marissa to drop the custody fight . so far , it 's worked . annie : yeah , so far , it 's worked great . so what am i supposed to do ? am i supposed to just wait around forever ? j.r. : no , you 're supposed to stop giving marissa ammo . annie , if you keep acting like this -- if you keep acting unstable and making these scenes -- annie : i only did those things because i was -- j.r. : desperate ? you need to stop . ok ? you need to pull yourself together . annie : ok . j.r. : i mean it . i will not lose my son . annie : so marissa calls the shots now ? marissa is in charge of my life ? j.r. : do n't exaggerate . annie : it 's true . i have to go talk to someone to ease marissa 's mind ? j.r. : no , no ! listen to me . listen . this is a way for you to get your feelings out . annie : i feel like you just do n't want to deal with me , so you 're pawning me off on dr. burke . j.r. : i would never do that -- walk away from you . if anything , this should prove that i believe we have another chance . annie , i 'm only doing this because i care about you . come on . if you ca n't do it for yourself , please , do it for us . [ scene_break ] natalia : you should n't be drinking on the job . brot : hey . i have something to tell you . natalia : me , too . brot : ok . well , you go first . not because you 're a girl -- i mean , a woman . whatever word that wo n't get me in trouble . natalia : mm - hmm . ok . ahem . well , you know , when i took off earlier , it was n't to work the cahill case . i went on a -- i went on a job interview . i thought a lot about it , and i realized the mayor does n't run our lives , we do . so i made a call . chief of detectives , philly p.d . guess who starts at the 16th precinct next week . brot : natalia , you ca n't . [ scene_break ] marissa : you never fail to disappoint me , david . david : all right , look , i was set up , marissa . marissa : do you ever stop lying ? david : i am not lying . marissa : we had a deal . no more games , no more lies . you lasted , what , a week ? david : please , just hear me out . marissa : you have 10 seconds . david : they took me in for tests . i was sedated . next thing i knew , ryan has me up on the hospital roof . i was in a wheelchair . i was weak , i was disoriented . he knew that i was trapped . there was no place i could go . he called the cops . just think about it . who wants revenge against me more than ryan ? he wants to make sure that i am prison before his valentine 's day wedding . marissa , i swear to you , that is the absolute truth . marissa : why should i believe you ? david : i promised you that i would play fair , and i have your trust is too important to me . i am not going to go back on my word . [ footsteps approach ] jesse : i came to update your client . david : what ? you 're upgrading me to a suite ? jesse : yeah . state pen . van 's on its way . david : you ca n't do this . i 'm not strong enough . jesse : well , i 'm sure we 'll be able to find somebody up there that will be more than happy to be strong enough for you . marissa : uh , if anything happens to david in prison , i will sue this department . : jesse : you 're seriously standing behind this guy ? marissa : he 's my client . it 's my duty . jesse : marissa , you -- david : did you not hear her ? jesse : shut it . david : oh , what 's the matter , chief ? i would think arresting me would make everything right in your world . is something wrong ? jesse : nothing i ca n't handle . visiting hours are over . david : marissa -- thank you for believing in me . marissa : just do n't make me regret it . [ scene_break ] caleb : erica , you realize you can neutralize hayward anytime you want by telling kendall the truth . erica : but that 's not going to keep her out of prison . i really have to make sure that david does n't say the wrong thing to the wrong person . caleb : he 's not going to talk . erica : but you saw him . you saw how agitated he was . i mean , if he thinks that i 'm turning my back on him -- if he thinks that i 'm not taking him seriously -- caleb : erica -- erica : no , i know him . i know him . he would gladly trade my daughter 's freedom for his in a heartbeat -- in a second . and i ca n't let that happen to my daughter . kendall has been through so much already , she ca n't go through this again . she has her little boys . caleb : [ hugs erica ] it 's ok . it 's going to be all right . erica : i have to protect her somehow . jack : what , did you forget i was right outside ? you 're not even bothering to try to hide it anymore ? caleb : jack -- erica : jack , you do n't understand . jack : no , i think i understand . erica : jack , please stop . stop . jack : you think i do n't see it ? how stupid do you think i am ? do you think i do n't see it ? the looks , the closeness , the special connection ? erica : there 's no special connection . jack : oh , i see . so caleb 's just your attorney ? he 's just your business partner , is that it ? erica : yes . jack : really ? erica : yes . jack : there 's so much more than business going on here , erica . and if you ca n't admit it to me , at least for god 's sake , admit it to yourself . hey , and next time , i got a great idea . get a room ! erica : jack , please wait . jack ? ! [ scene_break ] kendall : next week . cool . yeah , i 'm excited . ricky : awesome . it 's a -- it 's a meal . kendall : it 's a meal . ricky : a meal . ok . well , just let me know what night works for you . kendall : yeah , yeah . i ' will see how my week is going at fusion , and i 'll call you . ricky : sounds good . kendall : thank you . thanks for stopping by . it was really sweet . ricky : you know , i 'm glad that you 're doing better . i knew this would happen . kendall : well , one step at a time . ricky : one step at a time . [ phone rings ] kendall : hello ? david : i 'm so glad you picked up . kendall : what do you want ? david : he told me i can call anyone . i immediately thought of you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : thank you for coming on such a short notice . dr. burke : my pleasure . i 'm ready when you are . j.r. : i am so proud of you . you know that ? call me when you 're done . annie : i will . [ sighs ] [ door closes ] dr. burke : is everything ok ? annie : [ picks up a letter opener ] perfect . [ scene_break ] natalia : mayor blanco 's power play has actually given me an opportunity . and not just this job in philly , which is killer , but the opportunity to get back to the two men that mean more to me than anything . detective with one of the top departments of the state and a raise ? try not to be jealous . brot : baby , just listen . natalia : no , baby , listen to me . i 'll see you on my days off , you 'll see me on the weekends . this is n't good - bye . no more sneaking around . i can actually finally walk into that station and do this . [ kisses brot ] to save my dad 's job and yours . come on , are you happy ? brot : i would be except for one thing . natalia : what ? brot : i already quit . [ scene_break ] j.r. : sorry i 'm late . i had to take care of something . tad : uh - huh . did that something have to do with annie ? marissa 's concerned . j.r. : did she talk to you ? tad : no . krystal did . she called me . she 's worried about her daughter . j.r. : what are they worried about ? i fired her from chandler . i got her a therapist . she knows why we have to keep this a secret . tad : well , i do n't think that part 's working . j.r. : i told you for now this is how it has to be . tad : yeah , j.r. , you know that and i know that , but obviously , annie does n't . i 'm telling you , she 's having a hard time trying to keep a lid on this . she 's saying all kinds of things to marissa . j.r. : not anymore . it 's handled . tad : no , j.r. , it 's not . what do have to say ? marissa thinks that annie 's psychotic , that 's she 's created this entire relationship between you and her in her head , and you and i both know it 's not . j.r. : annie understands why we have to do this . tad : you 're wrong , j.r. and you care for annie -- i get that -- but under the circumstances , i think maybe for now , you got to cut her loose , before she completely loses it . j.r. : not a chance . [ scene_break ] erica : i followed you . we have to talk , jack . jack : yes . yes . so talk . erica : there is nothing going on between caleb and me . jack : do you have any idea how much i want to believe that ? but i do n't . i love you so much . and i know people out there are laughing at me for letting it go on this long , but i 'm done , erica . i am done ! i am not going to be humiliated . erica : no , jack , you have got it all wrong . jack : you know what really gets me ? you had to be alone with caleb so badly that you had to pretend concern about greenlee to do it , but you know what ? you 're slipping , erica , because it was so damned obvious . erica : you 're right , jack . i did need to be alone with caleb . it was urgent . jack : hmm . what was urgent , erica ? you trying to figure out how you 're going to tell me ? erica : we were n't talking about you . this has nothing to do with you , jack . jack : well , then what , huh ? what does it have to do with ? erica : kendall . it 's about kendall . [ scene_break ] jesse : can i help you ? kendall : i need to see david . jesse : i do n't think that 's a good idea . kendall : well , he seemed to think it is . he used his one phone call to call me . jesse : why ? kendall : that 's what i 'm here to find out . jesse : i 'm going down with you . kendall : fine . jesse : all right , the guard is right outside . do n't get too close . this one bites . kendall : there 's only one reason that you 'd call me . you think i can keep you out of prison . david : i do n't think it . i know it . [ scene_break ] tad : j.r. , annie has a history . a violent history . j.r. : annie 's fine . at least she will be when the divorce is final . she 's not nuts , tad , ok ? she 's just -- a little stressed out right now . tad : no , no , no , this is n't stress . this is scissors . this is threats . j.r. : just stop , ok ? tad : how long are you going to make excuses for annie ? a woman that you freely admit you 're not even sure you want to be with . j.r. : i 'm not going to abandon annie . you know , she 's been knocked down her whole life . she 's been told she 's not good enough , that she 'll never be good enough , that she 's weak , that she 's worthless and should be thrown out with the trash . you know what ? that 's almost exactly what my father told me . tad : no , no , no , wait a minute . wait a minute . you and annie are nothing alike . j.r. : really ? we both made impulsive choices . bad choices that put us against the wall . she 's not dangerous . she feels pressured and pressure puts her in a bad place . i mean , i 've been there . tad : no . no , you have n't , j.r. , not to the places she 's been . j.r. : really ? because i 've done with drugs , i 've drank , ran away from my father because of his controlling everyone and everything . and now i 'm doing the same thing to annie . and the poor girl , all she wants is a normal and peaceful life . tad : oh , so all of a sudden , you 're responsible for annie 's behavior ? j.r. : in part , yes . my father drove my mother crazy . tad : oh , no , no , no . come on , do n't -- do n't go there . what adam did to dixie is not what you 're doing -- j.r. : he put her in an institution . he drove her crazy . tossed her away . well , i 'm not going to do that -- like my father . i will not turn my back . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey . natalia : hey . ca n't talk . brot : we have to get something from personnel . jesse : is this what you 're looking for ? i stopped it from going through . i done told you , you are not quitting . natalia : no , he 's not . i am . jesse : look , let 's not start this , please ? natalia : you 're looking at south philly 's newest detective . ok . jesse : you got another job ? natalia : no , i did what was right , for all of us . i have been very proud to serve in pine valley . you worked me harder than anyone . there were times where i thought i could n't cut it . but then i 'd look at you , and i know i can . of course , i can . look who my dad is . the finest officer there is . dad , you have done so much for me , now let me do this for you . [ jesse hugs natalia ] [ scene_break ] kendall : so what ? you think you can use what i did in the hospital to make me help you ? david : what you did is quite significant . kendall : now you have it in your sick head that i will do anything to cover it up , even help you go free ? david : do n't you think it would be wise to keep what you did a secret ? kendall : liza already tried this , ok ? the video evidence does n't prove anything . it 's worthless . david : you do n't want to bet on that , kendall . kendall : go ahead , david . tell the police . tell the whole damn world . i do n't care . david : are you absolutely certain about that , kendall ? kendall : ok . whatever game this is , you lose . david : maybe we should get your mother down here . i would love to hear what she thinks . [ scene_break ] jack : how does what is going on between you and caleb have anything to do with kendall ? erica : it just does . jack : oh . it just does ? that 's your explanation ? erica : jack , can you please just accept what it is i 'm telling you ? jack : no ! no ! you owe me an explanation ! erica : i did n't shoot david . kendall did . i got there right after she pulled the trigger . she trying to save ryan , and ryan was focused on david . i knew that i had to act very quickly , so i saw that kendall was in shock . i told -- i took the gun out of her hand , and i told her to leave . jack : oh , my god . erica : and she has completely repressed that memory . she has no idea what really happened . do you see now , jack ? do you understand that everything i 've done since that night has been about protecting my daughter . jack : tell me something . did it never occur to you that i might be able to help you , to comfort you the way caleb has been ? erica : of course , it occurred to me that you could help me . jack : then why the hell did n't you tell me ? [ scene_break ] tad : your compassion for annie is admirable . some ways , i even understand it , but you have to understand that all marissa 's trying to do is protect your son . j.r. : i would never let anything happen to a.j . tad : just to be safe , i do n't think marissa should have anything to do with you and annie . hi . j.r. : hey . marissa : hi . j.r. : are you ok ? marissa : oh , yeah . do n't ask . tad : you know , i think i 'm going to let you two talk . marissa : thanks . j.r. : take a seat . got something for you . marissa : oh , and what 's this ? j.r. : everything that was stolen at the robbery . marissa : but i thought that the police said they could n't find it . j.r. : yeah , well , that was n't good enough for me . i went around to all the pawn shops . marissa : [ gasps ] oh , god . oh . oh , it 's my a.j . bracelet . it still has the stone in it . i ca n't believe you got this back . j.r. : i know how much it means to you . marissa : so my purse was in the pawn shop , too ? j.r. : i thought that would make you happy . marissa : um , no , i 'm happy , just -- i 'm surprised . j.r. : well , now it 's over . move on from the robbery . [ scene_break ] annie : i really think it 's so important to get your feelings out . you know , if you keep things bottled up inside , it can be so damaging . so i 'm really thankful , and i 'm lucky that i have you that i can talk to . you know , a doctor that knows me , but can still be objective . yeah . dr. burke : when j.r. called , i thought you might have had a setback . annie : no . no , no , not at all . i mean , the situation with me and j.r. , it 's not perfect . ha ! we definitely have to work on it , but , you know -- dr. burke : why do n't you tell me about the situation with j.r. ? [ scene_break ] natalia : philly p.d . is the fourth largest police department in the country . jesse : i bet you 'll make a great chief . natalia : follow in your footsteps ? what could be cooler than that ? jesse : hmm , hmm , hmm . natalia : i 'm ready . ha ha ha ! jesse : i know you are . officer : hey , chief , i got that witness on the phone . jesse : uh -- natalia : no , go ahead . take it . i 'll come holler before i leave . brot : it 's not too late to change your mind . natalia : you know i wo n't . brot : i figured i 'd try . natalia : this is a big step for me . you know ? ha ha ! brot : what ? natalia : what ? brot : what are you laughing at ? natalia : the first time i practiced cuffing a perp , randi was my guinea pig , and she threw me on the ground . brot : oh , that 's bad . natalia : like , put me down . brot : that 's bad . ok , i admit , that 's funny . natalia : stupid . oh , god . this place -- cold coffee , broken chairs -- just try to find a pen that writes . yeah , i walked up in here an anxious , over- ambitious know - it - all who did n't know a damn thing . now i 'm leaving a cop . i found myself here , you know ? i made friends . i made detective . i fell in love . maybe i should n't say that too loud . brot : why ? you do n't work here anymore , remember ? you can shout it out . we both can . natalia : i 'm going come back and visit here every chance i get . and when i do , the first thing i want to see is your sweet face . brot : kiss me . natalia : and kiss your sweet face . mm - hmm . [ scene_break ] caleb : i understand that , but at the time , mr. montgomery was under a great deal of stress . he realizes that he made a mistake . he wants to put it behind him and get back to work . yes , i know that , but reinstating him is the right thing to do . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , i had no plan when it came to kendall . i have been improvising from the very beginning . jack : just be honest with me . erica : i did n't tell you , because you 're an officer of the court , and telling you would put you in an impossible position . jack : well , caleb 's an officer of the court , too , but i 'll bet by god he knew all about it , did n't he ? erica : caleb came into this entirely by accident , jack . jack : it 's ok . i know the real reason you did n't tell me . you do n't trust me . [ scene_break ] kendall : why would you want to see my mother ? . david : oh , i do n't know . maybe we could all brainstorm on how to keep me out of prison . kendall : my mother loathes you just as much as i do . nothing could ever make her take you side . david : nothing ? really ? kendall : i hope you rot . erica 's voice : kendall , kendall . david : are you all right ? kendall ? kendall ? [ gunshot ] erica 's voice : no , come on . david : kendall ! kendall ! | kendall comes home from work and finds cara ready to go out . cara asks kendall how had her doctor 's appointment gone . kendall confesses that she had n't gone to her appointment . cara assures kendall that griffin is a great doctor . kendall has another flashback about david . in her hotel room at the yacht club , j.r. confronts annie about the jewelry that he had found in the desk drawer . j.r. demands to know where she had gotten the jewelry . annie just looks at j.r. right before she begins to explain how she had hit annie with the door , but knowing that no one would believe her , she had made it look as though it had been a robbery . j.r. can not believe his ears that annie would go to these extremes . erica confides to caleb that she had to keep kendall safe from anyone finding out that kendall had shot david . caleb places his hand on erica 's . jack walks in and sees erica with her hand on caleb 's . jack confronts erica as to what is going on . erica puts him off by telling him that she has something to do . natalia brings david into the squad room in a wheelchair . david demands that his lawyer be called as erica , jack and caleb enter the squad room . david looks at erica and begs her to stop this now . rev . torres visits kendall at home . rev . torres asks kendall how had her first day at work gone . kendall assures him that it had gone fine . rev . torres invites kendall out to dinner to celebrate , but kendall lets him know that she is just not ready to go out yet . brot urges jesse to fire him to get himself out of this mess , but once again , jesse refuses . david assures the police that he will take a polygraph test to prove his innocence . j.r. urges annie to see dr. burke or there will be no him and her . annie is stunned by his words . marissa visits david in jail and lets him know that she quit that he would have to get himself another lawyer . |
ryan : did -- did you just suggest -- greenlee : try me . ryan : you did . you think that if we sleep together that we -- greenlee : or not , depending . ryan : it 'll prove if i truly love kendall . greenlee : you got it . let 's get started . ryan : no , no , no , no , i do n't got it . greenlee : ok . once upon a time when you were mad for gillian , you and i slept together . ryan : yes , i remember . greenlee : but do you remember what it was like , what we were like together ? it 's burned in my memory . ryan : well , i 'm flattered , greenlee -- greenlee : and now you think you 're in love with kendall . ryan : i know i 'm in love with kendall . greenlee : prove it . sleep with me . if it 's like what it was like when you were really in love with gillian , i 'll throw kendall a bridal shower and stand up for her at your wedding . you 're afraid to risk it . i was right . you do n't love kendall . ryan : no . you do n't get away that easy . [ scene_break ] jack : you think erica killed michael cambias ? bianca : i 'm afraid she did . jack : bianca , why would you think such a thing ? what -- what have you remembered ? bianca : well , it 's just -- it 's flashes . it 's like moments caught in lightning . i remember somebody in the courtyard . jack : somebody . but you do n't remember a face ? bianca : no . as hard as i 've tried , i ca n't seem to bring that back up . but i do -- i see someone hiding in the bushes by the window . and a jacket sleeve , black . mom has one like it . jack : a black sleeve ? bianca , that could be anybody in this town . that could be anybody in this entire country . bianca : i do n't even know if i 'm remembering something that actually happened . i mean , what if i 'm recalling pieces of a dream i had ? jack : that 's what i think is the most likely answer to this . i -- i think that kendall 's trial has you rattled , and so you 're afraid that the person you love most in this entire world is in danger . but she 's not . erica 's not in danger , and she did not kill michael cambias , ok ? i mean , there is no way in the world that she had anything to do with his death whatsoever . bianca : oh , my god . you think she did it . [ scene_break ] kendall : no -- mother , no ! michael : erica , do n't . come on , please do n't . erica : you deserve to die . michael : would you -- give me the scissors , will you ? erica : i 'll give them to you . i 'll plunge them right into your heart ! kendall : no , no , mother -- please , please , you do n't want to hurt me . michael : come on , erica . put the scissors down and nobody has to get hurt . erica : i have to get rid of you . you have to be dead . kendall : no , i 'm sorry ! i 'm sorry ! erica , i 'm sorry for anything i ever did to you ! michael : all right , all right . i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to hurt you . please do n't hurt me , ok ? erica : do you really think that an apology can save you ? michael : like i said , i never meant to hurt you . erica : do you think i give a damn about anything you did to me ? kendall : please , please , please do n't do something you 'll regret . please . erica : regret ? regret this ? i will revel in this . you raped bianca . kendall is pregnant by you . i ca n't wait to kill you , you son of a bitch . michael : erica , erica -- erica , i am not who you think i am . erica : you will never hurt anyone else again . kendall : oh , god ! oh , god ! no , please -- please do n't do it . please ! please do n't do it . please , please -- erica : you never , never should have come back to this town , michael cambias . kendall : no . i 'm not michael . i swear i 'm not . mother , it 's me . it 's kendall ! michael : erica , you 're making a terrible mistake . please wait , ok ? please -- please do n't hurt me . kendall : no , please ! please ! aidan : erica ! erica : ah ! [ scene_break ] mia : oh , my god . i 'm so sorry . i must have gotten the wrong address . fred : no , no ! i beg you , stay ! you bring enlightenment . do n't be stingy , angel . i 've waited for you my whole life . mia : i 'm sorry , but i am not an angel . fred : well , are you sure ? sometimes we 're the last to know the roles we 've been assigned . it took me -- well , i do n't know -- i 'm not very good at math -- but it took me a very long time to recognize what i am . mia : what are you ? fred : i am a caretaker . i take care . mia : oh , ok . so you look after this place ? fred : after all places and all people and their spiritual needs . how can i be of service , not angel ? mia : well , you can tell me what aidan was just doing here . fred : aidan ? oh , sir aidan . no , i 'm not free to confide in you , not angel . mia : mia . fred : you a what ? mia : no , mia . it 's my name . fred : oh . and i am fred . i wish i could be of service to you . i give great service . mia : what kind of service ? fred : do you ? i do . will you ? i will . till death do you part . kiss and have cake . it always puts me in a good mood . [ wolf howls ] fred : you are one of us . oh ! sister mia , let me pray . hmm . aha ! now we 're cooking ! mia : you 're a minister . what does aidan want with a minister ? fred : it 's only when you 're without ministering that you 're in want . mia : oh , my god . is this about kendall ? fred : ah , the lovely mrs. cambias . mia : oh . oh , no , i see now . he 's got you tucked away up here so that you can perform the ceremony . fred : and i am ready . what ceremony am i to perform ? mia : you 're going to marry aidan and kendall . fred : i am ? and who are they marrying ? mia : each other . fred : is n't it a little soon ? mia : oh , my god , it 's totally perverse . you ca n't do it . fred : i already did it . mia : aidan and kendall are already married ? fred : i do n't know about him , but she is . i conducted the service myself . to mr. cambias , the lovely mr. cambias . lovely man . mia : oh , my god . you 're the minister . you 're the one who married kendall and michael . fred : till death do you part . mia : well , death has already parted them , with a bullet . fred : violence -- violence upsets the balance of nature . it 's unnatural . mia : do you know what this means ? of course you do n't . why am i asking you ? kendall might not have murdered michael . fred : well , of course she did n't . kendall cambias could n't hurt a fly . mia : you do n't know her at all . [ scene_break ] ryan : i will not hurt kendall . greenlee : i did n't ask you to . ryan : well , you asked me to sleep with you . it 's the same thing . greenlee : it 's like science , ok ? an experiment to prove a theory . ryan : well , you are the only one that needs proof , greenlee . all right , i know how i feel , and i 'm going to get married . greenlee : you ca n't seriously think that marriage equals love . have you learned nothing from my mother and roger , the man that used to be my father ? marriage and love are frequently mutually exclusive . ryan : really ? well , not always , greenlee , ok , and not in this case . you 're just going to have to take my word for it . it 's love . greenlee : it 's cowardice . ryan : it 's loyalty . greenlee : you 're terrified i 'll expose you . you know that if we get horizontal , you wo n't be able to convince me you love kendall . ryan : you do n't think too much of your prowess between the sheets , now , do you , greenlee ? greenlee : what i do think is that you 're chicken . ryan : oh , and you 're not ? greenlee : excuse me ? ryan : why do n't you just come out and say that you want me . greenlee : you want me to be totally and completely honest with you ? ryan : that would be a refreshing change , yes . greenlee : even if it means you have to return the favor ? ryan : even if . greenlee : ok , ryan . you are right . i want you . i do . [ scene_break ] fred : sir aidan and i know of a greater truth . i wait for them to come for me . mia : unless you know something that could damage kendall , which could only be that she did n't really marry michael at all , and you 're just putting on this space cadet routine . fred : cadet ? i am no cadet . i am a four - star admiral . mia : she married somebody that you only thought was michael cambias . my god . aidan 's protecting kendall . fred : sir aidan 's devotion to kendall is both heartwarming and heartfelt . mia : you could tell that ? fred : sir aidan will do anything to protect her from harm . mia : yeah , aidan and every other man in pine valley . [ scene_break ] ryan : first you 're after sex so you can decide whether i truly love kendall , and then all of a sudden you 're ready to admit that you 're really after me ? greenlee : you said you wanted honesty . i believed you . ryan : oh ? erase all that , because what i really want is for you to start making sense and for you to stop playing me . greenlee : i 'm not . ryan , i was n't ready to admit it to myself , either , until now . but all the other times i tried to get you to make love to me , it was because -- ryan : it was because you want to get your hooks back into fusion ? greenlee : that 's what i told myself . otherwise , i would n't have been able to come on to you . i did a great job convincing myself . ryan : yeah , that makes two of us . greenlee : i could n't face how vulnerable you made me . it was n't fusion that i was after . it was you . all those times that i challenged kendall , it was n't for our company . it was for you . ryan : yeah , you say that now because -- because i do n't know why . greenlee : at thanksgiving , when i was feeling friendless , familyless -- ryan : yeah , you brought mary to the valley inn with you . greenlee : i brought her for revenge . i was mad at the world . ryan : because kendall caught the cambias fortune . greenlee : sure , but that does n't even begin to cover it . i was empty without you , ryan . ryan : so , wait -- what was pablo , then ? what was he , like an attempt to get over me ? greenlee : maybe . i mean , i think i convinced myself that i was so crazy about him because i needed someone to share my life with . ryan : you went to the ski lodge with him . greenlee : but i ended up where i wanted to be -- in your room . i 'm sick of losing , ryan . i 've lost leo and pablo . do n't make me say goodbye to you . with you , i think i can win . ryan : i ca n't help you . greenlee : reciprocal honesty , remember ? i gave you mine . now it 's your turn . admit you wanted me , too , no matter what you feel or do n't feel for kendall . ryan : and what good is that going to do ? greenlee : i wo n't feel like such a fool . ryan : ok . you want to hear it ? i wanted you . [ scene_break ] erica : he has to stay dead ! this time he has to stay dead ! aidan : erica -- erica , he 'll stay dead . do n't you worry . he 'll stay dead . erica : oh , you did ? i do n't know how he got back . i do n't know how he came back because i was so sure that he was dead last time . i was so sure . aidan : hold on , erica . help . it 's ok . kendall , it 's ok . you can call the police now . kendall , hello . call the police now . fine . i 'll do it . kendall : no . no , aidan , you ca n't . aidan : if i had n't come in here when i did , she could have killed you with those scissors . kendall : no , not me . she did n't want to kill me . aidan : yeah , fine , whatever . you could be dead . kendall : no . aidan : call the police . kendall : no . she thought i was michael , aidan . she wanted -- she wanted to stab michael . she wanted to kill him . aidan : well , it sounds like she 's already done the job once . she 's angry . she has to do it again . [ scene_break ] jack : i do n't want to believe for a moment that your mother killed michael cambias . bianca : no , you do n't want to believe it , but you do . you do n't think that i 'm recalling bits of a dream . you think that mom shot michael . jack : no , no , no , no , no . now , i -- do n't put words in my mouth , bianca . and for pete 's sake , do n't repeat that to anybody else . you have no foundation on which to base that . bianca : but if -- if i knew that deep down inside , that explains why i made mom swear to me that she would never let kendall be convicted for a crime that she committed . jack : ok , but livia is mounting a hell of a defense for kendall , right ? bianca : so you think she 's going to be ok ? jack : yes . absolutely . bianca : you think that i 'm not going to have to accuse my mother to save my sister ? jack : absolutely . i think kendall 's going to be ok . i think you 're going to be ok . i think your mother 's going to be ok . i think everything is going to be ok . i swear to you it is . now , come on , kiddo . you do trust me , right ? bianca : of course i trust -- i trust you with my life . i trust you with all our lives . [ phone rings ] bianca : hello ? kendall : bianca , it 's me . listen , i 'm home . bianca : kendall , what 's wrong ? kendall : listen , it 's mom . bianca : mom ? what happened ? kendall : she -- she had a breakdown . just -- just get a doctor , get david , and get over here now . bianca : ok , i 'll be right there . that was kendall . she 's with mom , and she 's in trouble . jack : what did kendall say ? bianca : i guess i pushed her too hard . i have to get over there . jack : bianca , wait -- guard ! guard , get in here ! [ scene_break ] fred : home is where the heart is . where 's yours ? mia : i live right here in pine valley . fred : but where is your heart ? mia : if you want to find my heart -- well , you can just look on the bottom of aidan 's shoes . he 's stomped on it , wiped his feet on it , and moved on to kendall , of all people . fred : no , sir aidan would n't do that . he 's one of us . mia : listen , i knew -- i knew that aidan and kendall had a thing once . fred : what , a fling thing ? mia : exactly . but he said that that was over and done with . oh , but that was n't true . he was just waiting for her next distress signal , waiting to just swoop in again and rescue her . fred : but could you love a man who would ignore such a distress signal ? mia : how does kendall do it ? i mean , how does she make all men her slaves ? i just do n't get it . ryan is sacrificing a fortune for her . aidan 's just tossed me off to the side . and we could have a fantastic life , believe me . i mean , are all men this self - destructive ? fred : men -- the role of men has always been to fight each other and wage war . mia : so you 're just programmed this way , right ? you 're just , like , programmed , even if it means losing everything ? fred : some of us listen to gentler voices . yours is beginning to frighten me . mia : relationships are tough . i get that . i do . i mean , it 's hard to tell the users from the genuine people . but kendall -- i mean , god ! she just flaunts it , you know ? she 'll just do anything to get whatever she wants , and she makes horrible decisions . she 'd run over her best friend to get a decent parking space . she 's got no scruples , even less conscience -- fred ? fred ? fred ! [ scene_break ] aidan : kendall , be careful . if she wakes up , she could go for you again . [ erica moans ] erica : what have you done ? kendall : just take it easy , mother . erica : how did you get me here ? why am i here ? how did you get me here ? kendall : you do n't remember ? you really do n't ? erica : you must have drugged me . i 'm calling the police . kendall : no , mother . please just try to stay calm . erica : no , do n't you come near me . i mean it . not another step closer . aidan : erica , you 're welcome to stay a while until you 're feeling better . erica : oh , i see . you 're working with her now , aidan ? oh , are you ever disgusting . oh , david , thank god you 're here . david , kendall brought me here against my will . david : first things first . how do you feel ? bianca : kendall , what happened ? erica : why are you asking her ? she drugged me . david : all right . kendall : i 'll explain to you later . erica : she 'll lie . david : all right , just have a seat , erica . erica : i do n't know what she did to me . i do n't know how she did it . i do n't know what she used or why . kendall : she does n't remember anything . erica : what 's there to remember ? do n't stand so close to her , bianca . aidan : her heart was racing after she passed out , david . erica : yes . because -- because she drugged me . kendall : no , no , i did n't give you any drugs . david : your pulse is racing . erica : well , yes , of course it is . i 'm upset . i mean , i woke up here on this couch with kendall standing over me , and very smug and very , very hateful . kendall : i need some air . bianca : mom , just tell us what you remember . erica : why , i was at the jail , and you and i and jack , we were talking . we were -- about kendall 's baby and about michael cambias ' baby . and then the next thing i knew , i just -- i woke up -- i woke up here on this couch . bianca , darling , could you get me some water and a cold washcloth ? bianca : oh , of course . yeah , i 'll be right back . erica : oh , my god . it happened again . i blacked out , just like the night michael cambias was killed . [ scene_break ] aidan : this explains a lot . you 've been protecting erica all this time . you have , have n't you ? kendall : she 's my mother . aidan : and the night michael died , is this how it went down ? erica lost it ? kendall : thank you . thank you for everything you 've done for me , aidan . you saved my life . aidan : oh , wow . did ryan give you that ? kendall : yes . aidan : are you and ryan engaged ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : what are we waiting for ? you want me , i want you . ryan : no , because the time -- the time is not right , greenlee . greenlee : it could n't be righter . ryan : i ca n't . greenlee : because of kendall . ryan : because i 'm getting married to kendall . greenlee : is that fair to her , to take a walk down the aisle when you 're lusting after me ? ryan : so i should sleep with you first ? greenlee : you owe it to yourself and to kendall to get me out of your system . ryan : oh -- your logic is -- is seriously skewed . greenlee : i 'm not asking you to call off the wedding . i 'm just asking you to find out what you 're leaving behind and if it 's worth it . ryan : so , in a way , it would be like your wedding present to us ? greenlee : if you decide to go through with it , absolutely . ryan : your argument is -- is unique , just like you . greenlee : take this mini - plunge with me before you take the big plunge with kendall . no one ever has to know . ryan : except for you and me . greenlee : and since we both want the same thing , i ca n't think of anything nicer . can you ? do n't walk away . ryan : no , no , no , it 's easier for me to think back here . greenlee : thinking is highly overrated . ryan : greenlee , you have the entire package now , and it is so attractive . greenlee : i like the sound of that . tell me more . ryan : you make me -- you make me laugh at myself . you make me laugh at the world . you pull off these amazing stunts . and for some reason , i ca n't seem to stay angry at you . greenlee : the last thing i want is for you to stay angry at me . ryan : i can talk to you now . i can -- i can say things to you . i can be with you now like i ca n't be with anybody else . greenlee : that goes for me , too . so why do n't we give in to it ? why do n't we share everything , just this once ? ryan : you are so tempting . greenlee : just give in to the temptation . i have . ryan : i ca n't . greenlee : you afraid kendall will tune in on some cosmic level to what 's going on between us ? ryan : i ca n't cheat on her . greenlee : you 're afraid that you 'll find out that you 're making the biggest mistake of your life , going back to kendall again ? ryan : i want -- i want it to work out with kendall this time , greenlee . greenlee : but if it were n't for her , you and i could be together . ryan : yeah , we could be . but i want you to know -- i want you to know that just because we 're not on our way to the bedroom right now , greenlee -- greenlee : what happened to the adventurous ryan , huh ? the risk taker , the wild man ? ryan : well , i guess we both changed . greenlee : liar . you 're just holding out on me . ryan : greenlee , i want you to know that i will always be there for you . you -- you can call on me whenever . greenlee : you 'll be busy with kendall . ryan : only -- well , only until you shine that motorcycle sign up into the sky . greenlee : and you 'll ride up to my rescue ? ryan : kendall and i both will . greenlee : kendall -- that 's a laugh . ryan : hey , listen , you and i have come a long way . there 's no reason that kendall and you -- you guys ca n't patch things up . greenlee : and if we ca n't , you 'll ignore my distress signal and leave me my fate ? ryan : greenlee , listen to me . i will let nothing come between what you and i have . we have something so special , and i intend to hold on to that . greenlee : you 're saying come hell or high water or the wrath of kendall , you 'll always be there to protect me , right ? ryan : right . i 'm your secret weapon . greenlee , i 'll fight for you whether kendall likes it or not . [ scene_break ] kendall : yes , ryan and i are engaged . aidan : so you did n't learn from the past , then . kendall : no -- yes , i did . aidan : so why are you letting doomed history repeat itself ? kendall : ryan and i both learned from what happened before . we did n't trust each other then . aidan : and you do now ? why ? kendall : aidan , ryan has put everything on the line for me to save me . [ aidan scoffs ] kendall : this time , it 's for keeps . jack : kendall , is erica inside ? where is she ? kendall : jackson , how did you get out ? jack : well , it turns out i still have a few friends on the bench who will actually return my calls . they set an emergency arraignment . i posted bail . aidan : erica 's inside with bianca . jack : what the hell happened to her ? kendall : she -- she suddenly zoned out . she did n't know where she was . she did n't know who i was . aidan : erica went after kendall with a pair of scissors . kendall : yeah , but she thought i was michael . she thought i was michael , and she -- she did n't know what she was doing . jack : she did n't hurt you , though ? kendall : oh , no . aidan : no , luckily , i arrived just in time . jack : well , thank god for that . how -- how -- how is she now ? kendall : she -- i do n't know . she just thinks i drugged her or tricked her into coming in here . none of it made any sense . aidan : after -- after the attack , she -- she passed out , she blacked out , and she 's only come to a little while ago . jack : oh . well -- kendall : she -- she -- she does n't remember trying to stab me , and i did n't say anything about it . i thought it might send her over the edge again . jack : no , no , no , that was absolutely the right thing to do . kendall : yeah . jack : thank you . thank you both so much . kendall : yeah . so , how 's reverend lomax ? aidan : well , actually , he 's enjoying his religious retreat . kendall : but he -- he 's locked up , right ? aidan : yeah . oh , do n't worry , you wo n't be seeing fred until it 's safe . kendall : good . as long as we can just hang on to him until tomorrow . then the state will make their case . aidan : yeah . do n't worry . you say the word , and fred will be free . until then , he 'll be quite busy making his tinfoil sculptures . kendall : aidan -- erica -- she would n't have hurt me . she would have realized who i was . aidan : maybe . but i still think you should steer clear of her for a while . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , i think that i blacked out . jack : well , everything is fine . erica : but i could have said or done anything . jack : no , nothing -- nothing -- nothing -- nothing happened at all . erica : how could you be so sure ? i mean , i was so confused -- what did kendall say ? jack : well , she said you showed up at her door . you seemed woozy , like you were maybe not feeling well . erica : no , jack , i would never come to her home voluntarily . no , i woke up on this couch . jack : well , she said you seemed disoriented and -- and you felt faint , so she took you over to the couch , and you passed out , and that 's all there was to it . erica : oh , god . is it any wonder i was such a mess , i mean , after getting the dna results , the proof that she really is carrying michael cambias ' baby ? and then bianca sticking up for her ? jack : yeah , well , it 's -- it 's -- it 's ok . i mean , everything -- everything 's all right . erica : oh , jack . i was so upset that i thought that i saw michael cambias . i mean , i thought that he was here . jack : no , no , honey , he 's not here . kendall 's here , aidan 's here , but michael 's not -- erica : no . no , i was right . michael cambias is here . he 's inside kendall . i mean , do n't you see that ? kendall is carrying a part of michael cambias inside her . she 's carrying that monster 's baby . i mean , because of kendall , michael cambias is alive . [ scene_break ] mia : ok , so he 's about yay high with white - blond hair . not bad - looking . sparkling blue eyes . man : not ringing any bells . mia : oh , come on . he 's wearing this puffy blue vest , you know ? and it might seem to you that he 's been in the sun too long or maybe he went on a one - way acid trip , did n't come back . he 's a little whiffty , you know ? man : a wack job . mia : he 's eccentric . man : a wack job . i 'll keep my eyes peeled . mia : ok , but , listen , if you see him , just let me know , ok ? please ? oh , god , aidan 's going to kill me ! oh -- ah ! aidan : what 's up ? been waiting long ? mia : no , no . i 've managed to keep myself busy . aidan : sorry if i made you jump . come on , it 's freezing . i missed you , you know that ? mia , what 's up ? mia : on a scale of one to 10 , how much do you hate me ? aidan : what has gotten into you ? i do n't hate you at all . mia : oh , well , you will . and not garden variety hate . off the charts hate . [ scene_break ] greenlee : it 's a nice fantasy . well , really , what do you expect me to say ? i mean , you do have to come to my aid , that the only dragon you 'll have to vanquish is your own wife . ryan : and i 'm telling you that that 's not going to happen , greenlee . greenlee : when she says `` i do , `` it 's not `` i 'll do whatever you want me to do . `` ryan : you 're not going to lose , greenlee . i will not let that happen . greenlee : i 'll lose you . ryan : i am not what you want for the rest of your life , greenlee -- not as a partner . greenlee : you 're not giving us a chance to find that out . ryan : you and i -- we can stay true friends , greenlee , and i will make sure that you get fusion back . greenlee : i mean , the wife might not go along with that . ryan : trust me , ok ? trust me . i will take care of you if you let me . greenlee : you 're being completely sincere . ryan : yeah . and there 's only one thing that i 'm going to ask in return , and that is that you stop harassing kendall . greenlee : no , i -- ryan : you leave her alone . no more stalking , greenlee . no more hiding in the shower ready to ambush her . you ca n't question her -- her honesty , her pregnancy . greenlee : you do n't ask for much , do you ? ryan : you stay away from her condo unless you 're invited . and if you ca n't agree to that , then -- then we 're finished , greenlee . there 's no help , there 's no friendship , there 's no nothing . greenlee : fine . whatever you want . ryan : it 's not what i want , greenlee . it 's not what i want . it 's what -- it 's what -- just what has to be . all right , and if you ca n't agree to that , i got to walk away . i got to walk away , and i have to say goodbye . greenlee : i do n't want to say goodbye , ryan . i 'll do what you 've asked . i wo n't cause kendall any more trouble . i swear . ryan : now you 're being completely sincere . greenlee : yeah , i am . [ scene_break ] bianca : mom , that is not true . kendall is not responsible for any of this . erica : bianca , i ca n't take this -- you , of all people , defending her . bianca : but kendall has n't done anything to us , ever ! erica : kendall hart has done nothing but try to hurt us since the day she came to town . jack : all right , you know what ? let 's not do this now , huh ? erica : look , honey , i did n't want to believe it , either , but now she has proven it . bianca : stop it , mother , please . i -- i ca n't listen to you trash kendall ever again . erica : then i never want to hear you defend her again . are you trying to hurt me ? are you ? bianca : no . no , mom , of course not . that 's the last thing i want . jack : you know what ? let 's -- let 's get you home . do you feel up to it ? erica : oh , yes . yes , i do . jack : ok . erica : i never want to come to this apartment ever , ever again . jack : ok . erica : thank you . thank you , david , for taking care of me . david : it 's all right . just -- just go home , get some rest , ok , have something to eat . erica : oh -- jack : i 'll make sure she 's all right . david : good . erica : thanks . jack : thank you . david : yeah . thanks . what were you thinking ? bianca : i was thinking about mom . david : tonight was upsetting , i know . bianca : no , not tonight . that night , the night that michael was killed . david , did mom do it ? - creepy things - squiggly things . david : bianca , let me just take you home , ok ? bianca : no , david , just tell me . tell me what you know . what did mom do after you two split up that night ? do you know ? david : i thought she 'd gone home . bianca : well , she did n't go home . i would have seen her . you do n't know where she went , do you ? david : no , i do n't , and i do n't think erica knows , either , so come on . bianca : you know , she is right -- about kendall 's baby -- or i should say , my baby . david : what , that the baby 's going to be like michael ? bianca : no , no , not -- not that . but i did defend kendall 's decision to have this child , and that 's what set mom off . she blacked out , she came here . she saw michael . she -- she tried to hurt him , and she almost hurt kendall . can you just imagine how she 's going to react when she finds out that the baby 's really mine ? david : bianca , your mother is very strong . she will accept it in time . bianca : she 'll shatter into a million pieces . it will destroy her . david : come here . [ scene_break ] aidan : it sounds like you 've already been drinking . you want something else ? mia : hemlock ? truth serum ? no , i 'll pass . aidan : so , tell me , why am i going to hate you ? mia : because -- because -- you know , it all started with kendall . aidan : all right . well , i know that , right ? you blame kendall because i left town all of a sudden . mia : yeah . aidan : right ? mia : yeah , yeah , i did . i did . aidan : well , you 're right . i left town because i promised kendall that i would do everything that i possibly could to help her with her case . and it 's done . so now i can get back to us . mia : you can ? you do n't have to be with kendall ? aidan : nope . mia : no ? aidan : i kept my promise , so now we can forget about kendall , forget about the trial , and just get back to you and me . aidan : mia , what 's wrong ? what is it ? mia : i 'm not sure . aidan : is there something else you want to tell me ? mia : no , no . nothing that i can think of , offhand . i 'm just -- i 'm so relieved . aidan : i missed you , you know that ? come here . [ scene_break ] [ fred arrives at the courthouse ] fred : my search for justice is over . [ after laying down a piece of tin foil , fred walks over it and leaps up into the judge 's chair ] fred : the moment has arrived ! [ fred pounds gavel ] fred : order . [ pounds gavel ] fred : order . the truth is in my hand and will be delivered ! [ scene_break ] [ kendall hides outside ryan 's apartment and listens as greenlee leaves ] greenlee : so we 're settled . always have been . my own personal secret weapon . ryan : it works both ways . greenlee : i know it . ryan : about kendall ? greenlee : you 've got my solemn promise . i 'll keep it . ryan : you 're the best . greenlee : you are . i wo n't lose you . ryan : together , we both win . greenlee : thank you . [ next_on ] simone : you love me back . oh ! bianca : after what my mom did to kendall last night , i have to leave town for good . pablo : i 'm here to help kendall . ryan : kendall has enough help . pablo : what if i could give you the real killer ? | erica goes to kendall and has a `` nightmare `` that kendall is michael cambias . she grabs a scissors and almost stabs kendall , until aiden stops her . she passes out and when she awakens , she has no memory of `` seeing michael `` , but she believes kendall drugged her and took her against her will , to her condo . kendall calls bianca . david comes with her and jack also comes . bianca privately tells jack that she believes that her mother killed michael cambias . but jack does not believe that . |
[ knock on door ] erica : the world awaits us ! are you ready ? a new look for your new beginning ? bianca : oh . erica : this is the day we 're going to take the stores by storm , remember ? bianca : i 'm sorry , mom . i 'm getting kind of a slow start this morning . erica : well , what about miranda ? bianca : even slower . she 's still asleep . erica : well , let 's get her up , let 's get her dressed , let 's get her shopping . let 's teach her how to shop , kane style . bianca : i would love to , mom , but i think today i have to pass . erica : honey , is something wrong ? are you ok ? did you have a rough night ? bianca : today is n't shaping up much better . [ scene_break ] babe : james ! kevin : your nightmares are just beginning , babe , unless i can make them go away . [ scene_break ] david : well , this day is certainly looking up . krystal : well , the sky has n't fallen . david : a good cup of coffee , a beautiful woman making breakfast . krystal : well , if you like burnt toast . david : hmm , i thought i smelled something . i 'll go get the newspaper . krystal : ok . [ as david bends down to pick up the newspaper , adam knocks him out ] adam : payback time . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh , it 's got to be here somewhere . jonathan : here , let me help you . greenlee : ah ! oh , god . you scared the heck out of me . jonathan : i 'm sorry . i seem to have a knack for that . greenlee : where 's ryan ? jonathan : oh , he had something important to do . it 's just you and me . [ scene_break ] ryan : morning , sweetheart . kendall : what the hell are you doing here ? ryan : you know , you should really lock the door , because i could have been somebody that you were n't so happy to see . kendall : do i look happy ? ryan : anybody could have walked in here . kendall : yeah , well , anybody just did . ethan left around dawn , and i was so into kissing him good - bye , i guess i forgot to relock the door . ryan : ethan 's good luck , my good luck . kendall : ok , what is going on ? why are you here ? ryan : ok , this is where it all started , huh ? kendall : ok , if you 're going where i think you 're going , forget it , ryan . ryan : you , my brother , revenge sex . that 's revenge on me . since that did n't pan out , you go after my brother , try and get back at me again . well , kendall , it 's not going to work . kendall : you know what ? you really , honestly need to give that ego a rest . ryan : i asked you to lay off of jonathan , and what do you do ? you hire aidan to prove that my brother drugged my wife . kendall : how 'd the hell you come up with that idea ? ryan : where 'd i come up with that ? kendall : yeah . ryan : jonathan caught aidan in the act . kendall : well , then , i guess i just have to get my money back , huh ? ryan : hey , what happened to all the hours that you spent on the couch , on your shrink 's couch , after zach 's little casino party when you flipped out ? kendall : i got in touch with my rational side . maybe you should try it . ryan : you are so passionate about revenge that you would do absolutely anything to anyone to get back at me . kendall : let me give you my shrink 's card . maybe you and jonathan could get a nice two - for - one deal . ryan : hey , you know what your problem is ? your problem is that you do n't know when to stop . well , now would be a good time , because if you do n't lay off my brother , you will regret it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what do you want ? jonathan : i thought i 'd do some damage control . greenlee : consider it done . you can go . jonathan : i know how much ryan loves you . it would kill me if what 's happened between you and me screwed anything up with him . greenlee : your relationship with your brother is your business . i 'll let ryan know that you stopped by , ok ? if you do n't mind , i 've got a very full day . jonathan : i 'm not talking about me and ryan . i 'm talking about you and ryan . greenlee : excuse me ? jonathan : look , last night , he and i hashed things out , cleared up a lot . greenlee : good for you . what 's it got to do with me ? jonathan : when i came to pine valley , all i wanted was to be close to ryan , the way we were when i was a kid . anything that got in the way of that threatened me . you seemed like the biggest threat of all . greenlee : you were wrong . jonathan : i know that . it was all in my head . you could n't get in the way of us anyway . we 're 100 % . i mean , nothing , no one can break up that bond . see , ryan was great . he 's the one that really explained it to me . anybody that gets in my way or tries to hold me back , it 's a deal - breaker for him , no matter who it is . greenlee : and you 're telling me this because ? jonathan : because i 'm out of my head now . i 'm over my insecurities . i 'm worried for you . i do n't want the problems that you and i 've had to cause any trouble with you and ryan . greenlee : you really think that that 's a possibility ? jonathan : that 's what he said , in so many words . greenlee : must have been some talk . jonathan : it started out with a lot of ugly , but we worked through it . we 've never been closer . when he promised that nothing would ever come between us -- you have no idea what it meant to me . greenlee : what was the big ugly ? jonathan : i have a problem with my temper . greenlee : not exactly surprised . jonathan : i mean , i hit maggie . you see , when a woman makes me angry , i -- i lash out . [ scene_break ] krystal : david , you wrestling the squirrels for that paper ? oh ! adam : oh , krystal . just in time . come on , grab his legs . krystal : what happened ? what 'd you do ? what happened ? adam : will you stop yipping and give me some help ? krystal : you killed him . adam : no , no , no , he 's just knocked out . come on , grab his legs . krystal : like hell i will ! adam : is a little help too much to ask ? i think not . come on . krystal : drop him . adam : violence is always the problem , krystal , not the solution . krystal : you let him go right now . you drop him or i 'm going to split your head open like a cantaloupe . adam : all right . krystal : you take one step closer and i 'm going to knock your head off at the shoulders . adam : will you put that thing down ? krystal : you are crazier than a barnyard owl . adam : what , you think i 'm crazy ? really ? do you ? maybe you 're right . maybe you 're right . after all , a couple of she - devils tried to steal my grandchild and then tried to convince me and my tormented son that his child was dead . if that 's not enough to drive you over the edge , i do n't know what is . and then to be drugged by dr. demento and sent off to the far side of yakistan ? i had to claw my way back to civilization . so maybe you 're right . maybe i am a gibbering psychopath who might just do anything ! or else maybe i just want to have a little fun . [ adam laughs ] krystal : you have lost it . adam : one good gag deserves another . right , davey - o ? yeah , right . david agrees . now , come on , come on . grab his legs , help me get him into the crate . [ scene_break ] babe : what do you want , kevin ? kevin : i just knew that you 'd be worried about ace , missing him . babe : i miss james with every breath that i take . please tell me that he 's ok . kevin : he 's perfect . i thought you might like these . babe : my baby boy . kevin : yeah . i ca n't believe how big he got the few weeks he was gone . i guess it 's true what they say . you blink and the pink football you carried under one arm turns into a real little boy . babe : he 's real easy to love , is n't he ? kevin : oh , he 's magic . that 's why i want to do right by him . i want to help you , babe , help fight the charges against you . babe : you mean that ? kevin : absolutely . babe : oh . thank you . thank you so much . i knew , i knew that i was right about you . i knew that you could see that there 's no way that j.r. could have him . i mean , i promise you , hand to god , when this all blows over , you can see james anytime you want . i mean , you 're the one that raised him the first few months and he loves you and everything . kevin : babe , babe , his name is ace buchanan , and it 's going to stay that way . [ scene_break ] j.r. : thank you for sticking up for me with babe the other day . erica : oh , you do n't have to thank me , believe me . that mother - daughter demolition derby really tore a lot of people 's lives up . i mean , i 'm certainly not going to step aside and let them slither out of what they have coming to them . j.r. : well , actually , that 's why i 'm here . bianca can make all the difference . erica : well , i 'm sure bianca will do everything she can to help . bianca : go to hell , j.r . erica : bianca , i know this is all deeply upsetting . bianca : i mean it , mom . i have nothing to say to j.r . j.r. : i know how you feel about me . bianca : there 's no way i 'm going to help you . j.r. : look , i would n't be here unless it was extremely important . you 're my best shot at getting my son back . bianca : i 'm sure there 's somebody else you can use . erica : bianca , you of all people , you know what j.r. is going through . he 's been kept from his son . he 's been lied to for months . i mean , he has been as much a victim of that woman than you have . bianca : j.r. is nobody 's victim but his own . erica : maybe you 're not best friends , but after what the careys have done , ca n't you work together to put them away and get j.r. 's son home ? bianca : sorry , mom , not a chance . j.r. : erica 's right . i have n't been a very good friend to you lately . i 've let you down . i 've messed up . i 've been so confused about babe and her lies -- bianca : get a new act . i 've heard it . j.r. : look , i know the last time we talked i was kind of harsh . bianca : you wanted me in hell , along with your wife , and you said that you would do your best to get me there as soon as possible , so excuse me if i do n't want to help you fast - track babe to misery . erica : honey , i 'm sure j.r. did n't mean it . bianca : i 'm sure he did . erica : but j.r. was obviously very upset . i mean , babe has done such a number on both of you . j.r. : maybe it 's too little too late , but i am sorry for what i said . i was ripped up . when i realized that you knew that my boy was alive , and you continued to make me believe that he was dead -- erica : bianca , is that true ? you knew ? bianca : mom , this is between me and j.r. j.r. , i know what you 're doing . i know what you want . you get hurt , you hurt back harder . now it 's time for your payback , and you 're hoping that i 'll help you pull it off . forget it . j.r. : do n't you ever get tired of judging us poor , misguided , lesser mortals ? bianca : i 'm sick to death of cruel , hateful people who think that they have a right to destroy whoever they want just because they caused them pain . i wo n't be one of them . i wo n't be the club that you use to beat babe . [ scene_break ] babe : i thought you wanted to help me . kevin : i do . i will . a lieutenant governor has a certain amount of influence , and i 'll use every bit of it to make sure they drop the kidnapping charges . babe : and what am i supposed to do ? kevin : all you have to do is tell the court that you were confused when you took my son . babe : no , i knew exactly what i was doing . kevin : listen to me . you have to give up all and any claim that you have to ace . babe : oh , the heck i will . kevin : you have to tell the court that he is not your son . babe : there 's no way . have you lost your mind ? are you seriously that crazy ? kevin : no , no , babe , listen to me . you have . you were grieving the loss of bianca montgomery 's baby and the death of your own . you were irrational when you took my son , delusional . and only now have you realized what a terrible mistake you 've made and how very sorry you are . babe : you can take your ground rules and you can stick them where -- kevin : babe , babe , work with me , or you wo n't see the other side of these bars till you 're a very old woman . [ scene_break ] adam : how many times do i have to say it , krystal ? it 's a joke . krystal : `` knock , knock `` is a joke . this is a crime ! adam : all right , all right , i 'll admit david and i have had our differences in the past , but there is nothing we enjoy more than a good practical joke , the wilder the better . granted , it got a little out of hand -- krystal : yeah . adam : when he drugged me and shipped me off to outer mongolia . i did n't really care for that , but what the heck , fun is fun . come on , come on , grab his legs , help me get him in the crate . krystal : you move him one inch , and you 're not going to think this is so much fun . adam : winifred ! winifred , you can come out now . winifred : uh -- mr. chandler ? adam : yes . all right , fine , shut it off . winifred : good morning , ma'am . krystal : do n't tell me you 're going to sell this to `` america 's funniest videos . `` adam : winifred , wait in the car . winifred : yes , sir . krystal : you really have slipped a cog , have n't you ? adam : i 've rarely been more brilliant . this is irrefutable proof . krystal : that the cheese has done slipped off the cracker . adam : no , that hayward � s version of adam - in - the - box was just another riff in a long - standing parade of practical jokes . and once i show this in court and testify , then all the charges against hayward for kidnapping me will be dropped . now , all that 's required is you give me copies -- david : ugh ! [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , i 'm sure that whatever happened between you and j.r. , he 's just trying to do what 's right for his child . j.r. , what do you need ? maybe i can help you . j.r. : bianca 's the only one that can testify that my baby is mine , not the buchanans ' . i mean , we 're working on a dna test right now , but the buchanans are blocking us . erica : yes , i 'm sure that the lieutenant governor and asa buchanan are flexing every political muscle they have . j.r. : if we ca n't go through them , we 'll go around them . dad and i are positive that david did a dna test before babe and jamie took the baby . erica : but they 're not sharing . j.r. : bianca can . babe told you in florida , did n't she ? she told you she had proof of my son 's dna . bianca : you should leave . j.r. : bianca , if you could just testify to that . bianca : i told you , j.r. , i wo n't do it . j.r. : but without you , i may not be able -- bianca : i wo n't do it . i 'm done with this . i 'm out of it . i do n't care who did what to whom , who 's wrong , who 's right . i 'm finished with the whole insane mess . now , get out . j.r. : this is about florida , is n't it ? i would n't let you take miranda to get the dna test . i kept her from you , so now you 're going to keep my son from me . this is a little bit of that payback you said that you despise so much . how does it feel ? does it feel good ? bianca : i swear to god , j.r. , if you do n't leave right now -- erica : j.r. , you should go . j.r. : i really hoped this would be a lot easier . i am truly sorry , bianca . henry . henry : bianca montgomery ? erica : do n't take it , honey . henry : you 've been served . bianca : a subpoena ? are you kidding me ? j.r. : you did n't leave me any other choice . if you knew babe had a dna test done , you 'll have to testify , and you 're not the kind of person to lie under oath . i 'll see you in court . j.r. : damn it ! [ phone rings ] j.r. : hello . really ? where is he now ? all right , i 'm on my way . [ scene_break ] kendall : wake up , ryan . your brother is a complete wack job straight from hell . ryan : no , no , my brother is a victim of you trying to get back at me . kendall : oh , really ? that 's very colorful , but wrong . have you ever thought that maybe for one second jon boy is n't the innocent kid brother you think he is ? ryan : i know exactly who my brother is . kendall : no , you are so locked in that tiny box you call a brain , you see only what you want to see . you see kendall bad , jonathan good . ryan : you are in no position to preach at me . kendall : you are such a hypocrite . you will whomp on me for holding all these grudges , but you 're holding on to the mother of all grudges just because i hooked up with your brother before he unpacked . ryan : yeah , how incredibly unreasonable of me . you slept with my brother . you used him then and you 're using him now . kendall : why do n't you look harder , ryan ? maybe he 's using you . he 's playing all of his little head games , hiding behind his big brother . ryan : look , my brother has problems , ok , but they are absolutely none of your business . kendall : they are when he tries to frame me for poisoning your wife . ryan : he is not trying to frame you for anything . kendall : oh , my god . you still think that i did it . ryan : i 'm taking greenlee 's word on you . she better not be wrong . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you get the urge often to share your pain ? jonathan : greenlee , i 've been dealing with this anger thing all my life . ryan thinks it 's because of dad . he 'd combust and then just -- he would slam whoever was close to him . god , i do n't want to be like him . i know it 's going to take time , and it 's going to take a lot of work , but i 'm ready for it . i want to get in control of my anger . and i think with ryan behind me , i can do it . greenlee : 12 steps to a kinder , gentler you ? jonathan : whatever it 's going to take to get over this little speed bump , yeah , ryan 's there . greenlee : down to a suite at the valley inn . jonathan : i 'm going to pay him back , greenlee , every dime . it 's not like i 'm going anywhere . ryan still wants to start a business together . can you believe that ? i mean , i screwed up bigtime and he still trusts me . how lucky am i ? greenlee : ryan 's all about family . ryan : which is about to get bigger . have you heard ? maggie and i are getting married , yeah . greenlee : you smacked her around , she wants to marry you ? jonathan : love is an amazing thing , is n't it ? maggie understands that i was never trying to hurt her . she forgave me . the only cloud on all my sunshine is you and me . greenlee : i 'm the acid rain on your parade ? jonathan : i just wanted to make sure our relationship can go to a new level . greenlee : be friends ? jonathan : i would n't expect you to do it on an empty stomach . i brought you breakfast . your favorite -- valley inn . i 've got -- i 've got scones , got a couple of coffees , and i 've got some oj . hey , let 's have a toast , huh ? what do you say ? to no more trouble ? jonathan : you have n't touched a thing . greenlee : anger 's a really tricky thing . jonathan : hmm . you should know . i 've seen you blow the lid more than once . greenlee : i never smacked anybody i was supposed to love . jonathan : you got me there . not to worry , though . ryan 's checking out the best program in town . greenlee : you ca n't pick up a phone ? jonathan : go ahead . dig in , drink up . greenlee : this was really sweet of you . oh ! what a klutz ! you know what -- let me get a towel . [ jonathan harshly grabs greenlee 's wrist and squeezes hard . ] jonathan : you think i poisoned you , do n't you ? you and kendall hired aidan to get the goods on me , did n't you ? greenlee : i spilled juice . i did n't hide behind the grassy knoll . jonathan : i thought we could do this . i thought we could get along , for ryan , greenlee . he 's going to be so disappointed . greenlee : because you think i 'm out to get you for something you did n't do ? maybe you should work on the paranoia , too . jonathan : you might want to buckle up . the truth 's coming out . greenlee : there 's nothing to come out . jonathan : if you do n't spill it , kendall will . greenlee : you know what , jonathan ? i 've got better things to do this morning . jonathan : because that 's where ryan is . he 's at kendall 's . and you know my brother . he 's going to find out the truth one way or another . [ scene_break ] kendall : i stood between your wife and a 10-story drop to concrete . ryan : yeah , you pull that card out every time right out of the box . kendall : no , i had greenlee in my hands . i almost went over myself . now , greenlee appreciates that . why the hell ca n't you ? ryan : yeah , she appreciates it so much that she declares you innocent in spite of all the proof against you . kendall : but you ca n't do that , because if you really looked at it , if you really laid it out and looked at everything instead of only what you want to see , you 'd realize that maybe your brother just might be guilty . ryan : stop , stop . enough about my brother . kendall : greenlee told you that she 's had problems with him ever since she outed his lie about having an mba . ryan : yeah , that was in the past , we 're over it , that 's done with . kendall : oh , ok , did greenlee say that ? you know what ? forget it . forget it . go . go . go away . go and have your perfect little life with greenlee , have your perfect , wonderful little babies , and just leave me the hell alone . i just -- i thought maybe i would try to help her and you . ryan : stop . i 'm asking you . i 'm asking you to promise me that you will call off this witch - hunt against my brother . please . kendall : fine . done , ok ? i swear , i promise , i cross my heart , i hope you die , i 'm done , all right ? this is greenlee 's mess . just let her carry on all by herself . ryan : no . no , greenlee 's not involved in this at all . she took my word on jonathan , the same way that i took her word on you . kendall : boy , do you deserve what you 're about to get . [ scene_break ] babe : you are just like j.r . kevin : oh , i 'm much more generous . i 'll cover your legal costs , i 'll provide long - term living expenses for you once you 're free , and , in exchange for my generosity , you will promise never to interfere with my custody of ace . no claims of motherhood , no demands to see him , and no tearful courtroom scenes . babe : the day that i deny that i am james ' mother is the day that i die . kevin : well , your passion is admirable , but it wo n't help you . i will . babe : well , you think that you can just buy my son ? forget it . kevin : i love him , babe , very much . babe : and that does n't make you his daddy . kevin : i will be a better parent than you and j.r. could ever be . babe : oh , come on ! your nannies spent more time with him than you did . kevin : i know that this is an emotional issue for you . i understand that . but i 'm sure that you want to spare ace any further trauma , and my offer is best for everyone , not just ace . i mean , you think about it . you and your boyfriend will have a chance to have a new life , a new family . babe : you smug bastard . kevin : you do n't have to answer me yet , ok ? you 're a smart girl , babe . you 're young . you 're beautiful . you have years and years ahead of you . question is , do you want to spend them in a place like this ? i 'll be in touch . you can keep the pictures . i 'm ready ! [ scene_break ] david : listen to me . i hate being electroshocked first thing in the morning ! you 've got 10 seconds to tell me why i should n't strangle the life out of you ! adam : ok , ok . all right . all right , the da has slater � s security footage , and you 're going to be buried behind bars , my friend . so with this tape , when i present it in court and testify on your behalf , you 'll be able to continue spreading your misery to the masses . david : i 'm not convinced . you got five more seconds . adam : i will testify that my little trek to tibet was nothing more than a practical joke , and this little masterpiece will prove it . it 's here , right , caught on tape -- the crate , the me drugging you , admitting to krystal it 's all a practical joke ! it 's perfect ! david : oh , so you want to make a deal . is that it ? adam : the buchanans will succumb eventually , but i want my grandson now , and you have what i need . david : i do ? adam : yeah . david : krystal ? krystal : beats me , davey - o . adam : do n't be coy . i know you took the dna test on the baby . i want a certified copy of those results . david : hmm . is there any more coffee ? adam : no , i do n't like to be kept waiting . the more impatient i become , the more i will punish those who made me wait . i want my grandson now . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i guess this was a bust . i was really hoping you and i could have some kind of a truce . it 's really going to bum me out if you and ryan get into it because of me . greenlee : ryan and i will be fine . jonathan : i 'm sure you will , but i was hoping you and i could be friends . greenlee : ryan says you did n't drug me . i took his word . can we just leave it at that ? jonathan : yeah , why not ? i just hope whatever kendall tells him does n't cause you any grief . [ scene_break ] erica : how could you let j.r. go on thinking that his baby was dead after babe put you through the same kind of hell ? why did n't you tell him the truth ? bianca : i do n't know . i almost did tell j.r. , a couple of times , but i could never go through with it . i wanted to do what was right . erica : was there any doubt ? bianca : no . i wanted to do what was right for that baby . j.r. drugged babe . he almost killed his brother . he would have run off with miranda . erica : j.r. may have made a lot of mistakes , but he deserved to know that his son was alive . bianca : you saw how possessive he was when miranda lived with him . he had to control everyone and everything around her . if it were n't for babe -- erica : you would have had your daughter back months ago . bianca : what babe did was unforgivable , but at least she was trying to protect miranda from j.r . erica : oh , please , do not try to defend babe to me in any way , shape , or form . bianca : i 'm not . but i ca n't defend j.r. , either , not after everything he 's done . when is this going to be over ? when am i going to be able to just forget about it ? erica : sweetheart , i know how difficult this is for you , but you can not let babe get away with what she 's done , or krystal or david . bianca : a prison term is n't enough ? erica : no . i want them to suffer as much as they made you suffer . and the way babe treated you and your baby ? she 's not fit to raise a child . there 's no way that you can ever recover that time you lost with your daughter . bianca : so yell , scream , kick something , cuss babe out -- i know i do it all the time -- but do n't devote all this time and energy to getting back at her and seeing her suffer . if you do , it 's only letting her rob us of more . erica : bianca , i sat beside your hospital bed for days , for weeks . and i watched you , and i waited and i hoped and i prayed and i imagined the unimaginable -- that you may never wake up . i almost lost my daughter . and , you , you lost precious time with yours . no , i can never forgive babe . never . bianca : well , i did n't almost die because of babe . that was all on j.r . erica : if babe had told you the truth the day she found out -- bianca : well , we could play the what - if game for days . what if j.r. had n't stolen the letter that babe wrote me ? what if he had just decided to have a dna test right away just to prove that she was n't telling the truth ? erica : well , because babe had lied to him about everything . bianca : ok -- erica : look , for months , no one knew what to believe . bianca : all right , but what if j.r. had believed me down in florida ? what if he had just said , `` you know what ? let 's go get the dna test right now , let 's just settle this once and for all `` ? erica : look , are you saying that j.r. pushed you , that he intended to hurt you ? bianca : i do n't know if j.r. intended to hurt me , but i do know that j.r. intended to run off with my child so that i would never see her again . erica : and that 's because he loved miranda , because he had bonded with her , because babe had lied to him . i mean , surely you can understand that he could n't bear to lose the baby , but you ca n't use that to excuse babe . bianca : well , i 'm not trying to excuse babe . erica : bianca , i know that you have a big heart and you try to look for the best in people , but believe me , there is no best in babe . do n't expect me to pity her or forgive her , ever . and i 'm not going to apologize for my feelings , either . babe , krystal , and david should all be buried so deeply that they are out of our lives forever . bianca : i thought vengeance was on god 's to - do list . erica : this is not vengeance , bianca . this is justice . [ scene_break ] girl : it 's my mom ! she fell in the lake ! j.r. : what seems to be all the commotion ? woman : there 's some trouble . a lady fell in the lake . j.r. : i 'm calling 911 right now . woman : oh , thank you . i hope she 's going to be all right . j.r. : listen , we need a rescue crew down at the lake . a woman has fallen into the ice . hi , buddy . how you doing ? i 'm so happy to see you . listen , all i need you to do is smile for daddy and we 'll be together soon , i promise . kevin : hey ! get away from my son , now ! j.r. : nice day . kevin : not for you , not anymore . man : i 'm sorry , mr. buchanan . some kid punked me . kevin : a kid ? rocko , you 're fired . woman : he was only trying to help . kevin : what 's your excuse ? you stay away from my son . you understand me ? j.r. : not yours . mine . kevin : not according to the law , pal . j.r. : hey , you ca n't keep me from my son , buchanan . kevin : you know what -- you can take all the personal dna tests you want , but if they 're not ordered by the court and supervised by the court , the results do n't mean a thing . j.r. : they 'll prove that i 'm this boy 's father . it 's just a matter of time before he 's back where he belongs . kevin : you make another move on ace , i 'll have you arrested for stalking . j.r. : and next time i 'll win . i 'll prove that this boy 's mine . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall , do i need to call your shrink ? kendall : i told you i ca n't talk until i have my coffee . caffeine starts my brain . ryan : yeah , well , that explains a lot . but right now i want you to start your mouth again . please , what did you mean when you said that greenlee , this is her mess and that it 's up to her to deal with it ? please . hey , talk to me . kendall : there 's nothing left to say . this conversation is over . thank you very much for stopping by . ryan : no , i 'm not going anywhere until you answer my question . is greenlee onboard this crusade against my brother ? greenlee : why do n't you let me answer that . [ scene_break ] adam : i get the dna results and i testify for you in court . i get my grandson back and you do n't go to prison , at least not for torturing me . krystal : and how do we know we can take your word ? adam : this is your guarantee . you 'll get it when i get the dna results . well ? do we have a deal ? krystal : why not just take the stand , testify ? why go through all this rigmarole here ? adam : because actions speak louder than words , krystal . and besides , watching david drop and dragging him through the snow -- i ca n't think of a better way to start my day . downright exhilarating . david : you might want to go home , adam , before one of us goes too far . adam : yeah , well , think about this -- think of all the sentences you 'll receive for what you did to me and what you did to bianca . and think about this -- maximum security for the rest of your life . [ scene_break ] guard : got another visitor . babe : no , please , i really do n't want to see anyone . bianca : not even me ? [ next_on ] judge : how do you plead ? tad : not guilty . ethan : i came here to offer you help with your custody battle . bianca : j.r. wants me to help him take your baby from you . kendall : i 'm the one who thinks your brother is freak central . | erica and jr both urge bianca to help jr get custody of his baby and get babe , krystal and david in trouble . she tells them she refuses and wants to wash her hands of helping jr or hurting babe . adam chandler attempts to drug and kidnap david , then later attempts to `` strike a deal `` with david and krystal if they help him get his grandson . kevin buchanan offers to help babe get out of prison if she gives up the fight to take her baby from him . she refuses his offer . |
aidan : what 's with you not wanting livia to ask for bail ? jonathan : i do n't mind it here . it 's not so bad , and they 're real nice to me , and the guards give me books , and -- and the food 's not that bad . i love pizza fridays . erin : we can have pizza fridays at home , but with better pizza . let me call livia . jonathan : no ! no , erin , i want to stay , ok ? i -- i 'm used to small spaces , anyway , like -- like when i lived in your closet room . erin : i 'm so sorry . jonathan : no . do n't be . it was the right thing to do . aidan : only if you 're guilty . jonathan : i do n't think i am . but i do n't know that . neither do you . what if i am dangerous ? i 'd rather be in here , dangerous in here where i ca n't hurt anybody than -- erin : you have n't hurt anybody , sweetie . jonathan : it 's safer . plus , if all these bad things keep happening , nobody can blame me in here . lily : i did it . i solved the mystery ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : what did you say ? babe : your ears fall off ? you heard me . j.r. : is this another one of your moves ? babe : you gave me an ultimatum . i gave you a chance to take it back , and you said -- j.r. : i know what i said . babe : no prenup , no marriage . so macho , so chandler , so done and fine by me . j.r. : why do n't we back up here for a second . why do n't you take a shot at telling the truth . babe : the engagement is off . we are no longer dating , and we obviously ca n't be friends , even though i really hoped one day we could tell little a about our cute meet on the pier , our guacamole love , all the way into a happily ever after . too bad it twisted into hell . not much of a bedtime story now , is it ? j.r. : no , no , do n't you blow me off . i want the truth . are you pregnant ? [ hiding in the chandler mansion tunnel , janet eavesdrops on babe and j.r. 's conversation . ] janet : you morons . have n't you ever heard of birth control ? [ scene_break ] amanda : do not bring my mother into this . jamie : no , why did n't you tell me your mom was around ? i had to hear it from babe . i mean , why keep it a secret ? amanda : oh , you are so predictable . this is about babe , as always . you are on her side every time , and i get slammed ! jamie : no , this is about you and your mom ! how long has janet been around ? is she still here ? i mean , when 's the last time you saw her ? amanda : would you stop ? one word from babe , one whiny little peep , and you 're all over me ! jamie : there 's more than a peep , there 's this . from the warehouse ? now , you acted like you 've never seen this before . is that true ? [ jamie holds up a blonde mini doll . ] amanda : yes ! jamie : well , this is n't all we found in that warehouse . amanda : i do n't care ! jamie : we found an empty jar of spirit gum . amanda : i do n't even like gum . jamie : it 's glue for putting on fake beards and mustaches . amanda : not really into beards and mustaches . they clash with my heels . jamie : ok , fine , so you do n't know anything about anything ? amanda : millionth time , jamie -- i was scouting that warehouse for work . whatever crud you guys found , nothing to do with me . jamie : what about your mom ? is this the part where you try to hit me again ? does your mom have something to do with this doll ? amanda : give it a rest already ! jamie : amanda , i want answers ! [ scene_break ] di : so this is your room ? marty : you said you needed privacy . this is as private as it gets . di : mm - hmm . marty : great view , fully stocked bar . can i get you something to drink ? di : um -- no . no , thanks , i 'm good . marty : well , i guess that means you do n't want to see the hot tub ? di : well , god , you must be some go - to guy to get a free place to live . marty : slater gets what he paid for . di : hmm . marty : cyber geniuses come in handy . i 'm the best . di : mm - hmm . marty : you sure about that drink ? di : ok , what are you having ? marty : that depends . di : on what ? marty : depends on how impressed you are with my hacking skills or my charm . di : oh , yeah ? what if i am impressed ? marty : then i 'd like a tall , cool taste of a beautiful blonde . di : oh . ryan : you lay another finger on her , and i will have your arms ripped out at the sockets . [ scene_break ] jack : slater , if you think you can walk into this courtroom in your bloody shirt and intimidate erica , you 've got another thing coming . zach : i owe her much more than that . jack : you have no business here . colin : yeah , this is just an arraignment , mr. slater , it 's not a trial , so there 's no witnesses or evidence or statements . zach : ok . what does that mean exactly , that the facts of the case are just a technicality ? colin : well , we know this woman put a knife in you . jack : we are aware of the facts in this case . zach : well , then let me tell you some of the facts you may not be aware of , and let me tell you what i think should happen to erica kane . kendall : zach , do n't do this , please . i 'm just as angry as you are , but maybe my mother really was drugged . maybe she had no idea what she 's doing . zach : kendall , i love you , but i 'm a citizen of pine valley , the great state of pennsylvania , and i owe it to this community to tell the court exactly what happened . kendall : look at her . she 's suffering enough , ok , the pain , the humiliation , the guilt . she 's going to be prosecuted . can we just leave it at that ? erica : kendall , you do n't have to beg for me . go ahead . i 'm not afraid of you . zach : you 're brave , huh , you 're very brave . and very proud . is n't she proud ? maybe too proud for your own good . the truth is that she is jumping through all these hoops just to conceal the humiliating fact that she stabbed me -- colin : uh -- zach : completely by accident . i think all the charges against erica kane should be dropped , and she should go home and annoy her family . colin : that 's quite the statement there , mr. slater . zach : the truth and nothing but the truth . colin : well , then how , mr. slater , do you account , then , for the eyewitnesses who described the stabbing as a deliberate attack , hmm ? i 've got sworn statements from your own employees . zach : yeah , i know , eyewitnesses . they 're weird like that , you know ? they see things and then panic sets in , and they do n't know what 's right and what 's wrong and what is just plain fiction . [ scene_break ] ryan : is n't this cozy . di : hey , baby . marty was just offering me a drink . ryan : really ? because it looked like he was offering a lot more than that . marty : who are you ? di : marty , this is shep . ryan : her significant other . very significant . you got to be kidding me . marty , you got no vodka ? marty : fresh out . ryan : wow . attitude . are you sure that you want to go that way ? di : shep , shep , honey , zach was right . marty is definitely the guy for our job . marty : what does zach have to do with anything ? ryan : zach and i are associates . he recommended you . marty : to do what ? ryan : pull the plug . september 20 , 2005 , the night that you worked your magic for zach . well , now , i would like you to do it for me . pull the plug again tonight . [ scene_break ] lily : i researched crazee costumes on the internet . it 's , and the address is 7901 market street , the phone number 215 - 555 -- jonathan : but , lily , lily , was it the chameleon lady ? lily : you ca n't listen to me if you 're all speaking . ok , the crazee costume inventory contains 261 costumes , and each and every costume has a purple tag on it , like the one that you identified from the balloon vendor 's collar ? jonathan : mm - hmm . lily : the one that sent him to the truck in quicksand ? erin : when did you remember all of this ? jonathan : when lily taught me how to see things through her eyes . lily : i -- i called crazee costumes and spoke to ms. marsha klein -- that 's the sales manager -- and i confirmed that on november 1 , one customer purchased item number 24-b , a nun 's habit with wimple , item number 156 , a 1940s nurse 's uniform , and item number 56-c , a state trooper 's outfit , and item number 92-j , a balloon vendor 's costume and described in the online catalogue as pre - world war i . jonathan : who was it , lily ? erin : who ordered all those costumes , lily ? aidan : did you get a name ? [ scene_break ] amanda : you 're so busted . your cover is way past blown , so do n't even try and play me . jamie : be straight with me . amanda : oh , because you love me so much ? i should tell you what you want to hear , roll over and beg ? oh , where do you even get off grilling me about my mom or anything else ? jamie : either way , i 'm going to find out the truth . amanda : truth ? my mom is the only person in this world that loves me . even my dad is n't answering my phone calls , and everything she 's done is because she loves me so much . she warned me about you . she saw it before i did . i can not believe that i trusted you . totally fell for the whole `` i care for you `` thing . jamie : and what would i do if i cared ? ignore that someone pushed babe down a flight of stairs ? forget that someone torched the roadside bar ? completely blow off the fact that someone snuck around the chandler tunnels to steal little adam from his crib ? amanda 's voice : mom , what is that echo in the background ? where are you ? janet 's voice : what echo ? echo , echo . jamie : amanda , where are you going ? aman [ scene_break ] babe : you are so full of yourself . who do you think you are , my husband ? hmm , not . my fiancé ? not . my lover ? not anymore . j.r. : i 'm the father of this child . that is , if there is one . babe : and you would know you 're the daddy how exactly ? janet : you slut ! j.r. : you slut . babe : oh , right on cue . j.r. : who was it this time , josh , jamie ? babe : oh -- j.r. : you just ca n't help yourself , can you , babe ? babe : been here , done this way too many times . you 're worse than a jerk , j.r. you 're a bore . j.r. : babe , wait ! all right . no more slut - calling , ok ? i was out of line . babe : but the first words out of your mouth , as usual . but not that i care anymore . i 'm -- i 'm done with you , and it feels great . it 's like i woke up from this big , long , nasty dream , and i 'm rid of you and your bull , and i 've got nothing but good ahead of me -- for me and my baby . j.r. : you ca n't be pregnant , babe . we used protection every time . babe : you 're right , j.r . birth control never , ever fails . j.r. : no , you can not dump this on me and walk away . i have a right to know babe : what is with you waving this right to know ? you are my ex - everything . you have no right to me , my body , this baby . j.r. : if you are pregnant . babe : i 'll raise the baby on my own . unless -- yeah , unless i meet a mature , loving man who 's smart enough to be a father to this child . j.r. : who , like jamie ? janet : two - timing , two - hearted co - conspirator . babe : i do n't love jamie . but if i did , i would be all over him . i mean , why not ? i can do whatever i want with anyone i want . and you ca n't do anything about it . you can yell , scream , rant , rave . does n't change a thing , because i am not that little girl you met on the pier in san diego . i am a major partner of a major business . j.r. : yeah , for two whole seconds . babe : and counting . i have money , means , power . i can hire the legal chops to keep you away from this baby , the same way that you 're doing to me about little a. i could cut you out completely . j.r. : wait , was that your plan all along ? to get pregnant and use the kid against me , hmm ? babe : i had a plan . not that it 's an option anymore , j.r . probably never was . my plan was to build something for us that we 've never had -- a big , warm , giant nest for our babies . swings outside , snowmen in the winter , little boots lined up by the doors , mittens laid out to dry . birthday parties , pony rides , you , me , and the kids beaming from a christmas card . that was my big plan , j.r. , and it all shriveled into nothing the moment you shoved that prenup in front of my face . janet : they have the brass to call my daughter , amanda , manipulative ? nothing 's changed since golden - haired natalie got away with everything and mouse - haired me got nothing but scorn and oatmeal . well , i 'm certainly not going to let anyone persecute my daughter the way i was persecuted -- not the two of you , no one . j.r. : i 'm still waiting , babe . the stick , pink or blue ? babe : and if i were pregnant ? j.r. : i 'd marry you right now . babe : congratulations . you just proved how much you love me . j.r. : so you are pregnant ? babe : no . which is lucky for me , because you obviously think that i 'm your personal baby - making machine . fire up those wedding vows and crank out those kids , right ? j.r. : yeah , that 's what i think . so this was a test ? babe : yeah , and you failed miserably . i am young , hot , rich , and single , and i ca n't wait to start my new life . jamie : is amanda here ? j.r. : amanda ? why would she be ? [ scene_break ] lily : i read this -- this mystery . it was very informative , especially for this specific case , and i used one of the cover stories from it for my investigation . erin : lily , who ordered the costumes ? lily : aidan , your new girlfriend is very disruptive . aidan : go ahead . lily : ok , so i called crazee costumes , and their owner was at lunch , so i had to speak to the store manager -- erin : yes , marsha klein . jonathan : erin , let her tell it , please ? lily : and i told her that i worked for a small accounting firm -- devane and montgomery . aidan and i do n't actually own an accounting firm . it was just a cover . but i used your name first because , alphabetically , that 's the way it would go . aidan : that 's a great cover , lily . lily : and my story was that last fall , `` we celebrated record third - quarter earnings by throwing a costume party to maximize employee morale . the human resources department organized the party and used their own funds to pay for costumes , and now they must be reimbursed , but we ca n't find the receipts . `` and that 's as far as i got before the store manager said that she was too darn busy and that i would just have to get to the point . erin : yes , which is ? lily : that 's when i found out that the costumes were paid for by money order and delivered to a post office box . erin : lily , the name ! that 's all we need . just who bought the costumes ? who ordered them ? lily : the name was `` j. lavery . `` erin : that is so not what i wanted to hear . lily : oh , well , you have n't heard anything yet . criminals -- sometimes they use pseudonyms . so given the facts of this case , i 'm 98 % sure that the customer 's name is n't really `` j. lavery . `` jonathan : it 's my name . it 's my name . what if i -- what if i did all these horrible things that everybody says that i did ? lily : no , not everybody . aidan : i do n't . lily , you did a wonderful job . it 's all there . there 's too much information , there 's too many clues . this is all a little bit too neat and too obvious . jonathan 's being framed . aidan : do you remember ordering the costumes ? jonathan : no . aidan : do you remember getting a po box ? buying a money order ? sending it ? jonathan : no , no . but it does n't mean i did n't do it . lily : well , have you found any costumes at your apartment ? erin : i have n't checked , but , no , i have n't . jonathan : i could 've hid them . i could 've buried them . i could 've burned them , i -- aidan : hey , jonathan , slow down , slow down . all the bad things that you did when you had the tumor -- do you remember any of them ? jonathan : i ca n't ever forget them . i 'm sorry for them every day . lily : i believe him . look at his face . aidan : all the bad things you 've been accused of since you 've had your surgery -- you do n't remember any of them , do you ? how do you explain that ? jonathan : i do n't know , maybe i still do bad things , and they cut out a part of my brain that helps me remember them . maybe the surgery was a bad idea . maybe the surgery made me worse . aidan : or somebody 's working overtime to make you think that you 're worse . the nun , the nurse , the cop , the balloon vendor ? tell me , jonny -- have a good look -- do any of them resemble this person ? [ scene_break ] [ amanda skulks around the chandler mansion 's tunnels searching for janet . ] amanda : mom ? mom , are you there ? can you hear me ? mom ? mom ? [ scene_break ] jamie : all right , so i was grilling amanda , trying to get some answers , and she took off . j.r. : throw another curve at us ? jamie : yeah , so i followed her to the sutton street station . she jumped on the number 11 , i lost her at the light , but -- babe : wait , wait , that bus stops down the hill from the front gate . jamie : exactly . j.r. : if amanda shows her face here , she 'll be sorry she scraped bus fare . janet : she ca n't take a little ride ? she ca n't go for a little visit ? well , somebody needs to be knocked off his high horse and kicked in his derriere . amanda : mom , what are you doing here ? janet : hi , sweetie . pumpkin , it 's so nice to see you . but you should n't be here . amanda : neither should you . let 's go ! janet : no , it 's just getting good . [ scene_break ] ryan : i would be careful of the tone if i were you . marty : no disrespect . what 's with the rigmarole , huh ? you test my hacking skills on some puny lacey 's account ? di : marty , that was n't a test . diamonds really are a girl 's best friend . i just -- i ca n't afford them unless they 're free . ryan : yeah . that 's my di . look , next time , you point , i buy . di : ok . ryan : it 's that simple , ok ? di : ok . ryan : so now , marty , please , are you in or are you out ? marty : you come out of nowhere , you drop a name , and you expect me to sign up for some job ? ryan : it was n't just any name , it was your boss ' name . and it 's not just any job , it 's a job you 've already done . so tell me , please , how hard could that be ? marty : you already know the answer to that . ryan : you know what ? we 're on a tight schedule here , so yes or no , are you in or out ? marty : look , if you really were slater 's associate , he would 've introduced us personally . ryan : yeah , that was the plan . but you see , a knife to the gut -- di : yeah . ryan : can really slow a man down . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm not questioning the sincerity of the eyewitnesses . they 're my employees , i hired them , but what i 'm saying is that there 's no way they could 've seen what happened . erica stabbed me by accident . colin : well , if this is an accident , why am i standing here waiting for a tox screen report ? zach : well , because i think she was drugged . why else would an upstanding citizen like erica kane want to stab her future son - in - law ? she was confused . colin : she was n't confused . she went straight for you . look , mr. slater , you can go ahead and spin this any way you want , ok , because guess what -- the incident was caught on videotape . and once my experts and the jury view that footage for themselves , i do n't think they 're going to agree with your little assessment of the knifing . jack : actually , summerhill , i think mr. slater here has a point . erica was confused , because she was drugged , right ? erica : i saw michael cambias . i -- i was reliving that horror . colin : oh , drugs , ooh , posttraumatic stress . no , do n't stop there , miss kane . how about demonic possession or ufo beams or maybe , miss kane , you had too many cupcakes that day or too much caffeine . no , none of this is going to fly , gentlemen . you know why ? because the public is sick and tired of celebrity justice . this case is going to trial . zach : excuse me . what 's the first thing you said , posttraumatic something ? colin : stress ? zach : yeah , that 's exactly what happened . colin : no , posttraumatic stress is a very shaky defense . zach : not her . me . colin : do not turn this into a circus , all right ? derek : too late for that . zach : i suffered a life - threatening injury , lost massive amounts of blood , had surgery . and , i do n't know , i think somewhere , my memory was blocked . but right now , standing here , it 's clear as day . i lost my balance , i tripped , and i fell on the knife . colin : and you expect me to believe that ? zach : i expect the jury to believe it . and that is what 's important , right ? so when i 'm on the stand , bound by oath to tell everybody what happened , that 's what i 'm going to do . but i do n't know law . i got to ask you -- if my story is the same story as the defense 's story , wo n't the people wonder what kind of a prosecutor would bring a case like that to trial ? and again , i 'm only asking , but given the facts that i 'm going to present on the stand , you do n't think that this trial would be a waste of time for you , me , the judge , everybody ? colin : mr. slater , are you threatening to perjure yourself in front of this roomful of witnesses ? zach : perjury ? god , no , absolutely not . did i say anything about perjury ? jack : not a word . kendall : i did n't hear it . josh : neither did i . colin : go ahead , mr. slater , keep it up . keep it up , i 'll slap you with perjury charges so fast , you -- zach : there it is again . it 's not perjury . it 's a miracle . i mean , some people suppress their memories for years . i 'm one of the lucky ones . my memory of this incident came back very quickly . colin : yeah , and very auspiciously . zach : just trying to clarify matters . colin : oh , clarify ? `` clarify matters `` ? five minutes ago , you stated ms. kane here stabbed you , because she 's reliving some trauma . now you 're saying what , what , it 's an accident , huh , it 's all your fault now ? zach : yep . that 's right . it 's all my fault . and that 's not an easy thing for me to say . the only thing on trial should be my clumsiness . and the case against erica kane should be null and void . at least that 's what i 'm going to tell the reporters in the hall . [ scene_break ] ryan : slater and i are solid . ok , i 'll tell you what , after the deed 's done , and slater feels a little bit better , the three of us , we can go have a drink . how 's that ? marty : no , we wo n't . stabbed , shot , in traction , in a body bag on his way to the morgue , slater does not delegate . a control freak like him ? if he wanted me to work for you , he 'd have been in touch -- cell phone , carrier pigeon , message from the grave . ryan : ok , ok . i get it . loyal to the bone . wow . i 'll put in a good word to the boss . marty : do n't bother . i got a good thing going here . i 'm not going to blow it . not even for you . ryan : that kind of loyalty , i really hope slater 's giving you a good bonus , even if it is misguided . di : yeah . ryan : now , look , we got not a lot of time here , so who 's our number two man on the list ? di : well , for 100 grand , you can get number two , number three , and number four . ryan : that 's true . hey , thank you for the time . marty : hold up ! [ scene_break ] zach : by the time you get to select a jury , most people will have heard my convincing side of the story . so i want to thank you for clarifying things , because now justice wo n't only be swift but economical , as well . just think of all the money you 're going to save the people by not bringing a case to trial that you ca n't possibly win . bailiff : court is in session , the honorable patricia ridgely presiding . jack : know what , sweetheart , i think it 's going to be all right . judge : let 's get this arraignment underway . docket number 859483-a , people vs. erica kane . mr. summerhill , any notices before we commence ? colin : yeah . your honor , uh , due to exculpatory evidence which has -- which has just come to light , the commonwealth is dropping all charges against erica kane . thank you . judge : it 's your lucky day , ms. kane . you 're free to go . kendall : you are amazing . oh , you 're so amazing . i love you . i love you . mother , is n't there something you have to say to my brilliant husband - to - be ? erica : if you are expecting me to prostrate myself in gratitude -- zach : oh , no , no , no . grateful from you ? no , the stab wound was difficult enough . i do n't want to die of you being grateful . erica : do n't tempt me . kendall : mother . please , zach dragged himself out of the hospital to save you after you tried to kill him . erica : oh , come on , do n't be so dramatic . kendall : would a little `` thank you `` be -- could you do that , please ? zach : it 's ok . did n't do it for her . kendall : just when i think i know you , you go and you surprise me all over again . erica : kendall wants gratitude ? this is just another one -- man : mr. montgomery ? erica : of his grandstand plays to try to manipulate my daughter . jack : where have you been ? we should 've had this an hour ago . thank you . erica : does it say ? what does this say ? jack : let 's find out . kendall : come on , do n't keep us in suspense . jack : all right , hang on , hang on . `` phenothiazine , 20 milligrams . `` josh : you ca n't be serious . typical dosage is half that . erica , you were doped with enough meds for someone twice your size . derek : i 'll want a copy of that report . jack : yeah , of course . kendall : i owe you an apology , mother . erica : oh , that 's all right . kendall : no , no , it 's not . i jumped to the worst possible conclusion . i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry . i know how much your sobriety means to you . erica : it does , every day . derek : any idea who would drug you ? jack : i have an idea -- somebody with a twisted mind , access to pharmaceuticals , and a big hate for my wife . erica : we can not blame jonathan lavery for this . [ scene_break ] jonathan : the nurse i saw looked a little like this , and her hair was brown . aidan : did you get a look at her eyes ? jonathan : . she had on glasses -- big , thick glasses . i ca n't tell . lily : well , what about the other times ? did you ever get a good look at the woman 's face ? jonathan : no , she -- when she was the nun , she had on a big nun thing on her head . lily : yeah , a wimple . jonathan : a wimple , yeah . and when she was the trooper , she had on a hat and glasses . when she was the balloon vendor , she wore a big mustache . i was so afraid that he -- she was n't real that i -- i decided not to look at her or him , just stare at the costume really hard and hope that -- hope that she 'd go away . i 'm sorry , guys , i 'm not -- i 'm not being very much help . erin : maybe you do n't have a lock on what she looked like , but you do know that this is all the same person , right ? well , that 's a clue right there . aidan : you recognized something about this woman , the same thing each time . jonathan : her voice . aidan : would you recognize her voice if you heard it again ? jonathan : i would never forget it . [ scene_break ] janet : do n't worry , mommy will take care of everything . amanda : mom , why are you even here ? you 're asking for trouble . janet : honey , sweetie , little lady bug , i 'm going to turn that frown upside down in no time at all . amanda : we have got to go . janet : no ! knowledge is power , angel . amanda : mom , i am begging you , please , we have got to get out of here before we get caught ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right , there 's no sign of that crackpot ho in the house . jamie : i checked the grounds , the greenhouse -- nothing . babe : little a is playing fire trucks with bruno . he 's snug as a bug . jamie : this is a big house . there 's a lot of places she can hide . babe : so do we call the police ? we do n't have anything to go on . j.r. : i 've already alerted the security guards . babe : ok , so we just stand here , and we wait for amanda to do her damage ? amanda : we have got to get out of here ! if they find us , we 're toast ! janet : you are such a pessimist . they 're not going to find us . they have no way -- [ babe , j.r. , and jamie all look toward the tunnel as amanda 's cell phone rings . ] [ scene_break ] josh : this is all my fault -- the drugs , your meltdown , the stabbing . if you want to hang someone , hang me . jack : what are you saying exactly here , josh ? are you -- are you confessing ? derek : back off , jackson . jack : just easy . josh : i 'm erica 's first line of defense here . and i let you down . i 'm so sorry . if you want me to resign , i will . erica : josh , this is n't your fault . i mean , unless you gave me the pills . josh : well , i might as well have . i had them in my hands . kendall : you what ? josh : i made a choice . obviously , it was the wrong one . i was protecting -- i was protecting a subordinate , and it almost cost you everything . [ scene_break ] [ amanda 's cell phone rings ] janet : stop ! make it stop ! amanda : you 've got to hide , they 're onto us ! jamie : it 's coming from over here . janet : i 'm not going anywhere . i will protect you to the end . amanda : mom , i 'm serious , let me handle this . janet : lions protect their cubs . amanda : do n't come out no matter what , mom . if you love me , please , no matter what . j.r. : well , well . look what we got here -- a rat ! amanda : i can explain . j.r. : yeah , i bet you can . why do n't you make yourself comfy while i call the cops . might as well play to a full house . [ scene_break ] ryan : so you 're clear on what needs to be done ? marty : i 'll do for you what i did for slater on the september 20 job . i 'll turn the lights out all over again . pv power and telecom probably has n't even changed their firewalls or their codes . di : hmm . marty : for 100 grand , i 'll wrap this town 's computers in a bow if you want . ryan : you just deliver what you promised . that 'll be fine . marty : no problemo . round two will be a piece of cake . di : hmm . ryan : i assume same service , same fee ? di : yeah , shep would get real upset if -- if you were n't giving him the same deal as with zach . marty : if zach had a gorgeous sidekick , i might have done it for less . slater paid the same -- 100 grand , cash , unmarked . ryan : that 's really good to know . [ marty lunges toward the tape recorder that ryan has just pulled out of his pocket . ] marty : what the hell -- ryan : hey , hey , easy , marty . manners ! marty : you set me up , huh ? you 're a cop ? is this a sting ? ryan : um , two out of three . i 'm not a cop . my name 's lavery , ryan lavery . that should be familiar to you . does that ring a bell ? marty : you set me up . di : oh , marty , no , no , you just should 've paid attention . ryan : you know what , i 'll fill in the blanks here , i 'll refresh your memory . zach mentioned my name that night in september when you pulled the plug , and now you just have a face to go with the name . and one more thing -- now you take orders from me . [ scene_break ] aidan : you did a really good job , lily . i 'm proud of you . i think all the clues you turned up are going to lead to plenty . lily : i think so , too . aidan : i 'm going to go to the post office , speak to some of the employees there and see if they saw our j. lavery visiting the po box . you want to come ? erin : well , it may not be ice fishing , but , sure , why not . aidan : hey , we 're not going to let the big one get away this time . that 's a promise . erin : i 'll be back to visit later , ok ? and do n't worry , we 're -- we 're going to bust this j. lavery poseur wide open . you will be cleared in no time . lily : you know , i do n't always understand your sister , but she is right about you being freed . jonathan : what if she 's wrong ? lily : no , aidan thinks that you 're innocent , and aidan 's a professional detective . that 's a really good sign . and i think you 're innocent , too . i 'm not a professional , but -- jonathan : girlfriends have to say things like that . lily : well , given the evidence , it 's the only possible conclusion . you should believe in the facts , too . i wish you would ask for bail , so you could help us solve the mystery . and so that you could take your girlfriend to the mardi gras ball tonight . i already have my dress picked out . jonathan : i 'll do it for you , lily . i 'll ask for bail . [ scene_break ] j.r. : did you sneak through the tunnels after you left here on thanksgiving ? hmm ? amanda : i did n't go back there . j.r. : is that how you poisoned the soup ? amanda : leave me alone . babe : well , it 's how you took little a . were you planning on taking him through the tunnels again ? j.r. : is that why you 're here ? amanda : i do n't care about little a . jamie : were you going after babe ? amanda : get off my case . erica : you ungrateful little bitch ! how could you do that to me ? [ still hiding in the tunnel , janet winces as erica storms in and slaps amanda hard across the face . ] amanda : oh ! [ scene_break ] ryan : you see , the thing is , marty , that judges hate hackers . di : yeah , juries hate them even worse . ryan : that 's true , and with the felonies that you 've committed , easily guilty in all counts , i 'm thinking , like , 15 to 20 . marty : you trying to scare me , huh ? you have to do a lot better than that . ryan : ok . flip side -- how about i turn you and the tape here over to slater ? marty : what the hell do you want ? ryan : you know , i thought you 'd never ask . [ scene_break ] [ zach groans in pain . ] kendall : excuse me , boss , no , no , no , no . come . zach : what 's going on ? i have too much to do , kendall . kendall : oh , really ? like what , pass out ? sit . zach : i 'm fine , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . kendall : no , excuse me , you nearly keeled over there , mr. macho man . so you are sitting , you 're staying , you are relaxing . ok . zach : that 's not so bad . kendall : told you . zach : there . all better . kendall : yeah , except for the bloody shirt and the stitches . zach : yeah , it 's nothing . let me take you home . kendall : i do n't want to go home . zach : you 'd rather stay here all night ? kendall : just until i convince judge ridgely to put in some overtime . zach : are you pressing charges against anyone i know ? kendall : i 'm hoping for a life sentence . i want to marry you , zach -- tonight . [ next_on ] jack ( to amanda ) : so how 'd you give these to erica , huh ? amanda ( to jack ) : i did n't . it was n't me . erica ( to amanda ) : you slipped those drugs to me in the tea you gave me to drink . amanda ( to erica ) : i did n't make it , josh did . kendall ( to ryan ) : not even you can mess up this wonderful day . we 're not waiting any longer . zach and i are eloping . | zach surprises everybody by dropping the charges against erica in court . but she does not buy his generosity and believes he 's only doing it in order to manipulate kendall . the toxicology screening is completed and reveals that erica was drugged so she 's off the hook for stabbing zach . immediately , she casts suspicion upon amanda for drugging her . it looks like babe , jr and jamie also suspect amanda for all of the crimes . she still refuses to implicate her mother . babe tells jr that she might be pregnant . and if he does not stop pulling his stunts , she will never let him see his child again . di gets marty to hack the computer systems of a diamond store . but she knows since he works for zach , he might not want to know that she and tad are helping ryan investigate him . di and ryan get marty to admit that he is up to dirty dealings by recording him . and ryan tells marty he will tell zach what he 's up to if he does not admit to whether he helped zach cause the power outage at the fertility clinic . lily informs jonathan , erin and aiden that she found out a lot of information about this crazy woman with all the costumes who is setting up jonathan . at that point , they know that jonathan has been framed . but they only suspect amanda and have no clue that it 's janet . |
j.r. : amanda has decided she 'd like ryan and greenlee to try and adopt the child . colby : ryan and greenlee ? really ? j.r. : that 's what amanda wants . she wants a quick , uncomplicated adoption . colby : wow . how do you feel about that ? j.r. : i do n't know . i do n't know . part of me says i 'd rather some unknown parents adopt him or her , you know , so i would n't have to see the kid or know that it 's mine , but then again , with lavery , he 'd make a good life and the best schools and a much more stable family than ours , and then -- colby : and then there 's the part of you that wants to keep it . j.r. : but that would n't be right . i 'd be acting just like dad , trying to lay claim to a kid like he was my own personal property , and i 'm just not going to go there , you know ? i 've got to look after myself right now . colby : but you are trying to get better , and when you 're not drinking , you 're the best dad . j.r. : but that 's amanda 's decision , not mine , and she 's decided to give it up . colby : j.r. , are you sure the baby 's yours ? j.r. : do n't go there . i 've already got a hayward taunting me with that same crap . amanda says it 's mine , and i have to believe her . besides , with the baby up for adoption , i 'm just not going to push that any further . it 's all going to work out . we 've just got to make sure that dad does n't find out about the pregnancy . otherwise , we 're all going to have to dive for cover . [ scene_break ] tad : kathy ? kathy ? kathy ? honey ? kathy ? oh , god , oh , god , oh , god . [ scene_break ] david : i understand how painful it is to lose a child , but you made the right decision , erica . josh 's heart saved kendall 's life . erica : thanks to you , and you 're not going to let me forget it . is n't that what you just said ? david : one day soon , we can talk about what you can do to help me out . erica : well , if you still have designs on getting custody of babe 's son , you 're going to have to do that without my help . david : i know i 'm not wrong in my belief that you and i had an understanding . erica : yes , we did . i told you . no matter how dysfunctional the chandler family is , i really do not wish to be part of taking that little boy away from his family when he has just lost his mother . i 'm sure you can understand that . and , besides , if you are so set on this , you have krystal now to help you . david : why is everyone so convinced that i 'm with krystal just to get my grandchild ? erica : as the scorpion said , it 's in your nature . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sure the donor was just as perfect . bianca : i wanted to tell you . i tried to , before the tornado touched down . kendall : tell me what ? bianca : zach was our donor . zach : let me talk to her . erica : is -- is everything all right ? [ scene_break ] bianca : i do n't know . i just told kendall that zach was our donor . [ scene_break ] kendall : all right . i 'm listening . zach : well , this could have waited . you just woke up . i did n't want to upset you . kendall : just a few minutes ago , i was telling you i was ready to give you the daughter you wanted , and now , i find out that my sister already did . zach : listen , no . she 's not my daughter . i 'm not the father . i 'm -- i 'm -- the donor . it 's -- it 's very different . kendall : and when were you planning on telling me about that ? zach : i did n't even know that bianca was pregnant . she was going to tell me , tell us , if -- if something was successful and -- i know you have a lot of questions , and just where our relationship was , i did n't think it made sense to bring something up that may or may not happen . and why did i do it ? well , i -- i wanted to help bianca , wanted to help reese . kendall : of course . i 'm glad you did . [ scene_break ] erica : how did she react ? reese : we 're hoping -- we 're hoping that she 's going to be ok with it . erica : well , of course , you are . that would be a big relief , i 'm sure , to both of you . bianca : yeah . erica : excuse me . bianca : oh , my god , if only it had n't happened like this . i should have told her sooner . reese : honey , we did n't even know that gabrielle was going to make it past the sixth - month mark . bianca : well , then i -- i should 've told her that day . i should 've -- should 've called her then . reese : you tried . right , well , you tried . did n't you ? that 's why you got on a plane , and you came here . bianca : if i had gotten here sooner , then i -- i could have helped ease the blows . zach and i could 've talked to kendall and explained things . she would have been there for gabrielle 's birth , and now , who knows how she 's going to feel about it once it really sinks in ? reese : honey , you could n't have predicted the tornado . this is not your fault . it is nobody 's fault . [ scene_break ] david : i distinctly remember you pulling me away from mourning my daughter , begging me to save kendall , and telling me that you would do anything to repay me . erica : david , i have just lost my son and recovered my daughter . do n't ask me to help you take away someone else 's child . even if he is your grandson , i wo n't do it . erica : what ? david : i do n't know why i ca n't stay angry with you . erica : too much history ? david : we had some good times . erica : yes , we did , and you were always there for me when it counted . i 'm sorry , david , that you had to come back to so much pain . i really do hope that you 'll find some peace . and thank you for saving kendall . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] david 's voice : this is dr. david hayward . if this is a medical emergency , hang up and dial 911 . otherwise , please leave a message for me at the tone . [ beep ] krystal : yeah , this is me . um , could you call me and let me know when you 're going to be home ? i had an argument with tad and i -- i need you . [ scene_break ] jesse : tad , we 're going house to house . if she wandered off , we 're going to find her . tad : yeah , well , that 's just it . it 's not like her . she would n't just wander off . jesse : oh , come on , sometimes kids do things that just do n't make sense . angie : was kathy upset at all ? would she run away for some reason ? tad : no , man , she was fine . at least i -- i mean i -- i do n't know . i do n't -- i -- i 'm sorry . i ca n't do through this again . jesse : listen . we 're going to find her , all right ? now i need to know who was here today and what time . angie : you do n't think someone took her , do you ? jesse : just trying to establish a timeline . tad : well , if somebody did take her , we know who it would be . jesse : well , let 's not jump to conclusions here , all right ? tad : listen , honey . do me a favor . would you stay here , look after jenny for me , please ? jesse : whoa , whoa , whoa . tad , where are you going ? tad : where do you think i 'm going ? i 'm going to go find my daughter . jesse : listen , i need you to call me in 10 minutes with an update . i 'm going to make sure he does n't do anything stupid . [ scene_break ] j.r. : it 's all going to work itself out . do n't worry about dad . i 'll take care of him . adam : well , that sounds really ominous . what are you two up to ? j.r. : you know , you keep sneaking up on me like that , you 're going to ruin your surprise . adam : you know how i hate surprises . what 's going on ? j.r. : uh , never mind . just happens to be about your birthday . adam : my birthday happens to be in may . j.r. : we 're planning ahead . i thought you were staying in tonight . adam : i know . i changed my mind . thought i 'd get out . j.r. : maybe to check up on me ? adam : yeah , maybe . colby : he 's doing fine , dad . j.r. : that 's right , straight h2o . adam : good , you 're good . something wrong ? colby : no , i just -- adam : cortlandt ? i thought you were friends . colby : not anymore . adam : would you excuse me a second ? colby : that was close . j.r. : yeah , you know , sometimes i think he has me wired for sound again . you know , i bet he 'd like to install a tracking device in the skulls of every future chandler heir . amanda : hey . do you mind if i have a private minute with your brother ? j.r. : oh , it 's ok . she knows . amanda : she what ? i asked you not to tell anybody . you promised . j.r. : she 's my sister . amanda : what if adam finds out ? colby : i have no intention of telling him . [ scene_break ] pete : whoa ! adam : you little snake . you son of a bitch . [ scene_break ] amanda : look , i think we all know what would happen if adam found out that i was carrying j.r. 's child . this is hard enough for me as it is without him breathing down my neck with this army of lawyers waiting to pounce on this child as soon as it 's born . j.r. : we 're all in sync on that . nobody wants that to happen . colby : amanda , i 'd never tell . adam : you knew , did n't you ? pete : mr. chandler , sir -- colby : oh , god . j.r. : have you worked everything out with ryan and greenlee ? amanda : no , that 's what i came to tell you . j.r. : you changed your mind about the adoption ? amanda : no , ryan and greenlee do n't think that the timing is right for them . i have to find another couple . j.r. : oh . that 's -- that 's too bad . [ scene_break ] colby : let him go , dad . pete : he just attacked me for no reason . adam : no reason ? no reason ? you got my daughter pregnant , you filthy weasel . colby : he what ? pete : i did ? i -- i mean , no . no , no , no , we have n't even -- colby : dad , do n't be ridiculous . he did n't get me pregnant . adam : well , then who did ? pete : yeah , who ? adam : do n't -- do n't lie to me . do n't lie . i -- i heard you -- i heard you talking to j.r. about it . colby : i 'm not pregnant , dad . you heard us talking about someone else . pete : can you let go of me now , please ? adam : then who were you talking about ? colby : nobody . it 's none of your business . [ scene_break ] zach : gabrielle 's a beautiful baby . she 's very sweet . kendall : of course , she is . look at her father and her mother . zach : do n't do that . she has parents . she has two mothers , and , yes , she 's part of our family , and i 'm the uncle , and you 're the aunt . [ kendall sighs ] zach : kendall . kendall : it 's a lot to take in , and i have no sense of time passed . so much has happened . zach : i know . you still want to see the boys , or -- kendall : yes , yes , please . zach : all right , i 'll call rachael . kendall : how long are they staying ? zach : who ? kendall : bianca and reese and their baby ? zach : i do n't know . they 're going to stick around for a while . david : time for a quick checkup . zach : ok . david : how are you feeling ? [ scene_break ] bianca : how did she take it ? is she ok ? zach : yeah , no , she 's great . i think , uh , she took it well . it 's going to be fine . i promise . [ scene_break ] kendall : so , how am i ? david : well , you tell me . your vitals all check out . your pulse is a little elevated . kendall : interesting news on the home front . david : really ? something stressful ? kendall : some people might call it that . david : all right , that 's not good . i do n't want you to have to deal with any stress right now . kendall : you forget who my family is . but you remember me . i 'm tougher than i look . david : that may be the case , but you 've been through some very intense experiences lately . just dealing with a donated heart can take some getting used to , especially siblings . now , it 's not uncommon for there to be some psychological aftereffects , so is there anything you 'd like to talk about ? maybe some feelings that you find confusing ? kendall : i 'm very sad about josh . he was a tortured soul . and now , his tortured heart is inside of me . david : all right , that 's a good place to start . you have to stop thinking of this as his heart . it 's yours now . kendall : i -- i 'd be dead if it were n't for him . i 'm grateful that he could help me survive . past that , no bad thoughts or weird feelings . just dealing with the realization i 've been gone for way too long . david : you 're doing remarkably well , though . no signs of infection or rejection . you should be back on your feet in no time . but i meant what i said . no stress . kendall : do i look stressed ? david : well , let 's keep it that way . kendall : how 's babe reacting to you being back in town ? david : that 's it for the questions . i want you to get some rest , ok ? bianca : can i see her ? david : all right . first , i just warned her about stress , and now i 'm going to do the same for you , ok ? bianca : ok . david : all right . bianca : hey . i 'm so sorry that you had to find out like this . i wanted to tell you . i mean , that 's why i came back to pine valley . i just did n't count on what happened . kendall : of course , you did n't . bianca : it 's all my fault . i was -- i was supposed to let zach know . it was a very difficult pregnancy , and -- kendall : you 're safe . you 're safe now , binks , and you 're getting married , and you 've got another beautiful daughter . bianca : yeah , i do . i ca n't wait for you to meet her . and reese has been so amazing through all of it . i mean , i 'm happy . i 'm in love , and now , you 're awake . just in time to come to our wedding . i mean , this is what i prayed for . i missed you so much at the christening . kendall : the christening . well , was zach the godfather ? bianca : yeah , and , um , we would like you to be the godmother . we have pictures . kendall : i 'm glad . bianca : zach has been so wonderful . i mean , he 's had the weight of the world on his shoulders , obviously , but he 's been so strong and so good to me and reese and gabrielle . reese and i were planning to move back to paris after the wedding , but she agreed to stay with me and gabrielle and miranda . we can all be a family again . [ scene_break ] krystal : angie ? uh , is tad here ? angie : no , he 's not . he 's out looking for kathy . krystal : what ? oh , my god , the -- the police car that i saw down the street ? angie : she -- she went missing a little while ago . they 're out searching the neighborhood . krystal : oh , god . angie : we do n't know if she wandered off or was taken . krystal : taken ? who would have taken her ? angie : well , you should know the answer to that . i heard he took emma lavery once , tried to convince dixie the girl was her daughter . krystal : oh , no . you can not possibly believe that david would kidnap kathy . that is crazy . angie : you think ? [ scene_break ] tad : where is she ? david : get your hands off me ! tad : where the hell is my daughter ? jesse : tad , tad , tad ! take it easy , take it easy . david : what the hell is he talking about ? tad : like you do n't know kathy 's missing . where is she ? david : i have no idea . tad : you took her , you took -- jesse : wait , tad , tad -- david : i 'm telling you ! get your hands off me , martin . calm him down , or else i 'm going to have security throw him out . no , i do n't know what happened to your kid , all right ? i did n't take her , and if she 's missing , why are you bothering with me instead of out there looking for her ? jesse : because of your history . where have you been today ? david : at home and here . tad : it 's a game . it 's just one big game for you , is n't it ? david : do you know something ? instead of coming after me , why do n't you take a good , hard look at yourself in the mirror ? figure out how you could lose your daughter in the first place . maybe she took a cue from your wife and left . tad : i did n't lose krystal . david : oh , yeah , right , right . just like you did n't lose dixie . you starting to see a pattern here , chief ? they all leave this clown eventually , apparently even before they grow up . no , i have no idea what happened to his kid , all right ? i 've been here the entire time from the moment i got the call kendall slater woke up from her coma . if you do n't believe me , check with the desk and get the hell out of my hospital . jesse : come on , come on , come on -- hey , hey , hey . listen , this is not going to bring kathy back , all right ? let 's just go . come on , come on . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so , what now ? amanda : i do n't know . i guess i find an adoption attorney . i 'll research it . j.r. : look , you do n't need to rush . you do n't have to make this decision tomorrow . i got a lawyer friend . i 'll give him a call . i 'm sure he 'll give me some names of some great adoption attorneys . amanda : what is your father doing here ? j.r. : i do n't know . he showed up right before you did . amanda : you know , he 's creeping me out . talk to you later . j.r. : look , amanda -- adam : so . what 's amanda up to these days ? [ scene_break ] reese : zach , about the conversation that we had before kendall woke up ? zach : yeah , we never got to finish . reese : and we do n't need to . zach : all right , here 's the thing . reese : no , look , look , i -- i was upset . i was really upset about my mother , and it just -- it does n't matter anymore , and like you said , i mean , it is normal to have feelings about somebody else , and no one got hurt because nothing got acted on , and i just -- we should just forget about it and leave it there , ok ? erica : well , you two seem very serious . zach : bianca is in there testing the waters . bianca : well , she seems ok with it all . erica : well , of course , she does . she loves you . ok , it 's my turn . lots to catch up on . kendall : mom . erica : hi . so , you heard the tale of how your new , little niece came to be . kendall : yes . erica : i must say that everyone is relieved , because you 've accepted things so well . kendall : are they ? erica : well , yes . i mean , bianca was very worried that you would be so upset with her that you may never forgive her . i 'm really glad you 've accepted it because , i mean , my goodness , a new baby in the family ? that 's what 's important . a new kane woman . it 's a blessing , really , and as time goes by , i 'm sure that -- kendall : shut up , mom , and tell me what you really think . erica : well , reese has n't been exactly forthcoming with your sister . kendall : look , mom . would you stop tiptoeing around it , please ? just give me the facts . erica : reese neglected to tell your sister that she had been engaged once before . to a man . kendall : what ? she 's bisexual ? erica : i do n't know . both your sister and reese deny it . reese says that it was a mistake , that it was pushed on her by her parents , and bianca seems to have accepted that . kendall : what else ? erica : look , anything else is just bad feelings , and i really do think that you need to be the judge for yourself , so just watch how bianca and reese act together and watch how reese acts when she 's not with bianca . kendall : you mean how she acts when she 's with zach . [ scene_break ] colby : i 'm really sorry . i do n't know why he jumped to an off - the - wall conclusion like that . pete : oh , no , it 's ok . i mean , he 's just being a protective father . probably does n't know that we do n't see each other anymore . much less , you know ? colby : i 've missed having you around . as friends . you been ok ? pete : yeah . yeah , i 've been hanging out , hitting the clubs . have n't met my lois lane yet , but there are a few potential candidates . colby : yeah ? pete : no . i lied . life sucks , actually . i really , really miss you , colby . [ scene_break ] adam : your sister tells me you 're keeping up with all your aa meetings . j.r. : day by day . adam : and if he were old enough to understand , little adam would be proud of you , too . j.r. : that 's the only reason i keep trying . adam : the only reason ? j.r. : well , that and my own messed - up existence . adam : yeah , who knows what the future may bring ? j.r. : what exactly are you dancing around ? adam : amanda dillon . j.r. : amanda ? adam : mm - hmm . j.r. : amanda 's a friend , a convenient date . adam : and she 's pregnant with your child , is n't she ? [ scene_break ] bianca : i have water , v8 v - fusion -- amanda : what were you doing anyway , running around the marina all by yourself ? where 's tad , your daddy ? kathy : i was playing a game , hide - and - seek . amanda : oh . so is he out there now looking for you ? kathy : no . it 's ok . i like it here . can i stay ? amanda : well , i think we should probably call your daddy . i bet he 's very worried about you . kathy : no , do n't ! please do n't call him . i do n't want to go back . [ scene_break ] angie : now that you 've seen jenny 's ok , maybe you should head home . i 'm sure tad will be back soon . krystal : no , no . i 'm going to stay right here . i 'm going to help find kathy . angie : are you sure she 's not at wildwind ? krystal : you are not accusing me ? angie : no , but the man you live with is quite capable of it . i mean , he 's shown over and over again that he wo n't stop at anything to hurt tad . krystal : you do not know what you 're talking about . you do n't david at all . angie : he 's evil . that much i do know . he deliberately set out to destroy tad 's marriage , and you were weak enough to let him do it . krystal : oh , i 'm weak ? how dare you judge me , angie . you do n't know what i 've gone through . you have two children who are alive and healthy . angie : you know , as horrible as it is , losing a child is no excuse for turning your back on the most caring man in the world and jumping into bed with a snake . krystal : well , do n't you worry about me , all right ? you got enough to worry about at home , do n't you ? you call me weak ? you 're the one who let your husband 's ex - lover move in with you . jesse : all right , all right . expand the perimeter and put out an amber alert . krystal : this is just awful . i am so , so sorry . tad : is jenny all right ? angie : did you talk to david ? did he admit anything ? tad : well , we saw him , but i do n't think he had anything to do with this . krystal : you see ? now , what could 've happened to her ? tad : i do n't know . i do n't know what to do . angie : we 'll keep looking until we find her . jesse : krystal , you were here earlier , right ? krystal : yeah , yeah , i came by to get the rest of my things . jesse : how did kathy seem then ? krystal : she seemed fine . tad : well , wait a minute . that 's it . i mean , she was upset about krystal moving out , but i could 've sworn she was ok after i spoke with her . krystal : ah , she ran up and hugged me when i got here . jesse : anything else happen ? krystal : tad and i had a fight . jesse : about what ? krystal 's voice : you wo n't let me see the girls ? tad 's voice : nope . jenny 's asleep , and kathy 's obviously having a bad time . if you go upstairs right now , all you 're going to do is set her off all over again . krystal : i have every right to see them , tad . tad : not according to the judge , and , if i were you , i 'd be thankful i let you see them at all , considering the company you 're keeping . krystal : do n't you push me , tad ! if you do , i swear , i will take jenny , and i will disappear . tad : jenny means more to me than anything else in this world . i 'm not about to let you take her anywhere . krystal : oh , my god , tad . she heard us . [ scene_break ] kathy : krystal was going to leave with jenny and never come back , and daddy said that jenny meant more to him than anything . amanda : honey , you know what ? sometimes when grownups are angry , they say things that they do n't mean . your daddy loves you so much , and i bet he 's worried sick right now that you ran away . oh , oh , honey , it 's ok . it 's going to be ok . kathy : i want a mommy who stays and loves me forever . [ scene_break ] j.r. : amanda is none of your business . adam : she is , if she 's carrying my grandchild . j.r : wrong . she 's none of your business , period . adam : so she is pregnant ? j.r. : yeah . she 's pregnant , but she 's giving it up for adoption , and so help me , if you try to stop her -- adam : despite the fact that she 's trash , she 's still carrying a chandler child . j.r. : you leave her alone . i 'm warning you . adam : no , no , i 'm not going to let you dismiss this . that 's chandler blood flowing through that child 's veins , and i 'm not going to let you sweep it under the rug because you 're feeling guilty . j.r. : what ? adam : how long has babe been dead ? and you 've already knocked up her best friend . that is tacky , my friend . i mean , very tacky . but one thing is certain . we 've got to get that child away from amanda dillon . j.r. : do n't even try it . [ scene_break ] erica : i 've said enough , and i 'm the first to admit that i could be a tad overprotective , but i will be very interested in your take on things . zach : hey , they 're asleep . erica : well , hi . kendall : my big boys . erica : hi . zach : hey , watch yourself . kendall : my big boys , come here , come here . hi . zach : a little tired . kendall : hi . oh , my goodness . they 're so big . mommy 's missed you so much . [ kisses sounds ] kendall : come here , my boy . let me -- his hand . let me touch his hand . hi . they 're so big . [ zach and kendall chuckle ] kendall : um , is gabrielle here , too ? zach : yeah , she 's outside . kendall : i 'd love to meet her , as well . zach : ok . [ scene_break ] tad : i told you she was going to get upset ! krystal : you are just as much to blame as i am . tad : i told you -- krystal : you wo n't let me see my daughter , and then you get a restraining order the second i walk out the door -- jesse : hey , hey , hey ! cut it out ! fighting is not going to bring her back . now , we need to focus if we 're going to find her . [ scene_break ] amanda : i was just about to call you . you need to find tad . j.r. : what 's she doing here ? amanda : she ran away . tad and krystal got in a fight , and she got upset and left . j.r. : tad must be going crazy . amanda : i changed my mind . j.r. : about ? amanda : the baby . i know i may not make the best mom , but i do n't ever want our son or daughter to think that a parent abandoned them , and i know there are probably a lot of great potential moms and dads out there , but there is only one way that i can make sure to watch out for this baby every day . i want to keep it . i want to keep our baby . j.r. : that 's great . that 's really great . [ david listens from outside the cabin door ] [ scene_break ] bianca : gabrielle , there 's somebody very special that i want you to meet . this is your auntie kendall . kendall : she 's gorgeous . well , hello there , lucky lady . [ kendall is disturbed when she sees zach 's look of pride in his baby ] | at pine valley hospital , erica refuses to help david to get little a away from j.r . although david reminds erica of her promise , erica still refuses to help david . bianca tells kendall that zach was the donor for gabrielle . at wildwind , krystal looks at a pic of herself and tad . krystal tells david , but leaves him a message for him to call her . at tad 's home , jesse and angie are there to go over the facts of kathy being missing from the house . at the confusion bar , j.r. and colby sit at a table , busily , talking when adam walks up and interrupts . adam inquires as to what is going on , but they both refuse to tell him anything . colby notices pete walk in . adam also notices pete and goes to the bar to confront pete by grabbing him by the shirt collar . amanda walks up to j.r. 's and colby 's table and wants to have a private conversation with j.r. j.r. lets amanda know that colby knows about amanda being pregnant . amanda is upset that j.r. had told someone else about her pregnancy . adam begins to accuse pete of getting colby pregnant . colby breaks up the fight by telling adam that she is not pregnant . adam sees amanda and j.r. talking , and makes the connection that amanda is the one , who is pregnant . kendall inquires of zach as to how long reese and bianca are staying at the house . tad arrives at the hospital and accuses david of kidnapping kathy . david denies kidnapping kathy . erica notices a tense moment between zach and reese . |
[ knock on door ] adam : colby , you ca n't be asleep already . i know you 're angry with me . you 're upset about this whole trust situation . you just have to understand -- [ gasp ] damon : hiya . [ scene_break ] annie : you 're good . i want you to teach me everything . [ scene_break ] liza : all right . well , before i file this lawsuit , i want you to read this over carefully . jake : all right . well , why do n't you just tell us what the specific claims are that we 're gon na make . liza : it 's listed right here on page 2 . basically , you 're gon na go after a misrepresentation of facts , intentional infliction of emotional distress -- those are the big ones . we 're gon na go after compensatory and punitive damages , and we 're gon na list every shady stunt that david has ever pulled . you know the second that we file this the press is gon na be all over this . and any evidence that we bring to this is pretty much gon na guarantee that his reputation and his career are over . so i just want to make sure that everything in here is 100 % correct . jake : ok . amanda : god , i do n't want to get up on the stand and relive all this . [ phone rings ] tad : hello ? jake : hey , i do n't know if we 're gon na have a choice . he does n't want to seem to leave us alone . tad : thanks a lot . that was jesse . apparently , hayward brought a friend back with him . [ scene_break ] greenlee : just get me out of here . [ scene_break ] jake : what friend ? david does n't have any friends . who did he bring back with him ? tad : jesse could n't say -- just that hayward showed up with someone . liza : and how does jesse know ? tad : because i asked him as a favor to do some follow - up on david 's reappearance . he said three people got off the plane that brought hayward back -- hayward , the pilot , and someone else -- hat , coat , could n't tell who it was . amanda : where are you going ? tad : well , hayward 's pilot , so far , has been holed up at a hotel until now . apparently , jesse 's guy says he 's headed over to confusion to get a late night supper . so i think i 'm gon na go over and shake the tree , see if i can come up with a little information about hayward 's new buddy . jake : i 'm gon na go with you , ok ? tad : oh , jinkies , this should be fun . this is a finesse job . we 're gon na finesse this , ok ? jake : sure . tad : it 's hayward 's pilot . it means he works for him . a head - on confrontation is not gon na work . jake : all right . tad : is this thing on ? jake : yes . no problem . `` finesse `` is my middle name . tad : no , joseph , `` henry `` is your middle name . jake : why you got to tell everybody that ? amanda : be careful . i hate this . why did david have to come back ? liza : because that 's david . that 's the way he plays . amanda : let me see this . if we end up in court , then david could be in town for a lot longer . you know , maybe we should wait to file this , see if he leaves like he said he would . liza : oh , please . david lives for confrontation . he 's probably waiting for us to file something . wait , where are you going ? amanda : i 'm going to go talk to him . liza : amanda , please . that is not a good idea . amanda : i can get through to him . i can convince him to leave . liza : amanda , please . amanda : i have to end this . [ scene_break ] greenlee : how long ? david : ryan and erica ? greenlee : yes . how long has it been going on ? how long ? david : i 'm not sure . a few months , i think . greenlee : oh , no , no . no , no , no . i will not crack . i will not let them do this to me . tell me , did he even mourn me at all ? david : greenlee -- greenlee : i have to know . david : yes . of course , he mourned you . he was devastated . i saw his pain . everyone did . greenlee : including erica . and she used it -- no . no , no , no , no , no . as much as i 'd like to , i ca n't blame all of this on erica . he was supposed to love me and never stop loving me , never give up hope -- not so soon . did it even matter ? he 's moved on . he gave up on us . i never should have walked away tonight . i should have gone in there and let him know what he 's done to me . david : wait a minute , wait a minute . what do you think you 're doing ? greenlee : i am gon na go back there and let ryan know that i 'm alive , and i am going to make him hurt . [ scene_break ] scott : what do you want ? annie : i want to learn everything there is to know about chandler enterprises . and since you 're double checking all the divisions for the big audit , i thought now would be the perfect time . scott : annie , first of all , i 'm not an accountant . i 'm struggling myself here . and secondly , i 'm working at home so that i can concentrate -- peace and quiet , without all the office interruptions . so if you do n't mind -- annie : no , no , no . i want to help , scott . i want to help . so just let me know which divisions are being audited , let me know how your spreadsheets are laid out , and i 'll backstop you . scott : i appreciate the offer , annie , but it 's complicated , and it 's time consuming and i -- annie : excuse me . are you saying the numbers are too big for my pretty little head ? scott : no , i 'm just saying that i 'm under a time crunch , and i do n't have time to play teacher . annie : i will let you know i worked on budget a lot when i worked at fusion , and i was really , really damn good at it . scott : i 'm sure you were . annie : kendall and greenlee were stupid to fire me . scott : i do n't think you were let go because of bad math skills . annie : ok , fine . that 's fair . greenlee was a vindictive little brat who wanted to make my life a living hell . but that being said , i can crunch numbers in my sleep . let me help . scott : no . annie -- annie : let 's see . scott : ok . annie : ok , so you 're making sure each division has met their all events task for their income and their expenses . scott : yeah . ok , so maybe you do know something about this . annie : let me do it with you , scotty . we 'll make a great team . i 'm sure of it . [ scene_break ] adam : i want an answer . who the hell are you ? colby : get out . and do n't come barging in my room like this again . adam : this is my house . colby : fine . you want me to move out , i can be gone tonight . adam : you did this on purpose , rubbing that boy in my face because you 're mad at me . colby : you 're the one who came in here uninvited . and it 's not like i 'm parading him around in a towel in the halls . adam : i want him out . damon : wow . wow , the guy who falls for you is in for a treat . colby : yeah . dad is , uh , pretty alpha . how 's your head ? damon : better . still throbbing a little . colby : well , i brought you some food , an icepack and an aspirin . damon : wow , thanks . and thanks for , you know , believing me . nobody else seems to want to . colby : well , you have a big knot on your head , and you would n't have hung around if you actually tried to rob us again . damon : you know , this place has its upside . you know , the service is really good and so is the staff , even if the management hates my guts . colby : my father is n't the one you need to convince you 're innocent . damon : do n't waste your time . it 's pretty clear bailey has already given up on me . [ scene_break ] erica : val actually texted me . he told me about the first headline of the night . ryan : oh . erica : `` kane cuffs hubby 11 . `` do n't laugh . it 's not funny . ryan : ok , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . erica : they just all assume i 'm the serial bride . ryan : well , i personally -- i do n't care at all what they think . erica : that 's good , because believe me , i have no intention of changing anything . i am very happy with things the way they are . i promise i will not be cuffing you . [ phone rings ] [ knock on door ] ryan : ok , if that 's a reporter , i swear to you -- erica : ok . you know what ? just send them away . please do n't hurt anybody . ryan : i ca n't promise anything . opal : i caught the news . just loved the announcement . i 'm so excited for the two of you . ryan : hello , opal . opal : oh , hi . ryan : hi . erica : yeah , i could tell . ryan : yeah , exactly . thank you very much for the surprise . opal : oh , what surprise ? ryan : what are you talking about ? that surprise . opal : oh , lovely . well , i wish i could take credit for it , but that 's not my work . [ scene_break ] greenlee : get out of my way . david : wait a minute , wait a minute . you ca n't let your anger do this to you . your first instincts were good . you walked away . greenlee : i want to make ryan hurt . i want him to know what he 's done to me . david : i understand . but you ca n't . greenlee : why not ? david : greenlee , i 've been down this road before . i know what it 's like to want to punish someone , to make them pay , to make them feel the same pain that you 're feeling . but you have to ask yourself , `` how is it gon na play out ? `` what are you even gon na say ? greenlee : exactly what i 'm feeling . david : yeah , but you 're feeling all sorts of things right now , are n't you ? all right , so you go in there . you reveal yourself . you start screaming , lashing out , accusing . what good will that do ? ultimately , what will it accomplish ? greenlee : do you think i 'll just make a fool out of myself ? david : i think your first thoughts back in gloucester were good . you did n't want to come back here unless you can walk back into his life the way you were when you left him , right ? unless everything was exactly the same way . greenlee : but it ca n't be , and it 's never gon na be the same no matter what i do . get me away -- from him , from all of this . help me start a new life somewhere -- anywhere . anywhere but here . [ scene_break ] scott : i am under too much of a deadline to bring you on board now . besides , adam has already paired me up with j.r. , remember ? annie : you and i both know j.r. has not been dependable lately . he 's been taking time off , disappearing for days at a time . i am dependable . come on , scott , i 'm bored . scott : well , maybe you should get back out into the workforce , then . annie : hello ? what do you think i 'm trying to do ? scott : annie , i do n't need you . chandler enterprises does n't need you . annie : why are you being so negative ? you and i both know we would make a great team . scott : we would not make a great team , and you know why . adam : if my pacemaker leaps out of my chest and runs screaming into the night , then my daughter is to blame . what 's going on in here ? annie : scott 's afraid to work with me . [ scene_break ] damon : now that your dad 's seen me and thinks i 'm some one - night hookup , do you think i can get out of here without being nailed for breaking and entering ? colby : i thought you agreed to spend the night . you might have a concussion , you know ? damon : nah , just a bump -- hard head . colby : so , where you gon na go ? what are you gon na do ? damon : not sure yet . colby : so you 're just gon na take off , not even talk to bailey ? damon : pretty clear she thinks i 'm a lying thief , so -- colby : you are not kidding about the hard head , huh ? oh , god , guys can be so thick sometimes . you are not going anywhere yet . [ scene_break ] david : you ready ? greenlee : yes . david : you sure ? it 's ok . before we leave , i want you to be absolutely certain that you 're done with all of this -- done with ryan , with pine valley . greenlee : do n't worry . i wo n't be having second thoughts . if he came through that door right now , i 'd only want to see him hurt , see him in the kind of pain i 'm in . david : he did think you were dead , greenlee , that he was never gon na see you again . greenlee : he trashed everything we had by sleeping with kendall , and then , of all people , erica . man , he really twisted the knife in my back by handing over my company to her . i mean , he knew how much fusion meant to me . i just wish i could take something from him -- from both of them -- the way they 've taken everything from -- from me . david , there 's something i have to do before i go , but i 'll need your help . david : help with what ? greenlee : i need you to get something for me , and it wo n't be easy . but i 'm gon na leave them a little farewell present before i go . [ knock on door ] greenlee : go away . [ knock on door ] [ door opens ] amanda : david ? david , it 's amanda . liza : hmm . well , someone is not happy about ryan and erica being together . [ scene_break ] tad : the guy on this end -- he matches the guy 's description . jake : you know that already ? what do you want me to do ? tad : i just want you to disappear for awhile , ok ? just let me work the guy first . jake : all right . go ahead . tad : um , do me a favor . give me any beer in a bottle . just surprise me , ok ? how you doing ? man : fine . hey , could i refill of this coffee ? and any sign of that delivery i 'm supposed to get ? bartender : i just checked , and i 'll keep an eye out . tad : just the bottle . thanks . mm . god . tastes good . i 've been looking forward to this ever since passing over the boston v.o.r . man : you a pilot ? tad : i 'm george -- george grayson . [ scene_break ] scott : i am not afraid to work with her . i am under a serious crunch with the audit coming up , and i am not taking her on just because she is bored and has this impulsive urge to learn the business . annie : there 's nothing impulsive about it . i have thought about this for a really long time . adam : mm - hmm . annie : listen , chandler is a family business , right ? well , i 'm family now . i want to be involved in all of it , and i am just as invested in the future of this business and company as you or scott or j.r. or anybody else . scott : i really do n't have time for this . annie : all right , listen . remember what you said when we were all reading the merit trust ? you said you wanted scott to build chandler enterprises into a company that gave back to the community , right ? into a company that our family could be proud of . well , that 's what i want , too , and i have a lot to offer . adam : she 's right . i want to give her that chance . [ scene_break ] erica : well , whether you sent the wine or not , thanks for stopping by . opal : well , i am just as happy as a clam at high tide for the two of you . erica : so are we . we were just finishing up . opal : oh , oh , oh . i can take a hint . erica : yeah . ryan : ok . well , good night . opal : you treat her good , you hear ? ryan : yes , i hear . good night , opal . thank you very much . ok , if opal did n't set up the surprise , then who did ? and how did they get in here ? erica : it was opal . she denied it because she thought maybe i 'd get upset because she was pushing again . ryan : yeah ? i mean , maybe . it 's just not really like opal not to take credit for something . erica : trust me . oh , you said that you wanted to call emma before she went to bed . ryan : oh , yes . i do . thank you , thank you , thank you . [ knock on door ] erica : david . i thought that you had left town . david : i did , and i am . i 'm moving back to malaysia . i just came back to town to tidy up a few things first , one of them having to do with kendall . erica : come in . what about kendall ? david : well , obviously , she 's been out of town for awhile , and i was her doctor after the transplants , so i just wanted to make sure that she had the proper care when she comes home . so i want to give you the name of a good doctor , and also my contact information in malaysia just in case either one of you needs to get in touch with me . erica : yes , that 's a very good idea . david : cool . oh . i left my pen and paper and my pad at home . do you have something i could write with ? erica : sure . of course , i do . i 'll be right back . david : thank you . ryan : hayward ? what the hell are you doing here ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i wonder why david tore that up . liza : i do n't know . well , he and erica used to be together . maybe he still has a thing for her . amanda : erica ? i never once heard him talk about her like that . old friends , maybe , but never any jealous remarks about ryan . [ greenlee whimpers ] liza : did you hear that ? amanda : yeah . [ scene_break ] david : i was just being a little ocd . it was n't exactly hanging in line here , so , there you go . ryan : so what are you doing here ? erica : david 's actually on his way to malaysia . he stopped by to give me some information to give to kendall -- a referral for a cardiologist here , in case she needs one . david : that 's right . see that , ryan ? nothing nefarious . [ phone rings ] erica : oh . ok , i need to take this . excuse me . hello ? could you hold on for a minute , please ? david , take care . david : you , too , erica . erica : ok . ryan : hey , david , i heard what you did to amanda and jake -- tried to take their child . david : well , what can i tell you , ryan ? i 'm not a very nice person . for what it 's worth , i do regret what i did . well , lucky for them , they wo n't have to worry about me any longer . ryan : i do n't even think you understand the meaning of `` regret . `` david : do you love erica ? has she really taken the place of greenlee ? ryan : if you hurry , maybe you 'll be able to catch the red - eye to malaysia , david . david : oh , do n't worry , ryan . i 'll be gone before you know it . trust me , i wo n't be turning back . [ scene_break ] tad : this is after the first gulf war . i left the air force , but i went into the import - export business . i could n't stay out of the sky . so when i started having to go back and forth between canada every week , i thought i 'd buy myself a 414 to indulge myself . man : nice . tad : can i buy you something stronger than coffee ? or are you on the bottle- to - throttle clock ? man : no , thanks , mr. martin . tad : what ? i told you my name 's grayson . man : no , it is n't . it 's martin . and my boss warned me about you . [ scene_break ] adam : annie has a way of easing into things , and watching during an audit can get you well - acquainted with the company 's various distribution techniques . annie : adam , i will not let you down . adam : well , then i will let you two to go at it . i 'm gon na have a drink after that round i had with colby . annie : adam . adam : all right , a soda . that does n't mean i ca n't pretend there 's scotch in it , can it ? annie : please do n't be angry . scott : i do n't have time to be angry . you won . you got what you wanted . here , correlate each department 's quarterlies with the matching audit . annie : i 'd rather help you with the spreadsheets . scott : you agreed to follow my lead . so get to it . [ scene_break ] bailey : what 's going on ? why could n't you tell me over the phone ? colby : i wanted to talk to you about damon . i do n't think he did what the police are accusing him of . bailey : you 've seen him , have n't you ? what , did he break into your house , too ? damon : see ? told you she would n't believe me . [ scene_break ] amanda : i used to hear all sorts of weird noises in this house . thought it was haunted for awhile , but then i just realized it 's big and old . liza : mm . hey , listen . you know what ? we should just get out of here . david 's not here , and it would n't look very good for jake 's case if he found us here . [ door opens ] david : what are you two doing here ? amanda : i came to talk to you . david : oh , let me guess . your husband sent you . and liza here has his lawsuit ready to file if i -- what ? do n't get out of dodge ? liza : well , i mean you did tell amanda that you were leaving . david : did you notice the boxes ? i 'm out of here , all right ? amanda : then when are you back ? david : as i told your husband , i just came back to tie up a few loose ends . all right , look . if you people want me to leave this town so badly , why do n't you just get the hell out of my way and let me do what i need to do ? liza : mm . all right , then . tie up your loose ends . just do n't take too long doing it . david : greenlee ? greenlee . greenlee : oh . david : are you all right ? greenlee : yeah . i just need a pain pill . i got all twisted up back there . i 'll be ok . david : i 'll get you some water . then i want to examine your back . greenlee : no , forget the water . did you get the flash drive ? david : yeah . yeah , i have it right here . ok ? no . no . i want to examine your back first . come on . greenlee : oh . david : what 's on that flash drive anyway ? why did you have it hidden over at ryan 's ? greenlee : ow ! if i tell you now , it 'll ruin the surprise . [ scene_break ] tad : i really think you have me confused with somebody else . man : no , i do n't . dr. hayward described you and your brother in pretty good detail . said one of you would probably corner me , ask me some questions . do n't waste your breath . doc is a good man , a good employer . i do as i 'm told . bartender : this what you were waiting for ? man : yeah . thanks . nice to meet you , mr. martin . tad : he made me . hayward warned him . what the hell is that ? jake : what , this ? well , i overheard the conversation that he was waiting for a box . tad : yeah , so did i . jake : good . tad : come to think of it , fusion 's a pretty weird place for a drop - off . so , what the hell is this ? jake : well , i intercepted the box . i was outside , i saw the guy . i made him think the box was for me , right ? so luckily i had a box in my car . it was about the same size . i peeled the label off this box and put it on that box , and now david 's gon na get a pair of my brand new sneakers . hope they fit . tad : you 're a genius . so , what 's so covert that he had to have it delivered here ? [ scene_break ] erica : what is it ? you seem pretty upset . ryan : no , i just -- something does n't feel right about hayward . erica : i know what you mean . if he had just wanted kendall to have the number of a doctor here , i mean , he could have texted , he could have phoned -- anything . ryan : he was looking at this thing when i came down the stairs . i have no idea why . something was taped here in the back . erica : what do you think it was ? ryan : i have absolutely no idea . but he took it . [ scene_break ] david : so , what are you trying to do anyway ? greenlee : well , i need to log into the system first , but they 've changed the passwords . david : well , that 's a big surprise . it 's only been almost a year . greenlee : not `` bianca . `` not `` kendall . `` [ computer beeps ] greenlee : not `` ryan . `` david : try `` erica kane `` backwards . greenlee : i love you . david : it 's an old trick used too often at the hospital . i used to chew the doctors out all the time for being so unoriginal . so , now that we 've solved that mystery , what exactly are you planning to do ? hmm ? what 's on that flash drive ? greenlee : it 's a worm . kendall and i made a deal back when cambias took over fusion . if we ever lost control of the company , we could crash the whole system -- wipe out everything . i meant what i said . i 'd rather see fusion go under than have erica running it , and that 's what i 'm going to do before i leave town . david : is something supposed to go kablooey ? greenlee : yeah . it should have a readout of files as they 're deleted . david : maybe they improved the security system , put a new firewall or something . greenlee : i will not let her win . i will not let her have this company . i will not let her win . ah ! oh , god ! oh , god . [ scene_break ] bailey : what are you doing here ? where have you been ? damon : at the chandler 's . bailey : why ? damon : i needed a favor . the point is , when i was there , someone broke in , set off the alarm . bailey : oh , these things are getting really coincidental , are n't they ? colby : bailey , please just listen . damon : look , forget it . forget it . she 's already made up her mind . bailey : you 're wrong . i just want to know the truth . damon : the truth is i got hit in the head by whoever broke in . but you 're right . it 's not looking good for me . i got to find out who this jerk is before i go down for what he 's done . bailey : wait , damon . please do n't do anything stupid . damon : what would be stupid is sitting around here , waiting for him to pin all his break - ins on my ass while you keep doubting me . colby : where are you going ? damon : i can take care of myself . do n't worry . bailey : damon , wait . [ scene_break ] annie : there you go . what 's wrong ? scott : this is n't making any sense . i 've gone over it a dozen times . annie : what is it ? scott : the third quarter detail -- it does n't match up with the yearlies . annie : well , do you want the preliminary detail or the final ? see -- look at the name of the file there . scott : oh , my god . stupid , stupid . thank you . i 'm sorry i was rough on you earlier . that was a good catch . i would have been going around in circles forever . i guess i 'm just getting tired . annie : you 're just doing too much on your own . you need help , scott . and i can give it to you . you just have to trust me . scott : i want to trust you , annie . but i also want to trust myself when i 'm with you . [ scene_break ] amanda : you were right to get me out of there . i was about to let loose on him again . liza : yes , well , you see , threats are not gon na do anything good . we just have to sit back and see if he 's gon na make good on his word and get out of here . hey , did you find anything ? jake : kind of , sort of . amanda : is that the medicine david was using when he was faking his illness ? tad : uh - uh . one of those is a major narcotic . you know , for pain ? it 's awesome . jake : stop it . behave yourself . these right here are steroids , and these over here are immunosuppressants . liza : what is that ? jake : that is proof that david was n't using this on himself . maybe he was treating somebody . i do n't know -- maybe a transplant , or perhaps stem cell therapy . [ scene_break ] ryan : david ! erica : listen , why do n't we just go to jesse and let jesse take care of this . ryan . ryan : too late . david ! david ! erica : i thought david lived alone since amanda left . ryan : apparently not . [ scene_break ] david : that 's it . we 're out of here . greenlee : no . no , david . david , no . i have to finish this . david : greenlee , forget about it . you 've got to go . greenlee : i 've got to finish this , david . david : that 's enough . greenlee : wait . wait -- look . it 's working . yes ! | adam sneaks into colby 's room and tries to talk to her ( unbeknownst to him that it is damon ) under the covers on the bed . colby comes in with a tray . damon comes out from under the covers . adam demands to know who damon is . annie tries to get scott to let her help him with the finances of chandler enterprises , but he refuses . at jake 's and amanda 's apartment , liza goes over the material that she is planning on filing against david if he does n't leave town . tad gets a call that david had someone with him when he came back to town . tad insists on talking to the pilot to find out information on david and his companion . amanda leaves the apartment to go talk to david . greenlee spots ryan and erica making love . david catches her outside of ryan 's condo . at wildwind , amanda demands to know how long ryan and erica had been together . adam sides with annie when she wants to know more about chandler enterprises . opal stops by ryan 's to congratulate ryan and erica on their relationship . greenlee comes up with a plan to get revenge on ryan and erica and asks for david 's help . liza and amanda visit wildwind and find david gone , but finds a torn up tabloid paper on the table . liza comes to the conclusion that it must have been torn up by someone , who did n't want ryan and erica together . david visits erica on the pretense of giving erica the name of another doctor . david steals a flash drive from behind a fixture on the wall . ryan comes in and wonders what david is doing here . liza and amanda hear a noise on the patio , but soon comes to the conclusion that the house may be haunted . |
tad : thanks , mike . i got a lot of guys coming . sort of a boys ' night out . so make sure you keep 'em coming , ok ? cara : ta - da ! tad : fan mail from some flounder ? cara : this is a suspect list . you know ? tad : shh ! cara : people i think could have took drugs at the hospital . tad : i told you , i already have a list . cara : yeah , but this is the shift schedule , so that you know when they 're on and off duty . this is what i 'm thinking . we should split the names , start buddying up to them . what ? what is so funny ? tad : did you really just say `` buddy `` ? cara : yes . i will take the guys . you take the girls . i got it . we need those phones with the walkie - talkies . that way , we 're always in contact with each other . tad : no , wait . i got an even better idea . we need those little watches with the screens on 'em so we can see one another . cara : you 're making fun of me . tad : yeah , i am . cara : do n't do that . tad : you 're cute , ok . you 're very cute , but i told you , ok ? i work alone . cara : yeah , well , you used to work alone . there you go . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's not a question of trusting you , jack , but i know you . you have a moral code . you have this commitment to honesty . jack : and by god , i 'm not gon na apologize for that ! erica : no , you should n't . i love that you 're such a principled man , that right is right and wrong is wrong , but -- there are no exceptions with you . and so i was so afraid that you might just put the truth above kendall . jack : how could you think for a minute that i would do anything to hurt your daughter ? erica : because you 've done it before . [ scene_break ] madison : oh ! bianca : you ok ? scott : hey ! i hope you like 'em . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you do n't have to do this . ryan : are you kidding ? it was my idea to go skating . greenlee : yeah , well , it was that little kid 's idea to throw french fries on the ice . ryan : i have to say , you did fall very gracefully . greenlee : thank you . ryan : you 're welcome . greenlee : now , go . have fun on your little boys ' night out . not too much fun . ryan : i 'm gon na be with tad and jake . how much fun can i have ? greenlee : but is n't this like your informal bachelor party ? ryan : no , this is just a couple guys getting together , blowing off some steam , that 's all . you sure you 're gon na be ok here ? greenlee : i 'm gon na be fine , for the 10th time ! yes . kendall 's just coming over . we 're gon na look through some fusion products . and for all i know , i 'll have body glitter on my foot by the time you get home . ryan : body glitter , huh ? greenlee : mm - hmm . ryan : ca n't wait . call me if you need anything . love you . [ door opens and closes ] greenlee : hey , sandra , it 's greenlee . is kendall on her way over ? she went to the jail ? never mind . i 'll talk to you later . bye . [ scene_break ] griffin : did kendall slater check in ? nurse : not yet . griffin : ok . here we go . kendall , it 's dr. castillo . that makes 3 missed appointments . a lesser man would be offended , but i 'm just gon na say adios . you got more going on than i can help you with . see you around . [ scene_break ] david : kendall . kendall ! can you hear me ? damn it . guard ! somebody come in here ! open this damn door ! now , i 'm telling you , or she 's gon na die ! david : just hang on , kendall . they 're coming . just hang on . greenlee : oh , my god ! oh , my god ! kendall -- david : open this damn cell . guard : back up ! greenlee : what did you do to her ? [ scene_break ] erica : have you forgotten , jack ? you put the truth first on another occasion , and i lost custody of bianca . jack : you still have n't forgiven me ? you 're still punishing me for the outcome of bianca 's custody trial ? erica : i 'm not punishing you , jack . i do n't mean it like that . i just mean that the truth matters to you . and sometimes it 's more important to you than the most important person in your life . jack : i do n't believe what i 'm hearing . i do n't . erica : but , jack , this is not a criticism . i am merely pointing out the fundamental difference in the way we live our lives . jack : and did you honestly think that if i knew the truth , i would n't fight to have those charges dropped ? erica : jack , at the moment , you do n't even have your license to -- jack : so what ? i would have worked behind the scenes , erica . the same way i did for you when caleb was -- all of this could just go away , but she has to know the real story . erica : i agree . lately , i 've been thinking that keeping the truth from her is causing more harm than good . but right now , i want you to know the truth . there is no romantic connection between caleb and me . jack : bianca 's custody trial . my god , how many years ago was that ? erica : i do n't know , jack . jack : well , i really believed that we had worked through all these fundamental differences . boy -- shows you how blind a man in love can really be . [ scene_break ] bianca : pretty flowers ! i 'll just -- scott : ok . madison : what was that ? scott : what ? i thought all women loved flowers . madison : i do n't mean the flowers . i mean the delivery . what was that ? scott : what was that ? that was me buying you a little extra time before you unveiled -- yeah . madison : you saw that ? scott : saw that . the button ? it almost hit me in the eye , took it out . i 'm kidding . you 're fine . madison : i know i should be in maternity clothes , but i 'm just not ready . i ca n't believe how fat i 'm getting . scott : come on , you 're not fat . you 're just a little fat . i 'm totally kidding ! you are pregnant , ok ? this is what 's supposed to happen . madison : oh , am i supposed to be eating an entire pizza for dinner and a half a pint of ice cream ? a whole pint of ice cream ? i ca n't stop myself . scott : look , this is normal , is n't it ? madison : you do n't understand . i have a different craving every five minutes . scott : really ? madison : this morning , it was chocolate - covered pretzels and then olives . i was about to microwave some mac and cheese when i busted out of my pants . scott : oh , mac and cheese . you know who makes great mac and cheese ? confusion . i 'll go get some . madison : no , do n't . please . scott : no , it 's fine . i 'm gon na head over there anyway 'cause it 's happy hour -- free appetizers , all you can eat . it 's a fantastic -- madison : do n't tell me that . scott : listen to me . you are fine , ok ? you look fine . and i will be right back . madison : thank you . oh , scott ! scott : yeah ? madison : maybe if they have some of those little pigs in a blanket -- scott : of course . madison : you did n't have to run out like that . bianca : i do n't even work here anymore . i was just picking up donated makeup for the miranda center . so -- scott ? madison : he 's a great guy . bianca : but he 's not ryan ? oh , it ca n't be easy . your boss with the man you used to date . madison : i 'm actually glad that it ended when it did . i mean , ryan figured out that he still had feelings for greenlee before we got too serious . it really could have been a lot worse . bianca : well , you 're really taking it well . madison : do i have a choice ? i actually got ta get out of here for a bit . [ scene_break ] ryan : can i get a beer , please ? anything you have on draft is totally fine . [ scene_break ] cara : and just for the record , i 'm not cute , ok ? i 'm tough . tad : i 'm sure you are , but i am flying solo on this one . i have to . see , i consider myself a lone wolf , a kind of island of hope being circled by the great white sharks of the guilty in the sea of injustice . cara : did you just make that up ? tad : i did . pretty good , huh ? cara : no . ok , here 's the deal . when you were working that guy earlier , when we were playing off of each other , we really had him going . i think i could be good at this . i can help you , tad . tad : seriously , cara , all joking aside , what you consider fun , i consider a job with responsibilities . and i know you thought that was a rush , probably because you 're no longer halfway around the globe saving lives in some third- world country . so , thank you , ok , but i will take it from here . cara : well , you 're missing out , because i make an excellent partner . oh ! why do n't you look over that list and give me a call . jake . jake : what was that all about ? tad : your case . jake : tell me right now you did n't tell her anything about the drugs that went missing . tad : i did n't have to . she found out on her own . long story short , she wants to be watson to my sherlock , scooby to my doo . jake : right , because she loves the excitement . she loves the adventure . tad : you think ? jake : i 'm telling you this , ok ? do n't tell her anything else , please . no . no , no , and no . there he is ! tad : hey . jake : there he is ! man of the hour . ryan : that 's right . frankie : hey , hey , what 's the occasion here ? tad : just celebrating before ryan takes the big plunge . jake : yes , that 's right . and it 's about time . you and greenlee have been through so much . you 've been through hell . frankie : they 're not the only ones , but it 's not like he gives a damn . jake : hey , you think that ryan 's nervous ? tad : nah . ryan ? maybe a little . jake : maybe a little , you know why ? jake and tad : only the most important day of your life ! ryan : really ? do i need that right now ? we 're here to relax . frankie : hey , we 're all relaxed , buddy . everything 's just great for you . ryan : if you got something to say to me , man , just come out and say it . [ scene_break ] jesse : call an ambulance . greenlee : kendall . kendall , open your eyes . david : will you open this door so i can help her ? jesse : how do i know you did n't cause this ? david : are you out of your mind ? she was gasping for air and then she collapsed . would you at least check her breathing , damn it ? greenlee : i ca n't feel a pulse or anything . jesse : i 'm barely getting anything here . greenlee : no ! david : i 'm telling you , if you do n't open this door right now , she 's gon na die ! greenlee : jesse , please . kendall , hang in there . david : come on , come on ! greenlee : hang in there . kendall , can you hear me ? hang in there . david : pulse is really weak . we 're losing her . greenlee : i 'm begging you . save her . david : ok , help me lay her flat . greenlee : ok , all right . hang in there . all right . come on , kendall . come on . come on ! [ kendall inhales sharply ] greenlee : oh , thank god . david : she 's back . greenlee : ok . jesse : greenlee and i will get her to the hospital . he gets back to his cell . greenlee : whoa ! should n't david come along ? what if something happens along the way ? jesse ! jesse : all right . listen . we 'll get her to the car . you ride along with your personal guard . david : ok . greenlee : come on . jesse : here we go . [ scene_break ] ryan : what 's your problem ? frankie : you want to hear my problem ? i 'll tell you my problem . scott : his problem , my problem -- there 's no problem . i 'm sure frankie just had a few beers . randi was on you about leaving that seat up again , and you 're just projecting , right ? frankie : no . i forgot to take out the trash . tad : a toast ! to marital bliss . jake : yes , a toast to myself and my beautiful wife . tad : why do you always have to make it about you ? ryan : how about to good friends and getting together and hanging out ? maybe we can do that more often , please . jake : i said that . [ scene_break ] scott : still hotheaded , just like when we were kids . frankie : i did n't know lavery would be here celebrating himself . scott : come on , he 's not worth it , especially after having a few beers , ok ? it 's not gon na help madison any . frankie : you know ? scott : do n't you have a beautiful wife to get home to ? hey , what 's going on ? madison : i had to get out of the office . figured i would just eat here . jake : stop . let me please make this toast . to ryan and greenlee . [ glasses clink ] madison : on second thought , i 'll take that order to go . scott : yeah , well , i deliver , too . frankie : so , how you doing ? madison : good . better than good . i 'm great . you can back off . [ scene_break ] tad : so -- a valentine 's day wedding . ryan : mm - hmm . jake : yeah . tad : you really sure you want to tempt fate ? jake : you should have done it on groundhog 's day . no . arbor day . tad : when 's arbor day ? jake : i do n't know when arbor day is . ryan : february 14th . tad : no . that 's valentine 's day . ryan : of course . that 's when we 're having the wedding . guys , it used to be the worst day of our life . now we 're gon na make it the best . [ cell phone rings ] jake : i like that . and who is that ? ryan : let me see . jake : it 's the new ball and chain . [ cell phone rings ] ryan : well , who is that ? jake : what do you mean ? ooh . tad : ooh , it 's a text from amanda . `` i heart you . `` ryan : hey , what are you doing ? checking up on me already ? ok , i 'll be right there . jake : what do you mean ? where are you going ? tad : what 's up ? ryan : i got ta go . jake : stop . we 're just getting started . ryan : can i get a cab , please ? will you call me a cab ? mike : ditching your boys ? ryan : yeah , it 's an emergency . please . madison : hey , everything ok ? ryan : kendall -- she collapsed . madison : what ? forget the cab . i 'm driving . i need to borrow that . scott : yeah , yeah . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , when the shooting took place , kendall had just lost zach . and i know that she pulled the trigger to save ryan or make david pay or both , but something happened to make her block that . jack : and now it 's coming back to her ? erica : and i think now , knowing the truth would help her . jack : when she does realize the truth , what are you gon na do , try to convince her to keep quiet ? erica : it 's david i want to keep quiet . jack : david ? erica : david knows . jack : david knows that kendall 's the one that shot him ? erica : mm - hmm . yes , and now he 's using that to try to blackmail me . he has called my phone . he 's left me messages . he 's threatening that if i do n't keep him out of prison , he 's going to tell the police what really happened on that roof . [ cell phone rings ] jack : greenlee . hello ? honey , honey , slow down . i ca n't understand a word you 're saying . erica 's with me here . we 'll be right there . erica : what is it ? jack : it 's kendall . [ scene_break ] cara : hello . griffin : where 's your roommate ? cara : nice to see you , too . kendall : she blew off another appointment . cara : oh . you really do n't like rejection . griffin : i do n't like wasting my time . why should i worry about her health if she wo n't ? cara : hmm . but -- you are worried . griffin : she 's a patient . cara : and ? griffin : and she has kids . and her husband died , and i feel like -- cara : you feel ? griffin : i feel like i should bill her for my lost time . cara : whatever . griffin : what are you getting at ? cara : she 's trying to live her life . you 're treating her like an invalid . griffin : i 'm not treating her -- cara : do you remember billy 's birthday party ? i know you remember . i was 30 minutes late . that 's it . just 30 minutes late taking my medicine , and what did you do ? you came storming in with that look on your face . griffin : it was a bowling party . cara : we were having fun . it was n't lethal . i get why she wants you to back off . david : page dr. castillo immediately . griffin : what happened ? david : she came to visit me in jail . she was in distress , had trouble breathing . respiratory arrest . she collapsed . griffin : for how long ? david : just a few minutes . i resuscitated her . she 's breathing on her own right now , but we need to restart pulmonary therapy right away . griffin : ok , i need a nurse . get a line in -- d5w . i want some gases on her now while she 's still on room air . bring her in here . come on . jesse : where is he ? greenlee : down the hall . ryan , where are you ? [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , thanks for the coffee . you sure you do n't want it ? madison : i gave up caffeine . ryan : you gave up caffeine ? you were like a caffeine junkie . madison : well , uh -- ryan : what happened ? madison : it was keeping me up at night . there should be two sugars in the glove compartment . ryan : oh , thanks . you remember . madison : i remember everything . ryan : kendall 's gon na be ok , i promise you . she 's honestly one of the toughest women i 've ever met . madison : yeah , i know . she lost the man she loves , and she 's finding a way to move on . kendall 's been an inspiration and a real friend . ryan : glad to hear that . so the last time we were in a car together , we were on a road trip to d.c . madison : that concert . ryan : yeah , i had a dozen cups of coffee on that trip . madison : you were pretty wired . ryan : yeah . madison : did n't want you falling asleep behind the wheel . ryan : no , i think i was up for about three days . madison : yeah . ryan : but if that did n't keep me up , your singing probably would have . madison : my singing is good . ryan : yes , it is pretty good , actually . madison : i 'll sing something right now . any requests ? ryan : you know , i 'm fine for now . let me think about that . that was a fun trip . madison : yeah . kendall 's gon na be ok . ryan : it 's such a clear night . it 's unbelievable . you can see just about every star in the sky . whoa ! a shooting star . madison : where ? ryan : you missed it . you still wish on those ? madison : no , i do n't know why i ever did that . that was silly . ryan : that was n't silly . that was sweet . [ cell phone rings ] ryan : greenlee . greenlee : where are you ? ryan : i had a couple beers so i hitched a ride . how 's kendall ? greenlee : the doctor 's in with her now . ryan : ok . be there soon . i could use a shooting star right about now . you could make another wish . madison : told you i do n't do that anymore . [ scene_break ] erica : how is she ? bianca : no word yet . jack : how 's that foot ? greenlee : it 's fine . it 's not important right now . erica : so , was kendall at fusion ? was she working too hard ? greenlee : no , she was at the jail -- jack : what ? greenlee : with david . erica : why ? why on earth would she be -- greenlee : actually , it turned out to be a really good thing . if david had n't been there , she might not have made it to the hospital . [ scene_break ] david : her lungs are still very wet , so she 's gon na need more antibiotic . griffin : thanks , but i got this . david : look , i may be a little weak , but i can still treat the patient . griffin : no , you ca n't . you need to leave . now . [ scene_break ] greenlee : madison gave you a ride ? ryan : yeah , i did n't want to wait for a cab . any more news on kendall ? greenlee : no , nothing yet . madison , wait . greenlee : i just -- thanks for giving ryan a ride , for bringing him here . madison : do n't worry about it . i 'm gon na get some water . bianca : hey , are you all right ? madison : yeah . i really wish everyone would stop asking me that . bianca : oh , you left the office so fast , i thought i might have said something to offend you . madison : you did n't . i got ta go . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , listen , about madison driving me over here -- i was n't trying to hide anything from you . greenlee : ryan , my best friend is fighting for her life . madison is the last thing on my mind right now . ryan : i 'm sorry . finding kendall like that passed out must have been horrible . greenlee : it was even more horrible finding her with david . [ scene_break ] david : you ca n't push me out . i own this hospital . now , if you 'll excuse me -- griffin : you have no medical license . david : what does that matter ? i just saved her life . griffin : because no one else was there . that 's not the case anymore . david : what is this ? you trying to impress me to show off ? griffin : listen , if i had it my way , i 'd say go ahead , but if one of your friends from around here walks in on you treating kendall , you could end up in prison permanently . jesse : it 's time to go , hayward . david : look , i 'm in the middle of something here . jesse : not anymore . the van is almost here . you 're still going to prison tonight . [ scene_break ] jake : no , no . yeah , right . [ mumbling to himself ] [ scene_break ] tad : well , if it is n't my own little mata hari . cara : hi . tad : hey . cara : so -- tad : what ? cara : did you come here to thank me for the information that i gave you , or what ? tad : far be it from me to make you feel good about yourself , but as a matter of fact , i 'm covering a little ground thanks to this schedule you gave me . it 's coming in handy . cara : yeah ? tad : mm - hmm . cara : ok , so does this mean you 'll let me help you with the case ? tad : no , cara . i ca n't . cara : why not ? tad : because it might get dicey . i do n't want to put you at risk . cara : risk ? really ? jake did n't say something to you , did he ? tad : about what ? cara : oh , never mind . i 'm just -- kkkk ! anyway , just know that i 'm working on some theories , ok ? tad : i 'd prefer if you did n't , but i am hanging onto your schedule . cara : ok . tad : thank you . cara : partner . tad : not yet . cara : very soon ! tad : lord . [ scene_break ] scott : i knew it . as soon as i saw you leaving ryan . is there anything i can do ? madison : get me out of here . scott : ok . where to ? madison : your place ? scott : yeah . [ scene_break ] bianca : can i get you some tea ? ricky : hey . i was visiting a sick parishioner when i heard about kendall . how is she ? bianca : no news yet . mom , uncle jack , you remember reverend torres ? jack : yes , of course . nice to see you again . ricky : please . call me ricky . erica : kendall has told us how supportive you 've been . we 're very grateful . ricky : anything i can do . so what happened ? bianca : come with me to the cafeteria . i 'll fill you in . ricky : ok . erica : jack , kendall was with david when she collapsed . maybe he confronted her about shooting him . jack : that would be playing the last card he has in his hands . i doubt that . erica : well , i have to find out , because if he did this to -- excuse me . doctor , how is she ? griffin : stable for the moment . jack : is this a relapse of her pneumonia ? griffin : that 's part of it , but we 've discovered something else , something more serious . weakness in the lower part of her aorta . jack : wait , define weakness . griffin : it 's ballooning outward . erica : are you saying that it could burst ? griffin : we have some further testing to do , but if i 'm right , it 's expanding . an aortic abdominal aneurysm . erica : oh , my god . can you help her ? griffin : with surgery , we can fix the threat . we 've already booked an o.r . , but we have to move . it could burst at any time . erica : well , then do it and do n't let that happen . [ scene_break ] scott : ahem . yeah . this is it . this is the maid 's day off , so usually it 's much , much -- please , would you sit ? thank you . madison : it 's nice . i like the lamp . scott : yeah . if i 'd have known you were coming , i , uh -- madison : do n't worry about it . i 'm just glad to be far away from ryan and greenlee . scott : yeah . hey , you want a beer ? madison : ca n't . scott : no , ' course you ca n't . what am i -- oh ! want a soda , something , or a -- big can at least , maybe ? madison : thank you . i 'm fine . scott : whew . um -- we could watch tv or something . [ kissing ] [ scene_break ] cara : what ? jake . [ scene_break ] jake : i 'm sorry you came all the way down here . i feel bad . i could have updated you on the phone . tad : no , i came to see cara . she slipped me this work schedule . it 's really paying -- jake : what did i tell you ? i said i do n't want her anywhere in this -- tad : oh , come on , jake . she 's been dodging bullets in a third - world country . jake : i said no ! i said no . you want schedules , you want anything from this hospital , you come to me . tad : what do you care about -- jake : we are short staffed on doctors . if i lose another one because of you , 'cause i hired my own brother -- cara : oh . that 's lovely . really . i ca n't believe you did that . jake : do what ? what did i do ? cara : you changed my assignments . jake : so what ? i 'm the boss , ok ? i 'm in charge . cara : you know what , you 're not in charge of me , so change it back . here . [ scene_break ] erica : what are her chances ? griffin : a ruptured aortic aneurysm is fatal 60 % of the time . erica : then what are you waiting for ? do the surgery . griffin : we 've already booked the operating room . erica : what , then ? is there some other problem ? griffin : she 's awake . go talk to her . let me know if you think she 's up for this . erica : what do you mean ? griffin : i mean , she 's been blowing off doctor 's appointments . kendall 's attitude about her health is -- talk to her . attitude is important . i can perform the surgery perfectly , but after that , she 's gon na have to work , too . they 're prepping her for surgery now . i 'll be back to check in on her . erica : oh , what if david did tell kendall about the shooting ? and if he did n't , i ca n't tell her , not now . jack : the only important thing right now is that she get through this surgery . erica : i know . look , she 's been having additional visions of david lately , more and more . now my voice is coming into it . she 's getting very close . a sight , a sound , anything could just put her over the edge and -- [ cell phone rings ] erica : take the call . i 'm gon na go see kendall . jack : the call can -- wait . [ scene_break ] griffin : no . dr. hayward will not be part of this . he 's waiting to be transferred to prison . nurse : but he 's shouting about owning the hospital , firing everyone if he does n't get to see kendall slater . [ scene_break ] greenlee : kendall was finally in a good place , and now this . ryan : she 's gon na beat this . everything will be fine . you guys will be back at fusion getting manicures and ruling the world in no time . greenlee : unless something else happens . why do i always feel i 'm looking over my shoulder waiting for the next tragedy ? ryan : nothing is gon na hurt us again , not this time . greenlee : you 're right -- because we wo n't let it . [ scene_break ] griffin : did your mother leave already ? kendall : my mother was never here . griffin : that 's weird . i told her you wanted to see her . hate to say it , but this is what you get for blowing me off . kendall : not all women find you irresistible . griffin : i 'm serious , kendall . you have an aneurysm in your aorta . it 's very serious . we can fix the problem with surgery . i 've already booked the operating room . kendall : then cancel it . i 'm not ready for the surgery . griffin : no , i do n't think you understand . if you do n't do this , you could die . [ scene_break ] david : you here to thank me for saving kendall 's life ? again ? erica : may i have a moment to express my gratitude ? guard : be careful getting too close . i 'll be right here . david : let 's have it , erica . lay all that gratitude on me . erica : some people are saying that you 're the reason kendall collapsed . david : do n't believe everything you hear . as you know , there are a lot of false stories around . erica : why did you ask kendall to come and see you ? david : i just thought it would be a nice reminder to you of the stakes . erica : did you say something to her ? david : no , but that does n't mean i wo n't . erica : i 'm not a miracle worker , david . david : i 'm not expecting miracles , erica . i just want you to talk to the governor . tick tock , erica . i 'm still in these cuffs , and kendall is so close by . [ scene_break ] cara : why are you messing with my assignments ? jake : `` messing with your assignments `` ! scheduling is part of my job description . cara : you took me off all infectious diseases , jake . jake : really ? cara : yeah . jake : coincidence . cara : really ? i know what i had . i had flu , i had hepatitis , and i had whooping cough . and now -- magic ! i 'm on milk allergy ? jake : no -- yes . the guy 's covered head to toe in hives . have some compassion for the guy . cara : do you think this is funny ? jake : no , i do n't think it 's funny , cara . i think you had leukemia , ok ? cara : when i was a child , jake . jake : when you were a child , your immune system was severely compromised . i am doing you a favor ! cara : you know what , i did not tell you about my sickness , so that you would treat me like everybody else . shielding me , protecting me , keeping me from doing what i am meant to do . you were different . you were n't like the rest of my family , and that 's why -- do n't change now that you know the truth . jake : the truth . [ scene_break ] scott : where is this coming from ? madison : i do n't want to talk . scott : all right . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what did you and madison talk about on the ride over ? ryan : i thought you were n't thinking about madison . greenlee : i 'm trying to distract myself from thinking about kendall right now . ryan : we did n't really talk much about anything . greenlee : anything new going on with her ? ryan : not that she told me . [ scene_break ] kendall : do n't i get any time to think about this ? griffin : every minute we wait puts you at greater risk . kendall : ok . can i at least see my kids first ? griffin : i 'm sorry . kendall : please . it 'll just be a little while . you can give me medication or something to -- griffin : no , unfortunately , there 's not a magic pill that can fix this . kendall : please . please . i just lost my husband . i need time to heal and rest and be with my kids . griffin : you 'll have that time , but not until we fix the aneurysm . listen , kendall , i know you 're afraid of the surgery , but nobody 's better than me . kendall : i 'm not . i just miss him . i just miss zach . i miss zach so much . it 's like there 's this wave that keeps coming over me , and it 's trying to pull me under , and i ca n't get out . i 'm fighting it . i 'm doing everything i can . i 'm throwing myself into everything i can , but nothing works . every night , i climb into bed alone . every morning , i still wake up alone . and that 's how it 's always going to be . griffin : kendall -- i know you 're grieving , but is there something more going on here ? kendall : what do you mean ? griffin : i mean , do you want to live ? [ scene_break ] david : you need to keep this in mind , erica . i was behind bars , and i still managed to get to kendall , saved her life . erica : that was the last time you will ever see her . david : ever is a very long time . now , your daughter still needs surgery , and i would hate to see what would happen if she was being rolled down to the o.r . , and she suddenly realized that she was the one who shot me , that her dear , devoted mother had been lying to her all this time . that would be quite a shock for a woman who already has a weakened heart , do n't you think ? erica : do n't you go anywhere near my daughter . [ scene_break ] griffin : trying to tell me you 're giving up ? you do n't want to live anymore ? kendall : what i want is to have my life back . i need zach . i need zach . my boys need zach . griffin : and you , kendall . they need you . kendall : do n't you think i know that ? that 's what 's making this whole thing so hard . i lost my husband . and now there are these things floating around in my head , like parts of a puzzle that i just can not put back together , all right ? so excuse me for not being at my best . griffin : that 's more like it . kendall : what ? griffin : zach told me all about you . he told me you never gave up , never backed down . you 're feisty as hell . well , get angry , kendall . show some fight , because that may be the only thing that saves your life . | at confusion , tad gets a tray of drinks for the bachelor party for ryan . cara comes in and gives tad a while piece of paper which he takes reluctantly . on the roof , erica lets jack know that he has a moral code toward honesty and he would put that honesty above what kendall needed . at fusion , scott brings madison flowers . bianca notices the special attention that scott is giving to madison . ryan carries greenlee into the condo and deposits her safely onto the sofa . ryan gets ready to go to his bachelor party with the boys . greenlee calls to check on kendall and finds out that she had gone to visit david in jail . at the hospital , griffin calls to check on kendall and why she had missed her appointment , but does n't get an answer . griffin leaves kendall a message that he is through trying to get through to her . the camera shows kendall collapsed on the floor of the jail . david reaches out to check her pulse and is relieved when he feels a pulse . david yells for help for kendall before she dies . greenlee and the guards rush in and finds kendall lying on the floor . greenlee questions david as to what he had done to kendall . erica tells jack that the truth is more important to him than people is and that is why she had n't told him about kendall . erica states matter of factly that there is no romantic interest between her and caleb . madison lets scott know about her extravagant cravings since she is pregnant and how she is gaining weight that she is popping the buttons on her clothes . cara lets tad know that she is `` tough `` not `` cute . `` cara tries to make a deal with tad to work with him on this case , but tad has his objections . jake walks up to join them and asks what is up . jake tells tad not to let cara work with him and not to let her know anything else . ryan joins tad and jake for the party . frankie also walks up to join them , but clearly has something to say to ryan about madison . ryan orders frankie if he has anything to say to him for him to say it . kneeling beside kendall , greenlee urges kendall to open her eyes . david asks jesse to open the cell door so he can help kendall before it is too late . greenlee also urges jesse to let david help . jesse has the guard to open the door . |
[ previously_on ] greenlee : if we do n't stock lacey 's ' shelves with our nonexistent rioja lip color , we 're out of business . jack : you and i are quite a pair . everything we 've been through , and we 're still connected . erica : still a part of each other . edmund : i know what 's making you sick because i gave it to you . morgan : show me the hidden treasure . [ scene_break ] morgan : all your time in the states has turned you into quite a cowboy , has n't it ? aidan : put the gun down , morgan . morgan : that 's clever -- piquing my interest in the safe , knowing you 'd be the one to open it so you could grab this piece . aidan : there are two ways that you can leave this house . one of them is in a plastic bag , the other one is on foot . now , if you choose to walk , we need to make a deal . [ scene_break ] jack : so here i am , face to face with the most fascinating , the most infuriating , the most complicated woman it 's ever been my pleasure to love . erica : well , there were times when i thought that i had lost you forever . jack : uh - uh . you can never lose me , erica . you 're as much a part of my life as lily . you took root in my heart the first day we met , and you will live there until the day i die . erica : oh , jack . [ scene_break ] mia : it 's too watery . simone : well , what are you going to do , taste it ? mia : no , i just want to smell it . kendall : well ? mia : well , it 's kind of -- it 's fruity . kendall : okay , you know what ? this is going to work . this -- this is perfect . here , just add this -- simone : hey , hey , hey ! oh , my gosh . mia : you ca n't just throw things in . kendall : what ? look , do n't freak out , you guys . it 's sweet almond oil . simone : okay , sweet almond oil . okay , she 's right . it does improve the scent , and it helps make it more creamier . kendall : yeah . mia : it needs to be thicker , and anything that we add has to be measured . simone : well , she is right . you need to be precise . kendall : all right . mea culpa , miss know - its - all . mea culpa . sorry . [ knock on door ] kendall : i got it . mia : all right , so what should we add to make it thicker , corn starch or flour ? simone : you 've got to be kidding me . mia : what ? it works in gravy . simone : it 's not gravy . kendall : how the hell did you land a doctor ? greenlee : our company is teetering on the brink of extinction , and you 're having a fondue party ? kendall : no . we 're perfecting the recipe for fusion 's success . [ scene_break ] morgan : i do n't suppose this deal has got anything to do with a nude frolic in negril , has it ? aidan : i 'm afraid not . morgan : pity , because i do n't know whether it 's this gun barrel , bullet imagery or the testosterone that you 're flinging around , but i 'm getting really hot . aidan : here 's my offer . i 'll let you get away with the cash and the jewelry if you promise me that when you leave here , you 'll never look back . morgan : right . so i get the loot and a bullet ? aidan : i wo n't shoot you . morgan : no ? well , julian will if i do n't deliver you . he 's expecting you to come to the bahamas . so much for deals , eh ? aidan : okay . all right , then . let 's just shoot each other and be done with it . morgan : what ? what the bloody hell are you going on about ? you 're still thinking about maureen . aidan : i 'd be worried about yourself if i were you . morgan : this romance is not going to last , aidan . i mean , even if you so much as manage to get out of here , it 's just going to make julian want to kill you all the more . aidan : i can take care of julian , morgan . morgan : yeah , before he takes care of maureen ? you killed julian 's wife , aidan , and he is definitely an `` eye for an eye `` kind of guy . [ scene_break ] greenlee : no bake sale can raise the capital we need . kendall : this is big , greenlee . erica wo n't know what hit her . greenlee : what , you 're brewing poison for erica ? kendall : in a way . mia : no , it 's lipstick -- except without the `` stick `` part . simone : we just do n't have any molds and things . mia : but we have these tiny little tins that i found in the storeroom . simone : yes . greenlee : you think you 're packaging fusionlips in containers you found in a chemical storeroom ? mia : are n't we ? kendall : yeah . greenlee : over my dead body . kendall : okay , let 's all take a vote . all in favor of doing it over greenlee 's dead body , raise your hand . simone : mm - hmm . greenlee : hilarious . mia : really . look . they 're free , and they 're perfect . see ? greenlee : i ca n't leave any of you alone for an instant , can i ? kendall : come on , greenlee , we can do this . we have to get fusionlips over to maxie berlin at lacey 's by tomorrow morning . greenlee : it looks like a vat of blood . mia : you see ? i told you it was too watery . simone : yeah , well , i 've got a ton of information on - line -- you know , recipes , instructions -- greenlee : so we 're not doing anything original ? kendall : of course we are . we 're just adding what we think will improve it . greenlee : like you 'd know . how did i get involved with you people ? simone : because you have no friends . kendall : and you 're phenomenally lucky . [ scene_break ] jack : hey . erica : hey . [ phone rings ] jack : oh , hey , that might be about lily . erica : it 's not mine . jack : i got it . yeah , jack montgomery . she is ? she is ? no , great . thank you , thank you . thank you very much . thanks . yeah . you bet i will . lily 's out of the woods . erica : oh ! that 's wonderful . jack : she 's asking for me . erica : yes . you have to hurry to the hospital . jack : yeah , erica , listen -- erica : you know , she needs you , jack . really , lily needs you so badly . jack : yeah , you 're right . erica : she needs to hear that she 's going to be all right , and she needs to hear it from you because then she 'll believe it . jack : erica , this was -- erica : this was what it was , and there 's -- there 's no need to analyze it or anything . jack : you 're sure ? erica : yes . you just go to your daughter . jack : okay . um -- bye . erica : bye . bianca : uncle jack . what 's up ? [ scene_break ] kendall : listen , several well - respected , highly valued small firms started out like this . simone : yes , not to mention c.j . -- what was her name ? madame c.j . walker and charles revson . yep . they all cooked their way to the top . kendall : not to mention , more recently , there have been three large companies in la and new york that started out as shoestring enterprises and ended up as multimillion - dollar companies in less than two years . we did our homework . simone : no , i did your homework . kendall : well , the time that i spent in enchantment with boyd was not wasted . greenlee : what are you using for color , tomato juice ? simone : actually , that 's beet juice and some natural pigments . kendall : i 'm wearing it . what do you think ? greenlee : color is n't bad . kendall : yeah . greenlee : so , what 's in this concoction so far ? simone : this and an undisclosed amount of sweet almond oil . kendall : just a smidgen . greenlee : well , how does it taste ? simone : oh , i do n't know . greenlee : you taste the lipstick you wear , do n't you ? mia , take a little sip . mia : why me ? i 'm not tasting this . no . kendall : you thought it was gravy five minutes ago . mia : i did not . kendall : yes , you did . greenlee : what 's the big deal ? oh , oh , oh -- oh ! oh , that was foul . thank god for wine . what is wrong with this recipe ? simone : you know what ? let me check my sources . greenlee : is there any champagne ? mia : for the lipstick ? greenlee : for me . kendall : no , we just -- we have that for color comparison . that 's it . greenlee : hmm . rioja . hmm . you kids are thinking . simone : you know what ? you 're absolutely right . what we need is beeswax . kendall : oh -- simone : oh . wow . greenlee : all right . well , turn up the heat , okay ? our color is lackluster . it needs some zip . mia : cranberry juice ! let me see -- cranberry juice . kendall : it 's only for vodka . greenlee : well , look how rich this is . hmm . hey , what is that ? kendall : they 're dried hibiscus petals . greenlee : grind some up and throw them in . [ phone rings ] kendall : oh , i got it . i got it . simone : no , i got it . kendall : no , i got it , i got it ! i 'm here . i got it . [ grinding ] kendall : hello ? oh , maxie . hi . how are you ? greenlee : give it to me , give it to me . kendall : i do n't know static or something . [ grinding stops ] kendall : sorry . oh . really ? that -- that is great news . we slaved over that fusionlips campaign . it 's great to know our hard work finally paid off . yes , of course . of course you will have our lip color by tomorrow morning , no problem . no , of course . no , we would n't want to disappoint you or the customers clamoring for rioja . great . okay . well , we 'll see you then . simone : so i guess our free sample promotion is paying off . greenlee : the pressure 's increasing . mia : so , kendall , who were you hoping was on the phone , hmm ? kendall : maxie . simone : oh , please , you were praying it was a man . mia : no , i saw your face . kendall : no , i was n't . simone : please . the way you vaulted to the phone , you could have won gold in salt lake city . mia : any guy in particular ? greenlee : the aspen mystery man perhaps ? simone : oh . greenlee : do n't tell me he still has n't called . kendall : michael ? no , that -- that 's no big deal . i mean , it was nothing with michael . it 's not like we connected in any big way . excuse me . simone : kisses from heaven . [ scene_break ] aidan : why do n't you just play it smart and take off ? morgan : because that would mean certain death . at least here i stand some chance of survival . aidan : i am trying to help you . now run . morgan : what , am i supposed to think there 's someone behind me ? aidan , you 're pathetic . aidan : would i pull a stupid , old move like that ? morgan : yes . you 're desperate . aidan : as if i could throw you . morgan : anyone walking in would make their presence known , anyway , unless your poor , sick girlfriend walked in . aidan : yeah , there 's no chance of that , is there ? maria : oh , my god . aidan , what are you doing here ? when did you get back from london ? aidan : are you all right ? maria : i 'm fine . when did you get back from london ? aidan : i never left the states . it 's a long story . maria : what about julian ? did you find him ? aidan : no , not yet . hey , have you got a fever ? maria : no , i 'm going to be fine . aidan : you 're sick . maria : yeah , but i 'm going to be fine . what about the inspector , though ? is she dead ? she 's not , is she ? aidan : inspector ? maria : yeah , she -- she 's with scotland yard . aidan : morgan is with julian , maria . maria : oh , my god . she was here asking questions about you . aidan : come here . it 's all fine now . we 've got the upper hand . [ doorbell rings ] aidan : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] bianca : is everything all right ? erica : yes , honey , yes . everything is now . lily 's in the hospital . bianca : oh , no . jack : yeah , yeah . she -- she has viral pneumonia , but she 's -- she 's going to be okay . bianca : oh . well , thank god . erica : yes , and poor jack -- he was just so tired , he needed to rest , and so i brought him home for a while . jack : right . i 'm on my way back to the hospital now . bianca : well , do you need me to give you a lift or something ? i could visit with lily for a while . jack : oh , you know , that 's -- that 's really sweet , but i think now might be a bad time . listen , thank you so much for your support . it means the world -- erica : absolutely . thank you . you just -- you give lily my love . jack : i will . erica : okay . jack : i 'll see you , kiddo . bianca : bye . erica : honey , so , what brings you here this time of night ? bianca : oh , it does n't seem quite so important anymore , i mean , compared to uncle jack 's worries . erica : well , what do you mean ? what is it ? bianca : it 's this . erica : well , it 's not ours . bianca : if only . this is trouble , mom -- big trouble . [ scene_break ] greenlee : all right , i 'm going to turn down this heat . let 's see what we 've got . simone : you know , if that mysterious michael does ever call , you know , you can always give him my number , kendall . greenlee : yeah , like that will happen . simone : i 'm just saying , you know , maybe he has a friend . i could always use a romantic weekend in aspen . mia : yeah , you could use a romantic afternoon in scranton . simone : well , you know what ? i would not say no . kendall : yeah , michael 's really cute and everything , but it 's nothing serious . greenlee : not to him , anyway . simone : hey , that 's my water . what are you putting in it ? mia : i just want to see what the lipstick will do . simone : what , if it turns to a soft ball , we can pour , let it cool , slice , and eat it ? mia : no , look , no -- simone : it 's not fudge . mia : it 's not mixing with the water . that 's good . that 's good . simone : you know , how did you get so lucky to get a guy like jake to pant after you ? mia : oh , please . you make him sound like he 's a dog . simone : no , no , he 's not a dog . he 's more like a lion . [ simone growls ] mia : jake -- oh ! i 've got to call jake . kendall , can i borrow your phone ? kendall : sure . mia : have you been eating guacamole ? kendall : no . what ? mia : oh , my god ! kendall : what ? mia : the lip color -- kendall : what 's wrong with the lip color ? oh , my god . oh , my god ! my lips are green ! mia : it 's repulsive ! simone : oh , god , we are so dead . greenlee : how could this happen ? we 're running out of time ! kendall : we -- we did a lot to the formula after i put this on . maybe we solved the problem without even knowing it . mia : or maybe not . kendall : you put it on . simone : yes . greenlee : yes . simone : that 's a good idea . kendall : come on . mia : simone , i 'll flip you for it . simone : no , no . no , it 's you . no . mia : call . simone : fine . heads . mia : pucker up , guinea pig . simone : you better not make me hate you . greenlee : come here . mia : come on , let 's see . kendall : do it , do it , do it . mia : what 's it going to look like ? kendall : it 's not going to be green . mia : it 's going to be good ; it 's going to be good . greenlee : hang on , hang on . i need some more . mia : well ? kendall : come on . do n't take all day , greenlee . mia : we do n't have much time . come on . i want to see ! kendall : i know ! greenlee : okay . mia : well ? greenlee : let me see it together . mia : oh . kendall : it 's beautiful . it looks great . it looks great . it looks like -- it looks great . we 're good . we 're good . greenlee : yeah , your lips looked good , too , at first , lizard lips . kendall : okay . so we have to wait a while to know for sure . greenlee : well , the color 's fabulous if it stays . do n't you think , simone ? simone : mm - hmm . kendall : beautiful . it 's beautiful . greenlee : yeah . kendall : it looks great on her . greenlee : it 's good . kendall : good . [ simone mumbles ] kendall : huh ? mia : her lips are sealed . greenlee : come on , speak up . mia : no , no , no -- her lips -- they 're glued together . greenlee : you 're kidding , right ? [ simone mumbles ] [ doorbell rings ] [ scene_break ] aidan : i do n't want you leave you , maureen . maria : okay , wait , wait , wait . look , i 'm just going to consider this a loan from maria to maureen . aidan : i ca n't take this . maria : just take it . take it . we do n't have time to discuss it right now . what are we waiting for ? aidan : i do n't want to say goodbye . maria : okay , you do n't have to . i 'm going to go with you . aidan : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] [ ring ] greenlee : i 'd suggest a glass of wine if she could drink anything . kendall : well , what about turpentine or nail polish remover or something ? well , i do n't see you coming up with any ideas . [ doorbell rings ] kendall : oh , that 's productive . ah -- the cavalry ! boyd , hi . boyd : what 's the emergency ? is that lipstick ? what 's it called ? greenlee : wicked witch of the west . like it ? kendall : boyd , emergency , emergency ! boyd , emergency ! mia : pry them apart . should i get a knife ? boyd : what 's going on ? greenlee : we 're creating a formula to help keep fusion afloat . kendall : yeah , but it was n't supposed to be a literal take on our company 's name , so can you please help us ? boyd : you know i ca n't . you 're the competition . [ simone mumbles ] kendall : oh , come on , boyd . we 're not asking for deep , dark secrets here . please ? greenlee : that 's a nice color , do n't you think ? boyd : look , my contract includes an exclusivity clause . i ca n't . kendall : oh , come on , boyd . we 're talking about freeing simone 's lips , not corporate espionage . please , please . greenlee : please . kendall : i 'll take you to dinner . valley iinn -- wine , candles . i 'll pay for everything , i promise . boyd : you got a list of ingredients ? greenlee : yeah , right here . boyd : you applied the color on wet ? greenlee : hot out of the pot . boyd : yeah , well , with this much beeswax , it solidified as it cooled , that 's all . just heat it up a little . kendall : oh . mia : oh . great . kendall : great . mia : okay , kendall , we 'll use your hair dryer . kendall : yes . go , go , go . mia : come on , come on . greenlee : my hero . boyd : so my work here is done ? kendall : well , i -- we -- i would n't have called you , but we have this looming deadline . greenlee : yeah , deliver the goods to lacey 's tomorrow morning , or else . kendall : yeah , and our recipes have been problematic . boyd : yeah . greenlee : if you could just take the teeniest glance , kendall would be forever grateful . boyd : look , all i can do is wish you luck . i 'll be in touch about that dinner ? kendall : okay . thank you . thank you , thank you , thank you . you 're a god . boyd : yeah , you owe me . mia : well , now i see why you were n't so concerned with mr. aspen with that hunk on call . kendall : i know . he 's pretty hot , is n't he ? simone : yeah . he definitely gets my vote . greenlee : rejoice ! she speaks ! let me see the color . simone : ha , ha . kendall : let me feel , let me feel . mia : hey ! kendall : how do you feel ? simone : sore . [ scene_break ] edmund : stella ? stella ? hey . guard : agent stamp and insp . little to see mrs. grey . chris : it 's about the aidan devane case . edmund : come on in , chris . chris : edmund , this is insp . little of scotland yard . edmund : how are you doing ? insp . little : fine . edmund : look , my wife has been very ill . insp . little : i 'll be brief . i only have a few questions . edmund : well , you should n't have any . do n't you people talk to each other ? insp . little : beg your pardon ? edmund : well , there was a lady cop from london . she just spoke to my wife . chris : any one else working with you on this case ? insp . little : no . edmund : well , her i.d . checked out as an inspector . she spoke to maria . insp . little : did you see this inspector ? edmund : yeah , about 5 ' 6 `` , strawberry blonde , attractive . insp . little : definitely not with scotland yard . it 's imperative i interview your wife , find out everything she said to this woman . edmund : let me speak to my wife . chris : wait -- do you know who this imposter is ? insp . little : it seems like it could be devane 's accomplice , morgan gordon . she helped him kill fiona sinclair . she 's even more dangerous than devane . chris : well , you never mentioned her name to me . insp . little : we believed she was in europe . chris : well , then maybe you 'll get lucky and you 'll find her , too . insp . little : oh , we will . you can rest assured , we 'll get them both . edmund : she 's gone . [ scene_break ] [ maria coughs ] aidan : we 're not going any further until you tell me what 's wrong and how sick you are . maria : no , we do n't have time . we do n't have time . let 's just go . aidan : we have a little bit of time , maureen . is this serious ? maria : no , i 'm not sick exactly . i was drugged . aidan : by who ? by morgan ? maria : edmund . edmund gave me some crazy drug from david hayward . he 'd been paying him to help him develop this drug to get my memory back . aidan : and this is what , giving you a fever and made you sick and stuff ? maria : because he gave it to me before it was tested or ready . aidan : he gave it to you before it was ready ? maria : yes . aidan : oh , my god . maria : touching , is n't it ? edmund 's as twisted as david hayward is . aidan : so you 're suffering side effects or something ? [ maria coughs ] maria : i think so . i think so . aidan : well , we definitely ca n't go anywhere . i 'm serious . not with you in this condition because the only person that can do something for you , needless to say , is hayward . maria : i 'm not going to let him touch me . the only thing that hayward cares about is not going to jail . and the only thing that edmund cares about is reclaiming his precious maria . aidan : and what the heck do you care about ? maria : you . you . i 'm not going back to edmund , not after this . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's fairly even . well , it 's not too waxy , but it 's certainly not up to the standards of our product . bianca : half the girls at the university are wearing that color . erica : why , because it 's cheap ? bianca : it is free . they handed out samples all day . erica : aha . yes , free is even better than cheap . well , wait a second . that 's impossible because fusion -- better known as confusion -- could n't possibly have gone into production that quickly . well , those devious little wannabes . this is not even theirs . bianca : it 's not ? erica : no , it 's salvage . whenever a company that is underfunded and poorly managed is going under -- well , they unload the rest of their inventory at a fraction of what it 's worth , and then somebody slaps on a label and voila . bianca : are you sure ? erica : of course i 'm sure . we got a call from that person in shanghai . bianca : that 's right -- trying to unload product from that bankrupt company . erica : mm - hmm . well , they found their suckers -- the gals from confusion . bianca : well , the color looks good on just about everyone . and the town is plastered with those fusionlips posters . erica : oh , you mean that mia what 's - her - name and jake martin ? honey , enchantment 's international campaign -- i mean , it has a seven - figure budget , and we employ all the greatest models in the world . bianca : yeah , well , my friends think that fusion 's campaign is pretty cool . erica : yeah , well , of course they do , honey , because , you know , they 're townspeople . do n't let these upstarts get to you . bianca : it 's just that kendall and greenlee are so set on bringing you down . erica : honey , bankruptcy was invented for companies who have been trying to bring me down . really . i mean , dozens -- dozens go down every single month . this confusion company -- fusion , whatever -- it 's not going to bring me down at all . it 's not going to put a dent in enchantment . let 's have our tea . bianca : oh , gosh , i hope not , mom . hey , did -- do you want to after uncle jack ? erica : what ? bianca : well , i just mean , when i got here , you both seemed a little thrown , like i had caught you off guard . erica : well , you had . but that does n't mean we were n't very glad to see you . bianca : oh , well , i was n't worried about that . it 's just that i think i should have waited on this whole lip color thing so you could have gone to the hospital . erica : oh , no . no , honey , uncle jack was always going to go alone because he needs time with lily . bianca : i thought that you two were kind of on the outs because uncle jack did n't prosecute trey . but i guess when it really matters , you 're there for each other . uncle jack is really lucky to have you , mom . [ scene_break ] greenlee : cool , damn you , cool . mia : this stuff better set . simone : hello . it glued my lips together . i think it 'll be solid . kendall : well , no , not too solid . let 's pray to the cosmetics gods . simone : yeah , speaking of gods , how into boyd are you ? kendall : why ? are you interested ? simone : you know , i mean , he saved my lips . i 'd like to be grateful . kendall : yeah . mia : and he wears pants . simone : oh , please do n't be crass . well ? kendall : well , boyd 's cute . he 's -- he 's very cute , and he 's a good guy . simone : yeah , but what ? you prefer the bad ones ? kendall : not necessarily . simone : oh . greenlee : i think you 're still holding out for that aspen mystery man . kendall : no , i 'm not . i 'm not . i like boyd . i think he 's cute , and he 's -- he 's sincere and smart -- greenlee : boring . simone : oh , bring it on . kendall : well , i 'll take him to dinner . simone : i 'd actually like to take him to dessert . greenlee : oh . kendall : okay , i think this is cool . i think this is cool . who wants to try it ? simone : you know what ? i 'm already putting in for hazard pay . i pass . kendall : all right . somebody . mia : okay . all right , i 'm up . greenlee : all right , come on . let 's go . come on . simone : yeah . kendall : come on , come on . this is going to work . okay , pucker up . oh , it 's pretty . it 's pretty , but your hair 's in it . hold on . i got it , i got it . it 's pretty . show them . go like that . simone : i want to see . i actually -- greenlee : well ? speak . mia : what should i say ? kendall : your lips are free . that 's good . look at the color . greenlee : the color 's absolutely glowing . simone : it 's good . we did it , you guys . we really did it . mia : we did it ! [ scene_break ] edmund : i do n't know . maybe 15 minutes , a half an hour ago . alert every man on duty and get back to me . right . morgan : oh , my head -- edmund : that 's her . that 's the woman maria spoke to . guard : somebody shoved her in the closet and knocked her out . got a -- head 's got a knot on it the size of an egg . edmund : what the hell 's going on here ? insp . little : who did this to you ? chris : this -- this is devane 's accomplice ? insp . little : yes . edmund : then why was she bound and gagged ? insp . little : did your romantic reunion with devane get a bit rough ? edmund : hey , hey -- where the hell is my wife ? morgan : is n't it obvious ? aidan turned on me , took your gun , your money , and your wife and just took off . [ scene_break ] maria : please , just get me away from here . just take me away from here . aidan : i 'm not exactly going on holiday , maureen . if anything , my life is worth a lot less than it used to be . maria : why ? because you got the drop on morgan ? aidan : yeah , partly . maria : i thought you were going to be thousands of miles away from here by now , anyway . aidan : you 're right . i would have been if morgan had n't have kept me here and -- and threatened you . maria : but none of that matters now . aidan : yes , it does . maria : no , it does n't . aidan : it does . maria : let 's just go . i do n't know if it 's seeing you or if it 's being away from edmund and all his crazy drugs or whatever , but i 'm actually -- i 'm feeling better . this is the first time i 've started feeling better . aidan : i 'm going to hot - wire morgan 's car right now . maria : then we can take off ? please ? aidan : i 'm going to take you over to your mother 's because there 's no way you 're going to take a ride with me . all right ? erica : okay . m. m , m , m , m , m. maxie , hi . it 's erica . oh , marvelous . and you ? yes . maxie , i just wanted to run by -- find out what your take was on my valentine 's day specials . yes , yes , are n't they ? oh , great . maxie , tell me , are you going to be at the cystic fibrosis fundraiser next week ? yes , great . let 's do that . okay . oh , maxie -- maxie , there 's one last thing . i wanted to give you a heads - up . there is this cut - rate company that is actually peddling the remaining stock from shanghai girls . yes , is n't it ? i mean , some people just have no standards . oh , come on . lacey 's has been so loyal to enchantment over the course of time , of course i 'm going to be loyal to you , of course i 'm going to share . yes . exactly . junk like that on the market , especially in your department store -- that could just wreck your reputation . absolutely . okay , great . i 'll see you next week . [ scene_break ] greenlee : let 's get back to the office and package rioja . mia : we are so good ! simone : i will get there as soon as i put more water on my lips . mia : i 'm so sorry . i had the hair dryer on high . simone : oh , yeah , `` i 'm so sorry . `` oh , gosh . kendall : mess . simone : mm - hmm . kendall : mm - hmm . simone : mm - hmm . [ doorbell rings ] kendall : oh , what did you forget now ? focus , mia . oh , read my tired lips -- michael . [ scene_break ] maria : aidan , you ca n't just leave me here . aidan : look , where i 'm going is way too dangerous for you , maureen . maria : oh , sure , as opposed to my warm , cozy castle where some psychopath is trying to use me as a lab rat ? aidan : you 're going to be with your mum . she 's going to take very good care of you . maria : who 's going to take care of you ? you would still be a prisoner of morgan 's if i had n't saved you . aidan : i could have taken -- maria : you could have what ? what were you going to do ? were you going to wish her away ? come on . i totally saved you , and you know it . you need me . you ca n't deny it . aidan : no . maria : and i need you , too , aidan . please ? i -- okay , i 'm going . that -- i 'm going . [ maria coughs ] aidan : look , i 'm going to go over to the bahamas and i 'm going to take care of julian , and i 'm going to kill him , and you can not be involved . maria : i am already involved . if morgan knows all about me , then so does julian . aidan : yeah , i 'm afraid so . maria : okay , so then i 'm -- i 'm obviously not out of danger . aidan : yeah , but , maureen -- maria : i 'm not going to sit around here and wait to get whacked , aidan . aidan : that 's exactly why i 'm going to the bahamas to take care of julian . maria : that 's exactly why we 're going to the bahamas . aidan : damn , this thing wo n't start . maria : wait , wait , wait . aidan : what are you doing ? [ engine starts ] aidan : oh , my god . and what -- what are you supposed to be ? maria : very talented . it 's a little something i picked up in nevada . look , i promise , aidan , i 'm not going to slow you down . i wo n't -- i wo n't get in your way at all , but you 've got to take me . do you have a plan ? aidan : yeah . i 'm going to drive down to south florida . i 'm going to hire a boat and go over to paradise island in the bahamas . maria : it 's perfect because you wo n't need a passport or any id . aidan : and julian wo n't know i 'm there until i want him to . maria : good . okay , drive . aidan : you know it 's going to kill me if anything happens to you . maria : yeah , i 'm going to kill you if anything happens to me . let 's go . go , go . aidan : you really are a stubborn wench . do you realize that ? maria : so i 've been told . [ scene_break ] chris : you 're going to be held here pending expedition to england . insp . little : we 'll move that along . chris : all right . i 'll check with the bureau . morgan : you really think you 're going to get away ? julian : i catch him [ missing ] morgan : it 's going to happen . aidan thinks you 're in the bahamas . you 're going to take him completely by surprise . julian : like he took you ? aidan outplayed you , morgan . you were n't up to this job after all . morgan : it 's that bloody maria . julian : do n't blame your failure on some stupid housewife . morgan : i bet they planned this . i mean , she distracted me for , like , a millisecond . julian : i overestimated you , morgan . morgan : please , just let me make it up to you , all right ? you need n't go after aidan . aidan 's going to be coming after you . he 's definitely , definitely going to go to the bahamas . julian : well , at least that part of my plan worked . morgan : just get me out of here , all right ? i 'll fix everything . just get me out of here . i 'll go back to wildwind , and if maria has n't followed aidan , i 'll grab her and bring her down to you . when aidan shows up , you 'll get your revenge . julian : morgan , i do enjoy you . morgan : so you 'll get me out ? julian : yeah . but what you said to edmund grey is correct . his wife has taken off with aidan . he 'll lead me to the sacrifice himself . morgan : rather delicious , that touch . julian : it 'll be even richer after they 've shared a few stolen days in paradise . morgan : why give them more time ? julian : because after he sees her die , i want his love to be so overwhelming that he begs me to kill him , too . and then i 'll grant his wish -- oh , so slowly . [ next_on ] michael : did i come at a bad time ? david : i 'm worried for nothing , right ? anna : not exactly . i have some bad news . simone : you could turn around and there he is , that man who will take your breath away . | erica and jack look like they 've just had sex . he leaves as bianca arrives . bianca gives erica a sample from when fusion was passing out samples at the college . erica peels off the outer label and figures out that they are taking extra stock from a failed company and passing it off as their own . she phones the woman from lacey 's and tells her about what fusion is doing ( she does n't mention their name though ) . the fusion women try to come up with a good lipstick in the kitchen so that they can meet the demand for lacey 's department store . the first one turns kendall 's lips green and the second one seals simone 's mouth shut . kendall calls boyd and he does n't want get in trouble , but he just tells them that they applied simone 's lipstick while it was still in liquid form , so the beeswax just hardened . the ladies talk about kendall 's love life . she says boyd is cute but they figure out that he 's too boring . michael , her date from aspen , shows up at her door with flowers . she is shocked and looks bad because she has lipstick all over her face and green lips . morgan and aidan try to break into the safe at wildwynd . maria is shocked when edmund tells her everything he did to her . she tries to sneak out but sees aidan and morgan holding guns on each other . aidan uses the distraction to hit morgan over the head and stuff her into a closet . he and maria leave and make plans for an escape to an island . she says she 's through with edmund . chris arrives at wildwynd with a scotland yard detective to talk to edmund & maria , but they find maria gone and the detective says that morgan helped aidan kill fiona . they find morgan and arrest her . later , the detective visits morgan in jail and we learn he is really the bad guy julian . he chews morgan out for not doing what she was supposed to do . she says she is sure that aidan and maria are headed down to bahamas . he plans to let them spend a little time together and then he will kill maria in front of aidan , getting his revenge , and then he thinks aidan will beg him to kill him . |
tad : hi , beautiful . simone : hey . this is a surprise . tad : whoa . whoa . honey , can we talk ? simone : the only thing i 'd rather do than talk to you is -- tad : yeah , yeah , yeah , please -- simone : oh , come on . sometimes a girl just needs her fix . tad : yeah , i know , i know . there 's nothing wrong with -- simone : i 'm sorry . tad : no , do n't apologize . hey , it 's one of the things that i think is so great about you . simone : oh . you think i 'm great tad : i think you are fantastic . simone : yeah ? tad : you single - handedly brought fun back into my life . do - it - yourself home delivery service -- grins and giggles . [ simone laughs ] tad : i 'll never be able to thank you enough . simone : oh , well , you 've thanked me just fine so far . but if you must , you can thank me again in the supply closet . tad : in the -- simone , damn ! oh , this is going to be harder than i thought . i am clearly out of practice . simone : what is it ? tad : um -- here we go . you and i -- simone : are very , very good at what we do . tad : we 're great , you know ? we have done casual just great . as a matter of fact , we perfected it . simone : yeah . tad : and then , somewhere along the line , you and i changed course . simone : oh , my god . tad , i know where this is going . tad : i hope so , because i would really hate a stupid misunderstanding to screw up something this wonderful . simone : no , no , there 's no misunderstanding . you love me back . [ scene_break ] maggie : hey , b . bianca : hi . maggie : surfing the net ? bianca : no . checking flights . i have to be sure to have a ticket in hand so that i can get out of town the second kendall 's trial is over . maggie : well , that 's a gear switch . why ? bianca : because of my mother . when they proved in court yesterday that kendall is really pregnant with michael 's baby , it hit her hard , like an 18-wheeler . i do n't even want to think about what the truth would do to her . maggie : a one - way ? it 's a lot cheaper if you get the return flight now . bianca : it 'd be a waste of time . after what my mom did to kendall last night , i have to leave town for good . [ scene_break ] kendall : erica told me that i had to die for what i had done to her . ryan , she came at me with scissors . i do n't know what i would have done if aidan had n't showed up . ryan : what the hell happened ? what , was it , like , retribution for the dna test or something ? what -- kendall : no , no , ryan , she did n't mean to attack me . she was in some -- i do n't know -- she was in some altered state or something , and she kept seeing michael 's face . ryan : oh -- kendall : i do n't understand . ryan : come here , come here . i am so sorry . come here . kendall : it 's ok . it was just weird . ryan : ok , ok . greenlee : my own personal secret weapon . ryan : it works both ways . together , we both win . kendall : you know i 'm still in remedial trust class . so you would tell me -- you swear you would tell me if you knew somebody was out to get me , would n't you ? ryan : kendall , i promise , you do n't have to worry about greenlee anymore . [ scene_break ] mia : listen , we have to talk fast . aidan 's in the shower . greenlee : ok . mia : i think i kind of , sort of screwed kendall to the wall . greenlee : brava , but i ca n't be involved in any more kendall drama . i gave ryan my word . mia : wait , wait , wait . you have to help me . it was n't on purpose , but it could blow kendall 's whole case . aidan : sorry , girls . what are you plotting against kendall now ? what can ruin her case ? greenlee : it would certainly ruin kendall 's case if the world found out she 's carrying your kid . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee and i had a little sit - down , ok , and she promised me -- and now i am promising you -- she 's going to back off . you do n't have to worry about her anymore , ok ? all you have to do is concentrate on your trial . better yet , concentrate on what comes after the trial . [ knock on door ] ryan : start now . pablo . really nice to see you . you really do n't want to be here right now , man . pablo : i 'm not here for you . i 'm here to help kendall . ryan : kendall has enough help . pablo : what if i could give you the real killer ? [ scene_break ] maggie : do you think that a jet - set getaway is the answer here ? bianca : i do n't have a choice . at this point , i think that the truth might kill my mom . i mean , you know how she is . she 's superman strong one minute and then superfragile the next . maggie : well , maybe she 's in a woman - of - steel phase . bianca : i think that my safest bet would be to get out of pine valley as soon as kendall is acquitted . maggie : if kendall is acquitted . bianca : when . if we 're lucky , then the case will go to the jury today , before i start showing so much that even my mother ca n't help but notice . maggie : is she still out of it now ? bianca : yeah , she 's with myrtle and uncle jack . they 're going to take care of her . there 's no way that she 's going to the courthouse today . now , maggie , i do n't want you to worry , all right ? i 'm going to keep paying half the rent until the lease is up -- i mean , unless , of course , you want to get another roommate , which i would totally understand . maggie : oh . i did n't realize i was n't a part of this new escape plan . bianca : just because my life is insane does n't mean yours has to be . you 're in the middle of a semester . maggie : ok , so , my -- semester is n't the problem here , is it ? you found a replacement for me . you want to go with lena . [ scene_break ] pablo : i have a gun with carlos ' prints . a .38 . kendall : so , do you want to turn it in to the police ? pablo : i could tell them how angry carlos was that night . they will believe me . ryan : maybe the federales play footsies , but here 's a tip -- as the guy who single - handedly put pine valley in the line of fire , i do n't think the pvpd are going to take your call . pablo : only your decision matters . this is about your life , kendall . kendall : it 's a very amazing offer , pablo , and i really appreciate it -- ryan : but , no , thank you , all right ? kendall 's case is very solid , way too solid to throw in some red herring . fyi , that would be you . so the next time you get an impulse to save a woman 's life , go take a cold shower . pablo : my offer stands . and , please , give it more thought than your friend has . kendall : yes . thank you for coming , pablo . ryan : what a prince . come on . let 's get to the courthouse . kendall : no , wait a minute . hold on , hold on a second . i went along with this whole `` you tarzan , me ca n't speak for myself `` bs . i want to know why . ryan : what ? what , are you kidding me ? you want to go on with that bogus game ? kendall : no , ryan , do the words `` reasonable doubt `` mean anything to you ? ryan : ok , no way is pablo going to mess with your life , all right ? his care and his concern broke greenlee 's heart , almost got her killed . [ scene_break ] greenlee : one of the things that could bash in kendall 's case would be if her little mikey turned out to be a little aidey instead . what a whoopsie that would be . so , what do you have to say for yourself ? aidan : greenlee , the whole world heard the results of the fetal cell dna test , did n't they ? the baby is michael 's . greenlee : you know what i learned in my fancy private school ? there 's not a test in the world that someone ca n't cheat on . aidan : whatever i did to help kendall with her case , i did n't knock her up and i did n't tinker with any test . greenlee : whew , guess i can rest easy , then . kendall 's in the clear . [ knock on door ] boyd : great job . your brilliant plan to save kendall is screwed . aidan : excuse us , ladies . mia : god . ok -- greenlee : i knew there was a plan to save kendall 's behind . what is it ? god , what a stupid time to make that promise to ryan . but i did , and i 'm a woman of honor , mostly . mia : well , that 's good -- i 'm promise free . so just stand there and listen . the thing with aidan and kendall is n't about the baby . it 's about this wacko preacher who gave kendall her m - r - s degree , if you know what i mean . this guy , the guy who married kendall and michael -- aidan 's got him under wraps . greenlee : well , goody for them . mia : not so much . i let the preacher go . boyd : the door was wide open and lomax was long gone . aidan : how did he do that ? the guy ca n't even untie his own shoelace , let alone pick a lock . boyd : i do n't know , all right ? maybe his space pals beamed him up . who cares ? ok , because if the cops get to him before we do , kendall can kiss her acquittal good - bye . [ scene_break ] justin : hey , do me a favor . can you get me the progress report on lomax ? thank you . palmer : downwind , woman . downwind . opal : oh , would you zip it , palmer ? you 're the one who had petey give me this toilet water in the first place . palmer : well , you 're not supposed to bathe in it , you dunce . you need directions even for perfume . opal : a few delicate dabs behind each ear , ok ? palmer : you 'll gas the judge into a mistrial . discretion , woman . learn to spell it and then learn to live it . opal : oh -- fred : oh , the joyous sounds of sweet affection . palmer : are you tone deaf , man ? fred : oh , i know your mouths trade barbs , but your hearts beat a gentle sos . perhaps i can help . i 'm a man of the cloth . reverend fred lomax . now , perhaps i can answer your sos and join you for eternity . palmer : god help us all . fred : it would be his pleasure . what do you say 2 : 00 ? would that work for you ? opal : would you excuse me ? fred : hurry back . opal : hey , i got an idea . why do n't you make yourself useful and round up señor loco . [ scene_break ] tad : oh , simone -- listen , honey -- sweetheart , i really -- simone : yeah ? tad : i do n't think i got a chance to say what i needed to say . simone : oh , i stepped on your line , did n't i ? tad : kind of , sort of . simone : damn . ok , you know what ? pretend i did n't say anything and we will call a do - over . tad : do - over ? simone : yeah . ok . oh , my gosh . tad , is there something you 'd like to tell me ? tad : hey -- whee ! come back to earth . look at me , look in my eyes , ok ? simone : that 's right , eye contact . that 's a very nice touch , very sexy . tad : thank you . ok , let 's -- let 's start real slow . simone : ok . tad : about -- all right , here we go . the situation between me and krystal that you walked in on , you know , a couple days ago -- simone : right , right . no , do n't even worry about that . it 's -- i 'm over that . look -- hail , big thunder , lightning , knockdown - dragout . not that i am happy you two fought , ok , but i am just thankful that you finally got a hint about what miss carey 's really like . tad : more like a guided tour . simone : well , you know what ? you do n't have to worry about that , baby , because i am never going to go all woman scorned on you every time some broad gives you the come - hither . no . you are tad martin . it just goes along with the territory . tad : ok . sit down just a little bit . simone : ok . tad : let 's just take the whole krystal thing and put it on the shelf for a minute . simone : ok . tad : let 's talk about liza . simone : oh , liza -- tad : liza and i have known each other for -- simone : oh , good grief . you know what ? she just needs to land in bed with a big hunka - hunka , and then she wo n't have any time to disapprove of us . tad : true . simone : yes . tad : yet not . simone : oh , please , you know what ? i do n't even care if she disapproves . you know that ? she can give me all of her little huffs and puffs and sighs and her snarky comments , but none of that -- none of that matters , not if i have you . tad : wow . simone : yeah , wow . do you know how happy i am right now ? i 'm so happy . all those stupid books that i would never read , you know -- they would say that we did this all wrong , that we should have had coffee twice and dinner six times and no overnights until the l word flashed his smile . but i think we did just great . we were friends first and the guru and the cocktail waitress second . oh , my gosh , just imagine what we can be now , tad . i would never , never do anything to mess that up . tad : you deserve it and so much more . simone : i was hoping you 'd say that . now , about that supply closet -- [ elevator door opens ] tad : oh , simone -- pablo : i 'm sorry to interrupt . simone : oh . tad : hey , j.p. no , it 's ok . it 's no problem . simone : actually , greenlee is n't here . i 'll leave a message . pablo : actually , i 'm here to see you about michael 's murder . tad : what about it ? pablo : i want to help kendall , and i think simone might be her salvation . [ scene_break ] greenlee : fred must be the prosecution 's ace in the hole . mia : well , duh . i figured that much . but i ca n't figure out why . i mean , the guy completely lacks brain cells . but he 's got one fact straight -- he married kendall and that pervert . greenlee : well , maybe he got his facts all twisted -- like he had the ceremony the week before michael got shot and then kendall changed the date to give herself an alibi . mia : why does it always come back to kendall ? this is all her fault . greenlee : hey , bitter girl . maybe letting that preacher go was a freudian slip . you let him go and let kendall pay the price ? mia : no ! i did n't do it on purpose . i just could n't stand aidan knowing that i followed him again , and i screwed things up again , not after that new year 's disaster . aidan : boyd and i have got an errand to run , all right ? mia : great , good . bye . here , do n't forget this . see you later . ok , come on . greenlee : hey , i 'm strictly hands - off , remember ? mia : you are my friend , remember ? or do you have so many to spare that you can just blow me off ? greenlee : ok , ok , we do n't know where he is , but we know where he should n't be . come on . [ scene_break ] opal : excuse me . would you care to put my tax dollars to work and make mr . friendly over there skedaddle ? palmer : do you know the meaning of `` personal space `` ? fred : that we are each our own planet with our own personal outer space . is that right ? justin : yeah , well , your mr . friendly over there can wait . your tax dollars are about to convict miss murder # 1 . fred : there 's not enough foil in the world for that boy . [ scene_break ] reggie : kendall , look , just ride this mess out a little bit longer , all right ? the case is in the bag . do n't worry . kendall : yeah , it better be . if this case goes bye - bye , then the truth will stay hidden . reggie : amen to that . maria : mrs. cambias , are you confident of an acquittal , even though rumor has it you wo n't be testifying ? kendall : my attorney and i have both agreed that my case is strong enough without my testimony . maria : some people consider your refusal to testify proof of your guilt . polls show that 64 % of the public thinks you 're guilty of murder . do n't you want to tell your side of the story ? greenlee : hey , hey , just back off with your pointy friend there already . kendall does n't have to talk to you , the jury , or anyone else , for that matter . kendall : greenlee , will you please excuse us , please ? maria : mrs. du pres , why so vehement ? as her former business partner , do you think mrs. cambias has something to hide ? greenlee : what ? i never said that . maria : is there a secret behind the denials ? what does mrs. du pres know that the public does n't ? mrs. cambias , why wo n't you tell the court in your own words that you 're not guilty ? kendall : i will . i will . i will . i 'll take the stand . you 'll see and everyone else will see that i 've got nothing to hide . maria : thank you , mrs. cambias . i 'm maria chambers with a courtroom exclusive for vh1 satellite radio , only on xm . kendall : you are a lying bitch . greenlee : what ? i said you were innocent . kendall : you promised ryan that you would leave me alone , then you turn around and you set me up . [ scene_break ] bianca : you know , i have n't made any decisions yet , but it would be really great to have lena along . maggie : well , they do say that paris is great for lovers , not really good friends . bianca : we 're not even officially together . with the baby and the trial and all the other general craziness , romance has been pretty far down on the list . maggie : well , this will give you a chance to bump it up a notch , being alone together in some cool , beautiful foreign country . bianca : romance is n't the point . the point is that my baby deserves to be loved out in the open and my mom deserves whatever peace she 's found . this is the only way . maggie : i know . you 're right . you 're right . i 'm sorry . forget i even said anything . hey , you know , i can take a geography class . and if you decide to break your code of silence , well , then i will have a map and i 'll know where you are . bianca : i 'm not going to be on the run from the mob . you 're going to hear from me . i 'll call and i 'll write , send you pictures of the baby -- you know , goofy ones with her face all covered in cake on her birthday . maggie : great . i ca n't wait . bianca : maggie , what 's wrong ? please talk to me . maggie : just give me a second . i 'm about to lose the person i care about most in this world . bianca : you could never lose me . i promise . [ maggie kisses bianca on the lips ] maggie : my book . my book . god , i 'm going to be so late for class . i do n't even know where it is . bianca : maggie -- maggie , wait . maggie : you know , i 'll -- i 'll catch you after class . bianca : maggie , we have to talk about what just happened . maggie : have you looked at the time ? you should be at the courthouse -- bianca : maggie , it 's ok -- maggie : i 'll just swing by after . bianca : it 's ok , please . we just -- [ scene_break ] greenlee : chill with the thanks . i defended you . kendall : no , you slammed me into the witness stand so now i have to testify . reggie : oh , so greenlee digs into her nasty bag of tricks , huh ? livia : tell me you did not just tell that reporter that you were going to take the stand . kendall : i did n't have a choice . livia : oh , so you lied to the public , because there is no way in hell you 're going to testify . i am going to rest my case and we 're going to go pray . kendall : oh , and who cares if the world thinks the worst of me ? livia : well , take your choice -- freedom , fan club . and the fan club you 're going to get in prison -- ooh , i do n't think you 'll like it . kendall : no , livia , when the foreman says `` not guilty , `` i still have to live in pine valley . do you think i want to be known as the moneygrubbing black widow who got away with murder ? no , i am engaged . livia , i 'm engaged . my fiancé does not deserve that kind of baggage . livia : well , he should have thought about that before he slipped this ring on your finger , which needs to come off . kendall : no , it belongs here . livia : oh , so you want the jury to think you 've got your next victim lined up ? kendall : fine . fine , i 'll cave on the ring , but i am going to testify . it 's my life , my call . livia : fine . just remind me to never represent you again . bailiff : all rise . greenlee : you know what ? i hope kendall does take the stand . let her champion , ryan , listen as she explains how she married satan and is going to pop out rosemary 's baby . that 'll be just the kick in the head he needs . mia : well -- alan : your honor , fred lomax is crucial to our case . judge : well , then you should have worked harder to get him here , mr. singer . alan : just a little while longer ? judge : oh , that sounded suspiciously like a whine , counselor . alan : your honor , we have made more than a good faith effort to locate this witness . we are that much closer to locating fred lomax . mia : face it , kendall 's got some kind of crazy luck . you know , she 'll get the guy and the get - out - of - jail - free card unless the jury finds something major to convict . [ greenlee 's fantasy ] ] [ judge pounds gavel ] judge : mrs. cambias , the commonwealth of pennsylvania finds you guilty of murder -- [ gallery murmurs ] judge : guilty of treason against your friends mia , simone , and the good- hearted greenlee , guilty of fraud with men like boyd , aidan , and ryan , all of whom fail to see you for the conniving tramp you are . this court finds you to be a scheming , lying , backstabbing bitch . bailiff , take her away . kendall : no ! no , please , no , no , no ! please , someone -- ryan , ryan , please help me ! please -- somebody please help me ! ryan , somebody ! please help me ! ryan : greenlee -- greenlee , i -- i should have listened to you . i -- what would i do without you ? greenlee : you 'll never have to find out . [ back to reality ] mia : oh , my god . that 's fred . that 's fred . greenlee : that 's him ? that 's the guy who could crash kendall 's whole case ? mia : i got to get fred out of here . greenlee : wait ! wait . just wait . mia : just let me go . i got to get brother nut job there back to the pump house before he gets id 'd . greenlee : let 's not be rash here . mia : what , are you crazy ? oh , you want to sink kendall 's battleship with torpedo fred . greenlee , snap out of it . greenlee : damn it . a girl ca n't enjoy her fantasies anymore . mia : oh , god , enough with the moral dilemma . decide . greenlee : fine , fine , fine . you 're right . i gave ryan my word . and even kendall does n't deserve prison . mia : great , so can we round up fred ? greenlee : fast and furious , girlfriend . mia : oh , my god . damn it , greenlee , he 's gone ! greenlee : come on . [ scene_break ] lena : did i just walk in on something ? maggie : no , actually , i 'm just really crazy late for a class , so will you just take care of bianca for me ? ok ? lena : sure , but what about you ? are you ok ? maggie : peachy . i 'm -- if i 'm late for class one more time , i swear my teacher 's going to kill me . lena : what 's going on ? bianca : i do n't know . my head is -- is spinning . lena : maggie seemed so tense . did you two have a fight ? bianca : no , we did n't . lena : then what ? i mean -- bianca : i 'm sorry . can we not talk about this right now ? i 'm -- i 'm -- i have to get to court . lena : sure . i just hope that maggie 's ok . [ scene_break ] simone : pablo , what does this even have to do with me ? pablo : well , you were with carlos that night . you could testify . simone : what , that this wonderful man is really a cold - blooded killer ? no . if i said anything like that , it would be perjury . did n't your mother tell you not to lie ? pablo : she also told us justice comes in many forms . simone : look , you know what ? i do n't want to be rude to you at all , but tad and i , actually , were right in the middle of something . tad : no , no , i 'd say this trumps for now . pablo : simone , do you want kendall convicted ? simone : of course not . and , look , kendall is going to stay out of jail without me getting anywhere near the pine valley police station . so why stir all this up ? why ca n't we just leave it alone ? tad : simone , i remember that you promised carlos that you would n't tell something in the hospital . i was there . i heard you . and you tried to sidestep it even then . simone : i know . tad : well , carlos is beyond our help , so maybe you should tell us whatever the real story is . simone : i do n't know anything . tad : you 're a wonderful person , but you 're a terrible liar . i got a really bad feeling it 's about a lot more than just reasonable doubt . carlos ' gun was fired that night , and you obviously know something about it . so what happened ? [ scene_break ] judge : prosecution 's request for continuance denied . alan : but , your honor -- judge : oh , do n't make me repeat myself , mr. singer . alan : we have no more witnesses , then , your honor . the prosecution rests . judge : nicely done , mr. singer . ms. frye ? livia : the defense calls kendall hart cambias . [ gallery murmurs ] opal : sweet lord of mercy , she 's as loco as mr . friendly . palmer : what the hell does she think she 's doing ? bailiff : raise your right hand . left hand on the bible . do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you 're about to give to this court is the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help you god ? kendall : i do . livia : mrs. cambias , please tell the court , how did you feel about your husband , the late michael cambias ? kendall : i hated him . livia : those are strong words for a man you married . why did you hate him ? kendall : michael was n't like you or me . most people go their whole lives without meeting a man like michael . he was evil . he was a predator . the courts could n't put him away , but we all know what he was . livia : i 'm sure you know what my next question will be -- the question that 's on everyone 's mind here in this courtroom today -- then why did you marry him ? kendall : i did it to save my sister . [ gallery murmurs ] livia : mrs. cambias , how could marrying your sister 's rapist save her ? kendall : michael followed bianca . he frightened her . he gloated when the courts let him off . and she was so broken after what he did to her , so fragile , i had to stop him no matter what . livia : how did you manage that ? kendall : i made a deal with the devil . livia : how so ? kendall : i agreed to marry michael cambias . livia : it was his suggestion ? kendall : yeah , he loved the idea . he said to own a kane woman would be a complete vindication . and he knew it would make me a pariah . he liked that , too . livia : what did you get out of the marriage ? kendall : i wanted to get back what he stole from us -- our companies , i mean . no one can get back what he stole from my sister . and so he promised me that he would leave town and never bother bianca again . livia : if he planned to leave town , why did n't he simply go ? kendall : he thought that if he left town it would mean that he lost . part of the deal was i had to send him money , which i could only do as his wife . he liked the irony of me making his lifestyle possible . by marrying me , he got to degrade us all over again . that 's who michael was . livia : mrs. cambias , when was the last time you spoke with your husband ? kendall : he called me about a week before his body was discovered . he told me to buy the meat packing plant . so i was just as surprised as anyone when they found him there dead . livia : your honor , i 'd like to present defense exhibit 14 , phone records from the cell phone registered to michael cambias to the cell phone registered to mrs. cambias , which occurred after the date the me declared his time of death . mrs. cambias , did you speak with your husband on the dates recorded on this record ? kendall : yes . the police must have the time of death wrong . i spoke to michael . i remember every vile word . livia : mrs. cambias , did you plan to become pregnant ? kendall : no . no , never . i would never have even slept with him if it had n't been one of his demands . it only happened once , but it completed the humiliation . livia : mrs. cambias , you previously stated that you did it to cash in on the cambias estate , to provide an heir . kendall : well , i was n't under oath then , and i was -- i was too embarrassed to tell the truth . i try not to think about it , actually . livia : but you did have a previous intimate relationship with mr. cambias , did you not ? kendall : yes , but that was before he hurt my sister . after that , i could n't even bear to be in the same room as him . livia : some people might ask why you would even keep this child . kendall : michael cambias ' child is not michael cambias . nothing -- nothing that michael did can ever touch this baby . no blame , no guilt . this child is new and pure and perfect . i could no more terminate this child than i could take my own life . i am this child . i am the child of a rapist . and i promise you -- i swear to you , no matter what , this baby will be loved . livia : i have nothing further for this witness , your honor . judge : we 'll take a short recess before people 's cross . you may step down . bailiff : all rise . [ scene_break ] [ maggie sighs ] [ car starts and maggie backs up ] [ man screams ] maggie : oh , my god ! oh , my god . [ scene_break ] opal : palmer says he did n't want to mingle with the hoi polloi , so he sent me over . he says to tell you way to kick fanny , girl . kendall : in those exact words ? opal : well -- lena : that was very powerful , kendall . bianca : and brave . kendall : not as brave as some . alan : that damn fred lomax . where the hell is he ? we were this close . justin : we could still pull this out , alan . alan : justin , did you happen to get a look at the jury ? reggie : this one juror -- i think it was a guy -- he had a tear in his eye , i swear . ryan : just like i promised , you 're going to be able to keep that ring on your finger . kendall : i feel like it could actually happen now , ryan . i feel like we have a chance . mia : oh -- ok , ok . fred ! i mean , reverend fred . fred : oh , mama mia . sorry about the splitteroo last night , but i was running short on foil , and i sensed that you had big mushroom burgers in your recent past . greenlee : fred -- can i call you fred ? let 's take a walk , shall we ? fred : shoo , shoo , shoo -- personal space . greenlee : absolutely . i 'm the same way . it 's like on elevators , there 's that one guy that always has to breathe on you . that 's why i love the outdoors . do you love the outdoors , fred ? mia : oh , i love the outdoors . greenlee : why do n't we talk a walk outside ? [ scene_break ] jamie : ow ! maggie : oh , my god . oh , my god . jamie ? oh , no ! i thought i killed you . are you ok ? jamie : yeah . maggie : no blood , no broken bones ? jamie : i got multiple fractures . maggie : oh , my god , where , where ? jamie : my pride . maggie : what are you talking about ? i 'm the one who mowed you down . why would you feel bad ? jamie : well , because apparently i suck as a driving teacher . you might need a few more lessons . maggie : oh , you 're such a goof . i 'm sorry . are you ok ? [ scene_break ] kendall : what the hell are you doing to me ? mia : listen , we did n't -- fred : mrs. cambias . radiant as the day you we d . greenlee : not now , fred . ok , let 's just get -- fred : personal space . kendall : you guys , please be quiet . please , if you could be quiet -- opal : probably -- oh , no . he 's back . bianca : who 's back ? opal : that guy . reggie : probably one of those courtroom groupies or something . bianca : well , should we do something ? opal : oh , he 's horrible . fred : mrs. cambias , you know me . i turned you into the little missis . reverend lomax of the holy sand chapel of `` i do . `` kendall : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , i do n't remember . fred : but you said that it was the most important night of your life , that you 'd never forget it . i bet you never thought you 'd see me again . oh , and the handsome hubby . how is mr. c ? [ scene_break ] tad : please tell me what you 're hiding . i swear i 'll protect you . you know you can trust me . pablo : a bullet was fired from carlos ' gun . was it the bullet that killed michael cambias ? simone : why ca n't you just believe me ? carlos did n't do it . kendall is not going to be convicted , so could we just leave this all alone ? tad : kendall could very easily be convicted . the secret wants out , and you need to let it go . i swear you 'll be ok . pablo : simone , i know my brother . if he did this , he would not let kendall suffer for his actions . he would confess . simone : no , he would n't . he would not confess because he does n't have anything to confess to , all right ? he was protecting me . i 'm the guilty one ! i pulled the trigger ! i did it ! [ next_on ] tad : simone , are you telling me that you killed michael cambias ? kendall : you better watch your back , greenlee . you better watch your back ! i am going to finish what you started . jack : you do n't have any idea what you did last night . you went to kendall 's house -- erica : i told you , i was upset . jack : and you tried to kill her . | kendall demands that livia lets her testify . when she does , surprisingly , she is able to establish herself to the court as a person who loves and wants to protect her sister . and she says the reason she 's having the baby is because she wants a child of a rapist to live with the love she never had in her life . greenlee is still obsessed about getting kendall in trouble . |
greenlee : i so did n't want to -- kendall : did n't want to have this flashback ? yeah , i know . i 'm with you . enough already ! ryan : no , no , stop . greenlee was just about to answer the question that you refused to answer . i mean , it was over . you took my word on jonathan . that 's what you told me . now , i need you to tell me the truth , greenlee . are you still going after him ? [ scene_break ] ethan : could i get two more , please ? businessman 's lunch ? you do n't mind if i join you . oh . j.r. : actually , i prefer to lunch alone . so whatever you want -- ethan : i came to help you . [ scene_break ] [ jamie sighs ] livia : pat your hair down . button your shirt , tuck it in . the arraignment is in 30 minutes . now , young mr. martin , i want you to please use one of those minutes and explain to me why babe will not confirm that the child you kidnapped is her own baby . jamie : you saw her ? livia : i got an earful . does the woman know anything about self - preservation ? jamie : we 're still going to get convicted . why should she tell them anything ? livia : well , you hired me to keep you out of prison . and if i ca n't do that , i want you to serve as little time as possible . now , the fact that you kidnapped babe 's own child would go a long way towards getting jury sympathy . especially if there 's some proof that she knew the boy was hers . tad : there is . undeniable proof . jamie : you 're never going to get it , livia . no one will . [ scene_break ] babe : bianca , it 's good to see -- you -- you look good . the night when i heard about the fall , i -- bianca : i 'm fine . babe : how is she ? how 's miranda ? bianca : my baby is perfect . babe : why did -- why did you come to see my , bianca ? bianca : j.r. wants me to help him take your baby from you . i 'm due in court any minute . j.r. wants me to testify that you told me about your son 's dna test . babe : you 'll be under oath . you 'll have to tell them about the test . that we have the proof that i 'm baby james ' mother , and that j.r. 's his father . bianca : how is james ? have you heard ? babe : straight from his other daddy . kevin buchanan came by . he said he 's getting bigger by the minute . see ? bianca : he looks great . babe : it 's just amazing , is n't it ? bianca : did he come by just to -- just to tell you that ? babe : no . it was bait . kevin 's pretty much ready to do anything to hold onto my boy . which is probably why j.r. is having you come in to testify . he 'll get his court order . and j.r. will have his dna proof . and j.r. will probably have his son . bianca : that 's it ? matter of fact ? j.r. will have his son ? why go on the run ? why -- why lie to everybody so you could just shrug -- easy come , easy go -- and let j.r. have him ? babe : i would rather die first . if i could keep j.r. away from him -- i would do anything . i -- my god . look at me , bianca . i obviously already have . but if j.r. gets his hands on him , i -- bianca : what ? babe : you do n't need to sit her and listen to all this . it -- i know that you do n't feel the same way that i do , and i understand . bianca : you have no idea how i feel . babe : you told j.r. that our son was alive . you would n't do that unless you thought that they should be together . bianca : i did n't tell him . [ scene_break ] jamie : no one says a word about that dna test . babe wo n't sell out baby james for a lighter sentence , and neither will i . tad : you 're not crazy . it 's babe . she does n't want the child to go to j.r . livia : oh . tad : it 's not spite , either . it 's maternal instinct . and let 's face it -- the chandler mansion is n't exactly child - friendly . it 's why they went on the run in the first place , and why they 'd do it again if they got half the chance . jamie : yeah , you got that right . livia : oh , that 's what i like to hear -- the accused vowing that they 'll do it again . jamie , work with me , and babe could maybe get to know her child before he hits the retirement home . does n't she want to be a part of his life ? jamie : what life ? if j.r. gets his hands on that sweet kid , babe will never see him again ! he 'll cut her off , just like he did with bess ! if j.r. gets that baby , what 's the point in any of this ? livia : so you quit ? you throw in the towel ? i ca n't help you if you tie my hands behind my back . jamie : you want to help , livia ? why do n't you go after j.r. ? get some dirt . there 's plenty of it . he 's a conniving sob who wo n't quit until he destroys babe and owns her son . and now , if you want to tell the jury something , why do n't you tell them that ? livia : peel off the walls in the next 30 minutes , or this is over before it starts . tad : she 's right . you have to pull yourself together , and fast . jamie : no , this is j.r. 's fault . he does n't deserve that baby . he does n't deserve to live . [ scene_break ] j.r. : let me guess -- you checked out your portfolio and lookie there -- chandler enterprises . stolen by uncle landfill cambias . and now , the new king wants to return it to its rightful owner for a price . ethan : it had n't occurred to me . j.r. : yeah , whatever . you know what ? go hustle your lunch money someplace else . ethan : i came here to offer you help with your custody battle . j.r. : it seems to me last time we met , it was less than friendly . my father offered to get you on top at cambias . you flipped us off . ethan : here i am on top , anyway . i just bought you a drink . that 's friendly . j.r. : you want to help me get my son back ? you give a damn , why ? ethan : he 's your son . j.r. : what is this ? some sort of cambias image extreme makeover ? because stockholders want profits , not warm cuddlies . ethan : it 's simple . your wife stole your child from you . i have more money than god . more than enough to get your son back . [ scene_break ] lily : point one -- greenlee was poisoned . point two -- aidan was hired to investigate jonathan . point three , jonathan has a police record . point four -- no evidence found in jonathan 's apartment . point five -- jonathan is not supposed to know we 're still on his case . danielle : hey , lil . what 's going on , girl ? lily : i need your help to solve a mystery . danielle : a new book ? lily : this is real life . danielle : so what 's the deal ? the mystery ? lily : that 's confidential . danielle : well , i do n't know how much help i can be if i do n't know the story . lily : yes , you can . you just got cast as the lead in the school play -- `` funny girl . `` danielle : well , true talent can not be denied . lily : you must know how to act like different people . be somebody else . danielle : not to dis my fellow actors , but i have to show babs how it 's done . lily : well , can babs wait ? i need you to show me first . teach me to be someone different . [ scene_break ] greenlee : private family conversations should happen in private , ryan . let 's do this at home . ryan : greenlee , you said this was over . all right ? and then i find out that aidan 's latest case is my brother . were you in on this with kendall ? are you still after him ? greenlee : it was just -- kendall : just horrible , horrible kendall . yes . yes , greenlee , we know . you 're glinda the good , and i 'm whatever the hell they call that green witch . ryan , do you honestly think that your perfect little wifey - pooh here would go behind your back and hire aidan ? no , i told you the whole ugly truth ! i did it ! i went to aidan . i hired him . i told him not to tell a soul . ok ? greenlee was probably home darning your socks or something . all right ? the whole thing was wicked kendall 's idea , ok ? you happy now ? ryan : no , not until i 'm sure that this is over . kendall : well , pardon me for wanting to know if your brother tried to frame me for attempted murder . greenlee : you do n't have to do this . kendall : no -- ryan 's not my husband . he does n't rule my world or scare me witless . yes , ryan , i went to aidan . i even went to greenlee to try to get her back on board , but she shot me down . because when you told her there was no way that jonathan drugged her , she said she trusted you . remember trust , ryan ? what happened to trust ? the center of your universe ? the thing that means the world to you ? so now what ? you do n't trust greenlee ? just get off her back , ok ? i 'm the one who thinks your brother is freak - central . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : do n't do that now . do n't make it maggie � s fault . that 's just like dad , like it was n't his fault he used to smack us around , it was ours . jonathan 's voice : ryan , no , do n't you ever compare me to that son of a bitch ! ryan 's voice : you sure as hell wo n't be , because i am going to stop you any way that i can ! [ scene_break ] ryan : your biggest regret is that you got busted . kendall : oh , i have regrets . leaving my front door unlocked this morning tops the list . greenlee : kendall did n't start this . she did n't just decide to go after jonathan . ryan : what are you talking about ? that 's exactly what she did , since the first day that he got to town and he said his last night . kendall : ryan , this is no longer about you . ryan : no , i realize that , kendall , this is about you . i mean , you ca n't have a normal hobby like regular people . you live for this . do n't you actually pick out an enemy and you dismantle them piece by piece . this is , like , fun for you . i mean , since you could n't hurt greenlee and i anymore , you were , like , out of commission for two seconds , and jonathan shows up , you take him to bed , and you 've been screwing him ever since . greenlee : let 's not do this , ok ? ryan : no , no , hey , hey , i asked her , i said , just do n't go after anybody that i loved , but you could n't resist , could you ? i mean , all this , kendall -- all the lies and the cover - ups , it 's so you . and you know what ? frankly , it 's really boring . you just decide that somebody 's tweaked so you do n't have to think about how messed up your own life is . well , guess what , kendall -- no matter who you attack , you 're still stuck being pathetic , desperate you . greenlee : god , ryan , ok . stop . please -- ryan : ok . greenlee : just stop . kendall : ahem -- i 'm sorry , did you say something ? ryan : we 're out of here . greenlee : look , can i -- i just need a minute . i 'll catch up with you later . it 's ok . ryan : fine . sure . greenlee : i 'm so sorry . kendall : what , about that ? no , that 's ryan 's version of sweet talk . i 'm used to it by now . greenlee : he was wrong . kendall : to say it ? the guy sure loves his honesty . greenlee : i thought you hated me again . kendall : yeah , well , who says i do n't ? greenlee : you covered for me , again . i owe you . kendall : your gratitude means diddly to me , ok ? i covered because i promised i would . next time , i 'll keep my mouth shut . greenlee : there wo n't be a next time . i have to end this now . [ scene_break ] bianca : i confirmed that your son is alive , babe . but j.r. had to trick me into it . babe : i can not believe that he dragged you into all this mess . bianca : oh , come on . j.r. was n't the one who dragged me into it . babe : you 're right . but he also knows what you 've been through . he should n't drag you into court and make you relive one second of it . bianca : you know , i almost told him . more than once . he did n't give me a chance to in florida , but then when i woke up and i remembered , i would open my mouth and the words just would n't come . it was horrible . i did n't want to do to him what you had done to me . babe : no . do not say that . you are nothing like me . you never could be . bianca : you know , i 'm standing right in front of you , we 're having this conversation , no screaming , no slapping , but i have n't forgiven you , babe . babe : and i do n't expect it . especially now . i know what it 's like to lose a child . all those months i thought that mine was dead . and then to have a miracle , only to have him taken away again . it 's like a part of my heart was ripped out when they took him . it 's amazing . you know how you get used to having that weight in your arms , riding on your hip ? it 's like i 'm all off balance now , like a part of me 's missing or something . i still listen for him . the way he breathes . his little cry . even that little snore that he does sometimes . you know , when we were on the run , i could sleep through the motel 's blasting tv , but one little whimper from him , and i would be wide awake , right by his side . now -- now there 's no reason to even wake up anymore . but i listen . i 'll always listen . bianca : i listened for miranda for 10 long , lonely months . at least you know your son is alive . that 's a hell of a lot more than you gave me . god -- maybe i should be rooting for j.r . [ scene_break ] tad : we 're going to walk into that courtroom , we 're going to be calm , rational , model citizens . `` yes , your honor . `` `` no , your honor . `` `` can i have bail , your honor ? `` that 's it . you understand ? jamie : you think it matters what we do in there ? do you think the judge gives a damn what we say ? adam and j.r. practically own the courthouse . we 're toast anyway . but if i can get my hands on j.r. for just two -- tad : stop it . you stop it right now . you know what you sound like ? running around , ranting about anger and hate and revenge ? you sound every bit as bad as j.r. ever did . now you 're just one more guy trying to stick it to his brother any way he can . jamie : ok , j.r. fights to win . that 's the way he have to fight back . j.r. can not end up with james . tad : right now you do n't have a choice . he knows that baby is his , and the chandlers and the buchanans are locked in a legal battle of all time . it does n't matter that the court has turned j.r. down once before . it does n't matter who cares about the dna test that babe ran with hayward . he 's going to get his own dna test run . he 's going to prove that james is his , and you ca n't stop that . jamie : i do n't have a choice . tad : yes , you do . you and babe have got to stop worrying about j.r. , start thinking about each other . do you love her ? jamie : how can you ask me that ? tad : all right . you want that baby to call you `` daddy , `` you remember one thing . you ca n't fight for him on the inside of a jail cell . you start thinking about babe , you think about fighting for her and yourself and your future together . brooke : say you heard your father . tell me you 'll fight , and i 'll be fighting right by your side . [ scene_break ] babe : i have n't done much right in the last year . but keeping j.r. from his baby -- i will never apologize for that . bianca : you let him think his son was dead . you know how it feels , and you -- you still did it . babe : because it was my job to protect my son . it 's up to me to see that he grows up to be a good and decent person . and that job just does n't end just because i screwed up . so if j.r. wants the dna test , he sure as heck is n't getting it from me . bianca : you think you can take on the chandlers ? babe : i have to try , anyway , for my son . [ door opens ] david : bianca , hi . krystal : it 's -- it 's good to see you . babe : hey , bianca , take care of yourself . krystal : are you ok ? what did bianca want to talk about ? david : there 's no time for that . the guard is ready to take you to your arraignment . krystal : oh , i just ca n't wait to get you out of this grubby cave . david : livia is going to keep you out . she 's going to get you bail . babe : good thing you have enough hope for the both of us . let 's just go get this thing over with . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'd love to gush gratitude at your generous offer , except i do n't gush . and you 're best friends with bianca . ethan : how is that relevant ? j.r. : bianca does n't want me anywhere near my son , so you doing this reaching routine -- i 'm sorry , i 'm just not buying it . ethan : bianca and i are friends and partners . but we can disagree . your son was stolen from you and hidden . you were n't there when he was born . you did n't get to raise him , you did n't get to hold him . but you still love him . j.r. : of course i love my son . he 's my flesh and blood . what 's with all -- oh . this is n't about me and my son , it 's about slater and his son . the only difference is , i actually would fight like hell for my son , instead of denying him in public to anyone who would listen . ethan : slater 's off topic and you would n't be sitting here throwing back booze at midday if you were so confident . j.r. : and you 're richer than god . i remember . except i 'm not exactly panhandling yet . ethan : becoming a cambias gave me a lot more than money . it gave me power . so much that i impress even myself . i could do a lot with that to help you . so why do n't you leave your drink . stop trying to insult me . work with me . and i will help you get your boy back . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 'd do it . you would end the whole jonathan disaster by confessing to ryan . you 're an idiot . greenlee : no , you 're confusing idiocy with honesty . i owe my husband the truth . it kills me to keep this from him and to let you lie for me . i have to fix this . i have to keep my word . kendall : well , then do it , greenlee . you keep your word , i 'll keep mine . i told ryan i was done with this , so poof -- here i am . i 'm done , gone . no more . creepy boy can do whatever the hell he wants . [ scene_break ] ryan : what are you doing here ? jonathan : did i freak you out ? ryan : you 're sitting alone in my dark , locked apartment . yeah , you kind of freaked me out . jonathan : i needed to talk . i just used my old key . why , is there a problem ? i did n't know where to go . i was sitting in the hotel room , and i just started feeling itchy . the wallpaper or something -- it just felt like the walls were closing in around me , so i -- i really miss her , ryan . just killing me , not being with maggie . i 'm sitting there just thinking about seeing her again . ryan : well , you know how to get there . that number that i gave you last night -- greenlee 's psychiatrist , dr. ashbourne -- you called him yet ? jonathan : you were n't a big fan of dr. ashbourne too long ago . ryan : so you did n't call him ? jonathan : no . ryan : you hit your fiancée . all right ? big red flag waving , anger issues . you 've got one priority right now . you deal with that . jonathan : i will , ryan , i promise , as soon as we 're done . ryan : we are done here , until you make that phone call . look , do n't jerk me around here . ok ? you said you would get help . i want you to get it . and do n't let yourself in here when nobody 's here . jonathan : what happened ? i -- i thought you believed me about the greenlee thing . that -- now -- now you do n't trust me ? what did i do ? did i come in here and spike your oj ? ryan : hey , my wife almost died , ok ? are you sure you want to wise - ass about that ? jonathan : they did it , did n't they ? they turned you against me . ryan : i defended you ! to my wife -- to everybody in this town ! now , what 's the matter with you ? i 'm on your side ! jonathan : ryan , a big red flag there . man , i 'm not the only one with anger issues . [ scene_break ] kendall : go , greenlee . have your perfect marriage and your perfect life and your perfect little baby . maybe uncle jonathan can teach little lavery to catch a ball , fly a kite , or poison mommy � s coffee . honestly , i 'm bored . i am bored with your life . and right now i 'm going to concentrate on my life and my relationship with ethan . and the next time jonathan has you swinging from the rooftop , go ahead , have a blast , because you know what ? i 'm not saving you again . [ scene_break ] jonathan : that 's not why i came . i was unpacking in the hotel , and i came across these . huh ? they look familiar ? ryan : those are my motorcycle gloves ? jonathan : you were 14 , and you got these first , and then you said the bike and the jacket were going to be next . and you looked so strong . i mean , you looked so tough , like you were somebody , you know ? and when you left , you bequeathed these to me and -- so i could be strong , that i could be somebody . and that 's not all . ryan : you got to be kidding me . the happy pills ? jonathan : you remember what people used to say ? like , `` come on , smile . it takes more muscles to frown than to smile . `` all those people on the street -- you remember ? `` hey , cute kid . `` you know , `` why is he so serious ? `` ryan : yeah , they did n't know . jonathan : you gave me this , filled with candy . and i smiled , of course . i mean , of course i did . they were filled with candy . but you looked at me and said , `` see ? it 's working already . `` ryan : man , these are thrashed . jonathan : i wore them a lot . i mean , those and the pills were the only things that kept me sane after you left . i would have a rough day with dad and i 'd go into my room and then put those on and i 'd feel strong , you know , and i 'd look at the pills and i 'd smile . and you were gone , you know , and so -- i wanted part of you to be there still -- i needed -- ryan : i 'm sorry . i am so sorry . [ scene_break ] j.r. : kevin buchanan has already tanked two hearing dates for me . he goes for number three this afternoon . ethan : if you think you 'll lose , you 've lost . j.r. : i wo n't lose . bianca goes on the stand today . let 's just hope she pulls through . ethan : i thought you said that bianca did n't want you to be with your child . how is she supposed to pull through ? j.r. : she was subpoenaed . she knew about my son . she knew there was a dna test done . she never told me . she gets to tell the judge today . and if she lies , she 's going to be sorry . ethan : do n't threaten her . you hear me ? or you will be sorry . i 'll see to it personally . [ scene_break ] bailiff : all rise . the honorable judge margolies presiding . judge : be seated . in the case of the commonwealth vs. james edward martin , the charges are as follows -- kidnapping , interference with the custody of a child , conspiracy , unlawful restraint , false imprisonment , endangering the welfare of a child . how do you plead ? jamie : not guilty . judge : in the case of the commonwealth vs. thaddeus james martin , the charges are as read . how do you plead ? tad : not guilty . judge : in the case of the commonwealth vs. arabella carey chandler , the charges are as read , as well as failure to return a child . how do you plead ? babe : not guilty . [ scene_break ] danielle : now , this type of skill deserves some payback . so , tell me why you wanted the new head - to - toe remix , the new look . lily : that 's confidential . danielle : how did i know that was coming ? lily : because i 've already told you that six times so far . danielle : well , that 's true . well , this new look you have going on -- it 's working for you . i mean , you can turn some heads , get a lot of attention . lily : no . i have to be undercover , on the down low , so no one notices me . danielle : this is just for fun , right , lily ? i mean , i 'm not helping you walk smack into trouble , am i ? lily : there 's no trouble . it 's a puzzle , danielle , the type i can solve , but i need some help to get some help to get some answers . danielle : so if we keep you from being noticed , then just call me your fairy godmother . lily : you know that 's not real , do n't you ? danielle : but the janitor is . lily : is that some slang i do n't understand ? danielle : come on , cinderella . i 'll fill you in . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 'm going to get on the therapist thing . i 'll get a referral from ashbourne , top priority . ryan : yeah , it 's got to be . jonathan : have you thought about -- ryan : about what ? jonathan : you just got really angry with me , ryan , vein - popping mad . ryan : yeah , i did . jonathan : we both took the beatings , ryan . we both caught the belt from dad . i 'm just saying , have you thought about getting help ? you know , maybe you could come to therapy with me . [ scene_break ] livia : your honor , my clients have surrendered their documents , their accounts have been frozen , they have very strong family ties with the community , and they have no intention of running . prosecutor : so what ? we take their word for it ? judge : that 's generally how it works , counselor , that and a big fat bail to convince them to stay put . 500,000 cash or bond . defendants are free until trial . opal : oh . [ judge pounds gavel ] bailiff : all rise . opal : oh , my goodness ! oh . oh , my goodness , i just could n't stand it . tad : i know , i know . opal : i could n't stand it . tad : just stay dry a little longer . you 're doing great . joe : i 'm going to call ruth , let her know everyone 's ok . opal : yeah . well , not everybody . tad : excuse me for a minute . you 're here . bianca : i know . tad : how are you doing ? bianca : really ? tad : well , you could lie to me at this point . i would n't hold it against you . bianca : i 'm ok . tad : yeah , sure . bianca : i 'm a mess . all these charges kind of blur together , do n't they ? kidnapping , failure to return a child . it does n't really say what the charges are about -- real people , real love , baby james , miranda . it was n't just laws that got broken . tad : and the breaks just keep coming . bianca : babe kept my child from me . now they 're keeping her child from her . a trial , maybe prison , her baby in somebody else 's arms . and that should be the end of this for me . but i ca n't get rid of all these thoughts . is it justice ? does it really solve anything ? can anything undo the damage that 's been done ? tad : that 's impossible . and nobody knows it better than you . bianca : my friend babe -- what she did to me was unforgivable , horrible . it only makes sense that i would hate her . tad : but you do n't . neither does jamie and neither do i . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , god . i kicked you out twice . how many times until you take the hint ? greenlee : he was there when i woke up this morning . jonathan . right in my face . kendall : he got you alone ? greenlee : the guy is a walking creep factory . i mean , i still have goose bumps . he admitted he hit maggie . kendall : he did it ? he took a swing at a woman ? greenlee : you see how much ryan loves jonathan , how much he wants to believe in him ? i had no idea . and now , kendall , it might be true . jonathan might be as bad as we think . kendall : then how can you back off from getting the proof ? greenlee : proof of what ? that ryan 's brother wanted me gone ? that proof could kill my husband . how can i do that to him ? [ scene_break ] ryan : you go . you get help . jonathan : alone ? ryan : i 'm not saying that i was n't marked in that asylum that we grew up in . jonathan : just not as marked as i am . ryan : i got lucky . i got out . jonathan : look at you now . ryan : you can do this . i will not let you down again . jonathan : then i 'm golden , right ? i can do this , ryan . i can . i can do it with your support . ryan : do you want to call ashbourne from here ? jonathan : no . no . i 'm going to call him back at the hotel in case he has some time to talk . ryan ? [ scene_break ] ethan : everything you can get on the buchanan family , ok ? i want to know all about the police chief , the old man . concentrate on the lieutenant governor . yeah , good . ok , listen , i want to know -- i want to know who he lunches with , i want to know who he has dinner with , i want to know whose pockets he 's in , i want to know who 's in his pocket . you have an hour . ok , good . bianca : i told babe today i do n't forgive her . and i do n't . but i 'm siting here looking at her right now . i must be some kind of sucker . [ scene_break ] tad : i do n't think so . i do n't think anybody thinks so . all the crazy , insane things that babe did , she did n't do out of spite or malice . she did n't get pleasure out of hurting people -- like adam or j.r. all the things she did , she did out of love for other people . and while they may be unforgivable , i ca n't make myself hate her , either . [ scene_break ] krystal : i know you 're not a little girl and i ca n't boss you around anymore , but you really should go to david 's . brooke : you are coming home with me . helping you post bond should come with some privileges , like you under my roof . jamie : not without babe . never again . brooke : did you not hear a word your father said ? david : the only way to survive this is together . babe : you 're absolutely right . jamie : let 's get out of here . [ next_on ] zach : i 'm not here for ethan . kendall : well , if you mess with me , you 'll go home in stitches . j.r. : the woman whose baby you stole is going to make everything right today . ryan : you lied to me ? greenlee : about your brother . jonathan : hi there , precious . | babe 's and jamie 's trial starts . livia is able to get them out on bail . bianca has a real dilemma about whether she wants to help jr take the baby from babe or not and admits she does not hate babe . tad admits to her that neither does he . jonathan is behaving strange , stalling about seeing the shrink ryan asked him to see and looking like he has `` plans `` with a bottle of prescription medication . greenlee tells kendall she still wants them to work together to get the truth from jonathan , although ryan has a real problem with that . |
[ siren ] frankie : all right , i know you 're anxious to get out of here , but we got to wait for all the tests to get back . you do n't want to mess around with a neck injury . is there someone you want me to call ? tad maybe ? krystal : oh , no . no , no , no . absolutely not , no . no , you breathe one word of this to tad martin , and you will not live long enough to regret it . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] liza : it 's open . tad : man , i 'm sorry i took so long . i just realized what i was in for when walked into a restaurant called `` el pollo lento . `` lento . it 's a slown chicken . [ typing ] tad : liza ! want me to go out and come back in again quietly ? liza : oh , honey , i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i 've just got to get this port done so i can file this m lawsuit . ah , food . tad : yeah . liza : thank god . i 'm starving . tad : so you 're really gon na go ahead and file this blunt instrument , huh ? liza : of course , i am , if jake and amanda sign off on it , and david 's still in town . tad : well , that 's just it . my guy at the airport says david 's plane is still in the hangar and nobody 's seen his pilot in a while , so he 's not going anywhere soon . liza : ok , that 's good . tad : no , it 's not . see , that 's what i want to talk to you about . i think maybe we ought to hold off on this for a while . liza : we -- ok , hold on a second . why do i think there 's a plan in action here you 're not telling me ? [ knock on door ] tad : you want to get it ? liza : yeah . ok . right . my house . got it . yeah . hey , marissa . nice to see you . what a surprise . was n't expecting you . marissa : oh , uh , tad told me to come by . he said it 's about my dad . [ scene_break ] angie : jesse told me david was back in town , but what is he up to with these ? jake : well , that 's why we 're here . we need to get these tested . angie : painkillers , immunosuppressants . you know , if these drugs match their labels , then david is treating someone with some serious medical problems . jake : yeah , i 'm thinking transplant patient , stem cell therapy maybe . angie : any idea who it is ? jake : no . but whoever it is , they deserve a better doctor . amanda : these were delivered to his pilot at confusion of all places . angie : oh , trying to cover his tracks , then . jake : you think we can get them id 'd by tonight ? angie : yeah . i 'll get them started . jake : thank you . thanks , ange . amanda : wh do you really think david 's up to ? jake : i do n't know . i just hope it 's everything we need to nail him . [ scene_break ] david : your blood pressure 's up , and you almost killed us both . greenlee : i was n't gon na let you take me to the hospital . david : oh , so you figure trying to drive us both into a ditch would be better . what were you thinking , greenlee , grabbing that steering wheel like that . greenlee : i stopped you , did n't i ? david : yeah , and you hurt your back in the process . now i have to find out if you 've hurt yourself enough to require more surgery . greenlee : oh -- i probably just pulled the same muscle again . i 'm fine . no hospital , not here . i 'd rather die than have ryan or anyone see me . did you hear me ? i want you to swear you wo n't take me to the hospital . what 's that for ? david : it 'll help ease some of the pain . wo n't take long to work either . greenlee : ah ! wow . you 're not kidding . [ greenlee falls asleep ] [ scene_break ] erica : but no sign of a break - in ? guard : nope . the alarm was turned off with the proper code . ryan : well , have you called the police yet ? guard : i wanted to wait till you guys got down here first . ryan : ok , well , thank you for that , but you can go call them now . [ computer beeps ] erica : ryan , look at this . ryan : what ? what is it ? huh . the whole computer 's crashed . erica : i do n't remember kendall ever having a problem like this before . ryan : that 's because nobody 's ever tried to sabotage their company 's computers before . [ scene_break ] frankie : krystal , i understand why you do n't want people to know about your accident , but you and your friend have been here for hours . your family 's gon na be worried about you . krystal : how is rob doing ? frankie : as well as can be expected . krystal : god . oh , god . that poor guy . is he gon na -- is he gon na be able to , you know , i mean , is he gon na be ok here ? frankie : i 'm sure he will . you know , just gon na take some time to heal . listen , i need you to call home , at least let them know you 're ok . krystal : i -- i know . i ca n't . my phone is in my car . frankie : see , boom . use mine . mm - hmm . i 'll be back . [ krystal exhales deeply ] [ dialing ] krystal : ah . [ phone rings ] opal : hello . krystal : hey there . opal : oh , it 's you ! well , thank goodness . i was starting to worry . you know , i left you a bunch of messages and never heard back . krystal : yeah . i do n't have my phone with me . opal : well , how come ? where are you ? are you with rob ? krystal : um -- yeah . opal : you know , if you want to stay out late and kick up your heels , it 's fine by me , but just give me a heads up , would ya ? krystal : no , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . how are the kids doing ? opal : oh , they 're hunky dory . i just tucked them in . now when are you gon na be home ? krystal : i , um , i 'm not sure yet . opal : you know , if you want to spend the night with rob , it 's ok by me . krystal : actually , i am not at rob 's . listen , i need to take care of a couple of things , and i 'll be home soon , ok ? opal : where are you -- [ phone beeps as krystal hangs up on opal ] [ scene_break ] angie : how 's krystal doing ? frankie : she 'll be all right . i 'm gon na put this case into the strange but true file . so whatcha doing here ? thought after you and dad left the party together , you 'd be taking the night off . angie : i 'm chief of staff , remember ? the hours that i decide to put in are my business . frankie : yeah , sure . angie : all right , i want you to remember that , sweetheart . [ scene_break ] marissa : david 's back ? why ? tad : well , that 's just it . your father says he 's back in town to tie up some loose ends , but we 're not buying it . you know , when 's the last time you saw him ? marissa : um , the day that i confronted him for what he had done -- you know , making everyone think that he was dying and lying about being trevor 's father . then i do n't know , he just left town . he never said another word to me . he just left me with a good - bye note . tad : marissa , i 'm sorry -- for everything he 's put you through . marissa : oh , i ca n't say that i was n't warned . tad : well , i know it 's a lot to ask , but we want to make sure nobody else gets hurt . it 's a long shot , but i was wondering if you would be willing to find out what your dad is really doing , the reason he came back to pine valley . could you help us out ? marissa : yeah . tad : thank you . [ kiss ] tad : thank you . [ cell phone ringing ] tad : hang on . eeh . what ? opal : yeah , it 's me . i think you better get home . tad : why , mom ? what is it now ? opal : well , something 's going on with krystal . i just got off the phone with her . it was the weirdest call . tad : define weird . opal : would you just get home pronto ? honestly -- liza : what is it ? tad : it 's a minor family crisis . i just got to sort of get back to the house . i 'm sorry . i mean it . it 's a big deal . thank you . marissa : mm - hmm . tad : you let me know if you find out anything . marissa : yeah . liza : see you . yeah . [ door slams ] liza : oh , marissa , i 'm so sorry for what you 're going through with david . i know -- marissa : i 'm fine . i 'm fine . if david is up to something , then i want to help stop him before anyone else gets hurt . liza : how far are you willing to go ? marissa : what do you mean ? liza : would you testify against him in court ? [ scene_break ] jake : babe , why do n't you go on home a relieve the babysitter . i 'll wait here for the results . amanda : no . jake : why ? amanda : because i do n't want to leave you alone . jake : why ? amanda : jake , we finally got everything that we wanted : our family together . i just thought we just wanted david gone out of our lives . jake : we do want him gone , but is he gone ? no . he 's still here , right ? and he 's up to something , he 's sneaking around . so either we push him away , or we put him away , otherwise he 's gon na continue to terrorize our life . amanda : ok , if we file a lawsuit now , he has to stay here until it 's settled . is that what you want ? because i think he wants to leave . jake : listen , honey , he 's up to something , right ? why is he sneaking around this town ? why is he using confusion as a place to drop off drugs ? answer that . amanda : i do n't -- i do n't know . but i do n't think it has anything to with us . jake : well , i do n't think we can take that risk . do you ? look , ok , maybe he 's got some new victim he 's terrorizing , but do n't you think we should at least find out who that is ? [ scene_break ] david : i tried . she refuses . no local hospitals . i do n't know . you might have to open her up again . what i do know is i do n't want to risk transporting her back to gloucester . if she needs surgery , it 's gon na have to be somewhere in town . i 'm way ahead of you . i already have a ct scan being set up as we speak . but just do me a favor -- get here as fast as you can , all right ? thank you , doctor . pilot : the ct scan is set up in the study . david : good . are those the meds from confusion ? pilot : yeah . david : great . she 's gon na be knocked out for a while . i 'm gon na need your help getting some pictures of her spine . huh . what is this , some kind of a joke ? pilot : this was the package i got . david : what ? what are you -- jake martin ? were the martins at the bar ? pilot : one of them . he tried to make me think that he was a pilot , too , but i busted him . i told him to go to hell . david : well , he somehow switched the boxes . damn it ! unbelievable . those bastards are not gon na let up . now they have her medication , and they 're gon na be coming after me again . pilot : i swear , i did not let them know anything . david : i ca n't deal with them right now , not right now . i have to focus all my attention on getting her better before ryan and the rest of pine valley comes breathing down my neck . [ scene_break ] jesse : but does the alarm system have an electronic log , one that tells you what code was used at what time ? guard : yeah , but unfortunately they 're stored on that server . jesse : ah , ok , thanks . ryan : all these break - ins , i mean , is there any correlation , you think , between all this ? jesse : no . i doubt it . it 's a different m.o . fusion was not broken into . someone had keys , and the alarm code , and i need a list of everybody who had both of those . erica : so whoever did this , you think they just wanted to crash our computer ? natalia : looks like it . this was definitely a deliberate attempt at sabotage . brot : you mean a worm ? natalia : yeah , a nasty one . and they probably downloaded the worm off this . brot : well , what about the backup files ? natalia : i 'm telling you , i 'm working on it . i do n't know if they were hit or not . erica : do you mean -- everything might be gone ? natalia : if they were thorough enough , yes . i 'm so sorry . i mean , the worm destroyed your backup drive before it even hit your main server . erica : oh , my god ! brot : i mean , we can take the drive to a cyber security expert , but odds are , with a worm like this , it probably overwrote everything with gibberish . natalia : yeah . erica : but everything was in there . inventory and suppliers and distributors , accounting . i mean , who would do something like this ? and why ? ryan : we 'll figure it out , and we 're gon na rebuild all of it . erica : but that will take forever , ryan . that will cost a fortune . jesse : i want you to bag up that flash drive , and i want it dusted and analyzed , ok ? natalia : yeah . jesse : i 'm gon na need a statement from the two of you . i 'm gon na need to speak to all your employees . i 'm also gon na need to know everybody you can think of who does business with fusion as well as your competitors . erica : ok , i 'll start putting a list together right away . jesse : excellent . ryan : this was n't corporate espionage . whoever did this was n't after fusion 's secrets . they wanted to destroy the company . [ scene_break ] tad : but she said she was ok ? opal : it is n't what she said . it was the tone in her voice , something that did n't sound like her -- kind of strange , evasive , afraid almost . tad : mama , maybe she was out on a date with rob , and she did n't want to talk about it . she did n't want to answer questions . you know , sometimes you can be a little -- enthusiastically inquisitive , you know what i mean ? opal : this has nothing to do with my being nosy . i have a bad feeling . now , i want you to go out there and track her down and find out if she 's ok . tad : ma , come on , i do n't -- [ cell phone rings ] tad : want to go anywhere . yeah ? frankie : hey , tad , it 's frankie . has krystal called you ? tad : no . why ? what 's going on ? frankie : oh -- she 's gon na kill me for doing this , in fact , those were her exact words , but i 'm worried about her . i think you should come down to the hospital . she 's here . there was an accident . [ cell phone beeps ] [ scene_break ] nurse over p.a . : paging dr. bender . angie : they check out . these drugs are exactly what the labels say they are . jake : so what are you thinking , stem cell therapy , transplant patient ? angie : well , you know -- david : it 's post - op stem cell therapy . that 's why i 'm back in pine valley . i 'm sure you 're all just dying to find out what i 'm up to . female , early 30s . she suffered severe spinal damage in a car accident . she also has severe scarring along nerve paths between l5 and s1 , resulting in paralysis . surgery removed most of the bone fragments as well as some of the scarring . she responded very well to a new stem cell procedure , but she may have reinjured herself recently and might need another round of surgery . angie : well , a couple of questions answered at least . jake : why all the secrets ? is this somebody else that you hurt ? who is she ? david : you would just love it if the woman 's condition turned out to be my fault , would n't you ? well , i 'm sorry to disappoint , but it is n't . the patient in question happens to be a nurse that once worked here . you may remember her . gayle walker ? well , she had a terrible car accident in gloucester a while back . she may have reinjured herself recently , so if she 's gon na have another round of surgery , i 'd like it done in a better facility this time . angie : why did n't you just bring her down here ? david : ha ha . that 's a joke , right ? after the way she was dismissed here ? she refused . she does n't want to deal with anyone here . but i did have a specialist flown in , a dr. clayton from sweden . angie : i 've heard of him . david : yeah , well , he happens to be one of the best . in fact , he 's landing right about now , on his way over here . he wants to go over her tests , her x - rays , her charts . so i need radiology to develop the film and run a full battery of tests on that blood , ok ? stat . i 'd like to have all the results available for dr. clayton once he arrives . jake : i need . i want . you do n't work here anymore . you do n't get to walk in here and tell her what you need and what you want . angie : jake , i got this . you know what , i 'm really -- david : all right , you know , just take it easy . i 'm gon na pay for all of this , all right ? i 'm not expecting any charity from either of you . but i hope you 're not gon na deny me because of some personal grudge . let us not forget that we 're talking about a woman who is in pain and who needs our help . angie : i 'll do your test . david : thank you . and i believe those were meant for me , and i 'm pretty sure i have a pair of your stinky sneakers in my car -- jake : my sneakers are new . david : oh . jake : i still got questions . why all the secrets ? david : really ? ha ha . well , i would think the answer to that would be obvious . i mean , look at the hoops i have to jump through just to have some tests run here and get the woman 's medication returned to me . believe me , i wanted to avoid all of you and just focus all my attention on my patient . [ jake hands david the box of meds ] david : thank you . [ scene_break ] nurse over p.a . : paging dr. white . dr. white . tad : ah . there you are . what the hell happened ? what did you do to her ? rob : go away . tad : what do you mean , go away ? it 's a legitimate question . i 've got a right to know . what were you doing ? were you drinking ? were you driving too fast ? did you get in a fight in a bar ? how did you hurt krystal ? rob : i did n't hurt her . leave me the hell alone . krystal : stop . stop it . stop it . tad : oh , my god . what on earth did he do to you ? krystal : he did n't do anything to me . it was the damn bed . [ krystal exhales sharply ] [ scene_break ] brot : i 'll get forensics working on this . natalia : all right . great . ahh -- so , whoever did this had to get root access to the system . not tough since it was n't a very secure password that they used . dad , once you root in a unix - based system , you 're god . jesse : well , i 'm sure our cyber experts will get to the bottom of it , ok ? natalia : well , what happens is a self - replicating worm just has to alter the permission flags on every file it finds , plug itself in , and start a recursive bit by bit munge of the whole system . jesse : a who ? natalia : a munge . duh . jesse : duh , whatever . [ natalia scoffs ] natalia : uh - oh . it drives you crazy that i know something you do n't , does n't it ? jesse : do n't be ridiculous . you 're supposed to know more about this stuff than i do , ok ? young'un . natalia : hey , you ok ? jesse : yeah . i 'm tired . natalia : well , um , why do n't you take some of that well - deserved quality time off ? jesse : for what ? angela works just as hard as i do . she 's never home , never see her . natalia : you two , uh , you guys doing ok ? jesse : yeah . why ? wh -- what are you talking about ? natalia : i 'm just saying . come on , you guys are like mr. and mrs. supercouple . the destiny duo . come on , you guys have reunited after 20 years . dad , you left mom to be with angie , and now it 's -- jesse : now what ? now that both of our jobs breed stress , now that life - and- death situations are riding us all the time , now that we ca n't pretend that every day is valentine 's day ? natalia : right . now i keep my mouth shut . jesse : now you 're talking . case closed . young'un . [ scene_break ] liza : well , what do you think ? marissa : it 's well laid out . it 's , uh , very complete . david does n't have much wiggle room , does he ? liza : i do n't mean as a lawyer . i meant as his daughter . marissa : he deserves everything that he gets . and yeah , yeah , i 'll testify for you . liza : ok , just think about it , all right ? i just want you to just take a minute and really , really think about this . look , i know you 're frustrated with him , and believe me , you have every right to be , but i also saw your face when he told everybody that he was dying . i saw the pain that you were in , and i also saw how difficult it was for him to lie to you -- marissa : do n't , do n't , do n't try and tell me that his twisted feelings are love . he does n't love me . he never did . and yeah , it hurt , but that 's what he does , right ? he hurts people . so yeah , i will do whatever i can to stop him . [ cell phone rings ] liza : ok . ahem . liza colby . jake : hey , it 's jake . yeah , so david shows up at the hospital , claiming he 's treating a nurse that used to work her , gayle , for a spinal injury . liza : uh - huh . and you do n't think that 's what david is doing ? jake : no , i do n't , but i 'll call you when i find out more . liza : oh , by the way , the lawsuit is ready to be filed . all right . marissa : what 's david doing now ? liza : well , he 's at the hospital apparently , treating some patient . marissa : thanks . liza : wait , marissa . [ scene_break ] erica : and whoever did it was thorough . everything 's gone , including backups . jesse hubbard is coming back . he 's gon na question everyone , so please , please will you just wrack your brains ? try to remember anything you might have seen that night that can lead us to catch whoever did this . i 'm not gon na lie to you , this is a big blow to fusion , but we can get through it if we work together as a team . ryan : and you did n't take a break ? you did n't leave the car lot after the late afternoon ? parking attendant : no . i was at my post since lunch . ryan : and you 're positive , you 're sure about this one car ? parking attendant : i remember it because it had really nice rims . ryan : right . and you said the dark - haired driver left in a real hurry , huh ? parking attendant : like a bat out of hell . ryan : ok , thank you very much . erica : anything from the parking valet ? ryan : maybe . i will let you know . i 'll be back . i got to go check something out . [ scene_break ] [ banging ] greenlee : david ? pilot : no , ma'am . it 's me . greenlee : where 's david ? pilot : i 'm not sure . he left a little while ago , but i think he 's out to get you help . he had me fix the lock on the front door . nobody will bust this one . do you want to watch some tv ? [ television music plays ] ryan : i love you . i 've always loved you . do n't forget that . i will love you till the day i die , erica . greenlee : no . no . pilot : it 's ok . it 's ok . david will be back soon . just -- greenlee : get out . pilot : i 'm not -- greenlee : i do n't need you here . i need to be alone . please , just go . pilot : i 'm sorry -- greenlee : if you do n't leave , i 'm gon na scream my head off , and i 'll call the cops , do you understand me ? pilot : yeah . do n't get upset . i 'm going . greenlee : good . i just do n't want anyone here right now . [ door closes ] television news anchor : the downtown offices of pine valley 's cosmetics dynamo , fusion , were broken into tonight . early reports indicate significant damage to their computer systems . we 'll have more on this as it comes into the newsroom . [ scene_break ] krystal : thank you very much . thank you for calling tad and telling him i was here when i specifically asked you not to . frankie : i 'm sorry , but you seemed all worked up about it and -- tad : you know what ? it does n't matter . thank god you called me , ok ? and what 's all this about a bed ? krystal : ahh . uh , rob has this really great apartment , you know , very modern , lots of levels , loft up top . tad : and ? krystal : low railing , high bed . frankie : ok , uh , krystal , the x - rays came back clear . it 's a bad muscle strain , but i want you to wear the collar for a couple days . you 're free to go home . let me know if you have any problems . krystal : thanks a lot . [ frankie sighs ] tad : ha ha ! so -- you got this falling out of a bed . what about you , huh ? you pull a muscle , too ? ow . holy cow ! rob : you have no idea . tad : you poor bastard . what did they do , put a splint on you ? you know , a little plump water wing thing you pump up ? krystal : tad , tad . tad : no , seriously , i want to about , like , physical therapy . krystal : that 's enough ! that 's enough . tad : gives you new meaning for the phrase `` falling for a guy . `` so who came out on top ? just -- ha ha ! [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] ryan 's voice : david was messing with this when i came downstairs . [ scene_break ] jake : i 'm just not buying the good samaritan thing . am i the only one ? he is cooking something up . amanda : jake , please , leave it alone . [ cell phone rings ] jake : oh , it 's one of my patients . you know what ? i 'll be right back . angie : hey . amanda : he 's not gon na stop . angie , he 's not gon na back off david . angie : no , he 's not . amanda : he does n't see what it might do to us . angie : you know , amanda , it 's not easy living with a man like that , i mean , who 's willing to put so much at risk to set things right . amanda : how do you deal with it ? angie : not very well . [ cell phone rings ] amanda : oh . ah , it 's the babysitter . sorry . angie : i 'll catch up with you later . amanda : ok . david : thank you for making your way over here . i know it 's a significant detour . dr. hubbard , i 'd like you to meet dr. clayton . angie : i 've heard a lot about your work . it 's nice to meet you . clayton : the pleasure 's mine . thanks for helping out on the case . angie : well , that 's what we 're here for -- helping patients . here are your test results . david : excellent . thank you for pushing me through . angie : doctor . clayton : all right , let 's take a look . [ scene_break ] madison : this is really bad , is n't it ? erica : well , we have a great non - profit ready to launch and no idea anymore where to send it or how much we spent or whom to send the invoice to or -- even to call to find out . madison : hey , did i ever tell you that i read all your books ? 'cause `` having it all `` really struck a few chords for me , especially that chapter on pitfalls ? when you meet an obstacle , consider it a challenge . erica : very true . do n't worry , i am not giving up . i am just trying to figure out the best way to meet that challenge . madison : well , i 'd love to stand by and watch . erica : well , you better stand back if you are , because i intend to find out who did this and look them square in the face . [ scene_break ] angie : oh , hi . jesse : hey . angie : everything ok ? jesse : yeah . how you doing ? angie : crazy busy just trying to stop this janitors ' strike before it shuts this whole place down . jesse : is there anything i can do to help ? angie : no . thanks for offering . jesse : not a problem . [ cell phone rings ] jesse : hubbard . brot : got a hit on one of those prints on that flash drive . jesse : hmm . am i gon na be surprised ? brot : maybe . it 's david hayward . jesse : well , what do you know . well done , soldier . thank you . [ scene_break ] david : it 's all looking good , right ? clayton : yeah , i do n't see anything that would call for another surgery . although both her blood work and her films indicate a need to bump up her steroids and immunosuppressants . david : ok , i 've started her on an i.v . tonight . clayton : great . she should show signs of improvement within the next 24 hours . david : excellent . clayton : i got to catch my flight to l.a. for that conference . david : all right . hey , i 'll be in touch with you . thanks again for the detour and for everything you 've done . clayton : absolutely . look forward to seeing her run a marathon one day . david : ha ha . as do i . marissa : wow , you actually did it . you showed your face here again . david : marissa , please -- marissa : no , i do n't want to hear anymore lies , david . nothing you say can take away what you 've done . david : would you at least let me explain ? marissa : no . you are what you are , and you are never ever going to change . yeah , when you found out i was your daughter , you told me that you cared . david : yes , i did , and i do still care . marissa : oh , if you cared , then you would n't have lied to me about dying -- or just left me with a sad little good - bye note . if you cared , you would have told me that you were back . i kept reaching out , and you just kept smacking me down . i am embarrassed to be your daughter . david : i 'm sorry -- marissa : no . enough with the apologies . they do n't work anymore . david : what can i do ? marissa : tell me the truth . for once . why did you come back here ? [ scene_break ] reporter : so this was definitely corporate sabotage ? erica : oh , this was a deliberate destruction of all of our files , our records , and all the backups . second reporter : any suspects ? erica : no , not yet , not at the moment . reporter : if you could say something to whoever did this , what would it be ? erica : i would say to them , you have n't won . fusion is still in business . if you want to fight , fine . i 'll take you down one way or the other , but i intend to look you right in the eye while i 'm doing it . greenlee : argh ! uh ! ow ! uh ! uh -- [ scene_break ] tad : you see , ma ? it was nothing serious after all . krystal just slipped and fell at rob 's , and she had to be checked out . that 's it . now , she did n't -- she just -- well , she felt a little silly about it . opal : silly ? what , for falling down ? nothing silly about that . i 'm just glad you 're all in one piece . krystal : ah , yeah , yeah , me , too . [ bell dings ] opal : oh , oh , that would be my brownies . when i get nervous , i bake . ha . tad : huh ? huh ? come on , let me hear it for me . i told you i was n't gon na say anything incriminating . krystal : thank you . tad : you 're welcome . krystal : ha ha ! would -- would you knock it off ? tad : i ca n't help it . hey , is that what rob asked you to do ? krystal : oh , very funny . tad : well , thank god he broke your fall . krystal : actually , i broke his . tad : ha ha . you can say that again . oh ! uh ! [ knock on door ] krystal : ha . oh . ow . liza : hey , what was the emergency ? what 's the family crisis ? oh , my goodness . tad : no , no . liza : what happened ? tad : it 's ok , it 's ok . krystal just had a minor accident . looks like the other guy is n't gon na be doing any driving anytime soon . ha ha ! [ scene_break ] jake : hey . ok , so , did you see hayward ? did you see where he went ? amanda : i do n't know , and i do n't care . i just want to go home . jake : ok , can we just find him , ok ? amanda : drop it , jake . jake : let 's just find out why he 's really back . amanda : i said drop it ! he said he 's taking care of that nurse . that 's all . please , it is late , and i just want you to take me home and stay with me and our son . just forget about david for one night , please . jake : ok . let 's go home . ok . [ scene_break ] david : i wo n't lie to you again , but i ca n't give you what you want . i ca n't tell you everything , not right now . but i promise , i will when i 'm able to , ok , when the time is right . marissa : go to hell . and this time do n't come back . david : ahh . jesse : hayward . david : this is n't a good time , chief . jesse : well , you 're gon na have to make some time . i need some explanations . david : about what ? jesse : how your fingerprints got on a flash drive that destroyed the computers at fusion . [ scene_break ] [ ryan knocks on wildwind 's door as greenlee sleeps inside with smoke all around her . as he turns to leave , ryan hears an alarm inside the house . ] | at the hospital , frankie tells krystal that he has to wait until the tests come back . frankie urges krystal to call her family . tad visits liza and finds her working on the computer . liza tells him that she is working on the papers to file the against david . marissa visits liza and tad . jake and amanda show angie the medication that jake had intercepted which had been meant for david . jake and amanda wonder what david is up to . david treats greenlee and gives her an injection which will help with the pain . at fusion , erica and ryan talk to the security guard if he had seen anyone at fusion the night before . erica and ryan check the computer and finds that it has crashed . krystal questions frankie about rob 's condition . krystal calls opal , but will not give her any details as to what had been going on . tad persuades marissa to find out what david is doing back in town . opal calls tad for help with krystal . david calls dr. clayton for help with greenlee 's condition . david has a talk with the pilot about tad trying to obtain info from him about david and his passenger . david opens the box and finds that it is a pair of sneakers of jake 's . jesse , brot and natalia discuss the sabotage that had been done to the fusion computer . at the hospital , david persuades angie to run some tests for him on gayle ( supposedly ) , who had been involved in an accident and had injured her spine . angie agrees to run the tests . david talks jake into giving him back the medications . tad finds krystal at the hospital and demands to know of rob what he had done to krystal . tad laughs when he finds out what had happened to krystal and rob . brot runs some tests on the flash drive that they had retrieved from the fusion computer . |
annie : tell me it 's over . tell me it 's a done deal . j.r. : well , the judge banged his gavel , and now my divorce is final . annie : finally ! j.r. : but marissa 's on her way over here . she has to hash out the custody scheduling . annie : no , no . no more hiding . no . j.r. : we ca n't take a chance of her finding out that you knocked her out and robbed her . annie : i explained all that , and you said that you understood . you gave her her stupid bracelet back . i mean , why does marissa get to control everything ? j.r. : she does n't . it 's over , annie , just like i promised it would be . when are you gon na start trusting me ? [ scene_break ] scott : where is this coming from ? madison : i do n't want to talk . scott : all right -- [ scene_break ] cara : hey . sorry about that . tad : hey . that for me ? cara : oh , no , actually , no . tad : i miss out again . cara : no , it 's for my brother , actually . he likes to carbo load before a surgery , and this is for kendall , you know , 'cause she 's in the hospital . tad : well , if you 're busy , we can see each other some other -- cara : no , no . it 's fine . i 'm not busy . i 'm not busy . actually , i have a few minutes , long enough to color a big bright , yellow , smiley sun . tad : really ? cara : yeah , but i -- that sounded kind of weird . what i -- the kids . they 're upstairs . they 're doing artwork for their moms . tad : oh , oh . well , i just wanted to stop by long enough to say thanks . cara : for -- ? tad : no , i mean , for real . from the heart . i was n't the world 's most appreciative p.i . when you gave me that list of the work schedule , but you deserve a pat on the back 'cause you really helped me narrow things down a bit . cara : ok , so does this mean i get my deputy p.i . badge now or what ? tad : no . cara : darn . tad : but do you think you could find out what bar the female doctors like to go to ? it would help . cara : have n't given up on the ladies ' angle , have you ? tad : never . and apparently they do n't share the secret of their favorite watering hole with the male staff members , so -- cara : ok , let me think here . i 've got an idea . tad : oh , god . cara : oh , yes . it 's a good one . i can buy you a round of drinks and get you in under -- tad : cara . cara : wait ! under the radar , and then after a few margaritas , yes , the hospital drug thief will be spilling her guts . tad : no . cara : yes ! i can -- tad : no ! no . cara : jake did n't tell you to keep me away from this , did he ? huh . well -- i ca n't live like this . tad : like what ? cara : like i 'm sick . [ scene_break ] kendall : i have just lost my husband , and there are these things floating around in my head like pieces of the puzzle that i just ca n't put back together . so excuse me for not being at my best . griffin : that 's more like it . kendall : what ? griffin : zach told me all about you , told me you never gave up , never backed down , were feisty as hell . well , get angry , kendall . show some fight , because it may be the only thing that saves your life . [ scene_break ] erica : why is he still here ? guard : the roads are very icy , miss kane . erica : yeah , i understand the roads are icy . i understand that , but this man , this criminal is very dangerous . david : what are you so worried about , erica ? that i 'll share a little secret ? erica : i have no idea what you 're talking about . david : i 'm pretty sure kendall would . you know , as a matter of fact , i think it 's important that i see my patient , kendall slater , before we leave . erica : i told you to stay away from my daughter . officer , you hear the threats he 's making . please , keep him away from my daughter . keep him away . guard : yes , miss kane . griffin : where have you been ? erica : how 's kendall ? griffin : i 've given her some medication to keep her relaxed , some oxygen to help with her breathing , but i 'm still worried about her mindset . erica : i 'll talk to her . griffin : wait . before you go in , is there anything else i should know about kendall 's state of mind ? erica : what do you mean ? griffin : i mean , she 's been talking about some piece of a puzzle that 's lost somewhere in her mind . do you have any idea what she meant by that ? [ scene_break ] tad : why would jake think you 're sick ? cara : because i was sick . you know , i was sick when i was a little girl . i had leukemia . and it was rough , it was horrible , and -- i ca n't believe i just told you that . tad : it 's ok . it 's all right . cara : i mean , it 's actually not ok , because i have n't really told anybody for years . actually , i did n't even tell jake until recently , and i barely know you and -- well , there it is . it 's right out in the open . tad : that 's fine . mum 's the word . i 'm not gon na say anything . and it 's me . i mean , people tell me things . you know , it 's sort of a knack , a skill , a talent . it comes in handy with the p.i . shtick every once in a while . cara : is that right ? tad : yeah . cara : oh . whew ! tad : no , i 'm serious . i 'm not trying to make you feel good , either . i 'm telling you . it 's the eyes , the smile -- it 's the whole package . spend 20 minutes with me , i cock my eyebrow . next thing you know , you 're telling me your worst nickname from high school . cara : oh , my gosh . no . do n't raise that talented eyebrow , 'cause i 'll just rip it right off . tad : i 'll bet you would . cara : ha ha ! no . tad : it 's a far cry from a kid with leukemia . cara : it 's a very far cry . tad : good on you . good on you . if it means anything , after knowing you this long , i never would have guessed . cara : that 's good . that 's the way i like it . you know , the whole people - tell- you - things talent ? tad : mm - hmm . cara : i think it 's what makes you a good friend , too . [ scene_break ] j.r. : how did your meeting with dr. burke go , anyway ? annie : very positive . it was so helpful to be able to talk to somebody about my feelings . j.r. : glad to hear it . i want to hear all about it as soon as marissa and i work out these custody arrangements . annie : maybe i should be a part of that discussion . j.r. : no . no . marissa and i have a lot to work out still . we do n't want to be springing anything else on her . i 'll tell you what . how about you go through the back , and i 'll call you when we 're finished , ok ? all right . marissa : hey . j.r. : hi . marissa : i hope i did n't keep you waiting too long . j.r. : no , no . i just did n't feel like discussing a.j . at the courthouse . i feel like we can handle that . marissa : yeah , i mean it 's strange , and in many ways it feels like we 've broken up forever , but in all other ways -- j.r. : it 's like we were married yesterday . i know . listen , i 'm sorry for everything that happened , everything i did . marissa : i know , but it 's not all your fault . we both know there 's somebody else who shares the blame . [ scene_break ] scott : no , wait , wait -- wait a minute . madison : what ? what is it ? what 's wrong ? scott : it 's just that -- madison : it 's me . scott : no , no . madison : i 'm pregnant -- scott : no , no . madison : and fat and popping out of my clothes . scott : no , listen to me . you 're not fat , ok ? you 're -- beautiful . listen to me . i was hurt by annie really bad , ok ? and i ended up sleeping with someone else . i think that was just both of us trying to make ourselves feel better , but -- in the end , it was a huge mistake , and it ended up costing everyone everything . madison : ok , but neither one of us is married or even involved with anyone else . scott : so you 're completely done with ryan , huh ? madison : i was n't kissing ryan just now . i was kissing you . scott : yes , after a run - in with ryan and greenlee . madison : ok . so i was hurt . scott : i know . i know , but you know , getting crazy on these sheets , it 's -- it 's not gon na make it go away . madison : well , that depends how crazy . scott : no , that 's true . madison : thank you very much for reminding me what a mess i 'm in . scott : no , hey , listen to me . that 's not what i 'm doing here . look , you do n't think i 'm loving this right now ? i mean , i just got out of prison . to think that you 'd be waiting for me here , and i would be turning you down , are you kidding me ? gon na kick myself in the morning for being so damned noble . but i do n't know , just -- the timing of everything , it just -- where we were headed , it just seemed kind of wrong . but under any other circumstances , believe me , i 'd be all over it . i would be all over you . i would . madison : guess i 'm pretty bad at the seduction stuff . scott : no , no . i think you 're pretty spectacular . [ cell phone rings ] scott : yeah . madison : it 's from kendall 's house . she could be out of the hospital . hello ? oh , hey , sandra . oh . uh - huh . ok , yeah , it 's no problem . i 'll be right over . yeah . scott : what 's going on ? madison : it was kendall 's nanny . she needs to leave , and i 'm on the list of emergency sitters . kendall being in the hospital is an emergency , so -- scott : yeah , ok , well , i did n't know you babysit , too . madison : i have many talents . scott : i will give you a ride there . madison : you do n't have to do that . scott : well , i gave you a ride here , so unless you want to walk , you are stuck with me . [ scene_break ] annie : ooh , honey , i 'm sorry i kept you waiting so long , but i was dealing with something that was really important . and after you spend some time with your daddy , i have some very exciting things to tell you about . emma : what kind of things ? annie : it 's about our future . it 's gon na be a great new start for us . where is your daddy , though ? oh , hey . ryan : hey . i 'm sorry that i 'm late . i tried calling you , but you were n't picking up . hi ! emma : hi . annie : now that you 're here -- ryan : about that , actually -- i was so looking forward to our night together . annie : what do you mean , you were looking forward to it ? ryan : well , i was wondering if we could switch nights . annie : what is more important than spending time with your daughter , ryan ? ryan : kendall is in the hospital , ok ? it 's very serious . annie : it is amazing how you can care about every single one of your exes except me . [ scene_break ] erica : kendall should not be focusing on pieces of a puzzle that do n't even exist , especially not now . she needs a shot of courage from her mother . how are you feeling , sweetheart ? kendall : just -- i 'm exhausted . erica : you 're gon na feel so much better after the surgery . kendall : i just keep thinking about all the what - ifs . i 've got two little boys at home who need me . i 've got great friends . i have a loving sister . i have a mother who would go to hell and back for me . and even with all of that -- erica : you still miss zach . kendall : if only -- erica : if only he were here . i know . if he were here , he would tell you to fight like hell . kendall : he would say that , right ? erica : he would . you know he would . we both know he would . kendall : i 'm trying . honestly , mom , i am trying so hard . erica : you try harder . and i 'll be here right with you every step of the way . kendall : i wish i could shake whatever these things are that are going on in my head . erica : do n't you let anything hold you back . go , go . kendall ? what is it ? kendall : nothing . i 'm fine . it was just -- just more images . erica : it 's probably a result of the medication . and once the surgery is over -- kendall : no , i think we need to postpone the surgery . erica : no , honey , no , no . you ca n't do that . kendall : but , mom , no . there are all these things swirling around in my head right now . erica : you just push them all away . kendall : i 'm not sure i have the strength to do that right now . can you talk to my doctor , please ? just tell griffin i need more time . erica : no . what you need is to remember who you are and all you have survived . you are kendall hart slater . and you shout that to whatever is swirling around in your beautiful little head . and you just drown out all of that with your confidence . [ scene_break ] cara : hey , hey . this would be not so fresh out of the oven . all right . for you . griffin : a - ha . cara : yes . griffin : my pre - surgery carbo fix . cara : of course . griffin : you remembered . cara : you think i 'd ever forget ? nice . yeah . wow . do n't need to kill it , brother , ok ? it did n't do anything to you . griffin : i know . cara : all right . look , it 's gon na be fine . ok ? griffin : i know . you make the incision . you clamp the aorta . cara : i 'm not talking about the nuts and bolts . i 'm talking about kendall . griffin : kendall 's a patient with a plumbing problem . cara : yes , she is a patient , but this patient 's case is one that you 've spent a lot of time on . can we admit that ? griffin : i admit that this is really good pasta . [ scene_break ] ryan : would you please calm down ? annie : no . i am not gon na let you make me look like the bad guy again . ryan : ok , ems , mommy and daddy 's got ta talk for a second , ok ? we got ta figure something out , ok , babe ? what is wrong with you ? annie : me ? i am not the one dropping all of my responsibilities to go take care of some sick friend . ryan : i 'm asking you to switch nights . why is that such a huge problem ? annie : it 's none of your business , ryan . ryan : let me guess . j.r . i 'm really sorry if kendall 's emergency surgery is getting in the way of your date night , annie . annie : i just have a lot riding on tonight , ok ? ryan , please . ryan : what do you mean `` riding on -- `` you 're acting like there 's some kind of deadline here . annie , what 's going on ? annie : nothing -- nothing is going on . look , i know i 've been a mess lately , but after tonight , everything 's gon na be better , ok ? i 'll spend more time with emma . just please . it 's important . i 'll take care of her after this -- ryan : hey ! guess what . it 's gon na work out . we 're gon na hang out together after all . ok ? emma : all right . ryan : ok . ready to go ? emma : yep . ryan : all right . got this . annie : do n't forget your bag . ryan : take care of yourself . come on . annie : bye , sweetie . i love you . emma : love you , too . annie : you 'll see , emma . you 'll see . after tonight , we 're gon na have a whole new fresh start . [ scene_break ] marissa : i remember the first time that i came here . i had never seen anything like it . it just kept going . there were so many rooms and so many things . i fell in love with it . and then i hated it . it felt big and cold and empty , just like a big show . j.r. : well , how about now ? marissa : well , so much has happened here . j.r. : but this was our home . it 's a.j . 's home . marissa : it 's also the place where i was attacked and robbed . j.r. : i realize the police have closed that investigation . marissa : uh - huh , not exactly . j.r. : you saw the police report ? marissa : after you found the stolen things at the pawn shop , i gave them to one of the detectives to see if they could get any new leads . j.r. : what did they find ? [ scene_break ] kendall : it 's just so hard . erica : i know , honey . i know it is , but you can do it . you have your two beautiful little boys to live for . kendall : of course , mom , i want to live . but every time i make progress , something just slams me right back . and now there 's this thing with david . erica : david is going to prison , and you are going to get well . that 's all you need to know . kendall : then why do i keep thinking about him ? why ca n't i get him out of my head ? erica : shh -- just positive thoughts , honey . just positive thoughts . i 'm gon na go see how your surgery 's going . griffin : miss kane . is she prepared for the surgery ? erica : i wish i could say yes . ca n't you get through to her ? griffin : i 'm the doctor here , not the handholder . erica : then what can i do to get her ready for this operation that will guarantee she lives ? griffin : there are no guarantees here . the aneurysm could burst during the surgery . erica : no , no . you ca n't let that happen . you have to promise me that you will not let her die . griffin : i 'm the best that there is , but i never make that promise . jack : how 's she doing ? erica : her mind is on david , not the surgery . jack : did you say anything to her ? erica : she wants to postpone the surgery . she wants to figure things out . but if she figures things out , she 'll go into that operating room a total wreck ! [ scene_break ] griffin : your symptoms are n't going away , kendall . kendall : there 's this little voice in my head that keeps telling me that now is not the right time . griffin : well , could you do me a favor ? just tell that voice to shut the hell up . you ca n't postpone your procedure . kendall : i love how you call it a procedure , like i 'm getting my teeth cleaned or something . griffin : we both know how serious this is . kendall : serious enough that i could die on the table . griffin : with me in the operating room , the odds are in your favor . that i can promise . kendall : i 'm too tired to argue with you . griffin : i did n't know we were having an argument . ok , kendall . if you wo n't talk to me , maybe i can talk to the little voice in your head . what 's it saying to you that 's making you so afraid ? [ scene_break ] scott : oh , you got me ! you got ta help me , man ! oh , no ! that 's not fair . help ! backup ! aah ! madison : i think that 's enough out of all three of you guys . huh ? ian : aah ! madison : hey , how would you feel about a pizza - popcorn movie night ? scott : yay ! pizza ! in fact , you know what , i am on it . and i am gon na have that pizza delivered . madison : ok . all right . [ doorbell rings ] madison : oh . scott : who 's that ? emma : madison ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : so the only fingerprints on the wallet and the bracelet were mine and the guy at the pawn shop 's . marissa : right . j.r. : that surprises you . marissa : yeah , a little . you 'd think whoever broke in here would have left some fingerprints somewhere . j.r. : all that tells me is the guy wiped the prints before he pawned it . marissa : yeah . and the pawnbroker backed your story ? j.r. : wait a minute . my story ? marissa : i 'm sorry . i just -- i 'll be honest . i thought that maybe annie had something to do with this . but i guess when i 'm wrong , i 'm wrong . j.r. : and that 's one of the qualities i 've always admired about you . i just wish some of it would have rubbed off on me . marissa : oh , come on . you do have some good qualities . j.r. : oh , yeah ? where ? marissa : i 'm serious . you do , or else i would never have fallen in love with you . anyway , the important thing is that we stay on good terms for a.j . j.r. : yeah , thank you . thank you for everything you 've done for me and a.j . [ scene_break ] madison : i 'm so happy to see you . emma : me too . madison : you know , scott 's inside . want to say hi ? emma : yes . ryan : hey , i had no idea that you and scott were , uh -- here . madison : well , we 're emergency babysitters . scott : so how you doing ? ryan : yeah , i 'm good . yeah , you ? scott : ca n't complain . ryan : honestly , i just brought emma here because i thought maybe sandra could watch her for a couple hours . that was all . madison : oh , go . i 'll watch her . ryan : no . are you kidding me ? you got the boys . i 'm not gon na overwhelm you . scott : and we also got pizza , popcorn , and a movie . so , please -- madison : yes , of course , emma can stay . i miss her . ryan : you sure ? yeah , ok . all right . and i 'll let you guys know how kendall 's doing . i 'll give you a call , ok ? madison : thanks . ryan : all right . ems ? emma : yeah ? ryan : you can stay for the movie . scott and emma : yay ! ryan : yeah , all right . ok , well , thanks , guys . i appreciate it . scott : yeah , and let us know about kendall . ryan : yeah , definitely . bye ! [ scene_break ] kendall : i wish i could tell you what you want to know . i wish i could open up my brain and let all these things come pouring out , but i ca n't reach them . i ca n't get to them . griffin : i ca n't cut it out with my scalpel , either . must be frustrating . kendall : it 's too much . it 's all too much . griffin : no . maybe for some people . not for you . kendall : you do n't know me . griffin : i know what i see and what i heard from zach . do you not know what you are ? kendall : what i am ? griffin : maybe it 's because i 've been all over the world and seen so many different kinds of people . you 're not like most people , kendall . [ scene_break ] jack : clearly , there 's no good answer to that . i mean , it 's a hell of a big burden to put on her just before surgery . erica : if only i told her the truth from the beginning -- jack : yeah . but you did n't , and you ca n't go back . erica : thank you so much for being here with me . i know we 've had our problems lately -- jack : let 's just concentrate on getting hayward in prison where he belongs and getting kendall well . [ scene_break ] kendall : these things that you 're saying -- griffin : look , if you want me to bring your mother in here , your sister -- i 'll get the whole damn town if it helps you , ok ? kendall : no , no . griffin : look , i 'm not your shrink or your pep squad , but i need you to go into that o.r . with the eye of the damn tiger . boxing gloves on , claws out , whatever the hell it takes . do you understand me ? kendall : yes , i 'm not stupid , ok ? i know that you need to operate . griffin : and i ca n't force anyone into the right state of mind . i just need you to trust me enough so i can -- kendall : ok , listen . that 's the problem , ok ? i ca n't trust you . i do n't know if i can trust anyone . it took me so long to be able to trust zach . and he promised -- he promised he would n't leave me , and he broke our trust . cara : um , i 'm deeply sorry for the interruption . i just got you some stuff from home . kendall : oh . cara : there 's a robe in there , and there 's some slippers . of course , ca n't not have those slippers . kendall : right . cara : and of course this . kendall : oh . cara : masterpiece . masterpiece artwork . kendall : thank you . cara : i just wanted to send you a little roomie love , that 's all . and to let you know that you 're in excellent hands with my brother . ok ? so , there you go . i 'm gon na get out of your hair . and i will see you , kendall , when you wake up . kendall : thanks . cara : can i talk to you for a second ? griff , clearly she is not in a great place , ok , but you 're no better . griffin : sometimes the patients just do n't cooperate . cara : you got ta make her trust you . griffin : you heard what she said . cara : i get it . you 're not really comfortable being questioned , but she needs this . not just the surgery . so do what you do to make her trust you . love you . griffin : ok , kendall . if trust is our issue , i guess we have to start somewhere . [ scene_break ] erica : are you kidding me ? what is going on ? why is he still here ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : this feels comfortable . marissa : took us a while to get here . what 's wrong ? j.r. : i 've told that gardener to cut that branch down , like , a dozen times . marissa : looks all right to me . j.r. : you know , i did n't realize how late i 've kept you here . i 'm sure a.j . 's waiting . marissa : yeah , i know . you 're probably right . sorry . j.r. : you tell a.j . that i 'm gon na see him first thing in the morning , pick him up for school . marissa : i will . j.r. : all right . marissa : hey , and one more thing , one friend to another -- be careful with annie . j.r. : oh , she 's ok . marissa : no , j.r. , she 's not . j.r. : are you afraid that she 's still gon na hurt you ? marissa : she had a pair of scissors in her hands like she was gon na use them on my face . yeah ! i was a little rattled by that . then with all those crazy messages -- j.r. : we resolved all that , ok ? it 's nothing to worry about . marissa : it 's not me that i 'm worried about . just be careful . j.r. : ok . annie : i know i 'm not supposed to be here , but i was so excited about the idea of you actually being free , i could n't wait another minute to -- j.r. : do n't . just do n't . annie : no , please , please , do n't tell me that she pulled some legal trick to stop the divorce ? she did , did n't she ? j.r. : annie . annie : i told you she was going to do this . oh , my god , that woman would do anything to keep you ! what -- what did she say ? what was her excuse ? what , did she say a.j . had a nightmare ? i told you she was going to guilt you into staying in this marriage . j.r. : she did n't guilt me into anything , annie ! we 're divorced . annie : oh , oh , good . i mean , not good . i 'm sorry if i thought -- i just thought marissa was going to do something to ruin this for us , and i -- j.r. : no , she did n't , but you just did . [ scene_break ] tad : are you trying to earn some kind of merit badge by tracking me down all the time ? cara : no . i 'm just passing the time while kendall 's in surgery . tad : actually , i 'm doing the same thing . can i pass the time with you ? [ scene_break ] jack : why is he still here ? erica : i do n't know . that 's what i 've been trying to find out . jack : if i hear that you 've been trying to contact kendall -- david : what are you going to do , jack ? kill me ? has n't worked yet . am i right , erica ? jack : all right , come on . let 's get out of here . come on . [ scene_break ] kendall : is this some kind of a test about trust ? griffin : yeah , you said it yourself . that 's a problem , and i just solved it . kendall : ok . griffin : as your doctor , i 'm asking you to trust me with your life , so to be fair , i have to trust you with mine . kendall : what are you talking about ? griffin : what i 'm going to tell you could ruin my life , stop me from ever practicing medicine , possibly even send me to jail . kendall : okay , right ? what could you possibly tell me that could make all those things happen ? griffin : i 've been stealing drugs from the hospital . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'll be right there . [ phone rings ] jack : jackson montgomery . who 's this ? all right . ok , you 've got my attention . [ scene_break ] officer : ok , so they 've fixed the van finally . we are gon na get you out of here . david : wait , wait , wait . i need to see kendall slater before i leave . i -- i 'm not going anywhere until i see her . ryan : the hell you are n't . [ scene_break ] scott : oh . madison : so , ever think about having kids of your own ? scott : who , me ? no . when i was married to annie , i got really attached to emma . madison : yeah , i miss her , too . scott : i think you 're going to make an amazing mom . madison : hmm . well , i did n't exactly have great role models . scott : well , then you learned what not to do . madison : i just hope i do n't mess up my kid like my parents did . scott : i think you turned out ok . in fact , you know what ? better than ok . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you took a big risk again ! annie : i was worried that something was going to go wrong , and i saw marissa in your arms . j.r. : oh , she was my wife ! she was -- i loved her ! annie : well -- but it looked to me like -- j.r. : what ? what -- that we were going to fall into bed ? annie , it was a good- bye hug . that 's it . annie : ok , ok , ok . so , let 's pretend it did n't happen . it did n't happen . let 's pretend you called me , and now i 'm here . j.r. : we can not pretend any more . i ca n't constantly keep reassuring you . i already put my job on the line and my family just to try to prove that i want to be with you . annie : ok . i understand that . j.r. : something tells me you 're never going to understand it . annie : ok . ok . i learned my lesson . let 's just drop it . you 're blaming me for everything . it does n't matter . i thought that i saw you and marissa -- j.r. : no -- that 's it , ok ? that 's it ! that 's it . i 've had enough . annie : what are you saying ? are you breaking up with me ? [ scene_break ] tad : at the risk of getting my eyebrow pulled off , i just thought i 'd bring it up again . you 're great . but i mean , being sick all those years ago -- leukemia at that age , you must have thought about death a lot . that has to be hard . cara : all i know -- is enjoy every fry . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 've been staling drugs ? griffin : not for me or to sell . i 'm sending them to clinics of parts of the world that desperately need these medications that they ca n't afford . kendall : oh , my god . griffin : i was going to fund these purchases through the deal with zach , and it 's not affecting the hospital , and i 'll pay it all back with interest . but that 's what i 've done . and i 'm trusting you wo n't tell anyone my secret . kendall : i wo nt . griffin : so we have a deal ? you trust me , i trust you . life for life . this time , we 're talking about yours . kendall : schedule the procedure . griffin : done . and i 'm serious . you got ta keep up your part of the bargain , or else i could end up a cellmate of david 's . erica 's voice : and i 'll be here right with you every step of the way . griffin : i 'm going to get the ball rolling . [ scene_break ] ryan : wait . what are you even still doing here ? david : i really need to see my patient before i -- ryan : ok , first of all , she is not your patient . kendall is not your patient . second of all , you 're not even a doctor anymore . david : just get the hell out of my way , all right ? guard : hey , easy . ryan : what are you going to do , hayward . what are you going to do ? you do n't have a gun to try to shoot me this time . david : do n't you ever get tired of playing the hero all the time , huh ? because it 's getting old ! ryan : you 're going to have to go through me first . guard : hey . both of you back down . the prisoner 's coming with me . get out of the way . move it . [ gunshot ] erica : go . go . go . go . go . kendall : i did it . i did it . not her . i 'm the one who shot david . | at the chandler mansion , j.r. sits in the living room when annie comes to see him . j.r. lets annie know that the divorce is final . annie wants to make plans with j.r. for the evening , but j.r. lets her know that marissa is coming over . this news unnerves annie to no end . madison and scott kiss while lying on his bed . scott asks her where this is coming from , but madison pulls him into another kiss . cara is getting ready to go to work when tad comes to visit her at kendall 's . tad thanks her for the lead that she had given to him . cara wants to continue to help him with the investigation , but tad puts a stop to it and cara wonders if jake had had anything to do with it . cara blurts out that she was sick . cara lets tad know about the leukemia . at pine valley hospital , griffin tries to coax kendall into fighting for her life . erica is completely against david still being at the hospital . david asks to see kendall , but erica demands from the guard that he keep david away from kendall . griffin , in the corridor , asks erica about kendall 's state of mind and if there is anything else that he needs to know . j.r. questions annie about her meeting with dr. burke . annie assures him that it was fine . j.r. hears marissa coming in and quickly gets annie out of the room through the patio doors . marissa walks in to the living room and apologizes for being late . scott pulls away from madison and explains to her that this is not the perfect time for them to make love after all that is going on . annie brings emma into krystal 's to meet ryan . ryan arrives and emma gives him a big hug . annie tries to get ryan to care for emma for the evening since she has plans , but ryan tells her about kendall . annie becomes unnerved once again when she thinks her plans are going to be ruined . erica goes to visit kendall to see how she is doing . kendall points out to erica all the good things in her life , most of all her children . erica lets kendall know that if zach were here he would want her to fight for her life . kendall has a flashback of something that she has forgotten and wants to delay the surgery . erica urges her to have the surgery . ryan tries his best to calm annie down . marissa shows j.r. the police report concerning her missing things that had been retrieved . marissa wants to blame annie for this , but j.r. quickly defends annie . erica lets jack know about kendall 's condition . marissa and j.r. hug as annie watches them from outside with a knife in her hand . |
annie : i -- i 'm sorry . ryan : no , it 's -- um -- it 's ok . i guess i just -- i guess i just need a little bit of time to get used to all this , that 's all . annie : so do you believe me now ? ryan : i have lost four years of my life . i have a wife and a daughter that i do n't know . annie : you 'll get it all back , ryan . ryan : yeah . that 's what joe said , and i -- i 'm really hoping to believe him , but you know what ? i just -- um -- i 'm going to go for a walk and clear my mind a little bit , get some fresh air . annie : ok , we can do that . ryan : alone , if it 's -- if it 's ok . annie : yeah , of course . of course , whatever you need . i 'll -- i 'll be right here . [ scene_break ] tad : jesse ? [ when he spots jesse in the hospital hall , tad runs after him ] [ scene_break ] nurse : i 'm sorry , sir , we really need you to wait outside . angie : she 's stable , but let 's keep a cart nearby . nurse : ok . kendall : what are they doing now ? angie : we had to reinforce the coma to protect her , and we have to stabilize her system before it shuts down completely -- now , this is what i warned you about . i 'm so sorry . aidan : i thought the antidote was supposed to help her , not put her back into shock . kendall : why is n't it working ? angie : it is working , but the levels are n't . we have n't found the right amount to give her yet . kendall : i do n't get it -- she seemed to be improving . angie : well , unfortunately , that 's what we 're seeing with both patients . their initial reaction to the antitoxin is positive , it looks like they 're rallying , and then something -- we -- we do n't know what -- reverses it . jack : you know what , angie ? i must be honest with you , i do n't get it , either . you 've got all these experts -- experts from the cdc , poison control , the department of agriculture -- all these people , and you still ca n't figure this out . angie : we 're all stumped right now . but greenlee and frankie are still with us , which means there 's hope . do n't lose that . kendall : how long , doctor ? aidan : yeah , weeks ? what are we looking at -- days ? what ? angie : we are just trying to keep them through the night . now , it 's best that you guys take turns in there . ok ? nurse : mrs. slater , there 's a call for you on line 3 . kendall : hello ? amanda , what is it ? a book party ? yeah , yeah , yeah , they -- they told me about it . listen , i 'm not going to be able to make it , ok ? be -- because my best friend is dying , that 's why ! ok , just tell the publishing people to -- to launch it without me . i do n't care about the stupid book . i 'm sorry . i know it 's not your fault . can you just tell them ? ok . [ kendall hangs up the phone and looks in on greenlee ] kendall : `` my best friend is dying . `` ryan ? oh , i am so glad to see you . ryan : kendall ? you have no idea how happy i am to see you . god , i 've missed you . kendall : ryan , what do you mean , `` you -- you 've missed me `` ? you 've missed me how ? i have n't gone anywhere . i mean , we 've been here for days . ryan : i -- i know . i just -- i -- um -- i just woke up . you know , i looked up at , um -- at annie , and i just felt like i 've been asleep forever . kendall : yeah , yeah , i know how awful that can be -- to -- to be in such a sound sleep , and then -- and then get hit with such bad news right away . ryan : god , you look beautiful . kendall : what ? what , are you crazy ? no , i do n't -- i look horrible , i look disgusting . i -- honestly , i do n't care . i do n't care how i look right now . i just -- i thought that everything was getting better . ryan : yeah . kendall : yeah , but it 's not . ryan , dr. hubbard -- she 's -- she 's worried about greenlee even making it through the night . ryan : wait a minute . yore telling me greenlee 's sick , and she might die ? kendall : yeah . ryan , what is wrong with you ? ryan : nothing , nothing is wrong , just -- where is she right now ? kendall : uh -- she 's -- she 's this way . come on . ok -- no , you know what ? wait a second . let 's take a walk , all right , and you can tell me what 's going on with you . come on . [ scene_break ] jack : so you 're saying my daughter could die right now ? angie : jack , i just -- jack : just answer me , please , angie ? angie : yes . jack : well , you 're going to have to give us a little more . that 's what you doctors do , right -- when you hit a wall , you keep trying till you figure something out , right ? that 's what you do . aidan : give me the poison . zach : what the hell are you talking about ? aidan : she says they ca n't get a level on how much antidote to give greenlee . you can give me the toxin , you can experiment on me . angie : that 's very heroic of you , aidan . but all it would do is put you in the same condition as greenlee and frankie , and i do n't think either one of them would want that . hey , look , i know you want to help -- all of you -- and i wish that i could offer you more than just `` hang in there `` or `` say your prayers . `` look , my son 's life hangs in the balance , too . so you must know that whatever it takes -- whatever means it takes for me to fight this , i will . [ scene_break ] tad : well . huh . i guess you 're not the only one that 's hallucinating . i could 've swore i just saw your dad . i guess it 's catching , huh ? it 's impossible . no , it 's impossible . jesse hubbard is dead . he 's dead , he died in this hospital . then again , what the hell do i know ? oh , jesse -- i 'm going out on a limb here -- if you 're out there somewhere , you got to help us -- all of us . jesse , please . angie : tad ? [ scene_break ] ryan : look , kendall , if i 'm acting a little bit strange right now , i can explain all of that later , ok ? just please -- right now , just please take me to see greenlee . kendall : ok , all right , ryan , but you have to know it 's -- it 's bad . i mean , she -- she 's in a coma . ryan : but she 's still alive , right ? kendall : yeah , of course . ryan : well , that 's good , because you know greenlee -- she 's a fighter , right ? i mean , if nothing else , she probably has a bone to pick with you , you know ? kendall : yeah . ryan : hey -- she 's not leaving us , ok ? i guarantee that , i guarantee that we 'll get through this . just -- just take me to see her , please ? kendall : ok , all right . uh -- well , maybe we should get some coffee for everyone first . ryan : who 's `` everyone `` ? kendall : my mom , jackson , aidan -- ryan : devane ? kendall : yeah -- and zach , of course . ryan : who 's -- who 's that ? kendall : are you serious ? ryan : yes , kendall , i 'm serious . who is that , who is zach ? kendall : zach -- zach slater , my husband ? ryan : wait a minute , wait a minute . are you telling me that -- that you married somebody else ? [ scene_break ] zach : no , rachael , i know . just -- just stay there for a couple of hours . it 's -- it 's going to be a long night out here . ok , i 'll call you back . annie , hey . annie : hey , zach . what happened ? zach : uh -- greenlee 's having a rough time , it 's not looking great . annie : oh , no . is aidan here ? zach : aidan 's here , yeah , sure , and erica , jackson . where 's your old man ? annie : uh -- ryan ? zach : yeah , ryan -- do you have another old man ? i 'm saying that if it was greenlee , he 'd maybe come here . zach : what 's going on ? annie : it 's kind of a complicated question . so -- um -- what exactly happened to greenlee ? i heard something about , like , an antidote or something and they had to -- zach : annie ? annie : what ? zach : we 're friends , right ? annie : of course . zach : so you can talk to me . annie : i ca n't . zach : of course , you can . what 's bugging you ? [ scene_break ] tad : so how is he ? angie : the same -- not better , not worse . tad : and you ? angie : the truth ? tad : yeah . angie : going crazy -- wracking my brain trying to figure this out . tad : yeah , i -- i 'm sorry , honey . i talked to pop , he said this one 's a real nightmare , a bit of a mystery . angie : and we 're supposed to know how to solve it , right ? i mean , we 're the experts -- somebody gets sick , dial up a cure . i wish it were that simple . i wish for a lot of things . tad : yeah , i know what you mean , honey -- ' i 've -- i 've had a few of those myself . angie : so what is it about jesse ? tad : huh ? angie : you were talking about him to frankie when i walked in . tad : oh , i -- uh -- nothing . you know , i just -- well , jesse 's been on my mind a lot lately , you know ? i come by it honestly -- i 've been staring at this picture for hours . angie : were we ever that young ? tad : oh , please . you know , the fact is you 're just still as beautiful as ever . listen , angela -- you remember what frankie said about seeing him , right ? angie : who ? tad : jesse . frankie swore that he saw him in this room . angie : i do think jesse 's spirit is here watching out for us . that 's probably what frankie heard or felt , you know . tad : yeah . yeah , i 'm sure you 're right . which means it 's -- it 's got to be doubly hard for you , right ? i mean , especially with him being here -- all the bad memories of what happened ? angie : oh , you know , jesse is with me all the time . i mean , that -- that man -- he just guides me constantly , telling me when i 'm being selfish or when i 'm giving up too easily . he would be here right now , telling me , `` you keep working , angie . this is our boy right here , so do n't you let down for a minute . do n't you let down for a minute . and you stop feeling sorry for yourself , girl , because do you think that you 've covered it all ? you have n't . you have n't covered it all . there 's got to be something that you 've missed , so you need to just find out what it is . you keep fighting , you keep fighting , angie , and you look for it , because you will find it ! you 'll find it , because i have faith in you , baby ! `` god . oh , god , jesse , i miss you so much . i miss you so much ! tad : that makes two of us , hon . makes two of us . angie , what is it ? angie : tad -- uh -- i got to go . tad : angela . [ scene_break ] erica : jack ? you 've really been glued to her side . maybe -- maybe it 's time for you to take a little break ? jack : no , i told you before i 'm not going anywhere . erica : no , i understand . when she hears your voice , she knows you 're here , she knows she 's loved . that 's -- that 's beautiful . but there is another man here who also loves your daughter . loves her so much that he broke her out of prison , and then went to stay in a leaky cabin in the middle of nowhere so he could search for her . aidan : erica , do n't , it 's fine . erica : and he never gave up -- he never gave up until he found her . jack : you 're right . you 're right -- i could n't have asked for a better man to love my daughter . aidan : thanks , man . jack : just stay here , and i want you to keep her safe for me , though , all right ? aidan : you know i will . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : just me and you now , greens . [ aidan sniffs ] aidan : oh -- i 'm not crying , i just got a cold . you look so beautiful , you know that ? i 'm going to tell you a story . do n't worry , it 's not one of my funny jokes . you know , when i was a kid , i did many stupid things , as you do . one day , i kind of outdid myself . there were these -- um -- these boys i grew up with in england , living on the same street . and this guy dared me to eat a pile of worms out of his garden . and everybody looked at me and said that i was too afraid -- and i was . i mean , who wants to eat a pile of worms , right -- slimly little buggers -- but i did . i scooped them up , and i ate every single last one of them . i pretended that i was n't afraid -- like it would make me any less of a man . i got to admit to you , greenlee , i 'm a little afraid . i love you . i need you to be strong and come back -- for both of us . [ scene_break ] annie : ryan 's fine . he was with joe earlier , but -- um -- you know , i 've just been trying to come up with a list of what to ask , because i know they say that you should always write down your questions , so you remember what to ask the doctors . but -- um -- you know , i 'm really ok . zach : then why are your hands shaking ? annie : i do n't know . i 'm -- i 'm cold , maybe there 's a draft in here . zach : yeah , there probably is . let me buy you a cup of coffee , ok ? hey -- i do n't know if you 've met dr. hubbard . hi , doc . annie : no , i have n't . i 'm annie lavery . angie : hi . annie : hi . how 's greenlee ? angie : same , i 'm afraid . listen , aidan 's offer to take the poison got me thinking about something . zach : about what ? angie : using the poison to fight the poison . zach : not sure what that means . angie : all right , look , we created the antitoxin from the poison root -- standard medicine . greenlee rallies , and then her system shuts down . i give frankie too much of the antitoxin , his heart stops . it 's a long shot -- hell , it 's probably malpractice if it does n't work -- but if i can find something to balance the amount of poison in their systems with the amount of antidote we use to treat it -- zach : i have no idea what you 're saying , but if -- if it 's worth a shot , then go ahead , you should try it . angie : wish me luck . zach : come on . what 's going on ? annie : um -- ryan 's been forgetting things . zach : things like what ? annie : i do n't know if it 's the gunshot or -- we do n't really know what it is yet . zach : he 's forgetting things -- what things ? annie : you know -- zach : i do n't know . annie : me , zach . he 's forgotten me . [ scene_break ] kendall : what is going on with you ? ryan : just -- um -- just take me to see greenlee , ok ? kendall : ryan -- ryan -- ryan -- ryan : please -- no , i 'll explain everything -- i 'll explain it all later . please , just -- kendall : no -- ryan , explain it to me now . come here . [ ryan recalls making love to kendall ] kendall : ryan ? ryan ? ryan : kendall -- i love you . i love you . [ scene_break ] zach : so he does n't know that you 're his wife ? and -- and what about emma ? annie : no connection at all . what am i supposed to tell emma , zach ? `` daddy 's sick `` ? `` daddy does n't remember you `` ? i mean , she 's his daughter , for god sakes . i 'm sorry . you know what ? i have to -- i have to stay strong . i ca n't panic , because it 's not going to do any good . you know , and ryan has always been so good to me . since day one , he stood by me , he hid me from terry , he 's protected me , everything with richie , so now is the time i need to take care of him , too . zach : yeah , you will , but you do n't have to do this alone . we 're -- we 're here . you do n't have to -- we 're here . annie : i mean , he 's a lost soul right now , zach . i mean , imagine if the last four years of your life were just gone -- that 's where he is right now . he knows that the time has passed , but for him , four years ago was yesterday . zach : what does joe say ? annie : he does n't know . i mean , it could be -- it could be an hour , it could a -- a day , a week -- forever . zach : well , worst - case scenario , he 's going to have to fall in love with you all over again -- that 's not going to be hard . annie : you -- you should go be with greenlee . you do n't have to listen to all this . zach : no , you know , this may surprise you , but i do n't have any -- um -- medical expertise or anything , but -- [ annie snickers ] annie : no ? zach : i think greenlee 's going to be ok . annie : i hope you 're right . zach : and i think ryan 's going to be ok . no problem , piece of cake . annie : yeah . yeah , i hope so . but , you know , i was thinking , ryan believes his world stopped four years ago . zach : yeah . so ? annie : was n't that when he was engaged to kendall ? [ scene_break ] kendall : can i ask you something ? ryan : anything . kendall : are you drinking , or have you been doing drugs or anything like that ? ryan : no , no -- i mean , i -- no , i have not . kendall : ok . it 's just this whole thing -- ryan : i know , i -- i totally and completely understand , but like i said -- kendall : yes , yes -- you will fill me in later . ok , well , i 'm counting on that . ryan : let 's go see greenlee . kendall : ok . [ scene_break ] joe : see if ryan lavery has checked in yet , would you ? we have more tests to run . thank you . angie : what was the password that we used to log into the cdc site ? joe : it 's right there . angie : all right . i have a feeling that i wo n't have enough backup on this , but i 'm going to give it a shot . joe : hmm . what do you got ? angie : just what i thought . joe , we 've been worried about the concentration of antitoxin we should use , right ? joe : mm - hmm . angie : how much pure antidote we should use , right ? joe : right . angie : but what if we were to mix it with something ? joe : well , there 'd be a risk there -- adding another foreign substance could make the body reject the serum outright . angie : unless we mix it with blood . joe : huh . well , making sure that we prescreen for abo incompatibility -- what did the cdc say about this ? angie : well , it 's been done in a handful of cases -- i mean , it 's certainly not the usual protocol . joe : you want to phone them ? angie : we do n't have time . look , if it worked once -- joe : yes , it might work again . angie : if you 're onboard , i say we go for it . [ scene_break ] jack : it feels like we were just here asking god for the very same thing . erica : last time we were here , our prayers were answered , jack , and they will be again . we have always seen the glass as half full . jack : well , actually , you were the one that always saw the glass half full , not me . erica : well , let 's not fight about it right now , ok ? jack : ok . erica : ok ? jack : no fighting . erica : you would n't let me be here with you if you did n't see the glass was half full . all the things we 've been through together ? the thousands of times we forgave each other when we promised ourselves that we would n't ? we 've had some problems , and we will again . but when crunch time comes for anyone in our family , we are and we always have been a team . this glass is half full , and i know it will be for greenlee , too . i know it , i -- i know it . jack : when you say it like that , i believe it . thank you . thank you very much . how 's she doing , aidan ? aidan : she 's fine . i 've been talking her ear off . normally , i ca n't get a word in edgewise . angie : let 's go , let 's go . excuse me -- aidan , up , up . all right , get this -- jack : angie , what 's going on ? angie : excuse my bedside manner , but we may have figured something out . erica : did you get new info from the cdc ? angie : no -- they might have me arrested . this is something that i came up with on my own , just going with my gut . let 's get a rapid infuser with the drip . jack : ok , so -- so you 're giving her more of this antidote , is that it ? angie : yes , but not just that . aidan : what , something else ? angie : um -- i hope that this will make sense , but we can up her antidote level if we mix it with blood . now , the antitoxin will keep its strength , but it 'll be diluted enough that it will prevent cardiac arrest . jack : are you sure about this , angie ? angie : oh , jack , i -- i have my doubts , too , but god willing , i think this could save them . all right , come on , let 's get more fluid for both patients , stat . aidan : angie ? angie : just pray that i 'm right , aidan . kendall : is she ok ? erica : she 's fine . angie has discovered something new , and greenlee is going to be fine -- i know she is . ryan : do you mind if i get in there ? kendall : no , get in there . ryan : thanks . kendall : ahem . ryan : hey . hey you . how you doing ? you got a whole posse of people here -- you know that ? well , i 'm not going to -- i 'm not going to take too much of your time . i just -- i guess i 'm here just to ask a favor of you . i need you to fight . fight for leo , or -- or just fight like you 're really pissed at me , because we both know you can be . come on , greenlee . come on , come back . come back . [ scene_break ] jesse : you look tired , kiddo . i know you 're fighting this thing . i wish i could fight it for you . listen -- i am so sorry i had to leave you and your mother when you were so young . but i love you , frankie , and i know you know that . i never stopped . angie : all right , debbie , let 's get the macrodrip system set up , and we 're going to piggyback the formula we prepped . and i want you to keep pressure on that line -- i do n't want any clot formation . hey , baby . i know you 're scared . i was scared , too , but you know what -- i 'm not scared anymore , because you 're going to make it , i 'm sure of it , with flying colors . your daddy did n't -- he tried -- but you will . you 're going to make it , baby . you 've got to . [ scene_break ] zach : so he thinks he 's back in time to when he was with kendall ? annie : well , that was four years ago , right ? then -- zach : `` then `` what ? where is he ? annie : he said he needed to go on a walk . i do n't know where he is . zach : maybe he went to see greenlee . annie : or maybe he went to see kendall . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , greenlee , you 've taken me on a lot of really kind of crazy adventures , a lot of -- a lot of wild , wild places . well , this place , this -- this really is , it 's just another adventure -- you know ? and -- and not a very fun one , by the way , so you -- you got to get out of here , ok ? you got to go home . and you will -- you 'll go home and -- and you 'll laugh again . and i will , too , because you always find a way to make me laugh . do you know that ? i love you , kiddo . so does everybody else here -- we all love you . and we 're all here , waiting . jack : thanks , man . kendall : that was nice , ryan . zach . zach : hey . kendall : hmm , i 'm so glad to see you . zach : you all right ? kendall : yeah , i 'm better . annie : how is she doing ? aidan : they came up with a new way of giving them the antidote . they 're mixing it with blood . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] angie : oh , that 's it . that 's it , baby -- that 's what i 'm looking for . that 's what i 'm looking for . oh , yes , frankie . yes . joe : how 's he doing ? angie : can you monitor him for a minute ? joe : yeah . angie : i want to check greenlee . between you and i , we might have found something that works . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , guys , i -- i think she 's moving her eyes . kendall : wh -- what ? what ? aidan : hey , greenlee ? hey . how you doing ? angie : hey , you . [ scene_break ] joe : come on , frankie . keep on going . tad : pop , what is it ? what 's happening ? joe : hmm . a miracle -- that 's what . tad : hey . hey , kiddo . it 's good to see you . [ scene_break ] [ aidan chuckles ] greenlee : hey , what 's going on ? who died ? zach : nobody died , nobody . aidan : you 're back , greenlee . i love you . jack : hey , sweetheart . welcome back . greenlee : hi , daddy . i was dreaming about you -- jack : yeah ? greenlee : and you . i love you both -- huh . jack : love you . kendall : hey , can i get in on this ? zach : nice job . kendall : i am so happy that you 're back . now , can you please , please just stick around for a while ? greenlee : yeah . zach : you did it -- you just kept fighting . aidan : you 're my girl . kendall : you are amazing . [ scene_break ] tad : look who 's here . angie : oh . frankie : hey , mom . angie : oh , god . thank you , god ! thank you , god ! i knew it . i knew you would come back -- i just knew it . do you know how strong you are , huh ? and do you know how very proud i am of you ? tad : be proud of yourself , angela . you did it . [ scene_break ] annie : what did you say to greenlee ? it sounded beautiful . ryan : oh , it was -- it was nothing , really . i was just kind of rambling on at the mouth , just pretty much anything to get a reaction out of her . annie : thank god she 's ok . [ ryan stands stiffly as annie hugs him , then he keeps looking toward kendall ] [ scene_break ] zach : ryan 's lost in time , and totally in love with you . kendall : what ? how could that be possible ? [ scene_break ] aidan : i do n't know about you , but i 'm going to sit here , and i 'm never going to leave -- if that 's all right with you . greenlee : mm - hmm . jack : i tell you what we 're going to do -- we 're going to come back , ok ? aidan ? aidan : yeah ? ok ? jack : thank you . thanks for having faith . aidan : hey . greenlee : hey . aidan : i missed you . [ scene_break ] angie : we have so much catching up to do -- you know that ? frankie : hmm . i 've got time . angie : yes , you do . frankie : yeah . [ scene_break ] tad : well , i was right -- you heard it here first . angie pulled out a miracle -- looks like both frankie and greenlee are going to be fine . i do n't know about you , but i 'm sick and tired of all these close calls , so i think i 'm just going to come home and give our daughter a great big hug and kiss . tell her i love her . [ tad laughs ] tad : you 're the worst . i love you , too . give me a break ! i 'll see you when i get home . [ phone drops ] tad : oh . tad : jesse ? jesse : yeah . it 's been a long time , thaddeus . [ next_on ] ryan ( to zach ) : whenever i look at kendall , all i see is the woman that i love . greenlee ( to angie ) : where is frankie 's dad , if you do n't mind my asking ? tad : now , we 're going to walk into the hospital and tell angela you are very much alive . jesse : no . | aidan , jack , erica , kendall and zach stand vigil by greenlee 's bedside . angie tries her best to offer optimism to the family , but it does n't do much good . kendall turns down an offer for a book signing party in her honor . kendall runs into ryan and he gives her a hug and tells her that he misses her . annie lets zach know about ryan not knowing who she is . tad searches for jesse , but can not find him . he stands vigil by frankie 's bedside . ryan confuses kendall by what he says and does . angie thinks of a way to possibly cure greenlee and frankie . the treatment that angie brings greenlee out of her coma . ryan finds out that kendall is married . zach realizes that ryan is still very much in love with kendall . tad sees jesse face to face in the parking garage . |
j.r. : excuse me , can you make sure that there are flowers in the southwest guest room , lots of them , and wood for the fireplace ? winifred : yes , mr. chandler . adam : who 's coming to visit ? [ scene_break ] amanda : good morning . greenlee : like hell it is . amanda : excuse me ? greenlee : i 'm sorry . it 's not you . it 's -- this . amanda : ugh . greenlee : is it a good morning ? have you managed to keep everything down ? amanda : well , ate a muffin . still here . greenlee : well , that 's good . amanda : yeah . greenlee : i hope you understand why ryan and i decided against the adoption . it was such an amazing , generous offer . amanda : well , if you do decide to have more kids someday , they 'll be really lucky . greenlee : have you found another couple ? amanda : i decided to keep the baby . greenlee : wow . amanda : you think i 'm crazy . greenlee : i think you 're going to be a great mother . congratulations . amanda : oh , hey , can you throw some luck in with the props ? this baby and i are going to need it . [ scene_break ] david : hey . krystal : good morning . david : well , i was looking for more than a `` good morning . `` i was hoping for an answer . will you marry me ? [ krystal kisses david ] david : you 've made me a very happy man . krystal : the answer is no . i ca n't marry you . [ scene_break ] erica : good morning , sweetheart . how are you today ? kendall : i 'm good . i 'm going home to zach and the boys . i 'm really going home . [ scene_break ] zach : now , we 're not going to need this stuff for too long . my wife 's going to jump right out of bed . thanks for your help . hey . what do you think -- are you ready for your mom to be home ? yeah , yeah ? wake her up in the morning and get -- let 's get some more of her favorite stuff , set up her room . oh , my goodness . bianca : you got him ? zach : everyone 's getting heavier , including me . i 'm having some food delivered from the grill . just make sure it gets to the kitchen , all right ? bianca : roger that . zach : are you making fun of me ? bianca : no -- yes . [ bianca laughs ] zach : come on , lads . reese : well -- so do you think that kendall 's going to be ok with us staying here ? bianca : yeah , why should n't she be ? reese : i do n't know . i just have this feeling . [ scene_break ] erica : sweetheart , believe me , i know how excited you are to be with zach and the boys . but -- just everything is moving so quickly . do n't you think just a few more days here ? kendall : no , mom , i 've been here for months . i want to go home . and david ok 'd my release . erica : well , how could he not with you and zach keeping after him that way ? kendall : zach is installing a hospital room at the house . so i 'll have my own nurse and my own physical therapists . i 'll be fine . now , come on , work some of your magic . i want to look good for my boys . erica : well , first of all , you already look wonderful . and anyway , honey , i want you just to take this one step at a time . i mean , no need to hit the ground running . you certainly do n't have to worry about going back to fusion . kendall : well , i 'm going to have so much to catch up on . erica : i 'll catch you up , and i 'll stay until you are 100 % . kendall : you and greenlee -- i just -- i ca n't picture that . erica : well , you must have pictured something when you gave me proxy for your shares . kendall : well , i knew greenlee would eat anyone else alive . erica : to be honest , greenlee has been so distracted by ryan and her wedding that , the truth is , i 'm running the place myself . kendall : yeah , but still , the two of you in the same space ? erica : honey , the last thing you need to do is concern yourself about fusion . believe me , honey , i have everything under control . [ scene_break ] greenlee : how did this happen ? have you seen these numbers ? it 's a disaster . fusion 's a disaster . you 're just in time . company meeting -- now . randi : but erica 's not -- greenlee : not here . exactly . i had a 6 : 00 a.m. meeting with kim . amanda : the comptroller ? greenlee : mm - hmm , to go over fusion 's preliminary year - end report . we 're in the tank . amanda : because of bella ? greenlee : because of erica flipping kane . we could have pulled out of the bella debacle , but erica had to make herself the center of all of our publicity . i want the books . amanda : does n't kim have them ? greenlee : erica refused to give her access to all the figures . amanda : well , do n't look at me . erica hates me . randi : erica 's got all that data on the computer , but no one has access to it . greenlee : huh . are n't you supposed to be some sort of computer whiz ? pete : you want me to hack into erica 's computer ? greenlee : do n't tell me you do n't want to . pete : i 'm a cortlandt . i live for corporate espionage . [ scene_break ] angie : oh , good morning , sweetie . jake : good morning . how are you ? look , is this a bad time ? because i did n't -- angie : it 's not like either of us has a job to go to . jake : right , right . angie : want a v8 ? jake : i 'd love one . thank you . so look at you . you got a new career cooking or something ? angie : no , just prepping for my hearing . jake : ah , good . ok , well , that 's why i 'm here . angie : character witness ? jake : look , you would n't be in this mess if it was n't for me . angie : look , it was my idea . jake : no , no , no , no , no , no , it was our idea , right ? and i 'm the one who broke into hayward 's house in the first place . so i just want you to know i 'm not going to let you take the fall alone . jesse : ahem . somebody 's got some explaining to do . [ scene_break ] david : you and i shared a daughter , krystal . it 's tragic that it took her death to bring us closer together again . i do n't want to waste any more time , not another day . i want you to be my wife . krystal : a piece of paper is not going to make this any more real . david : please , please do n't tell me this is about tad -- that you 're hooked on him still . krystal : what ? david : the other day you did n't want to give him the divorce papers . krystal : look , it was just so sudden . david : and now your excuse is that you want to make sure you get joint custody . no matter what happens , you always have a reason to keep tad in the picture . krystal : i want to be with you . only you . i just need time . [ krystal kisses david ] krystal : please . please , just give me some time , ok ? david : all right . whatever you need . krystal : thank you . thank you . david : i think we could find some time right now . [ both chuckle ] krystal : you know , actually , i , um , i kind of made a date with little a . so i do n't have time . david : oh , really ? krystal : yeah . david : tell little a his grandpa misses him . give him a kiss for me , ok ? krystal : i will . you can give him one yourself when you see him . [ scene_break ] adam : i did n't know we were expecting guests . j.r. : i 've decided to move into the east wing , all right ? adam : oh , i did n't know you were such a fan of fresh flowers , either . j.r. : will you let it go ? adam : you just want to get away from me , do n't you ? you do n't want to hear my opinions about your upcoming adventure . j.r. : i 'm sorry , dad , but there 's no amount of square footage between us to get you to shut up . adam : it would be a travesty for a chandler to be raised by strangers . unless , of course , you 're not the father , and amanda 's just playing you . j.r. : the baby 's mine . adam : really ? but amanda -- she loves to spread the joy . there 's so many men between here and new york . any one could be the father . j.r. : you do n't know anything about amanda . adam : i know she bilked us for millions . that 's all i need to know about that scheming whore . j.r. : all right , that 's enough . i 've played her just as hard as she 's played me . but that 's in our past . we 're keeping this baby . adam : which she 'll probably sell to the highest bidder . j.r. : she 's keeping the child , and you 're going to stay away from her . adam : that woman is not fit to raise a child , especially not a chandler . you have to talk some sense into her . j.r. : no , i 'm going to help out amanda any way that i can . i 'm not going to yank that baby away from her and neither are you . she 's going to make a great mom . adam : oh -- a great mom ? [ adam chuckles ] adam : come on , do n't tell me you 're actually falling for that trash . j.r. : go to hell . [ scene_break ] bianca : yes , kendall will need some time to adjust and get used to things , but , baby , i know that when she gets to know you , she 's going to love you as much as i do . [ bianca and reese kiss ] zach : all right , i 've got pictures of me , the babies , and then she 'll be comfortable right here . and then when she feels better , i 'll put her up in the other bed . bianca : that 's a great idea . zach : huh ? ok , or maybe i should just take her straight to bed and -- you know what i mean . instead -- bianca : yes , of course , i know what you mean . zach : ok . [ zach growls ] zach : all right , i 'm going to be late . bye . bianca : oh , my goodness . have you ever seen a man more in love ? reese : no . bianca : and alive . it 's like zach has been in a coma this whole time , and he 's finally waking up . ok , i 'm going to go get the boys ready for the big homecoming . reese : ok . [ scene_break ] erica : david , are you sure that she is strong enough ? david : well , personally , i 'd prefer if she stayed for a few extra days just as a precaution , but unfortunately , the word `` no `` and the kane women do n't seem to work well together . now , i 'm releasing you under one condition -- that you follow all my instructions to the letter . kendall : i will . david : good , because you 're immune system is still fragile . now , one cold could turn into an infection which would send you right back here . now , i expect you to take all the necessary precautions . kendall : i have the list . david : all right , you need sleep also , lots of it . now , in a house filled with children , that might not be easy . so if gabrielle is colicky or crying at all hours , i 'd seriously reconsider sending you home . erica : actually , gabrielle is an angel , and when she does fuss , zach seems to be able to know just what to do to calm her . david : huh . well , i did n't take zach as being a baby whisperer . kendall : zach 's the father . erica : well , he 's the donor . i mean , he 's just the donor . david : all right , um , i 'm going to get the release papers ready . then you can get home to your happy family , ok ? erica : sweetheart , are you sure about this ? i mean , why do n't you take a suite at the casino next to mine , just until you 're stronger ? zach can bring the boys to see you every day . i mean , he spends so much time there already as it is . at least he did while you were here . there was so much rebuilding to be done after the tornado . i mean , zach practically lived at the casino . kendall : with reese there to help him . [ scene_break ] pete : the holiday launch numbers . greenlee : oh , my god . pete : what are you going to do ? greenlee : get me some man power from the loading dock . [ scene_break ] angie : jake was just trying to help . jake : that 's not true . it was my fault . angie : but i took the pills . jake : no , i helped . angie : because i dragged you into it . jake : no , i wanted to be there . jesse : hey , hey , hey -- all this time he was involved , you said nothing ? not a word ? angie : look , i pressured him into going along with me . jesse : you did n't pressure me . i encouraged her . angie : would you shut up ? it was my idea , my plan . there is no reason to involve jake . jesse : jake was involved the minute he decided to help you . angie : well , you know what ? i should n't even be charged , and jake definitely does n't deserve to be -- jesse : can i get a moment alone with jake ? please ? angie : ugh . jake : sorry . jesse : damn it . jake : i did n't get my v8 , even . jesse : hayward , man , he 's got us at each other 's throats . jake : all right , listen , listen . before you say anything , can i just tell you -- i got the fix here , all right ? i 'm going to say i broke in , which i did , but i 'm going to say i was on my own . i got the pills . i gave them to angie . she does n't know where i got them from . that 's it . sorted -- she 's clear . jesse : you take the fall ? jake : yes , i take the fall . jesse : very noble , jake . jake : well , she 's innocent . you know , david is the one who 's guilty -- she proved it . jesse : she proved it illegally . why the hell did n't you talk her out of it ? jake : because i wanted to see the proof , too . i wanted it , and by the way , we got the proof . do n't forget that part , ok ? your wife should not fry , because he 's working outside the law . jake : oh , no , no , no , no . david hayward is the only one that 's going to fry here . [ scene_break ] krystal : i 'm here to see little adam . adam : he 'll be right down as soon as he 's finished breakfast . krystal : ok . adam : so how is the grand romance with hayward ? krystal : none of your business . adam : the hell it is n't . he has you so starry - eyed , you do n't even realize he 's using you to get to little adam . krystal : david loves me . he proposed . adam : oh , oh , well , i guess that love is about as real as amanda claiming that her child is j.r. 's . [ adam chuckles ] krystal : amanda is pregnant ? adam : well , yes . you did n't know ? i thought everyone knew . yes , she 's using it to play j.r. god only knows who the father really is . david : i was lonely . amanda was available . adam : krystal ? krystal : hmm ? adam : something wrong ? krystal : no , ahem , no , not at all . adam : well , you know amanda very well . any guesses as to who the father might be ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i have work to do . j.r. : this is not going to take long . it 's about what we talked about -- amanda : i know what it 's about . i wo n't do it . i wo n't move into the chandler mansion . j.r. : it 's the only way that i know you 're totally going to be safe from hayward . amanda : waking up to your dad 's snarky comments every day ? not my idea of sunshine . so , no , thank you . j.r. : amanda , i 've arranged a suite and your own wing . amanda : babe has only been gone a few months . what would it look like ? j.r. : i do n't really care . i want to take care of you and the baby , no strings attached . amanda : oh , j.r. , i really appreciate the offer , but i ca n't . [ amanda gasps in pain ] j.r. : amanda ? randi : amanda , what 's wrong ? [ scene_break ] zach : where 's my wife ? where the hell is my wife ? nurse : i do n't know , sir . you 'll have to check with the desk . zach : you do n't know ? she was in here . she 's going home today . where the hell is she ? erica : zach ? zach ? what is it ? what 's wrong ? zach : kendall -- she was in there , and now she 's gone . what happened ? erica : she 's with david . he wanted to run a few tests -- just a last test . here she is . zach : hey . kendall : hey . zach : hi . kendall : hi . david : her heart 's steady and strong . take care of her . zach : for the rest of my life . how are you feeling ? kendall : take me home . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i should have backed off . i should have eased up . randi : what are you talking about ? j.r. : i 've been pushing amanda to move into the house with me . it 's not like that . she plays tough , but she 's going to need help with this pregnancy . my god , if i 've done anything to hurt that baby -- [ scene_break ] jesse : you 're right . hayward is nothing but a low - life criminal . jake : that 's right , so arrest him . jesse : yeah , well , i got nothing on him . the man 's too slick . he knows how to work the system to his advantage . jake : like getting your wife arrested when he should be doing time . jesse : yeah , well , david is smart about the law . but guess what ? i 'm smarter . jake : what -- you got a plan ? jesse : yeah , i do . [ scene_break ] erica : what 's going on ? pete : erica , hey . what -- what are you doing here ? erica : what am i doing here ? pete : uh - huh . erica : i work here . where else would i be ? pete : well , it 's just that , uh , we were n't expecting you . erica : what do you mean ? what -- who are you talking about , `` we `` ? what are you doing with that ? greenlee : the office looks so much better without a shrine to you on the walls . erica : well , you have no say over how i decorate my office . greenlee : actually , i do . erica : hey , put that back . greenlee : take it away . erica : what are you doing ? what on earth do you think you 're doing ? greenlee : kendall 's getting better . she 'll be back at work soon . that office is ours now . not yours . [ scene_break ] zach : look who i found . bianca , spike , and miranda : welcome home ! zach : welcome home . come on . take it easy . kendall : ok , ok . zach : all right , go slow . i taped all the red wing games for you . kendall : oh , great . zach : just the wins , not the losses . kendall : hi , guys . zach : there 's 29 games for you . ok , here . all right . kendall : thank you so much . zach : perfect . put your feet up . bianca : is that your mom ? zach : now it 's time to give some kisses , all right ? kendall : hi , you guys . bianca : you 've got boys who ca n't wait to give you some kisses . kendall : my goodness . zach : take it easy , guys . she 's been through a big adventure . [ zach growls ] kendall : oh , give me a kiss , give me a kiss . hi , miranda . oh , this is fantastic . i ca n't -- i still ca n't get over how big everybody is -- so big ! bianca : welcome home , sister . kendall : nice to see you . zach : here , he picked it out himself . kendall : this is for me ? for me ? zach : `` yes , mom , it 's for you . `` kendall : it 's for me . ok , let 's see what we have here . ah , you guys . sleeping beauty . zach : sleeping beauty . kendall : i love it . i love it , my boys . i love it . thank you so much . zach : we love you . thanks for coming back to us . [ gabrielle cries ] reese : ooh , i 'm so sorry . this was n't part of the homecoming plan , but gabrielle 's just so tired . she 's overtired . she ca n't sleep . zach : oh , come here . reese : it 's ok . zach : here -- she just needs a little loving . let me see . reese : you want her ? zach : hey , what are you doing ? what are you doing ? oh , it 's ok . shh , shh , shh , shh . [ scene_break ] david : you brought amanda in . j.r. : why do n't you go torture your patients ? david : what 's wrong with her ? j.r. : it 's none of your business . david : i 'm chief of staff . anything that happens in my hospital is my business . amanda : get out . i do n't want him in here . frankie : my patient would prefer some privacy . david : and she 'll have it . as soon as you update me on her condition . [ heartbeat thumps ] frankie : patient 's in her first trimester , experiencing cramping . david : danger to the fetus ? any indication of complications ? frankie : none , but i wo n't know more until i complete my exam . david : then , by all means , continue . amanda : oh , damn . that 's all i need is david on my case . frankie : hey , relax . amanda : how am i supposed to relax when that crazy man is always in my face ? frankie : this is how . right there . your baby 's heartbeat . amanda : what ? frankie : it 's right there . hmm . amanda : it 's so tiny and strong . it 's really real . frankie : as real as it gets . amanda : so -- she 's ok -- or he ? i did n't do anything to hurt her or him , did i ? frankie : well , the cramping 's probably a result of the gastritis , which is brought on by stress . so no more stress . amanda : then keep david away from me . frankie : i ca n't control that , sweetie , but what i can do is give you some meds for the gastritis . amanda : that 's an amazing machine . frankie : it is . amanda : can it determine when the baby was conceived ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : now that kendall 's coming back , you can take your legal proxy and shove it . erica : well , now , kendall will be the judge of that . and in any case , kendall is facing a long recuperation . she is not going to be in any shape to work full - time for many months . greenlee : i 'll handle fusion until she gets back . erica : oh , since when -- adam : what is this i hear about fusion 's abysmal year - end report ? erica : what ? adam : i was promised a significant return on my investment . erica : and you 'll get your return , adam . adam : i need it now . erica : adam , you knew going in , especially after the bella scandal , that it would take time to rebuild this company . adam : no , that 's too late . we 're in a recession now . my net worth is headed for zero . i need liquidity . erica : adam , i doubt very much that you would ever end up on the street . greenlee : he will if he listens to you . erica : i 'm the one who brought this company out of the red . especially after the bella mess . you remember that , adam . you engineered that . just in time to face the greatest financial crisis in history . i mean , yes , the economy has put a damper on sales , but we are definitely back on track . greenlee : should i show him the numbers ? erica : you hacked into my computer ? greenlee : you withheld the company 's accounting . fusion 's year - end sales were down by 30 % , and she tried to hide it . erica : that is not true . greenlee : do you want to keep bragging about how much you 've helped your daughter 's company , or admit that this is really all about you ? [ scene_break ] zach : here , look at this . first snowman -- snowball . kendall : that 's a snowball . did you do that ? zach : well , i started it and then the boys finished it . kendall : you started it and then spike finished it , yeah . zach : this is thanksgiving . stuffing the turkey . kendall : oh , the cute little hat he 's wearing . zach : look at bianca stuffing the turkey . kendall : she 's stuffing that turkey . i love it . zach : look at this . look at that . kendall : you made that . zach : i -- i did a lot of that . kendall : yeah , you did that ? good job . i 'm proud of you . zach : hey , spike , this is us together . remember taking this picture ? spike , check this out . oh , yeah . [ scene_break ] jesse : so what do you think ? jake : i think it 's brilliant . jesse : i was thinking genius . but i ca n't do this alone . jake : well , i 'm in . count me in . jesse : how soon can you get started ? jake : i can start right now . jesse : hey , listen . this time we keep angela out of it . jake : right . got it . i got it . angie : was he afraid i was going to throw something ? [ jesse chuckles ] jesse : actually , should i duck ? angie : listen , i never should have lied to you , or gotten angry just because you were doing your job . and i 'm sorry . i do n't want to fight anymore . [ scene_break ] amanda : so ? can you tell ? frankie : according to the size of the fetus , i 'd say conception was mid- november . amanda : no , that ca n't be right . frankie : well , there 's margin for error , but not much . amanda : if that date 's right , or even close , this baby 's david 's . he ca n't know . he ca n't . randi : there 's no reason he has to know . amanda : oh , he 'll find out . you know he will . he 'll -- he 'll make my life hell . he 'll try and get this baby . he 'll control me . this ca n't be happening . randi : frankie , you have to do something . [ scene_break ] david : hi . i thought you were supposed to be with little a . krystal : yeah , i had to talk to you . why is j.r. here ? david : he brought amanda in . krystal : i heard she 's pregnant . is she ok ? david : well , the important thing is the baby 's ok . [ scene_break ] amanda : you know david . he will dog me the rest of my life . this baby -- no baby deserves to have david as a dad . frankie : david wo n't find out . amanda : oh , he has access to every chart in this hospital , the computers , the records on that machine . you ca n't stop him . [ frankie sighs ] frankie : yeah , i can . [ scene_break ] erica : of course , sales were weak . this economy has crippled everyone , nationally and globally . greenlee : and your solution was to throw more money at the problem . erica : absolutely . to push harder -- to boost marketing . greenlee : we 're shutting it down . erica : no , we 're not . adam : i just want my money back . greenlee : all you had to do was to keep fusion going , but you had to make it all about you -- your own posters , your own line , your name spread over everything . erica : my names sells . greenlee : were you even paying attention ? or were you just so excited to get more publicity ? erica : was i paying attention ? excuse me . you were n't even here . you did n't show the least bit of interest . you never even called in . you were off somewhere trying to get ryan . so , yeah , i was paying attention . i was here day and night . i was watching the numbers . greenlee : and when the numbers crashed and burned , you kept them to yourself . erica : only because i was in the process of trying to figure out the best way to package them into a report . greenlee : oh , spin them so you did n't look bad . erica : so that the consumer confidence remains high for this company . adam : yeah , well , my confidence is sinking very fast . i mean it , erica . either you give me my money immediately or fusion will be dealing with my lawyer . erica : what you just did was incredibly unprofessional . greenlee : save the lecture . erica : we need to work together to save this company . we do not need to be tearing each other apart . greenlee : fusion did n't need saving until you came along . i ca n't wait to see kendall 's face when i tell her mommy trashed her company . erica : no , mommy saved her company . and if you dare to bother kendall with this right now , i swear , the next thing your big , burly friend will be carting out of here is you . [ scene_break ] bianca : yes , she finally calmed down . [ reese sighs ] reese : i 'm ready for a nap . [ both chuckle ] bianca : is n't this amazing ? kendall is downstairs . she 's awake . she 's alive . for so long , i -- i was n't sure she was going to make it . [ mouths words ] reese : sweetie . [ reese and bianca kiss ] bianca : hey . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : hey . zach : i used to sit on this couch , thinking about you being with me , and just close my eyes . then , when i opened them , there was nothing . just loneliness . and i thought it would kill me . kendall : it 's kind of hard to be alone with three toddlers and a baby -- bianca , reese . zach : being lonely is not about who you 're with . it 's about who you 're missing . it 's about who you 're waiting for . kendall : so i see that the boys kept busy when i was gone . what about you , zach ? what did you do ? [ scene_break ] angie : i never , ever should have lied to you . i mean , i -- i broke the law , and so i 'll deal with the repercussions . but i wo n't apologize for what i did . jesse : no , baby , you do n't have to apologize . not to me . i should apologize to you for arresting you the way i did . angie : well , you did n't have a choice . jesse : hmm . i will make it up to you . i promise you that . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you good ? the baby 's fine ? amanda : better than fine . frankie did the calculations , and you are definitely the father . [ amanda chuckles ] david : so what are we celebrating ? amanda : frankie confirmed it . j.r. is the baby 's dad . j.r. : going to have a healthy baby boy or girl . david : congratulations . randi : ok , well , now that the emergency 's over , i should get back to work . bye . amanda : bye . randi : thank you . i love you even more . j.r. : i 'm going to go get the car . are you going to be ok ? amanda : yeah . david : i 'm happy to see the baby 's all right . amanda : whatever . david : i 'm going to be keeping a real close eye on this pregnancy . amanda : i already have a doctor . i do n't need you . david : you see , i do n't trust you , sweetheart . nor do i trust hubbard . now , if this baby is mine , i 'm going to find out about it . krystal : amanda seems upset . david : nah . hormones on overdrive . krystal : you said you slept with her . um , is there a chance this baby is yours ? david : poor kid 's a chandler . more the pity . amanda : thank you . j.r. : car 's ready . amanda : j.r. -- j.r. : what -- what is it ? amanda : i 've changed my mind . i do n't want to stay at the yacht anymore . i want to move in with you . j.r. : yeah ? [ scene_break ] erica : kendall does not need to be concerned about this right now . greenlee : you 're afraid of what she 'll do when she finds out . erica : i have brought this company back from near ruin more than once , and i will do it again . just like everyone else in the country , i am going to cut costs . we 'll freeze wages . we will cut out bonuses . greenlee : mm - hmm . i guess we 'll have to lay off some people . erica : unfortunately , yes . greenlee : where 's my big , burly friend ? i want him to carry you out . [ scene_break ] zach : what did i do ? i took care of the boys . i worked . we put the casino back together . i 'd come see you . smell your skin . smell your hair . kendall : you know , i 'm a little tired right now . zach : ok . kendall : yeah . zach : let 's get you comfortable . do you need anything ? are you all right ? kendall : i 'm just getting tired . zach : that 's ok . all right , go slow . kendall : oh . zach : hey , i never want to lose you again . | at the chandler mansion , j.r instructs the maid to put fresh flowers in a room on the east wing . adam overhears and wonders who is moving in . greenlee is already at work at fusion when amanda comes in . greenlee asks her how is the morning sickness . amanda tells greenlee that she had decided to keep the baby . at wild wind , david wakes up to see krystal watching him . david , once again , asks krystal to marry him , but krystal refuses . at pine valley hospital , kendall looks at a pic of her family when erica comes in to visit her . zach is at home with the boys preparing for kendall 's homecoming . reese questions bianca if this is going to be alright with kendall them living here , too . bianca assures her that it will be . greenlee goes over the financial figures for the year and realizes that fusion had lost money . greenlee asks pete to hack into erica 's computer . |
[ j.r. groans softly ] marissa : guess who 's back in town . he never called to apologize or explain anything . i just told him that i never wanted -- david 's back . i just -- j.r. : i heard . but just -- marissa : oh , god . oh , god . it 's the chemo . this round is hitting you bad , is n't it ? what can i do ? what do you need ? j.r. : marissa , just hold me . marissa : ok . j.r. : just hold me . [ scene_break ] colby : mom ? liza : hey . colby : um , i need to talk to you about damon . liza : oh , please , honey . can this wait ? it is late , and i 'm absolutely dead on my feet . colby : mom , it ca n't wait . damon does n't trust anyone anymore , especially you . liza : hmm . colby : mom , he 's innocent . you -- you 've got to keep him out of jail , keep him from being framed for the break - ins . liza : ohh ! colby : please , mom . promise me . liza : i ca n't promise you that . honey , i do n't know how this is going to come down for him . [ scene_break ] natalia : what 's this ? brot : a list of police reports dealing with fusion and nearby businesses in the last five years , a list of the past two years ' worth of alarms that the company has received -- false and otherwise , a list of every known person who had alarm access codes . and , oh . that 's a menu for the chinese we 're having delivered . natalia : this sucks . brot : i mean , if you want italian , you know , i can make that happen . natalia : no , no . i mean being stuck here , doing mindless busywork while my dad is out in the field . brot : you want to be out there as well ? natalia : damn straight . i am much more useful out there than being stuck here doing grunt work . brot : hey , hey , hey . do n't diss the grunts because they do most of the fighting , all right ? natalia : whatever . brot : you know what ? your ego is something else . you think you should be leading every investigation around here , do n't you ? natalia : nah , just the important ones . officer : park it here , pal . natalia : excuse me . what 's going on ? officer : the chief wanted him brought in for questioning . natalia : well , uh , the chief is n't at the station right now , so he asked that i take care of this one . officer : he 's all yours . natalia : thanks . brot : hey . jesse did n't say a damn thing about you taking care of anything except paperwork . natalia : brot , stay out of my business before my massive ego puts a hurt on you , ok ? i 'm doing this . brot : no , you 're not . natalia : watch me . [ scene_break ] erica : here . the name and the address of our milwaukee distributor right there on the letterhead . madison : three down , a gajillion more to go . erica : oh , well . a journey begins with a first step , right ? so can you cross- reference that database and also include it in our new contact directory ? madison : yes . absolutely . erica : ok . randi : more bad news . erica : what ? randi : the phone system 's been nailed as well . there 's no voicemail ; there 's no call history log , nothing . erica : oh ! randi : yeah . well , it gets better . the mail server , too . no e - mail : sending , receiving , nothing for the next couple of days . and we definitely ca n't retrieve any of the old ones . i do n't know how we 're supposed to run a company in the dark . erica : well , you 're not just giving up , are you ? randi : i do n't know what we 're supposed to do , erica . erica : well , if you really think that fusion is finished , then you go in that elevator and do n't come back . [ scene_break ] jesse : hayward . david : now is not a good time , chief . jesse : well , you 're going to have to make time . i need some explanations . david : about what ? jesse : how your fingerprints got on the flash drive that destroyed the computers at fusion . [ david sighs ] david : i have no idea what you 're talking about . jesse : fingerprints do n't lie . yours were as clear as day , david . anything you feel like you need to share with me ? david : if my fingerprints are on it , then it must have been mine . and , yes , i can explain how it ended up at fusion . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] [ smoke alarm beeping ] [ greenlee coughing ] ryan : david ? david ! what the hell 's going on in there ? david ! david , i know you 're in there . open the door ! david ! david , i know you 're in there . open the door ! [ sirens ] ryan : david ! fireman : this is your house ? ryan : no , no , no , it 's not . i just got here . the door 's locked . somebody 's inside . i heard them coughing . i ca n't get in . second fireman : get back ! [ smoke alarm beeping ] [ scene_break ] brot : you 're not gon na question the kid without his attorney here . natalia : i will be questioning him as a potential witness . he 's not under arrest . he does n't need to be mirandized . look , that kid has gotten away with way too much . it is time to catch him in a lie and nail him . brot : listen to you . it 's innocent before proven guilty , remember ? natalia : do n't talk to me like that . i know the legalities . what 's wrong with you lately anyway ? you have been breathing down my neck every chance you get . brot : well , maybe because you 're getting just a little too close to loose cannon territory . natalia : or maybe you 're trying to impress my father , ok ? brot : come on . natalia : and he 's not around right now . so there are no points to be scored . you , in here . brot : hey , did your boyfriend call his lawyer before coming here ? bailey : no . he did n't have a chance . they brought him right down here . brot : here . call his lawyer and get her here before he says something that he should n't . natalia : so you 're aware of the break - ins at the chandler estate ? damon : yeah . i did n't do it . natalia : you want to tell me where you were at the time , then ? damon : ah ! i was with a friend . natalia : what 's your friend 's name ? [ damon scoffs ] natalia : look , damon , i 'm trying to help you clear yourself here , ok ? just tell me the name of your friend . what 's his name ? damon : her name is colby chandler . [ scene_break ] colby : and he admits he 's messed up a lot of times , but he 's got a kid now , and he is taking that seriously . and he wants to do what 's right for stuart and for bailey . but it 's not fair that everyone thinks the worst of him . just because he 's been in trouble before , he 's the one to blame for the break - ins . it 's wrong , mom . liza : yes , it 's very wrong if he 's innocent , but they 've got enough circumstantial evidence here to bring charges against him . and that is some serious business . but right now , i 'm more concerned that you are so worried about him . you two have been spending a lot of time together ? colby : um , n -- so -- so ? liza : `` so `` ? so with all the trouble that he is in right now , do n't you think he should be spending time with bailey and stuart , not hanging out with you ? colby : mom , there is nothing going on between damon and me . i am just the only person not prejudging him , the only person willing to sit and listen and help him . liza : ok , just calm down right now and let 's just talk about this . colby : no , no , no . you know , i should n't even have come here . so -- liza : all right . colby , honey , sit down . let 's talk about this rationally . colby : no . you know what ? damon is right not to trust you . you think the worst of him just like everybody else . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] david : as you know , wildwind was broken into recently . i did n't think anything was missing at the time , but just this morning , i noticed that some things were missing from my briefcase -- an mp3 player , um , cufflinks , an expensive pen . now , i had some flash drives in there , but i did n't think to look for those . so that must be what happened . some thief must have taken my flash drive and used it to sabotage fusion . or maybe they were just trying to frame me . it 's not like it has n't happened before , right , chief ? jesse : so you never reported anything missing ? david : no . i did n't think anything was gone . and i figured fixing the lock myself was a lot cheaper than going through my insurance deductible . all right . look , you can go check it out yourself , all right ? come by . you can see the lock has been changed . [ cell phone rings ] david : excuse me . hello ? yes , this is he . i 'm on my way . my fire alarm went off . i got to go save -- i got to go save my house . jesse : i am not done with you yet , hayward . [ scene_break ] randi : i definitely do n't want to give up , erica . i 'm just -- i 'm trying to look at the reality of things . with everything that fusion 's lost , to piece it all together in time for a launch does n't seem possible , not at least until we get our phones or e - mail back up . madison : oh , we can use our cell phones until then for phone calls , texting , e - mail through our personal accounts . and as for production data , the old- fashioned way works . i found a whole bunch of hard copy files . erica 's right . we can get through this . erica : that 's what i like to hear . ok , i 'm going back to my office and dig through the rest of these files , see if i can come up with something . randi : why did you do that ? madison : do what ? randi : you made me look bad in front of her . madison : i was just trying to put a positive spin on things . randi : yeah , at my expense . madison : randi , i was n't trying -- randi : please . i guess i have some digging to do . erica : ryan , it 's me . call me as soon as you get this . where have you disappeared to ? [ scene_break ] [ smoke alarm beeping ] fireman : fire department ! can anyone hear me ? second fireman : we 're in here . [ weather report playing on tv ] fireman : the flue 's closed up . let 's get some windows open and clear the smoke . [ siren ] [ scene_break ] marissa : is that helping any ? j.r. : oh , god . marissa : ok . ok . deep breaths . deep breaths . it 's ok . [ j.r. groans ] marissa : i 'm so sorry i came in here like i did . that was so selfish of me . j.r. : you do n't have to apologize . if i was n't as sick as i was , i 'd be cheering you on . you have every right to be angry with david . i 'm just glad he got both barrels from you . look , i just wish i could have been there to see you in action . marissa : i do n't know . getting angry like that does n't solve any problems . j.r. : oh , hell . getting angry like that , it 's good for the soul . and you keep everything bottled up anyway . you think it 's your job to keep the peace . i mean , it 's an admirable goal , but it 's impossible . marissa , you need to say what you need to say , you need to feel what you need to feel , even if it means hurting people , even if it means getting angry with me . marissa : i could n't be angry with you . j.r. : of course not . i 'm perfect . [ marissa laughs ] j.r. : ohh ! marissa : you are going through so much , j.r. all my problems are nothing in comparison . j.r. : i can handle this . trust me . i want to hear how you 're feeling , even if you 're happy or you 're sad or you 're angry . i just -- i want to hear it , ok ? so tell me how you 're feeling , ok ? marissa : ok . well , after dealing with david tonight , i feel like i felt after my mom and dad died . i feel like an orphan again . [ scene_break ] second fireman : had a fire smoldering . the flue was closed . we could n't see anybody in here when we got inside . jesse : all right , guys . thanks a lot . second fireman : all right . ryan : but somebody was here , jesse . i heard them . who did you have hooked up to the i.v . , david ? [ david chuckles ] david : none of your business . jesse : but it is my business . who did you have hooked up to the i.v . , david ? david : no one . jesse : really ? back at the hospital , you were about to say something about having to `` get home to save `` somebody ? david : you must be hearing things , chief . jesse : oh ? that 's what it is ? david : yeah , because i was just anxious to get back to my house . [ jesse chuckles ] david : all right , look , the i.v . and meds are for a patient of mine , a woman i was planning on flying down here for an emergency surgery . but luckily , that 's not necessary now . that 's what i was finding out when you caught up with me at the hospital . ryan : so there 's no patient coming , then ? david : nope . but i do have some information you both might like to hear . i 'm leaving town for good , tonight , if possible . so if you and the chief do n't mind , i do have some final packing to do . ryan : there was someone here in this room . david : i do n't know what to tell you , ryan . maybe you heard the tv . ryan : no . it was a person . and i also found a woman 's sweater on that couch right there earlier tonight . so why do n't you stop dancing around and just answer the question , david ? who did you have in the house ? david : you found a woman 's sweater here earlier ? did you break into my house ? ryan : i 'd prefer to just call it stopping by . david : are you the one who closed the fireplace flue , thinking i was here , trying to smoke me out ? ryan : no . no . i was n't . but it is a good way to get a rat out in the open , is n't it ? jesse : all right . come on -- ryan : what ? i 'm just saying . jesse : knock it off , both of you . david : wait . are you kidding me ? you chase me down and question me every chance you get . he 's standing right here telling you he broke into my house . he was here when the fire alarm went off . if anyone should be hauled down to the station and questioned , it 's him , not me . jesse : do n't tell me how to do my job , hayward . david : i ca n't believe this freaking town . ryan : if you want to take me down , you can take me down , question me . no problem . i have no problem telling you everything that i know that i think that david is up to . david : oh , great . knock yourself out . but you 'd better have some milk and cookies ready , chief , for story time . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] erica : no . i do n't know any more than that . no , honestly , kendall , i have no idea who might have done this to us . no . but the police are analyzing everything right now . and we are going to have to rebuild this company by hand . i know . and i will call you as soon as i have anything concrete to tell you . ok . bye - bye . madison : erica , this just came in . is n't lacy 's our biggest customer ? erica : hey , everyone ! everyone ! the ceo of lacy 's has said that she is horrified that anyone would do this to us , and she plans to stick with us through our entire rebuilding process . and she is sending her i.t . people here tomorrow to help us in any way we need . madison : and i just heard from our contact at billingham 's , and they are pledging their full support as well . [ applause ] erica : ha ha ! so if our suppliers and our distributors are going to stick with us like this , then we are definitely going to survive this whole thing , and we are going to come out stronger on the other side . randi : excuse me . madison : i know this has been a disaster for everyone , but i got to say , i have n't felt this charged up in a long time . just rebuilding the place and working on it with you , it 's just great to be on the positive side of something for once . erica : absolutely . sometimes the best thing to do after you 've been hurt is just get out there and fight for something . [ scene_break ] natalia : so you 're sure , absolutely sure you were with colby chandler at the time of the break - in ? damon : yes . you can ask her . natalia : that 's funny because i happen to have already asked her . and you know what she said ? she said that she was at a party with her family at the time of the break - in . the truth , damon ? come on . where were you ? damon : i was at the chandler house . natalia : go on . damon : but i did n't break in there . liza : ok , do n't say another word . what the hell do you think you 're doing , questioning my client without calling me in first ? natalia : well , you 're right on time , counselor . your client here just admitted to being at the chandler mansion at the time of the break - in . liza : you know what ? i need a moment alone with him . damon : you 're twisting what i said . liza : damon , damon . damon : no , let me finish . no , i was staying in the mansion as a guest . natalia : really ? because the chandlers did n't mention anything about having any gue -- damon : no one knew i was there except colby . i stayed in her room . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] j.r. : i do n't really want to see anybody right now . colby : hey . uh , can i talk to you guys ? marissa : it 's getting kind of late , colby . maybe tomorrow would be a better time ? j.r. : it 's all right . let her in . colby : thanks . i -- i need to get a friend a lawyer . uh , he -- he 's got my mom right now . and i do n't know anyone else . you look like hell . j.r. : yeah . i got the flu again . colby : oh , it must be that , um , h1n1 . have you seen a doctor ? j.r. : no . no . i just got to ride it out . marissa : uh , they just fell from the table . i was just going to pick them up . colby : `` take as needed for nausea . `` i thought you said you had n't seen a doctor . and you do n't get nausea pills prescribed for the flu . what 's going on , j.r. ? what have n't you told me ? j.r. : i do n't have the flu , colby . i have cancer . [ scene_break ] david : are you sure you 're all right ? did you hurt yourself trying to get away ? greenlee : no . but i almost got caught . the smoke woke me up . i barely had the i.v . unhooked before the door flew open . david : what happened to steven ? greenlee : your pilot ? david : yeah . greenlee : i made him leave . david : what ? greenlee : i wanted to be alone . david : damn it . i gave him strict instructions to stay by your side . greenlee : i can be persuasive . david : no kidding . greenlee : but then ryan showed up along with a very smoky room . david : all right . do n't worry about ryan anymore . how are you feeling ? greenlee : a little better . what did you put in that i.v . ? david : i upped all your dosages . i 've got some good news . i saw clayton today . turns out , the tests show that you do n't need another surgery . greenlee : thank god . david : all right . but you have to start taking care of yourself , greenlee , following your doctor 's orders . greenlee : yes , doctor . david : so you 're doing all right ? are you ok enough to travel because i 'd really like to get out of here tonight ? greenlee : no . david : why ? what 's wrong ? you -- you just said that you were feeling a lot better . greenlee : i am . but i 'm not going anywhere . i 've got to stay in pine valley . [ scene_break ] jesse : you could n't have just explained to me what you were doing at david 's house ? ryan : i got to show you something first . jesse : this is nice . i like the colors . ryan : turn it over . hayward was here , what , i think a couple hours before fusion was hit . he came to tell erica that he was leaving town , that he was going to give his contact information and the name of a new cardiologist in case kendall needed it , right ? erica leaves the room . i come in . i catch hayward with his hands on this . and he just gives some lame excuse like he was just fixing it or straightening it on the wall or something . he leaves , and then i find this . jesse : you had something taped back here ? ryan : no . i did n't have anything taped back there . there 's more , jesse . the parking valet at confusion described a guy who looks exactly like hayward driving a car that matches hayward 's tearing out of the parking lot minutes after the computers crashed . ryan : you see , i think hayward sabotaged the computers at fusion with a drive that he knew was hidden here . jesse : you did n't give me a chance to share this , but we found david 's prints on the flash drive recovered from fusion . ryan : well , did you confront him with it ? jesse : yes . i confronted him . he said he had some things stolen from him , including some flash drives . ryan : and do you believe him ? jesse : i never believe david hayward . [ scene_break ] david : all right , greenlee , what 's going on ? you 've been begging me to get you out of here as soon as possible , away from ryan , erica , everyone here . so what 's changed ? greenlee : me . i thought i could just move on , except that the dream i 'd held on to since i woke up had turned into just that -- a dream . bringing fusion to its knees was supposed to take something from erica , but she did n't lose anything . she just turned what i did into another one of her p.r . stunts . she was on tv tonight holding a press conference , preening , assuring the world that erica kane will not be brought to her knees . she 's gon na use this to put her mark on fusion for good , make it all hers . that 's when i realized my mistake . i was wrong to hit fusion , and i was wrong to do it in secret . david : whatever fighting face erica is putting on for the press , fusion is a mess . hubbard made that very clear to me tonight when he was questioning me . greenlee : yeah , but it 's not enough . the year i was out of it cost me more than all that time . i lost my edge , too . but thanks to you , i 'm awake . and thanks to erica , i realize what i need to do . she called her cyber attacker a coward . as much as i hate to agree with erica on anything , she was right . it was a coward 's way out . erica dropped the gauntlet tonight . she dared whoever did this to go one - on - one with her . so that 's exactly what i intend to do . [ scene_break ] colby : there mu -- there must be a mistake . we have to see another doctor . j.r. : colby , there 's no mistake . it 's lymphoma . colby : why did n't you tell me ? j.r. : because i did n't want to upset everyone . that 's why i tried to keep it from all of you . look , there 's enough turbulence in our family right now . i do n't need people standing around me , waiting to see if i 'm gon na die or not . colby : but what about dad ? does he know ? j.r. : but he thinks that i 'm in remission , ok ? colby : so you told dad before you told me . j.r. : hey . yeah . but i 'm telling you right now , ok ? and i 'm asking you not to tell anybody else , because i am fighting this as hard as i can right now . i can get into remission , all right ? i 've already been there . colby : you were in remission , and it came back ? j.r. : i did n't want to worry you . colby : my god ! not worry , j.r. ? no , no , no , no . you ca n't be sick , ok ? i -- i need you ! marissa : colby , i know that you 're upset and angry , but you just need to calm down , ok ? [ colby sobs softly ] colby : do n't tell me how to behave . uncle stuart 's dead . and -- and dad could die at any moment , and little stuart 's gone . and now you . everybody i care about is going away ! j.r. : colby , you 're not going to lose me , ok ? colby : j.r. , you -- you -- you do n't know that . you ca n't promise that . j.r. : colby -- [ scene_break ] bailey : hey , what 's going on ? are you done with damon ? natalia : nope , not yet . um , his attorney wanted some alone time with him . [ scene_break ] liza : how dare you seduce my daughter and use her as an alibi . damon : that 's not what happened . liza : you took advantage of her . needing a place to hide out . so what , you use her bed ? damon : nothing happened between us , ok ? liza : i do n't believe you ! [ scene_break ] brot : so , liza kick you out of there ? natalia : you called her , did n't you ? brot : heh . the boy has his rights . i just hope you learned your lesson . natalia : the only lesson i learned is that you can be a real jerk , brot . [ scene_break ] colby : thanks for calling me . liza : ok , get in here . is it true ? you invited damon to stay the night with you at the mansion ? colby : yes , i did . he stayed the night with me in my room . damon : bailey , wait . bailey : no , damon . leave me alone . i never want to see you again . [ scene_break ] jesse : and you had no idea that some lethal flash drive was hidden in your apartment ? ryan : nope . but i got a theory on that . jesse : oh , good . i love theories . ryan : greenlee was very possessive of fusion , right ? i mean , she loved that company . and i think this drive was her nuclear option in case something happened to the company , in case she got pushed out of this company that she loved so much . jesse : so greenlee wrote the worm ? ryan : no , not herself , but it would have been just like her to commission something like that and then keep it very well hidden . jesse : ok , well , i can buy most of that . but then you sort of slam into a big brick wall . how did david know where it was ? greenlee has been gone for a year now ? [ scene_break ] david : you 're being impulsive . erica is goading the guilty party to come clean so she can nail them . if you do this now , then you 're playing right into her hands . we need to stick to our original plan and get the hell out of here . you stay around and fight , and you 're going to get nothing but trouble . greenlee : you 're wrong . i 'll get my dignity back . erica has always hated me , always tried to bring me to my knees , but she never could , not until i was dead . now she thinks she 's succeeded . she took my company , and she took ryan . she 's getting deep personal satisfaction in humiliating a dead woman . david : all right . what is this really about ? is it about fusion , erica , ryan ? greenlee : i told you . i do n't give a damn about ryan . he could come crawling to me on his hands and knees right now , and i would n't look at him sideways . erica can have him . i just want her claws out of my company . david : so you have no feelings for him whatsoever ? greenlee : i feel betrayed , yes . i mean , his undying love for me died pretty quickly . first , he slipped into kendall 's bed and then into her mother 's . i will make ryan regret what he did , just like i 'll bring down erica , but i 'm not going to do that by running away . i have to stay and fight . so am i going to be doing that on my own , david , or are you going to stay and fight with me ? [ scene_break ] damon : you have to believe me . nothing happened between me and colby . i went to her because i needed some money to get out of town , that 's all . she actually convinced me to stay and fight for you . but how can i do that ? how can i fight for you if you wo n't believe me ? bailey : this is what , the third time we 've been in a police station , damon ? and now your alibi is being in another girl 's bedroom . damon : i love you , bailey . i love our son . bailey : i love our son , too . that 's why i ca n't do this anymore . good - bye , damon . liza : whoa . whoa . where are you going ? damon : look , my lawyer says you can either arrest me or let me go . which is it ? [ natalia sighs ] natalia : get out of here . liza : listen to me . the police called damon in to start asking him questions . bailey called me . i had no idea how deep you were into this . colby : i know what you 're up to . you want damon to go to jail , break up with bailey , and you can work on getting stuart back . maybe even bailey , too . a new daughter . maybe get this one right . liza : seriously , do you know how ridiculous you sound ? besides , fighting for stuart ? that was your idea . colby : mom , putting damon in jail is not gon na get stuart back -- liza : that is not what i am doing here . and besides , i do n't care about anyone else here but you . colby : but , mom , you and dad and everybody just want me to behave , not rock the boat . nobody can be bothered with colby right now . all this stuff is going down , and i am stuck in the middle of it like an avalanche , and i ca n't breathe , and i need help ! liza : honey , wait a second . what is going on ? what is it ? colby : it 's j.r . liza : j -- j.r. what is it ? what with j.r. ? colby : no , no . i need to get out of here . liza : honey , talk to me . please let me help you . colby : no . liza : just stay away from damon , ok ? colby : you know , mom , i 'll sleep with whoever i want . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey , uh , colby , it 's me . will you call me when you get this ? marissa : i could track her down and try to talk to her . j.r. : no . colby will come by when she 's ready to talk . oh , god , please just get me into remission . i want to be able to give her some good news . i want to start living again . [ scene_break ] erica : so do you know who did it , who hid a flash drive in your apartment ? ryan : well , it had to have been greenlee at some point . and apparently , she confided in david , because david 's prints are on the drive . erica : david ? jesse : well , in fairness to david , he said that he had some flash drives stolen from him recently and that somebody must have used one of those to deliver the worm , framing him in the process . erica : oh ! neither one of you believes that . ryan : given the facts and david 's track record with the truth , no , we do n't believe that . jesse : the thing of it is , neither one of us could figure out why david would want to destroy fusion . you got any ideas ? erica : no . but if david did do this , i 'll get the truth out of him . [ scene_break ] greenlee : we 're kindred spirits , david . neither one of us has ever given up , so why were we thinking of turning and running ? we ca n't do that . i am fighting for my dignity . fight for yours as well . we can take on this town together , you and i . we can make it ours . david : it 's moments like this i understand why he loved you so much . greenlee : i told you i do n't give a damn about ryan . david : not ryan , leo . greenlee : oh . so what 's your answer ? are you going to stay and fight ? david : i have no place to go , no one in the world but you . so do you have a plan for taking back pine valley ? greenlee : we 're going to start with a ceremony . david : really ! ha ha ! what kind of ceremony ? greenlee : you 're gon na marry me . | j.r. sits alone in the floor , sick from his chemo treatment . marissa comes in , ranting about david being back in town . colby visits liza and tells her that damon is innocent and asks liza to defend him . at the police station , brot lays a bunch of finished work reports on natalia 's desk . natalia is upset that she is stuck doing paperwork while jesse is out in the field . damon is brought in for questioning by jesse . natalia takes over the questioning of damon . the fusion team is busy at work , trying to get fusion back on its feet . randi voices doubts about surviving this . erica tells her that if she is going to have an attitude like that then she can leave and not come back . jesse questions david about his fingerprints being on the flash drive that had destroyed fusion 's computer . david makes up a lie to tell jesse to get jesse off his back . greenlee is asleep on the sofa when ryan comes to visit . ryan knocks on the door , but does n't get an answer . ryan starts to leave when he hears the smoke alarm go off . ryan hears someone cough inside and tries that much harder to get into wildwind . once inside wildwind , ryan finds an i.v . pole along with a syringe attached to it . natalia continues to question damon about where he was . damon gives natalia colby 's name . bailey arrives at the police station . brot gives bailey his cell phone to call liza . erica talks to kendall on the phone and tells her about the trouble at fusion . colby comes to visit j.r. and finds out that he has cancer . jesse and ryan question david as to who david had been treating . once again , david lies to them that his patient had n't arrived . david finds greenlee and brings her back into wildwind . greenlee tells david what had happened . greenlee also lets david know that she can not leave pine valley . greenlee urges david to stay there and fight with her . |
annie : you 're breaking up with me -- after all that ? j.r. : annie , would you listen to yourself ? do you realize how paranoid you 're being ? annie : you were supposed to be divorced weeks ago , but marissa kept finding a way to put it off . j.r. : the only reason it was put off was because you knocked her unconscious ! annie : you said that you understood that that was an accident . j.r. : look , i have done everything i possibly can to prove to you that i want to be with you , and i want to be with you ! annie : then -- j.r. : what else do you want me to say ? annie : tell me you love me . you have n't said those words , j.r. , and i need to hear them . [ scene_break ] asher : taking a trip ? colby : yep . asher : let me guess . california . damon ? colby : no . chicago . my dad . damon and i , we 're done . asher : i 'm glad . [ scene_break ] brot : wow ! you look gorgeous . natalia : thank you . you do n't look so bad yourself . brot : sit down . come on . here . natalia : thank you . brot : you 're welcome . natalia : ah , man . i got ta admit , feels kind of different , you know , being able to be out in the open like this . brot : no more sneaking around , keeping the two of us a secret . natalia : hope it does n't disappoint you . brot : actually , i do n't think we 're nearly as public as we should be . excuse me , everyone ! i want you all to know how crazy i am about this amazing , beautiful woman here with me tonight . please spread the word . that is all . natalia : `` that is all . `` i ca n't believe you just did that . frankie : what word ? we miss something ? brot : no . i was just stating the obvious , frankie . now we 're officially in the open . natalia : there 's no going back now . [ scene_break ] jake : do n't leave me here waiting . what is it ? what 's the problem ? cara : oh , something in the elevator was just awful . jake : what 's awful ? cara : there was this boy . he was with his mom . he sneezed . jake : sneezed ? cara : yes , the boy sneezed , and he did n't cover his mouth . oh , god , pneumonia , here i come ! i think i should be put on this massive regimen of antibiotics . what do you think , doc ? should you check me into the icu ? jake : oh , i get it . i see what you 're doing . cara : yeah ? do you ? jake : i remember when you used to joke about stuff that was actually funny , cara . cara : i 'm not talking about funny here . i 'm making a point . jake : really ? what ? that i give a damn ? pediatric leukemia makes you statistically -- cara : jake , you and i worked in way more unsanitary places than this , and i 'm standing . jake : and had i known -- cara : you would have treated me exactly the way griff treated me when he found out that i was sick as a little girl . you 'd be hovering , overprotective , and annoying . just for the record , i 'd hate being treated like that . jake : annoying ? [ scene_break ] [ medical equipment beeping ] [ gunshot ] kendall : oh , my god . oh , my god ! oh , my god , it was me ! it was me ! oh , my god ! griffin : what 's going on ? your blood pressure 's way up . are you trying to bust the aneurysm ? kendall : i did it . i did it . i shot david . griffin : what are you talking about ? griffin : look , are you sure ? remember , you thought you saw david . kendall : you do n't believe me . griffin : kendall , i need you to stay calm . you 're about to go into surgery . kendall : no , i remember it now . i remember all of it . i remember all of it , the whole thing . that 's what 's been driving through my head this whole time -- what i did . griffin : listen to me . listen to me . whatever happened on that roof , you can worry about it another time . kendall : you know i 'm telling the truth . i can see it in your eyes , because you found me that day . you caught me with the pillow . you saw me try to smother him . griffin : you 've been through so much loss , so much grief -- kendall : stop , stop . do n't make excuses for me . this was n't one crazy , random moment . that day that you found me , i did n't go through with it , but that night on the roof , i did . griffin : there was a struggle . ryan lavery , david hayward -- kendall : i wanted to shoot him . i wanted to kill your mentor . you still want to save my life ? griffin : i 'm your doctor , not a judge . right now , i just need you to be my patient . kendall : it felt good to shoot him , actually . david was the reason that zach was dead . why do n't i remember shooting him ? what are you doing ? griffin : little more diazepam to keep you calm and get your blood pressure under control before you go into surgery . kendall : i 'm not ready to go under yet . griffin : you 're putting yourself in danger , kendall . kendall : it 's a relief , actually . it 's a relief , finally remembering . i do n't under -- my mom . wait a minute . my mom . she took the blame for all of it . all of this time , she 's been lying to protect me . oh , god . why do n't i remember -- griffin : because psychological trauma can do strange things to the mind . kendall : i remember so vividly holding that pillow . griffin : there 's a big difference between holding a pillow and pumping a bullet into a man . kendall : it all came back . griffin : kendall , the medication and oxygen you 've been getting . it could have cleared your head . kendall : oh , my god . my mom . i have to tell my mom . i have to tell her that she has to stop lying to protect me . if i do n't make it out of the surgery -- griffin : stop it . i 'm not gon na allow that kind of talk in my o.r . kendall : yes , but i need to tell her that she has to stop lying to protect me . i have a lot of questions for her . griffin : kendall , there 's gon na be time for all that . you 'll get your answers . right now , you just have to let me do what i do . [ scene_break ] cara : i 'm gon na go see kendall before griff -- jake : i 'm sorry if i 'm overprotective of my staff . cara : of course . that 's what this is about . boss stuff . jake : boss stuff ? what else would it be ? what else ? cara : i do n't like being treated like i 'm fragile , ok ? you were the one person in my life who treated me like i was an equal . jake : and i treated you that way because you were the bravest -- smartest woman i 'd ever met . cara : and if i had told you that i had been sick as a little girl . jake : but you did n't , you see ? and that is my point . i do n't even know what we had over there anymore -- cara : oh , do n't you -- just stop it ! do n't dodge the question by acting all hurt and betrayed . would you have treated me differently ? jake : i do n't know . i might have been overprotective . cara : yeah . jake : does that make me a bad person ? cara : no , it does n't make you -- it would n't have made you bad then and not now . it just makes you like everybody else that i love . [ scene_break ] frankie : yes , yes , yes . two cheers . randi : and i 'm gon na miss you a lot . natalia : i 'm gon na miss you , too . jesse : hey , listen , angela wants to go shopping for baby clothes with you when she gets back from -- natalia : i love you all , but i wish you 'd stop making it sound like i 'm off to timbuktu or something . i 'm gon na be an hour away . i 'll come on my days off . you guys will still see me . jesse : all right , ok . she 's right . she 's right . this is not good - bye . this is congratulations . natalia : wait , for what ? for landing this job or landing this fine man right here ? jesse : how about both ? natalia : all right , i 'll take that . i 'll take that . frankie : here . let me get in here . i do think that brot is the lucky one . brot : you wo n't see me arguing that at all . jesse : you know how proud i am of you . was n't an easy gig stepping in as chief 's daughter . you worked your ass off . now it 's paying off . natalia : well , thank you for all that tough love . it worked . jesse : yes , it did . natalia : yes . nicki : they 're lucky to get you , girl . brot : and i want you to have this to take with you . natalia : what is this ? brot : open it . natalia : a drum roll , please . brot : i ca n't do it . natalia : your medal ? brot , no , i ca n't accept this . brot : no , of course , you can . it 's gon na keep you safe when i 'm not there to have your back . natalia : i do n't know what to say . brot : there 's nothing to say . the medal symbolizes merit , bravery , and courage , and that 's you . you could have run away from us , but you stuck it out . you stuck it out when all the odds were against us . you be sure to keep that close whenever i ca n't be there . natalia : thanks . jesse : come on , come on . [ scene_break ] asher : i do n't think you should go see your dad . colby : why ? asher : maybe it 's none of my business , but i just watched you get pretty hurt by damon , and i 'd hate to see you walk into another crash - and - burn situation . colby : look , i 'm gon na go see my dad , because i love , and i miss him . why would i get hurt ? asher : because every time you bring him up , you either get furious or you end up on the verge of tears . i know what it 's like to be neglected by a parent , colby . that 's all . colby : my dad will be there for me . when he knows i need him , he 's there , but thank you for your concern . asher : why do n't i come with you ? we could have fun . in chicago ? colby : no , i think i need to do this on my own . asher : just be careful out there -- on the way to the airport . the roads are really icy , and -- be careful . colby : thanks . i 'll see you when i get back ? asher : yeah . [ scene_break ] j.r. : how can you say that ? have n't i shown you over and over how much i care about you ? i almost lost my son . i 've lied to my family . i have protected you every way possible . even when i found out you were the one who knocked out marissa and stole her bracelet , i kept that secret ! does n't that show you how much i care about you ? [ colby eavesdrops from the other side of the door ] annie : but you still wo n't say the words . you wo n't tell me that you love me . j.r. : all right , i love you ! i love you , annie ! annie : you 're only saying that because i pressured you . you do n't even mean it ! j.r. : you 're making this really frustrating . why are you making this so difficult ? annie : well , then i wo n't . i 'll make life a lot easier for you , j.r. , ok ? i 'll make it a lot easier . j.r. : annie ! annie ! [ scene_break ] griffin : voice mail . um , erica . it 's dr. castillo . everything 's all right . kendall 's doing ok . we 're going full speed ahead with the surgery . she just wanted you to come in and see her before she goes . ok ? thank you . kendall : i have to tell her that i remember , and she has to stop covering for me . griffin : just relax . that 's it . that 's good . that 's got your blood pressure down . kendall , i 'm gon na go check on the operating room , then i 'll be back . ok ? do n't worry . you 'll get to talk to your mother . kendall : please . promise me . griffin : you just rest , ok ? just -- that 's it . that 's it . [ scene_break ] cara : i was saying that of the people who are -- jake : i understand . cara : do you understand how important this is to me ? jake : remember that first flight we took to africa ? i think it was your first flight ever , was n't it ? cara : yeah . i was trying to play it cool . jake : but you failed . i remember thinking to myself , `` is this girl off ? `` cara : what ? what do you mean `` off `` ? jake : yeah , you were like an 8-year - old who had just eaten 15 chocolate bars bouncing off the walls . you were ready for anything . you 're like , `` i 'll do it , `` jumping head - in first . `` i volunteer ! `` cara : it was new . it was new to me . jake : no , i get it . it was like you 'd been let out of your cage or something . cara : can we just go back to the part where you said that i was `` off `` ? so tell me , when did you stop thinking that i was off ? jake : when ? cara : yeah . jake : i 'll let you know when that happens . cara : i hate when you do that . jake : what ? what did i do ? jake : and then i 'm forgiven ? cara : i 'm not gon na let you be overprotective . i need you to promise me that you will not be overprotective ever again , ok ? promise me that ? jake : i ca n't promise you that i 'm not gon na be concerned . cara : concerned is ok . it 's cool . look , i just want you to know that , um -- i 'm aware that i need to be careful around people with certain infectious diseases , but it 's become second nature to me . jake : i promise i wo n't hover , ok ? i promise that . cara : i promise i wo n't give you a hard time . jake : you should n't be giving me a hard time anyway 'cause i 'm the chief of staff . you 're supposed to be saluting . i walk by you , you salute me . it 's in the handbook . cara : yeah ? jake : i 'm not kidding . cara : wow . keep on dreaming , j.m . [ scene_break ] [ medical equipment beeping ] [ gunshot ] erica 's voice : go , go , go . david is going to prison , and you are going to get well . that 's all you need to know . kendall 's voice : mom ! mom , no ! mom ! what is going on with you ? erica 's voice : really ? you ask me what 's going on with me ? it 's my turn to have a crisis ? i did n't know that was allowed . i really thought all i had to do was make sure that all of you are safe . kendall : uhh ! [ scene_break ] [ waves crashing ] marissa 's voice : pretty classy , huh ? he set all of this up for me figuring you 'd be out of the way by now . j.r. does n't love you . you do realize that by now , do n't you ? he only said that to shut your blabbering mouth . i 'm the one that he loves . i 'm the mother of his child , the one deserving to be mrs. j.r. chandler . i 've always been the one that he loves . annie : aah ! [ glass breaks ] j.r. : what was that ? annie : i -- i thought that we were gon na be together . [ sniffs ] i thought that we were gon na be happy . i 've done everything to try to be patient . i thought that it was gon na work out . j.r. : hey , hey . everything has worked out . baby , i do n't know what 's going on in that pretty head of yours . but all of this , all this is for you because i care about you , annie , because i love you . annie : are you just saying that , or do you really mean it ? j.r. : i really mean it . annie : i wanted you to say that for so long . tell me . j.r. : all right , let 's just slow down a second , ok ? we got many , many more nights like this . this is just the beginning . annie : show me . show me then . j.r. : annie , please , just stop . just stop . annie : well , i have an idea . remember these ? you like these . and you have been very naughty , so i 'm gon na make sure that you stay here . [ thump ] annie : oh , my god , what was that ? is marissa here ? did she follow you here ? [ colby drops her phone outside the cabin door ] [ scene_break ] jesse : angela wanted you to have these . let 's see , where are they ? she said pick out any of the family photos you want . put them in these pretty little frames . natalia : `` pretty little frames . `` brot : they 're nice . natalia : oh ho ho ! look at these . look at this one . brot : look at that . brother and sister . natalia : right on top . jesse : brother and sister . natalia : she probably did it on purpose . jesse : that 's very flattering . you know , angela loves you so much . and she wants you to promise to get back home as soon as your baby sister is born . brot : shut up . natalia : sister ? jesse : you got it . we having a baby girl . randi : i told you . natalia : no way . frankie : wow , another little sister hubbard , huh ? jesse : i hope she 's half the woman you are . natalia : thank you . i 'll give her some lessons . brot : congratulations , chief . another daughter . jesse : another daughter . natalia : i 'm so happy for you , dad . congrats . jesse : frankie . frankie . frankie : good luck . let me get you . jesse : go , go , go , go . you know that angela thinks of you as her own daughter . and we both want you to be a part of your new little sister 's life . so that means you need to get back here every chance you get . that 's an order . natalia : that 's so sweet . i swear , i 'll be close . and i 'll definitely call angie and let her know that i 'll be there the second she needs anything . jesse : yes , you will . natalia : i can not walk away from the best family ever . jesse : hubbard love . ha ha ! natalia : and the most wonderful man in the world . brot : is that right ? natalia : yeah , something like that . jesse : all right , let 's not get carried away , y ' all . [ scene_break ] griffin : hey ! hey ! have you seen kendall ? cara : she 's not in her room ? griffin : no , and her clothes are n't there either . jake : i 'll call security . cara : did n't you just move up her surgery ? griffin : we have to move fast . that aneurysm is ready to go . jake : -- security . [ scene_break ] kendall : mom ? mom ! where are you , mom ? mom , where are you ? i need -- mom , i need you . mom . i need to tell you . mom , i -- aah ! mom ! aah ! uhh ! [ scene_break ] jake : check on all the floors and all the cameras . cara : should i call the police ? griffin : if i ca n't get her on her cell , yeah , you call the police . [ cell phone ringing ] kendall : help me . griffin : kendall , where are you ? kendall : i 'm outside . i do n't know . somewhere . it 's this stupid taxi . i was trying to find my mom , and i do n't -- i ca n't move . there 's this pain . griffin : ok , kendall , help me out here . look around you . what do you see ? kendall : oh , i do n't know . there 's trees and -- ow ! ow ! ow ! griffin : kendall . kendall ! it 's either ruptured or it 's starting to tear . kendall , if you can hear me , hang in there . listen , she said something about trees . she was in a taxi . she was gon na go see erica . jake : this is what we do . let 's call the cab company . maybe they can track her down . cara : i 'll call the police . griffin : what about an ambulance ? we have to get out there . we have to start looking for her . jake : the roads are bad out there . all the drivers , no one 's come back . griffin : are there any ambulances -- jake : there are a couple , but we do n't have any drivers . cara : great , thank you . the police are on it , but they 're really swamped . griffin : come on . it 's not gon na be the first ambulance i 've driven , but i 'm gon na need your help if i 'm gon na find her . let 's go . cara : griff ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : there 's no one out there , and it 's most certainly not marissa . annie : it 's just every time we 're alone together , she 's there . she pops up . j.r. : marissa and i are divorced . the only connection we 're gon na have is with a.j . that 's it . end of story . all i care about right now is you . that 's why i set all this up , but it was supposed to be for later . annie : later ? after what ? j.r. : well , i set an appointment up for the both of us at the house -- annie : appointment for what ? j.r. : with dr. burke . annie : no ! no ! j.r. : sit down . listen to me . i know that you 've been nervous lately , and you 've been upset . that 's why i think it 's a good idea for us just to sit down , talk about it . i 'm doing this for you and me , so i can clean up this mess that i made so we can start a new future . i want to make it as strong as possible . so please , i beg you , please just come with me back to the house to talk to him . annie : ok , but only if you 'll be there . [ sniffs ] j.r. : i promise . [ cell phone rings ] j.r. : i 'm sorry . ooh . what is it ? asher : sorry to use the bat signal like this , but this is way above my pay grade . j.r. : no . i 'll take care of it . you just tell louis to sit tight . i 'm sorry . i 've got ta go . chandler 's debt is being restructured . i ca n't lose this presentation . i 'll tell you what , come with me . annie : no , i feel safe here . i do n't want to leave yet . i 'll meet you . j.r. : all right . why do n't you meet me back at the house in an hour ? dr. burke will be there . we can start to figure out how we can make this work the way it 's supposed to . ok ? do me a favor . drive carefully . it 's pretty nasty outside . annie : ok . what the -- hell you doing here ? colby : i came to have a little chat , but i had to wait till your big protector left . annie : what do you want ? colby : i know what you did , annie . annie : oh , grow up . j.r. and i are consenting adults . besides , he 's divorced . colby : no . i 'm not talking about you and j.r . i 'm talking about what you did to marissa . assault , robbery , lying to the cops . annie , you 've broken all kinds of laws , and this time you 're not getting away with it . annie : you 've been out there listening in . you little snake . colby : guilty . but while i might be charged with eavesdropping , you 've a lot worse coming your way . what do you think the cops are gon na do when they find out you 're the one behind marissa 's assault and robbery ? annie : j.r. 's not gon na let that happen . colby : no . j.r. needs to be saved from you , annie . and i am tired of watching you chew up and spit out these men in this family . i 'm not gon na let you do to him what you did to my dad or my cousin . annie : i love your brother . colby : so much that you 'll attack his wife , knock her out , and make it look like a burglary ? annie : it was an accident . i opened the door , and it hit her . i could n't say anything . nobody would believe me . colby : gosh . now , why would you think that ? annie : see , there you go . you 're proving my point . so i made it seem like it was a burglar . colby : or you could have just gone , `` oops , sorry , `` called an ambulance and fessed up . annie : and give marissa exactly what she wanted ? that would have been her way to get rid of me . i do n't think so . colby : no , annie . all marissa wanted was a divorce and to make sure a.j . was ok . annie : that 's not true . she wants j.r. back , and i know it , but i 'm not gon na let that happen . colby : so , how 's the weather in cuckooland these days , annie ? annie : you may think i 'm crazy -- colby : think ? annie : but i know exactly what 's going on . and neither you nor marissa are gon na be able to keep me and j.r. from being together . colby : well , i think i 've heard all i needed to hear . i 'm sure the cops will be just as captivated as i was . annie : you recorded me ? colby : mm - hmm . annie : you little bitch ! give me that . colby : annie , let go ! annie : give me the ph -- colby : ow ! get off of me ! annie : you little bitch ! colby : no ! aah ! no ! annie ! annie : you little bitch ! colby : aah ! aah ! get off me , annie ! annie : mind your own business ! colby : ow ! let me out of these , you psycho ! annie : oh , colby . you had to butt your nose into something that was n't your business , huh ? that was n't very smart . now i am gon na have to figure out how to get rid of you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : all right . crisis averted . asher : thanks . j.r. : thank you for getting ahold of me . asher : yeah , no problem . oh , by the way , did you hear about colby , how she 's going to see your dad ? j.r. : no . she did n't tell me . is there a problem ? asher : i do n't know . it 's just she 's told me about him before , how he 's not always there for her when she needs him to be . j.r. : his priorities are n't always in sync with ours , unless it serves his purpose . asher : and damon taking off really hurt her . j.r. : my dad will buy her a gift . he 'll pat her on the head , tell her he loves her , which he does . he 's just not always there . something my son will never say about me . you know , i might create messes , but i never walk away from them . [ scene_break ] frankie : what 's up ? jesse : unbelievable . kendall . she wandered away from the hospital before her surgery . now i got ta go find her . frankie : want me to tell brot ? jesse : no , no . he 's off duty . let them enjoy their last moments together , huh ? can you get my coat ? frankie : yeah . jesse : listen , guys . i got to go . duty calls . frankie : all right , man . take care , and i love you . brot : see you later , chief . natalia : bye , brother . jesse : later . behave . brot : always , always . natalia : i 'll see you soon , dad . jesse : i love you . brot : take it easy , guys . this is a good one . natalia : i know . it 's priceless . i need more pictures of you , too , you know . brot : i do n't have very many pictures of me by myself . i 'm not big on that . natalia : brot , i want you in this frame . i want to be able to see your face every time i come home to my new apartment . god . do you know how much you 've given me ? i was afraid to let anyone in until you . brot : i was afraid , too , you know . because most people , when they look at me , all they see is this -- when inside , this is how i still feel . natalia : handsome . yeah , there 's no doubt about that . but let me show you something . yeah , it 's about right . this is the man i fell in love with . and this is the man i intend to come home to any chance i get , every chance i get . every chance . you think i 'm playing . i love you . [ scene_break ] jake : well , she 's disorie -- yes . trust me . any driver that saw her would know exactly what i 'm talking about . griffin : she was dead - set on seeing erica . why would i let her out of my sight ? cara : why did she want to see her mom ? griffin : did you get anything ? jake : make a right right here . griffin : there 's no trees over there . jake : it 's the way to erica 's house . trust me . i will hold on until you do have an address . cara : you know what , this is life or death here ! jake : especially the way your brother 's driving . griffin : i 've driven worse . cara : you guys can drag race after we save kendall . jake : right here . that 's erica 's house . griffin : that 's a whole lot of trees . jake : kendall ? kendall ! cara : kendall ! griffin : kendall ! cara : where are you ? griffin : kendall ! my god . ok . she 's here ! over here ! shh -- shh -- kendall : my mama . my mama . griffin : ok , shh -- shh -- you 'll see your mom . kendall : it hurts . griffin : you 've got ta calm down . stay with me . we got ta get you back to the hospital . we got an ambulance . just stay with me . [ scene_break ] colby : what are you gon na do to me , annie ? annie : i do n't know , colby . you 've really screwed things up for me . i 'll have to think about it , but not now . i 've got ta be somewhere . colby : wait . where are you going , annie ? annie : here . have some cheese , you little rat . colby : annie , you ca n't leave me like this ! annie : you 'll live , if that 's what i decide is best . colby : annie . no ! uhh ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : dr. burke , annie should be here any minute . dr. burke : i 'm glad i caught you alone first . j.r. : why is that ? dr. burke : i 'd like to hear your thoughts about what 's going on with annie . j.r. : i 'd rather not talk about her behind her back . i know that she 's got problems . i 'm not gon na abandon her because of that . dr. burke : you want to help her . j.r. : yeah . sometimes i do n't think that that 's possible . [ scene_break ] annie : you nosy little bitch ! you 've ruined everything ! what am i supposed to do ? it 's ok . it 's ok . you got colby 's phone . it 's fine . there 's no proof . it 'll just be her word against yours . ok , that 's the good part . the bad part is you have her handcuffed to a freaking table ! marissa ' voice : no way out of this one , annie . j.r. is never gon na forgive you for this . i mean , this is his sister we 're talking about here . annie : get out of my head . stop ! marissa 's voice : time to face it , wacko . game over . [ scene_break ] [ ambulance siren ] griffin : how 's she doing ? jake : she 's in trouble . she 's pulsating . we need to get that graft in her . griffin : ok . hang on , kendall . cara : oh ! griff , easy , ok ? griffin : icy as hell out here . keep her awake . keep her talking . jake : listen to me . look at me . can you hear us ? cara : kendall ? [ scene_break ] marissa 's voice : i mean popping me in the head , that was one thing . i mean , that was an accident that you had to cover up , but colby ? that was cold and deliberate . annie : shut up ! shut up ! i can fix it . i 've always been able to fix things . marissa 's voice : do you know what my suggestion is ? turn this car around , start heading west , and do n't look back . annie : no ! get away from me ! [ scene_break ] cara : kendall , can you hear us ? jake : kendall , stay with us . griffin : look out ! [ tries screech as griffin swerves to avoid annie 's car ] [ scene_break ] [ annie screams and closes her eyes as she collides with the ambulance ] | annie asks j.r. if he is breaking up with her . j.r. accuses annie of being paranoid about marissa coming between them . colby brings her luggage downstairs as asher joins her . asher misinterprets this and thinks that colby is going to visit damon in california . colby lets asher know that she is going to visit her father in chicago . asher is afraid that adam will hurt her , but colby thinks otherwise . natalia meets with brot at krystal 's . brot twirls her around in order to look at her outfit . brot and natalia kiss . jesse , frankie and randi join them to celebrate natalia 's new job in philly . jake stands at the nurse 's station at the hospital when cara comes up , ranting that a little boy had sneezed on her in the elevator , and that she could sure have the flu now . in the hospital bed , kendall remembers everything about shooting david . griffin comes in and notices that kendall 's pulse rate is racing . kendall lets griffin know that she was the one , who had shot david . griffin tries to calm her down , but without any luck . griffin gives her a shot in her i.v . in order to calm her down and make her rest . jake apologizes to cara for being overly protective of her and her illness . brot gives natalia his medal of valor to protect her on her job in philly . asher shows his concern toward colby that he does n't want her to be hurt by her father and offers to go with her to chicago , but she insists on going on her own . kendall tells griffin that she needs to tell erica the truth so erica will stop taking the blame for her . asher assures colby to be careful on her trip . colby overhears j.r. telling annie that he loves her . annie does n't believe him and tells him that he had only told her that he loves her because she had told him to . annie rushes out and leaves . j.r. rushes after her . colby quickly hides behind the staircase to keep j.r. from seeing her . |
[ previously_on ] anna : dr. hoffman 's very certain that the baby 's heart needs surgery . janelle : if you make promises to reggie and do n't deliver , you 're going to answer to me . kendall : i 'll see you in half an hour , mr. kinsey . bartender : thank you , mr. cambias ? kendall : `` for last night and many nights to come , michael . `` [ scene_break ] michael : did i come at a bad time ? kendall : oh . oh , god . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i should not be doing this . i 'm co - founder of this company , not chief bottle - washer . mia : all right , i 'll do it . take a break . greenlee : where the hell are simone and kendall , anyway ? they 're supposed to be helping us . mia : look , simone had her mouth glued together for the cause and kendall 's lips turned green . what more do you want from them ? greenlee : i want them to finish the job . mia : greenlee , would you just lighten up ? i mean , everybody 's giving everything that they can . i was supposed to spend the entire day with jake , and i blew him off yet again . i should call him . greenlee : he 's a big boy . he should understand that everyone should put their life on hold until we get our product out . mia : he does understand . but i still miss him . voicemail . great . greenlee : guess he does n't miss you that much . mia : i 'll just try the loft . greenlee : he 's a doctor , for god 's sake . he 's -- he 's probably got an emergency . now , let 's get back to work . mia : oh , great , the machine . well , maybe he is working . greenlee : at least one of you is . mia : look , you know what ? if i do n't spend some time with him soon , fusion 's hot couple is going to fizzle . greenlee : that 's not going to matter if we do n't have any product to peddle . oh , great . we 're out of containers . mia : what ? i 'll check the storeroom . greenlee : you think ? man : i can help you . greenlee : i do n't need any help . [ scene_break ] kendall : okay . oh , my god , i 'm a freak show . [ knock on door ] michael : kendall ? was it something i said ? kendall : no . oh , i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to slam the door in your face . michael : and yet it 's still closed . kendall : oh , i know . i 'm sorry . i do n't -- i do n't normally do this . i do n't normally do things like this or look like this . it 's just that my company ran into a little snag and i ended up being the guinea pig for our new company . not that the lipstick is going to look like this on our company because it wo n't . it 's just that i have to perfect the formula , and so it 's going to take -- michael : i think you look gorgeous . kendall : you do ? michael : if only all women looked as good as you do now . kendall : keep talking . michael : i will over dinner . come out with me tonight . [ scene_break ] trey : janelle , i got your message . janelle : that 's dr. anderson to you . trey : okay , what did i do now ? janelle : maybe you can tell me . trey : if you 're worried about reggie , he 's fine . janelle : yeah ? if he 's so fine , why do n't you explain this ? david : yes , my name is dr. david hayward . i 'm trying to reach a patient of yours . i 've been doing this all day . anna devane . she 's carrying our child , and she 's a patient of dr. hoffman 's . he 's out of the country ? what are you talking about , he left the country ? he ca n't do that . she flew there to see him . he 's supposed to tell me whether my child needs surgery or not . well , did he leave any information for me about the child ? [ scene_break ] edmund : what did you do to maria ? david : not now , edmund . i 'm busy . look , can you please just give me dr. hoffman 's cell phone number ? edmund : look , you took her blood sample . you 're supposed to get back to me with the results . david : edmund , i 'm on the phone trying to reach anna 's doctor , okay ? just hold on for a minute . edmund : okay , fine . david : listen , just -- you son of a bitch ! david : i 've been trying to reach anna 's doctor all day , all right ? my child could be in trouble . edmund : my wife is in trouble , thanks to you and that stupid drug . what did it do to her ? david : nothing . edmund : nothing ? she 's sick . david : edmund , edmund , the results came back from the blood test . the fever was not caused by the serum . she has nothing more serious than a flu . you should see a marked improvement by morning . edmund : just the flu ? david : yes , just the flu . edmund : there 's another problem . she 's gone . david : what do you mean , she 's gone ? edmund : she 's gone . she took off with that homicidal brit . david : she left with that -- with aidan ? edmund : yes , all right ? and she 's not acting like herself . she -- there was a woman at wildwind . they knocked her out , and they tied her up , and they left her there . david : well , look , that has nothing to do with my serum . edmund : oh , yeah . okay . all right . how can you be sure ? david : because it 's a cardiac drug , edmund . it 's not a hallucinogen , all right ? so just relax . nobody 's going to find out that you fed your wife an untested drug . edmund : she already knows . david : what ? edmund : yeah . she was sick , all right , and weak , and i was sick of lying to her . david : so you told her ? what , are you out of your mind ? edmund : i figured you 'd see it that way . david : look , edmund , she 's probably sitting at the d.a . 's office right now , swearing out a warrant for both of our arrests . edmund : would you relax ? she 's with , what , england 's most wanted ? i do n't think so . david : look , she better not open her mouth , edmund . i put enough time in this hellhole , and i 'm not going to jail because of your stupidity . edmund : would you stop harping about who 's going to jail and whose fault it is , okay ? my wife is missing , all right ? my children have lost their mother again . i 'd go to jail right now if i could bring her home . david : you can go to jail all you want , but you 're not dragging me down there with you . nurse : dr. hayward , there 's a patient waiting to see you . david : all right , look , just -- just get dr. anderson , all right ? nurse : she asked to see you specifically . david : fine , fine . i 'll be there in a minute . damn it . [ scene_break ] janelle : reggie has missed more classes than he 's gone to . trey : he just keeps playing me , janelle . janelle : i talked to his teachers . he has a big history test tomorrow . if he fails that -- trey : he 'll pass it . janelle : what are you going to do ? trey : i 'll handle it . [ scene_break ] david : nurse , you said there was someone that needed to see me ? anna : you have no idea how much . [ scene_break ] man : i 'm so sorry . greenlee : yeah , you should be . look what you made me do . man : i 'll help you . greenlee : i do n't need any help ! and i do n't need whatever it is you 're selling . man : selling ? no , i -- i 'm here to fix the pipe . greenlee : what ? man : your water pipe is broken . greenlee : it is ? man : someone from your company called me . i do maintenance here . greenlee : oh . well , then go maintain . just stay out of my way . greenlee : this should have been you and me , leo . [ scene_break ] michael : you know , you have n't agreed to have dinner with me yet . kendall : well , you still have n't told me what you 're doing here , michael . michael : business . kendall : i did n't know you had business in pine valley . i -- i was n't even sure if i 'd see you again . michael : did n't you get the flowers i sent ? there was a card . kendall : yeah , yeah , i got it . the one that said `` for last night and many nights still to come `` ? i figured you sent that to all the girls . michael : well , you 're not a girl . you 're a spectacular woman . which is why i had to see you . kendall : well , i -- i have a business conflict . i told you i started my own company , so i have a lot to do -- michael : you 're the new name in the cosmetics industry , yes . kendall : yeah , we 're -- we 're pretty hot right now . we 're so hot that , actually , we ran into an unexpected demand for our new product . and since our factory is n't up and running , we had to create a lip color right here in my kitchen . michael : hmm . how very enterprising . kendall : yeah , well , i 'm sort of the go - to girl in our company . and since we had to package the products and have them on the shelves by tomorrow morning , i -- michael : and the go - to girl ca n't go to dinner ? kendall : well , i -- simone : yes , she can . kendall : simone , what the hell are you still doing here ? simone : washing the beeswax off my lips , remember ? hi . michael : hi . kendall : okay -- hi . excuse me . do n't blow this for me , please . simone : you 're blowing it for yourself . is that not the guy from aspen ? kendall : yes , it is , but i ca n't let him think he can just drop out of nowhere and i 'll just drop everything for him . michael : excuse me . kendall : sorry . simone : sorry . kendall : michael kinsey , this is my colleague , simone torres . simone : oh , pleased to meet you . michael : pleasure 's mine . simone : you -- you look familiar . have we met before ? michael : i think i would remember such a beautiful young lady . kendall : ahem , ahem . simone : my mistake . they say everyone has a double . kendall : yep , especially here in pine valley . simone : so , where is yours ? kendall : uh - huh . all right , well -- simone : well , i will go to the office and tell greenlee that you have been delayed . kendall : okay , better put on your flak jacket . simone : nice meeting you , michael . michael : you , too , simone . kendall : okay , have a great day . have a great day . stay warm . simone : okay . kendall : bye - bye . bye . michael : shall we , then ? kendall : oh , i -- i ca n't go into public looking like this . michael : i told you , you look ravishing . kendall : okay , i will try my best to believe that if you will try your best to believe it 'll only take me one minute to freshen up . michael : oh . as you wish . kendall : so , make yourself comfortable . sit down , relax . you can listen to some music while you 're waiting . [ music plays ] kendall : i wo n't be long ! michael : take your time . [ scene_break ] anna : oh -- oh , i missed you so much . david : no , no , no , no . i missed you more , believe me . janelle : i missed you . he was completely unbearable since you left . anna : oh , i can imagine . david : come on , come on . let 's go inside . come here . i ca n't believe this . you 're here , right ? anna : yes , in the ever - expanding flesh . david : oh , my gosh -- anna : i know . david : you 're huge . hey , baby . it 's daddy . did you miss me ? anna : almost as much as her mum . david : i was so worried . i spent half the day on the phone trying to reach you and dr. hoffman . i thought the baby needed surgery . anna : i have to talk to you about that . david : i know , i know . i worried for nothing , right ? i mean , obviously you 're here , so everything 's okay . anna : not exactly . i have some bad news . [ scene_break ] trey : hey , reggie , you here ? reggie : later . trey : whoa , whoa , wait , wait , wait . i got dinner . reggie : save it . trey : you got a history test tomorrow , right ? reggie : maybe . what 's it to you ? trey : and have you studied ? reggie : you 're kidding , right ? look , step aside , man . i got people waiting for me downstairs . trey : you got people waiting for you to fail . i 'm not going to let that happen . reggie : yeah ? you got something to say about it or something ? trey : yeah , i say that you 're going to pass this test if we have to stay up all night studying for it . [ scene_break ] [ noise ] greenlee : hello ? greenlee : anybody there ? kendall , you better get over here before i kick your bony little butt to the curb . [ simone sighs ] greenlee : it 's about time . where have you been ? simone : funny you should ask -- [ phone rings ] greenlee : fusion cosmetics , greenlee speaking . hi , jake . mia is getting supplies right now . well , when she gets back , she 's not going to be really able to chat , so do n't bother calling back , all right ? simone : what did you just do ? greenlee : mia 's been , like , obsessing on the guy . she 's not getting anything done . simone : he 's her fiancé . greenlee : so she can talk to him at home . we 're on the clock here . at least i am . where have you been ? and where 's kendall ? simone : something came up . greenlee : something more important than filling our order for lacey 's ? simone : you remember that guy from aspen , the one who sent her the roses ? greenlee : yeah ? so ? simone : he just showed up out of the blue on her doorstep , and he 's taking her to dinner . greenlee : so she 's blowing us off for some guy again ? simone : not `` some guy . `` the guy . greenlee : right , `` the guy . `` he 's probably some creep cruising for ski bunnies . he 'll dump her the minute he gets what he wants -- which , knowing kendall , will be pretty soon . simone : how did you get to be so cynical ? greenlee : i do n't know . let me think . was it when my best friend slept with my father or when my husband got killed by his homicidal mother ? simone : you know , if leo were alive , he would -- greenlee : he 'd be laughing at you for being such a patsy . next thing you know , you 're going to be telling me you believe in love at first sight . simone : it could happen . greenlee : yeah . only in fairy tales . simone : so you 're saying that it does n't exist in the real world ? well , you know , you could turn around right here and now , and there he is -- that man who will take your breath away . man : oh . lo siento . i 'm sorry . simone : oh , no . no , do n't be . man : perdoneme . simone : perdoneme . who was that ? greenlee : some janitor that does maintenance here . did you call about a broken pipe ? simone : oh , no , but bless the one who did . did you get a load of that tool belt ? hot . greenlee : he is ? simone : oh , please , girl . do not tell me you did not notice . greenlee : i have other things on my mind . simone : right . like leo . greenlee : that 's right . i do n't care about any other guy who 's not leo . simone : well , when are you going to start ? greens , you should be able to look at a great - looking guy without feeling guilty . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] woman : thank you , mr. cambias . michael : the name is kinsey . woman : of course . kendall : i took a little longer than i expected . michael : here 's a little something extra for a job well done . woman : very good , sir . michael : bye . kendall : what did you do ? michael : did i overstep ? kendall : no . no , are you kidding me ? the place looks fabulous . michael : good . because i was hoping you and i could spend some more time together if you did n't have to rush home and clean up . kendall : oh , no , i would never rush home to clean up . how -- how did you do this ? michael : i have my ways . may i get the lady a dirty martini ? kendall : but wait -- where did that come from ? michael : shh . no more questions . just enjoy . now -- kendall : oh , my god . michael : what shall we drink to ? first impressions or second chances ? kendall : hmm . kendall : no , wait a minute . wait a minute . i ca n't do this . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i wo n't apologize for grieving my husband . if you think i should 've moved on by now , that 's your problem . simone : my problem is that you wo n't let the rest of us move on . greenlee , we all want great jobs , but we also want lives and we want to find someone that we can share our lives with . but let me get this right -- you know , but if you ca n't , we ca n't , right ? greenlee : it 's not my fault that none of you can hold on to a guy . simone : well , it is when you demand that we 're here 24 hours a day . mia : hi , i got -- simone : it 's your fault when you hang up on mia 's fiancé and do n't even care about how that 's going to affect mia . mia : you hung up on jake ? simone : yes . greenlee : jake will get over it . he 'll call back . simone : you told him not to ! mia : you did ? simone : and what about kendall ? here this gorgeous guy whisks her off like a knight in a fairy tale , and all you can do is bust her bubble . greenlee : because there are no fairy tales , okay ? and the sooner the rest of you accept that , the better off you 'll be . [ scene_break ] michael : have i done something wrong ? kendall : no . no , you did everything right -- so right that you 're freaking me out . michael : okay . well , i 'm afraid i do n't understand that . kendall : michael , you 're like every wish come true . and i 've learned from experience that when something feels too good to be true , it usually is . michael : so you prefer things to go wrong ? kendall : no , but they usually do . when something feels this right , it usually means that there 's disaster lurking around the corner . michael : okay , well , i tell you what -- i will round every corner before you to make sure that there is nothing waiting to pounce . sometimes dreams do come true . kendall : i wish that -- michael : shh , shh . i 'll prove it to you -- if you let me . michael : no fire - breathing dragons in sight . shall we ? kendall : yeah . [ scene_break ] trey : all right , name the date when the japanese attacked pearl harbor . reggie : like i care . come on , man , why are you wasting my time on this ? trey : because you got to know this if you are going to pass tomorrow 's test . reggie : pass ? i 'm already failing . one test is not going to make a difference . trey : if you get a b , it will make all the difference . reggie : a b ? a b . the next time i get a b in history will be my first . trey : yeah , well , it helps to set goals , reggie . reggie : look , the school does n't teach me anything i need to know . trey : you need to graduate . if you do n't graduate , you 'll never get a decent job . reggie : well , who 's going to hire me ? trey : nobody if you do n't have a diploma . but if you study and you graduate , you could do whatever you want . reggie : are you tripping ? what 's wrong with you ? have you looked at me lately ? are you colorblind ? trey : i am -- i am serious . what do you want to do , reggie ? reggie : it does n't matter . trey : yes , it does matter ! would you just -- just answer me this -- what do you want to do when you 're 20 ? reggie : i 'll probably be dead . [ scene_break ] anna : so , after all the testing and then they pumped me full of steroids , and there was really no significant change , no improvement . david : so the baby 's heart rate did n't go up ? anna : actually , it dropped a little . so dr. hoffman feels that surgery is our only real option . david : but -- then i do n't understand . why did you leave switzerland ? if our baby needs in utero surgery , dr. hoffman is our best hope . anna : i did n't want to be alone . david : baby , you were n't alone . robin was with you . anna : yes , i know . of course , robin was wonderful , but , you know , she has a lot of her own responsibilities and she already has an awful lot of catching up to do at school . david : i 'm sure robin would 've been more than happy to stay an extra few days if you needed her . did you even tell her that the baby needed surgery ? anna : i did n't want to worry her . david : all right , so you -- you walked away from the top specialist in the field , you got on the plane , you put yourself and the baby at risk because you did n't want to worry your older daughter . that does n't make sense . anna : i had to make a very quick decision , david . i 'm almost eight months , and dr. hoffman does n't want me to travel after that . david : all right . okay , all right . well , then -- then we got to get going . come on . anna : david , please , what are you doing ? david : anna , just come on . anna : wait -- you have to listen to what i 'm saying . david : no , we got to leave . janelle : dr. hayward , you have another hour left on your shift . david : revoke my parole if you want , all right ? i need to get anna to the airport . anna : no , no , you 're not . david : yes , we need to get you to switzerland -- now . anna : no , i 'm not . david : anna , we do n't have much time . we have to do this . anna : david , please , would you listen to me ? i 'm sorry . excuse us . listen . the only reason i came home was to be with you . now , i know if they operate on our baby and you 're not there , you 're going to lose your mind . david : that 's not important . it does n't matter how i feel . what 's important , what matters is that you and the baby get the best possible care . anna , dr. hoffman -- we need him right now . anna : we have dr. hoffman . he 's here . he 's going to perform the surgery here . david : here ? in pine valley ? anna : yeah . why not ? you know , i mean , the hospital is equipped with a world- class neonatal unit . besides , dr. hoffman was coming to the states . he has a medical conference or something . david : yeah , but -- but the baby and the traveling -- that was okay ? anna : it was fine . i asked him if there was any risk , and i would never have gotten on the plane if there were . david -- dr. hoffman has assured me that he can perform the surgery just as successfully here with you by my side , which is what i want . it 's what i need . david : you made all these arrangements without even telling me ? anna : yeah , i 'm a big girl . i did n't want to tell you in case it did n't work out , you know . david : you did all this for me ? after everything i 've done to jeopardize you and this pregnancy ? anna : oh , come on . you 're not blaming yourself for this baby 's problem , are you ? come on , you 're a doctor . you should know better than that . david : come on , anna , you and i both know that i put you through hell your first trimester . you know that . anna : i -- i think we 're both responsible for that . i really do . no one caused this baby 's heart defect . i 'm just trying to make it easier to fix , i hope . david : you mean easier for me . you are amazing . you know that ? with everything going on in your mind right now , you still find time to think about me and worry about me ? anna : well , i guess that 's what you do when you love someone . david : i do love you . you know that , do n't you ? anna : i know . i ought to hit you in the head for trying to drag me out of here . david : what can i say ? i 'm a jerk , all right ? anna : yeah . david : i 'm so glad you 're here , baby . and i 'm going to take some time off , okay ? i 'm going to get you ready for the surgery . i 'll do whatever i have to , okay ? anna : there 's not a lot of time . dr. hoffman does n't want the baby 's heart rate to drop any further , so he 's sort of switched his schedule around and he 's going to perform the surgery before the conference . david : when ? anna : tomorrow . david : tomorrow ? anna : tomorrow . [ scene_break ] trey : what do you mean , you 're going to be dead ? what , are you sick ? reggie : no . i just know what happens to guys like me . trey : oh , okay , so you 're psychic ? you can predict the future ? great . reggie : look , i do n't have to . half the guys i came up with are already dead . the rest of them are in jail . that 's just the way it goes , and i ca n't change that . trey : oh , whatever you say , because you seem to have all the answers -- all the answers except for these . reggie : you think passing some history test is going to change my life ? trey : you 're right . you 're right . one test is not going to change your life , especially with that kind of attitude . so why do n't you just sit back and wait for someone to shoot you . reggie : what do you know about my life ? you 're some hotshot lawyer with a phat crib . trey : oh , you think somebody handed me my job , my apartment ? i went to school every single day . i took every single job i could find just to get here . reggie : it 's different for you , all right ? trey : oh , because i 'm white ? great excuse . you are so sure that you 're going to die , then i 'm wasting my time . reggie : where are you going now ? trey : cutting my losses . i know enough losers . i do n't need to know another one , so get out . now ! [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you . so , when you said we were going to dinner , i thought you meant the valley inn , not new york city . michael : oh , it is entirely your fault . when you came out looking like that , i had to take you someplace memorable . kendall : oh , and you just happened to have this helicopter handy ? that 's very nifty , especially since you said you were just a salesman . michael : did i mention i 'm really good at what i do ? kendall : hmm . somehow that does n't surprise me . so , what -- what exactly do you sell , anyway ? michael : oh , please , please . my job is very boring . i would much rather talk about you . besides , it seems you 've had an eventful day . kendall : yeah , yeah , i 'd say . i thought i was going to model our new lip color , not be the test dummy . michael : well , i have to tell you , your dedication to this new venture is admirable . kendall : well , we 're not the giant enchantment is , but we will be . michael : so that 's your goal , to beat the giants in the cosmetics industry ? kendall : yeah , well , why dream small ? besides , the beauty business is in my blood . michael : certainly beauty is . kendall : i 'm talking about my mother . michael : is your mother as beautiful as you are ? kendall : you have -- you have no idea who i am , do you ? you ever hear of erica kane ? michael : yeah , who has n't ? kendall : well , i like to call her mommy dearest . michael : erica kane is your mother ? kendall : yeah , yeah , not that she 'd admit it . michael : hmm . well , now i know where you get your drive and ambition . kendall : yeah , well , erica built enchantment out of nothing , and i plan to do the same thing for fusion -- or better . michael : now , does n't this put you in direct competition with your mother ? kendall : oh , please . she does n't see me as competition . she acts like i 'm some gum she stepped in -- which is why she 's not going to know what hit her when i blow her cosmetics empire right off the map . michael : so your goal is not to emulate your mother but to destroy her ? kendall : yep . now you know the real me . i 'm not a princess . i 'm a dragon out to slay the evil witch . michael : as i recall , most fairy tale princesses have to destroy the witch in order to survive . kendall : so you do n't think i 'm terrible ? michael : uh - uh . i think you 're driven , and i wish you success . kendall : yeah , well , wishing it is not going to make it happen . neither is running away on a moment 's notice to have dinner with a handsome stranger . michael : okay , next time i plan a trip to pine valley , i will let you know in advance . kendall : oh , thank you . but you did n't -- you did n't tell me what brought you to pine valley . michael : you did . [ scene_break ] mia : oh , god . jake 's still not answering his cell phone and he 's not home . simone : okay . go , find him , take him to dinner , and then apologize for wasting your entire day bailing me out of jail . mia : but the lip color . simone : you know what ? i will deliver it to lacey 's myself . mia : are you sure ? simone : you would do it for me if i had a life , right ? mia : thank you so much . simone : you 're welcome . mia : thank you . thank you , thank you , thank you . simone : okay . oh , my . it 's a little heavier than it looks . uh , excuse me ? man : me ? simone : oh , most definitely . could you -- could you just give me a hand with this ? man : of course i will . simone : oh , good . simone : well , it 's definitely not a problem for you . como te llamas ? man : carlos . simone : ah . me llamo simone . carlos : where do i put her ? simone : her ? carlos : it . the box ? simone : oh , yes . right . my car . it 's right by the door . i 'll show you . i 'll go with you . thanks . [ clanging ] [ clang ] [ clang ] [ clanging ] greenlee : shut up ! um -- ah , jeez . somebody help ! [ scene_break ] kendall : i thought you said you came to pine valley on business . michael : well , i have n't exactly been able to concentrate on my work since i met you . kendall : so you just -- you just flew all the way to nowhereville , pennsylvania , just to see me ? michael : that 's right . kendall : why would you do that ? michael : do n't you know ? michael : because you 're worth it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ah -- hello ! [ clanging ] greenlee : help ! maintenance guy ! oh , man ! carlos : yes . get off , get off , get off . [ greenlee screams ] greenlee : get off of me ! get off me ! ugh ! do n't you ever touch me again ! carlos : do n't worry . i wo n't . [ greenlee screams ] [ scene_break ] trey : stop wasting my time . reggie : well , stop pushing me , then . trey : you need to be pushed . and if you 're not going to crack those books right now , then you might as well leave . i 'll drop off your books and everything , all your stuff , at the clinic tomorrow . reggie : you 're dreaming if you think one night of studying is really going to help me pass that test . trey : well , maybe i am , but do n't you think we should find out ? reggie : look , i already know . you 're the one that 's going to find out . trey : i 'm willing to risk it . now , start with chapter 3 , the beginning of world war ii . [ scene_break ] david : tomorrow 's going to be a really big day . anna : today was a big day . david : yeah . ahem . i just got to get my coat , all right ? anna : ooh . david : what ? anna : no , no . no , no , it 's okay . here . she 's kicking . david : oh . hey , baby . you take it easy , all right ? you give your mother a break . and your daddy -- your daddy and your mommy love you very much . you remember that , okay ? do n't worry . anna : i 'm not . i 'm just -- i know what 's the matter with me . it 's the hormones . i 'm just thinking about -- when i was first pregnant , everyone was saying how incredible it was , you know , given my history . i never thought i 'd have another child . david : it was a miracle . anna : i did n't feel like that at first . i did n't . i was so wrapped up in our problems , you and me , and the fact that my ankles were swelling and i was eating so much -- david : well , that was all natural . you know that , right ? anna : but i felt that there was something wrong with me because i did n't feel a bond with my baby , you know , like other mothers do . i kept waiting for that feeling to happen . and then when the doctor -- when he said that there was a problem with her heart , i knew that this little being was the most important thing in my life . david : me , too . anna : i ca n't wait to hold her and tell her how much we love her , but i 'm sort of scared that -- david : you will . i promise you . i will do whatever it takes to make sure that that happens . [ next_on ] erica : those fusion harpies were cooking this up on kendall 's stove ? maxie : you 're wasting your time . if you leave quietly , we can avoid a very embarrassing scene . greenlee : about last night -- i 'm sorry about the way i acted . anna : what are you waiting for ? we should be in surgery , right ? | kendall panics and shuts the door on michael 's face because she 's so shocked to see him on her doorstep . she lets him in but rants about how she does n't usually look like this ( lipstick all over ) . he thinks she looks great and invites her to dinner . simone tells kendall she should go for it and then she leaves to tell greenlee that kendall will be late . while kendall 's showering , he gets a maid to clean up her messy kitchen ( the maid calls him `` mr. cambias `` , not kinsey ) and brings in a romantic dinner , totally charming her . she is reluctant because of all the bad relationships she 's had . they talk about her company . she tells him that erica is her mother . he is not put off by the fact that she wants to destroy erica . she is surprised that he flew all the way there just to see her . david tries to phone anna or her doctor in switzerland but ca n't get them so he is worried ; edmund comes in and wants to get him to help maria . he is very impatient and hangs up david 's phone . they argue . finally david tells edmund that there 's nothing wrong with maria ; she just has the flu . david ca n't understand why edmund told maria about the drug and risk them going to jail . anna arrives so david 's mood changes . she tells him that she did n't want to have the surgery in switzerland by herself , so she is having it here in pine valley so david can be with her . david worries but is very grateful . the surgery is tomorrow . |
greenlee : you 're a liar , kendall ! and i can prove it . jack : greenlee -- david : what are you doing ? [ judge bangs gavel ] kendall : what are you doing ? get away from me ! [ gallery murmurs ] kendall : get off me ! [ kendall screams ] [ gallery murmurs ] kendall : oh , my god . greenlee : there ! see ? she 's the liar , not me ! greenlee : see ? i was right ! liar ! there is no baby cambias . judge : not another syllable . you are in contempt . rusty , show the jury out . livia : your honor , if ever there was a time for a sidebar -- judge : ms. frye , mr. singer , mr. mccoy , let 's huddle . greenlee : see ? i was right . i proved what a scum - sucking liar she is . ryan : zip it , greenlee . just zip it . livia : your honor , due to the unorthodox turn this case has taken , i move for an immediate mistrial . alan : your honor , the jury has more than sufficient evidence to render a fair and unbiased verdict . i move that we play it as it lays . livia : your honor , there is no way this jury can reach an impartial verdict after that prejudicial display . judge : all right , i will hear arguments in my chambers . court is in recess . [ judge bangs gavel ] judge : and you -- do n't even think about leaving until i deal with you . myrtle : good heavens , i thought i 'd seen everything . darling , i think we should go home . greenlee : i knew i was right . i knew kendall was lying , and i proved it . i came through for you just like i promised . i 'm your secret weapon . ryan : shut up , greenlee ! just shut the hell up ! [ scene_break ] maggie : ok . all right , was that wild enough for you ? jamie : that was through the moon roof . that was a total out - of - body experience . maggie : yeah . ah , yeah . yeah , out of body , out of mind , out of time . i -- i do n't even know where i am , what i 'm doing here , or why i even care . james ? james , why do you look like you 've just been -- come in from a crash landing or something ? jamie : well , stop me . just remind me i have no worries nine months from now . maggie : oh , crying the baby blues ? you 're cool . i told you . jamie : you 're sure ? maggie : yes . you were the one who was here . i told you . i 'm on the pill . you brought protection . come on , do n't worry . i am not going to be a player in the pine valley baby boom , i promise . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan , what 's your problem ? ryan : you , greenlee . you are my problem . greenlee : no , no , no , no , no , no , no . i 'm your hero . i totally saved the day . ryan : is that what you call this drive - by ? saving the day ? greenlee : i cut the cord on kendall 's pregnancy fake - out . there is no baby , which means that she ca n't steal the cambias bling - bling from you . fusion is still mine , kendall 's out , and we get to keep what 's ours all along . take a picture , ryan . this is what winning looks like ! kendall got what she had coming all along . ryan : now it 's your turn . greenlee : what the hell are you doing , ryan ? [ scene_break ] mia : i do n't get it . why is ryan coming down on greenlee ? kendall 's the one who screwed this whole thing up , faking the pregnancy . this is so twisted . opal : that woman is about as desperate as they come . tad : yeah , well , staring down the barrel at a death sentence will do that to you . right , palmer ? palmer : you do n't know what the hell you 're talking about . tad : why do n't you enlighten me ? [ scene_break ] boyd : it was all for nothing . lena : what 's that supposed to mean ? boyd : you want the dirt ? ask kendall . i 'm going to get drunk . [ scene_break ] jack : greenlee -- greenlee : try manhandling me with big daddy watching . jack : go with ryan now . greenlee : did i fall in a rabbit hole ? why are you trying to get rid of me ? jack : get out . i 'll catch up with you later . greenlee : the judge told me not to leave . jack : i do n't care what the judge said . you get out of here . i 'll handle the judge . greenlee : i do n't believe this . you 're still mad at me ? did somebody spike the punch ? after all the crap she 's pulled , you 're still protecting that bitch ? what is wrong with you people ? kendall is the mother of all liars . she lied about hitching up to michael , she lied about the baby , and god knows what else she 's lying about . jack : you 're out of here . greenlee : ow -- damn it , ryan , you 're hurting me ! [ scene_break ] david : bianca , are you all right ? bianca : i 'm not the one that you should be worried about , david . mom , are you ok ? david : erica , i think you should sit down . jack : you know what i think ? i have a better idea . why do n't you let me take you home now . erica : i do n't understand . kendall : you will never understand , erica . jack : why do n't you let myrtle take you home , and i 'll be there as soon as i can , ok ? erica : i do n't understand . jack : i know you do n't , sweetheart , but you will . i 'll explain it all to you , and everything 's going to be ok , i promise . david : let me walk you ladies to your car , ok ? [ scene_break ] jamie : so , forget about raves and bar scenes . the next time i want to hook up , i 'll just go play in traffic . maggie : maggie stone , unsafe at any speed . jamie : sounds like one of those lame driver 's ed movies . maggie : i still ca n't -- i mowed -- i actually mowed you down . god . jamie : well , you made up for it with the emergency roadside service . maggie : ok , so you going to report me to the dmv or something ? jamie : nah , you give good bumper . maggie : i swear , i 'm usually a really , really safe driver . jamie : i 've seen you handle a stick shift . maggie : well , you know , i just -- i just was n't really focused on the road , you know ? jamie : i 've been there . i once went from here to philly with zero recall of road signs and freeway exits . maggie : yeah , like you 're on autopilot . jamie : so who 's really in the driver 's seat ? maggie : ok . i called a time - out , remember ? jamie : so even though we got to know each other , you really do n't want to get to know each other ? maggie : i think we know everything that we need to . oh ! adam : what the hell are you doing in my car ? [ scene_break ] lena : did the dress fit ? bianca : yes . thankfully you had your dry cleaning in your car . lena : is kendall ok ? bianca : she 's got to be terrified . lena : i guess greenlee ripped kendall 's dress and her alibi , huh ? bianca : if kendall is found guilty , she could face the death penalty . lena : that wo n't happen . the judge will rule for a mistrial . bianca : i hope you 're right . now that everybody knows that kendall 's not pregnant , the questions are going to start flying . everybody 's going to want to know where kendall got that blood for her pregnancy test and how the dna just happened to match michael 's . there 's real proof that a baby exists , and it 's not going to be long before everybody starts wondering whose . [ scene_break ] jack : reggie , i want you to go home and wait for me there , ok ? reggie : well , first i have to find greenlee , ok ? jack : no , no , no , no -- reggie : i have to give her what 's coming to her . jack : no , you do n't have to do that at all . let me take care of this , will you , please . reggie : you 're cutting me from the team now ? jack : reggie , i 'm just trying to do a little damage control here , ok ? reggie : well , the damage is already done . that little midget with the motor mouth just blew kendall 's defense . jack : just watch your mouth . greenlee will answer for what she did . you do n't have to worry about it . reggie : what , and kendall 's supposed to be paying ? no . it 's not fair . kendall was almost home free . she did n't even kill cambias . jack : oh -- reggie : i can prove that . jack : shh -- i want you to go home . i want you to wait for me . i want you to do nothing . i want you to say nothing . do you understand me ? reggie : yeah , i understand . jack : good . reggie : i 'm going to go home . jack : yeah . reggie : there 's a lot of good i can do there . jack : you wo n't get into any trouble there . reggie , reggie , reggie -- do n't do a thing . reggie : yeah . what would i do ? lena : call me if you need anything , ok ? jack : i 'm so sorry for what greenlee did . livia will -- she 'll work it all out . bianca : you 're not going to leave , are you , uncle jack ? jack : i 'm going to go deal with greenlee , and then i 'll be back . you stay strong , ok ? kendall : i had a future . i was going to get married . all my dreams were going to come true . bianca : they still will , kendall . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you jerk . this is so bass - ackwards . you 're treating me like the bad guy , taking me prisoner , when kendall 's the one who should be working the chain gang . ryan : here , here , here . hide this . hide it , hide it . here we are . hide this . hide this ! hide anything that could be used as a lethal weapon , greenlee , because i swear to god , i could kill you right now . greenlee : come on , ryan ! give credit where it 's due . kendall used every backhanded trick in the book to get the cambias fortune , and i took her down . ryan : what kendall did is none of your business . greenlee : holding on to fusion is sure as hell my business . so is protecting you from that snake in the pooch . ryan : ok , wait a minute . you promised me . you promised that you would trust me . did you do that ? greenlee : i stopped kendall dead in her tracks . i took her on while you handed her the keys to the whole cambias cookie jar . ryan : my business , not yours ! again , greenlee charges in where angels fear to tread and leaves us all with hell to pay . greenlee : you know , i 'm really tired of being treated like a human piñata . ryan : you gave me your word , greenlee . you gave me your word that you would let me handle everything and back off kendall . greenlee : that was before . ryan : before what ? greenlee : before she hijacked the brains of everyone i care about . damn it , ryan , i saved your butt . ryan : the deal was that i was going to take care of you , i was going to make sure that you would get fusion back . greenlee : you turned on me . you and jack and everyone else turned on to kendall 's side , and i had to show you that you were protecting the wrong person . ryan : you had to show kendall . you were so bunched up that she was going to cash in on this monster jackpot , and you wanted her to pay through the nose . who cares if she goes to prison ? greenlee : that 's not what i want . ryan : well , guess what , greenlee ? after the stunt that you pulled in court today , that 's probably what 's going to happen . now the judge might decide that kendall should go straight past jail and go right to death by lethal injection . [ scene_break ] maggie : ok . oh -- adam : of all the brass - plated nerve . maggie : mr. chandler , we are so sorry . we had no idea that this was your limo . adam : who the devil are you ? maggie : oh , maggie stone . i -- i actually know your son , j.r .. adam : your aunt vanessa murdered your sister . maggie : ok , yeah , i do n't know what the hell that has to do with anything , but like i said , i am friends with j.r . i know him . adam : further proof that he has a serious blind spot where women are concerned . jamie : just back away from maggie , ok ? adam : oh , you 're going to give me another roundhouse to my solar plexus ? jamie : just let me explain . adam : explain why i caught you hand - buffing my upholstery ? jamie : i 'll pay for the drinks and any damages that -- adam : the drinks ? you actually helped yourself to my 24-year - old single malt ? jamie : there was n't any beer . adam : oh . that rips it . that rips it . maggie : excuse me . who are you calling ? adam : i 'm calling the police . maggie : no , mr. chandler , you ca n't . please , please , ca n't you just cut us a break , really ? jamie : derek frye will toast my butt and then my mom will burn the ashes . adam : yeah , well , you should 've thought of that before you played grand theft limo . jamie : we did n't steal your car . we just -- we did n't take it out of park . we just used it . adam : the way you used j.r. 's wife ? jamie : that 's why you 're on my case -- because i would n't help you bust up j.r. and babe ? what a cheap shot . adam : yeah , but a couple of oversexed teenagers busting into my car and using it for a no - tell motel -- i call that a cheap shot . but then you 've been there , you 've done that , have n't you , james ? yes , i want to report a break - in . it 's adam chandler , and i have the criminals in custody . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok , ok , i wanted kendall to suffer because she was lying about everything under oath . ryan : oh , and you are all about telling the truth . greenlee : she was getting away with -- everything . ryan : so the penalty for taking home all the marbles is death . greenlee : no . no . i wanted her banished to the cornfields , not pushing up daisies . ryan : well , you should have thought about that before you stormed in the courtroom and ripped off her dress . greenlee : so she -- she 's impersonating a pregnant woman . she lied on the stand . i do n't see the mandatory death sentence . ryan : ok , well , let me make the connection for you . she lied about the baby , then she probably lied about other things , like her marriage to michael and how he ended up in cold storage . do you understand now why i wanted you to back off kendall and her pregnancy ? greenlee : you knew . you knew she was n't pregnant ? ryan : yeah , i knew . what difference does that make ? greenlee : what difference ? are you cartooning me ? i mean , what else did you decide not to tell me ? you and kendall are such best buds , pillow talk and synchronized cover stories . i bet she told you everything about herself -- all her childhood traumas , what feels good where , and how she tests positive for killing michael cambias . huh ? well , ryan ? the whole truth -- did kendall kill michael ? [ knock on door ] ryan : jack , perfect timing . jack : thanks for holding greenlee at bay . greenlee : what , am i under quarantine ? jack : i 'll take it from here . ryan : good luck , jack . you 're going to need it . greenlee : hold on , ryan . we 're not finished . ryan : oh , greenlee , we are so finished , it 's not even funny . greenlee : so this is you , what , running back to kendall ? ryan : warp speed . [ door closes ] greenlee : so what , dad ? you going to take me over your knee and spank me ? send me to bed without my supper ? jack : no , see , we 're just going to sort a few things out . greenlee : well , i know , i know , i know . i 'm a bad girl . not as bad as kendall . she was only baking a bogus bun in the oven . kill me now . ryan 's not the only rat . you knew kendall 's pregnancy was the all - american fake - out . you and all the rest of the liars can go to hell . [ scene_break ] myrtle : darling , come in . i 'll make us a nice pot of hot tea . erica : i do n't understand , myrtle . myrtle : darling , darling , do n't fret . now , jackson is going to come here . he 'll explain everything as soon as he gets here . erica : jack ca n't explain this . he ca n't explain what i 'm feeling now -- or not feeling . myrtle : well , what is that , darling ? erica : kendall is n't pregnant . she is n't having that evil man 's child . i should be relieved . i should be grateful that we 've all been spared the horror . but i 'm none of those things . myrtle : sweetheart , when -- when it 's known that she is not having a baby , she 's going to be in very deep water . and i know -- i know that in your heart you do n't want her to go to jail for murdering that monster . what ? what is it , darling ? erica : i tried to deny it , and i could n't escape . myrtle : what ? erica : the rapist . [ scene_break ] opal : now , kendall has caused a world of hurt for my nearest and dearest , but god knows that michael cambias was a fiend in human form , and i 'd hate to see her have to pay for doing what we were all holding in our hearts all along . tad : the judge is certainly taking her sweet time about making a decision . opal : boy , is she ever . i ca n't wait another minute . i got to go get petey . tad : that 's ok , mom . opal : all right . i 'll call you later . tad : all right . take a good look , p.c . kendall 's on her last mile . it 's time for an 11th - hour save . palmer : what 's that got to do with me ? tad : as far as i 'm concerned , when it comes to michael cambias ' murder , you and adam are still at the top of my list . what i want to know is if you 're really going to let an innocent woman take the drop for something with your fingerprints all over it . [ scene_break ] mia : aidan -- you did n't even blink an eye . you knew that kendall was n't pregnant , did n't you ? aidan : i know that kendall did n't kill cambias . mia : after everything she 's done -- my god , you 're still going to give her the benefit of the doubt ? aidan : what kind of friend are you , mia ? you 're as bad as greenlee . mia : oh , well , kendall has n't exactly been the best of friends to us , either , ok ? ever since she supposedly married michael , she has nothing to do with us . and the shameful way that she uses you constantly -- aidan : oh , will you get it through your head , all right ? kendall did n't use me . i signed on to help kendall because she is innocent . mia : i do n't know if you 're either completely naive or you 're stupid . she 's using the way that you feel about her to do whatever the hell she wants . aidan : you know what ? i 've had enough of your jealousy and paranoia . there is a life at stake , and all you can muster up is self - pity . mia : is that how you feel ? fine . go ahead . knock yourself out . help her . do whatever you want . but when this crisis is over and she goes back to ryan , do n't come running to me . [ scene_break ] livia : the judge has made a ruling . kendall : it 's not good news , is it ? [ scene_break ] myrtle : you can erase all this from your mind , darling . erica : that 's what i did when i was 14 . i erased everything from my mind . i mean , it was n't just that i told myself i was n't pregnant . i really did n't know . i really did n't know . i mean , even when i would wake up in the mornings and i would just feel so sick to my stomach and i would notice that my body was changing , i just would n't let myself see . my mother saw , though . she finally saw what i was hiding from myself . she came into the bathroom one morning . she saw me standing there in front of the mirror . she saw a 14-year- old girl carrying a baby . and even when she told me , i did n't believe it . i never made that connection . but she kept after me , and i did finally believe . i did finally see . and then i screamed . i screamed for two days , myrtle . then , after that , i never said a word . i never said a word until that child was born , until that rapist 's child was gone from my body , gone from my life . myrtle : darling -- darling , sweetheart , stop this . the past is past . now it 's different . michael 's baby is gone . erica : then why do i still feel like screaming ? [ scene_break ] kendall : what did the judge decide ? livia : can we do this without an audience ? kendall : no , let 's just get this torture over with , ok ? bianca can hear whatever you have to say . livia : if hannah lampert was a hanging judge , they would be building the gallows in the courtyard right now . kendall : well , if it makes her feel any better , she can throw me and the case out of court . livia : there will not be a mistrial . and in addition to murder one , you 'll be charged with obstruction of justice as well as perjury . kendall : why do n't they just throw the whole damn book at me ? livia : you have a choice to make . you can go straight to the jury -- murder one , risk death -- or you can accept the deal that the special prosecutor has put on the table . kendall : what kind of a deal ? livia : plead guilty to first - degree manslaughter . they 'll drop the perjury , the obstruction of justice , and you 'll be out in 10 years . bianca : you ca n't ask her to plead guilty to a crime that she did n't commit . kendall : it 's ok , bianca . bianca , it 's ok . it 's all right . livia : i think we should go back to my office . we should discuss your options -- the pros , the cons . kendall : no , i ca n't . i ca n't -- i ca n't deal with this right now . i ca n't . livia : you do n't have much time . judge lampert wants your decision in 48 hours . palmer : my private jet is available to you anytime . you just say the word . kendall : thank you . aidan : kendall , you 've got choices . with my contacts -- whatever you need . kendall : no , it 's ok , aidan . you 've done enough already . thank you . reporter : there she is . reporters : kendall -- bianca : get back ! reporter : how do you feel about -- [ all talking at once ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : you and ryan -- you make one hell of a tag team . you both knew kendall was n't expecting anything but a windfall . you risk your career and jail time to protect her and cut me totally out of the loop . and now you read me the riot act for exposing her . jack : and you did what you always do , which is take matters into your own hands with no regard for anyone else . greenlee : yeah , well , at least i 'm the only person here interested in the truth . jack : that 's right . you 're the only person here interested in the truth . you know , if you 'd just come to me , maybe i could have explained the circumstances to you . greenlee : yeah , well , maybe you should have come to me first , sat me down for a cozy father - daughter chat , trusted me . jack : this is not about you . greenlee : oh , no , it 's about kendall and what a lying user she is . jack : lies she told to protect somebody else , greenlee . you know , kendall 's not the only one who 's going to suffer because you just had to win . greenlee : who else ? come on , jack . you came here to set me straight . remind me why i 'm such a train wreck . when i pulled the plug on kendall 's pregnancy , who else did i mess up ? jack : the person who least deserves it in all this mess -- bianca . [ scene_break ] adam : so i open the door , and i find these two body - slamming in the back of my car . officer : the vehicle was locked when you left it ? man : i always lock it . adam : i want these vandals arrested for breaking and entering . jamie : i want to call my dad . officer : well , you can do that down at the station . maggie : are you serious ? we 're actually going to be arrested ? adam : no , they 're going to escort you to the policeman 's ball . officer : mr. chandler , would you and your chauffeur check for stolen property ? adam : gladly . maggie : this is unbelievable . i 'm going to jail . i 'm going to be a jailbird . jamie : maggie , it 's not that bad . maggie : excuse me ? jamie : they book you , they do the fingerprint and mug shot combo , and then you get to call someone to bail you out . maggie : oh , right . ok . `` oh , hi , cousin david . oh , yeah . hi , no , nothing new here . can you just grab your wallet and spring me from jail ? `` sorry , not an option . jamie : ok , so hayward 's out . just call bianca . she 's your roommate . maggie : give her every detail that went on in the back of adam 's car ? jamie : bianca 's cool . why would she care ? maggie : no . no , no , no , no , i 'm not bringing her in the middle of this . adam : all right , you two ready for your joy ride down to the slammer ? officer : you two have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law . adam : take me home . man : i have to de - ice the windshield , sir . adam : i 'm surprised those weasels did n't generate enough heat to melt the damned ice . [ scene_break ] maria : a surprising turn of events in the murder trial of kendall hart cambias . the defendant 's testimony was interrupted when her business partner , greenlee du pres , raced into the courtroom and proceeded to tear mrs. hart- cambias ' clothes off , exposing her pregnancy as a sham . judge hannah lampert refused to declare a mistrial . and if found guilty , mrs. hart - cambias could be given the death penalty . i 'm maria chambers broadcasting live for vh1 satellite radio only on xm . [ phone rings ] adam : yeah . adam chandler . david : adam , it 's me , david hayward . adam : what do you want ? david : i 'm in my cabin . i want you to get up here right away . adam : any reason in particular ? david : cambias ' murderer . [ scene_break ] tad : hey , good - looking . rough day ? livia : i 've had better . tad : so has kendall . right about now , you 're probably thinking she should take that plea . livia : you know i ca n't talk to you about this , tad . tad : i know , i know . attorney - client privilege . i know all about it . but there is no law against one old friend talking to another . so do me a favor and just listen , please . if she decides that she does n't want to cut a deal , she 's going to stick it out , i can personally improve her chances of an acquittal . it 's no joke . big , old , healthy double dose of reasonable doubt . i got two people with plenty of means , motive , and opportunity the night that michael bought it . [ scene_break ] aidan : so those are her options -- hard time or whatever she can stomach for her last meal . ryan : this has gone completely , completely wrong . aidan : were you surprised ? ryan : yeah , i 'm surprised . i mean , the prosecution had no case before greenlee pulled her strip - search . aidan : well , how did greenlee know that kendall was n't pregnant ? ryan : i do n't know . just a suspicion . aidan : with no added assist ? ryan : get to where you want to go , aidan . aidan : well , i mean , it just crossed my mind that you had your hand in greenlee 's double - cross . ryan : and what would make you think that ? aidan : well , with kendall out of the way , you inherit the cambias zillions and greenlee holds on to fusion . ryan : wow . just when i was beginning to like you , you revert back to clueless jerk mode . aidan : well , let me say this . if kendall goes down for this and i find out that you gave her the push , i will come after you . and unlike kendall , you will wish that you were dead . [ scene_break ] bianca : give me your coat . make yourself comfortable . we got a lot of decisions to make . kendall : what do i do now ? bianca : what do we do now ? we pack our bags and we get out of pine valley . we take palmer up on his offer and we jet to parts unknown . by this time tomorrow , we 'll be sunning ourselves on the costa brava . kendall : no , no . no , bianca , you have school , you have work , lena , erica , maggie . i wo n't let you leave them behind for me . bianca : i 'm already gone . me and my baby . it 's my job to protect her and our mother and you . kendall : go . i 'll just -- i 'll deal with whatever i have to on my own . bianca : kendall , it is time for you to put your head down and rest . take an easy breath . it 's my turn to be the big sister . let me take care of this . let me protect you . i 'm going to make this all right for the three of us . and when we 're safely tucked away wherever we go , i 'll call ryan and we 'll find some way for you two to be together again . [ phone rings ] bianca : hello ? erica : bianca . bianca : mom . erica : honey -- i need you . i need you right now . [ scene_break ] adam : all right , hayward , what do you have to tell me about michael 's murderer ? david : just this . [ david points a gun at adam as he shuts the cabin door ] [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] ryan : anyone home ? hey . oh . i 'm so sorry that i had to bail on you at the courthouse like that , but i had to get greenlee and her big mouth out of there before she -- before she made things worse . now , aidan told me about the deal that singer 's pushing . i say it 's a no - brainer , ok ? you do n't take it . you go to verdict , and if you 're not acquitted , then we appeal . i will bankroll you all the way to the supreme court , ok ? the point is , is that you 're going to get off . i will be stapled to your side the entire way . all you have to do is lean on me . i 'll take care of you . kendall : you 've already taken care of me . ryan : what do you mean ? kendall : you sicced greenlee on me . you turned on me . you betrayed me . [ scene_break ] jack : well , that does n't give us a whole lot of room to move , does it ? oh , i know you did , livia . i know you did . believe me , i -- yeah , all right . well , we 'll get together tomorrow morning . we 'll go over our few options . yeah . you , too . damn it . greenlee : what did livia want ? jack : well , your head on a platter to start with . the judge has ruled against a mistrial , and now the prosecution is pressuring kendall to take a deal , which just happens to be 10 years in statesville . greenlee : oh , my god . i did n't -- i never meant -- jack : yeah , of course , you never do , do you ? but now the damage is done . you know , i thought maybe , just maybe , you might have learned a lesson when you ruined my wedding to erica , but , no , you 're still the same willful , spiteful child who has to strike out against the world because they 're not getting what they want . greenlee : you said that bianca got hurt somehow . jack : yeah . greenlee : how ? tell me , jackson , please . maybe i can help somehow . jack : all right . when kendall needed help faking her paternity test , she turned to the woman who is really carrying michael 's child . greenlee : oh , my god . bianca . [ scene_break ] bianca : mom . where 's myrtle ? erica : i sent her away . bianca : you should n't be alone . erica : you 're here . and we have some things to clear up . bianca : why are you staring at me ? erica : today in court , we learned that kendall lied . she 's not pregnant with michael cambias ' child . but the dna test proved that she is . how can that be ? the blood they tested must belong to someone else , someone who is pregnant with michael cambias ' child . whose blood could that be ? you need to tell me the truth , bianca . i can handle it . please , tell me . bianca : it 's my blood , mom . i 'm the one who 's pregnant . [ next_on ] david : i 'm really angry , adam , and i 'm going to make you suffer before i shoot you . kendall : you set me up . ryan : you 've got 30 seconds to take back every word . | greenlee physically attacks kendall in the courtroom , rips out her `` pregnancy pillow `` , and reveals to everybody that kendall is lying about her pregnancy . livia advises kendall that her only options , now , are to plead guilty to first degree man slaughter , or go to trial and let the jury determine her fate with the charges of murder one . bianca is ready to help kendall and plans to have kendall go away with her , where she will be safe and not falsely acused of a crime she did not commit . ryan is also ready to back her in order to fight the charges . but kendall reveals that she believes that ryan has worked with greenlee in order to ruin her and she no longer trusts him . |
tad : but you were shot . you died , 20 years ago in this hospital . my father was there , angie was there . so it was you -- up there earlier , right ? i thought i was losing my mind . my god . frankie swore to everybody he saw you in that room and we -- it was perfectly obvious what we thought , but obviously you 're not dead , unless i am losing my mind . jesse : i came back for frankie , and to tell my boy i love him . tad : he knows . jesse , he knows . so does angie . oh , my god , angie . jesse : i was n't expecting that -- for angie to be there . tad , promise me you will take care of her , look out for her ? she deserves so much better than this . i mean , first she loses me , and now she loses frankie , too , that 's -- tad : what are you -- wait , what are you talking about ? jesse : i overheard your father talking to one of the nurses . he says it 's just a matter of hours . tad : no . frankie 's fine . frankie 's just fine . [ scene_break ] nick : frankie 's vitals are leveling off and his pulse is regular . angie : you hear that , baby ? you 're going to be ok . nick : thanks to your mom . she 's an amazing doctor . frankie : yeah . she 's pretty good , all right . i 'm sorry , mom . angie : no , frankie , i -- frankie : no , i 'm sorry -- for disappearing the way i did without letting you know where i was at . angie : you 're here now and that 's what matters most , ok ? frankie : you saved my life , ma . thank you . hmm . angie : i love you . i love you very , very much . nick : we should load in a fresh supply . angie : ah , right . i 'll be back to check on you -- i 'll be right here . ok ? frankie : ok . angie : oh , jesse . he made it . frankie made it , jesse . he has finally come home . hmm . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hmm . hmm . aidan : how do you feel ? greenlee : um -- i feel ok , i guess . hmm . aidan : let 's see if we can improve on that , shall we ? how about now ? greenlee : definite improvement . aidan : how about after this ? greenlee : getting better . aidan : you 're alive , greenlee . greenlee : hmm . aidan : hmm . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan ? ryan : hey . kendall : my god , i am so sorry . i -- i had no idea how things are for you . ryan : you told them ? annie : i told zach . ryan : oh . yeah . the newspaper says it 's february 2008 , and i still feel like it 's 2004 when i was engaged to you . kendall : ryan , so much has happened since then . ryan : yeah , i get that . you know , it 's not like i 'm crazy . it 's just like i 'm -- i do n't know -- i 'm , like , a little shell - shocked at the moment , that 's all . annie : but it -- it could be temporary , though . zach : yeah , we 'll help you with whatever you need . kendall : well , greenlee 's ok . she 's -- she 's going to be fine . i mean , apparently you being here or whatever you said to her helped . ryan : so -- so she 's with -- she 's with aidan now ? kendall : uh -- yeah . ryan : god , i hope he knows what he 's getting himself into . kendall : i think aidan 's got greenlee 's number . they 're good together . ryan : they 're good together , huh ? kendall : yeah . ryan : what about you ? you happy ? annie : ryan , maybe we should -- kendall : no , no , no -- it 's ok , it 's ok . yes , actually , i am very , very happy -- and so were you , with annie . [ ryan sighs ] ryan : everybody keeps telling me that . you 're -- you are so beautiful , you know , and i -- i 'm -- i honestly ca n't imagine how -- how hard this must be for you . i 'm -- i 'm truly , i 'm really sorry . everybody says that you and i are friends , you know ? but i got to be honest with you . i mean , whenever i look at kendall , all i see is the woman that i love . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] amanda : the cover standees go over there . kendall will be doing her signing along the far wall if she shows up . woman : amanda . amanda : kelly , hi ! you 're early . kelly : the place looks fantastic . amanda : oh , well , it 's getting there . kelly : i understand greenlee made a miraculous recovery . amanda : yes , greenlee is going to be ok . we 're all really excited about that . kelly : so , when can we expect her ? amanda : uh -- huh . who ? kelly : kendall hart , the author of `` charm ! `` -- the book hyperion press is launching today ? amanda : well , they are best friends . kelly : when , amanda ? amanda : uh -- i do n't know . look , kendall and greenlee are like these cosmic sisters joined at the hip , and i 'm not sure she 's going to want to be separated from her . kelly : i appreciate kendall 's concern for her friend , but this is a big night . we 've invited press , the biggest names in publishing , kendall 's fans , and as a representative of hyperion publishing -- amanda : oh , ok -- you 're right , you 're right . this is huge and i 'm -- i 'm going to call kendall again . i 'm sure , with greenlee on the mend , that there 's nothing that could keep kendall away . [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm -- i 'm sorry if i 'm saying things that make everybody uncomfortable , you know ? annie : you do n't have to apologize . kendall : ryan , that 's ok . the four of us are a family . angie : hey . so how 's the patient ? aidan : greenlee , uh -- she is getting better and better . kendall : we were hoping to see her . angie : uh -- why do n't you just give me a few minutes to do a follow - up ? ok ? kendall : ok . ryan : do me a favor and tell greenlee that i 'll be back later . i got to go check in with joe . annie : i 'll go with you . ryan : ok . aidan : why is ryan going to see a doctor ? is everything all right ? zach : he 'll be fine . [ scene_break ] angie : your pulse is steady , breathing normal . greenlee : so i 'm really going to be ok ? angie : all signs point toward a full recovery . greenlee : and frankie 's good , too ? angie : frankie 's great . something else on your mind ? greenlee : you gave me a gift , dr. hubbard . if you had n't come back to pine valley , i would n't be here right now -- with my friends and my family . angie : yeah , there is something about this place , is n't there ? it draws you right in . greenlee : mm - hmm . when i left , i really believed it was for good . i think my last words were , `` i 'm never coming back -- ever . `` angie : famous last words , huh ? greenlee : yeah . angie : yeah , i know . greenlee : so , what about you ? angie : i did n't have a choice . i truly believe that god sent me home to save my son . greenlee : you did n't know frankie was sick when you came ? angie : and still after 17 years away , i answered joe martin 's call and got on a plane . greenlee : sounds like divine intervention to me . so , um -- where is frankie 's dad , if you do n't mind my asking ? angie : no , his father , um -- my husband -- he died in this very hospital . greenlee : oh , my god . i 'm so sorry . angie : no , it 's ok . i mean , you had no way of knowing . it was a very long time ago . his name was jesse , and he was the love of my life . [ scene_break ] jesse : he made it . frankie made it . tad : of course , he made it . he 's your boy , is n't he ? that is one strong kid . jesse : hmm . he gets that from his mother . tad : yeah , so says the loving daddy who 's been dead for 20 years ? jesse : yeah , well , i ai n't dead , tad . tad : yeah , well , i got that part . and obviously you got some explaining to do but right now , we 're going to walk into that hospital and tell angela you are very much alive . jesse : no . tad : yeah . jesse : no ! tad : yes . jesse : tad , nobody can know i 'm alive -- especially angela ! there 's a reason i 've been gone all these years . there 's a reason i -- tad : you better tell me what it is , because i 'm not about to do this to angela . jesse : tad -- tad : look , whatever it is -- jesse : you are not listening -- tad : whatever is chasing you , whoever is chasing you , i will take care of it . jesse : no , you ca n't , ok , tad ? you ca n't ! the only thing you need to know is that i jeopardize the safety of my family if anybody knows that i 'm back . you need to forget that you ever saw me , and i need to get the hell out of here . [ scene_break ] angie : jesse was a little rough around the edges . my folks were dead set against me even seeing him , but i always managed to sneak away . greenlee : hmm . angie : oh , we would talk for hours , jesse and me , about all of our hopes and dreams , making a family , growing old together . jesse was a police officer , and he was killed in the line of duty . greenlee : well , he must 've died very young . angie : yeah , we got him back to the hospital , but we could n't save him . greenlee : i saw my first husband die , too -- leo . angie : how did you move on ? greenlee : oh , i 'm not sure you ever really do . i still think about him sometimes , but he 'll always be a part of my life . but -- angie : you have to keep living it . i know . i 've tried to . and you know , i got to tell you , greenlee , when things got really bad for you and frankie , i felt jesse 's presence . i mean , it was like he was watching over our son , like he was his very own guardian angel . greenlee : well , i -- i guess that makes him mine , too . angie : i guess it does . greenlee : will you do me a favor ? thank jesse for me . angie : i will . kendall : i 'm sorry to interrupt . angie : ah , that 's ok . we were just finishing . greenlee : huh -- thanks , dr. hubbard , for everything . angie : you got it . greenlee : so -- kendall : ahem . greenlee : where are the guys ? kendall : uh -- i made them promise to give us some girl time . greenlee : good -- i need it , that and a manicure . kendall : let me see . oh , yeah , you do -- look at those hooks . here . i can help you there . hey . greenlee : what , you 're going to give me a manicure ? kendall : yeah , i 'm -- i 'm good at these things , and i do n't have anything else to do . [ kendall files greenlee 's fingernails ] greenlee : ow ! kendall : what ? greenlee : you 're working that thing like an ax ! is everything ok with you ? [ scene_break ] aidan : so , are you going to tell me what 's going on with ryan , or am i going to have to squeeze it out of you ? zach : ryan is a little lost right now . [ scene_break ] annie : what did the tests say ? joe : we started by looking to see if we could find any physical reason for ryan 's amnesia , because the condition is nearly always brought on by physical injury to the brain -- that is , when it 's not brought about by ingestion of a mind - altering substance , yeah . ryan : there were no drugs . joe : no , no , no . the tests confirmed that . ryan : what , so then what else ? joe : so that 's the reason we did the cat scan and the mri . we were checking for signs of brain bruise or internal hemorrhage . annie : well , that sounds serious . joe : yeah , well , the tests confirm absolutely there is no physical trauma to your brain . annie : so that 's -- that 's good , right ? joe : mm - hmm . ryan : well -- ok . so , then , i 'm -- i 'm confused . i mean , if there was no physical damage to my brain and -- and there were no drugs , then why did i wake up like this ? you do n't know , do you , joe ? so basically what you 're telling me is all of these tests pretty much amount to nothing ? joe : we have more tests we have to run . but the tests we 've done so far allow us to rule out certain kinds of amnesia -- the antirograde , retrograde , even infantile amnesia . all because you do remember your childhood . annie : so what does that leave ? joe : it leaves dissociative amnesia . and that 's characterized by the patient blocking out an intensely personal period of time . ryan : wait a minute . now you 're saying i 'm doing this on purpose ? joe : i 'm not a psychiatrist , ryan , but i do think you ought to talk to one , and i 've drawn up a list of names for you . and i 've also scheduled some future procedures . ryan : ok , hold on a second , joe . i just need you to be honest with me , ok ? what are the chances right now that this is permanent ? joe : well , we ca n't say at this stage . ryan : all right , let me rephrase the question , then . with your experience in anything remotely like this , what is the possibility that i will never remember the last four years of my life ? joe : well , to be perfectly honest with you , i 've never encountered a case like this in all my years of practice . i 'm sorry , i wish i could give you a better answer , but the fact is we just do n't know . [ scene_break ] aidan : so ryan does n't remember anything ? zach : no . not from the past four years . aidan : whew . zach : he still thinks he 's engaged to kendall . aidan : so , what are you going to do ? zach : i 'll do whatever it takes to help him remember and make sure he stays away from my wife until he does . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok , spill . what 's up ? kendall : you almost died . that 's what 's up . it took a little bit out of me . greenlee : you ? what about me ? kendall : yeah , yeah , yeah . i know , it 's always about you . greenlee : hey , being the center of the universe is a tough job , but i can handle it . kendall : i am really glad that you 're back . you have no idea . [ phone rings ] kendall : oh . greenlee : just answer it . kendall : all right . hello ? amanda : kendall , is that you ? kendall : well , you called me , did n't you ? amanda : well , it 's kind of hard to hear with your fans bearing down on me . kendall : `` fans `` ? oh , my god , the book launch . the book launch ! greenlee : today ? kendall : yes , yes . uh -- you know what ? you -- you -- you explained to them about greenlee , right ? amanda : yeah , girlfriend kelly was really sympathetic . that chick seriously needs to ditch the power drinks . kelly : excuse me . amanda : well -- um -- kelly : hi , kendall , it 's kelly brown from hyperion . we really need you here , ticktock . kendall : i 'm sorry , but my -- my friend really needs me , too . greenlee : no , she does n't . kendall : what -- greenlee : hello , whoever this is . kelly : greenlee ? it 's kelly . how are you ? greenlee : great . listen , i almost died , but then i did n't , and now i 'm feeling great , and so kendall would love to come to your party book launch thing . kendall : give me , give me , give me the phone . give me the phone . greenlee : yes , i 'm sure that her fans are ecstatic that she 's coming . ok , bye . kendall : ok , you know what ? i 'm going to call her back right now , and i 'm going to tell her that you 're delusional . greenlee : ah -- i do n't think so . kendall : no -- you would n't do that . greenlee : hmm . kendall : greenlee ! greenlee : kendall ! go ! be famous . mention fusion a billion times . synergy , babe . kendall : ok . that -- give me that . you know what ? you -- greenlee : go ! kendall : ok , you 're impossible , ok ? i 'm going to go . greenlee : all right . kendall : i 'm going . i 'll be back in a few hours . ok ? i 'm going . greenlee : go . kendall : you -- you -- you know what ? greenlee : hmm ? kendall : you know i love you . greenlee : right back at you . kendall : ok . see ya . greenlee : and , hey , bring me back an autographed copy ! [ scene_break ] jesse : do you think i want this ? tad , you think it ai n't killing me seeing angie this way ? crying over our son who 's barely hanging on to his life and praying to me ? me , tad . the man that left her alone for all these years ? you know what ? you would n't understand . i -- tad : the hell i would n't . i lived through this . i know exactly what it 's like to survive the loss of the love of your life for the sake of your children . i know what it 's like to put one foot in front of the other for years . until they reappear . and the -- the day that i saw dixie alive was the best day of my life , until i realized that she 'd been hiding from her family for years , because of a secret she thought we could n't handle . i wanted to hate her for that . i tried to hate her for that , until i remembered the only thing that matters in this life , to me , was her . and by then , it was too late . [ scene_break ] [ music plays while angie dreams about her past with jesse ] angie : jesse , no ! frankie : mom ? angie : oh . oh , baby , i 'm -- i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i -- i must have dozed off . frankie : you were dreaming , about dad . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so , what 's up with you and zach ? i saw you in the hall . looked pretty serious . aidan : it 's nothing for you to worry about . greenlee : you sure ? aidan : yes , i 'm very sure . you just concentrate on getting better and getting home . speaking of which -- can i get you anything from the house ? greenlee : well , now that you mention it , i 'd love my blackberry , and all the latest issues of the fashion magazines . oh -- and a plate of krispie treats . [ aidan sighs ] aidan : is that all ? greenlee : it 's a start . aidan : come here . welcome back , my queen . greenlee : hmm . [ scene_break ] annie : listen to me . you are not going to lose anything . you will remember . ryan : you heard what joe said . he said he 's never seen anything like this before , ever . and how long has he been practicing medicine ? a long time . annie : ok , so you know what ? we 'll talk to the psychiatrist . we 'll talk to as many doctors as we need to . we will get through this together . ryan : and what if i do n't get my memory back ? what then ? annie : look , i do n't believe in `` never . `` and you should n't , either . ryan : you 're pretty tough . annie : when i have to be . when it 's something worth fighting for , and you are , ryan . we are worth fighting for . so let 's -- why do n't we go home . emma 's with a sitter . we can , you know , go home and talk , or i 'll show you pictures . ryan : you mean to help me get my memory back ? annie : i do n't know . maybe . it 's worth a try . ryan : yeah . sounds like a good idea . it 's just -- annie : what ? ryan : look , i know that -- um -- that we shared a life , and memories , and a daughter together , but it 's lost on me . ok ? i do n't even know your last name . annie : it 's lavery . ryan : right . sorry . annie : what do you need right now , ryan ? what do you need at this moment in time ? ryan : that 's the million - dollar question . i , um -- you know , i just need some time . i need a little bit of time . i got to sort things out . i got to figure things out , alone . annie : ok . ok , if that 's what you need , i am all for it . ryan : you 're -- annie : i 'm your wife . and i will be there when you come home . [ annie hugs ryan then watches him walk away ] [ scene_break ] zach : whoa , jeez -- aidan : whoa , you get out of here . greenlee : no , no , no , no , zach , stay . [ aidan chuckles ] greenlee : i need you . zach : you sure ? greenlee : yes . zach : because you guys were -- greenlee : no , i want the company . aidan is going out to get me some essentials , right ? aidan : well , i would n't exactly call krispie treats `` essential , `` but yeah . greenlee : would you try and get the kind with the chocolate on the ends ? that 's my favorite . aidan : your wish is my command , madam . take care of her for me . zach : mm - hmm . get me a sandwich and cut the crust off . hey . [ greenlee laughs ] zach : i 'd tell you a joke , but i 'm not that funny , and it does n't look like you need cheering up anyway . greenlee : hmm -- a new lease on life will do that to you . zach : you sure you 're ok ? greenlee : that depends . zach : depends on what ? greenlee : something 's going on that no one 's telling me about . i felt it with kendall , and then i felt it with aidan , and now i 'm counting on you -- my new good buddy -- to tell me the truth . zach : i 've no idea what you 're talking about . greenlee : kendall 's been acting weird , aidan was acting weird , jackson and erica are gone , ryan and annie are n't here -- zach : ryan 's going to be fine . greenlee : so something is wrong ? zach : yeah , there is . [ scene_break ] amanda : ok , all right , bye . hey , she 's here , she 's here . kelly : finally . i 'll meet her at the door . amanda : ok , ok . excuse me , everybody ! hi , everybody , hi ! can i get your attention , please ? man : sure . amanda : hello ! man : hello . amanda : hi ! thank you so much for being here tonight for the debut of hyperion publishing 's latest novel , `` charm ! `` ! [ cheers ] amanda : and now it is my great pleasure to introduce to you the woman that you 've all been waiting for , the author of `` charm ! `` , kendall hart ! [ cheers ] reporter : kendall , what inspired you to begin writing ? kendall : actually , the book was written during a very difficult time in my life . i thought i had lost some people very dear to me , so writing was a creative outlet . i found comfort in the work . reporter : so is `` charm ! `` autobiographical ? kendall : nope , nope , not at all . however , i must say the heroine is a cosmetics company executive . she is sassy and smart -- reporter : and fabulous . kendall : and fabulous , yes , thank you -- i like you . ok . right answer . ok . reporter : the book is pretty steamy . did you draw on any of your own real - life romances to create avery 's love life ? kendall : i guess i 've just been lucky . i 've known a lot of incredible men in my time . reporter : i wish i were that lucky . second reporter : no one is as lucky as you , kendall . kendall : oh , thank you . photographer : can we get another photo ? kelly : of course , you can . kendall : yeah -- ooh , ok , thanks . [ music plays ] reporter : i 'm a big romantic - fiction fan , i ca n't wait to read it . kendall : oh , i ca n't wait to hear what you think . reporter : i already love your perfume and lip - gloss . will fusion put out a `` charm ! `` perfume ? kendall : you know , we talked about that , and , actually , i think that 's a great idea . reporter : that 's a beautiful charm bracelet you 're wearing . is that what inspired you to write the book ? kendall : it is , yeah . my husband had it designed for me . all : aw . kendall : aw . reporter : lucky man . kendall : actually , i 'm the lucky one . man : it 's very nice . kendall : thank you . man : mm - hmm . amanda : hey , ryan . you here for the party ? ryan : excuse me ? amanda : this is the launch party for kendall 's book . ryan : kendall wrote a book ? amanda : yeah -- annie did n't tell you ? ryan : no , no , she -- she did n't . is kendall here right now ? nobody 's up at fusion . amanda : yeah , yeah , she 's right over there . singer : never have i had such a feeling come over me ♪ amanda : so , great news about greenlee , huh ? ryan : excuse me , i got to go . singer : if you 're happy and you know what it 's about ♪ singers : shout it out ♪ singer : if you feel it ♪ [ scene_break ] frankie : you know , you do n't have to try and hide it , ma . i know you 're upset . angie : it was only a dream . frankie : dad died in this hospital ? angie : tell me something , frankie . is that why you came back to pine valley -- to be closer to your father ? frankie : maybe . i do n't know . i just -- i still miss him , even though i was only 5 when he died . and when i was really sick -- angie : i know -- you thought that he was here with you , and i 'm sure in spirit that he was . frankie : yeah . angie : hmm . frankie : you should go to a hotel , ma , get you some real rest . you 've been here for days . angie : i 'm fine . frankie : no -- you fall asleep on the job . at least get some fresh air , huh ? i 'm ok now . angie : well , maybe i will do that . ok . frankie : hmm . angie : i love you . frankie : i love you , too . angie : and i 'll be back to check on you in a little while , ok ? frankie : mm - hmm . angie : you 're going to be here ? frankie : oh . [ scene_break ] jesse : tad , i am so sorry about dixie . the way it happened -- murdered ? tad : look , that -- look , my point is that you got 20 years of unfinished business waiting for you up in that hospital . you 've got to do this . jesse : oh , come on . tad : jesse , what if something had happened to frankie ? believe me , you ca n't afford to wait till it 's too late . jesse : come on , tad , you know me . if there was any way in the world i could be with angie and frankie , i would make it happen . i love my family ! i would n't be doing this if there was n't a damn good reason . tad : well , then i guess i 'm just too selfish . i 've already lost too much . i lost jenny , i lost dixie , and i 've already lost you once . i 'm not going to lose you again . i am begging you , let me take care of this . times have changed , i got some very serious friends . jesse : tad -- tad : i know we could help you . jesse : tad , you can help me by keeping this to yourself . angela can not know what happened today ! tad : do n't ask this of me . you picked me , you picked the wrong guy , i 'm not -- jesse : i 'm counting on you , tad ! for the sake of everything that i have ever meant to you , to jenny , to your family , do this for my family and keep your mouth shut . any pain i might 've dealt with is nothing compared to what angie and frankie will deal with if i mess this up . now , you 're the only man i can trust here , tad . i need you to trust me and keep your mouth shut . [ car starts ] angie : tad ? tad , is -- is that you ? tad : jesse , please , do n't do this to her . jesse : i 'm sorry i got you into this , tad . you take care of her . [ jesse pulls away ] angie : who was that ? tad : just an old friend . [ scene_break ] kelly : i 'm sorry , i have to borrow the author . kendall : ok , ok , i 'll be back -- [ reporters groan ] kendall : it 's ok , it 's ok . go drink , drink . ok . kelly : so what do you think ? kendall : oh , god , i -- i never expected so many people ! kelly : well , get used to it , this is just the beginning . kendall : uh -- yeah . so you mentioned the -- the book tour ? kelly : of course . if you want to sell `` charm ! `` , you have to meet your fans . kendall : right , right . ok . hi . amanda : hi ! kendall : this is crazy , right ? i mean , how crazy is this ? i need a drink . amanda : this is amazing . i 'm surprised ryan did n't stick around . kendall : wait a minute , you saw ryan at the party ? amanda : yeah -- you were in the middle of a signing , and he was acting kind of strange . kendall : amanda , where is he ? amanda : he headed for the roof . kendall : ok , um , cover for me . i 'll be back . amanda : ok . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , annie . annie : oh -- aidan : i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to make you jump . annie : oh , it 's ok . it 's just -- um -- it 's kind of been a long day . aidan : zach told me about ryan . i 'm sorry . annie : ryan 's going to be fine . i know he is . aidan : you know , for what it 's worth , i 've known ryan a long time . and i 've never seen him happier than he is with you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : god , poor ryan . it 's like he 's lost in time , and the last thing he remembers -- zach : is being engaged to kendall . greenlee : oh . this is huge , zach . i mean , there 's so much history there . zach : i know , i know all about the history . greenlee : oh , no , you know it , i lived it . take it from someone who was there -- when it comes to ryan and kendall and what went on four years ago , the feelings run deeper than you can imagine . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan , i need you to get down from there . ryan : i 'm not going to jump , kendall . i was just sitting here thinking . this is the place that we reconnected . kendall : i remember . ryan : i need you to be with me . [ next_on ] j.r. : that is positively devious . babe : there were a few things that i learned being married to you . greenlee : ryan would never do anything to kendall . zach : right now , i do n't think ryan knows what he 's capable of doing . ryan ( to kendall ) : are you afraid of me ? | tad and jesse discuss how that tad had thought that he was losing his mind when he had seen jesse in the hospital . jesse urges tad to take care of angie after frankie is gone . tad assures jesse that frankie is going to be just fine . angie sits by frankie 's bedside as another doctor checks his vitals and tells angie that frankie is stabilizing . frankie apologizes to angie for running off . greenlee awakens , holding aidan 's hand . they hug and kiss . amanda is busy at fusion , getting ready for kendall 's book signing party . angie visits greenlee to see how she is doing . amanda calls kendall to remind her about the book signing . kendall , at first , has reservations , but then she agrees to go to the book signing . greenlee sends aidan out for some food for her while she has a talk with zach . greenlee questions zach as to what is going on . zach gives in and tells her about ryan thinking that he is still with kendall and ryan is still madly in love with her . ryan is up on the roof when kendall join him . ryan tells kendall that he needs to be with her . tad urges jesse to tell angie that he is alive , but jesse refuses . |
jesse : everything 's going to be back to normal real soon . we just have to make it through today . angie : it sounds like you have something in mind . what are you planning to do ? [ scene_break ] [ jake takes some medicines from the hospital 's locked cabinet ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : you 're sure about this ? amanda : yes . for my sanity , i need a david - free zone . j.r. : well , it will be david - free , stalker - free , and smoke - free , a three for one discount . amanda : well , you 're not adam - free . j.r. : that 's why i 'm giving you the rent - free discount . you 're going to have a wing all to yourself . david : wow , you two are shacking up already , huh ? boy , you 're really moving up in the world . j.r. : why do n't you leave her alone ? david : i do n't know , junior . do you really think you can stay sober long enough to take care of a mother and her unborn child ? you might want to lock up that liquor cabinet . krystal : hey . david : hey . krystal : i just have one question . um , if amanda is n't carrying your child , how come every time i turn around , you 're all over her ? david : i was simply congratulating her on the baby , and j.r. was his usual defensive self . end of story . krystal : i want you to swear to me that that baby is not yours . david : i would n't lie to you about that . my future is with you , all right ? i 've got to get back to work . why do n't you go home and relax , ok ? i would never do anything to hurt you . i promise , ok ? jake : excuse me . david : no , excuse me . what are you doing here ? jake : i do n't have to report my daily schedule to you , do i ? david : you know , you 're absolutely right . you 're no longer employed here . do you mind telling me why you 're here ? [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] zach : go away . kendall : no , come on . come on , honey . can you get it ? zach : ok . kendall : please . zach : ok . [ greenlee walks in ] greenlee : i hope this is n't a bad time . zach : time to move , is what i think . greenlee : i 'm so glad you 're here . how are you feeling ? kendall : i 'm getting there . [ erica walks in ] zach : hey , doorbell broken ? erica : i ca n't believe you 're here . greenlee : i 'm visiting my best friend . erica : oh , come on . do you think i 'm the only one who can see through you ? kendall : ok , hold on . hold on a minute . what are you two talking about ? zach : do we really want to know that ? this is not a good time . erica : that 's exactly why i tried to stop her . sweetheart , she is not at all concerned about you . she is here to throw me out of fusion . [ scene_break ] bianca : i was dreaming about us . reese : you were feeding me grapes . bianca : how did you know ? reese : you talk in your sleep . bianca : no , i do not . reese : ok , emperor grapes , feeding them to me . a sonata , a beautiful romantic sonata -- bianca : ok , all right , all right . reese : that came out of nowhere ? bianca : all right , stop it . next time , just wake me up . reese : why ? it was nice . bianca : where are the girls ? reese : oh , well , gabrielle is sleeping in the nursery . you were n't sleeping that long . and miranda 's playing house with the boys and rachel . bianca : well , since we happen to be alone , maybe i should show you the rest of my dream . [ reese pulls away from bianca 's kiss ] bianca : what ? what 's wrong ? reese : i just -- i ca n't . [ scene_break ] angie : answer me . how are you going to make everything normal ? jesse : you 're just going to have to trust me . everything is going to work out . after what we 've been through , i would n't make a promise to you i ca n't keep . angie : could you make one more ? jesse : it 's about jake , right ? angie : look , he helped me break into wildwind , because i asked him to . i could n't live with myself if jake got into trouble for something that was my idea . jesse : no one has to know . [ scene_break ] jake : i 'm a citizen in a public building , and i do n't have to answer to you . david : yeah , you do . when you 're loitering in my hospital , yeah . what 's in your pockets ? jake : what 's in your pockets ? frankie : hey , jake . sorry i kept you waiting , man . shall we grab lunch ? jake : yeah , let 's go . bye , dave . frankie : what are you really doing here ? jake : well , i 'm trying to get the charges against your mother dropped and maybe get my job back in the interim , in the process . frankie : who knows about this ? jake : uh ... [ scene_break ] tad : i did n't expect to see you . krystal : i just came by to see how kathy is . tad : well , she 's doing better . i just got back from dropping her at school . so she 's going to be ok , thanks to you . krystal : well , i 'm just glad i could help . tad : so am i. i 've got to tell you , i did n't get a wink of sleep last night , i 'm so anxious . every time i closed my eyes , i would have to get up , run down the hall , and make sure she was still in her room . i 'm afraid that if she does disappear like that i 'm never going to get that lucky again . krystal : no , tad . she 's safe now . you 're not going to lose her . [ scene_break ] erica : she 's only here to cause trouble . kendall does not need this kind of stress . greenlee : we pulled these figures from her computer . erica : you stole them without my permission . greenlee : we 're in the red . zach : this can wait . erica : kendall just needs to hear that things are not nearly as dire as she 's making them out to be . greenlee : they 're worse . zach : do you want me to throw you out ? because i will , both of you . kendall : wait a minute , wait a minute -- hold on . what happened with the lawsuit with babe and her bella disaster ? what , it 's that bad ? greenlee : the lawsuit went away . erica : we did n't lose anything . i mean , we did n't lose any money . kendall : well , then why all the somber faces ? erica : sweetheart -- zach : babe 's gone . she died when the tornado hit . you guys happy ? get out . erica : we should not be here . zach : now , leave . out . erica : we should not be here talking like this . zach : go . erica : are you satisfied at how you upset my daughter ? greenlee : she 's going to be a hell of a lot more upset if fusion goes under because of you . [ scene_break ] bianca : did i do something wrong ? reese : no . no , i just -- i do n't feel comfortable . bianca : why ? reese : i do n't know . it 's different now that kendall 's home . bianca : why does that matter ? reese : she gave me a really weird look earlier . and now i just feel like we do n't belong here anymore . bianca : you 're being paranoid . reese : no , i am not . bianca : you 're right . you 're acting like you have a guilty conscience . reese : well , do n't you ? honey , i mean , come on . we did . we kept this secret from her for so long . bianca : ok , all right . i 'm sorry . all you 've been telling me is that it was ok that i did n't tell kendall for all that time . reese : yes , and it 's what i thought . but now i feel different . bianca : why are you doing this ? reese : doing what ? bianca : why are you trying to create a problem when there is n't one ? kendall is fine about gabrielle . she understands . all she wants is for us to be happy . why do n't you understand that ? [ gabrielle cries ] bianca : i 'll get her . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach , it 's ok . i can talk about things . how did babe die ? zach : she and j.r. came in to deal with the bella lawsuit , and they were at the comeback when the tornado hit . and she and adam -- kendall : oh , man . poor j.r. is that why david 's here ? is that why he came back ? zach : stop . i want you to rest . kendall : oh , my god , poor babe . poor little adam . it could be our little boy without a mother . zach : do n't say that . have i told you how much i love you ? kendall : well , it 's been about five minutes , but -- yeah . [ scene_break ] jesse : you 're going to be late for your meeting with jackson . angie : i know , i 'm going . i 'm going . i 'm going . gone . [ cell phone ringing ] tad : thaddeus martin . jesse : yeah , tad , it 's me . i need to see you as soon as possible . it 's about hayward . tad : i 'm on my way . listen , honey . i hate to cry and run , but i 've got an old case i 've got to check up on . krystal : oh , go -- no , go . i 'll watch jenny . tad : you do n't mind ? krystal : no . tad : that would be wonderful . you know , as a matter of fact , i 'm going to be gone for a while . why do n't you take her for the rest of the day ? krystal : i would love that . tad : you sure ? krystal : yeah . i 'll have her back by dinner time . tad : terrific . i appreciate it . krystal : ok . tad : have fun . krystal : ok . tad : stay out of trouble . god knows if i can . [ scene_break ] erica : pete . pete , i need you to unpack all these boxes and put them back in my office . greenlee : do n't touch a single box . erica : if you do n't do as i ask , pete , you know i 'll have grounds to fire you . greenlee : you ca n't fire him . erica : of course , i can . i still work here , trying to save the company for my daughter . greenlee : you do n't work for anyone but yourself . i 'd die if you ever did one thing that was n't completely self - centered . erica : the fact that you can say that out loud , that is just amazing . greenlee : we both know you did n't barge in here out of kindness . you were looking for credit . erica : well , maybe i deserve a little credit . after i made all of your class- action lawsuits go away while you were off putting ryan 's wife in the mental institution . greenlee : that 's it . we ca n't work together anymore . erica : well , do n't let the door hit you on your way out . greenlee : after you . pete : how about you flip a coin ? are you ladies going to hurt me ? greenlee : do you have another way to settle this ? erica : fine , pete . you flip . pete : abraham lincoln to the rescue . he was always about fairness and equality . he led us through a civil war . this will be a piece of cake . [ scene_break ] adam : get my money back , ok ? i will be damned if i 'm going to let fusion- slash - erica - kane scam me out of my money . j.r. : dad ? i have to tell you something . i did n't have that guest room made up for me . adam : oh , well , do n't tell me . let me guess . you 're going to take in a stray named amanda ? j.r. : she should n't be by herself in her condition . adam : all right , if i 'm going to take in your trash , i need proof that the child is yours . and if he or she is a chandler , then fine . she has to agree to sign the child over . j.r. : oh , my god . you know what ? you do n't stop , do you ? you just need to give it up . you have no say in what happens to this baby . and if i want to take amanda in , i 'll do so . i was telling you as a courtesy . adam : that 's a very nice speech , but my rule still stands . this is n't a charity house . j.r. : well , if that 's how you feel , you 'll be happy to know that amanda was at the hospital today . and according to the date of conception , i 'm the dad . adam : well , just because she 's pregnant with your child does n't mean you have to marry the hussy . [ amanda walks in and drops her suitcase on the floor ] [ scene_break ] reese : um , i was just going to get something to drink , and i heard you talking . i did n't want to interrupt . so i was just going to go back upstairs . i 'm sorry . kendall : no , do n't worry about it . zach , can you give us a few minutes ? zach : sure . i 'll check on the kids . kendall : ok . you 're probably wondering why i wanted to talk to you alone . reese : it 's one of the many things going through my head right now . kendall : my sister is happier than i have ever seen her . and i 'm sure you know she has n't had the easiest life , and if anyone deserves to be treated well , it 's her . reese : oh , of course , i feel the exact -- kendall : she has been hurt over and over by people who claimed that they cared about her , people that she trusted . reese : kendall , if i know one thing , i know that i love bianca with all of my heart . we have a beautiful life , and i would never do anything to hurt her . kendall : you better not . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey . zach : hey . how 's my little angel ? bianca : she 's good . she 's been a bit fussy , actually . zach : fussy ? bianca : yeah . have you seen reese ? zach : she 's downstairs talking to kendall . is she all right ? bianca : i do n't know . she says that she just does n't feel right . zach : well , i get that . bianca : what do you mean ? zach : well , it 's , you know -- i 'm talking to kendall , and the way she reacted just was n't her . i 'm glad she 's all right with everything , but it -- bianca : you just were prepared for more ? zach : yeah . i do n't know if she 's holding back because of you , because of me , but whatever . i should have said something to her before . bianca : hang on , this was not on you . we made a deal . i was supposed to tell you earlier . zach : no , it is on me . it 's my wife . i had a kid with someone else . maybe i should have said something about that . bianca : the circumstances were a little bit different . zach : how is that ? bianca : because you were giving us a child . zach : mm - hmm , and i betrayed my wife . bianca : no . you would never do that . zach : i did . [ scene_break ] rebecca : no , no more tests , ok ? thank you for everything . oncologist : good luck . rebecca : goodbye , doctor . frankie : perfect timing . thanks . how did it go ? rebecca : can i talk to you about something ? you have to promise not to tell anyone , no matter what . frankie : doctor - patient confidentiality . we learn that on day one . rebecca : i 'm dying . the chemo is n't working . frankie : you were responding . why do n't you give it more time and see what happens ? rebecca : no , no , that 's not going to change anything now . frankie : did he say how long ? rebecca : no , he ca n't pinpoint that right now , but i have made my peace with it . god has already given me extra time to be with my daughter . frankie : you came out of a coma when we were sure you would n't . you ca n't give up now . rebecca : there are n't going to be any more miracles . i do n't want natalia or angie or jesse to know about this . they have already done enough . frankie : hey , they want to be there for you . rebecca : no , i do not want my situation to ruin natalia 's start at the police academy . frankie : she 's going to know something is off . do you really think you can keep something like that from her ? rebecca : i have to , i have to . and so do you . can you keep my secret ? [ scene_break ] angie : i love you for understanding the david situation . jesse : one way or another , we 're going to get rid of that rat bastard , ok ? angie : ok , wish me luck . jesse : good luck , baby . [ knock on window ] jesse : jake . sorry about that , man . jake : i 'm really sorry . if your wife was any longer i would have lost a certain appendage to hypothermia . jesse : thanks , man . did you get the stuff ? jake : yeah , i got the stuff , i got the stuff . all right , so what we do is , we take these pills here , right ? and we crush them all up together , and we make new capsules out of them , and then down goes hayward . jesse : excellent . got some other ones ? jake : over here someplace . jesse : hey , after this , you 're out . i promised my wife that i would protect you . you know , the next part of this plan is really risky . jake : oh , the next part of the plan is risky ? this part was n't risky ? my pill- stealing mission was n't -- jesse : wait , stop , stop , stop it , all right ? your help thus far has been vital . i appreciate it . jake : that 's right , because i 'm you copilot , and i 've got your back 100 % . jesse : i 'm not risking myself on this one , either , all right ? if i get caught , they can make the case against angela a lot stronger . i 'm going to bring somebody else in . jake : your going to bring who ? [ knock on door ] jake : who ? [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , would you mind taking amanda 's things upstairs while we have a little talk for a while ? j.r. : why ? so you can scare her away ? amanda : it 's ok , go ahead . i 've handled a lot worse . adam : [ snickers ] j.r. : i 'll be back . adam : oh , good . well , what i would like you to do is make a list of all of your favorite dishes and give it to lucretia , because colby has -- well , colby has convinced her to make all of my dishes with prego 's heart smart sauces . that should be very nutritious for you and the baby . amanda : why are you pretending to be nice ? adam : well , i 've decided it 's best to keep you close . so when you make your move on j.r. , i 'll be there to catch you . [ scene_break ] pete : since you ca n't make a decision , i 'll be the moderator . erica heads , greenlee tails . and that 's not because i like erica better . the winner stays at fusion , the loser goes home . greenlee : your boxes are packed . why do n't you just leave already ? erica : flip the coin , pete . flip it now . pete : yeah , i would just like to say that i wish the best to whoever wins . you know , both of you are talented and sophisticated -- erica and greenlee : just toss it . pete : ok . erica : i warn you , pete , my patience is very short . greenlee : that 's a shocker . heads or tails ? erica : ok , if you wo n't tell us , we 'll find out ourselves . [ scene_break ] adam : oh , nice try . but we both know that you lost everything in that poison perfume disaster . amanda : i have more money than that . adam : really ? who did you blackmail this time ? amanda : i do n't know what you 're talking about . adam : oh , really ? i think you do . and i think i may have underestimated your intelligence . you 've managed to worm your way back into j.r. 's life and to become rich in the process . so tell me , who are you squeezing this time ? [ scene_break ] frankie : i understand why you want to keep your condition from everyone , and i do n't agree with it , but , yeah , i 'll keep your secret . rebecca : that means the world to me . thank you . natalia : hey , guys . oh , sorry i 'm late . my first academy class went over . frankie : how 'd it go ? natalia : amazing . it 's like i finally found what i 'm supposed to be doing , you know ? how about you ? how was your appointment ? more good news ? rebecca : everything 's as it should be . my body is responding to the chemo . natalia : mom , mom , mom -- that 's awesome . so , wait , we 're going wig shopping . i was thinking she 'd look good as a redhead . what do you think ? frankie : red 's perfect . it 's the color of courage . natalia : oh , god . [ scene_break ] jesse : you do know what you 're risking , right ? tad : yep . and if i can take down hayward , it 's worth it . jake : and maybe i 'll get my job back . jesse : you will get your job back . so will angela . tad : the fact is , hayward 's taken away something from each one of us . i think it 's time we took something back . [ scene_break ] reese : i love bianca . she is it for me . she is the one , and i love miranda and gabrielle . gabrielle is a symbol of our love and how much we mean to each other . kendall : well , she 's beautiful . reese : thank you . i 'm so sorry that we did n't tell you sooner . kendall : was it your place to say anything ? reese : we did n't know if the pregnancy was going to take . but as soon as we did , bianca got on a plane so she could come here and she could tell you in person . it was n't something that she could tell you over the phone . kendall : well , that all makes sense . reese : you know , zach -- he did n't want to help us at first . we told him that we were looking for a donor , and he told bianca no , and i am the one who convinced him . kendall : after saying no to my sister ? how did you manage that ? reese : he , um -- he shared the story of ian 's birth and how he was premature , but he survived through all the odds , and he told me what it felt like to hold him for the first time , and to feel his tiny little heartbeat . and i wanted that . i wanted to feel that joy and that love that only a parent knows for their child . and that 's when he agreed . kendall : and where was bianca in all of this ? reese : she was asleep , because we had all had a lot to drink that night . and so zach and i -- we just stayed up all night and talked . [ scene_break ] erica : just give me the coin . [ pete swallows the penny ] pete : water ! water ! greenlee : are you insane ? erica : you swallowed it ? pete : ca n't we settle this another way ? how about a bake - off ? or a cosmetic sale to see who sells the most product ? greenlee : we do n't need a coin to tell us who the loser is . just accept it and get out of here . you 're going to regret that . erica : you want to fight ? i 'm ready . [ scene_break ] angie : i did n't expect to see you guys here . so , how was your appointment ? rebecca : oh , my body is responding to treatment . i feel strong . i could n't have asked for anything better . natalia : and you wanted to give up . angie : your mother is a walking , talking miracle . frankie : and we do n't get those often around here . rebecca : my miracle has made some travel plans back to denver . natalia : wait , wait , wait -- what ? rebecca : yeah . natalia : are you sure ? rebecca : it 's ok , yes . the doctor has given me the go - ahead . angie : how long will you be gone ? rebecca : well , i 'll be gone a couple days , and i just want to get a few things and bring them back . i 'm heading out soon . i have a flight tonight . natalia : well , i 'm -- i 'm going with you . rebecca : no , no , no . no . no , i will be back before you know it . and besides , you 've got your classes here and the life you 've started . i would n't want to compromise that . it 's too important to me , ok ? natalia : fine . go . but we 're having a party when you get back , ok ? rebecca : oh , i love you . [ scene_break ] krystal : what ? that is odd , jenny . i know i locked the door before we left . what are you doing here ? tad : uh , the door was open . i just came to talk to david . krystal : about what ? tad : never mind . what is she doing here ? krystal : i -- tad : no , no . i -- you -- you swore to me that she would never set foot inside this house . krystal : it was just for a second , tad . i just came by to change my coat before we went to the park . tad : how do i know that ? how do i know that she would n't end up alone with david ? you know what ? it does n't matter . i do n't care . i do n't want to hear any excuses . krystal : wait . no , tad , do n't use this against me . tad : you broke our agreement , ok ? nope , i 'm sorry . come on . it 's okay , sweetheart , we 're going home . we are going home . [ scene_break ] kendall : i want you to know that i 'm happy for bianca . reese : that means a lot . you know , we have a great life together with miranda , and now gabrielle , thanks to zach . kendall : well , i 'm glad he could help . reese : me , too . you know , gabrielle , she is -- she 's our little miracle baby . we will always be thankful to zach for that . kendall : you know , i 'm getting a little tired . reese : and i -- i should go check on bianca and the girls . ok . [ scene_break ] pete : whoa , why do n't we use those chairs to sit down and talk about this ? greenlee : we are past that stage . erica : we are way past it . pete : hey , hey , hey . be careful . greenlee : we 're going to settle this right now . erica : oh , that 's the best idea you ever had . pete : whoa ! no ! no , no . [ greenlee slips and falls , banging her head on a table ] erica : come on . get up and fight . pete : greenlee . greenlee . [ scene_break ] rebecca : angie , would you do me a favor and take care of natalia for me ? natalia : mom , i 'm not a little girl anymore . rebecca : no , you 're not . but i want to make sure you are well taken care of . it 's what mothers do . frankie : we all will look out for her . i promise . rebecca : and will you tell jesse i said goodbye ? angie : you 're only going to be gone a couple of days . rebecca : yes , but i do n't want him to feel like i left him out . thank you for everything . i could n't have done it without you . ok , you guys , i am ready when you are . frankie : yes , and i am driving . rebecca has shotgun . angie : oh , man . frankie : yeah . rebecca : goodbye , angie . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i should n't have left you alone with amanda . she 's all upset . adam : she 's swimming in money -- cash . now how can that be , with that bella debacle ? j.r. : you need to get a life . and stay the hell out of mine . [ scene_break ] david : hello , amanda . [ amanda screams ] david : i know the chandler tunnels like the inside of a heart . you ca n't ever get away from me . shh . it 's my turn to speak now , all right ? now , if this is my child , i 'm going to find out when it 's born . if it 's j.r. 's , you can keep it if you do me a favor . and i 'm talking a big favor . if you say no , i 'm going to tell j.r. that i paid you to help get him drunk . and we both know how he 'll handle that news . he 'll take this child , and you 'll never see it again . amanda : what do you want ? david : i want little a . [ scene_break ] jesse : excuse me , krystal , we have to do a search here . krystal : well , you -- you ca n't do that . david 's not here . jesse : actually , we can do that . it 's all in the warrant . check upstairs . take the back . krystal : oh , my god . no . this -- come on , this is crazy . jesse : is it ? krystal : i do n't know what you 're looking for , but you 're not going to find anything worth your trouble , jesse . jesse : really ? ah . this looks like it might be worth my trouble . looks like your boyfriend is into a little something illegal . you know anything about this , krystal ? [ scene_break ] kendall : what 's going on ? what 's happening ? zach : i want to apologize to you for not telling you earlier about what i did for bianca and reese . kendall : zach , we went through this . zach : no , we did n't . i did n't -- i did n't ask you , because i did n't want you to say no . because if you had said no , i would have gone through with it anyway . kendall : is that supposed to make me feel better ? zach : it was supposed to make bianca feel better . i had to . kendall : you had to ? zach : yeah . bianca asked me , and of course , i could n't say yes to that , because of us and where we were , and then -- no , i had to . i had to say yes , because of what my brother did to her . kendall : and ? there 's more to it . zach : like what ? kendall : like aidan . zach , you never got over us sleeping together , so you went behind my back , and you did this , and you kept it a secret from me . [ scene_break ] bianca : i heard you were downstairs talking to kendall . how did it go ? reese : you know , um , she seems ok with everything . bianca : yes , i told you . reese : you were right , all right ? oh , come here . come here , come here , come here . i 've got you , i 've got our girls . god , i love you so much . i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm sorry . i -- i 'm sorry i hurt you . kendall : i had sex with aidan . you did n't have sex with my sister , but you did one better . you gave her a child . you know what ? that -- that 's -- that 's not even the issue right now . uh , actually , you know what we have to do . every time we look at bianca and reese , it 'll be a reminder of what you did . zach : well , they 're family . we 'll work it out . kendall : i do n't want them in my house . get rid of them . [ scene_break ] pete : what are we going to do ? erica : do n't you dare back out on me now , greenlee . i 'm winning this fight , fair and square . pete : she 's bleeding -- from her head . you killed her . | angie questions jesse as to what he is up to . at pine valley hospital , jake steals medicine from the medicine room . in the corridor of the hospital , amanda tells j.r. that she had changed her mind and she would move into the chandler mansion . david confronts j.r. and amanda as to how the baby is . at the nurse 's station , krystal confronts david as to why he is all over amanda . krystal makes david swear to her that he is n't the baby 's father . david bumps into jake in the hospital corridor and questions jake as to why he is here . at home , zach and kendall enjoy some quite time together until the doorbell rings . zach wants them to go away , but kendall insists that he answer the door . greenlee and erica come rushing in . at the same time , erica and greenlee tell kendall what had been going on at fusion . bianca and reese wake up together . bianca begins to tell reese her dream , and then wants to show her how the dream ends , but reese pulls away . zach orders greenlee and erica out of the house . kendall questions zach as to how babe had died . reese comes downstairs and interrupts zach 's and kendall 's conversation . kendall tells zach that she wants to speak to reese alone . jesse calls tad and tells him that he needs to see him . krystal is with tad at the house . tad offers to let krystal have jenny for the day . greenlee and erica argue over who is going to run fusion . j.r. tells adam that amanda is moving in . adam tells j.r. that amanda has to sign over the baby to them .kendall and reese have a private conversation about bianca . jesse and jake go over their plan to nail david . |
erica : i have no doubts that david 's capable of doing this . i mean , he drugged a whole boatload of people here in pine valley once . of course , he would crash fusion 's computer system , but the question is why . jesse : we 're working on it . erica : and i appreciate that , jesse , but i will get the answers . jesse : wo n't you let the police handle it , please ? erica : jesse , david would never talk to the police . jesse : but he 's gon na talk to you ? erica : yes . i am our best hope for getting answers . i know david . i know how to work him . i know how to get what i want . ryan : no , no , no , erica , please . no . there 's no way that you 're going after hayward alone . [ scene_break ] jake : hi . amanda : hey , is it true ? gayle 's surgery 's really been called off ? angie : all right , the films and her blood work came back better than expected , so , surgery 's not needed . jake : whew . amanda : that 's great . no surgery , no reason for david to stay in pine valley . angie : listen , i have to take this . we 'll keep each other posted ? jake : yes . absolutely . well , this is good . i mean , if , you know , it 's true , if he 's leaving , then it 's over . amanda : it 's only over if you let it be . are you ready to do that ? [ scene_break ] opal : no , no , no , no . no , no . swirl clockwise very slowly 3 times . 1 , 2 , 3 . that 's very important . ok . now , tip the cup into the saucer and let the rest of the liquid drain out . that 's it . good girl . tad : oh , mama , come on . what does earl grey have to say ? opal : well , just give me a minute here . oh , my . tad : eesh . oof . krystal : it 's ok , tad . it does n't really hurt that bad . tad : i was thinking about rob every time i see you in that splint . i ca n't imagine the pain that man is in . krystal : ahh . tad : oh , come on . falling on your sword ! krystal : would you stop ? all right , rob is ok . it 's over . can we just forget about it , please ? tad : can rob ? opal : well , there is n't gon na be any forgetting , because this thing is n't over , not by a long shot . you see here ? that 's like a comet . that means that change is coming . and then right down there , you got , like , an octopus . means trouble and deceit . krystal : you trying to tell me that rob is lying to me or something ? opal : that 's like a bridge . that means other people are gon na be affected . no . whatever is happening is just getting started . and i 'm afraid that it has got wicked written all over it . tad and krystal : hayward . [ scene_break ] david : what are you doing ? greenlee : picture it . me . in white . walking down the aisle , veil so thick no one can see my face . all eyes on the bride . wondering , curious , `` who could it be ? `` david : you really should be resting . greenlee : i feel so good . and i hardly have any pain in my legs . that 's all me . no meds . i feel more like myself than i have in a long time . david : i 'm happy to hear it . but you do need to take it easy , greenlee . greenlee : come here . you will stand here . i 'll join you . turn to face you . and then , wha ! they 'll see me . alive . marrying you . ha ha ha ! their faces . the shock . someone might even faint . you 're not having second thoughts , are you ? tell me you 're not . tell me you 'll marry me . [ scene_break ] erica : excuse me ? ryan : please , erica , please . there 's no reason that you have to go anywhere near hayward . why do n't we just let the police handle this ? jesse : sounds smart to me . erica : my company has been decimated . there is no way i 'm just gon na sit back and wait and hope for the police to solve this . oh , no offense . jesse : whatever . erica : look , we figured out that the virus was part of greenlee and kendall 's fail - safe plan , and you realized how exactly david gained access to this , and now it 's my turn to take it to the next level and get david to incriminate himself . ryan : again . please . just let the police take it from here . erica : do you really think that david would even talk to the police , much less crack , make a mistake ? david does n't make mistakes . i know him , i know his ego , i know exactly what makes him tick , and i am the one who can get the answers . i need to know why he did this -- why in the world he did this and why now . ryan : jesse , will you give us a minute , please ? jesse : sure . why not ? take the interrogation room if you need some privacy . ryan : just for a second . erica : do n't try to talk me out of this . ryan : look -- hayward 's in a corner . right ? that makes him even more dangerous than he already is . erica : david is gloating . david is smug and superior . he feels so smart because he brought fusion down -- for now . but in spite of all the evidence we have against him , there is nothing to make it stick . ryan : so you 're gon na push . right ? you 're gon na push , and what happens ? he 's gon na push back . erica : ryan , my company has been attacked . my daughter kendall has entrusted her company to me . ryan : it 's not your fault -- erica : but it 's my job to make it right . i know how to talk to david . i know his weaknesses . i know what makes him tick . i know how to listen to him , when to stop talking . ryan : i still think it 's too dangerous . erica : the only one in danger is david . [ scene_break ] tad : hayward swore he was leaving town anytime now . krystal : yeah . well , he also said he was dying , and that did n't really pan out . opal : david is n't done . it is as plain as day . tad : why should n't he be ? there 's nothing more . there 's nobody left for him here . why should n't he do exactly what he says he 's gon na do -- pack up his `` wicked , `` take it on the road , and find some other town to torture , preferably on the other side of the planet . maybe you should shuffle your tea leaves . opal : no , this is n't just leaves , tad . i mean , this is a vibration . i just had the worst night last night . dreams like you would n't believe . windows i could n't see through . faces hidden in the shadows . tad : well , i got a good man at the airport . i promise you the minute that hayward 's wheels up , we 'll be the first to hear about it . for all we know , you should be sleeping like a baby tonight . krystal : what if his wheels stay right here on the ground ? what if david decides to stay ? tad : then jake will take care of it . [ scene_break ] jake : yes , i want it to be over . who would n't want it to be over ? amanda : so then you 're gon na drop the lawsuit . jake : well , now , see , every single charge is legitimate . you do realize that , right ? amanda : so what ? david is leaving . jake : yeah , but a lawsuit is like a little extra incentive . it says , `` get out of town and do it quickly . `` amanda : or it goads him to stay . jake : look , when he infests a new zip code on another planet , i would be delighted to drop the whole thing , but a lawsuit , you see , a lawsuit , that 's the only hammer i have right now for this particular problem . amanda : it may not be a problem anymore , jake . just let the lawsuit go . let david go . he is moving on . why ca n't you ? jake : what you 're saying is you just want me to go easy on him . right ? amanda : no . that 's not what i 'm saying . i 'm saying i want you to focus on something other than david . and pain and the past . i want you to -- you know , what about our future , for instance ? our family . peace . after nothing but war and drama since before trevor was born . jake : listen , i know , and i want to do that , and i will do that . as soon as i know he 's gone . i was even gon na suggest that we should go to wildwind and help him pack , make sure every single thing is gone . amanda : we are so close to having david out of our lives . you want to go over there and piss him off one last time ? you do that , you may give him another reason to dig in more and stay . jake : i 'm just saying , like , you know , bon voyage . that 's all we have to say to him . amanda : and then someone throws a punch . and you know david . he never runs from a fight . you 're just gon na give him another reason . do n't do that . come on , jake . just let it go . let david go . please . [ scene_break ] david : i 'm not having second thoughts . i thought maybe you were . greenlee : mm . not a chance . david : so , you really wan na go through with this ? greenlee : i 've been told i make a beautiful bride . david : or we could leave all these small - minded idiots behind . start fresh . greenlee : i 'm not going anywhere . erica called out the `` coward `` who attacked fusion . the woman who stole fusion is sleeping with ryan . she wants a fight ? she 'll get it . this time with a living , breathing me , not a corpse . david : greenlee , you are recovering . let 's not forget that , ok ? you 're not strong -- greenlee : that whole time that i was lying in that flipping bed unable to move my legs , all i fantasized about was my future with ryan , loving ryan . that 's what gave me the strength to walk again . now i have a new fantasy . david : yes . complete and total annihilation of erica and ryan . greenlee : i do n't want to annihilate them . i just want them to feel my pain , the pain they caused me . erica 's always hated me . she 's always tried to mess with my life . she knew about jack and she kept it a secret . she tried to get me committed once , so stealing fusion ? no big surprise . now she 's trying to play some sort of earth mother with her miranda centers , but i 'm gon na out her for the selfish bitch she really is . david : and what about ryan ? greenlee : well , before he slept with my worst enemy , he slept with my best friend . the same night they identified my body . you call that a mourning period ? all this time i dreamed about coming back to a man who had forgotten about me . david : ryan is a fool . greenlee : no , he 's not . he 's -- i want to be here , alive and in ryan 's face . i want to look him in the eyes and see the man who claimed to love me and who could n't wait to get into bed with kendall . and erica . david : you sure this is all worth it ? greenlee : i 've got nothing left but payback . and i 'm going to get it -- with your help . david : it 's not gon na be easy . greenlee : since when do we ever do easy ? david : maybe there 's been too much pain . greenlee : you can not be suggesting i take the high road . you ? this whole town has treated you like crap . david : yes . and i 've made a lot of enemies . greenlee : so , you 're gon na run away because nobody likes you ? nobody 's ever liked you and that never bothered you before . you have to stay and fight . david : and what if i 'm not interested in payback ? greenlee : what about justice ? david : for what ? greenlee : you deserve a life with your daughter . david : marissa does n't want anything to do with me . greenlee : so , stay and fight for her . i 'll help you . you have a life here , david . you have a future with your daughter . fight for it . we 'll fight for it together as dr. and mrs. david hayward . instead of slinking off to nowhere , you 'll be able to hold your head high again , be a force in this community . you 'll be back . i 'll be back . we 'll be back . together . right ? ca n't you just see their faces ? how much fun will that be ? there . you see ? you like the idea . david : well , it does have a certain appeal . greenlee : then do it . david : do what ? greenlee : get on your knee and ask me to be your wife . [ david laughs ] david : no , i do n't think so . greenlee : do i have to do everything ? ok . uhh . give me your hands . will you , david hayward , the most conniving man i know , marry me , the most willful , determined woman you 've ever met , so we can set this town on fire and reclaim it as our own ? david : how could i possibly say no to that ? greenlee : so , now that the proposal 's over and we 're enjoying our engagement , let 's plan the wedding . david : i assume you 've already picked a date ? greenlee : valentine 's day . once year since i `` died , `` one year to the day . [ scene_break ] erica : i promise , i am gon na get everything we need to expose david . ryan : just be careful , all right ? erica : i will . ryan : because we got a date in the sun soon , and we are not taking this with us . erica : i ca n't wait . [ kiss ] jesse : do i even want to know where she 's going ? ryan : you know where she 's going , jesse . what i want to know is the motive . what reason could david possibly have to try and bring fusion down ? why ? jesse : up to now , he 's been all about jake , amanda , and the baby . this attack on fusion is straight out of left field . ryan : we got ta remember that we 're dealing with hayward here , right ? this is a guy who goes to an extreme and then he takes it to the next level , so we should n't be too surprised . jesse : well , brings us right back to motive . i mean , how did david even get his hands on the flash drive ? kendall and greenlee are the only two that knew it existed . kendall did n't tell him about it and greenlee is -- ryan : gone . jesse : yeah . [ scene_break ] amanda : great news . david 's leaving . tad : how do you know ? amanda : well , angie called jake . nurse gayle does n't need the surgery . oh . jake : i saw the paperwork at the hospital . amanda : we heard about -- are you ok ? krystal : oh , yeah . jake : stiff neck , which is more than i can say for rob . krystal : all right , all right , all right . jake : talk about falling on your own sword . tad : dude , that is exactly what i said . exactly . krystal : you know what ? you martin boys need a new act . jake : in fact , there was a sign on rob 's knee that said , `` sword , next 5 exits . `` tad : no , no , no , she 's right , she 's right , she 's right , she 's right . look , there 's nothing funny about a guy falling out of bed and breaking his -- jake : pogo stick . he broke his pogo stick . krystal : i am leaving . jake : sorry ! we made her mad . tad : really . really . jake : please stay . we 're sorry . i 'm sorry . hey , i actually wanted to know if liza was around . amanda : he wants to drop the lawsuit . krystal : you know , it really would n't hurt to wait . you have up to two years to file suit for an intentional tort . jake : really . krystal : what ? oh , really . i worked for six months for an ambulance chaser . i picked up a few things . tad : oh , filing , were you ? krystal : mm - hmm . tad : yeah . learn something new every day . opal : all i got ta say is if david really has packed up his nastiness and taken it on the road , then who is gon na explain these tea leaves ? tad : ma sees trouble a - comin ' . we 're all convinced it 's a - comin ' from david . amanda : ok , can we just all forget about lawsuits and tea leaves ? because david said he 's going . and you know he 's packed up his house . he 's got a plane waiting for him at the airport . maybe it 's time to just take him at his word . jake : i 'm with her on this . tad : what ? i 'm sorry , i must be losing my hearing . i could 've sworn you just agreed with your wife . which means that you believe for the first time something that came crawling out of hayward 's mouth . jake : well , yeah . like i said , i 'm with my wife on this . krystal : you trust david . tad : well , i did ask marissa to talk to him , see if he would tell her the truth about what 's been happening , see what she found out . [ cell phone ringing ] tad : yeah . hello . yeah , hey , -- what 's up ? yeah , yeah , yeah . no , you 're sure . you 're sure . great . no , that 's terrific news . thank you . that 's my guy . hayward 's plane just took off . destination : gloucester . amanda : it 's true . david is gone . he 's really gone . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this place is perfect ! and the invitation ? i can just see it . `` dr. david hayward cordially invites you to celebrate his union with ms . question mark . `` ok , maybe that 's a little over the top . we 'll work on the details , but the invitation will get everyone talking . they 'll pressure you for answers . you have to be prepared for that . david : trust me . it 's nothing i ca n't handle . greenlee : that 's why we 're so good together . david : the real challenge will be getting people to attend , especially ryan and erica . they 'd just as soon burn this chapel down than attend any joyous occasion for me . greenlee : sweetheart , this is pine valley . they wo n't be able to help themselves . they 'll have to know , every single one of them . and erica ? you were an item once . there 's no way she ever forgets a man that she 's been with . she 'll be here . you can count on it . and just to show how fabulous she is , she 'll have to bring her new little boy toy ryan . i mean , after all , they are pine valley 's new glamour couple . erica would never let you forget that . david : you have it all figured out , do n't you ? greenlee : i 'm dead but i 'm not stupid . do you have a pen ? david : yeah . greenlee : and paper ? you 're so prepared . ok . this is the name of the woman who designed my wedding gown -- you know , the one that got `` shredded `` when i `` died . `` david : you want to use the same designer ? greenlee : why mess with perfection ? oh , and about the invite list ? i want one sent to kendall and zach . i know they 're out of town , but i want one sent to them . david : you really think they 'll attend ? greenlee : i would love it so much -- to see kendall 's face when she 's eyeball to eyeball with the woman whose man she slept with . i mean , i can just hear it now -- `` oh , if i 'd only known you were alive , i never would 've slept with ryan or given fusion to mother . `` bitch . i was trapped in that hole for months with her husband . did i sleep with him ? no . ca n't believe zach has stayed married to kendall . she 's the most infuriating , stubborn pain in the ass . david : you miss her . greenlee : go call the designer . i 'm gon na get working on my vows . not my wedding vows . my vows for revenge . till death do us part . [ scene_break ] opal : i do n't know . something about this still just does n't sit right for me . jake : i told you -- lay off the pepperoni . opal : this is n't funny , jake . whatever is hanging over us here did not leave on that jet plane . krystal : wait a minute . maybe this is just my tea leaves . jake : you know , the more i think about it , thinking about rob just breaking his drill bit -- tad : snapped clean in half . jake : i know . krystal : opal , if what you 're feeling , if this vibe is connected to david , then maybe you oughta have jake and amanda -- opal : there you go . krystal : read their tea leaves . opal : drink up . both of you . drink up . all to the last drop . come on . amanda : great . cheers . [ clink ] [ scene_break ] david : i 'll be handling all the arrangements . ha ha . yes . i know it 's not usual for the groom to be involved in the actual dress , but my bride trusts me completely . i 'll call you with more details . thank you . [ knocking on door ] david : hmm . erica : david . i hope you do n't mind -- but i was in the neighborhood . david : and you thought you 'd stop by . erica : ahh . well . maybe you should n't put so many logs on the fire . david : yes , i 'm sure ryan told you all about it . but as you can see , my house is still standing . what can i do for you , erica ? erica : i have a problem , and i thought maybe you could help . david : well , it 's obviously not medical . you look fantastic , as always . erica : you 're in an awfully good mood . david : for a man who 's supposed to be leaving town in disgrace ? erica : are you ? are you still leaving town ? david : what do you want , erica ? erica : i think you know . david : mm . fusion . erica : your name has come up quite a lot . david : yeah , and ryan has been particularly enthusiastic about pinning the whole mess on me . did he send you here ? erica : no man tells me what to do . you should know that better than anyone , david . david : do you think i did it ? do you really think that i snuck into fusion and zapped those computers myself ? erica : i think if you did it , you would stick around . you 'd want to watch the fallout . i do n't think you would leave town . david : you know me so well . erica : so , you 're still here . did you do it ? david : no . erica : david , your fingerprints are all over that flash drive . david : which was stolen from my house . so , if you want to find out who downloaded that virus into fusion 's system , find out who broke in here . erica : that makes sense . david : good . so , this conversation is over . erica : no , not quite . there 's still quite a lot of evidence -- strong evidence -- against you . david : circumstantial , i 'm sure . erica : no , david , you are the number - one suspect , and the pressure is only going to increase . the scrutiny . david : the harassment , you mean . erica : no , it does n't have to be like that . david , if you were smart , and i know you are , you 'd let me help you . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee imagines the ceremony with thunder and lightning enveloping the wildwind chapel ] ryan : oh , my god . erica : it ca n't be . ryan : greenlee ? erica : you 're dead . ryan : you ca n't do this . you ca n't marry david . greenlee , you ca n't . i love you . i still love you . i never stopped loving you . greenlee : you said your love was forever . was it forever when you slept with kendall ? and erica ? ryan : listen , greenlee . i have never loved anybody the way i 've loved you . i -- i need you . greenlee : well , i sure as hell do n't need you . [ scene_break ] ryan : so , fusion is totally and completely wiped out because of this virus , and the only prints they can i.d . from the flash drive that was used were david 's . jake : that 's good . i mean , it 's not good for fusion but it 's good because if he made a mistake and left himself open and he gets caught for this , he could go away for years . amanda : what 's gon na happen to fusion ? ryan : well , you know erica . she 's gon na make sure the place is put back together gig by gig . opal : it 'll take more than a stinky little virus to get the best of her . ryan : in the meantime , what we need is we need a motive to make this case stick against hayward , all right , which is why erica 's over at wildwind right now trying to figure out what she can figure out . opal : if anybody can get it out of him , she can . ryan : i mean , tad , you investigated hayward , right ? i mean , is -- do you have any idea at all why or even if he 's got a grudge against fusion ? tad : he 's got a grudge against most of the world , but fusion ? no , i do n't see it . jake : no , he 's usually blackmailing somebody or coercing them into submission . blowing up a lipstick factory ? i do n't -- ryan : and what about you , amanda ? i mean , you lived with him a while ago , right ? you worked at fusion . do you remember any kind of a conversation where fusion came up , anything at all ? amanda : never . tad : recently , we 've assumed that his focus was sort of leaving pine valley . amanda : wait a minute . liza and i were just at wildwind , and we saw a tabloid with you and erica on the cover , and it was torn up . ryan : what ? amanda : split you two in half . [ scene_break ] erica : i spent so many happy years here , some difficult ones , too . dimitri and i got married in that chapel . just the two of us , and edmund and bianca were our only witnesses . david : it 's very romantic . erica : yes . yes , it was . and as good as our marriage could be , there were a lot of misunderstandings , many obstacles . david : yes , there was that stabbing incident , right ? erica : yeah . it 's amazing we parted friends . david : kind of like us . erica : yes . like us . david : so , this little trip down memory lane -- ex - lovers still caring for each other -- is this the buildup for why you want to help me ? erica : david , you could use some assistance , and it 's not as if you have any friends . david : i do n't need any help , erica . and you ca n't expect me to believe that you would offer out of the goodness of your heart . erica : hardly . david , you need to get out from under suspicion , and fusion needs a large jolt of cash . david : you want me to be a partner ? erica : investor . david : i 'd rather be a partner . erica : i thought you were leaving town . david : this jolt of cash . how much are we talking about ? erica : 10 million . david : hmm . and what would 20 million buy me ? erica : a bigger piece of the profits once fusion gets back in the black . david : see , i was hoping it would buy me the truth . [ scene_break ] krystal : is this the tabloid that you saw torn up ? amanda : yeah . that 's it . ryan : this one ? well , this issue came out the day before the computer systems over there were sabotaged , so -- so , what happens ? david sees the magazine and then he goes ballistic , he rips it in half , heads over to fusion -- tad : what reason could he have to go ballistic over a tabloid story written about you ? jake : hey , ryan , did you -- did you piss him off lately or anything ? opal : have some tea , ryan . ryan : no , thank you . krystal : she 's reading leaves . opal : now , i 've read krystal 's and i 've read amanda 's and jake 's . they all say that there 's something big and crazy happening , seems to point to david . now , if he has got his mind set on bringing down fusion , meaning you and erica , then your leaves could prove that the storm that 's brewing is about the big , bad dr. dave . ryan : ok . opal : so , drink up . all : you have to swirl it clockwise three times . [ all talking at once ] ryan : was that three ? amanda : now you have to flip it . ryan : ok . opal : good . thanks . ryan : see , i ca n't imagine why david would have any reason to come after me right now . he does n't . jake : well , are you sure you did n't father a child that he wants to steal ? tad : there 's got ta be some connection somewhere . ryan : well , the only connection is erica , and what hayward had with erica was years ago . tad : yeah , well , like i said , he loves his grudges . ryan : and erica 's over at wildwind right now . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'd forgotten how suspicious you are . david : only when it 's warranted . you 've been after one thing from the moment you waltzed in here , erica -- information . erica : knowledge is power . david : ha ha . and you thought i would be so dazzled by your charms that i would slip up and say something incriminating . the only problem with that , it implies that i actually had something to do with bringing down fusion 's computers , which i did n't . erica : i was just hoping that you 'd be open to negotiation . david : there 's nothing to negotiate , which means this negotiation is over . erica : well , you seem very anxious to get rid of me . david : yes . i am . erica : then tell me the truth . david : my house was robbed . you can check with the police blotter . erica : so , you just happened to have a flash drive stolen that just happened to end up crashing fusion 's computer system . david : i have dozens of flash drives , erica . that 's how doctors work . here . see ? here you go . we download the files and then we bring them home . erica : only one of them happened to turn up at fusion . david : you know what 's so funny about all this ? everybody is so busy trying to brand me the culprit behind it . has anybody even stopped to think that i have absolutely no reason whatsoever to bring down fusion ? i do n't hate makeup . i do n't hate you . and i have n't locked horns with ryan in a long time . erica : so , you think that i should be looking for someone who hates me and ryan ? david -- david : i 'll wire you the 10 million for fusion . erica : and ? david : as i said , if you want to find out who cyber - bombed fusion , find out who broke in here . use your feminine wiles on him . i 'm sure you 'll get a confession . erica : if i were using my feminine wiles , this conversation would be much further along . david : well , maybe you should . erica : maybe you 're right . maybe the townspeople have just chosen you the most obvious monster , and i have been looking in all the wrong places . if you change your mind about negotiating -- let me know . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] jesse : i do n't read this trash . jake : well , wait a second . that could be motive for david destroying all the computers at fusion , right ? jesse : erica and ryan . how is that motive ? amanda : liza and i found a copy of it ripped in half at wildwind . jesse : jealousy ? tad : yeah , like envy , hate . choose one . jesse : all right , that 's something , but it 's -- ahh -- jake : i have a question for you . if he 's convicted , how many years would he get ? jesse : hacking into a mainframe to bring down an entire company ? it 's a long shot , but -- we 're getting ahead of ourselves . it 's all circumstantial . it 's not enough . tad : especially to nail a guy as sleazy as hayward . jake : what if you had an eyewitness ? jesse : well , that would change the whole ballgame . jake : i saw him . jesse : what ? jake : i saw him . i saw david in the back going into the elevator and going up to the top floor . jesse : the night that fusion was attacked ? jake : yeah . yeah . jesse : and you 're just now coming forward with this ? jake : i did n't think it was important till right now , till today . jesse : really . jake : yeah . i did n't even know he was a suspect till right this second . jesse : are you willing to make a statement ? jake : well , does he get arrested if i do ? jesse : i 'll go get my recorder . tad : you saw david . jake : i saw david . tad : yeah . well , you know what i 'm gon na do ? i 'm gon na go call liza , because i think some expert legal advice would be really nice right now . jake : i do n't need any expert legal anything . amanda : are you out of your flippin ' mind ? jake : what ? amanda : you would lie under oath to get david convicted . jake : if it kept him out of our life forever , yeah , you 're damn skippy i would , in a second . krystal : anything interesting ? opal : well , this is tricky . a cat . that means treachery from someone close . a dagger . trouble ahead . ryan 's are definitely the worst leaves of them all . whatever is coming , it 's gon na change his life for good . [ scene_break ] [ knocking on door ] david : all right ! i 'm coming ! ryan : where 's erica ? david : great . how the hell should i know ? ryan : she said she was coming to see you , david . david : yes , and she left . and she did n't get what she came for , in case you 're wondering . ryan : i 'll take a look around just to make sure . david : what ? wait a minute . [ scene_break ] [ knocking on door ] erica : oh , my god . | erica talks to jesse at the police station about david crashing her computer at fusion . erica wants to talk to david into confessing as to what he had done . ryan join jesse and erica and is completely against the idea . amanda and jake find out from angie that his patient is not going to have to have surgery so david will be leaving town . opal gives krystal pointers on how to read tea leaves . jake and amanda arrives at tad 's to tell tad and krystal the news about david leaving town . opal reads her tea leaves and still sees bad news concerning david . david comes downstairs and looks out the window with a smile on his face . greenlee is in the chapel , making wedding plans . david join her . greenlee gets down on one knee and asks david to marry her . david agrees . greenlee and david start to make wedding plans to be married on valentine 's day . ryan is against the idea of erica talking to david , but soon gives in and tells erica to be careful . erica visits david to confront him about his sabotaging the computer at fusion . david once again , denies destroying the computer . david gives erica a donation of ten million dollars for fusion . greenlee imagines how her wedding will be to david when she reveals herself to ryan and erica . amanda lets jake know about the pic of ryan and erica being torn in half . |
[ previously_on ] greenlee : oh ! get off of me ! erica : this confusion company -- fusion -- whatever -- it 's not going to bring me down at all . it 's not going to put a dent in enchantment . maggie : if you have something to say about henry , then just come out and say it . anna : dr. hoffman does n't want the baby 's heart rate to drop any further , so he 's going to perform the surgery tomorrow . [ scene_break ] erica : amateurs . maxie : maxie berlin . erica : maxie , hi . it 's erica kane . maxie : erica , i was just thanking the gods for you and for enchantment . your valentine 's promotion is flying off the shelves . erica : oh , that 's great . i can hear the cash registers ringing in the background . maxie : oh , and i looked into your lead on shanghai girl 's leftovers . fusion bought out their stock . erica : they did ? maxie : i 'll be ready for them when they come here peddling it . i 'll put those fusion girls in their place . to even dream they could perpetrate such a fraud on me . erica : well , i guess they just did n't know who they 're dealing with . maxie : they certainly do n't . well , thank you , erica , for the tip . ciao . erica : ah . another masterpiece by erica kane . [ scene_break ] maxie : bianca , i was just chatting with your mother . bianca : yeah , i could n't help overhear . she told you about fusion 's inventory ? maxie : slapping their label on someone else 's product and marketing it as their own ? it 's criminal . bianca : what are you going to do about it ? simone : ms. berlin ? your assistant said that we would find you here . mia : oh , yeah , yes . so we 're late , we know , but we 've been up all night . simone : we 're working on our new fabulous lip color . mia : but we know that you are going to be crazy about it . simone : yes . actually , i 'm simone , by the way . mia : and i 'm mia . the mia . simone : the . mia : if you were n't sure . maxie : i know who you are , and you 're wasting your time . if you leave quietly , we can avoid a very embarrassing scene . otherwise , i 'll be forced to call security . [ scene_break ] kendall : greenlee , you do n't have to say anything . i messed up , and i know it . greenlee : did i say anything ? kendall : no , i let you guys down . i 'm sorry . i know i was supposed to be here for the lipstick assembly line -- greenlee : but you had a gentleman caller . kendall : you know ? greenlee : i heard . the most fascinating man who ever stepped off a white horse showed up and you forgot everything else . kendall : i know , i know . i 'm pathetic . the minute an available man looks in my direction , i go running to him . i 'm sorry . greenlee : true , but i 'm not going to give you a hard time . kendall : why not ? we 're partners , are n't we ? what ? you want to do all this work yourself so that you can make all the decisions ? no , i do n't think so . i need to carry my weight around here , so please , just accept my apology . greenlee : fine . apology accepted . kendall : i do n't believe you . what is this , some kind of perverse mind control ? come on , greenlee . tell me what you 're really thinking . come on , let me have it . i can take it . greenlee : how stupendous was it ? kendall : what ? greenlee : the man . the date . kendall : you really want to know ? greenlee : i do . was it wonderful ? tell me everything and be specific . [ scene_break ] professor : moving on . the properties of carboxylic acids are attributable to what kind of reaction ? fine . mr. chin ? henry : the properties are attributable to reactions involving the carboxylic group , which are acids . professor : correct . moving on . [ scene_break ] joe : aortic stenosis ? jake : yeah . dr. hoffman has been trying alternative treatments , dad , but he is convinced that in utero surgery is indicated . joe : to operate on the baby while still in the womb -- i know hoffman is experienced , but that 's risky . jake : i know . i know , but at this point , there 's no other option , i mean , if we want to save this child . [ scene_break ] anna : what are you seeing now ? dr. hoffman : there is a thickening of the baby 's left ventricle . anna : which means ? david : it means our baby 's heart is failing . anna : well , what are you waiting for ? we should be in surgery , right ? david : you know , our baby could die during surgery . she could -- anna : we are so lucky . you know , we 're so lucky . in spite of all this , that we live in a time where they have this technology that 's available . it 's like it 's just for us so that our baby can live . just for us , you know ? david : all right , then . anna : i want you to believe that . i really need you to . everything happens for a reason , david . we conceived this baby because we love each other . and i know she has n't had a very easy first start in her life , but we can get her through this . all right ? and she 'll be ours to love for the rest of our lives . right ? david : if she 's anything like her mother , this baby 's going to be able to pull herself through anything . [ scene_break ] professor : all right , can anyone tell me the reactants in the williamson synthesis ? professor : too easy , ms. stone ? hmm ? too difficult ? say something , ms. stone . maggie : in the williamson synthesis , the reactants are halocarbon and sodium salt of alcohol . professor : very good . i 'm impressed . that does n't usually happen . that 's all for today . your last pop quiz . and let me warn you , some of you are already failing this class . professor : ms. stone , will you stay ? i want to talk to you . [ scene_break ] kendall : i would hear about it for the rest of my life . greenlee : oh , kendall , if i thought i was going to know you for the rest of your life -- kendall : oh , come on , greenlee . everything i say , you will use it against me . i know you . i know you . you should come with a miranda warning . greenlee : i said never mind . it looked like you wanted to share . kendall : share ? greenlee : but i guess you do n't want to talk to me , so -- kendall : what the hell happened in here anyway ? greenlee : pipe burst . kendall : oh , god . greenlee : it 's fine now . kendall : what , did you get hit on the head or something ? greenlee : what ? kendall : well , why else would you be so nice to me ? greenlee : i 'm tired . kendall : yeah , that must be it . do you really want to know ? greenlee : tell me . kendall : okay . well -- it was a dream . michael flew me to new york city in his own private helicopter . and do n't ask how beautiful the star or the skies were because i do n't remember . all i remember was us talking the whole way up . and he really listens , too . he really listens to me . i do n't even censor myself when i talk to him the way i usually do , not to sound stupid . greenlee : you do ? i had n't noticed . go on . kendall : anyway , we had dinner downtown at le matisse . but do n't ask what that place was like , you know , or the food because all i remember is michael , michael looking at me , just me . it was as if no one else existed but us . greenlee : and after dinner ? kendall : no , it was n't like that . we came back here , and he said he wants to see me again . greenlee : kendall -- kendall : no , greenlee , greenlee , please do n't . do n't throw cold water on this . please do n't . greenlee : i was n't going to . kendall : you think it 's too good to be true ? greenlee : i think you went to new york in a helicopter with a handsome guy who finds you fascinating . it sounds wonderful . kendall : and you 're saying do n't make more of it than it is ? greenlee : is there more ? kendall : well , i asked him what brought him to pine valley . he has interests all over the world , you know . greenlee : i did n't , but okay . kendall : and he said he could n't stop thinking about me . greenlee : he made you feel like you 're the only woman in the world and all he wants is to be where you are , because if he can look into your eyes , he 'll be happy . kendall : you making fun of me ? greenlee : no , i 'm not making fun of you . i 'm -- kendall : you 're what ? greenlee : remembering . [ scene_break ] maxie : well ? what are you waiting for ? shall i call security to remove you ? mia : there must be some mistake . simone : yeah , yeah . you spoke to one of our fusion partners . mia : we were asked to bring some samples of our new lip color -- simone : right , for possible shelf space . maxie : and exactly how much of that lip color is your own ? besides the label , i mean . mia : excuse me ? i -- maxie : did n't you distribute lipstick samples acquired from a failed company ? simone : right , right . we 're all done with that . that 's all gone . mia : it 's true that fusion 's initial entry -- but not these -- simone : right . mia : was acquired from an outside supplier . simone : right . we 're past that . we 've actually developed our own product line , and it 's 100 % original . mia : guaranteed . simone : yes . mia : please , ms. berlin . try it . we made it ourselves . simone : it 's fabulous . really . maxie : i 've made my decision . this spring , lacey 's will feature exclusively the enchantment line . simone : oh , please do n't say that . mia : oh , please , if you 'll only try it , you 'll see -- simone : yeah , just -- yeah , a chance . bianca : no , wait a minute . i 'll try it . mia : why would you try it , bianca ? bianca : i 'm just dying to know how great you guys really are . simone : then go on . knock yourself out . i 'm sure you 'll find it fabulous . bianca : hmm . bianca : nice texture . mia : thank you . bianca : thank you . bianca : huh . what 's this color called ? mia : it 's called merlot . bianca : hmm . cool . simone : it 's beautiful . mia : do you like it ? bianca : i really like it . simone : uh - huh . maxie : you 're telling me you 'd buy it ? bianca : yes , i would buy it . maxie : over enchantment 's cherry smash ? bianca : um -- you know , they 're entirely different . i would buy both . simone : well , consider it on the house . mia : thank you . thank you , bianca . maxie : you guarantee this is 100 % original ? simone : absolutely . maxie : and lacey 's will be the first store to carry it ? mia : so far , you 're the only store . maxie : all right . we 'll try it for 30 days . if it does n't move -- simone : then we 'll come back and get it . mia : we will . simone : and we wo n't have to , though . mia : no , in fact , we 'll probably have to right back to kendall 's kitchen -- simone : shh . [ pager beeps ] maxie : oh . i 've got to take this . we 'll be in touch . simone : thank you , bianca . really , that was so great of you . mia : how can we thank you ? bianca : no , gosh , do n't mention it . just -- in fact , do n't mention it to anyone . simone : right . mia : right . simone : your mom would probably have a stroke . bianca : yes . mia : but now , thanks to you , fusion and enchantment really are competitors . simone : yeah ! bianca : yeah , i would n't go that far . and by the way , that 's the kind of thing i 'd rather you not say to people , the `` thanks to me `` part . mia : of course . right . simone : yes . bianca : besides , i did n't really do anything . i mean , all i did was tell maxie what i honestly thought . simone : well , why did you , though ? i mean , you did n't have to . bianca : well , i mean , she was refusing to even look at your product . i did n't think it was fair , that 's all . i think you guys deserve a shot . mia : and now we 've got one , thanks to you . right . bianca : right . well , so long , and good luck . simone : thank you . if there 's any way that we can return the favor -- bianca : no . not at all . just let 's keep this between us . mia : oh ! we did it ! we are on our way . okay ! [ scene_break ] kendall : i know i 'm getting ahead of myself , and i should n't . on the other hand , i always picture the worst , and i 'm trying not to do that , so i -- i really -- i do n't know how to take all of this . greenlee : well , just do n't think . just enjoy it . kendall : right . enjoy it . that 's what i have to do . i just have to enjoy it . only i -- greenlee : what ? kendall : i ca n't . i ca n't . i have to know what 's next . greenlee : well , that 's just it . you never know what 's going to happen next . kendall : is this sort of how you felt when you first fell in love with leo ? greenlee : well , leo was n't smooth the way your friend is , but he did have that talent for making the rest of the world disappear . kendall : how long before you knew ? greenlee : that i was in love with him ? kendall : mm - hmm . greenlee : leo and i made love for the first time on an empty set at wrcw . kendall : oh , i guess it was n't something you planned . greenlee : i never could have planned for it . but i fell in love with him while we were making love . what could be more romantic than that ? man : ahem . greenlee : carlos . i did n't hear you come in . carlos : i -- i was here . greenlee : what is it ? carlos : i need to look at the wall and check the water pipe . greenlee : so , go ahead . kendall : who 's that ? greenlee : carlos , this is kendall , one of the founding partners . this is carlos . he kept the place from flooding last night . carlos : mucho gusto . kendall : oh , well , thank you very much . carlos : my work will be quick . kendall : oh , no . feel free . take your time . make yourself feel right at home . carlos : no . i do n't think so . [ scene_break ] mia and simone : money ! money ! money ! money ! mia : whoo ! whoo ! kendall : what happened ? what happened ? simone : oh , we are so in . mia : money , money , money , money . kendall : what ? greenlee : you mean lacey 's ? simone : oh , gosh . mia : she loved the product . simone : oh . mia : it 's on the shelves , as we speak . she gave us 30 days ! simone : to order more . thank you . greenlee : that sounds too easy . kendall : well , you guys must have done a hell of a sell job . simone : well , yes , but the product did sell itself . mia : yes , and she loved the way that it looked on -- we ca n't tell you . kendall : wait , wait , wait . what do you mean , you ca n't tell us ? greenlee : tell us everything . mia : well , first , she threatened to call security . greenlee : what ? mia : she knew about shanghai . greenlee and kendall : what ? mia : she did . greenlee : shanghai was top secret . who could have told her ? kendall : guess . [ scene_break ] erica : shelf space ? she gave this thing shelf space ? bianca : i was there when it happened . erica : oh , but how can maxie do that ? how could she do that after all she owes me ? bianca : mom , maxie works for lacey 's , not for enchantment . erica : but even so , i mean , she knows this is just leftover inventory from shanghai . bianca : and how does she know that , mom ? erica : did you really expect that i would keep that to myself , bianca ? i felt obliged to let her in on this . bianca : what ? is that the cosmetics industry code of conduct ? erica : well , it just does n't make sense . something must have happened after i talked to maxie . bianca : well , first of all , it 's not the stuff from shanghai . what fusion gave out at the student center is not what she brought to lacey 's . erica : well , even so , i mean , maxie is well aware of it , that her customers -- they come there looking for the very top - of - the - line things . they come there for enchantment products . they come there for me . i mean , my goodness . the customers may even wind up thinking that this -- this greasy , disgusting stuff is mine , it 's enchantment 's . bianca : i do n't think so , mom . i think that greenlee and the others are going to make very sure that people know what 's what . erica : well , i really do n't understand , because if this is not the leftover inventory from shanghai , then that means they have already gone into production , and i really do n't understand that . hmm . bianca : nice texture , huh ? you do n't know you have it on . erica : bianca , do n't tell me . you 're not . bianca : yeah , they let me try some on . oh , mom , it 's good . it 's really good . erica : val , i want boyd larraby and i want him now . [ scene_break ] maggie : i got a 100 ? professor : that 's what you get when all the answers are correct . maggie : yeah , i guess so . well , thank you . is there anything else ? professor : yes . you know the material , ms. stone . but in my class that is n't quite enough . i want you to speak up , join the discussion . you have a great deal to contribute . maggie : i do ? professor : yes , you do . if this is what you want , it 's within your grasp . there is no one in this class you need to defer to , not even henry chin . [ scene_break ] dr. hoffman : sorry to interrupt . david : what ? dr. hoffman : it 's a woman from the billing department . i 'm afraid they need your signature again , in triplicate . david : oh , that 's the easy part . if they want my firstborn , they can just forget it . i 'll be back , okay ? anna : okay . david : okay . anna : could you grab me this phone , please ? thank you . i just want to make a phone call . thank you . anna : trey ? hello ? trey : hey . anna , where are you ? anna : i 'm here . i 'm here in pine valley . trey : you 're here ? is everything okay ? anna : yeah . well , i have to go into surgery . they have to operate on the baby in utero . trey : oh , anna . what do you need ? is there anything i can do ? anna : yeah . david 's here , obviously . i know it 's short notice , but he needs someone to help him through this . could you -- trey : anna , anna , of course . i am on my way . anna : thanks . i 'll see you after it 's over . david : well , that 's it . ca n't get our money back now . dr. hoffman : everything is ready . david : thank you . anna : whoo . wow . david : wow . anna : are you going to be in the o.r . with dr. hoffman ? david : no . he does n't need a back - seat surgeon . not unless you want me there . anna : i want you to have faith . can you do that for me ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : what else did erica say to you in aspen ? kendall : it was just a long rant about how i 'm using erica 's name to get ahead -- like i would ever use her name to get ahead . that would defeat the whole -- anyway , i did n't . i did n't do it . simone : yeah , anyway , who does n't already know that erica kane is your mother ? kendall : a lot of people do n't . and i ca n't help it if maxie was excited . i mean , she said i had erica 's passion and erica 's fire . mia : that 's good , right ? kendall : well , i guess she meant it as a compliment , but i was n't crazy -- greenlee : oh , god . did you diss erica to maxie ? i mean , they 're like this . kendall : no , as tempting as it was , i remained very positive . mia : are you sure you did n't mention the shanghai stuff ? kendall : you know , i 'm not stupid . greenlee : okay , if a cosmetics company opens or closes its doors anywhere in the world , erica knows about it . mia : yeah . kendall : yeah , and so she knows about shanghai girl . and who knows who else she told ? mia : but we 're not recycling their products anymore . we 're on our own , and fusion 's real product is top - rate . kendall : yeah , but if erica 's badmouthing us to everyone -- simone : well , wait a minute , and why -- i mean , she ca n't even be threatened . we 're not even anybody yet . greenlee : but she is threatened . why is that ? mia : why ? greenlee : well , you said it yourself . mia : what did i say ? greenlee : fusion 's product is top - rate , and erica 's smart enough to sense that , even before we 're on the market . kendall : that 's right , she can sense a winner , and that 's what we are . we 're winners . greenlee : yeah , if erica 's already playing dirty , we 're on the right track . kendall : you guys can do without me for half an hour , right ? simone : whoa , whoa , where are you going ? kendall : as flattering as it is , i can not have erica badmouthing our company 's reputation . simone : oh , so what ? you 're going to go there and tell her to stop it , and then she 's going to what , stop it ? mia : you know , you 're just going to make her more mad at us . simone : yeah , do we really want a full - out blown - out enemy with erica ? kendall : erica already is our enemy . as long as i 'm around , she always will be . simone : oh , wonderful . mia : look , is n't there any way that you two could just , like , i do n't know , kiss and make up ? kendall : no . simone : okay , then . we 've got to make this work for us as best as we can , so now we 're going to have to be david against enchantment 's goliath . mia : well , are n't we ? greenlee : yes . kendall : yeah , yeah . mia : so this is a strategy , right ? we want sympathy and we want press . simone : yeah , that 's the idea . greenlee : so go to her , kendall . make sure erica knows we 're not afraid of her , and do n't leave until she feels like crushing the life right out of us . kendall : okay , i will , i will . greenlee : it 'll be the best thing that ever happened to fusion . kendall : that 's right . i will press every button i possibly can , and this time there will be no downside to it . none . simone : you go , girl . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's impossible . it 's impossible . they do n't have a chemist . look . bianca : i know , mom . erica : whoever made this really knew what they were doing . it had to be somebody with a lot of expertise . what 's this ? boyd : well , it 's lip color , and according to the label , it 's fusion . erica : yes , yes , i know that . i want to know how they made it . boyd : i 'm not quite sure i understand what you 're asking . erica : okay , boyd , fusion is just a label . they have not yet commissioned a lab . i happen to know that for a fact . and yet they were able to come up with a really first - rate product on their first try . boyd : it looks pretty damn good , does n't it ? erica : i want to know how they did that . okay , boyd , i want you to take that down to the lab and break it down . i would like you to analyze it . boyd : i do n't need to , erica . i -- i already know what 's in it . i was there when they made it . [ scene_break ] man : pretty impressive in there . i mean , the mental telepathy you got going with the mighty chin . regina : maggie came up with the answer by herself . so could you , if you did the work . maggie : thanks . not that i need your help . regina : you do n't need my help and you do n't need to study with henry chin . and if you 're smart , you wo n't . [ scene_break ] david : i 've been taking credit for your work for years . and even when i decided to be big enough to let you share with me , i get credit for humility . so i ca n't lose , right ? i ca n't lose . i guess i 'm in line for an overdose of some real humility , huh ? well , here i am . i 'm humbled . but if this is something else , if this is you trying to punish me for past deeds , you remember it 's not just me here . there 's anna and our little girl . so just back off . find some other way to get back at me , all right ? listen , if my little girl dies , all those lives you want me to save and all those good works you still want me to perform -- you can just forget it . david : oh . trey : hey . how 's anna doing ? david : well , they 're just bringing her into surgery . how did you know ? trey : anna called me . just before she went , she asked me to be here with you . david : she 's still thinking of me . trey : well , she loves you , david , very , very much . david : well , you know , i 've got her in the best possible hands , you know . i mean , dr. hoffman -- he 's the best in the world . trey : i 'm sure he is . david : anna wants me to have faith . i 'm not really sure what that means . trey : faith . i 'm not sure i do either . but from what i hear , it 's there for the asking . [ scene_break ] maggie : do you know , that is the 187th cryptic comment you have made about henry and me . regina : well -- maggie : is it a jealousy thing ? regina : as if . henry likes working alone . maggie : what , are you his mother now ? regina : god forbid . maggie : regina , what the hell is your problem ? what is that supposed to mean ? useless . henry : what was that about ? maggie : i do n't know . why do n't you tell me , because that girl keeps on dropping me clues , and then she just runs away . henry : then do n't pay any attention . it 's just because we 're chinese and you 're not . maggie : excuse -- what ? what is that supposed to mean ? what ? oh , wait . i 'm sorry . i guess i was absent the day that they said that you guys can be bigoted and everyone else ca n't . henry : no , it 's not that . it 's just a cultural thing . maggie : a cultural thing ? so regina does n't think that i can be your partner because i 'm not the right culture ? henry : no , look , you do n't understand . maggie : well , then you can you explain it to me ? henry : no , i ca n't . maggie : why not ? henry : look , you do n't understand and you never will . maggie : fine . then next time you can answer the damn question yourself . [ scene_break ] erica : you were there when they made it ? where is `` there `` ? boyd : kendall called me . she asked me to stop by her condo . erica : her condo ? bianca : oh , kendall rented hayley and mateo 's old place . boyd : anyway , she sounded like she was in trouble . i mean , she 's just moved in , so i figured it was an apartment problem , you know , like a gas leak or a mouse or something . erica : what ? boyd : i mean , i had no idea she was there with her co - workers manufacturing product . erica : wait a second . are you trying to tell me that those fusion harpies were cooking this up on kendall 's stove ? boyd : that 's what i 'm telling you , yes . erica : but you helped them ? boyd : of course not . well , not exactly . erica : well , what do you mean by that , `` not exactly `` ? boyd : well , when i got there , they -- well , kendall and the others could n't keep the lip color from sticking . i did mention they needed to let it cool . of course , they would have figured that out anyway . erica : why , of course . why , of course . boyd : erica , they were following instructions from the internet . it 's not as if they stole some huge industry secret . erica : but you helped them , and they are a competing company . you helped them when you have brand - new exclusive contract here with a big fat raise . boyd : i realize that , erica . erica : boyd , look , you 're good . you 're very good . but i gave you that big fat raise and this exclusive contract with more vacation time out of loyalty , out of your history here with enchantment . and this is how you repay me ? boyd : erica , i would never be disloyal to you . i made a helpful comment like any friend would have done . erica : a friend ? boyd , is that why you think kendall called you over , as a friend ? what , for a housewarming ? do you think she would even remember you if you were n't my top chemist ? boyd , this is how kendall operates . i 'll tell you about your friend kendall -- she 's a liar , and she 's a thief . boyd : erica , stop it . erica : she was caught red - handed here . boyd : stop it ! do n't talk about her that way . erica : i beg your pardon ? boyd : look , erica , i know the history , okay ? everyone knows . you see her as a devil child . well , i do n't . i see a girl who 's bright and funny and innocent , who 's only try -- erica : innocent ? kendall is innocent ? oh , no . oh , boyd . you 're in love with her . god help you , boyd . [ scene_break ] simone : so , if merlot is a big seller , then we can always go for beaujolais . mia : should n't we worry about creating a lip color before we try to come up with a name ? simone : no , no , not necessarily . greenlee : yeah , if people are going for rioja and merlot , they 're going to love beaujolais . simone : right . and if they 're so into their wine lip colors , then they 're probably going to be too smashed to actually pucker up and put their lipstick on . greenlee : oh . ahem . yeah ? carlos : i can not finish now . i need more supplies to fix the wall . greenlee : sure . whatever . carlos : i 'm sorry . i know you want me gone . greenlee : no , it does n't matter . as long as you get it done right . carlos : of course i will . greenlee : no , no , no , i did n't -- look , carlos , you 're doing a great job . you saved my butt last night , and -- carlos : wait . look , i fixed the pipes . that 's all . greenlee : no . no . it 's an expression . i did n't -- okay , in the words of ricky ricardo , `` ay , ay ! `` look , about last night , i 'm sorry about the way i acted . when you picked me up in your arms and you took me away from the water , i acted like a total bitch , and i 'm sorry . carlos : i understand . you are just sad because your husband is dead . [ scene_break ] david : jake ? jake : trey , could you let us have a word with david , please ? trey : sure , sure . i 'll go take care of a few things , and i 'll come back . david : yeah , yeah . what ? what ? what is it ? what 's going on ? [ scene_break ] carlos : bye . ladies , good - bye . ay nos vemos . mia : our maintenance guy sure looks nice . simone : yeah , it kind of makes you want to break something , do n't it ? mia : hmm , yeah . simone : so , what exactly went on here last night , chickie ? greenlee : nothing . simone : uh - huh . greenlee : i could n't say anything right , like just now , but much , much worse . luckily , carlos forgives me . he thinks i 'm a bitch because my husband died . simone : well , i can tell him that you 've always been a bitch . greenlee : okay , let 's get back to work . mia : let 's do that . simone : all right , how about , like , chardonnay for a lip gloss ? [ scene_break ] boyd : i should have never given them advice about lip color . erica : all right , look , i do n't want to talk about that any more right now . but i do think that we should talk about -- about -- boyd : i 'm sorry , erica , no . i do n't have to clear my personal feelings with you . erica : no , of course not . you certainly do n't . and ordinarily -- ordinarily , if you wanted to make a fool out of yourself over kendall or over anybody else , boyd , that really would be none of my business , but we are talking about business here . this is enchantment . and kendall has stated very clearly and all over the place that her life 's mission is to -- kendall : to what ? to destroy you ? oh , i gave that up a long time ago . erica : is that why you made really friends with my best chemist ? kendall : everything is not about you , erica . i 'm finally on my own . i do n't need you or your chemist for that matter . erica : ugh . and yet you 're here . kendall : yes , i am here , to tell you to stay away from me and leave me the hell alone . [ scene_break ] david : what ? a stroke ? jake : yes . david : how is that possible ? when did this happen ? joe : they were just about to go into the or . david : oh , my gosh . a stroke . what now ? did anna see this ? did she see dr. hoffman collapse ? jake : no . anna did n't see a thing . joe : it all happened very quickly . we gave hoffman a dose of tpa right away . david : what -- what -- what about the baby ? jake : david , i 'm afraid the baby 's showing signs of bradycardia . david : all right , well , then we have to get another specialist in here . joe : no , david , we do n't have time . david : well , we could call a medevac . we bring her to boston clinic . what are you talking about ? jake : david , wait . i need you to listen to me . the baby 's heart is failing , and we have to operate right now . david : how , jake ? we do n't have anybody . jake : we have you . [ next_on ] michael : i was hoping you 'd be free for dinner . how does your evening look ? kendall : it 's looking better and better . erica : why are you looking at me like that ? bianca : because you totally blew it . david : if you want me to perform this surgery , you 've got to be the one to decide this , not me . | bianca overhears erica talking to maxie ( head of lacey 's ) about fusion and figures out that erica is trying to sabotage kendall 's company . simone and mia bring maxie the lipsticks but maxie says she does n't want the castoffs from a failed company . they tell her that they did give those out for free as a marketing ploy , but this is their own original product . bianca comes up and asks to try it ; she likes it and tells maxie that she would buy it , so maxie tells them that they have one month of sales to see how it goes . they thank bianca , who asks them not to tell anyone . kendall is surprised when greenlee is nice to her and wants to know about her new boyfriend . kendall talks about how great he is and how worried she is about messing it up . greenlee advises her to just go with it and not think about it . anna is about to undergo surgery . jake and joe talk about how risky it is . david chats with her beforehand . anna phones trey so he can come be with david . anna asks david to have faith . maggie and henry are in class ; the professor asks maggie a question and she gets it right , surprising the professor . afterwards , the professor tells maggie she got 100 % right on her test and suggests she participate more in class discussion . carlos is cold to greenlee ; she apologizes to him for acting like a bitch yesterday . he says he understand -- she is grieving for her husband . simone and mia return to tell greenlee and kendall what happened at lacey 's ( but not about bianca ) . they figure that erica must have tried to sabotage them , so she must be worried . kendall intends to go tell off erica so she will stop bad - mouthing fusion and also so erica will get more rattled . erica is livid when she finds out about fusion taking up shelf space at lacey 's . bianca shows her the lipstick and how good it is . erica does n't think fusion could have come up with something so great , so fast , so she calls boyd in to yell at him . he says the only help he gave them was one suggestion that they would have figured out anyway . erica realizes that boyd is in love with kendall when he defends her . he tells her that she ca n't dictate his private life . david talks to god in the hospital chapel . trey chats with him there about faith . regina makes more cryptic comments to maggie about henry but wo n't explain . henry comes along and tells maggie that she wo n't understand because she 's not chinese . maggie is astonished at their attitude . joe & jake tell david that dr. hoffman had a stroke right before he was supposed to operate on anna 's baby . they also say that the baby is failing so david is the baby 's only chance now . |
david : recognize the gun , adam ? adam : yes . the initials on the butt of that revolver indicate to me that we found the killer . david : bull 's - eye . and that killer would be you . adam : but you 're the one holding the gun . david : and you 're the one that planted it here to frame me . adam : you -- you been dipping into the pharmaceuticals again ? david : well , you see , now , that 's what 's called a non - denial denial . adam : we do n't need any more scapegoats . kendall hart cambias is going to take the fall for michael 's death . in the meantime , i 'm needed elsewhere . [ gunshot ] [ scene_break ] ryan : i could n't possibly have heard you right . you think that i turned on you ? kendall : yeah , you really had me going with all that `` do n't worry , baby , i 'll help you `` stuff . i -- i totally fell for it . ryan : wow . you sure give me a lot of credit . kendall : i give you way too much credit . but then when it all fell apart in court , it became so obvious . ryan : not to me . kendall : stop it , ryan ! stop it ! greenlee may have ripped my dress off and exposed my big fake belly to the court , but you pushed her ! you held her hand every step of the way ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : bianca 's the one who 's pregnant ? jack : that 's right . she 's carrying michael cambias ' child . greenlee : she got pregnant when he raped her . oh , my god . why is she having it ? why did n't she have an abortion ? jack : she tried to . she thought that would be the best way to handle it , given the circumstances . but when it came right down to it , she could n't do it . greenlee : i do n't understand . jack : well , maybe you can understand this . everything kendall has done since august 28 has not been done to hurt you . she was doing it to try to protect her sister . [ scene_break ] erica : that could n't be your blood , bianca . there 's a mistake , sweetheart . bianca : no , mom . it 's not a mistake . erica : but that would mean that you 're pregnant , and you 're not . you ca n't be pregnant . bianca : mom , you told me that you could handle the truth . erica : i wish i knew what the truth was . bianca : i did n't have the abortion . i could n't . i 'm pregnant with michael 's baby . my baby . erica : bianca , you know better than to say things like that . bianca : mom , i want you to -- i want you to look at me . really look . did you feel it ? erica : yes . bianca : seven months . erica : this was n't supposed to be . bianca : mom , you have to believe me . i did n't do this to hurt you . i -- i really did n't . that 's the last thing i want . but this baby is my reality now . for months , i 've -- i 've felt her grow and move . the first time i felt her kick -- kendall is convinced it 's a girl . another kane woman , she says . so i 've just gotten in the habit of calling her `` she . `` erica : but you said -- we agreed . you went to the clinic . bianca : i did . i -- i went to the clinic . i -- i was determined to have the abortion . i really was , just like we talked about . after everything that you told me , everything that you had been through , i thought that there was no way that i could have this baby . but then , at the clinic , i talked to kendall , and -- and i knew that there was no way i could n't have it . erica : but no , you -- you -- i distinctly remember you told me you had the abortion . bianca : no , i did n't . that 's -- that 's -- that 's just what you believed , mom . erica : bianca , no , you told me that on more than one occasion . bianca : i never said it . you -- you jumped to that conclusion . and you were so convinced that it was right that i could n't tell you otherwise . i let you believe what you had to believe . erica : but why could n't you tell me ? why did this have to be kept a secret from me ? [ scene_break ] jack : then things started to really spin out of control . ryan found a sonogram at michael 's graveside , so naturally he assumed it was bianca 's . bianca was desperate to keep her pregnancy from her mother . kendall knew this , and so she stepped in and said , `` hey , you know what ? that 's my sonogram . i 'm the one pregnant by michael cambias . `` greenlee : and he believed her ? why ? jack : she was trying to help her sister . that 's it . it was n't until later she realized you know what ? maybe being pregnant with the cambias heir would be good for her , work for her . greenlee : to the tune of billions . jack : no , it -- it was about her defense , greenlee , and we had pretty much torpedoed the prosecution 's case . it was working until you showed up today and showed the whole thing to be a fake . greenlee : but in a few months when she gave birth to a rubber pillow , do n't you think that people would figure it out ? jack : in a few months , it would n't matter ! the trial would be over ! now she may pay with her life for something she did n't do , thanks to you ! greenlee : you 're so sure that she did n't kill michael . jack : yes , you bet i am . would i be involved in this if i was n't sure about that ? but you , who knew nothing about it whatsoever -- you decided to take things in your own hands ! well , you know what ? i hope you realize what it is you 've done here ! i mean , is what i 'm saying getting through to you in any way , greenlee ? greenlee : i suppose a simple `` i 'm sorry `` does n't mean much when you 've sent someone to death row . jack : oh , that 's fine ! you know what ? just keep making jokes ! greenlee : i recognize that tone of disgust in your voice . and ryan wo n't even wipe his shoes on me . looks like i 'm not on anyone 's valentine 's day list this year , so you know what ? i 'm going to make things simple for you . i 'll just take one giant leap for mankind right out this window . jack : greenlee , stop . greenlee : better yet , push me . jack : greenlee -- greenlee : either way , tell kendall that i never meant her to get killed ! jack : would you -- would you just stop ? greenlee : i just wanted her to be honest with me ! jack : stop it ! [ scene_break ] ryan : ok , you got to help me out here . you think -- you think that greenlee and i are working together to get you a lethal injection ? can you please tell me how you made the great leap to that particular judgment ? kendall : well , i mean , you were n't all that subtle about it . all i had to do was put the pieces together . now , how many times did i catch the two of you conspiring against me ? ryan : wow , i 've lost track . kendall : like at the ski lodge . ryan : what ? new year 's , when you decided to eavesdrop on us ? i told you you heard us wrong . kendall : well , i -- i believed you at some point . but then the other night , i was outside your apartment . i heard the two of you together again . you said something about being a great team , greenlee promised that she 'd be your secret weapon , and then you sealed it with a kiss . ryan : and that means that we 're both out to get you ? kendall : you said `` about kendall . `` greenlee said she 'd keep her promise , and you said together you both make a great team . ryan : and what about everything that we shared , kendall , including a marriage proposal ? what is that ? is that just crap ? kendall : i 'm sure at some point you were for real , but you just could n't bear to give up all that money and power , which , honestly , i ca n't say that i blame you . but you did n't have to do this . you did n't have to turn against me , ryan . we could have worked something else out . ryan : rotten bastard that i am , i ca n't believe you would have wanted to . kendall : it would have been a hell of a lot better that all the -- the stupid lies that you told me ! all the stupid lies that you told me , ryan ! you set me up ! you set me up good , and that -- that 's what is so devastating about this . ryan : do you really think that i 'm that low ? kendall : ryan , i could have been acquitted ! i could have been acquitted ! but you and your stupid little mole , greenlee -- you had to stab me in the back , strip me naked in court , and sign my death sentence ! ryan : you 've got 30 seconds , kendall -- 30 seconds to take back every word . [ scene_break ] adam : what do you hope to prove with this target practice ? david : i 'm really angry , adam , and i 'm going to make you suffer before i shoot you . adam : really ? well -- i 'm -- i 'm very pleased , but i think i 'll pass . david : you tried to frame me with this gun . why should n't i let you die for that ? adam : you have lost your mind . david : no , it was justifiable , your honor . i came back to my cabin and found adam chandler there , in my home , brandishing the weapon in question . a terrible struggle ensued . and then he threw me across the room ! of course , i fought back ! but in the end , i was forced to defend myself , your honor . i grabbed hold of the gun , we struggled , and it went off . but it was either him or me . so i shot him to save my own life . [ scene_break ] doctor : in my opinion , that bullet should be removed . i could go in here , clean it out , stabilize the spine and check for any bone fragments . then close you up , put you on another round of antibiotics , steroids if necessary , and let the healing begin . edmund : ok , what are the risks ? doctor : i 've done a boatload of these surgeries . edmund : so i 've heard . actually , i did a little research on you . doctor : mm - hmm . edmund : i think the word they use is `` infallible . `` doctor : my success rate is excellent . edmund : ok . so what are the odds i come out of this better than when i came in ? doctor : given your determination , i 'd say whatever the odds are , there 's a good chance you can beat it . maria : what are you , a surgeon or a bookie ? doctor : a realist . dr. ellis marshall . maria : dr. maria santos - grey . edmund : this is my wife . maria : so something must have changed in these since last i looked at them , then . dr. marshall : only your husband 's resolve to take the next step . maria : you 're consulting ? edmund : just at my request . maria : that 's great . can i just have a second with him by myself ? dr. marshall : of course . maria : thanks . dr. marshall : i have some calls i need to make . maria : what in hell are you doing ? what are you doing ? where is -- where did he come from ? were you going to tell me about this ? edmund : it 's not a secret , maria , you know ? he just arrived sooner than i expected , and i was going to tell you . look , i got to weigh my options . maria : yes , of course you do . but we have n't even determined the full extent of your paralysis . edmund : any extent of paralysis is a little too much , as far as i 'm concerned . maria : i know , honey . i am -- i am merely suggesting that we give your body a chance to heal itself before you have somebody come in here and start slicing and dicing . edmund : come here . can we just talk about it -- the elephant that 's in the room right now , the one that 's got you so terrified you ca n't even mention it ? i ca n't shut down even if you can . all right ? now , what if this is as good as it gets ? what if my body does n't restore itself ? [ scene_break ] david : there 's a way out of this , adam . confess to killing cambias and we can all go home in one piece . adam : i did not kill michael cambias . david : then why did you set me up with this gun ? adam : your imagination is working overtime . david : stop playing games with me , adam ! we both know damn well that erica had this gun in her possession the night that cambias died , and we both know that you ended up with it ! adam : you 're wasting my time . david : stop pushing your luck with me , adam ! get away from the door ! get back in the room , now ! adam : all right , all right . david : now , someone has to take the fall for cambias ' murder , so why do n't we go through the list of likely candidates . there 's erica -- not going to happen . bianca -- uh - uh . and , of course , there 's kendall . sorry , i wo n't allow it . adam : it 's all about you and your ladies . you are so transparent . if you were any more transparent , you would be invisible . david : and then there 's you . adam : me ? david : works for me . adam : maybe there 's a middle ground . david : too much talk . you 're not saying what i want to hear . adam : all right , all right . whatever you say . i will confess . it 's very wise to put it on tape . david : speak clearly , adam . it 's showtime . [ scene_break ] jack : stop being so melodramatic ! a suicide or a homicide is not going to help clear up this mess . greenlee : you mean my mess . jack : yeah , your mess . you 're damn right . you may as well take the blame . greenlee : oh , besides , in a suicide or a homicide , you need a corpse . is n't that correct , counselor ? jack : yes , that is correct . and your point is what ? greenlee : in order to have a corpse , you first have to be a person , a once- upon - a - time live , breathing , useful human being . and i 'm none of those things , am i , daddy ? i 'm horrible and worthless and you wish i were n't your daughter . jack : i never said that , greenlee . greenlee : you said that every single day you kept the truth from me . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't understand why you did n't just come to me , why you did n't tell me that you could n't go through with it . bianca : that 's why , mom . that look in your eye right now that tells me that i 've hurt you and i 've disappointed you and i 've let you down . i love you so much , mom , and i know how hard this is for you , and i never , ever wanted to hurt you . that 's why i did n't tell you . erica : but this is one of the most important decisions of your life . bianca : yes , i know , and i was confused , and i had a lot to figure out . but once i spoke to kendall in the clinic , i knew that no matter how much i hated michael , i could n't terminate my pregnancy . erica : kendall -- she talked you out of this . bianca : no , no . she did n't have to . she 's my sister . i love her . and when i look at her -- god , what if she had never been born ? there would be this huge hole in my life where she was supposed to be . i feel the same about this one . erica : you honestly thought that something like this could be kept a secret ? bianca : i know it was stupid and crazy . and once people started to find out , the whole thing just unraveled . it was fine when it was just me and kendall and maggie , but then ryan found my sonogram . erica : oh , my god . ryan knows ? bianca : yes , and kendall told him it was her baby . she was trying to protect me . and he was trying to protect her , too . i really feel that ryan loves kendall . erica : and david -- david must know . bianca : david is my doctor . i had to tell him the truth . kendall has been amazing , mom . she has taken so much heat for me . but , ultimately , it was my decision and it 's my responsibility , and it almost worked until greenlee pulled that stunt in the courtroom , and then everything fell apart . if she just had left us alone , nobody would have been hurt . can you understand any of this , mom ? does it make any sense ? [ scene_break ] ryan : this is your one chance , kendall , to take back every word . kendall : no . there is nothing for me to take back , ryan . this is your one chance to deny it . just tell me you did n't plot this whole thing . [ ryan turns around and leaves ] kendall : what , so that 's it ? that 's it ? no mitigating circumstances , no final word , no nothing ? [ scene_break ] david : all you have to do , adam , is speak into the mike . loud and clear -- `` i , adam chandler , killed michael cambias . `` come on , time 's a'wasting . adam : you 're not going to shoot me , you maniac . you do n't have the guts . [ tape player stops ] david : very clever , adam . thought you 'd get me to incriminate myself on tape ? adam : you 're a doctor . you gave an oath to do no harm . david : as far as i 'm concerned , ridding the world of you would be a public service . i almost killed you once before , remember ? adam : yeah , well , you were new in town . david : yeah , that 's true . well , i 'll make sure i do it right this time . adam : all right . all right . now . [ scene_break ] maria : your body has been traumatized . that is my heart that you 're messing with . i 'm not going to let you take it away from me , especially before it gets a chance to heal . edmund : yeah , but the doctor -- he said that -- maria : you know what ? ok , yes , the doctor 's a genius . yes , he is . but he does n't know what i know . your body -- your body is going to heal itself . you just -- you need to give it a chance to get strong on its own . edmund : i do n't want to live the rest of my life in a chair . maria : i know you do n't . i know , and i get that . i do . and you know what ? if things do n't happen soon enough or well enough , then we 'll get his brilliance right back in here , ok ? we 'll do that . but i 'm telling you , we 're not going to need it . edmund : do you really believe that ? maria : yes . i do . and you know what ? in the meantime , our little boy 's got a birthday coming up , and i promised him he 'd have it right here in his daddy 's room , and so i 've got a job to do . [ scene_break ] jack : i 'll tell you what -- if you just want to stand around here and assign blame to anybody but yourself , you go right ahead . i have things i need to do . greenlee : i 'm sure whatever it is , it 's way more important than i am . jack : you know what , greenlee ? unconditional love is for puppies . now , if you 'll excuse me , i have to go tell erica that her other daughter 's pregnant ! greenlee : your precious little erica was n't allowed to know that her very favorite daughter was with child ? at least i 'm in good company . anyone else left in the dark , other than the prosecution ? jack : is that so important ? greenlee : i 'm just curious to find out how much of an outsider that i really am . for example , reggie , your other child -- did he know ? come on , dad . moment of truth . it 's about time , do n't you think ? jack : yes , reggie knew that bianca was pregnant from the rape , but he thought she 'd terminated . greenlee : and david . jack : no , no , david 's bianca 's doctor , so what do you think ? greenlee : we all know about my very , very best friend , ryan . and maggie , lena -- it 's a pretty good guess to assume that they were all allowed in your little club . jack : is that what really matters to you ? greenlee : what matters is i stood outside the courtroom and begged for someone to tell me why it was perfectly ok for kendall to lie and cheat . and you know what my answer was ? `` shut up , greenlee . `` `` none of your business , greenlee . `` `` go away , little girl , so the adults can take care of the important stuff . `` you want to know what my favorite one was ? `` you 're a pariah , greenlee . just leave town . `` that little gem is courtesy of my future stepmother . what a welcome to the family . jack : why the hell would anybody tell you anything ? i mean , certainly you ca n't be trusted with anything as far as bianca goes or as far as kendall 's concerned . i was n't going to tell you a damn thing and give you ammunition for the next time you go gunning for erica . greenlee : so you just decided to keep me out of the loop ? jack : you bet ! greenlee : who says blood is thicker than water ? not with this clan . i am sure as hell nobody 's cousin , i 'm nobody 's sister , and i 'm certainly nobody 's daughter . jack : this is not about full disclosure . this is about trust , greenlee ! greenlee : here 's what you do n't get . if you trusted me with the truth about bianca , none of this would be happening . i 'm willing to take the responsibility , dad , but you sure as hell need to take your share of the blame . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 've never been through anything remotely like this before . first i was raped , and then this . they do n't write rules for how you should handle these things . i just -- i did the best i could . i figured that i would leave town before i started showing and then i would have the baby someplace else . erica : the big trip to europe . bianca : yeah , that was the plan . but then kendall went on trial for murder , and i could n't leave her , not after all the sacrifices she had made for me . erica : you were going to do what i did . you were going to leave town and have your baby somewhere else , then come home like nothing had happened . answer me , bianca . that was your plan , was n't it ? bianca : not quite , mom . i 'm keeping my child . erica : i do n't know what to say . i do n't know what you need from me , bianca . bianca : just tell me what you 're feeling , mom . i have no idea what this must be like for you , how hard this must be -- to go through this all over again , to watch somebody you love , your own daughter . so please tell me , mom . that 's really all i need from you now . [ scene_break ] jack : well , you 're certainly right about that -- there 's plenty of blame to go around here . greenlee : i 'm the one being held to the fire . i pay the price because your tender little fiancée ca n't handle the truth , so you all just decided to get together and cut me out of the loop . jack : now you just sound paranoid . greenlee : i would n't be paranoid if you all were n't out to get me . think about it . i was just fighting kendall for my company . jack : oh , i see . let me see if i 've got this right . you 're saying that fusion was your excuse for all this ? greenlee : kendall was stealing the one thing that i really care about . i never meant to put her life in jeopardy . i feel terrible about it . but she was stealing my company right out from under me . jack : fusion 's a business ! we 're talking about human lives here ! greenlee : fusion is my baby , my dream , and it may be the only thing in my life that i 've ever done right . jack : all right , you know what ? now , that 's just ridiculous . greenlee : do n't you dare tell me that i ca n't fight for what 's mine . jack : that just depends upon what price you 're willing to pay . greenlee : what matters to me means nothing if kendall does n't get what she wants . you 've made it perfectly clear that she matters and i do n't . and if all of you were n't stuck on defending her lies and you actually trusted me , we would n't be having this little chat right now . jack : you can put any spin on this you want to -- greenlee : guess what ? the good news is you win . i wo n't bother you anymore . now , get out . fine , fine , i 'll go . [ scene_break ] david : ow ! adam : get the gun . tad : i got it . david : get off of me ! adam : get the gun ! tad : adam , i got the gun ! david : he 's got the gun ! adam : get -- david : he 's got it , for crying out loud . adam : ok . what a team . ah , what a team . son of a gun . did n't know what time it is . tad : get up , david . adam : who -- who 'd have think -- ever thought that i 'd be glad to see you ? tad : that is a miracle , is n't it ? adam : i 'm -- i 'm going to reward you ! that 's a promise . tad : i do n't think so . adam : what are you doing ? tad : why do n't you ask your good friend palmer cortlandt , huh ? [ david laughs ] david : way to go , tad . way to go ! adam : what are you doing ? what kind of a game are you playing , tad ? tad : call it `` pin the tail on the real killer . `` and judging by the initials on this gun , i 'd say got myself the best game piece right here . david : yeah , well , listen , i do n't know how much you heard , but he planted that gun right here on my property . tad : you 're obviously in this all the way up to your stethoscope . whoever figures out who the real killer is is the big winner . adam : that 's nonsense . tad : if neither one of you is the killer , then you sure as hell ought to be . david : whoa , whoa , whoa , wait a minute . what is this , some kind of a setup ? tad : it 's been a setup since day one . kendall 's walking her way to the chair because of what greenlee did in that courtroom . i ca n't live with that . can you ? david : hey , i 've been defending kendall since day one ! so what are you going to do , frame one of us instead ? tad : by all means . if either one of you wants to blow the whistle on somebody else -- get over there -- then i 'm all ears . so , what do you say ? any implications , anyone ? any accusations , any eyewitness accounts ? adam : put the gun down , tad . tad : i do n't think so . got anything to drink ? i 'm parched . david : yeah , right . i 'm sure there 's some arsenic over the sink . adam : do n't give him any ideas . tad : yeah . i 'm holding a couple of murderers here . [ scene_break ] ryan : maria . maria : oh , hey . ryan : hey . maria : did you come to see edmund ? he 's going to be glad to see you . ryan : yeah . i take it it 's not such a great time ? maria : no , it 's -- it 's fine . he 's doing better today . it 's just that -- i mean , it 's me . i 'm the problem . i 'm -- i 'm just a terrible person , ryan . ryan : ok . let me be straight with you . i know terrible people . i 've spent time with terrible people -- very recently , as a matter of fact -- and you are not terrible . you 're one of the good guys . maria : no , i just have you fooled . ryan : you want to tell me about it ? maria : i lied to him . i looked him right in the eye , and i lied . and i told him that his body would heal itself , and i told him that his paralysis would just resolve itself spontaneously . but it wo n't . but i convinced him otherwise . ryan : and why did you do that ? maria : because this operation , this surgery that could allow him to walk again could also kill him , and i would rather see him spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair than lose him . but -- as soon as he realizes that i lied to him , i 'll probably lose him anyway . ryan : you 're doing what you need to do to make sure that he can go the distance . and he trusts you and he trusts you that you 're going to make the right decision . maria : but i just abused that trust , not as a doctor but as his wife , as his best friend . ryan : ok , this i know -- this i know in my gut -- when you love somebody enough , you will lie , you 'll cheat , you will steal if that 's what it takes to save them . if they love you back , they 're not going to kick you in the teeth for it . if anything , they 're going to love you even more . maria : is that what happened ? kendall did n't love you enough ? [ scene_break ] sean : mr. martin , put down your gun . tad : well , you certainly made good time . adam : officer -- officer , thank god you 're here . this man has been holding us hostage . he threatened to kill us . tad : you ca n't turn this around . i made the phone call . david : yeah , and he -- he also confessed to michael cambias ' murder . adam : yes , he certainly did . tad : right before i picked up the receiver . officer lyman , one of these men is the real killer . sean : oh , yeah ? which one ? adam : how about the one holding the gun ? tad : look , i narrowed down the field for you . it 's the department 's job to sort it out . david : yeah , well , here 's a really great place to start -- why do n't you ask him about that gun ? [ scene_break ] erica : you honestly planned to leave town without telling me why ? bianca : mom , let 's not talk about me right now , ok ? erica : i just do n't see how you ever thought something like that would work . bianca : i was all kinds of messed up , mom . i did n't know what to do . i can see more clearly now , and i can see all the mistakes i 've made , and i do n't want to make any more . that 's why i want the two of us to be honest with each other now . erica : i 'll never forget the day you were born . you were so sick . you almost died . but you know that , do n't you ? bianca : i 'm sorry , mom . erica : i 'm sure that 's why you 've always been so extra precious to me , why you 've always been my special girl . [ knock on door ] bianca : no , no , no , no . please -- please do n't . they 'll go away . erica : oh , no , honey , do n't be silly . it could be important . jack : hi . erica : hi . where have you been ? jack : with greenlee . do n't -- do n't ask . erica : oh , poor jack . you 've look really all worn out . i mean , this has been such a horrible day for you . bianca : uncle jack , i just told mom some difficult news . jack : i see . everyone all right ? erica : yes , everyone 's all right . everyone 's fine . listen , why do n't i go put on a kettle . i could really use some nice herbal tea . oh , my god . did i just hear my mother 's voice come out of my mouth ? oh , that would really be the capper . jack : well , i 'm sorry you had to do that alone , but erica seems all right . bianca : i 'm worried , uncle jack . i mean , worse case scenario , i thought that she would have a meltdown , maybe go off on a rant about lies and deception or have a million questions for me . but , i swear , i might as well have told her that i flunked a math test . she 's just -- she 's just so calm . it 's scary . jack : well , listen , you just leave it to me . i think you 've been through enough tonight , huh ? bianca : you 'll stay with her ? jack : you bet . bianca : well , maybe you 'll get her to talk to you . i tried , and she just would n't . jack : listen , bianca , you 've done everything you needed to do , and i must tell you , i 'm very , very proud of you for how you 've faced up to this . bianca : if she needs me -- jack : i will call you , ok ? bianca : ok . jack : all right . see you . erica : did bianca leave ? jack : yeah . yeah , she was beat . erica : yeah . i 'm not surprised . jack , you 'll never guess what bianca just told me . [ scene_break ] sean : put the gun down . tad : all right , fine . sean : step over there . david : nice work , officer . we tried to disarm him , but he threatened to kill us . tad : this is ridiculous . look , it 's the bait and switch . they 're lying . sean : `` m.c. `` ? adam : oh , my god . that 's got to be michael cambias ' missing gun . and you saw yourself , it was in tad martin 's possession . david : oh , come on , officer , you 've got to do the math here ! tad : oh , blow it out your ear . sean : all right , all right , all right . nobody move . you 're all under arrest . let 's go . tad : which is it , `` nobody move `` or `` let 's go `` ? sean : move it ! [ scene_break ] ryan : you thinking of starting your own psychic network ? dial a 900 number and get dr. maria and her crystal ball or something ? maria : no , all i have to do is look at your face and i can tell who you 're thinking about . ryan : yeah . well , enough about me . he looks ok . maria : yeah . it 's better than he was . ryan : more of greenlee 's handiwork . i 'm telling you , i feel like i spend half my time visiting her disasters , between kendall and edmund . maria : were you one of her disasters ? ryan : no . no , it was my fault . i felt like i could fix everything . maria : please , this is not -- no , do not blame yourself , ok , because you 're the kind of man who has more heart than you even know what to do with . shame on those two women for taking advantage of that . ryan : do n't lose any sleep over me , doc , all right , because i am done . i am done . this true love thing is just highly overrated . except , of course , when i look at you and edmund . every once in a while . every once in a while . you do n't have to wake him , all right ? just -- just -- just tell him i came by . maria : ok . ryan : ok ? maria : thanks , sweetie . ryan : ok . greenlee : ugh ! ugh ! [ scene_break ] erica : and as if it 's not bad enough that she did n't terminate her pregnancy , she 's actually decided to keep this child . jack : you must be devastated . erica : i -- i honestly do n't know what to say or what to do . can you imagine ? how could she ? how could she keep this from us ? or did she ? you knew ? jack : yes , i knew . [ next_on ] tad : either you drop the charges , or i 'll tell the cops i personally saw you pop a slug into the late snake cambias . bianca : i want you to find kendall , and i want you to straighten this out . greenlee : i 'm so sorry , kendall . | david lures adam chandler to his home , pulls a gun on him , informs adam he 's never seen the gun and adam must have set him up . he tells adam that he could easily shoot him and claim self - defense . tad arrives and pulls a gun on both of them . he tells them both that he knows that kendall is taking the rap for a murder they might both be responsible for . the three of them get into a struggle until the cops take them away . jack informs greenlee , for the first time , of kendall 's plan to fake a pregnancy , in order to help keep bianca 's secret . he assures her that kendall 's primary plan was not simply greed , and being able to take the cambias fortune . greenlee is very upset that everybody is keeping secrets from her and accuses jack of caring more about kendall than he does of her . but he tells her that nobody could trust her with the secret . |
erica : yes , val , you heard . just fine . she 's expected to make a full recovery . yes , yes , it is wonderful . waitress : hi . erica : absolutely , val . 2008 is going to be a year all about new beginnings for everyone -- exactly . oh , speaking of which , val , i think it 's time for me to move . i mean , i 'm not exactly sure yet where , but i have some ideas . so why do n't you just , you know , get the ball rolling with my accountant , and then i 'll get back to you ? [ scene_break ] j.r. 's voice : babe , you 've got to stop worrying about everything . i know what i 'm doing . adam : so do i , j.r . so do i . babe 's voice : look , i -- i understand why you moved back into the chandler mansion , j.r . it was for a good cause -- i get that -- but i just -- i just do n't like little adam spending any more time with adam than necessary . j.r. : it 's a sleepover . it 's one night . babe : well , if it were up to me , he would n't see adam at all . j.r. : look , you want me to find out if my dad knows anything about kate , do n't you ? babe : yes , of course , i do . j.r. : then i have to act like it 's business as usual at the house . otherwise , my old man 's going to realize something 's up . babe : i suppose . j.r. : i know . babe : ok . i know you 're doing a good thing , j.r. , for tad and dixie and i admire you for it . j.r. : oh . you do , huh ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : ryan and kendall . it 's like rhett butler and scarlett o'hara meet bonnie and clyde -- fireworks , passion , payback , intrigue . zach : ok , i got it . thank you , i got it . greenlee : but nothing compares to what you and kendall have . zach : no ? that 's a nice try . i 'm not worried about kendall . we all have things in our closet we do n't want to talk about , you know , but ryan , he 's -- greenlee : poor guy . zach : yeah , poor guy who thinks he 's engaged to my wife . greenlee : ryan would never do anything to kendall -- that , i know . zach : right now , i do n't think ryan knows what he 's capable of doing . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're right . there are a lot of memories up here . ryan : huh . yeah , for you they 're memories . for me , they just happened . kendall : why did you come here ? ryan : oh , i do n't know , kendall . just -- trying to clear my head , i guess , just trying to make a connection . and it worked because you came . what ? kendall : nothing . ryan : are you afraid of me ? [ kendall hugs ryan ] kendall : of course not , ryan . i could never be afraid of you . kind of chilly out here . ryan : oh -- yeah , right . i 'm sorry . kendall : just , um -- ryan : here , here , here , here . kendall : thanks , thanks , thanks . yeah . ryan : ah . kendall : thank you . it just must be really , really weird for you , huh ? ryan : well , if you call misplacing four years of your life `` weird , `` then yeah . kendall : is there anything i can do to help make it better ? ryan : you can marry me . kendall : seriously . ryan : who says i 'm not serious ? i mean , you want to know what i want ? what i want is for it to be 2004 and for me to have just picked you up from work , because we have reservations at the valley inn . and i even preordered your favorite chocolate soufflé . and then after that -- maybe i should n't talk about what would happen after that . kendall : i remember . ryan : yeah , so do i . [ music plays as do scenes from the past ] ryan : who the hell are you ? kendall ! ah . you all right ? kendall ? kendall : is this your idea of foreplay , lavery ? get your rear in gear and let 's go . ryan : where are we going ? kendall : to raise a whole lot of hell . ah -- corn dogs and cotton candy , my favorite meal . you got any mustard ? yes ! you rock . you , me , and a corn dog -- the ideal date . ryan : damned if i know why , but i do care about you . kendall : what we had four years ago was unbelievable . ryan : then why did it end ? [ scene_break ] zach : when the hell are -- are we , all of us -- my family , you -- when are we going to get some peace and quiet ? huh ? greenlee : what , bomb shelters and near - death experiences are n't your idea of fun ? zach : no . do you believe in karma ? greenlee : i -- i guess so . why ? zach : well , just -- kendall does , you know , and she says if you do something good , then something good will happen . if you do something bad -- greenlee : the universe will pay you back . zach : something like that , yeah . greenlee : but you 're not buying ? zach : no . no , i -- i do n't live my life like that . i -- i do n't believe in the -- the great answer somewhere . i -- i do what i need to do and then deal with the consequences . that 's my philosophy . greenlee : so , now you 're reconsidering ? zach : yeah , there might be something to it , right ? greenlee : because ? zach : because every time i turn around , i look up , and i see this black cloud on top of me -- what is that ? what 'd i even do to piss off god or the universe and what do i need to do now to make amends ? [ scene_break ] richie : here , here -- let me help , let me help . annie : i do n't need your help , richie . [ richie chuckles ] richie : look who got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning . annie : what are you doing here ? richie : copies of my medical records , everything i need for a nice , long road trip . annie : am i supposed to guess what that means ? richie : what do you think , annie ? i 'm leaving pine valley . admit it -- i just made your day , did n't i ? come on . annie : to tell you the truth , richie , right now i do n't give a damn what you do . [ scene_break ] babe : not a good idea . krystal : ok , someone has been asking for his mama ! babe : all right . j.r. : hi ! [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : there she is . babe : come on to mama . yep ! ooh . krystal : ah . so -- j.r. : so . your daughter 's a very tough nut . krystal : hmm . just because she wo n't hop into bed with you every time you bat those baby blues ? she comes by that honestly , you know . j.r. : hmm . krystal : most of the time . how -- how 's it going with kate ? j.r. : well , whenever i start looking , dad suddenly pops up . krystal : you do n't think he 's on to you ? j.r. : no . he 's actually being nice to me , believe it or not . krystal : no , i do n't believe it , j.r. adam is a snake . j.r. : yeah ? well , that snake offered to back my internet business -- totally hands - off . krystal : just -- just remember who he is , ok ? adam will just as soon cut your heart out and eat it for breakfast when he finds out that you 're crossing him . the minute he starts acting nice , that 's when i start worrying . adam : you call me a snake ? you convinced my son to slink his way back into my house , to spy on me to get information on tad 's lost brat ? and you have the nerve to call me -- call me names ? erica : ahem . adam : oh . [ adam chuckles ] erica : you know , they say that talking out loud to oneself is the first sign of madness . so , adam , tell me -- are you certifiable ? or are you just up to something ? [ scene_break ] annie : i 've got to go . joe : oh , annie -- annie ? oh , i 'm glad i caught you . i 've drawn up a list of specialists in the area who work with patients suffering memory loss -- annie : thanks . joe : long - term and short - term , ok ? annie : ok , thanks , joe . joe : now , i 'm sure any one of them would be happy to see ryan , but if you need a referral , you just let me know , ok ? annie : thank you . joe : ok . richie : so , ryan lost his memory ? annie : that 's right . ryan thinks that it 's 2004 , so he does n't remember me or emma . what ? i 'm waiting . no jokes , no -- no wise cracks ? richie : huh -- god , annie , i 'm just sorry . annie : no , no . do n't you dare feel sorry for me . [ scene_break ] adam : i am not talking to myself . i 'm dictating a letter . the new technology my people came up with -- it 's totally unreliable . erica : may i ? adam : huh -- be my guest . erica : hmm . adam : what can i do you for today ? erica : actually , adam , i 'm thinking about buying a new house . you still own those riverfront condos , do n't you ? adam : just what are you after , erica -- the ex - wives ' discount ? erica : well , adam , how generous of you to offer . adam : take two -- they 're small . erica : yeah . what 's eating you ? adam : nothing ! it 's business . erica : adam , you need to get out more -- really . you need to smell the roses , sweep some unsuspecting damsel off her feet . adam : no -- no , thank you . erica : well , loneliness is highly overrated . adam : perhaps that would explain your complete change of direction with jackson montgomery . erica : check your sources . adam : you and jackson are not together now ? erica : his daughter greenlee recently suffered a major health crisis -- almost killed her . adam : yes , i heard . erica : but miraculously , she 's pulled through . adam : hmm . damn those miracles . erica : my point is that i was there for jack , of course . but we 're just friends , just like you and i . adam : try telling that to somebody who does n't know you as well as i do . that poor fool -- you 'll have him reeled in before he tastes the hook . erica : oh , just like you did with krystal ? well , she 's married to tad , is n't she -- how could i forget ? but i bet you wish you could . [ scene_break ] babe : ok . here 's daddy . j.r. : hey , buddy ! you ready for an overnight with your old man ? yes ? hey , look at this . your granddad gave that to me . hey , kyle ? how about a burger and fries to go ? kyle : all right , you got it . j.r. : all right . krystal : well , i know that look . babe : what look ? krystal : that `` i 'm thinking about taking that guy back `` look . or -- is this the guy you 're thinking about taking back ? [ krystal holds up a picture of babe and richie ] [ scene_break ] kendall : why did we break up ? how much time do you have ? ryan : apparently , four years . so what happened ? kendall : this is -- this is going to sound so crazy . i mean , we were so in love with each other . you stood by me through everything . even when i was on trial for murdering michael cambias , the man who raped bianca , you were there for me . we survived a murder trial and god knows how many other things . but the one thing that we could n't survive was greenlee . your friendship with her -- that was the end of us . ryan : but -- but how ? i do n't understand . kendall : well , you -- you kept telling me that you were just friends with her , but i -- i would n't believe you . i -- i could n't trust you . kendall 's voice : greenlee , greenlee , greenlee ? kendall : and so i pushed and pushed and eventually , i pushed you right into her arms . i lost you to greenlee . and the two of you got married . ryan : i married greenlee ? kendall : yeah . ryan : and -- and you two are still friends ? kendall : yeah , we 'll always be friends -- when we 're not trying to kill each other . ryan : huh . and what about your husband ? what about zach ? kendall : what about him ? ryan : oh , i do n't know -- i mean , he must be a pretty good guy . kendall : he is . the two of you are friends . ryan : yeah , that 's what she said . that 's -- what annie said . kendall : god , ryan -- ryan : look , i 'm sorry , kendall . i know life has moved on , i know everybody has moved on , but i have n't . i 'm still stuck in 2004 when i was in love with you , ok ? and i do n't know what you want me to do about it . [ scene_break ] richie : i 'm not feeling sorry for you , annie . i just said that i am sorry . annie : ryan 's memory loss , it 's -- it 's a temporary thing . richie : ok , ok . annie : but i would appreciate it if you did n't talk about it to anybody . richie : and who am i going to tell ? annie : i 'm -- i 'm just asking you , richie . richie : ok , whatever , fine . i -- i will not say a word , i promise , to the people that i do n't know . anyway , i 'm leaving just like i said . annie : where are you going ? richie : mexico . annie : what 's in mexico ? richie : oh , a doctor who says he has a drug that may catalyze a remission . annie : is this legitimate ? richie : beats me , but what do i have to lose , right ? annie : well , what -- richie : i 'm just going to offer myself up as a guinea pig -- why not , right ? annie : what about the national donor list ? you 're just giving up on that completely ? richie : we both know that 's a long shot , and i do n't have that kind of time anymore . annie : well , i hope mexico works out for you . richie : really ? annie : yes . you know what i really wish , richie ? i wish that we were a real family , a brother and sister who actually honestly cared about one another . i wish that i could tell you about how i am feeling right now , and i wish that you could tell me that you 're probably really scared right now , and i could comfort you , and i could hold your hand and -- and you could do the same for me . that 's what i wish . but it just is n't us . it 'll never be us . so -- so , yeah , yeah , i wish you luck , richie . that 's the best i 've got . richie : uh -- [ scene_break ] greenlee : i do not believe this . zach : what ? greenlee : zach slater , eastern philosopher ? what 's next -- past - life regression ? zach : come on , do n't make fun of me . [ greenlee laughs ] zach : all right , stop . so we 're in 2004 , and ryan loves my wife , and what about you ? where do you fit into this whole thing ? greenlee : um , well , i was ryan 's best friend . zach : yeah ? greenlee : yeah . zach : i thought that was you and kendall forever and ever . greenlee : my -- no . it had n't happened yet . kendall and i were fusion business partners . ryan and i , uh -- think super hero and his trusty sidekick . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : look , why do n't you let me help you , ok ? greenlee : huh . do n't just help me -- start the damn thing ! ryan : greenlee , we 're going to have a two - bedroom suite deluxe , and we 're not going to pay a penny for it . greenlee : we 're going to run a con ? ryan : i have a reservation . agent : name , sir . ryan : smith . agent : and we 'll need a credit card for security . greenlee : sir , you had your wallet at the last stop . ryan : you calling me an idiot ? greenlee : greenlee du pres , the brains behind fusion , and you , my two handsome geniuses , just blew our cover and tanked a very expensive project . between you and this meatball , we never had a chance . ryan : no matter how many villains i vanquish , no matter how many narrow escapes , there was always something missing that the real stories had . greenlee : what 's that ? ryan : a partner . and after all these years , i found a perfect partner . may i ? [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : i 'd be honored to be mrs. dynamite kiddo . and i promise you -- i wo n't let you down . zach : i 'm having trouble seeing you as anybody 's sidekick . greenlee : i was n't -- i was the superhero . zach : oh , oh . greenlee : the truth ? it went back and forth -- too many times as it turned out , and it made kendall crazy . [ scene_break ] ryan : so , tell me about him -- zach slater , your husband . kendall : what do you want to know about him ? ryan : i do n't know -- just , you know , whatever you want to tell . kendall : well , zach is strong and loyal . protective . is that too much information ? ryan : no . he would have to be all those things to be with you . kendall : ryan , you 're with someone just as wonderful . ryan : annie . kendall : yeah . she adores you so much . and the two of you have a beautiful little girl together . plus , annie is a great stepmom to spike . ryan : to who ? kendall : spike -- our son . ryan : you and zach 's ? kendall : no . our son , ryan -- yours and mine . ryan : we have a son ? kendall : yes . ryan : how old is he ? kendall : almost 2 . it 's complicated . ryan : i do n't -- i do n't believe this . kendall : ryan , he is a beautiful little boy , and he loves you so much . ryan : do you -- do you have a picture of him ? kendall : yeah . ryan ? our son is deaf . ryan : oh , my god . kendall : that 's ok . it 's ok . he just had surgery . he got a cochlear implant , so he 'll be able to hear again before you know it . ryan : i 'm sorry , i just -- i just -- kendall : i know , i know . ryan : i have a son . we have a son . [ scene_break ] annie : `` annie , ' charm ! ' 's book party was a smash . sorry you missed it . see you tomorrow , amanda . `` annie : whew . ryan 's voice : but i got to be honest with you . i mean , whenever i look at kendall , all i see is the woman that i love . [ annie sighs ] [ scene_break ] nurse : excuse me , mr. novak ? dr. martin really needs to speak with you . he said it 's important . [ scene_break ] babe : i do n't have the hots for richie , mama , if that 's what you 're still thinking . krystal : well , i 'm thinking he still has something for you , and you 're still carrying his picture around . babe : there 's more to richie than you think . krystal : all right , let 's see . you 're right . he 's a liar , he is an ex - con , he has an insane feud going on with his sister , and he 's dying of leukemia . what else is there to know ? babe : it 's not like you to be so close - minded . krystal : and it 's not like you to be so -- babe : what , what ? krystal : nothing . babe : what , what ? stupid ? naive ? dumber than a bag of hammers ? come on , mama , tell me what you think , all right ? krystal : no , all right , all right -- ok , all right . why do n't you sit down ? sit down , because i am going to be open - minded , and i am going to let you tell me what i need to know about richie . babe : look , i know that he was n't honest with people when he first came to pine valley , and he made a lot of bad decisions . but it just seems like , no matter how hard he tries , he just ca n't catch a break . krystal : maybe he does n't deserve one . babe : look , he talks to me , ok ? he trusts me , i guess . i do n't know why . maybe -- maybe there was an attraction once . maybe there still is . i do n't know , but the one thing that i do know is that he 's trying to change his life , mama . little by little , he 's trying to do the right thing and be a better person , and -- and i guess i 'm just rooting for him to make it . krystal : i think i finally get it . when you look at richie , you do n't see romance , you see yourself . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey , kyle , could you put some extra mustard , ketchup , and some pickles in there ? kyle : all right , no problem . j.r. : ok , buddy . all right , i 'll let you hold it , but you have to be very careful . your granddad gave it to me , right after his dad gave it to him . and once you 're a little bit older , i 'll give it to you . kyle : all right , here -- oh -- there you go , j.r . j.r. : all right . ok , let me see that . here , got to give that to me . [ the ring falls down the drain ] [ scene_break ] erica : personally , i will never understand the pull that krystal has on you . adam : no , read my lips , erica . anything -- and i mean anything that ever existed between me and krystal is officially down the drain . erica : whatever you say . adam : she and tad martin can go out and raise a whole litter of babies , for all i care . erica : adam , please take this in the spirit in which it is intended . bull . so , now , what was that insider discount you were offering on the riverfront condos ? adam : name your price . [ adam chuckles when erica hands him a price on a napkin ] adam : done . erica : well -- adam , you can be such a sweetheart . now i know why i married you twice . adam : hmm . watch what you wish for , erica . those condos are white elephants . huh . erica : hi , val , it 's me . i have a price on one of those riverfront condos . yeah , i know , i know . you just tell them that adam chandler ok 'd this . [ static ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : krystal , the ring that my dad gave me -- little adam accidentally knocked it down the drain . babe : oh , it 's ok , sweetheart . it 's ok . krystal : ugh . well , i do n't feel anything . kyle , get a wrench , ok ? kyle : all right , i 'll do that . j.r. : damn it ! babe : it 's ok . j.r. : i 'm sorry . my dad 's just going to have a field day with this one . babe : we 'll just have another one made . he 'll never know the difference . j.r. : are you serious ? babe : yes . j.r. : babe , that is positively devious . babe : well , there were a few things that i learned being married to you . [ scene_break ] zach : so after all that , you and ryan got married ? greenlee : mm - hmm . only we did n't count on what a sore loser kendall was . [ music plays over scenes from the past ] greenlee : ryan , come save me ! simone : greenlee ? greenlee : simone ? oh , bless you . bless you , simone . ryan : greenlee , what the hell happened to you ? greenlee : your psycho bride happened ! kendall : you stood right here and you kissed me . you held me so tight , i could n't breathe . now , how can you marry her when you 're in love with me ? the way you looked at me , the way we danced together ? i 'm the one you love , ryan . i 'm the only one . greenlee : you 're playing a losing hand , kendall . it 's time to fold . but you know what the hell of it is ? if you had genuinely apologized , asked me to step back and let ryan make his choice , i would have . but you blew it . there 's only one woman who 's taking ryan to be her wedded husband , and it wo n't be you . kendall : you stupid bitch . [ greenlee screams as kendall dunks her under water ] ryan : i , ryan aloysius lavery , take you , greenlee smythe du pres to be my wife . [ back to the present ] greenlee : earth to slater . zach : what ? oh , quite a story . that was great . greenlee : you asked me . zach : no , i did n't . i did ? greenlee : did n't you ? zach : hmm . greenlee : anyway , those were the adventures of ryan , kendall , and greenlee , a long time ago . zach : not for everyone , apparently . greenlee : well , do the doctors think that ryan can get his memory back ? zach : they do n't know . greenlee : he 's going to need his friends , zach . zach : he 'll have them . greenlee : you do n't sound so sure . zach : well , i 'm sure i 'll do whatever i can to make sure ryan 's ok , but i 'm also going to make sure that my wife is ok . she needs a rest from all this karma business . and i 'm going to make sure she gets it . [ scene_break ] ryan : he is perfect . kendall : he is . he is amazing . ryan : he looks like a spike . he looks like a little tough guy . you know , i like the name . kendall : yeah . yeah , the name does kind of fit him , does n't it ? ryan : huh . kendall : and -- and emma -- i mean , look at her . she 's just a beautiful little girl , is n't she ? ryan : yeah , she sure is . kendall : you know , zach thinks that she looks like annie . i kind of think she favors you a little bit more . ryan : i know that she 's my daughter , kendall . i know that . i know that annie is my wife . i know that you are with zach now . i know that aidan is with greenlee now . i know all of that . i know it up here . kendall : it 's just going to take a little time . but i promise you , ryan , whatever you need from me , i 'm here for you , i promise . ryan : do n't make any promises , kendall , because what i need , you ca n't give me . what i need is for you to love me the way you used to . that 's what i need . kendall : come here . annie : ryan ? kendall : we were just -- i 'm sure the two of you need to talk . oh , here . ryan : ok . kendall -- kendall : yeah ? ryan : can i keep this ? kendall : of course . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know how to plumb ? krystal : well , of course , i do . where i come from , we had to learn how to take care of things around the house without a man . right , babe ? babe : oh , i never learned how to plumb . [ laughter ] krystal : that 's because you were n't so handy with a wrench and a screwdriver , huh ? babe : yeah . [ water sprays ] kyle : oh ! krystal : agh ! [ scene_break ] erica : thank you . um -- [ phone rings ] erica : hi , val . so speak to me . tell me , am i the proud new owner of a riverfront condo ? val : uh -- erica , there 's a little problem . um -- you know the account you wanted to use to purchase the new condo ? erica : yes , of course . what about it ? val : it 's been frozen by the feds . [ scene_break ] [ static ] adam : what the devil is the matter with this thing ? [ phone rings ] adam : yeah , hello ? no , no , j.r. chandler is n't here right now . this is his father . can i take a message ? huh -- you 're -- you 're kidding . you 're -- [ adam laughs ] [ scene_break ] richie : hey , what 's up , doc ? joe : good news , richie . the national bone marrow program contacted us . they 've located a possible donor match . richie : you serious ? joe : yeah . richie : really ? who is it ? joe : well , we ca n't tell you that , but it 's someone right here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey ! kendall : hi . hi . good , good . greenlee : tell me about the book party , and do not leave out a single detail . kendall : ok -- book party , great . finding ryan on the roof and filling him in on the past four years of his life , including the birth of his son , not so great . zach : you all right ? kendall : i do n't know . i do n't know if i made it better or worse . zach : sit down . greenlee : so where is ryan now ? kendall : he 's with annie on the roof . you should 've seen it , greenlee . i mean , she came upstairs , and she walked right up there as i was in ryan 's arms . i mean , you know -- zach : yeah , of course . i know you 're trying to make things better for him . kendall : exactly . zach : did you ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i just -- i just came up here because -- annie : you do n't have to explain . ryan : i wanted to get back to where my life used to be . you know , where -- where it was . annie : i -- i understand . ryan : why ? i mean , why do you understand ? why do you feel anything other than just being appalled and upset ? annie : because i love you . and because i know , eventually , you will remember us . ryan : god , annie -- annie : i 'm not -- i 'm not saying today , or tomorrow , a year from now . but i will still be here . i am your wife , ryan . we are your family . and i will make you remember . i will . [ next_on ] greenlee ( to aidan ) : and there 's never been anyone else -- i mean , since we 've been together , right ? ryan ( to annie ) : i ca n't love you . tad : you got any other pictures of jesse before he died ? angie : `` before he died `` ? woman ( about jesse ) : i need an ambulance ! this guy 's unconscious ! | at the hospital , annie meets up with richie , who lets her know that he is leaving town . j.r. tries to kiss babe , but she pulls away and tells him that that is a bad idea . krystal brings little a in to see babe . krystal and j.r. have a talk about babe . adam listens to their conversation . erica comes up behind adam and wants to know what he is up to . joe gives annie a list of doctors ' names , who might help ryan regain his memory . richie listens to their conversation , and finds out that ryan does n't remember who she nor emma is . erica questions adam about some lakefront property that he owns . erica lets adam know about how ill greenlee had been . krystal notices the look in babe 's eyes when she looks at j.r. ryan questions kendall as to why they had broken up . kendall tells ryan all they had been together . kendall tells ryan that greenlee was the cause that they had broken up . erica finds out that her assets has been frozen . |
jesse : well , it looks like your boyfriend is into a little somethin'-somethin ' illegal . know anything about this , krystal ? krystal : now , wait a minute . wait a minute . your friend tad was just here , and now you go straight for the piano . you knew . jesse : i work strictly by the book . krystal : you can not do this . jesse : uh , actually , i can . as a matter of fact , i 've got a really strong hunch that these little puppies are illegal . yeah , i think i 'll just run a little lab test on it to confirm it . krystal : and what are you going to do to david ? jesse : i 'll throw his ass in jail , what do you think ? [ scene_break ] reese : god . you know , i was so -- so worried about how kendall would take all of this , but she seems genuinely happy and supportive . bianca : you mean about us keeping the pregnancy a secret ? reese : yeah , but not only that . she -- i told her about marseilles and how zach decided to be our donor . bianca : about you guys drinking wine and talking till dawn ? reese : yeah . yeah , and she seems genuinely happy for us . she seems happy that we found each other . bianca : well , that makes two of us . [ scene_break ] kendall : every time we look at bianca and reese it will be a reminder of what you did . zach : well , they 're family . we can work through it . kendall : i do n't want them in my house . get rid of them . zach : this is my fault . i should have told you that i was the donor much sooner . i 'm sorry . it 's -- kendall : fine , fine . i still want them gone . zach : what 's going on here ? you talked to reese . you guys had a nice connection , right ? you had a nice conversation . do n't take this out on them . kendall : zach , if you want to take the blame , fine . go right ahead . but bianca and that woman do n't get a free pass . they betrayed me . [ scene_break ] annie : i do n't want to talk to dr. sinclair . all she wants to talk about is richie . aidan : look , that 's good . sinclair 's obsessed about your brother 's death . we find out why , and we can figure out what she 's really up to . annie : no . no , every time she brings up richie , i just keep seeing it . hitting him in the head -- aidan : annie , annie , do n't think about it . annie : i murdered my own brother . god , i -- i know i ca n't tell dr. sinclair that , but it 's like she just keeps pushing me and pushing . aidan : listen . push back , all right ? turn it around . make her talk . get her to tell you about her connection to richie . annie : and how am i going to do that ? aidan : hit the right button and that woman 's true feelings are going to come pouring out . [ scene_break ] pete : she 's bleeding from her head . you killed her . do n't push me around . i 've been working out . ryan : greenlee ? what -- erica : we need an ambulance here right away at 500 front street . ryan : are you ? oh , no . erica : the paramedics are on their way . it 's -- it 's ok . oh , thank goodness you 're ok , greenlee . ryan : what the hell did you do to her ? greenlee : ah . ryan : you 've got to stay put , ok ? greenlee : i 'm fine . ryan : you 've got to stay put . the paramedics are on their way . please just stay here . make sure she stays there , please . erica , what happened ? erica : greenlee and i had an argument about fusion , which led to an impasse , which led to a -- a confrontation . pete : i saw this show on `` the animal channel `` about territorial aggression . this was just like that . the stare downs , the yowling , the ritualized body posturing . i was sure one of them would just end up -- emt : did she lose consciousness ? ryan : yes , she did lose consciousness . greenlee : for , like , five seconds . emt : her pupils are pearl . ryan : you 're alone with greenlee , and she ends up unconscious . erica : it was an accident , ryan . i swear . we -- we just -- we both lost control . ryan : look , i 'm not looking for you to be best friends , erica , but this ca n't happen , ok ? erica : ok . well , then your fiancée 's going to have to accept the fact that i am running fusion until kendall comes back . ryan : this is greenlee 's company , too . erica : which i single - handedly kept afloat while she was off chasing you . ryan : i love her , ok ? and i -- and i want her to be happy , and even if you do n't , ca n't you just make a little bit of an effort , please ? just a little bit . erica : for you , yes , i can . i can . yes , i suppose . ryan : thank you . how is she , guys ? emt : it 's just a small lac , but since she lost consciousness , i think you should get seen in the e.r . greenlee : you know , i really do n't need to do that . ryan : you 're going to the hospital . no argument . absolutely . thank you . erica : so , you 're , uh , going to the hospital ? ryan : as a precaution , yes . greenlee : do n't worry , erica . i wo n't press assault charges . erica : and neither will i . we just should n't have lost our tempers like that . greenlee : it was stupid . we both acted like children . emt : we 've got to move . ryan : ok . erica : i 'll go with you . ryan : no , i do n't think that 's such a great idea . all right ? erica : ok . erica : not so fast , young man . [ scene_break ] kendall : i just had a heart transplant . is it unreasonable to not want house guests ? zach : it 's your sister and her fiancée . kendall : you do n't want to be the bad guy ? fine . i will be . i 'll tell them it 's time to go . zach : all you have to do is get better . kendall : yes , which will be a hell of a lot easier once they 're out the door . you 're ok with this , right ? i just think it 'll be better for everyone . and , of course , you can see gabrielle any time you want . zach : the only thing i want to see is my wife here with me . kendall : it 's not like i 'm banishing reese and bianca from my life . i 'll be at their wedding if i 'm strong enough to make it . you know what i think would help right now ? i think a nice hot bath would -- would be good . zach : ok . i 'll get it ready . i 'll wash your hair . kendall : no . no , actually mindy gives me my bath . i 'm ready . zach : let me help you up . kendall : i got it . i got it . thank you . [ scene_break ] krystal : you ca n't just take david away . he did n't do anything , jesse . he 's a good man , and he 's a great doctor . jesse : hmm . `` dr. feel good , `` huh ? krystal : he saved kendall slater 's life . jesse : while destroying everybody else 's . the man belongs in jail . david : what the hell is he doing in my house ? krystal : he has a warrant . jesse : you are under arrest . [ scene_break ] annie : he was a bad man . that 's what i remember about my brother . dr. sinclair : can you be more specific ? annie : richie lied and schemed , and he -- he said mean and horrible things . he was crazy . he 's part of the reason i 'm in here . i mean , these things do run in the family , right ? dr. sinclair : right . let 's go back and talk about the night richie died . annie : no . no , i -- i tried . i ca n't . dr. sinclair : i ca n't help you unless you tell me what happened . tell me everything . annie : why do we have to keep talking about richie ? dr. sinclair : focus , annie . tell me what happened that night . annie : he was evil , ok ? that 's all i know . dr. sinclair : you got out of the car , you picked up the tire iron . annie : no , no . he hurt people , ok ? he hurt mothers , and fathers , and children . dr. sinclair : did you hit richie ? did you crack his skull ? did you watch him bleed ? annie : no . no , i just -- i remember -- i remember -- dr. sinclair : what ? say it . annie : i remember that richie was gone and people were happy . people were happy that they did n't have to see his wicked smile or hear his creepy voice ever again . my brother was a sick bastard , and he deserved to die . [ dr. sinclair slaps annie ] [ scene_break ] david : i 'm not going anywhere with you . that bag was obviously planted . officer : he 's clean . david : damn right i am . i 've been set up . jesse : you think ? david : i know . jesse : well , unfortunately for you , that 's not enough to prove your case . krystal : david is right . we both know somebody put that bag in that piano . jesse : really , krystal ? who ? you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can , and will , be used against you in a court of law ? you also have the right to an attorney . david : krystal , do you know who did this ? krystal : i just think it 's weird that he came right in , and -- jesse : appointed to you free of charge . david : and then what ? krystal : and then found that bag . i do n't think it was there before . jesse : get him out of here . david : wait a minute . wait a minute . you and i need to talk . alone . [ scene_break ] greenlee : tell me the rest . ryan : that 's pretty much it . i mean , that 's it . it was -- it was nothing . it was n't even -- it was n't even a nightmare . it was just a -- a flash . greenlee : of me , dead . ryan : i did n't say that . greenlee : ryan , you had a highly disturbing vision of me lying unconscious , soaking wet , with my head bleeding . hello ? how can we ignore this ? ryan : look , if you want to believe all this , then -- then , yes , then today explains my dream , but i do n't . i really do n't . i -- i do n't want to let these visions and premonitions affect our future together , ok ? they 're meaningless . and , honestly , i 'm done talking about them , and i want you to be done , too . i 'm serious . greenlee : if it 's meaningless , why does it keep happening ? ryan : because . because obviously we still have some guilt about annie . we have n't exactly been dealing with that head on , and i 'm sure it 's just our subconscious just taking over . greenlee : i knew it . she 'll never be out of our lives . ryan : yes , she will , ok ? she will , she will . as soon as we say `` i do `` she 'll be out of our lives . that 'll be the past . we can focus on the future , ok ? those two words . greenlee : i love seeing you get all fired up . ryan : i 'm fired up because i believe this , all right ? i need you to believe it , too . greenlee : i do . [ greenlee and ryan kiss ] frankie : ooh , yummy , yummy , yummy . greenlee : yummy ? ryan : yeah . yeah . you know , she is . i 'll be outside . frankie : this should n't take too long . let 's have a look . tad : hey , ryan . i 've been looking all over for you . ryan : why ? what 's going on ? tad : i 've got a little more news about our friend , dr. sinclair . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i suppose you caught all that , my session with annie . aidan : hitting a patient ? are you sure that 's the way to go ? dr. sinclair : she remembers killing her brother . i just have to get her to talk . aidan : well , maybe if you ease up a bit . dr. sinclair : you know as well as i do that this is all an act . annie can think rationally . she 's getting bolder . i swear . she was trying to manipulate me just now . aidan : why would she do that ? dr. sinclair : to feel power , control , which makes me even more certain that this whole insanity thing is just an act . aidan : there 's no question about that . dr. sinclair : if i could just get her to admit that she murdered richie , then everything else would fall into place . but she 's using this mental illness to avoid prison . i 'll do whatever i have to . i 'll make sure she pays . i swear if you get in my way -- aidan : i wo n't . i want exactly the same thing you do , annie behind bars for the rest of her life . dr. sinclair : i 'm sorry . when i get like this , when i get this intimately involved with my work , i just lose it . aidan : i do the same thing . you 're not the only one . when i thought greenlee was seeing ryan behind my back , i lost it , too . i did things . i did irrational things . you know , sometimes things happen , and just -- it makes you go extreme , and you want to hold on so badly , but you ca n't . [ scene_break ] bianca : hey , where 's kendall ? zach : she 's having a bath -- her first real bath with her nurse . reese : do you want us to wait for her ? zach : no . bianca : oh , i thought that you guys wanted to talk to us . zach : no , no . me , i want -- i wanted to talk to you guys . have a -- have a seat . [ zach clears throat ] zach : i -- i think it 's time for you guys to find your own place to live . reese : you -- you want us to move out ? bianca : now ? zach : well -- bianca : the wedding 's in a week . zach : i know . i know that , but it 's -- kendall and i. i 'd just like to spend some time with her alone . bianca : ok , well , that makes sense . of course , we 'll move out . i 'll -- i 'll go let kendall know that we 'll be leaving asap . zach : no , it 's all right . do n't -- do n't talk to her . she 'll insist you stay , so that 's -- bianca : well , i want to talk to her before we leave . zach : give it a couple of days , ok ? reese : ok , ok , hang on . wait a second . is this -- is this because we kept the pregnancy a secret ? because i talked to kendall . you guys , she said she was ok . she understands . zach : this has nothing to do with kendall . it 's all me . bianca : ok . uh , so we should find a hotel , i guess . zach : no , do n't -- no . you 're going to stay at the vip suite at the casino . it 's all taken care of . bianca : all right . reese : let 's go pack our stuff . bianca : uh - huh . zach : the staff will take care of that . bianca : let me guess . they 're going to be here any second . [ doorbell rings ] [ scene_break ] jesse : please . david : all right . i figured out your little plan . jesse : did you now ? i kind of figured you might . david : yeah . so , you plant capsules in my house , send them to the lab , presto . they turn out to be a combo of illegal drugs , maybe even the same ones i supposedly forced down krystal 's throat , huh ? jesse : right on all counts except the `` supposedly `` part . david : oh yeah ? says who ? your wife ? jesse : what are you , six ? ask anybody that knows krystal , and they will tell you that her behavior has been erratic , disturbing , almost kind of like she was , what ? i do n't know . hopped up on drugs ? david : well , unfortunately for you , that 's not enough to prove your case . jesse : unfortunately for you , that little switcheroo you pulled with the pill bottle is never happening again . david : i do n't know what you 're talking about . jesse : allow me to clarify . you see , this means a whole bunch of jail time . not enough , however , to make up for what you did to my family or my friends . but locking you up for 20 years , it 's a start . david : all right , chief . why do n't we cut through it , shall we ? what do you want ? [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : now the shrink needs a shrink . aidan : you 're not just a doctor , you know . you 're a person that needs someone to talk to , someone that 's not bipolar , or homicidal , or crazy like me . dr. sinclair : you 're not crazy . you 're not . do n't say that . you just fell in love very deeply , and that person was stolen from you . they were taken away forever , and you just want to see the person held responsible get the punishment they deserve . aidan : have you ever loved someone that intensely ? dr. sinclair : yes . about 100 times . it started with the boy who sat behind me in kindergarten . it 's human nature to fall in love over and over and over again . aidan : if you ever need to talk . dr. sinclair : you need to talk to annie , so open up that grate and start working . you know , you do have a talent for getting women to spill their secrets . aidan : it works better if i 'm face to face . [ scene_break ] pete : what -- what do you want with me ? erica : you sided with greenlee . pete : i only started working here because adam told me to . erica : oh , pete . have n't you learned anything from the bella disaster ? i made adam go away , so you ca n't still be spying for adam . pete : well , i -- i actually like working here . the ladies and i have bonded . erica : so , if one of them needed a spy , you would be their man . pete : um , i -- erica : i know how greenlee accessed my confidential accounting records . she 's not smart enough to do it , pete . you 're the one who got into my computer . pete : did -- did you know that 16 % of people use their own name as a password . also popular , childhood pets . erica : you hacked into my computer , did n't you , pete ? pete : greenlee founded fusion . she deserved to see the books . erica : greenlee and kendall founded fusion , so the answer is `` yes . `` pete : i -- i did it because i respect greenlee . she loves fusion and cares about the people who work for her . erica : pete , your devotion to greenlee is remarkable , but it 's also a mistake . no one takes down erica kane . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hello ? is it safe to come in ? kendall : yeah , zach is off guard duty . greenlee : how you feeling ? kendall : much better . i just took a bath , the kind where you actually get in the tub . greenlee : you look good . ok , a little blush would n't hurt . kendall : finally . someone who 's honest with me . i 'm glad you 're here . greenlee : not as glad as i am that you 're here . do n't do that to me again . two comas is my limit . kendall : so , what 's going on at fusion ? greenlee : not much . ok , erica and i had a -- another disagreement . i just came from the e.r . kendall : what ? greenlee : i 'm fine , i 'm fine . i just slipped and bumped my head , but it 's all your fault , giving her your damn proxy . just hurry up and get out of this bed , so we can get erica out of our company . kendall : well , that 'll happen a lot faster now that bianca and reese are gone . greenlee : they moved out ? kendall : i just thought it would be easier for everyone . ok . reese and i did n't exactly hit it off . i do n't know . there 's just something weird about her . it 's silly , right ? i mean , obviously reese and bianca are in love , but their baby is zach 's . greenlee : technically . kendall : i know . i know . he 's just the biological father , but come on , greenlee . my husband and my sister made a child behind my back , the three of them kept this huge secret from me , and now i 've seen the bond between zach and that baby , and between zach and reese . i 'm just being paranoid , right ? greenlee : maybe not . [ scene_break ] jesse : i 'll let you go right now on one condition . drop all the charges against angela , and you give her and jake their jobs back . david : i do n't think so . jesse : listen to me . all charges against you will be dropped , no questions asked . david : and what about tad ? jesse : tad 's got nothing to do with this . david : that schlub is your best friend . are you telling me the conditions of my release does n't include dropping krystal off on his doorstep ? jesse : tad is done with krystal . i 'm about done with you , so tick - tock goes the clock , doc . what 's it going to be ? [ scene_break ] zach : come on in . tell them how much you enjoy casino living . erica : hi -- hi . bianca : hey . erica : where are the girls ? bianca : they 're next door in your giant bedroom . erica : oh . zach : well , the staff knows you 're family , so anything you need , spa and stuff or food , a phone call away . erica : we like that , and i 'm right next door . bianca : that 's great . so you 'll take the 2 : 00 a.m. feeding , right ? erica : well , i would prefer the 2 : 00 p.m. pedicure , but , um -- [ bianca laughs ] erica : i 'm here for whatever you need . bianca : excellent . reese : sweetie , we should probably go finish unpacking . bianca : oh , yeah , oh -- um , we 'll be right next door if you need us . erica : ok . erica : i -- i was really surprised to hear that reese and bianca moved out . i thought that you were all getting along . zach : we are . erica : well , then , why are they here ? zach : i just thought it was a good idea . erica : kendall thought it was a good idea . [ scene_break ] greenlee : the way zach held the baby , the way he was with bianca , it was just different . they were closer and more connected . i just knew right then that he was the father . kendall : so when you called them out on it , did they fess up ? greenlee : yeah . bianca said that they 'd planned to use an anonymous donor but then zach showed up on a business trip . by the time they knew that everything was ok with the pregnancy and bianca came to tell you -- kendall : right , a funnel cloud blew me away . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : the story made sense , but it still seemed weird . bianca keeping a secret from you ? it 's just not her . kendall : so when you finally met reese , what did you think ? greenlee : ryan and i were going through so much annie drama , she was hardly on my radar . but she seemed to genuinely love bianca . kendall : so you never saw anything strange go on between reese and zach ? greenlee : whatever reese thinks or feels does n't matter . zach loves you , only you . there 's no question in my mind . of course , someone else was n't so sure . kendall : yeah , my mother wasted no time sharing her thoughts and feelings . greenlee : no , no , i 'm not talking about your mother . kendall : well , then , who ? greenlee : bianca . she was convinced something shady was going on . [ scene_break ] jesse : all right , you 've got until 4 : 00 today to reinstate angela and jake . meantime , i 'm going to have your little pill buddies analyzed with an arrest warrant standing by , in case you change your mind . david : who was in this house ? krystal : i told you , i have no idea . david : i saw your face . you know who planted those drugs . you 're covering for them . krystal : i 'm not . david : damn it , krystal ! who was it ? [ scene_break ] tad : it 's one thing to drop out of sight for a little while , ok ? it 's another thing to have two years of your life completely erased . i 'm very good at my job . i could n't find employment records , phone records , dental records . i could n't even find an address . it 's like she ceased to exist . ryan : so we have nothing ? tad : we know that she has something in her past , and it 's something huge . [ scene_break ] [ door unlocks ] annie : oh , my god . it 's you . aidan : listen , sinclair 's right outside , so stay calm . i 've got some good news . i know why she 's so focused on richie . annie : why ? aidan : she knew him . i 'm not sure how or when exactly . he might have been a patient of hers . they might have been in love . the one thing i know for sure is that she had very strong feelings for him . this could mean that she wants revenge on you . annie : oh , my god , she knows that i killed my brother . she could lock me up for the rest of my life . aidan : quite the opposite . we 're going to use her relationship with richie to keep you out of prison . [ scene_break ] zach : kendall thought the house was too crowded . erica : it has nothing to do with reese ? zach : reese is getting married to your daughter and everyone 's embraced her -- everyone except you . erica : i have no problem with reese . why else would i be planning their wedding ? zach : i do n't know . you tell me . erica : i want them to be happy . and yes , i reacted to what i saw between you and reese . but now that kendall is reunited with her adoring husband , it 's no longer an issue , is it ? zach : it never was , was it ? erica : zach , i just want to help my daughter . zach : i know , and you are helping her by doing your great work at fusion . all right . i 'll see you in a bit . erica : ok . [ zack clears throat ] bianca : hey . zach : hey . bianca : my mom left ? zach : yeah , she had to get back to work . bianca : you know , i know that it was kendall 's idea for us to move out . she 's jealous of you and -- [ zach sighs ] bianca : you and reese , just like i was , right ? zach : you 're getting married , friends , family , two beautiful daughters . why do n't you focus on that ? i 'll focus on kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : bianca thought her fiancée and my husband were involved . greenlee : she got so nuts about it , she decided to test them . she pretended to go off to connecticut to scout out wedding locations , so that zach and reese would think they were alone . but she never left . she stayed here in pine valley waiting to see if something would happen between them , and ryan and i told bianca that she was insane , that she had to go home and come clean . kendall : did she ? greenlee : it all came out . like i said , whatever 's going on in reese 's head is irrelevant . you 're zach 's life . you 're his whole world . he would never even think of cheating on you . kendall : i did it to him . greenlee : you thought he was dead . kendall : i was almost dead . i mean , no one knew if i would ever wake up . greenlee : zach did . there was no way in hell he was going to lose you . you should have seen him . when all of us were complete basket cases , your husband ? he was a rock . you are so lucky to have him . do n't ever question that man 's love . [ scene_break ] aidan : sinclair 's going to keep pushing about richie 's death , but you ca n't give in to her . annie : ok , i 'll try . aidan : and i 'm going to keep working her from my end . annie : if you push too hard , you could get in really serious trouble . aidan : trust me . this is going to work out to our advantage . [ door unlocks and opens ] orderly : time to go . dr. sinclair : well , you two looked cozy . aidan : i tried the soft approach -- get her to admit if she killed richie , and it would n't work . she is way too smart . dr. sinclair : hmm , we 'll see about that . ryan : i honestly do n't give a damn . i need to see sinclair right now , please . [ scene_break ] david : who was here ? talk , or so help me , krystal , i will -- krystal : you 'll what ? i mean , jesse is right . you did give me illegal drugs . david : you know something ? just leave me the hell alone . krystal : when -- when is it going to stop , david ? the people that you hurt are my friends . tad and angie , they never did a damn thing to you . david : [ scoffs ] right . krystal : you got me in your house , you got me in your bed , what else do you want ? little a ? was that your plan all along ? and then let 's say you finally get him . then what ? do you finally stop torturing everybody or do you keep on blowing apart everybody 's lives ? how many people have to suffer , david ? how many people have to pay for babe 's death ? and when 's -- when 's it going to be my turn ? david : i never should have dragged you into this mess . i could n't help it . you 're babe 's mother . but now you 're all i have left , you and the memories of our daughter . i 'm sorry , krystal . it 's just when people try to come between us , i go crazy . krystal : it 's -- it 's all right . david : i do n't want to hurt anyone . i just want what 's fair and right . and it 's not right that little a is being raised by the chandlers while i have no part in his life . but you 're right , yes . i did try to do something about it . but that 's over . krystal : do you really mean that ? david : as much as i love that little boy , and as much as i want to be a part of his life , i want you more . i know those drugs were planted . but jesse is your friend , and if i fight him , there 's a chance that you might walk . well , that 's a risk i 'm not willing to take . krystal : so you did n't fight him because of me . david : anything i do is for you , krystal . [ scene_break ] frankie : hey -- so , please do n't keep us all in suspense . jesse : well , it 's good news . you and you both have your jobs back , and all the charges against you have been dropped . angie : oh , my goodness , you 're kidding . that 's wonderful . jesse : it is . angie : uh , how -- how did you do this ? jesse : do n't ask . [ crosstalk ] angie : hey , come here . ey , to a handsome guy -- yeah . [ scene_break ] bianca : you know , i just got off the phone with the travel agent , and everything is right on track for our wedding , so i thought we should celebrate . reese : come on . i know what you 're doing . you 're acting all cheery , breaking out the champagne , so we do n't have to talk about it . bianca : talk about what ? reese : kendall does n't want me in the house . no , it did n't register at first and then i replayed the conversation in my head , and all the oh - so - subtle questions , the warnings -- where have i heard that before , huh ? oh , erica . she 's good , but your sister , wow . you know , i did n't even see this one coming . bianca : no , i -- i -- reese : come on , she hates me . bianca : she -- reese : she hates me . she does n't want me anywhere near zach , and she 'd probably be happy if we just called the whole wedding off . bianca : reese . reese : come on . god , you know what , honey ? i think about all the times that i sat by her hospital bed for months , holding her hand , praying for her that she 'd get better , and what ? she wakes up now , and suddenly i 'm her enemy ? bianca : no , no -- reese : bianca , how are we going to get married ? all we have been talking about for months is wanting kendall 's blessing . so how are we supposed to walk down the aisle without it ? you know what ? you know , the truth of the matter is that -- the truth is , we 'd all just be better if she had n't -- bianca : do n't you dare say that . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : hey . zach : should n't you be in bed ? kendall : the nurse said it was good for me to move around . so how are bianca and reese ? zach : good . they 're all settled in . it was the right thing to do . kendall : if only someone had done it earlier . good night , zach . [ kendall turns her face away from zach 's kiss ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : what are you still doing here ? erica : there 's so much noise at my suite at the casino , i could n't get any work done . greenlee : are those the numbers ? erica : i thought i could figure out a way to turn them around . the whole economy 's in a shambles . greenlee : and if this company 's going to survive , we have to stop butting heads . erica : how is yours , by the way ? greenlee : fine . look , if we were swimming in cash , i 'd gladly go another ten rounds with you . but business is terrible and kendall 's not here to help , so ... erica : so both she and fusion need us working together . [ scene_break ] aidan : i need to use the bathroom . ryan : what the hell are you doing here ? | at wild wind , jesse finds incriminating evidence against david in the piano . krystal objects that jesse is doing this and insists that david had been set up . in the bedroom at zach and kendall 's , bianca and reese share a tender moment together . downstairs , sitting on the sofa , kendall insists to zach that he ask reese and bianca to leave . zach objects , but kendall insists . at oak haven , annie talks to aidan through the air vent about dr. sinclair trying to get annie to confess that she had killed richie . at fusion , pete checks on greenlee and finds that she is bleeding from her head . pete accuses erica of killing her . ryan rushes in and sees greenlee lying on the floor . ryan demands to know what erica had done to her . erica rushes to call the ambulance . ryan demands to know what erica had done to greenlee . dr. sinclair questions annie about the night that richie had died . annie becomes upset and tells dr. sinclair that richie had deserved to die . dr. sinclair slaps her . jesse arrests david at wild wind for drug possession . david demands to know from krystal as to who had planted the drugs , but krystal refuses to divulge any info . tad arrives at pine valley hospital to talk to ryan about dr. sinclair . dr. sinclair and aidan have a private conversation in his hospital room about annie . dr. sinclair promises aidan that she will make annie pay . zach tells reese and blanca to move out . kendall tells greenlee at the house that she has noticed a bond between reese and zach . greenlee opens up and tells kendall everything that had been happening . |
[ previously_on ] kendall : you did n't tell me what brought you to pine valley . michael : you did . erica : ordinarily , if you wanted to make a fool out of yourself over kendall , that really would be none of my business . but we are talking about business here . jake : this baby 's heart is failing , and we have to operate right now . david : how , jake ? we do n't have anybody ! jake : we have you . [ scene_break ] adam : you looking for this ? j.r. : what is it ? adam : it 's your calculus midterm that you threw in the trash . it 's a c - minus . j.r. : at least i passed . adam : yeah . i put your math tutor in a higher tax bracket , and this is the best you can do ? j.r. : so fire the guy . adam : no , wait just a minute . what the hell is the matter with you ? j.r. : it 's nothing you 'd understand . adam : no , i do n't understand . we had an agreement . you broke that agreement . you were going to try to bring your grades up . and now you 're slipping back into your old patterns , like ditching a civics class that you should be in right now . j.r. : i do n't care about civics or calculus or college ! adam : it 's time you did care , or you 're not going to have any future left . j.r. : what , the future you want ? what about what i want ? adam : what is it you want ? just would you please tell me ? j.r. : i want laurie . i mean , things made sense when i was with her . and now she 's gone because of you . adam : no , j.r. , that -- j.r. ! liza : what 's wrong with him ? adam : he 's lost his girlfriend . so now he 's going to use that as an excuse to mess up his life and hate me . liza : it 'll take time , adam . adam : we do n't have time . i 've got to stop this slide before there 's nothing left to save . liza : adam , wait . if you get in the middle of a power struggle with j.r. and his girlfriend , you 're going to lose . adam : yeah , well , maybe i 'll change the balance of power . see you later . [ scene_break ] kendall : why ca n't you just leave me the hell alone ? erica : because you wo n't let me . because everywhere i turn , you 're in my face -- pine valley , aspen -- kendall : lacey 's ? you tried to shut out fusion . erica : oh , please , kendall , one little lip color is hardly going to topple enchantment . kendall : well , if you are n't threatened , then why are you slandering us ? erica : slander ? all i did was tell the truth . i told the truth to a trusted distributor about some upstart company who was peddling a reject lip color as their own . kendall : you can buy the best advertising , the best brains . all i have is an idea and a pot of lip color , and you 're still playing down - and - dirty ? well , it smells like fear to me . erica : look , you forced your way into the big leagues . so if you ca n't keep up , get out . kendall : if the binkster can hang , so can i . what , did you slink out from under mommy 's rock to do her dirty work ? bianca : i -- i heard the buzz , i saw the product , and i brought it to mom 's attention . kendall : that 's weak , binks . very weak . and , you , where do you fit in in all of this ? what , are you part of this whole cheesy demolition team , too ? boyd : no . i did n't know -- kendall : oh , whatever . you know what ? it reeks . it totally reeks . it 's industrial sabotage . erica : oh -- sabotage ? kendall , you 're the one who was caught red - handed right here in my office stealing from me . you tried to raid my lab ; you tried to take my best chemist . kendall : boyd is a friend of mine . erica : boyd larraby is under contract to enchantment . and he 's loyal . kendall : obviously , he is . erica : and your cheap tactics -- kendall , they 're laughable . did you honestly think you could seduce boyd away from this company ? [ scene_break ] anna : this is my room . what 's happening ? why was i taken out of the o.r . ? orderly : the surgery 's been postponed . anna : oh . is there something wrong with the baby ? where 's dr. hoffman ? nurse : he 's unavailable , but a doctor will be in shortly . [ scene_break ] anna : i need my husband . can you get my husband for me , please ? jake : you have the skills , david . you can do this . maggie : david -- excuse me . i just got your message . i 've been trapped at school all day . i got the message about anna . what is it ? david : her surgeon had a -- had a stroke . jake and joe want me to perform the procedure on anna and the baby . maggie : can you do it ? david : fetal heart surgery is highly specialized . i ca n't just pick up a scalpel and get to work . jake : i know what we 're asking you to do , david . david : no , you do n't , jake . you 're asking me to perform an almost untested procedure on my wife and child ! joe : david -- david , under any other circumstances , i 'd be opposed , strongly opposed . but i 'm with jake on this . you 're a brilliant cardiac surgeon . who better to step in ? david : but i 'm also the husband and i 'm the father . joe : yes , and your child 's best hope for survival -- perhaps her only hope . david : i ca n't . i ca n't do this . [ scene_break ] jamie : how are you doing ? laurie : crazed . i pulled an extra shift at b.j . 's , i have a lit test in an hour , and i have to finish three scholarship applications by friday . jamie : whoa . what i really meant was , how are you doing since you broke up with j.r. ? so , maybe you should try to get back -- laurie : no . i miss j.r. , but it 's better this way , for both of us . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hi . liza : your father 's gone . j.r. : i just came back for my d.v.d . liza : j.r. , i 'm really sorry about laurie . j.r. : it 's -- i got dumped . it 's okay . liza : well , it -- you want to talk about it ? j.r. : i do n't -- i do n't want to talk about it . laurie and i would -- we would still be together if dad just kept the hell out of our lives . liza : i know that you 're hurt . j.r. : i 'm not hurt . i just -- i 'm done . i 'm done with dad , i 'm done with you , i 'm done with all of it . liza : wait , j.r . wait , wait . listen , maybe you do n't want to talk to me or -- or your father . would you consider family counseling ? j.r. : well , to do that , i 'd probably have to feel like i was part of this family . and i do n't think that 's ever going to happen . [ scene_break ] kendall : i did n't try to seduce boyd . erica : really ? kendall : i never did anything of the sort . erica : for your information , boyd is smarter than that . and he would never fall for anything -- boyd : that 's enough . excuse me , erica , but did you notice i still happen to be here ? erica : well , of course . boyd : well , then why are you talking about me like i 'm not ? erica : i 'm sorry . it 's just that you do n't know kendall the way i do . kendall : oh , here we go . boyd : erica , you do n't have to warn me . erica : but she 's trying to -- she 's playing you , boyd , okay ? she 's playing you to get to me . boyd : do i look like a sucker to you ? erica : no , of course not , boyd . you look like a really smart man and a good man . you 're honest and you 're trusting , boyd , so you think that kendall is whatever she tells you she is and she makes you believe whatever she wants you to believe . boyd , that 's not real . boyd : she 's real to me . erica : boyd , look , you mean a great deal to this company . and you mean a great deal to me . i do n't want to lose you . and i do n't want you to be another one of kendall 's victims . boyd : look , erica , kendall 's smart and so am i . she 's very direct . i find that refreshing . erica : direct ? kendall 's direct ? kendall : greenlee and i made boyd a legitimate offer , and he turned us down . erica : i appreciate that . so , as long as you 're under contract to me , then we are -- boyd : as long as i 'm under contract , you own my ideas , erica , not me . kendall : uh - oh , an employee who actually thinks for himself . erica : we are done here , kendall . kendall : no , we 're not . we 're not done until enchantment is turned to dust . erica : boyd -- i 'm afraid that you just saw the kendall that i warned you about , so please be careful . boyd : erica , with all due respect , you 're my boss . you 're not my mother . erica : well , that was a fiasco . what ? why are you looking at me like that ? bianca : because you totally blew it . [ scene_break ] joe : i know it seems impossible . jake : we 've assembled the best team available , david . david : yeah -- everything but a pediatric cardiac surgeon . jake : listen , i have called dr. urjud to be the sonographer in surgery . every neonatalist from this hospital who 's on call is on their way here right now . [ pager beeps ] [ david sighs ] joe : excuse me . jake : david , i put together a great team . you 've got all the equipment that you need . david : jake , it 's not about assembling a crack team or state - of - the - art equipment . jake : you think i do n't know that ? i 'm doing the best that i can . david : well , it 's not enough , all right ? jake : david , wait . listen to me . i ca n't even imagine what you 're going through right now . i know you and i have had our differences , but i 'm telling you that i think you 're the most gifted surgeon that i 've ever known . if anyone can do this , it 's you . joe : i got good news . dr. pelosi 's available . jake : good . david : you mean , from boston children 's . well , he 's performed this several times . when can he be here ? joe : he ca n't , exactly . look , david , we 're setting up a monitor and teleconferencing equipment . now , dr. pelosi can guide you through the surgery step by step . david : from boston ? joe : yes . i 've given him all the information that we have . and he 's standing by as we speak , so you wo n't be alone . david : but it 'll still be my hands . and if i make one wrong move , my wife 's life -- my child 's -- jake : david , no one else can do this surgery . there 's no one but you . maggie : can you please just stop pressing him ? he 's not a robot , okay ? joe : david , it 's your call . and whatever your decision , we 'll respect it . i know you 're under tremendous pressure , and i know the stakes are unbelievable . if you want to step aside , it 's no disgrace . david : i got to talk to anna . i got to talk to her . [ scene_break ] nurse : i 'll get a doctor . try and relax . anna : can you find my husband for me , please ? thanks . okay . hold on , little girl , please . oh . oh , god . whatever we 're facing , i know you have your father 's fight in you . i feel it , you know , every time you kick me . just keep on kicking , okay ? we 'll take care of the rest . oh . i love you so much . please do n't leave us now , okay ? please ? anna : are we losing her , david ? [ scene_break ] jamie : i better get to spanish class . i got an exam . laurie : so get out of here . i do n't want two guys blowing their grades because of me . jamie : that 's not going to happen . laurie : good luck on your test . jamie : muchas gracias , senorita . hasta la vista . adam : hello , laurie . laurie : are you here because of j.r. ? is he all right ? adam : well , i 'm reasonably certain he 's not all right . laurie : i 'm sorry . adam : but i 'm going to fix it . and i need your help . laurie : mr. chandler , i 'm sorry , i have a meeting with my guidance counselor . if i 'm late -- adam : please , please -- just -- just give me a few minutes of your time . [ scene_break ] erica : look , i had to stop kendall before this whole thing gets entirely out of hand . you know that . bianca : mom , i showed you that fusion lip color just so that you would be aware of the competition . you turned it into a personal attack against kendall . erica : you saw how she went after me . bianca : yeah , but all you did was fire her up . and now boyd 's not exactly happy . erica : did boyd really accuse me of trying to be his mother ? bianca : he 's angry . and you know what ? i do n't blame him . he 's brilliant . you made him feel like an idiot . erica : boyd is one of enchantment 's key assets . i protect my assets . bianca : right , but are you more concerned with keeping boyd or losing him to kendall ? erica : bianca , boyd is my top chemist . i want to keep him here at enchantment . and kendall is using him , poor thing . bianca : if that `` poor thing `` wants kendall to use him , it 's his call . erica : not if it affects his work here . but you 're right . we have a lot of real business to deal with . bianca : right . like how are we going to stay ahead of a startup company that blows on to the scene and totally rocks ? [ scene_break ] kendall : hey , tommy . i need a stiff one . tommy : what 'll it be ? kendall : my regular spirulina smoothie , extra echinacea , extra wheat grass , extra anything else you want . tommy : tough morning ? kendall : yeah , you could say that . ca n't you hear my immune system crashing ? boyd : may i join you ? hi . kendall : hi . well , if you want to risk the wrath of kane , be my guest . boyd : i 'll take my chances . listen , i 'm sorry about that whole scene back at your mom 's office . kendall : what , that ? no , that was just another blip on the erica radar . i -- i really should apologize to you . boyd : come on , why ? kendall : well , i should n't have gone off on you like that . but when i saw you with erica , i -- i just thought you were part of her wrecking crew . so , i apologize . boyd : apology accepted . kendall : um -- so , do you really think i 'm refreshing ? boyd : in a gale - force wind kind of way . kendall : well , you did n't win any points with erica by sticking up for me . boyd : i do n't need any points . i have a contract , remember ? and besides , i was only being honest . if erica ca n't see how amazing you are , well , fusion will open her eyes . kendall : oh , fusion -- the lips -- the lip color ! oh ! but if it were n't for you , simone 's lips would still be glued together . thank you . i owe you a dinner . boyd : well , i 'm free now . why do n't we make it lunch ? kendall : okay . that 's a good idea . boyd : let 's -- kendall : okay . boyd : let me get that . kendall : thank you . michael : kendall . kendall : hi . [ scene_break ] jake : dad , i 'm going to need the teleconferencing equipment in place immediately . joe : all right . i 'll bring our tech department up to speed , and i will coordinate with boston children . oh , look -- do n't push david on this . it really has to be his decision . maggie : what 's going to happen ? is david going to operate on anna and the baby , or -- jake : there 's no other choice , maggie . and david 's going to see that . maggie : jake , what if he can see it and anna ca n't ? [ scene_break ] anna : dr. hoffman has had a stroke ? david : yeah . anna : well , so -- is he going to be all right ? david : it 's too soon to say . anna : well , what does that mean for the baby ? david : the preop sonogram indicates that her heart rate is still slowing down . anna : well , then she 's going to die without this operation , david . david : there 's no one within a 500-mile radius that can do this . anna : no , i do n't accept that ! i do n't accept that ! everything about this child is a miracle . and we have fought so hard to get this far . she has fought the hardest of all . so now what are we supposed to do ? we just give up ? you know , i hold your hand and we say a prayer , and we just -- we just wait for her little heart to stop beating ? david : there might be another solution . anna : well , good . what is that ? david : jake and joe have asked me to give it a try . anna : you ? david : yeah . there would be a specialist on - line from boston , but i would be the one performing the surgery . anna : well , i thought that there was a policy against operating on family . david : there is , but this is -- well , jake -- jake has said okay . anna : so can you do this operation ? can you do it ? david : maybe . if there is a chance for me to save our child 's life , how can i not take it ? anna : well , how do you feel ? david : no , you got to be the one to decide this , not me . do you want me to perform this surgery ? anna : oh , yes , of course i do . yes , yes . yes , i do . yes . david : darling , i 'm not qualified for this . anna : i know , but i trust you . i trust you with my life and with our little girl 's life . i trust you . david , what is it ? come on , do n't you think you can do this ? you can do this . david : anna -- anna -- i mean , the truth is i 'm afraid . anna : of course you 're afraid . anybody would be afraid . david : no , no , anna , you do n't understand . i 'm never afraid . i mean , saving lives is what i do . but , baby , you 're my life . and this child is our future . anna : mm - hmm . david : so operating on the two of you and risking everything that i love -- it just -- anna : or saving it , david . you could save it . david : yeah , but -- baby , if i lose you or our child , i 'll never forgive myself . anna : well , if you do n't want to do it , that 's all right . that 's all right . just know i have -- i have complete faith in you . but , you know , you have to be at peace with this , whatever decision that we make . david : our child deserves the best that her parents can give her . and what if i ca n't give her that ? anna : oh , you already have . we 've given her our love . maybe that 's all we can give her . anna : maybe it 's time to just accept what 's happened , you know ? let her go . [ scene_break ] adam : i want to apologize for that brawl with my son at the theater . laurie : can we just forget about it ? adam : well , i just -- i completely lost my head , which i am prone to do at times . but i said atrocious things to you , and i do regret them . laurie : you 're sorry i broke up with j.r. ? you do n't have to worry about him throwing his life away because of me . adam : i said that ? well , i was wrong . he 's managed to do that all by himself . no , what i mean is he 's -- well , not able to focus on certain opportunities that are available to him . laurie : like harvard ? look , mr. chandler , i told j.r. he should go for it . he ca n't risk that for me . adam : well , he 's doing it , anyway . he 's determined to stay here in pine valley and win you back . laurie : that 's not going to happen . i told you , we 're over . i care about j.r. , but there 's no way he 's going to crash and burn because of me . adam : you 're very wise for someone your age . laurie : i really have to go . adam : and very smart . which is why i have a proposition for you . laurie : look , mr. chandler , i am totally out of j.r. 's life . i do n't see how it 's possible . adam : how would you like to go with him ? laurie : what ? adam : he does n't want to really stay in pine valley , you know . he just wants to go wherever you are . so what if you go to harvard ? laurie : in my dreams . adam : it could be a reality . laurie : on what planet ? i 'm working two jobs and applying for scholarships just so i can afford p.v.u . adam : well , that 's where i came in . you get yourself accepted to harvard , and i 'll pay for your entire college education . [ scene_break ] bianca : fusion has everyone 's attention right now with a really cutting - edge poster campaign . erica : well , our product speaks for itself , so we do n't need any guerrilla advertising campaign stunts to get attention . bianca : but everybody is talking about fusion . and kendall and greenlee are pulling off quite a coup , and i think we could use a lot of that edge . erica : i think we have an edge because we 're enchantment . bianca : not in the 18-to-25 demo . i mean , if we 're going to stay competitive , we -- we have to be in their face . erica : i am so tired of `` in your face . `` but all right . you know what ? you come up with some fantastically radical advertising campaign , you run it by me , and we 'll go for it , okay ? [ intercom buzzes ] erica : yes , val ? no , i did n't forget . okay , my marketing director is waiting for me in the conference room . bianca : oh , that 's mary from the new york office ? erica : yes . bianca : can i sit in on the meeting ? erica : oh , honey , you know , all we 're going to talk about is the ad campaign for the anti - aging cream . honey , that has nothing to do with your division , that 's for sure . bianca , would you wipe that lip color off ? [ scene_break ] kendall : michael -- i -- i -- i was n't -- i did n't think i would see you again . michael : oh , i thought i 'd mentioned i was going to be in pine valley for business . kendall : yes , you did . michael : michael kinsey . boyd : boyd larraby . michael : hi there . well , listen , i hope i 'm not interrupting . i just wanted to say hello . kendall : no -- no , no , you 're not interrupting at all . actually , boyd was just on his lunch break and it 's -- it 's over . right ? boyd : yeah , kendall 's right . i 've been away from the office long enough . it was nice meeting you . michael : you bet . you , too . boyd : i guess i 'll be in touch . kendall : okay . sure . michael : have a seat ? kendall : okay . michael : you sure made quick work of that fellow . kendall : oh , boyd ? no , he 's -- he 's just a friend . a business associate , really . michael : oh , really ? i 'm sure he feels the same way . kendall : so , you said you were here on business ? michael : and i 'm also pretty happy to have run into you . kendall : you do n't just accidentally run into anyone . michael : what , you think i 'm following you ? kendall : well , if you were , do you think i would mind ? michael : so , is this a working lunch ? kendall : not anymore . michael : hmm . you know , that looks good on you . kendall : what ? michael : you 're wearing your company 's new lip color . kendall : yes , i am . michael : it 's very -- very inviting . kendall : well , at least it 's not green . we 're saving the lizard lips for halloween . michael : yeah , well , you were a vision . kendall : i would rather you just forget that you ever saw that , please . michael : all right , all right . it 's forgotten , it 's forgotten . kendall : thank you . now could you please erase my morning ? michael : hmm . busy day at work ? kendall : oh , yes -- fusion , my mother . just another day in the life . michael : oh . well , i was hoping you 'd be free for dinner . how does your evening look ? kendall : it 's looking better and better . michael : good . tommy : one spirulina with wheat grass , echinacea smoothie . kendall : oh . thank you . tommy : can i get something for you ? michael : you know , i 'll just watch . tommy : okay . michael : why do you do this to yourself ? kendall : this is very good for you , i 'll have you know . michael : oh . kendall : yes , wheat grass is very healthy . wheat grass is healthy -- spirulina is good for your heart . echinacea 's good for your immune system . this is all good for something . michael : okay . kendall : why , does this goop gross you out ? michael : oh , no , you could pretty much bite the heads off live fish and i would be enchanted . now -- ahem -- where were we ? hmm . kendall : hmm . michael : nice . [ scene_break ] laurie : you 'd pay for me to go to school with j.r. ? adam : yes , yes , yes . young lady , i 've seen your transcripts . you have the grades and the s.a.t . scores to do it . yeah , it 's -- it 's important for -- a young woman with your potential should get the best education possible . and i would be honored to provide it . laurie : i do n't -- i do n't think that 's such a good idea . adam : i think it 's a fantastic idea . i know you were concerned about ruining j.r. 's chances of getting into an ivy league school . well , please do n't ruin those chances for yourself . laurie : i -- i do n't -- i do n't know . i -- adam : well , i know , i know . well , it 's a difficult decision to make . but even for a girl as smart as you , i know you 'll make the right decision . doug : why is chandler harassing you ? laurie : he 's not harassing me . it was about j.r . doug : well , has n't he heard ? you and the boy are through . huh ? you better be , if you know what 's good for you . laurie : like you know what that is . you do n't know anything about me anymore . doug : well , i know you 're better off without a rich kid putting crazy ideas in your head . laurie : crazy like what ? getting a real education ? being successful ? doug : that 's what i want for you , too , laurie . why do you think i work my tail off for you here ? laurie : yeah , when you 're not drunk or getting into fights . you know , you 've never asked me once what my dreams are or told me that you 're proud of me . [ school bell rings ] doug : oh , come on , laurie . of course i 'm proud of you . woman : doug ? doug : yeah . i got to go back to work . we 're going to talk about this tonight over dinner , all right ? excuse me . jamie : hey , hey . laurie : hey . jamie : you okay ? laurie : you 're not going to believe what just happened . mr. chandler wants to pay for me to go to harvard . jamie : no way . laurie : i -- i know he 's just doing it to get to j.r . i know that . but , oh , my god ! how unreal is that ? i ca n't get too excited . mr. chandler probably did n't mean a word of it . jamie : are you kidding ? mr. chandler never says anything he does n't mean . laurie : so then it 's true ? can you imagine me in harvard ? how wild is that ? mr. chandler must be insane . but i could never accept it . i mean -- jamie : if you do n't take mr. chandler up on this offer , you 're insane . [ scene_break ] david : tell me what you want me to do . anna : i want you to do the operation . david : all right . then i 'll do it . anna : okay . david : and i swear to you , i 'm going to do everything i can to save our child . anna : oh , you 'll save her . i know you will . you 'll save her . [ scene_break ] jamie : i think mr. chandler 's a jerk , but you got to do this . i mean , who cares what mr. chandler 's agenda is ? i mean , you 're going ivy , girl . laurie : but what about j.r. ? he 's not going to be happy when he finds out what his dad is up to . jamie : maybe for five minutes . but then , he 'll -- hmm -- figure out that boston is hundreds of miles away from his old man . and you 'll be there , too . laurie : j.r. and i can be together . jamie : who says dreams do n't come true , huh ? and if you need a little help getting him to see the light , i 'm there . laurie : jamie ! you 're the best . [ laurie sighs ] [ scene_break ] liza : well , our tax situation is -- adam : ah , let the accountants play with that . liza : your mood has improved . adam : a breath of fresh air can work wonders . liza : hmm , it never makes you smug . what did you do ? adam : a bit of exploring . what are you doing ? liza : well , if i do n't get the truth , i 'm going to have to call lysistrata for an emergency session . adam : oh , good god , no . no , please , please , please stop . anything but that , my darling . anything but that . liza : so ? adam : i made j.r. 's girlfriend an offer she could n't refuse . [ scene_break ] boyd : is it safe ? bianca : huh . yeah , she 's at a meeting . boyd : so did i get myself fired ? bianca : i would say that you pushed the envelope . boyd : uh - oh . bianca : but mom really appreciates honesty . and she certainly appreciates everything you do for the company . boyd : well , at least enchantment still loves me . bianca : you know , you 're -- you 're back sooner than i expected . boyd : yeah . bianca : you went after kendall , did n't you ? boyd : i did , but she seems to be going after someone else . [ scene_break ] kendall : i feel better already . michael : so , is it just that spirulacious glop that 's giving you that beautiful glow ? kendall : why do n't you try it and find out ? michael : maybe i will . kendall : i do n't think you have the nerve . michael : oh . [ kendall laughs ] michael : bartender , straw , please . kendall : whoa . michael : mm - hmm . kendall : mm - hmm . you know , where i come from , they say that sharing a smoothie is a serious step in a relationship . michael : really ? kendall : ahem -- excuse me . [ kendall laughs ] kendall : are you sure you can handle it ? michael : well , i 'll tell you -- i 'm sure about one thing . i 'll share this drink with you , but i could never share you . kendall : oh , sorry . michael : oh . [ scene_break ] anna : hi . david : hi . you ready ? anna : yeah . david : okay . anna : do n't keep us waiting . david : i wo n't . anna : i love you , no matter what . anna : okay . david : okay . maggie : hey . you take care of my baby cousin for me . i know you can do this . david : say a prayer or two , okay ? maggie : mm - hmm . david : all right . maggie : i 'll be in the waiting room . david : okay . thanks . jake : i 'm scrubbing in , if that 's all right . david : i 'd be glad to have you , jake . jake : thanks . listen , i 'm sorry about pushing so hard earlier . david : no , it 's all right . it 's okay . jake : that was the only way i could get the best doctor i could find . good luck . david : dear god . janelle : if it wo n't freak you out , i 'll scrub in , too . david : i 'd like that . very much . janelle : let 's go . anesthesiologist : okay , you 're going to go to sleep now , anna . just count backwards from 10 . anna : 10 , nine , eight , seven , six , five -- anesthesiologist : she 's all yours , dr. hayward . david : dr. urjud ? dr. urjud : the fetal heart rate is slow but stable . david : dr. pelosi , are we ready to proceed ? dr. pelosi : let 's make the incision . david : okay . let 's do it . scalpel , please . [ next_on ] reggie : that chica right there wants you bad . chris : any particular reason why you told val to send me away ? greenlee : i 'm so on to you . kendall : and you are so out of here ! jake : she 's going to arrest ! david : i promised anna that i would save the baby . jake : at what price ? | adam gets angry when j.r. gets another bad grade . j.r. does n't care about anything since he left laurie . adam finds laurie at school and offers to pay her way through harvard so that j.r. will follow her there . laurie is n't sure what to think ; jamie tells her that she should go for it . she and jamie hug again . laurie has another fight with her dad . liza tries to get adam to stay out of j.r. 's life but of course he does n't . kendall yells at erica for trying to ruin fusion . boyd also gets angry at erica for trying to interfere with his personal life . after they leave , bianca tells erica she went too far with fusion , but she 's worried about fusion 's success , too . after a long talk with anna , david decides to do the operation on her baby . jake and janelle will assist . another doctor in boston will help via teleconferencing . kendall runs into boyd again at the pine valley inn bar . kendall accepts boyd 's invitation to lunch but then michael arrives so she blows boyd off . kendall and michael flirt in the bar over a wheat - grass smoothie . |
babe : i wish this was all over and we could be at home playing with james . jamie : hey , it 's going to happen , all right ? lab tech : shari dudley -- i 'll be supervising the test for the courts . babe : hi . when can we get started ? shari : as soon as mr. chandler and the child arrive . babe : ok . j.r. : swab me up . let 's get this party started so i can take my baby home . jamie : dream on . j.r. : well , look who brought his entourage . too bad they ca n't save you . kevin : let 's get this over with . babe : hey . hi ! you see ? he recognizes his mama when he sees her . [ scene_break ] kendall : zach was just leaving . he has completely lost his mind if he thinks i would ever side with him and hurt you . ethan : zach 's a slow learner . actually , i 'm glad you 're here . i have a surprise for you . zach : really ? ethan : yeah . call it an early father 's day present -- for a very special dad . [ scene_break ] anita : zach claimed that he was all worried about maria . i mean , he almost tanked her marriage . god only knows what he did to bobby . he 's lucky that i did n't use that uppercut that you taught me . aidan : listen , do me a favor . stay clear of zach slater , all right ? the guy is trouble . anita : excuse me , but i am a member of the polar bear club . i 'm not afraid of anybody . not even zach . aidan : i get that you 're brave . but how about we just spend this evening about me and you and stay clear of everyone ? anita : ok , i 'd like that . waiter : champagne ? aidan : sorry , mate , there must be some kind of mistake , because we did n't order any . maggie : i did . from jonathan and me . we 're still together -- despite you . [ scene_break ] bianca : miranda , honey , mommy 's home . marian , i -- jonathan : look over there . say `` hi , mommy . hi . `` lily : `` trailed suspect jonathan lavery to bianca montgomery 's . suspect inside with bianca and miranda montgomery . `` bianca : she 's really tired . let me take her . let me put her down for her nap . jonathan : no , i was just about to tell her a story . bianca : look -- look , she 's really sleepy , jonathan . just -- just -- jonathan : it 's ok . this will send her off with sweet dreams . wo n't it ? see , once upon a time , there was an itty - bitty baby princess who was rich and beautiful and had everything she could ever want . but there were people in the kingdom who envied the little princess and so desperately wanted the life she had . the princess mommy knew about the bad people , and she did everything she could to protect her little girl . but no matter how hard she tried , she could n't keep her safe from one man . and his name was rumpelstiltskin . he threatened to take the little girl away from her mother . bianca : jonathan , give her to me now . [ scene_break ] aidan : i thought jonathan moved out . maggie : yeah , thanks to you . and it sucks . but it wo n't be for long . just until he finishes his therapy . please , enjoy your champagne . anita : well , i 'm glad he 's getting help . maggie : he does n't need to get help . he 's doing it for his brother . anita : he should be doing it for himself , and you . maggie : you do not have the right to judge jonathan . he never did anything wrong -- to me or greenlee . anita : maggie , i saw your bruise . maggie : enough with the bruise , anita . anita : if he did it once -- maggie : he did n't mean to hit me . anita : well , at least you 're admitting it now . maggie : he did n't mean -- he did n't mean to hurt me . it was a onetime thing . aidan : no , it was n't . maggie : yes , it was . aidan : you 're not the first woman he 's hit , maggie . [ scene_break ] kendall : you got zach a present ? ethan : yeah , a whopper . it seems your gaming license is under review . zach : that happens periodically . ethan : the kicker is , somebody told the state gambling commission that you 'd been operating your casino under a false identity . zach : you should n't have . ethan : it 's just the beginning . zach : so , how does it feel ? flexing the cambias muscle ? ethan : to bring you down ? brilliant . i plan to make you very proud . something you can think about when the rest of your life starts to slip through your fingers . [ phone rings ] ethan : i have to take this . will you show our guest to the door ? thank you . yes ? zach : the cambias name works fast . kendall : it 's not the name , it 's you . i mean , after everything you 've put him through , what the hell do you expect ? he wants to punish you , and really , i ca n't blame him one bit . zach : i 'm just the first . now , if you like the boy , which i think you do , you got to help him . tell him to give it up -- the name , the power , the money , all of it , before it 's too late . ethan : no , but i 'm not asking you . i 'm telling you . your job is on the line , so either put up or get out . [ scene_break ] babe : yes , that is right , my peanut . i 'm your mommy . mama 's here , baby . kevin : here , can you test the baby first ? i had to get him out of bed for this . shari : oh , sure . this way . kevin : all right , thanks . here you go . woman : hi . kevin : you got him ? woman : yes . kevin : all right . babe : did you see that ? he totally recognized me . jamie : well , of course he did . j.r. : yeah , well , while mama 's busy making license plates , adam , jr. , will be living large with his real daddy . kevin : shut up , chandler . there 's no way i 'm giving up ace . j.r. : you wo n't have a choice . kevin : no matter what happens here , i will still fight for custody . j.r. : oh , come on , kev . we both know that test will prove that he 's my son , case closed . kevin : i do n't care . i 'm his father till the day i die . j.r. : you do n't share a drop of blood with that baby , which means you 're not the father . do n't they teach you biology in llanview ? kevin : blood does n't matter . all right ? i gave him a home . i fed him , i changed him , i played with him . i love him . j.r. : you ca n't hold on to a kid just because you played patty - cake or burped him a few times between campaign speeches . jamie : you held on to miranda so tight , you were ready to kill . j.r. : why do n't you shut up ? jamie : oh , you took a pipe to my head and bianca took a header off a balcony , just because you could n't accept miranda was n't yours . kevin : wow , i knew you played dirty , but attempted murder twice over -- see , i do n't think a judge will give you custody after that . thanks for the extra ammunition . j.r. : do n't ramp up for a custody fight just yet . it 's not going to get that far . babe : would you two just please stop tugging on my baby like you 're in some sandbox ? neither one of you has got a shot . we all saw james today . he recognized me . now , that little boy has made his decision . he 'll be coming home to me . j.r. : in 20 or 30 years , if you 're lucky . [ scene_break ] aidan : i did a background check . maggie : yeah , because you were paid to find something , so you did . aidan : jonathan hit another woman , just like he hit you . it was n't a onetime thing . it got worse . and she pressed charges . and then she filed a restraining order . maggie : no . no , it is not -- it 's not true . anita : maggie , why would we lie about something like this ? we just want to help . maggie : well , then leave us the hell alone . jonathan : it 's ok . miranda 's perfectly comfortable with me . bianca : jonathan , give her to me now . jonathan : oh , sure , here . of course . bianca : oh . oh , come here . jonathan : there you go . bianca : oh , my -- jonathan : bye , princess . bianca : it 's ok . jonathan : bye . bianca : come here . jonathan : it was just a story , bianca . it has a happy ending . bianca : oh . not all of them do . oh , my god . jonathan : what ? bianca , you did n't think that -- did you think i could hurt miranda ? bianca : i do n't know what to think of you . jonathan : bianca , of course i would n't . i would never -- i 'm sorry it even popped into your head that i could -- marian : oh , hi , darling , you 're back . oh , miranda sure missed her mommy , did n't you , you little cutie ? bianca : marian -- marian : but she had this nice young man to entertain her . bianca : where were you ? marian : well , one of my properties had a gas leak . bianca : why did n't you call me ? marian : well , because it was an emergency , and i was n't thinking . jonathan : she was n't gone even , what , 20 minutes . marian : i mean , it 's not like i left you with a stranger . it 's ryan 's brother . i mean , you could n't ask for better references . bianca : right . marian : are you upset about something ? are you angry because -- bianca : marian -- marian : look , i never would have left her . i never realized -- bianca : all right , would you do me a favor ? take her down to my uncle jack 's ? marian : yes , of course . bianca : ok . marian : it was nice meeting you . jonathan : nice meeting you , too . bianca : sweetheart , i will see you soon , ok ? marian : you come here , little darling . bianca : ok . here 's the key . marian : ok , thank you . bianca : and , marian -- marian : yes ? bianca : do n't leave her , please ? marian : i cross my heart , darling . bianca : ok . marian : come on , you little angel . jonathan : i guess that 's my cue . bianca : no , not until you tell me what you were just trying to prove . [ scene_break ] ethan : i just made a killing . kendall : hmm . business , i hope . ethan : nothing better . nothing better . kendall : you 're really into it , are n't you ? did you really do it ? ethan : yeah . slater 's little house of cards is about to come falling down . kendall : so that 's it ? just one phone call , snap your fingers , and zach 's history ? ethan : no , better . it 's going to be a long and painfully slow process accompanied by quite dazzling public humiliation . with every fresh disaster , zach slater is going to know his son was behind each and every moment . and you and i -- we get to have a front - row seat . we can even get some popcorn . kendall : you sound just like i did . i was so obsessed with erica -- getting back at her , making her miserable . i would do anything to get her attention . and i changed , ethan . it was n't pretty . ethan : i know , but this change is for the good . you know , i 'm not some kid standing on a trash heap waving a gun around anymore , or sitting on a beach confused . i 'm in control , focused . i 'm not zach slater 's victim anymore , i 'm his equal -- no , better . kendall : all this change -- any room for your old life ? ethan : the best part of my life is right here . i want to give you everything that you want . anything that you want . things that you do n't even know that you want yet . [ doorbell rings ] kendall : i got that . ethan : ah - ah - ah - ah - ah - ah -- kendall : well -- ethan : it 's a surprise . kendall : what is it ? ethan : i think you 're going to have to wait until you 're a little more appropriately dressed . kendall : oh . i kind of like this . well , what should i wear ? [ scene_break ] zach : `` due to alleged irregularities , your gaming license is under review . an investigation is pending . any confirmed inconsistencies could result in suspension or revocation of your license . `` now what ? what are you up to , grey ? bartender : there you go . edmund : i need some information on your boss zach slater . can you help me ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : pick a new dream , babe . there 's no way you 'll ever end up with my son . babe : james belongs with me . j.r. : those two lonely brain cells are n't firing on all cylinders today , are they ? by some miracle you get off the kidnapping charges , you 're still left with one sticky little detail -- the fact that you tried to pass another woman 's baby off as your own for almost a year . babe : i was wrong . but it does n't mean that i 'm going to stop fighting for my son . j.r. : you fight me for custody , the world will come down on you hard . babe : and i will take on anyone that i have to . jamie : we both will . j.r. : it 's a little hard to do that behind bars , guys . kevin : hey ! there 's my boy . come here , buddy . shari : we 're ready for you , mr. chandler . j.r. : all right . let 's do it . babe : this is driving me crazy . he 's right there , and there 's absolutely nothing i can do to help james . jamie : hey , maybe there 's something i can do . babe : wait , where are you going ? jamie : i 'll catch up with you . bye . kevin : wait in the car . you want to hold him ? babe : of course . hey . how 's my sweet boy ? oh -- i swear , you got ten pounds heavier . yes , you did . oh . kevin : really takes to you , huh ? babe : of course he does . he grew inside me for nine months . i 'm home . and you know that , do n't you , sweetie ? yes , you do . i love my son , and he needs me . kevin : we have to try again , babe . for him . we have to try and work this out . babe : you 'll have to forgive me if i do n't exactly trust you . kevin : look , you do n't fight me , i wo n't fight you . i love ace . ok , i want what 's best for him . and that means having his mother in his life . babe : are you serious ? kevin : absolutely . you just have to accept me as his father . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 'm really sorry , bianca . i mean , i should never have offered to watch miranda . you know , marian needed help , so i just thought -- bianca : why were you even here ? jonathan : i wanted to let you know that i meant what i said . i 'm getting help . i love maggie . and i want to be the man -- i want to be the husband -- that i know she deserves . bianca : that 's great . now , if that 's all -- jonathan : well , i also wanted to say how sorry i am . bianca : do n't apologize to me . maggie 's the one -- jonathan : no , sorry for you . maggie told me about your big announcement -- about how much you loved her and wanted to be with her . it had to hurt when she turned you down . bianca : i 'll cope . jonathan : it all makes sense now . how you feel about maggie , the attacks on me , and the insults . i mean , no wonder you wanted to break us up . bianca : i did n't want to break you up , i was worried about maggie . jonathan : is that why you kissed her ? i 'm not mad . i 'm not even that surprised . you see , i suspected all along that you were in love with maggie , but she kept telling me it was n't true . i 'm just so happy to have everything out in the open now . and i 'm sorry for you if you 're hurting . bianca : maggie does n't want to be with me . i get that . jonathan : ah , it 's a big deal . i mean , to accept the truth and move on . but i know you can do it . i 'm sure mags will miss you at first , but she 'll get used to it . she 'll get used to not having you around . bianca : i 'm not going anywhere . i 'm not bailing on maggie -- now , or ever . maggie and i are still friends . i 'm going to stand by her . jonathan : even if she does n't want you to ? bianca : i 'm going to let maggie tell me what she wants . that 's what i 'll give her . jonathan : oh . you 're something else , you know that ? all that loyalty . [ after jonathan exits bianca 's apartment , he punches the heating pipe allowing steam to come out . ] [ hissing ] jamie : whoa . what happened ? jonathan : i do n't know . it just blew . jamie : oh , you 're lucky i got some experience with this . when i was in new orleans , i had to fix one of these or die of heatstroke in the middle of winter . [ hissing stops ] jamie : that should just about do it . [ turning around , jamie is surprised to see that jonathan has vanished . ] jamie : whatever . bianca : jamie . jamie : i really need to talk to you . bianca : no , i do n't want to talk to you or babe . jamie : she 's at the lab with j.r. and james . they 're getting the new dna test done . bianca : i -- i really need to get going . jamie : when the test proves that babe is james ' mother , we have a chance at reduced charges , maybe even custody . bianca : jamie , i do n't care . jamie : but you care about that baby , and he needs to be with his mother , with babe . bianca : what do you want ? jamie : i want you to help babe . [ scene_break ] kevin : listen to me , babe . we both want what 's best for him . babe : yeah , it 's just too bad that we both do n't want the same thing . kevin : yeah , but we can want the same thing . like i said , i will help you if you go to trial . i 'll pull strings , i 'll get you the best lawyers , we 'll go for an acquittal . babe : and what if your strings are n't big enough to pull something like that off ? kevin : all right , if you 're found guilty , i will do everything in my power to make sure that your sentence is minimal . babe : you do realize that this sounds a lot like your first deal . so what 's changed ? kevin : i 'll keep in touch . i 'll bring ace to see you . no matter what happens , i will make sure you have contact with your son . babe : but you 'll still have custody . kevin : i wo n't compromise on that . shari : mrs. chandler ? babe : ah . ok , my sweet boy . kevin : come on , buddy . babe : mama loves you . i 'll see you soon . j.r. : you wish . kevin : you are such an ass . j.r. : enjoy it while you can , kevin . and good luck with that . you 'll need it . [ scene_break ] ethan : ready ? kendall : and naked . ethan : ok , you ready ? kendall : yeah . ethan : what do you think ? kendall : ethan ? my god , it 's beautiful . it 's beautiful . i do n't -- i do n't know what to say . but we have a tub . ethan : it was n't big enough , i do n't think . kendall : well , we 've -- we 've made it work . ethan : yeah , but not with champagne . kendall : wait , no -- wait -- what are you doing ? what are you doing ? you crazy -- what are you doing ? ethan : i 'm just topping it off a little . kendall : you mean -- oh , my god . champagne . well , it 's a good thing you did n't have it chilled . ethan : kendall , i meant what i said . everything you 've ever wanted , everything you 've ever dreamed about , everything you 've ever fantasized about -- it 's yours . [ scene_break ] jonathan : well , it looks like maggie and i are n't the only ones making an evening of it . now , the last time i saw you , it was pretty messy . is lily ok ? aidan : yeah . she 's fine . jonathan : good . i 'm glad to hear it . i wanted you to know that there 's no hard feelings . i 'm -- i 'm with a really good therapist now and i 'm off the booze , so it 's going to be a whole new me . good evening . anita : you believe him ? aidan : no . not a word . [ phone rings ] aidan : i 'll be right back . jonathan : you look gorgeous . i love your hair like this . maggie : i was worried . jonathan : i 'm here now . maggie : thank you . jonathan : and tonight is going to be magic . i promise . maggie : oh , it 's beautiful . jonathan : you 're beautiful . excuse me , sir ? may i have a vase for this , please ? waiter : of course . jonathan : thank you . i am so , so sorry to keep you waiting . i had a stop to make . maggie : ryan ? jonathan : no . bianca . maggie : what were you doing at bianca 's ? [ scene_break ] aidan : ok , lily , calm down . just calm down and tell me exactly where you are and i 'll come straight to you . ok , hold on . lily : hurry , hurry ! aidan : i 'm here , i 'm here . lily : hurry , hurry ! aidan : i 'm here , i 'm here . it 's all right . lily : too much people , too much noise , too much red . aidan : ok , it 's all right . just calm down . lily : too much -- the sunglasses . i ca n't find them ! aidan : but , listen -- lily : too much , too much . aidan : focus on me , ok ? we 'll count back from 100 . use your ones . 100 , 99 -- lily : 99 . aidan : 98 . lily : 98 . aidan : 97 . lily : 97 . both : 96 , 95 , 94 -- [ scene_break ] maggie : why did you do that ? why did you have to go and see her ? i told you that i was done with her . why ca n't you accept that ? jonathan : i do . maggie : well , then leave bianca alone . [ scene_break ] aidan : lily , what are you doing here ? lily : i followed jonathan . first , he was at ryan 's , then he went to maggie 's , then to bianca 's . i wanted to get proof that he drugged my sister greenlee . i wrote everything down , see ? aidan : all right , listen , take a break and calm down , ok ? i thought we agreed that you were n't going to be my partner anymore . lily : you told me not to confront people because that could be dangerous . aidan : well , that 's true . it can be . lily : but i did n't confront jonathan . can i still be your partner ? i like solving mysteries . i like investigating . i like helping you when there 's no noise or people or red . aidan : listen , to be a private detective , it takes training and you have to have a license . lily : will you train me , help me get my license ? aidan : well , it takes time , and , lily , you have to be -- you have to be an adult . lily : i do n't want to wait that long . aidan : well , how about -- how about i give you a job at the office ? i mean , tad and i need someone that will organize our files and track cases . would you like that ? lily : i 'd be very good at that . i could start now . aidan : how about you start tomorrow and that 's if your dad says it 's ok , all right ? lily : all right . aidan : all right , then why do n't i call him , send him to come pick you up ? lily : but what about jonathan ? i 'm hot on his case . aidan : listen , you did really good , ok ? now it 's my turn . you let me take care of jonathan , all right ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : why are you attacking me ? maggie : i 'm not . jonathan : you 're angry . maggie : i just do n't understand why you had to go see bianca . jonathan : she made a play at you . i had to set things straight . maggie : and i told her to forget it . i love you and only you . she 's out of my life now for good . jonathan : you 're pretty worked up about somebody who 's supposedly an old flame . maggie : god , she 's not an old flame . [ maggie notices how jonathan has mangled the rose he just gave her . ] jonathan : i 'm sorry . i 'll -- i 'll get you another one . what is it ? maggie : am i the only one ? the only woman you 've hit ? [ scene_break ] adam : how did it go at the lab ? j.r. : well , all the tests are in . it 'll be official soon -- i 'm adam chandler iii 's father . adam : adam iii , huh ? congratulations , son . i do n't think i can tell you how happy this makes me . j.r. : well , there 's just one more snag i have to deal with -- kevin buchanan . [ scene_break ] kevin : yeah , a tactical move . no way j.r. leaves you and me alone with this little guy , so we took a walk . think about my offer ? babe , i 'll put it in writing , ok ? regular visits right out in the open . i want you to be a real part of his life . all right ? he needs his mother and his father . babe : but you 're not my son 's daddy . kevin : some things are thicker than blood . babe : that 's not what i 'm talking about . look , i know that you love him , i do , but a father does what 's best for his child ; and with you , it 's all about winning , and with j.r. , it 's just about owning . kevin : look , i can see that you might want to lump me into the same category with j.r. , but it 's not true . i am giving you the opportunity to watch your son grow up because i love him . you just acknowledged that . babe : my son recognized his mama today . and just around the corner , he 's going to be recognizing someone as his daddy . now , that is going to be the only man who 's going to love him like a real father -- jamie martin . [ scene_break ] jamie : and whatever you think of babe , her son needs you . bianca : how can you even ask me to help her ? jamie : i know she hurt you . bianca : hurt ? that does n't begin to cover it . this was n't a headache or a paper cut . what babe did to me , to my daughter , to my family -- jamie : she had help . bianca : do n't even get me started on david and krystal . jamie : no , i -- i meant me . i was with babe and i 'm lucky that you did n't slug me the second you opened the door . bianca : i 'm not angry with you , not the way i am with babe . you got involved in this whole mess way down the road because you love her . jamie : and i do love her . and i know how sorry she is . bianca : do n't . jamie : no , and when i found out that babe had miranda , it took me a long time to deal with it , but i got there . now , i 've stood by her side because she wanted to do the right thing all along . bianca : i 've heard all this a million times . jamie : no -- look , she left the letter telling you the truth . and when j.r. screwed it up , she could 've stayed underground with her son , but but she would n't . i mean , she risked losing him , losing everything to get miranda back to you . bianca : so that makes what she did all right ? jamie : no . babe knows nothing will make it all right . i mean , she 's ready to face the consequences . i mean , her sentence started the day that she lost you as a friend . bianca : do you want me to feel sorry for her ? jamie : no , no . i want you to understand and i think that you do . babe -- she screwed up beyond bigtime , but her son belongs with her , not j.r. , not kevin buchanan . bianca : jamie , babe 's not a victim . she made her choices , she did this to herself . jamie : she made the wrong choices for the right reasons . i mean , babe 's the only shot her son has for a normal life . and she needs you to make that happen . bianca : character reference ? jamie : if you go to the da on babe 's behalf and tell them you want the charge about miranda dropped , maybe they 'll listen to you . it would go a long way . i mean , please , bianca , just think about it ? if you ca n't do it for babe , do it for our baby boy . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] bartender : another beer ? edmund : i 'd rather have information . bartender : it 's -- it 's like i said -- i 'm not interested . edmund : i 'll double the offer . anything you got on your boss zach slater . bartender : not interested . singer : a hand and your heart on your sleeve and do n't even try to show myrtle : oh ! hello , handsome . opal : hello there . edmund : ladies . opal : how you doing ? edmund : what brings you here ? myrtle : well , opal . opal has been twisted in knots since poor old tad and jamie were in jail . opal : yeah , well , i -- myrtle : so i brought her to see if some blackjack will help . opal : i 'd like to throw those carey girls onto a roulette wheel . myrtle : oh , darling -- opal : throw some darts is what i 'd like to do . myrtle : you are going to cheer up the moment you get your first few rounds . why do n't you come with us ? listen , handsome men always bring me luck . edmund : ah , myrtle , bless you . it 's tempting , but i 've got to write a story right now and then i promised my daughter i 'd help her with her homework . myrtle : well , if you change your mind , you know where we 'll be . opal : let 's hit the powder room first . myrtle : oh -- opal : come on , myrt . singer : you 're taking way too long zach : maybe i can help you with your story . [ music plays ] edmund : appreciate the offer . do n't need the help . zach : it is n't about a story , is it ? it 's about payback . edmund : you do n't owe me anything . zach : so maria 's back in your house , but that 's not enough , is it ? you want blood , my blood . you wo n't get it . edmund : you have no idea what i want . zach : i will get to you before you can ever get to me . [ scene_break ] singer : there is no right there is kendall : oh . this is heaven . ethan : you and champagne -- i ca n't think of a better way to celebrate the beginning of our future and the end of zach 's . kendall : you need to forget about zach . [ scene_break ] jonathan : what kind of -- how can you ask me something like that ? maggie : just answer me . have you ever hit anyone before ? jonathan : i wanted tonight to be special , and you ask me something like that ? no . i 've never hit another woman . and if you wanted to make me feel bad , if you wanted to get back at me , congrats . you did . maggie : look , i do n't know why i -- i 'm sorry . jonathan : i thought we were over this , maggie . i thought we were going to move on . maggie : no , we are . we are . i 'm really sorry , ok ? waiter : are you ready to order ? jonathan : you did n't bring the vase for the rose . how can i expect you to get the order right ? i 'm out of here . waiter : sorry , sir . i forgot . jonathan : are you coming ? aidan : what did i miss ? anita : i could n't hear what they were saying , but jonathan is totally on edge . aidan : yeah , i saw the way he took it out on his flower . anita : let 's hope it stops there . god , why ca n't maggie see it ? i feel like i need to do something . aidan : yeah , well , come here -- we will . and i think i know just the way to get through to maggie . [ scene_break ] adam : with scientific proof against him , why is buchanan still fighting for custody of my grandchild ? why ? he could have a dozen of his own . why fight for a child that is n't even his ? j.r. : the lieutenant governor does n't stand a chance . adam : you have a plan ? j.r. : i 'll find a way . baby adam will be sleeping in this crib before we know it . [ scene_break ] kevin : you 're a fool if you think you and martin are going to ride off into the sunset with this baby . babe : actually , no , i 'm counting on it . look , i was raised by a woman who did anything to hold on to her baby girl no matter what anyone else said , and she kicked the spit out of the odds to do it . now , i am willing to take on you and j.r. and show you that your money and your power and your threats -- it does n't make a good parent . love does . now , i 've got more than enough love to take you both on and save my child . do n't you worry , my sweet james . we 're going to be together for good , before you cut your next tooth . [ scene_break ] bianca : look at her , jamie . she 's finally back where she belongs . she 's with her mother . jamie : the way it should be . bianca : i thought she was dead . if i go to the da and ask him to drop those charges , it 's like saying all those months of hell were no big deal , that what babe did to me was ok . and i ca n't do that . i wo n't . jamie : i 'm not asking you to do that . i 'm asking you for help because james is too young to do it for himself . he needs his mother just as much as miranda needs you . all right , please , bianca , help me give him that . help me fight for our baby the way you fought for yours . [ next_on ] zach : your husband 's been playing pi in my casino . tell him to lay off . edmund : i need your help to nail zach slater . lily : aidan and i , we found some evidence on jonathan that maggie needs to hear . she may need you . ryan : did you lie to me about drugging my wife ? | bianca discovers that marion left miranda with jonathan and asks her never to do it again . marion has no clue `` who `` jonathan really is and miranda is ok for now . first maggie confronts aiden and anita that their plans to break up her and jonathan are unsuccessful . later jonathan tells them he 's getting therapy , stopping drinking and harbors no `` ill feelings `` toward them . but aiden has informed maggie that jonathan got charged with domestic violence before . she confronts jonathan about that and he gets very upset . she is upset with him for harassing bianca and not trusting that she loves him . babe and jamie are fighting the chandlers as well as kevin buchanan for custody of their baby boy . jamie goes to ask bianca to help them get custody . but she tells him she does n't want to get involved . |
[ while kendall talks on her cell phone , zach lovingly kisses her neck . ] kendall : binks . hey . i know , yes . i know it 's late . never mind the time . what are you doing tomorrow ? yes , in paris . where else would you be ? how about from sunrise to midnight ? good , good . well , then you can be my maid of honor . yes ! yes , zach and i are getting married in paris tomorrow . yes , i am dead serious . i have never been so serious or so in love in my whole life . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall 's future is in his hands . ethan : you have the time ? ryan : marty , you screw this up marty : hey , i can do this and you know it , or you would n't have blackmailed me into it . ethan : ahem . i 'd keep on his good side if i were you . ryan : you pull this off , and you 're in the clear . you good ? you got this covered ? david : your everlasting love for greenlee . what a joke . you 're busted , lavery , and i 'll be damned if i 'm going to let you have her . [ scene_break ] jamie : you 're so tight with josh , you just used him to make j.r. jealous , so why accuse him of setting up amanda ? babe : it 's possible . jamie : you hate amanda . babe : i ca n't stand her , but she 's not guilty . jamie : you want amanda out of jail ? babe : if josh is behind this , then i think we should at least find out . j.r. : amanda belongs in jail . you two want to throw her a pity party , it ends right here , and amanda stays right where she is . [ scene_break ] janet 's voice : and erica , of all people , my dear friend ? the way she lashed out at you was vicious . amanda 's voice : forget erica , please . just please leave her alone . janet 's voice : and i think it 's time that others learn the meaning of sacrifice . and by the morning , they will . of course , it will be too late by then . oh well , by the morning , they will . by the morning , they will . by the morning , they will . they will . they will . they will -- [ scene_break ] erica : tonight , we have the power to change people 's lives . janet : do n't i know it . erica : please call 1 - 800-red - cross to make your donation to the american red cross disaster relief fund . help the survivors of hurricanes katrina and wilma and the thousands of disasters across the country each year rebuild their lives . so many of our fellow americans are counting on your generosity . so thank you for joining us at the mardi gras ball and please keep those donations coming in . [ applause ] josh : erica , that was perfect . maybe your next appeal should include your mardi gras king . where is jack , by the way ? erica : i 'm going to go check the donation line . josh : before you do , i contacted the owners of the local affiliates who want me as your co - host . erica : of course you did . very slick of you , josh . josh : well , i explained to them that you were given some antipsychotic meds by a former employee . that it was just a setup , and that it could never happen again , that you do n't need a co - host or a back - up , that you are the tune - in to `` new beginnings , `` the one and only . [ scene_break ] [ aidan : not bad for a hideout , huh ? best thing about this place , anything happens in pine valley , we can prove that you were n't responsible . jonathan : if you say so . aidan : before you take your jacket off , i want to show you the best thing about this place , and it 's back this way . jonny . jonathan : you guys go ahead , i 'm just going to sit down . [ once alone , jonathan answers his cell phone . ] jonathan : hello ? lily : where are you ? jonathan : i do n't know . i 'm way out in the woods . lily : well , when are you coming ? you 're supposed to be here . did you get that box i left for you ? jonathan : yeah , yeah ! lily : well , if you ca n't come , tell me . jonathan : no , no , i 'm going to be there . i 'm going to be there as soon as i can . lily : when 's that ? jonathan : i do n't know . thank you . aidan : who was that ? erin : jonathan , who were you talking to ? [ scene_break ] di : i 'd offer you my coat if i had one . tad : i 'm not cold . it 's just the hair on my neck standing up . you want to do me a favor , just keep telling me the night 's not going to shape up to be another world - class pine valley disaster . di : tonight is not a night to create more disaster victims . it 's to help them out . tad : speaking of disasters , where 's slater ? di : i do n't know . you know what , ryan and ethan have this thing under control . it 's fine . tad : i would n't go that far . for one thing , madden 's still got his eyes all over erica . di : what , and you expect all hell to break loose with them tonight ? tad : di , take a good look around . see everybody having fun , laughing , dancing , having a good time . half of them mean it , the other half have a lot of scores to settle . di : oh , you know what you need ? tad : you stick around long enough , something 's going to happen , mark my words . di : tad , take my doom - and - gloom antidote . have some really fine , fine champagne . [ scene_break ] josh : the station affiliates know where i stand . erica , you are `` new beginnings . `` and i am the only guy that wants to help you stay on top . erica : how very kind . josh : i adore you . i am indebted to you . will the lovely queen grant her devoted subject a dance ? erica : we are very amused . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why would josh set up amanda ? babe : josh is really ambitious . first step , he 's erica 's co - host , next , the show could be his . j.r. : so he wants to succeed , so what ? babe : and at any price . jamie : including letting amanda take the fall . babe : look , when josh first told me that he hired amanda , he that said she was his key to getting ahead , and then all of a sudden erica freaks out , amanda takes the fall , and , what , josh gets a promotion ? j.r. : that does n't mean that josh slipped erica drugs . babe : fine , then what would amanda get out of it . j.r. : you said it yourself , it 's her mo . babe : yeah , and that 's what i thought at first . but then , the more i thought about it , all the more reason she would n't drug somebody as high - profile as erica . we 'd all find out about it and , of course , we 'd assume amanda did it . j.r. : she did n't think it through . jamie : no , with erica out of commission , amanda loses her job . j.r. erica reams her out in front of the whole staff . you two expect amanda to make sense . she 's demented , she 's nuts . it 's in her dna . babe : mrs. dillon seems more together and reasonable than you do half the time . j.r. : because i want to protect my son ? because i want to get the woman who abducted him punished ? jamie : would n't you like to know if amanda really took little adam , poisoned the soup , drugged erica ? j.r. : you 'd rather have her in your own bed than some prison cot somewhere , right ? jamie : i think janet 's behind all of this . j.r. : yeah ? why are you guys even wasting your breath on amanda and janet ? they 're both sacks of worthless . [ spotting a strange woman staring at them through her mask , jamie turns around . ] jamie : can we help you ? [ a masqueraded janet turns on her heels and disappears from their sight . ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : it 's just this kid . it 's not the first time he 's called . he got the wrong number and stored it in his mom 's phone or something . aidan : so , on to more important things . what 's the plan for tonight ? anybody feel like making some popcorn ? erin : oh . well , i 'm in . jonathan ? do you want to take your jacket off ? jonathan : no . excuse me . i 'm starting to feel really tired , and it 's a good thing i did n't go to the mardi gras ball . i 'm really sleepy . uh -- which one 's mine ? aidan : it 's the first on the right . jonathan : ok . thanks . erin : good night . jonathan : good night . have fun . aidan : well , looks like it 's just popcorn for two , then . are you ready for an unforgettable experience ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i will call you after the ball . it 's pine valley , binks . something 's going to happen . love you , too . bye . ok . zach : so we 're set ? kendall : yes . she 's taking miranda to buy dresses , and she is very excited about this . zach : hmm . kendall : she is . zach : anything to make bianca happy . kendall : hmm . even marry little old me ? zach : sure . no sacrifice too great . kendall : hmm . mm - hmm . oh , yeah . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , there 's just never enough trouble in the world for you , is there , hayward ? david : greenlee has been gone for , what , two months , and you 've already hooked up with julia santos ? ryan : what ? i have n't hooked up with anyone . david : i got to tell you , ryan , you really do talk a good game . `` greenlee is the love of my life . `` blah , blah , bs . you 're so full of it . what the hell is wrong with this town ? i walk down the street and people run back into their houses afraid i 'm going to rape and pillage . you walk down the street and they throw rose petals in your path , even though everyone knows it 's your fault , yours and kendall 's , that greenlee is gone . ryan : you want to know why greenlee left ? david : i know why greenlee left . she left because you played dead and kendall decided to have your baby . ryan : you and i lost greenlee because of the blackout . that 's right , hayward . if the power grid had n't gone down , then i would be downstairs right now -- david : oh , my god . ryan : dancing with greenlee . david : you 're going to blame this on an accident ? is that what you 're doing ? ryan : it was n't an accident . it was intentional . intentional . if somebody had n't caused the blackout , then kendall would be carrying the baby that greenlee had intended , hers and mine . david : the blackout was intentional ? ryan : yes . so back off and let me handle this . [ waltz playing ] ryan : i have it under control . david : what 's `` it `` ? you have something planned for tonight , here ? ryan : leave it alone . trust me . david : huh . trust you ? i 'll tell you what -- if i do n't see results , if you do n't pay back the person that hurt greenlee , i 'm coming after you . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] kendall : dance ? dance ? zach : ok , you should n't stay up all night . kendall : i can sleep on the flight to my wedding . and when i wake up , my dreams wo n't stop . come on . [ scene_break ] josh : cheer up . the ball is a success . erica : oh , i was just a little distracted . josh : well , stop thinking about amanda . your future is limitless , erica . erica : hmm , i 've always thought so . josh : let me know if there 's anything that i can do for you . erica : yes , i know -- you 'd walk over hot coals . greg : you come with me . josh : what , am i grounded ? [ greg and josh walk over to a quiet corner . ] josh : well , get to it . i got things to do . greg : you better change your plans . josh : what do you have in mind , that i skip town before sunrise ? greg : i know what you 're up to . josh : what , you afraid for erica ? greg : yes , i am . josh : well , emotion 's a bad thing for a man of medicine , dad . maybe you should think about quitting before everyone finds out that you might still be in love with erica . greg : after everything that i 've done for you . [ as greg stalks off , tad follows him . ] [ scene_break ] jamie : amanda hates you , she wanted to hurt you , but i 'm supposed to believe you want to protect her from josh ? babe : not amanda . erica . i want to help protect erica . j.r. : oh , what the hell . after keeping miranda , you 're never going to get off erica 's untouchable list . babe : look , i know that i 'm never going to make up for what i did , but if i can help find out who drugged erica , it 'll help protect her , and that 's what really matters . jamie : we wo n't find out here . babe : right . want to drive ? j.r. : where are you going ? jamie : to jail . babe : to amanda . j.r. : well , wait up ! you 're going to need at least one sane person as a witness . [ scene_break ] erica : our audience at home is keeping our lines very busy . we are well on our way to meeting our goals . thanks to all of you , the american red cross disaster relief fund can continue to help all the victims of last year 's hurricanes and other national disasters . thank you . zach : all right . kendall : all right . [ music plays ] zach : what are you doing ? kendall : ok , ready ? zach : you kidding me ? kendall : no , this is supposed to be good luck or something like that . zach : yeah ? it 's a good way to spill punch . what are you trying to do , get to my wallet ? kendall : no . actually , i want to make sure that the hole my mother put in you has healed up . zach : oh . kendall : and it has . very good job . zach : yeah , if this was her engagement present , makes you wonder what she 's going to get us when we get back from paris , does n't it ? kendall : i do n't know . a man who can deal with a mother - in - law stabbing is the real deal . zach : hmm . [ scene_break ] ethan : hey . you can talk . you 're not going to ruin anything , ok ? you seem rattled . come on . simone : what happens if kendall gets a broken heart ? ethan : ahem . what happens if we leave her in the dark , and she finds out years from now what zach 's done , hmm ? listen , i 've got to go and see ryan . simone : no , no , you ca n't leave me . i am liable to wander past a microphone and say something that will blow this whole thing wide open . ethan : stop . simone , you 're wonderful . wonderful . in my eyes , you ca n't do any wrong , ok ? you 're not going to mess things up . ryan can wait . i would like to dance with my future wife . [ scene_break ] opal : show me that move again . del : which move is that ? opal : i do n't remember . [ scene_break ] [ dressed in a gorgeous tux , jonathan is about to flee out the window when he hears a knock on the door , quickly shuts the window and jumps under the covers . ] erin : jonathan ? you awake ? jonathan : uh -- yeah , but i 'm about to fall asleep ! aidan : can we come in ? jonathan : uh -- uh -- sure . sure . aidan : oh , sorry about the noise out there . we , you know -- erin : we know we kept you up . sorry . aidan : and it 's my fault . erin : yeah , it is , due to three bushels of charcoal - covered popcorn . it was disgusting . jonathan : maybe you guys should go to bed . my bed 's real soft . i ca n't wait to fall asleep . erin : ok , well , good night again . sweet dreams . jonathan : you , too . aidan : sorry . [ scene_break ] [ cell door opens ] jamie : for the police pal fund . guard : you 're safe in there . i can make an exception this once . amanda : you here to torture me ? jamie : no . we need to figure out what really happened to erica . babe : like who slipped her the drugs . we need the truth . j.r. : so why ask amanda ? babe : look , i do n't believe that you did everything you confessed to . jamie : neither do i . j.r. : oh , yeah . jamie thinks janet beamed down to do some of the dirty work . jamie : we just need proof you did n't do everything . babe : like poisoning erica . jamie : so , was it you or was it janet ? amanda : why would my mom want to hurt erica or anybody else ? j.r. : like janet 's ever made any sense . amanda : she did n't do anything . j.r. : so then it was all you ? babe : your mother is incredibly protective of you . j.r. : translation -- a maniac . jamie : janet would take on an entire nation to save you . amanda : ok , i did n't dose erica . it really was josh . he did it and framed me . jamie : you know that , really ? amanda : josh dosed erica 's tea . jamie : ok . officer ? can we get chief frye down here ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] josh : what , are you back again ? greg : this career in television is not worth selling your soul for . josh : you 're serious ? greg : josh , i do n't even recognize you anymore . i raised you to care about people , to have respect for people . josh : oh , i respect people , what they can do for me . same thing almost . greg : who are you ? josh : i 'm my own man , dad , not your impressionable boy or your miracle son . greg : my son was a fine young man . josh : you know what ? take a good look , because your miracle son is dead , and i can do whatever i want to whomever i want , and no one -- get it ? -- no one can stop me . [ scene_break ] kendall : is that a vodka neat ? simone : hey . oh , no , no , it 's water . straight up , old - fashioned wawa . kendall : wow . well , tonight is full of surprises . simone : yes . yeah . have you gotten yours ? kendall : yes . i am beating you to the altar . simone : what ? kendall : tomorrow morning , zach and i will be saying `` je do `` in paris . simone : no ! kendall : yes ! simone : oh , my gosh ! i knew i was right . man , those guys had me totally second - guessing myself . so you thought it was romantic , right ? kendall : what , paris ? simone : well , yeah , of course , what zach did . he told ryan you do n't care . kendall : oh , come on , simone , you know ryan was just trying to get a rise out of me , and when he realized he could n't , he dropped it . simone : right . when , tonight ? kendall : simone , it was , like , a week ago . simone : you know , i got to go . i -- i said i was going to write another check , and i want to make sure i do that . i want to help as much as i can . i 'll see you later . kendall : ok . [ scene_break ] [ ryan descends the staircase and signals ethan . ] [ scene_break ] [ music stops ] erica : may i have your attention , please ? palmer cortlandt has just made the most generous donation , issuing an enormous challenge to all of you . thank you , palmer -- [ all the guests murmur as the ballroom goes black and someone snatches kendall . ] erica : please do n't be alarmed . can you hear me ? man : yeah . erica : ok , yeah , please do n't be alarmed . i 'm sure that just some of our extra equipment has overloaded a few circuits . jack : i told you to bring those surge protectors . i told her to bring the surge protectors . [ laughter ] erica : anyway , i 'm sure that it 's just temporary , and our lights will go on momentarily . jack : so , folks , why do n't you take advantage of the romantic ambiance . i know we will be . [ scene_break ] ryan : this is going to take two seconds . just come with me . kendall : wait , have you lost your mind , ryan ? ryan : please come in . kendall : what an unpleasant surprise . kendall : ok , i 'm in . so now what ? what the hell is this , ryan ? what are you doing ? what 's going on ? [ scene_break ] adam : perhaps this outage will save me from having to out - pledge pete cooney . krystal : well , do what you want . this is enough light for me . i plan on writing a check for double whatever palmer is giving . adam : oh , fine , go ahead and rob me and leave me penniless in the gutter . but a bunch of strangers ? krystal : a lot of those folks used to have nice homes , and now they got nothing but a concrete slab -- not a family photo or single memento . i only hope this blackout does n't affect donations . adam : krystal carey , the idiot savant of philanthropy . krystal : hmm . that 's krystal chandler . adam : the only goody - two - shoes whose shoes are stilettos . krystal : i take that as a compliment . adam : it was n't intended as such . krystal : i know that . i 'll rip your head off later , at home . [ scene_break ] lily : maybe we can all go home now . danielle : you 're not having fun ? lily : i 'm lonely . [ scene_break ] [ while aidan and erin are in the backyard hot tub , jonathan makes his escape out the front door . ] aidan : ah . well , i never . erin : i never -- hot tubs always seemed kind of , you know -- but i figured we 're here . why not ? aidan : first time for everything . so , you ready to jump in ? [ shedding her bathrobe , erin lowers herself into the hot tub . ] aidan : not so bad , is it ? erin : actually , it feels pretty good . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] palmer : pardon me . jack : yes ? palmer : could i cut in ? jack : yes , my pleasure . erica : thank you . [ scene_break ] zach : kendall was with you . simone : i know that . zach : all right , where is she now ? simone : oh , my gosh , is that like , `` where was moses when the lights went out ? `` zach : i need to find her . simone : what is with you ? ca n't a girl have some privacy ? she went to the ladies ' room , i think . i 'm pretty sure . [ scene_break ] kendall : you ca n't force me into anything , ryan . you ca n't . ryan : yes , kendall , i 'm aware of that . kendall : yeah , if i want to marry zach -- and i do -- i will . ryan : and it 's your decision . kendall : exactly . so i 'm done . i 'm leaving . i 'm going back downstairs . this is ridiculous . ethan , just get out of my way . ryan : please , please . this will not take long . kendall : right , because we 're over ! we 're done ! i 'm not doing this with you . ethan : kendall , stop this . we 're only thinking of you . kendall : really ? maybe how much you hate your father ? you 've been waiting to stick it to zach forever . ryan : kendall ? are you afraid of the truth ? kendall : go ahead , ryan , try to fill me with lies and brainwash me . it wo n't work . ryan : i have evidence . i have evidence that you should know before you make your decision . kendall : what , is -- is this your proof ? how much did they pay you to lie about your boss , marty ? ryan : no , marty is n't here to lie , kendall . ethan : kendall , marty did a little side job for zach the night the rolling blackouts hit pine valley . ryan : it was a job that ended your dream , kendall , your dream and greenlee 's dream , and marty is reenacting it now . go ahead , marty . marty : i 'm sorry , ms. hart . [ marty proceeds to show kendall how he can make the electricity turn on and off with a few taps on his laptop . ] ryan : what you 're seeing is the truth . [ scene_break ] babe : so josh slipped erica the drugs so he could -- amanda : make her look incompetent , make her look like she belonged back in rehab . i mean , he 's got all the motive . why would i want her to schiz ? i mean , why would i drug erica ? derek : exactly the question i keep asking myself . what 's this , a formal open house ? guard : shepherd needed me to cover him at the desk . derek : we 'll take this up later . this had better be good . i , at least , have a party i 'd like to get back to . jamie : we needed to find out who drugged erica kane . babe : and we thought that amanda could help us fill in the blanks . amanda : oh , my god . derek : everyone stay right where you are . the emergency packs will kick in in just a minute . [ electrical whir ] amanda : oh , no . oh , my god ! no ! [ staring at the emergency lights , amanda flashes back to the night j.r. hit her with his car . ] [ scene_break ] aidan : it 's all right , you know . [ taking her hand , aidan kisses erin . ] aidan : you all right ? erin : but , aidan , i think you should know -- aidan : it 's not just your first time in a hot tub ? [ scene_break ] kendall : wow , you can turn the lights on and off on a building . that -- that 's very impressive . congratulations , marty , you win the science fair . so where 's simone ? what , is she manning a fuse box somewhere ? ryan : marty , would you please tell kendall the real story ? marty : shorting out the power grid was n't that tough -- at least not for me , anyway . zach knows i can do pretty much anything on this , with the right information . kendall : ok , so -- so he told you to turn the lights out before you left , and you took it one step too far . ryan : marty could handle the overall city power outage from here , but the fertility clinic had a backup generator . marty , tell kendall the rest . marty : yeah . zach wanted to be hands - on with the clinic 's emergency power . he shut that down himself . ryan : marry zach . but do it knowing the truth . [ scene_break ] erin : this must be weird for you . aidan : this is very nice for me . erin : a hot tub with a completely inexperienced -- nearly completely -- woman ? the first time like this , and i 've never been with a man , anywhere . aidan : there 's nothing wrong with that . erin : i 'm a freak . aidan : you 're unique . and you are very , very desirable . erin : was it something i said ? aidan : one new experience a day . that 's my rule . erin : how -- how did i find the one man in the world that i can trust ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] zach : i checked the bathroom . she 's not there . simone : you know , you 're just going to have to ask somebody else to help you because i ca n't . and neither can ryan , so do n't bother him . excuse me . zach : do n't ask ryan ? simone : kendall 's not with him . zach : no , why would she be ? simone : she would n't be . i just got done saying that . [ scene_break ] josh : you do n't run me , dad . you never did . i 'm finally on my way on my own path . greg : do n't you mean you 're on erica kane 's path ? josh : you know , i can do whatever i want to erica 's career . in a year , she 'll be some semi - forgotten celeb lucky to get a half - hour on `` whatever became of -- `` and i 'll be the one on top . greg : you have no conscience . josh : i replaced it with ambition . greg : i will not let you hurt erica kane . josh : what are you going to do about it ? [ scene_break ] erica : oh . actually , if you can find it in the light , the ladies ' room is down the hall . janet : oh , that 's ok . i 'm no lady . erica : janet ! janet : what is a party without a few old friends , eh , erica ? [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , my god . oh , my god . babe : amanda , are you ok ? derek : are you all right ? amanda ? j.r. : oh , she 's a mess . told you it was a waste . i 'm going back to the party . amanda : you . the lights -- the headlights that night -- you were behind the wheel of the car that hit me and almost killed me ! it was you ! arrest him , derek ! [ scene_break ] ryan : zach knew exactly what he was doing . kendall , he wanted to make sure that you could n't carry greenlee 's and my child . he pulled the switch on the fertility clinic , and he did n't care how many lives that he wrecked . [ zach enters the room and stares at kendall as marty continues with his demonstration . ] [ next_on ] babe ( to derek ) : if j.r. went to prison , what would happen to the custody of our son ? zach ( to kendall ) : bianca 's waiting for us in paris , and we can still be married tomorrow . janet ( to erica ) : i will help you get at josh , and we 'll just roast him on a spit . | after kendall has informed simone that she 's ready to marry zach in another 24 hours , simone informs ethan and ryan . and at that point , ryan is ready to reveal to kendall that he and ethan have found out , with the help of marty , that zach turned off the power at the fertility clinic , with the help of marty , the night when kendall got inseminated . ryan also informs david hayward of his findings of zach and tells him that 's the reason why greenlee is gone . babe , jr and jamie go to jail to attempt to find out the truth from amanda and ask derek to hear her confession . she informs them that josh drugged erica but does not implicate her mother for anything . janet meets erica in the lady 's room and is ready to plot a plan . josh is ready to railroad erica although his father tells him he will not get away with it . lily and jonathan are both very bummed out not to be together . jonathan is with erin and aiden alone in a cabin , where they are keeping him in secret so that he can have privacy and protection . but when they are distracted , jonathan sneaks out to be with lily . |
kendall : you think i should go , do n't you ? zach : yes , i think you should go . it 's your first book , it 'd be good for fusion , and it would be good for you to be away for a few days . kendall : why , because you have some hot little chick in the bedroom waiting for you ? zach : yes , that , and ryan thinks it 's 2004 -- that he 's engaged to you . and you should be as far away from that as possible . [ scene_break ] [ ryan knocks on door ] ryan : annie , sorry to bother you . annie : one sec . hey . ryan : hey . annie : come in . is everything ok ? ryan : uh -- yeah , yeah . um -- i just -- i just remembered something . annie : you remembered ? about us ? ryan : oh -- um -- no , i just remembered that all my clothes are in here and , you know -- annie : oh . right . um -- did you sleep ok ? ryan : yeah , yeah . uh -- i did . i just -- you know , i -- i did n't realize you were going to be getting dressed . i 'm really sorry . annie : `` sorry `` ? ryan , i 'm your wife . ryan : yeah , i know , i know . it 's -- i 'm -- annie : it 's ok . it 's really ok . ryan : no , annie , it 's not . it 's -- it 's not . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee giggles ] greenlee : hmm . aidan : hey . greenlee : oh , i 'm alive , and i 've got a handsome stranger sleeping next to me . who are you , gorgeous ? did you come with the room ? aidan : i 'm just some old bloke that fell madly in love with you . greenlee : oh -- he loves me . i love him . how did that happen ? aidan : well , for starters , you 're an amazing , fantastic kisser . [ scene_break ] tad : so how 's the patient ? frankie : hey , tad . tad : hey , kid . angie : resting heart rate , 55 . what do you say , frankie ? frankie : i 'd say i 'm doing pretty well , thanks to the doctor here . angie : we 're getting there . frankie : no , i 'm already there . so how about handing me my walking papers , ma ? [ tad laughs ] angie : well , you know , you keep improving , and we 're looking at another day , maybe two at the most . tad : and you , dr. hubbard -- how goes it with you ? angie : grateful , relieved . my son here gave me quite a scare . tad : hmm . angie : and you , mr. martin , are holding back from me . tad : me ? i 'm an open book . angie : liar , liar , pants on fire so tell me , because i 'm nosy . who were you talking to last night ? tad : angie , it was just like i told you . it was an old friend , that was it . angie : meaning you are n't going to tell me who it was , are you ? frankie : mom , what happened to my picture of you and dad ? it was right here by the bed . angie : it 's got to be around . [ scene_break ] [ jesse holds the picture of himself and angie ] jesse : oh , i love you . angie , please . i beg you , please forgive me for doing this to you . i love you so much . i 'm so sorry . [ he kisses the photo ] jesse : bye . [ scene_break ] angie : i do n't get it . frankie : maybe somebody moved it . angie : no , they -- you know what ? you 're going to make me beat you . now , this is not a green light for you to start moving around . tad : angie , you got any other pictures of jesse , before he died ? angie : `` before he died `` ? what else would there be ? tad : i 'm sorry , forgive me . that did n't come out right . too much hospital coffee , you know . the stuff tastes like cigarette butts , but it 's strong . angie : jesse 's been dead for 20 years . it 's a long time ago . why would you be asking about a picture of him now , tad ? [ scene_break ] jesse : oh . this is so hard . all these years , not seeing you , not being able to touch you -- it 's taking all the strength i have to not stay , angie . [ jesse sighs ] jesse : you got to do this , jesse . if you really love your family , you got to do this . you got to go , you got to -- you got to get as far away from here as possible . i got to do this . i got to do this . [ jesse recalls a scene from the past ] man : do n't like the picture , hubbard ? jesse : ugh ! man : that 's too bad . jesse : no -- where 's my wife ? and my kid ? [ man kicks jesse ] jesse : agh ! ugh ! man : you do n't get it . you 're dead to them , man . you show your face , and they die . [ man kicks jesse ] [ jesse groans ] man : you got it ? they die ! jesse : agh ! [ jesse groans ] jesse : if i do n't stay dead , they 'll come after you , angie , and frankie . that is not an option . i will not let that happen . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan would never do anything to hurt me . you know that . zach : i do n't know that , and neither do you . kendall : ok . zach , i think you 're overreacting a little bit here . zach : yeah ? kendall : well , yeah . i mean , considering what ryan 's been going through , i think he 's dealing with it very well , in his own way . zach : well , that 's my problem , the way he 's dealing with it . getting you on the fusion rooftop to re - enact history . kendall : i think he just needed some comforting , and i think i owed him that . zach : ok , may -- maybe , i do n't know -- he took a bullet for you . maybe you owed him that , i do n't know . kendall : well , yeah , you know what ? and i think it 's that bullet wound that made him lose his memory . kendall : with ? wait a minute . what ? do you think we were -- we were n't making out . i mean , what do you think we were doing up there ? [ zach sighs ] kendall : are you -- zach : do n't look at me . kendall : oh , my goodness . zach slater -- the studly , perfect zach slater is jealous . are you jealous ? zach : no -- what ? come on . maybe a little bit . it 's not -- it 's not even -- kendall : a little bit ? wow , that 's -- that 's kind of sexy , that whole jealousy thing . zach : yeah ? kendall : yeah . yeah , that is really sexy . zach : hmm . kendall : um -- ahem -- you know what else is really , really -- zach : mm - hmm ? kendall : really , really sexy ? zach : um -- i do n't know . kendall : um -- give me your neck . zach : uh - huh . kendall : not talking about this book . that 's sexy . zach : what book ? kendall : mm - hmm . zach : nothing here . oh , right there . mm - hmm . kendall : mm - hmm . and also -- um -- not talking about ryan and annie . zach : mm - hmm . whoever they may be . kendall : yeah . zach : you know what 'd be really sexy ? kendall : what ? zach : if you stop talking altogether . kendall : mm - hmm . you read my mind . zach : hmm . kendall : mm - hmm . ooh -- ah , oh , that 's the spot . zach : yeah . [ scene_break ] annie : you 're leaving ? ryan : yeah , i -- i just got some errands i got to run , that 's all . annie : you do n't have to run away from me , ryan . ryan : i 'm not . annie : it kind of feels like it . ryan : no , i 'm just -- i 'm just restless , you know ? annie : and you just saw me nearly naked . do you want to -- do you want to just sit down and talk ? ryan : well , you know , i wish i could , but -- annie : but -- but you ca n't . you 're too uncomfortable here . ryan : i 'm uncomfortable everywhere right now , annie . annie : look around , ryan . this is your home . ryan : it does n't feel like my home . annie : maybe if you spend a little more time here . ryan : whew . emma really is a cute kid , is n't she ? annie : i sent her over to julia 's for the night . ryan : because of me ? annie : she was asking questions . i -- i just told her that daddy was n't feeling well , you know , that 's all . i do n't want her to -- ryan : feel the way you feel ? rejected ? look , annie , i -- i am sorry . you know , but i just do n't -- i do n't feel comfortable anywhere right now . i do n't even feel comfortable in my own skin right now , you know ? i just -- i mean , i woke up , i have a wife , i have two kids that i do n't know . the woman that i love is married to somebody else , you know ? and i look at you , this sweet , wonderful woman , and i 'm hurting -- annie : ryan -- ryan : no , it 's ok . i know that i 'm hurting you . and it kills me , and i am so sorry . i am -- i 'm so sorry . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , what do you want to do when you get out of here ? greenlee : um -- i was thinking that we could go to the gift shop , get some thank - you gifts for angie and the nurses . aidan : yeah , that would be nice , but i was actually thinking about , you know , when you get out of this place , you know , like the future . greenlee : oh . god , i ca n't believe i have one . i had n't let myself go there for so long . aidan : well , now 's the time . greenlee : i want everything . i want more of you . aidan : mm - hmm . greenlee : i want to take a trip -- skiing . you 'd love that . aidan : oh . greenlee , i think you 'll have to wait a little while to go skiing , darling . greenlee : why ? are you afraid i ca n't do it ? aidan : no , i think you can do anything you want . greenlee : well , how about london first ? do you still want to do that ? aidan : yeah , i 'd love to . greenlee : and then everything . only no visits to any caves or anything like that . i want to stay above ground . aidan : yeah , that could be -- that could be a good idea . greenlee : and then when we get back , we should do that thing that we talked about -- open our own p.i . firm . aidan : i do n't remember talking about that . greenlee : oh , yeah , we did . you just do n't remember . a lot has happened . aidan : oh , really ? greenlee : but i definitely know that you gave me a thumbs - up on us having our own office . aidan : i think you 're trying to scam me . greenlee : scam you ? aidan : yeah , yes . greenlee : no . me ? aidan : you know , i was actually thinking about taking a break from the p.i . business and coming to join you for a while at fusion . greenlee : i do n't know . aidan : what ? greenlee : well , it 's kind of the world of cosmetics . you know , it 's not exactly your wheelhouse . aidan : i thought maybe i could be a -- a male model . greenlee : a male model ? and why , sir , do you qualify ? aidan : because i like to show off what i 've got . [ greenlee chuckles ] greenlee : yes , you do , do n't you ? but could you spend hours in the makeup chair getting your eyebrows plucked ? you know , false eyelashes , maybe a little lip injection ? huh ? aidan : fabulous . i think it would be like heaven . you know , have someone do my hair . greenlee : i got news for you . aidan : what ? greenlee : the only person doing you is going to be me . aidan : well , no objections here , baby . greenlee : yeah . not yet , but -- aidan : but what ? what ? greenlee : nothing . aidan : come on , tell me . greenlee : what we have is real , right ? i mean , we 've both been around the block a couple times before we met . aidan : yeah , but that 's all in the past , though . greenlee : and there 's never been anyone else ? i mean , since we 've been together , right ? [ aidan flashes back to the passionate night he spent with kendall ] aidan : no . nobody , greenlee . nobody . greenlee : mm - hmm . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh . zach : that was nice . kendall : yes , it was . wait a minute -- `` nice `` ? that 's it , `` nice `` ? zach : `` nice `` is nordic code for `` it is incredible to be with you , always . `` kendall : now , that 's good . zach : yeah . kendall : hmm . you , too . you , too . ok -- uh -- you know , honey , i just -- i do n't want to keep worrying about this whole stupid ryan thing . zach : i 'm not worried about ryan . he 's just one man . there 's a million other guys i got to worry about with you , right ? kendall : no . no , there is nobody else . no one . always only you . zach : all right . kendall : you . zach : hmm . kendall : mm - hmm . so you do n't ever have to worry about anybody in -- ooh ! -- in chicago or -- or anyplace else . zach : i 'm glad you 're going . kendall : but if you had your way , you would lock me up forever and throw away the key , right ? zach : yeah . well , at least until ryan remembers what year it is . [ scene_break ] annie : none of this means anything to you right now , but before you , i was with a creep . a terrible , terrible guy , and i did n't think that there were any other good guys out there . and then i met you . ryan : i sure do n't feel like a good guy right now , annie , at all . all i 'm doing is i 'm hurting you . i know that i ca n't give you what you -- what you want , what you need . i 'm thinking about another woman the entire time . i mean -- annie : you -- that 's your reality right now . but i want you to know that i will be here , however long it takes for you to wake up and remember me . ryan : and what if that day never comes ? [ scene_break ] frankie : so , tad , what 's with all the interest in why my dad died ? tad : please , give me a break . look , if you want to know the truth , fine . i decided to take a case , all right ? it 's an old case . a cold case of something that happened back around the time that jesse died . you know , there are certain similarities , so -- frankie : what 's the victim 's name ? tad : frankie , come on . give me a break , ok ? just an unfortunate guy that died of a gunshot wound , that 's all . frankie : really ? mom , can i please get up out of here , just for a little while ? i could really use a change of scenery . angie : we 've been over this , frankie . i told you , i ca n't have you wondering around the -- frankie : then -- then give me some wheels . tad could take me for a spin . tad : oh , yeah . a couple bars , a strip club . what do you say ? angie : all right , a wheelchair , do n't leave hospital grounds , that 's doable . frankie : hmm . tad : thrilling . [ phone beeps ] [ tad chuckles ] angie : hold on . dr. hubbard . yeah -- frankie : and i have some questions , too -- angie : my son is missing a photograph that was in his room . can you check on that for me ? frankie : about my dad . angie : thank you . i would also like a wheelchair . frankie : you know something , do n't you ? nurse : mr. martin , you have a call at the nurse 's desk . tad : thanks , nancy . give me a minute . frankie : sure . angie : yeah . ok . tad : thank you . yeah , hello ? jesse : hey . tad : what 's up ? jesse : so are we clear on everything ? tad : i 'm not sure i know what you mean . jesse : oh , come on , tad , of course , you know what i mean . you never saw me , you got it ? tad : i got that part . jesse : tad , my family 's life depends on this . tad : yeah , i got that , too . listen , how did you even know i was here ? jesse : what am i , stupid ? i was a detective , remember ? tad : listen , now is n't a very good time for me . jesse : yeah , well , me , either . i got to go . tad : that 's not what i meant . listen , i just thought -- jesse : tad , i got to go . [ dial tone ] tad : hello ? great . angie : wheelchair 's on its way . you take good care of my boy , tad . tad : well , yes , ma'am . well , kiddo , you heard your mother . the strip club 's off - limits , so it 's going to have to be the commissary . frankie : you can cut the small talk . tad : oh , come on . do n't take it out on me if the food stinks . frankie : tad -- why were you asking about my dad ? tad : frankie , come on . why should n't i ask about him ? frankie : look , come on -- tad : he was important to me . he was a good man . frankie : hey , hey , just do n't give me the same song and dance i 've been hearing my whole life . tad : i 'm sorry . i keep forgetting you were so young when he died . frankie : i was 5 . tad : yeah . i know , i was there when your mother found out she had to tell you . although , how you tell your son something like that -- you know something ? even back then , you were quite a sharp kid . always saw through everything . frankie : yeah , well , that has n't changed . so what are you not telling me ? opal : glory ! can it be ? two of my favorite fellas in the same room . tad : hey , mom . opal : morning , sweetie pie . can i get one of those from you , too ? frankie : of course . opal : look at you . just as delicious as ever . and that mama of yours has not aged one whit . i hate her for that . [ opal laughs ] opal : sure is good to have you both back , though i could 've done without the scare on your part , you know ? frankie : makes two of us . opal : mm - hmm . tad : you 're going to have to forgive her . your parents and mama go way back . opal : oh -- oh , yeah , way back , way back . tad : way back . opal : i knew your folks when they first met . yeah , it was just like -- tad : way back . opal : it was just like , what , those families in `` romeo and juliet , `` and -- tad : i told you , way back . opal : oh , stop it ! stop it . no , but your mama -- she was just such a sweet young thing . and your daddy -- well , he just oozed charm from every pore . but he had a way with finding trouble , did n't he , tad ? tad : oh , that , he did . opal : but then you came along , and he turned his whole life around . he really did . i never saw a man who was as proud as he was . he would stop total strangers on the street to show him pictures of his new baby boy . tad : it 's the truth . frankie : yeah ? opal : yeah , yeah . and speaking of that , when am i going to see my new baby granddaughter again , huh ? tad : i -- i know , mama , i know . i -- soon , i promise . opal : uh - huh . tad : i told you on the phone . opal : well , better be , because you know i 'm going to pester you till i do . tad : i know you will , mama . opal : all right . after all -- tad : you 're available for baby - sitting , i got it , mom . opal : i am available for baby - sitting , and the rates -- they 're very good . tad : you 're -- you 're going to have to forgive her . you 've just been opalized . you ok ? frankie : all these people knew my dad . tad : well , like i keep telling you , he made quite an impression . frankie : look -- i know i 've been sick . real sick , and -- and people see things . i do n't know -- visions from the other side . i -- i do n't know . but when he left my room , i could smell him . his after - shave , his cologne -- whatever it was , i did n't hallucinate that . tad : no , but , frankie , you know , your mind can play tricks on you , given enough stress . frankie : oh , look , come on , cut the crap . look , is there a chance in hell that -- that what i saw was real ? tad : frankie , your mother saw him die . frankie : but i did n't . all i can remember was -- was , you know , him saying `` take care of your mama , frankie . `` tad : and if he was here right now , he 'd say the same thing . frankie : this case you 're working -- i know it has something to do with my dad . [ scene_break ] greenlee : am i fixed ? angie : i think so . i hope you 're proud of your little lady . greenlee : hmm . aidan : are you kidding me ? the way she survived , she 's a rock star . greenlee : oh , come on . am i really a rock star ? aidan : only a little bit -- well , more beautiful . nancy : mr. devane ? aidan : yeah ? nancy : you have a call at the nurses ' station . greenlee : so , if i 'm a rock star , do n't i get any perks ? i mean , your son gets a schmancy wheelchair ride , and i 'm stuck in this room ? angie : well , when i walked in this morning , i saw a major perk curling up in bed next to you . i would say that that 's a little bit more interesting than a wheelchair ride . greenlee : good point . did i look ok ? angie : what ? greenlee : well , you know , i mean , we have n't been together long . i fear the scary morning face . angie : oh , come on , are you kidding me ? you looked gorgeous . greenlee : oh , thanks . angie : and very happy , you both did . greenlee : good . so , did you ever get married again ? i mean , after jesse died ? angie : mm - hmm . greenlee : but no one was jesse . angie : nobody could be jesse . [ scene_break ] [ banging on jesse 's door ] woman : help me , please ! let me in , please ! [ banging ] woman : you got to help me ! [ scene_break ] annie : wait . see , i do n't believe that -- that you wo n't remember . there is too much here for you to come back to . look . this -- this one . you and emma . she loves when you -- you pick her up , and you toss her up in the air . and -- uh , this one . this was taken last valentine 's day . i mean , it 's all there , ryan . these are your memories . do n't you want them back ? ryan : yes , i do . and , you know , maybe someday , they 'll come back , but maybe they wo n't , annie . annie : well , the memories are n't just going to come back all at once , but -- ryan : you do n't understand . you think that i have , like , little pieces that i can put together . you know , things that i can hang on to over the last four years , but i do n't . i have -- i have nothing of the last four years . annie : i know , and you say that now , but -- ryan : i ca n't even imagine a day right now -- i ca n't even imagine a day that i get my memory back . annie : well , i can . and the ryan that i know believes in possibilities . just have faith . ryan : i honestly do n't think there 's a chance that i 'll remember the day that we met , how we fell in love -- nothing . annie : well , then i am just going to have to make you fall in love with me all over again . take your shirt off . ryan : what ? annie : take off your damn shirt . [ scene_break ] opal : hey , there , fellas ! tad : hey . mama , listen -- will you take care of my new best friend here , get him situated back to his room ? opal : okey - dokey , no problem at all . see you later . have you got all the reading material that you need , honey , and -- oh , what about that sudoku ? have you ever played that ? tad : i 'm sorry about that . what do you got ? ok -- uh , good . where is he ? chicago -- what ? that 's just terrific . where 's the other guy ? canada ? oh , you know , that 's not much better , either . no , no . do n't -- do n't do anything , just wait till you hear from me , ok ? oh , jesse . what have you got yourself mixed up in ? [ scene_break ] woman : please do n't let him come near me ! jesse : calm down . just stay here , ok ? [ pounding on door ] man : is that bitch in there ? [ pounding ] woman : he 's going to kill me ! jesse : no one 's killing anybody . just relax -- woman : you hear that ? jesse : where you going -- woman : i got protection -- see ? whoo ! man : oh , you -- you got a boyfriend , going to take care of you ? woman : no , no -- jesse : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . back it up , prince charming ! you kidding me ? you just need to calm down , ok ? otherwise , this is not going to end well , and you do n't want that . man : do not talk to me like i 'm an idiot ! jesse : put the knife away , idiot . man : oh , what , like this ? oh ! woman : oh , no , no , no ! no , no , no , no . he gets like this when he drinks . jesse : you know what ? you 're a fool -- you empower idiots like this . get in the room ! it 's going to be ok , just -- man : ugh ! [ the stranger sneaks up behind jesse and hits him over the head with a fire extinguisher ] woman : oh , my god . i think you killed him ! [ scene_break ] kendall : you know , i wonder how many people are going to be at this book signing . greenlee , she wants to -- she wants to record the whole thing . zach : she 's excited about it , it 's a new career for you . come on , let 's go . kendall : yeah . zach : let me have that . kendall : thanks . i know , i know . this is -- this feels right . i mean , everything feels almost , almost perfect . zach : ok -- `` almost `` ? kendall : almost , yeah . i mean , you -- ryan . i hope that when i come back , maybe he 'll remember that he 's in love with annie . zach : for the next 24 hours , just think of all the good stuff . kendall : this -- this is the good stuff . zach : yeah ? kendall : yeah . hmm . [ scene_break ] aidan : ok , you want me to just drop everything and go to chicago ? greenlee : well , if the guy 's on death row , time is of the essence , right ? tad : thank you -- i could n't have said it better myself . aidan : i do n't want to leave you alone . greenlee : alone ? i have been here so long , i 'm bffs with the whole staff . i mean , they 've got a whole wing named after me . aidan : all right , so -- so what am i supposed to be getting from this guy ? tad : if i 'm lucky , something that 's going to clear the good name of a client . aidan : and you 're all right with a jailhouse confession ? tad : well , i guess i 'm going to have to be , because right now , it 's my only hope . i mean , there is one other guy up in canada that i 'm going to go talk to . they were the only two people that were around 20 years ago when my client was offed . greenlee : wait , your -- your client is dead ? tad : yeah , well , that 's what the police report says . i 'm doing it on behalf of the widow and the son . aidan , please -- you got to help me out . i really need this one . greenlee : you should definitely go . it 's for a good cause . aidan : are you sure you 're going to be all right , though ? huh ? greenlee : i 'll be bored out of my mind , but i 'll be fine . it 's one night , what can happen ? [ scene_break ] ryan : what are we doing out here ? it 's freezing . annie : you were out here before you lost your memory . it was even colder that night . ryan : i was out here shirtless ? annie : yes . yes , because you said you wanted to feel everything , you wanted to feel the -- the cold and the air and -- and me . you wanted to feel me . annie : and then we came out here , and you touched me , and you pulled me close , and we kissed , and we made love . some part of you has to remember what that felt like . close your eyes . [ annie kisses ryan ] annie : do n't worry what you -- what you remember or do n't remember . just -- does n't this feel good ? ryan : yeah , it does . hey , stop , stop , stop , stop , stop , stop , stop . i mean , i could go with this . you know , i could go with this really good feeling . we could have sex -- i mean , god knows you are a very , very desirable woman but -- i ca n't love you . i ca n't fake that . [ scene_break ] angie : big breath in -- exhale . greenlee : whew . angie : good . greenlee : that 's nice , your necklace . angie : oh , thanks . let 's get your blood pressure standing up . are you ok to do that ? greenlee : mm - hmm . is it an antique ? is that an antique , your necklace ? angie : uh -- no , not really . uh -- big breath in again . inhale . exhale . greenlee : whew . huh . angie : actually , i have n't worn it in a while . greenlee : oh . well , who 's in the locket ? duh -- stupid question . it 's jesse , right ? can i see him ? angie : sure . greenlee : oh , he 's beautiful . angie : hmm . when we first met , i was like , `` who is this ? `` you know , i told you he was a little rough around the edges -- greenlee : mm - hmm . angie : full of himself and one of the ones that we 're supposed to steer clear of . greenlee : but we never do . angie : no , we never do . and i loved him so much . and he died way too young . [ scene_break ] woman : come on ! hey ! wake up ! damn , please do n't die ! wake up ! come on ! hello -- hi -- i need an ambulance right away at the wayfare . this guy 's unconscious . huh ? i do n't know -- he had an accident . he fell or something . i do n't know if he 's breathing -- i 'm not sure ! me ? i 'm no one . i just found him like this . [ before running off , the woman steals jesse 's wallet ] [ scene_break ] [ ryan calls kendall ] kendall 's voice : hi , you 've reached kendall . leave a message . [ answering machine beeps ] [ ryan sighs ] [ scene_break ] kendall : what is the holdup ? flight attendant : ladies and gentlemen , thank you for your patience . it 'll just be a couple of more minutes as we 're waiting for one last passenger to make their way to the gate . and when they get here , we 'll give them a dirty look and then we 'll be ready for takeoff -- i 'm kidding , of course . thanks , again . kendall : everyone 's a comedian . [ scene_break ] annie : hey . zach : hey . everything all right ? annie : um -- is kendall around ? i just kind of need somebody to talk to . zach : no , she 's in chicago for that book signing . annie : oh , right . that 's right , i forgot . ok , well , i 'm just going to leave . zach : you all right ? annie : no . no , i 'm not all right . zach . zach : it 's ok . it 's going to be ok . [ annie sighs ] [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] ryan : kendall ? greenlee : no , it is the other woman you were in love with . ryan : i always do remember you knowing the wrong thing to say . greenlee : come on -- me ? hardly . i was always the straight shooter . ryan : yeah -- yeah , right . greenlee : so , how are you -- other than being a total mess who does n't know what time zone he 's in ? ryan : thank you for tiptoeing around that -- i appreciate it . i still do n't even -- i do n't even know who i am right now . greenlee : well , i just came back from the dead a couple of times , so between the two of us , i think we 're ready for total world domination . ryan : yeah , i was just thinking the same thing . greenlee : hey , what are you doing right now ? ryan : well , hold on , let me check my schedule . let 's see -- uh -- not so much . greenlee : well , i know this kind of sounds crazy , but how about coming over here for lunch ? tables are hard to get but i 've got an in . ryan : bad hospital food -- very enticing . greenlee : come on -- it 'd be nice to hang out . i 'm your friend -- and i do n't care if you 're a total mess . ryan : you know what , greenlee ? that is the best offer i 've had in four years . [ scene_break ] kendall : i ca n't believe it . aidan : i ca n't believe it , either . what are you doing on my flight ? [ scene_break ] [ angie listens to the emt 's report as he straps jesse on to a stretcher ] emt : this is medic one at the wayfare hotel . we have an african - american male , john doe , 40s , medium build , head injury with loc , possible concussion , airway intact , responding to pain . [ next_on ] ryan : i need to really learn about all the life i just ca n't remember . greenlee : you might not like what you hear . kendall : i will not lose zach because of you , aidan . doctor : do you have time to take a look at a patient for me ? he 's right over here . [ jesse hides behind a door ] | zach talks kendall into going on this tour to promote her book . kendall wonders why zach is all for her going on this tour . zach tells her that ryan is in love with her and she needs to be as far away from him as possible . ryan , who has just gotten out of the shower , knocks on annie 's door . annie answers the door dressed in her bra , panties and a bathrobe . greenlee wakes up to find aidan lying beside her .tad comes to the hospital to see frankie and finds angie with him . frankie is anxious to get out of the hospital . frankie wonders what had happened to the pic of angie and jesse that was right beside his bed . jesse looks at the pic of him and angie and remarks how much that he loves them .tad asks angie if she had any more pics of jesse before he died . jesse vows to remain dead in order to protect his family . kendall realizes that zach is jealous of her and ryan . ryan tries to call kendall , but only gets her voicemail . aidan join kendall on the airplane . kendall wants to know what he is doing here . annie goes to see kendall , but finds comfort in zach 's arms . greenlee calls ryan . during a brawl , jesse is knocked unconscious . jesse is taken in to the hospital . angie stands by as the ambulance driver tells angie about the patient . greenlee invites ryan to lunch at the hospital . |
annie : you nosy little bitch ! you 've ruined everything ! what am i supposed to do ? it 's ok . it 's ok . it 's ok , annie . you got colby 's phone . it 's fine . there 's no proof . it 'll just be her word against yours . ok . that 's the good part . the bad part is you have her handcuffed to a freaking table ! marissa : no way out of this one , annie . j.r. is never gon na forgive you for this . i mean , this is his sister we 're talking about here . annie : get out of my head . stop ! marissa : time to face it , wacko . game over . [ scene_break ] [ siren ] griffin : how is she doing ? jake : she 's in trouble . she 's pulsating . we need to get that graft in there . griffin : ok , hang on , kendall ! [ tires screech ] cara : griff ! easy , ok ? griffin : icy as hell out here . keep her awake ! keep her talking . jake : look at me . can you hear us ? cara : kendall ? [ scene_break ] marissa : popping me in the head -- that was one thing . that was an accident that you had to cover up . but colby ? no . that was cold and deliberate . annie : shut up ! shut up . i can fix this . i 've always been able to fix things . marissa : do you know what my suggestion is ? turn this car around , start heading west , and do n't look back . annie : no ! get away from me ! [ scene_break ] cara : kendall , can you hear us ? jake : kendall , stay with us . griffin : look out ! [ scene_break ] annie : no ! stop ! [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , where 's kendall ? bianca : surgery was n't supposed to start for another hour . erica : i know . jesse : she left the hospital . jack : kendall left ? what do you mean , left ? jesse : we think she just walked out . erica : walked out ? in her condition ? jesse : i 've got everybody i can spare out there looking for her . even dr. castillo 's out there . please excuse me . [ scene_break ] annie : agh . ohh ! [ scene_break ] griffin : cara ? jake ? kendall ? jake ? [ scene_break ] dr. burke : what is it about annie that you 're afraid you ca n't fix ? j.r. : i 'm worried that -- that i 'm pushing her closer and closer to the edge . [ scene_break ] colby : ugh . let me out of here , annie ! i 'm gon na kill you ! ugh ! [ scene_break ] annie : oh , my god , i hit an ambulance ! oh , my god , this is all your fault , marissa ! this is all your fault , because you would n't leave me alone ! but it was icy and i just -- j.r. -- oh , my god , j.r. is waiting . oh , my god . [ engine cranks ] annie : come on . [ engine starts ] [ scene_break ] griffin : son of a -- jake , jake , my sister ? jake : cara ? cara ? [ cara murmurs ] griffin : let 's get this stuff off her . easy . easy . ok . come on . jake : you all right ? cara : is she ok , griff ? griffin : let me see . kendall ? kendall , can you hear me ? can you -- that 's what i like to hear . that 's good . stay with me . [ engine cranks ] jake : we got nothing . we 're not going anywhere . the radio 's dead . griffin : kendall , open your eyes . open your eyes for me . that 's what i like to see . listen to me . listen to me . look at me . there 's been an accident . ok ? we 're gon na get you out of here and back to the hospital as soon as we can . stay with me . jake : hold on a second . we 're jammed up in here . cara : we got an ambulance on their way right now . griffin : try those doors . jake : try those doors back there . cara : no , griff , it 's -- it 's stuck , griff . jake : we 're not getting through these doors because whatever we 're jammed up against , it 's got us crushed in . so we 're gon na have to wait for an emergency service unit to get us out of here . this is not happening . cara : we got it over here . here we go . kendall , come on , baby . come on . 95/64 . kendall : agh ! griffin : kendall , keep it together . the aneurysm 's growing . we got to get her out of here to an o.r . or we do n't stand a chance ! jake : what are we up against here ? what are you saying , that it 's gon na take longer ? fire chief : we got to clean up all this spilled gas before we can even think about starting up the jaws of life . jake : a woman in here that needs medical attention . she 's never gon na last that long . fire chief : we ca n't risk it . one spark and -- [ siren ] griffin : keep talking to me . try to stay awake . kendall : it hurts . griffin : i know . we 're gon na get you something for the pain as soon as we 're on our way to the hospital , but i need you to stay with me . all right ? the fire department 's here . we 're gon na get you out of here . kendall : how ? griffin : do n't worry about it . just stay with me . we 're gon na take care of everything . cara : 92/60 . jake : all right . apparently there 's gasoline all over the place , so they got to put this foam down and make sure that we do n't go up in flames before they start cutting any doors . griffin : tell them to hold off on anything that 'll jostle this thing . we do n't have time . they 're gon na have to wait till after i operate . jake : you 're gon na operate in here ? griffin : it 's the only chance she 's got . you got a better idea ? speak now . all right , then . this is what we 're gon na need . [ scene_break ] erica : if only i had n't left kendall 's side . if only david -- bianca : i have faith in griffin . erica : well , i do n't . dr. castillo refused to give me any guarantees that he would keep kendall from dying . he apparently lives by this code where he never makes any promise to any patient . jesse : dr. castillo found her . erica : oh . thank god . then she 's on her way back here to the hospital ? jesse : there was an accident with the ambulance . she 's alive , but -- erica : where is she ? jesse : off of park and ivy road . erica : ok . i 'm going -- jesse : the roads are closed . erica : i do n't care ! i 'm going to my daughter ! bianca : mom , do n't ! caleb : what 's going on ? erica : no , caleb , let go of me . my daughter 's had an accident . i have to go to her . bianca : the road to the accident site is closed ! erica : i 'll find a way through ! caleb : listen to me ! the roads are covered with accidents . you 're not gon na be any use to kendall if you get into one yourself . [ scene_break ] cara : epi 's good , griff . griffin : we 're giving you some fluids . do you like your martinis with gin or vodka ? kendall : i prefer champagne . griffin : figures . i 'll get ahold of room service . jake : ok . we have another supply truck on its way after this with catheters , stents , and we 're actually getting a portable sonogram . griffin : did we get the epidural cath ? jake : any second . griffin : jake , i 'm gon na need you to scrub up . you 're on assist . cara : no , i 'm already on it , griff . griffin : no , you were in the accident . you probably suffered a concussion . cara : i 'm fine , all right ? i want to stay here and assist . griffin : no . jake : let her assist . she 's fine . meanwhile -- i hate to play chief of staff , but does your patient know what you 're about to do and does she agree to it ? griffin : ok . here 's the scoop . good news is , that major operation we were planning where we were going to open you up ? that 's not gon na happen anymore . we do n't have time . your aorta is starting to tear apart . kendall : i really messed things up , did n't i , looking for my mom ? griffin : hey . i live for challenges like this . do n't ever play `` truth or dare `` with me . take the dare every time . we 're gon na put some local anesthesia at the incision point , we 're gon na give you something for the pain , but you 're still gon na be awake . ok ? i 'm gon na be placing a stent in your aorta by running a catheter through a small incision right below the inguinal ligament . kendall : the what ? griffin : do n't worry . there 's not gon na be a quiz . kendall : is it dangerous ? griffin : it 's not exactly fixing a boo - boo on your finger , but i 've done a lot more difficult work in uglier situations . so you need to tell me . are you up for this ? [ scene_break ] [ at the beach cabin , colby tries to get herself out of the handcuffs ] [ scene_break ] dr. burke : why do you think you 're pushing annie ? j.r. : it 's complicated . my father -- let 's put it this way . adam chandler was n't a very nice man . he manipulated things . he manipulated my mother until she was declared insane and locked up at oak haven , all so he can keep me here with him . dr. burke : do you feel like you 've manipulated annie ? j.r. : i did n't intend to . i did ask her to keep our relationship secret until my ex - wife dropped the custody suit . dr. burke : so in a way , you did manipulate both annie and your ex - wife . j.r. : no , i did n't . i mean , i did what i had to to keep my son here with me . [ scene_break ] annie : my god , what do i do ? what do i do ? what do i do ? marissa : major accident you had back there on your way to the shrink session . god , you really know how to go from screwed to royally screwed , do n't you ? annie : i told you to go away ! go away ! marissa : it does n't work like that . you 're thinking maybe you should go back . maybe somebody got hurt , or even worse , killed . oh , my god . what do you think j.r. will say when you 're hauled away for vehicular manslaughter ? but one good thing -- maybe it 'll make him forget that you locked up his baby sister . face it , annie . you 're toast . annie : ok . ok . [ drives off ] [ scene_break ] kendall : my boys . i need to see my boys again . griffin : i know , and i 'm gon na make sure you do . kendall : if i do n't make it , will you tell the police what i did ? make sure my mom does n't take the blame . griffin : hey , i do n't want you thinking about that . i want you thinking about being strong . i want you to think about -- kendall : griffin ! griffin : i 'm here . i 'm here . jake , they know i need juice , right , for the equipment ? jake : there 's another truck coming . cara : griff . griffin : where the hell 's the other ambulance ? jake : any minute . cara ? fire chief : i plugged you into our generator , but your aux power is completely blocked . jake : do you have any sort of jumper cables or you have an extension cord ? we need power in this truck . cara : the other ambulance probably has that . fire chief : i 'll check on it and get you an eta . jake : thank you . cara : hey , thanks for standing up for me back there . jake : i call it like i see it . i think you 're the best that he could have back there with him . you 're just the best there is . cara : second best . jake : get to work . kendall : you did n't answer me . promise me you 'll tell everyone i shot david . if i die , make sure that my mother does n't take the blame . griffin : i 'll even go one bigger than that . i promise you that you are not going to die on my watch . they 're gon na get me the power i need , the tools to fix you . you hear me ? you have my promise . i will not let you die . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's such a risky operation to begin with . but doing it inside of a wrecked ambulance ? bianca : mom , stop . you ca n't think like that . erica : kendall was in a very bad place when i saw her . she was n't ready for an operation . she was n't ready to fight . bianca : kendall is always ready to fight . caleb : she 's a tough kid , huh ? just like her mom . jack : yeah . caleb , i got a call from the disciplinary board to go have a meeting with them this afternoon . it seems they want to reinstate my law license . caleb : oh . good . jack : yeah , and i find out that you went behind my back and put in a good word for me ? caleb , do me a favor . do n't do me any more favors . [ scene_break ] jake : got that ? you got it ? thank you very much . griffin : kendall , did you hear me ? kendall : yes . you promised to save me . griffin : you believe me ? kendall : yes . griffin : you trust me ? kendall : yes . jake : we got the genny going ! cara : yep . jake : the other portable equipment is here . and look at this gift . we have a heater . cara : and a sonogram . griffin : that 's how we 'll know we 're putting the stent in the right spot . jake : fire this up . ok . this heat feels nice , huh ? griffin : we 're plugged in ? good . let 's get it warmed up and calibrated . what the -- jake : oh . i was afraid of this . see , we 're working off a single generator , so we 're pulling a lot of amps . and i do n't know how to tell you this , but it 's the heater . the heater pulls the most -- griffin : get rid of it . reset the breaker . jake : excuse me . we blew a breaker . you want to try resetting it ? yeah . cara : all right . griffin : actually , the cold is good for your heart . it reduces your heart 's need for oxygen . that 's why most operating rooms are cold . jake : thank you . they got it going . what ? griffin : i do n't like the sound of that . what 's going on ? cara : the machine is working . the monitor -- i think the power surge fried the monitor . griffin : what the hell good is a sonogram without a monitor ? jake : we 're never gon na have enough time to get another one out here . griffin : i ca n't do this without seeing what i 'm doing . i ca n't go in blind , guys . jake : digital output in the back -- cara : is here , but we do n't have another monitor . jake : i know , but what we can do is a digital uplink back to the hospital . we could do it via telephone , and a doctor there would have to be your eyes . griffin : ok . ok . set up the link . but i 'm not just gon na work with any doctor . [ scene_break ] jesse : jake , are you sure there 's no way of talking him out of this ? i 'll get back to you . all right . they 're about to start the procedure , but their monitor is broken . so they need to feed the picture to a doctor here to talk castillo through it . erica : and ? jesse : and he 's insisting on one doctor -- hayward . jack : hayward 's back in prison , is n't he ? jesse : bad weather delayed the transport . he 's still here downstairs , under guard . erica : then get him up here . put him in front of whatever he needs to be put in front of . jesse : erica , the man has no license to practice . he is an escaped felon . i would need an injunction from a judge . erica : get whatever the hell you need . get him up here and do n't let him leave the hospital . bianca : i need some air . jack : listen , hayward knows that kendall is the one who shot him . are you sure you want to put her life in his hands ? erica : he helped kendall when she collapsed near his jail cell , and he is the best . we just need a judge 's ok . caleb : jack , you 've got your license again . you can help . jack : i was about to tell you that earlier . erica : then , jack , please . please help save kendall . [ scene_break ] fire chief : it 's hot , doctor . jake : thank you . coming in . ok ? griffin : we 're not going to be able to take away the pain completely , but cara 's gon na put something light in your i.v . to ease it . cara : just keep thinking champagne bubbles . jake : ok . com - link is up with the hospital . they 're getting a picture , but it 's gon na take a few minutes to calibrate . griffin : who 's gon na talk me through this ? did we get hayward ? [ scene_break ] jack : all right . i got it . hayward 's transfer is being delayed . he can help castillo work on kendall from right here . david : of course , i have to agree to do it first . erica : jesse , will you give us a minute ? jesse : do n't try anything stupid . all right . david : just when you thought you were rid of me , huh ? erica : i need you to save kendall 's life one more time . david : and i needed you to save my life from prison , and you flatly refused to talk to the governor on my behalf . erica : no , i will do it . i will call governor brooks tonight . david : and how will i know if you 're gon na try hard enough ? erica : you have my word on it , david . dr. castillo is a very smart man . he refuses to let just anyone guide his hand . he wants you , your surgical brilliance . david : wow . flattery . your desperation is showing , erica . erica : i 'm sure it is . i am desperate . and all i have to offer you is that i will call the governor on your behalf . what else do you want ? david : that is a loaded question . after what kendall did to me , do you really expect me to save her life again ? erica : you 're a doctor . i expect you to do the right thing . [ scene_break ] j.r. : look , doctor , i 'm not my father . i do n't set out to destroy people . annie : hi . i 'm sorry i 'm late . j.r. : what 's wrong ? what happened to your cheek ? annie : clumsy me , i slipped on some ice . but i 'm fine . really , it 's such a mess out there . and i would 've called , but i think i must 've left my phone somewhere . [ scene_break ] colby : agh ! agh ! agh ! [ scene_break ] dr. burke : annie , why do n't you tell me what you think is working about the relationship and anything you think might not be working . annie : i love j.r . i loved him before i was supposed to love him , and i believe in us . marissa : ohh ! colby : let me out of here , you psycho ! annie : no ! no ! j.r. : annie ? are you all right ? annie : i love you , j.r. , and i just want to be with you . i never meant to hurt anybody . dr. burke : who did you hurt , annie ? [ scene_break ] david : dr. martin , i bet you never thought you 'd see me working in this hospital again . jake : ok , we 're saving a life here . david : yes , we are . so let 's get to it , shall we ? castillo ? griffin : right here , dr. h. you getting anything ? david : all right . i 'm getting a clear image now . jake : we 're all set on our side . griffin : you just hold on , ok ? i 'm gon na get you all fixed up and back to your boys before you know it . you with me ? you ready for this ? kendall : do it . griffin : making an incision over the femoral now . guide wire should be almost there . david : another two centimeters . all right , that 's good . you just passed the aneurysm now . griffin : catheter going in now . erica : how many times have i stood on this spot , worried about one of my daughters , or your children ? bianca : we 're all still here . a bit bruised , but here , and together . [ scene_break ] annie : i just meant that i do n't want to hurt j.r . i , um , i really do n't want to do this right now . i do n't want to be here . please , can we just fix this on our own ? we do n't need outsiders . you know me better than anybody . j.r. : it 's all right . you do n't need to talk to anybody that you do n't want to . sorry , doctor , but this session 's over . i got to get annie out of here . it 's ok , all right ? it 's just you and me . we 'll head back to the cottage . we 'll have that dinner that we talked about . annie : no , you ca n't . j.r. : why not ? what 's wrong ? annie : i just need a little bit of alone time , ok ? but i 'll come back later . i promise . ok ? [ scene_break ] griffin : ok . putting in the body of the stent graft now . david : keep going . there . ok . make your partial deployment . that 's it . stop . griffin : second guide wire going into the other lumen . david : there you go . ok . start deploying the stent . good . it 's anchored . [ faint beeping ] jake : her pressure 's falling . david : the aneurysm is expanding . get that balloon in place now ! griffin : it 's catching on the artery wall . cara : still dropping . 82/50 . david : get that graft expanded , castillo . she 's starting to crash ! cara : 80/50 . griffin : my fingers are frozen . i ca n't get it going any further . cara : 78/49 . we 're losing her . jake : let me take over until your fingers warm up . griffin : no way . i ca n't risk a switch now . i 'm gon na clear this . run that i.v . wide open . cara : i did . griffin : then start another one ! david : running out of time . griffin : come on , baby , come on . wait a minute . did that catch ? david : yes . you got it . start expanding . griffin : ok . expanding from proximal to distal . david : keep going . keep going . come on , castillo , you do n't have time to finesse it . just go for it . you 're running out of time ! this is your last chance ! [ scene_break ] annie : give -- i guess it 's true what they say about blondes . you stupid little girl . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so i 'll be going away for a few days . i would like you to keep it to yourself . but in case of an emergency , and you need to get ahold of me , i 'll be at the cottage with annie . asher : yeah . you got it . [ phone chimes ] asher : something wrong ? [ j.r. gets a text message from annie 's phone : `` cuffed at cottage . `` [ scene_break ] caleb : any news ? erica : they 're still working on her , but she seems to be back on track . caleb : good . erica : and thank you , by the way . caleb : for what ? erica : you had something to do with getting jack 's license back , did n't you ? i could tell that you did . caleb : jack is a good lawyer , and he deserves to have a practice . erica : and you 're a very good man , caleb cortlandt . jack : so it looks like kendall 's out of the woods . [ scene_break ] david : there you go . it 's holding . well done , doctor . griffin : thanks , doctor . cara : pressure 's coming up . 90/60 . david : ok . looks good from here , too . you can remove the sheaths and the guide wires whenever you 're ready . how long before you can get her back in here ? jake : they 've cleaned up the gas outside , so they 'll cut us open as soon as we tell them that we 're done . griffin : gauze . cara : nice work , doctor . griffin : piece of cake . all right . tell them to warm up the jaws of life . let 's get her the hell out of here . you did good , kendall . you did real good . [ scene_break ] asher : everything ok ? annie 's voice : remember these ? you liked these . and you have been very naughty , so i 'm gon na make sure that you stay here . j.r. : um , yeah . it was just a little reminder from annie . asher : oh , hey . have you heard from colby yet ? j.r. : no . she must 've made it to chicago to be with our dad . asher : i wonder if she even got out in this weather . j.r. : i 'm sure she 's fine . i 'm gon na go pack , head to the cottage . asher : yeah . [ scene_break ] annie : this is the last thing i need right now . i have enough on my plate without you whining to j.r. about this . colby : whining , annie ? ! i 'm the one being kidnapped here ! annie : you did n't give me a choice ! you threatened to go to the police ! what was i supposed to do ? ! i will not be locked up again , not by anybody . so i have to make sure j.r. does n't find you . colby : i 'm really sorry , annie , ok ? i 'm not gon na go running to j.r . i was going to chicago to see my dad ! i was leaving pine valley anyway ! annie : who knew you were on your way out of town ? colby : my mom , j.r. , and asher . annie : great . so no one will know you 're missing . [ scene_break ] erica : thank god . bianca : i know . erica : thank god . and thank you , jack . thank you for everything you did to get david on board . jack : yeah . listen , i told that judge i 'd call him when it was all over . if you 'll excuse me ? excuse me ? bianca : uncle jack , wait a second . hey . you ok ? jack : sure . sure . listen , the only thing that matters now is getting kendall well , so do me a favor ? go take care of your mom , all right ? [ scene_break ] caleb : that 's one tough daughter you got . make that two . erica : you have to leave . caleb : sorry ? erica : you 're complicating things . i 'm very grateful to you for everything you 've done for me and my family , but you 're making things very difficult for me and jack . caleb : i did n't mean to do that . i wanted to help you . erica : just walk away . caleb : that 's easier said than done , dorothy . [ scene_break ] david : you got to be kidding . not even a moment to reflect on what just happened here ? a heart is still beating because of me and my former student . jesse : the idea of you teaching anything to anybody -- david : this is what i was meant to do , chief , and i will do it again . [ scene_break ] jake : still think this does n't measure up to the adventures of the sudan ? [ doors open ] griffin : i 'll hold the pressure . you two go ahead . yeah , go . cara : really ? griffin : yeah . jake : you got it ? griffin : yeah . jake : careful . good job . griffin : you , too . jake : i 'll help you . last thing you want to do is break your ankle . fire chief : you ok ? cara : yes , i 'm great . thank you . jake : hey . cara : yeah ? jake : i just wanted to -- you still wear our wedding ring ? singer : we 're together here a moment in time i wish i could keep griffin : it 's all over . you 're good as gold . i kept my promise . singer : what it means to me a grateful heart -- griffin : how are you feeling ? kendall : i -- griffin : what 's that ? kendall : i said , `` i love you . `` | on the way back from the beach house , annie argues with herself over the fact that colby had found out about her hitting marissa with the door and had made it look like a robbery . marissa appears to annie ( in her mind ) and tells annie that j.r. would never forgive her for holding colby hostage at the beach house . annie starts yelling for marissa to hush . in the ambulance , griffin , jake and cara rushes kendall to the hospital when they get hit by annie 's car . annie swears to marissa that she will fix this situation . at pine valley hospital , erica , bianca and jack find out that the ambulance carrying kendall to the hospital had been involved in an accident . annie looks back and sees the headlights of the ambulance which had crashed because of her actions . dr. burke questions j.r. as to what he thinks that he can fix for annie . at the beach house , colby yells for help , but with no luck . annie blames marissa for her causing the ambulance to wreck . griffin comes to and checks on jake and cara . while griffin checks on kendall , jake tries to get the car started . kendall starts to come to . erica lets bianca know that griffin had n't given them any guarantee as to whether kendall would recover or not . after examining kendall in the ambulance , griffin decides to operate on her here and right now . jesse lets erica and bianca know about the ambulance wreck . colby tries to unlock the handcuffs with a fingernail file . dr. burke accuses j.r. of manipulating both annie and marissa . the fire department and the police arrive to help griffin , cara and jake . kendall tells griffin that if she does n't make it to let erica know that she had been the one , who had shot david . griffin promises kendall that he will not let her die . erica has regrets over kendall being in this condition . jack lets caleb know that he has a meeting with the disciplinary board to see if his license will be reinstated . jack lets caleb know not to help him anymore . erica urges jesse to get david to help in kendall 's surgery . annie arrives home to the chandler 's and lies to dr. burke as to how she had gotten the scratch on her cheek . annie apologizes to dr. burke for hurting someone . dr. burke asks who had annie hurt . erica convinces david to help in kendall 's surgery . |
amanda : you have to arrest j.r . he mowed me down . derek : j.r. was driving ? amanda : yes , i remember it now . all of it . those lights , just like the headlights , coming straight to me . derek : it never added up that the sober one was behind the wheel . j.r. : you take some of those psycho drugs you fed erica ? this is bogus . amanda : oh , you did it , j.r. you know you did . j.r. : you ca n't lie when there was an eyewitness . so , babe , tell chief frye what he already knows , that your hands were behind the wheel . babe ? derek : how about the truth this time , babe . what really happened that night . [ scene_break ] lily : i was afraid you were n't coming . jonathan : so was i , but i 'm here . you look beautiful . lily : so do you . handsome . jonathan : i would n't be able to be here at all if it were n't for this . it works , just as you promised . thank you . nobody in there knows that i 'm me . [ scene_break ] jack : welcome back to the mardi gras ball . you may not be able to hit the dance floor , but you can still be a big part of the celebration by donating to the american red cross disaster relief fund . please , call 1 - 800-red cross or check out to learn about volunteering and other ways to pitch in . help pine valley help our friends in need . thank you . [ scene_break ] josh : i am erica 's supervising producer . one of the best . you can ask anyone , and in a nanosecond , i 'm going to be her co - host . this is where you congratulate me . greg : you drugged that woman to further your own career . this is wrong , josh . this is wrong on so many levels . that woman is -- josh : that woman is what ? [ scene_break ] erica : janet , i did n't expect to see you here . janet : it 's about amanda . how is this possible , erica ? my baby is in jail for drugging you ? it 's a lie , erica . a horrible , horrible lie . a terrible mistake has been made , and you have to make it right . erica : janet , i am so sorry , but amanda 's confessed . janet : amanda is innocent , and i am very afraid that you 've trusted the wrong person . [ scene_break ] zach : so , what 's this ? a private party ? i did n't see a sign outside . no bouncer . not exactly a - list , is it ? will you fill me in , kendall ? ethan : come on , we 've got somewhere to go . marty : boss ? ryan : kendall , you do n't have to stay . we pretty much can handle it from here . zach : whatever you 've stirred up , my fiancée and i can deal with it . wo n't we , kendall ? what did ryan tell you ? ryan : why do n't you back off , slater ? zach : get out ! kendall : ryan , will you please just leave ? please ? ryan : i 'll be downstairs . zach : talk to me . kendall : there 's a party downstairs . my mother , she really needs me . it 's a very big night for her . zach : it 's a big night for us . [ scene_break ] jonathan : are you ok ? it 's not too crowded , is it ? lily : no , it 's ok when i just focus on you . jonathan : may i have this dance ? lily : i guess you may , but just be careful not to -- jonathan : touch you ? i know . [ constantly holding their masks up to their faces and never actually touching , jonathan and lily dance around the ballroom . as the lights go down , they slowly lower their masks and holds their hands inches away from each other , mimicking their movements in slow motion until the lights come back up and their masks are back in place as everyone cheers . ] [ scene_break ] erica : janet , amanda confessed right in front of me , and all the evidence -- it points to her . josh found the medication in her purse . janet : how can you trust josh over the daughter of one of your oldest friends ? how could you -- oh . you and he are n't -- oh , my god , erica , you 're not cheating on jack ? oh , i promise . well , a long attention span was never your strong suit , but i promise i wo n't say a word . erica : jack and i are very happy in our marriage . in fact , i bet that jack is wondering exactly where i am . janet : why , erica . erica , just tell me why wo n't you believe amanda . you 're her idol . she adores you . i told you that . you know how much she loves working for you . erica : apparently not as much as you think . janet : i know you 're angry and upset , and you want revenge . i can understand that . oh , the power , the catharsis . but in this case , it 's directed at the wrong person . amanda is innocent . please , let amanda continue to work for you , and i will help you get that josh , get that awful boy , and we 'll just roast him on a spit ! [ scene_break ] josh : i know exactly what erica kane is . she 's a selfish , spoiled , vain diva who thinks she 's at the center of everyone 's universe . not mine . greg : where did this animosity come from ? erica 's been only generous to you , and she 's been kind . josh : nobody plays it better , but when that woman gets into trouble , she expects the whole world to pick up after her . if i make a mess , i 'm just following in her footsteps . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan had his new pals douse the lights and then brought me in here to show off his little blackout theory , courtesy of our soon - to - be ex - employee marty . they actually expected me to believe that you had marty cause those blackouts in september , you wanted to defrost ryan 's samples in the clinic . i mean , talk about ego , huh ? zach : ryan went to a lot of trouble . kendall : yeah , i mean , he 's -- he 's completely losing it . he actually wants me to believe that it 's your fault that i 'm carrying my child and not greenlee 's . greenlee dumping him , leaving town ? your fault . even everyone getting on my case about carrying this child -- your fault , too . i mean , is n't it ridiculous ? it 's crazy . if ryan really knew you at all , he would know that you would never do that to me , that you knew how important it was for me to carry greenlee 's baby . you even supported me during the whole surrogacy thing , right down to late - night food runs . you would never play me like that , trash our lives and then hold my hand and ask me to spend the rest of my life with you . you would never . zach : that 's exactly what i did . kendall : you made the lights go out . something that big , pulling the plug on an entire city , who -- who could possibly even know that that would work ? zach : i knew . i made sure it worked . kendall : the fertility clinic , too , perfectly synchronized ? zach : say it . kendall : well , what do you want ? what do you -- what do you want me to say ? because of you , i 'm carrying my own child , a child i never even wanted ? because of you , i lied to my best friend and lost her forever ? thanks to you , i am now carrying the child of a man that i do n't even love , and because of you that man is now in our lives forever ! zach : i 'm responsible for all of it . we are both this close to the future we always wanted . kendall : so what ? so , what , we can look back and laugh about all of this ? is that -- is that why you did this ? this is why you proposed to me , to make up for it . that 's right , you felt sorry for me . you trashed my life , you trashed my friends ' lives , and then you thought , `` wow , pop a ring on her finger , make it all better . `` is that what this is , zach ? is this -- is this a symbol of your guilt or is it just pity ? you give me a nice little wedding , some wedding cake , you say a few `` i love you 's , `` and that 's it ? zach : enough . kendall : i 'll forget about the whole thing ? zach : you can hit me , you can hate me , but never , ever doubt the way i feel about you . i did what i did because i love you . [ scene_break ] derek : the law does n't like liars . now would be a good time to tell the real story . babe : a twist like this could put a cramp in someone 's plans . derek : in a big way . driving under the influence , aggravated assault , giving a false statement -- serious charges , serious time . bonus for you , babe -- come clean , i 'm so grateful , the charges against you disappear . j.r. : i was n't driving . we 're out of here , babe . amanda : do n't let him off . you know how he operates . he starts out charm on a stick . he 'll promise anything . and then when he gets what he wants , he does n't even come through with his side of the deal . j.r. : oh , you 're just bitter , amanda , so very bitter . babe : i thought i knew you , but the way you 've been acting lately , you really are the hit - and - run type of guy , are n't you ? j.r. : are you having fun ? because this is getting very boring . babe : you propose to a girl , you promise her the whole family thing , and then you shove a prenup in front of my face and push me to sign away my child . it 's pretty cold . if j.r. went to prison , what would happen to the custody of our son ? [ scene_break ] erica : janet , i know that in the past we have teamed up , and i certainly know how much you love amanda . and i also know how really difficult it is sometimes to -- to hear the truth about your children . but , janet , amanda confessed . janet : you keep saying that , but it was n't really a confession . no , it 's this offbeat sense of humor she has . she got it from her father . gets her into trouble all the time . she felt trapped , and she just said the first thing that popped into her head . erica : janet , the pills that she gave me , they were yours . now , maybe amanda 's having emotional difficulties , and she 's self - medicating . that would actually be an excellent defense . janet : you want her to plead guilty by reason of self - medication ? erica : i want her to get all the help she needs . look how far you 've come . and i really do think that with the proper professional attention and the love and support of you and your family , i mean , well , there 's no reason why amanda should n't have a very bright future . janet : you think amanda is a crazy old chip off her mother 's block , huh ? [ scene_break ] amanda : if j.r. went to prison , he 'd have to lose his son . serves him right to never see the kid again . derek : a felony conviction would definitely throw a wrench into a custody arrangement . j.r. : look , we can play the `` what if `` game all night long , but that 's all it is . you never got a blood test . you ca n't even prove that i was drunk . you do n't even have a case . babe : i could testify you were wasted at the bar , how many drinks you had . derek : you had your flask on you . j.r. : do n't do this , babe . amanda : stop covering for him , you bitch ! tell the truth ! babe : j.r. was blitzed . you saw . but i was the one driving . amanda : liar ! tell him she 's lying ! jamie : i was n't there . j.r. : we 've got some partying to do . amanda : you ca n't let them walk out ! derek : all i have is your word -- not nearly enough to build a case on . you did n't do yourself any favors calling babe names . amanda : so that 's it ? j.r. almost kills me , and he totally skates ? i did n't do anything , i 'm stuck here ! jamie : you just confessed to a lot of crimes , remember ? that puts you on everybody 's hit list . amanda : well , then you are on my hit list , and it does n't really matter who did all this crud , then , does it ? jamie : matters to me . amanda : do n't pretend you care , ok ? i 'm not falling for it anymore . jamie : hey , you already confessed that you really did n't drug erica , and i believe you . now what about the rest of it ? tell me the truth , amanda , and i 'll get you out of here . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you 're a very good dancer . lily : thank you . i 've danced before , but not like that . i think it was because i was with you , and i feel so safe with you . jonathan : i feel safe with you . like when i was in jail , i was n't afraid , lily , because you believed that i did n't do anything wrong . and soon , everyone in there will , too . i know it , and maybe -- maybe they 'll even all think i 'm good . lily : you can be as good as you want to be . jonathan : really ? you -- you think so ? lily : yes . the facts prove it . you found the missing baby , you saved di henry from drowning in the water , you helped all those people out of the quicksand in the truck . a bad person would n't do all those things . your face -- it 's not -- it 's not really smiling . is everything ok ? jonathan : i feel like -- i do n't know what i feel like . i 've -- i 've never felt like this before . but i do n't want it to stop . i want to be good , lily . i want to be better than good , for you . i love you . [ scene_break ] kendall : save the l - word . do n't ever say the l - word again . i feel like a punch line in a very sick , demented joke ! i do n't understand . what did -- you zapped the power in the entire city ? zach : i knew that ryan was alive , and i knew he was n't going to stay away from greenlee forever . and i knew how determined you and greenlee were to have this kid , and i knew if he came back , it would hurt you very badly . kendall : ok , did you ever think that maybe it was really none of your business ? zach : i felt if i stopped the surrogacy , i could keep you safe . and when i did what i did , i thought it was the right thing . what i did n't anticipate is what an amazing woman you are . i did n't anticipate that you would fertilize your own egg . kendall : yes , but i did ! zach : yeah , you did . and i should 've known that you would n't give up . you would do anything for your friend . i should 've known better . now i do . kendall : from the second that you knew i was pregnant , you knew that this baby was mine . you said nothing . you did n't blink . why did n't you just say something to me ? why did n't you just tell me ? i mean , you trust us , you trust our relationship , you trust our love so much you said nothing ? zach : i knew how you 'd feel . telling you would n't change anything . kendall : except how i feel about you . instead , you just -- you held right onto it . even i gave you so many chances to come clean , and you know -- i told you that i hate secrets and i hate lies . ethan lied to me , and i stopped loving him . zach : have you stopped loving me ? kendall : you know , back when you -- when you lied to me about ryan being dead , i thought we were finished . i was sure we were finished . and then -- then you went and you waved that -- that magic love wand and suddenly , suddenly i 'm sure that you would never , ever lie to me again . i was so sure that you loved me so much that you would look at me and tell me nothing but the truth . i 'm an idiot ! i 'm so stupid to believe that ! zach : i never claimed to be a hero , never claimed to be a saint . and i did tell you i did things that i regretted . kendall : well , there is one thing that you did n't lie about . you said your love would hurt me . you changed my life forever , without my knowledge or consent . who in the hell are you to do that ? zach : i 'm just like you . when were you going to tell greenlee that the baby she was raising as her own was really yours ? [ scene_break ] erica : i have no idea what amanda 's emotional state is . but if she 's innocent , she 'll be released , and if not , she 'll get the help she needs . janet : the only help that she needs , erica , is for that beasty boy josh madden to be put away and get what he deserves ! erica : janet , there is no evidence that josh did anything to hurt me . i know it 's really difficult , but please be patient . janet : `` be patient . `` no problemo . as long as you get to go dance the night away with your guests , eh ? oh , erica , erica , erica . i gave you a chance . now you 've gone to the other side . now you 're one of them , one of the haters out to get my daughter . image : what did you expect ? all that begging , pleading , it was just -- it was just pathetic . so now there 's really only one thing that you can do , if you 've got the brass . [ scene_break ] amanda : you 're not going to get me out of here . jamie : you tell me the truth , done deal . now , your confession about kidnapping little a and everything else -- was that real or bogus ? or are you covering for somebody else ? your mom ? amanda , if you 're innocent , there could be more victims . do you really want that hanging over your head ? amanda : you know , the bright side for me is anything happens to someone else , no one 's going to blame yours truly , because i 'm stuck in my cell . jamie : what do you know ? is something going down ? amanda : do n't know , do n't care . jamie : amanda , this craziness is escalating . someone could get worse than hurt . if you know something , you have to tell me , so we can stop this . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] babe : will your date mind if i steal you for a dance ? opal : i know ! del : there 's plenty of me to go around . babe : do n't let it go to your head . i know the score . at the boathouse , you set me up , test my loyalty for j.r. you 're a total jerk . but tonight really is your lucky night . i am going to give you one chance to make it up to me and pay back j.r . del : really ? j.r. : you mind if i cut in ? [ scene_break ] erica : i hope you 're all having as much fun as we are at our mardi gras ball . the donation lines are still open . greg : i 'll match any donation made here this evening , but i do n't want a mere `` thank you . `` i would like the pleasure of a dance with the one and only miss erica kane . erica : well , that 's incredibly generous , but a dance is n't really necessary . greg : oh , i 've made a check out here . it 's really a rather sizable amount . if you 'll do me the honor of giving me a dance , i will make sure this gets into the appropriate hands . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you have n't said anything in a very long time . lily : why do you love me ? jonathan : you 're smart . you 're beautiful . you trust me , and you make me feel like i can do anything . no one 's ever made me feel like that . when i 'm with you , lily , i know i 'm good . that 's why i love you . jonathan : are you upset ? i mean , maybe i should n't have said anything at all . lily : no . i was waiting . jonathan : waiting ? waiting -- waiting for what ? lily : well , when sam told me he loved me , he kissed me . are n't you going to kiss me ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] j.r. : you know , you could 've buried me with those charges today , snaked little a 's custody , but you did n't . you must have some reason . what 's your next play , trick ? babe : are you for real ? i save your rear again and then you slam me ? j.r. : yeah , you saved me today , you 'll bury me tomorrow . no wonder i need a prenup . ca n't figure you out . if i ca n't figure you out , i ca n't protect myself . babe : maybe i will tell derek the truth . [ scene_break ] erica : what do you want from me ? greg : i regret my dreams for us have failed . erica : well , we all have regrets . greg : yeah , but i dreamt for such a long time that you and i would have a special connection . erica : greg , please do n't start this . greg : i understand . it was all just a fantasy . but as for josh , i should hope you would agree with me about his future . erica : look , greg , if you have a point , would you please get to it ? because otherwise , i would be more than happy to sever any and all connections to you right now . greg : i can sever our connection quite simply . [ scene_break ] lily : i feel good when i 'm with you , but i do n't want sex . and sam said that sex is normal between two people when they love each other . he did n't like me once i did n't want to . will you stop liking me if i do n't get normal ? jonathan : no . i 'd only stop liking you if you stopped being you . lily : that would be impossible for me to stop being me . jonathan : i -- i 'll love you our own way . look at almost everyone we know . it 's not like normal works so great . lily : that 's true . so kissing does n't lead to second base and sex ? jonathan : no . kissing is just kissing . lily : ok , then i 'd like to kiss now . [ scene_break ] jack : all right , you two , have a good time . reggie : we will . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall sometimes only hears what she wants to hear , and so the only way that i could convince her -- thank you very much -- the only way that i could convince her is with a live demonstration . julia : did you do this because kendall 's carrying your child , or is there another reason ? ryan : well , i mean , we have a history , julia . you know , i was engaged to her , and that went bad and then i split , and then about two years ago i proposed to her again , and that time she split . so , yeah , we have a history . it 's crazy , but it 's there . julia : well , kendall might think that you 're protecting her from zach , because you have feelings for her . do you ? ryan : well , yeah . i have a lot of feelings for her . i mean , i used to love her . and i used to hate her . and at times , i wanted to snap her in half and at times i wanted to hold on to her and never let her go . but the point is , is that i know her better than anybody does . julia : well , what 's there to know ? she is self - absorbed , self - centered , egotistical , and arrogant . those are her good qualities . ryan : sometimes , yeah , she is , but , julia , when kendall loves , she puts everything on the line -- everything . i mean , look what she did for greenlee and for bianca . those were life and death , and she did n't think twice . julia : you sound like her press agent . ryan : yeah , i kind of do . and i guess that 's what happens when you know somebody inside and out . she fights like hell to give her heart away , but when she does -- and now zach 's made her fall in love with him , and he 's ripping her apart , and i hate him for it . so at least now she can begin to get better . julia : are you sure ? ryan : if i have anything to say about it , yeah . [ scene_break ] kendall : i was trying to help greenlee in the only way that i knew how to keep her going . zach : ready to live a lie because you loved her ? kendall : no , i -- i did whatever i could , and i tried to help her in the best way that i knew how . what you did ? no , do n't even try to spin that i 'm for the better . zach : that night my only concern was for you and the pain headed your way , because of a choice you made . kendall : yes , my choice . zach : i , like you , did what i did out of love . and i , like you , was ready to live a secret for a lifetime . yes , the motives you had were right . so were mine . here we are , ready to have a future together . i want to hold you and love you . that 's the only truth that matters to me . because i do . i love you . bianca 's waiting for us in paris . we can still be married tomorrow . [ scene_break ] j.r. : jackson , have you seen babe ? jack : yeah , i did . she 's -- there she is , right up there . [ up on the balcony , j.r. stares at babe and del passionately kissing . ] [ scene_break ] amanda : i do n't know why i came to this stupid town anyway . nothing but jerks and misery times ten . please , mom , please do n't do anything extreme . [ scene_break ] janet : i could n't possibly . no , it 's -- not in a million , no , not in a trillion years . it 's too much even for me . image : come on . be bold . make a statement . show everybody , show everybody in this nasty little burg just what it 'll cost them when they treat amanda like trash -- crazy trash . janet : i 'll do it . i 'll show everyone . [ scene_break ] erica : greg , whatever it is , please just tell me , so we can be done with this . josh : erica , you promised me another spin . jamie : erica ! we have to get amanda out of jail . i know this sounds crazy , but something 's going down , and i think she 's the only one who can help us . erica : jamie , whatever is going down , amanda drugged me . you heard her admit it . jamie : her confession was a lie . she did n't feed you the antipsychotics , it was josh . erica : look , i heard amanda try to weasel out of it . jamie : fine . who got the big promotion because of your little drug trip ? josh : oh , is this the best you could come up with , martin ? you find me in bed with your girl , so you make up a lie ? not even a very good one at that . jamie : erica , i know josh did it . erica : why , because amanda said so ? jamie , i do n't want to hear another word about this . greg : erica ? this young man is telling you the truth . it was josh who drugged you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i -- i want to get this right . so i -- i could sit or stand very still and let you kiss me ? would you -- would you like that ? lily : no , i 'd like for you to kiss me . and if i do n't get nervous or scared or pull away , it will help me to know if i love you back . jonathan : ok . are you ready ? ok . [ jack happens on jonathan and lily as they 're about to kiss . ] [ scene_break ] zach : we 're all packed . we can be in paris by morning . [ as kendall storms away , a smug ethan stares at his father . as she walks down the hallway , zach grabs kendall 's arm . ] [ next_on ] janet ( to her mirror image ) : it 's almost showtime . babe ( to j.r. ) : are you saying that you want to marry me again ? because if you are , i 'll marry you tonight . ryan ( to kendall ) : let me help you . kendall ( to ryan ) : help me ? i hate you , i hate everything that you 've done to me . tad ( to erica ) : i have to tell you something about josh . | after ryan , ethan and marty have dropped the bombshell upon kendall about zach 's dirty dealings at the fertility clinic , she asks zach what he has to say . and he tells her that he is guilty as charged . he tells her he now realizes that he made a mistake but did it because he thought he 'd have to protect her from the possibility of ryan coming back to pine valley and hurting her again if she 'd carried ryan and greenlee 's baby for them . she tells zach she can not accept the fact that he lied to her regardless of his `` good intentions `` . jamie discovers that amanda was falsely accused of drugging erica and it was josh who drugged her instead . greg also knows that . babe is ready to put jr in his place . jonathan sneaks off to the ball to have a romantic dance with lily . |
amanda : you would lie under oath to get david convicted . jake : if it kept him out of our life forever , yeah , you 're damn skippy i would , in a second . amanda : you 're serious . jake : i do n't know why i did n't think of it sooner . amanda : because it 's insane , that 's why . amanda : you know , if david goes to jail , great , but with real evidence connecting him to the fusion attack . lying to get him there -- jake : honey , honey , honey , you ca n't count on the cops to do anything . if we want this to happen we have to do it ourselves . tad : liza , listen . it 's me . you got to call me back as soon as you get this message , ok ? it 's really , really important . liza : hey , there . i 'm here to follow up on a dna request from my client , damon miller , to rule out a possible blood match found at the martin house . tad : i 'm sorry . would you just excuse us for just one second ? listen , you got to help me out . liza : why ? what ? what is it ? tad : keep jake from going after hayward . liza : jake ? what -- oh , god , do n't tell me he got his gun again . tad : no , no , no . but he is about to tell jesse that he saw hayward going up to fusion the night of the cyber attack . liza : what ? did he ? tad : i 'm guessing no . liza : what are you talking about ? he 's lying to the police ? tad : why do n't you say it louder , ok ? i do n't think the grand jury heard it . liza : what exactly did he say to them ? tad : that 's just it -- nothing that 's on the record yet . but the fuse is definitely lit . liza : yeah . all right . i 'll handle this . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] erica : oh , my god . jack : hi . erica : hi . jack : may i come in ? erica : of course . jack : thanks . erica : well , i thought you were in europe . jack : i was . my plane landed just a little while ago . erica : and you came directly here . jack : i did . it was the only thing that made sense . i came back because of you . [ scene_break ] david : great . ryan : where 's erica ? david : how the hell should i know ? ryan : she said she was coming here to see you , hayward . david : well , she 's gone . and in case you 're wondering , she did n't get what she came for . ryan : well , maybe i 'll just take a look around , just to be sure . david : what ? wait a minute . are you sure you want to do this ? [ scene_break ] erica : i have n't heard from you in ages , and i do n't recall sending out any kind of an s.o.s . for an attorney . oh , fusion . of course . you must have heard about fusion and the sabotage , and of course , since you still consider the company to be greenlee 's , that 's why you 're here . you 're here to help . jack : if there 's anything i can do , just let me know . i mean , it 's got to be a nightmare . erica : oh , yes . `` nightmare `` is an understatement . jack , that virus just sabotaged everything . it took away all of our files and our contacts , research and schedules . well , our staff is working very , very hard to re - create everything that was lost . and please do n't worry . i mean , i will not let this company disappear . in fact , we will find out who 's responsible for this . what i mean to say is that we already have an idea . jack : who 's `` we `` ? erica : oh . maybe you 're not aware , but actually , ryan lavery has been helping me at fusion . he and i are partners . jack : partners , is it ? erica : yes , i 'm sure you 're thinking , well , ryan lavery is n't exactly an expert in cosmetics or anything like that . but in every other aspect of the business , he excels . jack : well , you always had more faith in him than i did . erica : with good reason , jack . professionally speaking , we are a very good team . jack : good . it must be incredible . you know , word of your professional teamwork has made it all the way across the atlantic ? [ jack holds up a french tabloid with erica and ryan kissing on the front cover ] [ scene_break ] david : there 's only so many times your friend , chief hubbard , can ignore you flagrantly breaking into my home . ryan : you want to give him a call and test out your theory ? david : you know , i 'm getting more than just a little tired of you and your recent girlfriend turning my place into grand central station . ryan : it 's because we have questions , hayward , about what the hell you are up to . david : right , right . those probing questions about the mysterious attack on fusion 's computers . ryan : really not that mysterious , when you consider the fact that we 're dealing with a sociopathic control freak . david : you know , i 'll tell you what . why do n't you get together with erica , ok ? she can fill you in on our little conversation during your pillow talk . ryan : why do n't you tell me right now ? david : ok , i have another suggestion . it would be so much more efficient if you and erica would just get together , come here together , when you have all these accusations to throw around . we could turn it into a green thing . you can save on gas . ryan : you know what i 'm trying to figure out ? i 'm trying to figure out your motive . like , why would you go after fusion ? david : yeah , right . well , you might want to be careful , ryan . you do n't want to hurt yourself with all that heavy mental lifting . ryan : when amanda and liza were here , they found a ripped up tabloid covering of me and erica . david : that is fascinating . ryan : so , why ? why are you so worked up about me and erica , hayward ? why ? david : you know , maybe it 's not erica . did you ever think of that ? ryan : what are you saying ? david : maybe it 's you . maybe everything that 's been going on is about you . [ scene_break ] jesse : amanda , could you excuse us for a few minutes , please ? liza : jesse , before you start , i 'd like to have a word with my client . jesse : client ? he 's a witness , not a suspect . liza : come on . anybody who gives a sworn statement to the police could benefit from some legal advice . what , you 're not gon na deny him legal counsel . jake : i 'm gon na deny it . i really just want to get this over with . liza : you know what ? take my word on this one . you need some legal counsel . jake : fine , jesse . fine . just give me a minute . but that 's it , ok ? just a minute , because i want to just -- please , people , do n't start on me , ok ? i 'm already committed to this . i do n't want to hear it from any of you . amanda : that 's a good choice of words , because if he finds out that you 're lying to nail david , then you will be committed to state prison . tad : it 's still a crime to lie to the police , even about a guy like hayward . jake : it 's not really lying to them . they 've already got evidence against david . they just need an eyewitness , right ? amanda : maybe you 've forgotten you 're not an eyewitness . jake : but everything i 'm gon na tell jesse is the truth . it 's exactly what happened . if i was there that 's what i would have seen . liza : yeah , but you do n't know that . jake , come on . you do n't think that david is gon na mount a defense ? and then you are gon na tripped up on one detail or another , and any good defense attorney is gon na rip you apart on that stand , and you will go to prison for perjury . jake : what ? no , it 's not -- liza : oh , come on . do n't lie to yourself about that . liars do get caught . and you will get caught . and then the only time you 're gon na see your wife and your child is on visiting days . amanda : jake , please . the police are already onto david . just please let them do their job . tad : come on , kiddo . we 'll come up with something . i swear . jake : wait a second . wait a minute , guys . you know , all we ever do is react to david , right ? we wait . he sticks the knife into people . and then what ? then we go on the defensive . well , i do n't personally think that anybody 's ever won a war that way . liza : ok , jake , please . i know that you think you 're doing the best thing for your family -- the last best thing -- but believe me , he 's gon na win . and you know why he 's gon na win ? because the only people that are gon na get hurt are the people that you love the most . do n't go through with this madness . jesse : ok . so are we ready to do this now , or what ? jake : yeah , let 's do it . let 's get the show on the road . amanda : i can not believe that we did n't talk him out of this . tad : yeah . well , my brother joseph is nothing if not stubborn . amanda : what are we gon na do ? tad : we got to watch him self - destruct . jake : uh , ok . so , i was at confusion , and i was n't drinking because i was on my way to the hospital . i was about to leave and i saw david coming in the back , getting on to the elevator . and it was david , clear as it , you know -- anybody could see it was david , clear as day . and then i watched the thing above the elevator , you know ? the numbers that goes up to the top floor . that 's where the fusion office is . jesse : was he alone ? jake : yeah . jesse : ok . so i 'm gon na need a little more background here . i need to know what else you did that night , that tuesday night . you said you were going to the hospital ? jake : tuesday ? i 'm talking about monday . jesse : fusion was attacked on tuesday . jake : oh . because the night that i saw david was monday . it was monday night . see , i just assumed that the night that fusion got attacked was monday night . jesse : well , you assumed wrong . do me a favor . next time you want to make a statement , get your frigging facts straight . jake : well , i was expecting that , you know ? something . i -- tad : what is it ? what did you say ? liza : well , somebody saw the light . jake : please to make no mistake about it . i 'm still gon na get this bastard . i just want to make sure it sticks is all . [ scene_break ] ryan : me ? the disaster at fusion and all the rest of it is because you 're going after me ? david : no , no . do n't get me wrong . i 'm not saying i did anything . i 'm just trying to widen your perspective here . ryan : or maybe you 're trying to take the heat off yourself . david : you know , you 're so convinced that i 'm fixating on erica . i 'm just saying , look at the possibilities . well , you 're no saint , lavery , right ? you 've hurt people , disappointed them . ryan : and you could say that about pretty much anybody in pine valley . david : yeah . maybe . so you do n't think you deserve an attack like this . well , you see , i 'd venture a guess that you 're more deserving than most . ryan : after all the pain that you have caused the people of this town . david : for once , this is n't about me , ryan . you know , you 're so self- righteous . maybe it 's time for you to put your own life under a magnifying glass . ryan : my life does n't have half -- greenlee . this is about greenlee . you always hated that greenlee and i were in love . you never thought she belonged with anybody other than leo . do you still resent me for that ? are you so twisted that you ca n't let go of the past ? david : you know , it 's so funny that you would put it that way , because apparently it 's so easy for you to let go of the past , ryan , is n't it ? ryan : they 're gone , hayward . leo is gone and greenlee is gone . and the only reason that i let go is because i had to . so no matter how hard it was , she 's gone . and i 'm trying to get on with my life . i 'm trying to live my life . maybe you should try and do the same . if that 's what this is about , then -- david : then what ? ryan : then you are even more pathetic than i thought . [ scene_break ] erica : really , jack ? you flew all the way across the ocean for this ? jack : well , you were n't straight with me when i was standing right in front of you . why would i think you 'd be more honest on a transatlantic phone call ? erica : i was n't aware that i had to run my personal life by you . of course , i should have known that this would be devastating for you . jack : you think i 'm jealous . you think that 's why i dropped everything and jumped on a plane . erica : it 's fine . you do n't have to admit it . jack : have you given any thought to how this affects everyone else ? erica : who , jack ? the french are up in arms about this ? jack : not the whole country , no . but you 've got a couple of family members there who were taken aback by this . i saw kendall and bianca at bianca 's birthday dinner . erica : i spoke to kendall and bianca both . i spoke to them both right after i made the public announcement about ryan 's and my relationship . jack : did you speak to spike ? erica : spike ? of course not . i think he 's a little young for all these complications . jack : yeah , sure . but not too young to see a picture of you and his daddy kissing like that . erica : spike saw that ? jack : no . no , thankfully , he did n't . but he could have . i mean , he saw kendall hiding it from him . how is kendall gon na explain a thing like that ? her mommy and his daddy are sleeping together ? erica : oh , how dare you . how dare you use spike to try to humiliate me about my relationship with ryan . you should be ashamed of yourself . [ scene_break ] david : i have to apologize . i had no idea that he would go off on a tear like that . greenlee : it was n't a tear . it was the truth -- ryan 's truth . david : well , i 'm sorry you had to hear it . greenlee : i 'm not . i needed to hear it . i needed to hear he 's let go of me in his heart and he 's fine with that , he 's done with me . because now it 's easy . now i 'm really done with him . greenlee : everything ryan said about not living in the past , about moving on -- i knew it was probably true , but i could n't fully believe that he would -- you know , i could never hear those words . david : yeah , those are pretty harsh words . greenlee : the thing is , i could n't imagine it before , but now i do n't have to . i heard it . i heard him say it . what he thinks and feels is seared into my brain . i could n't get rid of it even if i wanted to . but i do n't want to . he was crystal clear , and i 'm glad , ok ? i 'm glad i walked in when i did . david : greenlee , you have to remember that ryan thought -- greenlee : do n't even go there . i know that he thought i was dead . i understand that part of him felt it was ok to move on . i could have lived with a few meaningless relationships , casual flings to ease the pain of losing me . but with kendall ? my best friend ? and if that was n't bad enough , now erica ? my worst enemy ? and he let her take over my company while he was getting her in bed . david : i know you 're in a lot of pain , greenlee . it 's gon na take more time . greenlee : i 'm not sitting here dreaming about getting him back , winning his heart away from the fabulous erica kane . all i want now is for him to hurt the way i hurt when i saw them together . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . hi . have you seen erica ? liza : wait . why would she be here ? ryan : well , i mean , she was at wildwind , but she left . i just figured that she 'd come straight here , considering we 're trying to nail hayward for what happened to fusion . she 's not here ? jake : did you nail hayward ? ryan : no . not yet . jake : all right . well , will you keep us posted ? ryan : ok . jake : thanks . ryan : hey . jesse : so , what went down between erica and david at wildwind ? ryan : i wish i knew . i ca n't find erica . i do n't know . jesse : and what did david say to you ? ryan : not much , jesse . just being really smug , some irrelevant hints about why he would target fusion . jesse : where the hell was he going with that ? ryan : i do n't know . but i bet if we find erica , we could find out . [ scene_break ] erica : why are you still here ? jack : because i care about you . i did n't come back here to humiliate you . could you please just explain something to me ? what is this thing with ryan ? erica : well , not that it 's any of your business , not that i could even believe that you 're still here questioning me about this . i mean , if kendall has a problem with this , then why have n't i heard from her ? jack : well , kendall 's kind of busy . she 's with her husband trying to put their family back together . look , the last thing she needs is an argument with you about sharing her former lover . erica : so she delegated this job to you ? oh , no . i do n't think so . this is extremely personal . if you 're not jealous , then what is this , jack ? is this some sort of a form of loyalty to greenlee ? that no one else should have the man that she set her heart on , even though she 's dead ? is that it ? jack : do n't dismiss greenlee like that . erica : i 'm sorry . i did n't mean it the way it sounded . i did n't mean to sound callous . i did n't , really . greenlee 's wedding day was a tragedy . but what is it you want , jack ? do you want ryan to go on grieving for the rest of his life ? jack : he 's not over her . and if you think he is , you 're kidding yourself , erica , and you 're gon na get hurt . and i am not gon na stand by and watch that happen . [ scene_break ] jake : why do n't we go back to our place and brainstorm a way to lock up david for the fusion break - in . why are we here ? amanda : you just barely escaped perjury charges . why are you still stuck on this ? jake : because it 's our best shot , no ? tad : yeah , our best shot to destroy our lives over david . liza : he 's right . jake , why ca n't you see that yet ? jake : why ca n't i see it ? what are you talking about ? i do see it . i see it . yes , look , thank you . you covered for me . i appreciate that . i was rash back there . people , we have a lawyer here . she 's right here . she knows all about criminal trials . amanda : so what are you saying ? jake : look , you said it actually best . you said that any lawyer worth his salt would be able to uncover what i said on a witness stand , right ? so we come up with something that 's better , something that nobody could uncover . tad : what ? liza : jake . jake : what ? liza : i 'm an officer of the court . now you want me to invent evidence -- jake : no , no , no . no . i 'm just saying , what happens if we found something of david 's , like a cufflink or a button , and we put it at fusion near the computer , maybe . that 's , you know -- something like that . tad : speaking of which , you still storing that button we shoved up your nose when we were 6 ? nobody is here to talk about nailing david . nobody 's here to talk about strategy , ok ? this is an intervention . we want you to stop . amanda : david has put us through hell , and it has been awful for all of us , probably more so you than anybody else . jake : well , that 's why i 'm trying -- amanda : but , jake , you ca n't fight him by turning into him . i am with you because you 're not him . can you understand that ? jake : yes , i understand that . i understand it all , ok ? and can you -- i say this -- can you understand that every time i hold our son , i just think about that days and the weeks and the months that i did n't get to have him that were stolen from us by david , ok ? days i 'll never get back . days we 'll never get back . amanda : ca n't you see the more that you focus on that , the more wonderful moments you will not see right here , right now , with me and your son . jake : baby , i cherish every single moment that we have together . i do , ok ? and i 'm sorry it 's come to this . i 'm sorry that it 's got you so worried . i am sorry for that , but i just want to remind you , i did n't start this , ok ? he did . and like mom used to always say , hey , do n't fight . but if you 're gon na fight -- what ? win . right ? he started this . i 'm just making sure that it 's over . i 'm just gon na make sure -- liza : damn it , jake ! you know what it 's like to lose family . now you intend to go through with this . [ scene_break ] tad : you all right ? you ok ? liza : i 'm peachy . tad : i 'm gon na go out on a limb here and guess that that was n't totally about david , was it ? liza : so bailey took stuart back to her parents ' . tad : for good ? liza : well , i do n't even think she knows . all i got out of her was that they 're ok . tad : honey , she worships you . liza : mmm . tad : bailey loves you . maybe she could come back . liza : if i have to watch one more family ripped apart because of david , of all people . [ scene_break ] david : well , i hope you realize this wedding is gon na have to be streamlined . greenlee : i know . and we do n't have to pull it off by valentine 's day either . just getting it done is what 's important . david : oh , we 'll be done by valentine 's day . trust me . i already made a few calls while you were in the chapel . but for the moment you 're gon na have to be on your own . i have to go to the police station . greenlee : what for ? david : i told jesse that i would show up to give a statement as to why my fingerprints were all over that flash drive you used to crash fusion . greenlee : i 'm sorry about that . if i had n't been in so much pain , we would have taken the evidence with us . david : it 's all right . i can handle it . but if i do n't show up there pretty soon , jesse 's gon na show up here . greenlee : first erica , then ryan . the last thing i need is a cop snooping around . who knows what traces i 've already left . david : so when i 'm done with the police station , i 'll come back here , and i 'll help you with the wedding plans . you want this , i 'm gon na give it to you . greenlee : you may be the only person who really understands me . david : well , that 's not too hard . i 'm the only one who knows you 're alive . greenlee : for now . david : greenlee , doing this for you -- it means a lot to me , more than you know . greenlee : i know . [ knock on door ] david : all right , look . do n't panic . just hide . i 'm expecting something . great . all right . come on in . here . watch yourself . all right . yeah , just bring it down here to the coffee table , all right ? ok . thank you . just close that door for me , all right ? excellent . greenlee : what 's all this for ? david : they 're all for you . so while i 'm gone , knock yourself out . enjoy yourself . [ scene_break ] erica : you know , there 's more going on here , jack . i know you too well . jack : oh , and i know you just as well . erica : so , then why are you still holding something back ? jack : why do you have such a hard time believing that i care about what happens to you ? erica : i 'm not having a hard time believing that you care about what happens to me . but for you to drop everything and fly over here to protect me from a man who 's been nothing but wonderful to me -- i 'm sorry , jack , that just does n't add up . jack : and now you 're avoiding the issue . erica : no , you 're the one who 's avoiding . look , i know what greenlee meant to you . i 've seen how hard you 've been hit by her death . i see that look in your eyes when you talk about her , and that breaks my heart . she 's the main reason you left town , is n't it ? jack : she was part of it . erica : and you and ryan were the two people who were closest to her , and you were both devastated by her death . and so maybe now when you hear that ryan has moved on , maybe you feel like you 're the only one left to mourn her death , alone . but that 's not true , jack . jack : please do not try to interpret my grief . erica : and please do not try to interpret my relationship . jack , if my relationship with ryan is hurting you in any way , i 'm sorry for that , but not sorry enough to walk away from him . so if that was the reason that you flew all the way over here , then your trip was a waste of time . [ scene_break ] ryan : there 's something that just does n't mesh , jesse . the pieces do n't fit . it does n't make any sense why hayward was hinting to be angry with me over greenlee . jesse : well , no , he talked about all that before . did n't make sense for david to dredge this all up now . ryan : no , it does n't . and just the way that he was taunting me -- something about it was so real . jesse : well , that 's the best way to tell a lie , is n't it ? use just a little bit of truth , people will buy it . ryan : but what 's the lie ? i mean , what is he lying about ? greenlee 's gone . so the grudge should have died with her . [ scene_break ] david : i 'm hoping we can get this done quickly . jesse : well , the more cooperative you are , the quicker it 'll go . david : i could hardly be any more cooperative , chief . i already told you at the onset -- the flash drive used to take down fusion was mine . of course , my fingerprints are all over it . jesse : and you said that this was stolen from your house during that series of break - ins we had a couple of weeks ago ? david : yeah , that 's right . so you can hardly hold me responsible for a crime committed with it when it was out of my possession . am i right ? jesse : that 's all good , david . except one thing . i have a witness that places you at fusion . david : a witness . jesse : yeah . said he saw you getting in the elevator , headed up to fusion . care to comment ? david : that 's a lie . jesse : would you like to hear my witness ? david : go right ahead . hit me with your worst . jake 's voice : i was about to leave and i saw david coming in the back . david : jake . jesse : shh , shh . listen . jake 's voice : and it was david , clear as it , you know -- anybody could see it was david , clear as day . david : come on , jesse . this is weak , even for you . jesse : why is that ? david : because if this statement were legit , you 'd have me in cuffs right now , reading me my rights . jesse : well , guess what . i got my miranda right here . david : yeah , but you see , the only problem is , this statement is not legit because it 's jake 's . and you know that jake would say anything . he 'd say the sky is green to put me behind bars . you know it , i know it , and the d.a . knows it . that 's why i 'm assuming you wo n't embarrass yourself by bringing this little fantasy over to the d.a . oh , and one more thing ? the reason why this has been an exercise in futility for you is because i did n't do it . so now if you 're not gon na arrest me , i 'm assuming you know that , too . [ scene_break ] jack : yes , i 'll admit that greenlee 's death probably colors everything to a certain extent . but i have made a little peace with it . erica : are you sure ? jack : yes . you know , when kendall finally admitted that she -- when she finally admitted her part in greenlee 's death , i was so angry with her . i turned my back on her , walked right out of the courtroom right in the middle of her case . but i do n't hold her responsible , and we are talking again . erica : i 'm so glad to hear that . jack : yeah . but this -- this trip , me coming back here is not about me coming back to pine valley and trying to hold onto every little shred of greenlee 's life that i can , no matter how i have to do it . there are other things involved . erica : `` things . `` what things ? jack : look , if i have any idea what ryan 's going through , it 's because i was in his shoes . i 've lost my heart . and , yes , i 'm talking about you . you are hell to get over . you do know that , do n't you ? erica : jack -- jack : just let me finish . you are hell to get over , and greenlee has been hell for ryan to get over . what we had was life - changing . and , erica , when something like that goes away , life 's never the same -- ever . and then we look for escapes any place we can find them . erica : and so you think that i can never be more than that for ryan ? jack : i 'm not talking about ryan anymore . i 'm talking about you . come on , is he really the one ? can you honestly say that he is ? or is he just a safe and easy escape , because what we had was hell to get over ? since when have you been so hard to convince that you deserve more ? [ phone rings ] erica : hello . ryan : hey , it 's me . ryan : erica ? are you there ? erica : yes , i 'm here . ryan : hey , i 've been looking all over the place for you . look , we got to get together and compare notes on david 's story , ok ? i can be there in , like , five minutes ? erica : no , do n't . ryan : everything ok ? erica : yes , everything is fine . this is not a good time . i 'm in the middle of something . ryan : oh , ok . i could come by later if you want . erica : tomorrow would be better . ryan : ok . tomorrow we 're heading to the tropical vacation , do n't forget . you remember -- big escape plan ? erica : of course . how could i forget ? all right , then , i 'll see you tomorrow . bye . jack : well , looks like maybe this was n't a wasted trip after all . [ scene_break ] david : well , look at this . the gang 's all here . tad : why do n't you go away ? we 're busy . david : really ? and what are you up to ? plotting to take over the world ? no , i bet you 're trying to find new ways to frame me . liza : oh , he 's right . nobody knows or cares what you 're talking about , so why do n't you just take it elsewhere ? david : oh , i 'm pretty sure you know exactly what i 'm talking about . i heard jake 's little recorded statement over at the police station . riveting . amanda : david , please . just go . david : i intend to . but not before i deliver some wonderful news . jake : i 'm sure whatever you have to say we can live without . david : no , no , i think you 're gon na want to hear this . now i know you 've all been dying to figure out what i 'm up to , why i 'm back in town . well , this should answer your questions . i 'm getting married . liza : you 're getting married ? david : that 's right , on valentine 's day . i thought that would be very romantic . i 'm kind of an old - fashioned kind of guy , you know ? oh , i forgot to mention -- you 're all invited . tad : just out of curiosity , who is she ? david : well , i guess you 're gon na have to come to the wedding to find out . [ scene_break ] man 's voice : i now pronounce you mr. and mrs. ryan lavery , husband and wife . | tad fills liza in on the fact that jake plans on perjuring himself with a statement concerning david being at fusion the night that the computers were sabotaged . erica is alone in her hotel room when she has a visitor . to erica 's surprise it is jack . erica lets jack know about fusion 's files being destroyed . jack offers his help in getting fusion back on its feet . erica lets jack know that she and ryan are partners . jack picks up the tabloid paper which shows erica and ryan , kissing . erica refuses to call it quits with ryan . jack lets erica know that ryan will never forget greenlee . ryan comes to visit david , to demand to know where erica is . david and ryan argue as usual while greenlee listens from outside the door . david apologizes to greenlee for the remarks that was said about leo . david surprises greenlee with some packages as he kisses her on the cheek as he leaves . tad , liza and amanda try to convince jake not to perjure himself into giving a statement to jesse concerning david . jake makes his statement , but gets his days wrong , on purpose . |
ethan : did you get your early valentine from the state gaming commission ? zach : all hearts and flowers , those boys . ethan : i have a funny feeling their investigation 's going to show you that the house does n't always win . zach : yeah , we 'll see . you look more at home than ever . ethan : yeah . it 's good to be a cambias . memo to self -- hire tighter security , keep out the riffraff . zach : the reason i showed up here today is to talk about your upcoming trial . i know you did n't shoot lavery , so i want to take the stand in your defense . ethan : like hell you will . j.r. : is there a problem ? i 've got your back . [ scene_break ] babe : hi ! i 'm miss james from to - die - for desserts , and i 'm here to set up the dessert table . maid : mr. buchanan did n't say anything about -- babe : oh , tell me about it . i got the call late this morning , and then i pull up and then simon 's car is n't even here ! maid : beg your pardon ? babe : see , simon , he is my assistant . he 's supposed to be arriving with the serving pieces . between you and me , he 's been absolutely worthless since he and claude broke up . i ca n't even begin to tell you . can i please just put you -- my mercy , just for one , one quick second , all i need , i need a crystal cake stand , a sterling silver tray for the petit fours -- oh , oh , oh ! -- and a linen tablecloth ? i would be forever grateful ! maid : i 'll see what i can do . babe : great ! hey ! come here ! my baby james ! you recognize me , huh ? mama 's here . hi . [ scene_break ] bianca : greenlee . hey , stranger ! get in here . did you come to decorate the place for easter ? greenlee : oh , did i go too over - the - top with the yuletide cheer ? bianca : are you kidding me ? you made sure i did n't miss my first christmas with miranda . thanks to you and ryan , it was awesome . greenlee : aw . hi . i get the vibe that babies make every day all kinds of awesome . bianca : that 's what they do best . greenlee : how are you , miss miranda ? bianca : she 's great . she wishes that her aunt greenlee would come around more often . greenlee : that 's because she does n't know how over - the - top mean i used to be to you . bianca : well , that all changed the day you gave me leo 's necklace , and a whole lot of days since . greenlee : yeah . i did some pretty sucky things . hi . well , it seems kind of tame compared to other people . bianca : other people like jonathan ? greenlee : take how scared you are for maggie and square it . that 's how terrified i am for ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : why did he do it ? erica : ryan , i honestly do n't know . chris never let on . i 'm as stunned as you are . ryan : he claimed me as his son , but he lied . i am a lavery . i 'm flesh - and- blood lavery , just like braden and jonathan . [ scene_break ] jonathan : it ca n't be over . we 're getting married . it 's going to be the two of us together forever , remember ? maggie : i 'm breaking our engagement . we ca n't be with each other anymore . jonathan : do n't say that . aidan : hey -- jonathan : this is your fault , you son of a bitch ! [ scene_break ] ryan : it does n't make any sense . i mean , chris made the connection to me . he told me to my face that i was his son , and then he denies it in his journal ? erica : look , why do n't you read his words again , because they 're all regret . chris wanted that connection to you to be real . ryan : but it was n't . it was a lie . why would he do that ? erica : maybe because he just loved you so much and maybe because he loved your mother . she gave him all those -- what did he call them , those -- those `` blue- sky days . `` and so i 'm sure that he felt that you were his son in spirit , in heart . ryan : you know , i believed him . it was -- it was , like , mind - blowing . it was like finding out you did n't have cancer . erica : ryan , all i know is chris loved you so very much . he loved you so much , and i 'm sure that he felt that he was giving you the father that you could love and look up to . ryan : he knew what a stain it was to be patrick lavery 's son and he wanted to rub it out . [ scene_break ] greenlee : if jonathan 's guilty of fitting me for a straitjacket , it 's going to kill ryan . bianca : does ryan know you still suspect him ? greenlee : mm - hmm , i had to lay it on him , especially after little brother confessed he hit maggie . bianca : how did ryan take that ? greenlee : he was crushed . ryan wants me to love his brother as much as he does , which is hard when you suspect the creep wants you toe - tagged and body- bagged . bianca : so ryan 's in denial , like maggie . greenlee : yeah . he 'll grab at any excuse not to believe that his little brother had `` dope sister - in - law `` on his to - do list . bianca : well , who wants to believe someone they love is capable of such evil ? greenlee : i made the leap . but then there 's no love lost between me and jonathan . bianca : do you have any proof that he did it ? greenlee : uh - uh . nothing except a creeped - out feeling , and i hope for ryan 's sake that i 'm way wrong . bianca : but you do n't think you are ? greenlee : maybe i do n't want to believe that jonathan 's innocent , because i just plain do n't like him . bianca : we know he 's got a dark side . greenlee : yeah . he 's an abusive rage - aholic . but to make the leap from woman- beater to poisoner -- bianca : i do n't think it 's such a leap . i think jonathan did poison you . [ scene_break ] aidan : lorraine rossiter , your former fiancée ? you never mentioned her to maggie . i wonder why . jonathan : can we do this without an audience , please ? i wo n't hurt you , maggie , i swear . maggie : guys , i 'm going to be ok . will you please just give us a minute ? aidan : all right . we 'll be right outside . jonathan : why would devane use some story about a girl i hardly remember to turn you against me ? maggie : do n't make this about aidan , ok ? jonathan : he has a hate on for me . i ca n't ask why ? maggie : lorraine was here . i met her . and she told me everything . jonathan : you believed her ? maggie : yes . i did . [ scene_break ] anita : if jonathan tries to play her , do you think maggie has what it takes to stand up to him ? aidan : yeah . well , i think so . this is a tough one . i think she might find it easier to forgive him than admit she fell for pure slime . [ scene_break ] ethan : stay away from my trial . your help 's not wanted . zach : did you hear what bobby warner said before he disappeared ? ethan : i 'm not interested , and we do n't validate parking . zach : ok , he started a rumor , said that i was the one that hired the hit on lavery . i think it 's something that livia can use to take the heat off of you . ethan : let me repeat myself , zach -- i do n't have any use for you , so why do n't you just run along ? zach : what 's getting in your way ? pride or stupidity ? ethan : neither . i learned something from j.r. chandler when he was pushing his paternity case through the courts . you see , under the american legal system , you do n't need a law degree to be able to assert your influence . i will be acquitted . you 'll see . zach : yeah , what are you going to do ? bribe your way through the courts ? ethan : no . who said anything about bribery ? i think you 're just a little too concerned with how many backroom deals you 're going to have to make in order to keep your casinos afloat . j.r. : i got the results back on the paternity test . ethan : no surprises , i hope . j.r. : exactly as i expected . now i have grounds to win my custody suit . ethan : congratulations . j.r. : two words you 'll rarely hear me say -- thank you . because of you , i 'm going to get my son back . [ scene_break ] babe : i missed you every second of every single day . yes , i did . and you want to know what ? when i go to bed at night , i ask the sandman to drop me off wherever you are in dreamland . kevin : i have been waiting for you to show up . [ scene_break ] greenlee : so let me hear your jonathan - as - poisoner theory . bianca : it 's not a theory and i do n't have any proof . it 's just like you -- a creepy feeling . greenlee : straight up and down your spine . bianca : mm - hmm . whenever i 've been alone with jonathan , his eyes go flat and cold and his voice gets spooky calm . i 've seen those eyes before , i 've heard that voice -- with michael cambias , when he was pretending to be my friend the night -- greenlee : oh , my god . you do n't think jonathan does that to maggie ? bianca : no , but he had her begging for sex . he 's a total control freak . and he has her convinced that he 's the best thing that ever happened to her . but if life is so good , then why is she blowing off volunteering at the clinic ? why does n't she return friends ' phone calls and e - mails ? greenlee : because that 's the way that jonathan wants it . bianca : he 's taken over her life . he 's cut her off from everyone who cares about her . it 's like he -- he needs to have her all to himself . is he that possessive of ryan ? greenlee : oh , yeah ! he still thinks they 're kids hanging upside down on a tree in a spitting contest and i 'm , like , the girl with cooties who comes in and wrecks everything . bianca : welcome to the jonathan - hates - us club . greenlee : no , no , he hates me in a powerless , 10-year - old boy kind of way . enough to throw darts at my pictures , but to drug me ? god , i wish i could drop it . i 've tried , but i ca n't . it hurts ryan , and it 's not really great for our marriage , either . bianca : so ryan wo n't even consider that his brother could 've given you those drugs ? greenlee : no way . no way , ryan loves jonathan . you know , he feels he 's the kid left behind in the house of horrors , feels responsible . bianca : ryan did n't slap maggie across the face . greenlee : no , jonathan did . but ryan took it like a punch to the gut . how hard will it hit him if we find out that jonathan almost killed me ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : sounds like lorraine really ran a number on me . maggie : are you saying that you did n't hurt her ? jonathan : i -- i took full responsibility for that . but i just feel -- i feel like i 've been tried and convicted , and you have n't heard my side of the story ! maggie : what side ? what could you possibly say to defend beating on a woman ? jonathan : maggie , maggie , lorraine always exaggerated . i used to tease her about it ! she would crack a nail and cry over it ! maggie : yeah , well , how about a broken nose ? you put her in the hospital , jonathan . yes . yes , you did . there are records to prove it . jonathan : i guess things got a little out of control . maggie : `` a little out of control `` ? did you bring her flowers to the hospital ? did you tell her that you loved her and that you would never hit her again , so help you god ? jonathan : i do n't remember ever telling lorraine i loved her . maggie : oh , really ? well , you did . the same way you told me . you asked her what it was like to fall in love . same script . and then you begged her to push you off of a bridge , because you could n't stand to live without her , the same way you begged me to push you off of that roof ! it was the same script , the same scene , the same ending ! but no one got hurt , no ! no , that came later . jonathan : maggie , listen , i really do n't remember what i said to lorraine , and maybe i fooled myself into thinking i loved her . i probably did ! i went to school , i saw couples holding hands and laughing , and it was nothing like what i grew up with and i wanted it , ok ? i wanted it so bad ! and then -- then lorraine came along and we got together and i thought we were happy , and i thought it was going to work . it fell apart , and i just -- it was an enormous letdown and i lost it . i hit her . maybe because my dad hit me and that 's all i know , ok , but it 's no excuse . it 's wrong . and we 're not the same thing . we 're not the same story . the minute i saw you , i knew you were the one , and i do n't want to lose you ! i 'm getting help ! that 's why i 'm getting help ! i want to be better ! i want a life with you ! maggie , i know we love each other enough to work through this . do n't let two mistakes wreck us , please . please do n't let two mistakes wreck us . we can work through this , maggie . i know we can . please , please give me another chance . [ scene_break ] aidan : what is taking so bloody long ? that 's it , i 'm going in . anita : no , aidan . if we cut him off now , he 'll use that as an excuse to come back later . aidan : you 're kidding , right ? there 's no way he 's coming back . anita : well , maggie has to be the one to say that . she 's got to say that it 's over . she 's got to want it to be over . otherwise , it wo n't be . [ scene_break ] jonathan : maggie , do n't listen to anyone else . you love me . i know you do . trust that . maggie : jonathan , i do n't think what i feel for you is love . [ scene_break ] j.r. : when i saw you in court , it was a massive relief . my father heard the judge was in the buchanans ' pockets . ethan : well , some pockets run a little deeper than others . j.r. : yeah , let 's just hope the buchanans braced themselves for round two . the custody hearings are set for next week . ethan : i have my own trial coming up shortly . judge -- judge davin is in charge . i wonder if he has a thing for deep pockets . [ scene_break ] kevin : you entered my home using a false name , under false pretenses ? on top of that , i catch you holding the baby you kidnapped ? what do you think a judge is going to do with that ? babe : you must think that i 'm as dumb as dirt . kevin : well -- babe : i did n't come here to kidnap him . i just came here to see him . kevin : ah . babe : to hold him and tell him that i loved him . kevin : well , let 's say that 's true . let 's say it 's your word versus what 's been recorded on my security tapes . i could still charge you with attempted kidnapping , on top of all the other charges you 're facing . babe , you just blew any chance you had of seeing that little boy grow up . [ scene_break ] erica : i wish i had thrown this out . because you 're still -- ryan , you 're one of my dearest friends . you 're my rescuer . you and i share a very special , real connection . ryan : chris was our connection . erica : not the only one . i remember -- i remember the first time i met you . it was long before chris came to pine valley . you were working at wrcw . you came to my office to play me and to pad your advertising budget . and you took your shirt off . i remember how impressed i was , not only at your physique but at your incredible nerve . it was the beginning of an amazing friendship . and nothing chris could write in that journal changes any of that . you 're still ryan . ryan : ryan lavery . erica : the man bianca looks up to and loves like a brother , the man that kendall once gave her heart to , the man greenlee has promised her life to . you are the same man you were when you woke up this morning . ryan : but the face that i was shaving -- turns out it belongs to someone else , someone that i thought i said good - bye to . erica : ryan , please listen to me -- you are still the same man you were yesterday , the same exact man . nothing changes that . ryan : you 're right . it 's no big deal . erica : i 'm going to have coral makes us something we can eat , we can talk . ryan : erica , honestly , it 's ok . it is . it is what it is . i am who i am , and i 'm very cool with that . erica : hey , do n't forget about that surprise party i 'm giving tonight for bianca . i mean , i 'm counting on you and greenlee to be here . ryan : would n't miss it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i do n't get maggie . i 'd never forgive a man that slapped me around . bianca : it 's hard to admit that you were so wrong about somebody that you gave everything to . it 's going to be really hard for maggie to let him go . greenlee : even harder for jonathan . oh , my god . if maggie dumps him , jonathan will either fight to get her back or turn to ryan to fill the void in his life . he 's going to play up this broken heart so he can take an even bigger chunk of his brother 's life . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you love me . maggie : no . jonathan : yes , you do . you love me . maggie : jonathan , i do n't think i ever loved you . jonathan : you said you did . maggie : i know . i think i was caught up in the romance , in the attraction . i was in love with the idea of being in love . and at first , there was potential and magic , before -- jonathan : before i hit you . maggie : and everything got really mixed up . and you were funny and thoughtful . but there 's also the scary you , you know , the one who hurt me and made me feel really bad . it was like being on a roller coaster -- up one minute , down the next , not knowing what 's coming . and i do n't think that 's what love is . jonathan : you never , never , ever said this . you never felt this way until bianca and aidan and the rest of the rescue squad started ripping me apart . maggie , we 'd be fine . we 'd be married right now if they would 've just left us the hell alone ! maggie : jonathan , please , let 's be honest with each other . i -- i never really knew you that well . i met you , i was really lonely . i was ! i was lonely and my entire life was school , and you came along and i needed something . and you did , you filled -- you filled that void . but i think that i believed myself into thinking that that was actually the real deal . jonathan : you chose bianca over me . maggie : this has nothing to do with bianca . this has to do with me . just me . [ scene_break ] babe : he needs me . me , his mother . he loves me and he knows me . kevin : he loves me , too , all right , and i love him , and we were perfectly happy until you ripped him away from my life . babe : i 'm sorry that you got hurt . kevin : i got a little more than hurt , babe . i was scared to death . when you kidnapped ace , i had no idea where he was , what had happened to him . when no ransom note came , i thought he was dead . you might miss him , but at least you know he 's alive . babe : i do now . but for the longest time , i thought that he was dead , too . kevin : just look at him . look how happy he is . are n't you , champ ? here at home , where he belongs , with me . come on , even you have to admit i can give him a better life than j.r. chandler . kevin : i 'm ace 's father , that 's the thing -- and a good one . he will have the best of everything , babe . babe : what was your mama like , kevin ? can you imagine growing up without her ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : the da 's case against you is weak , the evidence is a joke , but it does n't mean a jury ca n't be misguided . it 's always good to have a judge who knows a man is innocent and makes sure that he walks . ethan : i 'm glad we had this chat . come on . j.r. : so , i 'll be in touch . ethan : i 'll look forward to it . zach : nicely played . ethan : you listening at keyholes now ? zach : for what ? i mean , this is pretty simple stuff . you helped junior with his court battle . now he 's come to help you with yours . never mind that he 's garbage . ethan : you know , i find it amazing you have the courage to stand there and judge another man who 's simply trying to claim his son . zach : hmm . and the fact that bianca hates him , that he 's the one that caused her all her suffering -- that does n't bother you ? [ scene_break ] bianca : mom . hi ! erica : hi , sweetheart . bianca : did we have something ? erica : no , simone told me that i could find greenlee here . greenlee : what 's wrong ? is it my dad ? erica : no , jack is fine . greenlee : then what is it ? any business you have with me has to be bad . erica : i was going through some of chris stamp 's things , and i invited ryan over to give him some mementos . there was a journal . chris wrote some very touching things in there about ryan . greenlee : get to the bad part . erica : well , in this journal , chris wrote -- and i really still can not take this in -- but chris wrote that ryan was not his son , that chris lied about being the biological father of ryan . greenlee : and ryan read it ? erica : i 'm afraid so . bianca : how did he take it ? erica : well , naturally , he was shocked , but he seemed to accept it , although he left rather abruptly . greenlee : where 'd he go ? erica : i have no idea . i was just trying to help . bianca : oh , i know , mom . it 's just this is the last thing that ryan needs to hear right now . [ scene_break ] [ ryan recalls his recent conversation with jonathan ] jonathan 's voice : you 're not a lavery . why do you care about me ? ryan : because you 're my brother , and i love you . jonathan : half brother . you 're the good half . i 'm the bad half . ryan : knock it off , jonathan . jonathan : see , braden and i , we take after dad . but you -- i mean , you 're chris stamp 's boy , right ? you escaped being a rotten , filthy rapist abuser . you do n't have any of patrick lavery 's dna poisoning you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i said i 'd get help , i 'd clean up my act . you were onboard for that ! one kiss from bianca and you 're giving me the shaft ? maggie : will you leave bianca out of this ? she has nothing to do with it . jonathan : last time i was here , you said you loved me and that you 'd stand by me , thick or thin ! this is as thick as it gets , and you 're dumping me ! maggie : do you not think that this is hard for me ? this is killing me ! i do n't -- i do n't want you here ! i just want my space ! jonathan : space ? space ? maggie : i just need to be alone ! jonathan : i 'll give you space ! why did n't you tell me , maggie ? i 'll give you all the space you need ! i 'll come back tomorrow , and after a nice sleep , you 'll see this differently ! you 'll see me , the way i am , the guy who loves you , and you 'll remember how good we are together , maggie ! you love me . i know you love me , maggie . i know you do ! maggie : no ! stop it , no ! i do n't want you here anymore ! i do n't want you -- i ca n't think straight when you 're around ! i want you to leave ! i just want you to leave for good ! aidan : we just about done here ? jonathan : i love you , and that 's real . but if you want me to stay away , i 'll stay away . [ scene_break ] babe : you know , i can still remember sitting on my mama 's lap . and even to this day , one whiff of her perfume is all that i need to feel safe . how about you ? i mean , who did you run to when you had one of those wet finger paintings ? and who was the one that called it a masterpiece and threw it up on the fridge with a magnet ? or how about when you fell and you scraped your knee ? did you go to your mama ? or was it your dad ? now , you see , my mama is my world . and when trouble came around -- and believe me , it was no stranger -- she took care of it , just like she took care of me . i was her first and her last and her always . and because of her , i am here today fighting for my son . so do n't you dare go on and tell me that my little boy belongs in this rich , fancy house of yours or that he somehow is better off without his mama . because that 's bull , and you know it . kevin : sorry , bella . you have to go . come on , buddy . put you down , all right ? babe : just -- kevin : here you go . babe : please just let me say good - bye to him . kevin : sorry . come on . come on . babe : james , mama loves you ! [ james cries ] babe : it 's ok , baby ! mommy 's here ! kevin : come on . [ scene_break ] man : you 'll never sink that , even if you grow hair and your voice changes . young ryan : watch me . man : girlie shot to the pansy pocket . get out of my way . young ryan : that an order ? man : yeah , that 's an order . young ryan : good . i 'm gone . i 'm going so far away , i wo n't have to see your face or smell your stinking breath again . man : you 're not going anywhere , you little nose wipe . young ryan : yeah , i am -- out of your life for good . man : you want out ? you got to get through the old man . [ scene_break ] zach : congratulations . you made your first unholy alliance . it 's going to be easier from now on . you can just turn a blind eye . collateral damage and the casualties , the blood on your hands -- ethan : all right , ok , i think we 're going to end today 's sermon right here . zach : i have been where you are ! and i know what it takes . for god 's sake , boy , just let it go . just leave it be before the cambias curse will chew you up and spit it out . ethan : this is where i belong -- the empire , this office . i 'm not you , and i hope that i am every inch of my grandfather . zach : you have no idea what you just said . ethan : this is what my grandfather wanted -- an heir . now , you may have scampered away with your tail between your legs , but luckily for me , ryan lavery had the courage to do what was right by my grandfather . i 'd like you to be gone by the time i get back . [ ethan 's desk reminds zach of a conversation he had in his father 's office a long time ago . ] alexander : good job , alex . you 're up to speed . now tell me why we should absorb consolidated products . alex : i did n't read the files , father . you can burn them for all i care . alexander : this is a multibillion - dollar acquisition . alex : it 's a hostile takeover . it 'll put thousands out of work . i do n't want any part of it . alexander : what you want is irrelevant . cambias industries is your future . alex : i do n't want it . alexander : do n't be a fool . you 're my firstborn , heir to an empire . alex : crown michael instead . alexander : your brother 's weak , soft . you 'll take after me -- the same drive , ambition . i can mold it , give it form . alex : i hate you . you run over people like they 're nothing , like they do n't matter , like michael . i 'll be damned if i let you run over me . alexander : if your rant 's over , know this -- this is your life . until you the end of your life and beyond , you are a cambias . own your birthright or you 're nothing . [ scene_break ] j.r. : well , here 's the paternity test . flame it or frame it . i do n't really care . wow , check you out . i would n't hire her if i were you . nachos is as gourmet as she gets . babe : shut your face . kevin : all right , both of you off my property now . j.r. : making another grab , babe ? babe : hey , you know what , at least i got a couple of minutes with my son . kevin : i said get off my property , now ! j.r. : you 're completely pathetic . babe : you know what , just get over yourself ! [ scene_break ] ethan : hey , i 'm a little busy right now . greenlee : i 'm looking for ryan . ethan : was n't my turn to watch him . greenlee : then help me find him . ethan : why would i do that ? greenlee : because my husband saved you from almost blowing your father 's brains out , and the reason you are where you are is because of ryan . [ scene_break ] zach : you destroyed my son . [ running into ryan at a bar , zach releases his anger with a punch to his face . recovering quickly , ryan returns the favor . ] [ scene_break ] anita : i can hang around , maggie . maggie : no , guys . i do n't think that he 's going to stalk me or anything , ok ? anita : well , given his history -- maggie : look , he 's in pain . believe me , he 's sorry . i 'm actually more afraid for him than i am for myself . can you guys just leave me alone , please ? aidan : well , i 'm going to post myself just outside just in case , all right ? anita : maggie , you call me anytime , day or night . [ scene_break ] bianca : we need to get moving and go to the miranda center right away . are you ready ? are you ready , little dickens , yeah ? erica : ok , then . well , just remember i 'm expecting you at my house for dinner ? bianca : ok . erica : ok . ok . i love my girls . yes , i do . bianca : your girls love you . thank you . are you ready ? are you all bundled up and ready to go out into the world ? ok . let 's get going then . let 's rock and roll . all right . going on an adventure . okey - dokey . okey - dokey . let 's get the elevator , and then we 're on our way ! [ next_on ] zach : winner takes all , loser leaves town . ethan : your casinos for my half of cambias . jamie : what do i do with a woman who goes out into enemy territory without protection or a clue ? tad : marry her ? bianca : why are you here , jonathan ? jonathan : to see you . | maggie finally realizes that she never loved jonathan . she was only lonely and empty and needed something or somebody to fill the empty void . she realizes she did not know him , saw him the way she wanted to see him and that was not love . he tells her that it must be bianca who has convinced her to dump him . but she tells him it has nothing to do with bianca . bianca and greenlee compare notes about jonathan 's behaviors and discover that he manipulates both maggie and ryan into blaming themselves for his sickness . ryan discovers that chris stamp lied about being his real father and that abusive patrick lavery was ryan 's real father . erica is concerned about how ryan is taking the news . greenlee asks ethan to help her husband telling him he owes ryan . zach urges ethan not to follow in the footsteps of the greedy cambias ' . ethan is forming an alliance with jr where each will help the other with their legal battles . babe goes to see her son and tries to convince kevin buchanan that no child can be without his mother . but kevin still will not give him up . |
[ music plays ] palmer : the american red cross continues to respond to thousands of disasters across the country each year . please help . donate now to the american red cross disaster relief fund to assist victims of natural disasters , including the continuing relief efforts for katrina , wilma , and all of last year 's hurricanes . call 1 - 800-red - cross , or you can donate at . please help bring back the spirit of mardi gras . woman : oh , palmer , that was lovely . opal : not bad at all . [ scene_break ] [ hiding behind a mask , dixie watches her son from a safe distance . ] babe : j.r . sorry , you lost your place in line . j.r. : that 's all right . i 'll let delbert have my seconds . i wo n't be making any more trips to the buffet . del : well , that 's too bad . you 're really missing out . babe : then i guess you wo n't mind if i add a few more things to the menu . j.r. : i 'd watch out . her cooking sucks . [ scene_break ] josh : someone else tried to sell this story . look what happened to her . jamie : what 's the matter , josh ? afraid erica 's finally going to believe you 're the one who drugged her ? erica : look , i have a ball to run greg : erica , please , you have to listen to us . josh : erica , this is your evening . you do n't need to hear any of this . i think we should get of here . jamie : you 're not going anywhere . josh : i 'm not going to let you ruin this night for erica with your ridiculous talk . greg : erica , amanda dillon told the truth about the drugging . erica : do n't walk into my party and throw around accusations . i 've had enough of you . and why would i believe a word out of your mouth anyway ? greg : because your loyal assistant has been out to get you since the first day you hired him . [ scene_break ] jack : get your hands off my daughter . get them off ! lily : dad , stop ! his hands were n't on me , just his lips . jonathan : mr. montgomery , i can -- jack : shut up ! do n't you dare touch her again . do n't you dare come near her again . lily : dad , stop it , dad , you 're scaring him ! jack : if you do , this is only the beginning of what you 're going to get from me , do you understand me ? do you understand me ? [ scene_break ] ryan : are you ok ? come on , go ahead , go ahead . ryan : what did zach tell you ? all right , why do n't you have a seat ? i 'll get a glass of water , ok ? here you go . here you go . whatever he told you , kendall , he did it . he did all of it . he caused the blackout , he took out the generator at the clinic , everything , and you had to know . i should n't have left you alone with him . i should n't , and i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry about that , and i 'm sorry about everything . [ scene_break ] zach : well played . you and your sidekick got kendall to walk away from me . ethan : ah , she should 've left you a long time ago . zach : you must be feeling pretty good about yourself . ethan : yeah , i 'm ecstatic . [ scene_break ] ryan : talk to me , kendall . just tell me what 's going on . let me help you . kendall : help me ? [ kendall gives ryan a smack in the face . ] kendall : help me ? you did it . you did it . congratulations , you wrecked my life . how do you feel ? standing there all self - righteous , offering me water -- water -- `` sit down , sit down , kendall , take a seat `` ! you had to be right and zach had to be wrong . well , are you happy now ? you set out to play me and you did . ryan : kendall , that is so completely not true . kendall : no -- yes , it is ! yes , it is ! you blame me for losing greenlee , you blame zach , so god forbid , god forbid i am ever happy again . you have been waiting for the right moment to get back at us . are we even now , ryan ? are we even ? ryan : i do n't like zach , and i do n't trust him , but i did n't do this to get back at anybody , least of all you . kendall : oh , oh , ok , so you had my best interests at heart , is that what you 're saying ? you want to know what my best interests were ? zach ! zach ! my wedding ! happily ever after ! do n't i deserve that ? do i not deserve that ? you did this for yourself , you did not do this for me ! if you think -- if you think that this was right for me and good for me , then you do n't know me at all . you do n't know me at all ! ryan : i know that you loved zach , kendall . i know that you loved him , and i know that you trusted him , but look at what it cost you -- greenlee , your best friend , the child that you wanted to give her . kendall , it left you pregnant with our child . i mean , you have to be devastated . and i 'm -- i am sorry . i am so completely and totally sorry , but you needed to know , kendall . you needed to know before you married him again . and if you have to hate me for that , then hate me . [ scene_break ] zach : you really do hate me , do n't you ? ethan : if you love kendall half as much as i did , then you finally know how i felt down on those docks in florida . what 's funny is ryan and i really -- we did n't have to do that much . i mean , you set yourself up . we just let kendall in on your little project . zach : your grandfather 's applauding you in hell . you really are a cambias . ethan : i like being a cambias . i just wish i 'd been conceived without you in the mix . so why do n't you go and enjoy your pain , zach . you earned it . [ scene_break ] jack : you do n't really think you can go after a young , innocent girl like lily , do you , huh ? lily : dad , stop it ! jonathan 's my boyfriend ! jack : i want you -- he 's not your boyfriend , lily . now , i want you to go inside , i want you to find your brother , and i want you to have him take you home . lily : no , i 'm not going anywhere ! no ! jack : i want to have a talk with mr. lavery , all alone , just two of us . erin : what is going on here ? aidan : lily , what 's happened ? jonathan : do n't , do n't worry about me , lily , i 'm fine . lily : my dad 's very angry at jonathan . aidan : hey , jack , why do n't you calm down , huh ? erin : come here , jonathan , we 're going to let aidan deal with this . lily : stop ! he was n't doing anything wrong ! jack : oh , he was doing something very wrong , were n't you , jonathan ? lily : no , he would never hurt me ! jonathan : never . i would never hurt you , lily . lily : jonathan 's my boyfriend , and he can kiss me whenever i want him to ! jack : he 's not your boyfriend , lily . he is a grown man , for god 's sake . lily : he is my boyfriend ! he is ! reggie : what 's going on out here ? what 's wrong ? jack : take her home , please . reggie : did he hurt you ? lily , what 's wrong ? lily , wait . jonathan : no , lily , come back ! jack : oh , no , no , no . aidan : hey , why do n't we go inside and have a chat ? jack : about what , huh ? about what ? there was a time when you looked after my daughter . what happened to that , aidan , and what the hell are you doing out of jail , anyway ? livia : it 's called bail , jack , and i suggest you just step away from my client . jonathan , what are you doing here ? i told you to stay away from lily and from this party . jack : yeah , well , the laverys do n't take advice very well . erin : you shut up about my family ! jack : you want to know about your family ? i 'll tell you about your family . your brother braden raped my sister , ryan destroyed greenlee , and jonathan here , he likes to torture and murder . so if you think a lavery 's going to get to my lily without going through me first , you got another thing coming . [ scene_break ] erica : i certainly was not going to allow you to make a scene downstairs . jamie , you choose now of all times to tell me this outrageous story ? josh : did n't i tell you my dad would try something like this , erica ? jamie : shut up , josh . your dad knows what 's up , that 's all . erica , we need to get amanda out of jail , asap . josh : he just hates the fact that i chose tv stardom over the sacred halls of medicine . and you know something else ? he 's jealous of our bond . jamie : that 's a fascinating story , but do you think we can get to the goods ? you drugged erica . erica : and you 'd better have something to back that up , jamie , and i do n't just mean the word of amanda dillon . josh : i knew you were jacked up , dad , but you 're actually lighting the torches yourself . greg : erica just has n't realized quite what you 're capable of , josh . erica : i certainly have realized the lies you 're capable of , greg . jamie : you finished med school , right ? josh : what does that have to do with anything ? jamie : well , you would know what this drug could do to someone . heck , even i know , i 'm not even in med school . josh : what i know is that you hate me , ever since babe used me to dump you . jamie : `` used `` being the key word . but this is n't about babe . erica : no , it certainly is not , and on that note , i 'm going to end this entire conversation . greg , i just ca n't believe this . one thing i have never had any doubt about is that you love your son . and now i find this astounding . how could you stoop so low ? whatever happened to protecting our children ? greg : josh wants your show . he 'd do anything to knock you out of t way so that he can take over . erica : and if that were true , josh would have accepted the opportunity to be the co - host with me on my show . josh : dad 's a little out of the loop . greg : josh is also the one who 's responsible for giving greenlee kendall 's medical records from my clinic . erica : well , now , why on earth would josh care anything about kendall and the clinic ? greg : because josh knew that kendall 's secret would rock you . erica : oh , now you are really reaching . greg : josh , do you remember the conversation we had this evening ? all about erica 's career and your ambition ? i was n't quite sure that i could remember it all word for word , so i took the added precaution of getting the entire thing on tape . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you like to be bought , right ? here 's some benjamins . good show , really . del : well , i ca n't say that i wo n't take those off your hands . j.r. : why do n't you wait till opal 's not looking , dig through her purse , maybe find some spare change in it . babe : does n't look like a very big purse tonight . opal : why , del , honey , what are you doing wasting your time with this piece of trash -- trouble ? del : i was just trying to lose her . opal : ah . now , listen up , little girl -- you might think you got a chance with this guy , but when he comes home with me , he 'll forget all about you . babe : do n't let me get in the way . he 's all yours , please . opal : good . come on , sugar bunch , spin me around the dance floor . see you later . j.r. : well , i never thought i 'd see the day you 'd be fighting over the same man as opal . when you going to give up this game ? babe : you 're the one who plays till the death . j.r. : you 're the one who does n't play by the rules . babe : your rules . things were going great until you decided to deal me that ridiculous prenup . there 's no way i 'm ever going to sign away my son . really , j.r. , you should always know who you 're playing with . i said no , you said we 're done . game over . j.r. : i do n't want it to be over . babe : are you saying that you want to marry me again , no prenup ? because if you are , i 'll marry you tonight . i 'm sorry , i must not have heard you . how about , `` yes , babe , you 're all that matters , i want to be a family with you again `` ? no ? j.r. : do n't . do n't try to manipulate me . babe : i am being straight with you . j.r. : when have you ever really been straight with me , babe ? babe : look , do n't you think it 's about time , j.r. ? j.r. : you throw yourself at jamie , josh , del , making sure that i 'm watching the whole time , and you do n't care about any one of those guys . babe : i am young , and i 'm single , and i 'm having a good time . you do remember what it 's like to have a good time , do n't you , j.r. ? there 's nothing wrong with that . j.r. : not if you love me . babe : you 're not exactly doing anything to prove that that 's mutual . j.r. : so who are you shacking up with tonight , babe ? or should i get a score card ? babe : one thing 's for sure -- it 's definitely not going to be you . j.r. : then you 're missing out . babe : oh , god , do n't flatter yourself . unless you 're done with that prenup , i 've got nothing more to give you . j.r. : well , i guess you 're just going to have to do the walk of shame from someone else 's bed . babe : let me make one point extremely clear to you . i am giving up on you , but i will not give up on our son . you can try whatever it is that you want , whatever your father pulled on your mother . you can lock me up , you can trash me , but i will always be a part of our son 's life until the day i die . [ dixie continues watching the action from the wings . ] [ scene_break ] kendall : i do hate you . i hate you ! i hate everything that you 've done to me . ryan : i can live with that . kendall : oh , you can live with that ? really , can you , ryan ? i 'm carrying your child ! you watched a sonogram with me . you remember that ? you remember being scared together ? how can we do anything together when you 've done this to me ? ryan : i did what i thought was right , kendall . kendall : oh , my god , i 'm so sick and tired of people thinking that i need protection . i do n't need it or want it , especially from you . ryan : would you really have wanted zach to get away with what he did ? would you really have been happy , i mean really happy , not knowing what he did ? kendall : yes . yes ! i wish to god i never knew . i wish i was in paris right now , a totally , blissfully ignorant , completely happy bride - to - be . and you have stolen my last chance for that , and i will never , ever forgive you for taking my life away from me , ever ! [ scene_break ] josh 's voice : i can do anything to erica 's career . in a year , she 'll be some semi - forgotten celeb , lucky if she can get a half - hour on `` whatever became of ... `` and i 'll be the one on top . greg : i ca n't take the full credit for this . i got the idea from you , josh . josh : since when have i tried to trash your reputation just for the hell of it ? greg : josh bugged your office . he 's been onto everything you 've done , every move you 've made . josh : you set me up ! jamie : finally get the truth . josh : you put those words in my mouth ! he 's not even telling you how he pushed me into that conversation . jamie : just give it up . you 're done . josh : who the hell are you ? you know , i sure hope amanda 's good in the sack . greg : this is not about mr. martin 's morals . erica : derek frye , please . this is erica kane . derek , it 's erica . please let amanda dillon out of jail right away . bring her here to me , to my mardi gras ball . i have new evidence in my drugging case . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] image : peek - a - boo . janet : i see you , too . shh . image : turn off the fashion cam . it 's almost showtime . there 's just one more thing left to do . janet : consider it done . [ scene_break ] adam : `` i had to give you that raise , henderson , because frankly , we 're fiscally fixed . `` [ brooke giggles at adam 's impersonation . ] [ scene_break ] david : you see our daughter ? plan 's not going so well . krystal : oh , would n't you just love for babe and j.r. to fall apart . david : you have to ask ? looks like i 'm going to be getting my wish . krystal : well , i would n't be opening up your big trap just yet . [ scene_break ] julia : kendall ? you seem upset . is everything ok ? kendall : since when do you give a damn how i feel ? julia : i spoke with ryan earlier . he kind of filled me in . kendall : of course he did . you know what ? you want ryan , he 's all yours . just take him as far away from me as possible and make sure he never comes back , please . [ scene_break ] opal : you have to listen to me . you can not be telling -- you have to tell me what it is you want me to do . it 's not your place . [ palmer covers his ear as opal babbles on . ] [ scene_break ] babe : mama , i had to cut off j.r . he wo n't give up on that stupid prenup , and i 'm not just going to sign away my son . krystal : are you sure j.r. wo n't finally just walk on this one ? babe : no , i 'm not . [ scene_break ] [ holding the mask to her face , dixie descends the staircase so she can listen in on the conversation . ] j.r. : good . glad i 'm interrupting . di : j.r. is something happening with you and babe ? j.r. : oh , you think you can just put on a mask , and i 'll forget ? stay out of my life . tad : j.r. , take it easy . she 's just concerned . j.r. : oh , look at you , settling for the cheap imitation because the real one 's not around anymore . you know , the fake ingredients kill . tad : j.r. -- last i heard , grudges are n't that good for your health , either . di : something 's obviously wrong with you . j.r. : will you shut up ? you 're not my mother . tad : no , she 's not . your mother is gone . j.r. : oh . well , i 'm glad one of us remembers . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i have to find lily . jack : you go anywhere near her , i will kill you ! i 'll find you ! livia : i am warning you , jack , stop threatening my client . jack : your client should be in jail . that 's where he belongs , livia . ryan : what the hell is going on here ? jack : your brother was molesting my daughter . erin : molesting ? jonathan : she asked me to kiss her , mr. montgomery . lily asked me to kiss her . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa , hold on , jonathan . i thought you were at the ski lodge with erin and aidan . jonathan : i was , but i snuck out . lily got me this to wear , so that i could take her to the ball . i just did n't want to disappoint her . julia : jonathan , what happened ? are you ok ? jack : julia , what 's with all the concern ? do n't forget who this is and what he did to edmund . ryan : nobody 's forgetting anything , jack . jonathan : julia 's my teacher in life skills . jack : all this time my daughter 's been in class with this psychopath and you did n't think it was important enough to mention to me ? aidan : did you find lily ? reggie : no , i lost her . jack : we got to find her . aidan : why do n't me and you go check upstairs ? julia : i 'll -- i 'll check the parking lot . jonathan : i -- i want to find lily , too . ryan : hey , whoa , whoa , whoa , no , no , no , you can not go after lily right now . jonathan : i have to go find her , ryan . i have to make sure she 's ok . i love her . i love lily . [ scene_break ] [ in the wine cellar , zach hears someone crying . ] zach : lily ? lily : hurt , hurt . hurt , hurt . zach : somebody hurt you ? what happened ? lily : hurt . love hurts . love hurts . love hurts . lily : love hurts . love hurts . zach : lily , it 's ok , i 'm here . lily : always hurts . always hurts . zach : hey , hey , take a breath . just take a breath . there , see ? you 're ok . you 're fine . now , why does love always hurt ? lily : well , my boyfriend loves me , my dad loves me , but my dad does n't want me to be with my boyfriend . how can you not be with the person you love ? zach : well , sometimes things are more complicated . lily : now , i told my dad that jonathan 's better , he wo n't hurt me . but my dad , he does n't believe me . he does n't -- he does n't believe me , he does n't treat me like a normal person . zach : jonathan ? jonathan lavery ? lily : yes . he 's better now . he 's my boyfriend . and jonathan makes me happy . how can my dad love me and try to keep me from what makes me happy ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : lily 's so nice , ryan . i mean , she helps me with everything . she -- she taught me how to listen better . i was n't very good at that before . ryan : i 'm -- i 'm really glad that lily 's helped you , i really am , but ca n't you see that this is a bad idea ? jonathan : she 's helped me relearn so many things . for a while , i did n't know if i was going to be better , i mean , `` better like you and erin `` better . but lily taught me that i can be as good as i want to be . we 're good together , ryan . i -- i do n't get mad at her like i did with the other girls , and i would never , ever touch her like that . not because she does n't like to be touched , because she 's an angel . she 's pure . i want to be with her . ryan : you care about her . but ca n't you see the problem with this ? jonathan : her father does n't like me . ryan : well , you were n't very nice to lily last year , jonathan , and jack is angry . jonathan : i have n't hurt anyone . ryan : but lily is a teenager . she 's a special teenager , jonathan . look , you -- you 've had experiences that lily is just not comfortable with yet . jonathan : i 've never been with anyone that understands me like lily does . ryan : look , i doubt that jack will ever approve of you spending time with her . jonathan : he can yell at me , push me all he wants . it 's not going to change how i feel about lily . i love her , ryan , and i 'll love her forever . [ scene_break ] lily : i have had three boyfriends . aidan was the first one . but he was n't really my boyfriend , more a friend , and i did n't know that then . and then sam was the second one , and he said he loved me , but he got mad at me sometimes . and then jonathan , he 's really nice to me . like , he took all the red off a christmas wreath for me , because i do n't like red . zach : yeah , but jonathan did a lot of bad things to a lot of people . lily : i know he locked me in a cave . i remember . he scared me . but he 's better , and he 's so sorry now . why ca n't people forgive other people when they 're really sorry ? zach : well , some people have a hard time forgetting the past . it makes it hard to forgive . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] kendall : oh , do n't even think about it , j.r . j.r. : think about what ? how great you look ? the pregnant glow 's really doing it for you . kendall : ok -- j.r. : it 's really doing it for me . kendall : oh , would you spare me the booty call , please ? i 'm not in the mood . j.r. : wait , wait , wait a minute . i just wanted to dance . you can give me one little dance , ca n't you ? kendall : no , no , j.r. , i do n't dance . j.r. : oh , but we used to dance all the time . kendall : would you just -- j.r. , please stop , ok ? i 've seen you with babe . you 're so wrapped up in that lying slut , you might as well be wearing a bow . why do n't you just accept it and live miserably ever after and leave me alone , please . [ scene_break ] [ still holding her mask , dixie continues to spy on her loved ones . tad : i swear , the angrier j.r. gets , the less of dixie i see . [ derek escorts amanda upstairs . ] tad : uh , excuse me . erica : thank you so much for bringing amanda so quickly . derek : let 's hear this new evidence . erica : amanda , you certainly look none the worse for wear after your stay . amanda : why are you suddenly treating me like a human being ? has something happened ? jamie : we got some news about the drugging . tad : this is n't about fundraising , is it ? erica : no , tad . please join us . josh : yeah , come on in . why do n't we invite the whole town ? we could make some popcorn . tad : the show going to be that good ? erica : before amanda was arrested , she claimed that it was josh who sabotaged me , that it was josh who drugged me . josh : too much lip - gloss went to her head . erica : amanda , please tell us right now exactly why you believe that to be the case . josh : yeah , amanda , go ahead . just remember , you slip up on one little fact , and they 're going to use it to build a stronger case against you . erica : go ahead , amanda . amanda : remember when he claimed i erased the master tape to the geraldo interview ? erica , i swear i did n't . josh : she 'll say anything to save herself . jamie : let her talk . amanda : then he gave me the wrong address so that you missed your makeup interview . funny , though , he managed to save the day and do it himself . and that tea i gave you , the cup that was spiked , josh is the one that gave it to me . everything that has gone wrong , josh was right there with me . erica : thank you , amanda . i really wish we had listened to you from the beginning . derek ? we have made a terrible mistake putting amanda dillon in jail . this tape corroborates everything . [ erica sighs ] erica : well , i certainly hope that you kept your jail open , because you 'll be getting another guest very soon . arrest josh madden . i 've wasted too much time on him already . derek : what do you have to say for yourself ? josh : i did n't confess to any crime . were you listening to the same tape i was ? erica : i would be forgotten in a year ? you really think you could do that ? josh : what can i say , i 'm ambitious . i know how to get what i want . that 's not a federal offense . derek : do n't worry , we 'll get you in state court first . josh : i would never stoop to drugging someone to get what i want . i 'm smarter than that . amanda : you 're capable of just about anything . josh : it 's my word against yours . who are they going to believe , multiple graduate degrees , sparkling record , or you ? do you even have any friends in this town ? erica : she has me now . josh : am i supposed to be afraid of that ? erica : nobody plays erica kane . firing you wo n't be enough -- and , yes , you are definitely fired . and by the time i 'm finished with you , you will wish you had n't been born . he 's all yours , derek . josh : you have nothing against me . i did nothing wrong . some 2-bit tramp 's word and a conversation ? does n't amount to a flipping thing . you ca n't force me to go anywhere unless you 're going to arrest me . did n't think so . erica : derek ? greg : i 'm sorry , erica . amanda : thank you so much , erica . thank you for listening to me . derek : maybe we should give erica a little space . tad : erica , we need to talk . erica : no , we do not , not now . please , i really do need a little space , a little time alone . i have to pull myself together before i go back downstairs . tad : if you 're going back downstairs , then what i have to say ca n't wait . erica : yeah , it will have to wait . please , tad , one drama at a time . tad : no . i 'm sorry . i have to tell you something , something about josh . [ scene_break ] ryan : the are a lot of people out there looking for lily . somebody 's going to find her . jonathan : i 'm the only one that knows where to look for her , ryan . i have to make sure she 's all right . ryan : the last thing that jack wants is you finding lily , the last . jonathan : when you care about someone , you 're supposed to take care of them and watch out for them . it does n't matter if it makes people angry or not . is n't that right , ryan ? [ scene_break ] lily : i should be able to choose the boyfriend i want . i mean , kendall chose you , and no one likes you . did that stop you two ? zach : do you love jonathan ? lily : well , i do n't know yet . but i wo n't get the chance to find out if i 'm not allowed to be with him . zach : well , he 's lucky to have you in his corner . lily : i 'm not in his corner . i 'm in his heart . i 've been doing a lot of reading about love , and what they say when you 're in love and you say that you 're in their heart , it 's called being sentimental . zach : i 'm not a sentimental guy , but i get your point . lily : i want to go back to the party . i want to find jonathan . zach : why do n't you try and find your dad , talk to him about how you feel ? lily : why should i ? he never listens to me . zach : he loves you . he 's your dad . he 's a good dad . not everyone has that . you do n't want to lose that . [ scene_break ] ethan : it 's what i 've been waiting for since he married kendall , you know ? and -- ahem -- a part of me feels great . simone : at least it 's over . and you 're going to be fine . you know why ? because you have me . let me be enough . let us be enough . [ scene_break ] di : hey , babe . you and j.r. were having quite a throwdown earlier , huh ? babe : would n't be a day with j.r. without him accusing me of something . di : yeah , well , i mean , i thought you guys were trying to get back together . he 's obviously upset . what 's wrong ? babe : look , i really do n't need the third degree from you , of all people , ok ? di : yeah , well , j.r. hates me , that 's a given , but , babe , i still love him . you must know that . babe : even though he goes after you again and again ? di : yeah . so whatever it is you 're doing , i hope you 're doing it because you love him . [ standing at the bottom of the staircase , dixie eavesdrops some more . ] [ scene_break ] adam : do n't tell me you 're still obsessing over that hussy and her prenup . son , you have to protect your interests . it 's not a mistake , trust me . now , do i assume we 're back on the right track ? j.r. : oh , definitely . i 'm definitely on the right track . adam : good . i 'll drink to that . j.r. : i 'm going to marry babe . before i do , i 'm going to tear up that damn prenup . choke on that . [ scene_break ] jack : brooke , brooke , have you seen lily anywhere ? brooke : no . is she ok ? reggie : no , she 's not ok . aidan : i have n't seen her by the pond , either . jack : i do n't even know where else to look . i really do n't . sweetheart , am i glad to see you . you had us all very worried . zach : she 's fine . i found her in the cellar . jack : thanks , zach . lily : zach says i should talk to you about jonathan . jack : not right now . right now all i 'm concerned about is what 's best for you , ok ? jonathan : they found lily . i have to talk to her , ryan . ryan : whoa , whoa , easy , easy . let 's leave lily and jack alone for a little while , all right ? come on . jack : things have been very hectic around here , very crazy , and i apologize for that . lily , i think it might be a good idea if you were to leave pine valley for a little while , go back to your old school , just -- just for a little while . lily : you want to send me away ? [ scene_break ] jamie : so when can we bring josh in , and what happens now with amanda ? derek : it 's hard to say . jamie : she does n't have to go back to jail , does she ? derek : i have to talk to the da . give me a minute . jamie : amanda ? [ scene_break ] [ down in the cellar , janet pops open a bottle of champagne and indulges in some bubbly . ] janet : these people never should have messed with you , amanda , sweetie ! ha ! here 's to the ones we love , here 's to the ones who love us . if the ones we love do n't love us back , then bye - bye to them . mmm . [ scene_break ] josh : what kind of father are you ? greg : the kind of father who would n't let his son ruin other people 's lives . josh : why do you care so much about erica kane , anyway ? greg : you have no idea what you are doing . josh : i do n't ? how could you do this to me ? [ scene_break ] erica : please , tad , i do not want to hear if josh madden had something else planned for me . tad : oh , no , he -- he definitely did n't plan this . the truth is i was n't going to tell you about it tonight -- erica : well , then do n't . no , please do n't . i am done with josh madden -- and his father , for that matter . tad : i 'm not so sure . you may want to rethink getting even with josh after you hear this . erica : ok , then just say it , all right ? i 'm in no mood , tad . tad : ok , so brace yourself because this is definitely not going to help . erica : out with it ! tad : erica , josh madden is your son . [ scene_break ] zach : i love you , and i 'm not going to give up on you or us . [ scene_break ] j.r. : what 's the matter , dad ? you afraid i 'm going to give away more of the chandler fortune to a carey ? adam : you are dumber than a box of rocks if you marry that girl without a prenup . what the hell is that ? j.r. : this ? it 's a star necklace . mom 's . i 'm going to give it to babe . adam : that would be an insult to your mother 's memory . j.r. : since when do you know anything about my mother 's memory ? you got a kick out of using her and tossing her away when she was alive . and do n't think i forgot how you got her pregnant the first time , then had her committed to get custody . i think she 'd be happy that i 'm giving this beautiful necklace to the woman that i love . [ from behind a door , the masked dixie listens in . ] [ scene_break ] next week on `` all my children `` -- janet : we are going to blow this popsicle stand tonight . [ after janet blows up the casino , an injured tad calls out amidst the wreckage and bodies . ] tad : is anyone alive ? | at the ball , janet is plotting a plan to get revenge upon all the people whom she 's believes have shafted her daughter . but at that time , greg and jamie are able to prove to erica that it was josh , not amanda who drugged her . erica gets amanda released from jail and apologizes to her . but tad gives erica the shock of her life by informing her that he 's found out that josh is her son . jack catches jonathan and lily together and is furious . ryan , aiden and erin tell jonathan that it 's unrealistic for him to have a relationship with lily , given all that 's happened . but the two of them are determined to be together and tell everybody that they should be together . zach admits to kendall that he shut off the power at the fertility clinic . he explains to her that , knowing ryan was really alive and staging his death , he did it in order to protect her from what would happen if she was carrying ryan and greenlee 's baby and ryan had decided to come back . but she tells him she will never forgive him for lying to her , regardless . adam tells jr he needs to get real and not marry babe without giving her the prenup . but jr tells his father he will not do that to her and that he will give babe dixie 's necklace because he knows his mother would want the woman he loves to have it . not far away , the real dixie is watching all the people , unseen . |
ryan : what the hell are you doing here ? aidan : welcome to my cell . ryan : to your cell ? what happened to your job in d.c. , aidan ? aidan : the job in d.c. never existed . ryan : and you 've been here the entire time ? aidan : yep , right next to your ex - wife . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i 'm sorry for losing my temper . i never should have hit you . that was totally out of line , not to mention unprofessional . can you ever forgive me so that we can be friends ? annie : you 're not my friend . dr. sinclair : oh , now , why would you say that ? annie : you keep pushing me , forcing me to think about , talk about things i do n't remember . dr. sinclair : i do it for your own good . annie : you want me to tell you that i murdered my brother . dr. sinclair : is that the truth ? is that what happened ? did you kill richie ? annie : no , no , no . i could n't have . as bad as richie was , he was still my family . do n't touch me . dr. sinclair : you know , the more you fight this , the harder it is for me to help you , and , really , that 's all i want to do . [ scene_break ] greenlee : if we were swimming in cash , i 'd gladly go another 10 rounds with you , but business is terrible , and kendall 's not here to help , so - erica : so , she and fusion need us both , working together . pete : so does this mean that there are no more chairs flying ? erica : for the moment , yes . greenlee : i think we should celebrate . pete , there 's some champagne in the fridge . grab it , will you ? and snag three glasses . pete : three ? greenlee : sure , one for you , me , and , oh , shoot . you ca n't drink anymore , can you ? i totally forgot . erica : of course , you did . it 's only been four and a half years . greenlee : scratch that . two glasses . erica : actually , i 'd make it one , pete . you really should n't drink if you want to squeeze into that wedding gown of yours , all those extra calories ? greenlee : huh , which i 'm bound to burn off going at it with you . seriously , it 's like working with a human treadmill . erica : but i 'm not the one people walk all over . pete : i 'm -- i 'm just going to be over here . greenlee : do n't bother taking cover . i 'm leaving . erica : greenlee , wait . greenlee : what ? did you work up another insult ? erica : no . look , i hate to admit this , but i need your help . [ scene_break ] bianca : we would 've been better off if my sister had never woken up ? reese : bianca , i never -- bianca : oh , my god , how selfish are you ? so she looked at you funny and asked you a few questions . so that means that her boys should grow up without a mom and zach without a wife ? hey , sorry , as long as you 're -- reese : ok , bianca , i never -- bianca : stop it , just stop it ! do n't pretend that you know my sister when the fact is you do n't have a clue . [ scene_break ] kendall : good night , zach . zach : no , you do n't get to do that . you do n't get to say good night and send me to my room . we 're going to deal with this . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you 're asking me for help ? erica : if there was anyone else i could turn to , believe me , i would , but it 's kendall . i 'm -- i 'm worried about her . greenlee : i 'm listening . erica : when you and i went to see her -- greenlee : to talk about fusion . erica : she did n't become involved . i mean , she basically just sat there listening , content to be on the outside , looking in , and you and i both know that she has spent most of her life wanting to be right in the middle of things , and then there 's the bianca - reese situation . greenlee : she told me they moved out . erica : and it was so abrupt . zach claims it had nothing to do with reese , and i really hate to admit this , but you know my daughter almost as well as i do . what do you think ? greenlee : well , i ca n't believe i 'm about to say this , but i completely agree with you . since she woke up , kendall 's been different . nothing drastic , just -- something 's off . erica : i guess i was just too happy at first to notice . greenlee : ryan told me i was overreacting . he said that it was probably a side effect from the coma . erica : no , no , it 's more than that . greenlee : so what are you going to do ? erica : well , unfortunately , the second i start asking questions , i 'm an interfering mother . but you -- greenlee : you want me to be the interfering friend ? erica : are you uncomfortable with that ? greenlee : are you kidding ? i love playing that role . i 'm in . erica : great . greenlee : we 'll figure this out , because i do n't know about you , but i want my kendall back . erica : hmm . [ scene_break ] bianca : i -- i know that my sister is n't easy , but there 's a reason for that . because she 's been fighting since before she was born . she was a child conceived out of rape , and , therefore , she 's been searching her whole life for who she is and where she belongs , all of it . reese : yeah , and she found herself . look at what kendall has become . bianca : yes , yes , exactly , a wife , a mother , a fiercely loyal friend . it took a lot for her to get there , and when she finally does , what happens ? a freak tornado comes along and almost costs her everything , but she survived . my sister woke up . reese : and it is a miracle . bianca : yeah , a messy one , and it 's going to take us all some time to adjust , but especially kendall . reese : i get that . bianca : well , then , why ca n't you just back off ? reese : when did i become the enemy here ? bianca : when you said that we would be better off if -- reese : if what ? see , you do n't even know , do you ? because you never let me even finish . bianca : oh , oh , i 'm sorry . was -- was i wrong ? go ahead , finish the sentence . reese : why ? why should i ? because it does n't matter to you . it does n't matter to you what i think . it does n't matter to you what i feel . all you care about is kendall . bianca : oh , my -- excuse me for caring about my sister . she did just wake up from a coma . reese : it has nothing to do with the coma . the bottom line is you are choosing her over me . bianca : right now ? yeah , you bet i am . [ scene_break ] kendall : what do you want to know ? zach : i want to know what you 're thinking , what you 're feeling . what 's going on with you ? kendall : it 's hard to describe . zach : you 've got to try . kendall : ok . i 've been asleep for three months . zach : i know . and we 're glad you 're back . kendall : a lot has happened during that time . your daughter was born . bianca got engaged . ryan and greenlee got back together . annie . babe . and then there 's josh . zach : it 's a lot to take in . kendall : yeah . it 's hard to process . zach : but if you ever want to talk about it , you want someone to -- to fill you in , i 'm here . kendall : but i 'm not . yes , i 'm here on this couch , but i 'm observing . this is someone else 's life , someone else 's home , and i 'm just looking in . zach : well , then stop doing that . stop looking in and be here with me , and , yes , there 's a lot of things we 've got to figure out , but we love each other . we 'll work through it . do n't shut me out . what ? that 's funny ? kendall : that 's what i used to say to you . i said that to you over and over when i told you about aidan . how many times did i ask to be let in ? about as many times as you said `` no . `` [ scene_break ] ryan : so what did you do , aidan ? you bribed your way into oak haven ? why ? why was this so important to you ? aidan : i do n't know . listen , if annie was n't crazy , well , then , fine , but what if she was ? come on , ryan . we 've all had something to do with that , have n't we ? ryan : so that 's why you 're doing this ? out of guilt ? aidan : yeah , partly . i just -- i needed to know for sure . ryan : and ? aidan : annie was n't faking a thing . ryan : great . mystery solved . so then , what are you still doing here ? aidan : well , no , not really . since i 've been here , i 've realized that sinclair is n't out to help annie , that she has her own agenda . ryan : what kind of agenda ? aidan : she thinks that annie 's sane , and she 's obsessed with proving it , which means annie goes to prison , ok ? this is personal for sinclair . somehow she is connected to richie . maybe they were in love . i do n't know , but one thing is for sure . sinclair is out to make sure annie pays , and we ca n't let that happen , ryan . ryan : well , what do you want me to do ? aidan : expose sinclair . get her license revoked . i do n't know , but just keep her the hell away from annie . you do n't understand what 's been going on in this hospital . i mean , she 's been doing things , things to annie , things to me . i mean , her methods are unorthodox at best . ryan : and at worst ? aidan : they border on abuse . the mother of your child needs you , ryan , and what are you going to do ? are you going to walk out ? [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : you know , just because you suppress something , whether it be a memory or a feeling , does n't make it disappear . it 's still in there , deep within your subconscious , and the only way to get rid of it is to be honest , and i know it 's scary , but you can do this , and just think how much better you 'll feel -- annie : i remember . dr. sinclair : what ? what do you remember ? annie : i remember everything . [ scene_break ] erica : uh , pete , i 'm going to run out and do some errands . can you manage here , alone ? pete : is an electron negative ? sure , i 'll be fine . pete : sweet . ow ! ah ! oh , no . no , no , no , no , no , no , no . erica ? erica , please come back ! [ scene_break ] reese : you guys are like some cult . it 's like the kane inner sanctum . i was crazy to think that i could ever break through . bianca : ok , now you 're just being ridiculous . reese : am i ? first , we have erica rocking the boat , and then kendall comes along to capsize it . bianca : right , even though she can barely get out of bed . reese : we are being tag - teamed , ok , and it just does n't feel like them against us . it feels like me against all three of you . bianca , i want you on my side . bianca : no , i am on your side . reese : no , you 're -- you -- your mom , she does n't like me , and kendall does n't like me , and you know what ? basically , i do n't care . i really do n't care , but what gets me is you do . bianca : you 're wrong . reese : no , we were fine . we were fine before we came to pine valley . bianca : no , no , we were fine before that night with zach . we should n't have asked him -- i 'm sorry . i should n't have asked him to be the donor for our child . just look at all the problems it 's created . reese : and look at all of the joy . bianca . zach said yes to you , because he loves you , because you mean that much to him . bianca : not as much as kendall . i should have thought about her instead of just getting so swept up in us . reese : there you go , there you go . that is exactly what i am talking about . look at us . i mean , look at us . we have this wonderful life . you and me and the girls , and all of -- all i want to do is get swept up , and you wo n't let us . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] kendall : for such a long time , i would try to talk to you and reach out to you , but you were never there . zach : all right , so i shut you out , and now it 's your turn ? kendall : no . zach : well , then what ? kendall : everything is so different since the last time i saw you , before the tornado hit . zach : well , the tornado changed a lot for a lot of people . you 're not alone in that . kendall : but i am alone in this . everyone has had a chance to rebuild and move on . i 've just been standing still . zach : tell me what you need . tell me what to do . what do you need ? kendall : i need time to think . zach : well , you 're in luck . i -- i 've got to -- i 've got to go to the casino , get some work done , so -- unless you want me to stay ? kendall : no , go take care of business . i 'll be fine on my own . [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : what do you remember , annie ? annie : how richie used to talk to me , just like this . just like you . dr. sinclair : i remind you of your brother ? annie : yes . how he used to talk to me when he wanted something . so calm , so smooth . you 're exactly like him . [ scene_break ] ryan : i want annie to get help , aidan . aidan : then work me with me , ryan , all right ? help me . ryan : why ? it 's been lie after lie after lie with you . why should i trust you now ? [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : is that why you killed him ? richie was trying to talk you into something that you did n't want to do ? is that all it took for you to end your brother 's life ? annie : richie ca n't push me around anymore , and you know what ? neither can you . dr. sinclair : ok , this ? it ends now . [ scene_break ] [ elevator sounds ] pete : colby ? colby , is that you ? colby : yeah , your voicemail freaked me out . what -- pete : stop ! do n't come any closer . colby : what is your deal ? pete : god , i 've missed your voice . i 'd say you look terrific , but that would be a total lie . colby : ok . pete : well , i ca n't see you , colby . i ca n't see anything . my stupid contacts just popped right out of my eyes . colby : really ? both of them ? how does that even happen ? pete : if you 're smiling right now , i might have to slay you . colby : ok , tell me how i can help you . pete : i need you to get down on the floor and start searching for them . they look like tiny , minuscule saucers . colby : yeah , they 're basically invisible . pete : right . colby : you really ca n't see anything ? pete : nope . colby : then how did you find me in your phone ? pete : i did n't . yours is the only number i know by heart . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : that is not some crazy , defenseless , helpless person next door . she knows exactly what she is doing . you should have seen it , aidan . the way she looked at me , the way she spoke to me , i mean , it was manipulation at its finest . i knew it . her husband could n't see it , but i could . oh , that little schemer . she is everything he said she is . aidan : everything who said she is ? dr. sinclair : ryan . aidan : you said that annie had him fooled , that ryan did n't think that she was faking her insanity . dr. sinclair : no , he definitely thought she deserved to rot . aidan : so you do n't think that ryan cares about what happens to annie anymore ? dr. sinclair : you 're right . i mean , the only reason he cares is because of his daughter . i mean , he 's halfway decent at the doting - husband routine , but i can see it in his eyes . annie means absolutely nothing to that guy . aidan : so what did annie say ? did she admit to anything ? dr. sinclair : not yet , but now that her facade is down , it 's just a matter of time . aidan : did you get all that ? i told you . ryan : you -- you 're working with her ? aidan : no , she thinks i am . she thinks that i 'm on her side , that i feel the same way as she does , that we both want annie locked up for the rest of her life . ryan : and she bought that ? why would she think you want annie locked up ? aidan : because she thinks i want revenge on you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hello . it 's me again . kendall : hi , i -- actually , i was just getting ready to go to bed . greenlee : bed ? you 've been asleep for three months . you ca n't possibly still be tired . kendall : yeah , well , physical therapy takes a lot out of you . greenlee : hmm , sorry . this takes precedence over sleep . kendall : what is that ? greenlee : a dress for you to wear to the wedding . kendall : you 've picked out my outfit to wear to your wedding ? talk about control issues . greenlee : hey , you 're standing up for me , in spirit anyway , and besides . it 's customary for the bride to pick your dress . you 're lucky it 's not bubble - gum colored with flowers and lace and ruffles . try it on . kendall : now ? greenlee : i want to make sure it fits and that you wo n't look prettier than i will on my wedding day . kidding , sort of . do you want me to help you put it on ? kendall : uh , ok . i 'm tired . i 'm not five . leave it to you to get me back on my feet . [ scene_break ] erica : so it took a little juggling , but i think that i have everybody seated exactly where they should be . now all i need is your ok , and i can send it off to the wedding planner . bianca ? bianca : oh , i 'm sorry . i -- i really appreciate everything that you 've done , mom . i 'm just , um , i 'm just a little distracted right now . erica : yes , i can see that . sweetheart , did -- did something happen ? bianca : i really do n't want to go into it . erica : you mean you do n't want to go into it with me ? bianca : the last thing i need is a lecture , ok ? erica : ok , of course . but it does look like you could use a friend . or maybe -- maybe a shoulder to cry on ? bianca : it 's reese . oh , mom , we had a fight , and it was -- oh , it was just awful . [ scene_break ] zach : i guess no one told you , huh ? those are the new machines . you actually have to put money in it . i talked to the owner , and he wants you to have a go . not your lucky day . reese : you have no idea . [ scene_break ] [ knocking ] ryan : what is -- what is that ? what is that ? aidan : it 's annie . do n't even say a word . not a word . aidan : hey , annie . how did it go with dr. sinclair ? annie : oh , my god , you should have seen me . i made the doctor so mad . aidan : what happened ? annie : well , i did exactly what you told me to do . i used sinclair 's words against her . aidan : you did good . annie : yeah . i mean , she just kept pushing me . she was -- it 's like she was trying to push richie down my throat , and so , then i , um , told her that she was exactly like richie , and she stormed out of here . it was -- it was scary , but it was -- it was amazing at the same time . aidan : annie , i 'm really proud of you . you did a really good job . listen , i think -- i think sinclair is outside the door . i have to go . ryan : you talk to her ? you 've been coaching her ? because she -- she sounds good . she sounds -- she sounds almost like her old self . aidan : i guess this place has n't been all bad . ryan : no , annie is not better because of this place . annie 's better because of you . [ scene_break ] reese : you know , bianca and i were so happy , i did n't think anything could touch us , and then , we come here , and it 's like i 'm not even marrying bianca . i 'm marrying her entire family . zach : yeah . reese : so , um , how do you deal ? zach : how do you deal ? i do n't know . you think the person is worth it , then you -- you work through it . i know kendall is , and i 'm pretty sure bianca is , too . reese : of course , she is . you think kendall hates me ? because i really would n't blame her if she did . zach : what 's that supposed to mean ? reese : come on , i -- you know , bianca has been feeling so guilty about not telling kendall sooner , but the truth is i could have done something . i could 've -- i could 've picked up the phone and called her . i could 've pushed bianca to . i did n't , and it 's like i 've been hiding behind this , i do n't know , outsider status when really i -- i played the biggest part . zach : no , that honor belongs to me . reese : uh , no . i should n't have pushed you into being the donor . zach : no one pushes me into anything . i did what i did because i wanted to . for you and for bianca . reese : because you 're a good man . zach : because i wanted to , and whatever 's happened with kendall , that 's my responsibility , not yours . [ scene_break ] greenlee : that 's it . you look way too gorgeous . take it off . kendall : really ? greenlee : it 's a perfect fit . kendall : you know , i have to say , with all of this craziness , you and ryan , you 're the one good piece of good news . i ca n't wait to watch you guys get married . greenlee : i 'm just so happy you 'll be there . actually , i 've been praying for this , kendall , every day , that you would wake up and be there for the wedding . kendall : typical greenlee , all about you . greenlee : us . you and me . you 're the only sister i 've got . speaking of sisters , or lack thereof , how is it having this house back ? where 's zach ? kendall : uh , he 's at the casino . greenlee , thank you so much for coming over here and bringing this beautiful dress , but i 'm really , really tired . greenlee : stop avoiding , kendall . i know you . you 're totally holding back . kendall : me ? i 'm holding back ? i 'm not the one who donated his sperm without ever telling his wife . greenlee : do n't stop there . kendall : what ? greenlee : keep unloading on me . you have no idea how much i 've missed that . kendall : i think you need to get out more , greenlee . greenlee : i 'm serious , kendall . talk to me . kendall : i -- greenlee , i do n't know what else there is to talk about , ok ? we 've been through this . my husband is the father of my sister 's child , all right ? yes , i 'm supposed to be happy for her , and i am . i am . gaby 's beautiful . greenlee : but ? kendall : but come on . bianca could n't find another donor ? zach could n't have said no ? it -- it did n't have to be this complicated , but it is , and now , we 're here , and i have no idea how i 'm supposed to feel . if you were me , how would you feel ? greenlee : honestly ? i 'd be mad as hell . [ scene_break ] pete : nothing ? colby : not yet , but do n't worry . we 'll find them . pete : if we do n't find them , i might have to get a seeing - eye dog . not a bad idea , actually . dogs always attract the ladies . colby : or you could just go back to wearing your glasses like a normal person . pete : and return to my post as ruler of dorkdom ? no , thanks . colby : glasses do n't make you a dork , pete . pete : so it 's just , basically , me then . that 's what you 're saying ? colby : no , you 're not a dork or a loser . pete : tool ? geekazoid ? colby : stop , ok ? you 're you . why ca n't you just accept that ? pete : because not everyone liked the old me . colby : i did . the old pete was way cooler than this new poser , and if we 're being honest , i kind of liked the glasses . pete : you did ? colby : yeah , they were , i do n't know , very clark kent . pete : colby chandler , you just compared me to superman . colby : no , i did n't . i compared you to clark kent . pete : same thing . [ scene_break ] bianca : do n't you want to know what the fight was about ? erica : bianca , do you love reese ? bianca : more than anything . erica : and you 're certain that she loves you ? bianca : yeah , up until an hour ago . yeah , she loves me . erica : then there 's no fight in the world that can get between that . bianca : really ? erica : as long as you continue to be honest with each other . tell reese how you feel and encourage her to do the same with you . bianca : even if it 's ugly ? erica : even if it hurts . bianca : i do n't want to lose her , mom . erica : then do n't . now , are you ready to have a look at this ? bianca : ok . you 're kidding , right ? erica : what ? is there a problem ? bianca : you put greenlee , the other bride , at the worst table in the house . what -- is this -- is she behind the pillar ? erica : ok , look , there is a little visibility problem , yes , but look where she 's seated , so close to the exit . i mean , that 's just perfect so that when ryan finally comes to his senses and realizes what a mistake he 's made , then she wo n't be embarrassed , because she wo n't have to walk through all the other tables . she 'd just get the heck out of there . bianca : fix the chart . erica : if you fix things with reese . bianca : deal . [ scene_break ] kendall : looking at my friends and family , everyone basically looks the same , but -- but it all feels so different , especially with zach . and i do n't know how to get it back to the way it used to be . i do n't know how to fix it . greenlee : i 'm sorry this is so hard for you . if i could make it easier , i would . kendall : you do ? coming over here and talking about weddings and dresses , it 's a hell of a lot better than bisexual lesbians and surprise babies . greenlee : zach loves you so much , kendall . if you could 've seen him when you were in a coma -- kendall : i love him , too . greenlee : well , then , that 's enough to get you through this . kendall : whatever `` this `` is . greenlee : let 's call it a `` readjustment period , `` right ? i mean , it 's got to be normal to feel weird and out of touch . you 've been conked out for three months . kendall : three months . why does it feel like a lifetime ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i guess that i should be -- i should be thanking you . aidan : no , no , do n't thank me . let 's just figure out what 's driving dr. sinclair . actually , i already have been doing that . aidan : what ? ryan : well , i 've seen the doctor 's behavior , and i 've seen how she 's so obsessed with this case , with taking annie down , and there 's something not right about it , so i had tad look into it . aidan : why did n't you say something ? ryan : because i did n't know who to trust , aidan . aidan : so do you and tad find a connection to richie , or what ? ryan : no , we have n't , not to richie , but we did find a two - year period in sinclair 's past about five years ago , where it seems like she totally vanished , no records , no files , no trace of her al all . it 's like she did n't even exist during that time . aidan : your five years ago was when richie was in prison . ryan : and i was going to confront her with it , but now -- aidan : now you ca n't do that . i 'm getting so close , ryan . just leave it to me . ryan : and you 're sure annie is going to be ok during this time ? aidan : yes . ryan : yeah ? aidan : yes , i am . we just need to figure you a way out of here without being seen . ryan : any idea how i can do that ? [ scene_break ] colby : i found it ! pete : oh , great . colby : one of them , anyway . here . pete : i could kiss you right now . colby : oh , do n't do that . pete : i wo n't . ah . colby : well ? can you see me ? pete : uh , kind of . if i close this eye . well , at least , i can get home now . colby : good . pete : yeah . ok . colby : i 've missed having you around . pete : yeah , me , too . i feel like i should give you a reward or something , you know , for finding the long - lost contact . colby : you want to thank me , go back to wearing your glasses . pete : but clark kent never gets the girl . colby : so ? superman always does . same thing , right ? [ scene_break ] aidan : sinclair 's almost at her breaking point . annie : yeah . if she does n't break me first . aidan : she wo n't , annie , because you 're stronger than she is . do n't forget that . annie : i wo n't . if you keep reminding me . i do n't know what i would do without you . aidan : well , you wo n't have to find out , because everything is going to be ok . annie : a lot of people say that . you 're the only one i believe . [ scene_break ] [ door beeps ] dr. sinclair : mr. lavery ! what are you doing here ? [ scene_break ] zach : hey . greenlee : hey . zach : where 's kendall ? greenlee : she 's taking a victory lap to the bathroom and back . zach : you been here a long time or -- greenlee : a while . you want to ask me something . zach : does kendall seem different to you ? greenlee : kendall 's still kendall . and you 're still not off the hook . [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] reese : i 'm sorry . bianca : me , too . reese : i should n't have brought up kendall , and i should n't have said anything . i just -- i keep thinking that somewhere deep down you , um , you blame me for all of this . bianca : for all of what ? reese : for zach being our donor . bianca : no , that -- that was my idea . i was the one that asked him . reese : and he said no to you , and then , i talked him into it . if i had just kept my big -- bianca : no , no , no , no , no , no . baby , i love you . i -- i do n't blame you for anything . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : hey . zach : you have a good time with greenlee ? kendall : yeah , it was nice to see her . no , i 'm -- i 'm ok . zach : how long are you going to punish me ? kendall : that 's not what i 'm trying to do . zach : no ? you 're angry with me , because i did n't tell you ? kendall : no , i 'm angry because you knew . you knew i would n't want you to father this baby , but you went ahead , and you did it anyway . was is worth it ? zach : not if i lose you . | at oak haven , ryan encounters aidan and wonders what aidan is doing here . dr. sinclair apologizes to annie for slapping her and wants to be annie 's friend . dr. sinclair asks annie if she had killed richie . at fusion . greenlee and erica decide to work together to save fusion . erica confesses to greenlee that she needs help in reaching out to kendall . erica questions greenlee if she had noticed a change in kendall since she had came out of the coma . at zach 's , bianca blasts reese for remarking that it might have been better if kendall had never awaken . kendall refuses a kiss from zach . greenlee agrees to help erica . bianca orders reese to back off kendall . reese accuses bianca of choosing kendall over reese . zach coaxes kendall to tell him what she is thinking , aidan confides to ryan that dr. sinclair is somehow connected to richie . dr. sinclair urges annie to be honest . annie confesses that she remembers everything . bianca blames herself for asking zach to be the donor for gabrielle . aidan and ryan discuss dr. sinclair and how she is out to get annie no matter what it takes . dr. sinclair comes into aidan 's room and tells him that this has got to stop . ryan listens to them from behind the door . colby visits pete at fusion . pete lets colby know that he had lost his contact lens . reese and zach meet up at the casino . |
adam : aha ! my beautiful wife . annie : hi ! i am just sitting here enjoying our beautiful new parlor . did n't we do an amazing job ? adam : oh , yes , yes . yeah . [ phone rings ] adam : ah . huh . j.r. , should n't you be on your way over here ? j.r. : listen , little adam gave me his cold , so i 'm not gon na be able to help out with the audit for a few days . adam : well , happily , we have someone who can pitch in for you while you 're convalescing . colby : who 's dad talking to ? annie : j.r . i guess he 's not feeling well . adam : get some rest . well , looks like you 're going to be doing more than correlating quarterlies . annie : well , let the fun begin . [ doorbell rings ] annie : oh . i 'll be back . colby : so j.r. 's sick ? adam : he sounded half dead . colby : ok , you know , do n't even joke . ryan : ok , have fun up there , ems . annie : why did you drop emma off early ? ryan : because i need a favor . [ scene_break ] erica : val , excellent job getting the phone systems back up and running . however , those i.t . specialists of ours ? they have yet to be able to retrieve the files . madison : maybe we should get a hacker , one with experience programming worms to debug the system ? randi : you want to hire a criminal ? madison : a reformed criminal . erica : i think it 's a great idea . let 's get fusion back on track . val , you coordinate with madison to find a `` reformed hacker . `` and hold my calls , will you ? no matter what , no matter who , do not disturb . i 'll be in my office . val : ok , it 's your idea . where do you want to start ? [ line rings ] kendall : hello ? erica : kendall , it 's me . kendall : mom , is everything ok ? you sound serious . is fusion up and running ? erica : fusion 's under control , but there 's something else you and i need to deal with -- ryan . kendall : mom , i told you . i did n't have a problem with you and ryan seeing each other . erica : i know what you said . now i want the truth . [ scene_break ] david : my fiancée wo n't be joining us for this meeting . i hope that wo n't be a problem . woman : it 's a first for me . planning these events almost always falls on the bride . david : well , it 's kind of a surprise for valentine 's day . woman : how romantic . david : now , this wedding has to be one that no one will want to miss . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan and me as a couple : i want your honest , emotional response . kendall , are you still there ? kendall : all right . ok . you want honesty ? ok , i 'll be honest . i find it incredibly weird and uncomfortable and wrong , just wrong on every level . it 's just wrong , ok , mom ? i wish you had never gotten involved with ryan . erica : it 's certainly honest . kendall : just wait a second . i 'm not done . despite all of that , i ca n't judge you for your relationship with ryan . because , after all , i was with ethan before i married zach . so i ca n't say that what you 're doing with ryan is wrong . but i do have to say this , and you do n't have to answer me . mom , ryan is an incredible man . but deep down , do you really think he 's the man you 're meant to be with ? ok , mom , now i really do have to go . zach chartered a private yacht , so we can spend some quality time alone with spike and ian for a while . we need a complete break , so we will be out of contact for a long time . erica : i understand . kendall : you 're the only one with our satellite phone information , so can you please only call if it 's a real emergency ? erica : all right . well , you take care and kiss those boys , give the boys my love . kendall : i will . i love you , mom . erica : i love you , too , honey . [ scene_break ] colby : how can you be so mean ? dad , j.r. is sick . adam : how can you be so dramatic ? he has a cold , not yellow fever . colby : and not cancer ? adam : you know , huh ? well , he 's in remission , thank god . colby : yes , but it could come back . adam : no , it wo n't . colby : but if it does , what are you gon na do ? adam : i will do everything in my power to make him well again . colby : well , it 's not that easy . adam : if j.r. gets sick , i 'll just have to rethink a whole lot of things . [ scene_break ] ryan : look , if this is a problem for you , i 'm sure emma would love a sleepover at kathy 's house . annie : oh , no , no . i want emma right here with me . it 's just -- you and erica , really ? ryan : what , annie ? why is it so hard for you to imagine erica and i together ? annie : well , it 's just that you 're spike 's dad , and erica -- ryan : stop . stop . annie : is it for the press , ryan ? i mean , anything for free publicity for the miranda line , right ? ryan : wow . ok , this conversation is over . annie : i was married to you once , remember ? i know you a lot better than you think . ryan : just tell emma i will call her later . scott : hey . looks like you and ryan almost had an understanding . annie : ryan 's delusional . there 's no way he can make this relationship with erica work any more than he could make our marriage work . no . the only woman ryan has ever fully given his heart to is the woman who drove me straight to the rubber room . [ scene_break ] david : now , there 's a small chapel on the property . it 's the perfect setting for an intimate gathering with friends and family . i want to make sure that the place is filled with candles , ok ? woman : have you thought about flowers ? david : red roses will be fine . woman : popular choice . let me show you some of our floral designs featuring roses . [ david 's phone rings -- it 's a text message from greenlee who 's hiding behind a curtain ] david : ok . you know , on second thought , why do n't we go with white sweet peas ? woman : wonderful . these -- oh , these sprays look delightful in candlelight . david : you know , i like that one right there . [ phone rings ] david : excuse me . it 's one of my more needy patients . woman : brides can be equally demanding . david : if you only knew . do you happen to have any photos of petals on the aisle ? ok , that 's perfect . woman : and the bouquet ? david : yeah , i was thinking something elegant and understated . woman : and now about the invitations -- david : oh , no need . those have already gone out . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey . j.r. : hey . marissa : you still feeling like crud ? j.r. : this round of chemo 's really kicking my ass . but i 'll be all right just as long as i have some beautiful inspiration : like you in those running shoes . marissa : always . j.r. : is that an early valentine ? marissa : yeah , from a secret admirer . j.r. : well , do n't look at me . i would 've done a lot better than a card . marissa : ohh . wow , i should n't have opened it . j.r. : why ? what is it ? marissa : it 's a wedding invitation . david is getting married . j.r. : what ? you got to be kidding me . who 'd he drug this time ? marissa : i have no idea . [ scene_break ] randi : actually , the computer systems are being handled right now . i 'm sorry . can you hold , please ? fusion . no , erica kane personally guarantees that each order is going to be filled . yes . yes . uh - huh . madison : can i help you ? man : delivery for erica kane . opal : i hightailed it over here just as quick as i could . what 's wrong , hon ? erica : i have to break up with ryan . [ scene_break ] brot : i thought the cybercrime unit was handling this case . natalia : we were the first cops on the scene . why would we want to hand it off ? brot : because they 're trained in computers . that 's why . natalia : why do n't you go on a doughnut run , cadet . that 's an order . brot : let me show you something about teamwork . natalia : hey , i can handle it myself ! brot : ha ha ha . what 's this , the diary of your life , things you want to do ? natalia : give me that . brot : hold on . hold it . [ brot chuckles ] brot : `` cadet monroe has shown remarkable improve -- `` natalia : all right , that 's enough . brot : ow . natalia : `` training session . cadet monroe needed to be schooled . `` [ scene_break ] opal : now , just hold on a minute , honey . you and ryan got something special . why would you want to pull the plug on it ? erica : ryan wants to whisk me away for a romantic getaway . opal : that makes him a keeper in my book . erica : last night i stared at an empty suitcase for three hours . i could n't even pack a single pair of shoes . that 's when i started thinking , why am i with ryan ? where are we going ? do we have what it takes to last ? opal : have you heard of that expression `` live in the moment , `` especially when you 're being offered moments like this ? erica : opal , that 's what i 've been doing , and it does n't work for me . last summer ryan took me sailing at the marina . i was up to my eyeballs with work , i was worried about kendall , and ryan offered me the perfect escape . and it was one of the most wonderful days i 've had in a very long time , but that 's what our relationship has been , opal . ryan has been my escape . opal : yeah , but is that a bad thing ? i mean , we all need a break now and then . erica : but when escapism becomes a way of life , well , then it 's avoidance , and i ca n't do this anymore , opal . not to ryan , and not to me . [ scene_break ] colby : so i hope this means you wo n't be forcing j.r. to stick to your whole merit trust conditions . adam : these clauses have been put in place to protect my family , not harm them . colby : finally , you are starting to make some sense . dad , j.r. and little a should n't lose the inheritance just because j.r. is physically unable to meet your demands . no one should . adam : i 'm impressed . you 've concocted this unlikely situation where j.r. gets sick again to illustrate your perceived flaws in the trust . or would you rather just have me eliminate the damn trust entirely ? colby : oh , god , dad . you know , not everything is a manipulation , ok ? i am not playing you ! annie : am i interrupting something ? colby : no . no , no . we 're done . [ adam sighs ] annie : what was that about ? adam : control . [ scene_break ] marissa : i 'm so sick of his crap . you know , all this bull about how he wants to be a real family and how he 's sorry for everything he 's done , and then he pulls this : a wedding with some mystery bride . j.r. : wonder where he dug her up . marissa : i do n't know . probably in his lab . you know what ? i 'm not gon na let him do this to me again . j.r. : well , then forget that you even saw the stupid invitation . marissa : no . no . i 'm gon na go over to wildwind right now and tell him exactly how i feel . j.r. : no , do n't . ignore him . whatever game that david 's playing , you do n't want to know . [ scene_break ] david : all right , come on out , my demanding bride . greenlee : ugh . red roses . i already had the tacky vegas wedding . david : all right , fine . but what 's wrong with a spray ? you did n't even see the picture . greenlee : sprays equal funerals , and i 'm coming back from the dead . david : trust me , no one 's gon na care about flowers once you lift your veil . ryan 's gon na be crushed when he sees you 're my bride no matter what bouquet you 're carrying . greenlee : payback is a bitch . [ scene_break ] colby : for you , fresh from the stove of supersteins . [ j.r. chuckles ] j.r. : heard i was n't feeling well ? colby : well , it 's chicken and rice soup , nature 's remedy . j.r. : can it cure cancer ? colby : ok , you need to tell dad you 're out of remission . j.r. : no . no way . colby : why not ? j.r. : because i refuse to die . i got in remission once , i 'll get in there again . colby : ok , well , if you need anything , i will be there . j.r. : listen , i 'm gon na be around to babysit your grandkids . you got it ? colby : ok . whatever you say . j.r. : good . so what is this urgency to tell adam ? colby : well , if dad knew the cancer returned , maybe he would take a second look at his own life . j.r. : starting with his marriage to annie ? [ scene_break ] adam : annie , how do you feel about the merit trust ? honestly ? did i make a mistake ? annie : um , well , you saw how i initially reacted to it . i was hurt . i was upset . i was angry . i thought you were trying to punish me . adam : oh , i 'd never do that . annie : i know that now . you were just looking out for me , and i love you for it . adam : i want my family to be safe after -- well , when i can no longer be here . annie : well , colby and j.r. should understand that . adam : and i want colby to have the finest , unconditional love from someone who can protect her after i 'm gone . annie : she 'll come around . adam : and j.r. ? god , i miss j.r . i wish we were closer . annie : it 'll happen . adam : i have this feeling that i 'm losing everyone who really matters to me . annie : no , no , no , no . you 'll never , ever lose me . adam : yeah . i have to do something . annie : oh , you want me to go with you ? adam : no , no , no . you and scott have work to do . annie : ok . well , let me know if you need anything , ok ? adam : yeah , i 'll let you know . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan and i have always been wonderful friends , caring , supportive , but we were never meant for happily ever after . opal : well , that 's horse - hockey . great romances start with great friendships . erica : not true with ryan and me . here . see this ? now , you look at this picture . there . what do you see ? opal : well , i see two gorgeous people with a boatload of chemistry . erica : opal , look at our smiles : they 're forced . opal : well , so ? ryan ai n't used to being around loads of camera flashing bulbs . that 's all right . erica : well , we 're just wrong for each other , ok ? why do n't you just admit it ? opal : this thing is in french . where the heck did you get this , anyway ? erica : i do n't remember . opal : oh , do n't give me that . i know you better . you hate the tabloids . now , come on . fess up . erica : someone sent it to me . opal : name ? erica : jack . opal : jackson montgomery ? erica : yes , jackson montgomery . opal : you saw jack yesterday ? before these ryan doubts started churning . erica : opal , this is about ryan and me , not jack and me . opal : mm - hmm . jack is staking another claim on your heart , is n't he ? erica : no , that 's not what happened . opal : oh , really ? erica : jack opened my eyes to the truth . [ scene_break ] ryan : ms. kane and i should be arriving at the airport in , i do n't know , about a couple hours , i think . fantastic . then we will be leaving as soon as you guys are ready . thanks . [ scene_break ] greenlee : everything 's been delivered . david : as instructed . greenlee : no backing out now . david : well , that 's not true . if you want out , we can make it happen . great thing about being me , no rules apply . greenlee : no , i 'm done hiding . i 'm reclaiming my life and fusion . david : the new mrs. david hayward , feisty as ever . greenlee : hmm . [ knock on door ] david : may be our first rsvp . [ knocking ] david : marissa . what a wonderful surprise . marissa : is this wedding thing a ploy to lure me here ? david : you got my invitation ? marissa : yeah , well , apparently , that 's the only way that you can communicate with me . david : you were so upset at the hospital , i was n't sure if i should call . marissa : yeah , or drop by and tell me what 's going on . i 'm your daughter , your only child , and this is how you tell me that you 're getting married ? you should not pull this junk on me ! would you do this to babe ? david : i 'm back here for you , marissa , so we can try to have a real father- daughter relationship . marissa : you 're back for revenge . david : i did come back for revenge . marissa : well , finally you 're telling the truth . coming back has nothing to do with us building a relationship . david : no , it has everything to do with you . more than anything , marissa , i want you in my life . it 's just really complicated right now . marissa : another excuse not to be honest . david : all right , look , i know i made plenty of mistakes -- marissa : no kidding . david : but so have half of the other people in this town . why am i the only one being crucified for them ? look at jake . where was the public outcry when he told me my son was dead ? marissa : he is not your son . david : but we did n't know that at the time . all i ever wanted was a family , and i had that with trevor and amanda . marissa : i 'm your family . me . what you had with trevor and amanda was a big freaking lie . david : ok , but , you see , the problem is you ca n't understand , because you grew up in a home with loving parents , the same parents . you know , sunday dinners and bedtime stories . marissa : what ? how many times have i reached out to you ? how many times have you chosen revenge over me ? david : you see the difference right now ? my happiness will be my best revenge this time . marissa : oh , yeah . with the help of your mystery bride ? david : this marriage helps me stay in town . marissa : and gives you the family that you 've always wanted ? david : it gives me hope that maybe someday i can be a real father for you . marissa : my real father is dead . [ scene_break ] colby : if dad knew the cancer returned , he would pick you over annie . j.r. : wrong . we 've already tried that , annie or us , and we saw how that worked out . colby : that was different , though , j.r. you told dad you were in remission . j.r. : i 've already used my cancer once to manipulate him . i 'm not gon na do it again . colby : ok , but if we can just get annie -- j.r. : look , he 's made his decision , colby . you have to accept it . colby : j.r. , i know you love dad . please , just tell him you 're sick , and we can get that psycho bitch out of our lives and that stupid will . j.r. : colby , if there 's anything that i 've learned these past few months , it 's to not waste time on needless drama . now , if you want to roll around in the mud , that 's your choice . but i wo n't help you . [ scene_break ] madison : oh , no . randi : what ? madison : i forgot to give this to erica . she 's gon na kill me . val : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . probably another marriage proposal . add it to the pile . sort through it later . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan and i have both been using this relationship to hide . jack and kendall both asked me the same thing : is ryan the one ? is he my future ? opal : and the answer is no ? erica : in the present , it 's been amazing . but in the future , no . jack made me realize that i will never find my soul mate as long as i 'm with ryan . opal : so maybe jack is your forever man . erica : that 's not what i 'm saying . it 's not even what i 'm talking about . what i 'm saying is that i just need to end things with ryan for both our sakes . opal : well , how do you think ryan is gon na go for that ? erica : ryan was building his life around greenlee . their love was much more than an escape . ryan needs to somehow deal with his loss so he can let go of greenlee , and he can be free to love someone else . [ phone rings ] erica : hello ? ryan : i must 've left , like , a dozen messages on your extension . val refused to connect me through . is everything ok ? is there a big emergency over there at fusion ? erica : i just needed the quiet . ryan : hey , is everything ok ? you seemed a little off last night . erica : i was stressed . ryan : sounds like somebody needs to escape . well , get your stuff together , because we are going to the islands . erica : ryan , i 'm not going away with you . [ scene_break ] colby : hey . you talk to bailey ? you explain the whole `` you , me in my bedroom `` thing : completely innocent ? damon : it was rough . colby : yeah , but she got it ? damon : actually , she took stuart home to her parents to figure stuff out . colby : wow . oh . do n't worry . she 'll come back . she has to . and by the time she does , you 'll have your whole burglary charges against you dropped . damon : and hopefully find a job . this is my 12th application today . colby : do n't worry . you will find something . damon : it 's not like i can use pierre or seasons east as references . colby : well , you could use me as a reference . you know , the chandler mojo . damon : thanks . colby : well , you 're fighting for your family . i ca n't say the same for mine . damon : yeah , the dragon lady was pretty steamed at the police station . colby : well , i am not talking about her . i am talking about my dad . damon : what did he do ? colby : he married annie lavery . [ scene_break ] scott : where have you been ? i 've been waiting in the library . annie : calm down . i was talking to adam . scott : well , that does n't give you a hall pass on the audit . annie : i think adam 's having second thoughts about the merit trust . scott : ok . how does that affect me or you ? annie : it does n't . but i think colby 's really starting to get to him . scott : and so colby convinces uncle adam to drop the merit trust , and you 're home free . annie : no . colby convinces adam to drop just her conditions , and we get screwed . scott : oh . i have no problem meeting the rules . do you ? annie : i have a problem with colby trying to work every person in this family . scott : oh , you 're overreacting . annie : open your eyes , scott . she 's trying to con you , too . i mean , she still wants me out of adam 's life . scott : where 's your proof ? annie : i do n't need proof . as a former manipulator , i can spot her moves before she makes them . scott : and now who 's trying to con me , hmm ? [ scene_break ] brot : where 's your warrant , officer fowler ? natalia : do n't need one , cadet . i 've got probable cause . brot : for what ? sampling my kisses ? natalia : do n't be shy . you think i 'm special . brot : yeah , special in that annoying kind of way . natalia : oh , come on . just admit it . you put the hershey kisses on my desk as a peace offering . brot : you know , i love a good kiss . do n't you ? [ phone rings ] natalia : `` to my special daughter . hope you enjoy the hershey 's kisses . love , dad . `` [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'll talk to marissa , make her understand you 've been protecting me . david : you really think so , huh ? i doubt she 'll even show up at the wedding . greenlee : oh , she 'll be there . she 's your daughter . david : thank you for convincing me to stay . greenlee : family supports family , and you 're mine . do n't forget it . david : you know , that 's funny , because i did n't see jack 's name on your invite list . greenlee : i do n't want him there . this is about getting back at erica and ryan . my father should n't be collateral damage . david : you have to tell him , greenlee . greenlee : i will , after the wedding . david : you 're not gon na have time . jack is on erica 's speed dial , and she 's gon na blow you out of the water before you even say `` i do . `` greenlee : oh , my god , you 're right . i did n't even think about that . what am i gon na do ? david : make it right with him . talk to jack . he 's gon na be overjoyed that you 're still alive . greenlee : is n't he in europe somewhere ? david : well , right about now you might want to check the chapel . [ scene_break ] ryan : gorgeous , even after your feeble attempt to veto the vacation . erica : we ca n't go . ryan : something happened . erica : you 're right . something has happened . ryan : something that you ca n't escape from for a couple days ? erica : it 's all we 've been doing . ryan : i thought you enjoyed it . erica : i did -- in the beginning . ryan , we have to face reality . ryan : translation ? erica : we ca n't do this anymore . [ scene_break ] annie : oh -- i do n't scheme to get what i want anymore . scott : i believe you . annie : do you ? scott : well , let 's put it to a test , shall we ? it 's just you and me here , and the security cameras were taken out with the renovation . so if you had n't changed , how would you use this merit trust to your advantage ? annie : i thought you did n't care about it . scott : i do n't . this is just an exercise . annie : in manipulation ? scott : in your ability to read situations . annie : simple . i would get colby to fall for the wrong kind of guy , and i would take her share of the money . scott : hmm . and j.r. ? annie : keep him out of the house . scott : and what would you do to me ? annie : guess . scott : then we 'd both be out of the trust . annie : could be worth it . [ scene_break ] colby : annie is a money - grubbing mega - slut . damon : do n't hold back or anything . you know , let the anger out . colby : you know , she almost killed my father . damon : yeah . death by a lap dance -- that 's how i want to go . colby : you know , that really was n't funny . damon : it 's a little funny . colby : ok , well , that witch -- she convinced my dad she 's his angel . i mean , that is disgusting . she makes me sick . damon : ca n't you just get your dad to plant a boot in her ass ? colby : oh , that was my plan , and i had it all planned out . j.r. would n't go along with it . i hate this trust . damon : am i getting a burger for this story ? colby : oh . so my dad -- he made this whole legal trust demanding i marry someone from a good family or else i get almost no money . damon : this is what you should do , colby . you should put an ad on the internet : `` looking for love if you have 10 mil in the bank . `` colby : you know , you 're a jerk . i hid you in my house , i stood up to my mom , and i listened to you bitch . but when i want to vent for a few minutes , you just joke . so you know what , damon ? i do n't need this . i am out of here . damon : colby , i 'm sorry . do n't be like that . colby : no , you know what ? at least i know who i can depend on and who i ca n't . [ scene_break ] j.r. : so you did n't believe me , huh ? came here to check on me ? afraid i was playing hooky ? or worse : that i got drunk , fell off the wagon , hung - over ? adam : you sounded horrible on the phone . you look even worse . j.r. : well , thank you for the ego boost . adam : i spoke with colby . j.r. : damn it . i told colby not to say anything . last thing i want is your pity . i 'm gon na beat this . adam : you 're out of remission ? j.r. : you did n't know ? adam : uh - uh . when did it happen ? j.r. : it does n't matter , because cancer 's not gon na win . i will . [ adam and j.r. hug ] [ scene_break ] ryan : `` we ca n't do this anymore `` ? erica : ryan , our friendship is perfect , and i never expected it to grow into a full - blown relationship , and the truth is it never should have . if we were to pursue this , our lives would be far too complicated . ryan : we could make them as uncomplicated as possible . erica : there 's way too much between us : kendall , spike . ryan : but we deserve to be happy . erica : we do . but we ca n't be together anymore . we 've been pretending that this is more than it really is . ryan : we were so incredible together . you ca n't deny that . erica : and i care very much for you , so much . but we could never say those three magical little words to each other and speak them the way they were meant to be said . i do n't love you , ryan , not the way you are meant to be loved , and i know that you do n't love me that way either . i 'm not gon na settle for less , and i wo n't let you settle for less either , not when the people who are meant to be loved by us are out there for us . [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] jack : well , hayward , this had better be good . you 've been bombarding me with messages all day . i have a flight to paris to catch . what you can possibly want from my -- greenlee : hi , dad . | at fusion , erica speaks with her staff about getting the company back on track . randi is not pleased when madison makes a very good suggestion to hire a reformed hacker to safeguard their computer system . after giving madison and val the go - ahead , erica goes into her office and calls kendall to discuss her relationship with ryan . after erica encourages her to be honest , kendall expresses her opinion that her mother 's new liaison is just plain wrong . at wildwind , david meets with a wedding planner while greenlee , hiding behind a curtain , sends him text messages about her wishes . marissa informs j.r. how upset she is that she received an invitation to david 's wedding . brot and natalia fight over her private notes which results in her wrestling him to the desk in order to get the papers away from him while the other police officers watch in surprise . erica invites opal to her office to tell her that she has to break up with ryan , because he is not the right man for her . colby visits j.r. and brings him lunch while trying to convince him to let adam know that his cancer has returned so they can get `` that psycho bitch `` annie out of their lives . j.r. wo n't waste his time on useless pursuits and advises his sister to accept their father 's choice . colby meets damon at confusion and learns that bailey has gone to see her parents with little stuart . as damon applies for a job at the bar , colby offers to be his reference . when damon makes fun of her family problems , however , she gets upset and tries to leave , but he grabs her arm . |
colby : agh ! annie : morning ! were you able to get some sleep ? colby : please , annie ! please , please let me go ! please ! annie : no , no . and have you blabbing to the cops and j.r. about me ? i do n't think so . colby : people are gon na start to wonder where i am , annie . you ca n't keep me here forever . annie : i thought of that , which is why i got up extra early this morning , and i sent out some text messages from your cell phone as you . so everybody thinks that you 're having a wonderful time with your father , and adam thinks that you canceled . so do you see ? no one 's going to know that you 're missing . all i ever asked of you was a little friendship , but you just never gave me a chance . colby : i 'll be your friend , annie . i will , ok ? just please let me go . please ! annie : liar . [ scene_break ] j.r. : here 's a list of things i want you to handle while i 'm gone . hopefully this gets me and annie back on track . asher : have a blast , man . j.r. : i plan to . [ phone rings ] colby 's voice : hi . this is colby . please leave a message after the beep . [ voice mail beeps ] asher : hey , colby . it 's me , asher . i just got your text . so you 're in new york ? i thought it was chicago . is something going on or -- anyway , call me back . ok ? [ scene_break ] tad : you going somewhere ? j.r. : for a couple of days . why ? tad : i assume you 've heard about kendall 's emergency surgery ? j.r. : yeah . i heard that she was in an ambulance that was in an accident . is she gon na be ok ? tad : it was touch and go for a while , but she 'll be ok . the police have some questions they want to ask you about the accident . j.r. : me ? why ? tad : j.r. , they were able to trace the car that plowed into that ambulance . they know it was one of yours . [ scene_break ] jake : i see you . cara : hi . yeah . morning . sorry . just -- that was -- jake : go on by if you 'd like to go by . it 's fine . cara : i was just gon na see kendall . jake : that 's where i 'm going , also , to kendall 's , yeah . cara : this is weird . jake : it 's not as weird as finding out that your whole past is a lie . [ scene_break ] kendall : hey . griffin : morning . your labs are encouraging . you seem to be responding to the meds well . kendall : hmm . i 'm onto you , dr. castillo . you pretend to be all business , no personal involvement with your patients -- blah , blah , blah -- but it 's all a lie . you did everything you could to keep me alive . griffin : that 's what doctors do . kendall : but what they do n't do is make promises like you did . you looked me in the eye and you promised you would n't let me die . griffin : i was just playing the odds . kendall : you do n't fool me , griffin . not anymore . [ scene_break ] ryan : ok . i got my keys . i got spike 's picture he drew for kendall . what about the flowers ? greenlee : i already ordered them . they 'll be sent to kendall 's room this afternoon . ryan : that 's great . ok . good . let 's hit the road . greenlee : hey , wait a minute . i need to ask you something . ryan : ok . greenlee : so kendall is not gon na be well enough to come to our wedding . ryan : probably not . greenlee : right . and i was just hoping that we could postpone it until she 's back on our feet . ryan : it would n't be perfect unless kendall was there . greenlee : no , it would n't . ryan : and i want it to be perfect . greenlee : thank you . ryan : but i 'm warning you , if i have to move heaven and earth , i 'm gon na put a ring on that finger . ok ? ok ? [ phone rings ] greenlee : hello ? david : hello , greenlee . i was just calling to wish you luck for your wedding . greenlee : david . where are you ? david : in pine valley . greenlee : but i thought you were -- david : in prison ? i guess you have n't heard the good news . the governor has granted me a full pardon . greenlee : a pardon ? ryan : what ? david : yeah , that 's right . look , why do n't you come down to the police station , pay me a visit , and we 'll talk all about it . [ scene_break ] tad : you 're not going anywhere . j.r. , please , you have to go to the cops . you ca n't afford to let them come looking for you . j.r. : i was n't driving . but i 'm sure she did n't mean it . the roads were icy . she was in a hurry . tad : `` she `` ? j.r. : we do n't need to jump to any conclusions . tad : annie ? annie was driving the car ? ! god , j.r. ! please , you 've got to stop this . it 's gone on for far too long . you ca n't protect her anymore . [ scene_break ] colby : agh ! annie : ha . you 're my friend , huh ? you stupid little girl . i see what you 've been up to . colby : ok , ok , so i tried to escape ! but would n't you do the same thing if you were me ? annie : i made us some tea . colby : no , i do n't want any tea , annie . annie : ok . fine . then do n't drink it . colby : how do i know there 's not something in it ? annie : i guess you do n't , but you have to drink something . colby : ok . ok . i 'll have the bottled water . annie : i do n't know why you never liked me . we 're not so different , you and me . and i have come so far . i have come so far , and i was so close to having everything i have ever wanted , and now i am so close to losing it because of you ! colby : you are losing it , annie ! annie : shut up ! i gave you a chance . i said we could 've been sisters - in - laws , but you blew it because you would n't listen ! you would never listen , because you love marissa too much ! and you know what ? that is a problem for me . that is a really big problem . [ scene_break ] cara : i did n't tell you what i did to make you feel uncomfortable . jake : i 'm not uncomfortable . my life is fantastic . cara : nothing 's changed , so -- jake : that 's right , and it 's not gon na change . cara : you know the choices that i made , leaving you to save your life ? they 're done . jake : yes , they 're done . i just have to learn how to process the information -- and be your boss at the same time and let it go all over again . ok ? cara : if you figure it out , let me know . [ scene_break ] scott : you 've got to be kidding me . madison : can i help ? scott : oh , hey . story of my life . i found a flaw in their billing system , something that 's costing the company thousands of dollars a week , and i go to make copies to show jake , and this evil piece of machinery eats up the originals , spits out inkblot tests . pathetic . madison : you found a flaw in the billing system ? scott : yeah , i know . i 'm supposed to be entering data and filing , but , you know -- madison : yeah , you ca n't help yourself . scott : i ca n't . i just ca n't . and i have a few suggestions for the vending machines , too , so -- madison : you are an animal ! hey ? scott : hmm ? madison : it 's not pathetic what you 're doing , you know ? it 's not gon na be forever . scott : i know . thank you for saying that . and i 'm truly grateful to be out of prison , i am , but i got to find another way to make some real money . you know ? jake : i hope your way is n't the easy way . scott : hey , jake . what 's up ? jake : stolen drugs -- you know anything about that ? [ scene_break ] david : what took you so long ? greenlee : what 's this ? david : a part of my deal with the governor was that i make restitution for my various crimes and misdemeanors . so i 'm offering to sell you my half of the hospital . ryan : can i see that ? david : i 'm sure even you will see that it 's a fair deal . greenlee : what else do you want ? david : i was hoping you might put in a good word for me to help me get my medical license back . ryan : and why the hell would she do that ? david : because at the end of the day , i 'm an exceptionally gifted physician who helped save her best friend 's life . greenlee : after destroying it . david : helping with kendall 's surgery made me realize how much i miss being a doctor . that 's all i want , greenlee , to be a doctor again , not some hospital administrator pining away for a woman who 's already rejected me . [ scene_break ] griffin : you just wait until those meds wear off . you wo n't be talking like this . kendall : why is it so hard for you to accept the fact that you made this personal ? griffin : because that 's not how i work . kendall : but it 's probably the reason i 'm still alive . you stood next to me in the dark , and you made me feel safe . griffin : you 're alive because of my talent and my training . kendall : ok . fine . all right . we 'll leave it at that . so thank you for your talent and your training , and the part you pretend does n't exist . rev . torres : how is the patient ? griffin : she 's doing much better . [ scene_break ] ryan : so what is this , the new and improved david hayward ? because i 'm not buying it . david : i will always love you , greenlee , and i will always cherish the time that we shared together . but i ca n't do this anymore . i do n't know . maybe it took a bullet in my back for me to wake up , for me to realize what i was doing to my life , to you . so i have to put a stop to it . i do n't want to end up in jail or dead , so i have to let you go . greenlee : then congratulations on your freedom , david . ryan : what ? greenlee : i do n't want to spend the rest of my life , our lives , worrying about whether or not he goes to prison . it does n't matter anymore . all i 'll see when i look at you is a reminder of how happy my life is with ryan . so thank you , david . what a wonderful wedding present you 've given me today . david : all i ever wanted was for you to be happy . greenlee : that 's not true . but now i am , with the man i love . ryan : he 's still trouble . greenlee : maybe . but only because i let him hurt us , because i felt like i owed him for saving my life . now that debt has been paid in full . [ scene_break ] scott : what do i have to do with drugs that disappeared from the hospital ? jake : nothing , i hope . scott : but you 're accusing me anyway ? jake : i am questioning everybody . scott : starting with a convicted felon , right ? jake : the last shipment that was stolen was 3 nights ago . were you working 3 nights ago ? scott : are you -- no . actually , that is the night i like to steal nickels and dimes off of church collection plates . madison : he was with me . jake : ok . madison : remember ? we were watching a movie at my place . it was a romantic comedy . scott was very nice to endure that for me . want to know the name of it ? jake : that 's not necessary . madison : then we ate some pizza . pepperoni , pineapple -- jake : got it . thank you very much , madison . scott : unbelievable . why did you do that ? madison : because jake was hassling you , and i did n't like it . anyway , i know you did n't steal any drugs . scott : how can you be so sure ? after all , i am a thief . [ scene_break ] cara : hey . griffin : hey . cara : kendall 's looking pretty good . griffin : considering yesterday she was getting a meatball surgery in the back of an -- cara : overturned ambulance . i got it , ok ? you can stop with the bragging . jake : he ca n't help himself . griffin : i heard you know everything about africa . jake : yep . griffin : so we 're good ? jake : yep . cara : two children did n't lose their mother yesterday . people wonder why we want to be doctors . [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you so much for coming to visit me and the flowers and for making me smile . it feels good . rev . torres : it 's part of the job . and listen , as soon as you 're out of here , we 're gon na have that dinner together . ok ? kendall : ah . sounds perfect . rev . torres : then it 's a date . kendall : ok . rev . torres : ok . kendall : a date . griffin : i need to run some more tests . do you mind ? rev . torres : no . i will check in with you later . kendall : ok . rev . torres : doctor . [ scene_break ] tad : j.r. , i 'm begging you . enough is enough . look , she could 've killed kendall and jake . what do you think you 're gon na do about it ? j.r. : i 'll handle it . tad : it 's not that simple . you ca n't just fix this . j.r. : i have to fix it because this is my fault ! look , annie is the way that she is because i drove her down that road . i ca n't leave her stranded . tad : j.r. , annie is the way she is because she 's a fruit loop . what about all the other times she went off the rails ? who was responsible for that ? j.r. : i care about her , tad . tad : i know you do . j.r. : please . i 'm begging you , do n't go doing anything until i talk to her . tad : just do n't make me regret it . j.r. : thank you . tad : whatever you do , please be careful . you have no idea what annie 's capable of . [ scene_break ] annie : j.r. loves me . but every time we get close to being a real family , somebody gets in the way -- like you or like marissa . god , he accepted me for who i really am . he did n't judge me like everybody else . do you have any idea how rare that is ? colby : i think i do . annie : oh ! ow ! you bitch ! colby : get off me , you psycho ! [ phone rings ] colby : aah ! no ! annie : hello ? j.r. : hey . i 'm coming to see you . annie : what ? no . not now . j.r. : it 's important , annie . i need to talk to you about something . annie : no , j.r. , you ca n't come here . j.r. : annie ? annie ? annie , are you still there ? what was that noise ? annie : i spilled some coffee on my hand , but i 'm fine . you ca n't come here , though . j.r. : why not ? annie : the place is such mess , and i just have n't had any time to clean . j.r. : i do n't care . i really need to discuss some things right now . annie : ok , ok . we 'll talk , but i 'll come to you . colby : what are you gon na do with me , annie ? annie : whew . i will deal with you when i get back . in the meantime , let 's see if you 're nicer without food and water for a little while . colby : for how long ? annie : i 'm gon na go spend some quality time with j.r. who knows ? a week maybe ? colby : you 'll never get away with this , annie . annie : oh . and by the way , you should 've had the tea . i grinded up sleeping pills in the bottled water . colby : you 're a psycho , annie . annie : sweet dreams . colby : annie ! annie , please ! annie , please ! no , annie ! [ scene_break ] griffin : what are you drinking ? rev . torres : a beer . you want one ? griffin : no . i 'm on duty . you ? rev . torres : god allows for beer every once in a while , just as long as i do n't abuse it . griffin : that 's good to know . rev . torres : what can i do for you , doc ? griffin : you and kendall slater have gotten close . rev . torres : kendall 's an amazing person . griffin : she 's also been through hell these past few months . rev . torres : your point being ? griffin : i do n't think god would want you using your office to hit on my patient . rev . torres : i was n't hitting on anybody . griffin : looked that way to me . rev . torres : even if i was , what 's it to you , doc ? griffin : she almost died , yesterday . i 'm her doctor , so you could understand why i 'm a little sensitive about her condition . rev . torres : you are ? kendall 's in a bad place . she needs somebody to look after her . are you taking the job ? that 's what i thought . [ scene_break ] madison : you are not a criminal . scott : i have a prison record that says i am . madison : i 'm not talking about that . i 'm talking about you , scott . any man that could be so nice to a nutty pregnant woman could n't possibly be a bad guy . anyway , if you were a drug dealer , you would n't be living in that awful apartment . scott : oh , really ? thank you for backing me up . madison : i should be thanking you , too . i do n't know how you got roped into my whole mess . scott : hey , i did not get roped in , and it is not a mess . madison : no , it 's not . it 's a baby . and the further along i get the more real it becomes . scott : are you thinking about telling ryan ? madison : i want this to be mine for a little while longer . as soon as ryan finds out , everything 's gon na change . i do n't think i 'm ready for that . scott : ryan and greenlee are getting married tomorrow . does that change anything ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm so happy to see you . kendall : i am happy to be seen , believe me . ryan : we knew you 'd pull through . kendall : yeah , easy for you to say . you were n't in that ambulance . greenlee : you 're just too tough . kendall : i 'm not that tough . so tomorrow 's the big day , huh ? you guys excited about the wedding ? greenlee : actually , we planned to postpone it for a while -- at least until you 're up on your feet , and you can stand next to me like we planned . kendall : no . listen , i love you guys , that 's very sweet , but no . i will not let you do that . greenlee : kendall . kendall : no , greenlee . it 's so easy for you to say that you 'll have tomorrow , but the truth is you may run out of tomorrows . and i wo n't let me be the excuse for you guys wasting another minute . you have our blessing , me and zach 's , to have a beautiful wedding on valentine 's day . and this time no one 's gon na stop you from saying `` i do . `` greenlee : if this is about business , ca n't it wait ? madison : right . yeah . this can wait . i 'm sorry . ryan : everything ok ? greenlee : it 's probably about fusion . i 'm gon na go talk to her . hey . have you seen madison ? scott : why ? what happened ? greenlee : she came to see kendall . ryan and i were in there . scott : ok . never mind . i get it . greenlee : listen , it does n't give me great pleasure to see her upset . scott : no , of course not . you 're just an innocent bystander in all this -- oh , except for the part where you got me out of prison so i can keep her away from ryan . greenlee : look , we 're getting married tomorrow , and i want my wedding to be perfect . scott : greenlee , do you think she 's gon na bust in there , make some grand announcement that she 's carrying ryan 's child ? greenlee : no . scott : really ? greenlee : listen , she has the day off tomorrow . take her someplace nice . be good to her . i know it hurts . scott : that almost sounded like genuine compassion right there . greenlee : ok . so i want my wedding to be special . i deserve it after everything i 've been through , but i understand how this would upset madison . i 've been there . scott : i will keep her occupied . kendall : so i was just telling ryan i expect tons of wedding pictures . greenlee : kendall , are you sure ? kendall : yes , i am sure , greenlee . i want for you guys to get married and live happily ever after . and as soon as i get out of here , i will throw you guys the biggest , loudest post - wedding bash you 've ever seen . greenlee : i love you . kendall : i love you . ryan : let me get in on some of that love , all the love up in here . love you . kendall : you , too . [ scene_break ] liza : so your papers from the governor 's office -- they should be arriving soon . david : i 'm sorry . what ? liza : your pardon . it 's in the works . i thought for sure you 'd be celebrating . you 're gon na be free soon . david : i do n't know if i 'll ever be free . [ scene_break ] scott : you know what the worst thing about pine valley hospital is , besides sick people , of course ? you go there for something , and you can easily run into , like , 50 people that you do n't want to see . madison : or just two . scott : you saw ryan and greenlee , huh ? madison : i always see ryan and greenlee . i 'm fine with it . he loves her . he 's going to marry her . that 's all fine . scott : is it ? madison : look , after tomorrow , ryan 's gon na be a married man . i know that . i 'm pregnant . i 'm hormonal . i 'm not thinking clearly , obviously . scott : so then spend tomorrow with me . forget about the wedding , forget about all of it . you 're not working , right , so spend valentine 's day with me . madison : how 'd you know i 'm not working tomorrow ? did you talk to greenlee ? [ scene_break ] tad : so she did n't leave , because she was n't in love with you . jake : right . tad : she thought your life was in danger if she did n't . jake : right . tad : so , technically , she really never -- jake : oh , my god ! are you gon na -- tad : it 's just -- it 's big , right ? jake : not really . tad : not life - changing big , is it ? jake : no . tad : it 's not exactly a stupid question . let 's face it . two years ago you were dragging your ass through your life because you thought cara ran off with some other guy . and all the time -- jake : hey , i get it . i get it . you know , i 'm -- tad : now i do , too . does it mean something to you ? does it mean anything ? [ scene_break ] asher : colby ? [ scene_break ] annie : i got here as fast as i could . j.r. : it 's ok . just relax . listen , the other day when we were late for our appointment with dr. burke -- [ phone rings ] j.r. : sorry . this will just take a minute . what ? asher : hey , j.r. , it 's me . j.r. : this is really not a good time . asher : wait . do n't hang up . i 'm at the beach cottage with colby . annie locked her in here , handcuffed to the table . j.r. : go on . asher : colby found out that annie attacked marissa and threatened to go to the cops . colby : she 's crazy , j.r. ! she 's crazy ! j.r. : i understand everything now . asher : is annie with you ? j.r. : can you just give me a little time to take care of this ? asher : yeah . i 'll stay here with colby . j.r. : good . i appreciate that . annie : is everything all right ? j.r. : it 's nothing i ca n't handle . [ scene_break ] jake : my life is still my life . it 's just that cara is my past , and it 's just not exactly the past that i thought it was . but -- ohh . tad : `` but `` ? jake : but i have a job to do . i got to stack it -- look . when it comes to the drug theft , just cross scott chandler off the list because -- tad : yeah , i 'll do that . cara : hi . tad : thanks for what you did , looking out after my baby brother . i do n't know too many people who would 've done that . cara : i 'd do it again . tad : i know you would . [ scene_break ] scott : ok , listen . greenlee saw that you were upset , and she knows that you and i are friends . so -- madison : so she convinced you to take pity on the poor pregnant girl ? scott : no , madison . look , no one has to convince me to spend time with you . madison : i hope you know what this means . scott : hmm . what does this mean ? madison : a guy asking out a girl on valentine 's day -- is n't that sort of a commitment ? scott : heh heh ! i guess it is . so i 'm committing myself to having a great time tomorrow with a very beautiful girl . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok . i 've got to admit i 'm getting kind of excited now . have you written your vows yet ? ryan : no . i am a man of action . you know ? uh - huh . acciones . greenlee : mm - hmm . you better get on it , because i 'm expecting nothing less than shakespearean poetry . ryan : wow . that 's a lot of pressure . yes , ma'am . greenlee : you know you ca n't spend the night . ryan : i know . i know . i would n't tempt the gods after everything we 've been through . parting is such sweet sorrow . greenlee : that 's really good , shakespeare . [ scene_break ] griffin : kendall ? hey . you ok ? kendall : yeah , i 'm fine . i 'm fine . um , my best friends are getting married tomorrow . and i 'm happy for them . i really am . but greenlee and ryan -- they have their whole lives ahead of them , and they 'll get to do all the things that zach and i never had a chance to do . so it makes me a little sad , that 's all . griffin : i 'll call bianca . let me see if i can get her to come over . kendall : no , no . please stay . [ scene_break ] david : greenlee and ryan were here . i offered to sell my half of the hospital to her , and i wished her well on her wedding tomorrow . liza : but you did n't mean it . david : of course , i did n't mean it . i hate that they 're getting married , and i hope she ends up miserable without me . liza : ok . so then why 'd you say it ? david : because even i have pride , and i finally learned when i am beat . [ scene_break ] asher : hey , you 're bleeding . colby : how did you find me ? asher : mostly a hunch , a feeling , i guess . i do n't know . colby : you saved my life . i have to go . asher : no . j.r. will take care of annie . ok ? come on . let me take care of you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you sure i ca n't get you anything ? annie : something does n't feel right . j.r. : why do n't we spend the day together , just you and i ? i want to make you feel secure and happy . i owe you that much . annie : yes . yeah , j.r. , that sounds wonderful ! [ scene_break ] ryan : i got all these notes written down about what i want to say to her . it 's just i ca n't really seem to put them together , you know ? rev . torres : all right . why do n't you start by talking to your bride ? what do you want to say to greenlee ? ryan : everything . that 's sort of the problem . rev . torres : ok . just think about the journey you 've taken . the words will just come to you . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : this has been a year of so many changes , the highest highs , but also the greatest loss : zach , our friend . i 'm hoping our wedding will offer a chance to help heal some of that pain , but i know it wo n't be easy . it 's not easy when you have two strong , stubborn people trying to make a life together . you always want to handle things on your own , not drag anyone else into it , until you discover that you 're always strongest when you fight together . [ scene_break ] colby : i made a mistake . i thought going to chicago to see my dad would fix things . but i realize my dad , j.r. , you -- you ca n't fix my life . i have to do it myself . asher : i used to believe that , too , but i was wrong . we all need a friend or someone we can count on . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : there is nothing more powerful in the world than hope . the belief that no matter how many times you fail , this time things will be perfect . [ scene_break ] annie : j.r. will propose to me . he will ask me to be his wife . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : and even if they ca n't be perfect , even if we do lose our way , we take responsibility and we do what we can to fix it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : tad , it 's me . tad : i know . what 's up ? j.r. : you 're right . annie 's worse than i thought . she needs help . tad : so you 're going to the cops . j.r. : no , but she does need medical care . tad : as in you 're having her committed ? j.r. : i 'm hoping i can get her to commit herself . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : sometimes your future can hit you over the head when you least expect it , so you better be ready to act or you might lose out . and sometimes that future is filled with a lot of bumps along the road , but if you know which way you 're headed , you can always find your way . [ scene_break ] madison : yeah , hi , um -- i 'm canceling my day off . i will be at work tomorrow . [ scene_break ] ryan 's voice : but the true test , the one we face over and over again , is no matter how many times you get knocked down you get back up again . that has been our strength . it has gotten us through the worst and will get us through the rest no matter what . what did you used to tell me ? `` god laughs at those who make plans . `` well , we did n't plan any of this , yet here we are at least , on the verge of happily ever after . | at the beach house , colby tries to get loose from the handcuffs when annie brings her in some tea and some bottled water . annie lets her know that she had sent a text message to j.r. and adam will think that she had changed her mind . annie gloats that no one will know she is missing . j.r. gives asher some work to do for chandler while he is out of town for a few days . tad visits j.r. and lets him know that his car had been involved in an accident concerning an ambulance . tad also lets j.r. know about kendall . j.r. lets tad know that he is leaving town for a few days . at the hospital , jake is still puzzled over the things that cara had told him about why she had left him in sudan . griffin visits kendall to see how she is doing . david calls greenlee and lets her know that he had been pardoned and he wants to see her at the police station . j.r. lets tad know that annie had been driving his car . tad urges j.r. to go to the police about annie , but j.r. refuses . annie calls colby a `` stupid little girl `` if colby thinks that she can escape from her . cara tells jake that she had n't meant to make him feel uncomfortable by the things that she had told him and by telling him that she still loved him . madison approaches scott , who is going through a stack of files . madison offers to help scott with his work , but scott wonders why she would do that . ryan and greenlee visit david at the police station . greenlee congratulates david on his freedom . greenlee also thanks david for letting her find the man of her dreams . jake questions scott about the missing drugs from the medicine room . madison gives scott an alibi . cara sees griffin in the corridor and tells him that kendall is looking pretty good since she had had heart surgery the day before . ricky visits kendall and they make plans for a date . griffin walks in and overhears their plans . tad urges j.r. to be careful around annie . the cell phone rings and annie holds her hand over colby 's mouth to keep her from screaming . colby bites annie 's hand to get it off her mouth . j.r. wonders what is going on . j.r. lets annie know that he is coming to see her because he has something to talk to her about , but she orders him not to come . colby questions annie as to what she will do with her . annie lets colby know that she is going to spend some time alone with j.r. griffin comes into krystal 's and finds ricky at the bar . griffin lets ricky know what kendall had been going through with her heart . cara comes in and overhears their conversation . greenlee and ryan visit kendall and lets her know that they have decided to postpone their wedding until she is able to come to the wedding . kendall urges them to go through with their wedding that they have hers and zach 's blessing . madison walks up and hers and ryan 's eyes meet . |
[ previously_on ] kendall : when something feels this right , it usually means that there 's disaster lurking around the corner . michael : no fire - breathing dragons in sight . shall we ? anna : i want you to do the operation . david : i 'm going to do everything i can to save our child . jack : you took root in my heart the first day we met , and you will live there until the day i die . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i agree . our fusionlips campaign is inspired . yeah , of course we 're taking it to the major book , and your magazine is our first choice . if you guarantee placement in the first 20 pages ? it 's a deal . man : um -- i could throw this up for you . greenlee : yes , well , i 'm not sure i 'm ready to see that , but thanks anyway . [ phone rings ] greenlee : greenlee . maxie . yeah , yeah . i 've got your order right here in front of me . [ scene_break ] reggie : you know , here in the u.s. of a. , we throw things out , not up . man : of course . reggie : no , look , do n't even beat yourself up , all right ? you know , some people just are more interested in your walk than your talk . you see what i mean ? man : i must finish fixing the -- the -- reggie : thermostat , buddy ? yeah . look , there 's plenty of heat in here already , if you would just pay attention . pay -- man : look , i 'm paid to fix things . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , my god ! greenlee , you 're never going to guess who kendall 's dating . [ scene_break ] kendall : mmm . delicious . michael : mmm . you certainly are . well , now that we 're all healthy , i propose we wash down those vitamins with some bubbles . kendall : mmm . bubbles . michael : come on . kendall : okay . thank you . michael : gosh , you look good . kendall : thank you . wow . vintage . you do n't mess around , huh ? michael : it 's even better with little hamburgers and curly fries . waiter : coming right up . michael : what ? kendall : the -- the hamburgers . how did you know ? michael : well , it 's simple . you lived here . i asked the chef what you used to order . kendall : well , only because it was the cheapest thing on the menu . michael : oh . well , then let 's -- let 's splurge . how about beluga and foie gras ? kendall : ew ! oh ! stinky fish eggs and organ meat ? i 'd rather chew on this chair . michael : you 'd rather chew on the -- all right , let 's stick to hamburgers and curly fries , then , hmm ? kendall : lucky you , you 're -- you 're all about caviar dreams and you 're stuck with all - american je ne sais quoi trash . michael : come on , now . my luck is just fine . in fact , i would say that i hit the jackpot . [ scene_break ] erica : oh . oh . [ intercom buzzes ] erica : yes , val ? he is ? no , no . do n't -- do n't send him in . no , no . just please tell him that i 'm very busy and i 'll see him tonight . chris : any particular reason why you told val to send me away ? [ scene_break ] maggie : are you here to see anna ? jack : hey , mags . um -- well , no , actually , i was here to visit my daughter , but i thought since i was in the neighborhood , i 'd stop by and see another one of my favorite people . maggie : i 'm sorry . is she ill ? jack : yeah , lily has pneumonia . but seeing as she just whipped my behind in consecutive games of chinese checkers , i think maybe -- maggie : it 's a sure sign of recovery . jack : yes , i think so . thank god . so , i understand that hayward has received permission to come back into this hospital and operate on anna . maggie : and their baby , yeah . jack : and it 's some kind of new in utero procedure ? maggie : yeah . david 's never done it before , so it 's all happening through teleconference . and there 's a specialist from boston . he 's -- he 's talking david through the whole thing . jack : well , i 'm sure anna and the baby are in very good hands . maggie : yeah , i know , i 'm just worried about david . jack : about david ? oh , no , i 'm sure david will tell you that he 's -- he 's used to saving lives on a daily basis . maggie : yeah , but not like this , jackson . you know , i -- if anything were to happen to anna or the baby or both of them -- jack : nothing is going to happen to anna or the baby . everybody 's going to be fine , including david . maggie : he just loves them so much . god forbid , if anything were to happen , i just know that david would not be able to handle it . [ scene_break ] anesthesiologist : okay , david , anna 's under . david : all right . any questions before we proceed ? jake : i think we 're set . david : dr. pelosi , we 're ready to move forward . scalpel . david : sponge . okay . let 's go find this baby . dr. urjud : here we go . david : all right , that 's perfect , right there . that 's a great shot . jake , would you get the baby into position for me ? jake : how 's this ? david : no , i still need to see the thigh . great . that 's it , right there . that 's perfect . okay . gene ? gene : fetus is stable , chest is up , heart looks good . david : excellent . anesthesia . jake : and she 's sleeping , nice and still . david : well , that 's the easy part . could we get that angle a little off to the side ? gene : hold it . the fetal heart rate 's dropping . david : dr. pelosi , we 're experiencing some fetal bradycardia . can you please look at the video feed ? give me some epi , stat . david : the baby 's not responding . oh , my god . it 's not working . david : damn it ! doctor , did you hear what i said ? the baby is not moving . give me another round of epi . gene : that did it . good response . david : all right . can i move on , doctor ? jake : rate 's up , baby 's in position . david : okay , just hold her steady . catheter . jake : i 've got her right here . david : okay . i can see the aorta . damn . jake : you 're close . try again . david : i almost got it . [ static ] jake : oh ! all i got is static . janelle : damn . jake : dr. pelosi , are you there ? janelle : damn . jake : janelle , what 's going on ? janelle : the line 's dead . we 've lost boston . jake : oh , no . dr. hayward , it looks like we 're on our own . [ scene_break ] jack : maggie , the david hayward that i know has never backed down from a challenge . and i have a feeling that he would wrestle god himself if he thought it would keep his baby and anna safe . maggie : i already know that but , you know , he would n't be doing this if anna had n't asked him to operate . jack : okay , well , look , if anna trusts him with her life and the life of her baby , then so do i . maggie : me , too . but it 's -- they are all that he has . jack : you know anna . she will will this procedure to succeed . you know that . maggie : yeah . reporter : ms. stone , how 's the devane surgery ? jack : whoa , whoa -- reporter : any updates ? jack : easy , easy . maggie : no , i do n't have -- reporter : hayward saving his child -- is this a publicity stunt ? second reporter : the procedure 's only been attempted 14 times , so is dr. hayward confident ? first reporter : is hayward grandstanding to lift the restraining order ? as district attorney , what 's your take ? jack : as d.a . , i do n't have -- reporter : how does the family feel about being a part of medical history ? jack : whoa , whoa , ms. stone is not here as family spokesperson , okay ? maggie : it 's okay , it 's okay . jack : you sure ? maggie : yes . i am sure that the hospital will issue a statement as soon as the procedure is completed . until then , i have no comment . reporter : not even a -- maggie : no . nothing . reporter : hey , you in the candy stripes ! maggie : god . jack : well , you certainly did n't need my help . you did that very well . maggie : well , you know , when you 're a part of my family , you learn how to brush off the press . jack : yeah . well , i got to get out of here myself . listen , tell anna that i 'll see her tomorrow and give her my best , okay ? maggie : i will . jack : okay . maggie : i will . jack : maggie ? maggie : yeah ? jack : everything 's going to be fine . maggie : thank you . jack : you bet . see you . maggie : trey . trey : was somebody going to tell me about this ? [ scene_break ] chris : so why is val guarding your door like it 's fort knox , at your request ? erica : oh , i -- i 'm just swamped , chris . i 'm -- i 'm swamped . i 'm behind schedule and by a whole month , you know , for my spring line . my fourth quarter report is still due . chris : due ? what about me ? i 'm due for a kiss , at least . that 's it ? erica : that 's it . you just wait till tonight so i can give you my full attention . chris : well , you know me -- i 'm not a very patient man . erica : but you are a very sweet man , are n't you ? look at these . wow , these are gorgeous . oh ! chris , these just -- these just bring spring right into my office . chris : which means that summer is right around the corner , and you know what that means . `` wedding of the decade , `` to quote my fiancée . erica : oh . chris : huh ? and the frenchie pascal -- he 's going to have that gown ready on time ? erica : he promised , tout de suite . chris : tout de suite -- that 's what i want to hear . erica : and if i do n't get back to work tout de suite -- chris : yeah , yeah , i know , i know . i 'm in the way , i 'm in the way . erica : no , you 're not in the way . i 'm glad you 're here . chris : so then why did i have to storm the front door ? erica : i 'm sorry . i 'm just -- i 'm so -- feeling so overwhelmed . what could i do to make it up to you ? chris : you could let me sweep you off your feet . erica : well , you 've already done that . chris : i mean today . erica : chris , you do n't have to do anything . chris : do you remember that italian cruise we never took ? well , i still have the tickets . andiamo . let 's go . erica : now ? chris : yeah . erica : what about your workload ? chris : do n't worry about that . i 've already put in for the time off . how about it ? erica : but it 's february . chris : it 's the mediterranean . we 'll have the whole ship to ourselves . erica : it 's freezing . chris : sweetheart , we 'll find ways to keep each other warm . come on , let 's do it . you and me being lulled every night to sleep by the waves , waking up every morning in each other 's arms . we 'll be chasing the surf on deserted beaches , and maybe if we 're lucky , we 'll find the perfect spot for our honeymoon . what do you say ? erica : are you out of your mind ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : what 's all the squealing about ? simone : i 'm not squealing . you know the guy who 's chasing kendall ? greenlee : the one from aspen ? simone : that 's the one . turns out -- you 're not going to believe -- greenlee : wait a minute . this is how you 're spending your time ? cyberstalking kendall 's latest lust connection ? simone : no . would you please listen ? kinsey is -- greenlee : kinsey 's just a salesman doing a hard sell , and kendall is desperate enough to buy it . simone : okay , when was the last time a salesman choppered their date to dinner ? greenlee : you jealous ? simone : of course , but that 's not the point . we 're talking about fusion . greenlee : then get back to work . simone : does the name cambias mean anything to you ? greenlee : like cambias industries , cambias ? simone : mm - hmm . take a look , my dear . greenlee : i thought he said his name was kinsey . simone : yeah , well , he lied . but why ? greenlee : cambias industries is a huge conglomerate that targets small companies . that son of a -- he 's trying to bed kendall to get to us . simone : but fusion is barely a blip on the radar screen . why would he even care about us ? greenlee : fusion 's a blip , but i 'm not . this cambias has probably followed my career . he knows anything i touch turns to gold . simone : so kendall 's his dupe ? oh . oh , poor kendall . greenlee : no , poor us if we do n't stop him . simone : i mean , but kendall 's crazy about him . i mean , she 's going to be crushed . greenlee : she 'll get over it . oh ! simone : where are you going ? greenlee : god , i hate men who use women . simone : where are you going ? oh , it 's a little hot in here , is n't it ? [ scene_break ] kendall : thank you . `` jackpot `` ? i 've been called a lot of things , but never that . you sure you know what that means ? michael : windfall , unexpected good fortune . kendall : yeah , well , i 'm -- i 'm none of those . michael : well , you 're certainly unexpected -- delightfully , charmingly unexpected . kendall : like when i had green lips and i slammed the door in your face ? michael : let me tell you something . i have danced with heiresses , dined with princesses , walked red carpets with starlets . i have been amused , but i have never been curious until now . kendall : but we barely know each other , mr. kinsey . michael : you know , i 'm going to do something about that . i 'd -- i mean , i want to know what makes you laugh , what moves you . i want to know what excites you . kendall : you ! i mean , there 's -- there 's so much about you i do n't know . michael : know this . [ scene_break ] janelle : i need that line back , stat . the connection 's still down . they 're working on it . jake : can you handle this without pelosi ? david : hand me the syringe . how 's anna holding up ? anesthesiologist : doing okay . bp 's a little low , so i 'm upping the fluids . david : and the baby ? gene : she 's stable . david : all right , then let 's keep moving . jake : david , without pelosi ? david : looks like we 're on our own -- jake : all right . david : or almost . [ scene_break ] greenlee : well , you better enjoy it , loverboy , because that 's the only thing you 're getting out of kendall . kendall : what the hell are you doing here ? greenlee : very clever . champagne and roses , a helicopter ride , and a ninny from the swamp think it 's true love . kendall : greenlee ! greenlee : well , i 'm no hick , and i 'm so on to you . kendall : and you are so out of here ! greenlee : how long did you think that you could pull this off ? michael : i have no idea what you 're talking about . greenlee : a face like that , those pretty manners -- you must get away with a hell of a lot . but it 's over . you got that ? kendall : this is none of your business . greenlee : like hell it is n't . kendall : excuse me -- excuse us one second . what the hell are you doing ? greenlee : i 'm trying to save my company . kendall : by ruining my life ? greenlee : you 'll thank me . kendall : for scaring away the best thing that 's happened to me in a long time ? greenlee : oh , kendall , you 're so naive . kendall : and you are so miserable , you ca n't stand to see someone else happy . greenlee : this is n't about me . kendall : fine , put it in a memo . i am busy here . greenlee : no , you do n't get it ! the guy you 're knocking tonsils with -- he 's not who he says he is . kendall : that is the lamest thing i have ever heard in my entire life . that is lame , greenlee . greenlee : tell her . michael : uh -- tell her what ? greenlee : your real name , for starters . michael : michael . greenlee : do n't be cute . michael : i 'm not finished . kendall , my real name is michael cambias . [ scene_break ] erica : you want me to just drop everything and run into the sunset with you ? chris : yes . erica : chris -- enchantment does n't run itself . chris : you 're the boss . give yourself a vacation . erica : i am about to launch a new product . on top of which , i suddenly have to fend off competition from greenlee and kendall 's upstart , pathetic company . chris : competition ? they 're pip - squeaks compared to you . erica : well , pip - squeaks or not , they still have to be dealt with . chris : erica , it 's only a -- it 's only a week . why ca n't you delegate ? erica : in this economy ? no , i 'm sorry ; i hardly think this is the time to leave my company on autopilot . chris : look , it 's just a phone call away . erica : and that 's too far . hey , what is this , anyhow , with you ? why are you badgering me like this ? is this some sort of a midlife crisis ? because if it is , i ca n't hold your hand -- chris : if this were a midlife crisis , i would be inviting my neighbor 's wife , not my fiancée . erica : look , i know you meant well . chris : do n't . do n't get condescending with me , okay ? erica : i 'm not . i -- i do n't mean that . i 'm sorry . i -- i do n't want to hurt you . but no matter how much i love you , i still have responsibilities that i 'm going to have to take care of . chris : and i get that . i get that loud and clear . erica : well , then do n't make me the bad guy just because i have to say no . chris : what 's going on with you ? i offer you moonlit nights on the mediterranean , and you want to go 10 rounds -- again . erica : what , are you keeping score ? chris : score ? you 're the one who wakes up every damn morning spoiling for a fight , and i 'm getting tired of it . erica : you are ? well , i have no time for this ! chris : you do n't have time for this , you do n't have time for me , you do n't have time for us . now , what else do n't you have time for , erica ? and where are you headed with all this ? you do n't want to marry me ? jack : well , the ever - vigilant val was not at his usual post and i did need to talk to you rather badly , so i hope you do n't mind my just dropping in . [ scene_break ] maggie : it all happened so fast , trey . trey : right . maggie : no , really . all of a sudden , anna 's doctor lands in i.c.u . and then david has to operate . trey : and there 's no time to call me ? maggie : i 'm sorry . i 've been a little crazy . trey : and you do n't think i have ? you know , i 'm a member of this family , too , maggie . maggie : no , i know that . trey : i mean , what the hell was i supposed to do , huh ? hear about it on the news ? read about it in the paper ? maggie : i 'm sorry . i meant to call you . all right , i 'm lying . i did n't even think to call you , and i 'm sorry . do you hate me ? trey : for being honest , no . maggie : it 's just that -- trey : you do n't have to explain , maggie . maggie : no , i do . okay , i -- you know , i do n't know . this whole family thing has n't really -- i do n't know -- hit me yet . and i do n't know -- you being my cousin and all has n't really stuck . trey : well , what do i do to stick ? maggie : well , you 're here , and that 's a start . and i promise the next time there is a family problem , you will be the first one i call . trey : look , there does n't have to be a problem for you to pick up the phone . maggie : thank you . trey : so , have you heard anything ? maggie : no , not a word . trey : how long have they been in ? maggie : forever . trey : well , you 're a doctor in training . forever does n't necessarily mean all that long . maggie : no , it 's not a time factor . a professor of mine told me that -- i mean , she was completely blown away that anyone would even attempt this , let alone someone who 's not a specialist . trey : well , david 's not exactly a sawbones . i think he can deal . maggie : can he ? i just want him to walk through that door with a huge smile on his face and tell me that everything is okay . that 's all i want . [ scene_break ] jake : janelle , nothing from boston ? janelle : not yet . the operator 's working on it . david : how are they holding up ? anesthesiologist : anna 's pulse is slow but good . bp is low , but i 'm watching her . gene : fetus is stable . david : all right . i 'm almost ready to inflate the balloon . jake : all right . david : i 've never done such delicate work in my life . can i have a wipe , please ? jake : all right , david , you 're looking good . you 're almost there . janelle : moving fine , david . you 're doing a great job . jake : well , if that 's not the most beautiful picture i 've ever seen . janelle : dr. pelosi ! welcome back . jake : you missed quite a show here , dr. pelosi . janelle : we are glad to have you back . david : all right , i 'm in place . dr. pelosi , i 'm ready to inflate the balloon . any words of wisdom before i proceed ? thank you . janelle : i never would have believed this if i had n't seen it with my own eyes . anesthesiologist : dr. hayward , heart rate is dropping fast ! david : what 's her status ? anesthesiologist : the mother 's reacting to the anesthesia . the heart rate and blood pressure are dropping . jake : all right , david , you need to wrap it up now . david : i 'm almost there . i 'm almost there . anesthesiologist : she 's throwing some pvcs david : okay , everybody , just hold on , okay ? it 'll just be a few more seconds . come on , hang on , baby . daddy 's got this under control . gary , you got anna ? gary : well , i 'm trying . janelle : david , you 've got to hurry . david : one wrong move , and i lose my baby . gary : it 's clicking downward , david . jake : bring anna off this anesthesia right now . you 're risking brain damage . david : i 'm almost there . just hold on . gary : pulse is at 40 . jake : david , she 's going to arrest . david : no . i promised anna that i would save the baby . jake : at what price ? david : none . i will not lose our baby , and i will not lose anna . [ scene_break ] reggie : looks complicated . man : mm - hmm . let 's see . reggie : you need some help ? man : you could hand me the phillips - head screwdriver . reggie : can you speak english ? man : the one with the blue and yellow handle . reggie : blue and yellow -- reggie : how can you concentrate with all that scenery ? man : it 's easy . what is your job here ? reggie : you know , i 'm kind of a -- look , i assist the ladies any way that i can , you know ? if they let me . man : yeah ? reggie : mm - hmm . man : the screwdriver , please . reggie : oh . man , she is one fine mamacita , you know , in any language . know what i mean ? man : how many years do you have ? reggie : old enough to know what i want . man : right . i was your age once . all day , i would dream about women , too . reggie : oh , but i do n't dream . you know , i -- man : now i fix pipes . reggie : okay , was that you giving me advice ? all right , do n't worry . i wo n't let the finer sex interfere with my long - term goals . man : please , the pliers ? the one with the black handle . reggie : oh , man . well , look , here 's some advice for you , all right , man ? that chica right there wants you bad . what are you waiting for ? man : do you want to help , or do you want to talk ? [ scene_break ] kendall : what do you mean , your real name is michael cambias ? michael : i am sorry , kendall . i did not intend for you to find out this way . greenlee : you were waiting for a better time ? like when you got her into bed ? kendall : greenlee , that 's enough . greenlee : i want to know , michael . what 's the plan ? huh ? did you think kendall was an easy target because she 's desperate ? kendall : i 'm not desperate . greenlee : you have some nerve , cambias , you know that ? the last thing kendall needs right now is some slick guy like you . kendall : greenlee , shut up ! shut up ! you lied to me . why ? michael : unfortunately , my name can be an obstacle when getting to know people . and when i met you , i knew there was something special about you , and i -- greenlee : please . michael : and i just wanted us to be man and woman . no preconceived notions , no expectations . you know , just -- just two people exploring each other . greenlee : well , that 's rich . michael : and then there is the unwanted attention . the cambias name tends to draw media buzzards , which , i have to tell you , gets tiresome . this is why when i travel , i use an alias now . kendall : i 've never even heard of you . how famous can you be ? greenlee : well , if you read the business section instead of the comics , you 'd know . michael cambias is the son of one of the richest men in europe . his daddy swallows up companies , and junior here is obviously nibbling at you to get to ours . [ scene_break ] erica : jackson -- jack : sorry to just barge in , but val was n't at his desk . i -- chris : you just said that , jackson . jack : so i did . erica : how 's lily ? jack : well , we 're making plans for her trip to the grand canyon , so -- erica : oh , i knew it ! see ? i told you she 'd pull through . jack : yes , you did . chris : excuse me , but has your daughter been ill ? jack : actually , she was in the hospital . a bad case of pneumonia . chris : i 'm sorry . jack : thanks . thanks . it was touch - and - go for a while there , but she -- she 's tough . she pulled through . erica : with you at her side . jack : yes , mostly ranting and raving at the staff and praying when i was n't doing that . chris : yeah , well , sometimes when you have a sick child , that 's about all you can do . jack : how true . how true . erica : that 's what friends are for . jack : well , i certainly could n't have gotten through this without you , erica . thanks . chris : well , with -- erica : glad i could help . chris : with lily on the mend , you must be eager to spend some time with her . jack : oh , you bet . more than -- more than ever . chris : well , i do n't mean to seem insensitive , but erica and i were in the middle of something . jack : oh , gosh , i 'm sorry . i did n't realize . i can -- erica : chris , jack has just been through hell . if you need to talk , then please -- jack : no , look , i did n't mean to intrude here . i do n't -- chris : no , you 're not . erica 's right . this conversation was over before it even got started . jackson -- jack : yes ? chris : i 'm glad to hear your daughter 's doing better . jack : thanks , chris . i really appreciate -- [ door closes ] jack : i 'm so sorry . i had no idea chris was in here . i 'm so sorry . erica : he just dropped some flowers off . so , what do you want to talk about ? jack : well , i -- i just wanted to say how sorry i am for what happened -- you and i at your house the other day . i 'm sorry . erica : why would you be sorry ? [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're after fusion ? i mean , all we are is a lip color and some posters . what could you possibly want with us ? greenlee : well , let me connect the dots , kendall . cambias industries snaps up small companies and sucks the life out of them for big profits . is n't that right , mike ? michael : well , it 's a colorful explanation but rather one - sided . greenlee : i do n't think so . you were in aspen to scout your next target , and kendall fell into your lap . or did you throw yourself ? kendall : is it true ? did -- did you use me to get into fusion ? michael : what do you think ? kendall : i do n't know . greenlee : what 's to figure out ? kendall : please -- michael , please , just tell me the truth . greenlee : this should be good . michael : i have no interest in fusion , kendall . greenlee : what a load . kendall : then what do you really want ? michael : is it not obvious ? [ scene_break ] jack : what i mean to say is that i think maybe i took your offer of tea and sympathy a little farther than i should have . erica : yeah , well , the tea was n't so good . i had to make up for it somehow . jack : that 's good , that 's good . but seriously , i mean , i -- i never should have let that happen . i would not want anything to compromise what you have with chris . erica : are you suggesting that you took advantage of me ? jack : erica , i 'm not sure such a thing is even possible , but i would n't want you to think that i thought it was . erica : because i can tell you , i certainly was not your victim , if that 's what you mean , jack . jack : all i mean is that you and i connect . i mean , we always have , we always will . but i got to be honest with you ; i did not see this coming . erica : you thought you were over me ? jack : no , no , i never thought that . i just should n't have let it go as far as it did because you do mean so much to me . erica : our relationship has survived a lot worse . jack : well , yes . that 's true . i just wanted you to know that i do n't have any expectations , you know ? i mean , what happened , it happened . it just happened . and it will never happen again . erica : never 's a very long time , is n't it ? jack : excuse me ? erica : i 'm just saying that when people are as close as we 've been -- as we are , never seems unrealistic , does n't it ? jack : erica , what the hell do you think you 're doing ? [ scene_break ] gary : we need to stop now , doctor . i have to reverse the anesthesia . david : you 're not reversing anything ! i 'm almost there . janelle : anna 's not getting enough oxygen , david . gary : that 's it ! i 'm bringing her out now ! [ scene_break ] erica : i 'm just being honest . is there something wrong with that ? jack : well , that depends . those flowers that chris brought -- were those a peace offering , or did the fracas break out after the flowers arrived ? erica : what are you talking about ? jack : what am i talking about ? you guys were right in the middle of something when i walked in here . what was it ? erica : if you must know , chris came waltzing in here and said he was going to just whisk me off to italy . jack : well , the guy 's got some nerve . erica : he has no concept of my responsibilities , of my obligations . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa -- when have you started to choose obligations over a good whisking ? erica : i am up to my eyeballs in contracts and negotiations and proposals -- jack : wait a minute . let me just make sure i have this right . you 're saying no to a romantic whirl through beautiful italia with your fiancé because you 've got a load of paperwork ? erica : why is that so hard to believe ? jack : because you do whatever you want to do . you 're erica kane . erica : yes , i am . i am erica kane , and erica kane does n't want to go anywhere . jack : too risky , huh ? erica : risky ? jack : yeah . i mean , if you actually go , go through with this , you might end up at the end of the rainbow and you might actually find true love and real happiness . erica : that 's ridiculous . jack : you say you love chris . erica : i 'm marrying him . jack : yeah , well , not if you can help it , you 're not . erica : what are you talking about ? jack : we 've been here before , and i have been on both sides of this . and i tell you , okay , like a friend , there 's a pattern here , erica . when you are this close to being able to grab that brass ring , instead you grab the nearest anybody -- it does n't matter who -- and you screw it up for yourself . erica : are you saying that i used you ? jack : i 'm not saying you planned it , no . erica : thank you . jack : but -- but it was easy , was n't it ? i mean , there i was , feeling really bad about lily , maybe a little too needy , and -- bang -- you got what you wanted . erica : oh ! well , since you 're such an expert on me , why do n't you tell me something . what is it i wanted ? jack : you wanted to sabotage your relationship with chris . erica : i love him . why would i do that ? jack : because commitment scares the hell out of you . [ scene_break ] kendall : the -- the martinis , the flowers , the dinners , all that talk about wanting to get to know me -- greenlee : do n't forget the ride in his whirly bird . kendall : you made me believe that -- that -- no dragons , remember ? and all this time , you -- why , michael ? if this was n't about business , what did you want ? michael : you . i wanted you , kendall . [ scene_break ] gary : there is no change . the pulse is still low . dr. hayward , you are putting anna and the baby at grave risk . jake : david , please end this now . david : i 'm going as fast as i can . come on , baby , come on . you can do it . jake : david , if we do n't bring anna out now , you 're going to lose both of them ! david : come on . come on , come on . [ next_on ] man : welcome to the bahamas , paradise island , and atlantis . jack : i am no longer going to be the bigger man . you , my dear , are stuck with me . kendall : i want the truth , and then i want you gone . david : do n't ask me to choose between my wife and my child ! i wo n't do it . | carlos seems to have ideas for greenlee , who ignores him for the most part . reggie points out that simone is very attracted to carlos so he should go for it . simone finds out that kendall 's boyfriend is really michael cambias , who likes to take over small companies . greenlee thinks that he is using kendall so she finds michael and kendall at the pine valley inn bar and accuses him of it . he tells kendall that his name is cambias , not kinsey , but he 's after her , not her company . naturally kendall does n't believe him and slaps him in the face . chris drops by erica 's office and offers to whisk her away to italy for a week , but she claims that she 's too busy with work . he does n't believe her and wonders why she 's being so argumentative lately . jack walks in , interrupting them . chris leaves . jack tries to work out the awkwardness between him and erica because of them sleeping together the other day , saying it wo n't happen again , but she flirts with him . he wonders why she 's trying yet again to sabotage her happiness with chris . he thinks she has a great fear of commitment . david works hard to save anna and the baby by performing an operation in utero . a boston doctor is on the phone with him while jake and janelle assist . the anesthesiologist tells david that anna 's blood pressure is dropping so he must wake her up , but david keeps working , saying he 's almost done . maggie has a heart - to - talk chat with jack , worrying about david and his family . the press tries to get a statement but maggie fends them off easily . trey arrives and is incensed that no one told him about david performing the operation ( he was hanging out just yesterday so i wonder why he could n't have gotten the news ) . maggie apologizes and then they worry together . |
bianca : how can you sleep ? greenlee : bianca . what 's wrong ? bianca : sleeping it off , greenlee ? were you out all night celebrating the execution ? greenlee : execution ? not kendall . bianca : it 's already done . they just administered lethal injection . my sister 's dead . thanks to you , kendall 's dead . [ bianca gasps ] [ knock on door ] lena : hi . bianca : hi . lena : oh , i woke you . bianca : oh , no . i was awake . i -- i was too lazy to get up . lena : here . i brought you something . [ scene_break ] j.r. : why did n't you tell me sooner ? no , no , no . i 'm going to handle it myself . i 'm on my way . babe : until you take care of us , you 're going nowhere . [ scene_break ] brooke : oh . thank god you 're here ! when you did n't call me last night , i was so worried . i -- i -- oh . jamie : you thought what ? brooke : i do n't know . i thought you 'd run off somewhere . jamie : with babe ? brooke : well , yeah , it crossed my mind . jamie : yeah , not a chance . brooke : i was so worried . why did n't you call me ? jamie : i do n't know . i did n't think of it . brooke : well , why the hell not ? maggie : i had this crazy dream that we were still in jail . brooke : just tell me she 's kidding about jail . [ scene_break ] guard : morning , ladies . have a restful night ? tad : why do n't you ask the chainsaw twins ? adam : do n't you ever shut up ? guard : hey , guys , look , i got some good news . tad : you 're going to kill me ? guard : no . someone 's here to bail out one of you . adam : oh ! well , it 's about time barry showed up . open the door . guard : hold it , hold it , hold it , hold it . who gets out is up to the lady . erica : i could hardly believe it when i heard that you 'd been arrested . adam : yes , martin 's idea of a joke . thank you for bailing me out . david : yeah , right , like erica 's going to set you back into society . look , i 'll stop by my cabin , then i want to take you to lunch , all right ? erica : sorry , david . tad , are you ready to go ? tad : me ? adam : martin ? david : erica , you 've got to be kidding . adam : he 's the last one you should be bailing out of here . david : tad is trying to pin cambias ' murder on either one of us . adam : you may be next . david : look , just back away for a second . listen to me . erica , what are you doing ? you ca n't trust martin . you ca n't talk to him about anything . erica : whom should i trust , david ? you ? david : yeah , well , we 're in this together , right ? erica : right . we alibied each other , we confided in each other completely , except where my daughters were concerned . david : erica , you have to understand why i did what i did . erica : while i was telling you the truth about me , you were lying to me about both my daughters . david : this really is n't the place to discuss this . adam : if you tell tad martin anything , he 'll use it against you . erica : i know what i 'm doing . guard : excuse me . tad : erica , i do n't know how i 'm going to repay you . erica : let 's just go someplace where we can speak privately . tad : do n't expect any cakes with files in them . adam : ineffectual idiot . david : yeah , well , at least , martin got out . adam : i 'm not talking about martin . i 'm talking about you . david : i 'm ineffectual ? adam : yeah , you are in so tight with erica . who did she bail out ? david : why do n't you shut the hell up . adam : she 'll probably give martin enough information to put your rear in the electric chair . david : if anybody 's going to fry , chandler , it 's going to be you . guard : good news , hayward -- you 've been sprung . [ david laughs ] david : that is great news . adam : wait a minute . who in the hell would spring him ? everybody in town hates his guts ! david : well , evidently , not as much as they hate yours , adam . you take care of yourself . i 'm going to send you a postcard . adam : who bailed you out ? david : does it really matter ? maybe you should ask yourself instead why you 're the only one left in that cell . take care , chandler . [ scene_break ] babe : we got stuff to settle , j.r . j.r. : this is important . babe : j.r. , please . i just -- i want us back the way we were . i love you . ca n't we just be a happy couple in love again ? j.r. : it 's kind of hard with three in bed . babe : j.r. , i love this baby . j.r. : jamie , babe . you dragged jamie martin into our marriage . babe : jamie is not my baby 's daddy . you are . j.r. : yeah , well , we 'll soon find out about that as soon as the baby 's born . meanwhile , if you do n't like the way things are being ran around here -- babe : i hate them ! j.r. : then get used to it or take a vacation . babe : where are you taking off to with all that cash ? j.r. : i have to bail out my father . babe : adam 's in the clink ? what 'd he do this time ? j.r. : something about the michael cambias murder . babe : you 're not even sure what he did ? j.r. : what he did n't do . look , he 's my father . babe : he 's an overblown ego on a stick . his main goal is to screw up your life , and you 're going to help him ? j.r. : my father loves me and he thinks that i might have made a terrible mistake . babe : me . adam thinks i 'm the mistake . j.r. : and i 'm beginning to think maybe he 's right . [ scene_break ] lena : it wo n't bite you . bianca : your -- your coat -- is it new ? lena : no , i just have n't worn it in ages . here , i got one oj for you and one coffee for me . bianca : i 'm just trying to remember if i 've ever seen it before . lena : oh , it 's been in my closet since last spring . bianca : are you sure ? lena : bianca , what 's with the coat ? you hate it , do you love it , what ? bianca : no , i 'm , i 'm just -- i 'm not fully awake yet . lena : ok , well , drink up your juice because i want you to get dressed . i 'm taking you out . we 're celebrating . bianca : what are we celebrating ? my sister 's imminent death sentence or my mother 's impending breakdown ? lena : you told erica ? bianca : yeah , that i 'm pregnant with michael cambias ' child . i had to . she kind of figured it out because kendall had passed that dna test . all that hard work and scheming that kendall and ryan and david did , all for nothing . lena : bianca , i know that it does n't look good right now -- but -- bianca : no , it does n't . it looks the worst it 's ever looked . oh , my god , lena , my -- my baby , my mother , kendall , everyone that i 've wanted to protect -- what have i done ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : at last -- human companionship . mia : what is going on ? greenlee : i do n't want to be alone . simone : oh , my god , were we robbed ? greenlee : do n't leave me , ok ? i had a dream , a nightmare . it was really -- it was really real . simone : yeah , i bet , like these punks came in and vandalized the place ? greenlee : no , it was about kendall . mia : guilty conscience ? simone : well , it ought to be after what you did to her . greenlee : i thought she was faking her pregnancy to steal fusion from us . simone : so strip her in private -- mia : yeah , not in front of a judge and jury . now they think she was pretending to be pregnant to get away with murder . greenlee : so you hate me , too ? you think i was wrong ? simone : you were wrong ! all right , kendall is not our favorite person , either , but we did n't want her dead . greenlee : neither do i . we were going to reinvent the cosmetics world . simone : yeah . fusion 's fabulous four . how many lifetimes ago was that ? greenlee : our launch party dazzled everyone . mia : yeah , well , maybe we dazzled ourselves so much that we lost sight of what mattered . greenlee : all of you matter to me . that night , i looked around and i said , `` we 're united . we 're sisters . together , we can get through anything for the rest of our lives . `` simone : well , i wonder how long it 's going to be for kendall . [ scene_break ] jamie : i do n't know . adam 's on a total power trip . brooke : yes , well , adam frequently steps over the line , but not even he would have you arrested for sitting in his car . maggie : i 'm going to leave . brooke : stick around . i am adult enough to get the r version or , god forbid , the x - rated version , so just tell me what you were doing in adam 's car . jamie : exactly what you do n't want to think we did . maggie : and i 'm really sorry . jamie : yeah . jail sucks . brooke : well , once you were there , why did n't you call me ? they did give you one phone call , did n't they ? maggie : yeah , but you know what ? it really ended up ok , so who really -- sorry . jamie : yeah . yeah , adam dropped the charges . it 's all cool . maggie : it was hairy for a while ; but , you know , everything really worked out . i 'm really sorry that you were worried , but -- brooke : stop apologizing . maggie : right . you know what ? i 'm just going to go . jamie : mom , it was n't maggie 's fault . maggie : you know what , jamie ? i really got to leave . a really good impression to make on your mother . jamie : she 'll get over it . maggie : right , yeah . she might get over jail , but she 's going to hate me for life . jamie : that 's impossible . i 'll call you later , ok ? maggie : ok . brooke : jamie , i just wish i understood you . i really do . jamie : right back at you , mom -- double . brooke : me ? what have i done ? oh , yeah -- be concerned that you were in police custody . jamie : you 're mad about maggie , not the arrest . brooke : i am not mad . i 'm just upset about both . jamie : and why is that ? i mean , would you rather me be with babe ? brooke : god , no , and you know that ! look , i -- i 'm trying to look on the bright side , ok ? maggie seems to be a nice , normal girl -- jamie : and babe 's not nice and normal ? brooke : i am not talking about babe now ! jamie : yes , you are . babe 's a good person . she 's made mistakes , yeah , but who has n't ? the biggest mistake , the one that 's wrecking everything , is that she 's still married to j.r. , and there 's not a damn thing i can do about that ! brooke : jamie , listen , do n't run off . i -- jamie : i got biology . brooke : i 'll say . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i guess no group stays together forever . simone : yeah , not even our families . you know , we all should have learned that lesson by now . mia : especially when one family member stabs another in the back . simone : oh , liza stabbed you in the back ? she stabbed me in the back , too . do you know that she 's actually sleeping with tad ? [ scene_break ] david : it 's good to be a free man . thanks for bailing me out . greenlee : i made this mess . i have to fix it . i have to . david : hey -- you do n't look so good . greenlee : well , no offense , but have you looked in the mirror lately ? david : well , i guess things have been pretty rough since your scene in court , huh ? greenlee : oh , i 've just been disowned , cast out by everyone in town -- jack and ryan included . so go ahead , yell . there 's nothing i have n't heard already . david : i 'm not going to lie to you , greenlee . i wish you did n't attack kendall . but it 's done , and i understand why you did it . greenlee : i 'm not trying to weasel out of it , but i had no idea about bianca , that she was pregnant . leo would never forgive me for messing up her life , but how could i have even suspected ? it 's too bizarre . david : what , that she kept the baby ? greenlee : you knew this whole time and you did n't even drop me a hint . david : it 's the way bianca wanted it . greenlee : nobody wanted me to know . they thought that i 'd tell , that i 'd ruin everything , and look -- i did . david : greenlee , i did n't tell anyone . it was n't against you . it was for bianca . greenlee : my own father does n't trust me , so why the hell should you ? and look around . look at what i did . kendall 's life , bianca 's life , and everyone 's life , just ruined . david : ok , look , let me get you out of here . come on . greenlee : no . you know what , david ? please . i need something , and you 're the only one who can help me . [ scene_break ] tad : are we really going to have a private talk in a park ? erica : this is where i ended up that night . tad : which night ? erica : you have to back off adam and david . tad : erica , come on . kendall 's about to be convicted for a murder she did n't commit . adam 's obviously hiding something , and david 's in it up to his neck -- erica : they did n't kill michael cambias , neither of them . tad : i 'm not so sure . i found them playing hide - and - seek with michael 's gun , a .38 , the same caliber that killed him . erica : i had that gun before they did . i had it and i aimed it at that filthy bastard who raped my daughter . [ scene_break ] babe : so you 've gone over to big daddy 's side ? what , are you going to try to break up with me next ? j.r. : i 'm just starting to see things a little bit differently , that 's all . babe : yeah , through adam 's tiny snake - like eyes . j.r. , if you have even soaked up a bit of his poison , we 're as good as dead . krystal : hey ! that hunky john thomas from `` am pine valley `` just announced that adam is cooling his heels in jail . j.r. : yeah , my dad 's attorney just called me . i 'm on the way to bail him out now . [ door closes ] krystal : just when the world seems bleak , something like this happens and makes it all worthwhile . babe : did n't you hear ? adam 's not going to rot in jail . j.r. went to just go bail him out . krystal : i 'm not talking about adam . i 'm talking about tad . he 's in there with him , too . i 'll spring his lovely derriere from jail , he 'll owe me , and then i 'll make him pay by laying off of you . babe : does n't even matter anymore , mama . j.r. 's turned against me . he believes adam . krystal : sweetheart , you listen to me . you 're my little girl . you 're tougher than that . when it feels like the world 's coming down around you , that 's when you 've got to stay on track . that 's when you got to prevail ! babe : maybe . maybe you are right . maybe i can get back on track . krystal : of course you can , baby doll . babe : ok . what is the combo ? oh , yes . krystal : what in the holy heck are you doing ? babe : oh . i 'm prevailing , mama . i 'm getting back the man that i love . [ scene_break ] david : greenlee , i 'll do whatever i can . what do you need ? greenlee : i want to get back on the inside , too . there must be a way to make that happen . you did it . david : greenlee , not everyone is against you . there 's no conspiracy . greenlee : i have to stop screwing up , david . david : then you will . greenlee : yeah , but what if it 's too late ? what if i 've killed her ? kendall could die because of me . david : come here . listen to me . this is n't all your fault . if ryan had n't yanked you around and kendall about fusion -- greenlee : do n't -- david : who was going to run it -- greenlee : do n't blame ryan . this is me . i screwed up . ryan was just doing what he needed to do . he was protecting kendall and bianca . david : damn it . that sob 's got you hooked again , does n't he ? [ scene_break ] erica : david developed a special drug for that creep , a drug that would make him impotent . i went with david to michael cambias ' condo . i was there when david planted the drug in his scotch . i hoped he would n't be home , but the lights were on , and so david and i decided that i would distract michael while david planted the drug in his scotch . michael : so , you 've come by to apologize . that 's very civilized of you . what are you , riding shotgun , hayward ? david : i 'm here to make sure you behave yourself . michael : ah , very good , then . david : erica , go ahead . say what you want to say . erica : you will never get away with this . michael : hmm . and here i thought you 'd gotten over your delusions . erica : the judge released you on a technicality , but do n't for one minute think that you will get away without paying for raping my daughter . michael : rape , erica , is about force and violence . i adore women . you know that . i never forced bianca to make love . she asked for it . she wanted to . david : i need a drink . michael : help yourself . erica : i will not stand by and watch you ruin my daughter 's life the way that richard fields -- michael : yeah , the old film star , the way he ruined your life . well , i tell you something , erica . i 'm not responsible for bianca 's problems . you are , her mother . erica : i will make you suffer . michael : you know , it does n't have to be once a rape victim , always a rape victim thing , you know ? i mean , i just wish you 'd gotten enough therapy before you messed up bianca 's head . erica : you attacked my daughter . you forced yourself on her ! michael : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . i only graciously did what she asked -- actually , practically begged me . and , really , i do n't understand why she just ca n't admit it -- david : no , erica -- erica : let me go , david ! david : let go ! erica : no ! david : no , not this way , not this way . michael : what the hell is that ? what are you up to , hayward ? david : hey , it 's my drink of preference , all right ? never leave home without it . michael : uh - huh . and you just wanted to , what , compare our brands ? what exactly is in this flask ? erica : david -- [ michael groans ] erica : oh ! david : let 's get this over with . erica : move away from him , david . david : erica -- erica , do n't do it this way . you ca n't . erica : oh , i can , david . i can , and i will feel so much better when he 's dead . just step back in case my aim 's off . tad : so you did it . you shot cambias . erica , you pulled the trigger and killed michael ? erica : i never felt so good , so righteous . he 's going to die for raping my daughter . david : erica , damn it , listen to me . bianca 's been through enough already . let me deal with cambias . erica : chemical castration is not enough for him , david . i wo n't rest until he 's dead . david : all right , look . with this -- with this , he 's as good as dead . even better . so let me do it . [ david pours the castration drug down an unconscious michael 's throat ] david : there . it 's done . erica ? erica : i had a head start . david never caught up with me . tad : i do n't understand . what are you saying , that you went back later to finish the job ? erica : i do n't know . tad : well , where did you go ? what did you do with the gun ? erica : i do n't know . the next thing i knew for sure is that i was here in this park , sitting on a bench , and i believe that several hours had passed . tad : you do n't remember how you got here ? erica : or what happened to the gun . it was gone . i was alone . that 's all i know . tad : so all that time in between when you left michael 's and you ended up here is -- erica : a blank . adam says that he saw me during that time , and he says that i did n't do anything wrong . but , of course , i consider shooting michael cambias to be perfectly just and right , and maybe adam does , too . tad : wait a minute . wait a minute . you 're saying that you saw adam , he saw you , but you blocked it out ? erica : i guess so . but so what ? tad : well , suppose you did go back to kill cambias and you found adam doing the job for you . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i posted your bail . adam : j.r . i 'm glad to see you . i was expecting barry to -- i 'm glad you 're here . j.r. : listen , no matter how much crap you pull , you 're still my dad . adam : i 'm proud of you , son . thank you for coming . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i hate ryan . ryan means nothing to me . david : then why defend him ? greenlee : i was correcting you . it does n't mean that i 'm attracted to him or that i 'm hot for him . for all i care , ryan and kendall can run off and -- but she ca n't , can she ? the most that she can hope for is a weekly visit , if she does n't get the death penalty . god , how can i fix this ? david : i wish i can tell you , greenlee . but now that the cover 's been blown , it 's over . so you and kendall and bianca , erica -- you all have to find a way to deal with it . greenlee : i wonder how bianca 's doing . david : i have no idea . i have n't seen her since court . erica figured out that she 's pregnant . i mean , of course , kendall needed to get her fetal cells for the dna test from somewhere , right ? greenlee : bianca 's going to have her rapist 's baby . david : yes , she is . and that is erica 's biggest nightmare coming back to life . are we going somewhere ? greenlee : i 'm going -- to make things right . david : greenlee , just take it easy , all right ? greenlee : david , david , i ca n't make anything worse , can i ? david : listen -- if you have a hard time finding me for a while , i might have to take off . greenlee : you mean leave town ? david : it 's not definite , but just do what you got to do and i 'll keep you informed . greenlee : ok . do n't worry , ok ? [ scene_break ] lena : ok , close your eyes . bianca : i 'm almost afraid to . lena : it 's perfectly safe . open them . bianca : lena ! that 's what you wanted to celebrate . lena : look , i know it does n't seem like a very happy birthday , but , you know , it can still be a wonderful year . so , come on . make a wish and blow out the candle . bianca : i used to believe that they would actually come true . lena : this one will . you 'll see . kendall will be acquitted , and your mother will come around about the baby , and your little treasure will be born healthy and grow up happy . bianca : that 's all that i want . i would give anything for that . i would give my life . maggie : is everything ok ? lena : good morning , maggie . bianca : where were you last night ? maggie : i 'm sorry . i passed out at the library . happy birthday . did you make any plans ? [ phone rings ] lena : maggie , i 'm so glad you 're home . bianca needs you . bianca : hello ? maggie : for what ? lena : you do n't know ? greenlee was all over kendall yesterday in court , calling her a cheat and a liar . she tore off all her clothes so everybody could see the pregnancy was a fake . maggie : welcome to hell . lena : and then bianca confessed to erica that she 's the one who 's pregnant . bianca : yes , i would love to . thanks for calling , myrtle . i love you , too . lena : bianca , why do n't you fill maggie in on things , and i 'll call you later , ok ? bianca : thank you . yes . that 's a good idea . maggie : ahem . she just told me about the drama -- kendall , greenlee , and you and your mom . is there anything i can do ? bianca : well , yeah , you could sit down and talk to me . maggie : how is kendall doing ? bianca : we 'll get to that . maggie , you kissed me and then you ran away . you want to tell me what that was about ? maggie , you kissed me . maggie : yeah , and it was weird , and i regret it . bianca : but why did you do it ? maggie : because i -- because you -- you know , you 've been so stressed out about the pregnancy and the trial and -- it was dumb , and it happened , and i 'm sorry that you took it the wrong way . bianca : i do n't think i did . maggie : it was an incredibly stupid mistake , and it will never happen again . bianca : maggie , i do n't want to pressure you , but -- maggie : well , then do n't , ok ? look , i have to get ready for class . i have n't changed -- bianca : no , maggie , wait . for months i have lied and evaded and pushed away the people that i love most , and it was a mistake . do n't do the same thing with me . maggie : but this is n't the same thing . bianca : maggie , i just made everything worse for everyone with all of my lies . please , just tell me the truth . do n't -- do n't put it off . maggie : i did n't spend the night at the library . ok , i spent it with jamie . bianca : you spent it with jamie ? maggie : yeah . and i really , really like him . and that 's why i do n't want you to make a big thing out of this kiss , because i finally found what i 'm looking for , and it 's with him . i have to go to class , all right ? i 'll call you later . [ scene_break ] paul : what 's this ? babe : prepayment . for the matter that we discussed before ? i need that prenatal paternity test fast . paul : you mean you need it rigged . babe : will you keep your voice down ? so when can we do it ? paul : adam is so much more generous than you . babe : you cut a deal with adam chandler ? paul : well , he offered me a nice chunk of change just to convince your husband that you 're a waste of time . babe : you do that and our one - night marriage is going to come out and you can kiss your rich aunt betsy 's inheritance good - bye . paul : a couple of hundred grand in the bank is worth more than 30 million in that crazy old bat 's will . babe : that 's not a very bright way of looking at it . paul : no ? all right , how 's this -- i am in a win - win situation here , babe . for you , it 's lose - lose all the way . [ scene_break ] liza : is tad home ? brooke : no , i 'm trying to locate him myself . liza : oh . i 'll -- i 'll wait for him . brooke : here , for tad ? liza : yeah . he wo n't mind , believe me . brooke : well , he might not , but if he swings by here with simone , she might not be so thrilled . liza : simone ? well , that 's over . brooke : oh , really ? liza : yeah . brooke : i did n't get the memo . liza : well , from now on , it 's just tad and me . krystal : and krystal makes three . [ scene_break ] erica : a few days ago , i had another blackout . i was on emotional overload , and i saw michael cambias -- i thought i did . and i tried to stab him with a pair of scissors . only it was n't him . it was kendall . tad : that does n't mean you shot him . that does n't necessarily mean anything . erica : tad , you have to find out . that 's why i bailed you out , tad . you have to find those missing hours for me . i need to know if i murdered michael cambias . you need to investigate me . [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , son , i may have to leave for a while . i want to make sure you 're all right before i go . j.r. : dad , are you jumping bail ? did you kill michael cambias ? mary : good morning , adam , j.r . welcome to the crime scene . j.r. : whoa . michael cambias did n't die here . adam : have you started drinking at sunrise ? mary : no , i 'm perfectly sober , but i think you might need a drink after you check your safe . you 've been robbed , darling . j.r. : no , no , no , no . i only pulled enough money out to post your bail . mary : oh , that must have been before your wife dipped her sticky little fingers in it . j.r. : what ? babe ? she took money out of the safe ? mary : yes , and made a very sizable , secret withdrawal . [ scene_break ] babe : well , you ca n't trust adam . he 's going to use you and you 're never going to see a dime . paul : i 'll get plenty of money upfront . babe : come on , paul . i really like you , and i trust you , just like you can trust me . we can both profit on this if you just work with me . paul : you got me knee - walking drunk , got me to marry you , never bothered to annul the damn thing , and threatened to saddle me with a kid . yeah , i should trust you . babe : i could n't file the papers without risking j.r. finding out . i 'll do it when the time is right . believe me , the last thing i want is for this baby to be yours . jamie : his ? what the hell are you guys talking about ? [ scene_break ] krystal : i guess our tad is n't around , huh ? brooke : no , `` our tad `` has n't made an appearance this morning . liza : so i guess you should be running along . krystal : oh , tad and i have pressing business . liza : i 'll tell him you stopped by . krystal : well , he 'll know that when he walks in and sees me here . thank you . brooke : well , you could both tell him that i 'm looking for him . and , listen , do n't get blood on the carpet because it 's a nightmare to clean . krystal : so , want to cut cards for him ? paper , scissors . liza : there are recent developments where tad and i are concerned . krystal : oh , do n't tell me . tad took you to bed . well , do n't expect me to get my thong in a knot over that . liza : even though that means you 're out of the running ? krystal : news flash , but tad is sleeping with you , me , and simone . so if he can keep that busy and keep us all happy , then my hat is off to him . [ door closes ] simone : all of us ? [ scene_break ] tad : you want me to nail you for murder ? erica : if i did it , yes . tad : forget it . i wo n't do it . going after somebody like adam or david , that 's one thing . but you 're -- you 're another . erica : tad , i 've known you for a long time , and i ca n't trust this to just anyone . i need the best . i need you to be totally , brutally honest with me . tad : i ca n't . what about jackson ? he 'll help you , gladly . erica : i need to know the facts as they happened . i need you to find them for me , tad . tad : maybe derek and the police can still come up with -- erica : no -- you , tad . tad : erica , if i get to the truth and you did pull that trigger , think about what that 'll do to you . erica : that 's not as bad as what could happen if you do n't find out . i will not let both my daughters ' lives be destroyed for something that i did . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] bianca : well , maybe it 's the second wish that comes true . maggie -- [ when she opens the door , bianca is stunned to see greenlee ] [ next_on ] bianca : if this plan that you have to fix things -- if any of it can backfire , do n't do it . greenlee : even you 'd be in favor of this . tad : are you two for real ? what did i do to deserve this ? ryan : i 'd like to put this back where it belongs . | erica goes to the jail to bail out only tad , leaving adam and david to stay there . she takes him to the boathouse where she found herself at , after blacking out the night michael disappeared . she informs him that she believes she killed michael and she 's bailed him out so that he can help investigate for her what really happened , which she is not entirely certain of . jr goes to bail his father out and admits to babe that he has difficulty trusting her . when he leaves . she goes into the same safe where he got the bail money , and takes out a `` pre - payment `` to give to paul kramer . unknown to her , mary sees her taking the money and later informs adam and jr . bianca corners maggie about why she kissed her . but maggie is in denial and informs bianca she is seeing jamie . greenlee talks to david about her terrible deed . he tells her she needs to stop trusting ryan . at the end of the discussion , greenlee goes to see bianca , with a plan in mind . |
greenlee : i 'm not asking anymore . i 'm telling . you owe ryan . now help me find him . ethan : your husband 's a big boy , greenlee . greenlee : even big boys needs help sometimes . think back to your last trip to the dump with your rifle . ryan 's had your back way more times than you deserve . ethan : listen , i would love to return the favor , but i have a lot of bills to take care of , ok ? greenlee : you 're just like your father , after all . [ scene_break ] zach : you destroyed my son . ryan : talk about destroying lives ! you went after greenlee ! you hired someone to poison her ! who was it ? who was it ? simone : whoa , nelly . this is not good . hot , but not good . oh ! greenlee ? greenlee , can you hear me ? oh , my god , you have got to get down here ! greenlee : not now , simone . simone : well , your husband 's getting beat up by ethan 's daddy . oh ! oh , my god ! [ scene_break ] tad : james , my beloved son , i think it 's high time you and i had an important talk about the do 's and don'ts of a good courtroom appearance . you need some fine - tuning . jamie : meaning ? tad : meaning i do n't think it 's a good idea for you to walk into a court of law in this position , you know , looking like you 've been looking lately . jamie : well , how do i look ? tad : well , i do n't think it 's a good idea to appear like , you know , you 've rolled out of a moving car into a gutter and slept there all night . lately , you know , you 've been intense , brooding . you make palmer cortlandt look like a pixie . jamie : ok , how should i look ? tad : confident , relaxed . you know , kind of a , you know -- i do n't know , but , you know , something different . where are you going ? hey , you know , laugh while you can , monkey boy , but expression is everything . it can change a jury 's mind like that . one wrong dimple and it 's over before it starts -- where are you going ? come here . babe : oh . jamie : babe ? please do n't tell me you made dinner . tad : why do i get the feeling you 're in bad trouble ? [ scene_break ] bianca : oh , my goodness , miranda . do you see this place ? wow , it looks great . do you know it all started out in just a sketch on a piece of paper ? and now it 's got actual walls and doors and windows . and soon it 's going to be a safe haven for so many women and children who need it , and all in your name . how cool is that ? great , let 's go check this out . [ scene_break ] maggie : aidan , are you going to stand out here 24/7 and guard my door ? i highly doubt that he 's coming back . aidan : what he wo n't do as long as i am standing out here waiting for him . maggie : you 're not going to budge , are you ? all right , well , then will you do me a favor ? aidan : what 's that ? maggie : will you come in here and have a beer with me and explain to me how i lost all judgment and almost ended up marrying a woman - abusing creep ? aidan : sure . yeah , i 'll take you up on that beer , but i do n't think you 're going to like what i have to say . [ scene_break ] bianca : i know . i know , sweetness . i 'm almost done . mama is almost finished here , and then we 're out of here , and it 's mashed carrots time ! hello ? is somebody there ? [ scene_break ] simone : oh ! oh , my god . oh ! ryan , oh , my god ! oh , my god ! zach : you had to give him that company , did n't you ? ryan : well , it 's his company ! zach : now he 's going to be just like them , and all because of you . simone : oh . oh , ryan . oh -- oh , god . [ scene_break ] aidan : you 've done nothing wrong , maggie . maggie : aidan , come on . aidan : i 'm serious . none of this is your fault . maggie : you must have got paid off really well to give me a diagnosis like that . aidan : jonathan buttered you up , and he put you on a pedestal , which is a place where you deserve to be . but once he had you right where he wanted you , he turned on you , and then he showed you his true colors . maggie : black and blue ? aidan : and he made you believe that you were responsible for his problems . maggie : well , i fell for it . aidan : you honestly believed that you were in love , and you thought jonathan was , too . but your mistake was believing that his temper was your fault . and you 're not the first woman he 's taken out his anger on , maggie . and until he stops , you wo n't be the last . [ scene_break ] bianca : oh -- brooke : oh -- bianca : oh , brooke . brooke : i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to startle you . bianca : no , i just did n't know who -- if anybody was out there even . brooke : oh , i 'm sorry , i 'm sorry . i 'm a little late . sorry . bianca : oh , that 's ok . brooke : i 'm a little late . bianca : did you get a chance to look around ? brooke : yes , i did . bianca , this place is going to be fantastic . it really -- i mean -- oh , i 'm so excited . no , i 'm going to write a major feature for `` tempo `` for the opening . bianca : gosh , that 's awesome . you have no idea what that means to me . brooke : oh -- bianca : to us , i should say . brooke : i should be thanking you , you know , because , you know , we can not handle every problem that comes through the doors of our shelter . pine valley needed this place . i mean , every community needs a place like this , and i would not be surprised if the miranda montgomery center became a model for other communities to adopt . bianca : my goodness , i hope that 's true . i really want this to be a place of opportunity for all the women and children who need it . brooke : yeah . bianca : i think we can provide a lot of really valuable services , we can teach women job skills while we help their kids learn to read , and i want it to be a safe haven for women and children in danger , too . brooke : hmm . bianca : if a woman needs to escape her abusers , she can find the help she needs here . in fact , this is the room that 's going to house the office of the legal ombudsman . so they can run interference with the court and the police on behalf of their clients . i 'm sorry , brooke . am i boring you ? brooke : oh -- no , no , no , not at all . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry if i 'm a little distracted . it 's just , you know , i hear the word `` legal `` and my mind immediately goes -- bianca : to jamie . brooke : yeah . mm - hmm . i do n't know , you know ? i sort of promised to be the mom , no matter what , you know , but as far as jamie is concerned , you know , he seems to be out there where the buses do n't run and where i ca n't even track him on my gps . bianca : at least you know he 's back in pine valley . brooke : yeah , for the moment . you know , he 's with babe at tad 's . bianca : he loves babe . he 's not going to desert her . brooke : i just wish jamie 's every decision was n't made with and for babe carey . i mean , she does n't come across as evil -- bianca : but ? brooke : oh , i do n't know . it 's just that , you know , ever since jamie fell under this girl 's spell , i mean , he 's been doing very un - jamie - like things . and , bianca , i know this might be out of line , but you used to be babe 's best friend . i just want to know , you know , is she just misunderstood , or is she bad news ? [ scene_break ] jamie : i give up . what 's with the disguise ? tad : babe ? [ noise ] tad : that 's probably the galloping gourmet . krystal : hey , tad . tad : hey , yourself . krystal : is babe here ? tad : yeah . babe : hi , mama . krystal : so ? hey ! oh , how 'd it go ? did you see him ? jamie : how did what go ? tad : see him who ? babe : i -- i was -- i was just about to tell jamie and his dad . i -- i went to llanview . i went to go see my baby james . jamie : you what ? tad : come again . krystal : so how did he look , huh ? did he cut that tooth finally that was trying to poke through up there ? babe : he did , he did -- krystal : oh . babe : and he 's so beautiful . i mean , you should see it . every time i see him , he seems more and more like a little man . krystal : oh , i miss that munchkin so much . jamie : whoa , whoa , ok , back up , time - out . tad : wait a second -- you -- you got past buchanan 's private army of security dressed like a pastry chef ? jamie : just tell me you did n't get caught . babe : red - handed , by the lieutenant gov himself . tad : just tell me she did n't say that . jamie : what were you thinking ? tad : no kidding . did you even consider how this was going to affect your court case ? babe : it 's not like i went in expecting to get caught or anything . i just -- that creep -- he totally set me up . he had a video camera and everything . jamie : kevin buchanan has you on tape sneaking in to see james ? tad : we 're cooked . do you want to go to prison ? jamie : babe , why did n't you tell me you were planning this ? babe : because i -- i knew that you would n't let me go , because you love me , and you would n't want me to get hurt . krystal : she 's got you there . babe : you should have seen him , though . he was so cute . krystal : oh , come here , tell me . babe : this outfit that they have him in , it 's not one we bought him , but it was one , i guess , they got him . krystal : right . babe : and , oh , he 's just so adorable ! krystal : i want to see that . [ scene_break ] simone : oh , my god . greenlee : oh ! oh ! simone : oh , my god ! greenlee ! greenlee : ryan , stop it ! ryan , ryan -- ryan , stop it . ryan , stop it ! stop it , stop it ! ryan , stop it ! stop it . ethan : stop -- zach : no ! ethan : all right , enough ! greenlee : ryan ! ethan : enough , enough . greenlee : ryan , stop it . [ scene_break ] brooke : i guess i 'm just trying to understand what it is about babe that has made my smart grown - up son act so recklessly . bianca : i actually know the answer to that . babe is exactly what you want her to be . she does n't have to try and win you over , because she 's the real thing . that 's why it 's so easy to fall in love with her . brooke : i need a translation . bianca : ok . ok , let 's say you tell babe you 're gay . she does n't look at you strange . she does n't even have that second of hesitation or awkwardness that everybody else has . she just smiles and says , `` cool . `` and you feel cool , because she really gets you . she does n't judge . she always comes from a place of pure sincerity . so when she looked at jamie and said , `` let 's go to llanview and kidnap my son , `` i 'll bet you he did n't even blink . he just started up the car . that 's how it is with babe . you want to help her . for a woman who has told so many lies , she could n't be more innocent . she was the best and the worst friend that i ever had , because i think she would have done anything for me except tell me the truth about miranda . anyway , that 's how you end up falling in love with her , and that 's why it hurt so much when she told me that bess was n't really bess . brooke : oh . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . i should n't have brought it up . bianca : no , that 's ok . it helps to talk about it . it does n't hurt quite so much when i say it out loud . brooke : i think you have a sleepy little girl over there . bianca : hi , sweetie . brooke : listen , if you 're finished here , you want me to walk you out ? bianca : oh -- no , you know what ? i just have to jot down a few more things for the contractor while i think of it . brooke : darling -- bianca : yes . brooke : all the heavy stuff aside , i think this place is going to be fantastic . bianca : i know . brooke : i really do . bianca : me , too . brooke : so , do n't keep that little baby out too late . bianca : no . brooke : you need your beauty sleep . all right , i 'll see you soon . bianca : thanks , brooke . [ scene_break ] jamie : so , you kept me out of the loop , so i could n't keep you safe . that makes sense . babe : exactly . i mean , i did n't want you to worry -- just like you 're doing now . look at you . what was i supposed to do , stay away from my little boy ? jamie : and you did n't try to talk her out of this ? krystal : how was i to talk her out of it ? i would have done the same thing myself , and you two both would have done the same thing if you were in her shoes . tad : yeah , hello ? beg to differ . babe : oh , come on . do n't tell me you do n't miss your namesake . you know you 're wondering if he 's grown , if he can fit into that little saints jersey you bought him . jamie : yeah , i am , but i 'm not ready to wear a fireman 's hat and sneak in and see him , because i want to watch how much he grows up every day for the rest of his life . [ doorbell rings ] tad : yeah , i 'll get it . twenty bucks says it 's hayward dressed as a chambermaid . jamie : yeah . kelly : hey . is babe here ? oh , hey . tad : this is n't good . babe : kelly , what are you doing here ? kelly : i need to talk to you alone . babe : no , no , really , it 's ok . i do n't have secrets from anyone here . tad : just promise us you 're not recording any of this . kelly : i saw kevin . he told me about you seeing a -- james . babe : and ? jamie : are the cops on their way ? kelly : no . he 's not going to press charges this time . krystal : thank god . kelly : he thinks you 're suffering enough without your son . krystal : well , now we just have to figure out a way to get them to drop those original kidnapping charges . tad : yeah , terrific . the lunatics are running the asylum . jamie : dad , can i see you outside ? tad : sure . they 're speaking in tongues around here . babe : what ? kelly : nothing . babe : no , it 's something . you 're looking at me like i have , like , a piece of spinach wedged between my teeth or something . kelly : no , it 's -- it 's nothing like that -- forget it . babe : kelly , spill . kelly : well , you just had to leave your son . should n't you be curled up on the couch crying your eyes out ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : come on , let 's get you home , and we 'll get you fixed up . simone : well , it looks like the party 's breaking up . is there anything i can do to help ? greenlee : oh , no , simone , you 've been a huge help already . thank you for calling me . simone : oh -- greenlee : i owe you . simone : it 's ok . it 's nothing . i 'm early for a date . . actually , if you see a guy who 's 6 ' 1 `` , well dressed , and an athletic type , send him my way . greenlee : sounds promising . simone : ok . it does , does n't it ? unfortunately , the guy i 'm meeting is 5 ' 5 `` and owns a men 's spa . yeah . hope you guys did n't scare him off . [ scene_break ] ethan : that was a nice left hook , but you telegraph it . zach : grab a cue . ethan : you want to try me with a weapon now ? zach : only the first shot 's free . game is eight ball . ethan : stakes ? zach : winner takes all . ethan : of ? zach : everything . loser leaves town . ethan : your casinos for my half of cambias ? zach : you ok with that ? ethan : why are you doing this ? zach : we 're both here . time to end this thing between us . ethan : fine . your call . zach : heads . ethan : heads it is . zach : of course it is . ethan : nice . zach : nine ball , corner pocket . ethan : why do i get the feeling that i 'm being hustled ? [ scene_break ] babe : if you think that i did n't cry my eyes out when i left my son today , you just do n't know me well enough yet . krystal : well , she 's right about that . she practically wants to cry if she has to leave that baby in the next room . kelly : well , you just seem so together . babe : i have to be . it 's for my son . it 's up to me to be strong . believe me , inside , i 'm just as big a wreck as anyone . but if i 'm going to find a way to get him back , i ca n't waste all this time feeling sorry for myself . kelly : you 're going to come up with another plan after you 've been caught twice ? babe : i 'll keep coming up with them until i do n't get caught . [ scene_break ] jamie : what do i do ? what do i do with a woman who goes out headfirst into enemy territory without protection or a clue ? tad : what would i do ? marry her . [ scene_break ] maggie : i just do n't understand why he picked me . aidan : because you 're beautiful and you 're fun and you 're sexy . maggie : yeah , well , i do n't feel very beautiful , fun , or sexy right now . aidan : come on , maggie , you are , all right ? trust me , you have n't lost it . maggie : well , there must be something else . aidan : yeah , you were also available , and guys like jonathan , they rarely fight for another man 's woman . maggie : i just do n't understand why i did n't see him for what he was . aidan : maggie , this is not about you . this is about him . i mean , ask his ex- fiancée . the guy is bad news . maggie : aidan , i do n't think you realize . i pushed everyone away , everyone who wanted to protect me . and i do n't think that i can face them ever again . aidan : of course you can . i think a good apology will do the trick . maggie : yeah , well , i do n't think that 's good enough . aidan : good enough for you or good enough for your friends ? maggie : good enough for bianca . i was so awful to her . [ scene_break ] babe 's voice : look at her . see the same baby in the cabin , the same baby that you brought home from the hospital . do n't listen to the world . do n't listen to me . [ miranda cries ] babe 's voice : listen to your heart . bianca : all right , sweetie . let 's go home . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok ? ryan : yeah . greenlee : i know . i know . ryan : jonathan and i share a lot more now . you got yourself a 100 % lavery and everything that goes with it . [ scene_break ] bianca : why are you here , jonathan ? jonathan : to see you . bianca : now 's not a good time . i was just going to take miranda home . did you hear me ? i do n't have time for this right now , so please , just step out of our way and -- and i 'm going to take miranda out of here . jonathan : why , bianca ? why did you do it ? bianca : i did n't do anything . jonathan : i lost maggie because of you . [ miranda coos ] bianca : jonathan , can we please not do this in front of miranda ? jonathan : why did you have to come after me ? was it personal , or was it payback ? why could n't you just leave me alone ? bianca : jonathan , i understand you 're going through a tough time right now , but i ca n't help you , not right now . my daughter is on a schedule , and i have to get her home . i 'm serious . i will call security if i have to . jonathan : but there 's no phone in here , bianca . the guard 's so far away that he could n't hear you no matter how much you scream . [ scene_break ] jamie : i must be going deaf . you did not just say marry her ? tad : yeah , i guess i kind of surprised myself with that one , too . jamie : dad , you 're telling me to marry a woman who does n't give a flip about her own personal safety , who just snuck out and almost got arrested for the same crime twice . i mean , i get it 's for her baby , but she 's still taking off- the - wall chances . tad : i 'm going to stand by what i said . i think she 's a keeper . jamie : what were you just saying about lunatics ? tad : hey , what do you want from me , ok ? i ca n't work the electric can opener . when it comes to marriage , you know , having gone through life , i 've come up with one rule and only one -- no woman worth marrying is going to do what you say you want her to do unless she wants to do it . i 've never deviated from that rule , and i 've never regretted it , you know ? exhibit a and b -- dixie cooney and brooke english . yeah , sometimes , they were both exasperating , but trust me , the times we were on the same page more than made up for it . jamie : dad , this is n't a joking matter . i 'm really worried about babe . tad : who 's joking ? i know we 're facing some serious sentences here . that 's why i think babe 's got the right idea . i mean , you try to do something like this , you have to just carry on believing that somehow , god willing , it 's all going to work out for the best . otherwise , you know , under stress like this , all you 're doing is dying a little every day . jamie : you know who you sound like right now ? exhibit c . tad : who 's exhibit c ? jamie : krystal carey . tad : ok . this conversation just ended . [ scene_break ] krystal : look , babe 's no dummy . she was just doing what she had to do to keep her head above water . it 's called survival . it 's how people stay alive . kelly : well , i can understand that . i admire it . if there 's anything i can do to help -- babe : believe me , you 've done a lot to help , more than you know . krystal : well , like i said , if you can talk to your ex and all those people over at the courthouse and maybe convince them to find another meaning of the word `` kidnapping , `` then we 'll be off to a good start . babe : in the meantime , i guess i 'd better start planning my first prison break . [ scene_break ] zach : nice shot . ethan : thanks . my father taught me . zach : you think the ramseys are rooting for you now ? ethan : i think you 're trying to distract me . zach : it all rides on this shot . ethan : say good - bye to your casinos . top left pocket . [ scene_break ] tad : get out . jamie : you know those looks you give each other are n't invisible . tad : looks -- you know what ? that just shows how much you know . krystal and i are over , especially after all the things she 's done . jamie : well , what about what you did ? tad : what do you mean , what i did ? did you lose your program ? jamie : i have n't lost anything . krystal kept bianca from her daughter . you kept j.r. from his son . tad : yeah -- hello ? to protect jamie -- and jamie . jamie : well , krystal did it to protect babe . i mean , you both made impossible choices , because you believed that the ends justified the means . you can argue all you like , dad , but we both know it 's lame that you 're sitting here judging krystal just because you do n't want to judge yourself . tad : you -- you know what ? you sound exactly like your mother . yeah , do n't smile . it 's incredibly annoying . jamie : well , thank god i got her brains . [ scene_break ] krystal : oh , babe , i know you 've had a tough day and you caught a lot of heat from both sides for it , but i want you to know something . i am so proud of you , because you are not going to let anybody stand in the way of you and your son . he is one lucky baby . kelly : hey , you know , i have a billion - dollar idea . i think we should take what you two have and bottle it . babe : no , we are not that special . krystal : no , we 're just one great team built on love and living by our motto . babe : that we deserve the best . babe and krystal : and together we can always get it . kelly : well , i think we should bottle it and sell it . if we did , maybe we 'd make enough money to put your son back in your arms . jamie : do n't worry . i 'm going to make sure that 's exactly where he ends up . [ scene_break ] greenlee : for the record , being 100 % lavery does n't change anything . you 're still the man i love , the man i married . you 're kind , you 're loving , you 're trustworthy -- ryan : and i still believe that jonathan is innocent . greenlee : i know you do . ryan : he did n't hurt you , greenlee , and i 'm going to prove that . greenlee : you 're not your brother . ryan : jonathan is n't who you think he is . he did n't poison you . it was zach . zach hired someone . greenlee : ryan , look at me . it does n't make a difference to me whether your father is chris stamp or patrick lavery . ryan : my brother and i -- we 're going to protect you , greenlee . we 're going to find out who did this . you 'll see . [ scene_break ] bianca : jonathan , i -- i did n't break you and maggie up . jonathan : do n't insult me . i 'm not stupid . ok ? you 've had it out for me since i burned your shirt that you gave birth in . but you have your baby back now , you do n't even need the shirt , but that does n't stop you from going out and telling everybody i 'm some monster . i do n't deserve that , bianca . no , i definitely do n't deserve to be fingered as the person who 's poisoning greenlee . bianca : i -- i did n't even come up with that idea . jonathan : no ? hmm ? [ miranda coos ] jonathan : you and your sister and your friends do n't sit around and brainstorm ideas on how to ruin my life ? bianca : i swear , i did not set out to hurt you , and i would never go around spreading stories about you . jonathan : right . you washed your hands clean . bianca : i 'm not going to stand here and debate with you , ok , jonathan . i need to go . so please step out of my way so that i can take my daughter home . jonathan : when i look in the mirror , i do n't see the person you made me out to be . you see some bad guy . i see jonathan . i see the same guy i 've always been . [ miranda cries ] jonathan : i 'm just a regular guy , bianca , trying to get along . it 's not good enough for you , is it ? bianca : we should call ryan . ryan should come over here , and then the three of us can have a conversation together . jonathan : right , but you do n't get to say what 's next . [ scene_break ] ethan : you can send your lawyers over to my office in the morning . zach : yeah , you may as well sleep in . ah -- no one 's coming . ethan : we had an agreement . we had a deal . zach : first lesson about being a cambias -- deals do n't mean anything . ow -- we play by our own rules . ethan : and if you had won ? zach : i 'd take your companies , all of them . you get the picture , right ? ethan : yeah . zach : take care of this . [ scene_break ] jamie : well , i have a few plans of my own to get our freedom back . want to hear what they are ? babe : no . i trust you . bye . kelly : bye . jamie : bye . babe : his plans are never as crazy as mine are . kelly : you really found the real thing with that one , huh ? babe : do n't think i do n't know how lucky i am . kelly : your son deserves to be with his mother and father . he deserves to be with you and jamie . babe : what are you getting at ? kelly : maybe it 's about time i came up with a plan of my own . maybe there 's something i can do to help after all . [ scene_break ] tad : oh . yeah , thanks . krystal : listen , i want to thank you for giving the kids a place to stay during all this legal wrangling . tad : `` legal wrangling `` -- that 's a rather tame way of putting it - krystal : yeah . tad : considering we 're facing a whole truckload of felony indictments . krystal : i know , i know that . it 's just that at the end of the day it 's still a bunch of well - dressed , well - educated hoo - hahs standing around arguing while the meter is running . i think i have a way out of this mess . tad : am i going to want to hear about it ? krystal : you 're going to have to hear about it , because you 're going to have to help me . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you still feel up to going to erica 's for bianca 's surprise party ? ryan : you think i 'm going to let a few bruised knuckles stop me ? greenlee : i was n't worried about your knuckles . ryan : i 'm going to shower , and i 'm going to get ready to go . greenlee : ryan , do you think it 's going to be ok ? ryan : what ? greenlee : i do n't know . everything ? ryan : why would n't it be ? [ scene_break ] maggie : well , i must say , doc , you write a wicked prescription . aidan : well , you better make sure you fill it . you know , you 're not going to die if you tell bianca how you feel . and i guarantee she 'll want to hear you 're sorry . i know you still want her in your life . maggie : well , i do n't know . after what i put her through for jonathan , i would n't be surprised if she never spoke to me again . but i will try . thank you . [ scene_break ] jonathan : see , i heard you and brooke english . bianca : how long have you been out there ? jonathan : you think you 're better than all of us . perfect bianca , above reproach . but you 're pretty vicious when it comes to judging the rest of us . bianca : i do n't want to judge anyone . i just want to take my baby and go home . jonathan : maggie and i were doing so good until you got all up in our business . you 're so damn jealous that you sawed the limb out from right under us . bianca : jonathan , i do n't know what -- jonathan : you do n't know ? you know what i know and you need to know ? everything i did was for my brother . i burned your shirt to keep him from losing the company and the position that was so important to him . and , yeah , it was a desperate move , but i had to learn fast how to deal with people like you and your sister . kendall used me to punish ryan the first day i came to pine valley . i was set up to look like a failure and a fool before i even knew what was happening . and now -- now ryan thinks i 'm like my father . you know how that makes me feel , bianca ? it makes me want to puke . and it 's all because of you and your stupid friends . i 'd still be with maggie if you just would have butted out ! bianca : not true . i 'm not going to let you blame me for what you did . now , stop it ! jonathan : now , do n't talk back to me ! [ next_on ] erica : surely we can put aside our animosity for one evening . krystal : my plan goes into effect tomorrow . nothing short of you knocking me out is going to stop me , david . jonathan : i need a lifetime of therapy because you wrecked my life ? no , you do n't get to walk away from this . | jonathan is spying upon bianca as she goes to the foundation party . he is ready to get revenge on her , believing she motivated maggie to break up with him . aiden talks to maggie and develops a friendship with her . ryan and zach get into a bar fight . ryan is not ready to talk about what is going on for him , knowing he 's a real lavery , although it 's obvious that it devastates him . babe is scheming to see her son . tad and jamie are worried she could get in trouble with her methods . kelly buchanan wants to help babe get her baby back . |
[ music plays as simone and ethan giddily stroll across the dance floor and almost knock over a waitress . ] simone : oh , i 'm sorry . opal : hey . simone : ooh . danielle : you know what 's wrong ? making a girl sit by the phone and wait for it to ring , especially when she 's ready to thank you for your donation to the american red cross disaster relief fund . so skip the latte , the greens fee , that side order of fries and give , people . that 's what it 's all about . open your hearts and your wallets and make this a night pine valley will never forget . [ scene_break ] [ dixie hides in the bushes and eavesdrops on j.r. talking to adam . ] j.r. : you have the stones to use my mother 's memory against me ? she hated you for the jerk that you were . and if she were here right now , she would call you pathetic and walk away . [ scene_break ] image : little bunny foo - foo hiding in the basement scooping up the valley mice and boppin ' them on the head janet : you do n't know what i 'm thinking . image : my , my , my . it has a brain . but you do n't have the nerve . janet : little janet foo - foo brilliant in the basement going to surprise the valley mice and rock their little heads [ scene_break ] jonathan : you knew that kendall needed help with her ex - husband and you were the only one ? ryan : well , something like that . jonathan : lily needs me . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . you try to help her now , and you 're just going to make it worse . [ scene_break ] zach : i meant what i said . i 'm not giving up on you . we 're not finished . kendall : we were finished when you turned out the lights and blew my free will to hell . zach : i did what i did for you , not to you . look at me . look at me . i love you . and not just today or tomorrow or the day after -- for always and nothing 's going to change that . i will always love you . [ scene_break ] ryan : just leave her alone until she 's ready . announcer : the role of lily montgomery is being played by portia reiners . jack : lily ? lily : you said you loved me , but -- but you want to send me away . jack : i just think your old school would be a safer place for you to be right now . lily : if you make me go , i 'll run away , and then i 'll be away from you forever . [ scene_break ] j.r. : come with me . babe : ok , it 's a good way to lose an arm . why do n't you loosen up on that grip next time ? j.r. : i want to give you something . babe : lawsuit ? ooh , a prenup ? oh , how about a knife to the heart ? why do n't you just find a new hobby , j.r. ? j.r. : my mother 's necklace . babe : is j.r. chandler out of moves ? i mean , you already jerked me around with the engagement ring , and i was n't fit enough to wear your mother 's necklace last time you gave it to me , so what ? j.r. : do you want to argue about it , or do you want to wear it ? [ still hiding in the bushes , dixie smiles appreciatively . ] [ scene_break ] josh : your miracle son was n't the miracle you thought , huh ? so you turn on me . greg : you 've become spiteful and vicious . i will not stand by and watch you harm erica . josh : how sick are you ? you 'd have me put in jail just so you could share something with erica ? [ scene_break ] erica : josh madden is my former supervising producer and ex - employee . sometimes i even considered him to be an ally and a friend , but like a son ? never . tad : no , no , not like a son -- a son . your son . you understand what i 'm saying to you ? you 're josh madden 's mother . erica : what , is it a full moon in pine valley ? did somebody spike your tea , too ? i mean , you 're not making any sense , and i have a gala to run . tad : erica , look at me , ok ? i 'm sober . and as long as i 've known you , you 've always been my friend . i 'm yours . i 'm the guy that 's had to tell you things before , things that did n't necessarily make sense but that turned out to be true , right ? erica : yeah . you 're the one who told me that miranda was alive and that was an incredible gift . but this ? i mean , tad , come on . this ? this is just -- this is not funny . tad : it 's not a joke . look , you 're one of the few people on this earth that 's taught me what family means , how important it is . you 've lived , you 've died , you 've been willing to go to prison for yours . i 'm telling you , josh is a part of that . he 's your blood . he 's your blood son . erica : tad ? i was there , both times , both times i gave birth . once in terror , once in joy , i was there . i had two girls . i mean , what 's wrong with you ? tad : i know , i know , it seems crazy . i mean , it is crazy , but if you 'd just hear me out , i 'll tell you how -- erica : look , snap out of it , tad . really , sleep it off . work it out . but i 'm not going to listen to any more of this . tad : erica , you 've got to . you and josh are family . it 's a fact . and i can prove it . [ scene_break ] josh : so did my mother have an idea how obsessed you were with erica kane ? greg : you still refuse to see that you 're the only one that i care about in all of this . josh : yeah . that 's why you had `` i heart erica `` carved in the banister over there , why you let me rot in prison over your pathetic fantasy that somehow erica might actually want to be with you . greg : i do n't want to see you locked up . i want to see you free , i want to see you free from pine valley , and i want to see you free from this grotesque idea you have in you to destroy erica kane . you wo n't be charged with drugging erica . josh : dad -- greg : it 'll be your word against amanda 's . josh : it 's ok that you tried to ruin me . you tried to blow my career , my whole life , dad ! but , hey , i wo n't have a mug shot , right ? how could you do this to me ? greg : because you do n't belong here . you do n't belong in tv , you do n't belong around erica . get out of pine valley . go have the life that i set up for you . i gave you that chance . josh : you do n't think that i can give as good as i get ? this is your last warning . greg : listen to me , son . one day you will have a child , and you will love him very much , and he will break your heart , and he will heal it with just one look , and he will grow up and become independent as children do , and he will take his own paths , sometimes the wrong path . you wo n't just sit back . you will want to correct him . that 's what a real father would do . josh : you blew my life ! greg : i gave you life when you were born , and i gave it back to you tonight . i do n't give a damn about the price -- i did it all for you . [ scene_break ] lily : i do n't need to be protected . you only think i do because you think i 'm stupid . jack : no , lily . i know how smart you are . i also know how kind and how trusting you are . it breaks my heart to hear you talk like this , lily . sweetheart , you mean the world to me . but sometimes young people , they -- they do n't see life the way it really is . lily : i see very well . i choose jonathan . [ scene_break ] jonathan : give me a sign , lily . do you want me to help or leave ? erin : i think that we could all use some breathing room . aidan : i think it 's time for us to go out to the ski lodge . jonathan : no , i 'm not going to leave the woman i love . [ scene_break ] babe : i do n't understand . if you 're not trying to hurt me , then what ? j.r. : should 've been yours a long time ago . babe : yeah , but your mother was a saint . j.r. : she was beautiful and smart . babe : yeah , and i 'm just -- j.r. : beautiful , sexy , and too damn smart half of the time . babe : wait . `` too smart `` ? what -- `` smart `` as in , what , like i 'm trying to trick you , because if that 's it , why do n't you just take it back ? j.r. : no -- will you shut up for a second ? i want to marry you . babe : j.r. , you 've -- you 've given me this necklace before , and you 've said all these words . and then , bam , your handy - dandy prenup showed up . j.r. : no , no more prenups . no more conditions , no more refusals from you . i love you , babe . please say yes . [ babe answers j.r. with a kiss while dixie smiles from behind a bush . ] [ scene_break ] brooke : so , i happened to glance at the check that you wrote . aunt phoebe would be so proud . jamie : she would 've loved this party , too . have you seen amanda ? [ scene_break ] amanda : oh , god . mom , what are you doing ? janet : sweetie . you 're out of jail . how wonderful . [ scene_break ] zach : it 's going to take some time for you to see . kendall : you never meant to hurt me ? zach : no . kendall : and if i need time , you 'll still love me ? zach : i will . kendall : and wait for me ? zach : i will . kendall : you do n't need to wait for me , zach , because i 'm done with you and that will never change . dance with me , ryan . ryan : the stick - it - to - zach waltz . kendall : we dance , he bleeds . ryan : so this is n't a makeup dance with me ? it 's more of a revenge dance to zach ? kendall : you know what ? i hate you both . i just hate you one less dance than i hate him . so , what 'll it be ? ryan : may i have this dance ? kendall : yep . [ scene_break ] janet : did you break out of jail , sweetie ? amanda : i had to come find you . janet : ding , ding , ding . that is our cosmic vibration in the universe , because it just so happens that i need you right now . you going to give me a hand with this stubborn brute ? amanda : mom , you 're coming with me now . we 're going to go get you some help . janet : oh , we do n't need any help . we just need our mother / daughter super powers ! i 'm going to put my hands right here and then if you put yours -- amanda : mom , stop . listen , no lessons and no wrenches . stop , just stop . janet : it is my job as your mother to teach erica that she can not just toss my baby in jail and cha - cha all night . this i do for you . amanda : look , mom , i 'm out of jail -- no handcuffs , no charges . it 's all because of erica . she believes i did n't drug her . they all do . janet : who all ? amanda : everybody , everybody upstairs , all of them that matter , mom . they think that josh did it . janet : he 's not a very nice young man , is he ? amanda : no , he 's not . mom , if you want to teach someone a lesson , let 's teach him . janet : then you 're ready to help . let 's go . amanda : mom , listen -- no . if we get of here and we lay low and we stay super careful , then maybe nobody has to know about everything that you 've done , ok ? look , we -- we can pin this all on josh , ok , teach him a lesson . [ scene_break ] josh : big deal . you and mom made me -- so what ? people have kids every day . you 're not special . you 're not even interesting , dad . greg : your ambition has twisted you into someone that i wo n't accept . josh : you you 're such a hypocrite . i mean , what -- what about what happened with kendall , huh ? are you proud of that , the way you lied to greenlee , told her the kid was hers ? how many other women have you lied to ? greg : this is n't about my ego . this is about you , my son . josh : it 's all the same to me , dad -- ego , son , power , career ? but this time , i 'm going to run my life exactly the way i want to , and no way am i going to let you screw me over again . [ scene_break ] tad : josh looks like you . i mean , it 's not blatantly obvious , but it 's there . you never seen it before ? erica : well , he has dark hair and he 's attractive . that makes him look like half the people in the ballroom downstairs . tad : erica , i got his blood off a handkerchief at the casino . i stole your dna from a coffee cup at the hospital . erica : you did what ? tad : i ran the test . it 's a match . dna does n't lie -- it ca n't . it 's proof , and it 's all right there -- you are josh madden 's biological mother . [ scene_break ] janet : it 's such a beautiful dream and sometimes i have it while i 'm awake -- all those people who betrayed you and who hurt you learn the error of their ways and then they see you for the beautiful person that you truly are . amanda : ok . that 's way over the top , but part of it came true . they 're on my side again . janet : just like that ? in an instant ? amanda : it 's all it took . janet : and that 's all it 's going to take for them to turn on you again , and then you 'll have the snarling and the sneering and the gnashing of teeth . j.r. , babe , jamie , and even my former very dear friend erica . they 're fiends , darling , heartless fiends who do not deserve your forgiveness . amanda : forget them . janet : oh , i will , just as soon as i loosen this pipe . gas will come out , fill the basement . lights , camera , action , and then we will forget about these nasty people forever and ever . amanda : what about all those people upstairs ? they never hurt me , mom . they did n't all betray me . janet : well , you know what they say -- sometimes it takes a whole village to teach a lesson . amanda : oh , no one says that , mom , no one but you , because you 're insane ! janet : what did you just say to me ? [ scene_break ] babe : it was one of those kisses . j.r. : what kisses ? babe : the ones that feel real . j.r. : well , that 's the only kind that we have to have from now on . babe : and no prenup ? why ? j.r. : i freaked out . my dad went all chandler on me . then i realized i had to drop my doubts and grab on to the life that i could have . otherwise , i 'm just going to end up miserable and bitter . babe : like adam . i know it 's so hard for you to trust and that i 'm a big part of that reason -- me and di and what we did to you . we made you feel like you could n't believe . j.r. : but we can . just say the word , and we can . babe : yes . the word is yes , always yes . from now on , yes . [ from behind the bush , dixie smiles and walks away . ] [ scene_break ] [ music stops ] ryan : that was very subtle , kendall , subtle room scan . so has zach 's head exploded ? kendall : stop pretending like you care , ryan . i may hate you less than zach , but not by much . ryan : you loved him , kendall , but he blew it . kendall : no , you blew it for him . ryan : no , he did everything , kendall . he did . look , it may be raw right now , ok , but someday , someday you will understand why i did what i did . kendall : just like greenlee understands why you played dead ? ryan : i never had the chance to explain it to greenlee , because of what zach did . kendall : you know what your biggest mistake was , ryan ? coming back . you should 've just stayed away . you should 've just let us go on missing you and mourning you and loving you . you should 've stayed away . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , listen to me . lily -- lily is a wonderful girl , ok ? she 's smart , she 's beautiful . i mean , she 's just not like anybody else . jonathan : that 's what makes her special . aidan : and that 's also what makes her father look out for her the way he does . jonathan : if he cared about her , he 'd let her be happy . i make lily happy , aidan . she told me that herself , and lily does n't lie . [ scene_break ] lily : jonathan did n't try to kill those people . i 'll solve the mystery , and you 'll see my boyfriend is innocent . jack : will you please stop calling him that ? stop calling him your boyfriend . jonathan lavery will never be your boyfriend . as a matter of fact , if he comes anywhere near you , i will slap him with a restraining order so quick , that tumor of his will seem like a bug bite . lily , i want you to promise me you wo n't go near jonathan lavery . i want you to give me your word , i want you to do it right now . [ scene_break ] erica : proof ? dna ? josh and i are -- tad : are a match , a perfect match . you remember going in for the termination ? erica : i did n't even remember the doctor 's name . i did n't recognize his face . tad : exactly , and you never felt comfortable around greg madden . now we know why . erica : while i was under anesthesia , he harvested my eggs ? created a child without my permission or my knowledge ? tad : that 's what i thought at first . erica , you better hang on , there 's more . i took greg madden 's dna off a teacup i swiped from the sun porch . i ran the same test . it 's not a match . greg madden is not josh 's biological father . erica : my goodness . i mean , greg madden has sperm banks all over the place . so we may never know who the actual biological father is . tad : oh , but we do . it 's my brother . jeff martin is the father of your son . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] ethan : hey . does your dance with ryan mean you forgive us ? kendall : you know what i miss ? i miss the days where you hate ryan just as much as you hate your father . now here you are , you and ryan -- you 're all buddy - buddy just teaming up against your dad , flipping him off left and right . kendall : you know what ? i 'll still think you 're a complete jerk . you and ryan -- you just do this pseudo - noble bs . `` we were worried about you . `` in case you 've forgotten , this is me , kendall . i do n't forgive quickly . and in this case , with you and ryan , i 'm going for `` never . `` ethan : as long as `` never `` is when you forgive zach , too . [ scene_break ] simone : it 's weird and freaky and more than a little bizarre what you did . but i -- i get why you did it . just like i get why greenlee broke into the clinic in the first place . and kendall was willing to play baby machine . it was all love . i hate that ethan hates you . especially because you admitted to me without any words that you do n't hate him . i would fix it , zach , if i could . but it 's not up to me . it 's not . it 's up to you . [ scene_break ] erica : this is science fiction . i do n't have a son . i never had a son . tad : i 'm sorry , erica , but you do . i wish to god i did n't have to be the one to say it -- erica : so i went in for a termination , and you 're saying that greg madden took my embryo instead ? that -- it was n't even possible , not back then . tad : ordinarily , i 'd agree with you . but then again , madden is nothing if not a genius . he did n't get where he is by -- by being anything other than a pioneer in his field , ok ? even if he 's unethical , that 's what he does . he pushes the envelope , continually breaks new ground . erica : no , this is not ground , this is insanity . tad : erica , i was able to pull josh 's birth certificate . he was born exactly seven months after your appointment . the timeline , the dna -- it 's all there . erica : i have guests to speak with . i have funds to raise . we are going to discuss this later . tad : there 's one more thing . forgive me , i know , but i 've spoken with josh . i do n't think he has a clue . i did n't say anything , because i have n't gotten jeff 's dna results back yet , but then again , i thought you should be the one to have to say something . i mean , you were the one in that room . you 're the one that this was done to . it 's your right . but whatever you do , you got to do it soon . josh has got a father , he 's got sisters , he 's got cousins he 's never met . he 's got a mother he 's worked with every day that he does n't recognize . erica : let me deal with this . tad : just so you know , you 're not alone . erica : as of this second , i am . leave it to me . [ scene_break ] lily : i ca n't make you a promise i wo n't keep . i want to see jonathan again . jack : lily , you ca n't make that decision on your own . lily : why ? because i 'm different ? because i have autism spectrum disorder ? jack : yes . lily : you lied to me . jack : lily , i have n't been -- lily : you told me i was smart , that i could be anything , do anything . that my disorder could n't stop me . you told me to dream . you lied to me . [ scene_break ] j.r. : it 's all true . babe : it 'll work . you know , i was n't always sure before , but i know we can do this . j.r. : i knew it already . i guess you just finally caught up . babe : i have something for you , too . j.r. : no , not a chance . babe : i 'll be back . i 'll always be back . krystal : whoa ! whoa ! whoa , honey ! honey , please . i 'm packed in this dress so tight , you hug me again like that , i 'm going to have a wardrobe malfunction . babe : he loves me , mama . he loves me enough to try again . krystal : just the way you want it . babe : exactly the way i want it . and i 'm almost scared to say it out loud , but it happened . it really happened . krystal : oh , my sweet baby girl . oh - oh - oh - oh - oh ! [ scene_break ] janet : sweetheart , i do n't think i understood what you -- amanda : you 're crazy . you 've screwed up my life so bad , i 'm going to have to slink out of this town and never look back . but you are coming with me , and you will get help . janet : my baby -- my baby is talking to me the -- the same way as all the others ? that cold , cruel tone in your voice , and that look -- you hate me ? after everything i 've done for you ? amanda : i love you ! and what you 've done is terrible and cruel , and it will ruin our lives . janet : if they had n't done this to you -- amanda : just shut up ! janet : if had n't hurt you , i -- amanda : just shut up ! stop ! i am not your reason to go around , live , die , hurt people ! who does what you 've done ? who thinks `` i 'll kidnap a baby or poison soup or dump a truckload of people into quicksand `` ? you . only you think that way . janet from another planet . you -- you 're out there , mom . you are way , way out there , and you need a lot more help than daddy or i can give you . so this is it . you are coming with me , and we are going to get you help now . amanda : if you do not come with me , i will go upstairs and tell them everything . `` look , folks , it was all janet . and she 's right downstairs . `` janet : you would n't do that to me . amanda : i would , and i will . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] jamie : have you seen amanda ? tad : no . then again , i was n't watching her . jamie : something 's not right . [ scene_break ] [ as amanda is about to leave the wine cellar , janet grabs her around the neck as she slumps to the floor unconscious . ] janet : mommy 's so sorry . oh , sweetie , mommy 's so sorry . image : nice one , dipstick . i mean , so what if she called you a wacko ? i 'm sure she meant it in the nicest possible way . janet : stop it ! i will not tolerate your harassment . image : you ca n't slip me a mickey , so shut up and deal . janet : it was not a mickey . it 's a sedative . and it did n't hurt any of the people in the back of that truck . and amanda is going to wake up and is going to be just fine , she 's going to be , as if none of this ever happened . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 've been waiting . i thought you said you had a surprise for me . babe : two things , actually . first , one [ babe kisses j.r. passionately . ] [ scene_break ] adam : it 's all your fault . di : adam , usually , parents want their kids to be happy . adam : no , you ripped his heart out . you left him pathetic and needy . a perfect target for that predatory little blonde -- di : you know what ? j.r. opened his heart to the mother of his child . yeah , you know , i mean , i can see why you 're so upset . you poor thing . [ scene_break ] j.r. : come on , let 's go . babe : what are you doing ? j.r. : well , i 'm assuming surprise number two is going to take place at the house . babe : oh , no . you get to sign this . and then i 'm all yours . j.r. : what is it ? babe : my prenup for you . j.r. : so when i unfold this flap , confetti 's going to fly out , right ? it 's going to say `` just kidding `` with hearts all around it ? babe : just like you were kidding when you handed me yours . j.r. : i took that back i realized that i was wrong . what do you expect me to do ? you expect me to sign my son over to you ? babe : the thought did cross my mind . because by rights , you should be in jail for aggravated assault and dui , and i should have full custody anyway . j.r. : is that why you covered for me ? to snake my son from me ? babe : will you calm down for a second and hear me out ? if for some reason , things do n't work with us , i think joint custody is the right thing to do . will you do the right thing with me ? [ scene_break ] lily : if i can go to school , take the bus , and solve a mystery , you should let me choose my own boyfriend . jack : lily -- lily , listen to me . jonathan lavery held you at gunpoint . he threatened your life ! jonathan : lily needs me . aidan : hey , not now , jonathan . erin : give them some time to talk . ryan : i got this . i got it . jonathan : mr. montgomery , i 'm sorry -- jack : this is between my daughter and me . jonathan : no , i 'm sorry that we kept it a secret . i know -- i know how surprised you were to see me here , but please do n't take it out on lily . we never meant to care about each other , mr. montgomery . we -- we just do . lily and i just want to make -- jack : there is no lily and you . now , i 'm going to tell you one last time . you stay the hell away from my daughter , you understand ? ryan : jack is right , jonathan . you and lily should n't see each other ever again . [ scene_break ] ethan : kendall , zach denied me . this great guy -- he denied his own son . kendall : yes , yes , we know . could you just obsess on the past a little more ? ethan : when he could n't take my birthright , he took the woman that i loved . and this blackout -- that 's just the beginning . there 'll be more lies , more betrayal , more pain for you . ok ? and in the end , kendall , it will leave you with nothing . trust me . you 're lucky to be rid of this guy . [ scene_break ] di : oh , adam , what 's the matter ? are you afraid j.r. 's slipping out from underneath that big old thumb ? you know what , he 's in love . deal with it . adam : no , no , i 'd rather deal with you , right now . you , now , all tarted up , and -- and sipping champagne . should n't you be off somewhere choking down some slop with some old prison buddies of yours ? you 're a fraud , di . nothing but a fraud . you conned your way into my family as a nanny . you lied your way into j.r. , into his heart , pretending you were dixie come back from the dead . you 're a fraud , lady . and now you claim you care about j.r. , and here you stand , all smiles and cooing , while he ruins his life ! [ from behind a door , dixie listens to every word . ] [ scene_break ] greg : you 've stooped so low to get what ? to get so little . and in the process , you 're trying to destroy erica . it 's revolting . josh : what is it with you and her , huh , dad ? you act like she 's your private property . the way you worship her , as if she 's worth the trouble ? it 's a joke . you want to fixate on erica ? fine , go ahead , do it . whatever . but i do n't owe her a thing . i mean , who is erica to me , anyway ? [ josh turns around and sees erica descending the staircase toward him . ] [ scene_break ] [ down in the casino cellar , janet grunts as she succeeds in wrenching open the gas pipe . ] janet : finally . oh . patooey ! someone needs a mint . told you i could do it . image : you did it , all right . so , just keep standing there and clap and suck down some more fumes . show how smart you really are . janet : i was just going . you , too , my princess . and we 'd better get out of here before we turn into pumpkins . [ with a sleeping amanda all cozy in a large wheelbarrow , janet pushes her out to safety as gas hisses out of the pipe . ] [ scene_break ] next week on `` all my children `` -- janet : we are going to blow this popsicle stand tonight . [ after janet blows up the gala , an injured tad calls out amidst the lifeless bodies and wreckage that was once zach 's casino . ] tad : is anyone alive ? | tad drops the bombshell upon erica that josh is her son . she tells him that 's impossible . she knows she only gave birth to kendall and bianca . but he explains to her that he examined the dna of her , josh and greg and found out that greg is not josh 's father but erica is his mother . and tad 's brother , jeff is josh 's father . he tells her that when she believed that greg performed the abortion on her all those years ago , what he really did was harvest the eggs with jeff 's sperm and greg 's wife carried and gave birth to josh . but the tells her that josh knows nothing about that . amanda gets released from jail and tells her mother she has no axe to grind with erica or anybody at the ball anymore because they are no longer making false accusations of her . she also `` disappoints `` her mother by telling her she 's crazy and that `` janet from another planet `` ruined her life . she tells janet she either turns herself back into the mental institution or she will tell everybody that janet is responsible for all of the terrible things that have happened in pine valley throughout the last few months . janet is not going to let that happen , however . so she knocks her daughter out and is ready to set off an explosion to blow up the entire building and all the people who are at the ball . |
natalia : so , first , we do firearms training . what ? then criminal law . i knew the police academy would be cool , but this , this is like , wow . jesse : you sound just like i did back in the day . natalia : yeah . jesse : so excited . natalia : i ca n't wait to tell mom about my classes . jesse : when 's she due back from denver ? natalia : uh , tomorrow , but i -- i do n't know -- i wish she was here now , you know ? so she could help us celebrate . jesse : celebrate what ? natalia : happy birthday , daddy - o . [ natalia laughs ] [ scene_break ] jake : how 's it going ? first shift back , huh ? angie : long , draining -- loved every minute . jake : i know exactly what you mean . i ca n't believe it . i actually missed it , too . frankie : yeah , well , if i had known you guys were going to hog all the patients , i 'd have taken the day off . [ angie chuckles ] angie : all right , we need to move or we 'll never pull this off . jake : mm - hmm . are we ready ? frankie : are you ever ready for something like this ? angie : everyone knows what they have to do , right ? david : this is n't school recess . do you have patients to see ? angie : yeah , but if you 'd bothered to check your schedule , you would know that jake and i are off the clock . let 's get out of here . [ scene_break ] tad : so just exactly how long is this supposed to take ? livia : dividing up your things is n't fun , but it has to be done to finalize the divorce . krystal : where do we start ? jay : with the most substantial items , the house and the comeback property . now , my advice is to sell both , split the proceeds . tad : no . uh - uh , uh - uh , i 'm not selling this house . [ scene_break ] aidan : you 're going to get the help you need , annie . annie : i just do n't want to see dr. sinclair again . i mean , i know i got to her this time , but she keeps grilling me about richie , and i really do n't know how much more of that i can take . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i ca n't have you continuing to interfere with my work . look , i -- i offered to remove myself from the case . ryan : yeah , well , you 're angry because we hired a private investigator to look into your past . dr. sinclair : yes , yes . ryan : and you have every right to be angry , ok ? that was our mistake , but , well , honestly , i 'm getting married this week . dr. sinclair : i know . i saw the announcement in the newspaper . ryan : and annie escaped from here once and threatened greenlee , and i just need to know that that can not happen again . she ca n't be a threat on our wedding day or any day , for that matter . dr. sinclair : uh - huh . see for yourself . annie : oh , my god . oh , my god . he 's here , ryan 's here . aidan : take it easy . annie : see ? i told you he did n't forget about me . hey , ryan ! ryan ! hey , ryan , do n't leave me ! [ scene_break ] taylor : hey , martin . taylor : come here . so , brot tells me you 're back where you belong , being paid to torture patients , nice . jake : yes , yes , i just need more patients like you . [ taylor chuckles ] taylor : well , congratulations . you seem happy . jake : mm - hmm . taylor : and energized , back in your element -- you 're both in your element . it 's a funny thing about this hospital , you know ? it heals you even when you 're not sick . brot : not even that , though . you know , at first , i was afraid that people would see me coming and run , but it 's just the opposite . you know , they 're curious and they ask all kind of questions , and the funny thing is , when i tell them about iraq , they say `` thank you . `` jake : well , they should say thank you . you sacrificed a lot for them . all right , well , i 'm outie , so -- angie : hey , why are n't you changed ? jake : well , because it only takes me a minute to change , ok ? i got to fix up my -- my hair . we 're going to meet back here in one hour , ok ? and then we will execute our plan . angie : ok , all right , come on . jake : go , go , go . david : did you just leave your patient sitting in there ? frankie : no , i examined him . then i had to wait for his test results . david : i saw your little powwow with your mother and jake earlier . so what is it ? plotting to get me fired ? well , you should know that whatever scheme you three stooges come up with , i wo n't let it happen . frankie : hmm , paranoid . [ scene_break ] tad : i do n't want to have to sell my home . jay : you purchased this house together . livia : that does n't mean they have to sell it . jay : i 'm just trying to expedite this process . krystal : i do n't -- i do n't -- i do n't want the house . tad can have it . jay : mrs. martin -- krystal : no , listen , you 're my attorney . you get paid to do what i say , right ? tad : thank you . jay : moving on -- the comeback property . now , can we agree that mrs. martin should have that ? tad : yeah , absolutely , fine . ok . livia : where are you going ? tad : i mean , he said the house and the bar , that 's it . you know , i 'm -- i 'm done for the day . jay : we just started . krystal : did you not hear him ? he 's done . livia : better listen to your client . tad : honey -- i mean , krystal , no -- look , you do n't -- you do n't have to do that . krystal : i , uh -- forgot . tad : no , i know . it 's just , you know , force of habit , right ? krystal : i , uh -- i 'm surprised livia did n't mention that i broke our agreement by bringing jenny over to wildwind . tad : well , she does n't know you did . she also does n't know that i was there . does david ? krystal : no . but i know you planted those drugs . tad : why did n't you tell him ? krystal : angie is my friend , and he should n't have had her fired . he should n't have had her arrested . sometimes he just goes too far . tad : `` sometimes `` -- that 's an understatement . krystal : all right , look , i just -- ahem -- i ca n't do this . i -- i ca n't talk to you about david . tad : krystal -- forgive me . force of habit . in any case , i got these out . i wanted you to have them . they 're blueprints of the cafe that we were going to build over the -- over the comeback site . you should have them . whatever happens , it 's a great idea . good luck . krystal : thank you . [ scene_break ] annie : ryan , i 'm scared ! please , do n't leave me in here . aidan : please , please , annie , i 'll help you . i 'll help you . i 'm here for you , all right ? just come back , talk to me . annie : please -- aidan : it 's ok . annie : please , i 'm begging you . you have to get me out of this room . i have to go find ryan . aidan : look , just stop worrying about ryan , ok ? obsessing about ryan is what got you in trouble in the first place . it 's what got you in here . annie : you do n't understand . aidan : look , annie , i do , all right ? i understand more than you know . the only way you 'll ever be at peace is if you let ryan go . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : in recent sessions , we 've been talking about the murder of annie 's brother . ryan : richie . dr. sinclair : yes . you know , you and i have n't had a chance to talk about him at depth . if you would n't mind giving me your thoughts and opinions -- ryan : um -- ok . well , honestly , the poor guy never had a chance with me , you know ? annie got me hating him before i even met him , really . you know , all the stories about how he tormented her , and i believed them , because i completely trusted my wife , but it turns out everything out of her mouth was a lie . dr. sinclair : so , richie really was n't the monster that annie made him out to be . ryan : richie warned me , too . he said that annie was the monster , was the sick one , was the crazy one , you know ? but i blew him off , and , man , do i regret that because if i had just listened to him , then maybe i could have got to annie and helped her before -- dr. sinclair : before she killed her brother in cold blood . ryan : that 's right . dr. sinclair : thank you . you 've -- you 've been a very big help . ryan : hey , that 's our wedding announcement . i have n't seen that yet -- oh ! dr. sinclair : god , you broke it ! you idiot ! [ scene_break ] jake : divorce is rough , ok ? take it from me . i mean , you know , you ca n't just sit around in the house , staring at the walls . what 's the alternative ? tad : got to get out there . jake : that 's right , you got to live your life , and you can start that tonight by just go -- doing your part -- tad : you could do something about the seat . jake : just take it from me , ok ? got to get out there . tad : jake -- jake : now , have you worked on your moves ? do you know what you 're going to do ? tad : oh , yeah . yeah . trust me , it 's not going to be pretty , but i know exactly what i 'm going to do . jake : was that so hard ? [ scene_break ] [ jesse and natalia laugh ] jesse : i ca n't believe you . every year you give me the same thing , and every year it 's my favorite gift . natalia : good . jesse : thank you . natalia : yes . you know the goal is to make the new one even tackier than the last one . jesse : success . natalia : cha - ching . mom and i actually have another gift for you . jesse : what ? natalia : we are going to give you and angie your apartment back . jesse : your mother 's moving out ? natalia : no , no , actually , she 's moving in with me . i 'm looking for a place where we could both share . look , you guys -- you guys have been so generous and so sweet letting mom stay with you when she got really , really sick , ok ? now that she 's responding to the chemo , i mean , i 'm sure i could take care of her by myself . oh , speaking of which -- i almost forgot . mom asked me to give this to you . jesse : there 's more . natalia : there 's more . [ natalia chuckles ] jesse : `` there once was a man from pa who now celebrates his birthday . `` it rhymes . [ natalia chuckles ] jesse : `` we gave him a cheer and a wish for next year that his daughter will always obey . `` natalia : ah ! jesse : right . natalia : nice . jesse : yeah , that 'll happen . natalia : so , that 's mom 's gift . what did angie get you ? jesse : hmm . well -- natalia : she forgot your birthday ? jesse : no , no , come on , angela has had a lot on her plate lately . she just got her job back , you know ? i mean , it 's easy , you know , to forget a date . natalia : well , then we 're just going to have to remind her . jesse : oh , come on , come on , come on , put that down , all right ? there 's no need to make her feel bad . i mean , i do n't feel bad . i 'm here with you and my tacky mug . [ natalia laughs ] jesse : what else do i need , huh ? natalia : all right . well , i could think of one more thing . how about this ? jesse : oh , oh , oh . no , uh , yeah , we do n't -- natalia : what ? jesse : we do n't want to do that , ok ? you , me , and your mother , when we lived together , we 'd do this kind of thing at home in private . natalia : that 's because you were hiding out . jesse : that 's not the only reason , all right ? singing `` happy birthday `` in a public place is -- i hate it . natalia : all right . jesse : it 's a nightmare . natalia : ok , ok , fine , look -- how about this ? come here . jesse : that 's better . natalia : happy birthday . jesse : thank you , baby . [ natalia chuckles ] natalia : to the world 's greatest dad . [ natalia laughs ] [ scene_break ] ryan : god , i 'm such a klutz . i 'm sorry . you know what ? i 'll -- i 'll replace it . dr. sinclair : no , it 's ok . i -- i overreacted . it 's -- it 's just a mug . you know , it 's -- it 's just been a really long day . ryan : are you from chicago ? dr. sinclair : no , no , um -- a friend gave it to me . i need an orderly . you know , i hope you have a -- a wonderful wedding , and do n't worry about annie . i 'll take care of her . would you please escort mr. lavery out of the building ? um -- [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] brot : hey , what 's going on , man ? man : hey , ok , man . jesse : listen , i want to thank you for the cup and the cupcake , and i want to hear all about the academy , but right now , i 'm beat . i got to crash . you know police work can really take it out of a man . i have to go . natalia : no , no , no , wait , wait , just -- wait . i want to hear what 's making you so busy . jesse : another time , ok ? natalia : it 's the hayward case , right ? tell me about it . jesse : what hayward case ? natalia : well , i 've gotten to know a few guys at the station . one of them said that he went with you to that -- wildwind place . he said that you found illegal drugs , and did n't make the arrest . what 's up with that ? jesse : you know better than that . i ca n't discuss an ongoing investigation . come on . natalia : not even with your daughter ? jesse : not even with my daughter . drop it . [ scene_break ] krystal : look , i just -- i just met with tad and the lawyers . i needed a little something for my nerves . it 's just a one - time thing . david : it 's all right . relax . i know you 're not an addict . i could use a little something myself . [ david sighs ] krystal : tough day at the hospital ? [ david chuckles , pours drink ] david : yeah , yeah , i guess you can say that . what are those ? krystal : plans for the cafe , ahem , where the comeback was . tad 's letting me have the property . david : the property where our daughter was fatally injured ? how thoughtful of him . krystal : he was trying to be nice . david : oh , of course , right . a lasting memory of our daughter 's demise . ca n't get much nicer than that . [ krystal scoffs ] krystal : well , babe and i had some good memories there , too , you know ? and -- and i 'm proud of -- forget it . i do n't want to fight . david : no , no , i 'm sorry . you 're right . neither do i . so what do you want to do tonight , hmm ? lady 's choice . krystal : you know i -- i do n't really care where we go , as long as i get out of this house . david : ok . krystal : i 'm going to go change . [ david burns the plans in the fireplace ] [ scene_break ] taylor : this is great . brot : what ? taylor : just seeing you smile and telling your little jokes and just being out in the world again -- it 's great . brot : yeah , i would have to say , this is the happiest i 've been since -- well , you know . it 's weird , huh ? taylor : no , no , it makes sense . i mean , the work that you 're doing at the hospital , it 's work that matters , you know ? it has meaning and that 's who you are . brot : you know what 's weird about it , though , and this may sound corny , but the patients , when they look at me and hear my story , i -- i kind of feel like a -- like a stud again . [ brot laughs ] taylor : you are a stud . you 're beautiful , inside and out . [ scene_break ] natalia : so you found illegal drugs at hayward 's place , and then , boom , just like that , the charges against angie are dropped , and she gets her job back ? did you make a deal with him ? jesse : i ai n't playing with you . natalia : damn it , dad . wait , wait , wait , you ca n't go . you have to stay . jesse : you have been stalling me . why ? natalia : oh , you did n't eat your cupcake . angie , frankie , randi , and jake : for he 's a jolly good fellow , for he 's a jolly good fellow , for he 's a jolly good fellow jake : which tad : nobody can deny ! [ cheers and applause as tad pops out of a giant cake ] jake : yeah . [ scene_break ] aidan : everything 's going to be ok . aidan : listen , i have to pop out for a while . annie : no , no , do n't leave me . aidan : i wo n't be long . annie : i do n't want to be alone . aidan : listen , annie , you 're not alone . imagine i 'm right there , and i 'm giving you a big hug . can you feel that ? [ annie sighs ] aidan : remember what you said to me ? that i 'm the only one that you believe . remember my promise to you ? annie : everything 's going to be ok . everything 's going to be ok . [ vent slides shut ] annie : are you still there ? [ door opens ] dr. sinclair : hello , annie . annie : i do n't want to talk about richie . dr. sinclair : ok . let 's talk about ryan . brace yourself . [ scene_break ] ryan : i still ca n't leave . orderly : dr. sinclair said to escort you out of the building . ryan : yeah , well , um -- you see , the thing is , it 's very difficult for me to see my wife in this condition , and i need a little bit of time to pull myself together . [ ryan hands the orderly some cash ] orderly : you can have five minutes . aidan : hey , what are you still doing here ? ryan : sinclair caught me on my way out . aidan : do n't tell me you 've gone and blown this . ryan : no , i have n't , actually . it worked out -- it worked out really , really good , all right ? by accident , i break her coffee mug -- her chicago coffee mug . it hits the floor , she freaks out . aidan : well , did you find anything about chicago in sinclair 's resume or in her personal history ? ryan : no , nothing at all , but during the two years that she supposedly vanished , richie was in prison -- in chicago . aidan : we 're going to make a p.i . out of you yet . [ scene_break ] jesse : this is wrong on so many levels . [ angie laughs ] tad : chief , my name is officer kojak . frankie : uh - oh . tad : it 's my job to inform you that you have the right to remain -- sexy . [ everyone howls as tad does a hilarious striptease and dance ] [ loud music plays ] [ cheers ] jake : oh . oh , no . jake : wow ! natalia : whoo ! oh , my god , this is too much . jesse : get away from me , man . david : it looks like martin finally found his calling . tad : happy birthday , chief . natalia : yeah ! [ everyone cheers as tad rips off his shirt and exposes his t - shirt with `` happy birthday * super cop `` on it ] jesse : you are out of your mind . natalia : happy birthday . tad : oh , man . david : think we 've seen enough ? krystal : yeah . frankie : your face when tad popped out of that cake ? jake : i got to get this cake back . do you want to help me ? this is a rental . i got to return the cake . tad : i 'll be right back . see you in about a half - hour . get the real cake . angie : oh , my god . i can not believe we pulled this off . jesse : i 'll take care of you . angie : thank you for keeping your father here . natalia : it was n't easy . jesse : yeah , i 'm sorry . i gave her a hard time , a real hard way to go . natalia : it was so worth it . [ natalia laughs ] [ phone rings ] jesse : i 'll never forget this one . natalia : oh , it 's mom . she knew about the party . she 's probably just calling to wish you a happy birthday . answer it . jesse : what ? you knew about this ? jesse hubbard . who is this ? when ? yeah . of course , i 'll tell her . thank you . natalia : who was that ? jesse : hey , let 's -- let 's get out of here . natalia : no , no , tell me who that was . it 's mom 's phone . jesse : that was a doctor from denver . they had to take her to an emergency room . natalia : is she ok ? jesse : i 'm so sorry , baby . she 's gone . we lost her . i 'm so sorry . natalia : mom 's not dead . she ca n't be . jesse : come with me . natalia : no . leave me alone . jesse : natalia , please . i 'll go . frankie : wait , wait . what did the doctor say ? angie : was it her heart ? jesse : rebecca decided to stop all the treatments . she apparently went to denver to die on her own terms -- alone . jake : i was going to get a bigger cake . tad : honey ? where -- where 'd jesse go ? what 's up ? angie : um , rebecca -- natalia 's mother -- she passed away . tad : what ? oh , god , honey , i 'm so sorry . tad : i 'll try to catch up with jesse . angie : i do n't understand . rebecca was responding . she -- she was improving . frankie : no , mom . rebecca was dying . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : they 're getting married . valentine 's day . ryan and i had a nice , long talk . he told me how happy he is with greenlee . he , uh -- he also had a few things to say about you . [ turns tape recorder on ] ryan 's voice : richie warned me . he -- he said that annie was the liar , the sick one , the crazy one , but i -- you know , i blew him off . i -- i 'm sorry about that now . obviously he was right all along . and if i had just listened to him , maybe i could have done something . i could have stopped annie before -- dr. sinclair 's voice : before she killed her brother in cold blood ? ryan 's voice : yeah . that 's right . [ turns tape recorder off ] annie : no . no , that -- that ryan -- he 's lying . ryan knew that richie was bad . dr. sinclair : no . no , annie . you 're the one that 's lying , because you can see it in your mind . you can hear it . the tire iron crushing richie 's skull . your brother moaning as the life drains out of him . why do you keep pretending , when we all know you did it ? ryan knows , i know -- annie : no . dr. sinclair : and so do you . it would be so much easier if you just admit it . you murdered richie . annie : yes ! yes , i did , because he was evil ! he tortured me . he threatened to tell ryan all of my secrets -- that i lied to get pregnant . ryan was my world . he was my husband . he was everything to me , and i was not going to lose him , so i grabbed that tire iron , and i hit richie , and i hit him hard ! i killed my brother , and i pretended that i did n't remember , but i did . i killed richie , so i would n't lose ryan . [ scene_break ] jake : poor natalia . tad : yeah , it 's hard . but you know what ? she still has jesse and angie and frankie to lean on . and that 's important . it 'll get her through this . how about you ? who do you got to lean on these days ? jake : i 'm good . i 'm , you know , keeping busy . i got my job back , so -- tad : so we 're not going to talk about the feelings you no longer have for a certain lieutenant who should remain nameless ? jake : no , no . i 'm good with all that . she 's off with what 's - his - face . i 'm fine . tad : who do you think you 're talking to ? i 've known you since the world was cooling , man . come on , i saw the look on your face . and i do n't blame you . sometimes i see krystal with david , i want to beat him to a pulp . jake : well , that 's the difference between you and me . see , i 'm not a violent man . i do n't have violent tendencies . tad : nonetheless , the point is well taken . your life is a disaster . which means you and i can help out each other . jake : do you hear this guy ? tad : no , seriously . come on , put down the doll . listen -- options . you could , if you insist , rent that ridiculous tree house out there in the middle of the sticks . jake : it 's not -- it 's in the woods . it 's not in the tree . it 's called a cabin . tad : well , it 's a toilet , and it 's got david 's vibes all over the place . or , you could move into the spacious living arrangement you see before you avec moi and be of service to your brother -- who needs you . i 'm serious . i could use the help . god knows the girls love their uncle jake . jake : i -- tad : come on . jake : if i did it , it would have so many conditions , you know ? tad : like what ? jake : well , the first condition would be that you 'd have to dance for us every night , your supercop dance in your footie pajamas , because we would need to be entertained . tad : see , there you go . ok , torpedo the whole thing . i 'm already having second thoughts , bro . jake : and the second condition , which is right after the first , because there 's many , is do n't ever call me `` bro , `` because i do n't like that . tad : how do you feel about `` manzier `` ? jake : i , well , i do n't like that either . [ scene_break ] david : i 'm sick of running into martin . maybe we 'll get lucky and he 'll take his act on the road -- permanently . krystal : where were my blueprints ? they were right here . david : yeah , they were . then i threw them in the fire . krystal : you have every right to hate that property , but it belongs to me . babe and i started the comeback , and i 'm going to do something with that property in her memory . david : and i think it 's a wonderful idea . krystal : so you torched my plans . david : yeah , your plans . she was our daughter . so i thought we should do something together . you know , build something new that shows just how much she meant to both of us . krystal : so , you 're on board with this ? david : absolutely . now , you were envisioning some kind of a cafe -- is that it ? krystal : well , actually , more like a -- a coffee place . david : well , that sounds great . you can sign me up as a part - time barista . krystal : right . yes . you are going to serve lattes . sure . sure . david : are you kidding me ? i 'd be making lattes in my sleep , darling . krystal : oh , ho ! david : i 'm serious . you ai n't tasted any latte until you tasted my double- shot , double - foam , vanilla - skim , mocha , decaf frappe thingy that 's there . [ krystal laughs ] david : oh , god , i love that laugh . and i would do anything to keep that smile on your face . anything . [ scene_break ] frankie : she made me promise not to tell . i thought she was going to denver to get her affairs in order . i -- had no idea it would happen so soon . randi : frankie , you were right for respecting her wishes . [ angie sighs ] angie : i should have known . i mean , the day rebecca left , i sensed something in the way she said goodbye . the way she spoke to natalia . i mean , she knew that it was the last time that she would ever see her daughter . take wings and fly , rebecca . and may the angels watch over your precious , precious child . [ scene_break ] natalia : do n't ask me why i came here . jesse : well , my guess would be to feel closer to your mother . this was the last place she called home . natalia : this -- this came overnight from denver . i keep trying to -- jesse : here , here . want me to read it for you ? jesse : `` my dear natalia , how can i express my love for you on a single page ? my final wish for you is to find happiness . it 's within your reach , baby . grab it and hold on tight . you have so much to look forward to -- being with your new family , starting your career . you have so much of your father in you -- his strength and courage . you 're together again , and i know -- i know you have everything you need to move on and have a wonderful future . that 's why i 'm saying goodbye this way . in time , you 'll understand i did this to protect you . i was n't going to get any better . telling you only would have prolonged the suffering for us both . but i 'm at peace now . i want you to believe that . i want you to mourn me , then embrace your new life . i 'm so proud of you . i will love you through eternity . forever , mom . `` jesse : natalia , wait , wait . natalia : i have to be alone . i have to be alone . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i know this was n't easy , but you did very , very well . and now that you 've confessed , all the pain will go away . annie : how could you , ryan ? how could you do this to me ? [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] ryan : talk to me . aidan : i just broke into sinclair 's computer . i hacked in , and i found some hidden files . ryan : great . anything we can use ? aidan : i 'm looking at a letter to sinclair from the warden at a correctional facility in chicago , and it clearly urges her to resign her post as prison psychiatrist , given her indiscretion with an unnamed inmate . ryan : the inmate has to be richie novak -- we got her . | at confusion , jesse and natalia sit at a table celebrating his birthday . at pine valley hospital , jake , frankie and angie are standing at the nurses ' station . they do not have any complaints , they are just glad to be back at work . david walks up and overhears them talking . david reminds them that they have patients to see . angie lets him know that they are not on the clock . at tad 's house , tad and krystal meet with their lawyer . krystal 's lawyer suggests that tad and krystal sell everything and split the money . tad refuses to sell the house . at oak haven , aidan talks to annie through the air vent . dr. sinclair has a confrontation with ryan in the hall and demands to know what he is doing here . ryan looks through the window in the door and sees annie talking to someone through the air vent . annie notices ryan being outside the door and begins to pound on the door and yells for ryan . ryan and dr. sinclair talk in her office about ryan 's impending nuptials . ryan starts to get up out of his chair and knocks a cup off the desk . dr. sinclair calls him an `` idiot . `` natalia tells jesse that she is looking for a place for herself and her rebecca . taylor and brot arrive at the confusion bar . natalia questions jesse about his investigation concerning david , but jesse refuses to tell her anything . at wildwind , krystal takes another little white pill to calm her nerves . david watches her . krystal shows david the blueprints that tad had given her the property that the comeback bar was on . while krystal goes to change her clothes , david picks up the blueprints and throws them onto the fire . dr. sinclair visits annie and shows her a pic of ryan and greenlee getting married soon . |
scott : if you had n't changed , how would you use this merit trust to your advantage ? annie : i thought you did n't care about it ? scott : i do n't . this is just an exercise . annie : in manipulation ? scott : and your ability to read situations . annie : simple . i 'd get colby to fall for the wrong guy so i 'd get her share of the money . scott : and j.r. ? annie : just keep him out of the house . scott : and what would you do to me ? annie : guess . scott : then we 'd both be out of the trust . annie : could be worth it . [ scene_break ] adam : i spoke with colby . j.r . j.r. : damn it ! i told colby not to say anything . last thing i want is your pity . i 'm gon na beat this . adam : you 're out of remission . j.r. : you did n't know ? adam : uh - uh . when did it happen ? j.r. : does n't matter . this cancer 's not gon na win . i will . [ marissa enters ] j.r. : good . you 're home . adam : why did n't you tell me ? j.r. : because i did n't want you to look at me like that . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't love you , ryan , not the way you are meant to be loved , and i know that you do n't love me that way either . i 'm not gon na settle for less , and i wo n't let you settle for less either . not when the people who are meant to be loved by us are out there for us . you know i 'm right , do n't you ? ryan : gorgeous and wise and honest , even when it 's very hard to be . erica : i 'm sorry . ryan : uh - uh . do n't be sorry . you 're amazing , do you know that ? i wish it had been you . erica : i wish it had been you , too . [ scene_break ] jackson : greenlee ? it 's really -- oh , my god . you 're alive ? [ scene_break ] adam : of course , you do n't want to be pitied . you 're your own man . but you 're in a fight now , son . you need a support system . j.r. : i have my support system . adam : you have your family . do n't shut us out . we want to help you ! j.r. : do you believe this ? i wanted family . i begged you to choose family , but you chose annie . so why the hell should i turn to you now ? marissa : j.r. , you need to relax . j.r. : no , no . i 'm fine . adam : well , i 'm sorry if i 've upset you . i love you , j.r. , and i 'm concerned . j.r. : so i 'm supposed to just trust you now ? this coming from the man who would rather have a relationship with a psycho than his own son ? adam : this is not about annie ! this is about you and your health ! j.r. : oh , yeah , dad . i have cancer . i have cancer , ok ? but that does n't change a single thing between us . adam : i want to help you . j.r. : no . you want to control me . adam : no , i do n't ! j.r. : yeah , you 've been trying to control me ever since i was born , with lies , manipulation , and money . well , now i 've got cancer , dad , so here 's your shot , all right ? marissa : j.r. , do n't . j.r. : it 's an angle you have n't used before . now , you want what 's best for me ? you want what 's best for me ? no , you want what 's best for you ! and you proved that the moment you chose annie . [ j.r. faints and hits his head on the furniture as he goes down ] adam : son -- son -- marissa : j.r. ! [ scene_break ] [ as colby tapes scott and annie kissing , her cell phone rings ] colby : hey , guys . scott : hey . annie : hey . we did n't , um , we did n't hear you . you been home long ? colby : no , no . i just got here . what 's up ? annie : just working . colby : oh . hmm . who knew crunching numbers could work up such a sweat ? scott : we really should get back to the spreadsheets . colby : yes , you do n't want to keep the sheets waiting . so , uh , where 's my dad ? annie : out . colby : well , he 'll be sorry he missed all the fun . you know , he 's always been a sucker for counting his money . see ya . ok , why did you call me ? damon : i wanted to say i 'm sorry . colby : you know , damon , you 're a jerk . damon : but you called me back , so there 's hope . colby : what do you want ? damon : i got the confusion job . i start today . i thought maybe you could drop by , i 'll buy you some fries to make it up to you . colby : maybe . [ scene_break ] annie : you know she saw us , and you know she 's gon na tell adam . if she does , i can say good - bye to this house , and you can say good - bye to this company . scott : well , i guess that answers that question . annie : what question ? scott : was it worth it ? [ scene_break ] erica : it really is much better this way , you know . i mean , with my track record . i 'm very happy to have you as a friend . ryan : so -- so we 're ok ? erica : more than ok . ryan : i mean , really , truly deep down . erica : a little sad maybe . you ? ryan : i 'm a little sad . erica : you 're not devastated ? ryan : ha ha ! would you like me to be devastated ? erica : i am erica kane . most men when they lose me , they 're a little bit devastated . ryan : well , then i am definitely a little bit devastated . ha . erica : good . ryan : do you think -- do you think we screwed it up ? erica : i think this is one of the most civilized breakups i 've ever had . ryan : no . i 'm talking about our friendship . i just hope the jumping into bed did n't ruin everything . erica : we did n't jump . we were friends first for a very long time , and we 're friends now again . only closer . ryan : and partners . i mean , are we still running fusion together ? erica : i would n't have it any other way . ryan : ok , good . we 're certainly gon na have our work cut out for us , that 's for sure . erica : oh , we 're gon na get fusion back on track and in the black in no time . ryan : no . i 'm talking about the press . i mean , we just made our big announcement . i 'm a little curious how we 'll handle the unannouncement . erica : oh , i think that we have so many more important things to deal with . what if we do n't ? ryan : that is genius . erica : what ? ryan : i 'm just thinking about the incredibly lucky man that 's gon na fall in love with you heart and soul . erica : oh , you are gon na find someone , too . ryan : no , no , no . no . not gon na happen for me . [ scene_break ] jackson : my god , i 'm not dreaming , am i ? 'cause i 've had this dream a lot . greenlee : me , too . it 's kept me going . jackson : i do n't understand . how -- how is this possible ? honey , wh -- where were you ? what happened ? greenlee : i 'm here , and i 'm going to be your daughter for eons to come . can we just -- leave it at that for now ? jackson : i 'm looking forward to every minute of it , yeah , but you have to make me understand how this -- how this could be . i mean , how did you survive that accident ? greenlee , the fall alone would have killed anyone , and that river was freezing . sweetheart , they found you -- but here you are . how ? greenlee : someone found me . i was unconscious , almost dead . i was in a coma for months , and when i woke up , i was -- i was so confused . i still thought it was my wedding day . jackson : oh . greenlee : and then -- when i found out how much time had passed and everybody thought i was dead -- jackson : why did n't you call us ? greenlee : i could n't . jackson : well , then why did n't whoever rescued you call us ? i mean , your name , your face was all over the news . certainly they knew who you were , that you had people who loved you or were looking for you . what kind of a monster would let your family and friends think you were dead ? [ scene_break ] scott : you know , i just -- i ca n't believe i let you get to me again . annie : what ? it 's not like i held you down . scott : this has to stop , annie . annie : ok , can we just stop with the self - flagellation for a second and focus on what is important ? damage control . scott : ok . ok . maybe colby wo n't tell adam . i -- i do n't -- annie : she 'll have a marching band and fireworks . so we -- we just have to -- we just have to come up with our story . scott : you were choking and i used my tongue to help ? annie : you better take this seriously , because it could be the end of both of us . [ telephone rings ] annie : hello . adam : annie ? annie : hi , sweetheart , where are you ? adam : i need to talk to colby . it 's important . annie : colby . i have n't seen her . adam : well , track her down . tell her to meet us at the hospital . annie : what 's happened ? are you all right ? adam : i 'm fine . it 's j.r . [ scene_break ] damon : you came . colby : yeah . i actually had nothing else to do . damon : oh . well , i really am sorry for trashing your family . you know , i was -- i was out of line . at least they give a crap . colby : no . you -- all right , my family is majorly messed up , like jerry springer messed up , especially my wicked step - bitch mother . [ cell phone rings ] colby : oh . sorry . oh , my step - monster 's ears must be burning . damon : are you gon na answer it ? colby : no . i 'm gon na let her sweat a little bit longer . [ scene_break ] erica : do n't be such a pessimist . ryan : huh . erica : of course , you 're going to find someone else to love . ryan : no , it 's not pessimism . it 's just , uh , it 's kind of like a defensive move . well , i know how much you love to fix things , and i can just imagine you trying to , like , set me up with somebody that you think is perfect or try to get me out there more . erica : because you deserve to be happy . ryan : and i 've been happy , the kind of happy that does n't happen twice . erica : greenlee ? ryan : i mean , it took us a while to get there . i left . she left . we hurt each other . we helped each other . we hurt each other , but we always , uh , we always came back . and when we did , nothing could stop us . or at least , that 's what we thought . erica : i 'm sorry . ryan : no , do n't be sorry . i 've got enough memories of greenlee to last me a lifetime . `` surprise the day . `` that 's what we used to say . she even wrote it in her vows , and she was . she was surprised every day . erica : really ? ryan : and at night -- i would just stare up at the moon , and i would just try to will her back . erica : so all those times i saw you looking at the moon , you were -- thinking of greenlee , you were missing her ? ryan : um -- the moon was kind of our thing . erica : oh -- ryan : i 'm sorry . erica : no , it 's fine . ryan : yeah ? 'cause it means a lot to me that i can talk to you about this , about greenlee . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm the one to blame . it was my call . when i woke up and realized how badly i was hurt , i did n't want anyone contacted . jackson : aw , honey , why ? why ? why did n't you want to see us ? greenlee : i could n't move my legs . the surgery that made this possible was so insanely risky i could n't take the chance of calling you and then dying on you all over again . jackson : oh , honey , i could have been there for you , i could have helped you . greenlee : i know , and i love you for that . but losing me a second time , i could n't do that to you . so i waited until i knew i 'd make it . jackson : here you are . healthy and strong . oh ! and -- and you are ok , right ? greenlee : i 'm here to stay . jackson : good . does ryan know ? greenlee : you 're the first . jackson : well , i like that , but we have to tell him . greenlee : soon . jackson : my darling daughter , i ca n't -- who is responsible for this miracle ? i mean , if i never believed in miracles before , i sure do now . who is it ? i want to thank them for returning my daughter to me . greenlee : well , you 're in luck . he 's here . jackson : he 's here ? you . [ scene_break ] marissa : is he all right ? j.r. : i 'm fine . i just got dizzy . adam : you 're not fine . you have cancer . j.r. : yeah , it 's a little hard to forget with this port in my chest . so , doc , am i gon na live ? doctor : no concussion . a stitch or two and you 'll be as good as new . your oncologist might try to adjust your chemo protocols . adam : i want second and third opinions . j.r. : yeah , this is exactly why i do n't need you here . adam : i want the very best for you . marissa : maybe you could wait outside . adam : all right , i understand that you do n't want me to help you right now . but later , if you do , i 'll be here . j.r. : you see that ? it 's classic adam . he just wants to control everything . marissa : he 's just worried about you . j.r. : he means nothing to me . [ scene_break ] scott : is j.r. all right ? adam : uh , he took a fall . he got some stitches . annie : ah . drunk again ? why am i not surprised ? adam : where 's colby ? annie : um , i could n't find her . i called , but she did n't pick up . adam : damn it , she 's got to be here . j.r. needs her . and he needs all of us . annie : for a bump on the head ? scott : what 's going on ? adam : j.r. has cancer . [ scene_break ] erica : so all this time , all these feelings you had about greenlee , you felt that you could n't open up to me that much because we were lovers . ryan : would have been a little awkward , do n't you think ? erica : ha . but now that we 're friends again , i hope you never hold back with me about anything . ryan : even about greenlee ? erica : even about greenlee . really , i 'm honored that you trust me enough to talk to me about what really matters to you . ryan : even though you -- you were n't exactly a fan ? erica : ha . ryan : ha ! erica : no , i was n't exactly a fan of greenlee 's . i do n't think we were ever meant to be friends , but when i hear you talk about how she surprised you and how she made you happy , i can appreciate her for that very much . and listening to you from your point of view , i can understand why you fell in love with her . ryan : you really are something , you know that ? [ cell phone rings ] erica : oh , get that . ryan : sorry . erica : that might be important . ryan : ha . oh , it 's jesse . he wants to see me . erica : oh , go . ryan : you sure ? erica : of course , i 'm sure . it 's probably about fusion . [ scene_break ] jackson : so what are you saying , that hayward here , that hayward was the one that rescued you from that riverbank ? greenlee : and kept me alive and found the best surgeon in the world so i could walk again . jackson : and you never bothered to tell me ? to tell ryan ? to tell kendall ? you just let us grieve ? greenlee : it was my decision . david : i wanted to tell you . jackson : the hell you did . what you wanted was to watch our grief , enjoy your secret , enjoy being in control . greenlee : that 's not how it was . jackson : you know , you 've always loved playing god , david , always . but this ? you demented -- greenlee : it was n't like that . jackson : you tell me , how was it ? david : greenlee was barely alive . it was touch and go for months . i did n't want to tell you that she was alive only to have her die on you again . jackson : oh , so you did this for us ? greenlee : when i woke up , i was so weak . my legs were paralyzed . i needed an operation . there was no guarantee i 'd even survive . jackson : i 'm sorry , but that 's not a reason for him to keep this to himself . greenlee : i wanted to come back to you strong , healthy . i wanted this , to tell you myself and share this miracle with you , not do it over the phone . jackson : and i 'm eternally grateful that you 're back , strong and healthy , standing right here in front of me . what 's your angle , david , huh ? what do you get out of this ? greenlee : you should be thanking david , not attacking him . jackson : you dredged up a corpse . you tampered with the dna so we 'd think greenlee was dead , did n't you ? let me tell you something , he did n't do that for you . he did that because he likes to play master of the universe . greenlee : who are you calling ? jackson : the police . greenlee : you ca n't . jackson : and now i 'm gon na take you as far away from him as i possibly can . greenlee : i would be dead if it were n't for him . jackson : come on , greenlee . greenlee : if you make that call , i really will be dead to you . jackson : you ca n't mean that . greenlee : maybe you do n't approve of david 's methods , but the only reason i 'm standing here is because of him , and there 's no way in hell i 'm gon na let you throw him in prison . david : greenlee , it 's all right . greenlee : no , it 's not . if you go anywhere near the police , you will never see me again . thank you . jackson : listen , honey , you -- come stay with me . there are so many people who are going to want to see you and talk to you . i mean , ryan , kendall -- greenlee : no ! i mean , not so soon . jackson : and why is that ? greenlee : can i have a few minutes with my father ? david : of course . just do n't overdo it . jackson : look , i know you do n't want to hear this right now , but hayward is not the hero he makes himself out to be . greenlee : you 're right . i do n't want to hear it . jackson : what he is , greenlee , is a thief . he stole 12 months from your life . he 's got you convinced that he brought you back from the dead . he 's gon na use your gratitude against you . you watch . greenlee : i know hating david is pine valley 's favorite hobby , but for now , for you and me , just drop it , ok ? jackson : ok , of course . whatever you want . greenlee : my favorite words . and there is something i want . jackson : sure , of course , you want to see ryan . greenlee : i do n't want ryan to know i 'm alive . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 've got to be kidding me . valentine 's day ? no . no . no way in hell . [ scene_break ] jackson : you know word of your professional teamwork has made it all the way across the atlantic . how is kendall gon na explain a thing like that ? her mommy and his daddy are sleeping together ? erica : oh , how dare you ? jackson : look , if i have any idea what ryan 's going through , it 's because i was in his shoes . i 've lost my heart . and yes , i 'm talking about you . you are hell to get over . you do know that , do n't you ? [ scene_break ] scott : all those times i slammed j.r. for being drunk , hung - over , huh . oh , my god . adam : do n't be too hard on yourself . colby : hey , i got annie 's message . what happened ? adam : j.r. fell , hit his head . bad reaction to the chemo . colby : he told you ? adam : yes . and i wished you 'd have told me sooner . colby : i gave j.r. my word . adam : yeah , i know . i understand , and i 'm proud of you . keeping your promise , helping protect your brother ? yeah , that 's my girl . i 'm so glad all the secrets are out . colby : i am just glad you finally told dad . j.r. : that was an accident . colby : `` how are you ? i have cancer . `` that 's an accident ? j.r. : i thought you ratted me out . colby : you jerk , i would n't do that . j.r. : well , thank you for knowing how to keep a secret . colby : if i feel like it . ha ha . doctor : dr. khan wants to adjust your chemo protocol . i 'd like to go over it with you . colby : well , i guess that 's my cue . love you , brother . j.r. : i love you , too . p.a . announcement : dr . wise , dr . wise , call the lobby . scott : hey . how is he ? colby : he 's the coolest brother in the world . where 's my dad ? scott : uh , he and annie , they went out for some air . colby : so , what is it like when annie comes up for air ? scott : you saw us , did n't you ? colby : everything but full frontal . props . huh . scott : props ? colby : you 're finally on board , are n't you ? the perfect plan . you do annie , dad kicks annie to the curb , problem solved . scott : i 'm not playing , colby . this is over , all right ? colby : have you -- have you seen my new cell phone ? insane megapixels . and the images ? it 's almost like you were there . scott : you did n't . colby : oh -- and it 's brilliant . scott : your father just found out that his son has cancer , and you are going to slam him with a picture of annie and me kissing ? colby : no . actually , i used video . scott : you think he 'll divorce annie . colby : i do n't know , but he 's definitely gon na wonder about you -- if he can trust you . and it would be terrible if you got fired for putting your lips on his wife . again . i told you to pick a side , scott . scott : why do i have this crazy feeling that you 've already picked it for me ? colby : well , all you have to do is help me get rid of annie . scott : and if i do n't ? colby : i am really , really gon na miss you . [ scene_break ] annie : this is why you wanted j.r. back in the house , why you made it a condition of the merit trust . you were -- you were scared his cancer was gon na come back , and you wanted to be there for him . adam : it would be the world to me if j.r. let me back in his life again . annie : i know , but , adam , you ca n't force his decision . adam : j.r. is pushing real hard because he wants to be strong for marissa and little adam . well , that ca n't go on forever . what he needs is someone who will shoulder the responsibility for that , who would take care of his family if the worst should happen . annie : come here . come here . whatever you need , i am here for you , ok ? whatever you need . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 'm , uh , just not ready to tell ryan . jackson : was this hayward 's idea ? greenlee : ha ! he saved my life . he did n't brainwash me into doing his biddings . all me . jackson : you 're sure ? 'cause ryan would want to know you 're alive . i think maybe the sooner you told him , the better . greenlee : no . please , dad . i need to do this my way . i needed you to promise that you wo n't tell anyone you 've seen me . jackson : honey , i want to shout it from the rooftops . you 're asking me not to say anything ? greenlee : i know , i know . it 's asking a lot , but i just need you to trust me on this . it 's important . jackson : ok . i -- i wo n't tell a soul . i do n't know how the hell i 'm gon na do that , but i promise you , i wo n't . [ greenlee hugs her dad ] jackson : i ca n't believe you 're here . oh , honey , listen , come stay with me , huh ? i mean , you can hide from the world as long as you want . greenlee : i need to be here . just for a little while . jackson : ah . greenlee : i need more time . jackson : you 've lost so much time already . it was a year ago . a year ago . i mean , you and ryan , me toasting the bride and groom to be . of course . of course , you 're waiting until valentine 's day because that would be your one- year anniversary , right ? greenlee : yes . jackson : ah ! greenlee : exactly . what better day to reveal myself . jackson : yeah . greenlee : do n't you have a plane to catch ? jackson : i 'm not going anywhere . you crazy ? greenlee : you need to get back to your clients . jackson : sweetheart , i 'm not gon na leave you . i need you . you need me . greenlee : come on . why do n't you give me a week . go back to europe , take care of your clients , get everything in order , and then come back , and we 'll spend so much time together you 'll get sick of me . jackson : oh , no , no , no . wait . first of all , that 's impossible , ok ? greenlee : ha ha . well , look at the bright side . i mean , in europe you do n't have anyone to lie to . it 's much easier to keep my secret there than here in pine valley . please ? jackson : ok , i - i 'll -- i 'll go , but let me tell you something -- this is the hardest thing i 'll ever do in my entire life . greenlee : thank you . jackson : turn around and walk out that door and leave you behind . greenlee : then do n't . i 'll do the walking . i love you so much . jackson : i love you . i love you . [ scene_break ] marissa : hey . scott : hey . thanks . marissa : how are you holding up ? scott : oh , pretty good . you know , for a jackass who 's been slamming his sick cousin for the last few months as a lazy drunk . marissa : well , you did n't know . scott : i should n't have written him off , marissa , same ol ' selfish j.r . i was the one who was selfish . marissa : well , i have it on pretty good authority that he 's alone right now . why do n't you go tell him ? scott : yeah ? thanks . marissa : ahh -- j.r. : you hear the one about the guy with cancer ? scott : i 'm an ass . j.r. : you 're my cousin . you know what sucks about this ? i mean , besides everything ? is i hate to ask for help , but this stupid disease forces me to do that . scott : whatever you need . j.r. : my family . there 's no one i trust more than you to take care of them . scott : please do n't talk like that . j.r. : will you do it ? scott : you have my word . [ scene_break ] annie : j.r. is going to be fine . adam : and i 'm gon na make sure of it . annie : whew . colby : horrible , is n't it ? annie : yes . little adam lost his mother , and now his dad is sick . it 's not fair . colby : like you care . annie : i do care . colby : yeah , only about yourself . j.r. moves back into the house , it changes everything . all that father / son bonding . and you 're screwed . finally and for good . annie : wow . ok , here we go , the real colby . between you and me , the sugary sweet version was starting to get on my nerves . this is much more refreshing . colby : ha . well , you know what gets on my nerves ? your tongue down scott 's throat . annie : so that 's what 's got you all worked up . colby : you know , if i had n't walked in there , you just would have done it there right on the couch . annie : so what are you gon na do ? what are you gon na tell adam ? go ahead . he 's never gon na believe you . what , did you take a picture ? colby : no , it 's -- it 's even better . huh . you think he 's gon na believe this ? what the hell are you doing ? [ annie grabs colby 's phone and breaks it in two ] annie : whoopsies ! sorry ! slipped . colby : so you think that 's gon na stop me from busting you ? annie : try it . without proof , you are just an immature , spoiled little child who is jealous of daddy 's new wife . what are you doing ? colby : being nice . mmm . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings ] erica : jack ? thank you for calling me back . i need to see you . jackson : it 's -- it 's really not a good time just right now . erica : jack , i would n't ask if it was n't important . please . jackson : ok , i 'll be there as soon as i can . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my father wanted to drag me straight to ryan . god , he thinks i 'm waiting until valentine 's day for the big reveal because i 'm so damn sentimental . david : i take it you did n't mention we were getting married . greenlee : one dead person around here is enough . but i think we 're in the clear . [ when she hears tires squealing , greenlee hides as ryan bursts through the door ] ryan : what the hell are you up to , hayward ? david : you do realize that people usually knock , right ? ryan : getting married , are you ? david : oh , you got your invitation ? ryan : no . actually i did n't . i heard about it from jesse . david : so is this you rsvp'ing in person ? plus one , i 'm assuming . ryan : you son of a bitch . you son of a bitch . valentine 's day ? david : it happens to be the most romantic day of the year . ryan : it also would have been greenlee 's and my first anniversary . david : ok , now you ca n't possibly believe that my big day is about you ? ryan : what is wrong with you , hayward ? you just ca n't stop messing with me ! david : what are you whining about ? you moved on , right ? the whole world has been treated to these pictures of your grand affair with erica . ryan : how you gon na spend your honeymoon , huh , you and your new bride ? you gon na spend your time trying to incinerate what 's left of erica 's company ? david : ha ha . how do you think greenlee would feel if she heard you refer to fusion as erica 's company ? [ greenlee watches from behind the curtain as ryan knocks david down with a punch ] ryan : do n't you ever , ever say anything to me about greenlee . | scott and annie hold hands in the study of the chandler mansion . colby stands outside the window and takes a pic of them kissing . adam tries to comfort j.r. over his cancer as marissa walks in . adam and j.r. hug . adam questions marissa as to why she had n't told him about j.r. 's cancer . in her hotel room at the yacht club , erica tells ryan that she does n't love him nor does ryan love her . adam urges j.r. not to shut the family out from helping him deal with this . j.r. falls to the floor and has to be rushed to the hospital . colby interrupts scott and annie kissing , but makes no mention that she had made a pic of them kissing on her cell phone . annie fears that colby will tell adam what had happened . jack and greenlee meet up in the chapel at wildwind . jack begins to question greenlee as to where she had been all this time . jack lashes out at david when he finds out that david is the one , who had known about greenlee being alive , but had n't told anyone . colby calls damon to see why he had called her . damon tells colby that he had gotten a job at confusion and wanted her to join him . colby meets damon at the bar and gets a call from annie . |
erica : you left the house early . jack : i just wanted some time alone . erica : it 's a big day for your daughter . jack : yes , it is . erica : you look very handsome . jack : you look gorgeous as always , but not dressed for a wedding . erica : i 'm not going . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you awake ? ryan : i hardly slept . greenlee : ditto . do you think it 's bad luck talking to me before the wedding ? it 's not like you 're actually seeing me , right ? ryan : there 's no such thing as bad luck when it comes to us . greenlee : the last time you saw me before our wedding , i went over a cliff . you 'll have to understand if i have some nerves about luck . ryan : today is gon na be your perfect day , greenlee . and then every day after that -- is just gon na get better and better . greenlee : it is , is n't it ? it 's finally here . our wedding day is really finally here . [ scene_break ] madison : nice flowers . randi : frankie . you sure you want to be here ? madison : we 're only open half a day . i might as well work . randi : right , but not exactly the best place to be if you want to forget about ryan and greenlee 's wedding . madison : i 'll deal . randi : chocolate helps . madison : thank you , but one of those , i will actually pop out of these . randi : hmm . then maybe it 's time we go maternity shopping . madison : you 're probably right . randi : decaf or tea ? madison : no , i 'm good , thanks . scott : ok , ok , i got your message . all right ? but are you really gon na choose a workday over a fun - filled , madcapped day with scotty c. ? madison : i 've got tons to do . scott : madison , i thought the whole idea was to be far away from this wedding as possible . madison : it was . i just got to suck it up and be a grownup . scott : i see . so this is the answer , huh ? gon na bury your head in reports and projections just a few floors above where ryan and greenlee are getting married ? hmm . ok . so tell me , how 's that working out for you ? madison : it 's not . [ scene_break ] jake : hey . what were you doing ? you got all the stuff you need for kendall ? amanda : ohh . ready , set . ready to go to greenlee 's . are you set to go to ryan 's ? jake : yeah , i 'm good . yes , i got everything i need . i got it . amanda : all right . can i see the rings ? jake : where 's the -- amanda : not funny . jake : ok . i have it right here . and they 're together . it 's kind of cute . you ever see a box like that ? nice . cara 's voice : you want to know why i 'm wearing the ring ? because i left to protect you . that 's why i 'm wearing the ring , because making you believe that i did n't love you -- that was the only way . was it true ? absolutely not ! of course , i loved you ! in fact , i still love you , jake . amanda : jake ? jake : huh ? amanda : hi . jake : hey . you 're gorgeous . i tell you that today , how gorgeous you are ? amanda : twice . jake : twice ? yeah ? let 's make it three times . i like weddings . you like weddings ? i like big weddings . i like small weddings . amanda : yeah ? what was your wedding like ? jake : i think you were there , were n't you , for both of them . amanda : oh , you know . i mean what 's - her - name , cara . jake : oh , what 's - her - name . yeah . why you got to bring that up ? they were great . it was a great -- it was quick . it was during the -- there was a war going -- we got to go . do n't want to keep these people waiting at their wedding . amanda : i 'll see you later ? jake : yes , i will see you . we have a lot of valentine - ing to do . amanda : all right . [ scene_break ] annie : good morning , valentine . j.r. : good morning . how 'd you sleep ? annie : i always sleep the best when i 'm next to you . i am so excited for our valentine 's dinner . j.r. : me , too . and there 's something that i want to talk to you about . annie : not yet . not yet . let me get dressed first . tonight is gon na be the best night ever . [ doorbell rings ] tad : you talk to annie yet ? j.r. : it 's not exactly easy to find the words to convince somebody to commit themselves to a psychiatric hospital . tad : j.r. , she nearly killed kendall in your car . she handcuffed your sister out at the beach house , among other things . that alone should help you find the words . j.r. : i just want to make sure that it 's handled right . being hauled off like that ? that 's annie 's greatest fear , and i 'm not gon na do that to her . tad : you do n't have a choice . she 's dangerous . j.r. : i want annie to know that i 'm gon na be with her every step of the way , that i 'm not just throwing her away . tad : do you have an eta for this little talk ? j.r. : i promised her a valentine 's dinner . i 'm gon na tell her after that . tad : what ? candles and flowers ? j.r. : the works , yeah . tad : you 're crazier than she is . [ scene_break ] erica : ryan and greenlee -- they want a small ceremony : intimate , just the immediate family . jack : i thought you were family . erica : greenlee 's not even inviting her closest friends . i 'm certainly not one of those . jack : she invited you . erica : because of you . and i do n't think i 'm exactly at the top of your list either at the moment . jack : do n't be so sure . erica : i honestly think it will be better for everyone if i do n't go . jack : you 're not gon na change your mind , are you ? erica : i think that greenlee would actually even appreciate it if i do n't go . i think she might look at it as even a kind of a wedding present . jack : ok , then . do n't go . [ scene_break ] scott : ok . i promise i can show you a good time anywhere except here . madison : it 's sweet of you to offer . maybe this is where i need to be . scott : all right . i see . but something tells me that maybe fusion could do without you for half a day . madison : maybe it 's the other way around , you know ? maybe i need fusion . i need this job . i 'm pregnant and single . scott : i get that , but why ? why give yourself a front - row seat to the wedding of the father of your child ? madison : i do n't know . maybe i need to accept the inevitable . you know ? see the reality and deal with it . scott : that sounds awful to me , yet ballsy . madison : thank you . i take that as a compliment . scott : it is a compliment . all right . how about after work ? madison : rain check ? scott : absolutely . all right . [ scene_break ] amanda : hi . happy wedding day . greenlee : did i forget you were coming over this morning ? amanda : no , no . it was kendall 's idea and jake 's . greenlee : what is the idea , exactly ? amanda : i 'm sort of like a messenger . old , new , borrowed , blue -- i 've got them all , sent with love from kendall . [ scene_break ] ryan : so i want you to take as many pictures as you can of the wedding , ok , so you can show your mom . spike : i wish she could come . ryan : me , too . [ doorbell rings ] jake : happy wedding day . how are you ? whoa ! paparazzi 's here already . spike : it was me ! jake : it was you ? it was him . i never quite get used to the paparazzi . ryan : that 's true . he 's very good . look out . so what 's going on ? what can i do for you ? jake : no , it 's what i can do for you . i know you got your hands full with the little one . you got greenlee . it 's just you guys , but i -- oops -- i took the liberty of picking up the rings . they 're both in there ? yep . there they are . so i 'm at your service . [ scene_break ] tad : annie is already over the edge . what she did to colby is proof enough of that . so what do you think you 're gon na do , j.r. ? you 're gon na soften her up with romance and moonbeams and then suggest she takes a long trip to the happy tablet resort and spa ? there 's no telling how she 's gon na come unspooled . j.r. : i 'm not gon na turn my back on her . i 'm not gon na act like i 'm throwing her away like my father did to my mother . tad : that 's completely different . adam tried to make your mother think she was crazy , so he 'd get you away from her . j.r. : ok . fine . i isolated her . i asked her to lie for me . i put her in an impossible situation , and she cracked . tad : j.r. , annie never hand her hands on reality in the first place . it has nothing to do with you . it 's not your fault . j.r. : i need you to let me do this . tad : i respect what you 're trying to do for annie . but if things do n't go the way you think they 're going to , you 're gon na need a plan `` b. `` [ scene_break ] annie : like they were made for me . marissa : ohh . they were n't made for you . they belonged to j.r. 's mother . how dare you even touch them . annie : j.r. would want me to have these , especially because i 'm gon na be part of his family soon . marissa : again ? how pathetic are you ? annie : he says that he has something very important to talk to me about . he dumped you , and it 's valentine 's day , so i 'm assuming it 's a proposal for me . marissa : j.r. might like the sex , but he 'd never marry a lunatic like you . annie : j.r. loves me . he has proven it over and over again . marissa : only after you pressured him into it . what happens when he finds out what you did to colby , or the car accident ? if he only knew . annie : i do n't even need the stupid earrings . because tonight i am going to get all the jewelry that i need : an engagement ring . because j.r. is going to propose and i 'm going to say yes , and we 're gon na get married , and there is nothing you can do to stop me ! [ scene_break ] amanda : something old . greenlee : oh , my god . this is the first lipstick we made for fusion on kendall 's stove . amanda : the one that turned lips green and stuck them together ? greenlee : so we got the kinks out , and it was a bestseller . kendall was amazing . we were amazing . amanda : you still are . [ scene_break ] ryan : so your job is to carry the rings . jake : yes . it 's a big responsibility , but you 're totally up for it . i know you are . you can do it . [ shutter clicks ] jake : ok with the pictures in my eyeball . can we -- all right . that 's good . amanda : something new . it 's from ryan . greenlee : ah . moonstones . ryan : you 're looking good , my man . jake : how 's it going ? ryan : good . jake : a little crooked . ryan : no , it 's perfect . jake : perfect because you said so because you 're the groom . ryan : yes . amanda : something borrowed . nice , huh ? greenlee : zach gave these to kendall . ryan : you rock , spike man . emma : do i rock ? ryan : wow ! big time ! oh , my goodness , you look so beautiful . you excited ? emma : mm - hmm . i ca n't wait to see greenlee . she 's gon na be the most beautiful bride ever . amanda : something blue . greenlee : huh . a gumball ? amanda : it 's from spike . greenlee : aw . it 's perfect . amanda : old , new , borrowed , blue -- you are set . greenlee : i just remembered i have something to take care of . amanda : what ? right now ? greenlee : i 'll be back . [ scene_break ] [ doorbell rings ] j.r. : what are you doing ? annie will be down any minute . tad : commitment papers . j.r. : what ? tad : take them , ok , just in case your plan does n't work . dr. burke and judge larsen have already signed off on them . j.r. : i 'm not gon na need them , because annie will listen to me . tad : what if she does n't ? we got to be prepared . she 's got no immediate family in pine valley . that means getting her committed is gon na be that much more difficult if she does n't want to go along with the program , which gives her more time to do god only knows what . so please take it . j.r. : i appreciate your concern , but everything is under control . tad : can i at least give you a little backup ? j.r. : no . tad : please , just let me stick around . j.r. : it 's between me and annie , no one else . annie : j.r. ? are you downstairs ? j.r. : all right . that 's your cue . tad : do me a favor , ok ? if things start to feel out of control , do n't be too proud to ask for help . j.r. : thanks . you look gorgeous . annie : do you like ? j.r. : amazing . annie : are we really alone ? finally , just you and me ? j.r. : just you and me . annie : well , you said you had something to tell me . i ca n't wait to hear what it is . [ scene_break ] randi : ok . time to punch out . madison : already ? randi : we got to clear this place out before that wedding . madison : definitely do n't want to get in the way of the big preparations . randi : are you gon na be ok ? madison : i 'll survive . i 've got great friends , a great job , a baby to get ready for . i 'm living my life . randi : do you want to join frankie and me for dinner ? madison : hello ? valentine 's day ? something tells me a pregnant lady craving sauerkraut probably kills the romance . randi : what else are you gon na do ? madison : i 'll come up with something . you guys have a good time . [ scene_break ] caleb : hey there . bianca : hi . caleb : caffeine fix ? bianca : i just ordered one of krystal 's chocolate death cakes . it 's reese 's favorite . what better way to celebrate our anniversary ? caleb : nice . bianca : after all these months of e - mailing and talking on the phone and skyping , i ca n't believe her plane is actually landing soon . then she will really , truly be here . but to see her is just a whole different thing -- hold her , watch her play with the girls . and i ca n't wait for her to meet you . which is why i 'm having a big , huge family dinner , and i want you to be there . [ scene_break ] erica : this is for greenlee and ryan . it 's their wedding present . jack : i 'll make sure they get it . i should get going . erica : give them my best . jack : i will . rev . torres : jackson , hey . i 'm glad i caught you . this is n't a bad time , is it ? jack : no . not at all . rev . torres : good . i wanted to talk to you about your part in the ceremony . you guys headed that way ? jack : yes . rev . torres : actually , it wo n't be long before you 're walking down the aisle . have you guys set a date yet ? erica : we 've been so busy . jack : yeah . one wedding at a time . erica : but we will soon . jack : soon . rev . torres : i 'll see you guys at the wedding . jack : ok . [ scene_break ] madison : sorry . greenlee : what are you doing ? why are you here ? madison : just passing through . i should go . greenlee : are you feeling ok ? madison : yeah . everything looks perfect . have a great wedding . [ scene_break ] erica : this is just a bump , jack . we 've had bumps before . jack : huh . erica : we always get past them , and we 're gon na survive this one , too , because we love each other . have a good time at the wedding . i 'm sure it 'll be lovely . [ jack nods sadly and walks away ] [ scene_break ] ryan : looks like we 're the first one here . oh , look at you . getting an early start ? spike : it 's for ian . ryan : i 'm sure ian and opal are gon na love all the pictures that you take . emma : i ca n't wait for the wedding . ryan : neither can i . scott : ho - ho - ho ! well , well , well . who invited this princess ? and , spike , you look good . looking good , my friend . ryan : i got to tell you , i 've been watching you the last couple of days with the kids . you 've been doing a great job . you 're like a dad in the making . scott : thanks . i was actually just babysitting with madison . you have n't seen her here , have you ? ryan : madison here ? no . why would i see her here ? scott : no reason . but congratulations on the wedding , though . [ scene_break ] caleb : i appreciate that , but i 'm not really into big family dinners . i 'll have a coffee , please . bianca : come on . it 'll be fun . kendall , the kids , mom , uncle jack . and you 'll really get to know reese . and asher -- i 'll invite him . caleb : you do n't have to do that . bianca : but you 're a part of my family . caleb : i know you mean well , but i 'm really not part of your family . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i remember the first time that i saw you -- i mean really saw you . we were on our way to washington to testify for the marrow donorship , and you were so passionate . and -- before i looked at you , you were just this person that was married to my father . but then it hit me , and i realized what an incredible person you really are . annie : i saw a new side to you , too . j.r. : the more i got to know you the more i realized that we were alike . and when we want something , we both go for it . we do n't stop until we get it . sometimes people get hurt . but you saved my life , annie . you made my life better , and now i feel like it 's my turn to help you . annie : help me ? j.r. : when you told me what you did to marissa , i was thrown . but i did n't let anybody find out about it because i wanted -- annie : that was an accident . j.r. : i know it was , but there 's something else . when you were driving to the appointment with dr. burke , you hit an ambulance that was carrying kendall to the hospital . annie : no , i did n't . j.r. : annie , you 've got a cut on your cheek . annie : why are you bringing this up right now ? it 's valentine 's day . j.r. : because there was a witness . your car was identified . annie : um , i do n't want to talk about this right now . why do n't we open the champagne , and we can put on some music . can we dance ? j.r. : can we talk about this ? we have to talk about what 's happened . annie : nothing has happened ! everything 's fine ! j.r. : i convinced you to live a double life , annie , to lie for me . annie : no , because i love you . j.r. : you 've been under a lot of pressure lately , and i blame myself . listen . i promise you that i will not let anything bad happen to you . [ knock on door ] brot : it 's the police . annie : did you call the police ? j.r. : of course not . annie : then why are they here ? j.r. : the accident . tad warned me that the cops know the car is registered to me . annie : do they know that it was me ? what do we do ? what do i say ? j.r. : do n't worry . i 'll handle it . [ knock on door ] j.r. : gentlemen . i do n't suppose you 're delivering a valentine ? brot : i hate to ruin your evening , but we have to bring you in for questioning . j.r. : ca n't it wait ? brot : it 'd be better if you come with us now . j.r. : i 'll be back before you know it . annie : i 'll be here . j.r. : tad , it 's j.r. can you meet me at the police station ? there 's been a complication . i 'm gon na need your help . annie : now what ? whew . well , if there 's gon na be a proposal , there would have to be a ring . huh . `` involuntary commitment to oak haven `` ? that bitch . [ scene_break ] erica : caleb . sweetheart . should n't you be at the airport picking up reese ? bianca : i 'm on my way . should n't you be heading to ryan and greenlee 's wedding ? erica : oh , no . i 'm not going . bianca : what ? erica : you know how things are between greenlee and me . the best thing i could ever do for greenlee is not to be there . bianca : what about uncle jack ? erica : he understands . he understands completely . bianca : reese may not understand if i am not there when she gets off the plane . erica : give her my best . bianca : i will . erica : caleb , wait . the last time i saw you , i did n't have a chance to thank you properly . you helped me protect my daughter kendall , and for that , i am more grateful than i could ever , ever tell you . but there must be something i can do to show you how grateful i am . caleb : you 've already thanked me enough . erica : no , i have n't . [ scene_break ] ryan : wow ! what do you think , guys ? emma : it looks like a fairy land . ryan : yeah , it does . emma : does this mean we 're all gon na live happily ever after ? ryan : yeah , actually , it does . [ scene_break ] scott : hey . i thought you were working . madison : my workday 's over . stupid me , i lost my phone . stress , hormones -- it 's a bad combo . scott : all right . can i help ? madison : you tried , the whole valentine 's day thing , and i blew you off . i 'm not gon na bother you now . scott : i tell you what . why do n't i call your phone , and we 'll just see if someone picks up . madison : i tried , and i must 've left it on vibrate . nobody 's answering . scott : it does n't hurt to try again . oh . someone picked up . madison : hello ? emma : hi ! madison : emma , is that you ? emma : madison ? madison : where are you ? emma : on the patio for my daddy 's wedding . [ scene_break ] annie : j.r. , pick up . oh , damn it ! ohh . oh , god . you will not get away with this , marissa . you will not get away with this ! you will not ruin my engagement night . oh , my god . oh , my god . this is my life , and j.r. loves me , and he does n't love you ! ooh ! [ doorbell rings ] marissa : what are you doing here ? annie : business . marissa : dressed like that ? annie : what do you want ? marissa : i need to speak to j.r . annie : he 's in the attic . marissa : the attic ? annie : going through some old chandler papers . i guess you can go see him if you want . marissa : yeah , i think i 'll do that . [ scene_break ] amanda : i kind of sort of wanted to go to the wedding -- valentine 's day , total romance -- but now that we did n't , i am glad , because that means i got you all to myself . that 's from trevor , opal 's keeping him for the night , and this is from me . jake : what is it ? i love it . amanda : it 's an album . jake : i ca n't believe it . amanda : inside it 's just wedding pictures , party pictures . jake : can i look at it ? amanda : yes , yes ! look at it . day - in - the - life pictures . jake : look at this thing . look how nice this was done . amanda : trevor 's first smile , his tooth , first birthday party . jake : very nice . how do you make these things ? it 's amazing . i love it . i love it . i happen to have a little something for you , too . yep . hold on a second . ok . this is the key to the honeymoon suite at the yacht club , and i was kind of wondering if you would be my valentine . i 'm just saying . amanda : forever and ever . jake : yeah ? amanda : mm - hmm . jake : you mean it ? [ scene_break ] brot : an ambulance carrying a critically ill woman was broadsided by a car that took off . you 're the registered owner , and you have a record of a hit- and - run . j.r. : you ca n't use that against me . brot : you were drunk then . what about this time ? j.r. : i was driving , and i have n't had a drink in years . brot : just asking a standard question . j.r. : and i 've answered them , so now i got to get the hell out of here . brot : as soon as we 're done here . j.r. : i 've got a situation that i have to deal with . brot : and she looks real pretty , but i 'm sure annie will wait for you to get back . j.r. : i will come back tomorrow . all right ? i 'm not asking for any favors . tad , you got to get me the hell out of here . [ scene_break ] marissa : j.r. ? you up here ? [ door slams ] [ scene_break ] erica : i am very grateful for everything you 've done . caleb : mm - hmm . and you made it clear you want nothing more to do with me . erica : that 's a bit harsh . caleb : but true . erica : i do n't want there to be any tension between us . caleb : what do you want ? do you really know what you want ? you and jack are getting married . so why do n't you go get married , live a happy life ? just live your life and be happy . [ scene_break ] greenlee : are you ready ? jack : i ca n't wait . ahem . tell me when . greenlee : when . what do you think ? jack : you take my breath away . wow , wow , wow . greenlee : even with a bum foot ? jack : even with a bum foot . this is my first time , and i just want you to know how much it means to me . greenlee : is erica meeting us there ? jack : actually , no . erica 's not coming . greenlee : i 'm sorry -- for you . i want you to be as happy as i am today . jack : are you kidding ? my gorgeous daughter is marrying the love of her life , and i get to walk her down the aisle ? i 'm beyond happy . come on . we have a wedding to get to . greenlee : it 's going to be perfect , is n't it ? jack : oh , yes , it is . and nobody -- nobody -- deserves it more than you . [ scene_break ] madison : great . my phone 's out there . scott : i can go get it . madison : ohh , i 've made all this noise about facing reality . i 'll face it . it 's no big deal , right ? i 'll just walk in , get my phone , walk out . scott : are you sure ? madison : i 'll be right back . rev . torres : when the music starts , ryan , you 'll stand right there . and , spike , you 're just perfect right there . and then jackson will walk greenlee down the aisle . and then -- spike : they 'll be married ? rev . torres : yeah . something like that . actually -- emma : hi , madison . madison : hi . emma : are you coming for the wedding ? madison : oh . no , sweetie , no . i came to get my phone . thank you so much for finding it for me . agh ! ryan : madison . you ok ? [ scene_break ] erica : i guess i just have n't handled things very well . i guess i just -- it 's been a really hard day , and i needed a friend . jack and i -- caleb : `` jack and i `` ? we all have our bad days . but i 'm not gon na be your girlfriend and listen to your problems about jack . if you really want to talk about what 's going on -- and you know exactly what i 'm talking about . i thought so . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this is really happening , is n't it ? finally , after all the planning and the dreaming and the things i had to do to make sure this day was n't spoiled . jack : greenlee , what did you do ? greenlee : only what i had to do . do n't worry . it 's gon na be great . i worked too hard for it not to be . jack : ok . [ phone rings ] greenlee : hello ? what -- what do you mean ? i spoke to her . everything was fine . thanks . jack : what ? greenlee : the caterer has food poisoning . jack : what ? greenlee : what am i gon na do ? jack : i 'm all over it . greenlee : what ? are you sure ? jack : yeah . i 'm sure somewhere in the list of things , that 's part of the father of the bride 's duties . look , remember , this is gon na be perfect . greenlee : ok . thank you . jack : yeah . all right . i 'll see you at the wedding with takeout or something . greenlee : ha ! [ scene_break ] marissa : what now ? you gon na leave me up here like you left colby cuffed at the beach house ? she called to warn me . annie : i did not have a choice . marissa : you need to get help . annie : do not say that . marissa : i know that you 're upset , but do n't you see the things that you 're doing -- they -- it 's not -- annie : normal ? that 's because i am trying to protect myself , because you are trying to ruin my life ! marissa : you need to get help before you hurt somebody else . annie : i did n't hurt colby ! marissa : you need to think about emma ! annie : do not even mention my daughter . like you 're the perfect mother ? you 're not even a.j . 's real mom ! huh . and you 're not j.r. 's wife anymore either , because he divorced you , because he wants to be with me . marissa : why do n't we go down and wait for j.r . annie : no . why ? so you can fill his head with more lies and convince him to have me put away ? i do n't think so . marissa : let me get by , annie . everything 's gon na be ok . annie : do n't talk to me like that . i 'm not going anywhere with you . no . you stay ! what do you think you 're going ? ! ohh ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : come on , tad . you got to get me out of here . tad : the quickest way to make that happen is for you to cooperate . j.r. : but i ca n't leave annie alone . tad : i know . so i 'll go . j.r. : no ! i 'm the only person that she trusts . you should 've seen her face when the cops showed up . she 's gon na blow sky - high . i have to get out of here . i have to talk her down . brot : whoa ! hold on ! j.r. : get your hands off me ! tad : j.r. , come on ! j.r. : these idiots do n't understand ! brot : that 's it . you 're under arrest . you have the right to remain silent . anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey , ems , will you go check on spike for me , please ? thanks . madison : i 'm fine . ryan : you can barely speak . madison : no , it 's just a stitch . ryan : let 's just go sit down . madison : no , i just need to breathe . whew ! breathing 's good . ryan : madison , you 're in no condition even to be standing up right now . madison : it 's my lunch . jalapeños -- i should 've known better . see ? all good . agh ! ohh ! it 's too soon ! ryan : what 's going on ? what 's wrong ? greenlee : she 's pregnant . | jack and erica run into each other at the park . they discuss greenlee 's wedding , which is today . erica lets jack know that she is not attending the wedding . madison comes into work at fusion and sees that randi had gotten a big bouquet of flowers from frankie . scott finds madison at work and wants to take her out for the day because of greenlee 's wedding , but madison insists that this is where she needs to be , at the hospital , jake shows amanda greenlee and ryan 's wedding rings . jake remembers his conversation with cara about the wedding ring that she had on a chain around her neck . tad visits j.r. to ask him if he had talked to annie yet about having herself committed to a psychiatric hospital . j.r. refuses to turn his back on annie like adam had done to dixie . j.r. tells tad that he had promised annie a valentine 's day dinner . amanda stops by greenlee 's to help her prepare for her wedding . ryan spends time with spike before the wedding when jake stops by to help him . amanda gives greenlee some surprises that kendall had sent her for the wedding which included something new , something old , something borrowed and something blue which is from spike . as annie is preparing for the dinner with j.r. , annie marvels at the earrings that had belonged to dixie . marissa appears to annie and tells her that j.r. would never want her wearing his mother 's earrings . annie insists that j.r. will ask her to marry him . tad comes back to visit j.r. with papers from a judge that will enable j.r. to have annie committed . annie comes downstairs and models her new dress for j.r. as they hug . at krystal 's , bianca meets up with caleb and tells him about reese coming to town . erica gives jack a wedding gift to give to greenlee and ryan . ricky joins them to discuss their upcoming wedding . bianca invites caleb to a dinner with herself , reese and the girls . caleb refuses the invitation . erica walks in and hers and caleb 's eyes meet . j.r. confronts annie as to what she had done to marissa and also about the car accident . all annie was to do is celebrate valentine 's day with j.r . there is a knock on the door and it is the police . annie begins to panic , but j.r. lets her know that he will handle it . brot and another officer ask j.r. to come down to the station for questioning . j.r. lets annie know that he will be right back . j.r. calls tad to meet him at the police station . |
[ previously_on ] greenlee : michael cambias is the son of one of the richest men in europe . his daddy swallows up companies , and junior here is obviously nibbling at you to get to ours . erica : since you 're such an expert , what is it i wanted ? jack : you wanted to sabotage your relationship with chris . david : we 're almost there . just hold on . jake : if we do n't bring anna out now , you 're going to lose both of them ! [ scene_break ] [ caribbean music plays ] [ music stops ] man : aidan , you made it ! oh . good to see you , man . aidan : likewise . i appreciate you helping us out , man . man : no problem . anything i can do , you know that . so this is maureen . maria : yeah . aidan : kingman muldoon , meet maureen gorman . maria : kingman . how are you ? kingman : very well . come on . so good to see you , man . maria : you know , kingman , aidan told me that you were going to take care of us , but this is no shack on the beach . this is serious . kingman : my pleasure , truly . so , welcome to the bahamas , to paradise island , and atlantis . aidan : you truly have a nice gig out here , kingman . is there any word on julian ? kingman : nothing yet . so , did aidan tell you how he saved my life ? maria : no , he did not . he left that out . kingman : why am i not surprised ? he 's the best man that i know , in or out of the trenches . aidan : yeah , and kingman talks too much . so , is everything in place ? kingman : except for julian . aidan : he 'll show . he 's playing a waiting game . but what he does n't realize is i 've been waiting for him for years . [ scene_break ] erica : and who are you , of all people , to judge me ? jack : oh , come on , i think i 've more than earned my stripes . erica : oh . you can be so crass sometimes . and if you feel the need to regret what happened between us -- jack : if i feel the need to regret what happened between us , i sure as hell do n't need your permission . you are really something , do you know that ? erica : i want you to leave . jack : of course you do . what a surprise that is ! that 's what you do every time . and me , the fool that i am , i let you . erica : well , then , it is clearly your problem , not mine . jack : no , you want to know something ? i do n't have a problem . what i have before me is a moment of clarity , and i want to take this opportunity to say to you what i should 've said to you years ago . erica : oh , i see . well , if this is another touting of the very famous `` jackson montgomery goodbye forever `` speech , spare me because i 've already heard it many , many times . jack : yeah , well , lucky for you , i 've done some rewriting . erica : oh , well , let me know when you get to the new part . jack : this is the new part . i am no longer going to be the bigger man . i am no longer going to be the one who turns around and walks away . erica : oh , really ? and what are you going to do ? jack : nothing . you , my dear , are stuck with me . [ scene_break ] kendall : uh , tommy , i 'll take mine to go , please . tommy : okay . michael : you know , maybe we could go someplace more private . greenlee : like she 's going to go anywhere with you now . michael : you know , maybe kendall would like to speak for herself . greenlee : maybe you should walk blindly into oncoming traffic . kendall : okay , greenlee , that 's enough . come here . come here , please . listen , i can handle this myself . greenlee : why , when you do n't have to ? men like michael cambias -- arrogant , sneaky cheats -- they should n't even -- why are you looking at me like that ? kendall : because i ca n't believe you . greenlee : me ? i did n't do anything . kendall : you came all the way over here to warn me about michael . you defended me to him . greenlee : well , so what ? we 're partners . somebody -- somebody has to protect our investments . you sure you want to handle this yourself ? you 'll be okay -- i mean , you know , alone ? kendall : yeah , i 'll be fine . i 'll be fine . and , greenlee , thank you . greenlee : just fix this , and be careful . kendall : sit . you know what i want from you ? michael : name it . kendall : i want the truth , and then i want you gone . [ scene_break ] [ heart monitor beeps ] jake : david . dr. hayward . close up . david : not yet . jake : anna is having an adverse reaction to this anesthesia . david : she 's fine . jake : david , will you listen to me ? she is not fine . anesthesiologist : heart rate is holding at 40 , bp is 80/50 . jake : if we do n't bring her out of this anesthesia now , her organs could start to shut down , david . david : and if i bring her out now , my daughter 's going to die . is anybody even thinking of her ? jake : david , you 've done all you can do . close up . david : that monitor is telling me something different , jake . jake : continuing on , you 're putting both of their lives at risk . david : and if i stop now , one of them is going to die . do n't ask me to choose between my wife and my child . i wo n't do it . [ scene_break ] kingman : no sign of him . [ music stops ] maria : feel that breeze ? ah , it 's amazing . no wonder they call this paradise island . kingman : like i said , the good life is yours for the taking . aidan : a few more days of this and i 'm going to turn into a real healthy bloke . maria : yeah , i just do n't think that 's part of julian 's plan , though . aidan : yeah . i think we can all count on that . kingman : i wish i knew where julian was , but still no word from my boys . maria : who are your boys ? aidan : contacts in the -- in the british intelligence . maria : and they 're after this butcher ? kingman : i called in a favor . for the last two days i 've been on the lookout for your man . aidan : and ? kingman : no sign of him . aidan : he 'll show . morgan told me he 's planning a face - off . kingman : let him . i 've got your back . in the meantime , you need some r & r , and your room 's ready . follow me . maria : i think the last time i slept was somewhere on route 1 in the car in florida . kingman : you both need to sleep . i want you in shape when sinclair zeroes in . aidan : do n't worry , guys . i 've got my own plans for julian . [ scene_break ] erica : i have no idea what you 're talking about . jack : oh , sure , you do -- the way you lead me around by the nose , and then you trot me out for a run whenever it 's convenient for you . erica : oh , of course . i forgot . here we go again . what happened between us -- that was all my fault , was n't it ? you , of course , bear no responsibility at all in your actions where i 'm concerned . jack : i know exactly what my part in this is . i know exactly what it is . it 's allowing myself to love the most self - indulging , egocentric , manipulative woman god ever put on the face of the earth ! erica : how dare you . jack : how dare i ? you know what , erica ? loving you has been the biggest mistake of my life . erica : oh , no . the biggest mistake of your life was not being able to hold on to me . jack : what ? erica : and this is what it 's reduced you to -- making idle threats about telling chris -- jack : oh , no , what -- telling , what , that we made love in the penthouse that he built for you ? erica : look , i did n't hold a gun to your head . you -- you were hurting , and i was there for you . and you were only too happy to accept my comfort . jack : fair enough . let 's just not start thinking that this was something more than what it was . erica : and what was it , jack ? what exactly was it that brought us together ? jack : a moment of weakness . but that 's passed . erica : oh , has it ? jack : you bet it has . we both know what 's going on here , erica . you are trying to drive a wedge between you and chris . well , you are going to have to find somebody else because i am not going to be your wrecking ball . erica : you are just jealous of the thought of my being with another man . jack : oh , why this is -- you always -- i am not jealous . erica : i know you 're jealous . jack : erica , when i am around you , believe me , jealous is the one thing i am not . erica : prove it . [ scene_break ] michael : kendall , it was never my intention to mislead or deceive you . kendall : so not telling me your real name when we first met was n't supposed to deceive or mislead me ? michael : i told you -- kendall : you know what ? save it . you lied to me about who you are , you lied about what you do , and you 're probably lying to me right now . michael : look at me . look in my eyes . kendall : try again . what did you think i was going to do , reach for your wallet instead of a cigarette when it was all over ? michael : look at what happened . it had nothing to do with you . it had everything to do with me . kendall : i swear , if the next thing out of your mouth is `` let 's be friends , `` you 're a dead man . michael : what i 'm trying to say is that i was just trying to keep a low profile in aspen . that 's all it was . kendall : oh , really ? michael : yes . i value my privacy , kendall . when people find out about who i am , it 's no longer about me . it 's about my net worth . kendall : oh , you 're breaking my heart . michael : except with you it was different , of course . kendall : that 's because you never -- i never knew the truth . michael : no . that is not it . it is because you were n't interested in my money . you were interested in me . kendall : that 's too bad because it seems like there 's more to your money than there is to you . michael : you know why they call the things that money can buy `` trappings `` ? because that 's what money does -- it traps you . kendall : it must 've been awfully freeing , then , for you to slap on a new name and fly off on your helicopter . michael : kendall , my interest in you is completely genuine . kendall : why , michael , that 's the sweetest lie you 've told me all day . michael : it -- oh . kendall : tommy , i 'm ready for my food now . tommy : okay . michael : it is not a lie . i swear it . [ scene_break ] simone : `` two of his last three acquisitions yielded cambias industries over $ 62 million apiece . `` huh . reggie : that guy must be loaded , huh ? simone : oh , honey , `` loaded `` is talking about his cars , his yachts , his villas , possibly even his helicopter . but we 're talking bank accounts ; this puppy could cover national deficits . reggie : dang . simone : very well - spoken , reggie . reggie : yeah , girls around here got some high priorities , huh ? [ phone rings ] simone : oh , my gosh . reggie : fusion . trey : reggie , hey , it 's trey . reggie : hey , what 's up , t ? trey : i 'm still at the hospital . reggie : oh . hear anything yet ? trey : no . no , nothing yet . so , how 'd your test go ? reggie : who knows , man ? i feel like i did pretty good , though . trey : great . reggie : mm - hmm . trey : and how 's work ? reggie : work -- you know , i 'm filing stuff , answering phones , helping this handyman learn how to speak english . but the women -- mmm , mmm , mmm . you should see what they wear to work , man . trey : oh , i have . reggie : mm - hmm . trey : do me a favor ? reggie : mm - hmm ? trey : stay away from my sister . got it ? reggie : oh , your sister , you know , she 's my favorite honey , of course . greenlee : you are not going to believe what happened . reggie : yo , dude , i got to go , all right ? yo , t , i got to go . yo , g just walked in and she looks heated . mm - hmm . all right . [ scene_break ] maggie : trey . the nurse just told me that something went wrong in the o.r . [ heart monitor beeps ] anesthesiologist : i ca n't keep her under much longer . david : i 'm almost there . i 've got the balloon in place . i just need to adjust it a little bit . janelle : anna 's still bradycardic . jake : david , i 'm ordering you to close now . david : i did n't ask to do this , jake . you asked me , so let me do my job . jake : you need to stop and think about what you 're doing here . janelle : david , you are n't listening . dr. pelosi said deflate the balloon and get out . david : got it ! okay , come on , that 's it . pull her out ! pull her out now ! jake : i 'll close . janelle : david ? david : i should n't have done this . janelle : no , no , you 're the only one that could . david : i was n't impartial . i lost my objectivity . anna wanted me to save the baby , i promised that i would . she wanted me to put the baby first . janelle : listen , you did what you thought was right . david : no , i did what i always do -- what i wanted , okay ? i ca n't lose anna . [ heart monitor beeps rapidly ] anesthesiologist : dr. hayward ? nurse : bp is 50 over palp . david : what is it ? jake : she was under too long ! anesthesiologist : we 're losing her . [ scene_break ] [ caribbean music plays ] [ music stops ] aidan : wow . nice digs . kingman : you can relax . the place is clean . i swept it myself . aidan : sorry , man , it 's just -- it 's just a habit . you know me . maria : is this the honeymoon suite ? kingman : part of your cover . no one will disturb you , mr. and mrs. steven and lydia swallow . [ maria laughs ] maria : okay . aidan : i do n't know what to say , king . kingman : do n't say anything . just do n't get yourself killed , huh ? either of you . aidan : do n't worry about us . you and me have been in tighter spots , right ? maria : well , you guys were in afghanistan together , were n't you ? kingman : he 's the only reason i came out of there alive . aidan : we were with the british forces tracking down terrorists . kingman : and we found one . aidan stayed so cool . he put his hands up , nodded , acted like he was totally with the program . and then , as he moved to place down his pistol , he looked me straight in the eye and said , `` on three . `` maria : what does that mean ? i do n't get it . aidan : well , luckily , king did . kingman : the man was panicking . he kept shouting while aidan just lowered the gun and counted . `` one , two -- `` on three , i lunged and aidan shot him directly in the forehead . maria : oh , my god . kingman : i 'd never seen anyone aim and fire that fast , except for maybe clint eastwood . aidan : and king likes to exaggerate just a little bit . kingman : not this time . well , i 'll get out of your way . you know where to find me . aidan : absolutely . thanks . we 're going to rest up here for a minute and -- for a bit , and we 'll see you down there later . maria : thanks for all the clothes and stuff , king . thank you . aidan : thanks again , king . are you sure you 're up for more of this ? maria : we do n't really have a choice now , do we ? aidan : i just hope that you do n't regret what we 're doing here . anyway , we should rest -- maria : yeah . aidan : while we still can . maria : oh , yeah . aidan : so why do n't you take the bed , and i 'll go down by the pool . maria : no , no , no , wait . do n't go . do n't leave . please , stay here with me . aidan : i do n't think that 's a good idea , maureen . maria : no , i 'm not going to be able to sleep . i 'm not going to feel safe sleeping unless you stay . aidan : okay . i 'll take the sofa , and i 'll stay while you fall asleep . maria : thank you . [ scene_break ] [ intercom buzzes ] erica : yes , val ? yes . just give me a moment and then send her in . jack : you know , maybe you should install a revolving door . erica : this is my office . jack : let 's see -- chris comes in , and then i come in and he gets thrown out . now i 'm here . when this person comes in , i 'll probably get thrown out . now , when you 're done with this person here , what happens , somebody comes out of that closet with a hook ? erica : yeah , i 'm going to give you a hook any minute . i need you to leave . jack : yeah , well , you know what ? i 'm not sure i 'm done with you . [ door opens ] erica : lena , hello . how wonderful to see you . lena : oh , sorry to interrupt . erica : oh , no , not at all . have you met jackson montgomery ? lena : no . hello . jack : hi . erica : lena kundera , our new financial analyst here at enchantment . jack : hello . lena : well , i 'll come back if this is a bad time . erica : no , no , no . we were definitely finished . jack : yes , for now . ms. kundera , it 's a pleasure to meet you . lena : the pleasure is all mine , mr. montgomery . jack : thank you very much . erica : bye , jack . jack : bye , erica . erica : lena , val tells me you have some urgent news . lena , what is it ? lena : it 's about your daughter , and the heir to one of the largest fortunes in europe . [ scene_break ] michael : are you -- are you truly angry with me for not telling you my real name ? because i was going to do that today . kendall : right . yeah , i 'm sure that you were . i 'm sure that you were . what , did you think that i would n't grasp that you had a lot of money ? i hate to break it to you , but the helicopter ride to new york for dinner kind of tipped your hand . michael : listen , when greenlee showed up -- just before greenlee showed up , you and i -- we were -- there was something between us , kendall . that was a spark , a connection , and do not tell me you did not feel that . kendall : i felt a connection with michael kinsey , who , like all other honorable men , does n't really exist . michael : yes , he does . he 's standing right here in front of you , kendall . kendall : you do n't get it , do you ? michael : what ? kendall : my parents lied to me about who i was for most of my life . i 'm adopted . so nobody turned out to be who they really said they were . you want to talk about the world 's nastiest head trip ? there it is . michael : i am -- i am so sorry . kendall : yeah . so i have a little problem with people not telling me who they really are or what they really want from me . get it ? michael : yeah . [ scene_break ] [ heart monitor beeps rapidly ] nurse : her heart rate 's at 42 . jake : it 's got to come up more . if we lose her , it 's too soon to deliver the baby . david : we 're not losing anyone , do you hear me ? how 's the baby ? gene : we have decent flow across the valve . so far , so good . janelle : dr. pelosi considers this procedure a success . david : all right , i need a moment alone with anna . david : anna , listen to me . i tried to do what you asked . i tried to save our baby , to do right by you for the first time in my life , and i think i may have done that . but now i need you to do your part . do you hear me ? do n't leave me , baby . i ca n't do this alone . please , i need you . our baby needs you . anna , please , please , fight for us . anesthesiologist : dr. hayward , her heart rate 's rising . david : what ? anesthesiologist : it 's at 52 . jake : will you look at that . david : what about the baby ? the baby -- what ? gene : her heart rate 's up , as well . vitals look good on both of them . jake : i ca n't believe this . anesthesiologist : heart rate 's at 72 . jake : all right , listen , we need to notify pelosi . janelle , can you get him back , please ? janelle : no problem . nurse : i 've never seen anything like this . jake : me , either . david : all right . prep recovery , put anna on tocolytics . i do n't want her to go into labor . nurse : i 'll take care of it . david : and i want another ultrasound within the hour . gene : yeah , i 'll get it ready for you when you 're ready . [ scene_break ] trey : tell me what she said again . maggie : just that there was a problem . something went wrong in the o.r . trey : and the nurse -- she did n't tell you what that problem exactly was ? maggie : if she had , do n't you think i would 've told you ? trey : what , like you told me that david 's performing the surgery ? maggie : trey , will you give it up ? i apologized for that , okay ? trey : i know you did . maggie : well , then , why are you giving me such a hard time about it ? trey : because you 're here , okay ? and there 's nothing we can do but wait . no one 's telling us anything . maggie : oh -- trey : janelle , hey . maggie : is the surgery over ? janelle : yeah . trey : how are anna and the baby ? janelle : they 're fine , both of them . maggie : oh , thank god . trey : we were told that there were some complications . janelle : there were , but they pulled through . maggie : great . well , how 's david ? janelle : astounding , really . maggie : and anna ? is he with anna and the baby ? janelle : no , no , no , he left the o.r . trey : he left the o.r . ? janelle : yeah , he took off like a man possessed . david has a tremendous gift . lives are placed in his hands every day . for it to be a life that he shares , that he created , a procedure this new , a surgery that nobody in that room had ever performed -- it should 've been dr. hoffman in there , not david , not david having to risk the two people he loves more than anything in this world . as arrogant a man as david is , i do n't think even he thought he could pull it off , but he did . he was guided by something stronger than skill and instinct today . [ scene_break ] david : thank you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you should 've seen the way kendall was getting worked over by him . i mean , michael had her eating out of his hand . i got there just in time . she was one pucker away from handing over the company . reggie : a pucker away ? greenlee : am i talking to you ? but thanks to me , fusion is saved . and thanks to me , kendall now knows what michael was really after . simone : oh , my gosh . she must be devastated . greenlee : please . i have no doubt she 's tearing him apart as we speak . [ scene_break ] michael : kendall , i made a mistake . kendall : got that right , stalker boy . michael : i just -- i did n't think it was possible you did n't know who i was when you met me . kendall : oh , get over yourself . michael : you were so charming and self - effacing . i just -- i just thought you were on to me , that 's all . kendall : right , because i ca n't be charming and self - effacing on my own . why would i pretend not to know you ? michael : well , because most people who approach me , they have some underlying fascination with me . kendall : could you be any more insulting ? i never asked you for anything . michael : i know , and that charmed the hell out of me . kendall : you need help . michael : kendall , when -- when i see you walking away from me , i feel like i 'm waking up from a dream that i 'll never be able to recapture again . kendall : oh , come on . dreams do not come from the florida everglades swamps , michael . michael : you did . kendall : yes , i did . and you just know everything about me , do n't you ? michael : not everything . kendall : then what is it going to take ? what is it going to take to satisfy your curiosity ? michael : i 'm hoping a lifetime . [ scene_break ] erica : you saw kendall with michael cambias ? lena : i recognized him immediately . erica : well , this is certainly a very interesting turn of events . lena : if you believe it was a chance encounter . erica : you do n't believe it was a chance encounter ? lena : it seemed to me they knew each other . erica : how well ? lena : i could n't tell , but the exchange between them was quite heated , and , well , they were doing nothing to discourage an audience . erica : i 'd heard that kendall had met someone in aspen . i -- i frankly had n't given it much thought . you think that this someone is michael cambias ? lena : michael has a reputation for being a cunning corporate raider . it seems very unlikely he would pursue a novice like kendall . erica : true . that is very , very true . lena : unless this is more about what he can do for her . erica : do you think she went after him ? lena : if she wanted to be seen as a real challenge to you and enchantment , then , yes . [ scene_break ] simone : can we talk ? greenlee : no , joan rivers . i 'm a little busy . simone : that 's funny . actually , i just need a minute . greenlee : you see what i 'm doing ? it 's called work . it 's what you should be doing over there . simone : oh , would you just shut up , please ? greenlee : did you just tell me -- simone : you know , i have been sitting here listening to your insane ranting and raging over michael and kendall . the least you could do -- greenlee : no , you know what , i 'm the boss here , okay ? i can do -- fine . fine . talk fast . simone : thank you . you and i , we have a pretty complicated history . but here we are , working together -- greenlee : no , we do n't work together , simone . you work for me . there 's a difference . simone : do you ever let up ? greenlee : no , i do n't . i 'd like to sometimes , but life has n't really given me that option . simone : okay , look , i know that things have n't been easy for you lately . greenlee : what gave it away ? simone : look , please -- greenlee : no , stand there and condescend to me like you understand me or what i 'm going through . simone : i 'm not and i do n't , greenlee . i do n't understand what you 're going through . but somehow you were able to put all that junk aside today and help kendall when she really needed you . greenlee : thank you for simplifying the loss of my father and the grief over my husband down to `` junk . `` simone : i did n't mean that -- greenlee : it 's too bad we do n't manufacture greeting cards . i think you missed your calling . simone : oh , you know what , that 's not what i -- that 's not what i was intending to do , that 's not what i meant . greenlee : so what the hell is your point , then ? simone : i just did n't think you had it in you . that 's all . greenlee : can i go back to work now , or are you going for more insults ? simone : i 'm sorry that you see it that way . greenlee : is there some other way that i should see it ? simone : i just was hoping that maybe if i needed someone on my side sometime , that maybe you -- well , you know , that i could actually count on you . greenlee : you do n't think you could ? simone : well , i mean , you hardly even wanted to listen to me right now . greenlee : well , okay . so does everyone here think i 'm a self - absorbed bitch , or just you ? simone : well , i think you actually had reggie on your side before you dissed him . greenlee : great . good to know . simone : but you know what , greenlee ? every now and again , you go out of your way and you prove us all wrong . my minute 's up . [ scene_break ] singer : hey , hey ! hey , there ! i ca n't get rid of this monkey now . oh everything i do the monkey do singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : everything i do the monkey do singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i wake up i get up singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : go for a shower he shower , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : brush my teeth monkey brush them , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i dry off monkey dry off , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i 'm moving monkey moving , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : oh , what the monkey wo n't do singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i ca n't get rid of this monkey singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : jump in monkey jump in , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i 'm dancin ' maria : aidan . aidan : come on . maria : you have to go dance with me ! please come dance with me . aidan : do n't start that , huh ? do n't start that . maria : okay . singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i 'm driving monkey driving , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i stop for a drink monkey drinking , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : everything i do the monkey do singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i 'm laughing heh - heh - heh - heh ! singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : everything i do the monkey do singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : i go back home he go there , too singers : nothing in the world the monkey wo n't do singer : take a shower he take one , too [ scene_break ] david : i 'm sure you know that i 'm not much of a religious man . i mean , even when i do pray , i -- i pray for myself . i really do n't even know what i 'm doing here . right , right . well , look , if you did have anything to do with what happened today , let 's just say that i owe you . okay ? twice . and we 'll leave it at that . trey : some afternoon , huh ? david : yeah . trey : well , you must be relieved . i heard they 're going to be okay . david : well , anna has to be monitored closely , and she could still have heart problems . trey : david , that little girl 's got a fighting chance . without you , she never would 've had that . david : yeah , but what if the fight is not in her anymore ? i mean , what if she used it up just to get to today ? trey : well , she 's half hayward and half devane . i do n't think the fight is going to go out of that little girl for quite some time . david : no . probably not . trey : no . probably not . david : oh , man . this was more than an operation for me . i mean , this was my whole life . you know , it could 've gone either way . i could 've lost both of them . trey : yeah , but , david , you did n't . that 's not your style . you do the impossible . [ scene_break ] lena : i think kendall is someone we should be keeping a close eye on . erica : i agree . lena : i know things between you have been a little strained . i hope i have n't overstepped my boundaries . erica : no , no , no , not at all . you were only thinking of the welfare of enchantment . lena : i am pleased you see it that way . erica : yes . and i am very pleased to see that you recognize the importance of discretion in such matters . lena : do you think there is something to this meeting between kendall and cambias ? erica : i do n't know . but i will find out . believe me , lena , i will find out . it does n't make sense , you know . a man like michael cambias would not be involved with someone like kendall without an agenda . [ scene_break ] michael : sit . michael : you know what i want from you ? kendall : what ? michael : i want you to know how sorry i am for doing the one thing that hurt you more than anything else . kendall : well , maybe you should 've asked about that . michael : no , i 'm serious . come on , i want you to forgive me . do you think you could do that ? kendall : i 'm not really good with this whole forgiveness thing . michael : it 's easy . i say i 'm sorry and then you say you forgive me . kendall : oh , it 's just as simple as that ? michael : yes , it can be . kendall : how ? michael : by just believing in me . kendall : michael , i want to believe in you . i do . michael : please , you know what , kendall ? i want us to have a real chance . you know , i want you to regain the faith you were beginning to have in me . i can do it . all you need to do is let me . kendall : okay . tell me you 're sorry again . michael : i 'm sorry . kendall : okay . i forgive you . i forgive you . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] anna : david ? david : yeah ? anna : hi . david : that 's me . i 'm right here . anna : the baby ? david : she 's fine . anna : honest ? david : yeah . anna : really ? david : yeah . she 's perfect . we did it , anna . we really did it . [ scene_break ] singer : hey ! problems . hit me ! hey ! problems , problems problems on my mind want to run and chill a glass of wine problems on my mind god , can you hear my plea ? make one thing for me [ scene_break ] welcome to fan fantasy day . adam : i 'm here to serve you . maria : i remember everything ! edmund : i 'm sorry , what did you say your name was ? kendall : you look just as fabulous as always . [ tad groans ] | trey phones reggie at fusion to see how his test went and how his job is doing . aidan and maria are in the bahamas . they meet up with kingman muldoon , an old friend of aidan 's . he tells maria how aidan once saved his life . aidan and maria dance , drink , and have fun . kingman has put them under and alias and has assured them that julian has not been sighted . aidan is still watchful . david successfully operates on anna and the baby , then rushes to the hospital chapel where he thanks god for letting them pull through . trey comes in while he is in prayer . david visits anna and tells her that the operation was successful . jack tells erica that he is not going to be a pawn in her game where she plays him against chris . lena tells erica about kendall being with michael , which intrigues erica . michael asks kendall to trust and forgive him . kendall gets rid of greenlee but is very grateful that she stood up for her . michael says he was going to tell kendall his real name anyway . he claims he uses the other name because he values his privacy . she explains how her adopted parents lied to her about who she was so that 's why she 's very wary of anyone lying to her about important things . he apologizes and says he hopes he has a lifetime to get to satisfy his curiosity about her . simone tries to compliment greenlee about what she did for kendall and hopes that she can count on her one day , too , but greenlee is bitchy . greenlee gets the message that everyone has been having a hard time with her . |
( missed the first 15 minutes ) simone : i have a deadline , tad . tad : well , i 'm sorry , but you 're going to miss it , because you and i are going to have this out right here , right now . [ scene_break ] j.r. : give me the purse . come on , come on . i do n't got all day . hand it over to me . my father 's not your personal atm . babe : just tell adam his money 's safe . ok , you caught me . j.r. : what was this to do ? to bankroll a new start ? you know , so you and jamie can run off someplace -- babe : oh , do n't be ridiculous . jamie : no way , man . j.r. : well , $ 20,000 really would n't get you that far , anyway , would it ? babe : i could have taken a lot more , but i left it in the safe . j.r. : you afraid we would n't realize it would come up missing ? babe : i did n't think i needed more . j.r. : why not ? why do n't you tell me why you stole it . or maybe you might be a little more comfortable telling my father , hmm ? babe : he would n't understand . j.r. : or maybe you could take it up with the cops . i 'm sure he 'll be more than happy to hand you over to the police . he would press for maximum sentence . by the way , what is a sentence for grand larceny ? anybody ? i guess we 'll find out . jamie : tell him ! tell j.r. why you took the cash . babe : i -- i was going shopping . j.r. : uh - uh , no . you have credit cards . babe : well , i did n't want you to see the bill . j.r. : why not ? babe : because it was supposed to be a surprise for you . j.r. : wow . well , then , why do n't you let me in on the surprise ? or i call my father and then he calls the police . jamie : you do n't have to call anybody . i 'll tell you everything you want to know . [ scene_break ] kendall : and this change of heart was brought on by what , a dream you had , a vision ? ryan : there was no change of heart . i 've always loved you . that 's why i freaked when you accused me of conspiring with greenlee to bring you down . but i was n't taking into consideration how you felt -- furious and frightened and looking for someone to blame . kendall : ok , and you had this revelation when ? ryan : bianca and i had a talk . kendall : what -- bianca put you up to this ? ryan : she just reminded me of who i was dealing with . kendall : no , i do n't need my sister pleading with you to propose to me . ryan : we just discussed some of your character traits , kendall , like your stubborn streak and your nuclear temper , and let 's not forget your iron will and your need to control . kendall : flattery will get you nowhere . ryan : ok . i want that will working for us . if anything happens that could threaten what we have , i want as much fury as you can whomp up . kendall : ok , sure , you say that now , but -- ryan : can it get under my skin ? sure , but it 's worth it . you 're smart and -- and you 're so beautiful and you 're so sexy and funny . is it so hard for you to believe that i want to share every magical , every , every crazy - making moment of your life together ? is that so hard ? kendall : you still have n't denied that you set me up for greenlee . greenlee : mind if i field that ? kendall , i -- i was awful to you last night . i let you think that ryan was using you and that he was using me to go after you . i was terrible to you in court , and last night i just made things worse . but get this clear , once and for all , ok ? ryan had absolutely nothing to do with what i did to expose you . in fact , he tried to get me to accept your pregnancy thing and leave you alone , and i wish that i 'd listened to him . there are a lot of things that i ca n't make right , but if i can set this straight -- well , maybe things can work between the two of you . i am sorry for so much . no , no . make that everything . ryan : well , if that does n't clear everything up , i do n't know what will . so , when 's the wedding ? [ scene_break ] bianca : david , hi . come in . david : hey . bianca : have you seen mom ? david : yeah . yeah , i have . bianca : she 's talking to you even though you helped me cover up my pregnancy ? david : do n't worry about erica . she 's going to process this . bianca : she 's furious with you , is n't she ? david : well , let 's just say she 's not pleased . but your mother adores you , bianca . she is thoroughly devoted to you . bianca : everything 's changed now . david : no . no . your mother 's love for you will never change . bianca : but will she be able to love my baby ? david : yes , she will . so do n't get yourself all stressed , worrying about what might happen . bianca : david , even if i could put my mother out of my mind , kendall 's done for . david : yeah , well , that 's why i stopped by . everything is going to be all right , ok ? i 've been subpoenaed by the defense . bianca : no , david , you ca n't . david : relax . i 'm not the only one . by the time the parade of would - be michael murderers is over , they 'll never convict kendall . listen , i 'm really sorry about the way things turned out . bianca : well , david , you did everything that you could for me and my baby . look , i wanted mom to know . i did , eventually . you know what ? stuff happens . you just have to deal . my baby and i are going to be ok . we 're going to be just great . [ scene_break ] tad : simone , i realize i should have told you about liza and krystal , and i wanted to . matter of fact , i tried , right here , the other day . the minute i started to come clean , you just kind of -- you just kind of knocked me off track . all i want to know is if there 's anything i could do or say that would keep you from hating me -- simone : i do n't hate you . tad : well , then why do i feel like i should duck ? simone : you made yourself more than clear when you said that our relationship was supposed to stay casual . i 'm the one that threw in the l word . i could n't help it no more than you can help being so you . tad : sorry that you got hurt and that things had to end like this . simone : hey , who 's ending ? i mean , just because you 're not ready for monogamy right this very second does n't mean i 'm cashing in my chips and running home . tad : is there something in the water around here ? simone : i 'm in the game , tad , because you 've been honest with me . oh , yes , i 'm most definitely a player . tad : my god , the women of pine valley have really changed in the last 10 years . simone : is that a complaint ? tad : hell , no . it 's just -- you know , i 'm logically a little concerned that eventually things are going to get really , really ugly . simone : i feel like rising to this new challenge , yeah . and trust me , i can take care of myself . tad : yeah , so -- watch it , ok ? whatever happens with liza , with krystal -- simone : oh , no -- tad : it does n't matter ? it 's just -- simone : yeah , bring it on . you know what ? krystal , she 's so busy being free and easy that she 's attracted to any man in pants . and liza , is it ? tad : uh - huh . simone : yeah , she 's a relic . tad : be careful , ok ? no , i mean , because if , you know , liza hears you say that , she 's going to tear something up . simone : yeah , well , let her do it . let her try . the only reason why liza wants to recapture her past with you is because she 's too damned scared to break out and go find her own future . tad : so what 's your take on you ? simone : oh , i 'm perfect for you in every way . and i 'll prove it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : nobody steals money from my family . the fact that the thief was my own wife -- jamie : she did it for you . j.r. : i do n't need $ 20,000 of somebody else 's money . jamie : you are so close to brain - dead . she did it to bribe me . j.r. : because you know something that she wants you to keep quiet . jamie : no -- to stay away . she was hoping that the money would convince me to leave town and never come back . j.r. : was n't it enough ? jamie : oh , i 'm sorry . no amount could ever buy me off . j.r. : oh , it 's too bad . it 's too bad . i guess it 's the thought that counts , though , right ? jamie : she was just on her way home to return the money , so you can shove your righteous indignation . it 's a waste of energy . j.r. : yeah . yeah . it was nice talking to you . jamie : maybe you ought to appreciate what you have instead of working so hard to destroy it . j.r. : thanks for the tip . jamie : if he 's dumb enough to hand you over to his dad or the cops , just call me . i 'll scrape up your bail . j.r. : what a guy ! j.r. : all right , babe . i 'm still waiting for the truth here . babe : you already got it . j.r. : what made you think that you could buy off jamie ? babe : why not ? i already tried asking and begging . why not bribery ? j.r. : and theft ? babe : i looked at it as an unauthorized loan . j.r. : oh , yeah , yeah . babe : what ? you want to hear me say i 'm sorry ? i 'm sorry -- sorry that jamie did n't take the money and go . i was so desperate . i mean , the way you 've just been poking at me and needling me -- j.r. : oh , i ? i led you to a life of crime ? that 's good . babe : yes . you 've been so cold and unfeeling , i did n't even know what else to do . j.r. : what did i tell you this morning ? babe : something along the lines of `` get used to it or get lost . `` j.r. : yeah , well , it wo n't last forever . just until the baby 's born . babe : j.r. , if we wait that long , there 's no way we 'll ever get back what we lost . j.r. : i 'm sorry , babe . there 's nothing i can do about that . babe : but i can -- i can prove that you 're the father before the baby 's born . j.r. : if this involves opal and her stupid tarot cards -- babe : no , it 's a new kind of test that somebody developed . and so what they do is they take a blood sample from the mama and they take some dna tests from the daddy , and then they play mix and match . j.r. : is this what you 're suggesting ? babe : well , yeah . why not ? well , since we made the baby together , i 'll have some of your cells in my blood , so they 'll just round up some of them and compare it to your dna , and then we 'll have the proof . j.r. : wow . oh , that sounds easy enough . babe : so you 'll do it ? j.r. : yeah , you 're damn right i 'll do it . babe : great . well , there 's not really that many labs that do it , so i 'll make some calls next week and we 'll set up an appointment . j.r. : well , it 's just a blood test . i mean -- babe : well , yeah , they draw blood , but it 's a lot more complicated than that . j.r. : well , you know what ? why do n't we just do it now ? [ scene_break ] simone : yeah , we 'll do that when i do n't have a deadline . tad : so , the -- the kiss was just some kind of test ? simone : no , more like a sample of what 's to come , you know , now that you 've been honest and i know that you 're still genuinely interested in me . tad : so what happens now ? simone : oh . well , that 's simple . i 'll call you when i am done with work and i have some time to play . [ scene_break ] greenlee : leo -- leo , i 've done it this time , and there 's no coming back from it . not by myself , anyway . it 's the worst yet . you loved bianca so much , and i 've ruined her life . i hurt ryan , kendall . she 's facing prison and worse , all because i was jealous and angry and incredibly off - the - chart stupid . you knew how awful i could be , but you loved me anyway , and you made me a better person for a while . now i 've backslid , leo . i 've worse than backslid -- crashed and burned . the whole town hates me . i hate me . funny . so many times i mess up and i drive people away when all i want to do is draw them close . i was so close this time , leo . my family was right there , waiting to include me . jackson , bianca , even reggie was willing to get to know me , but i blew that big - time . kendall -- we were friends for a while , and ryan , we could have had , like , this fabulous friend triumvirate . but i wrecked it all . any advice , leo ? i 'll do anything you say . if only you would say something . give me a sign , even . anything . i 'll take anything . [ scene_break ] ryan : it took a lot for greenlee to be able to do that . that really , really cost her . kendall : hmm , cost you , too , right ? ryan : no . why should it ? kendall : well , did you have a signal , or was it just show up and noon and give the grand speech ? ryan : what -- i did n't arrange that . that was n't a strategy . kendall : oh , please , ryan , it was an act . it was a very convenient act . ryan : you think i planned that ? why ? what would be my ulterior motive ? if i plotted your downfall with greenlee , then why would i follow it up trying to convince you to marry me ? kendall : i do n't know . i 'm working on that . ryan : well , good luck , because it does n't make any sense . kendall : well , what was her price , anyway ? was it fusion ? she loves that company more than she loves her own damned life . ryan : you are looking for any possible way out of this relationship , are n't you ? kendall : well , tell greenlee it was a really great act , but i 'm not buying it . ryan : there 's absolutely no getting through to you on this , is there ? kendall : i would n't believe greenlee if she gave me the time of day . ryan : when are you going to get it through your thick skull , kendall , that i love you ? no strings . it 's just that simple . i love you ! i want to marry you ! kendall : do n't touch me ! greenlee -- greenlee 's two cents is supposed to make it all worth it ? greenlee , the woman who you 've slept with , the woman who threw me out of your bed on new year 's , greenlee , the woman who destroyed me in court ? ryan : wait a minute . did you look into her eyes ? could you see that she was going through hell ? did you see that ? kendall : fine , great . she belongs there . she 's the same self - serving bitch she 's always been . ryan : there is absolutely no getting through to you on this . kendall : no , i 'm not that gullible , ryan . ryan : if you do n't want to marry me , you can just say it , ok ? you do n't have to play it like this . kendall : i do n't play . i do n't play games , ryan . i leave that to you and greenlee . ryan : everything that i have said has been the truth . kendall : and that would be a first . ryan : and so is this . i will not go through this one more time . kendall : good . i 'm pretty sick of it , myself . ryan : if you keep this up , kendall , if you let me walk out that door , it is over . no third chance , no take three , i mean over , and i will not ask you again . kendall : i will not be conned by you and greenlee . ryan : what would we have to gain ? what ? nothing . kendall : nothing except an entire fortune ! ryan : what ? i could gain a fortune from you ? please tell me where you 're hiding it . kendall : ryan , ryan , bianca ! bianca is carrying the cambias heir . this means that she would inherit the entire cambias fortune . ryan : ok , so i should get a sex change and propose to her . only i 'm not . i 'm proposing to you . kendall : no , ryan , by marrying me , you would gain access to all of that money and all of that power . and bianca wants me -- she wants me to be happy , ryan , and she 's so taken by you god knows what she would sign over . ryan : it 's easier for you to believe that than i love you ? kendall : no -- ryan : no , do n't do this , kendall . please , i mean it . do n't do it . kendall : you and greenlee , you and greenlee -- you 're in this together . i know that you are . i can feel it . ryan , you 're completely transparent . if you can deny it , please , please deny it ! if you can deny it , just do it ! deny it ! ryan : no matter what i do or what i say to you , you 're going to pull this crap for the rest of our lives . we could be married and i could kill myself trying to make you happy , and we could live together for years and years and have kids , but you still would n't believe that it was all about what i felt for you , that i valued you , you more than anyone or anything in my entire life . i would n't be able to predict if you would welcome me home or if you would accuse me of betraying you . well , i 'm sorry , kendall . i ca n't live like that . i will not live like that . goodbye . kendall : ryan , wait . [ scene_break ] krystal : where are you kids off to ? j.r. : we 're going to settle this paternity test once and for all . we 're going to go over to the hospital . babe : oh , the check ! i have n't paid . j.r. : that 's ok . i 'll take care of it . babe : oh , mama -- paul did n't take the money and he has n't agreed to rig the test . krystal : all right , now , just smile at me now , baby doll . there you go . babe : and then i could n't take how j.r. 's been treating me , so then i told him about the new paternity test and how it can prove that he 's the daddy . krystal : and it will . babe : not if paul 's not the one picking up the results and fixing them . j.r. wants to take my blood right this minute . krystal : listen , honey , it 's going to take a couple weeks before the lab can send those results back anyway . babe : but what if the results are n't what i 've been praying for ? krystal : then we 're going to have to come up with a miracle of our own , now , are n't we ? [ scene_break ] bianca : great , that 's just what you need . david : hey , crying is a good release . you feel better ? bianca : yes , i do . david : good . bianca : thank you for being so nice . david : nice ? i 'm not nice . ask reggie . i 'm dr. haywire . [ bianca and david laugh ] david : bianca , are you all right ? bianca : david , i feel weird . david : weird , how ? did you feel the baby move ? are you in pain ? bianca : no . it 's too soon for my water to break . david , i think that 's what 's happening . david : all right , all right . just calm down . bianca : oh , my god . david : breathe deeply and steady . do you feel any pain ? any cramping ? bianca : no . david , what is this ? what 's going on ? david : all right . i 'm going to take you to the hospital . come on . bianca : david , am i losing my baby ? david : just relax . we 'll find out what 's going on , ok ? just take it easy . breathe deeply . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i never should have left paris . when i went there after you died , i should have stayed . everyone would have been so much better off . so i 'm going back . i held on to that apartment that you bought . now i know why . i 'll live there and think about us , and maybe i 'll figure out what to do next . maybe i 'll just read , drink good red wine and learn to paint . i 'll miss this place most of all . i feel so close to you here . but you 'll come with me , wo n't you ? you better . you 're the only friend i 've got left . what ? brilliant place to put boards . perfect ending to a perfect morning ! ugh ! [ greenlee hyperventilates as she struggles to pull her heel out of the board ] greenlee : ok . [ greenlee screams while plunging down the mineshaft ] [ scene_break ] boyd : erica . i did n't know you were here . erica : this is my company , my office , my desk . no one else belongs here but me . boyd : right , of course . i mean , i 'm sorry . i just thought you had a lot to deal with right now . erica : boyd , i am enchantment , and i need those lab results yesterday . boyd : i 'll get right on it . erica : thanks . jack : well , there you are . what the hell 's going on ? erica : business as usual . jack : you did n't get any of the messages i left for you ? erica : honestly , a chimp would have a better grasp on this campaign . jack : you know , i called all over this town . i talked to palmer , i talked to myrtle . nobody knew where you were . i 've been half worried to death . erica : and why is that , jack ? afraid i 'd attack bianca with these ? [ scene_break ] david : nurse , we need a gurney here ! how are you feeling ? any pain ? any nausea ? bianca : no , david , just the same -- my water breaking . david : ok , everything 's going to be fine . i 'm going to page dr. clader . we 're going to find out what 's going on with you and this baby , ok ? j.r. : well , you know , the chandler name has its privileges . babe : oh , my god , bianca ! j.r. : bianca -- babe : what 's going on ? j.r. : what are you doing here ? bianca : it 's my baby . i ca n't lose my baby ! [ scene_break ] ryan : what ? what is it ? what do you want ? [ next_on ] jack : so what happened to your engagement ? bianca : please promise me you wo n't let them take my baby . greenlee : somebody help me ! ryan : you take the leap or not . you make us or you break us . | greenlee attempts to make peace with bianca by apologizing . bianca does not want to hear it and tells her she can not be forgiven for what she 's done to kendall and to erica . but greenlee informs bianca that she has a secret `` plan `` to fix things and assures bianca she will support the plan when she knows about it . greenlee later goes to talk to leo . but when she gets up to leave , she suddenly falls into a shaft . |
jonathan : oh , maggie and i were doing so good until you got all up in our business . you 're so damn jealous that you sawed the limb out from right under us . bianca : jonathan , i do n't know what -- jonathan : you know what i know and you need to know ? everything i did was for my brother . i burned your shirt to keep him from losing the company and the position that was so important to him . and , yeah , it was a desperate move , but i had to learn fast how to deal with people like you and your sister . kendall used me to punish ryan the first day i came to pine valley . i was set up to look like a failure and a fool before i even knew what was happening . and now -- now ryan thinks i 'm like my father . you know how that makes me feel , bianca ? it makes me want to puke , and it 's all because of you and your stupid friends . i 'd still be with maggie if you just would have butted out ! bianca : that 's not true . i 'm not going to let you blame me for what you did . now , stop it -- jonathan : now , do n't talk back to me ! [ miranda fusses ] bianca : oh . ok , sweetheart . it 's ok . shh . it 's ok . it 's all right , ok ? mommy 's here . i 'm so sorry . everything 's going to be ok . mommy 's here . [ scene_break ] erica : greenlee , how nice to see you . greenlee : i almost believe it when you say it . erica : ryan -- oh . ryan , i 've been so worried . how are you ? greenlee : somewhere between lousy and miserable , thanks to you . erica : look , i am so sorry that chris -- ryan : finally was honest ? please , forget it . let 's celebrate . when do you expect bianca to show up ? erica : ryan , we have plenty of time to talk . greenlee : oh , goody . ryan : hey , where would you like me to put this , erica ? erica : ryan , what happened ? ryan : oh , the bandage ? an unexpected run - in with a cambias skull . it 's like hitting concrete . kendall : hello . ethan : hi . erica : kendall . no , you are not welcome here . get out ! [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] singer : give me another minute [ knock ] jamie : hey , maggie , open up . singer : another minute more jamie : maggie ? [ knock ] singer : give me another minute another minute more jamie : hey . it 's been forever . maggie : yeah , well , it 's going to be longer . i 'm not in the mood , jamie . i 'm not in the mood for anyone . [ scene_break ] tad : ok , there you go . now that jamie and babe are gone and you 've got your martini , lay it on me . if you think you 've got a way to pull and end - run around a truckload of felony indictments , i want to know about it . krystal : well , it 's simple . i step up for babe and i hand over my life instead . [ scene_break ] babe : star light and star bright , first star i see tonight . i wish i may , i wish i might have the wish i wish tonight . hi . it 's lily , right ? honey , are you -- are you ok ? lily : no ! no ! babe : no , it 's -- it 's ok . nobody 's here but me . i 'm babe , remember ? do you want to tell me what 's wrong ? lily : no ! [ scene_break ] bianca : i am so sorry , sweetheart . we did n't mean to scare you . you 're always so good , but you 're just tired , right ? [ miranda fusses ] bianca : that 's ok . i 'm going to put you in bed , and we 're going to go home now . jonathan : how do you do it ? they 're so sensitive . you have to watch what you say and how loudly you say it . i 'm really sorry to let go like that , bianca . i did n't mean -- i 'm sorry . look -- here . here you go . here you -- hey . bianca : it 's late . jonathan : if miranda 's sleepy , she can drift off while i finish with you , because i promise i 'll try to be very quiet . you are such a great mother . [ miranda fusses ] jonathan : how do you pick that up ? is that -- is that from reading a bunch of junk , or is that some inherited maternal gene ? [ fussing ] jonathan : my mom missed out on it . she spent most of my childhood in a vodka fog . bianca : i 'm sorry . jonathan : she always had a cup of coffee . she 'd lie back on the couch with a cup of 80-proof decaf and the radio on , and so she could n't listen to what my dad was doing to us . bianca : god . it must have been just awful . jonathan : if i had a mom like you , everything would be different . i 'd be different . but she never helped me . you know , this is how i thought families are . i thought your mom zones out , then your dad knocks you into line -- he makes a man out of you . maybe i 'm like my father . maybe i 'm doomed to repeat his miserable , rotten life . bianca : no , you 're not . you want proof ? look at ryan . he 's gentle and compassionate . he grew up in the same house with you . he had the same mother and father . jonathan : look at our other brother braden . bianca : well , ryan is nothing like him . jonathan : well , ryan did n't have the same father . ryan 's dad is a hero . he was a decorated cop and an fbi agent . and , i mean , that 's why ryan 's so perfect . bianca : no , that 's not true . jonathan : what , ryan 's not perfect ? bianca : no . jonathan : close enough . bianca : ryan is not -- he 's going to tell you himself soon enough . ryan just found out that chris stamp was n't his father . jonathan : what ? bianca : yeah . you and ryan have the same father . [ miranda cries ] bianca : you are 100 % full - blood brothers . [ scene_break ] ryan : erica , i think you misunderstood . erica : i am not going to let you ruin bianca 's surprise party . kendall : you ca n't throw ethan out . erica : all right , then i 'll call the police . i 'll have them throw him out . greenlee : no , you 've jumped to the wrong conclusion yet again . kendall : wait -- why ? what did ethan do ? erica : ethan and ryan had a terrible fight . look at ryan . ryan : wrong cambias . erica : zach ? ryan : yeah . erica : zach started this fight with you after everything you 've had to cope with ? your father is an animal . ethan : you give him far too much credit . ryan : hey , he probably looks a lot worse than i do , and it felt good to finally lay into him , believe me , so excuse me . kendall : bianca -- she would want ethan to be at her party . erica : well , i certainly want you here , kendall , so come in . kendall : thank you . hmm . so , why were zach and ryan fighting ? ethan : oh , who cares ? to be honest , i wish i had n't split them up . i could have done with getting in a few slugs myself . kendall : oh , god , what now ? something else happened with your father ? ethan : listen , why do n't you and i grab a little champagne in case we plan on taking another dip later . erica : greenlee , surely we can put aside our animosity for one evening . greenlee : after what you 've done to ryan ? erica : believe me , that was not intentional . greenlee : oh , it 's never intentional with you . you just dance through life spreading smiles and napalm . erica : what an ugly thing to say . greenlee : ryan did n't need to know that chris stamp was n't his father . erica : i had no idea that chris had lied . greenlee : it 's killing him . erica : and i am so sorry that he found out and especially the way he did and that it 's really hitting him so hard . i guess in the end it 's better to know the truth . greenlee : can you hear the cosmic laugh fest ? you kept the truth from me . you did n't want me to know that jackson was my father . jack : announcing my arrival ? erica : oh , jackson . jack : hi , sweetie . erica : darling , oh . we were just talking about you . jack : well , nothing but good things , i hope . greenlee : about you ? always . erica : so , where 's reggie ? where 's lily ? jack : well , reggie 's on his way over , and lily 's coming from aidan 's office . everything looks gorgeous , honey . erica : thank you . jack : yeah . erica : except if lily arrives at the same time as bianca -- jack : oh , do n't worry . lily wo n't ruin anything . now that she 's decided to become a private detective , she knows how to keep things strictly confidential . [ scene_break ] lily : red ! babe : ok , ok ! lily : red , no ! babe : the red , oh -- lily : no . babe : oh , my goodness . i 'm -- i 'm so sorry . lily : no . no . babe : here . here , honey . i totally forgot . the red is hiding . the red is gone . lily : no . babe : here -- well , look , look , look , look . lily : red . babe : look -- no , no . lily : no , you 're still red to me . babe : lily , lily , there 's no red . lily : you 're still red to me . babe : there 's no red , ok ? lily : my sunglasses . i need the sunglasses . babe : ok , ok , ok . wait -- wait a sec . wait , wait , i have sunglasses . look , look , look -- here . here , here , you can have my sunglasses . here , open your eyes . open your eyes . here you go . here you go . here -- lily : no ! do n't touch me ! babe : ok . all right . lily , i would never touch you , ok ? here -- honest . there you go -- see ? see ? you can get them yourself . go ahead . i promise , lily . i do n't want to be red to you anymore . see ? i never meant to scare you , i promise . lily : you have a red sweater and a red coat and you 're married to the man in the red tie . babe : j.r. ? oh , no . no , no , no , not anymore . see , the man with the red tie -- he 's still over there in that mansion . and so is the red sweater and -- you know what ? i should have left that red coat there , too , since he gave it to me . i hate everything about that time . except one thing -- i have a little boy and he 's the sweetest thing you ever saw . you want to know something ? that sweater and the tie and that coat -- they make me see red , too . [ scene_break ] tad : krystal , if human sacrifice would get our kids off , i would have trussed up david , stuck an apple in his mouth , and delivered him to the da weeks ago . krystal : i 'm not talking about that kind of sacrifice . tad : well , you ca n't get those kidnapping charges dropped . krystal : the new dna test proves that babe was only taking her own flesh and blood . tad : yeah , and i 'm sure the judge will take that into consideration -- krystal : exactly . tad : but what does that have to do with -- krystal : exactly , tad . so now the next big thing to beat is the failure - to- return - miranda rap . i think it 's time to cop a plea . tad : what are you talking about ? look , if livia could cut a deal for babe , she would have done it a long time ago . krystal : not for babe . for me . i 'm going to tell the da that i 'm ready to plead guilty to everything . i knew that miranda was bianca 's ages before anybody else figured it out . i tampered with your dna test , and i kept it a secret to myself . and then when babe finally found out about it , i leaned on her to keep it a secret , too . i 'm hoping if i offer up my head , they 'll , you know , maybe give babe probation or community service or anything other than prison time . that 's pretty perfect , huh ? tad : well , i 'd call it too scary to contemplate , yet too compelling to ignore . krystal : i 'll take that as a compliment . tad : no , what you 're going to take is a quick trip to the big house . krystal : well , better me than babe . i deserve it more than she does , tad . i owe it to her , and i owe it to my grandson . do you think it 's going to work ? will you help me make it happen ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] jamie : hey , i 'm not going anywhere without talking , like about why aidan 's downstairs standing guard . do you think maybe we could cut the `` love sucks `` anthem ? singer : let me breathe again [ music stops ] jamie : that 's better . so what 's with the guard dog ? maggie : speaking of dogs , where is yours ? let 's call her a poodle -- the fluffy little blond ? jamie : that 's not cute , maggie . maggie : hey , you came to see me . jamie : well , i used to live here , we used to be friends ? maggie : yeah , until you ran off with babe . you never wrote , you never called , and how about telling me that she stole bianca 's baby ? jamie : yeah , i came to explain that . maggie : spare me . jamie : no , come on , maggie . i need help with bianca . maggie : that 's actually really funny . i am so not the person to talk about bianca . jamie : maggie , what went down while i was gone ? come on , something big happened . maggie : yeah -- something called jonathan lavery . [ scene_break ] [ miranda fusses ] jonathan : ryan 's no better than i am ? bianca : ryan is a wonderful guy , no matter who his parents are . he hates what you had to go through as a kid , and he wants to help you move on with your life . jonathan : he wants a shrink to help me . bianca : ryan has gotten past what you guys went through , and you can , too . just let him help you . [ scene_break ] lily : seven , six , five , four , three , two -- i think i 'm all right now . babe : ok . do you want me to take you home ? lily : no . there 's a mystery i need to solve first . babe : a mystery , huh ? what kind ? lily : that 's confidential , but if i do n't confront the suspect first , aidan will be very proud of me , and he can know that i can be his new partner . babe : aidan ? you 're partners with aidan devane ? lily : that 's strictly confidential . babe : oh . ok . so , lily , what frightened you before , before you saw my red coat ? what were you running from ? lily : noise and yelling . the suspect in this case gets angry a lot , way too much . he throws and kicks and breaks things . babe : lily , listen to me . this does n't sound safe . who is this man ? lily : the man who hurts women . babe : ok . and do you know his name ? lily : that 's confidential . babe : and you were with this man before ? that 's where you were coming from ? lily : no . i was outside and they were inside . babe : `` they `` ? this man , he was n't alone ? lily : no . bianca was with him . [ scene_break ] bianca : let 's go see ryan . your brother is going through a tough time right now , and i know that he needs your help just as much as you need him . jonathan : no . ryan 's always been able to go it alone . he does n't need me . bianca : that 's not true . jonathan , ryan loves you . he respects you . he 'll tell you so himself . please , just open the door and -- and we 'll all go see him together . jonathan : so i get a lifetime of therapy because you wrecked my life ? no . no , you do n't get to walk away from this . [ scene_break ] krystal : you know it 'll work or else you would n't be looking so serious . tad : you do n't understand something . if you do this , if you come forward and cop a plea , there 's not going to be a trial . it 's just going to be wham , bam , your sentence , ma'am . and this is a high - profile case . we 're talking about erica kane 's daughter . she 's going to lean on that da to go for blood . krystal : well , i got plenty of that if it means getting babe off on just a load of probation . tad : well , there 's one thing in your favor . if you do decide to come forward and confess on your own , i mean , the judge might feel generous . he 'd be willing to reduce the sentence he might otherwise hand down . krystal : well , i doubt that . but i do n't really even care if it means babe getting a break . tad : when exactly do you plan on putting this little scheme into action ? krystal : well , if my accomplice -- you -- are onboard , then tomorrow . tad : `` me , `` he said with great trepidation . what exactly do you want me to do ? krystal : i want you to coach me . i want you to tell me exactly what to say to make this stick , because i can not afford to give that da one iota of doubt . tad : well , what 's to think about ? i mean , you walk in there and -- krystal : i know . i got that part . tad : well , all you would do is tell him that -- that you want to save a bunch of people a bunch of time , a bunch of money , yourself a bunch of humiliation , and you want to plead guilty to all the charges against you . david : you are not pleading guilty to anything . [ scene_break ] kendall : mother , you said after all ryan 's been through today -- erica : i would love another glass of sparkling cider . kendall : no , wait a minute . mother , why are you so concerned about ryan ? erica : all right , i -- i was going through some of chris ' belongings . i was going to give them to ryan . kendall : and ? erica : chris kept a journal , a very , very honest journal . and ryan found out that chris was n't actually his father . kendall : what ? oh . no , no , he hates patrick lavery . when he found out that he was chris ' son , it was such a relief . well , he must be dying . erica : no , well , he 's got greenlee , so he 's going to be fine . he 's going to be just fine . kendall : well , what , do you expect me to tackle him and aggressively comfort him ? erica : of course not . kendall : no , mother , i have ethan now , and i plan to stay with ethan . erica : that 's a terrifying thought . kendall : come on . you know what ? i mean , he 's an amazing guy . you just do n't know him . erica : i know his father , and we all know his uncle michael . kendall : yeah , well , that 's meaningless . erica : ok . when you find out that i 'm right about ethan -- kendall : yeah , which will never happen . erica : i wo n't tell you i told you so . i 'll just try to help you get rid of him as quickly as possible and move on . [ scene_break ] ethan : listen , i think you and i could accomplish a lot more if we worked together , a lot faster . ryan : i 'm done with everything cambias . and to make it official -- ethan : your gold watch ? oh , wait , this is one of your american customs . ryan : your grandfather gave it to me . ethan : you do n't want it ? ryan : no , i 'm kind of cleaning house . and besides , if he knew about you , he probably would have wanted you to have it . ethan : what was he like ? ryan : `` what was he like ? `` never stopped mourning his first son , who turns out was never dead , and his second son was a rapist , and they both hated him , so what do you think he was like ? ethan : they made a mess of their lives , all three of them . ryan : the father - son bond -- totally overrated . trust me -- get out while you can and go alone . [ scene_break ] kendall : mom told me about chris ' diary . greenlee : leave it alone . ryan does n't need you rubbing salt in his wound . kendall : well , if there 's anything that i can do to help -- greenlee : back off . kendall : greenlee , i feel awful for both of you . greenlee : ok , not another word about it , ok ? not one . kendall : well , i talked to jonathan a little while ago . greenlee : i thought you gave up on that . kendall : well , i decided to try your lame `` get close to get the truth `` strategy . greenlee : and you could n't pull it off ? kendall : no . we need to come up with something much more devious to prove that jonathan poisoned you . jack : jonathan lavery poisoned you ? [ scene_break ] maggie : i would n't talk about jonathan to my best friend , if i had one . so i 'm not spilling my guts to you , and we 're not friends anymore , so why do n't you go talk to babe ? jamie : babe 's not a monster . maggie : no . babe is a fantastic person . she knew all along that baby was miranda , and she trotted her around town , called her `` bess , `` and acted like she was mommy of the year . jamie : ok , babe convinced herself that j.r. was the love of her life . she could n't tell him that their baby was dead . maggie , babe made a horrible , terrible mistake . maggie : oh -- jamie : she misjudged j.r. she thought that he really loved her . have n't you ever misjudged someone ? [ scene_break ] bianca : get your hands off my daughter . jonathan : you still think you can tell me what to do ? you 're that stupid ? nobody runs me , bianca . i 'm in charge . bianca : it 's not too late . it 's not too late . we can walk out that door , and we can still forget that this ever happened . jonathan : i want you to remember this . i want you to think about this for the rest of your life , and hopefully you wo n't wreck other people 's lives . bianca : stop threatening me and get away from my daughter 's stroller . jonathan : i 'm threatening you ? you 're the victim here ? no , i do n't think so . bianca : you 're not the only one who 's had to deal with violence . i 've learned how to defend myself . i wo n't let you hurt me or my little girl . jonathan : what are you going to do ? what do you want to do ? you want to kill me like you did michael cambias ? you 're not packing heat , are you ? you might not get away with murder this time . bianca : i will hurt you if i have to . jonathan : well , it wo n't be easy . you 're going to need help , maybe a weapon -- yeah , something potentially lethal , like this , right here . hey , this ought to do the trick , huh ? yeah . here you go , take it . go ahead , come on . come on . take a whack . babe : get your father and you get him here fast . go , hurry . jonathan : take it , take it , take it . what 's stopping you ? come on . i want to see some fire , bianca . come on . show me what you did to your rapist . no ? oh . come on ! babe : run ! get out of here ! run ! save miranda ! go ! jonathan : what is wrong with the women in this town , huh ? too dumb to mind your own business ? oh , hey , you want to stir things up ? you want to stir things up ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : later about this , dad . jack : no , no , no , no , no . if you think that jonathan -- greenlee : it 's bianca 's birthday . jack : your brother drugged your wife ? ryan : no , he did not . kendall : think about it , ryan . ok , jonathan tried to pin it on me so many times , maybe he was trying to protect himself . ryan : no , you think about it , kendall . jonathan has no reason to hurt greenlee . kendall : well , maybe not one that you want to believe , but he has one . greenlee : of all the places and all the times , you could n't tell me quietly ? ethan : ok , whoa , listen . there 's nothing to tell here . my pathetic excuse for a father is behind all this . he is the person who put the drugs in kendall 's palm , and he 's the person who hired a hit man on ryan . erica : well , you 're still the one who 's charged with shooting ryan . kendall : no , ethan did n't do it . ryan : slater is -- greenlee : i do n't care who it was -- shut up ! kendall : jonathan 's got major problems . jack : all right , enough , enough ! kendall : hey , he does . jack : just enough ! now , just tell me why you did n't mention to me that you suspected jonathan ? greenlee : please , dad , let this go . jack : you ended up in the psych ward . you could have died . greenlee : please -- jack : and i will never leave it alone . ryan : greenlee , you just could n't let this go ? you had to -- greenlee : you and your big fat mouth . erica : i am sick to death of your blaming everything on kendall . ryan : you know what ? please tell bianca that i say `` happy birthday . `` greenlee : ryan , no . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . i want to talk to your brother . ryan : look , i love my wife . i want to catch whoever hurt her as badly as you do , probably -- probably worse , but it was not my brother , so just get out of my way . [ scene_break ] david : what the hell is wrong with you ? advising her to volunteer for a prison stretch ? tad : why do n't you back off for a minute . you have no idea what you walked in on . krystal : tad did n't convince me to throw myself into the dungeon . david : of course he did n't . come on , let 's just get out of here . krystal : david , i decided to cut a deal for babe to protect her . david : you are not pleading guilty , krystal . krystal : and while i 'm at it , i think i 'm going to say that i blackmailed you . tad : you know , hoffa 's still missing . david : you did n't blackmail me . krystal : david , think about it . you can get off if you say that i forced you to keep our secret about bianca 's baby . david : there is no way in hell i 'm going to let you or babe plead guilty to anything , so just forget it . krystal : i 'm going to do this , ok ? so just deal with it . david : i will find another way . i 'm not going to let you or babe go to prison . now , come on . let 's just go home -- to my place , please ? tad : sure , you can shoot her up with drugs , wall her up in a room . david : would you put a sock in it ? krystal : tad 's right . nothing short of you knocking me out and locking me up is going to stop me , david . so why do n't you just go home and fix yourself a drink and just face it , because my plan goes into effect tomorrow . tad : about that drink -- if i were you , i 'd make it a double . david : tad -- tad , open the damn door ! i 'm not joking , tad ! [ david pounds on door ] david : krystal ? [ pounding ] david : krystal , you do n't have to do this ! [ pounding ] krystal : david means well . tad : i know he does . [ pounding ] tad : that 's why i want a moment alone . there 's something i need to say . [ pounding ] krystal : ok , well , say it . tad : i do n't want you to go to prison . [ scene_break ] jamie : so you have misjudged people ? maggie : yes . i 've made mistakes . jamie : so , imagine the person you 've hurt the most , who hates you the most , as the only one who can save your life . maggie : i do n't want to think about this right now . jamie : hey , babe tried to make it right . she told bianca . she made sure bianca got her baby back . maggie : and it 's over now . jamie : no , it 's not over . babe could lose her baby now . bianca 's the only one who can help her . maggie : there 's irony for you . jamie : look , maggie , if you go to bianca and you try to make her listen -- maggie : even if she would listen , i would never -- if babe were on fire and if bianca had buckets of water , all i would ask her is if she knew any campfire songs . [ scene_break ] babe : i do n't know who the hell you think you are , but you stay away from bianca and miranda ! jonathan : yeah ? bianca better get herself some bigger friends . you do n't think i 'll take you ? ow ! babe : ugh ! [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] kendall : how long can ryan kid himself that jonathan is innocent ? ethan : listen , when i get to prove that zach did everything , you can all breathe a big sigh of relief . kendall : you would pin anything on zach , would n't you ? jack : thanks . erica : thanks . listen to me . you can track jonathan tomorrow . you 'll be calmer . jack : oh , you think i 'll be calmer then ? if this guy poisoned my daughter , erica -- erica : `` if `` -- `` if , `` jack , `` if . `` jack : just do n't forget ryan 's other brother . erica : well , do n't -- do n't think about braden , not now . jack : honey , after what he did to my sister , i 've never stopped thinking about him . i have been hunting this guy down for years . erica : you have ? jack : i never told you that , did i ? erica : no . jack : and i 'll never stop . erica : well , jonathan is not his brother . jack : well , maybe he 's not ryan , but he might be another braden . [ scene_break ] greenlee : jackson overheard kendall . i never would have mentioned jonathan to him . ryan : really ? why not ? i mean , jackson 's your father , so if you think my brother was trying to kill you , why do n't you just go inside and tell him everything ? why are n't you going inside , greenlee ? i mean , you think jonathan 's guilty , do n't you ? greenlee : i want to stay with you . ryan : well , i kind of want to be alone right now . look , honestly , i just need a little bit of air , ok , so go ahead . go back inside , go party , and i do n't know , just give bianca my love , please . greenlee : i hate it when we 're not on the same page . ryan : it 's going to be ok . it will . greenlee : i 'll miss you . lily : no ! no ! ryan : oh , oh , oh -- lily , no , no , no . no , i 'm sorry . lily : no . ryan : i did n't mean to -- i did n't mean to touch you -- lily : my dad . i need to get my dad right now . ryan : honestly , i did n't mean to touch you . lily : right now . ryan : please go inside of the party and go ahead -- lily : she did n't have a cell phone , so she sent me to come get my dad . ryan : who -- what ? lily : she said , `` lily , go get your dad . `` ryan : she , she -- what are you talking about ? what happened ? lily : yelling , lots of mean yelling , and he wo n't stop . my dad can stop him , though . ryan : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . who -- who was yelling ? lily : your brother . [ scene_break ] maggie : i watched bianca tortured , more than you will ever know . and she knew in her gut she had a connection with that child . and babe was a gutless coward and did n't tell her the truth . jamie : that was then . maggie : and this is now ? this has n't gone anywhere . i feel for bianca like it was yesterday . she fought for miranda before and after she was born , long after paul cramer and babe convinced her that her baby was dead . i watched my best friend suffer , and i could n't do anything to help her , and now you 're asking me to help babe . i 'd rather die . [ scene_break ] [ running from jonathan , bianca takes refuge in the boathouse . ] bianca : it 's ok , sweetie . mama 's just -- just ready to drop , but it 's -- it 's ok . it 's just a game , ok ? it 's just a game like hide - and - go - seek . we 're safe now . [ footsteps ] babe : bianca ! bianca -- oh , i thought i saw you come in here . oh , are you ok ? hey , is miranda -- bianca : i do n't know . when he grabbed her stroller -- i 'm -- i 'm afraid i 'm going to drop her -- babe : no . bianca : i 'm still shaking . babe : no , no , no , no . i wo n't let you . here . here . here . you 're safe . you 're safe . that pig -- he 's out of commission . do n't worry , ok ? you 're ok , both of you . [ babe holds bianca and miranda tightly to comfort them . ] [ scene_break ] krystal : well , it sounds like david gave up and went home . tad : or knocked himself unconscious . krystal : so you do n't want me to go to jail . that 's nice to hear . tad : well , there was a time not too far back when i thought i would never be able to forgive you for letting bianca think that miranda was gone , that nothing could possibly justify it . and then i turn around and found myself doing exactly the same thing to j.r . krystal : it 's not the same thing . tad : yes , it is . the people , circumstances are different , but let 's just say it helped me to understand . krystal : do n't slip me off any hooks , tad . i started this whole mess and got our kids into this trouble . i was the one that messed with that very first dna test . tad : krystal , i was there . i know the history . krystal : well , then you know that i 'm to blame . so i want you to keep that dead center in your mind , because it 's going to make it a lot easier for me to go through with this . tad : well , there 's one more thing -- krystal : no . no , tad . that 's it , ok ? i 've made up my mind , and nothing , not even you , can change that , ok ? that 's the way it 's got to go down , so i do n't want to hear another word about it , i [ scene_break ] maggie : jamie , i think you should leave . i 'm not going to help babe . i wo n't do that to bianca . i will never stab her in the back again . [ scene_break ] babe : i think the filling in this sandwich is getting a little restless . bianca : it 's ok . i 'm not shaking anymore . thank you . babe : bianca , please . no . you do n't have to thank me for anything . you just do n't . [ scene_break ] kendall : ethan , you have to look past zach and this whole revenge thing . ethan : listen , all i see is you , the most beautiful woman that i 've ever known . [ scene_break ] jack : greenlee , you have to know where jonathan is staying . greenlee : i do n't need you riding over there with your posse . jack : well , it 's too late for that , i 'm afraid . if jonathan is responsible for poisoning you , he 's either going to answer to the law , or he 's going to answer to me . [ scene_break ] ryan : why was my brother yelling ? lily , listen , if he 's in trouble , i have a right to know , ok ? lily : your brother is the one making the trouble . he 's yelling and yelling a lot , and he 's making big , scary noises like -- like crashes . ryan : oh . well , you know , sometimes when people are upset , they have to let off a little steam . they -- they sort of scream and they raise their voices a little bit and sometimes they throw things . it 's normal . lily : but he 's not alone . bianca 's in there with her baby . ryan : what ? wait -- where ? where are they ? lily , just please tell me where they are , because i can help them , ok ? so tell me . lily : they 're at the baby 's building , the miranda montgomery center . ryan : it 's going to be ok . [ scene_break ] babe : you know , i should probably be getting you home and you can call the cops . bianca : just a few more minutes ? babe : sure . ok . take all the time you need . [ wielding a hammer , a menacing jonathan creeps around the side of the boathouse . [ next_on ] anita : happy valentine 's day . jack : i was just thinking maybe it was time to put this back on . tad : if the da goes for this deal , this could very well be your last night . bianca : he 's a dangerous man , and i think he just got worse . | jonathan terrorizes bianca in a storage room until lily leads babe to find her and rescue her . lily also knows she needs to find ryan and get him save bianca from his brother , as jonathan is still lurking and spying upon bianca and babe when they believe they are safe . ryan is still upset and not ready to deal with discovering that he is not chris ' son . jack overhears kendall and greenlee talking about their belief that jonathan drugged greenlee and he is ready to intervene . but ryan still does not believe his brother did that . krystal is ready to turn herself in in order to save babe from prison . but tad and david urge her not to . jamie goes to ask maggie to help babe . but she refuses because she knows what bianca went through due to babe 's actions and she says she could care less about babe and owes bianca better than that . |
greenlee : kendall ? are you there ? kendall : uh -- yeah , sorry . the -- the reception on the plane is kind of bad . greenlee : i do n't get it -- what are you doing with aidan 's phone ? kendall : um -- well , you know how i was supposed to go to chicago for my book signing ? greenlee : uh - huh . kendall : it turns out that aidan is also going there for work , and he happens to be on my plane . yeah , he 's actually sitting right next to me . greenlee : so you and aidan are going to chicago together ? kendall : we 're flying together . is that ok with you ? greenlee : of course , it is -- why would n't it be ? does zach know ? [ scene_break ] annie : ryan . what are you doing here ? ryan : hey , i just came by to see kendall . i need to talk to her . zach : she 's out of town . but your wife 's here -- you can talk to her . [ scene_break ] angie : joe ? joe : hmm ? angie : i just got paged . is it frankie ? joe : no , no , frankie 's fine . angie : oh , ok . joe : i just needed your signature on some paperwork . angie : oh . joe : i 'm sorry , i thought you were still on duty . angie : well , i 'm taking your advice . i 'm -- i 'm going to go and visit jesse 's grave . joe : i think it 'll do you some good . angie : maybe . you know , but in a way , it feels like i 'm saying the final goodbye . joe : oh . i wish i could convince you to stay on here -- hospital needs you . angie : oh , joe , i appreciate the offer -- i do , you know i do . i just -- this ca n't be my home anymore . joe : hmm . angie : once i take care of this , i 'll be ready to leave pine valley for good . joe : oh , well -- our loss . angie : so you need my signature ? joe : yeah , right here , right here . would you like company at the cemetery ? angie : thanks , but this is something that i need to do alone . joe : yeah . [ scene_break ] jesse : well , i got to go , pine valley . i got to go . tad : were n't you supposed to be gone by now ? jesse : tad . tad : that was the plan , was n't it ? to leave town and not look back ? jesse : well , i figured i 'd just say one last goodbye to my old life before i roll out of here . tad : what if it does n't have to be good - bye ? jesse : tad , we 've been through this . you have no idea what i 'm running from . tad : well , then why do n't you stop running -- at least long enough to tell me about it . jesse , i 'm not the same screw - up you knew 20 years ago . i can help you -- i know i can . the fact is i 've already started to look into things . jesse : what ? tad : i 've been discreet -- nobody knows anything , and it 's going to stay that way . but it would help me out a lot if you would give me a couple of the details . jesse : tad , i 've already put you in enough danger . tad : well , then i guess it 's a good thing that i think you 're worth the risk . jesse : i 've been trying to dig myself out of this mess for years , man , and all i want is to be with angie . i want to talk with my son , get to know him -- know his hopes , his dreams , his future , man . tad : we both want the same thing . jesse : yeah , i believe we do . but you need to do what i have asked you to do -- keep my family safe , tad . tad : jesse , i would n't have -- jesse : tad , you promised me . all right ? now , i know you 're a man of your word . no one can ever know that i 'm alive . tad : if you ever change your mind -- jesse : you 're an honorable man , tad . i ca n't begin -- thank you . thank you . tad : ok . be safe . be safe . [ jesse flashes back to 20 years ago ] jesse : what is this ? [ echoes ] jesse : what is this ? somebody ! [ echoes ] [ scene_break ] joe : my goodness -- what 's this ? i thought you were on your way out the door when i last saw you . angie : i just needed a minute . joe : yeah . you 'll never guess who i just ran into -- mrs. stanton of the hospital board . she was so disappointed with me for being unable to persuade you to stay on full - time . angie : you 're not going to give this up , are you ? joe : angie , we have a world - class hospital here , and you 'd be head of the toxicology department , you would choose your own staff , you would have your own research budget . angie : any place but here , joe . i ca n't do it , and i am truly sorry . believe me , you -- you were a mentor to me . joe : yeah . angie : you gave me my start . joe : well , then you could do me a favor -- you could make me look good by being my top gun in the department . angie : there are just too many memories here . i ca n't be here , joe . i -- i do n't want to be here , not without my jesse . joe : yeah . well , you know , why do n't you talk to him , you know ? tell jesse what you told me , and then you make up your mind about leaving or staying . angie : oh , joe . the truth is that i am just going to jesse 's grave to say good - bye , because it 's time . [ scene_break ] kendall : uh , actually , i have n't had a chance to call zach yet . my -- my cell is in the overhead . greenlee : i always keep mine with me -- except , of course , when i was underground with zach . i did n't have it with me then , although it would n't have done me much good -- i mean , his did n't work , but is aidan back yet ? kendall : uh -- no , no , not yet . but i have no idea why we 're delayed . greenlee : oh , i hope you make it to your signing . kendall : yeah . aidan : is that my phone ? kendall : yeah -- it 's greenlee . um , aidan 's back -- here he is . bye . aidan : hey , honey . how are you ? greenlee : um -- yeah , i 'm fine . i 'm -- i just miss you . aidan : yeah , i miss you , too . greenlee : at least you have kendall to keep you company . aidan : yeah , what a coincidence , huh ? we -- both ending up on the same flight . greenlee : she 's acting a little weird . aidan : yeah , it 's just because she 's -- she 's nervous about the book signing , that 's all . greenlee : hmm . well , i hope you get to your job on time . aidan : are you sure you 're ok ? greenlee : of course . aidan : because i could try to get off this flight and come back to the hospital . greenlee : i 'm fine -- really . aidan : ok , i 'll give you a call when i land . greenlee : i love you , aidan . aidan : i love you , too . greenlee : i 'm totally lying . being stuck here sucks . [ greenlee sighs ] [ scene_break ] kendall : she knows something , aidan -- i know she does . there -- there was this edge in her voice when she heard that we were together . or maybe i sounded too nervous . maybe i -- i came across too nervous . aidan : huh . or maybe you 're just paranoid . kendall : no , no . she could have been suspicious about us and then all she had to hear was that we were together on a plane . aidan : will you just calm down for god 's sake , all right , before you drive us both nuts . kendall : oh , my god . i think i 'm going to be sick . oh . [ scene_break ] ryan : i know that this is hard , zach , for -- for all of us , for everybody , but -- i -- i do n't know you . i -- i do n't know annie . kendall and greenlee are the only two people that i do know . annie : and trust . ryan : annie , i 'm trying here , ok ? i 'm -- i 'm sorry . annie : it 's not your fault . i get that . it 's just hard listening to you talk about all the other women in your life . zach : in his past . annie : i was just leaving . i have to go . [ door closes ] ryan : do you have any idea when kendall will be back ? zach : it 's going to be a while . come sit . ryan : i appreciate it . just -- just tell her i came by , ok ? zach : you 're already here . come on . let 's talk , have a beer . ryan : ok . ahem . so -- ahem -- zach : ahem . i 'm not going to pretend that i know what you 're going through . but annie 's a good person . it ca n't have been easy for her to hear you talking about how you need to talk to another woman . maybe next time , you want to make an effort . ryan : i think this was a bad idea . zach : probably was , but we 're here so -- let 's try , make it easier . ryan : look , you 're a stranger to me , zach . i -- i really appreciate the effort , i do , but i do n't -- i do n't really see how you can make this any easier for me , you know ? zach : i do n't either , but i 'd like to try . ryan : i think i 'll come back another time , ok ? zach : let me help you . ryan : are you sure that 's what you 're trying to do ? because maybe you do n't want me anywhere near kendall . [ scene_break ] jack : i have some good news for you -- it looks like they 're going to release you tomorrow . greenlee : talk about being a day late and a dollar short . jack : ok . um -- greenlee ? what 's bothering you -- is it more than being stuck in the hospital and is there anything that i can do ? greenlee : unless you can get me on a plane to chicago in the next 45 minutes , you 're out of luck . jack : chicago -- greenlee : yeah . jack : my kind of town . what 's in chicago ? greenlee : kendall , with her mane of perfect curly hair and her flawless skin . jack : you know , maybe what you need is a day of beauty at the spa when you get out of here , huh ? greenlee : yeah , i do , but that 's not the worst part . the worst part is that kendall is with aidan , and i 'm stuck here . [ scene_break ] kendall : ahem . there is a bug , i think , going around spike 's play group . and i think i 've been so crazy and busy that i just did n't realize that i caught it . aidan : and worrying about stuff that does n't matter probably is n't helping . kendall : `` does n't matter `` ? we slept together , aidan . and greenlee is very intuitive . i mean , i -- i 'm sure that she suspects something . aidan : look , she 's -- she 's probably just down , because she 's stuck in that hospital , and we 're on our way to work . kendall : no , but , aidan , she knows that we 're together here . and i do n't know -- maybe she thinks that -- i mean , that we 're getting closer or something . aidan : yeah , but , we 're not . we 're not getting closer , are we ? so there 's nothing to worry about . and , you know , zach loves you more than anything in the whole world . kendall : yes , he does -- i know that . aidan : right , and you love him , and i love greenlee . kendall : yes , i know that . but , aidan , if zach ever found out -- aidan : he wo n't . kendall : how do you know that ? you ca n't be sure of that . and -- and if he finds out before i have the chance to tell him myself , he will never , ever forgive me . what if i really lose him ? [ scene_break ] zach : of course , i 'm protective of kendall -- same way you 're protective of your wife , annie . ryan : i do n't mean any harm at all , i do n't -- not to you , not to kendall , definitely not to annie . i mean , i -- i so wish that she could be happy . i -- zach : she was happy . when you still loved her , she was happy . and this is a woman -- she had a rough life . shunned by her family , she married some guy who was a complete bastard -- he was going after little girls . but she fought through it , and she protected her family , and the best day of her life was when she met you , because you saved her . and then , all of a sudden , one morning she woke up , and you did n't remember her . ryan : i want you to believe me . it kills me what i 'm doing to annie -- it kills me . it kills me where i am right now . if i could only start piecing together the last four years of my life , i would . zach : and that 's where kendall comes in ? ryan : absolutely , yes . zach : we were friends -- good friends . it took a while , but we were . ryan : and i 'm sure that 's the truth -- you know , i am . it 's -- it 's just that , you know , you 're telling me how i felt . you 're telling me who i was , and it 's very confusing for me , because it does n't feel true to me , you know ? it 's like i do n't know who to trust anymore . zach : perfect timing . hey , little man . hi . mr. lavery ? this is spike -- your son . ryan : hi . hi . hi . hey . rachael : um -- i 'm going to check up on ian . zach : thanks , rachael . ryan : hey , there . hey , little guy . how are you doing ? zach : he ca n't hear you . ryan : right , yeah . kendall told me about the -- about the implant -- about the cochlear implant . right . so this is my boy . this is -- he 's my son . i 'm sorry , spike . i 'm sorry i missed out on all that time . zach : well , you did n't . you were there for him . you 're a good dad . he 's a lucky kid , man . he 's got a lot of people in his life that love him . and you 're a big part of that . ryan : this is my son . zach : a special little boy . ryan : mine and kendall 's . [ scene_break ] kendall : hmm . aidan : hey . you going to take your aspirin ? kendall : no . no , i just want the soda . aidan : you know , you should really give yourself a break , kendall . [ kendall sighs ] aidan : you 're living on the edge . kendall : i 'm sorry . i just -- i 'm really stressed out about keeping this from zach . i really am sorry . aidan : apology accepted . kendall : i mean , i know neither one of us wants to hurt zach or greenlee . aidan : no , they 've been through enough . kendall : i just -- i do n't understand how you do it . i wish i had your confidence . i 've dealt with secrets , and believe me , secrets have always come back to haunt me . aidan : which is why we need to vow -- we need to make a vow to protect this one with our lives . right ? zach and greenlee can never know . kendall : no matter what . aidan : deal ? kendall : deal . attendant : ladies and gentlemen , we apologize for the inconvenience , but we 're having some mechanical difficulties , and we are going to have to de - board the plane at this time . we 'll still be offering our nonstop service to chicago 's o'hare airport from pine valley as soon as possible . aidan : i ca n't believe this . attendant : we 'll ask you to wait in the lounge until we 're ready to board the new aircraft . thank you for your patience . aidan : oh -- ugh . all right , i 'll help you with your things . [ kendall recalls her night of passion with aidan ] aidan : kendall , are you sure you 're ok ? kendall : yeah . yeah , i 'm fine . i 'm fine . [ scene_break ] greenlee : thanks , daddy . jack : yeah . [ jack chuckles ] jack : i 'm going to ask you a question , and i do n't want you to get mad , ok ? greenlee : mm - hmm . jack : is this more than just -- let me try it again . are you worried about kendall being with aidan ? greenlee : of course not . i 'm thrilled that she 's with the man i love while i 'm here with you . jack : ok , i get that i 'm not a very good substitute for aidan , but is that what this is really all about ? greenlee : i want to be the one who has some big - deal place to go to . jack : ah . greenlee : get wined and dined and flown across the country first - class . jack : so it 's not about kendall being with aidan in chicago ? greenlee : it 's about everything . i just want everything to be back to normal . i want to move back into my penthouse with aidan , pick up my chai latte in the morning , go to work , boss the girls around . [ jack laughs ] greenlee : wear couture . you know , get back to the basics . jack : yeah , i know . well , i think that 's just a matter of time . greenlee : hmm . meanwhile -- jack : meanwhile , you 're laying here stuck in this hospital , thinking you do n't smell so good while kendall is running around with all the curly hair stuck to her head . greenlee : and eyelashes and a great smile , and people wanting her autograph , and -- and -- and she 's with aidan . jack : how long is aidan going to be out of town ? greenlee : just overnight . jack : why do n't you call him ? greenlee : no , i already did . i talked to him when he was on the plane , and he -- he said he would come back , but i told him not to . jack : but you wanted him to . greenlee : yes , i did . jack : yes . greenlee : but when aidan comes back , i 'm going to make sure he never wants to leave town again without me . [ scene_break ] tad : hey , pop . joe : hey , son . what brings you here ? tad : well , i 'd kind of like to look in on frankie . he 's been on my mind a lot today . joe : i just checked on him , and he 's sleeping . tad : well , what about angie ? is she around ? joe : nope . i finally got her to take a break , and she 's been outside the hospital roof for the first time in i do n't know how long . tad : so -- so tell me -- were you able to talk her into , you know , sticking around permanently ? joe : well , i gave it my best shot . i think being around home has dredged up a lot of old memories . some maybe that she 's not ready to deal with . tad : well , i can understand . sometimes it 's best just to leave the past alone , no matter how much it hurts to say good - bye . [ scene_break ] angie : je -- je -- je -- jesse ? angie : jesse ? is it really you ? jesse : angie -- oh , my god ! angie -- angie , baby ? help -- help -- you 're going to be ok . oh , my god . you 're going to be ok . you 're going to be ok . uh -- yeah , i need an ambulance . pine valley cemetery . uh -- in the old section , the old maple grove ? hurry up , please hurry up . all right , baby -- [ scene_break ] [ annie recalls some moments from the past ] annie 's voice : you must be erin 's brother ryan ? ryan : i must be . and you ? annie : annie . ryan 's voice : i see the future because you said i could . i 'm pretty crazy about you , annie mcdermott . in fact , there 's only one person that i would fall for harder , and that would be annie lavery . what do you say ? [ ryan and emma shout , annie laughs ] [ scene_break ] zach : come here , ladies man . oh , yeah , yeah , yeah , you are big . ryan : it 's all right . yeah . so he lives here with you and kendall ? zach : and with you -- it 's one big , happy family . ryan : it 's just unbelievable for me . it 's like it 's so much to absorb , i ca n't even -- it 's like when i -- when i look at him , it 's -- i ca n't even tell you . zach : it 's instinct , is n't it ? i mean , it must be the same with emma . ryan : truthfully , i -- you know , i have n't really had a chance to think about it very much . zach : well , maybe you should . emma needs her dad . annie needs her husband . ryan : i know that . zach : i 'm not telling you what to do , man . you 'll do the right thing . ryan : hey , do you mind if i -- you mind if i try to , you know , hold him one more time ? zach : you do n't need to ask my permission . ready ? [ zach grunts ] ryan : just one more time . i ca n't even tell you how you made my day , little guy , i ca n't . man , i wish i could remember every second that we spent together . but i 'm going to make you a promise that i 'm going to try . i am going to try really , really hard to remember everything , and i am going to try to be the , you know , best dad that i can be , the dad that you need . but your mom and i -- we love you very much . that 's forever . ok ? i promise i 'll be back to see you real soon , ok ? zach : come on . ryan : all right , ok . [ ryan sighs ] zach : i meant what i said -- whatever you need . ryan : thank you , zach . tell kendall i came by , ok ? zach : i will . [ scene_break ] nurse : you needed something , greenlee ? greenlee : oh , i need a lot of things , and at the top of the list is a manicurist . and i 'm going to give you the number of the guy who does my facials -- he works wonders . nurse : thanks , but we do n't usually allow private beauticians in the hospital . greenlee : oh , come on , come on ! give a girl a break . i almost died , ok ? i just do n't want to look like some chewed - up dog toy the next time aidan sees me . aidan : do n't listen to a word she says -- she always looks beautiful . hi , gorgeous . greenlee : aidan ! aidan : hmm ! [ scene_break ] woman : feeling a little sick ? kendall : it shows ? woman : these saved my life in the first trimester . keep them . kendall : thank you . woman : oh , dear -- my mother 's flight is here . kendall : oh , no , no , i ca n't be . [ scene_break ] jesse : oh , i 'm so sorry . [ siren ] jesse : i 'm so sorry . oh , sweetheart . they 're coming , ok ? you 're going to be all right . oh , god , i love you . [ siren stops ] [ doors close ] emt : the grove 's over this way , come on ! here -- miss , miss ? second emt : we need to check for head trauma . first emt : yeah . nothing . can you her me ? angie : where 's my -- my husband ? emt : she 's looking a little shocky . angie : jesse -- emt : let 's get some oxygen on her . second emt : yeah . angie : he was -- he was here . emt : all right , let 's check her b.p . angie : he 's alive . emt : yeah , let 's roll . we need to get her out of here . second emt : yeah , let 's get her out of here . let 's strap her in . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hmm -- you came home . aidan : i never should 've left . here . greenlee : so pretty . oh , god , could n't you have waited a couple more hours ? aidan : oh , first , she 's glad to see me , and then she wishes i waited . you know , i 'll never understand women . greenlee : i just wanted to get my hair and makeup done . aidan : you really think you need to do all that to turn me on ? hmm ? you look great . greenlee : maybe i would be doing it more for me than for you -- to feel beautiful , desirable . aidan : and having some makeup on your face and your toenails painted really makes you feel better ? greenlee : you 're right -- you really do n't understand women . aidan : well , why do n't you give me a lesson , then ? greenlee : ok . for starters -- aidan : oh ! [ scene_break ] kendall : ok . so i -- so i forgot a couple of pills when zach was missing . it does n't mean that i 'm -- no , that -- that does n't mean that -- it ca n't mean -- p.a . announcer : ladies and gentlemen , we are now ready to board flight 243 to chicago o'hare airport . we 'll begin boarding with our first - class passengers . [ scene_break ] joe : i would say that you have a severe case of hypoglycemia , exacerbated by rarely taking care of yourself and burning the candle at both ends . we 'll start you on some fluids and get your blood sugar regulated . angie : that 's not necessary . joe : yeah , yeah -- doctor 's orders . so , you want to talk about what happened ? angie : i know it 's going to sound crazy , but jesse was at the cemetery , joe . he was right there in front of me . joe : hmm . well -- um -- sometimes i had the same kind of experience visiting my mother 's grave -- i had the feeling that she was right there with me . angie : no , no , no , it was n't just a feeling . i -- i mean , it just -- it just seemed so real . joe : mm - hmm . sometimes we see what we want to see . [ scene_break ] jesse : hey , tad -- oh , sorry , sorry , man . tad : will you stop that ? man , you just took 10 years off my life . jesse : look , um , i ca n't risk anybody else seeing me , tad . tad : what the hell are you doing here ? i thought you were leaving town anyway . jesse : yeah , well , things have changed -- i need your help , tad . [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh ! oh , that just feels so good . you 're such a quick learner . you really know how to please a girl . aidan : i tell you what -- you tell anyone about this , and i 'm going to deny it with my last breath . greenlee : i love you , aidan devane -- my hero , my lover , my pedicurist . aidan : ooh -- close . [ greenlee giggles ] greenlee : watch the feet , watch the toes . [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] kendall : hi . is everything ok ? zach : everything 's fine , i was just missing you . kendall : oh , i miss you , too . are the boys ok ? zach : yeah , they 're asleep . ryan was here , he saw spike . kendall : did ryan remember him ? zach : no . but there was a connection definitely . kendall : so why did ryan stop by in the first place ? zach : he came to see you . annie was here , and he was n't exactly tactful with her . kendall : oh , god , i ca n't imagine what this is doing to her . the thought of ever losing you -- zach : it 's never going to happen . kendall : you promise ? zach : easiest promise i ever made . kendall , you there ? kendall : uh , yeah , yeah , sorry . i think i 'm just -- i 'm just nervous about this book signing . zach : they 're going to love your book , they 're going to love the author -- and i love you . kendall : i love you , too -- and that will never , ever change . you know that , right ? zach : safe travels . get home soon . kendall : ahem . [ kendall looks at the pregnancy test in her purse ] [ scene_break ] ryan : i hope you do n't mind me letting myself in . annie : of course not . this is your home . hey -- um -- emma made this for you . ryan : oh , yeah ? annie : yeah . ryan : maybe i should put it up in the window . annie : yeah , i think she 'd love that . ryan : hey , i -- uh -- i ca n't make any promises , really , except for one . i 'd like to try . i promise that i 'll try -- if you 'll have me . annie : i said i would be here , and i meant it . ryan : we 'll just -- um -- you know , we 'll just take it a little bit slow . annie : yeah , that 's -- ahem -- it 's probably the best for the both of us . are you hungry ? ryan : yeah , actually , i am a little bit hungry . annie : all right . well , i 'll go make you something . ryan : ok . annie : ok . ryan : hey ? i 'm sorry about earlier . i -- i was -- i was a little thoughtless over at zach 's house . annie : like you said , we 'll just , uh , take it slow . [ scene_break ] tad : you 're sure that angela thought it was you ? jesse : she saw me , tad . she looked me right in the eye . tad : how you doing ? jesse : oh . you know , it 's like no time has passed at all . tad : i 'll bet . but the paramedics were still with her when you left ? jesse : they did n't see me . tad : ok . jesse : i want to make sure she 's ok before i leave for good , though . tad : yeah , well , that 's going to be a trick -- you know angela -- she 's going to be all over this . if she thinks she saw you , there 's nobody who 'll be able to tell her it was all in her mind . jesse : yeah , well , she 'd never buy that . she wo n't be told she did n't see something that she knows she saw . tad : on the other hand , i do n't know . i mean , i 'm standing here talking to you , i still ca n't believe you 're alive . jesse : yeah , well , you 're not angela , but you are good with people , people trust you . tad : what are you getting at ? jesse : tad , i do n't care what you do , you 've got to make her believe that she was tired or it was too dark or something . she -- she ca n't know that there may be a chance i might still be alive . tad : i 'll try . jesse : all right . and i 'm out of here as soon as i know she 's ok . tad : all right . in the meantime , ok , listen , you got to stop lurking around the garage . now , i got a basement at home -- it is n't much , but it 's got to beat sleeping in your car , right ? jesse : that would put your family at risk , tad . tad : no , it wo n't . listen , not for the night . whatever 's going to go down is n't going to happen in a few hours , right ? jesse : i do n't know man . your wife , your kid -- tad : jesse , please , please . just let me do this for you . at least let me do this . you got a better idea ? jesse : all right . just till i know she 's ok , then i 'm out . tad : all right , come on , get in the car . [ scene_break ] angie : you were so young when you died , jesse , when we took this picture . but today you were older -- like you would 've been if you 'd lived . how -- how could i have imagined that ? how ? [ next_on ] samuel : erica kane . i 've waited a long time for this . zach : something 's bothering you , and you 're afraid to tell me , so go ahead , let 's have it . angie : please help me ! jesse : oh , let her go ! let her go ! | aidan 's phone rings and kendall answers it . greenlee is surprised to find out that aidan is accompanying kendall to chicago . kendall points out that she was going to chicago for a book signing and aidan was going there on business . kendall asks greenlee does it bother her that they are going to chicago together . greenlee tells her no but then asks kendall if zach knows . zach hugs annie in order to comfort her when ryan walks up and sees them through the window . ryan is there to see kendall . zach introduces him to his son . joe pages angie to sign some papers . angie tells joe that she is going to the cemetery to say good - bye to jesse . jesse visits his own grave and is confronted by tad . tad wants to know what he 's doing here . tad tells jesse that this does n't have to be good - bye . tad tries to talk jesse out of leaving pine valley , but he refuses . angie visits the cemetery and sees jesse . she faints and jesse catches her before she hits the ground . he calls an ambulance for her , and she 's taken to the hospital . jesse sneaks up on tad in the parking garage and wants to make sure angie 's ok . tad offers to let jesse stay in his basement . aidan surprises greenlee and comes home when his plane is grounded . as kendall waits for a new plane , she gets some helpful advice from a woman who assumes she 's pregnant . kendall worries that she may be carrying aidan 's child . after zach advises ryan to turn to his wife , he goes home to annie and promises to give their marriage a try . |
[ annie sits in oak haven thinking ] greenlee 's voice : i , greenlee , take you , ryan , to be my lawfully wedded husband . to have and to hold from this day forward . for better , for worse , for richer , for poorer , in sickness and in health , for as long as that bitch of an ex - wife is locked up in the looney bin . ryan 's voice : and i , ryan , take you , greenlee , to have and to hold from this day forward as long as we both shall live . shall live . [ ryan 's voice echoes ] aidan : annie , please , unblock the grate . can you hear me , annie ? orderly : breakfast time , mr. stone . and afterward , dr. sinclair would like to see you in her office . aidan : really ? i do n't want any breakfast . i want to see sinclair now . [ scene_break ] tad : you were right . dr. sinclair is the key to the entire thing . ryan : she had to have been richie 's shrink before the shrink that he bribed to get out of there . she had to be . tad : more than likely . but i 'm telling you , all those records have been expunged . i have looked . i ca n't find so much as a trace as whoever richie 's interim psychiatrist was . only that he or she was removed for disciplinary reasons . ryan : well , so how do we prove that sinclair and richie were connected during that time ? tad : the hard way . i 've got one of richie 's prison guards flying in to be interviewed this morning . ryan : well , that 's the best shot we got at trying to help annie . greenlee : help annie ? are you going to keep going at this until you get her out of there ? [ scene_break ] bianca : ok , i think we are almost packed . are you still working on your vows ? reese : well -- bianca : what -- are you crazy ? reese : no . bianca : come on ! reese : you ca n't -- no , you ca n't see these until the wedding . bianca : i 'll show you mine if you show me yours . reese : oh , yeah ? hmm . no . get away , go . bianca : well , i know mine by heart . reese : yay for you . bianca : yeah -- `` my dearest reese -- `` reese : what , are you crazy ? do n't you dare . are you kidding ? no ! what ? bianca : `` and kindness and selfishness -- `` reese : no , no , no -- i ca n't hear you ! you crazy , crazy , crazy -- no . bianca : `` to form a more perfect union -- `` reese : no , ah ! bianca : `` ensure tranquility and provide for the common defense . `` [ both laugh ] reese : my common defense ? bianca : uh - huh . reese : what ? um , i think that 's the constitution . reese : yes . my real vows are very simple . i 'll love you forever . [ scene_break ] erica : three brides -- mind just reels of possible trouble there . ok , and gabrielle 's dress is completely finished . oh , she and miranda are going to look absolutely beautiful . i love the whole notion . david : erica , if you do n't mind , i 'm trying to examine her . i really need some quiet . erica : of course , you do . sorry . look , i have a hundred other things to do , so i 'm just going to be on my way , and i will see you later . kendall : ok . david : your heart rate jumped quite a bit there . although i would be surprised if it had n't . you 're actually doing incredibly well . kendall : i need a favor . david : name it . kendall : it would help if i was medically unable to attend this wedding . zach : hey . erica : oh , perfect . i 've been wondering , you have a tux , do n't you ? zach : i 'll find a little something , sure . erica : ok , and i bet you have a brilliant toast , too . zach : i 'm -- what ? all right . how 's our patient ? david : she 's good . although , i do think it 's a little too early for her to be traveling . i 'd advise against it -- going to the wedding . zach : really ? david : better safe than sorry , right ? zach : sure , yeah . no , thanks . david : i 'd like to see you again the day after tomorrow . kendall : ok . thank you . zach : that 's good . you got him to say that , did n't you ? you do n't want to go to the wedding . kendall : no , i really do n't . zach : what 's the problem ? kendall : i do n't feel like it . zach : that 's it ? kendall : well , i 'm not into this whole wedding charade . pretending to care , pretending to be this wonderful , forgiving person when everyone knows that i 'm not . you go . go have fun and enjoy yourself . besides , you 're the one who 's close with them . you 're the father of the newborn child . zach : i 'm not the father of the child . i 'm the -- kendall : sorry , sorry . you 're the donor . the donor . i have to get my euphemisms right , do n't i ? so as the donor and the uncle and the godfather , you have to be there . besides , no one will really notice that i 'm missing . i 've been missing for months already . zach : you 're acting like a child right now . kendall : you 're right . i am . children speak their feelings . children do n't hide behind masks . and neither am i . so this is how i feel . accept it . besides , without me there , things will go smoother . everyone will be happier . zach : ok . you do n't go , i do n't go . [ scene_break ] natalia : whew , i 'm going to be late if i do n't get going . my first ride - along is today . jesse : hmm . why do n't i make a call ? get it postponed ? natalia : what ? why ? there 's no reason to . jesse : natalia , come on . natalia : look -- my mom , she helped me through a lot . letters she wrote -- it helped me understand why she needed to die the way she did . ok , she wanted me to get back to my life as soon as possible , and that 's exactly what i 'm going to do . i 'm fine . believe me . natalia : i 'm fine . jesse : she is lying to herself if she thinks she 's fine . angie : and she 's not the only one . you were tossing and turning in your sleep all night . baby , you know , you lost rebecca , as well . we all did . jesse : i just wish i could have said goodbye . angie : hey , you know , i think that you and your daughter are going to be able to lean on each other and get through your grief together . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] aidan : what 's going on ? annie wo n't talk to me . what happened ? dr. sinclair : she admitted it . she confessed to the murder of her brother . i 've already put a call in to the district attorney to push for a quick competency hearing . aidan : how did you manage it ? dr. sinclair : turned out to be quite easy actually . all i had to do was show her a newspaper photograph of ryan and greenlee in their wedding announcement , play her a few choice words that i recorded of ryan , and she broke down . admitted it , including the motives for the murder . aidan : why did she say she did it ? dr. sinclair : apparently , richie threatened to tell ryan how annie tricked him into getting pregnant . she panicked and murdered her brother . finally , justice will be served . i 've proven that her mental illness is all just an act . she will spend the rest of her life doing hard time . what -- that is what we both want , is n't it ? aidan : of course , it is . [ scene_break ] ryan : this is more about sinclair than it is about annie . tad : i was just following up on a piece of , you know , information that ryan got earlier . ryan : annie 's getting the help that she needs , ok ? i just wanted to put it behind us so we can head on up to the wedding . [ doorbell rings ] greenlee : good , but what was that information ? ryan : i did n't tell her that aidan has been camping out at oak haven this entire time . deborah : ready for your final fitting ? greenlee : oh , are you kidding ? ryan : i just got her calmed down after some horrible premonitions that your mom gave . what she needs to know is that annie is doing well and that we 're getting married , and we 're moving on , that 's it . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : you 've been a big help . but your part of the job is over . i do n't think i could have done it without you . what ? aidan : i -- i just want to make sure you can follow through . i mean , after all , this is your word against annie 's . are you sure the d.a . , the judge , and the jury are going to buy it ? dr. sinclair : i 'm no fool . i 've been an expert witness many times before -- would therefore have the benefit of the doubt in court . if annie were to recant her confession or try to convince the jury that it never happened or that she really was crazy after all , i have this . [ tape recorder plays ] annie 's voice : ryan was my world . he was my husband . he was everything to me , and i was not going to lose him . so i grabbed that tire iron , and i hit richie , and i hit him hard ! i killed my brother , and i pretended that i did n't remember , but i did . [ tape recorder stops ] aidan : good work . dr. sinclair : thank you . you know , you might want to leave me your contact number . you might want to come to the hearing . it should be quite a fulfilling experience . aidan : yeah , i 'd like that . you know , in fact , this has all happened so quickly . i 'd like to have the chance to look annie in the eye and say goodbye . you know , satisfaction . dr. sinclair : i understand that feeling very well . [ scene_break ] reese : hmm -- bianca : what ? reese : what 's that ? bianca : it 's -- what ? reese : that 's it . you just gave me an idea for my vows . bianca : no , i just kissed you . reese : yeah , exactly . bianca : hey . reese : ok , quiet , quiet , do n't -- it 's ok , i 'm going to forget my thought here . [ bianca sighs ] [ knock on door ] bianca : yeah , coming , coming . gosh , it 's too early for the limo driver . erica : good morning . bianca : hi ! good morning . erica : good morning , good morning . reese : good morning . erica : well , we have a busy day ahead of us . bianca : yes ! erica : where 's your luggage ? i ca n't believe it . you did n't pack yet ? honey , we have got to get to the inn . we have a million things to do once we get there . bianca : mom , we have time . erica : well , you look very happy . bianca : i am . erica : ok , that 's all i want for you . [ scene_break ] david : we 'll go over his options later . krystal : hey . david : hey . oh , thanks . beats the coffee in the lounge any day . krystal : are you ok ? david : no , no , i 'm not all right . i 'm chief of staff in this hospital . i should n't have to be playing substitute doctor in the e.r . , but angie hubbard did n't have the courtesy to call in . krystal : oh , yeah . well , there was a death in the family . the mother of jesse 's daughter . david : yeah , i heard , but she deserves -- she owes us a phone call at the very least . angie : oh , sorry i 'm late . who should i thank for taking over for me ? david : you 're looking at him . angie : oh , well , thank you . david : dr. hubbard -- angie : let go of me . david : the only reason why you 're still working here in this hospital is because your husband set me up . now , if you want to push my buttons , fine . we 'll see how that plays out , but there are other doctors and other patients in this hospital that are depending on your professionalism . so if your performance lags because you 're taking advantage of what your husband did to me -- angie : you have no right to question my professionalism . i may have personal issues with you and the way that you 've treated krystal , but i have never let it get in the way of me doing my job , and everyone here will attest to that . so take your indignation and shove it . david : now you see , that 's the attitude i 'm talking about . p.a . announcer : dr. hayward , please report to the o.r . dr. hayward , to the o.r . , please . david : no games , angie . i 'm giving you fair warning . krystal : i am so sorry for the way he acted . angie : do n't you ever apologize for him . you understand ? he is a sorry excuse for a human being , and he 's going to hurt you , krystal . he 's going to hurt you bad . [ scene_break ] greenlee : dress - fitting for the bride , boys , which means you have to clear out . superstitions about seeing the dress , you know ? ryan : oh , ok . tad : why ? greenlee : and all that . tad : we 're not getting hitched . i can see you naked . greenlee : mr. martin -- tad : see you at the rehearsal , then . greenlee : ok . tad : you know , i just thought of something . what happens if we do get lucky and we blow sinclair out of the water -- what then ? ryan : we get annie the help that she needs . tad : right , exactly . so what are you going to do when she gets the help she needs , and she gets released someday ? ryan : we deal with that . if that happens , we 'll deal with it . [ scene_break ] annie : what do you want ? aidan : i understand you confessed to murder . well done . you just won yourself a trip to the state pen . annie : she forced me to say it . please , you have to help me . aidan : annie , there 's nothing i can do for you now . annie : what ? but i do n't understand . you told me -- aidan : everything i told you was a lie . it was an act to get you to confess , and it worked . annie : did you know about this ? did you ? it 's only been a couple of months , and they 're getting married ? while i 've been rotting in here , my husband is marrying your wife ! you ca n't prove that i did anything . dr. sinclair : oh , yes , i can . it 's all here , how you murdered richie to shut him up . annie : you are crazy ! you 're the crazy one . aidan : annie , annie , annie , hang on with me . it will be all right . annie : stop it , stop it . no more whispers . no more whispers , no more secrets . get out . get out ! [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're being ridiculous . you have to go to this wedding . bianca was there for you all the months that i was gone . she stood by your side . so did greenlee . so did reese , for that matter . they were all there for you when you needed them , and now , right now , you have to be there for them . i wo n't go . i ca n't go , but you have to . zach : people are going to this wedding because they want to see -- they want to see people that they care about get married -- not to watch you squirm over some problem you have with your niece . so if you feel it 's better that you stay -- kendall : you know what i need to do ? i need to take my medication and go to bed . i 'm very tired , ok ? and i 'm really tired of talking about this . that is my final word on this subject . i 'm done . [ scene_break ] krystal : angie , wait . krystal : i miss you . i miss my friend . angie : i miss you , too . i just wish you 'd open your eyes about that man . krystal : you know , i know you feel that way , but i just wish it did n't have to come between our friendship . angie : you know what the truth is ? i could use someone to talk to myself . krystal : i heard that rebecca died . angie : yeah . krystal : how 's jesse ? angie : well , you know jesse . you know , wanting to make everyone think that he 's not torn up . but all you have to do is look in his eyes and just see how much he 's really , really hurting . [ scene_break ] natalia : you had me sent home . i told you i wanted to be in the field today . why did you do that ? jesse : i 'm sorry . i did n't want you out in the field in this frame of mind . natalia : frame of mind ? dad , i told you that i 'm fine . jesse : are you ? i mean , have you already gotten over mourning your mother ? can you move on that easily ? natalia : ca n't you ? jesse : no . i was up all last night thinking about your mother , remembering how unselfish she was all the way to the end . how she chose to spare us the pain of watching her die . she 's an amazing mother . i see so much of her in your eyes . natalia : i could never be that strong . jesse : yes , you already are . you just do n't know it yet . natalia : i promised i would n't break down for her . jesse : she would n't want that . ok ? she would want you to let it out . natalia : no . jesse : look at you . you really did inherit my stubborn streak . come on . baby , it is so much healthier to just let it go , let it out . trust me . your mother cried tons of tears over you throughout the years . trust me . natalia : i miss her . jesse : i know . natalia : i miss her . jesse : ok , it 's ok . [ scene_break ] [ knock on door ] erica : ah , someone to carry the luggage . you 're just in time . reese : ah , hey . bianca : all right , so these two need to go in first because they 're the heaviest . reese : what 's the matter ? what 's wrong ? zach : well , kendall has decided not to go to the wedding . said she would feel uncomfortable , so she insists that i go alone . erica : but how can we do this without her ? reese : oh , my god . erica : what happened ? zach : can i ask -- did you guys not think it was going to be a problem when she wakes up and finds out about gabrielle ? you thought there was going to be no problem at all ? bianca : ok , no , but to miss our wedding ? reese : ok , you know what ? um , maybe we should just do what she wants . maybe we should go ahead , we should have a ceremony , and -- bianca : no , no , no way . she 's my sister , and i love her as much as anybody in this room . i want her by my side for this . i ca n't get married without her . reese : babe , babe , bianca -- [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 've got a million things to do . pack up my stuff , get the bike gassed up . deborah : bike ? greenlee : yeah , i 'm taking my motorcycle up there . we 're going to ride off into the sunset after the wedding . maybe we 'll head west this time . i do n't know . disappear for a while . [ deborah chuckles ] deborah : there -- perfect . i think you can see your reflection in the door . greenlee : oh , this is perfect . [ doorbell rings ] greenlee : if it 's ryan , you ca n't come in . otherwise , the door is open . oh , my god . [ door opens and closes ] aidan : it 's not ryan . greenlee : i , uh -- um -- what are you doing here ? aidan : i need to speak to ryan . greenlee : he 's out with tad . aidan : did he say what it was about ? is there anything new on the chicago connection with richie ? greenlee : richie ? richie novak ? we 're done here , right ? what 's going on ? what 's the chicago connection to richie ? aidan : ryan has n't told you ? greenlee : told me what ? aidan : about me and annie at oak haven , where i 've been the last couple of months . [ scene_break ] jesse : when i found out your mother was ill , i just -- i do n't know . i prepared for it . i just sort of let the sadness wash over me and out of me , which is something you are going to have to do . your mother 's always going to be with you . i know you know that in your heart . natalia : yeah , that letter she wrote -- she told me that she wanted me to get back to my life , and so i 'm going to try to make it through the police academy , get my shield . jesse : you already got your shield . it 's your mother 's bravery . baby , that 's going to be with you always . natalia : i like that . [ scene_break ] krystal : there was a time when you wanted rebecca gone . angie : you know , and now , i find myself missing her so very , very much . and not just for jesse and natalia , but , i do n't know , it 's like after i got over the anger and the fear and the secrets , i wish i 'd been given the opportunity to know her better . but she did leave me a very beautiful gift . i have a new daughter in my life . krystal : i 'll tell you what . i -- i wish i could have handled my screwed - up life as well as you handled rebecca coming into yours . but when babe died , i just -- i unraveled . now i 've lost tad , and i ca n't commit to david , and i miss all of you . i really miss all the good times that we had . angie : i 'm still here . even though i may not agree with your taste in men , and i am still your friend , and i still love you . [ angie and krystal hug ] angie : listen , i got to run . krystal : ok . david : hey . do you have a minute ? there 's something i 've been meaning to do , and i just do n't want to wait any longer . [ scene_break ] greenlee : it all makes perfect sense . you and annie were the ones who got hurt . so you 've been up at oak haven taking care of her , right ? keeping the evil doctor from messing with her head . poor crazy annie , the one who killed richie , stabbed erica , and stole emma . aidan : annie 's actually getting better . greenlee : oh , great ! why the hell did n't he tell me about this ? i knew -- i knew that he and tad were talking about something else . i thought it was a surprise for the wedding , but no , no , greenlee ca n't know . poor , pathetic , stupid bride - to - be greenlee . [ door opens and ryan walks in ] [ scene_break ] erica : well , if anyone can change kendall 's mind , it 's bianca . so i 'm going to hold that thought and go down and get a bellman to take down these bags . reese : i 'm sorry . i 'm so sorry . zach : sorry for what ? what are you apologizing for ? reese : that you have to go through this . zach : it 's nothing to do with you . this is me . i did that . i did n't tell her about being a donor . i was n't there at the beach house . it 's me . and you know what ? kendall has a right to feel the way she does . i was wrong . reese : yeah , and i was wrong , too . i was wrong to talk you into it . zach : you did n't talk me into anything . i did this . i 'm the bad guy here . reese : oh , ok , so , are you saying that you regret being gabrielle 's donor ? you know , no , please , actually , do n't answer that , because if you say that you regret that , i know that you would be lying . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee shrieks ] greenlee : close your eyes . damn it ! you saw me in my dress . do n't go anywhere . we have things to discuss . ryan : what are you doing here ? aidan : i seem to have annoyed your bride . i did n't realize you had n't filled her in on what was going on . ryan : do n't worry about greenlee . i will handle greenlee . what are you doing outside of oak haven ? aidan : sinclair booted me out after annie confessed to richie 's murder . yeah , no self - defense -- did it to stop his blackmail . now sinclair 's called the d.a . there 'll be a hearing soon , and annie will be off in prison for the rest of her life . ryan : ok , just slow down , all right ? maybe not , maybe not , because tad and i just met with the security guard from richie 's prison , and you were right . sinclair and richie were romantically involved . in fact , she lost her job because of it . she tried to cover her tracks , but we finally tripped her up , and we can prove it . aidan : well , i certainly hope so , ryan . ryan : there 's nothing more that she can do . this is going to blow her out of the water , all right ? prove that she was coercing annie , that she had a personal vendetta against the woman that killed richie , her lover . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : you lied to put him in prison , and then when he got out , you pulled him in to your sick little world . and for what ? just to kill him in cold blood over your twisted obsession for ryan ? it was a waste of a wonderful man . annie : no . my brother was the twisted one . dr. sinclair : shut up ! he knew about love and compassion , something that you know nothing about . that 's why your precious ryan could n't love you , because you 're incapable of it . annie : get out . i mean it , get out ! you got what you wanted ! you got your big confession . so get out of my room ! dr. sinclair : i hope richie haunts you every day of what 's left of your miserable life . [ scene_break ] bianca : you ca n't do this . if you were n't well enough , maybe i would understand , but you are , and so you are coming to my wedding . you will be there for me and for your nieces and for zach , and i do n't care what anybody thinks . i do n't even care what zach thinks . this is between you and me , and i ca n't do this without you . kendall : i ca n't . i can not go and watch zach walk down the aisle holding your daughter , the little girl that i would n't give him . i know , i know it sounds irrational , but when have you ever known me to be rational ? i 'm through thinking . right now , i 'm just feeling , and what i 'm feeling is not very pretty . you all lied to me . you betrayed me . you hurt me more than anyone could have possibly hurt me , and i 've been through way too much , so it 's enough . enough . i wo n't go . i ca n't go . bianca : i ca n't do this without you by my side . please . is there anything that i can do to convince you to change your mind ? kendall : there is one thing you can do . this one thing will make me come to your wedding . [ scene_break ] jesse : mmm . natalia : mmm . jesse : mmm - mmm - mmm - mmm - mmm . angie : mmm , supper smells good . [ jesse chuckles ] natalia : it is . angie : uh - huh , it looks sinful . even you be . jesse : hey , babe . natalia : no , but it 's not sinful . this , right here , is actually super - healthy for you . mom used to make it for my dad when he had to start eating better . [ natalia laughs ] natalia : and i remember every winter , every time it snowed , there would be some biscuits and some hot campbell 's soup waiting for me when i got home . anyway , i thought i 'd try making a batch , you know , keep the tradition going . jesse : my baby . [ scene_break ] david : all right , first , i want to start off by saying i 'm sorry . krystal : for what ? david : for the way i 've treated your friends , like angie . [ krystal sighs ] david : i know it 's not right , ok ? i may not care for them , but , if by hurting them , i end up hurting you , i 'm really sorry . i guess i have to find new ways to deal with my anger . you 're the one who taught me the importance of that . krystal : i did ? david : yeah . now , i wanted to give you something the other night at confusion , but with tad and everything , it just was n't the right time . so i 've been carrying it in my pocket ever since . now look , this is n't an engagement ring , ok ? i know that you 're not ready to deal with that right now . but i would love for you to have this in the meantime . krystal : it -- it 's -- it 's beautiful . david : so will you wear it ? krystal : yes , of course , i will . [ scene_break ] kendall : i will go to your wedding and stand by your side , smile at everyone , be charming , on one condition -- that when it 's all over , you and reese and your baby go back to france and leave me in peace . bianca : no , you do n't mean that . kendall : yes , i do . i need time . bianca : ok . we 'll go . [ scene_break ] zach : i 'm -- of course , i do n't mean that , and i have a connection to gabrielle from the day she was born . i look into her eyes and -- it 's not the point . the point is it 's -- it 's time for you to get married , and you and bianca go back to paris and live your life . it 's -- that 's all there is to it . it 's the only way i can keep kendall . reese : i ca n't -- i ca n't leave . i ca n't -- i ca n't leave right now . i ca n't take bianca away from her family . i -- and you and gabrielle have bonded . you just said that . i -- this is n't fair . this is n't fair to anyone . zach : it 's not about being fair . there 's no choice . you got to go . you got to convince bianca . [ scene_break ] aidan : i 'm sorry for the intrusion . that 's good news on tad , though . i 'll handle the rest . good luck to you both . i mean it . ryan : i did n't tell you because of the wedding . greenlee , i -- i just got you back down to earth after all of opal 's craziness , and i just wanted -- just wanted you to focus on the wedding , you know , on us , on us being happy . that 's all . i got you some beautiful flowers . beautiful flowers for my beautiful bride - to - be . see , yellow roses ? greenlee : they are beautiful . but that does n't make it ok . ryan : this had nothing to do with annie or sinclair or aidan . this is all about putting -- putting that behind us , so that we can just focus on us , you know ? we can move on . greenlee : you 're right . none of that matters . but keeping secrets , that does matter . it 's no way to start a marriage . ryan : you 're right . sorry . no more secrets , ok ? you know absolutely everything . i promise . i promise . [ scene_break ] orderly : it 's already unlocked . [ annie escapes from oak haven ] | at oak haven , annie imagines greenlee and ryan taking their wedding vows . annie looks at the pic of ryan and greenlee . aidan calls for annie through the air vent , but she does n't answer . an orderly comes in to aidan 's room and tells him that dr. sinclair wants to see him . ryan and tad discuss how that dr. sinclair must have been richie psychiatrist at the chicago prison . greenlee comes in and overhears them talking about annie and helping her . reese is sitting on the sofa , working on her wedding vows when bianca comes in . bianca wants to see what reese is writing , but reese refuses to let her see . they begin to wrestle with one another which results in a hug . david examines kendall at zach 's while erica goes over the wedding plans . erica starts to leave when zach comes in . kendall lets zach know that she does n't want to go to the wedding . zach tells kendall that if she is n't going to the wedding then neither is she . jesse and angie stand at the bar in their apartment when natalia comes out to go to work . natalia assures them that she is fine as she leaves . jesse wishes that he could have said good - bye to rebecca . aidan visits dr. sinclair in her office . dr. sinclair tells aidan that annie had confessed to killing richie . dr. sinclair tells aidan that she has called for a competency hearing for annie . tad , ryan and greenlee are discussing annie when the doorbell rings . a designer has brought greenlee 's wedding gown . dr. sinclair plays aidan a tape recording of annie 's confession . krystal visits david at the hospital . david blasts angie for being late . angie warns krystal that david is gon na hurt krystal bad . aidan visits annie . annie begs for his help . annie shows aidan a newspaper pic of ryan and greenlee and asks if he had known about it . annie orders aidan out . zach tells reese . erica and bianca that kendall is not coming to the wedding . while greenlee gets fitted for her wedding gown , aidan visits . |
liza : mm . oh , i 'm thinking the chili cheesesteak , extra peppers , extra cheese . what ? tad : nothing , nothing . just you 're a total goddess with a real appetite . liza : yes , i am . tad : and that is a woman after my own heart . yeah . liza : yeah ? oh , my . since when did you start working here ? damon : i just started . you surprised they 'd hire me ? liza : well -- damon : you know , just because you think i 'm a jerk does n't mean i do n't deserve a chance . i 'm proving i can take care of my family . liza : oh . great . you were thinking about your family when you spent the night in my daughter 's bed ? damon : millionth time -- colby is a friend . liza : and bailey is the mother of your child . damon : right , right . my child . so why do n't you stay the hell out of it ? liza : yeah , i lost my appetite . [ scene_break ] natalia : bowling ? brot : it 's a charity tournament . thought you might be interested . what time 's your shift over ? we can leave from here . natalia : are you asking me out on a date ? [ scene_break ] val : we 've been at this for days . nothing . randi : yeah , well , at least erica is n't here . must be nice being the boss . madison : i 'm sure erica is all over this . randi : yeah , well , i hope so . because you know what i think ? erica is in denial . fusion is toast . jesse : or not . i think we might have caught a break . [ scene_break ] greenlee 's voice : please , dad , i need to do this my way . i needed you to promise that you wo n't tell anyone you 've seen me . erica : i thought i heard someone . were you ever gon na knock ? jack : yes , of course . i was just finishing a text . erica : thank you for coming here right away . i hope i was n't interrupting anything . jack : no . nothing important . [ scene_break ] ryan : you son of a bitch . valentine 's day ? david : it happens to be the most romantic day of the year . ryan : it also would have been greenlee 's and my first anniversary . david : ok , now you ca n't possibly believe that my big day is about you . ryan : what is wrong with you , hayward ? you just ca n't stop messing with me . david : what are you whining about ? you 've moved on , right ? the whole world has been treated to these pictures of your grand affair with erica . ryan : how are you gon na spend your honeymoon , huh ? you and your new bride ? you gon na spend your time trying to incinerate what 's left of erica 's company ? david : how do you think greenlee would feel if she heard you refer to fusion as `` erica 's company `` ? [ ryan punches david ] ryan : do n't you ever , ever say anything to me about greenlee . david : well , that was one hell of a wedding gift , huh ? ryan : i 'm out of here . you know what ? you want to finish this right now , hayward ? do you ? because nothing would make me happier than finishing this right now . david : you crack me up . you show up in my home uninvited , you insult me , and then you attack me and you act as if it 's something that i started . and , oh , that 's right , because it 's my fault , because i dared to have my wedding on the day that you feel you have a special claim to . ryan : your wedding , your farce of a wedding . i do n't know what you 're up to , hayward , but this grudge that you have against me ? let it go , man , because it 's sick . david : oh , no , no . you see , that 's where you 're wrong . this wedding is about finding love , moving on . well , that 's what you 've done , right ? that 's what you told me the other day . so why should n't i experience that same kind of joy ? ryan : you tell me who the hell your bride is , or i will beat it out of you . [ scene_break ] jack : so why did you want to see me ? erica : to tell you you were right . i know . i hardly ever say that , which is why i thought you 'd want to hear that from me in person . jack : right about what ? erica : about ryan and me . i broke it off . jack : that 's good . erica : well , i thought about what you said , that even though i care about ryan , care for him , maybe i did play it safe . and that 's something i 've never done . jack : no . erica : so , i mean , i certainly do n't want to start now . and actually it 's really the best decision for both of us . we 're still friends , we 're still very close . of course , we still have fusion to run . only now i 'm free to find whatever relationship is out there waiting for me . and ryan 's free , too to find the next greenlee in his life . jack : the next greenlee ? [ scene_break ] natalia : bowling . brot : it 's for charity . we 're top cops in that area , and i want to keep it that way . natalia : so you 're not asking me on a date or anything like that . brot : do you want it to be ? natalia : no . i 'm just saying -- i mean , the way you asked me , it kind of sounded like -- brot : look , look . we 're two cops , dance champions , out to conquer the lanes . i mean , if you want , we could even meet -- we could even meet there . natalia : all right . i 'll see you there . hope you 're a lot better at bowling than you are at dancing . brot : hey , hey , hey . we won , though . natalia : yeah , i know my feet will never be the same . [ scene_break ] jesse : cyber crimes division found a symbol embedded in the virus software . randi : a symbol ? jesse : yeah . apparently these hackers like to leave a cyber signature on their handiwork . well , we checked out the signature , and it belongs to a mitchell `` the plague `` lawson . how stupid is that ? randi : that does n't make any sense . why would he advertise ? i mean , would he want to get caught ? jesse : well , apparently that 's part of the payoff for some of these idiots , you know , some twisted kind of fame . randi : ok , that does n't make sense . madison : ok . so if `` the plague `` made the virus , can he unmake it ? val : but wait . can the damage be reversed ? jesse : that 's the idea . first we got to bring him in . [ scene_break ] tad : you know , now i 'm thinking comfort food , and the chicken pot pie is supposed to be fantastic . hello . liza : i 'm thinking nails because i 'm really ready to spit them right out . tad : god , you are just ruthless . why ca n't you just , for 20 minutes , give it up . stop thinking about -- liza : he slept in my daughter 's bed . tad : yeah , and from what i understand , that 's all he did , ok ? so maybe you and i should be concentrating on the softshell crab . liza : no . and the fact is that bailey 's still at her parents ' with stuart , and this wedding of david 's to this mystery woman -- it 's seriously all enough to make anyone lose their appetite . i might never eat again . tad : really ? i 'm sorry to hear that , because i do n't think you 'll get any wedding cake . i need a date , and i was really hoping it would be you . liza : come on . you are kidding . tad : i am not kidding . i intend to catch the garter . liza : we just staged an intervention , because jake got into this whole david thing way too deep . you need to take a page . tad : i am , and that 's exactly why i 'm going to the wedding . tad : i 'm going to that wedding . i do n't have a choice . and i really , really would appreciate it if you would come with me . liza : all right . but if that cake explodes -- [ phone rings ] tad : hey . who the hell is this ? liza : who is it ? tad : hey , krystal . what 's up ? krystal : hey , hey . i am so sorry to bother you . i know you 're on a date with liza , and i would n't have called -- tad : no , just tell me . what 's wrong ? krystal : well , it 's kathy . she has a little bit of a fever and a tummy ache , and she just keeps asking for her daddy . tad : um , ok , i 'll be right there . krystal : no need to rush . tad : no , we 're on our way . [ scene_break ] jesse : what do you know about a failsafe used on the computer system at fusion ? mitchell : the makeup company ? nothing . jesse : is n't this your signature ? mitchell : ok . i may have created it , but i did n't activate it . jesse : any idea who did ? mitchell : why do n't you talk to the women that hired me ? one of them pulled the trigger , not me . jesse : greenlee smythe , kendall hart -- they hired you . mitchell : sounds familiar . jesse : but anybody could , as you put it , pull the trigger . plug in the flash drive , create havoc . total destruction . mitchell : do i look like some kind of amateur ? this virus is incredibly sophisticated . it requires an access password and a code to run it . only three people knew the combination . jesse : you , kendall , and greenlee . [ scene_break ] jack : can we just change the subject ? erica : it 's just that ryan ca n't go on grieving forever . i mean , you said the same thing . oh , i know this must be very difficult for you . i mean , you flew all the way over here because you 're worried about me , and i know you were n't prepared for all the memories of greenlee . i know that everywhere you look you see her . jack : oh , you have no idea . erica : oh , losing greenlee was huge -- for you and ryan . but of course , ryan needs to go on with his life . and he 's a very passionate , very loving , man . and so of course , he 's gon na find another woman at some point . i know that 's gon na be very hard for you to accept , jack , but please know this -- ryan will always carry greenlee in his heart . jack : can we just talk about something else ? erica : of course . i 'm -- it 's just -- you , here , after all this time . us . that 's funny . you got me to look at myself and find the truth , and because of that i broke off my relationship with ryan and found closure . but with you and me , we have n't really had that , have we ? look , jack , i was finally honest with myself , and now i think it 's time that both of us are honest with each other . jack . jack : what ? erica : have you even heard anything i 've said ? jack : yes . honesty . and you 're exactly right . that 's exactly what the situation calls for . erica : i 'm glad we agree . jack : i have to go . [ scene_break ] david : you ca n't even imagine this is all about love . ryan : if it was about love , you probably would have been straight up , hayward . david : mm . well , this is so much more fun . go home , ryan . your invitation 's waiting . i had it hand - delivered to make sure you got it . ryan : because you so desperately want me at your wedding . david : well , if this wedding were limited to just my friends , the chapel would be empty . but my bride deserves a special day , an unforgettable one , and that 's exactly what i 'm gon na give her . ryan : whoever she is , whoever would go along with this insanity , she 's got to be as twisted as you . and you know what ? maybe you have met your match . david : well , i ca n't argue with you there . i guess you 're gon na have to attend to find out . ryan : i know . and unfortunately i 'm gon na be a little busy with erica rebuilding fusion . so , ca n't make it . david : hmm . which you still think i 'm responsible for . ryan : here 's an idea . you got an issue with me , settle it with me , one on one , straight at me . do n't drag erica into this , because if you do , i 'm gon na come back at you ten times harder . david : what a surprise . another threat . ryan : she 's an incredible woman , all right ? and i 'm not gon na let you or anybody else hurt her . so have your little farce of a wedding with your stunt bride while erica and i just take fusion to a whole new level . david : right . got it . from the mattress to the floor ? ryan : you failed , hayward . you failed . if you were trying to take fusion down for good , you failed . enjoy your wedding . david : well , that was interesting . greenlee : you ruined everything . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , where are you going ? jack : there 's some things i have to take care of . erica : that 's it ? opal : jackson montgomery , i heard you were in town . you are a sight for sore eyes . jack : how are you , opal ? opal : gosh . well , with you here ? a heck of a lot better than i was before i walked through that door . jack : i actually need to walk out . opal : oh , no . do n't leave on my account . jack : no , i 'm late anyway . opal : well , it 's -- well , he sure blew out of here faster than a rooster from a henhouse fire . what did you say to him ? erica : i just asked him to be honest . [ scene_break ] tad : hey . how 's kathy ? krystal : oh , well , i gave her a little dose of medicine for her tummy ache . but i really think that a big hug and a kiss from her daddy is gon na go a long way in making her feel better . liza : go . go , go , go . krystal : sorry for interrupting your date . liza : oh , please . it 's no big deal . krystal : yeah . liza : aw . krystal : seems like every time you turn around you 're running into the ex- wife . it ca n't be easy . liza : come on , krystal . you two share children together . they come first . krystal : and we share a roof . i mean , that 's got to put a crimp in your spontaneity . liza : what ? we 've walked in on you and rob a couple times , too . that ca n't be easy on you guys . krystal : yeah . well , you know , there 's no reason to worry about that . there is no more `` rob and me . `` [ scene_break ] jesse : listen , i need to follow up on the partial print from the flash drive , see if there are any matches yet . natalia : ok . what do you want to do about him ? jesse : keep working him . use some of that fancy cyber lingo you know so well . maybe you can get more out of him than your old man could , huh ? natalia : all right . jesse : get in there . natalia : your leet -- it 's incredibly advanced . now if our people could have broken your morphology , we might have been able to access the virus and reverse it . mitchell : you speak leet ? natalia : studied . mitchell : wow . geeks do n't usually come in such a hot package . natalia : i 'm not a `` hot package . `` i 'm a cop . look , every virus has a backdoor , and you 're the only one with the key . now considering the charges you could be facing -- mitchell : what charges ? natalia : i think now would be a good time to cooperate . mitchell : it 'll cost you . brot : you want a payoff ? mitchell : mm - mm . i want a date with the hot cop . natalia : you 've got it . and i know exactly where we 're gon na go . [ scene_break ] ryan : jesse , you got a sec ? jesse : oh , let me guess . you went to congratulate hayward on his upcoming nuptials . ryan : that son of a bitch is lucky to be alive . [ scene_break ] greenlee : the whole point of the wedding is for ryan to be there , to see me declare my undying love to another man , and not just any man -- you . but now , thanks to your mouth and your fist , he 's not coming . all you had to do was get him out of here without ticking him off . david : i was doing it for you . thank you . greenlee : how is blowing up this wedding for me ? david : well , better now than at the altar , do n't you think ? greenlee : what are you talking about ? david : why do you think i brought jack here ? pushed ryan just now ? so that you would know where everyone stands and how they feel . so now you can decide for yourself if this is something that you really want to go through with . greenlee : i already decided . david : this is your chance , greenlee . go after ryan . greenlee : i ca n't . david : if you still love him , go to him . tell him the truth . greenlee : what good would that do ? every word he said was about fighting for fusion , protecting erica , how amazing she is . it 's obvious he 's in love with her . david : oh , you know , i ca n't believe i 'm gon na say this , and i hate that i 'm gon na say this , but you have to know that ryan is deluding himself . he does n't love erica . greenlee : sounds like he did to me . david : he 's in love with you , greenlee . he wants to be with you . if ryan knew the truth , that you were alive , that would change everything . greenlee : i used to think that ryan and i had one of those big , span - the - ages kind of love . not even death could ever really come between us . but i 'm the one who 's delusional , not ryan . if what we had really was so once - in - a- lifetime , he would n't have been able to move on so quickly . [ pounding on door ] jack : hayward , open this door . i want to talk to my daughter . [ pounding ] david : we were n't expecting you back so soon . jack : i 'm not leaving , greenlee . i 'm staying right here in pine valley . [ scene_break ] jesse : while you were getting that black eye , did you happen to find out who david 's unlucky bride is ? ryan : no . he was too busy being an ass . hey , what 's going on over there ? jesse : that is mitchell lawson , aka `` the plague . `` he 's the guy that created the virus that choked fusion . ryan : why do n't you just give me two minutes with him , jesse . jesse : whoa , whoa , whoa , ryan . ryan , ryan , one brawl a day , do n't you think ? according to this guy , the virus requires a password and an activation code . ryan : so hayward must have figured out the code . jesse : or somebody told him . we finally got something back on that partial print from the flash drive -- greenlee . ryan : so hayward did steal it from my place . jesse : or -- i do n't know -- you think maybe greenlee told him about the codes ? ryan : why would she do that ? no . no . i mean , she 'd give hayward the ability to take down fusion ? it 's her baby . no , he figured this out . he created the code . he probably got help with his future wife . jesse : looks like we got a wedding to go to . ryan : hold on a second . there might be another way . [ scene_break ] david : i 'll give you some privacy . greenlee : we talked about this . you said you understood . jack : i do understand . greenlee : then get on that plane and go . jack : greenlee , i was recently reminded that i need to be honest with myself and with the people i love . and it would be anything but honest if i told you that i was all right with just going back to europe and leaving you here all by yourself . i mean , what if something would happen ? what if you get in trouble ? what if you need me ? greenlee : i have david . jack : yeah , ok . look , i know you think you owe david for saving your life , but , greenlee , come on . you know what he 's like . he 's gon na use your gratitude to control you . greenlee : has anyone ever been able to control me ? jack : all right . maybe not . my god , i 've missed you so much . greenlee : oh , i 've missed you , too . jack : yeah , but not so much you do n't want to see me packing out of town ? greenlee : no , it 's not like that . it 's just , what if you 're around family and friends , you 're having fun , you 're happy , all of sudden , `` greenlee 's alive `` pops out of your mouth ? it 'll ruin everything . i just -- i really , really want to surprise ryan . jack : what are n't you telling me ? [ scene_break ] opal : you and jackson -- is there anything you want to tell me ? erica : oh , we were talking . i broke up with ryan . opal : you really did it . oh , my word . you sure you did n't break up with ryan because you and jack are , or you 're going to -- erica : no , no , nothing like that . opal : well , from the looks of it -- erica : jack just said that he thought that i was wasting my time with ryan , that i deserve someone who -- well , he said that maybe he thought that ryan was n't -- well , he asked if i thought if ryan was -- opal : the one ? well , maybe that 's because jack thinks he is . erica : look , could we just change the subject ? opal : well , it is n't near as exciting as a man winging his way all the way across the atlantic just to see you , but david hayward 's getting hitched . [ scene_break ] randi : are you sure that this gon na work ? [ computer chimes ] val : that 's a good thing , right ? mitchell : the warehouse delivery schedule is back online . randi : oh , yes ! madison : oh , thank god . randi : this is great . this is great . now we can at least move all the cases of miranda that are blocking the loading dock . val : yes . madison : fusion might not be as far gone as you thought . randi : hm . anyway , we 're still gon na need the contact list of all the retailers that placed orders . natalia : is that gon na be a problem ? mitchell : not if you throw in dinner . natalia : you rock this in less than an hour , i 'll kick in dessert . mitchell : and if do it in 20 ? natalia : you up the stakes , so will i . [ scene_break ] krystal : it 's just broken . it 's mutual , really . i guess . liza : i think you just wounded his pride . i did n't mean `` wounded `` as -- krystal : i know . i know what you mean . and that is just it . i mean , the poor man is afraid to show his face around here without the martin brothers and their nonstop sword routines . liza : yeah , but , krystal , come on . if you really like this guy -- i think you just hit a little bump in the road . come on . it happens in relationships . krystal : maybe it 's just not meant to be . liza : oh , please . he is a really good guy . and you two ? you guys have so much fun together . personally , i think it would be real shame to let this one go . krystal : i do n't know . you know , my life is pretty full without a man in my life . liza : and not as much fun , though . i 'm just saying . krystal : maybe . tad : hello . krystal : how is she ? tad : well , she did n't want to have a pillow fight , and that 's a first . krystal : ah . is she still awake ? tad : yeah , yeah . liza : do you mind if i go on upstairs and say hi ? tad : i think she 'd like that . liza : all right . krystal : thanks for doing this . tad : are you kidding ? honey , she 's the light of my life . you do n't have to thank me for being as good a father as you are a mother . krystal : you are . you 're the best -- father . [ knock on door ] tad : wha . nice eye . ryan : hayward . tad : i hope you hit him back . ryan : i hit him first , actually . tad : that 's the best news i 've heard all day . krystal : ouch . you want some ice for that ? ryan : no , i 'm good . i 'm good , i 'm good . tad : tell me you came up with proof that hayward sabotaged fusion ? ryan : no , not yet , but right now i want to figure out what is going on with this wedding of his . tad : yeah , well , who does n't ? krystal : yeah , a mystery bride . i mean , what kind of woman would go along with such a thing ? ryan : maybe the same kind of woman that helped him hack into fusion . krystal : you 're saying that david is marrying a computer geek . tad : well , if he is , nurse gayle will be crushed . ryan : well , maybe she 's the bride . krystal : well , she sure as hell has been his trusty helpmate . tad : no , she 's been a lot more than that . she took the fall for when he was poisoning adam , and on top of that she was accepting all those shipments of illegal drugs . i 'd hate to think what 's going on up there in gloucester in that bar . i mean , last i heard , she needed an operation and he called it off . ryan : you guys got to help me out , ok ? you got to help me out . we got to figure out who david 's marrying before the wedding happens . krystal : by tomorrow . ryan : if we figure out who the mystery bride is , there 's no mystery , right ? and then david loses the surprise attack . you got to help me . guys , please . what do you say ? tad : looks like i 'm going to gloucester . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this whole coming back from the dead thing -- it 's harder than it looks . i mean , i still get tired so quickly , and the thought of facing everyone who thought i was gone -- the questions , seeing people i love again . i 'm all over the place . jack : i imagine it 's overwhelming . greenlee , i 'm sorry if i pushed too hard , but the very idea that you want me gone -- greenlee : i love you . jack : i love you , too . so therefore i 'm gon na meet you halfway . i will respect your wishes on how and when you want to tell ryan and everybody else that you 're alive . however , i 'm not going anywhere . [ phone rings ] jack : well , that 's my paris client . do n't go anywhere . i 'll be right back . this wo n't take long . bonjour , jean - jacques . oui . jack : oui . au revoir . see ? done . greenlee : everything ok ? jack : well , actually , the opposition just filed a motion , and jean - jacques is in crisis mode . greenlee : well , that 's terrible . i guess you 're gon na have to go back then . jack : no , luckily i brought everything i need . i 'll be able to take care of it from the hotel . greenlee : oh . good . jack : now , unfortunately i 'll be probably holed up there for the weekend . greenlee : the whole weekend ? jack : well , except when i sneak out to come see you . greenlee : no . no . no , no , no . that 's ok . you work . take care of everything you have to take care of . and we 're gon na have a lot of time to spend together . jack : yeah , but you see the problem is i 'll be competing with ryan for your time . hey , look , you do still plan to tell him about valentine 's day , right ? greenlee : yes . of course . jack : `` yes . of course `` ? are these doubts that i hear ? greenlee : no . what 's that saying ? `` man makes plans and god laughs `` ? | at the confusion bar , tad and liza sit at a table and go over the menu that is being planned for david 's wedding . liza sees damon and wonders what he is doing here . damon lets her know that he is working her now . natalia is busy on the computer at the police station when brot throws a flyer onto her computer . natalia notices that the flyer is about a tournament and brot invites her . natalia asks brot if he is asking her out on a date . jack remembers his conversation with greenlee as he stands outside of erica 's door . erica invites jack in . ryan barges into david 's home and demands to know , why he is getting married on valentine 's day , the day when ryan and greenlee was to be married . when david mentions greenlee 's name , ryan hits him and david falls to the floor . ryan demands to know , who david 's bride is . greenlee comes out of hiding and was about to attack ryan herself . erica tells jack that she had broken things off with ryan . jack is preoccupied and does n't pay much attention to what erica is saying . jack leaves abruptly , meeting opal at the door . they exchange pleasantries and jack leaves , quickly . tad gets a call from krystal that he needs to come home because kathy is asking for him . jesse questions a hacker about fusion . greenlee comes out of hiding and tells david that he had ruined everything . |
max : are you ready to go , ms. chandler ? babe : um -- yeah , i . thank you for coming on such short notice . i really appreciate it . you want me to drive ? max : i got it . babe : it 's probably a better idea . everything that 's going on , i 'm such a mess right now . oh . max : i 'll get the door for you . babe : thank you . max : hey , thanks for the job . the extra money really comes in handy . babe : it 's my pleasure . [ after shutting the car door , max is knocked unconscious and babe runs to his side . ] babe : max ? max , where are -- oh , my god , no , no , no , no . max -- max , please ! oh , my god . wake up . please , max . oh , no . no , please ! [ as babe screams , the black - clad satin slayer grabs her , places one hand over her mouth , and injects her in the chest . ] [ muffled screams ] [ babe groans ] babe : no , let me go ! no , let me go ! somebody , help me ! help me , my god , help me ! no , help ! [ as zoe and her bodyguard walk away , babe successfully knocks the syringe out of her attacker 's hand . ] zoe : shh , shh , shh . did you hear that ? ofc . hannity : what -- that car drive off ? zoe : no , no , no . i thought i heard something . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i believe you should have a drink , dad . adam : you pushing alcohol ? this must be some news . j.r. : i did n't want to have to tell you this . adam : oh , come on , damn it , j.r. why do n't you just spit it out ? j.r. : because there 's nothing more difficult than losing a child . [ scene_break ] [ as kendall reads a note that says , `` leave him now or you die ! , `` there 's a knock at the door . ] bianca : so i was mistaken , thinking that my sister could also be my friend . kendall : great -- i 'm getting it from all sides now . bianca : well , you deserve it in this case . you threw me to mom to save yourself . she was on your case about ryan , so you decided to tell her that i was falling for zoe ? kendall : i -- that was not a plot . bianca : now , she 's hoping that i 'm hot for zoe 's male anatomy , because that might signal some latent heterosexual tendencies . kendall : ok , can we please not play bash kendall today , please ? bianca : who 's playing ? what is spike doing here ? kendall : where else would he be but with his mother ? bianca : um -- with his father , out of danger ? kendall : spike is safer here at the casino than he is anywhere else . bianca : so you took spike back to protect him ? or to punish ryan for having another child ? [ scene_break ] ryan : could be a diversion . tad : i was just thinking the same thing . still no signal from aidan , so he has n't seen anything . ryan : so , when do we pack it in ? zach : until we know for sure , we 're going to stay right here . [ scene_break ] josh : so what 'd you get out of jenkins ? is he paying slater back for losing zach 's mother ? derek : i ca n't discuss that . jack : you know , josh , you and your sisters really know how to light your mother 's fuse . josh : well , jack , we could all take lessons from you . nobody sets erica off like you do . [ scene_break ] erica : well , are n't you full of surprises ? barbara ; it 's so very nice to see you , erica . erica : well , so , is sean home or did you break in ? [ barbara chuckles ] barbara : of course , sean let me in . erica : the question is , why ? barbara : do you have a problem with me visiting my son ? erica : oh . oh , barbara , i have so many problems with you , i do n't know where to begin . so , tell me something -- how many more minutes do you intend to play good mommy until you turn back into your real self ? barbara : what makes you think i 'm not here to take sean with me ? erica : oh . here i gave you credit for having a few functioning brain cells . well , i know you 're here to take something , so if you want to take me on , barbara , i 'm really going to enjoy that . [ scene_break ] zoe : sorry -- hmm . i never used to lose my -- [ muffled screams ] zoe : that was definitely something . ofc . hannity : from downstairs . zoe : babe ? babe , we 're coming ! [ babe lies on the ground as her killer drops flower petals over her immobile body . ] [ scene_break ] [ janet is happy to receive a box of chocolates from amanda . ] janet : did anyone ever have such a thoughtful daughter ? jamie : just more about ethan 's mother . amanda : why do you think she had something to do with the murders ? janet : oh , well , because women can be awfully dangerous if they are either , a , scorned , or , b , protecting their children . amanda : has anyone looked at ethan 's mother ? jamie : i do n't think so . janet : well , you should do it . it could be worth investigating . jamie : zach 's father sent ethan 's mother away . he did n't want zach to know that he had become a father . janet : but he found out and the son 's dead . now , if mama blames papa , she could be behind all this carnage -- trust me . jamie : i do n't know if she 's alive or dead , but it 's worth bringing up to my dad . janet : and will you give him my regards ? i have so many regrets . i wish i could go back and talk to everybody individually , everyone i harmed -- especially you . oh . oh , i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to get maudlin . did i help ? amanda : lots . thank you . janet : oh . thank you for the -- for the yummy gifts . i 'm certainly going to share them with the staff . they -- they could use some sweetening up . amanda : i guess we need the guard or the orderly or whatever to let us out . janet : i do love you , amanda -- i always have . you know that , do n't you ? amanda : yes , i know , mom . janet : you know , friends are -- are like family . they 're a good substitute . and babe is family to you , so i will do anything i can to help protect her -- gladly . [ scene_break ] [ as the killer wraps a satin ribbon around babe 's arm , zoe and the officer come running through the parking garage . ] zoe : babe ? babe ! ofc . hannity : stop ! zoe : no . ofc . hannity : hey ! zoe : no , no , no . ofc . hannity : you -- stop ! zoe : no , no , no . is that better ? it 's zoe . no , no , no , stay here -- no , no , no . we have plenty of time to talk at the hospital . help 's on the way . babe : no , my son -- zoe : no , it is -- you 'll have plenty of time to talk to your son later . just stay with me , ok ? stay with me . save your energy . stay with me . ofc . hannity : two people down , perp headed out the south entrance toward commerce and sansome . need ambulance on the first - level garage next to chandler enterprises . [ scene_break ] j.r. : this is so hard . i do n't want to lose my son . adam : j.r. , you 're not going to lose little adam . j.r. : babe will fight me . adam : look , i 'm a little confused here . i understand you 're not -- you 're not trying to stay together , and yet -- and you 're not now talking about your marriage . remember my honesty pact with krystal . j.r. : `` honesty `` ? adam : yeah . j.r. : honesty in this house ? just the other night at the party , babe ran off with josh into the shed . adam : if that tramp wants to run away with josh madden , that 's fine , but she 's not taking my grandson with her . j.r. : well , then be ready , because she will fight me , and it will get real ugly real fast . adam : well , whatever it takes , little adam is staying with us . i 'm going to call barry right now and get the legal machinery under works . j.r. : now , just hold on a second . adam : no , no . i can -- i can explain this all to krystal , she 'll understand . j.r. : no , it 's not that simple ! [ scene_break ] kendall : let 's fight tomorrow . i really ca n't deal with this right now . bianca : oh , and i can deal with mom 's opinions on me and zoe ? kendall : ok , your relationship with zoe , whatever it is , is -- bianca : why is everyone so concerned ? kendall : because , bianca , it 's really damn weird , even by pine valley standards . bianca : we 're friends . kendall : you 're friends . ok , well , you get this look . it 's not lovesick exactly -- it 's like you 're slightly more than friends whenever you defend him / her . bianca : well , maybe what you 're seeing is irritation , because i should n't have to constantly defend her to every -- to you , mom , to maggie , to -- kendall : maggie ? you -- maggie tuned into this ? bianca : maggie is on a plane back to paris . kendall : well , maybe she felt like she could n't compete with a rich , famous rock star . bianca : it 's not a competition . i told her to go home . kendall : oh . bianca : oh , no , you did not . you did n't just do mom 's `` oh `` ? kendall : i -- [ scene_break ] erica : oh , barbara , do sit down . do n't make yourself at home . [ barbara sighs ] barbara : sean is my son . erica : i know , he 's had a lot to overcome . he 's doing quite well . barbara : how many years has it been since we went toe - to - toe over the montgomery brothers , erica , and you are still jealous of me ? erica : oh ! we never went toe - to - toe over the montgomery brothers . they were both in love with me , as you well know . so tell me something , barbara -- why are you really here ? barbara : to spend some quality time with my son , of course . my schedule has freed up , and so i intend to stay in pine valley indefinitely . erica : between men , are you ? barbara : you know , not all of us overlap affairs , erica . we do n't all start new ones before the old ones are over . erica : oh . barbara : why do you think you do that ? ca n't stand to spend any time with yourself -- is that it ? sean : ok , look , that 's enough , mom . erica : oh , sean , i was just warming up . sean : hey , yeah , hold the thought . good to see you . erica : hmm . how was your day ? sean : well , like yours -- full of surprises . erica : ah , yeah . i can hardly wait to see your uncle jack 's face . [ scene_break ] jack : josh , we 're trying desperately to bring this killer in . josh : well , it would help to see some results . jack : yeah , well , what does n't help is you and kendall and bianca making your mother crazy about zoe . josh : that 's not what i 'm trying to do here . jack : that 's what 's going on . derek : officer down , parking garage on commerce . carver , wingate , now . officer : we 're there . josh : that 's the chandler enterprises garage . derek : it was max stockton . jack : was n't he babe 's guard ? derek : babe chandler 's guard . he just went on . officer : man , he was n't with her but , like , a few hours . second officer : that sicko got her , too . first officer : he got babe chandler . derek : ok , i need checkpoint . josh : what do you mean , `` he got babe chandler `` ? derek : josh , just a minute . we got checkpoints here -- josh : what do you mean , `` he got babe chandler `` ? derek : and here and here . [ scene_break ] ryan : i knew it was too good to be true . tad : could still happen . ryan : more than likely , not . zach : you got somewhere more important to be ? tad : no , but what about the killer ? i ca n't help but wonder what he 's up to while we 're camped out here . ryan : yeah , it 's a lot of time for him to be busy . zach : well , like i said , you got something more important to do , somewhere more important to be ? [ phone vibrates ] tad : it 's jack . yeah ? ok , we 'll be right there . babe chandler just got hit . [ siren ] emt : lady , stop trying to talk . zoe : no , no , i 'm sorry . babe -- emt : step back , mister . we 've got to move . zoe : what are you trying to say ? babe : save my son . zoe : we 'll save him together , do n't you worry . [ a photographer 's camera shutter clicks as he takes pictures of the deceased officer lying on the garage floor with a dart stuck in his neck . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : you told me that you would want to know if your wife was cheating on you , that -- adam : you 're doing the right thing , j.r. babe keeps lying to you . j.r. : i just wish that i could avoid this . i wish that there was another way to -- adam : this is killing you , is n't it ? j.r. : i should n't even have to do this at all . i offered babe a perfectly reasonable deal , and she decided not to take it from me . adam : she 's getting exactly what she deserves . j.r. : i do n't really care what happens to her . she 's not going to get my son . adam : right , no -- no question . hit her hard and fast . j.r. : but babe and i are n't going to be the only ones who suffer . adam : what exactly did dixie say to you before she died ? i 've taken a lot of hits in my life . whatever it is , we 'll handle it . j.r. : we 'll stick together . krystal : my baby ! that killer got to my baby doll ! [ scene_break ] kendall : do n't be paranoid . bianca : i 'm not being paranoid . kendall : you 're accusing me of sounding like mom . bianca : it was as if you were channeling her . kendall : i was expressing concern because -- because you 've made your choice , and it was n't maggie . bianca : but i did n't -- i did n't make a choice . kendall : right , ok . bye - bye , maggie , but look who 's still here -- zoe . bianca : it 's not like that at all . kendall : of course not . oh , my god -- thank god you 're here . zach : hey . kendall : hey . ok , something -- something happened . what 's wrong ? is -- is someone hurt ? is ryan hurt ? zach : the killer never showed . kendall : ok , well , then , what ? zach : he wanted us out of the way . kendall : oh , my god . bianca : babe ? he got babe ? [ scene_break ] [ siren ] zoe : it 's all right , babe . you 're going to be fine . the doctors will take care of this . you 'll be home with little a in no time . joe : babe , can you hear me ? can you open your eyes ? babe , look at me . jeff : we 'll bag her . be ready to intubate . emt : she 's breathing on her own , but it 's shallow . joe : a direct injection to the neck . it 's probably v - tach like the other ones . jeff : ok , let 's get her on a monitor and we 'll need some lidocaine . now , how are her vitals ? emt : 80/60 . second emt : she 's tachy at 120 . joe : stay with us , babe . can you hear me ? [ scene_break ] krystal : zoe called from the ambulance . j.r. : what ambulance ? with babe on the way to the hospital . she used babe 's cell phone . i was expecting to hear my baby doll 's voice . adam : what 's happened here ? krystal : he 's -- that maniac attacked her , that murderer ! j.r. : oh , no . that 's a trick . krystal : j.r. , are you out of your mind ? adam : what else did zoe say ? krystal : that they were in -- in the parking garage next to your office . j.r. : babe has a bodyguard . krystal : he 's dead , j.r. adam , we have to get to the hospital right now . adam : fine , i 'll drive . krystal : ok . now , where 's my purse ? where 's my -- i do n't need it , i do n't need it . come on , let 's go . adam : are you coming ? j.r. : no , it 's a trick . i 'm not falling for it . krystal : come on , adam , hurry ! adam : then stay close to the phone just in case . [ scene_break ] jeff : ok , cbc , call the lab . we need a full tox screen stat , all right ? zoe : you 'll be all right . josh : babe ! is she all right ? jeff : yes , we assume it 's v - tach , but we need the lab to confirm . josh : i was with dani , i can help . jeff : josh , even if you were on staff -- josh : she ca n't die ! jeff : you 're going to have to wait outside ! nurse : she needs more fluids . jeff : where the hell is that lidocaine ? [ babe 's monitor beeps ] [ scene_break ] [ shutter clicks ] derek : you pursued him after you called it in ? ofc . hannity : yeah . he headed west toward dupont . jack : where 's zoe now ? ofc . hannity : rode in the ambulance to the hospital . derek : and before the attack , zoe was with you ? ofc . hannity : yeah . jack : can you account for every second ? ofc . hannity : until we heard mrs. chandler . she put up a fight , but he had his hand over her mouth . derek : you saw the attack ? ofc . hannity : no . that 's how it sounded , is all . derek : well , while the attacker was fleeing , did you get a good look at him ? ofc . hannity : i ca n't even say for sure it was a guy -- all in black , hood , some kind of mask ? i got nothing . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , what do you got ? what 's the word from the hospital ? derek : well , babe made it there alive . ryan : oh , thank god . jack : i 'm going to go interview zoe . ryan : all right . aidan : took a dart to the neck , huh ? jack : yeah , he did . aidan : he could 've just tranquilized the guy . jack : evidently , not good enough . now he 's killing cops , too . [ scene_break ] janet : you 'll keep me posted , right ? amanda : yeah . [ phone rings ] jamie : it 's julia . hey . julia : hey , i just got into work . they brought babe in . jamie : babe ? julia : she was injected with v - tach . they 're not sure if she 's going to make it . jamie : we 're on our way . amanda : not babe . jamie : she 's at the hospital . janet : honey , i 'm so sorry . amanda : we have to go . janet : you drive carefully , and i am going to say prayers for her , lots of prayers , as many as i can . amanda : i 'm going to come back to see you . i promise . janet : that 's one prayer answered . [ scene_break ] krystal : julia , julia ? is she going to be all right ? julia : they 're working on babe right now . krystal : oh , dear god . dear god , let her stay with us . please do n't take her from us . julia : where 's j.r. ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : emergency -- what a joke . tad : j.r. ? j.r. : i 'm in here . tad : you home ? what are you doing ? why are you here ? i -- you heard about babe ? j.r. : oh , not you , too ? tad : what do you mean , not me , too ? she 's at the hospital . j.r. : i guess zoe 's been one busy tranny . tad : i do n't know what is going on or what the hell you 're talking about , but babe is in the er right now . and there 's a good chance she 's not going to make it . j.r. : wait a minute . you 're telling me that it 's on the level ? babe -- tad : babe was attacked a while ago . j.r. : i got to get to the hospital . [ scene_break ] barbara : well , while we 're waiting for jack , i 'll gladly play bartender . oh . i forgot -- you 're an addict . sean : oh , mom -- erica : it 's ok , sean . do n't be embarrassed for your mother . a senior moment -- that 's to be expected at her age . you know what i just thought of ? what a shame they do n't have a brain lift , because then your inside could match -- sean : lily , you might want to run for cover . lily : oh , i can tell by your faces that you have n't heard . erica : heard what ? lily : the news site on my computer said that the satin slayer attacked again . erica : kendall ? bianca ? lily : i do n't know . they just -- sean : did they say who it was ? lily : no , they just said the victim was at pine valley hospital . sean : you 're too upset . i 'll drive . erica : pine valley hospital . oh , thanks , sean . barbara : sean , we have n't even said hello . i mean -- sean : later , later . [ door closes ] barbara : oh , i can use that drink now . oh . [ scene_break ] jeff : clear ! [ alarm ] jeff : she 's not responding . joe : give her another ampule . nurse : i 'm sorry , doctor -- repeat the bicarb ? jeff : yes , yes , amp her . ok , clear ! [ while jeff applies the defibrillator 's paddles to babe 's chest , scenes from her past flash by , such as when little adam was born . ] babe : mama ? krystal : i 'm so proud of you ! babe : big scoop . j.r. , it 's dixie 's necklace . i 've never been so happy . [ alarm ] julia : krystal , come on , sit down . i 'm going to get you some water . adam : j.r. 's not answering . zoe : babe does belong with you . j.r. -- ugh ! the thought of it is just obscene . he told her that it was her that should 've died instead of his mother . josh : what were you and babe plotting ? zoe : oh , j.r. has some ammunition that terrifies babe . at first , i thought it was just something that had to with me , but it 's bigger -- big enough to blackmail babe into giving up her son . josh : babe would rather -- zoe : die than give up little adam ? josh : you low -- tad : no , not here . adam : rein it in . tad : you really think this is going to help babe ? adam : babe -- josh : i can wait . adam : babe is -- listen to me . babe is still critical , but she 's alive . zoe : as if he cares . adam : come on . come on . kendall : is babe -- zoe : still alive ? yes . bianca : oh , thank god . kendall : ok , josh , do we know anything specific ? zoe : no one 's come out and told us anything yet . tad : you were there when it happened ? zoe : after . shortly after . tad : you mind if i ask you a few questions ? zoe : of course . stay strong . josh : simone , erin , danielle , dixie -- now babe . how 's that feel , zach , all that blood on your hands ? kendall : josh , zach is not responsible . josh : you know better . that 's why you ca n't defend yourself . because you and your mother , and whatever sick secrets that you are hiding , babe is in there fighting for her life . kendall : this is not his fault . josh : you could have saved them -- at least babe . all you had to do was leave , zach . but you decided to stay , when you knew damn well that these women are targets ! zach : if i thought it would have made a difference , i would have left . josh : how would you know unless you tried ? kendall : josh , please stop . please . josh : and my sister still loves you . she may not mind laying down her life for one of your -- one of your old enemies , but i mind ! you should be in there dying , not babe ! zach : stay with your brother . i 'll be right back . josh : you need to stay away from him . kendall : i ca n't do that . no . josh : you 're going to sacrifice your life for nothing ? you are on the next plane out of here before you end up on a slab . erica : oh , bianca , kendall ! oh , thank god you 're all right . i was so worried , but you 're all right . bianca : it was babe . josh : which means the killer now has kendall in his sights . you have to tell her to get out of town . erica : you mean out of the country . of course , you do , kendall . bianca and i both will come with you . kendall : no , no , that 's not happening . erica : honey , even zach would agree with this . kendall : can we please just focus here , ok ? this is about babe . now , josh , listen , they got here quickly , they saved dani , they will save babe . and -- listen to me -- i know -- i know you feel helpless . but you -- you have to have faith . just want to say that to yourself so that zach does n't have another death on his conscience . kendall : no , i want babe to survive this . josh : wanting and getting -- our sister does n't think babe has a prayer . bianca : well , after little adam was born , babe became very ill . she had an infection . it compromised her heart . and her heart may not be as strong as dani 's . erica : josh , look , why do n't we all just sit down ? i 'm sure that somebody 's going to come out and give us an update . josh : i 'm done sitting . adam : that 's it . you 've damaged my family enough . you get out of here , and keep on walking . do n't come back . josh : you know what ? i told you , if anything happened to babe while she was living with you , you would pay . adam : do n't waste your threats on me , kid . josh : i will collect . adam : bring it on . i would enjoy nothing more than grinding you to nothing . julia : hey . jamie : hey . j.r. : krystal got the call . i thought it was a trick . bianca : jeff . krystal : babe -- my baby doll -- is she going to be all right ? kendall : is she -- is she ok ? bianca : you must know by now . zoe : she must be all right . jeff : we are -- we 're still trying to stabilize her . excuse me , i -- i need to consult with our cardiologist . zoe : amanda ? amanda : and you 're zoe . zoe : babe told me that you were her best friend . you must be one marvelous person . amanda : no , i 'm just lucky that babe likes me . zoe : oh , i 'm pretty good at reading people , and i can tell that you 're special . and not just to babe . amanda : babe 's going to make it through this . you know why ? zoe : because we ca n't make it without her . [ scene_break ] jack : hey . we talked to jeff . he said she 's holding on . kendall : oh , good . i 'm so glad you 're here , ryan . ryan : where the hell 's my son ? kendall : spike is perfectly safe . ryan : and how do you know that exactly , kendall ? erica : ryan , what happened ? ryan : just -- just give me a sec , ok , erica ? thanks . look , you do n't get to steal my son and -- kendall : i did n't steal -- - i did n't steal him , ryan , ok ? i let you keep him for a while . ryan : because with you , he was in danger , which has n't changed , kendall . if anything , it 's worse now . kendall : spike is being guarded by a nanny . he 's got tons of armed security men around him . ryan : yeah , dani and babe had security , too , and cops watching them , and that did n't work out too well , now , did it ? and by the way , babe 's bodyguard is in a body bag , on the way to the morgue . [ scene_break ] erica : sean , look , you really can go back to your -- barbara . sean : you sure you 're going to be all right ? erica : hey , it 's you i 'm worried about -- with barbara . sean : makes two of us . erica : thank you for looking out for me . sean : anytime . [ scene_break ] barbara : it must be very difficult with what your father and erica are going through right now . lily : difficult for them to do what ? barbara : well , when a marriage does n't work out , it 's just -- it 's so sad . lily : failures are most commonly caused by differences , and frankly , my father and erica are nothing alike , at all . barbara : how fortunate for your father . lily : he does n't feel very fortunate . barbara : oh , i mean -- i meant -- never mind . um -- listen , tell me , how is your father coping ? is he -- is he doing all right ? lily : on average , he 's working at least 58 hours and 14 minutes on work- related tasks each week for the past month . barbara : and that 's a lot . lily : it 's slightly more than 33 % increase . i do n't get to see him as much as i used to . barbara : well , that 's not fair . lily : he does n't smile as much as he did when he was n't doing so much work all the time . barbara : poor man . you know , lily -- you know , maybe you and i need to come up with some creative ideas to help your dad relax and start enjoying life a little more . what do you think ? [ scene_break ] jack : zoe , please think hard . [ zoe sighs ] jack : did babe say anything -- anything at all about her attacker that we might use ? zoe : no , no , nothing about him . just about her mother and her son . that 's all she had on her mind , that she shared with me , anyway . jack : ok . fine . jamie : we need to trace ethan cambias ' mother . aidan : yeah , i was just filling your dad in . amanda told me janet 's theory . tad : anyone from ethan 's past might pay off . josh : there 's no reason i ca n't be in the or . jeff : yeah , there is . i wo n't allow it . krystal : wait , you 're operating ? jeff : we need to implant a pacemaker . kendall : ok , well , that 's what they for dani . jeff : now , if we do n't regulate her heartbeat -- krystal : no , you -- go ahead . you -- you do whatever it takes to help her . jeff : i need permission from her next of kin . j.r. : do whatever you have to do . jeff : all right . i 'll make sure you get the necessary paperwork . j.r. : i 'm not going anywhere . adam : a pacemaker -- that 's -- that 's easy enough . krystal : that 's a start . adam : yeah , yeah . erica : josh , your dad is taking very , very good care of her . krystal : baby doll -- do n't you worry about a thing . you just get better , ok ? little adam is going to make you a big , glittery get - well card . you 're going to be fine . you hear me ? you are going to be fine . now , your baby 's good . he 's fine . he wanted me to give you this . that 's from little adam . you be strong for him . you be strong for your son . josh : you know i wo n't get in the way . let me observe . no , do n't -- do n't tell me that . do n't -- no , let -- let go of me ! you go back in right now ! you stopped ! you did n't have to stop ! what ? no , do n't -- you should n't -- let -- let go of me ! are you happy now ? she 's dead . babe is dead ! j.r. : liar . jeff : josh , no ! erica : josh , do n't do this . tad : not now . bianca : we need to get josh out of here . kendall : yeah . josh : i should have let you die when i had the chance . you never stopped -- adam : krystal -- josh : punishing her . adam : let 's sit down . josh : you wanted her gone to keep her away from her son . jeff : back off . krystal : i do n't need to sit . josh : you wanted her to suffer ? well , congratulations , j.r. ! thanks to you , her last days were a living hell ! j.r. : you want to stick it to me by telling me that my wife is dead ? you really are scum . josh : she deserved so much more . and now she 's dead ! j.r. : no , my wife is a lot of things , but she 's not dead ! jeff : enough ! [ next_on ] krystal ( to babe ) : you were my greatest joy . erica ( to josh ) : we want to help you through this . josh : oh , come on , erica . you ca n't wait to pop open the champagne and dance on her grave . bianca ( to zoe ) : i never forgave babe , and now it 's too late . ryan ( to kendall ) : if you want to stand by zach , give spike to me . | as ryan , tad , and zach wait for the murderer at the pump house , the satin slayer is in the parking garage attacking babe . hearing babe scuffling with the killer , zoe and officer hannity rush to her side , but the slayer has already killed her bodyguard with a poisoned dart to the neck and run off . as jamie and amanda interview janet , she theorizes that ethan cambias ' mother might be behind the attacks if she blames zach for ethan 's death . when erica arrives at jack 's house , barbara opens the door and the arguing begins . j.r. is about to tell adam the truth about krystal 's baby when she enters the room with the shocking news that babe has been attacked , but j.r. refuses to believe it . at the hospital , the doctors are working quickly to stabilize babe as her friends and family wait and worry about her recovery . jeff finally comes out and informs everyone gathered there that babe needs surgery to implant a pacemaker . as her next of kin , j.r. gives his consent . josh and j.r. cast blame on one another and almost come to blows as babe is wheeled to the or . minutes later , josh screams that they need to do more . back in the waiting room , jeff declares that babe is dead . |
erica : gentlemen . thank you so much for coming . first man : nice to see you , erica . second man : you look lovely , erica . third man : i was going to say that , too . erica : many thanks to all of you who think i look so lovely . now , i 'm sure , gentlemen , you 're all wondering why you 're here . thank you , val . would you please show the gentlemen what you have ? can anyone tell me what this is ? man : oh , it appears to be a large chunk of ice . erica : exactly . this , gentlemen , is ice , representing my considerable assets -- my considerable assets . so you can imagine my shock when i tried to access my money to buy a home and found out that my funds have been frozen . how in the world did that happen ? erica : someone had better start talking -- and i mean now . [ scene_break ] [ jesse has a nightmare ] angie : help me , jesse , please ! please , help me ! jesse : oh , let her go ! let her go ! angie : jesse , do n't let him kill me ! jesse : let her go ! angie : you promised to always protect me ! jesse , please ! jesse : let her go ! let her go ! angie : help me ! [ jesse wakes up ] jesse : oh . oh , angie . i will never let them get their hands on you -- never , never . [ scene_break ] angie : what 's wrong with this picture ? frankie : well , i 'm officially out , and you 're in . thought i 'd change things up , have you be the patient for a while . angie : well , i do n't like it . frankie : ma , hey -- hey . what happened , ma ? i mean , you had us all pretty worried . angie : nothing -- just overtired and passed out . frankie : at dad 's grave ? angie : it could 've happened anywhere , frankie . frankie : but it did n't happen anywhere , ma . it happened there -- after you saw him . [ scene_break ] aidan : we 're going home , greenlee . finally , we 're going home . that means no more monitors beeping in the background and no more nurses interrupting every five minutes . greenlee : aidan , hang on a minute . aidan : what is it ? greenlee : it 's just i 've spent so much time in this place . aidan : right , which is why i want to get you out of here . greenlee : i know , and i want that , too , more than anything , but -- but now -- aidan : what , are you feeling sick ? greenlee : no , no , no . i feel healthier than dr. oz . aidan : well , let 's pack up the car , then , all right ? let 's ditch this uncomfortable hospital bed and go back to your place , all right ? it 's time for the old greenlee to take the world on by storm . greenlee : but i 'm not the old greenlee anymore . what if i ca n't get her back ? [ scene_break ] kendall : `` to deirdre , best wishes . kendall hart . `` oh -- sorry , it ran out of ink . hold on one second . ok . sorry , i -- i love this bag , but i can never find anything in it . oh , one second . ah -- ok . so , who should i make this one out to ? zach : how about `` to the love of my life `` ? kendall : zach . zach : hey . kendall : what are you doing here ? zach : it 's your big day -- hey , i was n't going to miss that , and i 'm sorry i cut in line . it 's my wife , so -- women : oh . zach : great book , right ? woman : yes . kendall : ok , i 'm now officially embarrassed . zach : and i 'm officially in the way . kendall : no , you 're not , you 're not . zach : i ca n't stand here -- they 're going to tear me to shreds . i got to go , sit . kendall : no , no -- hold on . i -- i got it , i got it . there . you can sit now . zach : ahem . you 're glad i 'm here , right ? kendall : of course , i am . zach : so why do you look so nervous ? [ scene_break ] aidan : greenlee , what happened ? yesterday , you were on the express train out of this place . greenlee : what if i 'm not ready for what 's out there ? aidan : oh . honey , look , you can handle anything the world throws at you . greenlee : hmm . i 'm not so sure . aidan : well , what 's changed ? greenlee : i have . i 've made a lot of mistakes since i came back to town , even before i left . i lost my husband , my best friend . aidan : yeah , because you felt betrayed by ryan and kendall , but that 's all in the past . greenlee : when i look back at that time , i barely recognize myself . i was so worried about having a baby to save my marriage -- it was like when i was a kid and my grandmother told me i could n't do something , then i just had to make it happen . i went baby crazy , i -- i wanted it more than anything . aidan : is that what this is about -- you want to start a family ? is that it ? greenlee : no . no , no , no , no , no , no , no . no way , i am off that track -- i mean , not that i do n't still love the idea of having kids someday , when the time is right . but before that , i need to work on myself . i want my career back , i want to make fusion one of the top cosmetic companies in the world . i want to travel , i want to go on adventures with you . aidan : well , that sounds good to me , all of it . greenlee : i want to hang out with my friends , throw fabulous dinner parties , go to fashion week , buy out the spring line . all of that stuff feels like the old me . but after everything that 's happened , i do n't want to be the same person . how could i be ? i mean , the last few years have changed me . aidan : all right . well , then let me ask you this -- now , what do you want ? [ scene_break ] angie : i wanted to say good - bye . i 'm leaving pine valley . honey , i 've just had a lot on my mind lately . and being here at the hospital -- it 's the last place that i saw your daddy alive . i hallucinated , just like you . that 's all . frankie : then tell me this -- why would i have smelled his after - shave ? angie : i do n't know , baby . frankie : that was real , ma . angie : i know that it can seem that way . frankie , when -- when i passed out , i imagined that jesse was holding me , and it felt so good . but i woke up , and it was a paramedic . frankie : but that 's just it , ma -- who called the paramedics ? [ scene_break ] jesse : get it together . [ tad walks down the stairs ] jesse : how 's angie ? tad : other than thinking she saw the love of her life , a man that 's supposed to have been dead for 20 years ? jesse : did she say anything ? tad : she 's fine , she 's ok . she 's just fine . i talked to my old man , all right ? she 's sound asleep . they -- maybe they gave her something , i do n't know . she thinks you were a hallucination brought on by stress or maybe hypoglycemia , i do n't know . jesse : oh , man . well , thank god she 's ok and thank you . tad : she 's fine , she 's ok . jesse : thank you , man . tad : what do you think you 're -- jesse : what are you talking about ? tad : eat something -- jesse : i got to get out of here . tad : you ca n't go anywhere -- jesse : it 's not safe with me being here -- it 's not safe for angie , frankie , you , your family . tad : i 'm not as defenseless as i look . you 're practically family -- you are my family . why do n't you let me do something for you ? do n't you think you owe me a couple of answers at this point ? jesse : look , the more you dig around for answers , the better their chances are for finding out the truth . tad : who are `` they `` ? jesse : they are very bad people , tad . tad : but what kind of bad people ? jesse : would you stop ! sorry . i 'm sorry , just -- please , just -- [ scene_break ] singer : you are a prince seducing me ♪ babe : ok . let 's do the checklist -- is tad coming home late at night ? krystal : no . babe : is he getting strange phone calls from women ? krystal : uh - uh . babe : um -- did you find a matchbook or something ? krystal : no , no , none of that . it 's just that he -- i do n't know , he seems a little preoccupied lately . babe : well , did you just come out and ask him if he 's having an affair ? krystal : yeah , you better believe i did , and he said no . babe : but what if he was , mama ? i mean , would you be breaking any rules ? i know that you guys did n't get married , because you 're madly in love -- you did it to protect jenny from adam . krystal : i do love tad . babe : you know what i mean . krystal : yeah . i know what you mean , and you are dead wrong about our relationship . babe : wait -- wait , wait . so you 're telling me that you and tad are -- are `` together `` ? krystal : i 'm not going to give you any details , babe . babe : oh , wow . krystal : no , look -- all right , look . let 's change the subject , ok ? let 's talk about something else , like how about your relationships , huh ? babe : no , no . i 'm having too much fun talking about yours . krystal : please . babe : do you remember that boyfriend you had when i was in junior high ? god -- what was his name ? it was clem toller . [ babe chuckles ] krystal : oh , god , i have n't thought about him in years . babe : he took us to vegas and treated us like queens -- krystal : uh - huh . babe : well , until his wife showed up . you grabbed my hand , and we ran out of there like bats out of hell , ok ? nobody even batted an eye . krystal : thanks a lot . i appreciate that , thank you very much for bringing up my checkered past . babe : oh , anytime , anytime , mama . singer : i surrender ♪ krystal : speaking of bad decisions , look who 's over there . singer : i will be so right ♪ [ scene_break ] adam : um -- well . hi there . there 's coffee if you want it . i see you 've stopped wearing your grandfather 's ring . j.r. : yep . adam : is there a reason for that ? j.r. : it 's at the jewelers -- i caught it on the door . that 's not exactly true . you know , if it was a year ago or a week ago , i might 've made up some bs how i took it off while i was playing tennis or that it was at the jewelers , something like that . but the truth is i lost it . the ring 's gone . adam : so you lost our family ring ? j.r. : little adam wanted to see it , so i took it off , so he could look at it . and then , he dropped it down the sink at the bar . adam : oh -- huh . i see . j.r. : i 'm sorry , i really am . adam : no , no . no , no , no . there 's no reason to be sorry . i 'm sure another one will turn up somewhere among all the other family heirlooms i happen to have . [ adam drops a bug on the floor ] [ scene_break ] erica : no one has answered my question . why are n't my funds available to me ? man : they are available . you just ca n't get to them right now . erica : that makes no sense . man : we 're facing a routine investigation . second man : by the federal government . erica : nothing about that sounds routine to me . and you all assured me that everything was under control . man : well , it was , and then it was n't . erica : i feel like i have fallen down the rabbit hole . not one of you is making a bit of sense at all . are my funds frozen ? men : yes . erica : can anyone here tell me how to fix that ? no ? all right , gentlemen . do you know what this is ? this is you getting fired . men : no , wait -- erica : that 's right . do n't let the door hit you on the way out . [ scene_break ] richie : v8 v - fusion . it 's a great name . babe : are you ok ? richie : oh , yeah . i 'm great , sure . babe : did you -- did you get a blood transfusion ? richie : yeah . one yesterday , another one tomorrow . good times , though , right ? babe : and -- and they still have n't found a match ? richie : oh , no , they found one , all right . it 's just whoever it is , they 're not interested . babe : that ca n't be true . richie : trust me , it 's true . babe : well , who is this jerk ? babe : richie , i 'm sorry . is there anything i can do ? richie : well , actually , you 're doing it just sitting here listening to me . babe : well , i wish it could be more . richie : well , you could always break into the hospital and find out the name of that donor . [ scene_break ] val : where 'd everyone go ? erica : fired . val , i need you to contact that mr. eaton at the -- the firm that adam chandler recommended . val : uh , he was out of the country . but i will see if he 's back . erica : jack ? well , i have had a very productive morning -- i fired all my money people . good riddance . listen , jack , -- i know that you 're busy , but could you possibly find out anything more about that sec investigation ? oh , and i have something for you . i know we said that we were n't going to do this , but i did get you a little valentine 's day present -- just for old times ' sake . call me . pam : erica , you 'll never guess who agreed to be on the show . samuel woods , erica kane . samuel : erica kane , i 've waited a long time for this . [ scene_break ] [ music plays at confusion ] babe : you want me to break into joe 's office ? richie : no , i -- it -- well -- just forget i said anything , ok ? it -- i mean , come on . you 're a -- you 're a respectable person with a career and a kid , and i -- i 'm just an ex - con with nothing to lose . so -- just wanted to keep you up - to - date . and your mom probably thinks that i 'm corrupting you again , so go set her straight . singer : let 's move along and find out if he only has ♪ krystal : what 's going on ? singer : it 's so good to belong ♪ babe : mama ? i need you to help me save a man 's life . singer : what you know ♪ [ scene_break ] greenlee : i want to be happy -- truly , madly , deeply , deliriously happy . i want to -- i want to face the world and my mistakes head - on and grow from them . i want to look forward and never look back . i want to be the independent , smart , passionate woman i was before but with all the insight i have now . aidan : wait -- what -- what are you talking about ? you already are this woman . greenlee : you think ? aidan : yeah -- no , i do n't think -- i mean , i know . the fact that you can just admit all of this -- i mean , it makes it true . hey , you 're not the same person as you were when you came back to town . greenlee : maybe you 're right . aidan : and your taste in men has improved dramatically . greenlee : well , once you go british , you never go back . aidan : that 's true , and you know what ? you can -- you can have all the dreams that you want , all the dreams that you wish for . you just got to go out there , and you got to grab them . greenlee : you 're right . i 'm ready . [ scene_break ] kendall : i wrote a book -- i wrote a book , ok ? and there 's people here , and they want me to sign it , so the whole thing is just surreal and weird . zach : relax . i 'll get through this , and i 'll take you out for a nice dinner in chicago . kendall : well , i like the sounds of that . zach : hmm . kendall : ok , so i 'm going to finish up with this and just do n't go anywhere . zach : uh - uh . kendall : all right . hi . what 's your name ? woman : carol . kendall : carol . carol : oh , but make it to `` sandra . `` this one 's for my daughter . i already have a copy . kendall : oh , ok -- so , `` to sandra . `` zach : it 's quite a book , huh ? carol : oh , i love it . makes you feel you know these people , like they 're family almost . zach : what 's your favorite chapter ? carol : i like all of it -- especially the sexy parts . are you really kendall 's husband ? zach : i am the lucky man , yes . carol : an understanding one , too -- with all the other lovers she 's had . kendall : why does everyone think this is about me ? zach : well , do n't burst her bubble . here you go . carol : thank you . kendall : thank you . zach : should i be worried about all the other lovers you 've had or -- kendall : no . you know better than that . zach : hmm . kendall : hmm , hmm . zach : i will go to the `` husband too close to the flame `` corner . [ kendall chuckles ] kendall : ok . [ phone rings ] kendall : oh -- excuse me . woman : oh . kendall : sorry , one second . hey . greenlee : how 's my favorite literary rock star ? are you being worshipped like only you deserve ? kendall : the book signing 's going great . so , are you out of the hospital yet ? greenlee : uh , in a minute . i had a minor identity crisis , but i 'm done with that and ready to move on . say goodbye to the whiney greenlee . kendall : so the bitch is back ? greenlee : not necessarily , but i 'm definitely done living in the past . it 's time to find out who i 'm going to be next . kendall : good . uh -- is aidan taking you home ? greenlee : yeah . he ca n't wait to get me back to the penthouse , speaking of which -- did zach manage to surprise you ? kendall : yeah . you -- you knew about that ? greenlee : of course . i want all the details when you get back . kendall : sure . greenlee : be happy , kendall . things are finally looking up for us , and who knows ? maybe our futures are going to be better than we could possibly imagine . kendall : i hope so . i 'll see you at home . [ scene_break ] jesse : i really got to go , tad . tad : i know . i understand , and i tried asking some questions about the girl that stole your wallet , but i was n't able to figure out anything -- you know , come up with anything on such short notice . but -- i did put this together . it 's just , you know , some clothes and some money . jesse : come on , tad , i ca n't take this from you . what are you -- tad : you can , and you are going to , ok ? i love you , and you need it , so just say `` thank you . `` jesse : you 're still the same stubborn - ass tad martin from high school . tad : yeah -- why ? is it coming back to you ? jesse : oh , my god . tad , do you have any idea what it 's like to hold somebody that you love after 20 years ? tad : hmm -- no , but almost . jesse : yeah , you and dixie . tad : me and dixie . jesse : you and dixie . angie felt the same , man . she 's even more beautiful , if that 's possible . i wanted to say so much -- so much to her . what the hell can i say ? i mean , what could i possibly say after 20 years ? [ scene_break ] angie : what are you getting at , frankie ? frankie : you thought you saw him . i thought i saw him . angie : ok , you know what ? just -- just stop it , ok , because this is crazy . we are both exhausted . and -- i just do n't want to have this conversation anymore . frankie : look , tad knows something , too . angie : what does tad know ? angie : all right -- frankie : i -- angie : i just need you to just stop it , please ! frankie , you do n't know how long i prayed to god to give jesse back to me . but i ca n't pretend that that would ever , could ever happen . i saw him die , baby . i saw your daddy breathe for the last time . frankie : oh -- i know , ma . angie : then please just stop questioning anything different , because the reality -- it is what it is . jesse is dead , and he is never , ever coming back . [ scene_break ] erica : it 's so nice to meet you , mr. woods . samuel : you call me samuel . pam : mr. woods was able to rearrange his schedule to be here for an interview . samuel : i was here in town handling some business , and i thought about your flattering offer , and i thought , why not ? erica : why not , indeed ? samuel : i mean , if your offer still stands . erica : well , i mean , of course , that depends on when we can do the interview . samuel : how about now ? erica : well , i -- i 'm sorry , but we 've already finished taping for the day . pam : erica , we could do -- erica : no , pamela -- i , uh -- do n't have any plans for this evening . samuel : oh , see , that 's a shame , because now i 'm completely booked up . erica : oh . well , that is a shame . i think it would have been fun . i mean , that i have never interviewed a true `` man of the people . `` samuel : uh - oh . i think she just flattered me . [ erica chuckles ] erica : oh , i 'm quite sure you 're used to that . samuel : well , until next time . erica : till next time . pam : what did you just do ? erica : he 'll be back . pam : oh -- erica : five , four , three , two -- samuel -- did you forget something ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : here , let me help you with that . adam : no , no , i 've got it -- j.r. : what is this ? adam : that -- that ? it 's a -- it 's a -- well , it 's a security device . your old man is inching his way into the 21st century . j.r. : kicking and screaming -- adam : well -- j.r. : but at least you 're here . adam : yeah , well -- i have some new numbers for you about your internet venture , if you 're still committed to that . j.r. : of course . let me see them . adam : yeah , i will , i will . i 'll have lucretia make us something to eat . j.r. : that sounds like a plan . adam : well , i know everything i need to know about you , j.r. you 're a liar and a traitor . j.r. : yeah , this is j.r. you did ? oh , that 's great . yeah , i 'm at the house . [ scene_break ] babe : they found a bone marrow donor for richie , and whoever it is wo n't come forward , and joe wo n't tell him who it is . you know , it 's all about rules and confidentiality , and it all just seems so -- so stupid ! krystal : right . i 'll -- i 'll talk to joe , and i 'll talk to tad , and see what they can do . babe : i think it 's past that point . krystal : what do you have in mind ? no . no , i -- i know that look , and whatever it is , the answer is no . babe : we deserve the best , and together , we can always get it . krystal : all right , you know , do n't -- do n't throw the carey motto in my face right now , babe . babe : you know what , mama ? you taught me that , and sometimes , that means fighting like hell to get the best for other people , too . so , what do you say ? are you in , or out ? [ scene_break ] zach : this is the book you want . woman : really ? zach : yeah . these are good , but you want this one , `` charm ! `` kendall : you -- zach : hmm ? kendall : my love , should get 10 % . zach : i do n't want 10 % , i want you . kendall : oh , no . oh , god . excuse me , excuse me . [ kendall gets sick to her stomach and runs off ] [ scene_break ] frankie : i did n't mean to upset you , ma . angie : i 'm not upset . i 'm just tired . frankie : but you 're right . i mean , maybe it 's us being here , and it 's dad 's birthday that brought him up in both of us , making him seem more real . [ frankie sighs ] frankie : well , i got to take care of a few things , but you get some rest . and i 'll call you later . angie : ok . [ angie recalls seeing jesse at the cemetery and jumps out of bed ] angie : je -- jesse ? [ scene_break ] aidan : well , what do you know , my gorgeous sweetness ? beautiful darling , that was the last box . what , still no joe ? greenlee : oh , he 'll be in in a minute . aidan : and then you 're going to be all mine . greenlee : hmm . about that -- aidan : yeah ? greenlee : i left out one very important wish . something i want to be a big part of my life . aidan : what was that ? greenlee : you . you 've been amazing , aidan , through all of this . and no matter who i was or am or could become , i want you to be right beside me . aidan : this is going to be good , greenlee . all right , we 're going to be together for a long , long time . greenlee : i could get used to that . aidan : and the best part is it starts right now . [ scene_break ] zach : how long have you been feeling like that ? kendall : i do n't know . i guess just today . zach : hmm , it 's longer than that . i 've been watching you . kendall : yeah , well , i 'm sure i 'll feel better . i just need to lay down in the hotel room . zach : that 's not what i meant . something 's bothering you , and you 're afraid to tell me . kendall : no , zach , nothing 's bothering me . zach : but you do n't need to be . i love you more than anything . and nothing you can do or say will ever change that . so go ahead , let 's have it . [ scene_break ] samuel : you know what ? i thought about it . i can rearrange a few things . erica : well , so quickly ? i am impressed . samuel : later on today will be an absolutely perfect time to do the interview . erica : well , pamela seems to think that we can make this work . pam : hmm ? yes . i can make it work . i mean , yes . samuel : all right . erica : well , then i guess we should do it . samuel : let 's have some fun . [ `` new beginnings `` theme plays ] erica : today , we have one of washington 's best and brightest . the u.s. attorney from the third district , samuel woods . samuel : well , thank you for that introduction . i got to say right away that i have enjoyed your show for a long time . erica : well , thank you . would you like to tell our audience the real reason you 're here today ? you 're running for the u.s. senate . samuel : oh . that -- that 's been discussed , but that 's not actually why i 'm here . erica : you 're not running ? samuel : no , i did n't say that . erica : you want to keep us guessing ? samuel : i did n't say that , either . erica : do n't you want to use my show as a forum for your political aspirations ? samuel : ms. kane , i can tell you this -- when i want something from you , you 'll know it . i will never , ever , ever keep you guessing . [ `` new beginning 's `` theme plays ] erica : stay tuned , and we will find out exactly what mr. woods wants . pam : samuel , that was fantastic . erica , are you glad we made this happen ? erica : i 'm having a great time . samuel : hmm . [ scene_break ] krystal : if tad were to find out -- ok , what do we do now ? babe ? babe : ok -- um -- krystal : what are you doing ? you ca n't hack into that . you do n't know the password . babe : i -- i have an idea . look , jamie told me once that joe uses his grandkids ' names , so let 's see . oh -- ok , all right . `` jamie `` -- no , no , wait -- maybe i should use `` james . `` krystal : `` james , `` yeah . babe : no , no . krystal : josh , josh . babe : yes , josh . krystal : yeah , josh . babe : no , damn , damn . who -- who else ? who else is there ? krystal : jenny , jenny . babe : jenny . of course , of course . `` jenny . `` yes ! good job . ok , now -- um -- now , i need to find patient files . krystal : oh , god . this is just so wrong . babe : i know , i know , but it 's for a good cause . ok , there -- `` richard novak . `` ok . krystal : what 's it say ? babe : i -- i ca n't find it . wait , wait , wait . oh , wait -- `` bone marrow match identified . `` krystal : who is it ? babe : oh -- my god . huh . it 's j.r . [ scene_break ] colby : hey ! how are my two favorite guys ? j.r. : working hard . but ready to take a break . colby : oh . do n't quit for me . i got a bunch of college stuff to go through . it 's going to take me all night . adam : i 'd like to take a look at that stuff , if you do n't mind . colby : sure , dad , anytime . adam : these numbers -- they look good , very good . why do n't we hit it again tomorrow , ok ? j.r. : yeah , sure thing . adam : ok , good . j.r. : did you bring it ? where did you find it ? colby : i did n't . i had dre and ren take the sink apart , and it popped out one of those pipes . krystal is going to freak . but you got ring back . j.r. : thank you . colby : you know , it 's really nice seeing you and dad work together . it means a lot to him . j.r. : yeah . a microphone ? [ scene_break ] joe : ahem , ahem . aidan : joe finally turns up . greenlee : hmm . joe : i would guess you 're well enough to go home . greenlee : i am ready to take on the world . joe : yeah , well , word of caution -- take it easy at first . greenlee : hmm . that 's not going to happen , but i promise you that i 'll be here in two weeks for my follow - up . joe : ok , uh - huh . well , aidan , are you ready to do the honors ? aidan : yeah , yeah . joe : yep ? aidan : certainly . there we go . of course . milady , your chariot awaits . greenlee : there 's no way i 'm getting in that thing . joe : well , it 's hospital protocol . greenlee : yeah -- that 's not going to happen . but i 'm going to walk out of here on my own two feet , and neither one of you can stop me . joe : same old greenlee . aidan : yeah . you know , i have a feeling this one 's going to be even better than the last . joe : hmm . greenlee : are you coming ? i have a life to start living . aidan : thanks for everything , joe . joe : yes , yes . bye - bye . aidan : ah . [ scene_break ] zach : let 's hear it . kendall : uh -- well , we have n't had much alone time . we have n't had any alone time in -- in weeks and weeks . so i thought if you stayed here tonight with me , that it would make me feel better . zach : yeah ? kendall : yeah . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : hmm . zach : hey , it 's zach . i need to change my flight . yeah . [ kendall drops the contents of her purse on the floor , including the pregnancy test ] [ scene_break ] tad : listen to me -- if you can find a way to do it that works for you , just drop me a line . let me know you 're alive , ok ? jesse : i 'll try . tad : you do know i 'm going to keep scratching , right ? tad : jesse -- as if they were my own . jesse : thanks , tad . you 're true blue . [ knock on door ] tad : take it easy . just stay out of sight . i 'll see who it is and get rid of them . [ tad opens the door to angie ] [ next_on ] kendall : can we just not talk about aidan anymore ? zach : who said anything about aidan ? krystal : angie has agreed to stay with us . jesse : tell angie you will not be happy until she leaves . tad : i would be thrilled if you stay with us . jesse : no , no . | erica calls a board meeting to find out if her assets have really been frozen . when no one can give her straight answers , she fires everyone , and asks jack to look into the sec investigation for her . samuel woods shows up at the studio and agrees to tape his interview on `` new beginnings `` that very evening . aidan prepares to take greenlee home from the hospital . jesse dreams that a man has attacked angie and will not release her , despite jesse yelling for him to stop . tad brings jesse downstairs in the basement . frankie sits beside angie 's bedside , and they talk about it being jesse 's birthday . in chicago , kendall is at her book signing and continues to feel sick to her stomach . she is surprised when zach shows up . richie asks babe to break into joe 's office and find out who his bone marrow match is . kendall tries hard to keep her pregnancy test hidden . kendall talks zach into staying in chicago with her . as she starts to pick up her purse , everything spills out . greenlee begins to have second thoughts about leaving the hospital , but once she feels stronger and ready to take on the world , she refuses the wheelchair and walks out . jesse prepares to leave tad 's house when there is a knock on the door , and he quickly hides . jesse worries when he finds that the person at the door is angie . babe and krystal break into joe 's office . babe hacks into his computer using the password jenny and finds out that j.r. is the bone marrow match for richie . colby finds j.r. 's ring and brings it home to him . j.r. is relieved to have the ring back until he finds out that there is a microphone inside . |
dr. sinclair : she took the wedding announcement with her . aidan : how did this happen ? dr. sinclair : i do n't know , you tell me . you 're the expert at sneaking in and out of cells . aidan : someone must have left the door unlocked . dr. sinclair : i 'll have to fire the man who was on duty . she 's definitely going after greenlee . and when she finds her , she 's going to kill her . [ scene_break ] ryan : well , as long as you can get there by tomorrow to babysit emma , that would be great . you know , she 's got tons of people to watch her tonight at the rehearsal dinner . no , spike is n't feeling very well , so he 's not going to be able to make it . ok , thanks , corinna . what are you doing here ? i thought you were on the road already . greenlee : i was . i turned around . ryan : are you ok ? greenlee : i 'm wonderful . i just started thinking about you , and i had to come back . ryan : how come ? greenlee : i realized we only have a little time left before the wedding . ryan : yeah ? greenlee : yeah . it 's a big day , a brand new chapter in our lives . ryan : it 's more like a brand new book . greenlee : and the end of an old one . which got me thinking , i think we should finish this one on a proper note . ryan : yeah ? greenlee : yeah . [ greenlee and ryan kiss ] [ scene_break ] tad : there 's definitely been a mistake . we 've got to have our own rooms because , you know , he snores . jake : i do n't snore . tad : and you talk in your sleep . jake : i do ? tad : yeah . opal : knock it off , fellas . just knock it off , ok ? i mean , one of you is welcome to bunk with me , if you want to . just keep in mind that i am on child care duty , so you 'll have to pitch in with diaper changing and feeding times . tad : like i said , i will gladly overlook his glaring difficulties , because he 's my brother and i love him . hotel clerk : it 's just down the hall there . jake : thanks . opal : see you later . tad : see you later . [ scene_break ] j.r. : are you ok ? amanda : yeah , just a little weirded out , i guess . we 're here together , but we 're not a couple . you know , some people know i 'm pregnant , some do n't . i guess i 'm just worried about how some people are going to look at us , that 's all . j.r. : you 're not worried about me , are you ? i mean , that i 'm going to have another drink . amanda : no . j.r. : good , because i did n't come here for bianca or greenlee . i came here for you and for me , and to prove to myself that i can exist in the real world again , the sober world . and you 're the one person that can help me do that . amanda : same here , i guess -- not wanting to do this on my own . j.r. : yeah . then let 's show everyone we can have a good time and put the `` fun `` in `` dysfunctional . `` [ scene_break ] bianca : i can not believe that this day is finally almost here . reese : i know . you know , i just keep thinking , what if we forgot something ? i mean , what if we get to the chapel and what if we realize that we forgot a really , really important item ? bianca : the wedding is going to be perfect . it 's what comes after i think we should talk about . reese : you know , that 's funny , because i was thinking the exact same thing . bianca and reese : [ together ] i was thinking -- reese : no , really , you first . bianca : ok . i was thinking , after the wedding , maybe we should go home . you know , go back to france . reese : that 's exactly what i was going to say . bianca : why ? [ scene_break ] erica : hello . hotel clerk : ms. kane , welcome . erica : thank you . hotel clerk : your suite is all ready . the bellman will see to your bags . erica : great , thank you so much . ok , all right . kendall : mom . erica : oh , honey . oh , you came . kendall : hi . erica : hi . oh , i 'm so happy you 're here . you changed your mind . bianca must have worked her magic . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : yeah , something like that . erica : great . bellman : may i show you to your room ? erica : yes , yes . thank you . so then , the rehearsal at 6 and dinner at 7 . kendall : well , this is lovely . zach : you still have n't told me . kendall : told you what ? zach : why you 're here . you changed your mind , now you 're here at the wedding . fill me in . kendall : i did n't change my mind . and there 's nothing bianca said that could have changed it . i made her an offer , and she accepted . zach : what was it , privileged information or -- kendall : i told bianca that i would come to the wedding . i would be a charming sister and guest . i 'd stand by her when she said her vows . and in return , she would take reese and their children and leave . zach : leave ? kendall : yes , leave pine valley . move back to france . [ scene_break ] bianca : i mean , the only reason that we came here in the first place was to tell kendall about gabrielle , and now -- we do n't need to be here anymore . reese : no . bianca : what 's wrong ? i thought you said that you were going to suggest the same thing . reese : yeah . no , i was , i am . it 's just -- i do n't know , mixed emotions , i guess . you know , i 've convinced myself that we needed to be here , we needed to stay . but then -- bianca : but then kendall woke up and found out about gabrielle . reese : it 's awkward , to say the least . bianca : which is why we need to go back to the beginning , to where we fell in love . to where we were so perfectly happy . erica : ah - ah - ah , none of that . places to go , people to see . reese : um , i 'm going to go check on the girls . excuse me . erica : so the happy couple is still happy , then , right ? bianca : oh , yes , of course . i mean , it 's going to be a beautiful wedding , thanks to you . erica : but ? bianca : but we just decided that after the wedding , we 're going to go back to france . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee and ryan make love ] singer : this is the map , you made the journey you touched what nobody ever touched reached where nobody ever reached in me , and i 'm slowly unraveling feeling you fill my heart breathing you in my soul now that you 're here i know you are my one and only i want to be where you are feeling you fill my heart wherever i go you are my one and only breathe in , breathe out you dive in the seas of all my senses finding your way to the deepest places you are the one i 've waited for here in my private world where you show me more than i ever knew was possible feeling you fill my heart breathing you in my soul now that you 're here i know you are my one and only i want to be where you are feeling you fill my heart wherever i go greenlee : i wish we could stay like this forever . ryan : me , too . but unfortunately , there 's a celebration to go to , celebrating us . greenlee : i just wanted a little you and me time to remind me what it 's all about . ryan : i 'm glad you did . i love you so much . greenlee : i love you , too . i love just listening to your heartbeat . i know we have to get going , but i want to lie here just for a little while longer , please . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : she has n't contacted you ? i 've got to get the authorities involved . aidan : no , do n't . dr. sinclair : why ? aidan : give me 24 hours , and i 'll bring her back in . dr. sinclair : why would i do that ? i have a legal and moral obligation to get the police involved . aidan : 24 hours , or i 'll blow your whole plan out of the water . dr. sinclair : what plan ? aidan : i know about your relationship with annie 's brother . you 'll do anything in your power to make sure that she pays for what she 's done . see , this has n't been a good doctor helping out a patient . this is a heartsick lover out for revenge . and if you do n't want the whole world to know about this , we 're going to do things my way . [ scene_break ] kendall : you 're upset . zach : did i say that ? kendall : you 're angry because i 'm making them go away . zach : yeah ? what else am i feeling right now ? kendall : you feel a connection to that baby . and honestly , zach , i 'm not surprised . and i do n't think you 're surprised either . you knew this could never be some random donor situation . especially once it turned out to be a little girl . so yes , it makes sense that you 're upset that reese and the baby wo n't be around anymore . zach : mm - hmm . maybe that 's why i did what i did . kendall : what ? zach : i told reese exactly the same thing . i told her she should go back to france with bianca , probably about the same time you were telling bianca the same thing . so no , it 's not about a baby . kendall : so you admit that you 're afraid of what might happen if reese stayed . zach : no . i did what i did for your sake , not mine . because anything i say these days , you do n't believe me . it does n't matter what i say . i have admitted to mistakes . i 've admitted to things i have n't done , just to make you feel better . so what , what is it going to take ? she moves a thousand miles away , maybe then you 'll believe me . kendall : what about the baby ? how are you going to deal with not seeing her ever again ? and -- no , zach , do n't give me the whole uncle zach and donor nonsense . that little girl is your daughter . [ scene_break ] erica : i 'd be lying if i said i was n't disappointed . bianca : if it had n't been for the tornado and kendall , i mean , we -- erica : reese had a lot to do with this decision , did n't she ? bianca : no , no . mom , this was completely my idea . i mean , she agreed , but reluctantly . erica : i 'm going to miss you very much . listen to me . if you do n't want to go , just say it . do n't let anyone else make this decision for you . bianca : mom , i told you . this was my decision . reese : oh , i 'm sorry . do you two need more time ? erica : no . bianca told me about your plans . but in the meantime , we have a wedding waiting for us to celebrate . so let 's enjoy each other while we 're still here . [ erica hugs bianca ] erica : i love you . [ scene_break ] zach : i would n't choose anyone . not a baby , not another woman . i would n't choose anyone over you . kendall : how about your other children ? forced with a choice , i mean . i 'm pretty sure you would choose ian over gabrielle . but what about spike ? what about ryan 's child ? zach : why are you doing this ? kendall : indulge me . zach : indulge you ? kendall : mm - hmm . zach : ok . i have raised spike as my own . i love him as much as i do ian . always have , always will . kendall : and your daughter ? zach : she 's not my daughter . she has two loving parents , reese and bianca . and they were supposed to raise her in paris . that was the plan . kendall : and now ? you 're still all right with that ? zach : i think i 've made myself perfectly clear . kendall : ok . well , then we do n't have to discuss this ever again . we will go to the wedding , and i might even shed a tear for greenlee . and then i will toast the brides , and that will be that . the second they leave for france , you and i start rebuilding our lives . [ scene_break ] aidan : i 've done my homework , doctor . i went to see a guard at a prison you used to work at . i found out about your affair with richie . you used to love him very much , did n't you ? dr. sinclair : yes . yes , i did . aidan : when you found out that he had been murdered by the very same woman that set him up in the first place , you made sure that you were brought on this case , so you could use your expertise to break her , get her to admit that she murdered the man that you loved . and she had a very sane reason for doing it . dr. sinclair : so what ? she killed him . she needed to pay for what she did . aidan : yes . yes , she does . and i have no intention of interfering with your plan . if i do n't have to , that is . but if you call the police and they find her , she 's going to use every opportunity to play the crazy card for all it 's worth . and then you 're going to have to deal with new witnesses that will attest to how bleeding nuts she 's acted ever since she 's left this place . 24 hours , i 'll make sure she does n't hurt anybody else , and i 'll bring her back in here . and we can proceed as before . and she 'll do the time that she deserves . dr. sinclair : all right . 24 hours . [ scene_break ] minister : you must be one of the brides . i 'm judith vance . i 'll be officiating at the wedding . i 'm guessing you 're greenlee ? annie : no . no , i 'm not the bride . i was just looking for a place to get married , though . and i was driving by , and i saw this adorable little church . judith : i 'm sorry for the misunderstanding . we 're having a double wedding here . the couples are coming in from out of state . annie : oh . is the wedding tonight ? judith : no , the rehearsal . the wedding 's tomorrow . annie : huh . this is lovely . judith : yeah . annie : well , i really should get going . my fiancé 's waiting in the car . he 's a dear , but he does get kind of impatient . judith : if you 're interested , there are some brochures in the narthex . annie : thank you . good luck with the wedding . my best wishes to -- what did you say the bride 's name was ? judith : greenlee . annie : greenlee . huh . that 's a weird name . [ scene_break ] ryan : there we are . honestly , i did n't know your bike went that fast . are you out of your mind ? greenlee : what a rush . i 'm excited , really excited . and very happy . jackson : well , there you are . we were getting worried about you two . ryan : jack . jackson : good you showed up in one piece . hey , you . greenlee : hey , dad . is everyone here ? jackson : actually , bianca and reese just left for the church , but everybody else is on their way here now . greenlee : ok . ryan : great . opal : oh , there they are ! hello , everybody . hi there , sugar plum . jake : hi , people . tad : i was wondering when you were going to make it . opal : yeah . ryan : greenlee set a new land speed record on the way over here . amazing , but true . erica : oh , wonderful . everyone is here . oh , and you look perfect -- a little helmet head and a nice little dominatrix outfit going on . greenlee : thank you , but the idea was to change for the rehearsal . erica : i see , ok . well , i 've already checked you in . greenlee : great . i will change and see you at the church . ryan : ok . erica , thank you for all the work that you 've done . erica : oh , it was my pleasure , really . you 're the one with the big responsibilities at this wedding . three brides , one groom . tad : you really meant it . it 's just like an intimate family affair , no press at all ? erica : no press . i have tried very hard to keep a lid on it . tad : well , congratulations . you did it . it 's a miracle , given your profile . you 've got to admit this is a hell of a photo op , given the national debate on same - sex marriages . erica : well , except that that 's not what this is really about . this is about two people who are in love , who are promising to live the rest of their lives together , who just want to share it with the people they love . so this is really family time . tad : amen to that . [ scene_break ] reese : all right , before all the madness begins , i want to ask you one thing . are you sure you want to go through with this ? bianca : what ? i think i 've been pretty clear about how i feel . reese : i know , you have been . and i just -- i just know it 's been a really difficult time , and i just wanted to make sure you were n't second - guessing anything . bianca : no . oh , my gosh , no . wait , are you ? having second thoughts ? i mean , i know that you did the last time , and i just want to make sure that -- reese : hey . hey , hey . bianca : you 're not going to run out on me or something . reese : please , no . no , no , honey . please do n't compare this to the last wedding . i am not running anywhere . bianca : ok , i know . i know . i do , i 'm sorry . i guess it 's just last minute insanity . reese : yes . bianca : and then our decision to move back to europe , and my sister and my mother . reese : ok , stop , stop . i want you to know something . i would go to europe with you tonight if it 's what you wanted . bianca : maybe that would be the thing to do . reese : really ? let 's go . bianca : only if it were for the right reasons . i mean , if it were about , you know , just you and me , and not about running away from kendall and zach and how gabrielle came to be . because if we 're trying to run away from that , those problems , they 'll follow us everywhere . if we can just hang on a little while longer , then we can leave on our own terms . reese : i want you to know something . i would follow you to the ends of the earth . erica : ok . we 're all here . show time . reese : who are we missing ? kendall : hi . erica : ok , so we are all here . stand by me . i want everyone to listen very carefully now , ok ? the wedding planner has pneumonia . however , it does n't matter , because this wedding 's going to be perfect . it 's going to go off without one little bump in the road . because we are here , we are ready . tad : and we 're hungry . erica : so nothing can stop us now . opal : that 's right . judith : hello . i 'm so glad to see you all here . i 'm judith vance . welcome . j.r. : good job . erica : and that 's when you 'll go down the aisle and stand next to ryan . [ annie looks in through a window ] [ gabrielle crying ] opal : oh , it 's ok , it 's ok . yes , it 's ok . erica : ok , miranda , this is your big moment , honey . beautiful flower girl . opal : oh , she 's crying . i 'm going to get her to stop . i do n't know . i think i just might have lost the touch today or something . miranda : uncle zach always does . opal : oh , he does ? oh , no . zach : here . hey , come here . whatcha doin ' , huh ? what 's going on ? come here . no more crying . oh , come here . it 's ok . shh . reese : you know , maybe -- maybe it would be best if gabrielle went out with rachael . is she outside ? opal : um , i can check , yeah . let me check on that . here , i 'll take her . come on , sweetheart . come on . there we go . erica : for some reason , they just do n't want to listen to direction at that age . so , now the brides . judith : lovely , now , this is where i 'll do my bit . bianca and reese , your vows will be first . then , i 'll turn to ryan and greenlee for their vows . after that , i 'll pronounce you wife and wife , and then the two of you husband and wife . kisses and cheers , and that 'll be it . erica : wonderful . ok , so then , unless there are any questions , dinner is served . greenlee : you ok ? kendall : yeah . yeah , i 'm good . you and ryan are going to make the perfect bride and groom . greenlee : you know what i 'm talking about . kendall : they 'll be gone soon . they 've decided to move back to france . greenlee : good . because lately , you 're scaring me . the way you look at the two of them , the way you were looking at zach with the baby . kendall : just a little longer . then i 'll have my life back . [ scene_break ] man : can i help you with something ? aidan : is there a wedding party staying here ? man : oh , yes . uh , they are down at the church right now -- rehearsal dinner . it 's a couple miles to the south . there 'll be a sign at the turnoff . aidan : thanks . [ scene_break ] erica : well , that was very gracious of you to relieve zach from holding gabrielle . reese : well , i saw what it was doing to kendall . look , i never meant to hurt her , or any of bianca 's family . and now that we 're heading back to europe , i would like to leave without people hating me . i hope you understand about us heading back . i just thought it was best for everyone . erica : you thought it was best ? reese : yeah , i did . i did , and i hope that you are not too angry with me for taking bianca and the girls to france . [ annie knocks aidan out in the adjoining room ] jackson : all right , folks , time for some toasts here . do n't make me break this glass . first of all , i 'm very lucky , because i feel like i 'm giving away two daughters . so , here 's to bianca and reese . may you have all the happiness that marriage can bring . and to greenlee , i wish you all the happiness that you desire , the caring that you deserve , and the knowledge that there 's more than one guy in this room who loves you unconditionally . to you . greenlee : thank you . jackson : you 're welcome . kendall : uh , i actually would like to make a toast as well . to my new sister- in - law , reese . you have certainly made quite an impression on all of our lives . my sister , with whom i 've always felt a very special bond , has been utterly transformed since she met you . so much so that i hardly even recognize her anymore . and my husband , zach -- well , we all know how much you 've captivated him , do n't we ? and even though you will be moving back to france with bianca and your adorable new daughter , i have a feeling your presence will be felt around here for a long time to come . weddings are supposed to be about beginnings . i suppose it is for you and bianca . however , for the rest of us , it 's about endings -- mainly that we wo n't be seeing you around here any longer . so , here 's to a safe and swift journey home . au revoir to the both of you . [ reese and bianca grab the champagne and leave the room ] erica : dinner is actually a buffet . please help yourselves . well , you certainly stirred the hornet 's nest , but you had me smiling . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm sorry . reese : they hate me . all of them . bianca : no , they do n't . reese : well , that was n't exactly a love letter from kendall . and the conversation i had with your mother earlier ? it was like talking to an ice sculpture . they all blame me for taking their precious little bianca away from them . bianca : no , no . i -- i told my mom that it was entirely my idea that we were going back to france . reese : really . well , i told her it was mine . guess who she blames ? bianca : ok , all right , i will clear things up with my mom , and i will talk to kendall . reese : really , how ? how are you going to do it ? and why , even ? i mean , it 's kind of useless . they hate me , bianca . all of them . and all they want to do is they want to tear me down and they want to get rid of me . i just want tomorrow to get here . i want us to get married , and then we can get the hell out of this nightmare . bianca : ok , i will fix this . reese : really , fix it ? ok , go fix it . bianca : reese . reese : just go . go fix it . bianca : all right , i 'll see you back at the hotel . [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm sure reese will be fine in the morning . she was just being overly sensitive . bianca : you were being cruel . erica : bianca , you ca n't continue to try to cover up for reese . i mean , she told me that it was her idea that you 'll go back to -- to europe . so please , do n't try to convince me again that it was yours . bianca : it was both of ours . so stop trying to blame everything on reese . erica : honey , i just want you to be happy . bianca : ok , and between now and tomorrow , do us both a favor . both of you , actually . if you do n't have anything pleasant to say , just keep your mouths shut . thank you . erica : all right . i think it 's time that we all get some rest . good night . greenlee : good night . you 're loving all this , are n't you ? kendall : it 's not about loving anything . it 's about putting things right again . i know what i 'm doing . greenlee : just be careful . it could backfire on you . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . reese : hey . zach : everyone 's back at the inn . reese : but you 're here . zach : checking on you . you all right ? reese : i do n't know . i just want to get out of here , you know ? i want to get out of here , and i want to just go back to europe , because being here -- these people , they make me question who i am . i do n't know , i feel lost . i know you know what i mean . zach : i do . reese : i do n't know -- maybe if i get back to europe , then i can stop being so afraid . zach : what are you afraid of ? reese : i do n't know . i 'm afraid of -- i do n't know , you know ? i 'm just -- zach : come here . ok . you do n't have to be afraid anymore , all right ? [ zach hugs reese ] zach : hey . reese : uh , hey . [ zach and reese kiss while ryan watches ] zach : we 're not doing this . reese : no . no , we 're not . um -- zach : it 's ok . reese : i -- i -- i love bianca . you know that . zach : i know , and no one got hurt . reese : never a question . zach : no , it was not . so tomorrow , you and bianca are getting married . you , bianca , and the girls , and me and kendall , for the rest of our lives . reese : yeah . and i -- i 'm marrying the woman that i love tomorrow , and , um , this is -- zach : this never happened . come on . [ scene_break ] [ aidan finds annie looking at greenlee through the window and drags her away ] [ scene_break ] zach : what are you looking at ? ryan : i saw you at the church . has this been going on a while , or was it your first time ? how can you do this to kendall and to bianca ? are you so screwed up about this child that you went to bed with -- zach : nothing happened , and you will not say anything like that ever again . [ as zach walks into their room , kendall pretends to be asleep ] | at home , greenlee and ryan kiss just before they leave for the inn . tad , jake and opal arrive at the inn . tad makes it a point to tell the desk clerk that they want separate rooms . j.r. and amanda arrive for the wedding , but amanda feels a little uncomfortable being here . in their room at the inn , reese and bianca ca n't believe that the big day is finally here . erica , kendall and zach arrive at the inn . a bellboy shows erica to her room . zach questions kendall as to why she had changed her mind about coming to the wedding . kendall confesses to zach that she had told bianca that she would attend the wedding only if erica and reese agreed to move back to paris after the wedding . bianca and reese kiss . greenlee and ryan make love . aidan begs dr. sinclair to give twenty - four hours to find annie before she reports annie being gone . dr. sinclair begins to object , but aidan tells her that he will spill the beans and tell everyone of dr. sinclair 's involvement with richie . kendall realizes that zach is angry with her over sending reese and bianca away . kendall questions him as to how he will deal with not seeing gabrielle . bianca tells erica that after the wedding , she and reese are moving back to paris . aidan confronts dr. sinclair about her being in love with richie . annie arrives at the inn just before everyone arrives for the rehearsal dinner . annie is confronted by judith , who mistakes her for greenlee . annie confesses that she is not greenlee . ryan , greenlee and emma arrive for the ceremony . annie watches the goings on from the window . |
[ previously_on ] maria : is this the honeymoon suite ? kingman : part of your cover . no one will disturb you , mr. and mrs. steven and lydia swallow . just do n't get yourself killed , huh ? david : how 's the baby ? gary : so far so good . janelle : dr. pelosi considers this procedure a success . greenlee : do n't you ever touch me again ! carlos : do n't worry , i wo n't . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you should have a sofa for your patients like a regular shrink . lysistrata : i 'm going to start charging my patients 10 bucks every time they say `` should `` or `` should n't . `` now , you were saying how troubled you are about being touched by someone of the opposite sex . greenlee : what ? that was three sessions ago . i really do n't think you listen to me . lysistrata : and the spanish man at the office -- how is he related to leo ? greenlee : he is n't . lysistrata : then you liked it when he held you in his arms . greenlee : of course i did n't . lysistrata : that 's what i thought you 'd said . hmm , but then it does n't make sense , does it ? greenlee : why does n't it make sense ? i should like it when some janitor , some handyman puts his grubby paws all over me ? lysistrata : oh , so it 's a class thing this time . greenlee : no , it 's not a class thing . my god , i should n't have even mentioned carlos to you . lysistrata : then why did you ? greenlee : i do n't know . lysistrata : i 'm thinking about painting this room eggshell . you think that 's too bright ? greenlee : what ? lysistrata : you 're wasting my time , greenlee . if you 're not going to be honest , then i 'm going to talk about me . greenlee : all right , what do you want me to say ? lysistrata : oh , i wo n't put words in your mouth . but , you know , to move things along , the reason you mentioned carlos is because you want to talk about him and about how much you liked it that he touched you . [ scene_break ] jack : ca n't you please tell me something about ms. devane 's condition ? nurse : stop , mr. montgomery . now , you know i ca n't give you any information . jack : but dr. hayward did perform the surgery , right ? david : yes , i did . the hospital granted me special permission . were you hoping i 'd broken some laws ? jack : gee , why would you say a thing like that ? david : oh , come on , jack , we both know that you 'll never stop trying to put me behind bars . jack : yeah , well , i tell you what , why do n't we put our past animosities aside for a while . david : if you 've come here to stir up more trouble for me , go right ahead . but if i had to do it all over again , i 'd do the same exact thing . jack : good for you . so would i . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] singer : hey ! problems , problems . hit me ! hey . [ phone rings ] singer : problems , problems problems on my mind i want a rum and gin and glass of wine problems on my mind bartender , hear my plea make one drink for me i want a rum and a gin and glass of wine problems on my mind lord , i got problems , problems problems on my mind a rum and a gin and a glass of wine problems on my mind aidan : so , what , king , did you get some news ? kingman : julian 's not in atlantis yet , but he left pine valley yesterday . maria : so now what ? aidan : well , now we set our trap . still with me ? maria : yeah . i just -- i do n't know how i 'm going to feel about being live bait . aidan : you 're going to love it just fine . we 're going to hide in plain sight . cheers , king . you 're the man . kingman : you 're the man . singer : bartender hear my plea make one drink for me a rum , a gin and a glass of wine problems on my mind [ scene_break ] brooke : oh , god ! edmund ! [ scene_break ] david : what are you doing here , jack ? jack : i came here to see how anna was doing . david : well , i 'll be happy to tell her that you stopped by . she went to get some tests . jack : david , please . how is she ? david : anna 's doing well . and so is our daughter . jack : you took a hell of a big chance , but you saved your daughter 's life . david : so you 're my fan now ? jack : no , i would n't go at far . i mean , i do see a downside to this . you and anna will probably become even closer . david : well , you always had a hard time understanding why she 'd prefer me to you . i guess that 's you 're little ego trip , huh ? jack : well , you 're right about one thing , hayward -- i am jealous of you . but it has nothing to do with anna . [ scene_break ] brooke : oh . thank god , edmund . oh . edmund : uh - huh , i 'm not dead , brooke . please go away . brooke : you need a doctor . edmund : i 'm fine . three aspirin , i 'll be fine . brooke : are you drunk ? edmund : not anymore . brooke : well , but you 're hurt . i mean , there 's blood here . what -- edmund : oh , that 's just my hand . i guess i put it through a window . brooke : you guess you put it through a window ? edmund : fine , i just had a couple drinks and an accident , that 's all . brooke : edmund , you cut your hand and you 're so drunk that you passed out . edmund : yeah , well -- i should n't have come here , right ? brooke : you think that 's why i 'm upset , that you came here ? edmund : i ca n't go home , okay ? i just -- i should n't have come here , either . brooke : uh - uh . no . all right , no . you 're not going anywhere . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] singer : the world was on fire no one could save me but you strange what desire will make foolish people do i never dreamed that i 'd meet somebody like you and i never dreamed that i 'd lose somebody like you no , i do n't want to fall in love singers : this love is only gon na break your heart singer : no , i do n't want to fall in love singers : this love is only gon na break your heart singer : with you singer : with you singers : this love is only gon na break your heart singer : what a wicked game you play to make me feel this way what a wicked thing to do to let me dream of you what a wicked thing to say you never felt this way what a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you and i do n't want to fall in love singers : this love is only gon na break your heart singer : no , i do n't want to fall in love singers : this love is only gon na break your heart singer : with you singer : nobody loves no one [ scene_break ] carlos : no . no , nada de eso -- ni modo . mira -- yo ya tengo -- yo ya tengo bastantes problemas sin lidiar con los tuyos . a mi nadie me trata como enso ! mira -- mira -- mira tu oyeme . vamos a hacer una cosa . tu encuentra otro para hacerte esa basura , y yo hare lo mismo . y aqui como -- nada a pasado . no . yeah , forget it . it 's your loss . oh , ave maria purisima . lo que tengo que aguantar con este -- que un mal rayo le parta su . can i help you ? simone : uh , no . can i help you ? carlos : no . simone : i wonder what that was . huh . mia : none of our business , that 's what . simone : oh , what ? we share space . it 's kind to show a little concern . mia : oh , please . simone : what ? mia : try again ! no , no , on second though , never mind . carlos wo n't be sharing our space for long . he 's building maintenance and we are almost set up here . simone : you know , the way you said `` building maintenance `` makes you sound like a snob . mia : what is that supposed to mean ? simone : well -- mia : all i 'm saying is that carlos is on the clock and i would hate to us paying for his time wasted . simone : so it 's the budget that you 're worried about ? mia : well , so should you be . simone : oh , you 're kidding , right ? mia : fine , do whatever you want . i do n't care . simone : you know , the only real downside to this whole enterprise is being cooped up with a bunch of women . as far as i 'm concerned , we 'd all do better work if we could do a little flirting , you know , have a little fun . you might want to try it sometime , mia , before you turn out to be greenlee ii . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you could n't be more wrong . i did n't want carlos to touch me . i do n't want anyone to touch me but leo . i know , i know . you do n't even have to tell me . lysistrata : if nothing else , greenlee , it must be very exhausting to have this reaction every single time . greenlee : i ca n't help it . that 's why i 'm here . i mean , no matter who tries to help me , i lose it . lysistrata : you just said no matter who tries to help you . who else other than me ? greenlee : trey . lysistrata : trey ? that man at the falls when you were trapped on the ledge ? it was trey who saved you . greenlee : yes . lysistrata : but you thought it was leo . greenlee : yes , but what 's that -- why is that important now ? lysistrata : if it only had been leo , if he had concentrated on you instead of on his mother , he might have been able to save her and himself at the same time . greenlee : yeah , but leo did try to save me . lysistrata : and failed . greenlee : but he tried . he did his best . lysistrata : and now every guy who does his best , who works hard trying to make things right for you ends up getting pushed away because even his best is n't good enough . greenlee : but why was it leo 's place to even save me at all ? lysistrata : who else was there , vanessa ? or maybe you think you could 've saved yourself . greenlee : what 's so funny ? what 's wrong with my trying to save myself ? lysistrata : nothing . so why do n't you do it ? greenlee : are you saying that i 'm not capable of taking care of myself ? lysistrata : how would i know ? greenlee : i am a strong , independent woman . i make major decisions every single day . lysistrata : except on the day that you did n't make the decisions , when someone else controlled your fate and leo 's fate . greenlee : i -- lysistrata : you 've been punishing yourself for that day ever since . greenlee : i wanted to do something , but it 's as if i were frozen . i could n't move . i could n't scream . i could n't do anything . lysistrata : and you still ca n't . you 're frozen on that bridge . greenlee , until you decide that you 're ready to get off , you 'll never be able to move on . greenlee : but i want to get off that bridge . that 's why i 'm here . i 'm sure you 're going to tell me that i have to figure it out for myself . lysistrata : no , i have a way . greenlee : you do ? lysistrata : well , it 's pretty out there . greenlee : well , what could be more radical than telling me to jump out my penthouse window ? lysistrata : you tell me . [ scene_break ] david : oh , come on , jack , i 'm sure i can come up with several reasons why you might be jealous of me . jack : oh , you know , you really make it difficult for somebody to pay you a compliment , do n't you ? david : oh , is that what you were trying to do ? jack : yes , actually . david : well , then go right ahead . i 'll shut up . jack : not long ago , my daughter , lily , was very ill , and at one point it looked like i might even lose her . david : yeah , i heard that she had been admitted . jack : well , you were able to do for your daughter what i could n't do for mine . that 's why i 'm jealous of you , hayward -- because you were able to help your daughter . all i could do was stand by , totally helpless . david : jack , you know , no matter how it might seem , i 'm very humbled by what i was able to do for my daughter , and i did n't feel any less helpless than you did . jack : yeah , well , let 's not push this thing too far . i mean , after all , you helpless ? come on . david : no , it 's true . i mean , think about it . a lot can happen , right ? i mean , you know , there are a whole host of potential complications . and if something does go wrong , well , you know , i have nobody to blame but myself . anna : oh , do n't say that . please , do n't ever say that . [ scene_break ] edmund : i can stand here just as long as you can . brooke : actually , i do n't think you can . edmund : just let me go sleep it off , brooke . brooke : uh , no , no , you 're not getting behind the wheel of a car . edmund : look , i 'm not driving , okay ? i walked here . i walked here . i 'll be fine . a little fresh air , i 'll be fine . brooke : no , and you 're not going wandering around the streets , either . go sit down before you lose any more blood . edmund : there 's no danger of that . brooke : oh , well , tell that to the papers on my desk . edmund : i did that ? brooke : would you go and sit down and let me look at your hand ? and then i 'll let you go . edmund : you 're lying , but okay . brooke : oh . okay , okay , okay , okay , okay . edmund : i know this looks like i 've gone a little crazy -- brooke : no , i do n't think you 're crazy . i think you 're just self - indulgent . ooh . sorry . does that hurt ? edmund : oh , no , feels good . brooke : hold it one second . listen , i -- i know -- i have to get another one . i know how frustrating it has to be to , you know , have done everything that you can , you know , to get maria back . but you know what , edmund ? sooner or later , you 're going to get your wife back . edmund : no , i 'm not . all right ? i finally faced the truth , brooke . my wife is dead . [ scene_break ] morgan : what 's a girl got to do to get a drink around here ? kingman : you want a drink , all you have to do is ask . [ scene_break ] mia : okay . i 'll be gone for a while . i 've got an errand to run . simone : oh , oh -- just as long as it 's work - related , because we do n't want to pay you for work not done . [ simone chuckles ] simone : oh . ahem . carlos ? carlos : yes ? what do you want now ? simone : nothing . actually , i was just wondering if you were okay . i mean , that phone call that you had before seemed like it upset you . carlos : oh , everything is all right . simone : well , yes . i mean , you certainly seemed like you handled yourself well . what about her ? carlos : what about her ? simone : is there a `` her `` ? carlos : is there a what ? simone : well , was that your girlfriend that you were talking to ? carlos : oh , no , no , no . i -- i do n't have a girlfriend . simone : really ? well , that 's good . i mean , because then it was n't a lovers ' quarrel , which is terrible . believe me , i know . i mean , not in the present . i mean , now , i mean , i do n't have -- you know what , i 'm going to let you get back to work . carlos : te veras que no me pagando suficiente aqui , eh ? simone : what did you forget ? mia : well , i ca n't very well pick up the supplies without greenlee 's signature on the invoices , and she forgot to sign them . simone : well , i would n't even dare suggest that you forge her signature . mia : please . i do n't mind waiting . when will she be back ? simone : well , she should n't be too much longer . shrink sessions last 50 minutes as a rule . mia : shrink sessions ? simone : well , she needs something . she practically lives here at the office . mia : yeah , yeah , i guess you got to have something besides work . simone : you know , and that goes for the rest of us . greenlee 's credo of `` all work and no play is the fusion way `` is wearing a little thin on me -- though it seems like you 're thriving on it . mia : you know what ? i 've worked all my life and i 've developed a good work ethic . simone : mm - hmm . and what does jake feel about that after he 's worked a 36-hour shift and he has to come home and wait up for you ? mia : god , you know , why are you always making cracks about me and jake ? simone : there 's a difference between a crack and a pointed observation . mia : oh , if it 's really pointed , you know where you can stick it . mia : that was good . simone : that was good . mia : yeah . simone and mia : ah . simone : sorry . i 'm just -- i do n't know , i 'm not myself lately . mia : yeah . why is that ? simone : oh , like you have to ask ? pretty soon , i 'm going to forget what it 's like to kiss a man . hmm . mia : just do n't practice on the help . [ scene_break ] greenlee : eye movement desensitization and reprocessing ? lysistrata : mm - hmm , emdr . greenlee : what do eye movements have to do with it ? lysistrata : oh , well , not much really . they 're just a means to an end . greenlee : which is ? lysistrata : the end is to help the patient process and get past a traumatic event . greenlee : and it really works ? lysistrata : let 's see . come . all right , the first thing is you have to let whatever happens happen . watch my fingers . you ready ? greenlee : mm - hmm . lysistrata : now , do n't stop following my fingers . i want you to think back on a memory . greenlee : do you have to do that ? it 's very distracting . lysistrata : it 's supposed to be . try to focus on my voice . greenlee : fine . lysistrata : what old memory do you want to work on today ? greenlee : what you said , i want to get off that bridge . lysistrata : all right , let 's go back there . see it in your mind . see the picture in your mind that represents the worst part of that incident . greenlee : leo going over the falls , but i did n't see very much . lysistrata : what else ? something you experienced . greenlee : the moment where vanessa had me at gunpoint and leo arrived . lysistrata : what words go with that picture ? try to express a negative belief you have about yourself now . greenlee : scared . helpless . weak . lysistrata : good . that 's good . and when you put those words together with that picture , how does it make you feel right now ? greenlee : all i feel is dizzy from your damn fingers . lysirata : that 's okay , no wrong answers . you do n't feel any physical sensation from even thinking about that incident ? greenlee : no , no , i 'm sorry . can we stop now ? lysistrata : we 're not done yet . you feel nothing ? greenlee : i told you i feel nothing . lysistrata : what words would describe what you 're feeling now ? [ scene_break ] brooke : i know you , edmund . you know , you 're never going to give up on maria coming back to you . edmund : oh . i told her , i told myself that i 'd wait forever . i did n't think she 'd take me literally . brooke : i 'm guessing that david 's serum did n't work ? edmund : i do n't even know why i thought it would in the first place . she 's just not there anymore . brooke : of course she is . edmund : no , she is n't , brooke . the woman you found out west , the woman who looks , sounds , and feels like maria , she 's not her , okay ? she told me that and she keeps -- `` i 'm maureen gorman . `` a total stranger . brooke : is she at home , at wildwind ? is that why you said that you hated the place now ? edmund : she 's not there anymore . brooke : where did she go ? edmund : i do n't know . i have n't heard from her since she ran off with aidan . brooke : aidan is wanted for murder . edmund : oh , yeah . but she believes he 's innocent . brooke : edmund , maria could be in danger . you ca n't just her run off . edmund : i ca n't just let her ? look , she does n't want to remember . do i have any power over that , brooke ? brooke : you know , this is not like you . this is not like you to give up on her when she 's not safe . i do n't think -- edmund : ever since she 's gotten here , all i 've done is try to make her feel safe , to make her know that she had a home and a family and -- and that she was loved . and all it did was push her in the opposite direction . brooke : no . edmund : yes , it did . yes , it did . and then i was so stupid , i did something i never would imagine myself doing . brooke : because you love her , because you thought you lost her . and all of a sudden , there she was , alive again , you know , and so close . edmund : not close enough . brooke : but that 's why you did what you did , and you ca n't blame yourself and nobody can blame you . edmund : she does . brooke : she wo n't . edmund : brooke , i am through hoping , okay ? i got to stop this -- this sickness . i 've got to let maria go . brooke : you ca n't fool me and you ca n't fool yourself . you have n't let her go . maybe not now and maybe not ever . [ scene_break ] david : are you all right ? how you feeling ? nurse : i 've got to reattach these lines . david : you know , she should 've been brought here on a gurney . anna : why ? i 'm fine , the baby 's fine . she 's going to be fine . david : of course . everything is going exactly as it should be . anna : and it 's going to stay that way , is n't it ? david : yes , it is . i am as convinced as you are . anna : you 're tired . you have n't rested . you said you were going to rest . david : do n't worry about me . i 'm fine . anna : no , you really need to sleep . david : hey , i could n't sleep even if i wanted to , okay ? anna : why do n't you go and get one of those beds , find a doctor 's bed . david : no , i 'm going to sit right here , and if i 'm tired , i 'll sleep on the couch . anna : okay . well , you need to get something to eat . david : i already ate . anna : no , you did n't . you went to the chapel . the nurse told me . david : what , you have spies all over the hospital ? anna : yeah . david : all right , what do you want me to do ? anna : i want you to go get a sandwich and then come back . david : then that 's what i 'll do . but you promise me that you will close your eyes and get some sleep , okay ? anna : i 'm going to talk to jack . jack : david , go get something to eat . i 'll make sure she rests . david : thanks . i 'll be right back . anna : okay . david : and when i do , the three of us are going to take a nap , okay ? anna : he means us two and the baby . david : yeah , of course . jack : thank god for that . [ anna laughs ] jack : hi , you . anna : hi . it 's good to see you . jack : it 's good to see you , too . and do n't you worry for one second about your daughter , because i have no doubt she is going to be just fine . anna : yeah , i think so . i hope so . jack : i know so . because it just so happens that her father is a genius in the operating room . the man seems to be able to perform miracles . anna : yeah . i believe that . jack : yeah , and you know it kills me to say anything nice about him , so -- anna : i know , i believe that , too . jack : let 's change the subject , shall we ? i have some news about aidan . anna : about aidan ? what ? jack : we got a communiqué from london . i thought you 'd want to hear about it right away . [ scene_break ] maria : oh , my god . okay , wait , wait . aidan : gotcha . aidan : julian 's here . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what the hell do you think you 're doing ? lysistrata : focus . what are you feeling ? greenlee : the water you doused me with , you maniac ! have you ever heard of malpractice ? lysistrata : forget about that . go back to the bridge . greenlee : what ? lysistrata : the bridge . go back there . what are you feeling ? come on , now , focus ! greenlee : the water 's spraying on my face , the wind blowing through my clothes . lysistrata : where 's vanessa ? greenlee : right here , with a gun in my side . lysistrata : now leo 's here . do what you wish you could have done if you could go back . greenlee : i ca n't go back . lysistrata : i 'll kill him if you do n't ! is that what you want , to stand there frozen and watch leo die ? greenlee : you kill him and i 'll kill you . i wish i had . you terrorized me for months , but i did nothing because leo loved you -- or he thought he loved you . but he loved me more , you murderous old cow . he loved me more , and that drove you crazy . leo saved me . yes , leo saved me because i was everything to him and you were nothing ! you died knowing that . you went to your death knowing that leo loved me more ! lysistrata : yes , greenlee , yes ! how do you feel right here , right now ? greenlee : like i could kill the bitch myself ! lysistrata : all right , our time is up now . it 's up . greenlee : lysistrata , i -- i feel . i feel . is that it ? is that all i had to do to get past this ? lysistrata : ha ! you wish . let 's just say it 's a step . greenlee : oh . sure . lysistrata : no , no , no , a big one , and i 'm proud of you for taking it . you did good . well , actually , we both did . greenlee : i did n't hurt you , did i ? lysistrata : i 'll live . and that 's the advice i have for you . greenlee : what ? lysistrata : live , greenlee , live . [ scene_break ] simone : i want to apologize . carlos : yes ? simone : about your phone call . i was being nosy . carlos : metiendote en las cosas que no te importa , verdad ? simone : yo no hablo espanolo . carlos : no , no hables espan -- wait , you 're telling -- you do n't speak spanish ? simone : well , i took a couple years in high school . i can count to 10 . carlos : then how can you have an opinion on my phone call ? simone : oh , well , i mean , it 's obvious it was n't a fun call . carlos : well , you should study spanish again . there is great literature -- lorca , garcia marquez . simone : oh , i love lorca and garcia marquez . i 'm sure in the original , they 're absolutely unbelievable . carlos : si . simone : you know , maybe you could teach me . carlos : oh , no , no . simone : i mean , i would pay you , of course . carlos : no , i -- listen , i am not a spanish teacher . simone : right . it was just a thought . uh -- i 'm , you know , sorry about butting in before . carlos : no , wait , simone , um -- i want you to learn spanish again . ahora te puedo ensenara poquito . i could teach you a little perhaps -- for free , for free . simone : yeah ? carlos : yeah . simone : huh . well , i mean , however much time that you have , i mean , to give . we could , you know , set up a date -- i mean , you know , time to -- mia : simone ! simone : maybe we could start the lessons right now , something i could use on mia -- you know , like `` get a life . `` [ scene_break ] brooke : edmund , if you wanted to let maria go , you would if you could . edmund : please . brooke : but you would n't go around having to get drunk and then , you know , shoving your fist through a window . edmund : look , i never said i 'd do it willingly , brooke , but i got to stop this -- this obsession , this sickness , and i 'm making it stop right here . brooke : it 's all talk , edmund . i know that you are never going to stop wanting maria . you 'll do anything to get her back . anything that you 've done , you would do again . edmund : if i had to do it all over again , i would n't have let myself get sucked in . brooke : maria 's not the cause of this . edmund : no , she is n't . you are . [ scene_break ] aidan : have you actually seen julian ? kingman : not yet , but he checked into the villa . i think someone who matches morgan 's description just showed up at the bar . maria : how can that be ? she should 've been arrested in pine valley . kingman : i just left her sipping a pina colada in the bar . aidan : right . here 's what we 're going to do -- you take maureen back to the villa and wait for me there . maria : what are you going to do ? aidan : i 'm going to find julian and i 'm going to end this . [ scene_break ] mia : simone , i need you ! simone : okay . i 'm sorry . mia : what happened to you ? simone : oh , please tell me that 's water and you did n't fall into a vat of vodka by chance . greenlee : never mind the explanation . concentrate on the celebration . mia : what celebration ? greenlee : the party we 're going to throw for ourselves -- to celebrate being alive . [ scene_break ] brooke : what ? you 're blaming me ? i tried to keep her away from you , and you and your whole family hated me for it . edmund : and you were right and we were wrong . i never thought i 'd say this , brooke , but i wish you 'd never found maria in the first place . if you had n't , think how happy we might be right now . [ scene_break ] anna : so he has been cleared of all charges ? that 's excellent . jack : yeah . i mean , you did n't really believe that he had actually committed murder ? anna : no , no , no . but it 's a relief , you know . the guy 's been running forever . what do we do next ? jack : well , next we try to get ahold of the inspector from new scotland yard that was taking care of the case and let him know what 's going on . anna : do n't you think the first person that should know is aidan ? jack : yes . anna : can we find him ? jack : we 're working on that . but unfortunately , he does the fugitive on the run from the law pretty darn well . anna : yeah , no doubt . in my opinion , i think you should talk to maria grey . she knows more than she 's admitting . jack : i could n't agree with you more . only she 's still not calling herself maria grey . she 's going by maureen gorman . anna : oh . jack : and i 'll tell you something else interesting -- not only did she know where aidan was hiding right here in town , she followed him to his next hiding place . [ scene_break ] aidan : okay , julian , let 's see if you 're home . [ scene_break ] maria : i do n't know , i just -- i do n't feel right about this . i mean , i just do n't feel right about leaving aidan alone . kingman : this is the way that he wants it . we 'll just wait here for him until we hear from him . maria : but you 're sure he 's going to be okay without us ? i mean , i just -- kingman : aidan can take care of himself and julian . try not to worry . julian : i would say go ahead and worry , mrs . swallow . would n't you , morgan ? morgan : hmm , definitely . oh , maureen , in case you have n't guessed already , this is julian sinclair . julian : i 'm going to enjoy every moment of this . [ next_on ] chris : come on in . we got a few things to clear up . greenlee : your knight in shining armor -- he 's doing something down and dirty . michael : i 'd like to get into bed with you . maggie : do you think that you 're too good for me ? maria : do n't come any closer . please do n't move . julian fixed it so that if you even touch it , it 's going to kill us both . | mia and simone bitch at each other but then make up later . simone keeps ogling carlos and asks him about an upsetting phone call he had . he is short with her , so later she apologizes for butting in . they make amends and he offers to teach her spanish . aidan and maria enjoy their time on the beach in the bahamas , but then julian and morgan arrive . aidan goes to find julian but maria and aidan 's old pal are greeted by morgan ( with a gun ) and julian back at their hotel room . brooke finds edmund bleeding and seemingly unconscious at her desk at tempo , but realizes quickly that he 's passed out drunk . he shows her that he injured his hand smashing a window and pours out his heart about maria leaving him . he says he 's through with maria as brooke bandages up his hand . brooke tries to keep his hopes up but edmund says he wishes that brooke had never found maria and that the two of them were still happily married ( he and brooke ) . after greenlee admits that she is not moving on with her life because she feels frozen like she did at the top of the waterfall when leo died , lysistrata takes greenlee through some unusual sense - memory therapy that uses eye movements so that she can relive the experience . they act out what happened and she urges greenlee to do what she wishes she had done then . greenlee turns around and grabs lysistrata by the throat , strangling her and yelling as if she were vanessa . lysistrata is a little choked up : ) but otherwise fine and greenlee feels a lot better . she goes back to fusion with champagne and shocks mia and simone by saying they have to celebrate life . jack tells david he 's jealous that david could save his daughter when jack felt so helpless when lily was sick . david admits that he felt the same way even though he was able to operate . jack tells anna that aidan has been cleared in london of the murder charges ; now they just have to find him and let him know he 's no longer wanted . |
bianca : david , tell me one more time that my baby 's going to be ok . david : bianca , she 's fine . keeping you here is just a precaution . bianca : really ? david : cross my reportedly black heart . what is it ? bianca : can i be a mother if i want my mommy ? david : the two are n't mutually exclusive . bianca : what 's keeping her ? david : well , she was -- she was a little stressed out when i spoke to her earlier , and , you know , maybe she just wanted to talk further with the doctor . [ scene_break ] kendall : jack , is bianca ok ? is the baby ok ? jack : seems to be just fine . looks like both mother and child caught a well- deserved break . kendall : oh , good . well , if we can pick and choose our prayers answered this week , that would be the one . jack : amen . kendall : so can i see her ? erica : the doctor said that they would prefer that she get some rest , which is why i will go back to my office now . kendall : wait -- now ? how can you just leave ? erica : jack , will you look after bianca ? you will , wo n't you ? and you keep me updated . jack : you bet i will , sweetheart . erica : all right . so , kendall , i 'm sure that you have many things that you need to take care of , and -- well , before val calls me again -- kendall : no , wait , mother , please . we have to finish what greenlee started . [ scene_break ] greenlee : gee , god , subtle . naughty , naughty greenlee . you can send in the cavalry now ! i got it ! how about a scout troop walkie - talkie ? oh , so what do you plan to do , huh ? leave me here ? as what , a growth experience ? fine , fine , i 'm enlightened , so we can skip the hypothermia , starvation , and dehydration , ok ? more nothing . so what 's the deal , god ? you do n't want to talk ? just not to me ? none of the best people do . at least not my best person . ok . ryan , please , you know me , you get me . so hear my psychic scream . if you have n't eloped with kendall and i 'm not on your hate list , could you just swing by and save my life ? [ scene_break ] [ tires screech ] [ ryan crashes his motorcycle and lies unconscious ] [ scene_break ] kendall : no , please , please , mother , do n't leave . erica : kendall , have n't there been in enough scenes for this week ? i really do have -- i have to go now . kendall : i understand enchantment needs you , but i need you here . no scenes , i promise . jack : sweetheart , i 'm going to go make some phone calls , ok ? erica : kendall , are you sure you want to do this here now ? kendall : it 's been so long already , and we have n't had a chance since -- erica : since that day at your place . kendall : yes . erica : when i thought that you were michael cambias and i came after you with the scissors . kendall : you remember ? erica : jack filled me -- i apparently blacked out . kendall : you were n't yourself . erica : maybe i was . i mean , the part that wanted to get rid of michael cambias from our lives for good , forever . but it was never about you , never . you know that , do n't you ? kendall : yes , i know that . we all wanted michael tossed off the planet . let 's not waste our time worrying about that , please . we have so much more to talk about . erica : you mean now that you do n't have to cover up for me ? now that you do n't have to cover up for your not - so - delicate condition ? i 'm sure that that 's a relief to you . kendall : and a shock to you . we never meant it to come out that way . erica : i 'm curious . how did you mean it to come out ? kendall : we never really -- we never actually got that far . erica : `` we `` -- you mean you and bianca ? oh , and david , of course -- and jack . but , of course , the bulk of it fell on your shoulders , and i 'm sure that was very hard to have to pretend for so long and to go on the witness stand with the knowledge of what you 'd have to lose . kendall : so then you understand i did n't have a choice ? kendall : we never meant to hurt you , erica . that 's exactly what we tried to avoid . erica : please do n't misunderstand me , kendall . you did a very brave , very out- there thing for your sister . and thank god she had someone she felt that she could confide in . the shame is that you did n't feel that you could confide in me -- either of you . kendall : we wanted to spare you . erica : well , bianca needed help , and then her feelings had to come first . kendall : this was n't us against you , mother . it was us against the world . erica : you 'd do anything for your sister , would n't you ? no matter what ? kendall : she 's my family , and that means everything to me . so , yes , i would do anything for my family , no matter what . erica : and i 'm sure bianca appreciates that . and i trust that you and jack have everything under control here . and so i will go and see if i can get enchantment back in hand . kendall : mother -- mother , please -- [ scene_break ] [ ryan groans as he regains consciousness ] ryan : oh ! ah ! ugh ! ugh ! latte in one hand , cell phone in the other . nice driving , slick . ah ! oh ! ah ! ooh . ooh . not too bad . it 's not really a party until somebody gets hurt . ok . ow , ow . [ scene_break ] greenlee : her tombstone reads `` caller id did her in . `` it 's 2004 and i 've got no working cell phone , no pda , and no esp . what kind of modern woman am i ? i have a watch . a silver watch . fabulous . a wildly expensive watch with a broken crystal , stuck on friday the 13th . my own miserable eternity , my little personal horror flick . please do n't tell me i 'm like the naked chick who dies in the first act . makes me shudder just to think about it . oh , man ! valentine 's day ! even worse ! oh , i do n't want die on the day of champagne and strawberries ! oh , what does it matter if i die of cold and hunger and lack of affection ? true love is already dead , anyway . [ scene_break ] edmund : not a chance . maria : ah , resistance is futile . edmund : how about a burger from bj 's ? [ maria chuckles ] edmund : hmm , red meat -- good . maria : yeah . edmund : hospital food -- maria : ah , you know how i feel about hospital food jokes . now , eat , eat , eat . edmund : what 'll you give me ? maria : dinner first , come on . comprende ? edmund : and the sly smile breaks through . what did you do , dr. grey ? [ maria gasps ] maria : now , that does n't look like mystery meat . edmund : hemingway , `` a farewell to arms . `` signed . oh , baby . maria : happy valentine 's day . edmund : you put me to shame . i mean , i -- i do n't -- i do n't have any books . maria : oh . well , you know what ? i 'm going to give you a little break this year , but next year you 're going to have to come up with something really great . edmund : i have to wait till next year ? maria : mm - hmm . edmund : for romance ? hmm . well , then i 'd better tell that guy to go home . maria : what guy ? edmund : this guy . [ violin music plays ] [ maria laughs ] maria : oh , my god ! [ scene_break ] david : well , test results look good . the vitals for both bianca and the baby are right on target . jack : good . david : would you like to take a listen ? bianca : yes . jack : you bet . [ fast heartbeat ] kendall : my god , it 's so fast . david : yeah , and strong , exactly as it should be . you 're doing great , bianca . kendall : she 's got `` world 's greatest mother `` written all over her , and the baby is n't even born yet . [ jack chuckles ] david : yeah , listen , guys , bianca really needs her rest , ok ? i know she needs her family more right now , but do n't stay too long . hey , i 'll check in on you later , ok ? bianca : ok . jack : thanks , david . david : sure . bianca : where 's mom ? wait -- wait a minute . everything 's ok ? did she black out again ? jack : no , no , no , no , no . everything 's fine . honestly , no more episodes . bianca : ok , then why is n't she in here ? jack : well , your ob said no stress , and i imagine that visitors would be about the top of the stress list . bianca : but you guys are in here . kendall : did you just call me stressful ? bianca : she did n't want to see me . kendall : no , it 's more like she did n't want to see me . i 'll get indignant later . bianca : ok . kendall : hey , hey , hey , hey . there will be none of that . the only thing you need to worry about is you and my precious beautiful little niece . [ jack chuckles ] kendall : did you hear her heartbeat ? it 's very strong . it 's just got , like , a hip - hop , r & b thing going on . who knows ? maybe she could be the next singer / dancer / movie star type . bianca : i 'm fine , ok ? you do n't have to try so hard . did mom say anything ? jack : no , not really . i tried , but i -- you know what ? i think erica just needs some time . i just think all this is just kind of too much for her right now . bianca : she 's completely shut down . it scares me when she gets this way . jack : but , sweetheart , you know it 's not going to last . i mean , whatever is bothering her , it 's going to come bubbling up , and she 'll get through it . she always does , and we 're going to help her , because we owe her that . kendall : she 's not the only one who 's suffering here , jack . i mean , what about bianca ? she 's sitting here in the hospital with all these tubes and wires , and her loving mother wo n't even come to visit her . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , bianca . do n't listen to me . forget what i just said . i 'm sorry . jack : look , we all knew keeping this secret from your mother would hurt her . so maybe right now she has shut us out . but let 's face it , let 's be honest here . i mean , we all shut her out first . kendall : the only thing that matters is that you 're healthy , you 're alive , and you 're strong . ok ? now , the doctor said you have to get some rest , so -- hurry up and sleep . [ jack chuckles ] kendall : go . bianca : you are all kinds of bossy . you know that ? kendall : yes , well , it 's only because i 'm always right . you tell her , jack . she never believes me . bianca : yes , i do . kendall : come on . ooh . bianca : thank you for all your big sisterness in all its very crazy forms . kendall : now , is this a stall tactic ? because i 'm still leaving . bianca : no , you 're not . you 're going to tell me about ryan . did he come back to you ? because it was so obvious that he wanted to , kendall . kendall : it 's all good , bianca . jack , take care of her for me . jack : you bet . kendall : i mean , for us , for everybody . jack : i will . kendall : i 'll be fine . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh . [ engine cranks , then stalls ] ryan : did i mention i 'm not in the mood ? [ engine cranks , then starts ] ryan : that 's what i 'm talking about . now , let 's get out of here . let 's get the hell out of here . [ scene_break ] [ violin music plays ] maria : thank you . beautiful ! bravo ! edmund : that was perfect . thank you . maria : thank you both ! thank you . edmund : mm - hmm . maria : how did you do that ? edmund : ow . ow . man in a hospital gown . [ maria laughs ] maria : well , man in gown -- gown or no gown , you totally -- you totally got me . edmund : i did , did n't i ? maria : you did . edmund : mm - hmm . maria : mm - hmm . edmund : yeah , well , you really thought i would forget that today 's the day with all the flowers and the gushy love songs ? maria : oh . well , man in gown , you know what ? you got a big load of gratitude coming your way . you think you can handle it , hmm ? edmund : i 'll struggle through . maria : hmm ? edmund : yeah . maria : excellent . edmund : hey -- maria : yeah ? edmund : you want to play doctor ? maria : no , i 've heard that one . edmund : no , no , no , give me some credit . this is a literary come - on . maria : oh -- ahem -- ok . edmund : i 'll be frederic . maria : mm - hmm . edmund : and you be catherine , all right ? we 're stuck in a little village by the swiss border . brr , it 's cold . that 's your cue to warm me up . maria : yeah , but catherine 's a nurse , so i would have to ditch my degree , and i think my mom would have a fit . edmund : i 'm trying to be romantic here . do n't mention your mom , ok ? [ maria laughs ] maria : ok . edmund : i 've got an uphill battle as it is . hey , that was me just being self- effacing about my condition . i hear chicks dig that . maria : they do , big - time . edmund : yeah ? maria : they do , mm - hmm . edmund : well , good . [ scene_break ] [ erica props up a huge poster for a new enchantment campaign ] erica : oh , it 's fine for lacey 's , but will it play at the bus stop ? [ erica gasps ] kendall : i 'm sorry . i did n't mean to frighten you . erica : i 'm not frightened . i 'm busy . and besides , i thought we really had covered everything at the hospital . kendall : yeah , we covered what you were willing to discuss , but we got nowhere near the important stuff . erica : oh , come on , why do you do this ? why do you push ? kendall : because i need closure . we both do . erica : no , you do n't know what i need . closure is a band - aid . and i 'm sorry , but i do n't think that a few words are going to fix what 's broken . kendall : how is that words ca n't fix things , but they sure as hell can tear them apart ? erica : it takes a clumsy two seconds to break a vase . do you really think that you can put those thousands of pieces back together ? kendall : i have to believe that 's possible . what other choice do i have when you say things like `` it would have been more merciful if bianca had lost the baby `` ? do you know what that does to me ? i think you do , and if it hurts me , well , then it 's just my own tough luck . erica : bianca told me that she ran into you just before her appointment to terminate . kendall : yeah . at first , it was pretty horrible for the two of us , but then we got past it . and whether you believe it or not , something healed in us that day . but i never -- i never tried to talk her out of the procedure . she chose her own path . erica : one that you let her know that you approved of ? kendall : was i relieved she did n't terminate ? yes , for a number of reasons , but mostly because bianca did n't want to give up that child . and then -- erica : and then you claimed the baby to be your own . you yelled it from the rooftops . you bragged about it , kendall . kendall : things just spun out of control . forget trying to swim to shore . we just tried not to drown . erica : you both did very well . you both had everyone fooled . no , that 's not true . not everyone . just me . kendall : erica , please , please , please just listen to me . both bianca and i knew -- we both knew exactly what that child would represent to you . how could we not ? we were both terrified with what the news would do to you . erica : kendall , what if you had told me the whole story ? where would we be now ? think about that , kendall . [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] bianca : mom , i -- oh , hi , you guys . maggie : oh , miss casual -- `` hi , you guys . `` [ jack chuckles ] maggie : no big deal that i come home and hear that david carried you off to the hospital . bianca : oh . well , you see this face ? do you see this rosy glow ? the baby and i are going to be just fine . jack : well , on that note , i 'm going to make myself scarce , ok ? bianca : oh , thank you so much for being here with me . jack : you bet . bianca : with us . jack : and that 's for both of you . listen , you two , you take care of my girl here , and , you , no marathons . bianca : hi . maggie : so are you really ok ? bianca : yeah . i 'm a little freaked out , but better by the minute . lena : it 's not how i imagined valentine 's day , but i guess you should still have this . bianca : oh , you got me something ! sweet and romantic , i hope . lena : ahem . bianca : `` sing - alongs for tots . `` lena : it 's to play in the car , for the baby . bianca : oh , that 's great ! lena : it 's got everything . it 's got `` twinkle , twinkle , little star , `` `` eensey- weensey spider `` -- bianca : `` itsy - bitsy spider . `` lena : what ? bianca : it 's `` itsy - bitsy spider . `` lena : well , no , it 's eensey - weensey spider . bianca : yeah , except it 's the itsy - bitsy spider . lena : no ! maggie : i always heard it as `` itsy . `` lena : bianca , it 's written right here -- `` eensey - weensey . `` bianca : oh , well , then it must be a misprint . lena : ok , i 'll take it back if you do n't want it . bianca : do n't you dare ! it 's my favorite cd ever . lena : really ? bianca : mm - hmm . even if it is wrong . [ bianca and lena laugh ] maggie : you know what ? i am really thirsty . i 'm going to get a soda . you guys want anything ? bianca : oh , i think we 're ok , right ? maggie : ok . lena : is something wrong with maggie ? bianca : what do you mean ? lena : i do n't know . she 's just been very un - maggie like recently . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my watch is stuck and i 'm in limbo . quite the little metaphor . too bad i hate metaphors . maybe this is god 's way of saying `` chill , chiquita , with the visits to leo at the falls ! get on with your life ! `` if that 's the case , okey - dokey . if i want to chat with leo , i 'll just go to france . vive la france . vive la greenlee , pretty please ? i 've had enough of these falls for a dozen lifetimes . oh . whatever . i need my beauty sleep . these rocks can be pretty catty if i 'm not well rested . oh . good night , rocks . good night , dirt . good night , moon . good night , ryan . [ scene_break ] ryan : punked by my own carburetor ! this is unbelievable ! how 's my life ? huh ? oh , i 'm telling you , i made a clean getaway . had to stop in the desert for papa cambias . son of a bitch , michael cambias ! you son of a bitch ! when will i ever learn ? you know ? this is such a heap of crap , this bike ! i want to take , like , a sledgehammer ! [ scene_break ] greenlee : who 's there ? ryan : as if you did n't call me here yourself . greenlee : what 's with the flowers ? ryan : well , just consider it an early valentine day bonus . greenlee : i love it ! you , me , a valentine 's day rescue . it 'll make for a perfect cocktail party story . i 'll my wear red slinky dress , the halter dress , just for the occasion . ryan : well , that 's if you can crawl your way out of this . greenlee : and ruin my manicure ? are n't you here to save me ? ryan : hmm -- i 'm here because you reached rem sleep , even though that rock is digging into your thigh . you might want to think about turning over now . greenlee : so you 're -- ryan : a dream . yeah . very quick , greenlee . greenlee : when do we get to save the damsel in distress part ? ryan : well , you 're no damsel . and as far as me hauling your butt out of there , i got nothing , baby . greenlee : some scout you are . to think i wasted neurological impulses on you . beat it ! ryan : hey , cheer up . your esp bites , but you 're a past master in the dream department . my money says that you 're going to turn this puppy right around . greenlee : too bad . i would n't let you save me if you begged . ryan : hey , i did n't drop you down there , all right ? you did it all by yourself . it sucks to be you , baby . [ scene_break ] ryan : just a quick cleanup . ah . ugh ! whoa . [ scene_break ] kendall : this is closure , erica . it does n't matter what happens later on . we can just shut out this chapter at least . all we have to do is just take the first step together . erica : and now you want to include me ? kendall : any point before this would have been too early . we had to get to this place , this disaster area , before either of us could accept the truth . erica : now you 're going to tell me the truth ? kendall : yes , the truth is real . your truth , my truth -- it does n't matter . it could be the same thing . and the truth is i was a walking disaster when i came back into your life . i ate , slept , and breathed vengeance . it 's who i was . if i could take back any part of it , even the smallest part , i would . erica : oh , i see . you want absolution ? and here you told me that you came to see me because of bianca , but , of course , once again it 's about you . kendall : no , it is about bianca and you and me . please -- please , mother , you have to know . you have to realize deep in your soul -- erica : oh , come on . stop it . stop telling me how i feel , what i need , and please do not presume to tell me what you think is deep in my soul . kendall : bianca 's baby will not turn out like me . erica : i never said that -- kendall : no , you think it . i can see it written all over your face . erica : what ? kendall : you see bianca and her baby , and all you see are my sins and my mistakes . you see a crime against nature . but bianca 's baby is not like that . erica : i do not feel that way about you . i -- i -- i have told you that time and again . and no matter how many times i tell you that , you still -- you just do n't seem to believe me . you just do n't seem to know a thing about who i am or how i feel about you or that baby . kendall : well , then please , please tell me again . erica : i 'm not like you , kendall . i do n't dump my emotions on everyone who is available . i just think that some things are private . kendall : i know you 're afraid , erica , but you do n't have to be . erica : please stop saying that . please stop telling me how i feel . i told you i 'm not afraid . kendall : you 're going to see bianca pour all the love that she has into that little baby , see her sweet smile that she got from you . that child and i -- we may have been brought into this world the same way , but we are not at all alike . bianca 's daughter will be so full of joy and wonder with you and bianca in her life . i know you can love her . i know you can . please , you just have to allow yourself to . please . please , erica , love her . love the both of them the way they deserve to be loved . [ scene_break ] edmund : is this romance or physical therapy ? i need to know if you 're my doctor or my wife right now , because i 'm starting to feel decidedly unpatient- like . maria : i 'm all wife right now . you think i 'm going to let any of those nurses get near you ? a girl 's got to protect her territory . edmund : i 'm all yours . mind , spirit , and body , for what it 's worth . help me , will you ? i miss your face . huh ? maria : hi . you got it ? edmund : that 's more like it . you 're beyond beautiful . you know that ? maria : are we in milan right now , freddy ? edmund : we 're here in pine valley . in my hospital room . this is as real as it gets , and we 're at the beginning of what could be a long and brutal recovery . you heal me . maria : hmm . edmund : your love , your spirit . maria : you heal yourself , sweetheart . i 'm just your cheerleader . edmund : you know , when i think about what i may have lost , what hits me the hardest is what i still have . i am blessed , because i still have you . [ scene_break ] lena : have n't you noticed how distant maggie 's been lately ? she 's hardly been at the apartment . bianca : well , things have been slightly insane lately , lena . lena : oh , come on . when have n't they been ? this is different . maggie 's different . did something happen between you two ? bianca : no . i -- i mean , not that i know . if i did something that -- that made her angry or ticked her off -- maggie : what did i miss ? bianca : nothing . lena : maggie , did something happen ? maggie : they were out of diet ? lena : have i said something or done something or -- maggie : oh , ok . i 'm lost . what ? lena : maggie , something 's not right . what happened to you ? [ scene_break ] erica : i love bianca , i love my daughter , and i will until the day i die . kendall : but can you love all of her ? can you love her baby ? erica : i think that you 're right , kendall . i think that you have changed . i see that now . kendall : i have ? erica : yes . for you to be able to put someone else 's wants and needs ahead of your own , i would n't have thought that you were capable of that . kendall : well , it happened without me even realizing it . bianca gets the credit . erica : no , you should be very proud of yourself , for how you stood by your sister and what lengths you went to protect her . i admire you for that . kendall : that means -- that means more to me than anything you 've ever said to me . erica : then i 'm glad i had the chance to say it . kendall : me , too , because it makes what i 'm about to say a little easier . erica : oh , no . do n't tell me now you 're going to make me regret everything i said . kendall : no , no . please just hear me out . erica : more and more ominous . kendall : no , aidan is the only other person i 've said this to . not bianca , not anybody else . tomorrow in court i plan to stand in front of judge lampert and plead guilty . i 'm going to accept the prosecution 's offer . erica : why ? why ? why would you do that now ? kendall : because if i do n't there 's a needle with my name on it . erica : you do n't know that , kendall ! my god ! look at me . you look at me and you tell me , in my eyes , to my face , did you kill michael cambias ? kendall : you think i did ? erica : there , you see ? you ca n't even tell it to me . how are you going to tell it to them ? kendall : because i care what you think . erica : it 's what the jury thinks that matters . kendall : yeah , would you care to speculate what that is after they saw my fake belly exposed to everybody ? erica : you can salvage that . kendall : how ? with the truth ? that 's wackier than any lie the jury has heard so far . no , erica , this plea is my only hope . erica : why now ? why are you doing this ? i mean , why did you bother if what you 're going to do is just throw it all away now ? kendall : because , erica , i want to live . i want to live , and that did n't matter to me before . hell , i was half dead in so many ways . erica : and so 10 years in prison ? you 'll never survive that . kendall : yes , i can and i will , because i have a reason to . the cops will be so happy , they 'll jump up and down for joy . they 'll forget to look for any other suspects . case closed , mother . do you know what that means ? erica : yes , i do . and i have only one more question for you . who are you protecting now ? [ scene_break ] ryan : jeez ! oh ! oh . not enough that leo and his mom died out here . this has to be , like , a death trap for everybody ? what is this thing ? a mineshaft ? a black hole ? whew . like most women i know . you think you 're on safe ground , then the bottom falls out from beneath you . well , forget about it ! you know what ? how about you settle for this ? i 'd say this is goodbye . [ ring hits bottom ] ryan : ah . the clean air of freedom and narrow escape . ah . now , as for you -- now , make sure that i save the next poor sucker from dying in some hole . [ ryan grunts as he replaces the board covering the hole in the ground ] [ scene_break ] [ violin music plays ] maggie : if i seem weird , it 's probably because of this whirlwind whatever between jamie and me . i mean , it has been a while since i 've been swept off my feet . lena : it just feels like it 's more than that . maggie : well , do n't kid yourself . i mean , it is pretty heavy stuff . do n't you remember the way that you felt when you and bianca threw sparks ? lena : hmm . i remember every moment . maggie : see ? so we 're all cool . except me , actually , because i have another term paper that 's just waiting to kick my behind . but i am very happy that you 're ok , and the baby . and i 'm glad that you 're not running off to timbuktu . bianca : it 's true . baby and i are here to stay . maggie : see ? so everybody 's fine . lucky us . bye , guys . [ scene_break ] ryan : ugh ! man against nature , a very old story . whew , whew . oh . i win ! greenlee : dream ? not a dream . ryan 's ring . ryan 's ring . he came for me . ryan ? ryan , i 'm down here ! ryan , help ! [ engine starts ] greenlee : ryan ? ryan ? ryan ! no , do n't go ! ryan , i 'm down here ! ryan ! [ scene_break ] erica : you will not get on that stand and say that you killed michael cambias . kendall : yeah , but it 's my only chance . erica : you stop talking . now , that has only gotten you into trouble . now , you listen to what i 'm telling you . do not take that plea bargain . the only thing i want to hear from you is `` yes , mother , i promise . `` say it . kendall : yes , mother , i promise . erica : ok , then , ok . kendall : but now what are you going to do ? erica : i told you a long time ago that i would never allow them to convict you . that 's the truth . that 's all you need to know . kendall : but i do n't know what to do . i do n't know what to do now . erica : you go home , you get some rest , because you 're going to need it . kendall : ok . should i thank you ? i feel like i should thank you . erica : go , go . [ next_on ] kendall : i might be letting my own mother walk me to the death chamber . erica : if i really did shoot michael cambias , what now ? ryan : greenlee would never have exposed kendall if you had n't have been such a jerk . greenlee : please tell me you do n't hate me enough to bury me alive . | erica still does not want to face bianca 's pregnancy . kendall goes to see her and urges her to love bianca 's baby . she is civil to kendall , acknowledging her for caring about bianca . but she still does not want to face the fact that bianca is choosing to have michael cambias ' baby . she also demands that kendall does not accept the plea that the prosecution offer her . lena and maggie visit bianca in the hospital . lena tells bianca that she knows that there 's something going on with maggie . maria has a valentine 's day celebration for edmund , but still can not tell him that he may be paralyzed . |
janet : in and out and in . oh , amanda , how many nights i stayed up at your bedside watching you sleep . i could get my breathing so in sync with yours , it was like we were the same person . i wish we could be in sync like that right now . mommy so wishes you understood the reasons for this . it 's all for you . oh , i wish you could be awake for the big finish . hmm . there 's no telling how long that drug i slipped you is going to last . just know this -- if you do n't wake up in time , that all those cruel , callous morons who broke your heart , those backstabbing users who browbeat you and demoralized you and ostracized you ? mommy has taken care of every last one of them . i 've covered all my bases . they 're all finally going to learn , and you can thank mommy later . [ music plays as all the beautiful guests mill around the ballroom . ] janet : that absolutely gorgeous ballroom , filled to the brim with all those dumb ninnies dressed up in their frou - frou outfits , tripping over one another 's feet . little do they know that their last dance tonight is going to be with janet from another planet . [ scene_break ] the role of lily montgomery is being played by portia reiners . lily : jonathan and i are happy when we 're with each other . jonathan : ryan , we 're really good together . jack : there is no `` together `` when it comes to you and my daughter , do you understand me ? lily : do n't talk to him like he 's dumb , dad . jack : oh -- lily : jonathan is my boyfriend even if you say he 's not . i 'm not going to stop seeing him , and i 'm not going away to school , either . ryan : ok , look , i know this is n't what you guys want to hear . i understand that , and you 've become really great friends . i think that 's nice , i do , and it 's going to make it all the harder and i understand , but you have no choice . this relationship ca n't happen . i 'm sorry , jonathan , but it 's got to end tonight , now . jonathan : i 'm going to keep seeing lily as long as she 'll let me . and if you and jack do n't like it , that 's your problem . ryan : wait , just [ scene_break ] babe : do n't go getting all quiet and moody on me , j.r . this does n't change anything . i still love you , and you still love me , and i 've got wedding bells on the brain 24/7 . all i 'm asking is if things do n't work out with us i get joint custody . what 's not fair about that ? any good mother would do the same . hey , do n't think so hard about it . just sign , so we can get on with the fun part . kendall : do n't even think about it , j.r . [ scene_break ] reporter : ahem . good to see you up and about , mr. slater . you care to tell the public how you 're doing ? zach : excuse me . kendall 's voice : you do n't need to wait for me , zach , because i 'm done with you , and that will never change . derek : you look like you 're having about as much fun as i am . zach : my condolences . [ scene_break ] [ from behind a door and her mask , dixie listens in . ] adam : do n't you think you 'd like to maybe take your show on the road , hmm ? you bled this town dry with your pretending to be dixie , crushed a whole , nice , hefty handful of souls . word on the street is you 're no good . so if you 're planning on trolling this ball for another poor , rich , grief - stricken family to scam , you might -- you might want to keep your mask on . tad : sounds like good advice . you might want to keep your mask on . i swear if you do n't leave her alone , i 'm going to smack you so hard , stuart will hurt . [ scene_break ] tad 's voice : erica , josh madden is your son . josh : do n't look at me like that , erica . do n't buy into my father 's bull . greg : i 'm not the one who 's being deceitful . josh : and i 'm not the enemy . all those lies that my father 's been feeding you , all that stuff you heard on the tape -- there 's a very simple explanation . erica : explain this -- who are you , josh ? is it possible that you do n't even know ? josh : i -- i hate that you have to ask me that , erica . you know who i am . i am the guy you hired to be your right hand , to make your show the number - one hit that it is , to make your work life easier , to make you look good . and i -- i 've become a damn good producer because of you , too . i owe you everything -- absolute respect , gratitude , admiration , and , above all , loyalty . erica : so when you were bragging about snatching away my spotlight and predicting that i would be a semi - forgotten celebrity in just a few months , was that the admiration , the respect , or the loyalty speaking ? oh , and when you said that i was spoiled , selfish , and vain , should i chalk that up to just a slip of the tongue ? josh : erica , my father set me up . he manipulated me . greg : have you lost your mind ? erica : as perverse as he is , his forcing you to say these terrible things about me -- that is very difficult to fathom . greg : yeah , it 's totally absurd . josh : well , his warped obsession has obviously reached new lows , erica . erica : oh , yes , i am finding that out . josh : he hates that i work so closely with you , erica . he 's always on me about it . that 's why i made up all that stuff on the tape -- just to make him back off . erica : so you think that 's what your father wanted to hear , that you were planning my demise ? josh : apparently so . erica : greg actually seemed quite disturbed by all that on the tape . greg : i was . i was disturbed , and i am . josh : he would say anything to -- to destroy your trust in me . he 's a pro when it comes to covering his own tracks . but you got to believe me , erica , my father can be completely destructive . erica : that is the first thing you 've said this evening that i totally believe . [ scene_break ] adam : it 's a disgrace to her memory , you standing here standing up for this -- this wretched impostor . it 's blasphemous . tad : no . what 's blasphemous is somebody like you using the memory of somebody like dixie to slam anybody . di : no one 's forgiven me , adam , for stealing my sister 's identity . i have n't forgiven myself . adam : but here 's thaddeus martin , the one man other than my own son most damaged by your lies , and he 's defending you . he 's the man who exposed you for the fraud and the crook that you are . he 's the man who was supposedly dixie 's soul mate . now all of a sudden , he 's your new best friend . what happened ? are you so hard - up for your long - lost love that you 'd accept this third - rate imitation ? tad : you bet i am . let 's get some fresh air . it 's starting to smell like rotten feet around here . adam : yeah , i can smell it , too . it 's a good thing dixie is n't here to see this -- the love of her life making time with her bottom - feeding half sister . she deserved more . you two , on the other hand , deserve each other . tad : he looks a little pink around the gills to you ? if we 're lucky , he might screech himself into another heart attack . di : adam may be a jerk , tad , but he also may be right . [ scene_break ] ryan : yes , ultimately , it is jack 's decision . i mean , he 's lily 's father . so if he does n't want you two spending time together , jonathan , you have to respect that . lily : my father did n't want greenlee seeing you . that did n't stop you . you did n't care what my father wanted . jack : when greenlee made that choice , she was an adult . you are still a minor child , all right ? you 're not supposed to be doing things against my wishes . jonathan : mr. montgomery , lily and i do n't want to break any rules . we -- we just want to be boyfriend and girlfriend . and we want you guys to leave us alone . i mean , no offense . ryan : you have to let this go , hockett , you have to . breaking up with lily is best for everyone , ok ? listen , listen , you know how much i love you , right ? i mean , you know that i would do anything for you in the entire world . i would never steer you wrong , ever . you trust me , do n't you ? jonathan : do n't you trust me ? [ scene_break ] kendall : do n't you dare trust her , j.r. do n't go soft on this skank twice . babe : you have no idea what you just walked in on , kendall . kendall : it does n't matter . unless you 're selling your shares of fusion , i 'm telling him to run for the hills . i 'm serious , j.r. , just shred that puppy and sprinkle it on her grave before it 's too late . j.r. : i 'm totally down with the `` friends do n't let friends self - destruct `` thing , but i can handle babe myself . babe : you want to hate me in the office , kendall ? fine , i 'm used to it . do your damnedest to slaughter my career , but you keep your scrawny hands out of my personal life . j.r. : i love you to death , kendall , but i do n't need you , not for this . kendall : no , j.r. , i would 've said the same thing a few hours ago . i would have said , `` thanks , i 'm fine , i can handle myself , i do n't need your help . `` but the sad truth is a snake is a snake is a snake . you can dress them up like a prom queen or a butterfly or a bunny , it does n't matter . the truth is they 're all about the bite . and this one here -- how many limbs has she bit off already ? do n't do it , j.r .. do n't go back for more . do n't let your guard down . do n't end up like me . [ scene_break ] zach : problem ? jamie : i 'm looking for amanda dillon . you seen her ? zach : ca n't say that i have , but , then , i have n't been looking . [ scene_break ] janet : patience never was my strong suit . you 're so lucky you 're asleep . time passes so much faster when you 're in dreamland . i do n't want to nap myself , though . i do n't want to risk missing the big fireworks . if we 're lucky , the explosion will rouse you from your slumber , and you can see mommy 's masterpiece with your very own eyes ! [ in the cellar , gas hisses out of the pipe . ] janet : hiss . that basement ought to be filled to the brim with that deadly gas by now . no one has a clue , of course . they 're too busy worrying about reapplying their lipstick and refilling their cocktails . those naughty sinners are so caught up in their own personal dramas , they do n't suspect for a second they 're in danger . that 's their first mistake , because the moment that hot water heater lights up or some idiot slips down to the basement to sneak a smoke -- kaboom ! fire ! do n't you just love it ? makes a real statement -- burn in hell ! [ amanda groans ] janet : oh , ouch , ouch , ouch . oh , let mommy kiss it . there , is it better ? oh , no . well , it 'll be better soon , honey . amanda : mom , where are we ? janet : you and i , my sweet angel , are together in the garden shed . amanda : what about the mardi gras ball ? janet : oh , come here , come here . you can see all the party lights ! well , sort of . it 's over there past the bushes and the three fat trees . you kind of have to squint a little . amanda : i 'm going to take your word for it . janet : well , the view is n't quite as good as i had hoped for , at least not yet . amanda : so you 're sure that everyone 's ok ? janet : oh , everyone 's fine . amanda : and you left the gas valve alone ? janet : sweetheart , i told you , everyone is fine . everyone is at the ball , it is underway , they are dancing and laughing , happy , happy , happy . there is nothing for you to worry about . everything is perfect . now , is n't that exactly what you were hoping to hear ? [ gas hisses ] [ scene_break ] brooke : hey . what , what ? jamie : tell me you found amanda . brooke : you still have n't found her ? well , this is where you tell your neurotically curious mother why you 're so concerned . jamie : i 'd love to , and i will , just later . [ scene_break ] jonathan : that 's just it , ryan . you -- you say that you trust me and that you believe that the surgery changed me , but then you think i could still hurt lily . ryan : ok , let me make this very clear . i do not think that you are a danger to lily . i do think that it 's wrong if you continue to see her . lily : then we do n't want to hear any more of what you think . jack : look , ryan wants what 's best for his brother , the same way i want what 's best for you . lily : that 's the only time i 've ever heard you defend ryan . ryan : come here . you know , man -- come on -- you know that you 're too old for her . lily : demi moore is 15 years older than ashton kutcher . almanzo wilder was 10 years older than laura ingalls wilder . jerry lee lewis -- jack : no , i do n't want to hear anything about jerry lee lewis . we got the picture , ok ? ryan : it 's your brain , jon , the surgery . i mean , you 're healing . you 're still healing . jonathan : i 'm better , ryan . i 'm way better . i 'm not tripping on my words anymore . ryan : you are better , you 're right , you are , but you 're -- you 're just a long way from being perfect , that 's all . you 're making calls that i know you would n't make if you were 100 % . it 's just your judgment , i know , it just needs a little bit of fine - tuning , that 's all . jonathan : like -- like sneaking out on aidan and erin . ryan : bad judgment . jack : like coming here tonight at all . bad judgment . ryan : ignoring jack 's decision about you staying away from lily -- that 's just bad judgment . look , he knows lily better than you do , and believe me , i do n't agree with most of what jack thinks about you , but i do understand some of his concerns about you being alone with lily , i do . lily : we 're not having sex , if that 's what you 're thinking . ryan : i was thinking how touching is tough for you . and what happens if jonathan accidentally bumps into you , i mean , and you get upset ? what happens ? would he really know how to handle that ? lily : jonathan knows i do n't like to be touched . he 's better at not touching me than anyone . ryan : yeah , but it could happen , jonathan , and what if she really freaks out ? i 'm sorry , but what if she does ? would you really know how to handle that ? look , i 'm not saying that you 're never going to have another girlfriend . that 's not what i 'm saying . i 'm just saying that you have to get better . you have to put all your energy into proving to everybody that you 're no longer a danger , ok , and that 's not going to be easy . and is it really fair putting a sensitive girl like lily through something that is that tough ? jonathan : would you -- would you give me a minute while i say good - bye to lily ? [ scene_break ] tad : oh , di , come on . wait . you know as well as i do you ca n't listen to a wet blanket like adam chandler . the man has n't been right about anything . di : he had my number from day one . tad : even if that were true , it 's only because adam 's got the most to benefit from dixie being gone . take it from me , if she were to walk in here right now , miraculously in the flesh , back from the dead , he 'd start screaming she was a robot . ok , you ca n't go back there , please . i finally know who are you . i -- i appreciate you for who you are . you 're di henry . you 're wonderful . i 'm tad martin , and the last i checked with the census , adam chandler was still a silverback gorilla with bad breath and the world 's worst case of hemorrhoids . di : what if dixie did come back ? what if she came back and found me here with you ? tad : how can you ask me that ? i mean , that 's ridiculous . if dixie were here , things -- a lot of things would be different . i mean , i do n't know how , i do n't know why , and the truth is i do n't really care . i stopped wondering a long time ago . dixie is not coming back . she 's dead and gone . the only thing that i want to do right now is concentrate on the beautiful woman that i 'm with . [ a wounded dixie watches tad and di kiss . ] [ scene_break ] zach : i guess you hit a wall with your offer to keep ryan out of our hair . julia : i never thought i would hear these words come out of my mouth , but i actually feel sorry for kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : i feel sorry for anyone who thinks they 're in love . j.r. : did slater do something to you ? did he break your heart ? because i 'll smash him . kendall : what heart , j.r. ? i never had one before . you think i suddenly grew one ? people do n't change -- not me , not zach , not you , and not her . babe : it really sucks if your world came crashing down , but do n't drag us down with you . kendall : oh , i could n't if i wanted to , babe . you 're already licking dust . j.r. : do you want me to drive you home ? kendall : no , j.r. , i do n't need your pity . i do n't need your pity , i do n't want it . i need you to listen to me . forget about how much she claims she loves you , or how hot she looks in your bed , or how much she thinks that she cares about you . people do n't suddenly become perfect overnight just because they maybe fall in love with you . they can try to put on an act for a while , but eventually their true colors come bleeding through , and you 'll find that you 're stuck with the same flawed person the last sucker was stuck with . and then they 'll rip your heart out of your chest , and they 'll bleed it dry , and you will stand there looking like a fool , and a fool is exactly what you 'll be . [ scene_break ] greg : that was quite a performance , josh . erica : so much of it sounds unbelievable . how much of it is true ? greg : the truth is the young man that i raised has turned into an immoral opportunist . i hardly recognize the person standing in front of me . i hope there 's time for you to change back , josh . josh : change into what ? your puppet ? your tool ? greg : my cherished , beloved son . erica : your beloved son , greg ? is he really ? josh : oh , i believe my father when he says he loves me . the only thing is my father 's definition of love is compulsive control , raging obsessiveness . greg : i would never turn on you the way you 're suggesting . josh : no matter how jealous you are ? erica : do n't touch me . do n't ever touch me . [ scene_break ] lily : you do n't love me anymore ? jonathan : no -- yes , yes , i love you , lily . you 're , like , the best person i 've ever met . i do n't want to mess that up . lily : how could you ? jonathan : it 's like -- it 's like ryan said . i have a lot of stuff that i have to work on and i -- i ca n't bother you with that . lily : well , you need to stop listening to your brother , starting now . [ scene_break ] jack : thank you -- for getting your brother to listen to reason . ryan : you 're welcome , jack , but i did n't do it for you . i mean , i really , truly meant what i said . jonathan is not a danger to anyone anymore -- not lily , not anyone . he never laid a hand on her , and i truly believe he never would . jack : yeah , well , let 's just hope we never have to find out . ryan : hey , if you ever feel like returning the favor , then keep an eye on kendall for me ? she got a look at the real zach slater tonight , and it was n't very pretty . jack : my understanding is she and zach are planning their second wedding . ryan : yeah , a lot 's changed since then . it 's over . jack : i 'm not sorry to hear that . ryan : neither am i . but the point is she 's hurting right now , and she 's very upset , and she needs her family more than she ever has . kendall : you are unbelievable . you come here , you pull your magic light show , you smash my world to bits , and now you 're doing damage control ? no , that is not how it works , ryan . you 're a cold - blooded hypocrite , and i will never let you forget it . you stay the hell out of my life . [ scene_break ] zach : you 've always had it in for kendall . do n't tell me you 're going soft on her now . julia : i probably wo n't ever like her . but she offered to carry ryan and greenlee 's baby . tell me a more selfless , generous act . even i had to respect it . and now i find out that you took what was probably the only unselfish thing she 's ever done in her whole life and turned it into a full - scale disaster . how could you do that , zach , ruin all those lives ? zach : i 'm a monster . disaster is my best event . [ scene_break ] janet : you 're feeling better , sweetie ? amanda : better . janet : ok , good , here , drink up some water . you thirsty at all ? you know , i just do n't drink enough water , not as much as i should . just soda is so much yummier . amanda : mom , let 's go home . let 's just go try and see daddy if we can . i 'm through with this town . janet : yes , we are . and at the end of tonight 's ball , we 'll be at the next flight . amanda : mom , forget the ball , forget everything about this place . let 's just ditch pine valley while we can . janet : do n't worry , gumdrop , it 'll happen . there is no doubt about it . we are going to blow this popsicle stand tonight . [ scene_break ] kendall : ahem . ok , attention ! attention , everyone ! now , those of you who thought you were going to remain anonymous this evening -- i 'm afraid your plans are about to change . despite this whole masquerade theme , this evening has become about secret truths revealed and surprises from places least expected . while illusion can be magical , reality trumps it every time . and so we have come to the point in this evening where we expose what little has remained hidden . so , ladies and gentlemen of the mardi gras ball , those of you who have not dropped your masks , the time has come . show yourselves for who you really are . [ as kendall drops her mask , everyone else follows in succession . ] babe : no surprises here . j.r. : you 've been full of surprises all night , babe . opal : peek - a - boo . palmer : dear god , woman , put it back , put it back . opal : you know where i 'd like to put it . erin : nice of them to lend us a few for our donation . aidan : it was lovely . david : you must be used to this -- exposing the real you . di : look around , david . even with your mask off , no one has even noticed you . no one cares . but you must be used to that . simone : uh , hate to break it to you , but you 're the last holdout , honey . what are you waiting for ? who 's under there ? oh , i got it . do n't tell me . [ tad watches dixie as she keeps holding her mask while simone pesters her . ] simone : oh , come on , what do i have to do to get you to drop the mask ? say the magic word ? charity . donation . oh , are you really , really ugly ? i 'm just kidding . hey , i 'm wearing this dress , you can drop the mask . i mean , kendall just said it 's time for everyone to reveal themselves . who are you ? hey , honey . ethan : hi . simone : i was just trying to get this woman , you know , to drop the mask . ethan : it 's our favorite song . come on . simone : yeah , let 's go . [ di saves dixie from being exposed by diverting tad 's attention . ] di : oh , there you are . thought you were trying to give me the slip . tad : come on . as if there 's anybody else at this shindig i 'd rather be with . [ scene_break ] babe : do n't tell me kendall got to you . j.r. : i was already on the `` no `` train long before kendall ever got onboard . babe : `` no , `` as in you wo n't sign the prenup ? j.r. : you catch on quick . babe : so that 's it then ? we 're over ? j.r. : babe , i 'll marry you today , tomorrow , whenever , but i 'm not going to sign your prenup , because you would n't sign mine . babe : you love me enough to marry me , but you do n't love me enough to trust me with partial custody of our son ? fine , j.r. , here 's my final word . you can kiss babe , the bride , good - bye , because from here on out , it 's all about babe , the mama , and i will do whatever it takes . i will go down and dirty , low and scheming , lying , sneaking , and i will game you like you 've never been gamed before . but i wo n't let you keep me away from my son . [ scene_break ] jamie : hey . i 'm looking for amanda . tell me you 've seen her . derek : no , i have n't . so why do n't you stop looking ? the charges against amanda have been dropped . she 's free to come and go as she pleases . she does n't have to answer to you or me to do it . [ scene_break ] amanda : what are we waiting for , mom ? let 's leave already . janet : oh , we will , buttercup , all in good time . amanda : you 're stalling . why ? janet : i 'm not stalling . i 'm just enjoying the view . amanda : no , mom , do not mess with me . you tell me what 's happening . what did you do ? janet : well , all right , if you must know . mommy has planned some real fireworks for the final number ! i know you 're in a hurry to leave , but i ca n't bear to cut out before the grand finale ! amanda : no , mom , please tell me that you did n't . janet : oh , amanda -- amanda : mom ! janet : amanda -- oh ! amanda ! no , amanda , you ca n't go in there ! amanda ! come back ! it is n't safe ! [ gas hisses in the wine cellar as amanda runs toward the ballroom . ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : maybe i should work really hard on getting better . that way your father and my brother wo n't have any excuse why we ca n't be together . it 's just -- it 's just going to take a little time . lily : how long is `` a little time `` ? [ scene_break ] zach : so you 've given up on your mission to distract ryan . julia : do n't put words in my mouth , zach . did i say i gave up ? [ scene_break ] ryan : whoa , whoa . hey , hey . what , you 're leaving ? kendall : do n't . ryan : let me drive you home . kendall : do n't come anywhere near me , ryan . you stay the hell away from me . [ scene_break ] stuart : oh . hi . you look so pretty . marian : oh , you look radiant . and why should n't she , with a baby on the way and a wedding in the works . stuart : you must be so excited . have you and zach set the date yet ? [ scene_break ] erica : josh ? will you please leave me alone with your father ? josh : i 'd rather not . erica : greg and i have some things that we really do need to discuss . josh : erica , whatever you have to say to my dad you can say in front of me . erica : you may not want to hear what i have to say , josh . your father has done some unimaginable things . he 's a very sick man . greg : after all you 've heard tonight , erica , surely you believe that i 'm on your side . josh : i thought i made it real clear -- i know my dad has lost it . so do n't relegate me to the kid table while you adults determine my fate . erica : maybe you 're right , josh . you do have a right to be told . [ scene_break ] amanda : excuse me . jamie : amanda , where the heck have you been ? amanda : jamie , you have to help me , please ! you have to get everybody out of here . janet : amanda ! [ as janet runs to save her daughter , the ballroom explodes in a ball of fire . then chandeliers and all manner of debris fall on the horrified guests below , while those on the mezzanine plummet down until all is eerily quiet and still . ] singer : somewhere there 's music how faint the tune . somewhere there 's heaven . how high the moon ? there is no moon above , when love is far away , too . till it comes true that you love me as i love you . the darkest night would shine , if you 'd come to me soon . until you will , how still my heart , how high the moon . [ classical music plays as bodies are strewn around the rubble that was once a festive ball . suddenly , one lone bloodied and bruised man sits up and plaintively cries out . ] tad : my god . anyone alive ? [ next_on ] janet : oh , amanda ! look what you people made me do . tad : if anybody can hear me , let us know you 're alive ! [ although dixie is okay , she wo n't answer . ] julia ( to tad ) : the gas . i can smell it . it 's still leaking . janet : i 'm going to bury you all ! | janet from another planet is ready to blow up the entire building where the ball is held and kill everybody there . at the ball , jack and ryan tell lily and jonathan that they can not continue seeing each other and their relationship can not be . but neither jonathan nor lily want to listen and are determined to keep seeing each other no matter what . erica attempts to get greg to admit to doing what tad revealed to her that he did , in extracting her eggs all those years ago so that josh could be born . she does n't have a chance to tell them however . kendall goes and tells jr he can not allow himself to trust babe and make the same mistake she made in failing to see the no good person that zach is . kendall then makes a speech asking everybody at the ball to remove their masks and reveal who they are . everybody does except for the mysterious woman ( the real dixie ) . simone approaches her and attempts to get her to remove her mask and reveal herself . amanda awakens after her mother knocked her out and finds out that her mother plans to blow up the ball . she tries to stop her but it 's too late . the entire place is blown apart and it looks like everybody there is either dead or fatally injured . only tad awakens , looking badly injured . and he asks if anybody there is alive . |
jeff : please sit down . krystal : why does everybody keep saying that ? jeff : we did everything we could possibly do to bring her back . we just -- could n't start her heart again . krystal : no -- jeff : i 'm so sorry . krystal : no , no , there has been a mistake . jeff : babe is gone . krystal : there has been a mistake ! adam , tell him there 's been a mistake ! adam : darling , i -- i ca n't . krystal : j.r. , you 're on the hospital board . you got to do something , you got to fix this . j.r. ! ok , fine , fine , i 'll handle this myself . adam : no , no , no . krystal : no [ looking deep into her husband 's eyes , krystal realizes the truth and falls in a heap on the floor , dissolving in tears . ] krystal : no , no , no , no , no , no ! adam : krystal -- krystal : get away from me ! adam : i 'm here -- krystal : i do n't want you -- i do n't want anybody , i just want my babe ! babe ! babe -- adam : help her . ca n't you give her something ? krystal : please , please -- jeff : i 'll have to speak with her doctor first . krystal : oh , please , i need my baby ! tad : come here . come here . listen to me . listen . nobody is going to blame you if you want to kick and scream and take this place apart . you understand ? nobody . i will help you do it . i swear to god , i 'll help you do it , because i understand . i understand what it feels like to have your life ripped open , to have your heart torn out , to know that what you loved the most is gone . i understand , you know i do , because you were there with me . you remember -- i know you do -- staring over the edge , looking at the same darkness . and you asked me if i wanted to quit , and i said i did , and you would n't let me . you pulled me back . you helped me realize that life -- life is going to go on . and now adam and i and that beautiful baby girl growing inside you are going to help you , because we need you . [ holding on to her husband , krystal gradually stands while j.r. remembers his wife . ] babe 's voice : you ca n't replace one child with another . do you think that giving him this baby is going to make up for the one that he 's already lost ? do you really want your father to go through what you did -- to lose a child , a marriage ? and what about tad and adam ? adam is going to go after tad and you know it . do you really want your two fathers at war while tad is still grieving ? julia : come on . why do n't you let me find you a room , huh ? come with me . [ while zoe and aidan console her , amanda breaks down in the er waiting room . ] jeff : josh , let 's go get some air , huh ? erica : oh , yes , that sounds like such a good idea . josh , please say something . jeff : oh , god . jamie : uh , j.r. , say something . do you want to see babe ? josh : you do n't even want to see your own wife ? you really did want her dead . jamie : leave it alone ! erica : josh , your sisters and i would like you to come home with us . josh : what , so you can hold my hand and tell me how -- how shaken up you are that babe is gone ? erica : because we 're your family , and we want to help you through this . josh : oh , come on , erica , you ca n't wait to pop open the champagne and dance on her grave ! bianca : josh , do n't do this right now . josh : do n't do -- do n't do what ? oh , come on , bianca , how many times did babe come to you asking for forgiveness ? begged you to open up that -- that supposedly huge heart of yours , and every time you turned her down ? kendall : josh , come on , please . josh : oh , and you -- erica and bianca can be cold , but , kendall , you 're the worst . you -- you freeze babe out , you stand by zach -- he 's the reason all this is happening ! mothers , sisters , daughters -- you 're gone ! kendall : stop , stop ! josh : no , do n't -- do n't try to comfort me . because of your -- your husband , babe is dead ! to hell with you ! to hell with everyone , all of you self- righteous hypocrites ! i am done with this whole damn town ! erica : no , no , no , i 'll go . [ jack consoles bianca ] ryan : kendall , josh did n't mean what he said . kendall : i need to find zach . i have to find zach . ryan : dani , erin , simone , now babe . you 're next , kendall . this danger is very real , so , please , let me protect you , please . kendall : ok , ryan , ryan , i 'm not going to turn my back on my husband . ryan : you 're just giving this guy an open target , that 's what you 're doing . kendall : please stop -- stop trying to scare me , ryan , please ! ryan : scare you ? you know what 's really scary ? what 's really scary is this guy getting anywhere near our son . that is scary . so if you want to stand by zach , then give spike to me . [ scene_break ] [ with adam looking on , tad tucks krystal into a hospital bed . ] tad : anything you want , anything you need -- anything . [ krystal sighs ] adam : tad ? thank you . i got way out of line earlier . i -- i came down awful hard on you after dixie -- tad : forget it . just take care of your wife . adam : how ? tad : love her , be with her . that 's all you can do . krystal : i -- i need to see my little girl . [ scene_break ] amanda : this is so wrong . julia : my shift is over . why do n't i take you home ? amanda : you were friends with her , too . are you going to be ok ? zoe : go on home . julia : come on , i just have to get my stuff . amanda : ok . julia : come on . [ as zoe sits down heavily , bianca walks over to her . ] [ scene_break ] di : we heard babe was attacked . del : in a parking garage ? di : is babe ok ? amanda : babe 's dead . i wanted to bring her here , to show babe my new home . you know , hang out , do girl things , and watch old 1980s movies , stay up all night talking . we -- we were always so busy , we never got a chance . `` tomorrow `` -- that 's what we always said , that we would see each other tomorrow . but now -- jonathan : hey . hey . [ scene_break ] [ bianca sits down next to zoe and gently touches her hand as they look into each other 's eyes . ] [ scene_break ] jack : well , it looks like our killer is getting bolder and bolder . derek : well , we know raymond jenkins did n't kill babe . he was in custody when it happened . tad : what about kenny adler ? jack : kenny adler was at an attorneys ' conference and there 's about a half dozen people that can vouch for that . tad : well , i 've already spoken with zoe , she 's a mess -- was actually in the garage with a cop when it happened , still was n't able to stop it . jack : officer hannity told us that he and zoe walked babe back to her car , left her with her guard . when they heard a scream , they ran back again . aidan : well , one of them must 've seen something . derek : some guy in a hood fleeing the scene . hannity chased him , but he got away . aidan : and he did n't hear his voice or see his face ? derek : hannity was n't even sure whether it was a `` he . `` tad : well , jamie pitched an interesting theory . the mother of ethan cambias -- what happens if she blames zach for his death and this is how she lets him know it ? i 've already made a couple calls -- her name is hannah nichols -- but nobody can seem to figure out where she is . derek : well , the list of people with grudges against slater just keeps growing and growing . aidan : where is zach ? maybe we should run this by him . jack : no , he was here earlier , but he took off . tad : he 's probably at home losing his mind . the killer made it through the entire list of women . kendall 's the only one left standing . [ scene_break ] kendall : oh . hey . hey . hey , my boy . i missed you so much . mama 's here . ryan : thank you , rachael . you can take off now , thanks . kendall : i love him . ryan : i know . kendall : you know , the first time that you took spike from me , i missed him so much , i did n't think i 'd make it through the day . and -- and at -- at night , out of habit , i would walk over to his crib . well , then i would look inside , he was n't there . the only thing that helped me through was that little gray outfit of his . i would take it out , and i would smell his little , sweet , baby smell . and i would tell myself that my son would be back . and when he was , i would never be separated from him again . ryan : kendall , you know -- kendall : i know , ryan . i know . it 's too dangerous for spike to be with me . he could get hurt . i know . i got the message loud and clear . [ kendall shows ryan the note she receives earlier stating `` leave him now or you die ! `` [ scene_break ] josh : i 'm going to leave the key . you can tell zoe she can crash here as long as she wants . erica : i wo n't let you do this . josh : not your call , erica . erica : i am your mother , and you will listen to me . my whole life people tried to tell me who i should love and who i should n't love , but i did n't care . i did n't listen to them , i followed my heart . that 's exactly what you 've done with babe . i understand that . i understand you . i am so sorry for the pain you 're going through right now . and i know you think you 've lost everything , but you have n't . [ scene_break ] j.r. : look , i 'm not going to bust out the booze , so you do n't have to stand here and watch me . jamie : i 'm here , because i care about my brother . j.r. : i said i 'm fine . jamie : ok . then how about you tell me what happened between you and babe the other night after the party . [ j.r. sighs ] jamie : i dropped you both off here and i left . then what ? j.r. : come on , james , do n't push me on this . jamie : tell me what happened . j.r. : i want you out of here . jamie : you talk and i 'll go . j.r. : i confronted her . she came to the office with that freak - show friend of hers , zarf . jamie : why ? j.r. : to humiliate me , threaten me , get the goods on me . jamie : for what ? j.r. : she wanted a divorce as bad as i did . she wanted to take little adam away from me . then josh showed up . jamie : what did you do ? j.r. : she wanted to be civil about this . she said that we could handle these things like adults . but i was -- i was so pissed at her . i said that she was trash , and that her life was n't worth my mother 's . i wanted her to hurt as much as i was . i wanted to take her son away from her and blow this family to bits . and i had the ammo to do it . i was right there , jamie . i was about to tell . jamie : wait -- tell what ? [ scene_break ] krystal : babe -- [ scene_break ] j.r. : it does n't matter anymore . jamie : you matter . and whatever it is , you know you can tell me . j.r. : ugh ! [ j.r. flings a decanter of alcohol against the wall ] j.r. : first , my mother . now , babe . he took everything ! i never stopped -- i swear , jamie . i swear i never wanted her dead . [ scene_break ] krystal : you look so peaceful . when you were a little girl , i -- i could n't get you to sit still for a minute . i 'd chase you around , get you to go to bed , close your eyes , and go -- go to sleep . you did n't want to miss a thing . you wanted to be by my side every moment . my buddy . my best friend . my firstborn . we deserved the best , and together , we were always going to get it . i do n't know if i deserved you , but you are the best thing i ever did . i wonder what beautiful parts of you i 'll see in charlotte . you 'll always be sisters , my babies , my girls . my sweet baby doll , sleep and know that your mama will never , never , never stop loving you . [ krystal bends down and kisses babe then takes her limp body in her arms as she cries . ] krystal : you were my joy . you were my greatest joy . my babe . [ scene_break ] bianca : babe saved my life . josh was right . i never forgave babe . and now it 's too late . zoe : it 's never too late . [ scene_break ] jack : ethan 's mother , huh ? i do n't know . sounds like a long shot to me , but i guess we better -- better check it out . tad : well , i 'll give you what i 've got . it 's not much , but at least it 's a start . [ scene_break ] kendall : i wonder if it happens the way people say -- that your life just flashes by in an instant . babe 's life , the people that she loved , her little boy . [ kendall sighs ] kendall : take him . take spike and protect him . ryan : i 'm going to take care of our son , kendall . you got to take care of yourself . kendall : ryan , i 'm not doing this with you , please . i am not leaving zach , not now , not ever . ryan : spike needs you . kendall : yes , i know , but my husband needs me , too , and i will fight this with him . let 's get our son ready to go . [ scene_break ] josh : i have n't lost everything ? you know , as much as i appreciate a branch on the instant family tree , i -- i do n't belong with the kanes . i do n't belong with the martins , i do n't belong in this town . i do n't belong anywhere . the only place i felt like i belonged was with babe . you know , when i was with her , it was like -- for the first time in my life , i finally felt like i had found my place in the world . and now that she 's gone , it 's like i 'm right back where i 've always been -- alone . erica : josh ? we 're here -- your father , your sisters , me . a chance -- that 's all we 're asking . and i think if you give it to us , i think you 'll be surprised . i think you 'll find that you 're not alone . [ scene_break ] jamie : i know you never wanted babe dead . j.r. : drop it , jamie . jamie : come on , j.r. , she was your wife . [ krystal and adam come home and hug j.r . ] adam : how are you , son ? j.r. : hanging in . adam : huh . jamie : i 'm very sorry . krystal : thanks , jamie . have you talked to little adam ? adam : anything you need , son ? j.r. : i 'm good . adam : then i 'm going to take my wife up and tuck her into bed . krystal : i -- i want to -- i want to stop into the nursery first and kiss little -- babe 's little boy good night . babe loved you very much , j.r. you know that ? i was so happy you two were finding your way back to each other . you will always have that to hang on to . [ scene_break ] bianca : i never forgave babe . i tried to hate her . i tried as hard as i could . but i just could n't -- there was just something about her . zoe : the first time i met babe -- huh -- i was in philly , and i was in a foul mood . the concert the night before had been a technical disaster , and my label was breathing down my neck about songs for the new album . the last thing i wanted to do was sit down with corporate drones . bianca : hmm . something must have gone right , because you gave your song to fusion . zoe : well , babe went right . she was enchanting . not only did she talk with passion about fusion and wax poetic about glam metal versus grunge and toss back gel shots like a champion , said `` mike patton 's god , `` in those few hours , babe gave me something no royalty check could ever pay for , she gave me hope . bianca : what happens to that hope now that she 's gone ? zoe : for all my mystical musings about death , i do n't have an answer . babe 's life should n't have ended . a woman like babe should have lived forever . [ scene_break ] [ as jonathan holds amanda , del turns on the music at wildwind . as avril lavigne sings `` keep holding on , `` julia offers amanda a cup of coffee , then di places a blanket on her while she cuddles in jonathan 's arms . meanwhile , josh allows erica to comfort him with a hug , and kendall hands over a tearful spike to his daddy . ] you 're not alone together we stand i 'll be by your side , you know i 'll take your hand when it gets cold and it feels like the end there 's no place to go you know i wo n't give in no i wo n't give in keep holding on 'cause you know we 'll make it through , we 'll make it through just stay strong 'cause you know i 'm here for you , i 'm here for you there 's nothing you could say nothing you could do there 's no other way when it comes to the truth so keep holding on 'cause you know we 'll make it through , we 'll make it through so far away i wish you were here before it 's too late , this could all disappear before the doors close and it comes to an end with you by my side i will fight and defend i 'll fight and defend yeah , yeah keep holding on 'cause you know we 'll make it through , we 'll make it through just stay strong 'cause you know we 'll make it through , we 'll make it through . [ scene_break ] zoe : i should get going . bianca : you came here in the ambulance , did n't you ? maybe i can drive -- i can drive you home . zoe : i would n't want to hurt officer hannity 's feelings . [ zoe sighs ] bianca : stay safe . [ scene_break ] julia : how 's j.r. ? julia : how about you , jamie ? is there anything i can do ? jonathan : what do you want to do ? do you want to -- do you want to go upstairs and go to bed ? amanda : ca n't we stay down here ? i do n't want to be alone . jonathan : i 'm not going anywhere . del : neither are we . di : you 're home , amanda . we 're your family . you 're not going to be alone . [ scene_break ] jamie : can i get you anything ? j.r. : is it real , jamie ? because i 'm not drunk . i 'm not sleeping , and i ai n't been dreaming . how could this actually happen ? babe , my wife . my son 's mother . she ca n't -- she ca n't -- jamie : i 'm sorry , j.r . it 's real . j.r. : but i do n't understand . i do n't understand . [ scene_break ] kendall : ryan , will you promise me that if i 'm not there , you 'll tell spike how much i loved him ? ryan : i promise . kendall : wait , hold on . [ kendall removes the sash from her dress ] kendall : give him this . and put it in his crib . ok ? [ ryan nods , kisses kendall , and leaves her to cry alone . ] [ scene_break ] erica : does this mean you 'll stay ? [ josh kisses erica on the cheek , grabs his suitcase , and leaves pine valley . ] [ next_on ] zach : open . what ? kendall : it 's -- it 's bowling . zach : come on -- romance . kendall : snazzy . zach : like bowling under the stars . [ giving in to their passion , ryan and annie tear off their clothes and kiss with abandon . ] | josh lashes out at everyone in the hospital waiting room as he listens to jeff tell the group that babe did n't survive . when krystal breaks down , only tad can get through to her that she needs to stay strong for the baby that she is carrying . adam apologizes to tad for being harsh with him when dixie died . krystal has a last talk with babe and tells her that she meant the world to her . after jamie takes j.r. home , j.r. assures him that he will not drink and that he never wanted babe to die . as he exits the hospital , josh tells erica that he is leaving pine valley for good . while talking with zoe about babe , bianca admits that she never told her that she forgave her . zoe assures her that it is never too late . realizing she is the final target , a tearful kendall reluctantly gives spike over to ryan 's care . tad shares jamie 's thoughts that the killer might be ethan 's mother whose whereabouts are unknown . |
amanda : good morning . j.r. : morning . amanda : is it as lumpy as it looks ? [ j.r. grunts ] j.r. : the lumps have lumps . ah . amanda : here you go , sir . you should 've gotten your own room . j.r. : i wanted to be near you just in case you needed anything . amanda : it 's not like you have to look after me 24/7 . j.r. : i want to , all right ? i want to be with you . [ scene_break ] minister : who gives this woman away ? bianca : i do . [ reese wakes up with a hangover ] reese : oh , my head . oh , you idiot . ew . [ scene_break ] [ bianca yawns ] bianca : yeah , can i have reese williams ' room , please ? [ knock at door ] bianca : oh . ok , i know -- i know we 're not supposed to see each other , but i just tried calling you , and -- oh , mom . erica : good morning , honey . hi . well , look at you , not even dressed . bianca : do you have the limo all gassed up and waiting outside ? so that i can make my escape from reese ? [ scene_break ] kendall : need some aspirin with your coffee ? reese : morning . kendall : it is never a good idea to overindulge the night before your wedding . the headaches , the regrets . [ reese remembers kissing zach ] kendall : wow . you just turned a paler shade of white . do n't tell me you have regrets . [ scene_break ] annie : it 's about time you woke up , sleepy head . you brought me back here last night and then you passed out . aidan : ow . annie : i did that , patched you up . oh , i hit you , too . sorry . aidan : why did you hit me ? annie : because you want to stop me from doing what i have to do . [ scene_break ] [ knock at door ] greenlee : finally . i 'm starving . oh ! ryan : greenlee . greenlee . please , let me in . greenlee : no . i ca n't . ryan : i 've already seen you in your dress . greenlee : twice is double the bad luck , and we 've had a hard enough time getting here . ryan : it does n't matter , greenlee . we 're not getting married . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i want to be with you because of the ghost . amanda : what ghost ? j.r. : you did n't know about that ? apparently this place is haunted . there 's a book downstairs about it and everything . amanda : because i did hear some weird noises last night . i mean , once it sounded like , i do n't know , someone moaning or something . [ floorboard creaks ] amanda : what was that ? j.r. : what was what ? amanda : ok . you know what ? i -- i do n't think i like this . i think that we should go to a different room or something . j.r. : oh , come on . do n't tell me that you 're afraid . [ floorboard creaks ] amanda : oh , you . you scared me . j.r. : muahahaha . amanda : stop . j.r. : [ spooky voice ] amanda . oooooooh . amanda : stop . stop it . j.r. : look , i 'll stop if you want me to . [ knock at door ] amanda : do ghosts knock ? j.r. : i do n't think so . jake : hey . we were wondering if you wanted a -- [ scene_break ] aidan : listen . i found out the truth about sinclair . i know why she 's out to get you . she was in love with your brother , and she wants to see you in prison for life for killing him , and she wo nt stop until you 're behind bars . annie : what ? richie and dr. sinclair ? oh , my god . it 's like richie 's dead and he -- he still wins . he still always wins . aidan : annie . hey , hey . he 's not going to win . i promise you , all right ? i 'm going to take down sinclair , and you 're going to get the help you need with a new doctor . you 're going to get better . annie , will you come with me ? annie : no , not until i do what i came here to do . aidan : no . you ca n't hurt greenlee . [ scene_break ] ryan : we 're getting married . oh , my god . you look so beautiful . we 're getting married , greenlee , just not -- not here , not -- not like this . greenlee : well , it 's a little late to change your mind . ryan : oh , my god -- the moon . the moon helped bring us back together , right ? so maybe we can do that . we can get married , like , on a mountain top underneath the full moon or something like that . does n't that sound nice ? greenlee : what 's going on ? what happened since last night to change your mind ? ryan : zach and reese . [ scene_break ] reese : i have , uh , a lot of regrets . i regret letting your toast get to me . i regret drinking way too much . and i regret embarrassing bianca . kendall : bianca did n't come back to the inn with you last night . reese : no , she did n't . kendall : there 's no trouble , i hope . reese : no . kendall : how did you get home ? reese : i got a ride . kendall : you are not a morning person , are you ? so , who gave you the ride ? reese : you know , i -- i do n't know , you know ? i got way too drunk , and i just do n't even remember . kendall : well , i hope you did n't do anything you regret with whomever it is you do n't remember . reese : ok . right . will you just listen to me a minute ? i love your sister , and i want to be with her , so why do n't you just let us get married in peace and let us live our lives , all right ? leave us the hell alone . zach : hey . reese : i 've got to go get ready . good morning . zach : morning . you 're up early . kendall : hey . yeah , big day . there 's a lot to do when you 're in the wedding party . zach : do n't tell me you 're nervous . kendall : well , i 'm not the only one . turns out one of the brides is very hung over and all nerves . zach : reese . kendall : yeah . she 's not exactly acting like this is the happiest day of her life . [ scene_break ] bianca : i just want this day to be perfect . erica : and it will be . honey , this is going to be the most perfect wedding ever . i promise you that . and about your move -- bianca : oh , mom . i thought we did this last night . erica : i 'm sorry . i overreacted . it 's just that when you came back and you settled in with -- with miranda , and beautiful baby gabrielle , reese , it just seemed so right , our family finally together . i had so many plans . bianca : i know you did , mom , but my life is with reese now , and you ca n't make plans for us . erica : no , i know that . i know that . it 's just that -- josh 's death , almost losing kendall , it 's made me greedy for more time with you . but you and reese , you have got to make decisions that are best for you and your family , and so if that means moving back to france , then france it is . i get that . i accept that . [ scene_break ] amanda : we 're -- we 're just friends . so , i 'm sorry that i lied about the separate rooms . tad : oh , honey , listen . no , listen . we do n't care if you 're hanging from the chandeliers . we just wanted -- what did we want ? jake : breakfast . tad : right . jake : and go to -- tad : the -- the wedding . j.r. : suppose i could use one of your rooms to shower and get cleaned up so amanda can get ready ? tad : sure . why not ? god bless the man who gives the woman her -- jake : you got the keys ? tad : getting ready space . jake : go ahead . j.r. : i 'm just getting my shoes . amanda : ok . jake : well , uh , i guess i 'll hit the buffet and , if you want to come down , you know , later , or -- amanda : how did you get your job back ? jake : what do you -- what do you mean ? amanda : if you got around david and got your job back then there has to be a way for me to get him to lay off blackmailing me . [ scene_break ] erica : i want to apologize for last night . reese : um , it 's all right . erica : no , kendall hurt you and so did i , and i just hope that we can put this all behind us . please , can we just look forward to the wedding and to your future together wherever you 're going to live . i mean that . reese : thank you . ow . i 'm so sorry . bianca : oh . reese : i 'm sorry . bianca : do you want aspirin or something ? reese : i tried that . i -- erica : i think i have the answer . yes , hello . this is erica kane . i 'm in my daughter 's suite , the bridal suite . i 'd like to order a virgin mary with bitters and a raw egg . thank you . ok , so when that 's delivered just stir in the raw egg , and hold your nose , and down the hatch . this used to be my daily breakfast when i was in las vegas before i got sober , and i know it works . reese : ok , i 'll try that . erica : i want my daughter 's bride to float down the aisle , happy and pain free . if that 's going to happen , we have to get to the chapel soon . your dresses and your accessories are already there , so i 'll meet you in the lobby . bianca and reese : ok . [ both giggle ] reese : bitters and a raw egg ? your mother 's trying to poison me . bianca : oh , she 's -- she 's trying . reese : i know . i -- [ reese laughs ] reese : i know . oh , sweetie . you know what ? tonight we 're going to be married , and we 'll be home soon in france , and we 'll be starting our new life together . what ? what is it ? bianca : are we making the right decision ? i mean , it would -- it would mean so much to my mother if we stayed . reese : i know . what would it mean to you ? sweetheart , where are you going to be happiest ? bianca : pine valley has n't exactly been easy for you . reese : i 'm happy wherever you are . bianca : so you do n't mind staying ? reese : we can stay . i will make things work with your mother and with kendall . bianca : you are the bravest person i know . reese : yeah ? all right . kiss me . kiss me for courage . bianca : ok . [ scene_break ] kendall : you got in late last night . you were out celebrating with the groom ? zach : i gave reese a ride home . kendall : so you 're what she does n't remember . zach : excuse me ? kendall : well , reese told me she was so trashed that everything was a blur . turns out the blur was you . zach : well , she was pretty out of it . kendall : well , thank you for telling the truth . zach : why would n't i tell you the truth ? kendall : reese lied to me . zach : well , i think she 's aware that you 're not a big fan of our friendship . kendall : so , she lied to protect me or you ? zach : hey , why do n't we do this . let 's go to a wedding , enjoy ourselves , wave goodbye , and that 's it . kendall : i have to get to the chapel . zach : i 'll give you a ride . kendall : you 're just everybody 's chauffer , are n't you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : there is no way that zach and reese had sex . it 's impossible . ryan : i know what i saw , greenlee . they were all over each other heading in that direction . greenlee : well , there has to be an explanation . ryan : i confronted zach , and he lied . he said nothing happened . greenlee : i should go and talk to him . ryan : you 're kendall 's best friend , greenlee . do you really think that he 's going to be honest with you ? greenlee : well , i have to try . ryan : hey , listen to me . i love you so much , and i want to marry you more than anything in the world , but i am not going to stand up there next to reese and bianca with -- with zach and kendall watching . i 'm not going to do it and make my vows to you . i wo n't . i do n't want anything to do with reese or zach and his games . i 'm certainly not going to share my wedding day with them . [ scene_break ] aidan : annie , i know what you 're doing here . annie : i love him . aidan : i loved greenlee , but i had to let her go , and it hurt a lot , but i got over it . and you have to accept that what happened between you and ryan is over , ok ? i 'll get you help to make it easier . annie : no . ryan is my husband , not greenlee 's . aidan : annie , you ca n't hurt greenlee . it 's wrong . trust me . let me help you . [ scene_break ] ryan : you mean too much to me , greenlee . our relationship means too much to me to share it with someone who 's starting her marriage with a lie . greenlee : i feel a case of food poisoning coming on . ryan : i 'm going to give you the wedding of your dreams , ok ? i really will wherever , whenever . whatever you want , i 'll give it to you . greenlee : i love you . [ ryan leaves the room ] [ phone rings ] zach 's voice : this is slater . leave a message . [ scene_break ] tad : so , you and amanda , huh ? j.r. : and the couch . tad : you ca n't blame me , all right ? i just did n't know that you and amanda were that close . that 's all . j.r. : she 's pregnant . tad : huh ? j.r. : she 's pregnant . tad : what are you going to do ? j.r. : well , right now we 're just friends . after that , i do n't know . tad : well , hang on . wait just a second . look , do me a favor , ok ? do n't go rushing into anything . i know what you 're thinking . it 's a mistake . do n't do what i did . it 's one thing to love your kid . do n't leap into some kind of prefabricated family . it 's not necessarily the best thing for your child . j.r. : just because it did n't work out with you and krystal does n't mean it 's not going to work out with me and amanda . tad : yeah , so you are thinking about it , marrying amanda . j.r. : like i said , right now i 'm on the couch . tad : j.r. , just remember you 're fighting to stay sober which means you 're fighting for your life . you 're also fighting to keep little adam away from david . j.r. : and i 'm winning on both counts . tad : i 'm glad to hear it , because david 's done it to both of us before . you can not afford to forget that he 's the kind of person that wo n't be happy unless he takes the thing you love most . [ scene_break ] erica : how 's your headache ? reese : it 's gone . bianca : oh , wow . that really is a miracle cure . erica : miracle . [ both laugh ] reese : well . you know , you 're my little miracle . [ all scream with excitement ] bianca : oh my goodness . look at how beautiful -- reese : oh my goodness . are n't you a vision ? miranda : i 'm not a vision . i 'm the flower girl . reese : oh . yes , you are . erica : oh , look at this beautiful flower girl . [ phone rings ] bianca : excuse me . erica : ok . reese : come here . let me brush your hair . bianca : hello . ryan : bianca , hey . it 's ryan . bianca : oh , ryan . where are you ? i thought you and greenlee would be here by now . ryan : yeah , i 'm , uh -- i 'm afraid that we wo n't be . greenlee has -- she 's come down with something . bianca : oh , no . is she sick ? ryan : yeah . yeah , she ca n't keep anything down at all . i think it 's food poisoning or something . anyway , i 'm afraid that we wo n't be able to make the wedding . bianca : that is terrible . i -- i 'm so sorry . is there anything we can do ? ryan : no , we -- we 'll be fine . we 'll be fine . bianca : ok . well , please let us know how greenlee is doing . ryan : i will . i will . hey , bianca ? be happy , ok ? bianca : now that i can manage . [ scene_break ] greenlee : zach slater 's room , please . woman 's voice : mr. and mrs. slater left about 20 minutes ago . may i take a message ? greenlee : no . no message . opal : oh , thank god i caught you . greenlee : opal , i do n't time for hocus pocus . opal : make time . you have got to make time . you 've got to listen to me because if you leave this room , if you say your `` i do 's , `` you are not going to survive . [ scene_break ] aidan : come back to oak haven with me and leave greenlee alone . annie : you 'll help me get better ? aidan : yes . annie : ok . i 'll go back with you . aidan : great . annie : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . you do n't look so good . lie down . aidan : i 'm fine , all right ? we need to get going . annie : ok . annie : you -- you should sleep , ok ? i 'll -- i 'll wake you up in plenty of time to get back , all right ? aidan : i just need five minutes . annie : ok . ok . just sleep . [ annie takes aidan 's gun ] [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . jack : so you all ready for the big day ? ryan : jack , i need to talk to you . i need to talk to you about the wedding . jack : sure . [ scene_break ] opal : i 'm so sorry . i do n't know why , why i did it , lying about the cards like this ? greenlee : oh , opal , it really -- it does n't matter . opal : life and death matters , honey . i had a dream you were walking down the aisle . you 're just happy and beautiful and then suddenly , no aisle . it was like a freefall into the abyss . greenlee : opal , opal , opal , opal -- opal , i 'm not getting married . opal : what ? greenlee : ah , not today . i 'm feeling a little under the weather . opal : really ? greenlee : yeah , ryan and i decided to wait until i 'm 100 % . opal : oh , thank the lord , thank the lord . um , well , i 've got some special -- greenlee : i really -- i really do n't have time right now . opal : but you ought to be in bed . greenlee : medicine , i need medicine , lots of it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you feeling ok ? amanda : yeah . j.r. : it 's just you have n't said anything since i left you with jake . did he say something to upset you ? amanda : oh , it 's a -- ah , it 's a beautiful day . and i am just happy to be here with you . j.r. : you look amazing . is there anything i can do for you ? amanda : uh , hey . frankie : you can start with a big , frothy glass of milk . [ all laugh ] j.r. : thanks -- for the other day , with helping amanda in the e.r . what ? amanda : i am dying for that glass of milk . do you mind ? j.r. : i 'll see what i can do . amanda : thank you . j.r. : hey , kendall . randi : did you tell him that frankie altered the sonogram ? amanda : no way . no one else is ever going to know that this baby is david 's . [ scene_break ] zach : the guests are starting to arrive . kendall : everybody loves a wedding . i should go help the brides . zach : is there anything i can do ? kendall : just enjoy the love fest . [ scene_break ] erica : i am so happy for you . oh , i should go talk to reverend vance . i should tell her there 's been a change in plans . bianca : oh , um , mom . there 's -- there 's been another change in plans . reese , why do n't you tell her ? reese : um , bianca and i have decided to stay in pine valley . we 'll raise the girls , and we will make our life here . [ kendall overhears the conversation ] [ scene_break ] [ while annie watches her , greenlee puts her leather jacket over her wedding gown and leaves ] ryan : hey , excuse me . have you seen my bride ? man : she was just here and headed for her motorcycle . [ motor running ] ryan : greenlee ! [ scene_break ] jack : jake , how are you ? you all right ? jake : yeah , man . is it true that ryan and greenlee are bagging the wedding ? jack : hey , you know a wedding day 's no fun if you 're sick . i think ryan just wants to get emma and greenlee back to pine valley . jake : that 's bananas . you know that greenlee 's not the type to let a bug stop her from marrying the man of her dreams , right ? opal : i am telling you , if greenlee and ryan had taken their vows , disaster would have rained down , but now we can just breathe easy , relax , and enjoy ourselves . [ scene_break ] [ gabrielle fussing ] zach : what 's the fuss ? rachael : hi , sorry . she just wo n't settle down . zach : let me have her . let me see what 's going on . oh , my little monkey . what are you doing ? [ scene_break ] erica : that is the most wonderful news . thank you . bianca : i -- i want bianca to be happy . erica : does kendall know ? oh , kendall should have been here by now . opal : hi there , honey . how come you 're not dressed for the wedding ? you gon na go change ? zach : kendall . hey , slow down . kendall : i have to get out of here , ok ? zach : come on , what are you doing ? kendall : i need to go . zach : take a breath , can you do that ? kendall : i am fine . zach : you 're not fine . you had surgery . try to relax . kendall : leave me the hell alone . zach : what 's going on here ? what happened ? what got you so upset ? [ scene_break ] erica : opal . opal , have you seen kendall ? opal : kendall just bolted out of here . zach went after her . i do n't know what to make of it . [ scene_break ] zach : what do you want to do ? you want to talk ? let 's talk . we 'll go inside . you want to go somewhere ? fine , ok , but i 'm driving . whoa ! [ wheels screech as kendall floors the accelerator ] [ scene_break ] bianca : we are really , finally doing this . all the craziness , insanity , doubt , and fear -- we got through it . reese : yes , we did . and i could n't be any happier . miranda : me , too . bianca : oh , hey , sweetheart . come here . erica : i just spoke with opal . zach and kendall have just left . bianca : what ? erica : kendall apparently is very upset and -- and they 're gone . i 'm just going to go talk to reverend vance and have her just delay -- bianca : no , no , no . we 're not delaying anything . i 'm getting married today . and if kendall does n't want to be a part of it , then so be it . [ scene_break ] [ wheels screeching ] zach : that 's enough . pull over . kendall : you leave me the hell alone . zach : what happened to you ? kendall : they are staying , zach , ok ? your lovely reese and bianca are staying in pine valley . why , why ? because of you . reese ca n't leave you . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee speeds down the dark road on her motorcycle ] [ scene_break ] [ as ryan struggles to start his car , annie pops up in the back seat ] annie : do n't do it . [ scene_break ] j.r. : that was quite a pow - wow you had with randi and frankie . amanda : just business . j.r. : really ? because i had no idea that frankie was so concerned with the state of mascara . amanda : oh , uh , big entrance . j.r. : that was no conversation about mascara . amanda : shh . [ scene_break ] jack : is everything ok ? kendall looked upset . erica : oh , everything 's going to be fine . reverend vance : thank you all for joining me today to celebrate this joyous occasion . for those of you who are n't aware , due to illness only one of our couples will be celebrating their union today . [ scene_break ] zach : reese and bianca are leaving . we agreed on it . kendall : shut up , shut up . i heard them . i heard reese . they 're staying . [ car accelerates ] [ wheels screeching ] [ scene_break ] ryan : what are you doing here ? annie : i am so glad i found you before you married greenlee . [ scene_break ] [ crowd chuckles ] erica : very good . this way , sweetheart . [ `` wedding march `` playing ] [ music ends ] reverend vance : please be seated . i am honored to officiate at this ceremony . the uniting of these women today to establish a new family is an important and memorable event . it is a celebration , a sacred act , one that is blessed by all who witness it . [ scene_break ] ryan : annie , you -- you need to be in oak haven , ok ? you need to get better . annie : no , but , but -- but i feel better when i 'm with you . ryan : annie , you need help that i ca n't give you . annie : no , i -- no , i want to stay with you . do not call them ! ryan : it 's going to be ok . it 's going to be all right . annie : no , i 'm not going back . i do n't want to leave you , ryan . i 'm never going to leave you again . [ annie pulls the gun on ryan ] [ scene_break ] reverend vance : bianca and reese , i charge you both as you stand before god to remember that love and loyalty will serve as the foundation for a happy and enduring home . honoring the vows you 're about to make will give you a life of peace and joy . [ scene_break ] ryan : annie , i will always care for you , but i am going to marry greenlee . annie : no . ryan : put down the gun , please , annie . put it down . [ door opening ] aidan : annie , give me the gun . [ scene_break ] bianca : it may not have cupid 's arrow that brought us together , but the day miranda 's ball hit you in the head , my heart changed forever . i found a woman of strength , passion , and beauty . i look into your eyes and i see my soulmate . i see tomorrow and the day after that and all the days to come . i see passion and joy for each other , our life together , our family , our future , wherever we are and whatever it brings . [ scene_break ] kendall : i heard reese say it . i heard her say it . they are staying in pine valley , and she sure as hell is n't doing it for bianca . zach : there is nothing between us . kendall : there 's a baby between you , zach , a baby . and a lot more . [ scene_break ] bianca : you make me feel safe and loved , like anything 's possible . and with you , it is . i promise to always put my hand in yours so that we can face what 's ahead together . you 're my strength . no matter how dark some days may be , i know that i can survive anything wrapped in your arms , your love , our family . i promise to be your partner , your home -- [ scene_break ] [ annie gives up and takes refuge in aidan 's arms ] [ scene_break ] zach : you 're on the wrong side of the road ! [ scene_break ] bianca : your wife -- [ scene_break ] kendall : oh , my god ! [ scene_break ] bianca : for eternity . [ scene_break ] [ to avoid kendall 's car , greenlee flies her motorcycle off the cliff ] | in amanda 's room at the inn , j.r. is asleep on the sofa . amanda wakes him up and gives him a cup of coffee . amanda tells him that he has his own room . j.r. tells amanda that he wants to be near her . reese dreams that they are at the wedding ceremony and bianca gives reese away to zach . reese wakes up with a pounding headache . bianca , happily wakes up and calls reese , but does n't get an answer . where there is a knock on the door , bianca thinks that it is reese , but finds out that it is erica . reese is downstairs getting her some morning coffee when kendall comes in . reese remembers the kiss between herself and zach . kendall comments that reese is whiter than she already was . zach wakes up and finds kendall gone . aidan wakes up with annie towering over him . aidan questions annie as to why she had hit him in the head . annie tells him that he was trying to prevent her from doing what she needed to do . greenlee , in her room , readies herself for the wedding . there is a knock on the door . happily , greenlee opens the door , but when she sees that it is ryan she quickly closes the door in his face . greenlee tells him that he can not see the bride before the wedding that it is back luck . ryan tells her that they are not getting married . greenlee ca n't believe her ears . |
ryan : i 'm going to go . i 'm going to take care of it . trust me . just do n't tell your dad , ok ? [ scene_break ] ethan : i adore your sister . kendall : well , that 's because adorable runs in the family . ethan : you know , i 've noticed that . and seeing as how it 's valentine 's day , i was hoping that we might be able to do something a little special this evening . kendall : all right . cut the cake , sing off - key , and let 's get the hell out of here . [ scene_break ] krystal : that was -- tad : spectacular . krystal : yes and no . tad : how does that work ? upper lip great , lower lip not so good ? krystal : more like krystal 's going to the big house . why not give her something to chew on for the next 10 to 20 . was that a pity kiss ? tad : i feel a lot of surprising things for you right now . pity is n't on the list . if i was a better , less selfish person , maybe i 'd work on it . right now i 'd rather just kiss you again . [ scene_break ] anita : you are amazing . aidan : you did n't hear ? i got kicked out of the lobby . anita : and you still stick around here to keep maggie safe . you really think jonathan is going to come back ? aidan : if he does , i 'm going to welcome him with open arms and closed fists . now , i do n't think that 's very amazing of me . anita : oh , you have no idea . happy valentine 's day . [ scene_break ] jack : i do n't want to cause trouble between you and ryan . you know that . but if jonathan is to blame for you ending up on that trapeze -- greenlee : i know , i know . jack : well , does ryan know ? greenlee : a lot of people have clued in to who jonathan really is , but ryan ca n't . it hurts too much . and now that he knows that he 's a lavery , he 's jonathan 's full - blood brother , his head is in a really bad place . jack : well , i 'm sorry for ryan for that . but i do n't care what jonathan 's last name is . anybody hurts my family , they pay . [ scene_break ] bianca : why were you there ? why did you save me ? babe : lily had said that some guy was going off on you at the center . so by the time i got there , he was going all loco on you and -- and wack jobs like that , they obviously do n't wait for an invite , so i could n't , either . how do you even know that nut job ? why was he going after you ? bianca : he 's a dangerous man . and i think he just got worse . [ scene_break ] jack : happy valentine 's day . erica : oh , jack . how sweet . really . reggie would call this old - school romance . jack : yeah , yeah , he probably would . what do you suppose reggie would call this ? erica : oh , jack . oh . reggie would call that `` bling . `` he would call that `` bling - bling - bling . `` he would call that -- oh , my goodness , it 's huge . when did you have time to get this -- this bling ? jack : well , i 'll tell you what i 'd call it . i 'd call it love and romance . and something else . erica : jack , what could top this ? jack : oh , i was just thinking maybe it was time to put this back on . erica : oh , jack . oh , jack . i will never take it off again . jack : need i say it again ? you are my heart . [ scene_break ] aidan : so , you still want to live life on the edge ? anita : show me the edge . aidan : i think we should have dessert first . here . anita : oh . ok , ok , ok . `` will you be mine ? `` is n't that sweet . now you go . aidan : what do we have here . `` yes . `` that 's even sweeter . anita : no , it does not say -- it does . aidan : doubt not the candy gods . [ scene_break ] opal : no man on the earth could be as stubborn as you are . palmer : that one who 'd marry you , they 'd find out soon enough . erica : lovely to see you two , as well . hey , what 's this round ? palmer : oh , just some paltry details about dixie 's grandson being alive and well , and a buchanan . opal : well , excuse me for worrying about tad and jamie , too . palmer : oh , tad , tad martin . he 's been the village idiot for years , and jamie 's no better than that . erica : please , can we have a ceasefire , just for one night , please ? and that goes for everyone , ok ? we are going to just smile , we 're going to celebrate , we 're going to have a wonderful time . myrtle : hear , hear . erica : good . [ scene_break ] krystal : i ca n't afford to get fuzzy - headed , tad , not now . tad : it 's a hell of a thing you 're about to do . krystal : i 'm a mama . that 's it . tad : you 're willing to do time so your daughter does n't have to . you 're going to give up everything so she gets off with community service . krystal : the fact that miranda stayed in babe 's arms is my fault . it 's mine , and i 'm going to take responsibility for it . tad : honey , if the da goes for this deal , this could very well be your last night , which means that it 's -- i mean , it 's our last night . krystal : tad , do you hear what you 're saying ? do you understand what 's going on ? i dragged you into this just as much as i dragged babe into this . you 're looking at jail time , too . you 're just going to paint a smiley face on that ? tad : why not give it a try ? what the hell have we got to lose that we have n't already lost ? if you can forget that , i can . i mean , there 's no baseball game around for us -- for you to get rowdy at . krystal : the bimbo started it . tad : yeah , well , maybe we could find a batting cage . or just go dancing together . real slow and real tight , the way people who have only got one night left together dance . krystal : i ca n't forget , tad . not for one night , not for a second . so i do n't deserve a preprison pity party . just -- just forget me , ok ? i 'm sorry . [ scene_break ] reggie : wait -- oh , my god . i ca n't believe you did n't remind me . danielle : what ? reggie : today is valentine 's day . danielle : oh , it -- reggie : it must have slipped my mind . danielle : hey , valentine 's day is just a lame marketing tool to sell greeting cards , flowers , and candy . just another way to make a buck . reggie : oh , so , that means i should just ditch these in protest , right ? danielle : linkdead ? for me ? for real ? reggie : yeah , but , you know , it was a valentine 's day gift , and we 're too cool for that type of stuff anyway , right ? danielle : you 're right . like we 'd let the man tell us how and when to show each other what we feel . happy whatever day . reggie : hi , lily . no pictures this time , ok ? erica : oh , danielle and reggie . how nice to see you . reggie : what 's with all the faces ? erica : oh , once the birthday girl and miranda arrive , then -- then we 'll get in gear . reggie : good , because right now this car is on the side of the road , stalled , with no flares , no hood up , no nothing . danielle : no hope . [ scene_break ] jonathan 's voice : i want you to remember this . i want you to think about this for the rest of your life , and hopefully you wo n't wreck other people 's lives ! babe 's voice : get your father and you get in here fast . go . hurry . jonathan 's voice : do n't talk back to me ! babe : thank goodness you 're ok . both of you . bianca : did you follow me ? babe : did i -- what ? why ? bianca : so that you could wait for an opportunity like this . a chance to save the day . babe : i just needed some fresh air . i needed to think . i told you , lily came in , and she was totally freaking out , and by the time i got her to tell me why , i sent her to get help and find jack . and then i had to get that guy away from you somehow . bianca : he 's gone . you 're still here . babe : and you 're still shivering . ryan : bianca ! bianca : ryan ! we 're in the boathouse . ryan : bianca ! bianca : ryan , please , come quick . we 're in the boathouse . ryan : hey . bianca : oh , ryan , thank god . ryan : lily told me to go to the miranda center , but i was cutting through and i saw you guys . bianca : it 's jonathan . he 's lost it . he 's completely lost it . ryan : did he hurt you ? bianca : the way he was talking to me , the things he said , the way he moved . ryan : what about the baby ? bianca : she 's ok . ryan : yeah ? bianca : he blocked her stroller , he would n't let us leave . ryan , i was afraid that he was going to -- babe : how is a guy like that even out on the loose , anyway ? ryan : ok , listen . just take them home , keep them safe . i 'll take care of my brother , ok ? excuse me . [ scene_break ] danielle : lils , you ok ? lily : yelling . i do n't like the yelling . reggie : oh , just tune those two guys out . that 's old folks ' idea of romance . lily : not them . the yelling man . suspect . he would n't stop . she said to hurry . reggie : lily , who ? what suspect ? lily : ryan said not to tell dad , but the lady in the red said to hurry and get dad quick . i do n't know what to do . reggie : all right . did anybody mention me ? lily : no . reggie : then you can tell me . who started this ? [ scene_break ] ryan : jonathan ? get up . get up ! what is this , you think you can play me ? come on , man , get up ! tell me what you did . tell me what you did to bianca , huh ? jonathan : bianca ? bianca and i were talking , and babe chandler runs in there like a lunatic and hits me with this thing . is bianca hurt ? ryan : come on , get up . jonathan : what 's with the -- ryan : you ca n't do this to me , all right ? you went after bianca . you went after her kid . you terrorized her . what is wrong with you ? [ scene_break ] tad : excuse me , miss . this seat taken ? krystal : tad , you do n't have any business wasting your time on me . the laughing , the joking , and trying to make me smile . i hurt people . and tomorrow , please , god , i want to start paying for it . but i 've sucked enough months out of your life , and i 'm not going to do it anymore . tad : is this seat taken ? you know , years from now , when i think back -- the time we spent together -- i probably wo n't remember you sucking a lot of months out of my life . i 'll probably remember smiling , laughing , and having more fun than i have in years . so what do you say we do ourselves a favor and try to have some fun tonight ? just smile for the hell of it , because we can . god , i 'm good . [ scene_break ] bianca : mom ? erica : bianca ? sweetheart , where are you ? are you on your way ? bianca : um , no . i 'm sorry , mom . erica : but you 're coming , are n't you ? bianca : i 'm not feeling well . i think -- i think i 'm coming down with something . i do n't think it 's a good idea . erica : look , sweetheart , i am so sorry . and i would n't ask , except you have a small army here waiting to yell `` surprise . `` bianca : oh , you 're joking . that is so sweet . could you just tell everybody that i 'm so sorry and send them my love , and i will make it up to them and you . god , it 's so sweet , mom . thank you for thinking of me . erica : well , always , sweetheart . all right . i love you , honey . babe : yes . [ miranda babbles ] bianca : you know , i should yell at you to stay away from my baby . babe : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry , i was n't thinking . bianca : i could scream . really , who could blame me ? bianca : she loves you . babe : but you 're her world . bianca : well , of course . i 'm her mother . but she loves you . you ca n't possibly share all those months together , all those days , and not form an unbreakable connection . something in her little girl 's mind tells her that she can trust you . of course , that 's what every mother wants for her child . all the love in the world . but to see you now , holding her , whispering in her ear -- i just do n't know what to feel right now . [ scene_break ] erica : just a cold . palmer : uh - huh . well , maybe she knew that the mouth that never stops was going to be here . opal : oh , stuff a mushroom cap , you old buzzard . ethan : ahem -- ok , i think that 's our cue to leave . kendall : yeah . ethan : let 's see if we ca n't have a little party of our own . kendall : mm - hmm . i 'm with you . let 's go . reggie : j , look , something 's wrong with lily , and she wo n't tell me . you need to give it a shot . it might be bianca . [ scene_break ] ryan : you had to talk to bianca ? what did you do ? you tracked her down here after dark away from her people ? i mean -- jonathan : why should n't i talk to her , ry , huh ? she made my fiancée leave me . ryan : you hit your fiancée . do you ever think that that 's maybe why maggie left you ? jonathan : we were working on it together . bianca comes to my house and dumps all this stuff in her head , ryan . ryan : shut up . jonathan : she kissed her , ryan , all right ? ryan : shut up with all the lies and the excuses , all right ? maggie left you , and now you want bianca to suffer . i mean , you corner her here ? you terrorize her ? who does that ? who are you ? jonathan : who am i ? i 'm just like you . you 're full of patrick 's blood , too . you 're just like me . yeah . bianca told me about chris stamp 's journal . he was just trying to save you from being one of the screwed - up lavery guys , but too bad it was all a lie , huh ? you ever plan on telling me ? ryan : i was a little busy doing damage control , jonathan . jonathan : sucks , does n't it ? takes your smug superiority and flushes it right down that genetic toilet , huh ? you 're patrick lavery 's son . you 're just as twisted as the rest of us . you , me , braden . welcome to the club . ryan : no . no , you do n't get to do this . you do n't get to turn it around and make it about me . now , you went after bianca . why ? why , because all that matters is what you feel and what you want ? you hit maggie , you terrorized bianca . why ? because -- because your feelings were hurt ? grow up , hocket ! you 're right . you are twisted , and it makes me sick to see it ! i swear to you , if i could -- jonathan : could what ? huh ? could beat it out of me ? hmm ? come on . come on , man ! give it your best shot ! where 's a good belt when you need one ? ryan : what am i going to do ? what am i going to do with you ? i got to get you help . jonathan : i do n't need help ! ryan : yeah , you do . you need help more than you know . you realize that if you continue like this that i will not be able to dig you out . what is it with you ? what , do you want to go to jail ? jack : well , that would certainly work for me . reggie : i told you to back off maggie , but now you go after bianca ? see , this is payback . jack : no . i 'll take care of this . ryan : hey , this is my brother . i 'm handling it , ok ? jack : too late for that , ryan . your brother here has crossed the line . now we handle it my way . [ scene_break ] babe : i do love miranda . i mean , look at her . she 's amazing . i knew that that night that i put her in your arms in the cabin . i knew that i would love both of you for the rest of my life . and that still has n't changed . i know . i know . this is -- this is crazy and you 're drowning in craziness because of me . but no more . i should just go and let you lock the door behind me . bianca : did you send jamie here ? he came to talk to me . babe : to apologize ? bianca : no , to ask me for help . he wants me to go and talk to the da , get you off the hook for what you did to me . babe : i did n't even know that he came . he did n't tell me . bianca : really ? so it was all his idea ? babe : i 'm sorry . bianca : you 're sorry for everything . but i ca n't say it 's ok , not for me and not for my daughter . babe : jamie just has such a big heart . all he 's -- all he 's wanting to do is he 's just wanting to make things better for me and baby james , make it right even though he 's going about it the wrong way . if i could give back to you two what i have taken from you , i would . but the least i can do is i can -- i can stop taking . bianca : you 'll go to prison , you know . babe : it looks that way . [ scene_break ] erica : thank you both for coming . palmer : yeah . erica : no bloodshed in the elevator . thank you . opal : i ca n't promise anything . erica : all right . good night . myrtle : darling , would you like some company until jack comes from his emergency ? erica : oh , myrtle . oh , i could always count on you . myrtle : always . erica : yes . but even this ? myrtle , i need your help with something , but i 'm going to have to swear you to secrecy . myrtle : well , if anyone can salvage a night that 's gone down the drain -- erica : hmm ? myrtle : tell me . erica : myrtle , will you help me plan my wedding ? [ scene_break ] danielle : lily , your dad and reggie needed to know where ryan went . you did good . lily : that 's not what i 'm thinking about . i saw you kiss reggie . danielle : oh , we caved in to the system for valentine 's day . lily : but you kiss on other days , too . why ? danielle : um , because we like each other . it feels good . lily : good , how ? like , how does it feel ? danielle : well , when you like someone , it feels soft , sweet , warm . i do n't know -- it 's something you do n't want to stop doing . lily : right . and you kissed reggie on valentine 's day because he 's your boyfriend . i think i 'd like to try to kiss aidan . [ scene_break ] anita : `` love -- `` aidan : come on . anita : `` aidan . `` you had those made up just for me ? aidan : yep . [ scene_break ] ethan : that 's it . now , listen , i had a tiny little bit of work done on the jet , you know -- kendall : oh , really ? ethan : couple of throw pillows , a new magazine . you get the picture . kendall : and flowers ? because the fragrance is fabulous . oh , my god . ethan , oh my god ! [ music plays ] ethan : much better . kendall : much . singers : is it love ? kendall : could you be more romantic ? i mean , you know i 'm a sucker for roses and champagne and candles . ethan : well , i think that it 's a very good thing that paris has both . i thought we could get a little breakfast in bed and then have some lunch at a little private booth on the ile saint - louis . kendall : ooh . ooh . ethan : hmm ? kendall : mm - hmm . ethan : and then maybe we could be home in time for bed . kendall : uh - huh . ethan : mm - hmm . kendall : yeah , i like that a lot . ethan : you do ? kendall : i do . i like it . singer : is it love knocking on the door ? [ scene_break ] opal : oh , no . tell me i am dreaming . i have n't even had my first harvey wallbanger yet , so i ca n't be hallucinating . tad : happy valentine 's day to you , too , mama . opal : what are you doing , tipping back with the likes of her , tonight of all nights ? what are you doing ? tad : just take it easy , all right ? i stopped explaining myself to you a long time ago . opal : yeah , well , how do you explain it to yourself ? that 's what i want to know . krystal : opal , if it 's any consolation , this is probably the last time you 're going to see us together . opal : from your lips , honey . barkeep , give me a harvey wallbanger , heavy on the maraschinos . tad : sorry about that . krystal : no , do n't be sorry . there 's part of me that agrees with her . tad : i 'm right where i want to be . man : ok , you had your liquid courage . now it 's time to step up and let loose . that 's right , it 's karaoke time ! tad : oh , for god 's sake . prison is n't bad enough . first mama , now this . `` karaoke `` is japanese for `` screeching `` -- it makes your ears bleed . come on , we 're out of here . new gin joint . krystal : no , no , no , tad . you said you were going to show me a good time , so show me . opal : uh , testing , testing -- one , two , three . tad : looks like somebody beat me to it . opal : excuse me , ladies and gents . i 'm sorry to butt in line , but this is a karaoke emergency . i got a special dedication to send out tonight . this one goes to the little lady sitting right over there . tad : oh , god . kill me now . opal : hit it . toot , toot ah beep , beep yeah toot , toot ah beep , beep toot , toot ah beep , beep yeah . bad girls , talkin ' 'bout the sad girls . i 'm talking to you , sister . yeah . sad girls , talkin ' 'bout bad , bad girls . [ scene_break ] kendall : wait a minute . ethan , does the phrase `` jump bail `` mean anything to you ? ethan : shh . listen , i 'm only speaking french right now . ok ? kendall : no . wait , listen -- forget paris . all right ? all we need right now is us . ethan : yeah . kendall : yeah , i 'm coming over here . [ scene_break ] danielle : well , it looks like i 'll be staying with you until erica gets back from taking myrtle home . hmm , ok . did n't you and aidan decide no kissing , no touching ? i mean , you ca n't just up and change the rules without talking to aidan first . lily : but the rules should change because i changed . aidan touched me right here and it did n't hurt at all . danielle : right there ? right there is perfect , actually , so why -- lily : if this can work , i think kissing aidan can work , too . danielle : you know what i think will be cool ? if you and aidan can go back to numbers . lily : i do n't think i can . danielle : because you 've changed ? lily : yes , me and my feelings . when i 'm around him , my face gets hot . i tingle -- my hands , from my waist to my toes . i want to feel like that some more . i 'd like to -- i 'd like to kiss aidan . i know i have autism spectrum disorder , but what i 'm feeling -- it 's normal , right ? danielle : yes , lily , it is , but -- lily : i 'm a girl . danielle : and , boy , do you need to talk to your dad . [ scene_break ] jack : derek frye , i believe you know jonathan lavery . derek : yeah , we 've met . and we 're about to get to know each other better . ryan : derek , you honestly do n't need to do this , ok ? derek : jackson gave me a call , allegations have been made . so -- jonathan , sounds like you 've been busy . why do n't you come down to the station and tell me why i should n't lock you up . jonathan : yes , please . i would love the opportunity to explain it . this has all just been so blown out of proportion . there 's a bunch of people around town freaking out for no reason . derek : ok . make me understand . let 's go . jonathan : ok . jack : come on , you . greenlee : we should go and see if we can help . ryan : no , this is my problem . greenlee : this means what 's mine is yours and vice versa -- good , bad , ugly -- all of it . ryan : listen , greenlee , it 's fine . i 'll see you at home , ok ? greenlee : no , ryan . wait . [ scene_break ] bianca : jamie was right to talk to me . babe : jamie is sweet and he loves me , but that does n't mean that it was ok . bianca : no , he was right . if i did go to the da , if your own victim asked him to cut you a break , it would help . he would have to listen . babe : and i would do anything to be with my son , anything except ask you to do that for me . bianca : babe . i do n't know how to feel about you . babe : me , neither . i do stupid things without thinking . and even when i do think , i still go on and do crazy things . i snuck into the buchanans ' mansion dressed as a caterer to see james . and kevin was waiting for me , had video cameras all over the place . i know . i know , i know , i 'm -- i 'm stupid . but , you know , even after a stunt like that , there 's probably even nothing you can do for me . i know that i may not have many brains , but i know what i feel . love for my son and -- and joy for you and your daughter . [ miranda babbles ] babe : and i know that it 's hard for you to see me . but when i see the two of you together , it makes my heart feel warm . bianca : miranda is my life . i 'm alive because of her . and i can reach out and touch her whenever i want . but i can not forget those nights when i did n't have a baby to hold . babe : those nights -- they 're so long . there 's no way that you can ever forget them . but it 's not the only thing that you have . you have joy , joy that you can hold in your arms and hug on to for dear life . do n't let anyone mess that up for you . especially not me . [ scene_break ] opal : well , i hope you learned a little something from my gift of song . just let me know if you ever need an encore . krystal : well , at least there 's a one - song - per - person limit . tad : yeah , thank god for that , but i can safely say karaoke night is dead because nobody 's going to dare follow that up . krystal : oh , i love a dare . besides , somebody 's got to stamp out those negative vibes from that `` gift of song . `` tad : what are you saying , now you 're going to try to put a smile on my face ? krystal : well , i do n't know if i can , but i 'm going to try . tad : krystal -- honey , do n't do this to me . sit . krystal : no , no , just wait . what do we have here ? here 's a good one . ? my funny valentine , sweet comic valentine , you make me smile with my heart mmm . your looks are laughable , unphotographable , yet you 're my favorite work of art . is your figure less than greek ? is your mouth a little weak ? when you open it to speak , are you smart ? do n't change a hair for me , not if you care for me . stay , funny valentine , stay . each day is valentine 's day mmm . [ scene_break ] [ during krystal 's singing , some of pine valley 's couples ( kendall & ethan , reggie & danielle , adrian & anita ) are smooching while lily dreams of kissing adrian . [ next_on ] jamie : i can help you get the one thing you want more than anything in this world . erica : i want you out of my daughter 's life . bianca : i should n't have kissed you . maggie : then it was n't all a lie . ryan : how many chances did i give you , and how many times did you lie to me ? greenlee : i think i found something . | right when jonathan is spying upon bianca and babe and ready to get revenge , ryan appears . he finds his brother and realizes how sick he is and that there is no excuse for his behavior . jack and reggie have derek take jonathan down to the station . lily reveals to danielle that she would n't mind being intimate with aidan after all . bianca has to cancel her surprise birthday party because of how upset she is not only about jonathan , but also by babe playing `` hero `` . seeing babe holding miranda makes her want to lash out at her because of what she 's done . but she sounds like she might consider helping get babe and jamie off the hook and get their baby boy . |
jamie : amanda , where the heck have you been ? amanda : jamie , you have to help me , please ! you have to get everybody out of here . janet : amanda ! [ as janet runs to save her daughter , the ballroom explodes in a ball of fire . while chandeliers and all manner of debris fall on the horrified guests below , those on the mezzanine plummet down until all is eerily quiet and still . ] singer : somewhere there 's music . how faint the tune ? somewhere there 's heaven . how high the moon ? there is no moon above , when love is far away , too . till it comes true , that you love me , as i love you . the darkest night would shine , if you 'd come to me soon . until you will , how still my heart ? how high the moon ? [ classical music plays as bodies are strewn around the rubble that was once a festive ball . slowly , one lone bloodied and bruised man sits up and plaintively cries out . ] tad : my god . is anyone alive ? [ scene_break ] jack : lily ? jack : reggie ! lily ! jack : lily ? reggie ! [ scene_break ] janet : amanda ? amanda ? oh , my god . oh . oh . oh , my baby . my baby . no . oh . amanda . look what you people made me do . i will never forgive . do you hear me ? i will never forgive ! [ scene_break ] tad : brooke ? brooke ? sweetheart ? lay still . are you all right ? brooke : was it real ? tad : yeah . can you move ? brooke : where 's jamie ? j.r. : have you seen babe ? i have to find babe . tad : we will , j.r. we 'll find everyone . j.r. : ah ! jack : lily ? brooke : danielle ? dani ? are you ok ? danielle : i want my father . has anyone seen my father ? tad : here , easy . easy , sweetheart . anita : oh , julia . thank god you 're ok . opal : tad ? tad : ma ? opal : tad ? tad : mom , where are you ? opal : here . tad : ma ? opal : oh . tad : no , ma , do n't , do n't . opal : where 's jamie ? tad : i do n't know . i 'm working on it , ma . i 'll find him . he 'll be all right . opal : find jamie . tad : he 's got to be . opal : are you ok ? tad : you ? opal : palmer . find palmer . di : tad ? tad , i can hear you . tad : di ? di : tad ? tad : where are you ? di : tad ? tad : keep talking . i 'm here , hon . di : tad ? tad : right here . jack : erica ! reggie ! reggie : i 'm here ! di : tad ? tad ? tad ? jack : all right , all right . reggie : dani , are you hurt ? you all right ? you ok ? jack : reggie . have you seen lily ? reggie : no . jack : she was on the balcony with jonathan . danielle : the balcony . jack : yeah . danielle : it 's -- jack : lily ! lily ! reggie : i 'll be back . jack : lily , talk to me ! has anyone seen my daughter ? lily ! reggie : dad , go up . jack : lily ! lily ! [ scene_break ] julia : that smell . tad : yeah , i 'd say that rings a bell . julia : gas leak . it 's -- i can smell it , it 's still leaking . jack : lily . tad : son of a bitch . julia : we ca n't stay . tad : no , i got it , i got it . listen to me , listen to me -- we did not survive to die now , ok ? i want you to grab everybody who can stand , get them to help everybody who ca n't out of here as quickly as possible . we do n't have a lot of time , so let 's not waste any . everybody , if you hear the sound of my voice -- dixie : help . help ! help ! tad : dani ? for the last time , hon , you 've got to get out of here , all right , out in the fresh air . you can help people out . danielle : not until i find my father . [ sirens ] di : tad ! tad : del ? del . take mama out of here now . opal : i 'm not going without palmer . tad : yes , you are . mama , mama -- opal : no , i got to find palmer . tad : mama , you 're going . everybody goes . opal : i 've got to -- brooke : opal , there 's a gas leak . opal : god . oh , my god . di : come on . come on , opal . opal : oh , palmer ! di : he 'll be all right . he 'll be all right . jack : lily ! reggie ? reggie ? stay there , stay there . reggie : i got to find her . jack : no , no , listen to me -- reggie : i have to find lily . jack : listen to me . the exit is down there . reggie : no , lily could still be in here . jack : listen , listen , listen , i want you to get out of here . you should get out of here now , please . reggie : i got to help . jack : please . reggie : can i help ? jack : get marian and get out . reggie : marian ? marian : stuart ? reggie : hey . hey . marian : someone please find my husband . please , i beg you , someone find stuart . aidan : we need to get everybody out , get a head count , and turn off the gas . erin : no problem . julia : one step , big step . aidan : take it easy . julia : all right . aidan : get her out . julia : keep looking . aidan : excuse me , sir , where are you going ? greg : my son is in here . aidan : you want to help your son , you need to stay alive , you need to get out . it 's too dangerous . come here . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] janet : you people . you took my daughter . you -- my beautiful , sweet amanda . i 'm going to bury you all . [ scene_break ] brooke : here , let 's get her over here . aidan : there was no warning . suddenly there was an explosion . the place is still filled with gas . brooke : our son is in there , and friends and volunteers . the tickets have been sold out for days , so there 's still a lot of people in there . tad : these are our families . you have to let us go in there . firefighter : i ca n't let you do that . aidan : look , that 's not your choice . firefighter : yes , it is my choice . i 'm not even letting my own men in there yet , not until the gas is shut off and the place is vented . you try to get by , we 'll stop you . tad : so all the people that are left in there that are unconscious , that are trapped ? aidan : we got to stay here and do nothing ? jack : hey , hey , hey -- reggie : no , j , i just ca n't sit here while erica and lily need us -- and kendall . jack : and i need you safe . julia : will you just let me look at it ? j.r. : hey , maybe you did n't hear me because of the blast , ok ? i do n't have time for this . julia : would you rather bleed and get an infection ? j.r. : no , i want to find my son 's mother . that 's all that matters . nothing else matters . what , do you guys not get this ? we have people that we love in there ! you expect us to stand out here while they 're dying ? [ scene_break ] babe : anybody ? any -- anybody hear me ? [ scene_break ] josh : hey ! erica : how did this happen ? how did the mansion explode ? why am i stuck in here with you and not with the people i love ? josh : who knows . you know , i bet they cut into regular programming . this is going to be huge . you imagine ? out of the rubble and devastation come the sole survivors , the famous la kane , rising star josh madden . this so beats slater 's story any day . erica : sick . demented . josh : i just keep thinking i should 've been the one that was stabbed in the gut instead of just getting that scratch on my arm , protecting you from yourself . the show could 've followed my recovery -- selfless hero on the mend . [ josh laughs ] erica : you ? a hero ? help ! somebody get me out of here ! josh : erica ? are you all right , erica ? erica : touch me and die . [ scene_break ] zach : you ok ? simone : what , i look all right ? what about you ? zach : you want to know how i am ? that 's -- that 's nice . simone : no , i 'm worried about everyone else . my god , what happened ? you 're to blame for this , are n't you ? it 's your fault ! you did this ! zach : i was otherwise occupied . i 'm sorry to disappoint you . ethan : do n't be modest . this is a prime example of the slater scorched - earth policy . what is this , vengeance for me and kendall and ryan ? zach : it 's an old building , old furnace . things happen . simone : yeah , things happen . right , then heaven just cracked open and god just smacked down giant rats and power lines and sperm freezers ! zach : you think my karma reaches all the way to you ? simone : no , no , i do n't ! i think my karma 's not exactly squeaky clean . i may have done , like , one or two things that are bad in my previous life . ethan : hey , i need to know something , simone . [ ethan grunts ] ethan : i need to know , what kind of flowers -- what kind of flowers did you pick for our wedding ? i was n't listening before , sweetie . simone : i love you . [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall ? ryan : ok . you got a pulse . you look ok . come on . ugh ! you 're going to be all right . you 're going to be -- hey . [ kendall wakes up coughing . ] ryan : you ok ? kendall : zach ? zach ? zach , where are you ? zach ! what happened ? ryan : there was an explosion , ok ? kendall : ow ! ryan : careful , careful . please , please . we 're stuck . we 're going to be ok . kendall : ow . ryan : ah ! wait a second . we 're stuck . kendall : what , are you trying to get us -- trying to get us out of here or -- ryan : i did n't do anything . kendall : trying -- ryan : ah ! kendall : to get out of here , or you just want to stay here and torture me , ryan ? is anybody out there ! ryan : just relax . please relax . everything 's going to be fine . how 's the baby ? how is the baby ? you have any strange contractions ? kendall : stop it , no , it 's not any of your business , ryan ! none of this is your business , ok -- not my body , my life , who i love , or who betrayed me , ok ? just leave me alone . none of this is your business . ryan : just calm down . please calm down . i want you to calm down , please . ok . ok . all right . just stay here and calm down . kendall : do n't tell me what to do , ryan , ok ? i can not believe that i am stuck here with you of all people , ok ? i want to get out of here now . help ! somebody get me out of here ! just get me away from him ! [ scene_break ] simone : zach , you 're bleeding . zach : just popped a few stitches . it 's ok . simone : no , let me try to help you . zach : you going to let your fiancée play nurse to me ? ethan : i do n't `` let `` simone do anything , zach , she 's her own person . she wants to waste her time on a lost cause like you , that 's -- simone : we ca n't let him bleed out , ethan . ethan : that would be a shame . hey , listen , why do n't we -- zach : did n't we do this already ? you deciding my fate ? yeah , we did . wildwind stables . ethan : you asked me to let you die . zach : and you could n't do it . ethan : it was a momentary lapse , zach . at least i got you arrested for murder . zach : it 's getting old , is n't it ? what do you think ? zach : no more charades , no , no games . come on , ethan . what do you want ? you want me to live or you want me to die ? this is it . end of the line , maybe the end of the world . what do you want from me ? [ scene_break ] lily : 33,980 . 33,981 . 33,982 . 33,98 -- 33,980 . 33,983 . 33,984 . 33 - - 33,983 . 33,984 . jonathan : lily ? hey , lily ? yellow daisies . lily ? remember what julia 's mom said about when life gets too scary ? just think about yellow daisies . we can do that now , if you want . just think about yellow daisies , ok ? purple tulips ! lily , purple 's your favorite color . let 's think about purple tulips instead . lily : but julia said -- jonathan : no , we -- we can make our own decisions , right ? and if we want purple tulips , we can have purple tulips . [ scene_break ] jamie : smells like a gas leak . which means we got to get out of here before this whole -- amanda : do you want to make love ? jamie : what , total destruction turns you on ? amanda : look at us , jamie -- small space , no food , no water , no way out . but plenty of gas fumes . do you have a better idea than sweaty love ? jamie : yeah , actually , i do . amanda : ok , do your pants come off in your version ? jamie : you just explain to me what you meant -- when you ran in and said everybody had to get out ? right before the whole thing blew . [ scene_break ] tad : look , you just said the gas was off , so there ca n't be any risk of explosion . jack : andy , andy , we 're going in . tad : you 're damn right . andy : listen to me . hey . there 's jagged glass in there , busted wood in there . you make one false step , and you 're a casualty ! tad : no , listen to me , all right ? we 're talking about our friends and our family in there . they 're buried under god only knows what . either we pay you or you put us on the payroll , but one way or another , we 're going in there . jack : that 's right . andy : all right . you disobey one order , break regulations , and i 'll come in there myself and drag you out and lock you up . are we clear ? danielle : works for me . jack : reggie , come on , me and you , let 's go , son . j.r. : i 'm coming , babe . firefighter : i got a casualty inside . i got to get him stitched up before i can even move him , but he 's stuck in a space too tight for my guys . julia : i got this . joe : well -- hold on , i 'm not sure that 's the wisest -- anita : no , tight space , fast hands ? julia 's right , it 's all her . julia : do you think i 'll fit ? firefighter : best chance he 's got . joe : all right , go in . [ scene_break ] dixie 's voice : ha , ha ! tad 's voice : i gave you a music box . it said `` yours forever . `` [ stuck in the rubble , dixie remembers happier times with tad but ca n't bring herself to answer him now . ] tad : hello ? if anybody can hear me , let us know you 're alive ! if we can hear you , we can get you out ! you 're going to be all right ! [ scene_break ] j.r. : you see them ? danielle : daddy ? julia : not yet . j.r. : hey , do you have another one of those ? thanks . julia : ok . oh , god , i see him . it 's stuart . tad : anybody ? give me a sign , you 're as good as out ! if you can , call out ! kick ! tap ! anything ! if we hear you , we can get you out ! it 's as simple as that ! j.r. : tell him that little adam needs a bedtime story and only stuart will do . he 's a chandler . he 's going to be just fine . so will my dad and krystal and babe , wherever they are . [ scene_break ] [ when babe tries to move , more debris showers down on her , making her escape impossible . ] babe : j.r. ! mama ! [ scene_break ] josh : you stay in pain just to spite me ? go ahead , erica ! erica : no , i want you to stay far away from me . i swear to god , you stay far away from me . i intend to survive this evening . josh : erica , i 'd be a damn good doctor . just ask my father . i have a gift ! if i really wanted to spend 36 hours straight taking orders from a guy twice as old as i am who knew half as much as i did , i would do it . erica : the way you talk . who are you ? tad 's voice : erica , josh madden is your son . erica : the way you speak , the things you say -- you came into my office , and you just assumed that i 'd give you a job , and you just assumed that i 'd make you my friend . josh : spare me the shock . as if i 'm so bizarre to you . erica : i do n't know you at all . josh : then why do n't you take a good look , erica ? go on . take a look at me . i 'm the guy that woke up every day wondering if this was going to be the day that the world finally took notice and paid me my due . movie star , king of the world , president -- did n't matter . just had to be big , and bigger than anyone else . erica : just like that ? josh : why not ? do i come across as an everyday joe schmoe to you ? erica : and all this fame and fortune -- this was just going to come out of nowhere ? you did n't have to earn it ? josh : oh , i did plenty . i was born . erica : oh . just like that . that 's it ? josh : have n't you heard , erica ? i 'm a miracle baby ! i 'm ready for my standing o . erica : my god . you really believe this , do n't you ? you 're just entitled to have it all come out of nowhere and fall into your lap , and all you have to do is just sit there and wait for it to come . josh : well , actually , it did come . you went all psycho - slasher on slater . the network execs liked what they saw -- talented , not crazy , ready to do my thing . came right on schedule . just so happened to involve you going crazy . it 's nothing personal . erica : nothing personal ? nothing [ scene_break ] zach : tell me , ethan . what kind of father were you expecting ? huh ? what were you hoping for ? nothing ? no private thoughts , no secret wishes ? nothing ? simone : if he did , zach , he would tell me , not you . and if he wants to say anything now , he 'll say it to me . forget about it , zach , ok , baby ? just -- let 's just pretend it 's you and me , ok ? we 're alone . zach : what do you want from me ? ethan : live , die , zach , i do n't care . i just want to get out of here , ok , and i can do it never seeing your face again . [ scene_break ] ryan : i want you to lie down , i want you to sit there . i want you just to relax . kendall : no , you just had to prove that he was a liar and you -- and you are st. lavery . you know what , you 're very obnoxious when you gloat , especially when it could be your last words . ryan : you think i 'm gloating right now ? you think that this is gloating ? listen , when you have screwed up as badly as i have screwed up , the very last thing that you do -- the very last thing -- is you gloat . kendall : is this some sort of reverse psychology to make me think that , `` no , no , ryan , you do n't screw up , you never screw up `` ? except that you do , ryan , and you do over and over again . ryan : i betrayed you and greenlee -- your words . i let you tie yourself into knots , because i let you think that i was dead . kendall : you watched us cry . ryan : yes . kendall : you let greenlee leave us . ryan : yes . kendall : you 've cost me greenlee and zach and everything else . ryan : yes . kendall : i hate you . ryan : the pain that you are feeling -- it was all my fault , kendall . you did n't want to know the truth about zach , but i told you anyway . i told you to make up for my lies . kendall : well , then why -- then why do n't i feel better ? why ? why does this hurt still feel so bad ? why do i hurt so much ? ryan : we 'll make the pain go away . we 're going to -- we 're going to make it better . kendall : `` we , `` meaning ? ryan : take a look around , kendall . you 're stuck with me . [ scene_break ] jamie : you were freaked . right before the explosion , you ran in , wanted my help clearing everybody out . amanda : i still do n't remember . can we maybe focus on the fact that we 're stuck -- [ debris falls ] amanda : did you hear that ? j.r. : is anybody there ? amanda : here ! jamie : yeah , right here , right here ! amanda : we 're here ! help us ! oh , my god . j.r. : jamie ? jamie : hey . j.r. : you heard from babe ? amanda : are you kidding ? we could 've died in here . the only thing that matters is the slut that lied about running me down ? j.r. : that 's fine , dig yourself out . tad : jamie ? hey , jamie ? you all right ? jamie : yeah . tad : ok , we 're going to get you out . amanda , you all right ? amanda : yeah , can we just go ? jamie : what about the blow to your head ? amanda : look , i 'm fine . i just need some fresh air , some space , peace and quiet . tad : easy . easy , easy , easy the place is a mess . make one wrong move , they 'll be looking for all of us . j.r. : you 've been down there the whole time , jamie . have you heard babe ? jamie : i 'll be right back to help you look . [ scene_break ] lily : red . red . red . and red . bars to the left , dead brother to the right . i gave you the gun . jonathan : no -- lily : you called me a moron . then red , and loud , and red . jonathan : no , lily , never . i -- no , no . i 'm so sorry i was bad to you , lily . i never want to be bad again , ok ? i just want -- i want to be your friend . i want -- lily : no touch ! jonathan : ok , i 'm sorry . lily : red ! loud ! jonathan : i 'm sorry , lily , i 'm sorry . lily : no , touch , no touch . jonathan : look . look right here , lily . look . look right here . no , look at this . this is the ballroom , ok ? this is the ballroom right here , and -- and right here were the stairs . they took us up here to the balcony , where we were , and -- and there were no bars and no rocks and no guns , no bombs . just -- just music and flowers and you . and we danced . you remember ? it was the best dance of my life . lily : we -- we danced . we -- we danced here . jonathan : yeah . yeah , that 's right , we did . lily : red . red ! jonathan : no , lily . lily : red . red . jonathan : ok , come back to me . jack : tell daddy where you are ! [ scene_break ] stuart : my queen of hearts . tad : he 's talking about his wife , marian . let 's get him to her . julia : ok . firefighter : ready , guys ? one , two , three . go ! stepping up . one , two , three . clear . danielle : oh , dad , you 're ok ! oh ! [ scene_break ] ryan : can anybody hear me ? kendall : when we get out of here , i swear to you i will walk away and never look back . ryan : well , that would be just fine -- kendall : did i ask you ? ryan : let me finish , please . that would be just fine if you were n't who you were , and you were n't carrying my child . kendall : ok , you know what , ryan ? you 're not the boss , all right ? you are -- you are nobody to me , and you are no one to this baby . ryan : those papers that you signed -- they say otherwise . kendall : yeah , well , those papers were a mistake . that does n't -- you could n't -- you could n't possibly be a good father to this poor , innocent child . ryan : oh , i see . and so you would rather zach be the father instead ? kendall : that supposed to be funny ? do n't talk , ok ? do n't talk to me , do n't look at me . pretend like you do n't even know me . stay over there on your side , i 'm going to stay over here on my side . and when we get out of here , you better stay the hell away from me , or i swear to you -- oh , my god . oh , my god . [ scene_break ] julia : hi , sorry . joe : you did fine work in there . well , better get back to your patients . [ scene_break ] [ while hiding in the background , janet overhears her daughter 's conversation . ] amanda : i just want to get out of here , go home , and forget tonight ever happened . jamie : you knew that explosion was going to happen , that all those people were in trouble . now , there 's only one way you could 've known -- you were behind it . or you know who was or you were a team . it was janet , was n't it ? amanda , your mother did this . amanda : my mother is nowhere near pine valley . just leave me alone . [ scene_break ] tad : erica ! ethan ! j.r. : babe ! tad : come on , guys ! j.r. : little adam needs you ! i need you . babe : please , i 'm in here ! i 'm still alive . tad : if anybody can hear me , we 're here to help ! we can get you out ! just let us know you 're there ! [ unable to escape from the falling debris , dixie groans as she hears tad calling but refuses to answer . ] tad : everybody , quiet . nobody move . heard something . [ tad hears scratching sounds coming from below where dixie is trapped . ] tad : somebody down there ? [ scene_break ] josh : you think i 'd fetch coffee ? pay my dues ? do grunt work ? you know what ? you know who pays their dues ? suckers . losers who do n't know how to make it happen . that 's not me , erica . i 'm not going to sit around and wait while somebody else has what i deserve . nick 's voice : well , you got to go where the action is , mona . is n't that right , erica ? i mean , pine valley is n't exactly the corner of hollywood and vine . nick 's voice : yeah . well , i 've been on that corner . it 's not all it 's cracked up to be . erica : when i 'm set on a man , he 's going to have success written all over him before our marriage even starts . and when he makes it , i 'm going to be just what he bargained for . tad ca n't be right , can he ? are you -- are you really -- josh : am i what ? [ scene_break ] jack : lily ? lily , sweetheart , i hear you ! keep -- keep talking ! lily : daddy . daddy ? jack : lily , daddy 's going to get you out ! [ while trying to rescue lily , jack falls through the ceiling , landing on the pile of rubble below with a sickening thump . ] [ scene_break ] zach : the walls are n't done shifting . ethan : i 'm not wasting any more time . come here , come here . simone : what ? ethan : come on , darling , stand over here . stay there . simone : do n't do anything . ethan : shh . just -- simone : ethan ! [ instead of finding a way out , ethan manages to bury himself under more rubble . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : kendall ? i 'm going to get you out of here , kendall . i 'll get you out of here . i 'll get you and the baby -- i 'll get you to a hospital . kendall : no , it 's moving . our baby is moving . [ next_on ] josh ( to erica ) : why does the story of my birth upset you so much ? kendall ( to zach ) : you had to come and force the truth on me . now i have nothing to look forward to except loneliness . ryan ( to kendall ) : you have me . tad : j.r. ? j.r. : yeah ? tad : we 're going to need another couple of hands . watch where you step . | after the explosion , all the people are lucky to be alive . they all look to find their family and friends . after amanda has gone in to attempt to save all the people and it looks like she might be dead , janet tells them all that they are going to pay for what they have done to her baby . jamie asks amanda what she knows about the explosion . once again , she does not implicate her mother . erica and josh are stuck together . she does n't want anything to do with him but is forced to wonder if he is really her son . kendall and ryan are stuck together . she tells him if they get out of there alive , she will have nothing more to do with him . but right then , she feels her baby kicking . |
kendall : spike ! zach : hey , hey , hey , what 's wrong ? kendall : spike is crying , spike was crying . zach : no , it 's ok . spike 's fine , he 's with ryan . and you 're here with me . you 're ok , i got you . come on . it 's ok . [ scene_break ] j. j. farris sings `` right here `` : you 're not alone , because i know nothing matters here , but this , and i know i can feel it in your kiss . right here and now , let 's entangle in the moment . just the two of us against the world that wished us away . right here and now all we need is for the taking . disappear inside the making of a love so sublime . right here , right here and now . la , la , la , la , la . right here and now . love it seems to you has been an emptiness . a fine example that it 's never what they say , but i can promise you that things are different now , and i 'll embrace your pain and make it go away 'cause i know all you 've been through 's in the past . yeah , i know we can make forever last . right here , right here and now ♪ [ while bianca sits on a park bench holding a letter from maggie , jonathan places a blanket over amanda , julia prepares a surprise for jamie , di slips back into adrian 's comforting arms , and j.r. dreams of babe on the living room sofa . ] j.r. : babe -- no -- babe -- krystal : j.r. ? j.r. : no . krystal : i got you , j.r . i know , i got you , i got you , i 'm here . i 'm here . j.r. : i need to get upstairs . krystal : j.r. ? we know . we both know , you and i . no matter how bad things got , you never stopped loving babe . thank god she knew that . j.r. 's voice : i ca n't stand the stink of you . you either sign over custody of little a to me or i blow your mama 's life to hell . your life was so not worth my mother 's . krystal : through all the ugliness and the hurt -- j.r. : i have to go check on little adam . he does n't know about her . krystal : j.r. , j.r. ? you got past it . you found a way . babe was loved when she died , by me and by you . do you know -- do you know what that means to me ? and i know it 's long overdue , but would you mind ? could you stand it if -- if i called you my son ? j.r. : your son -- stop it , krystal , just stop . if babe felt loved or at peace when she died , it had nothing to do with me . adam : ah . now , is there something you wanted to say to nana ? happy valentine 's day ! happy valentine 's day . krystal : i heard him , i heard him . krystal : oh . look at you . could you be any sweeter ? [ scene_break ] bianca : `` i 'll be far away , but my heart will be with you . all my love , maggie . `` [ sitting on a park bench reading maggie 's letter , bianca sees zoe approaching . ] bianca : hey . zoe : i 'm sorry bianca : oh , no , no . zoe , it 's a park . you should be allowed -- there 's something different about you . zoe : well , i 'm not wearing jewelry , i used new conditioner . and i do n't have my police officer on my tail . bianca : you 've been cleared ? zoe : because babe is gone , and i did n't do it . and officer hannity can vouch for it . i was one floor away when babe was attacked , and i did n't do it . and i could n't save her , either . [ scene_break ] amanda : it 's not your job to take care of me . jonathan : well , when erin died , was it your job to take care of me ? i care about you . now , i know that i ca n't do anything to fix how badly you 're hurting , so i 'm going to sit here , and you can put your head on my shoulder . and that 's what i 'm going to do . but if you do n't want to do the head - on - the- shoulder idea , that 's fine , too . but i 'm not about to let you push me away . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , emma , i 'm almost positive that your mom did n't put enough sugar in the icing . ryan : no , it 's true . annie : i did , too . emma : no , you did n't . annie : excuse me . here , taste . too much or not enough ? emma : daddy , taste . ryan : uh -- annie : oh , you do n't have to . ryan : no , i could -- i 'm sure -- annie : i 'm sure there 's plenty -- ryan : no , i can see that -- emma : taste ! ryan : all right , i can -- [ ryan licks some icing off annie 's finger ] ryan : mmm . it 's -- hey , it 's perfect . [ scene_break ] zach : my rule for the day -- world stops turning , clock stops ticking , and i will not do anything unless it will make you smile to remind us of what we 're fighting for . kendall : us ? zach : absolutely . kendall : so , your -- your little plan , is that -- that all for me ? zach : maybe , yeah . kendall : you know , i seem to remember another big plan of yours . it had the -- the sparkling lights and the -- zach : mm - hmm . kendall : the dancing under the stars . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : very romantic . so is this a repeat performance ? zach : you want me to blow the surprise ? kendall : yeah , actually , i do . i just -- i just want a hint . zach : oh , that 'll happen -- sure , of course . kendall : hmm . ok , uh -- inside or outside ? silk or cashmere ? [ zach lifts the covers and looks at kendall 's underwear ] zach : i do n't know -- that 'll do . this is good . kendall : no -- zach : look at that . kendall : will you just tell me ? tell me , please ? zach : i think somebody needs a shower , and i think that 's -- kendall : is it me ? zach : oh , yeah . [ later , zach lifts his hands off kendall 's eyes and reveals they 're at a bowling alley . ] zach : and -- open . kendall : no . zach : huh ? kendall : no -- `` huh , `` nothing ! zach : ah . kendall : what ? no -- are you joking ? no ! not a chance . zach : you do n't like it ? come on . kendall : it 's -- it 's bowling . zach : ah , it 's romance . kendall : no , honey , no . honestly , let me just tell you -- zach : yes ? kendall : honestly , stinky , smelly , used shoes are not romantic , no . oh -- zach : your slippers -- kendall : oh , you 're kidding . zach : my princess . kendall : thank you . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : hmm . well -- zach : yeah . kendall : what happened to the lights and the -- the music and the dancing ? zach : oh , yeah . kendall : oh , my god . zach : it 's a disco ball -- it 's like bowling under the stars . kendall : that 's -- it 's snazzy . it 's a nice touch , it 's -- zach : yeah , mm - hmm . kendall : that 's really , really cool ! honestly , it 's really romantic . i ca n't wait to get busy at the bowling alley ! [ scene_break ] j.r. let 's give grampa and nana some time , ok ? colby : no , here , let me take over the small fry . j.r. : no , it 's all right . i can get him . colby : j.r. , please ? ok , come here . come here . oh , big boy . come on . krystal : february 14 , i forgot -- i -- a day of love . a wife should remember that . adam : i hope this is n't a mistake . um -- i thought about waiting a while longer -- no , never mind . the time is right . krystal : `` charlotte `` and `` arabella . `` adam : they 'll be with you forever . so will i . krystal : i miss her so much , adam -- every inch of me , every cell , and i 'm scared my heart will always be broken . adam : no . my love , my love . i 'm going to fix your heart and never let it break again . [ scene_break ] ryan : now , if those cupcakes are n't for me -- which i think is very wrong , by the way -- who are they for ? annie : jonathan , jamie , di , julia -- everybody at wildwind . emma and i are -- are visiting today to see if we want to live there . ryan : oh . that 's a good idea . no commitment , though ? just -- just a visit ? emma : you can move there , too . annie : uh , no , sweetheart . remember , we -- we talked about this . even though ryan is your daddy , only you and mommy will be living together wherever we go . emma : daddy can sleep over a lot . [ annie chuckles ] [ scene_break ] julia : what do you think ? is it -- is it too much ? just -- is it too big ? it 's just -- it is , is n't it ? it 's too big . it 's just too over - the - top , right ? jamie : it 's -- it 's perfect . kathy has lost more than anyone , and if we can give that kid a reason to smile -- hell , if we can do that for del and amanda and di and the rest of them -- julia : and you . i know how much dixie meant to you . and babe . jamie : yeah . last night , i sat up thinking . i do n't know what she meant to me . i got so twisted up all the time . i loved her . i loved her enough to do things that i still ca n't wrap my head around . and then , one day i was done , just like that , in a heartbeat . i was done . and i watched her marry my brother , more than once . i was the best man . and then i warned her to stay the hell away from j.r. , because in the end , they would just hurt each other again . julia : do you think you were wrong ? jamie : yeah . hurt happens no matter what you do . [ scene_break ] colby : i just figured that we 'd make valentines , so since he does n't know about b - a - b - e , i -- i just figured i 'd try to keep him happy until you guys figure out how to tell him . adam : it 's a wonderful idea . i assume you brought plenty of crayons and paper , and all the things necessary to make a valentine masterpiece ? colby : yes . i have glue and glitter , and we raided the pantry for doilies . krystal : oh . oh , let me see here . oh , look how pretty ! little adam : you ca n't open it . krystal : i ca n't ? who 's it for ? little adam : it 's for -- it 's for my mom . my mom . so you ca n't open it . krystal : ok . colby : oh , hey . is this a baby heart ? little adam : yeah . colby : is this the little baby heart ? ok . ready ? oh , i really got the heart ! ah ! [ adam chuckles as j.r. secretly listens from the foyer ] colby : i got a heart , too -- it 's right there ! look , look ! little adam : that 's a heart ? colby : that 's a -- i have it right here . oh , ok ! [ scene_break ] amanda : julia has a surprise in the living room . we 're going to check it out if you want to come . del : yeah , you bet . di : oh , i think we 'd love to . amanda : right , it 's there . julia : oh , boy ! do you like this , huh ? oh , yeah , i thought we could have a party , and we can make cards , and we can tell everybody how much we love them . kathy : i love you . di : aw . julia : i love you , too . jonathan : hey , hey . look who i found outside . di : oh , is n't this beautiful ! [ kathy and emma sweetly hug each other ] julia : oh ! annie : hi . jonathan : you should know . julia : hey . i 'm so glad you could come . annie : yeah . julia : oh , look at that . [ scene_break ] zoe : babe was determined for me to be happy and free , totally myself . bianca : you think you can do that ? zoe : even if i wear zarf 's clothes , i could never really go back . but who is zoe ? she 's only just been born . bianca : hey . hey . that 's my little baby -- come here . oh ! zoe : hey , monster . bianca : oh , of course . my goodness , i completely forgot -- thank you for reminding me . zoe , miranda was worried . she thought that maybe you did n't like your christmas present , because you brought her back ? zoe : oh , no , your gorgeous doll . no , it was a wonderful gift , and i did n't give it back because i did n't love it . i gave it back because honestly , my real gift is that you knew exactly what i wanted . and now , your dolly is home now , back where she belongs , and she must be very happy . it 's like magic , is n't it , to be where you belong ? miranda : the dolly ? zoe : yes . bianca : yes ! zoe : magic . bianca : oh ! all right , my sweetheart . go play . miranda : wait here . zoe : oh , goodness , she 's cute . bianca : mm - hmm . maybe magic is what it takes to figure out where you belong . [ scene_break ] [ every time kendall starts to throw the bowling ball , zach throws her off by talking . ] zach : you bowl me over with -- you know , `` bowl me over ? `` kendall : that 's cute -- zach : hmm . kendall : not . singers : living the dream life zach : your beauty strikes me down . it 's -- kendall : can you -- zach : see , with a strike -- kendall : that 's -- ok . that 's very cute , honestly , though , it 's not really that funny , so can you just -- zach : be quiet ? kendall : yeah , i think i 'd appreciate that . singer : time for a swim zach : if you can spare a second , i -- kendall : are you joking ? are you kidding me ? zach , look ! zach : that 's bad . kendall : look , no -- yeah , that 's really bad . i could 've gotten -- zach : wow , how can you miss -- kendall : you made me lose . you made me lose ! zach : i did n't make you -- you did n't lose . kendall : you did , you made me lose . zach : no , no , no , no , no , no . you 're winning -- look . kendall : no , i 'm not winning -- you 're lying . zach : look , check it out . kendall : give me that . zach : mm - hmm . kendall : let me see how big of a liar you are . oh -- mm - hmm . [ zach hands kendall a scoring sheet on which he has written , `` always only you . `` singers : living the dream life kendall : me . zach : you . [ zach kisses kendall ] kendall : so ? where 's my prize ? zach : where 's your what ? kendall : my prize . zach : your prize ? kendall : mm - hmm . zach : prize ? i do n't -- you got to bowl with me , the prettiest man in all of pine valley . you got new shoes -- what else do you want ? i do n't have anything else . that 's it , all i got . kendall : that 's all you got -- ok . see , you forget how well i know you . yeah , i think you forgot because i -- zach : whoa , easy , honey . that 's not -- kendall : ha - ha - ha ! zach : easy . all you have to do is ask . kendall : ok , then i 'm asking . zach : ay - yi - yi - yi - yi . ok . kendall : hmm . see , i knew you had something else . zach : pocket lint , for you . i 'm a giver . it 's all i got . kendall : hmm , that 's not all . see , this , this right here -- this is your heart and how you opened it up to me . you let me come right in -- casino , condo , any stupid house on this planet . it does n't matter , because your heart is my home . zach : hmm -- does n't matter , huh ? i could save a lot of money in mortgages . kendall : yeah , well , this is also the hope that you 've given me . you 've reminded me , yes , we are going to have our lives back . we 're going to be laughing and dancing and having fun and disco lights . zach : hmm . that 's it , anything else ? kendall : hmm . this is also the strength and the faith that you have in me , and the fact that you accept me as your wife , and you share your life with me . zach : wow , that 's a lot . kendall : mm - hmm . zach : that 's a lot . i guess that means that this one 's empty . kendall : no . this one holds my heart . zach : yeah ? well , i hope your heart looks something like this . [ zach opens his fist and shows kendall a beautiful silver necklace . ] kendall : oh , my , my . i knew it . i love it . [ scene_break ] [ as emma models a cute valentine outfit , kathy looks dejected ] julia : hey ! all : whoo ! del : you 're so cute . julia : did -- did you make this ? oh , of course , you did . that 's right -- moms sew . julia : oh , no . no . you look great . amanda : emma has a super cute outfit on , does n't she ? yeah . hey , emma , you know what ? i bet we could whip up something super cute for kathy , too . jamie : what do you think ? amanda : you want to do that ? let 's go , ladies . come on . let 's go . ryan : hey , i have an idea . why do n't i -- why do n't i show you around this place ? i have a little experience here . julia : oh , that would be great . um -- you know what ? i need a little help in the kitchen , too . del : mmm , i 'm hungry . julia : anybody can help me . di : i 'm going to steal him for a minute . ryan : so what do you say ? you -- you want to check this place out ? annie : ahem -- you lead , i 'll follow . ryan : come on . [ annie and ryan go out the front door ] [ scene_break ] bianca : great ! good jumping , you little bunny . zoe : oh , she 's amazing . bianca : she 's exhausting . so where will you go now ? i mean , paris , london , new york , la ? zoe : oh . i did n't expect that -- little flutters . oh , but not the good kind . the thought of leaving the nest , so to speak . bianca : pine valley is your nest ? zoe : well , this is where this part of my life began . i just want to stay grounded and -- and settled before things get even more complicated . i 've decided to find a specialist in sexual reassignment , discuss a -- a medical transition . bianca : surgery ? zoe : possibly -- or not . bianca : hormones ? zoe : baby steps , please . bianca : huh . even a baby step is huge . [ zoe sighs ] bianca : this is a very brave thing you 're doing . zoe : oh . oh , do n't give me too much credit . the bravery belongs to babe . i owe it to her . bianca : no . do n't do this for babe , or for me or for anyone else other than yourself . zoe : you 're right . i just -- i want to stay in pine valley and find a doctor nearby , for me to be who i am , to face my destiny head on . bianca : that 's huge . zoe : more flutters . bianca : not the good kind ? zoe : not unless you like being scared to death . [ scene_break ] [ in the living room , j.r. remembers a fun time with babe until she disappears , and he stands alone . ] babe : oh . we did it . j.r. : we survived . stuart : you do n't have to be alone , j.r. -- not unless you want to be . [ scene_break ] jonathan : look at you . amanda : too stylish for words . jonathan : huh ? come here . amanda 's pretty cool , is n't she ? look what she did . yeah , amanda is pretty cool . i think so , too . come here . get up here . tad : james ? dixie 's voice : do you ever think that we 'll look at a child again and not wonder about our kate ? amanda : happy valentine 's day , tad . tad : yeah . yeah , sure . thanks , sweetie . well , looky here . jonathan : uh - oh . tad : i came looking for a son and found myself two new sweethearts instead . look at you . [ scene_break ] [ ryan and annie walk around wildwind 's beautiful grounds until he pulls her into the stables . ] josh zandman sings `` beautiful `` : you 're a mystery when it comes to my emotions . you 're the sound of thunder rolling through my soul . take my hand i 'll show you how i got here . you 're everything beautiful ryan : what was i saying ? annie : stables -- ahem . you were -- you were talking about the stables . ryan : right . yeah , they just -- they were just rebuilt last year and -- practically like new . josh zandman : beautiful -- whoo . i mistook you for an angel when i met you , and now i know that heaven has it all . if you let me in , i 'll show you how i got here . you 're everything beautiful . [ ryan and annie take their clothes off , lie on the hay , and make love . ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : i ca n't talk to you about babe , uncle stuart . stuart : but you loved her . j.r. : and custody of little adam . but the things that i said to her and the way that i treated her -- and now , it -- stuart : your eyes just got darker . you thought of something . j.r. : when babe came to me , after i jumped out the window , she said that it did n't matter , because after all of our fights , no matter what was said , we would n't have been able to be together if i died . and she was right . and no matter how she felt about josh or josh felt about her , none of that mattered . it all does n't matter . and i get that now . but she 's the one who 's gone . [ scene_break ] man : hey , mrs. slater ? delivery . zach : do you mind ? kendall : no , no . just hurry up before i flip out . zach : thanks , man . man : all right . zach : do you know somebody called `` spike `` ? kendall : what ? zach : uh -- kendall : give me ! what -- yeah ? oh . oh , my goodness . oh . oh , my god . [ kendall opens a valentine with an adorable picture of her son . ] zach : he ca n't take a bad picture , can he ? kendall : jerk . zach : what ? kendall : no -- not you , ryan . he -- he can be such a complete jerk . you know , he 's so mad at me right now about emma , and then he goes and does something like this . zach : jerk . [ scene_break ] annie : ryan ? ryan : i know . [ annie and ryan lie together kissing in the stable . ] [ scene_break ] kathy : can you write `` heaven `` ? julia : why do you want me to write `` heaven `` ? emma : because she wants to send cards to her mommy and daddy . kathy : so they know i love them . julia : you want to send these cards to heaven ? jamie : i think that is a great idea . tad : i think that 's a fantastic idea . and offhand , i 'd say we have the wherewithal to send a lot of love to heaven . [ tad makes valentines for dixie , simone , babe , jenny , & gran ] tad 's voice : god , i miss you . i only wish i could give you this in person . singer : that i 'll do my best to bring [ jamie 's valentine is for babe ] jamie 's voice : i 'll never forget you . you changed my life . singer : i 'll say the things to make your worries fade away [ di makes a valentine for dixie ] di 's voice : you forgave me , you showed me what it means to be a sister . chad lamarsh sings `` just remember `` : peace of mind it 's all for you , and you are mine . just remember i will be your friend , and i 'll catch you if you fall ♪ [ julia 's are for noah , edmund , papa , and finally her friends jim & linda ] julia 's voice : thank you for trusting me with the most precious thing in your world . singers : all for you [ del writes dixie 's name on his valentine heart ] del 's voice : you made me want to screw up less . singers : for you del 's voice : i miss you . singer : there will be times [ in addition to babe , amanda remembers her doggie harold and her daddy ] amanda 's voice : with all my heart , thank you so much for showing me how to be a real friend . i 'd do anything to have -- singer : of our greatest times we 're not always in the moment holding hands side by side but you always [ aidan 's valentines are for his little niece leora and erin `` aidan 's voice : just to see your face -- you deserved so much better . singer : just remember that i love you [ jonathan holds a valentine for his sister erin ] jonathan 's voice : the world is n't so bright with you gone . none of us is . singer : so just remember jonathan 's voice : i hope you 're at peace . [ scene_break ] [ zach and kendall dance under the disco ball , bianca and zoe play with miranda in the park , while ryan and annie walk around wildwind 's grounds . at the chandler mansion , stuart sits next to his nephew and places his arm over his shoulder , while adam and krystal stand together in the garden looking up at the sky . ] singer : no need to be afraid . i 'm never far behind . i 'll never turn away . it 's all for you . you 're the sunshine of each moment , every reason more each day , and i need the love condition . everyone has lost your way . do n't surrender to the places where you hide within your heart on a pedestal . i see you like a perfect work of art . if ever you are needed , wherever you may be , just remember that i 'm here . i 'll be the air that you can breathe . just remember i will be your friend , and i 'll catch you if you fall . i 'm your biggest fan . just remember that i love you , and that i 'll share within these moments , share within these moments . let us share within these moments , all for you , only you , yeah ooh it 's all for you . just remember i will be right there [ at windwind , everyone goes outside holding pink and red balloons which they release into the sky while remembering all their loved ones . ] jamie : on three , ok ? all : one , two , three ! singers : just remember that i love you . let us share within these moment , share within these moments . let us share within these moments . it 's all for you only you , yeah . ooh , it 's all for you emma 's voice : i love you . ryan 's voice : i love you . jonathan 's voice : i love you . julia 's voice : i love you . amanda 's voice : i love you . tad 's voice : i love you . kathy 's voice : i love you . jamie 's voice : i love you . del 's voice : i love you . di 's voice : i love you . aidan 's voice : i love you . singer : just remember [ next_on ] krystal ( to j.r. ) : you were blackmailing my baby doll ? barbara ( to jack ) : you do n't know how much i 've missed you . [ barbara locks lips with jack as erica enters the house . ] annie ( to ryan ) : it 's better this way , me moving out . ryan : you 're right . [ annie drops everything and kisses ryan ] | it is valentine 's day in pine valley and love is in the air . krystal takes j.r. into her arms and comforts him over the loss of babe . colby helps to occupy little a making valentine cards . kendall and zach end up at a bowling alley where zack tells her that she `` bowls him over `` and gives her a diamond necklace . ryan sends a valentine 's day picture of spike to kendall . zoe meets up with bianca at the park and tells her that she has decided to consult a doctor about continuing the process of becoming a female . ryan , spike , annie , and emma go to wildwind to celebrate the day . when ryan takes annie on a tour of the grounds , they ravish each other in the stables . tad arrives at wildwind just in time to join the gang as they make valentine 's day cards for the people they lost in their lives . after completing the cards and attaching them to balloons , they go out onto the grounds to release them , sending their greetings to heaven . |
angie : i ca n't thank you enough for letting me stay here last night . krystal : oh , do n't be silly . it was our pleasure , especially after the day you had . angie : well , it really helped being able to talk about my life with jesse . um -- it was sweet of you and tad to listen . krystal : huh . are you kidding ? i mean , i ca n't speak for tad , but i was just -- i was a puddle . what you two had -- it was so rare and so incredibly romantic and -- oh , god . i 'm sorry -- here i go again . angie : it 's ok . krystal : no , no , it 's just it 's -- it 's embarrassing . um -- i guess it just really affects me , because your story just ended way too soon . angie : it did . it did , and i would n't trade one minute of it for anything -- not one minute . [ scene_break ] tad : shh , shh , shh , keep your voice down . look , i did n't lock you down here on purpose . it was krystal -- she found the basement door open last night , and she locked it -- jesse : tell her anything ? tad : no , no , i did n't tell her anything . she 's not in on anything , though someone or something surely is . jesse : what ? tad : god , jesse -- fate , whatever you want to call it . pick one . something is screaming at you . jesse : tad -- how long are you going to run that play ? i already told you why i got to leave . the reason has not changed since last night -- god , fate ? let 's talk about life or death , angie 's or frankie 's . that 's what 's at stake here , and i am not about to risk either one of them . [ scene_break ] annie : you 're up early . ryan : i had a little trouble sleeping , you know . annie : i told you today i have the campbell 's `` go red `` fashion show , so i might be home a little late . what are you looking at ? ryan : do you know what this is ? annie : oh , my god . ryan : we spent all last night talking about this and that and everything , so -- when were you going to tell me that my sister was murdered ? [ scene_break ] babe : is that better ? erica : amanda , can you move your side down a little bit ? amanda : come on , erica , give us a break . this is not easy in four - inch heels . erica : tell me about it . amanda : do we have to listen to her ? babe : yes . erica : thank you , babe . [ mouths words ] erica : corrina . this is a red event -- healthy hearts , strong women . where in the world do yellow flowers fit in ? corrina : oh . erica : ok , this is what you have to do -- you have to call the florist and tell them if they ca n't read the order form more carefully , then we 're just going to have to take our business somewhere else . ok , i 'll do it . amanda : huh . who elected her goddess of this event ? babe : she did . kendall and greenlee agreed to it , because it makes the sponsor happy , it brings the charity a lot of money , and puts a big spotlight on fusion . amanda : you are such a corporate slut . babe : well , remove `` corporate `` and we 're practically sisters . amanda : hmm . [ babe chuckles ] babe : anyway , have you talked to j.r. lately ? amanda : no -- why would i talk to j.r. ? babe : it 's just a question , amanda , not an accusation . amanda : no . why ? babe : i just -- i wanted to talk to him about something , that 's all . and , yes , it 's personal . woman : will you look at -- greenlee : sustenance for the day ahead . aidan : you 're going to be fine , baby . you just wait and see . two glasses of champagne , sir . erica : greenlee ? greenlee : erica . erica : oh , you look -- greenlee : careful . erica : hi . [ erica hugs greenlee ] greenlee : erica ? erica : i know , i know . we 've had our moments certainly over the years , but i just have to say i am so glad to see you here today . greenlee : thank you . erica : have you seen kendall ? greenlee : um -- not yet . she and zach got in late last night from the book signing . erica : hmm . greenlee : but i 'm really , really glad he flew out there to meet her . erica : why do you say it like that ? is something wrong ? greenlee : i do n't know -- she seems pretty distracted lately , like something 's on her mind . you would n't know anything about that , would you ? [ scene_break ] [ zach growls ] [ kendall chuckles ] zach : happy valentine 's day . kendall : mmm -- hmm . happy valentine 's day to you , too . oh . i am so very , very lucky to have you . zach : yes , you are . kendall : yeah . zach : and i am lucky to have you . kendall : yes , you are . zach : ah ! kendall : ah -- ahem . hmm . [ zach sighs ] zach : what 's that , breakfast ? kendall : hmm ? oh -- hmm -- sorry . this is kind of disgusting , is n't it ? zach : no . kendall : no , sorry . zach : it just brought back some memories , that 's all . kendall : of what ? zach : of you pregnant with ian . chocolate all the time -- breakfast , lunch , sometimes dinner . [ scene_break ] amanda : if you are sleeping with j.r. again , i officially do n't care . babe : i 'm not . amanda : poor j.r . babe : i just want to talk to him , amanda . amanda : yeah , right , because j.r. is such a great talker . [ scene_break ] j.r. : good morning . colby : hmm . hey , j.r. have you tried this v8 v - fusion stuff ? it 's really good . j.r. : yeah , right after my coffee . hey , are n't you supposed to be at the rehearsal for that fashion show ? colby : not until later . are you coming ? adam : are you kidding ? of course , we will . we would n't miss it for the world . j.r. : yeah , that 's right , colby . you know the chandler family likes to keep up with what everyone 's doing . [ scene_break ] corrina : ok , so prego heart smart goes here , v8 v - fusion goes here , and campbell 's healthy request goes here . the rest comes with me . aidan : why are you asking me about kendall ? greenlee : because you said the two of you were on the plane , and she seemed kind of out of it . aidan : right , and she was sick . she had an upset tummy , that 's -- that 's all . greenlee : ok . aidan : there 's nothing more to it than that . greenlee : and i believe you . men . anyway , i 'll give her a call . [ aidan sighs ] erica : so , i wonder why kendall 's being so mysterious about a little stomachache ? [ scene_break ] kendall : i also eat a lot of chocolate when i 'm nervous , and i 'm -- i 'm uptight and freaking out , because i am . i 'm doing that today , especially about this whole fashion show thing -- i 'm freaking out . zach : hey , hey , hey , hey , i 'm not questioning what you do . it 's -- it 's cool . i just was bringing up a nice memory . that 's all . all right , i 'll be right back , we 'll get out of here . kendall : ok . [ phone rings ] kendall : oh . hi . i -- i know , i know . i 'm running late , but i 'll be there soon . greenlee : please hurry . i 'm having warm , meaningful moments with your mother . kendall : oh , god . well , you better check your meds . greenlee : how 's your stomach ? kendall : what ? greenlee : aidan said you were n't feeling well on the plane ? kendall : no , i 'm -- i 'm fine , i 'm fine , it 's nothing . i 'm -- i 'm fine . we 'll be there soon , ok ? bye . ahem . zach : was that greenlee ? does she need me to walk on the runway ? kendall : uh -- yeah . uh -- actually , she said that she 's fine , but they need us to hurry up and get over there , so -- can we stop off at the pharmacy on the way there ? zach : sure . what , greenlee not feeling well ? kendall : whoop -- no . uh , i just -- i think i 'm a little nauseous from all that chocolate . my stomach kind of hurts . [ scene_break ] krystal : well , you know you 're welcome to stay as long as you want . angie : yeah , i know , and i do appreciate that . but i think it 's time to move on . oh , when you see tad -- krystal : you know , that is a good question -- where is tad ? angie : well , when you do see him , will you give him my love ? krystal : oh , yeah . angie : hey . krystal : we are going to be great friends , i can promise you that . angie : i would like that . krystal : hmm . all right . angie : bye . krystal : bye . [ scene_break ] tad : there 's the door . jesse : i heard it . tad : if i were you , i 'd wait five minutes just to be sure , ok ? jesse : oh , my god -- angie sounds amazing . tad : yeah , yeah , yeah . she still looks great , but you 're the one that 's got to get out of here , right ? jesse : yeah . tad : ok . jesse : thanks a lot , tad , man . you 're great , i love you for it , man . tad : you , too . you got a train to catch . come on . krystal : what the -- hey . i do n't believe in ghosts , so somebody better tell me that 's not jesse hubbard . are you for real or am i going crazy ? jesse : is -- is angie gone ? krystal : oh , my god . tad : krystal ? krystal : oh , my god . how long have you been here ? tad : he spent the night . jesse : angie ca n't know i 'm alive , ok ? tad : krystal , listen , it 's very important that nobody knows about this . krystal : what -- no . what -- what are you talking about ? i just spent the night hearing a good woman pouring her heart out , mourning a man that she thought was dead for 20 years . but you 're not . jesse , you 're not -- you 're standing here . you 're just alive as i am ! so you give me one good reason why i should n't run up those stairs , fly out the door , and tell your wife the truth ! [ scene_break ] annie : i 'm sorry , ryan . i thought it might be best to wait . ryan : for what ? for it to be ok that my sister died ? because i do n't -- i mean , i do n't -- i do n't even remember erin coming here . i -- i do n't remember that . i -- i do n't remember seeing her since -- since we were kids . annie : i 'm sorry -- i know . i do n't know what to do , ryan . i mean , four years -- so much has happened . i -- i do n't know how to fill in the blanks for you . ryan : you ca n't , you ca n't , you ca n't . annie , you ca n't . i just need -- i just -- i just need some time , i -- annie : ok , what -- what can do ? how can i help you ? ryan : you ca n't help me , you ca n't do anything , all right ? annie : well , where are you going ? ryan : i 'm going to the office . annie : the office ? ryan : yes , i 'm going to cambias . i 'm going to my job , i got to figure things out . i ca n't do it here , so i 'm -- annie : but , ryan , wait -- ryan : i will call you later . annie : ryan ! [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] zach : wow , look at that . kendall : ooh -- hey . erica : oh , oh , thank god you 're here ! hi ! kendall : hi . zach : happy valentine 's day . erica : hi , same to you . zach : you look nice . aidan : hey . erica : well , you do n't look so bad . kendall : excuse me ? erica : i just mean according to aidan and greenlee , you were feeling very sick to your stomach ? greenlee : oh -- pfft . hi ! kendall : oh , hi . greenlee : were we fabulous in chicago ? hello . zach : hi . greenlee : is `` charm ! `` on the bestseller list yet , and who is playing me in the movie ? kendall : ok -- a yes , yes , and angelina . greenlee : brava . kendall : yes . ok , so how 's everything going here ? greenlee : so far , a disaster . we 're two models short , the caterer 's a moron , and who ordered the yellow flowers ? erica : no , that 's been taken care of . kendall : oh , thank you , mom . erica : sure , of course -- you 're welcome , sweetheart . zach : ok . i 'm getting a cocktail . you ? aidan : yeah , it 's 5 : 00 somewhere in the world . kendall : mom , thanks again for helping out with this . erica : well , of course . it 's -- it 's very important , is n't it ? i mean , campbell 's healthy heart for american women ? greenlee : and a nice segment for `` new beginnings `` -- mmm , mmm , good . kendall : ok , so you 're taping this for your show ? erica : yes , of course , i am . i mean , i think it 's very important to get the message out -- do n't you ? excuse me . greenlee : we 're back . kendall : i know . greenlee : i 'm nervous . kendall : yes , me , too . greenlee : i know , but it 's going to be fine because -- kendall : it 's going to be fine because -- both : we 're back ! kendall : ok , come here . greenlee : oh ! ok , i 'm going to go kill the party planner now . kendall : ok , yeah -- give him a kiss for me . greenlee : mm - hmm . zach : cheers , man . you know it does make me wonder . aidan : what 's that ? zach : well , you and kendall found us in that bomb shelter -- it 's like a needle in a haystack . i mean , i guess it 's one of god 's great miracles , huh ? hmm . singer : to the light running through the forest ♪ [ aidan recalls how kendall found the bomb shelter plans after they made love on the floor ] kendall : what is this ? aidan : i do n't know . singer : was down there by an army of three tell you what we bonded again ♪ erica : kendall ? kendall : hmm ? erica : are you all right ? kendall : uh -- yeah , i 'm fine . erica : are you sure ? kendall : yeah , i just -- you know , it 's crazy . things have been so busy here , and i just -- i have a lot on my plate . you know how that is . erica : yeah , i know how that is . honey , are you pregnant ? kendall : what are you talking about ? erica : it 's a simple enough question . are you pregnant ? kendall : i do n't know . erica : but you think you might be . kendall : mother , i do n't know ! erica : does zach ? ava : hey -- i 'm sorry . hey , kendall , the campbell 's people really want to talk to you about gift bags . erica : ava , we 're -- we 're in the middle of something here . kendall : no , it 's fine , it 's fine . i 'll be right there . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey , hey , hey . can i ask you something ? [ aidan sighs ] aidan : what do you want moved ? greenlee : i have one tiny little favor to ask . aidan : come on . what is it ? greenlee : it -- it 's nothing , really , i mean , especially for someone you deeply , deeply love . aidan : i have a feeling that i 'm going to regret this . greenlee : our male model had to drop out of the show -- for personal reasons , and i was wondering if you could step in and help us out . aidan : no . greenlee : i knew you 'd understand . the wardrobe area is back there . unfortunately , you and francisco wear the same size . aidan : i 'm sorry -- who ? greenlee : you , the model . i love you . [ scene_break ] annie : hey . zach : hey . annie : i screwed up , zach . zach : what happened ? annie : ryan found out about erin and the murders . he 's really upset . zach : where is he ? annie : he went to work . zach : is he at the penthouse ? all right , i 'll go talk to him . annie : no , no , no , no -- you do n't understand , zach . for ryan , this is four years ago . going to work means going to cambias . [ scene_break ] [ ryan takes the elevator at cambias industries ] [ scene_break ] colby : hey , j.r. , the hospital called again . j.r. : called again about what ? colby : they said that you were on a donor list for something . they would n't tell me what it was all about , but they had called before . j.r. : hmm ? well , i guess i did n't get that message . adam : hey , you have a good time at the fashion show , honey . colby : ooh ! adam : we 'll all be there rooting for you . colby : ooh , thank you so much . i 'm a little nervous , though . j.r. : oh , do n't worry , you 're going to be great . colby : ok . j.r. : ahem . adam : i meant to tell you . j.r. : meant to tell me about what ? adam : well , i 'm -- i 'm sure you 're not going to believe this but apparently out of all the possible enlistees that signed up for the sweepstakes to save richie novak 's life , you were the winner . j.r : bone marrow ? i 'm the match ? adam : congratulations . i , of course , told them you were n't interested in participating in such a dangerous procedure particularly since the recipient does n't deserve to have another life . j.r. : you -- you decided this ? adam : was i wrong ? j.r. : you do n't get to decide anything in my life . do you understand me ? adam : of course , j.r. by all means -- risk your life to save that bastard . i 'm sure babe will be thrilled . j.r. : well , you should know . adam : well , what is that supposed to mean ? j.r. : it means you 've been listening to everything that i 've been saying since god knows when . thank you so much for the family heirloom , dad . i 'm touched . [ scene_break ] tad : i know what you 're thinking , and you ca n't , ok ? krystal : no , you are not going to stop me , tad -- i 'm not going to have a part of this ! tad : it is none of our business ! krystal : it is our business when you started hiding jesse in our basement . tad : honey , honey , he would n't have been hiding in our basement if you had n't invited angela to spend the night last night . krystal : angela is your oldest friend , tad . tad : so is jesse . krystal : oh , until he up and died , right ? but excuse me , wait a minute -- no . you -- you did n't die , that was all a lie ? jesse : all right , that 's enough . that 's it , put your coat down . krystal : like hell i 'll put my coat down ! jesse : you will put your coat down and listen to me . now , i do n't need you to like me , but you will understand what is at risk here . i 'm supposed to be dead . the world thinks that , and the world needs to go on thinking that . otherwise , angie , frankie , you , you -- anybody that has anything to do with me will be dead , too . am i making myself clear to you ? tad ? he 'll explain it -- i do n't have time . krystal : angie loves you , very much . jesse : yeah , i know . and i love her , too . i love her more than my life . that is why this is what it is . and if you go to her with what you know , you 're as good as killing her yourself . you hear me ? are you listening to me ? krystal : yes , i am listening to you ! jesse : good ! good . this is not tad 's fault . tad has been a friend . tad : krystal , we can discuss it later . krystal : huh . what am i supposed to say ? jesse : just say nothing ! just let it -- just let it be . can you do that ? will you do -- will you do that for me ? [ krystal reluctantly nods ] jesse : ahem -- let 's do this . thank you , and i 'm -- i 'm so sorry . [ scene_break ] angie : what -- what the heck ? i ca n't believe i ca n't find my wallet or my ticket . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] babe : hey , j.r. , it 's me . um -- you know who `` me `` is . listen , i was just going to say that if i do n't see you before the fashion show , call me . it 's important . ok , bye . oh , hey , colby , is your brother coming ? colby : yeah , in a little bit . why ? babe : you love your brother , right ? colby : you know i do . babe : well , i 'm about to ask him to do something that i know he does n't want to do , and i 'm scared to death . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey . why are you still here ? aidan : because i 'm considering my options . greenlee : your options are be fusion 's obligatory male model for one puny night or risk alienating the beautiful and mercurial founder and co - partner of this great company who also shares your bed . aidan : well , if you put it that way -- greenlee : i can put it all kinds of ways , but it 's entirely up to you . [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : hey . where are you going ? zach : something came up . i 'll be back before the band starts playing . kendall : ok . zach : you sure ? kendall : yeah , yeah . no , everything is under control . it 's good . zach : bye . kendall : bye . [ kendall looks at the pregnancy test in her purse ] kendall : ahem . erica : so ? kendall : mother , i -- erica : let 's continue our conversation , shall we ? we were talking about pregnancies -- yours . singer : how sweet you were when we first met ♪ [ scene_break ] man : hello , mr. lavery . it 's nice to see you again . ryan : how -- how long has it been since i 've been here ? man : oh , well , i 'm afraid i could n't say exactly , sir , but it 's good to see you just the same . oh , you 've still got your old key -- afraid that 's not going to work anymore . here , i 'll let you in . i 'm sure mr. slater will want you to be comfortable until he gets here . ryan : zach slater ? wait . where the hell is my office ? [ scene_break ] [ tad and jesse go to the train station ] jesse : all right , you do n't need to baby - sit . i can take it from here . tad : would you stop pecking at me like some kind of chicken ? maybe i just want your company for a few more minutes . jesse : is krystal going to play ball on this ? tad : krystal 's going to be fine . jesse : tad -- tad : i think you scared her enough . what do you want me to say ? oh . so where you headed ? huh . ca n't shoot a guy for trying . jesse : just somewhere , ok ? tad : `` somewhere . `` terrific , like that 's a place -- `` somewhere . `` they hang a sign out for that -- `` somewhere `` ? jesse : you do n't need to know , tad . tad : how do you stand it ? jesse : i ca n't stand it , but it 's what i got to do . and you need to promise me two things -- stop asking questions and please keep my family safe . tad : obviously , i have a problem with the first . and the second one you never have to wonder about . well , stop wasting time . go on . buy yourself a ticket for somewhere . jesse 's voice : you dreamed about us ? angie : mm - hmm . jesse : happy valentine 's day , baby . ticket agent : where would you like to go , sir ? jesse : toronto . ticket agent : roundtrip ? jesse : one - way . [ scene_break ] angie : hi . krystal , it 's angie . krystal : angie ? where are you ? angie : i 'm -- i 'm at the airport but , listen , i seem to have lost my wallet and my -- my ticket . by any chance did i leave it at your house ? krystal : let me look . um -- oh . yep , here it is . angie : oh , fantastic . listen , krystal , i hate to do this to you , but is there any way that you can run it over to me at the airport ? it 's the only way that i 'm going to catch my plane . krystal : yeah . yeah , i 'd be happy to . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] erica : ok . there 's nobody here , there are no distractions . so , now -- let 's hear it , whatever it is . kendall : uh -- i -- i really do n't know where to start . erica : that 's ok . you can just cut right to the main event if you want to . kendall : ok , mother , i do n't even really know that i 'm pregnant . i -- i have no idea . erica : kendall , for god 's sakes , talk to me . kendall : ok . ok , i will talk to you . i have to talk to someone . uh -- when i thought that zach had died -- when he was gone -- aidan and i -- erica : aidan ? kendall : yeah , mom -- we never meant for it to happen but it just did , it just happened . erica : shh . are you sure ? kendall : i had been taking the pill when i was with zach , but then this time , mom , i forgot . i just -- i just forgot . i do n't even know how it happened , but -- i do n't know what to do . erica : it 's -- kendall : mom , this is awful . this is just awful . i do n't know what i 'm going to do . erica : ok , ok , ok , ok . [ scene_break ] aidan : so what was it that you promised me -- if i did this modeling favor for you ? greenlee : untold carnal riches will come your way . aidan : you know what , greenlee ? you have made a miraculous recovery -- do you know that ? greenlee : mm - hmm . lucky you . singers : i know everything is ok , baby ♪ [ scene_break ] adam : all right . what do you want me to say ? j.r. : well , gee , dad . um -- `` sorry for being such an underhanded , sneaky bastard `` ? would that be out of the question ? adam : i 'm not the one who came back into this house under false pretenses . j.r. : right , of course -- i lied . but then again , you already knew that because of your secret little decoder ring . adam : yes , yes , it told me what i needed to know -- that you 're a traitor to your name and to this family . j.r. : `` family `` ? wow , you say it like you understand what it means . somebody who believes in family would never do what you 've done . adam : and what was that ? j.r. : you told krystal that kate was alive . you waved it in front of her face , so she 'd come back to you , and when she did n't , you took that secret , and you put it right back in your pocket . adam : who 's to say it 's even true ? j.r. : well , that 's what i was here to find out . but since you 're on to me , i 'm going to have to figure out another way . adam : well , you 'll find no truth here . i was just grandstanding . j.r. : oh , god , you are so pathetic . krystal hates you , and you just keep making it worse even though you 're still in love with her . adam : i do not love that woman . j.r. : yes , you do . you 're just too damn twisted and demented to admit it . adam : do n't confuse your puppy - dog lust for babe with any feelings i might have for her mother . j.r. : oh . i do love babe . and i will shout it to the rooftops if you want me to . but i think i 've found a way to convince her that it 's actually real -- to stop being the jerk that i was , to be the man that she thinks i can be , to actually go the extra mile -- even for a loser like richie novak . adam : now you 're sounding completely ridiculous . j.r. : am i ? let me ask you something , dad -- whose hero are you ? [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] tech : ok , why do n't you show it to me ? all right . that 's great , frank -- you can put the bars back . singer : you 're just a small ♪ colby : j.r. and richie ? babe : i know , the last person in the world -- colby : oh , wow . babe : yeah . colby : so , what do you think he 'll do ? babe : uh -- hopefully the right thing . colby : ok . i love my brother , but -- babe : i know him agreeing to do this is a long shot , but i have to at least get him to consider it . colby : how ? babe : huh -- oh , colby ? i do n't think you want to know . [ scene_break ] singer : do n't go out and find my heart ♪ amanda : annie ? we know this stuff with ryan has been really tough on you . ava : and since it 's valentine 's day , we want to do something really special for you , so come with us . amanda : yes , come on . annie : oh , you know what ? thanks , guys , but i -- i think just being here and doing the job is all the diversion i can handle right now . amanda : all right , all right . well , then we will keep it about business . why do n't you just take a moment to meet fusion 's newest model ? annie : you know what ? maybe later . ava : no . corrina , bring her out . singer : i do n't need you i do n't need you ♪ annie : oh , oh , oh ! emma : how do i look , mommy ? annie : oh , you -- you look beautiful , angel . emma : do you think daddy will like it ? annie : your daddy always thinks you 're a beautiful princess . [ scene_break ] [ ryan goes through zach 's desk drawers and finds an article about the satin slayer ] ryan : i thought he was dead . zach : he should 've been . it would 've saved everyone a lot of misery and pain . [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. , you go on -- you go on ahead . you put your life on the line for a man who would replace you in your ex - wife 's bed like that ! go on -- you deserve it . j.r. : you know what , old man ? you telling me that it 's a bad idea -- makes me think that it 's a good one . i 'll be out of here tomorrow . [ scene_break ] kendall : it was a mistake . erica : of course , it was . you were both alone , you -- you thought that the people you loved were -- were gone . kendall : oh , mother , mother , aidan and i had sex . erica : no -- stop . no , no , you stop . no one is judging you , honey , certainly not i . but if -- if you are pregnant , i mean , you have to know for sure , do n't you ? kendall : i 'm afraid . erica : i know , i know . but you know you have to find out for sure , do n't you ? kendall : yeah . erica : yeah . [ scene_break ] babe : emma , you are by far the most beautiful model in our fashion show . amanda : yeah , i suppose i should be jealous how pretty you are . corrina : yeah , you look like the cover of a fairy tale , emma . annie : you do . emma : daddy 's going to think i look like a fairy princess . annie : yes . colby : i 'm sure he will . babe : he will . annie : thank you for this . aidan : erica ? greenlee 's making me fill in for the male model that did n't turn up . erica : how nice for you . [ scene_break ] [ kendall sighs ] kendall : please be negative . please be negative . [ in the rest room , kendall takes the pregnancy test ] [ scene_break ] zach : i can help you , ryan . what do you want to know ? ryan : ok , um -- i do n't know where to start . i guess -- how did you manage to steal my life ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : hey . [ kendall drops the pregnancy test in front of greenlee ] [ scene_break ] tad : hey . ticket agent : hey . where are you going , sir ? tad : me -- nowhere . it 's about my -- my sleeping friend over there ? you see , today is his birthday . ticket agent : should i order the balloons ? [ tad chuckles ] tad : no , that 's -- that 's funny , but there are a group of his friends . we 'd like to , you know , throw him a surprise party . that is , we 're going to throw him a surprise party if you can help us out with where he 's headed ? ticket agent : we ca n't share that information . there are rules about privacy . tad : privacy -- huh . ok , privacy . [ tad hands the ticket agent some cash ] ticket agent : birthday boy is on his way to toronto . tad : i 'll send you a snapshot . [ scene_break ] krystal : oh . anybody missing a wallet ? angie : ooh . thank you , darling . i hope you know that you are now officially my new best friend . krystal : oh . angie ? angie : yeah ? krystal : there 's something i need to tell you . [ next_on ] greenlee : welcome to very first campbell 's heart - healthy fashion show . [ angie chases after jesse 's train ] angie : jesse ! | erica and the other women of `` fusion `` prepare for the `` go red `` fashion show for campbell 's soup . erica bosses the other women as usual . babe asks amanda if she would have any idea where j.r is . amanda wonders why babe would be wanting to see j.r. j.r. confronts adam about the microphone hidden inside the ring in order for adam to listen in on j.r. 's conversations . krystal and angie have a girl to girl talk before angie leaves . tad offers his apologies to jesse for locking him in the basement . greenlee and aidan arrive for the fashion show . annie comes downstairs and finds ryan going through some papers . ryan questions annie as to when she was going to tell him that erin was murdered . kendall takes a bite of chocolate . zach makes the connection and wonders if kendall could be pregnant . j.r. tells adam that he is considering being a bone marrow donor for richie . adam is completely against the idea . erica questions kendall if she is pregnant . kendall is preoccupied and does n't want to answer . tad takes jesse to the train station . angie , at the airport , realizes that she had left her wallet as well as her plane ticket at tad 's . angie asks krystal if she could bring it to her . krystal agrees . krystal goes down in the basement and finds tad there with jesse and threatens to tell . at the airport , krystal tells angie that she has something to tell her . ryan visits cambias enterprises and finds out that zach had taken over his office . greenlee walks into the bathroom and finds kendall with a pregnancy test . |
j.r. : come on ! you ca n't do this . i did n't do anything wrong . brot : feel like telling me who did then ? your car plowed into an ambulance and then took off . if it was n't you behind the wheel -- then i guess you 're staying right here . j.r. : you do n't understand . i can fix this . i just need some time . brot : to what ? j.r. : to go home and check on something . brot : without information , i can not let you go . j.r. : i 'll give you your damn information ! tad : j.r. , take it down a notch . let me talk to him a second . brot : be my guest . tad : now look , i know you 're worried , but you 're not helping the situation , ok ? j.r. : annie 's alone . you and i both know that she 's on edge . if i do n't get back there , who knows what she 'll do ? tad : finally . thank you for coming . jesse : what 's going on ? j.r. : you got to let me know . if you do n't , we 're all going to regret it . [ scene_break ] annie : that 's right . wake up and listen . marissa : what ? what happened ? annie : oh , well , i 'll tell you what did n't happen . j.r. was supposed to propose to me tonight . he was going to ask me to be his wife . and i was going to say yes . marissa : annie -- annie : tonight was supposed to be perfect , and you showed up and you ruined everything ! marissa : no , nothing 's ruined yet . annie : do you see a ring on this finger ? marissa : no , it 's not too late . we can fix this . just let me go . annie : the only thing that could possibly fix this is for you to disappear . marissa : annie , put that thing down . annie : no . marissa : now , listen , you have to trust me . annie : trust you ? marissa : no , hurting me would be a big mistake . annie : no . my mistake was not getting rid of you the first time . [ scene_break ] krystal : hello , handsome . jack : oh , thanks . krystal : should n't you be up to your neck in father of the bride duties ? jack : i am up to my neck , in fact . krystal : uh - oh . what happened ? jack : want to hear something ironic ? our caterer got food poisoning . krystal : oh , ho , ho , ho . you got to be kidding . jack : i wish i was . krystal : well , what do you want me to do ? jack : i was hoping maybe i could convince you into jumping in here . i hate to ask you to do this last - minute like this , but -- krystal : oh , my -- are you kidding me ? how many people are we talking about ? jack : not many , not many . there 's the bride and the groom , the two kids , me , and the minister -- 6 . krystal : 7 . you forgot erica . except you did n't forget erica ? jack : no . krystal : ok . 6 it is . jack : and just for the record , it was a mutual decision . krystal : that your fiancée not be at your daughter 's wedding ? jack : when you put it like that -- believe me , it 'll be better if erica 's not there -- for everybody . [ scene_break ] ryan : you 're pregnant ? and -- and you knew about this ? greenlee : no , i -- i just assumed because of the way she was holding her stomach , and then she said it was too soon . are you ok ? ryan : here , sit down . madison : no , i 'm fine . ryan : no , no -- because you were cramping . i 'd like you to sit down , please . madison : well , whatever it was , it 's gone now . ryan : good , i 'm glad . that 's great news , but i just want you to sit down , just -- just in case . madison : what ? ryan : well , you know , you were n't being yourself . you were being so evasive and so tense , and i kept seeing you at the hospital . now it all just makes sense . madison : ok , greenlee 's right . i 'm pregnant . ryan : with my child . [ scene_break ] jesse : i 'm telling you , man . every time i turn around , you 're asking me to pull some strings . tad : i 'm sorry . he 's innocent . he was n't driving that car . jesse : because you say so ? ok , fyi -- the chandlers have been known to lie just a little bit . tad : he was n't . but he does know who was . jesse : let me guess . not feeling really chatty right now ? tad : he will be . i swear , jesse , he 's more than ready to give up who did it , but he wants to do it his way . and all he needs is a little time . please . jesse : you will give us a statement ? j.r. : absolutely . you let me handle this , i 'll tell you everything you need to know . jesse : i do n't like this . tad : but -- jesse : let him go . j.r. : thank you . both of you . jesse : something goes wrong , i 'm holding you accountable . j.r. : yeah . tad : j.r. , listen , let me drive you to the house , ok ? this is not going to be easy , kiddo . j.r. : i appreciate that , but you know i have to handle this myself , right ? tad : you call me when it 's done . be careful . j.r. : i will . jesse : hey , for the record , i 'm holding you accountable , too . [ scene_break ] marissa : do n't make this worse . annie : me ? i did n't do anything ! [ metal vase hits floor ] annie : you are the one that had to get in the way . everything ! this is all your fault ! marissa : oh , god . oh , god , the gas pipe is leaking . we have to get out of here . annie : good idea . thanks . marissa : no . annie -- annie , you ca n't just leave me here . i could die . annie : do n't fight it , marissa . just take a nice , long nap . looks like you could use the rest . marissa : annie -- annie , please -- annie , please come back . [ annie locks door behind her ] marissa : oh ! no ! no , annie ! come back , please . [ scene_break ] madison : i just want to get out of here . ryan : no , not until you answer my question . madison : it was n't supposed to be like this . ryan : be like what ? madison : you 're getting married today , ryan . just concentrate on that . just forget that -- just forget it , ok ? ryan : you want me to for -- you want me to forget ? wait , hold -- just -- just -- ok ? how long have you known ? i mean , how far along are you ? madison : this is not your problem . ryan : i 'm here for you , madison . madison : this whole scene -- this is ruining your day . ryan : look , i get that you do n't want to be here . i get that . believe me , i understand , but just on the chance that there is actually something wrong with the baby , i want you to sit down . scott : hey , is everything ok ? madison : he knows . about the baby . ryan : wait -- i do n't understand . i 've been asking you over and over again what 's going on with you and you have n't said anything to me . scott : well , maybe because it does n't concern you . the baby 's mine . greenlee : you 're the baby 's father ? scott : yeah . ryan : is it -- is that true ? oh . i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i just sort of figured , 'cause , you know , you and i -- scott : ok , look , ahem , not that we owe you an explanation , but for the interest of moving on , it happened when i was released from prison , and we are dealing with it , so -- ryan : ok . so you 're dealing with it together ? madison : well , we have n't figured out all the details , obviously -- scott : no , but i am not going anywhere , so -- greenlee : wow . madison : yeah . and now you know why i 've been acting all over the place . scott : yeah , this was n't exactly planned . greenlee : well -- congratulations then . a baby -- this is exciting . madison : it certainly keeps things interesting . scott : yes . madison : anyway , i 'm sorry you had to find out today , of all days . ryan : what ? no -- no , we 're happy for you . madison : thank you . scott : all right , yeah . are you ready to go ? madison : yes . ryan : no , wait . should n't she just sort of take it easy a little bit longer , maybe ? scott : take it easy ? why ? what -- what 's wrong ? madison : nothing , i 'm fine . i just had a little pain . ryan : no , it was a lot more than just a little pain , scott . madison : i had a cramp , and it was intense , but it 's over . scott : well , madison , that does n't sound good . maybe i should take you to the hospital . madison : no . no , please , i just want to go home . scott : are you absolutely positive that you 're feeling better ? madison : you have no idea . scott : then home it is . madison : ok . scott : good luck , guys . ryan : ok . yeah , you , too . greenlee : thanks . wow . huh . did i say that already ? ryan : i think it warrants saying it twice . greenlee : wow ! ha ha ha . are you ok ? ryan : yeah -- no , i 'm fine . i 'm -- i 'm fine . i just -- i feel like a bit of an idiot . i mean , not seeing it earlier than this . it 's so obvious looking back now . madison 's pregnant . [ scene_break ] [ relaxing music plays ] [ door opens ] j.r. : hey . annie : hi . j.r. : i got here as soon as i can . is everything ok ? annie : all 's quiet on the home front . [ scene_break ] marissa : oh -- help me , please . please help me . [ scene_break ] annie : oh , i was so worried . j.r. : well , the police -- they let me go . annie : you did n't say anything about me , did you ? j.r. : what ? no , i would never do that . annie : ok , so you bought us some time . j.r. : yeah , which is -- it 's important because we got a lot to talk about . annie : what ? j.r. : things are spinning out of control , annie . you got to feel that . annie : well , i do , but i also feel how much i love you , and i know that we can make it through anything , j.r. -- anything . j.r. : i -- i do n't think that that 's possible . annie : why ? because of the police ? j.r. : no , i 'm not talking about the police , i 'm talking about the break - ins and the hit - and - run and -- and what you did to colby . annie : you know ? i did n't want to hurt anybody . j.r. : i know that . but you got to admit that that 's not normal behavior . annie : normal , or sane ? j.r. : you 're in trouble , annie , and i 'm only saying this because i care . annie : no ! no ! no , no ! this was not supposed to happen tonight ! tonight was supposed to be special ! j.r. : annie , it will be special , because it 's going to be the first night that you 're going to get the help that you need . annie : no , no ! tonight was supposed to be the night that you were going to propose . j.r. : you got to know that i 'm going to be with you every step of the way . do n't you want to get better ? annie : do n't do that . do not make it seem like this is all my fault ! j.r. : no , i know that it 's not . annie : you think i wanted any of this ? you think i wanted to lock up your sister or cause that accident ? ugh ! none of this would have happened if you had just loved me enough ! j.r. : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry that i hurt you , annie . annie : ok , so it 's fine . we 've both made so many mistakes , so why do n't we just start over together ? j.r. : we ca n't . annie : why not ? j.r. : because you 're lost , and i know that i played a huge part in that . and the best that i can do for you is to help you get back . annie : see , look how wonderful you are , even now . even now . you could be shipping me off to some asylum , but you 're not . you 're owning up to your mistakes . j.r. : the last thing i want to do is to make you do something that you do n't want to . annie : and that 's why i love you so much , j.r . i do . i love you . j.r. : but you need help , annie . just say that you know that , and we could take it from there . annie : no . if only you would love me enough -- j.r. : it 's ok . and everything 's going to be just fine . [ scene_break ] [ marissa gasps as she crawls to the locked attic door ] [ scene_break ] ryan : so scott and madison ? greenlee : i think they make a cute couple . ryan : yeah , well , scott 's a good guy . greenlee : can you believe they 're having a baby ? ryan : honestly ? nope . greenlee : ha ! i think it 's awesome . ryan : do you ? greenlee : do n't you ? ryan : yeah , i just -- you know , just there was -- i do n't know -- it seemed very awkward . and like scott said , it was n't planned . greenlee : so ? does n't mean it ca n't work out . he seems pretty committed to her . maybe it 's the beginning of another epic love story . ryan : think this town could have two of those ? greenlee : are you ready for this , lavery ? ryan : am i ready ? yes , i 'm ready . [ scene_break ] scott : ok , another sip . madison : what happened to getting the hell out of here ? scott : for all we know , you cramped up because you were dehydrated or something , so finish that glass of water , and we will leave . madison : thank you coming to my rescue . ryan asked me point - blank if he was the father , and i just -- i froze . if you had n't shown up when you did -- scott : ah . glad i could be of service . madison : do n't joke . i was about to play stork at ryan 's wedding . talk about disaster -- scott : you know , all in all , i think they handled it pretty well . and i got to give ryan credit . i mean , he seemed more concerned about you than anything else . madison : well , that 's ryan . and greenlee handled it well 'cause she already knew . she 's known for a long time . scott : yeah . madison : not just that i 'm pregnant , but that ryan is the baby 's father . scott : and she kept it from him . madison : well , i mean , we both knew that the truth would have to come out eventually , but she agreed to wait . partly because i asked her to . scott : and mostly because she did n't want anything to screw up her wedding day . madison : can you blame her ? scott : a little bit , a little bit . a little bit , but i will give her credit , too . she played it off well . madison : so did you . and just so that we 're clear , you know , you can totally back out of this whenever you want . i know you just jumped in there to cover my butt . scott : tell you what , we 'll take it one step at a time , all right ? madison : sounds good to me . scott : ok . madison : what do you say about taking another step towards the exit , huh ? weddings always make me cry . scott : ok , what did we say about finishing that water ? well , there you go . chuck it down , hard core . there it is . and we are out . [ scene_break ] [ holding her breath , marissa knocks over a box in the attic ] [ scene_break ] annie : all i wanted this whole time is for us to be together and start our new life together , and now that it 's finally possible -- j.r. : yeah , but this does n't have to be it for us . ok , but to give us a fighting chance , you need to go in there and get the help that you need . annie : i -- i 'm scared , j.r . i 've done some things . j.r. : i know . but you also have to know that we are in this together . annie : so -- so what do we do ? j.r. : ok , i 've thought a lot about this . and the best option -- the only option that we have is for us to go to oak haven tonight . annie : oh , my god . j.r. : i know that you hate the place -- annie : oh , my god , it was n't just marissa . j.r. : marissa ? annie : oh , my god . you were behind those papers , too . you want me committed . j.r. : no , no , no -- it 's nothing like that , ok ? i meant what i said . i do n't want you to do anything that you 're not comfortable with , which is why you have to go in there . it 's important for you to go in there and check yourself in , for you to get the help that you need . annie : how could you do this to me ? j.r. : you 're not going to be alone . i 'm going to go with you . annie : all i will be is alone . you will drop me off and wave good - bye , and what do you think happens next ? it 's just me , alone in a padded cell ! j.r. : i know how hard this is for you , annie -- annie : no , you have no idea how hard it is ! you have no idea , but i do . it 's a colorless room . it is locked doors . and it is horrible silence . and there 's no freedom and there 's no family and there 's no friends . there 's no one ! no ! no , i will not go . i will not go , and i will not leave emma . no , i 'm not going . j.r. : this is not like it 's going to be forever . annie : five minutes in that place is forever . j.r. : ryan 's going to take really good care of emma . ok ? and i 'll bring her in every single day . look at me , ok ? this is not me abandoning you , ok ? it 'll be just the two of us , and dr. burke , and we 'll get you settled in there , and it will be peaceful , and it will be civilized . it 's not going to be some kind of men in white coats dragging you off . annie : just the way marissa wants ? j.r. : why do you keep bringing marissa up ? annie : because this is all her . this is all her idea . j.r. : marissa had nothing to do with this . annie : oh , really ? look at this . look -- look ! these papers -- look at this ! that is her signature ! j.r. : marissa did n't sign this , dr. burke signed it . annie : yes , she did ! that 's her signature ! she 's behind all this , and she 's going to do anything to keep us from being together , j.r . j.r. : annie -- annie : ugh ! she is the one -- she is the one that needs to disappear . [ scene_break ] [ marissa falls over unconscious ] [ scene_break ] jack : hey , just about time to take that coat off . greenlee : almost , almost . so ? tell me what happened with the food . whatever it is , i can take it . jack : i have nothing but good news , ok ? everything 's taken care of . krystal has decided to pinch - hit for us , and she promises hors d'oeuvres , appetizers , entrees , champagne , even a wedding cake . how about that , huh ? greenlee : [ squeals ] oh , my god , dad , that is incredible . it is incredible . jack : now , listen , do n't thank me . i 'm not the one pulling it together . greenlee : well , maybe not , but you made it happen . i love you . i love ryan . i love everyone right now . it 's my wedding day . [ scene_break ] ryan : ok . everybody knows what to do , right where to stand ? emma : mm - hmm . ryan : yeah ? you sure ? emma : yeah . ryan : yeah ? emma : are you nervous ? ryan : no . maybe a little bit . ricky : all right , guys . time to take our places . ryan : ok . here we go . here we go . i love you guys . emma : i love you , too , daddy . [ `` here comes the bride `` plays ] ricky : to say this wedding was a long time coming -- that would be an understatement . [ greenlee laughs ] ricky : ryan , greenlee , this is n't the first time that you 've said `` i do , `` but it 's the first time that you 've said it like this . with unconditional love in your hearts and in your souls . your beautiful family surrounding you -- you 've earned each other this time . this is a special day . so take it in , guys . your moment has finally arrived . so i hope you do n't mind if i just cut to the chase and get this party started . greenlee : reverend , i like your style . ricky : thank you . who gives this woman ? jack : i do . i 'm sorry . i do . may i just say something , please ? excuse me . it seems like you just came into my life . and here i am , already giving you away . but then i look at you , and you two . and it 's easy to believe that this is happening , because it is exactly the way it 's supposed to be . greenlee : thank you , dad . for everything . jack : i just want you to be happy . ricky : well , i was going to ask you to join hands , but you 've obviously beat me to it . i understand you wrote your own vows . ryan , if you 'd like to start -- ryan : this year has been a year of so many changes . the highest highs , but also our greatest loss . it 's my hope that this wedding , this marriage , is going to be a chance for us to heal some of that , and i know it 's not going to be easy . i 'm not looking for it to be easy . in fact , it ca n't possibly be easy when you have two people as strong and as stubborn as us trying to live together . but i know that we 've finally learned our lesson . because we discovered so many times that we 're always strongest when we fight together . [ scene_break ] scott : this was a mistake . madison , i should take you to the hospital . madison : no . i told you , i 'm fine . scott : all right , but i want you off your feet , so in this bed -- madison : oh . scott : right now , ok ? please . madison : maybe it was just stress , or the fact that i 'm starving . scott : well , when was the last time you ate ? madison : two hours ago ? a perfectly manageable time for a normal person -- scott : yes , but you are anything but normal . madison : thanks . scott : unfortunately , i do n't have a stocked fridge right now . oh , i went to the store the other day , and i have , um -- crackers . i 'm so sorry that i 'm not better set up for company . madison : hey , i 'd eat a brick if you offered me one right now . scott : yeah ? ok . you know what you should do ? you should take some of these and put them in your bag . because if you 're out , and you get hungry , you can just chow down a little bit . they say , you know , frequent small portions keep the tummy calm . madison : thank you , dr. chandler . scott : [ laughs ] well , you know , i do work at a hospital , so i overhear things . madison : hmm . oh , no . it 's happening again . scott : another cramp ? madison : a craving . oh , i 'm dying for a crunchy , juicy apple . scott : an app -- that is the lamest craving i 've ever heard . madison : oh , i know , and i 'm -- i would kill someone for some lemonade . scott : now you 're living on the edge . ok , you -- madison : where are you going ? scott : well , where do you think ? i 'm going to go out , do a little hunting and gathering -- get you a crispy , juicy apple and some lemonade . madison : seriously ? scott : all right , let 's be clear about one thing . this baby daddy ai n't no slouch . ha ha ! whew . [ scene_break ] jesse : some valentine 's day , huh ? tad : well , ca n't say it 's dull . brot : hey , chief , you mind if i clock out early ? i want to actually get on the road to go see natalia . jesse : ah . check it out . take this for me . her favorites . brot : oh , thank you , chief . happy valentine 's day . jesse : yeah . tad : how 's angie ? jesse : she 's going stir crazy . mm - hmm . i wish i were there to keep her company , especially on a day like today . but i got to save my time off for when the baby comes . tad : well , i ca n't say i feel sorry for you . jesse : thank you . tad : no , i mean , at least you have a valentine . so she 's on the other side of the country . who cares ? jesse : [ indistinct ] you , thaddeus the caddiest all by his lonesome on the most romanticalest day of the year . tad : try not to sound like an idiot when you say it . and try not to be so happy . jesse : what ? what are you talking about ? i was just oozing sympathy . tad : oh , yeah ? who 's oozing ? it was n't sympathy . brot : hey , chief ? angie 's on line 2 . tad : oh , that 's me . [ imitating jesse ] hi , baby . yeah . [ normal voice ] how 's the sexiest doctor on the west coast ? no , no , it 's not your husband . in honor of the holiday , i bought you an upgrade . jesse : give me that . he 's an idiot . [ tad snickers ] jesse : hey , baby . how you doing ? this is your real husband . ignore the other fool . [ scene_break ] annie : you want to know the worst part ? j.r. : no , what i think is -- i think you need to just calm down a little bit . annie : after putting her scratchy little signature on those papers , that bitch had the nerve to show up here . j.r. : marissa was here ? annie : ugh , just the look of her makes my skin crawl . j.r. : annie , look at me . where 's marissa now ? did something happen between you two ? annie : i do n't want you to be mad at me . j.r. : annie , i 'm -- i 'm not -- i 'm not going to be mad , i promise . just tell me where marissa is . annie , what did you do to marissa ? annie -- ok , just talk to me . ok , you 're not going to be in trouble . just tell me where marissa is . please . annie : i did n't mean to hurt her . j.r. : is she in the house ? annie , is she in the house ? annie : upstairs . j.r. : where upstairs ? annie : the attic . please do n't hate me . [ scene_break ] madison : oh -- now , that might be the best thing i 've ever tasted . scott : ha ha ! well , i have to admit something -- i am glad that you are n't craving caviar , because i do n't think my nonexistent budget could have handled it . madison : well , thank you -- for this . and for before . i mean , god , i barely know you and now -- scott : you 're having my baby . yeah . madison : i was thinking when you were gone , um -- i mean , the timing is just going to be a little funky . it 's not the end of the world , but -- i mean , i could always just say that i 'm premature -- whatever . scott : yeah , well , you know , maybe you should just focus on the positive . madison : which is ? scott : you do n't have to hide that bump anymore . madison : you 're right . oh , hold on . scott : whoa . what 's wrong ? madison : ah -- just undoing the top button there . oh . scott : cool . madison : i 've been dying to do that for the last 4 months . [ scene_break ] ryan : now while i stick to my promise to give you a surprise every day , i also vow to give you love every day , give you support every day , and give you a piece of my heart every day . these are my vows to you . ricky : greenlee ? greenlee : well , we made it . huh . i 've been dreaming about this for so long -- waiting and waiting -- and now that it 's finally here -- ryan : second thoughts ? greenlee : i was n't prepared -- for what it would really feel like . you nailed it , because yes , we 've done this before , but we 've never done this before , with the dress and the flowers and the family . you , ryan lavery , are everything i 've always wanted . you 're everything i never knew i wanted . you 're my best friend . you 're my partner in crime . you 're the man i ca n't wait to spend the rest of my life with . and there were times i thought that this would never happen . that there was too much stacked against us . but then someone told me that our names were written somewhere . gave me a couple options . i guess we settled on moonstone . we 're forever , you and me . for better , for worse . in gimpyness and in health , i will be by your side , whether you want me there or not . ryan : want . always want . greenlee : i 'm not afraid anymore . i 'm free because of you . i love , honor , and cherish you so much . and i 'll never stop . ok . ok , i 'm done . i mean , i 'm not done -- just with that part . ricky : i think we get the idea . may i have the rings ? ryan : rings -- emma : spike has the ring . ricky : ryan , we 'll start with you . ryan : greenlee , i give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you . with all that i am , all that i have , i honor you . greenlee : ryan , i give you this ring as a daily reminder of my love for you . with all that i am , with all that i have , i honor you . [ scene_break ] madison : this feels good . scott : you know , maybe you should consider getting some maternity stuff -- madison : i 'm not talking about my pants . i mean , look at me . picture of calm . i have n't been this relaxed since i found out i was pregnant -- since before i found out . scott : since you and ryan broke up . madison : i tried so hard to accept that ryan and greenlee are getting married . i do n't know -- for some reason , i just -- could n't let go , you know ? scott : and now ? madison : now i can finally breathe easy . in every possible way . scott : that was a good one . madison : thanks . scott : happy valentine 's day , madison . madison : happy valentine 's day . [ scene_break ] greenlee : did that really just happen ? ryan : i think so . greenlee : no volcanoes , earthquakes , flying monkeys coming to whisk me away ? ryan : monkeys -- i knew i forgot to invite somebody . greenlee : so this is real . ryan : hate to break it to you , smythe , but we 're married . ricky : actually , not quite . ryan , greenlee , by the power of your love and commitment , and the power vested in me , i now pronounce you husband and wife . you know what to do , pal . jack : [ laughing ] all right . [ emma laughs ] [ scene_break ] j.r. : marissa ? marissa , can you hear me ? [ pounds on door ] j.r. : marissa , please ! if you can hear me , just say something . [ j.r. tries to kick the door open ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh ! emma : wow ! greenlee : look at this place , you guys . it 's gorgeous . ryan : sure is . krystal : hey , congratulations to the happy couple . greenlee : oh , i do n't even know what to say , krystal . ryan : seriously . the food smells amazing . krystal : well , it was my pleasure to help you out . and i hope you do n't mind , but i did peek in on the ceremony . it was so beautiful . greenlee : are you kidding me ? after all that you 've done , you should have been my maid of honor . jack : gentlemen , right this way , please . everybody , take a glass of champagne . for the bride and groom over there . reverend , if that 's ok , right ? krystal , there you go . krystal : oh , no , no , no . i 'd better not . i 'm on the job . greenlee : uh - uh , the catering duties are over . officially . ryan : you 're a guest . greenlee : yes . krystal : really ? ryan : as of right now , yeah . go ahead . krystal : in that case -- jack : you deserve it . ok . to greenlee and ryan . look at the smiles on those faces . ha ha ! clearly , this was a union worth waiting for . so i wish you health , happiness , and an eternity of such smiles for one another . hear , hear . all : hear , hear ! ryan : cheers . jack : let 's get some pictures , shall we ? greenlee : hey , wait . i want to touch up . ryan : hmm ? what are you talking about ? you 're perfect . greenlee : i am sorry , my new husband , but you 'll forgive me if i do n't take your word for it . jack : yeah , get used to that , pal . greenlee : hey , emma , could you go grab my makeup bag ? i think i left it out on the patio . emma : sure . greenlee : thanks . ryan : when did you get so heavy ? greenlee : all right , do n't even try . do n't even try . wait . just wait , just wait . jack : just for me . krystal : it 's her day . greenlee : exactly . jack : why do n't you go back to being a caterer ? krystal : ha ha ha ! [ all talking among themselves as annie approaches emma ] | in the attic of the chandler home , annie attacks marissa when she tries to leave the attic . jack asks krystal to cater greenlee 's wedding because the previous caterer had fallen sick . krystal , reluctantly , agrees . at confusion , ryan finds out from greenlee that madison is pregnant . madison is reluctant to answer , but then denies that she is pregnant . scott listens to ryan 's conversation with madison . madison confesses that she is indeed pregnant . ryan asks if the child is his . scott steps up and tells everyone that he is the father of madison 's child . at the pvpd , tad lets jesse know that j.r. was n't driving the car that had hit the ambulance , but j.r. knows who was driving and j.r. would help the police in any way that he could . jesse releases j.r. against his better judgment . a gas pipe begins to leak in the attic . marissa urges annie to let her go , but annie walks out leaving marissa in the attic . downstairs in the living room of the chandler mansion , annie confronts j.r. about the commitment papers which she had found stuffed under a cushion on the sofa . annie shows him the papers . annie blames marissa for signing the papers to have her committed to keep her away from j.r. j.r. denies that marissa had anything to do with this . annie lets it slip about marissa . j.r. begins to question annie as to where marissa is . in the attic , marissa tries to fix the leak , but then collapses . |
derek : have a seat . jonathan : i 'm good . derek : sit down . jack : i want him booked , i want him fingerprinted -- ryan : and , what , drawn and quartered ? jack : i want him arrested , derek . ryan : on what charge ? jonathan : it 's his job , ryan . ryan : this is not ok . this is harassment . jonathan : ryan , jack has a reason to be upset . he 's bianca 's uncle . let 's get started . ryan : derek , you know my brother should have a lawyer . you know that . derek : relax . this is just an informal questioning . jonathan : the sooner we get started , the sooner i get out of here . [ scene_break ] man : can i see some id , please ? greenlee : who are you ? man : i 've been assigned to protect maggie . id , please . greenlee : she did n't need protecting from us . reggie : yeah , we 're just friends . [ knock on door ] man : maggie , you 've got visitors . you know these people ? maggie : yes , they 're fine . thank you . greenlee : head start on spring cleaning ? maggie : no , it 's jonathan 's stuff . i 'm just getting rid of the last of it . reggie : yeah , you should burn it , that 's what you should do . greenlee : well , i 've got the matches , but we ca n't start the bonfire just yet . maggie : look , guys , i 'm really not feeling well today , and i do n't want to talk to anyone . greenlee : you can , maggie , and you will . we all want it to be over , but it 's not . [ scene_break ] jamie : bet he 's outgrown that . j.r. : get out . jamie : well , i can help you get the one thing you want more than anything in this world . you interested ? [ scene_break ] erica : what is she doing here ? bianca : mom , it 's all right . erica : you are shameless . have n't you hurt my daughter enough ? how could you even think that it was all right to come over here ? babe : ms. kane , i know what you must think -- erica : no , you have no clue as to what i must think . i want you out of here . i want you out of my daughter 's life right now . go on , get out of here . bianca : mom , mom , back off . [ scene_break ] j.r. : there 's nothing that you could offer that i would want , except for you to leave . jamie : and here i always thought of you as a big - picture kind of guy . j.r. : what , you 're going to make me an offer i ca n't refuse ? what , have you got some horse head under my pillow ? jamie : it 's not like you to pass on a deal before you 've heard it . are n't you even curious as to why i 'm even here ? j.r. : well , it 's kind of late . do n't tell me -- babe 's got a headache . that 's it , right ? you want some tips ? oh , that 's right , you do n't have a platinum card . hmm . well , that worked every time . jamie : you know , i am facing time for kidnapping . but a couple more months for assault ? that 's not really a big deal . j.r. : the only thing i want is my son , and you wo n't help me . jamie : and what if i will ? you still ready to kick me out ? j.r. : all right , what the hell . what 's your genius idea ? jamie : tomorrow , you drop your custody suit . [ scene_break ] erica : i ca n't believe you 're defending her . just looking at you makes me ill . bianca : mom , it 's all right . erica : no , nothing is all right as long as babe is in our lives . is miranda ok ? bianca : yes , of course she 's ok . erica : you lost your son , so now you 're circling miranda ? babe : no , never . bianca : mom , she would never hurt miranda . babe : i love this little girl . erica : like your own ? well , those days are over . you stop harassing my daughter . get out of here . get out of our lives . i told you to leave . bianca : that 's not what 's going on here , mom . babe saved me and miranda tonight . erica : saved you ? from what ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : i did n't accost bianca . i just wanted to talk . derek : about the weather ? jonathan : about maggie , my fianc -- my ex - fiancée . jack : so you stalked bianca to the miranda center ? jonathan : no . just as i was pulling up , she was heading out . i tried to catch up to her . jack : oh , a woman and a baby a little too fast for you , son ? derek : why 'd you seek out bianca to talk about your ex - fiancée ? jonathan : maggie had just broken it off with me . i was torn up . i thought bianca probably knew something . jack : yeah , you blamed bianca , did n't you ? derek : jackson . how did a talk turn into a situation ? jonathan : i do n't know . bianca freaked out . she acted like she was afraid of me . jack : oh , i do n't believe this . jonathan : i tried to calm her down , but she got it into her head for some reason that i was a threat . i just wanted to talk about maggie . derek : and you could n't let her leave ? jonathan : you know what it 's like to love someone , then lose them ? maggie and i were going to be married and , out of nowhere , it 's over ? i could n't deal . i wanted help . jack : why do n't you just answer derek 's question ? did you stop bianca from leaving ? jonathan : no one else could help me . i just wanted to talk to bianca for two minutes , that 's all . it was n't a threat . i did n't trap her . i did n't lock her in . i was n't going to hurt her . i even offered her a hammer to hold onto so she 'd feel safe ! jack : why did n't you just let her go ? ryan : hey ! jonathan : i would 've ! bianca flipped out ! she threatened me . she told me she 'd dealt with violence before , and that 's when it hit me she was flashing back to when michael cambias attacked her . jack : or maybe it was because you had her and her baby trapped ! ryan : come on ! jonathan : i was so wrapped up in my own stuff , i really was n't aware how bianca was feeling -- jack : oh -- jonathan : until she flipped out again . and that 's when i realized that it was either the michael cambias thing or she hates me because maggie and i were in love . [ scene_break ] maggie : look , guys , today is probably one of the worst days of my life , or top five , anyway , ok ? my relationship with jonathan is over . greenlee : maggie , jonathan is dangerous . maggie : well , aidan and his friend are taking turns playing bodyguard outside my door . i 'm safe . greenlee : no one else is safe . look , you already know that i think jonathan drugged me . maybe he left something here . maybe there 's some evidence that he did n't destroy . all i 've got is a feeling , but i need proof . i tried to get it before , but he caught me trying to hack into his computer . and then i tried with kendall , and he busted us before we could search anything . reggie : greenlee needs a few pointers on breaking and entering , but now we 've got a clear shot . he 's not here anymore . maggie : well , what do you think , he 's going to have a diary confessing everything ? i highly doubt that . reggie : well , maybe he was seeing a doctor , or he hooked up with a dealer or something . greenlee : or maybe he 's got a prescription , something . please , will you let us look ? maggie : tomorrow , ok , tomorrow . you can have the entire place to yourself . greenlee : we ca n't wait . we need to look now . maggie : well , now totally sucks . reggie : maggie , jonathan went after bianca tonight . [ scene_break ] jonathan : as soon as i realized bianca was freaked , i started to move away . then all of a sudden , out of nowhere , her friend busts in , slams me with a tool cart , whacks me over the head with a board , and she obviously knocked me out because the next thing i remember , i 'm on the concrete floor waking up , looking at ryan . derek : who was the friend ? ryan : babe . jonathan : and let me tell you , it was on hell of a whack . but i 'm ok . i 'm not going to press charges . jack : oh , you are some piece of work , you know that ? derek : so , that 's it , huh ? you accidentally frighten bianca , and then babe chandler pulls a hit - and - run with a tool cart ? jonathan : she misread the situation , just like bianca , but i ca n't blame her , the way bianca was overreacting . jack : do you take responsibility for any of this ? jonathan : most of it . my judgment was horrible . i should 've known , with bianca 's past , that being left alone with a man may cause her to overreact . i 'm sorry for that . ryan : so we done here ? jack : no , we 're not quite done yet . one more question -- what 's your excuse for poisoning greenlee ? jonathan : no excuse , because i did n't poison greenlee . jack : well , maybe that was just in her head , kind of like the thing with bianca , huh ? jonathan : my sister - in - law does n't like me . we went sideways months ago . ever since then , she thinks i want her gone . jack : was she wrong about that ? ryan : hey , my brother came here willingly to discuss what happened tonight with bianca , not to be accused for every unsolved crime in pine valley . jack : only one , and there 's a real short suspect list . jonathan : how about kendall ? she had the motive , the opportunity , the drugs . jack : what are you talking about ? what -- what drugs ? derek : you knew about this ? ryan : greenlee and i searched kendall 's condo . we found the same antipsychotics that somebody fed greenlee , but kendall claims that they were planted there . derek : ryan , how could you sit on this ? you should 've brought the evidence down here immediately ! kendall should 've been brought in , we should 've questioned her , there should 've -- [ pager beeps ] derek : nobody leave . jack : i want to talk to you privately . jonathan : i 'm not going anywhere . jack : i tell you right now , i want him locked up . ryan : well , that 's not your call , is it ? jack : ryan , i like you , but his being your brother , that does not give him immunity . ryan : jackson , i hate what happened as much as you do , obviously , but i 've seen bianca . she 's ok . jack : oh , is she ? she 's ok ? well , you know what , that 's not nearly good enough . ryan : it was ugly , but it 's over , all right ? my brother is not a psycho . he 's a guy -- he 's got some issues with anger and with women , but i 'm getting him help . jack : he hit maggie , he terrified bianca , god knows what he did to greenlee . i do n't care about his issues . he 's a menace ! ryan : wait a minute , have you even spoken to bianca ? no ? maggie , babe , anybody ? so all you know is what lily and reggie told you ? you do n't know anything . you do n't know anything about my brother -- nothing ! jack : maybe you do n't know him as well as you think you do , because you told me your other brother , braden , was innocent , but he was guilty as hell , now , was n't he ? ryan : jonathan is not braden . and , yes , he 's got problems , and he knows he has problems , and he knows he has to get help . just give the guy a chance . jack : yeah , how long should i give him , huh ? until he really hurts somebody i love ? ryan : you got nothing , jackson ! you do n't have any proof , you do n't have any evidence ! jack : no , no , not yet . but that does n't mean i wo n't find some . [ scene_break ] reggie : i mean , bianca 's ok , except for the part that jonathan scared her half to death . maggie : you 're sure that he did n't hurt her ? reggie : i promise , he did n't touch her . maggie : my god . where is jonathan now ? reggie : he wo n't be knocking on your door anytime soon . he 's down at the station being drilled by chief frye . greenlee : maggie , i -- i get that you do n't want to talk about jonathan , but you lived together . maybe you picked up on something . i mean , you know him better than any of us . maggie : that 's just it , greenlee -- i do n't know him at all . everything that he said to me was a lie . i believed all of his lines , the same lines that he told someone else , god knows how many someone elses . so if you need clues about jonathan , i am not the person to talk to . greenlee : i 'm sorry he treated you so badly . maggie : i need to get some air . reggie : you should bring your bodyguard with you . maggie : do n't worry about that . i 'm fine no matter where i go . greenlee : you go through the pockets , i 'll start with the papers . reggie : i 'd rather go a few rounds with jonathan rather than sniffing through his dirty clothes . greenlee : forget his clothes . i think i found something . [ scene_break ] jamie : i know you 're not calling your lawyer . j.r. : no , actually , i 'm deciding whom to call . depends -- are you being stupid or are you high ? i mean , you really think you can come in here , ask me nicely , and i drop my custody suit ? jamie : why do n't you just hear me out ? j.r. : when this is gone , so are you . jamie : well , as it stands , you , babe , and kevin are suing for sole custody . i want you and babe to drop your individual suits and sue for joint custody . j.r. : you are out of your mind . jamie : hey , when babe gets on that stand , she 's going to decimate you . you know bess was n't yours and you kept her anyway . you drugged babe , you blackmail her to give up bess . none of those are daddy material . j.r. : oh , come on , james . you and i both know babe 's not the most credible witness . you 're going to have to do better than that . jamie : it 's not just babe . you nearly killed me in florida . kendall will testify to that and so will i . and there 's the whole bianca - over - the - balcony thing . j.r. : that was an accident . nice try , though , jamie . you ca n't scare me away that easily , especially when it 's my turn to shred babe from the stand . jamie : well , then what , you and babe rip each other apart ? you 'll both look like unfit parents and kevin will win . j.r. : have you not been paying attention ? i 'm that baby 's biological father , not kevin . jamie : just because you share dna does n't mean that you get a chance to raise your son . i mean , the courts could decide that the lieutenant governor is the best choice out of all of you . i mean , think about what my dad said -- we 're family . like it or not , you , me , and babe , we 're connected through this little boy . so let 's stop treating him like a trophy and do what 's best for him . j.r. : i 'm what 's best for my son . jamie : get a clue , j.r. you have to decide what 's more important -- hurting babe or being part of your son 's life . there 's only one answer -- joint custody . j.r. : how is babe supposed to have custody behind bars ? jamie : well , we 'll cross that when we get there . right now , we can team up , and we can get that little boy from buchanan . j.r. : what , did babe put you up to this ? jamie : babe knows nothing about this . j.r. : wow , secrets already . jamie : i did n't want to get her hopes up . once you 're onboard , i 'll tell her everything . j.r. : there 's a big glitch , though . babe 's all about fighting to the death , remember ? what makes you think that she will play on the same team ? jamie : babe is smart enough to look past the fact that you 're a jerk and work something out . j.r. : for my son 's sake ? jamie : yeah , it 's too bad he does n't have a vote . if you 're in , we have to move fast . i 'll be in touch . [ scene_break ] babe : it was really no big deal . erica : oh , right , play the modesty routine . babe : why do n't i just let bianca tell you . bianca : miranda 's asleep . erica : bianca , i want you to get a restraining order against babe . bianca : mom , that 's not necessary . babe : i -- i should really get going . erica : yes , you really should , and you never should have come over here . bianca : oh , babe ? erica : sweetheart , listen to me -- i know that you have a soft spot in your heart for strays , but please do not let babe get back into your life . she 'll only wind up using you again . bianca : i have n't forgiven babe -- not even close . erica : bianca , please just promise me you wo n't allow babe to wiggle her way back into your life . bianca : ok , i promise . i already nixed it . i could 've helped her get her son back and i did n't . erica : well , of course you did n't . and it 's outrageous that she would even have the gall to ask . bianca : actually , she did n't ask . jamie asked , and babe apologized that he hurt me . erica : oh , they 're a team . they 're playing you . bianca : no , they 're -- if that were true , when i said no , she would 've begged me to change my mind , or she would 've held a mean grudge . that 's what anybody else would do , that 's what i would do , but she did n't . and before that , she did something completely unselfish . she could 've just walked away , but she did n't . erica : bianca , what in the world happened tonight ? [ knock on door ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : i 've tried every flipping number on this page , every single one disconnected . i mean , they must be important . they 're all underlined . but what 's with the disconnect ? reggie : i do n't know , maybe it 's a trail or a clue or something . greenlee : that all the people that jonathan hangs with do n't pay their phone bills ? reggie : i do n't know , maybe -- well , dealers change their number more than they do their underwear . maybe jonathan bought the magic drugs from a dealer , not a doctor . makes sense . [ scene_break ] ryan : jackson , i understand that you 're frustrated . i mean , so am i. i 'm as angry as you . i want to find whoever hurt greenlee as badly as you do , and , believe me , when we do , that guy better be straight in prison , because if i find him myself , i 'll take him out . jack : and i understand that you love your brother , and that 's just fine , but do n't let that blind you to what he 's capable of . ryan : give it up , jackson . you do n't have anything . jack : i 'm not trying to find a scapegoat here . you know what i 'm trying to do ? i 'm trying to protect my daughter ! i 'm trying to protect your wife ! ryan : you remember when greenlee was in the hospital -- jack : yeah . ryan : and you said that you believed me that i loved her and that i would take care of her ? jack : i 'm still trying to believe that . ryan : trust me , because nobody loves greenlee more than i do . i would do anything to keep her safe . i would risk everything to protect her . if i thought for one nanosecond that my brother could hurt her , i would n't let him anywhere near her . jack : all right , let me ask you a question . if you had evidence that he drugged greenlee , then what ? ryan : i will turn the key on his cell door myself . derek : this just came in . you should check it out . your brother has a police record . [ incensed , ryan confronts his brother in the interrogation room . ] ryan : you son of a bitch . [ scene_break ] reggie : this is a waste of time ! greenlee : we 're not going anywhere until we find something . reggie : what is this ? even if it 's lint ? `` lee googlee `` ? `` lee googloo `` ? i do n't know . greenlee : `` le goulue . `` reggie : yeah , french . yeah , figus . he looks like a frog - legs - and - brains type of guy . greenlee : i 've never heard of it . it 's not in pine valley or center city . no address or phone number . reggie : maybe it 's one of those clubs that 's so exclusive , nobody knows where it is . greenlee : i 'll check it out later . reggie : we need check out of here now . i still have time to stomp on jonathan 's face . greenlee : when did jonathan come to pine valley ? reggie : pine valley ? i do n't know , like , sometime last summer . greenlee : end of june , i think . he 's got three entries for june , just the letter b. weird , huh ? reggie : b ? i mean , that could mean anything -- bill , bob ? or bianca . [ scene_break ] maggie : look , if you want to shut the door in my face , i understand . bianca : maggie , come in . maggie : oh , i 'm sorry . if you guys are in the middle of something , i can go . bianca : mom ? erica : honey , i really need to know what happened with babe . bianca : ok . erica : ok . maggie : look , greenlee and reggie told me that jonathan went after you , so i had to come here and find out that you were all right . you 're all right ? bianca : yeah , i 'm ok . he scared me , and he was pretty out of control , but then babe showed up and saved the day . bianca : well , i was worried about you . when i heard that you broke up with him , i was sure that he would go after you . maggie : he ca n't . not anymore . plus , i have aidan and his bud playing bodyguard , and his friend knows jujitsu or something like that . i 'm so sorry . bianca : it is not your fault . maggie : i was horrible to you , and i said a lot of hurtful things . and jonathan went after you because of me , and it 's all my fault . bianca : maggie , i 'm the one who owes you an apology . those things that i said to you about how i feel , i -- i should n't have said them . i should n't have kissed you . maggie : so then it was all a lie ? i mean , you said those things to keep me from jonathan ? bianca : no . everything i said was true . [ scene_break ] ryan : why did n't you tell me ? jack : no , no , no , let him go . maybe he 'll get the truth out of this guy . ryan : how many chances did i give you ? how many times did i ask you to come clean and how many times did you lie to me ? know what this is ? this is your arrest record for the assault of lorraine rossiter . assault ! jonathan , what , you just forgot to tell me this ? jonathan : i never -- i never knew how to tell you about -- ryan : so you lied ? just once , you said , with maggie . you cried . i believed you ! i defended you to greenlee , to the entire town . man , i thought i was the one guy that you could be honest with , and you play me ? jonathan : i was ashamed , ry . i did n't want to be a disappointment ! that was dad 's line -- i 'd disappoint him -- and i was just so afraid that you were going to feel this way . i did n't -- i did n't know how to tell you . i was afraid that you 'd boot me out of your life again , i 'd lose you all over again . [ scene_break ] jack : so that 's it . he 's got a prior conviction for violence against a woman . you 've got to charge him . derek : i ca n't . it 's not enough . jack : oh , come on , he assaulted the rossiter woman , he assaulted maggie , he went after bianca . derek : look , jack , jack , as surprising as this may sound to you , it still does n't make a case . jack : oh , you know what , do n't you condescend to me . if bianca had ended up in the hospital , then you 'd have your case , right , huh ? derek : i will take her statement tomorrow , ok ? if she has anything to tell us , then it will be my pleasure to book this guy , ok ? jack : what about my daughter , huh ? what if he drugged her ? derek : evidence , jack . i need evidence ! you know that , counselor . jack : i know we have to get this guy off the street . lock him up , derek . find a way . [ scene_break ] [ jamie finds babe crying over photos of her son and physically comforts her . ] [ scene_break ] erica : j.r. ? j.r. : erica . oh , come in , please . erica : he 's darling . j.r. : yeah . erica : i think he has your chin . j.r. : yeah ? yeah , he does . it 's kind of late . what brings you by ? erica : i want to help you get your son back . [ scene_break ] greenlee : maybe it 's a location . boston or broadway ? reggie : bellevue ? greenlee : perfect place for jonathan . reggie : no offense , but i thought you were going to call it home sweet home for a little bit . greenlee : watch it , reginald . reggie : i 'm just speaking the truth . you had us all freaked out . greenlee : i was pretty freaked myself . reggie : you ? you should have seen jack . oh , he was a case . he tried to play tough for lily and me , but i could tell . i could see right through it . he was rocked . greenlee : i had no idea . reggie : well , get a clue . you 're jack 's kid , and he 's going to worry . now he has to take of jonathan . greenlee : well , he should n't . it 's not his battle . reggie : you 're crazy if j 's not going to take this on . greenlee : i can take care of myself . reggie : look , you do n't have to . that 's the beauty part . j 's on your side , and he 's not going to rest until he 's nailed jonathan or whatever punk drugged you . [ scene_break ] jack : ca n't you at least hold him on suspicion ? derek : we 'll get bianca down here tonight and give it a shot . that 's the only way . jack : no , i am not going to do that to her ! she 's been through enough , derek . [ scene_break ] jonathan : you hate me . ryan : no , i do not . i 'll never cut you out of my life . you 're my brother , and i love you , and that is the bottom line . derek : ok , lavery , you 're free to go . jonathan : great . derek : i want you back down here tomorrow after we have a chance to get bianca 's statement . jonathan : i 'll be here . ryan : ok , let 's go . jack : do n't take him to your house . i do n't want him anywhere near greenlee . ryan : i have a room for him at the valley inn . i 'll make sure he 's back here tomorrow . [ scene_break ] bianca : what i meant was i should n't have dumped my feelings on you . like you did n't have to deal with already . i mean , life is n't crazy enough ? here , juggle this , too . maggie : do n't apologize for being honest . bianca : i could have been a little bit more sensitive . maggie : like when i went off on you ? bianca : i 've heard worse . maggie : look , when you told me that you loved me , i did n't want to hear it . just like i did n't want to hear what you had to say about jonathan . bianca : nobody wants to believe the person they love could be -- maggie : toxic ? i just wanted to believe that he was a great guy , and i shut out anything that did n't fit in that picture in my head . god , i mean , i was an idiot . bianca : you 're -- you 're kind and loving and trusting . there 's nothing stupid about that . you were n't the first person that got sucked into jonathan 's orbit . maggie : great , i 'm a victim . bianca : not anymore you 're not . maggie : i should 've thrown him out the night that he slapped me . but he was so hurt . it was like he could hurt more than i ever could . and it was only that one time . bianca : which was one time too many . maggie : i know . i know that now . but he always so sweet and loving and thoughtful . it was like he could read my mind . i mean , he was the only one who remembered the anniversary of frankie 's death . bianca : well , that 's not true . i -- i sent you that letter . maggie : i never got your letter . bianca : wow . i gave it to jonathan to give to you . maggie : i bet you he read it and shredded it up . god , i -- how could i not know ? bianca : maggie , talk to me . maggie : it was n't me . it was n't me , the woman who was with jonathan , the one who waited for him to come home , the one who shut everybody out , the one who wore what he wanted , changed her hair like he wanted . it was like i was under his spell . bianca : the spell 's broken . you 're free . maggie : `` free . `` what 's `` free `` ? i do n't even know who i am anymore . bianca : you 're going to figure it out . all you need is a little time . maggie : yeah , a few eons should do it . bianca : maggie , what i said about -- about us -- i just want you to know our friendship comes first , and anything else -- it 's going to work itself out . [ scene_break ] jonathan : what a day and a night . thanks for sticking by me . ryan : hey , i want to ask you a question , and i 'd like you to tell me the truth . jonathan : ask . ryan : i watched you give your statement , and , you know , if i did n't know bianca , and i did n't know you , i would 've bought it . you pushed bianca 's buttons , you know , by mistake . she overreacted because of her history . the problem is , is that i 've seen that routine before with dad . jonathan : can we not do the family history right now ? ryan : hey , i do n't like going back , either , but i got deja vu tonight , jonathan . you know , back then , you figured out a way to look innocent to avoid getting the life kicked out of you . and , you know , me , too . i scammed my way out of the belt . that 's how i got by after i left home . jonathan : i know we 're twisted . ryan : that 's how we survived . but here it 's just -- it 's just you and me , nobody else . nobody else listening , nobody else judging us . jonathan : so what 's your question ? ryan : you knew . you knew you were scaring bianca , did n't you ? you did it on purpose . jonathan : yes . i knew i was scaring bianca . ryan : why ? jonathan : ryan , she 's been trying to break maggie and me up for so long . a few days ago , maggie loved me . i was it , i was the only one , and now i 'm scum . bianca finally got her way . bianca the good , bianca the pure , and i 'm the dregs . that 's what i get . ryan : how did it get out of control , jonathan ? jonathan : i do n't know . ryan , i went down there to talk to her . i was totally civilized , and -- and she assumed the worst about me , like everyone else in this town . i do n't understand why they just snap to judge me . why ca n't they mind their own business ? why ca n't they leave me alone ? ryan : you know it 's not that simple . jonathan : i ca n't do this , ok ? i ca n't . i 'm beat . i 'm going to take a shower . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i hate this . nothing but disconnected numbers , meaningless bs , and a matchbook of matches , and why has n't ryan called ? reggie : well , he 's probably still at the police station , all right ? how are you guys ? greenlee : fine . reggie : could n't be better , right ? you want to talk about it ? i 'm a great listener . greenlee : no true confessions . ryan and i are going to get through this . we 're going to be perfect again . we 're going to be better than perfect . we 're going to be better than ever . reggie : ok , i believe you . so now what ? greenlee : i 'm going to go raid jonathan 's medicine cabinet . you in ? reggie : would n't miss it . [ scene_break ] bianca : two of mankind 's greatest inventions -- rocky road and butter pecan . maggie : mmm . now all we need is that amazing chocolate sauce that you always have around . bianca : hmm . i 'm fresh out . i do n't know , i think we 'll survive . [ scene_break ] jamie : i made my best case to j.r . i do n't know if he 'll go for it . babe : he should . you 're absolutely brilliant . the only way for us to make sure that baby james does n't become ace buchanan is for j.r. and me to team up together . and then that way , even if i do go to prison , i 'll still have a right to see him . jamie : do n't worry , babe . somehow we 're going to be a family again . [ scene_break ] j.r. : wow . it 's literally raining help tonight . but thanks , i do n't think you can help . erica : have you seen me on a witness stand ? j.r. : yes , i have . you pack a punch . erica : and i am loaded this time . i will tell the judge and everyone who will listen exactly the torture that babe put you through , and i will tell everyone what a fabulous father you were to that baby you thought was yours ; and i will tell them exactly how painful it was for you to have to give that baby up , and why your son belongs with you and nowhere else . and i know that kendall will speak on your behalf , too . j.r. : hmm . you know , if bianca finds out about this , though , she 's going to be furious . she 's not exactly a fan of mine these days . erica : i will handle bianca . but right now , we 've got to get your son back , and we have got to get babe out of our lives . [ next_on ] jamie : are you ready to work with me and babe ? j.r. : i 'm getting there . greenlee : tell ryan the truth . i will help you if you let me . ryan : i can save my brother , maggie -- do n't put him in jail . krystal : i 'm hoping to go to prison so that you can go free . bianca : jailhouse gets a new inmate tonight . | derek takes jonathan down to the station for questioning . jack says he wants jonathan locked up . ryan defends his brother until he learns for the first time about the assault charge jonathan 's previous girlfriend filed against him and that he lied to ryan . erica discovers babe in bianca 's apartment and demands that she gets out and that her daughter does not trust her . bianca is ready to inform erica that babe heroically saved her and miranda from jonathan . reggie and greenlee go to maggie 's to find out what she might know about jonathan drugging greenlee . she tells them she can not help them and wants nothing more to do with jonathan . but they inform her that he went after bianca only hours ago . hearing that , maggie rushes to bianca 's to see if she 's ok . apologizes for shutting her out and for being stupid enough to love and trust jonathan . erica tells jr that she will help him get his son back and make sure babe is out of his life for good . |
officer : captain ? derek : cordon off the drive . no unauthorized vehicles , no sightseeing . we 've got more wounded to evacuate . if we can reach them . jack : lily , daddy 's going to get you out ! [ rumbling from shifting debris . ] reggie : damn . anita : reggie -- reggie : no , everybody , my family is in there . anita : i know , i 'm not done , though . reggie : listen , my dad , my mom , my sisters , everybody . i have to get in there . derek : you 've been bleeding long enough . reggie : this is nothing but a scratch , all right ? it 's nothing . you heard that ? that could 've fell on kendall and lily ! i have to get in there and save my family ! derek : i ca n't allow it . reggie : listen , if you keep me out here , there wo n't be a family left to find . derek : stick here , reggie . let the pros handle it . they know what they 're doing , all right ? [ rumbling ] reggie : my family . [ scene_break ] lily : daddy . daddy . daddy . jonathan : lily -- lily : daddy , where ? jonathan : stay calm , remember ? lily : daddy . jonathan : that sound was nothing . it probably was n't something bad . lily : no , i heard some -- it was -- it was -- i heard something . he 's -- he 's up here . [ scene_break ] aidan : nobody move ! everybody stay very still ! jack ! tad , the supports in the basement could 've gone , ok ? this place could collapse any moment . tad : if jackson and i end up in the cellar , you 'll just have to toss me a rope . aidan : hey , i am serious , man , ok ? we do n't need any more casualties . tad : jack ? aidan : jack ? tad : ah ! tad , you all right ? tad : no , i 'm ok . i found my keys . aidan : jack ? jack , can you hear us ? tad : jack ? jack ? aidan : is he breathing ? tad : yeah , thank god . j.r. ? j.r. : yeah ? tad : we 're going to need another couple hands . easy . watch where you step . [ scene_break ] palmer : help me . i 'm -- i 'm down here . help , someone . help me ! david : help us , you selfish old fool . palmer : oh -- david : just feeling tired , old buddy ? hell of a time to develop a heart problem , huh ? unless , of course , you got your hands on these babies . palmer : those are my pills . [ scene_break ] josh : what are you talking about , erica ? tad ca n't be right about me ? the guy barely knows me . erica : tad just might know more about you than anybody else . josh : are you delirious ? erica : i 'm very close to insane . tad 's voice : erica , josh madden is your son . josh : what could tad possibly tell you about me ? erica : you really have no idea , do you ? josh : why do n't you fill me in ? [ scene_break ] simone : zach , get out of there ! ethan -- my god ! ah ! oh , baby , are you ok ? enough ! i 've got it , zach ! ethan ? ethan ? [ scene_break ] kendall : he moved again . ryan : but in a good way , right ? nothing 's wrong ? kendall : no , i just -- it just feels like someone else laughed in there . yeah , of course . i mean , he is someone else . it just feels so funny . do you want to feel ? ryan : right here ? oh , my god . that 's amazing . kendall : i know . i mean , it was real before , but it 's -- it 's really real now . i mean , i felt it , i felt different , i saw the sonogram , but it was like he was in that screen , asleep , not like -- not like he was inside of me . but now he is awake and moving and a part of me . our son is a real person , ryan . he 's got feelings and dreams . do babies dream , do you think ? ryan : uh , wow , you 're asking the wrong person . i mean , i do n't know , he 's -- you know , he 's inside of you . i -- i do n't know . i do n't know . kendall : god , ryan , what am i doing ? ryan : well , what do you mean ? what 's wrong ? what happened ? kendall : well , he 's going to have needs and expectations . ryan : well , yeah , of course he is . he 's a baby . kendall : yeah , but he 's mine . my baby . ours . i mean , and it 's amazing , because he 's so completely real , but it 's very scary , too . ryan : you know , i -- i wondered about this . i -- i thought about what -- there would be one single moment when it , you know , hit us . you know , i thought it would be after you gave birth and i actually -- i saw him for the first time . kendall : well , how do you feel ? ryan : well , i feel relieved , and i feel happy , and i feel really , really anxious to see him . kendall : well , i do n't think i 'm going to let him out yet . ryan : yeah ? well , why do n't -- you know , ok , not yet anyway . kendall : no , no , ever . as long as he is in here , then i will still have some sort of control . ryan : ok , well , good luck with that . kendall : ryan , we have no plan . ryan : but we got a lot of time to make one . kendall : you know , what are we going to do ? ryan : well , you 're going to have him , and , you know , i 'll be there in the delivery room . if you still want me to be . kendall : and then the madness begins , wherever he ends up . i mean , what -- i -- what should we tell him ? what should he even know . ryan : about what ? kendall : about who he is , where he came from , how and why he was even created . ryan : ok , ok , shh . ok , look , it 's going to be a very long time until , you know , he 's going to have to learn these things , he can even understand these -- i mean , does that -- you know , does that really even matter ? kendall : it matters more to me than anything in my whole life . i thought this baby was created out of love . but it was n't love . it was a betrayal . zach 's betrayal . [ scene_break ] ethan : i 'm fine , really . simone : are you sure ? ethan : shh . i 'm ok . just had the wind knocked out of me . zach : yeah , because you 're trying to prove something . ethan : because i do n't want to be stuck here with you . zach : you 're going to be stuck with me no matter what you do . simone : ethan , please , just do n't move , do n't move . ethan : why do n't you go away ? and not just right now . i want you to get out of -- out of the town , out of the state , out of the whole damn country , zach . zach : no , that would n't solve your problems . ethan : it would help ! zach : it 's not about distance , son . you ca n't escape the problems you have with your father . either face them , try to fix them , or they 're going to hang over your head until the day you die . [ scene_break ] lily : daddy . jonathan : ok . lily : daddy . jonathan : ok , if you do n't want to go back to the field of tulips , then maybe -- maybe we could find a way to get out of here mathematically . i think numbers could help us . lily : numbers always help , if you know how to apply them . jonathan : ok . ok , so what -- lily , at if we assign a weight for every square foot of building material and then -- then we figure out how much you 're moving every minute . and could we estimate how long it would take for you to dig us out ? lily : or -- or how much might slide into here if i shift the balance . jonathan : versus how long it would take six or seven emergency workers to dig us out -- but from up above . lily : we do n't need the stats to figure out it 's far more efficient to let them dig for us . jonathan : that 's right . lily : you knew that , did n't you ? this is a trick to get me to think of something else . jonathan : right . i just hate it when you 're scared , and i ca n't do anything to help you . lily : you always help me . you 're very resourceful . [ scene_break ] palmer : give me those nitro pills , or so help me i will -- david : what ? you 'll keel over ? you 'll hold your breath until -- well , that 's not going to work . you 're already turning blue . palmer : you 're not funny . david : sure i am . you 're just in a bad mood . well , i guess i would be , too , if a person that hated my guts is holding the pills that could save my life . palmer : hand them over . hand them over . david : you know something ? i wish i could . i really do . but if these really are sublingual nitroglycerin , they can only be dispensed by a licensed pharmacist or physician . palmer : stop -- stop stalling . you 're a -- you know you are a -- david : what , a part - time janitor ? oh , i used to be a physician . that was before you and a bunch of other self - serving fools yanked my license away from me . so now if i hand these over and something happens , palmer , hell , i 'll be held liable . palmer : well , you deserve to be punished for your crimes . david : and i have . countless hours of community - service drudgery , a world- renowned , brilliant cardiologist , what , subjected to mopping floors and emptying trash cans ? how many people have i saved in this town , palmer ? erica , huh ? dixie . hell , i even pulled a bullet out of you once . palmer : but you wo n't save me now . david : do n't you think i 'd love to ? but if i gave you these pills , i would be committing an illegal act . and i 'm through with breaking the law , palmer . i mean , you are looking at a reformed man . palmer : is this going to cost me my life ? [ scene_break ] dixie 's voice : listen , david , being with you , sleeping with you , it just cost me everything -- my marriage , my son , my family . i hurt the people that i love the most . i did it because , well , there 's just something missing inside of me . david : you turned to me , dixie , because tad was n't giving you what you needed . dixie : do n't blame tad . he was at work , and j.r. was at soccer practice when i was sleeping with you . i look back on the whole thing and i just wonder how i could possibly think that risking my son 's love for a few nights of pleasure would possibly be worth it . david : oh , come on ! it was so much more than that , and you know it . [ scene_break ] paramedic . : one , two , three , up ! hold on . jamie : is jack ok ? tad : do n't know yet . aidan : he 's still unconscious . paramedic : pulse is weak , but at least he 's got one . let 's go . j.r. : babe and my dad are still missing . jamie : we 're going to find them . reggie : wait . hey , dad . dad ? wait , wait , is he ok ? is he breathing ? aidan : he 's breathing on his own , yeah . paramedic : we 've got him o2 just to be safe . reggie : ok , and what about lily ? did she come out with you ? did you -- aidan : i have n't seen her . paramedic : we 've got to get him to the er . reggie : what about erica ? aidan : i 'm sorry , reggie . brooke : reggie ? i 'll go to the hospital with you . reggie : no , i 'm not leaving without lily . i ca n't leave kendall , and i ca n't leave erica . brooke : jack needs you . reggie : i know he needs me , but i ca n't leave them . aidan : hey , reggie , i 'll cover for you , ok ? i 'll find lily . reggie : you swear to me . aidan : i will not leave here until i find lily , kendall , or erica , i promise you that . reggie : ok . ok . brooke : ok . [ siren ] erin : i have n't seen ryan or jonathan come out yet . aidan : there 's still no sign of them . but we 're not leaving here until we find them , ok ? we 're not going to give up hope . [ scene_break ] josh : you know something , erica , you 're not making a whole lot of sense . erica : you 're an egomaniac . josh : my kindred spirit . erica : oh , never . never have i been without any feeling at all . josh : oh . erica : maybe you 're my worst parts magnified a hundred times . josh : you know something ? i think i 'm the new , improved version of you , erica . erica : oh , in your dreams . josh : my mentor , does that mean i 'm back on the payroll ? erica : there 's nothing funny about this . josh : well , you 'd better find something humorous if you want to stay sane . erica : it 's too late , i 'm afraid . josh : why ca n't you let yourself relax , erica ? we 're alive . and aside from some bruises or possibly broken ribs and a fractured funny bone , we 're still in pretty good shape . erica : oh , god . not even close . josh : why are you working so hard at staying upset ? what the hell are n't you telling me , erica ? [ scene_break ] ryan : you did create that -- that baby out of love , kendall , i mean , your love for your best friend . that has n't changed , i mean , even though it did n't -- you know , did n't work out , looking -- kendall : you know , zach screwed up everything . ryan : but wait , wait , wait , wait , because of his lies . his lies do n't have to affect the baby , i mean , they do n't have to affect how you feel about the baby , do they ? kendall : no , no , they do n't , ryan . that 's not what i 'm saying . look , yes , i did this for greenlee . but whatever selfless act of devotion it was , zach messed it up . thanks to him and forcing me to use my own egg , greenlee is gone , and i 'm left with this child . and that could 've worked out , because i thought that this child came from a positive , loving act . i held on to that . i even had a great guy to back me up . but you had to come and force the truth on me , and now i do n't have zach , i do n't have all of that hope . i have nothing . do you realize what you took from me ? [ scene_break ] zach : you want your father out of the way one way or the other . i know the feeling . ethan : my grandfather never , never denied you , zach . just the opposite . zach : he put his hopes and dreams for the future on my shoulders . ethan : yeah , he respected you , ok ? he probably loved you . and you -- you could n't live up to that . you did n't have the guts to deal with it . zach : you 're right , that 's why i 'm telling you now -- simone : give it a rest , zach ! ethan : no , no , you wanted him to suffer . that 's why you played dead . you could 've got out from under the cambias crown a dozen different ways , but you had to punish this old man . you 're a spineless , gutless coward ! zach : is n't that what you 're doing to me ? loading on the punishment ? ethan : all the suffering that you delivered to my grandfather , i 'd like to give it back to you a thousand times over . i 'd like to break you with it . zach : congratulations , son . you 've gotten your wish . [ scene_break ] [ rumbling ] david : ah . no one 's come near us . you know something ? palmer : oh . david : i could probably climb out of here if i really had to . and after everybody gave me the once - over , i 'd be happy to send somebody back for you -- if you still needed help . palmer : come closer . just let me get one good swing at you . david : not on your life . well , in a manner of speaking . palmer : coward . coward ! [ david laughs ] david : i 'm a lover , palmer , not a fighter . [ scene_break ] tad : dad ? dad , over here ! watch your step . joe : have you found someone new ? tad : no . erica 's still missing . so is josh . joe : yeah , well , things have quieted down a bit outside . i 'll help you look . tad : dad ? joe : huh ? tad : she knows . i told erica that josh is her son . [ scene_break ] erica : josh ? as of now -- right now -- do you know who you are ? josh : yes , erica , i know who i am . erica : then you know who you are . but do you -- josh : what , do you think i 'm lacking just because my drive to succeed outmatches yours ? erica : oh , you know nothing about my drive . i 'm just trying to find out what pushes you . josh : why do you care ? erica : i still despise what you did to me and to amanda . and when i said i would never forgive you , i meant that . josh : we have nothing more to say to each other . erica : i 'm just trying to understand you , josh . josh : you understand me enough to loathe me . to you , i 'm guilty without benefit of a fair trial . why should i defend myself , erica ? what difference does it make how bad i am ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : you 're going to see your dad as soon as they dig us out . lily : do you think he 's all right ? jonathan : sure . yeah , he 's fine . he 's -- he 's smart . everybody likes him . lily : you do n't like him . jonathan : i do n't like that he 's going to send you back to your old school . lily : i hate that , but i love him . jonathan : you 're so lucky to have a dad who -- who cares about you and wants to keep you safe . i 'm just -- i 'm just mad that he 's trying to keep you safe from me . i 'll hate being apart from you . lily : just because i love my father does n't mean i have to do what he says . i 'm almost 18 . jonathan : so you wo n't go ? lily : no . jonathan : maybe -- maybe it 's good for you . sometimes it 's -- it 's good to go back . lily : not for me . when i was there , i was just a girl with autism spectrum disorder . and now i 'm me . [ scene_break ] zach : i ca n't hurt more than this . ethan : it 's not enough , zach . it 's not even close . simone : baby , we should conserve our energy . ethan : no , you -- you tried to take everything from me that was rightfully mine . you tried to do to me what you did to my grandfather . you tried to destroy me . you wanted to be dead to me . and you are , in every way that counts . you 're not any kind of father to me , zach . i do n't need you to come and pat me on the head or come to our kids ' birthday parties . it 's too late . and you want to counsel me now ? you want to warn me about life now ? somehow bond in this pit ? you must have lost too much blood to think straight , because you never wanted anything from me other than to get out of your life . you never gave a damn about me . zach : i love you , son . i love kendall , and i love you . now i 've lost you both . [ scene_break ] kendall : is it because you lost greenlee ? is that why you had to take away what mattered most to me ? why should i be happy when you 're miserable ? was it like that ? ryan : no . no , kendall , it was n't like that . kendall : because i had two things going for me , ryan . i had zach 's love and knowing that i made the right decision when i created this baby . now this building is n't the only thing blown to bits . now when i think of the night that i made this child , do i feel all warm and fuzzy ? no , i see zach sneaking around , sabotaging generators , and lying and destroying things , and that makes me feel cold and dead . so thank you , ryan . thank you so much for sharing the truth with me . now i have nothing to look forward to except loneliness . that 's all i have . ryan : you have me . kendall : you . i have you ? oh , that 's -- that 's a good one . what , is that supposed to make things better ? is that supposed to be flattering or comforting ? well , maybe -- maybe if i wanted you , it would be , but i do n't love you , ryan . i 'm not in love with you . ryan : i did n't think you were . kendall : but somehow , you as a consolation prize -- that 's supposed to give me a boost ? ryan : i just wanted to remind you that you were n't alone . kendall : well , i 'm close enough . without zach , i 'm -- i 'm drifting . i 'm -- i 'm clueless . i have no idea . i do n't know -- what am i going to do ? where am i going to go ? oh , well , obviously , that 's -- that 's been decided for us -- nowhere . this could be it , ryan . there could be no future for us . ryan : they 're going to find us . they 're going to get us out . kendall : yeah , maybe . ryan : and your life will go on . kendall : what about his life ? what about our baby 's ? what are we going to do when our son is born ? [ scene_break ] zach : what do you want to believe , huh ? you want to believe that i do n't care about you ? you think i 'll tell you about my regrets and my mistakes because i like to hear myself talk ? i want you to learn from me . i want you to have a better life than me . but you 're happy just wallowing in your anger , are n't you ? ethan : go to hell . simone : that 's it . i have -- i 've had it with the both of you and your stupid fighting . you do n't listen to one another . i 've put up with this for months , and i 'm sick of it , so just shut up ! [ scene_break ] greg : you do n't even have a scar . opal : yeah ? you kidding ? i am scarred to the bone already . i mean , my best gal pal , erica -- she 's lost someplace in that heap of rubble , and my ornery old ex -- there 's not a trace of that old goat . greg : come and sit down , mrs. cortlandt , please . opal : oh , no , no . if you knew -- i mean , if i lose him -- if i -- if i really -- if i really lose him , i -- i do n't know what i 'll do . joe : dr. madden , we need you over here . could you come over , please ? opal : go . i 'm fine , i 'm fine . greg : are you sure ? opal : yeah . erin : hi , mrs. cortlandt . opal : it 's opal , just opal . erin : opal , opal -- i 'm erin . i 'm ryan 's sister . opal : oh . erin : both of my brothers are still missing , too . opal : oh , honey [ scene_break ] erica : we 're stuck in here . so why not pass the time with conversation ? josh : uh - uh . you 're digging for something , erica . erica : enlightenment . what makes you you ? defining moment -- share . josh : ask specifics . erica : ok . josh madden interview , take one . josh : huh . erica : i do n't know anything about your childhood . tell me . josh : boringly normal . i was the only child , so i was my parents ' favorite , the crown prince , hope for the future . erica : and your mother ? josh : worshipped me . so , dr. kane , does that explain my need for the spotlight ? for adoration and success ? erica : i 'm sure that 's a contributing factor . josh : and to my parents , i was the miracle child who saved my mother 's life . heady stuff for a kid . erica : saved her how ? josh : well , my mom was desperate to have a baby . talk about feeling empty , you know ? she was so depressed she could n't conceive . she was suicidal . so when i came along -- erica : you really think she would have killed herself if she had n't had you ? josh : no doubt about it , apparently . erica : so your father did everything in his power to save your mother with a child . josh : lucky for my mom , she married the fertility god . dad gave nature a scientific boost . [ scene_break ] palmer : blast you , hayward , give me my pills ! [ scene_break ] palmer 's voice : no matter what you do , whomever you marry , you 're my sister 's daughter . i 'll always stand by you . dixie 's voice : thank you . palmer 's voice : all i want is your happiness . dixie : you talk to me as if i was some kind of dimwit . palmer : that 's not what i 'm doing . dixie : that 's exactly what you 're doing . what , you think you 're the only cooney in this family with brains ? you think you can run our poor little hillbilly lives ? well , i 'll tell you something . i would rather live in a -- in a dirt shack with tad than to have you in my life . palmer : that 's exactly what he 's going to give you . dixie 's voice : tad is going to give me real love . not the kind that -- that runs my life and then tries to own me . [ scene_break ] palmer : you are a worthless piece of garb -- david : oh , be careful , palmer . i 'm all that 's standing between you and a full- blown myocardial infarction . palmer : so you will give me back my pills ? david : only after you get me back my license to practice medicine . palmer : i ca n't do that . david : personally , no . but you can make it happen . so give me back my life , and you can keep yours . palmer : oh ! [ scene_break ] erica : you were n't adopted ? your mother gave birth to you ? josh : yeah , i was dr. greg madden 's greatest experiment , his most brilliant success . every gram weight gained , every millimeter of height gained was documented -- huh -- from -- from womb to nursery . erica : well , a lot of fathers are devoted to their sons . josh : try `` obsessed . `` and my father -- he -- he videotaped everything -- my mom 's pregnancy , the event itself . thanks to my dad , i grew up in front of the camera . erica : obsessed . josh : completely . why does the story of my birth upset you so much ? erica : i 'm not upset . josh : the hell you 're not . the question is , why ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : you really meant it when you told your dad that you 'd run away if -- if he tried to send you back to school ? lily : that 's what i said . jonathan : i do n't think that 's a good idea . lily : you think it 's better for me to be shut away in a special school , because i ca n't be like regular , normal girls ? jonathan : no . no , lily , you -- you can do anything . you 're as good as anybody , lily . better . but -- but if you run away , i 'm not going to see you again . and i ca n't take that , lily . i -- i wo n't let that happen . lily : you wo n't let me run away , because you love me ? jonathan : that 's right . because i love you , and i want us to be together . lily : whether i go to school or -- or run away , we 'll both be -- we 'll both be apart , and -- and we 'll both be unhappy . jonathan : unless we run away together . lily , we could run away together and get married . [ scene_break ] kendall : i loved him , ryan . i loved zach more than anything in the whole world . [ scene_break ] simone : the two of you have a choice . ok , you can either zip it so i can never hear your voices ever again , or you can take the hatchet out of each other 's backs and bury it . this is all crap . stop being men . stop trying to rip each other 's throats out . we could die in this hellhole tonight . so shake hands and make up , or shut up ! is that clear enough for you ? zach : so -- simone : oh , my god [ scene_break ] josh : all right , erica , fair is fair . you played 20 questions . now i get to ask one . what 's the big deal about my past ? erica : all right . all right , josh . i do owe you an explanation . ah ! josh : erica -- erica , breathe . just -- jeez -- ok , just relax , relax . relax . erica : i ca n't breathe . [ scene_break ] david : i want to administer this drug to you , palmer . i really do . i want to be a doctor again and practice medicine . now , you have a crony who sits on the licensing board . and when i become a doctor again , i want to practice medicine at pine valley hospital . you 're still sitting on the hospital board . you can swing that , too . [ palmer groans , coughs ] david : shall i take that as a yes ? oh , come on , you old fool . just give in . i mean , is n't your life worth a few lousy phone calls ? [ scene_break ] [ rumble ] tad : hear that ? j.r. ? j.r. , over here . i heard something . j.r. : babe ? tad : no . it was n't a voice . it was more like a sound . j.r. : is someone down there ? do n't move ! can you hear me ? coming for you . tad : we 're through . [ next_on ] josh : erica , you 're going to breathe whether you like it or not . kendall ( to ryan ) : greenlee 's gone , and zach is zach , and we 're having baby . ryan ( to kendall ) : what 's your point ? dixie : tad , i 'm here . tad : you hear something ? we 're almost there . almost out . | the rescue workers attempt to save more people who are stuck inside , after the explosion . tad , aiden , jr and jamie help them . the people still stuck have their conversations . jonathan and lily are together . he tells her that she can make this nightmare go away if she wants to by thinking about tulip fields . kendall tells ryan that they need to have some plan about their future regarding the baby . ethan , simone and zach are trapped together . ethan tells his father he will never forgive him . but simone tells them they need to make up . knowing that josh may be her son , erica asks him what he knows about his conception , birth and childhood . he informs her that his mother was very depressed and suicidal because she could not have a baby . lucky for her , she was married to the fertility doctor . and when josh was born , he was their miracle baby . and he asks erica why the sudden interest in his family . only dixie refuses to make her presence known . |
barbara : you poor man . you 've been up all night working ? you look so exhausted , you poor thing . but even with those circles under your eyes , you 're still as handsome as ever . hi . jack : my god , barbara , what are you doing here ? barbara : i am here to welcome you home , jack . it 's been such a long time . you do n't know how much i 've missed you . [ erica walks in and finds her husband in a serious liplock with barbara . ] [ scene_break ] ryan : all right . you -- you sure you got everything ? annie : yep -- right down to a big , wet hug from spike . rachael was giving him a bath before they went to the park with the guard . ryan : all right . ok . and you -- uh -- you do n't want to forget dr. feelbetter . annie : oh , no . thanks . ryan : do n't forget him . annie : yeah . i should go . excuse me . ryan : ok . yeah -- annie : yep -- ryan : you want to do one more tour through the house just to make sure that you got everything ? annie : uh , no , i 'm good . i 'm good . it 's better this way -- me moving out . ryan : you 're right . annie : for emma . ryan : absolutely . [ annie drops everything and kisses ryan ] [ scene_break ] kendall : yesterday was amazing . for a few hours , everything was perfect . thank you . zach : it 'll be perfect again . [ knock on door ] zach : and spike will be home with us soon . tad : it 's a new day , we got a new suspect -- one with more than enough reason to hate your guts . [ scene_break ] krystal : no -- no sad music . ok , just babe 's favorites . adam : yeah . krystal : am i -- i do n't know , am i being selfish ? i mean , this is dixie 's funeral , too . what -- what kind of music did she like ? maybe we could do a combined program -- adam : i -- i can take care of the music down to the last note . i just want you to rest until it 's time for us to go . ok ? krystal : and i do n't want an open casket , ok ? i want to remember babe the way she was -- full of life . what -- what about dixie , though ? i mean , i do n't want to be messing up anybody 's plans . i -- adam : the service will be fine . now , i want you to rest . ok ? that 's an order . leave everything to me . hey -- i love you . nap . now . i 'll go call the florist . krystal : oh , j.r. oh . j.r. : stop . you do n't know what i did . krystal : i know what you did . you loved babe . you gave her so much happiness . j.r. : no , i did n't . krystal : oh , you had hard times . who does n't ? you got through it . you got past the anger and the hurt , because the love was there . oh , look , you want to talk about it ? it might help . j.r. , we 're family . even though our babe is n't here , we have each other . and we can get to the other side of this together . colby : hey , j.r. you ok ? j.r. : what the hell do you think you 're doing ? that 's babe 's dress . what 's the matter with you ? her body 's not even in the ground ! now you 're ripping into her stuff ? [ scene_break ] annie : what do we do about this ? ryan : about the fact that i do n't want to let you out of my arms ? about that ? annie : about me not wanting to leave . yesterday -- it was amazing . ryan : amazing . annie : unbelievable . ryan : unbelievable . annie : the best tour of a stable i 've ever had . [ ryan chuckles ] ryan : well , i 'm glad i could be of service . annie : tour 's over . what do we do now ? ryan : well , now 's the most important part . i mean , now 's the critical part . because you need to understand that whether you 're here or whether you 're at wildwind -- you know , what happened yesterday just was n't something casual for me . i care about you . i care about you a lot . annie : i care about you , too . [ scene_break ] zach : hannah nichols was a sweet , innocent , 17-year - old girl . if she saw a bird with a broken wing , she 'd put it in a shoebox and help it heal . tad : what if she broke the wing in the first place ? zach : no . kendall : did n't you say you only knew her for one summer ? zach : i knew her well enough to know what she 's capable of , ok ? tad : far be it from me to impugn your acute judgment of character , but whoever you knew , that was a long time ago . i mean , a lot of years . that 's more than enough time for that sweet , innocent girl to get angry -- and dangerous . [ scene_break ] erica : oh -- jack , if you 're finished kissing old lovers , i really need to speak with you . it 's important . barbara : jack just walked in the door . he has been working all night . ca n't this wait ? erica : no , it ca n't . barbara : center of the galaxy . you have n't changed at all . erica : jack , if you 're too busy -- jack : i 'm not busy , erica . what i am is tired , and i 'm certainly not in the mood for this . erica : i understand . look , jack , i need your help with josh . barbara : you know , it must be so draining , always having to be there for people that ca n't help themselves . jack , you need someone to help you for a change . erica : you might also need a rabies shot . jack : erica , just tell me . what happened with josh ? erica : he 's gone . he 's so upset about babe 's death that he -- he left . i have no idea where he is . i ca n't reach him . [ scene_break ] krystal : relax , j.r . j.r. : she 's wearing babe 's dress . colby : i did n't mean anything . j.r. : get out of here and get out of that dress ! adam : what the devil is going on ? j.r. : my idiot sister 's out of control ! adam : um -- sweetheart , why do n't you come with me ? tell me what happened . krystal : i am right there with you . i want to yell , i want to slam someone , break something . everywhere i look , i see babe . j.r. : no . you do n't understand . it 's so much more . [ scene_break ] adam : what happened in there ? colby : babe gave me this dress . and i wanted to wear it as a tribute . i thought j.r. would like it . and now , he hates me . adam : that 's so very sweet of you , colby . and i 'm sure j.r. , once he understands , will -- will think the same way . colby : i 'm useless , dad . i -- i do n't know what to say or do . adam : just -- just love them -- him . be patient . that 's all we can do for j.r. , or for krystal . colby : i have been nothing but a jerk to her . krystal has tried to be my friend . and so did babe . i jacked them around every chance i got . j.r. , too . i should have never told him about krystal 's secret . adam : what secret ? [ scene_break ] krystal : babe loved you with all the strength in that big heart of hers , and you loved her just as much . look , our babe may be gone . she knew joy , because of you . nobody made her happy like you did , and we should both find some comfort in that . j.r. : stop it , krystal , i do n't deserve this . krystal : oh , no , that -- that 's your -- that 's your guilt talking , j.r. adam told me . he told me about the hidden camera and the rest of it , and you were collecting evidence for a divorce , just in case . j.r. : no . you do n't understand . krystal : i do . i do understand , j.r. , and babe did , too . she knew how deep she cut you . you do n't heal overnight . she knew that it was going to take a long time for you to trust her again , but you did . you did . do n't you understand ? that 's the important thing in the end . you trusted her again . you gave her the future that she always dreamed of . j.r. : no , i was n't . i was divorcing her . [ scene_break ] zach : so now hannah is the satin slayer ? what are you going to do , just keep pulling names out of the hats of my past ? tad : no . i 'm going to look at the killings from a different angle , because right now , all you and i 've got is the method . kendall : ok , so the killer leaves behind satin and flowers , so now he 's a she ? tad : why not ? all of the victims were drugged , right ? classically , poison is a woman 's weapon . kendall : all right . well , good research , but how did you get to ethan 's mother ? i mean , zach did n't send her away or reject her , his father did . zach -- zach did n't even know about ethan . tad : zach was with ethan the minute he died . and what happens if , all of a sudden , for some reason , she decides to look for her long - lost son . she finds out about his death , finds out he was there , and blames you for it . kendall : that 's crazy . tad : we 're talking about a person that sticks poison darts in an innocent victim 's throat and leaves them a corsage . you want to talk about rational ? zach : a bit of a stretch . tad : zach , it 's the only stretch we 've got , ok ? that 's it , there 's nothing else . and unless you can come up with something better , as far as i 'm concerned , ethan 's mother could be the killer . [ scene_break ] ryan : are you sure that we ca n't do this ? we ca n't make it work under one roof ? annie : are n't you ? ryan : i 'm willing to give it a shot . but i am with you on this . i -- i understand . i do . i mean , as much as i want you to stay , we have to -- we have to put emma first . annie : i mean , imagine if we did stay , and whatever this is between us did n't work out . mommy and daddy go bust . as wonderful as it would be for emma to wake up every morning to pancakes with her daddy , i -- i ca n't set her up for that kind of pain . ryan : well , i really hope it would never happen , but the last thing i 'd want to do is hurt emma or you . i honestly do want this to work out best for everyone . annie : me , too . [ knock on door ] guard : a messenger just delivered this . it 's marked urgent . ryan : thank you . annie : what is it ? ryan : it 's from the killer . damn it ! annie : what is it ? what does it say ? ryan : it says `` you 've let me down . `` annie : oh , ryan , you could be in danger . you have to go to the police . ryan : no , he 's not after me . he 's trying to tell me that i messed up . you see , i tried to get this psycho to believe that i was on his side so i could get at him , but obviously , he 's on to me , and there is nothing that i can do about it . and the worst part is , kendall is next . [ scene_break ] zach : all i know is what ethan told me . my dad gave her money , sent her to england , and that 's where she had the baby and gave it to the woman who ended up being ethan 's adoptive mother . and then she disappeared . tad : right , ok . so what if your father makes you the bad guy ? hmm ? all he 's got to do is tell her that you do n't want to have anything to do with her or her child . now that child is dead . maybe she wants a little payback . come on , zach , at least let me look for her . zach : we looked for her . ethan looked for her , i looked for her . we could n't find her . tad : that does n't mean she 's not out there . look , maybe she 's the killer , maybe she 's not . maybe she 's still taking care of injured birds . or maybe she 's taking out our friends one by one . if it 's the latter of the two , she 's not done yet . kendall : ok , do n't guilt zach . tad : i 'm trying to save your life . aidan and i are going to run with this thing , whether you like it or not . but whatever we find , we 're going to find a hell of a lot faster if you decide to give me a hand here . so what do you say ? zach : what do you want to know ? tad : for starters , what did she look like ? zach : what she looks like ? tad : what did she look like ? zach : it was a long time ago . she was -- she was small , dark hair . [ zach remembers hannah slipping a white satin ribbon from her hair ] kendall : what is it ? [ scene_break ] jack : so when was the last time you saw josh ? erica : the night before last . barbara : just made a fresh pot . black with two sugars , right ? jack : why are you here again ? barbara : my son . jack : why do n't you go upstairs and see him ? erica : jack , i spoke with josh . i told him how much his sisters and i love him , and how much we want to help him . barbara : josh ? the son that you did n't want , right ? erica : look , why do n't you just concentrate on your own son ? the one you abandoned to bed europe ? barbara : at least i wanted my son . erica : you wanted his bone marrow . you conceived your son to save your daughter . barbara : you know , i have every right to see my son . erica : look , you gave jack custody of your child . do n't expect us to believe that you care . barbara : i have n't -- i have never stopped caring . jack : barbara -- barbara : what are you talking about ? jack : shut up . did josh leave of his own accord ? erica : yes , he did . but he was very angry . jack : erica , he 's an adult . i mean , he can do what he wants , go where he pleases . erica : but i 'm so afraid that he 's going to do something irrational . jack : i 'm sorry , i 'm afraid i ca n't help you . erica : jack , please . i mean , you 're the only one who can help me make things right with josh . jack : i ca n't just drop everything else that 's going on and track him down for you . erica : you mean that ? you 're really not going to help me ? jack : i have an idea for you , though . why do n't you talk to josh 's father ? i 'm sure jeff has a lot of brilliant insight in this regard . erica : all right . i 'll take your advice . and i 'll let you two get back to doing whatever that was . and not particularly well . barbara : well , i thought she 'd never leave , jack . how about some breakfast ? we can catch up . jack : barbara , i want you to look at something . you see this ? this is an autopsy report . babe chandler , murdered . she leaves behind a 3-year - old son , a husband , and a mother . dixie martin , dead , as well as two other young women and a cop , and i 'm in charge of catching this serial killer before he strikes again . so i have no time for you or your nonsense , so please , just do everybody a favor and leave now . barbara : leave ? i 'm not allowed to see my son ? jack : oh -- sean : uncle jack 's right . you should go . [ scene_break ] adam : what secret of krystal 's ? colby : there is no secret , dad . i -- i just thought i heard something i did n't hear , so i had to stir it up and go to j.r. and tell him . adam : what did you think you heard ? colby : honestly ? nothing , really . i just blew it out of proportion so j.r. would be ticked at babe and krystal . how messed up is that ? because now , babe is dead . and there -- it 's too late for me to fix it or apologize . adam : it 's all right , sweetheart . colby : no ! dad , no , it 's not ! look at me ! i 'm not crying because of babe and dixie . i 'm crying because of me . look how stupid and selfish i 've been . no wonder why everyone hates me . i deserve it . adam : colby , do you have any idea how much i love you ? [ scene_break ] krystal : you were n't divorcing babe . you two were working things out . you knew it was over with josh . j.r. : i saw them kissing . krystal : at kendall 's party ? that was a good - bye kiss . and -- and that tore it for you , huh ? the next stop , divorce court ? did babe know you were divorcing her ? did you tell her before she died ? j.r. : straight out . but i did n't stop there . i wanted full custody of little adam . i wanted babe out of his life for good . krystal : she never ever would have given you her son . j.r. : she would have if the stakes were high enough . you see , blackmail can be a very powerful thing . krystal : you were blackmailing my baby doll ? j.r. : i gave her a clear choice . either she give me custody of my son , or i would tell my father the truth about your baby . tad 's baby . my mother told me just before she died . she wanted me to do the right thing . she wanted me to give tad his daughter . instead , i used it to blow babe out of the water , to get my son . she loved our son . but damn it , she loved her mama , too . and she saw how happy you and adam were . she did n't want to ruin it . krystal : she loved you . she was excited about your future . how -- how could you do this ? j.r. : it was n't -- it was n't that hard . krystal : huh . so the last days of babe 's life , you tortured her . you made -- you made her life a hell . you forced her to choose between her mother and her child ? j.r. : you still want to call me `` son `` ? [ scene_break ] adam : j.r. loves you , too . there 's nothing to fight about , or -- or prove anything over , but you made this family infinitely more interesting . colby : charlotte is going to be so cute and tiny . and -- and perfect . adam : yeah . colby : she wo n't lie , or take limos on joy rides . adam : now -- colby : she 'll be so easy to love . adam : charlotte -- charlotte will be a whole new person . and we 'll love her to pieces . and we 'll love each other even more because of her . colby , you are you . exuberant , unpredictable , entirely irreplaceable . colby : oh , dad , how does `` irreplaceable `` me make up for all the stuff i 've done to krystal and j.r. ? how can i help , dad ? and you ? i want to help them and you . adam : we have plenty of time to do all that . we 'll help them together . ok ? [ scene_break ] annie : why the letters to you ? ryan : all right . ahem -- maybe it 's not my connection to zach . maybe -- maybe it 's my connection to somebody else . annie : well , if you can figure that out , maybe you can get a -- a clue as to who he is . ryan : or she . tad is having ethan cambias ' mother checked out . annie : he thinks that she 's the killer ? ryan : he thinks there 's a chance . [ scene_break ] zach : hannah used to tie her hair back with a white ribbon . kendall : what else do you remember ? zach : she was -- um -- she was slender . she -- she had a great laugh , she loved to dance . tad : and that 's it ? zach : long time ago , tad . tad : come on , zach . you can do better than that . that 's not a lot to go on . zach : sorry , man . i -- but i have a file . all the stuff we found out -- i found out -- ethan 's men found out -- i 'll send it over to you today , and maybe you and aidan will have better luck . tad : thank you . kendall : did you ever tell hannah what happened to your mother ? [ scene_break ] barbara : circumstances did force me to sign over guardianship . but i did n't give up all rights to my son . sean , i have missed you . i would like to spend some time with you . sean : how about spring break ? barbara : but i 'm here now ! and i 'm staying ! ok , great , you do n't want me in your home . that 's fine . i will get a room at the pine cone . or myrtle -- she still takes boarders , i am assuming . myrtle 's is fine . i -- i just -- i do n't need much . i just would like some time with my son , that 's all . i 'll pack . jack : all right all right -- barbara , barbara , you can -- you can stay here . just please -- please try to keep out of everybody 's way , ok ? barbara : you wo n't even know i 'm here . jack : yeah -- somehow , i doubt that . listen , i need to get changed and showered . i have a double funeral to attend . barbara : yeah , i know . ok . so , where is my good - morning hug ? oh , my sweet baby boy . i swear , you 've grown , again . hmm . sean : rudolpho , the waiter , dumped you , did n't he ? barbara : his name is gino , and gino happens to own some of the finest restaurants in europe , sean . sean : and the only reason you 're here is to tag uncle jack . barbara : sean , you have always misunderstood me . sean : you know , just so you know -- you and uncle jack -- it 's not going to happen . he and erica are n't divorced yet . [ scene_break ] erica : yeah , i begged josh to stay , to let us as his family try to help him through his grief . and for a moment , i really thought that i had gotten through to him . but then he just -- he just walked out . jeff : well , everyone deals with their grief in their own way . it 'll just take some time , that 's all . erica : josh accused me of being happy that babe was dead . jeff : well , i 'm sure he did n't mean that . erica : you 've always been so sympathetic to the way josh felt about babe , that maybe you could talk to him , maybe you could make him come home . jeff : i 'll track him down . erica : thank you . thank you . do you think i 'm overreacting ? jeff : no , you have every right to be concerned . i 'm there for you , ok ? erica : you are the only one who understands . i -- i just do n't know what i would do without you . [ erica gives jeff a hug which leads to a kiss ] [ scene_break ] [ phone rings ] jack : montgomery . hey , josh . is everything all right ? good , no . i 'm -- i 'm on my way to the funeral right now . ok , keep in touch . [ scene_break ] erica : i do n't want you to stop . jeff : you sure ? erica : you understand me . you listen to me . you do n't shut me down . and you do love me . jeff : i love you . erica : i 've tried to do this on my own -- to take care of my family -- my son . but i do n't want to be alone anymore . i do n't want to do this without you . [ music plays as erica and jeff strip off their clothes and fall into bed ] [ scene_break ] annie : some guy you met on a desert road gives you everything ? that 's crazy . ryan : yeah , it 's beyond crazy . i mean , i ended up giving it all to miranda and to ethan . annie : you -- you gave it back , all of it ? ryan : well , alexander 's will specified the terms , and i just honored them . annie : so is -- is that it ? you think the killer knows you helped ethan ? you 're his friend , so he -- or she is reaching out to you ? ryan : i do n't know . i do n't know . but what i do know is , whoever 's doing this , he 's definitely going to strike again . annie : you 'll protect kendall . the same way you 've protected me . [ scene_break ] kendall : not a word ? zach : huh . oh , no , no . i never told hannah about my mom . never told anybody about her , except you . but what if my dad did this ? i mean , what if -- what if he turned hannah against me ? what if he turned her into a person that could do things like that ? kendall : ok , she was just an innocent girl . why would he be so cruel ? zach : because my father was a very powerful man , and he -- alexander 's voice : alex -- zach : whoever 's doing this is -- he 's -- kendall : what ? what , zach ? what is it ? zach : i saw jenkins at the police station . and i lost it with him . and i do n't know why . [ scene_break ] krystal : you ripped babe apart , and you did n't care . anything to get what you want . anything to get payback . j.r. : i could n't trust her -- krystal : she could n't trust you ! and you betrayed her . you were all set to betray tad and your father , the two men that loved you through all the miserable things you 've ever done in your -- j.r. : i wanted my son ! krystal : yeah . and how long before you betray him ? my god . i can understand it if you could n't deal with the affair . if you had to walk off , if you had to divorce her . but no . no , you could n't do that . you had to torture her . you had to force her to make a decision that you knew would rip a hole in her . did that make it feel better , big man , grinding her down ? say something , you coward ! where 's the big arrogant comeback now , j.r. ? where 's the -- the flip smirk ? i had hoped that babe 's last day was happy , that she spent it playing with her son and feeling loved by her husband , but no -- you made her struggle with your -- blackmail . she was miserable . she had to choose between -- between her mother and her son . i never , ever dreamed that there would be anything -- anything good about my baby dying . but at least she -- at least she died before she had to make that choice . [ scene_break ] kendall : what do you remember ? zach : after my mom died , i -- i remember my father reassuring me . and telling me -- alexander : it was n't your fault . you did n't mean to do it . zach : i killed my mom . [ scene_break ] ryan : you listening ? yeah , i know about the bug , but you probably figured that out already , did n't you ? i got your note . why do n't you tell me how i let you down ? what did i do ? tell me , face to face . you and me , anytime , any place , anywhere , no tricks . i honored my friend ethan . i gave him his legacy . i did the right thing , and i will do the right thing now . just -- give me a chance to save kendall , please . [ scene_break ] kendall : i do n't understand . you -- you did n't kill your mother . you could n't have . zach : it makes sense . kendall : no , it does n't . none of this makes sense . now , what 's going on ? i mean , what did you just remember ? [ alarm ] zach : someone got by security . get back . kendall : all right . zach : stay back . [ scene_break ] tad : if it 's ok , i 'd like to see j.r. before it 's time to go -- krystal : you snake ! you make me sick ! just get out of my sight ! get out ! adam : what is it ? what 's happened ? krystal : this monster that you call a son -- i want him out of this house right now ! adam : krystal , please try to settle down . krystal : no , not until he -- he leaves . do n't you even think about taking my daughter 's son with you , because he stays with me . tad : what happened ? adam : would somebody please tell me what the devil is going on here ? krystal : tell him , j.r. tell tad and tell your father everything . [ next_on ] jack ( to ryan ) : i heard from greenlee . bianca ( to erica ) : they say as you get older , you become more and more like your mother . i hope that 's not true . i do n't want to be anything like you . krystal ( to j.r. ) : babe had another will . she gave me custody of little a . | annie is packed and ready to leave for wildwind when she and ryan share another passionate kiss . a messenger knocks on the door and hands ryan an envelope with a message stating that the killer is disappointed in him . j.r. is talking with krystal when colby walks into the room wearing a dress that belonged to babe . when j.r. screams at her , she goes to talk with adam about how she wanted to wear the dress as a tribute to babe . krystal thanks j.r. for making babe 's last days happy . tad asks zach for information about hannah nichols so that he can investigate her as the satin slayer , since she is ethan 's mother . to assist tad in the investigation , zach offers to send him files that he and ethan collected on hannah . erica pleads with jack to help her convince josh to remain in pine valley . j.r. tells krystal that he was planning to divorce babe and that he was using the secret of the paternity of her baby as ammunition against his wife . in erica 's room at the valley inn , she tells jeff how upset she is about josh leaving town . when he kisses her , she encourages him to continue . ryan goes to fusion to tell the killer ( by way of the bugging device ) that he is willing to have a face - to - face meeting with him at any time . as someone breaches security at the casino , zach rushes to the door with his gun drawn . tad shows up at the chandlers ' and asks to talk to j.r. before they leave for the funeral . as he arrives , he hears krystal screaming that she wants j.r. out of the house , but his son stays with her . |
angie : i ca n't believe i left my wallet at your house . thank you for bringing it down here . krystal : oh , i 'm glad to help . angie : you said there was something you needed to tell me . jesse 's voice : i 'm supposed to be dead . the world thinks that , and the world needs to go on thinking that . otherwise , angie , frankie , you , you -- anybody that has anything to do with me will be dead , too . am i making myself clear to you ? krystal : i -- i just wanted to wish you a safe flight . and to give you this . you forgot that . angie : oh , i did . oh , krystal , thank you . [ scene_break ] jesse : find what you 're looking for ? tad : do n't start feeling good about yourself , ok ? i knew you were n't asleep . jesse : how much did you give the guy to tell you where i 'm headed , tad ? tad : a hundred bucks . [ jesse chuckles ] jesse : you just got ripped off . tad : you really stink , you know that ? well , look at it from my point of view , ok ? a guy finds out that one of his best friends -- probably the best friend he 's ever going to have -- is alive again after 20 years . i 'm not supposed to ask questions ? jesse : but , tad -- tad : you 're going to have to forgive me if i 'm a little curious about which direction you 're headed . jesse : are you serious ? i mean , once i hit toronto , i just hop another train to someplace else . tad : yeah , well , just so you know , wherever she is , you are breaking jenny 's heart . and because she 's not here to say it , this is no way for you to live your life . jesse : you know what ? it 's the only way i know how . and you know what else ? i have protected my family for the last 20 years by staying on the run . i ca n't risk being found now , tad . tad : i just wish i could change your mind . jesse : you ca n't . nobody can ever know that i 'm alive . [ scene_break ] erica : has anyone seen kendall ? seamstress : no . sorry , ms. kane . erica : well , what about greenlee smythe ? seamstress : no , please , i just -- i need you to stay still for just one more minute . please ? one minute . jack : well , then obviously , you do n't know erica kane very well , because this woman sits still for no one . erica : ah , jack . so , what do you think ? jack : i think that 's got to be the showstopper . erica : yeah . yeah , if there is a show at all . have you seen the girls ? it 's like they 've just vanished into thin air . jack : no , no , nowhere . hello , pam . pam : jackson . want to help us shoot some b - roll footage for `` new beginnings `` ? jack : no . erica : oh , that 's a great idea . you could be our -- our backstage host . you could be our -- our ryan seacrest . jack : my god , that is something to go for , is n't it ? i did n't even know this was part of your show , frankly . erica : of course , it is . i mean , campbell 's and the american heart association -- they are doing so much for women with this show , i want to be sure i get that message out , and i want to be sure that women take care of themselves and be heart healthy . ouch ! [ scene_break ] colby : i think we just found the newest disney princess . [ corrina chuckles ] emma : look , mommy , i 'm a model . annie : oh , you are going to be the prettiest girl on that stage . emma : thank you , but is daddy going to see me ? [ scene_break ] ryan : how did you manage to steal my life ? zach : i just came from the fashion show . annie 's there . she 's worried about you . ryan : that 's not an answer . zach : i did n't steal your life . if you 'd remember , you 'd know that . ryan : you see , that 's the thing . that 's the thing -- the only window that i have into those four years is what people have been telling me . so what i 've started doing is i 've been doing a little bit of research . zach : what did you find out ? ryan : what did i find out ? that my baby sister was brutally murdered by a man that i thought was dead . alexander cambias . your father . the man that gave me this company . so what i would like to know is , how did you end up with it ? with this ? with my son ? with the woman i love ? i mean , is this just all one big coincidence , or do i start taking it personally ? [ scene_break ] aidan : another inch , and you might as well put a ring on my finger . [ josh whistles ] josh : ladies and gentlemen , look out . hide your daughters . aidan : what are you doing here ? this is bad enough without having an audience . josh : no , i 'm serious . if the whole pi thing does n't work out , you know , you 'll always have a career in modeling . billboard , catalogues -- you can do it all , man . aidan : what , did you just come back here to wind me up ? josh : no , i was just looking for kendall . i wanted to wish her good luck . aidan : i have n't seen her . josh : well , any idea where i might be able to find her ? aidan : probably with greenlee , plotting to take over the world . [ scene_break ] greenlee : that 's a pregnancy test . kendall : greenlee -- greenlee : and you 're holding it . kendall : i know . greenlee : are you pregnant ? kendall : i -- i have an upset stomach , ok ? and i -- i 'm sure that spike probably just brought something home from his playgroup . greenlee : then why did you buy the test ? kendall : it was a stupid impulse . ok ? i 'm sure i 'm not pregnant . greenlee : only one way to find out . kendall : no , no , no , greenlee , i do not want to do this right now . greenlee : if you do n't , you 'll be thinking about it all day , and fusion ca n't afford you thinking about anything other than this fashion show . kendall : yes , you 're right . so let 's just forget about the stupid test . greenlee : aidan said that you threw up on the plane to chicago . kendall : greenlee , i ca n't -- i ca n't -- greenlee : why not ? kendall : because , it 's -- it 's embarrassing , the entire process . i mean , you know what i have to do with this thing . greenlee : you 're not embarrassed . but i think i know the real reason why you do n't want to take that test in front of me . [ scene_break ] aidan : thanks , pete . pete : you 're welcome , anytime . josh : aidan -- a peace offering . for giving you a hard time . aidan : you should n't have , but thank you . josh : love can make you do all kinds of crazy things , huh ? aidan : yeah . you 're right about that . you know , eight months ago , i barely knew greenlee . and now , i could n't imagine my life without her . josh : well , here 's to a happy ending . [ scene_break ] jack : so tell me , have you found yourself a new money manager yet ? erica : oh , pam , make sure you get a lot of coverage of the girls getting ready backstage . jack : erica , have you ? erica : oh , i 'm sorry , jack , i just seem to be running the whole show right now . jack : you have to get somebody onboard that can handle this business with the sec . i 'm not kidding you now . erica : well , that 's why i have you . jack : no , that 's not why you have me . i 'm not your accountant , i 'm a lawyer . pam : erica , i have the footage from the samuel woods interview . you wanted to screen it before we sent it to online ? erica : do n't you want to use my show as a forum for your political aspirations ? samuel : ms. kane , i can tell you this . when i want something from you , you 'll know it . i will never , ever , ever keep you guessing . erica : stay tuned , and we will find out exactly what mr. woods wants . ok . it 's perfect . make sure that we put that in the promo . pam : i 'm right on it . erica : ok . [ erica sighs ] erica : ahem . so what do you think ? jack : i think you need to put as much distance between you and samuel woods as possible . [ scene_break ] annie : sweetness , come here . daddy is so proud of what you 're doing today . you are helping women get healthy by being in this fashion show . but i -- i do n't think that daddy 's going to be able to come to the party . emma : why not ? annie : well -- um -- daddy 's been feeling a little sick lately . emma : does he have a cold ? annie : no . no , it 's -- it 's kind of like -- like his -- his mind is confused . it 's kind of like when you first wake up from a dream , you know ? but -- but the doctors are helping him get better , and he loves you so , so , so , so much . and -- how about i take a ton of pictures and video , and i can send it to him on his phone ? you want me to do that ? ok . good . that 's a good girl . well , why do n't you go practice your walk with corrina and colby and ava , huh ? would that be fun ? ok . amanda : yeah ? colby : ok , come on , let 's go show off your pretty dress . annie : good girl . pretty , pretty girl . colby : come on . ok . emma : what ? babe : annie , you were great with her just now . amanda : gold - star mommy . babe : i know things are really crazy today , but if you need to talk -- annie : thanks , guys , but honestly , right now , i 'm more worried about ryan . [ scene_break ] zach : you 've had a lot to process in the last few days . i 'm going to let that slide . ryan : your father brutally murdered my sister . zach : my father is a sick man . that 's why i turned my back on him a long time ago and never turned back . ryan : well , maybe if you had stuck around and faced the son of a bitch , then good people like erin and like simone would still be alive today . zach : and he tried to kill kendall , too , but we stopped him -- you were there . ryan : yeah , do n't -- do n't do that -- do n't try to make it seem like a team , because it does n't -- i do n't -- i do n't know you . i do n't trust you . zach : you should . ryan : and what about the company ? what about my job ? zach : my father 's still alive , so the terms of his will no longer apply . ryan : wow . is n't that convenient for you ? zach : i asked you to run cambias with me . you turned me down because of what happened to erin . ryan : you see , that 's where you have a distinct advantage here . you can spin the words a little bit , you know ? you can make me hear what -- what you want me to hear . you can make it all sound so logical . zach : well , then you need to ask somebody that you do trust . ask greenlee , or ask kendall . ryan : believe me , i will . zach : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry about what happened to erin -- ryan : do n't -- do n't -- do n't . do n't do that . i do n't want your -- i do n't want your pity , i do n't want your sympathy , i do n't -- zach : what do you want ? ryan : i want my life back ! [ scene_break ] krystal : here you go . angie : oh , thank you . krystal : sure . angie : you know , you do n't have to wait here with me . krystal : oh , well , just until they announce your flight . p.a . announcer : good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen . i 'm sorry to report a delayed service on flight 920 to new york 's kennedy airport . as soon as we have a new departure time , we 'll update you . thank you for your patience . krystal : hmm . angie : well , who knows how long this could take ? krystal : oh -- angie : listen , it 's valentine 's day . you should be with tad . krystal : oh , well , we 're going to meet up later at that fashion show . besides , you and i are just getting to know each other . angie : well , i hope you and tad make good on your promise to come visit me in new york . krystal : absolutely . it 's just a hop , skip , and a jump away . which makes me wonder -- i mean , why are you even bothering to take a flight , anyway ? angie : what do you mean ? krystal : well , the pine valley train station -- it 's just across town . you could catch the express to new york city and get there faster . it 's just a thought . [ scene_break ] tad : just because i 've made you this promise does n't mean i have to like it . i mean , think about it . you , angie , frankie , together again , and home for the first time in two decades . if that has n't got god 's handwriting all over it , i do n't know what does . jesse : yeah , well , obviously , god has other plans for me , man . tad : yeah . one question . you want to get somewhere else as quickly as possible , why are you taking a train ? jesse : because i have a train ticket . tad : no , no , think about it . it 's logical . if you want to be there quickly , why do n't you hop a flight to toronto ? yeah , that makes sense . i mean , i happen to know there 's one connecting to new york anytime now . i 'll even drive you to the airport . jesse : why would i go to the airport , tad , when my train leaves soon ? tad : because statistically , flying is the safest way to travel . jesse : is angie at the airport , tad ? tad : how should i know ? jesse : what , i 'm supposed to walk into the terminal , our eyes meet , and then cue the music ? what ? tad : well , something like that . it 's a hell of a lot more romantic than a graveyard . jesse : that was an accident . tad : maybe , or maybe it 's the miracle that angela 's deserved all of these years . jesse : no miracles . no reunion . i 'd risk losing her forever . you understand that ? this world 's a better place with angie in it . tad : yeah , well , it 's a better place with you in it , too . i do n't like the idea of you leaving , because i 'm worried about you . jesse : you got to go , tad . tad : you sure ? this is the final goodbye ? you 're not planning on giving me a -- a second heart attack in some other parking garage ? jesse : once i 'm out of here , i wo n't look back . [ scene_break ] angie : yes , i 'd like to know when your next train is leaving for new york city from pine valley , pennsylvania . [ scene_break ] erica : well , it 's clear that you and u.s. attorney woods are n't friends . jack : well , truth be known , i barely know the guy , and what i do know of him , i do n't like . so he is a relentless opportunist . always has plenty to say when the cameras are rolling . erica : just sounds like a politician to me . or maybe you just did n't like the way he looked at me during the interview . jack : what are you talking about ? erica : admit it , jack . you 're jealous . [ scene_break ] aidan : would you look at this place ? it 's a single man 's dream . looks like you 're going to do all right with the ladies tonight . josh : not me . i 'm retired . aidan : `` retired `` -- you 're not retired . you 're just waiting for the right woman to come along and sweep you off your feet . josh : oh , ok , cyrano . aidan : you know what they say , josh . `` no risk , no reward . `` if i had n't have taken a chance with greenlee , i would n't be the lucky man you see here today . josh : hmm . [ scene_break ] kendall : ok , this is ridiculous . greenlee , we have a crowd of people waiting for us to put on the -- the fashion show of the century , and you 're obsessing over me peeing on a stick . greenlee : nice try . i 'm not buying it . kendall : ok . all right . then what , oh , wise woman ? what -- what do you think is really going on here ? greenlee : you 're just trying to be considerate of my feelings , because i ca n't have children , and you already have spike and ian . kendall : greenlee , i never meant to make you feel that way . greenlee : listen , just because i ca n't have kids does n't mean i do n't want you to have the biggest family there is . so if having another baby will make you happy , i say go for it . kendall : yeah , well , i -- i do n't think the timing is right . greenlee : what does zach think ? kendall : zach does n't know about this , and you ca n't ever tell him . greenlee : why would i tell zach that you might be pregnant ? i mean , that 's your news to tell -- or not . but , for what it 's worth , i bet he 'd think it 's great news . kendall : all right , like i said , it 's probably just a stomach virus . so for today , can we just forget we ever had this conversation ? we got to go put on a show . you ready ? greenlee : ok . let 's give this town a show they 'll never forget . kendall : ok . [ scene_break ] jack : erica , tell me something . why is it when i question the men in your life , you always accuse me of being jealous ? erica : i do not . and besides , i would not exactly classify sam woods as being `` in my life , `` jack . jack : just hear me . just hear this warning , because with sam woods , nothing is ever as it seems . erica : time will tell . oh , kendall -- excuse me , i -- i have to speak to kendall for just a moment . jack : please . erica : kendall , i 've been looking all over for you , honey . kendall : oh , i was just in the bathroom . erica : did you take the test ? kendall : mom , fusion is co - sponsoring this entire event , ok ? i do n't really have time to -- erica : just answer my question . yes or no ? kendall : yes , ok ? i took the test , and it was negative . i am not pregnant with aidan 's baby . are you happy ? erica : yes . kendall : ok . erica : yes . kendall : ok . [ erica sighs ] jack : ok , so what was all that about ? erica : just the best news of the day . jack : really ? share . [ erica kisses jack ] [ scene_break ] aidan : there she is . hello , gorgeous . i 've been looking for you everywhere . [ scene_break ] amanda : the press will love this . babe : the good cause always gets people 's attention . amanda : passing out the v8 v - fusion drinks was a great idea . babe : well , it was ava 's idea , if you can believe that . [ babe chuckles ] amanda : still no word from ryan ? annie : no . babe : you know , maybe one of us should call him and remind him about the fashion show . annie : zach already offered . amanda : so , do the doctors still not know what 's causing his memory loss ? annie : no . but he 's going to go start seeing a therapist . babe : that 's encouraging . annie : yeah . and in the meantime , we are starting to know each other again , hoping it 'll spark some memory . we actually went on a second first date last night . amanda : oh , that 's kind of sweet . babe : yeah . how did it go ? annie : um -- it -- it was nice . awkward at first , but then we started laughing , and it was like we 're back to normal again for one split second . babe : you 'll get there . annie : i have to believe that . ryan 's the best thing that ever happened to me . [ scene_break ] kendall : josh ? josh : kendall -- kendall : hi . josh : where have you been ? i wanted to tell you to break a leg . kendall : oh , thank you . i -- have you seen zach ? i ca n't find him anywhere . josh : no , why ? is everything ok ? kendall : yeah . yeah , i just -- you know , it 's crazy here and everything , so -- i 'm going to go talk to press . josh : ok . kendall : ok . [ scene_break ] zach : the past four years have been tough on all of us . ryan : really ? because you seem to be doing all right for yourself . you got the company , family , wife , my son . zach : we both love spike . ryan : and we both love kendall . zach : kendall is my wife . whatever relationship you two had was over long before i came into the picture . you walked out on her , more than once , and i think somewhere in there , there 's got to be a memory of that that 's crystal clear . ryan : i never , ever meant to hurt kendall . zach : well , you did hurt her . you abandoned her . you toyed with her . and then you fell in love with her best friend . and you broke greenlee 's heart and left kendall carrying your baby . ryan : ok , so i 'm not the only guy in the room that 's made mistakes . i get that . zach : it has nothing to do with me or you , it has to do with kendall . she deserves a little bit of peace . ryan : trust me , that 's exactly what i want , too . so i 've been doing a little bit of thinking . what if i think that kendall would be happier with me ? zach : you think that , and you 're dead wrong . [ scene_break ] tad : i think that they should just keep snapping , because you look fantastic . krystal : oh , well , you clean up pretty good yourself . tad : hey , here you go . have a -- it 's already chewed on . happy valentine 's day . krystal : oh ! nice , classy . [ krystal chuckles ] krystal : yeah , well , you , too , tiger . tad : are you going to be ok ? krystal : hmm . well , call me crazy , but i guess i was kind of hoping for a valentine 's day miracle . tad : you mean angie and jesse ? krystal : yeah . i know i promised him to stay out of it -- oh , thank you -- but angie left her wallet and her ticket at the house , so i had to take it out to her at the airport . tad : you did n't mention jesse , did you ? krystal : no , no , but i tried to set up a plan that would make cupid proud . tad : like what ? krystal : i suggested to angie that she take the train , instead of the plane . i know , i know , it 's stupid . tad : no , no , it 's brilliant . it 's just that , you know , except for one little detail . krystal : what ? tad : i had the same idea . i tried to get him to go to the airport in the hopes that he 'd run into angie there . krystal : oh , god , oh , god . now they 're going to miss each other altogether . [ scene_break ] attendant : may i assist you in finding another flight to new york ? angie : no , actually , i 'm cashing in my ticket . i 've decided to take a train . [ scene_break ] p.a . announcer : train 119 with service to new york , penn station , buffalo , and toronto , scheduled to leave in 15 minutes , has been delayed . we 'll have more information as soon as the train arrives . [ scene_break ] ryan : you know , if there is one thing that i remember from my life , it 's that i was a pretty good con man . zach : this ought to be interesting . ryan : which means that i can smell a fraud a mile away . zach : you mean me . ryan : what if you just got everybody snowed , zach ? i mean , you try to be this white knight , this protector of all women , but was n't it your ex - girlfriend that shot me in the head while she was gunning for kendall ? zach : easy . ryan : how exactly did you make kendall fall for you ? zach : i do n't know , man . i just loved her deeper than any man ever has . we belong together . you 'll accept that . ryan : i 'm not going to accept anything that does n't feel right to me . you do n't deserve kendall . zach : first true thing you said all day . she chose me -- you ca n't change it . and you know , if you want to live in the past , that 's great . but if you do want a future for yourself , time for you to move on -- now . [ scene_break ] aidan : hey , i bought you a bloody mary -- thought you could use one . greenlee : oh , thanks . at least it 's half heart healthy . annie : hey , aidan , they need you backstage . the show 's about to start . aidan : all right , i 'll be there in a minute . greenlee : oh , go ahead . we can talk later . aidan : are you sure ? greenlee : i 'm positive . by the way , we 're bringing that tux home . i 've always had a james bond fantasy . aidan : i 'm only doing this because i love you -- you know that . greenlee : i know -- hmm . [ greenlee giggles ] greenlee : we better get to work , too . annie : hey , i know you had a little talk with ryan the other day . well , whatever you said , it sent him straight to kendall . greenlee : oh , well , that 's the exact opposite of what i wanted . annie : are you sure ? greenlee : absolutely . annie , trust me -- we all want ryan to get better . annie : and he will , with my help , so please just stay out of it . [ scene_break ] jack : whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . erica : what ? what , `` whoa , whoa , whoa `` ? jack , what are you doing ? i have to get backstage . jack : i want to talk to you about that kiss . erica : well , what about it ? jack : well , first off , it was a doozy . it came out of nowhere . erica : did n't come out of nowhere . it came out of years of loving each other no matter what obstacles are in the way -- i would n't call that `` nowhere . `` now , i really have to go . jack : yes , you have a job to do , and you will do well , and you look radiant . get out of here . erica : not so bad yourself . jack : thanks . [ scene_break ] [ music plays and everyone cheers ] kendall : all right ! hello , hello , hello , pine valley ! whoo ! hello ! greenlee : welcome to the very first campbell 's heart - healthy fashion show to support the american heart association 's `` go red for women `` movement . kendall : yep . [ cheers ] kendall : as you know , fusion is a company created by women for women and we could not be more excited to be a part of this great cause . greenlee : heart disease is one of the leading causes of death for women today . kendall : but campbell 's is determined to fight the disease with an entire line of heart - healthy products . man : yeah ! greenlee : yeah ! kendall : that 's right , that 's right ! greenlee : and you will find information and statistics on all of campbell 's heart - healthy products in your welcome packet . kendall : that 's right , and let me tell you -- your gift bags are filled with prego heart - smart spaghetti sauce -- [ applause ] kendall : we like that , ok . healthy request soup . [ cheers ] kendall : no , i -- i think so . and , of course , plenty of v8 v - fusion . and last but not least , some of fusion cosmetics ' hottest products . greenlee : love the name , by the way . kendall : yeah -- me , too . ok . so , without further ado , let 's bring out the host of this event , a woman who epitomizes glamour and female empowerment . the one and only erica kane ! [ cheers ] [ camera shutters click ] erica : thank you . thank you so much . [ cheers ] erica : hello , everyone ! is n't this a fabulous day ? [ cheers ] erica : i want to commend campbell 's and the american heart association on everything they 're doing to keep women healthy . a healthy woman is a strong woman , a woman who 's ready to take on the world , and is n't that what we all want , ladies ? and speaking of which , we have some beautiful women from a company near and dear to my heart -- fusion cosmetics -- who are here to entertain you today . they 're all wearing some fantastic designs . and as you can see from all the cameras in the rooms , we are going to be telecasting the fashion show live . man : whoo ! erica : now , as every woman knows , the best accessory is a healthy , handsome man . [ laughter ] erica : and here he is , a special surprise before we go on the air , aidan devane . [ whistles ] [ cheers ] woman : aidan , aidan ! [ cheers ] erica : and that is just a taste of things to come . we 'll be beginning our live telecast in just a few minutes . man : yeah ! erica : thank you . [ scene_break ] babe : mama ? krystal : hey , hey , babe . boy , you look so pretty , and you 're not even dressed . i ca n't wait to see you up there strutting your stuff . babe : thank you , but have you seen j.r. ? krystal : i do n't think he 's here yet . tad : krystal ? i do n't think we 're going to hear from jesse again , so i thought you could use a drink . krystal : oh , damn it , tad . we try to do the right thing , and we end up making it so that jesse and angie do n't ever get back together . tad : for now , we 're just going to have to trust in fate , that 's all . krystal : yeah , but it ca n't hurt to wish . tad : well , you know what they say -- be careful what you wish for , because you just may get it . [ scene_break ] p.a . announcer : final call for train 119 to new york with connections to toronto , canada . train is now boarding on track 5 . angie 's voice : frankie still believes that he saw jesse in his room . and i think i saw him in the cemetery . be honest with me , tad . did you actually consider the possibility ? tad : why would you ask me that ? obviously you got some explaining to do , but right now we 're going to walk into that hospital and tell angela you are very much alive . angie : you know , it 's like i -- like i -- i can feel him . i can feel him . jesse : listen , god , this is killing me , tad . listening to angie talk about the past like that -- it 's killing me . seeing her is killing me . being so close to her -- it 's killing me . i 'm supposed to be dead . the world thinks that and the world needs to go on thinking that . he 'll explain it -- i do n't have time . krystal : angie loves you , very much . jesse : i know . and i love her , too . i love her more than my life . that is why this is what it is . angie : can you help me find a way to let jesse go ? tad : you and angie ? it 's a hell of a love story . jesse : better believe it , baby . you better believe it . [ train bell chimes ] [ scene_break ] zach : hey . kendall : hey . is everything ok ? zach : everything 's fine . kendall : oh . ok . thanks . you 're pretty hot . [ scene_break ] erica : mr. woods , my goodness -- what a surprise to see you here today . samuel : i was in town and i thought , `` why not come by and see erica kane do the runway ? `` erica : oh , thank you . was it everything you 'd hoped it would be ? samuel : this is going to be a day i wo n't forget . erica : oh . [ scene_break ] kendall : hey . annie : hey . kendall : are you -- are you still up for this ? annie : i 'm excited for emma . kendall : well , i 'm -- i 'm so glad you 're both here . i really am . [ scene_break ] [ music plays ] jack : excuse me -- samuel ? samuel : hi . jack : i did n't realize you were such a fan of couture . samuel : well , maybe it 's not just the fashion i 'm interested in . singer : think of me are you thinking of me ? ♪ singers : will you think of me , baby ? think of me ♪ tad : thanks . sure . singer : i really need to know ♪ singers : will you think of me ? think of me ♪ ryan : so where 's emma ? singers : think of me , baby ♪ annie : she 's getting ready . ryan : oh . aidan : so ? greenlee : you were on fire up there . aidan : well , that 's all you 're going to give me ? after wearing this little number ? greenlee : oh , come on , do n't be such a martyr . you know you loved it . aidan : are you sure you 're all right ? you seem a bit frazzled . is everything ok ? greenlee : yeah . actually , it might be good news . will you keep a secret ? [ scene_break ] [ slow music plays as angie spots jesse on the train and runs after it ] angie : jesse ! jesse ! singer : if i had no more time no more time ♪ angie : jesse ! singer : left to be here ♪ angie : come back ! jesse ! jesse ! jesse ! come back ! come back ! jesse , please ! oh ! oh , god ! [ picking herself up off the tracks , angie slowly walks back to the station ] singer : i 'd be wishing you were here to be everything that i 'd been looking for i do n't want to forget the present is a gift and i do n't want to take for granted the time you may have here with me 'cause lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed so every time you hold me hold me like this is the last time every time you kiss me ♪ [ train bell chimes ] singer : kiss me like you 'll never see me again every time you touch me touch me like this is the last time promise that you 'll love me love me like you 'll never see me again oh , oh , oh ♪ singer : how many really know what love is ? do you know until you lose it that it 's everything that we are looking for ? ♪ [ jesse slowly materializes from the smoke on the platform ] [ next_on ] aidan ( to greenlee ) : what is kendall 's big secret ? kendall : greenlee told you , did n't she ? tad ( to krystal and adam ) : what am i missing out on over here ? angie : is it really you ? jesse : it 's really me . angie : oh ! | angie thanks krystal for bringing her wallet to her at the airport and asks her what she wanted to tell her . krystal remembers jesse urging her to keep his secret and just wishes her a safe flight . krystal gives angie the picture of her and jesse . jesse tells tad that he can not risk being found out . tad just wishes that he could talk jesse into staying in pine valley . jack compliments erica on her dress for the show but refuses to be the backstage host . emma models her dress for annie , amanda , babe and ava . when emma wonders if her daddy is coming , annie explains that he is sick . ryan asks zach how he stole his life and ended up with everything he had . aidan is being fitted for his suit for the fashion show . josh comes in and makes some sly remarks . greenlee sees kendall with a pregnancy test and asks if she is pregnant . kendall makes up all kinds of excuses not to take the test in front of greenlee . greenlee thinks that kendall does n't want to take the test in front of her , so as not to hurt her feelings . aidan tells josh that he could n't imagine his life without greenlee . pam shows erica the tape of her show with mr. woods . jack orders erica to stay away from samuel woods . krystal urges angie to take the train to new york ( knowing full well that jesse is at the train station ) . tad urges jesse to take a flight to toronto . kendall asks greenlee not to tell zach that she might be pregnant . kendall lies and tells erica that she took the test and she is not pregnant with aidan 's child . jack comes up and wants to know what that was all about . erica kisses jack to hush him up . annie confides to her friends that the doctors does n't know what is causing ryan 's memory loss , but he is going to see a therapist . ryan wonders how zach made kendall fall for him . annie orders greenlee to stay out of the situation between her and ryan . the fashion show begins . after jesse boards his train for toronto , angie sees him and chases after it , yelling for him to come back . the train backs up and jesse gets off facing angie . samuel shows up at the fashion show and tells jack he 's interested in more than just the couture . |
david : i will never desert you . i will never let you down . i will always protect you . this is my vow . this is my promise to you right here and now . minister : and now we 'll hear from the bride . jack : what are you doing ? why ? why ? ! opal : oh , my lord ! jake : she 's alive . amanda : oh , my god . tad : i do n't believe it . greenlee : i 'm getting married , dad . ryan : greenlee ? ryan : you 're alive ! [ sighs ] h - how -- w -- when ? it 's -- it 's ok . it 's ok . what -- whatever happened , whatever you need , greenlee , i 'm going to take care of you , ok ? greenlee : you 're going to take care of me . ryan : yes ! greenlee : you ? ryan : yes . i 'm here now . greenlee : david 's taking care of me . ryan : what ? wait . wait . wait . what ? what ? what is this ? you 're not actually marrying him ? greenlee : david found me . he kept me alive . he brought me here all the way home down this aisle so i could stand next to him and say my vows . ryan : you do n't have to do what he wants . greenlee : it 's what i want . ryan : to marry hayward ? greenlee : we were in the middle of a ceremony . if you 'd sit down , we could finish . ryan : what ? wait a minute . wha -- what is going on here ? what ? what ? what ? what ? ! you 're here . wow ! when -- when did he find you ? greenlee : a year ago today . ryan : on our wedding day . and you never told me ? you 've known all this time , and you never told me , never told anyone that she 's alive ? tad : the son of a bitch probably drugged her just so he could control her like krystal . greenlee : no one 's drugged me . jack : then what did you do to her , hayward , huh ? 'cause she would never agree to -- greenlee would never marry you . opal : well , he obviously brainwashed her . jake : you could n't stop with stealing babies and wives . you had to play god -- you had to play god with her ? ryan : answer us , hayward . what the hell did you do to her ? greenlee : leave him alone ! ryan : come on . you 're coming with me . greenlee : no ! david : you 're gon na hurt her ! get the hell out of my way ! liza : stop him ! [ all shouting ] jesse : that is enough ! stop it ! my god ! would you look at yourselves ? what is wrong -- let -- let him go , jake . david : thank you . jack : i want him arrested . tad : no , no -- david : on what grounds ? jack : on what grounds ? ! i can think of a dozen charges . jesse : take it easy , jackson . greenlee : no charges . jesse : all right . this is how it 's going to work . you are going with me . tad , keep your eyes on the room until we get this straightened out . greenlee : you ca n't do this . it 's my wedding . jesse : you need to sit down , all right ? you 've been through enough . sit down , please . david : you really need to get off your feet , greenlee . it 's all right . jesse : i promise you , i will bring him back if he has n't broken any laws . shall we go ? greenlee : you ca n't do this . david : it 's all right . it 's ok . jake , you watch her . she had a spinal injury , major surgery . you saw the x - rays . she 's recovering . but do n't let a certain someone throw her over his shoulder trying to be some kind of a hero . jesse : let 's go . jack : i 'm going with you . greenlee : do n't hurt him . david : it 's all right . i 'll be back . [ scene_break ] scott : and we 'll green up a sector that 's long overdue . i think if we implement these changes , chandler enterprises will be ethical and profitable . adam : in keeping with your dream -- scott : and the merit trust . i 'm looking forward to working with j.r. to make these changes happen . what 's the occasion ? annie : you are never going to believe what i just saw on the news . adam : well , i 'm sure you 'll enlighten us . annie : david hayward is getting married . scott : who was the victim ? annie : well , that 's just it . some mystery bride . this is big , huge . and david had the nerve to not invite us ? [ scene_break ] david : last i checked , it was n't against the law to save a woman 's life . jack : you kept her a prisoner . he kept her a prisoner . he isolated her from her friends , her family , people who loved her . now he 's got her so damn brainwashed , she actually thinks she wants to marry him . david : hey , who knows ? maybe it 's love . jack : no , what it is is a classic case of stockholm syndrome . that 's what it is . david : oh , come on . greenlee was n't being dragged down the aisle . you heard her yourself . she wants to marry me . jack : that 's because she feels indebted to you . i do n't . [ scene_break ] jake : well , your pulse is fine , and you 're not flushed . are you in pain at all ? greenlee : i 'm fine . jake : ok . i know this is hard for you , but you really just need to listen and just stay seated and not -- not make any sudden movements . just breathe , ok ? ryan : so , so she 's ok ? jake : well , she 's a whole lot better than dead . ryan : greenlee , can -- can you -- can you please just try -- try to explain this to me ? jake : before you do all that , can i just have a word with you ? stay there . ryan : hayward said that you saw the x - rays . you saw the x - rays . did you know that she was alive all this time ? jake : the answers are yes and no . ok , yes , i saw the x - rays , but , no , i did not know she was alive , ok , because he presented them as somebody else 's . he presented them as nurse gayle 's . ryan : how was she ? is she as bad as hayward says she is ? jake : well , based on what i saw -- i mean those records , the fact that she 's walking and breathing and being , you know , completely greenlee , it 's -- it 's a miracle . [ scene_break ] greenlee : this is my wedding , and you 're treating me like a prisoner . if i want to go to david -- tad : you can go to david . you go right ahead . but when you do , you remember one thing . jesse 's out there right now trying to put him in prison . i 'm sorry . this is one hell of a homecoming . but one thing i really wish i understood is why you would do something like this to us . liza : listen , if david has hurt you or manipulated you in any way , you can tell us because we can help you . greenlee : why is everyone having a hard time believing i want this ? [ erica whispering in ryan 's ear ] opal : maybe it 's 'cause you have no idea all the things david has done since you 've been -- well , gone . amanda : he blackmailed me into living with him . krystal : greenlee , he drugged me . amanda : he said my son was his even when he knew jake was the father . opal : yeah . not to mention pretending to be dying . greenlee : may i have your attention , please ? i should be dead , but i 'm not because i wanted to live , i wanted to come back here , i wanted to come home . one person helped me get here . david fought with me every single step . every setback , every victory , he was by my side . i know what david is . i know who he is . i 'm not weak or brainwashed . i chose to live , i chose to come home , and i choose to marry david . i know how hard you fought him , how hard you fought to be together . you married a chandler , so i 'm sure you had to fight for your marriage , your choice . every single one of us feels that we have the right to be with the person we choose no matter what anyone else thinks , no matter what the obstacles are . so why ca n't you give me that freedom ? i 've worked hard to get here , and i 've made my choice . anyone who ca n't get behind that can just leave . ryan : i 'm not going anywhere . would everyone leave , please , so i can be alone with greenlee ? greenlee : that 's not what i meant . you do n't have to go . marissa : you know what ? i do n't know you , but i do know my father . and i have been here too many times giving david the benefit of the doubt and gotten slammed . so whatever this is , i do n't want to be a part of it . j.r. : let 's go . opal : you know , i 'm thrilled that you are alive , greenlee . but i think this whole thing is just a terrible shame . greenlee : do n't go . reverend -- minister : you can call me when -- if you decide to go through with this . prayer might be helpful . greenlee : jake , you 're my friend . jake : i am , honey , but -- [ sighs ] [ scene_break ] adam : well , what do you suggest , that we crash the wedding like those clowns at the white house dinner ? scott : no , no , no . you and i , we still have to go over the financial projections for the new initiatives at chandler . i think now would be a great time to get started on that report . adam : that 's a great idea . hmm ? annie : fine , fine . well , i 'm not really dressed for crunching numbers . so let me go change . [ adam and annie kiss , then she sneaks out of the house ] [ scene_break ] jack : jesse , with all due respect . i mean , come on . this is a no - brainer . you 've got the jane doe corpse that he altered the dna on to make us think that greenlee was dead . not the first time he 'll be charged with abuse of a corpse , by the way . and there is one hell of an argument to be made for him holding my daughter against her will . jesse : jackson , i understand you 're upset -- jack : ok ? jesse : but you know as well as i do that we deal with evidence , we deal with fact -- jack : ah , come on , jesse -- jesse : we do not deal with emotions . david : yeah . what he said . and since we 're talking about facts , what about the fact that i arranged your reunion with your daughter ? jack : after you let me think she was dead for a year . david : she nearly was . was i supposed to give you false hope ? it 's a miracle she 's even here . jack : a miracle which you will turn into a nightmare given the chance . jesse : look , come on . come on . that flash drive had two sets of fingerprints on it -- yours and greenlee 's now that we know she 's back . david : ok , one more time . i have absolutely no reason whatsoever to want to take down fusion . now , as for greenlee , if she chose to use that fail - safe on her own company , what crime has she committed ? now , come on . if i took an ax to my own house , would you arrest me ? jack : an ax ? man , who cares -- can we get back to the business at hand ? i want to talk about what he did to my daughter . david : what i did to your daughter . you mean giving her the ability to walk again ? i mean , do n't you get it ? a year ago today , your daughter was a crumbled heap of flesh on the side of a freezing river . today she 's a beautiful , strong woman , someone who should be celebrated , not pitied . you know , jack , you should be in the chapel right now enjoying your daughter 's company , welcoming her home . but for whatever reason , you feel it 's more important to be trying to take me down right here and now . jack : i 've already welcomed my daughter home . now i 'm just trying to keep her safe from you . david : all right . look , let 's just be honest here . i have no doubt that you 're overjoyed your daughter 's alive . but what really pisses you off is that she 's making her own decisions about this . now , look , if you love your daughter so damn much , my advice to you is this : get out of her way because greenlee is gon na make her own decisions with or without you . [ scene_break ] ryan : oh , hold on . wait . just -- just -- just -- hands off this time , ok ? i just -- i just want to talk . greenlee : i 've said all i have to say , but no one wants to believe it . no one understands . ryan : we 're trying , greenlee . greenlee : no , you 're not . david 's been at my side from the very beginning . he helped me fight to live , to walk . he held my hand . he watched me cry . he was there for me when everyone else was -- ryan : when everyone else was -- was what ? greenlee : there was no one else but david . ryan : oh , ok . so you 're marrying him out of gratitude . greenlee : we fell in love . that 's why i 'm here tonight . ryan : really . to marry the man that you love . greenlee : yes . you think i 'm wrong , brainwashed , drugged , under some sort of evil hayward spell ? ryan : tonight should have been our one - year anniversary , greenlee . and the first time that i lay eyes on you , the first time that i know that you survived this crash , you 're standing at the altar with another man . we were gon na spend the rest of our lives together , and now you 're marrying another man . what is going on ? why ? what happened ? help me understand . please , greenlee , you have n't even talked to me . you have n't even asked me how i feel . greenlee : i understand if you 're hurt . ryan : i love you . god . greenlee , do you understand that ? i love you , and i never stopped . [ scene_break ] david : now , unless you have something to arrest me for , i 'd like to go save my bride from the angry mob . jesse : we 'll be watching . david : you do that . jack : you 'll be watching ? you 're kidding me , right ? this man 's committed enough crimes , he should never see the light of day again , jesse ! david : oh , by the way , you 're welcome for saving your daughter 's life . oh , did the angry mob send you up here to see if i 've been cuffed yet ? krystal : uh , no , no , no . actually , uh , everybody 's gone . even the preacher took off , but i decided to stick around . david : well , that 's an interesting choice , considering you were n't even invited . krystal : ah ! and i know why . [ scene_break ] marissa : it 's just more of his insanity . i 'm done with my father . there is no way that i can have a relationship with a man who wants to blow up everything and everyone around him . j.r. : well , he had some help this time , did n't he ? i ca n't believe greenlee 's back , alive . a crazy way to make an entrance . ohh ! marissa : are you ok ? j.r. : yeah . those pews were like rock . i need an aspirin . marissa : are you sure that that 's all it is ? j.r. : i 'm fine . marissa : i 'm sorry if i freak every time you sneeze or have a twitch . i just -- i ca n't help but worry . j.r. : i 'm not only fine , i 'm starving . [ chuckles ] marissa : ok , i 'll see what kind of a feast i can order up . j.r. : ok . [ scene_break ] erica : oh , no , no , no . do n't -- do n't go in there . they 're in there alone . jack : what -- erica : ryan and greenlee , just the two of them . i know you want to go in there , and you want to talk to greenlee . you want to hold her and tell her how much you love her , but ryan and greenlee , they really need this time . jack : greenlee . what the hell was greenlee thinking about marrying david hayward ? i got to tell you , though , it is so greenlee . she is her own worst enemy . no matter what her reasons , she ends up hurting herself . erica : maybe you have to trust that ryan and greenlee will figure this out for themselves . they 'll remember why they fell in love , and they 'll realize that they are still in love . shall we ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i stood on -- on that embankment , and they told me that -- that your body had been swept away by the current . they said that , and they said that there was no chance that you could have ever survived that . no -- no chance . but i kept looking . i kept looking , i guess , because i just could n't accept that you were gone . i could n't -- i could n't believe that what we had could be swept away by a river . so this -- this past year , i 've just been trying to accept that -- that you were gone . i 've been trying to figure out how i could live my life without you , trying to dig myself out of the pain . [ exhales ] and here you are in a wedding gown getting ready to marry another man . so -- so why , greenlee ? wh -- wh -- and i get gratitude . i understand . i understand that . i really do , or that you have some kind of bond with him or something like that . but what we had , we were going to join our souls , greenlee . and now you just pretend like we had nothing ? greenlee : i know what it 's like to lose the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with , to have something you feel is so right and good and strong that nothing can hurt you , only to find out that your future goes over a cliff . ryan : is that what this is about ? is th -- is that why you 're pretending -- there 's nothing between us anymore ? is that why you 're marrying david hayward because you never forgave me ? if that 's what it is , tell me , please . if it 's something else , tell me . tell me . whatever it is , i want to do whatever i have to do . you 're here and you 're alive , and i love you . so just -- just tell me whatever it is , and i 'm gon na make it right . annie : oh , my god . you 're dead . greenlee : and you 're supposed to be in a loony bin . annie : whatever problems i faced before , they 've all been resolved . ryan : we 're trying to have a conversation here , please , annie . can -- can -- annie : wait , wait . wait ! you 're david 's mystery bride ? greenlee : i do n't believe you were invited . ryan : can you just get out , please ? can you go ? annie : no . not until somebody tells me what the hell is going on here . ryan : just get out . please -- annie : i want an explanation . ryan : greenlee does n't owe you or anybody else an explanation , ok ? and the last person i 'm gon na let anywhere near her is you . annie : get off of me . [ scene_break ] david : the reason you were n't invited , krystal , is quite simple . it was an oversight . krystal : [ laughs ] that 's bull . you invited people who hate you . i guess you think that makes you brave , but you did n't invite me , because i know you better than just about anyone . david : you really think so , huh ? krystal : you know , you are the most selfish man that i have ever known . but this , marrying greenlee , i just -- i get the feeling that this was n't your typical manipulation . david : greenlee 's gon na be my wife . i want her to be happy . krystal : oh ! i ca n't believe i 'm saying this knowing you as well as i do , but i just swear , this whole marriage thing is more about greenlee than you . and you 're doing it all for her . [ scene_break ] annie : where did greenlee come from ? what -- what is happening , and why is she marrying david ? did you stop the wedding ? you did , did n't you ? ryan : just -- just back off , please . annie , back off and get out . annie : what is your problem ? ryan : my problem is your history with greenlee . that 's my problem , annie . annie : that died when she died , all right ? i am married to adam now . i am happy and stable and -- happy . i do n't care that greenlee is alive . actually , i 'm glad that greenlee 's alive . it 's one less thing you can try to blame on me , even though i was nowhere near that crash . ryan : and neither was i because you had a gun to my head . annie : it 's over , ryan . let it go . it looks like greenlee has moved on herself . why ca n't we just be civilized ? ryan : because i know you , and i know you 're acting all brave on the outside , but you 're probably freaking out inside , maybe even ready to grab a sharp object and repeat the history that you claim does n't matter . [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] david : greenlee , what happened ? did you talk with ryan ? greenlee : what did i think was going to happen tonight ? why did i think he would be so crushed he 'd walk away ? i wanted him humiliated , ruined , and the only one humiliated was me . david : that 's not true . greenlee : why did n't you warn me ? david : i tried to get you to consider everything very carefully . greenlee : well , you should have tried harder . you should have known this would happen . david : did you really think ryan would let you go without a fight ? greenlee : [ sighs ] i 've ruined everything . maybe you should have just left me by that river . david : do n't say that . greenlee : tonight was supposed to -- i was going to be strong , in control , totally in charge . now what ? i do n't know what to do , what to say . david : well , why do n't you start with what you really want ? greenlee : i want to marry you . but even the minister could n't get out of here fast enough . david : that 's all right . we 'll get him back . greenlee : you 'll still marry me ? david : yes . greenlee : you 're not saying that just to be nice ? david : when have i ever done anything just to be nice ? [ greenlee laughs and sobs ] david : i 'd be proud to be your husband , greenlee , to protect you as my wife . and we can still get married if you want . but first , i think you need to take some time to think about what you really want . greenlee : [ sighs ] it was supposed to be so easy . david : well , it was n't . and there 's a reason for that . so forget about winning and payback and being in control . if you want to know what to do next , figure out why ryan is getting to you so much . [ scene_break ] annie : when will you get it , ryan ? i live a fabulous new life now . all that past history with greenlee is just water under the bridge . pun intended . the greenlee stuff does n't bother me anymore . i 'm actually really grateful for it . if she had n't come between us , i never would have found a true love . ok , i ca n't say i 'm not enjoying this just a little . i am sorry . greenlee back from the dead ? and instead of the two of you running slow - mo into each other 's arms with the heavens singing from above , she 's marrying david hayward ? what ! ryan : shut up and get out . annie : oh , i always thought you and greenlee tried a little too hard for that soul mate thing . [ annie clicks tongue ] annie : anyway , do n't feel too bad , ryan . just think of what they say . time heals all wounds . [ scene_break ] erica : i want you just to focus on how wonderful it is to be able to say those words , `` talk some sense into greenlee . `` i mean , no matter what the craziness david entangles greenlee in , your daughter is alive . my goodness , that 's a miracle . jack : yeah , but with hayward involved , a miracle can turn into a nightmare like that . erica : no , no , no . everything 's going to be fine because ryan 's with greenlee , and he loves her . and he will bring her back . and then they are gon na find the love that has been waiting for them . jack : i just do n't get it . greenlee did n't say a word to me about this . erica : you knew that greenlee was alive before this . oh . so that special celebration that you were planning , that -- that was n't for a new woman in your life . that was for greenlee . jack : yes . yes , it was . erica : how long have you known that greenlee was alive ? jack : after i left you , david called me and said he had an urgent matter to talk to me about . so i went out to wildwind . and there she was . but it was already too late to help her . [ scene_break ] tad : we should n't have left . we might have been needed . liza : oh , come on . i 'm sure jesse is handling this . opal : and ryan ! i mean , the look on his face . the be - all and end - all of his life suddenly comes back to life . and the first glimpse he has of her is greenlee pledging her troth to dr. dave . tad : ma , no troth was pledged . opal : yeah , whatever . liza : wait a second . you know , the fusion break - ins . i bet greenlee was in on it with david . amanda : why would greenlee go after her own company ? she loves fusion . liza : yeah . and why would she keep being alive a secret ? and why would she decide to tell everybody by staging a farce wedding to david ? tad : that 's a slam - dunk . it 's not greenlee , it 's david . he 's messing with her mind . he 's just trying to use her to inflict maximum damage . am i right ? jake : is there any other kind of dip ? liza : really ? tad : since when are you more interested in food than david hayward ? jake : oh , hey , do n't get me -- do n't get me started . i hate david . i hate every bone in his body . but i saw greenlee 's x - rays . i saw the charts . opal : you did ? jake : they 're the same charts that david presented as nurse gayle 's . look , i hope his biscuit roasts in hell . trust me , i do . but for the first time in his miserable , rancid life , he went beyond extreme , and for very good reason . greenlee should be dead . she should be very , very dead . and she 's not , and it 's because of him . [ scene_break ] david : it 'll be all right . i promise you . whatever you want to do , ok ? greenlee : yeah . ryan : greenlee and i are n't done . david : if you need me for anything , call me . [ scene_break ] scott : hey , have you seen annie ? adam : i thought she was working with you in the study . scott : no , i 'm still waiting . adam : she went to the wedding . scott : yeah . adam : i 'd better get there before she does too much damage . scott : yeah . annie : hi . [ annie chuckles softly ] annie : i went to the wedding , yes , but there was no wedding . greenlee is alive . adam : greenlee smythe ? annie : yup . apparently , david saved her , brought her back from the brink , and now she 's marrying him out of gratitude or something . scott : but the wedding did n't happen ? annie : well , ryan was there . so what do you think ? he warned me to stay away from the bitch . d - do n't worry . it 's just a figure of speech . [ chuckles ] i am so over all that stuff from the past . i mean , it 's true . greenlee was a threat then but not now . i am living my perfect dream life now . i could n't care less if greenlee 's back . [ scene_break ] jack : i wanted to have hayward arrested for all the things that he 'd done , but greenlee made it very clear that if i interfered in the least , she would stay dead to me . i already lost her once . i could n't risk that . erica : of course not . jack : but why would she hurt ryan like this ? erica : maybe she was afraid that ryan had moved on and that she had to protect herself . and now she knows that she does n't . jack , you made me see the light about ryan , and i ended it . so now he 's free . and he 's going to really make sure that -- that greenlee sees the happy ending that 's waiting for both of them . [ scene_break ] ryan : you did n't answer my question . greenlee : what question was that ? ryan : is -- is this payback ? i rode off a cliff , and i let you think that i was dead , and you said that you forgave me , but did you ? i mean , is that what this is about ? greenlee : no . ryan : can you please tell me , then , because i 'm really trying to wrap my head around this ? i mean , it -- it 's a miracle that you 're here , that you 're alive . but this is how you choose to tell me ? by marrying david ? and not just on any day , but on the day that was supposed to be ours . greenlee , on the day that we would have started our life together . a year -- a year is a long time , and a lot has happened . i -- i -- i get that . there 's no doubt . but there is one thing that has n't changed , and that is my love for you . greenlee , i love you . and i know that you love me , too . i know you can deny it , you can hide it , but i know that it 's there . did you see the moon tonight ? it was full ! it 's our moon , greenlee , and it brought us together again just like it did before . and , honestly , there 's nothing that can stop us from starting our life together right now . marry me tonight . | at the wedding chapel at wildwind , greenlee reveals herself to the crowd that is gathered for the wedding . ryan ca n't believe his eyes that greenlee is alive . ryan touches greenlee 's cheek to make sure that he is n't just seeing things . greenlee lets ryan know that she is marrying david . mass hysteria erupts with jesse stepping in and taking over the situation . jesse and jack take david out of the chapel to question him . at the chandler mansion , scott is going over some business with adam when annie comes in and tells them that there is a wedding at wildwind and they were not invited . annie pretends , as though , she is going upstairs to get dressed for work and instead she gets dressed for the wedding . david denies the accusations that he is forcing greenlee to marry him . greenlee has her say to the spectators , who are left at the wedding . ryan lets everyone know that he is not going anywhere . jesse releases david despite jack 's protests . ryan pours his heart out to greenlee over his feelings for her . |
liza : excuse me . have there been any accidents reported tonight ? police officer : district attorney colby . no , ma'am . nothing . liza : ok . great . thank you . david : i never figured you for an ambulance chaser . liza : i 'm trying to find my daughter . i 'm texting her , and i 'm calling her , and she 's not returning my calls , so i 'm getting a little bit worried . david : she 's probably out there having a romantic dinner somewhere . liza : why would you say that ? david : it 's valentine 's day , liza . and unlike her mother , colby is n't spending it alone . [ scene_break ] asher : going somewhere ? colby : well , you ca n't keep me a prisoner here as well . asher : and you ca n't take my car keys . colby : all right , well , then , i 'd like mine back . asher : ah , ah , ah . j.r. told me to keep you safe until he has annie under control , ok ? colby : j.r. probably forgot that i 'm even here , ok ? he 's too busy protecting his crazy girlfriend , never mind his sister , who is so bored she wants to scream . asher : i can think of something to pass the time , and i can guarantee that it wo n't be boring . [ scene_break ] erica : reese 's favorite . my way of welcoming her back to pine valley . bianca : reese is n't here . erica : but she will be . it 's your anniversary . and it 's valentine 's day . bianca : her plane was delayed . erica : oh . bianca : so did you and caleb straighten things out ? you two seemed a little tense earlier . erica : oh , please , that man is just a ball of tension . he made it perfectly clear that he wants nothing more to do with me . bianca : he might 've said that , but he did n't mean it . erica : well , i do n't really care what he means . because i do n't really care about caleb . bianca : we both know that 's a lie . [ scene_break ] jack : all right , folks , it 's picture time . you ready ? we have two photographers here . ok . here we go . ryan : where is emma ? greenlee : she 's going to get my makeup , actually . jack : stand still . let 's take some pictures while we 're waiting , huh ? ryan : you look perfect , by the way . i missed that one . emma : i 'm missing the picture . annie : that 's ok . that 's ok , sweetheart . emma : no . i want to be in it . annie : we need to leave . now . [ scene_break ] j.r. : marissa , hang on ! i 'm coming ! my god . marissa ? marissa . it 's gon na be ok . gon na be just fine . wake up . wake up . marissa , come on . stay with me . ok ? just wake up . ok . come on , marissa . [ marissa coughs as she wakes up ] j.r. : just take a deep breath . how did this happen ? marissa : it was annie . she tried to kill me . [ scene_break ] jack : for me ? greenlee : for erica . she 's next . krystal : right . right this way . greenlee : oh , my gosh . ryan : that 's right . see that , spike ? emma : i want cake ! annie : i will get you as much cake as you want , ok , but for now , we have to go . emma : no . i want to be with daddy and greenlee . annie : sweetheart , some women get to be brides that do n't deserve to be , women like greenlee . and today she 's gon na want your father all to herself , so we have to go . come on . come on . jack : ok , everybody , get together and -- smile . 1 , 2 . very nice . very nice . ryan : emma is still not back yet . greenlee : she 's probably playing in my makeup . ryan : yeah ? future cosmetics queen ? greenlee : yeah , if i have anything to say about it . [ scene_break ] krystal : how you holding up ? jack : hey . see this ? great . i mean , my daughter 's finally happy . for what more could i ask ? krystal : erica ? [ scene_break ] erica : bianca , why do you keep questioning me about this ? i 'm with jackson . we 're getting married . bianca : then why did you let him go to his daughter 's wedding alone while you hung out with caleb ? erica : as i told you , i skipped the wedding as a kind of a wedding present to greenlee . i mean , we both know she did n't want me there . bianca : well , what about what uncle jack wants ? erica : jack and i discussed it , and he understood completely . and as for caleb , i mean , we certainly were n't hanging out . i was trying to thank him for getting me through a very , very difficult time , not that he would let me . bianca : what does that mean ? erica : i consider caleb to be a friend . apparently , that no longer goes both ways . look , maybe he feels that he 's become too civilized . maybe he misses his life as a hermit . bianca : is that it ? or has he just had enough of the games ? [ scene_break ] liza : well , i do n't see you with any chocolate or roses . david : that 's a little cliché for me . liza : cliché . is that the reason why you 're passing on valentine 's day ? or does it have something to do with the fact that your ex is getting married today ? david : i wish greenlee nothing but happiness . liza : right , and ryan ? what do you wish for him ? david : it 's all in the past . i 'm a free man now . focused on my future . liza : i do n't know how you got that governor 's pardon . david : have n't you learned by now ? i 'm very resourceful . liza : yeah , but you do n't have that kind of power . the only person that has that kind of power is erica , and the fact that she tried to put a bullet in your back , i do n't understand why she would turn around and try and help you . david : all right , look . why do n't you stop trying to understand it , and i have a better idea . why do n't you come out for a drink with me ? this time you can say yes . unless , of course , you really do have something to do on valentine 's day . liza : you 'll never know . [ scene_break ] colby : poker . hmm . this is the answer to all your problems ? asher : got me through some pretty tough times at boarding school . colby : this is n't boarding school . and i 'm not the janitor that you used to play with when everybody went home at christmastime . asher : you 're much cuter . colby : i 'm serious , asher . ok , i have a life . i 've got this life back in pine valley , ok ? i ca n't sit here and play five - card draw . asher : would you rather play solitaire ? [ snaps cards ] colby : ok . all right , if i play , will you let me leave ? asher : no . i ca n't do that . colby : annie kept me here , locked me up . i would really like to get back to pine valley so i can wring her neck . all right . fine . fine . what are we playing for ? asher : that 's the spirit . um , how about -- some fine chocolates ? hmm ? colby : no . you know , i think we can do much better than that . asher : cash ? colby : skin . every time you lose , you take something off . [ scene_break ] marissa : really , i 'm fine , j.r. ok ? who are you calling ? j.r. : the groundskeeper . this is mr. chandler . listen to me . i need all gas lines shut off that lead to the attic right away . i should get you to the hospital . marissa : where 's annie ? j.r. : i do n't know . annie ? annie , if you can hear me , just please come out . marissa : just forget it , j.r. she 's not here . j.r. : annie , i know that you 're scared . everything 's gon na be all right . i promise . just call me back as soon as you get this . marissa : everything 's gon na be all right ? j.r. : i 'm just trying to keep her calm so she 'll come back . marissa : you need to call the police . that lunatic locked me up and left me to die , and now she 's out there desperate and deranged . she could go after anybody . j.r. and marissa : a.j . marissa : thank you . marissa : opal . opal . is a.j . ok ? oh , good . look , no , i 'll explain later . just lock the door and do n't let anybody in , especially annie . no , it 's ok . i 'll explain later . but just keep a.j . with you until you hear from me again , ok ? thank you . who are you calling now ? j.r. : ryan . ryan , it 's j.r . listen , there 's really no reason to worry . annie 's just kind of going through a hard time . like i said , there 's no reason to panic . i just think it might be a good idea to keep an eye on emma . marissa : where are you going ? j.r. : i think i might know where annie is . i 'll call you . marissa : no . no . wherever you 're going , i 'm going with you . j.r. : all right . [ scene_break ] jack : congratulations again , you two . i just ca n't say enough . krystal : and thank you for letting me crash your party . ryan : thank you for making sure we did n't starve . greenlee : yeah , seriously , seriously , krystal , this is the best wedding cake i 've ever had . ryan : it 's unbelievable . krystal : thank you . greenlee : dad , thank you for being here . jack : you have never looked more beautiful , more happy . listen to me . you deserve it . now you listen to me . you take care of my girl . ryan : always . ok ? jack : yeah . ryan : give me some love . krystal : thank you . thank you . ryan : give me some -- mwah . krystal : thank you , guys . jack : let 's go hit the leftovers . ryan : yeah . jack : no sense wasting . greenlee : we did it . we finally had our perfect day . mm . mm . ryan : there he is . hey , where is your sister ? i want to get a picture with everybody . greenlee : where is she ? ryan : do you know where she is ? spike : i do n't know . ryan : you do n't know ? stay here . emma ? emma ? [ scene_break ] annie : sweetheart , we have to walk faster , ok ? emma : why ca n't i go back to daddy 's wedding ? annie : ok , you can go back , but then you 'd miss our big adventure . annie : emma , sweetheart , come on . we really have to go , ok ? emma : i 'm tired . annie : ok . ok , we can rest for 10 minutes , ok ? just 10 minutes and then we really have to go . ok ? [ scene_break ] bianca : miranda made this just for you . she 's been working on it for weeks . erica : absolutely beautiful . but it 's not gon na make me forget what you said about caleb before . where is that coming from ? bianca : so you 're not playing games ? it 's not like you 've never done that before . erica : well , maybe i have , but that 's not what i 'm doing with caleb . bianca : why else do you keep postponing your wedding ? erica : my goodness , bianca . for jack and me , it 's just been one crisis after another . i mean , our lives have been pretty much in total chaos . bianca : maybe you should cancel the wedding . erica : no . i do n't want to do that . i would never do that . bianca : no , of course not . no , you 'll just keep stringing uncle jack along , making him think you want a future with him and then the minute he wants to take a step forward , you 'll put up the roadblocks . erica : bianca ! bianca : uncle jack loves you . he wants to be a part of your life , not sometimes or from a distance . he wants to be there for you , with you , all the time . erica : are you talking about my relationship ? or are you talking about yours ? [ scene_break ] jack : it really , really was a wonderful wedding . two people overcoming incredible odds and not letting anybody or anything get in the way of their happiness . krystal : kinda gives you hope , does n't it ? jack : yeah , it does . krystal : i 'm glad you liked the chow . jack : thank you again for doing that . you were a lifesaver . you really were . i was a little dubious about the champagne . krystal : what are you talking about ? jack : i thought maybe hayward had drugged it , and he was gon na pop out of the cake in the middle of the ceremony . krystal : well , i did keep the cake knife from him just in case . jack : very smart . thank you again . krystal : jack , if you thank me one more time for the food -- jack : no , no , no , it 's not about the food . thank you for making me laugh . i really needed the laugh . krystal : you might need more than a laugh right about now . [ scene_break ] liza : can i get a dirty martini , please ? david : too much sodium for me . i 'll have a scotch on the rocks , paddy . liza : are you following me ? david : no , not at all . just trying to forget valentine 's day , just like you . liza : i 'm surprised you even have time for a drink . i thought for sure you 'd be trying to pull some sort of stunt to ruin greenlee 's wedding . david : nah . that 's the old me . the new - and - improved david hayward has no desire for revenge . something 's over , it 's over . [ liza chuckles ] david : you think that 's funny ? liza : i do . trying to convince me that you 're a changed man ? hmm . david : what , you have n't changed at all throughout the years ? liza : i have , in some ways . david : ok , fine . so why not me ? liza : what 's your plan , david ? you gon na lull them into a false sense of security and then turn around and make their marriage a living hell ? david : it makes sense that you would think that , given my history . i meant what i said . i saved a life , and i never thought i 'd be able to do that again . so it kinda helps put things in perspective . i 'm done -- done chasing after people who have already moved on . i can only hope the same is true for you , liza . mm . cheers . enjoy your valentine 's day . [ hits bar twice ] [ scene_break ] colby : show me what you got , pike . asher : two pair . colby : ooh . full house . asher : what ? colby : mm - hmm . asher : you got ta be kidding . colby : take it off . come on . show me what you got . asher : you 're really enjoying this a little too much , are n't you ? colby : yeah . i 'm enjoying it a little bit . ha ha ! asher : this time i 'm gon na deal , because i think you 're cheating . colby : you are such a sore loser . asher : yeah . colby : one . asher : one for me , too . colby : are you sure you do n't want to quit ? asher : oh , yeah . colby : yeah ? asher : yeah . colby : this could be very embarrassing for you , asher . asher : most likely for you . colby : mm . two pair . asher : three of a kind . colby : no way . asher : shirt off . colby : come on . please . asher : hey , these are your rules . colby : all right , fine . if i 'm gon na take off my shirt , you have to cover your eyes . asher : you did n't cover your eyes . colby : well , then , you 're gon na get my sock , then . asher : fine , but this is lame . colby : all right . here i go . taking off my top . ahh . ooh . oh , gosh , it got caught . oops . oopsie . ok , it 's just coming over my head . oh , gosh , it is so cold out . let me just fix my bra . asher : this is taking a long time . hey , colby ! hey , come back here . hey , colby -- hey , come back . [ car driving off ] [ scene_break ] ryan : emma is obsessed with hide - and - seek lately . the other day i found her underneath the bed hiding . greenlee : why do n't i go check the back ? ryan : no , not with that foot of yours . i 'll go do it . hey , spike , stay with greenlee , ok ? greenlee : hee hee . hey , what do you think ? do you want to go check under the table for me ? go check under the table . go check . tell me what you see . is she there ? no ? anything ? ryan : no . nothing . greenlee : did you check the bathroom ? ryan : yeah . she 's not there . what are you doing ? what are you doing ? greenlee : helping . ryan : no , no , not with that bum foot of yours . greenlee : you know emma . she probably found a really good hiding place . [ scene_break ] annie : emma , honey , we really have to go . get up . i mean it . it 's time to get up . emma : no ! annie : emma , right now . let 's go . we have to go . get up . david : is everything all right ? annie : everything 's fine . we 're just playing a little game . david : what kind of game ? annie : please , david , just go and forget that you saw us here . david : what 's the big secret , annie ? annie : uh -- it 's been a very long time since emma and i had some alone time together , so i 'm going to take her on a little trip , but ryan definitely would n't approve , so i would appreciate it if you did n't say anything . david : you do n't have to worry about me saying anything to lavery . annie : we 're in the same boat , are n't we ? david : how so ? annie : we 've both been deceived , tricked by people that said that they loved us and wanted a future with us , when really it was all just a bunch of lies . david : what does that have to do with your daughter not wanting to get up off a park bench ? annie : she 's the only thing i have left . i need her . i deserve her , but ryan -- he will never understand that . he 's gon na hear the things that i did , and he 's gon na try to take her away from me like he did when he thought that i was crazy , but i 'm not crazy . i 'm not crazy . i 'm just hurt . i -- i have nothing left . i have no one except for emma . and ryan -- he does n't deserve her . he already has so much . david : wow . just when you thought that you had everything put into perspective , come to realize that you really do n't . a whole new vantage point comes along . annie : what does it mean ? david : you have nothing to worry about . it 's all gon na work out fine . annie : how do you know that ? david : because i 'm gon na take care of everything . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you all right ? marissa : i 'm fine . what are we doing here ? j.r. : annie used to work here . we had meetings that were catered by the club . marissa : well , annie is running for her life . i doubt she 'd be stopping in to write a press release . j.r. : but annie loved her job , made her feel like she was -- she was contributing . so if this was the last place that she felt good , maybe she 's using it as a hideout . marissa : well , clearly , she 's not here , and i am done chasing her . it 's time to call the police . j.r. : ok , maybe i guessed wrong . maybe she went back to the house . we should go there and check . marissa : you know what ? we came all this way . we might as well take a look around , see if we can find a clue . j.r. : no , no . i 'll look . take a taxi cab to the hospital and get yourself checked out . marissa : i told you . i 'm ok . wow . annie must 've spent quite a lot of time here . j.r. : i guess . marissa : she was really obsessed with you . do n't you think that 's weird ? j.r. : yeah . we should go . marissa : just wait . nice tie . whose is it ? j.r. : i have no idea . marissa : it 's yours , j.r . i bought it for you . [ scene_break ] colby : mom . thank god . liza : colby , honey , where have you been ? colby : annie . she held me hostage . liza : she did what ? colby : i 'll tell you more about it later , but it was at j.r. 's cottage . she handcuffed me to a table , and then she took off . she is completely out of her mind . liza : honey , what are you -- are you ok ? did she -- colby : i 'm fine now , but i want to press charges , and i want you to help me . liza : absolutely . of course , i am . i 'm gon na make a phone call right now , make sure there 's a warrant out for her arrest immediately . colby : -- prison , oak haven , i do n't care . as long as she is locked away for good . liza : honey , until she is , i want you to come stay with me . i want you stay away from that mansion . colby : mom , actually , i 've been thinking about getting away , but not just from the house . i want to get away from pine valley , and i think i 'm gon na go see damon . liza : colby , i really do n't think that is a good idea . colby : mom , i know you hate him , but you 're not gon na change my mind , so please , can we not fight about this right now ? liza : you just went through a really scary experience . now is not the time to make these decisions , all right ? come back to my house , have a good night 's sleep , and we will talk -- colby : no , mom , you 're not listening to me . i need to do this , ok ? i need to see damon . asher : huge mistake . right ? [ scene_break ] bianca : go see uncle jack . talk to him . fix this . erica : bianca , this is a very important day for you and reese . it 's your wedding day . i know how anxious you are to see her . and now that her plane is delayed , i 'm sure that having to wait a few more hours must feel like torture for you . but honey , she 'll be here in just a few hours , and then you will get a chance to finally work this out face to face . bianca : no , we ca n't . no , reese 's plane was n't delayed . she never got on it . erica : oh , sweetheart . bianca : now do you get it ? do you see why i 'm pushing you to make things right with uncle jack ? erica : and i appreciate how much you care . but honey , i do n't want you to be worried about me . bianca : you love each other . you belong together . do n't let anything make you forget that . go talk to him before it 's too late . [ scene_break ] greenlee : emma ! if you can hear me , please come out . ryan : anything at all ? greenlee : no . ryan : where 's spike ? greenlee : mrs. corey offered to pick him up while we looked , and it 's a good thing . he was getting worried about his sister . ryan : ok . this is weird , because emma would n't just run off like this , you know ? greenlee : did you try annie ? ryan : yeah . no answer . greenlee : try her again . ryan : i got a message waiting . i turned my ringer off during the ceremony . oh , my god . i told j.r. to be careful with her . greenlee : j.r. ? what 'd he say ? ryan : he said to keep an eye on emma , that annie 's having a really tough time right now . greenlee : oh , my god . ryan : i 'm calling the cops . j.r. 's such a cocky son of a bitch , thinking that he had everything under control . greenlee : annie 's gone off the deep end again ? ryan : i do n't even want to think about it , ok ? i do n't even want to think about it . [ scene_break ] marissa : what is your clothing doing in this room ? j.r. : it 's one tie . marissa : yeah . explain it . j.r. : annie worked for me . we had business meetings here once in a while . marissa : meetings where you got undressed ? j.r. : no . marissa : then what is your tie doing on the floor next to her lingerie ? this was n't your office . this was your sex den . j.r. : you really do n't know what you 're talking about . marissa : i thought that annie was delusional , that this relationship she kept insisting that you had was a crazy fantasy , some pathetic dream of being with you , but she was with you , right here , in this bed . it was n't all in her head , was it , j.r. ? was it ? j.r. : no . [ scene_break ] liza : i 'm pretty sure that shirts are required . colby : what are you doing here ? asher : apparently some people are still willing to pick up the check . liza : even without a shirt . asher : colby can explain that . uh , about going to see damon . liza : yeah , none of your business . colby : yeah , and you 're not gon na talk me out of going , so do n't bother , all right ? wait , mom , annie . she stole my phone . can i use your phone ? i want to call chandler travel , please ? thank you . there 's no reception . i 'm gon na go outside . liza : mm - hmm . asher : are you kidding ? she 's just been through hell , and now you 're just gon na let her go see damon ? liza : what do you expect me to do ? asher : convince her that it 's a horrible idea . liza : that 's not gon na do any good . asher : we had a deal . i would n't tell anyone that you and damon had sex , and you would keep colby from getting hurt . this is her about to get hurt . liza : you know what ? every time i try to tell my daughter what to do , she is more determined not to do that . asher : so tell her that you approve . she 'll get the idea out of her head and cancel the trip . liza : it 's just an emotional decision that she made spur of the moment after this hellish experience with annie . once the dust settles and a couple days go by , she 's gon na realize that seeing damon is not gon na do any good . colby : thanks . liza : honey , you know what ? we need to get down to the police station and file a report right away , and you need to stick around for that . colby : all right , i 'll try , but mom , i really want to get out of here . liza : honey , if you want to file charges against annie , it might take at least a week . you need to stay in town for that . colby : no . are you serious ? liza : i 'm gon na try and push it through faster , but i make no promises . colby : ok . well , thanks for dealing with this . liza : i 'm just so glad you 're ok . colby : me , too . [ kiss ] well , they have a seat saved for me on the next flight to l.a . asher : you just said you 'd stay to give a statement . colby : well , i 'll do it by e - mail . i need to go pack . asher : no , no . hey , colby , you ca n't go see damon . the guy 's a jerk . he lied to you . he cheated on you . colby : i know that , asher , but i did the exact same thing to damon . asher : no , what you did was nothing compared to what he did with her . colby : her ? do you know who damon slept with ? [ scene_break ] marissa : i had a gut feeling about this , but i fought it . i wanted to believe that you 'd changed . j.r. : i have changed . marissa : after everything that you 've put me through ? the humiliation , the pain ? you would n't lie to me again , you could n't , but you did . day after day , week after week , you played me . `` oh , just trust me , marissa . annie is n't an issue anymore . `` that 's what you told me . j.r. : i can explain , ok ? marissa : you made me believe that it was over with her , that she was just an employee , but meanwhile , you were sleeping with her . what else , j.r. ? are you in love with her ? did you keep up with the chandler tradition and propose ? j.r. : no . marissa : no ? then why all the secrecy ? why the big , elaborate lie ? i agreed to joint custody . that 's why you did it , huh ? you know that i would n't let you anywhere near a.j . if i knew that you were with that maniac . j.r. : i could n't lose my son . marissa : well , you might lose him anyway . with all the felonies that your girlfriend 's committed , and everything you 've done to keep her from getting arrested ? j.r. : i thought that i could help her ! ok ? i made a mistake . i 'm sorry . marissa : you 're sorry ? she almost killed me ! [ cell phone ringing ] j.r. : annie , where are you ? annie : do n't look for me , j.r . it 'll just make things worse . you have to let me go . i wo n't cause any more trouble . j.r. : ok . ok , i believe you , all right ? just tell me where you are . annie : why ? so marissa can put me in a padded cell ? forget it . j.r. : annie , wait . [ scene_break ] krystal : thank you . jack : uh - huh . krystal : ah , greenlee was a beautiful bride . jack : yeah , she was . krystal : and not that i was eavesdropping or anything like that , but vows were just beautiful . jack : and a long time coming , huh ? so here 's to them . krystal : here 's to them . ha ha ! those two are really crazy in love . i mean , that 's obvious . but they also know what they have is precious , and they 're not taking that for granted . a lot of people do n't realize that . it was fun , though , was n't it ? jack : it was fun . it was . indeed . indeed . krystal : would you like some cake ? i have some leftovers . jack : i have an inherent inability to refuse cake , especially this -- krystal : coming right up . ha ha ha ! erica : is this seat taken ? jack : nope . erica : how was the wedding ? jack : well , i do n't think any father likes giving away his daughter , but it 's a hell of a lot easier when it 's to a man that she really loves and makes her very happy . erica : it was a mistake of me not to go to the wedding , jack . not just because it 's such an important day for you but this is valentine 's day . do n't tell me you caught the bouquet . krystal : did you see when greenlee and ryan were -- feeding each other -- hey . look at me . got cake but no coffee . i 'll -- i 'll be right back . jack : ahem . erica : so i chose not to go to greenlee 's wedding as a wedding present for her , and you decided to take a date ? jack : come on , erica . greenlee 's not the only reason you opted out . and just for the record , no , i did not take a date , and it pains me you would jump to that conclusion . erica : what is that supposed to mean ? jack : look , i 'm having a very lovely , drama - free evening , and if you do n't mind , i 'd like to continue it , so if you will excuse me . mm . greenlee wanted you to have this . krystal , i 'll take a rain check on that cake , all right ? good night . erica : you need this worse than i do . [ hands krystal the bridal bouquet ] [ scene_break ] asher : how would i know who damon slept with ? colby : you just said , `` what he did with her was worse . `` asher : right . whoever it is , you know , he slept with her . all you did was kiss me . you know ? but that 's not really the only reason that you ca n't go see damon . colby : ok , then why else should i not go see damon ? asher : i do n't want you to go . colby : you know , asher , j.r. will get you on another project , and you 'll forget all about me . asher : i could n't forget you if i tried , and i have . tried . i ca n't get you , like , out of my mind . and -- i keep wanting to -- do this . [ kisses colby ] [ scene_break ] liza : you look very happy . what did you do ? david : my first good deed as a free man . liza : ok . why does that make me nervous ? david : makes me happy , because now i know the old saying is true . what goes around , comes around . [ scene_break ] j.r. : you know , you really should just get some rest . the police are checking the grounds . marissa : i will not rest until i know that psycho ca n't get to a.j . j.r. : i 'm gon na go find her , and i 'm gon na take her to oak haven . marissa , that was always the plan . ryan : where is she ? where 's annie ? [ scene_break ] annie : bye - bye , pine valley . emma : [ sniffles ] mommy , where are we going ? annie : we 're going on an adventure , sweetie . a long , exciting trip . just you , me , and the open road . | liza tells david that she had been trying to reach colby , but she does n't seem to be answering her phone . meanwhile , at the beach house , asher holds colby against her will . colby reminds asher that that is what annie had been doing not letting her leave . erica arrives at kendall 's with a present for reese . bianca lets her know that reese 's plane is late . bianca begins to question erica about caleb and erica 's feelings for him . erica lets bianca know that caleb does n't want anything more to do with her . at the confusion bar , the wedding pics are taken . emma sees annie as she goes looking for greenlee 's cosmetic bag . annie tries to coax emma into coming with her , but emma insists that she wants to be part of the wedding pics . j.r. finds marissa unconscious in the attic of the chandler mansion . j.r. bends over marissa and urges her to wake up . marissa coughs and begins to wake up . marissa lets j.r. know that annie had left her in the attic to die . greenlee gives jack her wedding bouquet to give to erica . emma insists to annie that she wants to be with ryan and greenlee , but annie tells her that they are going on an adventure . erica insists to bianca that she wants to be with jack . liza tells david that she does n't know how he had gotten pardoned by the governor . david tells liza that he had wished greenlee congratulations on her marriage and he had had moved on . david invites liza out for a drink with him . asher challenges colby to a game of poker . at first , colby refuses but then decides to challenge asher to a game of strip poker . j.r. brings marissa downstairs , but she insists that she is fine . marissa tells j.r. to call the police and inform them as to what annie had done . marissa calls opal to check on a.j . and tells her to keep a.j . with her . j.r. calls ryan to alert him of annie and her recent behavior . ryan begins to get anxious over emma 's whereabouts . ryan goes looking for emma while greenlee watches out for spike . emma insists on going home , but annie tries to relieve her worries by telling her that she will miss out on an adventure . bianca shows erica a pic that miranda had drawn for her . bianca accuses erica of stringing jack along and never marrying him . at krystal 's , jack commends krystal on the wedding reception . david and liza come into krystal 's to have a drink . david finds annie outside and questions her as to what is up . annie tells david that she is taking emma on a little trip and does n't want ryan to know . david promises not to say a word to anyone . in searching annie 's room , marissa finds j.r. 's tie and begins to question him about it . j.r. tells marissa that he had been with annie . |
greenlee : kendall 's engagement ring . only two people could 've dropped this rock in here before they sealed me in with that one -- kendall or ryan . it 's got to be kendall . a total drama queen -- doom me to a slow death while i think about what i did and why i deserve it . no . no , kendall would 've screamed at me first and kicked dirt on my head . it could n't be ryan . he could n't hate me this much . who am i kidding ? please tell me you did n't do this , ryan . please tell me you do n't hate me enough to bury me alive . ryan ? ryan ? ryan , come back for me ! you hear me ? you ca n't forget me ! i wo n't let you ! i wo n't ! please . ryan , please do n't forget me . ryan : what the hell ? greenlee : what about you ? i have n't forgotten you . are we still together ? ryan : greenlee ? where the hell did that come from ? [ scene_break ] jack : ok , greenlee , i have left messages for you at every number i have for you . please , where are you ? i 'm starting to worry . will you please call me ? reggie : hey , j , where you going , man ? jack : i 'm going to look for your sister . reggie : oh , oh . why ca n't you just give it a couple hours or a week , a month ? how about the never side of later ? jack : reggie , she 's my daughter the way you 're my son , and if you had been incommunicado for this long , i 'd be looking for you . reggie : yeah , and she 'd be right there to stop you , look , to make sure i stayed away . greenlee needs to be punished for what she did . jack : maybe . but i love her and i 'm not going to let her down . reggie : well , look , that skank will let everybody down she knows . jack : including herself , reggie . including herself . and right now she needs to know that she 's not alone . that 's what fathers do . remember that when you 're one , ok ? reggie : you know , you 're lucky . you 're lucky at least one of your kids is mature and handsome and sensitive and all that good stuff . jack : come here . yeah , i 'm lucky . i 'm lucky all my kids are great . but one of my kids could use your special brand of tlc right now . reggie : oh , do n't think i 'm about to go look for greenlee . jack : no , no , i 'm not -- reggie : no way . no . jack : listen to me , will you ? i 'm talking about bianca . you need to know what 's happened . [ scene_break ] man 's voice : no deal . no deal . guilty . guilty . guilty . guilty . guilty . guilty . guilty . kendall : no . man 's voice : guilty , guilty -- kendall : no . no . no , erica , no ! bianca : kendall ? kendall , kendall , wake up ! kendall ! kendall : what -- what happened ? is the baby ok ? are you ok ? bianca : no , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . kendall , you were having a nightmare or something . you were shouting mom 's name . you were really upset . what happened ? did you see her ? kendall : yeah . last night . bianca : well , what did she say ? was she ok ? kendall : i wish i knew . i 've seen all shades of erica , but i 've never seen her like that . [ scene_break ] erica : tad , it 's erica . you promised to keep me posted on your investigation . i 'm waiting for your call . michael : do you really want to put tad on the scent , erica ? erica : you . michael : i mean , think about it , doll , i mean , all kinds of nasty things could 've happened during your blackout . i mean , do you really want the down- and - dirty on what you did the night my life was so tragically cut short ? erica : get out of here ! michael : just when it 's getting interesting ? i do n't think so . i think i 'm going to stick around . so you really want to let tad gumshoe this , erica ? erica : my daughter could be facing the death penalty . i will do everything in my power to make sure she is not convicted . michael : even if it means finding dirt underneath your own fingernails ? or should i say blood , erica ? erica : tad will dig up the dirt on everything . michael : `` everything `` ? well , why do n't you just call it as it is , erica ? it was the night i was whacked , plugged , wasted , knocked off , bumped off . erica : enough ! michael : you know , erica , if i were you , i 'd call off the private eye , you know , just let everything play out as it lays . i mean , after all , we 're only talking about kendall here . she 's not exactly mommy � s darling little girl , is she ? erica : kendall is as much my daughter as bianca is . michael : yeah , but she 's the one you 'd throw back if you could . i mean , why not just let her , you know , go down for this ? erica : she 's innocent . michael : so who cares ? i mean , kendall will finally make herself useful . she 'll take the fall for this , asked and answered , case closed , and nobody will be the wiser . come on . erica : except the real killer . michael : who obviously wishes to remain anonymous . a word of advice , erica -- give it up . erica : you 're so damn clever . you were there . who killed you ? michael : oh , my god , you do care . erica : like hell . i want to know who did it so i can thank them . michael : oh , you know , i miss you so damn much ! you 're so spunky , so feisty . oh , erica . hmm . oh , yes . this is where it almost happened . you remember that ? i mean , it seems like almost yesterday that you and i were just sitting on this couch together , and then kendall had to go and spoil everything . that is one of my greatest disappointments . i mean , you were just so strong , so forceful , and you were such a tease -- and you almost got away with it , you little vixen , until you let me catch you . erica : i never let you do anything . michael : oh , and then when i did catch you , erica , oh , you smelled so good and so intoxicating . do you know that i never wanted anyone as much as i wanted you that night ? not -- not kendall , not bianca -- erica : stop it ! stop it ! michael : and you wanted me as much as i wanted you . erica : oh , never ! michael : come on , erica , do n't deny it . i mean , it excited you , did n't it , when i held you close . you were trembling with passion . erica : i hated you ! i wanted to kill you ! michael : did you ? did you kill me ? [ scene_break ] tad : man , why do i bother ? [ noise ] [ dog barks ] tad : hey . you all right ? you come here often ? what 's the matter ? ca n't you talk ? woman : of course i can talk . i just do n't like to . tad : so the mime makeup and -- woman : people do n't expect answers , they do n't ask stupid questions . tad : ok , i 'm sorry . i wo n't ask you any stupid questions . woman : doubt it . tad : wait , where you going ? i want to just talk to you for a second , if i may . you want some coffee ? woman : hey , are you poaching ? tad : what ? woman : no , this is my territory . everybody knows that . the smart ones , anyway . so why do n't you just beat it ! tad : it 's all right . it 's ok . listen , if that 's what you think i 'm doing , i 'm not trying to stake any kind of claim . woman : you 're not the first . this is primo terra . a bunch of folks here live on takeout , and not the cheap stuff . just last week , i tucked in a roast chicken , was n't missing nothing but a leg . tad : last week ? you 're here every day ? woman : every night like clockwork . got to if you want to beat the critters to the food . besides , if i do n't get here between 11 : 30 and 1 : 00 a.m. , gus - gus steals me blind . hey , you did n't hit my dumpster , did you ? tad : you 're sure you 're here every night ? woman : you do n't catch on real quick , do you ? tad : wait , wait , were you here the night of august 28 ? woman : well , got to eat . where else would i be ? tad : lady , you just saved a lot more than a one - legged chicken . [ scene_break ] kendall : erica was so quiet and so -- she was so in control . she was -- she was really trying to understand . bianca : but do you think she did understand ? kendall : no , no . bianca , no , i think it 's -- how could she ? it 's too early . it 's too much for her to absorb . bianca : but she was n't angry ? kendall : no , she -- she actually said that she admired me . bianca : kendall , that 's wonderful . that means that there 's hope . kendall : yeah , maybe . but , well , she did say that she was really glad that you and i are close . and then she said the most amazing thing . bianca : what ? what , kendall , what ? what was it ? kendall : well , when i told her that i planned to accept the prosecution 's offer -- bianca : no , kendall , you ca n't do that . please tell me that you 're not planning to do that . kendall : yes , that 's exactly what erica said . that 's what she said . she said that . she made me promise not to accept the plea . bianca : well , she 's right . if you wo n't listen to me , listen to mom . kendall : yeah , but , bianca , there 's more , there 's more . listen , she swore that she could save me . she swore that there no way in hell she would ever let me get convicted . do you know how she can do that ? i mean , i promised her -- i promised her that i would n't take the plea , but what if she did n't mean what she said ? or what if she did mean it and she ca n't follow through ? i mean , if -- if what erica has is n't real , i might be letting my own mother walk me to the death chamber . kendall : bianca ? do you know something ? do you know what mom 's going to do ? [ scene_break ] michael : the cold shoulder , after all we 've shared ? erica : i want you gone for good . michael : oh , i 'm sorry , i ca n't do good . erica : have n't you brought us enough grief ? why do n't you just go back to hell and stay there ? michael : erica , is that any way to talk to the father of your daughter 's baby ? erica : do n't you even mention my daughter 's name . michael : i 'm sorry -- mother - to - be . so , how is the little lass , anyway ? is she having any cravings ? besides me , of course . erica : my god . oh , god , help me . i want this to be over . i want to be finished with rape and the rapists ! michael : yeah , you 're going to have to live with me for the rest of your life , erica . i mean , just think , every time that you look at bianca 's squalling little brat , you 'll see me , mikey jr . [ michael laughs ] michael : i mean , you are going to name him after me , are n't you ? i mean , you know , he does have quite the legacy , after all . erica : that baby is another of your victims . michael : he 's my flesh and blood . he 's going to walk like me , talk like me . the little lad 's going to be quite the lady 's man , just like his old man . erica : no , that baby is nothing like you . that baby is innocent . michael : until proven cambias . no doubt about that , is there ? erica : it does n't matter . we 'll survive you , because we are stronger than you ever were . we are stronger than the hurt and the shame and the suffering ! michael : well , why do n't you just say it like you mean it , erica ? erica : you 're dead , michael ! you 're nothing but a memory ! and you 're fading fast ! [ erica gasps ] michael : then why are still talking to me , erica ? face it , you 're stuck with me and my little rug rat . erica : oh , you will be gone . this will end , i promise you . and when it does , you will be gone forever . michael : really ? when 's that ? when martin finds gold in all that dirt he 's been digging through ? you 'd better keep your fingers crossed , erica , because if it turns out that you pulled the plug , you will be spending a lot more time with me than you think . like it or not , doll , we 're lifers . see you around . [ scene_break ] bianca : if mom says she can get you acquitted , she knows what she 's talking about . you have to trust her . kendall : yeah , i want to , but mom is spinning all over the place . i ca n't read her like i used to . and if i do n't know it 's going to turn out ok , how can i trust her ? bianca : so you want the guarantee first ? kendall : well , yeah , i ca n't just go leaping off the edge of a cliff just because someone says they 'll be there to save me . bianca : is that what you told ryan ? kendall : that subject is off - limits . bianca : come on , kendall , do n't shut down on me . give . kendall : ryan -- bianca -- bianca , this subject is not worth talking about . bianca : are you nuts ? tell me what happened . kendall : does that answer your question ? bianca : oh , kendall , please tell me you did n't . you blew off ryan ? kendall : i had to . i ca n't trust him . bianca : are you kidding me ? he has been nothing but supportive of us since day one . kendall : no , ryan completely blew us of when he could n't stay away from greenlee . bianca : come on , kendall , you know that ryan had nothing to do with that . kendall : no , i do n't . bianca : do n't do this , kendall . do n't do this . do n't push ryan away . you ca n't . [ monitor accelerates ] kendall : no , bianca , relax . you need to relax . your heartbeat is going crazy . bianca : oh , you know what , the only heart in this room that i 'm concerned about is yours . kendall , you ca n't dump ryan for this . he does n't love greenlee , he loves you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : hello ? help ! anybody there ? this has got to be a sign . it has to be . i just have to figure out what it is . if i 've got the ring , kendall does n't -- ow -- then kendall 's got ryan , and i do n't . please tell me they did n't bury me alive in here together . is that what this means ? a postnuptial whup - ass to teach me a lesson ? no . no . unless -- unless -- ow . ow . if ryan threw the ring , that means no kendall , no engagement . is that what this is ? ryan , you finally saw the light ? you mind shining it some my way ? our connection 's too deep just to turn off . i know i screwed up , ryan , but i 'll make it up to you , i swear . just think about me . miss me . look for me . [ ryan mumbles ] ryan : ah ! ok , no more caffeine . ryan : damn it , greenlee , just -- just stay out of my life . just get out of my head ! get out ! i do n't want to see your face , i do n't want to hear your voice , not even in my -- my nightmares . [ knock on door ] ryan : oh , god , please , do not be greenlee . jackson . whatever it is , i ca n't help you . jack : yeah , yeah . is greenlee here ? ryan : what , now all of a sudden you 're worried about her ? jack : spare me , will you ? have you seen her ? ryan : never again , if i 'm lucky . jack : well , that 's harsh , is n't it ? ryan : after what she did to kendall and to bianca , she 's lucky i did n't throw her over my knee . but then again , that 's your job , is n't it ? jack : greenlee made a mistake , there 's no doubt about that . ryan : a mistake ? she gutted any chance kendall had to walk away from this murder charge . jack : well , i 'm well aware of what she did , but she 's my daughter and she just might need me , ryan . ryan : it 's a little late to hop on that train , do n't you think ? jack : oh , who the hell are you to judge me ? you know what , you helped force her into that scene . if you had n't been playing master of the universe , we might have avoided this whole disaster ! ryan : oh , and now we 're resorting to finger pointing ? that 's very productive , jackson . jack : hey , i 'm just trying to pick up the pieces , ryan ! ryan : and pin it on me ? you want to blame somebody , jackson ? why do n't you look in the mirror ? because greenlee would never have exposed kendall if you had n't been such a jerk . jack : greenlee knows i love her . greenlee knows that she can come to me about anything . ryan : yeah , if she waits in line , absolutely . jack : what the hell is that supposed to mean now ? ryan : it means that you offered her the one thing that she wants more than anything else , jackson -- a family that will be there for her -- and the first sign of trouble , you snatch it away . jack : what the hell do you know about this ? that was not my intention . ryan : you ran off to hold kendall 's hand and left greenlee feeling alone and invisible again . way to go , dad . jack : all right , i let greenlee down . but so have a lot of other people . ryan : i know that i did , too , jackson , but i tried . i tried to wave her off of kendall . jack : who the hell are you kidding ? you waved a red flag in front of a bull ! ryan : ok , listen to me , you may be the only person that can get through to greenlee . do you understand that ? she needs her father , and not just when it 's convenient . jack : now you listen to me , i love my daughter and i will take care of her , and unlike her friends , who seem to be through with her , i 'm just getting started . ryan : what 's the hurry , jackson ? kendall flash the bat signal ? jack : as a matter of fact , we 're meeting with her attorney . we 're trying to clean up this mess , you know , this pesky little death penalty . if you hear from greenlee , sport , you have her call me . ryan : yeah . [ door closes ] ryan : greenlee 's probably a thousand miles away from here , crying into a pitcher of margaritas . [ greenlee groans ] [ scene_break ] kendall : good , it 's normal again . do n't scare me like that . bianca : kendall , what are you doing ? you ca n't shed ryan because you think he sicced greenlee on you . kendall : that 's exactly what he did , a word here , a nudge there . bianca : oh , come on . things spun out of control . it was n't ryan 's fault . kendall : yeah , it 's not like this is a first . how many times has ryan left me hanging ? bianca : how many times has he come back ? kendall : you know , your problem is that you trust too much . bianca : kendall , you do n't trust enough . kendall : well , i have better things to do than to look for trust in all the wrong places . bianca : kendall , do n't do this . do n't shut ryan out . kendall : ok , how about i find dr. cortez ? we 'll see if we can get you sprung out of here . that 's -- that is next thing we 're going to do , get you out of this place . ok . [ kendall sighs ] kendall : now , i will be right back . bianca : the courtyard . [ scene_break ] erica : tad . tad : feel lucky ? erica : oh , tad , i 've been trying to reach you . have you found out anything ? tad : well , that all depends . we can call this thing off right now or you can choose what 's behind door number one . erica : you found someone who saw something ? tad : a woman . i meant what i said . if we take this thing to round two , you could very easily lose everything . erica : tad , i have to hear what she has to say . please bring her in . tad : ok . it 's ok . erica , this is prilly . it 's short for `` priscilla . `` erica : how do you do , prilly ? prilly : been better . erica : like to sit down ? prilly : i 'll stand . tad : prilly was outside michael 's condo the night he departed pine valley . she got a real eyeful . prilly : i can speak for myself . erica : please , please , prilly , tell me everything you saw . i really need to know . prilly : oh . shrimp bisque . still warm . erica : i beg your pardon ? tad : erica , prilly -- prilly works the dumpsters in the area . erica : so you remember what you had for dinner that night ? prilly : cuisine that fine do n't come along every day . tad : why do n't you tell erica what time you ate ? prilly : near on 11 : 45 , i 'd say . erica : how is it that you 're so sure of the time ? prilly : church bells across the way . they ring on the quarter . i had n't hardly started to eat when i heard footsteps and i -- and i saw this lady heading for the rich guy 's door -- the rich guy who ended up dead . tad : how tall was the lady you saw ? prilly : hard to say . i was in a dumpster looking out , and it was dark . erica : could -- could you try to remember , because it 's really important . prilly : now that i think of it , she could 've been about your size . erica : well , ca n't you tell me everything you saw ? please , prilly , i need to hear every detail . prilly : i saw a lady , classy clothes , dark hair . i could n't tell if it was long or short , just -- just dark . she had her collar turned up . i could n't see her face . she knew right where she was going . it 's just like she did n't want to go there . she headed for the dead man 's door -- except he was alive then -- and knocked , kind of soft , like -- like she did n't want anybody else to hear but the man inside . except it was too soft because she had to knock again . then , when the door opened , the man kind of laughed . michael : well , what do you know . prilly : the lady went inside . i ate my bisque . i did n't think too much about it . until -- michael : what are you going to do about it ? prilly : then they got into it . the man started yelling . next thing i know , just after midnight , i guess , bam ! [ gunshot ] prilly : after that , it was real quiet -- extra quiet , like time stopped . i ducked into the dumpster . when i looked up again , the lady was high - tailing it out of there . she ran like she was running for her life . [ scene_break ] [ monitor accelerates ] kendall : bianca , what 's wrong ? are you ok ? your heart is going crazy . bianca : i 'm going to be fine . kendall : you ok ? bianca : i 'm coming to court with you today . kendall : no , no . bianca : yes . kendall : no , no , no , you 're not going anywhere . you 're staying right here . bianca : kendall , i 'm not going to let you face this alone . and besides , mom 's going to be there . kendall : no , no -- bianca : she 'll need me . kendall : listen to me , bianca , listen to me , i 'm sorry , but the doctor said no to your release . you have to stay . just stay here . you may as well just get comfortable , ok ? please do n't worry . do n't worry , ok ? mom -- mom will be there , jackson will be there , and they 'll help me deal with everything , ok ? i 'll do what i can . deal ? bianca : all right . kendall : ok . oh , goody gumdrops . yay , you 're here , just in time to entertain this one . all right . i got to go , ok ? all right . hey , will you take care of her for me , please ? reggie : sure . kendall : ok , good . and no matter what , just stay with her . reggie : i do n't know why you would want that , but , yeah , you got it . kendall : ok . thanks . bye . reggie : i love you so much . bianca : oh , reggie . i love you . reggie : and j told me everything . you sure you 're ok ? bianca : yeah . yeah , i am . looks like you 're going to be an uncle . reggie : well -- bianca : sort of , kind of . reggie : the more family , the better . bianca : hey , you want to meet your niece ? reggie : say what ? bianca : i mean , i 'm not 100 % sure it 's a girl , but feels like she is . oh , hey , did you feel that ? reggie : she moved ! bianca : uh - huh . she 's just showing off . reggie : oh , so she does that a lot ? bianca : no , she only does it for the people that she 's going to love . reggie : bianca , i wish i 'd known about her , you know , earlier . i could 've did something to help , you know -- bring you pickles and ice cream and stuff like that . bianca : well , there is something that you could do for me . reggie : anything . name it . bianca : i 'm really worried about mom . have you seen her ? [ scene_break ] erica : prilly , the woman you saw -- was i the woman who ran from the condo ? prilly : sure could 've been you . all the same , seems a shame , though . erica : what ? prilly : that gun went off , pretty near killed my appetite . left the bisque for someone else . tad : prilly , is there anything else ? prilly : is n't that enough ? erica : yes , yes . yes , it is . and i thank you . i thank you very much . prilly : sure looked like you . tad : prilly , look , i -- i 'm going to give you something for your trouble . prilly : no , save your charity for someone who needs it . tad : it 's not charity . you did me a favor and i 'm doing you one . you get yourself some more bisque , ok ? ca n't say i did n't warn you . erica : my god , tad . if i really did shoot michael cambias , what now ? tad : before you turn yourself in , all she did was narrow down the suspect pool , and not by much . and she 's the only witness , so you 're still in the clear . erica : but , tad , if no one else saw me anyplace else , i probably was in the courtyard . i probably did kill michael cambias . [ scene_break ] jack : so , what 's kendall 's status ? livia : you 're not going to like it . jack : i take it that means bad news ? livia : it 's worse . judge lampert is tired of having her courtroom turned into the big top . she is not in the mood to do us any favors . she wants this fast- tracked to the jury . jack : even with new evidence ? livia : apparently . jack : oh . livia : i 've had some challenging cases , but i have never bet against myself in my entire career until today . jack : livia , we have to see this through . look , it could go our way . just because kendall faked a pregnancy does not mean she killed michael cambias . livia : did you see the jurors ' face when she was exposed ? jack : yes . livia : you want to take those odds ? jack : i do n't see that we have a choice . if the jury does convict , we can appeal . livia : that is another crapshoot . i am not willing to bet my life or kendall 's on that . our only sure thing is if she takes the plea . jack : come on , 10 years ? that 's a really long time . livia : consider the alternative . [ knock on door ] jack : hi . kendall : hi . i 'm sorry i 'm late . i was with bianca . thanks . jack : how 's she doing ? kendall : oh , she 's amazing , as usual . what 'd i miss , a bad lawyer joke ? livia : i want to discuss your options . kendall : well , thank you , but i 've already made my decision . i am not going to take the plea bargain . livia : are you on self - destruct ? kendall : well , i 've come this far . i want to see it through to the end . livia : the end could be your own . this is insanity . kendall : well , that 's not a defense . see ? i do learn . livia : not enough . if you think you have a shot in hell of winning -- kendall : i 'm going to take my chances . jack : livia , would you excuse us for just a second , please ? livia : only if you 're going to try and talk some sense into her . jack : have some more coffee . just for a second , ok ? come over here . kendall : jackson , do n't try to talk me out of this . i have erica on my side . jack : what does erica have to do with this ? kendall : i do n't know , beats the hell out of me , but she swore that she could keep me from getting convicted . jack : she said that ? kendall : yeah . she also made me promise not to accept the plea bargain . jack : why would she say a thing like that ? kendall : i do n't know . i have no idea . i mean , bianca 's just as clueless . jack : when did this conversation take place ? kendall : it happened last night at her office . jack : oh , brother . kendall : i figured that you would know something about it since you 're engaged , pillow talk and all . wait , jack , hello ? where you going ? jackson ! [ scene_break ] tad : i think we should put on the brakes for a minute before you start confessing to a crime you did n't commit . all prilly saw was a woman , she heard a shot , that 's it . erica : during the period that i blacked out . tad : but you could very easily have been at bj 's or the valley inn . erica : but then someone would have seen me . tad : exactly . and if they did , i 'll find them . i promise you , i 'm going to go through every nook and cranny between your place and michael 's . if somebody so much as saw you sneeze , i will find them . erica : thank you , tad . thank you very much . tad : try to take it easy , ok ? i 'll call you as soon as i have anything . [ scene_break ] reggie : well , you sure can keep a secret . bianca : well , i had a lot of help . reggie : yeah , like dr. haywire . you know , you must 've been really desperate , that 's what it is . bianca : well , you know , i had to trust david , and he really came through for me . reggie : yeah , well , i could 've , too -- come through for you , that is . bianca : i wanted to tell you , reggie , i really did . and i would have , but things got so messed up and i did n't want you tangled up in all the lies . you 've already done so much for me . reggie : well , it could 've been more , you know ? like tie greenlee to the back of a rocket and send her to the moon or something like that . bianca : what , and ruin a perfectly good moon ? reggie : oh , yeah , i almost forgot . i -- i bought it for the baby . i 'm not sure if she 's going to like it or not , but -- bianca : are you kidding me ? she is going to love it ! and you . thank you , reggie . reggie : well , we 're family . there 's anything you need me to do , consider it done , and then some . bianca : give me a hug . ryan : am i interrupting ? bianca : oh , no , come in . reggie : um -- yeah . i 'm going to get you two something to eat besides all this hospital junk . you know , it 's not good for you . bianca : thank you , reggie . i appreciate it . ryan : thanks , man . reggie : all right . ryan : how you feeling ? bianca : much better . from what i heard , you 're the one who could use some intensive care . ryan : i 'll be fine . and you will be better than fine because i 've got something for you -- actually , i should say something for your baby . [ scene_break ] livia : you sure you want to pass up the plea and go with this ? kendall : yes , i am . livia : do you know what you 're facing ? kendall : a firing squad ? it 's a little gallows humor . lighten up . livia : you 'll be cross - examined again . kendall : yeah , i 've been there . livia : not like this you have n't . you will have to sell yourself like you 've never sold anything before . kendall : it would help if my own attorney believed me . livia : honey , i am not the one who has to decide whether you live or die . kendall : no , you forget `` or go free , `` because i will . livia : i do n't mean to put a dent in your confidence , but on cross you 're going to have to serve up the whole truth and not just the parts you like best . kendall : i know what i 'm doing . livia : do you ? because one wrong move , one wrong word and you could incriminate yourself or someone you care about . kendall : well , thank you for the pep talk . [ livia sighs ] livia : well , i really hope you think long and hard before you go through this . jack : erica ? where the hell are you ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : this is unacceptable . i refuse to be forgotten . i 'm not going to curl up and die like this . ryan ? ryan , if you 'd just concentrate , i know that you could hear me . i 've got so much to say to you , and kendall and bianca . i ca n't do that . i ca n't do that unless i get out of here first . so wherever you are , ryan , you 've got to tune me in , because this is my last chance . [ scene_break ] bianca : well , i ca n't wait to hear what it is , but first , can you just grab that glass of water for me ? ryan : yeah , sure . greenlee : ryan ? what 's wrong ? why you looking at me like that ? does this mean we 're over ? bianca : what ? ryan , what is it ? ryan : greenlee ? [ next_on ] greenlee : i 'm getting out of here ! i 'm on my way out ! edmund : what are the chances that i 'll walk again ? bianca : ryan , i do n't want this . take it back . jack : `` to whom it may concern `` ? what have you done ? | kendall somehow knows that erica must be onto something , recalling their conversation the previous night , where erica urges her not to take the plea . she boldly lets livia know this although livia tells her if she does not take the plea , she could get the death penalty . although ryan is consciously ready to forget about greenlee , he keeps having unwanted visions of her . while she is stuck in the shaft , she somehow knows she must call out to him and he will rescue her . tad meets a homeless woman who is able to give him and erica information about what happened the night michael disappeared . |
singer : son , what have you done ? you 're caught by the river . you 're coming undone . life you know it ca n't be so easy , but you ca n't just leave it , 'cause you 're not in control no more ; and you give it all away . would you give it all away now ? do n't let it come apart . do n't want to see you come apart , son . what are you doing ? you learned a hard lesson when you stood by the water . you and i were so full of love and hope . would you give it all up now ? or would you give in just to spite them all ? and you give it all away . would you give it all away now ? do n't let it come apart . do n't want to see you come apart . babe : `` cross your fingers . `` [ pounding on door ] david : what the hell has tad done to your mother , other than convince her to ruin her life ? great . she 's gone . [ scene_break ] jamie : another chandler productions blackmail film ? j.r. : why do n't you see for yourself . boy : 7 , 8 . [ laughter ] boy : 9 , 10 . 11 , 12 ! 13 , 14 ! [ scene_break ] maggie : so pure and so perfect . hmm . makes all the bad stuff go away . even if it 's for just a short while . [ scene_break ] greenlee : happy way - late valentine 's day . ryan : back at ya . greenlee : ryan , are we ok ? what happened at the police station ? is jonathan in jail ? ryan : would you feel better if he was ? greenlee : i 'd feel better if this whole mess went away . it kills me to see you so upset . ryan : i 'm fine . it 's my brother that i 'm worried about . i crashed with him last night . greenlee : so he was n't arrested ? ryan : no , not yet . no charges yet . bianca gives her statement today . greenlee : but can they charge him with freaking her out ? ryan : he wanted to do it . greenlee : he told you that ? ryan : he admitted that to me , that he wanted to scare bianca to punish her for maggie leaving him . greenlee : that 's so -- ryan : i know . god , it 's like i 'm doing everything in my power to hang on to my little brother , but my grip just keeps slipping . greenlee : ryan , you ca n't hold him up all by yourself . ryan : i got to get changed , ok ? i got to get jonathan back to the police station . greenlee : well , i 'll go with you . ryan : that 's ok , you do n't have to . greenlee : no , i want to . ryan : does that mean no more thinking jonathan poisoned you ? greenlee : i want to be there , more than anything . ryan : but ? greenlee : this is jonathan 's . ryan : you went through his stuff , the stuff that he left at maggie 's ? greenlee : i need answers . i need to feel safe again . do you have any idea who b is ? ryan : i got to get back to the station . greenlee : ryan , i 'm your wife no matter what . ryan : hey , you know what ? jonathan is waiting downstairs for me in the car . greenlee : well , i 'll follow in my car , but i 'm going . [ scene_break ] bianca : i 'm glad that you got some one - on - one time with miranda . she even made you smile . maggie : yeah ! bianca : that 's something i have n't seen in a while . maggie : well , yeah , it 's something that i have n't done in a while . but i guess this little munchkin has that effect on me , do n't you ? oh , gosh ! [ knock on door ] maggie : what 's the deal ? bianca : coming ! maggie : who is it ? anita : anita `` the nanita `` reporting for duty . bianca : thank you for coming on such short notice . anita : oh , no problem . bianca : and you , little munchie - munchie , let 's go get you changed and ready for your big day . i 'll be right back , you guys . come here , you . anita : maggie , i 'm sorry -- maggie : i know -- uh , can i go first ? anita : please . maggie : i 'm so sorry -- anita : maggie , stop right there . ok , you can go first as long as you do n't apologize . you did nothing wrong . i 've seen this happen so many times to so many women . maggie : i lashed out to so many people who where trying to help me . and if it were n't for you and aidan , i would probably be known as mrs. jonathan lavery right now , and it 's beyond embarrassing . anita : what jonathan did , it was brutal and sadistic . but as long as you believe that this was your fault , you 're giving the bad guy all the power and all the control . [ scene_break ] jamie : forgot about that video . forgot about that whole day , actually . j.r. : yeah , well , there 's got to be a hundred more like that . how many times you think you fell off that skateboard ? a million pushing it ? jamie : it 's not my fault that you suck as a coach . j.r. : tony hawk could n't teach you how to skateboard . your most prolific move was a front - side face plant . jamie : huh . we were tight . j.r. : yeah , it 's funny . it was n't so long ago . just a lifetime . jamie : it does n't have to be , j.r . i need an answer . you think that we can step up those moves like we did on the video ? because we can stop buchanan and save that little boy . are you ready to work with me and babe ? babe : look , if mama 's with tad , i 'm sure she 's fine . [ scene_break ] tad : whoa . ok , well , thank you , madam , for an incredible evening . as expected , you 're outrageous . krystal : well , yeah , i did borrow a street sign , but are they going to do , arrest me ? tad : no . david : that 's freaking hilarious . krystal , come on , let 's go home . krystal : i just got here . david : we really need to talk . krystal : well -- david : come on , let 's get back to the cabin . krystal : unless you 're going to snag me a matching `` dead end `` sign , i do n't think there 's anything to talk about . babe : i have n't seen you this happy in forever , mama . krystal : well , thanks to tad here , my last night as a free woman was one for the record books . babe : wait , whoa -- your last night as a free woman ? the trial date has n't even been set yet . david : that 's right . so why do n't you ask twinkle - toes martin here what he talked your mother into ? krystal : all right , stop , david . tad did n't talk me into diddly , all right ? it was all my idea , and i think it was a heck of a good one , if i must say so myself . babe : well , does somebody maybe want to tell me what 's going on here ? krystal : babe , i 'm going to give myself up to the da today . i 'm going to make a deal . i 'm hoping to go to prison so that you can go free . [ scene_break ] maggie : i just do n't understand why they ca n't come here and take your statement . bianca : maggie , please do n't stress about this . i 'm going to be fine . i will be at the police station . uncle jack and ryan will be there . i mean , you ca n't get much safer than that . maggie : no , it 's not cool . i do n't think that you should be near jonathan after what he tried to do to you . ok ? how about i go with you ? bianca : oh , maggie , no , i 'm not going to let you go . you 're the one who 's supposed to be steering clear of jonathan . maggie : well , you said that it does n't get much safer than the police station , right ? come on , if i go with you , then we can at least protect each other . bianca : sounds familiar . maggie : we have a deal bianca : jailhouse gets a new inmate tonight . [ scene_break ] babe : how is you in prison good for anyone ? krystal : because in return , the da goes easy on you and your daddy , ok -- probation , maybe community service , a suspended sentence . babe : what , while you just rot in prison for god knows how long ? it could be forever . this is no solution , i 'm sorry . and , what , you could n't talk her out of this ? david : no , he 's going to dance her all the way to a prison cell . tad : no , david , but i just might do a tap number on your head if you keep it up . david : oh , come on , keep laughing , tad . after all , it 's only krystal showing her hand to the da without so much as a clue as to whether or not he 's going to accept her stupid deal . now , this is a classic martin move all the way . tad : as much as i realize that self - sacrifice is a completely foreign concept to you and as much as this might surprise you , i 'm not exactly ecstatic about the idea of krystal going to prison , either ! david : oh , i could tell . so what did you do , you took her out , partied all night ? what , was that going to talk some sense into her ? tad : why do n't you shut up ! are n't you supposed to be at home fondling a test tube or something ? david : you know , this is waste of my -- krystal -- tad : no , let her talk to babe . she needs to do this . krystal : babe , i know this is n't our dream solution , but it 's the best one we got . so i need you to be strong . honey , it 's better than ketchup soup three times a day and bolting before rent 's due . babe : i 'm not going to let you do this . krystal : well , then i 'm going to have to remind you who the mama is here and who the babe is . honey , this mess started with me . i felt terrible about it ever since it started , and now it 's going to end with me . babe : how is this even a solution , you going to jail for what we did to miranda ? i 'm still the one that kidnapped james . krystal : there is a very good chance you 're going to get off on those charges , honey . what jury will be cold - hearted enough to sentence a mama for kidnapping her own child ? now , when it comes to miranda , they 're not going to be so sympathetic . honey , they will throw you to the lions just to see you torn in half . now , it 's my fault that you kept bianca 's baby in the first place , and so i 'm the one who should have to pay . babe : but right now , today ? krystal : yes . yes . because i have to play this hand before your custody hearing . honey -- honey , i would serve 100 years if it meant you having a life with your little boy . babe : and what about tad ? i mean , just when you two are just getting back on track , you 're just -- you 're going to throw that all away ? krystal : honey , we had a perfect night , ok ? we laughed and we danced , and for a second there , it almost felt like we were getting back on track -- and that 's a lot more than a lot of women ever get in their whole lifetime . but that 's what 's going to get me through . that and the thought of you and little james . babe : i want that so much , mama . krystal : then you listen to me . you be strong and you fight . you fight like i always taught you . and please , just make sure my little grandbaby knows how much i love you both , ok ? you do that . because as long as i know that you 're both happy and you 're both healthy , forget prison bars . my heart will fly free . [ scene_break ] jonathan : ah . it feels like we never left , huh , ry ? greenlee : i 'm going to grab some coffee . want some ? ryan : no , thank you . greenlee : jonathan , you ? caffeine fix ? jonathan : no , no , i 'm fine , but thanks , greenlee . i really appreciate it . i could 've scored some major points if you 'd made a quick stop at that doughnut shop . ryan : hey , how about we chill with the jokes ? jonathan : oh , come on . you know what they say -- if i did n't laugh , i 'd cry . are we really back here ? this whole bianca incident is just a huge misunderstanding . ryan : you wanted to scare her . you scared her , so what 's to misunderstand ? jonathan : they 're acting like i was really going to hurt her , ryan . i 'd never do that . if i could just find derek , i know i could explain to him -- ryan : wrong , wrong . you 're not going to explain anything to anybody . i am going to handle this . [ scene_break ] derek : bianca . thanks for coming down . bianca : sure , absolutely . jack : how are you , kiddo ? bianca : i 'm good , ready to do this thing . jack : ok . derek : ok , well , then let 's not waste any more time . this way . bianca : you going to be ok ? maggie : yeah . greenlee : she 's going to be great . i 'll be with her . bianca : thanks , greenlee . maggie : go kick some a in there . jonathan : that 's it , i 'm done . i totally tanked my life , ryan . how do i get it back ? ryan : hey , mind if i listen in ? jack : yeah , i mind . you 're not a cop . ryan : and you 're not a da . derek : well , i 'm a cop , and i agree with jack , ryan . bianca : actually , if it 's ok with everybody , i 'd like ryan to be here . i think that he should hear what his brother did , what he put me and my daughter through . derek : it 's ok , jack . have a seat . ok , bianca , we 've established the date and the time , so why do n't you just start in on your story . why do n't you tell us what happened when you first saw jonathan lavery at the miranda center ? bianca : ok , um -- i was actually getting ready to leave . i was going to take my daughter home . and when i looked up , i saw jonathan standing in the doorway . derek : did he say why he was there ? bianca : yeah , he wanted to see me . he held me responsible for maggie leaving him . of course , i did n't want to talk to him . i did n't want to be anywhere near him , but he would n't let me leave . derek : did he threaten you ? bianca : not blatantly . the words were vague , but the intentions were very , very clear . he blocked the door so that i could n't go . his voice was very intense . i -- i definitely did not feel safe . jack : bianca , did he actually yell at you ? bianca : he did yell . jack : did he become physical with you and miranda ? bianca : he did n't actually touch me , but his presence was very intimidating . he got too close to me , and at one point he did put his hands on miranda and he grabbed her stroller so that we could n't leave . he picked up a hammer and he threw a chair . derek : did it hit you ? bianca : no , he -- he did n't throw the chair at me . he threw it across the room . emotionally , he was all over the place . he mocked me . he humored me . he made me feel very afraid . [ scene_break ] jonathan : that did n't take long . you and bianca , tla . maggie : what 's that supposed to mean ? jonathan : `` true love always . `` that 's what girls like you write in yearbooks , right ? maggie : you 're such a pig . jonathan : yeah , and you were going to marry me . what does that make you ? maggie : stupid . but i got over you . you 're still a pig . and if you go after bianca , you 're a dead pig . [ scene_break ] j.r. : the modern family -- parents who hate each other , kids who are caught in the middle . we 've been there before , have n't we , jamie ? adam , dixie , tad , brooke . that was one hell of a custody situation . you do n't want to repeat that for my son , do you ? jamie : you and babe do n't have to be adam and dixie . if you play this right , you 'll raise your son together . unless you want kevin buchanan to do it for you . j.r. : that baby has my dna . jamie : yeah , we 've been through this , man . your dna does n't mean jack if the judge decides that you 're unfit and that the best thing for that boy is to leave him with buchanan . but if that same judge sees two loving biological parents ready to get past their own problems to give their boy a possibly great life -- j.r. : yeah , well , the best life for my son is to live with his father , and babe is not part of that equation . jamie : you can hate babe all you want on your own time , but she is his mother , and her dna counts just as much as yours . so what do you say ? are you willing to make this work ? j.r. : i 'm getting there . [ scene_break ] david : this is ridiculous . i 'm going in there . i 'm going to take the deal for you and your mother . i could be in cuffs in 10 minutes . babe : you did n't even do anything but protect mama and me . david : well , the police do n't have to know that . babe : you know she 'll just tell them over and over again . david : while i 'm in there spilling my guts , you could have your mother out here , convincing her to keep her mouth shut . babe : you of all people should know by now that once mama 's made up her mind to do something , no one 's going to stop her from doing it . david : yeah , well , i could 've , given half the chance . babe : there 's no way . i tried to stop her , and you tried to stop her , and what did she do ? she just goes on full speed ahead . david : this is all tad 's fault , and then your mother spends the night cavorting with him . she must 've lost every brain cell she ever had . babe : i 'm glad that they had a nice night together , even if it does drive you crazy . david : i 'm not crazy . i just see it for what it is . babe : what , romantic ? david : no , an insult . tad has thrown your mother a bone , because he sees that she 's going to be thrown in jail soon . the guy 's a total jackass . why am i the only one that sees that ? what ? why are you looking like that ? babe : why did n't you tell me ? david : tell you what ? babe : you 're falling for mama . [ scene_break ] krystal : just lock me up , now . da : cuff you and let your daughter and hayward go free ? you 're joking , right ? krystal : no , sir , that is exactly what i 'm asking . da : and i should just ignore the fact that you all knew that the kid was n't a chandler and that the baby 's real mother , bianca montgomery -- she 's one of the most beloved figures in this town . you want me to just overlook that , too ? tad : well , is n't that what das do -- cut deals so you can close cases and save taxpayers money ? da : we also like to keep the taxpayers happy . and these -- just a small sampling of the e - mails that they have sent me demanding retribution for the pain you caused erica kane 's sweet daughter . they all want to see all of you incarcerated , ms. carey . they 're looking for front - page news . tad : i 'll bet they 're not the only ones . you do n't give a damn about justice . this is about press . da : just doing my job , locking up the bad guys . [ scene_break ] bianca : jonathan was furious that he lost maggie , and he decided to take it out on me . his threats were implied . he wanted me to be completely terrified , and he got his wish . derek : look , bianca , um , is it possible your fear had more to do with your past than what was going on with jonathan ? bianca : i 'm very clear about my past . what happened last night had absolutely nothing to do with michael cambias and what he did to me and everything to do with jonathan lavery . he 's dangerous . [ scene_break ] greenlee : have i ever told you how terrifying it was for me when i was on those meds and wacked out of my skull ? jonathan : no , but something tells me you 're about to . greenlee : i hated myself , jonathan . i hated the things that i did , the way that i felt . i tried to make sense of it -- the struggle , the anger , the urges that i could n't control . i was trapped inside my own head . i was fighting death , fighting the world , and i felt completely alone . jonathan : must have been awful . like the -- the good part of you dying over and over again , till finally you 'd lost the battle . greenlee : that 's exactly what it was like . that 's why i believe the person who drugged me is sick . but i 've been there . i 've heard the voices , the demons . if that 's what you 're going through , i 'll help you . just please reach out , and we 'll take it from there . [ scene_break ] jack : bianca , thank you . i know it could n't have been easy for you to come down here and relive this . bianca : well , just as long as we can put this guy away . ryan : guess my brother 's going home . i mean , bianca just corroborated everything that he said last night . you could n't arrest him then , so i guess that means you ca n't arrest him now . jack : do n't be so sure about that . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you know what i 'm talking about , jonathan . i can see it in your eyes . you 're hurting inside just the same way that i was . but this is your chance to beat that . just tell the cops , tell ryan the truth , what you did to maggie , to bianca -- to me . jonathan : what if i 'm exactly who i say i am , just a regular guy who messed up and wants to change ? greenlee : is n't it more than that ? it 's scary to admit to yourself the truth , but i 'll help you . i will help you if you 'll let me . just please tell the truth . [ scene_break ] maggie : he 's going to walk . jack : well , we do n't like it , but i 'm afraid our hands are tied . bianca : well , i hate it , but i guess i 'm not surprised . jonathan 's pretty smart . he knows exactly how much he can get away with and still walk away from all this . the thing that concerns me is now he 's free to do it to somebody else . jack : not if i have anything to say about it he is n't . bianca : all right . well , thank you for trying . ryan , i 'm sorry , but i had to do it . ryan : i 'm just glad you 're ok . derek : maggie , can i have a quick second of your time ? i just need to gather some more information on jonathan . bianca : go ahead . i 'll meet up with you when you 're done , ok ? maggie : ok . jack : actually , maggie , there 's a more pressing reason we wanted you to stay behind . um , bianca ca n't give us what we need to lock jonathan up , but perhaps you can . maggie : me ? how ? derek : file a complaint -- misdemeanor assault . maggie : you know , the -- the bruise is long gone . is that going to -- derek : maggie , if you do this , i can lock him up . i mean , i do n't know how long i can keep him here , but at least i can hold him while i do some more investigating . maggie : well , if you ca n't make it stick , then what 's the point ? jack : it 's another charge for his record , another bit of proof that he 's a dangerous man . look , maggie , we can not guarantee that he will walk away from this with anything other than a slap on the wrist , but with his prior offenses and this , we might just be able to put him away . maggie : um , i do n't know . jack : well , look , we just kind of threw this at you . why do n't you -- why do n't you take a few minutes to think about it , ok ? ok . ryan : i can save my brother , maggie . do n't put him in jail . [ scene_break ] j.r. : yeah , well , you know , babe 's going to prison anyway . maybe i should just go along with your offer . jamie : i would n't bank on babe doing time . j.r. : you sleep better believing that ? jamie : hard time or not , if you agree to this deal , it 's got to be legit . no games , no tricks , no sneaking off with the baby to some mystery hiding spot . j.r. : so how do we work this ? we negotiate for visits , vacations , preschool ? what sports adam chandler iii will play ? what 's it going to be , baseball or skateboarding ? jamie : james can pick his own sports . j.r. : huh . my son gets to keep your name . jamie : you know what ? that 's up to you and babe to decide . i 'm just here to find out if you 're in . you say yes and you and babe can work out the rest . j.r. : i was beginning to think that you wanted a permanent part in this family loop . jamie : i 'm already permanent . when babe and i are married , that 'll just seal the deal . j.r. : you honestly believe that you have a future with babe ? jamie : yeah , i do . so how about we just drop the insults and get to the point ? do you love your son enough to give him back to his mother ? [ scene_break ] david : what did i do to deserve this ? huh ? i mean , you know what my life was like before you and your mother came along . babe : sad ? david : tranquil . babe : lonely . david : contained . babe : oh , gosh . david : look , my life was great -- no , it was better than great . i had my work , i had the clinic , even had people like adam to torment every once in a while for kicks . now what do i have ? babe : a family . how about a daughter and a grandson ? david : well , love was never an option . especially not with your mother . babe : things happen . feelings change . david : you know , that 's another thing . all these feelings ? it 's gotten so i do n't even recognize myself anymore . i mean , what am i supposed to do with all that ? babe : live . that 's what you do . mama 's giving us both a chance to live . [ scene_break ] tad : so that 's it , then ? you 're just going to pass on this chance to play hero , put this thing to rest ? da : and tell bianca montgomery her best - friend baby thief goes free ? i 'll pass . then again , if you really want ms. montgomery to make this deal , ask her yourself . tad : what if i get bianca to go along with this ? da : then we have a deal . krystal : please try , tad . bianca : ok , what 's going on ? why are you guys here ? tad : krystal came to plead guilty for switching the dna test that we ran on miranda . krystal : and for failing to return your child . bianca : so you 're trying to cut a deal ? in exchange for what ? krystal : david and babe getting probation , community service . bianca : so they wo n't serve any time ? it 'll be like it never even happened ? tad : as bad as it sounds , we 're not trying to diminish what you were put through . bianca : so you want me to let babe and david walk for keeping my daughter from me ? are you insane ? krystal : if it were n't for me , none of this would 've happened . i 'll take the maximum sentence . bianca : and you deserve it , but so do babe and david . tad : they would still be convicted of failing to return miranda . that 's a felony that would follow them for the rest of their lives , and babe would still go on trial for kidnapping baby james . krystal : please , bianca . i just want babe to have some kind of life with her son . if she goes to prison on these miranda charges , then she does n't even have a chance . bianca : do i have any say in this ? da : you have all the say . bianca : you 're really doing this to me ? you 're really leaving it up to me to decide if babe will know her son ? tad : i do n't have a choice . it 's the way things stand . now it 's up to kevin buchanan , j.r. , and you to decide whether or not that baby boy ever knows his mother . and of the three of you , you 're the only one i trust to put that baby 's interests first . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i 'm sorry . you 're serious ? you really intend to marry my wife ? jamie : she wo n't be your wife for long . anyway , why do you care ? you do n't want her back . j.r. : hell , no . jamie : so then let 's just drop it . back to the reason i 'm here . you in or not ? j.r. : what do you want my son to call you ? jamie : he can call me whatever he wants . j.r. : no , jamie , you want him to call you `` daddy , `` my son ! jamie : no , do n't do this . there 's a lot more at stake right now than what james calls me . j.r. : all right , you know what , let 's just get one thing straight -- his name is not james . it is adam chandler , iii . jamie : well , it 's going to stay ace buchanan if you do n't cut the crud and work with me . j.r. : this deal means a lot to you , does n't it , jamie ? now i know why . see , it 's not really about babe or my son . it 's about you wanting what is mine . well , not now , not ever . no deal . [ scene_break ] maggie : how can you even ask me that ? he hit me , and then he went after bianca and her baby . if i am the best shot at getting him behind bars , i 'm doing it . ryan : i 'm not saying that he should go off scot - free . i 'm -- i know him . i know my brother . believe me , this is not him . hey , you loved the guy . you loved him . you must have seen some good in him , something worth saving . maggie : the only real thing i ever saw in him was that he loved you . ryan : well , ok . i mean , if there 's any chance of him getting better , does n't it make sense that he does it with me ? maggie : i do n't know . ryan : if he goes to jail or , even worse , if he goes to prison , then i wo n't get a chance to help him . you can give me that chance . i know i can do this . maggie : ryan , i understand that this is tearing you up . it 's killing me . but what kills me more is that he went after bianca . i have to protect her , and i have to protect myself , and that 's by putting jonathan away . ryan : i 'm begging you -- just do n't put him through the system . he 's my brother . i can help him . maggie : i have to protect her , and i have to protect myself . ryan : i swear on my life -- i swear to you on my life that i will never let him hurt another person . please trust me . jack : so , maggie , did you have a chance to think about it ? maggie : yeah . jack : and ? maggie : i 'm not going to press charges . jack : what did you say to her ? maggie : i -- i have to go find bianca right now . jack : thank you . well , what was it ? coercion ? you offer her some money ? what , ryan ? ryan : i promised maggie , and i 'm promising you , i will never let him hurt another person . jack : well , you 'd better be able to back that up . because i remember some time ago you made the same promise about a different brother , and my sister got hurt , and dixie about got hurt , and i do n't want to think about who else might get hurt . you understand me ? greenlee : how 's it going ? where 's bianca and maggie ? jack : why do n't you ask your husband here . ryan : let 's go home . jonathan : all of us ? ryan : yeah , all of us . and you 'd better say your prayers tonight , jonathan , because you 've just been given a second chance . jonathan : no , ryan , wait . i -- i have something i have to tell you . thank you . thank you . you saved my life today , and you wo n't regret it , ok ? i wo n't let you down . [ scene_break ] jamie : what , was that your plan from the get - go ? string me along , make me think you had a conscience , so you can kick me in the face again ? well , congratulations . you pulled it off . you know , the home videos -- that was a nice touch . j.r. : hey , i did n't bring these videos out to lure you into anything . i was watching them because i miss my brother ! but i guess , like you said , that 's over . my brother 's dead to me . so why do n't you get out of my house ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : thirsty ? i can re - chill the bubbly . yeah . figured it was a long shot . you want to sit and talk ? not talk ? i 'm up for whatever . ryan : i 'm leaving you . [ scene_break ] maggie : there you are . is everything ok ? tad : i know what i 'm asking . bianca : i do n't think you do . tad : believe me , i do , and i hate it , but i have to . for baby james ' sake , can you do this ? can you set babe free ? [ next_on ] kendall : heads up , babe . when i get on the stand today , i will tear you apart , and that 's a promise . maria : edmund , did you pay off bobby ? jonathan : you still suspect me . jack : tell me why i should n't . greenlee : you 're walking out , because i still believe that your brother drugged me . | tad and krystal try to talk the d.a . into letting her plead guilty and go to jail in return for letting babe and david get off with just probation . the d.a . decides to leave the decision up to bianca . bianca 's statement is n't enough to get jonathan arrested , so jack and derek try to get maggie to press charges against him for the assault . ryan talks maggie out of pressing charges though and jonathan is free to go home . ryan promises everyone that he will not let jonathan hurt anyone else . later , ryan tells greenlee that he is leaving her . jamie tries to talk j.r. into working with him and babe to keep the buchanan 's from retaining custody of the baby . j.r. thinks about it , but in the end refuses to work with them . |
angie : i do n't care if you like it or not , it 's time for you to get with the program . so we understand each other , right ? jake : hey , what a day , huh ? you heard about greenlee , right ? angie : yeah , jesse called to tell me . the shock has n't really sunk in yet . jake : mm - hmm . well , now i guess we know who he 's been taking care of in gloucester all this time . sorry . what you doing ? angie : it 's a press release about the janitorial strike . jake : that 's gon na be messy . 'cause it 's a janitorial strike . listen , i 'm actually here to help . because i know , you know , if it 's midnight and they walk out and they do n't clean up , mop , and take away the medical waste , we have to turn people away . you know , it 's not gon na -- let me ask you something . what do they want ? why are they striking in the first place ? angie : they 're not going to . i handled it . jake : what ? angie : i settled the strike . now , if you do n't mind , i 've got work to do . [ scene_break ] marissa : we know that your resistance is down . chills and fever , that is like classic flu . j.r. : in a classic cancer patient . marissa : ok , there 's no reason to be negative . we got on top of the problem right away . dr. kahn is all over it . and soon the test results will be back , and we can get you home and go to sleep . j.r. : i ca n't sleep . remember ? it 's how this whole thing started . marissa : nobody can sleep with the flu . that 's what all those cold remedies are for , right ? [ scene_break ] [ door opens ] david : greenlee ? what the hell are you doing just walking into my house ? jesse : search warrant . david : on what grounds ? jesse : girl 's missing for a year , she finally shows up doing whatever you say . and , come on , with your history of doping women , i 'd call that presumptive grounds to look for the drugs you 're controlling her with . [ scene_break ] annie : i tried to talk some sense into ryan . i told him to just walk away . can you imagine ? greenlee tries to marry david right in front of him . and on valentine 's day . scott : greenlee -- alive ? adam : hayward 's really topped himself this time . colby : are you serious ? greenlee did n't die ? adam : she might have been better off if she had . no , she 's marrying hayward instead . colby : oh , my god . does ryan know ? annie : oh , ryan was there , saw the whole thing unravel . i 'm not sure there will be a wedding now after all . colby : wow . so greenlee lives . and how does that make you feel ? annie : it does n't remotely affect me in the slightest . colby : uh , dad , did you make sure the guns are all locked up ? adam : oh . [ scene_break ] ryan : it 's a miracle that you 're here , that you 're alive . but this is how you choose to tell me ? by marrying david ? and not just on any day , but on the day that was supposed to be ours . greenlee , on the day that we would have started our life together . a year is a long time and a lot has happened , i get that . there 's no doubt . but there 's one thing that has n't changed and that is my love for you . greenlee , i love you . and i know that you love me , too . i know you can deny it , you can hide it . but i know that it 's there . did you see the moon tonight ? it was full . it 's our moon , greenlee , and it brought us together again , just like it did before . and honestly , there 's nothing that can stop us from starting our life together right now . marry me . tonight . greenlee : marry you ? ryan : we 'll go find the minister , and we 'll do tonight what we were supposed to do a year ago . greenlee : no . i ca n't . ryan : i love you , greenlee . i love you . do you understand that ? i never stopped loving you . [ scene_break ] adam : there 's no need to lock up any guns . you behave yourself , young lady . colby : it was a joke , dad . annie : that 's all right . it 's all right . any trouble i had with greenlee was in another lifetime . literally for her . she means nothing to me now that i 'm mrs. adam chandler . mmm . [ giggles ] adam : would you come on ? i have something i want to talk to you about . annie : sure . colby : was it my imagination or was she just twitchy like a fish on a hook ? adam : that must have come as quite a shock , seeing greenlee risen from the dead . annie : sure . i mean , who would n't be surprised ? adam : yeah . well , i think under the circumstances , there 's not really any need for you to finish that report by tomorrow . annie : adam , i 'm fine . this greenlee thing is no big deal . ok ? i 'll have the report to you by tomorrow morning . adam : i look forward to reading it . annie : good . adam : but now i have a meeting with the lacd council president . annie : ooh , good luck . adam : later . [ scene_break ] jake : what is going on ? you want to tell me what 's going on ? angie : you know what , jake , you 're getting on my last nerve . jake : what ? angie : listen , i have had a high stress day in a high - pressure job , and i need to get out this press release , ok ? jake : no , it 's not ok . it 's not ok . listen , i 'm very happy about the strike . that 's fantastic news . but i 'm worried about you . is that ok ? angie : do n't . jake : look , no , forget it . forget it . listen , take a deep breath . we 're gon na talk about good things , like congratulations you settled the strike . i mean , that 's incredible . who does that ? how 'd you do that ? angie : you do n't want to know . [ scene_break ] dr. kahn : it looks like this round of chemo is n't working . marissa : are you sure ? dr. kahn : too sure to keep it up . all it 's doing right now is slamming you with debilitating side effects . we have to stop . j.r. : so what 's the next step ? stronger drugs ? dr. kahn : bone marrow transplant . marissa : which involves what ? dr. kahn : we basically wipe out your own bone marrow to make sure we destroy all the cancer cells , then we replace your marrow with a donor 's . marissa : well , he can have mine . dr. kahn : it needs to be a close genetic match . we 'll test you , of course . you might by chance be a match , but it 's more likely we 'll find someone in j.r. 's immediate family . j.r. : what about my own bone marrow ? the batch that we saved before the chemotherapy ? dr. kahn : i 'm afraid we found traces of a hepatitis virus there , so we ca n't use it now . j.r. : what if there is no match in my family ? marissa : there 's got to be someone there with the right genes . dr. kahn : we 'll still get you on a national registry right away . but these things take time . j.r. : i do n't want anyone to know . marissa : they 're gon na have to . j.r. : not tonight . [ scene_break ] adam : thank you for taking the time to talk to me today , councilman garcetti . councilman : well , i 'm very impressed with the green improvements you 've made in your factory in los angeles . adam : well , my nephew convinced me that green is the way to go these days . councilman : well , he 's right . you know , it 's about family and making the world a better place for generations to come . adam : well , you do n't have to sell me on the importance of family . councilman : good to see you , mr. chandler . adam : good to see you . councilman : take care . adam : thank you . [ yawns ] winifred : this just came for you , mr. chandler . adam : thank you . [ adam sighs as he looks at j.r. 's latest pathology report ] [ scene_break ] david : did you find anything , master detective ? or are you waiting for me to snap and tell you where the beating heart is under the floorboards ? jesse : you did a pretty good job , hayward . i did n't find anything interesting . david : and that just ticks you off , does n't it ? jesse : not really . i 'm a patient man . you might think that you 've gotten away with trying to bring fusion down , but it ai n't over till it 's over . david : what , is that supposed to send shivers down my spine ? jesse : well , believe it or not , i do n't spend much time worrying about your shivers or your spine , for that -- matter . i do intend to question greenlee now that she 's back . david : fine . knock yourself out . but you might want to remember that i 'm the one that brought her here , saved her life . do you really think greenlee 's gon na give you anything to use against me ? not that i 've done anything wrong , mind you . jesse : well , she 's down in the chapel with ryan right now . who 's to say what her story 's gon na be once they reconnect ? david : well , like i said , i have n't done anything to worry about . jesse : well , i 've got a huge file on you that begs to differ with that . one day you 're gon na slip up . guess who 's gon na be there waiting ? [ clicks tongue ] david : yeah , well , here 's to those huge files that mean absolutely nothing . jesse : why do n't you do us all a favor , david , and just find another town to live in , another hospital . nobody here really likes you . think about it . [ door closes ] [ david sighs as he sits down ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : do n't you get it ? this is all for me and david . i 'm marrying him . ryan : why ? you do n't love him . greenlee : do n't tell me how i feel . you have no idea what i 've been through . david saved my life . he spent hours at my bedside while everyone , and i mean everyone , was going happily on with their lives . ryan : greenlee , we thought you were dead . ryan : well , david gave me the strength to keep on living . how do you think we fell in love ? ryan : i do n't believe you did . it 's me that you 've always loved , greenlee . and i 've never stopped loving you . and nothing , not even death , can change that . marry me right now . greenlee : i ca n't . ryan : why not ? greenlee : you honestly do n't know ? ryan : no , i do n't know , greenlee . please tell me . greenlee : because you did n't wait . you did n't wait . [ scene_break ] [ annie sighs ] greenlee : you want to hold a grudge , go for it , but i 'm moving on . to my fantastic future . you seriously need to get a grip . annie : and you need to stay away from ryan . [ clears throat ] greenlee : it must be hell to be you . ryan remembers kendall , he remembers me , hell , he remembers the way he likes his toast , but you , nothing . maybe because you 're not so special . maybe because there 's nothing about you worth remembering . it must be hell to be you . you seriously need to get a grip . to get a grip . to get a grip . get a grip . scott : annie . you ok ? annie : of course . scott : how 's the report going ? annie : oh , it 's -- i 'm not -- i 'm not ready for anybody to see it yet . scott : ok . well , i am impressed you 're trying to do anything this ambitious right now . are you sure that you 're ok ? greenlee popping back up like this , it had to have thrown you . annie : i wish everyone would stop talking to me like greenlee is some sore spot . ok ? i 'm fine . i forgot about that stuff ages ago . scott : ok . ok , well , if you need anything , if you want to talk , you know where to find me . annie : thanks . scott : what are you doing ? hmm ? colby : treating myself . in honor of greenlee 's return , a whole pint of rocky road . scott : i did n't realize you cared so much about greenlee . colby : oh , i do now . scott : so why eat on the stairs ? colby : well , i do n't want to miss the show . scott : and what show would that be ? colby : well , as soon as the reality of greenlee sets in , annie is gon na come screaming through that room with her head spinning like a radar dish . scott : do n't you think you 're blowing this just a little bit out of proportion ? colby : mm - mmm . greenlee is the reason annie ended up in a padded cell in the first place . and i ca n't wait to see what the greenster is gon na do to her this time around . [ scene_break ] ryan : wait -- wait for what ? greenlee , you wanted me to somehow wait for you to come back from the dead ? greenlee : it 's not about me dead or alive . it 's about you betraying even the memory of me . ryan : i cherished the memory of you , greenlee . greenlee : so kendall abandons fusion and what do you do ? you stand by while my worst enemy takes it over . ryan : erica did n't take it over . kendall gave it to her . greenlee : fusion was the greatest achievement of my life . my company , my child , my dream . ryan : it was you . it was you who told david where the flash drive was that brought fusion down . greenlee : of course , it was me . i 'd rather see it destroyed than in erica 's hands . how could you let kendall give it to her ? how could you knowing what it meant to me ? i thought i could trust you and kendall both . clearly i could n't . in so many ways . ryan : so you know . you know about what happened between me and kendall . greenlee : that 's not all i know . [ scene_break ] scott : i ca n't believe you 're talking like this . colby : yeah , because honesty is a pretty rare commodity around this house , huh ? scott : no , this vendetta that you have against annie is getting out of control . colby : it 's not a vendetta , scott . it 's karma . for annie . scott : you 're actually hoping that she goes crazy again . colby : if she does lose it , i wo n't have to push you into seducing her anymore . not that i had to do that much pushing . [ scott chuckles ] colby : the second she wigs out on greenlee , she 'll be locked up forever . scott : and you wish this on her ? colby : dad will divorce her , and j.r. will come home again and all will be right in our world . what 's not to like ? [ scene_break ] marissa : i 'm sure that we 'll find a match . and once you have -- j.r. : stop it . i ca n't deal with any forced enthusiasm tonight . i 'm tired . i just want to go to bed . marissa : just tell me what you 're thinking , j.r. do n't lock me out . j.r. : it 's just -- we have to understand -- we have to prepare ourselves in case -- marissa : no . j.r. : i -- marissa : no , no , no . i wo n't . j.r. : i need you to look at the reality of this with me . ok ? you want to know what i 'm feeling ? i 'm feeling isolated knowing that i 'm running out of options , and the woman that i love refuses to acknowledge it . i need you to be on the same page with me . not as ms . positive or cheerleader , but just the two of us facing whatever 's going to come . marissa : come on , come on . let 's sit down . [ j.r. sighs ] marissa : what can i do for you ? j.r. : did you get that sedative refilled ? i 'm gon na need help sleeping tonight . marissa : ok . yeah , i think it 's just down at the pharmacy . i 'll go pick it up . i 'll be right back . [ door closes ] [ j.r. sniffles ] adam : where do you think you 're going ? [ scene_break ] woman : angie . congratulations on getting the strike to settle . man : the board 's been a little worried , but labor relations obviously suits you . angie : thank you . you can assure the board i 'll do my best . jesse : hey , beautiful . you will never guess what david hayward tried -- what 's the matter ? you ok ? angie : just another long , hard day . i got the janitor strike called off finally . jesse : well , look at you . congratulations . let 's go celebrate your victory , grab a bite , huh ? make the best of a so far lousy valentine 's day . angie : oh , baby , i 've still got some political mopping up to do around here . jesse : well , actually , you know , that 's perfect . i still have some stuff to do at the station . i 'll finish that up , grab a table at confusion . baby , it does not matter how late you show up . we need to spend some time together . all right ? focus on the good stuff . angie : ok . why do n't you call me when you 're ready ? jesse : i will . as soon as i leave the station . angie : ok . what are you doing here ? david : starting to feel right at home again . [ scene_break ] greenlee : my body was n't even in the grave , and you were crawling into kendall 's bed . i thought she and zach were together no matter what . regardless of what he was going through with reese , i thought they were in pretty good shape . ryan : they 've always loved each other , greenlee . they still do . greenlee : and i thought you were in love with me . at least that 's what i thought until i went flying off the road . then it was any port in a storm for you , was n't it ? ryan : i was devastated that you were gone , greenlee . people in that kind of pain , they make mistakes . we did , i did . i made a mistake . ok ? and we realized it , and we worked through it . and we got on with our lives . greenlee : i guess i should n't be too surprised there . it 's not the first time kendall 's played the grief sex card . ryan : we realized that we should never have gone there , greenlee . greenlee : i can almost accept that . ryan : that 's all it was . greenlee : a simple past mistake ? over and done with ? then how the hell did you end up in erica 's bed ? ryan : i 'm not gon na lie to you , greenlee . i 'm gon na tell you anything that you want to know . greenlee : i assume you saw that video i left for you before the accident . [ chuckles ] opal freaked me out enough with her tea leaves to make that little just - in - case farewell for you . ryan : i saw it . it ripped my heart out . greenlee : did it really ? ryan : yes , it did . i watched it again a few weeks ago . greenlee : you remember the part where i told you not to spend your life grieving me ? to move on , to find someone else ? i did n't mean with my best friend and my worst enemy , and i sure as hell did n't mean within weeks of my death . ryan : whatever i did , greenlee , i never stopped loving you . and anybody that knows me knows that , including erica . she knows that , that my feelings for you , they never died . yes , we got close . and i understand that you hate that , but it did n't come close to the love that i have for you . that i always will have for you . greenlee : do n't you get it ? do n't you realize what it was like for me to find out how quickly you could just dump me into your past ? ryan : i guess just part of me was trying to forget you , because it was too painful to remember you . greenlee : you want to know what pain is ? pain is being bedridden . it 's grueling physical therapy . it 's working so hard to make a miraculous return home . to set up a dinner just for us only to find out that you and erica used my big moment for you . that was my dinner for us . and you used it to seduce that witch . ryan : you did n't come back to marry david . you came back for me . [ scene_break ] david : yes , this is definitely it -- the best seat in town . you know , i got ta tell you . i really thought that i could just walk away from all of this , but it 's like running into an ex - lover and falling in love all over again . i just did n't realize how much i missed the old girl . angie : i heard you were getting married tonight , actually . david : yeah , that was put on hold . angie : hmm . so it is more important for you to be sitting in my chair than greenlee being alive again . david : i never said that . angie : i saw her medical records after we all thought that the patient you were taking care of was gayle . is greenlee even ready for a wedding like this after the surgery she 's had ? david : i never would have let her go through with it unless i was absolutely certain that she was medically safe . angie : oh , i see . so i guess greenlee was the one who decided not to go through with it . david : are n't you gon na thank me ? angie : for what ? david : oh , come on , angela . do n't be coy . i know what you did . you strong- armed the union head into dropping his demands and settling . and you did it by using the information i gave you about his private life . that 's called blackmail . angie : get out of my office . get out ! david : you feel dirty now , do n't you ? welcome to the dark side . [ scene_break ] scott : you do n't wish insanity on anyone . colby : well , almost anyone . scott : you know , colby , the person who 's ill is n't the only one that suffers . did you ever stop and think about how it would affect the rest of the family ? adam , who you claim you want to protect . and what about emma ? colby : no matter what happens , i can look out for my dad . and ryan was taking a lot better care of emma when annie was n't around . i 'm pretty sure greenlee 's gon na take care of business for all of us . all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the fireworks . [ scene_break ] greenlee : what are you doing in my apartment ? annie : waiting for you . greenlee : how did you get in here ? annie : i told your super we were friends . and that i had a surprise for you . greenlee : well , props to you , 'cause i 'm definitely surprised . what is this , annie ? what do you want ? annie : i want you to find your own man and leave my husband alone . you are still the same woman who destroyed my wedding . and you are still the same woman who tried to blow up my life . you know what , it did n't work back then , greenlee , and i promise you it will not work now . [ sighs ] [ sighs ] [ scene_break ] adam : do n't bother denying it . i know all about tonight 's diagnosis . j.r. : how ? adam : have you forgotten that i 'm on the board of directors at the hospital ? i have standing orders to send me any reports with your name on them . j.r. : well , forget about all the laws that breaks . but this happens to be none of your damn business . adam : your oncologist is a lightweight . i 'm gon na bring in some of my specialists . j.r. : no , you 're not . adam : i 'm gon na get you a donor . everybody in the family 's gon na be tested . skye , hayley , colby . and of course , we 'll get you to the head of all the national lists . j.r. : dad , i 'm gon na handle this my way . adam : oh , fine place that 's gotten you so far . now , you should have told me the moment you were diagnosed . j.r. : why ? so you could try to take over my life like you 're doing right now ? adam : so i could save your life , j.r .. we 've lost precious time . we should have been more aggressive from the beginning . j.r. : oh , so now you want to take over my death , too ? adam : the first thing you 're gon na do is stop talking about dying . j.r. : all right , dad , you know what , please . i just happen to not be feeling very well tonight . so can you go ? can you leave ? can you leave me to what 's left of my life ? adam : no . no , son , i ca n't . [ scene_break ] angie : i have nothing to apologize to you for . david : are you kidding ? i 'm not waiting for an apology . i already had to wait months for you to use those files i gave you . as far as i 'm concerned , you 've already been too damned ethical . angie : what would you know about ethics ? david : you see , now that is the angie hubbard i 've come to know . sitting on your high horse . and because of that , i was worried that you were gon na toss all that juicy ammunition . but you came through for me , angie . i 'm proud of you . you know , it 's also come to my attention that the perfect angie hubbard has dropped the ball a few times , ' causing the board to meet behind your back and talk about a replacement . angie : i settled a critical work stoppage . david : [ chuckles ] yeah . yeah , the bloom 's gon na fade on that rose rather quickly . you see , there are a lot of things around here that still need to be dealt with -- unnecessary medical testing , drug company payoffs . you see , there 's at least a dozen time bombs just ready to go off around here . fortunately , i found a lot of dirt to use against them . angie : i wo n't be using your dirt . david : you 're right . no , you wo n't . i 'm gon na clean things up once i 'm back on the job . angie : do n't get it twisted . if you think you 're gon na take this job back after all i 've done . david : mm - hmm . yeah , i definitely am . you 've worked really hard , angela . but you 're just not good at hiding your conniving . angie : like you . david : oh , you 've got that right . you see , i know at least that when you blackmail someone , you do n't leave a trail . no proof that people could use against you later . no chance of embarrassing yourself or the hospital , of course . angie : i do n't know why i 'm giving you the time of day . i really have no idea what you 're talking about . david : i have a recording of it , angela . of your phone call to the union chief putting the muscle on him . angie : you 're so full of it . david : mm - mmm . you see , he 's become a friend of mine , well , in a matter of speaking , ever since i showed him how much dirt i had on him . and he called me after you strong - armed him . he let me listen to your clumsy performance . `` it 's time you get with the program . `` [ laughs ] oh , that one just cracked me up . angie : you know , i just -- i was just playing hardball . david : right . yeah . angie : i mean , we disc -- he agreed to settle . it was a negotiation . david : right . you have 48 hours to resign , naming me your next replacement . you do that , and i 'll give you a glowing recommendation at another hospital . you refuse , and the board gets a copy of that extortion - laden phone call . it 's a good deal , doctor . i suggest you take it . i 'm gon na get the job anyway . so i guess you wo n't be needing this any longer . hmm ? unless of course you want to use it as a little memento of the time you got to play with the big kids . [ david drops nameplate ] [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : it was n't for you . i did n't come back for you . ryan : the dinner party setup ? greenlee : it was my attempt at softening the blow of me marrying david . it was n't for us . it was just to let you down easy . ryan : our original marriage started out as a marriage of convenience . that is what your marriage to david was supposed to be . it 's all to punish me . greenlee : you deserve to be punished , i 'll say that . ryan : the thing is , our marriage started to mean something to us . it grew into something real . something incredible . something that could n't die . something that is still there . and you ca n't walk away from it . [ scene_break ] jake : knock knock . angie : jake , i 'm busy . go away ! jake : but i miss you . hey . ang , look . i just want to say that whatever it is , you know , whatever the matter is -- angie : there is no way out of this . every choice is wrong . jake : hold on a second . hold on a second . there 's no way out of what ? talk to me . i 'm good with things like this . i can help . i can help . angie : i 'm going to resign . [ scene_break ] j.r. : i do n't want your help . i do n't want your doctors . and i do n't want your pity . adam : this has nothing to do with pity . j.r. : no , i want you to go . adam : too bad . because i 'm gon na fight you until i wear you down . and when i 'm through fighting you , i 'm gon na fight for you . i will not let you die . [ scene_break ] scott : hey . annie : hey . scott : how 's it going ? annie : the report is coming together slowly but surely . i should have something for you to read pretty soon . scott : great . great . can i get you anything ? you want some coffee , tea ? annie : uh , just some greenlee . thanks . green tea , i mean . sorry . [ scene_break ] colby : i 'm doing research on an article i 'm writing for psychiatric care for former patients . yes . and i was wondering if someone there at oak haven could help me out with something . [ scene_break ] greenlee : god , the ego on you . who the hell do you think you are ? ryan : you ca n't bury your feelings for me , greenlee . you ca n't . and you ca n't pretend that you have genuine feelings for hayward . greenlee : wrong on both counts . i do n't have feelings for you , and i love david . i 'm going to marry him . ryan : no , you 're not . you 're not . at some point you 're gon na realize that you still love me as much as i love you . and you wo n't be able to marry him . greenlee : just watch me . [ greenlee walks out of the chapel while ryan smiles ] | angie is on the phone with a man and orders him to get with the program just as jake walks into her office . jake tells angie about greenlee being alive . angie tells him that she already knows that jesse had called her and told her . angie also tells jake that she settled the strike with the janitorial department . david has a visit from jesse , who has a court order to search the premises for drugs that david had been using on greenlee . annie tells adam and scott all about greenlee being alive and what had gone on between her and ryan at wildwind . colby walks in and finds out that greenlee is alive . ryan asks greenlee to marry him . greenlee ca n't believe her ears after he had slept with both kendall and erica since she had been gone , fighting for her life . ryan lets greenlee know that he had never stopped loving her and kisses her . adam questions annie as to her feelings when she had found out that greenlee is alive . the doctor tells j.r. and marissa that the chemo is n't working and that he will be in need of a bone marrow transplant . adam receives j.r.s pathology report from the hospital report by special messenger . jesse does n't find any incriminating evidence against david in his search of wildwind , but tells david that he will be watching him . greenlee tells ryan that he had n't waited for her to return to him . annie remembers all her conversations with greenlee about ryan . david visits angie in her office which unnerves her . greenlee confronts ryan about his sleeping with erica . |
greenlee : ryan ? you ca n't hear me . you do n't want to . you think this is where i belong . because of me , kendall may have lost her case . and if she lost her case , then you lost her . maybe you shoved that rock over the hole to get back at me . kendall : can you blame him ? [ greenlee screams ] kendall : wow . check you out -- you got a death grip on that ring there -- your own precious little ring . well , you have it and i do n't . how psyched are you ? greenlee : why are you here ? kendall : well , gee , greenlee , let me think . well , you got me a first - class ticket to hell and i wanted to see what it 's like when someone takes the trip in coach . so , how 's the ride so far ? greenlee : does this mean we 're over ? [ scene_break ] bianca : ryan ? ryan ? ryan : uh -- what ? bianca : did you want to talk about what greenlee did to kendall ? ryan : no , greenlee -- um -- no , she 's the -- she 's the last person i want to talk about . bianca : well , then why did you say her name ? ryan : the reason -- the reason why i 'm here is to give you this . bianca : ryan , i do n't want this . take it back . take it back ! [ scene_break ] jack : erica ? for pete 's sake . please turn your cell phone on . `` to whom it may concern `` ? oh , dear god , what have you done ? [ scene_break ] maria : you know , i always thought hemingway was all about the macho , but he really -- he really knows his way around the love and the passion . of course , not like -- not like my favorite author , the world - famous edmund grey , who totally has the drop on romance . you know , the nurses are all still gaga , sweetie -- all gaga about what you did yesterday , the big valentine 's day coup you managed to pull off from your hospital bed -- as am i . edmund : my legs do n't move . my dialing finger is very agile . maria : you know , we -- we really , really , really got to get a jump on sam 's birthday . i have no clue who the superhero du jour is , if it 's podman or , you know -- edmund : do n't do that , please . maria : super rhino guy or what . edmund : please do n't do that . maria : what ? what ? edmund : pretend that you do n't hear me . just -- i 'm , like , in this bed as if it 's my choice . maria : baby , i know you -- i know you do n't want to be here . we 're going to get you back to wildwind as soon as humanly possible . we 're going to -- edmund : i 'm not talking about being in bed where the bed is . i 'm talking about just anywhere , just being here , right here . listen , we got to talk about this , ok ? i know you 're scared . maria : i know -- we both read the studies and we know that if we just keep a good , positive mindset , it 's going to help you heal a lot faster . edmund : there 's positive and there 's delusional . maria , look at me . maria : i 'm looking . edmund : how well will i get ? maria : you need time and rest . and like i said before , i told you we 're not going to know -- edmund : we wo n't know for sure about the paralysis until the body 's had a chance to heal . maria : mm - hmm . edmund : but that was n't the truth , was it ? [ scene_break ] ryan : all right , alexander gave me the estate with the provision that it would go to the cambias heir if one exists , so this is from me to you -- or better yet , from me to your baby . bianca : nice try , ryan , but -- ryan : ok , before you say it , before you say it -- have you thought about what good can come out of this ? retribution , bianca . justice , as in you could give enchantment back to your mother . you could give fusion to kendall , you could start a foundation for victims of violence . bianca , with your help , this baby could do incredible things . and it 's only fair after what you 've been through . bianca : if i could give enchantment back to my mom , that would make things a little easier for her , i mean , even just as a distraction from everything . ryan : enchantment is erica . could n't hurt to make it official again . bianca : ryan , i would n't even know where to start with all this . ryan : you hire some -- some ivy league bean counter , all right ? they handle everything for you . i 've already got you an administrator . if you do n't like him , you get another one . you 've got kendall , you 've got lena to help you out with this . now , this is your vision , but -- but their legwork . ok , make the estate something to be proud of because not all power is evil . not all money is tainted , bianca . bianca : `` holdings , limited partnerships , business subsidiaries `` ? ryan : i know , i know , i know . i know , and there 's actually something else . bianca : oh , what , a used car and some swampland in florida ? ryan : no . and by no means are you held to this , but both kendall and i promised j.r. that he would run chandler enterprises . bianca : well , he should . i would absolutely want j.r. in charge . or at least i 'm sure that 's what the baby would 've said . ahem . ryan : well , she 's got her mother 's good taste and good heart . bianca : stop it . ryan : and if i read that look in your eye correctly , i have tied up my last loose end . i can -- i can leave with no worries . bianca : you leave ? where are you going ? ryan : well , i 've never really been a destination kind of guy . bianca : what -- what does that mean ? you 're just going to take off for wherever ? ryan : yeah -- i mean , after the trial . bianca : for how long ? a week ? a month ? ryan : more like for good . bianca : ryan , you ca n't do that . what about kendall ? ryan : kendall and i are history with no chance to repeat itself . [ scene_break ] jack : stocks , bonds , mutual funds , insurance ? `` the estate of erica kane `` ? what the hell do you have in your mind ? boyd : erica , i got you those stats you wanted on that formula -- oh . jack , hey . is erica here ? jack : no . have -- have you seen her ? boyd : no , not for a while , but her door was open . i just assumed she 'd come back . jack : so you saw her leave ? boyd : yeah , i saw her in the elevator earlier . she was on her way out . why ? is something wrong ? jack : i do n't know . did -- did she say anything at all to you ? boyd : just that she had some personal matters to take care of . jack : and that 's all she said ? boyd : no , she also said she 's glad enchantment can count on me . jack : just like that ? boyd : yeah . jack : i want you to get ahold of val and everybody else . if anybody hears from her , i want them to call me . got it ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i would n't go to the mall with you , let alone hell . i 'm staying right here . kendall : yeah , you got that right . pull up a rock and make yourself comfy . looks like you 're here for the duration . oh , wait , hold on . do you hear that ? greenlee : you 're just a figment . kendall : no , no , no , no -- listen , listen . up in the land of the living -- no choppers , no dogs , no tearful interviews with relatives . huh . i bet daddy jack has n't even noticed that you 're mia . greenlee : maybe because he 's got his hands full with pesky details like saving your life . kendall : you mean undoing the damage wrought by little old you ? greenlee : he 's busy , ok ? besides , jack knows i can take care of myself . he has faith in me . kendall : either that or he 's just too busy to be bothered by you because you 're such a royal pain in the butt . kendall : about what , that bizarre makeover you gave me on the stand ? greenlee : he 'll forgive me . kendall : forgive and forget ? or just forget you ? hmm -- still no posse , no ryan , no daddy . i 'd say `` no mommy , `` but that 's pretty cruel . oh , well -- hey , you still got me . oh , this is divine justice . you are stuck in a filthy , disgusting hole for all the filthy , disgusting things you 've done in your life . ah , cheer up , greenlee . you and i -- we can go to our little , wormy resting places together . greenlee : do n't you listen ? i 'm not going anywhere with you . if no one comes to find me -- which they will -- i 'll get out of here myself . but i 'm sure as hell not staying here with you . [ greenlee grunts ] kendall : oh , boy -- how lucky am i to have ringside seats for the first time you take a tumble ? when you actually learn what it feels like to fight and lose ? greenlee : i know plenty about losing . guess what -- it 's for losers , not me . what i have , i 've earned . kendall : oh , you mean your trust fund ? greenlee : there 's more to me than my piggy bank , and i 've fought for every bit of it . i 'm the original alpha girl . i 'm the all - out go - getter who makes the cover of `` forbes . `` kendall : hmm , the female leader of the pack ? greenlee : you got it . kendall : you know what the other term for alpha girl pack leader is ? greenlee : do n't you dare ! kendall : bitch . greenlee : that 's what people say when a woman is tough , when everyone is jealous . kendall : well , what is there to be jealous of ? the fact that everyone hates you ? greenlee : that 's not true . kendall : since when ? greenlee : ok , ok , ok , they do hate me . and i did that , i made everyone hate me -- jack , bianca , ryan , you . everything that i said and that i did -- i have no one to blame but myself , no one to scream at . i did it . it 's all my fault . [ scene_break ] ryan : bianca , i love you , but no more kendall , all right ? at least not for me . bianca : but , ryan , if kendall just -- ryan : ok , back to the important stuff ! now , there 's enough money in here for you to do all sorts of things . i 've already structured an account in case kendall gets convicted so you have enough money to appeal all the way to the supreme court . bianca : so much for `` no more kendall . `` come on , ryan , you ca n't help it . you still care about her , do n't you ? [ knock on door ] bianca : yeah , come in . jack : too early ? bianca : oh , never to see you . jack : hello , ryan . ryan : hey , jack . jack : how 's my girls ? bianca : one of us has cabin fever . jack : yeah ? bianca : yeah , you should feel her kick . ryan : hey , bianca , i think i 'm going to take off now , all right ? a little light reading for later ? jack : listen , if you do n't mind hanging out for just a second . bianca , has -- has erica been by here at all today ? bianca : no , she still has n't come . i 'm sorry , uncle jack . jack : i think what happened is erica and i just got our signals crossed , that 's all . ok ? bianca : ok . jack : ok . good night . i 'll see you later . ryan : ok . listen , this is a good thing . all right , it 's going to make people happy , lots of people -- starting with me . jack : damn it ! ryan : wow . first greenlee , now erica . kind of careless the way you misplace the women in your life . jack : ryan , does it look like i 'm in any mood for this at all ? ryan : no , hold it , hold it . jack , wait , wait , wait . if erica 's in trouble , i want to know about it . tell me . [ scene_break ] edmund : tell me , maria . was that the truth before ? maria : honey , doctors are fallible . all we can do is make an educated guess . i do n't -- edmund : i 'm not asking a doctor ! i 'm asking my wife , the woman who never lies to me . how bad is it ? what are the chances that i 'll walk again ? maria : well , they -- they 're not as high as i would 've liked -- edmund : maria ? maria : for them to be , but i -- they 're slim . they 're slim . edmund : to none ? maria : yeah . edmund , i am really sorry . i 'm sorry that i -- that i did n't tell you the truth , but , hey , this is not the end . i mean , what happened to all that you were saying last night , huh ? all the things that you still had to be grateful for ? what happened to all of that ? edmund : i woke up -- again , here . and my legs did n't move -- again . you avoided my questions -- again . maria : well , because i think that we need to think about the big picture here . i think that , you know , we need to look at the fact that you even woke up at all . edmund : the `` grateful to be alive `` speech ? what 's next , the `` fulfilling life of the paraplegic `` lecture ? i 've heard it all before . i wrote the damn thing . i got a plaque in my office about a piece that i did about vietnam vets who came home in wheelchairs , remember ? maria : mm - hmm . edmund : they were strong , good men . brave , successful -- maria : yeah , and you said that they were heroes in every sense of the word . edmund : fulfilled . i do n't want to be a hero . i just want to get out of this bed and walk again . maria : you know what , baby ? i just -- i do n't think we should do this right now . i think that this is too raw , and -- edmund : that surgeon , marshall -- he said with surgery i might have a chance . maria : what are you doing ? what are you doing ? edmund : the longer i wait , the lower my odds . i 'm going to call him and see if he can scrub in . maria : oh , the hell you are ! [ maria rips the phone out of edmund 's hands and places it out of his reach ] [ scene_break ] bianca : hi . mom , it 's bianca . um -- i just wanted to call and let you know that i 'm -- i 'm doing all right and the doctors say that i 'm going to be out of here pretty soon . but i would really love for you to call because i 'm still going to be here for a little bit , and it would just be really nice to hear your voice . [ knock on door ] bianca : goodbye . babe : morning ! is this a bad time for me to see how you and mini b are doing ? bianca : oh , no , come on in . actually , the doctor said that the two of us are doing much better . thank you . babe : oh , bianca , that is so good to hear . bianca : for us ? babe : well , i got one for my little munchkin , too . oh , is n't it adorable ? their tiny , little hands are going to be holding that soon . bianca : thank you so much for thinking of us . babe : hey , the first rule of the mommy 's club is not trying to pull wool over my eyes . what 's wrong ? bianca : oh , i 'm sure it 's just -- it 's just the hospital or this goofy gown . babe : or maybe it 's something a lot bigger than that . bianca , i 'm your girl , remember ? i was the one that hid you from your mom in uncle stuart 's cottage ? you know that you can tell me anything , right ? [ scene_break ] jack : erica has completely revised her will . kendall is now the beneficiary . she has signed over all of her enchantment stock to kendall . she 's deeded her penthouse to bianca . i mean , you name it , she has covered it . ryan : she gave away everything she has ? jack : everything , and i can not for the life of me figure out why she 's doing this . ryan : so you 're -- so you 're worried about it ? jack : well , i 'm worried to death . of course i 'm worried . look , i got to find her before she does something stupid . ryan : well , hold -- hold on a second . stupid ? how stupid ? jack : look , look , whatever thought is going through your head , believe me , it has gone through mine in the past few hours . i mean , i looked for her at the penthouse , i looked for her at her office , her favorite muffin shop , for pete 's sake . greenlee 's voice : ryan , you have to save me from myself . jack : i even emailed her to call me . ryan : jack , wait a second . did you ever hear from greenlee ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : jack , ryan , bianca , erica , you . jake , laura , ryan again , gillian . scott . becca -- oh , my god . it does n't end . have i always been this way ? i have . no matter how far back you go , there 's damage . and if a guy does n't come with a flashlight looking for me , it 's because no one cares about me . and if no one cares about me , it 's because of me . it 's all my fault . kendall : well , you 're a very slow learner , but at least you finally got it . you finally embraced the real you . greenlee : no , this is the real me . there 's got to be more than that inside me . kendall : give in . you ca n't win . look around . this is the last place you are ever going to see . you will remember every little nook , cranny , crevice , piece of dirt . greenlee : no . kendall : listen , i accepted my fate . now it 's your turn . just give in . your throat is dry . your stomach 's empty . and your heart -- well , your heart 's just not up for the fight . the best you can hope for is that you go in your sleep . so , how about we find out right now , shall we ? greenlee : if i do n't get out of here , they 'll never know how sorry i am . they 'll never know that i wanted -- kendall : what , make amends ? greenlee : yes . kendall : oh , so they 'll all love you now ? greenlee : so i wo n't die ashamed of who i am . i ca n't die in here , not like this . not now . kendall : one , one thousand , two , one thousand . ok . how about now ? greenlee : i 've got to do this . this wreckage ca n't be all that i leave behind . i have to -- why am i telling you , anyway ? you 've had your fun , your taunts . you do n't have a clue about who i am . kendall : well , considering that i popped out of your head , yeah , i kind of do . but , hey , if not , i can always read your obituary . greenlee : do n't underestimate me . i have n't clawed or scratched or whatever it is that you call strength , but i 'm not a quitter . kendall : well , well , give yourself time . you 'll figure it out . greenlee : i can do this . when i want something , i go out and i get it . i 'm not staying in here a second longer than i have to . i am up and out of here . you hear that ? so you either back me up or back the hell off . with or without you , i 'm on my way out . oh . wow . ok . ha ! come on , greenlee . light a fire under it . show me what you got . ca n't believe you let her distract you when you 've got so much work to do . ok , all right . rock , dirt . dirt , rocks . rock -- with words . words -- `` shaft work , jim and marty , 1942 . `` a mineshaft . mineshafts lead to other mineshafts . yes , they go places , they do things . i want to go places . i want to do things . ok , come on . oh , oh . forgive me , blahnik , for i 'm about to sin . [ greenlee removes her shoe and uses its heel to pull a rock out of the wall ] greenlee : ok . oh ! oh , yes , i feel something . i feel something . air . air . oxygen . ah ! scratch `` suffocation `` off your list , kendall . i 'm getting out of here ! i 'm on my way out ! [ scene_break ] ryan : they 're just -- it 's just flashes , and they 're kind of weird and they 're just random . but it 's not like i do n't have enough going on in my mind right now . but then suddenly greenlee pops into my head . jack : ok , do these flashes feel like they 're a warning of some kind ? do you think greenlee 's in danger ? ryan : you know what ? it probably just means that i need a greenlee detox . jack : ryan , you know what ? if you did n't think this was important , you would n't have brought it up . ryan : jackson , just forget about it , all right ? it 's -- it 's probably exactly like i said . she 's holed up in some place that 's overpriced and cushy -- jack : or not . now i have that to worry about . ryan : relax , just relax . i guarantee you that she 's going to swing back into town and she 's going to find a whole new way to make us all crazy because that 's what she loves to do best . jack : yeah , well , i hope to god you 're right because my plate is more than full right now . i 'm going to go try to find erica . ryan : hey , hey , listen , i can make some calls . i can just look around for her if you want . jack : that would be great . i would really appreciate that . thanks . [ scene_break ] babe : you do n't have to share , but i 'm a major league listener . bianca : well , so am i , and you can feel free to say something if you want . babe : yeah , i always say something . what 'd you have in mind ? bianca : well , how about when we were at stuart and marian 's cottage ? you were talking about being pregnant , and i did n't happen to mention that i was , too . babe : bianca , who you tell and what you tell them -- that 's your business . bianca : not everybody feels that way . some people feel like this baby should n't -- should n't exist , that this baby is n't right . babe : and there is no reason in the world that you have to listen to them . bianca : yeah , but i have to listen to myself . and i have to admit , i wonder , too . is it fair to her ? is it right for me to have her ? babe : we all do stuff that makes us wonder . but in the end , you 're having a baby . that 's all that matters . a baby , bianca -- a tiny , precious , little , helpless person . bianca : but what about where she came from ? babe : it does n't matter where . babies -- they 're -- oh , they 're god 's gift , a reminder to us of how wonderful life can be . bianca : do you really believe that ? babe : with all my heart . and from what i can tell , you 're a pretty darn good person yourself . so i 'd say that you two are a match made in heaven . is that too corny ? i swear , these hormones are making me mushy before my time . bianca : no , babe , i think that 's -- babe : come here . [ scene_break ] edmund : what are you doing ? maria : i 'm giving you a chance to calm down and think straight . edmund : you 're trying to treat me like an invalid . maria : no , i 'm just -- edmund : you really want to push my buttons , maria ? maria : i want you to calm down , and i want you to rethink marshall 's sales pitch . that 's what i want . ok , because right now , right this second , the risks are way too high . forget the normal risk of surgery and of all that , but -- your heart has been compromised , edmund . it 's not working the same as it was before you were shot , and if marshall gets you on that table , you could crash again . or you could stroke out or you could die ! now , what is the difference between that and russian roulette ? edmund : look , we get that bullet out in surgery , we are halfway home . maria : oh , my god . ok , you know what ? you know what really ticks me off about marshall 's whole fantasy is the fact that if you get in there in the or , and that bullet during surgery slips at all , it could make the vertebra cave and sever the spinal cord . and do you know what that means ? that -- that is the difference , my love , between being a paraplegic and being a quadriplegic . so you think it sucks that your legs wo n't move right now ? what about when your arms and your hands and your lungs do n't take any impulse control from your head ? edmund : ok , listen to me , listen to me . what if i do n't take this chance , ok ? what if i do n't take the chance , and this is it ? this is as good as it gets ? this is me right now -- no feeling in the lower part of the quadrant -- whatever the hell it is ? no feeling , maria ! and we both know what kind of a life that is ! what kind of a man would i be if i do n't even try ? maria : you 'd be the kind of man that knows that your wife and your kids ca n't take those kind of odds . that 's the kind of man that you 'll be . [ pager beeps ] maria : oh , god . edmund : go . maria : no matter what , edmund , i love you . edmund : i love you , too . ryan : maria ? maria : oh , hey -- ahem . ryan : what is it ? what 's wrong ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : oh . this beats one of those goofy oxygen spa treatments . what ? oh , oh , bless you , you beautiful little hole in the wall ! oh , oh , oh -- clean , pure nectar of the gods . ha - ha ! look at you , you showoff ! what -- what is that you 're saying , you beautiful , beautiful hole in the rock , huh ? huh ? [ water rushes in ] greenlee : oh , my god . [ scene_break ] babe : you think our babies had their own little cosmic hug ? bianca : yeah , i do . actually , i felt her kicking . babe : me , too ! hey , there 's still a little worry tickling on that brain , and it is time to share . unless it 's too private . bianca : oh , no . actually , it 's about to become very public . it was just confirmed -- my little girl is a billionaire . babe : you know that you 're having a girl ? bianca : oh , it 's just a feeling . babe : oh , well , me , too , except -- except i am 100 % positive that i 'm carrying a little bundle that 's going to wear all blue . what ? bianca : it 's just that the word that most people would 've picked up on in that sentence is `` billionaire . `` babe : yeah , that 's cool , too . well , it 's great , but money -- it comes and goes . but babies -- oh , they make the world go round . bianca : you are a trip . you 're going to make a great mom . babe : and our babies -- they are going to grow up and they are going to fall in love , and they 're going to live happily ever after -- and be gorgeous . bianca : i wish that 's all we had to worry about . babe : yeah . bianca : some people are n't quite as thrilled as we are . babe : yeah . try nasty , grumpy , and downright rude . adam has made himself perfectly clear how he feels about this baby . bianca : another baby to carry on the chandler name ? i would expect adam to be doing backflips . babe : no . but he does curl his lip a lot . hey , but that 's all going to change . pretty soon adam is going to get onboard the happy baby train , and j.r. 's going to crawl and sit right next to him . bianca : oh , come on . j.r. must be ecstatic . babe : you 'd think so . bianca : well , i know so . i was there at the cafe when you two were celebrating . j.r. was grinning from ear to ear . babe : he 's taken some grimace lessons from pops since then , but i 'm counting on that grin to come back . i 'm sure of it . bianca : how do you do it , babe ? how do you face so much opposition and -- and resentment and still manage to stay optimistic ? babe : you know , i guess it 's just a heavy dose of dumb , blind faith . bianca : i really hope that you get everything you want , babe . you and your baby deserve it . babe : and so do you and my daughter - in - law . hey , if i can find a silver lining after all this mess , there 's no reason you ca n't find one , too . [ scene_break ] jack : god help me , myrtle . i mean , i am at a total loss here . i do not know how to help erica get through her pain . she wanted space , i gave her space . what did she do ? she rewrote her will . myrtle : oh . jack : honey , i 'm scared . i mean , i -- was i wrong ? i mean , should i have pushed her ? myrtle : no , no , no , jack . you ca n't push erica if she 's not expecting it . it does n't work . you push her now , she 'll just run away . jack : yeah , well , you know what ? that 's just exactly what she might have done . i have no idea where she is , myrtle , no idea in the world . and i do n't want her to be alone when all this comes rushing out . myrtle : jack , jack , we will find her . we will find her , and then we 're going to hold her close . myrtle : jack , jack , no . jack : `` no , `` what ? myrtle : you 're thinking of that night . you 'll learn nothing except evil . no answers . jack : yeah , but , myrtle , i keep -- i keep wondering what if i -- what if i had n't done this , what if i had n't done that . myrtle : look , sweetheart , i have something in my head that feels like karma . it goes round and round and round like , `` what if , what if , what if ? `` well , what if i had come home earlier ? what if i had n't left ? what if -- what if all the power had n't gone out or someone else had been here ? i -- if only i could just stop the pain ! jack : yeah , me , too . but all that pain has been covered up with secrets and lies , more damage every day . i mean , i -- read my palm . myrtle : oh . jack : tell me , is this horror ever going to come an end , myrtle ? myrtle : darling , my carny ways do n't work for this . no , all i do is hope and pray that the ugliness will fade . now , you go . you go and find our girl , and you take care of her . jack : you are one of a kind , myrtle . god bless you . myrtle : go now . jack : thank you . [ scene_break ] greenlee : whoa , whoa , stop , stop . agua , ceasus ! you know what ? maybe you did n't get to hear , but i have to make it out alive . you know , i 've got places to go , people to throw myself in front of , so could you stop ? stop it ? please ? please ? [ greenlee frantically stuffs her scarf in the hole to stop the water from flooding her underground prison ] [ scene_break ] ryan : you ok ? maria : it 's not one of my better days , but -- it 's -- i got it under control . ryan : you want to talk about it ? maria : no , i do n't want to hold you up . ryan : ok . oh , before i go , i want to thank you for the holly . maria : the what ? ryan : the holly that you left on my father 's grave . maria : oh . ryan : that was you , was n't it ? maria : yeah . ryan : yeah . maria : i 'm going to leave bulbs , i think , next time . i think it 'll be pretty for spring . ryan : you 're still going every week , even with all that you got going on ? maria : well , chris saved my daughter 's life . i mean , that basically means he saved my family , he saved me . and even more so now , he 's in my heart . i could never forget him . [ pager beeps ] maria : oh -- ryan : listen , wait , wait , wait . anything you need -- you , edmund , anything -- you just call me , ok ? maria : thank you . i really appreciate it , thank you . [ scene_break ] maria 's voice : if marshall gets you on that table , you could -- you could crash again . or you could stroke out or you could die ! dr. marshall 's voice : my success rate is excellent . edmund 's voice : ok , so what are the odds i come out of this better than when i came in ? dr. marshall 's voice : given your determination , i 'd say whatever the odds are , there 's a good chance you can beat it . edmund : i 'm sorry , maria . [ in an attempt to reach the telephone , edmund falls out of bed ] maria : hey , honey , i thought maybe you could use a little snack -- oh , my god . [ scene_break ] greenlee : ok . ok , next mission -- out , which means up , which means this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you . [ greenlee rips the heel from her other shoe and attempts to scale the wall ] greenlee : oh ! ok . all right . all right . all right , it 's now or never , greenlee . ok . [ scene_break ] adam : well , montgomery . you selling cookies now that you lost that cushy da job ? jack : remind me to wipe that smirk off your face at a later date , adam . i 'm here about erica . have you seen her ? adam : has she wised up and left you again ? jack : have you seen her or not ? adam : well , she ran off with that idiot tad martin last time i saw her . um -- that could be trouble . jack : trouble about what ? about -- adam : tad -- jack : about michael 's murder case ? adam : yeah , tad martin is in overdrive trying to link me to that murder . actually threw me in jail because of what he imagines i might have done that night . jack : adam , i do n't care what you did . what does he think erica did ? adam : i can only guess how his softened brain works . jack : i did n't come over here to play games with you . now , you know more than you 're saying , and by god , adam , you 're going to tell me . [ scene_break ] [ while at the cemetery , ryan spots erica lying on top of chris ' grave ] ryan : oh , my -- erica ? [ next_on ] alan : who was your accomplice in this murder ? adam : i intend to take the stand and make myself look like a cross between jack the ripper and son of sam . maria : stay away from my husband . do i make myself clear ? ryan : erica ? erica , can you hear me ? | ryan encourages bianca to accept the financial fortune that alexander cambias willed to her and her baby . he 's also ready to leave town and end his relationship with kendall . |
greenlee : you 're leaving me ? ryan : i have to , but not because -- greenlee : i know why you 're leaving me . you 're walking out , because i still believe that your brother drugged me . [ scene_break ] jonathan : what do you want ? jack : what do i want ? well , you 've had one - to - one dealings with bianca , greenlee , kendall , and lily , almost all the women in my life . what do you say you give me my turn now ? [ scene_break ] ryan : i 'm not walking out on our marriage . greenlee , i 'm not walking out on us . my brother needs me right now so he 's got me , and i 'm not going to ask you to share our place with him . greenlee : so you 're moving into the valley inn with him ? ryan : until he gets the help that he needs , yes . he 's right on the edge , greenlee . he 's looking into a very dark place . if he does n't get the help that he needs , something very bad can happen , something worse than what 's already gone down . and i can help him . i can pull him back from the edge . i can give him a little bit of hope . greenlee : jonathan 's not the only one in a bad place , ryan . you are , too . you 've lost it . [ scene_break ] maria 's voice : you look gorgeous . look at that . zach : huh ? maria : gorgeous . zach : your turn . maria : no , no . hey . how was therapy ? edmund : well , you know , it was physical . maria : no progress ? edmund : i wish i could tell you . maria : well , you know what ? sometimes you get a little -- a little twitch , and then your body goes back into healing mode . edmund : listen , maria , i do n't -- i 've had so many medical opinions , i do n't need another one . nobody has any idea what i 'm going through . maria : i 'm not trying to be your doctor . i 'm just -- you know what ? you 're right . i know . i know you do n't . i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry you 're going through this . i really am , honey . i 'm sorry . edmund : look , i do n't want to keep you from your rounds , so i 'll see you in a little while , ok ? maria : edmund , did you pay off bobby ? [ scene_break ] babe : tad , stop . mama , make him stop , please . krystal : babe ? babe : we ca n't put bianca through this . krystal : the man knows what he 's doing . david : i like babe 's instinct on this . you need to stay out of it . tad : bianca , just one more minute , please . tad : it 's a clean deal . it is . krystal would plead guilty to everything -- failure to return miranda , the dna , all of it . she 'd be sentenced , and she would do time . bianca : tell me again what happens to babe . tad : babe would also be sentenced , but she would n't go to prison . we 're hoping for probation , community service , suspended sentence . bianca : but not one minute behind bars ? tad : she 'd be free to fight for custody of her little boy . that 's what this is about . miranda 's finally back where she belongs . we just want to be able to do the same thing for baby james . if you go along with this deal , so will the da . kendall : no , do n't do it , bianca . send them all to hell where they belong . tad : kendall , why do n't you wait and hear what 's on the table before you start screaming at people . kendall : you 've got a very short memory , tad . bianca 's not going to cut any deals for babe or krystal . tad : well , let 's let her decide . kendall : they stole her baby . they let her believe that miranda was dead . they played us all for fools , so they should go to court for every single charge and be convicted and go to jail , and we should never have to see any of them ever again . krystal : well , except whatever charges they give them , kendall , ca n't that be enough ? david : we 'll find another way . kendall : oh , david , you 're part of this package , too . watching you go down will be very , very sweet . krystal : you have every right to be upset . kendall : you know , i do n't need permission to hate you . i only have to look at your stupid face . krystal : would just take a breath and think about the other baby ? think about james . babe : no . mama , please , we should n't put bianca in this position in the first place . kendall : binks , i 'm sorry . i got caught up with ethan . i should 've known these vultures would come after you . tad : kendall , babe is not going to get off scot - free . she 's still got to go on trial for kidnapping her own son . kendall : that 's not enough . are we supposed to just forget about the months of hell that she put my sister through ? babe 's quite an actress , is n't she ? remember how she played the role of best friend and then broke your heart ? maybe we have to remind them of all the nights that you went without sleep or when you dedicated the miranda center to your dead daughter . remember that day , bianca ? that little bitch stood right in front of you holding your sweet little girl in her arms full of smiles . what kind of a break does she deserve ? do n't do it , binks . do n't do it . not now , not ever . bianca : no deal . let 's go . man : without bianca , the deal is dead . [ scene_break ] man : you need to see me , mr. slater ? zach : what 's all this junk doing here ? man : this ? bobby warner 's orders . zach : yeah ? well , i told bobby warner to destroy it , so unless you want to end up where he ended up , i 'd suggest that maybe you get rid of it . man : i 'll take care of it , sir , right away . zach : tomorrow . i 'm sorry . it 's -- it 's fine . tomorrow . [ scene_break ] edmund : what did you ask me about bobby ? maria : well , it 's just that bobby has disappeared . he 's practically fallen off the face of the earth for all that we know , but how does a guy who 's in that much debt do something like that ? where does he go ? how does he get by ? edmund : why would bobby want me to pay him to leave town ? maria : no , not to leave town . to finger zach for ryan 's shooting . edmund : where is this coming from ? maria : zach . edmund : i thought we were through with -- with slater . maria : we are . we are through with him , and that 's -- i do n't want to keep any more secrets , and that 's why i 'm just coming out and i 'm asking you . edmund : bobby swore he spoke the truth . and i believe him . and i swear to you i never paid bobby off one thin dime . maria : i believe you . edmund , it is you that i love , and it 's you that i want , and that 's the end of it . edmund : i hope so , because that 's the only thing that keeps me sane . maria : where you going ? edmund : more therapy . you know , more therapy . i 'm going to walk . i 'm telling you , i 'm walking . i have to for us . i got it . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i said everything there was to say at the police station . jack : yeah , i came down hard on you , maybe -- maybe a little bit too hard . jonathan : is that an apology ? jack : well , bianca did say that you did n't threaten her or hurt her directly . it 's just that my niece has been through so much , you know , when i think somebody 's hurting her , i have this -- this visceral reaction , you know . jonathan : you know , believe it or not , i do understand that . when ryan was shot , i came down hard on everybody in town . he was -- he was hurt so badly , and i could n't do anything about it . and that shooter 's still out there . jack : and you 've accused my other niece of that crime . jonathan : i was wrong . it was n't kendall . and then i blamed ethan ramsey until the second shots went down , and now i know for certain that the shooter 's still out there . and as long as this maniac is wandering around , ryan 's not safe . jack : i feel the same way about whoever poisoned greenlee . jonathan : you still suspect me . jack : tell me why i should n't . [ scene_break ] ryan : greenlee , stop , please , and listen to me . stop and please listen to me . i have n't lost it . i 'm -- i 'm trying to tell you that my brother could if i do n't get him help . do you understand ? this ca n't wait . greenlee , he wants to get therapy , but he 's afraid . i can take him there . i can show him there 's nothing to be afraid of . i can be there for him in the middle of the night when there 's no one else . greenlee : what do i do in the middle of the night ? ryan : you 're strong , greenlee . you do n't hate yourself . he does . you know that i love you . he 's got his doubts . hey , he hates what he did to maggie and to that other woman , and he wants to work through it , and he wants to fix it . i believe that in my bones . but how would i feel if i left him alone to work on this all by himself , and he hurt somebody else or himself ? greenlee : you really believe that your brother could go off like that again ? ryan : i ca n't afford not to . greenlee : help me understand , ryan . if you think that your brother could lose it again like he did with maggie and that other woman , why is it impossible for you to believe that he could lose it and poison me ? [ scene_break ] david : it 's not over yet , ok ? we 're going to win this in trial . krystal : are you dreaming , david ? unless there 's another way -- tad : i got nothing . krystal : god , i feel like the walls are just closing in on me here . tad : come on . babe : here , let them be . why do n't you just stay with me . david : i want you to know i 'm not the kind of man that lets go without a fight . babe : you have to leave tad alone . we have enough fights already . david : i 'm talking about you and your son . babe : thank you . david : i 'll bet you can use a little fresh air . come on . i 'll buy you a latte . babe : only if it comes with a pep talk . i could really use one before the hearing starts . kendall : i have to talk to you . david : it 's not going to happen , kendall . babe : it 's ok . how about you go get those lattes ? kendall : i 'm going to testify at the custody hearing for j.r . babe : i assumed that you would . you have every right to hate me , kendall , after what i did to bianca . kendall : oh , i 'm not that unselfish . yes , i hate what you did to bianca , but you have no idea how far your poison spread . i bet you have no idea what you did to me . babe : i 'm sorry . kendall : yeah , well `` sorry `` does n't cut it when you 've ruined people 's lives . when we thought we lost miranda , all i wanted was to destroy everyone in my life . people i loved , hated -- did n't matter . i figured any pain i delivered meant less for me . well , i was wrong , and it 's time to fix that . so , from now on , i take it out on the one person that truly deserves it , and that 's you . [ scene_break ] ryan : my brother lost his self - control when he was with maggie . that 's why he hit her . and the same thing happened with his ex - girlfriend . and then when he was with bianca , things got a little bit out of control and -- and he lost himself in that moment . none of it was premeditated . your poisoning was . greenlee : your brother needs professional help . as much as you want to , as much as you love him , you 're not a shrink . there are places -- ryan : look , i 'm going to get him -- i 'm going to get him help ! ok ? i 'm going to make sure that he goes into therapy , but he does n't need to be smothered by doctors . he needs his family . that 's me . greenlee : you really think that you can make a difference ? ryan : the night that maggie left him , i was n't there either . when he cornered bianca , i could 've made a difference then , too . greenlee : just like when he was a boy -- if you 'd been there , if you 'd stayed with him instead of saving yourself . jonathan knows that you have n't forgiven yourself , ryan . he 's using it . ryan : he does n't have to use anything , greenlee . i did abandon him . i left him with the father from hell . that childhood is what screwed him up . you of all people should understand that . have some compassion , considering what your childhood did to you . greenlee : so now i 'm the one who 's messed up ? ryan : no , i did n't mean it like that . i mean , greenlee , you 've told me what it was like growing up with mary and roger , the damage that was done from them neglecting you , the -- the insecurities and the loneliness . i mean , you still have trusting issues with people . greenlee : at this moment , yeah . ryan : multiply that by a thousand . and then add pain from the physical damage . can you imagine what you 'd have to work through in order to have a halfway normal life ? maybe you ca n't . maybe nobody can that has n't -- has n't lived through it . but i have . i have experienced him firsthand . i have the same scars as jonathan , greenlee . we both barely survived patrick lavery . my father . i 'm not doing this just for jonathan . i need him as much as he needs me . i got my own scars that i have to work on , and i have to do it with my brother . [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 'm happy to answer your questions , but there 's something i 'd like you to answer first . jack : hmm ? jonathan : why do people suspect me ? what possible motive would i have to poison my brother 's wife ? because , you see , he loves her , and i love him . jack : oh , i do n't know . maybe you 're jealous ryan started a whole new family for himself . he 's committed to a life with greenlee . kind of leaves you on a back burner , does n't it ? jonathan : hmm . that 's pretty twisted . jack : hmm . jonathan : see , all i ever want is for ryan to be happy , and he wants the same for me . he stuck his neck out for me , so that does n't fly . jack : well , you 're not the first brother for whom he stuck his neck out . but braden -- braden was beyond help . he was a lost cause . i certainly hope ryan has better luck with you . jonathan : do n't you compare me to braden ! i 'm nothing like that son of a bitch ! [ scene_break ] maria : you 're not leaving . zach : i thought we were done . maria : yeah , i thought we were done , too , until you set me up . [ scene_break ] kendall : heads up , babe . when i get on the stand today i will tear you apart , and that 's a promise . babe : this hearing is n't about me . it 's about my baby . kendall : well , at least you know your baby 's alive . bianca did n't have that luxury . that should keep you going in prison . babe : i get that you 're j.r. 's friend and all , kendall , but he almost killed jamie . you saw it . you can not honestly tell me that you think j.r. would make a good parent to james . kendall : oh , but you would ? babe : yes . [ kendall laughs ] kendall : wow . you 've -- you 've lost your touch there . when you were doing this whole number on bianca when you and j.r. were fighting over bess , you were much more convincing . you actually got bianca to help you fight to get her own little girl back into your arms . hmm . people think i 'm evil . i saw what you did to bianca just now . you tried to push her buttons , do your usual bs number on her , you and your mama . babe : i never wanted bianca involved . kendall : then leave my sister alone . do n't contact her , do n't talk to her . if you see her coming , cross the street . better yet , get hit by a bus . because if you do n't , i will come after you . you will beg for them to put you in prison when i am done with you . [ scene_break ] bianca : maggie ? maggie : i hate this place . bianca : do n't let him do that to you . maggie : i do n't want to be here anymore . i do n't want to live here anymore . i made him breakfast in that kitchen . and this couch -- this is where he swore he would never -- he would never hit me ever again . i was so stupid . i just want to pick up my stuff and leave , just pick it up and get out of here , get out of this town for good . bianca : you can . you can leave with me . [ scene_break ] babe : i wo n't bother bianca , but i will fight for my baby no matter how many threats you make . kendall : well , it 's a fight you 'll never win . babe : you do n't know me . everything that i do is for my child . kendall : you want to do something for your child ? then set an example . teach him to be responsible for his actions by taking responsibility for yours . just plead guilty and go straight to your cell . [ scene_break ] maggie : i did n't know . where are you -- where are you going ? bianca : paris . cambias industries has their headquarters there , and the board wants either me or ethan to have a presence there . maggie : so it 's automatically you ? bianca : well , there is the minor detail of ethan having to jump bail . i -- i really have n't talked about this to anyone yet . but now that i know you 're safe , i can seriously consider it . it 's not just for business . i 'm going for me , too . i need a change . i really -- i need to be able to breathe and enjoy my daughter . i 've been thinking about going to europe ever since i was pregnant . maggie : well , if it 's breathing room you need , then why ask me ? bianca : because you do n't take up a lot of space , not for me . you never have . maggie , we would n't have to live together . i would have my own apartment , and you would be welcome to stay at the cambias suite at the hotel for as long as you wanted , no strings attached . maggie : i do n't know . this is out of nowhere . bianca : well , think about it . you could take classes at the university for a year or , you know , just hang out -- you , me , and miranda . nous pouvons acheter beaucoup de vetements . [ we could buy lots of clothes . ] [ scene_break ] jonathan : i 'm sorry i -- ahem -- i went off like that . i -- i hate braden , and i hate what he did . jack : what he did was he raped my sister . jonathan : i had no idea . jack : yeah . so , naturally , when i heard you cornered bianca , it all came back and here it was . another lavery threatening a woman in my life kind of set me off . jonathan : i told you , i 'm nothing like braden . jack : bianca may look vulnerable , even fragile , but she does n't scare easily , and she was very , very scared . jonathan : i 'm sorry . i really am . i will stay so far away from bianca that -- that she 'll forget what i look like . jack : good , and while you 're at it , you stay away from greenlee and kendall and lily as well . you follow me , son ? good . jonathan : i 'm not like braden . i 'm not like braden . [ scene_break ] greenlee : you are nothing like jonathan . you 're strong and you 're caring . ryan : the damage is still done . greenlee : you protect the people that you love . you do n't hurt them . ryan : i did n't protect jonathan . and that has to stop right now . god . i have to face this head - on with jonathan now . it 's the only way that we can heal . greenlee : i want you to be happy . ryan : he 's going to be better . greenlee , he 's going to be better , ok ? you 're going to see . i love you so much . i 'm going to miss you like crazy . greenlee : how long ? ryan : i do n't know . greenlee : a couple of weeks , a month , what ? ryan : i do n't know , greenlee , i do n't know . i ca n't answer that . greenlee : what about our plans ? we were going to make a baby . ryan : if your family was -- was in trouble , if your dad was in trouble , i would give you all the time that you need . you know that . can you just give me this time ? greenlee : do i have a choice ? ryan : i got to go pack . [ scene_break ] maria : what happened to your face ? zach : enough about the face . how did i set you up this time ? maria : you wanted me to hurt edmund . you wanted me to hurt him , because you told me that bobby was paid off by edmund , and you knew i was going to go directly to edmund and confront him about it -- which i did , like an idiot . and then -- but the thing is he did n't . he swore to me that he did n't pay off bobby , but you should 've seen the look on his face when i asked him that . zach : well , maybe that was guilt . maria : no . i hurt my husband , and it 's because i bought into your little game once again , the one thing that i should n't have done . zach : i did n't set you up . i told you the truth . maria : no . zach : i did n't -- no , i did . and i did n't tell you to go to edmund and grill him about it . and i did n't tell him to lie to you . maria : no , he 's not the liar . you are . zach : ok , great , i 'm the liar . fine . maria : yeah . zach : that 's perfect . ok , good . why do n't you go home , go to your -- your honest husband , and leave me alone . maria : because i 'm not done with you yet . zach : i 'm done with you . this is out of hand , you know ? i do n't want to play with you and edmund anymore . maria : oh , my god , you are the one who started this whole thing ! zach : no , no , no , he 's playing you . he 's using me to do it . but i ca n't force you to see that . maria : ca n't even admit it . ca n't admit it , can you ? zach : admit what ? maria : ca n't admit that you 're the one who started it ! zach : edmund has decided that the only way he can hold on to you is by destroying me . now , he tried to use bobby to do that , but it did n't work . it backfired on him . maria : and if bobby were here right now -- zach : if bobby were here , he would say anything he could . he would say anything as long as you pay him for it . your husband plays dirty , and the only one that 's going to get hurt is you . maria : plenty of hurt to go around . zach : you want to do me a favor ? go home . go tell your husband how much you love him , and then maybe he 'll leave me alone and maybe he will treat you the way that you need to be treated . maria : that 's exactly what i plan to do . zach : ok . a word of advice , though . if he does n't leave me alone , i 'm going to start fighting back , and that wo n't be pretty . [ scene_break ] greenlee : daddy . come in . jack : hi , sweetheart . are you ok ? greenlee : yeah . jack : i just came from your brother 's . ryan : you what ? you and frye already gave him the third degree . jack : we just had a little chat , that 's all . ryan : and what did he say ? jack : everything you would expect an innocent man to say . ryan : well , good . maybe now you can leave him alone . jack : ryan , i 've been practicing law most of my adult life . i 've prosecuted , i 've defended , and i can tell when somebody is lying , even somebody as adept at it as your brother . ryan : you cornered him . you got him on the defensive . jack : yeah , well , he cornered maggie , he cornered bianca . ryan : and he explained to you how that happened . jack : and i 'm pretty sure that he poisoned greenlee . ryan : you know what ? i 've had enough of this , so i 'm going to let you deal with it . jack : and you 're off to where ? ryan : i love you . greenlee : i love you , too . ryan : i 'll call you later . jack : greenlee , what the hell is going on here ? where is ryan going ? please tell me , because if you do n't , i 'm going to go after him and find out . greenlee : just leave it alone . jack : looks like he had his bag packed . greenlee : he 's going to stay with jonathan . jack : whoa , whoa , whoa . and he 's leaving you here by yourself ? greenlee : only for a little while . jack : no . greenlee : he thinks that he can help his brother . jack : no . you go pack your stuff . you 're coming with me . [ scene_break ] krystal : well , this is it . this is where it all comes down . babe 's going to sit up there , she 's going to tell her story , and she 's going to fight for that baby . we 're going to lose this , are n't we ? tad : i 'm sorry i could n't have done more . krystal : you do n't have anything to be sorry for , tad . you did everything right while the rest of us -- tad : if i was so right , then how come we 're sitting here waiting for a judge to show up ? krystal : when i was working the night shift in phoenix , i used to spend the daytime sitting in this old classic movie theater while babe was in school , watching all those old movies -- you know , gary cooper and jimmy stewart , cary grant , all those -- all those hero types , you know ? but i was such a cynic , i thought , `` what a crock . guys like that do n't exist in this world . `` i mean , i 've been around the block a time or two , and let me tell you , i never came across a kind of standup guy like that . until i met you . tad : did n't feel too much like jimmy stewart when i found out about miranda . krystal : tad -- tad : things got pretty ugly . krystal : listen to me . nobody in this world has a right to question what you did . you are one hell of a guy . and wherever your dixie is right now , i know , i know she 's got to be proud of you . i want you to know how grateful i am for everything you did for babe and for me . i mean , it just -- it means -- it means so much to me , i mean , i could -- i could almost cry . tad : you do n't cry . so , how would you feel about a dance ? [ scene_break ] kendall : call your lawyer . come on , tell him the game 's up . you do n't want to go to trial . you do n't want to cause any more grief for anyone . like your mama would say , [ as krystal ] `` you have learned the error of your ways , babe . `` david : she 's not pleading guilty , kendall , so let it go . kendall : [ normal voice ] well , maybe she wants to , david . david : what she wants is to fight the charges against her . babe : i want to fight for my baby . kendall : you know she ca n't win . david : she has to try , because she does n't want her son showing up in 20 years all messed up , because his mother turned her back on him . you see , babe is smart enough to avoid the drama the you played out with erica . she does n't want her son to be a neurotic like you . [ scene_break ] maggie : your invitation to paris is the nicest thing that 's happened to me in a long time . and it is so sweet of you to offer me a way out of here . bianca : well , that was your idea . maggie : i know . i know , but i do n't think that that is the best idea for me right now . i have school , and i have my whole life here , and even though it sucks -- it sounds so tempting , but it 's completely impractical . bianca : ok . i get it . i understand . and you do n't have to make any decisions right now . think about it . if the answer is still no , i 'm cool with that , too . i 'm just glad that we can still have this conversation . we 're friends . we 're friends again . maggie : that 's very cool . [ scene_break ] jack : greenlee , please listen to me . i do n't trust jonathan . i do n't like the look he gets in his eye when he talks about you . greenlee : i love that you want to protect me , but i 'm perfectly safe . jack : sure , until jonathan comes after you again . greenlee : look , ryan will be with jonathan . he 'll watch little brother like a hawk . ryan will protect me . he always does . i miss him already . [ scene_break ] [ door closes ] ryan : yo , hocket . jonathan : dude , what 's going on ? ryan : you know the empty room next door ? it 's not empty anymore . i moved in . jonathan : you left greenlee ? ryan : no , but this is where i got to be right now . i figure we 'd have better luck as a team . jonathan : man . there 's no one like you . ryan : you , too , man . come here . whoa . dude , a little early for a bottle , is n't it ? jonathan : hey , come on , ryan . i had a rough day . ryan : no , no , that 's the first thing that stops . you understand me ? no dipping into the bottle when things get rough . we had enough of that with mom and dad . it 's just an excuse to lose control . jonathan : ok . i 'll do whatever you want just as long as i know you 're with me , ryan . ryan : i 'm with you . i 'm not leaving you , not this time . [ scene_break ] maria : you are threatening a man in a wheelchair , for god 's sake ? zach : i think he uses that chair , too . maria : if -- i feel such contempt for you . zach : there 's the door . maria : mm - hmm . [ next_on ] ethan : there 's something that you need to know , and i want you to hear this from me . zach : no one can see you or hear you except me . maria : so what should i do ? undress right now ? man : neither biological parent is fit to raise this child . david : babe 's just slit her own throat . | babe is ready to go to trial . krystal , david and tad plan to help her get a reduced sentence for keeping miranda from bianca . bianca is considering helping her . but as soon as kendall walks in and reminds her sister what all of these people have done to her , she tells them no deal . bianca and maggie go to maggie 's apartment and bianca announces that she plans to go to paris and invites maggie to come with her . maggie wants to stay behind but tells bianca how grateful she is to have her as a friend . kendall tells babe taht if she really cares about her baby boy , she will set an example by turning herself in . but david tells kendall that his daughter cares about her child and so she will not do to him what erica did to kendall , and babe does not want her child to end up as sick as kendall is . at that point , kendall walks away but is determined to not let them win . |
[ sirens ] julia : we 'll get you to the hospital and get that bump checked out . excuse me . is there anybody that you would like for us to call ? [ scene_break ] josh : what did you say ? erica , what did you just say ? erica : you ca n't be my son . paramedic : the ambulance is ready now . josh : she 's got a pneumothorax . she 's going to need a tube . paramedic : i 'll take it from here . let 's go . greg : i suppose you deserve the credit for saving erica 's life . josh : did erica ever have a son ? [ scene_break ] jamie : are you sure you heard someone ? tad : i heard something . i do n't know -- i 'm not sure . have n't heard anything for a while . but i 'm positive there 's a big enough space down there . so , we 're going to have to step it up if we do n't want to lose -- if you can hear me , hang on ! we 're coming to get you . [ scene_break ] erin : nothing . aidan , if they were really alive -- aidan : hey , you think someone as stubborn as ryan is going to let a small explosion like this keep him down ? and just remember everything jonathan 's survived . aidan : hey , we 're going to find them . erin : but will we find them in time ? [ scene_break ] jonathan : lily , please -- please marry me . lily : this is a very small space . the dimensions are five by three . some -- some people -- some normal people -- would get nervous . they might get claustrophobic . they 'd -- they 'd sweat and would n't be able to concentrate . jonathan : you do n't want to marry me . lily : i did n't say `` no . `` jonathan : well , then , would you say `` yes `` ? [ scene_break ] tad : that 's it . that 's it . we 're almost there . see if you can get that out of the way . careful , careful . adam : help us ! for god 's sake -- joe : j.r. , give us a hand . david : we 've got a live one over here ! joe : help me with this please . tad : can you hear me ? [ joe grunts ] j.r. : are you all right ? joe : yes . j.r. : maybe you should sit this one out . joe : no , i 'm all right . get -- get going . tad : jamie , come on , keep digging . there 's somebody down here . i know it . david : you 've got nothing but air over there , martin . get off your backside . get over here and help us ! [ scene_break ] adam : hey , krystal -- krystal , talk to me . hey , hey . come on . you ca n't leave me now . come on , you got to breathe . [ buried as he is in an awkward position under his wife , adam tries to give krystal mouth - to - mouth resuscitation . ] adam : come on , breathe . help us , please ! anyone , there 's a woman down here , and she 's not breathing ! help ! j.r. : dad ? is that you ? adam : j.r. -- thank god . get us out of here ! j.r. : who 's not breathing ? is it babe ? is babe in there with you ? [ scene_break ] babe : hello ? can anybody hear me ? is anyone there ? [ scene_break ] ryan : you and i ? a couple again ? as if the last couple of years just never happened ? kendall : lessons learned , try again . ryan : feels a bit more like a step backward . kendall : hmm , hardly . i 'm older , wiser , and never to be chumped again . ryan : so this -- this is you wiser ? kendall : if i could , i would change back every flippin ' calendar to 2004 . just forget every single disaster . ryan : oh . well , you better check with your co - pilot , kendall , because i don think our son is going to let you turn back the clock . [ scene_break ] zach : now , focus . ethan , focus ! simone : ethan ! ethan : mom , this is simone , my fiancée . simone , this is my mum . simone -- simone : ethan , your mom 's -- ethan : i think you guys are going to be good friends . zach : he 's dehydrated , probably in shock . it 'll pass . simone : my grandmother saw my grandfather when she was in the hospital . she was barely hanging on . she barely recognized any of us . and then all of a sudden , out of nowhere , she just turned to us , started talking to a lady who had been dead for 15 years . zach : calm down . when somebody 's in pain , the mind plays tricks . simone : no , zach , the nurse said she 'd seen it before . she said people start to see their dead relatives right before they 're ready to die . [ scene_break ] julia : keep it elevated to slow the bleeding . paramedic : i 've got a guy with a broken arm over here . greg : erica has two daughters , bianca and kendall . you know that . why are you asking me such questions ? josh : i do n't know -- she just -- she said something that did n't make sense . she was barely conscious . maybe i heard it wrong , but still , it was totally weird . greg : how was it weird ? what did she say ? what were her exact words ? josh : she said -- greg : her exact words , josh . josh : i do n't know ! i did n't have a tape recorder running . that 's more your style . you know , erica was right . you 're still twisted and obsessed as ever . greg : you brought her up . josh : my mistake . tad : we 've got more injured ! we need another doctor ! [ scene_break ] david : come on , krystal , breathe . adam : get him away from her . j.r. : dad , are you all right ? adam : i 'm fine . get him away from her . jamie : you 're bleeding . adam : ca n't somebody else do that ? joe : david knows what he 's doing . just let him alone until we get another doctor in here . adam : yeah , so he can let her die just to spite me . david : would somebody get him away from here , please ? joe : control yourself , adam . control yourself . adam : if she dies , you 're next ! josh : something tells me your wife would n't be too happy if you bled out saving all those people . joe : you really came through for erica . josh : well , i was doing what any supervising producer would do . joe : yeah . with a medical degree . that procedure , in these circumstances -- no resources -- you saved her life . [ scene_break ] jamie : over here . greg : how is she doing ? david : i 've got a pulse . it 's a little weak . i need an ambu - bag . paramedic : we 're on it . david : thanks . ready ? go , go . watch yourselves . adam : how is she ? is she breathing ? greg : let them do their job . adam : no . she needs me with her . greg : no , her chance of survival is better with you out of the way . adam : you do n't think she 's going to make it , do you ? greg : i know she is in the best possible hands . j.r. : you need to get yourself checked out , dad . tad : is krystal going to make it ? david : there 's still a chance . she 's very strong , but -- j.r. : but what ? do n't make any plans ? how the hell am i supposed to hit babe with that kind of news ? david : why do n't we worry about finding babe first ? [ scene_break ] babe : help ! somebody please ! god . i 'm in here , and it sucks ! get me out . great . they ca n't hear me , and if they ca n't hear me , they ca n't save me . now what ? [ scene_break ] kendall : there are stranger things than the mother and father of a child getting back together . ryan : yeah , you and me and a picket fence . kendall : no , i mean the whole nuclear family thing -- that 's not really a bad idea . mom and dad helping the kids with homework . everyone sitting down having dinner together . ryan : actually , it kind of makes me feel warm inside . especially the part where you would do anything , including hooking up with me , to stick it to zach . [ scene_break ] zach : anybody ! simone : it 's nice to meet you , mrs. ramsey . zach : oh , stop that ! simone : if ethan needs me to believe that she 's here , i will . ethan : mummy 's thrilled about our engagement . tell her -- tell her about our plans . simone : well , mrs. ramsey -- edith , your son your adorable son -- he wants to go all out . ethan : tell her -- tell her about the -- tell her about the horses . simone : right . of course , the horses . ethan wants to ride from the -- the church to the reception -- zach : forget about the horses . what about dear old dad ? center stage at your wedding ? [ zach coughs ] ethan : you 're not going to get within a mile of our wedding . simone : shh . ethan : i 'll post guards . i 'll post guards . zach : yeah , if you think guards are going to keep me out , nah . i 'm just going to -- i 'm going to steal a dance with one of the ladies . maybe i 'll steal the bride . why not ? i 've done it before . what are you going to do to stop me ? [ scene_break ] tad : we 're almost there . help me move this . right in . right in . ok . ok . that 's it . we 're in . jamie : dad , what is it ? [ scene_break ] erin : jonathan ? ryan ? please , can you hear me ? just answer me , please . oh . aidan : careful . erin : i 'm fine , i 'm fine , i 'm fine . all i care about is finding them . jonathan ? ryan ? aidan : lily ! lily , if you hear me , say something . make a noise , anything . we 'll get you out . [ creaking ] [ scene_break ] lily : i think you 're very nice , and i like being with you , but people get married because they love each other . i do n't love you . jonathan : we do n't have to get married . lily : my dad will send me away . he wo n't let me see you . that would be terrible . i -- i 'd rather marry you than never see you again . erin : jonathan ? ryan ? aidan : lily , can you hear us ? jonathan : oh , that 's erin and aidan . we 're -- we 're -- lily : shh , shh . i do n't want to go back . [ scene_break ] jamie : nobody ? tad : well , there had to be somebody down there . i remember this . and i remember the woman who was wearing it . when kendall told us it was time for us to take off our masks , she was the only woman in the room who refused to take hers off . jamie : well , your mystery woman houdini 'd her own way out . [ scene_break ] aidan : jonny ? jonathan : we -- we ca n't stay here forever , lily . lily : my dad will set limits . i 'll never see you again , so if i want to see you , the only answer is to marry you . erin : jonathan , please say something ! jonathan : but you 're not ready to be married , and you 're not in love . erin : jonathan ? where are you ? lily : this is a conundrum . a puzzle . erin : ryan ? jonathan : well , it does n't have to be . we -- we just have to find a way to stay together . erin : jonathan -- jonathan : that 's all . we -- we need a plan . lily : i like plans , but my father is very smart . aidan : ryan ! lily : it would have to be a very good plan . aidan : lily , sweetheart . jonathan : it will be . i promise . erin : jonathan ? can you hear us ? lily : we 're here . jonathan : erin ? erin , we 're -- we 're down here ! erin : jonathan ? oh , my god ! jonathan ? we 're coming , sweetie . hold on ! we 're coming . is ryan with you ? jonathan : lily 's here ! aidan : lily ? lily , are you all right ? lily : i was scared , but now i 'm not . erin : hold on , jonathan ! aidan : that 's good , lily . we 'll have you out in no time . just hold on tight . can we get some hands over here ? tad : come on , hayward , you heard the man . david : hey , jonathan buried alive -- i do n't know -- it works for me . aidan : lily montgomery 's down there , ok ? we 're saving both of them . put some shoulder into it . [ scene_break ] josh : looks like you lost some blood , but looks like you 'll live . joe : yeah ? well , somehow , i have a feeling i 'm in good hands . [ scene_break ] j.r. : babe ? babe , where are you ? jamie : why are you trying so hard ? she does n't make it out alive , you 're in the clear . no more custody fights . do n't need a prenup , no wedding . you win . your son 's all yours . j.r. : i guess smoke 's gotten to your head , because you do n't know what you 're talking about . jamie : you always hated to share . this could be your shot to have little adam to yourself . is n't that what you 've always wanted ? j.r. : you know , why do n't you just shut the hell up , huh ? how about that ? [ scene_break ] babe : i had j.r. right where i wanted him . no prenup , 24/7 with my baby . probably could have even made things work somehow . god ! what were you thinking ? babe , come on , you could n't have just been satisfied with your winnings ? no , you had to raise the stakes with your own prenup , push your luck . [ rumbling ] babe : and now my luck 's running out . [ scene_break ] kendall : you know , there was a time when most babies were born in wedlock . it was so simple then . every baby had a mommy and a daddy that was together , and they were married . and -- and they were whole families that had the same last name , and they would sit together at the same table and have the same address . and everybody knew where they belonged . ryan : but you do n't love me , kendall . you do n't even like me . before we got trapped here , you told me -- you said that you never wanted to see me again . you never wanted to talk to me . you never even wanted me to have anything to do with this baby . kendall : ok , but -- well , who cares ? that does n't matter , ryan . there 's -- tons of married couples hate each other . it 's -- it 's an honorable tradition . ryan : you 're serious ? you want to get married ? oh . kendall : what are you doing ? what are you looking for ? ryan : i am looking for a stake , because maybe it 's just me , but i think it would be a lot easier if we just drove it through zach 's heart . [ scene_break ] [ zach groans ] zach : a dip , a spin -- i 'll have you out of there before you know what happened to you . simone : do n't listen to him , ok ? [ zach groans ] simone : what are you doing ? what ? zach : the only thing that 's going to keep ethan alive is his hate for me . the more i push him , the more he 's going to fight , and the better chance he has . i want this wedding as much as you do . simone : fine . do it . you better not be wrong . zach : hey , what do you think ? best man , right ? or maybe i 'll give away the bride if i do n't end up keeping her myself . ethan : i 'm not going to let you -- you within a mile of the wedding . zach : yeah ? how are you going to stop me ? ethan : you bastard . zach : no , that would be you . maybe i 'll include that in my toast . that 's a good idea . ethan : you 're bleeding . with any luck , you 'll be dead before they get us out of here . my wedding present 's going to be your ashes in an urn . zach : i 'd always hoped for a burial at sea . ethan : well , either way , you 'll rest in hell . yeah , come on , dad , time 's running out . you got any last wishes ? zach : there is one thing . i 'd like to apologize to my son . [ scene_break ] [ siren ] anita : what do we have ? paramedic : pneumothorax , decompressed in the field . breathing 's shallow at 40 . reggie : i was so worried . oh -- erica : oh , reggie . thank god . jack ? kendall ? paramedic : she 's shocky , awake but disoriented . anita : all right , we 'll have to get a tube in her . lauren , set up for a chest tube . put her on antibiotics , get an ekg and a cat scan for possible chest and cardiac trauma and prep her for surgery . i 'll page dr. morrison . erica : jack -- have you seen him ? is he ok ? reggie : yeah . yeah , he 's around here bossing the doctors around . they ca n't wait to get rid of him . erica : kendall ? lily ? anita : ms. kane , we need to get you treated . reggie : erica , i 'm sure they 're fine . erica : you do n't know ? anita : let 's get you patched up , and i 'll give you word as soon as we hear on lily and kendall . [ scene_break ] kendall : hello , did i propose ? did i ask you to marry me ? ryan : you raised the subject , kendall . you and me , the same last name -- it 's the same thing . i mean , have you -- have you even really decided to raise this child ? kendall : i -- i have n't decided anything about anything , ok ? i 'm trying to imagine the possibilities here . i am trying to do or say anything to get my mind off of this ! ok ? now it 's your turn . why do n't you talk , ok ? what do -- what do you want to talk about ? you want to talk about cremation or , what , cryogenics ? how about our funerals ? you want a big one or a small one , maybe a pine box or a cedar box ? ryan : kendall ? kendall ? kendall : what do you want ? ryan : you 're scared . kendall : i 'm scared , what , of being trapped here ? no , ryan , this is the easy part . the scary part is out there ! ok ? and i 'm scared to death . i do n't know what to do . do i keep the baby , do i not keep the baby ? i 'm afraid to give him up , and i 'm afraid to keep him . and then the whole giving - birth thing -- my god . scared out of my mind , ok ? i do n't know what to do . but the biggest , scariest part of this whole entire thing is doing it alone . ryan : you 're not going to be alone , kendall . ok ? whatever you want , whatever you need , i will be there . if you want me to move into your house , then i will move in . i mean , if you do n't , then i wo n't . but however you feel about me , i just want to -- i want to help you help him have the best possible start . [ pounding ] tad : hello , is anyone in there ? ryan : tad ? kendall : oh , my god ! ryan : tad , we 're here ! kendall : please help us ! we 're in here ! please help us ! ryan : help ! kendall : help get us out of here ! [ scene_break ] zach : when i denied my father his son , i had no regrets until i learned that i lost a chance to know my own . i should 've taken you in my arms . i should 've hugged you when we first found each other , but i did n't . i pushed you away . when you saved my life , i pushed even harder . i denied your family , denied your birthright . and i came between you and the woman you loved . you 're a brilliant man . you 're a good man . you 're honest and compassionate . you 're everything that i 'm not . and i wish i could take away the pain i caused you , but i ca n't . the only thing i can do is beg your forgiveness . ethan : mum ? am i on time ? simone : shh , shh . do n't worry about the time , baby . do n't worry about anything . i love you so much . ethan : i love you . you 're all i need . just you and me -- ahem -- forever . why -- why is he here ? where are we ? what happened ? simone : oh , ethan . ethan : oh . i remember -- my mum . did i introduce you to her ? [ scene_break ] greg : you have minor cuts and contusions . you 're a very lucky young lady , but just to be on the safe side , i 'm going to -- oh . i 'm sorry . i understand you do n't like to be touched by strangers . would you mind if your friend bandaged you ? lily : it 's all right if jonathan does it . greg : sterilize with this and then apply the bandage . jonathan : i -- i wo n't hurt you , i promise . lily : i know . where 's my dad and my mom ? aidan : they 're at the hospital . lily : are they all right ? my dad was calling me , then something fell , and i did n't hear him anymore . i need to see them and make sure they 're ok . greg : i have to restock . i 'll take you there . come with me . your friend can join us if he would like . jonathan : i do n't think seeing me would -- would make your dad feel better . but you should go . you should go . do n't worry . i 'm going to see you again , lily . i promise . ok . [ scene_break ] di : oh , god ! julia : hey , hey , hey . di : no . julia : you know what ? you need to take a break , at home , in bed , all right ? you 're about ready to collapse . di : no , no . no , not a chance . i 'm fine , i 'm fine . julia : look , you nearly drowned not too long ago , you have n't regained your strength . di : what , i 'm just being the water girl . you 're the one that 's actually running around here performing mini miracles . julia : i 'm trained for this , ok ? i 'm just hitting my stride . you -- you need to go home now . that 's an order . [ scene_break ] tad : you 're all right . ryan : just hurry , guys . tad : we 're almost there . erin : are you all right ? kendall : nothing fresh air wo n't help . j.r. : is there anybody in there with you ? ryan : hurry , i got a pregnant woman down here ! j.r. : is babe in there ? [ scene_break ] [ scraping ] babe : hello ? is someone there ? i 'm in here ! i -- can you help me ? please help me ! [ digging ] babe : i can hear you . you 're getting closer -- please ! please , say something . say anything . [ janet hums `` i 've been working on the railroad `` ] [ scene_break ] woman : somebody help me ! second woman : please ! first woman : please , somebody help me ! second woman : please -- brooke : adam ? adam : oh -- brooke : adam . adam : brooke , thank god . you 're ok . have you seen krystal ? brooke : nothing yet . adam : excuse me . i 'm looking for my wife . nurse : see the desk nurse . adam : i just need to know where she is ! woman : oh ! adam : i 'm looking for my wife . brooke : we 'll find out . we 'll find out . adam : ok . [ scene_break ] [ siren ] greg : will you be all right ? reggie : oh . oh , i am so happy to see you . lily : me , too . reggie : why do n't we move down here . it 's a little less crazy , ok ? all right , are you ok ? no broken bones , no nothing ? lily : just a cut on my arm , some contusions . there wo n't be a scar . how are mom and dad ? can i see them ? reggie : no , no . the doctors are checking on erica , and dad 's sleeping . i 'm sure he will love to see your face when he wakes up . let 's go . greg : hey , i think you should limit visitors to one at a time for now . reggie : ok . you 're the doctor . all right . dad 's that way , ok ? i 'll be here waiting for you . [ scene_break ] adam : excuse me . excuse me ! i 'd like to know where the hell my wife is . nurse : so does he and that man , and they 're ahead of you . adam : i am adam chandler . nurse : mr. chandler , there 's a line . we 'll be here as -- we 'll help you as soon as we can . adam : blasted ! adam : wait , stop , stop ! stop right there . krystal carey chandler , the ballroom explosion . where is she ? how is she ? intern : there is a list that we have to -- brooke : please help us . she was critical . intern : chandler ? adam : chandler , as in the chandler wing of this hospital . intern : i 'm sorry , sir . your wife did n't make it . adam : now , one more time , where is my wife , and what is her condition ? intern : i 'm so sorry , sir . it 's right here -- `` doa . `` brooke : oh , my god , adam . i 'm so sorry . palmer : well -- well , chandler . you must be very , very happy . you know , krystal 's gone , gone , out of your life just like so much dust . and you sure got your wish . brooke : palmer , stop it . palmer : god , she was a -- a goddess . you never understood her . you -- you just did n't know anything about her . you used her , you tried to break her . you stone - hearted waste of putrid flesh ! brooke : enough , palmer . stop it ! [ scene_break ] lily : he 's very still . greg : yeah , he 's suffered several hairline fractures of the vertebrae . the collar will keep him immobilized until he 's completely healed . he 'll be out of commission for a while , but he 's going to be fine . lily : you said only one visitor at a time . there are two of us . greg : of course . lily : i 'm really sorry you got hurt , dad , but i 'm really glad you 're going to be ok . i love you , and i do n't want us to fight anymore . [ scene_break ] tad 's voice : josh madden is your son . josh madden is your son . [ scene_break ] adam : i want to see my wife . man : i understand , sir , but you might want to wait until later . it can be difficult to see a loved one in this condition . adam : get out of my way ! man : mr. chandler , i strongly recommend that you wait -- brooke : let him go . adam : you 've been nothing but trouble ever since we met . infuriating , fascinating trouble . how can someone so alive -- uh -- a few hours ago , we made love as if there were no tomorrow . now there wo n't be . i 'll never forget it , or you . krystal : it was good for me , too . [ scene_break ] [ siren ] [ erica groans ] greg : what is it , erica ? erica : you took my child . [ scene_break ] josh : kendall , you need to stay warm . kendall : no . josh : you 're dehydrated . here , take this . we 're going to get you to the hospital and get you checked out . kendall : no , i 'm fine . josh : kendall , you 're pregnant . we 're not going to take any chances , all right ? just make sure you hydrate . any complaints over there ? joe : he 's a natural . tad : yeah , but a natural what ? that 's the question . joe : what did erica say when you told her who he is ? tad : all i remember is words like `` impossible `` and `` insanity , `` and then she just completely shut down and walked away . [ scene_break ] j.r. : hey , babe ! come on ! where are you ? david : still no sign of her . [ scene_break ] babe : i 'm here ! i 'm right here ! oh ! you 're really -- you are so close , i can hear you ! keep digging . oh , my god , you did it ! you did it . you saved me ! i was beginning to think that i would be here and then here you are . it 's a -- miracle . janet : somebody 's prayers got answered , so say thank you and amen . [ scene_break ] j.r. : are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me with this thing ? david : since when are you into manual labor ? j.r. : i 'll tear this place apart till i [ scene_break ] ryan : can you walk ? kendall : to get out of here , not fast enough . ryan : ok . kendall : fine . joe : we have an ambulance waiting . kendall : no , no , no . i 'm -- no , no -- no doctors , no sirens , no hospital ! josh : kendall , you 're going to the er . kendall : you 're not even a real doctor . joe : yes , he is . ryan : hey , hey , hey , hey . come on , kendall . go to the hospital , please , if nothing else , for our son . [ scene_break ] zach : son , please . simone : stop it . we are going to have the biggest wedding that pine valley has ever seen . our cake is going to be sky - high , at least as tall as you , stretch . ok ? and we 're going to dance . yeah , we 're going to dance all night . zach : i 'll play it your way from now on . you do n't want me at the wedding , i wo n't go . you want me out of pine valley , i 'll leave . and if you want me to protect you , i will do that . but let 's just start over , you and me . ok ? please forgive me . please , son . ethan : i will never forgive you . simone : ethan ? ethan ? zach : somebody help us ! [ scene_break ] [ exhausted , di walks into wildwind 's living room and is shocked to see dixie casually standing there . ] [ scene_break ] next week on `` all my children `` -- kendall ( to ethan ) : please be ok . julia : he 's bleeding internally . he 's going into deep shock . winifred ( to the chandlers ) : it 's the baby ! little adam 's gone ! babe ( to janet ) : are you saying that this cabin could explode ? josh ( to erica ) : i do n't want to be your son . di ( tad ) : i want to try , try and earn a place in your heart . [ hiding in the shadows , dixie watches tad and di kissing . ] | while the people are still stuck in the wreckage , kendall tells ryan that maybe they should consider getting married . but he tells her that would not be practical because he knows she does not love him anymore . lily and jonathan hear erin and aiden calling them and ready to save them but they conclude that maybe they do n't want to be rescued because her dad and others will prevent them from being together . dixie is still silent although tad and jr know there 's still a person stuck down there . tad remembers the mysterious woman who refused to remove her mask and concludes she must be the silent one . ethan is in shock . zach and simone are afraid they might lose him . dr. joe admits to josh that he 's very impressed by his medical expertise in saving erica . but josh is still baffled and gets no answers from his father or from erica about her mumbling to him that he could be her son . while nobody can find babe , jamie tells jr he bets jr hopes she will die so that she can not take little a. jr tells jamie he resents that . babe looks to not be badly injured but she 's all alone and scared . she hears a voice and it looks like somebody is there to rescue her . but , unfortunately , it 's janet from another planet . adam goes to the hospital and demands to know where krystal is . and they give him the shocking news that she did not make it . erica and jack both get treated in the hospital . lily , jonathan , kendall and ryan all get rescued . di returns home and is surprised to be greeted by dixie . |
dr. sinclair : it 's about time . i did n't think you 'd bring her back . aidan : i gave you my word . dr. sinclair : yes , you did . and now , i 'm going to keep mine . i hope you enjoyed your taste of freedom , annie . it 's the last of it you 're ever going to get . [ scene_break ] [ monitor beeps ] zach : hey . kendall : any news ? zach : erica called to check in , and they 're still looking for greenlee . kendall : it 's been hours . zach : it 's a brand - new day . the sun 's up . it 's going to make it a lot easier . they are going to keep looking for her . they -- they will find her . kendall : but they have n't yet . this is my fault . i did this . zach : i told the police i was driving . let 's keep our stories straight . kendall : greenlee is missing , and all you can think about is keeping our stories straight ? my best friend could be dead . i do n't give a damn what the police think . zach : calm down . kendall : no , no , no , i 'm sick of all the lies and everyone walking on eggshells , afraid to be honest with me . [ monitor beeps rapidly ] kendall : i -- i am not going to break , zach . i can handle the truth . david : what happened ? [ monitor beeps normally ] kendall : it was just an honest conversation with my husband . david : your heart rate and blood pressure went through the roof . what 's the matter , zach ? greenlee was n't enough ? you have to kill your wife , too ? [ scene_break ] erica : it 's chamomile . it 'll help you sleep . bianca : why are n't you offering tea to randi and amanda ? erica : i 'm not their mother . come on , honey . why do n't you go up and try to get some rest . i 'll wake you if there 's any news at all . bianca : why have n't we heard anything yet ? what is taking so long ? erica : well -- bianca : anything ? erica : oh , jack . you must be freezing . amanda ? amanda , could you bring one of those blankets over here ? we need a blanket over here . [ scene_break ] ryan : how long -- how long until we can get the boats back out there , jesse ? [ jesse sighs ] ryan : the boats -- they 're going back out there , right , jesse ? jesse : a few of them are . ryan : what are you talking about , `` a few of them `` ? we need everybody out there , searching . we need everybody out there . jesse : ryan -- sheriff : we 're pulling back on the rescue effort , and we 're going to recovery . jesse : i 'm sorry . i 'm sorry . ryan : no . jesse : ryan . ryan : no , jesse , greenlee is out there , and she needs us to find her ! [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : i should have notified the police as soon as annie escaped . she 's far too dangerous to be out there . aidan : annie 's back . you 've got a confession on tape . now she 's going to pay for killing richie . dr. sinclair : she never should have had the chance to hurt anyone else . aidan : relax , all right ? she just wanted to say goodbye to her little girl . dr. sinclair : and was that before or after she tampered with greenlee 's motorcycle ? aidan : what are you talking about ? dr. sinclair : this . i told you something like this would happen . greenlee crashed her motorcycle on the way to the wedding . her body still has n't been recovered . the police are calling it an accident , but you and i both know better . annie did this . she wanted to make sure that greenlee would never be with ryan . [ scene_break ] erica : so is -- is there anything that we can get you ? jack : yeah , you can get me another chance , go back , be a good father . erica : you 're a good father . bianca : you are a good father . jack : no , a good father would have stayed behind . you know , when ryan told me that greenlee was too sick to get married , i should have gone up and checked on her , and maybe if i had , then this -- erica : do n't -- do n't do -- no , jack , i 'm not going to let you blame yourself . this is not your fault . bianca : this is no one 's fault . it 's a terrible accident . jack : does n't make any sense . i mean , greenlee had already backed out on the wedding . what the hell was she doing even going to the chapel ? [ scene_break ] reese : hey . zach : hey . reese : hey . i just spoke to bianca about the kids , and there 's still no word on greenlee . reese : what did the doctor say ? zach : kendall is stable . hayward 's in there right now . he 's examining her . reese : is it her heart ? zach : it 's stress . greenlee and ryan and the -- how 's emma ? anybody talk to her ? reese : no , she 's just busy playing with miranda . david : poor kid , huh ? she already had to deal with losing one mother . now , thanks to you , zach , she 's lost another . reese : what ? it was an accident . david : were you in the car ? reese : what does that matter ? david : so you do n't even know if he was paying attention . so what happened , zach ? too busy arguing with your wife to keep your eyes on the road ? zach : how 's she doing , david ? david : she 's ok , no thanks to you . you knew kendall did n't want to go to that wedding . you knew that . so if you would have just listened to your wife , let her stay home , greenlee would be on her honeymoon right now , instead of the bottom of some river . good luck getting that off your conscience . reese : ok -- do n't , do n't -- do n't let him get to you . zach : you should go . reese : can i help ? is there anything i can do ? zach : anything you can do ? no . i think we 've done enough . [ scene_break ] jake : you know , greenlee is my friend , and my friend was supposed to walk down the aisle to her happily - ever - after . someone deserves to have their happily- ever - after , right ? she worked like hell to be with her -- her man , the man she loves , and now ryan is dredging the river , looking for her body . [ scene_break ] ryan : sheriff , listen , my fiancée is out there , all right ? and she 's out there , and she 's waiting for us to find her . sheriff : we 've been over every inch of the riverbank within a two - mile radius . ryan : well , then , broaden the circle , sheriff . the current is strong . who knows how far the current has taken her down the river ? sheriff : even if your fiancée managed to survive the wreck -- ryan : she did survive . stop talking to me like she 's dead , please . jesse : ryan , easy , take it easy . you ca n't help greenlee from a jail cell , man . ryan : what are you going to do , jesse ? you 're going to arrest me ? jesse : you keep getting in the sheriff 's face like that , i 'm sure that can be arranged . ryan : what am i supposed to do ? what am i supposed to do ? he 's called off the search . jesse : he did n't call the search off . he 's just scaled it back , ok ? there 's still a dive team out there . ryan : there looking for a body . jesse , he 's given up , and what are you -- have you given up too , because i called you here to help me . jesse : you know damn well i 'm doing everything i can do to help greenlee , all right ? but the odds are stacked against her . it 's the middle of winter , the temperatures are going to be below zero all night . ryan : which is why we have to get back out there now , please . i got to get out there . i should be out there . i should -- i should be helping . jesse : ryan -- ryan : i should be working right now , looking for her . jesse : ryan , ryan , the waters are way too rough , and how the hell are they going to look for greenlee if they 're worried about whether or not you 're going to get tossed overboard ? ryan : i 'll wear a lifejacket , jesse . jesse : ryan -- ryan : just talk to the sheriff , please , just talk to him . i ca n't stay here anymore . i ca n't do it . jesse : all right , i 'll see what i can do . [ scene_break ] amanda : i feel so useless . j.r. : yeah , well , we do n't have much of a choice . randi : i mean , we could go back out there and look for greenlee . frankie : we have looked , and if we did find her now -- well , greenlee would n't have lasted two minutes in that water . j.r. : there 's nothing anybody else can do . greenlee 's gone . amanda : who 's going to tell him that ? [ scene_break ] bianca : they going to let you go back out there ? ryan : they 're not going to be able to stop me . bianca : ryan , i 've been thinking a lot about yesterday , and playing everything over in my mind . ryan : i would change a lot of things . bianca : yeah , well , i think in hindsight , we all would . but there 's something that -- that does n't make any sense to me . why was greenlee going to the chapel ? i mean , you told me that she was sick . ryan : i lied . bianca : why ? ryan : because i did n't want to stand next to you and reese while we said our vows . i did n't want to stand there , and hear how she tells you that she 's never going to hurt you again , after all that she 's done . bianca : ryan , reese and i have worked through our problems . there are no secrets between us anymore . ryan : so she told you that she slept with zach ? bianca : what ? ryan : after the rehearsal dinner . bianca : n -- no . ryan : i walked in on them , bianca . bianca : actually having -- ryan : no , but they were on their way , and that 's why greenlee was on the road back to the chapel so she could ask zach herself . bianca : ok , look , i do n't know what it is you think you saw , ryan , but there 's no way that reese or zach would hurt me like that . ryan : really ? because you thought something was going on a few weeks ago ? bianca : i was wrong . ryan : no , i was wrong . i should never have stopped you from testing them because if you had gone through with it , none of this would be happening . [ scene_break ] kendall : did you sleep with her ? zach : no , i did n't . it does n't matter what i say , does it ? kendall : no , it does n't . you and reese will always have a connection because of your daughter . zach : gabrielle has two loving parents , not me . kendall : zach , i 've seen the way you look at that little girl . your face lights up every time you hold her . the -- the little girl -- the -- the daughter that you 've always wanted . then do n't sit there and tell me that you 're just some donor . i know how much you love her . zach : of course , i love her . she 's a little girl . she 's -- you know , i thought i could be disconnected from her . i really thought i could , but when she was born prematurely in my hands , and she opened her eyes and looked at me , all i wanted to do was hold her and protect her and keep her safe . kendall : well , i could see how that would bring you closer to bianca , but the bond you formed was with reese . what is it about her , zach ? why are you so drawn to reese ? [ scene_break ] erica : bianca ? bianca : um -- please tell uncle jack i 'm -- i 'm sorry . i have to go . erica : well , are the girls all right ? bianca : you were right the whole time . erica : i was right about what ? bianca : about reese and zach . ryan saw them together the night before our wedding . erica : oh , honey . bianca : i have to get out of here . erica : no , let me get my things . i 'm going with you . bianca : no , no , no , no , no , this is between me and reese . i have to handle this on my own . [ scene_break ] ryan : well ? jesse : the waters are just too rough . there 's a storm front coming in , ryan , and the sheriff is not going to let anybody else out there until it 's passed . ryan : but that could be hours . jesse : it 's the best i could do . listen , everybody , i want to thank you all for staying , but the local dive team is going to take it from here . now , we 're in for some heavy rains , it looks like , so i want you all to be very careful going home , all right ? ryan : this -- this is n't about a storm , is it ? they think she 's dead . jesse : yeah , they do . i 'm sorry , ryan . ryan : the hell with you , the hell with all of you . i 'm going to find her myself . aidan : i 'll help . [ scene_break ] david : i do n't care that they 're backed up . i 'm chief of staff in this hospital . when i say i want some labs done , they better damn well do it now or else you 're all going to be looking for a job . krystal : bad day ? david : incompetent staff , irate patients . i 'm sorry . you did n't come all the way down here to hear about my bad day . krystal : well , i , ahem , i hate to add to it , but opal called last night , and there 's been an accident . greenlee 's missing . david : there was no accident . krystal : what do you mean ? david : greenlee did n't have to die anymore than babe did . krystal : if we had n't moved that beam , then we would have lost little a , too . david : babe and little a would n't have been in the state if it was n't for adam . he tricked j.r. into bringing them back to town , and babe paid with her life . and zach is no better . he kept jerking kendall around , and now greenlee is dead , too . [ scene_break ] zach : when you were in the coma , i tried everything i could to get you back . but it was n't working . i could n't help you . kendall : so , you helped yourself to reese instead . zach : she needed a friend . she needed someone to talk to . kendall : she had bianca . she did n't need you , too . zach : maybe i needed a friend . maybe i needed someone to talk to , as well . i was watching you slipping away from me , every day . you were dying right in front of me . i just wanted to talk to somebody , and i thought i lost you . kendall : that 's the same justification i used with aidan . zach : well , i did n't sleep with reese . kendall : well , maybe you should have . then we 'd finally be even . zach : this is not about being even , kendall . i would n't do that because i would n't want to hurt you like that , because you , my family , there 's nothing more important . and you 're willing to throw all that away over a kiss . kendall : a kiss . that `` kiss `` cost greenlee everything . she would not have been on the road . i would n't have run her off , ok ? no , no , you can tell all the lies that you want , but it wo n't change the fact that my best friend is dead , and i 'm the one who killed her . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : good news . i just spoke with judge adams , and he 's so impressed with our progress that we 've made . he 's agreed to schedule a hearing to evaluate your competency . annie : when ? dr. sinclair : tomorrow . after i present my findings to the court , you 'll be declared fit to stand trial for richie 's murder . with a taped confession , the district attorney should have no problem getting a conviction . i sincerely hope you 've enjoyed your time here at oak haven . pretty soon , it 'll be nothing but a distant memory . what 's the problem , annie ? do n't feel like talking ? annie : there 's nothing left to say . dr. sinclair : you do n't want to tell me how you killed greenlee ? [ scene_break ] j.r. : thanks for coming . amanda : after last night , i -- i just had to be here . j.r. : you know , it was n't too long ago i was in ryan 's place , hoping that babe would somehow pull through . and when reality hit , everything just stopped -- my mind , my heart , my entire world . you know , if it was n't for little a -- amanda : thank god ryan has emma and spike . j.r. : they 're going to help him pull through . but he 's going to need somebody else to lean on . and , sure , i had krystal and tad and colby . but the person that helped me out the most was you . you 've been such a good friend to me . and you 're going to make an even better mother . our baby is one lucky -- [ scene_break ] tad : are you sure it 's such a good idea for you to be seeing patients when your mind is obviously elsewhere ? jake : yeah , you got a pen ? i -- i ca n't just hang around and do nothing . my mind keeps thinking about greenlee in the water , so i -- [ jake sighs ] jake : what a crap night . [ scene_break ] krystal : i 'm so sorry about greenlee . david : she was the love of my brother 's life . when leo died , a piece of us all did . same with babe . i 'm beginning to wonder if there 's anything left . there 's been so much loss . everyone -- everyone i ever cared about has been taken away -- my brother , my daughters . and now the chandlers want me to stay away from little a . that boy is the only family i have left . krystal : it 's not true . you have me . [ scene_break ] erica : jack , where do you think you 're going ? jack : i 'm going out to find my daughter . erica : but , jack , look , you were up all night . you came in here soaking wet and freezing cold . why do n't you just give your body a chance to warm back up again ? jack : i 'll be fine . erica : no , jack , you 're exhausted . jack : look , erica , i appreciate your concern , i do . but i do n't have time for this . ryan and jesse -- they have a boat , and i need to get to it , ok ? erica : but you heard what jesse said . he said it 's way too dangerous to even be out on the river . jack : do you think i care about the danger , erica ? my daughter 's out there . she might be dead . the least i can do is bring her in from the cold , do n't you think ? [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : talk to me . greenlee 's death must be weighing on you . annie : but greenlee 's not dead . you 're just saying that to confuse me . dr. sinclair : i know you killed her , just like you killed richie . annie : no . dr. sinclair : yes . greenlee was going to marry ryan , take your place in his new life , become emma 's new mother , and you could n't have that . annie : i did n't -- i did n't hurt greenlee . dr. sinclair : you were in connecticut . aidan found you near the inn where she was staying . annie : i wanted to see emma . i had to say goodbye . dr. sinclair : greenlee lost control and crashed off an embankment . you cut her brakes , did n't you ? made sure she could n't slow down when she took that turn . annie : no , no . dr. sinclair : you wanted to get greenlee out of the way , and now she 's dead . do you think ryan will ever forgive you ? [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] ryan : jesse , i do n't -- i do n't care if i got to rent my own boat to get back on the water . i got to get back out there . we got to keep looking . we got to try and find her . jesse : ryan , ryan . i told you , no boats on the water until this front passes . hey , listen to me . while we 're waiting , take me back through what happened . ryan : you saw the tracks . zach was on the wrong side of the road , ok ? he ran greenlee off . that 's why we 're here . he caused all of this . jesse : it was an accident . dark roads , tight curve -- come on . he did n't -- he could n't see this coming . ryan : you do n't get it . you do n't -- you do n't get it . jesse -- jesse : what , what , what ? ryan : this started a long time ago , ok ? this started when he agreed to be that baby 's father , and he did n't tell kendall about it . now he 's lying to bianca about nothing going on with reese . meanwhile , they 're having an affair . jesse : you 're sure about this ? ryan : yes . i walked in on them . that 's why greenlee was on the road -- because she was worried about kendall . she did n't want her to hurt like that , so please , do me a favor and do n't tell me that zach did n't cause this , because he caused all of this . [ scene_break ] zach : you 're still here ? reese : yeah , i wanted to check on you . david was pretty harsh back there . zach : he did n't say anything that was n't true . reese : well , you did n't bully kendall into going to the wedding . she did that for bianca . zach : no , they had a deal . just like we had a deal . kendall shows up for the wedding , then you , bianca , and the girls leave for paris . reese : ok , so that 's why bianca said she wanted to go to france , because kendall had a problem with me . zach : not just with you . gabrielle . every time she looks at the kid , she is reminded of the secret and the lies . reese : but you 're just trying to protect her . zach : yeah ? how 's that ? by kissing you ? [ scene_break ] krystal : i guess we all needed to feel close to babe today . j.r. : yeah , well , we were just going . david : amanda , how many of your friends have to die before you wake up ? being with the wrong man can be fatal . amanda : being with j.r. did not get babe killed . standing in the wrong place during a tornado did . david : babe would n't have been in pine valley if it was n't for the chandlers . j.r. : what are you talking about ? we were subpoenaed . we did n't have a choice . david : there 's always a choice , junior . you made the wrong one . and now we 're all living with the consequences . krystal : it was an accident , david . they happen all the time . david : yeah , right . some happier than others . kind of like your pregnancy -- not planned , but still very much wanted . [ pager beeps ] david : i have to get back to the hospital . krystal : yeah . i 'm going to stay and just spend a little time with babe . david : all right . j.r. : yeah , we should get going , too . come on . krystal : j.r. , i -- i really wanted to talk to you . could you -- could you give us a few minutes ? amanda : yeah . i 'll see you back at the house . j.r. : whatever you have to say , i do n't want to hear it . i 'm sure it 'll just be david doing the talking , or the pills that he 's got you hooked on . krystal : j.r. , i just need a few minutes of your time , ok ? if you ca n't do it for me , could you just please do it for babe ? [ scene_break ] erica : listen to me . i know what you 're going through . i 've been where you are , with josh . i mean , all i could see was the pain in him , and all i could do was just put my arms around him and reassure him . jack : i came into greenlee 's life kind of after the fact , the way you did with josh . i just -- well , we got to a good place . i just thought we 'd have years to make up for the time we 'd lost . erica : and you will . jack : erica , she 's been out there so long now . erica : but bianca was right . greenlee is a fighter . nobody knows that better than i do . i 've gone up against her a bazillion times . believe me , she never backs down , she never gives up , and neither should you . [ scene_break ] bianca : how are you feeling ? kendall : not as good as you . bianca : that bad , huh ? kendall : spare me any tears . bianca : what ? kendall : this all worked out perfect for you , did n't it ? with greenlee missing , now you do n't have to make up a reason to stay in town . bianca : that 's why you ran out before the wedding . you overheard me and reese telling mom that we were n't going back to paris . kendall : we had a deal . bianca : i was going to tell you . kendall : you were going to tell me ? like you told me about the baby ? or -- or told me about zach being the father ? my god , bianca , what is it about the truth that is so hard for everyone ? bianca : ok , you want the truth ? i know why greenlee was going back to the chapel . kendall : so do i . bianca : you do ? kendall : yeah . she was the only one willing to be honest . she was going to confront zach and slam him with the truth about what he did with your new wife . you knew there was something going on . bianca : no . kendall : oh , god , yes ! bianca , greenlee told me about the test . you had doubts , and you went ahead and you married reese anyway ? what the hell is wrong with you ? bianca : i honestly believed she loved me . kendall : well , you should never believe another word out of reese 's mouth . it 's lies -- every last word . [ scene_break ] reese : look , the rehearsal dinner was not my finest hour either , all right ? i was hurt , i was drunk , i made a complete fool of myself . zach : nothing to do with being drunk . i was n't drunk . i was completely sober . i wanted to kiss you . reese : no , it was -- it was a mistake . it -- come on , it 's over . no one ever has to know . zach : they know . ryan saw us together . he told greenlee . reese : what ? zach : that 's why she was coming to the chapel . he told her we were sleeping together . reese : what ? it was -- it was a kiss . nothing happened . zach : nothing will happen . what was i thinking , moving you and the kid into the house ? it just -- that does n't make any sense . reese : well , i do n't know . maybe there had been a tornado , and you needed some help . zach : that tornado caused a lot of damage , but nothing compared to what our friendship has caused . it 's got to end . it 's got to end now . [ scene_break ] [ thunder ] jesse : looking for something specific ? aidan : ryan said the bike was brand - new . jesse : it was an early wedding present . aidan : did greenlee have any trouble on the way up here ? jesse : no , it ran fine . why ? aidan : could be a manufacturing wire . you know , a loose wire , a missing bolt . i mean , that would explain why greenlee could n't stay on the road . jesse : the tire tracks indicate that zach overshot the turn . he came around the corner in the wrong lane . greenlee swerved to miss him . aidan : so the deputies went over the rest of the bike . they find any evidence that it had been tampered with ? jesse : what are you saying , that this was n't an accident ? officer : the dive team found something about three miles downstream . jesse : ryan . come here , you 're going to want to hear this . did you find greenlee ? officer : no , but we did find this caught between some rocks . was it hers ? [ scene_break ] krystal : j.r. , i 'm happy for you . i really am . i am . i 'm glad that you 're moving on . i 'm glad that you 're building a new life , because i know that 's what babe would want . i just want to make sure that you 're doing it for the right reasons . j.r. : we 're having a baby . krystal : is that a reason to be with somebody ? i mean , tad and i got married for the sake of the kids , and look how that turned out . j.r. : i 'm surprised you 're not pushing for a proposal . yeah . i see the way david looks at amanda . and i know you do , too . i mean , that 's where all this concern is coming from , right ? yeah . you 're worried he 's going to run off with amanda , and you 're not going to have anything left . [ scene_break ] amanda : what the hell are you doing ? david : well , i was just about to go save a man 's life before his aorta ruptures . so if you do n't mind -- amanda : what was that ? back at the grave , making digs about my unborn baby ? david : that was n't a dig , it was a point in fact . there 's a chance that child might be mine . if it is , i will be a part of its life . amanda : i told you , j.r. is the father . david : hmm , right , until the dna test proves otherwise . amanda : it wo n't . so back off . david : you can relax , amanda . your flawed little family is safe , at least for now . but if you do n't deliver me little a , j.r. 's going to find out that i paid you to help get him drunk . baby or not , you will end up on the street . amanda : i ca n't get you access to little a if j.r. does n't trust me to be alone with him . david : the clock is ticking , amanda . make it happen , before your life implodes . [ scene_break ] dr. sinclair : you are so clever . you 're more clever than people give you credit for . you wanted to get rid of greenlee , and you even made it look like an accident . annie : what ? no . i -- i did n't do anything . dr. sinclair : oh , so you just happened to be in connecticut on greenlee 's wedding day . it 's no coincidence that she did n't make it to the chapel . annie : ask aidan , ok ? he was there . he 'll tell you , i did n't hurt greenlee . dr. sinclair : no , no , no . annie : ah . dr. sinclair : aidan 's gone . you 're on your own now , annie . [ scene_break ] aidan : i warned her . i told her that you were n't worth it . but she blew our life apart anyway . greenlee loved you , ryan , and this is how you repay her ? this is how you protect her ! [ scene_break ] jake : i just checked on your wife . she could use some rest . zach : thanks , man . jake : why do n't you go on home and get some rest yourself ? zach : i 'm going to go see my wife . jake : well , that 's the thing , zach . she does n't want to see you . [ scene_break ] kendall : greenlee . what are you doing here ? greenlee : i came to say goodbye . kendall : no , please . please do n't go . please . i 'm so sorry . i did this . i did this to you . this is my fault . i hurt you . greenlee : none of this was your fault . kendall : yes , it is . i was n't paying attention , and zach and i were fighting , and he told me to pull over . why did n't i listen ? greenlee : zach loves you , kendall . hold on to that . never forget how much . kendall 's voice : greenlee ? greenlee ! [ scene_break ] reese : hey . bianca . did they -- did they find greenlee ? bianca : no . reese : honey , i 'm -- i 'm so -- bianca : do n't you dare touch me . | at oak haven , aidan quickly hides when he sees an orderly . when the orderly leaves , aidan gets annie and takes her to her room only to be confronted by dr. sinclair , who awaits in annie 's room . zach visits kendall at pine valley hospital . kendall asks zach had greenlee been found . kendall blames herself for greenlee 's death . david comes into kendall 's room and demands to know what is going on that her heart beat and blood pressure is up so . at the inn in connecticut , erica gives bianca some chamomile tea to help her sleep jesse , jack and the other police officers come back into the inn . jack lets erica and bianca know that greenlee had n't been found . jesse tells ryan that the police had gone from rescue to recovery . dr. sinclair shows aidan the newspaper picture of greenlee and that she is missing . aidan rushes out of oak haven . reese arrives at the hospital to check on kendall and if greenlee had been found . david comes out of kendall 's room . david blames zach for greenlee 's death and for kendall being in the hospital . zach orders reese to go . ryan begs jesse to find greenlee . ryan lets bianca know that zach had slept with reese . kendall realizes the bond between zach and reese because of gabrielle . bianca lets erica know that ryan had seen zach and reese together . aidan arrives at the inn to help find greenlee . krystal comes to the hospital to tell david about greenlee . dr. sinclair sets up a competency hearing for annie for the next day . dr. sinclair asks annie how had she killed greenlee . |
erica : the return of greenlee smythe was certainly very surprising , but my unwavering support of fusion should n't be . i mean , i have worked tirelessly to keep fusion competitive in our flailing economy , and , in fact , now our line of cosmetics is really making a difference in women 's lives , so i have no plans to back off on my support of fusion until my own daughter returns . reporter : what about ryan lavery ? erica : ryan 's vast business experience really helped us launch and market my new nonprofit miranda line of cosmetics . i 'm sure greenlee is just as grateful as i am . reporter : a few weeks ago , you and mr. lavery confirmed to the press that you were more than just business associates . now his presumed - dead fiancée is back from the grave . [ cell phone ringing ] erica : oh , excuse me . ahem . oh , i 'm sorry . i really need to take this , and i 'm sure that you have some more questions , so -- whoops -- why do n't you call me , ok , and we will set something up ? reporter : right . erica : ok . hello ? jack : erica , it 's jack . erica : jack , did you see greenlee ? did you get to talk to her ? jack : yeah . as a matter of fact , i just got off the phone with her . she maintains she 's fine . i 'm trying to give her and ryan space to work this out , but what i really want to do is take her and shake her until she sees reason . erica : oh , believe me , i know how you feel , but the only thing you can actually do is be patient . jack : yeah . i know . i 'm trying to distract myself with work , but -- where are you right now ? erica : confusion . why ? jack : how about you , me , dinner ? erica : i 'll get us a table . [ scene_break ] jesse : well , the d.a . wo n't have enough to make a case unless greenlee presses charges , and i really do n't see that happening . tad : well , not unless she and ryan straighten things out . jesse : no . that 's not really a given , now , is it ? tad : what ? you are the last person in the world i would expect to lecture about the powers of love , and love is definitely more powerful than , you know , what hayward has got over greenlee . hey , do n't forget , love brought you and angela back together after 20 years and made you a golden couple , right ? jesse : ha ! tad : right ? jesse : is that what we are , a golden couple ? well , then riddle me this , professor . what the hell am i doing here spending what 's left of my valentine 's day with the likes of you ? [ scene_break ] jake : look . i know you are under a great deal of pressure . i 'm sure you got everybody on the board breathing down your neck , but you averted a strike . do you realize how huge a deal that is ? that 's exactly why you should be what it says on the door of your thing there -- chief of staff . angie : i managed to put out one fire , one , under the hundred burning around here . jake : no , no . you managed to avert a disaster for this hospital . angie : and sold my soul in the process . jake : oh , come on . we 've all done a deal with the devil every now and then . angie : how do you live with yourself when the devil is david hayward ? [ scene_break ] david : i was n't sure you 'd come back . greenlee : i could n't go . david : without saying good - bye ? [ scene_break ] tad : love is tricky . i 've certainly never been able to master it , but i know there are couples out there who manage to ride the wave to their golden wedding anniversary . jesse : yeah . well , there are not many couples that can last 50 years . i mean , my marriage suffered a 20-year setback . you honestly think that ryan and greenlee are gon na be able to go the distance ? tad : there 's only one way to find out . well ? [ scene_break ] greenlee : i imagined what it would be like to see ryan again -- the look on his face , the things he would say -- and it started out just like my dream . you know , he told me he loved me , he never stopped , that he wants us to be together , and then he asked me to marry him . [ scene_break ] ryan : she hesitated long enough for me to know that she 's not in love with david , that she 's doing all of this just to hurt me . tad : why would greenlee want to hurt you ? erica : because of me . greenlee knows that we were together , does n't she ? ryan : and now she 's hell - bent on marrying david to prove that she 's over me . [ scene_break ] david : so , did ryan get through to you , convince you to rethink our arrangement and pick it up where you left off ? greenlee : he moved on . i ca n't pretend that the last year did n't happen . david : i 'm not trying to imply that it would be easy , but imagining what it would be like to see ryan again and actually coming to -- face to face with him are two very different things . i ca n't think of anything that might prepare you for what you would feel . [ scene_break ] ryan : it 's not over . greenlee can lie to herself , but she ca n't lie to me . there is still love there . i see it , and i must stay in this until she sees it , too . [ scene_break ] david : do you know what you want , greenlee ? greenlee : i thought i did , but i 've changed my mind . [ scene_break ] annie : thanks again for all your help . scott : well , you did all the hard work . tell you what . i 'll look this over , and i 'll get it on adam 's desk first thing in the morning . annie : ok . thanks again . scott : anytime . good night , annie . annie : night . [ sighs ] colby : hi . this is annie chandler . i 'm a patient of dr. burke 's . i really need to speak with him . no , no , no , no . no , no . no , no . this ca n't wait . the woman who broke up my marriage is back . i saw her . i really need dr. burke 's help . ok . greenlee is the reason i ended up at oak haven , and i ca n't go back . [ scene_break ] ryan : i mean , a lot has changed over the past year , but one thing that has n't is greenlee 's determination . i mean , once she gets her mind set on something -- erica : oh , she 's got her mind set on marrying david hayward just to get back at you , and it 's obvious that her attack on fusion was her lashing out at me . ryan : it 's not gon na stop there . erica : did she admit to sabotaging the computers ? ryan : she did n't admit to anything , but she was very clear to me that she wants fusion back , and she wants erica gone . jesse : so , there 's no reason for her to stop defending hayward . erica : david will get what he has coming , but now , if you 'll excuse me , i 'm meeting someone for dinner . jesse : she better not -- ryan : no , no . no , no , no . i 'll talk to her . i 'll talk to her . hey , look . you 're gon na have enough on your hands with fusion . why do n't you let me handle david ? erica : ryan , i am so sorry that things got so complicated . i mean , your reunion with greenlee would be completely different if not for me . ryan : erica , you have nothing to apologize for , nothing . i mean , when you realized that i was n't the man that you were supposed to be with , you were up- front . you were honest , no games , no lies . i just wish greenlee could be the same . erica : you are such a good man , ryan lavery . if greenlee does n't take you back , she 's a fool . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i know this wedding was my idea . i wanted to make it some big production , so i could hurt ryan the way he hurt me , but the more i think about it -- david : all right , greenlee . it 's ok . i 'm not gon na force you to go into a marriage that you know is a mistake . greenlee : inviting people was a mistake . i thought it was so important to have everyone stand there and watch , but you 're the only one in this town who has ever really stood by me , so that 's what this wedding should be about -- the two of us , no one else . david : greenlee -- greenlee : if i have you by my side , i can conquer anything . the fact that i 'm alive proves it . so , what do you say ? tomorrow -- you , me , vows ? david : [ sighs ] we both know what this marriage is really about . you 're afraid of being hurt again . greenlee : you should call the minister and see if he 's free tomorrow . david : where you going ? greenlee : i 've got to take care of something important , but do n't worry . by this time tomorrow , we 'll be husband and wife . [ scene_break ] man : erica kane . erica : oh , my goodness , mayor villaraigosa , how nice to see you . mayor villaraigosa : how are you ? erica : wonderful , thank you . mayor villaraigosa : why are you dining here when you could be in sunny los angeles ? erica : ha ha ! i think the last time i saw you , it was the green cities ball . mayor villaraigosa : it was a great time . erica : it was a great time . what are you doing here in pine valley ? mayor villaraigosa : looking for jobs . we 're here for the jobs conference trying to attract business to los angeles . erica : well , if i decide to move my business to los angeles , you 'll be the first to know . mayor villaraigosa : i hope so . erica : thank you . [ cell phone ringing ] erica : oh , i 'm so sorry . this is a call that i really need to take , if you 'll excuse me . mayor villaraigosa : not a problem . it 's good to see you . erica : good to see you , too . thank you , and call me . we 'll do lunch . mayor villaraigosa : i look forward to it . erica : thank you . take care . mayor villaraigosa : thank you . [ cell phone rings ] erica : jack , is everything all right ? jack : yeah . i was just walking out the door , and my client from paris called . evidently , this deal we 've been working on for weeks is falling apart around us . erica : jack , are you canceling on me ? jack : yeah . i guess i am . sorry . erica : well , there 's always breakfast . jack : you 're right . there is always breakfast . what do you say to 9 : 30 at the yacht club ? erica : sounds perfect . jack : hey , you , i really am sorry . erica : do n't be , really . i have so much work that has piled up for me at fusion , actually , this would be a very good time for me to get to work on that . it 's quiet . i 'll be able to concentrate , and i 'll see you tomorrow . jack : i 'll look forward to it . [ beep ] [ scene_break ] david : i 'm really sorry for the scene you had to witness earlier , reverend , but i assure you , tomorrow 's ceremony will be a private affair -- no guests , no interruptions of any kind . that 's a promise . minister : marriage is a sacred covenant in the eyes of the church . given the circumstances , perhaps a secular ceremony down at city hall may be more appropriate . david : look . i understand your reluctance , ok ? and that 's why i 'm prepared to make a sizable donation to the parish on your behalf for your troubles . what are you doing back here ? ryan : that 's between greenlee and me . david : oh , you 're wasting your time . she 's gone . ryan : where did she go ? david : and that would be between me and my fiancée . [ scene_break ] greenlee : effective immediately . you 're going to love this . i 'll be sure to send you a copy as soon as i 'm finished . ok . [ typing ] erica : what are you doing in my office ? greenlee : oh , i can see how you would be confused , with your picture plastered everywhere , so let me clear it up for you . fusion is my company . that makes this my office . do n't let my door hit you on the way out . erica : you crashed this company 's computers . you practically drove fusion into bankruptcy , so as far as i 'm concerned , you have given up all rights to call this company yours . [ scene_break ] angie : you know , what i did today , i am not proud of myself . jake : what did you do ? honestly , what did you do ? you got a bunch of files from david as a christmas gift , and all you did was regift it so you could settle a strike . angie : a file packed with people 's deepest , darkest secrets , and i told myself that i would never , ever sink that low . i know that i am better than david hayward , and now , as it turns out , i am no different . jake : oh , donkey crap . are you kidding me ? you are a beautiful , sensitive , compassionate woman , and all you do is give and give to everybody and never ever expect anything back . david is a stupid , selfish , punk - ass bastard who thinks of nothing but himself ever . angie : jake , i want you to honestly look in my eyes and say that i am doing a good job . jake : angie , i can look right into your eyes and tell you you are doing a great job . do you realize that everybody outside there in those halls , they 're working for less money , and they are working longer hours ? you know why ? because their morale is through the roof for the first time since my father was pushed out of here by david . finally , they have somebody they can believe in , somebody that they trust and , more importantly , respect . that 's exactly what this hospital needs . angie : i used to think so , but the harsh reality is that it takes more than good intentions to keep these doors open , and i am just not built that way . i think the hospital would be better off putting someone else in this position . jake : no . nobody works harder than you or cares more about those patients than you . i 'm a witness . angie : you know , i have worked so hard to get to where i am . my father , he had high expectations , and i just always seemed to fall short , and here i am . i 'm doing it again . jake : well , i do n't know about that . look . if your father did n't believe in you , i 'll tell you one father who always believed in you -- my father . you know that i was just talking to him the other day , and he said he was so thrilled that you were the chief of staff . he said you could certainly fill his shoes any day . angie : oh , jake , come on . i do n't even come close . joe made this job look effortless . i am barely keeping my head above water . jake : oh , you know how to swim . angie : obviously not . [ scene_break ] tad : do you want to talk about it ? it might help . jesse : i do n't know . i 'm just -- been trying to find some mutual down time for angela and myself , you know , just never enough time . like tonight , she did n't even have time to have dinner with me . tad : does n't mean anything . she 's just busy at the hospital . hey , face it . you know , it 's a fact . you got a talented wife . she 's in high demand . jesse : she 's always been in high demand , but it 's just these jobs . she 's a chief . i 'm a chief . you know , it just leaves us no time for each other . tad : well , then you better make time , but while you 're figuring it out , you thank god you 're doing it with a woman like angela . she 's true blue . jesse : oh , we all know all too well that life can go straight to hell in a hand basket in any given 20 seconds , so what are we doing ? why are we wasting time , and on what ? [ scene_break ] david : ha ! you know what 's so funny is , you profess your love for greenlee , but it 's so obvious you do n't respect her . if you did , you would n't keep showing up here trying to interfere in her life . ryan : a life that you saved . i bet you never let her forget that , huh , hayward ? david : greenlee is not getting married to me out of some mistaken sense of obligation . she 's trying to move on with her life . why ca n't you just let her be happy ? go play the white knight somewhere else . greenlee does n't need rescuing . ryan : great . if you think this is a game , hayward , you 're the one who 's gon na need rescuing . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i may have been gone for a year . that does n't mean i 've given up my rights to anything . i 'm taking back what 's mine , whether you like it or not . erica : that 's what you think . you did everything you possibly could to destroy fusion . greenlee : i 'd rather see fusion go under than have you be any part of it . erica : i see . well , if it were n't for me , fusion would n't exist . greenlee : ha ha ! have you been sniffing the samples ? kendall and i created this company with zero help from you . erica : greenlee , i gave you your start in this industry . i hired you at enchantment . i taught you everything about color palette and corporate politics , and you took what you learned , and you co - created fusion , and when fusion faltered , i 'm the one who brought it back from the brink , so as far as i can see , you should be thanking me , not feel threatened by me , especially since i only stepped in at kendall 's insistence . greenlee : ha ha ! and we all know you and your daughter are quite the team , both of you sleeping with ryan in one short year . erica : both kendall and ryan thought they had lost you . they were both mourning their loss of you . they turned to each other for comfort in their grief . greenlee : convenient excuse . what 's yours ? you sure as hell were n't grieving a loss when you made a play for ryan , unless , of course , it was the loss of your pride . erica : you know , you are so busy lashing out that you do not see the facts . ryan and kendall are long over . ryan and i are , too . greenlee : very noble of you to step aside after i came back . erica : you know what ? just for your information , ryan and i broke up before we even knew you were alive . [ scene_break ] annie : colby . i thought you went to bed . colby : hmm , hoping is more like it . that way , you and scott can stop pretending you 're writing a report together and really get down to business , a quickie right here on the couch . annie : you have a very active imagination . if your father comes home , tell him i went upstairs to take a bath . colby : uh , yeah . tell him yourself , because i 'm spending the night at corinna 's . [ doorbell rings ] annie : dr. burke , what are you doing here ? dr. burke : i came as soon as i got your message . annie : what message ? dr. burke : the one you left with my secretary . she was very concerned , paged me right away . annie : but i did n't call oak haven . your secretary must be mistaken . i never spoke to her . dr. burke : when was the last time you slept ? annie : excuse me ? dr. burke : you look exhausted . perhaps you forgot you made the phone call . annie : what ? no . i am exhausted , because i 've been up working all night . i have n't had the chance for a break , let alone to make a phone call . dr. burke : ah , it 's late . you 're tired . why do n't we talk about this in the morning ? annie : i do n't need to talk . i 'm fine . i 'm fine . my marriage wo n't be , though , if my husband comes in and sees you here pushing for therapy that i do n't need , so , if you 'll excuse me , i have some work to finish . dr. burke : call me if you change your mind . [ annie cries ] scott : hey , i 'm glad you 're still up . listen . i looked over the report . the numbers that you quoted , they did n't include the last quarter . they -- no , no , no . it 's ok . it 's ok . anybody could 've made the same mistake . annie : it 's not the report . i feel like everything in my life is falling apart . scott : oh , come here . [ scott hugs annie ] [ scene_break ] jake : you know , i do n't think there 's any point in hating yourself when david is the one that caused all this . angie : no . i am the one who tried to beat david at his own game . i blackmailed him into stepping down as chief and recommending me for the job . i thought i had the upper hand , but the truth of the matter is that david was just giving me enough damn rope -- the union head was in david 's back pocket . he recorded a conversation we had about ending the strike . now david has the tape , and he is threatening to go public unless i resign . jake : you tell jesse about this ? angie : about what , blackmailing and bullying a union into staying on the job ? jake : well , you had a good reason , right ? the janitors were gon na strike . the hospital was gon na shut down . angie : what are you talking about ? i still broke the law . i am not going to put jesse in the position of trying to choose between our marriage and his job . i 've been there . jake : so , that 's it , then . david wins . is that -- angie : oh , god , jake , please come on , baby . just give it up . jake : he had sex with my wife ! he brainwashed one of my best friends in the world into almost marrying him . he 's trying to destroy my dear , dear friend 's career , one of the best doctors i know . no . i am not gon na -- i 'm never gon na let him hurt anybody i love or care about again . [ scene_break ] erica : you seem surprised that ryan did n't mention when we broke up , much less try to defend himself when you attacked him for moving on , but it does n't surprise me , because that 's the kind of person ryan is , more concerned with what 's best for others than himself . greenlee : i do n't need you to tell me who ryan is . he proved it while i was gone , showing his concern between the sheets . erica : oh , that 's it . i mean , i have had it . we have all been trying to celebrate your miraculous return . greenlee : oh ! erica : even i have tried to overlook our past problems and your current tantrums . greenlee : tantrums i learned from your inspirational teachings at enchantment ? erica : miracle or not , i can not , will not stand here and hear you bad - mouth this decent man ryan who -- for god knows why -- loves you more than anything . i just ca n't believe that i encouraged him to fight for you , because you do n't deserve him . you could never make him happy . greenlee : and you can ? erica : oh , you have convinced both ryan and jackson that you are this delicate , little flower who needs protecting , but the truth is , you are just too spiteful to die . erica : jack . jack : erica . you know , greenlee has been through hell for the past year . does she really need you attacking her ? erica : greenlee knows very well why i said what i did , and i 'm not gon na stand here and defend myself , but you know what ? this really has served as a very helpful reminder as to where your priorities lie and why things have never worked out between us . jack : we -- can we talk about this in the morning ? erica : i do n't think so . our breakfast date is off . jack : you -- are you all right ? greenlee : i am now . [ scene_break ] jake : the worst part is that david might actually get away with this , because he has angie exactly where he wants her . you know what ? i say the way to do this , the way to stop him , is to take a page out of his book . you get it ? tad : any ideas ? ryan : i got one , but i 'm gon na need your help to pull it off . [ scene_break ] david : dr. hubbard may have successfully averted that strike , but i do n't think it 's the time for the board to be breathing a sigh of relief just yet . board member : what have you heard ? david : well , let 's just say the chief of staff has n't been very proactive in her decision making . it may be time for the board to step in , start thinking about a replacement . board member : i appreciate your candor , dr. hayward . [ cell phone ringing ] david : anything to help . board member : i 'll show myself out . david : thank you . [ ring ] david : huh . [ ring ] david : you can save your breath , jake . greenlee has made up her mind . we 're getting married . jake : hey , david , i 'm calling about marissa . the paramedics just brought her in . david : what is it ? jake : there was an accident . david : what happened ? jake : i 'll fill you in when you get here . david : damn it , martin . tell me what 's going on with my daughter . jake : look . we 're trying to stabilize her , all right ? just get in here . huh ? i 'd like to thank the academy and my agents and god , of course , because without god , you ca n't -- ryan : so , he bought it . tad : oh , how could he not , a performance like that ? ryan : go to the hospital . i 'll take care of the rest . tad : stop with the beer . jake : ok . my car is outside . tad : yeah . so is mine . i 'll drive . jake : well , the idea is to get there before david , so , you know , minivan does n't exactly spell speed . tad : no . i 'm thinking about what happens after david gets to the hospital . i 'm thinking the cargo space is going to come in handy . jake : i think we do n't have to stand here and talk anymore . we could be in the minivan . let 's go in the minivan . [ scene_break ] jack : why did n't you tell me about the wedding ? greenlee : i knew you 'd try to stop me . jack : well , that 's a safe assumption , given the fact you were about to marry someone you do n't love . greenlee : think what you want . i 'm marrying david tomorrow . jack : oh , come on . this is insane . i mean , do you really expect me to be supportive of you marrying a man who kept the fact that you were alive a secret for a year ? greenlee : no more than i would support whatever is going on between you and erica . i have to hand it to her . she wasted no time . broke up with ryan , moved on to breakfast with you . jack : oh -- look . did you and ryan get enough of a chance to talk about all this ? greenlee : he told me what he thought i wanted to hear , but it does n't change anything . jack : greenlee , i know you 're hurt , but marrying david hayward is not gon na make the pain go away . if anything -- i promise you -- it 's gon na make it worse . greenlee : i did n't come for a lecture . wait . how 'd you know i 'd be here ? jack : i did n't know you 'd be here . greenlee : so , you came looking for erica . jack : we were gon na have some dinner together , and i -- greenlee : oh , my god , this just keeps getting worse . how many times does that woman have to break your heart before you learn ? jack : can we drop the subject , please ? greenlee : erica took everything that mattered to me . this wo n't be over until she gets what 's coming to her . [ scene_break ] [ knocks on door ] angie : yes ? jesse : hungry ? angie : oh , god , dinner . listen , baby . i am so sorry , but i got caught up in something , and i just completely lost track of time . jesse : uh - huh . i figured as much , so that 's why i brought dinner to you . angie : oh , i wish i could . jesse : what are you talking about ? you can . you are the boss , el jefe , in charge , or is it `` jefa `` for women ? angie : you know , it does n't mean that the rules do n't apply to me . jesse : baby , do n't do this . do n't shut me out like this . angie : oh , is n't this the pot calling the kettle black ? after all the times you 've done that , i mean , now you 're gon na criticize me for shutting you out ? [ scene_break ] david : where is she ? where 's marissa ? jake : calm yourself . david : my daughter is hurt . do n't tell me to calm myself . jake : she 's fine -- as far as i know . david : as far as you know ? is that what 's supposed to pass for patient care around here ? loser . jake : she was never brought in . there was no accident . david : what ? jake : do i have your attention now , wolf crier ? i just want to take this time to get a couple of things straight , ok ? greenlee happens to be one of my best friends , so i 'm gon na make sure that she clearly understands that you are no savior . i 'm also gon na help her clearly understand all the crap you put all of us through in this town , and then she will know what all of us already know , that you are a twisted , evil , narcissistic , i think schizophrenic that needs to resort to tainting milk and faking terminal illnesses just to keep a woman . david : and this is pathetic , even for you . jake : yeah . he 's on the way out . i 'm right behind him . [ scene_break ] ryan : i know it sounds extreme , jack , but i honestly do n't see any other way . jack : greenlee is not gon na like it at all . you know that . ryan : no . she 's not gon na like it . she 's probably gon na fight me every step of the way . [ scene_break ] annie : ever since i saw greenlee , i 've been on edge . i pretended like i was n't , but i ca n't stop thinking about the way my life was a year ago . i mean , my marriage had completely fallen apart . my entire life had unraveled , and i did awful , crazy things to keep greenlee and ryan from getting married , and now she 's back , and i feel like everyone is just waiting to see when crazy annie is gon na snap . i 'm scared , scott . what if i do ? scott : you wo n't . annie : how can you be so sure ? scott : because all of those things happened before you got help , ok ? you 're better now . you got a new life . you 've got a new family , and you are not gon na do anything to jeopardize that . annie : before greenlee died , i was locked up in oak haven , and i lost everything that meant something to me , and i 'm scared . what if she tries to get me to go back there or something ? scott : you think greenlee left that message for dr. burke ? annie : i mean , she could be with ryan right now , for all we know , encouraging him to reopen the custody case , to take emma away from me forever . scott : ok . stop . adam is not gon na let that happen , and neither will i , but i do think dr. burke is right about one thing . i think that you should call him in the morning just to talk . ca n't be good to let all this anxiety build up . annie : no . no therapy . that would be like me admitting that the past year was a lie , like i was never really better , but the truth is , the honest truth is , i 'm happier than i 've ever been . i love my life -- living here , working at chandler -- with you . [ telephone ringing ] annie : ohh -- [ beep ] annie : hello ? hi . oh . are you sure ? yeah . i 'm fine here . ok . love you , too . [ beep ] annie : it looks like adam has to settle some things at the hospital . he 's not coming home tonight . scott : well , i 'm gon na go . i 'm gon na get started on these changes . annie : what do you need me to do ? scott : i need you to go to bed . no sense in us both losing sleep . annie : wait . i do n't want to be alone tonight . scott : you need your rest , annie . annie : scott , every time i close my eyes , i 'm back there . i 'm at oak haven , and i 'm in a tiny room , and the walls are closing in on me . scott : it 's not real . annie : but it was real . i ca n't go back there , scott . please , i 'm scared . just stay here tonight . scott : i ca n't . annie : no . you can leave in the morning , ok , and no one has to know . i just need somebody here tonight , please . what if something else happens ? will you come upstairs with me ? [ scene_break ] jesse : ok . i 've made a lot of mistakes in my life , none i regret more than not being honest with you . i lost your respect , your trust , and now there 's this wall up . i -- angie : you ca n't fix this , jesse . jesse : baby , i 'm worried about you . angie : well , do n't be . i am resigning as chief of staff . jesse : oh , whoa . i 'm not asking you to quit your job . angie : you did n't have to . jesse : angela , listen . let 's not make rash decisions right now , these big dicis -- come on . come home with me . get some rest . angie : you should go . jesse : angela -- angie : look , jesse . would you -- please go . [ scene_break ] [ cell phone rings ] erica : hello ? jack : hey , i was n't sure you 'd pick up . listen . about what happened -- erica : i ca n't do this right now . jack : i know it 's late . i just do n't want to leave things the way we did . you mind if i come over , and we can talk about this ? erica : i 'm sorry , jack . i just ca n't . i have something much more important i need to tend to . [ scene_break ] [ tad and jake carry david 's lifeless body ] tad : get the lights . what now ? jake : well , now the fun begins . [ scene_break ] [ greenlee sends an e - mail memo to the fusion global network then she tears down erica 's poster ] greenlee : [ chuckles ] you 're damn right , i do . hmm -- aah ! ryan : it 's ok . it 's just me . greenlee : what are you doing ? ryan : come on . you 're all right . greenlee : put me down . | erica gives an interview about greenlee being alive . jack calls erica for a dinner date which she accepts . jesse and tad agree that greenlee would have to press charges against david before they could do anything to him . after finding out that angie is resigning her chief of staff position , jake offers her encouragement on what a good job that she 's been doing . in the living room of wildwind , greenlee lets david know that ryan asked her to marry him . ryan joins tad and jesse at confusion to discuss greenlee and david . greenlee tells david that she now wants a real wedding to him . greenlee and david agree to marry the next day . david meets with a minister about the ceremony . ryan barges in on the minister and david and demands to know where greenlee is . greenlee is on the computer in erica 's office when erica barges in on her . erica and greenlee argue over who is in charge at fusion . erica lets greenlee know that erica and ryan are over long before they found out that greenlee was alive . erica makes a very snide remark toward greenlee which jack overhears . colby pretends she is annie and calls dr. burke for help in dealing with the greenlee situation . annie gets a visit from dr. burke . annie denies calling his office and refuses to talk to him . annie begins to cry and falls into scott 's arms for comfort . angie lets jake know that david is blackmailing her to resign her position . jake , angry , vows that david will not hurt anyone else he loves and rushes out of the office . |
scott : good morning . i was hoping to get back before you woke up . madison : has the panic set in yet ? scott : panic ? panic about what ? madison : well , you kind of sort of told ryan that you were the father of my baby . scott : i remember . madison : and i 'm grateful . spared us all from a very uncomfortable moment on his wedding night . scott : sometimes i 'm pretty good at thinking on my feet . madison : well , you 've been good to me , and i appreciate it . but now it 's the dreaded morning after . i have a lot to figure out about this baby . scott : yeah , well , it got a lot more complicated . something happened last night . [ scene_break ] greenlee : anything ? ryan : maybe . actually , marissa 's car was stolen , and we think that it 's a pretty good bet that annie was behind the wheel . jesse : we 've got an apb out on the car , and everybody that we can spare is out on it . fbi 's here , too . greenlee : hey , you 've been up all night . maybe you should come home , get some sleep . ryan : were there any more calls ? did you get any more calls ? greenlee : no , no , and i had the home phone forwarded to your cell . ryan : i do n't understand how annie is doing this . how is she slipping through ? greenlee : ryan , i wish there was some way i could get you to rest . ryan : i ca n't rest . i ca n't rest knowing that emma is out there someplace . i ca n't . greenlee : i know . i know , but for all the horrible things that annie has done , keep remembering there 's no way she would let anything happen to her . she meant what she said in that message . she 'll take care of emma . it 's just a matter of time before the cops find them . ryan : and i will be there when they do . [ scene_break ] amanda : hey . going out already ? jake : yeah , i just -- i got tad on this track of finding out who the person is that 's been stealing the drugs from my hospital , you know , so he has some information , so i 'm gon na go and talk to him about it . amanda : oh . i was hoping we could have breakfast together . jake : babe -- you 're good with us , right ? i mean , everything 's ok ? is n't it ? because you know you are the only woman in the world for me and the only woman that i love . cara is in the past where she belongs . amanda : i 'm sorry . cara who ? [ drops her towel ] jake : i do n't -- what were we talking about just -- amanda : and your meeting with tad ? jake : that was -- so funny , because that was delayed . amanda : ah . and breakfast ? jake : breakfast is gon na be with my wife , right in this room . yeah . maybe we could work up an appetite first . [ kissing ] [ scene_break ] voice on p.a . : paging dr. battaglia . call extension 198 . dr. battaglia , extension 198 . extension 198 for dr. -- griffin : has n't wearing that thing caused you enough trouble ? maybe you should put it in a box . file it away . cara : it 's gotten me through some really tough times , griff . griffin : it was n't the ring . it was you . and it might piss some people off . cara : already has . amanda tried to rip it off my neck last night . griffin : see , that 's exactly what i 'm saying , cara . why do n't we go have a cup of coffee ? cara : i think that you have a patient that you need to check in on . right ? did n't you promise somebody that -- something that you 've never promised another ? griffin : yeah , and that promise was fulfilled . when are you gon na stop ragging me about it ? cara : when it stops being so much fun getting a rise out of you . [ scene_break ] [ machine beeping ] kendall : no . do n't go . [ wakes up ] hey . ricky : hey . kendall : how long have you been here ? ricky : not long . bad dreams ? kendall : frustrating ones . ricky : zach again ? kendall : yeah . it 's like i 'm at the bottom of this pool , and i 'm looking up , and i see zach 's face through the water -- and he 's trying to tell me something , but i ca n't figure out what it is . ricky : maybe he just wants to know you 're ok , let you know he loves you . kendall : yeah . get me out of here . [ scene_break ] madison : ryan must be going out of his mind with worry . i should call him . scott : and say what ? madison : i do n't know . i 'm sorry . offer my help . scott : are you gon na tell him about the baby ? madison : he needs to stay focused , you know , until he brings emma home . telling him about this kid is n't gon na make him miss emma any less . scott : i think you 're right about that . madison : this is n't your problem . i ca n't ask you to keep up a secret like this . it 's not right , and we barely know each other . the other night , when i came on to you like i did -- i remember thinking what a good guy you were to stop me , knowing that i was doing it for all the wrong reasons . i really did want to get to know you better before we -- i mean , as friends or -- scott : yes , yes . and this is n't what you had in mind by `` getting to know me better . `` madison : no . i mean , i thought we would start with what kind of movies you like or what 's your favorite food . scott : instead you got instant daddy . madison : so what are we gon na do ? [ scene_break ] amanda : i turned my phone off last night . i just now got the messages . annie ran off with emma ? greenlee : the fbi issued an amber alert . so far nothing . amanda : i 'm so sorry . ryan : hey , have you talked to annie ? has she called you ? did you speak to her at all yesterday , by any chance ? amanda : no . i have n't really talked to annie at all lately . i 've been kind of keeping my distance . ryan : how come ? amanda : well , she 's just acting sort of clingy and needy and something was off . it was kind of weirding me out a little . ryan : when did that start ? amanda : the night of the chandler break - in . she called me and jake over , and she was just kind of odd . i do n't know . ryan : that 's because she staged the whole thing . she 's the one who knocked marissa out herself . you guys went over there ? why did n't you call me ? why did n't you tell me that you were worried about her ? something . amanda : ryan , i had no idea she was -- ryan : you know what ? we all saw the signs . me included . and what the hell did i do about it ? [ scene_break ] jake : so i ca n't -- ryan must be going out of his mind . tad : yeah . and i know what that 's like . jake : you gon na pitch in ? tad : absolutely . i told jesse i would do anything -- jake : you need me , i 'll do anything . you said that you had some information about who 's stealing my drugs at the hospital ? tad : no . i said i had some information on something i agreed to look into . i did n't tell you what . jake : so you have information about cara . what is it ? tad : she was smart to get out of dodge , jake . jake : right . this about the guy in africa she did n't save ? tad : this is a very bad man . very bad , with even worse friends . jake : i knew that . tad : these people are n't very happy about cara . jake : did you just say that in the present tense ? she made me believe that this was all in the past -- tad : she 's wrong . jake : what ? tad : she 's wrong . she 's a marked woman , jake . cara 's in a whole lot of trouble . [ scene_break ] cara : hey . griffin : yeah ? cara : just making sure you 're not gon na go in there and harass kendall . griffin : harass her ? is that what you call trying to save someone 's life ? cara : just do n't go in there telling her what to do , how to behave , that whole thing . griffin : what if she 's not doing the right thing for her recovery ? cara : she knows what to do . cara : ooh ! oh , it 's a note from her . ok , ready ? `` dear dr. castillo . if you 're reading this note , you 're probably turning red right now . `` ha ! she got ya . griffin : read . cara : sorry . `` do n't worry . i will be back . i had to go home for something very important . `` she put a little smiley face . i like her already . and look ! chocolates . want one ? griffin : no . [ scene_break ] ricky : i 'm already regretting this . kendall : i 'm fine , ok ? i 'm just a little winded , that 's all . ricky : yeah ? tell me again how i let you talk me into this . kendall : i am a very hard person to say no to . ricky : amen to that . kendall : besides , nothing 's gon na happen to me . i 've got the lord on my side . ricky : see , now , that 's just shameless . kendall : yeah , it is , a little . thank you . thank you for going along with my crazy plan to come be around zach 's things and figure out my dream . ricky : oh , come on . i 've heard crazier . kendall : ok . i think i was robbed . [ scene_break ] tad : this guy that died over in africa . i want you to tell me everything you remember about him . jake : he had a smuggling ring . he practically owned the entire town . this is right near where we were working , and i think it was heroin . i think he was sending heroin down to mexico , and they were sending guns back . all i could tell is everybody was terrified of this guy . tad : with good reason . i got a friend in the state department . took him about five minutes to call me back and tell me that the man that died on that operating table was part of a mexican drug cartel . something called the sinaloa federation . jake : oh , my god . tad : no , wait . it gets better . it 's not just this guy 's local sudanese goons that are looking for cara . he had a brother . that brother has put a contract on cara 's head . jake : how is she even alive ? how 's she not dead already ? tad : because she 's been using a different name . keeping a low profile . i do n't care . either way , it does n't matter . what 's important -- these people are very serious . they have a long memory and a lot of money . cara goes anywhere near mexico , she 's not coming out . if i were her , i would n't even go near the border . jake : she wants to go to doctors without borders as soon as her papers are through . tad : big mistake . hopefully she 'll change her mind once we clue her in to what 's going on . we owe her that much . jake : i should be the one that talks to her about it . i 'll handle it . [ scene_break ] griffin : see , this is the problem . cara : with what ? being a doctor ? griffin : no , with getting involved with your patient . cara : oh , you mean like promising someone that you 'll save her life ? griffin : not just someone . this is kendall slater , and she seems to love putting herself in harm 's way . cara : and making you crazy . griffin : you have that in common . cara : ha ha . now go . and be nice , ok ? griffin : i 'm always nice . cara : ha ha ! [ scene_break ] kendall : i 'm in the hospital and someone does this ? what if the kids were home ? ricky : can you tell if anything was taken ? kendall : i do n't think so . all i wanted to know is if zach was trying to tell me something . could this be related ? ricky : what do you mean -- like he was trying to warn you ? about what ? kendall : i do n't know . i do n't know what i mean . before zach died -- never mind . it 's just really weird . ricky : it 's scary . tell you what -- at least everybody 's safe . griffin : you and i have a different definition of what `` safe `` is , padre . [ scene_break ] madison : how do we deal with this ? scott : very carefully ? madison : understatement . scott : look , it 's still early , right ? emma 's everyone 's priority right now , so we do n't have to decide on any plan of attack other than what kind of danish you want right now . madison : do you have apple ? scott : do i have apple ? let 's see . do -- no , i do n't have apple . madison : that 's ok . scott : and looks like -- something happened in transit . you deserve so much better than this . i 'll tell you what . why do n't we go out , grab a bite to eat , and then we 'll see if there 's anything we can do to help out ryan . madison : think i could grab a change of clothes on the way ? scott : i think that would be a great idea . yeah . madison : very comfortable bed , by the way . scott : madison , the lies , they keep coming . i do n't know . [ scene_break ] ryan : did annie say anything to you about going someplace or about wanting to go someplace , anything like that at all ? amanda : i wish i could say something that could help . i 'm really sorry . ryan : it 's definitely not your fault . like i said , we all saw signs . we all thought j.r. could handle this , and that was our big mistake . jesse : all right , chopper spotted a car that matches marissa 's off the side of a road just a few miles out of town . ryan : i 'll be there . greenlee : i 'll stay here in case they need someone in town . ryan : i 'll call you as soon as i get there . greenlee : go . [ scene_break ] cara : ok , if you walk by 14 , you 're gon na notice that kendall 's taken a leave of absence -- jake : can we talk about something , please ? cara : ok . sure . jake : it 's not that it 's still , you know , a little quid pro quo . cara : ok . what 's going on ? jake : it 's just that you had told me something about yourself that i did n't know , and i thought maybe it 's my turn . cara : ok . jake : when you left the sudan , i was kidnapped . i 'm not saying it had anything to do with the people that you were having problems with , but it was , you know , scary , and i was lucky to get out of there alive . cara : why are you telling me this now , jake ? jake : well , because i want you to know that i actually know what it 's like to fear for your life . i do n't want that for you . so -- you ca n't leave . you ca n't go back . [ scene_break ] griffin : you are aware that she just had major surgery . kendall : it 's not his fault . ricky : it 's ok , kendall . griffin : is it ? were you in the ambulance with us when her life was hanging in the balance ? kendall : i was . ricky : and so was god . griffin : that 's great . are we done here ? please ? kendall : actually , no . i do n't think we are . look around . it 's a little messier than usual . griffin : you were robbed ? kendall : maybe . i do n't know . that 's what we 're trying to figure out . griffin : all right , well , can we figure it out back at the hospital ? ricky : you know what ? he 's right . you should probably go . kendall : but the cops are on their way . griffin : well , i 'm sure reverend ricky would n't mind sticking around and talking to them . ricky : yeah , i do n't have a problem with that . and you know what ? i 'll let you know what they say , ok ? kendall : thank you . for everything . griffin : what she said . let 's go . [ scene_break ] amanda : they will find her . annie is a clever girl , but nothing is gon na stop ryan . greenlee : i do n't care about annie . all i care about is emma coming home . this is killing him . amanda : what a horrible way to spend your wedding night . i am so sorry . i never thought that annie was that far gone . greenlee : yeah , well , you know what ? we all need to learn a little something about taking action before things get out of control . amanda : listen , i 'm gon na go , but call me if you need anything , ok ? greenlee : thank you . scott : hey . any word on emma ? greenlee : ryan 's out right now with jesse chasing down a lead . madison : what can i do to help ? greenlee : i know you 're not working today , but maybe you could go into fusion and field media calls . i 'm sure the phone 's ringing off the hook . maybe someone will call in with a tip . madison : yeah . you bet . i 'm just gon na get breakfast to go , ok ? i 'll see you later ? scott : sure . yeah . greenlee : so -- daddy -- scott : that 's funny . greenlee : got ta say i was n't expecting that . scott : yeah . kind of surprised myself , too . words just came out of my mouth . greenlee : well , whatever the reason , it was pretty incredible . i 'm very grateful . thank you . scott : well , do n't thank me , because i sure as heck did n't do it for you . [ scene_break ] ryan : there . over there . behind that tree . jesse : ryan , she could be armed ! all units . suspect 's car is confirmed abandoned . no sign of suspect or the child . let 's get forensics out here , check on all newly reported stolen cars in the area . ryan : she knew that as soon as marissa found her car missing that we would come looking , so she got new wheels , jesse . she got new wheels . she 's still got emma . [ scene_break ] scott : do you really think i stepped forward as a father to save your wedding ? greenlee : all i said was thank you . scott : the person you should be thanking here is madison . greenlee : i 'll be sure and do that . what is wrong with you , anyway ? scott : i 'm beginning to think you do n't know what you 're talking about . greenlee : i 'm not following . scott : madison . you came to me in prison , and you painted this picture of her and that 's not who she really is . greenlee : then who is she ? scott : she is someone who 's been knocked down a hundred times in her life , who lost her way , and now she is fighting so hard to keep moving forward , fighting for her baby , and fighting not to be dependent on ryan for anything . greenlee : that 's fine . i 'm happy for her . scott : what does the girl have to do to prove that she is not a threat to you ? greenlee : i know she 's not a threat . scott : greenlee , if she wanted to use this baby to get to ryan , she would 've done it a long time ago . greenlee : she has quite a defender in you . scott : do you know why i claimed to be the father ? because i know what madison wants , and it 's not ryan . it 's independence , being able to look at yourself in the mirror . and even though this thing is so much more complicated than i can even process at the moment , i 'm happy to help with that . greenlee : you 're happy , i 'm happy . all i 'm concerned about right now is bringing ryan 's little girl home . [ cell phone ringing ] scott : you better get that . greenlee : ryan . was it annie ? ryan : it was marissa 's car . it 's been abandoned . greenlee : i 'm sorry . ryan : do n't be . fbi is on the trail . i 'm gon na find her . i 'm not gon na stop until i do . greenlee : maybe you need to come home and regroup . please , this is killing you . ok , look , i 'm gon na go to the hospital , see kendall . i do n't know what she knows , but i want to fill her in on everything we do know right now . please come home . ryan : i 'm gon na go over to the hospital , too . i 'll meet you there . i 'm gon na try and track down dr. burke and see if he 's got any idea where annie could 've gone , ok ? see you there . let 's get the hell out of here . [ scene_break ] griffin : now it 's your turn to give me all kinds of hell for being overprotective and not understanding why you need to be in your house and why the hospital is driving you up the wall . kendall : thank you . griffin : come again ? kendall : i know that as a patient , i 'm a pain in the ass . griffin : you -- kendall : yeah . yeah . i know . i never follow directions . i act all irrational . i 'm sure you think that ricky 's a jerk for helping me leave . he 's my friend . and he 's been there for me through all of this , but so have you , especially since the surgery . griffin : it 's my job . kendall : no . mm - mm . it 's more than that . i know all about how you never take a personal stake in your cases . for whatever reason , you 're making an exception with me . it means a lot , and i hope you never stop . whatever you do , just do n't stop caring . griffin : why 'd you leave the hospital ? what were you doing in your house ? kendall : it 's just the dreams i was having about zach . i do n't know . i thought that maybe i could figure out what they meant and see if maybe there was a message . griffin : what kind of message ? kendall : i do n't know . i came home and the place was a wreck , and i just thought that maybe -- i do n't know . i 'm just trying to figure it out . greenlee : hi . i hope i 'm not interrupting , but can i talk to kendall for a sec ? griffin : sure . you 're not gon na bail on me , are you ? kendall : not this time . hi . what are you doing here ? what 's going on ? should n't you be at your honeymoon ? greenlee : yeah , well -- plans changed a bit . [ scene_break ] tad : griffin . can i see you for a second ? griffin : what 's up ? tad : it 's your sister . she 's gon na need our help . [ scene_break ] cara : so it 's not over . [ sniffles ] jake : did you really think it was ? cara : um -- not really , i guess . i -- i was careful . you know , i kept my head down . jake : i think you are very , very lucky to be alive , that they did n't find you . cara : yeah ? ok . because -- i have two names . two passports . i 'm slick like that . jake : slick . cara : i 'm slick . jake : do you know how serious this is ? cara : i know how serious this is . i left my life because of this . i left you . jake : these people want to kill you . if you go back -- cara : you know what ? i knew the risks when i volunteered for doctors without borders , ok ? this just comes with the territory . jake : no , this is n't territory . bounty on your head ? murderers that are out for revenge ? are you kidding me ? cara : this is sounding like a movie . come on . jake : you make fun of things like this ? this is funny to you ? you think it 's like a big joke ? cara : what do you want me to say , jake ? you want me to tell you that i 'm scared ? yes , i 'm scared , ok ? who would n't be ? but i do n't live like that . jake : maybe you should start . cara : ok . you want me to start ? ok , now how do i do that ? i got it . by staying here . yeah , i 'm gon na stay here , just like you want me to . indefinitely , if you insist . i 'll call doctors without borders . i 'll tell them , `` yeah , not interested anymore , `` because , you know , after all , this is a great , little city , and it sure does n't hurt hanging around a guy that i used to be in love with all of the time , either . yeah . i 'm thinking this is meant to be . [ scene_break ] madison : no , we have no further statement on annie chandler or the time she worked here at fusion . all of us are only concerned that emma lavery is returned safe and sound . thank you . you got any news ? you got an update ? scott : no . i wish i had something . i just wanted to come by , check in on you , because breakfast ended so abruptly . madison : yeah . i 'm sorry . scott : look , i want you to know something . i had a lot of thinking time available to me while i was in prison , ok ? and i realized that if i was gon na get my life back on track , i needed a plan . madison : right . and keeping up a lie as big as this one -- you pretending to be the father of my baby . it does n't fit into that plan . that 's ok . i understand . scott : see , madison , i do n't think you do . yes , i 've got plans at the hospital to move up and build my life back up to where i want it to be , but -- when it comes to you and our crazy situation -- i 've got no plan . i 'm kind of improvising here . and i just want you to know that -- i 'm liking it . [ scene_break ] greenlee : i just -- i want to help him , and i ca n't . i do n't know what i can do . kendall : i think you just have to keep doing what you 're doing . just be there for him . do whatever you can to make sure he can keep going . greenlee : so when are you getting out of here ? kendall : well , i took a little trip today . greenlee : you went home ? kendall : yeah . yeah , i needed to be around zach 's things . i needed time to think . of course , when i got there , i had a nice , little surprise . somebody broke in . greenlee : what ? where are the boys ? how are the boys ? kendall : the boys are fine . they 're fine . they 're safe . let me ask you something . ryan still has those p.i.s working on zach 's crash , right , and the casino partners that he was working with ? greenlee : yeah , but as far as i know , they did n't find anything . the case is still closed . why ? you think -- kendall : no , no , i just -- i just want to talk to them , if that 's possible . greenlee : of course . are you worried about something ? kendall : no , i 'm just being silly . just this dream that i 'm having about zach . that 's all . [ scene_break ] brot : to be honest with you , reverend , the room does n't look like it 's been ransacked to me . maybe just the work of some rambunctious kids . ricky : yeah , yeah , you 're probably right . but kendall just had major surgery , and it was obviously too early for her to come home from the hospital . i blame myself . brot : i 'm gon na take a look around a little bit more . please tell kendall if she wants to talk about it to feel free to call . ricky : yeah , i will . hey , thank you , officer . [ door closes ] [ scene_break ] greenlee : i ca n't believe dr. castillo let you out . kendall : well , he did n't . i hitched a ride with ricky . greenlee : the reverend . you 've been spending a lot of time with him . kendall : yeah , i know . i 'm not exactly a churchgoer , either , but he brings me a lot of comfort . [ scene_break ] cara : so sure , with all of that going on around me , i mean , why would n't i jump at the chance to stay ? jake : stop it . stop . your life is on the line . hello . cara : yes , jake , `` my `` life . all right ? and i missed out on a lot of living , because people were scared . i was sick and my family wanted me to be afraid of everything . but you know what ? i do n't live like that anymore , ok ? i 'm not gon na run and hide every time i hear a car backfire , and i 'm not gon na make choices based on where i make the least noise . tad : noise is bad , cara . noise will get you killed . jake : finally -- the voice of sanity . will you talk to her , because i -- jake : [ stammering ] i give up . tad : first i want to give you this . it 's a pass key . i had it made for the house . jake : thank you . we 'll be in and out as quick as possible . tad : come on . you stay as long as you like . you 're gon na have to . i know the guy who 's doing your job . jake : great . tad : it 's gon na take twice as long as he said . jake : will you do me a favor ? will you listen to these two , please ? cara : they 're just gon na sing the same song . what , jake ? all right . so . who 's good cop ? tad : we both are . cara : no lectures . go ahead . tad : no . what if i got something better ? an idea . [ scene_break ] ryan : hey . kendall : hey . i am so sorry . ryan : we 're gon na find her . we 're gon na find her . [ cell phone ringing ] kendall : excuse me , guys . opal . hi . greenlee : i 'm sorry i 've been so insistent with you . i just want you to take care of yourself . ryan : i know , but i ca n't go home . i got ta keep looking . kendall : great . ok . spike saw the amber alert on tv . [ scene_break ] scott : now , i do n't know how long we can keep fooling them , but i want you to know that i will go along with it for as long as you want , ok ? it 's your call when you want to tell ryan the truth . madison : why ? scott : just seems like the right thing to do . madison : this is gon na get messier , you know . i mean , your friends , your family -- they 'll find out . scott : and if you play your cards right , maybe they 'll buy you some baby stuff . madison : that 's a perk . scott : yeah , see ? i got a lot of them . madison : you got a lot of something . scott : ha ha ! all right , so what about you ? huh ? i mean , we 're pretty much stuck with our story . how do you feel about telling the world that you made a baby with a guy who just got out of prison ? madison : and a one - night stand at that . scott : not a one - night stand . i asked you out again . madison : you did ? scott : i 'm doing it right now . would you like to go out with your baby daddy ? ha ha ha ! [ scene_break ] spike : why was emma on tv ? ryan : well , she was with her mommy and they went on a bit of a trip . it was actually kind of like -- kind of like an adventure , except that her mommy wanted to surprise emma with it , right , so her mommy did n't tell anybody about it , including me , so it has a lot of people really , really confused . but do n't worry , ok ? because one day really soon , their adventure has to end . [ scene_break ] cara : i am not gon na be locked down in one place . once my papers are cleared , i 'm going back to doctors without borders . griffin : it may not be safe . cara : ok , look . they know me over there as carolyn finn . i will travel as cara castillo . griffin : you 're not traveling anywhere . cara : this is my life . griffin : it 's your life , yes , that you 're putting at risk . tad : guys . there might be a way . they want cara dead . so let 's give them what they want . [ scene_break ] amanda : is this where i report an immigration violation ? yes . there is a mexican national traveling on a fraudulent passport . yes , she 's traveling under an assumed name . the passport reads carolyn finn but her real name is cara castillo . yes , i 'll hold . [ scene_break ] kendall : what did the cops say ? ricky : oh , they think it 's nothing to worry about , probably a dare or a prank . i 've heard some of the kids down at the parish talking about a thing like this , you know . you prove how brave you are by climbing through an unlocked window and throwing some stuff around . kendall : ok , well , i hope that 's what it is . ricky : no , no , do n't worry . i will keep on it . kendall : thank you . ricky : yeah . so -- i found this on the floor . i thought you might want to have it here . maybe it 'll help you with what you 're trying to figure out about zach . [ hands her a small photo album ] kendall : thank you . again . i feel like i keep saying that to you . that 's all i do is thank you for stuff , and you always know exactly what i need . ricky : hey . i know . well , you know what ? it comes with the job . so i 'll leave you to that . kendall : thanks . there i go again . sorry . ricky : all right . see you later . [ walks into the hall ] what the hell was that ? i 've spent months trying to get kendall to trust me , to let her guard down , and now the amateurs just bust in and toss her house ? i do n't want excuses . now , you listen to me . kendall slater is a smart woman , and she 's already asking questions . now , if i 'm gon na find what we 're looking for , i 'm gon na need her to keep thinking of me as her friendly neighborhood minister -- and not the man who killed her husband . | madison wakes up in scott 's bed , but finds him gone . as madison is getting up , scott comes in with her some breakfast . madison reminds scott of what he had taken on the night before by telling ryan that he was the father of her baby . at krystal 's restaurant , ryan and greenlee go over the details with jesse about how annie had taken emma and had disappeared . ryan does n't understand why annie would take emma away . amanda wakes up and finds jake dressing for work . jake lets her know that he has to check up on who could be taking drugs from the hospital . amanda drops her towel and this changes jake 's mind about going to work right now . at the nurse 's station at the hospital , cara looks at the wedding ring around her neck and slowly puts the chain back down under her top . griffin comes up and tells her to take off the wedding ring . cara lets him know that she had almost had the chain torn off her neck . kendall has a bad dream and wakes up with ricky looking at her . kendall tells ricky to get her out of here . scott shows madison the article about annie kidnapping emma . tad tells jake that cara has a bounty on her head and she can not ever go back to mexico or she will be killed . cara reads a valentine card that a nurse had written to griffin . ricky takes kendall home and finds her home ransacked . tad tells jake to tell him everything he knows about the man in africa . griffin comes in and finds kendall and ricky together in kendall 's living room . at krystal 's , ryan questions amanda as to what she knows about annie . ryan gets a lead on annie and emma . jake lets cara know that she can not leave town or she will be killed . kendall tells griffin about the break in . griffin takes kendall back to the hospital while ricky waits for the police to arrive . amanda offers greenlee reassurance that annie will be found . scott and madison come into krystal 's and questions greenlee about annie . ryan and jesse go looking for annie . |
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