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Build Up
multiple big creators stole my content and got millions of views more views than even me the original creator
multiple big creators stole my content and got millions of views more views than even me who is the original now i could be mad at them but im a giver and i will give you two of the best ways to find wild content they shouldnt steal but use as inspiration
multiple big creators stole my content and got millions of views more views than even me who is the original now i could be mad at them but im a giver and i will give you two of the best ways to find wild content they shouldnt steal but use as inspiration first is tweet hunter find a creator on twitter in your space and go to their profile tweet hunter will organize all the tweets by the most likes on the sidebar on the right scroll through and specifically look for twitter threads these are gold mines for video ideas the second method is source tiktok find a creator on tiktok and use a chrome extension to sort all their videos by the most views comment pb below if you want me to send you a link to these tools plus a 22page doc on how to grow your personal brand from scratch
Media Influencer
can you follow mrbeast on tiktok comment the word mud just comment the word wallet comment the word yt and you might have noticed something there this is the secret to how the biggest creators grow millions of followers each week
this is the secret to how the biggest creators grow millions of followers each week i personally gained 300000 followers off one video from this method and its not because of their content anyone can do this its because of one simple tactic youre missing out on and thats a cta you see the problem today is that people are mindlessly scrolling through social media
can you follow mrbeast on tiktok comment the word mud just comment the word wallet comment the word yt and you might have noticed something there this is the secret to how the biggest creators grow millions of followers each week i personally gained 300000 followers off one video from this method and its not because of their content anyone can do this its because of one simple tactic youre missing out on and thats a cta you see the problem today is that people are mindlessly scrolling through social media and if your content is getting millions of views its important to remind these people to take action after the video whether thats giving value selling a course doing whatever tell them to like comment share save everything after the video is over because this simple strategy is getting people millions of followers millions of leads millions of dollars from their bank account and theres endless amounts of ways to incorporate ctas throughout your videos i put together a vlog explaining how i grew to almost 1000000 followers in 2 months so comment down below cta if you want it
Content creation
my name is devin jatto and as a social media manager i charge my clients from anywhere from 53 thousand to 187 thousand dollars per year and today im going to share with you my favorite social media strategy so you can steal it and implement it for yourself
first you need to get clear on what youre an expert on so for this video lets say youre a fitness coach
within the niche of fitness youre creating 8 different subtopics this is your lifetime supply of content ideas so lets start with your first subtopic weightloss head over to quoracom and search weight loss now on the left filter your search by questions now take at least 30 ideas and put them into some sort of spreadsheet and in that spreadsheet create 3 different columns subtopic video idea and view count for 30 days create and post one idea every single day and then track the performance of each of the videos views
Content creation
if you need content ideas for tiktoks or instagram reels dont be an ass and ask chadgbt
can you give me 10 content ideas thats horrible let me put you on game and teach you how to use chadgbt correctly to get viral content ideas
right now there are 800 million youtube videos to steal ideas from and thats exactly what were going to do shine ai head over to youtube and search for a video within your industry once you find a youtube video that you like go ahead and copy that videos link and head over to youtubetranscriptcom and paste in that video instructions continue on how to convert a youtube transcript into a content idea using ai
this is how the algorithm works on social media
once you learn the algorithm you know the rules of the game and then you know how to win the game
when you first publish your content it gets distributed to 20 of your followers and to a portion of people who are not your followers but those whose interest align with your content then the algorithm measures your content by 2 things watch time and engagement and the platform cares more about watch time because the longer someone spends on their platform the more they get paid from ads so if a person spends time watching your content it gets pushed to more people with similar interests otherwise if the content doesnt grab the viewers attention it gets no boost also if a person shares comments likes or saves your published content the algorithm pushes your content to more viewers resulting in more reach and engagement from a broader audience
Content creation
heres how to turn 1 shitty content idea into 18 viral videos
and if youre questioning my competence i grew my instagram from 0 to 200k followers in six months by using this strategy
the first thing we want to do is come up with a core topic for example lets say our core topic is fitness now we want to break our core topic into three different subtopics so in this case they might be diet weightlifting and cardio now these three subtopics can be broken down into six different content categories number one a quick tip number two industry myths number three common mistakes number four personal stories number five common questions and lastly my personal favorite number six actionable stepbystep systems and now we have infinite content ideas
Content creation
heres how to transform one shitty idea into seven viral hooks for your next video
build up lets say the concept for your video is protein powder
you could put a negative spin protein powders should never taste this good or you could put a positive spin this protein shake actually tastes good and its completely organic you can ask a question do your protein shakes always taste like chalk you can share an experience i wanted to get big this summer but getting in enough protein feels impossible you can call the viewer out if you struggle with gaining muscle listen up tell them how heres how you can reach your protein goals and enjoy it or you could give social proof heres why ronnie coleman cant shut up about his protein powder
Content creation
you need to be using this free software for all of your instagram videos
its called minichat
you can easily build automations that instantly respond to comments instagram stories cold dms and so much more ive sent 162000 automated dms with this software
alex hormozis favorite line is i have nothing to sell you but this is such a lie
he does have something to sell you its just not what you think the past couple of years alex has been building and leveraging his personal brand positioning himself to sell to certain people just probably not you
in fact when most gurus are selling for thousands of dollars alex hormozi is giving it away for free why because he wants to focus all of his time on businesses making over 3 million per year and this is where he sells once youre established he sells you on taking equity in your company and continuing to mentor you as you scale and leveraging his personal brand to do this has helped him build acquisitioncom to 150 million but none of this would be possible without his personal brand which is exactly why youre an idiot if youre not building yours
Media Influencer
you need to use this copy paste method to go viral on instagram
this is the exact strategy that i used to grow 100000 followers in 62 days land six videos with over one million views all without spending a dime
first identify a niche that you wanna grow in and find a viral video that has five times more views than the profile has followers this is how you know the video actually went viral second take the script from the video and restructure it so that it fits your personal brand image now you can record yourself speaking on the script just like this edit it together and once you master pacing and tonality voila now you have yourself a viral video
if you wanna start a business online but you have no money to invest this video is for you
build up the creator economy is expected to double by 2026 so you still have time
step one learn to create content comments start and ill send you a free course on how to do this step two use card for free to create a website step three use stripe paypal or gumroad to collect payments step four you can organize all of your work in notion for free step five after you take my free course you can use capcut to start making videos
Content creation
you need to be using this free editing pack for all your videos
motion backgrounds sound effects transitions luts font instagram border
export settings comment free and ill send you the pack right now
this guy makes over a hundred thousand dollars per month profit at 20 years old running the laziest business you can imagine
this is brady my business partner and heres exactly how you can replicate his success
what he does is called growth operating which means he helps me monetize my audience i used to suffer from a disease called broke influencer syndrome where i had a massive audience but wasnt fully monetizing it to my best ability brady helped me build a paid community to monetize my audience and we split the profits step one find a creator similar to me with a big audience thats not selling any digital products yet search the howto hashtag on tiktok and search for creators making educational videos that are only selling physical products or nothing at all and reach out to them using the scripts and get a 50 50 partnership step two then head over to school with a k and build a pay community for their audience this is one of the easiest parts of the process and only will take a few hours post live group calls with the creator and their audience host a course and host a community for support step three charge 100 per month for access and split the profits with the creator me and brady do this to monetize my audience and really only work about two hours per day and make over 100k per month profit
heres how you make millions by becoming a wifi money pimp
this is the males version of becoming an of girl except this is actually ethical instead of selling feet pics were going to be selling info
ive come across a few young internet millionaires who do this this is a proven model that has stolen from a trillion dollar industry step one go to findcreatorsio and find a creator with at least 10000 followers in the educational niche step two reach out to the creators and use the script and the link in my bio to get them to partner with you and pimp them out for their audience step three use chatgpt and tell it to write an outline for a course educating the creators audience about whatever niche theyre in step four go to skoolcom and build an info product community and sell access to it to their audience for 100 to 2000
Media Influencer
have you ever wondered how much your favorite influencers make
well im a pocket watcher and today were gonna be pocket watching hamza
he is over 229 million subs on youtube and runs a paid community to monetize his audience its called adoma school and he charges 129 per month for access and it looks like he has 1200 people paying for access making him over 150000 every single month a paid community is the best business model anyone can run to monetize an influencers audience and there is a massive opportunity for anyone to tap into this industry even if they arent an influencer theres millions of influencers out there with massive audiences that arent currently monetizing their audience and anyone can partner with an influencer and help them build a paid community to monetize their audiences and split the profits with the influencer even if you only took 10 from helping hamza monetize his audience that would be 15k a month and i made a free guide explaining exactly how i did this and made over 100000 profit last month and showing you exactly how you can do the same
Media Influencer
alex ramosis new challenge is the simplest path to 10000 a month
alex ramosi recently made his biggest investment yet into schoolcom hes now a coowner of school and hosting a challenge that will give you an opportunity to meet him in person while also allowing you to make a fat stack
ramosi himself said that running a paid community is the simplest business model that you can run in 2024 and i couldnt agree more you dont need any startup cash any business experience and you dont need an audience or need to make content this is the same business model that i used to make 263k as a senior in high school and over 250000 in revenue just last month at the age of 19
most important rule for life dont complain about anything
if its within your control go do something about it and if its not within your control youre just wasting energy
talking about it or thinking about it theres a chinese proverb that says the man who blames others has a long way to go the man who blames himself is halfway there the man who blames no one has already arrived
three tiny habits that dramatically upgraded my life
number one no phone within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning
the main subject of the video focuses on three lifechanging habits 1 avoiding phone use for the first 30 minutes of the day to prevent mental and physical health issues caused by an immediate surge in cortisol from stress 2 using grayscale mode on the phone for 90 of the day to reduce the addictive nature of the colorful screen and minimize distractions 3 implementing the oneoneone journaling method each day by noting one win one point of gratitude and one point of stress or anxiety which helps to focus on the positives and maintain mental balance
this stanford business school experiment blew my mind
there was a stanford business school professor who gave three groups of students 5 and two hours to make the highest roi possible on the money
the first group went out and basically bartered with the money and they made a decent return on their money the second group went out and realized that the 5 was actually a distraction and that what they really had was two hours to make as much money as possible the third group was the smartest group though they realized the presentation that would be done in front of an entire group of stanford business school students was the most valuable asset in the entire experiment so they called a bunch of local companies and sold the 30minute presentation as advertising space and made an astronomical return
teenagers are spending 70 less time with their friends in person than they were two decades ago
how can you possibly build a happy healthy fulfilling life if your entire life is by yourself with your phone
scrolling on tik tok scrolling on instagram seeing lives that arent real out there and comparing yourself to that the entire time social media is a drug that is specifically designed to make you feel less about yourself its designed to make you wish you were somewhere else someone else with someone else doing something else
but the beautiful thing about life is that you get to choose your hard
everything in life is hard but you get to choose what your hard is
its really hard to build an incredible body and physique its also really hard to see your body completely fail you its really hard to build meaningful relationships its also really hard to live on the surface with a bunch of people again you get to choose your hard its really hard to live a life of purpose working on something you care about its also really hard to live without purpose you get to choose the thorns that youre gonna have on the path of your journey
call it the oneoneone method
which is every single night before you go to bed
sit down with a piece of paper and write down one win from the day one point of tension or anxiety or stress and then one point of gratitude it takes two minutes and you immediately feel good about the win and you register some wind that you had during the day you get off your mind the crappy thing thats been bugging you thats gonna bug you for me like i wont be able to sleep ill be thinking about it just throw it down on paper its gone its out of your mind then you feel grateful for some small thing that you otherwise would have just let blow by that you never would have thought about it creates a journaling habit that actually kind of moves you forward without taking a bunch of time
if youre an entrepreneur you chose this path because you want to produce amazing results in living an amazing life
that requires patience and grit great things dont happen overnight
time is not your most important asset energy is because even if you have hundreds of free hours you wont use that time well if you dont have energy and motivation here are three simple ways that i optimize my energy so that i can use my time in meaningful ways 1 take a break and lift weights i lift weights five days a week 2 no meetings until 2 pm so many people want our attention and the ability to focus on ourselves is the number one key to success 3 iced americano my morning cup of coffee is my daily highlight
did you know that up until may 6 1954 it was universally accepted that the human body simply could not run a mile in less than 4 minutes
but then roger bannister a 25 year old medical student made history
by running a mile in 3 minutes and 59 seconds bannister not only shattered a physical record he broke a psychological barrier changing the belief system of athletes worldwide after his sprint numerous other athletes broke the 4minute barrier as well proving that the once impossible was indeed possible
are you grateful to be alive you should be
your chances of being born require 2 parents 4 grandparents 8 greatgrandparents leading up to 2048 9thgreat grandparents
and that only takes us back to about the 17th century imagine the amount of challenges struggles and battles your thousands of ancestors faced and conquered so that you could be alive today
so the real second sauce is audible one of the largest companies in the world for subscription service selling what is arguably information right
do you know how their system works how people read books on audible have you ever used it before
oh they have credits they have credits yeah why do they have credits to get recurring revenue because if somebody came in and they could get 500 books the first day either theyd get 500 books the first day and then theyd cancel the membership the next month right right right or theyd be so overwhelmed they wouldnt know what to do that they would literally just cancel the subscription theres no way im getting my value out of this so give them a credit each month i give them a credit every month and so we built in a full custom code system that gives people credits every month
most people dont have businesses they have promotions
they live on a revenue roller coaster where one month is high and the other month is a complete low and the reason they have this is because theyre solely focused on marketing and getting upfront cash as quickly as possible
what ive learned after generating tens of millions of dollars online is that in order to shift from that promotional rollercoaster that most people find themselves on into a real business with enterprise value you need two main things the first is product led growth and thats when your products sell themselves and ascend people into traditional products or services without you having to do any work and the second part of it is that you want to have recurring revenue so we launched a membership site about 90 days ago at this point and were generating tens of thousands of dollars a month
i treat my relationship with my girlfriend like a business and its made my life 100 times better
here are a few things that we do
the first is that we have a biweekly meeting with an agenda on this agenda were covering things like sharing the wins from the past two weeks both personal and professional we go through each others life visions or life manifestos so we make sure those things are aligned we review our quarterly goals and rocks which ill talk about in a second here and then we discuss any issues that were going through we feel like the other person isnt noticing or that we want to solve and we solve them once and for all on that call creating a safe environment for us to kind of knock forward in our relationship the second system we set up is a quarterly goal setting system myself and my partner we both want to be people that are always progressing forward and so every single quarter we set a goal and we put it inside of asana and we track it on those biweekly meetings so for example my goal last quarter was to create an elevated wardrobe that has an elevated style that gets me compliments everywhere i go and i was able to do that and then my girlfriends hers was that she wanted to create a moneymaking opportunity that she felt fulfilled doing and that she was generating money from by the end of the quarter and she did that when she launched a membership site so we both were able to add and help each other along the goals setting process and we were holding each other accountable the third way i treat my relationship like a business is making sure we have crystal clear communication so what ive learned managing dozens of employees is even just one or two words wrong message in email a text message or on a call could have disastrous implications
here are the three employees you need to scale from six figures to seven figures
the first is gonna be a virtual assistant and actually a few years ago i placed over 2000 virtual assistants for businesses online
and that was because virtual assistants were a really easy way to take whatever the business owner was already doing and just do more of it and remove the business owner from it so what are the youre doing cold email every day youre doing cold calls every day youre setting up ad accounts for your clients every single day whatever the thing that youre doing every single day that is just kind of busy or administrative work and thats just repetitive if you cant automate it you should hire a virtual assistant for three to 5 an hour and have them do that task for you getting back your time the second person is gonna be a salesperson now a lot of people freak out about hiring a salesperson but its really easy to do once you have an optimal selling system so once you already are getting a certain amount of people from a certain kind of structure whether its a video call funnel a cold call an email you have a little bit of a system behind it you wanna hire a sales person because although youre gonna have to pay them 10 of your sales its gonna get you back six to eight hours a day to get more appointments on your calendar to then hire more sales people to be able to scale and the third person should be a video editor now if youre not creating videos you definitely need to in todays day and age its how you can build trust with your prospects before they even get on a call with you to begin with and so editing videos is a pretty difficult thing to do its funny to me when i work with some of my clients that have millions of subscribers on youtube theyre still editing their own videos and some of them say they like doing it which is fine
so how do you know when its time to scale up ads versus scaling them down
the buildup reinforces the hooks question by addressing a common misconception and leading the viewers to a sense of anticipation for the explanation and why would you even want to scale down ads in the first place right
so you scale up ads when you have the first signs of a positive indication as soon as i started seeing quality sales calls being booked on the calendarquality people are being booked on the counter from the ads and now when do you want to scale back ads i just had a call with a client yesterday who actually cut their ad spend considerably by almost 80they werent able to keep up with client success
so how do you separate yourself from your competition especially if you guys are offering essentially the exact same thing
well in truth what you need to create is something called a unique mechanism
and a unique mechanism is exactly thatit is a unique way that you are going to deliver results for your clients thats different than how your competitors do it we just dont extract it and market it in our top of funnel marketing if youre able to create a word or phrase that describes your process then in doing so you will separate yourself from other people who havent created that word or phrase for example in my industry there are a lot of people that help other people scale their businesses but in our business we have a few unique mechanisms such as the selfsustaining funnel which is a concept or idea ive created on how to build an entire marketing system that feeds itself another example of a unique mechanism for our company is the member method which is how we use subscription membership services to fuel our highticket businesses
if youre trying to get to 100000 a month
the fastest path to do that is to simply learn the solutions to the problems create systems around them
and sell it to a business owner in a consulting slash valuecreator model what youre gonna do is youre gonna figure out what is everything necessary to take a client from point a to point b point a maybe is 1000 a month and you want to take your client to 10000 a month or maybe theyre a hundred leads a month and you want to get them to 500 leads a month
so how do you separate yourself from your competition especially if you guys were offering essentially the exact same thing
well in truth what you need to create is something called a unique mechanism
and a unique mechanism is exactly that a unique way that you are going to deliver results for your clients thats different than how your competitors do it and the best part is most of us have a unique mechanism we just dont extract it and market it in our top of funnel marketing if youre able to create a word or a phrase that describes your process then in doing so you will separate yourself from other people who havent created that word or phrase for example in my industry there are a lot of people that help other people scale their businesses thats what we help people do but in our business we have a few unique mechanisms such as the selfsustaining funnel which is a concept or idea i created on how to build an entire marketing system that feeds itself another example of a unique mechanism for our company is the member method which is how we use subscription membership services in order to fuel our highticket businesses so you could say that some of these things arent radical or totally different but its because i have extracted them from our processes and put a name around them that it separates us from our competition
you shouldnt have 12 employees for a 50000month business you should have one you
ill give you examples my agency model absolute mess so complicated we had 12 employees doing 50k a month thats a really complicated business
i even tried like a big trend right now called the build and release model which im not saying is bad at all in fact i think it worked for a lot of people the reason i dont like it is because you basically become a recruiting company and every model has its benefits and problems the agency model has a benefit because its super easy to sell agency services the build and release model slash offer is beneficial because its better for you you dont have to manage people ongoing like a team and you can just place talent in other peoples businesses theres like the growth partner model you take 10 revenue share that also for me was too complicated i dont wanna have only 510 clients that produce all my revenue cause theres so much risk involved in that if one of those clients leave 25 of your revenues cut out i personally think is the best if you want simplicity high margins and great client results if you want those three things thats the model that i choose
i do about five hours of deep work not looking at my phone
just strictly doing deep work every single day and heres exactly how im able to do this
the first thing is the night before you want to write out everything you have to get done the next day very clearly on an ipad or on pen and paper that way you know exactly what you have to get done second you want to make sure that youre only doing one thing at a time so you want to look at one thing on your todo list and only do that all the way through to completion do not switch tasks thats where you get distracted and if youre not checking things off the list you wont feel accomplished and you wont want to keep working now the last two things that can help you get going first of all if youre not 3 cups of coffee down by 10 am youre not doing it right and second if youre not listening to the soundtrack thats currently playing on this video little hans zimmer thats whats gonna help you get into a deep focused state of mind
i accomplished every marketing agency owners dream of hitting the magical 50000 a month and to be honest it sucked
i felt like i was basically a highlypaid employee with a whole bunch of bosses instead of a whole bunch of clients
and even when we did a good job for our clients they would only stay for two or three months and then id have to go find more clients not to mention i had to keep hiring people in order to fulfill for my clients and then after they left i was stuck with all this overhead and it left us unprofitable and it wasnt until i implemented the value creator model where i actually saw true profit in my bank account every single month and clients got better results
youve been told by all the youtube gurus that scaling your agency is the fastest path to 20 30 or even a hundred thousand a month in profit
well the truth is that all the youtube gurus are actually using a completely different model and if you arent implementing this in 2024 youre going to get left behind
instead of trying to scale your agency past 50000 a month because the model wasnt built for profit what you should do is exactly what i did i shut down my agency and i went all in on a consulting based offer instead of doing everything for my clients and charging them a monthly retainer where they stay for two or three months id charge them five to 15000 up front for an outcome instead
i think im about to get rich for real because yesterday i launched this christmas gift on my store and i got 60 dollars in sales
but it wasnt profitable so i went back and optimized everything i put better images tested a new ad and changed my price and things turned around almost instantly
throughout the entire day i was getting sales and at the end my store made a hundred and eightyeight dollars in sales tiktok gave me a 500 ad credit which made my ads free for the day so we profited a hundred dollars on this store today and i sold another christmas tree for 50 in profit
Media influencer
this video is for network marketers who wanna stop chasing prospects and instead start attracting them on autopilot
listen you dont need to do more outreach you dont need to go viral you need a proven system inside your business that generates you new leads every single day
and in this quick video im gonna show you exactly how so drop me a follow down below number one you need a scalable system that means instead of cold prospecting or praying that youll go viral you need to start attracting prospects to your personal brand by running profile visit ads just like this one that bring in anywhere from 20 to 150 real engaged followers every single day number two you need to start warming up your new followers by posting instagram and youtube content that speaks to their problems so you can easily book calls in the dms with people who already know like and trust you and finally number three stop spending all your time on sales calls or in the dms chasing prospects set up automations to streamline your sales process so you can recruit at scale with less effort
dont need to go prospect everyone you see in person to scale as a network marketer
you also dont need to be an extrovert and you dont need to be an insane public speaker in fact heres exactly how you can make an additional 10 to 20000 a month with network marketing in just three steps
number one you need a scalable model so instead of relying on other team members and outdated systems you need a predictable acquisition system thats going to get you direct results number two you need to take your cold following and turn it into warm prospects who know like and trust you by posting instagram and youtube content the biggest mistake network marketers make is they think they can prospect their entire audience without gaining their trust first and finally number three you need to do everything while building a personal brand no direct response no cold outreach just run simple profile visit ads just like this one to grow your brand and attract ideal clients
this is by far the most unethical way to get clients for your business
you can literally steal clients from your competitors in just four simple steps
first find a competitor in your niche thats running ig profile ads this means that theyre paying to get your dream clients attention next lets dive into their ad creators click the blue check mark hit active ads and now you can literally look at their entire ad campaign third you wanna see who likes this ad and engages with this piece of content this is a goldmine because all of your dream clients are in one place everyone that likes this ad is essentially saying that they want help from the coach
Media influencer
this guy made over 15m by playing fortnite
and the craziest thing is you could be doing the exact same thing the online space is currently booming and if youre not making money online like this guy we have a huge problem
just last year when i was a senior in high school i was able to make 15000 dollars last month using this exact business model i was able to buy my mom the gifts that she wanted quit my waiter job and not have to rely on college to go down the route of working a 9 to 5 this could be you
this is the best piece of advice youll hear today
making money online is so easy if you do this one thing
stop listening to all these gurus that are telling you to start a business starting a business with zero experience and skills is the dumbest thing you can do instead learn one highincome skill and work for a business youre way more likely to succeed because youre focusing all your efforts on one specific thing exists but content is empty.
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