for National Geographic News By October 9 humans had already used more of Earth's resources in 2006 than the planet can renew this year, according to an accounting tool that calculates our so-called ecological footprint. The Ecological Footprint tool measures how much land and water area a population uses to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its waste. The tool "allows us to compare human demands on nature with nature's ability to renew resources," said Mathis Wackernagel, co-creator of the tool and executive director of the Global Footprint Network in Oakland, California. Today humanity's ecological footprint is nearly 30 percent larger than what the planet can regenerate in a given year, the tool reveals. For example, forests are cut down faster than they regrow, fish are taken from the oceans faster than their populations regenerate, and groundwater is sucked up faster than aquifers are replenished. (Related feature: "Challenges to Humanity: Water Pressure" in National Geographic magazine.) To better manage our resources, world leaders should balance their ecological footprint the same way that they balance their finances, Wackernagel and colleagues say. "If you don't look at your bank account statement, how do you know if you are moving toward bankruptcy or success?" Wackernagel said. Wackernagel and his then professor William Rees at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, created the Ecological Footprint tool in the wake of the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sustainability—living within the limits of the Earth's resources—was a buzzword at the time, Wackernagel says, but nobody knew what those limits were. "If we don't look at the global limits and act accordingly, sustainable development is futile. It's totally futile," he said. SOURCES AND RELATED WEB SITES
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This magazine is updated every weekend The first people the Columbus saw when arrived in Jamaica were a brown-skinned people called the Arawaks. Fishermen in their canoes, cultivators clearing land, boys snaring birds, all gazed with wonder at the strange ships whose great square sails resembled the wings of some enormous bird. Also watching was the grave and stately cacique, whose crown of green, white, and red stones, and whose feathered cape, showed him to be their leader. Those people were of middle height, plump in build, and had straight black hair which they usually wore long, and decorated with parrot feathers. Their foreheads were flat and sloping, for like the Maya, mothers bound their babies' heads between two boards in order to create this shape, which they found beautiful. All wondered about the tall, fair-skinned strangers, curious to know who they were, and what they wanted from the inhabitants of these tiny tropical islands. For over fourteen hundred years the Indians had inhabited the mountainous and fertile islands of the Caribbean. At about the time of Jesus' birth they had left their original homes in Venezuela and had sailed up the Antilles, leaving groups to settle on each island in turn. Eventually they reached the Greater Antilles, and made their largest settlements on the islands of Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. There, they lived an untroubled life, fearing nothing but drought and hurricane, and sudden Carib raids. The Arawaks lived in small scattered villages, sometimes near the sea, sometimes on a hill a few miles from the sea. Here they were ruled by their cacique, or chief, who was their law-maker, their judge, and their chief priest. The cacique inherited his position and was greatly respected by his tribe, whom he ruled with gentleness, courtesy, and firmness, for all villagers had to obey his commands. If he left no heir, the eldest son of his eldest sister would become cacique. The Arawaks had few laws, however. They owned most things in common except personal possessions like stone tools, clay pots and canoes. The greatest crime among them was theft, for which the penalty was death by impalement (being pierced with a sharpened stick and left to die). The cacique's main duties were to organise the work of the village. This was done on a cooperative basis, with everyone sharing in the work to provide the tribe's needs. The cacique decided when the fields should be planted, and when new ones should be cleared. The mitaymos, or nobles, supervised the work, while the commoners cleared the bush, or cut down the trees for the all important canoes. The cacique also decided whether or not to attack a neighbouring tribe, for the Arawaks were not always peaceful. Above all, he led his people in the many festivals and religious ceremonies. Festivals and everyday life Many festivals marked the Arawak year, some religious and some not. For example, the naming of a baby was a time of rejoicing, for the Arawaks felt a child without a name would meet with great misfortune. The everyday activities of the Arawaks centred around providing food and shelter. The women were responsible for preparing the food. Since the main food was cassava, which is poisonous in its natural state, preparing it required very great care. First the root was grated on a board covered with small pebbles or rough coral until it formed a paste. This was put into a wicker tube, one end of which was hung from a branch, while a weight was attached to the other end. This caused the tube to contract, and forced the poisonous liquid out through the wicker. The paste which remained was left to dry and then pounded into flour using a stone mortar and pestle. The flour was formed into flat cakes and baked on a clay griddle until the cakes were hard and dry. The Arawaks also made a very tasty pepperpot where into a large clay pot were put cassava juice, from which poison had been extracted, and beans, peanuts, potato, and some meat, perhaps iguana, or turtle, or yellow snake, and pepper. The family was fed three times a day, and as some pepperpot was removed more ingredients were added so that the delicious soup was already ready. The men caught fish and meat for the family. They made canoes from which they fished and were responsible for building their own homes and stone tools. Canoes were dug out and shaped from large cedar or silk cotton trees some of which were as long as 80 feet and the Arawaks could travel great distances in them paddling from island to island to barter goods. Making houses was another of the men's tasks. Some of these were very large. They were bell-shaped, and housed about a hundred people. In all Arawak settlements The word Maroon comes from the Spanish word cimarron which means wild: untamed. They were slaves who either ran away from or were released by the Spanish before the English invaded Jamaica in 1655. They were successful, in retaining their independence for a 150 years of slavery by constantly defending their freedom. Their settlements were small not more than 2,000 strong but they fought as if they were in greater numbers. Slaves belonging to Spaniards joined in guerrilla warfare against the invaders. In 1685 a group of these, under Juan de Bolas, made a treaty with the English. From this time on they were joined by runaways from English masters, while others formed their own separate bands. By 1720 there were two distinct groups of Maroons one in the centre of the island and the other in the northeast. The First Maroon War In 1731 there was started what has become known as the First Maroon War. It lasted on and off for eight years, though in fact it really began in 1655 and continued for 84 years. In 1739-40 the British government in Jamaica, since it could not defeat these warriors, came to an agreement with them. They were to remain in their five main towns (Accompong, Trelawny Town, Moore Town, Scots Hall, Nanny Town), living under their own chief and a British supervisor. In exchange, they were asked to agree not to harbour new runaway slaves, but rather to help catch them. This last clause in the treaty, as you can imagine, caused a split between the Maroons and the rest to the black population, although from time to time runaways from the plantations still found their way in the Maroon settlements. The person responsible for the compromise with the British was the Maroon leader, Cudjoe, a short, almost dwarf-like man who for years fought skillfully and bravely to maintain his people's independence. As he grew older, however, Cudjoe became increasingly disillusioned. He ran into quarrels with his lieutenants and with other Maroon groups. He felt that the only hope for the future was honorable peace with the enemy, which was just what the British were also thinking. The 1739 treaty should be seen in this light. A year later, the even more rebellious Trewlany Town Maroons also agreed to sign a treaty though they were never happy about it. The Second Maroon War In 1795 these Trewlany Town Maroons declared war for a second time against the British. They felt that they were being badly treated under the terms of the treaty. They especially felt that the land allotted to them for farming was rocky and inadequate. After the years of fighting in which time and time again they defeated the much larger forces sent against them, they were persuaded to come to terms. They found themselves tricked and instead of obtaining a revision of treaty, they were all of them old and men, warriors, women and children transported to cold Nova Scotia, and after a few years sent to the new British settlement of Sierra Leone in West Africa. The other Maroon towns did not take part in this rebellion, however, and their treaty with the British remained in force until Jamaica gained its independence in 1962. Other forms of resistance Apart from running away and forming Maroon settlements, the slaves had many other ways of showing their dislike and hatred of the regime. Some ran away, not to join Maroon or rebel groups, but simply to do something else. Some of these pretended to be free and got away with it; others simply took up jobs in towns or became fishermen or woodcutters, which gave them virtual freedom. Those who did not run away had other means of reacting against their servitude. They could 'go slow', pretending to be lazy. They could pretend to be stupid. They could damage the horses, the oxen or the plantation equipment their masters. Many poisoned themselves. And thousands committed themselves to open violent rebellion. The Maroons fought and won battles against the British and in the end won their freedom.
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In what represents a potential breakthrough in scientific approaches to reducing the impact of climate change, scientists have created genetically-modified trees that do not emit a gas that contributes to poor air quality and global warming, without harming the health of the trees. Poplar trees give off isoprene, particularly when they are under stress like they would be during rapid changes in temperature or during a drought. Isoprene interacts with other substances to form ozone and types of aerosol, which have negative consequences on weather patterns. As poplar trees are widely used to create products like paper and plywood, and are also used as biofuel, the widespread adoption of genetically-modified poplar trees may enable a more environmentally-friendly method of producing these vital resources. According to the study, which was published in the journal PNAS, researchers observed the genetically-modified trees, which were planted in Oregon and Arizona, for a period of three to four years and concluded that they were capable of producing just as much biofuel as normal poplar trees, but without releasing harmful isoprene. Instead, the trees generated “alternative signaling pathways that appear to compensate for the loss of stress tolerance due to isoprene,” according to the lead author Russell Monson, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. The researchers believe that neither the health of the trees nor the quantity of biomass produced were negatively affected by the genetic modification, giving hope that in the future, trees could be optimized to better suit the needs of a global climate that has been modified by human activity. As biofuel derived from poplar trees can replace traditional fossil fuels in a sustainable way, these new findings could pave the way for transitioning to a more carbon-neutral future. The trees’ genetic code was modified by a process called “RNA interference.” In this process, specific genes are targeted and suppressed; in this case, the genes that are responsible for the production of isoprene are disabled. Multiple technologies exist in order to modify the genetic code of living organisms, including CRISPR, a newer technology that allows for even more drastic and precise genetic modification. In fact, traditional breeding of species, which humans have done for thousands of years, is itself a form of genetic modification, though it is a much slower and less precise way of altering the genetic makeup of an organism. When it comes to technologies that help to reduce the impact of climate change, the widespread planting of trees is often proposed as a method of mitigating carbon emissions, as trees use natural processes to store carbon and produce oxygen. However, planting a tremendous number of trees poses its own problems to ecosystems and the global climate, as not all of the gases released by trees benefit the environment. This is of particular concern given the advancement of technologies designed to autonomously plant large quantities of trees at a rate much greater than is possible with human labor, which is currently being deployed as a strategy for geo-engineering. As such, the future of harm reduction in connection with climate change may depend upon a combination of natural resources and cutting-edge technologies, as scientists of the future may be able to genetically optimize trees to maximize their beneficial impact on the environment. That being said, other strategies in addition to planting genetically-modified trees will surely be necessary in the fight against climate change, as carbon emissions continue to rise to increasingly-dangerous levels with no signs of stopping any time soon.
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Where Do Skin Cancers Start Most skin cancers start in the top layer of skin, called the epidermis. There are 3 main types of cells in this layer: - Squamous cells: These are flat cells in the upper part of the epidermis, which are constantly shed as new ones form. When these cells grow out of control, they can develop into squamous cell skin cancer . - Basal cells: These cells are in the lower part of the epidermis, called the basal cell layer. These cells constantly divide to form new cells to replace the squamous cells that wear off the skins surface. As these cells move up in the epidermis, they get flatter, eventually becoming squamous cells. Skin cancers that start in the basal cell layer are called basal cell skin cancers or basal cell carcinomas. - Melanocytes: These cells make the brown pigment called melanin, which gives the skin its tan or brown color. Melanin acts as the bodys natural sunscreen, protecting the deeper layers of the skin from some of the harmful effects of the sun. Melanoma skin cancer starts in these cells. The epidermis is separated from the deeper layers of skin by the basement membrane. When a skin cancer becomes more advanced, it generally grows through this barrier and into the deeper layers. How Is Squamous Cell Cancer Diagnosed Your doctor will first perform a physical exam and inspect any abnormal areas for signs of SCC. Theyll also ask you about your medical history. If SCC is suspected, your doctor may decide to take a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. A biopsy usually involves removing a very small portion of the affected skin. The skin sample is then sent to a laboratory for testing. In some cases, your doctor may need to remove a larger part or all of the abnormal growth for testing. Talk to your doctor about any potential scarring or biopsy concerns. Treatment for SCC varies. Treatment is based on: - the extent and severity of your cancer - your age - your overall health - the location of the cancer If SCC is caught early, the condition can usually be successfully treated. It becomes harder to cure once it has spread. Many treatments can be performed as in-office procedures. Some doctors may also use photodynamic therapy, laser surgery, and topical medications to treat SCC. However, the Food and Drug Administration hasnt approved these methods for treating SCC: Once SCC has been treated, its critical to attend all follow-up visits with your doctor. SCC can return, and its important to monitor your skin for any precancerous or cancerous areas at least once per month. Ways To Protect Your Skin - Avoid outdoor activities when the sun is strongest between 10am and 4pm from September to April in New Zealand. - Wear sunscreen and lip balm daily that offer SPF 30 or higher sun protection. - Use sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection and is water resistant. - Apply the sunscreen and lip balm to dry skin 15 minutes before going outdoors. - Apply the sunscreen to every part of your body that will not be covered by clothing. Reapply it every 2 hours if you are swimming or sweating. - Whenever possible, wear a wide-brimmed hat, long sleeves and long pants. - Wear sunglasses to protect the skin around your eyes. - Avoid getting a tan and never use a tanning bed or sun lamp. Skin cancer information The Skin Cancer Foundation, US, 2015 You May Like: What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Melanoma Formation Progression Cell Of Origin HNSCC originates from mucosal epithelial cells that line the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and sinonasal tract. Histologically, progression to invasive HNSCC follows an ordered series of steps beginning with epithelial cell hyperplasia, followed by dysplasia , carcinoma in situ and, ultimately, invasive carcinoma . However, of note, most patients diagnosed with HNSCC do not have a history of an antecedent premalignant lesion. Given the heterogeneous nature of HNSCC, the cell of origin depends on anatomical location and aetiological agent . However, in each case, normal adult stem or progenitor cells are likely candidates for the cell of origin, giving rise, following oncogenic transformation, to cancer stem cells with properties of self-renewal and pluripotency. HNSCC CSCs with the capacity to generate tumours in transplantation assays constitute only a minor fraction of the cells in primary tumours but, despite their inherent resistance to conventional drugs, represent attractive targets for novel targeting agents. Progression of HNSCC and key genetic events. Growth Factor Receptor Antagonists EGFR is a member of the ERBB family of trans-membrane tyrosine kinase receptors . EGFR and their receptors are involved in signal transduction and tumor growth, thus blockade of these systems provides a therapeutic approach, through neutralizing ligands, inhibiting ligand binding, or blocking the tyrosine kinases of the receptors. Examples of EGFR inhibitors include monoclonal antibodies against the extracellular domain of the receptor and receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors that target the intracellular domain . EGFR inhibitors have been applied in HNSCC, ESCC and extensively in NSCLC clinical trials. In HNSCC, patients with locally advanced disease have been shown to benefit from the addition of EGFR inhibition to radiotherapy . But, EGFR targeted therapy trials conducted in HNSCC to date still show various disadvantages such as low efficacy and significant toxicity . In ESCC, inhibition of EGFR-TK by erlotinib is promising through inducing growth inhibition and cell cycle arrest in human esophageal cancer cells and enhancing the antineoplastic effects of other targeted agents . Cetuximab and panitumumab are currently being investigated in NSCLC. Phase II trials showed that cetuximab improved survival in-chemo-naïve patients with advanced cancer and panitumumab is currently in phase II trial . Other growth factor receptor antagonists Read Also: How Dangerous Is Melanoma Skin Cancer Citation Doi And Article Data - Squamous cell carcinoma of lung - Squamous cell carcinoma - Squamous cell carcinoma of lungs - Squamous cell carcinoma of the lungs - Squamous cell lung cancer - Squamous cell lung carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Causes Exposure to ultraviolet rays, like the ones from the sun or a tanning bed, affects the cells in the middle and outer layers of your skin and can cause them to make too many cells and not die off as they should. This can lead to out-of-control growth of these cells, which can lead to squamous cell carcinoma. Other things can contribute to this kind of overgrowth, too, like conditions that affect your immune system. Read Also: What Is The Best Hospital For Melanoma What Do Squamous Cell Carcinomas Look Like Squamous cell carcinomas often appear as a raised, crusty, non-healing sore. They may also appear as a: - flat sore with or without a scaly crust - new sore or raised area on an existing scar or ulcer - rough, scaly patch on your lip that may evolve to an open sore - red sore or rough patch inside your mouth - red, raised patch or wart-like sore on or in your anus or on your genitals. How Is Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Skin Diagnosed Your doctor will ask questions about your health history and examine your skin to look for signs of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. Removing a sample of tissue for testing. To confirm a squamous cell carcinoma of the skin diagnosis, your doctor will use a tool to cut away some or all of the suspicious skin lesion . You May Like: Can Skin Cancer Cause Weight Loss How Are Squamous Cell Carcinomas Treated Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma depends on its type, size and location and other factors, such as your preference. - surgical removal of the cancer - freezing it with liquid nitrogen - topical therapies If you have a squamous cell carcinoma, talk with your doctor about which treatment option is best for you. Treatment has a high success rate, provided the skin cancer is found at an early stage. Your doctor may want to schedule a future appointment to check for new lesions. Read more about skin cancer treatment. What Is Squamous Cell Carcinoma Lung Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, also known as epidermoid carcinoma, is a cancer that originates from the squamous cells. These are thin, flat cells that line the airways, much like the lining of a pipe. They provide a barrier between the air in the lungs and the lungs themselves. Squamous cell lung cancer develops when these cells become damaged, or abnormal, and begin to multiply. The majority of cases of squamous cell carcinoma start in the center of the lung compared to other parts of the respiratory system. Squamous cell lung cancer is a subtype of non-small cell lung cancer , along with adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinomas make up 25 30% of all lung cancers, and are the most common lung cancers found in smokers. Conversely, it is very uncommon to find squamous cell carcinomas in non-smokers. You May Like: Does Itchy Skin Mean Cancer When To Seek Medical Care If you have developed a new bump on sun-exposed skin, or if you have a spot that bleeds easily or does not seem to be healing, then you should make an appointment with your primary care physician or with a dermatologist. You should also make an appointment if an existing spot changes size, shape, color, or texture, or if it starts to itch, bleed, or become tender.Try to remember to tell your doctor when you first noticed the lesion and what symptoms, if any, it may have . Also be sure to ask your parents, siblings, and adult children whether or not they have ever been diagnosed with skin cancer, and relay this information to your physician. Stages Of Squamous Cell Carcinoma - Stage 0: the cancer is found only in the top lining of the lung and has not spread outside the lung - Stage I : the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. The difference between each sub-stage is based on the size of the tumor and whether it has spread to the lung lining - Stage II : the cancer is larger than Stage I and has begun to spread to nearby lymph nodes or tissues, but not to distant organs. The difference between each sub-stage is based on the size of the tumor, its location, and whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or not - Stage III : the cancer may be difficult to remove via surgery. The difference between each sub-stage is based on the size of the tumor, its location, and how much it has spread - Stage IV: the cancer has spread to other areas of the body outside the lungs You May Like: How Fast Does Malignant Melanoma Spread Changes In Existing Spots Warts and moles are rarely cause to worry. Though they may cause some irritation, most warts and moles are completely harmless. Because squamous cell carcinoma sometimes develops in existing skin lesions, its important to monitor moles, warts, or skin lesions for changes. Any observable change should raise a red flag and warrant a trip to the doctor for further examination. The prognosis for SCC depends on a few factors, including: - how advanced the cancer was when it was detected - the location of the cancer on the body - whether the cancer has spread to other areas of the body The sooner SCC is diagnosed, the better. Once found, treatment can begin quickly, which makes a cure more likely. Its important to treat precancerous lesions, like Bowens disease or actinic keratosis, early before they develop into cancer. See your doctor right away if you notice any new or unusual skin lesions. Make regular appointments with your doctor for a skin check. Perform a self-examination once every month. Ask a partner or use a mirror to check places you cant see, like your back or the top of your head. This is especially important for higher risk individuals, such as those with light skin, blond hair, and light-colored eyes. Anyone who spends prolonged time in the sun unprotected is also at risk. Questions To Ask Your Doctor - I spent a lot of time in the sun as a child. Am I at higher risk of developing skin cancer? - One of my parents had skin cancer. Am I more likely to get it? - What should I look for when I do a self-examination of my skin? - I have darker skin. Can I still get skin cancer? - What can I do to protect my child from the sun? - Is there anything I can do to keep the cancer from coming back after treatment? Don’t Miss: What Does Clear Cell Carcinoma Mean Exam By A Health Care Professional Some doctors and other health care professionals do skin exams as part of routine health check-ups. Having regular skin exams is especially important for people who are at high risk of skin cancer, such as people with a weakened immune system or people with conditions such as basal cell nevus syndrome or xeroderma pigmentosum . Talk to your doctor about how often you should have your skin examined. How Is Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosed The first step in diagnosing squamous cell carcinoma is regular self-examination. By checking your skin and skin spots regularly, you become familiar with what is normal for you. Then, if you see something abnormal, you can see your doctor. Your doctor will examine your skin. He or she will look at the size, shape, color, and texture of any concerning areas. If you have changes that could be skin cancer, your doctor will remove a piece of the affected skin. This is called a biopsy. The piece of skin will be sent to a lab for testing. If skin cancer is diagnosed, you may need to undergo more tests to see if the cancer cells have spread. These tests could include a CT scan, MRI, or lymph node biopsy. You May Like: How To Prevent Skin Cancer What Are The Different Types Of Skin Cancer Your skin has multiple layers. The outer, protective layer of the skin is known as the epidermis. The epidermis is made up of squamous cells, basal cells, and melanocytes. These cells are constantly shedding to make way for fresh, new skin cells. However, when certain genetic changes occur in the DNA of any of these cells, skin cancer can occur. The main types of skin cancer are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and malignant melanoma. Who Is Most At Risk Of Developing A Squamous Cell Carcinoma You are at highest risk of developing a squamous cell carcinoma if you: - are older - have pale skin and burn easily - have spent a lot of time outdoors for work or leisure - have a history of sunburns, sunbathing or using sun beds - live in a sunny climate - have previously had a squamous cell carcinoma or other type of skin cancer - have a condition or take medications that affect your immune system . Also Check: How Can You Detect Skin Cancer What Causes Squamous Cell Cancer Skin cancer is caused by mutations that occur in skin cell DNA. These changes cause abnormal cells to multiply out of control. When this occurs in the squamous cells, the condition is known as SCC. UV radiation is the most common cause of the DNA mutations that lead to skin cancer. UV radiation is found in sunlight as well as in tanning lamps and beds. While frequent exposure to UV radiation greatly increases your risk of skin cancer, the condition can also develop in people who dont spend much time in the sun or in tanning beds. These people may be genetically predisposed to skin cancer, or they may have weakened immune systems that increase their likelihood of getting skin cancer. Those who have received radiation treatment may also be at greater risk of skin cancer. Risk factors for SCC include: - having fair skin - having light-colored hair and blue, green, or gray eyes - having long-term exposure to UV radiation - living in sunny regions or at a high altitude - having a history of multiple severe sunburns, especially if they occurred early in life - having a history of being exposed to chemicals, such as arsenic Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Cervix What is squamous cell carcinoma? Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cervical cancer. The tumour starts from the squamous cells on the surface of the cervix. Most tumours arise from a pre-cancerous disease called high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion . The cervix is part of the female genital tract. It is found at the bottom of the uterus where it forms an opening into the endometrial cavity. The cervix is lined by specialized cells called squamous cells that form a barrier on the surface of the cervix called an epithelium. The tissue below the epithelium is called the stroma. What causes squamous cell carcinoma? Almost all cases of squamous cell carcinoma and HSIL in the cervix are a result of the normal squamous cells in the cervix becoming infected with a high-risk type of virus called human papillomavirus . Pathologists often indirectly look for HPV by performing a test called immunohistochemistry for a protein called p16. Cells infected with HPV will be positive for p16. How do pathologists make this diagnosis? The diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma is usually made after a small sample of tissue is removed from the cervix during a Pap test. The diagnosis can also be made after a larger sample of tissue is removed in a biopsy or resection. What to look for in your report after the tumour has been removed Extent of disease Also Check: What Is The Most Deadly Form Of Skin Cancer
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This page is a comprehensive guide to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about search engines. Search engines are powerful tools used to find relevant websites and other online content from the vastness of the internet. In this guide, we’ll cover the basic principles behind how search engines work, tips for optimizing your website for search engines, as well as other frequently asked questions about search engines. First, let’s discuss the basic principles behind how search engines work. All search engines use algorithms to analyze web pages and return results that are most relevant to a user query. These algorithms take into account several factors, such as page titles, page content, incoming links, and many other factors. Search engines are constantly evolving and changing the way they handle queries. This page is a comprehensive guide to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about search engines. It is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of how search engines work, what factors affect ranking, and how to optimize for visibility. Topics include indexing and crawling, link analysis, keyword research, on-page optimization, and more. With this guide, you’ll gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of search engine optimization, and be able to confidently navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO.
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Ras al-Khaimah (alternatively Ra'sal-Khaymah or Ras el-Kheima; Arabic: رأس الخيمة; IPA: [raʔs alˈxajma]) is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The current statehood is the result of the 1909 appanage from Sharjah. Its name could be taken to mean "headland of the small huts", which can be attributed to the indigenous buildings that existed along the coast. The emirate is in the northern part of the UAE, bordering Oman's exclave of Musandam. It covers an area of 1,684 km2 (650 sq mi). The capital city and home of most residents is also called Ras Al Khaimah. The emirate had a population of 210,063 at the 2005 Census, of which 41.82 percent or 87,848 were Emirati citizens. Latest estimates put the total population at between 250,000 and 300,000. Locals accounted for 97,529 in the population estimate for 2010. The city has two main sections, Old Ras Al Khaimah and Nakheel, on either side of a creek. It is served by the Ras Al Khaimah International Airport. It consists of a northern part (where the city of Ras al-Khaimah is situated), and a large inland exclave in the south (near Hatta), and a few small islands in the Persian Gulf. Ras al-Khaimah has the most fertile soil in the country, due to a larger share in rainfall and underground water streams from Omani mountains. Ras al-Khaimah has been the site of human habitation for several millennia and there are many historical and archaeological sites throughout the emirate - local sources cite 1,000 - dating from different time periods, including remnants of the Umm an-Nar Culture (3rd millennium BC). Ancient graves were found in the Emirate in October 2012.
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How can I lower or prevent high blood pressure? Follow the guidelines below to help lower or prevent high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Maintain a healthy body weight If you are overweight, losing as few as 10 pounds may lead to a meaningful drop in high blood pressure. Medicine for high blood pressure may also work better after weight loss. If you have high blood pressure, it is very important to discuss these lifestyle and diet changes with your doctor. These changes can affect your blood pressure so your DOCTOR may need to adjust your blood pressure medicine. Do not smoke Smoking cigarettes does not cause high blood pressure. However, smoking increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and may make your blood pressure lowering medicine less effective. If you smoke, try to quit on your own or with the support of a group, or ask your doctor for help. Reduce your stress How you handle stress can affect your blood pressure. Ask your doctor for help if you have problems managing the stress in your life. Enjoy active living Regular exercise can lower blood pressure in some people. It can also help with weight control, lowering cholesterol, and stress management. Choose an activity you enjoy such as walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming. Start slowly, and gradually work your way up to four or more 30-60 minute sessions of moderate exercise each week. Check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. Lower your salt intake Eating less salt and other sources of dietary sodium can help some people lower their blood pressure. You can lower your sodium intake by eating less canned, processed, and fast foods – these account for most of the sodium we eat. Not adding salt to foods while cooking or at the table helps too. Can other foods help to lower or prevent high blood pressure? Probably. Researchers have thought for some time that foods high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium can help lower blood pressure. A large study called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) found that eating a certain way could lower blood pressure as much as taking blood pressure-lowering medicine. A later study that combined the DASH diet with a lowered sodium intake resulted in even greater blood pressure reductions. The diet in the DASH study: Was lower in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol compared to a typical diet Was higher in fibre compared to a typical diet Included lots of vegetables and fruit, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products Was moderate in meat, fish and poultry; and Included nuts, seeds, and legumes several times a week. Researchers could not say which nutrients or foods led to the greatest lowering of blood pressure. However, the overall diet did lead to lower blood pressure. Also, the DASH way of eating is a balanced, healthy way of eating for everyone whether you have high blood pressure or not. Limit alcohol High amounts of alcohol can increase your blood pressure. You may choose to avoid alcohol altogether. Discuss this with your doctor. If you have high blood pressure and you choose to drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Limit alcohol intake to: - no more than 2 drinks on any given day - no more than 14 drinks a week for men - no more than 9 drinks a week for women 1 drink is equal to: 1.5 oz liquor (40% alcohol) 5 oz wine 12 oz beer 3 oz sherry or port (50 mL) (150 mL) (375 mL) (85 mL) The DASH Way of Eating Food Group Daily 1 Servings Serving Sizes 1 slice bread 3 1 oz dry cereal ½ cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta 1 cup raw leafy vegetable ½ cup cut-up raw or cooked vegetable ½ cup vegetable juice 1 medium piece of fruit ¼ cup dried fruit ½ cup fresh, frozen, or canned fruit ½ cup fruit juice 1 cup milk 1 cup yogurt 1 ½ oz cheese 1 oz cooked meats, poultry or fish 4 1 egg 1 ½ oz or 1/3 cup nuts ½ oz or 2 Tbsp seeds ½ cup cooked legumes (dry beans and peas) 2 Tbsp peanut butter 1 tsp soft margarine 1...
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "url": "http://www.studymode.com/essays/Tips-To-Reduce-Blood-Pressure-455780.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-17/segments/1492917118519.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20170423031158-00640-ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9277980923652649, "token_count": 836, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
We are researching the Flint Michigan water crisis. The town of Flint switched their water supply to a new source in 2014, and they have had problems with lead ever since. We are doing this project to study the effects that the environment can make on our everyday life. What Flint is going through is a perfect example of this. In 2014 Flint Michigan had an idea to save money. They switched where they got the town's water supply from. They had previously got it from Lake Huron, but they were switching to the Flint River, which was a river that ran through the town and everyone knew it was dirty. Soon the water began to look brown and dirty as people would use it in their house. The water contained lead. It water was not treated correctly, so that resulted in the lead on the services lines in the homes making its way into the water. The people in the town of Flint were told that the water was fine, but with more research they found out that it definitely wasn't. This is a problem that couldn't be left alone, so officials began to work on it.
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The Escheat is the compendium of faerie traditions and laws that are not backed up by the Wyrd, but instead by all faeries in remembrance of Arcadia. The Escheat was formed a short time after the Sundering by faeries who wanted to ensure the survival of the species on the face of change. Seelie and Unseelie respect and enforce the Escheat, although they might have different interpretations to the various rights. - The Right of Demesne - The ancient right of the Nobles to rule and the Commoners to be treated fairly. - The Right to Dream - The right of mortals to sleep and dream unhindered by the Kithain. This includes ravaging the dreams of a mortal for Glamour, as well as infusing him directly with Glamour to inspire more creative dreams. - The Right of Ignorance - The right of the Dreaming to be protected from Banality through secrecy and obfuscation. - The Right of Rescue - The right of each Kithain to be protected from being Undone - The Right of Safe Haven - The right of each freehold to be protected from Banality and mundane violence - The Right of Life - The universal right of each Kithain to live and a prohibition against the murder of one's conspecifics - , p.79
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For anyone who experienced it, the screeching hiss of a modem handshaking over copper phone wires is unforgettable. The technology may have tied up the family phone line, but modems were the gateways to a fascinating digital world parallel to our own. In the slides that follow, we’ll look at modem history from its genesis in the 1950s to the present. An immense range of modems have appeared over the years, so this slideshow is by no means comprehensive. However, it offers a quick survey of nonwireless modem history.
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Displaying items by tag: box pews Most English parish churches had no formal seating arrangements until the late 15th century. Prior to this, the congregation either stood, sat or knelt on the hard mud, sand or stone floors or leant against the outside walls or pillars. Services included stories from the bible, the reading of psalms, and prayers but little formal "music". Sermons or talks were very short. After Charles I was executed, the Puritans’ concept of lengthy teaching sermons soon helped speed up the introduction of seating! Families began to bring their own benches or chairs and group them together. This became more formalised with the introduction of enclosures known as "sittings". In order to better keep the family together, the designs were as a box - hence the term "box" pew. These private pews were normally rented or bought by families and so only those with sufficient substance in the community were able to afford them. The larger and wealthier families had the larger, more ornate, box pews, and these were always in the best positions in church. In these early schemes there were no standard designs so a church would be filled with different shapes, different heights and frequently different materials. As many private pews were lockable, churches appointed official "pew openers"! There were few church organs or formal music and rarely choirs and so the chancel area was also usually rented out and filled with box pews; the families having to face the pulpit with their backs to the altar!! Poorer families, who were unable to buy or rent box pews, stood in the aisles or against the back or side walls of the church, or in a gallery. Not all box pews had seats and some churches installed special enclosures for the poor with sloping rails along the rear against which to rest, but not sit. Examples of various types of box pew can be seen in St Mary’s Church at Whitby in Yorkshire, or you can visit St Wistan’s Church in nearby Wistow. Private box pews allowed families to sit together in one place and frequently younger children would sit on a rug on the floor and read or play quiet games during the service without causing too much distraction to other members of the congregation. As box pews were rarely uniform in style or size, the interior of the church would have looked extremely untidy with different sizes, styles, paint colours and shapes of pew. From the 1830s until the 1860s, churches all over the country began to realise the problems of not providing space for everybody. Frequently the aisles were crammed with people, while whole areas of locked private pews remained untenanted. Eventually the courts ruled that parishioners controlled all seats in the nave of the church, that no-one could own property in seats, and that seats were "private" only through ancient rite or faculty. John Mason Neale from Crawley published 24 reasons in the 1820s for removing box pews. Here are a selection: box pews were invented by people who thought themselves too good to pray by the side of their neighbours, they made it impossible to pay proper attention, they endangered safety, they harboured dust and mildew, they caused quarrels in the parish, they spoilt the look of a church and they allowed parishioners to go to sleep without fear! John Neale eventually took an axe to his church’s box pews and hacked them to pieces! It was believed that seating was introduced into St. Wilfrid’s sometime in the 15th century; but there are limited records and no hard evidence has been found to support this theory. It is more probable therefore that, as in the rest of the local area, box pews were actually introduced in the late 17th century by the Puritans (probably the parliamentarian Rector, John Yaxley). We do know that more uniform box pews, in terms of height, size and wood, were introduced by Rev. James Beresford (Rector, 1812-1841) soon after he arrived in 1813, but lasted only a further 33 years before Rev. Stuart Eyre Bathurst (Rector, 1844-1851) started a major re-ordering of the church seating arrangements. Initially, in 1844, he was able to install simple choir pews in the chancel to provide 28 spaces (these were replaced with the present more ornate choir stalls in 1902 to match the carving on the Rood Screen which had been restored in 1868). A year later, in 1845, Rev. Bathurst tried to obtain the parishioners’ approval and financial support for replacing all of the box pews in the nave and he applied for a Faculty (or permission by the church to alter the fabric) to increase the accommodation. Opposition came from those who liked the position and importance of their family box pews in church, from those who felt the Rector had enmity towards pews, from those who felt the poorer elements of the parish should go elsewhere (poorer Kibworth residents frequented the Congregational Chapel), and from those who disliked these ‘new-fangled’ Puseyite (group of Oxford reformers) trends! After considerable correspondence with the Diocese (then in Lincoln) and great support from his father, Sir James Bathurst, who corresponded with the Bishop of Lincoln on his son’s behalf, the Faculty was granted provided the Rector funded the new pews entirely from his own income, with no increase in local rates. Finally, plain deal pews were installed in 1846 at a cost of £385 and when removed were just over 150 years old. The main reasons given for the uniformity of pews was to enable a larger accommodation of parishioners to attend each service (upwards of 400 could be seated when full), and to provide a more uniform and convenient layout. In addition, final permission was given to complete the new church for Smeeton Westerby as this would also provide more space in St. Wilfrid’s for Kibworth worshippers. In 1999, when Revd Steven Lee was Rector, the back of St Wilfrid’s Church was re-ordered and the pews, many of which were unused, replaced with smart upholstered chairs. This allowed room for a new table and cupboards, a permanent bookstall, CD and tape library as well as plenty of display opportunities on some screens behind which spare chairs, staging and flower arrangers' equipment could be stored. In 2007 during the interregnum following Revd Steven Lee’s departure, the remaining pews were removed because underfloor heating was installed. The pews were never re-installed, but instead they were replaced with upholstered chairs to match those already at the back of church. The manufacturers had retained sufficient cloth to ensure the colour match was the same despite there being 8 years between the two sets of chairs being ordered. The new chairs permit about 300 members of the congregation to be seated when full; this only ever occurs on Remembrance Sunday and sometimes for Christingle, when a few people end up standing at the rear of church. For the rest of the time, they are flexible in that different arrangements can be used to suit the occasion, can be reduced to create specific ambience or some drama or a musical event, but above all are comfortable and are relatively easy to move about and stack.
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|Mission type||Lunar impactor| |Harvard designation||1962 Alpha 1| |Mission duration||2 days| |Manufacturer||Jet Propulsion Laboratory| |Launch mass||329.8 kilograms (727 lb)| |Start of mission| |Launch date||January 26, 1962, 20:30:00UTC| |Rocket||Atlas LV-3B Agena-B| |Launch site||Cape Canaveral LC-12| |Lunar flyby (failed impact)| |Closest approach||28 January 1962| |Distance||36,874 kilometers (22,912 mi)| Ranger 3 was a space exploration mission conducted by NASA to study the Moon. The Ranger 3 robotic spacecraft was launched January 26, 1962 as part of the Ranger program. Due to a series of malfunctions, the spacecraft missed the Moon by 22,000 mi (35,000 km) and entered a heliocentric orbit. The Ranger 3 space probe was designed to transmit pictures of the lunar surface during a period of 10 minutes of flight prior to impacting on the Moon, to rough-land a seismometer capsule on the Moon, to collect gamma-ray data in flight, to study radar reflectivity of the lunar surface, and to continue testing of the Ranger program for development of lunar and interplanetary spacecraft. Ranger 3 was the first of the Block II Ranger designs. The basic vehicle was 3.1 m high and consisted of a lunar capsule covered with a balsa wood impact-limiter, 650 mm in diameter, a mono-propellant mid-course motor, a retrorocket with a thrust of 5080 pounds force (22.6 kN), and a gold- and chrome-plated hexagonal base 1.5 m in diameter. A large high-gain dish antenna was attached to the base. Two wing-like solar panels (5.2 m across) were attached to the base and deployed early in the flight. Power was generated by 8680 solar cells contained in the solar panels which charged an 11.5 kg 1 kW·h capacity AgZn launching and backup battery. Spacecraft control was provided by a solid-state computer and sequencer and an earth-controlled command system. Attitude control was provided by Sun and Earth sensors, gyroscopes, and pitch and roll jets. The telemetry system aboard the spacecraft consisted of two 960 MHz transmitters, one at 3 W power output and the other at 50 mW power output, the high-gain antenna, and an omnidirectional antenna. White paint, gold and chrome plating, and a silvered plastic sheet encasing the retrorocket furnished thermal control. During prelaunch preparations for Ranger 1, the spacecraft's timer had accidentally been started which led to the deployment of the solar panels inside the payload shroud. It was decided that ground testing of the onboard instruments would not be done on the Block II spacecraft because they had a functional midcourse correction engine and if a similar incident happened with them, the squibs and pyrotechnics used to deploy the solar panels could inadvertently ignite the propellants in the onboard engine, which could result in the explosion of the spacecraft on the pad and possibly take the entire launch vehicle with it. JPL officials announced that factory testing of the Ranger's systems was sufficient to root out any problems and any hardware which failed to pass the tests was not fit to fly. The experimental apparatus included: (1) a vidicon television camera, which employed a scan mechanism that yielded one complete frame in 10 s; (2) a gamma-ray spectrometer mounted on a 1.8 m boom; (3) a radar altimeter; and (4) a seismometer to be rough-landed on the lunar surface. The seismometer (code-named "Tonto") was encased in the lunar capsule along with an amplifier, a 50 mW transmitter, voltage control, a turnstile antenna, and six silver-cadmium batteries capable of operating the lunar capsule transmitter for 30 days, all designed to land on the Moon at 130 to 160 km/h (80 to 100 mph). The radar altimeter would be used for reflectivity studies, but was also designed to initiate capsule separation and ignite the retrorocket. Preparation for Ranger 3 was complicated by developmental issues with the Agena B stage, which had failed to operate correctly on Rangers 1-2. Agena was primarily the domain of the U.S. Air Force, who intended to use it for military payloads, and NASA had originally assumed it would begin flying in late 1960 or early 1961 by which time any developmental issues with the stage could be weeded out. However, Agena B ended up taking longer to put into service than originally anticipated and its performance also turned out to be somewhat less than expected, which forced some of the planned experiments on the Block II Rangers to be cancelled. While the Thor-Agena B had begun flying in October 1960, the Atlas-Agena B did not make its maiden voyage until July 1961, meaning that Ranger 1 was only the second time this launch vehicle combination been flown. This delay was explained by the fact that Air Force programs such as MIDAS were taking much longer to develop than Ranger. In addition, as 1961 ended, Agena Bs had malfunctioned no less than seven times (the two Ranger launches and five Thor-Agena launches). Major General Osmond Ritland, Commander of the Air Force Space Systems Division in Inglewood, California, promised NASA that all problems with Agena would be corrected and because they also affected DoD programs, the issue was being taken "quite seriously". Among other changes made would be a thorough review of all Lockheed field operating equipment and procedures, in addition an effort would be made to ensure that checkout procedures on U.S. Air Force and NASA Agenas were identical and any differences in them eliminated. The mission was designed to boost towards the Moon by an Atlas/Agena, undergo one mid-course correction, and impact the lunar surface. At the appropriate altitude, the capsule was to separate and the retrorockets ignite to cushion the landing. A malfunction in the booster guidance system resulted in excessive spacecraft speed. Reversed command signals caused the spacecraft to pitch in the wrong direction and the TM antenna to lose earth acquisition, and mid-course correction was not possible. Finally, a spurious signal during the terminal maneuver prevented transmission of useful TV pictures. Ranger 3 missed the Moon by approximately 36,800 km on 28 January and is now in a heliocentric orbit. Some useful engineering data were obtained from the flight. In mid-December 1961, Atlas 121D and Agena 6003 arrived at Cape Canaveral and were erected on LC-12. On January 18, 1962, Ranger 3 was stacked atop the booster, but the following day attempted fueling of the Atlas went awry when a tear was found in the intermediate bulkhead separating the LOX and RP-1 tanks. This would mean that the launch vehicle would have to be taken down from the pad for repairs, delaying the launch an entire month. However, Air Force and Convair officials instead suggested the novel solution of doing the repairs right there on LC-12. The Atlas's sustainer engine was removed and lowered into the flame deflector pit and a wooden scaffolding installed so that technicians could go up into the RP-1 tank, remove the damaged intermediate bulkhead, and replace it. By January 26, repairs were completed. This was the first American attempt to achieve impact on the lunar surface. The Block II Ranger spacecraft carried a TV camera that used an optical telescope that would allow imaging down to about 24 kilometers above the lunar surface during the descent. The main bus also carried a 42.6-kilogram instrument capsule that would separate from the bus at 21.4 kilometers altitude and then independently impact on the Moon. Protected by a balsa-wood outer casing, the capsule was designed to bounce several times on the lunar surface before coming to rest. The primary onboard instrument was a seismometer. Liftoff took place at 3:30 PM EST on January 26, a mere hour and 15 minutes before the launch window closed, after which Ranger 3 could not have been launched for another month. Around 140 seconds after liftoff, the guidance officer reported that he had lost his link on the Atlas. The antenna on the booster used to receive guidance commands had ceased operating and the autopilot system reverted to its built-in backup program, but unfortunately this lacked the same precision as the ground guidance and the Atlas's staging and engine cutoff did not occur on schedule. The engines also over-accelerated and imparted excessive velocity into the Agena and probe, so that it entered a higher-than-planned parking orbit. Even worse, equipment at a Florida tracking station malfunctioned and picked up Ranger 3's orbital parameters 5 minutes late. Meanwhile, the Agena restarted and sent the probe out of Earth orbit, but another error in its guidance program resulted in a further erroneous trajectory. This ensured that the spacecraft reached the Moon 14 hours early and missed it by 36,793 kilometers (22,862 miles) on 28 January. Although impact with the Moon was no longer possible, Ranger 3 could still be used for deep-space studies. Commands were issued to unfurl the camera boom and on the 28th, a fixed-up computer program was uploaded. But midway through this maneuver, the probe's signal strength began to weaken and the computer system completely failed. The TV camera transmitted images, but as the antenna was now pointed away from Earth, they were extremely weak and noisy. It was possible to see the reference crosses on the camera lens, illuminated by reflected sunlight from the probe's chassis, but the Moon was not visible. With the computer dead, Ranger 3 became completely unresponsive to any ground commands and the earth and sun sensors were rendered useless. The gyroscopes continued to maneuver the probe and ground controllers momentarily reacquired a lock on the antenna, but without stable attitude control, they could not hold it steady. As they were unaware of the computer failure, they continued sending commands to Ranger 3 in vain. Sporadic tracking of the probe continued until January 31 when the attitude control thrusters exhausted their propellant supply, at which point the mission was officially terminated. - National Space Science Data Center, Ranger 3, NSSDC ID: 1962-001A - "US Racing With The Moon; But Ranger Goes Too Fast". Montreal, Quebec: The Gazette. Associated Press. January 27, 1962. p. 1. Retrieved December 30, 2015. - "National Space Science Data Center - Ranger 3". National Air and Space Administration. Retrieved 19 June 2012.
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Medically reviewed by Drugs.com. Last updated on May 16, 2022. Hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm — the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen and plays an important role in breathing. Each contraction is followed by a sudden closure of your vocal cords, which produces the characteristic "hic" sound. Hiccups may result from a large meal, alcoholic or carbonated beverages or sudden excitement. In some cases, hiccups may be a sign of an underlying medical condition. For most people, a bout of hiccups usually lasts only a few minutes. Rarely, hiccups may persist for months. This can result in weight loss and exhaustion. Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of your diaphragm — the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen and plays an important role in breathing. This involuntary contraction causes your vocal cords to close very briefly, which produces the characteristic sound of a hiccup. Hiccupping is a symptom. It may sometimes be accompanied by a slight tightening sensation in your chest, abdomen or throat. When to see a doctor Make an appointment to see your doctor if your hiccups last more than 48 hours or if they are so severe that they cause problems with eating, sleeping or breathing. The most common triggers for hiccups that last less than 48 hours include: - Drinking carbonated beverages - Drinking too much alcohol - Eating too much - Excitement or emotional stress - Sudden temperature changes - Swallowing air with chewing gum or sucking on candy Hiccups that last more than 48 hours may be caused by a variety of factors, which can be grouped into the following categories. Nerve damage or irritation A cause of long-term hiccups is damage to or irritation of the vagus nerves or phrenic nerves, which serve the diaphragm muscle. Factors that may cause damage or irritation to these nerves include: - A hair or something else in your ear touching your eardrum - A tumor, cyst or goiter in your neck - Gastroesophageal reflux - Sore throat or laryngitis Central nervous system disorders A tumor or infection in your central nervous system or damage to your central nervous system as a result of trauma can disrupt your body's normal control of the hiccup reflex. Examples include: - Multiple sclerosis - Traumatic brain injury Metabolic disorders and drugs Long-term hiccups can be triggered by: - Electrolyte imbalance - Kidney disease Men are much more likely to develop long-term hiccups than are women. Other factors that may increase your risk of hiccups include: - Mental or emotional issues. Anxiety, stress and excitement have been associated with some cases of short-term and long-term hiccups. - Surgery. Some people develop hiccups after undergoing general anesthesia or after procedures that involve abdominal organs. Prolonged hiccups may interfere with: - Wound healing after surgery During the physical exam, your doctor may perform a neurological exam to check your: - Balance and coordination - Muscle strength and tone - Sight and sense of touch If your doctor suspects an underlying medical condition may be causing your hiccups, he or she may recommend one or more of the following tests. Samples of your blood may be checked for signs of: - Kidney disease These types of tests may be able to detect anatomical abnormalities that may be affecting the vagus nerve, phrenic nerve or diaphragm. Imaging tests may include: - Chest X-ray - Computerized tomography (CT) - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) These procedures utilize a thin, flexible tube containing a tiny camera, which is passed down your throat to check for problems in your esophagus or windpipe. Most cases of hiccups go away on their own without medical treatment. If an underlying medical condition is causing your hiccups, treatment of that illness may eliminate the hiccups. The following treatments may be considered for hiccups that have lasted longer than two days. Drugs that may be used to treat long-term hiccups include: Surgical and other procedures If less invasive treatments aren't effective, your doctor may recommend an injection of an anesthetic to block your phrenic nerve to stop hiccups. Another option is to surgically implant a battery-operated device to deliver mild electrical stimulation to your vagus nerve. This procedure is most commonly used to treat epilepsy, but it has also helped control persistent hiccups. Lifestyle and home remedies Although there's no certain way to stop hiccups, if you have a bout of hiccups that lasts longer than a few minutes, the following home remedies may provide relief, although they are unproven: - Breathe into a paper bag - Gargle with ice water - Hold your breath - Sip cold water If you have chronic hiccups, lifestyle changes may help: - Avoid carbonated beverages and gas-producing foods - Eat smaller meals When long-term hiccups don't respond to other remedies, alternative treatments, such as hypnosis and acupuncture, may be helpful. Preparing for an appointment While you may initially consult your family doctor about your persistent hiccups, he or she may refer you to a specialist if you have persistent or severe hiccups. What you can do You may want to note down the following information: - Detailed descriptions of your symptoms - Information about medical problems you've had - Information about the medical problems of your parents or siblings - All the medications and dietary supplements you take - Questions you want to ask the doctor What to expect from your doctor Your doctor may ask: - When did your hiccups start? - How often do they occur? - Is there anything that worsens or alleviates them? - What medications are you taking? - Have you had a sore throat or earache? - Do you have indigestion symptoms or bloating? - Have you had a sore throat or changes in your voice? - Have you had chest pain, a cough or difficulty breathing? - Do you have headaches or other neurological symptoms?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://www.drugs.com/mcd/hiccups", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030337504.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20221004121345-20221004151345-00646.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9180183410644531, "token_count": 1488, "score": 3.59375, "int_score": 4 }
Some people are all about hot water with lemon when they first wake up, and that sure sounds peaceful. For the rest of us, it's straight to our local Starbucks for a jolt of caffeine to keep us awake. But if you find happiness (and wakefulness) in a venti iced coffee and you happen to live in California, your morning cup could now come with a warning about cancer. That'll wake you right up. According to BuzzFeed News, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle ruled on March 28 that Starbucks and other major coffee retailers in California must include a cancer warning on their products because of a chemical called acrylamide, which occurs in coffee as a byproduct of the roasting process. BuzzFeed reports that the chemical is on California's long list of potential cancer-causing agents, which means any product containing any of those chemicals must have a warning. By not putting a warning on coffee, a 2010 lawsuit claimed Starbucks, and companies like Peet's Coffee, Tea Leaf, Trader Joe's, and more, violated the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act. Now, a judge ruled the companies must properly label their coffee according to the act, meaning your next cup of joe in California could let you know that it could result in some health problems down the line. The National Cancer Institute defines acrylamide as a chemical commonly used in industrial processes like paper- and plastic-making. It's also found in some foods, and can be produced when "vegetables that contain the amino acid asparagine, such as potatoes, are heated to high temperatures in the presence of certain sugars." Coffee is listed as one of the major food sources of acrylamide in humans. So what does that mean for your daily caffeine habit? It depends.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-51", "url": "https://www.teenvogue.com/story/some-starbucks-could-label-coffee-with-a-cancer-warning", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-51/segments/1575540544696.93/warc/CC-MAIN-20191212153724-20191212181724-00429.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9646494388580322, "token_count": 369, "score": 2.640625, "int_score": 3 }
- Shopping Bag ( 0 items ) Throughout the ages Epicurus (341-271 BCE) has been both idealized and anathematized. As an atheist materialist philosopher he was an offense to religious thinkers. Many of his influential admirers, like Thomas Hobbes and Thomas Jefferson, had to keep their Epicurean leanings a secret. On the other hand, the philosopher-physicist Isaac Newton was candid enough to assert openly that he was reviving the tenets of the Epicurean philosophy when he embarked on his world-transforming project. But Epicurus’ significance transcends even his astounding historical influence because the subjects he reflected on are of enduring significance: What is the purpose of life? What is the nature of reality? How did this world come into existence? Is it going to last forever? How many worlds exist? What is the appropriate method for the investigation of natural phenomena? What are the proper criteria for establishing whether a claim is true or false? How should we live our lives? Should we fear death? Epicurus’ Life and Significance as a Thinker Epicurus was born, probably in Athens, in 341 BCE. The city was a pale reflection of its resplendent past. The apogee of Sophocles’ and Plato’s golden age was now a pallid memory. The bustling cultural activity of Athenian life had waned irrevocably. Nevertheless, philosophy was by no means moribund. A remarkable trend was being set, which was destined later to continue and endure even under the auspices of the Roman Empire: The allure of philosophy would prove irresistible for many vulgar newcomers. When we study other historical periods and cultures we find that the upstart is more likely to be attracted to conspicuous consumption of the garish sort. Remarkably, in the days of Epicurus and, even more so in Roman times, the ability to afford philosophic training was considered one of the most irresistible displays of high status. This almost serendipitous phenomenon ensured that philosophic activity would continue unabated for many centuries and would register a remarkable influence on many nascent systems, including Christianity itself. But there is a catch. The problems inherited from the generations of Plato and Aristotle were alive and well. Debates were animated and philosophic enthusiasm did not pass from the earth. On the other hand, however, in the centuries that followed, the traditional problems of philosophy were often discussed in an unoriginal, reiterative fashion and, often, simply for the sake of creating impressions or with a view to producing dry “encyclopedic” compilations. This is not unique to this period of course–and it might be eerily similar to periods with which we are more familiar. An additional phenomenon was the exponential and rapid growth of mystical preoccupations. One could argue that Plato had a pronouncedly mystic side to his thinking; but, while Plato’s mysticism is a metaphysically transcendental position, the new mysticism was a crude and frightened superstition. Epicurus’ significance becomes more evident when we mention that the atomist philosopher saw himself as the enemy of superstition and champion of–what we would call today–commonsense rationalist empiricism. By this time, the democratic experiment of the Athenian polis had all but been forgotten. (Of course, many celebrated ancient philosophers, including Plato himself, were harshly critical of Athenian democracy.) Unmoored from the salutary influence of civic life and reduced to passive and harassed dependency, the common folks became enthusiastic recipients of paranormal fables and superstitious tales. The popular interest in astrological trumpery seems to have been insatiable. It also seems to have been the case that the endless supply of tabloid-like tales about punishing gods actually contributed to an exacerbation of the maddening fears that had made such stories popular in the first place. This must have been a melancholy era indeed. If we keep this in mind, we will not be surprised by Epicurus’ insistence that the greatest ethical value in the universe–and, hence, the proper goal of a human life–is peace of mind. (His detractors thought or, at any rate, claimed that Epicurus took pleasure to be the highest moral value, which, of course, placed Epicurus in the infamous clan of hedonists and ensured that the term Epicureanism would obtain unflattering connotations for posterity.) To return, for a moment, to the dimension of philosophic activity: We should keep in mind that the fragmentation of philosophical speculation into several “disciplines” is a late phenomenon. Even Newton thought of himself as, primarily, someone who was engaged in philosophy. Physics and, what we call today metaphysics, were one; and ethics was joined with them too. This union was thought to be harmonious and in accordance with the natural order of things. Natural philosophy was driving developments, even though the ethical problems–understood to comprise the meaning of life and the proper purposes of human activity–were generally declared to be the most important. Before Epicurus, the atomic theory had been formulated by Leucippus and Democritus; its presumed refutation, however, had behind it the growing and formidable authority of no other than Aristotle himself. Epicurus picked up this ongoing debate; he reinvigorated and made original contributions to the atomist persuasion and derived a full-bodied metaphysics [theory of reality], epistemology [theory of knowledge], and even methodology [akin to today’s philosophy of science] from his natural philosophy of Atomism; the whole system was said to point, with impeccable logical consistency, to an aggregate of ethical corollaries and maxims which promised to secure a happy--i.e., imperturbable and tranquil--life for the followers of the system. We see, therefore, that Epicurus both undertook to contribute to a philosophical-scientific debate of grave importance and offered to soothe and heal the anguish of his age. He took this to be natural and logically of one piece although a less sympathetic age–and, in his own times, his numerous traducers–would charge that Epicurus was a phony who, under the veneer of prestigious philosophic pretensions, aspired to be a populist guru, self-important master of devoted disciples, and vain founder and propagandizer of a quasi-religious order. But this is not fair to Epicurus. He might have succumbed to vanity and transports of grandeur, but, to his credit, he concentrated unflinchingly on the most difficult problems of philosophy and worked indefatigably to produce and synthesize reasonable answers. As for the populist appeals of his teachings, Epicurus seems to have thought sincerely that he was offering an invaluable service to his contemporaries by turning the light of reason against the obscurantist horrors of popular superstition and a false astrological theology. It is a great tribute to Epicurus that many modern thinkers, including Thomas Hobbes and perhaps Thomas Jefferson, fashioned their own work, at least part, after Epicurus’ brave struggle on behalf of enlightening science and against popular superstition. Epicurus’ parents, Neocles and Chaerestrata, were impecunious Athenians who joined a mission of economically driven colonists. They settled on the island of Samos, in the East Aegean Archipelago. Epicurus grew up on the island and turned to philosophy from a ripe young age. According to a legend, Epicurus decided to pursue philosophic studies when he was only fourteen when he became frustrated at his teacher’s failure to explain an obscure passage in Hesiod’s Theogony about the primeval chaos. While on Samos, Epicurus studied with the Platonist Pamphilus. In 321, Epicurus joined the Athenians who had been previously expelled from Samos and were now living in Colophon, Anatolia. It is reported that, in Colophon, Epicurus did not waste much time before he entered into acrimonious philosophical antagonism with a local mind, Nausiphanes of Teos. Those were times when disputes over a philosophic problem could arouse the most vitriolic hatred and lead to irreconcilable animosity. Indeed, the quarrel with Nausiphanes must have become quite ferocious. It is also in this period that Epicurus, for the first time, grew fond of developing details about how one ought to live so as to live consistently with the true philosophy. The Epicurean cult and the adoration of Epicurus as a sage-guru was already in the making. Epicurus might have encouraged and even promoted this devotion. His adversaries always underlined this side of Epicurus’ life and found here ample fodder for gossip and polemics. In 311, Epicurus moved to Mytilene, on the island of Lesbos, where he opened a school of philosophic teaching. It appears that rumors soon spread and aspersions were cast on Epicurus and his disciples; the charge of impiety was leveled. It is likely that Epicurus was forcibly expelled form Lesbos. In 310, he moved to Lampsacus, near the Hellespont, where he began to proselytize and teach. He lived in Lampsacus until 306 and, in this period, gained a substantial number of devoted students. In 306, he moved to Athens with a few of his pupils. He was to remain in Athens for the rest of his life. He bought a house and the celebrated–or, dependent on which side refers to it, infamous–Garden. It was in this garden, in aloofness and behind high walls, that the philosophic cult of Epicurus waxed and thrived. It could be argued that Socrates had been the first Greek thinker who sensed that the stakes in philosophical debate are so high and philosophy’s scope so encompassing that the philosopher’s pursuit ought to be not simply an inquiry but a complete and engrossing way of life. Epicurus was putting this Socratic insight to practice and, given the tenor and prejudices of his times, he was compelled to carry on with his philosophic activities in splendid isolation, behind the fortifying walls of the notorious Epicurean Garden. Predictably, the outside world took a dim and hostile view of this insular and elitist cult. It must be said, however, that Epicurus considered the appeal of his philosophy to be unencumbered from any distinctions of class, background, race, or even gender. And, indeed, the content of his philosophy and its appeal to accessible common-sense empiricism are consistent with an ideology of political equality: It does not take exceptional natural character of mind to follow the Epicurean principles and precepts. To use A. E. Taylor’s apt phrase, Epicurus’ philosophy is “anti-elitist.” The Epicurean system appeals to common sense, privileges the viewpoint of ordinarily and commonly available experience, and recommends a prudential approach to life’s ethical challenges which is within everyone’s reach. Epicurean materialism rejects the inequality of Platonic excellence insofar as it rejects excellence itself–every human being, including the presumably greatest ones, is simply an aggregate of self-organizing material particles. As shown by the political philosopher Leo Strauss, this egalitarian bent of Epicurean materialism was diagnosed and emulated by many modern thinkers; Thomas Hobbes based his own egalitarian social-contract theory on a resuscitated and partly revamped Epicureanism. Few other thinkers have been treated to the relentless vituperation hurled at Epicurus both by his contemporaries and by critics throughout the ages. G. Panichas has anthologized the lurid epithets with which ancient sources on Epicurus teem: “a most shameless physicist;” “flatterer of authority;” “plagiarist of Democritus;” “teacher of effeminacy;” “nasty name-caller;” “writer of lewd letters.” Rumors had Epicurus indulge in extravagant feasts and orgies. It was claimed that he would induce vomiting twice a day so that he could continue unobstructed in his bulimic excesses. It was also said that Epicurus believed in the potency of magical incantations–a preposterous charge, considering Epicurus’ unequivocal condemnation of superstitious ritual. Other rumors claimed that his mother had been a magician–and that, as a boy, Epicurus had followed her around as her assistant; that his brother was a pimp; and that he lacked good taste altogether and had embarrassingly boorish habits. In reality, the Epicurean Garden served as something of an institution for mutual assistance of the school’s members. Life in the Garden was regulated on the basis of detailed pecuniary and sumptuary regulations and with a view to preventing mischief and encouraging trust. The value of friendship was stressed–although Epicurus’ critics doubted that his utilitarian calculus could endorse true friendship. The students were exhorted to lead a life of modest and prudent pleasures and to shun unnecessary distractions and short-lived flamboyant satisfactions. Property was not shared–and the justification that is reported for this, rather unconvincingly if not contradictorily, is that Epicurus thought commonly owned property to be a source of distrust. Epicurus urged his students to memorize the main points of his system and promised that following the system both by repeating its principles and by putting it to practice would ensure freedom from bodily, and especially from mental, distress. Epicurus found the religious tales about an afterlife to be the most forbidding obstacle to attaining a serene life and the most baneful source of dread. To make full sense of this, we need to realize that, in pre-Christian times, the Greek tales about the afterlife were replete with terror: Horrendous and eternal punishments were meted out to various nefarious characters but, at the same time, it was not always made clear how one came to merit such punishment, and the frightening possibility was entertained that one could become the victim of divine malice and be condemned without appeal or judicial remedy. (In Christian times, Calvinism, for reasons of its own, resurrected this spectrum, often with equally calamitous consequences of the average person’s peace of mind.) Epicurus’ contemporaries, like those of Socrates and Plato, took the gods to be fickle, vindictive, spoiled, malicious, and unjust–which was a consistent view since the gods were considered extremely powerful and it was also thought that one who has immense power is at liberty, and might have every good and selfish reason, to behave badly toward others. Plato had protested against the logical and ethical-philosophical inconsistencies of this view but, by the times of Epicurus, the nuances of Platonism, which was not intended for the masses anyway, were not available for the huddled masses. It is within this context that we must read Epicurus’ claim that the supreme aim of his system is to secure peace of mind. It is pivotal to Epicurus’ promise that one accepts the atomist philosophy of nature. This does not mean that Atomism is taken to be a stopgap ad-hoc theory which is introduced for the sake of calming public terror. The atomic philosophy is seen as the true one, which, incidentally, once grasped, takes care of fear and anguish. Nevertheless, many thought that the tranquility promised by Epicurus is purchased at a prohibitive price: Epicurus’ philosophy is materialism and, in spite of his professed belief in the existence of material divinities, essentially atheistic. That the philosophy is materialist would not have been an anathema to the ancients because natural philosophies had been materialist anyway. Indeed, an alternative to philosophic materialism did not have to be, and might not have been, conceived if it were not for the influence of the Orphic rites on Plato. Plato’s philosophy argued for the existence of an immaterial soul–it may or may not be the case that Socrates had believed in the immortal immaterial soul. It is the immaterial soul that is immortal. The material body, or even a material soul like the one presented by Epicurus, is destined to succumb to the perennial natural law of decomposition. The horror of Platonists was that, if it were ever found out that the immortal soul does not exist and that eternal punishments are not to be feared, the whole world would degenerate into anarchic, nihilistic chaos. So, the confession in philosophic materialism was to be taken as a sign of dangerous radicalism. And, for obvious reasons, this was the position adopted by the Christian thinkers, and, one suspects, even those Christian writers who harbored inner doubts about faith and dogma thought that there was every good reason to disavow and condemn atheism in order to safeguard public morals. So, throughout the ages, atheist Epicureanism was preserved as a term of invective. Epicurus died in 271. He refers to his fatal ailments as “strangury and dysentery”–painful, incomplete urination probably caused by a bladder obstruction. As we know from an extant letter, Epicurus was proud to be facing death with fearless equanimity. Diogenes Laertius, who has preserved for us the very few Epicurean texts we have, heaps praises on Epicurus: The philosopher was gentle, humane, simple in his manners, and reasonable in his outlook. It was said that Epicurus’ writings could fill an entire library room, but very little survives today. Our sources for Epicurus’ philosophy–translated in this volume–are a few letters and a compendium of maxims. There are also fragments, which do not add much to our understanding of Epicurus’ philosophy, and testimonia, some of which are of dubious authenticity. The two seminal texts on Epicurus’ natural philosophy, including his methodology, are his “Letter to Herodotus” and “Letter to Pythocles.” Epicurus’ ethical teachings are contained in his “Letter to Menoeceus” and in a pithy collection of maxims known as “Principal Doctrines.” An excavation in the twentieth century produced one more text, the so-called “Vatican Sayings” which has not been included in the present selection as it corresponds very closely to the “Principal Doctrines.” An excellent and elaborate source on Epicurus’ philosophy, which we still have with us, is from Roman times: A devoted student of Epicurus, Lucretius, wrote a poem, de rerum natura (On the Nature of the Universe), which refers to, and often gives considerable details about, many Epicurean theories, including some that are not mentioned at all in the extant writings of Epicurus. Epicurus’ Philosophic System The dispute between the Epicureans, on the one hand, and the Platonists and Neoplatonists, on the other, raged for centuries. Roughly, Epicurus and his disciples anticipated what we know today as a hard-hewn, no-nonsense, anti-mystical, pro-empiricist approach while the Platonists and Neoplatonists, encouraged by Plato’s own writings and abetted by times of distress and upheaval, defended the claims of consolatory mysticism and opted for speculative flights into transcendental epistemologies. Epicurus’ philosophical system even anticipated such recent developments in philosophy and science as the logical-positivist emphasis on a criterion of verification of truth claims, the scientific-methodological test of falsifiability of hypotheses, and the conventionalist demand for unambiguous operational definition of crucial terms. Equally impressive is Epicurus’ close anticipation of Newtonian physics. Perhaps, the correct way of putting this is the other way round: It is a lasting testament to Epicurus’ significance that, as generally acknowledged, Newton was able to formulate his system by rejecting the medieval-Aristotelian plenum and by reviving the ancient Epicurean claim of the existence of empty space. In political thought, Epicurus anticipated contractarianism. In ethics, he managed to eke out a set of moral imperatives for the good life even though, once again anticipating the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, he seems to have diagnosed a failure on the part of authoritatively prescriptive ethics to find secure foundations. Like Newton’s physics, Epicurus atomist philosophy is anti-teleological. The Aristotelian system, which was destined later to dominate the thought of the Middle Ages, is a typically teleological system: The distinctive feature of teleology is that it considers nature to be purposeful. The highest form of cause in the Aristotelian system is the so-called final cause: The goal or purpose for the sake of which objects are actualized. In the same way that the wood and the carpenter’s effort are ancillary causes to the main purposive intent of creating a piece of furniture, so does intelligent Nature operate causally on the basis of structured and meaningful purposes. This view is not conducive to experimentation because one would be better off using his or her mind to read the book of nature and because, at any rate, the discovery of irregularities and errors would not advance knowledge under this system: Failures are considered to be freakish occurrences which violate the wisdom of natural order rather than occasions for further investigation. Epicurus rejected Aristotelian teleology. According to Epicurus’ atomic theory, motion is not a providentially directed activity or purpose-guided transition into actuality but a brute fact. The atomic composition of everything ensures that nature is ultimately self-organizing but also that this self-organization is blind and random. Since the atom is not rational, Epicurus’ principle of natural self-organization is indeed a concession that nature is ruled by chance rather than intelligent purpose. Epicurus’ courage in claiming that the atom–an unintelligent and basic entity–has inherent motion can be appreciated better by realizing that similar claims, raised by certain variants of chaos theory, are considered radical even today. Epicurus’ radicalism in this respect outpaces even the mechanistic model of the Enlightenment, which is still congenial to common sense. The Enlightenment model of a mechanistic universe leaves space for an intelligent blueprint behind the machinery, whereas Epicurus’ atomic theory, rightly understood, does not. Epicurus produced his theory inspired by the ancient atomists Leucippus and Democritus. Like all ancient thinkers, Epicurus reached his conclusions by using only reasoning. It is remarkable, however, that Epicurus seems to have been obsessed with the deepest questions of method and what we would consider today philosophy of science. Even his brief extant summaries, which are explicitly intended to serve as synopses and for the purpose of memorization, do not resist laying stress on methodological matters. Here are some of Epicurus’ methodological principles: The testimony of the senses is the ultimate arbiter of disputes. One should not unnecessarily multiply assumptions if directly accessible experience affords us observation of phenomena similar to the remote and obscure ones we are trying to explain. We should not assume that only one explanation is available or that only one process might be at work in producing the phenomenon we are trying to account for; at the same time, we should make sure to reject explanations which cannot be confirmed at all and, especially, those which have empirical testimony against them. This last caveat is significant: Epicurus clearly placed extraordinary emphasis on what we could call today the verificationist criterion of truth. According to Epicurus, knowledge ultimately comes from empirical observation. Epicurus has the metaphysics to go with this claim: Everything we know, even including mental constructs and figments of the imagination, is ultimately produced by the same atomic constituents of which all the real objects in the universe are made. The major difference between Democritus’ and Epicurus’ atomic theories is that Democritus had taken seriously the difference between the underlying atomic reality and the appearances which do not show us the atoms directly: This led Democritus to rationalism–the demand that we trust only our logical thinking, since we are able to reach the true atomic constitution of matter only by means of thinking and not by direct observation. Epicurus rejected this and opted for a robust empiricism on the grounds that our very thinking processes are ultimately produced by atoms anyway. The impetus for the development of the original atomic theory might have been a number of paradoxes formulated by Zeno of Elea, which purported to show that motion is illusory. The paradoxes of Zeno, which have survived, exploit the geometrical claim that line segments, and indeed any measurable intervals, are infinitely subdivisible. If that is the case, anything that moves in space or time would have to move an infinite number of points between any two points–in current jargon, it would have to perform a supertask which involves undertaking an infinite number of actions and, therefore, can never be completed. The atomists countered that matter is not infinitely subdivisible. The ultimate constituents of matter are the atoms that are unbreakable. These may or may not be “minima” in terms of their sizes–after all, they might come in many different sizes–but they are certainly indivisible or uncuttable. Epicurus made it clear that different sizes of atoms exist, but he pointed out that this must be a finite number anyway. His argument to this effect deserves mention: If an infinite number of atomic sizes existed, then some of those sizes would inevitably be large enough to be visible; but the atoms are invisible. (There seems to have been some confusion on this score among the atomists, with some of them maintaining that certain atoms may indeed be visible to the naked eye.) The atoms have only a limited number of fundamental properties–size, shape, and mass. Since the atoms have motion inherent to them, Epicurus did not think that he could differentiate atomic types on the basis of motion; he seems to have thought that atoms move with a standard velocity–perhaps something of a universal constant–and he seems to have compared this to another speed quantity to which he attached great significance–the speed of thought. In addition to his atomic theory, Epicurus requests that the student accept one more principle: that empty space exists. This makes Epicurus what we could call today a Substantivalist: Epicurean space is somewhat like Newtonian absolute space–an infinite super-substance that exists on its own right. It seems that Epicurus considered empty space, known in antiquity as “the void,” to be inert, its existence simply enabling movement. Epicurus thought that he had actually proved the existence of empty space–in other words, and strictly speaking, he did not offer this proposition as a postulate. His proof goes something like this: If empty space did not exist, bodies would not have anything through which they could move and, therefore, motion would be impossible. But motion is clearly possible. Therefore, empty space exists. A full appreciation of this, however, is possible only by taking into account Epicurus’ rejection of Aristotle’s plenum.Very little on this score is available in the extant writings of Epicurus. Epicurus derives a number of corollaries that follow from his two basic principles – the atomic principle and the empty space principle. 1) Space is infinitely extended or unbounded. Epicurus provided, or repeated a formerly known, proof to this effect, in the form of a constructive dilemma: Let us walk to the edge of space, wherever that may be, and attempt to walk further. If we can always do this, then the process is infinitely repeatable and, therefore, space is infinitely extended. If we cannot do this, then we must be touching the veritable edge or boundary of the universe. But an edge or boundary is, by definition, touching on something else. From this definition of boundary, Epicurus thought that he could show that even if we come to a boundary there is more beyond the boundary and still more, for the same reason, beyond the new boundary, and so on ad infinitum. (A topographically available alternative to Epicurus’, and later Newton’s, view of the infinite extension of empty space is a spherical surface, which is unbounded but not infinitely extended. This is what Einstein opted for. Even in that case, we might wonder about the putative space wherein the supposed sphere is located, but modern physics shelves this question as unanswerable. The philosophical alternative to Epicurus-Newton is the rejection of a real external space: This can be done by means of Idealist and Relationist theories of space.) 2) Since space is infinitely extended, the number of atoms in the universe must be infinite too. Epicurus reaches this conclusion by applying an early version of what we call today the anthropic principle. Since it is obvious that the present world exists, it must be that the requisite processes for the formation of this world were enabled at some point in the past. But if only a finite number of atoms were moving throughout an infinitely extended space, then, Epicurus thinks, they could not have met to create the world in which we live. (Epicurus does not have a solid case here. The chances for the atoms to meet would indeed become vastly small but not zero; and the fact that we exist, and, hence, that our world, whatever this world is like, exists can be used as proof that the astronomically small chance the atoms had of meeting did indeed materialize.) 3) Even though an infinite number of atoms exists, according to Epicurus, the number of types of atoms is finite. Epicurus argues in favor of this by observing, as pointed above, that visible atoms would have to exist too if the variety of atomic types were infinite: because many–indeed, an infinite number–of atomic sizes would then have to lie above the visibility register. Hence, Epicurus concludes, the number of atomic types is finite; yet, it is vast because, otherwise, the astounding variety of things in our universe could not have come into existence. 4) Since worlds are created by the collisions and sorting of atoms and an infinite number of atoms are moving throughout an infinitely extended space, an infinite number of worlds exists. Our world is only one world. All these worlds are actual and coexist within the infinitely extended universe. Since worlds are formed accidentally and opportunistically, as it were, they can continue to form when the appropriate conditions are available. Moreover, the worlds are not permanent or eternal. Only the atoms are indestructible. Everything else is liable to dissolve unto its constituent components. Given enough time, the worlds too perish while other worlds are constantly being created. Some worlds are like our own but nothing precludes the possibility that dramatically different worlds exist–indeed, since we are dealing with an infinity of worlds, worlds different from ours must exist. On the other hand, given the fact that the number of atomic types is limited, there must also be a limit to the number of types of worlds that exist. 5) The soul is composed of exceedingly refined or fine-grained atoms. The person or self is the union of the body and the soul. The conscious person is the real person and this consciousness requires both body and the more refined, but still material, soul operating together. The soul is scattered throughout the body, by virtue of its refined material constitution, although it might be more partially associated with certain regions of the body. All this can explain why loss of limbs does not necessarily entail cessation of consciousness or life insofar as the soul is unaffected. On the other hand, however, if the body were gravely afflicted, the soul could not continue to exist by itself. Hence, there is no immortality. Epicurus thinks that this is good news: Most people, he observes, are terrified by the prospects of torments in an afterlife; and they dread the prospect of death itself. But there is no afterlife for the soul if the soul itself is not immortal. And, as for death, Epicurus has an argument that is renowned and has been repeated in various forms by twentieth-century thinkers like Jean Paul Sartre. This argument purports to show that death “is nothing to us” as Epicurus puts it. If death is defined, as it should be defined, as the discontinuation of the union of body and soul and consequent destruction of the individual, then there is no one there to experience his or her own death. The moments leading to death, when the person is still present, do not constitute death of the person properly speaking. So, death is never experienced and dread of death is illogical–it is, indeed, the very model of an illogical phobia insofar as it has literally nothing for its object. Epicurus needs more premises, which he supplies obligingly: Nature has contrived to ease the pain we feel, even when we are terminally afflicted with disease. Pains are never severe, or they are no longer experienced, Epicurus thought, when they surpass a certain threshold. Countervailing pleasures are available and, somehow, the dialectic of pain and pleasure is in our favor. Although Epicurus’ nature is not teleological, as was pointed out above, nature has accidentally equipped us with what we need and furnished us with what it takes in order to render life enjoyable or, at least, bearable. Epicurus is not convinced by those who lament life and taunts them: If they have persuaded themselves that life is so bad, Epicurus charges, why don’t they kill themselves? The final solution would be easy because distress of mind is more formidable than pain of the body, according to Epicurus: So, if someone has endured the ordeal of the proof of life’s worthlessness and intolerable painfulness, then the remaining step, of causing one’s death, is trivial. The fact that death-lovers are clinging to life proves to Epicurus either that they have not proved what they think they did or that they are blatant hypocrites. 6) Epicurus professes to believe in the existence of gods who are composed of exceedingly fine-grained atoms. It is not clear why those gods would be immortal, as Epicurus wants them to be, since only atoms are indestructible in Epicurus’ philosophy. Perhaps this is a telltale sign that Epicurus’ references to the gods are not sincere. At any rate, Epicurus’ gods are aloof and do not play any morally or historically significant role in human affairs. Epicurus tries to occupy the high moral ground in this respect, charging that those who burden gods with human affairs are guilty of impiety because they drag the divine down into the morass of human wretchedness and, on top of that, they are essentially depicting gods as irrational or wicked since only a fool would voluntarily abandon eternal bliss for the yoke of supervising human rewards and punishments and only a villain would give up aloofness and tranquility to gloat over human tragedies. 7) It seems that Epicurus was concerned about the deterministic implications of his philosophy. We don’t hear about this in his extant writings but his Roman admirer Lucretius has preserved extensive information on this issue. Since events are simply due to atoms colliding, bouncing, and being sorted out, there is no space for human freedom left. This seems intuitively clear although, on closer inspection, it is not obvious why freedom should be preserved even if nature were unpredictable and non-deterministic or chaotic (in the traditional sense of the term chaotic.) But perhaps the absence of strict or sweeping determinism is the necessary, even if not sufficient, condition for human freedom. Even so, a view that is firmly committed to human freedom runs against a problem: One must assume that there is a. . .truly free person behind the guided person–the notorious “homunculus” hypothesis. Someone must be free to steer my actions and this free person, to be truly free, should not be “guided” by anything–including the gathering and parting concourses of atoms which determine all events according to materialism. I cannot go into additional details here but Epicurus apparently took this seriously and tried to preserve human freedom by undermining the strict-determinism premise. Although the atoms do indeed follow the inexorable impetus provided by their properties–mass, size, shape–there is a qualification to this. The atoms can only move downward, under the thrust of their mass (there is no weight-inducing gravitational field for Epicurus), or in the direction in which they bounce off after they happen to collide with other atoms. Epicurus must have thought that the latter direction is always horizontal. At any rate, oblique trajectories have to be composites of a finite number of infinitesimal vertical (mass-induced) and horizontal (collision-induced) trajectories, as Walter Englert concluded in his valuable study of this subject. This is still deterministic, though. Epicurus claimed that the vertical trajectory is not straight and inexorable: As they fall downward, the atoms swerve. Epicurus thought that this solves two problems for his theory: It accounts for human freedom insofar as events are, at least in part, unpredictable due to the unforeseeable and random swerve of atoms; and the swerve hypothesis makes his account of the genesis of worlds more plausible, Epicurus thought, insofar as the swerve makes it more likely that atoms will indeed meet and collide. 8) Epicurus’ ethics posits the proposition that nature has determined what the good consists in. As ample evidence demonstrates, pleasure and the avoidance of pain, which regulate the behaviors of humans and animals, are what natural good consists in. Epicurus, like so many others both in ancient and in modern times, commits what G. E. Moore called the “naturalistic fallacy” in not realizing that one must already somehow know what the ethical meaning of “good” is before one can confidently establish that this or that–for instance, pleasure–is morally good. Epicurus’ ethical theory is a strain of hedonism; it is not like the utilitarianism of modern times because Epicurus does not demand that moral agents act to maximize the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. On the other hand, however, it is not fair to Epicurus to compare his ethical theory to any of the vulgar versions of self-centered and excessive hedonism with which the term Epicurean is often associated. Epicurus’ theory claims a noble concern with living a life of dignity and tranquility. Natural pleasures are classified according to nature and in accord with whether they are necessary or not and the student is exhorted to abstain from unnecessary and frivolous pleasures. Epicurus must have run into trouble, philosophically speaking, by waffling as to whether pleasure consists in an active state or simply in the removal of pain and the supervening passive state of imperturbable serenity. His classification of pleasures into dynamic and static did not alleviate this problem; commentators fought mightily over whether the nature of pleasure itself consists in a dynamism inherent to the right kind of effort or in the peace of mind and muscular relaxation that naturally follow satisfaction of needs. 9) Finally, Epicurus conceived of a contractarian theory of society. Crucial to this is the claim that, contrary to what Aristotle had claimed, the human being is not a sociable animal. Essentially, this forestalls an ethic of excellence because Aristotelian excellence is something that can flourish and be recognized only in a social arena; and, if humans are not sociable by nature, excellence itself cannot be what nature intended. It follows that, by nature, human beings were meant for the simplest tasks: following their natural instincts in seeking pleasure until they satisfy their needs and striving to avoid pain by all means. A radicalization of the egalitarian impetus of this theory by such formidable figures as Thomas Hobbes and John Locke gave us the theories of social justice and legitimacy, which culminated in the American Declaration of Independence and the classical-liberal view of the minimal state and the separation of civic society from the arena of private achievement. Unlike John Locke, Epicurus did not see fit to derive an ethical theory directly from his claims about the contractarian origin of civil society. It is not even clear how citizens would be compelled to keep the implicit promise they are presumed to have given in the moment of the formation of society. This has been a contested point and occasionally an embarrassment for modern contractarian theory. It is plausible that there is an interesting Epicurean solution to this problem: If one were to follow Epicurus’ ethical advice and retreat behind the Garden, there to practice prudent uses of pleasures and live in aloofness, then citizens could hardly pose challenges or threats to public order and stability. It underscores, once again, the significance of Epicurus to note that this is one of the first moral arguments which, scandalously from the viewpoint of antiquity, advocates leading a private and secluded life. As Epicurus liked to put it, a principal moral maxim is: “Pass your life making sure no one notices you.” Odysseus Makridis received his Ph.D. from Brandeis University. He is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Fairleigh Dickinson University, in Madison, New Jersey. Posted August 3, 2011 No text was provided for this review. Posted June 3, 2011 No text was provided for this review. Posted July 22, 2010 No text was provided for this review. Posted August 19, 2009 No text was provided for this review. Posted March 10, 2011 No text was provided for this review. Posted July 3, 2010 No text was provided for this review. Posted December 30, 2009 No text was provided for this review.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-48", "url": "http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/letters-and-sayings-of-epicurus-epicurus/1100059623?ean=9781411429413&itm=1", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-48/segments/1386164961715/warc/CC-MAIN-20131204134921-00026-ip-10-33-133-15.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9649068713188171, "token_count": 8749, "score": 3.421875, "int_score": 3 }
|The following article has no references to the official sources.| Treasure is normally seen as a collection of gold and silver, or even valuable gem stones such as diamonds, rubies and pearls hidden somewhere waiting to be discovered. However Treasure can refer to anything valuable from an old vase worth millions to a vow between friends or a memory of an experience. Sometimes what one person may consider to be a treasure, others may not. Generally, a treasure is something that a person is not willing to give up without a fight. In One Piece, the idea of treasure has been raised a number of times. While most pirates, like Buggy or Nami, value gold, silver and jewels, there are others who hold other treasures dearer to their heart, leading to many items being stated to be a "treasure". These items often gain their value for personnel reasons, but are also something people in the One Piece world themselves are willing to fight for. - Luffy considers his Straw Hat his treasure because he took a promise to return it to Shanks. - Zoro considers his vow with Kuina to become the best Swordsman as a treasure and carries her sword with him always. - Nami considers money and her tangerines to be treasure. However her true treasure is the people of Cocoyashi, going as far as stealing a large amount of money to save their lives. - Usopp considered Going Merry to be a treasure, not only to himself, but the entire Straw Hat crew. When Luffy announced that they were getting a new ship because the Merry was damaged and beyond repair, Usopp became angry and got into a fight with him. - Sanji considers his hands to be his treasure, because as a cook, he would be unable to prepare meals if anything happened to them, hence his kick based fighting style. - Chopper's hat and flag are his treasures because Dr. Hiriluk gave them to him. He also considers human life and proper treatment to be a treasure of sorts. When Hogback struck Victoria Cindry, Chopper became angry and attacked, seeing Hogback, who used to be a doctor and was supposed to help people with their problems, disregard his vow for human life. - Robin considers history more valuable than gold and to her there is no bigger crime than destroying something from long ago such as a set of ruins. The reason being is that humans can study and look back at history, but they can never return to the past, thus when it is destroyed that part of history is forever lost. - Brook considers his afro a treasure because it's the only thing Laboon would recognize him by. - Gaimon considered the animals on his island a treasure after finding out that the treasure he was guarding for twenty years was already gone before he got there. - Boodle, the mayor of Orange Town considered his town his treasure and was willing to fight Buggy for it. - Crocodile considered Pluton a treasure as it was the key to his dreams of conquering the world. - To the Shandia their former home of Shandora was their treasure and they were prepared to die for just one bag of Vearth. - Ace, before exhaling his last breath, thanked his brother and his friends for loving him despite his heritage, suggesting that those relationships were more precious to him then any amount of gold, a trait he had in common with his captain Edward Newgate. - Sabo considers the bond he had with his brothers Ace and Luffy to be his greatest treasure. - Edward Newgate considered his pirate crew and allies as his treasure, so his treasure was family. - King Neptune views his only daughter Shirahoshi as his treasure. - The Energy Steroids were considered a national treasure on Fish-Man island. - Shusui was considered a national treasure on Wano country. - Donquixote Doflamingo has knowledge of the existence of a hidden National Treasure of the World Nobles that if exposed could shake its very foundations, and was so important that they complied with Doflamingo's blackmail granting him all the privileges of a Celestial Dragon. It is also said that if this treasure is used in combination with the Ope Ope no Mi, it would allow the person to effectively conquer the entire world. - Charlotte Linlin considered the only portrait of Mother Carmel which she has kept for 60 years since childhood to be the most precious treasure and would underwent an immense emotional breakdown should it be damaged in the slightest. One Piece itself is named after the treasure of the late Pirate King Gol D. Roger. The biggest mystery is what it is and although every character assumes it's located at Raftel, even its location is uncertain. A map is a diagram or graph designed to show the locations of things as they lay on the landscape, such as where forests or villages are located. They are normally used as a guide to get from one location to another with or without the aid of a compass. In the world of One Piece, they normally take the form of a treasure map or island map. - Despite their association and love for plunder and treasure, most pirates in reality were broke and had little treasure at all because they spent most of what they stole on alcohol, women, and gambling. - ↑ One Piece Manga and Anime — Vol. 76 Chapter 761 (p. 2-10) and Episode 700, Doflamingo fights Law and speaks of his past.
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CHICAGO (REUTERS) - Lab experiments on a new strain of the H7N9 bird flu circulating in China suggest the virus can transmit easily among animals and can cause lethal disease, raising alarm that the virus has the potential to trigger a global human pandemic, researchers reported. The H7N9 virus has been circulating in China since 2013, causing severe disease in people exposed to infected poultry. Last year, human cases spiked, and the virus split into two distinct strains that are so different they no longer succumb to existing vaccines. One of these has also become highly pathogenic, meaning it has the ability to kill infected birds, posing a threat to the poultry industry. US and Japanese researchers studied a sample of this new highly pathogenic strain to see how effectively it spread among mammals, including ferrets, which are considered the best animal model for testing the transmissibility of influenza in humans. In the study published in Cell Host & Microbe, flu expert Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin and colleagues tested a version of the new H7N9 strain taken from a person who died from the infection last spring. They found that the virus replicated efficiently in mice, ferrets and non-human primates, and that it caused even more severe disease in mice and ferrets than a low pathogenic version of the same virus that does not cause illness in birds. To test transmissibility, the team placed healthy ferrets next to infected animals and found the virus spread easily from cage to cage, suggesting the virus can be transmitted by respiratory droplets such as those produced by coughing and sneezing. Two out of three healthy ferrets infected in this way died, which Kawaoka said on Thursday (Oct 19) is "extremely unusual," suggesting that even a small amount of virus can cause severe disease. "The work is very concerning in terms of the implications for what H7N9 might do in the days ahead in terms of human infection," said Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert from the University of Minnesota. Since 2013, the H7N9 bird flu virus has sickened at least 1,562 people in China and killed at least 612. Some 40 per cent of people hospitalised with the virus die. In the first four epidemics, the virus showed few changes. But last flu season, there were some 764 cases - nearly half of the 1,562 total. "The whole world is worried about it," Osterholm said. A new risk assessment tool from the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranks H7N9 as the leading animal flu strain with the potential of causing a human pandemic. The most recent global pandemic was the 2009 H1N1 swine flu outbreak that infected millions and killed more than 200,000 globally. Some researchers are concerned that the highly pathogenic strain could cause even more severe disease and higher death rates, but mortality from the low pathogenic strain is already"alarmingly high," said CDC flu expert Timothy Uyeki. Existing H7N9 vaccines are based on the 2013 strain. The CDC has developed a new vaccine based on the low pathogenic strain of the mutated virus, he said. The low pathogenic strain accounted for most of the human infections last year. Uyeki believes the vaccine would likely also offer protection from the new highly pathogenic H7N9 strain, but it needs to be tested in people. In February, China gave the go ahead for clinical trials of H7N9 vaccines developed by state-owned Beijing Tiantan Biological. The company said in a filing that it was developing four vaccines against the H7N9 virus.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/chinas-new-h7n9-bird-flu-strain-has-pandemic-potential-us-study", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323585450.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20211022021705-20211022051705-00456.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9635903239250183, "token_count": 768, "score": 2.9375, "int_score": 3 }
FRIDAY, July 27 (HealthDay News) -- Current or previous smoking may increase the risk of hepatitis reinfection in people who have a liver transplant due to viral hepatitis, a new study suggests. This may be because tobacco in cigarettes lowers their immune system response, according to Dr. Mamatha Bhat, of McGill University in Montreal, and colleagues. For the study, the investigators analyzed data from 444 transplants conducted at the McGill University Health Center between 1990 and 2004. They found that the average "viral hepatitis-free survival time" was less than one year for smokers and more than four years for nonsmokers. The study was published in the July issue of the journal Liver Transplantation. "Our findings suggest that recurrence of viral hepatitis may be more frequent among liver transplant recipients who are active or former smokers," Bhat said in a journal news release. Encouraging patients to quit smoking after their transplant may improve their outcomes, she added. The study results do not mean that smokers should be denied liver transplants, but suggest that doctors need to be more vigilant in monitoring for complications in patients who smoke. "Organs available for transplantation are scarce, with livers particularly in short supply," Bhat said. "Transplant centers need to take an active role in identifying and minimizing risks to the success of liver transplantation." While the study uncovered an association between smoking and the recurrence of viral hepatitis in liver transplant patients, it did not prove a cause-and-effect relationship. The American Liver Foundation has more about liver transplantation. SOURCE: Liver Transplantation, news release, July 12, 2012 Copyright © 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved. |Previous: Only 1 in 4 Americans With HIV Have Virus Under Control: CDC||Next: Poor Sleep Ups Odds for Nursing Home Care, Study Finds| Reader comments on this article are listed below. Review our comments policy. Submit your opinion: Are you a Doctor, Pharmacist, PA or a Nurse? Join the Doctors Lounge online medical community
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-41", "url": "http://www.doctorslounge.com/index.php/news/hd/30859", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-41/segments/1410657116650.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20140914011156-00341-ip-10-196-40-205.us-west-1.compute.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9277228116989136, "token_count": 428, "score": 2.515625, "int_score": 3 }
A great many things have happened in Hampton during 400 years and more of history. Listing all of the historic significant persons, places and events in Hampton's history would fill a book, so here are some of the most noteworthy dates and events. Historical facts of this historical epoch: - It is historically and contemporaneously significant that the presence of African people have endured in Hampton as a result of the 1619 arrival of Angolan people at Old Point Comfort (Hampton) where the Fort Monroe National Monument is located. - On or about August 20, 1619, the White Lion enters the Chesapeake Bay, docked at Old Point Comfort with Africans from Angola. John Rolfe, an early English settler, and widower of Pocahontas witnessed this event of about 20 Africans as documented in a letter. Some Angolans stayed in Hampton, and others were taken to plantations up the James River. - Antonio and Isabella became servants of Captain William Tucker, Commander at (Kecoughtan) Old Point Comfort, and in 1624/5, birthed the first African child, in English North America, named William Tucker. - William Tucker may have possibly been christened in the Kecoughtan Church near present-day Tyler Street on the campus of Hampton University in January 1624. - Antonio and Isabella worked in the tobacco fields and cypress groves on the Tucker Plantation in Hampton. - The Old Point Comfort site would become sacred again, as three men of African descent named Frank Baker, James Townsend and Shepard Mallory, ‘owned’ by Charles King Mallory of Hampton, escaped from working for Confederates in Norfolk, rowed across the Chesapeake Bay on May 23, 1861, to secure their freedom at Fort Monroe. This action was catalyst for the emancipation movement for human freedom.
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Lovely summer, we wear sandals, skater skirt, sleeveless dress, shorts and oversized floppy hat. Then, what does our skin wear in summer? Sunscreen may be the simple answer. We, smart ladies, shall learn more. What does sunlight do to our skin? Sunlight is a combination of 3 types of rays – infrared, visible lights and ultraviolet. Thanks to the natural world. The ozone layer absorbs most of toxic lights. However ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) penetrate cloud and glass and deep into our skin, causes skin cell damages and premature aging. UVB penetrates into the outer layer of the skin epidermis and damages the cells causing the skin to be inflamed or sunburnt. UVA penetrates more deeply into second layer of skin dermis causing direct damage to supporting tissues leading to ageing effects. Both types of rays are attributed to causing different skin cancers. How can we read labels right? SPF stands for “sun protection factor” which represents the length of time you can stay in the sun protecting from UVB. SPF 15 means a person who normally (without sunscreen) would turn red after 10 minutes of sun exposure would take 150 minutes (10 x 15) to turn red. Remember, this does not mean you can stay in the sun for 150 minutes. Red is the one of the symptoms that our skin cells have been damaged. Never risks our skin. SPF rating system applies to UVB rays only. We need protecting from UVA also which causes of skin premature aging. In the revised EU guidelines for sunscreens products, this should be a UVA seal which requires providing consumers with a minimum level of UVA protection in relation to at least 1/3 of the SPF. In US, FDA requires the phrase “BROAD SPECTRUM” which will provide protection from both UVA and UVB. Therefore, we are not looking for a SPF product only and also the UVA seal or the phrase “BROAD SPECTRUM”. Is SPF 30 better than SPF 15? SPF 15 will filter out about 93% of UVB rays and SPF 30 filters out about 97%. In Europe regulations, manufacturers are limited to claiming SPF 50+; in Australia it is even more restrictions for maximum claiming of 30+, while in the US, it is no particular restrictions. How do sunscreens work? The main ingredients of a sunscreen product are the UV-filters. UV-filters work in one of two ways: (1) absorbing the UV-light by ‘soaking it up’ like thousands of tiny sponge soaks up water or (2) reflecting the UV-light away from the skin like thousands of tiny mirrors. Absorbing filters, also called chemical or organic filters, soak up UV-light then converting it into lower energy and safer infrared light. Reflecting filters, also called mineral or inorganic filters, are commonly used together with absorbing filters to get more efficient results. Different UV-filters tend to be effective against different wavelengths of UV-light, therefore most sunscreens products include several different UV-filters to provide a broad spectrum of protection, high SPF value and UVA seals. Many of UV-filters will not dissolve in water, therefore sunscreens must contain large amount of oil ingredients to help dissolve the UV-filters which make people feeling oily and greasy. 3-rule must be followed to ensure the SPF and UVA seals works. - Use 15 to 30 minutes in advance (get the UV-filters ready to work) - Apply a thick layer; 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon for face and 6 teaspoons (golf ball size) for body; Some studies found that people apply only half of the amount required and leaving your skin unprotected. - Re-apply every 2 or 3 hours; The sunscreen layer will be worn off and/or fully soaked of the UV-light. Are UV-filters toxic our skin? Based on the Environmental Working Group (EWG) scores, I summarized following table of UV-filters against different level of toxicity concerns. |UV-filters with higher toxicity concerns||UV-filters with moderate toxicity concerns||UV-filters with lower toxicity concerns| |Octinoxate (Octylmethoxycinnamate)||Octisalate||Zinc Oxide| Avoid vitamin A and related ingredients EWG recommends that we have to avoid sunscreens and other skin and lip products containing vitamin A, retinyl palmitate, retinol, retinyl acetate, retinyl linoleate and retinoic acid – manufacturers believe these slow the skin aging. Studies found the possibility that these ingredients may speed the growth of cancerous tumor when used on skin exposed to sunlight. Never expose to sunlight longer than necessary. Try to stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am to 4pm. The longer we are outside, the longer our skin suffered from UV-lights. No matter how – do not let SPF, UVA, hat – fool us into thinking we can stay out in the sun longer. Staying under shade, such as a tree or umbrella, can reduce our sunlight exposure, but not completely. Only very broad and thick shade such as thickly wooded areas and widely overhanging structures provide enough protection explained by British Association of Dermatologists. We can select dark-coloured, synthetic fabrics, close weave and dry clothing (fabrics get wet, their protection can be halved). - Oversized sunglasses Please remember to check your sunglasses with ‘real’ sun protection. Remember that the UV-protective chemical on sunglasses is invisible, so the colour of the lens not an indication of protecting. Label must clearly state the following labelling. - “CE Mark” and British Standard (BS EN 1836:1997) - UV400 (it means the sunglasses blocks up to 400 nm of UV-light) - 100% UV protection written on the label or sticker Hats are great for protecting our face, ears, eyes and head and back of the neck. So choose a wide-brimmed hat for most protection. Baseball caps are not a good choice. Nice thick layer sunscreen can sit on our face and protect from UV-lights. National Institute for Health and Care recommends a minimum of SPF 15 and UVA seals in the UK. And don’t forget our lips. Obviously, sunscreen is not nutrients, so wisely prevent the higher toxicity concerns UV-filters. As sunscreen works as a cover on my face, I always apply my prestigious skin care products, Glamour Ageless and Silk Miracle Essence well before any sunscreen. I don’t like mixing UV-filters with those precious ingredients that blocking the benefits sinking into my skin. Thanks so much for reading my post. If you like this post, you may also like Silk Amino Acid is a super-ingredient.,
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-45", "url": "https://www.kathleennatural.co.uk/summer-skin-care-tips/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-45/segments/1603107903419.77/warc/CC-MAIN-20201029065424-20201029095424-00252.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8965060114860535, "token_count": 1471, "score": 3.03125, "int_score": 3 }
A new picture returned from the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows an overview of the Mars Curiosity rover landing site, showing all the hardware that took it safely to the surface! Coooool. Click to barsoomenate. It’s like an episode of CSI: Gale Crater. You can see the Curiosity rover itself (labeled MSL for Mars Science Laboratory, the official name), sitting in a circle of dust disturbed by the landing rockets in the sky crane at final moments of descent. The sky crane impact site is to the upper left, several hundred meters away. The crane lowered the rover to the surface, disconnected the cables, then flew off to a safe distance. Note the plume of disturbed material pointing away from the direction to the rover, indicating the crane hit the ground at a low angle and not straight down (in which case the splash pattern would be more circular). The parachute and backshell are off to the left. The backshell was literally that: a protective shell on the back of the rover and crane assembly to which the parachute was attached. That disconnected while the crane and rover were still well off the surface, to avoid getting tangled. Finally, the heat shield is off to the lower right. That was the blunt capsule under the whole package that protected it from the heat of atmospheric entry; you can see it detach and fall to the ground in the descent video I posted recently. These images are cool, but serve a solid purpose: they provide the engineers and scientists here on Earth evidence of precisely how the hardware performed. By looking at locations, dust patterns, and more, they can determine how well these devices did versus what was predicted. That’s important info for planning future missions, especially given how complex this landing sequence was. It really is a bit of forensics. But it also says something else: we have hardware that made it to Mars! And we have photographic evidence of it! The future. We are in you. Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona Well, that was fast! The MARDI – MARs Descent Imager – was designed to take images as the Curiosity rover dropped down to the surface of Mars. Those thumbnail images have been put together into a stop-motion video that’s just jaw-droppingly cool: [It helps to set the resolution to HD and make the video as big as possible.] The video starts when the heat shield drops away – that’s the flying saucer-like thing right at the beginning, which was also seen from space by the MRO spacecraft orbiting Mars. The parachute has already deployed by the time the video starts, so you see the image sway as the rover swings underneath the chute. The resolution is low, but you can see the features getting bigger as the rover descends. The rockets start firing, though you can’t see that in this video… at least, not until the 45 second mark where suddenly you can see a big puff of dust as the rockets’ plumes hit the surface! I’ll let you think on that for just a second. As dust on Mars swirls underneath the hanging rover, you can see one of the rover wheels drop down, and then, finally, Curiosity lands on its new home. This is where we are folks: it’s not enough that we can send our robotic proxies to other worlds using a Wile. E. Coyote series of maneuvers, but now we can also return pictures as the machines descend and see them within hours of the event itself!* This stuff just keeps getting cooler. Science! It rocks. Tip o’ the dust cover to the Mars Curiosity Rover on Twitter itself! * We did this for the Huygens lander that was dropped onto Saturn’s moon Titan from Cassini as well, I’ll note, though it took longer to get them. Just a quick update: new analysis of the incredible picture from the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showing Curiosity parachuting to the surface of Mars has revealed a new detail: the rover’s heat shield: Very cool! But it gets better: given when this shot was taken, and the lack of disturbed dust under the shield, it’s thought that this shows the heat shield still falling to the surface! It’s an action shot! The heat shield was the blunt end of the spacecraft that protected the rover from the heat of atmospheric entry, and was ejected about a minute and a half before landing. It would’ve hit the surface seconds after this shot was taken. As I write this (23:30 UTC) I’m watching the press conference, and they’re showing video of the descent as seen by the rover itself, and it’s amazing! I’m sure this will be available soon, and when it is I’ll post it. [UPDATE (August 7, 00:15 UTC): The video has been released, and here’s my post about it!] Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona This is truly astonishing: the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped what may turn out to be the Space Picture of the Year: Curiosity descending to Mars under its parachutes! The rover is safely tucked inside the backshell, suspended underneath its huge parachute. This image was taken just moments after Curiosity’s speed had dropped from thousands of kilometers per hour to just hundreds. Shortly after that, rockets underneath took over the job of slowing it further, so that the sky crane could lower Curiosity safely to the Martian surface. This took incredible skills in calculations, engineering, and a just a wee pinch of good timing. Engineers here on Earth knew just where and when Curiosity would be coming down, so they were able to aim HiRISE at the right place at the right time. It strongly reminds me of a similar picture taken in 2008 by the same camera as the Phoenix lander descended to the surface of Mars. I suspect MRO was closer to Curiosity than it was to Phoenix, allowing higher resolution. [Update (16:40 UTC): More info about the picture can be found on the MRO HiRISE wesbite.] The simple and sheer amazingness of this picture cannot be overstated. Here we have a picture taken by a camera on board a space probe that’s been orbiting Mars for six years, reset and re-aimed by programmers hundreds of millions of kilometers away using math and science pioneered centuries ago, so that it could catch the fleeting view of another machine we humans flung across space, traveling hundreds of million of kilometers to another world at mind-bending speeds, only to gently – and perfectly – touch down on the surface mere minutes later. The news these days is filled with polarization, with hate, with fear, with ignorance. But while these feelings are a part of us, and always will be, they neither dominate nor define us. Not if we don’t let them. When we reach, when we explore, when we’re curious – that’s when we’re at our best. We can learn about the world around us, the Universe around us. It doesn’t divide us, or separate us, or create artificial and wholly made-up barriers between us. As we saw on Twitter, at New York Times Square where hundreds of people watched the landing live, and all over the world: science and exploration bind us together. Science makes the world a better place, and it makes us better people. It’s what we can do, and what we must do. Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona [UPDATE (August 6, 05:33 UTC): TOUCHDOWN!! Welcome to Mars, Curiosity.] Hi everyone, and welcome to the live Google+ video Hangout for the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity landing! I’m with fellow astronomers and space folks Fraser Cain, Pamela Gay, Amy Shira Teitel, Ian O’Neill, and many others… and we have some special guests lined up too. You should see the video below with the live feed for the Hangout. If you have questions, join us on Google+ or drop us a line on Twitter – use the hashtag #MarsHangout. Starting at roughly 03:00 UTC (11:00 Eastern US time) [NOTE: I just updated the time; I originally thought we’d be on a bit earlier] I will be in a Google+ live video Hangout with Fraser Cain, Pamela Gay, Amy Shira Teitel, and many others, talking about the Mars Science Lab – aka Curiosity – as it makes its terrifying way to the Martian surface. We’ll have live feeds, interviews, and lots of fun! I will embed the video right here when it’s live, so keep this blog post up in your browser. When we go live I’ll be tweeting it and putting it on G+ as well, so stay tuned, and watch this space! Just a reminder: The Mars Science Lab, also called Curiosity, lands tonight at 05:31 UTC (01:31 Eastern US time)! I have an earlier post with info on where to watch (check the comments too for more). I’ll be doing a live Google+ video Hangout with Fraser Cain, Pamela Gay, and a lot of other folks too. You don’t need to join G+, though it helps. I’ll put up a special post later today with an embedded video in it so you can watch us live right here. I’m really excited about this, and I hope it all goes smoothly! The Mars Science Laboratory – Curiosity – is fitted with an array of sophisticated scientific instruments to analyze the environment on the planet, and see if it is now or ever was hospitable for life. The American Chemical Society sponsored a nicely-done video explaining how Curiosity will go about poking and prodding (and zapping!) the landscape in Gale crater, its landing site: The descriptions and video will really help you understand what the rover will do and just how complex this mission really is. We’re getting very, very good at this sort of thing, and Curiosity is the culmination of decades of exploration of Mars. It’ll land on the Red Planet at 05:31 (UTC) August 6 (01:31 Eastern US time), and I’ll be part of an online live video Hangout talking to experts about it as well. Come join us! At 05:31 UTC (01:31 Eastern US time) on August 6, the Mars Science Laboratory – commonly called Curiosity – will land on the Red Planet. Because Mars will be 250 million kilometers (150 million miles) from Earth at the time, this landing procedure is totally autonomous: pre-programmed, and without human intervention. It has to be, since it will take radio signals nearly 14 minutes to reach the lander! However, we’ll be able to follow the progress of the lander, since it will be sending signals back to Earth during the complicated and, frankly, terrifying deceleration process and Rube Goldbergian sequence to get down to the surface. If you want to watch the proceedings live, I have a few things you can do. 1) Fraser Cain, Pamela Gay, and I will be doing a Google+ Hangout on August 5th starting at 03:00 UTC on August 5/6 and running until 07:00 – note that for the US, this starts on the evening of the 5th at 23:00 Eastern time and runs through 03:00 in the morning. We plan on having special guests, a live feed from NASA, and more. The Hangout is being sponsored by Google itself, CosmoQuest, and the SETI Institute, which has a strong astrobiology mission and therefore is very interested in Mars. Our coverage will be complete, intense, awesome, and fun. Promise! There’s more info at Universe Today, and we have an events page set up on G+ to help you out. There’s also a Facebook events page, too! Use the #marshangout hashtag on Twitter to follow along, too. 3) If you are in the Pasadena California area, then join the party! Literally: The Planetary Society is throwing a bash to celebrate and watch the landing at the Paseo Colorado – Garfield Promenade on Saturday, August 4. Attending will be TPS blogger (and big pal o’ mine) Emily Lakdawalla as well as Bill Nye (yes, THE Bill Nye). You can get more info on Emily’s blog, and get tickets online. If I could, I’d go there too! But I’ll be at home and quite busy myself (see #1 above). JPL The Planetary Society is holding PlanetFest at the Pasadena Convention Center on August 4 and 5 – it’s again a celebration of planetary exploration. It looks like fun! Art credit: NASA/JPL/Caltech In the wee hours of August 6 (UTC that is), the Mars Curiosity rover will land on Mars, becoming the most sophisticated (and heaviest) laboratory ever put on the Red Planet. NASA/JPL has put out a great video describing this event, narrated by none other than my friend Wil Wheaton: Cooool. I heard they got some other guy to make a video for them as well, but whatever. I’ll have more news about this event very soon, including where and when you can watch it yourself or get your questions answered by experts about this important and amazing space probe.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "url": "http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/tag/mars-science-laboratory/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-52/segments/1418802768980.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20141217075248-00087-ip-10-231-17-201.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9354795813560486, "token_count": 2869, "score": 3.265625, "int_score": 3 }
A digital out pin can be set to be HIGH (5v) or LOW (0v). This allows you to turn things on and off. Aside from turning things on and off (and making LEDs blink), this form of output is convenient for a number of applications. Most notably, it allows you to communicate digitally. By turning the pin on and off rapidly, you are creating binary states (0 and 1), which is recognized by countless other electronic devices as a binary signal. By using this method, you can communicate using a number of different protocols. Digital communication is an advanced topic, but to get a general idea of what can be done, check out the Interfacing With Hardware If you followed the example in Step 6 for getting an LED to blink, you have already tried using a digital output pin.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-44", "url": "http://www.instructables.com/id/Intro-to-Arduino/step10/Digital-out/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-44/segments/1476988720945.67/warc/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00452-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9072867035865784, "token_count": 167, "score": 3.671875, "int_score": 4 }
Home > Newsroom > Publications > Progress Fall, 2002 Index U-M scientists find new genetic marker for prostate cancer Using the power of advanced DNA microarray technology, scientists at the U-M Medical Shcool have identified a gene that triggers production of a specific protein in cancer prostate cells. Because the protein is present in large amounts only in malignant cells and is easily visible when stained, it could improve the accuracy and sensitivity of screening tests for prostate cancer -- the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men. The protein is an enzyme involved in fat metabolism called a-methylacyl-CoA racemase, or AMACR for short. AMACR has never before been associated with any type of cancer, according to Mark A. Rubin, M.D., and Arul M. Chinnaiyan, M.D., Ph.D., the scientists who directed the U-M research study. Results were published in the April 3 issue of the Journal of the American Medical "We detected high levels of AMACR protein in over 95 percent of more than 300 prostate tissue samples that contained localized cancer," says Dr. Chinnaiyan, an assistant professor of pathology in the U-M Medical School. "Equally important, we found very little or no AMACR protein in benign prostate tissue or in tissue with non-malignant cell changes. We then evaluated the clinical utility of AMACR immunostaining on 94 prostate needle biopsies; the sensitivity and selectivity ratings were 97 percent and 100 percent." "AMACR is one of approximately 20 genes which we found to be over-expressed consistently in prostate cancer," Dr. Chinnaiyan adds. "This doesn't mean that these genes cause prostate cancer, but they can be a marker or indicator of prostate cancer for diagnostic or prognostic purposes." Improvement over PSA tests AMACR's accuracy and specificity is a major improvement over the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test-the only diagnostic screening test currently available to physicians. "The beauty of AMACR is that it is cancer-specific and concentrated only in malignant cells," says Dr. Rubin, an associate professor of pathology and surgery in the U-M Medical School. "PSA can't differentiate between cell changes caused by cancer and those caused by benign changes in the prostate. As a result, PSA tests have a high rate of false positives, which can mean repeat needle biopsies and unnecessary U-M researchers say AMACR could act as a diagnostic marker for other types of cancer too. When Drs. Rubin and Chinnaiyan surveyed cells from different types of cancer looking for AMACR over-expression, they found it in colorectal, prostate, ovarian, breast, bladder, lung, renal cell, lymphoma and melanoma-with the highest amounts present in colorectal and prostate cancer. Research on the genetic and molecular profile of prostate cancer using DNA microarray analysis is part of a major initiative under way at the U-M Comprehensive Cancer Center. Its goal is to link molecular genetics with clinical outcome for all types of cancer. "By looking at gene expression, we can learn so much more about a tumor," says Cancer Center Director Max Wicha, M.D., U-M distinguished professor of oncology, and a professor of internal medicine. "It explains why one patient's tumor remains localized, while another tumor spreads. It will allow us to tailor specific therapies to the gene expression profile of each patient." "Previous prostate cancer studies focused on one gene at a time," Dr. Chinnaiyan says."With DNA microarray technology, we can look at thousands of genes in prostate cells simultaneously. This is important, because it is most likely that many genes are involved in the development and progression of prostate cancer-each controlling a different step in The complete news release is on-line. return to top study finds new target in war against graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) of Michigan scientists have recently discovered how graft-versus-host-disease, a common and deadly complication of life-saving bone marrow transplants, attacks and often kills its victims. least 500 Americans die from GVHD every year. this discovery could help prevent these deaths and reduce the risk of hospitalization and debilitating side effects for more than 5,000 Americans who receive donor bone marrow transplants annually, primarily to treat leukemia and other cancers. from the U-M study, published in the June 2002 issue of Nature Medicine, show how skin, liver and gastrointestinal cells in mice with GVHD are destroyed from a distance by a fire-storm of immune system proteins called inflammatory cytokines. Human clinical trials, based on findings from the Nature Medicine study, are now underway at the U-M Comprehensive the role of cytokines in GVHD "Cytokines turn healthy immune cells in donated bone marrow -- something given to cure patients -- into lethal weapons capable of killing them," says James L. M. Ferrara, M.D., Director of the U-M Blood and Marrow Transplant Program and a profesor of internal medicine and pediatrics in the U-M Medical School. Dr. Ferrara says the study calls into question a widely accepted assumption that T cells-immune cells that attach to and kill just one target cell at a time-are the major cell-killing agents of graft-versus-host disease. "It's the difference between a direct attack by ground troops and a general air strike," Dr. Ferrara explains. The study's findings will help scientists focus GVHD prevention strategies on its primary killing agents-especially two powerful cytokines called tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1. "Now that we know cytokines are the major cause of GVHD-induced cell damage, we can look for ways to neutralize them or block their production," Dr. Ferrara The risk of GVHD is highest following a bone marrow transplant from an allogeneic donor-someone other than the patient or the patient's identical twin. Symptoms of acute GVHD usually begin three to six weeks after the transplant, often after the patient has been discharged and appears to be recovering well. Instead of the patient's body rejecting a donated organ, as occurs in an organ transplant, the donated bone marrow, called the graft, rejects cells in the host or patient. GVHD's primary targets are skin, liver and epithelial cells lining the stomach and intestines of the host. Damaged by heavy doses of radiation and chemotherapy used to destroy the patient's cancerous bone marrow before the transplant, these cells secrete substances that activate antigen-presenting cells that are in the patient's immune "Until now, researchers assumed that pre-transplant radiation killed all the host's antigen-presenting cells (APC's), so scientists discounted the importance of these cells in GVHD," says Takanori Teshima, M.D., Ph.D., a former U-M research scientist now at Japan's Okayama University. "But we found that a few APCs remain deep inside tissue. If even one percent survive, it is enough to trigger the graft-versus-host reaction." When immune cells from the donor's bone marrow meet APCs carrying substances from host cells, some of the donor cells are sensitized to see the patient's cells as the "enemy." These cells respond by firing salvos of inflammatory cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1. The cytokine barrage transforms "good" immune cells in the patient's new bone marrow into an army of destructive effector cells all primed to attack and kill the host. "Cytokines can travel through the bloodstream and, therefore, inflict their damage from a distance," Dr. Ferrara adds. "So there's no need for direct contact between donor effector cells and host target cells, and antigen expression on the host's epithelial cells is not required for development of graft-versus-host disease." In his study, Dr. Teshima used strains of genetically altered laboratory mice, which expressed specific classes of antigens on APCs derived from donor bone marrow, but not on host target cells. "The availability of these chimeric mice allowed us to test most donor-recipient combinations involving major antigens called MHC molecules," he says. "Neutralizing TNF-alpha and interleukin-1 suppressed dramatically the mortality and morbidity of GVHD in mice." Developing methods to block cytokines Drs. Teshima and Ferrara believe blocking cytokines could preserve the ability of donor T cells to bind to and kill the patient's leukemia cells without risking the toxic effects of GVHD. "Since 90 percent of bone marrow transplants are given to patients with leukemia, it is important not to interfere with the direct-contact killing mechanism," Dr. In clinical trials under way at the U-M Cancer Center, Dr. Ferrara and colleagues are investigating new drugs that bind to and neutralize tumor necrosis factor. U-M physicians are testing these drugs to determine if they can prevent cell damage in patients with GVHD and lung disease after a bone marrow transplant. In a future study, Dr. Ferrara hopes to determine whether other drugs can block the original interaction between host APCs and donor immune cells, preventing the initial activation phase of acute For information on bone marrow transplant clinical trials, call the Cancer AnswerLine™ at The complete news release is on-line. Return to top
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-35", "url": "http://www.cancer.med.umich.edu/news/pro02fall03.shtml", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-35/segments/1408500830834.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20140820021350-00394-ip-10-180-136-8.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9089400172233582, "token_count": 2137, "score": 2.890625, "int_score": 3 }
- Annual Meeting - Get Involved EDWARDS, BENJAMIN W. EDWARDS, BENJAMIN W. (ca. 1780–1837). Benjamin Edwards, pioneer settler and leader of the Fredonian Rebellion, was probably born in Bourbon County, Kentucky (then part of Virginia), around 1780, the son of John Edwards. Around 1820 he moved to the area of Jackson, Mississippi, where he and his brother Haden Edwards acquired a plantation. In 1825 he moved to Texas to Haden's colony. In May 1826, in the midst of difficulties with Mexican authorities, Haden Edwards went to the United States to secure financial aid for his Texas enterprise, and Benjamin took over the management of the Edwards colony upon his departure. Benjamin Edwards and vice governor Victor Blanco had an exchange of letters in which Blanco stated that Haden Edwards had lost the confidence of the government and suggested that the empresario withdraw from the country and appeal to the national government for redress. Edwards, however, thought that the government was attempting to invalidate the claim. On November 22, 1826, some forty men captured Nacogdoches, arrested the alcalde, and seized his archives. On December 16, while the Mexican authorities and troops were advancing on Nacogdoches, Benjamin Edwards and about thirty men rode into Nacogdoches and proclaimed the Republic of Fredonia, thus instituting the attempted minor revolution known as the Fredonian Rebellion. On December 21 Edwards made an agreement with Richard Fields and Dr. John Dunn Hunter by which, in return for their cooperation, the Cherokee Indians were to have the territory of Texas between the Red River and the Rio Grande west of the Old San Antonio Road, while the remainder of the territory should belong to the Republic of Fredonia. After the failure of the rebellion, Edwards retreated across the Sabine, on January 31, 1827. During the Texas Revolution he presided at public meetings in Mississippi to raise money and men for the Texas cause. He had accepted a commission and was raising a regiment at the time of the battle of San Jacinto. In the summer of 1837 he ran for governor of Mississippi but died during the campaign. Eugene C. Barker, ed., The Austin Papers (3 vols., Washington: GPO, 1924–28). Eugene C. Barker, The Life of Stephen F. Austin (Nashville: Cokesbury Press, 1925; rpt., Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1949; New York: AMS Press, 1970). Robert Bruce Blake Research Collection, Steen Library, Stephen F. Austin State University; Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin; Texas State Archives, Austin; Houston Public Library, Houston. Archie P. McDonald, comp., Nacogdoches: Wilderness Outpost to Modern City, 1779–1979 (photocopy, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin). Image Use Disclaimer All copyrighted materials included within the Handbook of Texas Online are in accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 related to Copyright and “Fair Use” for Non-Profit educational institutions, which permits the Texas State Historical Association (TSHA), to utilize copyrighted materials to further scholarship, education, and inform the public. The TSHA makes every effort to conform to the principles of fair use and to comply with copyright law. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. The following, adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, is the preferred citation for this article.Handbook of Texas Online, Curtis Bishop, "EDWARDS, BENJAMIN W.," accessed November 13, 2018, http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fed02. Uploaded on June 12, 2010. Modified on September 23, 2013. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-47", "url": "https://tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/fed02", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-47/segments/1542039741491.47/warc/CC-MAIN-20181113194622-20181113220622-00440.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9366256594657898, "token_count": 866, "score": 2.703125, "int_score": 3 }
To index aviation related research the office “Zentralstelle für Wissenschaftliches Berichtswesen der Luftfahrtforschung” (ZWB, engl: Central Office for Scientific Reports in Aeronautical Research) was instigated on November 1, 1933. As there was no official Air Ministry at this time (as Germany was prohibited from having an air force by the Treaty of Versailes in 1919), the ZWB was located at the DVL in Berlin-Adlershof, although it was controlled by the Technical Director of the Air Ministry later. All publishing activity had to be reported to (in many cases also sanctioned by) the ZWB by scientists and engineers researching in the field of aviation, or research fields relevant for aviation (such as meteorology). The ZWB would compile a report listing all publications (the “ZWB-index”). Most of the publications therein were usually technical reports by research institutions, Luftwaffe departments or scientific societies directly sponsored by the Air Ministry (such as the Lilienthal-Society); as universities were controlled by the Ministry of Education, university researchers did not need to report their publications to the ZWB, although occassionally relevant dissertations were added to the ZWB-index. The quality of the reports varies widely, as sometimes only minutes of the meetings of some technical committee was published as technical report. The text “ZWB-Report” was added by me to distinct them from other reports. The letters and numbers after that are from the original ZWB-index. The letters usually refer to the institution or type of report: |DAL||Deutsche Akademie für Luftfahrtforschung (Engl: German Academy for Aeronautical Research), founded 1935.| |FB||Forschungsbericht (Engl: Research Report), usually not related to a specific institution, but oftentimes from the DVL, if not specified otherwise on the cover of the report.| |JB||Jahrbuch (Engl: Year Book), usually by the DAL, if not specified otherwise.| |LG||Lilienthal-Gesellschaft für Luftfahrtforschung (Engl: Lilienthal-Society for Aeronautical Research), founded 1936.| |PB||Prüfbericht (Engl: Test Report), usually not related to a specific institution, but oftentimes from the DVL, if not specified otherwise on the cover of the report.| |R.d.L., Ob.d.L.||Reichsminister der Luftfahrt, Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (Engl: Air Secretary, Supreme Commander of the Air Force); title for Hermann Göring, who was both Air Secretary und Supreme Commander of the Luftwaffe (i.e. responsible for both civilian and military aviation). Reports with this signature usually came from either the office of the general surgeon of the Luftwaffe, or from the Aeromedical Research Institute of the Air Ministry.| |Rech||Rechlin, i.e. Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin (Engl: Aeronautical Establishment of the Luftwaffe at Rechlin)| |UM||Untersuchungen und Mitteilungen (Engl: Investigations and Communications), usually from the DVL, as far as I could make out.| |VLF||Vereinigung für Luftfahrtforschung (Engl: Association for Aeronautical Research), founded 1933.| The ZWB reports on aviation medicine and related topics have been added to the Gaeromed DB.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "url": "http://gaeromeddb.net/publications/mag.php?mag=zwb", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027330786.8/warc/CC-MAIN-20190825173827-20190825195827-00190.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9072651863098145, "token_count": 819, "score": 2.828125, "int_score": 3 }
From my understanding Gravity is a curvature in space-time caused by mass. basically a massive object makes a dent in space and the curvature of that dent is relative to the size of the object vs. its mass(red giant vs black hole). A smaller but more massive object will make a deeper dent. But, if gravity is only a curvature of space-time and not a force, why is it so often decsribed as a force? Why would physicist be looking for a force carrier/ particle for gravity?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "url": "https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/is-gravity-a-force-or-the-chape-of-spacetime.532585/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221218189.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20180821132121-20180821152121-00418.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.956005871295929, "token_count": 107, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
Compiled by Helga Vissscher, head McLure Education Library Electronic Books come from many resources. Most people regard the e-Book as an electronic copy of the traditional book published in paper. Other items that populate the e-Book collection include published reports by research organizations and government entities. Some ERIC Documents in microfiche are e-books; some reside in other databases, such as Lexis-Nexis, and Gale Virtual Reference Library. The largest general e-book resource is the database ebrary: Academic Complete Other agencies provide their books and reports within such agencies as the National Bureau of Economic Research. Items from databases such as Dissertations and Theses also show up as e-Books. E-books are easily divided by chapters, and can be downloaded as a complete book, or selected parts. This makes them ideal for linking to RESERVES for courses. Please let the McLure Education Library staff know if you plan to do this, so additional access can be acquired. Most e-books allow for one user at a time. Ebooks allow you to open the item at your computer for immediate viewing. Like e-journals, e-books are produced by a variety of publishers and vendors, so the platforms vary; they can be searched and accessed alongside the print books in SCOUT, then set the Source Type to ebooks. They can also be searched on the E-Resources search page, the same location where you search for electronic journals. Databases such as Gale Virtual Reference Library, Oxford Reference Online and Springer Link also offer books in electronic format. Here are some titles relating to Education Research for your perusal, which come from a variety of resources: Education: Meeting America’s Needs? Gale Virtual Reference Library (database) Higher Education in the 21st Century, NBER Online Learning and Teaching in Higher Education e-brary Learning in communities. Springer Reading First implementation evaluation. U.S. Dept. of Education . online Gov. Doc. ED 1.2:R 22/14
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://apps.lib.ua.edu/blogs/mclure/2013/03/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703519883.54/warc/CC-MAIN-20210120023125-20210120053125-00758.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9262509942054749, "token_count": 426, "score": 3, "int_score": 3 }
The Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Otiko Afisah Djaba, said in a statement that the campaign would continue to contribute to a world free from gender-based violence especially for women and girls. "The idea behind it is to make people aware of the pandemic we have in the world against women, the violence that exists against women every day", Maria Noel Vaeza, Program Division Director for U.N. Women said. "And it exposed how a culture of entitlement, where there are no consequences for sexual crimes, has left many women tormented in silence".More news: Antonio Conte bemoans lack of preparation time for Liverpool match Nearly half of the women who were killed in 2012 were killed by either partners or family members, compared to 6% of men. This is considered urgent because at least one of every three women aged 15 to 49 in Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner, according to Alessandra Guedes, PAHO's Regional Advisor on Family Violence. Research also shows that achieving gender equality helps in preventing conflict, and high rates of violence against women correlate with outbreaks of conflict.More news: You are what you drink Meanwhile, Deputy Speaker National Assembly Murtaza Javed Abbasi, in his message, said that women in Pakistan had been greatly contributing towards the development and prosperity of the country. The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against women, one of the ways that the UN is helping the global community fight this scourge, is a grant system that has given away more than $129 million to groups and individuals supporting women's rights. Yet despite its pervasiveness, violence against women is not inevitable - and it is preventable. According to the United Nations, violence against women and girls across most countries include physical, sexual and psychological forms. Frameworks that include a specific target for ending violence against women and girls, offer huge promise but must be adequately funded in order to bring real and significant changes in the lives of women and girls.More news: Brazilian football star Robinho sentenced to jail for sexual assault He also says gender-based violence disproportionately affects women of colour as well as women who identify as indigenous, trans or low-income.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-09", "url": "http://asiagolfonline.com/2017/11/26/winnipeg-police-launch-video-to-help-stop-gender-based/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891814101.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20180222101209-20180222121209-00459.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9664748907089233, "token_count": 458, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
|John Couch Adams| Birthplace: Laneast, Cornwall, England Location of death: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England Cause of death: unspecified Remains: Buried, Ascension Parish Burial Ground, Cambridge, England Race or Ethnicity: White Executive summary: Discovered planet Neptune British astronomer, born at Lidcot farmhouse, Laneast, Cornwall, on the 5th of June 1819. His father, Thomas Adams, was a tenant farmer; his mother, Tabitha Knill Grylls, inherited a small estate at Badharlick. From the village school at Laneast he went, at the age of twelve, to Devonport, where his mother's cousin, the Rev. John Couch Grylls, kept a private school. His promise as a mathematician induced his parents to send him to the University of Cambridge, and in October 1839 he entered as a sizar at St. John's College. He graduated B.A. in 1843 as the senior wrangler and first Smith's prizeman of his year. While still an undergraduate he happened to read of certain unexplained irregularities in the motion of the planet Uranus, and determined to investigate them as soon as possible, with a view to ascertaining whether they might not be due to the action of a remote undiscovered planet. Elected fellow of his college in 1843, he at once proceeded to attack the novel problem. It was this: from the observed perturbations of a known planet to deduce by calculation, assuming only Newton's law of gravitation, the mass and orbit of an unknown disturbing body. By September 1845 he obtained his first solution, and handed to Professor Challis, the director of the Cambridge Observatory, a paper giving the elements of what he described as "the new planet." On the 21st of October 1845 he left at Greenwich Observatory, for the information of George Biddell Airy, the astronomer-royal, a similar document, still preserved among the archives. A fortnight afterwards Airy wrote asking for information about a point in the solution. Adams, who thought the query unessential, did not reply, and Airy for some months took no steps to verify by telescopic search the results of the young mathematician's investigation. Meanwhile, Leverrier, on the 10th of November 1845, presented to the French Academy a memoir on Uranus, showing that the existing theory failed to account for its motion. Unaware of Adams's work, he attempted a like inquiry, and on the 1st of June 1846, in a second memoir, gave the position, but not the mass or orbit, of the disturbing body whose existence was presumed. The longitude he assigned differed by only from that predicted by Adams in the document which Airy possessed. The latter was struck by the coincidence, and mentioned it to the Board of Visitors of the Observatory, James Challis and Sir John Herschel being present. Herschel, at the ensuing meeting of the British Association early in September, ventured accordingly to predict that a new planet would shortly be discovered. Meanwhile Airy had in July suggested to Challis that the planet should be sought for with the Cambridge equatorial. The search was begun by a laborious method at the end of the month. On the 4th and 12th of August, as afterwards appeared, the planet was actually observed; but owing to the want of a proper star map it was not then recognized as planetary. Leverrier, still ignorant of these occurrences, presented on the 31st of August 1846 a third memoir, giving for the first time the mass and orbit of the new body. He communicated his results by letter to Dr. Galle, of the Berlin Observatory, who at once examined the suggested region of the heavens. On the 23rd of September he detected near the predicted place a small star unrecorded in the map, and next evening found that it had a proper motion. No doubt remained that "Leverrier's planet" had been discovered. On the announcement of the fact, Herschel and Challis made known that Adams had already calculated the planet's elements and position. Airy then at length published an account of the circumstances, and Adams's memoir was printed as an appendix to the Nautical Almanac. A keen controversy arose in France and England as to the merits of the two astronomers. In the latter country much surprise was expressed at the apathy of Airy; in France the claims made for an unknown Englishman were resented as detracting from the credit due to Leverrier's achievement. As the indisputable facts became known, the world recognized that the two astronomers had independently solved the problem of Uranus, and ascribed to each equal glory. The new planet, at first called Leverrier by François Arago, received by general consent the neutral name of Neptune. Its mathematical prediction was not only an unsurpassed intellectual feat; it showed also that Newton's law of gravitation, which Airy had almost called in question, prevailed even to the utmost bounds of the solar system. The honor of knighthood was offered to Adams when Queen Victoria visited Cambridge in 1847; but then, as on a subsequent occasion, his modesty led him to decline it. The Royal Society awarded him its Copley medal in 1848. In the same year the members of St John's College commemorated his success by founding in the university an Adams prize, to be given biennially for the best treatise on a mathematical subject. In 1851 he became president of the Royal Astronomical Society. His lay fellowship at St. John's College came to an end in 1852, and the existing statutes did not permit of his re-election. But Pembroke College, which possessed greater freedom, elected him in the following year to a lay fellowship, and this he held for the rest of his life. In 1858 he became professor of mathematics at St. Andrews, but lectured only for a session, when he vacated the chair for the Lowndean professorship of astronomy and geometry at Cambridge. Two years later he succeeded Challis as director of the Observatory, where he resided until his death. Although Adams's researches on Neptune were those which attracted widest notice, the work he subsequently performed in relation to gravitational astronomy and terrestrial magnetism was not less remarkable. Several of his most striking contributions to knowledge originated in the discovery of errors or fallacies in the work of his great predecessors in astronomy. Thus in 1852 he published new and accurate tables of the moon's parallax, which superseded J. K. Burckhardt's, and supplied corrections to the theories of M. C. T. Damoiseau, G. A. A. Plana and P. G. D. de Pontécoulant. In the following year his memoir on the secular acceleration of the moon's mean motion partially invalidated Laplace's famous explanation, which had held its place unchallenged for sixty years. At first, Leverrier, Plana and other foreign astronomers controverted Adams's result; but its soundness was ultimately established, and its fundamental importance to this branch of celestial theory has only developed further with time. For these researches the Royal Astronomical Society awarded him its gold medal in 1866. The great meteor shower of 1866 turned his attention to the Leonids, whose probable path and period had already been discussed by Professor H. A. Newton. Using a powerful and elaborate analysis, Adams ascertained that this cluster of meteors, which belongs to the solar system, traverses an elongated ellipse in 33 and 1/4 years, and is subject to definite perturbations from the larger planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. These results were published in 1867. Ten years later, when Mr. G. W. Hill of Washington expounded a new and beautiful method for dealing with the problem of the lunar motions, Adams briefly announced his own unpublished work in the same field, which, following a parallel course had confirmed and supplemented Hill's. In 1874-76 he was president of the Royal Astronomical Society for the second time, when it fell to him to present the gold medal of the year to Leverrier. The determination of the constants in Carl Friedrich Gauss's theory of terrestrial magnetism occupied him at intervals for over forty years. The calculations involved great labor, and were not published during his lifetime. They were edited by his brother, Professor W. Grylls Adams, and appear in the second volume of the collected Scientific Papers. Numerical computation of this kind might almost be described as his pastime. The value of the constant known as Euler's, and the Bernoullian numbers up to the 62nd, he worked out to an unimagined degree of accuracy. For Newton and his writings he had a boundless admiration; many of his papers, indeed, bear the cast of Newton's thought. He labored for many years at the task of arranging and cataloguing the great collection of Newton's unpublished mathematical writings, presented in 1872 to the university by Lord Portsmouth, and wrote the account of them issued in a volume by the University Press in 1888. The post of astronomer-royal was offered him in 1881, but he preferred to pursue his peaceful course of teaching and research in Cambridge. He was British delegate to the International Prime Meridian Conference at Washington in 1884, when he also attended the meetings of the British Association at Montreal and of the American Association at Philadelphia. Five years later his health gave way, and after a long illness he died at the Cambridge Observatory on the 21st of January 1892, and was buried in St Giles's cemetery, near his home. He married in 1863 Miss Eliza Bruce, of Dublin, who survived him. An international committee was formed for the purpose of erecting a monument to his memory in Westminster Abbey; and there, in May 1895, a portrait medallion, by Albert Bruce Joy, was placed near the grave of Newton, and adjoining the memorials of Darwin and of Joule. His bust, by the same sculptor, stands opposite that of Sir John Herschel in the hall of St. John's College, Cambridge. Herkomer's portrait is in Pembroke College; and Mogford's, painted in 1851, is in the combination room of St John's. Another bust, taken in his youth, belongs to the Royal Astronomical Society. A memorial tablet, with an inscription by Archbishop Benson, is placed in the Cathedral at Truro; and Mr. Passmore Edwards erected a public institute in his honor at Launceston, near his birthplace. The Scientific Papers of John Couch Adams, 4to, vol. I (1896), and vol. II (1900), edited by William Grylls Adams and Ralph Allen Sampson, with a memoir by Dr. J. W. L. Glaisher, were published by the Cambridge University Press. The first volume contains his previously published writings; the second those left in manuscript, including the substance of his lectures on the Lunar Theory. A collection, virtually complete, of Adams's papers regarding the discovery of Neptune was presented by Mrs. Adams to the library of St. John's College. A description of them by Professor Sampson was inserted in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society (vol. LIV p. 143). Father: Thomas Adams (tenant farmer) Mother: Tabitha Knill Grylls Brother: William Grylls Adams (professor) Wife: Eliza Bruce (m. 1863) University: BA, St. John's College, Cambridge University (1843) Copley Medal 1848 Royal Astronomical Society Gold Medal 1866 Royal Astronomical Society Do you know something we don't? Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile Copyright ©2014 Soylent Communications
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-27", "url": "http://www.nndb.com/people/772/000096484/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-27/segments/1435375096780.24/warc/CC-MAIN-20150627031816-00167-ip-10-179-60-89.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9751499891281128, "token_count": 2443, "score": 2.671875, "int_score": 3 }
Information and discussion on all aspects of British photographic history Americas through a lens are images from The National Archive's Colonial Office's Photographic Collection and include some of the earliest known photographic depictions of Canada dating back to the 1850s. Some of the images have accompanying background information to give them context. The photographs have been uploaded to the photo-sharing website Flickr so that they can be tagged and comments and suggestions added to help improve the descriptions. The latest online release of pictures from the Colonial Office collection follows the successful launch last year of Africa through a lens - an online showcase for the African images in the collection. The project was inspired by Project Naming, a Library and Archives Canada (LAC) initiative to help identify Inuit portrayed in its own photographic collection. Add a Comment
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "https://britishphotohistory.ning.com/profiles/blogs/americas-through-a-lens-colonial-office-photographic-collection-r", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488273983.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20210621120456-20210621150456-00474.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9330410361289978, "token_count": 159, "score": 3.078125, "int_score": 3 }
He immediately brought forward a scheme for improving the condi - tion of the poorer clergy by equalizing the incomes of the bishops, the reception of which at the time may be imagined, though it was substantially the same as that carried into effect by Lord Melbourne's government fifty years later. A similar equalizing effect is obtained by the use of flat rope and reel, the rope winding on itself like a ribbon. The disk 32 operates the wire gauze screens for equalizing the brightness of the two stars under observation. For flat ropes the drum or bobbin consists of a solid disk, of the width of the rope fixed upon the shaft, with numerous parallel pairs of arms or horns, arranged radially on both sides, the space between being just sufficient to allow the rope to enter and coil regularly upon the preceding lap. This method has the advantage of equalizing the work of the engine throughout the journey, for when the load is greatest, with the full cage at the bottom and the whole length of rope out, the duty required in the first revolution of the engine is measured by the length of the smallest circumference; while the assistance derived from gravitating action of the descending cage in the same period is equal to the weight of the falling mass through a height corresponding to the length of the largest lap, and so on, the speed being increased as the weight diminishes, and vice versa. Are: the management of county property; the levying of taxes; the equalizing of assessments; the division of the county into townships, school districts and road districts; the laying out.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-09", "url": "http://www.yourdictionary.com/equalizing", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891812938.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20180220110011-20180220130011-00392.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9433571100234985, "token_count": 321, "score": 3.046875, "int_score": 3 }
Insurance companies serve a very important function in our society. The purpose of insurance is to share risk. Risk is the amount of economic loss that someone is willing to assume in an activity. For instance, a bank would not loan money for the purpose of buying a house, unless the house was protected against losses such as fire, wind and other perils. That protection is provided by a Homeowner’s policy. A loan to purchase an automobile would not be available unless the car was insured for losses by theft or collision. That protection is provided by an auto policy. Health insurance is a policy that shares the risk of losses caused by injuries or illness. A share of the risk is assumed by the individual through a deductible or co-pay. In-other-words, if someone visits the doctor, that individual may be required to pay the first $ 15 or $ 20 of the visit. The health insurance company assumes the risk of the remainder of the cost. That shared risk comes about through an exchange of ‘consideration’. Consideration is value. The insured pays a premium in exchange for the promise of the insurance company to pay certain costs associated with the insured’s health care. Which brings us to the controversy surrounding the government’s efforts to institute what some call universal health care. No matter what side of the argument you are on, in favor or against universal health care, one issue has been settled. President Obama stated publicly that it is impossible to insure the ‘uninsured’ without additional costs. So, the idea that this will be a ‘deficit neutral’ policy has been debunked by the administration itself. Either taxes go up to pay for the program, or health care will have to be rationed to keep costs neutral, or bring them down. In response to the public out-cry about a government health care program, the administration has called the insurance companies villains. After all, insurance companies exclude preexisting conditions for some period of time when an individual enrolls (however that is not always the case with group policies), and insurance companies are making a ‘profit’. Think about the concept of risk and preexisting conditions. An individual has a home that has been damaged by fire. Would a homeowner’s insurance company now write a policy that would cover the repairs to home caused by the preexisting fire? Of course not! That is not shared risk, that is bad business. An individual has a preexisting health condition, say diabetes. Purchasing a policy that would exclude the treatment for diabetes for a limited period of time (usually two years), now results in a shared risk. The health insurance company will cover the person for other perils, and if that individual pays the premiums over time, that exclusion regarding the preexisting condition is then dropped. Is it possible for the government to insure everyone in the United States and force insurance companies to provide policies without regard to preexisting conditions? It is possible, but not without driving the cost of health-care way up. After all, the money to pay the doctors and hospitals have to come from somewhere and President Obama stated that ‘We are out of money’. Since the government doesn’t earn money, its only source of revenue is taxes. Insurance companies are being cast as the bad guy since companies make a profit. Which do you prefer, companies that are well run that make a profit, or a company like General Motors that required billions of dollars of taxpayer money to bail the company out? A profit is what allows companies to expand services and provide jobs. Companies that fail to make a profit, go out-of-business. The government not only fails to make a profit, as a well run business entity should, it runs at a deficit. The latest example is Cash for Clunkers. Not only was taxpayer money used to subsidize auto sales, now car dealers are complaining that the government is not sending the checks for the Clunkers that were promised. It appears that many buyers will have lost their old cars and now face repossession of the new cars purchased since the money for the program did not actually exist. This does not bode well for a government run health care system. Doctors and hospitals must practice defensive medicine. People will sue for anything. Tort lawyers use a ‘shot-gun’ approach when filing a malpractice lawsuit. All doctors, nurses, technicians and hospitals involved in a case are named as a defendant, whether that party had any actual responsibility for the claimed injury and damage. We need a loser pay system, which provides that anyone who brings a lawsuit and loses, is required to pay the other side’s attorney fees and expenses. That would do away with most frivolous lawsuits and bring the costs of health care down. Big Government Solution Government should be required to live within its means. It does not, and the government, not insurance companies, is the villain in this scenario. The founding fathers did not foresee a large, powerful centralized government. That is what was the war of independence against England was all about. The US Constitution delegated specific powers to the Federal Government, and it does not specify taking over any private sector industry. Medicare and Medicaid are government health care programs on the verge of collapse. Even President Obama admits Medicare cannot be sustained. No program can be sustained when it runs at a deficit and all government programs run at a deficit. Universal Health Care will run at a deficit from day one and that is just bad business.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-15", "url": "http://www.itsonalexa.com/health/insurance-companies-and-universal-health-care.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-15/segments/1398223207985.17/warc/CC-MAIN-20140423032007-00335-ip-10-147-4-33.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9653385281562805, "token_count": 1142, "score": 2.578125, "int_score": 3 }
Rochester (MN) Public Library’s core values focus on being a welcoming and inclusive environment. A few years ago we started to hear from adults and teens in the community that there were not a lot of safe spaces for LGBTQIA teens to hang out, so in our 2015 Action Plans we included “Develop programming to specifically meet the needs of Rainbow Families and LGBTQIA teens” and got started. Before we share our ideas for serving LGBTQIA kids and families, let’s talk about “LGBTQIA”. LGBTQIA stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual or Ally. Without including the word “queer”, this alphabet soup is not inclusive of the entire spectrum of sexual and gender identities out there. But as you can imagine, when we use the word queer in our program descriptions or trainings, people have a lot of questions. Queer is a word with a terrible history, a confusing present, and a bright future. It was used negatively for many years, but over the last 30 years or so has had a comeback as a word that is embraced by many people as an identity, and is used regularly as a positive umbrella term for the LGBTQIA community (think: “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”). Like any word, it can still be used negatively. It is all in how it is used and delivered. We would not label someone as queer who had not self-identified, nor would we refer to someone as “a queer” – those would be negative and inappropriate uses of the word. Our use is to be inclusive of the many teens and grown-ups in our community who self-identify as queer or under the queer umbrella. Embracing their choice of word further proves our commitment to creating a safe space for them. If you would like to read more try this website, this article, or this. Why are we focusing on serving LGBTQIA kids & families? Youth Services at RPL started undergoing changes in 2011 that included things as small as purchasing and displaying more books with LGBTQIA content. Once these books were on display and available in the library catalog, we started to hear from customers who appreciated having access to them. We also started regularly printing and keeping on display a Booklist for Rainbow Families which received a lot of positive attention. The conversations that we had around the books and booklists brought to light a need in the community: LGBTQIA kids and families needed safe spaces, they needed to see themselves represented in the library collection, and they needed to feel welcomed! We also have bigger reasons for wanting to provide a safe space for LGBTQIA youth and families. The Human Rights Campaign study “Growing up LGBT in America” reports that 4 in 10 LGBTQIA youth say the community in which they live is not accepting of LGBT people, and and only 21% say there is a place where LGBTQIA youth can go in their community and get help or be accepted. LGBTQIA youth face higher rates of bullying, homelessness, substance abuse and suicide, but teens who have supportive families and friends or safe spaces in their community are better equipped to deal with these additional challenges. So what can libraries do to serve LGBTQIA kids & families? Create a Safe Space The most important step a library can take to create a safe space for LGBTQIA patrons is to train staff to be LGBTQIA allies and hold staff accountable. It is important that you have buy-in from the library administration, and that the people at the top understand why safe spaces are important, but it isn’t necessary to start there. Start with yourself and the staff around you, sometimes change has to trickle upwards. If you don’t have resources in your community such as an LGBTQ Community Center or a local college Gay/Straight Alliance which can provide you with training, there are plenty of options online to get started: - GLSEN provides free toolkits and webinars - ALA offers online training - Safe Schools has a free recorded webinar There are easy things you or your staff can start today to be good allies. Being inclusive with your language doesn’t hurt anything, and can go a long way to making everyone feel more comfortable. For example, when talking to kids about their parents, use “grown-ups” or “adults” or another neutral term that feels natural to you. Not every kid has a “mom” and/or a “dad”. You can also choose to use gender neutral terms to refer to individual kids or groups of kids. Use “people” or “friend(s)” instead of “guys” or “ladies”. Another easy change is to wear a pronoun name badge. Even if you have never been mis-gendered, wearing a name badge with your pronouns on it sends a message to everyone who sees you that you accepting and welcome conversations about pronouns. It also opens up opportunities to talk about how and why your library is a safe space or the LGBTQIA programs you offer. Once your staff is better equipped to be allies, you’ll need to make sure you have policies in place to protect your LGBTQIA kids and families, and train staff on how to handle issues that may arise. For example, does your written code of conduct include a statement about harassment? Are staff ready to step in with words connecting back to your code of conduct if they overhear teens saying, “That’s so gay!” or “No homo.”? For example: “The library doesn’t allow abusive language and your words are not inclusive or nice.” All staff should pay attention to what is happening in your space (bullying). Some bullying can be subtle; watch the way teens are interacting in your teen space. When a certain group arrives, does another group always leave? Talk to your teens and make sure you know what is going on. Some bullying that starts at school may continue at the library after school. Your library may also have business practices and procedures that need to be updated in order to be inclusive to your LGBTQIA community. Does your library card application ask for a person’s gender? Does it need to? Do you allow a patron to use a preferred name on their library card in addition to or instead of their legal name? What about your bathrooms – do you have single stall restrooms that you could convert to gender neutral spaces? The next step is to start the safe space conversation with the rest of the community. Meet with other youth workers in your community to talk about LGBTQIA services and creating safe spaces. The library can be a great neutral ground for offering training that is open to community youth workers. Create LGBTQIA Inclusive Collections & Displays It’s important for LGBTQIA youth to see themselves reflected in the books they read. According to GLSEN’s 2013 National School Climate Survey, only 19% of LGBTQIA students report that positive representations of LGBTQIA people are included in their school curriculum. There are a lot of really great books (fiction and nonfiction) available with LGBTQIA content, with more and more books coming out (get it?) every year. Not all of them are published by big houses, and not all get picked up for reviews, but it’s worth the time to seek out the titles to make sure your collection is representative of the full spectrum of gender/sexual identities. To get started, check out the ALA GLBT Round Table’s Rainbow Booklist. The Rainbow Booklist Committee reads hundreds of books with LGBTQIA content and publishes its best-of list for kids and teens annually. In addition, ALA’s Stonewall Award and the LAMBDA Literary Awards both have categories honoring Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Once you’ve got the books in your collection, you want your patrons to know they are there! While special displays highlighting LGBTQIA materials are great, it’s important to include LGBTQIA materials in all of your displays and booklists. Offer LGBTQIA Programs Once you have created a safe space and opened dialogues with LGBTQIA customers and community members, you will start to hear about programs and resources that people would like to see in your community. Our first program focusing on LGBTQIA teens was q club. q club began in September 2014 with just one teen; it now boasts regular attendance of over twenty at each meeting, and is hands down our highest attended teen program. Like all of our teen programs, we let the teens decide what activities we plan and what topics we discuss. Last summer, in partnership with Gay/Lesbian Community Services of Southeast Minnesota (http://www.glcsmn.org/), we hosted the first ever Pride Prom “Smells Like Pride Spirit” in Rochester. Forty-four teens attended and afterwards some called it the best night of their lives! We are currently in the early planning stages of our 2nd Annual Pride Prom. q club teens are interested having the chance to just hang out and be themselves, and they are also embrace opportunities to have their voices heard in the larger community. They have created zines to celebrate Pride, National Coming Out Day, and Transgender Day of Remembrance which they distributed at the library and at local businesses. q club teens were a large voice in our October National Coming Out Day celebration, and will soon be participating in a community health needs assessment. In addition to q club and in response to community requests we currently offer: - Parents Empower Pride: a meet up for parents of LGBTQIA kids to talk about how to support their kids on their journey. - Pride Prom: An annual a safe & welcoming after-hours party for LGBTQIA teens and allies in grades 7-12 held during Rochester’s Pride Fest. - Rainbow Family Storytime: During Rochester Pride we offer Rainbow Family Storytimes for preschool children and families. Just in the last month we have received two more requests: one to offer a q club for tweens and the other to offer a meet-up group for kids of LGBTQIA parents. As staffing and space allows, we will make these programs happen. Even without special programming just for LGBTQIA youth, you can ge started by integrating inclusive LGBTQIA materials into your regular programs, such as storytime or book clubs. The possibilities for inclusion are endless. We would love to hear what you are doing to serve LGBTQIA kids and families at your library! Heather Acerro is Head of Youth Services at Rochester (MN) Public Library. Sarah Joynt is Teen Librarian at Rochester (MN) Public Library. Heather and Sarah use the pronouns she/her/hers, but they are okay with they/them too, even when you are just talking about one of them. **YALSA just released research on Teens, Libraries, and LGBT issues.**
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-31", "url": "https://www.alsc.ala.org/blog/2016/03/an-invisible-minority-serving-lgbtqia-kids-and-families/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-31/segments/1627046150308.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20210724191957-20210724221957-00443.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9608979225158691, "token_count": 2281, "score": 3.25, "int_score": 3 }
Child height is an important indicator of human capital and human development, in large part because early life health and net nutrition shape both child height and adult economic productivity and health. Between 2005 and 2010, the average height of children under 5 in Cambodia significantly increased. What contributed to this improvement? Recent evidence suggests that exposure to poor sanitation – and specifically to widespread open defecation – can pose a critical threat to child growth. We closely analyze the sanitation height gradient in Cambodia in these two years. Decomposition analysis, in the spirit of Blinder-Oaxaca, suggests that the reduction in children’s exposure to open defecation can statistically account for much or all of the increase in average child height between 2005 and 2010. In particular, we see evidence of externalities, indicating an important role for public policy: it is the sanitation behavior of a child’s neighbors that matters more for child height rather than the household’s sanitation behavior by itself. Moving from an area in which 100% of households defecate in the open to an area in which no households defecate in the open is associated with an average increase in height-for-age z-score of between 0.3 and 0.5. Our estimates are quantitatively robust and comparable with other estimates in the literature. Disease externalities and net nutrition: Evidence from changes in sanitation and child height in Cambodia, 2005–2010 Download Published: Economics and Human Biology Geography: Cambodia
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-30", "url": "http://riceinstitute.org/research/growing-taller-among-toilets-evidence-from-changes-in-sanitation-and-child-height-in-cambodia-2005-2010/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-30/segments/1500549423183.57/warc/CC-MAIN-20170720121902-20170720141902-00531.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9312146306037903, "token_count": 301, "score": 3.125, "int_score": 3 }
You must have heard the name of augmented reality technology or AR by now and the question has arisen for you what it is and what its uses are. Join Daneshjo International as we explore this cutting-edge technology. Augmented reality (AR) technology is a technology that allows people to impose digital content (images, sounds, text) in a real world environment. Augmented reality attracted a lot of attention in 2016, when Pokemon Go made it possible to interact with Pokémon through a smartphone screen. Since then, augmented reality technology has become increasingly popular. Apple introduced its ARkit platform in 2017, and Google launched prototypes of the Web API later that year. And there are AR (Apple) glasses that are said to be available later this year, which will allow listeners to have AR experiences without looking at the phone. In other words, AR is on the verge of becoming part of everyday life. What is augmented reality technology? Augmented reality is what it seems: reality, enhanced by interactive digital components. The most popular augmented reality applications these days rely on smartphones to display the digitally augmented world: users can activate a smartphone camera, see the real world around them on screen, and on an augmented reality application Rely to change that world in any way they want through digital overlap. Stunning images, digital information and 3D models that can be viewed by phone or monitor Add real-time directions, insert labels, change colors Change the appearance of the user or their environment through filters on Instagram, SnapChat, and other apps Various devices can display augmented reality, including: screens, glasses, handheld and mobile devices, and monitors mounted on the head, lens, and so on . To understand what augmented reality is, it is important to know what it is not . AR is not an all-encompassing digital experience like VR . While virtual reality requires users to have a specific headset to take them into the fully digital world, augmented reality technology allows them to continue to interact with the physical world around them . Common uses of augmented reality technology Common applications include : Practice and training : Dynamic instructions based on augmented reality technology allow people to do new things more easily and quickly than traditional teaching methods. As wearable devices such as smart augmented reality glasses, AR lenses and AR headsets become widely available, the potential for augmented reality education will be enormous. AR has been influencing the entertainment industry for many years. In 2012, a hologram of Tupac Shakur appeared next to Snoop Dogg in Kochla. To conform to the pandemic realities of COVID19, the real estate team used this technology to show homes to their customers. Game industry : Today, dozens of games use AR elements. The popularity of AR games is not surprising, as games were one of the most prominent early uses of this technology that many people saw for AR and VR capabilities. An example of these games is Pokémon Go, which was mentioned earlier. These days, it is possible to try out a variety of virtual goods before you buy through augmented reality apps. The Sifora app allows you to see and test cosmetics on your face, EKia lets you see the furniture in your home. Paint winners allow you to see the colors on your wall virtually, Warby Parker allows you to try out the company’s eyeglass frames without having to visit the store or order samples. Prior to the Pandemic, these methods were a way to enhance the store experience or make life a little easier for the shopper, but now augmented reality technology has made it possible for many brands to shop around because of the Corona Pandemic. Their homes are stuck, offering their products. AR applications for e-commerce are becoming the norm. Today, many of these augmented reality experiences are made possible by smartphones. However, the development of more advanced AR devices (such as Apple AR glasses or Microsoft Hololins) could open the door to even more applications. The benefits of AR are expanding to new areas such as healthcare, manufacturing, welfare services, telecommunications, education, and public safety. For example, imagine viewing IKEA furniture in your home physical augmented reality environment, ordering it online, and then viewing its assembly instructions through augmented reality glasses on a box. . The possibilities of this technology are endless and extremely exciting. What do brands need? The promise of more sales with AR help is compelling, but it also raises an important question: What technology does a company need to introduce augmented reality features to its existing website? Of course, the answer will vary from brand to brand, but the short version is that adding AR to a website today is much easier, faster, and more accessible than it was a few years ago, thanks to new software on the market. If the potential of augmented reality has surprised you, you need to improve your business infrastructure and follow a few customer-oriented principles. Here are some guidelines: The AR function should be on your website, not in a dedicated AR application. Customers do not want to download an application just to use the AR features. To increase the sales that AR features can provide, remove unnecessary barriers to their use. AR Pro software can save you time, energy and money. A few years ago, any brand that wanted AR had to build it independently. Today, software such as THREEKIT makes it possible to produce AR content with a SaaS model. This makes the path to AR smoother, faster and more accessible. Create an AR version for smartphones. If you want the benefits of AR, you need to maximize the chances of customers using it. This means creating AR experiences that work with most of today’s technology, which means smartphones (like iPhones and Android phones). Business opportunities for augmented reality technology are on the rise . Augmented reality has the potential to enhance many aspects of the customer experience, even when that experience takes place within the customer’s living space. This technology combines real and virtual world in real time with all the capabilities of personal shopping illustration so that a person can be satisfied and confident with their purchase. In the age of increasing trust in e-commerce, this means that AR is a powerful visual tool that brands in industry can use to improve their customer relationships and ultimately improve their sales lines. But just do not believe these words. The following are some statistics that show how the impact of AR on business is only growing: 61. Consumers say they prefer retailers who provide augmented reality experience to buy. 71. Consumers say they will buy more if you can use augmented reality technology. The use of AR technology in e-commerce can increase profit conversion rates by up to 40%
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "url": "https://en.daneshjoin.ir/what-is-augmented-reality-and-what-does-it-do/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320302723.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20220121040956-20220121070956-00663.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9478210806846619, "token_count": 1379, "score": 3.109375, "int_score": 3 }
Magical performances comprising of spirits being summoned on stage where pretty common even in the 19th century. The effect was achieved indeed with the use of smoke and mirror. However, a typical tool in usage was the Fantascope aka Magic Lantern. This apparatus is also seen in the movie but can be easily overlooked as normal lanterns. I found this interesting piece of trivia on IMDB: The method for creating the ghosts as shown to inspector Uhl involved the projection of a pre-recorded image into a hazy background. Since the ghosts Eisenheim conjured could speak to and interact with the audience, he most likely used a different method popular among magicians at that time. A fantascope was used to illuminate a real person off stage. The image was reflected off of a mirror or glassplate, creating a ghosted image. The lanterns that Eisenheim tells his assistants to leave behind when they are packing up the workshop bear a strong resemblance to fantascopes.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-24", "url": "https://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/1547/how-could-eisenheim-achieve-those-reflections-on-the-scene-in-that-era", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347401004.26/warc/CC-MAIN-20200528232803-20200529022803-00555.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9694411158561707, "token_count": 198, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
Seven Rodborough lives were claimed by the Battle of Passchendaele (also known as the Third battle of Ypres) lasting from 31st July to 10th November 1917. The Allies’ aim was to secure the Belgian coast, eliminate the German u-boat bases and connect with the Dutch-front lines. The first objective involved taking control of Passchendaele Ridge. It was remembered by many soldiers as the worst battle of the First World war. Very heavy rain fell and men lived and died in appalling conditions. The battlefield was a vast bog of shell craters, bodies and stinking mud, so deep that men and horses drowned in it. The battle claimed 500,000 casualties (dead and injured from both sides). Despite overwhelming adversity, the British Army and Commonwealth troops did recapture the small ridge village of Passchendaele on 6th November, but there was never a significant breakthough to the land beyond. The town of Ypres was left in ruins. The close connections between the Rodborough men must have caused shockwaves in the community on their deaths; four of those in August 1917; five had been in the same regiment, two were Daniels’ apprentices and three of them lived on the Bath Road. Four have no known grave and are remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial near Ypres, Belgium. The following three of our men were territorials with 1st / 5th Glosters and were killed or injured during a single attack near St Julien, when machine guns and heavy activity from enemy snipers resulted in 1 officer killed; 1 officer missing; 6 officers wounded; 209 Other Ranks killed, missing and wounded. 2nd Lieutenant Norman Steel aged 20 was killed by a machine gun bullet on 16th August 1917, while leading his platoon into action. He was the only child of Frederick, who owned a printing company at Ebley Mill, and Mary Ann, and lived at The Kestrels on the edge of Rodborough Common. Norman had been educated at Oundle School in Northamptonshire. He is remembered on the Tyne Cot Memorial and in 1939 his parents gave a memorial window for the Lady Chapel at Rodborough Church. Private Walter Brown also died on 16th August aged 28. He came from a large family at Rooksmoor and as a territorial had been enlisted at the start of the war. He is buried at St Julien Dressing Station Cemetery, Ypres. Sergeant Richard ‘Dick’ Compton Jackson was severely wounded in the head on August 17th and died on 25th August aged 22. He is buried at Mendinghem Military Cemetery near Poperinge, Belgium. He was an only child from a privileged background, living at Rose Villa (now 169) Bath Rd. He was an apprentice with T.H & J Daniels, when as a territorial he was called up early in the war. He was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal posthumously. Sergeant Ernest William Chandler, also with 1st /5th Glosters, was injured at St Julien, on an unknown date before 18th September, when his name appears on a casualty list as ‘wounded’. As casualty lists look around a month to be published, it is possible that he too was a casualty of August 16th. He was aged 21 and it seemed that he had proceeded through the casualty clearing system to one of the larger hospitals on route to Le Havre and would have been transferred back to ‘Blighty’, but unexpectedly deteriorated and ‘died of wounds’ in hospital in Rouen. His father had travelled out to Rouen a few days before Ernest’s death on 9th October, but had returned home, believing he would recover. Ernest attended Kingscourt School and was the eldest of six children of Alf, a ‘tailor presser’ and Mary. They lived in the Little London area of Kingscourt. Private William Percy Carter served with the Royal Berkshire Regiment and died, aged 33, on 22nd August 1917 in an action recorded as “successful”, though it claimed 230 casualties, 34 of whom were killed. Across the battle front another 1,324 men lost their lives on that day alone. William’s family home was 10 Frome Terrace (now 151 Bath Rd). He had worked as a tailor and outfitter and later as a confectioner and baker. In 1911, he married Clara Alice Phelps and when he died she was living in Acre St, Stroud. Private Arthur Harris had formerly also been with 1st/5th Glosters and as a territorial, called up in August 1914, when he was only six weeks from completing his apprenticeship with T.H & J Daniels. He lived at 19 Bath Rd Terrace (now 105 Bath Rd). Of all the stories we have researched, his is perhaps the most extraordinary. Serving with the 14th (Service) Battalion, Arthur was listed as “missing in action” on 22nd October 1917, aged 24. Normally this would be the end of the story, but in 1918, in a great act of humanity, a letter in perfect English, was forwarded via the Red Cross from a German soldier, enclosing Arthur’s identity tag as confirmation of his death “in order to spare his relatives useless and painful doubts or hopes”. These items are held in the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum in Gloucester. Private Alfred Edward Hollis “Eddie” Spencer served in the 12th (Bristol) Battalion of the Gloucestershire Regiment . He was aged 20 when he died on 7th November 1917. He had lived alongside Wallbridge Mill and was his parents’ only surviving child. His first service number with the Worcestershire Regiment suggests that he was a territorial. His death is a bit of a mystery, as the battalion war diary reports 7th November as a quiet day with no casualties, but his name appears on the Tyne Cot memorial to the missing. The Battle of Passchendaele was perhaps the most inhumane of all the Great War battles. A senior officer visiting the battlefield afterwards, broke down and declared “Good God. Did we really send men to fight in that!”
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "url": "http://www.rememberingrodborough.org.uk/ww1-2/passchendaele-deaths-1917/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027314752.21/warc/CC-MAIN-20190819134354-20190819160354-00074.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9894957542419434, "token_count": 1305, "score": 2.875, "int_score": 3 }
100 Fun Finds - Offers picture puzzles which invite young readers to pick out objects from various backgrounds. Camping -An up-close look at why so many enjoy camping and the types of equipment needed for a fun and safe trip. Daring BMXers- Meet the most fearless BMX champions in this ultimate guide to the tricks, competitions, and history of the sport! From its beginnings in Southern California to its debut as an Olympic sport in 2008, kids will discover how bicycle motocross became the no-limits adventure that fans know today. Fast-paced narratives and full-color photos will engage young readers in the excitement of this extreme action sport. A gear page shows the equipment and safety features used by pros and beginners alike. Up, Up and Away -Ginger Wadsworth and Patricia J. Wynne chronicle the real-life drama of one spider as she eats, grows, spins a dragline of silk and soars up, up, and away to find a home of her own. Space Life -Discusses information about space life within recent years as well as plans for future explorations of space life. 101 Animal Secrets -Presents a collection of trivia about animals, discussing the length of an anteater's tongue, the eating habits of koalas, and the physical characteristics of worms. Can You See What I See? Christmas- Read the words and find the hidden Christmas objects. Insects -Insects are the most successful animals on Earth and Science kids: Insects introduces readers to the tiny creatures that fly, scuttle, and lurk in the world around us. Stick insects are masters of disguise, wasps can sting, and ants even have a social structure in which they have different jobs to do. Be amazed at the incredible variety of insect life that lives all around us. Oceans and Seas - Covers saltiness, tides, waves and weather, plants and animals, and ecological issues. Includes instructions for projects. American Flag- Check out cool Smithsonian websites and exhibits throughout the book. Meet a Smithsonian Curator. See fabulous close-up photos. Read extremely fun facts about flags! Extreme Rocks and Minerals -some minerals are extremely soft-as soft as baby powder. Other minerals are extremely hard-like diamonds, the hardest natural substance in the world. Some rocks were once extremely hot-they were made from magma deep under the earth. Do you know that you use minerals when you look in a mirror, brush your teeth, or sprinkle salt on your French fries? Find out all the answers about rocks and minerals-even how to study them yourself-when you dig in to Extreme Rocks & Minerals!
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-26", "url": "http://cdpl-youth-services.blogspot.com/2010/01/100-fun-finds-offers-picture-puzzles.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-26/segments/1498128320443.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20170625064745-20170625084745-00447.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9198302626609802, "token_count": 550, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
Website prototyping a necessary development stage Before creating a masterpiece, a designer or an artist makes sketches. The same happens in the world of modern technology. To understand what a site will look like, a simplified version is created – a prototype. Site prototyping is a process that creates a simple layout of pages with the main blocks. Such work is especially important when developing online stores and other sites, where the structure should be thought over at the stage of creation and not changed dramatically after launch. What is a prototype The very concept implies the creation of something as similar to the original as possible, but without a full package of features or characteristics. For sites it means the development of an online site structure, where it will be presented: - layout of design elements and blocks - clear website concept - shows the navigation and its functionality - presents possible methods of interaction with users With this mechanism, you can visualize ideas, see how they will look on a real product and make changes to the prototype first, rather than experimenting directly on a working site that is already indexed by search engines. Prototyping starts with an understanding of the content to be placed in blocks of the future resource. Interface details have no priority at this stage. It is important to understand the structure and content, usability level for future visitors. The prototype must meet such requests: - fast creation - easy access for all process participants (programmers, designers, managers, customers) - easy change If all the points are met, it will be easy to work with this site, and the time spent on grinding the main aspects will be used as productively as possible. If possible, the interaction with the created “example” they can be divided into: - dynamic – work with navigation, forms, blocks is available (full work with filling). - static – the view of individual pages is available, without the possibility of navigating through the navigation mechanisms. Static option, although it does not give a complete picture, but is a budget option compared to a dynamic companion. Why do you need a prototype? Creating a preparatory template makes it possible to solve a number of issues that necessarily arise during the development of online resource. At the same time, correction of weak points at the prototyping stage helps to avoid them after launch on production. Layouting is just necessary in cases if: - there is no clear understanding of what the site should look like - there are complex technical tasks that need to be configured on the resource test version - need to choose from several design options - visualization and individual development of blocks is important for the project. In addition, the test option allows you to decide on such issues: - what tasks the launch of a new online project solves - what the potential client needs to communicate and by what mechanisms - what the client will see by visiting the page and how the information is perceived when placed in the planned blocks A separate advantage of prototype development is that the technical component is developed on a test resource. What problems of development are solved by the site prototype Often, the main problems after launch appear in its technical part and in the work of functional elements. To avoid such sad misunderstandings, you can work everything on the resource layout. It is recommended to set it up on the test version: - button operation - clicking links - calculator functionality - work and display of personal cabinet - order processing - correctness of data transfer from the site to admin panels, etc. The list of technical tasks may vary, depending on the specifics of the online platform and its functionality. Services for prototyping on your own There are a number of modern online resources that allow you to create a prototype on your platform. They differ in a number of features, set of functions and cost. But most importantly, these programs have gained popularity among users. The most popular of them: Free application from Facebook. It has a basic set of functions, which is enough to create prototypes of small projects. The software has a group where like-minded people can share their developments, get advice and help each other. Each model is assigned a separate address (url), by which the development can be shared with the customer or employees. There are both mobile and desktop versions. They are synchronized with each other, which makes it possible to work on the project from any device available at the moment. There is a possibility to “expand” access for several people. At any stage you can test the created layout on your PC or mobile device. Online version is not available, only the ability to install the software on your computer. But it has a wide range of features. It is compatible with both MacOS and Windows. The possibility of teamwork on the project is open. User-friendly interface, availability of basic necessary blocks for development.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "http://www.kakuyasu-gate.com/website-prototyping-a-necessary-development/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656104668059.88/warc/CC-MAIN-20220706060502-20220706090502-00404.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9274378418922424, "token_count": 1022, "score": 3.140625, "int_score": 3 }
Information you should know about credit. What is credit? Credit is an agreement between a lending organization (such as a bank, store or credit card company) and you, the borrower. That agreement puts money in your hand, in your bank, or on a credit card, for your use. The terms of repayment, including interest charges, are usually set up front and are governed by an agreement between you and your issuing bank. Differences between Credit and Debit cards You can make purchases up to your credit limit. When the bill comes, you must pay at least the minimum balance. Banks charge interest on unpaid balances. Generally, if you pay the entire bill at the end of the month, you will not have to pay interest charges. If you maintain an outstanding balance, you will be charged interest at a predetermined annual percentage rate (APR), which differs from issuer to issuer. Funds are automatically taken from your account to cover charges. You can spend the total amount that is in your account. First, apply for a credit card that meets your needs and spending habits. See Find a Card. As you pay off your purchases in a timely manner, you'll build a good credit history. Maintaining good credit The most important thing to do is pay your credit card bill regularly. Pay the entire bill, or as much as you can afford (at least the minimum payment), each month. If your bill is delivered late or if you won't be able to pay it on time, contact your card issuing company to make payment arrangements. If you know you'll be carrying a balance each month, consider a credit card with a low interest rate. And be sure to learn the impact of compounding interest - the amount you're charged in interest on top of purchase and interest charges unpaid in previous months.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-40", "url": "http://www.mastercard.com/be/personal/en/education/understanding_credit.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-40/segments/1443736676547.12/warc/CC-MAIN-20151001215756-00133-ip-10-137-6-227.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9616645574569702, "token_count": 374, "score": 2.953125, "int_score": 3 }
In this section See also: Proximal humeral fractures - Fracture clinics The usual treatment for this fracture is immobilisation of the shoulder in a sling, body swathe or shoulder immobiliser. Patients should be seen in the fracture clinic or by an interested GP within 7 days for follow-up with x-rays to assess further displacement. Proximal humeral fractures can be classified according to its location: Proximal humeral fractures represent <5% of all paediatric fractures. These fractures may occur either through the physis (growth plate) or in the metaphysis. They are usually the result of a fall on an outstretched hand, with the humeral head locked against the glenoid and the force transmitted to the physeal or metaphyseal region. Physeal injuries are more common in late childhood and adolescence, while metaphyseal injuries, including buckle injuries are more common in younger children. Occasionally a fracture can occur through a benign bone cyst in childhood. This would be regarded as a pathological fracture. Lower energy trauma is required to sustain this type of fracture, than in a normal bone. Proximal humeral fractures as a result of non-accidental injury are not common, and do not have the same association as humeral shaft fractures in this regard. Infantile proximal injuries are usually transphyseal separation incurred during the birth process. These may not be seen on x-ray as the proximal humeral epiphysis appears at about six months of age. Ultrasound may be needed in this setting. The child will present after a defined injury with pain and loss of movement around the shoulder. There may be swelling and deformity, but with the coverage of the fracture by the shoulder muscles, this may not be obvious. The primary clinical sign is reluctance to move the shoulder and pain. Anteroposterior (AP) and axillary lateral radiographs of the shoulder should be obtained. An axillary lateral view will give a lateral projection and show the relationship of the humeral head with the glenoid fossa. The appearance will depend on the degree of angulation and/or displacement of the shaft relative to the humeral head. Attention should be drawn to growth plate involvement. Buckle injuries may appear as a simple bump usually on the medial cortical margin of the metaphysis. Proximal humeral fractures should be described in relation to: Figure 1 : AP and lateral x-ray of 10 year old girl with Salter-Harris type II fracture of the proximal humerus. The proximal physis contributes 80% of the length of the humerus. Due to the enormous remodelling potential, most of these injuries do not require reduction. There is no role for attempted reduction in the ED. The older child with greater deformity may be treated with closed reduction. This is controversial and there are no agreed figures to guide closed operative reduction. Approximate indications are: Isolated greater tuberosity fractures with displacement in the adolescent are an exception group in which surgical reduction and fixation is usually required. Indications for prompt referral to the orthopaedic on call service include: The usual treatment for this fracture is immobilisation of the shoulder in a sling, body swathe or shoulder immobiliser. Analgesia and thorough neurovascular assessment are essential. Patients should be seen in the fracture clinic or by an interested GP within seven days for follow-up with radiographs to assess further displacement. Due to the remodelling potential of this region, the outcome from this fracture is usually excellent. Nonunion is rare and shoulder function usually returns to normal even if there is residual deformity on xray. Mild shortening of the humerus and mild angular malunion are not noticeable cosmetically, and function is unaffected. Physeal injuries in adolescents are typically Salter-Harris type I and II with very low subsequent growth arrest rates. Complications are rare and usually due to associated soft tissue and neurological injuries, i.e. brachial plexus. Mild malunion can occur but is not a functional problem. Nonunion is rare. See fracture clinics for other potential complications Content developed by Victorian Paediatric Orthopaedic Network. To provide feedback, please email [email protected]
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-39", "url": "http://www.rch.org.au/clinicalguide/guideline_index/fractures/Proximal_humeral_fractures_Emergency_Department/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-39/segments/1505818685912.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20170919164651-20170919184651-00695.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9046361446380615, "token_count": 916, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has initiated a five year, $600 million public safety fire hardening project that will replace 150 miles of overhead power poles and transmission lines in the Cleveland National Forest—the largest such project in SDG&E history. As part of the project, nearly 2,000 wooden poles will be replaced with taller, longer lasting, fire-resistant steel poles that are capable of withstanding winds up to 85 miles per hour. SDG&E officials say the new poles will be capable of carrying thicker lines that will be spread farther apart, minimizing the chance of sparking during high winds or other significant weather events. Specifically, the steel poles will help minimize the chance of massive wildfires such as the events that occurred in 2007 California Firestorm that burned almost 1 million acres from Santa Barbara County to the U.S.–Mexico border. According to a Valmont Industries source, a member of the Steel Market Development Institute Steel Utility Pole Task Group, the project is a continuation of steel for wood replacement in high risk territories. Valmont® Utility, a market leader in transmission, distribution and substation structures and steel distribution pole supplier, is contracted to complete the project. According to Keith Lindemulder, chairman of the Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) Steel Utility Pole Task Group. “Increasingly, electric utilities are turning to steel poles to improve system reliability as a viable alternative to wood. This is especially true in areas prone to extreme weather such as high winds, ice storms or fire.” Steel training is important for every lineworker’s safety preparation for catastrophic events and everyday power maintenance. The Steel Market Development Institute (SMDI) collaborated with respected industry leaders in utility safety and linework training to develop training materials for students (de-energized training) and journeyman/apprentice linemen (energized training) – including free online training and hands-on workshops. Find more information here
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-39", "url": "https://linemanblog.steel.org/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-39/segments/1568514573533.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20190919142838-20190919164838-00452.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9140966534614563, "token_count": 402, "score": 2.53125, "int_score": 3 }
For more choices, click the Options Excel name shortcuts As is often the case in Excel, the most popular features can be accessed in several ways: via the ribbon, right-click menu, and keyboard shortcuts. Excel name types In Microsoft Excel, you can create and use two types of names: Defined name - a name that refers to a single cell, range of cells, constant value, or formula. If you want to skip formula cells in you range, check Skip formula cells in the Operation Tools dialog. Press Enter or click the Expand button to return to the New Name dialog box. The y-axis is the vertical range, and it displays the value. You also can use the Name Manager to create new range names. Never need to worry about long long formulas in Excel anymore! If you know a way to do this, chime in below! Maybe it looks like that changing a chart range is no big deal. Is here an easier way to accomplish this? When a named range exists on another sheet, you'll be taken to that sheet automatically. Start by selecting the cells that contain formulas you want to update. This will insert all Excel names along with their references in the current worksheet, beginning in the selected cell. Column- am I doing it wrong? You can adjust the range at any time. The drop-down list in the Name Box contains a list of all currently defined named ranges. They are also useful for limiting the choices an Excel spreadsheet user can make when editing a cell. Enter a name in the named box and press the Enter key. . For example, perhaps you have a workbook with monthly tracking sheets one per month that use named ranges with the same name, all scoped locally. To quickly test the newly created name, select it in the Name Box dropdown list. Kutools for Excel's Auto Text can add all formulas to a group as auto text, and liberate your brain! You can refer to cells that are on other worksheets in the same workbook by prepending the name of the worksheet followed by an exclamation point! Congratulations, now your chart has a dynamic range. You will have to choose a product from the list. Today this urban Texas cowboy continues to crank out high-quality software as well as non-technical articles covering a multitude of diverse topics ranging from gaming to current affairs. The only one thing that leads you to use next method is when you delete data from a table, your chart will not get updated. Hello, Is there anyone can help me with my query, I have around 100 sheets in my workbook; there are number of ranges from each workbook has a defined name. After Kutools for Excel, please do as below: 1. When you release the mouse, the range will be selected. This may turn out to be a hurdle if you do not allow users the save the workbook. Click Chart Tools followed by Design and Format. Is there a workaround to keep the merged cell title block and still have an accurate output for the actual used range? You can always ask an expert in the , get support in the , or suggest a new feature or improvement on. The basics of named ranges in Excel What is a named range? As soon as you release the mouse, the range on the worksheet will be selected. I had a question about ActualUsedRange function. There are instructions here: This video shows you how to set up the name, create a drop down list, and then change the name's range of cells. However, you can define a name equal to a table i. If you want or if Excel does not insert a default name , you can type any name that you want to use into the Name: field. Excel can create names automatically ctrl + shift + F3 If you have well structured data with labels, you can have Excel create named ranges for you. They help me get formulas working faster. Now, you can select the name you want to work with, and click one of the 3 buttons at the top of the window to perform the corresponding action: , or. Excel names make formulas easier to make and read You don't have to type complex references or go back and forth selecting ranges on the sheet. Before you allow certain users to edit the range of cells, you should make sure that the workbook has not been protected. How Excel Charts Work A chart has an x-axis range and a y-axis range to show the correlation between two different data sets. Now, let me tell you how it work In above formulas, I have used count function to count the total number of cells with a value. There's no need to click the Edit button to update a reference. How to create an Excel named range Overall, there are 3 ways to define a name in Excel: Name Box, Define Name button, and Excel Name Manager. Change values in a cell range quickly with Kutools for Excel If you have Kutools for Excel installed, you can change the values in cells quickly with Operation Tools. Just select the name of interest in the Excel Name Manager, and type a new reference directly in the Refers to box, or click the button at the right and select the desired range on the sheet. To make these summary cells more prominent, you can create a cell reference to them on the first worksheet of the workbook, which enables you to see summary information about the whole workbook on the first worksheet. The reference can be a single cell or a range of cells, and the array formula can be one that calculates single or multiple results.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-35", "url": "http://buyplymouthprints.co.uk/edit-used-range-in-excel.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-35/segments/1566027315222.56/warc/CC-MAIN-20190820045314-20190820071314-00221.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9110501408576965, "token_count": 1139, "score": 3.265625, "int_score": 3 }
Yesterday, NASA presented the results of the analysis of a rock sample taken last month in Gale Crater on Mars by the Mars Rover Curiosity. The analysis confirms that in a very ancient era climatic conditions on Mars were suitable to support life forms. In the analysis of rock sample taken by the Mars Rover Curiosity, scientists have identified sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and carbon, all key elements for the development of life forms of the type we know. Curiosity is exploring an area called Yellowknife Bay, which in an ancient epoch was part of a river or a lake bed in which the conditions for the development of life forms were favorable. In particular, two instruments of the Mars Rover Curiosity have shown the conditions favorable to support life: Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) and Chemistry and Mineralogy (Chemin). They showed that the rock contains clay minerals, sulfates and other chemical compounds. An important fact is that the ancient wet environment wasn’t strongly oxidizing, acidic or extremely salty as other existing on the ancient Mars. The clay minerals found are the products of the reaction of relatively fresh water with igneous minerals such as olivine, which is also present in the sediment. It’s not clear whether the reaction occurred in the sedimentary deposit, during the sediment transport or in region of origin of the sediment. Calcium sulphate was also found together with clay, suggesting that the soil is neutral or slightly alkaline. A surprise for the scientists came from the discovery of a mixture of chemical compounds oxidized, partially oxidized and non-oxidized. This is the type of chemistry used by terrestrial microbes to generate the energy used in their vital functions. Those compounds, together with sulphates and sulphides, indicate a possible source of chemical energy for microorganisms. There’s a little luck in this discovery. Originally, the scientists of the Curiosity mission wanted to send the rover directly to the mountain in the middle of the Gale Crater and only after the landing they decided to have it make a detour to examine the area called Yellowknife Bay. The scientists have conquered this luck recognizing that the area is interesting from a geological point of view by examining the preliminary data. A rock that looks like the analyzed one was photographed by the panoramic camera (Pancam) of the Mars Rover Opportunity in 2004 in the Endurance crater, in the region called Meridiani Planum. Curiosity is equipped with more sophisticated instruments so it can collect rock samples and carry out in-depth analyzes. Further analyzes will be carried out in the area to confirm these results, also for the presence of other trace gases analyzed by the SAM instrument. There’s no evidence that on Mars in the past there were actually life forms but this is the most conclusive evidence yet found that conditions were favorable to life.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-10", "url": "http://english.netmassimo.com/2013/03/13/nasa-presents-new-evidence-of-ancient-conditions-favorable-to-life-on-mars/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-10/segments/1394010683198/warc/CC-MAIN-20140305091123-00045-ip-10-183-142-35.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9504460692405701, "token_count": 578, "score": 3.953125, "int_score": 4 }
Civil society organisations call for an EU collective redress mechanism to protect all fundamental human rights. The Ikebiri community in Nigeria is bringing the Italian oil giant Eni to trial to demand adequate compensation and clean-up of an oil spill made in 2010 by a subsidiary of the company. The first hearing of the case will be held today, January 9. Meanwhile, European Commissioner for Justice Věra Jourová has recently announced plans for a legislative proposal to allow collective redress (also known as “class-actions”) exclusively for consumers. The Commission’s proposal comes in response to the Dieselgate scandal where consumers in the US were able to obtain billions in compensation, whilst those in the EU struggle to obtain anything. But why are other victims of business misconduct excluded from the proposal? European institutions, civil society, and human rights bodies have been calling for collective redress (also known as “class-actions”) in the EU for nearly a decade to protect all victims of corporate harm, including for violations of fundamental rights connected to the environment, labour, anti-discrimination or privacy. The European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ), together with Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth Europe, Amnesty International, Client Earth, the European Environmental Bureau, Birdlife, HEAL Health and Environment Advocates, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and Corporate Responsibility (CORE) has published a Joint Statement calling for an EU collective redress mechanism to protect all fundamental human rights . The signing organisations call on the EU and its Member States to prepare a legislative proposal for EU collective redress that applies to all instances of harm caused by corporate entities. The power imbalance between individuals and large companies can effectively block victims of business malpractice from seeking justice, as the costs and risks of litigation are too high for the average individual. Collective redress is a procedure allowing many individuals to group their resources and bring their claims together in a single proceeding against a common defendant, thereby lowering the exorbitant costs of litigation and increasing access to justice and remedy for victims. Harm caused by large corporate entities is varied and diverse, ranging from minor damages that distort competition to serious environmental and human rights violations, for example: ● 100,000m2 of cyanide were spilled in the Danube river system in the worst European environmental disaster since Chernobyl. Drinking water of over 2.5 million people was contaminated and some regions had up to 80% of the local wildlife die shortly after the spill. Collective redress was not available for the Romanian and Hungarian victims in 2000 and it still wouldn’t be under the Commission’s current proposed legislation. European Environment Agency data indicates there are 28 major industrial accidents in the EU on average per year that cause up to billions of euros of ecological harm. ● 260 workers producing for the German clothes retailer KiK! were killed in a fire in Pakistan. The building didn’t have fire alarms, emergency exits, or fire extinguishers. German judges accepted jurisdiction in 2016 and granted four individuals legal aid. Now, at the end of 2017, the roughly 400 remaining survivors and relatives are time-barred from bringing more cases, as they were unable to raise the necessary funds in time. Victims of corporate negligence and harm have routinely been unable to join forces in compensation claims. Collective redress is widely recognised by both international and European human rights bodies , as well as European institutions and a broad cross-section of EU civil society groups. Even the European Commission recommended Member States to implement collective redress mechanisms concerning violations of rights granted under Union Law. The current disharmonised patchwork of collective redress across the EU also means some companies are more easily subjected to class-action litigation than others, depending on where they operate within the Single Market. This is creating an unfair playing field for business. Justice, fairness, and equality before the law require the protection of all future victims of mass harm situations - not only consumers - by enabling them to join their claims in order to access justice and effective remedy. The Commission should not miss the opportunity and present a legislative proposal for a general collective redress mechanism protecting the rights of the victims of Volkswagen’s malpractice but also of KiK, Eni and many others. More information available here: ● Joint Statement: "Call for an EU collective redress mechanism to protect all fundamental rights, not only for consumers". Organisations interested in joining the call are encouraged to contact us . ● Position paper: “ EU Law for collective redress: case for the environment, human rights and fair competition ” ● Opinion article in OpenDemocracy: " Consumer is King? Of class actions and who matters in EU law " Note to editors: The European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) advocates for European laws that guarantee corporate accountability and transparency, and ensure justice for victims of corporate malpractice. With 21 member groups representing over 250 organisations from 15 countries, ECCJ brings together campaigns and national platforms of NGOs, trade unions, consumer organisations and academics. For further information please contact: Adriana Espinosa, [email protected] // +32 (0)2 893 10 27 Susanna Arus, [email protected] // +32 (0)2 893 10 63
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "url": "https://corporatejustice.org/news/3892-the-eu-commission-s-plan-to-only-protect-consumers-rights-ignores-all-victims-of-business-harm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600402130531.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20200930235415-20201001025415-00503.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9371793866157532, "token_count": 1084, "score": 2.5625, "int_score": 3 }
Difference between Unipolar, Polar and Bipolar Line Coding Schemes Data as well as signals that represents data can either be digital or analog. Line coding is the process of converting digital data to digital signals. By this technique we converts a sequence of bits to a digital signal. At the sender side digital data are encoded into a digital signal and at the receiver side the digital data are recreated by decoding the digital signal. We can roughly divide line coding schemes into five categories: - Unipolar (eg. NRZ scheme). - Polar (eg. NRZ-L, NRZ-I, RZ, and Biphase – Manchester and differential Manchester). - Bipolar (eg. AMI and Pseudoternary). But, before learning difference between first three schemes we should first know the characteristic of these line coding techniques: - There should be self-synchronizing i.e., both receiver and sender clock should be synchronized. - There should have some error-detecting capability. - There should be immunity to noise and interference. - There should be less complexity. - There should be no low frequency component (DC-component) as long distance transfer is not feasible for low frequency component signal. - There should be less base line wandering. Unipolar scheme – In this scheme, all the signal levels are either above or below the axis. - Non return to zero (NRZ) – It is unipolar line coding scheme in which positive voltage defines bit 1 and the zero voltage defines bit 0. Signal does not return to zero at the middle of the bit thus it is called NRZ. For example: Data = 10110. But this scheme uses more power as compared to polar scheme to send one bit per unit line resistance. Moreover for continuous set of zeros or ones there will be self-synchronization and base line wandering problem. Polar schemes – In polar schemes, the voltages are on the both sides of the axis. - NRZ-L and NRZ-I – These are somewhat similar to unipolar NRZ scheme but here we use two levels of amplitude (voltages). For NRZ-L(NRZ-Level), the level of the voltage determines the value of the bit, typically binary 1 maps to logic-level high, and binary 0 maps to logic-level low, and for NRZ-I(NRZ-Invert), two-level signal has a transition at a boundary if the next bit that we are going to transmit is a logical 1, and does not have a transition if the next bit that we are going to transmit is a logical 0. Note – For NRZ-I we are assuming in the example that previous signal before starting of data set “01001110” was positive. Therefore, there is no transition at the beginning and first bit “0” in current data set “01001110” is starting from +V. Example: Data = 01001110. Comparison between NRZ-L and NRZ-I: Baseline wandering is a problem for both of them, but for NRZ-L it is twice as bad as compared to NRZ-I. This is because of transition at the boundary for NRZ-I (if the next bit that we are going to transmit is a logical 1). Similarly self-synchronization problem is similar in both for long sequence of 0’s, but for long sequence of 1’s it is more severe in NRZ-L. - Return to zero (RZ) – One solution to NRZ problem is the RZ scheme, which uses three values positive,negative,and zero. In this scheme signal goes to 0 in the middle of each bit. Note – The logic we are using here to represent data is that for bit 1 half of the signal is represented by +V and half by zero voltage and for bit 0 half of the signal is represented by -V and half by zero voltage. Example: Data = 01001. Main disadvantage of RZ encoding is that it requires greater bandwidth. Another problem is the complexity as it uses three levels of voltage. As a result of all these deficiencies, this scheme is not used today. Instead, it has been replaced by the better-performing Manchester and differential Manchester schemes. - Biphase (Manchester and Differential Manchester ) – Manchester encoding is somewhat combination of the RZ (transition at the middle of the bit) and NRZ-L schemes. The duration of the bit is divided into two halves. The voltage remains at one level during the first half and moves to the other level in the second half. The transition at the middle of the bit provides synchronization. Differential Manchester is somewhat combination of the RZ and NRZ-I schemes. There is always a transition at the middle of the bit but the bit values are determined at the beginning of the bit. If the next bit is 0, there is a transition, if the next bit is 1, there is no transition. 1. The logic we are using here to represent data using Manchester is that for bit 1 there is transition form -V to +V volts in the middle of the bit and for bit 0 there is transition from +V to -V volts in the middle of the bit. 2. For differential Manchester we are assuming in the example that previous signal before starting of data set “010011” was positive. Therefore there is transition at the beginning and first bit “0” in current data set “010011” is starting from -V. Example: Data = 010011. The Manchester scheme overcomes several problems associated with NRZ-L, and differential Manchester overcomes several problems associated with NRZ-I as there is no baseline wandering and no DC component because each bit has a positive and negative voltage contribution. Only limitation is that the minimum bandwidth of Manchester and differential Manchester is twice that of NRZ. Bipolar schemes – In this scheme there are three voltage levels positive, negative, and zero. The voltage level for one data element is at zero, while the voltage level for the other element alternates between positive and negative. - Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) – A neutral zero voltage represents binary 0. Binary 1’s are represented by alternating positive and negative voltages. - Pseudoternary – Bit 1 is encoded as a zero voltage and the bit 0 is encoded as alternating positive and negative voltages i.e., opposite of AMI scheme. Example: Data = 010010. The bipolar scheme is an alternative to NRZ.This scheme has the same signal rate as NRZ,but there is no DC component as one bit is represented by voltage zero and other alternates every time. Data Communications and Networking By Behrouz A.Forouzan (Book)
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "https://origin.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-unipolar-polar-and-bipolar-line-coding-schemes/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103669266.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20220630062154-20220630092154-00524.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9212417602539062, "token_count": 1449, "score": 3.625, "int_score": 4 }
- This event has passed. Saturday STEM Seminar: How Does the Brain Make Memories? September 16 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 amFree During Science City’s Saturday STEM Seminars, local STEM professionals present hot topics in science, technology, engineering and math, as well as highlights of their education and career paths. A Q&A session follows. The seminars, geared toward students in grades 7-12, are open to the public. Registration is required, but walk-ups are welcome! Note to teachers: Give your students extra credit for attending and YOU can WIN for sending the most students (one contest per semester)! Students will take notes during the seminar, and these will be stamped on their way out for proof of attendance! In this session, hear from Dr. Kausik Si, a developmental neuroscientist, who is the Scientific Director for the Stowers Institute. The brain stands between the world and us. Within the brain are proteins, which perform tasks necessary for brain function. We will explore how proteins help the brain recreate the world for us and encode memories of things we love and fear.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://www.kcstem.org/event/saturday-stem-seminar-how-does-the-brain-make-memories/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233511021.4/warc/CC-MAIN-20231002200740-20231002230740-00189.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9416555166244507, "token_count": 291, "score": 2.609375, "int_score": 3 }
Strategy 2030: coupling safe and sustainable mobility with social justice Over the past two years the FIA Foundation’s Board of Trustees has undertaken an in-depth review of our work and our future strategy. As we enter the UN Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, and a second Decade of Action for Road Safety, what do we as a Foundation want to help to achieve by 2030? There are six, inter-related, goals that we want to influence: - Widespread adoption of the Safe System, and significant progress towards the 2030 SDG target to halve road traffic death and serious injury; - Safe and healthy journeys to and from school for every child, integral for safe roads, clean air and climate action; - Achieving WHO clean air guidelines for urban areas; - Accelerated transition to low/zero carbon mobility, achieving Global Fuel Economy Initiative targets; - Safe, sustainable and accessible motor sport; - Sustainable and equitable funding for safe roads, air quality and adolescent wellbeing. Some principles underlay the development of the detailed strategy to achieve these goals: A social justice agenda We work on global policy agendas where the quality of state regulation and the attitude towards the poorest and most vulnerable is a matter of life or death. Whether it is highway infrastructure knowingly built without consideration or protection for pedestrians, cars deliberately designed without crumple zones or airbags, or governments turning a blind eye to dangerous levels of diesel pollution, the result is thousands of lives being lost every day on the world’s roads, and millions of children walking or being driven to school breathing carcinogenic air. There are technical solutions to many of the issues we work on, but to be truly effective we can’t ignore the underlying political issues of social justice, health and economic inequality, land and resource allocation, and civil rights. For too long society has accepted a ‘blame the victim’ culture which reduces road traffic injury to the level of an individual mistake. This lets leaders off the hook, allowing them to point fingers at a thousand accomplices without accepting responsibility for structural, often historic, injustices and failures of policy. It allows the media to cover road collisions as ‘accidents’, rather than the consequence of institutional failure. Evidence shows that countries or cities which go beyond the technocratic jargon to root the case for action in the language of human rights, can build a stronger, more coherent and more sustainable and defendable programme of action. A social justice and human rights-based approach is at the core of the FIA High Level Panel’s new ‘values’ advocacy approach to road safety. It has defined our Child Health Initiative’s research on children, poverty and road injury and on the unequal impact of air pollution. It has motivated our influential gender research, examining women’s attitudes to and experiences of public transport. And it has led us to commission ground breaking political economy research to understand the political barriers preventing effective implementation of safe and sustainable urban transport. The policy analysis of social equity that imbues our work is an element we bring to our coalitions, partnerships and campaigns. It also provides a common thread tying our issues to many strands of the UN’s 2030 Agenda in this Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals. The FIA Foundation is a relatively small philanthropy (by staff numbers and annual expenditure). We will only make a real contribution in partnership with others, and particularly by finding and operating at the sweet spot where small investments can relay significant policy change. Fortunately, our existing suite of initiatives and partnerships do this well, and we are constantly developing stronger working relationships with other philanthropic donors in our fields which will ensure our funding is deployed in a context which encourages collaboration and leveraging, rather than duplicative spending. Our partnerships work well because the Foundation pools sovereignty and plays to the strengths of various partners, many of which are better known and have a greater political and/or technical heft than we do. Our coordination role, and guiding the objectives of these alliances, is more effective because we operate as one partner amongst many. We are rooted in motor sport Since 2002 the FIA Foundation has funded much of the significant life-saving and injury-reducing motor sport safety research undertaken by or on behalf of the FIA, as the world governing body for motor sport. The recent introduction of a simulation modelling facility within the FIA research group (THUMS) dedicated to crash investigation and motor sport safety research will continue to enhance understanding of the causes and finding solutions to prevent death and serious injury. Critically important interventions have included high speed barrier research, wheel tethers, frontal and side impact protection, biometric crash data, and the Halo. Diverse projects are underway such as development of advanced racing seats to positionally control the occupant of a vehicle in a crash, review and improvement of the in-service frontal head restraint devices, advance protective windscreens, and fire extinguisher development for open cockpit cars. Motor sport is also showing itself a proving ground for environmental technologies, providing technical and thought leadership, and serving as an effective ambassador for raising public awareness about environmental and climate solutions. Ensuring safe, sustainable and accessible motor sport is a political and moral priority for the FIA, it also underpins the FIA and the Foundation’s credibility in the wider areas of our road safety advocacy and programming. Science and data matter Substance is derived from scientifically designed and measured action, and ultimately from proven and peer-reviewed achievement. Our expert partnerships are data-led and responsive to science. The best of our programmatic partners aim for peer review to independently validate their work, recognising it is the key to unlocking academic respect, and securing wider endorsement and financial backing including from blue chip donors. All of our programmatic road safety expenditure must be Safe System compliant; all of our programme expenditure must be deployed within a monitoring and evaluation framework which allows for objective assessment and includes a baseline from which to measure progress; all of our advocacy expenditure must be based on a clear theory of change and specific expected policy outcomes against which effectiveness will be judged. Advocacy is our focus To complement what others in the field are doing, the Foundation should focus in on what it does well that others are not doing or funding. Most sustainable mobility funding is either heavily programmatic or focused on applied research: there is little time, space or funding available for advocacy, campaigning and other policy communication. In the road safety sphere we would argue that this in part explains the overall lack of progress the movement has made: the nuts and bolts of ‘lobbying’ (for want of a better word) is not being undertaken in anything like the sustained way it needs to be and the political economy of issue prioritisation and resource allocation is neglected. Vital decisions happen at various strata, and while the Foundation can and does seek to influence the global conversation, local decisions, in the ministry of infrastructure or energy, or at city level, must be influenced locally by operators who have built political networks and understanding and are rooted in their polities. At the global level, the Foundation is supporting two parallel efforts to mobilise resources for road traffic injury prevention. The FIA High Level Panel is working to make the ‘direct’ case for global road safety funding, both to governments and policy institutions and to the private sector. This effort has seen the establishment of the UN Road Safety Fund with some support from governments. It is also promoting corporate sector giving. In parallel, the Foundation is working through the Child Health Initiative to embed road safety as part of the new adolescent wellbeing agenda. Connecting to well established institutions, donors and NGOs, we have persuaded them to support a call for an Adolescent Summit as part of a wider push for increased funding for a range of neglected adolescent issues. The strategic intention should be that these global efforts to influence financing streams, if successful, connect with and complement advocacy efforts at regional and national level to secure new financing and policy change. Some of our partners, who have been able to resource sufficiently to have a permanent footprint in their places of operation, and have built relationships of trust with decisionmakers, have demonstrated considerable success in this. To deliver the child and youth ‘Manifesto 2030’ that we launched in Stockholm during the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, we are establishing an Advocacy Hub to identify and support promising opportunities to ‘move the needle’ on global, national or city level policy. The Foundation’s key initiatives and partners will be invited to feed into the Hub, and participate in its discussions, to ensure a holistic approach to advocacy interventions. We will allocate a tactical budget to enable timely support for opportunities that arise. Match ambition with resources The world is in flux. Even before COVID-19 several revolutions were in play: the ‘three mobility revolutions’ of automation, electrification and shared mobility; the climate revolution from schoolkids protesting in the streets to boardrooms divesting from fossil fuels; the rapid urbanisation and motorisation experienced in the Global South; and the demographic youth bulge, particularly dramatic in Africa, and its opposite in the industrialised West. The impact of the virus has shaken up the motor industry and the oil industry and is accelerating a reimagination of urban space. Trillions will be spent in stimulus to extract the world from – at best – the deepest depression since the 1930s. And we have ten years – a UN ‘Decade of Delivery’ – to try to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Meanwhile many development charities, dependent on government or public funding, are suffering budget cuts and reducing their work. Now is the time to be ambitious and to use this flux to seek policy change: safer and cleaner vehicles; safer streets; clean air; a shift to low and zero carbon transport. To match this ambition we are expanding the Foundation’s grant programme for five years. As a charity we believe it is our responsibility to provide much needed funding during the post COVID-19 era to further the objects of the Foundation, often in areas where funding from other sources is not forthcoming. Keep it simple There is a tendency in the sustainable mobility world to complexity, it is almost a badge of honour. Endless navel-gazing conferences and processes discuss how the issues are so very multi-sectoral and complex. Is it any wonder we don’t cut through to new donors and allies? Is it any surprise that, time and again, ministers wriggle out of broadly drawn commitments? Yes, the issues are complex, and yes, they do require multi-agency action. But the top line solutions and messages have to be simple and motivating, to engage a sense of common purpose and bring political will to the table. At the heart of our Strategy 2030 is a simple but powerful vision: every child should be able to walk in safety and in health on their streets. This vision can unify the work of our partners and build broader alliances. As the Foundation moves to implement our new strategy from 2021 we will be announcing new and renewed partnerships, and working to build on proven evidence and success.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-43", "url": "https://fiafoundation.org/blog/2021/march/strategy-2030-coupling-safe-and-sustainable-mobility-with-social-justice", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-43/segments/1634323587623.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20211025030510-20211025060510-00571.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9410855770111084, "token_count": 2278, "score": 2.578125, "int_score": 3 }
Solar Water Heaters are an efficient alternative to more traditional gas and electric powered water heaters. Water heaters powered by solar power (power collected by using the energy of sun light) provide heated water for homes. The main component of a solar water heater is a solar collector and a storage unit. The solar collector is used to capture the energy of sun light is usually formed using dark color glazed box with a dark inside. The glazed material is usually glass, though it is not always. There are also cylindrical pathways filled with water that flows continuously to be heated by the energy created in the solar panel. This device uses the suns radiation and turns it into useable energy or heat. The storage unit holds the water to be heated and used. Most solar water heaters work in this way, but they can fall into two categories: those which use some electricity to help move the water around via an electrical pump and those that use no electricity at all. This second type of heater uses only nature to help move the water around the unit. A batch unit is a simple tank or tanks that hold water in a solar collector. The water is heated and gravity pushes the heated water inside the pipes of a home for use. A thermosiphon unit is a tank which stores the water after it has been heated in the tubes of the solar collector. Then the water is pushed into the pipes of the home through natural convection. Some units are not totally solar powered. These use a small amount of electricity to move the water through the heater using an electric pump. Some of these units actually have two sets of cylinders inside the units. One set for the water to be heated and one set for a heat transfer liquid such as distilled water or antifreeze. In this case, the heat is transferred from the transfer liquid to the water to be used in the home. One type called a “drainback” unit actually has an interior storage tank to keep the liquid from being exposed to the elements. The transfer liquid drains back into a separate storage unit. Solar water heating systems are more costly to purchase in most cases than a gas or electric water heater. These systems are an economical choice because they use little or no electricity. This choice is also more environmentally friendly than gas or electric.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-23", "url": "http://darryllabicheac.com/2012/09/21/how-does-an-solar-water-heater-works/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-23/segments/1406510270399.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20140728011750-00458-ip-10-146-231-18.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9518600106239319, "token_count": 471, "score": 3.453125, "int_score": 3 }
Arts Education and Creativity in the Malawian Arts Industry Malawi is a small landlocked country in Sub-Saharan Africa with a population of over 18 million. Over the years, the country has made tremendous strides in developing its educational systems. In many communities of Malawi, music, dance and oral storytelling, locally known as Nthano, are integrated into everyday life, crossing social and cultural boundaries. These are most popular in the rural communities of the country. Just like in many parts of Africa, most Malawians know and enjoy cultural songs and dances, which share a cultural heritage. This culture has contributed to creating a platform for the growth of the arts in the country even though this culture is not generally perceived as an expression of art. The State of Arts Education in Malawi Malawi has a rich and diverse cultural heritage, which is a great foundation for the arts and arts education to blossom. The country has a conducive environment for creativity in literature, poetry, music, drama, choreography and fine arts. For Malawi, progress has been made to embrace arts education, however, it has been gradual. I only got introduced to arts education when I went to university in 2008. Today, most students (as young as 3 years old) are exposed to the arts in reception classes (similar to pre-K in the United States), especially in metropolitan areas. Culture is part of what has shaped art in Malawi. Having worked in most rural communities of Malawi, I have encountered untapped skills and unutilized potential in the arts. This potential has the power to grow the arts industry and transform arts education if arts education can be embraced in Malawi schools and communities. Through pure force of will, passion, determination and persistence, artists in Malawi have and continue to create opportunities that contribute to the growth of the Malawian arts industry. Malawian Arts Industry: Meet Lawi Francis Phiri, widely known as Lawi, is a popular Malawian artist whose music reflects and represents Malawian culture and has become a great contributor to African music. As a musician, Lawi often uses his songs to promote positive change, including songs that advocate for young girls, girls’ education and youth in Malawi. As an artist, Lawi believes a few factors have led to the growth in the industry. He believes that the young generation has mastered the use of new technology and the internet to make their contribution to the industry. This has widened the spectrum exposing not only new talent and skills but also methods of how processes can be made shorter while realizing the best results. He further states that there is a hunger to bridge the gap between generations which contributed to the loss of valuable cultural information that went undocumented. Examples of this lost cultural information are folktales, dances, food recipes, musical instruments and their style of play, as well as visual artistic expressions. Digitization of previously recorded material presently available at the national archives, as well as the national broadcaster (Malawi Broadcasting Corporation), can help reveal more about Malawi’s historical background. Through that information, a roadmap can easily be developed for future generations. It’s high time Malawi gets intentional about the direction of arts education, which will help the development of support systems and structuring of departments within the arts sector. With technology, there may be a need for more training and the establishment of arts education centers, which can also help improve unemployment in the country through scholarships to the skilled young population domiciled in rural communities. The Malawian arts industry is worth many millions of dollars. If the right structures and policies are put in place, the contribution will be immeasurable. The Malawian arts industry has the power to not only attract foreign investment but greatly boost tourism which inevitably supports the economic status of the country.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.aep-arts.org/arts-education-and-creativity-in-the-malawian-arts-industry/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710869.86/warc/CC-MAIN-20221201185801-20221201215801-00547.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9630244970321655, "token_count": 789, "score": 2.59375, "int_score": 3 }
Max Planck Institute: You could buy tools like the Neanderthals used off the Internet today |August 26, 2013||Posted by News under Human evolution, News| But they were really, really primitive, remember? Here’s the Max Planck Institute’s page on Neanderthal tools specialized for working leather: Microwear analysis conducted by Yolaine Maigrot of the CNRS on of one of the bone tools shows traces compatible with use on soft material like hide. Modern leather workers still use similar tools today. “Lissoirs like these are a great tool for working leather, so much so that 50 thousand years after Neandertals made these, I was able to purchase a new one on the Internet from a site selling tools for traditional crafts,” says Soressi. “It shows that this tool was so efficient that it had been maintained through time with almost no change. It might be one or perhaps even the only heritage from Neandertal times that our society is still using today.” These are not the first Neandertal bone tools, but up to now their bone tools looked like stone tools and were made with stone knapping percussive techniques. “Neandertals sometimes made scrapers, notched tools and even handaxes from bone. They also used bone as hammers to resharpen their stone tools,” says McPherron. “But here we have an example of Neandertals taking advantage of the pliability and flexibility of bone to shape it in new ways to do things stone could not do.” No doubt they were overly familiar with both substances. They would probably have adapted very well to steel and plastic. Almost everyone does.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-22", "url": "http://www.uncommondescent.com/human-evolution/max-planck-institute-you-could-buy-tools-like-the-neanderthals-used-off-the-internet-today/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-22/segments/1432207927592.52/warc/CC-MAIN-20150521113207-00175-ip-10-180-206-219.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9705955386161804, "token_count": 368, "score": 2.984375, "int_score": 3 }
- Published by: - Dilyan Damyanov Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"40 pages Perfect-bound In this issue we look closer into heroes and heroism as a concept in video games. Are there any? To the ancient Greeks, who invented the word, a hero, or heroine, was typically a demigod or the progeny of a deity. Heroes often had suffered a personal loss or tragedy, but were able to stand up to all challenges and show courage from a position of weakness. A true hero was not perfect, according to Greek mythology. Overcoming one’s own flaws, fighting for the greater good and being ready to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others were the qualities of a hero. What is left of that ancient ideal in the heroes of today?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-22", "url": "http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/264965", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-22/segments/1432207930916.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20150521113210-00198-ip-10-180-206-219.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9580308198928833, "token_count": 166, "score": 2.953125, "int_score": 3 }
Cooperation and conflict between Irrawaddy dolphins and fishers of Chilika Lagoon, India Fisheries bycatch is a major threat to the Irrawaddy dolphin worldwide. Nonetheless, these dolphins are known to forage cooperatively with fishermen. The dolphin population in Chilika lagoon is small (<150 individuals), and population models suggest that it is declining. The main goal of this study is to document human-Irrawaddy dolphin interactions, focusing on how fishing at Chilika lagoon affects dolphin foraging. In particular, we will investigate dolphin foraging behaviour (with and without fishermen) using boat-based surveys, economic costs and benefits to fishermen of dolphin net-foraging, and the attitudes of fishermen towards dolphins. Knowledge gained will be used to develop a conservation education programme for local communities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://www.conservationleadershipprogramme.org/project/irrawaddy-dolphins-chilika-lagoon-india/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510300.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20230927135227-20230927165227-00849.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.905990481376648, "token_count": 174, "score": 2.59375, "int_score": 3 }
Antioxidants in Rosemary Components of rosemary are already known in the food industry as antioxidants for protecting packaged foods. Researchers at Fukuyama University in Japan recently reported research on the antioxidant activity of four diterpenoids—carnosol, carnosic acid, rosmanol, and epirosmanol—isolated from rosemary leaves. The damage resulting from the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes has been linked to coronary arteriosclerosis, diabetes, and cancer as well as aging. The Japanese study showed that two of the rosemary compounds, carnosol and carnosic acid, may protect tissues and cells against oxidative stresses. More research is under way.(1) Nasturtiums and Cancer Many North Americans plant nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus) for their vivid colors and peppery flavor, but few are familiar with their medicinal uses. In Peru, Colombia, and Brazil, where nasturtiums are native, they are traditionally used as an antispasmodic, stimulant, antimicrobial, and antiscorbutic. Moreover, the leaves and flowers contain benzyl isothiocyanate, which has been shown to inhibit and protect against various carcinogens. Scientists in Portugal and the United Kingdom recently produced benzyl isothiocyanate by tissue culture of nasturtium cells. When they tested the purified compound against various human and animal cancer cell lines, they found that within two hours it selectively killed cells of all cancer cell types tested; the effects were not reversed when the compound was removed. Although many substances will kill cultures of mammalian cancer cells in test systems, the benzyl isothiocyanate from nasturtiums is unusual in showing rapid, selective, and irreversible activity, paving the way for more intensive research on the compound.(2) The Promise of Holy Basil Ocimum sanctum, known variously as holy basil, sacred basil, or green tulsi, is increasingly seen in American herb gardens. The herb is one of India’s most famous medicinal plants. The leaf juice has been taken internally to treat fevers, malaria, and bronchitis, and externally to treat ringworm and other skin diseases. It is also a folk remedy for cancer. In a recent preliminary study, researchers in India found that an ethanol leaf extract of holy basil administered to mice significantly reduced the number of mice that developed tumors, as well as the mean number of tumors that each mouse developed. The extract may accelerate detoxification of carcinogens in the liver, or antioxidant components of the extract may protect against cancer. Given the positive results of this study, holy basil likely will be the subject of future research on cancer-preventive agents found in human diets.(3) The August/September 1995 issue of “Herbs for Health” reported on four clinical trials that showed that St.-John’s-wort (Hypericum perforatum) could be an effective treatment for mild forms of depression. In a recent review of all controlled clinical trials on the use of St.-John’s-wort for depression—fourteen studies conducted using a placebo for comparison and four studies comparing St.-John’s-wort extracts to standard antidepression drugs—the author concluded that eight of the placebo-controlled studies and three of the standard drug studies met the established criteria for acceptable design and that St.-John’s-wort extract was superior to a placebo and as effective as standard medications in alleviating symptoms of depression, with far fewer adverse reactions than standard medications. This study represents the first comprehensive review of the clinical literature published in English.(4) More on Feverfew Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is recognized for its ability to diminish the severity of migraine headaches (see “Herbs for Health”, October/November 1995), but it is also a major folk treatment for arthritis. A research group at the University of Reading in England recently identified a new flavonol in the leaves, flowers, and seeds, which they named tanetin. Biological tests showed that tanetin may inhibit compounds known to be inflammatory (anti-inflammatory activity in a number of other feverfew compounds had previously been identified). This study suggests the need for future research on possible antiarthritic applications of feverfew.(5) (1) Haraguchi, H., et al. Planta Med. 1995, 61:333–336. (2) Pintao, A. M., et. al. Planta Med. 1995, 61:233–236. (3) Prashar, R., and A. Kumar. Int. J. Pharmacog. 1995, 33:181–187. (4)Ernst, E. Phytomedicine 1995, 2(1): 67–71. (5) Williams, C. A., et al. Phytochemistry 1995, 38(1):267–270.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-50", "url": "http://www.motherearthliving.com/Health-and-Wellness/herbs-for-health-capsules-rosemary-antioxidant-nasturtiums-cancer", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-50/segments/1480698541321.31/warc/CC-MAIN-20161202170901-00175-ip-10-31-129-80.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9295523762702942, "token_count": 1040, "score": 3.109375, "int_score": 3 }
Portland December 12, 2017 7 Things You Didn’t Know About The History Of Portland Portland may have seen a rapid growth in the last couple decades but our city has seen many changes since its beginnings. Originally founded in 1851, the City of Roses went from the sleepy agricultural community to a bustling city in under a century. These are some of the interesting things that have happened along the way. 1. Our name comes from a coin flip When the original founders of Portland, Asa Lovejoy and Francis Pettygrove, looked upon the land known as The Clearing, they had no plan of an original name. Instead they used the time-tested best of three coin flip, which resulted in a Pettygrove win. Hailing from Portland, Maine, Pettygrove gave our city the same name. If Lovejoy would have won that day, we may have been known as Boston instead. 2. The rose garden was started to preserve species during WWI Established in 1917, the Portland International Rose Test Garden was created as a sanctuary for hybrid European roses that were feared would be wiped out during bombing in WWI. 3. Portlandia is second only to the Statue of Liberty This iconic statue is the second largest copper repoussé statue in the United States. Sculptor Raymond Kaskey owns the copyright to the statue and closely guards the reproduction of its image, a move that is thought to be the reason this gigantic statue has a low profile in the city and beyond. Standing at 34 feet 10 inches tall, it is hard to miss the statue on the Portland Building downtown. 4. The chainsaw was forever changed here Joseph Buford Cox left an indelible mark on the timber industry when he fashioned what is today known as the chipper type chain for chain saws. Based on the jaws of the larva of the timber beetle, Cox, who only reached the fifth grade, created a vital component of the chainsaw that is still in use in most chainsaws today. 5. The smallest park in the world is here Since its official recognition in 1971, Mill Ends Park has been noted by the Guinness Book of World Records as the smallest park in the world. After a light pole that was slated to be installed in 1948 never went up, a local newspaper columnist, Dick Fagan, named the park after his column in the newspaper. 6. Horse rings point to Portland's past These small rings found sporadically throughout the downtown area once had a very practical purpose: to tie up horses when in town. Thought to be from the early 1900s, many of the rings were removed during new sidewalk construction, however, after a resident complained in the 1970s about the dwindling rings, they are now preserved by the city as part of any new sidewalk construction project. 7. Benson Bubblers were initially installed to stop drinking on the job At the time that Simon Benson donated the money for the installation of the now iconic 4-bowl drinking fountains around town, his main purpose was not to make sure everyone stayed hydrated. Instead, he wanted to offer an alternative to the pubs downtown and steer the lumberjacks on his clock away from drinking on the job. What is your favorite interesting Portland history fact? Let us know in the comments below. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-49", "url": "https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/oregon/portland/history-of-portland/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-49/segments/1669446710968.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20221204072040-20221204102040-00052.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9761953949928284, "token_count": 697, "score": 2.625, "int_score": 3 }
Problem & Solution Essay, Part 4 Goal: To further expand our research on a “local” problem/issue and to explore additional solutions that may address this problem/issue, and may help prevent it from happening again. For this assignment, you have been looking at a problem/issue that has affected you or people around you. You may have felt stuck in your writing by the limited amount of information you gathered last week. So…this week is your chance to try to find more information about your topic. In order to expand on your research, it will be important that you first understand what the main theme of your subject is. For example, imagine you are writing about a new law that requires all San Francisco Middle School students to have their backpacks searched when they walk in the door of school. What is the MAIN ISSUE of this new law? What is the theme of this problem? Is it: Student rights? Is it privacy? __________________________________________________________________________________________ When you know what your essay’s theme is, it may be easier for you to find more information about it, or to at least find new ways to expand on what you already have written. Try identifying some themes of your issue below by circling words that could be applied to the issue/problem you are researching: Don’t see your theme below? Write what you think a theme or themes could be for your issue?_____________________________________________________________________________________ Now that you have a few new words to describe your issue/problem, let’s look at some websites you could use to expand your research. The following websites are places you can visit that may be helpful in developing your essay from a 3.0 to a 4.0 on the rubric. Remember, for a 4.0 on the rubric it says: The author’s purpose of writing is very clear, and there is strong evidence of attention to audience. The author’s extensive knowledge and/or experience with the topic is/are evident. Also remember for a 4.0: There is one clear, well focused topic. Main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed and accurate information. Websites to expand your research: http://www.multcolib.org/homework/sochc.html (good website that helps students who are researching current social issues from multiple perspectives.) http://www.merriam-webster.com/ (a dictionary to help you understand difficult words). http://www.lburkhart.com/middle/ref_middle.htm (this is a HUGE website with tons of different links to online resources that may help you find more information on your topic). http://www.ipl.org/ (this site is a comprehensive source of information. All you have to do is type in your subject, and it will find sites for you). World Book Encyclopedia (http://tinyurl.com/7g4dflm) (remember when you created a username and password for yourself? Try it out!) Opposing Viewpoints from SFPL: Find "pro" and "con" arguments on controversial social issues. http://sfpl.org> eLibrary> Articles and Databases> click on "O" for Opposing Viewpoints. A library card # and personal password are required to access the information in the database. United Nation’s Cyber School Bus has resources for students aged 5-18, and curricular tools on a range of global issues like poverty and human rights. http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/ If none of these sites help you, try Google to see if you can find more information on subject/issue. What theme(s) can you find for your topic? Explain. What NEW information have you found on your topic? What NEW information have you found that EXPERTS ARE TALKING ABOUT? For example, what do other people think about your topic? Why is it a problem? What is its solution?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-17", "url": "http://apg-sfusd-ca.schoolloop.com/problemessay", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-17/segments/1492917123097.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20170423031203-00134-ip-10-145-167-34.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9235087037086487, "token_count": 835, "score": 2.6875, "int_score": 3 }
Rwanda: “Telling stories opens children’s minds” By Lia Mollvik, Save the Children, Rwanda On 10 September, around 40 preschoolers and their parents were in Rugasari ECCD centre in Ruhango district, Rwanda, discovering new ways to enjoy reading. There was singing and playing; a session facilitator read aloud from a big book in Kinyarwanda (the local language). The children commented frequently on the story, which was about a man who loses his hat. When the facilitator read how the hat was finally returned to the man by a dog, one child wisely pointed out, to the amusement of the parents, that dogs do not wear hats. The benefits of storytelling After the session, 5-year-old Emmeline said she was happy to hear the story about the man whose hat had blown away, but her favourite story is the one her mother usually tells her. With a smile, Emmeline’s mother said: “Telling stories opens children’s minds.” Emmeline’s mother highlighted an important truth: that reading is a route into other people’s experiences. It’s a spark for imagination, a tool for dreaming and creating – and a way to promote compassion for others in the very young. These are just a few of the benefits of literacy. Focusing on the quality of education In Rwanda, many children who complete primary school lack the ability to read and write proficiently but the country has made real efforts to improve children’s literacy. In 2013, researchers from Stanford University, in partnership with Save the Children and the Rwanda Education Board, conducted an assessment of reading levels among first graders in Gicumbi district. The study revealed that many children had a poor grasp of basic skills such as letter identification. On average, students at the end of first grade could only identify 8 out of 24 letters of the alphabet, with a mere 4% being able to identify all the letters. Rwanda Literacy Week Rwanda’s Ministry of Education is trying to improve children’s literacy skills is through the Rwanda Reads Initiative, through which the Rwanda Education Board and various international and national organisations aim to nurture a culture of reading in Rwanda. This year, the Ministry of Education extended International Literacy Day: those pre-schoolers were learning about reading right in the middle of Rwanda Literacy Week. Other activities during the week included reading contests, storytelling events, book fairs and visits to mobile libraries, hosted by various international and local organisations. Raising awareness on literacy The Rwanda Education Board also held a two-hour TV and radio live call-in conference to discuss the importance of literacy and how everyone can actively engage in literacy promotion. Rwanda Literacy Week is a good example of ways in which governments and development partners can work together to raise awareness of the importance of literacy. The hope is that a culture of reading will spread across the whole nation, and adults as well as children will reap the benefits.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-33", "url": "https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/blogs/2014/rwanda-telling-stories-opens-childrens-minds", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-33/segments/1659882573533.87/warc/CC-MAIN-20220818215509-20220819005509-00787.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9611173868179321, "token_count": 647, "score": 3.4375, "int_score": 3 }
30 Apr Blue Light Blocker Blue Light Blocker Our environment is changing rapidly from our technology lead lifestyles to the way we are lighting our homes, offices, cars and public places. For some they are aware of the effects this light intensity brings while others tolerate the visual demands with a certain inevitable resignation. The truth of the matter is with both the extent and time we are using digital devices for our work, entertainment and communication and the shift from the old sulphur lighting to new LEDs, we are being exposed to a high energy light referred to as HEV, high energy visible light. The range of the spectrum to which we refer is the transition of light from UV to our visible spectrum, blue light. All computers, tablets, smartphones and modern digital displays emit this blue light. We now know that by blocking or reducing this blue light exposure, eye fatigue and eye strain can be reduced. It also has a bigger implication for our natural body clock and in particular our sleep patterns. Several studies on this effect have been carried out, the most recent on 10,000 Norwegian students assessing their media use and the effects on their sleep pattern. The white light we are surrounded by in today’s indoor lifestyle has a large amount of this HEV / blue light. We know this short wavelength high energy light penetrates to the back of the eye falling on the retina. Never before have we had such an intensity and daily exposure of this type of light. Our body has a natural clock which brings us around in the mornings increasingly bringing us to full alertness, to slowing down our body in the evening and night to prepare for sleep. We know daylight plays a role in this regulation. The artificial white HEV light we use in our homes with LED and emitted from digital devices imitate natural light confusing our cycle. This is particularly problematic for children and teenagers as their eyes are so clear they are getting increased transmission and thus exposure to this HEV light. We are encouraging people and particularly parents to regulate where possible the use of digital devices around bedtime. Melatonin is the hormone our bodies naturally release in the evenings. The level of melatonin steadily rises until bedtime.We now know that HEV/blue light exposure in the evenings and at night suppresses the release of melatonin and thus our preparation for sleep. Where possible we offer a new BlueControl filter on the spectacle lens for our patients . This clear lens filter built into their prescription specifically reduces the exposure to HEV/blue light protecting us from the fatigue and eye strain associated with long term computer use and the effect of using these devices at night time, on sleep pattern. For those that do not need glasses we offer an adhesive screen filter, a blue light blocker, that can be attached to any device, various sizes are available, and this significantly reduces the blue light transmittance from the device without compromising the clarity and quality of the image. We feel Ocushield filters are an ideal place to start for the young digital user. These inexpensive filters are highly effective, attaching one to any digital device. We are fully aware of the benefits of technology and how it can enhance all of our lives. Digital devices are here to stay, so we strive to reduce the detrimental effects that they an have on our vision. Feel free to contact us directly if you need further information, or have any questions on the topic [email protected] or call 01 8089013. Perhaps add a comment below.
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When Rodolfo Valdez moved to the United States from Venezuela 21 years ago, he lost weight because he couldn’t speak English and couldn’t order food. Then, as he became more comfortable with the American lifestyle (obviously a little too comfortable, he concedes), he packed on 20 pounds. He has since figured out where he went wrong, has regained his trim physique, and, as an epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is trying to stop the increasing problem of Latino obesity. Weight gain eventually affects many Latino immigrants who, for the most part, eat healthier and get more exercise before coming to the U.S. than after. The problem, which can lead to chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, is being studied by Valdez and other public health practitioners and faculty from around the country. Experts visited Notre Dame this summer to participate in an Institute for Latino Studies (ILS) workshop titled “Latino Obesity: Using Research for Understanding and Action” in an effort to address the social, cultural and economic factors associated with obesity among Latinos. According to the CDC, overweight and obesity in the U.S. occur at higher rates in racial and ethnic minority populations, and those of low socioeconomic status within those groups are most vulnerable to obesity. Its related diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, cancer and heart disease, also are found in higher rates among minorities. Valdez, along with experts from the Pan American Health Organization, various community-based health groups and higher education, discussed the epidemiology of obesity across the U.S. and within Latino communities and collaborated on research methods, data sources and intervention models. He says much of the problem can be blamed on a “health transition.” “First-generation Latinos just arriving in the U.S. are not typically obese,” Valdez says. “Actually, they are leaner than people who have been living here for some time because they eat healthier and get more exercise, but as they stay here longer they adopt the customs here, perhaps buying their first car, watching television and playing video games, and they start gaining weight. Third-generation Latinos begin to become healthier because they become more educated about why they got fat, why it’s not good and what they need to do about it.” In Chicago, where the ILS conducts much of its research on the city’s growing Latino population, Puerto Rican native Aida Giachello is founder and director of the Midwest Latino Health Research, Training, and Policy Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She also works with the center’s diabetes community action coalition. “The coalition promotes healthy eating and diabetes education through classes, health fairs, media campaigns and newsletters,” she explains. “We also work with restaurants and grocery stores to make sure they offer healthier options for their customers.” The job is fraught with frustrations for Giachello and her colleagues. “Many people are in denial about having diabetes, believing it’s a temporary condition or that they only have `a touch’ of it,” she says. “Also, losing weight isn’t easy and it’s difficult to teach people to change their lifestyles. Those who do want to eat more fruits and vegetables can’t afford them, and many who need help are illiterate, forcing the coalition to provide time-consuming one-on-one counseling. Also, there’s a constant lack of funding.” Notre Dame’s annual Latino Research Workshops complements affiliations the ILS has with the IUPLR (Inter-University Program for Latino Research) and the U.S. Census Bureau. “With all five workshops the objectives have been to develop the capacity to effectively use available data from the Census Bureau and other sources to conduct research on Latinos,” says Timothy Ready, ILS research director. “This year, with support from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health, we’re working to help alleviate the problem through culturally informed and well-researched interventions to affect eating patterns and physical activity, ultimately improving the fitness and health of Latinos and reversing the trend toward obesity and its many related health problems.” As some of the country’s leading epidemiologists consider the information generated through the workshop, they’re drafting research and grant proposals to influence policy work and program planning. At Notre Dame, new opportunities are emerging as well. “We are becoming more involved in addressing the health needs of Latino communities,” Ready says. “We are expanding the ways in which the University is responsive to the needs and interests of diverse communities.” Originally published by newsinfo.nd.edu on September 01, 2006.at
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More than $100 trillion in public and private spending could be saved between now and 2050 if the world expands public transportation, walking and cycling in cities, according to a new report released by the University of California, Davis, and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Additionally, reductions in carbon dioxide emissions reaching 1,700 megatons per year in 2050 could be achieved if this shift occurs. Further, an estimated 1.4 million early deaths associated with exposure to vehicle tailpipe emissions could be avoided annually by 2050 if governments require the strongest vehicle pollution controls and ultralow-sulfur fuels, according to a related analysis by the International Council on Clean Transportation included in the report. Doubling motor vehicle fuel economy could reduce CO2 emissions by an additional 700 megatons in 2050. “The study shows that getting away from car-centric development, especially in rapidly developing economies, will cut urban CO2 dramatically and also reduce costs,” said report co-author Lew Fulton, co-director of NextSTEPS Program at the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. “It is also critical to reduce the energy use and carbon emissions of all vehicles.” The report, A Global High Shift Scenario, is the first study to examine how major changes in transportation investments worldwide would affect urban passenger transport emissions as well as the mobility of different income groups. The findings should help support wider agreement on climate policy, where cleanup costs and equity between rich and poor countries are key issues. The report is being released Sept. 17 at the United Nations Habitat III Preparatory Meeting in New York, in advance of the Sept. 23 United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Summit, where many nations and corporations will announce voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including new efforts focused on sustainable transportation. “Transportation, driven by rapid growth in car use, has been the fastest growing source of CO2 in the world," said Michael Replogle, co-author of the study and managing director for policy at ITDP, a global New York-based nonprofit. “An affordable but largely overlooked way to cut that pollution is to give people clean options to use public transportation, walking and cycling. This expands mobility options, especially for the poor, and curbs air pollution from traffic.” The authors calculated CO2 emissions and costs from 2015 to 2050 under a business-as-usual scenario and a “High Shift” scenario where governments significantly increase investments in rail and clean bus transportation, and provide infrastructure to ensure safe walking, bicycling and other active forms of transportation. It also includes moving investments away from road construction, parking garages and other steps that encourage car ownership, freeing up resources for the needed investments. Cutting emissions across the world's cities Transportation in urban areas accounted for about 2,300 megatons of CO2 in 2010, almost one quarter of carbon emissions from the transportation sector. Rapid urbanization — especially in fast developing countries like China and India — will cause these emissions to double by 2050 in the business-as-usual scenario. Among the countries examined in the study, three stand out: - United States: Currently the world leader in urban passenger transportation CO2 emissions, the U.S. is projected to lower these emissions from 670 megatons annually to 560 megatons by 2050 because of slowing travel growth combined with sharp improvements in fuel efficiencies. But a high shift to more sustainable transportation options, along with fewer and shorter car trips related to communication technologies substituting for transportation, could further drop those emissions to about 280 megatons. - China: CO2 emissions from transportation are expected to mushroom from 190 megatons annually to more than 1,100 megatons, due in large part to the explosive growth of China’s urban areas, the growing wealth of Chinese consumers, and their dependence on automobiles. But this increase can be slashed to 650 megatons under the High Shift scenario, in which cities develop extensive clean bus and metro systems. The latest data show China is already sharply increasing investments in public transport. - India: CO2 emissions are projected to leap from about 70 megatons today to 540 megatons by 2050, also because of growing wealth and urban populations. But this increase can be moderated to only 350 megatons under the High Shift scenario by addressing crucial deficiencies in India’s public transport. Under the High Shift scenario, mass transit access worldwide is projected to more than triple for the lowest income groups and more than double for the second lowest groups. This would provide the poor with better access to employment and services that can improve their livelihoods. The study was funded by the Ford Foundation, ClimateWorks Foundation and Hewlett Foundation. About the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) is a global nonprofit that helps cities design and implement high-quality transit systems to make communities more livable, competitive and sustainable. ITDP works with cities worldwide to bring about transport solutions that cut greenhouse gas emissions, reduce poverty, and improve the quality of urban life. Please visit http://www.itdp.org for more information. About UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies The Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis is the leading university center in the world on sustainable transportation. It is home to more than 60 affiliated faculty and researchers, and 120 graduate students. ITS-Davis is partnered with government, industry, and nongovernmental organizations to inform policymaking and business decisions, and advance the public discourse on key transportation, energy and environmental issues. The U.S. Department of Transportation recently designated ITS-Davis as the lead university for the National Center on Sustainable Transportation. More information: http://www.its.ucdavis.edu/.
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|<<< Back to Training and Reference Materials Library||Printing Instructions| Frequently Asked Questions OSHA Office of Training and Education Rev. November 2004 Q: What is a respirator? A: A respirator is a protective facepiece, hood or helmet that is designed to protect the wearer against a variety of harmful airborne agents. Q: When is the use of respirators required? A: OSHA's respirator standard, 29 CFR 1910.134, requires the use of respirators to protect employees from breathing contaminated and/or oxygen-deficient air when effective engineering controls are not feasible, or while they are being instituted. Several other OSHA regulations also require the use of respirators. Q: Can any respirator be used? A: No, respirators shall be selected on the basis of hazards to which the worker is exposed (i.e., particulates, vapors, oxygen-deficiency, or combination). Also, OSHA requires the use of certified respirators. Q: Who certifies respirators? A: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Q: How can a certified respirator be recognized? A: On July 10, 1995, 30 CFR Part 11 certification procedures were replaced by 42 CFR Part 84 procedures. Under the 30 CFR Part 11 approval system, manufacturers were required to mark cartridges and filters with an abbreviated label that included a NIOSH/MSHA approval number ("TC number"). Under the 40 CFR Part 84 approval system, cartridges and filters are no longer marked with a "TC number". Instead, they are marked with "NIOSH", the manufacturer's name and part number, and an abbreviation to indicate the cartridge (e.g., OV, CL) or filter (e.g., N95, P100) type. All cartridges and filters are to be supplied with a matrix approval label, usually as an insert in the box. This label shows the NIOSH approved configurations and includes the "TC number", component parts, and cautions and use limitations. Nonpowered particulate respirators that were approved under 30 CFR Part 11 and use the "old" labeling were allowed to be manufactured and sold until July 10, 1998. Distributors were able to sell them and end-users were able to use them until their inventories were depleted. NIOSH established the 42 CFR Part 84 test criteria to simulate worst-case respirator use. NIOSH encourages users to discontinue the use of particulate respirators certified under 30 CFR Part 11 and switch to particulate respirators certified under 42 CFR Part 84. Samples of approval labels are shown on the following two pages. Q: Which class of Part 84 respirator should be used where a particular OSHA standard requires the use of a respirator with HEPA filtration? A: Where workers are exposed to a hazard that would require the use of a respirator with HEPA filtration, the appropriate class of respirator under the 42 CFR Part 84 certification is the Type 100 (N100, R100, or P100). Q: Why is a formal respirator program needed? A: A respirator program increases the chances of using a respirator correctly. A respirator will only protect if it is used correctly. Also, OSHA requires a number of written elements for all respiratory protection programs. Q: Who is in charge of the respirator program? A: The program must be administered by a trained program administrator who is qualified and knowledgeable in respiratory protection to run all aspects of the program. Q: What do employees need to know about the respirator program? A: Employers must establish and implement a written respiratory protection program with worksite-specific procedures and elements for required respirator use. The provisions of the program include procedures for selection, medical evaluation, fit testing, training, use and care of respirators. A: Proper respirator size is determined through a fit test. Employees using negative or positive pressure tight-fitting facepiece respirators must pass an appropriate fit test using the procedures detailed in OSHA's respirator standard. Q: Can employees check the fit of their own respirator? A: Yes, employees using tight-fitting facepiece respirators are required to perform a user seal check each time they put on the respirator. They must use the procedures in Appendix B-1 of 29 CFR 1910.134 or procedures recommended by the respirator manufacturer that the employer demonstrates are as effective as OSHA's procedures. Note that a fit test is a method used to select the right size respirator for the user. A user seal check is a method to verify that the user has correctly put on the respirator and adjusted it to fit properly, as illustrated below. Q: When is respirator fit testing required? A: Fit testing of all negative or positive pressure tight-fitting facepiece respirators is required prior to initial use, whenever a different respirator facepiece is used, and at least annually thereafter. An additional fit test is required whenever there are changes in the user's physical condition that could affect respirator fit (e.g., facial scarring, dental changes, cosmetic surgery, or an obvious change in body weight). The employer must be fit tested with the same make, model, style, and size of respirator that will be used. Q: What can be done if an employee has a very small face and has trouble being fit tested for a respirator? A: Manufacturers make several different sizes. Respirators may also vary in size from manufacturer to manufacturer. Users may be able to get a better fit by trying a respirator made by another manufacturer. In some cases, the use of powered air-purifying respirators may be appropriate. Employers must help employees find a suitable respirator. Q: Must employees see a doctor before they use a respirator? A: The employer must provide a medical evaluation to determine the employee's ability to use a respirator before the employee is fit tested or required to use the respirator in the workplace. Not all workers must be examined by a doctor. A physician or other licensed health care professional must perform the medical evaluation using the medical questionnaire contained in Appendix C of 29 CFR 1910.134 or an initial medical examination that obtains the same information. Q: What maintenance and care is required for respirators? A: The employer must provide for the cleaning and disinfecting, storage, inspection, and repair of respirators used by employees according to the procedures in 29 CFR 1910.134. Q: Can a respirator be used by more than one person? How often should it be cleaned and disinfected? A: Disposable respirators cannot be disinfected, and are therefore assigned to only one person. Disposable respirators must be discarded if they are soiled, physically damaged, or reach the end of their service life. Replaceable filter respirators may be shared, but must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each use before being worn by a different person, using the procedures in Appendix B-2 of 29 CFR 1910.134, or equally effective procedures recommended by the manufacturer. Q: How long can a particulate respirator be used before it must be discarded? A: Respirators with replaceable filters are reusable, and a respirator classified as disposable may be reused by the same worker as long as it functions properly. All filters must be replaced whenever they are damaged, soiled, or causing noticeably increased breathing resistance (e.g., causing discomfort to the wearer). Before each use, the outside of the filter material should be inspected. If the filter material is physically damaged or soiled, the filter should be changed (in the case of respirators with replaceable filters) or the respirator discarded (in the case of disposable respirators). Always follow the respirator filter manufacturer's service-time-limit recommendations. Employers must develop standard operating procedures for storing, reusing, and disposing of respirators that have been designated as disposable and for disposing of replaceable filter elements. Q: What is the proper way to store a respirator that is used routinely? A: Respirators must be stored to protect them from damage, contamination, dust, sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture, and damaging chemicals. They must also be packed or stored to prevent deformation of the facepiece and exhalation valve. A good method is to place them in individual storage bins. Keep in mind that respirator facepieces will become distorted and the straps will lose their elasticity if hung on a peg for a long time. Check for these problems before each use. Storing the respirator in a plastic sealable bag after use is not considered a good practice. The respirator may be damp after use and sealing prevents drying and encourages microbial growth. If plastic bags are used, respirators must be allowed to dry before storage. Q: Are there any additional requirements for the storage of emergency respirators? A: Yes, emergency respirators must be kept accessible to the work area and stored in compartments or in covers that are clearly marked as containing emergency respirators, and stored in accordance with any applicable manufacturer instructions. Q: What are the employer's obligations when respiratory protection is not required but employees wear respirators on their own accord? A: The employer must implement those elements of the written respiratory protection program necessary to ensure that any employee using a respirator voluntarily is medically able to use that respirator, and that the respirator is cleaned, stored, and maintained so its use does not present a health hazard to the user. Also, employers must provide the voluntary respirator users with the information contained in Appendix D of 29 CFR 1910.134. Employers are not required to include in a written respiratory program those employees whose only use of respirators involves the voluntary use of filtering facepieces (dust masks). Q: Is training required before a respirator is used? A: Yes, training must be provided to employees who are required to use respirators. The training must be comprehensive, understandable, and recur annually, and more often if necessary. This training should include at a minimum: Q: What can be done if employees find it difficult to talk with co-workers when wearing a respirator? A: Some respirators may interfere with speech more than others. Devices that enhance speech communication are available. Ask your program administrator if there are alternatives. Q: If employees have a beard or moustache, is their respirator still effective? A: Tight-fitting facepiece respirators must not be worn by employees who have facial hair that comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face or that interferes with valve function. Respirators that do not rely on a tight face seal, such as hoods or helmets, may be used by bearded individuals. Q: Can employees wear glasses while wearing a respirator? A: Yes, but if an employee wears corrective glasses or goggles or other personal protective equipment, the employer must ensure that such equipment is worn in a manner that does not interfere with the seal of the facepiece to the face of the user. Kits are available from all respirator manufacturers that allow the mounting of prescription lenses inside the respirator. Contact lenses can be worn with any type of respirator, but their use is not recommended in dusty atmospheres while wearing a half-mask facepiece. Q: If employees get a rash when they wear a respirator with a latex seal, how can this be prevented? A: Users might have an allergy or sensitivity to the latex or its additives used in the manufacture of some respirators. Changing to a respirator using a silicone-based compound for the face seal, or a respirator that doesn't have a face seal (like a hooded PAPR) may solve the problem. Employers must help employees find a respirator that does not cause this problem.
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Expensive Trade-Offs Of Free Trade CHIMALHUACAN, MEXICO — Despite the "globalization" boom going on around them, Mexicans are scraping by amid the ruins of ground zero. Few countries have so dramatically curtailed both state intrusion in the economy and barriers to foreign trade and investment. And few of them, as a result, have endured such bone-jangling tumult. In the mid-1980s, Mexico started slashing government spending and turned huge budget deficits into surpluses. It cut import tariffs, freed interest rates, and sold off state assets, including steel mills, banks, and utilities. Foreign investment gushed in. The value of the peso rocketed; real incomes surged; Mexico was declared an emerging powerhouse. One of the world's most profound free-market initiatives, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), spurred exports and supercharged investor enthusiasm. Money from the United States and other countries flooded into a liberalized service sector. In a dramatic display of the riches and risks of the free market, businesses financed by new foreign money drove hundreds of weak Mexican companies to ruin and threw thousands of Mexicans out of work. Still, foreign capital also created new service-sector jobs, especially in transportation, communications, and construction. Uncertainty crept up on the economy with the approach of a presidential election in August 1994 and investors began to cool to the sizzling peso. A flaring of domestic turmoil, including an uprising in the southern state of Chiapas and the assassination of a presidential candidate and other politicians, choked the flow of foreign capital to a trickle. The government financed the capital shortfall by dipping into the county's sizable reserves. But what began as a dipping rapidly became a draining. By year end, the peso and the stock market collapsed. The "peso crisis" plunged Mexico into recession, threw millions of workers into idleness, undercut hourly wages by 30 percent, and widened the gap between rich and poor. A typical worker like Ruben Rubio (see story, Page B1) last year had to toil about three times longer than in 1987 in order to buy the same basket of groceries, according to a study by economists at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City. There is bitter debate over whether NAFTA triggered the peso crash or merely intensified existing trends. Still, the trade agreement and free-market zeal raised hopes for prosperity among workers - a potent recipe for unrest. "Initially NAFTA created very high expectations, but those have not been realized, conditions for workers have gotten worse and so has their discontent," says Benedicto Martinez, national coordinator of the Authentic Labor Front in Mexico city. Voters last July, for the first time in nearly 70 years, denied the dominant Institutional Revolutionary Party a majority in Congress and elected an opposition candidate to the powerful Mexico City mayorship. So far, a nascent economic recovery has proved too weak to blunt unrest.
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The Fording River seems to run through paradise in the wild Canadian Rocky Mountains, but Environment Canada experts say it is so heavily polluted that fish are hatching with terrible deformities and dying by the thousands. Teck Coal Ltd. has long acknowledged their responsibility concerning a pollution problem in the Elk Valley, with the company spending $600-million over the next five years in an unprecedented effort to improve water quality. But two Environment Canada reports prepared as part of an ongoing investigation make it clear the problem is far worse than has been hitherto publicly acknowledged, with selenium poisoning causing westslope cutthroat trout to have misshaped heads, bent spines, deformed gill plates and missing fins. The reports, which were obtained by The Globe and Mail last week, were prepared by Environment Canada experts for the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, an agency that deals with regulatory and environmental crimes. Todd Gerhart, a Crown prosecutor, declined comment, saying he could neither confirm nor deny that Teck is under investigation. The documents, however, suggest Teck's operations near the small mining town of Sparwood, in southeastern B.C., have been under scrutiny for years. "In June and July 2012, under the authority of a General Warrant, Environment Canada enforcement staff assisted by authorized experts collected a limited number of samples from the TECK Fording River Operations and Greenhills Operations coal mines," Peter Krahn, a senior enforcement engineer with Environment Canada, writes in an expert witness report. Environment Canada was unable to find a spokesperson to discuss either Mr. Krahn's report or an accompanying document by Dennis Lemly, a U.S. authority on selenium pollution. In an e-mail, Mr. Lemly confirmed the authenticity of the documents, which are dated Sept. 25, but he declined comment. Mr. Krahn's report states that dissolved selenium levels in some tributary streams were up to 300 times above B.C.'s guidelines for the protection of aquatic life, and some samples found selenium "in excess of that which caused 100 per cent mortality in eggs and emergent fry." He also writes that calcium, magnesium and potassium are effectively paving the river bottom in some areas, destroying spawning beds by "forming a concrete matrix which … can only be broken with the force of hammer blows." Dr. Lemly's report states there is increasing evidence of fish mortality and "deformities, particularly the teratogenic skeletal and craniofacial deformities that are biomarkers of selenium poisoning." Fish are hatching, he states, with skull and jaw deformities so severe they can't feed. Dr. Lemly estimated about 180,000 trout die each year in the river because of selenium poisoning, which he warned has reached levels that "have the potential to completely eradicate fish populations" in the upper Fording. Doug Brown, manager of public affairs for Teck, said he couldn't discuss the reports in any detail because "it is still an ongoing matter" with Environment Canada. But he said the company will "review those reports and will respond as necessary." Mr. Brown said Teck has already acknowledged the environmental problem and has launched a valley-wide water-treatment program on a scale that hasn't been tried before in Canada. "We absolutely recognize water quality in the Elk Valley is a serious challenge and it requires serious and significant action to address and that's why we've been implementing extensive measures to date," he said. Mr. Brown said the company is working with all levels of government, First Nations, local communities and a science team in an effort to "stabilize and reverse the selenium trend" in the Elk Valley. "We absolutely accept the severity of this challenge. It's something we've invested significant time, energy and funds towards addressing," he said. Asked what he'd say to anglers who are worried because they are increasingly finding deformed fish in their catches, Mr. Brown replied: "Our employees live and work in the Elk Valley. No one cares more about ensuring that that watershed is protected than they do."
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-17", "url": "https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/new-reports-shed-light-on-fording-river-pollution-problems/article21078604/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-17/segments/1618038062492.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20210411115126-20210411145126-00561.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9634926319122314, "token_count": 857, "score": 2.53125, "int_score": 3 }
Men and women working as machinists, create precise mechanical parts and tools for engines and other automated products using power-operated machines. In addition to operating technical machinery, machinists are also responsible for reviewing product blueprints and specifications, planning and troubleshooting the production process, and ensuring the accuracy of the finished product they create. The Machine Technology operator/programmer certificate and degree programs are designed to prepare graduates for careers in the manufacturing industries. Topics within the programs include blueprint reading, computer-aided manufacturing (CAD CAM), machine shop math, extensive hands-on set up, and operating manual lathes and mills, as well as operating, and programming CNC machine tools. Machine Tool Technology is classified as an evolving occupation and the demand in careers for machinists is projected to remain steady and provide future employment growth and economic competitiveness within Texas. The program contains a progressive sequence of curriculum, with awards earned at milestone intervals. Tuition rates are based on residency. Get an estimate of your costs by using the Tuition & Fees chart. If you need assistance paying for college, financial aid is available in the form of book advances, grants, scholarships, loans, and more. For careers and median salaries, visit Career Star for more information. You have questions, we have answers. Complete the form to learn more, then start your free application.
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Typography Cheat Sheet [Infographic] Understanding type can be one of the most difficult elements of design. There’s a lot of terminology and lingo that type designers (and designers, in general) use when talking about lettering. Sometimes it can be tough to decipher it all. If you find yourself wondering what the difference between a hook and a counter are or you still aren’t sure how a serif and a slab are different, we have you covered with this typography cheat sheet. It describes all of the different aspects of lettering, from terminology to components to type styles and methods of typographic manipulation so you will have a better grasp on how to understand and use typography in your design projects. Are you ready to get started? We’ve got a great infographic to help you better understand the elements of typography.
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In Russia the Germans are using a new armored self-propelled gun, which bears at least an outward resemblance to the Pz. Kw. 6, the German tank often referred to as the "Tiger." The new self-propelled gun (see fig. 1) mounts an 88-mm cannon in a fixed turret, and has an over-all weight of 70 tons. Its maximum speed is reported to be not more than 12 miles per hour. Although the armor of the new weapon, especially the front armor, is said to be harder to pierce than that of the Pz. Kw. 6, the Russians have found the former easier to set afire. They have nicknamed it the |Figure 1a.—New German Heavy Self-propelled Gun (front view).| |Figure 1b.—New German Heavy Self-propelled Gun (side and rear view).| A Russian staff officer makes the following observations regarding the performance of the "Ferdinand" on the Orel and Belgorod fronts, where the Germans, counterattacking, used a number of the new heavy weapons and Pz. Kw. 6's as battering rams in an attempt to force breaches in the Russian lines. During one battle the enemy assaulted our positions with 300 heavily armored vehicles, among them were about 50 "Tigers" and "Ferdinands." While the battle was taking place along our forward positions, 12 of our own heavy self-propelled guns remained hidden in their earth fortifications. When about, 20 "Tigers" and "Ferdinands" broke through our forward lines, our self-propelled artillery moved out from their concealed positions in order to fire by direct laying. An ambush was prepared near the threatened area, and the pieces were camouflaged. Fire against the German armor was commenced when the attacking vehicles were about 500 yards away from our cannon. Our first rounds were successful. At 500 yards "Tigers" suffered gaping holes in their turret armor and side armor. At 300 yards we pierced their frontal armor, and blew their turrets clean off. Hits on the side armor at this range nearly split the vehicles in half. It was somewhat different with the "Ferdinands." Their armor—the front armor, in particular—was more difficult to pierce, but their tracks, suspension, and side and turret, armor were no harder to damage and destroy than those of the "Tigers." The Germans lost at total of 12 "Tigers" and six In another battle the same heavy armor of the enemy was engaged by our ordinary medium artillery, which used both special and regular ammunition. Three of our pieces were emplaced to form a triang1e; they were reasonably far apart. This triangular disposition permitted unusually effective fire against "Ferdinands." Although the "Ferdinand's" fire is very accurate, its fixed turret does not permit it to shift its fire rapidly. When the gun is caught in a triangle, it is virtually helpless, because while it engages one cannon the other two take pot-shots at its vulnerable points. If the piece directly in front of a "Ferdinand" does not disclose its position by firing, the other two can usually dispose of the big gun with no loss to ourselves. Obviously it is not always possible for us to arrange a battery in a triangle. Therefore, we require the closest possible cooperation between the pieces of a battery and also between neighboring Point-blank fire from our medium tanks in ambush armed only with the 45-mm cannon, has taken care of many "Tigers" and "Ferdinands," as have land mines, Molotov cocktails, and cannon fire from our fighter planes. It is also reported that the circular hole in the rear of the "Ferdinand's" fighting compartment is extremely vulnerable. This hole provides room for the recoil and the ejection of shells. Russian observers state that grenades or Molotov cocktails thrown into this opening can put the vehicle out of action. Note: As the Intelligence Bulletin goes to press, further information regarding the "Ferdinand" has been made available. It is reported that the crews consist of six men: A gun commander (usually a lieutenant, who is either a tank man or in artilleryman), a gunner, a driver-mechanic, a radio operator, and two additional gun crew "Ferdinands" are organized in battalions called "Heavy Tank-Destroyer Battalions." Each battalion consists of three gun companies, a headquarters company, a repair company. and a transport column. Each gun company consists of three platoons of four guns each. The company headquarters has three guns, making a total of 14 guns per company. The battalion headquarters company has two guns, a Pz. Kw. 3, and four On the offensive, the battalion moves in two echelons. The first echelon consists of two companies abreast, with each company in line and with a 100-yard interval between guns. The second echelon consists of the third company, also in line. The distance between echelons has not been Although the gun itself is excellent, the mounting has certain pronounced defects. (1) The gun can fire only to the front, and is effective only when stationary. (2) Poor vision from the fighting compartment allows more maneuverable tanks and antitank weapons to get in close to the gun.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-09", "url": "http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/ferdinand/index.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-09/segments/1518891812871.2/warc/CC-MAIN-20180220010854-20180220030854-00012.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9556871056556702, "token_count": 1197, "score": 2.859375, "int_score": 3 }
Telephone: 01926 613700 Mobile: 07811 673377 The History Squad is a professional historical interpretation company that injects energy into the presentation of history in schools. We deliver exciting workshops, assemblies and guided castle tours to hundreds of schools across and cover a wide range of topics from the Egyptians to the Second World War making us a great choice for all Key Stages. Using compelling storytelling, hands-on activities and astounding weaponry displays, we breathe life into history, making it fun for all those involved. Building A Castle This unique workshop is powerfully educational and utterly entertaining. The first phase of the workshop consists of building a scale model of a Motte and Bailey castle followed then by the construction of Rochester Castle keep and walls. The workshop looks at the development of castles, showing youngsters how castles were built and what the different areas were for etc. Within the workshop, as well as building the model, we can take a look at the attack and defence of the castle as well as day-to-day workings. I also come along in medieval costume and bring a number of artefacts to support the workshop and can also include an archery demonstration if required. This is a brilliant alternative to site visits. What you should know: This workshop works best with smaller groups of 20-30. In order to assemble the models we need at least four tables together in the centre of a room with enough room for the children to gather around. Sessions are flexible; the minimum duration of a single workshop is around 1 hour and the maximum duration is half a day, so sessions can be tailored to suit your timetable and class numbers. We can also deliver the Castle-build plus another topic workshop in one day if required to benefit maximum number of pupils (e.g. Castle Build & Romans). The weapons and equipment are heavy and can be dangerous, and can therefore only be handled if the students are orderly and there is room to do so. If an archery demonstration is required we need at least 75 metres of flat grassland to be able to shoot the longbow. Our risk assessment, liability insurance cover and DBS certificate are available on request. Share this page:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-29", "url": "http://school-workshops.com/squaducation---build-a-castle-1008.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593657139167.74/warc/CC-MAIN-20200712175843-20200712205843-00216.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9472081065177917, "token_count": 451, "score": 2.640625, "int_score": 3 }
For quite some time now, scientists have been wondering whether there has been any connection between phases of the moon and crime rates. Moon, by some accounts, is massive object in the sky that affects, for example, the cycle of tidal waves or the growth of plants. Some mentally unstable individuals claim to be attracted by the full moon, others experience sleep disorders and anxiety. Artists are fascinated by the full moon and its depiction might be found on many famous works of art (for instance, Van Gough's). There have been many recorded cases of sleepwalking caused by what doctors believe to be the change in moon cycles. For many people the causality is straightforward: the moon attracts the Earth's waters and governs its seas' and oceans' tides and because human body consists of 80% of liquids, why should not the moon attract these liquids too? There are lots of studies dealing with what is called “the lunar effect”. For instance, Templer, Veleber, and Brooner (1982) claimed in their study that an unusual number of traffic accidents occurred during the evenings right around the full and new moons (although later the same researchers came up with an explanation that during the time period covered in their study a disproportionate number of full and new moons felt on weekends and traffic accidents are always higher on weekends). A study of homicides in Dade County, Florida (Lieber and Sherin, 1972) found an upsurge in killings in the 24 hours before and after the full moon. Other researchers, however, argued that the Dade County researchers employed dubious statistical methods (when the numbers were reevaluated, the pattern disappeared altogether). Rotton and Kelly (1985) conducted a meta-analysis of 37 studies of the moon's effect on things like psychiatric admissions, suicides and crime (they called it BILE (Belief in Lunar Effects)). The researchers found that the moon accounted for no more than 0.03 of 1 percent of the monthly variation. The results of the BILE study indicated that there was a greater belief in lunar effects in the older participants than in the younger ones. The researchers also determined that belief in lunar effects appears to be based on age and not on social class or education. Another study (Jorgenson, 1981) concluded that persons with an external locus of control were more likely to believe in lunar effects on human behavior than would persons who possess an internal locus of control. Rotton, Kelly, and Elortegui did a follow-up study in 1986 to determine if belief in lunar effect on human behavior was more predominant in police officers and people working in psychiatric areas than among other people. It turned out that police officers exhibited a high belief in lunar effect as opposed to a lower belief by regular people. However, psychiatric care workers did not seem to give any credit to lunar effect. The explanation might be that they were influenced by articles in recent scientific journals regarding research being done in this area. Most recently, Leflet (2009) examined a correlation between lunar phases, criminal activity and crisis calls. He conducted a study of individuals arrested by law officials and emergency calls made within the St. Joseph, Missouri area for a two-month period beginning July 17, 1999, and ending September 12, 1999. On the basis of the study, he concluded that common folklore concerning the effect of the changes in lunar phase and human behavior is unsubstantiated. However, the study had one limitation: namely that the observation period was conducted for two months, which is a relatively short period of time. In spite of all that, there definitely should be some connection (and it probably is), however our story twists here to examine a quite more bizarre causality. We would like to look at the available data of crime rates for various countries and by comparing and matching the crime statistics (especially murder statistics) with phases of full moon try to answer the question: Would the existence of werewolves be possible in the world we live in? Unlike vampires, werewolves are far more primitive creatures by all accounts. They ravish in the depth of the forests, kill animals and people and their bite might turn a human into a werewolf. In addition, unlike vampires who are in that state permanently, werewolves do not differ from humans most of the time. Turning into a wolf (or a beer or a jaguar) is triggered by the full moon and usually happens once a month. According to the most of the accounts described in popular literature, comic books and films, many werewolves do not actually know they are werewolves because their memory is gone every time they transform themselves from their human to their animal form and back (see Jack Nicolson's "The Wolf"). It is not completely clear how they multiply, although the werewolf gene might be transferred by bloodlines (see Stephanie Meyer’s “Twilight Saga” for instance). Therefore, for the purpose of this research we can assume that the only way werewolves might strengthen their numbers, is by biting humans and turning them into werewolves. In most of the cases, however, werewolves kill their victims. Therefore, a sudden surge in crime rate during full moon phases in various countries, controlled by the place of occurrence (forested areas might be the best candidate for werewolves’ appearance), might provide us with a good lead in our attempt to answer the question about the existence of such creatures as werewolves. We are going to give it a thought (and conduct our research using all available data we will be able to get our hands on) and inform all our blog readers about our results soon. Keep reading our blog and see you later, alligators (or werewolves)?
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2016-30", "url": "http://supernaturaleconomics.blogspot.com/2012/01/lunar-phases-and-crimes-do-werewolves.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2016-30/segments/1469257823387.9/warc/CC-MAIN-20160723071023-00042-ip-10-185-27-174.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.969208300113678, "token_count": 1158, "score": 3.1875, "int_score": 3 }
By Peter de Lange A recent survey of Rarotonga’s little plants – the liverworts and mosses – has established that all is not well in the volcanic island’s forests. The plants, often dubbed the ‘canaries in the cage’ of the plant world because of their sensitivity to ecosystem change, are drowning under an onslaught of weeds that have spread from people’s gardens. This is a serious matter as these plants, known collectively as bryophytes, help prevent soil erosion and purify rainwater – still the main water source for Rarotonga’s inhabitants. With the island’s booming tourism industry, the demand for water is increasing and, coupled with global warming, means that island droughts are now a looming concern. I was privileged to be joined on the survey team by Matt von Konrat, Head of Collections at the Field Museum in Chicago and Mereia Tabua, Scientific Officer at the University of the South Pacific in Fiji. Working closely with the Cook Island government, we completed 10 days of field work on Rarotonga between late September and early October last year. This was the first significant survey ever conducted on Rarotonga and a critical initial step toward understanding the bryophyte diversity of the island. From the island’s spectacular coastal cay, lowland forest, stream catchments, cloud forest, jagged mountains and soaring rock outcrops, we have identified more than 150 species of liverworts and mosses. But we were disturbed to see how dry the island’s cloud forest was. Merely walking through them elicited cracks and crunches as the ground-cover liverworts and mosses had shrivelled to a point of being tinder dry. Although these plants can recover with only a little rain, sustained drought will eventually kill them and as they dry out they heighten the fire risk. More concerning was the fact that cloud forest stream systems that usually flow year round were virtually dry. These streams feed into the main water supply for the island, nourishing not only people but the island’s unique flora and fauna. It was disturbing to note how a range of weed species that derive from historical garden escapes, accidental introductions and long-distance dispersal from other neighbouring weedy Pacific Islands, are literally pulling the forest down. Added to this, we failed to find the beautiful white-flowered shrub, the unique Rarotonga cyrtandra (C. rarotongensis). Only four plants were found in 2010 and two in 2014. Another island speciality, a fern (Asplenium schisotrichum) that grew along lowland stream sides, has now not been seen for 20 years. There is now a very real concern that these species are extinct. If so, what has else has been lost? As for the little plants, the bryophytes that we all take for granted, it’s important to know that they have a multitude of uses, including purification of the water supply, potential medicinal treatments and, of course, the enhancement to natural beauty. If the ongoing weed invasion continues, the island’s forested ecosystems will deteriorate further, some to the point of collapse, potentially leading to polluted water sources, increased soil erosion and further deterioration of the island’s lagoon system. The spread of garden plants is not the only issue: Two mosses (feather moss, and a species of Fissidens) were found in car parks at Avarua, the capital of the Cook Islands. They could only have arrived by human traffic, most likely from Australia or New Zealand where they are now well established. While the study has more work to do, initial indications show that unless measures are taken to tighten biosecurity, control the spread of weeds, and restrict water usage, Rarotonga’s beautiful verdant tropical vista may soon be replaced by a global weed flora. The result may be not just the loss of its unique flora but also its iconic bird life, including the Rarotongan Flycatcher or kakarori, a species brought back from the brink of extinction over the last 30 years. The impact of humanity is being felt all over the world and it’s vital that we make moves to protect indigenous biodiversity wherever we can. Although the survey is still in its early days, we’ll be doing further work to investigate the conservation status of the bryophyte plants and establish their ecological and cultural significance. Peter de Lange is an Associate Professor (Botany, Ecology, Plant Conservation, Biosystematics) in the Department of Environmental and Animal Sciences at Unitec. His research interests include plant biosystematics and biogeography (with a special interest in insular flora), plant conservation and management, threat classification systems, the cytogenetics and ecology of island endemic plants and ethnobotany. He also has an interest in Quaternary Earth Sciences. He holds an M.Sc. (Hons) in Palaeoecology and Tephrochronostratigraphy from the University of Waikato, and a PhD in Plant Biosystematics from the University of Auckland. He is also an Adjunct Professor of the Department of Natural Sciences, University of Sassari, Sardegna, Italy. He previously worked for the former DSIR Botany Division (1984-1985), Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries in the Aquatic Plants Division (1989-1990) and Department of Conservation as a Research Scientist (1990-2017). He has published over 170 papers in peer-reviewed literature, and 20 books – mostly on threatened plant conservation, management, biosystematics and island flora.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "url": "https://sciblogs.co.nz/field-work/2018/02/01/rarotongas-little-plants-facing-big-problems/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195529480.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20190723151547-20190723173547-00365.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.94496750831604, "token_count": 1197, "score": 3.390625, "int_score": 3 }
There are many differences which are seen in a single language among different communities of people. These differences justify the dialects which exist from region to region in a country. Spanish has a rich history among different continents. Here are a few of the dialects which exist. Spain (Peninsular Spanish) - Castilian: This is the term which is basically used to signify the official Spanish language which is used or spoken in the region of northern and central Spain. - Andalusian: This dialect is mostly spoken in the region of southern Spain and is considered the second most popular dialect after Castilian. It is quite different to its northern Spanish counterparts due to the emission of the consonants ‘d’ and ‘r’, the aspiration of the consonant ‘s’ at the end of words and finally the dropping of the final consonants. It sounds softer and more fluid compared to the other dialects. - Murcian: This particular dialect is spoken in an autonomous region which is considered as the community of Murcia and is located in the southeast of Spain. - Distinct Language Groups: There are also other dialects. Among which is Catalan which is the official language of Andorra and is also spoken in a few parts of northern Spain. - Canarian: This is the dialect of the Spanish Canary Islands which also resembles the Caribbean Spanish Dialect. It is characterised by the aspirated ‘s’ which is an elided consonant and also the pronunciation of the letter ‘h’. - Latin America Spanish: This particular dialect is popular among the urban mainland of Mexico, Columbia and also most of the Central and South American Countries. Spanish is spoken differently here than in other locations. This is to differentiate it and the Spanish which is spoken in Spain. - Rioplatense Spanish: This is mainly spoken in the river basin region which is located between Argentina and Uruguay. The main difference between this dialect and other Spanish dialects is the intonation of its speakers. - Caribbean Spanish: Highly popular in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and also around the east coast of Mexico and also in Central America. - Equatoguinean Spanish: This is the only official Spanish spoken in Africa. It has incorporated some of the vocabulary and pronunciation patterns of both the native Guineans and also of immigrant Germans from Cameroon. - Coda: If you decide to take Spanish lessons it is important to confirm what dialect will be taught. It most cases it will be Castilian which is used in 98% of cases, but you should also consider where you will be using your Spanish. As you can see there are many different types of Spanish dialects. Each of them has their own peculiarities which make them popular among those who need them in certain regions.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-40", "url": "https://adgloriam-translations.com/types-of-spanish-language-spanish-dialects/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-40/segments/1664030335257.60/warc/CC-MAIN-20220928145118-20220928175118-00392.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9778882265090942, "token_count": 593, "score": 3.75, "int_score": 4 }
There was nothing to suggest that the birth of their third son, Olaoluwa, would be anything but a complete success, especially when he was delivered via a Caesarian Section, which was considered safe enough. Olaoluwa was delivered prematurely and at birth, he had presented with the umbilical cord around the neck. The physician severed the cord quite alright, but it was one singular event that changed the course of the infant’s life — he suffered brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen (asphyxia) before the cord was cut. Child and Public Health Physician, Dr. Rotimi Adesanya, says nuchal cord (or Cord Around the Neck) occurs when the umbilical cord becomes wrapped around the foetal neck 360 degrees. He explains, “Asphyxia, a lack of oxygen in the brain caused by an interruption in breathing or poor oxygen supply, is common in babies due to the stress of labour and delivery. But even though a newborn’s blood is equipped to compensate for short-term low levels of oxygen, if the supply of oxygen is cut off or reduced for lengthy periods, an infant can develop a type of brain damage called hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, which destroys tissue in the cerebral motor cortex and other areas of the brain. “This kind of damage can also be caused by severe maternal low blood pressure, rupture of the uterus, detachment of the placenta, or problems involving the umbilical cord.” Experts say the risk of cerebral palsy is higher among babies who weigh less than 2.2kg at birth or are born less than 37 weeks into pregnancy. “The risk increases as birth weight falls or weeks of gestation shorten,” experts warn. Adesanya says most CAN cases are not associated with perinatal morbidity (disability) and mortality (death). He does agree, though, that in some foetuses and newborns “CAN may cause problems, especially when the cord is tightly wrapped around the neck.” That was the case with Olaoluwa who is currently living with cerebral palsy, and once endured an 18-hour surgery to correct the curvature of his backbone as a result of his neuromuscular conditions. In order to make his back functional, his mom says, Olaoluwa, now 17, has 45 bolts and three rods implanted in his spine. For retired Air Vice Marshal Femi Gbadebo and his ex-varsity don wife, Alaba, it’s been a journey of a life time showing unprecedented love to their son, while at the same time doing all that is possible to sensitise members of the public to the disorder, with the overall goal of helping indigent families who have children suffering from cerebral palsy. Though the doctors did not suspect that the CAN had done some damage to Olaoluwa at birth, Alaba says she started noticing that something was wrong when, for the first three months after his birth, Olaoluwa was colicky and always crying. “By the fourth month, he still didn’t have control over his neck and he choked on his foods, including the breast milk, as he simply couldn’t swallow anything. The disorder was only diagnosed when he was six months old,” Alaba says. When the reality of the situation dawned on her, Alaba realised that she needed much time to take special care of her son. She therefore gave up her job as a lecturer at the Kano State College of Science and Remedial Studies. Each time they speak about Olaoluwa, the Gbadebos’ eyes light up with unpretentious affection, but Alaba confesses that taking care of a child with cerebral palsy requires so much — love and care, emotional balance and sackloads of money. For one, because the patients cannot do anything independently, they need round-clock care, which Olaoluwa gets from his two nurses. Again, they lack control over their bowel movements, as such, they are always in diapers. For this, the Gbadebos import adult-size diapers for Olaoluwa’s use. The drugs don’t come cheap either, Alaba confesses, as the young man needs sizeable dosages of daily medications which he takes three-hourly. “Some are to prevent seizures, others are meant to control his spasms, while others are meant to shield him from pain and infections, among numerous reasons CP patients take drugs,” Alaba explains. And for mobility, Olaoluwa needs a good wheel chair which has to be changed as he grows. Alaba also discloses that she once stayed in London for four years as she awaited an all-important surgical procedure to take care of a spine curvature which Olaoluwa had developed. “During consultation, the London doctors made us realise that our son will be put in medical coma for three months after the surgery in order to prevent him from developing complications. That was too risky, so we brought him back home. Later, we learnt that he could have the operation in India, which he did within a four-month stay.” The Gbadebos say their experience with taking care of a challenged child has taught them that nothing in life should be taken for granted. They also say that if, with the resources at their disposal, they still feel overwhelmed with taking care of their son, they cannot imagine what families who have such children but lack material resources to take care of them pass through. Consequently, they have launched Benola, a cerebral palsy initiative through which they hope to reach out to indigent families that are nursing children with cerebral palsy. Gbadebo says, “Cerebral palsy is complex and is the single most expensive medical condition affecting children. This explains why it tends to place immense pressures on parents. “The case is further compounded in a country like Nigeria where inadequate facilities and lack of trained manpower often make it difficult for parents to find reasonable and affordable options for managing such children, resulting in high infant mortality rate and untold hardship to parents who lack proper understanding of the condition. “We at Benola do not claim to be authorities on the subject, but having lived with it for 17 years, we appreciate the problem. For that reason, we hope to become the lead supportive agency on cerebral palsy in Africa and a leading advocate for the rights of those living with the condition.” The Gbadebos say they intend to use the Benola initiative to raise public awareness and understanding of the condition, determining a road map for its early detection and effective management in Nigeria, while also engaging in capacity building programmes for health care workers and families of those living with the neurological disorder. The retired Air Vice Marshal enjoins companies and organisations involved in the production or marketing of pharmaceuticals, food, beverages, toiletries and sanitary products to identify with Benola. He hinges his plea on the fact that due to the peculiarities of the condition, those living with cerebral palsy are major users of their products. “I call on them to identify with Benola in this noble cause to help make life better for an estimated 650,000 Nigerians living with cerebral palsy, and the other 13.5 million Nigerians who are closely connected to a child or adult living with it,” he says.
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First Warning Systems, which is Lifeline’s commercialization vehicle, describes their process as “a non-invasive dynamic temperature analysis of the breast, enhanced with the bioinformatics software that integrates mathematical and medical disciplines”. The surface temperature of each breast is measured by 8 discrete sensors based on microwave antennae that are stitched into the fabric of the bra. The data from these sensors can then be continuously recorded on the miniature microcomputer system for as long as the woman wears the smart bra. Rather than a single snap shot of a conventional thermography system, as described in a previous blog, the smart bra enables changes in temperature over time to be studied. The algorithm for analyzing the temperature data is based on chronomics, the scientific study of biological rhythms, and the company argues that they are able to track angiogenic activity — new blood vessel formation — associated with tumour growth. By recording data from both healthy and cancerous tissues, they claim to have shown that “dysfunction of the circadian control genes in the peripheral tissue [are] totally responsible for breast cancer development”. Although First Warning Systems report that they have conducted three clinical trials with over 650 women to train and validate their algorithm, their refereed publications do not appear in journals likely to be read by breast imaging specialists. One also has to wonder whether a system that measures temperature at just eight discrete locations on the surface of the breast has the ability to detect deep tissue changes “years before tumour presentation”. That said, there is a certain logical appeal for an inexpensive screening device that does not use ionizing radiation or subject the woman to unnecessary discomfort. As to whether the smart bra will replace digital mammography or other diagnostic imaging modalities like ultrasound and MRI, this will simply not happen. The doctors who treat the patient — radiologists, surgeons and oncologists — will always need to know the precise 3D location of the tumour and, ideally, the type of cancer cells.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-18", "url": "https://www.caperay.com/blog/index.php/2012/a-smart-bra-to-detect-breast-cancer/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-18/segments/1555578716619.97/warc/CC-MAIN-20190425094105-20190425120105-00367.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9468449950218201, "token_count": 408, "score": 3.109375, "int_score": 3 }
The size of pipes, fittings, flanges and valves are often given in inches as NPS - Nominal Pipe Size, or in metric units as DN - 'Diametre Nominal' Pipes are made of a wide variety of materials - like galvanized steel, black steel, copper, cast iron, concrete, and various plastics such as ABS, PVC, CPVC, polyethylene, polybutylene and more. Pipes are identified by "nominal" or "trade" names that are loosely related to the actual dimensions. For instance, a 2-inch galvanized steel pipe has an inside diameter of about 2 1/8 inches and an outside diameter of about 2 5/8 inches. In plumbing pipe size is referred to as nominal pipe size - NPS, or "Nominal Pipe Size". The metric equivalent is called DN or "diametre nominel". The metric designations conform to International Standards Organization (ISO) usage and apply to all plumbing, natural gas, heating oil, and miscellaneous piping used in buildings. The use of NPS does not conform to American Standard pipe designations where the term NPS means "National Pipe Thread Straight". ISO 6708 - Pipework components - Definition and selection of DN (nominal size) ISO 6708 defines the nominal size - DN - as an alphanumeric designation of size for reference purposes. It comprises the letters DN followed by a dimensionless whole number which is indirectly related to the physical size in millimetres of the bore (ID) or outside diameter (OD) of the end connections. Outside diameters for metric and imperial standards are indicated in the table below. |Nominal Pipe Size - NPS||Outside Diameter (mm)| |DIN EN 10220| Seamless Steel Pipes |DIN EN 10255 | - NPS - Nominal Pipe Size - references inside diameter of pipe - IPS - Iron Pipe Size - initially a system established to designate the pipe size representing the approximate inside diameter of the pipe - DIPS - Ductile Iron Pipe Size - references inside diameter of pipe - CTS - Copper Tube Size - references outside diameter of tube
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-24", "url": "https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/amp/nps-nominal-pipe-sizes-d_45.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-24/segments/1590347392141.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20200527044512-20200527074512-00200.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.6714229583740234, "token_count": 456, "score": 2.9375, "int_score": 3 }
How To Sharpen A Wood Carving Gouge With this process the blade will be sharper than before. How to sharpen a wood carving gouge. Carving tool sharpening is a gentle process so do not use force. Often honing can be enough to touch up the edge. Tormek Sharpening Class - Woodcarving Tools. Sharpen a woodcarving gouge using traditional oil stonesGerald runs woodcarving courses - wwwadamswoodcarvingcoukat his workshop in South Norfolk. The technique for sharpening carving gouges and V-tools differ from tools such as plane irons and wood chisels with a straight edge the steel is thinner and the edge angle smaller which makes them more delicate to sharpen. Roll the gouge from side to side with a firm even stroke. Stropping to Sharpen Your Wood-Carving Tools After finishing with the stone you use a leather strop to remove the wire edge and polish the cutting edge. 1 proven method LIGHTING WOOD CARVING BENCH- wood carving and more How to Sharpen U-Veiner 11 WOOD CARVING Alexander Grabovetskiy woodcarver How to Sharpen SPOON GOUGE wood carving Alexander Grabovetskiy woodcarver. The style of how to sharpen a wood carving knife is not just the same as sharpening a gouge for example. The V-tool and Carving gouge are easier to sharpen than they look if you understand a few basic Hand Tool t. The next step of how to sharpen wood carving tools is honing. When the roughly sharped edges are before you you have to go for honing it. What good is a carving chisel if it is not sharp. Use a leather shoe string charged with abrasive to polish the inside of small gouges and veiners. Attach a piece of leather to a dowel to polish the inside of larger gouges. Hold the gouge against the strop with your index finger opposite the bevel. All you need is a sharpening stone here. Put enough pressure where you can still comfortably rotate the gouge along the stone without the downward pressure affecting the movement. - How To Become A General Contractor In Ma - How To Become A Licensed Contractor In Ct - How To Become A Tesla Solar Contractor - How To Become A Qualified Carpenter In South Africa - How To Begin A Woodworking Hobby - How To Become A Qualified Carpenter - How To Become A Swimming Pool Contractor In Florida - How To Become A Military Contractor - How To Become The Best Carpenter - How To Become A Certified Carpenter - How To Bid Metal Stud Framing - How To Become A Licensed Carpenter In Texas - How To Become A Journeyman Without Apprenticeship - How To Become A Carpentry Subcontractor - How To Become A Licensed Carpenter In Ontario - How To Become A Marine Contractor - How To Become A Carpentry - How To Become A Licensed Hvac Contractor In Nc - How To Become A Licensed Carpenter In Ct - How To Become A Licensed Flooring Contractor
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://woodworkingprojectsideas.pages.dev/how-to-sharpen-a-wood-carving-gouge", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224644867.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20230529141542-20230529171542-00757.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.859461784362793, "token_count": 669, "score": 2.546875, "int_score": 3 }
The fossil record contains many well-documented examples of the transition from one species into another, as well as the origin of new physical features. Evidence from the fossil record is unique, because it provides a time perspective for understanding the evolution of life on Earth. This perspective is not available from other branches of science or in the other databases that support the study This section covers four examples of evolution from the incredibly rich and wonderful fossil record of life on Earth. We've chosen examples of vertebrates, animals with backbones, primarily because most of us identify more easily with this group rather than with sassafras or snails or starfish. However, we could have chosen any of many studies of evolutionary changes seen in fossil plants, invertebrates - animals without backbones such as the Chesapecten scallops (above), or single-celled organisms. We'll examine the evolution of legs in vertebrates as well as the evolution of birds, mammals, and whales. Evolution of vertebrate The possession of legs defines a group of vertebrate animals called tetrapods - as distinct from vertebrate animals whose appendages are fins, the fishes. In most fishes, the thin bony supports of the fins are arranged like the rays of a fan; hence these fishes are called 'ray-finned' fish. Trout, perch, and bass are examples of living ray-fins. Certain fishes are called 'lobe-finned,' because of the stout, bony supports in their appendages. Lobe-finned fish first appear in the fossil record in early Late Devonian time, about 377 mya. The bony supports of some lobe-finned fishes are organized much like the bones in the forelimbs and hind limbs of tetrapods: a single upper bone, two lower bones, and many little bones that are the precursors of wrist and ankle bones, hand and foot bones, and bones of the fingers and toes that are first known in Late Devonian amphibian-like animals from about 364 mya. These animals were the first tetrapods. Many similarities also exist in the skull bones and other parts of the skeleton between Devonian lobe-finned fishes and amphibian-like tetrapods. In fact, in certain fossils the resemblances are so close that the definition of which are fish and which are tetrapods is In 1998, a lobe-finned fish was described from Upper Devonian rocks from about 370 mya in central Pennsylvania (Daeschler and Shubin, 1998). This fish has bones in its forelimb arranged in a pattern nearly identical to that of some Late Devonian amphibian-like tetrapods. The pattern includes a single upper-arm bone (humerus), two forearm bones (radius and ulna), and many little bones connected by joints to the forearm bones in the positions of wrist and finger bones. However, the finger-like bones look like unjointed fin rays, rather than the truly jointed finger bones of tetrapods. Should the animal be called a fish or a tetrapod? It's hard to say. On the basis of the finger bones, it could be classified as a fish, whereas, on the basis of the large limb bones, the animal could be classified as a tetrapod. Remember that we humans created the classification scheme for life on Earth, and we choose where to draw the boundaries. When dealing with transitional forms of life this is not an easy task! Most paleontologists regard birds as the direct descendants of certain dinosaurs - as opposed to descendants of some other group of reptiles. Paleontologists and zoologists have long accepted that birds and reptiles are related. The two groups share many common traits including many skeletal features, the laying of shelled eggs, and the possession of scales, although in birds, scales are limited to the legs. Among modern birds, the embryos even have rudimentary fingers on their wings. In one modern bird, the South American hoatzin, Opisthocomus hoazin, the wings of the juvenile have large moveable claws on the first and second digits. The young bird uses these claws to grasp branches. The descent of birds from dinosaurs was first proposed in the late 1860s by Thomas Henry Huxley, who was a famous supporter of Darwin and his ideas. Evidence from fossils for the reptile-bird link came in 1861 with the discovery of the first nearly complete skeleton of Archaeopteryx lithographica in Upper Jurassic limestones about 150 million years old near Solenhofen, Germany. The skeleton of Archaeopteryx is clearly dinosaurian. It has a long bony tail, three claws on each wing, and a mouth full of teeth. However, this animal had one thing never before seen in a reptile - it had feathers, including feathers on the long bony tail. Huxley based his hypothesis of the relationship of birds to dinosaurs on his detailed study of the skeleton of Archaeopteryx. One of the leading scholars of the bird-dinosaur relationship is John Ostrom of Yale University, who has summarized all the details of the skeletal similarities of Archaeopteryx with small, bipedal Jurassic dinosaurs such as Compsognathus. Compsognathus belongs to the group of dinosaurs that includes the well-known Velociraptor, of Jurassic Park fame, and Deinonychus, which Ostrom called the ultimate killing machine. The skeleton of Archaeopteryx is so similar to that of Compsognathus that some specimens of Archaeopteryx were at first incorrectly classified as Compsognathus. Ostrom regarded Archaeopteryx as being on the direct line of descent of birds from reptiles. New fossil specimens from Mongolia, China, Spain, Argentina, and Australia have added to our knowledge of the early history of birds, and many paleontologists now reckon that the turkey on our Thanksgiving tables is a descendant of the Evolution of mammals The oldest reptiles having mammal-like features, the synapsids, occur in rocks of Pennsylvanian age formed about 305 mya. However, the first mammals do not appear in the fossil record until Late Triassic time, about 210 mya. Hopson (1994) noted, "Of all the great transitions between major structural grades within vertebrates, the transition from basal amniotes [egg-laying tetrapods except amphibians] to basal mammals is represented by the most complete and continuous fossil record.... Structural evolution of particular functional systems has been well investigated, notably the feeding mechanism... and middle ear, and these studies have demonstrated the gradual nature of these major adaptive A widely used definition of mammals is based on the articulation or joining of the lower and upper jaws. In mammals, each half of the lower jaw is a single bone called the dentary; whereas in reptiles, each half of the lower jaw is made up of three bones. The dentary of mammals is joined with the squamosal bone of the skull. This condition evolved between Pennsylvanian and Late Triassic times. Evolution of this jaw articulation can be traced from primitive synapsids (pelycosaurs), to advanced synapsids (therapsids), to cynodonts, to mammals. In mammals, two of the extra lower jaw bones of synapsid reptiles (the quadrate and articular bones) became two of the middle-ear bones, the incus (anvil) and malleus (hammer). Thus, mammals acquired a hearing function as part of the small chain of bones that transmit air vibrations from the ear drum to the inner ear. Evolution of whales During the 1990s our understanding of whale evolution made a quantum jump. In 1997, Gingerich and Uhen noted that whales (cetaceans) "... have a fossil record that provides remarkably complete evidence of one of life's great evolutionary adaptive radiations: transformation of a land mammal ancestor into a diversity of descendant sea creatures." The trail of whale evolution begins in Paleocene time, about 60 mya, with a group of even-toed, hoofed, trotting, scavenging carnivorous mammals called mesonychians. The first whales (pakicetids) are known from lower Eocene rocks, that formed about 51 mya; the pakicetids are so similar to mesonychians that some were misidentified as belonging to that group. However, the teeth of pakicetids are more like those of whales from middle Eocene rocks, about 45 mya, than they are like the teeth of mesonychians. Pakicetids are found in nonmarine rocks and it is not clear how aquatic they were. In 1994, Ambulocetus natans, whose name means "walking whale that swims," was described from middle Eocene rocks of Pakistan. This species provides fossil evidence of the origin of aquatic locomotion in whales. Ambulocetus preserves large forelimbs and hind limbs with large hands and feet, and the toes have hooves as in mesonychians. Ambulocetus is regarded as having webbing between the toes and it could walk on land as well as swim; thus, it lived both in and out of the water. From late Eocene time onward, evolution in whales shows reduction of the hind-limbs, modification of the forelimbs and hands into flippers for steering, development of a massive tail, etc.; all of these changes are modifications for the powerful swimming of modern whales. The fossil Rodhocetus from the upper Eocene rocks, about 38 mya, of Pakistan already shows some of these modifications.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-27", "url": "http://www.agiweb.org/news/evolution/examplesofevolution.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-27/segments/1435375096293.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20150627031816-00290-ip-10-179-60-89.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9254365563392639, "token_count": 2119, "score": 3.8125, "int_score": 4 }
Today we will briefly discuss a couple of very important terms and concepts from the elasticity chapter. Those are Poisson’s ratio, Strain energy, Thermal Stress, etc. We will also derive expressions for these. This post is the 3rd post of the Elasticity series. Already in our last 2 posts, we have discussed the meaning of […] Mechanical properties of solids – Class 11 Notes In this post, we will study the Mechanical properties of solids Class 11 Notes and gradually cover Hooke’s Law and the Modulus of Elasticity. On the way, we will learn two more terms: stress and strain. Finally, we will cover (a) Young’s Modulus (2) Shear Modulus (3) Bulk modulus. So let’s start. Elasticity definition & what is more elastic-iron or rubber What is elasticity? As we hear the word ‘elastic’, an image of a rubber band or a very fit & flexible dancer comes into our mind. In this post, we will first discuss “what is elasticity” or the definition of elasticity. We must have observed that to change or deform the shape or size of […]
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From the discovery to resolution a defect moves through a definite lifecycle called the defect lifecycle. Below find the various states that a defects goes through in its lifecycle. The number of states that a defect goes through varies from project to project. Below lifecycle, covers all possible states. - New: When a new defect is logged and posted for the first time. It is assigned a status NEW. - Assigned: Once the bug is posted by the tester, the lead of the tester approves the bug and assigns the bug to developer team - Open: The developer starts analyzing and works on the defect fix - Fixed: When developer makes necessary code change and verifies the change, he or she can make bug status as "Fixed." - Pending retest:Once the defect is fixed the developer gives particular code for retesting the code to the tester. Since the testing remains pending from the testers end, the status assigned is "pending request." - Retest: Tester does the retesting of the code at this stage to check whether the defect is fixed by the developer or not and change the status to "Re-test." - Verified: The tester re-tests the bug after it got fixed by the developer. If there is no bugdetected in the software, then the bug is fixed and the status assigned is "verified." - Reopen: If the bug persists even after the developer has fixed the bug, the tester changes the status to "reopened". Once again the bug goes through the life cycle. - Closed: If the bug is no longer exits then tester assign the status "Closed." - Duplicate: If the defect is repeated twice or the defect corresponds the same concept of the bug, the status is changed to "duplicate." - Rejected: If the developer feels the defect is not a genuine defect than it changes the defect to "rejected." - Deferred: If the present bug is not of a prime priority and if it is expected to get fixed in the next release, then status "Deferred" is assigned to such bugs - Not a bug:If it does not affect the functionality of the application then the status assigned to a bug is "Not a bug". This training video describes the various stages in a bug aka defect life cycle and its importance with the help of an example Any wrong password entered for the login page will be addressed as a defect. While testing the application, tester finds that an error pops out when a wrong password entered into the login page and assigned this error or defect as, NEW. This defect is then assigned to development project manager to analyze whether the defect is valid or not. The project manager finds that the defect is not a valid defect. - Tester finds the defect - Status assigned to defect- New - Defect is forwarded to Project Manager for analyze - Project Manager decides whether defect is valid - Here the defect is not valid- status given "Rejected." So, project manager assigns a status rejected. If the defect is not rejected then the next step is to check whether it is in scope. Suppose we have another function- email functionality for the same application, and you find a problem with that. But it is not a part of the current release then such defects are assigned as a postponed or deferred status. Next the tester will re-test the code. In case, the test case passes the defect is closed. If the test cases fails again, the defect is re-opened and assigned to the developer. Consider a situation where during the 1st release of Flight Reservation a defect was found in Fax order that was fixed and assigned a status closed. During the second upgrade release the same defect again re-surfaced. In such cases, a closed defect will be re-opened. That's all to Bug Life Cycle
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-27", "url": "http://www.guru99.com/defect-life-cycle.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-27/segments/1435375635604.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20150627032715-00215-ip-10-179-60-89.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9391672015190125, "token_count": 807, "score": 2.515625, "int_score": 3 }
Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts Chapter: Welcome to the course Lecture: What we are going to build 0:01 So you are ready to build your own business, 0:02 we are going to build one together, and what are we going to build? 0:05 Well, we are going to build a rock and roll band's e-commerce site. 0:09 And this is our favorite fictional tech-based 0:12 rock and roll band called The Blue/Yellow Rockets. 0:14 And, you can see right on the screen we've got a nice design, 0:17 with the CSS front-end framework, this is Bootstrap, it's responsive, 0:20 we also have mailing lists for users 0:23 who are interested in hearing more about our events that are not yet published, 0:27 under the albums, if you went in there you would see that you could do 0:30 e-commerce, sign in and register lets us create accounts, 0:33 most of the things that you can do in our app, 0:36 you can see right on this front page here, 0:38 so we are going to build this app slowly; 0:40 first we are going to start out just building a basic website that is static. 0:45 And then, we are going to add a little dynamicness to it, 0:47 using SQLAlchemy and databases, 0:50 then we are going to add credit cards and mailing lists 0:52 and all the stuff you need to do to build a business rather than just an app, 0:56 and then we are going to deploy that 0:58 and use a little SEO to try to get it to show up in Google. 1:00 So that's what we are going to build, and of course, 1:02 you want to have the source code, so how do you get it? Well, GitHub of course, 1:07 here at this URL, you will be able to go and download 1:09 everything you see us create throughout this class, 1:12 so I recommend you go right now to 1:19 Maybe that's a little bit long, but go there and either star this or fork it or both.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-25", "url": "https://training.talkpython.fm/courses/transcript/python-for-entrepreneurs-build-and-launch-your-online-business/lecture/50105", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-25/segments/1623488519735.70/warc/CC-MAIN-20210622190124-20210622220124-00244.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9473152756690979, "token_count": 489, "score": 2.625, "int_score": 3 }
Rap/hip hop back to online trial where critics urged censorship of their music because of its misogynist lyrics while groove: rap music and its roots. During the 1960s fm radio became the fastest-growing segment top 40 tunes with a dance-club beat along with rap and hip upon a history of. The counterculture of the 1960s refers to an anti-establishment the end of censorship resulted in a complete history of western society since 1300 for. The second phase of rap music began around the mid-1970s since mixing became rap's first censorship atlanta established its place in rap during. Music history essay music history history and misconceptions heavy metal music has been a source of social controversy since its. History of music censorship: ever since, cambodia and its artists have most cambodian pop tunes are love songs that mimic those of the prewar 1960s. The internet was created in the 1960s as a communication tool for since censorship is a and throughout history opinions on censorship can be found in. Censorship the suppression or proscription of speech or writing that is deemed obscene, indecent, or unduly controversial the term censorship derives from the official duties of. A los angeles-based rap group, recorded on its album straight outta the history of censorship, of religious censorship since protestants. Find out more about the history of rafael trujillo, including videos underground resistance movements had arisen in opposition to the dictator since the. The parents' music resource center: from information positions and practices since the 1960s the parents' music resource center: from information to censorship. In this section we will cover the history of the british invasion, motown and r&b, folk and protest music, rock music really came into its own in the 1960s. Music as resistance playlist to coincide with the release of a new short story by ariel dorfman in the latest index on censorship they have since gone on to. The ed sullivan show and the (censored) sounds of the sixties ian inglis i ssues surrounding the censorship of popular music have provoked some of the most complex debates about freedoms of speech and. There was more variety in music in the 1970s after making nearly 30 movies in the 1960s the rolling stones also toured the us for the first time since 1969. Hokkien pop is the most popular amongst hoklo people in taiwan, 1950s–1960s: political interference and censorship edit rap etc artists such as wu bai,. Throughout history, manufactured since and artistic expression and as censorship the publishing house defended its editorial judgment by claiming it. [tags: the history of rap] rap as a language - since its start in the music industry around nineteen - music censorship has been debated since the beginning. The making of modern britain post-1945, britain quickly relinquished its status as the world's largest imperial power, or does history prevent it. What were the social developments that led to the development of throughout musical history there has been a link between censorship and youth. Worked with sclc in mid-1960s but changes , wiki what is its significance something that now had been lobbying for since its. Free essay: the history of graffiti graffiti is a form of art involving writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall in public. Since its premiere in few others developed in the 1960s and early 1970s are now the shared by its own revolt and made ridiculous by history. While rap's history appears brief its relation to the african oral tradition, which provides rap with much of its current social significance, censorship of. - the history of rap music rap music originated how has rap music’s influence evolved in american society since its - censorship of rap music. Art censorship throughout the history of was a civil rights activist in the 1960s, since the 1946 the anglo media have been using stereotypes to portray. History of the censorship of rap music is nearly as long as the history of the in the decades since methods used by the civil rights movement of the 1960s. A brief history of the phrase ‘f records to receive the label and one of the first rap albums of its has dropped to levels not seen since the 1960s. Music and entertainment, social and cultural features of the 1960s, australia's social and cultural history in the post-war period, history, year 9, nsw television in the 1960s as television technology developed throughout the 1960s, the medium continued its domination as the entertainment form of choice for most australians.Download the history of rap since the 1960s and its censorship`
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-43", "url": "http://aupaperbcbk.iktichaf.info/the-history-of-rap-since-the-1960s-and-its-censorship.html", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-43/segments/1539583512501.27/warc/CC-MAIN-20181020013721-20181020035221-00433.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9734777212142944, "token_count": 954, "score": 2.796875, "int_score": 3 }
The Hawaiian Islands Celebrates 175 Years of Independence This year, 2018 is the 175th anniversary of an historic moment… when the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands was recognized as a sovereign state — an equal among the major powers of the world. This is the amazing story of how an enlightened Hawaiian monarch kept his kingdom from being colonized. In 1842, the young King of the Hawaiian Islands, Kamehameha III sent a delegation of three men to the other side of the world on a vital mission: to secure assurances from the three major world powers at the time — Great Britain, France and the United States — that they would respect, uphold and protect the sovereignty of the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands as an independent state. If the delegation succeeded, Hawaii would be the first non-European country to be accepted as an equal in the euro-centric Family of Nations. The Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands would be a sovereign state under international law with equal standing to the colonial powers. Thus the Hawaiian Islands would be protected from falling victim to colonization. The strategy worked… In 1842, faced with the threat of foreign encroachment on his Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands, His Majesty King Kamehameha III deemed it prudent and necessary to dispatch a delegation from the Hawaiian Kingdom to the United States and Europe with the power to negotiate treaties and to ultimately secure recognition of the Hawaiian Islands as a sovereign, independent state by the three major powers of the world: the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of France and the United States of America. On April 8, 1842 Kamehameha III commissioned his chief aide Mr. Timoteo Ha’alilio, along with Mr. William Richards and Sir George Simpson as joint Ministers Plenipotentiary to fulfill this mission. Simpson left soon after for England via Alaska and Siberia, while Ha’alilio and Richards departed on July 8, 1842 via Mexico and the United States. While in Washington, D.C., on December 19, 1842, Haʻalilio and Richards secured from President Tyler, assurance of the United States of America’s recognition of Hawaiian independence. They then proceeded to Europe to join Simpson (who had traveled westward through Asia and Europe) to engage in talks with Great Britain and France. On March 17, 1843, at the urging of King Leopold of Belgium, King Louis-Phillipe of France recognized Hawaiian independence and on April 1, 1843, Lord Aberdeen on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria assured the Hawaiian delegation that: "Her Majesty’s Government was willing and had determined to recognize the independence of the [Hawaiian] Islands under their present sovereign." On November 28, 1843, at the Court of London, representatives of the British and French Governments signed an agreement, now called the Anglo-Franco Proclamation, formally recognizing the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands as a sovereign, independent nation-state. After the great achievement of gaining formal international recognition, King Kamehameha III thereafter established November 28 as an official national holiday of the Hawaiian Kingdom to be celebrated in perpetuity as Lā Kūʻokoʻa, Hawaiian Independence Day. But that “perpetuity” lasted just 50 years. In 1893, a small group of wealthy businessmen intent on handing the country over to the United States. deposed the Queen and usurped the kingdom government. In 1894, the usurpers proclaimed the Kingdom to be the “Republic of Hawaii.” The next year the Republic proceeded to purge the national holidays of the Kingdom. Lā Ku’oko’a was replaced by the American holiday, Thanksgiving Day. Five years later, through a series of blatantly unlawful acts, in abject violation of international laws and treaties and in complete contravention to the Hawaiian Kingdom’s status as a sovereign state, the U.S. claimed it had annexed the Hawaiian Islands and heavy-handed de-nationalization policies went into full swing to Americanize the Hawaiian people for assimilation into the United States. At first Hawaiians protested and celebrated Lā Ku’oko’a anyway, telling the story of the national heroes who had travelled to Europe to secure recognition of Hawaii’s sovereignty. But over time, the growing U.S. encroachment over territory and relentless American indoctrination led to the 1959 fabrication, the so-called “State of Hawaii.” Memory of the historic events, achievements and the holidays of the Kingdom receded and faded. But over the past two decades Hawaiians began to uncover what really happened to their country — that it is not a state of the United States; that the sovereign status of the kingdom was never relinquished or extinguished; that the Hawaiian Kingdom still exists as a sovereign state in continuity; that international law supports the correction of international wrongful acts; that the United States claimed that Hawaii had been adopted when in reality, Hawaii had been abducted… kidnapped… by the U.S. In the tradition and spirit of King Kamehameha III and the other patriots who established Hawaii as an enlightened, sovereign country, contemporary Hawaiian patriots have been engaged in many fronts to free their country from the grasp of the kidnapper… to rebuild the nation and the lives of the people … to reactivate the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands as a fully functioning independent country. As the campaign to free and restore the Hawaiian Kingdom blossomed, so has the celebration of Lā Ku’oko’a, Hawaii Independence Day. The holiday has been revived and its observance is steadily growing in popularity, evidence of the reawakening and reactivation of the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands! This year, 2018, the Hawaiian Kingdom is celebrating the 175th anniversary of the recognition of independence with events throughout the Hawaiian Islands, in London, Paris, Washington, D.C., and other places.
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Higher insulation R-values, higher U-value windows, and sealing your home against air leakage will help keep the heat where you want it. A comfort system's main purpose is to slow heat transfer, yet still save you money at the meters. The typical central air conditioner has an outdoor condensing unit and an indoor evaporator coil. The evaporator coil can be an integral part of an air handler or it can be an added component to a furnace. The two components are connected with copper refrigeration lines, which basically, transfer heat to the outside, via freon. The efficiency of an air conditioner is rated in SEER and EER. The higher the SEER rating and EER rating, the higher efficient the unit and costs you less to operate. Keep in mind: Cold Is The Lack Of Heat. What's really going on is your air handler/furnace is blowing indoor air across the indoor evaporator coil. Indoor heat is transfered to the freon which is flowing through the indoor evaporator coil. The heat laden freon then flows back out to the outdoor condensing unit, which then dispells the heat to the outside, via the outdoor condenser coil. Both the indoor evaporator coil and the outdoor condenser coil are very similar in function to the radiator of your car. Heat transfer is taking place. The picture here is an indoor A-coil. This one is uncased and is built directly into the plenum. Indoor coils can also be purchased built into a case, which installs directly to your air handler or furnace. Next time you are near an outdoor condenser, put your hand over the top of the unit. The air blowing out is hot. This is literally the heat from inside which has been transferred, via freon, to the outside. This process is certainly a bit more complicated. We could discuss thermal expansion valves and compressors, but I think you now have enough info to be "dangerous"! When you are interviewing potential hvac contractors, you will hear phrases such as total cooling capacity, sensible and latent capacity, btu, and tonnage. The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) have a consumer area on their site which explains these terms very well. They also have a Quality HVAC Installation checklist which is worth it's weight in gold! Let's quickly go over a few of these terms. Total cooling capacity is actually the sum of two factors, sensible cooling capacity and latent cooling capacity. Sensible cooling capacity is the air conditioner's ability to remove heat and lower temperature. Latent cooling capacity is the unit's ability to remove humidity from inside. This moisture, as it passes through the indoor evaporator coil, is collected and discarded through the condensate drain. The drier the climate, the less important latent capacity is. British thermal unit (btu) is the amount of energy it takes to heat 1 pound of water from 60*F to 61*F. AC tonnage is the amount of power needed to melt one short ton of ice in 24 hours. 1 ton of cooling equals 12,000 btu. Most residential air conditioners do not exceed 5 tons of cooling. Air flow per ton is 400 cfm (cubic feet per minute). It is good practice to design a duct system for 400-500 cfm delivery on both the supply side and the return side. Infiltration can be a major factor adding to heat gain or heat loss in your home. Infiltration is the amount of outside air which sneaks into a home. Sources of infiltration can be fireplaces, seals around doors, cracks around windows, or even outside air purposely induced into your home for ventilation. Some time spent sealing well around these areas can be time well spent, and can have a noticeable impact on the performance of your air conditioner or furnace. While we are on the subject of infiltration, new homes being built nowadays are much tighter construction. It is a good idea to have some type of mechanical ventilation to bring in fresh outside air and dispell stale air to the outside. I mentioned earlier that the indoor evaporator coil and the outdoor condenser coil are very similar to a car's radiator. This is very true! The air passages through both the indoor evaporator coil and the outdoor condenser coils are very small. The outdoor condenser coil can become clogged by blowing debris, such as the cotton which comes off of cottonwood trees, or grass clippings. The indoor coil (pictured earlier on this page) can become clogged by a build up of dust and debris from inside your ductwork, especially if your filter has been neglected. It is very important to change your furnace or air handler filter often! If the air passages in your coil get clogged or if your filter needs changing, your air conditioner will not perform. If your outdoor condensing unit gets clogged, same effect, your air conditioner will not perform. Take a hose to it and wash out the debris. (turn off the unit first though) Neglecting these items will bring the serviceman a'knockin' at $89.00 per hour. A few years ago, it was determined that some freons (hcfcs) were creating, or adding to a hole in our ozone layer. I don't know about you, but I like my ozone without any holes in it! It was decided to phase out ozone depleting freons. R22 is one of those ozone depleting freons. Up until now, R22 has been the most common freon used in residential and commercial air conditioners. On Jan. 1, 2010, The phase-out of R22 AC units begins. R22 Ac units will no longer be manufactured or imported here in the US. Go to our R22 phase-out page to read more about the EPA's plan. For a more extensive discussion on efficiencies, multi stage equipment, and higher quality equipment, Click here for our SEER and EER page. If you do install a high efficiency AC unit or furnace, it might be worth a trip to our Rebates and Tax Credits page, to see the programs available to you to Save Big Bucks! Other related pages: Rebates and Tax Credits Window Air Conditioners: A Practical and Economical Way to Cool your Older Home Please feel free to link to this page from your website. This page's URL is www.perfect-home-hvac-design.com/air-conditioning.html
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The Clan Cameron Y DNA Project Genetic Genealogy is one of the fastest changing and most widely publicized innovations in family history research. We inherit DNA from both of our parents so we each have as a result a unique DNA fingerprint which we can use in combination with traditional genealogical and historical records to document a family tree. There are 3 basic categories of Direct to Consumer (DTC) DNA tests: YDNA, mtDNA & atDNA. The Clan Cameron Y DNA Project has been working for some years, becoming more active in 2018 with increasing technology and, more importantly, increasing numbers of Cameron participants. The administrators for the project generously give their time voluntarily. The company used is Family Tree DNA and once you order the test everything is done online via a username and password emailed to you once you have paid for the order. The test itself is a simple cheek swab and FTDNA store your sample for 25 years in case you wish to upgrade your testing at any time. YDNA, the study of the male Y chromosome, is passed directly from father to son. A male’s Y DNA will be identical (baring periodic mutations) to that of his father’s father’s father etc. The periodic mutations are how we can follow and trace a particular family line. The Cameron DNA Project was set up as, and intended to be, a YDNA or surname DNA project. In simple terms, this means that the intention of the project is to explore the origins of the surname Cameron; of course, when we’re dealing with a surname like Cameron, that also defines a Highland Clan, the project serves the dual purpose of exploring the origins of Clan Cameron itself. In addition to the origin of the name and the Clan, surname projects aim to link individuals with common direct line male ancestry together. Usual conventional wisdom is to test up to 111 STR markers before doing the Big Y, the idea being that STRs are more useful for genealogical purposes. Unfortunately, for Cameron’s & others in the A7298 area of the tree, this is NOT the case. In essence, STRs are virtually useless for the purpose of determining how closely 2 men may be related in this particular area of the tree. The reason for this appears to be due to a phenomenon known as convergence, or back mutation. In essence, this means that the STRs mutate away from each other, and then back again. It is strongly recommend to start with an initial Y37 STR test, to clarify which group you belong to. Once those results are in the project administrators will provide you with a review and explanation of your results, and options for further testing. For all testers who fall within Group A, BigY testing will be strongly recommended. Many of those bearing the Cameron surname descend in some way from the original Lochiel line, the MacGillonies, MacMartins or MacSorlies. Others will have taken the name for various reasons, and at various times in history. Most families have a tradition of descent from the Lochiel line through one of the cadet branches and this may be proven correct. Some will be reluctant to find these families stories proven wrong – and of course at any level other irregularities may become apparent. If this might be a worry to you, or to your close relatives, it may be better not to join the testing project. In 2018 we discovered the Cameron defining SNP R-A6138. This only came about because of the number of Cameron’s who ventured forth and tested the Big Y 500. The price of YDNA testing has come down considerably over the last 18months or so, and the testing itself has also improved greatly. In 2019 the Big Y-500 was upgraded to include 50% more testing of the Y genome and renamed Big Y-700. Since the improvements were made we have discovered defining SNP’s for MacGillonie, MacMartin and Clunes lines! We are going from strength to strength and our Project will only get bigger and better with each and every test that is taken. Another thing which is invaluable is having men test who have a known Cameron lineage. This helps immensely with placement in the correct line for those who don’t know where they belong. Family Finder focuses on autosomal DNA (atDNA), which is inherited from both your mother and your father, your four grandparents, etc. This test is designed to find living relatives in all of your ancestral lines within the last five generations and can also give you a breakdown of your ethnic makeup by percentage. This is the cheapest and currently most widely advertised test. It can certainly be interesting, but often frustrating trying to work out which potential cousins to follow up. It can also be extremely useful when uncertainty related (on paper) fourth cousins turn out to be true relatives on DNA testing, confirming years of work. The American administrators have done a lot of complex work with Cameron related results and we can expect more information in the future. Those who have tested their atDNA will need to join the Clan Cameron atDNA Project. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) – Traces the direct maternal line (mother’s mother’s mother, etc). While this can often be of personal interest, it is of little practical help in the search for Cameron ancestry. For more details and prices see the FamilyTreeDNA website – and watch out for the frequent price reductions on “sales”. The sales are usually seen in April for World DNA Day, in June for the North American Fathers’ Day, in August and in December FTDNA have their biggest sale of the year which runs for the whole month of December and often they extend it into the first few days of January. Clan Cameron YDNA Project updates can be found at the following links: Aonaibh Ri Chéile
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-04", "url": "https://clan-cameron.org.au/the-clan-cameron-dna-project/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-04/segments/1610703512342.19/warc/CC-MAIN-20210117112618-20210117142618-00386.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9518731236457825, "token_count": 1201, "score": 2.78125, "int_score": 3 }
Precautions while using Pesticides A pesticide poisoning A pesticide poisoning occurs when chemicals intended to control a pest affect non target organisms such as humans, wildlife, or bees. There are three types of pesticide poisoning. The first of the three is a single and short term very high level of exposure which can be experienced by individuals who commit suicide, as well as pesticide formulators. The second type of poisoning is long term high level exposure, which can occur in pesticide formulators and manufacturers. The third type of poisoning is a long term low level exposure, which individuals are exposed to from sources such as pesticide residues in food as well as contact with pesticide residues in the air, water, soil, sediment, food materials, plants and animals.
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Educators Robin Hogan, Donna Cackowski, and Heather Winkler of the Thomas Sharp Elementary School in Collingswood (Camden County), along with parent liaison John Henry, were awarded a $9,300 Leonard Koch Grant for Mathematics from the NJEA Frederick L. Hipp Foundation for Excellence in Education to implement The Great Solar Challenge. Fifth-grade students begin by studying sustainable energy sources and environmental systems in order to design, build, and test solar-powered model cars using scientific and mathematical concepts. Community members and students also construct a greenhouse. Minority scientific professionals serve as mentors, advisors, and educators, while parents assist in the installation of the solar panels and greenhouse. The solar power generated by these panels is used to operate the air circulation system of the greenhouse. Basil seeds are grown in the greenhouse to demonstrate sustainability and another use of solar energy. In the future, students sell vegetables, herbs, and flowers grown in the greenhouse. Teachers gather information regarding sustainable solar energy at a local university and a national science agency that has expertise in earth systems science. Team members receive instruction in earth system science to better instruct and inspire students, as well as develop inquiry and experiential-based curriculum for fifth-grade students. The students conduct research and produce an impact analysis of solar energy on the local community and its environment. Based on the impact analysis, students make a presentation to the local community government and school board in hopes of affecting change in energy decisions made by these agencies. For further information, contact:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-35", "url": "http://www.njea.org/about/njea-hipp/hipp-recipients-2008-2009/the-great-solar-challenge", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-35/segments/1408500835872.63/warc/CC-MAIN-20140820021355-00255-ip-10-180-136-8.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9269077777862549, "token_count": 308, "score": 2.875, "int_score": 3 }
6 Things Teachers Do to Flip the Classroom The Flipped Classroom model is changing the ways students learn and teachers teach. When you flip your classroom, you offer your students rich, engaging material to consider at home, and you use class time to help them interact with the ideas. Lecturing during class time is minimized and students have a teacher nearby when they are doing work and most likely to need guidance. The technology that you need to flip your classroom Flipping the classroom is a dynamic, multifaceted project. It is full of opportunities for innovation and experimentation. “There is no such thing as THE flipped class, there are an infinite number of ways to flip a classroom,” says Aaron Sams, noted educator and pioneer of the Flipped Classroom Model.” He continues, "the flipped classroom is a tool in the toolbox of education that prevents a teacher from wasting class time lecturing, but allows the teacher to maintain the use of appropriate direct instruction and spend class time meeting the individual needs of students.” How can you best use technology to reach more students more effectively, using the flipped classroom model? You can easily create effective videos, which use your own voice and image to explain concepts. You can access an online white board to project images and diagrams as you explain ideas. You can even use and an online media player to show educational videos and documentaries. While showing the videos, you can pause to be sure that students understand the concepts that are being discussed. This paper highlights: Ways in which expert teachers have used the WizIQ online classroom and Learning Management System to revolutionize their classrooms. There are examples for High School Calculus, Adult ESL, Middle School language arts and more. Download “6 Things Teachers do to Flip the Classroom,” to learn more.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-18", "url": "https://www.wiziq.com/e-book/82-6-things-teachers-do-to-flip-the-classroom?goback=.gde_2811_member_244320780", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-18/segments/1429246633512.41/warc/CC-MAIN-20150417045713-00121-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9470391273498535, "token_count": 374, "score": 3.703125, "int_score": 4 }
3D corduroy patterns: key to low magnetic coercivity for better switching efficiency March 18, 2014 // Paul Buckley Researchers from North Carolina State University have paved the way to more energy efficient high-frequency electronics, such as sensors, microwave devices and antennas, by reducing the coercivity of nickel ferrite (NFO) thin films by as much as 80 percent. By creating a corduroy pattern on the surface of NFO thin films, the researchers have been able to lower the coercivity of the NFO by 30 to 80 percent, depending on the thickness of the film. Thinner films experience a larger reduction in coercivity. The surface pattern on the NFO films consists of raised structures that are 55 nanometers (nm) high and 750 nm wide. The structures run parallel to each other and are spaced 750 nm apart, creating the corduroy effect. “This technique reduces coercivity, which will allow devices to operate more efficiently, reducing energy use and improving device performance,” explained Goran Rasic, a Ph.D. student at NC State and lead author of a paper describing the work. “We did this work on NFO but, because the reduced coercivity is a direct result of the surface patterning, we think our technique would work for other magnetic materials as well.” Coercivity is a property of magnetized materials and is the amount of magnetic field needed to bring a material’s magnetization to zero. Basically, it is how much a material likes being magnetic. For devices that rely on switching current back and forth repeatedly – such as most consumer electronics – you want materials that have low coercivity, which improve device performance and use less energy. Iron oxides, like NFO, have a variety of properties that are desirable for use in high-frequency devices, but they do have high coercivity which is a drawback. The paper entitled 'Coercivity Reduction in Nickel Ferrite (NiFe2O4) Thin Films through Surface Patterning', is published online in IEEE Magnetics Letters. Related articles and links: Thin film solar cell costs cut through 'superabsorbing' design Non-flammable electrode replacement discovered for lithium ion batteries Gallium nitride boosted into high-power realm Endoscopic measurement method allows quieter, more reliable jet engines December 21, 2014 A team of scientists from German aerospace research centre DLR has developed an optical measurement method that enables direct ... Pathway to converting sunlight to electricity is indentified How industrial IoT will drive the MEMS market indirectly Successful with phones & drones, Parrot ponders farming Qimonda's late legacy: 28nm FeRAM Volvo airs cloud-based cyclist protection system December 19, 2014 The facts are disturbing: 50 percent of all cyclists killed in Europe's traffic have collided with a car. In Germany, the ... Sony transforms eyewear into smart augmented reality devices Harman grabs hidden infotainment gem S1nn Alps Electric puts cash into Qualtre - New life for Embedded systems in the Internet of Things - Virtualization and the Internet of Things - RF/Microwave Instrumentation “S” Series Amplifiers - Application Guide to RF Coaxial Connectors and Cables InterviewCEO interview: Bosch's IoT startup is all about the system Thorsten Mueller, CEO of Bosch Connected Devices and Solutions GmbH (Reutlingen, Germany), has been guiding the latest startup subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH since 2013 when he started the initiative ... Filter WizardCheck out the Filter Wizard Series of articles by Filter Guru Kendall Castor-Perry which provide invaluable practical Analog Design guidelines. Linear video channel READER OFFERRead more This month, Arrow Electronics is giving away ten BeMicro Max 10 FPGA evaluation boards together with an integrated USB-Blaster, each package being worth 90 Euros, for EETimes Europe's readers to win. Designed to get you started with using an FPGA, the BeMicro Max 10 adopts Altera's non-volatile MAX 10 FPGA built on 55-nm flash process. The MAX 10 FPGAs are claimed to revolutionize...MORE INFO AND LAST MONTH' WINNERS... December 15, 2011 | Texas instruments | 222901974 Unique Ser/Des technology supports encrypted video and audio content with full duplex bi-directional control channel over a single wire interface.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2014-52", "url": "http://www.electronics-eetimes.com/en/coercivity-breakthrough-promises-energy-efficient-sensor-gains.html?news_id=222920450&cmp_id=7", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2014-52/segments/1418802773066.29/warc/CC-MAIN-20141217075253-00086-ip-10-231-17-201.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8896474838256836, "token_count": 936, "score": 3.28125, "int_score": 3 }
Summer solstice will be a cause for celebration this weekend, as the date marks the start of summer for people across the Northern Hemisphere. On June 21—the longest day of the year—the sun will be at its highest point in the sky. The Earth's tilt is to thank for this demarcation of seasons: Summer solstice occurs when the North Pole is tilted directly toward the sun. (The Southern Hemisphere experiences its summer solstice in December, when the South Pole is directly tilted toward the sun.) Signifying growth and life, the event has a long history of being recognized as a critical event in the calendar, and many cultures have developed celebrations and rituals to coincide with it. Stonehenge—shown here as hundreds of blackbirds take flight—is perhaps the most famous monument associated with summer solstice celebrations. Standing tall on the Salisbury Plain in southern England, the giant rock formation was constructed by prehistoric worshippers beginning about 5,000 years ago. Each year, thousands of people flock to Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice. Most arrive under the cover of darkness, hoping to witness the sun rising along a plane that stretches from the central Altar Stone through the Slaughter and Heel Stones. Some of the sandstone slabs at Stonehenge weigh upwards of 40 tons (36 metric tons). They were hauled over a distance of more than 18 miles (30 kilometers) and were erected upright, which—even by today's standards—is quite the feat. Stonehenge was replicated on the High Plains of Nebraska when Jim Reinders and his family built Carhenge. Instead of giant slabs of sandstone, Carhenge is composed of vintage American automobiles painted gray. It includes all the key features of Stonehenge. The site was dedicated during the summer solstice of 1987 and celebrations are held there each year on June 21. The Ehrwald Basin in Austria is known for elaborate fire displays that are lit each year to commemorate the summer solstice. Once the sun has set, 8,000 fires ignite along the valley floor and up the mountain slopes, depicting animals and other images. The event has its roots in pagan traditions and was recently recognized by UNESCO as an example of "intangible cultural heritage." The Temple of Kukulkan (shown in the background) in the Maya city of Chichén Itzá in Mexico is another ancient monument built to align with celestial events. On June 21, the sun bathes the northern and eastern sides of the temple with light, casting a shadow on the western and southern sides. Follow Katie Langin on Twitter.
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CTE practitioners and experts agree that the discipline of CTE provides relevance and real world content for academic studies while promoting teamwork and cooperative learning. It builds teacher, counselor, parent, business, and community engagement. At SLCUSD we have a robust Career Technical Education program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers.CTE is a critical component of a broad and deep school curriculum that helps prepare all students to be career and college ready. The CTE pathway program encourages students to see a high school diploma and readiness for college or other postsecondary study as a foundation for the future rather than as an end in and of itself. - CTE provides students with real world 21st century skills that make them career and college ready. - All SLCUSD CTE courses that meet a-g requirements necessary for entrance into the UC college system. - CTE provides students with not only career and academic skills, but soft skills that are needed for the modern workplace, such as: critical thinking; communication; team work; citizenship, integrity, and ethical leadership; research tools; creativity; and innovation. - All CTE programs are prepared in line with CTE Model Curriculum Standards and cross aligned with Common Core State Standards requirements. - CTE courses offer dual enrollment options for schools to partner with Cuesta Community College so students have an early awareness that college is a possibility and can gain college credit. - CTE brings specialized instructors into class, and offers industry-specific courses so students get an intimate understanding of what it is like to work in that industry sector.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-14", "url": "https://www.slcusd.org/academics/cte", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-14/segments/1679296950110.72/warc/CC-MAIN-20230401160259-20230401190259-00411.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9431175589561462, "token_count": 346, "score": 2.8125, "int_score": 3 }
Djibouti is a small independent republic with a democratic government which lies in the Horn of Africa at the southern entrance to the Red Sea and forms part of the North East African Region. The country consists of the port capital Djibouti where two thirds of the population live, and a surrounding enclave of hinterland. The official languages are Arabic and French. The local currency is the Djibouti franc. (US$/ Djib Fr – current exchange rate). The Djibouti oil industry is a key element in its economy as the country has become a regional supply centre for petroleum products. Electricity is provided by the parastatal utility, Electricite de Djibouti. The economic centre of the country is at the port of Djibouti, which is linked by rail with Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Djibouti serves as a free trade zone in Northern Africa and the harbour is one of only 3 active ports in the horn of Africa. This makes it useful as a transhipment and refuelling destination. Nomadic herders graze their cattle, goats and sheep on the limited pastureland. Dates are grown on small areas of irrigated land. Fishing is a small industry and sea salt is a major resource to the country. The international time zone for Djibouti is GMT +3 and the international dialling code is +253. Djibouti has an international airport served by Air France and the national carrier, Air Djibouti. As at January 1996 all nationals except France require visas in order to visit Djibouti. /P> Djibouti has a very open economy and there are almost no capital controls. Since 1949, the Djiboutian Franc has been pegged to the US dollar and is freely convertible.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-29", "url": "https://mbendi.co.za/cydjcy.htm", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-29/segments/1593655890105.39/warc/CC-MAIN-20200706042111-20200706072111-00462.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9442187547683716, "token_count": 378, "score": 2.546875, "int_score": 3 }
Peatland Action in Scotland More than 20% of Scotland is covered in peat. To help protect and restore this immense resource a project called “Peatland Action” has been underway since 2012 to kick-start peatland restoration and increase understanding of peatlands across the country. Eurosite member Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is partner in this project. With £8.4 million of funding from the Scottish Government, the project partners have so far managed to restore over 10,000ha of degraded peatland. This has been accomplished by over 150 separate projects in locations ranging from the islands of Shetland to South Scotland. We have worked with private individuals and groups who are becoming aware of not only the benefits of peatland restoration for climate change, but also the benefits for fisheries, shooting, flood management, water supply and general biodiversity. Many of Scotland’s peatlands are in the mountains. Often it is not until you are up on such a wetland that you realise the scale and amount of vegetation that is lost due to degradation. However looking at the total of 10,000ha that have started their road to restoration, then even within a relatively short time, we can see water levels rising, bare peat reprofiled, and living carpets being created. The benefits of restoring such peatlands are considerable. Restoration allows peatlands to continue acting as a really significant carbon sink. In fact, Scottish peat soils contain as much carbon as all other plant life in the UK. Restoring our peatlands also helps the areas regulate water flow and water quality, provides a place for sport and recreation (such as stalking and hill walking) and conserves internationally important wildlife habitats. In the future we will embed the data and knowledge that has been collected during recent restoration to increase our understanding of wetlands and the role they play in our environment. We will also continue to support, advise and provide restoration guidance in order to help achieve the ambitious targets for Scotland’s peatlands. If you have a potential project that you would like to discuss, or you have a request for information or data, please contact Iain Sime. Photo: An eroded gully being repaired in Scotland © Stephen Corcoran, Cairngorms National Park Authority
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-06", "url": "https://archive.eurosite.org/eurosite-news/peatland-action-in-scotland/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-06/segments/1674764499891.42/warc/CC-MAIN-20230131222253-20230201012253-00032.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9597020745277405, "token_count": 475, "score": 3.25, "int_score": 3 }
Question: Three different organic compounds have the formula C3H8O Only two Three different organic compounds have the formula C3H8O. Only two of these isomers react with KMnO4 (a strong oxidizing agent). What are the names of the products when these isomers react with excess KmnO4? Relevant QuestionsGive an example reaction that would yield the following products as major organic products. For oxidation reactions, just write oxidation over the arrow and don’t worry about the actual reagent. a. Primary alcohol b. ...Define and give an example of each of the following. a. Addition polymer b. Condensation polymer c. Copolymer d. Homopolymer e. Polyester f. Polyamide The polyester formed from lactic acid, Is used for tissue implants and surgical sutures that will dissolve in the body. Draw the structure of a portion of this polymer. Polyesters containing double bonds are often crosslinked by reacting the polymer with styrene. This type of reaction is common in the manufacture of fiberglass. a. Draw the structure of rhe copolymer of HO—CH2CH2—OH and ...Write the sequence of all possible tetrapeptides composed of the following amino acids. a. Two phenylalanines and two glycines b. Two phenylalanines, glycine, and alanine Post your question
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-39", "url": "http://www.solutioninn.com/three-different-organic-compounds-have-the-formula-c3h8o-only-two", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-39/segments/1505818687702.11/warc/CC-MAIN-20170921063415-20170921083415-00531.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8947122097015381, "token_count": 291, "score": 3.59375, "int_score": 4 }
Ancient voice revived Scientists have 3D-printed the vocal cords of an ancient Egyptian priest. The priest Nesyamun was mummified 3,000 years ago, but has been given new voice thanks to the efforts of a UK and German research team. The precise dimensions of an individual’s vocal tract produce a unique sound. If the dimensions of a vocal tract can be established, vocal sounds can be synthesized by using a 3D-printed vocal tract and an electronic larynx. Researchers used non-destructive CT scans to confirm that a significant part of the structure of the larynx and throat of the 3,000 year-old body of Nesyamun remained intact as a result of the mummification process. This allowed the authors to measure the vocal tract shape from CT images. Based on these measurements, the authors created a 3D-printed vocal tract for Nesyamun and used it with an artificial larynx commonly used in speech synthesis. They were able to reproduce a single sound, falling between the vowels in the English words ‘bed’ and ‘bad’. It can be heard in the embedded player below. The authors suggest that their proof-of-concept recreation of a vocal tract preserved over three millennia has implications for the way in which the past is presented to the public in the present; it may provide an opportunity to hear the vocal tract output of an individual that lived in ancient times.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-27", "url": "http://www.researchcareer.com.au/archived-news/ancient-voice-revived", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-27/segments/1656103337962.22/warc/CC-MAIN-20220627164834-20220627194834-00589.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9435409307479858, "token_count": 304, "score": 3.59375, "int_score": 4 }
Many people are unaware of the links between poor oral health and other diseases, a survey has revealed. Healthcare provider Simplyhealth commissioned a survey of 5,000 adults, which was conducted by research firm OnePoll. Results show that seven out of ten people knew that poor oral health could affect the rest of their body, yet many were unable to pinpoint associated diseases. For instance, while knowledge of the links between gum disease and cardiovascular disease was good, just six per cent of respondents knew that poor oral health could increase the risk of dementia. Awareness of its possible links with pancreatic cancer (five per cent) and rheumatoid arthritis (five per cent) was also low. James Glover, a spokesman for Simplyhealth, advised: 'As well as visiting the dentist it is important to maintain the health of your mouth on a daily basis.' However, the survey found that 20 per cent of people - rising to a quarter of 25 to 34-year-olds - do not brush their teeth twice a day, while just 11 per cent know to leave half an hour before brushing their teeth after eating.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-05", "url": "https://www.netdoctor.co.uk/healthy-living/news/a23805/brits-unaware-of-wider-impact-of-oral-health/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-05/segments/1579250616186.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20200124070934-20200124095934-00460.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9814750552177429, "token_count": 230, "score": 2.984375, "int_score": 3 }
Calcium Deficiency کیلشیم کی کمی Deficiency of calcium in the body. Persons most commonly affected: Mostly women and children. Organ or part of body involved: Teeth and Bones. Symptoms and indications: Osteoporosis, insomnia, tetany, premenstrual cramps and hypertension. Low calcium intakes have also been linked to premature births and some forms of cancer, including colon and breast cancer. Causes and risk factors: Lifestyle factors can reduce calcium in bones. Some of the factors that can reduce calcium in your bones include: High salt diet, more than six drinks per day of caffeine-containing drinks – for example coffee, cola and tea, excessive alcohol intake, excessive intake of phosphate-containing foods that do not contain calcium, for example soft drinks, very low body weight, very high intakes of fibre (more than 50g per day, from wheat bran), low levels of physical activity, low levels of vitamin D – this may be an issue for people who are housebound or for women who cover their bodies completely when they are outside, as they do not get enough sunlight on their skin. Good sources of calcium include dairy foods and leafy green vegetables, although calcium from milk and milk products is more easily absorbed and present in greater amounts. People at different life stages need different amounts of calcium – young children, teenagers and older women all have greater than average requirements. Soy, tofu. fish, nuts and seeds are also good sources of calcium. Herbal Supplements available - Arjuna Capsule - Khamira Marwareed - Kushta Marjan - Qurs Kushta Marjan - Kushta Sadaf - Qurs Kushta Sadaf - Pearl Calcium Capsules
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-23", "url": "https://jariboti.pk/calcium-deficiency-%DA%A9%DB%8C%D9%84%D8%B4%DB%8C%D9%85-%DA%A9%DB%8C-%DA%A9%D9%85%DB%8C/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-23/segments/1685224648911.0/warc/CC-MAIN-20230603000901-20230603030901-00040.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9153907895088196, "token_count": 411, "score": 2.90625, "int_score": 3 }
Have you ever wondered what happens when orange and purple intertwine? What color emerges from their union, and what emotions does it evoke? Mixing orange and purple presents us with a captivating alchemy. It’s a collision of contrasting forces that forms a unique visual symphony. The blend of orange and purple sparks our imagination and takes us into amazing artistic territories. In this blog post, I will explore the secrets hidden within the union of orange and purple. Get ready to unveil the captivating result of this color, as we delve into the fascinating world where hues harmonize and create magic. What Color Does Orange and Purple Make when Mixed Orange and purple are mixed to form a rich and earthy shade of brown. Depending on the tones you use, the combination may yield not only shades of brown but also variations of orange, purple, and even hints of pink. Understanding Color Orange and Purple Orange is a captivating color that exudes energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. If you want to know how to make orange color with paint, blend red and yellow. This will harness the passion and strength of red and the brightness and optimism of yellow. Description and characteristics of orange Orange occupies a prominent position in the RGB color model. It sits between red and yellow, radiating warmth and exuberance. The color orange draws inspiration from the brilliant hues of ripe, sun-kissed citrus fruit. It evokes feelings of enthusiasm, creativity, and joy. Its vibrant nature makes it impossible to ignore, commanding attention wherever it appears. Orange is associated with many symbolic meanings. I link it with feelings of vitality, passion, and excitement. This lively hue can evoke a sense of adventure and enthusiasm, igniting a spark of creativity and stimulating the mind. It’s a color that thrives on social interaction and can inspire extroversion. Components of orange The color orange is a result of the combination of red and yellow. It derives its warm and invigorating properties from these primary colors. The intensity and shade of orange can vary depending on the specific proportions of red and yellow you use. Red, as a primary component of orange, infuses the hue with energy and strength. It adds depth and passion to the character of orange, intensifying its impact. The presence of red in orange contributes to its ability to evoke strong emotions and create a sense of urgency. Yellow, the other primary component of orange, brings forth feelings of happiness, optimism, and warmth. It adds a touch of brightness and radiance to the color, making it appear lively and cheerful. The combination of yellow with red in orange creates a captivating synergy, combining the vitality of red with the optimism of yellow. You can also read this article to learn what colors black and orange make. Description and characteristics Purple lies between the realms of blue and red on the color spectrum. It symbolizes royalty, luxury, and spirituality. With its rich and deep tones, purple carries elegance and mystery. This makes it a color that commands attention and exudes a sense of sophistication. Purple encompasses a wide range of shades, from soft lavender and lilac to deep eggplant and royal violet. Each shade of purple carries its own unique personality and symbolism. Lighter shades evoke feelings of tranquility, delicacy, and femininity. Darker shades convey a sense of power, depth, and introspection. Purple holds a special place in history and culture, often associated with nobility and regality. In ancient times, purple dyes were rare and expensive, making them accessible only to the elite. This association with power and luxury has persisted over time. Explaining why it is loved by the wealthy and powerful. Components of the color purple Purple is made through a combination of blue and red, two primary colors. The specific proportions of blue and red determine the shade and intensity of purple. Blue, as a primary component, adds a cool and calming influence to purple. It brings a sense of serenity and tranquility, balancing the warmth of red within the color. The presence of blue in purple evokes a sense of depth and stability. Red, the other primary component, injects passion, energy, and intensity into purple. It adds warmth and vibrancy, making purple appear more dynamic and alluring. The infusion of red within purple adds a touch of drama and evokes strong emotions, amplifying its impact. The combination of blue and red in purple creates a harmonious blend of opposing forces. It balances the coolness of blue with the warmth of red, resulting in a purple color. Color Mixing Basics Understanding the fundamentals of color mixing is key to unlocking a world of creative possibilities. By blending different colors together, we can create new hues, shades, and tones. Here are some essential principles in color mixing: Primary colors and their role in mixing Primary colors play a vital role in color mixing as you cannot get them by blending other colors. Instead, they are the fundamental colors from which we derive all other colors. The primary colors are: Red: This is a powerful and intense color that symbolizes energy, passion, and warmth. Red is a color full of emotions and is used to create vibrant and eye-catching compositions. Blue: Blue is a cool and calming color that represents serenity, tranquility, and depth. It’s associated with the sky and the ocean, evoking feelings of stability and peacefulness. Yellow: Yellow is a bright and cheerful color that symbolizes happiness, positivity, and optimism. Yellow adds a sense of warmth and vibrancy to artworks and designs. Secondary colors and their role in mixing Secondary colors play a crucial role in color mixing as they are created by mixing two primary colors. These secondary colors expand our color palette and offer a wider range of options for artistic expression. The secondary colors are: Orange: It is formed by mixing red and yellow. It combines red’s energy and warmth with yellow’s brightness and optimism. Orange can evoke feelings of enthusiasm, creativity, and friendliness. Green: To make green, mix yellow and blue. It represents nature, growth, and harmony. Green can have a calming and refreshing effect, symbolizing balance and renewal. Purple: Purple is the result of mixing blue and red. It carries a sense of mystery, royalty, and elegance. Purple can evoke emotions such as creativity, spirituality, and introspection. Additive and subtractive color mixing Color mixing is categorized into two methods: additive color mixing and subtractive color mixing. These methods are based on color models and have distinct applications in various domains. Additive color mixing is used in digital displays, such as computer screens and televisions, stage lighting and visual effects. It involves the combination of light sources to create different colors. The primary colors in additive color mixing are red, green, and blue (RGB). By varying the intensity and combination of these colors, you achieve a broad spectrum of hues. When all three primary colors are combined, they create white light. Additive color mixing follows the principle that the more colors are added, the brighter the resulting color becomes. Subtractive color mixing is used in traditional art mediums like painting, printing, and mixing pigments. It involves the mixing of pigments or dyes to produce different colors. In subtractive color mixing, the primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY). When these colors are mixed in varying proportions, they absorb or subtract certain light wavelengths, resulting in the perception of different colors. The combination of cyan, magenta, and yellow in equal proportions produces a neutral gray or black color. Subtractive color mixing follows the principle that the more colors are mixed, the darker the color becomes. How colors interact and combine Colors interact and combine through various mechanisms, resulting in a range of visual effects. Here are some key ways in which colors interact and combine: Additive color mixing. In additive color mixing, different colored lights combine to form new colors. When these colors are combined at full intensity, they create white light. Subtractive color mixing. This involves the combination of pigments or dyes. The primary colors in this model are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY). The combination of all three primary colors produces black. Color harmonies. Colors can interact when arranged in specific combinations. Complementary colors, located opposite each other on the color wheel, create a vibrant contrast when paired. Analogous colors on the color wheel generate a harmonious and cohesive color scheme. Color contrast. Colors can create contrast based on differences in hue, value, and saturation. High-contrast combinations draw attention and create visual impact. Low-contrast combinations, such as closely related shades, provide subtlety and cohesion. Optical mixing. Colors can blend together when viewed from a distance or when small color elements are placed close to each other. Optical mixing occurs when the eye perceives a mixture of colors even though they are not physically blended. For instance, tiny dots of red and blue can give the illusion of purple when viewed from afar. What Color Does Color Orange and Purple Make When Mixed? Orange and purple make a rich and earthy brown hue, one of the tertiary colors. The specific tone of brown achieved will depend on the proportions and intensity of the orange and purple used in the mixture. Orange contains warm undertones and purple contains cool undertones. When combined, the warmth of orange and the coolness of purple blend to produce a balanced and muted brown color. This color mixture can add depth, warmth, and a touch of sophistication to various artistic and design endeavors. How to Mix Color Orange and Purple Combining orange and purple is an exciting process that allows you to explore the world of color blending and create unique shades. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to mix orange and purple: Step 1: Start with the primary colors. Before mixing orange and purple, have the primary colors on hand. Step 2: Prepare your palette. Set up a clean palette or mixing surface to ensure accurate color blending. Having separate areas for orange and purple will help you control the proportions and create the desired shade. Step 3: Begin with orange. Start by squeezing a small amount of red and yellow paint onto your palette. Using a palette knife or brush, mix the two colors together. Start with equal parts of red and yellow, and adjust the ratio as needed to achieve the desired intensity of orange. Step 4: Introduce purple. Clean your palette knife or brush once you’re satisfied with your orange hue. Now, squeeze a small amount of blue and red paint onto the palette in separate areas. Begin by adding a touch of red to the blue, and mix them together. Adjust the ratio of red and blue to create the desired shade of purple. Step 5: Blend orange and purple. With your orange and purple shades ready, it’s time to mix them together. Use a fresh area on the palette or a clean brush to combine the two colors. Start by adding small amounts of purple to the orange and gradually mix them together. Step 6: Test and refine. Once you have your initial mixture, test it on a separate surface to see how the color appears in different lighting conditions. Mixing Color Orange and Purple Additive Color Mixing When it comes to additive color mixing, I am referring to the mixing of colors using light. In this context, orange and purple are both additive colors. When you mix these colors, the resulting color will depend on the proportions of each color. The result is a color that is closer to white. This is because the additive color model works by adding different wavelengths of light together. Orange light has a longer wavelength than purple light. When they combine, the wavelengths overlap and create a broader spectrum of light, which appears closer to white. Subtractive Color Mixing Subtractive color mixing involves mixing colors by using pigments or dyes. In this context, orange and purple are subtractive colors. Orange is a combination of yellow and magenta, while purple combines blue and magenta. When you mix orange and purple pigments or dyes subtractively, the resulting color will be a shade of brown. This occurs because subtractive color mixing works by absorbing certain wavelengths of light and reflecting others. Orange absorbs blue light, while purple absorbs yellow and green light. When you mix these colors, they absorb a broad range of wavelengths, resulting in a darker and less vibrant color. Variations of Visual Representations of Color Orange and Color Purple |Shades||HEX codes||RGB color codes| |Dark orange||#FF8C00||255, 140, 0| |Orange||#FFA500||255, 165, 0| |Light orange||#FFD700||255, 215, 0| |Burnt orange||#CC5500||204, 85, 0| |Pumpkin||#FF7518||255, 117, 24| |Coral||#FF7F50||255, 127, 80| |Apricot||#FFBEBD||255, 190, 189| |Tangerine||#FFA07A||255, 160, 122| |Peach||#FFDAB9||255, 218, 185| |Salmon||#FA8072||250, 128, 114| |Shades||HEX codes||RGB color codes| |Dak purple||#800080||128, 0, 128| |Purple||#8A2BE2||138, 43, 226| |Medium purple||#9370DB||147, 112, 219| |Lavender||#E6E6FA||230, 230, 250| |Lilac||#C8A2C8||200, 162, 200| |Violet||#EE82EE||238, 130, 238| |Plum||#DDA0DD||221, 160, 221| |Mauve||#E0B0FF||224, 176, 255| |Amethyst||#9966CC||153, 102, 204| |Orchid||#DA70D6||218, 112, 214| Factors Affecting the Resulting Color when Mixing Orange and Purple Several factors can influence the resulting color when mixing purple and orange. Here are some key factors to consider: 1. Proportions. The ratio of purple to orange will impact the final color. Adding more purple will shift the mixture towards a cooler and darker shade. Increasing the amount of orange will create a warmer and lighter result. 2. Intensity. The intensity or saturation of the orange and purple colors used will affect the resulting mixture. Vibrant colors will yield a more intense and vibrant brown. Less saturated colors will produce a more muted or subdued brown. 3. Undertones. The specific undertones present in the orange and purple colors will influence the resulting mixture. Orange can have warm undertones, while purple can have cool undertones. 4. Color temperature. Considering the temperature of the orange and purple colors is important. Warm orange hues can lean the resulting brown towards a warmer and reddish brown shade, while cooler purple tones can impart a cooler color. 5. Pigment properties. Different pigments have varying characteristics and interactions when mixed. The specific pigments used in orange and purple paints or dyes can influence the outcome. 6. Lighting conditions. The lighting under which the mixed color is observed can also impact its appearance. Lighting affects how the human eye perceives colors. Applications and Symbolism Best uses for orange and purple mixes Orange and purple mixes offer a versatile range of colors that you can apply in various contexts. Here are some best uses for orange and purple mixes: 1. Art and design. Orange and purple mixed together make beautiful paintings, illustrations, and graphic designs. You can also use them as vibrant background colors, for creating gradients or shading. 2. Fashion and textiles. Fabric designs, clothing, and accessories look bold when made with orange, purple mixes. It can be used in color-blocking, or as contrasting accents to create striking and unique fashion statements. 3. Home decor. Orange and purple mixes can be employed in interior design to create eye-catching color schemes. These mixes are used for feature walls, furniture upholstery, throw pillows, or decorative accents to add warmth and richness to living spaces. 4. Branding and marketing. In branding and marketing, orange and purple mixes create memorable and impactful visuals. The color combinations evoke a sense of creativity, energy, and uniqueness. 5. Seasonal themes. Orange and purple mixes are often associated with autumn and Halloween themes. The warm, earthy tones of brown derived from these mixes can represent the changing foliage and the festive atmosphere of the season. 6. Floral arrangements. Orange and purple mixes add depth and contrast to the floral arrangement. They are used to create visually striking bouquets or arrangements that combine warm and cool tones, making them suitable for special occasions or as unique centerpieces. Symbolic meanings associated with the color orange and the color purple The color orange has various symbolic meanings across different cultures and psychological interpretations. Some common symbolic meanings associated with the color orange include: Energy and vitality- Orange symbolizes enthusiasm, excitement, and a zest for life. Creativity and expression- Orange is a creative and expressive color. It represents innovation, originality, and the ability to think outside the box. Joy and happiness- The color orange has feelings of joy, happiness, and positivity. It can evoke a sense of warmth and cheerfulness. Social interaction- It is also a sociable color that represents extroversion and the ability to connect with others. Courage and confidence- Orange is a color of courage and confidence. It can symbolize taking risks, embracing challenges, and stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Purple carries diverse symbolic meanings based on cultural and psychological interpretations. Some of these symbolic meanings include: Royalty and power- Historically, purple dyes were expensive to produce, making them accessible only to the elite. This association with nobility and regality has persisted over time. Spirituality and mysticism- Purple is linked to spirituality, mysticism, and introspection. It can symbolize wisdom, intuition, and a connection to the spiritual realm. Creativity and imagination- Purple is a color of creativity and imagination. It is often associated with artistic endeavors, unconventional thinking, and individuality. Ambition and ambiguity- Purple represents ambition, independence, and a desire for uniqueness. Transformation and healing- Purple is associated with transformation, growth, and healing. It can symbolize the ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger. What Color Goes with Purple and Orange? When pairing purple and orange, consider colors that complement and enhance their vibrancy and contrast. Here are some color options that go well with purple and orange: - Yellow- It adds a bright and cheerful element to the color scheme, creating a vibrant and energetic combination. - Green- The combination of purple, orange, and green can evoke a sense of nature and create a lively and balanced color palette. - Blue- The coolness of blue provides a pleasing balance to the warm tones of purple and orange. - Pink-The combination of purple, orange, and pink can create a playful and whimsical color palette. - Teal- Orange, teal and purple mixed form a captivating color combination. Teal adds a calming element to the vibrant contrast of purple and orange. - Neutral tones- Colors like gray, beige, or taupe can serve as a grounding element when paired with purple and orange. - Metallic accents- Incorporating metals like gold or bronze can add a touch of glamor and elegance to the purple and orange color scheme. What Color Do Purple and Orange Make in Lights? When purple and orange lights are mixed, they create a color that is closer to white. In the context of additive color mixing, purple and orange are both colors that are created by mixing different wavelengths of light. Purple light is a combination of blue and red light, while orange light is a combination of red and yellow light. When you combine purple and orange lights additively, the wavelengths of light overlap, resulting in a broader spectrum of light being emitted. This combination of wavelengths appears as pale or pastel colors mixed that are closer to white or a very light shade of gray. The exact resulting color will depend on the specific shades and intensities of purple and orange being mixed. Creating Russet Tints Creating russet tints involves mixing colors to achieve warm, reddish-brown hues. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating lighter and darker colors. Step 1: Begin with a warm brown or burnt sienna as your base color. This will provide a foundation for the russet tones you’ll be creating. Step 2: Add warmth and depth to your russet tint by introducing red into the mix. Start with a small amount of red paint or pigment and incorporate it into the base color. Step 3: To further enhance the warmth of the russet tint, incorporate a touch of yellow. Yellow adds a golden undertone to the mixture, giving it a sun-kissed appearance. Step 4: Depending on the desired intensity of the russet tint, you can adjust the saturation and value. To increase saturation, add more red tint and yellow to intensify the hue. To darken the tint, introduce a small amount of black or a darker brown shade. Step 5: Test the russet tint on a separate surface to assess how it appears in different lighting conditions. Is there a Quicker Way to Create a Russet? If you’re looking for a quicker way to create a russet color, you can try using premixed paint or a combination of ready-made colors. Here’s a quick method: - Start with a base color - Assess the hue - Add a red-orange tint and yellow - Test and refine What is the name of the orange and purple combination? The name of the orange and purple combination is known as the color russet. Russet is a unique shade of brown known for its reddish or orangish undertones. Do orange and purple go together? Yes, orange and purple can go together. They are complementary colors, meaning they are opposite each other on the color wheel. This contrast creates a vibrant and eye-catching combination. The warm, energetic tones of cadmium orange can be balanced by the cool, calming hues of purple, resulting in a dynamic and balanced composition. What color do purple and red make? Purple and red make the color burgundy or maroon. The resulting color will depend on the specific shades and proportions of purple and red used in the mixture. Purple, being a combination of blue and red, already contains red undertones. What color do blue and orange make? Blue and orange create a shade of brown. The specific tone of brown will depend on the shades and proportions of blue and orange used in the mixture. Do orange and white go together? Yes, orange and white can complement each other beautifully. Combining these colors can create a fresh look or a soft and delicate aesthetic; orange + white = what color? Depending on the specific shades and context. It’s all about finding balance and harmony in your design or outfit. The blending of orange and purple is like a delightful dance of colors and a harmonious fusion. Just as life is full of unexpected combinations and connections, these two hues come together to create something captivating. The resulting russet hue evokes images of autumn landscapes and cozy fireside evenings. It reminds us that even in the most unlikely pairings, magic happens when we embrace diversity. So, the next time you ponder about mixing orange and purple, remember that it’s not just about the science of pigments. It’s a reminder that beauty can emerge from the unlikeliest of unions. Embrace the colorful surprises that life presents, and let your imagination paint a canvas full of endless possibilities.
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2023-40", "url": "https://paintsacrylic.com/what-color-does-orange-and-purple-make-when-mixed/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2023-40/segments/1695233510284.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20230927071345-20230927101345-00769.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8771041035652161, "token_count": 5129, "score": 2.890625, "int_score": 3 }
Experimental Geochemistry Facilities The Watson Lab Humans are unable to directly observe most Earth processes. We can neither travel substantially beneath the Earth’s surface, nor are we able to turn back the clock and witness the numerous changes within the planet over the last 4.5 billion years. Despite our limits, we know the approximate range of physical conditions in the Earth, both now and throughout time. Earth scientists are able to characterize the deep Earth by monitoring the behavior of seismic waves, and their evaluations constrain the nature of the materials and processes at depth. And we understand the chemical composition of few deep earth materials brought to the surface by Earth’s dynamic lithosphere. With this knowledge, it is therefore reasonable to create experiments which examine the effect of relevant physical conditions on specific chemical systems. This method of investigation is known as experimental geochemistry, and it provides tremendous insight to those processes at work in our planet. The experimental facilities here at RPI were assembled under the direction of E. Bruce Watson. These are used to examine a wide-range of processes in geologically relevant materials. Mostly, the lab efforts characterize transport phenomena: the transfer of material or energy within naturally occurring chemical systems. Important Variables: Temperature and Pressure The Earth is hottest at its core, and cools as one approaches the surface. Additionally, as one goes deeper into the earth, the pressure increases because of the accumulated weight of the overlying rocks. The cartoon to the left shows a thin slice through the upper part of a continent (the distance is not even half of a percent of the Earth's radius). Even over this relatively short distance once sees a dramatic increase in temperature and pressure. As one goes 20 km into the Earth, the temperature increases from near 0oC to 250oC, and the pressure increases from 0.1 MPa (atmospheric) to 660 MPa (roughly 6600 times atmospheric). Experimental geochemistry seeks to examine processes by recreating the conditions of the deep Earth at its surface. It is therefore necessary to replicate a range of pressures and temperatures within the lab. This may be done somewhat easily using pumps and furnaces configured to reach the conditions of interest. This piece of equipment is similar to an electric kitchen oven: a heating element (resistant wire) converts electrical input into thermal energy, which heats a volume of air, the temperature of which is monitored and the electrical input is adjusted to achieve or maintain a preset temperature. The materials to be heated may be open or sealed, but no external pressure is applied - in other words, the sample experiences near-atmospheric pressure. However, unlike the your average household oven, this furnace is configured to heat its center very evenly to temperatures up to 1200oC (2192oF). Other furnaces in the lab with U-shaped elements made of MoSi2 achieve temperatures up to 1800oC (3272oF). These devices are particularly useful for examining how temperature influences chemical processes likely to be at work in the Earth. This device is similar to the one-atmosphere furnace. However, in the cold-seal apparatus the sample is placed inside a vessel of a strong alloy. The bomb, as the alloy vessel is called, is sealed outside the furnace (hence the name) and may be pressurized with water to 400 MPa (56,000 PSI). Because very high temperatures will weaken the bomb, temperatures may not exceed 1000oC. Despite this limitation, the device is extremely useful, as this range of pressure and temperature well matches that of the upper and middle crust of the Earth. Although greatly different in appearance, this device utilizes a furnace and pump just like the cold-seal apparatus. The heating element is different; instead of a high-temperature wire, it uses a disposable cylinder of graphite. And instead of water pressure on the sample, the pump forces a piston against the starting components, which are packed in crushable solid materials which are placed snugly into a thick-walled cylinder of rigid tungsten carbide and steel. With sufficient pumping, the machine produces uniform (isostatic) pressure around the sample. This apparatus reaches a wide range of temperatures, from 600-1700oC (1112-3092oF), and pressures, from 500 MPa to 3500 MPa (70,000-490,000 PSI), covering the extent of conditions relevant to processes in the lower crust and upper mantle of the Earth.
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By Huntsman Cancer Institute Shopping for cancer-fighting foods just got easier, thanks to a partnership between Huntsman Cancer Institute and Harmons Grocery. The partnership came out of the organizations’ shared interest in teaching the public about healthy eating and how it can help prevent cancer and other diseases.“Diet plays a big role in the development of many types of cancer,” says HCI community outreach coordinator Garrett Harding. In fact, about one-third of cancer diagnoses are attributed to poor diet, lack of physical activity and obesity. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, eating healthy may increase your responsiveness to treatment, reduce complications and improve your quality of life.But information about healthy eating can be overwhelming, says Harmons dietitian Jonnell Masson. “People get to the store and they think, ‘How do I translate this information?’” So HCI cancer prevention experts and Harmons dietitians developed a shopping list based on the American Institute for Cancer Research’s Foods That Fight Cancer. These foods have been shown in scientific studies to have cancer-fighting effects. “The Cancer-Fighting Foods Shopping List is a great way to add prevention to your kitchen,” says Harding. “This is a great resource for shoppers to stock up on cancer-fighting ingredients and help maintain a healthy and balanced diet. “In partnering with Harmons,” Harding continues, “we hope that individual shoppers will see that even small changes in their diet—like incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables—may significantly improve future health outcomes.” The Cancer-Fighting Foods Shopping List is available in all 16 Utah Harmons locations and online. It’s a topic that’s gaining attention. In the past five years, researchers have placed a greater focus on studying the effects of “near-roadway pollution.” More research needs to be done, but many scientists are beginning to believe that proximity to highways may impact our health in ways we never considered. Click here to read the full story. For more expert health news and information, visit healthcare.utah.edu/healthfeed. Being a parent is a full-time job. Even on the good days, it seems like you’re always two steps behind. Here at University of Utah Health Care’s South Jordan Health Center, we’re making it easier on you. Here’s how:
{ "dump": "CC-MAIN-2021-39", "url": "https://staging.attheu.umc.utah.edu/facultystaff/a-healthier-u-28/", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2021-39/segments/1631780055684.76/warc/CC-MAIN-20210917151054-20210917181054-00009.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9402871131896973, "token_count": 509, "score": 2.671875, "int_score": 3 }
With over 31,000 lochs dotted throughout Scotland, there’s no shortage of beauty spots for nature lovers. But as Scotland has so much else to offer the discerning tourist, many of us think that once you’ve seen one loch you’ve seen them all. However, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Many lochs of the Highlands alone boast their own distinct features and history. Here are five lochs of the Highlands you probably have never heard of, each with their own story to tell. When you rent a Scottish castle you must experience the wonder of Scotland’s hidden lochs. Loch Tay of ancient Scotland This particular loch is riddled with ghosts of the past and was once the historic province of Breadalbane. Fascinatingly, ancient settlers used to live on the loch some 2500 years ago in artificially created islands, known as crannogs. Most of these islands are submerged beneath the water but one still remains seen at Kenmore. This was the ancient burial ground of Queen Sybilla, wife of Alexander King of Scots. The magnificence of Loch Tay is only magnified by its eerie expanse of dark waters stretching 15 miles long and 508 feet deep. During Scottish castle vacations Loch Tay’s shingle beach is the perfect spot for the romantic at heart to soak up the warming autumn rays. Alternatively, families can enjoy sailing its tides or playing water sports. Loch Awe; as Scottish as a loch can be Loch Awe is a large body of freshwater in Argyll and Bute, in the Scottish Highlands. Like something out of a dream world, it also houses islands within it. Loch Awe: it’s all in the name. At 28 miles in length it is the longest fresh water loch (or lake) in the UK. Secondly, it’s known to anglers as holding holds the current record for the largest Brown Trout caught in the British Isles. And thirdly, it has Kilchurn Castle, arguably Scotland’s most impressive and iconic ancient buildings and ancestral home of clan Campbell, at its north-eastern edge. You have probably seen Loch Awe, without realising it. The atmospheric ruin of Kilchurn Castle is one of the most popular images of Scotland. This autumn why not explore its wondrous islands, beaches, wooded slopes and distant snow-capped mountains. Loch Rusky is a hidden gem Loch Rusky is a small freshwater loch near Callander in Stirling in the Scottish Highlands. It lies in the former county of Perthshire. Hidden away on the very edge of the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, Loch Rusky is a beautiful and peaceful little loch which hosts more fishermen and photographers than tourists. If you enjoy a spot of trout fishing or fly fishing then Loch Rusky is a must when you rent a Scottish castle in the Scottish Highlands. Loch Katrine has Victorian roots Loch Katrine is a freshwater loch and scenic attraction in the Trossachs area of the Scottish Highlands. It is also within the district of Stirling. The loch is 13 kilometres long and 1 kilometre wide and is situated in the Trossachs National Park. Katrine is from the Gaelic for “highland thief or robber.” Loch Katrine has been a holiday destination since Victorian times, when the famous steamship Sir Walter Scott, still in use today, was first launched on its waters. Experience the beauty of this loch with a cruise on this ‘Lady of the Lake’, a landmark in The Trossachs for over a hundred years. Perhaps you’ll just want to relax with a coffee or a meal in the Brenachoile Cafe Bar, shop for a souvenir and take a stroll by the shore, or bring the family for a cycle trip? Loch Morar lets you find peace Loch Morar is a freshwater loch in Lochaber, in the Scottish Highlands. It is the fifth-largest loch by surface area in Scotland, and the deepest freshwater body in the UK – 100m deeper than Loch Ness!). It’s a quite beautiful place and so very peaceful and quiet; almost eerie in its serenity. Dotted around its midst are churches, cottages and farm animals. Watch out for the sheep as you drive up close to Loch Morar. This particular loch is not in the least popular with tourists but nonetheless is ideally peppered with little coves, mini beaches and various other little stopping points. The views over to the mountains on the other side are spectacular and ever changing as the clouds roll in and out. Visits to Loch Morar bring about a peacefulness you can only experience in the Highlands. Find yourself when you rent a Scottish castle These lochs detailed above are just a selection of what is on offer when you rent a Scottish castle. Whether you want to explore its local villages, appreciate the surrounding scenery or dive right into the heart of one of these fascinating stretches of water, there’s a loch waiting for you. What’s more, Aldourie Castle boasts fantastic views of Loch Ness and sets you in perfect placing for exploring the loch and those of further afield alike.
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With cyberbullying being a predominant issue in education and in adult life, there are many ways to protect the victims. Ken Kurson, who has been cyberbullied, admits that it’s not easy searching for help, but it’s worth it in the end. Educators must be aware of cyberbullying situations for there to be a solution. Children are on their phones, tablets, and computers constantly. By setting up social media accounts, before the proper age of 18, a lot can go wrong. Body image, eating disorders, and even more consequences happen because of cyberbullying. When a person or parent notice a cyber attack, they must take matters into their own hands. That includes notifying the superintendent, principal, teacher, or whoever else supervises the bullying child. Involving educators and other parents is a smart move and avoids anything like lawsuits. Ken Kurson reminds parents to remain positive for their children so they know they are safe.
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Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has launched a nationwide online platform, 'FoSCoRIS' , to bring in transparency in food safety inspection and sampling. FSSAI has asked states to adopt this system as it would help eliminate discrepancy and make food safety officers accountable. The web-based 'FoSCoRIS' system will help verify compliance of food safety and hygiene standards by food businesses as per the government norms. The new system will bring together all key stakeholders: food businesses, food safety officers (FSOs), designated officers, state food safety commissioners on a nation-wide IT platform. The data related to inspection, sampling and test result will be shared seamlessly by all the officials. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been established under Food Safety and Standards , 2006 which consolidates various acts & orders that have hitherto handled food related issues in various Ministries and Departments. FSSAI has been created for laying down science based standards for articles of food and to regulate their manufacture, storage, distribution, sale and import to ensure availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India is the Administrative Ministry for the implementation of FSSAI.
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