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## Pretokenized version of [OMGprot50](https://huggingface.co/datasets/tattabio/OMG_prot50) in uint8 (ESM2 tokens). |
Thanks [Tatta Bio](https://huggingface.co/tattabio) for putting together such an amazing base dataset! |
Each shard (.bin) is 100,000,000 tokens |
There are also added validation sets and test sets for evalution purposes, including [ESM2 speed runs](https://github.com/Synthyra/SpeedRunningESM2). |
OMG prot50 was clusterd at 50% identity, so random splits are nonredundant to the training set by default. |
Random splits of 10,000 make up the base components of the validation and test sets. |
To the test set, we also add all new Uniprot entries since OMG creation that have transcript level evidence after dedpulication. |
### Scripts |
[To download](https://github.com/Synthyra/SpeedRunningESM2/blob/master/data/download_omgprot50.py) |
[Split creation](https://github.com/Synthyra/SpeedRunningESM2/blob/master/data/create_omgprot50_splits.py) |
[Tokenization](https://github.com/Synthyra/SpeedRunningESM2/blob/master/data/process_omgprot50.py) |