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C | Where does a bee like to spell? Choices: A: add numbers; B: group; C: in a spelling bee; D: spelt; E: add number to list | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What word do you get when you take half of the word of kitten and combine it with the name of a bodypart? Choices: A: kitchen; B: measure; C: soft; D: disaccharide; E: mix | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What happens when you step on a cat? Choices: A: it meows; B: hoist; C: manul; D: pets; E: tom | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What is your name? What is the color of the sky?What is the opposite of down? Choices: A: your name blew up; B: banner; C: vividness; D: parts; E: flame | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | Two Russions where walking down the street the one is the dad of the otherones son how do you explain that? Choices: A: relative; B: grey; C: parking zone; D: one is mom; E: old man | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I follow you everywhere, I am always around you, You cannot get rid of me. I see all,yet I cannot see or hear. I am what keeps the world alive, what am I? Choices: A: air itself; B: lodge; C: supernaturalism; D: listening; E: light itself | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I get trodded on every single day,I'm all different types of materials and am the lowest object on earth. What am I? Choices: A: iron; B: dress; C: polish; D: im the floor; E: furnishings | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | WHAT IS SOMETHING THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD CANNOT HOLD FOR A HOUR? Choices: A: wrestling; B: pause; C: their breath; D: doll; E: hydroelectricity | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | What is the longest word in the dictionary? Choices: A: mural; B: proparoxytone; C: alpha privative; D: letters; E: elastic it streches | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | You can do this once , but not once in your life. Choices: A: vote; B: go; C: cell; D: lifestyle; E: fungi | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | Your go into the forest and get me you sit down to find me and our leave because you cant find me. What am I? Choices: A: terminal leave; B: lounge; C: sliver; D: folding chair; E: somewhere | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What does everyone have that they can always count on? Choices: A: say; B: marquis; C: rank; D: their fingers; E: be | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What do other people use but you dont?? Choices: A: pretend; B: campana; C: bow out; D: dumbo ur name; E: ethnic | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What Can See Without Eyes? What Can Hear Wihtout Ears? What Can Climb Without Arms? Choices: A: ophthalmologist; B: waving; C: slide; D: human imagination; E: armchair | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | 50 ofyouwent to school and 20 of yalll didn't Choices: A: usher; B: 502070; C: playing field; D: fraternity; E: pencil sharpener | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | what is green an imitats washinton? Choices: A: duck; B: conservation; C: dallar bill; D: wintergreen; E: utah | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Why didn't the chicken cross the road? Choices: A: crossroads; B: movement; C: device; D: canal; E: he got ran over | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | What is the only word in the English language that sounds differant and has a differant meaning when you capitalize it? Choices: A: pennsylvania dutch; B: polish; C: future perfect; D: note; E: discriminate | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | eat us and we will give you strengh, eat us and you we will makeyousuffocate, We come in many shapes and sizes, We come in one shape and size, use as a tool for your disposal, If we are lost and one is left, with little luck only one can reunite us all. Who are we? Choices: A: we are mammals; B: file; C: we are chips; D: snack; E: failure | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | There was an elephant. Which part of it is the biggest? Choices: A: puppy; B: branch; C: elephants cave; D: india; E: beaver | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | what thing is in the middle of the sea? Choices: A: albatross; B: tiamat; C: litter e; D: fathom; E: put | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | Why is the kamod so thin? Choices: A: to fit your phoosy in; B: anorectic; C: shaving; D: seersucker; E: thinner | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | There once was a little girl,a little boy,a girl,a boy,a lady,and a gentleman. Upon all who can fly?why? Choices: A: species; B: lady ladybugs can fly; C: don; D: g; E: gentlemen | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | You like to hold it ,but you you always lose it. Choices: A: deal; B: slave; C: coal; D: plum; E: remote | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I can run but zI can't walk. What am I? Choices: A: flush; B: skiing; C: river stream or nose; D: overrun; E: jog | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | 23-23=5 HOW CAN THAT BE THINK THINK DONT KNOW Choices: A: read alot; B: by mistake; C: regard; D: activity; E: groupthink | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What did the chicken say when he crossed the road? Choices: A: Dialogue; B: chopped; C: become food; D: nothinghe didnt make it; E: branch | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | think of a number 1 through 10. add 5. then add 10. now subtract the number you started with. Choices: A: single; B: concept; C: employment; D: counting; E: is your answer 15 | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211 13112221 what number comes next? Choices: A: manifest; B: 1113213211; C: tally; D: cardinal number; E: symbol | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | if the man said there was 40 more sweets in the shop why did 80 peolpe come in for the sweets? Choices: A: overload; B: token; C: because 40 people stole them; D: consumer; E: capitalists | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Two households, both alike in dignity, Equal in strength, where they're besieged, Across many lands, they lay their scene, From ancient grude, of light and dark, To the rook and the nightingale for lark, With the monarchy at complete unrest, And infidels march to trap and test, Yet in each household, A pair star-cross'd lovers fight, Side by side, for husband and life, In death the conflict comes to an end, What eye shall miss, this toil shall stive to mend, And begin again, Choices: A: hold; B: law; C: sum; D: design; E: chess setchess pieces | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | It stares at you in the face all day without eyes. It speaks without a mouth. Its face always changes from one thing to the next. Choices: A: routine; B: cover; C: beaver; D: your television; E: spy | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What is more powerful than God. . More evil than the devil. . Rich people need. . Poor people have. . and if you eat it you will surely die?? What am I?? Choices: A: Satan; B: lower power; C: myth; D: nothingnothing at all; E: complex | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | What short, skinny, and never been used ? Choices: A: tract; B: moment; C: yo dick; D: dumbbell; E: jockey | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | Romeo and Juliet were found dead on the floor in a single bed room. All that was found nearby was some broken glass and some water. The house was in a remote location with nothing around except a railway station and a track. How did Romeo and Juliet die? Choices: A: romeo and juliet were fish; B: wheel; C: we're all going to die; D: water heater; E: water level | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Im 300 pounds you saw me last night what am I? Choices: A: place; B: shot; C: mope; D: debut; E: yo mamma | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | I can be light or dark, spelled in Canada and USA differently, and can be hard or liquid like what am I? Choices: A: broadway; B: steep; C: yorktown; D: smith; E: colorcolour | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | It has a head, a tail, s brown, and has no legs. What is it?? Choices: A: penny duh; B: spider; C: dust; D: form; E: movement | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I’m never heard, never smelt I’m never touched, Or never felt. Begin in me, end in me The more of me the less you see. I’m there in forests and underground And other places not to be found. What am I? Choices: A: winery; B: lovers; C: darkness; D: press; E: berth | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | im green , black , red, i live in the dark and never see daylight what am i Choices: A: moisture; B: stand; C: compact; D: test; E: dont noyoutell me | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | both of them have been through a lot of together what are they? Choices: A: amount; B: buttcheeks; C: lottery; D: subdivider; E: extent | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I can make you successful, or make you a failure. I am totally at your command. Tell me what you want to change about you and I will do it automactilly. Be easy with me & I'll destroy you. What am I? Choices: A: form; B: change of life; C: its; D: habit; E: delta | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | i m something a chef always use and a mudrer always use Choices: A: hang; B: whites; C: media; D: taste; E: knive | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | A man walks into his bathroom and shoots himself right between the eyes using a real gun with real bullets. He walks out alive, with no blood anywhere. And no, he didn't miss and isn't Superman. How did he do this? Choices: A: man is jesusgod; B: he had a party; C: press; D: pope; E: water boy | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | try to figure out the last 4 digits of this number. . . . 561-985- call the cops, canyoufigure out the last 4 digits???? the first number of the last 4 is low so there you go. . . call me ifyoucan() i mean i am a international supersyar i dont give my phone out 2 any1 that ask 4 it. . . . . . . . . - gallant Choices: A: utterance; B: 0911 or 4911 or 2255; C: apex; D: digit; E: tag | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Arnold Swarchanager has a long one Jamie Fox has a short one the Pope can't use it Maddona doesn't have one what is it? Choices: A: collar; B: legate; C: baffle; D: papacy; E: last name duh | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What can a spider weave that eyes no eyes, yet still can see. Choices: A: website; B: quarter; C: epicanthus; D: sagacity; E: drop | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | What is black & small cannot be seen in the night and has something you want to bounce? Choices: A: surfeit; B: blackcap; C: glimpse; D: perturbation; E: lotto | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am dumb,and know many languages, i am deaf,but still spoken to and i connect love ones. WHAT AM I Choices: A: i; B: format; C: cellfone; D: singular; E: husky | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | What is ssssmartly sssssnake's best food? Choices: A: sausage; B: white; C: faith; D: smartly food; E: tasting | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | Hi. My name is sdxxxggmkhujfhbvbj (Means Jacks Waters) He count 50 states and 50 books, How much did he count his books and US map? Choices: A: danger; B: 1234567890 he hate math; C: story; D: scale; E: six | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | What is the beginning of the end, the end of time, the middle of yesterday, and nowhere in tommorrow? Choices: A: tidy; B: accuracy; C: its e; D: finis; E: critical point | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | How does Mother Earth fish? Choices: A: hill; B: with north and south poles; C: place; D: pole star; E: marmot | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | What kind of soda must you not drink? Choices: A: drinkable; B: baking soda; C: restaurants; D: cooler; E: fountain | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | I can be red or green, some people like me but some people dislikes me. For most people when they eat me. . . their face turns red! Choices: A: meal; B: cities; C: pasture; D: yellows; E: chili | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What do you call a funny book about eggs? Choices: A: yolk book; B: character; C: chick; D: thinking; E: covering | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | When is it dangerous to play cards? Choices: A: hazard; B: snakes; C: when the joker is wild; D: win money; E: pad | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | What kind of eyeglasses do spies wear? Choices: A: honeypot; B: spyfocals; C: being; D: ready; E: conduct | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | Why was the belt arrested? Choices: A: for holding up his pants; B: gaard; C: tie up your shoelace; D: look around; E: piece | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | What is a vampires favorite test? Choices: A: being; B: college; C: blood test; D: bubble; E: website | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | There are two parts of me. The first part is like a pop can, If you do a certain action it makes a mess. The second part Is sharp and thin and is used to pierce flesh. Who or what am I? Choices: A: contain food; B: quarrel; C: shakespeare; D: robbery; E: pronoun | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I carry stuff inside my pouch, You can look inside me and out, I am treated like a punching bad if I am squishy What am I? Choices: A: gizzard; B: wishful thinking; C: belt; D: pencilcase; E: trade | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I smell like blue paint, pours like green paint, and i look like a red truck what am i ?? Choices: A: slab; B: painter's shop; C: meconopsis; D: redpaint; E: wintergreen | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | Oh lord! i am not worthy! i bend my limbs to the ground i cry, yet without a sound let me drink of waters deep and in silence i will weep what am i ?? Choices: A: moss; B: apple tree; C: acorn; D: willow; E: hedge | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I go inside boots and outside shoes what am i ?? Choices: A: stocking; B: toe; C: ankles; D: leg; E: car boot sale | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am a band that does not perform, sing, or act what am i ?? Choices: A: cravat; B: scientist; C: rubberband; D: music stand; E: ambush | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | Glittering points that downward thrust sparkling spears that never rust what am i ?? Choices: A: truncheon; B: icicles; C: spit; D: quartile; E: oxide | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I have a small hill with seven holes what am i ?? Choices: A: head; B: cut; C: pill; D: inch; E: toe | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | A thousand wheels, but move i do not call me what i am, call me a lot what am i ?? Choices: A: ton; B: planet wheel; C: parkinglot; D: axe; E: cart | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | In your fire you hear me scream, creaking and whining, yet i am dead before you lay me in your hearth what am i ?? Choices: A: smudge; B: harm; C: frigg; D: heat energy; E: log | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I am the kind of soda you must not drink what am i ?? Choices: A: bakingsoda; B: manner; C: tar; D: verse; E: cost | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | It may only be given, not taken or bought what the sinner desires, but the saint does not what is it? Choices: A: fingerprint; B: interchange; C: forgiveness; D: nick; E: vitus | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | With a halo of water and a tongue of wood, stone as skin long i stood what am i? Choices: A: beaver; B: fireplace; C: woman; D: castle; E: board game | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I am black and white and full of fuzz what am i ?? Choices: A: policecar; B: black stork; C: white mustard; D: black box; E: jaguars | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am a small paradise surrounded by dryness and heat what am i ?? Choices: A: doll; B: oil; C: oasis; D: portion; E: fireplace | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Send poorly behaved children to me and let them sit here what am i ?? Choices: A: return; B: lobby; C: mission; D: boy; E: corner | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | What is probably the most famous dinner party in history? Choices: A: party wall; B: lastsupper; C: renaissance; D: ribbons; E: right wing | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | I am sometimes referred to as chips what am i ?? Choices: A: semiconductor device; B: referral; C: receptacle; D: frenchfries; E: christopher | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | The only amusing part of the body what am i ?? Choices: A: youare; B: essential amino acid; C: natural object; D: nutation; E: mudra | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | Makeup for finger tips what am i ?? Choices: A: hand lotion; B: shackle; C: blow; D: nailpolish; E: pass | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am an activity involving pins flying int eh air what am i ?? Choices: A: mood; B: reply; C: joggling; D: crane fly; E: horizontal | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | I am the word that is always spelled correctly by everyone what am i ?? Choices: A: valediction; B: command; C: correctly; D: mental object; E: sound good | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | Ripped from my ancestors home, beaten and burned, i become a bloodthirsty killer what am i ?? Choices: A: sideboard; B: dish; C: turbulence; D: pliocene; E: ironore | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I have a title and many pages i am a genteel of genteel descent i am a killer veteran of war i am a slave to my lord pledged to his service what am i ?? Choices: A: knight; B: creature; C: reading; D: white; E: feature | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | The more holes you cover the lower i go what am i ?? Choices: A: recorder; B: place; C: hypothermia; D: sweep; E: daub | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | What am i doing if i "split"? Choices: A: leave; B: chap; C: turn; D: branch; E: kipper | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | If i tell you "bg", what am i saying? Choices: A: know; B: read; C: mention; D: go; E: begood | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | If i say "wtg", what am i telling you? Choices: A: repeat; B: chat room; C: say; D: waytogo; E: count | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | If i say "xme" what am i telling you? Choices: A: know; B: chat room; C: excuseme; D: mention; E: surname | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
B | I love spinach what am i? Choices: A: chick; B: popeye; C: get; D: chard; E: ravioli | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | I look like something that sonic the hedgehog would fun collecting. Choices: A: funyuns; B: collections; C: rub; D: drive; E: berries | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | Known to be the fastest of my kind, I'm first known as being terrible. After time, I end up heavy. Choices: A: eternity; B: bowl; C: badminton; D: time period; E: synchronization | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | I appear to be a hulking brute, but in reality, i am a gentle giant, my name can also mean an expression of anger or frustration Choices: A: means; B: loanblend; C: slope; D: glower; E: aaarrrgghh | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | A chest that doesn't feel good. Choices: A: storage; B: manichaean; C: booth; D: thoracotomy; E: coffer | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
E | What is white and black and mainly used to make things look old Choices: A: bandit; B: blackamoor; C: eye rhyme; D: melanosis; E: oldcameras | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | If you win this famous race, forget Champagne, try fried chucken Choices: A: saute; B: flame; C: colour; D: bluegrass; E: watch film | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
A | Read one way, I am under great strain; but read the other way, I am sweet and pleasing. Choices: A: desserts; B: sour; C: kissing; D: strike; E: sweetener | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
C | What did the hamburger buy his sweetheart? Choices: A: activity; B: bought at store; C: onion ring; D: receipt; E: trade | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | How do shells get around in the ocean? Choices: A: hold onto; B: become food; C: western hemisphere; D: taxi crab; E: fishing | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
D | Where do bedtime books sleep? Choices: A: storey; B: workbook; C: in the cupboard; D: under their covers; E: social contract | Given the following question, answer carefully. |
Subsets and Splits