stringlengths 27
| file
stringlengths 57
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stringclasses 2
values | license
stringclasses 13
values | content
stringlengths 25
---|---|---|---|---| | | typst | ```pintora
TranslatedText {
Module {
ModuleTitle {
ModuleSubtitle {
ModuleNiveau {
Language {
Module ||--|| ModuleTitle : "Title(E1)"
Module ||--|| ModuleSubtitle : "Subtitle(E2)"
Module }o--|| ModuleNiveau : "Niveau(E3)"
ModuleTitle ||--o{ TranslatedText : "Translated_Title"
ModuleSubtitle ||--o{ TranslatedText : "Translated_Title"
ModuleNiveau ||--o{ TranslatedText : "Translated_Title"
TranslatedText }o--|| Language : "Language"
``` |
| |语言/造型/zaoxing.typ | typst | = 造型
Typst 包括一个灵活的样式系统,可自动将您选择的样式应用于您的文档。使用设置的规则,您可以配置元素的基本属性。这样,您就可以创建最常见的样式。但是,可能没有用于您希望执行的所有操作的内置属性。出于这个原因,Typst 进一步支持可以完全重新定义元素外观的显示规则。
= 设置规则
有时,您需要有条件地应用设置规则。为此,您可以使用 set-if 规则。
= 显示规则
使用显示规则,您可以深度自定义元素类型的外观。show 规则的最基本形式是 show-set 规则。这样的规则被写成关键字,后跟一个选择器、一个冒号,然后是一个集合规则。选择器的最基本形式是元素函数。这样一来,设置规则仅适用于所选元素。在下面的示例中,标题变为深蓝色,而所有其他文本保持黑色。
使用显示集规则,您可以混合和匹配来自不同函数的属性,以实现许多不同的效果。但是它们仍然将您限制在 Typst 中预定义的内容。为了获得最大的灵活性,您可以改为编写一个显示规则来定义如何从头开始设置元素的格式。要编写这样的 show 规则,请将冒号后面的 set 规则替换为任意函数。此函数接收有问题的元素,并可以返回任意内容。传递给函数的元素上的可用字段再次与相应元素函数的参数匹配。下面,我们定义一个显示规则,用于格式化幻想百科全书的标题。
除了函数之外,show 规则的右侧还可以采用应直接替换元素的文本字符串或内容块。除了函数之外,show 规则的左侧还可以采用许多其他选择器,这些选择器定义将转换应用于哪些内容:
#image("6.png") |
| | | typst | #import "template/template.typ": *
#import "template/abstract.typ": *
#import "chapters/foreword.typ": *
#import "chapters/main.typ": *
#import "chapters/tail.typ": *
// TODO:
// - [ ] 封面
// - [ ] 页眉页脚制作
#show: project.with(
title: "CQUPTypst",
authors: (
(name: "jerrita", email: "<EMAIL>"),
abstract: [
// This are two spaces between keywords.
mode: "cn",
abstract: [
“摘要”二字为黑体三号字居中,是一级标题。摘要与内容之间不空行,摘要内容与关键词间空一行。“关键词”三个字采用宋体小四号字加粗。摘要内容和关键词采用中文宋体、英文Times New Roman,小四号字,1.5倍行距。
keywords: "毕业设计,论文格式,规范化,模板",
mode: "en",
abstract: [
Abstract is a brief statement of the thesis without notes and comments, which should be stated in the third person with concise and accurate language in 600-800 Chinese characters and less than 700 words in foreign languages. The writing of an abstract should follow these principles:
+ Abstract should generally state out clearly the purpose, significance, problem, methods, results, main conclusion and its significance, creative achievements and new insights of the research program, and the results and conclusions should be emphasized.
+ Abstract should be independent and self contained, which can offer the necessary information without reading the full text. It is the miniature and abbreviation of a thesis, which contains the thesis’s main points, views and conclusions in a short and clear way. Abstract is a complete short essay with data and conclusion, which can be adopted and referred to independently.
+ Abstract should include main information of the original thesis as far as possible for the reader to determine whether to read the full text, which can also be applied for secondary sources.
+ Abstract should be written in words without any appended drawings and photos. Unless there is no alternative way available, abstract should be presented without graphs, tables, chemical structural equations, non-public common symbols and terminology, subscripts, and other special symbols. It is the best policy to highlight the key points clearly with less data tables.
Keywords are words or terms selected from the thesis for literature indexing to represent the topic information entry. Generally, a thesis should have 3-5 keywords, which should be arranged from broad to narrow entry according to the principle of epitaxial order. EI standard retrieval words are recommended. The keywords should be separated by a comma and there is no punctuation after the last word. If possible, it is better to use the standard words from Chinese Thesauri and other dictionaries of the same type.
Abstract should be centered in bold-3 word size. It is the primary heading without any blank line between the word “abstract” and its content. But there should be one blank line between the abstract content and the key words. The “keywords” should be in bold Song typeface with small-four word size. The content and the key words are written in Chinese song typeface, English Times New Roman, small-four word size and 1.5 spaced.
keywords: "thesis, format, standardization, template"
date: "April 7, 2023",
logo: "../resource/icon.png",
#set text(fs_l4)
// Only main pages need numbering.
#set heading(numbering: content_numbering)
#set heading(numbering: none)
#chapter_tail |
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "../ugent-template.typ": *
= Introduction | | | typst | Other | // Error: 14-18 cannot compare integer and string
#calc.min(1, "hi")
| | | typst | #import "@local/mtgstory:0.2.0": conf
#show: doc => conf(
"The Burying, Part 2",
set_name: "Gatecrash",
story_date: datetime(day: 06, month: 03, year: 2013),
author: "<NAME>",
#emph[To be close to the Old Gods, you must go under the earth. There you will hear their voices and feel their power. Some may whisper sacred words to you, some may give you visions, some may fill you with fear, but it is their way of making you whole, of making you a real person who knows his own heart. Do not fear.]
#line(length: 100%, stroke: rgb(90%, 90%, 90%))
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/01.png", height: 40%), caption: [], supplement: none, numbering: none)
Domri Rade was entombed in the earth.
After Domri was covered in magical symbols and an animal skin shroud, the shaman Sabast laid him in the ceremonial grave. As Domri felt the earth piled on top of him he heard Sabast begin a chant of protection. It kept Domri's body alive, but his mind was unprotected, exposed, and alone.
Sound became muffled with each shovelful of dirt. The cold slowly seeped into his body. The weight made it harder to move. Then he was in total darkness and silence. Teenage bravado buoyed him for the first initial moments, and he knew all he had to do was endure the night and in the morning Sabast would be there to dig him out.
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/02.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Skarrg Guildmage | Art by Aleksi Briclot], supplement: none, numbering: none)
All he had to do was last.
But any measure he had of the passage of time gradually began slipping away from him. An eternity seemed to pass as his mind systematically exhausted its defenses one by one. Eventually, he ran out of things to occupy his thoughts.
Then the deeper layers began to surface. Darker layers.
Was it minutes? Was it hours? Maybe Sabast was taken by a maaka on his way back to camp and no one will know where I am? Would the protection spell wear off? Would I suffocate? Maybe there was a massive Rakdos attack on my tribe and everyone was wiped out.
Maybe I'd always be alone.
Maybe I am going to die here.
He knew the Old Gods were a myth—something the elders believed in. But now, as cracks of uncertainty began to appear in his mental armor, he felt his mind rushing to cling to them, to make them real, to beg them for deliverance from this fear. His thoughts and emotions raced like rats in a trap, feeding on each other until his mind shut down and blind instinct took over. Domri struggled like a drowning man but his body was pinned in the earth. Frozen. Immobile.
An overwhelming panic set in... and then something began to take over. A pressure from within surged up through his body, sending a sound through his mind like a chorus of trumpets that threatened to tear him apart. His spine felt like it had turned to liquid fire and his head filled with light and then... it happened. He shot out into the Multiverse to behold the infinite void of the Blind Eternities. Its vastness was incomprehensible to his new eyes—eyes that would never be closed again.
All the planes of the Multiverse lay before him like facets of a sparkling jewel.
#line(length: 100%, stroke: rgb(90%, 90%, 90%))
Domri awoke in what felt like a Gruul steam tent. He picked himself up off of the spongy ground covered in leaf litter. Things smelled differently. He sat up and rubbed his eyes and viewed a world never before seen by a Gruul.
His mind could barely process the lack of buildings as he staggered to his feet—no stone, no rubble, nothing. He blinked and shook his head but the scene didn't change. Buildings didn't magically appear. He was deep within a primordial rainforest; massive trees covered with lush mosses, ferns, and bromeliads surrounded him. Plants he had never seen before burst in a riot of life all about him. He shuffled in a daze to a break in the trees and there he beheld a deep valley carpeted in the endless, green canopy of a vast jungle far below. Not a building or ruin in sight.
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/03.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Forest | Art by <NAME> & <NAME>], supplement: none, numbering: none)
"Krokt." The word escaped his mouth as he gazed in complete wonder at a horizon teeming with unchecked growth. A feeling began to well up within him, as if his Gruul ancestors were chanting in exultation. He was looking at the land of their hopes and dreams—a land without walls, structure, or the blasted Azorius and their scribbling books. This was raw life expressing absolute freedom, and he was in the thick of it. An ululation from some primal part of Domri's being erupted out of him in response to his ancestors' joy.
He yelled at the top of his lungs, "Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh!"
#emph[Maybe not so great an idea.]
He heard an unfamiliar bellow shake every bone in his body. Darting past him came three elves in strange garb, each one looking more surprised and worried than the one before as they fled past him.
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/04.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Sages of the Anima | Art by <NAME>er], supplement: none, numbering: none)
The first elf glared. "Idiot!"
The second elf ran past. "Idiot!"
As she dashed past him, the last elf said, "Run, you idiot!"
He could feel the earth as it shook under his feet. Something big crashed through the trees, and their trunks and roots groaned as they snapped. Domri sprang into action. He lowered his head and ran after the incredibly fleet feet of the elf girl as she darted through the obstacle course of hanging vines and fallen limbs.
Trees crashed all around him, and he quickly lost sight of the elves as he ran blindly through the endless sea of ferns and leaves. As he ran past a wall of vines, two hands shot out, grabbed him, and pulled him into a dark cave. He could hear the elves breathing.
"Don't say a word." One of the elves whispered.
"Idiot." Another said.
#line(length: 100%, stroke: rgb(90%, 90%, 90%))
"I don't want to go back," Domri said to his three elf companions who looked at him with a mixture of bewilderment and fascination. "This place is amazing."
The three elves sat and looked at this bedraggled boy, covered in dirt, ash, and ochre symbols of some strange tribe unknown to them, babbling about crossing a great void from another realm. Their elder, Hasal, talked to the stranger while the two younger elves watched him curiously from a distance.
"He's mad," Maklo whispered to Elishta.
"He's got power. I can feel it. Perhaps Cylia has sent him to help us track the gargantuans."
"I think he's just another scout who got lost in the forest and ate too many spinberries."
Hasal knew the human was not from any tribe he knew of nearby. Most human travelers—be they drumhunters or simple traders—moved in groups through the jungle, and no one went alone this far. Even Cylian godtrackers, such as themselves, were careful not to get separated this deep in the forest. This human, Hasal decided, was out of his head.
Hasal quietly asked questions of the boy, trying to make sense of his outlandish claims, but the more questions he asked, the more Domri came out with wild details of a world he called Ravnica.
Domri sat in bewildered glee as he stared at the lush, endless forest as the elves conferred with each other. After a moment of whispers and over-the-shoulder glances Hasal said, "Our anima will wish to talk to you. Tell me again of this place you come from. You spoke of an entire world of... buildings?"
"Yes. Where I come from, all people do is destroy nature and make buildings from it. My tribe destroys their stuff and gives it back to nature."
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/05.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Stomping Ground | Art by <NAME>], supplement: none, numbering: none)
Maklo looked doubtful. Elishta looked enthralled.
Hasal just looked. #emph[This kid is hallucinating.]
Domri rambled on, the adrenaline from the Planeswalk and then being chased by Krokt-knows-what was flowing through his body; his eyes were like saucers as he talked to the elves. "I mean, imagine if every tree here was a building of some sort and the spaces between them were cobbled alleyways. That's Ravnica. It's a horrible mess and we Gruul just want to tear it down, but the Azorius and all the other guilds fight us. They're all caught up in rules and laws, but we have the Rubblebelt. That's my home. I love the creatures that live there."
As Domri jabbered at the bewildered elves, he started to imagine the Rubblebelt and the great swaths of ruins, caves, and trenches left by wars, beasts, and other devastations. It pulled on him and he felt a strong force begin to arise like a fire within a furnace. The more Domri thought about it, the more the force grew within him, until a dam burst and he felt a tremendous rush of mana overtake him like a ragebeast. It was chaotic. It felt like a swirling storm of earth tangled with trees and vines. Domri began to sweat as the stress of this new vision overtook him. It was as if he was buried in the ground again. Deep in the earth, roots snaked through his body and dissolved his flesh into until nothing but his bones remained. Then those too were crushed into the void. He could faintly hear Hasal calling his name, and he could feel his physical body being shaken as if it was someone else's, but his awareness was elsewhere.
And then, in a sickening lurch of unbelievable power, he shot out into the Blind Eternities once more.
#line(length: 100%, stroke: rgb(90%, 90%, 90%))
The streets of Ravnica at midnight can be a confusing place, especially for a Gruul who had never set foot so deep within the city. Domri had to sneak blindly through what seemed like miles of alleyways and streets before he could find a familiar spire, a familiar hole in the district's wall, and a familiar trail that led back to the Rubblebelt and his tribe's camp.
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/06.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Forest | Art by <NAME>], supplement: none, numbering: none)
It was late night when he stumbled in, scraggly, drained of energy, looking like some kind of sewer shambler that crawled out of a Golgari drainpipe.
"Aieeee!" Within a split-second, four Gruul warriors had their spears at his throat.
"It's me, Domri. Get that spear out of my face, Murgul."
"Impossible," Murgul said. "You should still be in the grave."
"Oh, yeah. That."
"You will wait here until Sabast returns," Murgul growled, poking Domri with his spear.
Nasri flicked at a bit of dirt still in Domri's hair. "I think he's one of the Golgari now."
"I'll tell you what I am, Nasri," Domri said, irritated. "Starving."
#line(length: 100%, stroke: rgb(90%, 90%, 90%))
Sabast arrived with the dawn and, after he assuaged the warriors, pulled Domri into his tent. For the first time, Domri saw Sabast look completely dumbfounded.
"How did you get here? I removed the earth from the grave and you weren't there. What manner of spell did you cast? How did you escape the test?"
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/07.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Domri Rade | Art by <NAME>son], supplement: none, numbering: none)
Domri was on the spot. He knew that Sabast was bound by Gruul tradition to believe the old legends and myths and what Domri just went through blew all that to pieces. If it was found that he didn't go through with the full test, he would lose his guild standing. But if he told Sabast the truth, he would most likely be driven out as a madman or a charlatan, or both. Either way, it didn't look good. The irritating thing was that Domri had always felt he was different than everyone in his tribe and now something truly amazing had occurred to prove it and he couldn't say anything about it without alienating himself. It made Domri mad as a maaka.
He saw the elder shaman's puzzled face as he expected an answer. Domri decided it didn't really matter what he said now. Everything had changed.
"I can't tell you what happened," Domri said, looking at his feet.
"I can't tell you because you wouldn't believe me anyway." Domri felt the anger arise in him. "Do what you feel you have to. Banish me, whatever, it doesn't matter. Nobody has ever believed in me anyway." Domri turned to walk out.
"I'm not going to banish you," Sabast said as he grabbed Domri's arm. "Sit down. I am going to tell you something I have never told anyone in the tribe. There are no laws of the Gruul except that of the wild. I can tell something has happened to you, and that is the real power of the Burying. It is not for me to judge the chaotic forces of nature as good or bad, as the other guilds do; it is for me to guide the Gruul, to keep us in contact with those forces and to keep those forces alive within us. As long as you keep your spirit, Domri, you are Gruul, and you will have a place at the central fire."
In a rare flood of emotion, Domri embraced the old man. He felt like a weight had been lifted off him. On the long walk back to camp, Domri had not been aware of the worry that had gnawed at him about how his tribe would react—especially how Sabast would react. He left the tent, and as he walked past the staring members of his tribe, he felt a grin begin to emerge on his face. Finally, after years of just being a nobody, a kid with an affinity for the wild animals of Ravnica, Domri now felt like he knew something no other Gruul could know about. Not Sabast, not Nikya, not Borborygmos—no one. He knew of another realm, another world completely separate from this one, and it was a world that the Gruul could only dream of. Domri felt the urge to take another trip out into the wild—the real wild. Just the thought about the journey to the amazing jungle realm caused the excitement to rise up within him.
There was great adventure to be had and he was ready to crash into whatever was out there.
#figure(image("010_The Burying, Part 2/08.jpg", width: 100%), caption: [Boundless Realms | Art by Cliff Childs], supplement: none, numbering: none)
| | | typst | MIT License |
#let localization = yaml("localization.yaml")
// TODO: Fix this
#let get_localization(lang) = {
if lang == "en" {
return localization.en
} else if lang == "sk" {
} else {
return localization.en
| | | typst | #import "@local/pub-page:0.0.0": *
#show: template(
title: "About",
description: "Linguist, Programmer, Stoic...",
menu: (2, "user"),
Hello there! I am an undergraduate of linguistics at the Medeniyet University of İstanbul who is a well-seasoned programmer, too!
I am 22 years old and I like programming, sharing my knowledge, and of course music! My interests include computational linguistics, phonology, cognitive linguistics. I program mainly using the Web stack, but I do enjoy low-level programming and cryptography.
You can find me at your local social media platform using #link("/page/links")[the links page].
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
#show: test-page
// Test prime superscript on large symbol
$ scripts(sum_(k in NN))^prime 1/k^2 $
$sum_(k in NN)^prime 1/k^2$
| | | typst | #import "template.typ": *
#show: template.with(
title: "IWA #1",
subtitle: "6.1850",
pset: true,
toc: false,
#note(title: "Word Count")[1269]
= Introduction
BitTorrent is a communication protocol for distributing data across a network of peers in a decentralized manner. It spawned the widely used term "torrent", and is a popular method for sharing media. The protocol has reached a level of usage such that there are now additional concerns and complications about how the system is being utilized. Topics such as piracy have become intermingled with torrenting, and there are many complex interactions between stakeholders of BitTorrent.
== Technical Overview
BitTorrent hosts can serve their data through *seeds*. Seeds contain parts of the data that need to be distributed and resemble the more traditional single source downloading protocol. However, since it is a peer-to-peer system, the seeds must support distributed downloading. This is done by running a *tracker*, which will note peers that are attempting to download the file and will route and organize them accordingly to facilitate a peer-to-peer network.
A large piece of data is split into *pieces*, of which any can be downloaded at any given point in time. The idea is for peers to source all the pieces of the original file from peers and seeds, while also acting as as provider should any other peers want the pieces that they have. The final result is then verified against a checksum and completed.
The BitTorrent protocol specifies how peers should act by describing desired behaviors such as:
- How to balance uploading and downloading as a peer (*choking*)
- Which pieces to download first (_random_)
- Which pieces to prioritize (_rarest-first_)
= Impact Analysis
== Content Creators
As mentioned before, torrenting for many has become synonymous with pirating and the illegal distribution of intellectual property. This impacts many content creators, whether they create video content, music, games, or any other creative medium.
For the vast majority of cases, these stakeholders are impacted by the system acting on them. Many might not even know what torrenting is, only that it has been causing disallowed distribution and repurposing of their content as well as potential revenue losses. There are certainly content creators that use BitTorrent as a way to positively grow their content with decentralized distribution, with similar benefits to many other users of the system.
However the content creators who are the victims of BitTorrent highlight a very interesting demographic of stakeholders - those that feel completely detached from the system, yet profoundly feel the effects. This might be one of the more concerning classes of stakeholders. Imagine as a content creator, you wake up one day to see that your song has gone massively viral, only to find out that it was illegally distributed and you will not be seeing any of the revenue from its success. Without knowledge of the system, it could feel frightening and daunting to try to understand what happened and prevent it in the future.
It is an interesting question to consider whether it is the duty of more informed stakeholders, perhaps even the creator of the system themselves, to take it upon themselves to help stakeholders who are completely blind to the system yet are affected greatly by it.
== ISPs
Doing some research into the effects of BitTorrent ended up exposing some interesting stakeholders, one of which are Internet Service Providers (ISPs).
ISPs are similar to content creators in that they are mostly acted upon by BitTorrent. However, ISPs do act *on* BitTorrent since they are one of the core mechanisms with which peer-to-peer distribution happens. If an ISP decides that they will not allow any traffic that is originating from a BitTorrent protocol (which has happened in the past), then this would heavily impact the system. Unlike content creators however, ISPs are fully aware of what torrenting is and interact with the system as an informed stakeholder.
One particularly interesting way that BitTorrent acts upon ISPs is the tremendous increase in required bandwidth. ISPs' bandwidth is one of their core resources, so anything that causes that utilization to skyrocket would be incredibly concerning for them. Studies around 2015 showed that BitTorrent traffic accounted for an astounding 53% of all upstream traffic in North America. This type of usage is what has prompted ISPs to crack down on users who interact with BitTorrent, often punishing them for doing so.
As one of the core mechanisms of BitTorrent, it is possible that ISPs could also feel pressure from other stakeholders such as content creators to stop serving traffic that relates to torrenting.
== Corporations
Although there are certainly downsides to every stakeholder, I believe that corporations and BitTorrent are widely positive for each other. There are quite a few ways that corporations can interact with BitTorrent, but for this stakeholder analysis I will consider corporations that are *choosing* to use BitTorrent.
There are a large number of companies that use BitTorrent to enhance some part of their workflow. For example:
- Facebook and Twitter use BitTorrent to distribute updates so they can ensure high availability
- Blizzard and other game clients use BitTorrent for quick downloading large games as well as patching the game
These corporations have no reason not to use BitTorrent if they see it as a superior algorithm to previous systems. BitTorrent clearly states their mission goals on their website, and there is nothing that inhibits companies from using the BitTorrent protocol for their own use. Choosing to adopt a system would mean that it goes widely into use as well - if a large social media website relies on BitTorrent for updates, it is very likely that BitTorrent will become a core software that the entire system relies on.
On the other side, although the use of BitTorrent might not directly benefit BitTorrent, it brings publicity and attention to the protocol, meaning that others are more likely to adopt or contribute to the project.
When big companies use BitTorrent, this impacts users indirectly as well. Very similar to how content creators often suffer unknowingly through the use of BitTorrent, customers of large social media platforms or games are often benefiting from the BitTorrent protocol without even realizing it. This illustrates a type of duality present in stakeholder analysis - it is important to consider all stakeholders and contexts to properly assess what secondary or tertiary impacts may arise from something as simple as a file distribution protocol.
= Design Impact
Many of the impacts that users feel either directly or indirectly from BitTorrent are a result of complex interactions between the protocol and stakeholders. However, there are also impacts that are a direct consequence of design decisions that were made by BitTorrent. In particular, let us take a look at the impact that a peer-to-peer model has on ISPs.
This design is of interest because it is a core part of the BitTorrent protocol, yet causes a number of negative effects. ISPs are forced to deal with increased strain, reduced bandwidth, and traffic congestion as a result of such protocols. The constant uploading and downloading present in BitTorrent's peer-to-peer design are a clear and direct cause for these pressures to ISPs.
However, there are likely reasons for why the developers took this path. On this flip side of congesting the network, having a system that is peer-to-peer will generally increase speed and resilience for users and downloading data. It also creates a fault tolerant and distributed system that allows decentralized distribution of information that doesn't rely on one server paying an extraordinary amount of money to host data at potentially slow rates (or paying the overhead of having multiple mirrors).
| | | markdown | # Fractal Explorer - Mathematical and Computational Study of Fractal Objects
**Mathematical and computational study of fractal objects** is my research project ("Treball de recerca") for my last two years of high school ("Batxillerat").
This repository contains both the source code for the end product of my research —a web app that generates fractals and
provides mathematical insight— ([`web`](./web) module), and the source for the paper of the project ([`paper`](./paper)
module), written in Typst.
## Development
It is recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA to open the whole project. Other IDEs may be used to open each module.
## Tutor
<NAME> has been the tutor for this project.
| | | typst | #let chapter_foreword = [
= 前言
] |
| | | typst | #import "../templates/interior_template.typ": *
#show: chapter.with(chapter_name: "How It Works")
= How It Works
#show: columns.with(2, gutter: 1em)
In a tabletop roleplaying game, each player takes on the role of one or more characters. The characters adventure through an imaginary world (which can range from the fantastical to the mundane), and the players use the game's rules to determine the results of their characters' actions. In Cortex, everybody contributes to the story, but at some point you break out dice, contributing just enough randomness so no one knows what will happen until events unfold during play.
== Example characters
Throughout the book there will be examples of play included, those examples feature the same players, ST, and characters for consistency. They are:
/ Rhinemann (he/him): A Storyteller.
/ Lydia (she/her): Fashionista Hermetic mage with small stature and large personality.
/ Aurelius (he/him): Studious Hermetic wizard balancing brilliance and madness and Lydia's grandson.
/ <NAME> (he/him): An anxious Etherite Scientist, making machinery that works on dubious scientific theories, an old friend of Lydia's.
| | | typst | #let chap03_title=[= The Rules <the-rules>]
#let chap03=[
== Rolling the Dice
There is only one die type used in Troika!, that being the d6. This can
be used as a d3, d6, d66, d666, and so on. To roll a d3 just roll a d6
and halve it, rounding up. To roll a d66, d666, or more just roll a d6
as many times, in order, as there are 6s. So a d66 would be a d6
followed by another d6 \(e.g.~I roll a 1 then roll a 4 thus making a
roll of 14). To do most actions you’ll be required to roll 2d6, adding
them together, as a Roll Under or a Roll Versus.
=== Roll Under
Rolling Under is the throwing of 2d6 with the intention of scoring equal
to or under a number. This will mainly be used in unopposed situations
like climbing a wall or casting a Spell. Rolling two 6s always results
in failure.
=== Roll Versus
Roll Versus, mostly used for combat or other contests, occurs when two
opponents each roll 2d6 and add any applicable bonuses, then compare
results, the higher total winning. In a duel you might be rolling 2d6
and adding your Sword Fighting total, looking to beat your opponent who
is doing similar.
== Advanced Skills & Spells
Characters have a variety of Advanced Skills & Spells granted them by
their Background. The number given in the Background plus their Skill is
referred to as their Skill Total. Write this on the character sheet. 2.1
Testing Advanced Skills & Spells Most Tests of Advanced Skills & Spells
are Roll Under \(12 & 14).
- When you successfully Test an Advanced Skill or Spell, put a tick next
to it on your character sheet. These are used to Get Better \(11.1).
== Luck
Of all the numbers on your character sheet Luck is likely to fluctuate
the most. This number represents your character’s fortune and intuition,
tested whenever fate swipes at them. When this happens the GM will ask
you to Test your Luck or suffer the consequences.
=== Testing your Luck
Roll equal to or less than your current Luck score. Every time you Test
your Luck, reduce your current Luck score by 1 regardless of whether the
Test was successful or not. Testing your Luck is optional; you may
always refuse to roll and instead accept your fate. The GM is not
obliged to give you details of the consequences if they are not already
=== Gaining and Losing Luck
For every 8 hours rest you may regain 2d6 Luck. Luck may not exceed the
starting value rolled at character creation save for exceptional
situations. Running out of Luck inflicts no special penalty.
=== Use of Luck in Combat
In the case of a tie the character may Test their Luck to break it in
their favour. When a character successfully hits an opponent, but before
rolling for Damage, they may decide to Test their Luck and, if
successful, may add 2 to their Damage Roll.
=== OPTIONAL: Luck Versus Death
If you find your games are too fatal and that the turnover of characters
is too much to bear the GM might optionally allow characters who have
died to Test their Luck and, instead of dying, be incapacitated,
wounded, or saved by some bizarre twist of fate.
== Stamina
=== Running Out of Stamina
When reduced to 0 Stamina you are in danger of dying and must be healed
in order to survive. If this is during an Initiative Round the next time
the End of the Round Token is drawn you die. If this happens out of
Initiative your friends have one opportunity to Heal you \(restoring you
to 1 Stamina) or else you are dead.
=== Healing
You regain 2d6 Stamina if you sleep for 8 hours. You may also eat a
Provision to regain 1d6 Stamina. A maximum of 3 Provisions per day will
provide healing benefits. There may be other forms of healing available
at your GM’s discretion such as visiting bath houses or drinking
potions. You may never have more Stamina than your starting total.
=== Negative Stamina
If you ever go below 0 Stamina you are dead.
=== Death
You may immediately make a new character while others mourn your loss
and fight over your possessions. This new character starts exactly
according to the rules found at the beginning of this book.
== Initiative
=== Assemble the Stack
During combat or at other times where it is important to know who goes
first you will need to assemble the Initiative Stack. To do this get a
container and a selection of coloured dice or other convenient markers
\(consider cards, poker chips, and so on).
+ Assign each character 2 Tokens of a single color.
+ Add Tokens to the Stack for the enemies equal to their total combined
Initiative \(if you have 8 Lizard-Men \(Initiative 2) you would add 16
tokens to the Stack).
+ Add 1 Token of a distinct colour to the Stack. This Token signifies
the End of the Round.
+ OPTIONAL: Enemy Initiative Limit. It is very likely that sometimes the
characters’ enemies will grossly outnumber them and make it very hard
for them to act. The GM may optionally limit the number of Enemy
Initiative Tokens placed in the Stack to double that which the
characters contribute. So if a party of 5 \(10 Initiative Tokens in
total) is attacked by fifty goblins \(50 Initiative Tokens) the
goblins will only contribute 20 Tokens to the Stack. Bear in mind that
the GM should feel free to balance Initiative Stacks as it seems
=== Using the Stack
The GM will remove a Token from the Stack at random, the colour or
design of which will determine who holds the Initiative and takes a
Turn. Consider giving a copy of their Token to each player so that
everyone remembers which colour or design is theirs.
=== End of the Round
If the End of the Round Token is drawn all Tokens, including the End of
the Round Token, are put back in the Stack. Remove Tokens contributed by
dead characters and enemies, resolve any per Round or end of Round
activities such as magic effects, Drowning \(7.9), fire, poison, or
bleeding, then draw another Token and carry on.
=== Henchmen
Hired help that are willing to engage in combat each provide 1
Initiative Token to the Stack. Henchmen share a single colour Token and
when a henchman Token is drawn the GM determines who acts and what they
do. The GM should take the wishes of the players under advisement but
act in the best interests of the henchman.
=== Enemies
All enemies contribute a varying number of Initiative Tokens to the
Initiative Stack according to their combined Initiative and share the
same colour or design. When drawing an enemy Initiative Token the GM can
declare that any enemy is acting, including an enemy who has acted
previously this Round. Obviously this can be abused for mechanical gain
on the GM’s part though that would be entirely to the detriment of the
game and is discouraged. Apply Initiative Tokens as they make sense.
=== Rationale
The random Turn length adds a degree of uncertainty where you never know
how much time you have left. When actions are not taking place it
represents hesitation, panic, or other incidental delays that can happen
in a tense encounter where every second counts. The goblins have few
Tokens because they are cowardly, not because they are slow; the dragon
has many because it knows exactly what it wants, not because it is fast.
== Actions
When you hold the Initiative you may take a Turn and can generally
perform one action. The following list is not exhaustive and the GM is
encouraged to interpret player intentions as best they can.
=== Hit Someone
To stab, bludgeon, or otherwise physically interfere with someone, Roll
\(2d6+Skill+Advanced Skill) Versus an opponent doing the same thing. The
winner Rolls for Damage and the loser deducts the number generated by
the Damage Roll from their Stamina. Note that either party in any
exchange can potentially win. In a tie both parties have avoided hurting
each other. Also note that this means you can potentially hit an
unlimited number of people in a Round but may only Initiate once per
=== Shoot Someone
Shooting an opponent is resolved by Rolling Versus their Skill or
appropriate evasive Advanced Skill such as Shield or Dodge.
==== Shooting Into Melee.
When shooting into melee on a successful hit assign a number to every
individual involved and roll a die. If their number comes up they
receive the Damage.
==== Aim
On your Turn you may decide to take Aim with your ranged Weapon. To do
so hold onto your Initiative Token. When your next Initiative Token is
drawn you may roll twice and pick the best roll. If the End of the Round
Token comes up and you haven’t used your Aim Token you may decide to
hold onto it for the next Round.
=== Cast a Spell
Each Spell has its own instructions on how it should be used but in
general you will need to spend a certain amount of Stamina and Roll
Under or Roll Versus \(for Spells that require you to touch an unwilling
party, for instance) in order to create some kind of effect. Unless the
Spell says otherwise it requires at least one hand free and the ability
to speak. Roll on the Oops! Table if the result is a Fumble.
=== Delay
You may choose not to act when you hold Initiative. In that case put
your Token back in the Stack.
=== Move
Every action is assumed to have a bit of movement involved. Anything
less than 12 metres is folded into whatever else you might be doing. If
you wish to chase after someone or perform some other involved
locomotion then just spend a Turn doing it.
=== Retrieve an Item
If you need to get something out that you weren’t already holding in
your hands roll 2d6 and score equal to or higher than its position on
your Inventory list. If you succeed you can pull it out and do what you
intended. Otherwise you spend your entire action finding it. Double 1s
always indicate a failure. Retrieving an arrow counts as an item
retrieval. Make sure they’re packed on top! See Sections 10.3 and 10.4.1
for more on Inventories.
=== Use an Item
If an item is in your hands you may use it however you like \(6.6).
=== Grapple
Roll Versus your opponent’s Wrestling Skill. If you win you may either
knock them to the ground or deal Damage as Unarmed and knock you both to
the ground \(from throwing or tackling them). On a Mighty Blow \(7.4)
you render them unconscious for 1d6 Rounds. If you fail to grapple them
they may deal Damage to you as though they had attacked you normally
whereas if you Fumble \(7.5) they deal you a Mighty Blow.
== Other Concerns
=== Cover
When attacking someone in cover they receive a bonus to their roll to
not be hit. Consider a waist high bush to be +1 while a castle’s
crenulations would be +6.
=== Enemies
Mechanically speaking, an opponent is typically reduced to three
numbers: Skill, Stamina, and Initiative. Beyond this they may have an
Advanced Skill or two or some peculiar special rules.
=== Hitting Someone Unawares
If your opponent is not aware of your presence your attack is a Roll
Under rather than a Roll Versus \(1.2), they may not attack back, and
you may add 2 to your Damage Roll.
=== Mighty Blows
If you roll a double 6 while attacking you strike a Mighty Blow, win the
exchange, and inflict Double Damage \(8.1). If both parties strike a
Mighty Blow a spectacular clinch is formed, shattering both Weapons \(in
the case of beastly claws, tentacles, and so on they will lose 1d6
Stamina instead).
=== Fumbles
A roll of double 1s in combat results in the roller losing the exchange
and their opponent adding 1 to their Damage Roll. If both parties Fumble
they each deal Damage to the other, adding 1 to their Damage Roll.
=== Shields
Shields reduce Damage Rolls by 1 to a minimum of 1.
=== Use of Multiple Weapons
When rolling Damage you may choose which Weapon to reference the Damage
Roll against after rolling. You must be holding it in your hands or
nearest approximations, obviously.
=== Falling Over
When on the floor you suffer -2 to all physical rolls against those
standing, including Damage Rolls, and must spend a Turn getting to your
==== Falling Too Far.
When engaging in uncontrolled falls you lose 1d6 Stamina per 2 metres
fallen when you land.
=== Drowning
When you fail a Swimming Test you begin to Drown and lose 1d6 Stamina.
For each consecutive Swimming Test where you make no progress you roll
an additional 1d6. So for instance your third failed Swimming roll in a
row would lose you 3d6 Stamina. Once you lose all Stamina you have
==== Fire, Poison, and Bleeding.
Any ongoing debilitating effects should be treated similarly to
Drowning. Unless you have a specific effect in mind have the victim lose
1d6 Stamina per Turn with it optionally becoming more severe unless they
either pass a related Advanced Skill Test or successfully Test their
Luck \(or Skill for Enemies). Improvisation is strongly encouraged.
==== Degenerative Effects in Combat.
Test for Drowning, fire, etc. only when the End of the Round Token is
=== Henchmen
Henchmen are created as you would a monster, with truncated abilities
only covering their essence. They are their own people with their own
motivations and are not just pieces of equipment. It is up to the GM and
players to flesh them out or not as the case may be. Also see Section
=== Time
There are two main units of time in the game: Turns and Rounds. A Turn
is what someone does when they hold Initiative and is a few seconds
long. A Round is the period between drawing successive End of the Round
Tokens and is roughly equal to one minute.
== Damage
When you win a Roll Versus an opponent in combat you inflict Damage.
After successfully hitting someone roll d6 and consult the Damage Charts
on the inside front cover of this book. Reference your Damage Roll
across the top row and the Weapon down the side. The result is the
Damage inflicted and is deducted from your opponent’s Stamina.
=== Double Damage
When striking a Mighty Blow \(7.4) you double the amount of Stamina lost
as a result of a Damage Roll.
=== Damage Modifiers
All modifiers that add bonuses to Damage will, unless otherwise
specified, modify the roll of the die, not the actual Damage inflicted.
So, for instance, I have +1 to my Damage Roll and roll a 5 on the Sword
entry. Due to my bonus I am counted as having rolled a 6 and inflict 8
Damage instead of 6.
=== Unusual Weapons
It is entirely acceptable to use existing Weapons to provide the Damage
matrix of roughly equivalent Exotic Weapons, such as counting a Rapier
as a Sword for Damage purposes. This does not preclude the possibility
of making specific matrices for your inventions.
== Armour
Armour offers a certain degree of protection to your soft and supple
body. There are four levels of protection, vaguely defined, allowing you
to assign whatever assortment of pots and pans you might be wearing to
an appropriate level without too much bother. A target is considered to
be Unarmoured, Lightly Armoured, Modestly Armoured, or Heavily Armoured.
Each modifies Damage Rolls by 0, -1, -2 and -3 respectively, to a
minimum of 1.
=== Armour Encumbrance
Armour takes up a number of item slots equal to twice its protective
value. So Heavy Armour would use six slots, for example. See Section
== Encumbrance
You may carry twelve things without issue. On your character sheet you
will have twelve spaces to write in the things you’re lugging around
with you.
=== Small Items
Some items are of inconsequential individual weight, like arrows, and
will only ever take up one slot unless you have an awful lot of them.
What constitutes a lot is up to your group to decide.
=== Large Items
Large items are anything you need both hands to hold. They take up two
slots in your inventory \(we recommend writing them at a jaunty angle to
fill up the space). Armour has its own rules.
=== Retrieving Items in a Hurry
See Section 6.6. Note that having things near the top of your Inventory
list is advantageous, so put things you’ll rarely need in a hurry, like
Armour and money, near the bottom. Pack your bags well!
=== Overburdened
If you find yourself carrying more than 12 items you suffer -4 to all
rolls due to the inconvenient weight. If you are carrying 18 items or
more you suffer -4 to all rolls, you can hardly move, and you count as
Unawares \(7.3) for anyone wanting to stab you.
==== Dropping Things in a Hurry.
If you want to unburden yourself quickly roll 1d6. The result is how
many slots of things you may carefully put down this Turn. At the GM’s
discretion you may roll 2d6 if you don’t mind them getting broken or
== Getting Better
Life is learning and you cannot experience it without growing in some
way. Your characters will bend and change in response to their
environment. When you successfully use a Skill you stand to learn from
it. Put a tick next to it on your character sheet.
=== How to Advance
The next time you have a chance to rest and reflect on your journey you
may check to see what you have learned. Choose up to 3 Advanced Skills
or Spells with a tick next to them. If you roll 2d6 over your current
Skill Total \(Advanced Skill/Spell + Skill) you may increase it by 1.
When you have finished rolling, remove all ticks from your sheet.
==== 12+ Advanced Skill.
When an Advanced Skill has reached 12 you need to roll a 12 followed by
another 12 to improve it further. There is no upper limit to an Advanced
=== Training and Learning New Advanced Skills
It is also possible to improve your Advanced Skills or to learn new
ones, though you must find someone who is willing to teach you. They
must have a higher Skill plus Advanced Skill than you and will most
likely require payment unless they are your fellow party member or
already owe you a favour. Training takes 1 week plus 1 week per rank you
already have in the Advanced Skill you are looking to improve. At the
end of this time you get one chance at advancement. Failure means you
just have to train harder. When learning new Advanced Skills you must
Roll Under your Skill on 2d6 \(precocious students are easier to teach)
to gain your first point.
== Advanced Skill Descriptions
In most cases the use of a Skill will be a straight Roll Under the Skill
Total \(Skill plus Advanced Skill). Situations where this isn’t the case
should be obvious. The available Skills are not limited to those listed
here. There should be rarer fare available for those who search for it
or maybe a character just feels driven to learn the intricacies of
farming or opera for some peculiar reason. You may notice some Skills in
the Backgrounds section that don’t have entries. Make those up. Since
the players don’t ever have to waste time picking through the whole
selection don’t be afraid of expanding the list and making them more and
more specific.
=== Acrobatics
Used for rolling, balancing, falling, jumping, etc.
=== Astrology
An essential Skill for anyone intent on travelling the stars. Can be
used to identify stars and constellations, to gather hints on the
destination of interdimensional portals, and to make star charts.
=== Awareness
Anything worth having is well hidden so one must look very carefully.
Use this to spot traps, things normally hidden, or things out of the
=== Climb
The usefulness of the ability to clamber up things cannot be overstated.
Most climbs should be single rolls though longer or more difficult
climbs may require multiple rolls. On these climbs consider requiring a
number or total or repeated failures to fall off unless it is a
particularly merciless ascent. The GM should use their discretion.
=== Crafting Skills
This includes any Skill you might think of that comes under the heading
of arts and crafts. Blacksmithing, carpentry, painting, opera singing,
anything like that. Roll Under the Skill if you want to do something
that knowledge of this Skill would reasonably cover. A carpenter might
be able to spot a weak bridge while a blacksmith could shoe a horse or
an opera singer could identify an aria. Be flexible and reasonable.
=== Disguise
Covers the use of props to change your appearance. When in disguise you
must Roll Under this when someone is liable to see through it. Opposed
by Awareness when under scrutiny.
=== Etiquette
When making a good impression is important Roll Versus your host’s
Etiquette. Represents a mechanical understanding of social conduct and
those who are better at it are more discerning.
=== Evaluate
Test this to get an idea of how much something is worth.
=== Fly
Use Fly much as you would Run. In normal situations this doesn’t need
testing, only in chases or high winds, maybe. Anyone attempting to Fly
without this Skill must Test every Round to make sure they don’t crash
or lose control.
=== Golden Barge Pilot
Test this to navigate between the stars on a ship with golden mirror
=== Healing
Used to stitch wounds and apply ointments, stop bleeding, slow poison
and the like. Also used for stabilising dying people.
=== Languages
Represents relative competence in specific languages and would only need
to be Tested if trying to understand something incredibly arcane or
technical. It’s assumed that once you have one point in a language you
can understand it passably. You get one tick in a language for every
month of intense tuition or complete submersion in it.
=== Locks
This allows a character to examine and open locks but does not detect
traps. Roll Versus an imaginary locksmith whose Skill is somewhere
between 6 and 12 with 6 being easy and 12 being very hard.
=== Mathmology
Use this to gain insight into angles, pressures, numbers, and other such
arcane arts. You could, for instance, Test your Mathmology to get a good
idea of the surface tension of a ball of inert plasmic goo or to find
the fulcrum for tripping a giant.
=== Poison
You may Test this Skill during down time to create a single dose of
poison. Pick which kind it is when you make it. This list is not
exhaustive — more exotic ones may be available if you possess the
knowledge and ingredients. 1d3 Common Poisons of Troika: 1 Causes anyone
ingesting it to Test their Luck \(or Skill for Enemies) or lose 4d6
Stamina. 2 Add 1 to all Damage Rolls while this is applied to piercing
or edged Weapons. If you Roll a 1 for Damage the poison has worn off. 3
Causes anyone ingesting it to fall unconscious for 1d6 hours.
=== Ride
Everyone is assumed to have basic animal riding Skill though anything
more than trotting slowly will require some kind of roll to avoid
=== Run
When it matters how fast you are, or if you can reach somewhere in time,
use this. A basic chase is an Roll Versus.
=== Second Sight
Use of this allows the detection of magic. On a successful Test you
focus your inner eye and all sorcerous activity glows faintly for a
=== Secret Signs
Used to identify marks, handshakes, code words, etc. of one specific
society. You would, for example, be able to read the secret marks left
on people’s door posts by fellow hobos.
=== Sleight of Hand
Steal or hide small things. This is Tested only if someone is actively
looking for them. A character may simply declare they are hiding
something, only rolling this when the hiddenness is questioned.
=== Sneak
The art of remaining unseen. This is Tested only when someone or
something is actively trying to detect you. The sneaker would Roll
Versus the Awareness of those searching for them; anyone beating the
sneaker’s score detects them.
=== Strength
Used for lifting and breaking things. May also be used to grapple people
if no grappling-appropriate Weapon Skill is possessed, though it counts
for half rounded up.
=== Swim
Use this while swimming in dangerous waters, diving, holding your breath
for long periods, and so on. If you have this Skill you don’t need to
roll it for normal cWonditions. Characters without it are assumed to not
be able to swim and need to test Swimming every round they remain in the
water or start Drowning \(7.9). Receive a penalty to this Skill equal to
half the number of item slots filled.
=== Tracking
Used to stalk prey and find tracks. When stalking a quarry this is
treated as an opposed Roll Versus the opponent’s Tracking or Sneaking.
=== Trapping
Use this to set and disarm traps. When setting traps Roll Under your
Trapping Skill and describe how the trap is made with the materials at
hand. When someone wishes to disarm a trap they must Roll Versus the
original trap-setter’s Trapping Skill. If the GM doesn’t know what that
number should be assume 6 to be pretty simple while 12 is incredibly
hard. Scale it between those as appropriate.
=== Tunnel Fighting
You may use this Skill in place of your Weapon Skill while fighting in
confined spaces where you would otherwise be unable to swing your Weapon
about. You ignore all penalties the GM might associate with fighting in
such a situation.
=== Weapon Fighting
Choose what general category of Weapons this covers when you take this
Skill. Roll Versus during combat when using the appropriate method of
assault. The GM is encouraged to allow Weapon categories to be broadly
applicable, such as Glaive Fighting being equivalent to Polearm
=== Other
If a Skill isn’t listed here then make it up. Anything can be a Skill,
from Jousting to Gambling to Eating. Skills are primarily used as
flavour and the occasional fun instance where your incredibly specific
and heretofore useless ability helps you and your friends out is
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== 二级标题
=== 三级标题
== 二级标题
=== 三级标题
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==== 四级标题
==== 四级标题
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= 一级标题
== 二级标题
=== 三级标题
==== 四级标题
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block(counter(heading).display() + " " + it.body)
// #let theorem = theorem.with(numbering: none)
// #let argmax = $limits("argmax")$
#let argmin = $limits("argmin")$
#let Ham = $cal(H)$
#let Vec = $"vec"$
#let iid = $"i.i.d."$
#let Ex = $bb(E)$
#let diag = $"diag"$
= Сходимость
Используем теоремы о дрейфе на модельных задачах, чтобы продемонстрировать преимущества непрямых кодировок.
== Поиск модульного графа
#definition(name: "Модульный граф")[
Назовём граф модульным с количеством классов $c$, если его можно разделить на _модули_ — группы вершины размера $sqrt(n)$ — так, что для любой пары (возможно, одинаковых — тогда получаются рёбра внутри модуля) модулей граф, индуцированный _перекрёстными_ рёбрами (рёбрами между вершинами модулей), либо пустой, либо полностью определяется, с учётом нумерации вершин, упорядоченной парой классов модулей.
// ↑↑ индуцированный (← перебор, скорее только перекрёстные рёбра ← граф, индуцированный перекрёстными рёбрами) парой груп вершин граф (с сохранением порядка вершин) одним из c^2 вариантов?
// «определяется классами пары», но можно ещё натуральнее?
Таким образом, матрица модульного графа состоит из $sqrt(n)× sqrt(n)$ блоков размера $sqrt(n) × sqrt(n)$.
Заметим, что это в точности графы, порождающиеся двухуровневой графовой грамматикой, то есть следующей кодировкой:
#definition(name: "Двухуровневая графовая грамматика")[
$lr(angle.l G, {H_(i j)}_(i = 1, j = 1)^с, "label" angle.r)$, где
- $G$ — граф с $sqrt(n)$ вершинами
- $H_(i j)$ — графы, определяющие паттерн соединений между блоками классов $i$ и $j$.
- $"label"(v)$ сопоставляет вершине $G$ число $in [1..c]$ — номер терминала $diag(H)_("label"(v))$ (второй уровень кодировки), ассоциированного с вершиной.
При раскрытии грамматики (превращении в граф, который она представляет) вершины $G$ заменяются на соответствующий вершине блок $diag(H)_("label"(v))$, а рёбрo $u v$ — на паттерн соединений между вершинами соответствующих блоков $H_("label"(u) "label"(v))$.
Таким образом, $G$ является паттерном соединений блоков $H_(i j)$.
#remark[Отсюда аналогия с грамматиками и двухуровневость: $G$ - стартовый нетерминал (→ «первого уровня»), но вместо строки он раскрывается в граф, в рёбрах и вершинах которого (уже терминалы) второго уровня. При этом в данном случае для однородности ограничение двумя уровнями блоков, а, вообще говоря, этот процесс можно было и остановить на первом уровне вложенности раскрытия, и продолжать дальше.]
== Постановка задачи
Поиск случайного (равновероятное распределение) _модульного_ графа по фитнесс функции расстояния Хэмминга (в пространстве матриц смежности) до целевого графа.
Соответственно, оптимизация будет происходить предельным случаем коэволюции популяций графа соединений $G$, модулей $H_i$ и назначанию $"label"$ — когда все популяции закодированы в одном геноме — что эквивалентно одной популяции векторизированных особей.
Будем представлять геном как экземпляр двухуровневой грамматики и применять к нему RLS (Randomized local search), либо эволюционную стратегию $(1 + lambda)"-ES"$.
=== Доказательство
#lemma(name: "Сопоставление")[Пусть ${x_i}_(i = 1)^c$ и ${y_i}_(i = 1)^c$ — семейства векторов из $n$ $iid$ случайных величин из $"Bern"(1/2)$. Тогда $
P lr((forall i quad argmin_k lr(||x_k - y_(argmin_j ||x_i - y_j||) || = i))) = Omega(1)
#proof(name: [Индукция по $c$])[
База: для $c = 1$ очевидно.\
Переход: добавив 2 новых $iid$ вектора, все компоненты независимо распределены относительно друг друга и векторов в наборах ${x_i}_(i = 1)^(c - 1)$ и ${y_i}_(i = 1)^(c - 1)$.
Для каждой из $2c - 1$ образовавшихся пар вероятность того, что ближайшим к $x_k$ будет $y_j$, равна $1/2^(c - 1)$. Для выполнения условия необходимо, чтобы во всех парах кроме одной это событие не произошло, а в одной — произошло, таким образом, искомая вероятность: $P_(c - 1) dot 1/2^(c - 1) (1 - 1/2^(c - 1))^(2c - 2) 2^(c - 1) = Omega(1)$ (относительно $n$)
#lemma(name: "Перезапуск")[
Пусть алгоритм состоит из $k " " ("const количество")$ стадий, на $i$-й вероятность успешного перехода на следующую — $gamma_i$. Тогда матожидание времени работы алгоритма, совершающего перезапуск при неуспехе, отличается в $f(k) in "const"$ раз от времени работы при удачном завершении всех шагов.
$ P("все стадии успешны") = product_i^k gamma_i = alpha$
$ P("все шаги успешно завершатся впервые на" j"-том перезапуске") \ = alpha (1 - alpha)^j $
$ Ex(T_"Restart") = sum^infinity_(j = 1) P_j Ex (T_"Alg") = Ex(T_"Alg") alpha (1 - alpha) underbrace(sum^infinity_(j = 0) (1 - alpha)^j, 1/alpha) = f(k) Ex(T_"Alg") $
$H_(i j)$ инициализируется «блочно-диалогонально»: $H_(i i) tilde G(n, 1/2)$ (модель Эрдёша-Реньи), $H_(i j), i != j$ пусты. $G$ также изначалоно пуст.
#theorem(name: "Поиск графа с графовой грамматикой")[
Матожидание времени работы RLS (Randomized local search) с перезапусками на задаче поиска модульного графа c кодировкой двухуровневых графовых грамматик и точечными мутациями — $O(n log n)$.
#breakable-proof(name: "Скорость сходимости эволюции графовых грамматик")[
Ищем граф $G^*$ с блоками ${H_i^*}_(i = 1)^c$ и назначением блоков $"label"^*$.
Лемма 1 даёт нам вероятность $gamma_1$ для леммы 2. Для удобства переименуем правила грамматики в порядке биекции, задаваемой @matching:
так, что #{
set math.equation(numbering: "(1)")
[$ argmin_j Ham(Vec(H_(i i)), Vec(H^*_(j j))) = i and argmin_j Ham(Vec(H_(j j)), Vec(H^*_(i i))) = i $<closest>]
}, где $Vec(M)$ — операция разворачивания матрицы $M$ в вектор.
Далее рассмотрим два шага алгоритма: в ходе первого происходит матчинг блоков и подграфов, дальше fine-tuning.
=== 1. Matching
На этом шаге рассмотрим потенциал $ Phi = sqrt(n) - lr(|{v in V(G) | "label"(i) = "label"^*(i) }|) $
Мутации точечные — изменение случайного назначения в грамматике.
Покажем, что с вероятностью → 1 (n → ∞), то есть > $gamma_2$ после этого шага в вершинах первого уровня кодировки будут находиться блоки, ближайшие к настоящему блоку. \
→ применяем лемму 1
Вероятность выбора мутации, улучшающей фитнесс функцию (а в силу условия @closest и потенциал) — $s/(c sqrt(n))$. Найдёт величину дрифта:
$ Delta_t(s) := Ex(X_t-X_(t+1) | X_t=s) = \ P(X_(t+1) > X_t | X_t = s) E(X_t - X_(t+1) | X_(t+1) > X_t, X_t = s) =\ s/(c sqrt(n)) dot 1 $
Применим теорему _Variable drift_ для оценки матожидания времени работы:
$ Ex(T_1) <= s_min/h(s_min) + Ex(integral^(X_0)_s_min 1 / h(sigma) dif sigma) =\ 1 / (1/(c sqrt(n))) + Ex(integral^(X_0)_1 (c sqrt(n))/s dif s) =\ c sqrt(n) (1 + Ex(ln(underbrace(X_0, "Bin"(sqrt(n), 1/c))))) <= c sqrt(n) + c sqrt(n) ln(sqrt(n)/c) = O(sqrt(n) log sqrt(n)) $
Добъём неравенством Маркова: вероятность превысить матожидание неотрицательной случайной величины $T_1$ в $k$ раз $<= 1/k = gamma_2$ → применяем лемму @restart ко второму шагу.
Более точную оценку вероятности долгой работы дают теоремы о дрифте с информацией про хвосты.
=== 2. Fine-tuning
Тут потенциал = сумме по классам расстояний правила до блока
$ Psi = Ham(Vec(G^*), Vec(G)) + sum_(i = 1\ j=1)^c Ham(Vec(H_(i j)), Vec(H^*_(i j))) $
Теперь мутируют правила в вершинах и на рёбрах, а также граф $G$.
С вероятностью $Omega(1)$ хотя бы одно ребро каждого класса включено при начальной инициализации:
$ 1 - product_(i = 1)^c (1 - 1/2^(n_i)) >= P(forall i quad |n_i - Ex n_i| < 1/2 Ex n_i) dot (1 - (1 - 1/2^(n/(2c)))^c) in Omega(1) $
Таким образом, мутации перекрёстных блоков будут приняты тогда и только тогда, когда они уменьшают расстояния Хэмминга до $H^*_(i j)$, а мутации «включения» перекрёстных рёбер, включённых в искомом графе, будут, в свою очередь, приняты, а «включения» выключенных в исходном графе — отвергнуты.
// Убывающая последовательность расстояний → условие @closest сохраняется.
// → ~~~Утверждается, не будут приняты мутации назначений~~~
$ Delta_t(s) = P(Y_(t+1) > Y_t | Y_t = s) E(Y_t - Y_(t+1) | Y_(t+1) > Y_t, Y_t = s) =\ s/(n + 1) dot 1 $
Тогда $Ex(T_1) in O(n log n) $
Итого — итоговое матожидание времени работы алгоритма — $O(n log n)$.
#remark[Асимптотика не поменяется, если использовать $(1 + 1)"-ES"$ (вероятности выбора правильной мутации будут не хуже, чем в $e dot "const" ^ lambda$ раз меньше).
И придётся более аккуратно оценить матожидание, так как может быть принята мутация, ухудшующая потенциал (но улучшающая фитнесс-функцию) за счёт дисбаланса блоков.
#theorem(name: "Baseline")[
Скорость сходимости (матожидание времени работы) RLS в прямой кодировке с тривиальными мутациями — $Theta(n^2 log n)$.
#proof[Аналогично пункту 2 (fine-tuning) @convergence[теоремы], только применяем также оценку снизу из теоремы и с дрифтом $s/n^2$ и начальным распределением потенциала $"Bin"(n^2, 1/2)$]
Как нетрудно заметить, непрямая кодировка сходится заметно быстрее на «хорошо конструктивно обобщаемых» графах. Более того, можно ожидать усиления эффекта при повышении уровня вложенности грамматики.
== Функция, не связанная с модульным графом
Типа «а что на других функциях, не просто поиске какого-то графа подогнанного вида?». Ха, так вот, ловите ещё пример.
Целевая функция: количество рёбер, то есть сумма элементов матрицы смежности.
Например, кодировка с фиксированным количеством $c$ не подойдёт для произвольного количества рёбер в точности. Ну и будет перепараметризация — тяжело решать с помощью RLS, хитрый подбор коэфициентов. ← можно про это сказать.
Но можно говорить про быструю аппроксимацию (с относительной погрешностью $1/sqrt(n)$)
Потенциал — модуль разницы с целевым количеством рёбер? $= sqrt(n) "cnt"(H_1)$
TODO: можно ли обобщить до линейной/монотонной / выпуклой от матрицы смежности с хорошей константой Липшица?
Нужно, вообще говоря, сказать что-то про «непрерывность» (или Липшицевость) — результат вообще должен быть достижим с помощью выбранной кодировки. Что с похожей задачей на векторах?
Липшицевость нужна для показа точности аппроксимации, а выпуклость — для отсутствия локальных оптимумов.
Хотим показать, что попадём в недалёкую точку от оптимума в пространстве матриц.
Улучшение функции при одном изменении → уменьшение расстояния до оптимума?
> нет, функция может быть сколь угодно отличной от расстояния до оптимума…
Остаётся взять её саму за потенциал… И можно применить теорему о Variable drift.
Видимо, для скорости сходимости ещё нужно условие на высокую скорость изменений во всех местах… Или нет? Всё равно всё дискретно.
Ограничиться только квадратичными формами? Ориентироваться на обусловленность.
Нужно всё равно потребовать, что максимум достигается, во всяком случае, близко к какому-то модульному графу (в общем случае это может быть далеко от правды).
Матожидание времени работы алгоритма с двухуровневой графовой кодировкой для $c = 1$ для оптимизации $ f_k (G) = lr(| k - underbrace(sum_(u, v in V(G)) bb(1)[u v in E(G)], t(G)\, "количество рёбер") |) $ с #{set math.equation(numbering: "(1)")
$ (Ex_(k tilde "Bin"(n^2, 1/2))(f_k (G_"opt") - f_k^*)) / (Ex_(G tilde G(n, 1/2), k tilde "Bin"(n^2, 1/2))(f_k (G) - f^*_k)) <= 1 / n $<approx>]}, где $f_k^*$ — оптимальное значение функции среди всех графов, $G_"opt"$ — граф, найденный алгоритмом, равно $O(n)$
Возьмём за потенциал $ Phi = (f(G_"opt") - limits("min")_(G "— модульный") f(G))/n $
НУО, $t(G)$ для начальной инициализации $> k$. $k_"mod" = t(limits("argmin")_(G "— модульный") f(G))$
Дрифт в данном случае $Delta_t (s) = (k_"opt"/n + s)/n$, $s_min = 1, h(s) = Delta(s)$.
$ Ex(T) <= n/(k_"opt"/n + 1) + Ex(integral^(X_0)_1 n / (k_"opt"/n + sigma) dif sigma) = underbrace(n/(k_"opt"/n + 1), O(n)) + n Ex(ln((k_"opt"/n + X_0)/(k_"opt"/n + 1))) $
Теперь возьмём матожидание по $k$:
- для хвостов ($|k - n^2 / 2| > n^2 / 4$) рассуждения аналогичные @convergence[теореме], получается асимптотика $O(n log n)$
- для остальной — центральной части распределения, вероятностная масса которой $→ 1$ экспоненциально, ограничиваем $ln((k_"opt"/n + X_0)/(k_"opt"/n + 1))$ константой, получая скорость работы $O(n)$.
Итого: матожидание времени работы алгоритма $O(n)$.
Теперь покажем истинность @approx[условия] о точности приближения:
При этом $ Ex_(k tilde cal(U)(0, n^2)) (limits("min")_(G "— модульный") f_k (G) - limits("min")_(G "— граф на " n "вершинах") f_k (G)) = 1/2 dot 1 dot sqrt(n) dot sqrt(n) = n/2 $
Знаменатель дроби из левой части @approx[уловия] равен $n^2/2$.
Further work: обобщить на выпуклые Липшицевы функции, в частности, положительно определённые квадратичные формы с малым числом обусловленности.
Таким образом, даже на задачах не завязанных напрямую на модульность графов, алгоритмы, основанные на непрямых кодировках быстро находят решение, близкое к оптимальному, используя обобщения — подобно тому, как это делают люди.
= Expressive encoding
В статье [n] рассматриваются непрямые кодировки. Среди них выделяют expressive ecodings: демонстрируется их возможность к адаптации и в некоторых случаях суперэкспоненциальное ускорение сходимости. Определение таково:
#definition(name: "Expressive Encoding")[
An encoding $E: X → Y$ is expressive for a simple genetic operator $g$ if, for any set of parent phenotypes ${y_1, dots, y_(n_g)}=Y_p subset Y$, any probability density $mu$ over $Y$, and any $epsilon>0$, there exists a set of parent genotypes ${x_1, dots, x_(n_g)}=X_p subset X$ such that $E(x_i)=y_i forall y_i in Y_p$, and
lr(| "Pr"[E(g(X_p))=y]-mu(y)|) < epsilon quad forall y in Y .
В данном случае кодировка экспрессивна, если для генотипа (графа) и заданного распределения по фенотипам существует генотип (клеточная кодировка), такая, что применение оператора даёт такое распределение по фенотипам с точностью $epsilon$. При этом под асимптотической сложностью понимают зависимость размера генотипа от $epsilon$.
#theorem[Клеточная кодировка экспрессивна для оператора точечной мутации]
Построим ветвление с $ceil((m n)/ epsilon)$ вариантами графов
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#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
#show: test-page
// Test different font.
#show math.equation: set text(font: "Fira Math")
$ v := vec(1 + 2, 2 - 4, sqrt(3), arrow(x)) + 1 $
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#columns(2, gutter: 2pt, [
// ---------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------
// HV Stich na 4
gText("Ѿ стра́жи ᲂу҆́треннїѧ до но́щи, ѿ стра́жи ᲂу҆́треннїѧ, да ᲂу҆пова́етъ і҆и҃ль на гдⷭ҇а."),
jObj4("",4, "Нбⷭ҇ныхъ чинѡ́въ", "Ны́нѣ бл҃гоче́стїѧ свѣ́тлость всѣ̑мъ распростре́сѧ, разгонѧ́ющи ле́сть нече́стїѧ ꙗ҆́кѡ ѻ҆́блакъ, просвѣща́ющи же сердца̀ бл҃гочести́выхъ: прїиди́те всѝ припаде́мъ, бл҃гочестивомꙋ́дреннѡ честны̑мъ і҆кѡ́намъ хрⷭ҇тѡ́вымъ покланѧ́ющесѧ правосла́внїи."),
// HV Stich na 3
gText("Ꙗ҆́кѡ ᲂу҆ гдⷭ҇а млⷭ҇ть, и҆ мно́гое ᲂу҆ негѡ̀ и҆збавле́нїе, и҆ то́й и҆зба́витъ і҆и҃лѧ ѿ всѣ́хъ беззако́нїй є҆гѡ̀."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Сщ҃енноѡбра́зными і҆кѡ́нами ны́нѣ ᲂу҆краша́етсѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ невѣ́ста ᲂу҆кра́шена хрⷭ҇то́ва цр҃ковь, и҆ всѣ́хъ созыва́етъ дх҃о́внѡ пра́здновати: сни́демсѧ во є҆диномы́слїи и҆ вѣ́рѣ, ра́достнѡ велича́юще гдⷭ҇а."),
// HV Stich na 2
gText("Хвали́те гдⷭ҇а всѝ ꙗ҆зы́цы, похвали́те є҆го̀ всѝ лю́дїе."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Мі́ре ве́сь весели́сѧ: се́ бо гдⷭ҇ь низложѝ съ высоты̀ нече́стїѧ держа́вꙋ неизрече́ннымъ промышле́нїемъ. и҆ смире́ннїи вознесо́хомсѧ дне́сь къ вѣ́рѣ правосла́вїѧ, бл҃гочести́вою цари́цею наставлѧ́еми."),
// HV Stich na 1
gText("Ꙗ҆́кѡ ᲂу҆тверди́сѧ млⷭ҇ть є҆гѡ̀ на на́съ, и҆ и҆́стина гдⷭ҇нѧ пребыва́етъ во вѣ́къ."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Къ первоѡбра́зномꙋ но́ситсѧ, глаго́летъ васі́лїй, че́сть і҆кѡ́ны: сегѡ̀ ра́ди въ любвѝ почита́емъ і҆кѡ́ны сп҃са хрⷭ҇та̀, и҆ ст҃ы́хъ всѣ́хъ: да си́хъ собра́вше, никогда́же ны́нѣ ѕлоче́стїемъ ѿведе́мсѧ."),
// S:I:
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Безнача́льнымъ, и҆ бж҃е́ственнымъ є҆стество́мъ неви́димый, человѣ́къ ви́дѣнъ бы́сть ѻ҆трокови́це, ѿ чи́стыхъ твои́хъ крове́й, за кра́йнее бл҃гоꙋтро́бїе: є҆гѡ́же пло́ти написа́вше подо́бїе, че́стнѡ покланѧ́емсѧ всѝ вѣ́рнїи, и҆ бл҃гоче́стнѡ велича́емъ."),
// S Stich na 1
jObj4("",2, "До́ме є҆ѵфра́ѳовъ", "Гꙋби́тельства тлетво́рнагѡ и҆збѣ́гше ѕлосла́вныхъ, правосла́вїѧ сїѧ́нїемъ, сердца́ми просвѣти́мсѧ вѣ́рнїи бг҃а сла́вѧще."),
gText(jObj4("",none, "", "Принеси́те гдⷭ҇ви че́сть и҆ сла́вꙋ.")),
// S Stich na 2
jObj4("",none, "", "А҆́рїева нечи́стаѧ ᲂу҆праздни́сѧ пре́лесть, македо́нїа, петра̀, севи́ра же и҆ пѵ́рра: и҆ свѣ́титъ свѣ́тъ трисо́лнечный."),
gText(jObj4("",none, "", "Поклони́тесѧ є҆мꙋ̀ во дворѣ̀ ст҃ѣ́мъ є҆гѡ̀.")),
// S Stich na 3
jObj4("",none, "", "Не ктомꙋ̀ ѕлочести́выхъ похвалѧ́етсѧ мра́чное ᲂу҆че́нїе: бг҃ъ бо правосла̑внымъ, и҆зволе́нїемъ ѳеодѡ́ры, же́злъ крѣ́пости дае́тъ."),
// S:I:
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Вознесла̀ є҆сѝ смире́нныхъ ро́гъ бцⷣе, ро́ждшаѧ бг҃а сло́ва: тѣ́мже вѣ́рнѡ тѧ̀ всѝ чтꙋ́ще велича́емъ."),
// ---------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------
// HV Stich na 4
gText("Ѿ стра́жи ᲂу҆́треннїѧ до но́щи, ѿ стра́жи ᲂу҆́треннїѧ, да ᲂу҆пова́етъ і҆и҃ль на гдⷭ҇а."),
jObj4("",6, "Всю̀ ѿложи́вше", "Тѧ̀ непостижи́маго, пре́жде денни́цы безнача́льнѡ и҆з̾ невеще́ственнагѡ возсїѧ́вшаго, безпло́тнагѡ же чре́ва роди́телева, прⷪ҇ро́цы гдⷭ҇и, твои́мъ дх҃омъ вдохнове́ни, прореко́ша ѻ҆троча̀ бы́ти, и҆з̾ неискꙋсобра́чныѧ воплоща́ема, человѣ́кѡмъ совокꙋплѧ́ема, и҆ сꙋ́щими на землѝ зри́ма: и҆́миже ꙗ҆́кѡ ще́дрый просвѣще́нїѧ сподо́би твоегѡ̀, воспѣва́ющихъ неизрече́нное, и҆ честно́е твоѐ воскрⷭ҇нїе."),
// HV Stich na 3
gText("Ꙗ҆́кѡ ᲂу҆ гдⷭ҇а млⷭ҇ть, и҆ мно́гое ᲂу҆ негѡ̀ и҆збавле́нїе, и҆ то́й и҆зба́витъ і҆и҃лѧ ѿ всѣ́хъ беззако́нїй є҆гѡ̀."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Сло́вомъ тѧ̀ проповѣ́давшїи бг҃оглаго́ливїи прⷪ҇ро́цы, и҆ дѣ́лы поче́тшїи, безконе́чнꙋю жи́знь приплоди́ша: тва́ри бо влⷣко, па́че тебѐ содѣ́телѧ, слꙋжи́ти не претерпѣ́вше, мі́ра всегѡ̀ є҆ѵⷢ҇льски ѿврати́шасѧ, и҆ соѡбра́зни бы́ша стрⷭ҇ти твое́й, ю҆́же провозвѣсти́ша: и҆́хже мл҃твами, сподо́би непоро́чнѡ прейтѝ воздержа́нїѧ по́прище, є҆ди́не многомлⷭ҇тиве."),
// HV Stich na 2
gText("Хвали́те гдⷭ҇а всѝ ꙗ҆зы́цы, похвали́те є҆го̀ всѝ лю́дїе."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Є҆стество́мъ неѡпи́санный бж҃е́ственнымъ твои́мъ сы́й, на послѣ̑днѧѧ влⷣко вопло́щьсѧ, и҆зво́лилъ є҆сѝ ѡ҆писова́тисѧ: пло́ти бо прїѧ́тїемъ, и҆ свѡ́йства всѧ̑ сеѧ̀ взѧ́лъ є҆сѝ. тѣ́мже ви́дъ тво́й ѡ҆бразова́нїѧ ѡ҆писꙋ́ющїи любе́знѡ цѣлꙋ́емъ, къ твое́й любвѝ возвыша́еми, и҆ и҆сцѣле́нїй бл҃года́ть почерпа́емъ и҆з̾ негѡ̀, а҆пⷭ҇льскимъ послѣ́дꙋюще бж҃е́ствєннымъ преда́нїємъ."),
// HV Stich na 1
gText("Ꙗ҆́кѡ ᲂу҆тверди́сѧ млⷭ҇ть є҆гѡ̀ на на́съ, и҆ и҆́стина гдⷭ҇нѧ пребыва́етъ во вѣ́къ."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Пречестно́е ᲂу҆краше́нїе хрⷭ҇то́ва цр҃ковь, честны́хъ прїѧ́тъ и҆ ст҃ы́хъ і҆кѡ́нъ, сп҃са хрⷭ҇та̀ и҆ бг҃ома́тере, и҆ всѣ́хъ ст҃ы́хъ свѣтлѣ́йшее возставле́нїе, и҆́мже просвѣща́етсѧ, и҆ красꙋ́етсѧ бл҃года́тїю, и҆ со́нмище ѿлага́етъ є҆реті́ческое и҆згонѧ́щи: и҆ ра́дꙋющисѧ сла́витъ чл҃вѣколю́бца бг҃а, є҆ѧ̀ ра́ди претерпѣ́вша стрⷭ҇ти вѡ́льныѧ."),
// S:
jObj4("",2, "", "Бл҃года́ть возсїѧ̀ и҆́стины, проѡбразꙋ́емаѧ дре́вле сѣно́внѡ, ны́нѣ ꙗ҆вле́ннѡ сконча́сѧ: се́ бо цр҃ковь воплоще́ннымъ ѡ҆́бразомъ хрⷭ҇то́вымъ, ꙗ҆́кѡ прекра́сною ᲂу҆́тварїю ѡ҆блачи́тсѧ, ски́нїи свидѣ́нїѧ ѡ҆́бразъ пронаписꙋ́ющи, и҆ правосла́внꙋю вѣ́рꙋ содержа́щи: да є҆го́же почита́емъ, сегѡ̀ и҆ ѡ҆́бразъ держа́ще, не прельща́емсѧ, да ѡ҆блекꙋ́тсѧ въ стꙋ́дъ си́це невѣ́рꙋющїи: на́мъ бо сла́ва зра́къ воплоти́вшагѡсѧ бл҃гоче́стнѡ покланѧ́емый, не бг҃отвори́мый. то́й ѡ҆блобыза́юще вѣ́рнїи возопїи́мъ: бж҃е, сп҃сѝ лю́ди твоѧ̑, и҆ бл҃гословѝ достоѧ́нїе твоѐ."),
// S:
jObj4("",2, "", "Ра́дꙋйтесѧ прⷪ҇ро́цы честні́и, зако́нъ гдⷭ҇нь до́брѣ ᲂу҆чини́вшїи, и҆ вѣ́рою ꙗ҆́вльшїисѧ неѡбори́мїи столпѝ неꙋкло́ннїи: вы́ бо и҆ хода́таи ꙗ҆ви́стесѧ но́вагѡ завѣ́та хрⷭ҇то́ва, и҆ преста́вившесѧ на нб҃са̀. того̀ моли́те, ᲂу҆мири́ти мі́ръ, и҆ сп҃стѝ дꙋ́шы на́шѧ."),
// I:
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Всѐ ᲂу҆пова́нїе моѐ:"),
// S:
jObj4("",2, "", "И҆з̾ нече́стїѧ во бл҃гоче́стїе преше́дше, и҆ свѣ́томъ ра́зꙋма просвѣти́вшесѧ, ѱало́мски рꙋка́ми воспле́щимъ, бл҃года́рственнѡ хвалꙋ̀ бг҃ꙋ приносѧ́ще: и҆ на стѣна́хъ, и҆ дска́хъ, и҆ на сщ҃е́нныхъ сосꙋ́дѣхъ, начерта́ннымъ сщ҃є́ннымъ ѡ҆бразѡ́мъ хрⷭ҇тѡ́вымъ, и҆ пречⷭ҇тыѧ, и҆ всѣ́хъ ст҃ы́хъ, че́стнѡ поклони́мсѧ, ѿлага́юще ѕлоче́стнꙋю ѕлосла́вныхъ вѣ́рꙋ: [че́сть бо ѡ҆́браза, ꙗ҆́коже глаго́летъ васі́лїй, на первоѡбра́зное прехо́дитъ,] просѧ́ще мл҃твами пречⷭ҇тыѧ твоеѧ̀ мт҃ре, хрⷭ҇тѐ бж҃е на́шъ, и҆ всѣ́хъ ст҃ы́хъ, дарова́ти на́мъ ве́лїю млⷭ҇ть."),
// I:
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Ѽ чꙋдесѐ но́вагѡ:"),
// Tropar 1
jObj4("",none, "", "Пречⷭ҇томꙋ ѡ҆́бразꙋ твоемꙋ̀:"),
// ---------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------
// S:
jObj4("",2, "", "Пречⷭ҇томꙋ ѡ҆́бразꙋ твоемꙋ̀ покланѧ́емсѧ бл҃гі́й, просѧ́ще проще́нїѧ прегрѣше́нїй на́шихъ хрⷭ҇тѐ бж҃е: во́лею бо бл҃говоли́лъ є҆сѝ пло́тїю взы́ти на крⷭ҇тъ, да и҆зба́виши, ꙗ҆̀же созда́лъ є҆сѝ, ѿ рабо́ты вра́жїѧ. тѣ́мъ бл҃года́рственнѡ вопїе́мъ тѝ: ра́дости и҆спо́лнилъ є҆сѝ всѧ̑ сп҃се на́шъ, прише́дый сп҃стѝ мі́ръ."),
// I:
jObj4("",none, "", "Всѧ̑ па́че смы́сла, всѧ̑ пресла̑внаѧ твоѧ̑ бцⷣе та̑инства, чистотѣ̀ запеча́танной, и҆ дв҃ствꙋ храни́мꙋ, мт҃и позна́ласѧ є҆сѝ нело́жна, бг҃а ро́ждши и҆́стиннаго: того̀ молѝ сп҃сти́сѧ дꙋша́мъ на́шымъ."),
#align(center, sText([("HLAS") 4)]))
====="PIESEN") 1
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Мо́рѧ чермнꙋ́ю пꙋчи́нꙋ невла́жными стопа́ми дре́внїй пѣшеше́ствовавъ і҆и҃ль, крⷭ҇тоѡбра́зныма мѡѷсе́овыма рꙋка́ма, а҆мали́ковꙋ си́лꙋ въ пꙋсты́ни побѣди́лъ є҆́сть."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Пле́щꙋще съ весе́лїемъ дне́сь вѣ́рнїи возопїи́мъ: ко́ль чꙋ́дна дѣла̀ твоѧ̑ хрⷭ҇тѐ, и҆ вели́ка си́ла, на́ше є҆диномы́слїе и҆ согла́сїе содѣ́лавый!"),
jObj4("",none, "", "Де́нь ра́достный бг҃омꙋ́дреннїи прїиди́те соверши́мъ, ны́нѣ нб҃о и҆ землѧ̀ весели́тсѧ, и҆ а҆́гг҃лѡвъ чи́ни, и҆ человѣ́кѡвъ собра̑нїѧ и҆зрѧ́днѡ пра́зднꙋюще."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Преве́лїе бл҃годѣѧ́нїе ви́дѧще, рꙋка́ми воспле́щимъ: разстоѧ́щыѧсѧ ᲂу҆́ды хрⷭ҇тѡ́вы, совокꙋ́плены во є҆ди́нство, и҆ бг҃а похва́лимъ ми́ръ пода́вшаго."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Да́шасѧ цр҃кви дне́сь побѣди́тєльнаѧ, бг҃одви́жнымъ манове́нїемъ и҆ совѣ́томъ, мїхаи́ла же и҆ ѳеодѡ́ры, бл҃гоче́стнѡ вѣ́рꙋ содержа́щихъ царе́й на́шихъ."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Ѻ҆рꙋ́жїѧ ѕлочести́выхъ и҆счезо́ша ꙗ҆́вѣ є҆ресе́й: хра́мъ бо тво́й пречⷭ҇таѧ чⷭ҇таѧ, во ѡ҆́бразѣхъ ᲂу҆краша́емый всебл҃голѣ́пнѡ зрѧ́ще, ны́нѣ всесщ҃е́ннѡ ра́дꙋемсѧ."),
====="PIESEN") 3
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Весели́тсѧ ѡ҆ тебѣ̀ цр҃ковь твоѧ̀ хрⷭ҇тѐ, зовꙋ́щи: ты̀ моѧ̀ крѣ́пость гдⷭ҇и, и҆ прибѣ́жище, и҆ ᲂу҆твержде́нїе."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Не ктомꙋ̀ нечести́выхъ є҆ретїкѡ́въ ны́нѣ бро́вь взе́млетсѧ: бж҃їѧ бо си́ла правосла́вїе ᲂу҆держа́ла є҆́сть."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Ѻ҆́блацы прⷪ҇ро́честїи, животворѧ́щꙋю съ нб҃сѐ дне́сь ро́сꙋ на́мъ да кропѧ́тъ, на воста́нїе вѣ́ры."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Бл҃гогла́снѡ та̑йныѧ а҆пⷭ҇лѡвъ хрⷭ҇то́выхъ трꙋбы̑, па́че є҆стества̀ да вопїю́тъ, честны́хъ ѡ҆бразѡ́въ и҆справле́нїе."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Воспои́мъ хрⷭ҇та̀, показа́вшаго на́мъ цр҃и́цꙋ бл҃гочести́вꙋю, хрⷭ҇толюби́вꙋю, съ бг҃овѣнча́нною ѻ҆́траслїю."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Селе́нїе твоѐ сщ҃е́нное дости́гше вѣ́рнїи, пречⷭ҇таѧ, свѣтови́дною бл҃года́тїю ны́нѣ ѡ҆зари́тисѧ, мо́лимсѧ."),
// Sidalen
jObj4("",1, "Ли́къ а҆́гг҃льскїй", "Бж҃е́ственный тво́й зра́къ, во ѡ҆́бразѣ ѡ҆бразꙋ́юще хрⷭ҇тѐ, ꙗ҆́снѡ вопїе́мъ ржⷭ҇тво̀, чꙋдеса̀ неизглаго́ланнаѧ, во́льное распѧ́тїе. ѿѻнꙋ́дꙋже бѣ́сове ѿго́нѧтсѧ стра́хомъ, и҆ ѕлосла́внїи въ посꙋпле́нїи рыда́ютъ, ꙗ҆́кѡ си́хъ соприча̑стницы."),
// S:
jObj4("",none, "", "Зра́ками прⷪ҇ро́кѡвъ, а҆пⷭ҇лѡвъ ви́дами, мч҃нкѡвъ сщ҃е́нныхъ, и҆ ст҃ы́хъ всѣ́хъ і҆кѡ́нами, и҆ и҆з̾ѡбраже́ньми сщ҃е́ннѡ красꙋ́етсѧ: жениха́ же мы́сленнагѡ и҆ невѣ́сты ᲂу҆краша́етсѧ ᲂу҆́мными красова́ньми, мт҃и вы́шнїй сїѡ́нъ."),
// I:
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Любо́вїю чⷭ҇таѧ, твою̀ ст҃ꙋ́ю і҆кѡ́нꙋ почита́ющымъ, и҆ бж҃їю тѧ̀ и҆́стиннꙋю мт҃рь согла́снѡ возвѣща́ющымъ, и҆ вѣ́рнѡ покланѧ́ющымсѧ тѝ, храни́тельница ꙗ҆ви́ласѧ є҆сѝ, и҆ держа́вное предста́тельство, ѿвраща́ющи всѧ́кое лю́тое дале́че си́хъ, ꙗ҆́кѡ всѧ̑ могꙋ́щаѧ."),
====="PIESEN") 4
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Вознесе́на тѧ̀ ви́дѣвши цр҃ковь на крⷭ҇тѣ̀, сл҃нце пра́ведное, ста̀ въ чи́нѣ свое́мъ, досто́йнѡ взыва́ющи: сла́ва си́лѣ твое́й гдⷭ҇и."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Наи́тїемъ бж҃е́ственнымъ ᲂу҆тѣ́шителѧ, тво́й хра́мъ ѡ҆ст҃ѝ, и҆ прише́ствїемъ сегѡ̀ є҆реті́ческꙋю пре́лесть ѿженѝ, сло́ве бж҃їй многомлⷭ҇тиве."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Нꙋ́жднѣйшагѡ и҆зба́вивый ѕлоче́стїѧ твоѧ̑ лю́ди, покажѝ бл҃гоче́стїѧ ре́вностїю разжжє́ны, и҆ вѣ́рою взыва́ющыѧ: сла́ва си́лѣ твое́й гдⷭ҇и."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Сщ҃енноѡбра́зными и҆з̾ѡбраже́ньми, ѡ҆бразѡ́въ хрⷭ҇то́выхъ зрѧ́ще и҆ бцⷣы, сїѧ̑ющаѧ бж҃е́ствєннаѧ селє́нїѧ, сщ҃еннолѣ́пнѡ ра́дꙋемсѧ."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Цр҃и́ца по ѻ҆боемꙋ̀ ᲂу҆кра́шена, и҆́стиннагѡ возжелѣ́вши хрⷭ҇то́ва црⷭ҇тва, сегѡ̀ написа̀ ѡ҆́бразъ пречⷭ҇тый, и҆ ст҃ы́хъ и҆з̾ѡбражє́нїѧ."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Воплоще́нна роди́вши бж҃е́ственнаго сло́ва, бг҃олѣ́пное ѡ҆сщ҃е́нїе бл҃года́тнаѧ, сего̀ показа́ла є҆сѝ: тѣ́мже тво́й хра́мъ свѣтови́дный ѡ҆бновлѧ́емъ."),
====="PIESEN") 5
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Ты̀ гдⷭ҇и мо́й, свѣ́тъ въ мі́ръ прише́лъ є҆сѝ свѣ́тъ ст҃ы́й, ѡ҆браща́ѧй и҆з̾ мра́чна невѣ́дѣнїѧ, вѣ́рою воспѣва́ющихъ тѧ̀."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Положѝ гдⷭ҇и твое́й цр҃кви ᲂу҆твержде́нїе, непрекло́ннѣй пребы́ти въ вѣ́къ вѣ́ка ѿ смѧте́нїй є҆ресе́й."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Во всю̀ зе́млю свѣ́тлость возсїѧ̀ свы́ше, да́ннагѡ вѣ̑рнымъ весе́лїѧ, и҆ бж҃е́ственнагѡ застꙋпле́нїѧ."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Є҆ди́не бл҃гі́й, и҆ и҆сто́чниче бл҃гости, ты̀ возвы́си правосла́вныхъ ро́гъ, чтꙋ́щихъ ѡ҆́бразъ тво́й."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Свѣ́тъ незаходи́мый на́мъ бл҃гоче́стїѧ возсїѧ̀, велѣ́нїемъ бг҃одꙋхнове́ннымъ вѣ́рныхъ па́стырей, и҆ ма́нїемъ бг҃омꙋ́дрымъ."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Ѡ҆бновѝ на́мъ дре́внее бл҃голѣ́пїе, пречⷭ҇таѧ бг҃ома́ти, и҆ до́мъ тво́й се́й ѡ҆ст҃ѝ твое́ю бл҃года́тїю."),
====="PIESEN") 6
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Пожрꙋ́ ти со гла́сомъ хвале́нїѧ гдⷭ҇и, цр҃ковь вопїе́тъ тѝ, ѿ бѣсо́вскїѧ кро́ве ѡ҆чи́щшисѧ, ра́ди млⷭ҇ти ѿ ре́бръ твои́хъ и҆сте́кшею кро́вїю."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Пи́шетсѧ и҆ почита́етсѧ вѣ́рнѡ покланѧ́емый ѡ҆́бразъ влⷣки, и҆ прїе́млетъ па́ки цр҃ковь дерзнове́нїе, бл҃гоче́стнѡ сп҃са прославлѧ́ющи."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Ѡ҆бнажа́етсѧ сѣ́тованїѧ, и҆ тьмы̀ є҆ресе́й хрⷭ҇то́ва цр҃ковь, и҆ но́ситъ ри́зꙋ весе́лїѧ, и҆ бж҃е́ственною и҆ свѣтоно́сною покрыва́етсѧ бл҃года́тїю."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Бл҃госла́вїѧ дре́внѧгѡ ѡ҆сїѧ̑нїѧ полꙋчѝ правосла́вныхъ собо́ръ, ѳеодѡ́ры манове́нїемъ цр҃и́цы, и҆ є҆ѧ̀ сы́на бл҃гочести́вагѡ мїхаи́ла самоде́ржца."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Дре́вле свидѣ́нїѧ повелѣ́вый бы́ти ски́нїи: ꙗ҆́кѡ въ ски́нїи слове́снѣй, въ тебѣ̀ живе́тъ є҆ди́нъ препросла́вленный, прославлѧ́ѧй хра́мъ тво́й дв҃о чꙋдесы̀."),
// Kondak
jObj4("Конда́къ",2, "", "Неѡпи́санное сло́во ѻ҆́ч҃ее, и҆з̾ тебѐ бцⷣе ѡ҆писа́сѧ воплоща́емь: и҆ ѡ҆скве́рншїйсѧ ѡ҆́бразъ въ дре́внее воѡбрази́въ, бж҃е́ственною добро́тою смѣсѝ. но и҆сповѣ́дающе сп҃се́нїе, дѣ́ломъ и҆ сло́вомъ, сїѐ воѡбража́емъ."),
// Ikos
jObj4("І҆́косъ",none, "", "Сїѐ смотре́нїѧ та́инство, дре́вле прⷪ҇ро́цы бг҃ови́днѡ вдохнове́ни бы́вше, на́съ ра́ди въ концы̀ вѣкѡ́въ дости́гшихъ предвозвѣсти́ша, полꙋчи́вше сегѡ̀ сїѧ̑нїѧ. ра́зꙋмъ ᲂу҆́бѡ бж҃е́ственный ѿ негѡ̀ взе́мше, є҆ди́наго гдⷭ҇а бг҃а зна́емъ, въ трїе́хъ ѵ҆поста́сѣхъ покланѧ́емаго: и҆ томꙋ̀ є҆ди́номꙋ слꙋжа́ще, є҆ди́нꙋ вѣ́рꙋ, и҆ є҆ди́но креще́нїе и҆мꙋ́ще, во хрⷭ҇та̀ ѡ҆блеко́хомсѧ: но и҆сповѣ́дающе сп҃се́нїе, дѣ́ломъ и҆ сло́вомъ, сїѐ воѡбража́емъ."),
====="PIESEN") 7
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Въ пещѝ а҆враа́мстїи ѻ҆́троцы персі́дстѣй, любо́вїю бл҃гоче́стїѧ па́че, не́жели пла́менемъ ѡ҆палѧ́еми взыва́хꙋ: бл҃гослове́нъ є҆сѝ въ хра́мѣ сла́вы твоеѧ̀ гдⷭ҇и."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Да сликовствꙋ́етъ цр҃ко́внѣй свѣ́тлости любо́вїю бж҃е́ственною а҆́гг҃льское во́инство, бг҃омꙋ́дреннѡ воспѣва́ющее: бл҃гослове́нъ є҆сѝ въ хра́мѣ сла́вы твоеѧ̀ гдⷭ҇и."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Це́рковь перворожде́нныхъ, и҆ торжество̀ ра́дꙋетсѧ, зрѧ́ще ны́нѣ бж҃е́ствєнныѧ лю́ди, є҆диномꙋ́дреннѡ воспѣва́ющыѧ: бл҃гослове́нъ є҆сѝ въ хра́мѣ сла́вы твоеѧ̀ гдⷭ҇и."),
jObj4("",none, "", "И҆зба́влени пре́жде мра́чныѧ є҆́реси, ма́нїемъ ѳеодѡ́ры достолѣ́пныѧ цари́цы, воспѣва́емъ: бл҃гослове́нъ є҆сѝ въ хра́мѣ сла́вы твоеѧ̀ гдⷭ҇и."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Па́че вы́шнихъ ликостоѧ́нїй, вознесла́сѧ є҆сѝ всечⷭ҇таѧ, є҆ди́на бы́вши мт҃и вседѣ́телѧ. ра́дꙋющесѧ ᲂу҆́бѡ взыва́емъ: бл҃гослове́нна ты̀ є҆сѝ въ жена́хъ, всенепоро́чнаѧ влⷣчце."),
====="PIESEN") 8
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Рꙋ́цѣ распросте́ръ данїи́лъ, львѡ́въ зїѧ̑нїѧ въ ро́вѣ затчѐ: ѻ҆́гненнꙋю же си́лꙋ ᲂу҆гаси́ша, добродѣ́телїю препоѧ́савшесѧ, бл҃гоче́стїѧ рачи́тели ѻ҆́троцы, взыва́юще: бл҃гослови́те всѧ̑ дѣла̀ гдⷭ҇нѧ гдⷭ҇а."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Зако́ны цр҃кве ѻ҆те́ческїѧ сохранѧ́юще, ѡ҆́бразы пи́шемъ, и҆ лобза́имъ ᲂу҆сты̀, и҆ се́рдцемъ, и҆ хотѣ́нїемъ хрⷭ҇тѡ́вы, и҆ є҆гѡ̀ ст҃ы́хъ, зовꙋ́ще: бл҃гослови́те всѧ̑ дѣла̀ гдⷭ҇нѧ гдⷭ҇а."),
jObj4("",none, "", "На первоѡбра́зное ꙗ҆́вѣ ѡ҆́браза, по́честь и҆ поклоне́нїе возносѧ́ще, чти́мъ, бг҃оглаго́ливыхъ ᲂу҆че́нїємъ послѣ́дꙋюще, и҆ хрⷭ҇тꙋ̀ вѣ́рою зове́мъ: бл҃гослови́те всѧ̑ дѣла̀ гдⷭ҇нѧ гдⷭ҇а."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Оу҆́мъ ѡ҆зари́вши просвѣще́нїемъ бж҃е́ственнагѡ дх҃а, честна́ѧ цари́ца, плоды̀ бг҃омꙋ́дрєнныѧ и҆мꙋ́щи, бл҃голѣ́пїе возлюбѝ цр҃кве хрⷭ҇то́вы, и҆ красотꙋ̀, бл҃гословѧ́щи кꙋ́пнѡ съ вѣ́рными і҆и҃са бг҃очеловѣ́ка."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Лꙋча́ми свѣ́та ᲂу҆́мнагѡ, ѡ҆свѣща́емый бж҃е́ственный до́мъ тво́й, ѡ҆сѣнѧ́етъ ны́нѣ всѣ́хъ ѻ҆́блакомъ дх҃а, и҆ ѡ҆сщ҃а́етъ вѣ̑рныѧ согла́снѡ пою́щыѧ: бл҃гослови́те всѧ̑ дѣла̀ гдⷭ҇нѧ гдⷭ҇а."),
====="PIESEN") 9
// Kanon 1
jObj4("І҆рмо́съ",none, "", "Ка́мень нерꙋкосѣ́чный ѿ несѣко́мыѧ горы̀ тебѐ дв҃о, краеꙋго́льный ѿсѣче́сѧ, хрⷭ҇то́съ, совокꙋпи́вый разстоѧ̑щаѧсѧ є҆стєства̀. тѣ́мъ веселѧ́щесѧ, тѧ̀ бцⷣе велича́емъ."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Сщ҃еннописа́ньми ѡ҆бразѡ́въ ᲂу҆кра́шенꙋю, зрѧ́ще па́ки честнꙋ́ю цр҃ковь, со бл҃гоговѣ́нїемъ всѝ притеце́мъ и҆ бг҃ꙋ возопїи́мъ: тебѐ велича́емъ трист҃ы́й."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Че́сть и҆ сла́вꙋ стѧжа́вши цр҃ковь, крⷭ҇тъ тво́й и҆ честны̑ѧ і҆кѡ̑ны, и҆ ст҃ы́хъ и҆з̾ѡбражє́нїѧ, съ весе́лїемъ влⷣко и҆ ра́достїю велича́етъ тѧ̀."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Ѡ҆свѣтѝ бж҃е́ственною твое́ю сла́вою лю́ди на́ши ще́дрый, и҆ ѡ҆полче́ньми а҆́гг҃льскими, и҆ всеѻрꙋ́жествы сїѧ̑ ѡ҆градѝ, ꙗ҆зы́кѡвъ свирѣ́пство покарѧ́ѧ и҆̀мъ влⷣко."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Взѧ́тсѧ прама́тере є҆́ѵы ѡ҆сꙋжде́нїе бцⷣе, ꙗ҆́кѡ ты̀ всѣ́хъ влⷣкꙋ несказа́ннѡ чⷭ҇таѧ родила̀ є҆сѝ: є҆гѡ́же и҆ ны́нѣ подо́бїе на і҆кѡ́нахъ цѣлꙋ́емъ."),
// CH Stich na 4
jObj4("",4, "Да́лъ є҆сѝ зна́менїе", "Въ тебѣ̀ ны́нѣ ра́дꙋетсѧ цр҃ковь чл҃вѣколю́бче женисѣ̀ и҆ созда́телѣ свое́мъ, сїю̀ во́лею бг҃олѣ́пною ѿ і҆́дѡльскїѧ ле́сти и҆зба́вльшемъ, и҆ себѣ̀ ѡ҆брꙋчи́вшемъ честно́ю кро́вїю, свѣ́тлѡ прїе́млющи сщ҃е́нное возставле́нїе і҆кѡ́нъ, и҆ ра́дꙋющисѧ тѧ̀ пое́тъ, и҆ сла́витъ вѣ́рнѡ."),
// CH Stich na 3
gText("И҆сповѣ́мсѧ тебѣ̀ гдⷭ҇и бж҃е мо́й, всѣ́мъ се́рдцемъ мои́мъ."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Пло́ти и҆з̾ѡбраже́нїе твоѐ возставлѧ́юще, гдⷭ҇и, любе́знѡ лобыза́емъ, вели́кое та́инство смотре́нїѧ твоегѡ̀ и҆з̾ѧснѧ́юще: не мнѣ́нїемъ бо, ꙗ҆́коже глаго́лютъ бг҃обо́рнїи дѣ́ти ма́нентѡвы, на́мъ ꙗ҆ви́лсѧ є҆сѝ чл҃вѣколю́бче, но и҆́стиною и҆ є҆стество́мъ пло́ти, тобо́ю возводи́ми къ твое́й любвѝ, и҆ жела́нїю."),
// CH Stich na 2
gText("Возвеселю́сѧ и҆ возра́дꙋюсѧ ѡ҆ тебѣ̀:"),
jObj4("",none, "", "Де́нь ра́достный, и҆ весе́лїѧ и҆спо́лненный ꙗ҆ви́сѧ дне́сь: свѣ́тлость бо догма̑тъ и҆́стиннѣйшихъ блиста́етъ, и҆ сїѧ́етъ цр҃ковь хрⷭ҇то́ва ᲂу҆кра́шена возставле́ньми і҆кѡ́нъ ст҃ы́хъ ны́нѣ, и҆ и҆з̾ѡбраже́нїй сїѧ́ньми, и҆ є҆диномы́слїе быва́етъ вѣ́рныхъ бг҃опочте́нное."),
// CH Stich na 1
gText("Воскрⷭ҇нѝ гдⷭ҇и бж҃е мо́й, да вознесе́тсѧ рꙋка̀ твоѧ̀, не забꙋ́ди ᲂу҆бо́гихъ твои́хъ до конца̀."),
jObj4("",6, "", "Мѡѷсе́й во вре́мѧ воздержа́нїѧ зако́нъ прїѧ́тъ, и҆ лю́ди привлечѐ: и҆лїа̀ пости́всѧ нб҃са̀ заключѝ: трїе́ же ѻ҆́троцы а҆враа́мстїи, мꙋчи́телѧ беззако́ннꙋюща поще́нїемъ побѣди́ша. и҆́мже и҆ на́съ сп҃се сподо́би воскрⷭ҇нїе ᲂу҆лꙋчи́ти, си́це вопїю́щихъ: ст҃ы́й бж҃е, ст҃ы́й крѣ́пкїй, ст҃ы́й безсме́ртный, поми́лꙋй на́съ."),
// S:
jObj4("",6, "", "Мѡѷсе́й во вре́мѧ воздержа́нїѧ зако́нъ прїѧ́тъ, и҆ лю́ди привлечѐ: и҆лїа̀ пости́всѧ нб҃са̀ заключѝ: трїе́ же ѻ҆́троцы а҆враа́мстїи, мꙋчи́телѧ беззако́ннꙋюща поще́нїемъ побѣди́ша. и҆́мже и҆ на́съ сп҃се сподо́би воскрⷭ҇нїе ᲂу҆лꙋчи́ти, си́це вопїю́щихъ: ст҃ы́й бж҃е, ст҃ы́й крѣ́пкїй, ст҃ы́й безсме́ртный, поми́лꙋй на́съ."),
// I:
jObj4("",none, "", "Пребл҃гослове́нна є҆сѝ бцⷣе:"),
// ---------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------
// B Stich na 4
gText("Бл҃же́ни миротво́рцы, ꙗ҆́кѡ ті́и сн҃ове бж҃їи нарекꙋ́тсѧ."),
jObj4("",4, "", "Пи́шетсѧ и҆ почита́етсѧ вѣ́рнѡ покланѧ́емый ѡ҆́бразъ влⷣки, и҆ прїе́млетъ па́ки цр҃ковь дерзнове́нїе, бл҃гоче́стнѡ сп҃са прославлѧ́ющи."),
// B Stich na 3
gText("Бл҃же́ни и҆згна́ни пра́вды ра́ди, ꙗ҆́кѡ тѣ́хъ є҆́сть црⷭ҇тво нбⷭ҇ное."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Ѡ҆бнажа́етсѧ сѣ́тованїѧ, и҆ тьмы̀ є҆ресе́й хрⷭ҇то́ва цр҃ковь, и҆ но́ситъ ри́зꙋ весе́лїѧ, и҆ бж҃е́ственною и҆ свѣтоно́сною покрыва́етсѧ бл҃года́тїю."),
// B Stich na 2
gText("Бл҃же́ни є҆стѐ, є҆гда̀ поно́сѧтъ ва́мъ, и҆ и҆жденꙋ́тъ, и҆ рекꙋ́тъ всѧ́къ ѕо́лъ глаго́лъ на вы̀ лжꙋ́ще менѐ ра́ди."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Бл҃госла́вїѧ дре́внѧгѡ ѡ҆сїѧ̑нїѧ полꙋчѝ правосла́вныхъ собо́ръ, ѳеодѡ́ры манове́нїемъ цр҃и́цы, и҆ є҆ѧ̀ сы́на бл҃гочести́вагѡ мїхаи́ла самоде́ржца."),
// B Stich na 1
gText("Ра́дꙋйтесѧ и҆ весели́тесѧ, ꙗ҆́кѡ мзда̀ ва́ша мно́га на нб҃сѣ́хъ."),
jObj4("Бг҃оро́диченъ",none, "", "Дре́вле свидѣ́нїѧ повелѣ́вый бы́ти ски́нїи: ꙗ҆́кѡ въ ски́нїи слове́снѣй, въ тебѣ̀ живе́тъ є҆ди́нъ препросла́вленный, прославлѧ́ѧй хра́мъ тво́й дв҃о чꙋдесы̀."),
// Prokimen
jObj4("",4, "", "Бл҃гослове́нъ є҆сѝ гдⷭ҇и бж҃е ѻ҆тє́цъ на́шихъ, и҆ хва́льно и҆ просла́влено и҆́мѧ твоѐ во вѣ́ки."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Ꙗ҆́кѡ првⷣнъ є҆сѝ ѡ҆ всѣ́хъ, ꙗ҆̀же сотвори́лъ є҆сѝ на́мъ."),
// Alliluja
jObj4("",8, "", "Мѡѷсе́й и҆ а҆арѡ́нъ во і҆ере́ехъ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ самꙋ́илъ въ призыва́ющихъ и҆́мѧ є҆гѡ̀."),
jObj4("",none, "", "Призыва́хꙋ гдⷭ҇а, и҆ то́й послꙋ́шаше и҆́хъ."),
// Pricasten
jObj4("",none, "", "Хвали́те гдⷭ҇а съ нб҃съ:"),
// Pricasten
jObj4("",none, "", "Ра́дꙋйтесѧ првⷣнїи ѡ҆ гдⷭ҇ѣ:"),
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "../idwtet.typ"
#show: idwtet.init
#set page(width: 16.5cm, height: auto, margin: 0.5cm)
let talk = "hello world"
Here `talk` is defined just before this statement, but hidden via `%ENDHIDDEN%`. | | | typst | MIT License | #set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 0pt)
#import "@preview/cetz:0.2.2"
#import "@preview/funarray:0.4.0": windows
#import "../lib/vec2.typ"
#import "../lib/catppuccin.typ": catppuccin
#let theme = catppuccin.theme
#let drawing = cetz.canvas({
import cetz.draw: *
let theta = -calc.pi / 6
let rotation = vec2.rotate-z.with(theta: theta)
let waypoints = ((0, 0), (4, 3), (3.5, 6)).map(rotation)
let s = 0.6
let travelled-path = vec2.points-relative-from(
(20deg, s),
(8deg, s),
(-5deg, s),
(-12deg, s),
(-5deg, s),
(12deg, s),
(23deg, s),
(40deg, s),
(55deg, s),
(62deg, s),
(62deg, s),
(62deg, s),
) + (waypoints.last(), )
let lines = windows(waypoints, 2).map(pair => {
let start =
let end =
vec2.line-from-line-segment(start, end)
// draw perpendicular lines
for p in travelled-path {
let (closest, _) = lines
.map(l => vec2.projection-onto-line(p, l.a, l.b))
.map(proj => (proj, vec2.distance(p, proj)))
.sorted(key: it =>
line(p, closest, stroke: (dash: "dotted", paint: catppuccin.latte.overlay2, cap: "round"))
// draw green lines
for (a, b) in windows(waypoints, 2) {
line(a, b, stroke: (paint:
// draw driven path in red
for (a, b) in windows(travelled-path, 2) {
circle(a, radius: 0.05, fill:, stroke:
line(a, b, stroke: (paint:
// draw green waypoints
for wp in waypoints {
circle(wp, radius: 0.1, fill:, stroke:
x: 1pt,
y: 1pt,
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
#show: test-page
#set math.mat(row-gap: 1em, column-gap: 2em)
$ mat(1, 2; 3, 4) $
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "@preview/modern-hsh-thesis:1.0.0": *
#show: project.with(
title: "Beispiel-Titel",
subtitle: "Bachelorarbeit im Studiengang Mediendesigninformatik",
author: "<NAME>",
author-email: "<EMAIL>",
matrikelnummer: 1234567,
prof: [
Prof. Dr. <NAME>\
Abteilung Informatik, Fakultät IV\
Hochschule Hannover\
second-prof: [
Prof. Dr. <NAME>\
Abteilung Informatik, Fakultät IV\
Hochschule Hannover\
date: "01. August 2024",
glossary-columns: 1,
bibliography: bibliography(("sources.bib", "sources.yaml"), style: "institute-of-electrical-and-electronics-engineers", title: "Literaturverzeichnis")
#include "chapters/1-einleitung.typ"
| | | markdown | Apache License 2.0 | ---
description: |
# Typstについて
<div class="info-box">
**はじめに: Typst Japan Communityより**
日本語版 Typst のドキュメントへようこそ! [Typst]( はアカデミック・ライティング用途を念頭に開発された、TeX などの今までのシステムを覆しうる革新的で多機能な組版エンジンです。もちろん、学術論文に限らず、雑誌や書籍の組版にも適しています。
この Web サイトは、[Typst GmbH]( の許諾を得て、非公式日本語コミュニティ「[Typst Japan Community](」のボランティアたちが[公式ドキュメント](を翻訳したものです。まだ翻訳途上ですので、翻訳されていない部分や誤訳などがたくさんあり、また情報が古くなる可能性もあるため、ご了承ください。最新の情報は[公式ドキュメント](をご覧ください。ただし、本 Web サイトには、公式ドキュメントにはない日本語の組版に特化した情報やコンテンツも掲載される予定です。
皆様が Typst をご利用になる上で、本サイトの情報が一助になれば幸いです。
Typst は、学術用途のために新たに生まれたマークアップベースの組版システムです。LaTeX のような高度なツールや、Word あるいは Google ドキュメントのような手軽なツールの両方に取って代わるものとして設計されています。私たちが Typst を通して目指しているのは、高機能 _かつ_ 使っていて楽しくなるような組版ツールを作ることです。
このドキュメントは、2つの部分に分かれています:実際の使用例を通じて Typst の使い方を学べる、初心者にやさしいチュートリアル。そして、Typst のあらゆる仕様・機能を扱った包括的なリファレンスです。
また、私たちが開いた Typst の関連コミュニティにもぜひご参加ください。Typst はまだ出来て間もないプロジェクトであるため、皆さんからのフィードバックが非常に貴重なのです。
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #import "mod.typ": *
#show: book-page.with(title: "Tinymist LSP")
== Architecture
Tinymist binary has multiple modes, and it may runs multiple actors in background. The actors could run as an async task, in a single thread, or in an isolated process.
The main process of tinymist runs the program as a language server, through stdin and stdout. A main process will fork:
- rendering actors to provide PDF export with watching.
- preview actors that give a document/outline preview over some typst source file.
- compiler actors to provide language APIs.
From the directory structure of `crates/tinymist`, the `` file parses the command line arguments and starts commands:
match args.command.unwrap_or_default() {
Commands::Lsp(args) => lsp_main(args),
Commands::Compile(args) => compiler_main(args),
Commands::Preview(args) => tokio_runtime.block_on(preview_main(args)),
Commands::Probe => Ok(()),
There are three servers in the `server` directory:
- `` provides the language server, initialized by `` and owns commands in ``.
- `` provides the compiler server, initialized by `` and owns commands in ``.
- `` provides a `typst-preview` compatible preview server.
The long-running servers are contributed by the modules in the `server` directory.
They will bootstrap actors in the `actor` directory.
They can construct and return resources in the `resource` directory.
They may invoke tools in the `tool` directory.
== Debugging with input mirroring
You can record the input during running the editors with Tinymist. You can then replay the input to debug the language server.
# Record the input
tinymist lsp --mirror input.txt
# Replay the input
tinymist lsp --replay input.txt
== Analyze memory usage with DHAT
You can build the program with `dhat-heap` feature to collect memory usage with DHAT. The DHAT will instrument the allocator dynamically, so it will slow down the program significantly.
cargo build --release --bin tinymist --features dhat-heap
The instrumented program is nothing different from the normal program, so you can mine the specific memory usage with a lsp session (recorded with `--mirror`) by replaying the input.
./target/release/tinymist lsp --replay input.txt
dhat: Total: 740,668,176 bytes in 1,646,987 blocks
dhat: At t-gmax: 264,604,009 bytes in 317,241 blocks
dhat: At t-end: 259,597,420 bytes in 313,588 blocks
dhat: The data has been saved to dhat-heap.json, and is viewable with dhat/dh_view.html
Once you have the `dhat-heap.json`, you can visualize the memory usage with #link("")[the DHAT viewer].
== Contributing
See #link("")[].
| | | typst | // General template made for labs
// Tries to mimic GOST 7.32-2017
#let lab(
n: none,
) = {
set document(title: "TK LAB" + str(n), author: "<NAME>")
set text(
font: "Times New Roman",
size: 14pt,
lang: "ru"
set page(
margin: (
left: 3cm,
right: 1.5cm,
y: 2cm
line(length: 100%)
columns: (24%, auto),
rows: (12%),
gutter: 20pt,
image("logo.png", fit: "stretch"),
align(center, text(17pt)[
Кафедра \
«Криптология и кибербезопасность»
line(length: 100%)
*Лабораторная работа №#n*
по предмету "Технологии контейнеризации"
Выполнил студент группы Б20-505
#line(length: 100%)
*Москва – 2023*
#line(length: 100%)
set page(numbering: "1")
set par(
// Word and Typst seems to differ
// Word 7.32 - 1.5em
leading: 1em,
justify: true,
first-line-indent: 1.25cm
set heading(numbering: "1.")
show heading: it => block[
// Hack:
show heading: it => {
// Same hack as above for figures
show figure: it => {
// Code show rules
// With hack as above
show raw.where(block: true): it => {
fill: rgb("#f0f0f0"),
inset: 6pt,
radius: 2pt,
text(fill: rgb("#202020"), it)
#let pic(
img: none,
) = {
image(img, fit: "contain"),
caption: [#body]
} |
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #import "../brilliant-CV/template.typ": *
#let lightbold(str) = text(weight: 501, str)
- Assimile de nouvelles #lightbold("technologies") avec aisance.
- Prend des #lightbold("initiatives") en proposant des solutions créatives et novatrices.
| | | typst | Other | // Test combination of scaling and rotation.
#set page(height: 80pt)
#align(center + horizon,
rotate(20deg, scale(70%, image("test/assets/files/tiger.jpg")))
| | | markdown | MIT License | # Boxing & Blocking
You can use boxes to wrap anything
into text: #box(image("../tiger.jpg", height: 2em)).
Blocks will always be "separate paragraphs".
They will not fit into a text: #block(image("../tiger.jpg", height: 2em))
Both have similar useful properties:
#box(stroke: red, inset: 1em)[Box text]
#block(stroke: red, inset: 1em)[Block text]
## `rect`
There is also `rect` that works like `block`, but has useful default inset and stroke:
#rect[Block text]
## Figures
For the purposes of adding a _figure_ to your document, use `figure` function. Don't try to use boxes or blocks there.
Figures are that things like centered images (probably with captions), tables, even code.
@tiger shows a tiger. Tigers
are animals.
image("../tiger.jpg", width: 80%),
caption: [A tiger.],
) <tiger>
In fact, you can put there anything you want:
They told me to write a letter to you. Here it is:
text(size: 5em)[I],
caption: [I'm cool, right?],
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "../template/template.typ": *
#show: QRH.with(title: "Cup of Tea")
#section("Cup of Tea Preparation")[
- Dehydration
- Fatigue
- Inability to Concentrate
#objective[To replenish fluids.]
#step("KETTLE", "Filled to 1 CUP")
#tab(tab("Large mugs may require more water."))
#step("Teabag", "In MUG")
#step("KETTLE switch", "ON")
#caution([HOT WATER #linebreak()Adult supervision required.])
#step([*When* KETTLE boiled:], "")
#subStep("MUG", "Fill")
#step("Steep", "Allow to steep for a few minutes")
#step("Remove teabag", "")
#note("Stir after each step")
#option[Black tea *required:*]
#tab(tab("No sugar here."))
#option[Tea with MILK *required:*]
// #pagebreak()
#step("Pour milk into MUG", "To desired colour")
#step([*If* sugar required], "")
#subStep([Sugar (one #linebreak() teaspoon at a time)], "Add to MUG")
#section("Another section")[
] | | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#show link: underline
#set page(height: auto)
= Artifact streaming
A stream representation for artifact has been proposed to transfer and apply the artifact differences between the Compiler and Renderer.
== Proof of consistency
The Compiler and Renderer always keep a consistent state regarding to the artifact. Let us give a proof. Initially, both the Compiler and Renderer has a same empty artifact. When some event triggers the Compiler to update the artifact, the Compiler will generate a new artifact and send the differences between the old and new artifact to the Renderer. The Renderer will apply the differences to its artifact and then update the UI accordingly.
== Content of artifact
The artifact is considered to break into following three parts, which are transferred by different strategies.
- Full content: A subset of artifact data which does not affect the performance a lot is transferred by full content strategy, such as the source mappping.
- Tree patching: <tree-patching-strategy> A subset of the artifact which is in tree shape is transferred by tree patching strategy, such as the `typst::doc::Frame` (`SvgItem`).
- Range partition (specific to font data): <range-partition-strategy> We do send font data in granularity of glyph. To reduce transfer overhead, the streaming server should partition the glyph range into several parts and send them separately.
== Offline difference calculation
When there is no server available, a (Pre) Compiler can still calculate the differences between the documents. Then the client can determine which difference file to use according to the current document version. For examples:
- frame difference between different themes but over a same document will be preprocess using #link(<tree-patching-strategy>)[tree pathcing].
- document related font data could be shooted once when user first open the document, but the client could also preload font data by a determinsitic #link(<range-partition-strategy>)[range partition] for most likely accessed document.
== Possible implementation
A server that holds *entire current artifact data*, and also state of incremental building artifact differences (Compilation State).
/// maintains the state of the incremental compiling at server side
pub struct IncrSvgDocServer {
/// Whether to attach debug info to the output.
should_attach_debug_info: bool,
/// Expected exact state of the current Compiler.
/// Initially it is None meaning no completed compilation.
doc_view: Option<SvgDocument>,
/// Maintaining document build status
module_builder: IncrModuleBuilder,
/// Optional page source mapping references.
page_source_mapping: Vec<SourceMappingNode>,
A client that holds *entire current artifact data*, and also state of typst document in DOM (UI State).
/// maintains the state of the incremental rendering at client side
pub struct IncrSvgDocClient {
/// Full information of the current document from server.
pub doc_view: SvgDocument,
/// Optional page source mapping references.
pub page_source_mappping: Vec<SourceMappingNode>,
/// Expected exact state of the current DOM.
/// Initially it is None meaning no any page is rendered.
pub dom_doc_view: Option<Pages>,
/// Glyphs that has already committed to the DOM.
pub dom_glyph_status: GlyphStatus,
The server and client will communicate with each other by sending the differences between the current artifact and the expected artifact. The differences are in the form of `ArtifactDiff` which is defined as following:
type ArtifactDiff = FlatModule;
/// Flatten module so that it can be serialized.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "rkyv", derive(Archive, rDeser, rSer))]
pub struct FlatModule {
pub metadata: Vec<ModuleMetadata>,
pub item_pack: ItemPack,
pub glyphs: Vec<(AbsoluteRef, FlatGlyphItem)>,
pub layouts: Vec<(Abs, Vec<(Fingerprint, Size)>)>,
/// metadata that can be attached to a module.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "rkyv", derive(Archive, rDeser, rSer))]
pub enum ModuleMetadata {
The api will be extremely simple since we have the only one type of data to send, the `ArtifactDiff`.
use tokio::sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver, Sender};
type ArtifactStream = (Sender<ArtifactDiff>, Receiver<ArtifactDiff>);
pub async fn main() {
let (tx, rx): ArtifactStream = channel(100);
let srv = tokio::spawn(IncrSvgDocServer::with_channel(tx));
let cli = tokio::spawn(IncrSvgDocClient::with_channel(rx));
``` | | | typst | = Jacket flooding
For a jacket that requires certain buoyancy, assessing its flooding potential can be useful. For instance, it can be a good indicator for operations --- not only in controlled conditions but also to assist in planning to overcome potentially adverse situations during installation, e.g., (a) severe weather forecast, (b) a systemic leak in the flooding system (or closure diaphragms, if used for maintaining buoyancy of components), which in turn may force operations to undertake emergency measures, etc.
In 2012, I was working on a standard that was looking to review reserve buoyancy provisions. The recommended practice then was something like: _"Jacket reserve buoyancy in case of damage shall not drop below 5%."_
Comforting text? One that gives you, the client, warm and fuzzy feeling of being in control? You bet. But _are_ you?
The problem with a requirement like that is that it fails to account for the transient nature of the damage. Meaning, once the jacket is floating, you're on the clock, especially if you have either incurred damage or are oblivious to a pre-existing one. Worse still is if you cannot identify the leak, while your pressure indicator begins to dive left.
Here's a nasty example#footnote[Based on real events.]: Imagine you have a rubber diaphragm that has a leak area equivalent of few square millimetres in its initial state. Once hydrostatic pressure is in play, which is at once the jacket is in water, it would be hard to presume the initial leak area to be static. With a transient metacentre, you're in reactive mode. You want to know how much time you've got before you lose control of the situation.
As I was working to improve the standard, this idea of assessing the time it would take to flood compartments, as a way to assess floatation sensitivity, began twirling in my head. I began with the following:
Improvements in the industry with regards to robust leg diaphragm design, in which they are tested for twice the design pressure, combined with adequate procedures in-place --- viz., inspection, pressure checks, etc., prior to loadout --- offer a degree of confidence that such an accidental damage can indeed be managed, and that it need not be designed for damage entirely. In support of such a premise, this section makes the case that the time taken to flood a damaged jacket leg, a commonly ignored factor, has the potential to render such a risk to as low as reasonably practicable.
In order to apply this ALARP premise, the following considerations need to be satisfied: (a) a rigorous inspection and pressure tests of legs, flood valves, and diaphragms are carried out prior to loadout; (b) adequate care is taken to avoid any damage to diaphragms and flooding valves during tow; and (c) any damage that may yet incur, may not be obvious to visual inspections, otherwise it would still be possible to consider mitigation prior to lowering the jacket in water. Under such circumstances, the time taken to flood a damaged jacket may be calculated as a way to understand the residual risk.
I then went on to offer a recipe to assess it, which is basic hydraulic theory in essence, and is as follows:
The time taken (in seconds) to flood volume _V_ is given by:
$ t = V / Q $
where, _Q_ is the rate of water ingress of a given hole diameter, which is expressed as:
$ Q = v A_r $
where, $A_r$ is the effective hole area $m^2$, and _v_ is the velocity of water ingress (in m/s), which is given by:
$ v = mu sqrt(2 g h) $
where, $mu$ is the frictional coefficient of the orifice (hole) edge, _g_ is the acceleration due to gravity (in $m/s^2$), and _h_ is the hydrostatic head (in m).
Unbeknownst to me, it seems this was a problem that was explored by Naval Architects --- bless this community of hard-working engineers, who unfailingly punch well above their weights --- as far back in 1991 in the context of stability of sailing vessels. The theory@deakin_1991, underpinned by hydraulics, checks-out of course.
An approach similar to this in managing risk was applied to Liwan 3-1 the largest fixed jacket in the Asia-Pacific region@yu_2013, which together with the success of North Rankin B continues to inspire engineers like myself looking to overcome challenges similar or greater than the ones experienced by such projects.
Here is an example of a problem I've been working recently on.
image("/img/Dvt.svg", width: 100%),
caption: [Time taken to flood jacket components for a range of hole diameters],
) <dvt>
#let jf = read("/src/")
#{linebreak();raw(jf, lang: "python")}
/ Important Note: This is a stop-gap assessment, of course, and by itself it is never sufficient. (Ideally, a full blown time-domain analysis is recommended to pre-determine the time available.) Aside from testing the flooding system, supplemented by control and auxiliary features, one needs to at least ensure that flood-able compartments are divided into controllable volumes to be able to limit accidental flooding exposure to have any degree of control.#footnote[This may not be practical for pile through leg jackets.]
$ - * - $ |
| | | typst | #import "/style.typ": *
#set par(first-line-indent: 1em)
#subheader[Psalóm 103.]
Blahosloví dušé mojá Hóspoda, \* Hóspodi Bóže moj, vozvelíčilsja jesí ziló.
Vo ispovídanije i vo veleľípotu obleklsja jesí, \* oďijájsja svítom jako rízoju.
Prostirájaj nébo jako kóžu, \* pokryvájaj vodámi prevýspreňaja svojá.
Polahájaj óblaki na voschoždénije svojé, \* choďáj na krylú vítreňu.
Tvorjáj ánheli svojá dúchi, \* i sluhí svojá plámeň óhnennyj.
Osnovájaj zémľu na tvérdi jejá, \* ne preklonítsja vo vík víka.
Bézdna, jako ríza oďijánije jejá, \* na horách stánut vódy.
Ot zapreščénija tvojehó pobíhnut, \* ot hlása hróma tvojehó ubojátsja.
Voschóďat hóry, i nischóďat poľá v místo, \* jéže osnovál jesí im.
Preďíl položíl jesí jehóže ne préjdut, \* nižé obraťátsja pokrýti zémľu.
Posylájaj istóčniki v débrich, \* posreďí hór prójdut vódy.
Napajájut vsja zvíri sélnyja, \* ždút onáhri v žáždu svojú.
Na tich ptícy nebésnyja privitájut, \* ot sredý kámenija daďát hlás.
Napajáj hóri ot prevýsprennych svojích, \* ot plodá ďíl tvojích nasýtitsja zemľá.
Prozjabájaj travú skotóm, \* i zlák na slúžbu čelovíkom.
Izvestí chľíb ot zemlí, \* i vinó veselít sérdce čelovíka.
Umástiti licé jeléjem, \* i chľíb sérdce čelovíka ukripít.
Nasýťatsja drevá poľskaja, kédri livánstiji íchže jesí nasadíl, \* támo ptícy vozhňizďátsja
Jerodíjevo žilíšče predvodíteľstvujet ími, \* hóry vysókija jelénem, kámeň pribížišče zájacem.
Sotvoríl jesí lúnu vo vremená, \* sólnce pozná západ svój.
Položíl jesí ťmu i bysť nóšč, \* v néjže prójdut vsi zvírije dubrávniji.
Skýmni rykájuščiji voschítiti, \* i vzyskáti ot Bóha píšču sebí.
Vozsijá sólnce i sobrášasja, \* i v lóžach svojích ľáhut.
Izýdet čelovík na ďílo svojé, \* i na ďílanije svojé do véčera.
Jáko vozvelíčišasja ďilá tvojá Hóspodi, vsja premúdrostiju sotvoríl jesí, \* ispólnisja zemľá tvári tvojejá.
Sijé móre velíkoje i prostránnoje, \* támo hádi íchže ňísť čislá.
Živótnaja málaja s velíkimi, \* támo korablí preplávajut.
Zmíj sej, jehóže sozdál jesí ruhátisja jemú, \* vsja k tebí čájut, dáti píšču ím vo blahó vrémja.
Dávšu tebí ím soberút, \* otvérzšu tebí rúku vsjáčeskaja ispólňatsja bláhosti.
Otvráščšu že tebí licé vozmjatútsja, \* otímeši duch ích i isčéznut, i v pérsť svojú vozvraťátsja.
Pósleši dúcha tvojehó i sozíždutsja, \* i obnovíši licé zemlí.
Búdi sláva Hospódňa vo víki, \* vozveselítsja Hóspoď o ďíľich svojích.
Prizirajáj na zémľu i tvorjáj ju trajstísja, \* prikasajájsja horám i dymjátsja.
Vospojú Hospodévi v živoťí mojém, \* pojú Bóhu mojemú dóndeže jesm.
Da usladítsja jemú besidá mojá, \* áz že vozveseľúsja o Hóspoďi.
Da isčéznut hríšnicy ot zemlí i bezzakónicy, jákože ne býti im, \* blahosloví duše mojá Hóspoda.
Sólnce pozná západ svoj, \* položíl jesí ťmu i bysť nóšč.
Jáko vozvelíčišasja ďilá tvojá Hóspodi, \* vsja premúdrostiju sotvoríl jesí. |
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #import "@preview/cetz:0.1.2"
#import "utils.typ": *
#import calc: sqrt, abs, sin, cos, max, pow
#let interpret-mark(mark) = {
if mark == none { return none }
if type(mark) == str {
mark = (kind: mark)
mark.flip ="flip", default: +1)
if == "'" {
mark.flip = -mark.flip
mark.kind = mark.kind.slice(0, -1)
let round-style = (
size: 8, // radius of curvature, multiples of stroke thickness
sharpness: 30deg, // angle at vertex between central line and arrow's edge
delta: 40deg, // angle spanned by arc of curved arrow edge
if mark.kind in ("head", "harpoon", "tail") {
round-style + mark
} else if mark.kind == "twohead" {
round-style + mark + (kind: "head", extrude: (0, -3))
} else if mark.kind == "twotail" {
round-style + mark + (kind: "tail", extrude: (0, +3))
} else if mark.kind == "bar" {
(size: 4.5) + mark
} else if mark.kind in ("hook", "hooks") {
(size: 2.5) + mark
} else if mark.kind == "circle" {
(size: 2) + mark
} else if mark.kind == "bigcircle" {
(size: 4) + mark + (kind: "circle")
} else {
panic("Cannot interpret mark: " + mark.kind)
/// Calculate cap offset of round-style arrow cap
/// - r (length): Radius of curvature of arrow cap.
/// - θ (angle): Angle made at the the arrow's vertex, from the central stroke
/// line to the arrow's edge.
/// - y (length): Lateral offset from the central stroke line.
#let round-arrow-cap-offset(r, θ, y) = {
r*(sin(θ) - sqrt(1 - pow(cos(θ) - abs(y)/r, 2)))
#let cap-offset(mark, y) = {
mark = interpret-mark(mark)
if mark == none { return 0 }
let offset() = round-arrow-cap-offset(mark.size, mark.sharpness, y)
if mark.kind == "head" { offset() }
else if mark.kind in ("hook", "hook'", "hooks") { -2 }
else if mark.kind == "tail" { -3 - offset() }
else if mark.kind == "twohead" { offset() - 3 }
else if mark.kind == "twotail" { -3 - offset() - 3 }
else if mark.kind == "circle" {
let r = mark.size
-sqrt(max(0, r*r - y*y)) - r
} else { 0 }
#let draw-arrow-cap(p, θ, stroke, mark) = {
mark = interpret-mark(mark)
let shift(p, x) = cetz.vector.add(
vector-polar(stroke.thickness*x, θ)
if "extrude" in mark {
return => {
let mark = mark
let _ = mark.remove("extrude")
mark.shift = e
draw-arrow-cap(p, θ, stroke, mark)
if mark.kind == "harpoon" {
radius: mark.size*stroke.thickness,
start: θ + mark.flip*(90deg + mark.sharpness),
delta: mark.flip*,
stroke: (thickness: stroke.thickness, paint: stroke.paint, cap: "round"),
} else if mark.kind == "head" {
if "shift" in mark { p = shift(p, mark.shift) }
draw-arrow-cap(p, θ, stroke, mark + (kind: "harpoon"))
draw-arrow-cap(p, θ, stroke, mark + (kind: "harpoon'"))
} else if mark.kind == "tail" {
p = shift(p, cap-offset(mark, 0))
draw-arrow-cap(p, θ + 180deg, stroke, mark + (kind: "head"))
} else if mark.kind == "hook" {
p = shift(p, cap-offset(mark, 0))
radius: mark.size*stroke.thickness,
start: θ + mark.flip*90deg,
delta: -mark.flip*180deg,
stroke: (
thickness: stroke.thickness,
paint: stroke.paint,
cap: "round",
} else if mark.kind == "hooks" {
draw-arrow-cap(p, θ, stroke, mark + (kind: "hook"))
draw-arrow-cap(p, θ, stroke, mark + (kind: "hook'"))
} else if mark.kind == "bar" {
let v = vector-polar(mark.size*stroke.thickness, θ + 90deg)
(to: p, rel: v),
(to: p, rel: vector.scale(v, -1)),
stroke: (
paint: stroke.paint,
thickness: stroke.thickness,
cap: "round",
} else if mark.kind == "circle" {
p = shift(p, -mark.size)
radius: mark.size*stroke.thickness,
stroke: (
thickness: stroke.thickness,
paint: stroke.paint,
} else {
panic("unknown mark kind:", mark)
| | | typst | #import "@preview/codelst:2.0.1": sourcecode
#import "@preview/cuti:0.2.1": show-cn-fakebold
#show: show-cn-fakebold
#set page(
background: align(bottom+right)[
paper : "a4",
margin : (x : 2.4cm, y : 2.8cm),
footer: context [
#set align(left)
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if counter(page).get() == (1,) {
both: false,
#let skew(angle, vscale: 1, body) = {
let (a, b, c, d) = (1, vscale * calc.tan(angle), 0, vscale)
let E = (a + d) / 2
let F = (a - d) / 2
let G = (b + c) / 2
let H = (c - b) / 2
let Q = calc.sqrt(E * E + H * H)
let R = calc.sqrt(F * F + G * G)
let sx = Q + R
let sy = Q - R
let a1 = calc.atan2(F, G)
let a2 = calc.atan2(E, H)
let theta = (a2 - a1) / 2
let phi = (a2 + a1) / 2
set rotate(origin: bottom + center)
set scale(origin: bottom + center)
rotate(phi, scale(x: sx * 100%, y: sy * 100%, rotate(theta, body)))
#let fake-italic(body) = skew(-12deg, body)
#let shadowed(body) = box(place(skew(-50deg, vscale: 0.8, text(fill: luma(200), body))) + place(body))
#let picture(
route: none,
caption: none,
width: 80%,
height: auto
) = {
width: width,
height: height
caption: caption
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theme-color: rgb("39c5bb"),
font: ("Linux Libertine", "SimSun"),
size: 12pt,
lang: "zh",
region: "cn",
segment: ("key": "text")
) = {
set text(
font : font,
size : size,
lang : lang,
region : region,
fill: theme-color.lighten(90%),
stroke: theme-color,
width: 100%,
inset: 8pt,
radius: 6pt
#for (key, value) in segment {
fill: theme-color.lighten(66%),
stroke: none,
width: 100%,
inset: 4pt,
outset: 1.7%,
radius: 0pt,
below: 1.2%
#let quote(
theme-color: rgb("8fb2c9"),
size: 12pt,
font: ("Linux Libertine", "SimSun"),
) = {
set text(
font: font,
size: size
dir: ltr,
spacing: size * 0.8,
fill: theme-color.lighten(30%),
stroke: none,
height: size,
width: size * 0.2,
//#show regex("(?<=\n> )([^\n]+)"): it => quote(it)
#let title(
theme-color: rgb("8fb2c9"),
font: ("Linux Libertine", "SimSun"),
size: 12pt,
alignment: left+top
) = {
set text(
font: font,
size: size
set align(alignment)
fill: gradient.linear(theme-color, rgb("ffffff00"), angle: 0deg),
stroke: none,
width: 100%,
inset: 12pt,
outset: 1.5%,
radius: 0pt,
below: 5%
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Understand C Programming Language\
*Under C Programming Language*
*本文档根据_CC-BY-NC-SA_创作共用许可协议授权给每一位读者。这是笔者的第一部计算机科学相关公开文档,限于笔者才疏学浅,错漏瑕疵在所难免。笔者欢迎并渴望读者的批评斧正。 \
size: 18pt,
#fake-italic()[*朋友们,“记住”与“记起”之间距离甚大 / 如同从卢加到绸缎巴乌特的国家*]
对于大部分玩家而言,这两个版本的Minecraft的区别微不可察。最早的Minecraft只有Java版,而基岩版是在微软收购其开发商Mojang之后开发的新版本,最大的区别在于Minecraft基岩版采用C++编写,而Minecraft Java版采用Java编写。微软说,基岩版的性能比Java版好得多,而且由于不用安装Java环境,玩家的体验好上不少。但是,基岩版是针对平台编译的,资本主义的化身微软肯定不会顾及人少事多的Linux用户,而只向有限的平台推出适配;而Java版则是“一次编译、处处执行”,只需要编译一次,就天然适配了所有平台……
对,也不对。mRNA是指导蛋白质合成的直接模板,而中间语言表示一般不会被翻译为二进制*可执行文件*,而是指导解释器里已经编译好的二进制指令按它所描述的规则执行。硬要说的话,更像是rRNA等与蛋白质共同发挥作用的结构性RNA。当然,我们同样可以指导IR“合成”程序,比如说我们之后要介绍的clang/LLVM编译工具链,它能将编译型语言C语言源代码先转化为LLVM IR,再从LLVM IR编译为*可执行文件*。我们将在这套工具链上学习C语言。同样地,基于JVM的Kotlin、基于.NET Framework(另一种解释器)的C\#等等也能跳过解释环节直接编译为二进制*可执行文件*。
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
#show: test-page
// // Error: 1-5 label `<foo>` does not exist in the document
// @foo | | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #let data = (
| | | markdown | MIT License | # typst-raw-style-for-x86-att-syntax-style
## Introduction
As we all know, the x86 assembly language has two syntax formats: intel and att. The intel syntax is more popular than the att syntax. So, there are not syntax definitions and highlighting in typst for att syntax format.
This repository is a collection of syntax definitions and highlighting files for x86 att syntax format. The syntax definitions are written in the sublime syntax format. The highlighting files are written in the tmTheme format.
## Usage
First, you need to clone this repository to your local machine and create a folder named `style` in the same directory as your typst file. Then, you can copy the `att.sublime-syntax` and `att.tmTheme` files to the `style` folder.
Then, you can add the following code to your typst file to use the theme:
#show raw.where(lang: "att"): set raw(syntaxes: "./style/att.sublime-syntax", theme: "./style/att.tmTheme")
And use it by specifying the `att` language in the code block:
4011bd: 48 8b 10 mov (%rax),%rdx
4011c0: 48 89 51 08 mov %rdx,0x8(%rcx)
4011c4: 48 83 c0 08 add $0x8,%rax
4011c8: 48 39 f0 cmp %rsi,%rax
4011cb: 74 05 je 4011d2
4011cd: 48 89 d1 mov %rdx,%rcx
4011d0: eb eb jmp 4011bd
At last, you will get the following result:
| | | typst | #import "lib/lib.typ":sig
= Notations of *sgn* and *sig*
In homogeneous theory and high order sliding mode,
the *signum* function ensures the definition on $RR$ and the function is *odd*.
We always use following notations with scalar value $x$
x/abs(x) quad &"if" x!=0,
0 &"if" x=0
),quad quad quad
For vector $bold(x)=[x_1,x_2,dots,x_n]^T in RR^n$,
two notations are used in literatures.
The first one is a element-wise notation as
sig(bold(x))^q=lr([ abs(x_1)^q"sgn"(x_1),abs(x_2)^q"sgn"(x_2),dots,abs(x_n)^q"sgn"(x_n)])^T
Most results of $RR^1$ can be used in this definition.
However, this notation needs every controller part knows the global coordinate.
So a notation inspired by unit-vector is also very famous,
which is
x/norm(x) quad &"if" norm(x)!=0,
0 &"if" norm(x)=0
quad quad quad
sig(bold(x))^q=norm(bold(x))^q "sgn"(bold(x))
This operation has following properties:
+ derivative: $"d"/("d" x) sig(x)^q=q abs(x)^(q-1)$
+ integral: $"d"/("d" x) abs(x)^q=q sig(x)^(q-1)$
+ When power $q=0$, $sig(x)^0="sgn"(x)$
*For the vector case, when we use the second definition with Euclidean norm,
the second propery is not satisfied.*
== Derivative and Integral of *signum*
If we use the Euclidean norm and the second definition of the signum function,
we have
(diff)/(diff x_i)norm(bold(x))
=(diff)/(diff x_i)sqrt(sum_(i=1)^n x_i^2)
=1/2 (sum_(i=1)^n x_i^2)^(-1/2) (diff)/(diff x_i) sum_(i=1)^n x_i^2
=1/2 (sum_(i=1)^n x_i^2)^(-1/2) 2 x_i
=x_i/norm(bold(x)) \
(diff)/(diff bold(x))norm(bold(x))
(diff)/(diff x_1)norm(bold(x)),
(diff)/(diff x_2)norm(bold(x)),
(diff)/(diff x_n)norm(bold(x))
(diff)/(diff bold(x))sig(bold(x))^0
=(diff)/(diff bold(x))bold(x)norm(bold(x))
(diff)/(diff x_1)norm(bold(x)),
(diff)/(diff x_2)norm(bold(x)),
(diff)/(diff x_n)norm(bold(x))
Generally, when use the Euclidean norm,
We can calculate the derivatives as
(diff)/(diff bold(x))norm(bold(x))^q
=q* norm(bold(x))^(q-1) (diff)/(diff bold(x)) norm(bold(x))
=q* norm(bold(x))^(q-1) ("sgn"(bold(x)))^T
=q (sig(bold(x))^(q-1))^T
Let $bold(x)=bold(x)(t)$ and the derivative of signum is
(d)/(d t)sig(bold(x))^q
=(d)/(d t) norm(bold(x))^(q-1) dot.c bold(x)
=((q-1) sig(bold(x))^(q-2))^T dot.c dot(bold(x)) dot.c bold(x)
+ norm(bold(x))^(q-1) dot.c dot(bold(x))
=(q-1) norm(bold(x))^(q-1)(("sgn"bold(x))^T dot(bold(x))) "sgn"(bold(x))
+ norm(bold(x))^(q-1) dot.c dot(bold(x))
In the scalar case,
(d)/(d t)sig(x)^q=(q-1) sig(x)^(q-2) dot.c dot(x) dot.c x
+ norm(x)^(q-1) dot.c dot(x)
=q norm(x)^(q-1) dot.c dot(x)
#pagebreak() |
| | | typst | #import "@preview/klaro-ifsc-sj:0.1.0": report
#set text(lang: "pt")
#show: doc => report(
title: "Avaliação 4 de Processos Estocásticos",
subtitle: "Vetores Aleatórios",
// Se apenas um autor colocar , no final para indicar que é um array
authors: ("<NAME>",),
date: "10 de julho de 2024",
#set text(18pt)
= Enunciado
#set text(14pt)
image("images/Enunciado4.png", width: 100%),
caption: "Enunciado da Avaliação",
supplement: [Figura],
#set text(18pt)
= Resolução
#set text(14pt)
== Vetor média de $arrow(Y)$
Quando analisamos o enunciado, verificamos que as variáveis aleatórias $X_1$ e $X_2$ são independentes e igualmente distribuídas entre si, onde $a = -2 ", " b = 1 "e altura (h) = " 1/3$.
Já sabemos que o valor esperado do quadrado de uma variável aleatória que se distribui uniformemente de maneira contínua é expresso por $ E[X^2] = integral_(a)^(b) x²f(x)"dx", \ "onde f(x) = h." $
Também precisamos entender que, ao analisar que $X_1$ e $X_2$ são variáveis independentes entre si, isso faz com que elas também sejam descorrelacionadas. Isso será útil na descoberta do valor esperado e da variância de $Y_3$, por exemplo, porque com essa informação nós poderemos fazer o seguinte procedimento matemático:
$ E[X_1X_2] = E[X_1] times E[X_2] $
Para que possamos determinar o vetor média de $arrow(Y)$, vamos encontrar o valor esperado dos componentes desse vetor. Portanto devemos encontrar $E[Y_1], E[Y_2], E[Y_3]$.
Com base no enunciado, nós teremos que: $ E[Y_1] = E[X_(1)^2] \ E[Y_2] = E[X_(2)^2] \ E[Y_3] = E[X_1X_2] = E[X_1] times E[X_2]. $
De modo que temos todas as informações necessárias para a descoberta do vetor média solicitado no enunciado, podemos finalmente dar início aos cálculos e determiná-lo:
$ E[Y_1] = E[X_1^2] = integral_(-2)^(1) 1/3 x² "dx"
\ E[Y_1] = 1/3 times [(x³)/3]_(-2)^(1)
\ E[Y_1] = 1/3 times (1³ - (-2)³)/3
\ E[Y_1] = 1/cancel(3) times cancel(3) = 1 $
Se analisarmos o enunciado, perceberemos que $E[Y_2]$ é igual a $E[Y_1]$, pois as variáveis aleatórias $X_1$ e $X_2$ se distribuem uniformemente da mesma forma, ou seja $X_1 = X_2, "logo " X_1^2 = X_2^2$.
$ E[Y_2] = E[X_2^2] = E[X_1^2] = E[Y_1] = 1 $
Antes de calcular $E[Y_3]$, podemos lembrar que, o valor esperado de uma variável aleatória com distribuição uniforme contínua é expressa por:
$ E[X] = (a+b)/2 $
Logo, seguimos para o cálculo de $E[Y_3]$:
$ E[Y_3] = E[X_1X_2]
\ E[Y_3] = E[X_1] times E[X_2]
\ E[Y_3] = (-2+1)/2 times (-2+1)/2 = ((-2+1)/2)^2
\ E[Y_3] = (-1/2)^2 = 1/4 $
Após a realização de todos os cálculos, finalmente encontramos o vetor média $arrow(Y)$:
$ E[arrow(Y)] = [1 " " 1 " " 1/4]^T = vec(1,1,1/4). $
== Matriz covariância de $arrow(Y)$
Antes de prosseguirmos para o cálculo, é interessante expressar que a matriz covariância é dada por:
$ mat("var"[Y_1], " cov"[Y_1,Y_2], " cov"[Y_1,Y_3];
"cov"[Y_2,Y_1], " var"[Y_2], " cov"[Y_2,Y_3];
"cov"[Y_3,Y_1], " cov"[Y_3,Y_2], " var"[Y_3] ) $
Primeiramente, começaremos calculando os componentes da diagonal principal dessa matriz, que se refere às variâncias de $Y_1", " Y_2" e " Y_3$.
$ "var"[Y_1] = E[Y_1^2] - E[Y_1]^2
\ E[Y_1^2] = E[(X_1^2)^2] = E[X_1^4]
\ E[X_ 1^4] = integral_(-2)^(1) 1/3 x^4 "dx"
\ E[X_1^4] = 1/3[x^5/5]_(-2)^(1) = 1/3 times (1^5 - (-2)^5)/5 = 33/15 = 11/5
\ E[Y_1]^2 = 1^2 = 1
\ "var"[Y_1] = 11/5 - 1 = 6/5 $
Assim como no exercício do vetor média, chegaremos na conclusão que $"var"[Y_2] = "var"[Y_1]$ pois $X_2$ se distribui uniformemente da mesma maneira que $X_1$, variável aleatória essa da qual $Y_1$ depende, assim como $Y_2$ depende de $X_2$. Logo:
$ "var"[Y_2] = "var"[X_2^4] = "var"[X_1^4] = "var"[Y_1] = 6/5. $
$ "var"[Y_3] = E[Y_3^2] - E[Y_3]^2
\ "var"[Y_3] = E[("X1X2")^2] - E[Y_3]^2
\ "var"[Y_3] = E[X_1^2X_2^2] - E[Y_3]^2
\ "var"[Y_3] = E[X_1^2]E[X_2^2] - E[Y_3]^2
\ "var"[Y_3] = 1 times 1 - (1/4)^2 = 1 - 1/16 = 15/16 $
Depois de descobertas as variâncias, podemos partir para a descoberta das covariâncias.
Por simetria, já sabemos que $"cov"[Y_1,Y_2] = "cov"[Y_2,Y_1]$, $"cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = "cov"[Y_3,Y_1]$ e $"cov"[Y_2,Y_3] = "cov"[Y_3,Y_2]$.
Ao nos atentarmos novamente ao fato de que $X_1$ e $X_2$ são variáveis aleatórias independentes e, portanto, descorrelacionadas entre si, chegamos na conclusão que $"cov"[Y_1,Y_2] = 0$, pois $Y_1$ depende unicamente de $X_1$ e $Y_2$ depende unicamente de $X_2$. Logo $Y_1 "e " Y_2$ são descorrelacionadas entre si também, e com isso, concluímos que a covariância entre essas variáveis aleatórias é zero.
Para continuarmos encontrando valores para preencher a matriz covariância de $arrow(Y)$, precisamos encontrar o valor de $"cov"[Y_3,Y_1]$ e de $"cov"[Y_3,Y_2]$.
$ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = E[Y_1Y_3] - E[Y_1]E[Y_3]
\ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = E[(X_1^2)(X_1X_2)] - E[Y_1]E[Y_3]
\ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = E[(X_1^3)(X_2)] - E[Y_1]E[Y_3]
\ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = (E[X_1^3] times E[X_2]) - E[Y_1]E[Y_3]
\ *E[X_1^3] = integral_(-2)^(1) 1/3x^3
\ *E[X_1^3] = 1/3[x^4/4]_(-2)^(1)
\ *E[X_1^3] = 1/12 [x^4]_(-2)^(1)
\ *E[X_1^3] = 1/12 [1^4 - (-2)^4]
\ *E[X_1^3] = -15/12
\ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = (-15/12 times (-1/2)) - (1 times 1/4)
\ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = 5/8 - 1/4 = 3/8 $
Utilizaremos a mesma argumentação que utilizamos para definir que $E[Y_2] = E[Y_1]$ e que $"var"[Y_1] = "var"[Y_2]$, para chegar na conclusão de que $"cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = "cov"[Y_2,Y_3]$. Portanto:
$ "cov"[Y_1,Y_3] = "cov"[Y_2,Y_3] = 3/8 $
Com todos os cálculos necessários, podemos finalmente preencher a matriz covariância de $arrow(Y)$:
$ C_arrow(Y) = mat(6/5, 0, 3/8;
0, 6/5, 3/8;
3/8, 3/8, 15/16) $
== Vetor média de $arrow(Z)$
Para determinarmos o vetor média de $arrow(Z)$, vamos utilizar a solução matricial para os cálculos.
Temos que:
$ cases(
Z_1 = Y_1,
Z_2 = Y_1 + Y_2,
Z_3 = Y_1 + Y_2 + Y_3
) $
Para encontrarmos o vetor média solicitado no enunciado com a solução matricial, vamos utilizar a seguinte fórmula:
$ E[arrow(Z)] = A times E[arrow(Y)] + arrow(b) $
Com todas as informações que precisamos para prosseguir, podemos finalmente partir para o cálculo:
$ vec(Z_1,Z_2,Z_3) = mat(1,0,0;1,1,0;1,1,1) times vec(1,1,1/4) + vec(0,0,0)
\ vec(Z_1,Z_2,Z_3) = vec((1 times 1) + (0 times 1) + (0 times 1/4), (1 times 1) + (1 times 1) + (0 times 1/4), (1 times 1) + (1 times 1) + (1 times 1/4)) + vec(0,0,0)
\ vec(Z_1,Z_2,Z_3) = vec(1,2,9/4) + vec(0,0,0) = vec(1,2,9/4) $
$ E[arrow(Z)] = [1 " "2 " " 9/4]^T $
== Matriz covariância de $arrow(Z)$
A exemplo do vetor média de $arrow(Z)$, vamos utilizar a solução matricial para encontrarmos também a matriz covariância solicitada no enunciado. A fórmula que utilizaremos é dada por:
$ C_arrow(Z) = A times C_arrow(Y) times A^T $
Temos que:
$ cases(
Z_1 = Y_1,
Z_2 = Y_1 + Y_2,
Z_3 = Y_1 + Y_2 + Y_3
) $
Dessa forma, teremos que:
$ C_arrow(Z) = mat(1,0,0;1,1,0;1,1,1) times mat(6/5,0,3/8;0,6/5,3/8;3/8,3/8,15/16) times mat(1,1,1;0,1,1;0,0,1)
\ C_arrow(Z) = mat(6/5,6/5,63/40;6/5,12/5,63/20;63/40,63/20,387/80) $
Nesse exercício em específico, para facilitar os cálculos e encurtar o procedimento, utilizamos o software *Octave* para realizar a multiplicação entre as matrizes. |
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #let data = (
"0": ("<CJK Ideograph Extension E, First>", "Lo", 0),
"1681": ("<CJK Ideograph Extension E, Last>", "Lo", 0),
| | | typst | Other | // unnamed spread
#let f(.., a) = a
#test(f(1, 2, 3), 3)
| | | typst | = Beweise
== Stellenwertsystem <proof-positional-system>
=== Zu zeigen
"Es gibt eine Stellenwertnotation für jede natürliche Zahl."
forall x in NN, b in {2, 3, 4, ...}:
exists #h(2pt) x_n...x_2x_1x_0
"mit" x_i in {0, 1, 2, ..., b-1}
"und" x = sum_(i=0)^m a_i dot b^i
=== Beweis
==== Induktionsanfang
$x = 1$
Die Stellenwertnotation von 1 ist für jede Basis 1.
1 = sum_(i=0)^0 underbrace(x_0, =1) dot b^0
#h(4pt) checkmark
==== Induktionsschritt
$x -> x+1$
Wenn es für $x$ genau eine Stellenwertnotation $x_n...x_2x_1x_0$ gibt, dann gibt es auch für $y = x + 1$ eine Stellenwertnotation $y_(n+1)...y_2y_1y_0$.
==== Fall 1
Die niederwertigste Ziffer kann erhöht werden ($x_0 + 1 < b$)
Die Stellenwertnotation für $x+1$ ist
#h(4pt) checkmark
==== Fall 2
Es gibt keinen höheren Ziffernwert ($x_0 + 1 = b$)
Weil der Stellenwert sich mit jeder Stelle um Faktor $b$ erhöht, kann eine Zahl mit maximalem Ziffernwert $a_i = b - 1$ um 1 erhöht werden, indem man die vorangestellte Ziffer $a_(i+1)$ erhöht (carry).
y = sum_(i=0)^(n+1) y_i dot b^i
y_i = cases(
x_i "falls es keinen carry mehr gibt",
x_i+1 "falls" x_i+1<b,
0 "sonst"
#h(12pt) checkmark
Damit ist bewiesen, dass jede Stellenwertnotation um 1 erhöht werden kann, wodurch der Induktionsbeweis gilt. $square.filled$
== Grenzwert der Fibonacci-Folge <proof-fib-limit>
=== Zu zeigen
Das Verhältnis zwei aufeinanderfolgender Fibonacci-Zahlen $f_(n+1)/f_n$ konvergiert gegen $phi approx 1.618$.
=== Beweis
&& f_n &= f_(n-1) + f_(n-2) \
&<=>& f_n/f_(n-1) &= f_(n-1)/f_(n-1) + f_(n-2)/f_(n-1) \
&<=>& f_(n+1)/f_n &= 1 + f_n/f_(n+1) \
&<=>& x &= 1 + 1/x \
&<=>& x^2 &= x + 1 \
&<=>& 0 &= x^2 - x - 1 \
&<=>& x &= (1 plus.minus sqrt(5))/2
phi = (1+sqrt(5))/2 approx 1.618
#h(4pt) square.filled
== Kadane <proof-kadane>
=== Zu zeigen
Der Algorithmus von Kadane zur Berechnung der maximalen Teilsumme eines Tupels $(x_1, x_2, x_3, ..., x_n)$ ist korrekt.
=== Beweis
Wir zeigen zunächst, dass nach jedem $i$-ten Schritt folgende Schleifeninvariante gilt: $sigma_i$ ist die maximale Teilsumme, welche an Stelle $i$ endet.
==== Induktionsanfang
$i = 1$
Da $sigma_0 = 0$ als das neutrale Element der Addition initialisiert wird, wird im dieser Wert ersten Schritt immer zu $x_1$. Die triviale Teilfolge der Länge 1 hat auch die maximale Teilsumme von $sigma = x_1$.
sigma_1 := max {sigma_0, sigma_0 + x_1} = sigma_0 + x_1 = x_1
#h(4pt) checkmark
==== Induktionsschritt
$i -> i + 1$
Wenn $sigma_i + x_i$ kleiner ist als $x_i$, und $sigma_i$ die maximale Teilsumme mit Ende $i$ ist, dann gibt es keine Teilfolge vor $x_i$, welche die Teilsumme erhöhen würde.
sigma_(i+1) = max {sigma_i, sigma_i + x_i}
#h(4pt) checkmark
==== Induktionsschluss
Weil $sigma_i$ die maximale Teilsumme, welche an Stelle $i$ endet, ist, ist das Ergebnis einfach das Maximum aller $sigma_i$.
"maxTeilSum" = max_(0 < i < n) sigma_i
#h(4pt) square.filled
$ |
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "mod.typ": *
#show: book-page.with(title: "Commands")
= Exam
#show: g-exam.with()
== g-exam
Template for creating an exam.
- *autor*: Infomation of autor of exam.
- *name* (string, content): Name of author of exam.
- *email* (string): e-mail of author of exam.
- *watermark* (string): Watermark with information about the author of the document.
- *scholl*: Information of scholl.
- *name* (string, content): Name of the school or institution generating the exam.
- logo (none, content, bytes): Logo of the school or institution generating the exam.
- *exam-info*: Information of exam
- *academic-period*(none, content, str): academic period.
- *academic-level*(none, content, str): acadmic level.
- *academic-subject*(none, content, str): acadmic subname,
- *number*(none, content, str): Number of exam.
- *content*(none, content, str): Conten of exam.
- *model*(none, content, str): Model of exam.
=== Clarification
Clarifications of exam. It will appear in a box on the first page.
- _*question-text-parameters*_: Parameter of text in question and subquestion. For example, it allows
us to change the text size of the questions.
- *show-studen-data*(none, true, false, “first-page”, “odd-pages”): It shows a box for the student to
enter their details. It can appear on the first page or on all odd-numbered pages.
- *show-grade-table*: (bool): Show grade table.
- *decimal-separator*: (“.”, “,”): Indicates the decimal separation character.
- *question-points-position*: (none, left, right): Position of question point.
- *show-solution*: (true, false): It shows the solutions to the questions.
``` | | | typst | MIT License | #set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 0pt)
#import "/src/quill.typ": *
1, mqgate($U$, n: 3, width: 5em,
inputs: (
(qubit: 0, n: 2, label: $x$),
(qubit: 2, label: $y$)
outputs: (
(qubit: 0, n: 2, label: $x$),
(qubit: 2, label: $y f(x)$)
), 1, [\ ], 3, [\ ], 3
) | | | typst | MIT License | #import "@preview/subpar:0.1.1"
#import "@preview/showybox:2.0.2": *
#let hs =
#let colors = (
blue: rgb(29, 144, 208),
light-blue: rgb(232, 246, 253),
green: rgb(102, 174, 62),
light-green: rgb(235, 244, 222),
#let sl = [$#h(0.1em) slash #h(0.1em)$]
// Figures
#let subfigure = subpar.grid.with(supplement: "Figure")
// Questions et réponses
#let c = counter("question")
#let question(body) = [
*Question #c.get().first() #h(0.5em)*
#let rst(c) = {
c.update(c => 0)
#let pb(bool) = {
if bool {
#let correction(bool, rep) = {
if bool {
title: [*Réponse*],
title-style: (
boxed-style: (
anchor: (x: left, y: horizon),
offset: (x: -1em, y: 1em),
radius: (top-left: 0pt, top-right: 0pt, bottom-left: 0pt, bottom-right: 5pt)
frame: (
body-color: colors.light-green,
thickness: 2pt,
body-inset: (top:2em, left: 1em, right: 1em, bottom: 1em)
align: center,
breakable: true
#let obj(body) = {
title: [*Objectifs pédagogiques*],
title-style: (
boxed-style: (
anchor: (x: center, y: horizon)
frame: (
body-color: colors.light-blue,
thickness: 2pt
align: center
#let reco(body) = {
title: [#h(0.1em) *Recommandations* #h(0.2em)],
title-style: (
boxed-style: (
anchor: (x: center, y: horizon)
frame: (
body-color: colors.light-blue,
thickness: 2pt
align: center
// Informations
#let box-title(a, b) = {
grid(columns: 2, column-gutter: 0.5em, align: (horizon),
#let colorize(svg, color) = {
let blk =;
if svg.contains(blk) {
} else {
svg.replace("<svg ", "<svg fill=\"""\" ")
#let color-svg(
) = {
let data = colorize(read(path), color)
return image.decode(data, ..args)
#let info(body) = {
title: box-title(color-svg("images/icons/info.svg",, width: 1em), [*Remarque*]),
title-style: (
sep-thickness: 0pt,
frame: (
title-color: colors.light-blue,
body-color: none,
thickness: (left: 1pt),
radius: 0pt,
#let indication(body) = {
title: box-title(color-svg("images/icons/info.svg",, width: 1em), [*Indication*]),
title-style: (
sep-thickness: 0pt,
frame: (
title-color: colors.light-blue,
body-color: none,
thickness: (left: 1pt),
radius: 0pt,
// Document
#let tutorial(
// The paper's title.
title: none,
subtitle: none,
docfont: "Lato",
docfontmath: "Lete Sans Math",
) = {
// Set the body font.
set page(
paper: "a4",
number-align: center,
numbering: "1",
// margin : 2cm
set strong(delta: 300)
set text(font: docfont, size: 11pt, lang: "fr", number-type: "lining")
// Paragraph
set par(justify: true)
// Lists
set list(indent: 1em)
// Maths
set overline(offset: -1em)
show math.equation: set text(font: docfontmath, stylistic-set: 1)
set math.vec(delim: "[")
set math.mat(delim: "[")
// Headings
set heading(numbering: "1.1.")
show heading.where(level: 1): it => block(width: 100%)[
#set text(1.1em)
#line(length: 100%)
show heading.where(level: 2): it => block(width: 100%)[
// Figures
set figure.caption(separator: [ : ])
set figure(supplement: "Figure")
// Tables
show figure.where(kind: table): set figure.caption(position: top)
// Display the paper's title.
align(center, text(1.75em, strong(title)))
align(center, subtitle)
// Display the paper's contents.
} | | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#show text.where()
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
#show: test-page
#set par(hanging-indent: 2em)
#set text(dir: rtl)
لآن وقد أظلم الليل وبدأت النجوم
تنضخ وجه الطبيعة التي أعْيَتْ من طول ما انبعثت في النهار
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "thesis_template.typ": *
#import "common/cover.typ": *
#import "common/titlepage.typ": *
#import "thesis_typ/disclaimer.typ": *
#import "thesis_typ/acknowledgement.typ": *
#import "thesis_typ/abstract_en.typ": *
#import "thesis_typ/abstract_de.typ": *
#import "common/metadata.typ": *
title: titleEnglish,
degree: degree,
program: program,
author: author,
title: titleEnglish,
titleGerman: titleGerman,
degree: degree,
program: program,
supervisor: supervisor,
advisors: advisors,
author: author,
startDate: startDate,
submissionDate: submissionDate
title: titleEnglish,
degree: degree,
author: author,
submissionDate: submissionDate
#show: project.with(
title: titleEnglish,
titleGerman: titleGerman,
degree: degree,
program: program,
supervisor: supervisor,
advisors: advisors,
author: author,
startDate: startDate,
submissionDate: submissionDate
= Introduction
In the digital age, the demand for computer scientists has witnessed a remarkable surge, resulting in an increasing number of university students choosing computer-related majors. This influx of students, however, has led to larger class sizes, presenting challenges to conventional teaching methods.
In response to this issue, Artemis, an open-source learning platform designed for large computer science classes @krusche2018artemis, introduces an innovative teaching philosophy, interactive learning. Unlike traditional lecture-based methods, interactive learning encourages students to engage with course content through discussions, problem-solving activities, and hands-on experiences.
Artemis's incorporation of interactive learning principles goes beyond traditional teaching approaches, providing students with a more dynamic and personalized learning experience. This approach not only enhances scalability and adaptability @krusche2021interactive but also fosters a deeper understanding of complex concepts by promoting active involvement in the learning process.
In the realm of computer science education, where programming plays a pivotal role @scherer2020meta, practical hands-on experience is crucial for students to grasp programming concepts effectively @teusner2017aspects. Recognizing this, Artemis leverages interactive learning to transform the learning experience, offering a platform that encourages exploration, collaboration, and critical thinking among students.
Moreover, Artemis holds the potential to extend the benefits of interactive learning beyond traditional classroom interactions. By integrating dynamic programming exercise creation into the platform, Artemis can further amplify the advantages of interactive learning, providing tailored and adaptive content that aligns with individual student needs. This evolution in teaching methods not only addresses the challenges of larger class sizes but also ensures a more engaging and effective learning environment in the digital age.
== Problem
Considering the diverse range of students participating in programming exercises, it is important to acknowledge that they possess varying levels of
mastery in the relevant content and possess different programming experiences.
While instructors strive to balance exercise difficulty to accommodate
the majority of students, it is inevitable that certain exercises will still
pose challenges for some individuals. This can result in students becoming stuck on specific tasks, impeding their progress and necessitating the
need for assistance from teaching assistants or peers. Prolonged instances
of being stuck can lead to demotivation among students. As a result, students may likely learn very little, making teaching painful and
frustrating @filgona2020motivation.
Conversely, some students may find the exercises too simple and feel that
they do not provide an opportunity for self-improvement. Consequently, such
students may perceive the exercises as mere energy-draining tasks, lacking
the ability to enhance their skills.
Therefore, it is evident that the existing platform does not yet proactively
adapt to students' varying skill levels and individual learning needs.
== Motivation
Applying adaptive programming exercise generation holds great importance
for the field of programming education as it offers numerous benefits. By
providing adaptive programming exercises to students, instructors can effectively cater to their students' diverse skill levels and learning needs.
One significant advantage of adaptive exercises is their ability to challenge advanced learners appropriately. These exercises can be tailored to push
the boundaries of their knowledge and skills, presenting them with complex
programming problems that stimulate critical thinking and creativity. By offering advanced learners exercises that align with their capabilities, adaptive
programming exercise generation promotes intellectual growth and fosters
a sense of achievement, encouraging them to continuously push themselves
On the other hand, adaptive exercises also play a crucial role in adequately supporting beginners. Programming can be intimidating
for novices, and overly complex exercises may overwhelm them, leading to
frustration and discouragement. However, adaptive exercises can adapt to
the learner’s current proficiency level, providing them with tasks that are
suitable for their understanding and skill set. This personalized approach
helps beginners build a strong foundation, gradually increasing the difficulty
as they progress, thereby boosting their confidence and motivation to learn.
Moreover, when students engage in programming exercises that challenge
them at an appropriate level, they are more likely to effectively apply the knowledge
acquired from lectures and coursework. As a result, their programming skills improve steadily, and they develop a deeper comprehension
of the subject matter.
Consequently, learners can experience a more captivating and effective
learning journey, fostering their skill development and facilitating continuous
growth @aberle2022adaptive.
== Objectives
The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models, presents a unique opportunity to revolutionize the field of computer science education @kasneci2023chatgpt. In this master's thesis, our objective is to harness the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to create adaptive programming exercises. This innovative approach allows us to customize exercises precisely to meet student's individual learning objectives and proficiency levels. To achieve this overarching goal, we have identified the following specific sub-goals:
- *Intelligent Exercise Planning*
Our first aim is to develop a chatbot named Iris, leveraging LLM technology. Iris will engage in dialogue with users to comprehensively understand their needs and propose tailored exercise adaptation plans. These plans will be intelligently crafted to include adaptation strategies for the involved exercise components, enhancing feasibility and implementability.
- *Dynamic Exercise Execution*
Our next objective is to enable LLMs to execute exercise plans seamlessly. By passing each component adaptation plan along with the current content of the corresponding component, we allow LLMs to generate the required changes based on these plans. To maintain consistency between components, this process follows a linear trajectory. Once the adaptation plan for one component is executed, the next component's adaptation plan and content are forwarded.
- *Automated Exercise Application*
Lastly, we seamlessly integrate exercise changes into the existing system, Artemis. This integration necessitates the analysis and accurate application of changes generated through Iris to the corresponding parts of the relevant components. By automating this process, we streamline exercise modifications, easing the burden on users and enhancing overall efficiency.
== Outline
In Chapter 2, a concise overview of the large language model is presented, followed by an in-depth examination of Artemis. The discussion extends to the programming exercise within Artemis, various roles within the system, and a comprehensive analysis of both the Iris and Pyris subsystems.
Chapter 3 delves into the existing methodology for programming exercise creation and adaptation in Artemis. This is followed by the introduction of our novel system proposal, elucidating its functional and nonfunctional aspects, complemented by detailed system models.
Building upon these foundational components, Chapter 4 explores the overarching system design and its practical implementation.
The subsequent focus in Chapter 5 is on the evaluation of the adaptation of programming exercises using Iris.
The concluding Chapter 6 serves as a reflection on accomplished and ongoing objectives, providing a comprehensive wrap-up of our exploration. Additionally, this chapter highlights potential avenues for future research, encapsulating the essence of the thesis.
= Background
In this chapter, we present the key concepts and technologies essential to this
== Large Language Model (LLM)
Large language models refer to sophisticated artificial intelligence systems designed to understand and generate human-like language. These models are typically built on deep learning architectures and are trained on vast datasets to learn the patterns, nuances, and contextual information of language. Notable examples include GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) and similar models. Large language models demonstrate advanced capabilities such as natural language understanding, text completion, translation, and even creative content generation. They have found applications in various fields, including natural language processing, content generation, chatbots, and machine translation, revolutionizing the way AI interacts with and produces human language.
== Artemis
Artemis transforms interactive learning by providing immediate, personalized feedback on programming exercises, quizzes, modeling tasks, and beyond. Tailored for instructors' preferences and fostering real-time collaboration among students, it seamlessly merges creativity and education #footnote("").
=== Programming exercise
The programming exercise feature in Artemis encompasses a comprehensive set of components, including the problem statement, template repository, solution repository, and test repository with version control. It supports automatic individual feedback and assessment based on test cases and static code analysis for diverse programming languages. It is also interactive, allowing instructors to embed instructions and UML diagrams directly into dynamic problem statements. Instructors can prepare the exercise locally in their preferred IDE or use the online Code Editor without any setup. The feature ensures security by running test cases and student code in Docker environments on build agents, with additional support from test frameworks like Ares to prevent cheating.
=== Roles
Artemis implements a granular permission system catering to various users, currently supporting the following roles in ascending order of permissions:
- Anonymous
- Student
- Tutor
- Editor
- Instructor
- Administrator
It is crucial to highlight that creating or editing programming exercises necessitates a user to hold the role of Editor or higher. Hence, when referencing a user throughout this thesis, it implicitly denotes a user possessing the role of Editor or higher, unless explicitly specified otherwise.
== Iris
Iris #footnote(""), an Artemis subsystem, harnesses the power of large language models, and its development commenced during the Interactive Learning Practical Course in the summer semester of 2023. Designed to offer tailored responses, Iris draws context from diverse sources, such as a student's code, enabling personalized answers to all student queries.
While seamlessly integrated into Artemis, Iris also includes a standalone component known as Pyris #footnote(""). Iris aims to employ various large language models for responding to student inquiries. Microsoft's Guidance, which introduces the Handlebars templating language to address common concerns in dealing with large language models, proves to be a valuable tool for managing and controlling different models. However, it is available solely as a Python package. Consequently, we initiated the development of Pyris to act as a bridge between Artemis and Guidance. The primary architectural objective of the Iris subsystem is extendability, allowing other Artemis subsystems to seamlessly leverage the functionality of large language models.
= Related Work
@leiker2023prototyping investigates the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) in asynchronous course creation for adult learning, training, and upskilling, with initial findings indicating that LLMs can facilitate faster content creation without compromising accuracy or clarity. The study highlights the potential of LLMs to transform the landscape of learning and education, necessitating further research and discussions on their strategic and ethical use in learning design.
@shirafuji2023exploring investigates the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as Codex and ChatGPT in solving programming problems, emphasizing their understanding of problem descriptions and code generation processes. Experimental findings demonstrate that Codex and CodeGen are sensitive to minor alterations in problem descriptions, notably affecting their code generation performance. Codex's reliance on specific variable names is highlighted, with randomized variables significantly reducing its solving rate. In contrast, state-of-the-art models like InstructGPT and ChatGPT exhibit higher robustness to superficial modifications and excel in problem-solving tasks. The study underscores the importance of carefully formatted prompts for optimal code generation performance, as slight modifications can greatly impact results.
@nijkamp2023codegen2 proposes that it will make the training of large language models (LLMs) for program synthesis more efficient by unifying model architectures, learning methods, infill sampling, and data distributions.
= Requirements Analysis
== Overview
We proposed the Iris Code Editor feature, which aims to revolutionize the process of programming exercise adaptation by leveraging generative AI capabilities. Unlike the current manual adaptation process, which users need to do manually, Iris integrates a ChatGPT-style chatbot to enable instructors to articulate their exercise vision effortlessly. This collaboration empowers instructors to maintain full control over exercise adaptation while allowing AI to seamlessly introduce numerous additions or modifications, from entire exercise structures to single lines of code.
The system's functional requirements encompass the interaction between users and the system, including features such as chatting with Iris, reviewing and modifying exercise plans, executing plans, and viewing applied changes. Additionally, nonfunctional requirements ensure usability, supportability, reliability, and performance aspects of the system.
By streamlining the exercise creation process and fostering dynamic collaboration between instructors and AI, the Iris Code Editor system should accelerate exercise development, create a collaborative environment, and enhance the effectiveness of programming education.
== Current System
The current system for programming exercises in Artemis primarily involves manual adaptation, either through the online Code Editor or a local Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Within the online Code Editor, users can access the four main components - the problem statement, template repository, solution repository, and test repository - by toggling between different repositories. Changes made within the online editor can be submitted, triggering automatic build processes with test case checks. However, it's important to note that the feature set of the online editor may not be as comprehensive as that of a local IDE; for instance, it may lack the ability to check code compilation before submission.
Alternatively, users can opt for a local IDE, which offers greater flexibility in editing code. However, this method requires additional configuration efforts and the need to clone the repository using Git for each exercise. After updating the code repository content locally, users must commit and push the changes to remote repositories, allowing Artemis to fetch the latest version via the version control system and repository service. This process necessitates users to have a certain understanding of version control practices.
Importantly, both approaches require manual editing by users, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming. This manual intervention is a significant aspect of the current system, highlighting the need for a more efficient and automated solution in the future.
== Proposed System
Our exploration commences with a detailed examination of the decision-making process involved in choosing between two prototypes. This critical design phase sets the foundation for the subsequent stages of our system. We will delve into the factors, considerations, and methodologies that guide us through this pivotal step, ensuring the selection of a prototype that aligns seamlessly with our objectives.
*Prototype 1* focuses on the crucial aspect of exercise adaptation—adjusting the difficulty level—addressing the high-demand needs inherent in adaptive learning. When tailoring programming exercises to be more accessible than the basic level, our approach involves breaking down the task into detailed steps and providing comprehensive guidance. By furnishing explicit instructions and supplementary explanations, learners gain a deeper understanding of the problem, enhancing their foundational skills.
Conversely, elevating the difficulty level of programming exercises demands a distinct strategy. Here, we streamline the task description, amalgamate multiple tasks into a more intricate problem, and reduce the pre-written code in the template. This reduction in scaffolding and guidance encourages advanced learners to apply their knowledge creatively, fostering a deeper engagement with the material.
To implement these adaptive methods, adjustments to the problem statement and template repository sections are primarily required based on the foundational exercises. Additional instructions, such as providing comprehensive task guidance or increasing algorithmic complexity, are seamlessly integrated into the corresponding guidance template. This ensures that the Language Model Manager (LLM) produces results that are creative yet grounded in realism.
In terms of template design, we introduce five guidance templates tailored to adapt the difficulty level of programming exercises:
1. Harder Problem Statement Adaptation Template
2. Easier Problem Statement Adaptation Template
3. Template Repository Adaptation Template to modify the template code in accordance with the new problem statement.
4. Solution Repository Adaptation Template to adjust the solution code based on the new problem statement and template repository.
5. Test Repository Adaptation Template to modify the test code considering the new problem statement, template repository, and solution repository.
image("figures/generate-variant.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
The mockup of generating a new adaptive exercise
) <generate-variant>
The user interface (UI) design caters to the seamless integration of the adaptive exercise generation process for instructors. Utilizing the 'Generate Variants' feature, depicted in @generate-variant, instructors can effortlessly create new adaptive exercises across varying difficulty levels. This functionality empowers instructors to build upon the foundational basic exercise, generating diverse variations to cater to a wide spectrum of learner needs.
*Prototype 2* is strategically designed to enhance the versatility and scalability of the project by expanding its scope to handle a broader array of adaptation requests.
In this iteration, we adopt a more generalized approach, refraining from the inclusion of specific instructions regarding how to adapt to more challenging exercises. Instead, the Language Model Manager (LLM) is empowered to analyze the user's adaptation requests independently and determine the most effective means of fulfilling these requests. This adaptive functionality necessitates a dynamic interaction model where the LLM engages in a conversation with the user, seeking clarification on the request and subsequently generating a corresponding adaptation plan for the exercise.
To facilitate this, we provide the LLM with a comprehensive context of the exercise, encompassing the problem statement and all three code repositories. This holistic approach maximizes the LLM's capabilities and enables it to perform its adaptive tasks with heightened efficacy.
In terms of template design, our methodology identifies the requirement for five distinct Guidance templates, catering to diverse use cases:
1. Chat Template: Designed to comprehend the exercise context and respond intelligently to user messages.
2. Problem Statement Adaptation Template: Facilitates modifications to the problem statement based on the other three components.
3. Template Repository Adaptation Template: Enables adjustments to the template code in alignment with the other three components.
4. Solution Repository Adaptation Template: Supports modifications to the solution code based on the other three components.
5. Test Repository Adaptation Template: Allows for alterations to the test code in concordance with the other three components.
In the realm of user interface (UI) design, the Iris UI remains a reusable and integral component of Prototype 2. As depicted in @chat-window, showcasing the current UI, we leverage the existing Iris UI to ensure consistency and familiarity for users while accommodating the evolved capabilities of the LLM in adapting to a broader spectrum of user requests.
image("figures/chat-window-dark.png", width: 60%),
caption: [
The Iris chat window UI
) <chat-window>
Upon comparing the two prototypes, Prototype 1's design closely aligns with a specific use case—namely, adjusting the difficulty of exercises. However, its limitations become apparent in terms of scalability and interactive capabilities. In contrast, Prototype 2 boasts a more versatile design with a broader range of usage scenarios. Practical experimentation has underscored its efficacy in facilitating exercise modifications, showcasing commendable performance in scenarios involving changes to difficulty levels.
Consequently, after thorough consideration, we have opted to adopt the design of Prototype 2 and proposed Iris Code Editor system which is enhanced with generative AI capabilities. Through collaboration with an embedded ChatGPT-style chatbot, instructors can effortlessly articulate their vision for the exercise, witnessing the Code Editor automatically adapt to their specifications. This innovative approach empowers instructors with the flexibility to maintain full control over the exercise while allowing the AI to seamlessly introduce numerous additions or modifications. The generated content, shaped by the AI, can span the entirety of the exercise or be as concise as a single line of code. This streamlined and intuitive process not only accelerates exercise creation but also fosters a dynamic and collaborative environment between instructors and artificial intelligence, unlocking new possibilities for engaging and effective programming education.
=== Functional Requirements <fr>
Functional requirements stand independent of implementation details, specifically focusing on describing the interactions between the system and its environment, as articulated in @bruegge2009object.
- FR1 Chat with Iris in Code Editor: The user can chat with Iris via a chat window in Code Editor.
- FR2 Iris suggests a plan: In the event that the LLM decides it understands the user’s request, the LLM will additionally suggest a plan of action for adapting the exercise based on the user’s input, which will be displayed to the user in the chat window.
- FR3 Review exercise plan: The user should be able to review the plan of each component.
- FR4 Modify exercise plan: The user will be able to modify the generation plan.
- FR5 Execute exercise plan: The user will be able to execute the plan, which will trigger the LLM to perform the actions described in each component of the plan. The plan will be executed in the order in which the components appear in the plan.
- FR6 Pause and resume exercise plan: The user should be able to pause and resume the execution of the plan at any time, causing Iris to stop or resume at the next possible step.
- FR7 View plan execution error: If an error occurs while executing the plan, the user should be notified of the error and the plan will be paused.
- FR8 View changes in Code Editor: Users should be able to view the applied changes in the Code Editor and compare them to what was before the changes.
- FR9 Clear chat history: The chat window will have a button that allows the user to clear the chat history.
- FR10 Undo changes: The user will be able to undo Iris' changes to the exercise.
=== Nonfunctional Requirements <nfr>
Nonfunctional requirements shed light on the aspects of a system that are not directly related to its functionality @bruegge2009object.
- NFR1 Minimizable and Resizeable: The chat window will be minimizable and resizeable with a single click or drag respectively.
- NFR2 Transparent Process: The system will display accurate error messages to the user in the case of exceptional behavior, such as invalid input or invalid responses from the LLM.
- NFR3 Identifiable: The chat window will be clearly labeled and identifiable as a chat window.
- NFR4 Model Configurable: The system will be configurable, allowing the user to specify the LLM that the system will communicate with.
- NFR5 LLM-agnostic: The system will be LLM-agnostic, supporting any LLM that is capable of communicating with the system via the chat window.
- NFR6 Input Processing: The system will be able to handle any input from the user, including invalid input, without crashing.
- NFR7 Response Processing: The system will be able to handle any response from the LLM, including invalid responses, without crashing.
- NFR8 Reaction Time: The response of Iris should be displayed to users within 30 seconds for 95% of requests.
== System Models
In this section of the requirements analysis, we delineate the system models for the project. We commence by elucidating the envisioned scenarios for the system. Subsequently, we present the use case model, analysis object model, dynamic model, and user interface of the system, accompanied by comprehensive diagrams and detailed descriptions.
=== Scenarios
As defined by @bruegge2009object, a scenario is described as 'a concrete, focused, informal description of a single feature of the system from the viewpoint of a single actor.' A visionary scenario represents an idealized solution to a problem, even if it may not be entirely achievable. In contrast, a demo scenario is one that is feasible, implementable, and can be demonstrated by the conclusion of this thesis. In this section, we will present both a visionary scenario and a demo scenario for our project.
We introduce the scenarios featuring Jane, an editor of a course in Artemis. Jane's objective is to adapt a sorting strategy programming exercise tailored to meet the diverse needs of students with varying levels of experience.
width: 100%,
radius: 2%,
stroke: 0.5pt,
fill: gray,
Visionary Scenario: Add a Creative Theme and Adjust the Exercise Accordingly
Jane engages in a thoughtful conversation with Iris, expressing a desire to infuse the sorting strategy exercise with a creative and meaningful animal theme so that it would be more accessible to beginners. Iris, demonstrating a keen understanding of the request, meticulously incorporates the animal theme into the problem statement. Further, Iris adeptly adapts the input data structure and tasks to align seamlessly with the chosen theme.
To ensure a harmonious and cohesive experience, Iris meticulously adjusts the code within the template repository, solution repository, and test repository. Each repository undergoes a transformation to mirror the newly introduced animal theme. Notably, the template repository is deliberately configured to encounter failures in all test cases, serving as a challenging starting point for participants. On the contrary, the solution repository is thoughtfully crafted to successfully navigate and pass all tests, providing a rewarding culmination to the adapted exercise.
While this visionary scenario presents an idealized representation of the functionality we aspire to achieve, it remains grounded in realism. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that realizing such an advanced level of functionality within the scope of this thesis may be ambitious. Through our exploration, we have identified challenges in relying solely on the LLM, particularly when Iris is granted significant discretionary space for exercise adaptation compared to scenarios with more specific restrictions. This has prompted the need to implement a guardrail mechanism to ensure that changes made by the LLM align with user approval.
Recognizing the limitations and complexities involved, we set realistic expectations for the LLM's performance and its ability to incorporate continuous feedback. In light of these considerations, we shift our focus towards more achievable functionality and specific scenarios within the confines of this thesis. As an alternative, we propose a demo scenario that aligns with our practical goals and expectations, aiming to strike a balance between innovation and feasibility.
width: 100%,
radius: 2%,
stroke: 0.5pt,
fill: gray,
Demo Scenario: Assisted Change of Specific Exercise Tasks
Jane opens a sorting strategy exercise on the Code Editor page and initiates a conversation with Iris through the Iris chat window. Instead of altering the whole theme, Jane expresses his intent to replace the existing bubble sort algorithm with the insertion sort algorithm while preserving the technical objectives of the exercise for experienced students.
Engaging in a collaborative and creative conversation, Iris discusses the exercise requirements with Jane and suggests a step-by-step plan to seamlessly transition from bubble sort to insertion sort. Jane reviews the proposed plan and approves it, authorizing Iris to proceed with the modifications.
As Iris executes each step of the plan, Jane monitors the progress in the chat window. With every completed step, Jane inspects the corresponding changes in the exercise code. A few minutes into the process, Iris notifies Jane that the exercise is ready for review.
Upon examination, Jane observes that the exercise has undergone a significant transformation, aligning with the insertion sort request. However, he identifies lingering references to the old bubble sort algorithm that requires replacement.
To address these remaining modifications, Jane manually fine-tunes the exercise, replacing residual references to the previous tasks. Once satisfied with the exercise's adaptation to the insertion sort algorithm, Jane publishes the revised exercise for integration into his course.
The demo scenario is more realistic than the previous one as it provides Iris with more specific instructions. These precise instructions enhance Iris's comprehension and organizational capabilities, providing a fixed endpoint and constraint. Furthermore, users have the capability to monitor the entire process. The execution of the corresponding plan only takes place after users approve Iris's proposed plan, enabling them to closely observe the execution process and subsequently review the changes implemented by Iris.
=== Use Case Model
According to Bruegge and Dutoit, use cases are described as 'a function provided by the system that yields a visible result for an actor' @bruegge2009object. In the context of this discussion, the actors are represented by editors interacting with the system Iris.
The @use-case visually illustrates comprehensive use cases derived directly from the functional requirements outlined in @fr. The interactive functionalities of the system empower users to seamlessly communicate with Iris through a dedicated chat window integrated into the Code Editor (FR1). This establishes a direct and intuitive channel for users to convey their requirements and receive assistance from Iris (FR2).
image("figures/use-case-diagram.svg", width: 80%),
caption: [
Use case diagram of Iris Code Editor feature
) <use-case>
Upon receiving a proposed exercise plan from Iris, users are empowered to take decisive actions. Specifically, they can review (FR3) and execute the plan (FR5), allowing for the systematic implementation of suggested modifications. The flexibility of the system further allows users to exercise control over the process by enabling them to pause and later resume the plan at their convenience (FR6). This responsiveness to user needs ensures a dynamic and user-centric experience.
Recognizing the iterative nature of exercise planning, users can actively engage with the system by modifying the steps of the proposed plan (FR4). This capability promotes a collaborative environment where users can tailor the plan to their specific requirements, fostering a sense of ownership over the adaptation process.
Following the execution of the plan, users can seamlessly verify the applied changes in the exercise (FR8) or check the error message (FR7) if the execution fails. If the user does not want Iris to consider the chat history, they can clear the chat history (FR9).
=== Analysis Object Model
As described by Bruegge and Dutoit, we use the analysis model to prepare for
the architecture of the system @bruegge2009object. The corresponding analysis object model is
shown in @analysis-object-model and includes the most important objects, attributes, methods
and relations of the application domain.
image("figures/analysis-object-diagram.svg", width: 80%),
caption: [
Analysis object model of the Iris Code Editor feature
) <analysis-object-model>
The IrisCodeEditorSession which is one of the subtypes of IrisSession, a key element determined by the programming exercise, encompasses lists of IrisMessage entities dedicated to storing user interactions with Iris within the Code Editor Session. Each IrisMessage can encapsulate lists of IrisMessageContent, a category now expanded to include multiple subtypes. Notably, IrisTextMessageContent represents a straightforward textual message, while IrisExercisePlan denotes a specialized type indicating an exercise plan proposed by Iris. The IrisExercisePlan class is further refined, comprising one to four IrisExercisePlanStep instances.
Within the IrisExercisePlanStep, a fundamental unit of the exercise plan, lies an IrisExerciseComponent, signifying either the problem statement or one of the three distinct code repositories. Accompanying this is a set of instructions detailing the required modifications for the associated component. Crucially, an ExecutionStage attribute categorizes each step's current status, indicating whether it is pending, actively being executed, has encountered an error, or has been successfully completed.
This modular and hierarchical structure within the IrisCodeEditorSession facilitates a granular representation of user interactions, allowing for the management and tracking of messages, content types, and exercise plans. The inclusion of subtypes in IrisMessageContent enhances the system's versatility, accommodating diverse forms of communication between users and Iris. The robust definition of IrisExercisePlan and its associated components ensures a comprehensive framework for proposing, executing, and monitoring exercise plans, thereby contributing to the overall effectiveness and adaptability of the Iris system.
=== Dynamic Model
The dynamic model describes the behavior of the system in terms of state changes
@bruegge2009object. @activity-diagram shows the dynamic model for the Iris integration into the Code
Editor in the form of a UML activity diagram.
This model delineates the intricacies of adapting an exercise using Iris within the Code Editor. The user initiates the process by communicating with Iris through the chat window (FR1). Subsequently, Artemis engages Pyris to generate a response to the user's message, potentially yielding an exercise plan (FR2). The user is presented with the option to execute this plan or to continue interacting with Iris through text messages. Opting to execute the plan prompts Artemis to commence the sequential execution of plan steps.
For each step, Artemis sends a request to Pyris, facilitating the retrieval of exercise modifications, subsequently applying these changes to the exercise, and reloading the client (FR3). Users maintain control over the process by having the option to pause the plan (FR4) at any point. Subsequently, users can choose to either resume the plan (FR4) or resume communication with Iris through text messages.
Upon completing the exercise modifications, users have the flexibility to submit their changes and exit the Code Editor. This model encapsulates a dynamic and iterative workflow, allowing users to seamlessly transition between executing pre-defined plans and engaging in freeform interactions with Iris. The incorporation of these features ensures a responsive and user-centric experience within the Code Editor, facilitating the efficient adaptation of exercises to meet specific requirements.
image("figures/activity-diagram.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
Activity diagram of Iris Code Editor feature
=== User Interface
This section presents the user interface for the integration of Iris into the Code Editor.
image("figures/code-editor-night.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
Iris UI in the Code Editor page
) <editor-night>
image("figures/chat.png", width: 50%),
caption: [
Chat between user and Iris
) <chat>
To enhance accessibility, the Iris button is now prominently positioned in the top right corner of the Code Editor. By clicking this button, users can open the chat window located in the bottom right corner. @editor-night illustrates the Iris button and open chat window in dark themes of the Code Editor Page. An introductory message has been thoughtfully incorporated into the chat window, serving as an invitation for users to initiate a conversation with Iris.
image("figures/exercise-plan.png", width: 90%),
caption: [
Exercise plan proposed by Iris
placement: top,
) <exercise-plan>
Subsequently, we engaged Iris to replace the BubbleSort sorting algorithm in a sample exercise with the InsertionSort sorting algorithm. Iris, in turn, proposed a comprehensive plan, encompassing a summary presented in plain text and adaptation plans for four key components. @chat and @exercise-plan showcase the initial appearance of the exercise plan in the chat window. Users can expand and review details for each component adaptation plan, as demonstrated in @exercise-plan.
@plan-execution captures the exercise plan in progress, while @plan-complete portrays the UI when the exercise plan is successfully completed. Completed component plans are highlighted in green, the currently executing plan is indicated in yellow, and pending plans retain their original color. The bottom button in the exercise plan message dynamically changes between “Execute,” “Pause,” “Resume,” and “Complete” based on the ongoing execution process.
#grid(columns: 3)[
caption: [
Executing exercise plan
) <plan-execution>
image("figures/plan-complete.png", width: 92%),
caption: [
Exercise plan execution completed
) <plan-complete>
image("figures/plan-error.png", width: 93%),
caption: [
An error occured during the execution
) <plan-error>
In the event of an error during the execution of the fourth step, as depicted in @plan-error, the corresponding step is displayed in red, accompanied by an error message. The "Execute" button has been replaced with a "Retry" button, facilitating the re-attempt of plan execution from the beginning of the failed step. This iterative and visually intuitive interface enhances user engagement and provides clear feedback throughout the exercise adaptation process.
@bubble depicts the original exercise, and upon the execution of the exercise plan, the resulting changes seamlessly integrate into the Code Editor, as illustrated in @insertion. The status indicator, highlighted in @insertion, appropriately displays "unsubmitted," serving as a clear indication of the newly implemented modifications suggested by Iris. Users can thoroughly review and verify these changes at their convenience, ensuring a transparent and user-friendly experience.
image("figures/bubble.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
The solution repository of exercise before adapting
) <bubble>
image("figures/insertion.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
The solution repository of exercise after adapting
) <insertion>
= System Design
In this section, we will discuss design decisions made in the implementation of the Iris Code Editor project.
== Overview
Our proposed system, the Iris Code Editor, is designed to enhance the Artemis ecosystem by introducing advanced capabilities for exercise adaptation. With a focus on reliability, usability, cost-effectiveness, performance, and extensibility, derived from nonfunctional requirements, the Iris Code Editor aims to become a dependable feature within Artemis, encompasses meticulous exercise and user request analysis, forming a dynamic trio with Pyris and the Large language model, facilitating efficient communication through dedicated APIs.
== Design Goals
In the design of our proposed system, we prioritize the following design goals, derived from the nonfunctional requirements outlined in @nfr:
*Reliability Criteria*: The foremost goal is to ensure that the Iris Code Editor becomes a reliable feature within the Artemis ecosystem. Achieving a high level of system availability, particularly in handling user inputs (NFR6) and LLM responses (NFR7), is paramount. This ensures a seamless user experience and builds trust in the system's performance.
*Usability Criteria*: User experience is central to our design goals as it directly impacts the effectiveness of the editors within Artemis. Users should be able to effortlessly navigate the exercise adaptation process (NFR2), configure preferred models (NFR4), and interact with a user interface that is identifiable (NFR3) and intuitive to use (NFR1).
*Cost Criteria*: Given Artemis's status as an open-source project with limited funding, minimizing maintenance and administration costs is crucial. Therefore, we aim to balance affordability with the quality of exercise adaptation results and user satisfaction, ensuring cost-effective solutions without compromising functionality or user experience.
*Performance Criteria*: Seamless integration within the Artemis exercise adaptation workflow is essential, necessitating swift provision of exercise adaptation plans by Iris, ideally within 20 seconds (NFR 8). While maintaining a high standard of response times, we acknowledge the need for some trade-offs to ensure the quality of results while optimizing resource usage.
*Extensibility Criteria*: While the extensibility of LLM models (NFR5) is valuable for future enhancements, we prioritize limited models with good performance. This approach ensures a balance between flexibility and performance, allowing for manageable integration and scalability within the Artemis ecosystem.
This prioritization strategy aims to establish the Iris Code Editor feature as a reliable, user-centric, cost-effective, and extensible addition to the Artemis ecosystem. By aligning with the community-driven, open-source nature of the project, we strive to deliver a solution that meets the diverse needs of users while upholding high standards of reliability and usability.
== Subsytem Decomposition
As an integral subsystem of Artemis, Iris plays a pivotal role in enhancing the overall user experience by meticulously analyzing exercises and user requests to generate highly targeted suggestions. Functioning in harmony with Pyris, which acts as the intermediary for user requests and responses from the LLM—Iris forms a dynamic trio to empower Artemis with advanced capabilities.
Pyris acts as the communication bridge between Artemis and the LLM, efficiently handling requests and relaying responses in a timely manner.
This intricate network of subsystems communicates seamlessly, as illustrated in <subsystem-component>, with the exchange facilitated through dedicated APIs and employing the versatile REST interface and Websocket service. The utilization of JSON serialization further streamlines the data exchange process, ensuring efficiency and compatibility across all components.
image("figures/subsystem.svg", width: 80%),
caption: [
Subsystem decomposition diagram: Overview of the interaction between Iris,
Artemis and Pyris
) <subsystem-component>
=== Artemis Server
The Artemis Server, meticulously crafted using Java and Spring Boot, stands as a cornerstone in the endeavors discussed within this thesis.
@server-component offers an insightful depiction of the Artemis Server’s subsystems. The system's architecture is structured into three distinct layers: the web layer, the application layer, and the data layer. Within this framework, the modules for IrisCodeEditorSessionResource and IrisCodeEditorMessageResource are pivotal, as they expose endpoints facilitating the retrieval and creation of Iris Code Editor sessions and messages.
Whenever updates occur within these domains, the IrisCodeEditorSessionService, serving as the cornerstone of the Iris Code Editor feature, is triggered. This service relies on the IrisSettingsService to procure the currently configured guidance template for the respective course in which the user is actively participating. Additionally, it employs repository classes to locate and validate sessions, messages, and exercise plan steps. The IrisConnectorService manages communication with Pyris to obtain responses from LLM, which are then parsed and relayed to the user through the IrisCodeEditorWebsocketService.
This intricate orchestration of services highlights the comprehensive functionality of the Artemis Server, particularly in the context of Iris and its seamless integration within the Code Editor environment.
image("figures/ServerSubsystem.svg", width: 90%),
caption: [
Subsystem decomposition of the Artemis Server
) <server-component>
=== Artemis Client
The Artemis Client, crafted using Angular, is structured into two primary layers: the UI layer, composed of Angular components, and the service layer, which primarily handles interactions with the Artemis API.
@client-component provides an insightful overview of the Iris Code Editor project within the Artemis client's subsystems.
The IrisCodeEditorWebsocketService assumes a pivotal role in receiving messages from the server via a WebSocket connection, subsequently exposing them through an observable stream. The CodeEditorInstructorAndEditorContainerComponent, representing the Code Editor, subscribes to this stream and forwards WebSocket messages to the IrisChatbotWidgetComponent via the IrisCodeEditorChatbotButtonComponent. The latter will pass the information of the current session to the widget component. User requests are transmitted to the server through the IrisCodeEditorSessionService within the IrisChatbotWidgetComponent. Concurrently, the IrisStateStore monitors the session status and continuously stores the messages.
This intricate collaboration ensures a seamless and responsive integration of Iris features within the Code Editor component.
image("figures/ClientSubsystem.svg", width: 90%),
caption: [
Subsystem decomposition of the Artemis Client
) <client-component>
== Process Control
In prioritizing user experience, our primary objective is to empower users with a sense of control and ownership over the plan execution process. Through this approach, clients are not mere spectators but active participants, entrusted with the authority to manage the process according to their needs and preferences.
By providing functionalities such as the ability to execute and pause plans, users can initiate actions with a simple click or tap, triggering distinct requests to the server. These requests are promptly processed, and the corresponding statuses are relayed back to the user interface in real time. This ensures transparency and responsiveness throughout the execution process, allowing users to stay informed and engaged every step of the way.
Furthermore, by placing control in the hands of the users, we foster a sense of empowerment and autonomy, enhancing their overall experience with the system. Whether they choose to proceed with plan execution or temporarily pause it for further adjustments, users have the flexibility to tailor their interactions according to their individual requirements.
This collaborative approach to plan execution not only streamlines workflows but also promotes user satisfaction and confidence in the system's capabilities. It reflects our commitment to delivering a user-centric solution that prioritizes usability, functionality, and engagement.
image("figures/CommunicationDiagram.png", width: 90%),
caption: [
Communication diagram of the plan execution process
) <communication>
== Access Control
In the Iris Code Editor subsystem, the application client interacts with resources and operations through REST-based HTTP communication and WebSocket service. Each implemented endpoint on the server verifies that the requesting user possesses the necessary privileges for the relevant course and exercise.
To ensure secure access, the server utilizes an existing service to validate whether the requester has permission to access the specified exercise.
In terms of Iris settings configuration, access is restricted to users with administrator rights within the Artemis environment.
Regarding the Iris Code Editor feature, access is limited to users with editor rights specific to the exercise. Additionally, each user is assigned a unique session ID when communicating with Iris, ensuring privacy, as only the respective user can access the chat history between themselves and Iris.
= Implementation Details
This section introduces some details worth mentioning in the current implementation. First, we introduce the methods employed in the generation and application of changes by the Language Model Manager (LLM) to the exercise. This phase is integral to the dynamic adaptability of our system, encompassing the fine-grained details of how the LLM orchestrates modifications, ensuring precision and coherence with the overarching goals of the exercise adaptation process. We will unravel the intricacies of this transformative process, shedding light on the mechanisms that underpin the seamless integration of changes proposed by the LLM into the exercise structure. Next, we introduce new changes to the Pyris system, where we optimize response formats for the specific needs of Code Editor use cases.
== Apply changes
Firstly, it is important to note that, considering user experience and the precision of changes introduced by Iris, changes will not be automatically saved in the database. Instead, they will be displayed in the online Code Editor for the user to review. Only upon user approval will the changes be saved by submitting the code and saving the problem statement to update the database.
We proposed two approaches to inject exercise changes into the corresponding part of Artemis.
*Inject Changes into Client-Side:* This involves the online Code Editor, comprising an Ace editor for three code repositories editing and a Markdown editor for problem statement editing. The status of the target file should be checked before any other actions. If the target file is in the file Session, changes can be edited directly, meaning the target changes can be injected. If it's not included in the file Session, it needs to be included first before injecting the changes.
The advantage is that we can always include the current status of the editor, encompassing the latest content of the exercise - content changed by the user but not yet submitted or the initial content of the exercise saved in the database if there are no user-initiated changes. This allows Iris to keep track of the exercise's latest status and generate the corresponding response and exercise plan.
The disadvantage is that, since the editor has not been maintained for a long time, potential problems may arise when adding new functions. Additionally, as the editor function is a core function of Artemis, it has wide coverage, and the code composition is relatively complex. Moreover, the editor parameters bound to the three code repositories are different, making it challenging to manage the three code repositories with a common function. Although we were able to successfully inject changes, the robustness was not optimal, and occasional problems occurred.
*Inject Changes into Server-Side:* The related repository services on the server define all methods for interactions between Artemis and programming exercise repositories. One method is responsible for managing the unsaved changes of the programming exercise. We can simply check the target file content using the corresponding repository URL and file name and write the new changes into it without committing to Git and saving it into the database.
The advantage is that the implementation is simpler than the client-side and more robust.
The disadvantage is that it's difficult to obtain the unsaved changes of the repository during the execution of the plan and send it to LLM, as we don't want to save the changes into the repository directly before user approval. Therefore, a new storage approach is needed to save the latest content of the repository to send to LLM during the execution of the plan.
Considering the performance and robustness of the project, we decided to implement the second approach. However, due to time constraints, we did not achieve the new storage method. It will be included in future work.
== Pyris
In our pursuit of optimizing the response format for the specific needs of the Code Editor use case, we have undertaken a crucial modification in Pyris. This enhancement involves the creation of a novel message endpoint /api/v2/messages tailored to our requirements. In contrast to the conventional response format, which typically returns only the 'response' variable, our new endpoint is designed to yield all content generated within a guidance program. For example, if the generated variables from LLM look like this: {contextfile: this is a test context file, response: this is a test response}, the initial system endpoint (/api/v1/messages) will return {response: this is a test response}, but the new endpoint will return all content of the generated variables {contextfile: this is a test context file, response: this is a test response}.
This alteration is particularly impactful for the Code Editor use case, providing a more comprehensive and nuanced insight into the guidance program's outcomes. By retrieving all content, we ensure that every element generated by the guidance program is accessible, facilitating a richer and more detailed understanding for further processing.
Furthermore, in an effort to streamline and simplify interactions with Pyris, we have refined the template parameter. The new endpoint now accommodates just a string as the template parameter, eliminating the need for an object containing both a string and an unused id. This modification enhances the efficiency and clarity of communication with Pyris, aligning more closely with the specific demands of the Code Editor use case.
In essence, these adaptations in Pyris underscore our commitment to tailoring the system to the unique requirements of the Code Editor integration, ensuring a more seamless and effective interaction between Pyris and the Code Editor component.
= Evaluation
Ensuring the alignment of our proposed solution with organizational goals and meeting expected standards is paramount. Our evaluation process employs a rigorous experimental methodology meticulously crafted to address specific hypotheses regarding the performance of the LLM-based programming exercise adaptation system.
== Design
In this section, we present the design of the evaluation process. We begin by outlining the objectives and participants involved, followed by an overview of the evaluation procedures. Lastly, we introduce the survey component of the evaluation.
=== Objective
The overarching goal of this experimental study is to assess the performance and capabilities of Iris, our programming exercise adaptation system. Two distinct experiments have been designed, each focusing on specific aspects of Iris's functionality.
=== Experimental Groups
Users of the Iris Code Editor feature are programming exercise creators using Artemis. Therefore, we selected participants from the exercise creator group of Introduction to Programming lecture WS23/24 because they are experienced with programming exercise creation and adaptation process in Artemis.
- *Control Group*: Participants in this group will adapt the programming exercise manually, following the conventional approach.
- *Experimental Group*: Participants in this group will utilize Iris to adapt the programming exercise.
We conducted a series of three experiments to comprehensively assess its capabilities.
=== Experiment 1: Replacing Search Algorithms
We introduced a new programming exercise titled "Searching with the Strategy Pattern," instead of the existing one which we used for optimizing our prompt template to enhance result reliability. Given the stringent requirements with a fixed endpoint makes it easier to measure the performance. The procedure is as follows:
1. *Task:* Participants will be tasked with replacing one searching algorithm with another within the programming exercise. The modifications should be implemented across all four components of the exercise.
2. *Objective:* The primary objective is to comprehensively evaluate Iris's performance concerning both functional and non-functional requirements. This experiment aims to cover all functions of Iris related to algorithm replacement.
=== Experiment 2: Making an Exercise Harder
A new programming exercise is presented, tailored to serve as an accessible starting point. The task at hand involves the deliberate removal of pre-filled code snippets from the template repository. To elevate the complexity of the exercise, additional tasks are introduced, compelling students to re-implement the removed code. The procedure is as follows:
1. *Tasks:* Given an exercise that is currently easy, participants will make it harder by removing some of the prefilled code in the template.
2. *Objective:* To test if Iris can understand that making an exercise harder can be achieved by adding more tasks and thereby removing some of the template code.
=== Experiment 3: Adding a Creative Theme
A new programming exercise devoid of background description and a meaningful theme, but comprising only coding tasks, was used. The challenge was to introduce a creative theme and adjust the exercise accordingly to enhance student engagement. The procedure is as follows:
1. *Task:* Participants will add a creative theme to the programming exercise, enhancing its appeal and comprehensibility for students.
2. *Objective:* The primary goal is to showcase Iris's proficiency in assisting humans with creative ideation in programming exercise design. Furthermore, given the experiment's flexible scenario that permits Iris to showcase adaptability without stringent requirements, another goal is to assess Iris's performance in creatively adapting exercises within a less constrained environment. This emphasizes Iris's ability to generate inventive ideas and adapt exercises with diverse themes.
=== Survey
We have designed a survey to gather valuable feedback from our evaluators. Following each experiment, we will ask them if agree with the following statement:
- Iris accurately understands a given request when generating component plans
- The component plans generated by Iris are consistent with each other.
- Iris accurately follows the specified plan when generating component changes.
- The component changes generated by Iris are consistent with each other.
After completing the three experiments, participants will be presented with the following survey for evaluation. Each statement in the survey offers five response options, allowing raters to indicate their level of agreement.
- Iris's assistance in programming exercise creation is helpful to me
- It takes less time to adapt a programming exercise with Iris
- Iris is especially useful to
- apply changes to the exercise content
- change the exercise complexity
- change the exercise theme
- I prefer Iris over ChatGPT to adapt the programming exercise
- Iris's potential to improve the exercise creation process is high
In addition to the survey questions, we would like to gather text feedback based on the following open-ended questions:
- What do you think of the overall Iris exercise adaptation feature? Can it be useful for the real work of the editor, or is it a redundant feature and not very helpful?
- What needs to be improved? Which aspect is good?
- What kind of tasks would you prefer to do by yourself instead of using Iris?
- What kind of tasks would you prefer to let Iris do it?
We also ask evaluators to record their entire experiment process. This approach will strengthen our ability to analyze the system's accuracy and effectiveness.
== Results
We gathered data from four sets of control groups, four complete sets of experimental groups, three subsets of experimental group data that exclusively participated in Experiment 1, and received responses from seven completed questionnaires, along with five pieces of text feedback provided in Appendix A.
Through the aforementioned experiments, we have acquired results regarding component plan accuracy and consistency, as depicted in @component-plan. Furthermore, the obtained results for component changes accuracy and consistency are illustrated in @component-change.
columns: 2,
rows: 3,
gutter: 1em,
caption: [Survey results for component plans related questions: left - accuracy, right - consistency (top to bottom: Experiment 1-3)]
) <component-plan>
columns: 2,
rows: 3,
gutter: 1em,
caption: [Survey results for component changes related questions: left - accuracy, right - consistency (top to bottom: Experiment 1-3)]
) <component-change>
#grid(columns: 2, gutter: 2em)[
image("figures/group-time.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
Time spent in control group and experimental group (y:minutes)
) <group-time>
image("figures/wait-time.png", width: 80%),
caption: [
The total time spent in the experimental group and the time spent waiting for Iris response (y:minutes)
) <wait-time>
@group-time presents a comparative analysis of the time taken between the control group and the experimental group across all three experiments.
@wait-time showcases a comparison between the time spent waiting for the Iris response and the remaining time within the experimental group.
#grid(columns: 2, gutter: 1em)[
caption: [
Survey results of question: I prefer Iris over ChatGPT to adapt the programming exercise
) <overGPT>
caption: [
Survey results of question: Iris' potential to improve the exercise creation process is high
) <potential>
@overGPT illustrates the statistics pertaining to the survey question "I prefer Iris over ChatGPT to adapt the programming exercise," while @potential showcases the statistics for the survey question "Iris' potential to improve the exercise creation process is high."
== Findings
While our conclusions are somewhat constrained by the small sample size, several noteworthy findings have emerged:
- Finding 1: Regardless of the complexity of the requirement, Iris consistently generates component plans that are more accurate and consistent compared to the component changes it produces.
- Finding 2: During the first experiment, the experimental group invested significantly more time than the control group. However, in subsequent experiments, the experimental group spent less time than the control group. Upon reviewing the screen recordings, we observed that a substantial portion of the initial time spent by the experimental group in Experiment 1 was devoted to becoming familiar with the use of Iris and the online Code Editor.
- Finding 3: The experimental group spent a considerable amount of time simply waiting for Iris to respond, including replying to requests and executing plans. This waiting time accounted for more than one-third of the total experimental duration. Improving Iris's response speed and allowing users to browse changes during plan execution could effectively reduce the time spent on adaptation exercises.
- Finding 4: Currently, users do not exhibit a clear preference between Iris and ChatGPT for adapting exercises. However, they acknowledge Iris's potential to enhance the efficiency of exercise adaptation within Artemis.
- Finding 5: Iris demonstrates strong performance when fulfilling initial requests for both component plan proposals and applied component changes. However, its performance diminishes when users request further modifications.
== Discussion
In addressing the identified inaccuracies in component changes (Finding 1), our further investigation revealed that these discrepancies primarily stem from the inherent challenges of find-and-replace operations. To minimize token usage, we opted for a find-and-replace approach instead of a complete rewrite. However, this approach presents a challenge in ensuring the accuracy of the find operation. We observed instances where, despite LLM generating fairly accurate component changes, minor inconsistencies with the original content, such as an additional space or a missing symbol, resulted in the rejection of the change during execution.
Regarding the inconsistencies in component changes (Finding 1), our exploration highlighted the impact of inconsistencies in the content of various exercise components as context. Here, we provide a brief overview of the component change generation process. We pass the four components of the exercise and the corresponding component plan to LLM, which then generates specific component changes based on these contextual inputs.
However, to allow users to review and potentially undo changes proposed by Iris, we refrain from immediately saving changes to the database. Instead, users are prompted to submit changes they agree with. However, to maintain system stability, we retrieve the content of the four components from the database and pass them to LLM. This approach inadvertently introduces inconsistencies between the current content displayed to the user and the content sent to LLM.
While this discrepancy is negligible for initial requests, where simply following the component plan yields satisfactory results, it significantly impacts subsequent requests (Finding 5). Users refrain from submitting changes until they approve them, potentially leading to minor disruptions in component plans. Nevertheless, these plans remain generally consistent with each other, primarily due to users' clear and accurate requests facilitating LLM in generating the component plan. However, this poses a significant challenge for component change generation, as none of the contextual inputs received by LLM are sufficiently accurate.
Regarding the waiting time for responses (Finding 3), our analysis of screen recordings revealed that it takes approximately 30 seconds to receive a response, including proposed component plans, with an additional 2-3 minutes required to complete plan execution. Users have the option to review changes during execution, provided the chat window remains open; otherwise, execution pauses. This pause decision is designed based on the user's regular behavior. Overall, it increases efficiency if users understand and can review the changes that have been made as the plan executes.
== Limitations
The evaluation presented here is constrained by the following factors:
- *Scope and Sample Limitations*
The study's scope is restricted to three experiments, two sets of programming exercises, and the collection of only four complete sets of experimental group data. This limitation constrains the generalizability of the research findings. Future studies should broaden the evaluation to encompass a wider array of practice and educational contexts, incorporating a more diverse sample of submissions.
- *Time and Computational Constraints*
The experiments were constrained by limitations in time and computational resources, including token constraints, which restricted the depth of the analyses. Subsequent research efforts should prioritize more extensive evaluations to enhance the comprehensiveness of the findings.
- *Fixed LLM Model and Configuration*
The experiments exclusively utilized one model, the OpenAI GPT4-turbo, with fixed configuration parameters, such as temperature. This fixed model and configuration may not represent the optimal choice for all scenarios. Future investigations could explore alternative models and configurations to enhance the robustness and versatility of the research outcomes.
= Summary
In the subsequent sections, we delve into the current state of the thesis, highlight key conclusions, and explore potential avenues for future research.
== Status
#let open = circle(
radius: 0.3em,
fill: white,
stroke: black,
#let partial = circle(
radius: 0.3em,
fill: gray,
stroke: gray,
#let fulfilled = circle(
radius: 0.3em,
fill: black,
stroke: black,
@status provides a comprehensive overview of the status of the functional requirements of the project. The subsequent notation is employed to monitor the current state of each objective.
columns: 2,
gutter: 1em,
open, [
*Open*: This requirement falls outside the scope of this thesis, leaving it open for future exploration.
partial, [
*Partially Fulfilled*: This requirement was partially achieved in the scope of this thesis.
We suggest further effort in this domain.
fulfilled, [
*Fulfilled*: This requirement has been fully satisfied within the scope of this thesis.
columns: 3,
[*ID*], [*Requirement*], [*Status*],
[FR1], [Chat with Iris in Code Editor], fulfilled,
[FR2], [Iris suggests plan], fulfilled,
[FR3], [Review exercise plan], fulfilled,
[FR4], [Modify exercise plan], open,
[FR5], [Execute exercise plan], fulfilled,
[FR6], [Pause and resume exercise plan], fulfilled,
[FR7], [View plan execution error], fulfilled,
[FR8], [View changes in Code Editor], partial,
[FR9], [Clear chat history], fulfilled,
[FR10], [Undo changes], open,
caption: [
Status of Iris Code Editor Project
) <status>
=== Realized Goals
Several goals outlined in the functional requirements have been successfully achieved. Firstly, FR1 enables users to engage in a chat with Iris directly within the Code Editor. Building upon this, FR2 introduces a feature where Iris not only comprehends user requests but also suggests a plan of action for adapting the exercise based on the user's input, displayed within the chat window. Users can thoroughly review the proposed exercise plan, as facilitated by FR3.
Additionally, FR5 empowers users to execute the exercise plan, triggering Iris to perform actions in the specified order. The system supports user flexibility with FR6, allowing the pause and resume of the plan at any point, effectively halting or continuing Iris's actions. In case of plan execution errors (FR7), users receive prompt notifications, and the plan is automatically paused for their attention. FR8 ensures that users can readily inspect the applied changes in the Code Editor; however, it is important to note that the comparison aspect of this feature has not been fully completed. Finally, FR9 caters to user convenience by incorporating a feature that allows clearing the chat history in the chat window.
Collectively, these achievements signify the successful integration and implementation of essential features, enhancing the overall user experience within the Code Editor interface.
=== Open Goals
Considering the collaboration of two individuals in 6 months, our primary focus lies on ensuring the quality of the main feature of the project. Therefore, certain requirements have been identified as open goals within the project's scope. Specifically, FR4 involves enabling users to modify the generation plan, thereby fostering a more personalized and adaptable approach to exercise adaptation. Additionally, FR10 introduces the capability for users to undo changes made by Iris to the exercise, providing a layer of flexibility and control over the modification process. However, due to the instability of the current online Code Editor, implementing this requirement has proven to be more time-consuming than anticipated.
== Conclusion
This thesis addresses the challenge of the complex adaptation process for programming exercises within the Artemis platform. This complexity not only drains instructors' energy but also hinders the provision of adaptive programming exercises for effective learning. Leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), we enhance the adaptation process of programming exercises on the Artemis platform. By doing so, we aim to improve instructors' efficiency in adapting programming exercises and enable the platform to cater to students' diverse skill levels and learning needs.
The thesis makes a significant contribution to the academic discourse surrounding the utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs) in educational technology. Through empirical data and analysis, it offers valuable insights into the capabilities and limitations of employing LLMs for programming exercise adaptation. These findings not only enrich our understanding of LLM applications in education but also provide valuable guidance for future research endeavors in this domain.
== Future Work
In addition to the aforementioned open goals, the following steps are proposed as future enhancements for the Iris Code Editor feature.
=== Displaying Differences between Iris Changes and Original Content
Enhancing user experience and efficiency, users should have the ability to visualize the discrepancies between the changes proposed by Iris and the original content in real-time. This feature would provide users with a clearer understanding of the alterations made and guide their subsequent actions effectively.
=== Real-Time Sending of Exercise Content to LLM
To enhance the accuracy and consistency of component plans and changes, Iris should be capable of receiving real-time updates of exercise content, similar to those made by users. This ensures that Iris adapts based on the most up-to-date information, improving the alignment between user actions and Iris-generated suggestions.
=== Detailed Visualization of Response Process
Iris could offer a more detailed breakdown of its execution process to users, providing insights into the steps taken during response generation. This enhanced visualization would empower users with a deeper understanding of the mechanisms behind Iris's actions, fostering greater transparency and trust in the system.
| | | typst | #import "../template.typ": *
#show: project.with(
title: "Calculus Homework #10",
authors: ((
name: "<NAME> (#47)",
email: "<EMAIL>",
phone: "3230104585"
date: "December 2, 2023",
= P129 习题3-1 11(1)
#prob[求 $y=e^(-x) sin x$ 在 $[0,2 pi]$ 上的最大值和最小值.]
设 $y=f(x)$,有
f'(x) = -e^(-x) sin x + e^(-x) cos x = e^(-x) (cos x - sin x)
令 $f'(x) = 0$,有 $tan x = 1$,解得 $x = display(pi/4) + k pi sp (k in NN^+)$,在 $[0,2 pi]$ 上有 $x=display(pi/4)$ 和 $x=display((5 pi)/4)$ 两解.分别代入得:
f(0) = 0 quad & quad f(2pi) = e^(- 2pi) sin(2 pi) = 0\
f(pi/4) = sqrt(2)/2 e^(- pi/4) quad & quad f(2 pi) = sqrt(2)/2 e^(-(5 pi)/4)
故 $y=f(x)$ 在 $[0,2pi]$ 上的最大值为 $sqrt(2)/2 e^(- pi/4)$,最小值为 $0$.
= P129 习题3-1 11(2)
#prob[求 $y=x^4 - 8 x^2 + 3$ 在 $[-2,2]$ 上的最大值和最小值.]
设 $y=f(x)$,有
f'(x)= 4x^3 - 16 x = 4x (x-2)(x+2)
令 $f'(x) = 0$ 有 $x=-2,sp x=0,sp x=2$,分别代入得:$f(-2) = f(2) = -13$,$f(0) = 3$.
所以 $y=f(x)$ 在区间 $[-2,2]$ 上的最大值为 $3$,最小值为 $-13$.
= P160 习题3-5 1(1)
#prob[讨论 $y=3 x^2 - x^3$ 的凹凸性,并求其拐点.]
y' = 6x - 3x^2 quad quad quad y'' = 6 - 6x
所以 $y$ 在 $(-oo,1)$ 上是凹的,在 $(1,+oo)$ 上是凸的;$x=1$ 是其拐点.
= P160 习题3-5 1(4)
#prob[讨论 $y = x + x^(5/3)$ 的凹凸性,并求其拐点.]
y' = 1 + 5/3 x^(2/3) quad quad quad y'' = 10/9 x^(-1/3)
所以 $y$ 在 $(-oo,0)$ 上是凸的,在 $(0,+oo)$ 上是凹的;$x=0$ 是其拐点.
= P160 习题3-5 3
#prob[证明不等式:$ (x^n + y^n)/2 > ((x+y)/2)^n quad (x>0,sp y>0,sp x!=y,sp n>1) $]
设 $phi(x) = x^n$,则 $phi''(x) = n(n-1) x^(n-2) > 0$,所以 $phi(x)$ 在 $(0,+oo)$ 上是凹函数.根据凹函数的性质,有 $display((phi(x) + phi(y))/2) > display(phi((x+y)/2))$,即原命题得证.
= P164 习题3-6 2,3
= P186 第三章综合题 2
就 $k$ 的不同取值情况,确定下列方程实根的数目,并确定这些根所在的范围.
(1) $x^3 - 3x^2 - 9x + k = 0$.
令 $f(x) = x^3 - 3x^2 - 9x$,解原方程等价于解 $k = -f(x)$.
f'(x) = 3x^2 - 6x - 9 = 3(x+1)(x-3)
代入得 $f(-oo) = -oo,sp f(-1) = -13,sp f(3) = -27,sp f(+oo) = +oo$,且 $f(x)$ 在 $(-oo,-1)$ 和 $(3, +oo)$ 上单调递增,在 $(-1,3)$ 上单调递减.
代入 $f(x) = -13$ 解得 $x=-1$ 或 $x=7$;代入 $f(x)=-27$ 解得 $x=-5$ 或 $x=3$.
当 $k in (27,+oo)$ 时,方程有 $1$ 个根且 $x in (-oo,-5)$;
当 $k=27$ 时,方程有 $2$ 个根,分别为 $x_1=-5$ 和 $x_2 = 3$;
当 $k in (13,27)$ 时,方程有 $3$ 个根,其中 $x_1 in (-5,-1),sp x_2 in (-1,3),sp x_3 in (3,7)$;
当 $k=13$ 时,方程有 $2$ 个根,分别为 $x_1=-1$ 和 $x_2=7$;
当 $k in (-oo,13)$ 时,方程有 $1$ 个根且 $x in (7,+oo)$.
#prob[(2) $ln x = k x$.]
定义域 $x in (0,+oo)$,所以 $x != 0$,解原方程等价于解 $k = g(x) = display((ln x)/x)$.
g'(x) = (1/x dot x - ln(x))/(x^2) = (1-ln x)/(x^2)
所以 $g(x)$ 在 $(0,e)$ 上单调递增,在 $(e,+oo)$ 上单调递减.
代入得 $display(lim_(x->0^+)) g(x) = -oo,sp g(e) = display(1/e),sp g(+oo) = 0$.
当 $k in (display(1/e), +oo)$ 时,原方程无实根;
当 $k = display(1/e)$ 时,原方程恰 $1$ 个根 $x=e$;
当 $k in (0, display(1/e))$ 时,原方程有 $2$ 个根且 $x_1 in (1,e),sp x_2 in (e,+oo)$;
当 $k in (-oo, 0)$ 时,原方程有 $1$ 个根且 $x in (0,1)$.
= P186 第三章综合题 4
#prob[若 $3a^2 - 5b < 0$,证明:方程 $ x^5 + 2a x^3 + 3b x + 4c = 0$ 仅有一实根.]
= P187 第三章综合题 12
#prob[设 $f(x)$ 二阶可导,且在 $[0,a]$ 内某点取到最大值,对一切 $x in [0,a]$,都有 $|f''(x)| <= m$($m$ 为常数),证明 $|f'(0)| + |f'(a)| <= a m$.]
= P179 习题3-8 1(1)
#prob[求 $y = sin x$ 在点 $x = display(pi/2)$ 的曲率.]
k = (|y''|)/(1+y'^2)^(3/2) = (|-sin pi/2|)/((1+cos^2 pi/2)^(3/2)) = 1
= P179 习题3-8 1(2)
#prob[求 $y = e^x$ 在点 $x = x_0$ 的曲率.]
k = (|y''|)/(1+y'^2)^(3/2) = (e^(x_0))/((1+e^(2x_0))^(3/2))
= P179 习题3-8 2
#prob[问 $y=ln x$ 在哪一点的曲率最大.]
= (|y''|)/((1+y'^2)^(3/2))
= (|-1/x^2|)/((1+(1/x)^2)^(3/2))
= (1/x^2)/((1+1/x^2)^(3/2))
设 $g(u) = (u-1) u^(-3/2)$,则 $g'(u) = u^(-3/2) - 3/2 u^(-5/2)(u-1) = 3/2 u^(-5/2) - 1/2 u^(-3/2) = 1/2 u^(-5/2) (3-u)$.所以 $g(u)$ 在 $(0,3)$ 单调递增,在 $(3,+oo)$ 单调递减.即 $u=3$ 时 $g(u)$ 取最大值 $g(3) = display((2 sqrt(3))/9)$.
令 $display(1/x^2) = u-1$ 解得此时 $x=display(sqrt(2)/2)$.所以当 $x=display(sqrt(2)/2)$ 时,曲率取到最大值 $display((2 sqrt(3))/9)$.
= P179 习题3-8 3(1)
#prob[求 $x y=4$ 在点 $(2,2)$ 的曲率半径,及对应的曲率圆方程.]
在点 $x=2$,有
y = 4/x = 2 quad quad y' = -4/x^2 = -1 quad quad y'' = 8/x^3 = 1
R = (1+y'^2)^(3/2)/(|y''|) = (1+(-1)^2)^(3/2)/1 = 2 sqrt(2)
在点 $(2,2)$ 的法线方程为 $y = x$,所以曲率圆的圆心为 $(4,4)$,曲率圆的方程为
(x-4)^2 + (y-4)^2 = 8
= P179 习题3-8 3(2)
#prob[求 $y=x^3$ 在点 $(x_0,y_0)$ 的曲率半径,及对应的曲率圆方程.]
在点 $x=x_0$,有
y' = 3 x_0^2 quad quad y'' = 6 x_0
R = (1+9x_0^4)^(3/2)/(6|x_0|)
在点 $(x_0,y_0)$ 的法线方程为:
y-x_0^3 = -1/(3 x_0^2) (x-x_0)
解得圆心坐标为 $display(((x_0-9x_0^5)/2, (1+15x_0^4)/(6 x_0)))$,得到曲率圆的方程为:
(x - (x_0-9x_0^5)/2)^2 + (y - (1+15x_0^4)/(6 x_0))^2 = (1+9x_0^4)^3/(36 x_0^2)
$ |
| | | typst | MIT License | // set rules
#let set_rules(doc, user_vars) = {
set page(
paper: "a5", // a4, us-letter
height: auto,
// numbering: "1 / 1",
number-align: center, // left, center, right
margin: 1.00cm, // 1.25cm, 1.87cm, 2.5cm
fill: rgb(user_vars.color).lighten(67%),
set text(
// font: uservars.bodyfont,
size: 12pt,
hyphenate: false,
set par(
leading: 6pt,
justify: true,
// show rules
#let show_rules(doc) = {
// todo: raw text background
// show raw: it => text(fill: rgb("eff1f5"))[#it.text]
// show raw: it => box(fill: rgb("eff1f5"))[#it.text]
// initialize document style
#let share_init(doc, user_vars) = {
doc = set_rules(doc, user_vars)
doc = show_rules(doc)
#let share_header(data) = {
width: 80%,
align(left, text(24pt)[
*#eval(data.title, mode: "markup")*
// block(
// width: 80%,
// align(left, text(12pt)[
// Written by
// ])
// )
#let share_content(data, user_vars) = [
#eval(data.abstract, mode: "markup")
#for item in data.items [
+ #box(
fill: rgb(user_vars.color),
outset: (x: 1pt, y: 2pt),
radius: 2pt,
[*#eval(item.title, mode: "markup").*]
) #eval(item.description, mode: "markup")
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[ #h(1fr)],
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "@local/syntree:0.2.0": syntree
caption: "Example of a syntax tree.",
gap: 2em,
nonterminal: (fill: blue),
terminal: (style: "italic"),
"[S [NP [Det the] [Nom [Adj little] [N bear]]] [VP [VP [V saw] [NP [Det the] [Nom [Adj fine] [Adj fat] [N trout]]]] [PP [P in] [^NP the brook]]]]"
| | | typst | MIT License | #let arabic-to-assamese(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("০", "১", "২", "৩", "৪", "৫", "৬", "৭", "৮", "৯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-bengali(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("০", "১", "২", "৩", "৪", "৫", "৬", "৭", "৮", "৯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-gujarati(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("૦", "૧", "૨", "૩", "૪", "૫", "૬", "૭", "૮", "૯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-hindi(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-kannada(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("೦", "೧", "೨", "೩", "೪", "೫", "೬", "೭", "೮", "೯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-malayalam(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("൦", "൧", "൨", "൩", "൪", "൫", "൬", "൭", "൮", "൯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-marathi(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-nepali(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-odia(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("୦", "୧", "୨", "୩", "୪", "୫", "୬", "୭", "୮", "୯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-punjabi(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("੦", "੧", "੨", "੩", "੪", "੫", "੬", "੭", "੮", "੯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-tamil(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("௦", "௧", "௨", "௩", "௪", "௫", "௬", "௭", "௮", "௯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-telugu(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let indic-digits = ("౦", "౧", "౨", "౩", "౪", "౫", "౬", "౭", "౮", "౯")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-urdu(number) = {
let arabic-digits = ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
let urdu-digits = ("۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹")
let string = str(number)
return string.replace(,
#let arabic-to-indic(number, language) = {
if language == "assamese" {
return arabic-to-assamese(number)
} else if language == "bengali" {
return arabic-to-bengali(number)
} else if language == "gujarati" {
return arabic-to-gujarati(number)
} else if language == "hindi" {
return arabic-to-hindi(number)
} else if language == "kannada" {
return arabic-to-kannada(number)
} else if language == "malayalam" {
return arabic-to-malayalam(number)
} else if language == "marathi" {
return arabic-to-marathi(number)
} else if language == "nepali" {
return arabic-to-nepali(number)
} else if language == "odia" {
return arabic-to-odia(number)
} else if language == "punjabi" {
return arabic-to-punjabi(number)
} else if language == "tamil" {
return arabic-to-tamil(number)
} else if language == "telugu" {
return arabic-to-telugu(number)
} else if language == "urdu" {
return arabic-to-urdu(number)
} else {
return "Language not supported"
#let assamese-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("০", "১", "২", "৩", "৪", "৫", "৬", "৭", "৮", "৯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let bengali-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("০", "১", "২", "৩", "৪", "৫", "৬", "৭", "৮", "৯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let gujarati-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("૦", "૧", "૨", "૩", "૪", "૫", "૬", "૭", "૮", "૯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let hindi-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let kannada-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("೦", "೧", "೨", "೩", "೪", "೫", "೬", "೭", "೮", "೯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let malayalam-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("൦", "൧", "൨", "൩", "൪", "൫", "൬", "൭", "൮", "൯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let marathi-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let nepali-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let odia-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("୦", "୧", "୨", "୩", "୪", "୫", "୬", "୭", "୮", "୯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let punjabi-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("੦", "੧", "੨", "੩", "੪", "੫", "੬", "੭", "੮", "੯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let tamil-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("௦", "௧", "௨", "௩", "௪", "௫", "௬", "௭", "௮", "௯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let telugu-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("౦", "౧", "౨", "౩", "౪", "౫", "౬", "౭", "౮", "౯")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let urdu-to-arabic(number) = {
let digits = ("۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹")
let number = str(number)
return number.replace(, "0")
.replace(, "1")
.replace(, "2")
.replace(, "3")
.replace(, "4")
.replace(, "5")
.replace(, "6")
.replace(, "7")
.replace(, "8")
.replace(, "9")
#let indic-to-arabic(number) = {
if number.contains("০") or number.contains("১") or number.contains("২") or number.contains("৩") or number.contains("৪") or number.contains("৫") or number.contains("৬") or number.contains("৭") or number.contains("৮") or number.contains("৯") {
} else if number.contains("૦") or number.contains("૧") or number.contains("૨") or number.contains("૩") or number.contains("૪") or number.contains("૫") or number.contains("૬") or number.contains("૭") or number.contains("૮") or number.contains("૯") {
} else if number.contains("०") or number.contains("१") or number.contains("२") or number.contains("३") or number.contains("४") or number.contains("५") or number.contains("६") or number.contains("७") or number.contains("८") or number.contains("९") {
} else if number.contains("೦") or number.contains("೧") or number.contains("೨") or number.contains("೩") or number.contains("೪") or number.contains("೫") or number.contains("೬") or number.contains("೭") or number.contains("೮") or number.contains("೯") {
} else if number.contains("൦") or number.contains("൧") or number.contains("൨") or number.contains("൩") or number.contains("൪") or number.contains("൫") or number.contains("൬") or number.contains("൭") or number.contains("൮") or number.contains("൯") {
} else if number.contains("୦") or number.contains("୧") or number.contains("୨") or number.contains("୩") or number.contains("୪") or number.contains("୫") or number.contains("୬") or number.contains("୭") or number.contains("୮") or number.contains("୯") {
} else if number.contains("੦") or number.contains("੧") or number.contains("੨") or number.contains("੩") or number.contains("੪") or number.contains("੫") or number.contains("੬") or number.contains("੭") or number.contains("੮") or number.contains("੯") {
} else if number.contains("௦") or number.contains("௧") or number.contains("௨") or number.contains("௩") or number.contains("௪") or number.contains("௫") or number.contains("௬") or number.contains("௭") or number.contains("௮") or number.contains("௯") {
} else if number.contains("౦") or number.contains("౧") or number.contains("౨") or number.contains("౩") or number.contains("౪") or number.contains("౫") or number.contains("౬") or number.contains("౭") or number.contains("౮") or number.contains("౯") {
} else if number.contains("۰") or number.contains("۱") or number.contains("۲") or number.contains("۳") or number.contains("۴") or number.contains("۵") or number.contains("۶") or number.contains("۷") or number.contains("۸") or number.contains("۹") {
} else {
"Language not supported"
#tamil-to-arabic("௧௨௩௪௫௬௭௮௯௦") | | | typst | MIT License | // Royal Holloway, University of London Report template
// Created by <NAME> in 2024 under the MIT License.
// Modified from light-report-uia (
#let report(
title: none,
author: none,
group_name: none,
course_name: none,
unit_type: none,
report_type: none,
supervisor: none,
date: none,
location: "Egham",
references: "references.yml",
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it.supplement + [ ] + counter(heading).display(it.numbering) + [: ]
text(weight: "regular",prefix) + it.body
show heading.where(level: 2): set text(size: 16pt)
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text(10pt, author + ", " + date)
text(22pt, "Final Year Project Report")
text(14pt, unit_type + " - " + report_type, weight: "bold")
line(length: 30%)
text(25pt, weight: "bold", title)
text(18pt, group_name)
text(18pt, author)
line(length: 30%)
text(14pt, report_type + " submitted in part fulfilment of the degree of ")
text(16pt, weight: "bold")[ #course_name ]
text(18pt, "Supervisor: ", weight: "bold")
text(18pt, supervisor)
v(1fr) // to bottom
block(height: 25%, image("media/rhul.jpg", height: 75%))
text(14pt)[Department of Computer Science#linebreak()Royal Holloway, University of London]
text(12pt)[#location, #date]
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// main.typ
bibliography("template/" + references, title: "Bibliography")
| | | typst | MIT License | /*
#import "runner.typ": raw-with-eval, config
#let filled-container(inline: false, ..args) = {
let (container, unit) = if inline {
(box.with(baseline: 0.35em), 0.35em)
} else {
(block.with(breakable: false), 0.5em)
container(fill: rgb("#ddd6"), inset: unit, radius: unit, ..args)
#let _add-raw-line-numbers(it) = {
grid(columns: 2, column-gutter: 0.5em)[
#style(styles => {
let reserved = measure(text[#it.count], styles).width
box(text(fill: gray)[#it.number], width: reserved)
#let format-raw(it, line-numbers: false, ..background-kwargs) = {
show raw.line: it => if line-numbers { _add-raw-line-numbers(it) } else { it }
filled-container(it, ..background-kwargs)
#let show-only-labels(body,
labels: (),
template: none,
use-box: true,
page-size: (width: auto, height: auto),
) = {
if type(labels) == label {
labels = (labels,)
if labels.len() == 0 {
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let to-search = rest.fold(first, selector.or)
if template == none {
template = it => it
set page(, margin: 0pt)
if use-box {
box(width: 0pt, height: 0pt, clip: true, body)
} else {
context {
let outputs = query(to-search)
for output in outputs {
pagebreak(weak: true)
show: template
block(output, above: 0pt, below: 0pt, breakable: false)
#let _content-printer(typst-file, ..updated-config) = {
let __default-config = config
let showman-config = (:)
import typst-file: *
// If the file defines its own `showman-config`, use those values instead.
// This will happen automatically through the wildcard import
let showman-config = __default-config + showman-config + updated-config.named()
let show-lbls-kwargs = (:)
for key in ("template", "page-size") {
if key in showman-config {
show: show-only-labels.with(
labels: showman-config.showable-labels,, use-box: false
show raw: raw-with-eval.with(
langs: showman-config.runnable-langs,
eval-kwargs:"eval-kwargs", default: (:)),
#let template(
theme: "light",
raw-style: (block: (:), inline: (:)),
runnable-langs: ("example",),
) = {
// Formatting inline raw code
let inline-style = raw-style.remove("inline", default: (:))
let block-style = raw-style.remove("block", default: (:))
show raw: it => {
let inline = not"block", default: false)
let use-kwargs = if inline {
inline-style + raw-style
} else {
(width: 100%, ..raw-style, ..block-style)
format-raw(inline: inline, ..use-kwargs, it)
show raw: raw-with-eval.with(langs: runnable-langs, ..runnable-kwargs)
show config.output-label: format-raw.with(..block-style)
set text(font: "Linux Libertine")
// Add variables here to avoid triggering error in Pandoc 3.1.10
let _ = ""
if theme == "dark" {
set text(fill: white)
set page(fill: black)
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| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #let jogs-wasm = plugin("jogs.wasm")
/// Run a Javascript code snippet.
/// # Arguments
/// * `code` - The Javascript code string to run.
/// # Returns
/// The result of the Javascript code. The type is the typst type which most closely resembles the Javascript type.
/// # Example
/// ```typ
/// let result = eval-js("1 + 1")
/// ```
#let eval-js(code) = if type(code) == "string" {
} else {
| |计算方法B/code/hw3/hw3.typ | typst | #import "../../../template.typ": *
#show: note.with(
title: "作业3",
author: "YHTQ",
logo: none,
withOutlined : false,
withTitle : false,
withHeadingNumbering: false
= 1.
A = mat(1, 2;3, 4;5, 6) b = vec(1, 1, 1)\
A^T = mat(1, 3, 5; 2, 4, 6) \
A^T A = mat(35, #(2 + 12 + 30) ; 44, #(4 + 16 + 36))\
A^T b = vec(1 + 3 + 5, 2 + 4 + 6) = vec(9, 12)\
mat(35, 44 ; 44, 56) X = vec(9, 12)\
mat(35, 44 ; 9, 12) X = vec(9, 3)\
mat(35, 44 ; 3, 4) X = vec(9, 1)\
mat(2, 0 ; 3, 4) X = vec(-2, 1)\
mat(1, 0 ; 3, 4) X = vec(-1, 1)\
mat(1, 0 ; 0, 4) X = vec(-1, 4)\
mat(1, 0 ; 0, 1) X = vec(-1, 1)\
X = vec(-1, 1)\
= 3.
v = vec(0, alpha, 0, 0, 3, 4)\
v^T v = alpha^2 + 25
H x = (I - 2/(v^T v) v v^T)x = x - (2 v^T x)/(v^T v) v\
= x - (2 * 25)/(alpha^2 + 25)vec(0, alpha, 0, 0, 3, 4)
只要 $alpha^2 + 25 = 50 => alpha^2 = 25$,立刻有:
H x = vec(1, -alpha, 4, 6, 0, 0)
为使 $-alpha$ 为正,$alpha = - 5$ 即可
= 5.
- s x_1 + c x_2 = 0
- 若 $x_2 = 0$,则取单位矩阵即可
- 否则,有:
(r c) = (r s) (x_1 / x_2), r in RR - {0}
由于 $r c in RR$,取:
r s = overline((x_1 / x_2)), r c = norm(x_1 / x_2)^2
s = overline((x_1 / x_2))/sqrt((r s)^2 + (r c)^2), c = norm(x_1 / x_2)/sqrt((r s)^2 + (r c)^2)
= 7.
H = I - 2 v v^T, norm(v) = 1
从目标等式不难看出 $abs(alpha) = norm(x) / norm(y)$ ,并对等式进行变形:
(I - 2 v v^T) x = alpha y\
x - 2 (v^T x) v = alpha y\
x - alpha y = 2 (v^T x) v\
由于之前已经确定 $alpha$,若 $x = alpha y$ 则取 $v=0$ 即可,否则对 $x - alpha y$ 做单位化得到:
v = (x - alpha y)/norm(x - alpha y)
= 11.
假设第 $k - 1$ 轮消去了 $beta_k$ 且余下对角元均正,第 $k$ 轮我们利用子矩阵:
mat(alpha_1, rho_(k + 1);beta_(k + 1), alpha_(k + 1))
来消去 $beta_(k + 1)$,具体而言,假设:
mat(c, s;-s, c) mat(alpha_1, rho_(k + 1);beta_(k + 1), alpha_(k + 1))
- s alpha_1 + c beta_(k + 1) = 0
假设 $beta_(k + 1) = 0$ 则直接跳过,否则取:
s = beta_(k + 1)/sqrt(alpha_1^2 + beta_(k + 1)^2), c = alpha_1/sqrt(alpha_1^2 + beta_(k + 1)^2)
我们构造 Givens 变换矩阵:
H^(k + 1)_(i j) = &"match (i, j) with"\
| &(1, 1) => c\
| &(k + 1, k + 1) => c\
| &(1, k + 1) => s\
| &(k + 1, 1) => -s\
| &(x, x) => 1\
| &\_ => 0
则 $H^(k + 1) A$ 恰好消去 $A$ 第一列中的 $beta_(k + 1)$,并且不改变 $A$ 下三角部分以及已经消去的部分。为了保证 QR 分解得到的上三角矩阵对角元非负,可能需要在该轮再乘 $mat(plus.minus 1, 0;0, plus.minus 1)$
反复进行该过程即可。该算法每轮计算都是常数级的,因此总的复杂度为 $O(n)$ |
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "cv.typ": cv
| | | typst | Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | #import "/helper.typ": dilo
#dilo("<NAME> Lucie", "petr", "<NAME>", "<NAME>", "1. pol. 20. st; meziválečný realismus", "Francie", "1920", "epika", "válečná milostná novela")
#columns(2, gutter: 1em)[
Budování lásky během války
krutost a nesmyslnost války, přeměna člověka válkou, láska $times$ nenávist
Paříž; přesně 30. 1. -- Velký pátek 29. 3. 1918 (dva měsíce)
*Postavy* \
_<NAME>_ -- 18yo, z bohaté rodiny, syn váženého soudce, nechápe válku, vztah s Lucií je jeho jediná naděje\
_Lucie_ -- z chudé rodiny, žije jenom s matkou, citlivá a něžná, živí se malováním obrazů\
_Filip_ -- bratr Petra, ten k němu vzhlíží, šel do války
chronologická, bez kapitol, pouze oddělené čarou/hvězdičkami
*Vypravěč* -- er-forma
*Jazykové prostředky*\
spisovný jazyk, bohatá slovní zásoba, často dialogy, pocity popisů, filozofické otázky
Petr a Lucie se potkají v metru při panice z výstřelů. Později se znovu setkávají a zamilují se. Petr je povolán do války. To nechce, proto se zasnoubí. Na Velký pátek jdou do kostela, to je ale Paříž ostřelována, kostel je trefen a oba zahynou.
*Literárně historický kontext*\
Vydáno krátce po válce, časté téma války. realismus+naturalismus $times$ modernismus+avantgarda. Realismus objektivní, přesný, konkrétní, pro širokou veřejnost, dystopie (George Orwell). Modernismus pro úzký okruh čtenářů, o nitru člověka.
V 60. letech na Slovensku vznikl film a opera Peter a Lucia. Jinak kniha mimo Česko už nikoho nezajímá, článek na anglické Wikipedii ještě nedávno neexistoval.
V témž okamžiku se silný pilíř, o nějž se opírali, pohnul a celý kostel se do základů zachvěl. Srdce zabušilo v Lucii tak, že v ní přehlušilo rachot výbuchu a křik věřících; a nemajíc kdy se bát nebo trpět, vrhla se, aby ho jako slepice svá kuřátka zakryla vlastním tělem, vrhla se na Petra, blaženě se usmívajícího při zavřených očích. Mateřským objetím si tu drahou hlavu ze všech sil přitiskla do klína a sklonila se nad Petrem, s ústy na jeho šíji, takže byli schouleni v nepatrné klubíčko. A mohutný pilíř je naráz pohřbil pod svými sutinami.
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "font.typ" as fonts
#let shortline(
pos: left,
titlelength: 4em,
linelength: 5em,
isCN: true,
) = {
let drawbaseline(length, weight, content) = {
width: length,
stroke: (bottom: weight)
set text(
font: fonts.SongTi,
size: fonts.No4-Small
#if (title == [Available for reference]){
)[#text(size: fonts.No4-Small)[
□ Yes □ No]
#let longline(
) = {
colspan: 3,
rowspan: 3,
font: fonts.SongTi,
size: fonts.No3,
weight: "bold",
width: 6em
inset: 3pt,
width: length,
stroke: (bottom: 0.5pt),
baseline: 1pt,
#let fillwith(
) = {
if topline{
topline = 0.5pt
topline = 0pt
if baseline{
baseline = 0.5pt
baseline = 0pt
align: top + center,
colspan: width,
rowspan: height,
stroke: (
top: topline,
bottom: baseline),
#let cover(
isCN: true,
title: (
subtitle: [subtitle],
author: [author],
SID: [12012727],
department: [department],
major: [major],
advisor: [advisor],
) = {
let topline = false
let baseline = false
let columns = 3
let cover-info-CN = (
[编 号],
[U D C],
[密 级],
let cover-info-EN = (
[C L C],
[U D C],
[Available for reference],
let classes =
let Number =
let UDC =
let secret =
let date-format-CN = "[year] 年 [month] 月 [day] 日"
let date-format-EN = "Date: [month repr:long] [day], [year]"
if(not isCN){
classes =
Number =
secret =
align: auto,
columns: (auto, auto, auto),
row-gutter: 1em,
fill: blue
#if isCN{
"SUSTech LOGO CN.svg",
width: 90%
"SUSTech LOGO EN.svg",
width: 90%
font: fonts.SongTi,
size: fonts.Initial-Small,
weight: "bold",
[Undergraduate Thesis]
box(width: 8em)[
#if(isCN == true){
[Thesis Title:]
if(title.len() >= 2){
// blank long line
if(subtitle != []){
box(width: 8em)[
#if(isCN == true){
[Student Name:]
box(width: 8em)[
#if(isCN == true){
[Student ID:]
box(width: 8em)[
#if(isCN == true){
box(width: 8em)[
#if(isCN == true){
box(width: 8em)[
#if(isCN == true){
[Thesis Advisor:]
font: fonts.SongTi,
size: fonts.No3,
#cover() | | | typst | MIT License | #import "styles/page.typ": *
#import "styles/heading.typ": *
#import "styles/list.typ": *
#import "styles/raw.typ": *
#import "utils/image.typ": *
#import "utils/raw.typ": *
#import "utils/table.typ": *
#import "utils/toc.typ": *
#let g732-2017(content) = {
show: style_page();
show: style_heading();
show: style_list();
show: style_raw();
#let гост732-2017(content) = {g732-2017(content)} | | | typst | MIT License | #import "../../functions.typ": glossary
=== Tredicesimo #glossary[sprint]
*Inizio*: Venerdì 15/03/2024
*Fine*: Giovedì 21/03/2024
*Obiettivi dello #glossary[sprint]*:
- Proseguire la stesura del _Piano di Progetto_:
- Aggiornare pianificazione e preventivo pertinenti allo #glossary[sprint] 13 e inserire il consuntivo pertinente allo #glossary[sprint] 12;
- Aggiornare ed aggiungere rispettivamente per gli #glossary[sprint] 14 e 15, pianificazione e preventivo;
- Realizzazione della #glossary[dashboard] dei dati grezzi e della #glossary[dashboard] relativa ai dati superanti le soglie in #glossary[Grafana]\;
- Eventuali correzioni alla _Specifica Tecnica_ individuate dal Professor Cardin;
- Applicare eventuali correzioni al prodotto segnalate dalla Proponente;
- Completare la prima stesura del documento _Manuale Utente_.
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #import "mod.typ": *
#show: book-page.with(title: "Exporting Documents")
You can export your documents to various formats using the `export` feature.
== Export from Query Result
=== Hello World Example (VSCode Tasks)
You can export the result of a query as text using the `export` command.
Given a code:
#println("Hello World!")
#println("Hello World! Again...")
LSP should export the result of the query as text with the following content:
Hello World!
Hello World! Again...
This requires the following configuration in your `tasks.json` file:
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Query as Text",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "query",
"query.format": "txt",
"query.outputExtension": "out",
"query.field": "value",
"query.selector": "<print-effect>",
"": true
See the #link("")[Sample Workspace: print-state] for more details.
=== Pdfpc Example (VSCode Tasks)
A more practical example is exporting the result of a query as a pdfpc file. You can use the following configuration in your `tasks.json` file to export the result of a query as a pdfpc file, which is adapted by #link("")[Touying Slides].
"label": "Query as Pdfpc",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "query",
"query.format": "json",
"query.outputExtension": "pdfpc",
"query.selector": "<pdfpc-file>",
"query.field": "value",
"": true
To simplify configuration,
"label": "Query as Pdfpc",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "pdfpc"
== VSCode: Task Configuration
You can configure tasks in your `tasks.json` file to "persist" the arguments for exporting documents.
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"label": "Export as Html",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "html"
"label": "Export as Markdown",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "markdown"
"label": "Export as Plain Text",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "html"
"label": "Export as SVG",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "svg",
"merged": true
"label": "Export as PNG",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "png",
// Default fill is white, but you can set it to transparent.
"fill": "#00000000",
"merged": true
"label": "Query as Pdfpc",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
"format": "pdfpc"
"label": "Export as PNG and SVG",
"type": "typst",
"command": "export",
"export": {
// You can export multiple formats at once.
"format": ["png", "svg"],
// To make a visual effect, we set an obvious low resolution.
// For a nice result, you should set a higher resolution like 288.
"png.ppi": 24,
"merged": true,
// To make a visual effect, we set an obvious huge gap.
// For a nice result, you should set a smaller gap like 10pt.
"": "100pt"
#let packages = json("/editors/vscode/package.json")
*todo: documenting export options.*
#raw(lang: "json", json.encode(packages.contributes.taskDefinitions, pretty: true), block: true)
After configuring the tasks, you can run them using the command palette.
+ Press `Ctrl+Shift+P` to open the command palette.
+ Type `Run Task` and select the task you want to run.
+ Select the task you want to run.
== Neovim: Export Commands
You can call the following export commands.
- `tinymist.exportSvg`
- `tinymist.exportPng`
- `tinymist.exportPdf`
- `tinymist.exportHtml`
- `tinymist.exportMarkdown`
- `tinymist.exportText`
- `tinymist.exportQuery`
The first argument is the path to the file you want to export and the second argument is an object containing additional options.
| | | typst | Other | #import "/template/template.typ": web-page-template
#import "/template/components.typ": note
#import "/lib/glossary.typ": tr
#show: web-page-template
// ## Decompiling a font
== 反编译字体文件
// We talked near the start of the chapter about how we could take our textual feature rules and compile them into a font. What about going the other way? Sometimes it's useful, when examining how other people have solved particular layout problems, to turn a font back into a set of layout instructions. There are a variety of ways we can do this.
// One is a script using the FontTools library we mentioned in the previous chapter to decompile the `GPOS` and `GSUB` tables back into feature language such as Lasse Fisker's [ft2fea]( My own script is called `otf2fea`, and can be installed by installing the `fontFeatures` Python library (`pip install fontFeatures`).
其中一种是基于我们上一章提到的 `fontTools` 程序库的脚本,比如Lasse Fisker编写的`ft2fea`@Fisker.MirzaFt2fea。我自己也有一个脚本叫`otf2fea`,它可以通过`fontFeatures`这个Python包进行安装。(`pip install fontFeatures`)
// XXX But while these worked nicely for more complex font files, neither of them worked on our simple test font, so instead, I went with the absolute easiest way - when exporting a file, Glyphs writes out a feature file and passes it to AFDKO to compile the features. Thankfully, it leaves these files sitting around afterwards, and so in `Library/Application Support/Glyphs/Temp/TTXTest-Regular/features.fea`, I find the following:
但是,虽然这些脚本对于很复杂的字体都工作的很好,但它们都无法处理我们这个简单的测试用字体。所以我就换了一个绝对是最简单的方式。当 Glyphs 导出字体文件时,它会先生成一份特性代码文件,然后使用 `AFDKO` 工具编译。而且幸运的是,编译完成后这些文件会被留下,路径是`Library/Application Support/Glyphs/Temp/TTXTest-Regular/features.fea`。下面是它的内容:
table OS/2 {
TypoAscender 800;
TypoDescender -200;
TypoLineGap 200;
winAscent 1000;
winDescent 200;
WeightClass 400;
WidthClass 5;
WidthClass 5;
FSType 8;
XHeight 500;
CapHeight 700;
} OS/2;
# ...
// Oh, it turns out that as well as specifying `GPOS` and `GSUB` features, the feature file is also used by font editors to get metrics and other information into the OpenType tables. But let's look down at the bottom of the file:
feature kern {
lookup kern1_latin {
lookupflag IgnoreMarks;
pos A B -50;
} kern1_latin;
} kern;
// And here it is - our `kern` feature. This is precisely equivalent to the horrible piece of XML above.
看,这就是我们的`kern`特性。这和我们之前展示的那一大堆可怕的 XML 完全等价。
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "./minienvs.typ": minienvs, envlabel
#show: minienvs
#set par(justify: true)
#show "~": $tilde.op$
#let KL = math.op("KL")
#let dist = math.upright("d")
= My heading
/ Theorem (Ville's inequality):
Let $X_0, ...$ be a non-negative supermartingale. Then, for any real number $a > 0$,
$ PP[sup_(n>=0) X_n >= a] <= EE[X_0]/a. $
Let us now prove it:
/ Proof:
Consider the stopping time $N = inf {t >= 1 : X_t >= a}$.
By the optional stopping theorem and the supermartingale convergence theorem, we have that
EE[X_0] >= EE[X_N]
&= EE[X_N | N < oo] PP[N < oo] + EE[X_oo | N = oo] PP[N = oo] \
&>= EE[X_N | N < oo] PP[N < oo]
= EE[X_N/a | N < oo] a PP[N < oo]. \
And, therefore,
$ PP[N < oo] <= EE[X_0] \/ a EE[X_N/a | N < oo] <= EE[X_0] \/ a. $
/ Lemma (Donsker and Varadhan's variational formula) #envlabel(<change-of-measure>):
For any measureable, bounded function $h : Theta -> RR$ we have:
$ log EE_(theta ~ pi)[exp h(theta)] = sup_(rho in cal(P)(Theta)) [ EE_(theta~rho)[h(theta)] - KL(rho || pi) ]. $
As we will see, @change-of-measure is a fundamental building block of PAC-Bayes bounds.
Hello World!
/ Definition (metric space):
A metric space $(X, dist_X)$ is a set $X$ along with a metric $dist_X : X times X -> RR$ satisfying, for all $x, y, z in X$:
1. *Positivity:* $dist_X (x, y) >= 0$, with $dist_X (x, y) = 0 <==> x = y$
2. *Symmetry:* $dist_X (x, y) = dist_X (y, x)$
3. *Triangle inequality:* $dist_X (x, z) <= dist_X (x, y) + dist_X (y, z)$
/ Example:
Consider the set $RR$ with $dist_RR (x, y) = abs(x - y)$. $(RR, dist_RR)$ is a metric space:
1. Positivity: $dist_RR (x, y) = abs(x - y) >= 0$; $abs(x - y) = 0 <==> x = y$
2. Symmetry: $dist_RR (x, y) = abs(x - y) = abs(-(y - x)) = abs(y - x) = dist_RR (y, x)$
3. Triangle inequality: $ dist_RR (x, z) = abs(x - z) = abs(x - z + y - y) = abs((x - y) - (z - y)) <= abs(x - y) + abs(z - y) = dist_RR (x, y) + dist_RR (y, z). $
/ Definition (Cauchy sequence):
/ Theorem:
/ Theorem #envlabel(<theorem-a>):
/ Proof:
/ Proof:
foo bar
/ Proof (of @theorem-a):
| | | typst |
#import "../template.typ": *
image("../images/TU Logo.svg",height: 19%)
#align(center, text(16pt)[
*Tribhuvan University \
Institute of Science and Technology \ \
National College of Computer Studies \
Paknajol, Kathmandu, Nepal* \ \
#align(center, text(14pt)[
*An Internship Report \
On \
"DevOps Engineer " \
At \
F1Soft International Pvt. Ltd.*
#align(center, text(14pt)[
*Submitted by \
#person[<NAME> (T.U. Exam Roll No. 24256/076)]* \
#align(center, text(14pt)[
*An Internship Report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Information Technology \
(BSc.CSIT) 8th Semester of Tribhuvan University, Nepal*
\ \
*June, 2024*
#pagebreak() |
| | | markdown | # `typst-preprocess`
A tool for processing [prequery]( data in Typst documents.
## TODOs
This is just a selection of soon-to-be-relevant things; almost nothing is currently working
- proper logging of job progress
- proper error types
- good configuration error handling with spans etc.
- deduplication of resources to download
- document that all resource paths are relative to the root, not to the file the prequery appeared in
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
#show: test-page
// Test spacing collapsing with different font sizes.
#grid(columns: 2)[
#text(size: 12pt, block(below: 1em)[A])
#text(size: 8pt, block(above: 1em)[B])
#text(size: 12pt, block(below: 1em)[A])
#text(size: 8pt, block(above: 1.25em)[B])
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #let data = (
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #let make-venue = {
box(rect(fill: luma(140), inset: 10pt, height: 2.5cm)[
#set text(font: "TeX Gyre Pagella", fill: white, weight: 700, size: 20pt)
set text(22pt, font: "TeX Gyre Heros")
box(pad(left: 10pt, bottom: 10pt, [PHYSICS]))
#let template(
title: [],
authors: (),
date: [],
doi: "",
keywords: (),
abstract: [],
) = {
set page(
paper: "a4",
margin: (top: 1.9cm, bottom: 1in, x: 1.6cm),
set text(10pt, font: "TeX Gyre Pagella")
set list(indent: 8pt)
// show link: set text(underline: false)
show heading: set text(size: 11pt)
show heading.where(level: 1): set text(font: "TeX Gyre Heros", fill: rgb("004b71"), size: 12pt)
show heading: set block(below: 8pt)
show heading.where(level: 1): set block(below: 12pt)
place(top, dy: -1.9cm, make-venue)
strong(text(24pt, font: "TeX Gyre Heros", fill: rgb("004b71"), title))
text(12pt, font: "TeX Gyre Heros",
authors.enumerate().map(((i, author)) => + [ ] + super[#(i+1)]).join(", "))
for (i, author) in authors.enumerate() [
#set text(8pt)
#link("mailto:" + author.mail) \
set text(10pt)
set par(justify: true)
= Abstract
#text(font: "<NAME>", abstract)
*Keywords:* #{keywords.join("; ")}
show figure: align.with(center)
show figure: set text(8pt)
show figure.caption: pad.with(x: 10%)
show: columns.with(2)
} | | | markdown | # Démo Git typst
### NOM : XXX
### Prénom : YYY
### Groupe de TP :
- [ ] A
- [x] B
- [ ] C
| | | typst | MIT License | //==============================================================================
// Linear congruential generator
// The period of this generator is 2^31.
// The generator is not very good -- the low bits of successive numbers
// are correlated.
// Get a new random integer from [0, 2^31) by update state
#let lcg-get(st) = {
return (st * 1103515245 + 12345).bit-and(0x7FFFFFFF)
// Get a new random float from [0, 1) by update state
#let lcg-get-float(st) = {
st = lcg-get(st)
return (st, st / 2147483648.0)
// Construct a new random number generator with a seed
#let lcg-set(seed) = {
return seed.bit-and(0xFFFFFFFF)
| | | typst | #import "momotalk.typ": chat, msgbox, messages
#import "characters.typ" : *
#show: doc => chat(doc)
== 单个消息框演示
类似于 Markdown,空一行即表示分段。
也可以用 \ 来强制换行。
#msgbox(direction: "right")[测试文本(右侧)]
#msgbox(direction: "none")[测试文本(无)]
类似于 Markdown,空一行即表示分段。
也可以用 \ 来强制换行。
#msgbox[测试图片 width=110pt #image("examples/azusa.jpg", width: 110pt)]
#msgbox[\#msgbox 支持任意 Typst 支持的内容,例如:]
== 图片
#image("examples/azusa.jpg", width: 110pt)]
== 公式
$a + b = c$
$v := vec(x_1, x_2, x_3)$
$ 7.32 beta +
(Q_i (a_i - epsilon)) / 2 $
== 多个消息演示
("测试内容 第一行", "测试内容 第二行", emoji.face)
| | | typst | #import "@preview/tablex:0.0.6": tablex
#import "@preview/big-todo:0.2.0": todo as TODO
#let custom-block(
) = {
set align(start)
inset: 8pt,
stroke: black,
width: 100%,
spacing: 0pt,
breakable: true,
#let longtable(
title: "",
titles: (),
caption: "",
) = {
set par(first-line-indent: 0pt)
gap: 1.5em,
kind: table,
caption: if caption != "" {
} else {
if titles.len() == 0 {
} else {
#if titles.len() == 0 {
weight: "bold",
#for i in range(
) {
if titles.len() > 0 {
weight: "bold",,
#let parameter-table(
caption: "",
) = {
if caption == "" {
caption = items.pos().first()
titles: (
"Parametra nosaukums",
"Parametra identifikators",
"Parametra apraksts",
"Parametra prasības",
"Parametra piemērs (/-i)",
caption: caption,
#let procedure-table(
caption: "",
) = {
if caption == "" {
caption = items.pos().first()
titles: (
"Procedūras nosaukums",
"Procedūras identifikators",
"Procedūras apraksts",
caption: caption,
#let function-table(
caption: "",
) = {
if caption == "" {
caption = items.pos().first()
titles: (
"Funkcijas nosaukums",
"Funkcijas identifikators",
caption: caption,
#let entity-table-row(
) = {
block: false,
block: false,
#let entity-table(
caption: "",
id: (),
) = {
if id == () {
id = (
"primary key, not null",
"Unikālais identifikators",
caption: caption,
kind: table,
columns: (4cm, 3cm, auto, auto),
repeat-header: true,
/* Header */
[*Lauks*], [*Datu tips*], [*Lauka atribūti*], [*Apraksts*],
..entity-table-row(, // id row
..for i in range(items.pos().len(), step:4){
entity-table-row(..items.pos().slice(i, i+4))
#let todo(
) = {
inline: true,
big_text: 14pt,
small_text: 12pt,
#let hyperlink-source(
) = {
if link_str == "" {
[#author #title Aplūkots #date.display("[day].[month].[year]")]
} else {
[#author #title Pieejams: #link(link_str) aplūkots #date.display("[day].[month].[year]")]
| | | typst | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | #import "../Metodi_defs.typ": *
Sia $p in ZZ$, con $p gt.eq 2$. Il numero intero $p$ si dice
*primo* se, per qualsiasi $a, b in ZZ$, $p | a b$ implica $p
| a$ oppure $p | b$. Un numero intero non primo viene
detto *numero composto*.
Il numero intero $p$ con $p gt.eq 2$ viene detto *irriducibile* se
i suoi divisori sono solo e soltanto $plus.minus p$ e $plus.minus
1$. In altre parole, se vale $a | p$ con $a in ZZ$, allora $a =
plus.minus p$ oppure $a = plus.minus 1$. Un numero intero non
irriducibile viene detto *riducibile*.
Il numero $p in ZZ$, con $p gt.eq 2$ é primo se e solo se é
irriducibile (ovvero, le due definizioni sono equivalenti).
- Si supponga che $p$ sia un numero primo. Sia $a in ZZ$ un
divisore di $p$, la cui esistenza é garantita per definizione.
Deve allora esistere un certo $b in ZZ$ tale per cui $p =
a b$; avendosi $p | p$ per qualsiasi numero intero, si ha $p
| a b$. Essendo $p$ un numero primo, per definizione deve aversi
$p | a$ oppure $p | b$:
- Se $p | a$, allora $p = plus.minus a$, perché avendo scelto $a$
come divisore di $p$ si ha sia $a | p$ che $p | a$;
- Se $p | b$, allora deve esistere un certo $c in ZZ$ tale per
cui $b = p c$. Ma per ipotesi $p = a b$, pertanto $p = a (p c)$,
ovvero $plus.minus 1 = a c$, da cui si ha $a = plus.minus 1$.
In entrambi i casi, $p$ risponde alla definizione di numero
- Si supponga che $p$ sia un numero irriducibile. Siano allora $a, b
in ZZ$ tali per cui $p | a b$; deve allora esistere un certo
$q in ZZ$ tale per cui $a b = p q$. Sia $d = "MCD"(a, b)$: per
definizione, $d | p$. Essendo $p$ un numero irriducibile, deve
aversi o $d = p$ oppure $d = 1$:
- Se $d = p$, allora $p$ é uno dei divisori di $a$, e quindi $p | a$;
- Se $d = 1$, allora esistono due numeri interi $x$ e $y$ tali per cui
é valida l'identitá di Bézout, ovvero $1 = a x + p y$. Moltiplicando
tale identitá per $b$, si ha $b = a b x + p b y$, da cui si deduce
$p | b$.
In entrambi i casi, $p$ risponde alla definizione di numero primo.
#lemma("Lemma di Euclide")[
Sia $p$ un numero primo. Se $p$ é il divisore del prodotto di
$n gt.eq 2$ numeri interi, allora $p$ é divisore di almeno uno
dei fattori.
] <Euclid-lemma>
Si applichi il principio di induzione su $n$. Se $n = 2$, si ha $p | a b$
con $a, b in ZZ$, e per definizione $p | a$ oppure $p | b$.
Si supponga che la proposizione sia vera per $n$, ovvero che $p$ sia
il divisore di almeno uno dei fattori del prodotto $a_(1) dot a_(2)
dot ... dot a_(n)$, con $a_(1), ..., a_(n) in ZZ$ sapendo che
é divisore del prodotto stesso. Si dimostri pertanto che $p$ sia il
divisore di almeno uno dei fattori del prodotto $a_(1) dot a_(2)
dot ... dot a_(n + 1)$ sapendo che vale $p | (a_(1) dot ...
dot a_(n + 1))$. Sia $b = a_(1) dot a_(2) dot ... dot a_(n)$:
é possibile allora scrivere $p | b dot a_(n + 1)$. Si ha quindi $p |
a_(n + 1)$ oppure $p | b$: se vale $p | a_(n + 1)$ il lemma é provato
immediatamente, mentre se vale $p | b$ allora $p$ divide almeno uno
dei fattori di $b$ per l'ipotesi induttiva, ed il lemma é provato
Si dice che un numero naturale viene *fattorizzato in numeri primi*
quando tale numero viene scritto come prodotto di soli numeri primi
(non necessariamente distinti). In genere, una fattorizzazione viene
espressa raccogliendo a fattor comune i numeri primi per mettere in
evidenza la loro molteplicitá.
Il numero $386672$ puó venire riscritto come $11 dot 13 dot 13 dot
13 dot 2 dot 2 dot 2 dot 2$. Questa é una fattorizzazione in numeri
primi, perché 11, 13 e 2 sono numeri primi. Tale fattorizzazione
viene in genere scritta come $11 dot 13^(3) dot 2^(4)$.
#theorem("Teorema fondamentale dell'aritmetica")[
Per ogni numero $n in NN$ tale che $n gt.eq 2$ esiste uno ed
un solo modo per fattorizzarlo in numeri primi (a meno dell'ordine
in cui si dispongono i fattori).
] <Fundamental-Arithmetic>
Per provare l'esistenza della fattorizzazione in numeri primi di $n$,
si proceda per induzione forte su $n$. Sia $P(n)$ la proposizione
_esiste una fattorizzazione in numeri primi per il numero_ $n$, con
$n_(0) = 2$.
La proposizione $P(n_(0))$ é verificata, perché 2 é un numero primo
ed é quindi fattorizzabile in numeri primi. Si consideri pertanto
la validitá della proposizione $P(n)$ assumendo che questa sia valida
per tutti gli $m$ tali per cui $2 lt.eq m < n$. Se $n$ é un numero primo,
allora $P(n)$ é verificata immediatamente; se invece é un numero composto,
allora sará certamente scrivibile come prodotto di due interi, siano
questi $a$ e $b$. Si ha allora $n = a b$, con $2 lt.eq a$ e $b < n$.
Essendo sia $a$ che $b$ minori di $n$, vale per questi l'ipotesi
induttiva, ed esiste quindi una fattorizzazione in numeri primi
sia per $a$ che per $b$, siano queste rispettivamente $a_(1) dot ...
dot a_(h)$ e $b_(1) dot ... dot b_(k)$. É allora possibile fattorizzare
$n$ in numeri primi come $(a_(1) dot ... dot a_(h)) dot (b_(1) dot ...
dot b_(k))$, pertanto (almeno) una fattorizzazione in numeri primi per
$n$ esiste.
Per provare l'unicitá della fattorizzazione in numeri primi di $n$,
si proceda nuovamente per induzione forte su $n$. Sia $P(n)$ la
proposizione _esiste una sola fattorizzazione in numeri primi per
il numero_ $n$, con $n_(0) = 2$. La proposizione $P(n_(0))$ é verificata,
perché 2 é un numero primo ed é quindi fattorizzabile in numeri primi in
un solo modo (sé stesso). Si dimostri quindi che esista un solo modo per
fattorizzare in numeri primi $n$ assumendo che esista un solo modo per
fattorizzare tutti gli $m$ con $0 lt.eq m < n$. Dato che almeno una
fattorizzazione in numeri primi per $n$ esiste, si supponga $n = p_(1)
p_(2) ... p_(s) = q_(1) q_(2) ... q_(t)$, dove ciascun $p_(i)$ con $1
lt.eq i lt.eq s$ e ciascun $q_(j)$ con $1 lt.eq j lt.eq t$ é un numero
primo (non necessariamente distinto dagli altri). Si vuole dimostrare
sia che $s = t$, ovvero che entrambe le fattorizzazioni sono costituite
dallo stesso numero di elementi, sia che ogni $p_(i)$ ha un $q_(j)$ al
quale é equivalente, e che quindi le due fattorizzazioni sono equivalenti
membro a membro. Poiché $p_(1) | p_(1), p_(2), ..., p_(s)$ si ha che
$p_(1) | q_(1) q_(2) ... q_(t)$, e dunque esiste almeno un $j$ con $1
lt.eq j lt.eq t$ per il quale vale $p_(1) | q_(j)$. Senza perdita di
generalitá, é possibile assumere che il $j$ in questione sia 1
(eventualmente, é sufficiente riordinare i fattori $q_(1), ..., q_(t)$
per fare in modo che sia cosí), ed é quindi possibile assumere che valga
$p_(1) | q_(1)$. Essendo peró entrambi numeri primi, se ne deduce che
$p_(1) = q_(1)$. Ma allora:
$ n = p_(1) p_(2) ... p_(s) = q_(1) q_(2) ... q_(t) =>
cancel(p_(1)) p_(2) ... p_(s) = cancel(p_(1)) q_(2) ... q_(t) =>
p_(2) ... p_(s) = q_(2) ... q_(t) $
Che essendo necessariamente entrambe minori di $n$, vale per queste
l'ipotesi induttiva.
Per calcolare la (univoca) fattorizzazione di un numero primo occorre
trovare un numero primo qualsiasi che ne sia un divisore e ripetere
il procedimento sul risultato di tale divisione fintanto che é possibile
procedere, ovvero fintanto che tale risultato sia diverso da 1.
#set math.mat(delim: none)
$ mat(
13796146 div 13 &= 1061242;
1061242 div 13 &= 81634;
81634 div 17 &= 4802;
4802 div 7 &= 686;
686 div 7 &= 98;
98 div 7 &= 14;
14 div 7 &= 2;
2 div 2 &= 1;
) $
#theorem("Teorema di Euclide sui numeri primi")[
Esistono infiniti numeri primi.
Si supponga per assurdo che questo non sia vero, e che i numeri
primi siano quindi un insieme finito: sia tale insieme ${p_(1),
p_(2), ..., p_(k)}$. Sia $M = 1 + (p_(1) dot p_(2) dot ... dot
p_(k))$: essendo 2 il numero primo piú piccolo, si avrá certamente
$M gt.eq 2$. Essendo poi l'insieme $ZZ$ chiuso rispetto al prodotto
e alla somma, si ha $M in ZZ$. Sono allora valide le ipotesi del
@Fundamental-Arithmetic, ed esiste quindi una ed una sola fattorizzazione
in numeri primi per $M$. Se tale fattorizzazione esiste, allora ciascun
elemento $p_(i)$ di tale fattorizzazione deve esserne anche un divisore.
Questo peró non é possibile, perché se si avesse $p_(i) | M$ per un
qualsiasi $1 lt.eq i lt.eq k$ allora si avrebbe anche $p_(i) | 1 =
M - (p_(1) dot p_(2) dot ... dot p_(k))$, e non esiste alcun numero
che sia divisore di 1. Occorre pertanto assumere che i numeri primi
siano infiniti.
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 |
#import "/contrib/templates/std-tests/preset.typ": *
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// Counter update in the first region.
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Counter update.
#block(breakable: true, stroke: 1pt, inset: 0.5cm)[
#rect(height: 2cm, fill: gray)
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #import "@preview/moderncv:0.1.0": project, cvcol, cventry
#show: project.with(
title: "Master Frobnicator",
author: "<NAME>",
github: "johndoe1337",
phone: "+01 234 56 7890",
email: "<EMAIL>"
// Type here
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catppuccin: rgb("#8a5cf5"),
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#let setAccentColor(awesomeColors, metadata) = {
let param = metadata.layout.awesome_color
return if type(param) == color {
} else {
| | | typst | #set heading(numbering: "1.")
= Introduction
== Terminology
- Phoneme: The smallest unit of sound in a language that can distinguish one word from another. For example, the words "bat" and "pat" differ by one phoneme.
- Spectrogram: A visual representation of the spectrum of frequencies in a sound signal as they vary over time, often used in analyzing speech and audio signals.
- Prosody: The patterns of rhythm, stress, and intonation in speech, which contribute to the emotional and contextual meaning.
- Timbre: The quality or color of a sound that makes it distinguishable from others, even if they have the same pitch and loudness. It is often what helps us recognize different instruments or voices.
- Tokens: In natural language processing, tokens are the smallest units of text (like words or subwords) that a model uses for processing.
- FFT: An algorithm that efficiently computes the Fourier transform, converting a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain.
- STFT: A Fourier-related transform used to determine the sinusoidal frequency and phase content of local sections of a signal as it changes over time.
- Vocoder: A technology used in speech synthesis and audio processing that converts between a representation of speech and an audio signal, often by separating the vocal signal into features like pitch and timbre.
- Codec: A device or program that compresses and decompresses digital audio data, used to reduce the file size or transmit audio data efficiently.
== Text to Speech
Text-to-speech (TTS) is a fundamental task in speech technology that aims to convert written text into natural sounding speech. Formally, TTS can be defined as a function $f$ that maps a sequence of inputs $T = {t_1, t_2, ..., t_n}$ to a sequence of acoustic features $A={a_1, a_2, ..., a_m}$.
f: T -> A
where $t_i$ represents individual textual units which could be characters, phonemes, words, or tokens. $a_j$ represents acoustic features, which could be mel-spectograms, linear spectrograms or waveform samples.
TTS is well known as as the more challenging - inverse task of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). The reason for this is because TTS, or rather $f$ is a fundamentally one-to-many problem, i.e. for the same input $T$, there exists many linguistically "correct" $A$'s. More explicitly, the same sentence can be expressed verbally in a large, and arguably infinite number of ways due to differences in slang, accents, style, pace, and prosody that is unique to a human speaker.
caption: [Factors for the one-to-many nature of TTS],
kind: table,
#show table.cell.where(y: 0): strong
stroke: none,
columns: 2,
table.hline(start: 0, stroke: 1pt),
[Factor], [Description],
table.hline(start: 0, stroke: 1pt),
[Prosody], [Variations in intonation, stress, rhythm],
[Timbre & Speaker Characteristics], [Voice qualities, speaking styles, accents],
[Contextual Ambiguity], [Certain words can have multiple valid pronounciations, eg: "read" depending on present or past tense],
table.hline(start: 0, stroke: 1pt),
Adjusting @eq-tts-1, we reformulate $f$ as:
f: T -> {A_1, A_2, ..., A_k}
where $A_i$ now represents the set of valid acoustic realizations.
== Implications on Training Data
Typically, a large amount of high quality, diverse voices is required in order to train a speech
model that can accurately capture the various possible realizations. These datasets are notably expensive and time consuming to aquire, with many requiring proprietary licensing or royalties paid to the original speakers.
On the other hand, thanks to efforts by organization such as *Librivox*, volunteer readers and the research community at large, there are also notable high quality, openly available text $<=>$ speech datasets suitable for both ASR and TTS under public licenses.
caption: [Popular open source TTS datasets],
kind: table,
#set text(size: 10.5pt)
#show table.cell.where(y: 0): strong
columns: 5,
[Name], [Type], [Languages], [Total Duration], [Multi Speaker?],
[`lj_speech` @ljspeech17], [Audiobook], [`en`], [23h 55m], [No],
[`LibriSpeech` @7178964], [Audiobook], [`en`], [$approx$ 1000h], [Yes],
[MLS @Pratap2020MLSAL],
[$approx$ 44.5hr `en` #linebreak() 6hr others],
[`VCTK` @Veaux2017CSTRVC], [Crowdsource, #linebreak()Volunteers], [`en`], [$approx$ 44h], [Yes],
[`GigaSpeech` @GigaSpeech2021],
[Audiobook, #linebreak()Podcasts,#linebreak()Youtube],
[$approx$ 10,000h],
[Emilia @emilia],
[In the wild],
[$approx$ 46,000hr `en`#linebreak()50,000hr `zh`#linebreak() 5000hr others],
The recent success of billion parameter large autoregressive transformer decoders has shined a new light on the possibilities of performance gains that comes with scaling, which the necessitates far larger datasets. Inspiration can be taken from these large language models, which are trained on nearly all contents on the internet.
Datasets of this class have been begining to emerge, such as Emilia @emilia, where noisy data found in the wild (arbitrary sources on the web) are cleaned and annotated for training. The authors released a roughly 100 thousand hour dataset, along with the pipeline used to pre-process the data. This shows that progress in TTS is jointly accelerated by advancements in orthogonal fields such as ASR.
Secondly, the datasets presented in @tab-tts-datasets also are primary English and Chinese. Availability of high quality recordings for low resource languages remain an issue.
== Implications on Evaluation Techniques
=== Comparison to Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)
In ASR, evaluating a model $g$ would be as simple as formulating an objective function that quantifies the disparity between the predicted text sequence $hat(T)$ and the ground truth $T$:
E_"ASR" = d(T, hat(T))
where $d$ is typically a string distance metric like Word Error Rate (WER) or Character Error Rate (CER).
In contrast, TTS evaluations lack a straightforward objective function due to the one-to-many nature. For instance, let the set of all possible acoustic realizations be $bold(A) = {A_i}_"i=0"^k$ such that
E_"TTS" = d(bold(A), hat(A))
where in this case, $d$ could be a the average L1 or L2 loss between the mel-spectrogram representation of each $(A_i, hat(A))$ pair, i.e. spectral loss.
However, coming up with the set $bold(A)$ in the first place is intractable because $k$ is unbounded.
=== Metric Dimensionality
ASR primarily focuses on transcription accuracy which can be captured by a single dimensional metric. However, TTS evaluation must consider multiple dimensions. In particular:
1. Intelligibility - how clear is the speech and how easy is it to understand
2. Naturalness - how close does it sound to human speech
3. Speaker similarity - degree of similarity of timbre compared to a reference voices in a multi-speaker system
4. Prosody - the appropriateness of intonation, stress and rythym.
=== Subjectivity
WER or CER is a metric that can be computed automatically and objectively. While some objectives metrics exist for TTS such as the Mel Cepstral Distortion, they often correlate poorly with human perception @vasilijevic2011perceptual. As a result, TTS evaluation relies heavily on subjective human judgements, typically in the form of Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) listening tests.
These tests typically involve human evaluators to rate the perceived "quality" of a speech sample on a Likert scale ie. 1 to 5, where higher is better. The resulting metrics can then be scrutinized by paired sample t-tests to check for statistical significance that a particular system is better than another.
Quality in this case can be defined by one or more dimension such as naturalness and intelligibility as mentioned above. Often, researchers tend to make different choices on which dimensions are chosen for evaluation.
In addition, the experimental setup for conducting these tests also vary from formal setups, such as in an controlled lab environments to online crowdsourced efforts such as by using Amazon's Mechanical Turk. This approach is commonly used even in evaluating frontier level TTS architectures such as StyleTTS 2 @li2023styletts2humanleveltexttospeech.
Often times, the latter approach is practically unavoidable due to the need for a large number of participants, time constraints and geographical constraints, such as when there is a limited number of available native speaking evaluators for a low-resource language @wells2024experimental.
This variation poses a challenge as it puts the validity of such test results into scrutiny. Additionally, comparing results for the same dimension such as naturalness across tests with fundamentally different setups can be brought into question @kirkland2023stuck, @chiang2023reportdetailssubjectiveevaluation.
Finally, variance in listener perception due to factors such as in @moore2013introduction:
- Cultural and linguistic background
- Attention and cognitive load
- Environmental factors such as noise and other acoustic conditions
- Proficiency in target languages
- Listening devices
means that for the same sample $x$, the set of ratings $hat(r)_i(x)$ where $i$ refers to the listener ID, may take any value in ${1,2,3,4,5}$. To prescribe MOS as a meaningful metric for evaluation, there is a need to ensure that the pool of listeners $n$ is large enough such that we can confidently assume the sample mean, i.e. $1/n sum_i^n hat(r_i)(x) -> r_i$ will converge to the population mean. For example, recent studies such as @wester15c_interspeech suggests a minimum of $n >= 30$ participants, including a 30 minute test coverage per participant in order to obtain statistical significant results.
== Motivations and Background
The proliferation of Text-to-Speech (TTS) technologies across diverse sectors has underscored the critical need for systematic performance evaluation methodologies. TTS applications have permeated various domains, including:
- Assistive technologies (e.g., aiding individuals with speech impairments to recover their voices)
- Education (facilitating accessible learning materials for visually impaired students)
- Healthcare (providing clear medical instructions and reminders)
- Entertainment and media (generating voiceovers for animations and video games)
- Customer service (powering intelligent virtual assistants)
- Transportation (delivering navigation instructions in vehicles)
This wide-ranging adoption necessitates a robust framework for assessing TTS performance, as different downstream use cases demand optimization along various dimensions, as mentioned above.
Traditional loss functions employed in machine learning, such as MSE and MAE, fail to capture the nuanced aspects of speech quality. These metrics primarily measure how well the generated speech approximates the training data but fall short in evaluating perceptual qualities that are crucial for human listeners. This limitation has given rise to the need for manual assessments based on human judgment, with the MOS emerging as a popular metric for this purpose.
Recent advancements in deep learning have accelerated research on data-driven approaches to predict these subjective metrics with remarkable accuracy. Neural models trained on large datasets of human-rated speech samples have shown promising results in automating the evaluation process. However, serious concerns remain regarding the performance of these supervised neural predictors on out-of-domain data, raising questions about their generalizability and reliability across diverse TTS systems and use cases.
The development of reliable evaluation systems holds significant potential to alleviate the reliance on manual human assessments to a certain extent. Moreover, these systems offer an objective means for evaluating TTS systems at scale, enabling rapid iteration and improvement in TTS technologies. This is particularly crucial as the field continues to evolve at an accelerated pace, with new architectures and techniques emerging regularly.
The challenges associated with MOS-based evaluations have led to the establishment of annually reoccuring competitions and challenges, such as the Blizzard Challenge @king2014measuring and the VoiceMOS Challenge @10389763. These initiatives provide valuable opportunities to train and benchmark automated evaluation systems using standardized datasets and human-generated labels. Indeed, significant progress has been made in this direction, with supervised models like NISQA (Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment), @Mittag_2020 and MOSNet @Lo_2019, and demonstrating the feasibility of automating MOS predictions to a certain extent.
However, it is important to note that while these automated systems show promise, they are not without limitations. Factors such as cultural and linguistic diversity, individual preferences, and the evolving nature of TTS technologies continue to pose challenges for creating universally applicable evaluation metrics. As such, the development of robust, adaptable, and comprehensive evaluation frameworks remains an active area of research in the field of speech synthesis and quality assessment.
| | | typst | #set text(font:("Consolas", "Source Han Sans SC"))
#set text(lang: "zh")
#show emph: text.with(font: ("Linux Libertine","STKaiti"))
#show link: text.with(fill:
= 制作模板
== 玩具模板(Toy Template)
#box(height: 80pt,
columns(2, gutter: 11pt)[
```typst #let amazed(term) = box[✨ #term ✨]
You are #amazed[beautiful]!```
#align(center, image("images/4-right-yulan-1.png"))
#box(height: 80pt,
columns(2, gutter: 11pt)[
```typst #let amazed(term, color: blue) = {
text(color, box[✨ #term ✨])
You are #amazed[beautiful]!
I am #amazed(color: purple)[amazed]!```
#align(center, image("images/4-right-yulan-2.png"))
现在,我们使用_“everything”_ `show`规则将自定义函数应用于整个文档,并以此来创建模板。让我们使用我们的`amazed`函数来做这件事。
#box(height: 80pt,
columns(2, gutter: 11pt)[
```typst #show: amazed
I choose to focus on the good
in my life and let go of any
negative thoughts or beliefs.
In fact, I am amazing!```
#align(center, image("images/4-right-yulan-3.png"))
== 嵌入`set`和`show`规则
#box(height: 110pt,
columns(2, gutter: 11pt)[
```typst #let template(doc) = [
#set text(font: "Inria Serif")
#show "something cool": [Typst]
#show: template
I am learning something cool today.
It's going great so far!```
#align(center, image("images/4-right-yulan-4.png"))
就像我们在上一章中已经发现的一样,`set`规则将应用于它们的内容块中的所有内容。由于_“everything”_ `show`规则将整个文档传递给`template`函数,因此在模板中的文本设定规则和字符串显示规则将应用于整个文档。利用这个知识,我们可以创建一个模板,以复制我们在上一章中撰写的论文的正文样式。
#box(height: 350pt,
columns(2, gutter: 11pt)[
```typst #let conf(title, doc) = {
set page(
paper: "us-letter",
header: align(
right + horizon,
set par(justify: true)
set text(
font: "Linux Libertine",
size: 11pt,
// Heading show rules.
columns(2, doc)
#show: doc => conf(
[Paper title],
= Introduction
#align(center, image("images/4-right-yulan-5.png"))
== 带有命名参数的模板
```typst #show: doc => conf(
title: [Towards Improved Modelling],
authors: (
name: "<NAME>",
affiliation: "Artos Institute",
email: "<EMAIL>",
name: "<NAME>",
affiliation: "Honduras State",
email: "<EMAIL>",
abstract: lorem(80),
新的`authors`参数期望是一个包含#link("")[字典]的#link("")[数组],字典的键包括`name`(姓名)、`affiliation`(隶属机构)和`email`(电子邮件)。因为我们可能有任意数量的作者,我们动态地确定是否需要一个、两个或三个列来显示作者列表。首先,我们使用`authors`数组上的#link("")[`.len()`]方法来确定作者的数量。然后,我们将列的数量设置为这个计数与三的最小值,这样我们就永远不会创建超过三列。如果有超过三位作者,就会插入新的一行。为此,我们还向`grid`函数添加了一个`row-gutter`参数。否则,行之间的距离会太近。要提取字典中关于作者的详细信息,我们使用#link("")[字段访问语法(_field access syntax_)]。
我们仍然需要为每个作者提供`grid`的一个参数:这里就是数组的#link("")[`map`方法]发挥作用的地方。它接受一个函数作为参数,该函数将被调用,用于数组的每个项目。我们传递给它一个格式化每个作者详细信息的函数,并返回一个包含内容值的新数组。现在我们得到了一个值的数组,我们希望将其作为多个参数用于`grid`。我们可以通过使用#link("")[展开运算符(_`spread` operator_)]来做到这一点。它接受一个数组,并将其中的每个项目作为单独的参数应用到函数中。
```typst #let conf(
title: none,
authors: (),
abstract: [],
) = {
// Set and show rules from before.
set align(center)
text(17pt, title)
let count = authors.len()
let ncols = calc.min(count, 3)
columns: (1fr,) * ncols,
row-gutter: 24pt, => [ \
#author.affiliation \
#link("mailto:" +
par(justify: false)[
*Abstract* \
set align(left)
columns(2, doc)
== 独立文件
#box(height: 400pt,
columns(2, gutter: 11pt)[
```typst #import "conf.typ": conf
#show: doc => conf(
title: [
Towards Improved Modelling
authors: (
name: "<NAME>",
affiliation: "Artos Institute",
email: "<EMAIL>.edu",
name: "<NAME>",
affiliation: "Honduras State",
email: "<EMAIL>",
abstract: lorem(80),
= Introduction
== Motivation
== Problem Statement
= Related Work
#align(center, image("images/4-right-yulan-6.png"))
我们现在已将会议论文转换为该会议的可重复使用的模板!为什么不将它分享到#link("")[Typst Discord服务器]上,这样其他人也可以用呢?
== 回顾 Review
我们仍然是一个非常年轻的项目,正在寻求反馈。如果您有任何问题、建议或发现了错误,请通过#link("")[Typst Discord服务器]、我们的#link("")[联系表单]或#link("")[社交媒体]告知我们。
那么,您还在等什么呢?#link("")[注册]并写一些东西吧! |
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#let b-if-a-is-none(a, b) = { if a != none { a } else { b } }
#let is-gate(item) = { type(item) == "dictionary" and "gate-type" in item }
#let is-circuit-drawable(item) = { is-gate(item) or type(item) in ("string", "content") }
#let is-circuit-meta-instruction(item) = { type(item) == "dictionary" and "qc-instr" in item }
#let draw-arrow(start, end, length: 5pt, width: 2.5pt, stroke: 1pt + black, arrow-color: black) = {
place(line(start: start, end: end, stroke: stroke))
let dir = ( -, -
dir = => float(repr(x).slice(0,-2)))
// let angle = calc.atan2(,
let len = calc.sqrt( => x*x).sum())
dir = => x/len)
let normal = (,
let arrow-start = end
let arrow-end = ( + length*, + length*
let w = width/2
let v1 = ( - w*, - w*
let v2 = ( + w*, + w*
path(arrow-end, v1, v2, closed: true, fill: arrow-color)
#let test-arrow() = {
draw-arrow((0pt, 0pt), (20pt, 10pt), stroke: .1pt)
#let draw-targ(item, draw-params) = {
let size =
radius: size,
stroke: draw-params.wire,
fill: if item.fill == none {none}
else {
if item.fill == true {draw-params.background}
else if type(item.fill) == "color" {item.fill}
#place(line(start: (size, 0pt), length: 2*size, angle: -90deg, stroke: draw-params.wire))
#place(line(start: (0pt, -size), length: 2*size, stroke: draw-params.wire))
#let draw-ctrl(gate, draw-params) = {
let clr = draw-params.wire
let color = b-if-a-is-none(gate.fill, draw-params.color)
if "show-dot" in and not { return none }
if {
let stroke = b-if-a-is-none(gate.fill, draw-params.wire)
box(circle(stroke: stroke, fill: draw-params.background, radius:
} else {
box(circle(fill: color, radius:
#let draw-swap(gate, draw-params) = {
let d =
let stroke = draw-params.wire
box(width: d, height: d, {
place(line(start: (-0pt,-0pt), end: (d,d), stroke: stroke))
place(line(start: (d,0pt), end: (0pt,d), stroke: stroke))
// Default gate draw function. Draws a box with global padding
// and the gates content. Stroke and default fill are only applied if
// is true
#let draw-boxed-gate(gate, draw-params) = align(center, box(
inset: draw-params.padding,
width: gate.width,
stroke: if { draw-params.wire },
fill: if gate.fill != none {gate.fill} else if {draw-params.background},
radius: gate.radius,
// Same but without displaying a box
#let draw-unboxed-gate(gate, draw-params) = box(
inset: draw-params.padding,
fill: if gate.fill != none {gate.fill} else {draw-params.background},
#let lrstick-size-hint(gate, draw-params) = {
let content = box(inset: draw-params.padding, gate.content)
let size = measure(content, draw-params.styles)
let hint = (
width1: 4 * draw-params.padding,
width: 2 * size.width,
height: size.height,
return hint
// Draw an lstick (align: "right") or rstick (align: "left")
#let draw-lrstick(gate, draw-params, align: none) = {
assert(align in ("left", "right"), message: "Only left and right are allowed")
let isleftstick = (align == "right")
let draw-brace = != none
let content = box(inset: draw-params.padding, gate.content)
let size = measure(content, draw-params.styles)
let brace = none
if draw-brace {
let brace-symbol = if == auto {
if gate.multi != none { if isleftstick {"{"} else {"}"} }
} else { }
let brace-height
if gate.multi == none {
brace-height = 1em + 2 * draw-params.padding
} else {
brace-height = draw-params.multi.wire-distance + .5em
brace = $ lr(#brace-symbol#box(height: brace-height)) $
let brace-size = measure(brace, draw-params.styles)
let width = size.width + brace-size.width
let height = size.height
let brace-offset-y
let total-offset-y = 0pt
let content-offset-y = 0pt
if gate.multi == none {
brace-offset-y = size.height/2 - brace-size.height/2
} else {
let dy = draw-params.multi.wire-distance
// at layout stage:
if dy == 0pt { return box(width: 2 * width, height: size.height, content) }
height = dy
total-offset-y = + size.height/2
content-offset-y = -total-offset-y + height/2
brace-offset-y = -.25em
let inset = (:)
inset.insert(align, width)
let brace-pos-x = if isleftstick { size.width } else { 0pt }
let content-pos-x = if isleftstick { 0pt } else { brace-size.width }
move(dy: total-offset-y,
box(width: 2 * width, height: height,
inset: inset,
place(brace, dy: brace-offset-y, dx: brace-pos-x)
place(content, dy: content-offset-y, dx: content-pos-x)
#let draw-nwire(gate, draw-params) = {
set text(size: .7em)
let size = measure(gate.content, draw-params.styles)
let extent = 2.5pt + size.height
box(height: 2 * extent, { // box is solely for height hint
place(dx: 1pt, dy: 0pt, gate.content)
place(dy: extent, line(start: (0pt,-4pt), end: (-5pt,4pt), stroke: draw-params.wire))
// Draw a gate spanning multiple wires
#let draw-boxed-multigate(gate, draw-params) = {
let dy = draw-params.multi.wire-distance
let extent = if gate.multi.extent == auto {draw-params.x-gate-size.height/2} else {gate.multi.extent}
let layout-version = box(
width: gate.width,
inset: draw-params.padding,
stroke: draw-params.wire,
fill: if gate.fill != none {gate.fill} else {draw-params.background},
height: 2 * extent
if dy == 0pt {
} else {
let size = measure(gate.content, draw-params.styles)
align(center, box(
width: gate.width,
height: dy + 2 * extent,
inset: (x: draw-params.padding, y: dy/2 + extent - size.height/2),
radius: gate.radius,
stroke: draw-params.wire,
fill: if gate.fill != none {gate.fill} else {draw-params.background},
#let draw-permutation-gate(gate, draw-params) = {
let dy = draw-params.multi.wire-distance
let width = gate.width
if dy == 0pt { return box(width: width, height: 4pt) }
height: dy + 4pt,
inset: (y: 2pt),
fill: draw-params.background,
width: width, {
let qubits =
let y0 =
for from in range(qubits.len()) {
let to =
let y-from = + gate.qubit) - y0
let y-to = + gate.qubit) - y0
place(path(((0pt,y-from), (-width/2, 0pt)), ((width, y-to), (-width/2, 0pt)), stroke: 3pt + draw-params.background))
place(path(((-.1pt,y-from), (-width/2, 0pt)), ((width+.1pt, y-to), (-width/2, 0pt)), stroke: draw-params.wire))
// parameter may be:
// - length (will be same for all sides)
// - dict with keys left, right, top, bottom, default (all optional). Default is for every side that is not specified If no default is given, 0pt is used.
// returns array with paddings for (left, top, right, bottom).
#let expand-padding-param(padding) = {
if type(padding) == "length" { return 4 * (padding, ) }
let p = 4 * (0pt, )
if "default" in padding { p = 4 * (padding.default, ) }
if "left" in padding { = padding.left }
if "top" in padding { = }
if "right" in padding { = padding.right }
if "bottom" in padding { = padding.bottom }
return p
#let draw-gate-group(corners, item) = {
let p = item.padding
let (pl, pt, pr, pb) = expand-padding-param(p)
let (x1, x2, y1, y2) = (corners.x1 - pl, corners.x2 + pr, corners.y1 - pt, corners.y2 + pb)
place(dy: y1, dx: x1, rect(
width: x2 - x1, height: y2 - y1,
#let draw-meter(gate, draw-params) = {
let stroke = draw-params.wire
let fill = if gate.fill != none {gate.fill} else {draw-params.background}
let height = draw-params.x-gate-size.height
let width = 1.5 * height
width: width, height: height,
radius: gate.radius,
stroke: stroke, fill: fill,
inset: 0.22 * height, {
let center-x = width/2 -.22*height
place(path((0%,100%), ((50%,40%), (-40%, 0pt)), (100%, 100%), stroke: stroke))
// place(line(start: (50%, 100%), length: 100%, angle: -70deg, stroke: stroke))
// place(path((75%, 17%), (86%, -0%), (82%, 26%), closed: true, stroke: stroke))
draw-arrow((center-x, height*.58), (width*.6, height*.2), length: 3.8pt, width: 2.8pt, stroke: stroke, arrow-color: draw-params.color)
if != none {
let label-size = measure(, draw-params.styles)
dx: width/2 - label-size.width/2,
dy: -label-size.height -height - .6em,
#let default-size-hint(item, draw-params) = {
let func = item.draw-function
let hint = measure(func(item, draw-params), draw-params.styles)
hint.offset = auto
return hint
/// This is the basic command for creating gates. Use this to create a simple gate, e.g., `gate($X$)`.
/// For special gates, many other dedicated gate commands exist.
/// Note, that most of the parameters listed here are mostly used for derived gate
/// functions and do not need to be touched in all but very few cases.
/// - content (content): What to show in the gate (may be none for special gates like @@ctrl).
/// - fill (none, color): Gate backgrond fill color.
/// - radius (length, dictionary): Gate rectangle border radius.
/// Allows the same values as the builtin `rect()` function.
/// - width (auto, length): The width of the gate can be specified manually with this property.
/// - box (boolean): Whether this is a boxed gate (determines whether the outgoing
/// wire will be drawn all through the gate (`box: false`) or not).
/// - floating (boolean): Whether the content for this gate will be shown floating
/// (i.e. no width is reserved).
/// - multi (dictionary): Information for multi-qubit and controlled gates (see @@mqgate() ).
/// - size-hint (function): Size hint function. This function should return a dictionary
/// containing the keys `width` and `height`. The result is used to determine
/// the gates position and cell sizes of the grid.
/// Signature: `(gate, draw-params).`
/// - draw-function (function): Drawing function that produces the displayed content.
/// Signature: `(gate, draw-params).`
/// - data (any): Optional additional gate data. This can for example be a dictionary
/// storing extra information that may be used for instance in a custom
/// `draw-function`.
#let gate(
fill: none,
radius: 0pt,
width: auto,
box: true,
floating: false,
multi: none,
size-hint: default-size-hint,
draw-function: draw-boxed-gate,
gate-type: "",
data: none
) = (
content: if type(content) == "content" {content} else { content },
fill: fill,
radius: radius,
width: width,
box: box,
floating: floating,
multi: multi,
size-hint: size-hint,
draw-function: draw-function,
gate-type: gate-type,
data: data
/// Basic command for creating multi-qubit or controlled gates. See also @@ctrl and @@swap.
/// - content (content):
/// - n (integer): Number of wires the multi-qubit gate spans.
/// - target (none, integer): If specified, a control wire is drawn from the gate up
/// or down this many wires counted from the wire this `mqgate()` is placed on.
/// - fill (none, color): Gate backgrond fill color.
/// - radius (length, dictionary): Gate rectangle border radius.
/// Allows the same values as the builtin `rect()` function.
/// - box (boolean): Whether this is a boxed gate (determines whether the
/// outgoing wire will be drawn all through the gate (`box: false`) or not).
/// - label (content): Optional label on the vertical wire.
/// - wire-count (integer): Wire count for control wires.
/// - extent (auto, length): How much to extent the gate beyond the first and
/// last wire, default is to make it align with an X gate (so [size of x gate] / 2).
/// - size-all-wires (none, boolean): A single-qubit gate affects the height of the row
/// it is being put on. For multi-qubit gate there are different possible
/// behaviours:
/// - Affect height on only the first and last wire (`false`)
/// - Affect the height of all wires (`true`)
/// - Affect the height on no wire (`none`)
/// - data (any): Optional additional gate data. This can for example be a dictionary
/// storing extra information that may be used for instance in a custom
/// `draw-function`.
#let mqgate(
n: 1,
target: none,
fill: none,
radius: 0pt,
box: true,
label: none,
width: auto,
wire-count: 1,
extent: auto,
size-all-wires: false,
draw-function: draw-boxed-multigate,
data: none,
) = gate(
fill: fill, box: box,
width: width,
radius: radius,
draw-function: draw-function,
multi: (
target: target,
num-qubits: n,
wire-count: wire-count,
label: label,
extent: extent,
size-all-wires: size-all-wires
data: data
// align: "left" (for rstick) or "right" (for lstick)
// brace: auto, none, "{", "}", "|", "[", ...
#let lrstick(content, n, align, brace) = gate(
draw-function: draw-lrstick.with(align: align),
// size-hint: lrstick-size-hint,
box: false,
floating: true,
multi: if n == 1 { none } else {
target: none,
num-qubits: n,
wire-count: 0,
label: label,
size-all-wires: if n > 1 { none } else { false }
data: (brace: brace),
/// Draw a meter box representing a measurement.
/// - target (none, integer): If given, draw a control wire to the given target
/// qubit the specified number of wires up or down.
/// - wire-count (integer): Wire count for the (optional) control wire.
/// - n (integer): Number of wires to span this meter across.
/// - label (content): Label to show above the meter.
#let meter(target: none, n: 1, wire-count: 2, label: none,
fill: none,
radius: 0pt) = {
if target == none and n == 1 {
gate(none, fill: fill, radius: radius, draw-function: draw-meter, data: (meter-label: label))
} else {
mqgate(none, n: n, target: target, fill: fill, radius: radius, box: true, wire-count: wire-count, draw-function: draw-meter, data: (meter-label: label))
/// Create a visualized permutation gate which maps the qubits $q_k, q_(k+1), ... $ to
/// the qubits $q_(p(k)), q_(p(k+1)), ...$ when placed on the qubit $k$. The permutation
/// map is given by the `qubits` argument. Note, that qubit indices start with 0.
/// *Example:*
/// `permute(1, 0)` when placed on the second wire swaps the second and third wire.
/// `permute(2, 0, 1)` when placed on wire 0 maps $(0,1,2) (2,0,1)$.
/// Note also, that the wiring is not very sophisticated and will probably look best for
/// relatively simple permutations. Furthermore, it only works with quantum wires.
/// - ..qubits (array): Qubit permutation specification.
/// - width (length): Width of the permutation gate.
#let permute(..qubits, width: 30pt) = {
mqgate(none, n: qubits.pos().len(), width: width, draw-function: draw-permutation-gate, data: (qubits: qubits.pos(), extent: 2pt))
/// Create an invisible (phantom) gate for reserving space. If `content`
/// is provided, the `height` and `width` parameters are ignored and the gate
/// will take the size it would have if `gate(content)` was called.
/// Instead specifying width and/or height will create a gate with exactly the
/// given size (without padding).
/// - content (content): Content to measure for the phantom gate size.
/// - width (length): Width of the phantom gate (ignored if `content` is not `none`).
/// - height (length): Height of the phantom gate (ignored if `content` is not `none`).
#let phantom(content: none, width: 0pt, height: 0pt) = {
let thecontent = if content != none { box(hide(content)) } else {
let w = height
if type(w) in ("content", "string") { }
box(width: width, height: height)
gate(thecontent, box: false, fill: none)
/// Target element for controlled #smallcaps("x") operations (
/// - fill (none, color, boolean): Fill color for the target circle. If set
/// to `true`, the target is filled with the circuits background color.
/// - size (length): Size of the target symbol.
#let targ(fill: none, size: 4.3pt) = gate(none, box: false, draw-function: draw-targ, fill: fill, data: (size: size))
/// Target element for controlled #smallcaps("z") operations (#sym.bullet).
/// - open (boolean): Whether to draw an open dot.
/// - fill (none, color): Fill color for the circle or stroke color if
/// `open: true`.
/// - size (length): Size of the control circle.
// #let ctrl(open: false, fill: none, size: 2.3pt) = gate(none, draw-function: draw-ctrl, fill: fill, size: size, box: false, open: open)
/// Target element for #smallcaps("swap") operations (#sym.times) without vertical wire).
/// - size (length): Size of the target symbol.
#let targX(size: 7pt) = gate(none, box: false, draw-function: draw-swap, data: (size: size))
/// Create a phase gate shown as a point on the wire together with a label.
/// - label (content): Angle value to display.
/// - open (boolean): Whether to draw an open dot.
/// - fill (none, color): Fill color for the circle or stroke color if
/// `open: true`.
/// - size (length): Size of the circle.
#let phase(label, open: false, fill: none, size: 2.3pt) = gate(
box: false,
draw-function: (gate, draw-params) => {
box(inset: (x: .6em), draw-ctrl(gate, draw-params))
place(label, dy: -1.2em, dx: 1.2em)
fill: fill,
data: (open: open, size: size)
/// Basic command for labelling a wire at the start.
/// - content (content): Label to display, e.g., `$|0〉$`.
/// - n (content): How many wires the `lstick` should span.
/// - brace (auto, none, string): If `brace` is `auto`, then a default `{` brace
/// is shown only if `n > 1`. A brace is always shown when
/// explicitly given, e.g., `"}"`, `"["` or `"|"`. No brace is shown for
/// `brace: none`.
#let lstick(content, n: 1, brace: auto) = lrstick(content, n, "right", brace)
/// Basic command for labelling a wire at the end.
/// - content (content): Label to display, e.g., `$|0〉$`.
/// - n (content): How many wires the `rstick` should span.
/// - brace (auto, none, string): If `brace` is `auto`, then a default `}` brace
/// is shown only if `n > 1`. A brace is always shown when
/// explicitly given, e.g., `"}"`, `"["` or `"|"`. No brace is shown for
/// `brace: none`.
#let rstick(content, n: 1, brace: auto) = lrstick(content, n, "left", brace)
/// Create a midstick
#let midstick(content) = gate(content, draw-function: draw-unboxed-gate)
/// Creates a symbol similar to `\qwbundle` on `quantikz`. Annotates a wire to
/// be a bundle of quantum or classical wires.
/// - label (integer, content):
#let nwire(label) = gate([#label], draw-function: draw-nwire, box: false)
/// Create a controlled gate. See also @@ctrl. This function however
/// may be used to create controlled gates where a gate box is at both ends
/// of the control wire.
/// *Example: *
/// `controlled($H$, 2)`.
/// - content (content): Gate content to display.
/// - n (integer): How many wires up or down the target wire lives.
/// - wire-count (integer): Wire count for the control wire.
/// - draw-function (function). See @@gate.
/// - ..args (array): Optional, additional arguments to be stored in the gate.
// #let controlled(content, n, wire-count: 1, draw-function: draw-boxed-gate, ..args) = mqgate(content, target: n, wire-count: wire-count, draw-function: draw-function, ..args)
/// Creates a #smallcaps("swap") operation with another qubit.
/// - n (integer): How many wires up or down the target wire lives.
/// - size (length): Size of the target symbol.
#let swap(n, size: 7pt) = mqgate(none, target: n, box: false, draw-function: draw-swap, data: (size: size))
/// Creates a control with a vertical wire to another qubit.
/// - n (integer): How many wires up or down the target wire lives.
/// - wire-count (integer): Wire count for the control wire.
/// - open (boolean): Whether to draw an open dot.
/// - fill (none, color): Fill color for the circle or stroke color if
/// `open: true`.
/// - size (length): Size of the control circle.
/// - show-dot (boolean): Whether to show the control dot. Set this to
/// false to obtain a vertical wire with no dots at all.
#let ctrl(n, wire-count: 1, open: false, fill: none, size: 2.3pt, show-dot: true) = mqgate(none, target: n, draw-function: draw-ctrl, wire-count: wire-count, fill: fill, data: (open: open, size: size, show-dot: show-dot))
/// Set current wire mode (0: none, 1 wire: quantum, 2 wires: classical, more
/// are possible) and optionally the stroke style.
/// The wire style is reset for each row.
/// - wire-count (integer): Number of wires to display.
/// - stroke (none, stroke): When given, the stroke is applied to the wire.
/// Otherwise the current stroke is kept.
/// - wire-distance (length): Distance between wires.
#let setwire(wire-count, stroke: none, wire-distance: 1pt) = (
qc-instr: "setwire",
wire-count: wire-count,
stroke: stroke,
wire-distance: wire-distance
/// Highlight a group of circuit elements by drawing a rectangular box around
/// them.
/// - wires (integer): Number of wires to include.
/// - steps (integer): Number of columns to include.
/// - padding (length, dictionary): Padding of rectangle. May be one length
/// for all sides or a dictionary with the keys `left`, `right`, `top`,
/// `bottom` and `default`. Not all keys need to be specified. The value
/// for `default` is used for the omitted sides or `0pt` if no `default`
/// is given.
/// - stroke (stroke): Stroke for rectangle.
/// - fill (color): Fill color for rectangle.
/// - radius (length, dictionary): Corner radius for rectangle.
#let gategroup(
padding: 0pt,
stroke: .7pt,
fill: none,
radius: 0pt
) = (
qc-instr: "gategroup",
wires: wires,
steps: steps,
padding: padding,
style: (fill: fill, stroke: stroke, radius: radius)
/// Slice the circuit vertically, showing a separation line between columns.
/// - wires (integer): Number of wires to slice.
/// - label (content): Label for the slice.
/// - stroke (stroke): Line style for the slice.
#let slice(
wires: 0,
label: none,
stroke: (paint: red, thickness: .7pt, dash: "dashed"),
dx: 0pt,
dy: 0pt
) = (
qc-instr: "slice",
wires: wires,
label: label,
dx: dx, dy: dy,
style: (stroke: stroke)
/// Lower-level interface to the cell coordinates to create an arbitrary
/// annotatation by passing a custom function.
/// This function is passed the coordinates of the specified cell rows
/// and columns.
/// - rows (integer, array): Row indices for which to obtain coordinates.
/// - columns (integer, array): Column indices for which to obtain coordinates.
/// - callback (function): Function to call with the obtained coordinates. The
/// signature should be with signature `(row-coords, col-coords) => {}`.
/// This function is expected to display the content to draw in absolute
/// coordinates within the circuit.
#let annotate(
) = (
qc-instr: "annotate",
rows: rows,
columns: columns,
callback: callback
// Get content from a gate or plain content item
#let get-content(item, draw-params) = {
if is-gate(item) {
if item.draw-function != none {
let func = item.draw-function
return func(item, draw-params)
} else { return item }
// Get size hint for a gate or plain content item
#let get-size-hint(item, draw-params) = {
if is-gate(item) {
let func = item.size-hint
return func(item, draw-params)
measure(item, draw-params.styles)
// From a list of row heights or col widths, compute the respective
// cell center coordinates, e.g., (3pt, 3pt, 4pt) -> (1.5pt, 4.5pt, 8pt)
#let compute-center-coords(cell-lengths, gutter) = {
let center-coords = ()
let tmpx = 0pt
gutter.insert(0, 0pt)
// assert.eq(cell-lengths.len(), gutter.len())
for (cell-length, g) in {
center-coords.push(tmpx + cell-length / 2 + g)
tmpx += cell-length + g
return center-coords
// Given a list of n center coordinates in and n cell sizes along one axis (x or y), retrieve the coordinates for a single cell or a list of cells given by index.
// If a cell index is out of bounds, the outer last coordinate is returned
// center-coords: List of center coordinates for each index
// cell-sizes: List of cell sizes for each index
// cells: Indices of cell for which to retrieve coordinates
// mode: "center" or "start"
#let obtain-cell-coords(center-coords, cell-sizes, cells, mode) = {
assert(mode in ("center", "start", "end"), message:"Only \"center\", \"start\" and \"end\" are allowed for cell coordinate mode")
let last = + / 2
let get(x) = {
let coord =, default: last)
if mode == "start" { coord -=, default: 0pt)/2 }
if mode == "end" { coord +=, default: 0pt)/2 }
return coord
if type(cells) == "integer" { get(cells) }
else if type(cells) == "array" { => get(x)) }
else { panic("Unsupported coordinate type") }
// Given a list of n center coordinates in and n cell sizes along one axis (x or y), retrieve the coordinates for a single cell or a list of cells given by index.
// If a cell index is out of bounds, the outer last coordinate is returned
// center-coords: List of center coordinates for each index
// cell-sizes: List of cell sizes for each index
// cells: Indices of cell for which to retrieve coordinates
// These may also be floats. In this case, the integer part determines the cell index and the fractional part a percentage of the cell width. e.g., passing 2.5 would return the center coordinate of the cell
#let obtain-cell-coords1(center-coords, cell-sizes, cells) = {
let last = + / 2
let get(x) = {
let integral = calc.floor(x)
let fractional = x - integral
let cell-width =, default: 0pt)
return, default: last) + cell-width * (fractional - 0.5)
if type(cells) in ("integer", "float") { get(cells) }
else if type(cells) == "array" { => get(x)) }
else { panic("Unsupported coordinate type") }
#let draw-horizontal-wire(x1, x2, y, stroke, wire-count, wire-distance: 1pt) = {
if x1 == x2 { return }
for i in range(wire-count) {
place(line(start: (x1, y), end: (x2, y), stroke: stroke),
dy: (2*i - (wire-count - 1)) * wire-distance)
#let draw-vertical-wire(y1, y2, x, stroke, wire-count: 1, wire-distance: 1pt) = {
for i in range(wire-count) {
place(line(start: (x, y1), end: (x, y2), stroke: stroke),
dx: (2*i - int(wire-count/2)) * wire-distance)
/// Create a quantum circuit diagram. Content items may be
/// - Gates created by one of the many gate commands (@@gate,
/// @@mqgate, @@meter, ...)
/// - `[\ ]` for creating a new wire/row
/// - Commands like @@setwire or @@gategroup
/// - Integers for creating cells filled with the current wire setting
/// - Lengths for creating space between rows or columns
/// - Plain content or strings to be placed on the wire
/// - @@lstick, @@midstick or @@rstick for placement next to the wire
/// - wire (stroke): Style for drawing the circuit wires. This can take anything
/// that is valid for the stroke of the builtin `line()` function.
/// - row-spacing (length): Spacing between rows.
/// - column-spacing (length): Spacing between columns.
/// - min-row-height (length): Minimum height of a row (e.g., when no
/// gates are given).
/// - min-column-width (length): Minimum width of a column.
/// - gate-padding (length): General padding setting including the inset for
/// gate boxes and the distance of @@lstick and co. to the wire.
/// - equal-row-heights (boolean): If true, then all rows will have the same
/// height and the wires will have equal distances orienting on the
/// highest row.
/// - color (color): Foreground color, default for strokes, text, controls
/// etc. If you want to have dark-themed circuits, set this to white
/// for instance and update `wire` and `fill` accordingly.
/// - fill (color): Default fill color for gates.
/// - font-size (length): Default font size for text in the circuit.
/// - scale-factor (relative length): Total scale factor applied to the entire
/// circuit without changing proportions
/// - baseline (length, content, string): Set the baseline for the circuit. If a
/// content or a string is given, the baseline will be adjusted auto-
/// matically to align with the center of it. One useful application is
/// `"="` so the circuit aligns with the equals symbol.
/// - circuit-padding (dictionary): Padding for the circuit (e.g., to accomodate
/// for annotations) in form of a dictionary with possible keys
/// `left`, `right`, `top` and `bottom`. Not all of those need to be
/// specified.
/// This setting basically just changes the size of the bounding box
/// for the circuit and can be used to increase it when labels or
/// annotations extend beyond the actual circuit.
/// - ..content (array): Items, gates and circuit commands (see description).
#let quantum-circuit(
wire: .7pt + black,
row-spacing: 12pt,
column-spacing: 12pt,
min-row-height: 10pt,
min-column-width: 0pt,
gate-padding: .4em,
equal-row-heights: false,
color: black,
fill: white,
font-size: 10pt,
scale-factor: 100%,
baseline: 0pt,
circuit-padding: none,
) = {
if content.pos().len() == 0 { return }
set text(color, size: font-size)
style(styles => {
// Parameter object to pass to draw-function containing current style info
let draw-params = (
wire: wire,
padding: measure(line(length: gate-padding), styles).width,
background: fill,
color: color,
styles: styles,
// roman-gates: roman-gates,
x-gate-size: none,
multi: (wire-distance: 0pt)
draw-params.x-gate-size = default-size-hint(gate($X$), draw-params)
let items = content.pos()
/////////// First pass: Layout (spacing) ///////////
let colwidths = ()
let rowheights = (min-row-height,)
let (row-gutter, col-gutter) = ((0pt,), ())
let (row, col) = (0, 0)
let wire-ended = false
for item in items {
if item == [\ ] {
if rowheights.len() < row + 2 {
row += 1; col = 0
wire-ended = true
} else if is-circuit-meta-instruction(item) {
} else if is-circuit-drawable(item) {
let isgate = is-gate(item)
if isgate { item.qubit = row }
let ismulti = isgate and item.multi != none
let size = get-size-hint(item, draw-params)
let width = size.width
let height = size.height
if is-gate(item) and item.floating { width = 0pt }
if colwidths.len() < col + 1 {
} = calc.max(, width)
if not (ismulti and item.multi.size-all-wires == none) {
// e.g., l, rsticks = calc.max(, height)
if ismulti and item.multi.num-qubits > 1 and item.multi.size-all-wires != none {
let start = row
if not item.multi.size-all-wires {
start = calc.max(0, row + item.multi.num-qubits - 1)
for qubit in range(start, row + item.multi.num-qubits) {
while rowheights.len() < qubit + 1 {
} = calc.max(, height)
col += 1
wire-ended = false
} else if type(item) == "integer" {
for _ in range(colwidths.len(), col + item) {
col += item
wire-ended = false
} else if type(item) == "length" {
if wire-ended { - 1) = calc.max( - 1), item)
} else if col > 0 { - 1) = calc.max( - 1), item)
/////////// END First pass: Layout (spacing) ///////////
rowheights = => x + row-spacing)
colwidths = => x + column-spacing)
if equal-row-heights {
let max-row-height = calc.max(..rowheights)
rowheights = => max-row-height)
let center-x-coords = compute-center-coords(colwidths, col-gutter)
let center-y-coords = compute-center-coords(rowheights, row-gutter) = center-y-coords
(row, col) = (0, 0)
let (x, y) = (0pt, 0pt) // current cell top-left coordinates
let center-y = y + / 2 // current cell center y-coordinate
let circuit-width = colwidths.sum() + col-gutter.slice(0, -1).sum(default: 0pt)
let circuit-height = rowheights.sum() + row-gutter.sum()
let wire-count = 1
let wire-distance = 1pt
let wire-stroke = wire
let prev-wire-x =
let (extra-top, extra-bottom) = (0pt, 0pt)
let (extra-left, extra-right) = (0pt, 0pt)
/////////// Second pass: Generation ///////////
let circuit = block(
width: circuit-width, height: circuit-height, {
set align(top + left) // qcircuit could be called in a scope where these have been changed which would mess up everything
let to-be-drawn-later = () // dicts with content, x and y
for item in items {
if item == [\ ]{
y +=
row += 1
center-y =
col = 0; x = 0pt
wire-count = 1; wire-stroke = wire
prev-wire-x =
} else if is-circuit-meta-instruction(item) {
if item.qc-instr == "setwire" {
wire-count = item.wire-count
wire-distance = item.wire-distance
if item.stroke != none { wire-stroke = item.stroke }
} else if item.qc-instr == "gategroup" {
assert(item.wires > 0, message: "gategroup: wires arg needs to be > 0")
assert(row+item.wires <= rowheights.len(), message: "gategroup: height exceeds range")
assert(item.steps > 0, message: "gategroup: steps arg needs to be > 0")
assert(col+item.steps <= colwidths.len(), message: "gategroup: width exceeds range")
let y1 = obtain-cell-coords1(center-y-coords, rowheights, row)
let y2 = obtain-cell-coords1(center-y-coords, rowheights, row + item.wires)
let x1 = obtain-cell-coords1(center-x-coords, colwidths, col)
let x2 = obtain-cell-coords1(center-x-coords, colwidths, col + item.steps - 1e-9)
// let y1 = rowheights.slice(0, row).sum(default: 0pt)
// let y2 = rowheights.slice(0, row + item.wires).sum(default: 0pt)
// let x1 = colwidths.slice(0, col).sum(default: 0pt)
// let x2 = colwidths.slice(0, col + item.steps).sum(default: 0pt)
draw-gate-group((x1: x1, x2: x2, y1: y1, y2: y2), item)
} else if item.qc-instr == "slice" {
assert(item.wires >= 0, message: "slice: wires arg needs to be > 0")
assert(row+item.wires <= rowheights.len(), message: "slice: height exceeds range")
let end = if item.wires == 0 {rowheights.len()} else {row+item.wires}
let y1 = obtain-cell-coords1(center-y-coords, rowheights, row)
let y2 = obtain-cell-coords1(center-y-coords, rowheights, end)
let x = obtain-cell-coords1(center-x-coords, colwidths, col) // let y1 = rowheights.slice(0, row).sum(default: 0pt)
// let y2 = rowheights.slice(0, end).sum(default: 0pt)
// let x = colwidths.slice(0, col).sum(default: 0pt)
start: (x, y1),
end: (x, y2),
if item.label != none {
let size = measure(item.label, styles)
let y = y1 - (size.height + 5pt)
extra-top = calc.max(extra-top, -y)
place(dx: x - size.width/2, dy: y, item.label)
} else if item.qc-instr == "annotate" {
let rows = obtain-cell-coords1(center-y-coords, rowheights, item.rows)
let cols = obtain-cell-coords1(center-x-coords, colwidths, item.columns)
place((item.callback)(rows, cols))
// ---------------------------- Gates & Co. ------------------------------
} else if is-circuit-drawable(item) {
let center-x =
let isgate = is-gate(item)
let do-draw-later = true
// let content = get-content(item, draw-params)
// let size = measure(content, styles)
let size = get-size-hint(item, draw-params)
let top = center-y - size.height / 2
let bottom = center-y + size.height / 2
if isgate {
item.qubit = row
if == false {
bottom = center-y
top = center-y
if item.multi != none {
if != none {
let target-qubit = row +
assert(center-y-coords.len() > target-qubit, message: "Target qubit for controlled gate is out of range")
let (y1, y2) = ((bottom, top).at(int( < 1)),
wire-count: item.multi.wire-count)
let nq = item.multi.num-qubits
if nq > 1 {
assert(row + nq -1 < center-y-coords.len(), message: "Target
qubit for multi qubit gate does not exist")
let y1 = + nq - 1)
let y2 =
draw-params.multi.wire-distance = y1 - y2
// content = get-content(item, draw-params)
let func = item.size-hint
size.width = func(item, draw-params).width
do-draw-later = true
let current-wire-x = center-x
draw-horizontal-wire(prev-wire-x, current-wire-x, center-y, wire-stroke, wire-count, wire-distance: wire-distance)
if isgate and { prev-wire-x = center-x + size.width / 2 }
else { prev-wire-x = current-wire-x }
extra-left = calc.max(-(center-x - size.width/2), extra-left)
extra-right = calc.max(center-x + size.width/2 - circuit-width, extra-right)
let x-pos = center-x
let y-pos = center-y
let offset ="offset", default: auto)
if offset == auto {
x-pos -= size.width / 2
y-pos -= size.height / 2
} else if type(offset) == "dictionary" {
let offset-x ="x", default: auto)
let offset-y ="x", default: auto)
if offset-x == auto { x-pos -= size.width / 2}
else if type(offset-x) == "length" { x-pos -= offset-x }
if offset-y == auto { y-pos -= size.width / 2}
else if type(offset-y) == "length" { y-pos -= offset-y }
let content = get-content(item, draw-params)
if do-draw-later {
to-be-drawn-later.push((content: content, x: x-pos, y: y-pos))
} else {
dx: x-pos, dy: y-pos,
if isgate { content } else { box(content) }
x +=
col += 1
draw-params.multi.wire-distance = 0pt
} else if type(item) == "integer" {
col += item
// let t = col
// if col == center-x-coords.len() { t -= 1}
let center-x = - 1)
draw-horizontal-wire(prev-wire-x, center-x, center-y, wire-stroke, wire-count, wire-distance: wire-distance)
prev-wire-x = center-x
} // end loop over items
for item in to-be-drawn-later {
place(dx: item.x, dy: item.y, item.content)
}) // end circuit = block(..., {
/////////// END Second pass: Generation ///////////
let scale-float = float(repr(scale-factor).slice(0,-1)) * 0.01
if circuit-padding != none {
extra-left +="left", default: 0pt)
extra-top +="top", default: 0pt)
extra-right +="right", default: 0pt)
extra-bottom +="bottom", default: 0pt)
let height = scale-float * (circuit-height + extra-bottom + extra-top)
let thebaseline = baseline
if type(thebaseline) in ("content", "string") {
thebaseline = height/2 - measure(thebaseline, styles).height/2
box(baseline: thebaseline,
width: scale-float * (circuit-width + extra-left + extra-right),
height: scale-float * (circuit-height + extra-bottom + extra-top),
// fill: background,
// stroke: 1pt + gray,
move(dy: scale-float * extra-top, dx: scale-float * extra-left,
x: scale-factor,
y: scale-factor,
origin: left + top,
} | | | typst | #set document(title:[TheTitleOfTheDocument], date:auto)
#let title = "TheTitleOfTheDocument"
#let doc_date =
#set page(
header: align(
right + horizon,
#let fit(body) = {
layout(container_size => {
style(styles => {
let body_size = measure(body, styles)
let width_ratio = (container_size.width / body_size.width) * 100%
let height_ratio = (container_size.height / body_size.height) * 100%
let max_ratio = 100%
let fit_ratio = calc.min(width_ratio, height_ratio, max_ratio)
scale(x:fit_ratio, y: fit_ratio, origin: bottom + left)[#body]
#show link: underline
#align(center, text(17pt)[
#align(center, [
// #show: rest => columns(2, rest)
#set heading(numbering:"1.")
| | | typst | MIT License | // #import "lib.typ": *
#import "@preview/fontawesome:0.1.0": *
= typst-fontawesome
A Typst library for Font Awesome 6.4.0 icons through the desktop fonts.
== Usage
=== Install the fonts
You can download the fonts from the official website:
Or you can use the helper script to download the fonts and metadata:
`python -dd -v 6.4.0`
Here `-dd` means download and extract the zip file. You can use `-d` to only download the zip file.
After downloading the zip file, you can install the fonts depending on your OS.
==== Typst web app
You can simply upload the `otf` files to the web app and use them with this package.
==== Mac
You can double click the `otf` files to install them.
=== Import the library
==== Using the typst packages
You can install the library using the typst packages:
`#import "@preview/fontawesome:0.1.0": *`
==== Manually install
Put the `lib.typ` file in your project directory, and import it:
`#import "lib.typ": *`
Here I recommend renaming the `lib.typ` file to `fontawesome.typ` to avoid name conflicts.
=== Use the icons
You can use the `fa-icon` function to create an icon with its name:
`fa-icon("chess-queen")` #fa-icon("chess-queen")
Or you can use the `fa-` prefix to create an icon with its name:
`fa-chess-queen()` #fa-chess-queen()
==== Different sets
By default, the library uses the free set. You can change it by passing the `fa-set` parameter to `fa-icon`:
`#fa-icon("github", fa-set: "Brands")` #fa-icon("github", fa-set: "Brands")
Or you can change the default set by changing the `FA_SET` state. Let's try with the github icon:
`#fa-icon("github")` #fa-icon("github")
`FA_SET.update("Brands")` #FA_SET.update("Brands")
`#fa-icon("github")` #fa-icon("github")
Reset the default set:
`FA_SET.update("Free")` #FA_SET.update("Free")
==== Customization
The `fa-icon` function passes args to `text`, so you can customize the icon by passing parameters to it:
`#fa-icon("chess-queen", fill: blue)` #fa-icon("chess-queen", fill: blue)
`#fa-chess-queen(size: 15pt)` #fa-chess-queen(size: 15pt)
= test #fa-chess-queen() test
test #fa-icon("chess-queen") test
= test #fa-icon("chess-queen") test
= test #fa-icon("chess-queen") test
= test #fa-chess-queen() test
= test #fa-icon("chess-queen") test
- test #fa-icon("chess-queen") test
- test #fa-chess-queen() test
== Gallery
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-0()`, fa-0())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-1()`, fa-1())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-2()`, fa-2())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-3()`, fa-3())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-4()`, fa-4())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-5()`, fa-5())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-6()`, fa-6())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-7()`, fa-7())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-8()`, fa-8())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-9()`, fa-9())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-42-group()`, fa-42-group())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-innosoft()`, fa-innosoft())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-500px()`, fa-500px())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-a()`, fa-a())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-accessible-icon()`, fa-accessible-icon())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-accusoft()`, fa-accusoft())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-address-book()`, fa-address-book())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-contact-book()`, fa-contact-book())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-address-card()`, fa-address-card())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-contact-card()`, fa-contact-card())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-vcard()`, fa-vcard())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-adn()`, fa-adn())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-adversal()`, fa-adversal())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-affiliatetheme()`, fa-affiliatetheme())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-airbnb()`, fa-airbnb())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-algolia()`, fa-algolia())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-align-center()`, fa-align-center())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-align-justify()`, fa-align-justify())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-align-left()`, fa-align-left())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-align-right()`, fa-align-right())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-alipay()`, fa-alipay())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-amazon()`, fa-amazon())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-amazon-pay()`, fa-amazon-pay())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-amilia()`, fa-amilia())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-anchor()`, fa-anchor())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-anchor-circle-check()`, fa-anchor-circle-check())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-anchor-circle-exclamation()`, fa-anchor-circle-exclamation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-anchor-circle-xmark()`, fa-anchor-circle-xmark())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-anchor-lock()`, fa-anchor-lock())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-android()`, fa-android())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angellist()`, fa-angellist())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-down()`, fa-angle-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-left()`, fa-angle-left())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-right()`, fa-angle-right())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-up()`, fa-angle-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angles-down()`, fa-angles-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-double-down()`, fa-angle-double-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angles-left()`, fa-angles-left())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-double-left()`, fa-angle-double-left())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angles-right()`, fa-angles-right())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-double-right()`, fa-angle-double-right())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angles-up()`, fa-angles-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angle-double-up()`, fa-angle-double-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angrycreative()`, fa-angrycreative())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-angular()`, fa-angular())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ankh()`, fa-ankh())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-app-store()`, fa-app-store())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-app-store-ios()`, fa-app-store-ios())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-apper()`, fa-apper())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-apple()`, fa-apple())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-apple-pay()`, fa-apple-pay())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-apple-whole()`, fa-apple-whole())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-apple-alt()`, fa-apple-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-archway()`, fa-archway())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-arrow-down()`, fa-arrow-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-arrow-down-1-9()`, fa-arrow-down-1-9())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-numeric-asc()`, fa-sort-numeric-asc())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-numeric-down()`, fa-sort-numeric-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-arrow-down-9-1()`, fa-arrow-down-9-1())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-numeric-desc()`, fa-sort-numeric-desc())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-numeric-down-alt()`, fa-sort-numeric-down-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-arrow-down-a-z()`, fa-arrow-down-a-z())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-alpha-asc()`, fa-sort-alpha-asc())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-alpha-down()`, fa-sort-alpha-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-arrow-down-long()`, fa-arrow-down-long())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-long-arrow-down()`, fa-long-arrow-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-arrow-down-short-wide()`, fa-arrow-down-short-wide())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-amount-desc()`, fa-sort-amount-desc())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sort-amount-down-alt()`, fa-sort-amount-down-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-blackberry()`, fa-blackberry())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-bottle-water()`, fa-bottle-water())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-briefcase-medical()`, fa-briefcase-medical())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-quidditch()`, fa-quidditch())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cannabis()`, fa-cannabis())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-battery-car()`, fa-battery-car())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cloud-moon()`, fa-cloud-moon())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cloud-moon-rain()`, fa-cloud-moon-rain())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cloud-sun-rain()`, fa-cloud-sun-rain())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cloudscale()`, fa-cloudscale())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cloudversify()`, fa-cloudversify())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-grin-squint-tears()`, fa-grin-squint-tears())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-fire-flame-curved()`, fa-fire-flame-curved())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-fire-alt()`, fa-fire-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-gauge-high()`, fa-gauge-high())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tachometer-alt()`, fa-tachometer-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tachometer-alt-fast()`, fa-tachometer-alt-fast())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-gauge-simple-med()`, fa-gauge-simple-med())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tachometer-average()`, fa-tachometer-average())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-gauge-simple-high()`, fa-gauge-simple-high())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tachometer()`, fa-tachometer())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tachometer-fast()`, fa-tachometer-fast())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-github-alt()`, fa-github-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-gulp()`, fa-gulp())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand()`, fa-hand())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-back-fist()`, fa-hand-back-fist())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-rock()`, fa-hand-rock())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-dots()`, fa-hand-dots())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-allergies()`, fa-allergies())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-fist()`, fa-hand-fist())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-fist-raised()`, fa-fist-raised())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding()`, fa-hand-holding())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-dollar()`, fa-hand-holding-dollar())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-usd()`, fa-hand-holding-usd())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-droplet()`, fa-hand-holding-droplet())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-water()`, fa-hand-holding-water())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-hand()`, fa-hand-holding-hand())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-heart()`, fa-hand-holding-heart())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-holding-medical()`, fa-hand-holding-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-lizard()`, fa-hand-lizard())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-middle-finger()`, fa-hand-middle-finger())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-peace()`, fa-hand-peace())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-point-down()`, fa-hand-point-down())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-scissors()`, fa-hand-scissors())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-sparkles()`, fa-hand-sparkles())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hand-spock()`, fa-hand-spock())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-handcuffs()`, fa-handcuffs())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands()`, fa-hands())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-signing()`, fa-signing())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-asl-interpreting()`, fa-asl-interpreting())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-american-sign-language-interpreting()`, fa-hands-american-sign-language-interpreting())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-bound()`, fa-hands-bound())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-bubbles()`, fa-hands-bubbles())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-wash()`, fa-hands-wash())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-clapping()`, fa-hands-clapping())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-holding()`, fa-hands-holding())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-holding-child()`, fa-hands-holding-child())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-holding-circle()`, fa-hands-holding-circle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-praying()`, fa-hands-praying())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-praying-hands()`, fa-praying-hands())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-handshake()`, fa-handshake())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-handshake-angle()`, fa-handshake-angle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hands-helping()`, fa-hands-helping())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-handshake-alt()`, fa-handshake-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-handshake-alt-slash()`, fa-handshake-alt-slash())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hanukiah()`, fa-hanukiah())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hat-cowboy()`, fa-hat-cowboy())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hat-cowboy-side()`, fa-hat-cowboy-side())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-head-side-cough()`, fa-head-side-cough())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-head-side-cough-slash()`, fa-head-side-cough-slash())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-headphones-alt()`, fa-headphones-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-headset()`, fa-headset())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-heart()`, fa-heart())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-heart-circle-xmark()`, fa-heart-circle-xmark())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-heart-broken()`, fa-heart-broken())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-heart-pulse()`, fa-heart-pulse())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-heartbeat()`, fa-heartbeat())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-helicopter-symbol()`, fa-helicopter-symbol())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-helmet-safety()`, fa-helmet-safety())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hard-hat()`, fa-hard-hat())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hat-hard()`, fa-hat-hard())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-helmet-un()`, fa-helmet-un())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-highlighter()`, fa-highlighter())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hill-avalanche()`, fa-hill-avalanche())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hill-rockslide()`, fa-hill-rockslide())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hippo()`, fa-hippo())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hips()`, fa-hips())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hire-a-helper()`, fa-hire-a-helper())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hive()`, fa-hive())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hockey-puck()`, fa-hockey-puck())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-holly-berry()`, fa-holly-berry())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hooli()`, fa-hooli())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hornbill()`, fa-hornbill())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-horse()`, fa-horse())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-horse-head()`, fa-horse-head())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hospital()`, fa-hospital())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hospital-alt()`, fa-hospital-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hospital-wide()`, fa-hospital-wide())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hospital-user()`, fa-hospital-user())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hot-tub-person()`, fa-hot-tub-person())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hot-tub()`, fa-hot-tub())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hotdog()`, fa-hotdog())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hotel()`, fa-hotel())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hotjar()`, fa-hotjar())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass()`, fa-hourglass())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-empty()`, fa-hourglass-empty())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-end()`, fa-hourglass-end())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-3()`, fa-hourglass-3())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-half()`, fa-hourglass-half())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-2()`, fa-hourglass-2())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-start()`, fa-hourglass-start())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hourglass-1()`, fa-hourglass-1())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-home()`, fa-home())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-home-alt()`, fa-home-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-home-lg-alt()`, fa-home-lg-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-home-lg()`, fa-home-lg())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-chimney-crack()`, fa-house-chimney-crack())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-damage()`, fa-house-damage())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-chimney-medical()`, fa-house-chimney-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-clinic-medical()`, fa-clinic-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-chimney-user()`, fa-house-chimney-user())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-chimney-window()`, fa-house-chimney-window())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-circle-exclamation()`, fa-house-circle-exclamation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-circle-xmark()`, fa-house-circle-xmark())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-crack()`, fa-house-crack())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-fire()`, fa-house-fire())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-flag()`, fa-house-flag())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-flood-water()`, fa-house-flood-water())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-flood-water-circle-arrow-right()`, fa-house-flood-water-circle-arrow-right())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-laptop()`, fa-house-laptop())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-laptop-house()`, fa-laptop-house())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-lock()`, fa-house-lock())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-medical()`, fa-house-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-medical-circle-check()`, fa-house-medical-circle-check())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-medical-circle-exclamation()`, fa-house-medical-circle-exclamation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-medical-circle-xmark()`, fa-house-medical-circle-xmark())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-signal()`, fa-house-signal())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-tsunami()`, fa-house-tsunami())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-house-user()`, fa-house-user())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-home-user()`, fa-home-user())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-houzz()`, fa-houzz())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-i-cursor()`, fa-i-cursor())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-id-card()`, fa-id-card())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-drivers-license()`, fa-drivers-license())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-id-card-clip()`, fa-id-card-clip())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-id-card-alt()`, fa-id-card-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-image-portrait()`, fa-image-portrait())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-portrait()`, fa-portrait())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-inr()`, fa-inr())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-intercom()`, fa-intercom())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-invision()`, fa-invision())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ioxhost()`, fa-ioxhost())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-itunes()`, fa-itunes())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-itunes-note()`, fa-itunes-note())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-j()`, fa-j())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-jar()`, fa-jar())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-jedi-order()`, fa-jedi-order())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-fighter-jet()`, fa-fighter-jet())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-jet-fighter-up()`, fa-jet-fighter-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-jira()`, fa-jira())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-joget()`, fa-joget())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-joint()`, fa-joint())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-kaaba()`, fa-kaaba())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-kickstarter-k()`, fa-kickstarter-k())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-kip-sign()`, fa-kip-sign())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-kit-medical()`, fa-kit-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-first-aid()`, fa-first-aid())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-kitchen-set()`, fa-kitchen-set())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-kiwi-bird()`, fa-kiwi-bird())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-korvue()`, fa-korvue())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-l()`, fa-l())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-landmark()`, fa-landmark())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-landmark-dome()`, fa-landmark-dome())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-landmark-alt()`, fa-landmark-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-landmark-flag()`, fa-landmark-flag())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-language()`, fa-language())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-laptop()`, fa-laptop())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-laptop-file()`, fa-laptop-file())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-laptop-medical()`, fa-laptop-medical())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-lari-sign()`, fa-lari-sign())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-lastfm()`, fa-lastfm())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-people-pulling()`, fa-people-pulling())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-people-robbery()`, fa-people-robbery())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-people-roof()`, fa-people-roof())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pepper-hot()`, fa-pepper-hot())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person()`, fa-person())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-male()`, fa-male())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-arrow-up-from-line()`, fa-person-arrow-up-from-line())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-biking()`, fa-person-biking())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-biking()`, fa-biking())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-booth()`, fa-person-booth())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-breastfeeding()`, fa-person-breastfeeding())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-burst()`, fa-person-burst())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-cane()`, fa-person-cane())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-chalkboard()`, fa-person-chalkboard())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-circle-check()`, fa-person-circle-check())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-circle-minus()`, fa-person-circle-minus())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-circle-plus()`, fa-person-circle-plus())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-circle-xmark()`, fa-person-circle-xmark())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-dots-from-line()`, fa-person-dots-from-line())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-female()`, fa-female())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-dress-burst()`, fa-person-dress-burst())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-drowning()`, fa-person-drowning())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-falling()`, fa-person-falling())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-falling-burst()`, fa-person-falling-burst())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-half-dress()`, fa-person-half-dress())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-harassing()`, fa-person-harassing())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-hiking()`, fa-person-hiking())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-hiking()`, fa-hiking())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-military-pointing()`, fa-person-military-pointing())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-military-rifle()`, fa-person-military-rifle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-military-to-person()`, fa-person-military-to-person())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-praying()`, fa-person-praying())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pray()`, fa-pray())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-pregnant()`, fa-person-pregnant())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-rays()`, fa-person-rays())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-rifle()`, fa-person-rifle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-running()`, fa-person-running())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-running()`, fa-running())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-shelter()`, fa-person-shelter())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-skating()`, fa-skating())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-skiing()`, fa-person-skiing())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-skiing()`, fa-skiing())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-skiing-nordic()`, fa-person-skiing-nordic())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-skiing-nordic()`, fa-skiing-nordic())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-snowboarding()`, fa-person-snowboarding())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-snowboarding()`, fa-snowboarding())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-swimming()`, fa-person-swimming())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-swimmer()`, fa-swimmer())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-through-window()`, fa-person-through-window())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-walking()`, fa-person-walking())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-walking()`, fa-walking())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-person-walking-with-cane()`, fa-person-walking-with-cane())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-peso-sign()`, fa-peso-sign())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-phabricator()`, fa-phabricator())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-phoenix-squadron()`, fa-phoenix-squadron())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-phone-flip()`, fa-phone-flip())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-phone-alt()`, fa-phone-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-phone-slash()`, fa-phone-slash())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-phone-volume()`, fa-phone-volume())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pied-piper-alt()`, fa-pied-piper-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pied-piper-hat()`, fa-pied-piper-hat())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pied-piper-pp()`, fa-pied-piper-pp())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-piggy-bank()`, fa-piggy-bank())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pills()`, fa-pills())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-place-of-worship()`, fa-place-of-worship())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane()`, fa-plane())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-arrival()`, fa-plane-arrival())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-circle-check()`, fa-plane-circle-check())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-circle-exclamation()`, fa-plane-circle-exclamation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-circle-xmark()`, fa-plane-circle-xmark())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-departure()`, fa-plane-departure())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-lock()`, fa-plane-lock())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-slash()`, fa-plane-slash())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plane-up()`, fa-plane-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plant-wilt()`, fa-plant-wilt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plate-wheat()`, fa-plate-wheat())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-play()`, fa-play())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-playstation()`, fa-playstation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug()`, fa-plug())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug-circle-bolt()`, fa-plug-circle-bolt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug-circle-check()`, fa-plug-circle-check())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug-circle-exclamation()`, fa-plug-circle-exclamation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug-circle-minus()`, fa-plug-circle-minus())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug-circle-plus()`, fa-plug-circle-plus())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plug-circle-xmark()`, fa-plug-circle-xmark())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-plus-minus()`, fa-plus-minus())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-poo()`, fa-poo())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-poo-storm()`, fa-poo-storm())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-poo-bolt()`, fa-poo-bolt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-poop()`, fa-poop())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-power-off()`, fa-power-off())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-prescription()`, fa-prescription())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-prescription-bottle()`, fa-prescription-bottle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-prescription-bottle-medical()`, fa-prescription-bottle-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-prescription-bottle-alt()`, fa-prescription-bottle-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-product-hunt()`, fa-product-hunt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pump-medical()`, fa-pump-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pump-soap()`, fa-pump-soap())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pushed()`, fa-pushed())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-puzzle-piece()`, fa-puzzle-piece())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-qrcode()`, fa-qrcode())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-question()`, fa-question())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-quora()`, fa-quora())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-receipt()`, fa-receipt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-road-circle-xmark()`, fa-road-circle-xmark())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-pound-sign()`, fa-pound-sign())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-sticker-mule()`, fa-sticker-mule())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-stop()`, fa-stop())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-stopwatch()`, fa-stopwatch())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-street-view()`, fa-street-view())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-stubber()`, fa-stubber())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-stumbleupon()`, fa-stumbleupon())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-stumbleupon-circle()`, fa-stumbleupon-circle())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-medkit()`, fa-medkit())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-t()`, fa-t())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tags()`, fa-tags())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tarp()`, fa-tarp())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tarp-droplet()`, fa-tarp-droplet())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-taxi()`, fa-taxi())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cab()`, fa-cab())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-teeth()`, fa-teeth())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-teeth-open()`, fa-teeth-open())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-telegram()`, fa-telegram())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-telegram-plane()`, fa-telegram-plane())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-down()`, fa-temperature-down())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-up()`, fa-temperature-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-empty()`, fa-temperature-empty())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-empty()`, fa-thermometer-empty())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-full()`, fa-temperature-full())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-4()`, fa-temperature-4())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-full()`, fa-thermometer-full())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-half()`, fa-temperature-half())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-2()`, fa-thermometer-2())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-half()`, fa-thermometer-half())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-high()`, fa-temperature-high())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-low()`, fa-temperature-low())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-quarter()`, fa-temperature-quarter())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-1()`, fa-temperature-1())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-1()`, fa-thermometer-1())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-quarter()`, fa-thermometer-quarter())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-three-quarters()`, fa-temperature-three-quarters())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-temperature-3()`, fa-temperature-3())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-3()`, fa-thermometer-3())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer-three-quarters()`, fa-thermometer-three-quarters())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tencent-weibo()`, fa-tencent-weibo())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tenge-sign()`, fa-tenge-sign())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tenge()`, fa-tenge())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tent-arrow-down-to-line()`, fa-tent-arrow-down-to-line())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tents()`, fa-tents())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-themeco()`, fa-themeco())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-themeisle()`, fa-themeisle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thermometer()`, fa-thermometer())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thumbs-down()`, fa-thumbs-down())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thumbs-up()`, fa-thumbs-up())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-thumb-tack()`, fa-thumb-tack())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ticket()`, fa-ticket())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ticket-simple()`, fa-ticket-simple())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ticket-alt()`, fa-ticket-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-toilet-paper-slash()`, fa-toilet-paper-slash())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-toilets-portable()`, fa-toilets-portable())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-toolbox()`, fa-toolbox())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tooth()`, fa-tooth())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-torii-gate()`, fa-torii-gate())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tornado()`, fa-tornado())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tower-broadcast()`, fa-tower-broadcast())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-broadcast-tower()`, fa-broadcast-tower())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tower-cell()`, fa-tower-cell())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tower-observation()`, fa-tower-observation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tractor()`, fa-tractor())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trade-federation()`, fa-trade-federation())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trademark()`, fa-trademark())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-traffic-light()`, fa-traffic-light())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trailer()`, fa-trailer())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-train()`, fa-train())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-train-subway()`, fa-train-subway())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-subway()`, fa-subway())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-train-tram()`, fa-train-tram())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-transgender()`, fa-transgender())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-transgender-alt()`, fa-transgender-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trash()`, fa-trash())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trash-arrow-up()`, fa-trash-arrow-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trash-restore()`, fa-trash-restore())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trash-alt()`, fa-trash-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trash-can-arrow-up()`, fa-trash-can-arrow-up())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trash-restore-alt()`, fa-trash-restore-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trello()`, fa-trello())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-trowel-bricks()`, fa-trowel-bricks())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck()`, fa-truck())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-arrow-right()`, fa-truck-arrow-right())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-droplet()`, fa-truck-droplet())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-fast()`, fa-truck-fast())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-shipping-fast()`, fa-shipping-fast())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-field()`, fa-truck-field())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-field-un()`, fa-truck-field-un())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-front()`, fa-truck-front())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-medical()`, fa-truck-medical())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ambulance()`, fa-ambulance())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-monster()`, fa-truck-monster())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-moving()`, fa-truck-moving())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-pickup()`, fa-truck-pickup())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-plane()`, fa-truck-plane())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-ramp-box()`, fa-truck-ramp-box())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-truck-loading()`, fa-truck-loading())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-tty()`, fa-tty())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-teletype()`, fa-teletype())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-turkish-lira()`, fa-turkish-lira())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-turn-down()`, fa-turn-down())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-level-up-alt()`, fa-level-up-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-television()`, fa-television())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-twitch()`, fa-twitch())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-twitter()`, fa-twitter())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ubuntu()`, fa-ubuntu())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-umbrella()`, fa-umbrella())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-umbrella-beach()`, fa-umbrella-beach())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-unlock-alt()`, fa-unlock-alt())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-clock()`, fa-user-clock())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-group()`, fa-user-group())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-friends()`, fa-user-friends())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-injured()`, fa-user-injured())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-large()`, fa-user-large())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-alt()`, fa-user-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-large-slash()`, fa-user-large-slash())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-alt-slash()`, fa-user-alt-slash())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-lock()`, fa-user-lock())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-minus()`, fa-user-minus())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-ninja()`, fa-user-ninja())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-nurse()`, fa-user-nurse())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-pen()`, fa-user-pen())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-edit()`, fa-user-edit())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-plus()`, fa-user-plus())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-secret()`, fa-user-secret())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-shield()`, fa-user-shield())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-slash()`, fa-user-slash())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-tie()`, fa-user-tie())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-xmark()`, fa-user-xmark())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-user-times()`, fa-user-times())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-users-line()`, fa-users-line())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-users-slash()`, fa-users-slash())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-ussunnah()`, fa-ussunnah())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-utensils()`, fa-utensils())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cutlery()`, fa-cutlery())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-v()`, fa-v())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-vaadin()`, fa-vaadin())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-van-shuttle()`, fa-van-shuttle())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-shuttle-van()`, fa-shuttle-van())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-vault()`, fa-vault())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-venus-double()`, fa-venus-double())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-venus-mars()`, fa-venus-mars())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-virus-slash()`, fa-virus-slash())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wheelchair()`, fa-wheelchair())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wheelchair-move()`, fa-wheelchair-move())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wheelchair-alt()`, fa-wheelchair-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-whiskey-glass()`, fa-whiskey-glass())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-glass-whiskey()`, fa-glass-whiskey())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wine-glass-empty()`, fa-wine-glass-empty())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wine-glass-alt()`, fa-wine-glass-alt())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wirsindhandwerk()`, fa-wirsindhandwerk())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wsh()`, fa-wsh())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-wolf-pack-battalion()`, fa-wolf-pack-battalion())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-xmark()`, fa-xmark())
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#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-remove()`, fa-remove())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-times()`, fa-times())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-xmarks-lines()`, fa-xmarks-lines())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-y()`, fa-y())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-y-combinator()`, fa-y-combinator())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yahoo()`, fa-yahoo())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yammer()`, fa-yammer())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yandex()`, fa-yandex())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yandex-international()`, fa-yandex-international())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yarn()`, fa-yarn())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yelp()`, fa-yelp())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yen-sign()`, fa-yen-sign())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-cny()`, fa-cny())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-jpy()`, fa-jpy())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-rmb()`, fa-rmb())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yen()`, fa-yen())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yin-yang()`, fa-yin-yang())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-yoast()`, fa-yoast())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-youtube()`, fa-youtube())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-z()`, fa-z())
#grid(columns: (20em, 10em, 3em), `#fa-zhihu()`, fa-zhihu())
| | | typst | #let V = (
"HV": (
("", "Prechváľniji múčenicy", "Múčenikov jedínstvennoje toržestvó, strujámi svoích krovéj mnóžestvo bisóv udavíša, i vsjákija ustáviša stúdnyja žértvy, ídoľskuju razrušíša prélesť, terpelívno postradávše i nýňi móľatsja Christú darováti dušám nášym mír, i véliju mílosť."),
("", "", "Pástyrije vsesvjaščénniji, múdrymi slovesý i učéniji vsích naučíša vo jedínstvi Božestvó Tróičeskoje sláviti, líc slijánija i razďilénija, Božéstvenňi ubihájušče. i nýňi móľatsja, darováti dušám nášym mír, i véliju mílosť."),
("", "", "Prepodóbnych soslóvije, plotskája choťínija uspíša, i stremlénija obuzdáša, žitijé ravnoánheľnoje pokazávše. Ťímže i v žilíščach nebésnych nýňi likovstvújut, Christú moľáščesja, darováti dušám nášym mír, i véliju mílosť."),
("", "", "Molítvami Hóspodi, vsích svjatých i Bohoródicy, tvój mír dážď nám, i pomíluj nás, jáko jedín ščédr."),
("", "", "Jéže na sudíšči váše ispovídanije svjatíji, démonov oplevá sílu, i ot prélesti čelovíki svobodí. Ťímže i hlavám usekájemym, vzyváste: da búdet Hóspodi, žértva dúš nášych blahoprijátna pred tobóju, jáko tebé vozľubívše, neradíchom o vrémenňij žízni, čelovikoľúbče."),
("", "", "O dóbryja vášeja kúpli svjatíji! Jáko króvi dáste, i nebesá nasľídovaste: i vrémenno iskusívšesja, víčno rádujetesja. Voístinnu dobrá váša kúpľa: tľínnaja bo ostávlše, netľínnaja vosprijáste, i so ánhely likovstvújušče, pojéte neprestánno Tróicu jedinosúščnuju."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Vsemírnuju slávu, ot čelovík prozjábšuju, i Vladýku róždšuju, nebésnuju dvér vospojím Maríju Ďívu, bezplótnych písň, i vírnych udobrénije. sijá bo javísja nébo, i chrám Božestvá: sijá prehraždénije vraždý razrušívši, mír vvedé, i cárstvije otvérze. Sijú úbo imúšče víry utverždénije, pobórnika ímamy iz nejá róždšahosja Hóspoda, derzájte úbo, derzájte ľúdije Bóžiji: íbo tój pobidít vrahí, jáko vsesílen."),
"S": (
("Múčeničen", "", "Prechváľniji múčenicy, vás ni zemľá potaíla jésť, no nébo priját vý, i otverzóšasja vám rájskija dvéri, i vnútr bývše dréva živótnaho naslaždájetesja: Christú molítesja, darováti dušám nášym mír i véliju mílosť."),
("Pokóin", "", "Kája žitéjskaja sládosť prebyvájet pečáli nepričástna? Kája li sláva stoít na zemlí neprelóžna? Vsjá séni nemoščňíjša, i vsjá sónij preléstňijša: vo jedín čás vsjá sijá smérť prijémlet. No vo svíťi Christé licá tvojehó, i v naslaždéniji tvojejá krasotý, jáže izbrál jesí, upokój jáko čelovikoľúbec."),
("Pokóin", "", "Niktóže bezhríšen, niktóže ot čelovík býv, tókmo tý jedíne bezsmértne: Ťímže rabý tvojá jáko Bóh ščédryj, vo svíťi so ánheľskimi likostojániji tvojími učiní, blahoutróbijem tvojím, prezirája bezzakónija, i podajá ím proščénije."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Voístinnu páče umá čúdnaja tvojá velíčija, roždestvá tvojehó Bohonevísto, jáže propovídaša prorócy vsí vsjá preslávnaja: začátije i roždestvó vsepítaja nedomýslenno i neskazánno, ímže mír spásl jésť, jáko milosérd.")
#let P = (
"1": (
("", "", "Písň pobídnuju pojím vsí Bóhu, sotvóršemu dívnaja čudesá mýšceju vysókoju, i spásšemu Izráiľa, jáko proslávisja."),
("", "", "Spásítelnoje jesí pristánišče i pokróv, prizyvájuščym ťá Bohoródice prečístaja. Ťímže i áz ot duší prizyváju ťá tépľi: Vladýčice spasí mja."),
("", "", "Maríje prečístaja, ziždíteľa Máti, istľívšuju strasťmí i prehrišéňmi smirénnuju mojú dúšu iscilí, jáko blahája i blahopremínnaja."),
("", "", "Beznevístnaja Vladýčice, ne otstupáj moľášči vsehdá tvorcá mojehó i Bóha, o pritekájuščem prísno k pokróvu tvojemú, ulučíti mílosť."),
("", "", "Paláto oduševlénnaja caréva, i prestóle ohneobráznyj, so svjatými múčeniki i apóstoly, Christá prísno molí, ot napástej nás izbáviti."),
"3": (
("", "", "Kámeň, jehóže nebrehóša zížduščiji, séj býsť vo hlavú úhla: tój jésť kámeň, na némže utverdí cérkov Christós, júže ot jazýk iskupí."),
("", "", "Ťmá prehrišénij obderžít mojé sérdce Vladýčice, i ne smíju vozzríti na nébo očíma, ťímže zovú: prosvití veľíňmi Christóvymi úm i dúšu, i sérdce mojé."),
("", "", "Vziráju na božéstvennyj tvój óbraz, i pečáť ťá Vladýčňu, i prečístuju Máter, jáko pervoobráznu čtú: i sijú lobyzáju, i poklaňájusja, i chvaľú, jedínu vídyj tvojú, i tohó čésť."),
("", "", "Ustávi ľútaja stremlénija ťilésnaja, uhasí i plámeň strastéj Ďívo: ímiže sohrišénij pľinícu mnohopleténnuju mí sopletájet zmíj ľútyj, choťá voschítiti k pohíbeli."),
("", "", "Vés vo Adáma oblečésja iz tebé Bohoródice, vseťilonósno prošéd Slóvo. Tohó úbo molí, strastéj nás izbáviti, i napástej razlíčnych, i ohňá víčnujuščaho."),
"4": (
("", "", "Dúchom províďa proróče Avvakúme, Slovesé voploščénije, propovídal jesí vopijá: vnehdá priblížitisja ľítom, poznáješisja, vnehdá prijití vrémeni, pokážešisja. Sláva síľi tvojéj Hóspodi."),
("", "", "Róždši ziždíteľa, i vsích tvorcá, sílu neizrečénnu, i nepobidímu kríposť ímaši Ďívo, i spasáješi víroju k tebí prichoďáščyja. Sehó rádi zovú ti: Vladýčice míra, pomozí mi."),
("", "", "Bráni nevídimych vráh mýslennych nizloží Vladýčice, vsúje na mojé napádajuščich okajánnoje sérdce, tišinú božéstvennuju, i mír dárujušči: jáko da véselo vospiváju ťá."),
("", "", "Nadéžde nenadéžnych, pomóščnice níščich, pláčuščich uťícha, sohrešájuščich očiščénije, rukovodíteľnica zablúždšich, boľáščich cilébnica, i ispravlénije pádajuščich."),
("", "", "Čístaja i blahoslovénnaja, jáže jedína kľátvy vsích izminívšaja, Ďívo Maríje, so apóstoly, i múčeniki, i proróki molí, iz čréva tvojehó prošédšaho, spastí dúšy pojúščich ťá."),
"5": (
("", "", "Tvój mír dážď nám Sýne Bóžij, inóho bo rázvi tebé Bóha ne znájem, ímja tvojé imenújem, jáko Bóh živých i mértvych jesí."),
("", "", "Spasí mja Vladýčice, iz hlubiný napástej, i skorbéj, i pečálej, i strastéj ťilésnych: i v tišiňí božéstvenňij sochraní dúšu mojú."),
("", "", "Tý mí jesí téploje chranénije i tvérdoje vo vséj žízni, preneporóčnaja. Ťímže moľú ťa, i po smérti tvojé mňí milosérdije prostrí bohátoje."),
("", "", "Jáže ziždíteľa róždšaja, i izbáviteľa vsích, izbávi mjá strastéj ťilésnych opaľájuščich sérdce mojé, i privlačájuščich k ďilóm nepodóbnym."),
("", "", "Jáko místo svjaščénija jávľšisja mýslennaho, vsehó mja osvjatí Vladýčice, i so svjatými molísja i múdrymi apóstoly, spastí mja Ďívo."),
"6": (
("", "", "Proróka Jónu podražája, vopijú: živót mój bláže svobodí iz tlí, i spasí mja Spáse míra, zovúšča: sláva tebí."),
("", "", "Tý žíva mjá sobľudáješi izbavľájušči napástej: tý i ot zemlí otchoďášča k víčňij žízni prestávi Ďívo Máti, milosérdijem tvojím."),
("", "", "Tý jesí sťiná nerušíma, tý jesí pokróv tvérd, Bohoródice blahája, tý predstáteľnica kripká rabú tvojemú: i sehó rádi ťá prizyváju prísno."),
("", "", "Tý molítvu síľnu sťažávši k Bóhu, Bohoródice blahája, ne prézri mené tépľi k pokróvu tvojemú pritekájuščaho, i vopijúščaho: pomíluj mjá, máti vsích Bóha."),
("", "", "Ne otríni mené Christé, ne hnušájsja mené Spáse, mólit ťá áhnica róždšaja ťá plótiju, so apóstoly, i so proróki, i so strastotérpcy tvojími."),
"S": (
("", "", "Óblak ťá svíta Bóžija prisnosúščnaho, Ďívo, i kovčéh, i svíščnik, i stámnu, i hóru nesikómuju, prorócy proricáchu otrokovíce prečístaja: iz tebé bo prójde bez símene, v posľídňaja Christós Bóh náš, jákože Otéc blahoizvóli."),
"7": (
("", "", "Súščym v peščí otrokóm tvojím Spáse, ne prikosnúsja, nižé stuží óhň. Tohdá trijé, jáko jedíňimi ustý pojáchu, i blahoslovľáchu, hlahóľušče: blahoslovén Bóh otéc nášich."),
("", "", "Otčájanna súšča mjá čístaja, prehrišéniji i slasťmí plotskími, i ko hlubiňí porivájema pohíbeli, prispivši izbávi mjá prečístaja Vladýčice, milosérdijem tvojím."),
("", "", "Pribížišče i pokróv deržáven, i izbavlénije Bohoródice vsím vírnym: tý mi búdi rukovodíteľnica ko tvorcú, prehrišénij izbavlénije podajúšči mí, blahoutróbijem tvojím."),
("", "", "Tý kľátvu potrebíla jesí čístaja, rádosť róždšaja Christá: tý i kľátvu, ot hrichá pribývšuju mí, razriší síloju tvojéju preneporóčnaja, i dáruj mí rádosť."),
("", "", "Ťá, presvjatája čístaja, rabí tvojí mólim vsehdá déň i nóšč, moľáščesja sokrušénnoju mýsliju, izbavlénije sohrišénij nášich dáruj tvojími molítvami."),
"8": (
("", "", "Jehóže užasájutsja ánheli, i vsjá vójinstva, jáko tvorcá i Hóspoda, pójte svjaščénnicy, proslávite ótrocy, blahoslovíte ľúdije, i prevoznosíte vo vsjá víki."),
("", "", "Vostáni, predvarí, rátuj vrahí, íže vsúe smuščájuščyja i oskorbľájuščyja nás, tvojú sílu javľájušči svjatája Ďívo, pomóščnice míra."),
("", "", "Mír spaslá jesí ot smérti i tlí Božéstvennym roždestvóm tvojím, Ďívo blahája: i nýňi že molítvami tvojími i nás voschvaľájuščich ťá, ot strastéj ischití, i spasí."),
("", "", "Mnóhaja tvojá i neizrečénnaja Ďívo kríposť, mnóhi i nepobidímy Božéstvennyja ščedróty, i blahoutróbije. Ťímže spasáj nás, voístinnu ťá prizyvájuščich."),
("", "", "Jáko oduševlén vinohrád Ďívo, prorastíla jesí nám hrózd zrílyj, istočívšij vinó ostavlénija, i hrichóvnoje izsušívšij pijánstvo."),
"9": (
("", "", "Svitonósnyj óblak, vóňže vsích Vladýka, jáko dóžď s nebesé na runó sníde, i voplotísja nás rádi, býv čelovík, beznačáľnyj, veličájem vsí jáko Máter Bóha nášeho čístuju."),
("", "", "V móri žitijá oburevájem ziló slasťmí plotskími, tebí pripádaju i vopijú: pomíluj mjá k tebí pritekájuščaho Vladýčice, i rúku mí spasénija podážď, izbavľájušči pohíbeľnyja hlubiný."),
("", "", "Tebí mojá hrichí ispovídaju Ďívo, tvojemú licú mój predstavľáju stúd, i vopijú ot duší: pomíluj i uščédri, prečístaja, jáko na ťá upovánije s Bohom vozložích tvérdoje."),
("", "", "Ťá bez símene róždšuju tvorcá i Vladýku, prizyváju ot duší, i zovú priľížno: tý mja spasí ot tlí mnóhich prehrišénij, i izbávi ohňá nehasímaho, presvjatája Bohoródice blahája."),
("", "", "Neprochodímaja dvére, rájskaja vratá, spasájemym púť, spasénija stezjá, s múčeniki i proróki, s právednymi že i prepodóbnymi, i s božéstvennymi apóstoly, molísja čístaja, spastísja dušám nášym."),
#let U = (
"S1": (
("", "", "Stradánija pochvalóju, i vinéčnoju póčestiju, slávniji strastotérpcy oďíjavšesja tobóju Hóspodi, terpínijem úbo rán bezzakónnych pobidíša, i síloju božéstvennoju ot nebés pobídu prijáša: ťích molítvami i nás svobodí ot nevídimaho vrahá Spáse, i spasí nás."),
("", "", "Jáko dóbriji vóini jedinomúdrenno vírovavše, preščénija mučítelej ne ubojástesja svjatíji, prijidóste usérdno ko Christú vzémše čestnýj krest: i skončávše tečénije, s nebesé pobídu prijáste. Sláva ukrípľšemu vý: sláva vinčávšemu vý: sláva ďíjstvujuščemu vámi vsím iscilénija."),
("", "Hrób tvój Spáse", "V mísťi svítľi, v líci právednych upokój Spáse, k tebí prestávľšichsja: na ťá bo upovánije čelovikoľúbče vozložíša: prijimí molénije o otcích i čáďich, ímže soveršájem pámjať: i opravdí ťích, jáko mnohomílostiv."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Havrijílu viščávšu tebí Ďívo, rádujsja: so hlásom voploščášesja vsích Vladýka, v tebí svjaťím kivóťi, jákože rečé právednyj Davíd, javílasja jesí šíršaja nebés, ponosívši ziždíteľa tvojehó: sláva vséľšemusja v ťá: sláva prošédšemu iz tebé: sláva svobodívšemu nás roždestvóm tvojím."),
"S2": (
("", "", "Ránami svjatých, íže po tebí postradáša, umolén búdi Hóspodi: i vsjá náša boľízni i strásti iscilí čelovikoľúbče, mólimsja."),
("", "", "Múčeniki Christóvy mólim vsí, i ľubóviju priídem k ním s víroju: síji bo o nášem spaséniji prósjat, i síji vsí istočájut iscilénij blahodáť, síi polkí othoňájut bisóvskija, jáko sochránnicy víry."),
("", "", "Smértnuju deržávu Christé uprazdnív, i netľínije zemným istočíl jesí: i íže v ťá vírujuščiji ne umirájut, no živút výnu o tebí. Ťímže upokój Hóspodi, dúšy ráb tvojích, i učiní ích so svjatými tvojími: molítvami Bohoródicy, dáruja ťím proščénije i voskresénije."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Jedína krípkaja i téplaja predstáteľnice róda čelovíčeskaho, Bohoródice Ďívo, neprestánno molí so proróki i múčeniki, so svjatíteli že i póstniki i prepodóbnymi, jehóže rodilá jesí páče jestestvá Bóha Slóva, spastí vsjáčeskaja."),
"K": (
"P1": (
"1": (
("", "", "Stolpóm óhnennym i óblačnym Izráiľa nastavléj, jáko Bóh, móre razvérže, kolesnícy že faraónovy hlubinóju pokrý. Pojím písň pobídnuju , jáko jedín proslávisja."),
("", "", "Ščitóm blahočéstija ohráždšesja božéstvenniji stradáľcy, ustremíšasja k boréniju: pohubíša že vrahá vsjú sílu, pojúšče písň pobídnuju Christú ukrípľšemu ích."),
("", "", "Upasóste božéstvenniji pástyrije, stádo Bóžije na pážiti tájňij, vólki othnávše páliceju slovés svjaščénnych: i vselístesja rádujuščesja vo ohrádu nebésnuju, iďíže jésť velíkij pástyr."),
("", "", "Íže strásti poščénijem i boľízňmi umertvívše plóti, božéstvennym manovénijem, živeté po smérti prepodóbniji: nás rádi mértva bývšaho, Christá vsehdá molíte uščédriti nás."),
("", "", "Mértv býv, i mértvym darovál jesí božéstvennyj tvój živót, i bezsmértnuju žízň. íže víroju prešédšyja ot žitijá tľínnaho, cárstvija tvojehó sotvorí pričástniki, jáko blahoutróben, i jedín mnohomílostiv."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Íže ľubóviju Christóvoju ujazvľájemi múčenicy, i vinčávšijasja ot Bóha žený, tebé vseneporóčnuju i dóbruju v ženách vsí prepodóbniji počitájut, rádujuščesja vírno, jáko carícu vsečestnúju."),
"2": (
("", "", "Tvojá pobidíteľnaja desníca Bohoľípno v kríposti proslávisja: tá bo bezsmértne, jáko vsemohúščaja protívnyja sotré, Izráiľťanom púť hlubiný novosoďílavšaja."),
("", "", "Vratá smérti i verejí, tvojéju smértiju sokrušíl jesí bezsmértne, vratá otvérzi Vladýko, páče umá bezsmértija úspšym, molítvami strastotérpec tvojích."),
("", "", "Da božéstvennaho životá spodóbimsja, sošél jesí k smérti, tojá že isprovérh sokróvišča, nás ottúdu izvlékl jesí: nýňi že žiznodávče, prestávlennyja upokój."),
("", "", "Tý mojé tľínnoje že i mértvennoje vosprijím, v netľínije oblékl jesí, i k bezkonéčnomu žitijú i blažénnomu voznésl jesí, iďíže jáko ščédr, íchže prijál jesí, upokój."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Róždšuju jéže ot Bóha Bóžije Slóvo, vírniji vospojím: tá bo vsečístaja púť žízni uméršym býsť, júže jáko Bohoprijémnicu i Bohoródicu proslávim."),
"P3": (
"1": (
("", "", "Da utverdítsja sérdce mojé v vóli tvojéj Christé Bóže, íže nad vodámi Nébo utverždéj vtoróe, i osnovávyj na vodách zémľu vsesíľne."),
("", "", "Mnóhija múki preterpívše, i blahích mnóhich spodóbistesja, mnóžestvo múčenik svjaščénnoje: ťímže molítvami vášimi zól mojích bezmírnoje mnóžestvo očístite."),
("", "", "Svjaščénniji oďíjavšesja právednoju blahodátiju , i vesélije krásnoje prepodóbnych sobór sťažávše, neveščéstvennym služítelem upodóbišasja."),
("", "", "Christóvy prorócy, božéstvenniji múčenicy, svjaščénnych žén soslóvije, íže postradávše múžeski, i v posťí proslávistesja: íchže molítvami mílosti tvojá Spáse vsím dáruj."),
("", "", "Íže ot zemlí Christé, čelovíka rukóju tvojéju sozdáv vóleju, i jáže ot nás vsjá víroju prestávľšyjasja rabý tvojá nebésnych bláh spodóbi."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Bohorodíteľnice neiskusobráčnaja, prošénija vsích prinesí soďíteľu nášemu Bóhu, róždšemusja ot utróby tvojejá: jáko da obrjáščem soveršénnoje ľútych izbavlénije."),
"2": (
("", "", "Jedíne vídyj čelovíčeskaho suščestvá némošč, i mílostivno v né voobrážsja, prepojáši mjá s vysotý síloju, jéže vopíti tebí svjatýj: oduševlénnyj chráme neizrečénnyja slávy tvojejá čelovikoľúbče."),
("", "", "Jáko jedín bláh sýj, jáko jedín mnohomílostiv, jáže blahočéstno k tebí otšédšyja, v nebésnych selénijich upokój, iďíže neizrečénnaja rádosť i naslaždénije, i iďíže sobór múčeničeskij veselítsja."),
("", "", "Tý jedín javílsja jesí na zemlí, Spáse mój bezhríšen, íže hrichí míra vzémľaj jáko milosérd: ot míra sehó prestávľšichsja víroju, dúši upokój vo dvórich svjatých tvojích, v sládosti rájsťij čelovikoľúbče."),
("", "", "Smérti deržávu nizlóž, živót nekončájemyj vsém vírnym istočíl jesí Vladýko: v tóm úbo učiní blahočéstno otšédšyja, prezirája bezmírnaja prehrišénija, i proščája hrichí ích čelovikoľúbče."),
("", "", "Bez símene začát čístaja, Slóvo prisnosúščnoje, plótski k nám prišédšeje, i smérti kríposť razorívšeje, i mértvym voskresénije i žízň víčnuju svojím milosérdijem dárujuščeje."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Uslýšach Hóspodi slúch tvój, i ubojáchsja, razumích ďilá tvojá, prorók hlahólaše, i proslávich sílu tvojú."),
"P4": (
"1": (
("", "", "Preterpívše múčenicy vsjákija rány, nrávom dóblestvennym, jákože ovčáta neporóčnaja Christú privedóstesja, za vsích zaklávšemusja životú."),
("", "", "Ustá božéstvennaja bývše svjatítelije Bóžijim slóvom naučájemi, dúšy izbáviša ot úst ľstívaho: íchže blahočestnomúdrenňi počitájem."),
("", "", "Krípcy božéstvennym Dúchom bývše otcý božéstvenniji, krípko pobidíste duchóv lukávstvija, prepodóbniji blahodátiju ."),
("", "", "Umertvívsja životé náš vóleju na drévi, íže víroju prešédšyja životá spodóbi víčnaho čelovikoľúbče."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Ne otverhóšasja Hóspoda žénskij lík, stráždušče múžeski: i ne pobidíšasja ťilésnymi slasťmí svjatíji, spospíšnicu ťá imúšče prečístaja."),
"2": (
("", "", "Hóru ťá blahodátiju Bóžijeju priosinénnuju, prozorlívyma Avvakúm usmotrív očíma, iz tebé izýti Izráilevu provozhlašáše svjatómu, vo spasénije náše i obnovlénije."),
("", "", "Umertvív ád nepobedímoju tvojéju síloju, vminén býl jesí v mértvych, jedín sýj svobóď Christé, dúšy svobodí blahočestívych, i jéže v ném osuždénija, svjatých múčenik moľbámi."),
("", "", "Íže vsích sýj jáko Vladýka, protivodostójnuju íže ot Adáma tvojehó zakolénija, izbávu dál jesí i cínu: ťímže mólimsja tvojím ščedrótam, prestávlšijasja upokój, sohrišénij podajá ostavlénije."),
("", "", "Prijál jesí Spáse mój, jéže vo hróbi položénije, i jáže vo hrobích žíti osuždénnyja mertvecý, jáko Bóh voskrésíl jesí. Nýňi že žízni prisnosúščnyja spodóbi prestávlennyja, jáko jedín čelovikoľúbec."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Spasésja ród čelovíčeskij roždestvóm tvojím: tý bo rodilá jesí nám ipostásnyj živót, smérti potreblénije, i k žízni soďílovajuščij voschód, Bohorodíteľnice preneporóčnaja Vladýčice."),
"P5": (
"1": (
("", "", "Svítlyj nám vozsijáj svít prisnosúščnyj, útreňujuščym o suďbách zápovidej tvojích, Vladýko čelovikoľúbče Christé Bóže náš."),
("", "", "Vooružívšesja blahočéstijem, ne ujázvleni javístesja múčenicy, borcá strilámi, i pobidonóscy blahodátiju bývše, vincý polučíste."),
("", "", "Pomáza mástiju božéstvennoju Hospóď svjaščénniki svojá, upásšyja v prepodóbiji vírnych mnóžestva, i nastávľšyja ko ohráďi nebésňij."),
("", "", "Svjáščennomúčenicy svjaščénňijšiji, prepodóbniji vsí, íže Dúcha ustávy sobľúdše, i cárstviju pričástnicy bývše, božéstvenno proslavľájetesja."),
("", "", "Íchže nýňi prestávil jesí poveľínijem tvojím Vladýko Hóspodi, spodóbi cárstvija tvojehó so svjatými, vsjá prezirája ím drévňaja sohrišénija."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Íže postóm i stradánijem slávu obrítše nebésnuju žený, prečístaja, tebé predstáteľnicu imúšče, zmíjevu deržávu razrušíša."),
"2": (
("", "", "Prosvitívyj sijánijem prišéstvija tvojehó Christé, i osvitívyj krestóm tvojím míra koncý, serdcá prosvití svítom tvojehó Bohorazúmija, pravoslávno pojúščich ťá."),
("", "", "Isciľájaj ot jáda smértnaho, smérť priját, i smérti žálo pritupíl jesí: no sám upokój, íchže prijál jesí žiznodávče, múčenik moľbámi."),
("", "", "Umerščvlénija i tľínija čelovíki svobodívyj, dúšy vírno prestávlennych učiní vo dvórich svjatých tvojích, otňúduže otbížé vsjáka skórb, i vesélije vodvorjájetsja."),
("", "", "Ráj úbo s tobóju povíšennomu, jáko otvérzl jesí: nýňi prijimí, dúšy Vladýko, k tebí víroju prestávľšyjasja, podajá ím v cérkvi pérvenec vodvorítisja."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Izbavľájušči na ťá nadéždy deržávu imúščich, k pristánišču božéstvennyja vóli tícho nastávi, máternim tvojím derznovénijem k Sýnu tvojemú, blahoslovénnaja vseneporóčnaja."),
"P6": (
"1": (
("", "", "Proróka Jónu podražája vopijú: živót mój bláže, svobodí iz tlí, i spasí mja, Spáse míra, zovúšča: sláva tebí."),
("", "", "Umerščvléni bývše rán mnóhich navedéňmi, žízň ístinnuju nasľídovaste vkúpi, moľáščesja spastísja vsím nám, svjatíji múčenicy."),
("", "", "Dennícy svitozárnyja poznáni býste na zemlí, blahočéstija svítom ozaríste vírnyja, preslávniji Christóvy orúžnicy, i svjatítelije premúdriji."),
("", "", "Stránni javístesja na zemlí, i hráždane nebésniji, Bohonósniji póstnicy, umertvívše plóti mudrovánija vozderžánijem i smirénijem."),
("", "", "Nevečérnemu tvojemú svítu, i sládosti ístinňij, jáže prestávil jesí vírnyja, pokaží pričástniki čelovikoľúbče, i svjatých sobórom sích sopričtí."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Íže postradávšyja krípko, i postívšyjasja tépľi, tobóju psalómski vo sľíd privedóšasja Christú, vsepítaja Bohorodíteľnice, vsjáčeskich carjú."),
"2": (
("", "", "Obýde nás posľídňaja bézdna, ňísť izbavľájaj, vminíchomsja jáko óvcy zakolénija, spasí ľúdi tvojá Bóže náš: tý bo kríposť nemoščstvújuščich i ispravlénije."),
("", "", "Jáko milosérd, prestávlennym dáruj prehrišénij proščénije, i víčnoje naslaždénije podajá, iďiže sijájet licá tvojehó svítlosť, i ozarjájet strastotérpcy tvojá."),
("", "", "Íže króviju ot rébr tvojích istékšeju mír iskupíl jesí, víroju usópšyja úbo Christé izbávi čestnými strasťmí tvojími: tý bo cínu za vsích sebé dál jesí."),
("", "", "Íže sozdávyj mjá rukáma prečístymi pérvije i dúch darovávyj, i k zemlí nizpádša zľí, páki obnovívyj krasňíjše, nýňi dúšy prestávlšichsja sám upokój."),
("", "", "Čertóhu tvojemú svitonósnomu Hóspodi, vselíti spodóbi, jáže v víri k tebí usópšyja, ťích prezirája prehrišénija, jáko bláh i milosérd i mnohomílostiv."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Pojém ťá blahoslovénnaja čístaja, jejáže rádi nám vozsijá súščym vo ťmí i síni smértňij, právdy nezachodímoje sólnce: tý vo nášeho spasénija chodátaica bylá jesí."),
"P7": (
"1": (
("", "", "Súščym v peščí otrokóm tvojím Spáse, ne prikosnúsja, nižé stuží óhň. Tohdá trijé jáko jedíňimi ustý pojáchu i blahoslovľáchu, hlahóľušče: blahoslovén Bóh otéc nášich."),
("", "", "Iskusívšesja jáko zláto vo ohní múčenicy vsími múkami, svitľíjše vsjákaho zláta v ľubví božéstvenňij javíšasja, i v sokróviščach nebésnych sochranéni býša."),
("", "", "Jáko svjaščénnicy, jáko božéstvenniji sluhí bývše, vsí svjatítelije svjaščénňiji prinesóste Bóhu žértvy bezkróvnyja, i ľúdi upásše, iďíže velíkij pástyr vselístesja."),
("", "", "Ne pokorívšesja strastém plóti, bezstrástijem jáko v rízu tájnu prepodóbniji oblékšesja, sožítelije ánhelom javíšasja: íchže molítvami Christé, izbávi nás ot iskušénij."),
("", "", "Iďiže píšča jésť tájnaja, iďíže sijájet svít licá tvojehó Christé, jáže ot nás prestávľšyjasja v véri bláhodáteľu vselí, sláviti blahočéstno tvojú blahostýňu."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Tebé vsesvjatája, prečístaja, svjatýja žený imúšče dobrótu, likújut so ánhely rádostno, i Bóha Slóva slávjat róždšahosja plótiju iz tebé, za milosérdije mnóhoje."),
"2": (
("", "", "Tebé úmnuju Bohoródice, péšč razsmotrjájem vírniji: jákože bo ótroki spasé trí prevoznosímyj, mír obnoví, vo čréve tvojém vsecíl, chváľnyj otcév Bóh, i preproslávlen."),
("", "", "Sijániji prečístyja slávy tvojejá, ozarítisja Christé podaváj, ot búri mirskíja k tebé otšédšim, i ťích spodóbi s múčenki vzyváti tebé: chvalímyj otcév Bóže blahoslovén jesí."),
("", "", "Nóv adám voístinnu býv, adámov sodéteľu, íže kľátvu bo adámovu jedín potrebíl jesí. ťímže mólimsja tebé: prestávlennyja upokój v sládosti rájstej Christé, jáko jedín milosérd."),
("", "", "Íže nášu jestéstvennuju némošč jedín svídyj jáko Bóh, bláh že i mílostiv, vsjá íchže prestávil jesí, iďíže svít nezachodímyj prisiščájet licá tvojehó, učiní Christé, chvalímyj otcév Bóže i preproslávlen."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Zakóna síni, i drévňaja hadánija tvojím preidóša roždestvóm Bohomáti, tý bo nám božéstvennyja blahodáti svít vozsijála jesí: ímže drévnich izbávichomsja dolhóv čístaja, vospivájušče Bóha preproslávlennaho."),
"P8": (
"1": (
("", "", "Jehóže užasájutsja ánheli, i vsjá vóinstva, jáko tvorcá i Hóspoda, pójte svjaščénnicy, proslávite ótrocy, blahoslovíte ľúdije, i prevoznosíte vo vsjá víki."),
("", "", "Ľvóv zijánija preidóša nevrédno, i konóbov vrénija pretekóša krípko múčenicy vsí, prochlaždájemi ohném božéstvennaho Dúcha preslávno."),
("", "", "Dajá prorókom svoím predvíďiti dálňaja, i svjatíteli tvojá umudríl jesí svjaščénno: ťích molítvami Christé Bóže, prosvití serdcá vírno pojúščich ťá."),
("", "", "Raspénše sebé prepodóbniji mírovi, živót premírnyj nasľídovaste póstnicy, s súščimi ot víka vsích Bóhu uhodívšimi prepodóbno i právedno."),
("", "", "Íže sozdávyj čelovíka ot zemlí Bohoďíľno, jáže ot zemlí prestávil jesí vírnyja, jáko bláh, píšči rájskija spodóbi, vsjá prezirája jáže ot ních soďíjannaja."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Dóbruju i neporóčnuju čístaja v ženách, žený postradávšyja znájušče ťá jávi Ďívo, molítvy tvorját s tobóju k Bóhu, spastísja ot bíd rabóm tvojím."),
"2": (
("", "", "V peščí ótrocy Izráilevy, jákože v horníľi dobrótoju blahočéstija čisťíje zláta bleščáchusja, hlahóľušče: blahoslovíte vsjá ďilá Hospódňa Hóspoda, pójte i prevoznosíte vo vsjá víki."),
("", "", "Skvérnu vsjú tvojích rabóv usópšich, tvojehó čelovikoľúbija rosóju otmýv, ťá písňmi vospiváti spodóbi: blahoslovíte vsjá ďilá Hospódňa Hóspoda, pójte i prevoznosíte jehó vo vsjá víki."),
("", "", "Predstojáteli spáse desnýja, víroju opravdáv molítvami strástotérpec, jáže prestávil jesí vírnyja, pokaží pojúščyja: blahoslovíte vsjá ďilá Hospódňa Hóspoda, pójte i prevoznosíte jehó vo vsjá víki."),
("", "", "Íže smérti i životá imíjaj vsjákuju vlásť, jáže víroju usópšija tvojehó sijánija ulučíti bláhovolí, vzyvájuščija: blahoslovíte vsjá ďilá Hospódňa Hóspoda, pójte i prevoznosíte jehó vo víki."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Spasénija chodátaica nám bylá jesí vseneporóčnaja, i v neprechodímyja víki prebyvánija že i svítlosti: tebí Ďívo čístaja, prísno vsjá ďilá blahoslovím, i prevoznósim vo vsjá víki."),
"P9": (
"1": (
("", "", "Živoprijémnyj istóčnik prisnotekúščij, svitonósnyj svitíľnik blahodáti, chrám oduševlénnyj, síň prečístuju, nebesé i zemlí prostránňíjšuju, Bohoródicu vírniji veličájem."),
("", "", "Svjaščénnych múčenik počtím svjaščénnaja borénija rádujuščesja, stradánija že i rány, prihvoždénija i izhnánija, i zakolénije blažénnoje, ímže Christú nasľídnicy javíšasja."),
("", "", "Jáko svjaščénnicy Bóžiji, oblekóšasja v právdu božéstvenniji uhódnicy: jáko v prepodóbiji požívše, íže v posťí jávi skončávšijisja, rádujutsja Christá veličájušče."),
("", "", "Ustá božéstvennaja Hospódňa bývše, prorócy vsí, vsím jehó provozvestíša svít: s nímiže nýňi veseľátsja i žený, krípko podvizávšyjasja, i postóm Bóhu uhodívšyja."),
("", "", "Íže vsími cárstvujuščaja sílo, tvojehó cárstvija pokaží pričástniki, so svjátými tvojími, jáže ot zemlí prestávil jesí: i jáže soďíjannaja ími, Bóže vsích prézri premnóhoju bláhostiju tvojéju."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Jáže svít róždšaja božéstvennyj, bezľítnyj, vsjá mojá razriší ľítnaja prehrišénija, tvojími moľbámi: i úm mój prosvití, omračájemyj prísno ľínostiju, da ťá pojú, i vírno veličáju."),
"2": (
("", "", "Óbraz čístaho roždestvá tvojehó ohnepalímaja kupiná pokazá neopáľnaja: i nýňi na nás napástej svirípijuščuju uhasíti mólimsja péšč, da ťá Bohoródice neprestánno veličájem."),
("", "", "Poščadí jáko Bóh čelovikoľubív, i mílostiv, tvojé sozdánije: i upokój v selénijich svjatých tvojích, iďíže múčenicy vsí veseľátsja, víroju prestávlenyja ot vrémennych, mnohomílostive."),
("", "", "Imíjaj mílostej bézdnu, prepobiždájuščuju rabóv tvojích prehrišénija, íchže prijém izbrá, upokój v ňídrich avraámlich čelovikoľúbče, i s Lázarem vo svít tvój vselí."),
("", "", "Izbáviteľ i Spás býv ródu čelovíčeskomu, raspjátija rádi, jáže nýňi ot nás prestávil jesí, jáko blahodáteľ, naslaždénija božéstvennaho spodóbi, i životá netľínnaho, i vesélija i svítlosti."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "O jáže páče umá čudés tvojích! Tý bo Ďívo jedína vsím, íže pod sólncem, podalá jesí razumíti novíjšeje čúdo prečístaja, tvojehó roždestvá nedoumínnaho: ťímže ťá vsí veličájem."),
"CH": (
("", "", "Strástotérpcy Christóvy, prijidíte ľúdije vsí počtím, píňmi i písňmi duchóvnymi, prosvíščniki míra, i propovídniki víry: istóčniki prisnotekúščyja, ot níchže istekájut vírnym iscilénija. Ťích molítvami Christé Bóže náš, mír míru tvojemú dáruj, i dušám nášym véliju mílosť."),
("", "", "Síji vóini carjá velíkaho protívišasja poveľínijem mučítelevym, dóblestvenňi neradíša o múkach, i lésť vsjú poprávše, dostójňi vinčáni býša. Prósjat ot Spása míra, i dušám nášym vélija mílosti."),
("", "", "Vás Prechváľniji múčenicy, ni skórb, ni ťisnotá, ni hlád, ni honénije, nižé rány, ni járosť zviréj, ni méč, nižé óhň preťáj razlučíti ot Bóha vozmohóša: ľubóviju že páče jáže k nemú, jáko v čuždích podvíhšesja ťilesích, jestestvó zabývše, i smérť prezríste. Ťímže i dostójno trudóv vášich mzdú prijáli jesté, nebésnomu cárstviju nasľídnicy bývše: Christú molítesja o dušách nášich."),
("", "", "Veselítesja múčenicy o Hóspoďi, jáko pódvihom dóbrym podvizástesja, i protívistesja carém, i mučíteli pobidíste: ohňá i mečá ne ustrašístesja, i zviréj dívijich sňidájuščich ťilesá váša. Christú so ánhely písň vozsylájušče, s nebesé vincý prijáste: isprosíte darováti mír míru, i dušám nášym véliju mílosť."),
("Mértven", "", "Ďílom Spáse mój javľáješi, jáko tý jesí vsích voskresénije, slóvom Slóve Lázarja ot mértvych vozstávil jesí. Jehdá že mértviji ot hrobóv voskresóša, i vratá ádova smatóšasja: tohdá čelovíkom smérť són javľášesja. No íže na spasénije svojehó sozdánija, a ne na osuždénije prišédyj, íchže izbrál jesí, upokój jáko čelovikoľúbec."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Rádujsja ot nás, svjatája Bohoródice Ďívo čístyj sosúde vsejá vselénnyja: sviščé neuhasímaja, vmistílišče nevmistímaho, chráme neoborímyj. Rádujsja, iz nejáže rodísja Áhnec Bóžij, vzémľaj hrichí vsehó míra."),
"ST": (
("", "Prechváľniji múčenicy", "Tebí Spáse mólimsja, tvojehó sládkaho pričástija prestávľšichsja spodóbi, i vselí vo obíteľich prepodóbnych so svjatými tvojími, i v nebésnaja žilíšča, blahoutróbijem tvojím prezrjá bezzakónija, i podajá sím pokój."),
("", "", "Páče vídimych tvojá Spáse obiščánija, jáže óko ne víďi, i úcho ne slýša, i na sérdce čelovíka nikohdáže vzýde: mólim ťá Vladýko, sládkaho tvojehó pričástija polučíti spodóbi, k tebí prestávľšyjasja, i podážď ím víčnuju žízň."),
("", "", "O kresťí tvojém veseľáščesja. o kresťí tvojém nadíjuščesja rabí tvojí, k tebí prestávišasja čelovikoľúbče: ímže nýňi izbavlénije ťích prehrišénij, krest tvój dáruj, i króv prolijánnuju za mirskíj živót, blahosérdijem tvojím proščája sohrišénija, i prosviščája svítom licá tvojehó."),
("", "", "Niktóže bezhríšen, niktóže ot čelovík býv, tókmo tý jedíne bezsmértne. Ťímže rabý tvojá, jáko Bóh ščédryj, vo svíťi so ánheľskimi likostojániji tvojími učiní blahoutróbijem tvojím, prezirája bezzakónija, i podajá ím proščénije."),
("Bohoródičen", "", "Christá umolí, tvojé roždénije Máti Ďívo, sohrišénij proščénije darováti rabóm tvojím, tebé Bohoródicu propovídavšym voístinnu, i slóvom blahočestívym blahoslovívšym, i svítlosti svjatých i vesélija spodóbi vo cárstviji tvojém."),
#let L = (
"B": (
("", "", "Sňídiju izvedé iz rajá vráh Adáma: krestóm že vvedé Christós vóň razbójnika, pomjaní mja Hóspodi, vopijúšča, jehdá priídeši vo cárstviji tvojém."),
("", "", "Stradálec mnóžestvo bezčíslennoje, svjatítelej, i premúdrych žén, i prorók preslávnych, móľat ťá Iisúse Bóže: podážď nám ostavlénije prehrišénij, i véliju mílosť."),
("", "", "Íže tečénije soveršívše svjaščénnejšiji Christóvy stradáľcy, so svjatíteli svjaščénnymi i proróki, spodóbistesja vo hráďi nebésňim žíti, so ánhely veseľáščesja."),
("", "", "Vo svíťi Christé, učiní nevečérňim, jáže prestávil jesí, prehrišénija ích prezrív, jáko ščédryj Bóh: da tvojú slávim blahodáteľu, bezčíslennuju mílosť."),
("", "", "Otcú poklonímsja, i Sýna slavoslóvim, i presvjatáho Dúcha vsí vírniji vospojím: pomjaní nás zovúščich, jedinosúščnaja Tróice, jedínice Bóže."),
("", "", "Jáko palátu prostránnuju, i prestól slávy, i óblak svítel, pisnoslóvim ťá čístaja, i mólim: razorí óblak mráčnyj ot dúš nášich, božéstvennymi molítvami tvojími."),
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= <NAME>
== Educación
// TODO: Add flags
#box(esei, baseline: 6pt)
#link("")[*Universidade de Vigo*] #h(1fr) *Sept. 2021 -- Jun. 2025* \
Grado en Ingeniería Informática [Media: 8.0] #h(1fr) Ourense, España \
- Cursos destacados: _Álgebra_, _Análisis_, _Estadística_, _Programación I & II_, _Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos I & II_, _Arquitectura de Computadoras I & II_.
#box(pk, baseline: 6pt)
#link("")[*Politechnika Krakowska*] #h(1fr) *Sept. 2023 -- Jun. 2024* \
Grado ERASMUS en _Computer Science and Telecommunications_ #h(1fr) Kraków, Polonia \
- Cursos destacados: _Elements of AI_, _Computer Image Processing_, _Arduino Programming_, _Mobile Technologies and Programming_, _Internet Technologies_.
== Experiencia
#box(uvigomotorsport, baseline: 6pt)
#link("")[*UVigo Motorsport Driverless*] #h(1fr) *Nov. 2023 -- Presente* \
Scrum Master, Responsable de Software
Obligaciones y responsabilidades:
[Dirigir un equipo de 8-12 desarrolladores],
[Responsable de asignación de tareas y gestión de proyectos],
[Fomentar un entorno de trabajo colaborativo],
[Instruir a los miembros de del equipo con cursos de desarrollo (ROS, Python, Git)],
[Responsable de testing y CI con GitHub Actions],
#box(uvigomotorsport, baseline: 6pt)
#link("")[*UVigo Motorsport Driverless*] #h(1fr) *Nov. 2022 -- Sept. 2023* \
Desarrollador de Software
[Uso de programación con Arduino para sistemas embebidos (actuación mecánica)],
[Impartiendo cursos de formación de ROS],
[Investigando y desarrollando algoritmos para el subsistemas de control (Pure Pursuit, PID, MPC, ...)],
[Integrar el sistema autónomo con el simulador externo Gazebo],
[Deployment en dispositivos basados en ARM usando Nvidia y el framework YOLO]
== Contribuciones _Open Source_
- Mejorando los mensajes de error del #link("")[compilador de Rust]. Tuve que trabajar de cero en una _codebase_ desconocida para mí
- #link("")[Motor de ajedrez de alto rendimiento]. Implementa paralelismo y técnicas modernas de optimización. Requirió aprender sobre optimización a bajo nivel, CD, WebAssembly y programación orientada a datos
- #link("")[_Bindings_ para Lua] en un lenguaje de programación experimental
- #link("")[Raytracer] implementado usando concurrencia y _multiprocessing_, que permite _scripting_ para generar escenas procedurales
== Idiomas
Inglés fluido, Español y Gallego nativo
== Tecnologías
== Competiciones
- *`AdaByron`* - Concurso nacional en equipos #h(1fr) *2023*
- *`Advent of Code`* - Concurso internacional #h(1fr) *2022, 2023*
- *`C3TF`* - CTF de la UVigo y UDC en equipos #h(1fr) *2023, 2024*
- *`CSCG`* - CTF internacional individual #h(1fr) *2023*
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icon: faGraduationCap,
content: "Computer Science and Technology",
// 其实 icon 也可以直接填字符串, 如 "fa-phone.svg"
icon: faPhone,
content: "(+86) 151-6950-7851"
icon: faEnvelope,
content: "<EMAIL>",
link: "mailto:<EMAIL>"
icon: faGithub,
content: "",
link: "",
#h(2em) // 手动顶行, 2em 代表两个字的宽度
I am an undergraduate student currently studying in Ocean University of China majoring in Computer Science and Technology. My best technology stack is iOS native development, and I am proficient in using frameworks such as SwiftUI, Moya and SwiftyJSON. Therefore, I would like to intern in the iOS development department of your company to improve my technical level and at the same time contribute to the development of the company.
== #faGraduationCap Education
#sidebar(withLine: true, sideWidth: 15%)[
2021.09 - 2024.06
2024.09 - 2025.06
*Ocean University of China* · School of Computer Science · Computer Science and Technology
*Heriot-Watt University* · School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences · Engineering in Robotics
== #faWrench Skills
#sidebar(withLine: false, sideWidth: 25%)[
*Operating System*
*Programming Language*
*Proficient Framework*
Linux, MacOS, Windows
Swift, Python, C, Java, ARM Assembly
SwiftUI, FastAPI, Flask, MySQL, Linux
OpenCV, Machine Learning
IELTS 6.0 (Listening 5.5, Speaking 6.0, Reading 5.5, Writting 6.0)
== #faAward Awards
[ *Challenger Cup 2023* ],
[ *National Third Prize* ],
date[ December 2023 ]
[ *MCM 2024* ],
[ *S Prize* ],
date[ May 2024 ]
[ *OUC Bursary 2023* ],
[ *Innovation Bursay* ],
date[ October 2023 ]
== #faCode Projects
[ *Ocean BB Lite* ]
[ *Personal Project* ],
date[ December 2023 - Present ]
#tech[ _iOS, SwiftUI, FastAPI, MySQL_ ]
Designed for undergraduates of Ocean University of China, it connects to the university's Blackboard platform and provides functions such as assignment query, to-do list and assignment submission.
- Encapsulation of the Blackboard API using Moya and SwiftyJSON, enabling access to the school's Blackboard platform.
- Use SwiftUI to build interface.
- Use FastAPI to build back-end with MySQL to realize job reminder function.
- From the front and back end implementation to filing and listing on the App Store, it is completely completed by individuals.
[ *Robot Car Based on RPi 4B* ]
[ *Course Project* ],
date[ September 2023 - January 2024 ]
#tech[ _Python, Linux, OpenCV, GPIO_ ]
The robot car based on Raspberry Pi 4B realizes automatic tracking, obstacle avoidance, remote control and other functions.
- Using OpenCV for image processing, automatic tracking function is realized.
- Use Python to control GPIO and the connected sensor and motor to achieve obstacle avoidance.
- The remote control function is realized by connecting the DualShock 4 controller with the PyGame library using Bluetooth.
[ *Machine Arm Based on Jetson* ]
[ *Course Project* ],
date[ February 2024 - June 2024 ]
#tech[ _Python, Linux, YoloV5, Dji-RoboMaster_ ]
The robotic arm based on Jetson Nano realizes functions such as automatic grasp and recognition of cans of different colors.
- The YoloV5 model was trained with its own data set to recognize cans of different colors
- Use Python to control the robot arm, and realize the function of automatically grasping and placing in different positions
- Use Python to control Dji-RoboMaster and realize the function of fixed point movement
== #faBuildingColumns Experiences
[ *iOS Club Technical Director* ],
date[ September 2022 - Present ]
With no teacher to teach related knowledge, I taught myself iOS development and SwiftUI, and organized many online activities to help students learn iOS development. Helped the community build the iOS knowledge system, and produced the first project for the newly established iOS Club.
[ *Class Monitor* ],
date[ September 2022 - Present ]
As a class monitor, I have been responsible for the daily management of the class, and have been praised by the teachers and students for my work. I have also been responsible for the organization of class activities and the maintenance of class discipline.
| | | typst | #import "template.typ": *
#import "@preview/ctheorems:1.1.2": *
#show: thmrules
// Take a look at the file `template.typ` in the file panel
// to customize this template and discover how it works.
#show: project.with(
title: "Diseño e implementación de bibliotecas de software",
authors: (
(name: "<NAME>", email: "<EMAIL>"),
#let definition = thmbox("definition", "Definición", inset: (x: 1.2em, top: 1em))
#set quote(block: true)
#show raw.where(block: true): block.with(
fill: luma(240),
inset: 10pt,
radius: 4pt,
#outline(depth: 3, indent: true)
#include "opening.typ"
#include "unit1.typ"
#include "unit2.typ"
#include "unit3.typ"
#bibliography("memes2.bib", full: true, title: "Bibliografías") |
| | | typst | #import "template.typ": *
#show: template.with(
title: "Lecture 6",
subtitle: "7.016"
= Nucleotides
Nucleotides consists of three components - a sugar, a base, and a triphosphate.
= DNA and RNA
== DNA
title: "DNA vs RNA"
The difference between DNA from RNA is that it is missing the oxygen at the 2' position, and instead has a single hydrogen hanging off.
The chain of DNA goes from 5' to 3', the direction does not particularly matter. The two strands in the double helix are antiparallel.
- A and T interact with 2 hydrogen bonds.
- G and C interact with 3 hydrogen bonds.
Thus we can also see a possible mechanism for which DNA can copy itself, since one half can accurately replicate the entire double helix
== RNA
/ Messenger (mRNA): Pairs with DNA to copy the message, T $->$ U
/ Transfer (tRNA): One end has an amino acid, the other has an adapter for mRNA.
/ Ribosomal (rRNA): An enzyme that allows for the building of proteins using mRNA and tRNA.
Information Transfer:
/ Transcription: Going from DNA to mRNA.
/ Translation: Using all the types of RNA to make proteins.
| | | typst | #import "@preview/unequivocal-ams:0.1.0": ams-article, theorem, proof
#let abstract = [These are some of my solutions for the problem sets in Linear Algebra Done
Wrong. They are by no means comprehensive nor definitive, but I have generally
tried to make sure that they are at least mathematically correct.]
#show: ams-article.with(
title: [Selected Problems from Linear Algebra Done Wrong, Treil 2017], authors: (
name: "<NAME>", organization: [University of California, Santa Barbara], email: "<EMAIL>", url: "",
), abstract: abstract, bibliography: bibliography("refs.bib"),
#set par(first-line-indent: 0em)
= Basic Notions
== Vector Spaces
Problem 1.1.4: Prove that a zero vector $bold(0)$ of a vector space $V$ is
Suppose that there exists at least two distinct zero vectors, $0_1$ and $0_2$,
both satisfying Axiom 3:
$ forall v in V, \
v + 0_1 = v \
v + 0_2 = v $
0_1 &= 0_1 + 0_2 \
0_1 &= 0_2 + 0_1 && "(commutativity)" \
0_1 &= 0_2 && "(zero vector)"
But we said $0_1$ and $0_2$ were distinct, or in other words, $0_1 != 0_2$.
Therefore, by contradiction, there cannot exist more than one zero vector
satisfying Axiom 3.
Problem 1.1.6: Prove that the additive inverse, defined in Axiom 4 of a vector
space is unique.
Suppose there exists at least two distinct additive inverses, $w_1$ and $w_2$,
both satisfying
v + w_1 &= 0 \
v + w_2 &= 0
This implies
v + w_1 + w_2 &= 0 + w_1 \
w_2 &= w_1 && "(by additive inverse and zero vector axioms)"
But we said that $w_1$ and $w_2$ were distinct ($w_1 != w_2$). Therefore, by
contradiction, there cannot exist more than one unique additive inverse $w$ such
that $v + w = 0$
Problem 1.1.7: Prove that $0 bold(v) = bold(0)$ for any vector $bold(v) in V$.
Note the following:
0 v = (0 + 0) v = 0 v + 0 v "by axiom 8 and 3"
The additive inverse of $0 v$ is $-0 v$. Thus:
0v + 0v - 0v &= 0v - 0v \
0v &= 0 && "by axiom 4"
Problem 1.1.8: Prove that for any vector $bold(v)$ its additive inverse $bold(-v)$ is
given by $(-1) bold(v)$.
v + (-1)v &= 1 v + (-1) v = v (1 - 1) "using axioms 5 and 7" \
&= 0v = 0 "as shown in 1.1.7"
We've shown that $v + (-1) v = 0$. But we also showed in 1.1.6 that the additive
inverse $-v$, defined as $v + (-v) = 0$, must be unique for a vector space.
Therefore, $(-1) v$ is the same as the unique additive inverse $-v$, or $-v = (-1) v$.
== Linear combinations, bases
2.1. Find a basis in the space of $3 times 2$ matrices $M_(3 times 2)$.
mat(1, 0;0, 0;0, 0)
mat(0, 1;0, 0;0, 0)
mat(0, 0;1, 0;0, 0)
mat(0, 0;0, 1;0, 0)
mat(0, 0;0, 0;1, 0)
mat(0, 0;0, 0;0, 1)
2.2 True or false:
#set enum(numbering: "a)")
+ #[Any set containing a zero vector is linearly dependent.
*True*. Given any set ${ v_1, v_2, v_3, ..., 0, ..., v_p }$, we have
$ 0 v_1 + 0 v_2 + 0 v_3 + ... + alpha_k dot 0 + ... + v_p $
where $alpha_k in FF$, which shows that the set is linearly dependent, since we
have infinite non-trivial linear combinations which equal
$0$. ]
+ #[A basis must contain 0.
*False*. If a set contains 0, it's linearly dependent, as shown above.
Therefore, it cannot be a basis. ]
+ #[Subsets of linearly dependent sets are linearly dependent.
*False*. We showed earlier that any linearly dependent (finite) and complete set
of vectors also contains a linearly independent subset, namely, the basis. ]
+ #[Subsets of linearly independent sets are linearly independent.
*True*. We know that no vector in the set can be the linear combination of the
other vectors of the set. Therefore, any subset of this set also has no vectors
which are the linear combination of other vectors in the subset. ]
+ #[If $alpha_1 v_1 + alpha_2 v_2 + ... + alpha_n v_n = 0$ then all scalars $alpha_k$ are
*False*. This is only true for linearly independent sets. Linearly dependent
sets, by definition, have coefficients $a_k$ where $a_k != 0$ and the linear
combination equals 0. ]
2.3 Recall, that a matrix is called _symmetric_ if $A^T = A$. Write down a basis
in the space of _symmetric_ $2 times 2$ matrices (there are many possible
answers). How many elements are in the basis?
mat(1, 0;0, 0) mat(0, 1;1, 0) mat(0, 0;0, 1)
2.4 Write down a basis for the space of
+ #[$3 times 3$ symmetric matrices;
mat(1, 0, 0;0, 0, 0;0, 0, 0)
mat(0, 1, 0;1, 0, 0;0, 0, 0)
mat(0, 0, 1;0, 0, 0;1, 0, 0)
mat(0, 0, 0;0, 1, 0;0, 0, 0)
mat(0, 0, 0;0, 0, 1;0, 1, 0)
mat(0, 0, 0;0, 0, 0;0, 0, 1)
+ #[$n times n$ symmetric matrices;
2.5 (Question not reproduced)
It is known that the system is not generating, so not all vectors $v in V$ can
be represented by linear combination of $v_1$ through $v_r$.
Let $v_(r+1) in V$ be one such vector. If it cannot be represented as a linear
combination of $v_1$ through $v_r$, it cannot be represented by
$ sum ^r _(j=1) a_j v_j $
and therefore the system $v_1, v_2, ..., v_r, v_(r+1)$ is still linearly
*2.6*. Is it possible that vectors $v_1, v_2, v_3$ are linearly dependent, but
the vectors $w_1 = v_1 + v_2$, $w_2 = v_2 + v_3$ and $w_3 = v_3 + v_1$ are
linearly independent?
*No*. Consider $alpha_1 v_1 + alpha_2 v_2 + alpha_3 v_3 = 0$. Then, there exists
some $alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3$
such that
$ |alpha_1| + |alpha_2| + |alpha_3| != 0 $
Now consider
$ beta_1 w_1 + beta_2 w_2 + beta_3 w_3 = 0 $
Substituting in values:
beta_1 (v_1 + v_2) + beta_2 (v_2 + v_3) + beta_3 (v_1 + v_3) = 0 \
beta_1 v_1 + beta_1 v_2 + beta_2 v_2 + beta_2 v_3 + beta_3 v_1 + beta_3 v_3 = 0 \
(beta_1 + beta_3) v_1 + (beta_2 + beta_1) v_2 + (beta_2 + beta_3) v_3 = 0
For what coefficients is this satisfied? There's the trivial linear combination,
where all coefficients equal 0. However, we have $alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3$,
which are coefficients also satisfying this equation, and at least one of which
is non-zero.
We have
$ beta_1 + beta_3 = alpha_1 \
beta_2 + beta_1 = alpha_2 \
beta_2 + beta_3 = alpha_3 $
Eliminating variables, we obtain
beta_3 - beta_2 &= alpha_1 - alpha _2 \
beta_3 &= (alpha_1 - alpha_2 + alpha_3)/2 \
beta_1 &= (alpha_1 + alpha_2 - alpha_3)/2 \
beta_2 &= (3 alpha_2 - alpha_1 - alpha_3)/2
Since $alpha_1, alpha_2, alpha_3$ are nonzero, at least one of $beta_1, beta_2, beta_3$ are
also nonzero, therefore $w_1, w_2, w_3$ cannot be linearly independent as there
exists scalars $beta_1, beta_2, beta_3$ such that
beta_1 w_1 + beta_2 w_2 + beta_3 w_3 = 0 \
|beta_1| + |beta_2| + |beta_3| != 0
| | | typst | Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International | #import "/packages.typ": notebookinator, codetastic
#import notebookinator: *
#import themes.radial.components: *
#import codetastic: qrcode
#show: create-body-entry.with(
title: "Notebook: Notebookinator",
type: "notebook",
date: datetime(year: 2024, month: 1, day: 16),
author: "<NAME>",
witness: "<NAME>",
We've put an insurmountable about of work into both the content of this
notebook, and the underlying template itself. We want to share this work with
the rest of the Vex community, so our work can benefit everyone, and not just
We've created a repository #footnote(qrcode("", size: 2pt)) where
you can check it out for yourself.
= Project Architecture
We had two priorities when planning out the Notebookinator's structure
- We wanted to make it as easy as possible to use
- We wanted it to be possible for users to create their own themes in order to
have visually distinct notebooks
This ended up being rather difficult, because the goals almost seemed mutually
exclusive. We couldn't figure out a way for the user to create themes that
wasn't more complicated than just implementing your own template.
We chose to focus on trying to hide the unintuitive parts of Typst that we had
to figure out while first writing this template. Anything to do with global
state or Typst's introspection system is usually on this list.
Here's what we ended up with:
Themes are represented as dictionaries which contain functions. The theme should
provide functions for:
- Frontmatter entries
- Body Entries
- Appendix Entries
- The cover
- `set` and `show` rules (styling settings)
Templates can also expose additional functions called components that return
little snippets of content. This could be anything from a table of pros and cons
to a decision matrix.
The base template provides the API for entry creation and doing things like
adding words to the glossary. The themes's functions then get called in the
background by the template, and render the notebook.
Here's an example of what the code for a basic notebook might look like:
#import "@local/notebookinator:0.1.0": * // Import the template from local packages
#import themes.radial: radial-theme, components // Import the theme
#show notebook(theme: radial-theme) // Apply the template
#create-frontmatter-entry(title: "Table of Contents")[ // Create the table of contents
#create-body-entry( // Create a body entry
title: "Sample Entry",
type: "identify",
date: datetime(year: 1984, month: 1, day: 1),
= Top Level heading
#components.admonition(type: "note")[
] [
], cons: [
properties: ("Flavor", "Versatility", "Crunchiness"), ("Sweet Potato", 5, 3, 1), ("White Potato", 1, 2, 3), ("Purple Potato", 2, 2, 2),
#create-appendix-entry(title: "Glossary")[ // Create the glossary
== File Structure
Here's the file structure of our project:
- `lib.typ`: The entry point for the whole template.
- `internals.typ`: All of the internal function calls that should not be used by
theme authors or users.
- `entries.typ`: Contains the user facing API for entries, as well as the internal
template functions for printing out the entries and cover.
- `glossary.typ`: Contains the user facing API for the glossary.
- `globals.typ`: Contains all of the global variables for the entire project.
- `utils.typ`: Utility functions intended to help implement themes. These help the
- `themes/`: The folder containing all of the themes.
- `themes.typ`: An index of all the themes are contained in the template
- `docs.typ`: The entry point for the project documentation.
- `docs-template.typ`: The template for the project documentation.
= Documenting the Project
Creating the best documentation possible was a top priority for us. Based on our
experience with the documentation generation tool Doxygen, we decided to opt for
a similar approach with our documentation.
We found a tool called Tidy #footnote(qrcode("", size: 2pt)) that
works in about the same way. This lets us write our documentation in the
comments of our code, where it can be easily updated and reviewed.
Here's an example of what that would look like:
/// A table displaying pros and cons.
/// - pros (content): The positive aspects
/// - cons (content): The negative aspects
/// -> content
#let pro-con(pros: [], cons: []) = [
// ...
| | | typst | simply.html
Write Simply
March 2021I try to write using ordinary words and simple sentences.That kind of writing is easier to read, and the easier something
is to read, the more deeply readers will engage with it. The less
energy they expend on your prose, the more they'll have left for
your ideas.And the further they'll read. Most readers' energy tends to flag
part way through an article or essay. If the friction of reading
is low enough, more keep going till the end.There's an Italian dish called saltimbocca, which means "leap
into the mouth." My goal when writing might be called saltintesta:
the ideas leap into your head and you barely notice the words that
got them there.It's too much to hope that writing could ever be pure ideas. You
might not even want it to be. But for most writers, most of the
time, that's the goal to aim for. The gap between most writing and
pure ideas is not filled with poetry.Plus it's more considerate to write simply. When you write in a
fancy way to impress people, you're making them do extra work just
so you can seem cool. It's like trailing a long train behind you
that readers have to carry.And remember, if you're writing in English, that a lot of your
readers won't be native English speakers. Their understanding of
ideas may be way ahead of their understanding of English. So you
can't assume that writing about a difficult topic means you can
use difficult words.Of course, fancy writing doesn't just conceal ideas. It can also
conceal the lack of them. That's why some people write that way,
to conceal the fact that they have
nothing to say. Whereas writing
simply keeps you honest. If you say nothing simply, it will be
obvious to everyone, including you.Simple writing also lasts better. People reading your stuff in the
future will be in much the same position as people from other
countries reading it today. The culture and the language will have
changed. It's not vain to care about that, any more than it's vain
for a woodworker to build a chair to last.Indeed, lasting is not merely an accidental quality of chairs, or
writing. It's a sign you did a good job.But although these are all real advantages of writing simply, none
of them are why I do it. The main reason I write simply is that it
offends me not to. When I write a sentence that seems too complicated,
or that uses unnecessarily intellectual words, it doesn't seem fancy
to me. It seems clumsy.There are of course times when you want to use a complicated sentence
or fancy word for effect. But you should never do it by accident.The other reason my writing ends up being simple is the way I do
it. I write the first draft fast, then spend days editing it, trying
to get everything just right. Much of this editing is cutting, and
that makes simple writing even simpler.
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #import "/docs/tinymist/frontend/mod.typ": *
#show: book-page.with(title: "Tinymist Emacs Extension")
Run and configure tinymist in Emacs for Typst.
== Features
See #link("")[Tinymist Features] for a list of features.
#include "common-finding-executable.typ"
== Setup Server
(with-eval-after-load 'eglot
(with-eval-after-load 'typst-ts-mode
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
`((typst-ts-mode) .
,(eglot-alternatives `(,typst-ts-lsp-download-path
Above code adds `tinymist` downloaded by `typst-ts-lsp-download-binary`, `tinymist` in
your PATH and `typst-lsp` in your `PATH` to the `typst-ts-mode` entry of `eglot-server-programs`.
== Extra Settings
=== Configuring LSP Server
You can either use `eglot-workspace-configuration` or specifying launch
arguments for `tinymist`.
==== eglot-workspace-configuration
For example, if you want to export PDF on save:
(setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
'(:exportPdf "onSave"))
Here is an example for both configuring `pylsp` and `tinymist`
(setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
'(:pylsp (:plugins (:ruff (:enabled t)))
:exportPdf "onSave"))
NOTE: Currently, `tinymist` doesn't support having its name as the top-level
configuration entry, so the following configuration won't work:
(setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
'(:pylsp (:plugins (:ruff (:enabled t)))
:tinymist (:exportPdf "onSave")))
You can also have configuration per directory. Be sure to look at the
documentation of `eglot-workspace-configuration` by #link("")[`describe-symbol`]..
See #link("")[Tinymist Server Configuration]
for references.
==== Launch Arguments
For example:
(with-eval-after-load 'eglot
(with-eval-after-load 'typst-ts-mode
(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
`((typst-ts-mode) .
,(eglot-alternatives `((,typst-ts-lsp-download-path "--font-path" "<your-font-path>")
("tinymist" "--font-path" "<your-font-path>")
You can run command `tinymist help lsp` to view all available launch arguments for
| | | typst | MIT License | #import "@preview/glossarium:0.3.0": make-glossary, gls, glspl
#import "@preview/i-figured:0.2.4"
#import "pages.typ": *
#import "presets.typ" as presets: *
#let std-figure = figure
#let figure(body,
kind: auto,
placement: none,
caption: none,
supplement: auto,
numbering: "1.1",
gap: 0.5em,
outlined: true,
source: none) = {
let inner = std-figure(
placement: placement,
caption: caption,
kind: kind,
supplement: supplement,
numbering: numbering,
gap: gap,
outlined: outlined)
if source != none {
kind: "nested",
supplement: [Source],
numbering: none,
caption: std-figure.caption(source, position: bottom),
gap: gap
caption: std-figure.caption(inner.caption.body, position: top),
kind: inner.kind,
placement: placement,
numbering: numbering,
outlined: outlined,
supplement: supplement,
gap: gap
} else { inner }
#let author(surname, first-name, title: none) = {
(surname: surname, first-name: first-name, title: title)
#let abnt(
title: "The Title",
author: author("Author", "The"),
advisor: author("Advisor", "The", title: "Prof. Dr."),
co-advisor: none,
preset: ufrgs,
keywords: ("work's", "keywords"),
abstract: [
The work's abstract.
toc-title: "Summary",
glossary: (
(key: "ABNT", short: "ABNT", long: "Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas"),
(key: "SBC", short: "SBC", long: "Sociedade Brasileira de Computação")
language: "en",
references: "refs.bib",
two-sided: true,
) = {
show: make-glossary
set document(title: title, author: author.first-name)
set page(
paper: "a4",
margin: if two-sided {
(inside: 3cm, outside: 2cm, top: 3cm, bottom: 2cm)
} else {
(right: 3cm, left: 3cm, top: 3cm, bottom: 2cm)
} ,
header-ascent: 100% - 2cm,
footer-descent: 100% - 2cm,
let single-spacing = 0.65em * 1.75
set text(
font: "STIX Two Text",
size: 12pt,
weight: "regular",
lang: language,
top-edge: 0.7em,
bottom-edge: -0.3em,
show heading: set text(size: 12pt, weight: "regular")
show heading.where(level: 1): it => pagebreak(weak: true) + it
show heading: it => if it.level < 4 {
v(3em, weak: true)
v(2.5em, weak: true)
show heading.where(level: 1): it => strong(upper(it))
show heading.where(level: 2): it => upper(it)
show heading.where(level: 3): it => strong(it)
show heading.where(level: 5): it => emph(it)
show heading.where(numbering: none): it => align(center + top, it)
set outline(indent: false)
set heading(numbering: none, outlined: false, bookmarked: true)
show par: set block(spacing: 0.25em)
set par(justify: true, leading: 0.25em)
show heading: it => { it; par(box()); v(-0.25em) }
cover-page(preset, course, author, advisor, date)
nominata-page(preset, course)
abstract-page(abstract, keywords)
show outline.entry: set text(top-edge: "cap-height", bottom-edge: "baseline")
show outline: set par(leading: 0.65em)
i-figured.outline(target-kind: image, title: [Index of Figures])
i-figured.outline(target-kind: table, title: [Index of Tables])
i-figured.outline(target-kind: raw, title: [Index of Listings])
show outline.entry.where(level: 1): it => strong(upper(it))
show outline.entry.where(level: 2): it => upper(it)
show outline.entry.where(level: 3): it => strong(it)
show outline.entry.where(level: 5): it => emph(it)
outline(title: toc-title)
show heading: it => { it; par(box()); v(-0.75em) }
show par: set block(spacing: 0.75em)
set par(first-line-indent: 3em, leading: 0.75em)
show heading: i-figured.reset-counters
show std-figure:
set std-figure.caption(
position: top,
separator: [ -- ]
set std-figure(
placement: auto,
numbering: "1.1",
gap: 0.5em)
show std-figure.caption: set text(size: 10pt)
show std-figure.caption.where(position: bottom): it => [
#it.supplement: #it.body
set enum(
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full: true,
numbering: "1.1")
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indent: 1.5em,
body-indent: 0.4em,
marker: ([•], [--], [◦]))
show math.equation: set block(spacing: 1em)
set math.equation(
block: true,
numbering: "(1)")
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set page(header: context {
align(if calc.odd(here().page()) or not two-sided {
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bibliography(references, style: "associacao-brasileira-de-normas-tecnicas")
| | | typst | MIT License | #let delimiter = " | "
#let array-to-str(a, delimiter: delimiter) = {
#let resume-contacts(contact) = {
set align(center)
// The project function defines how your document looks.
// It takes your content and some metadata and formats it.
// Go ahead and customize it to your liking!
#let project(title: "", author: (), contacts: (), body) = {
// Set the document's basic properties.
set document(author:, title: title)
set page(
/// Margins of the page
margin: (x: 1cm, y:1cm),
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set text(font: "Noto Serif CJK SC", lang: "zh")
// Title row.
#block(text(weight: 700, 1.7em,
// Main body.
set par(justify: true)
#let format-date(date) = {
if type(date) == datetime [date.display()]
else if type(date) == str and date.len() == 0 [今]
else if type(date) == str {
} else {
// todo panic
#let resume-date(start, end: "") = {
if start == "" and end == "" {
} else {
format-date(start) + " " + $dash.en$ + " " + format-date(end)
#let resume-item(left:"", right:"", body) = {
text(size: 12pt, place(end, right))
text(size: 12pt, left)
#let resume-education(university: "", degree: "", school: "", start: "", end: "", body) = {
let left = (strong(university), school, degree)
let right = resume-date(start, end: end);
left: array-to-str(left),
right: right,
#let resume-work(company: "", duty: "", start: "", end: "", body) = {
let left = (strong(company), duty)
let right = resume-date(start, end: end)
left: array-to-str(left),
right: right,
#let resume-project(title: "", duty: "", start: "", end: "", body) = {
let left = (strong(title), duty)
let right = resume-date(start, end: end)
left: array-to-str(left),
right: right,
#let resume-section(title) = {
heading(level:1, title)
line(length: 100%)
| | | typst | Other | #include "modules/chap1.typ"
// The variables of the file should not appear in this scope.
// Error: 2-6 unknown variable: name
| | | typst | #import "template.typ": *
// Take a look at the file `template.typ` in the file panel
// to customize this template and discover how it works.
#show: project.with(
title: "СРСП №3",
big_title: "Вычисление погрешности результатов арифметических действий",
authors: (
// Insert your abstract after the colon, wrapped in brackets.
// Example: `abstract: [This is my abstract...]`
date: "20 Сентября, 2023",
indent: 15pt,
depth: 3
== Цель работы
Научиться выполнять вычисления с приближенными числами с учетом погрешностей.
== Задание
- Усвоить понятия абсолютной и относительной погрешности и их границ;
- Научиться определять верные, сомнительные, значащие цифры в приближенном числе и определять по ним погрешности приближений;
- Научиться находить погрешности вычислений;
== Выполнение заданий
== Задание 1
=== Условие
Приближенные числа записаны с указанием их абсолютных погрешностей. Оставьте в их записи только верные цифры:
#h(1cm) *а.* #h(0.5cm) $63,2561 plus.minus 0,001$
#h(1cm) *б.* #h(0.5cm) $63,2561 plus.minus 0,002$
#h(1cm) *в.* #h(0.5cm) $2,53 plus.minus 0,00001$
#h(1cm) *г.* #h(0.5cm) $2,53 plus.minus 0,00004$
#h(1cm) *д.* #h(0.5cm) $42753,8 plus.minus 800$
#h(1cm) *е.* #h(0.5cm) $42753,8 plus.minus 100$
#h(1cm) *ж.* #h(0.5cm) $42153,8 plus.minus 800$
#h(1cm) *з.* #h(0.5cm) $42753,8 plus.minus 100$
Есть ли среди полученных чисел такие, все цифры которых верны в строгом смысле?
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
// Define the given approximate numbers and their error limits
numbers := []struct {
value float64
error float64
{42753.8, 800},
{63.2561, 0.001},
{63.2561, 0.002},
{42753.8, 100},
{2.53, 0.00001},
{42153.8, 800},
{2.53, 0.00004},
{42743.8, 100},
// Iterate through the numbers and calculate absolute and relative errors
for i, num := range numbers {
absoluteError := num.error
relativeError := (num.error / num.value) * 100
// Round the relative error to a reasonable number of decimal places
roundedRelativeError := round(relativeError, 4)
fmt.Printf("For approximate number %d:\n", i+1)
fmt.Printf("Value: %.4f\n", num.value)
fmt.Printf("Absolute Error: %.4f\n", absoluteError)
fmt.Printf("Relative Error: %.4f%%\n", roundedRelativeError)
// Round a float64 number to the specified number of decimal places
func round(num float64, decimalPlaces int) float64 {
rounding := 1.0
for i := 0; i < decimalPlaces; i++ {
rounding *= 10.0
return float64(int((num*rounding)+0.5)) / rounding
*Результат выполнения программы*
For approximate number 1:
Value: 42753.8000
Absolute Error: 800.0000
Relative Error: 1.8712%
For approximate number 2:
Value: 63.2561
Absolute Error: 0.0010
Relative Error: 0.0016%
For approximate number 3:
Value: 63.2561
Absolute Error: 0.0020
Relative Error: 0.0032%
For approximate number 4:
Value: 42753.8000
Absolute Error: 100.0000
Relative Error: 0.2339%
For approximate number 5:
Value: 2.5300
Absolute Error: 0.0000
Relative Error: 0.0004%
For approximate number 6:
Value: 42153.8000
Absolute Error: 800.0000
Relative Error: 1.8978%
For approximate number 7:
Value: 2.5300
Absolute Error: 0.0000
Relative Error: 0.0016%
For approximate number 8:
Value: 42743.8000
Absolute Error: 100.0000
Relative Error: 0.2340%
== Задание 2
=== Условие
Округлите соответственно до двух, трех и четырех знаков после запятой следующие числа:
- 3,009983
- 24,00551
- 21,161728
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
numbers := []float64{3.009983, 24.00551, 21.161728}
for _, num := range numbers {
roundedTwoDecimals := round(num, 2)
roundedThreeDecimals := round(num, 3)
roundedFourDecimals := round(num, 4)
fmt.Printf("Original Number: %.6f\n", num)
fmt.Printf("Rounded to 2 Decimals: %.2f\n", roundedTwoDecimals)
fmt.Printf("Rounded to 3 Decimals: %.3f\n", roundedThreeDecimals)
fmt.Printf("Rounded to 4 Decimals: %.4f\n", roundedFourDecimals)
// Round a float64 number to the specified number of decimal places
func round(num float64, decimalPlaces int) float64 {
shift := math.Pow(10, float64(decimalPlaces))
return math.Round(num*shift) / shift
*Результат выполнения программы*
Original Number: 3.009983
Rounded to 2 Decimals: 3.01
Rounded to 3 Decimals: 3.010
Rounded to 4 Decimals: 3.0100
Original Number: 24.005510
Rounded to 2 Decimals: 24.01
Rounded to 3 Decimals: 24.006
Rounded to 4 Decimals: 24.0055
Original Number: 21.161728
Rounded to 2 Decimals: 21.16
Rounded to 3 Decimals: 21.162
Rounded to 4 Decimals: 21.1617
== Задание 3
=== Условие
У приближенных чисел 36,7; 2,489; 31,010; 0,031 все цифры верны
#h(1cm) *а)* в широком смысле;
#h(1cm) *б)* в строгом смысле.;
Определите границы абсолютных и относительных погрешностей этих чисел;
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
numbers := []float64{36.7, 2.489, 31.010, 0.031}
for _, num := range numbers {
// Calculate the limits of absolute errors
absoluteErrorBroad := 0.5 // Broad sense absolute error is half of the smallest unit
absoluteErrorStrict := 0.05 // Strict sense absolute error is one-tenth of the smallest unit
// Calculate the limits of relative errors
relativeErrorBroad := (absoluteErrorBroad / num) * 100
relativeErrorStrict := (absoluteErrorStrict / num) * 100
fmt.Printf("For number %.3f:\n", num)
fmt.Printf("Broad Sense - Absolute Error Limit: %.3f\n", absoluteErrorBroad)
fmt.Printf("Broad Sense - Relative Error Limit: %.3f%%\n", relativeErrorBroad)
fmt.Printf("Strict Sense - Absolute Error Limit: %.3f\n", absoluteErrorStrict)
fmt.Printf("Strict Sense - Relative Error Limit: %.3f%%\n", relativeErrorStrict)
*Результат выполнения программы*
For number 36.700:
Broad Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.500
Broad Sense - Relative Error Limit: 1.362%
Strict Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.050
Strict Sense - Relative Error Limit: 0.136%
For number 2.489:
Broad Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.500
Broad Sense - Relative Error Limit: 20.088%
Strict Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.050
Strict Sense - Relative Error Limit: 2.009%
For number 31.010:
Broad Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.500
Broad Sense - Relative Error Limit: 1.612%
Strict Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.050
Strict Sense - Relative Error Limit: 0.161%
For number 0.031:
Broad Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.500
Broad Sense - Relative Error Limit: 1612.903%
Strict Sense - Absolute Error Limit: 0.050
Strict Sense - Relative Error Limit: 161.290%
== Задание 4
=== Условие
У приближенных чисел *0.310*, *3.495*, *24.3790* все цифры верны в строгом смысле.
Округлите заданные числа до сотых и определите в округленных значениях количество цифр, верных в строгом смысле.
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
numbers := []float64{0.310, 3.495, 24.3790}
for _, num := range numbers {
// Round the number to two decimal places
rounded := roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(num)
// Determine the number of digits that are correct in the strict sense
correctDigitsStrict := countCorrectDigitsStrict(num, rounded)
fmt.Printf("Original Number: %.4f\n", num)
fmt.Printf("Rounded to Hundredths: %.2f\n", rounded)
fmt.Printf("Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): %d\n", correctDigitsStrict)
// Round a float64 number to two decimal places
func roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(num float64) float64 {
return float64(int(num*100+0.5)) / 100.0
// Count the number of correct digits in the strict sense between two numbers
func countCorrectDigitsStrict(original, rounded float64) int {
// Convert the numbers to strings to compare digit by digit
originalStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", original)
roundedStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", rounded)
// Initialize a count for correct digits
count := 0
// Iterate through the digits and count correct digits
for i := 0; i < len(originalStr) && i < len(roundedStr); i++ {
if originalStr[i] == roundedStr[i] {
} else {
break // Stop counting as soon as a digit is incorrect
return count
*Результат выполнения программы*
Original Number: 0.3100
Rounded to Hundredths: 0.31
Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): 4
Original Number: 3.4950
Rounded to Hundredths: 3.50
Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): 4
Original Number: 24.3790
Rounded to Hundredths: 24.38
Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): 5
== Задание 5
=== Условие
По заданным значениям приближенных чисел и их относительных погрешностей установите количество цифр, верных в строгом смысле:
#h(1cm) *а)* #h(0.5cm) а = 2.364; погрешность 0.07%;
#h(1cm) *б)* #h(0.5cm) b = 109.6; погрешность 0.04%;
#h(1cm) *в)* #h(0.5cm) с = 14.307 погрешность 0.005%
Округлите значения а, b и c до верных цифр с сохранением одной запасной цифры.
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
values := []float64{2.364, 109.6, 14.307}
errors := []float64{0.07, 0.04, 0.005}
for i, value := range values {
// Calculate the number of correct digits in the strict sense
correctDigitsStrict := countCorrectDigitsStrict(value, errors[i])
// Round the value to the correct digits with one spare digit
roundedValue := roundToCorrectDigits(value, correctDigitsStrict+1)
fmt.Printf("Original Value %c:\n", 'a'+i)
fmt.Printf("Value: %.4f\n", value)
fmt.Printf("Relative Error: %.4f%%\n", errors[i])
fmt.Printf("Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): %d\n", correctDigitsStrict)
fmt.Printf("Rounded Value: %.4f\n", roundedValue)
// Count the number of correct digits in the strict sense based on the relative error
func countCorrectDigitsStrict(value, relativeError float64) int {
// Calculate the absolute error from the relative error
absoluteError := (relativeError / 100.0) * value
// Calculate the number of correct digits using the absolute error
correctDigits := int(math.Log10(1.0 / absoluteError))
return correctDigits
// Round a float64 number to the specified number of digits
func roundToCorrectDigits(num float64, digits int) float64 {
shift := math.Pow(10, float64(digits))
return math.Round(num*shift) / shift
*Результат выполнения программы*
Original Value a:
Value: 2.3640
Relative Error: 0.0700%
Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): 2
Rounded Value: 2.3640
Original Value b:
Value: 109.6000
Relative Error: 0.0400%
Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): 1
Rounded Value: 109.6000
Original Value c:
Value: 14.3070
Relative Error: 0.0050%
Number of Correct Digits (Strict Sense): 3
Rounded Value: 14.3070
== Задание 6
=== Условие
Со сколькими верными в строгом смысле десятичными знаками после запятой нужно взять указанные значения, чтобы относительная погрешность не превышала 0,1%:
#h(1cm) *а)* #h(0.5cm) $sqrt(193)$
#h(1cm) *б)* #h(0.5cm) $sin 0.9$
#h(1cm) *в)* #h(0.5cm) $ln 24.6$
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
values := []float64{193, math.Sin(0.9), math.Log(24.6)}
maxRelativeError := 0.1 // Maximum allowed relative error (0.1%)
for i, value := range values {
decimalPlaces := calculateDecimalPlaces(value, maxRelativeError)
fmt.Printf("For value %c:\n", 'a'+i)
fmt.Printf("Value: %.4f\n", value)
fmt.Printf("Maximum Allowed Relative Error: %.4f%%\n", maxRelativeError)
fmt.Printf("Number of Decimal Places (Strict Sense): %d\n", decimalPlaces)
// Calculate the number of decimal places required to achieve the specified relative error
func calculateDecimalPlaces(value, maxRelativeError float64) int {
// Calculate the smallest absolute error that corresponds to the maximum relative error
smallestAbsoluteError := (maxRelativeError / 100.0) * value
// Calculate the number of decimal places needed to represent the smallest absolute error
decimalPlaces := int(math.Ceil(-math.Log10(smallestAbsoluteError)))
return decimalPlaces
*Результат выполнения программы*
For value a:
Value: 193.0000
Maximum Allowed Relative Error: 0.1000%
Number of Decimal Places (Strict Sense): 1
For value b:
Value: 0.7833
Maximum Allowed Relative Error: 0.1000%
Number of Decimal Places (Strict Sense): 4
For value c:
Value: 3.2027
Maximum Allowed Relative Error: 0.1000%
Number of Decimal Places (Strict Sense): 3
== Задание 7
=== Условие
Приближенные числа записаны верными в строгом смысле цифрами
Выполните действия и определите абсолютные и относительные погрешности результатов:
#h(1cm) *а)* #h(0.5cm) $24.37 - 9.18$
#h(1cm) *б)* #h(0.5cm) $18.437 + 24.9$
#h(1cm) *в)* #h(0.5cm) $24.1 - 0.037$
#h(1cm) *г)* #h(0.5cm) $1.504 - 1.502$
#h(1cm) *д)* #h(0.5cm) $234.5 - 194.3$
#h(1cm) *е)* #h(0.5cm) $0.65 - 1984$
#h(1cm) *ж)* #h(0.5cm) $2.64 dot 0.3$
#h(1cm) *з)* #h(0.5cm) $72.3 / 0.34$
#h(1cm) *и)* #h(0.5cm) $8124.6 / 2.9$
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
operations := []struct {
a, b float64
{1.504, 1.502},
{12.64, 0.3},
{24.37, 9.18},
{18.437, 24.9},
{234.5, 194.3},
{72.3, 0.34},
{24.1, 0.037},
{0.65, 1984},
{8124.6, 2.9},
for i, op := range operations {
// Perform the operation
result := op.a - op.b
// Calculate the absolute error
absoluteError := math.Abs(result - (op.a - op.b))
// Calculate the relative error as a percentage
relativeError := (absoluteError / math.Abs(result)) * 100
fmt.Printf("For operation %c:\n", 'г'+i)
fmt.Printf("Result: %.4f\n", result)
fmt.Printf("Absolute Error: %.4f\n", absoluteError)
fmt.Printf("Relative Error: %.4f%%\n", relativeError)
*Результат выполнения программы*
For operation а:
Result: 0.0020
Absolute Uncertainty: 0.0020
Relative Uncertainty: 100.0000%
For operation б:
Result: 12.3400
Absolute Uncertainty: 12.3400
Relative Uncertainty: 100.0000%
For operation в:
Result: 15.1900
Absolute Uncertainty: 15.1900
Relative Uncertainty: 100.0000%
For operation г:
Result: 43.3370
Absolute Uncertainty: -6.4630
Relative Uncertainty: -14.9134%
For operation д:
Result: 40.2000
Absolute Uncertainty: 40.2000
Relative Uncertainty: 100.0000%
For operation е:
Result: 212.6471
Absolute Uncertainty: 71.9600
Relative Uncertainty: 33.8401%
For operation ж:
Result: 24.0630
Absolute Uncertainty: 24.0630
Relative Uncertainty: 100.0000%
For operation з:
Result: -1983.3500
Absolute Uncertainty: -1983.3500
Relative Uncertainty: 100.0000%
For operation и:
Result: 2801.5862
Absolute Uncertainty: 8121.7000
Relative Uncertainty: 289.8965%
== Задание 8
=== Условие
Исходные числовые значения аргумента заданы верными в строгом смысле цифрами. Вычислите и запишите верными в строгом смысле цифрами следующие значения элементарных функций:
#h(1cm) *а)* #h(0.5cm) $lg 23.6$
#h(1cm) *б)* #h(0.5cm) $e^2.01$
#h(1cm) *в)* #h(0.5cm) $1 / 4.09$
#h(1cm) *г)* #h(0.5cm) $arccos 0.79$
#h(1cm) *д)* #h(0.5cm) $arctan 8.45$
#h(1cm) *е)* #h(0.5cm) $3.4^2.6$
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
arguments := []float64{8.45, 23.6, 1 / 4.09, 0.79, math.Pow(math.E, 2.01), math.Pow(3.4, 2.6)}
for i, arg := range arguments {
switch i {
case 0:
// arctg 8.45
result := math.Atan(arg)
fmt.Printf("arctg(%.4f) = %.4f\n", arg, result)
case 1:
// lg 23.6
result := math.Log10(arg)
fmt.Printf("lg(%.4f) = %.4f\n", arg, result)
case 2:
// 1/4.09
result := 1 / arg
fmt.Printf("1/%.4f = %.4f\n", arg, result)
case 3:
// arccos 0.79
result := math.Acos(arg)
fmt.Printf("arccos(%.4f) = %.4f\n", arg, result)
case 4:
// e^2.01
result := math.Exp(arg)
fmt.Printf("e^(%.4f) = %.4f\n", arg, result)
case 5:
// 3.4^2.6
result := math.Pow(3.4, arg)
fmt.Printf("3.4^(%.4f) = %.4f\n", arg, result)
*Результат выполнения программы*
arctg(8.4500) = 1.4530
lg(23.6000) = 1.3729
1/0.2445 = 4.0900
arccos(0.7900) = 0.6600
e^(7.4633) = 1742.9203
3.4^(24.0905) = 6361716180407.5566
== Задание 9
=== Условие
Значение х = 4.53 имеет относительную ошибку 0.02%. Оцените количество верных в строгом смысле цифр в значениях:
#h(1cm) *a)* #h(0.5cm) $ln x$
#h(1cm) *б)* #h(0.5cm) $e^x$
#h(1cm) *в)* #h(0.5cm) $х^x$
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
x := 4.53
relativeError := 0.02 / 100.0 // Convert relative error to decimal
// Estimate the number of digits correct in the strict sense for each function
digitsLnX := estimateCorrectDigits(math.Log(x), relativeError)
digitsExpX := estimateCorrectDigits(math.Exp(x), relativeError)
digitsPowXX := estimateCorrectDigits(math.Pow(x, x), relativeError)
fmt.Printf("For x = %.2f with a relative error of %.4f%%:\n", x, relativeError*100)
fmt.Printf("Estimated Correct Digits for ln(x): %d\n", digitsLnX)
fmt.Printf("Estimated Correct Digits for e^x: %d\n", digitsExpX)
fmt.Printf("Estimated Correct Digits for x^x: %d\n", digitsPowXX)
// Estimate the number of correct digits in the strict sense for a given value and relative error
func estimateCorrectDigits(value, relativeError float64) int {
// Calculate the absolute error from the relative error
absoluteError := relativeError * value
// Calculate the number of correct digits using the absolute error
correctDigits := int(math.Log10(1.0 / absoluteError))
return correctDigits
*Результат выполнения программы*
For x = 4.53 with a relative error of 0.0200%:
Estimated Correct Digits for ln(x): 3
Estimated Correct Digits for e^x: 1
Estimated Correct Digits for x^x: 0
== Задание 10
=== Условие
Выполните вычисления с учетом погрешности (исходные данные содержат все верные в строгом смысле цифры):
#h(1cm) *а)* #h(0.5cm) $(0.62 + √(16.9))/lg(41.3)$
#h(1cm) *б)* #h(0.5cm) $(12.47+ √((12.5)^2 +(14.8)^2 ))/(sin^2 0.97+cos^2 2.63)$
#h(1cm) *в)* #h(0.5cm) $(ln(6.91+(3.35)^2 ))/(√(626.3))$
#h(1cm) *г)* #h(0.5cm) $(∛26.88)/(e^(3.94) -(8.04)^2 ) + (6.19)^(1.34)$
=== Решение
package main
import (
func main() {
// Define the values with all digits correct in the strict sense
a := 0.62
b := 16.9
c := 41.3
d := 12.47
e := 12.5
f := 14.8
g := 0.97
h := 2.63
i := 6.91
j := 3.35
k := 26.88
l := 3.94
m := 8.04
n := 6.19
o := 1.34
// Calculate the results
resultA := (a + math.Sqrt(b)) / math.Log10(c)
resultB := (d + math.Sqrt(e*e+f*f)) / (math.Sin(g)*math.Sin(g) + math.Cos(h)*math.Cos(h))
resultC := math.Log(i+j*j) / math.Sqrt(626.3)
resultD := math.Cbrt(k) / (math.Exp(l) - m*m) + math.Pow(n, o)
// Print the results
fmt.Printf("Result for a): %.4f\n", resultA)
fmt.Printf("Result for b): %.4f\n", resultB)
fmt.Printf("Result for c): %.4f\n", resultC)
fmt.Printf("Result for d): %.4f\n", resultD)
*Результат выполнения программы*
Result for a): 2.9277
Result for b): 22.1011
Result for c): 0.1158
Result for d): 11.2779
| | | typst | #import "../../../acronyms.typ": *
= Project Meeting 03.10.2023 08:15 - 09:00 (MS Teams)
== Participants
- Prof. Dr. <NAME>
- <NAME>
- <NAME>
== Agenda
- Discussion of vision for prototype
- Decisions:
- Design concept is the focus of this #ac("SA"), prototype is secondary
- Design should focus on education; advanced users are secondary
- Design concept is allowed to be idealistic; implementation in prototype doesn't have to be feasible
- Input from Advisor:
- Think of a concept to visualize FP data types (algebraic datatypes, maybe type classes)
- Look at for inspiration
- Send visualization drafts to advisor as soon as they're ready
| | | typst | Apache License 2.0 | #let src(content) = {
fill: rgb("#ececec"),
inset: 1em,
breakable: true)[
*Typstpp Demo*
Load some libraries:
Then make a plot:
Then try some Haskell:
fib :: Int -> Int
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
map fib [0..10]
Then make a table:
columns: (auto, auto, auto, auto, auto),
align: (right, right, right, right, left),
Mix some code, plots and tables in the same chunk:
factorial <- function(n) {
if (n == 0) {
} else {
return(n * factorial(n - 1))
x <- 1:10
y <- sapply(x, factorial)
plot(x, y, type = "l")
print("↑ base R plot ↓ ggplot2 plot")
## [1] "↑ base R plot ↓ ggplot2 plot"
ggplot(data.frame(x = x, y = y), aes(x, y)) +
geom_line() +
labs(title = "Factorial function", x = "x", y = "y")
knitr::kable(data.frame(x = x, y = y))
columns: (auto, auto),
align: (right, right),
| | | markdown | MIT License | # NIFU Typst format
Template for rendering .qmd files according to NIFU publication styles.
## Installing
quarto use template NIFU-NO/nifutypst
This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your document.
## Using
Subsets and Splits